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Trump Polling SKYROCKETS As he Prepares For Arraignment In SECOND Indictment, This IS Civil War


Trump Polling SKYROCKETS As he Prepares For Arraignment In SECOND Indictment, This IS Civil War

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Its jesse kelly. Here fellows: are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days? Ladies you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy raises a lose weight? Are you ready to feel better only While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this It's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk c h, o q, fellows, they have a male vitality stack nine today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel
want to feel. Like you're twenty years younger go to c h, o que dot com promo code tim gets you thirty. Five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o que dot com, promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, caste dot. Com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast I rl and way more now let's jump into the first story. Today is the big day the big day that donald trump is arraigned at. Well, I guess it's. This second day that he's gonna be arranged because man they're, throwing quite literally every thing at this man and a anybody
who pay the tension in any capacity knows it it's all fake. It's always been vague. All the lies all the accusations they ve never panned out and it's always been some nonsense and they expect me they expect you to now. After every thing the Democrats have done. They expect us to believe them. My friends, I'm going to say for you the magic words for from right from TIM casts news civil war galler, whatever you want, but when we're at a point where they gloat that they break the law. Hillary Clinton was it a picture of herself wearing a habitat, but her emails. That's right. Hillary Clinton private email serve other contained public records and top secret documents, and she her people
Destroyed all of them, she had the server destroyed, and this is desecration. The destruction of public records, which is a crime, and they smashed the cell phones with hammers, but the whole lot enough. Nothing nothing happened and hilary kept saying the whole time, but her emails, that's it they're gloating. They ve been the whole time now that done tromp is being federally indicted, and he will be a rain today at three p m over similar charges. The argument is that Hillary Clinton was not president and donald trump, was thus he has plenary de classification powers, meaning he can just do it. They all admit. Alec knowledge it, but then they may Up some circuitous reason why they must charge him and the saying espionage, miss hale, the killing of national secrets. They said you know what. Yeah we're not gonna win on that ground. The president does have the right to take it.
And so they now are criminally charging and with thirty seven counts, including espionage charges. It's all fake. It's always been fake. And here we are now large. Crowd is shown up in miami to support the president outside the courthouse they're, not to be able in the building, because there is limited sitting and more hearing. Now is that, despite all of this task, down. They call em. They say that is- his pulling is way up. Sixty one percent in the republican primary decide as his way down even with All of this going on. In fact, I'd argue. The Democrats know that targeting trump in this way makes him more popular Now it's hard to know exactly what their strategies- and I can't tell you exact- what will happen when it comes to twenty four election, but I would consider this donald trump being criminally charged
makes him more popular among republicans, but less popular among independence, the politically disenfranchised or disillusioned disaffected people who generally don't pay attention. So for the people who do pay attention. You're, sitting you're saying this man is being persecuted in his prosecution, their targeting specifically to stop him because they hate what he's done in trying to save this country, nice for moderates and people who don't pay attention. All they here is trump is a criminal. He broke the law again and again and again- and you know what it's entirely possible- that they indict him in georgia next and they will do everything in their power to stop him from being able to campaign to rally to to give up
is that's what it's all about, however, however consider maybe they want trunk to become more popular, so dissenters loses and then trump losing the general. I am not convinced this plan will work, but I dont know for sure I dont think Joe Biden can defeat donald trump. He was able to beat trump in two thousand and twenty, because they locked everyone down, took away movies, took away sports took away the bar and they forced people to sit in a locked box in the big city, and there are houses in a park. And then all they did all day on the news or it's trump's fault over and over and over again, then they said. Are you doing your part and people? I know who have? No business in politics went out and voted for the first time, no joke. So here we are here's a video from outside miami Shavers, as this is part of a line of people trying to get into the court house, were present. Former president trumps court appearance is at an end, Courtroom will have limited seating. Most of these people.
But an overflow room, no video I was or electronics allowed very interesting, very interesting about this case. It could possibly be dismissed out right let me show this video very large round. Masses is my view that I will say that people often underestimate crowd sizes promised to see what they consider to be crowd. You know my spirit of protests, people having to believe that there are two hundred like ok look down at that crowd. You think two hundred sarcasm and they'd be like once they once they got a quarter through. There are like oh, come over. Two hundred are a young people standing The other a lot more people than you realize, but are not many people outside the living, I can tell you is that they ain't going to fit in that courtroom, and we have this story: trump's historic federal court, appearance in miami, how it's going to break down. So let me give you the quick,
break down so saying the daily mail as to what we can expect trump national dora resort miami. He wouldn't leave you leaving his hotel for the wilkie ferguson junior court in downtown miami drop, trouble aye, but the court house, where he will likely enter by underground tunnel he'll, be booked and fingerprinted and processed, but will not jailed or pose for a mugshot. He will then appear in court. It's unclear will enter a plea. Cameras will not be allowed in transit. You may ask for charges to be immediately thrown out ex president will lead. Court and had to miami international airport. He will then fly to bed your new jersey for a speech at eight fifteen p m. Of course we will have that speech. All of you and him cast iron around can't miss it stuff, so historic and important talk about where this all leads to. This is what the left is saying right now I lean cannon oars, an alien cannon, the trump judge aside,
to oversee his trial, explained if Canada, and the judge in this case it is unlikely that special council jack Psmith will convict trump? No matter house the evidence may be ok posted this morning as of today, let me say it again for you, my friend civil war, I think of those words is, however, you want to think of those words, but when you read between the lines, this is what VOX is telling us right now. What VOX is telling us is that trump appointed this judge, therefore, the judge will not cause any harm or allow any harm to befall trump, and if that's the reality there acknowledging that the trials in say new york are tainted by the new york jury pool all the same. That is what they just said. With this, sub had donald trump is indicted in new york people in new york, mostly don't like trump new york city people in new york, state upstate,
I and a lot of people say like. Oh, you know: new york city doesn't speak for all of us. There's more people, that's how it works. New york city has a ridiculous amount of people in the metro area, but does which does include the tri state as like thirteen million, or something like that, maybe more actually, and so, while upstate you may like trump, you are unfortunately outnumbered by the cities So what's happening now, they will indict you or anybody else in a jurisdiction where they know they can't lose, because the political divide in this country is so intense. Why should they send troops to combat. Detain you in some kind of war fashion when they can just arrest you on a warrant and then say, but its legal Now, one of the big problems that republicans don't do the same thing, because though their weak of ineffective. I mean you're trump trumps, appalling above rhonda santas. What do we get?
that is the oddest campaign making the weakest and most pathetic attempt at manipulating people with deep fake images. That's what you get you get deep, fake, santas! You know if you really want to play the deep fake game. That is not how you do it. I've already explained some of the scary things that could happen, but instead they try and do this. My point is. Man, the republican party and elements of the right, have no idea how to deal with this machine they just don't, certainly in any one of these states. Now you ve got allegations of Joe Biden taking bribes and I was being uncovered last night that there are seventeen recordings, allegedly an afghan format, that they believe the fbi, I believe to be very credible, says: that's my cola's law, chesky founder of bras, must secretly recorded the Biden's numerous on numerous occasions for insurance,
so any republican and any jurisdiction should be able. With the with the even the slightest modicum of of standing to file criminal charges against Joe Biden. Why aren't you doing it. Hotter, whether used to mean good bye to a good night's sleep until it is, cosy earth, cosy Bidding is so soft, luxurious and temperature regulating obsolete, better than I have in years was a good reason why cosy earth has thousands of five star reviews at cosy earth dot com? It's true. Awesome, batting here's, from Halley honestly, the best sheets. We have ever had absolute a dream to slip into each night everyone deserves to splurge on these sheets. You'll have no regrets. I couldn't agree more zero cheats made from one hundred percent this cows from bamboo and are now available in seven colours for a limited time, save up to thirty. Five
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always done. His leave flitting dropping pamphlets on foreign, trees to shift the mentality of the people. You want people to revolt in an enemy country. If you can get the country to fight itself, you don't need to go to war. So perhaps a lot of what we're dealing with is china but put it simply when it comes to what we are seeing now, if you think we are not in a civil war, I've gotta You when in history has a former president been indicted. Weiss, never never, not once even after this The war that you have. I think it was eighteen, seventy two or semi sick. I was- I was confused here- that a council I wasn't me, president well were confused. Let's cut a deal, the end of reconstruction they're going after donald trump. It is warfare and you don't know exactly what their intentions are, what their hoping to accomplish by doing these things, but has never been done before I can say on the surface level outcomes razor. They are trying
to remove a president. Now, ok, maybe not civil war in the in the traditional sense. Maybe revolution. A better way to put it a revolution b as they are going to remove the dominant culture from this country. It's a culture, revolutions of political revolution. And without any opposition. While we call the civil war, it's just a straight up revolution. These elements are taking over and they're using the power of government to do so. In the long run, I do think they lose sally Ann. And yes, when you look at the the bud light boycott the target boycott the call of duty boycott culturally, they can't win in the just can't, so this may be their death close, but let me let me write a little bit forward a little bit of this article for you, so you can get an understanding of what's actually going on and then we just ranting civil war or non stop. This is the judge, who is overseeing the case and she was appointed by trump vocs- argues
long after special council, Jack Psmith, father, damning indictment against were present donald trump. I love they add that adjective turn us into an opinion. Peace and not saying that using trap of deliberately withholding classified federal documents that he had no right to possess in the first place, except he was the president and he can to classify them psmith risk. What could be the worst possible news about his chances of securing a conviction. The cases aside judge, Eileen cannon, it troubled pointy to the federal district court in southern flora cannon. A fairly young judge, who was confirmed the bench after trop lost reelection but before Joe Biden took office, has come under the national stage. So far, only once for extraordinary, What's to sabotage the justice department investigation into trumps possession of classified documents, a panel of three a pellet judges, to also appointed by trump eventually stepped in and neutralised the sabotage and an opinion notified about a dozen errors in the inner decisions. Eventually, a second
panel of the? U s: state court of appeals for the eleven circuit ruled that she now had jurisdiction to interfere with addio j investigation in the first place, the latter opinion, which are and down by a panel that included to trap appointees and chief judge william prior a prominent figure the conservative, federalist society labelled kansas. Favouring trump, a radical reordering of our case law, limiting the federal its involvement in criminal investigations and warned the cannons approach would violate bedrock separation of power limitations there is no guarantee that can and takes the same cavalry cavalierly part as an approach, the trumps criminal travellers? She did the afghans investigation, but enough of a concern that her assignment to the trial, which a court says was made randomly using the oars process where judges are assigned to preside over criminal trials in middle sparked alarm among a wide of ideologically diverse lawyers or incur says the tribe indictment allegations are bananas with that said, if judge Canada's presiding, I'm not sure how the facts will now
are based on her decisions in the litigation over the warrant. Can do whatever she can t she can to protect trump and this a lot she can do. I wonder if I actually, or has more to say than just that in certain certainly does he does scepticism is unwarranted but cannons decisions in the warrant. We're astonishing, doesn't it hard, Imagine a judge who sign those opinions, giving a fair shake to both sides, but we'll see several readers point. This thread from Joyce white vance expressing very high it I can will not preside of the case. I am not so sure. Well, this is where we are so far As I read the sea, a one one, reassignment cases like talking: ten fagin, gupta and Martin. The test is a murky multi factor inquiry the trial, Joe,
generally get a first chance to be fair. Reassignment happens, after repeat, showings. Here's what that things can happen. I would not be surprised if this judge does favour trump, but he ain't gonna know it now argue it, but you gotta know it. If this judge Eileen cannon really does want to help trump. The smartest thing she can do is so the smartest things she can do will be subtle. You dont come out right, say dismiss the guys get out of here. Now you can't get charged, you say: oh no, trump, yeah you're being indicted, we're going to preside this case and the prosecution is going to be allowed to present their evidence and all of that and then what you do is when they seek to introduce some evidence. You say yes, but you can only introduce it in this way and then you say I never denied they could introduce evidence on these rules. I said You can't say this one component of it, and so they'll say something like we have an audio recording of trump and we'll be like. Can you prove it's not a deep fake.
Where did this a raw recording come from? How do you have this? Recording the trump camp is now going to be able to argue it's a defect, and I blame partially ron. Desantis I mean this has come Don't get me wrong, but rhonda statuses campaign, they opened the doors and are they refuse to acknowledge it, and it's disgusting and despicable they produced fake images of trump hugging and kissing vouchers. And now all the trump legal team needs to say is those are not real recordings. I'm sorry, those are deep, vague recordings that can be made in two seconds, using eleven labs, dot, IO or any other of these. These deep fake technologies, the judge, can be alike. I agree unless you can provide forensic receipts of the authenticity of these recordings and it can withstand the the the the defense's challenge
The evidence than I don't see how we can admit this evidence anymore. It's not about trump, you not. I don't know exactly what this judge will do, but I'm tellin you man, we are entering a brave new world. This ay I stuff I set up. Foreign I'll say it again. I can confirm to you one hundred percent that court have already allowed deep fake can confirm they allowed deeper. To be admitted. They allow recordings that have no no forensic evidence that a bail. The court's already allows the argument, as I've been told, is you have to prove its? Not a real recording, that's impossible. Someone can generate fake recording. They can manipulate it so that it sounds real kissed. You do
hey, I generate a voice and then they played on a computer speaker and record to their phone. They then say this phone as a recording of person speaking because you are running it through the air, it obvious gates. What may be what it it it breaks down. The the clean ai generated programmatic function of the or patterns mapped perfectly. There are still probably ways people could try and eight an ad attacked, but. There have been numerous attempts to a I detect written articles and things like that, while some of them are fairly obvious, One there was one viral post where a college student sad that their teacher told them they're they're they're paper was a general. And they said it's not it's not here. I wrote it myself and they said well now we read it through a check or if it's a lie, so they we wrote. It gave it back to the to the professor who said still coming up as a generated and so
it took what they wrote and they ran it through an ad detection and kept saying yes, it was and they were like. I have no idea what to do like. I wrote it, but it keeps saying it's ai generated. What do you do So if you re, I generate audio, and then you said that a recording they might be able to It doesn't say, look at these these chops, that's not actual ambient room town, that's not through a phone. What, if you play the audio on a computer, that you are a degenerate over the phone to someone else who records the phone call and then it just sounds like a phone call and they're going to say it's a generate and they're say: oh it's funchal, and what can you do? The courts are going to have no choice, but to just say you can't use these recordings because we can't verify their authenticity and ai has created shadow of doubt reasonable doubt Donald trump come out and be like? They have been making deep, fake images and audio of me here is here
picture, the dishonest campaign put out so we'll see will see for the time being. I think the important components here to talk about, if vocs and many others genuinely believe that trump appointed judges will protect him. Call it whenever you want, but we are in a pre. We were in a cold. Civil war were in a pre war phase, where at a point where country, is divided down hard lines with different states, lay the urban areas believing the world is completely different than people outside those cities, not everybody, but enough, and you have judges
new york who will lie, cheat and steal and break the law for political power. Meanwhile, they accused trump appointed judges of doing the exact same thing, and if either of these is true, then there is no more justice and there is no political system, Donald trump as the front runner for the republican republican party, and they are trying to put him in prison. That's it for the first time in the history of this country, the system is completely broken and you think it'll it'll get better. I think system will get worse, but just because it'll get worse has mean we lose. In fact, I think quite the opposite. As Noam Chomsky said a while ago, when you enter the arena of violence, the most brutal guy wins and that's not us. The far left, the soy boys, whatever you call them, they're vicious, but that's only because the true warriors and fighters don't want to fight. If it really comes down to it, do you think the cities can survive? They can't they literally can't food. It does not grow in cities, I mean they might have gardens and
as some vertical farming stuff they might be able to do, but if it really comes down to urban vs rural to an extreme degree yeah, I got news for you what's going to have to happen as the federal government and state governments will have to send armed forces to seize farms to make sure the cities can be sustained, it will get wild and I dunno, if it'll get to that point who knows, but it already feels like the system is broken if they do indict trump and try and stop him from winning. And do something from one and I think all hell breaks loose and I don't know I don't know what you can you can expect at that point. I really don't I mean there's cos It's about trump does have some weaknesses when it comes to fao, chi, the vaccine, etc, and there's data coming out every day that puts trump in a very bad position. I think there's a strong possibility that within the next year, Here information comes out about medical practices under donald trump, fallacious, is at its highest level in forty years and interests
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six nine to one three, three: three one or text tim to six, five, five. Three to again That's eight, six, six, nine to one three, three: three one or text tim to six, five, five: three to that pay him in a very negative light and could firstly, cause him harm and boost rhonda santas, but we'll see. I will stress this again, because it is deeply offensive to me that the scientists campaign produced deep fake images, tell them real life trump and tried to trick you, and I you and me into believing that donald trump was hugging and kissing fetching, and now that now there is the biggest
sounds of the santas they're pulling the typical democrat evil lines of. Did you really it was real. Nobody thought it was real. I don't care, I don't care what you say: dissenters, sims, deep faked dissent as produced a fake image, multiple in an attempt to trick us into thinking that tromp was buddy, buddy and hugging hugging and kissing fetch you. I know that trumps biggest agnes one of them is covered and an vouchers, and so you decided to try and lie to me: yeah, I'm not gonna play that game. If Joe Biden produced deep fakes of rawness anderson this way these people would be losing their mind. But you know what that is santa supporters who are lying to defend him. They are the biggest of hypocrites, about playing a game. Trump could be a party mouth trump imposed me don't come to me and say rhonda, say Donald trump posted defect.
Is that us, because you're lying? It's not true. Donald trump re tweeted, a stupid post that said stupid things as he often does not: okay, not a big fan, but not the same thing as his head as producing deep fakes. I'm not going to entertain that reality, so it ain't happening, we'll see how things go to leave it there next segments coming up at one. Can this channel thanks, bring it out, not see? Well, then more targets or locations have been threatened with bombs. Now None of these locations have found any bombs, but it seems like this false bomb threat targeting of target is getting worse when I look that several coals locations evolve been the subject of several bomb threats now. The reason for this is the person with the threat says that these stores have trade, the algae, bt, q plus community. I believe there is a pattern Joe, it's a hoax intended to smear the left, but it is a bit of conspiratorial thinking. And I have two still lena Me- overwhelming probability- that this is the left's ammo,
what they do. They engage in violence, threats and intimidation to get their way. When target announced say what an eternal memo circulated where they said quickly removed the pride merchandise from the point of the stores in bringing to the back. This probably shocked, offended and tat replied many in the left, because a massive multi national corporate well under other multinational, but a large corporations united states was was bending the knee effectively to the political rival of the left, and, of course this is how they engage it's, how they ve always engaged. Now it is true that timber asked did receive some kind of email related to this. We of them to our security, I believe, is being handled by law enforcement There were fake emails. Why could look at only simply be hoax emails that had our email address. We never received these so c b. Many news. Silence reported a screenshot this email, which said that it was sent attempt guest outcome? We had never received
that email, so I don't know exactly what's going on, but it seems This is a bit more sophisticated than just some random targeting of these stores, but this is exactly what the left us and I'll tell you. We were, we were swatted several times fifteen times in the last year and it seemed to have stopped around the beginning of this year. And we've also received several bomb threats. Some credible, you may have seen the episode of him cast iron rail, where it was an empty room for three hours, because we were forced to evacuate the building. This is the amount of the far left daily. Why, Ports, multiple target stores across the? U s it with bomb threats for betraying the algae, bt, q plus community. According to report now the import then, it consider here how the media, is obvious. Getting what's actually going on I'd like to show you, the Washington post headline target store
It does seem more bomb threats over pride merchandise. These people are evil. It's the only way you can explain it purely evil. The person making the threats is on the left and supports the merchandise, but you see they frame it to try and protect the left, because these people are cult members, its occult there's, no reason to obviate the headline I can said to you the news and say there is a possibility. It is not the law when someone is trying to false flag and made up engage in this house it smears the left there's no evidence to suggest that then speculation. So ability lies with it's. Probably just left is doing this, but I can say that no problem, I don't need to lie, cheat or steal or obfuscate. What may or may not be we can speculate, and then I can show you the facts. You could decide for yourself. What is the corporate press? Do they lie? They manipulate now
I will say it's not as bad as say the tennis campaign making deep fake images and refusing to acknowledge that they're lying to you his them manipulating context still very, very bad, though, really why ports multiple target stores across the: u s received bomb threats over the weekend for a legit. Betraying the algae bt, q plus community by tamping on some of the private month, products sold in the stores the fbi is now investigating the bomb threats that have been in stores in oklahoma, new york, new hampshire, vermont, louisiana, ohio, in pennsylvania threats first start few weeks ago when target emergency calls to managers and senior directors after the company faced backlash, forts pride collection, which included friendly female swimwear maybe morgan said it was down, setting targets stock, because the recent company controversies and the but he has since lost more than fifty teen billy. Isn't he
dollars and market gap. You as it did, I reported it stores in ohio. You Todd, pennsylvania, received a throw that stated targeted full of cowards who turn are back on the algae bt community and decided to cater to the homophobic right wing, redneck, bigots protested in vandalized. Their store threats continued over the weekend. When seven stores in Oklahoma received a threat that began, we are going to play a game and included the date of oklahoma city bombing, which killed two hundred and sixty eight people, These target locations have bombs and on the email continued we had the bombs inside some products and I'm not going to continue to read the rest. The thing it's it's it's or if, on the wash it a poster ordered that the threats were made by those accusing the store of betraying the lgbtq plus community. The target locations louisiana, reportedly received accusing the stores bowed to the wishes of far right extremists who want to exterminate us. Now in this article from fox twenty five, they mention near me
okey a bomb threat, was made to several poles stores in the area and alive it Louisiana be bomb threat was made to another target store, so it looks like this is not just a target there, also going after coals as well. Now I dont know of coal It's taken action to remove any of these products. Coals does have pride products for kids. This we don't know what's going on What we know is that the fbi is involved. This is from it. Whose at nine da dot com assisting investigation into ok see target bomb threat. Emails investigated to figure out who sent threatening emails about bombs at several men. Target stores look would be if we want to speculate. Who could have done this? I think port and say we don't know just yet the surface. Level indication is far left wing cult members we
No, they ve engage in an extreme violence. This is what they do. They firebomb saint John church. They forced the present into an emergency bunker. The left engages in overt terrorism and has over the past several years. This completely aligns with how they work politically all leftist agree, but enough of them and that and then more modern, mainstream liberals, dont disavow and actively seek to obvious skate. This fact to protect So I can only say this, My assumption will be. This must be the last. Especially when the washington post and many other publications do the exact same thing they make it seem like it is, not the left doing it, the washington post headline, they say: look at in paragraph target stores in at least five states were evacuate as weekend after receiving bomb threats, though no explosion discovered the incidents
ty into the backlash, nor the retail retail chains pride month, merchandise, They are trying as hard as they can to restructure the context to make. Average person who reads this income. Actually assume it was somehow I shall just you when, in fact the threats were from pro algae bt, q, individuals, law enforcement of all the threats and terminal stores are safe. Now this they wait till the boy Adam of the article where they know most people don't read to actually break down that it came from algae, bt, q, individuals, it's isn't it the target controversy files, the backlash and boycotts that anheuser Busch bush faced in april over bud like partnership with Dylan mulvaney retailers, which calls nike northeast petsmart in Walmart have also faced irony. Stocking items that extol equal rights and action
As for gay, lesbian and transgender individuals, now I'd like to point out something it was target, the only one that pulled the march nike said nothing but but lights actually doubling down. So you want to go about circumstantial evidence. I say this target, as I believe was the only corporation that actually acted quickly. To remove pride merchandise calls did not nike did not northeast did not Petsmart did not Walmart did not bud like doubles down. None of them have received threats, so if we are going to make any assumptions about this, it completely aligns with the far left is outraged and angry and they will use terrorism to get what they want. I bring you now to the ladys in the bud. Like controversy, John rich tackles bud light garth books, beer cans very well. Marlon wanes hits back and united airlines the later
hollywood headlines. I love this, so basically garth boxes sang. He's going to limit lectures political jaw garth, but it's going: keep selling bud light, no matter. What is a country start. John rich, weighed in on fellow musician garth brooks decision to serve every brand of beer, garth books, those That said, everybody come to my show. It's a minute. We love about aren't you know he makes his music for everybody and that's really what it is all about your making your music for everybody. If guard serving bud lightness bar. That's fine garth can do that. Garth might find out now people are going to order it at the end of the day. You have to put things in your establishment. People are going to purchase if you're going to run such successful business. So we might find that out. Garth is playing politics, of course, I'd like is not selling getting woke, make should go broke, not one hundred one hundred some of the time. It's possible, you can cater to woke individuals.
I went away local liquor store and I asked a I like you guys on bud light and they were like no can't move no joke, and I've heard it from people who work here at tim, casson from friends. They go to bars and they act like people don't buy it. I was saying that the casino this past weekend and the guy at the poker table stands up. And says first person to raise their hands combined a drink the dealer raise your hand and he goes all. What do you want anything but no bud light and everyone's laughing, and I was guy everybody really following the stuff yeah so play that game. I bring you now to our good friend mark cuban. Who claims companies like target but like going woke, is just good business. Is it? Is that serious? Take a look at this her aunt heizer bush sales fell by twenty four point: five percent within the last month, sorry to say fox, but this is fake news. We ve already seen the latest one. Nine point: five percent its much worse than just twenty four point: five
as opposed to putting on which metric you're using. But when we are looking, cold hard sales, my understanding as its twenty nine point, five percent, but mark cuban as no no, it's good business. Let's break down this incorrect assumption. In our shark tank star mark Cuban said companies embracing woke ideology is just good business pushing back again. Those who say it's a very adversely affecting their bottom lines. Target sales are down, ten billion dollars about that. In an interview with the pittsburgh posters, there. The dolls mavericks owner spoke about the doing backlash against companies like analyzer bush and the target corporation from her up for promoting l. Tbt pupils ideologies in their brands since promoting many consider woke agendas. Both companies have suffered massive losses worth billions of dollars, while export industry. Incidences have insiders have suggested that invoking Paul led to this downturn. Cuban insisted that embracing weakness is a positive
I left overs, the john de envy or house cleaning or The Tampa casino always brings the fun play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You could redeem some serious prizes, shambo casino dot com live the jumbo life nobody's necessary. We created a lot of people start the ignition device the website for details. There is a reason, almost all the top ten market cap companies in the. U s can be considered woke it's good business. He said now: MARC marquez not knowledgeable enough to understand. Why he's wrong and I'll break this down? But let's, let's see as ideas first cuban explained most ceos have enough experience to know to just wait out the news cycle. Until they go to the next one. Let's addressed that its back,
All it's been two and a half months and bud light sales are getting worse, so nor it should it. It would have been a few days mark is wrong about this. Then cycle. Has since moved on a quite a bit from the initial story of the bud light controversy. Yet for some reason it is persisting the economic damage two! This company is seemingly only getting worse. Now. Why is that? Can they wait it out? I don't think they can. I think this one's not going away, he says, are they going to say, since lights, apparent partnership with dome mulvaney. The company has seen a duke decrease and sailed, etc, etc. We note the latest numbers with twenty nine point: five, the target group Its market cap also lost billions and weak, so we know which is where that story it's down, but fifteen billion cubic. Clever insisted that this dip was meaningless and, unlike
We do to individual stockholders taking action following the controversy has. First, a dip in the market cap is meaningless. You have realize it. There aren't many individual owners of stocks, almost all buzz via funds and most trading as quantitative. So it's not like the drop is because tens, thousands of individual holder sold their stocks. This is remarkable that that I have to imagine march a smart guy he's an expert on the stuff He has to know that what he sang is east is duplicitous that he you don't. I think this maybe. Maybe he's got investment in these companies and he's lost a lot of money. Let me break it down, for you make it simple: he is correct when he says that a dip in the market cap that weren't when he says that do not individual owners of stocks, its funds? training that quantitative it's either drop is because individuals that has nothing to do with anything. If you have a wealth manager and you have a portfolio and you are seeing it go down. You will ask your wealth manager what's happening to me:
following the say. Well, we hold a lot of target and enhance our bush and you will then be like why I don't want to lose money. Not only that many fine managers might say their down. Grading target stock and analyze or bush stock. So, let's stop holding it. Let's move somewhere safer for the time being marked cuban no this. You think that their big funds that are like we recognise. The major controversy has been going on for two and a half months. There are now bomb threats at these stores, but we're gonna hold these stocks anyway, not own, listen when it comes to target you're dealing with people who don't want to up there because of the pride merchandise, and now you may be dealing with people who don't want to shop there, because they keep getting evacuated due to the bomb threats. The culture war is a problem for these companies and you think that someone who's managing a big fund is going to be happy to continue holding the two and a half months on, listen whether its
at large scale or not. There is one small fact that remains a substantial amount of managers will say: Their luck miller course is going up. A molten course sorry is going up. The. Why hold analyzer bush in bed? All you gotta do is click a button transfer all your stocks. You can go into you happens, they weren't a move x, amount of secular granted with larger numbers, there's bigger market consequences, but for some these, these funds that are holding millions or tens of millions? They may say, let's drop about half of our holding. Let's do a big cell. And then by and for the companies that are going up, if we, if we get get out of the controversy and buying a molten course, the pie. He's gonna try to stock up anyway. It just makes more sense. You can't tell that it for everything we ve seen getting woke, makes sense. He was an essay. According to the court of the post,
that Cuban suggested the new folks and what politics could be because companies now quote people want to do business with companies that care about their customers a quality that is an american trait. That says reflects who we are as a country. Yes, he's correct, he's correct in that good business is siding with your customers. Bud light is not doing that. So when mark cuban is like everyone's woke, so you should go, woke and sell to people you're like yet you realize it's like eight percent of the population, your customers have revolted, they have said. No, what by your product, sales are down. Nearly thirty percent market cap is down nearly twenty to twenty. What billion dollars target is down nearly fifty billion dollars targets being slept with bomb threats and mark cuban is like everything, seems good to me. The backlash, the threats all of it makes perfect sense when running a business. You don't look at that. I have to say wow
after suffering, twenty some odd billion dollar market cap drop off more cuban saying good business. I would state personally took given one of us me. I would never investment anything mark cuban is touching woodbine of his products, because you do it's out of his mind- a match walk into someone at being. Like hey you that stock, that's in freefall, you should buy it and I'm gonna be like ok, a hold on, I understand, buying the debt, but why why should I buy it There is an ongoing controversy. That's persisted over multiple new cycles. Now lasting two! Ok, stop me right there, dude maybe when we start to see some recovery, maybe if we see, general shift, but right now we are talking about brand death of bud light, absolute? They are no longer the top selling beer. It's one thing to buy the dip. Ok, it's another thing to be like, I don't know where the end is and bud light as her bush is doubling down sponsoring pride events,
that don't donating money to two more these organizations and it's only making things worse this guy is not at no it's good for business. It's good for business, insulting their customers have repeatedly over and over again are you out of your mind, monogamy wrong. You can buy the debt, but good luck, that's kind of weird me: it's like. We know that more than choruses going up. We know that other beer brands are either stable down a little bit or improving greatly and analyzer bush is collapsing and he I bought the one. That's that's in freefall, it's like, but if you buy molson coors right now, they're going up well yeah, but that's just the thing you're buying at the top. They might go down. No, I don't see it. I dunno what the top is. I dunno the bottom is, and you should not be taking any of this advice as as advice, because I dunno
personally yeah, maybe a point where it's like Morton cores has is gone as high as it can in this controversy. Maybe a point: we're bud lights got ass far down its past, one can only go up after that. I'm not going to be the guinea pig to try and figure out which it is. You know what I mean. I think the best bets you can make are the safe ones and in it and it's it's it's that way everything there are. A lot of people want to play the risky game they say. Would you buy that dollar stock? It's gonna, be big and then maybe become a billionaire for every story. I about some ridiculous move like there was the guy who painted the facebook office said all painted in exchange for stock. They gave him stock boom is worth like hunter millions of dollars within five or ten years, good deal how many stories have you heard where the guy does workforce, and then makes nothing from it. Probably none, because no one cares. When someone fails, No one's gonna make a story about dude, painted a building one time and didn't get paid for it. That happens every day. Some some
and in companies and an invoice, thereby pay in that and then they'll be up. We get paid that news now, what about a guy who paints a building and then find? years later, like yours, five hundred million dollars. That's big news. You The play that game by all means play that game, but the safer bats tend to be the guarantees. We that this company is rolling on a new product, that's been approved and is going to be successful and will pay I see like a five percent bump this year and you're like make sense to me safe bet. There are people who hope that they could invest in a stock and then see within one year. A five thousand per cent gain because they just want to get rich go gamble is, is, is the message being sent? Don't literally go gamble, it's not good! That's the message being sent that you buy are ridiculous. Cross your fingers. In reality, investing is like you diversify a portfolio. You put your money in and you see around seven percent returned every year. Why
I choose to invest in the riskiest stocks right now. Mark cuban good luck with that I'll leave their next segments coming up at four p m as general thanks broken out, and you all then the question I have for all of you is: are you happy or Are you sad to hear this news sample, this goes dying. Downtown is dealt another blow as west field. Stop making mortgage payments on five hundred and fifty million dollar loan for massive mall blaming crime, for falling sales and nord stream. Closure is amazing, and this is it. This is the death of san from scope. We learn recently that I believe that it was the hilton and park fifty five, that the the companies were surrendering the property to their lenders and that what we are seeing now the massive westfield mall in the in san francisco crime
low foot traffic, low sales, human waste on the streets, nobody wants to be, there is fascinating they say that the the capacity it'll be fifty five percent at the small whereas typical you see malls around ninety three percent the maldives. Never here these stories or ever experience it. All eyes when one store leaves another store, leaves and then one by one, because the stores are leaving more story. It is a self fulfilling prophecy, as one store leaves if it goes down so stores leave for traffic goes down, I started This last week, the way malls work is fairly simple: someone I'd say I need to go to them all. To get a new phone you go to them all and while you're there, what do you do? browse around some other stores, you by your new phone. You grab a bubble tea or something and you're not just buying the phone you're, actually providing business to other locations. Other business,
but when that phone store closes because too much theft, you don't go there any more, and that means the bubble. Take them tv shoes, the hat that you would bought the posters whatever you're not gonna, buy. This is what is happening to stand for Go as an entire city. To a certain degree. Other cities as well but what we are seeing now I mean imagine this because what I when it came those hotel surrendering. Imagine you bought a house three hundred thousand dollars. You took out a large loan, let's say: let's say you did ten percent down. Thirty thousand you oh maybe like two hundred fifty thousand alone, and then you went nobody wants to come to this house. Nobody wants to live here. I don't wanna live here. I surrender and you just straight up, give the property back to the bank. Give it If, then, the whole value maybe say, will I wonder if they wanted to sell the house? Nobody wants
the buy it. That's why you're only option is keep paying them rules on a house. Nobody wants to be an and you dont want to be in you can't Alex nobody wants to live there, so you say you know what I've lost the money. There's no point spending any more. We're out with lucky landslides. You can get lucky just about anywhere dearly beloved. We are gathered here today too. Has anyone seen the bride and grew sorry were here we were getting lucky in the labelling. We lost track of time, no lucky land casino, with cash prices that add a quicker than a guess, what We love to pronounce you re, lucky landslides, dot com, daily bonuses are rating no purchase necessary. Boys were prohibited by law. Eighteen vice terms and conditions of black sea website. For details, so the question I asked a moment ago Are you happy- or you said about this, because this is one of our great american?
city san francisco, now being guided and destroyed. I don't know I feel good about it. I mean part of me is: is laughing at the failed democrat policy that keep voting for the stuff and then part of me says it's too bad that we let it get this way The daily mail reports say This goes struggling. Downtown has been dealt another blow as west feel has stopped making. Mortgage payments at its massive mall due to crime, tanking sales, the firm as default on the five. Fifty million dollar loan and is handing it back to the lender, which will appoint seaver them all will remain open for now. The has was sparked the decision from Nord stream, the malls ankara tenant to close in august last year. West blamed unsafe conditions and a lack of enforcement again rapid criminal activity in large part for nord stream departure. That's right! It is a part democrat policies,
Soros funded, DA's destroy. These cities using man. Oh geez, I can't even look at some of these images. West said the unprecedented poor performance. San Francisco was a sharp contrast to the rest of its properties, say Let go centre generate foreign dron, fifty five million dollars in sales and twenty nineteen before the pandemic last year last year, sales we're down, but a third. The two hundred? Ninety eight million nord stream occupied three engine, twelve thousand square feet of them all when it closes westerfield san francisco will only be fifty five percent least otherwise fields on average. Ninety three percent them all is ace The mall is a smart and upmarket building whose retailers as smart building, one whose other retails region include bloomingdale's a sop rolex into fora. You don't happens next bloomingdale's. How many people were shopping it
strong and they'd say: let's go nord stream and then made say, wants to go, look at some of the other stores, not nor terms not there. How many people also won't show up? This is a cascade of fact that will only get worse, was field struggles, will pile fresh pressure on city leaders after Malta retailers and hotels shuddered in downtown san francisco. Its efforts is, go as it continues to battle soaring crime, open drug use and homelessness. San Francisco is becoming a crackdown, its be. It is becoming a ghost town, crazy. These buildings, I mean look we're on track for these buildings to become bandit and if there is no, what if there's no businesses paying taxes who's paying the police? So then what happens? You're gonna have drug users homeless, people taking over the mall. Taking over these buildings.
They will start to crumble and fall into disrepair, and san francisco will become a crackdown. I don't see anything changing. This may be one thing. A long shot, Donald trump becomes president and sends the feds in to clean this place up. Start enforcing the law at the federal level, and that is a bit nightmarish if you realize it's the federalisation of this country. It is the it's it's it's If the only solution is a federal government, stepping amateur donald trump than we just end up being being a solid single nation, where states don't matter go governing authority over all jurisdictions? That's not a good outcome, but that's where were were that we're heading there for more than twenty years, westerners proudly and successfully operated san francisco centre, invest significantly over that time and the vitality of the property. The company said.
The challenging operating conditions in downtown san francisco, which have led to decline. In sales occupancy input traffic. We have made a difficult decision to begin the process to transfer management of it being centre to our lender to allow them to point, a receiver to operate the property going forward, who's gonna, get on using. The lender wants to deal with it. You buy houses. Imagine the analogy: imagining the bank and their life Not I surrender the house is yours and going We're not build a solid now we're holding an empty bag gratitude the equity in the house, but there's none left, nobody will buy it. So who's gonna receive this. The lenders have it be like what are we supposed to do with? It must feel Amsterdam all includes one point: two million square feet of retail space and three hundred thousand square feet of offices. It isn't it a bold union square area and centre of downtown were homelessness and crime are rife. Visitors were businesses, crazy! Look at this! nord stream recently shuddered a store in san francisco citing chain.
Dynamics? Look at this empty image? Nothing there! Nothing employees at a target store in San Francisco originally said, was being robbed as frequently as every ten minutes they put every product behind locked locked cabinets. What's the point man, you can't sell which the stuff all you can sell by our suntan lotion, though man whole foods oldname, gap in office. Deep are just some of the stores illiterate to announce that they are closing out of the two during three retailers open and twenty nineteen in the union. Where area just one hundred and and are still operating a drop of forty seven percent in just a few pandemic ravaged year. The city is in something of a vicious cycle, workers are now working from home, leaving the downtown area significantly quieter and making empty streets, more dangerous, the rising crime, then deter people from entering downtown. As the downtown empties, the city
is essential. Tax revenues and the area becomes less appealing revenue, loss of the city, cause decrease in property. Taxes caused by decreased, proper taxes could reach your ninety six million dollars per year are then, who pays the fire department who pays for the water who pays for the roads who pays for the police? It is a cycle and things will only get worse, here. The building which houses the san francisco chronicle a block westerfield mall faces a sixty percent vacancy rate by the fall tenants, yahoo and auto desks. Leases expire. The best case scenario from the modeling expects the cost will be nearer to one hundred million in tax losses per year, while man look at this one from the wall street hotel owners start to write off san francisco. As business knows dives. This is the end of a once great american city attack hub. You don't funny
if you're a fan of star trek, you know that san francisco is like starfleet headquarters. Isn't it really funny san francisco and in the future? It's all beautiful But maybe we are on track to follow that storyline the story line. It started with the civil war, and then there were authority. And police brought in that were heavily drugged to get them note, keeping their jobs and then only later did we improve things, maybe I don't see this as the end completely of san francisco, because you can't just get rid of these buildings. You can't just get rid of the infrastructure so long it is exists, there'll be people who want to use it. Why not? But what I see at some point. No one's gonna want to run the health and building. Why would they does no money to be made? The cost of maintaining this is this. Is this is apocalyptic level stuff? That's where this down? How much does the lender behind the health and have to spend every month to maintain the building?
Is a lot so we saw a one point: two: five million dollar building in charleston, west virginia eight story, building downtown and I'm like it'd, be so cool to have something like that to create an office, be like TIM cast, media charleston, west virginia, and I said I can't afford to maintain a building like that. One point: two million is cheap for an eight story building, but what you do who's in it and how you pay for the maintenance on a building like that before we bought our current headquarters. There was an eighty that I think it's eighty thousand square foot building. It actually might be more than that, and I think it was eighty thousand square foot factory, building on sale for like seven hundred k- and I was like I would love to buy that. But how do you pay the maintenance costs? You're gonna have to fix it up your after pay for climate control, you're gonna have to play for pay for cleanings and plumbing, and a building like that. It's insane trying to manage. You need some serious revenue. So we can't do that. The lender behind helton would you think they are going to say there
is saying how many staff members are we paying to maintain a building that no one comes to fire him? Let him go, we can afford it. There's no money eventually comes down to a single man with a key, the key to the front door. And he says look I am not going to be the only person solely responsible for this building screw that and one day they're not going to show up. Then some homeless people start to notice places shut down. No one cares anymore, break a window walk in take over the building watch it fall apart. A large building like this, it seems unprecedented and maybe it will be. Maybe things will turn around in some way before that happens, but right now it just feels like with the closing of the mall in these stores, who is going to be there who was going to travel there? Nobody, so what happens to the building? If there's no customers who pays and if
One pays: how do they pay the staff to maintain the building? Eventually they'll just have to say we're out. It'll be really crazy. Urban explorers will go in and la go up to like one of a random rubin up the door and it'll be covered in dust and kind of just frozen in time. From this from this year and they'll be like wow. Look at this. The bed still made- although I have to imagine by that point- if it does get that bad there'll, be so many homeless people living in that building, they're, not homeless anymore, but there'll be human waste. The plumbing won't work. I've seen stuff like that in foreign countries. In a building this big though man and think about what that means for them all I've seen abandoned malls, it's kind of crazy, we're watching it more and more and more. Then you can think the democrats for it. I don't understand how you can watch this happen in the news you can watch what happens in the streets. You can see the violence, the crime, the human way
the robberies and people still keep voting Democrat we're in trouble. If that's the case I'll leave it there. Next segments coming up at six p m on this channel, thanks rang out and will see you all them. Ladies and gentlemen, This is a particularly interesting story about it. I ask you what winning in the culture war means? How would you define it? What if I said this from fox news doubt come white house condemns Trans activist, foregoing topless at pride month, event quote inappropriate and disrespectful is very fascinating. It's very fascinating because I did not expect to ever see the white ass condemn a trans to activist too big to be completely honest, but here we are There's a lot more to be said about this in an organ actually made by the activists, as at present as to whether or not you are allowed expose the nipple. Now this
Activist did not just whip out. Their fake breasts, the activist covered them with their hand. So, though, that it is actually a lot to break down on this. The fact the way as is condemning this individual. I think, speaks loudly to the fact that the right is winning the culture war with bud light with target with calls with the desperate and psychotic attempts have left us death threats to target, I think it's fair to say the white house sees the writing on the wall, but break this down and explained you exactly why there's act in argument to be made that you It actually go topless in many major cities, but decorum was challenged. Why does stood by that which is more traditional? Let's break it down. First, here's the story. The white house condemned trans activist rose, montoya, foregoing topless at president brought violence pride month event, Saturday, after
environment, social media Toy and others featured in the video posted by the trans model will not be invited to future events. A white house spokesperson said in a statement. This behaviour is inappropriate, disrespectful for any of the white house. It is not reflective of the event we hope to do celebrate algae bt, q, I plus families, edna learner or the hunt its other hundreds of great guests who were in attendance in division the video will not be invited to future events. The statement red montoya, duck influence are in biological male, who is transgender, originally put the video from saturday's event. It shows toys and another unnamed sexually to trans activists to females. Bearing their breasts on the south law, the white house, in a view behind them. Let's break this down, they said appropriate for their algae bt, q plus event have you ever been to upright event. They have tons of gratuitous sex
if idiotic out west hollywood an hour in the los Angeles area, where two men perform a sex act at each other in front of children, and that exaggerating out, I would say, to clarify and what do the wrong idea. For play, but they have to men engaging in a sex act I left overs The john de envy or house cleaning or the Tampa casino, always brings the fun play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You could redeem some serious prizes, shambo, casino, dot, com live the jumbo life nobody's necessary, were created. A lot of people start the ignition device. The website for details, Joe Biden invited these people to the white house. What do you think we're gonna happen, but but pay credit where credit is due their condemning these actions, condemning
There's a lot to think about in this regard. Here's the video rose montoya breaking down their views and what happened? I think it's important contacts, let's hear it. It has recently come to my attention that conservatives are trying to use the video of me topless at the white house to try I too call the community grammars et cetera, full stop conservatives oh Biden. White house just condemned your actions at those Democrats right. I would just like to say that first of all, going topless in Washington dc is legal, and I fully support the movement in freeing the nipple as why is my chest now deemed inappropriate orally
when I shut off, however, before coming out as trans, it was not so this was actually fairly easy to answer. The white house is not public city street. You have a right same as any others under the constitution to be treated equally under the law, and that means there is a fourteenth amendment violation to say that women can't have to wear shirts, but men don't, and that was that was the way for a long time. A guy could take his shirt off and show his bare chest. A woman could not, and they said equality under the law. You cannot simply say the chastity, is that a lot, but it does have a mail is so what happened? They said. Ok, in most these cities, it is now legal for women to go topless, but culturally most women don't want to do it, but there is an interesting point being brought up. I am doing is affirming that I am a woman, all your duty. As saying that trends, women are run men because
for some reason: people like to sexual eyes women's bodies and say that they are in appropriate. I actually agree decently with rose montoya on this regard. It is quite strange The biological male can walk around with no short on and nobody bats, an eye that same biological male than gets plants. And now it's all of a sudden like that crosses the line, are not so, I agree or disagree. I'm saying it is fascinating to me that the qualifiers, what is over the line is whether or not there is some kind of mass behind the nipple because I don't know about rose montoya, but there are true people who have implants and people would be like hey, don't show dont show breasts. Perhaps the ideas- it's not so much the nipple, but the idea of bearing breasts, come out. I think it is an interesting paradox in that you have to trans men, biological females,
knowing their bare chests with mastectomy scars, and then you have a trans woman showing What some people are saying is implants, it could be, it could be hormone induced breast growth, so they could be. You know, human breast, I don't for sure, but I do think there is an interesting question in decorum and the law as a pretences. Now that being said, you, my friend, rose, the condemnation is not just over. You The condemnation is also for the other trans individuals who removed. Their shirts, who are biologically female room. Moving your shirt and bounds, the skin and breasts in further at the white house. All of it is against, it violates decorum and that's the beggars
I love, I love the automatic response of its conservatives. Doing it, ok do like look. This is the point what these people view as being conservative is anything related to so will order and unless these people are allowed to do whatever they want and engage in gratuitous sex acts and and nudity, then you are conservative. Wonderful, let's hear the the the the rest of what the individual has to say. My trans masculine friends were showing off their top surgery scars and living in troy, and I wanted to try time and because it is perfectly within the law in Washington DC. I decided to join them and cover minor pulse, just two players and now you will never be invited back again. That's a bold statement right there the white outside when I can invite these people back. So you mean that if you have a private and people there engage in actually
behaviors and aren't merely as bad as we ve seen some pride events. You will not invite them back. I find that truly fast any because there's videos of this individual doing their kinds of, I want to say over the top, but dont performances. You know like. I don't wanna make it seem like poor thing like that, but like not appropriate for children events to put it, to put it mildly, they if they did any research into this individual, they would have seen that this is a likely scenario, but they didn't well the hard way Biden, I guess, does I wanted to be fully free and myself. I had zero intention of trying to be vulgar. Or be profane in any way, but you want is simply living enjoy living my truth and existing in my body happy existing in your body. Truly,
really a remarkable way to view these things, my friends in an ordered society. There are things we may want to do, but we don't do without due in public you may have to go to the bathroom you dont do in public. Ok, not the same as getting naked. You may want to passionately, engaged in love making with your wife, but we don't do it in public. There are a lot of things we don't do in public. You wanna leave your true self ass. Every person has privacy and rights to live outside of the cause of the public view, and there are a lot of things that people would like to do. They don't do in public. For a variety of reasons, you decided that you had a right to live. However, you want, it will surprise, surprise white house said: no, you ve deeply offended them. You ve deeply offended many people, it's not just conservatives. Many people are offended. You don't just get live, how you want as if no one else matters and no one else- exists- demur
creasy is us choosing to live together and work together and compromise eyes. You do not get to go out and assert, you are paramount and you get to do whatever you want. We all work together and accept their boundaries so that we can live gather, but this is indicative of what we've seen at many of these pride events. People who think that their pleasure supersedes everyone else. No, that's not democracy and these people break the law quite a bit. Now it is legal to go topless in D c. That's my understanding could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's that's correct, but there are people at pride of unsay in calif.
Performing sex acts on each other? Why aren't the police arresting them? I I got all day officers. Why aren't you arresting them because they're all complicit in this? They allow people to break the law, but then you realize, when you see these things, the law always was culturally enforced, not legally enforced. Very rarely in history, has been an issue of I'm sorry, the laws making me do it. It happens a lot but can be wrong some of the most heinous things in history. What I mean to say is, though, There are laws, the books today there are never enforced, and this and for wired the cops arresting people over these things. You these books of old laws. Words like you can't pull of hay down on sunday at noon. You can't put a pioneer. This is my everyone you kept. High on your window, sill sundays. In the afternoon it was apparently could that attracted bears or something. You really think. A cop six
As an example pie on the windowsill ain't never going to happen, but it's on the books you see. The real issue is cultural enforcement in California. We can all look at these the things they're doing and we can be shocked and say this breaks the law. Why aren't they stopping it? Because the culture there doesn't support the enforcement of those laws Welcome to the modern era outlived their necks segments coming up in a few minutes, stick around and I ll see well shortly. I must admit my friends as much as I don't like starbucks as a corporation, for a lot of reasons, there are the only. Coffee shop that carries heavy cream. There are some small boutique shops here and there that often do have heavy whipping there's one over harper S, ferry to actually fantastic. Carry a heavy whipping cream. I very much enjoy real cream and my coffee, no sugar, just cream
I don't like going to starbucks, though, because their big, their corporate their awful, have a terrible history, but now gentlemen. I'm going to tell you this, I think I'm going, start ordering starbucks more than they already do for the new republic starbucks to take down all pride decorations indices, casting cave too far right the decision all but guarantees further attacks on algae, bt, q, people and culture yo. This is huge. What talk about winning the cultural or, ladies and gentlemen, the bud light effect is ripping through the marketplace. Starbucks has band pride decorations in stores halfway through pride month. The cup these workers. Union revealed tuesday in a studying cave too far right, anti algae, beating you fury of other describe it the recent away. There has been a wave of ultra conservative push back against companies that express support for equal rights. It started with
bud lighted, a campaign with trans influence are dylan mulvaney in march, but things really kicked off when target displayed. Its pride sohmer collection target set, it would pull back. Its pride merchandise responds to the outcry. Starbucks is the latest of All like you to give yourselves round of applause here. Starbucks easier! Kellogg's is next because have the story from newsweek kellogg's faces boy calls after mascots poses with Dylan mulvaney. Ok, the mask pose a dell mulvaney and a very obvious staged little spoof thing where it goes whoa, I'm so scared, and it's like it's it's a character. It is a performance, it is not real life, but anyway, people are calling for a kellogg's boycott. That's next. To starbucks starbucks workers, united tweeted, breaking in the middle of pride month, starbucks bands, pride, decorations and stores across the united states,
look at their or be gay and organise is their eyes, their avatar, their profile picture quote. The last two weeks. Starbucks workers have taken to social media to report. The company is no longer allowing pride decorations in store. The starbucks workers union pleaded the starbucks by me to be completely honest. They will have any product operations, box, has always adopted a pro algae bt, q stance, at least in public this were they even partnered with artist him singleton design, a series of special pride theme, tumblers according to the union. The company is decided at all. Ride decorations must come down either in union. I stores, where starve normally argues it can't make sweeping changes without first discussing with workers. I'd We don't also say other, then I'm going art ordering a lot more stops periodically. You have guessed we'll do big starbucks order.
And I have to talk about this look I I talk about how I'm not a big fan. I would love to create a rival, but you know they're there that when it comes to the the it's really the heavy cream, I gotta be fully honest. The ease of access and everything it's that simple, but I've never been, as so staunchly opposed to starbucks as say like disney or anything like that. But this right here, my friends, I gotta tell ya: I am going to buy more starbucks, you know, and I'm saying we'd. Like my things like six times, we ve done big starbucks orders for the crew and everybody here, just because it simple and easy, but I think I think it's the right move. I thinks a starbucks sang look we're not playing this game where stepping back from this we do. I think we absolutely right now need to say to starbucks. Thank you. This is the right move and I, like here's, the issue right. You see they try and frame this as if we are opposed to equality or anything like that. Well, I dunno, but I can't speak for all conservatives.
I am in favour of equality, I'm just not in favour of trying to indoctrinate kids and that's where things have crossed the line. I had there is no problem with pride flags and windows until you started putting these graphic books in schools in defending it. I have no problem with people celebrating their love one another, but shop in public naked and engaging in sexual ized behaviour like the white house, just kinda and now I'm saying make it stop. No starbucks add you know what the market
dates. Communism is more than a ghost from the past. It a clear and present danger on Jesse Kelly and I've written the essential guide to help you fight back the anti communist manifesto arms you with tools and tactics to defend america against its most malicious enemy, discover the infiltration of communists in education and corporations and the hidden truce behind environmentalism, antigua and black lives matter. Stand up for your nation joined the fight, get your copy of the anti communist manifesto today available wherever books are sold and that's the power right there. So in mark cubans has its business to get woke. Why, then mark are all of these companies pushing back and abandoning these practices? Maybe because you're wrong? Here we go, so they can also noted that the first time stocks has failed to stand up for algae beating you people, including its unemployment. In october, some trans starbucks workers felt their health benefit. Planet changed, forcing them to pat of pop
for certain treatments and cause them to lose access to certain providers. According to starbucks worker use, united starbucks not replied to a new republic request for comment by time of publication It will be understandable for starbucks to suddenly grow wary over of overt pride displays, considering how bad the right wing rage has become. Target stores and five different states received bomb threats over the weekend. That had to be evacuated quite amazing. How the new republic manipulates lies, cheats and steals. They were evacuated, the bomb threats, not because the right, but because of the left, the washington posts, ridiculous headline that doesn't actually explain what's really going on in reality, as they do go on to explain the individuals who made the bomb
rats or actually algae bt to the unknown. Senders sad target betrayed the algae, bt q plus community and are pathetic cowards, who bought bowed to the wishes of far right extremists, s right the new republic lying surprise. Surprise, you don't even looks like the left is evil. These people are it's it's. It's figuratively demand I was, I figured ugly because when you say demons the media, the laughed will be like that actually believe demons. Now I am saying represent malevolence, lying cheating and stealing. Look at this. They did their referring to. The bomb threat is right wing, age, when in fact the bomb threats came from the left incredible, but there but no such fury directed at starbucks. So instead the company is prematurely cave to spit it anger. Doing so they have given so much more power to the far right now homophobic and trans phobic people.
That their words and actions hold weight in that companies will I'm scared from them and so they'll give up the attacks. New republic. You're on the wrong side of history. Starbucks there on the right side of history, target right side of history, and that's why the far left a squirrel aiming and threatening violence is the only thing they can do dangerous unhinged cycle paths who lie the mean You can see it right here when they say how bad the right wing rage has become an then reference bomb,
the rats that were in fact made by leftists incredible. Isn't it it's right before your eyes? What the corporate press and the left do lie cheat steal for power nah. I don't agree with that. I won't stand by it, so you know what I'm a big starbucks fan right now, but, to be honest, you don't need to go starbucks. You know you used. You should need to go to cast brew dot com and buy our delicious unique blends. Our cast brew coffee, we're just wrapping up the company we're here to say no to these. What corporations, but you know what the parallel economy may be doing its job. We launch cast brew coffee, the daily wire do you hear me boring launches journeys razors as well as germany's chocolate, and we do this, because if we companies want to get woke than will make alternatives, but then something happens. You add that's weathers. Launching conservative dad's ultra right beer in response to bud light and they gotta think like what fifty million views
fifty million views on their ad. And he sold the odd absurd amount of beer. You see, I think companies like starbucks are starting to get the picture but light sales collapse, and rivals emerged to fill the gap. Why would anyone of these companies want to sacrifice their market share for any reason? Are algae bt, q people going to stop going to starbucks? Perhaps- and this is where it gets interest- It's the cost, benefit analysis of major corporations and I assure you what likely habit is the consultants sat down and they said how egg. Is our algae bt q market share and they said eight percent, actually probably three percent, but we're not just talking about the algae bt community. We're talking about liberals who want to support this as well And they said: ok, how many customers will we lose if we pull these flags, I gotta be honest. Most liberals,
we don't really care and they're not going to abandon starbucks they'll still by your coffee. Ok,. Many customers will we lose if we put the pride flags up well, look at but light thirty percent may be And you can have very serious issues and more suburban and rural areas, so starbucks goes okay, so there's no real benefit to putting up pride flags, not that I can see you're not going to lose the customers. You already have you're not going to gain any customers by doing it, you're only creating a divisive political issue, okay, pull them, and that's it's that simple boycotts have worked. Congratulations! This one's big! Thank you! Starbucks! I will enjoy myself a cold brew with heavy cream first thing in the morning I'll leave at their necks segments coming up to night at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him guest. I r l thanks rang out, we'll see you all them bill O'Reilly here, inviting you to watch those been news: weeknights at eight p m eastern on the first tv
The two thousand twenty bore presidential election already underway now more than ever: folks need real facts, honest analysis and you will not find their anywhere else, but here big me pushes nothing but speculation in their own partisan agendas. The court represses hell bent on removing conservative voices. You know that and silencing them in the process. All that stopped now with me, please join is every night for the no spin news is only showed a wash at a pm eastern. You can see us free on the first tv app tune in direct tv channel. Three four seven most vent Joseph don't miss the news with me: bill o reilly wheat dies at eight. I leftovers
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-15.