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Trump Is WINNING On Impeachment And The Media Has Started PANICKING

2019-11-21 | 🔗

Trump Is WINNING On Impeachment And The Media Has Started PANICKING. Latest polls and aggregate polls show Donald Trump's approval rating has recovered since the start of the Ukraine Scandal, his approval rating has gone up since the start of the impeachment process.At the same time support for impeachment is falling, opposition has jumped 10 points among independents, and people are upset with the way Democrats are handling the impeachment process.Upon seeing these facts media outlets like CNN and Buzzfeed are framing this as an "alternate reality" when in fact they are in the minority.If most independents, moderates, and Republicans oppose impeachment then it seems its the democrats, far left, and leftist media that are in denial.The Washington Post ran an op-ed recently showing that Democrats are failing and we all know it. Even as Buzzfeed claims Republicans are in an alternate reality they say "they are winning theirs"So far Democrats have done nothing to address to claims at hand dealing with Joe Biden, instead they keep fighting over "quid pro quo"Adam Schiff is floundering and I can only imagine Nancy Pelosi is livid having been dragged into a failing impeachment battle.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Donald Tromp, is winning the impeachment fight and we all know it now. Fortunately, due to an individual's confirmation vice, I am sure that people who don't lath the president will not watch a veneil like this to see the actual evidence of umgoing to present to prove that is the case. It's not so clear cut as to say trumps approval. Writing is up amid Impatment, which it is or that opposition to impeachment has jumped ten points among independence. That's all true, but we can see from Buzf their claiming that Republicans are in alternate reality and so does see an en, but the fact the matter is-
The data shows in all circumstances, it seems for one tromp is winning. Independence are now opposed to impeachment mod majority of people according to a political morning, Councul poll think the Democrats are mishandling this, but, more importantly, if, as of this morning, their having doctor feed hail testify and she is providing factually incorrect information which is easily debunked and I'm going to prove it. I am going to prove Tis All of you, the Democrat, so far of offered up conjecture, no real hard evidence now, not here to say Trump is innocent. That's not proven either, but you have to prove
did something wrong. I don't have to prove they didn't. You need evidence that tromp committed wrongdoing, and so far Democrats have done nothing to tie any of this investigation or quid pro quo into the idea that Trump needs to defeat Joe Biden and was seeking aid to do so. They have not asked a single question has Donald Trump ever said. He was scared of losing the Joe Biden has Donald Trump ever expressed that he needed dirt on Joe Biden. Nothing like that because not about buying and they're, not winning, they are losing. Let me show you, but first I want to start with how the media is is falsely framing this, and that may misinform you and then I will talk about how the other party media that are so desperate for a win, they will out right, lie to you and ignore the facts check out the front page of the New York Times. This morning we followed the president's orders. That's what they're saying Gordon Soundless said that, but the context of what was said
in the hearing is extremely important and omitted. Based on that attention grabbing had longn lot of people agirnacy that had line and say wow the president's orders. You say well below the fold. President Trump never told me directly. The aid was my own personal. You know, guess that's the best thing they've gotten so far. Now you may be saying, but TIM I've heard all the testimony. Listen. Understand. You may personally believe tromp did wrong, but there is a big difference between providing proof beyond a reasonable doubt and having some one's opinion. Now I get it it's a political battle, but this ware, the near times, is doing. This. Is a problem of false framing and out of tack stepeds to grab your attention tot as bad as the fake news, but Bussfeed and Seanan are pushing over at Faknews O Les's. It started, and I want to start with Donald Trump's approval writing going up. Let me jistress I'm.
Saying Trump as innocent or guilty. I'm telling you that if you are someone to oppose the present, you are losing this fight and yoneed a pay. A tention, I'm going to show you if you want to turn things around and if your someody supports the present. Congratulations all signs point to average people, independent and uninisiated individuals are more likely to believe you and republican talking points are working before WI read about Trump's approval. Writing, however, had over to Timcast out come sfleshed on it. If you would like to support my work, there's multiple wasiou and give the be you can do that has share this video again. I stand that base on confirmation by as many of these left us and Ande Trump people Woy than bother watching this, the lot of the title and say: that's not true he's lying Wolt, I'm I'm telling you this, that buzz Edis is saying, Republicans are winning. There's CNN and Buzzfeed are claiming ocated as it all
reality republicans are in, but if the majority of independence of arms ayen at THA, Nother majority, if opposition to this by independencts of jumping ten points, then you are the one in the minority who was not in the collective mentality of what's really going on. Bufeet admits, Republicans are winning their fight with top trending stories on face book, I'm not making a sop. Even the media thinks Trumpes Wene in the fight. And there saying Wolth, because a Publicans not like facts. I don't care what you think. The reason is it's. It's true trump is winning this and we all know it chick us out the hill reports. Present trumps approval writing ticked back up amid the public impeachment battle. A pole released Wednesday found a gallop poll found forty three per cent of respondence. Our respondence support. Trums performance, two points more than the end of October, pull the disapproval rating of the president dropped to fifty four per cent from fifty seven in the previous boll
the approval raining matches the number gallop recorded in MID September before the news broke up the whistle blower complaint that end up sparking the houses and piquant inquiry into the president. The numbers show the stability of the present approval as the impatient inquiry unfolded. That's right when the story Bro that there was a whistled lower complined against Tromthin Hye may have done wrong, is a proval writing to get heat and upon them, bring up as they brailed Hise witnesses and showed what's really going on people amely go off, I mhan all of a sudden trumps approval writing recovers. Now we're not done theres can be more witnesses. Fuodhal, for instance, is providing more bomb shell testimony, which I will now debunk for you, but as we can see, we are in the midst of the Impichment inquiry. Trumps approval. Writing is up now for those for those of you that the president or just really dislike a more think. He should be impeached, you're, probably saying what Brinstole
Siena sang that Republicans just refuse to believe the facts. That's nuc that not true o key you! You can listen to the Biase Fox NEWS will tell you one thing: you know AMA busy and see, and I will tell you another. The fact of the matter is the Republicans are telling us that Donald Trump was fighting corruption. Well, then, we would not have allowed a proof of that, but that is at least the narrative being proposed by opponents of the president. The fact of the matter is whether tromp was or wasn't we have crept in is not the point. The point as Democrats have not provided any proof that tromp was digging up dirt on Joe Biden. That is not even a part of any of these hearings and as such, the american people are there. There loot the impotent
sis is losing support of general Americans. So if you find yourself as one of these anti Trump Impechen individuals, your unbhe losing sight so far, you are not doing anything to convince anyone. That Trump has done wrong. In fact, just the opposite, they say the pole is conducted from November first to the fourteenth before most of the public hearings took place, except for the public testimonies of diplomats, William Tellern chcant. Despite this sixteen non per cent of respondence Thand, they had made up their minds on whether the president should be removed from office or not. A total of fortyight per cent approved impeachment. Fifty per cent opposed it now I must dress the fifty per cent. Opposition is an increase,
A couple weeks ago I did 't I'd added a head. A discussion with SAM Cedar knows fifty two per cented support of Impeachmen and Removr removal. It is dropped the soldiest fake news, don't take my word for it. Here's another pull and let me show you the aggregate from real, clear politics that hasn't completely recovered from its peak of forty five point three, but it's back up to forty four point: three look at this drop. It has recovered. No one is buying the NEWS, Thook US out Washington Post, like the medious shell start a crack. The Democrats bomb shells aren't exploding, I'm sorry they keep sang it over and over again, you got to understand, they've been saying bombshell, shell for years Irol Vidio, where theyre saying things like the begin of the end. The walls are closing in bombshell. Bamshal Asall Nother San game over came over. No I'm sorry, you are wrong, but of course they are desperately trying to Cleang.
N to this narrative, and so here's is really mine. Blowing to me you're to love this for one is it Izbuswiet NEWS, Ryan Brodrick of Busfeed blamed that, because too many people twaded and support the president a specific mean it must have been boss. He couldn't imagine the president had that much support white he's envy small bubble. People were twaiting at the hired fea, a down drop to fire people like Mary Ivanovitch, seven thousand Frind Erso tweats very quickly, and so reporters that it must be bought activity and he published the story, Quest Ther Knotties were real trumpsupports turns out. They were twitter, sad upon investgating the found no bought activity, but this reporter was. She couldn't believe it in his mind. It must be russian Box, it must be or o'er bought, active heat and say Russians. But sure enough he was wrong. His assumptions were wrong. Why would he run the In the first place will now here you go here's another story where he's shocked that
The top stories unread having to do with impeachment or negative in support of the Republicans for the most part praising a least tephonic. Why? Why heavens, how could that be? Perhaps network of Botsz Tremlin individuals working straight on a Russia to sow the seeds of discord in the United States or perhaps most people do not agree with? You think you are wrong and you are lying to protect them or your just illusional. I'm sorry look at this when you are faced with the old rubbing evidence that Inface BOT, the jority of stories being share to disagree with your impeachment. Perhaps the
Sir as well. Maybe the american people don't like Himpeter toll. Tell you what, if the majority of independence now oppose it and of course almost all Republicans oppose it. That makes the majority of the country and you are in the minority. Now it's true. According to the Plitical Warning council pol, I believe, just a little bit more than half. Oh I'm not at half um, it's a two por such points more do want trump to be impeached. So take that for what I is, I'm not saying Trump is like invincible and then, as this champion, a white Stelling unto say for the most part. People are tired of this. I don't believe you but Let's see what see an Anna have to say, I love this stuff, relel both sources with Brian style, that is from Oliver Darcy and their showing the front pages. Diplomatic knowledge is quid pro quo. We followed the president's order. Let me clarify something for you. I know it's really hard to get through that that media. Screen that convinces you that Sandlin had bombshell testimony but son
also testified Donald Tromp told me. I want nothing, I want nothing. I want no Quiod qua tell Zolensky to do the right thing. I want him to do what he campaigned on. I believe I may have mixed up the back of that, but that's the paraphrasing of it, the general thaying that Tromt said. I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no Crid Qui Prokhile. He said it. Sondlad testified that Trump said that now the argument from a left is that, well perhaps Trump was just you know we knewit. He really wanted Winkwent nudge, nudge, I'll Cate, you Ona argue Winkwink, no judge and court you're, probably not going to win you meed woprove to the average person in Hise country, that Trump did it, but if Sandlind is testifying, I presumed it was a quick Proco but come to Trop to me. It wasn't. Why would I take his word for it's? Not enough, I get it. Impeachment is not a criminal eedings? It is just whether ot someone wants to win politically but in the EDD Tu the Outh. The only question now, as will the GEO Pe Care,
speak Oun, seeing on Jeffrey Tuob and said, I think you can divide the Trump president into two periods before November. Twentieth, Pont, nineteen after be Now we know I mean now we know, but every fantasy abut how corrupt this administration was is actually true that this was a corrupt enterprise. From the very beginning after years, after years of Russia, being provand false now they are still saying it. There is no evidence, I'm sorry. You can't take one person who presumed a Quicproquo, but all so Testifyed trumps, that there wasn't and then placed it against the other officials who said I either have evidence it was my opinion or in the case of vulgar and Morson. That's not true. There was no quid proquo All we can say is that it is disputed and not proven two Bin to stil things down to one er many question: Now the only question as as anyone care do, the Republicans scare does it matter to them that this corrupt enterprise is now proved clearly because not
and you note's Crazyd Eme a that Sein. It is pushing this narrative that they've proven it when, when you look at the puls, the Averagema in with you, Trump's approval is going up, support for impeachment is going down They are trapped in this Merer universe, where they seem to think that, after all of the testimony of Hur ORD, so far, nothing being proven one person giving their opinion is a Bambshell while even the Washington pop post is forced to admit they are not exploding. I
all your bomb shells are duds, Bu, guess what they say that, basically you know Republicans don't care waly. The say Republicans have made clear their devotion. A trump is irrational and, like other religious face, not subject to rational refutation. Sorry to tell you all, I have never been a fan of Donald Trump Nope, but do I care about him very little very little when Trump one I left and in vote form didn't want of Whot form and will not vote form? I just don't really like the guy that much, I think, he's got a bad attitude, but that's O Kai were in a country, and I think my chance for change is to vote in twenty twenty. But the Democrats are too obsessed with how bad trumpets- and I honestly don't care. I don't give you Provin. Nothing to me so, yes, I have a dedication of the facts and because of it, I am now going to refute Fioda Hill's testimony because she is a lion or at the rot. I'm sorry, that's that's sit a bit too much. She is just wrong. She is wrong. She is wrong. Purey,
no matter how you spin it. What feod A'Ll testify this morning about yucraine either proves that you crane, didn't, interfere Toin Xteen but is trying to know- or they didit Fer Twiy sixteen and they are still trying to. There is no two ways about it: Fionahill's testimony probes without a doubt that you is meddling, even though she's trying to refute it, and let me show you, White House, former top russian aide Savages Donald trumps defenders in impeachment. Testimony saying their claim. You crane, interfered. Twenty sixteen election is a Vladimir potent lie design to destroy the faith of american people in our democracy heavens. She said it was false. It was a conspiracy Tod' happen. Let me show you some things to now. Well, I'm sorry foona help. What you've just said has only proven that you crane is muddling if what your saing is true
First, here's a story from the New York Times and twenty eight in December Ukraine Court rules, man, a fort disclosure caused meddling. In the? U S election. Oh the New York Times pushing conspiracy theories, a court in Yucrana. All that officials in the country violated the law by revealing the twenty Fixteen present election in thie states, details of suspected illegal payments by Pall Matifort and this Wasall through Eucraan Embassy and and went through Oltande Chelupa, and the allegations against Youkrane were upheld by ucranian court and reported by the near times. Well, It'Stop right now, let's say you crane is trust. Worthy. You crane officials, but Sthisist is wrong. I'm sorry, Fuodo Hill has proven your wrong your times. Let's us run with Et Oket. Let's operate, not from the premise that you crine is trustworthy. What they're saying is true: they did not meddle O kaylets at noral, thatsn't say you our friend. They are not to subvert our elections. They are honest actors who love us. Look at
bring you now to Interfact you Crain who's reporting that bite in partners received. Sixteen Po five million dollars in payments stolen from Ucranan taxpayers, a Ukrainiin parliament, a parliamentary member, Andrea De Cutch, has said that vice President Job UT, some sixteen point: five million dolls received by Hunter Bidon, the son of Jobae, what are as payment from Berisma was stolen from ucuraian citizens. Member of parliament, Andrea Dercatch, said the story from November twentieth. Just yesterday, the interfacts you cring reporting. This is confirmed now the Vusiby opinion of the MP, but the story of the expanding probe into Ber
is now confirmed by roiters. You crane, wide ANS Proe against Verezma, founder to embezzlement of state funds, full stop Hunter Bitehed received money. He is accused by a member of parliament and eukrine of taking that money. Sciphening it from me from you, prentyan taxpayers, Aho Royders is now confirming that you crane is in fact probing births must found her for bazzling state funds. Does that me at the founder who was paying Hunter Byin with stealing state money to give to Hunter binin? Oh, oh, looks like we need an investigation, so let me throw back to Fiodihill who testified the Ukhranst off ACE, a conspirus Theerint's, not true which narrative I I supposed to believe a few cranians were not meddling or that they were because if you believe they weren't meddling
We must trust what they're saying now, if you believe that in twenty sixteen all it strow all the stores or fake nows, are you now claiming that the latest from roiters is also Fagnes? Are you claiming the Yukrainian M p Andrea Durcotch is lying when he calls for investigation and he is demanding that zalenski and get Trump on the phone immediately to investigate. Why Hunter Biden received this money. Let me stress this: for you again, the Poles show at support for Trumpeis up Oppositno the Impeciet inquiries up, support for impeachment is down, and if Theona Hill is to be taken at face value, that means we must rust the Yucretit and Pece WAR or allies, and were telling us right now that Hunder Bidin stole money or at least received stolen money from Ucraantext, and a story is now confirmed by writers or or hold on hold on what's safe wrong. Ukrainians really are meddling in our election. Well, then, we can take a
UT the Storian say Wright, I don't trust M p Ondre Dercutch, because we know that you Krin was trying to Infere and interfere in our elections so Ich is it? Are the interfering now or were they or or are they trustworthy? An hunter Bidon is guilty of something or should be ufter. The verilies be investigated pick one because if she wants o testify, it's all the conspiracy veory not throu. The first thing we have to do is throw out the New York Times: Politico the hill, I'm sorry, the Democrats and the left and their allies and media live in a paranoid reality where they think Republicans are irrational, but the New York Times reported the story. I'm sorry political report EF those interference. The Newr Times reported that ucranian court confirmed it. The hill reported that people at the embassy confirmed the interference and I'm supposed to throw that all away, because the Democrats are
seeing the impeachment increase. Sorry as on how things work, but I'll tell you what else you know what I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna pull the story because I think we ve got it, but Hunter Biden is now is being alleged or is being reported. It confirmed by the daily mail that he is the ill. The father of a a child born in Ukraine in is denying it and the scandals keep piling up so im me LEN, it lemme. Just let me let you only wrap this up for you just because Trump's approval is up just because support for impeachment is down, it doesn't mean Trump is innocent, and that's o ka. I know the transupporters will tell you all day and night. Tromp is innocent and he is fighting. The deep state not everybodwhy, believes that. But some do I'm not here to Fik say any of that. I don't know about any vet, but I can't tell you, as I've been listening non stop to all of this testimony to all of his news, Ats Whan. I do every single day and trust me when I say there is a reason why peoples, the support for the present is, is going up. There
reason why opposition to impeachment is going up? It's because those of us who have paid attention to all of us know full well. The Democrats have proven nothing. They have provedn thing and in fact, only made themselves look worse and the one bombshell to come out of the impeachment increase so far is that Hunter bite- and it is all in all likelihood crooked- should not have been working in the company and so far everyone has testified that there is a potential appearance of a conflict of interest only by their down. I take issue with that right. At least a fanatic has said several times that potential appearance of a conflict of interest, because the appearance of a conflict of interest would be an opinion. The potential for one is very, is stretching it quite a bit. I dont think we need that. I think the fact of the matter is the New York Times reported in twenty fifteen hunter bite in taking a job at Bergamo
undermined. U S, efforts to weed out corruption period! I even though we Ford im the witnesses you can take Thet for what it is at the end of the day. If you are some one who does not like the present or someone who does, the fact of the matter is Democrats are losing support for the present is going up, they've prove on nothing. That's it! That's where we are may change silence. Testimony may move a niegle a little bit, but I want to stress the first point for you, president, never told of me Ckley. The aid was my own personal. You know guess in fact Sandland testified. More importantly, tromp said I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quiod
Ro Quo tells a landscape to do the right thing. I want him to do what he campaigned on yet because of sound Linz personal opinion that those were orders that the present never directly gave him. That's the front page of a near times. The media is either falsely framing this because they know it also and their allies like Buzzfeed, who have been wrong over and over again, the ones who published the fake steel dossier, which sparked right agate, or at least help spark rushagate and see an they are wrong and it's in it's kind of Sal. I got to say to c c Anan sitting there in the corner of the room in a straitjacket shriekin out with their herald, crazy, saying it's it's Russia, you don't believe the facts you do the facts Sah and then, when you look at what Americans really believe in their Bey believe for the most part, trot might be an a deuf. You know he might have made an inappropriate
call and he should just relied on actual investigators to Wea of the cruption, but Trump couldn't do it. Tromp loves, tweeding trunk needs, Everone o know it's him. He's got the plan and he knows he's smorter. I believe Trump's arrogance has caused him a lot of problems, but I'm sorry, arrogance is not an impeachable offence. Ignorance is that peachable offence, if you believe tromp just believes conspiracy theories and that led to all this absolutely fine, I will say o K. Thank you. That's fine! The stories may not be true. You can't impeach some one for being incorrect. If tromp believed there was corruption welt, there you go. I will give one one point to the Democrats. That is very important. That the one most important factor here is that it may not be a so for Democrats have testified under all pass in the seventies. Trump does not have the legal authority to hold aid in the first place. Assuming that's true, it's the only real point they ve made so far. But if that's the case, I ask
Why is Adam Schiff obsessed with Joe Biden but has not asked a single question about trumps mental state pertaining to bite and I will wrap it up with this final point. Sorry, for going alone that long, The Democrats have asked nothing about Budin, no they said things like who would benefit from this. Who would benefit from thus will who we want MO speculate. You know what when Sondline would ask who would primarily benefit from investigation. An a bresmi goes a byin. Your knowute said I Bernie Thait. Burney Sanders has the most again because Joe Biton is standing in his way of being front runner or Lis with Warren Old WAL. What about Trump? A wided Trup benefit trumps, not running the democratic ry. If Joebiden loses the primary tromblers nout a wory, anything their points make no sense and they have asked nothing about Trumpss mental stake pertaining to Biden. Is it pass
that Trump was in his room, sweating profusely, saying Mindin's goin to beat me what'll. I do somebody get you Cuit in the phone theyh'ven't even asked. They haven't even asked if Trot brought up Biton, they haven't even asked, has tromp taught hav't even asked. Has Tropp talked about twenty twenty hadn't even asked bat, because Thiy don't care and they're losing and we know it and I feel bad for all those people more trapped by this mailstrom of fake news that just wants your eyes to sell, adds I'll leave it there. I hate talking about him pitronit if it's JU such a absurd nonsense. I'll see you all at six p M Utubaccam, Fleshd HIM Cass News, hopefully Su Fort Firsome, more fun and interey stories about. Tell you what man, I cod be honest. Every single news outlets is dominated by this and so forth for better or for worse. This will be a historical moment. I dont know how to turn out. For now it seems trump as winning I'll see you next, on Joe Biden is in bad shape is lost it.
And if you goes watch the Democrag Te Bate last night, I think Youwould agree because so does Jank Uger of the young Turks, and I high light him because he's a progressive you really hates trump. We are were not very much politically allined. I think we are grantsome things, but you know it's a Grint a lot, but I think we could all agree that Jo Badeness completely lost it. He was full of gaps, he struggled to speak and, as Esquire puts it, Joe Biton's foot in Mouth disease was working overtime, the Atlantic Democratic Debate Cory, Booker Hidt him with a snappy line, but the former vice present did not handle things well, they're lying when they claim that Joe Biden is the front runner. They are lying when they claim that he's the one who can be trunk, they are lying when they claim tromp is scared of Bitin and needed a dick up dirt This is an example of why impeachment is a sham when it let it limmi tat. Lem me to Thiscim, so Suc O the impetient things, so so I'l, even oveld. U o how much longe I'll be talking about it, but you think Donald Trump E
arrogant, Narsasistic, Donald Trump, who who mocks journalists Yo Body slammed, who says locker up who says whatever he wants, is worried about a guide. Who can't talk straight? Sorry dud? I don't believe it. I don't, and the Democrats have not at least as far as I've seen asked any of the witnesses, so Farn Te Impetient hearing did tromp ever express fear. He would lose to Bidon, did Jorh ever say he needed an edge to Bemen, not thin ever Thr. Ask many if it good fake, it is fake, it is fake. Tromp is not worried about the gafman running you trumps, Goi to be alike. I think we you do this. An Anbite and Stether go fallow and my be mean, but it's happened. Chl is regga I got a bunch of stories actual that Pusats must asund to the blaze. Joe Boghtan is a colossal gaff during the democrati debate, and every one in the audience burst out Laugi to do for Hem Sheuld do a shorter sightment this morning, because we're wrapping up the Democrat Debates, it was
mind Knoming, it was boring I'll, give a shout out to Qory Booker, thankfully at least wore the Democrats said we can't just keep talking about taxing rich people. We talk about me. No helping people become much pornorse on creating that wealth, and I'm like thank you came not a big fin. Bok but at least somebody said it Joe Bidan's, colossal gaff, Nevery one laughing. The dude thinks it's. Twenty or thirty years on a tive is out democratic candidate, Jobe, issued a colossal mistake: Fror the Democrati debate Onesday, and it was immediately the on social media and on the debate staged, the brutal mishap happened when Senator Corey Bugger was challenging the former. Vice president on a support and the black community. He said I have more people supporting me in the black community that have announced for me as they know me, they know why I am said: Byton Thre former chairs of the black Caucas, the only an american woman to ever be eliked ed, VE, Nide States SEN at a whole range of people, but not
was vident wrong about their only being one black female senter, but he was completely ignoring the Nder Camala Harris, the second black female. I can T Zenit was standing on the debate stage next to him Dood is not all there, his brain stopped twenty or thirty years ago. That's not true laughed bucker, note, that's not true left Harris. The other one is here. The audience burst out, laugh in laughter at Biton's, brazen to He was also brutally mocked on lined by both left and right for the mistake. It wasn't just that Byde isnot, not the front runner. I get the poles or saying he is, but no one whose panintention Apolitics thinks bite and stands a chance for thing. Well, I'm sorry, I TID the back. It's possible, the average democrat voter who says they would vot from the pole, arpaying attention, Sother Ziag as a bood for Bitin, but come on man. If that's the best tat demo, rits have to offer I'm sorry you're, not gettin my support and I'll say this two men, the more impeachment drags on the
or angry. I get with all Democrats, and that includes taught see. I am so you know one when she first announced it was not gonna supporting patronize. I thank you. Let's talk about issues and figure out how to defeat the Republicans right. This is, although to do in the sportsmen like world of what we, what politics should be as I'm going to defeat you. I disagree with the idea The game is afoot. Instead, when we get screeching non stop and me ccusations, that Trump is terrified of biting OAP, Fleas, Jude, left, Ann right think Buton has lost his mind. You think trumps worried about it, tro that a rally was like. I easily beat Hilary Clinton. Who is we baked? Basically, the top person of the Democrat side, not so much any what was and he was like an you and they think I'm worried about biting s. I know what I do I'll call you Krand et insane, it's absolutely insane and even the sondland testimony yesterday, which they're calling a bomb shell, it's not
are losing in an Ensianet and I'm just so sick of it. Do we can see plain as day that Bydon is not all there and Bidean cannot go up against ALD Trump So'Ll. Tell you what let's lets USS go t this totche otscosees through this debate stage talk about who can actually go against toml trucks I'll tell ye! It's probably none of them I'll! Tell you the first but at's a Stowith Booker we got gave a comple. Booker acts too? Much like things, aren't serious he's laughing and he's too like what? What oh? No you gotta be a little bit more rs hatd by respect? What he's trying to do? Tolsie gabbered, who I like, I think, is a bit too stiff and not quick, ESE cheese, cheese, pigeon holing herself into one issue regime change war, which for me, is one of the biggest cout I'll. Tell you this here is what you need to say here is what you tell the am.
N people. You want to stop these wars overseas. Here's my question for you: Elizbeth Warnin! You have proposed a wealth tax on billionaires. You have called them lazy, free loading billionaires. There are very few of them rout of the rest of the country, but I can. I can respect the idea that some of these people may have used r, no exploitat of means or avoid avoid paying taxes, use loopholes, Frorh the pan of the papers. I can respect that you're concerned about this. But let me ask you: why is the first thing of proposing the billioners? I mean NER, you're, Betch I'll, tell you what we to do the first thing we need to do when we're going to budge it for how we pay for health care, four Fort for EO solving the problems that we face. This country with homelessness. The first thing we do is take a look and how much money we waste blowing up kids in foreign countries, Youa Talk, BOM all about it. Two thousand five hundred extraddicial assassinations. Don't take my word for it. Look it up, so you won't talk about a waste of money. You won't talk about taxing people fullsed up how about we
assess how much money we're wasting on on providing weapons to foreign countries and sending our soldiers overseas to change a regime, because we want better prices on gas for our allies. How about we focus on what the american people need before we go in and start proxy wars in foreign countries? You wanna talk about finding funding for health care. I got bad news, we're not actually spending that much on foreign war relative to how much you would need for healthcare. The first thing you need to do is stop wasting your money and focus on the for structure in this country. O Heavens, is Donald. Tromp sang America first. Over and over again you can't say that, because that would put you in league with the evil. Nationalist too you don't got to bein Overit National IST to say maybe we should priortize our foreign expenditures a little bit back towards nation buil. In our own country. We can be internationalist. We can do all that stuff, but we start. Why are we
ilding nations and Afganistan Wel. We can't even do it in Detroit. That is the best argument in my opinion, so I think it would be great if Talsy could get past just saying you know were wasting my worse e elaborate. You've got a talk more about health care. Gont talk more about energy and you've got it. You got to have more than just regime change. War now admit I Thook. One of the big reasons I I like Talsi is because I think that is like the first step you have to do have to reassess where were spending money and where the biggest sin coals is blown up, kids and forn countries. I know I'm exampding Hyprobolic on purpose. It's not all about that. We do some great things over seas. There is a lot of money we spent on Un Uninfored.
Roject that I understand. I understand why tromp wanted to give javelins to you Crain I get it. I get it. I'm just saying I always iways say this too to a lot of the far left people. I know before you talk about taxing the rich. Let's talk about re ovaluining, where our tax money is going, as I explain it, I believe in Governent programms and social programms, but we have to make sure we call the fat and cut out the blop. Now we got out PETE Boodhy Juch, two generic, like I think I think he's got what it takes to be president forty years ago, but to day you n up against a man who can dooe TOT quick wit, you Konwt one of the funniest things trumpead during the debate of hilaries. I los yes, Talkan Trump's going wrong no wrong. It was funny Trump as an entertainer. He knows how to make you laugh and he inspired the confidence of a lot of nthis country, not necessarily enough, but enough to win right. I think
Bama had overwhelming support. So then you've got loss. Ta we have or Andriyeng Andrew Yang, has tremendous job of being funny and having great ideas, but I think he needs to ease Nop strong enough to go to cop against Trump in terms of actually, I think Andrean's got the attitude to compete with Trump, but do think that he just comes up short. You 'd, understand, Comala, Acamala Harris will get will get roasted by Trump like hard. She is not fast enough and she is a She comes off as a stagy like desperate Coomum, none and I can have in Ois with Warren. Oh my she is the worst. She will do, the worst against the humble trunk. I don't think you have some one who can peep Donald Trump on asage and it's certainly not Jo Violonce rappied back up to the point Ouws making CAS as it nov those that there's another gaff. It said: there's more ig as out askquire calls it his foot mouth disease, here's a tweet, it says Joe Bitan
It's ok to hit a woman in self defence and then clauses by saying to punch the culture that encourages punching women, andevery. One starts laughing at him. Cory, Booker, insinuates that Joe Bidon was high for saying that marijuana was a gateway, drug, a sai. It does seem that bite has supported de Criminizing mare wonna for some time, but that's really taking a baxe at this point. Well, I come out of that Obama coalition. He said I come out of the black Commutte, an terms of my support. Oe Asoletia Joe Bidon was struggling to speak. It's not just about these gafts. It's not just about him, saying things that make no sense. It's about the in his first opening statement he was falling asleep. I am not exaggerating the guise on stage his eyes. Are you don't, like you know, glazing over an a ganpe Jupidum W support for the UN? What what warderner dois? I add That was an exaggeration, but it was really like e really struggled to get an idea out. So do we have.
We just watched the demmercrati debates and I'll tell you one thing: I think I'm I'm extre, excited for a I mar be Comg Ost everybody. I don't think Booker will ever have what it takes to be. The president, I'm sorry Booker, I I I do cot, like the guy. I don't think he's all bad. I've seen I've seen some these candid moments where some stoming on a selphone of Like Himtalk, Ing, o constituent- and he was tough- they lay Ther, manding him like make a point. You was a done, an Honanother stop hes like I, I understand Wat tyo'e trying to do. I believe that Quinsy, you know and et it was right. Owas greles like I can respect that, and it was crazy to me that in in this candid moment that is just like some randof person filming an event. He seemed more real than hes ever evereseemed. We on stage. It sounds like he's, reading a scrap and his Wer and in souned that he's trying not to tell a hous reading a scrip doesn't work. So you know I lookd to the people on the stage. I think people to judge wo have great career going for which will not be the president. I think he's very charismatic, ah- and I think he's quick, witted and he's a great speaker, but he's not what what's going to win to day things AR very
front in all is with Warren. Is Hillary Clinton? Wang Bernie Sanders mask that's the way its biggest been described to me, and I think it's funny it's not that she she you know, I'm not saying she doesn't at support. Bring Itg on on SA, like she's she's, a a establishment, crony whose ing the things that Burney would say. Ah I'll. Tell you thas! Burney I mean Thit time to retire for Burney, Bidenan, Mor and all of em. You know that they're ther the they that theye all pass the seventy mark right. Sir Andrew Yenga, thing's, exciting ohm. I don't see him as ever. Being president we'll see what happens you never know, but there's a fu. I would say that's on you know outside of my frustrations over impeachment and reyangs pasically, the only one who AR isn't technically supported as he's not a politician, but they'll do they'll do Ena, and I I I have I'm just UN completely frustrated and
I got to beyond us, I'm getting angrier every day at this business. This keeps going I'll tel. What here's wriht we thot Ight. I did not vote for Trump. I laughed when he won, because this is what they deserve. They deserve to lose, not going to vote for Trump. I mean look, I'm not saying I would never. I am not somebody who votes for the lesser of two evils, but Trump can change. You know that you know it was how he campaigns, but I'm not on MOT a fan of his style. I I'm I I think there's a bit too wode off the Couf Kana, you know ain. I she shoot aim. Owar was what is ready a ready fire aim or whatever I think tromp has may many mistakes in terms of just doing things without planning them out. So I a look in any and Ike. We can talk, but a great economy trump can get credit for lot of things. But for me it's nihes on my guide and I'm not I'm not deranged by it. It's just simples. I go. You know
ever Bok rather of some, be us. So what what wel the Democrats have to offer me? What have they tried to do to convince me? A a moderate, individual and independent voter Hi'Ve been called independent byick. Every single news outlet would a that. What are they done to convinceu? Nothing? You know LI, I'm not the lowest common denominator, so they don't care about me and they don't care about principle. They don't care about talking about what actually needs to be done to make this country butter, and you know problem is Trump does talk about what he wants you to make the country better, and he says things at often people don't like, like the left. You know when he says in his in his first campaign, calling for a complete and total ban on Muslims in the country or whatever the court was he's talk in ways that I've been offensive to people and, admittedly, I think the worst problem for them is. The media knows he's that you know that their milking it for all
worth, so they definitely make Trump seem a lot worse than he really is like LUT Lik, a Lige. I say I was defered to Fluckus talks great channel by the way he not that bad Ligin Nar. I means that you could not like him and that's fline, but come HU seriously like what sinuating in the Proshna preachment is so insane so find myself as some one who tries to be principled and consistent, and I you know I try to mit when I'm wrong. Ify in changes due new information or something you know have nversations with people on the left. I try as Hars possible to frequently have people who are more left talk to me about their ideas and I actually for them. I think I've done more left wing rsations and debates. I have Dnoe with anybody on the right cause. I really really KE sure that we can have that conversation instead woat as Aantipa
Ingas. The media is selling you garbage. The media is claiming that Trump is doing all these evil things. They're out of context, Clickbate rage, bake garbage, and so I turned the Democrats and say: what can you propose to me? They'll make the country better and they say the Orange man is bad and I say God it k o K. I dont disagree all right now, do you have in mind for me- and they say, listen, which you got to understand about what we're doing in this country to fight for a better future that the Orange man is bad and I go. You told me that the first time you never Vited, any hard evidence. You just keep whacking me in the face: screeching Orange man, bad. So I'll tell you what I get it. I'm not the low's comed denominaer moderates centrists, whether e cent her life or sent to write. We are not the target demographic for these groups, because tho theire, trying to do wit, shrork the biggest voter block possible to win. While that doesn't win me over
hall. It does make me angry and so all I will. I will UN by saying. No I've been thinking about it um and I looked at the future I actually do have, I think that's it dies a lot of a a lot of positive predictions about Tulsey, Gabbert and Andrey Yeng. A lot of them? I think well do willerally well, but I think Talsi's got to shine a lot in four or eight years will see what happens, but I must admit I will be the far tosay at that somebody who has supported talsie- I am, tremely increasingly angry over her support for impatrent and I'll. Tell you exactly why. When it first came out, she said no, and I agree o, I believe, in more progressive policies. I'm Proachoy Pro choice, o K. I I, I believe a poressive tax make sense. I absolutely think we to figure how to solve these tax loopholes and hold the billiners askin all that good stuff, but I think
Rin, N, N, penburning or pandering they're. Finding scapegoats. No I'll tell you about tack, opporessive taxes, about pro choice because of principal decisions and I'll explain to you why I feel the way I do and try to with you on a compromiseal. We can live together, worn and Burne in my pinion ire just saying Whetever. I think you need to hear these lay billionaires? Oh come on. Do nobody Billionere's lazy, please o Cay, these people Sedeo's work. Was it like thirty something percent, an the average person they work eight hour weeks. I don't believe that they're lazy. I do believe Tht that we need a solve for loophole so that people Don's ore, blogging the system and selling snake oil, but I believe they on principle, and I see these people and their pandering in the end. They offering me nothing It's just yes, I sot some unoffinished air point. You ant it impeach Trump O K. I don't see it and nthe Democrats are just saying whatever they think they lived e, many to say Y, to get those votes
Rst Talsey, said no. None of that and I said spot on. Thank you. You know you don't have to like the but you can literally say this is not what we should be doing right now. Then she flipped and the now's like Uf Why are you doing this? She could have been. I I mean we can even talk about in terms of political strategy being the only Democrat on that state saying no and they would have turned her and say you're opposing and Peath it absolutely because you know what were a yeur up from election trump dead is conjecture and opinion, and I get it. You can watch ammus and we see and see in em and they'll tell you the world which got to understand it is destroying the fabric of our country, istearing. Everyone apart, we do not have an instance where there is a smoking gun. That proves trump. Did this better? That, and I understand you an
Vestigation, but the where I see it is let's go for this this this election. Let's let the people know if you have issues with what Trump Es Bein accused of you can take it to the voter booth. Instead, what we have is a waste of time where the t ve is inundated with non, stop talk at the present and we need to solve problems. The president is a problem that can be sole the american people when they vote and if they don't think he rises in the level of removal and they vote warm, then so be it. But the job of politicians should be coing and solving policy position decisions not complaining about the guide, Whill beat them. Instead she supported it. She did talk about the parties, nature and the divide, but you know what there's very few eople that I believe, are standing on principle and in the end all I see now is that because Democrats overwhelmingly blindly support impeachment, that's what youre Goin O get Talsie included. So yet I'm um I'm an id bite. I'm incocredibly frustrated by all of this, so you no
Whatever man, I don't know, here's your democrat debate, wrap up a review, show from me, Jo Biands nuts. We know he's nuts he's not the front ontor they're lying Burney's. Doing as adually better job than he is Warren is frustrating and she is a duplicitous liar. I believe she is full of it. I Eave Burney is a bit more honest but also believe he's playing the pandering game and that's. Why don't like him any more because he realized, instead of standing on principle, an tow these issues like a few months ago when he said we can't let all these poor people- and this too many now he's like. I think we should put a moratorium on deportations and let fifty thousand migrants- and it's like ok, do that's literally the opposite of what you are talking about four months ago, I'm sorry, it you're all liars. I want to play this game any more. I don't care you deserved, Don'Ld trot. You deserve the bull charging through the doors of the Ivor. Or tellg you to shut up and making fun of you ind laughing, and that's why a lot of Americans voted for him. Becaue said you know what I don't care, let the bull have his way. Let him through that tower say what he wants. Tell you what
Ade, and at least at least we Coan have some emotional vindication that all of you duplicitous career politicians who care nothing who care for nothing about the american people, pretend you do we'll get your come uppance now. I do think to a degree a lot of his despoltitians care to an extent most of em. However, his wot to kiss the castle dad give you Ar Yuant the keys are congratulations hand. I had nothing to do withottle Trump, getting elected, o K. I wasn't doing commentary vidy as an Involte for the guy I'm not going to, but you know what I certainly can o stand in respect why they released the ball into your tower. Congratulations: the keys castle are yours, I hope you enjoy having the bull rampage through and you know what I'll leave it there stick around dexcitements coming up in a few are at one p m ND. I will see you all then If this, the people are going to be leading the United States and the future, it's over Atd dos a matter what you do,
try whatever you vote forever its innozent matter: men, the young people, are going to inherit this world This Buzzfeed story shows us that upon some minor incidents involving words heavens a naughty tax message. Everything just breaks down. And I'm m not even exaggerating they are shutting down classes, Students are scared to go to class, because somebody was called a flar. I am not exaggerating Busfeed has a story about universe student Te Syracuse, who are scared to go to school classes. Being shut down, because somebody was old, a slur because somebody else saw something written in snow, I'm being serious, think about it. Ten years from now, these kids are working Cor. Jobs. Somebody makes an off colored joke from family guy and HAL shot down the business. I don't feel safe going to work.
Enfought Aly discrimination suit against the company sang that by not providing a safe working environment, theyre discriminating, we're demed men, it's over college, destroyed and rotted the minds of these children by also blaim the barents. His great, bi will. I will stop myself luck. I I'm um Bing, a Ben o er bog on E taces, o MUS, when these people are too scared to crawl out of their bed, because the monsers are looking on a order regular saying people will carry on just fine. These people will likely get fired. There are issues with law suits and things I bet out for the most part. I think the only thing you really have to do in an rsui to wee people out is ask him how they feel about Intef fenseive comedians like Whe, you think about Dave, Chipels stand up and if they say roblematic Uts, like a k, I don't think he'll fit into the culture. There's nothing discri. Worry about that. Asking of some one appreciates mainstream pop culture and they say no get rid of em, don't say: whats could happen, they're gin to hear a naughty word and their
to refuse to come to work and site discrimination check this story out? Tach just show how Syracuse University students are too scared to go to classes after a series of raisest intents, when I saw the headline, I'm thinking like a group of you know skin, had to walking around punching people in the face. If you come to school, you'll regret it sending threats over tax like I know where you live and I'm like woe, but I know Bettr that's or decided to read the story, and then it turns out a series of related incidents has resulted and people texting each other classes being Cancelled. Excuse me, should I worry about going to classes and Contune my education, Stay at no stay at home and not worry about getting shot. What rom the south side of Chicago, and I actually at some points had to worry about getting shot, but ever stopped me from living two blocks away from my house. There was a hot dog stand and it had bullet proof, glass,
bullet marks because somebody shot at it and that's where we'd go to get a hot dog and there were great hot by the way. Yes, that's a reality in Chicago these people are out of their minds. You know what I'm I'm u'mlucky to grow right right. Why grew up to experience in the ralities of this world and not become such a fragile and frightened Individualth a naughty word result in me flying in my room and there are they 're crying. Oh, now busbe what you do when these people should not be us. We should not be listened. I'm all for treatg you with respect ocame but is rtain point you got to tell some one: stop it this is nowhere near as bad as things are going to get. How will you function? How will you go to a but station. When they 're some, like cracked out Homele sky, whose flinging fee, he's like if we ve been what Othen when
syracused. University students began hearing reports that White's Premisest manifesto had been airdropped to some people, Selfh on to the school libran Monday night or Tipatel a fourth year page Deestoo quickly began thinking about escape roots and evacuation plants. What a't you? Oh man that's so insane. I have literally been the Matison. I went to Egypt, during the revolution, Backin was a twenty thirteen and I went down and was surrounded by a much of very angry people who very much did not like Americans. And I walked through an extremely dense area as a in arrogant American, but you know what I understood: the Ria these the resks and what I was doing- and I was fine o k- you don't go around being an arrogant jerk, you mind your own business, you keep your mouth shut and you do what's right and you can even go into gain.
S areas where this thoute there were ships sang like no Americans, you know like they wore. They were very angry. Then there done that. I have been in places where I am surrounded by far left Roth I'll, tell you what you'll talk about being concerned for os I went to go cover a protest outside of Columbia and I get Surroun by a bunch of screeching leftists who did't even know who I was and was I scared? No, but I did have concern right. You won't talk, mbout, being scared, Hav on ENG, for people head. You get a tacx message in your leg, a one of her professor's depart religion, texted AR at seven twenty five, a m on Tuesday morning already Are you sure you want to go to campus? We need to be safe, I'm I'm actually Unum Glenn. I'm glad these people are hiding, I'm I'm good stay out of the way of regular people GE this country soverwhelmingly normal people and if you're scared, because someone pranked you and sent something offensive good Wat Wasthe saying it Hom do Somet
get out of the way rip. Multiple people sdout to each other of the same message do not go to campus to day. It was a palpable fear. Patell thirty told Busby knows Whou could feel on the Ar you, imagine spending money to get an education and being surrounded by these Cyclopaths Shutting down your education, you hare o pay that money back. A series of racest Insaint Port Aboth University, since Nemember seventh have heightened the fears of students and faculty members on campus. This weak teachers cancels classes citing concerns for their student safety, parents making their kids return home for the holidays earlier than usual, and many students are refusing to leave their apartments missing classes and Workships. I love the constitution. She'll tell you what none of these things that hat have have been threts violence or in any way illegal. The incidence in
of racial slurs against blaccination people, racest Grafedi. Now the grafide is illegal. A swasical found in a snow bake, not illegal, a black woman being called the unward bag of a students and fraternity members and a professor of color receiving violent and racest emaile threat receiving a threat is cert illegal that I can understand Thot acceptable and if people are worried about that, I agree I'll, tell you what the thing is. When these people move out into the real world and they're getting jobs, you could go outside to where they are every day and say a naughty word and they'll be too s, to come to work and you did nothing illegal. It is your free speech to stand there and say certain things that are fensive, I'm not saying Flurs, I'm saying things that would offend them and make them feel unsafe. No, the point is
whether or not there they feel unsafe, because you're saying things like the little things I taying Trump over and over again I have seen I was in New York and there was a pro burning protest and a guy ran up and tour yelling Trump and waving his arms in the air and one of the protestors went to the police and demanded he be arrested and that it was a lady cop whinch. She goes for one and she was like he won't stop yelling Trump at us, and the cup was like so and ND the protester woman, this far left us was like you is not allowed to do it you to rest Hem and the Ladycop goes. You knowhw, Standing there screaming really really loud and he's doing he act same thing, you're both allowed to do that. I'm not arresting anybody and there' something freaked out. Jes like this is unacceptable. I'm going to call the pully, I would to call him and the Lighty Copsli go, do whatever you want, they're spoiled brats and they are going to freak out. They will showt for their b no ood. Viginal left at welder. Those jotswount exist in ten years, but you nio, Em An'Ll, be in New York. Looking for work and they'll be covered up
hard shivering, because people around them are saying things that are naughty becausen'n. The real world, like in men, Henn you're, going to hear some some do yell something that is legally allowed to yell, but you'll feel unsafe. I got tell you men, I don't know what the Gest of the the races manifesto was assuming at did navany threat. Somebody drawing something in a snow bank, even if itis, Deffence Ofe a Aswoshka is not illegal. We do t snow, you know here we go authorities, including the F beyind en campus and local police are investigating some of the this, including the anti semitic email set to a faculty member and reports of the Anti Muslim and also wasn't a white supremacist manifesto is an anti muslim manifesto. You got it. You gotta clarified because they are different. They can overlap. Ok, I think it's important to make sure we know the difference is Andrew. Cuomo of the state police hate crimes, tat
force and state division of human rights are also assisting the investigations. Now Lok Holl stress sending a threat to somebody not a matter. If its races are not, you can't threaten people so, of course, wey're non investiget that and they should- and I hope they bring these people to justice. As for the offensive words, the Universities Department of Public Safety Shad. It has doubled patrols on campus stationed patrol vehicles around campus and increased walking patrols to residence halls and campas. Buildings is also of advised students to call for a safety escort a call for as safety Escort This is amazing. This may be one of the most exaggerated and like sick cam, ask Cloudlish
circus nonsense, I've ever seen what is so they've got like some tax lessages, W T, F, F, F, F, AF, Afaf, it's time for us to go home. I hate this effing school, I'm trying to keep it together and finish. My ask for my classes, but this so disheartning. I can't even do my damnd work. I can't be at the protest at his aggravating and it is a blurred thing. Oanever. I cried to day twice oh notm, crying right now bitter ar guise. I'm scared. I just woke up the stuff, and I cannot I've been of like all night. I knew you were asleep, so I didn't call you, but some one ripped the sign off my door last night late Sa Yis, sorry Oenates, Ayes, the I see your gun shots. It said my one quick night, a men I moved to Brooklyn when I A the dong device era and
sitting in my bed and Thi would hear gunshots across the street and one time as actually as actually really funny story of KA um Ketting. It's not fon I's horrifying. I was in my room. It was a week end. I was chill and it is got back from a Brazil or something and I'm like in my. Jays eating a Berita watching cartoons when all of a sudden helicopter is like ten feet. Above my building and um, like WO, wooe, woe, I get a phone call from some effusion. Why work and they said, are you anywhere near the assassination? Some in that effect- and I said, woe assassination. Get up and look at my window, and there is, I was on the street, where two police officers were assassinated by a black identity extremist. They walked to the squad car one two and actually right here. You can't see it. I've got the police tape that wasn't farm, my house and the
morning, when they cleared out there was the police Tate blowing in the wind, and I picked up a piece. I sait I mul to keep this. You may think a I d keep a lot of the things from his big big stories that I've bive witnessed and Thou was in front of my apartment. That was in front of my apartment and at the end of the block. So it was right next to like the peats, a place that I would go to. I looked out my window, the police told me I wasn't a lot outside. I went to my door. The lights had been turned off in the street, I opened the door and there were two copslet and they are walking past that you GU go back Andside man there's been, you know, a murder, whatever two cops were assassinated by a black adentity extremest outside my hous, and you know what I won't freaken out. I ran towards the scene, I was at Olk Olficers. I went back andside they passed and then I went outside because you legally tell me. I can't leave my house a I just crossed the street walked over IDA, sneak so cross Treet, the lights fror their cops everywhere and I went and dog I started filming and I started beond. What happened? Would you see these people are in their rooms, crying
because some one said mean words. I can't imagine what what Ifbut, what this people would do if theyre to spend even a couple nights in the Saulside O Chicago go to Kayton, just frall just just spend some time there see how you see, I you can endure, they would that they wont they will probably die of shock. I could you not, if you're going to cry and you're to be texting, your friends you're crying because mean words had been said. Now again, I'm excluding the threat. I understand the threat, but even still like I get frets all the time. I'd Somewot so shudged, my house, and am I crying am I hididn't, know cat. You I'm not hiring some ridiculous security company. I've been to these place as people threatened me they've put a pictures of my mam and you know I could do my thing in M M is anything right. It know I'm fine ka. These people are hiding and crying and they are shocked. I'd like to see what would happen if they are dospend just one week end
where I grew up now admit the Southside Arya Widerop, it's Bi Gun, WOT, better, it's been guntefying, you kno crime is down across the board, but Nweep. Like the people in my neighbourhood, you ant to talk about what scares you and what worries you: how about drugs being laced with like Fetnalan and and heroine people who would think they 're buying certain drugs as way? Don't do drugs men's o? I could be very, very careful, at's Wone the reasons I think we need regulation and controlled use, so he can help people I'll, tell you what man you grop in his places, and yet you arn a little lot of people. What about wore up with what was this that did Ther go Lik. Kinder gardeners Li Pree schoolers shivering may I'll. Tell you what why don't you go out, so I I'm no rural Nebraska Kalak as I lived, I lived in my amial forty fortmothols TAT, the city and I knew full well when you're out far away was to sang when, when seconds matter, the police are minutes away, and I know it and I've lived it, and these people are just terrified. As a white woman.
MAC Annan. He said she did not experience the same fear at students of color, but also get ificationsabout, the Manifesto B Kennedy said she was terrified of leaving her off Canva's apartment and going to classes, one of which was located in a building next to the bird library. Should I worry about going to classes and continue the education or stay at hom and not worry about getting shot shot by who dod no one in your areas, omating Libus and he knew No, I really don't know what to do. I I really wish they would cancel classes, I'm really scared. Ah, this is amazing. What time is your first eleven. Am I h've been driving a class for the past week, beverage beverage of everything going on with. I'll get ready to go and then see what happens your choice, if you don't feel safe, don't go, maybe they will cancel, but if they don't enow the proth and tell them that, in light of the current events, you are scared I have to return my camera. The new sazanine Oke do that drive there. I put money on your Debbit Gard,
I'm. So sorry. This is happening to you wish. I was with you, don't go near the quad if you can avoid O Ky. Is it from like your mam, like Patel Mc Kennedy's thoughts also went to exit anevacuations and class rooms IST of all Kae, no matter where you are for any reason, you need to know where your exits are red. That's why we put exit signs on doors and in hallways, and it's not because a bunch of whites or premises are marching around threatening Yit's, because fire happens, these be don't think about their exitend evacuations. Ever only now that some one said a naughty order to think him had a got of a building e thes people. Hafe terrible parents youou be ashamed a these malennials. No, these are Jenziev's a kids in college o k, I'm not not confident in the future. Men are you going to class today, yes, but I had to think about it from it. Woke up at five thirty to go. Dock, I really want ta go Affa sothing um to drive up there, I'm my Drugggs Walker,
and there'll, be nobody and it sounds like LI tos walk around just by a many entervies. Some people, I actually think is Sheu could do it. I also had to get up get up to my Newt Utch and as Ritere then return Macgamera. I feel really anxious what to see what every one would say about. Imagine imagine going like a partycame, ah Nda. Your friend tells you about the murder that happened last night Blockaway imagine having to live in that kind of world, which is the real world that most people live in, that crime happens, Ancde Wen, going Nout when getting better, especially like a Chicago imagine that do you think you'll feel anxious over this, and I certainly wouldn't I've actually been in some very, very, very scary situations. I had Brazil police. Take me to a secret undisclosed location of like we were were story. We were were at this police department in Brazil and some plain closed. Gueyes took us took our phones away and brought us to his back room with no windows and yet like duck,
a ledge to the door and um lie well. This is it we are going to get the crap beat not of us and they're going to interrogate us and not believe that were journalists and they, unfortunately, after keeping us locked in, is ow. I would take ye this Ock of the room. I we want to lot believe they event came back and apologized. Onr re turned everything to us, so a securiet has been plying but come on. When plain clothes dudes at a place apartment bring you into TE. ACK room with no windows away from all of the people and was at the room like a couch and a computer in in Amwai. Ah be funts on the Medlik as their walk, acatic myphone as our taxing the office like we are being taken, Thaes gin a be crazy and then they took our Fons in Carmoff, a Naye, but I'm tumsex, Avvy saws, able to you know I have more than one fomnly as TA. Planfort, I'm literally checking to make sure I know where every exit is right. Now you should do that. All the time always
his normal human behaviour, we put exit signs on doors because when disasters or fires happen, we have prepared you to know how to escape it's not about the end world honestly, it's not a bad idea. I've never felt less safe on campus is. Is this as busy amazing? Iam. I am amazed by this. We need t Ny Dessense on would appear to go interview. People Thit is amazing. I'm I can read any more thiss when will hold Hunhald on. What's this not again, as due to the circumstances that arose to night, not again as you stands with renegade Magzin and urging administration to Councel all classes and campits events until further notice, these active threats targeting students onn up ah welcome trough America, the college. You know what man no.
Ly I'd say that, like I blame the parents and these kids need, you know a buty luk it that dirked the parents just as bad they're, terrified of their delicate snowflake, getting hurt so that if a bunch of fragile little whiny babies over some naughty words now lit, I get it m I'll, be fair. There was a threat email their claiming, I'm kind. If that's true can respect people be concerned about that I'll. Tell you what what d you think I do like an Emil saying you know there can a do som thing: wirlly, wully bad to me in my family. Do you think that I like got called to the corner of the room until the lights off and shiver? You know I to hit the trash button and I carry on. Do I call Polise. Every time that happens ay, I don't. I hit the trash button and I carry on not a university, though these people are taxing each other hat. Theyi're crying Kid'Sy got a grout men as all I'll welcome you to the real world and how I I'd like to ask you what he thinks that a
when you're walking down the street? And someone says a naughty word screaming it as loud as they can. You canot demand the police to thing about the Consagerta says allowed to do it tot first firs a memey if Fer Spepe now. Those universities apparently granted this big difference between incitement and threats and some one drawing in the snow. But apparently that's enough to make everybody lose their minds I'll leave it there I'll see you all at four p m. You do Dacoumt slash him cast. It is a different cannel check it out. Ixs rang onou when the best time for you to announce how much money you have on hand. If you're gonna do a big press announcement as a political party you'd think I don't know I get to Day afternoon. So everybody can see just how well you're doing Choos E's the best day right does ever one caught a sluggish, an like a were back from the week end Tuesday, Everyne's officially back in the weekend. He got the rest. The we to talk about no Friday's atedence on ills are relly relly awful times cause everybody's out party an right
will? The dance is decided the best time if o was the middle of the democratic debate, because the numbers are really bad. Wow, the democratic national com, eight point, seven million dollars on hand and seven million dollars in debt, according to its October federal election, commissioned campaign finance report. So no they want to release this. Whenever one was distracted, they basically have in terms of assets. One point: seven million. That is not a lot of Oney when you realize how much they are going to meet in order to be tromp but fact, or in Donald Trump's record breaking hall. Orenc raised twenty five point: three million October three times as much as the Democrats, who raise nine. Furthermore, Your and see us raise two hundred and ninety four million dollars into a nineteen. So far with the unseen raising less than half of that at seventy five point: five Sean spies, trumps former one aspect:
Prosecetary, also weihed in on the dancies lay's numbers. Lolt. Do this impeachment backlash fuels record g, o p fundres massive sixty one million dollar hall in the bank? Here's Theng they might be saying, I think it's fair point out that when you compare Donald trumps fund raising to the individual Democrats, there's a massive disparity, I trumps raised Yel hundred and Wih some a million bucks, and then they look at Burney Sanders I's like thirty in Elek. Woe behold on the Democrats are split so that money is being spread out and You are to smash all those numbers together to get a much higher number, but surprisingly, still less than Bitll Trump Shere's a thing. If we want a gauge, well they're doing first, I would say: Poll's, bedamned Kate, get me swearing you to Buso like that word, but the Affretpuls. I look to T Tor the Mun people, Wor GER, to put their money where their mouth is, and it's fair to say. The g o p definitely has that despite the fact get this that the other day p,
I commented on a story from politico about a massive, possibly a record, breaking dark money scheme from the Democrats so mind you, while we are seeing Donal Trump do really really well among small and medium doners with some large stonners. The Democrats are doing miserably but surprised, surprise. Along comes a spider, a dark money network providing nearly whake a hundred and sixty million dolls thing to us and about fifty million came from a single entity. So the Democrats, make up for it. They claim to be opposed to this billionaire money in politics. Oh Shure, up into the point where it benefits them. The examine reports
Yar and Ce Fund raising Jugger Naut filled by a jopy backlash to the house, effort to force present Trump from office Scord another record in October and pushed the bank account past, sixty one million dollars and guess what no debt, the debt free, Orancy told secrets exclusively. I believe it's open secrets ripe that it brought in twenty five Pointhree million October and has sixty one point: four million cash on hand. That is, that is massive. Four perspective that is nearly triple what it raised in October. Twenty seventeen, the last non election October and the money on hand, is the most since twenty twelve or Ence each an Ronon Ac Daniel has been setting fund raising records month after month when the Trop twein twenty campaign effort is concluded. A giopeten has raised. Nearly four include what would has been in The Jopy Teme is raced nearly four hundred million dollars in September, it raised over twenty seven million. Another reckor This is insanity
Ese are massive record numbers not seen ever now. I don't know about a justing for inflation, but trumpesetting record after record. I tell you what man, I think the Democrats need to be low, until like a safe space for their doing, the mediose is, is wooing them in jingling the Carkee sang everything's, o KA, stop crying stop cries to the Doin, but we know everything's ot, o K. It's like. Story after story just that jut, just the impeachment is failing. Support for the present is going back up record fund raising for the impeachment and the media is just dangling those keys shaken and while the while the Democrats going here and you just don't pay attention, don't pay tat, dot them, don't mind. The man in the corner by comparison. Democrate National Committee Wis, seven million dollars in debt last month. Official Harver, not the deancy, is compete with over a dozen
shall cen it its for donations. Also, at this point in present et Brackhobon, his first reelection Intwent, eleven Obama and the dance had raised under one hundred and fifty millions, so Trump is still went way. Wa way we hold on chump's forton, nearly three or four times much as abomited, but guess it's E Poortl Tronte make rihpe the Dean Sea Alot of that money is going to these independent, these other party members, but I gotes. I got a stop we're not talking about Trump's hall when it comes to just what the Gio P Rais it is substantially larger. Was that six seven times as much money as the deancy himself has raised hundreds of mines of dollars. So don't compare tha ad. I do not believe it's correct to say the dancy is competed with a dozen present olkennets. That is not the case. Tromp is is making most o f the money. The party credited support for tromp and anger by many Republicans ad impeachment. Its anti impetent effort called Stopp. The madness has brought in seventy five thousand volunteers. Will talk about
a backfire, has Shiff accomplished anything. No. Are we any closer to knowing anything about what happened? An impeachment? No, the bombs, Sare, fizzling! There's nothing here and tromp is weaponizing it to make more money. You know you did you go what you deserve Democrats! Congratulations of your leadership. While Democrats are focussed on their sham impechment. Shirad Republicans had another record breaking fund raising month in October, the best off Psychloctober and our party's history. When you look beyond the belt ways clear, the american people are sick and tired of them a baseless investigations and Tweny. Twenty voters will choose results over the Democrats. Polarizing political buttoric
and the Orange C is in the strongest position possible to re, Elect President Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot. This raw material tweeted. While House Democrats try to distract you with their share out of the diet. Twenty eight thousand for the first time ever Real Donald Trump, increased healthcare transparency. Vodka trump is fighting for paid family leave the Trump adman, never stops fighting for you. I had a sailison, oh I will. I will absolutely concede to the point. I mean it, it's not much for me to say it because I will have trump arrangements under him, but I do believe the Trump and their administration are absolutely fighting for America. I do think Trump's morvations are much, I would say, a substantial amount of what Trump is aiming for is to be the vast. I think he wants to leave this as the greatest president and he wants to have his name in shiny gold letters. That is my opinion, but in the end I often question. What's more,
rn'nt the results of the motivation. If Trump wants every one to fawn over how great af a job is doing that's on him, if the Und result of that is that he's actually done right by the erkin public eh. Well, I me want to gon to sad me. We we can't criticize motivations forsore, but look economies so write. The DAO's up and the american people seemed to be behind Trump outside of those with Tedy S and who will only watch the inn. For instance, I think there's cricesm to go around for the Eecutive Brante as a whole, and I I think it's fair to point out that Ii'Ve definitely given credit to tromp on uncertain areas like a M meeting with o no can jagoon and at trying to Andalot of his conflicts. It's clear tromp really wants to solve. A lot of the problems is is heat is all true a stick man whose you know shine a shining beacon of hope to help all of the children. I do not think so. I think tromp saying I'm the best I can solve this problem. If you can't do it get out of the way I'll do it
but it's that day yen, you do not concomplain. I guess I go cake at the Prome Dii. Don't care hiy'd, do it just go? Do it well, excented the Beng? I do care, how you do it right so go. I think it's fair to with a warm of Umbrinasuccas. I agree with Ronickin I'm not saying Trump is doing the right things. That's the different point, but I'll tell you what the people who oppose and really hate the present one and want him impeached. They really believe he is evil and he's doing nothing to help anybody. No, I think Crumps actually trying really hard to improve things. It just doesn't mean he's always right,
I got us out. There's a twitter threat earlier Trump supporters, the high profile ones like not all of em. I give you there is L zealous trump supporters were very cultivate, but the people who are thought leaders on the Trump side are very much smart about how they deal with Trump and his false, because I've got no problem criticising the dude for his attitude for some of us foreign policy, and there is the thing the one big difference between some of the higher profile trump supporters is. They will agree with me because they know it wings ground of moderates, but they will disagree on whether the policy is working. The Democrats starting to understand this and that's why they lose people like me and that's why I think Trump is raising so much money. I'll, tell you what I'm looking at two people, one person screeching Orange man is bad, the worst he must be impeached and unlike what? What will alone, like you, gotta, tell me, what's going on the other guy's got a beer unease like lesson. I hear what you say about Trump and your criticisms, but he's not that bad,
Umlike Yew. Can that suns reasonable? Like I'll hear you out Sok it comes under this? He got two factions, trun Aske for your money, and the Democrats have frizzled hair with dark rings on their eyes and a giant sign saying you know, the end is nigh, and people are like dude calm down. Another side, some due to right, aut drink in a beer in his life, n, theire, crazy right, and I like the Arkwright IND Theye, Co. Ov, you have a beer with me and im like all right and he's lickes to. Let me tell you bout I like about Trompit, Om Muon. I don't really agree and they say I can understand why you find fault a trump. For those reasons I can agree and the Anat's Werewat were left off and guess what it is the smart play and it's clearly working Democrat, screech and howl under the wind I'll, tell you what ota I'll end with this, this finnal thought trumpets is breaking records. I Mon for Anev every month on Tey, do Ofi do arm like all once again trumpets, shattered or vundrising record. The Democrats are trying to spit on Donald Trump, but in forth,
ly the wind is blowing in their direction. Congratulations! He just spit into the wind figured out, I got a couple more Simons coming up in a few minutes and I will see you all shortly. Surprise. Surprise: the next story, another victory for tromp on taxes. I will see you in a few minutes, because the Democrats dont want to try and convince the american people they want to just beat tromp by digging up dirt and doing a bunch of sneaky underhanded plays. They ve been trying to get his tax returns and unfortunately they have made some some Windsor Ellison, I'm shocked by the idea, that a private citizen would have to publicize private information, Bouth their lives and order, be President most President do release their taxiturns to be transparent, and I can respect thatand. I certainly think Trump should there's a big differene between me sang should do this the writhing to do his supporter sang we don't care and people trying to force him to do it. That to me is kind of shocking him and my private business, my
business, but here we can see another. Dare I say it failed attempt by Democrats to force tromp to release, is tax returns and I'll. Tell you what I would not be surprised if, when they finally get released its ain't, nothing burger because Tromp has been I'm not going to act like you know, argument they troubles point forty chestnut an an up I'll, tell you what trumps he's he's been good, misdirecting, okay, a little bit, and so here's e thinks had happen. He makes this huge battle: taxes. No, no. They mustn't get my return to when I finally do nothing burger, Tak. It up. California justicees reject law requiring tromp to disclose taxiturns to appear on states.
Ary bellet. You lose trump winds. Once again, are you Guis, tired of winning? I know I know the left loves mocking that, because Trump was like e go to be so tired of winning yea, but listen men. You can claim trumpets losing because you keep attacking him, but beyond us the economies doing great. He defeated the Russia Gate, conspiracy, nonsense and hes. Currently wining the impeactment process. Look for all his faults. You can criticize the guide but to act like he's, not winning at least holding his own. He just won and Thi's said the first time to get out the's the other story for just the other day supreme Court. Th. U S Supreme Court, halts court or to require countains to turn over Tom's tack. Re turns the Congress. He wins again so Ats, a back and forth O'Ll three, the store from CI e
sociated press reports. The California Supreme Court has rejected a state law that would have required Donald Trop to disclose his taxiturns to appear on the states. Primary ballod, just AC is said Thursday, but the law requiring Candidas for president and governor to disclose financial information was unconstitutional and I agree, ats, a violation of someone's privacy. What's their reason, a federal judge had temporarily blocked the state law in response to a different lawsuit and the high court rolled quickly, because the deadline for summitting the transit and the primary ballot is next week the State Republican Party and chairman just come. Melon Patterson challenged the bill sign into law by democratic governor gave a Newsome because it was a Atrump that is insane the state Efend, the low Sayng Taca, s are a simple way for voters to waken its financial status. Why
any one's business- I do it my private life. Listen, I get it if you want, if, if, if you want to run for public office, where you will be working for the people, transparency is very importantwat. Thires a line isn't there. This was attempt an attempt to hurt Trump into an Oney. I am sick and tired of their psychosis, YO, Tell you man every single day, if another cycotic deranged Democrat plot to her drop because they're losers. You know what man it is it is is infuriating to me. I I am. I laughed when Trump One and I said as a couple times TAT Danna Colitonmi, I laughed because they get what they deserve when they pull off. Garbage like this. They sheated Burney the's a lot of reasons uncritical of Brantday, but in twenty sixteen vague sheeted they colluder with media. They pass off questions. We know all
what they were Trantedo to make sure Burney didn't get the primary and he should have, and so they got what they deserved and they just keep pulling sneaky underhanded undemocratic B S, because the only thing they can do to when dark money schemes, smear campaigns, impeachment Russia Non, stop I'll. Tell you what man Pory Book the day the democratic debates. He said we can't just keep talking about taxing the wealthy. We are talk about making wealth and ow s ready to stand up and give a standing ovation because, finally, finally, I heard some of them made sense, but you know what some the Democrats of points I think was burning. Maybe Whis Booker actually Democrats all they do as tell you what they're against lazy, Billyn bad. You know people need healthcare as bad as I have it. When I tell you what there for its a pie in the sky, nonsense
saying you would attack bellioners as literally nothing I'll tell you that there is Neber. This up is if a Democrat went on stage and said here is what I want to do and in made sense I'd bee like thank you. So I like the idea. That's ah, I like what Tolsey Gabberd's a preachen about ending these wars, but I got ad mit. You talking a t about some year against instead of what you're four. So it was refreshing to hear it was almost like the Democrats, I used to hear hope, Pory Booker says that's great wealth or my wha a positive in a sea of negatives. That's what the need to be doing. I Wha demer Cret you one with my vote back instead of omplaining. All the time about. All of the people who have wronged you and oppress you and wo are stealing from you. I'm tired of it. Tell me what You'Rego to do to make people's lives better its, what they do. They blame the farest. Ok fards of
companies, they blame the government, they blame the Republicans. They blame trump. It's trumps, Swall Ween his taxes because we can't win. Could you imagine of Democrat came out and said you know a long time ago billions country were very much in favour of border security on the southern border and includes a lotta democrats. I think it's a fair point. The lot of American still support, and I can understand why they would vote for Trump over that think trumps a little over zealous on his pitch for this big beautiful wall from seatasining shining sea and that's why prided ait. So I agree we could. We could do more to implement Borde, fencing and security and will take it to the extent that we can, when it comes to implementing health. Carols talk about what we're for wherefore, making sure every one has health care Bell talk ot what we can do, what we can do as work with people to teach them to fish. If we can increase wealth, Miss Contro, youve, dont, we've done historically, we can make this country better and we can do it without having someone as bombaskices ow
I'm sorry. The Democrats don't say that they don't thit's what they do sneaky underhanded attempts to discredit him to her m to me him and You'R Eun lose because we get a wife. When you present me the Inde Votor the moderate, who actually I leave letir, not a mont of republican voter. An lyou do his complain, but how bad trumpets you're not giving me a reason to buy your product? Could you imagine here we go it's ice cream time, Could you imagine if you went to an ice cream shop and there as no display for ice cream, none interest in just a countertop and I walked up and said what Dellen, I hear you got I scream and they said, did you know the ice cream shop across the street is awful I'd belike? I I get it dude. I am in your store. I am asking you to please give me I Cream and all they do is say, I'm going to share with you these documents that show how awful their ice cream is like. I'm trying so hard UN,
so hard to be like find me that Democrat and they don't want to do it. They don't want to get bid of Nhot what they one do. Its games. When I see this man, imagine it if ifits salesman was like I'll. Do you one butter instead of telling you why my ice Groam tastes great, I'm going to dig up dirt? I am to force the government to expose the other side for buying infer ogreedence, my doo, I'm not there. I'm not ere there ifs. I give your out side, the middle he Stret, yet Twuo, and one says beautiful, Delicious orange ice cream, an umwire, not a big fan of mor drispin Crosstroch orgize comes bad WH whe you're, not selling me anything nude and they run out trying and play these games. Will you know what Trump wins Trump winds because of exactly this Supreme Court halts court order require counts, turn over Tromstack Turint Congress. It's election meddling. It is election
Ling O K, I'm a good sport. When I play that you'll game with somebody I loose, I have a good laugh when I came in. Is that what you whach em, I may rite- you am always really inspired by and fat, always partipically youagin Anna Ma Match and then like one will coun the other, do in the face or fall to the ground, and then they call and the guy will run up and make sure the dud Zo K, because its sportsmen like, because they know their really not angry with each other there trying to be the best and that some of the cool stuff ever that these two guys bloody each other up in a in brutal, combat Emma may in the octagon fighting each other breakin teeth, punch faces? Breakin bones and at the end of it they want to make sure they don't permanent land t the other person, because it's about competition to be the best not to cause harm. I mean cause harm in the sense that you like firmly hurting somebody this. This is when, like somebody goes down
Anether GY spits on him. If I dod you're, not playing by eufer when I lose and the Republicans when I say I hear you don't hear here, you know I'm then time whoop will play another game in that and I'll see it to it. I do a better job. The Democrats are duing that their sweep in the leg Ma Kay sweep in the legs against the rules o Aspls it. They want to complain all day and night about Donald Tromp election meddling. You crane Russi on all that and they are doing it
happy to see the courts are, rejecting this insanity think about what California tried pulling off directly hurting Trump, California, that a sick and twisted what a horrifying to stopping mess. The Democrats are actively meddling in elections with this text off. They want this stuff to come out before twenty twenty, so they can a fuel to hurt the president because they can't beat his ideas. Will that's your fault? You have better. It is the people do not want to get behind you? We are a country that is supposed to have a representative, so voted in by the people.
And all the Democrats can think to do is cheat because they don't want the they can't actually convince a person I'll tell you what man you're rear the saying selling ice to an esquimaux I is to defund raising. I am very, very good at at pitching ideas and selling non Prova hawing. You need a fond rays, like I Mant, to tell you exactly what you hard to do to get that person a don't it guess what sometimes people do Ont Adone it sometimes oure cause us fresh, but if you can sell it effectively, you be surprised how many people be willing to to buy into your idea. Instead of the Democrats seeking orders beautiful speakers with good ideas, re can be Wone get behind, they say burn it all down, burn everything down. Impeachment fighting nonsense, make sure as many people's possible are sick and tired of everything happening in this country and then just cheat smear the present through underhanded and sneaky tactics. Sorry
I'm desired of im men. I got one more segment coming up for in a few minutes and it has to do with where we come from here. A new pole shows that people don't believe there are facts behind anything. These people are say, it's all lies smears and cheets I'll see in a few minutes. While you can thank the sneaky underhanded insanity. Mostly, I blamed the media. There are a lot of mediate companies, Thatllf, uyoent, o itly per this way. Activeast snow journalism is a sheel and there are right wing individuals who have become journalists to prodect themselves and the left does the exact same thing. Admittedly, though, it's clear to me that the right typically Rea
so when it came to Saint James's, Gunn being removed from Guardis Wegouty, three though T was rehired digging up dirty tweats was a response. The right had because the left had started at first. We then see people like a m. I can't say the name, because you do swoart a gout of Y Sagis persons en he's that he's a uky individual who's been locked up rather unjustly for quite a bit. He is a right. Winged figure was been called far right. All the media is r T and R. I kid you not. If I say then you too Woll will take action, but he is also now picked up the mantle of journalists and I don't think he 's doing it, because he's trying to be you know, hes trying to it. It's nefarious. I think he realized what the left was doing. These activists start news. Companies pretend to be journalists, and so the right counters. Well now here we are facts- are missing: Eric a new, a p and our? U S a fax pole, there are no facts, may say at a time when many american City
their struggling to distinguish between fact and fiction. The country is broadly skeptical, facts underlie some of the basic mechanisms of democracy in the states from political campaigns. Two voting choices, to the palsy decisions made by elected officials, a mee, Nine per cent of Americans believe that campaign messages are usually based on facts. According to pule from the Associated Press on a wartsey centre for ught is the centre for public opinion research. Only fourteen per cent of people- they, policy decisions are often or always fact base or than America. Ding decisions are rided in facts. The american people are not stupid. Unfortunately, some of em are overly trusting or blind or tribalistic. I believe, and so may I guess I guess you can do and to an extent call it kind of stupid. But here's the problem. You have people like CNN, who are trying their hardest to make sure no one ever watches foxen the longest time. I believe that they were just ignorant
now, I will say for the most part. That is still true. I think they're a vertly bisced for money. I think the principal res CNN, will lie to you and tell you not to watch and the other channel. All this, I don't watch the spin. Don't watch Fox news than anybody. Tells you not to collect. Information is lying I'll. Tell you this right now. Definitely go watch CNN see for yourself. I think I'm right, my idea stand on their own. So by all means, go watch, rights, Delta, come back and argue with me if you're convinced by What staulters hung you not don't? Listen to that dols in a fox, worh tha right there in a parallel universe. That's the deceit- and you know it serves to do to box in people on the left, so they can't hear an her native and I'm not saying alternate of reality, I'm saying, then there are many different news outlets and there are a lot of activists who have taken over media to lie to you. The american people know it the problem. Is there point the finger at each other? So I'll tell you what the real thing here, as we just kind of sad and scary, when they say how often do.
Think each of the following are based on factual information. Reporting from the meya always gets twenty one per cent. It means just around two and ten people think the medias tell the truth. Forty seven per cent say sometimes and thirty. One per sey: rarely never I'll, tell you what that thirty one per cents, overwhelmingly republican decisions by policy makers. Fourteen per cent believe facts. Most people realize that everything is based on emotion and their likely being manipulated. As I state of reality. I guess that you you know it's really happening. I think, as the Interant opens the door for subcultures to exist for individuals to find their own tribe is'. This is what it's like to have a multipa
democracy. So so now we essentially have the fracturng of the Democrats, because people join social, Mediamb bubbles and you have trumpism it's not a republican party any more. It is the Trump party it is. The strong individual was telling you he'll take care of the problem for you. So it's what here's I see happening to give a lot of people worse. Listen, I'm busy and I work. Can you can you handle this? While I'm you know I at work and they hired Trump to do it. The left says I demand. I demand. I demand in the end, though every but well Eati you get the point on that. Everybody can just see through the fact that we are being fed emotional garbage. The problem is, do you recogni that is happening to you, what the sames has happening to them. They say: Ahe, o they dit of UT wilt. Well, Barger, a thirty two Rold police. Er, Roal Missouri has become increasingly skeptical of a and voters alike in the past few years, a Republican, informer, regular view of Fox NEWS of what, if Fredal, Trumpa, Twonty sixteenth, he's become disillusion with the Prs
and the conservative cable channel and now trusts only local media. I agree with that. Local me. It is a pretty good job. Unfortunately, local medius is is collapsing, he's even less trusting in government and Sy decisions, keeping his faith mainly in lawn force and agencies and his sceptical voters are fact driven it's more of a good decision based on personal belief and a candidate that is. That is absolutely true, true of me and everybody else. What matters too, was. He said if there's an hour for the name or a d in front the name and there we are all the matters impeach, what a waste we'll know it. You've, pun, Ar'N, a dean here to find OU, WA's goon about which way over all fifty fieps une of the public thinks voters, sometimes gas bells based on facts, while thirty two per cent say they rarely Rnever do hem. Oliver said voters it a voters in her home state of Idaho did so when they voted to approve of that. A Ballat measure last year had forced the state to accept the medicate expansion under the Aformable Caract, which had previously been rejected by the Sate Ro Publican control, Thas,
later, but I have friends who gone about and said just because it's a fact that is all there is ye up he well, you see. Benjhapir would tell you facts, don't get er about your feelings and on the left, they've literally said feelings: don't care much offect, but I'll tiley. This feelings solt here, Buffa people Don of the voting booth and they check deer are and tiy don't care about anything else. Joe MC key O sixty five Yrold in Sharnce Broker, who lives in southern New Jersey to a Southern Jersey Shore and leans democratic, She thinks most decisions involving policy elections rely only slightly more at best on fact than opinion. She says. Even the public policies of people she supports, including former President Obama, were partly based on ideology over facts. They may take the facts and spin them do Iver they want. I think it's pretty much always been like this Mckey's view is widespread with fifty five percent of Americans saying Y decisions are sometimes base on fact, while three and den thing
rarely are republicans are more sceptical than Democrats that public policy is even sometimes fact with Eddie, three percent, saying it rarely or never is compared to twenty four percent of democratic rights. Are you what man there's your problem as promised? The country ass, I look at odds with worn and she offers these pie in the sky, solutions that are impossible. You know what nobody cares. They don't care, whether it's true or not, or the facts, support her her her policy, all they care is the orange man is bad and that's the strategyu when it comes to impeachment, we are going to see more of this. It is going to get worse because it works. The Democrats will keep doing snaky under had attactics smearing the president to drive negative partisanship, because they know this. They know the facts, don't matter. They know that feelings. Don't care about facts. They know that voters don't care about facts. They care about FE,
and they wanteod be on the winning side. People are more likely to vote for someone if IY think the person is going to win. If quote, if government decision makers aren't looking at government data and our whole process is flawed, said former Microsofchief executive. And U s a facts, founder Steeve Balmer. You have to look at the data that you have. You know why I want to talk about this. Do you think that we are going to improve this nation? If all Anwene cares bot his feelings? The answer is: no take a lioke dematrump. My feelings toward him. Ino am bivalent too negative, like a you know, is not that bad, not a big fan, that's about it but, as it was pointed out ah by many transupporters, and I think the. Why trumpets their support your feelings, don't matter is Trump's plan sound
What he does is is what he's going to do going to make things better. They look at the facts and they say they think so. I disagree in a lot of ways, but I can absolutely recognise I mean I may be wrong on some things. We women, we ve ballooning. National debt is really bad. Economy is improving, but we want to have a gas but the other colonies, pretty good. Now Jones, twenty thousand, we got record unemployment lows it's great. The left, her Operates on feelings, so it's really easy to sway them by just saying something: nonsensical as the facts not matter, and therein lies the biggest afvenge Republicans have tromp offends people. He does, whether you like it or not, but lot of people have said to me. Why does it matter if he's offensive? If what his going to do was going to be effective- and I say I totally understand that actually tleft, they say it doesn't matter. If Trump is gon to fix the country, he's bad think ofout, I Oud Sike. There was some Seen in story where they said Trump voters overlook is races, the support you know his policy and it's like
they don't seem to realize or that ore they do. I guess I think the Democratic Leadershop totally gets this then stand. There is a section of people in this country that will never be swayed by facts. So that's what they thet for the do impeachment they wantt no want to make you believe they are fighting the fight. They watch you to feel good and Tay, just trust to me and the end they're, probably making things worse. The did Ther their du is that the tax were. Stuff, the trying to impeach Trump on nonsense, the smearing hinm there undermoney or Forn Polsy there making you crane, look, bet and they're doing it, because the facts don't matter and then Se Anan runs de Fence, because these are snivelling evil. People, if you ask me, saying Republicans, don't care about facts, their joke, the slow, Thet's gone viral on the rightous facts, ton't care about your feelings. It's the left that doesn't it's the left that wants to base everything of how they feel about it, not every one, not absolutely, but
tell you what Trump supporters will straight up say they now way's got a bad attitude, but guess what his plan made sense and Hilary Clinton tried playing the woman card seriously.
Transcript generated on 2019-11-26.