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Trump Is RIGHT, Twitter Is Interfering In The Election With FAKE NEWS "Fact Check" On Voter Fraud


Trump Is RIGHT, Twitter Is Interfering In The Election With FAKE NEWS "Fact Check" On Voter Fraud. Voter fraud is real and the DOJ just caught a mail carrier trying to alter mail in ballot applications.Worse is Paterson NJ where nearly 3 thousand ballots were disqualified due to signatures not matching previous election ballots for the same people. Democrats are adamant that everything is fine and now Twitter has "fact checked" Trump's tweet by directing people to the opinions of journalists, its not even fact based.While Trump expresses concern over voter fraud real instances are happening right in front of us.#Democrats#Trump#Republican

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Close results in Patterson vote plagued by fraud claims over three thousand. In ballot seemingly set aside a county spot men said sixteen thousand seven. Hundred and forty seven vote by male ballots were received, but the counties official risk. Page shows thirteen thousand five hundred and thirty seven votes were counted with uncounted bell. Representing nineteen percent of all votes cast, and you know why these three thousand belts were disqualified. The signature there is on the ballots did not match the signatures of the same individuals from previous elections. Nearly twenty percent of the election was deemed to be not just be light and say. The boats were completely disqualify but this kind of thing doesn't happen were told there.
No male fraud. We are told. What's this department of Justice says letter carrier charged with attempted election fraud o the sky was changing Party Phil affiliations on absentee bout requests? I thought this thing never happened, which brings us to the lead story. Donald Trump says that Twitter is interfering in the twenty twenty presidential action. They are saying my statement on male imbalance, which will lead to massive corruption and fraud, is incorrect, based on fact checking by fake news, CNN and the Amazon and in the Amazon, Washington Post. The main issue here is, first and foremost, male fraud is happening right now. These stories are right now, I live in New Jersey, Patterson is up north and people are very angry. One woman said that one of our relatives had been in Florida
weeks, yet somehow was counted as having voted it happens. Does it mean is guaranteed to happen? No but Donald Trump didn't tweet that it is a fact it is shown Donald Trump tweeted, his opinion about what may happen if we implement nation wide voter four of us, our nation, wide mail in voting. Tromp basically said: if we have nation wide melon voting, there will be broad it's an opinion twitter, placed a fact check on his tweet, but it wasn't actually affect check, as reported by so many outlets. It was actually just a link to the opinions of left wing. Journalists working for CNN and the Washington Post stating, as a matter of fact, without evidence that voter fraud doesn't happen, except I literally just show you evidence that it does Its I'll drop saw these stories and, in his opinion, concluded widespread now national mail in voting, would lead to more fraud. I would
argue that he is likely correct, but it is just an opinion. How do you fact check an opinion and why would Twitter take this action? while it would seem that tromp is right. Twitter weather intentionally or for whatever reason is interfere bring in the selection by linking I trump tweet to the opinions of people who don't like Trump, Yet when Joe Biden launched his campaign with a lie- and this should be shocking in anybody- many people, many politicians, they lie all their videos, they embellish, they lie well Joe, but an actual added a clip out of context. They didn't factor at all. Yet when trot give his opinion, they redirect to the opinion of somebody else, claiming it's a fact check. Now that is bias, and that is interference and twitter. Just make two twitter just made a very, very serious mistake: let's be real. Twitter is comprised I two factions of the culture war. You ve got the right culture or the left culture, whatever whatever the sub categories are, but other other, very many active middle ground,
Bull who haven't already decided or don't already dislike, one of the other factions. I think it's ridiculous either. I, the enlightened centrist milk toasts front centre of typical disdain for the Democrat, so who are they trying to an over? By doing this, certainly, not me right. All they ve actually done is proven that they are biased beyond reasonable doubt, because they aren't issuing these fact checks for the most part, two, the rivals of doubtful? Let's read the story, and I want to show you exactly what's going on what they claim who their linking to I want to show you evidence there actually is evidence of voter fraud in its happening before we get started had over two TIM cast outcome slashed on it. If you'd like to support my work, there are seven wage can give, but the best thing you can do is share this video on competing with the mainstream media, and many of these companies will tell you there's no evidence of voter fraud when you actually look to the affiliates
credible local news agencies. We can see it's actually happening, but CNN Washington Post would counter that now these platforms have massive marketing budget and are competing with me and it's a lot harder for me to get traction, especially with Youtube's algorithm, pushing down my cousin and popping there's up if you really want to help share this content. But if you just want to watch hit the like button subscribe, hit the notification Bell: let's read the news from CBS Twitter flags, Trump tweet with fact: checking label for this time. That's the headline, but it's not true. It's not a fact. Checking headline arms are wherewithal affecting label; sorry, it is not. A factor can lay It is a redirect to someone else's opinion, which is weird twitter on Tuesday, edit affecting label to a tweet by President Trump. The first time the social media platform has used. Such a label for the president's tweets between now includes a link directing users to in two information debunking the president's false claims about mail in voting. No, it doesn't
It literally doesn't tromp didn't make a false claims. He gave his opinion on. What will have this is. This is ridiculous. This is amazing. Twitter added the labels to tweets Mr Trump Tuesday morning, in which he alleged that melon belts will be substantially fraudulent and result in a recollection, there was no evidence of widespread fraud in voting by mail, but Mr Tromp had been spreading. His unfounded claims for weeks as more states expand ill in voting during the krona virus pandemic. How strange CBS would say something. That's not true. Well, it's not strange right. That's why I opened the stood with open this segment with two stories, one about voter fraud in Patterson New Jersey and another about a male carrier who was now being accused of trying to alter absentee bout requests, There are many other stories absentee bautzen, melon bout appearing in other states, peering in Burundi.
Listen locations where they are not allowed to be bundled yeah. It's happening now the people arguing for male in voting are acting like there's no difference between absentee ballots and what trumpets talking about belittle, but we'll get to that? Let me show trumps tweet Trot said. There is no way zero that melon belts will be. Anything less than substantially fraudulent mailboxes will be robbed, balance will be forged and even illegally printed out and fraudulent sign governor of California is sending ballots to millions of people cuz my question: how do you fact check a future event? Can you answer that, for me, Twitter CVS, anybody? How do you fact check someone's prediction of a future event that didn't happen? Yet? If someone came out and said, I guarantee ex happen. You still can't fact check that, because you won't, we know. No one really knows it's gonna happen, and even if You know what eyes I seventeen eighteen, I think, Republicans well when they didn't fact check. Temple was wrong right, but it wasn't wrong in that context. What there,
saying makes literally no sense and is very weird. These claims are unsubstantial did it according to CNN and Washington, washing posts and others. The page says experts say: melon belts are very rarely linked to vote or fraud. Is that what tromp said did Trump say they weren't rarely linked devoted fraud? No twitter just intervened to share this page. When you gotTa Trumps tweet, you agreed with a link that says, learn about voter fraud. You get this message. Trump makes unsubstantiated, claim that melon belts will lead to vote a fraud. How is it and unsubstantiated when we have this story from NBC New York? There's a couple things that were to get too in this first and foremost is Trump write about for fraud. While we gave his opinion, how do you say someone's opinion on? What will happen is wrong. I don't know, but there is evidence to suggest that vote a fraud as occurred with such small scale. Melon voting. This is where the depositors nature of the argument comes from.
Why Twitter has actually intervened. Our interfered in the election when it comes to absentee ballots, we're talking about an exemption for certain people to male mail in their vote, and it's done in a secure way, and there are still problems with this, and there are still concerns we're talking about taking our entire voting system nationwide and implementing straight mail in voting it's what Nancy Policy wants. California Michigan these. These states are doing this as well we're talking about taking something that is a tiny fraction of the total vote and expanding it to literally every one. What percentage elections use melon bouts. Take that divided by the amount of times we ve seen you know, or do the math to put simply how many, times have we seen melon voter fraud. It might not be widespread and that's an argument. That's an opinion about what constitutes widespread or not. We take a look at what twittered it first
show the store from the hill Trump blasts. California, over mail in voting, followed republican lawsuit middle tends to be ok, but then we have this post from Jennifer pick ups. She is SR one as Rapporteur for Bloomberg, who says trumps as male. In voting in California will be substantially fraudulent, raising more questions about what this is a vote or suppression effort who raised the question you. Why is this the second tweet your opinion that Trump may be true to suppress the boat analysis from the Washington Post, a review of trumps. Many and substantiated allegations of voter fraught hold alt Alden. Why are you looking to an analysis? Peace? That's not a fact check. This woman did not offer a fact check what here The real reason. Donald Trump was attacking melon belts, analysis by Chris Cillizza, what's One of these are fact based claims, they're, just opinions of people who don't like Trump grace, Sir suckers mail in voting fraud is extremely rare and so
experts consider to be safer than in person voting, because paper boats can't be hacked accept. What we ve already seen in certain locations is that people can take your ballot and throw it fresh. Here's what I explained the other day when I talked about voter frog. What happens if you get a male carrier working at the Post office and a box of ballots comes in or bunch about come in from republican or democrat district, and so this person just kicks the box under a desk, and those boats are gone. Now. Some people would argue, that's absurd. Why would a post office carrier do something like this tell me I dont know: why would a letter carrier try to attempt election fraud? The story from the hill federal prosecutor on Tuesday so the West Virginia letter carrier committed attempted election fraud by altering Paul. Affiliations from Democrat to Republican, on requests for absentee ballots, the clerk of Pendleton County and
broke, received, seemingly altered requests from eight voters, five of which had been changed from democratic Republican. The request was all but the party was unchanged on the other three. According to the. U S, attorney the office for the northern district of West Virginia the alterations appeared to have been made with a black pen. According to the US attorney's office, the man Thomas Cooper of Penalty County admitted to altering requests, I said it was intended as a joke. Cooper was responsible for mail delivery for the three towns from which the doktor requests were mailed or NATO Franklin and written now many of you may say TAT, it was only eight votes shore. The sky should be arrested, but what could eight votes really? Do? I don't know, let's take a look at what happened. Patterson New Jersey amid widespread vote by male fraud allegation. Any Patterson City Council election. One right, this was apparently decided by just eight votes,
now you see why these stories? I thought these stories were the ones to pick to give you an example of why voter fraud is possible, serious and why it should be considered. Apparently, this deal Jake that this ideology claim DJ allegation the man was changing people from Democrat to Republicans. To Republicans so tell me this: we have evidence of voter fraud and those there was an case where a guy was actually a Republican who's trying to cheat. Why would the Democrats before this? Why the Republicans be against it. Well, let's be real Republicans cannot be condoning that some Republicans have done this. In fact, they're saying and the loophole right. Why would Democrats be in favour of something? That's it hurt them in the past unseen. It makes sense to me So whether or not you would like to believe the issue, I think it's fair to point out. Twitter intervened in an opinion by the president and nobody so what does that mean? Honestly? I don't know because to be
I really don't think they're gonna sway anyone's opinion. This was a big mistake by twitter. Donald Trump has been, swinging about Joe Scarborough, and I call it Joe Derangement syndrome. I really dont care for these tweets, but some people responded that tromp is basically goading twitter to keep may take taking these these actions, because tromp has now called out twitter for their censorship. In a tweet. Donald Trump says Republicans feel that social media platforms totally silence conservative voices. We will strongly regulate or close them down before. We can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they intended to do and failed and twenty sixteen. We can't let a more sophisticated version of that happen again, just like can't let large scale melon bouts take root in our country. It would be a free for
on cheating, forgery and fat and the theft of boats, whoever cheated the most would win. Likewise, social media clean up your act now, Scott Atoms made. The point you may be familiar is the crater of dilbert. He said whence went when you ask someone to take your ballot to the mailbox. You have not voted. That person is now voted twice the first when they filled out their melon ballot and then mailed it the SEC.
When they decided whether or not to put your bout act in the mailbox but think about it, this is another problem we see with bout harvesting people collecting bouts on behalf of a certain group or whatever, but if we have melon ballots, someone could go around collecting or without harvesting, and they will bring her your ballots in, go to an all Democrats district and then just dump him in the river. This is why we have serious problems with voters with with with the or I should say, that's why they're serious concerns about voter fraud? Look just given you have several examples. So yes, twitter is taking a bold action and they probably shouldn't, but following questions about this fact check, it turns out that one of the world, People are twitter who runs. This is overtly biased against the president, so lesson man, they liked to say, there's no bias against conservative and conservatives on social media. What we now have hard proof and the story from Fox NEWS to it.
Exact in charge of efforts to fact check Trump has history of anti Trump posts called Mcconnell, a quote bag of farts? Well, then Fox says twitters, head of sight, integrity, you, Iraq, based on his linked in that he is in charge of developing in enforcing twitters rules like the one that lad twitter to lap a new misleading warning label on two of president trumps tweets concerning melon ballot, melon votes on Tuesday, however Roth's own barrage of anti trump politically charged tweet seemingly calls into question whether he should be creating guidelines, the president and other twitter users, especially when Twitter is under Firefox alleged, left wing bias? Commentators have argued that trumps tweets on the risks of melon voting, we're not misleading, and the present accuse twitter of seeking to interfere in the upcoming elections under the guise of supposedly neutral fact, checking policy.
Roth had previously referred to Trump and his team, as let's just call them mom, so calm actual that that that we call them actual nazis there. Does it straight up He mocked trumps borders by saying that we fly over those states that voted for a racist tangerine for a reason and called Senate Majority leader Mitch. Mcconnell a personality, free beggar parts, Last August, Twitter suspend Mcdonald's twitter account prompting the GNP to threaten to cut off advertising on the side until Twitter relented in September twenty. Sixteen Roth tweeted I've never donated to President presidential car pain before, but I just gave one hundred dollars to Hillary for America, we can tap around anymore when Trump won at November. Two thousand and sixteen election Roth dejectedly chalk to the development up to Bernie Sanders, protest voters and raise them before sounding a more optimistic now,
Ok, you get the point and only to read everything he's ever tweeted. We get it he's a Hillary Clinton donor, he hates Donald Trump he's insulted trumps, family hastens insulted, Colleen, Conway and Twitter is absolutely biased, and we know twitter is biased, so in twitter makes a move like this de facto, the president and a results in you being directed to mainstream media, that law that that they they lie. But you know what the other side and play the game when you get directed to the opinions of people who don't like the press, and the people who claim their questions about voter suppression. You have to wonder what their intent really is. Joe Biden actually launched his campaign with a lie. It's called the very fine people. Hoax Donald Trump had condemned a group of fairly nasty people. But defended other people who were in Charlottesville. It was it's a big of undermining the full context, but he defended the view that the people there who weren't there with malice
tent for the most part. The media lied about it and they continue to do so, and Joe Biden lied about Joe Biden actually took comments from Trump and mash them together. Why wasn't that fact checked? Well, you could argue that twitter to have the policy in place, but Joe Biden continues to live he's on numerous interviews, worries continued to lie and even progressives have called him out for long. Why is it then? That Trump is the one who faces the brunt? We know for a fact. The people who work at Twitter are biased against and saying very nasty things about the president and the people who work for them, and that brings me to the last story- well actually got a couple more, but will go through this one. First podcast host unverified after interviewing controversial GEO P candidate I mean that's the story, a guy has a show called wrong opinion. He interview
but a very controversial figure Laura looming. I believe it was Lord Cumnor and what happened his verification badge was removed. Now, I'm to be very careful on this once I try to make sure I can verify everything it's possible, he removed his verification badge on his own. You can do that. I don't think that's likely. I think Twitter actually remove his navigation badge, it's hard to know for sure, but with all the evidence we ve seen. Why would I doubt what he sang? I wouldn't it actually stands to reason. He's telling the truth. For the longest time social media, has been biased, not just against conservatives, but anybody who dare oppose their weird social justice, religion, type, orthodoxy, the dogma, what There have been anti war activists who have been suspended as well occupy Wall Street activists have been suspended as well. So it's not just about conservative but conservatives, but tends to be, and because of this
I think the conservatives are going to innocence report. They have some. I know people like TED crews, and you know I believe, Matt Gates and Josh Holly have brought up the issue of social media censorship in the past, but right now The Republicans haven't really done anything and Donald Trump coming out. Saying they're shut things down, it's it's empty words empty words. I warned years ago that if Republicans did not take this seriously, they wouldn't get the elected, because social media is the me is the way in which we communicate. For the most part. The stories that down made the news bubble up on social media, not just twitter, but Facebook and Youtube and other places as well. Videos go viral
Don't go to the town centre anymore, we're not going to the water cooler. Many people are going to church and because of this we are not getting our speech in our discourse. In discussions in public settings and especially with the corona virus pandemic, we are now mostly doing things remotely or virtual. In the end, it's worse than I could have predicted as basically the pen
I cannot possible the pandemic. Restrictions get lifted, things get better, but it doesn't seem like we're gonna be having met at you know. Mass gatherings, without protest furred at least till the next year, so think about my warning early on that Republicans needed to get serious about social media censorship on top of the politicians. Otherwise they never went again and then look what happened this year, a pandemic it, and now the only way to actual had his conversations is through social media will, unfortunately, for the conservatives, many of their biggest supporters. Many of the biggest conservative accounts have been purged and was anyone done about it not fair to say? Perhaps there is nothing that can be done about it in the sense of regulation or laws. It will be very, very difficult to action
they get something on the box to protect speech on social media without law suits going through the courts until we have that, I don't know where we go and many of these lawsuits are being struck down. So we need a lawsuit. It's gotta make its way to the Supreme Court until a precedent is set. The issue with social media is that there are allowed to be biased because their companies- how do you change this fact? I dont know, especially when the Democrats are benefiting from it, so they refuse to actually adhered to any kind of principle. I have always been a centre left a kind of person, I believe in regulation. I think it's important when businesses get out of control and start stealing the commons, for instance, that we say hey. You can do that, but for some reason these people that normally would be supporting regulation opposed. And respond that private businesses can do what they want, which is so strange, but something the Republicans would have said ten twenty years ago that so that their european goes its all about power. So here I am Saint Pears and have always been, and we need to defend.
Your speech, how do you do that? I honestly don't know, because the reason Twitter can be biased as because of the first amendment. The government can't make a law about what they are allowed to do, but the courts can rule and there will have to be legislation and will have to be some kind of Supreme Court ruling. I suppose, but there have to be a case and a loss it for the time being. I don't think anyone can do anything there. Let em there's one thing that can be done outside of legislation. So let me clarify that I say nothing any any. Anyone can do for now and turn in terms of legislation. Donald Trump could just leave the platform if Trump left Twitter and started posting things on, say: mines, for instance, MIT Emma Andy S, then the media would be forced to cover it. And people would flock to a different site and that would completely disrupt twitter yet, for some reason, Trump doesn't do it. Instead, he just goes on twitter and says we're gonna. Do something were to do something and then never does never does so. What's the point saying it honestly, don't know
but I will tell you. I do have serious concerns about twitters bias and their interference in election. In the end, I think it is ultimately benefit trump. Why? Because, if they ignored what trample sang. Nobody would care by adding this tag. They're not convey, sing. Anyone on the left that tromp is wrong. They're convince thing: everyone that the media platform is biased against trot for not fashioning other people another's hard evidence of it. So you can argue, but would you know, but twitter is just a fact, liking trumpets Ike, while it was an opinion linked to linking to an opinion as our fact checks and besides, why apply to no one else will because trap is wrong. Certainly other people have been wrong. Many high profile prisoners have been released. The president. What about presidential candidates have been wrong? What about say Kemal Harris? Do you like her? No it's about power and they want to give up their power and so long as the case they're not going to act on principle. I guess
see how things gladly their next segments coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him CAS News, then I'll see you all them this morning the hashtag all lives matter started trending on Twitter and I think it's an exam. All of the left just completely misunderstanding the right having no idea what people really think about? What's going on and there's a bunch of aims going around showing Collen Caper Nick Kneeling, as well as the officer in them in Minnesota case. Who was kneeling, George Floyd's, Naxos and familiar George floor was a flood. Was a man who the police claim was, engage or those are reported, forgery progress. They say that they try to arrest him, but he resisted. So they put him on the ground one. Officer kneeled on his neck for around eight minutes. Ultimately, Floyd lost his life a lot a noose. Your first foremost riots have broke. Out in Minneapolis will read the story, but I think it's mostly self explanatory by people going to ride over this. What I've was seem to notice, particularly from this story,
Everybody basically agrees like men. This was a bad case. Now, there's a disagreement on whether or not the cop has murdered this guy or whether It was negligent homicide or to what degree. But everyone agrees. Look man if you know the story, does a lot. We didn't get the videos? Ok, the video, goes viral. It shows as men the ground saying please, please, please, I can't breathe. My stomach hurts my neck Kurtz, please, they're going to kill me. I never standing around yelling and complaining, and that's all we get there's a lot missing, You know who knows what happened before this video? Who does it happened after we really don't? There is potential Some corroborating witnesses sang this guy never resisted, but regardless of that, most people look at this video and there like do you got the guy subdued you need to get off his neck. You are a spy well for their well being and the east, why can explain it? I think I think one of the easiest ways we, you avoid the contentious culture war issues pertaining to the story. This guy's fifth amendment right at the very least, is something
Consideration is an individual is due process. Rights were stripped from him and his life was taken over what was arguably a forgery Kay not for me personally, innocent until proven guilty self, police. When take someone into custody, they have to be responsible for this person, safety well being and to an extent their life depending on how much force they apply to the individual. In some circumstances, you could argue There is justifiable that for sure, if, if you know, there's a real reason that a fight is gonna break out someone's armed, if it's a guy in the ground, just begging, please I can't breathe and you don't do anything you don't. I look man is the moves you may all these cops got fired, and the interesting thing about This is actually add. Some people point out that if the, if there was a question of you know, reasonable use of force or justification, they would have these guys on leave and there would have been an investigation first, notably in in instances like this, the union's usually get involved. Not this time. For cops, I believe, just got terminated,
Everybody was like nope, not this one, you, you must So this is on you and now the FBI's involved, so I leave it up. I want to be very careful, and you know when it comes to stories like this. I always always stress we don't know what happened outside of viral clip, but look like So many cases, man, we can't let somebody their life, so we weren't a figure. This out not read my letter, its rebate, what's going out there what the riots, but I really gotta go after these false are Myths that are emerging that are kind of Miss representing at least my perception of what people are saying from the right, I'm sure conservatives we just nobody, then I would particularly this picture. What now Offends you more? It's like everyone very obviously his more offended by the cop kneeling on the do the I'd like what meant? What are you thinking like? What? What? What? What is it it did a bunch of means of this going around like now and you can compare summit. Common caper in it who turn into his stick into his career,
someone having their rights violated to the point where they lost their life Simon. This is just it's just is wrong. We'll see. What's going on in Minneapolis, I think again. The stories rather obvious, like riots broke out, Metro, deco reports foreplay, Officers were sacked following Floyd's death, a short time after the brutal arrest in Minneapolis hours, the dismissals, were announced protesters filled the streets around the scene of the killing to take part in a peaceful rally, many in the crowd war, facial coverings to protect against the spread of the crowd of ice, I'm I'm sorry, I'm just stop by there. People wear masks when they go to these things, because I don't get arrested and then I want people to identify them so come on. That's that's! That's reaching. The gathering took an unruly turn as police and right you're fired, tear gas and non lethal bein backgrounds into the crowds while protesting hurled, protesters, world water bottles them in Start Tribune reported one I've. I've been an eternity situations. And everybody wants to know who started it did approach,
Esther straw, something first that the police engage first, I dont think that matters in this regard right I get it if a protest through water bottle, like you, you ve got to do something to stop the crowd, especially the throne, stuff, about This is why I never understood dont send out the riot cops when, and when their protest will actually don't don't send out cops with right guaranteed gas in the situation you you got, Have you gotta have a an odd gradual, the escalation of the use of force. If your cop just was seen on video this viral clip ending a man's life regardless of the investigation or who did what I think there's a resumption of innocence all around us. I dont know, then maybe it should send out more cops to engage with the people more angry at the cops. A friend of mine who covers the stuff once told me that the stupidest The police do they send out a bunch of riot cops when protesters sharp angry because the programme
there's are looking for cops to protest against, and this creates the tension almost on purpose. Now I get like what are you you, just let the crowd romp around and destroy things will know. But if people are bad about the police. Maybe there's some other group needs to come out to protect buildings or to keep things you know common and unreasonable, but what happens is almost immediately many. These jurisdiction send out fully armoured, put right cops with with, your gas and been bags it's like is that the appropriate response to what just happened, like maybe and if you workers and police, you dont, send out the duties with the tear gas launchers and rubber bullets in the bean bags honest man look, I can't pretend to know how these situations need to be run. I can point out they typical. Go this way because when imagine you had. Somebody was protesting like our factory. Farms are a vision. We know a vegetarian animal rights activist was protest
so you immediately walk up to them with animals and start like butchering the animals for food. Why would you do that? Its antagonistic I understand the difference here is that the police car out, because their skins earns about. You know what the crowd might end up. Doing budget to realise their protesting you so if you come out its there's out a solution as outsiders, though, if it's it's it makes everything looks substantially worse if the cops and someone's life, and then when people say were angry, they shop and I got a solution for that. Here's, my you know forty millimeter, here's my being baggers. My rubber bullets, like brought back like you're, not making yourself look good right now, maybe that I want to look good. Maybe that's the point. Let's read the met. The ethic merrymen spoken but it is a local news what it showed some demonstrators vandalism, the outside of a police precincts station at a squad car. The unrest appeared to have dissipated after after dark as rain fell.
Minneapolis Police Chief, Madeira, around our redondo earlier, can from the floor. Death is under investigation by the FBI and the Minnesota beer. Of criminal apprehension. Ominous almost stop here too and throws them shade. Another direction understand. The anger from the protesters but like this is this is a quick administrative win. The FBI's involved and the Minnesota beer of criminal apprehension. These guys lost our I was immediately there's no pay education, these guys are in serious trouble like you're actually already winning this one. So dont come out smashed stuff and like you're, actually hurting your cause. By doing it, look I get him in everybody's and grave receded everybody thinks they, those threatened, not know the rotten they know the right answers. I'm not gonna pretend I do but I will say men because I've talked to it s about a lot of stuff, relatively often pro, if you're winning like d a mess it up by losing support of the public. You know it's it's I understand your talk about justice. You wanna talk about the demands you want to.
Like that. You want to go out and you want to. You want a straight up just. Day, like hey we're mad about this time. I get it, I get it, I get it, they got the f b. I could but almost immediately so riding hurts you a lot. Ok, most of us three: this do you not have lost his life, these things happen and they shouldn't happen and they happen to people, people process a process country. A lot of hello, making the argument that I saw tweet from somebody saying forgery does not, or the death sentence and, unlike problem almost I'll right there, like I don't know the death penalty at all, first and foremost, but even in the evening, capacity where you could make arguments about the need and someone's life like Self Defense war conflict. Things like that of this nature, we're talking about it who does innocent until proven guilty who will never get his due process? That to me is it is like I want to approach these stories these instances in a way that I feel can reach everybody, try and solve the problem, and I think it comes down to the individual level. So at this I said the other
several times? If you want to talk about the racial issues here? One hundred percent I'm down to hear you out. We can talk about it, but one we can all unite around. This is just calling out the vice, relation of our civil rights, biased by a state enforcer straight up, this guy's fifth amendment at the very least I'm not saying it's like that's the cordial just think straight up this guy, has lost the right to due process. They just ended him that that that is that. That is a violation. Of everything we as Americans would stand for, like I don't know what sky did maybe did something, maybe didn't that's the problem. So we got it. We got the seriously now how you saw, For this. I don't know because one thing that I did mention other day was bail reform in New York. I don't like the idea someone can be accused of a crime and locked up? I can't pay for it like that's, that's the presumption of guilt brow. We can have that but then you end up with them releasing actual criminals who are arrested for reason and they go round committing more crimes. I think the big. The big problem is the scale of cities so Mayor Jacob
Fraid. So did the same news briefing that, regardless of the investigations outcome, it was clear that Floyd's death, while in custody was unjustified, and that raises a factor. Aright I want to read this all lives matter stuff, you I dont know of raises a factor, and I really don't, like the people jump the gun on that stuff if he knew He knows more than me he's the mayor. I can respect that. My the concern is that people are just gonna jump to the racial Rachel issue, because people are of different races. I don't like that men, I understand, like you, know, specially garments outside Chicago how these interracial Rachel Injustice play. Outlet Chicago's, like created a red lining and and block Muslims, are huge deals, but we don't like about it is Maybe the cap is a bad guy. You don't owe me like, maybe he's just a bad personally eights everybody, I don't want of Ottawa people. Feel separated based offer these superficial functions, and I don't want this to overlook the core funding they'll civil rights that every American is due- and that includes due process, you
Do this a somebody in violation of their rights for us many of their rights I mean first, first and foremost, life liberty in the pursuit of happiness period. We we can start from there. I think we can all agree. It's like. Ok all agree with that right. Work who disagree with that. You can't kill somebody we can argue with accidentally whenever this did was now down the guy he could have asked for help. He could have moved and that's on him and that is on him to check it out wind up, seeing the hashtag all lives matter trending, and this this one really gets frustrates mean a line all lives matter is not funding, because Some conservatives some all matter supporters started it took me out till I complain about what's going on I don't think, there's very few people. We're looking at what happened that dude and being an unhappy about it, I think every bodies questioning like to what degree this guy is culpable is it murder. Is it negligent whatever but all, lives? Matter is trending because people are complain.
About all lives matter. So we're broke Bro bro, you can start the trend. Or at least I don't owe started, but you can't stop pushing the hashtag and then being like wise trending, and I see people dissolved time. They'll be some trend, but typically up I'll be like I got, I got play be fair. When conservatives will use a hashtag like dump tramper something they'll do it critically, knowing that it contributes, and they talk about it. I'll tell you what men Does this mean from college capering gonna talk about this and then I will talk to you about another viral mean that's going around about all lives matter, so I think the easiest way to explain how these people do not understand the sentiment of the american people as this column caper neck. Neil during the national anthem, there you he was protesting. What he sought out thought was police brutality and people protest it back. I don't I don't care, I mean it's, it's that's just I don't care, I really don't. If common capering wants to protest,
I would argue, as I wrote my eyes at that, that's fine. If other people, then burn their Nike guarantee that are like em, like that's, also fine, Why are you mad at someone else? Doesn't like getting yield or the national anthem, and that is completely different from what This do did by kneeling on the neck of George Floyd. I don't. I just there's no overlap here I go on Facebook and what do I see? Everyone complaining about this man was in his life, but the left many left us, arguing that conservatives are more funded by one or the other and like. Why are you trying to make this a dig at somebody who agrees with you or for the most part, does? How can we can't just come together and be alike. Yo we all agree. That was wrong. You you could easily argue from the constitutional perspective, the fifth amendment and then from this we'll just perspective this guy, you know a rational component or whatever the reason. I don't I don't want to go the racial route on that to start with It was. I want to make sure we can all look at this and and get in the way that we can agree with and figure out to solve this problem, because the way
like other days, if we get to the core of the a relation of civil rights, we solve this problem and if it is true that police disproportionately target minorities. Then Gary team. The civil rights of all persons will start will disproportionately help those minorities enzyme brownish ideas, all lives matter mean that. That's going around right now, and it's just wrong and so stupid. It really It really just shows you how I think that this is that there was a conservative think liberals are misguided, but liberals and conservatives are evil. They really don't anything about conservatives are arguing or what they think and that's shoot him to me for it to a certain degree like I've? will correct maritime and why not conservative United mean it's funny than when to say that I am, and I'm not- and I dont have understand like exactly how they see the world about stuff. I'm a moderate, I'm an enlightened centrist from this, a famous comic having to do with all lives matter.
The fur amateur it for you, because a lot of you bought lessening the can't see it. It's nine panels, the first one. That is a guy who says. Well, I think that all lives matter panel too. We should care exam. We equally at all times about everything that it should It was one house burning down and one has not burning down and he says all houses matter. The other times and I agree all houses do matter, but at the moment the one on fire. But get more attention The other guys sprang a house on the on the house is on fire and says, but by saying that a burning house needs attention. Aren't you say In all other houses, don't matter to which the other man says. No, the those guys, as my house is on fire, but I have to I have dry wrought: are you saying it shouldn't be fixed? the other guy says it should, but the fire is very pressing. Let's not now worked the hose guide. Let's say I put that house fire out, but my house catches on fire aren't I then entitled to two water of course, but it's not the one, fire right now, my house,
near the one on fire. If I went down embers won't catch sensible. That is completely sighed the analogy where's, that Houses owner anyway? Why do hold down his house for him. The other guy says he died in the fire. I can see the point so they try and make with us or the point they think they're making with this first and foremost, a straw man of the all lives matter argument. One hundred percent that should be obvious, This other things that are just so inherently wrong about this, but the allergy they using this comic which, like I've, I bring up because it goes around every single times over. This happens we're talking about individual houses. But the argument making us for the collective if an the visual house was burning down. Everyone would agree to spray the individual house with water and guess what, if you target each, individually with water? You would make sure the fires don't spread and everybody would be happy you would also make sure that, if eight the ten houses were owned by minority families. You would still
Make sure to put the fires of the two houses that are owned by white families? The problem that's being ignored by this comic about his comment is that you can have police Britain. But he unjustified you know. Murders unarmed deaths any other race, they don't get the news coverage. So you can argue it's because one houses burning down, but now your argument, a collective level and that's where it breaks down. So let's changed analogy and say you of one neighbourhood was small house with with with some fires and the of another but with a lot more fires and People are arguing the fire department shouldn't when put out the other fires until these ones are all out and your like, but each house deserves have the fire put out so why? We allocate resources to just putting out individual fires. Now you could argue, a tree eyes like system. We'll go where there are more fires first and then rush over and that's fine too. But the point is, if you are going to try, compare this to individualism.
Then no one's, I don't think anyone's disagreeing with you if a white person, that's no person and asian person or black person was unjustifiably killed, and we, It sure that we targeted these cases based on civil civil rights and due process. Then you would, in everything from the route up to the core of the plant. If you this way like yeah. I know your neighbor S, big fires, but you know our neighbourhood needs have our fire put out before yours or, more importantly, what another way This would be that there actually are statutory, more fires and other neighborhoods, but the media only ever points the camera one neighborhood, so that the fireman only ever goes there. And sometimes it wasn't even a fire, that's the issue, so I get it. I get it my main point, is that you need to look beyond the superficial characteristics. There's a viral twinkling. Relax. Seven thousand retreats where guy says something like your ass, let not to make this about race, but re such a huge component.
Does it- and, unlike I agree, it is, but it's very, very simple: you will act Billy drop get get more support from every country. If you target this on a civil rights issue when you meet get about Rachel issues then you're going get a whole bunch of racial arguments and things are completely irrelevant. The way I see it as I watched a guy rights is his constitutional rights violated and we fought at its core treaty I'd states for WAR saying this is what we get to do. You can't do this to us the same guy, for two as well one two, three four five, six, seven, etc, etc. This guy deserved his day in court. And the same goes for bail reform as other other other issues that need to be worked out, because I am a big fan of a constitution and a big fan of in Federalism, individual liberties and, ultimately, the prow, plums. We see tend to be in big cities this, where we're comes down to wheel, the fight each other on this one man we don't they
some stories where we argue and it's annoying, that the left just refuses its unfortunates. True, they were few. To actually have a fair argument because of stories like this and then finally, The story like this happens in everyone's an agreement. They still attack the right and accuse them of of disparaging or ignoring, and it's like bro There was a dude in Saint Louis. It was an armed robbery or something he was armed and the cops kill them and people write it over this. You can't expect to get support from regular people across this country when you're, like the dude, had a weapon and the cops down to us. Our I'll shoot out with many died. That's an issue of injustice. You can still argue. People deserve to lose their lives, but there's gotta be a line somewhere right in this instance where when you on the left now have support from conservatory, clearly pointing out like this dude was just calmly lying. There saying please help me and not resisting at all. They agree with you. Don't power that goodwill, here's an opportunity actually solve these problems, so I don't the right man, I don't. I don't care, I cops. I'm not gonna pretend
Give you a better solution. That's why I'm not gonna be in politics. If you dont have the cops come out. People by its magic windows, innocent people, get hurt, he's on the police out I've got an escalation of force and people. Don't Things that make the right worse, we have seen jurisdictions try to play this game of doubts and the police out that didn't work either really depends on the circumstances of the protest. So in that Guard honestly, don't know what we do even you have the f b I come in and are like. These guys are fired and were now investigating people still riot. On all the solution is a really don't. So don't expect me to run for office, because maybe you guys have better answer to it than I do, but I ll leave it there. Next segments coming up at one p m on this channel that I will see you all them, proving once again that these weirdo resistance leftist don't learn from their past mistakes? Cathy Griffin, why once again has crossed the line into potential, I'm sorry, but I shall be very, very carefully almost threatening the life of the president to be very careful because language use I'll. Tell you what some of these
was it. She says absolute, we cross align especially on Youtube, and some of them are potentially downright illegal. Cathy Griffin in the past did a Photoshop where she was a photo shoot where she was holding Donald trumps head. And there was blood and it was really really bad she'll be simply lost her career over this. She was having like the panic attacks, interesting innovations like everything was ruined, and then she even accused Trump of personally instructing the secret service to investigator know everybody who makes a threat against the president is going a knock on their door, don't do it, but they live in a pie annoyed, delusional state where they justifies insanity, so let alone a readily Cathy Griffin tweeted, something to the effect of taking a syringe with nothing but air to quote do the trick. You know what that means. You know at the intent there is an she sang it straight up now it could be that this doesn't cross the line. Don't ask me: I'm not the secret service and I ve got a story.
From a few years ago about the seriousness of how people keep doing this online and they do it a lot, but Cathy Griffin seems just not be able to learn. They think but, like her think, she's justified in saying this because of their person you're insane reality case in point there was, as I believe MSNBC words. Woman said that tromp was talking about exterminating a particular group of people, I'm again being very careful. They make this up never talked about exterminating anybody, but they literally make it up. What do you think happens that when someone Kathy and here's this and she sitting in a corner of the room shaking in twitching like confused believing in this tissues. Reality. They watch nothing but fake news. They read nothing but fake news, and then they believe this such as such in. Ain't, terrifying paranoid reality that they say things like this. She actually Responded to this story. I kid you not. I love letter
happened. The washing examiner says Cathy Driven advocated, plunging airfield syringe into President Trump Roy, acting to a tweet from scene and what else corresponded Jim Acosta, which said Trump pondered, whether or not to be given an insolent regiment and a white ass diabetes event on Tuesday. The comedian said, sir, I end with nothing, but air inside would do the trick f trump. Now. First of all, I think Trump is very obviously joking. He jokes all the time and I can imagine basin seeing him speak. He was talking in an off the cup was I again you got a lot of people then sell, and I wonder if I would need that year anyway, and he says on. I, don't I don't I don't use insulin. Should I be, you know, he's making a joke. You clearly isn't diabetic, maybe he's making a soft apprehend. Joke at the fact that needs a lot of fast food in these overweight because the president he makes he takes the jokes away from them. He makes about himself. He does in medical procedures, air accidentally injected into the body bloodstream throbbing spot dream through syringes or ideas can cause air embolism switch can be fatal within moments, twit,
users will remarking how Griffin can expect another visit from the secret service Griffin, stirred controversy in twenty seventeen when she held up a bloody prop of trumps effort had in a photo shoot a move which disrupted her career and peace did a visit from the secret service. According to her lawyers quote, I don't think I will have a career after this Griffin told reporters in tears after the photo became public. I'm going to be honest. He broke me what
he didn't break you, the media and your delusional friends and the weird paranoid state you living broke. You something else broke you and put you in this broken world. Trumped arrangements, interim didn't come from Trump Shore, Trump can say, nasty things short can be a mean guy, but how many of these people have been pressed into this by the media? But I M a story has just come out from the Wall Street Journal. Facebook knows there dividing people and their algorithm creates hyper partisan divide, a hyper parson divide and they swept under the rug. So you know what I'm gonna give some some sympathy of it to Cathy Griffin. She lives in a psychotic realm of incense insane nonsense because she's power,
being fed trash from like occupied Democrats on Facebook, I mean she's in the Facebook demographic right. Facebook knows there doing this. What do you think happens when someone sits on their facebook page in the only ever see insane orange man bad content? They go nuts, that's it and that's extremism. Ok, I the threats which were real but more irresponsive, examiner tweet for this report. Which noted that stabbing some with a syringe full of air could be fatal. Griffin said She sure did advocate for the president to be ok, I'm gonna make everybody but look. Look this. She doubles down the wash unexamined too Kathy Griffin advocates for someone to I'm not gonna, say it take a syringe full of air right. You know: what's going air embolism caused by air getting the bloodstream, can fatal and she responded, I sure, did effort while she straight up saying she's advocating for now. I think she will get a visit and the secret service has left. The initial
tweet, could have been seen as hyperbolic a joke or not directing anybody, but now she's basically confirmed she started advocating for it. Griffin ended her quote: Tweet withdrawn, lied, people died a common social media, hashtag used by the president's critics, blaming him for covered. The washing examiner reached out and the secret service about griffins tweets to wash Examiner also asked Twitter if she breached the platforms violent for its policy. Representatives at the company will look into the tweets, I'm not a big and of the tattle game with journalism I can understand why, in this regard, they may reach out to the secret service. However, I'm cool
as to the way in which they reach out. I think the appropriate thing to do if your journalist is to reach out to the secret service and say not the person's name, but would this phrase be considered illegal or violation journalist like to play this game? I'm not trying to drag the examiner if thou know they said where, like I've college journalist once in the past, they wore contact some organization and use it as a way to tackle they'll. Like, though email you saying your employees did an awful thing do like. Do you condemn this behaviour, I'm just a journalist asking for quest for comments now, obviously you're calling out the individual to get them hurt. Someone saying the examined. Does that but am quick to point it out? If I think I see it, Cathy Griffin was had the secret service talk to her before, because she's totally lost her mind to be like she's she's gone, it look man. This is sad. It did really is sad. The media is is essentially unaccountable. That's why so many people like Donald Trump and like when he calls out the press.
If you're someone like Cathy Griffin, you're doing this red carpet things you live in this celebrity liberal bubble. Your now getting real news and so on this news comes out, you feel like you're, saying something popular and you are not what's happening with her- is exactly what's happening. With democratic poll since they are not crossing this line. But they're saying things close enough to insanity because they are not. Getting real news and Cathy Griffin, They actually blamed from personally like just stop. Ok, it's not personal, citing of and data against her. In the wake of a controversial photo. Last year, Commission Cathy Griffin accused President Trump of personally, ordering federal agents to make her life miserable. No, please don't
You know how he works, they ve gone insane. Tromp didn't think twice about you, maybe tweeted about you. Ok, maybe some resented it, but I really don't think he's dedicating a lot of time to you. I just don't. I dont think you matter that much, but they think they do and so think about the level of ego and conspirator you're thinking that exists in the mind of Cathy Griffin. Not only does she think that these these horrible things, but the president that just are not based on reality, she thinks the president's out to get her. What what? What? What would it would we what we used to do to people who had mutter, muttering ramble, saying violent things and the president's common. For me, the president did to me breast. It's ok, ok, calm down the president isn't coming for you! Please stop you're! Losing your mind was people would be institutionalized. Katharine another hand gets cleared, continues to her thing and then does it again she's clear. Lee unwell men take overs from ABC News,
Recently, a man got eighteen months in prison for threatening the life of of Donald Trump. How really wanna be careful. Thirty? Six year old Texas man has been sentenced to eighteen months in federal prison for threatening the president's life now, what this guy said was substantially more or direct and overt, and I'm curious if Cathy Griffin has crossed the line in this regard. The photograph of her holding trumps had ok, you can argue its art, its insatiable appetite for Balikh, but it wasn't a direct call to action. Give her people interpret different ways. What she sang now is that she startup saying she did advocate for someone to cause harm to the president. This guy straight up said that he was waiting for the president and he was going to make an attempt on his life. That alone was enough to give the guy a year and a half in prison
What Cathy Griffin Dead went beyond what this guy said, in my opinion, straight up, advocating for direct action to be taken against the president, so maybe it doesn't this guy said he was gonna. Do it she's advocating fathers our know how this place out? They say this at historian according to play documents get Lou admitted he threatened trumps life on social media during court proceedings. Prosecutor said that on May thirty, first one eighteen get Louis observed across the street. Dallas Adolphus Hotel, just thirty minutes before Trump arrive. Therefore, fundraiser Dallas Police, there's noticed get to get Lou. Holding a hey sign, frightening is life and
attained him as he screamed things. Ok, so I'll tell you what that's a bit beyond just social media. My my national understanding was that he was just on social media, wealthy shock to the president's O Dell. That is a bit different. What Cathy Griffin did but take a look at the story from twenty seventeen from national over twelve thousand tweets are calling for trumps are threatening the life or the president. Here's how the secret service handles it this this article could perhaps give us an insight into what may come now forget the Griffin they say in the twelve days and Donald Trump took the oath of office granted. This is February twenty seventeen mind you, a steady stream of social media posts have called have called for violence against the man if they ve there. They frighten his life, the posts, pretty basic and many are jokes or sarcastic or hyperbolic. But there are a lot of them. In a data minor search of twitter post since inauguration Day containing the phrase machinery that phrase more than twelve thousand tweets came up. The? U S secret service, however, or even twitter and Facebook themselves does
and seem to be jumping on too many of these posts. When we asked them, or use about their recent posts or that the frightening post, all of them, they haven't been contacted by anyone about their posts. They all remain up, but there have been some reports of Asia knocking on the doors of social media users of Kentucky woman who tweeted Someone was cruel enough to go after Martin Luther king again, I'm paraphrasing here, Maybe some will be kind enough to and then she calls out trump. I am not going to read these things. I'm sorry, I'm not sometimes like it, but you get the point. She was currently being invested my secret service. According to the API Data Mine, Cathy Griffin was investigative or two months and I am tweeted several messages about threatening tromp on election night courting NBC News: the secret service, question him the next the next day and he was charged making threats to then President Elect listen. Then there is something wrong with you. If you're gonna come out, say these things. I blame the media,
I really do- and I don't want a solution- is, but I want to show you the story from Facebook which gives us some insight, and I think I wanna go over this and a long video in the next segment comes up at four p m. If you're not familiar, gonna TIM Cast, dot net is another channel, but check this out. Facebook executives shut down efforts to make the site less divisive, the social media giant internally studied Paul arises users than largely shelved the research. That's amazing lemme tell you exactly what happens. On Facebook. People are more likely to see content, they engage with it. Similar to how they described the Youtube rabbit whole, but with Facebook, the problem is several orders of magnitude worse than what Youtube is so they ve talked about on you to this.
I been hole like your click, my video and then you'll just go to arrive and all of a bunch of videos. It doesn't work that way for one on Youtube to actively choose what you're gonna watch, what you're gonna watch, video you're, gonna watch or or listen to, whereas on Facebook they put things in front of you, other people choose what you will watch Youtube does have a small algorithmic impact on people's viewing consumption for sure, but it go any direction if someone's talking about immigration can be positive or negative. Now, certainly, if you only look at negative videos, you might aren't you, you might be more likely to get fed negative videos, but I've received numerous messages from people saying that my content DE radicalized them, because I approached issues concerned about but sent a more nuanced opinion, so that the issue, Is it so much on Youtube that if you click a video you'll, we put in a red and all the issues that the left on Youtube doesn't talk about the same things as the right on Youtube. So it up.
Says if you are concerned about issues like immigration you're not going to get left wing content about immigration, you're gonna get right wing conduct for the most part now with Facebook, something different, because the content is fed to you in a voice ray short thread. You're only gonna get a small handful of posts on Facebook. So, if you go on Facebook one day you will see like two posts. One of those posts will be like you know. Donald Trump is evil. The orange man is bad. You might be curious and you might click it. And then now Facebook. I learned this is how you react. This is what you react to, and so now you're more Let us see these more importantly, however, you are more likely to directly share it. Sending it to your immediate friends and family you tube? Does do this face book dies. If you subscribe to my channel, you can share my continents, greatly appreciate it. If you do, it helps so consider that, however,
Youtube, isn't sending you content based on what another subscriber, but you know thanks because you don't friend other subscribers, so it is possible if you choose to follow ten channels, TIM Pool, Calico and Ski Stephen crowd. Her Shapiro and and and everyone, and so it's skews a little bit towards you, know Anti left or slightly to the right. Some regards you might get fat more similar videos to that, but you made the choices of who you wanted to follow. Based on who you likes to listen to on Facebook, your gamete, your friend, My school might Sharon article because they have tv s, then you see it fake news occupied Democrats whatever, and you got what is that true and you click it boom? Now you have tedious, then you share it. You tube doesn't work that way, and Facebook knows so Why is it that Cathy Griffin is shrieking and spending encircles, because tedious is contagious and its true face
and we know it, and I've said this over and over again Twitter operate in a different way. Twitter gives you a point system rewards for your polarizing shock content. You tube does not you tube incentivize as creators to go down certain paths for the most part, but a broader me I could share on Youtube, is centralism? Sort of which need to understand? Is that if you want to make money on Youtube, you need to go login skateboard and hang on the beach. Not do policy because that dramatically reduces your ability to get views. So all these people like that, it's a gift are long and try to make money. No, no, no! No! No! No, no full stop body, not true. Certainly there are some that are fake opinions for money, but the fast this path to Youtube success is like prank videos. I mean so much anymore, that gun after them, but do a blog about your dog or whatever you want to
money on Youtube, you sing nursery rhymes, I'm not kidding. They get hundreds of millions of views that people on Youtube, who do politics, take a hit on their maximum market share by doing so, but on Facebook, things are different, Does individuals share within their own base so therefore triggering an shocking them? Is what generates traffic? Now you may be saying but TIM one. If someone shares the Youtube video on Facebook, Youtube DE ranks these to the best of my knowledge, is as true they may not, but I'm pretty sure when phase but was trying to prop up their video platform, they would make sure you two blinks got less preferential posts. Invisibility than their own native videos, because I didn't want you to leave the platform. Youtube, absolutely is a direct radicalization and and even they know it accorded the story. So you can feel bad now. What the responsibility falls on you. If Cathy Griffin wants to post a psychotic insane psycho babble she's made a choice.
Maybe she should have made a choice to read other news, because guess what? Just because your damn? It's not an excuse. You have a responsibility to know what you're talking about, but all of these people, like that, like her there trapped in the cycle, fake news and the smartest thing the fake news could have done is claimed where the real news- and it's happening, Donald Trump, being fact checked on. What are you see the story? He tweeted an opinion about male imbalance and too It is a fact check where they linked to the opinions of Wall Street of Washington Post in CNN doesn't make sense. Is that a fact? does it opinion warrior polarizing people? Why don't ask me men, but their absolutely making things worse? these journalists claimed to be real news? There not? I mean the cable tv stuff, there's some great journalists out their men. They work for local papers,
but these these New York Times people there are not so bad, but they can be kind of bad. If the washing of posted up they're, pretty bad CNN is just awful, it really is just off so what happens when you have someone like you know you have. You have Jimmy costly of Brian stouter, Oliver Darcy them. These are. These are principle reporters and personnel had seen and Oliver
Brian other media reporters and there, like they're, all stick is not report the news, but give a play by Plan Fox NEWS. Why? How is that relevant? To me you, when I see these media reporters and all they do is talk about Fox and tromp, unlike you're, not talking about the media like what about this story, I'm sure they'll talk about this. You know to varying degrees. I'm not gonna, do not pretend that they, wouldn't it probably will, but then they they they default to, like eighty percent content that just rags on Fox NEWS. I kid you not. I dont need Tv Guide for Fox NEWS now when CNN appears on facebook- and they say Facebook is good to go. It's factual news, yes, but their driving, you down a rabbit hole, and they blame me on Youtube. Not true. It's facebook
its facebook and twitter. Facebook is how you spread the contagion. You get a tedious article. You press share because people are infected like a zombie by it appears in your feet, and now you see this you're more likely to be dragged into trumped arrangement syndrome. Trumpets Goddess problems, man, but he's not that bad. But you, to make these threats against I'm dude shill seriously on twitter people like dragging the opposing faction, everybody does, and so, when you make tweets calling out media with the arrival in the culture war, you get a bunch of traffic. Will we end up seeing than is the Trump reply, guy phenomenon? people have realised you'll get a ton of followers low quality, stupid followers by waiting for trumped a tweet and instantly replying as fast as you can. You will get a ton of followers and they treat thanks a trap. Like your dumb, and I can't believe how come you are like you're. So stupid
We know this or that it's like none of these things are arguments by works. They get followers from it. That's twitters problem Youtube is the least problematic. In fact, Youtube allows you an opportunity to see alternative in, like a cat cut country victory information so in the mainstream media puts out their garbled lies. You can go somewhere else and see different opinion. You can see me, for instance, I used to work for these companies. I left because of what's going on there so is this turn into a media rant, because I'm just thinking about why it is that category and has gone insane. What made her insane and that's it It's not just heard so many other people, but some people are more susceptible I'll leave it there, but at four p m over at Youtube Outcomes liked him. Yes, we're gonna, do a deep dive into twitter censorship, their interference in the election, Donald Trump calling them. And on the left, is reacting. So it similar libyan overlap here check it out its.
The main channel over at timcast- not you put that in a redirect you subscribe. If you haven't it's like I'm, going to be at four for those of you. Listen to podcast. You've already heard this segment, so stick around cuz it's more to come. I will see you all in segment. My main channel segment today that with Donald Trump calling out Twitter for election interference by putting a fact check on his tweet. If you don't see it at our TIM cast out not check out that video one up at four p m Our troubles right twitter was interfering in the election because their selectively editing his post. But, more importantly, this fact, Jack I'm doing air quotes, was actually just calling out trumps opinion, which is wrong. It was it was making a protection. What the future of what might happen with male and voting, but it was to the opinions of like crystal is of CNN.
The analysis of the Washington Post. That's not a fax jack. That's just arguing trumps opinion. Now we can see with an update how nefarious this actually is in a story from bright Bart twitters Trump fact check does not disclose company partnered with groups king male imbalance, and while I don't know why- I how I missed this one made it came out after I recorded, but this basically means Twitter had parted with companies that were pushing melon bouts. Twitter is a company, was in favour of this and only put the fact check on tromp because they support melon else whether bias is obvious. The people working at Twitter have tweeted things that are overly biased, but this is something else twitter is, but it is its use by the present of election interference- and you can argue that, like I did based on the fact that their only going after trumpet not say Joe Biden, but this is a whole other level wire,
in favour of mail in boats and why didn't they disclose the conflict of interest by interfere with the president's tweets? Does it say in the twitter terms of can terms and servant terms of service and conditions, That twitter may add things to your tweets. That seems like a kind of messed up through the story from bright Bart Twitter for the first time, but a fact check, label on tweets from president using the controversial tactic on messages in which the president complained. There is no way that mail in balance will be anything less than substantially fraudulent, so there's no way he's basically predicting the future opinion. You can't, you can't fact check the future. I'm sorry maybe instructive that twitter seized on the mail and balloting tweets as the first issue for trumps, rapid fire social media feed to slap with factual label, twitter did not disclose and its so called fact check. It is partners with two groups financed by left us
donors that engage in voter participation efforts, including drives pushing mail in balloting Twitter, sits on the quote premier partner list of war of those groups alongside Viacom CBS. The merger of via common CBS Twitter, so called fact check about trumps mail in bed. Cited CBS political reporter grace sectors. Vow. King for male. In voting whirlpool, we gotta trick twitter calls out Trump C b via comes s on the board of a company, that's in favour of mail and ballots, and then they link to report from CBS. Now, look, I think when you have all these companies owning all his other companies and having his close ties, it looks more conspiratorial than it is at the very least. Twitter should have disclosed a conflict of interest, but let's be real
but our shouldn't be doing this in the first place on trumps opinions about whether or not melon belts are safe. Analysts have posited such proposals help the Democratic Party Republican specifically fear the profit. Voter fraud since mail in voting would be hard to undercut yesterday Trump Twitter, the following earning him, a badge reading get the fat. It's about melon bout. So what we did covers over the context. I want to point something out. I do not believe Republicans or the Democrats on male in ballots. I don't publicans are saying: oh it's of its voter fraud. Its voter fraud is that Assuming Republicans won't engaging voter fraud right. The argument I think I'm gonna do it has I think it has to do something else. I do think it's fair to point out voter fraud, though Anyone can engage in it and, in fact, the store. I covered earlier on the Department of Justice accusing a male carrier with switching Democrats to Republicans and the primary
this is like a story going around the primary bit of evidence on political interference of melon bouts has to do with Republicans doing it So in our publicans come out and say there could be voter fraud. Yeah there could be, but I am not convinced that reason there really scared about this, but before we move on with the story, I've gotta give a quick shouted to today's sponsor virtual shield. Virtual shield is a virtual private network service, its basically a program you can download that provides your internet browsing with a basic layer of security. There hackers there are good, for an agency is their general, the fairies there's one a break and dear system steal your data and a VP and is one simple way to protect yourself now it must help people you lucky you. You have lost your doors and windows, but you don't expect people to break and we still do it and to be honest, if somebody
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it more young people to vote, and maybe even more older people the ideas as I sought young. People don't want to vote, so you put the bound for their faces and you can and and and you'll get them about. Basically, some you know, that's it you're, eighteen living at home and your parents. As vote for Biden, vote for binding and the king, gos, verifying whatever, and took the box and the ballot off, and now you got the young person about actually wasn't the case in the twenty five where they did melon belts, young people, still didn't really turn out to vote an older people dominated. Therefore, there may be a lot of older people who can't vote who get about thanks to mail about What I can say, though, is voter fraud to extremely likely, and then the also owes it's weird right, because then the insinuation, it's just that I'm gonna say it. The Democrats are Well, I guess Republicans look if the Democrats are going to cheat when the response be it adjusts. Cheat. Unless one side actually were bad luck. If the Republicans don't wanna cheat and the Democrats do
Otherwise, I don't necessarily know what the plan is. People are expected to what go out snatch ballots publicans do that. I mean they have failed explanation here is, the Republicans are saying: voter fraught happens. We don't like it. We do want to do it. The Democrats are saying no nothing to see here. There's no voter fraud, you see, is you see why why I'm bias in the way I am so Donald Trump tweeted There is no way zero. That melon balance will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mailboxes will be robbed, balance will be forged, even illegally printed out and fraudulently signed the governor of California sending belts to millions of people We want living in a state, no matter who they are or how they got there. We'll get. One that will be followed up with nationals telling all of these people, many of whom have never thought of voting before before before how and whom to vote. This will be a rigged no way. Perhaps the real issue is illegal immigrants. That actually explains everything perfectly Republicans
art concerned about Democrats forging bout, I mean trumps as he is putting by this way. If there are people who shouldn't be voting butts but have gotten a dry this licence to California or New York's programmes that gives licences to non citizens. You then give them about. And they vote and they likely vote Democrat. That is still voter fraud, but its other fraud were thinking of, it's, not someone going to a ballot box or or mailbox taken about filling it out and then running away with it. It's just giving bouts too, though toward the DMZ registration, so think about what they're doing in California and I'm curious as to why tromp another publicans don't bring this up. California, I believe I could be wrong. What the subject facts facts in this one. I believe they did a big licence thing where, like illegal prints were granted drivers licences, New York did something like this now think of how they do, whose eligible eligible for voter registration they're sending out ale in ballot applications. Are they going to say?
and Melon bout applications to people from the DMZ less, in which case illegal immigrants, in which case they may fraudulently vote by accident, and then who's gonna run the rolls affair, whose a citizen? When I look at you with it, we got a secret ballot. That to me seems like the real issue. Without fraud, I'm surprised or not bringing it up. Twitter did not discuss, What is an active premier partner of early day, two thousand and twenty and I'll join advocacy groups seeking to educate voters that they can cast their ballots prior to election day, including via the vote by mail option. The front page of website promotes melon balloting, telling voters that more states are adopting additional vote early options such as vote by mail We are expecting these changes to increase voter turn out. Well, everyone to know their options. The organization suggests Voter throw a party or parade. So friends can come to fill in their melon bouts. Now the bare minimum that I think Republicans may be concerned about They are expecting voter turnout to increase of melon bouts. This we have seen we ve
also seen analytics that if the voter turnout is really really high, Trump loses. The Democrats can squeak by with maximum turnip Donald Trump, with Madame Turnout Windsor in a massive landslides. According to Moody, analytics. I dont think this plan makes sense and would work to be honest, though, because trumpet still expect when I understand the Democrats are looking for any edge, they can get All that really matters to me in the long run is why we changing the rules for the lecture. The last minute after the crisis I mean the crisis covered thing might may be subsiding in which, don't change the rules and don't do melon ballots. Everybody's Billy reopening, except for these Democrat, controlled states, but they're gonna, give their electoral law alike
rural votes to Joe Biden anyway, right, I guess it. Matters for states that aren't winner takes all they can swing as many old delegates as possible away from Trop and try and stop him from winning outside this man. There's one reason why the Democrats want mail in voting one they want an edge to and nothing else covered. Not spare me do not interested. Ok. If somebody wants, the vote then go vote that that the pandemic is, as is written, stay the reopening the data is then we know what's going on there No other reason to push for this other than it gives Democrats an edge period and republican scream voter broad banana matters either just say like this man, the Democrats shouldn't. We know Nobody should be changing the rules for election six months out from an election, no matter. What, if you want to argue about covered fine, Agree we should have something in place due to pump protect an election. Event of an emergency organic outside now is not the time you can't change. There was a last minute you should
the rules in place. How about this we carry on like normal? Now that we know- and hindsight is twenty twenty will change the rules after twenty slash twenty. How does that sound? Now that I want to do it, they want to change the rules now. Well, I'll, tell you what man it's unsurprising, that Twitter is biased and twitter isn't disclosing that they're actually partner with an organization, and that's why they're targeting trump? This should be some kind of look man. I don't know if he can step in, but you got a clear conflict of interest with this. Thing's aren't being done properly, they're not being done fairly. At the very least, we can call that out. Be biased against the Democrats, but this is why, because twitter and the left and he's leftists they don't they don't play by the rules. Man now Republicans play by rules and they male look here's the way. I see it. I look publicans as using the rules to their greatest advantage. Right, they'll belt will use every loophole possible, but the rules are still there
The demographic change, the rules when they lose and they break them, but it is what it is meant Oliver their stick around. I got a couple more assignments coming up for you in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. And now we know what they really fear. This may be one of this. Do put us things. I am, I'm surprised former Obama. Economist is warning about this. The Democrats want the economy to tank We heard it from Bill MAR the mask is off their scare that if the economy were cut, where's Trump will win. Trunk should win. If the condoms recovers because he's the president right while not to them? They just want power bill. Mar said it was a couple years ago. He said, of a recession, gets Trump out bring on the recession, so we know how they feel bill. I think you do great. Things on a lot of issues with that is not one of them. If Trump deserves to win, because he helped people and he made the economy better, so be it, I'm not going to cry about it and a truck
a point Supreme Court, justices and judges. Guess what that's? How our system works? You don't get to change the rules change. How the election works. China change to a popular vote because you keep losing and if the account me is doing well, you should not becoming advocating for its destruction. Fox news reports. If american voters interpret economic growth as states continue to slowly reopen as a win for president, while I'm sorry if american voters in terms of economic growth as states getting too slowly Robin as a win for President Trump. It could potentially boost his re election. Just come November, said a former Obama economic advisor. Appearing Wednesday, America's newsroom with host Sondra Psmith, Jason Firemen- said that there is nowhere to go, but up for the nations economy amid the Krona virus pandemic, the economy went in probably far down explained in April it. At a very low point over the next six months. It will move it. From very, very bad, which is where it was in April to
very bad or if we are lucky just bad towards the end of the year, although form an added that he is not that optimistic about what the overall stated the country's finances will be at the end of the year. He told Smith, There will be a lot of jobs created every month to start digging out of the deep hole the nation was Chuck down as the cove nineteen virus hostelry took over the: U S quote yeah I mean there will be two ways to look at it. He remarked president up will be saying that we created one or two million jobs last month. That's the most jobs in a month and others will point out very correctly. I think, arguably more correctly, that we're still fifteen million the fifty million jobs short of where we were before the Krona virus attack. Let me stop you right. There, buddy, no trumps, not gonna, go he made a million jobs, it's fantastic trumps gonna go Earlier this year we had a record economy, the best economy. We add lowest unemployment, the pandemic. It shows me the pandemic kit and it took these jobs away. We worked very
very hard and brought these jobs back, not all, but many, and we will continue to do the right thing. You can trust us if Donald Trump brings back a million jobs did Anyone expect him to bring back. Fifteen million he's not gonna. Just amounts are looking may job, so you can come out and say yeah, but you lost more he's. Gonna come on, say the pandemic cost us these jobs. The democratic governors cost us these jobs. I think people these states. Look. I live in New Jersey, I've see what the governor has done, I'm leaving one hundred percent leaving look man when you live in Jersey, you're, close to the Pennsylvania and you're close to New York, while on close the Pennsylvania, I'm done I'm out I'll, take my business out elsewhere and I'm sure a lot of people who live here aren't gonna vote, this guy again, because he destroyed the economy, not Donald Trump. Now, let's be honest, the corona virus did ok. My problem is with how these democratic governance enforcing this trump will work to bring back jobs at a federal
one hundred percent and I'm gonna blame him for what China did with with lying no, and why would most people the people who well, of course they well, but regular people that came the money's good. He continued. And so we will be in a situation that is like the financial crisis, that we or in a decade ago only that will be an improvement on where we were a couple of months before it, as opposed to the financial crisis where we ever saw even appeared of rapid improvement. The president long championed is economic success as the hallmark of his campaign, refuting any claims that there was a stained growth carried over from the previous administrations work. I think about it as if some credit You know that we were seeing growth, not nearly as good as the governor, Trump and Obama said you need a magic wand or whatever, but look no problem with saying Barack Obama inherited the crash from George W Bush. He then worked. He brought back jobs, it wasn't the biggest growth, but there was growth. Ok, Donald Trump, came in and it was a windfall for so many families. I mean people were celebrating what you need.
Consider. Now, though, ok regards of Obama rules of drum is that many of these jobs that we're lost will not come back. That's it, though, there are some studies. A hundred thousand businesses have already permanently shuddered they're gone even when the lockdown are lifted completely, there's no job the food spoil it when it is ices, but this is this. This may actually be really good news for Trump think about it. People need jobs, so we are going and people need products and people need food and people need services a lot of these small businesses, Shuddered, we're gonna, see new businesses start up. Unfortunately, for them people they lost their live. That's one of the reasons I meant they lost their dream, the company they started. They lost it yeah, I'm not happy about that, but I think we are going to see a rap and explosive demand for goods and services which will result in and all of these
storefront being bought up at low rates. New businesses emerging alot of a lot new competition. I think it will actually be after we recover from this completely and we get unemployment back down to where it was. I think everyone's gonna be a lot better off than before the crisis news. New competition, new rivalries that will lead to new innovations and new products and people will find new lines of workpeople of move around the country. People have lowered their costs and doing so, and I think it can ultimately be really. I I'm not saying that what happened was good bye acknowledges. Quite the opposite is horrifying. We're, like is a golden age man again tell you how many people I talked to set things were going really really. Well, then this happened. Well, We can see exactly what they are worried about. If it's true that going to see a rapid explosion and things will be better than ever. I mean this is just great news for the president that the lock are lifting now aright So that means in a month or two months, people could be experiencing good things and the president's gonna becoming
saying good things and working towards fixing it economic problems. I think people can appoint the blame on the lock down with the governors and I think at the very least, you can argue. Why would anyone blamed Trump Fer a virus, and why would I want blamed company to have the authority to shut down these these states anyway? Some people will I get it. I got it most people, I don't see it. Herman gives most of the credit to american businesses and workers quote. The most important thing is what we do to strengthen the economy going forward and just pretending everything is perfect. I don't think it's a good strategy to make. Everything is perfect, as we would like it. Beat, but returning to a sense of normalcy will certainly not be easy for companies, employees and president's alike financial crises are are, of long grinding, slow recoveries, natural disasters, the economy, snaps back very quickly, This is a combination of the two from an pointed out. It's a little bit like a natural disaster.
So you'll see some of the snapped back. It's a little bit like a financial crisis, long and winding, and by the way how well we do depends on what we do. I mean if we don't do anymore policy, we're going to be in a bunch of trouble. He urged we need to pass a. We need to pass a two states. We need to help people we have been most impacted, we need to stay stay at it and not assume everything would be fine. He concluded data would say, don't worry right now, but when you look at the depth of the whole wearin a lot more. Where's needed from policymakers than what we ve seen to date. Will I can't tell you what exactly happened, but there's a lot of factors that plane to how this election will turn out come November? I've talked quite a bit about melon ballots, the potential for fraud. Look the president's calling it out, and I gotta say a fair assessment: is there is a real potential for voter fraud and perhaps then the economy doesn't matter
the dams are worried that a snap back would be very, very beneficial to Trump, which makes me question if they're going to come out and just say it, yeah Democrats are worthy economy, rose then what does that say about Newsome Cuomo, an Murphy in New Jersey, think about this on May sixth, Andrew Cuomo showed us a slide. That said, sixty six percent of new hospitalizations are people who are staying home if he knew this. Why does. He insist on keeping all of US lockdown into June what they want to keep us lockdown forever. Why it fill Murphy of news, busy an end, our city of LOS Angeles, say we won't be able to reopen completely until we have a vaccine. It makes you wonder the advantages they get if they force mail in voting at the very least,
we ignore fraud there, hoping for a larger voter turnout to boost their chances of winning. So is it fair to say that Cuomo Murphy knew some other them and Whittemore are locking down to try and force voter turnout in their states now you know why, because that would be speculation without evidence. However, in my opinion, is it more likely that not in my opinion, I would say to you then chance that's exactly what they are doing, but I don't know man. I think it's silly that I want to change the rules. The last minute. I think it's completely absurd their ignoring the science. But what else could a regular person conclude if study after study says at the lock down has actually hurt? have them now. If the CDC is being asked to investigate why lockdown cities are still getting infections and Cuomo knows it's because of the home. What are they doing, what doing other than making the problem worse, while simultaneously
Their party advocates for male in boats, which conveniently would only be viable if there was a pandemic going on Based on what we see here from the former Obama economist, if we lift things what happens, no mail in ballots, massive economic recovery and then in all likelihood, Trump wins re election. That's crazy to me! It's a crazy thought. They would do this, but I don't think it's a conspiracy. Literally don't I think it's a tendency. I dont think you need Whittemore to call up come on, don't open up They all know what they're doing now known, We gotta remain lockdown. I do think it's fair to point out. A lot of them are scared. They want to take the blame for this because it looked out on the Democrats, but guess what the economic damage will always be your fault and it won't be trumps and the virus wont be trumps either, whatever it is their doing it's going to backfire in their faces. So, unless they cheat or whatever. I know the economy on track to see a big recovery. The markets going up very very quickly
that I'm seeing my revenues return on have unhappy. You know, I'm I'm seeing things do well and I think it's gonna play well for Trump and in November we see. As for the rest rest, the Republicans, though, will also see. I think the Democrats have have lost too much goodwill, that people are mad, we'll see seo plays out. I got one more segment for you in a few minutes stick around. I will see you all shortly: the Fake news, media love to slam MIKE pants and Donald Trump or not wearing masks. They show us photos and say the president refuse to wear mascot this auto plant in my pants he was actually visiting victims and refuse to wear a man. And now we have this story. Cnn Emma we staffer spotted without masks after networks preach crowd of mask use, but it's better than that in the MSNBC story. I kid you not the on care Our rapporteur is wearing a mask saying, look at all of these people who are wearing masks. What do we do and some dude walks up and he goes and your camera
and the on AIR report goes yeah, cameramen, yeah and the cameramen, and then in this clip we actually get. That dude cell phone footed, showing the MSNBC crew. While they were filming the segment, we're not wearing masks. You you'll love to see it. Don't you know we have another tweet where this not this one. The CNN houses on camera wearing a mask. They turned the camera. He pulls the mask right off. Guess what it's happened before. What's his lady Caitlin Collins she's in the White House Press briefing room. Wearing a mask while she does her on camera whatever and then, as soon as the pie? spring is over. She takes the mask off. These p Are liars and they are hypocrites? There violating you to insult the present while they do the exact same thing, They are playing a game. They are not reporting facts. They are lying its reality. Television and it's been for a long time
journalism in this country is long since dead and I'll tell you what journalism is dead and spinning in its grave so fast it would be an x. Current source of perpetual energy if we could hooked some cables up to it. That's how bad things I've gotten that these people at sea, my brains out there would say like where the real moves, dont trust, those other networks and their reporters, fake, wearing masks while they shame Donald Trump for doing the same thing, talk about the stupidest most disgusting unethical behaviour, its stupidest because we have the internet. Do we can share videos? We know that you're lying think about how stupid you have to be to do an MSNBC segment where a guy is openly talking about how nobody's wearing masks and his own crew isn't wear, masks, you'd think someone's gonna hear you and be like we're talking about. Do you, you know you're not wearing masks either. It's all for show how stupid do you have to be to do an on air breach? Second, with all of these people standing around you watching, you do it and the cameras
You pull the mask off, people can seem an and they can share these things, but I will tell you this man back in the day they got away with. It then That's why they still do it. They don't realize times. They are a change in men. It reminds me of Hillary Clinton, fakes other, draw member that one where she was doing some campaign rally and in the videos went viral. It's it's. It's like they receive and did it. Do you not know what the internet is? When you do these things, we can see you doing it I should I should probably need a little bit of these stories: lots of freedom, because I want to show you something else too. Caught the story. Woman brow beats reporter for where a mask at Ohio, lockdown protest from May. First, the Solaris because this this video goes viral, where it's a woman but there's also other videos of a bunch of a crowd of people. Young journalists, take the masks off. It's a whole new context. Now, isn't it you see this and they said, the woman
bullying, the reporter saying, take the mask I'll, take the mask off. Maybe it's because the journalists do. Maybe that's the point. Now I am, I think she was young, I'm take the mask off because she thinks it's fake news at the issue. The issue where's. The journalists agree with her didn't want to wear the masks they take em office, as they can in fact, in the Amazon BC store they would even wearing them fox reports mainstream media hypocrisy of a crowd of airspace. Nike AIR Max is becoming a trend as CNN, an MSNBC bull, failed to practise what they preach in recent viral images. Msnbc was lampooned on social media on Tuesday, when a passer by poor, it out, the network's cameramen was not wearing a mastering. A segment about was concentrates, opting to not wear masks. Correspondent Cowper we was reporting lie from a sidewalk, a sidewalk when host catheter asked. Are the people there just not worried about it? How are they not worry about? Their personal safety must operate there. Lady the masks, art
designed to protect you. The masks are designed to stop you from getting other people sick with your spit. Ever you may be familiar with this. They tell you to cover your face when you coffins knees. That's why to stop the potential infection you now want to get sneak up on other people. The masks are so that when you're talking this bit fuss at your mouth, it stays within the mask region, more so than if you didn't have it it's to protect other people and limit the spread of from what you said. So no not about protecting their personal safety quote. I haven't met anybody who is Perry, said he then edit, Nobody is wearing masks when a man on the street I am then including your cameramen. Half your who is not wearing masks. Bravo! Good, sir! Whoever you are mistreat mystery man who called MSNBC while they were alive and now we are good, It was a glorious video, exposing the sheer hypocrisy of the fake news rally. Tb trash Katy tears while the worse I'll tell you what
the view taken by the man was eventually posted a social media clearly showing the camera man and another member of the crew not wearing a mask. I love it. I love it. Let's try play this video see if we can do it. So here's the guy, you can see him talking there all filming. And there's the crew. You got one. I want the camera not wearing a mask and there's another dude was like holding a tripod after the side, also not wearing a mask. These people are the worst hypocrites. You know why, because they're stupid hypocrites because people are standing all around them hearing what they're saying and anyone could have built them grow if you're gonna faked the news at least vacant rights, come on. You see. I also get annoyed by inefficiency. I'm watching these guys, but well you're doing it wrong you're. Just doing now, Here's a they say. Meanwhile, fourth Watch editor Steve crack our a former CNN digital producer. Twitted images
on Tuesday of assyrian reporter, who was photographed removing his mask after the camera was turned off at its app and more than once. Why? Ok? Ok, we get the context. You ok Let's read this old story with this new context in mind: the hill says Women protest in the Ohio stay at home. Order on Friday be rated. A local news reporter was wearing a mask for terrifying general public in a video shut and social media, Adrian rob the rapporteur at Ohio Station NBC for was at the Ohio State Friday, during a protest of the state's lockdown to prevent the spread of kroner virus. I ask this woman to respect my face after she was yelling and spitting. In my face, Robins twitted, she said I had no right to social distancing in public and continue to follow me. Planing about my mask. That is meant to protect her, and those around me, Ohio governor, might do want. On Thursday.
Extended. The states stay at home or until May, twenty. Ninth, although we relax some previous restrictions accorded NBC for protesters, some of them they are armed. According to local reports gathered Friday outside the state has to protest extended order. You are terrifying, the general public you realize that The unidentified protests are said, says in a video taken by Laura Hancock a reporter for Cleveland. Not come it's interesting now at that I'm, you may have said well why she come after this reporter now consider these other journalists are doing when they wear the masks. Only on camera yeah there's their scaring the general public think about it, the journalist wearing a mask who thinks they don't need it and then the camera turn off turns out. They take it off what you think, people at home think when they see those masks, they think o must be really bad. These guys are wearing masks to their, not they're lying to you so much. We thus protester was right quote you know that the company that you workforce lying to the american people- and you know, what you are doing is wrong. At the end of the day, she doesn't a video, that's
actually really amazing lady odd, I guess, she's right, I'm not going so so I think her argument. The protests are, if I was gonna make. An assumption is that she hasn't. Thank God of ours, is near. We as bad as it really is. I'm I'm I'm not sure what our point was, but the real is for now these journal, stewing these videos, absolutely our faking it they are lying and they are scaring the public. It may not be further exact same reason that has brought us think so, but they are the hill as well start NBC for four Comet Hancock reported the woman was bullying Robbins. Colleen Marshall and Ankara Embassy for waited and and with support in another tweet? This is not ok. One of our quarters I do her job and maintain social distancing confronted by a protest or the State House, she waited praising Robins for staying com. Could it be At the reason this woman feels this way is because she had seen journalists pretending to wear masks and taking them off, or could it be that you,
it was under this country died a long long time ago. Nobody believes them anymore. So now people are going to do the opposite of what the journalist say or think reminder that Seinfeld episode I've ever seen it where George could stand as like I'll. Just do everything the opposite and be successful, because when, when so that that the general ideas he always does the wrong thing. So it is the opposite. It must be the right thing right and events of working out form. How do you think people feel every day. They turn on the news and the news insult them lies about them and lies about their protests. They're not gonna, believe you they're, gonna, think your And now it's funny as this lady was like calling them out for being liars, and now we have these videos popping up there like a scythe and it gets hilarious. I can't blame people- men if you got to a protest and the people around you are calm, compassionate and reasonable Americans defending their constitutional rights and in the media. Claims there far right, racist or whatever, like Gretchen Wit murdered. Why would you believe that the governor, the government? Why would you believe any of these people in the media,
there's a video going viral right now from flickers talks, I saw a clip where he asks a doctor in the dark about contracts, a clerk one and the doctors. Does that they ve been prescribing the stuff for decades. It has never been an issue until Trump said it and all of a sudden there getting letter saying, don't prescribed as the media saying it's dangerous and the doktor was like this. Not sure like we did. We prescribe it all the time people getting their videos banned from Youtube for talking about this stuff. Why? I can't tell you why man, but I can tell you Lies are obvious now and we can see it might
my my respected that men who call it MSNBC. It was a glorious thing to see, but I ll leave it. There stick around the neck signal becoming up tomorrow at ten, a m on this channel. You can also check out my main channel, which is TIM, cast dot net, and I will see you all them.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-18.