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Trump Will Go FULL DICTATOR After Winning 2024 BUT Just One Day, Democrats, Maddow GO INSANE Over It


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Trump Will Go FULL DICTATOR After Winning 2024 BUT Just One Day, Democrats, Maddow GO INSANE Over It

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this, it's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk, C. H, o q fellows they have a male vitality stack. Nine today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys theme vitality, stack. Take it Tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're, twenty years younger, go to sea age, old, hugh dot, com, promo code, TIM
you, thirty five percent off your subscription get a subscription. Today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, cast dot. Com click join and become a member to support this podcast and all the work. We do and you'll get act as to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast, I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story. Last night, Donald trump spoke with Sean Hannity, and there was this mendous ex strange, which has the Democrats losing their minds when asked. If you would be. Whose his power to go after as enemies tromp said we on day one after that, I'm not a dictator. However said he was going to one day? One shut the borders. and drill baby drill, and then, after that, but Kennedy was asking trump will you go after your enemies to get revenge and donald trump card of dodge the question, but
I don't think it's early fate is fair to say that he dodged in it just that trump does what trump does idle the same way. There are politicians or asked a question intentionally deflect trump, just guitar and starts making jokes and laughing? At being said, thou jump did say that he would be a dictator on day one now it's important. Because a few months ago, rachel matthau made the claim that trump literally wants to kill her, and I think let me say that say that again, rachel Matt outset on national television, that if trump is elected, he will personally killed. That's what just said. she said trot what's put MSNBC on trial so that he can execute them. These people are the most insane people I've I've. Just it's it's not! Last night we talked about this, because Joe Biden basically said he wouldn't run, if not for trump asked,
calm, reporting Biden said that he eat because of trump heat, his troubles running, he's gotta run and he doesn't know if you would run if it weren't for tromp. The funny thing is, the bottom wasn't running trumps chances are alot. Lower lot of polls show that donald trump up against any other candidate does poorly, but up against Joe Biden, he wins which is incredible. I guess you can say that Joe Biden as some kind of trump supporter who wants him to win or wherever there's an funny video. That's going around. That's gone around quite a bit where people attack taylor, swift, so tell us what gets announced is like times. Person to the euro. And not people showing this video, which they say shows she opposes donald trump. I've got a pause for a second I seen the video clip she says, she's as if he doesn't win at least I tried or something to that effect, and I believe I'm I'm going to quote correct if he doesn't win at least I tried, and yet that sounds like she's, a trump supporter that that doesn't sound
which is opposed to trump it's like if he doesn't win at least I tried tried to what help him win. If you said, if trump wins well, at least I tried that would imply she was trying to stop the guy, but you know out whatever maybe she misspoke, but I'm like. I just I think we should take. That quote for what it is, and everyone should just run just that quote. If it when at least I tried taylor, swift comes out. Full swing insupportable trump, stand. Why it's on me to interpret her words in a different way than what she said. You know I mean and the same as the same thing, for donald trump, though, that the left comes out and claims that any little being trumps, as this is a fundamental problem in the culture work the right will interpret and and and translate for democrats stop doing. That use their words, it really annoying. You know oh Biden will come on go above my mother in law, and then people
we know what he was saying. He was trying to apply this insight, not just uses words right, so the media. Does this too? But what we're seeing now is but he knows taylor. Swift doesn't like donald trump orally that the assumption so when she said quote, if he doesn't win least, I tried there how she hates trump and, unlike that statement, implies she's trying to help him win, at least so. How about we? Just all can collectively say young white blonde hair blue eyed woman from tennessee supports donald trump. That's not even that shocking. Specially. Setting, she's a billionaire chaz water pay taxes. So I'll come to me with that taylor. Swift doesn't like donald trump as her words, but any I want to show you the clip here, the clippin question, comrades, dump says everybody is going to jail on day. One ok! Well out: let's play the clip you can hear from trumps the mouth issue, though, because the media has been focused on this and attacking you,
under no circumstances. You are promising america tonight. You would never abuse power as Retribution against anybody, except for day one except what he's going crazy except the day, one meaning I want to close the border, and I want to drill that radical. That's that's nice of you to be here to be you don't hit me says: you're not going to be a dictator, you, I said no, no, no other than they won closing the border and we're drilling drilling drilling after that I'm not entail. That sounds to me, like you, go back to the policies when you present that exact issue though, but but hannity should have followed up, because I'd love to hear if Donald trump look man, I gotta be honest, if shown, how did he said? Would you abuse power? Trunk can be like a going to abuse power, because I dont need to I'm going to instruct
I attorney general to immediately seek out criminal charges for the people who have committed crimes, that's not an abuse of power. That is the appropriate use of power, and that is upholding the law. That's what I'd love to hear? Well, let's go baby, Bannon patel, say trump dead, serious about revenge on media, we're going to come after you, oh yeah, let's oh baby, I'll come back to the story after I play you, this clip match our trump its msnbc on trial, so that he can execute us, yo did rachel. I take this right now, if donald trump or anybody threatens to x cute you. I will be standing alongside you in defence of your crack pottery, because you don't deserve to dive in it. If this is not a criminal offence and not for the death penalty. Ok, let me, but a playful clip for you.
basically portraying a future for america. If he's put back in the white house in which we don't have another election, because Actions are all ring that the democratic process can be trusted that congress, work for him, the justice farmers just work for him. That's a strong man form of government that don't worry, cancel the news. I think you're done that he wants to put MSNBC on trial for treason so that we can execute us. I mean this is madness. lady Juliana, on the supreme court. If what is this Where does this even come from in what world has anyone ever entertained the possibility that Donald trump wants to put rachel meadow trial for trees in which implies he's aiding and abetting a foreign adversary in time of war now shut sedition. I guess but I suppose seditious conspiracy just warrants what two decades and federal prison it makes. What I mean is that
The republican party is they're going to end somebody like that to represent their party, in a general election. Not only do we have fifty shot of him being back in the lighthouse. Any major party nominee nominated a fifty party should the fifty percent shot, but the republican party have to reckon with that. For the till the end of time I'm sorry? I did this country while you're very very excited for it, Donald trump, getting elected and going after criminals. Liars manipulators in the corrupt is exactly what we need. Look man. We have accounts titian. It lays out the framework for this great nation, and within this we have the amendments. The first ten, the bill of rights guaranteed if the government cannot infringe upon many of our rights. Now it's never been absolute because culture changes. What does free speech really mean? What is the right to keep and bear arms really mean it has changed over time and it's a constant battle, but you know we're winning there
really bad things. The government is done, illegal spying, warrantless, wiretapping, etc, and they try to justify all of the evil things they do. There are evil people working within the intelligence agencies, abject evil. They are evil people working within the d o j they need to be fired and removed and where applicable, criminally charged for their criminal actions is Rachel Matt. I was scared because she knows she's one of the demons. She is a corrupt and evil individual who, for years pushed the lies that tromp was a russian agent. I mustn't bc did this over and over again why to rig and steal an election, none in the way that the trouble would argue with fraud and stuff like this. No, she is basically a proper in inv for vendetta. She goes on tv, she lies and lies and less, but she just did to steal power,
trop wants to put a central and executed help help. No, it doesn't second, do any Msnbc gonna ignore you, he's gonna, make fun of you, that's it there's no reality where trump, signs, an executive order, saying the media is hereby dissolved. That's the stupid innocent, their argument, the view. Well, I wonder baton, patel, have to have to say trumpets, dead, serious about revenge on media, we're gonna come after you. Here we go stephen in kashmir claimed that former president trump is dead, serious about exacting revenge and its political enemies if he wins a second term. An episode of balanced war, room, podcast, abandoned and patel to have trumps close allies pledged to pray, cute members are the media who lied about the twenty twond. Presidential election results falsely suggest, suggesting trumped really one quote: we will go out and find the conspirators not just in government in the media. Yes, we're going
some of the people who, in the media who lied about american citizens who helped Joe Biden reg presidential elections, were going to come after you, whether it's criminally or civilly, we'll figure that out but yet were putting you all on notice and steve. This is why they hate us. This is why tyrannical! That's! Why we're dictators patel said suggesting that terms or use describe them, because we're act, we're going to use the constitution to prosecute them for crimes. I said we have always been guilty of a never have this episode is brought to you by dragon ball legends, the ultimate dragon. On experience on your mobile device. And ball legends features, action, packed enemy action are fiji game play with go coup, brigida trunks and all your red dragon ball characters some in Europe we'd characters from popular dragon. Ball enemy series such as I can balzac and dragon ball Eighty two dragon ball super fighting He'll time against friendly arrival, dragon ballplayers from across the globe in life, ppp battles
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I want the morning Joe producers that watch us in all that watch us. This is just this is just not rhetoric, we're absolutely dead serious. You cannot have a constitutional. And allow what these deep staters have done to our country, the deep stated sort of state. The fourth branch of government never meant The constitution is going to be taken apart, brick by brick and the people that did these evil deeds will be held accountable and prosecuted criminal prosecutions. Guess what that means that we now have an attorney and a trial, or what's that you dont think these systems function properly and you think you can get steamroller. I wonder why that would be, but I would I would put it this way the way I interpret these comments. There are government actors who are working with media media outlets. How many pundits for these he's cable channels are former intelligence officials or or worked in the intelligent sector, a lot of them a lot of them
what about adam schiff lying on tv over and over and over again I mean at a certain point. We need to explore criminal charges for people who are attempting to defraud the public to steal political power. There is abject corruption. I I I would say that the challenges Adam shift may be evil, but you're allowed to lie. You are, and the It is a challenge. We must fight every single day, but you can't just have the government come on say you lied, therefore you're under arrest, which is why I think has been mentioned. The civilly component of this you may just get sued but the plan sank, the one thing we learned and drop administration, the first go round is we got to put. in all american patriots top to bottom, we ve got them. We got them for lot for law enforcement. We got them for integration. And we got them for offensive operations. We got them for deo de CIA everywhere trap as the leading candidate on twenty four june presidential race, leading his closest computer by at least thirty points, yeah.
and is leading Joe Biden. How did he ask strove to promise he wouldn't abuse powers, the headline their rolling with? Oh boy, oh boy? Well, I gotta tell you: my friends is looking like trump is gonna win from fox news. These six battleground states could cost president Biden the white house in twenty two for the lack of enthusiasm and declining support is certainly real, atop pollster says of buttons democratic party base. Of course, what we ve been seeing. The Democrats are trying to find a way to sub out Joe Biden, but it's likely not going to work axioms reports. Democrats quietly move to succeed, Joe Biden. Now, why would they do that? Bind can't win? My friends, let me explain some. I do believe it down. Trump lost twenty twenty sure, there's a lot of arguments about bout images and destroyed evans. All of these things are important. All of these things should be adjudicated and we should get these investigations, hopefully, if or when trump whence ya'll can have that closure,
but I believe that its simple procedural change now it may be that there was fraught, I think, even bill bar. So there was fraud. I dont know if that had enough of an impact to actually change the results. I can tell you two things that did people were mad at donald trump, because the media and death. crafts and republicans in many states changed the rules to greatly benefit democrats. We go. make arguments about signature, verification being very lax as a work which will probably fall in between the fraud, narrative and the young and the procedural change narrative right. I think the heavy handedness of the fraud narrative is what pushes me away from like look. We've had people come on the show and talk about you know. Ballot images were destroyed. We have questions about these things, proper signature, verification, I dunno. Okay, okay, I think bout harvesting was a huge component. in how donald trump lost ballot chasing and harvesting, which is legal in. I believe in most states
and then what happens is signature. Verification probably should have resulted in many votes being thrown out and They were really lax on how they were actually handing voters a signature verification, but these are procedural issues, not fraud issues. If there's a person working at a polling station and they're, given instructions yeah, don't you gotta be too crazy on that signature. Stuff is ok and close. Works for me? They compare them. That's not fraud. Now, certainly someone could look around ago. These are clearly fake signatures and I'm going to put through any way that could be a component. There could be double counted, ballots and things like the Are you getting the more serious fraud territory where you know ballots printed up or something I don't. I don't believe it. There are questions melick unfold about him in all of these are valid, but I think it comes on one simple thing:. These states changed their rules to benefit the Democrats. Like universal mail in voting? that and and and then there was some rolling recently about unit in what what what state was an amendment,
be colorado or something you dont even to have your ballot dated properly. So I what so could be from any time yet these proceed, Rural changes make it very very easy for democrats too, and so what happens? Is you ve got this large enthusiasm against The media is going nuts, their blaming trump recovered, their blaming trump reluctance and the average person doesn't know or care. What's going on sorry am razor would suggest not some grand spirits see where they pull this crisis stuff off. It would suggest, while there is coordinated effort for sure biggest an election. The reality is the ground game. They went to people's homes of universal melon, but voting, and they said you hate donald trump to right, and if you like, I guess I mean everything so the average person- or- I would say the average swing voter probably doesn't know, doesn't care about anything. The question for them is
at the time of signing that ballot is life good or bad. So let me tell you why this is good news, because right now, life and good, it's not, we can see stress and the economy. Donald trump is, the president and when Donald trump was president for this first three years, things are pretty good until covert hit. I don't blame him for covet. I don't blame Joe Biden for coven. I can criticize both of their actions, but not you, ve got people sitting, you're, saying things sock and Joe Biden his president, a nobody vote for Joe by name. Nobody inspired and they got no way of really swap in this dude out so writers says I love this one democratic Oh Biden, backup plan for twenty four despite age concerns, so what's gonna happen, you're a nobody can be won for Joe Biden, their democratic and a knock at the door and they're gonna say hey vote for joan about why ever sucks or dove offered
I'm a vote for anybody. What does things I think saying it's really helping tromp, especially in the polls, is that you people dont, want either of them troms got a solid base and winning over a lot of a lot of us really is: The reason why, in my opinion, that to a lot of peat, the poles are shifting towards drop it, because a lot of people are out writing the negative vote for by nor trump. It's not that trump is gaining substantially at bite. It is losing substantially with our f K added to the mix. yeah bidest on young people, even saying them more likely to vote for trumped now, at least in some poles. It's it's a mixed bag. We had some pause, in early november and of october, suggesting young people or swinging towards trump we're going, I'm new poles coming out showing that did actually going towards Biden, but these are different port poster, so we shall see, but I gotta tell you and I do think they ve got to find a way to get by are there not donald trump speaking, the hannity said, gave a nuisance, slick, but you don't have the facts so we'll see you put new sum up
trump. Jan newsom has a better chance than Joe Biden, but let's be real. Newsome does not have the opportunity to build a narrative like trump. Does trump has a story arc? He knows Carl Benjamin who told me this first trump's has to be the nominee and he has to win because his story isn't over and I'm like, Are we in some kind of simulation where it's all just show and we're all sitting here just going along with whatever it is. That trump story is supposed to be perhaps, but yet trump story isn't done. We have not seen the completion of the ark. The trump narrative gavin newsome has no capability to build that narrative, and this is what could this? What creates that x factor? Joe Biden, has nothing his easy amorphous blob that just represents no trump and the reason he gets elected in twenty twenty is because people were voting against trump. That's it. You know,
well. I think you need to understand when everyone's like there's no way Joe Biden got eighty five million votes or whatever I'm like sure he did. But you gotta understand that I really votes for Biden. Nobody, like twenty per cent of the people, probably voted for Biden. The rest were just like who's, not trump Democrat. I think one thing we should do is remove party affiliation from ballots. Explain to me why we put party affiliation in ballots in the first place seriously. I'm not I mean like comment. Let me know because I think, if you don't know who you're voting for you shouldn't vote for him, don't care what party they're a part of there was transgender anarchist satanist, who run as a republican, naturally one the primary ends up in new Hampshire. And it was hilarious, and I I applaud this. The individual was like well, it's your fault for not for just checking out a party affiliation, yes transgender anarchist satanist and they voted for this person because I was like don't know, don't care, I'm going to check the our box. I say we go
de in r and Alan, whatever off all the ballots, and when you looked about no you're voted for. You know why I think, if that was the case, people would actually be voting for who they thought should win and other people about randomly We random some might argue that whoever is on top would when, because people were just but for the first person the bow in randomly align the names the names can be just spattered randomly. I think this would result in republicans winning almost the entire forever because democrat voters dont know anything and it's the bout, harvesting with alike, fill this out and vote for this person. Now they could certainly do that. Still but a lot of this stuff is vote. Democrat vote Democrat. Imagine if they had to refine their message to say, vote for John doe, Jane doe jack do in every different district. Here's your your your candidate for president! what, if someone's looking in their life, oh donald trump, these famous, I think party affiliation, should be removed.
and then we will see how people actually want to vote, because the average person would probably vote for a random name, and conservatives and republicans would probably vote for canada they liked. In fact, this would also increase the libertarian vote, because the best bet for libertarians is that the average and it's gonna, be random. Libertarians, vote, libertarian, conservatism, vote, conservative and Democrats will vote random, because they only note about for democrats to be fair. Republicans do this to but to a lesser degree I think that's the pathway buttons for the time being. Let's all stay focused on whether or not trump is going to execute rachel maddow, and I think the answer is no rachel. I think you're safe and I think you might need to yourself in for a medical exam, because you're becoming paranoid and delusional I'll leave it there. next seconds coming up at one p m on this channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you well, then,.
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eight, six, six, nine. To one three three, three one or text tim to six five five three to again The number is eight six, six nine to one three three Three one or text tim too. Six five five three too. Every day I see us winning the culture war More and more news is starting to break and the veil is being lifted. The mask is slipping and the woke laughed is being exposed for what it really is. Several Years ago we learned about the women's march, the organizers were deeply anti semitic. Now I am not an hour. I am not a free speech absolutist. I do not believe that,
We can just say absolutely anything, but I do believe rightly in the general concept of free speech and to explain as we get into the story, but I'm as if you're instructing someone on how to commit a crime. You are party to that crime. So I do think there are certain limits. There are many people who believe that you can say anything you want, because you didn't do anything wrong. Even instructing someone how to commit a crime. I'm a reform that camp now being set comes to the issues that were seeing at harvard you pennant mit, where at least a fanatic republican ass these representatives of these universities, if calling for the genocide of jews warren, did bullying and harassed My view is, individuals should be allowed to express their opinions, no matter how awful they are. Opinions are different from calls to direct action. So again, not a free speech, absolutist,
However, we are not talking about the right of a student to express an idea, we're talking about whether universities uphold their standards in applying hate speech, rules, that is to say, I actually agree with the harvard but an mit residence on. stance on calling for the genocide of Jews. I think it's important. I think its evil and thinking but he calling for genocide is bad and that's why I want these individuals to expose themselves now hold on. We have to break down. The story is the other day. The president's of harvard mit in the university of Pennsylvania appeared before the house. education committee to discuss anti semitism this ice, is one of the most important stories as it is, poses the absolute hypocrisy of the rope left now. If someone were come to me or if I were to see someone on the street warrant a campus and they expressed such a disgusting view about killing anybody
I'd, say I'm glad they. Let me know so. I can avoid them and work against them, because these people are bad for the entire region. Some civilization, silencing them. I dont think helps us so when we go back to the social the arguments and censorship. My It has been. If you tell these people to hide their views, they will and they will empower themselves in secret. Censoring people does not make idea, go away. It only makes sure that you don't know where it's occurring. However, the woke left made the art did, they should build a sensor. Anyone- and this brings us to the story
And when I view as a major strike at the heart of the hypocrisy of wilderness when it comes to jewish people, those who claim to oppose hate speech those who claim to support diversity, equity and inclusion out right, defend their activists calling for the genocide of the jewish people, and I may look if it did. These boats, are wild wild. When asked this question so again, I will, I will say it as such. If these people- these universities were actually classical or traditional liberals who believe in free speech, and you not europe, me and said: do you think that these things like, let us put our political it for you really see this because it is. It is shocking and amazing But if someone came to me and said to him, if someone could for the genocide of a group of people at bowling harassment, my response would be: are
standing on a soap box and just saying it or are they going up to the person and yelling that they should be genocide right because that that's the difference, someone expressing an abhorrent view is different from targeting an individual. I think that should be issued. Stated that being said and there's questions about what the limit is on harassment, because I do believe harassment is different from free speech. That is, if you walk up to someone stay a few feet of them as screaming at the top of your lungs, your ideas and you follow them around saying these things over and over again, I don't know what point like this? I really free, Beach, not expressing yourself. You just gotta harassing individual, either point, but here we have the story billionaire bill. Eichmann demands. Resignation of harvard you patent mit president's after all, three were used to say, if call the genocide of jews as harassment? Now, here's why this important
This is why we have the story from city journal harvard double standard on free speech. They cite in this year's fire report harvard speech climate didn't merely ranked dead last among those of the participating colleges, it was also the first school fire has given an abysmal writing forts free speech climate going at zero on the one hundred point scale dismal distinction made headlines last month across the united states, europe in the middle east and asia, but not on the harvest. Campus decree, indeed even published an article, a new section, much less an editorial. You see here what's happening hard these other universities they, silence the moderate opinions of, say, conservatives. They will ban people from speaking. They will shut you down and when it comes to people attacking, quite literally someone for
in jewish. They say it's well, it's context dependent and that's the point. This exposes the hypocrisy. They don't care about protecting people from hate speech. They hate Jews, I mean look man, there are a lot of people who ate juice seriously anti semitism exists. I gotta play you. This clip you gotta, listen to ignore but how they break it down, because some of these are a rather shocking, and that being said, I stress this this this video in an isolate context. You have is administrators, saying what look you know we we don't like people saying this, but it's not harassment if they're just saying it and I'd be like okay, I mean it's important, it's disgusting, but I get what you're saying in terms of free speech. However, the problem is these people don't hold, these views are universally and that's how you know I just got here- man, I think they ages, it seems kind of a clean, I am a trope to say, because accusations of anti summit
we get thrown all around, but dude. I'm done with this, the fog laughed marching around chanting slow. and supporting hamas and the these universities, which we know for a fact ban speech allow this speech. They are evil and they overlap. With nazis such a great degree, and again I know god wins law. Oh now we're compact dude their fascistic days. They say they believe us, no truth, but power they want to impose their will through authoritarian means, they date they. You know, I love this, was reading an academic article on how nazi I mean he was socialist when it wasn't actually socialist, because people on the right will say: oh the nazis, they were actually the socialist party and the left as they were left. There were far right, so wrote an academic paper about the economics nazi germany and I guess what they used to enforce their economic plan, cancel culture as it. What would happen is If you are a steel mill- and you wonder,
steel for cars or something you would get people coming to Like hey man, I heard that you're not helping the war effort like what's wrong and then they would ostracize. You shun you and cancel you. Nobody would want to work with you and nobody would wanna. Buy your product you'd be forced to bend the knee and produce the product. They want you to produce kind of like what we see with dea movies. Take a look at snow white. Snow white was gonna, be remade into alive action, then Peter dangling says how backwards and offensive that you'd have dwarves in a movie. So, they really is a photo of snow white, the seven companions, a diverse cast of people and they are roasted forth, but that's it using social pressures to force businesses to align with your ideology this is what we have now. I want to show This video, it's very important. Let's roll tape, let's roll tape properly, I should say calling for the genocide is doctor corn, birth
is m at mit. Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate? Am I tease code of cod, that or rules regarding bullying harassment, yes or no targeted at individuals not making public statements, yes or no calling for the genocide of Jews does not constitute bullying and harassment. I have not heard calling for the genocide reduce our camp. But you ve heard chance for intifada of her chance, which the anti semitic, depending on the context when calling for the nation of the jewish people lays out me air. Can I just play What she said. Please listen to these words of her chance, which be anti semitic depending on the context when cold for the elimination of the jewish people are. I I please share this with people dude
You want to criticise Israel, please go ahead and do so seriously. I don't care if a government, whatever you want to criticise their military actions, please go ahead so you want to criticise hammas, I think they're, evil. I'm is a big difference between Hamas and Israel. I think Israel has built actions worthy of criticism. I think Hamas is evil, and that's just me and any I gotta tell you, I'm not here to fight with you about Israel, palestine, arena stuff. But my point is this: the context it could be anti semitic and lady she's, saying that there are instances in which someone will call for the eradication of the jewish people. It might not be anti semitic. What's yo. I I this it's all break down, isn't it hence which hands anti semitic depending on the campus, but you ve heard chance for intifada of her chance which the anti semitic, depending on the context when calling for the nation of the jewish people there. I have no words. My friends
This is the greatest admission we ve seen from the woke machine from the universities she's outright. Saying that someone might call for the elimination of the jewish people and it might not be anti semitic unless, I dont know what could be more anti semitic than that, so those not be. According to the mit s code of conduct on rules that would be invested, It is as harassment if pervasive and severe ms miguel at pen? calling for the genocide of Jews violate pens rules or code of conduct, yes or no. If speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment. Yes, I am asking specifically calling for the genocide of Jews does. constitute bullying of harassment. If it is direct, and severe pervasiveness harassment Ok, so so so listen. I agree.
If someone stands at a soap box and says nasty awful things, we say that person's nasty and awful. Thank you for letting you know if a person goes up to an individual and saying it over and over again and repeatedly does it over a period of time. We have a time peered. Maybe then your harassing a person that I totally agree with, but let me just point out right now: what do you think. Happen. This episode is brought to you by shall define that's the sound of switching your business to shop, a fight, the global commerce platform that supercharged you're selling, harness the best converting check out and same intuitive features. Trusted apps and powerful analytics used by the world's leading variants. Stopped leaving sales on the table. Discover why millions trust shop, a fight, will grow and run their business sign up today for your one dollar per month, trial period at shop, a fight outcome, slash tech, twenty three, it valise demonic said, would call for the genocide of black people, constant harassment they would
in no uncertain terms. Instantly is no question. The answer is yes, it is a context and indecision congresswoman, it's a context, dependent decision. That's your testimony today, calling for the genocide of juice is depending upon the context that is bullying or harassment. This the easiest question to answer. Yes, miss miguel. So with your testimony that you will not answer yes, if it is if they are sorting out. If the speech becomes conduct, it can be whose conduct, meaning committing the act of genocide, the speeches, not harassment. This is unacceptable. Miss mc go, I'm gonna, give you one more opportunity for the world to see. Your answer does call for the genocide of Jews violate pens code of conduct when it comes to boeing and harassment, yes or no
It can be harassment the end. Is yes and. doktor gay at harvard. Does for the genocide of Jews violate harvard rules of bullying and harassment, yes or no. It can't be, depending on the context why What's the context targeted as an individual targeted as at an individual it's targeted at jewish students, jewish individuals. Do you understand your testimony is dehumanizing them. Do you understand that dehumanization is part of anti semitism. I will ask you one more time: calling for the genocide of Jews, violate harvard rules of bullying and harassment, yes or no anti semitic and its anti semitic. Rather, it andy dick rhetoric when it crosses into conduct at amounts to bullying harassment, intimidation that is actionable conduct, and we do
take action. So here's a university which been given an abysmal writing. They don't believe in free speech. They shut down speech It is well known and widely reported, but the moment someone asks them about the Jews. is all of a sudden. There free speech warriors absolutely incredible. I stand by my positions on free speech and not a free speech, absolutist, I do believe you know you don't understand this. They believe that you can't you I'll fire in a kind of theatre you can and a lot of people also believe that's free speech. Absolutism dot like there are people who are claiming I'm a free speech, absolutist because they think when you went out when I say something like you shouldn't be able to incite immediate acts of violence or instruct people to commit crimes. I think those are components of the crimes themselves. They say greece, which absolutism. I know there are people who are free speech, absolutist to believe you
loud to instruct someone on how to commit a crime- and you are not part of the crime, because you took no action. within that. I don't. I don't like that game if some a planning meeting, saying like here's, how you do all these things see you later there a component of the crime about all I did was speak you, you helped coordinate a conspiracy to commit a crime command. So if I'm looking at say like deep state agents, all they're doing is talking to each other, and then someone carries out the action. Note, they're all party to the actions that that took place. They were part of it, they were part of the planning phase planning is, is part of the crime. Here's the issue. Okay, then, I think it's plainly obvious. There are people right now, there's a tweet. I think I've retweeted, where some guy was like, look at all the free speech, absolutist immediately, trying to ban speech. Ah, I am for censorship. You betcha, I'm absolutely for censorship. I don't think kids should look at naughty words, an adult content,
I don't think people should be advocating for an hour. I do not not not not not advocating, for I don't think people should be instructing on how to commit crimes or instructing people to commit crimes. These things all cross a line. So when it comes to a say, twitter, for instance, I do think it's fair to say that if you target someone with sharp invective, then the platform can in some way take action against you. I I am not I. I am not this absolutist. The issue when it comes to political censorship is first, is a fair and balanced. Second, is it effective and when it comes to fair and balanced,
do we agree on where those lines are? If we do not, then there is no line. If the left says miss gendering is offensive in the rights as no it's not you don't get to arbour arbitrarily decide if you're offended. That line is now drawn based on your whims, so that creates a broad stroke, meaning you can say a lot of things you can argue. I dont think its offensive the slur the issue? Most conservatives and most liberals would agree on certain things that crossed the line into targeting someone with harassment and it's not just calling them a name. It's typically wash and say the left. I think the fair assessment is are repeated. Action taken against someone on social media using extreme rhetoric or instructing violence or sunlight that, then you can be like hey look man, you're, you're crossing the line into illegal sorry. I think the reason why I am not outright saying just criminal activity, like a lot of people might say is that I believe so
fort violations or or of civil action can result in some one. I do believe it's fair. on musk to be like hey we're suspending you because of a civil complaint, not a criminal complaint, which means harassment can be criminal, in which case you could actually be told to take down certain speech if you're actually legally harassing someone mascot for a court to decide. I am not not an absolutist when I say for censorship. I'm talking about adult content on platforms, for children have access to it that shouldn't be allowed. That should be censored. People and acting and advising on committing crimes and acts of extremism. Things like that, I don't think, should be allowed now. If someone goes onto twitter and advocates for the genocide of any group of people, I have no problem sang outright. That should be allowed. One hundred percent, any group of people and I'll just use me, for instance, if somebody started espousing hate speech towards mixed race people, I don't care
All that happens is, I know you have said it and I don't like you, that's it. I will avoid you. I know your views. Let's have a nice day, you know No do your thing and I'll make sure that I dont support things you're involved, and I think she in a light on this It is the most important way to combat it. Why most people do not like what someone calls for genocide, so our Make sure when I am advocating you don't vote for someone do not support this person's political positions. They say why here's a video of them stating they want genocide over target group. I don't care if it's a white, personal black percentages person and you know people are going to say as yet we dont like that and that person's going to lose political influence. The last thing we want is for them to hide now bill. Action is getting praised quite a bit because not just talking about Jews he's act.
We calling them out for their anti white sentiment as well, which is also very important. If someone wants to speak their disgusting opinions, let them speak or discussing opinions. Why, while everybody hates everybody else's opinions calling for killing a group of people is insane, but if it's not an immediate call to action or threat, it's an it's an opinion on what you think should happen. Then all you've done is expose yourself as a bad person. We should avoid and make sure you don't get power. Imagine a presidential candidate scared to express their opinion, so they hid this and that then, that person gets elected and wield that power in a bad way. This is why it's actually good that someone expresses their opinions without fear, so we can know who the bad people are. That being said, there are a lot of smart people who understand, calling for the genocide of Jews will result in you losing basically, all of your friends. You might find a certain pocket of people on the
in the right who are going to stand with you. Maybe these harvard educators, but most people are gonna, have avoid you like the plague. This is where we're currently at with weakness. I couldn't believe it when I saw this video, the woman in the beginning, actually saying that there is a context in which Calling for the genocide of yours may not be anti semitic. She's. Not here about Israel she's. That's. in calling for sanctions against the israeli government actually said there that there could be students calling for genocide, and it doesn't even constant anti semitism look man. I think it's bad. When the left targets white people, I think it's bad when they target jewish people. I think it's bearing the target latinos you black or blackmail care. I I can't stand race. I really really can't. I can't stand these people and you don't racism. I mean a prejudice again.
one based on their rights by all means. If you want to look at nation wide database on rice, I don't care if you wanna site statistics, that's fine. Stats are real if you're a talk about the differences between different groups of people based on race, these things actually matter single cell anemia, France's more prominent among the black population. But if you try to win politics arguments by telling me I should hate someone or take action against them solely because of their race. You are wrong and lose, there is no circumstance where I, as a traditional liberal,. Classically liberal, leaning, individual I'm going to condemn an individual who did nothing simply because who they are their race? I don't care if you're lgbtq, I a two ply, plus whatever you can love, who you wanna love, you can live. How you want to live beliefs are targeting children. We've got a problem
If you are a black white latino asian, whatever I dont care, people can come to me and talk about crime, statistics and I'll be like do, there's no circumstance where I'm gonna meet a mexican guy in asian guy or black eye and assume something about em based on national level statistics, it It helped me learn anything about him. I had this conversation with a someone recently and I'm talking to. I said this: listen people talk about privilege, white privilege, right. Let's, let's talk about white privilege, Let's say you walk, you were with job interview and you what you want to what you aren't. You gonna get a job in a back and you shop where, diego tee and baggy genes and sneakers, and you walk away with a backing I waste cabin you're like yards. I do like. I think I could work your bank pretty good man, they're gonna, be alike
I don't know if this is the right job for you right. The people in the banks they wear suits. Now, what happens if a black or hispanic man walk in wearing a nice suit, walk in walk right up to the owner and say nice to meet you I'm here for the job interview. I I think it's a wonderful establishment and thank you for your time. You don't have to talk like some white, anglo saxon protestant. You could be a latino guy and you walk in wearing a nice suit and shake then say you know what, if even if english as a second language, thank you for letting me come, I'm I'm I'm going to work very hard and they're going to say they're going to say they're gonna say: do you speak spanish? You say yes, but that's excellent. Thank you! So much it's not about race! It's not about language! It's about! Are you here to work with us are you? Are you going to be a good worker? Are you going to be able to help and cooperate and be part of a team, these things matter and culture matters? So when that guy walks in slouching wearing street clothes more or you know urban style doesn't matter what your race is in madison to say: listen,
the customers that we have here? They're, not gonna, be and you know what it might even be discriminatory to a certain degree because they could be like well, hey. Look, this may be up being a being. A banker may not be the job for you, but we if, if you're a nice guy- and you can work well in a team- it doesn't matter what clothes you have. We can find work for you, but maybe this position isn't right for you. My point ultimately is it's: it's almost never about race never and they always want to make it about race. It's almost always do you fit in with the culture that you are you are. You are trying to join first, the bad news as a p business. Eight. I won't help. You generate cubist versions of your family's Halliday photos, but it will help you understand which supplier is best to help you roll out your plant based packaging in southeast asia or identified the training you junior project manager needs to rise at the ranks and automate repetitive tasks. While you focus on big innovations, so you can be ready for the next opportunity.
revolutionary technology, real world results that as a key business, asia- and there are a lot of people- the claim it's all about race. The left will argue that cultural roots are racial. It's all intermingled in all that stuff. Listen man, it's not race! It's your ideas! It's your behavior mannerisms and if you wanna get, people should discriminate based on those things. Fine, but that's cultural discrimination, not race based Anyway, look is why can't stand the left this? Why? I think the story is so important, it shows exam billy, who they are. when they say you're being hypocrites because you're supposed to defend free speech, but I also you're you're getting mad about the Jews. That says a whole lot. Doesn't it there's? Actually, Where are we today? Where guys like? Look at all the free speech where's all of a sudden angry that cod stocks are calling for the genocide of Jews.
and they want to censor it and like listen man, that's not the defence. You think it is its showing that your tolerance for hate speech stops the jewish people, it exposes you as a hypocrite: they don't care about racism, anti semitism they use as cudgels to steal power me. I deeply care about these all about these things and I want them to stop and there is an accurate and correct way to deal with it. A little. Their next segments coming up at four yeah, I'm on the channel. Thanks, frank up and I'll see you all. Then the story is not very culture war ii, but it may be the most important story happening right now: ukraine, war, bad. Israel, war, bad, but right now venezuela is building up military and preparing to invade guyana, All of this leads to any kind of larger national conflict, or, I should say, larger. International conflicts are My concern is, however, as I have pointed out, we're
War is not just one big superpower in, aging and war with another big superpower, it's when are wars popping up all over the world and then you have a law science is aligned with each different conflict in this. In Venezuela is aligned with, say, in IRAN? Should this conflict as The late as Venezuela wants to steal the oil from a neighbouring nation. What's going to happen countries in south america. Is Brazil going to stand for What does guyana do? Does the war bleed doubt into brazilian territory. It may gonna pull this map and I'll show you what's going on, but this is a is pretty wild. the wall street journal ports, venezuela ramps up threat to annex parts of guyana, it's not just that their building up their military and have already declared the land is theirs well, is ratcheting up its claims to a swathe of guyana, its oil rich neighbour, which is
We become one of the world's hottest energy frontiers. The growing does between Venezuela's authoritarian regime in guyana involves a vast area facing the tuition village called s. Chemo ass, a chemo private programmes in around then comes an x on mobile, led consort. made a series of offshore oil discoveries and ghana. for more hydrocarbons exploration in areas that venezuela claims as its own on sunday venezuelan president nicolas maduro stage referendum on guyana, which he said, gives him public approval to annex much the country, the guy, he's deny that any part of their country belongs to venezuela and say their neighbors claim has been constant. I content impediment to their economy and stimuli, foreign investment. We are going to succumb to that as well as bullyism? Ninety vice president, Murat jog dale said in a recent news conference. We are now a belligerent country, but we will defend our car by any means whatsoever, Oh said in vienna.
which has no navy, is working on increasing its defeat, cooperation. The number of allies, including the? U s because of madeira, that's two delegations from the? U S, department of defense department are expected to visit georgetown gas capital in the coming days. Now, guyana, is an english speed? in country now, I've done only a cursory bit of research. I don't know much about gonna. Take a look at this map. This, What venezuela is trying to claim. This is guyana as cuba, a large portion of half the country That is why less claiming its theirs and here's the reality, well, I didn't care about any this land, but guyana covered oil, it started increase the standard of living for the people of guyana and vanished of being a psychotic socialist regime. Authoritarian said we're just gonna go, take it lay pull up this year map of guyana here are not on Google maps and
have Venezuela maduro, actually held up a photo show Venezuela's borders extending to this region of guyana, you can he just south within these borders, you have. Brazil Brazil is massive, and I wonder what comes next. Ghana already is talking to the; u S should venice. leyla invade. The question becomes: does the I get involved in a third war as a third but funny concerning roddy involving so many everywhere else with venice. le being aligned with russia, IRAN does this to exacerbate the tensions and escalation towards a world war. It ain't, just the middle EAST. The water jobs has as a chemo, sparsely populated Firstly, jungle covered train that makes up two thirds of data is pockmarked by informal. golden diamond mining as well as logging operations that as well, has claimed it for more than a century and madeira
His country will now take back the land robbed from venezuela by colonial powers, We ve got a new step towards a new stage of our history, argonauts really really funny. They say that, though you know, Vladimir putin is hitler and all that stuff you're. These claims are very similar to the claims made by hitler granted its a bit different. after world war. One you actually did have the annexation of several pieces of germany and there were as an germans living their lands, and so germany was like that's our excuse for invading, but that of course they did not stop there. The question is: how far does venezuela go with us taking a new step towards a new stage of history, maduro set on sunday in a speech outside of you're, flores, presidential paulsen, Venezuela's capital Caracas and see in it aids, hailed a victory in the referendum, but didn't explain how they planned to retake the land how much they ve underestimated us, how much they ve underestimated me. What a disgusting evil evil eye wow? Is this guy evil
Sorry, oh god of any a former venezuelan ambassador to guyana, Referendum was larger. What largely a wag the dog moment for maduro as he tries to rally support ahead of presidential since that is supposed to hold supposed to as part of a tentative agreement. His recently reached with abide ministration, the. U s and October These economic sanctions, sanctions in exchange for democratic reforms, which Caracas has yet to make they're, probably not going to. Its largely an internal political manoeuvre to distract public attention from the inside? social disaster, we're living said gore of any referring to venice. Economic crisis during those ten year rule his tail. Has been marked by the exodus of nearly eight million people or about it. of the population and guess where there go in my friends there come up here to the united states. Come through our poorest southern border, reclaiming nessa cuba. Is one of the few issues the venezuelan regime and its opposite agree on? But
stations were largely empty around the country sunday with critics, calling it a desperate attempt by the about leader, two strung up nationalist fervour. Now there are other reports, That, then, is what those military is already amassing on their eastern front appearing ready to take this land and occupy it. They want the oil. Venezuelan electoral authorities said about ten. Four million voters participated just under half double voters. Opposition pilot pollsters and electoral analysts cast doubt on the veracity of the results. The government has been accused of widespread fraud in past elections. The dispute raised concerns from neighbouring brazil to the? U s, to the: u n Ghana's filed suit, You ends international court of justice seeking to rio. Its borders and lay rest to venezuela claims once and for all. After refusing euros efforts to settle the dispute through a bilateral negotiations. The case is likely to drag on for years in recent months, venezuelan military officials have posted videos on social media purporting to show army personnel
crawling along the esa chemo, while pro government activists replaced guineas I of venezuelan ones, meaning Maduro has publicly railed against his guyanese counterparts, Using them of selling out to the u S, imperialism and claiming I love this line without evidence, U s setting military base in the disputed land, the border, controversies, the by product of territory being passed from one colonial rule at the next from the spanish to the british who took over in eighteen, thirty one british guyana guy that much of the esa key, both through expansion, expansions of gold mining sentiments and deceitful drawings. According to rough ailed, bodell, professor, at the academy poetic, social scientists in Caracas? Under british rule, Diana saw its land area nearly quintuple, not ok, I really do these claims of this land was once mine mean very little to me right now, in the context of I dont want world war three,
when you have a dictator and a disgusting government like Venezuela's government is they say? Oh, we better take this land. I have to ask why that maybe it's because in the past decade they discovered lots of oil. Diana is not a well off nation, its relatively poor, I believe them Do people live below the international poverty line, whatever that may be it in a lot of money? Let's see if we ever do have a per capita income here, gdp per capita sixty one thousand. Ok, I saw their Ben gdp. What was as twenty three estimate, well there's nominal, and what is what am? I don't know? It's a purchasing power parity eyes. I see as their per capita income nominal is twenty thousand. So not all bad georgetown is the capital, they speak, english. And I I think of I think english creole is like the the dominant language, but our english as an official
which and everything's in english down there. This is a country that is actively small. I believe it is only what are they? Half a million people? Ok, just seven hundred ninety five thousand people live there when the was discovered. Life started getting better for the people who live there. Venezuela was once the wealthiest nation in south america and the socialists guided the country and destroyed it. Absolutely amazing. I feel bad for venezuelans. I understand why come to america, but america is not being made better by what is currently happening here either now that they discuss we'll thereupon, as well as being a parasite of socialist destruction, wants to invade and steal the oil. So here we go baby. Hopefully, operators but it's not much to be said. I mean it's, it's it's it's what its wilderness, but my fear, I suppose,
is if iran and russia get involved in defending Venezuela's claims, and then we end up with war in south america, eastern europe and the middle east, and then southeast asia. My friends at that point, you got world war, Oliver, their necks islands coming up at six p m of the shell thanks, frank out and I'll see you well then,. Don't know of any recently spoke at penn state. Nobody showed up half empty auditorium, wow, that's an understatement. when you actually pull up the photos, you can see it's like probably, indeed at eighty percent empty, nobody showed up and I'll. Tell you why, Don't mulvaney is not popular dome, mulvaney is not influential download any is not prominent This is exemplified by bud light sales. Can ten ewing to decline?
right now knew and current customers can get any phone for free you s cellular, so you can connect with all your family members this holiday season. You could even call your aunt, who always makes you talk to your cousin. Was a dog or you know, maybe just send her. A festive text get the gift of connection at? U S, cellular get any phone free did a? U s. Cellular built for us terms apply as eu sl yoda company tales, we value human connection with fewer distractions. You are cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. They ve never covered even have everything but less than they ve not recovered. and the issue is the amount of people who follow dome of Annie. It's it's likely not a legitimate influence, it's likely algorithmic and many of them. I believe hate Dylan mulvaney, and that's why I want to talk to about this individual.
lot of people on the left will say, like all your obsessed and things like this with someone who has got twelve million followers, but I think what we are looking at is a warning to the american people and to parents. About what these machines will do. I want you to see this from a sea and our dot com scanner Al Gore says social media algorithms are the digital equivalent of a r fifteens and should be banned. They ought to be banned. They really ought to be banned. He's right, he's completely right. What we are looking at with dome of any is the story of an individual, desperate for attention and the machine plugged. Dylan Mulvaney and that's it. Then you got side, show dockers, carnage growers who wanted to egg on an individual who is influencing and suffering and that's what they did, It's only domo vendetta, mental breakdown on tiktok, saying that there's cry
all the time they dont know why? What yards? Because you're depressed you are being targeted, attacked and made to suffer I don't believe dome of any strands. I believe dome of any is getting juries that make Domini fit a cast our character. Celebrity But all the time, why would a celebrity it but implants because they want to fit a role I would dome of any undergo facial surgery or hormones for the exact same reasons to fit a role What we're seeing now is proof Del mobile. You can get pan and the rooms empty. They set its half naw, it's it's, not half empty. Half empty just a vague generalization. It's more than that. You take a look at this photo and you can tell
let's, let's, let's I'll try it would be nice. Sixty percent empty, it's more than half. It looks to be about eighty percent. There's very few people sitting approach has a possible don't mulvaney as twelve million followers. Ok, my friends, that's one platform, one platform: Let me break them down for you on twitter. I have about one point: nine million followers in this youtube channel. It's like one point, two tim cast iras one point: six, the tim cast. An original channel is one point three two which now has mostly clips from the culture war, and so you would argue across the board with instagram and anything else to end and facebook TIM pool. We ve got to we ve got five. We ve got six seven wow, seven million followers, but let's be real, is overly how many people subscribed and fallen on a platform. Okay, so thought it.
Obviously, if I've got one point, six on tim cast irobot one point two here: four hundred thousand people have not subscribe to this channel, but did the other one some people dont even other channels exist. My point is: don't mulvaney with ten million files. That means they're, unique individuals, maybe bots they don't show up how's it possible. We do an event in Austin we sell out in two days. We don't have that in florida and we were we were just about at capacity. We didn't sell that when a net. Yeah, I guess there's more than just me at these events right and so that may be a big factor, but we didn't event in west virginia and we basically hold out. How is it that I have a smaller following? Well insolence? That's really the question at play. Dylan mulvaney has no influence mobility is a net negative influence and, of course, people have heard of dome of aid, They keep putting this individual on me
gesine and try to prop dylan up, but, as we can see here, but light sales continue to drop here's the story that I think needs to be pointed out here is an individual who has algorithms saying. If you engage in a behavior we want, we will get, you more views. That's it. I'm gonna put MR beast into this. One don't get mad at me! Mister beast, MR beast. The biggest on youtube, because you decided was end of story. That's it! That's! Really it There are a lot of podcasts and channels on youtube that aren't good. And you wonder why it is. I watch this one guy. I watch How is this guy smaller youtube chooses its algorithmic its editorial. You two white lists. Bubbly that's been reported numerous times in the past several years. Certain content is a free pass into the algorithm. It then puts you on the front page.
Here's the reality of how this media stuff works. If your channel is suggested on Youtube people willed watch it you will make money. That's it that's. Why we're tim cast IRA people say, even though I watch every single episode every single night and I'm subscribed to all your channels. Youtube still does not show me your videos. In fact, some people say they even go to youtube dot com slashed him cast, I R, l and alive it isn't they're, not even there when we're alive, and so people try to find the url, which is crazy. With that inverse pressure, we still manage to be the top spot. Every night we days on youtube life, dome of any other hand, with twelve million followers can't get people to show up to a room at a university nelson.
You might argue well to him, you know your event to you said: look, I'm selling tickets costs money and people have to drive that we're talking about a college campus which is supposed to be full of young people who are following Dylan mulvaney this is done properly. Thought was, can be sold out room pact now. The reality is this: I will that most people who are following dylan its algorithm, they don't care. Look at the common you'll see the comments are all generic nonsense. Then you have people Who are egging, Dylan aunt get more surgery, you do it do destroy yourself. That's doing when people cheer for us whose destroying themselves it's because there they enjoy a carnival side shown they want to watch someone descend into misery. Here's the scary conspiracy. What if. There actually are no followers. What if the reality is that domo
is mostly followed by bots on tiktok and they're, not real people, how many people are famous for being attacked. I am a honest question. I know there's people who are famous sick dockers for sure I've. I've read about him in the news, but I wonder what degree of influence they truly have cause. I've met. People who are like I've got two hundred thousand followers on tiktok, and it translates nothing like a no comment they make no money and I'm like I'm wondering how real this is now, it's think about our scary. This becomes visual who is driven to produce content and receives likes based on that content could be manipulated by botz. They could be talking to no one, so maginnis dome of any Supper. Tiktok makes a video about annals. Some people watch Delmar That makes a video about being trans. The machine, not humans, then gives an arbitrary fake number of comments that are generic. An arbitrary number of is Dylan then sees the view. Congo's wow look here,
or watching me, I'm famous, but you know actually see any of these people. What if there aren't? Actually any people and Dylan is being manipulated into body modification, because a social media app is pretend then it's popular, I believe there is a very strong possibility that exactly what's happening and it s so the same question going back years. How do I know that any of the views on these views are real views? How do I know person watching this video is actually how do we know they're actually there. Well, it actually is quite simple: we track it with ad sales and we track it through personal encounters ad sales matters, the most we take a look at the average turnaround or on a conversion for a view on other shows for other platforms compared to ours and then
it's a human being bought a product and gave us money and we got their information. I take a look at how many members we have at tim caste dot com and how many people are buying, cast brew coffee and we can see a lot of people actually ah cast brew. Coffee is already tracking to crack, saw a seven figure. for here that's why we launched cast brew coffee, dot, com, sport, the show and we're on track to generate over seventy seven figures, ear and revenue and subtle profit, my doom revenue, but big sales. And the other I'll keep it relatively that I want to call anybody out, but there are partners in doing the basic business back on stuff. They asked when we started the company we like April and they're like what. How could you be doing so well so quickly, because I know that you are actually there watching this, and I know Oh that my views on the world and what I read matters more to me than whether or not someone's gonna like or dislike the video, and I
But if you know that, based on the stances, I've taken at odds with my own audience fastening when As to impose sabotaging his audience, because you know what I've been. Unlike. What am I supposed to do, lie and say something I dont believe to get clicks. I m doing it dome of any is doing that and that's what is creating this. mare scenario, but I really do wonder. I dont trust, tik tok, I dont know people use it because I've seen the videos, but I dont believe their numbers are real much like facebook. I dont believe it. I think. Youtube's numbers are mostly real, but I know there's a lot of fake views. There too. I don't believe it. and so what happens as a person can be in the back into a corner with a computer screen telling them to destroy themselves and they think it's the whole world
When it's not welcome to the nightmare scenario, I'll live there. Next segments coming up at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all. Then. We recently had a title nine hearing before congress and cause you Cortez made one of the most insane comments ever made: rigour putting the issue of males competing in women sports. A see makes shocking claim that all school girls will be forced to undergo genital examinations. If biological are barred from women sports. What ok, let's, let's, let's go their heirs, that all under age women could be subjected to general genital genetically examinations. Are the saying, genital or genetically, because things are different. Things examinations of biological men, are banned from coming competing on sports. The squad up both out as you thirty four to their multiple proposals that would marginalize trans americans and claimed that question
Athletes gender would open up, women and girls to genital examinations. If those genetic call, I think, that's a reference to doing a dna tests which ball could happen to, but we got it. We got a little bit before we call out the absurdity here we are talking about putting up all women and girls to genital examinations when they are under age, potentially, just because One can point to someone and say I dont think you're a girl. I would like to introduce alexandria o cause cortez to something called a physical, a physical nation I dont know were: maybe women don't undergo physicals, I'm not a woman When I was I'm a guy and so growing up, I had to do periodic physicals our high school required it. I lived there for a few months, I'm pretty sure the grade schools, quiet it to every certain monetize. There are like you required to get a new physical and then, like the school, has to confirm you gotta physical guess. What
Now I don't know about the ladys, ok, but I know that the majority of origin, this video dude and everybody knows turn your hadn't cough. Ok, so anyway, when it came to. Taking a look at your health, there is no question If you are suffering some kind of medical issue downstairs the doctors check for it now a lot, pointing out there saying that yeah, but there's also birth certificates, so sorry guys they're changing birth certificates. Yes,. So. There are trans people, children who are getting their birth certificates changed some of them even say, acts, but you don't the issues here we do not live in a world of technicalities. We live in a world of actions and intense, and what that means? Is there a lot of things that are illegal, that you could get away with
but you shouldn't, and there are certain things people don't do, despite the fact they probably could get away with it. You drive the wrong way down a one ray. What one way wrote some people do and they never get caught. The likelihood of you getting caught driving the wrong way on a one way is probably zero point: zero, zero, zero years are one percent the chance there's. Cop was going to see it do it, it happens. But we only hear these stories likely because there's like three hundred million people in this country, the reality as people just don't do it. There are a lot of things in this world. People don't do because they believe it's wrong and shouldn't do and the point here is: if we pass a law that says female sports must be protected under the nineteen sixty four civil rights act not a question of examining anybody. It's a question of integrity. And scruples. Some people will break the it, but we assert the rules anyway. So
say it's illegal drive the wrong way on a one way. Road k people will do it periodically they'll get caught because they went the wrong way, but I love I love this. I know people who drive, words down one way streets because they want to deal with a detour or something and it works because they got it. This way, let's say you're on a residential streetch cargo are all one way. It goes left right, you know ever east to west and then back and forth, inverts Let's say you took a laughed onto a one way street and you drove to houses is too far. What you do is reverse you just rivers. So I know friend, who have reversed down one way streets and then, cops sees them and they reverse and then take a three point: turning go into the russian. They don't even stopped. Just like all. You must have just taken a wrong turn into backed out. They don't care. The point ultimately comes to this. There is no reason for these. to happen. All we need to do is say. Ladies gentlemen, we don't allow males and females sports teams and guess what I dont believe.
A yossi is making really bold claims to making several claims one iota, is claiming that trans people are criminals. That's right, that's it! She sang she's saying that, if we say mail should not be on female sports, that the males will lie and cheat anyway? Why would you say that why would you need to perform an examination on someone this she is that the only reason that would never happen is that males would break the rules to cheat and planet women's a team, now hold on their that something right. When talking point right, the fact is, if Those are barred from being on women's teams on female teams car. What have you want. Then we don't have to worry about any examinations, because we all operate under the assumption that everyone playing is female. That's all because no one's breaking the rules, because we don't think that trans people are inherently going to break the rules right.
Right, you have a thing she sang is that genitals define gender which are a lot but would agree with its not absolute. You know We want to call out the laughed for their crackpot views on all that stuff and that's fair, but is also fair to say, genitals, don't define gender. I know it's like conservative. I would even yet like a dude who grew like gets his junk blown off in war. We're not gonna call him a woman. Ok, I don't think genital examinations actually solve the problem. Either. Especially as it pertains to the rare instances of birth defects or things like that, but also, I think, injuries like a fifteen year old kid who gets in a car accident in it and mutilates them in a bunch of places. We're not going to call him a woman Ok, so the idea that the way you proved a gender is through a general examination is a lie: what ails He is trying to do. he's trying to say something shocking, which is nonsensical because
physical exams are a normal thing for all human beings. Thank you and have a nice day, but instead of saying physical or aluminum try. This quote. We are talking about opening up all women girls to getting physical examinations when they're under age, potentially just because someone can point them and say I don't think, you're a girl, okay, I've I've had to get numerous physicals throughout my life. Should I be angry about its I'm. I gotta say: women go for examinations related to their body parts and men. Do two men should get prostate exams and tests for two killer cancer and women should get perhaps meares and mammograms. Is it shocking and offensive that, because these things exist Humans have to undergo physical examinations by doctors. What did this I think people I'm sorry, democrats are evil. I got the grasslands dean's on my back saying that its
I could statement meant to get clicks. Oh shut up, y'all are evil too, but yeah. The crazies are the banality of evil and they don't they don't grasp these concepts. There is no. legitimate reason? yo, see or any Democrats would defend bias, google males in women, sports and riley gains hits the nail on there with a hammer in this. Gradual testimony? someone mentioned, wanted one of the members of congress as something like. Well, we can put up curtains. Ok, The concern is privacy than you could put curtains and rightly gains as there are. No written in the locker rooms and among us, but we can add them and then riley fires back countering appoint they may they said. Why are you so? But it is shaped at a time population of people trans people are so few and far between and rightly said. Why would we overhaul the entire system for what you describe as a very, very small portion of the population? Why should every woman everywhere, Have to change their behaviour. Four point: zero.
you're a one percent of the population is he that doesn't quite make sense. Does it and that's their argument, the reality these people are insane and will say what ever they think they have to say to get attention should that I think not an appraisal. I dont believe we're sitting on a panel of men that has actually but the biology and privacy consequences of all women trans or says gendered. Ah, oh, what are you saying abc? Are you saying that there won't be trans men competing against males neither ropey mac bags? Tried calling, I think, was jake shields mme fighter and like go Emma fight or I think Jake is undefeated. Isn't he dunno Jake said he would fight ten transit?
and with no breaks no rest period. No training, mac bags, a trans man who was a wrestler said that he would kick jake shields, but mack Beggs is biologically female. Mac bags, I believe, is like five foot. Two was a you can call yourself whatever you wanna call yourself: females have wide hips, less bone density, less skin collagen. less fast, which muscles a wider q angle more prone to leg injuries. They were exposed to less praying, has tossed her room and this results in a very different biology. That's just it So listen. This is why we have different divisions, but aims is basically arguing in favour of what riley against sang with breathing. She said. spare me your lies and you're hypocrisy. Riley gains actually called raptly some early, massage Lee got angry and and wanted to
the words taken down for engaging in personalities and ah they whispered in her ear, you're a moron shut up. You can't do that and riot and then then she said I withdraw all. It was masterfully done This woman right here is evil some really evil eve is not always just demons, one to burn the world. The ground is also the banality of evil there is no reason at all to allow males to commit women sports. None. You want to create a league for trans people than you create translate, but why force women to change everything? as their evil. Ok, they want power and they want to win, and I don't care what works? They don't care. What helps people they don't care. What makes people happy all they care? Is it they cause suffering and destroy that's evil.
Next ailments coming up at six p m on this general thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them. You dream of a career with better pay benefits and ours. Sure about going back to school before time admission in college we can help. We offer programs that are affordable and flexible to fit into your busy life, most be completed in less than two years seen miller. My college can offer visit our campus at sixty three. Ninety seven me highway sweet one hundred then tat. I knew the tennessee or learn more. Like a miller, dash m o t t don t. You.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-09.