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Trump SLAMS Vivek Ramaswamy as NOT MAGA, Supporters call Vivek Fans GRIFTERS, Iowa Caucus IS TODAY


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Trump SLAMS Vivek Ramaswamy as NOT MAGA, Supporters call Vivek Fans GRIFTERS, Iowa Caucus IS TODAY

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Slack presents work days. I will just had major deja vu our days of her you're gonna, proving expense reports, but last three hours I have been here before also made away everyday tasks in slack the moment we ve all been waiting for the moment when Donald I would actually call out the vague rama swami, because the vague the swami is pulling voters from Donald trump appertains to the caucasus. and the primaries. Ladies and gentlemen, we are here the ground in iowa. It is a blistering minus thirteen right now where we are and the caucasus is to night down. tromp is the massive favorite Nicky. the his depending on the pole? in second place, but the prediction markets, however, in fourth place rhonda santas of was in the pauses and third of acres in fourth, I find this one truly fascinating, the battle has erupted online. All of these
I heard trump supported are saying we knew it the vague the snake and all of these, Ellen shells all of a sudden in the bag for vague rama swami, and why is it a conspiracy, that's the only option, on exaggerating All I've trump supporters are saying. It is interesting that all of a sudden there's a bunch of people just show not from a vague promise, swami having them on all these shows, and they think it seems coordinated. Ladies and gentlemen, I must confess the truth to all of you. It is coordinated. That's right! the roma swami campaign reached out to a tunnel individuals and quarter appearances and interviews and that's about the extent of it now there may be, some people are getting paid. I think that's very, very likely, I think, is also very likely. Several influencers are paid by reduced entities campaign? I do believe it is dreamily unlikely, however, that the donald trump campaign is paying jabez influencers in the same way, I think donald trump, of course, is just hoping
we'll and the fact that he has the massive base. I do not believe for them, part of the people you are seeing who are and in some ways I even think that their overtly supporting the vague, but they kind of our. By doing this, shows in praising em, I dont think they're getting paid. I dont think its coordinated don't think it's planned and I will say this look before we get started. Donald trump has my vote in the pan, married in the caucasus and the general trump is it. The vague is is great. I, like the guy, he's a smart guy, and I think that for those that are how's, wildness and corruption and believe in american values. You gotta have a bench and whose the bench is is what we talked about for the past week. We can not now. I think it's a mistake right now. If the trump team, the trump people go to hard on the vague rama, swami, accusing him of being world economic forum, shale, global, etc.
people are saying: if it's too good to be true, then it probably is, and I'm like guys, I think trump should win. I'm going to break down exactly why trump is the guy for the job and why, as much as I do like He has not earned my vote right now and I'm not sure that he can. I've said before I'd consider voting formidable I think I think as it before I would vote form or wanted to vote form. a lot going on right now I can break down and then there were people treated me like to get me. One good reason why trump is better than the vapour. I'd give you a lot of reasons. I will foreign policy first term was great even for banks, as these things, the vague, doesn't have that level of of supply. experience, but ought but we'll get into this in much more detail. But I want to say this right now to start off the bat I know of anybody's again paid by his campaign or whatever I can say that we haven't got anything from them here. not paid us and actually made that explicitly clear when we said we want to come out there,
plan we had was to do. One show this monday for the caucasus and we ve got drunk campaign people big trump supporters on an old age they because of acres going be joining us as well. Interested to see what happens in? I don't. I don't know if this like the way we have. This show set up to knife or tim cast iron. Rail is going to be like rotating panel of guests and I don't know the exact schedule but it'll be interesting, to say the least and I made explicitly clear when we were talking. the extreme is that we want to do. We wanted him on the show, and so you're planning this counter programming to cnn I was like we will accept. Nothing from your campaign we are doing the show. I don't play those games that politicians, for money, and I said: look man when when it comes to erase a trump once come show up on the show. Don't ask me for money
and it's not going to happen. I've made political donations in the past. I'm not doing that now. Maybe, but probably not your best opportunity is to come talk to us answer questions and make your pitch to the american Well, that's it because, because I'm I'm not here to play that game, but I can tell you this right now: first almost as we get goin it is, it is caucus day. It is a big deal. Donald trump is hold out the that he's going after vague, vague playing a very intelligent Lee and of drum. I think the vague is right about love thanks, I think, is between a rock and a hard place, and I think we need plan b and stuff spot. It really is, there's a fear that if people go out and caucus for vague it could pull votes from donald trump, but I gotta be honest, considering the vague is pulling so low, I think you're either Its catch show a little bit and I must tell you- I think that europe should have said, but let's do this. First, let's read the news donald
turns on the vague promise me don't get dupe. This is from vanity fair dot com. They report with ice. caucus goers, getting ready to add to the poles on Monday We're president Donald trump lashed out for the very first time at biotech entrepreneur over they grow. Swami quote a vote for the vague, is a vote the other side don't get duped by this trump. Untruths, social saturday evening, adding that right swami, who has made a clear play for trumps base, is magua I don't. I don't know that I disagree with that. I you know he's not muggah. I think that's absolutely correct. worker, first there's a massive overlap: magua is the trump loyal base. I gotta tell you, loyalty means everything I mean. I talk about hatchie code, the dog. All the time no note a star but a dog who waited ten years. If you another store, you waited ten years of a train station is but of a simplification. For his is best run, a japanese professor who had died,
while out to teaching and so are. Chico did not know what happened to his friend and refuse. To leave hoping one day he would return. That is inspirational. That is loyalty in that matters. It really does, so you want to talk about politics, campaigning strategy and all that stuff. I I gotta tell you like. I think we are we. Those who watch shows like this were people of honor. And honour plays a big role and, while you may say so, myself at timber strategy is more important. Victory is more important. Those lessons are very, very important, but what are we if we sacrifice honour for victory? in that regard. I can tell you right off the bat. It may seem emotional and that's fair, because human Israel is largely an emotional experience that we must be logical. I say our right listen. I am I'm not interested in sacrifice in our integrity and our honour for victory. We have to maintain both, because this applies to say the same thing with vice.
And suppression and authoritarianism. There are a lot of people that argued we must use. The tactics have cancelled culture in the left and in all pause halfway and say within a certain degree. We want to do understand we're in a conflict, but I was so people this. If you accept the two dicks of evil, because you think you'll win in the end. By using these tactics, all you ve done is hand. The victory to them, if we say today at the far left, is corrupt. The world people are evil, but we gotta win this this, so we're gonna employ the same strategies and destructive tactics. All you, ve done is created a world of those destructive tactics. If you think I'm gonna imprison my political opponents because it'll save this country in freedom like what they're doing to trump, then what does the world become? The country you build becomes the evil you claimed you're fighting against. That being said, first and foremost, the more difficult thing you're either to me, if you ever came to me and said you gotta vote for vague, because you know trumps too,
blah blah gonna be like you're, not gonna, get me back down off of being loyal to a guy who was who was brutally attacked, who lost his networth, who is now facing hundreds of years in prison, I am sorry you guys gonna win. Donald trump has to win. There is a component of strategy, there's a component of what is for this country and those things are way way up there and then there who are we as people and what are we willing to accept makers made his arguments about. Why should vote for the caucasus even though some one asked on the town hall, we did it x, it seem like you're saying: what's happening to drop is ok the eggs position is it's not ok and he fears that if they do stop tromp because they will stop at nothing, then what the patenting is you get Nicky hayley verses, rhonda santas and there is no trump and there is no vague. I think that is right and that's why I am happy to say excellent plan b not even maybe ninety five, twenty four may between twenty eight but come on. Let's be lodged,
alongside our with our honour. Ok, we don't have to abandon our our strategy just because we want to support donald trump. Everything he's been through and everything you ve done for this country and thereby, but I love this that the dishonest people are losing their minds like it's a call the Duma, Call them like there- and I were- I- can rag on tromp all day and night, but I can tell you this no new wars in his term meant so much to me at a timeline for withdraw the abraham accords. Negotiating with north korea have a nice day like you're, not arguing me off those points you say the vague comes in and he's got great campaign strategy. He's a smart guy he's playing well, you are correct.
I'll. Give you the biggest reason why people like tell me one good. I had someone tweeted me all of this bait. Tweet. Tell me one good reason why I should vote for trump over vague and why trump is better? Are you kidding it's a really easy point to be made. Donald trump was in the white house for four years already he as more experienced, dealing with these people than the vague does get out of the trenches of tedious tasks like managing order, fulfilment and start growing. Your business with ships station they'll help increase profitability by automating your workflow, with their simple, easy to use dashboard with it. You can much do everything you need to quickly and easily updated information print labels, compare rates, optimize shipments and even set up automatic delivery notifications. doesn't matter where you sell amazon etsy, ebay, shopify shipstation and can integrate pretty much anywhere online. Another great thing about shipstation. They can help
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a track record proven now. As a politician, I mean people like says that he's not a politician. Well, he did he went in. He did his job. He did a really good job. Did he produce the perfect job as absurd or there are things to criticize him for one hundred per cent absolutely and with respect to all my libertarian party friends who want to criticize donald trump yeah, I completely agree, but I'm sorry, man, Donald trump, has been for the first time in my life, a net positive president, you know what I'm a kid look at it built when you ve got war conflict not get me wrong. You're, a good economy scandal, conflict crisis, not offend not Fan of the neo liberal expansion of you know. There's a lot of stuff. That's happened from Clinton to bush, to obama its expansion of war, its it these free trade agreements that have resulted in the collapse of our hour of our of our labour force its these failed immigration policies and then donald trump comes in the economy starts doing well, he starts no new wars. He starts. ending wars. the machine. The apparatus lies, they lies,
I do us, the american people, they lighted trump, to keep these wars going there Steps up and says I got a big plenum gets really great. It's really great will see how it goes right now, Now what we are seeing is this response With this response from vague, he says, diagrams attack is bad campaign. Advice is correct. Allowed transport get mad, but I will tell you right now: I see these tweet lemme lemme lemme jump to these tweets. Let me see we have pulled up haha. I think I have where it, whereas here we go, I have a twitter from cat turd captured, of course, for those in art familiar, maybe sang. What's captured a very prominent trumped supporting twitter personality tweeted, Have you noticed so many of e lawns teachers pats suddenly broke from make all at the same time coincidence Ella well nope, so obvious, ok! Well, let me tell you guys: I'm a big fan of veal on a lot of people are vague. Is smart?
It is not a coincidence, and it's not even a conspiracy captured. Let me tell you the vague opened it I'm paying up at the very last. Let none of this at the last minute, but he went full steam ahead they're, hitting up as many podcasters and influencers trying to go on, shows and everyone's excited to talk to the fake. How many like the vague scott taunt millions of followers he's generated massive attention. He is brilliant. The pr game and people are like here's an opportunity to talk to a guy that people want to hear Donald trump has not done the same thing. The reason why so many of airlines gonna court teachers, pet suddenly, both from a vague, is vague offered them the opportunity to talk and do interviews and for all of these people. That's exactly what we do now we had done junior on tim cast ira it. I gotta, be honest. It's very instincts I'm like when we have when we have donald trump junior on- and I mean this-
with all due respect to don Jr, because he is he's such a rad, dude and I'll say this too. For for for the people who you know, don't listen to him, have never heard him speak or don't know If you met don junior at a baseball game in your hanging out, you'd have no idea. The dude was the son of a billionaire who grew up as this like new york royalty. Celebrity golden toilet family kind of thing. He really does come off just like regular, suburban. Do I have met iris by the tremendously, but I gotta tell you. I'm going to say it makes us feel like the what is it the junior event, yours. What are they called? It's like. You got the sidekicks when when, when tim cast ira hears from the fourth place, without with all due respect to have ache. Fourth place candidate in the gnp I marry Christy's out a bargains out. All his other people dropped out and vague is still pulling you don't like eight percent in some some poles and maybe even higher and in others, I'm sure he's got his. As is my tricks. I mean he's
really well he's got millions of followers, and so he says wanna do is show with you and we're gonna counter cnn. I gotta tell you to me too. Independent to to do moderates vague matter. Substantially more than- Nicky, Hayley and rhonda santas. And when the vague says I'd like to do is show an and talk with you guys that that's like ok, while up here, we are, play ball, you don't look. We had the cnn town hall and I'm watching all these trump supporters of like working Watch the cnn debate non like why, I give CNN your views Nobody owes me anything you, you know, gotta watch them guest IRA, I get it and maybe it's because they didn't want to give a vague the attention. But here. We are as new media hosting. on a hall podcast event with one of the people running the primary, lot of questions you may have- and you should listen to It- makes us especially you don't like him, and people chose to listen
Nicky Hayley in rwanda santas instead fair point, and I think we have to. Look if you don't watched him cast iron, that's fine! I don't care! You don't owe me anything. What I'm saying is I dream of a of a time I mean the sincere them out to say it. We crushed cnn in the key demographic ratings already it is kind of a crazy feeling at it and it's Is it because it's not like we're getting millions of views were we're getting hundreds of thousands in it to get ninety don't anymore. Now it's like some The prime time shows get seventy thousand views in the key demo and we get like five hundred to six hundred thousand within like a day. That's crazy! Now, don't get me wrong. They they get a lot of views in the sixty plus demographic, which I have noted, I'm not intended to be disrespectful. It's that these are people watch, cable tv but look man the vague, comes out and says I will go on all the podcast
The internet shows he's priming himself, probably for the next generation. Donald trump did not do the same thing and is what it is. It is what it is. We have donald trump trump junior massive personality, obviously campaigning for his dad, but it's like we get to have the vague on the show. We don't get to have donald trump on the show. He goes on fox news. Instead, what can I say What can I say, I d get substantially more viewers, we're not there yet. So what I see here is maybe, are the junior adventures? Ok, It was also the case. I mean we're in what weren't we're in our thirties. Many of you in your lay twenties early thirties and some of your older as well. But that's it me We intend twenty years we will have displaced. All these big chosen is big opened that and that means right now. If you want to we're stand why the vague is getting attention from people who are their thirties millennials, who are trumps apple? or more libertarian. It's, because this is the space we communicate in and vague approached
but I don't think that is pe. I dunno who's penguin is not paying us. I know that the people that are like Luker, koski friends is not getting paid by them. In fact, and some of the people, who came out to come on this show and talking to the campaign, but who do we who do we have on the show? Last week? Look I'll be honest. We have a vague and when and now we have trump junior, laura loomer. I like trump, I think trump, They right now and I think a lot to do to break down as to why talk about what they want to give him some defence on the defensive. It actually as a vague promise, ami cells, thirty three million dollars of relevant right is it? Is it really avant browser raven stock to boost campaign guys I'm to tell you right now: twelve all trump supporters to people like catcher and stuff. You gotta be careful. You play this game saying, I'm emissary sincerely am trying to be disrespectful. I'm saying: what's, let's, let's, let's together, be careful, how we do this theirs,
You notice that people are saying he is: don't fall for his brock obama to point out on my guys, take it for what it is. Okay, we need young, energetic backbench I'll. Take that They save a vague where's. He getting his funding, blah blah blah. Well, here's a bunch of stock in a company he built and he sold a bunch of a stock you're not going means I donald trump lost net worth running for president, the vague rum mommy is selling off stock in his company to fund this campaign. What what what more can be said don't make what is it? What is a saying? Don't make the good the enemy, the perfect or whatever? Here's? What I wanna say. I don't like round his answers. I really really really don't like him. I am I am. I am so over ron santas santis to viral videos. One is of this guy met Kim, posing how got kicked out here, made a video bottom. You never cause a problem in ever told him his. You must be present what a joke this guy! Like I just went into the building and kicked me up, he said he tried to
or a neighbouring restaurants in us, it's it's. The property is all owned by this company get out he's like I'm just going to eat food and that in the event anymore, there's a guy in a wheelchair and the commission. To go and he's like what why do the renaissance campaign is a joke? They doubt laura loomis, Hayley did as well the vague rama swami does not. He says no to question he's playing it very correct these peace, navigating this very intelligently. Now here's it you gotta watch out for don't let vague campaign, Paula dissenters on trump what does that mean normally breakdown? So you get these two scientists campaigners ripe and You know a year and a half ago rhonda this was leading in the prediction markets. Isn't that insane it just crazy? From to see them Rhonda santa's was the favourite look at the other way, so in real politics. Betting odds, rhonda santas was above trump like two to one knots and
Burned at all the groundwater, it would happen. You got these reduced santa supporters on social media that are vital, just them the vile people. At this point, I think its common knowledge so many high profile, individuals who are like moderate and not you know in the bag for justice handed her temper, would ever have been like what is up with these people, their terrible and look where he sunk now. The predicted market has rhonda santas in fourth place behind the vague rama, swami. That's that's really interesting. When I see these trump supporters start attacking high profile personalities, the first thing I thought I was talking was last night we having dinner- and I was like I gotta talk to like I talked to the trump people guys. We cannot fall into that trap. That's a trap, because here's what happens? The vague starts courting high profile podcasts in person,
at ease he generates. A lot of attention is a lot of supporters and what's his response to donald trump, I'm not going to attack the man he's the greatest president of our generation. I just think they're going to try and and do whatever they can to take him out. That means it's going to be nikki, haley and ron. So I have to be here he's right and is refusing to attack trump and he's not asking anybody to do that as well. In fact, he's taken this. What approach, which is I'm telling you guys vegas, is brilliant. You don't have to accept that, as as you have to like the guy, but don't fall for this and I'm not saying veg striking, I'm saying don't fall. into this vague has a picture of a bunch of people wearing shorts, say, save tromp vote vague. This guy knows what he's doing.
I dunno if he coordinated that or whatever first I gotta be honest. I think it's cringe, I'm just like. Oh save trump vote, vague law, but I understand what he's doing he's trying to make it appear to the average person that trump is weak. Not that he's saying trump is weak and incapable. He saying that trump is in a weakened state at war that he can't win it is a master play to try and when the primary and I dont think of egg is wrong about what the deep state is planning to do it I'll drop, because there are already doing it in plain sight. I don't see how donald
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I love and respect, Donald trump, it's just so so tough, how they're coming after him like this, and we have no choice but to step up he's playing that hey. Look, I'm just a good guy trying to do the right thing. Regular people are going to see that and then I say: okay, I get it. Then you've got trump people coming out and sang your page shells. Your grief stirs your liars. I'll. Tell you what's going to happen, don't fall for this! I'm going to I'm going to talk to the to to the you know. We got trump people come and say guys. The disadvantaged people started attacking me. They started attacking market and I'm gonna bring people up into this, but there's some high profile, conservative personalities who started and libertarians start attacked by dishonest people, and I dont know why and what happened dissenters collapses, because the prominent personalities in influencers in digital spaces, get pissed off at our just sick of run. His
failure to real in his campaign staff, absolute failures and there, like you know this guy can't met- may manage a campaign, its fresh now, one of the best assets for donald trump, his very prominent supporters who went after the dense campaign and triggered them. Let him go insane are gonna. Have this Pulled on them, if it'll don't play correctly, vegas endearing himself to prominent personalities, it is working for him. Donald trump supporters are attacking those personalities for having interviewed and worked with vague. What do you think happens? then, when you get some with a million followers who is like like this. When they got to talk to him and all of a sudden all the trump people are insulting. I'm calling him a griffith saying you're a liar and he's like uneven. Do anything the same thing that happen with it?
this campaign, and I've been saying this for some time that a sand is campaign appears to want to lose. They want to lose. Why are you attacking your potential support, as we should be trying to court them donald trump, calling the vague, not magua its? I give it up. I give it to be minus see, plus in terms of its play. Here's what I think Donald trump should have said. Donald trump should have made a statement. The vague rama, swami upping coming young star. What an incredible guy. I truly appreciate his support and I am looking forward to seeing things from him in the future. Now he is true. He is correct. The deep state will stop at nothing, but tell you this. My friends now is not the time to ask for help. Now is the time to take a stand for yourself and for our movement, and while I understand the vex concerns just know this, you, Stand alongside me with your vote
and we will win and there is no saving being needed not at the negative approach of attacking the vague tromp should take the approach of a vote, from a vague may seem logical, and I can understand where he's coming from, but before we get to that point, I ask you: stay and side by side with me on the front lines and we will not lose that's the master plan. playing, the aha, the vex a snake and all as these people are bad is going to put you in the boat. Dissenters was put in it's going to split the influence base and it's going to cause some some net negative, don't fall for that, Not to mention this the reason I say also the master players, guys, let's play this game where we're like vivek ramaswamy is a shill and he's just trying to steal, maga and blah blah blah like calm down. You're allowed to think that, if you want to think that fine, don't don't, take my word for out and I'm just some dude on the internet complaining. But let me tell you donald trump got one term: we
it's a second term. We want him to hit it. I want to knit it and after that who do we got? The vague, is good and people saying things like yeah, a shell he's like broke, you mean to tell me you believe, we convinced the deep state establishment to put forth a guy calling for the abattoir, of the eighty f and that's a defeat I'll take it. I dont believe it. I hope believe it. I think Nicky Hayley is their plight And rhonda sentences there weaker play and the vague is a thorn in their side and after Donald trump finished others term, the vague is doing wonderfully our epoch. By saying this, Donald trump foreign policy is proven to put in
ok vague doesn't have it. You come to me and say, but why should I support vague over of support trump over vacant? Unlike because Donald trump was president Donald trump prove he has proven to us what he will do, foreign policy wise? It is a net positive. It's not perfect. I think I'll do a better job. This time around, you say he hired bad people. You're right trump did how you're bad people. And this is an argument against vague, I'm sorry. When Donald trump said he was in a common and drain the swamp, he was inexperienced in politics, we like the guy, he one and then he higher, bad people. This is why I am saying tromp can finish out what should be his second term. What should have been second term already? He can get that last herman, he can do. The job was meant to do with the x parents and I think, a strong possibility as smart as vague. Maybe if we were to vote for him now, What are you just one? I think it be fantastic. I like the guy, but I think
in the first two years are him learning the ropes and we have an opportunity right now to get trump in get better foreign policy border policy, better jobs and economic policy, better military spending, polly policy, better tax policy just across the board and there's your pitch as your pitch Let's not go to war. Man thinking long term, I'm like do guy after Donald trump finishes out this term does all the things we hope to do, let's be as optimistic as possible who's our next option. It's not rhonda santas and I it's not nikki haley the vex going to be forty. Two, it's a good spot to be in he'll. Have more experience campaigning, don't don't turn the guy let's not burn everything down. Now. I will finalize this all with rapids morning. Second, up by saying yo guys it's a primer they're going to fight with each and this is not even the most crazy, like the crazy to primary fighting with ever seen, saying
not magua don't be duped, is trop, is poise, ponies, punches, he's, poorness punch Trump could go away harder undertake. We all know it. They're gonna play they're gonna go after each other in the way they go after each other, then troms gonna win, he is, will what happens in the general election, but I think once is all wrapped up. So lungs of vague p. the cards right and he doesn't go crazy exams campaign. I think we could up with seeing I dont think I ll be the vague as weepy, but I think twenty twenty eight vague could end up in a strong position. I have some general ideas I think with who the vp is going to be, but we really don't know we really don't know. But I'll tell you what my friends were just getting started. It is caucus day I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up One p m eastern on this channel come in. I was as eastern thanks broken up and I'll see. You owe them orders. last week there has been quite a bit a conversation around diversity, hiring at major airlines, because the last
If anyone wants to hear is that you're pilot was chosen not because of their capabilities in the cockpit, but because of the color of their skin and that's what's happening, Gender elon musk got criticized by civil rights groups because he said, diversities. Basically sacrificing are these. These airlines are sacrificing safety for diversity safety is one way to put it, but the general idea is the best person for the job should be the one who gets the job. Well, I've got good news for all of you that were already concern about flying, considering the failures of these major airlines. These major jets, you all know be the boeing max and its problems and the panel being ripped off the side of the bill. The plane mid flight. The FDA, a diversity push, includes, focus on hiring people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities. Home again.
You know. I have to wonder what the deeper conspiracy theory that we come up with here. I'll, give you one my deep concern missy theory- is that the real. The real effort here is too. Is actually cause a crash, or just at the very least terrified me. So nobody ever wants to fly again, be when you're like hey, we need air traffic controllers and people who how braun the system so planes, though crash, and then the fbi says yes, but we do want to make sure we hire a bunch of people with severe intellectual in psychiatric disabilities. I'm like yeah come on. It's like the one job. You don't do that you're gonna be nice guy. a grocery store and I see someone with special needs or early intellectually honest, I caught you know, psyche psychiatrically, disabled and they are helping run a store. I'm not worried about it. Whether or not someone can ring me up bag, my groceries or properly stock. Things is a matter of life and death and I'm not trying to be a jerk
There are a lot of jobs that are available for people who are suffering severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities, but I dont think the f a is one of them to be fair. Perhaps there, and about non. You know logistical position: like someone- may have the task of running like a courier or something. Maybe your job is look someone's gotta relay files or objects, and that can be done by basically anybody don't just come out the gate and assume every single day. and are working at the affair. Is an air traffic controller? Without being said, I'm sorry like, even if you a janitor for the f ay ay. I think streamlining extremely important? We don't bring in summer with severe intellectual in psychiatric disabilities, I'm sorry there is a there's a reality here that we can't just say we're: have diversity of mental capability if you bring in somewhat agenda- and they dont quite understand,
in ireland as someone who is like severely, intellectually compromised or disabled, and they Certain mopping, a computer because they understand like that, I'm sorry there's a meme store and of its true, the military's iq threshold that it's like. If your eye? He was below like seventy five or seven. I think seventy seven- maybe you just fine about me that they will not allow you to enlist because they say after numerous studies they found that there is no task. You could successfully complete like literally carrying boxes can't be done if you're I q, is that low? Someone should have a reform with the near post. what's the federal aviation administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer severe intellectual disabilities psychiatric problems, and their mental and physical conditions under a diverse city and inclusion. Hiring initiative spelled The agency's website target disabilities are those disabilities at the federal government. As a matter of policy that identified for space, emphasis in recruitment and hiring they. They include hearing vision
missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual, disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism, ok, just pause right here. Wasn't my friend. If you are deaf you're, not stupid You can do the job meritocracy has to do with their, but if your death- and you say You want to be an audio engineer. I'm sorry, diversity be damned. Ok, I needs, We can make a song, and if you can't hear you can't make a song vision impairments. Ok, that's fantastic! In fact. Even if you are blind there's a lot, you can still do you know like you, I'm going to ask you be a pro athletes, but there are pro athlete put pro athletics. You can do still as as if one person- and so that's not at the- u know, actually completely correct if your death, you probably can still play like you- know, major league footballer something but audio commands
What will likely give somewhere else and major advantage join me. Forty eight hours, poorest bonnet moriarty on my part, has my life of crime as I take on true crime investigations like no other this season, I'm looking into the labyrinth of crime and secrets within families, I'm cuttings rates of the evidence and talking to the people directly involved, including investigators than the families of victims, listen to my life of crime with era moriarty, where ever you your pa. If you're blind, you kepler football, but I'm sure there are athletics, you can do so. Ok, fair point, I'm sure this job people who are deaf and blind, can do at the fda missing extremities, partial perilous. is complete paralysis. There are jobs that you Do I really minute complete prattle, this like from the neck down, there are jobs, you can do. I'm not I'm not trying to be cute either voice activated commands there is the strategy stuff. consultation, your brain is, is it
is you can I mean an epilepsy. I it fine to gives on medication, but the severe intellectual disability in psychiatric disability portion has mia really concerned. I dont dwarf. Some weights, a person is short. I don't care about that, like you're, finding you can have any job. You want, I mean you're, not gonna, be playing in the n b a cause. You know, diversity doesn't go that far ask mark. the initiative is part of the effort is diversity and inclusion, hiring plan which claims our cities, integrity to achieving a mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond the a website shows the agency's guidelines on diversity, hiring where last updated. On march twenty three twenty twenty two, the ethic which is overseen by secondary pete booty, judge, booted judges, department of trepidation, government agency charge of regulating civil aviation and employs roughly forty five thousand people. Oh boy
all eyes upon the fda, the airline industry. In recent days, after a plug door on boeing, seven, thirty, seven max nine blew out of breaking news for you, my friends, some internal secrets, we book guests all the time. we rely on air travel to bring people out to him guest ira studio. We do not do remote interviews, they are not fun, we ve never done a remote interview and we won't. We actually have never even dubbed a system to do a remote interview. We want people in real life, that's why we call it in real life. We had a guest recently have their flight cancelled and the ratification was that they were grounding some of these max nine planes and we'll have the plane. Sorry dad do maidens review It is plain tat they found bolts were loose on all of these doors and a door got blown off. I think I can tell you what's happening: this is all starting to happen in the era of diversity and I really do think the priority has been.
Overwhelmingly feel good ideology garbage, instead of who can do the job. The argument made by these leftists is that, of course, why men are gonna, be best if the job, because they are the ones who get to go to the the prestigious universities they J I only believe that if we just take people from anywhere put them in universities put them in programs that can do all the same things as well, maybe, to a certain degree, that's true, but they go way overboard with it. you not the right thing to do would be like make sure the opportunity exists for those that have the capabilities and let the change come That means you can have overwhelmingly white males flying planes, but the number of women and men and minorities are sitting now. My people more flying planes and working in these industries is growing. Let it grow organically we hear. Instead, what they do is they say? No, we should mandate this. So you end up with a really great pilot, getting not getting the job at a poorer pilot, getting the job because of their diversity. Quotas.
You know mark cuban came out, he was like he was saying. You know. Diversities means finding the right person to not overlooking a group now dude. you can say that as the ceo, but let me I'll tell you, I'm gonna tell you guys the best example: I've seen of institutional breakdown. And our hierarchical breakdown. It was a better way to call it. You got a guy who runs company. Is smart guy mark Cuban's, a smart guy? I don't agree with them a lot of politics stuff, but mark cuban understands the importance of look. If you only look for white people for a job you're losing on a lotta talent, that's the stupidest thing. I've ever heard so equal opportunity matters, and that makes sense to him, but people underneath him. They got no idea. What he's talking about seriously, as example! Last week I said I would like a a Hold brew with heavy cream from starbucks. I know what I mean casper out here. It is what it is: casper dot com and I received a cold blue with cream. That's not heavy cream have become is different.
and I laughed because I was like- I mean it's fine- I don't care, I made a joke, I was like that's it, the show's cancelled and everyone laughs haha so funny. But my point was: heavy cream is a specific thing to people who understand the difference between cream and heavy cream, and although it is a very simple analogy, What is this? I say to someone get me a coffee, they say: ok, you got it, they then say hey. Can you go run on grab coffees by the time? The communication put you through the game of telephone. The person is at the store just says: I need a coffee with cream because the word Ie is meaningless to them. There are understand, have agreements. This is the breakdown with D I stuff mark cuban may have good intentions in general. We believe he's talking about we're gonna higher from any available pool. What happens, then is You go down to the lower level of employees and their alike boss, as he wants to hire black people. Ok! Well, that's a good was misunderstanding of what the actual idea was supposed to be both it happens, and then, when you add economic and so
it was like we saw this or I think it was. There was one major airline that had a program that paid bonuses. If they were more, if they hired more diverse people want, are a nobody. Cares because you go to a I, who doesn't care about the job all that much and is like look at my job to recruit people and I get paid an extra twenty grand a year. If those people aren't white they're not going to care, if they're hiring the best of the worst people, they're gonna care of their hiring the non widest people? And that's that's the institutional breakdown, look at me wrong. It's also the mountain bailey when they come out. Nigger view. The false argument we just want to find the best people are the first hour and as we don't want to hire white people and when you argue against it, they say no, no, no, we're just trying to hire the best. That's the Martin bailey trick. Mark Cuban falls for it, of course, but wait. My friends there's more! You see we have this tweet from libs tiktok, ceo of united, says he takes race and gender into account when hiring and lament this too many white males in the airline industry. A lot of people are warning right now that data walter,
Silver says right here on a plane, load of people die because of diversity, equity and inclusion. These videos going to make eg for great evidence in court during the lawsuits. Absolutely that's true, but I gotta stop you right there, my friend de D, I that means god don't use d e. I say d. I e diversity, inclusivity and equity die. It's the called. I like die over day at its funding that they use day because it's what is it d eyes as the latin route for god right, let's have em an effective, is real It's the degenerative singular of days, the latin word for god or daddy, don't say that language matters say die because of people going to die because of die, makes sense doesn't it so. Here's a guy being interviewed on h, o the sea, of united talking but how you know you're gonna that they're gonna get to that point where
They they have a certain number of you. No non white people working for their company. We have the story from the wall street journal quote. This has been going on for years inside boeing's manufacturing mess. Hmm, someone told me something recently that I don't know if it's true or not a doctor, they said that when someone has cancer, if they fast, what will happen? Is the body will start breaking things down? Is an interesting Interesting thought, I think, there's probably a lot wrong with the idea, but far be it for me to understand. They say someone said, let's say like you're starving, your body hurts eating itself right. So if you have cancer, the first thing that goes to the cancer cells get eaten first and my response was kind of like yeah, but what if the cancer just like starts eating the muscles around it to grow the cancer? I dunno, I'm not a doctor. You talk to a doctor about this, but it's interesting concept because I sort of think about what that means for civilization and I've long thought that we ve gotten this point where we are so fat and happy.
With so much resource in abundance. We We are no longer trapped in the confines of desperate survival. lot of the traditional values that we have emerged due to the requirements in order to survive. There's this one theory about why white people like we're depends on who you ass a greedy or industrious pick your term and this aids, because When you add white people moving to the north, the northern europe they started. Countering more and more winter and those who seek to survive and winter must work nonstop throughout the summer and then work nonstop throughout the winter to survive. The harsh so the way goes as if the summer rules around and you eat in abundance, all the fruit and vegetables that just grow aplenty and do nothing else winter, walls around you freeze to death and starve. There's no food in the winter.
So those that were able to survive in the winter would have to forage plant farm and store and figure out means of preservation of food so that come winter they'd have food available. So you know jerked meat, for instance beer for instance, and then in the winter that have food stores, wheat and grain available and stored properly in a cool basement for people who lived in the more mediterranean areas. Real interesting because you see, what's usually like siesta in spain, you have people who take half like they go to nap during the middle of the day. Granted they stay up later. Their days are split differently, but the argument was that in the mediterranean area, where it was typically just always warm cause the ocean currents. You didn't have to struggle for winter, so you are able to just live all year round. with food constantly and growing season varies between different crops or whenever now some people have said, this idea is discredited, but I think it does make sense out enough. It does or doesn't what I can say that survival plays a role in whether or not people and have certain behaviors. If it's freezing out, you know that it's the
grasp, restore if it's freezing up and there's somebody refusing to do work there in a phrase it up you're just like sitting there laying around by like well I'm cold, but I don't want to do anything okay. Well, then, you fries those who wanna survive, are constantly struggling and fighting and working to survive. What happens when every home is heated, every homeless cooled every food refrigerated and every belly full there's, no more and there's no more evolutionary pressure on individuals to retain these certain behaviors. In fact, those that don't want to work survive. Those who don't want to work, pledge a plead to the government and get welfare benefits and then get food and do nothing. These people no longer facing any pressures. Ask everyone else why anybody work at all, and that's it we're saying young people say: food should just be free. Well, food is relatively free for a lot of people
work still has to be done and the more that we ve separated ourselves from these. The like threats of death- and you know from survival mechanisms we now just live because everything so comfortable, Then people who normally would not survive, lazy, entitled, etc, they do and they vote and the ideas they carry about not working, become pervasive as well. I dont think that even for dispute. This is basic fact, someone who was lazy and you have two tribes of people. One chieftain says nobody should work. The other tribes says we must work hard. Who survives and expands and grows in the long run, the ones who don't wanna work. They go hungry the ones that work really really hard have abundance. Guess what we love each other humans tend to love each other, so we'll protect those we
I wanted to die. So the people who normally don't want to work may not rise to the same levels of power, but their ideas become more persistent. Eventually, let's say you have one hundred people who all work hard and there's a struggle to grow the population because of harsh winters, and you know they invent technologies. Now everyone survives that one hundred people large, studious individuals, industrious individuals. New musin extract starting provides an all in one and done relief with morning jolt of cooling sensation from long commutes in early meetings to spin classes and school drop, offs mornings are busy enough. Who's got time to tackle fevers, coughs, sore throats congestion, headaches or body paints. Not you so come back with a kick by musin ex kick started. Your local retailer uses directed grow their population.
The people who normally would not survive survive, and now you have fifty people who are kind of lazy and one hundred people who are industrious. Fifty new young people who grew up in a world in abundance and don't know what you need to do to work hard. Okay, while those who do still get out voted. Another generation goes by and now it's fifty fifty you've got one hundred industrious people, but one hundred lazy people and the lazy people are voting. I don't want to work, you do it. Then another generation goes by. you ve got a hundred and fifty lazy people in a hundred people who are industrial and other lazy. People are voting for laziness and the system breaks. It was the eye yeah. I thought about what's amusing about cancer again, I dunno that that's true, there's probably so much wrong with that, because cancer is not just like people but sociologically and politically I get it seems to make sense right. If we as a society, protect people who refuse to work there, owing to those ideas will flourish. It's like idiosyncrasy, lazy out the stupidest people, just bread, the most and the smartest people,
we're not and then five hundred years later, everyone's really dumb, but think about what then happens to saudi, like that. Idiosyncrasy too would be really interesting. It would be you know, hundred years after this society would have rebounded. Why, what's like they say, hi Times make strong men strong men make good times good times, make weak men weak men make hard times. After idiocracy. If you go another five hundred years, all the stupid people struggled to survive, they didn't know how to grow crops. If you seen if you had to have seen the movie right, it's a it's, a it's a brilliant movie, but with all their technology keeping them alive. economy was collapsing, they couldn't grow crops, they were watering their crops with Gatorade. Basically, they called it brando and he's like what is Gatorade yeah. They were salting the earth making impossible things to grow and they were going to run out of food and die eventually so the future of idiocracy five hundred years and then is all the stupid people died. The smarter people had to struggle and figure.
Things out and they rebuilt everything in different way. That's what I see going on right now. If these airlines, we are victims of our own abundance struggle is a component of human life and we cannot all just live comfortably. Otherwise, what you get this it feels good to say we're gonna make everyone have a chance to play the game. Participation trophy generation. That's where we're at right now right. Basically, the way it goes is it's rather simple. You get a participation trophy just for being here, and everyone just feels good, but some people shouldn't be allowed to play the game. I'm sorry, if you don't have arms, I don't know that you'll be able to play basketball at the same level. I mean no disrespect to those who are missing their arms. Your human dignity remains intact, but your capability to play high level and be
not there sorry is not an attempt to be mean, but imagine if we truly embraced this diversity feelings, stuff, widescale, it's only a matter of time. Before the n b, a pod puts a rule in place, sang you've got to have X, amount of non white and white, while probably wouldn't say white but x, amount of people on the team, not white, x. Amount of people must be female x of people must be people with disabilities and then the NBA is going to be. You know some tall if I d guys and tall telephonic women who can't dunk and some dudes, you know in wheelchairs or something and I'm not gonna, be mean anybody I'm saying if the rules we crane sporting or arbitrary, like they're, doing the women sports now and I I predicted the zoo on we're halfway there yo guys go by and watch my videos from twenty eight countries have denies. It is only a matter of time before the change, the rules and start putting diversity and stuff into major league sports it, starting with women sports
They're saying if you identify someone, you complain, omen sports team. How long until they say it is unfair that they all never picked men and if they want diversity like they say to the sea. United ceo right, how many of the people in your c suite are a women and people of color? And it's like? Oh, I have three women. Why not fifty fifty okay same thing for basketball or football? How come there's? No women play football because the rules right now is only the best players make it you find me like, I do know a strong woman who can throw the football. The way a guy can she'll make the team. Sometimes there there have been women who have tried to be kickers because they can kick, but they never seem to make it There was one, I think is a colleague was at high school or that there is a high school football team, although like the due to a crying, because it's fun because they were like we're. Gonna have the first female on the team and she's a quicker, and then she like just fail
the miserably and are we losing? It is going to happen. Mark my words in the meantime, your play, my father, the sky, so I hope you enjoy. It the people I helped. I hope it was all worth it, but of course, they'll make excuses for it. Melt appointed point here. Is this in the end, what happens is the people who don't not survive will vote, are things at break the system and those not survive will- and this is a more cover eventually. Good luck out their early with their next item is coming up at four p m in the channel. Thanks bring it up and I'll see you all them when I'm busy news what describing would be called a coup coup attempt sitting presented united states in a tree Nbc news writes a network of public interest, groups and lawmakers nervous about former president trumps potential return to power is quietly devising Plans to foil any effort on his part to pressure the
U s military to carry out his political agenda from each other again. basically have donald trump gets elected and then tries to enact his agenda special interest. Public grew up. Public interest groups and lawmakers are. trying to subvert the orders of the commander in chief. Well, what do you call? It Who that happens before actually happens. I still a coup, I guess, but it's interesting interesting there. I love it because the responses are like NBC news. You are describing the deep state this is what we have been complaining about. If the people elect donald trump and they is foreign policy as I do. We want to see that, for policy enacted if his military I see a major component of a foreign policy is enacted. I think good things will happen. We saw this now, new wars but what are we also see when Donald trump want to get out troops out of syria,
Why were they in syria? In the first place? Military lied to the president and to you, the american, your american voter in taxpayer, trop settled. our troops out here. Why and then they, though- well. We can't do all that because we ought to protect the oil and trump said: fine everybody, but the people in the oil and they went. Oh okay, fine there's only a cup hundred left with a reality? Substantially? More? U s. Troops were in syria despite the president, giving the order. I got a simple answer for you, Donald trump, simple, simple solution for you: when you win and hope you do we'll see things go twenty four instead of going to one of these military leaders or bosses, or whatever and saying I want to get our troops out of syria cause are going gonna lie to you, make the public announcement. I hereby order all all? U s: military personnel to begin evacuation proceedings,
From Syria now you know why I those guys who are lower ranking officers or whatever see these are the guy supply good, dude, spike, good deeds. But the word comes from high on up now we're not leaving. While I don't know president doesn't come and talk to these guys. He talks to his generals, his generals than light one, but You know this guy says I saw a tv set. Donald trump said leave now what, we're not gonna. Do that? It's not gonna happen. That's not the order being given the president just set it on on tv everybody yeah, are you ok, I guess that's. It could happen right. Donald trump can then just come out again and order. It has now been too. ex I'm ordering all u s. Personnel is to you to leave all the way you gonna get it done is tromp personally goes out there or states to each individual. Is I want a list of every? U S, personnel
in syria, because they going to lie and it's a coup. and bc news reports. Fears grow. That trump will use the military in dictatorial ways if returns to the white ass. What does that mean dictatorial ways? Is it like Barack obama, killing an american citizen in yemen. spare me your lies anyway those being mentioned for trumps defensive, direct christopher miller, who served rarely during administration, Michael flint in my palm pale, if it donald sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the pentagon that he would convert the non It is in you s military into the muscular arm of its political agenda. It makes comments about dictatorship and devalues the check imbalances that underpin the nations to central democracy? We are not a democracy. And donald trump did not say he would. He would actually be a dictator is funny because, question given time at this town hall was William it is only and on day one, and so we can drill for oil and secure the border. Ok,
not really a dictator just basic things. The president can already do well. Trump, then said no retribution. in our report, which will be successfully strung downplay this, we are not mark received evident, never been a democracy, and these people keep Democracy are lying to you, but I get it. Ok, let's be fair. There not saying trumps foreign policy. There saying his political agenda domestically in what way is Donald trump gonna use the army for domestic politics, posse comitatus is not going to happen. Sort of point is frumps political operation steered him away from his eye from ideas that would have pushed it. Whatever his presidential powers and last term like what he did even invoke the insurrection act during this of love and they were fire bombing. The white house trump has raised fresh questions. about his intentions. If your grain regains power by putting forward a legal theory that president would be free to near to do nearly anything impunity, including assassin in political rivals, so long as congress most of the votes to impeach him and thrown out of office he's right look
game there. Playing with you is that they are in charge. They have the power. And anyone who challenges them is a threat. The argument actually put forward about the assassination. As I covered was this a president is immune from criminal prosecuted prosecution pertaining to official duties until he is impeached and convicted. Why, Barack Obama killed an american citizen. I think he should be criminally charged for it, but I think the first that has happened is confirmation from the government that what he did was acting outside of the bounds of his press, jill authority. The president has to do a lot of a lot of things as the main executive of the country, but he's checks and balances. So they d is simply this as the person who is the epitome of enforcement for the federal government. We need to know for sure that what he did was a violation of acts of his official duties. We don't want a president to get in and say
got to do an executive order on a drug issues. and then some power anti drug state says we hereby criminally charge. No no no no hold on. It is one of those within his purview of how we enforce these laws. That is what the federal government, the the president has in charge, is in charge of the federal law enforcement. To do the first needs to happen that is weird check to make sure this is not a violation of local duties. Otherwise, every time a present did thinking about telling about assassinated political rival, anything they would be threatened with criminal prosecution congress. The federal level through checks and balances must confirm what the president did is a bridge of his oath of office. A high crime or misdemeanor Senate must confirm it when they do that
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individual side we he'd have to be impeached, for it and of a president did that he would be immediately impeached if it be Udall every single member of congress and as I would vote for it, president who arbitrarily just killed this political opponent, the funny thing is Biden is trying to imprison donald trump and he's getting away with it. Where is and in congress. Well, that's that's the big problem. The problem here is this: if you don't have a functioning congress, the president can do. It and I thought I unfortunately that's the reality we live in, but I ll give you scenarios I did last week roquat. Let's say that there is a candidate one candidate to Kennedy. What is the current present? The income can it too will column John doe, canada? One is building, the president is, is Bilbo will build up and the candidate who's running the cheap political rights
is there. There is strong evidence that he is selling american secrets and engaging in espionage for an adversary of this country. Our congress brings intelligence to the president says this man must be stopped and he goes. This is crazy, though he's he's running for office and they say well he's going to sell these secrets to our main enemy. Then they go to partners. Are your honor look at this in the courts? As I agree, you now of all three branches of government signing in saying this man must be stopped, is committing treason and sedition against this country. The president, through as executive actions, deploys troops to to stop this guy from engaging in what would be damaging to this country, caused loss of life and in the process the man dies or even look at me. stream. Their ordered stop this man from delivered. Let's say the guy stole the nuclear football like you be someone's chief political rival and commit a crime and go to jail for it. Democrats agree with that. Of course, I think they're lying and therein lies the big problem. What happens if they accuse donald trump of doing something? And then this is what happens? It's not so.
That the argument that the president can be prosecuted or that the system is breaking down. That's it Joe Biden is trying to imprison his chief political rivals. Another fact he told mare, garland, stop being would echo the name us, but what you call a studio, something or other denmark, parliament, for donald trump video J, several states they're going after donald trump to stop him from being able to win and twenty twenty four we're here. when they I talk about this. We are facing the epitome of corruption in the political system. It's happening and they argue trump is the real threat when they're the ones who are engaging in practice and have been the whole time Why? Because Donald trump opposes the american imperial foreign policy perfectly now, as he made mistakes, he did know new wars. Abraham accords negotiate with north korea like an additive, though their other things like, wrong, and now it's all breaking down. Joe Biden gets into what happens in all breaks down. So this is the game, their plane.
Now, bracing for trumps potential return, a loose knit network of public interest groups in lawmakers is quietly devising plants. To foil any efforts to expand presidential power which couldn't pressuring the military to cater to his political needs, those taking part in the four told NBC news they are studying trump's, past actions and twenty four policy decisions so that they will be ready. If he wins in november. That involves preparing take legal action and sandals tromp appointees, spelling up consequences they face They undermine constitutional norms. Norms basically means they have expectations and if you operate outside of them, they'll come for you norms. Look if you violate the constitution, I agree. Don't and your add, and we should take action against you norms. What does that mean? The supreme court often will rule as a protein for the constitution. Changing our interpretation, those norms, change, that's normal goes to a process
you so gotta be careful, though they were already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that trump might do, so that were to bring lawsuits if we have to set Mary mccord executive director of the institution, forecasting advocacy and protection at georgetown law part of the aim is to identify like minded organizations and critic, a coalition to challenge trump from day. One though taking part the discussion said: somebody's events are come on, come on through policy papers and craft and being crafted for a future conservative administration There also watching the interviews that trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a trump sequel would look. Now I gotta be honest. I like it. I really do I do and the president having his power cartels is not absolutely a bad thing and want trump to be able to weed out corruption. I want him to maintain good foreign policy, and I know that's they're gonna, try and jam up. So it is not a net positive in my opinion, but I want to clarify. It is not
all bad when the present has power curtailed. Because remember this means when we move the next president, similar powers exist for us problem as we gotta get rid of all these rhinos and we gotta get in more libertarian and america. First minded politicians into congress think that I do want to stress this tubes they mentioned these. Are these are nonprofits universities, not necessarily the deep state when dimension lawmakers than I can say, hey, look what they're doing, and you know intel agency definitely involved in this is a weapon for litigation and preparing to use every tool into a box that a democracy provides to provide the american people. An ability to fight back is that what they're calling it the american people We believe, as an existential moment for american democracy as income, and on everyone to do their part. Let me just now you're right there. My friends- and let you remind you all- I hate to break it to you, but does Donald trump the front runner and is when you know the poles, so. It's the american people and democracy you're, not referring to the majority, the population or democracy. You're. Talking about your thoughts,
karen demands that We have already lost public opinion on yeah, sorry. I view these people as deeply evil. I say democracy. What they really mean is their power demands their elite cabal figurative, not like an actual conspiracy, cabal, america's commander in chief has vast powers at its disposal. Some well now Are there not so much some lawmaking, and programme on democracy advocates worry there? May nothing: stopping a president from mobilizing the military to intervene in elections, police, american streets or quash domestic protests. So what kind of stress quashed the protests, Donald trump didn't even do it during the summer of love any sheriff, and he Didn'T- and here we are so you know whatever. Weary of troops staying power? He is running about even he running about even with president Joe Biden in the polls running about democratic lawmakers already known to be ever to have a trump are working on. A parallel track among them
east understood tools available to our president is the insurrection act. Vaguely work gives the president considerable discretion in deciding what constitutes an uprising and when it is ok to deploy Dave duty, military response experts. I could you imagine if donald trump invoked the insurrection and this interesting- what if on january six dollars immediately invoke the insurrection act saying that Those who are restoring the capital capital aren't you. In an insurrection, and he will put a stop to it. That'd be really weird right, they'd be like trump engage in insurrection. Actually, trump invoke the insurrection act to stop those people. I dunno it's a weird thought: what would have happened? they say some like lawmakers, leaguer some lawmakers on capital hill worry that trot might invoke the act to involve the Armed forces in the face of domestic protests or if the mid term elections don't go his way, senator Blumenthal. A Democrat is crafting a bill that would clarify the acting give congress and the courts some saying its use, its chances of power, They are slim given our public
control the house and are largely loyal to trump well. I certainly think trump will not invoked ex insurrection act, but I am hoping in the event we get. Hundreds of thousands of farmers dream chemists, firebombing government facilities across this country, not every single one of them but in the protests have trump doesn't vote insurrection. At its therefore reason for market that they firebomb the white house ground set fire to saint John church, the made twenty ninth insurrection. They call it injured, plus law enforcement, injured the president force into emergency bunker, disrupting his official duties. Why that's it interaction. Is it not? I don't think so in january. Sex was an insurrection either, but if you ought to make the argument january, six was all said. May twenty ninth was as well right in that instance, Donald trump should have walden the national guard, but you know what he did. He pushed out these protests and shut it down and they don't they don't ever talk about it. There's no investigation.
No committee hearings. No panels there isn't a radio horrors that could result from donald trump unrestricted use of the insurrection act. Blumenthal sudden interview a mother, currently motivated president could use it in a vast variety of dictatorial ways unless at some point, the military self resisted what they deem to be an unlawful order, but that plays a very we burden on the military and, as we all know, they won't yo. I want this video of reduced and asking another guy in a wheelchair. And everyone's like just doing my job just doing my job. thinking about this, a lot of crops that are just doing their jobs. I don't agree with that, because, as a country of four and by the people, having said if you're going to yell at a security guard for kicking someone out saying he's just doing his job, I got a different. Take his private property by property. Now your property gates a big difference.
You know I talk about like we have our discord server over at tim, cass dot com head over to TIM, cass, dot, com click join us become a member to support our work, as it shows funded in part by viewers like you made possible in part by viewers like you so on, or about the discord, because people like I want a post offensive things in here and I'm like brow. The discord space is not a free speech space, it is our private property. Now we don't own, it's just all right and we're looking at dumb alternatives for sure, and there is one someone mentioned. But the point is this: I don't own discord. It is privately runnin maintain by discord people, and so we say they have rules. We follow those rules. If they come and say we're kicking you out, I I actually I get it. It's not. Twitter twitter is a big public space controlled by private private group. That's banning people based on their politics but demanding protections. They want protection from the government on liability. I say we can't have it both ways: either it's a public space. What is private space? You can argue both if it's private,
They are responsible for what is set on their on on this platform gave have it both ways discord, however, and I I so with all due respect to a certain degree like youtube twitter, whatever having rules and how they run things. It says think they're liars in their biased and it's problems, the work of the government and the censoring people, s we're discord. I say: look we want to keep this ban is functioning for everybody, so we have rules. If I have a building, and you show up- and I say my rules are no funny hats and you want to wear a funny hat. That's too bad you're, not a taxpayer. My property you'll pay, my bills go away. That being said, if it's a public accommodation where I welcome anyone in then we have restrict I agree with that its office in it anyway. My point is social media is corrupt, free speech in private Europe is not the same as policing or whatever, but my point here is just the just doing their jobs. They say a big burden on the military, that's right, because the military just right now
does their jobs, they say I don't know, and I have a problem with that. The problem is, you know, as a police officer as a member of the military. What the constitution says, cantor can't do so in the government says it all. If somebody orders you to engage in an unfair we can argue that well understood my job. Now you are the villain, but if a security Guard at a business has told by his boss. We don't allow. You know funny,
and you say, sir yeah- my stitch fix boxes here, I'm a busy guy with no time to shop, so I signed up for stitch fix and it was so easy. I took a quiz to share my size, style and budget. Then they took care of the rest. My stylist picks five items just for me. Yes, on this blazer the fit on these jeans just right, keep what you love, send back the rest, free shipping and returns and no subscription required stitch fix. My stylist just gets me and they'll get you to get started today at stitch, fix dot com to leave. That's fine! It's private property! You are not party to this private establishment. That makes said more went trumps vow to seek retribution on behalf of the as have been wrong to betrayed, has sparked fears that it would use presidential powers more broadly as a cudgel against political vows. mean, like Joe Biden is already doing right now and white. Literally. What your article is about countries pause-
prominent a NBC news and point out the irony in that your articles, about, comes political foes, who feel The betrayed using their put their legal and and financial powers to target their political foes. What a laughably absurd article. These people are crackpots. Compounded with anxiety or market, a fox news, town hall last month that he would be a dictator only this for day for the purpose of closing the borders drilling for oil and gas. President social media that he made them or marketed joking manner. More recently, trumped up they fox news, town hall in iowa, I'm not going to have to Four retribution detractors art buying it began his supporters mostly aren't either You know it's mostly saying this, because you won't see more reasonable to the moderate voters. I now look, we're just gonna make this country better, and I tradition is our prosperity, I mean success is the best revenge. They say right and I agree thought about that. But I do want to criminal prosecutions for evil people would commit crimes quote he's a clear and present danger.
Who are democracy said william, calling a farmer, Look senator from main blah blah blah support is sound and I think people understand what living to dictatorship would mean. I despise these people, our democracy, that's all about our republic, you didn't have and this regard, someone breaks in your house. And when you tell them to get out, they say that man is a threat to my home, now hold on them in Uruguay. I own the house, so my name on did who's this guy who broke and not. Let me at his home, he invited friends, and he then point Do you and looks to his friends and says he's threatening our home when they say our democracy? They are telling you the actual air of this nation, of the founding fathers vision, it's their country. Now it's no longer constitutional republic. It is their democracy when they say our they're, not including you.
Donald trump knows this and his supporters notice. So this is where we currently at my friends they're telling us their planning a Hu, a conspiracy is a conspiracy. Ok, a conspiracy the military not to follow orders the president s criminal, we'll see others all plays out my friends, but it's right before your very eyes and twenty fourth only just begun next segment is coming up at six p m on the channel. Thanks, frank it out and I'll see you all. Then, ladies and gentlemen, the prospect of world war three once again arrives at our doorstep: alot of people don't like it because they feel its hyperbolic to say but we have a breaking story. From this morning, a you owned. Cargo ship was just struck by a missile off the coast of yemen. is the the video of the incident which I will play for you in just a second, but I want to show you the headline here: who is he
Air missile strikes a? U s own vessel of yemen in the gulf of aden. Raising tensions. Raising tensions is one way, but so is this avoids from last night. Sorry, the videos popping up in going viral. This morning's, I should clarify miss both, but this is a very serious and shocking news aside from this, we also have the story from fox news: a healthy crews, missile fired from yemen towards u s warship, shot down by fighter jet that's from this morning, and things are starting, heat up. Let me tell you what I mean my world war, three, a lot of you to all of my shows and all of my clips are you understand this point already, but not everyone does so I'm going to repeat it for those who have already heard it, you get it world war. or does not mean the? U s verses, rush hour, the? U S, verses, china, world war means there is war all over the world that is it was threatening. Guyana, ukraine, hush are at war and that could spread report.
that, Finland is shutting its borders, Sweden's preparing for war with russia or the gimme, those warnings, Israel, Hamas and now the rebels in yemen over what going on with Israel and Palestine are trying to shut down the red sea shut down. A large ports of global trade and have just bombed a: u s. Cargo ship people need to understand how bad things could get from this. You don't see it blame for not seeing it every day it goes. The grocery store, picks up a gown, a milk and goes home. They don't know where the milk comes from. What about all the goods, your laptop computers? How did they get shipped around your fuel with this escalate?. Of conflict and don't forget taiwan in china is our other major area of potential conflict we could be facing war in every part of the world now what this means when it comes to world war. Three is if china
on taiwan, the? U S, move to defend. Australia gets involved the yemen the who rebels in iran, then take the opportunity to go after anyone. They can go after which there already Doing venezuela says the distracted makes a move for guyana, and then you have course. Russia sang war with china on this one. This is how you get legitimate world war. Three What you did understanding immediate is their world where three as the is the direct problem right now, though, it's pretty scary to think we may begin come to that point. The scary thing you understand this video. We play this video for you I think she's gone.
Abc news reports. A missile fired by yemen's swiftly rebel struck a u s own ship monday off the coast of yemen. Lesson damn to yemen, the rebels fired and anti yep crews missile torrent, american, destroy or in the red sea. The attack on the door walter eagle, monotony, be claimed by the who these further escalates tensions, gripping red sea after american led strikes on the rebels the u s and the uk have been have been engaged in joint air strikes in yemen, effective we starting another war. I mean we've already had a secret war going on yemen for a long time, but now you've got even democrats calling out Joe Biden for not getting the approval of congress when he started bombing. This country And this is where it's going full scale war and I then your times laid out for us. U s, iran battle through proxies wearily, avoiding each other on wants to flex its muscles that directly taking on the? U s on it or israel, but that cost
strategy is subject to miscalculation on all sides. Proxy war means nothing it's war. Iran is not some pathetic backwater. country to issue. When it came to Iraq and Afghanistan, the american people thought of deserts and baron. Explains Afghanistan's. It got a lot of poppy and they got lithium and stuff like that. But it's not the most developed place iraq similar. But you know IRAN is mountainous. It is well developed, it is massive and it will not be easy to fight and conquer, and this is what we are facing now. Iran, of course not big. fans of Israel, and so this conflict conflict is effectively iraq is supplying these groups their attacking us and I'll. Tell you know worldwide three. As I said before is not the immediate thing you need to be worried about which they do but will be worried about. Is that certain foods you may like will be gone?
You know I I do get to point this out. We go to these a go to these restaurants. Every day everybody does and you ever stop to think about the food you're getting and where it comes from man, the idea that I wasn't. I wasn't alaska, ok and they had avocado, sir, and I was like ok come on man and they weren't really that expensive either. I'm like grown in mexico and shipped to barrow alaska owed gatwick. What you gonna call it the northernmost point to the: u S had a cottage readily available and think thinking to myself I mean this restaurant I've got a cheeseburger here with cages, spice scott onions, mushrooms, Chet achieve Ah, the cargo garlic aol elsewhere, rotch on it and I'm just thinking all of these things are produced in various places and have to be brought together. For me to have kings did not
it's so well. Well, my friends: we are entering an era where you two may not eat so well either. Why come on it? war actually escalates to this point eight no way: you're gettin avocado in new york in the winter strawberries, the winter good, luck, no more strawberries movies for you in the winter, even limit. luxury. You don't get it. You will understand what it takes to grow this food not to be fair as green It is in these places, so sure maybe strawberries will exist but still be alive v for vendetta when Natalie Portman's character is, is at vs house and she eats the toastie. She goes is this real butter? The reason is yes. Strawberries might exist, but it'll be like fifty bucks for a little pack of strawberries, because they're grown in a greenhouse cause. Ain't nobody's gonna, be
in supporting them and if they do they'd be even more expensive, fuel and resources will be diverted to war and so you'll be eaten. I dunno you'll, be inbred, probably know steak. Steak will be too expensive for you meet will be diverted to the fighting forces seriously. They'll they've got to give the protein of the people fighting the wars, and it's not all bad. The americans have gone grown quite complacent, but in the immediate, it's not so much about war time economics, but right now, with these ships being disrupted us talking to Eric prince of black water on the culture or podcast gas and whose pointing out that what two thirds or somethin two thirds of trade travel through the red sea and You know it goes up. Let me save, actually is papa map and and and show you exactly what the the issues is. Google maps that google that come, let's As you might at the point where our right now and I'll be pulled this map for those that are listening, you'll understand completely right. Here we can see yemen. The gulf of aden is,
This triple the ship was struck the red sea and, of course, up through this near Sinai and of What we have on, we have the what's. The canal called zakharino is at port said here's the canal. This allows a lot of ships to make their way and there's the great bitter lake make them let mediterranean, where a large amount of trade will reach north africa, parts of the middle east, turkey and the rest of europe. This is being disrupted when we had that one ship gets, in the end in the peninsula, there are enough in the canal number, how much it everything and I've always worried that I was going not in prices going up a suez canal, soon can canal there. It is everyone everyone watching. The show is like no time it's not sign. I that's the peninsula, the suez canal. Yes, I checked effect yet cause I'm like what I'm getting it wrong. It's the suez right, yeah, suez right there and I
blocking a lot at trade. Now, for most of you in Europe of that's going to suck for us here in the united states. Well, it's not the biggest deal ever because trade coming from part of the world can go around you through the north pacific ocean or whatever, but it can disrupt a lot. That means europe. Your costs are going to go up, you're going to bear the brunt. following this. If the conflict is not dealt with that we are going dealing with a wartime economics war economy, dude. It's it's crazy! You want of experience when you're ready to pop the question. The last thing you want to do a second guess: the ring at blueness that com. You can design a one of a kind ring with the ease and convenience of shopping online. Choose your diamond and setting He found the one you'll get it delivered right to your door, go to blue nile that calm and use promo code spotify to get fifty dollars off your purchase of five hundred dollars or more that's spotify blue nile dot com for fifty dollars off your purchase bloom
that calm code spotify when there's, if you ever, if you have ever been place after hurricane you'll, truly understand, conflict economics or war economics. We're gonna call it. when we're it when we were doing conflict reporting for You never vice and freeze other companies, the one we always talk about his life, look over to fly into this ray we're gonna fly into the state were defined in the city in active conflict or disaster like a hurricane, and you ve got to compensate for wartime economics a war economy so you go or disaster economy depends what people call it bottled water, ten bucks, cheeseburger, fifty bucks! Why how They supposed to get a cheeseburger into an area with no roads are bridges, so I took a picture, up- and I mention bear alaska, I took a picture of a manual. Brought cheeseburger twenty five dollars, people were shocked and there are like us in america, and am I not what I had already set out in alaska. You calm down. No, it's because the to get the berger up to bear, will ask us by by plane now boats do come and pay
radically, but how long has meat going to last? So they fly in huge shipments every I think they have one flight in an out every day, so there com italy bringing stuff in from anchorage and then from aunt it's gotta come from somewhere else to very difficult to bring in everything is expensive when get into a disaster economy or war economy. They're gonna say why are we won't have fuel for your your trucks to bring about the cargoes that feels going to warships, it's all diverted off. With the petroleum reserve and all of our access is going to war. So what are you gonna eat? I hope you've been taken. A look at what local farm food you have do you have any local farms, good luck, new york, city man, it's going to be. wild it. I you know the crazy thing about talk about social collapse in war. I dont even know that a place like new york could sustain itself in an active conflict. If world war three were to start with people as there are now. How do we feed what is like? Thirteen million in the metro how'd? You feed
ten million people when you need all your supplies for war and everything like everything else, it's going to result in high prices, I'm not saying we don't feed people, I'm saying they'll start shipping they'll they'll keep food. Come in, but it can become more and more and more expensive. We ve already got people can't pay their rent. So what happens? Nationalization subsidies government take over war bonds, yo right now. We ve gotta worry about that. just yet. You gotta worry about what can happen. You're prices because of the of the suez canal in the red sea. But if you should, if you're not paying attention, if this escalates in a year or two you're going to be left, holding an empty bag and you're going to be in a walmart parking lot. Fighting with agnes over the last can of baked beans. Don't be that person man pay attention. What's going on, the roma live at their there segments come up to night at eight m eastern, the are you, walk. Caracas and its results will be going on a day general hour on the show. No,
there's only show tonight, but please become a member at him guest com to support our work and our tonight show will be from eight to just about eleven. We like ten forty five, so we can get the reaction from various individuals work with a campaign. We got a bunch of There are some people who are in town high profile, lawmakers politicians, personalities and we can have them rotating in and giving their thoughts. Even some journalists. Perhaps it can be an epic show or we talk about all of these issues, but the big issue, of course, the eu, a caucus setting the standard for the primary election, who will be the nominee donald trump, is the overwhelming favourite, and he has my work I'll a million times? C'mon are perfect a guy and in a perfect world we have Canada, but we don't. We have trump I'll take what I can get his foreign policy. Amazing vague, I think, is a nice.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.