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Trump Is Right, Poll Shows Most Americans Want Military To Crush The Rioting, People Taking Up Arms


In a new morning consult poll they found that 71% of American voters want the National Guard deployed to end the rioting 58% said they wanted the military deployedIn a conflicting poll with confusing data YouGov says 41% say its inappropriate for Trump *to say* he will deploy military but the phrasing is confusing which is confusing and hard to extrapolate from.In absence of real leadership people across the country are taking up arms en masse. In Philly Armed men stand atop rooftops to defend their neighborhoodsPeople are fleeing cities as they fall to chaos and destructionPeople just want life back to normal. But judging on how Democrats leftists feel about Trump was taking over the country by force. It seems that we are at an impasse as to how we stop the chaos.#Trump#Democrats#Military

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The other day, Donald Trump announced that he would be deploying armed soldiers to DC area and that governors wouldn't take care of the riots. You would deploy the military to take care of the problem for them. Many people decried this mostly people left saying that Donald Trump was threatening to shoot american people and what dictators do they claimed that he gasped? peaceful protestors protesters in order to get a photo shoot. Now these things are framing devices. It's hard to know what people actually think, especially when journalists it on twitter and just write what twitters opinions and not the american people, we will Note the american people think we now have. All from morning council showing that the overwhelming majority of American support the National Guard being duped why do shot down these rights? A smaller majority believe is the military should be deployed to shut down these rights. Now, in all fairness, we do have it can fusing poor from you got showing that it is a minority of people, but still it
decent about forty one percent sang the army should be deployed, but the lane which there is confusing. Suffice it to say the american people- want the National Guard to shut these things down because they are Americans have been taking up arms to do it on their own, and there are some who or a fine stories coming out men. We are sitting on the brink of something truly devastating. Perhaps we ve already entered the civil war I believe we are in the early stages to be honest, today. We heard stories about looters losing their lives. We are nor is about Philadelphia explosions rocking the city overnight night report that? These are people stealing atm using explosive devices, but I want start by showing you what's going on with how the Americans feel we, the american people, feel based on just this one all, and some confusing data on is confusing, but it's important. We we read through this and try to we stand what it is and I will show you,
statement from Governor Andrew Quell HU I seemed to flip flopped criticising the president, but now threatening to displace May your bill, the plaza. This is New York City. Biggest and most prominent cities in the country. If not the. And now we're seeing even the governor who would criticized call for the military say he's going to essentially overthrow the mayor of New York, to bring national Guard. And I want to show you how people are responding occurred, amount of guns have been sold in May this echoing amendment has never been stronger, Annie. Argument against. It has fallen and, and see the conservatives laughing but yeah. Forty percent of the record breaking six million gun purchases were first time buyers. How many of you! People either were aunt, I too a or uninterested and how you have them after this are going to say. I want my rights. Let's get started
and what about what may happen if these rights continue the deployment of the military into? U S. Cities potentially in Invoking the inside. Action act? This is from bright Bart cycle. Majority polls, show american voters support use of military National Guard and riots and before we get started, had over its impact. That comes lashed out it. If you'd like to support my work, there are many ways can give the best thing you can do share this video, I'm with the mainstream media for some reason has been incessantly defending the riots I dont know who there, with our pandering to other speaking too. I know I am regular American to assert degree. I understand I beg you to channel and not the same as a working class American, but I live in the suburbs man I gotta backyard. I gotta garden friends and family. I won't be safe. I dont like what's going on. It is recent to say the least is horrifying. Many people in the cities just other side of the river from me and fully where people are
explosions overnight. The media when defending this is not an exaggeration to say I mean I literally have a story. Tv journalist defend an excuse, knights of rioting, I'm competing against these people. If think what I have to say and what I m showing you is important, and I then please, Consider sharing this, because our the powerful marketing budget. They do otherwise, if you want to watch it the like button it they subscribe button hit the notification Bell, I know you do makes it hard, but maybe that'll enough for them to recommend this both for the news from white bark. They say who pull by morning counselled found them, but not that large majorities of american voters, including a majority of Democrats. Supporters back the use of the National Guard to address the riots in protest tearing up. Our cities around the nation, a smaller majority of Americans supports using the military? The pole backs up the president's claim. Silent majority is on his side, incur backing down unrest now I'd I do.
To step in and say. I am not entirely sure what the president's claim as he literally just tweeted, silent majority. I think he said that they support him. I do want to be fair that's my assumption. I mean he literally just tweeted those words, so who knows what it really means, Richard Antonia, tweeted Washington at the top brass me Terry. Would rather fight in the Middle EAST then keep peace, an american cities today poll shows sixty six percent of military favour sending in the troops with twenty seven percent, opposed among all voters. It's fifty eight to thirty, in the morning council Right Bart says so The one percent of pulled american voters said basis or the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing pro asked and demonstrations the pull did not use the word riots in american citys- think about that it did not say riots now. That's it It can be worrying. I liked the protests, the real ones. I liked the protest in DC, were they
grab. The anti for guys I get out of here were upset this George who lost his life. This was smarter. I its bold to say it was and is being charged with murder, as I'm not trying to be hyper bob. Like or or argue, semantics literally, the guy was charged with murder and we're all upset about it so that these people are protesting. And it seems like people are okay with that protests being shut down. That could be worried, whirring bluff. Let's read more of these forty, two percent of voters that they strongly support. Use of the National Guard and twenty nine percent, so they somewhat supported. The eleven percent strongly oppose the measure and nine. Somewhat oppose reply. Chickens are more likely than Democrats to support the use of the National Guard, but a law, a large majority of Democrats. Sixty three percent either strongly or somewhat supported as well. African, I can voters are evenly split on. These are the national guard. Forty three percent of
old, african american voters either strongly oppose or some oppose use of the net it'll guard sporadic voters support. These are national guard as well. Fifty four percent strong they are somewhat They say: a smaller majority of Americans. Fifty eight percent support these. U S. Military to supplement did he police forces republican, so again, more likely lesson if you ve, been following my shadow over the past several years than none. This will surprise you, because I have repeat the least said this will happen, as diva, escalated their tactics and brought insurgency to our streets. It was only a matter of time before I give the Americans who live in the suburbs and vote Democrat even John want to go to the mall in Qatar Cheeseburger. I want to relax hard day's work when another, my kids, my family are safe and of a better life, it was only matter of time before these people said enough. Liese sending
the military right. Fifty eight Santa voters thanks sang as such, and believe? Seventy one percent was the number of individuals. Seventy one percent of voters want the national guard. These people are now begging for military intervention because of the escalating tactics of the far left extra mists and those affiliate with Anti fa exactly what you can expect to happen. What comes now says is predictable and scary, but in all fairness I want to show you a conflicting pole, which I believe is wrong. And in order to use the data point, you got says fifty two percent say trumps plan to deploy. U S. Military american Citys is inappropriate as actually it's actually not true. It doesn't say that What the pull actually says is that its inappropriate for, to say he will do it. I know this a beat. You know arguing, semantics Org, you know getting to the nitty gritty may be looking into it too deep. I can't this ball and tell you anything definitive, because I
Dont know why people would would would say yes or no to this There is a possibility. Some of these people said trot, should just do it shouldn't talk about it. A lot of peoples had trumpets all bark and nobody so maybe they're saying trumped should just be doing perhaps it is as simple as to say that you have found a conflicting pool, but I couldn't draw conclusions from this and I hope you understand you? Can take it from you want, that's why I'm showing it to you and our people are gonna, be like teams were denying this appalling and to make known I'm showing you on purpose to make sure you can have the context, but even within this pole, for one percent say its appropriate for tromp to say he will deploy the? U S military and american Citys I'll, tell you by our businesses are being destroyed. First from the corona virus, now from the rioting and people just want to live, they want they want. They want to live man. How many p I wanted to go right there skateboard through the streets, and I couldn't do it for months. There frustrated their terrified their angry and they were.
Something to be done about this because bill the blows. Yo has failed. Interestingly, Andrew Quabo of New York agrees in this breaking store. F. Post, postcolonial New York, Governor Cuomo threatens to displace mayor the Plaza and bring in the national guard. The laws beside the National Guard would only make things worse. I don't know who to blossom thinks his voters are or who is trying to pander to. This is good on beyond getting reelected. Do your job. Your job is to protect the people. And once when thousands of people is what happened last night, thousands of people for formed roving packs of- videos, looting, stores, up and down the streets of New York, seven huh we got arrested. Now is at the time to defend the fringe faction of looters, were rampaging through your streets. Now is the time to protect the good citizens, this is just one city in one example, but these protests,
burning in thirty plus cities. We have what we nine states with the kind of emergency declaration or National Guard presents the millennial rights talks. It new governor Andrew Cuomo, has said that, given the failure of May your buildup lazo to get control of New York City last night he may take. Action to remove the mayor from his post, New York city is no stranger to stranger, peaceful protest and as a peaceful, said. He with a large population protests happen with relative frequency. However, the protests began several days ago have given way to riots and criminal activity almost said quote I believe the mayor underestimate the scope of the problem. I think you under estimate. The duration of the problem and I dont think that used enough police to address the situation because in arguable that it was addressed last night. What happened? New York City was inexcusable here. We have to politicians, desperately pleading for reelection and I think it's disgust The reason why I will call out build a blog is that
pandering and refusing to take action. He sang it'll, make things worse and I make things worse. People are destroying your city hey it's on an issue of suppressing rights, an issue of the National Guard protecting rights instead of protecting property, it's about protecting the peaceful protests, The national guard is actually spoken up in defence of there have been problems, the National Guard so far, and it worries me a does, but how can we have peaceful protest when roving gangs are looting and destroying everything in taking it up? Taking advantage of this Andrew Cuomo, the governor has pointed out, there are peaceful protestors in New York and he's right. Help you ve all seen the video the people and I think it was DC, we're not sure who captured the anti for guys stopped him. My respect to all the peaceful protestors who are standing up for what they believe in what these things give way to. Riots and that's why we need to secure them.
And so yeah you can disrupt. You can have civil disruption. You can go out, even though it flies in the face of all the covert precautions sure whatever, but we need something more but Andrew Cuomo but flapper- and I are gonna- be fair here, but particularly the sweet Cuomo the president is calling out the american military against american citizens who use military to push out of peaceful protests who give a photo up at a church. It's all just a reality. Tv show for this president shameful completely absurd and Cuomo. Now our sang, he's gonna displace he's gonna? Do I stood blogs you to bring the National Guard is a two bit hypocritical Ok, ok, you can argue that action Oh God is different from the military, but who was indeed see clearing out those pro, pastors. I me listen, I don't. Think it matters of its army or national guard. It Its relatively the same thing right, overturned the police bringing in more forces, are still working with those forces. So it's a end up a critical that these poles come out.
Is what many conservatives have brought up. He says this the morning consult: pull come. You know how to get I more prominent, I believe it came out last night and then all assigning like no, no, no, I think I'm gonna have to do this. Meanwhile, the people of Philadelphia, the people of Florida, are taking action in their own hands residents. Sir looking up on guns, say: they'll defend against looters and this tweet from Jackpot Sobek. He says rooftop fillies in Philadelphia It's it's a much about metro area where I live. People are on the rooftops with our fifteen's the other day. There was a series of explosions, people dont know what it was just throughout the night explosions going off. I don't know this as they say in the news that people were stealing eighty aims and no one could stop them. If the police can't stop widespread explode
from going off, then yeah. We need the National Guard and when you don't have the National Guard, when you get rooftop fillies over in Florida, something interesting happened. The sheriff has warned potential writers, the people of Port County like there, HANS and beyond that. He said that he hopes of the people use them. He's ready, said. A floor. I accorded the story from W. Eighty flourish. Addressed rumours and social media of right activity trickling into residential neighborhoods Monday morning? would be agitators at the people of Port county. Like guns, they have guns. I would I would sell them if you value are like You probably shouldn't do that Import County said sure of Grady Judd, I encourage them to own guns and they're going to be inside their homes tonight with their guns loaded and if you try to break into their home tonight and try to steal them. Does that fires highly
recommending they blow you back out of their house with their guns. Well talk about a bold statement, but that's where we're at In three months, six million guns sold the american people. I can totally understand why they want the National Guard coming in. All of these, those who have said they want gun control for the past several years, maybe even decades, many of them now going in buying weapons, because the National Guard isn't there more so because the police have Governor Cuomo, has said the police and bill about the blog have failed and he wants to call the National Guard and the peat when the people of his country realize you can't call anyone? You live in dark? There's? No one to call. What do you think they do? A viral tweet from a progressive writer who last year said Something like now, the best time to talk about or actually think, they'd been recent now's, the best
I'm talk about gun violence? They said I then they posted a tweet where they said there was a tense stand off with their neighbours and rioters, so they called nine one one and the police said, sir. The city is under attack. What would you have us do do what you have to do and hung up in New York City. They said this. I think back to all of the liberal friends I had who had asked me in the past. Is there any reason to own a gun? I have a friend who actually asked me that once and there's a story out and tell you, may have seen an IRA podcast recently about how I lived in Miami in the Redlands, which is about forty minutes outside the city answer. One hop the fence with six foot, I find someone. Hopton was snooping around our property to big problems, a barn. What do we do? Who do we call? There's? No police anywhere you see when you live in the country when you live far away, I think that's why lotta conservatives get it. You live far away you have to rely on yourself. Where's food. How much do you have? What work are you doing to prepare for the worst?
no one there will protect you. There's no police Liberals in big cities are getting a hard wake up call right now when they realize what life is like when there are in the police. What do you do now we're seeing the point of the story? Forty percent Amy Fleming find the right number, a recent survey of fire retailers shows us that forty percent of he's gone, buyers are buying a firearm for the first time mark all of our spokesman for the groups Edna statement, of those first time gunners forty percent are women and these by are overwhelmingly purchasing hand guns for personal protection. I've got some horrifying stories that not enough, I can show you butts. Ah, I I only I can play them I'll, just tell you them are retired police officer killed outside of on shop yesterday, looters there was riding happening in Minneapolis looters came in and
the pawnshop owners not charged with murder for trying to stop one of these things happening all over the place. There's a video viral video right now in twitter of an asian man with an eight hour fifteen, pointing it out eluder. I can't show these clips, as you too wont. Let me but you need to know what's happening all around you and country, let me show you what happened in twenty fourteen is a story from the new increase called in defence of looting. I've talked about a quite a bit. I will explain to you now in reference to trumps statements. The military coming in, and why Americans want to happen. When I was in Ferguson, they were defending the businesses, the local people, the people from Ferguson. They didn't want to see their community burned to the ground outside. We're coming and looting much we are seeing in most of these other cities. Right now, opportunists are coming in Steel, what they can well. What does the activists left? Do they write stories like
as they say for most America's history, one of most righteous anti white supremacist tactics available was looting. This is a lie and you can I understand why it's a lie. If you look over to the website, it's going down. Which has a manual describing giving instructions on how to form an anti fossil trump. I said that Anti fought, it will be designated terrorists. Many people on the left have defended this, especially in media. You know why Actually quite simple. According to this handbook published by its going down to form an active sell, you must have no name that way. They can't formerly declare you a group. You must obviously your hierarchy if you have, if an independent have you set things upkeep cloudy but no one knows only leaden people, you trust and don't have an open. You know enrollment process, everyone must be hard vetted and they say you must pretend to be a part of other liberal groups like boy
black lives matter. The reason why they, what right in defence of looting is because they want to create cover for these fringe. Extremist far left cells that operate that are funded that organise then show up to peaceful protests and common dear them, for their ideological gain. You see. We have seen all these videos popping up. Where Likewise matter, activists and peaceful protesters have been trying to stop anti fa. Far left extremists, we called an antivirus abroad with a broad spectrum of what represents. It means that people fly the ban on how the tattoos peaceful protesters, seven calling them out black lives matter, has been calling them out as a problem for the extremists who need this as cover to foment some kind of revolution in their minds, so what they do it, They have allies in media who write things like that saying that no, no looting, isn't you know just reckless destruction, it's it's! its fighting against the machine in the system No? This is a way to die.
The five rights to encourage people to go out because Tell you this? The regular people I hear about the friends of mine who say they want to protest there the snowflakes, and I don't mean that in a derogatory way there are the people who thank you know neither the beautiful, unique self like to the voice who, on their voice to be heard respectable, I mean it, but together it forms an avalanche. Now you can have a pile of snow and its fine. There needs to be a catalyst, the avalanche and those who misuse it and that's what we have with the he's pieces in defence of looting. These are the people who to convince you that the looting is ok. You know when you who come out to protest in it turns into rights and looting, don't be mad. Dopey upset. Please come back out because, If you stay home, we can't keep doing what we do into destroy everything. That's it they say, because their goal is simple: they don't care for the justice, they don't air for any of us. They want to just strip everything down and destroy it. That's why they employ
I bricks all over cities. We believe we ve seen some evidence. Why they ve been giving out weapons and destroying homeless people's property. When you cannot protest, they use that has cover to engage in these rights. If you as an end, Virtual protester gets scared of the looting and rioting and feel bad about it. So you don't come out anymore Well now they no longer have the cover they need to engage in this behaviour. Thus they must tell you, defensible. It's not. Small businesses in the black community being destroyed is not saving anyone and they tell you the same. Lies if you care more about, though the looting and told them that this black man's life who was taken away than your part. The problem, it's just not true If you as an individual, truly care about protecting innocent, then you care about the man who lost his life and the livelihoods of the people in the black community
are suffering and having their homes destroyed by these far left extremists? We? I'll have people across his country. In of rights, videos taking up arms to defend their community Seattle, Washington, suburb, keeping guard from looters in their neighbourhood. We have this video, I don't always from upland. It says, Let's see this, this man is a reporter out of it doesn't really say, unfortunately, it I'm not sure where this places it looks like it may be Florida, but we see a man with an air fifteen merrily got arrested, Forthem people across the country. Our taking up arms to defend against the looters and activists in the extremists will tell you it's because they want to defend some kind of white supremacy or some other nonsense. That's just not true man. They're telling you lies and are feeding you insane things. Donald Trump came out the other day we took a photo in front of the church and Strangely, some bishop condemned him for it saying he was using their imagery or whatever you know what
if you care more about Trump, taking a picture in front of a church than the fact that far left extremists try to destroy a church last night, you are part of the problem. Being hyperbolic. I think a lot of people are concerned about the silliness of what they view as a photo up. I'm not I give you my personal opinion about to tell you this trumpeted, apparently order any protest to be gassed or anything like that. It was curfew and the police cleared out the protesters and one of the White House you can be foregone said. That's not the point. Donald Trump came out of the car. To take a photo on from the church to show that our national landmark still stands. The far left extremists did not destroy it, and he did it to show that he is in control. U S, government as it can role of what's happening. The rioters are not dictating anything, they were saying last night he was a coward hiding as bunker. He proved them wrong. You can hate him, for you can scream all you want whatever that's why he did it.
As much as the people are saying they hate it. Tromp spoke and said he would do this. The polls show the old. Forming majority want the National Guard out and You can argue forty one percent or fifty eight percent want the military out overriding. Posse combat, taught us with the insurrection ignore likelihood, which is rarely done. Leave, it was done. An identity was the last time, I'm not sure. I don't know where we are heading heading now, but it does feel like we are in the early stages of civil war, because extremists are planting weapons because, Media organisations are defending the protests and anti fa, and I am sorry, the protest of the riots for defending outright how can we stand if the president and the rural government says the right or wrong the media says the riots are right. How can we stand when half of them we'll say tromp as a dictator going up his own people, peaceful protestors and the other half is saying they don't
Aramis protest or not send in the military. We can't we cannot stand so. I hope you ve taken the necessary precautions, but I'll be there stick around next segments coming up at six p m youtube com, slashed him cast news and I'll see you all them the other day CNN defended the riots live on air there. Rapporteur said that what you are seeing was just the language of the unheard writers last night in Manhattan went, up and down Broadway, just ransacking, destroying everything, including everything, he's people are doing this because their ideologically driven they're, just wanna, take stuff law and order is breaking down The reason why I think it's breaking down is that we are in a civil war. I know you might be TIM, that's ridiculous were not in civil war. There's no factions blah blah blah. Whatever man listen. We look back the street at our civil war and we say that's what it's supposed to be. Two factions clearly defined
Drawing borders and then marching into each other's territory's. No, that is not a civil war. That's what we call civil war in our country, but civil war when two factions fight for control over one government and they do it through violence. We are now assume surely in this territory and the difficult about whether or not we're in a civil war is, do you see it? Is it overt rights? I do. I know it when I see it well. Well, listen! Maybe it's not so easy to see. Yet but I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money that in the next fifty two hundred years they looked back and say. This is the thick of things and maybe even started a long time ago, But the reason why I am saying this is because cops are getting shot in the head like you can see screen right now, capture getting ambushed innocent people are dying. There are videos popping up of the ideal ideological extremists stew.
Like attacking people and beating them and destroying stores and there's videos of police point blank shooting, tear gas canisters in the face of a guy in Grand Rapids Trump right now said. He is sending out the armed for the military. I believe armed soldiers to deceive bill bar is sending out right, controlled DC and Miami. Let's talk about what it means to be in a civil war. Perhaps it's when CNN defends the rioters? Perhaps then it's when Donald Trump condemns Anti fought as terrorists and perhaps its way, Joe Biden, the other candidates staff start baling these people out, maybe it will never become a full fledged civil war. Maybe this will die down. I honestly don't know. Have you been protection, but I got I gotta say Madame looking everything I think were were and then the reason is the people who have defended Anti fought and am
Talking about some nebulous ideology of opposing fashion, which makes no sense I'm talking about the active organised individuals, funding CNN has defended them on more than one occasion: ok, they're defending the rights. Now the Democrats have defended them on more than one occasion and there falling out Trump and yes, many are defending them. Now. I believe it was Keith Ellison son, who said that he was responded to trumps tweet sang antiviral terrorist by declaring that he was anti fuck. You have Keith Ellison himself. Prominent them Crap holding the Anti VA handbook in that famous photo which you deleted there? There maybe a point at which the? U S government says these are legit terrorist we're going to go after them? And then you will see the mainstream media. Mainstream Democrats condemn the far left and maybe that's the tides turn. So I think I am
I am still reticent to say like is this the full on civil war? And I think it is. I really do they showed Cassandra, fair banks, his house and they shot live ammo she's, a conservative journalists. They shot live animal at it, fireworks and she had to flee a fundraiser was set up to try and help our relocate. I got more than enough to show you that I think we're in the thick of things. Let me explain something to the data came out around the corona virus member this and it said that the infection rate was actually much worse than we realized, but the mortality rate was much less than we realized. This meant that we should probably consider reopening our states in our businesses we got data that suggested the locked downs could actually be worse. According Andrew Cuomo on May six, sixty six percent of infections were coming from the home, meaning people who stayed homework and infected doktor, Deborah works of the White House Task Force and the crown of Irish.
Asked the CDC to investigate why major cities that were locked down, seeing a steady rate of infection for the corona virus. We saw these Democrats reject all of this information and keep their states in cities locked down. We saw the Republicans, refuse to close or outright reopen, and the infection rates went down. Tar to know exactly what or why or how this happening. But let me just tell you something these these rights that are destroying everything fuelled by anger of the lock down the loss of people's jobs, the loss of purpose and forty million plus unemployed Anyone who knows anything about writing knows that this is what causes writing its, why protests and riots occur on weekends when people aren't working, and it's why I can start as often aren't riding The Democrats were well are well aware of all the data they had it, but they refused to rent to open up. I dont have the I dont know why they're doing it, but I can tell you how p
but will perceive what happened in in it where I live, there's a gym called ATLAS. Jim they'll want to reopen someone jammed paper towels in the sewer flooding the building. Apparently the police came out even arrested a guy, the governor directly threatened them. Why now here's the bigger TK Why did all of these democratic politicians say we can't go out? Why did Andrew Cuomo say? No, you gotta stay home, stay home, you know too slow, so slow the crowd a virus, but that when it came to these rights they in encouraged it they helped. It they said these people were just speaking the language of the unheard. Why did see? and call the right wing protesters the two way protesters. You know: insane crazy. They said that they were there they're, killing, grandma And then, when the riders might destroy everything where they do on, this was our Chris Cuomo. So I believe they say it's the language of the unheard. It may not be
screw, you look it's on a grand conspiracy. It's not that the Democrats, are applauding and toiling their mustache near her know? What's happening is the truth. Efforts have been set in their ways and the tribes know who they are try this and they know who must who they must resist. So when it comes to the crowd, a virus and Trump says it's time to reopen and even doktor Found she said that it is time to open because we can't stay closed. The Democrats did nothing, that's what I'm talking about if you have faction, that is ignoring the data and the advice and yet and the advice of someone like vouches just because they hate Trump that shows you at this is factional. This is tribal. The tribes are getting more and more extreme when you follow these people, what you see on Twitter, one tribe, only power.
The police in police brutality on other tribes shows the protesters in the riots in attacking business owners and individuals. And you'll even see both sides sharing the same video was ever perspectives. I saw one video Protesters are chanting, something like take off your riot gear. We don't see no riot here, something happens to your gasket stormed the crowd, the crowd disperses. I see concern of sang shut it down at dominate, and I see the left sang the inverse. The police are attacking peaceful protests in all the stuff, it doesn't matter who you side with I certainly don't care for four for the riots and care for the police brutality. I don't care for this video of Grand rapids of a cop shooting someone in the face nearly point blank with a tear gas canister. There's no. Oh excuse for this- and I've seen people treated me yet while he should have a should have listened to the cops orders now shut up. There is so many steps between shooting some of the face. The tear gas canister, but but but in pushing them and getting to that point
they just turned around and custom know someone you guys smoking. A cigar walked towards the Coptic, its pepper right, and then we turns around bang in the face. What do you think that photo will do all these people were arguing in favour of the rise in the protesters, will will use that, and that is pure propaganda. It needs to be condemned. I get it I get. It can serve as are condemning it too, but the tribes are getting set in stone man there. There are few glimpses of hope. I suppose in some of these videos of cops hugging. People and think simmering down, and maybe what really might come out of this is. It may remain. Mass civil unrest. It may be short, but I think it's fair to point out that we're in a new generation of warfare its past, tat. We ve been in a civil war for a long time I mean there was some russian oligarchy said that he refused to come here a couple years ago, because we were in civil war. Maybe it's been the information, or maybe it's been tromp verses. You know that that the Obama Gates
the Obama administration, spying in all its enough. Maybe it's been going on for a long time and because of technology, things just function differently. I do want to show you some stories and I went out show you some of that. The harder news stories that kind of back up what I'm saying. First, We have this and I'm going to go through them quickly, because I don't I'm not going to dwell on the minutiae in in the police officer. Shot in the head in Vegas for officers are shot in St Louis hops are rammed by an suv in Buffalo and looters ran check Manhattan on another night of riots across the: U Dot S ever Trump vowed to crack down is another video. This man is one man last night in Philadelphia there were explosions all throughout the night, I'm not exaggerating. There's a hashtag called Philly slogans and you have the mainstream narrative that people are planting bombs to steal, ATM machines and the leftist narrative that this was actually police suppression and no one really knows,
What happened? A gun store owner killed, someone who is trying to break in and steal guns? Maybe that's wanted to come up. Maybe just wanted to see all the guns go sell them. What do you think's going to happen regardless? If a group of people are raiding the building and stealing guns? What you think happens when these people, these writers, MS looters, get armed right now in Philadelphia? There's people marching through the streets with baseball bats. We have this story, multiple explosions and theft of atm to pour the Cross Philadelphia. Last night. Here's a woman crying because her sister was shot and killed by the writers it just was in Iowa. I believe this this this video is, is what nightmares are made of these young people who are going out instigating starting violence and all the stuff? Don't understand. Wars really like make no mistake when this kicks off its going to be
If you love the most to our dead and it's gonna be using their screaming at the top of your lungs clawing at the walls begging for some way to take it all back because I've seen it and you can see it, this woman's face that the people- it wasn't the police who did this so right now, you have read lawlessness, but I'm seeing people post all over Instagram and Twitter, these blackout images and they don't realize what what what's happening. They have no idea what's going on when men are marching through this. Great with baseball bats, they have no idea what's going on when armed citizens with air fifteen's are on rooftops, taking their neighborhoods back they have no idea. What's going on when a reporter you can hear in this video is just ridiculous explosions fireworks. What sounds like, but probably gunshots, of some sort. This out. Winning in Seattle and they say it looks like a war zone. I've seen war zones. I should say: I've been
and revolutions and civil unrest. I have not been in direct international conflict. That's not that's not my thing I covered over the past decade mostly civil unrest and people. So I was in Egypt when there was a revolution and I've tried explaining to my people what happens when you have three thousand people demanding the removal of somebody. Egypt is different from s smaller, and you can compare the two but there's there's a lot of potentials lot of variables and they don't and well. They usually end with groups being hunted down and executed. I told my phone the day when it's our opposing the addresses of conservatives, it's only a matter of I'm before they actually show up. I don't know one that will be that night. They shoved Cassandra Fairbanks his house with live ammo, banana windows and shooting you know what comes next. First, they post your address, then they show up then what
that then, next time they show up. Some one runs up picture Doorn runs away, it's just the one. Little thing they did: it's, not them, they're, not the one breaking in your house. They kick the door but then the door flew open and someone besides to Pekin other peoples, I'm going in and they all moving its mob mentality, one step at a time. Until then, in your house, dragging you out the street taking all your stuff, because your address was post because it had to do it. That's what civil wars like real civil war, Would be pockets of ideological groups forming in various areas and then taking? areas over. That's not the civil war in the? U S was a long time ago, but it's kind of like what's happening now. The people who overtly support one ideology: are our they're getting armed, destroying things trump calls?
for I mean look at the narrative of trumpets and the church on on american historical landmarks at Johns Church was set on fire. The next day protesters were outside. Curfew is set for seven p m, whether you agree with the curfew or not, the police at that? I believe it may have been like secret Service national guard, then clear out the protesters with tear gas after the protests are cleared out Trump walks across to Saint John Church and takes a picture holding a bible, and he did this I think it for two reasons to show the church still stood after reports that it was on fire, specially Fox news and to show that the protests couldn't stop him. That's what he personally stood there. The media then reported that Trump gassed peaceful protesters for a photo up. That's a perspective that drives the level let leftist tribalism. So I I hate to be. You know it's It's tough. I don't think anybody wants to say for sure, because that no one, no one, really knows where this all goes, and even so
hang civil war whatever it is, it might not become any thing like you expected to be: maybe it ends the ballot box, but I really really don't think so? I think come November. All of this, but probably leads to Donald Trump, I dont know how long is we're going to go on for apparently still under lockdown. Nothing's changing and people are getting angry about in this video, you can see and Nypd officer pointing his gun live ammo at the rioters. Why In this video, this officer white its cracked over the head with what looks like a baton. So the officers are surrounded being beaten and guess what the people with gun. Tend to be the ones willing to use the people with guns tend to be the ones who who are gonna win. You gotta get somebody you know. Whatever man get the point, he did shoot anybody. But we're already there I mean cops, got ambushed and killed youth. These police officers are gonna, sit back and try and cross their feet
there's another won't be them next. In Oakland Van pulled up panel opened rifle came out, shot two officers: do you think any these cops one take chances now. So what's gonna happen, you have people begging for normalcy, you're, have people begging, Donald Trump, to fix us and you're gonna have people screeching martial law and authoritarianism and fighting back, and it will only teeter back and forth collapses? I'm not confident we can pull out of this I've. I've been saying for years that this is what you will expect and I don't think people realise what comes next is horrifying. We worse It I mean- and I added I mean it you to say why this is an understatement. I can't begin to describe the things that you'll end up, seeing that you wish you had never seen the golden age is over. As truck says, he's gonna bring in the National Guard of the military. The activists say he's threatening to kill american citizens. When we had a guy in Louisville, shot and killed. Because the police know and the National Guard were marching to clear a park, some one shot like the policeman.
A garden and some one shot back killing this person. They are saying Trump is killing these people. They know what is going on there encouraging this. They are calling people out, you have the low level individuals, people, I know saying things like white people. It's time to get active and I'm sit near, laugh and sang man that is pure. I did a terrorism you too, going all the way people to take action based on their identity. You might be saying: but I'm just talking about peaceful protest and that's why I don't care. I don't have anything to do with this. Ok when they, when that, when they come out and say to all the white people to go, do acts. How do you think these rights form? Do you think they form because thousands of people want to go and viciously murder. Someone know it's, because thousands of people are bored angry or worked old to activate go out? They walk around my own business, acting like a snowflake, the snowflake that doesn't blame itself for the.
Avalanche. That's why I'm shocked to see so many people, I know encouraging people to protest and keep going out. After all, this has happened. How many people need to die? How many people need to die from the police from the Seville hence from the internet woman whose sister was killed for you to stay saying, go out and be active, you are triggering the avalanche and that's. Why doesn't matter it really really? Doesn't it doesn't matter because both sides used to back down because, as the saying goes, God is on my side- that's what they say. As a figure of speech it does. Literally. They believe that God is on their side. They believe that they are the just moral righteous saviours of whatever it is their fighting for, and I don't care if
one of them and I dont care of you think. That's who you are. That's. You have your beliefs, but it's gotta stop somewhere and any, and if your belief results in chaos, I don't sell you men, but I'll tell you this ball sides won't back down, nobody will and I get it I get it. I saw the very that captured a guy point. Blank with tear gas canister, you gotta the guy, apparently what killed a core element of CBS News, the guy Louisville just barbecue chef and he got caught in the crossfire, but people want justice and retribution they dont care. If it was an accident or intentional, they dont understand that war. What what war is and what it gets you and where you go so now, you're gonna, see people say the cops murdered this guy. We the guy in Omaha BAR owner, to a fight with some guys killed a guy in Self Defense Prosecutor fears the prosecutor, people are demanding, murdered, charges do think, that's gonna back down. No, both sides know their rights and maybe
Maybe you are the one, that's right, it is a matter. The other side won't agree with you and they won't stop either p but look at this video of the carbon. They see just the one clip of drawing the gun and they say the states out of control of police right to control the other, Side sees the violence against the supervisor, the the ranking officer and the White Shirt- and they say it was instigated, it was instigated- does a justified drawing a gone honestly men. It doesn't matter it literally. Does it matter. No one cares about whether you think you're right. They know their right. That's what happens so people say yeah will the reason hit. The cop was because a cop was do an ex well. The reason the cap was doing. Experts support us we're doing why it doesn't stop it's just building up in building up. This is my point. Donald Trump says we are going to to absent Lee dominate. We are going to send out the military and what they hear is martial law and fascist. And then they say we will not allow Donald Trump to kill innocent Americans. What point at what point you everyone. Just as you know,
but we were wrong about this. Let's calm things down when CNN goes on, the errand says the rioters are justified because they're using the language of the unheard you have one of the most influential institutions in this country. Defying the president and saying these people are just you have Joe Biden staff donating to pull these people out of jail. You have Andrew Cuomo. Let me financial Como, one condemn the present the present is calling at the american military against american citizens who use the military to push up out of peaceful protest. So he gave a photo up at a church. That's insane the protesters our clear, because there was a curfew in place to the writing than before in someone's gonna burn down Saint John Church I don't know where the evidence comes at Trump ordered them to do it for a photo up. Tromp was trying to show his faction his base that we have saved this monument that we have up the writers and Andrew Cuomo? A man was spent the past several months saying you cannot have your business back. You cannot reopen
your store is condemning Trump for Trot court for Trop trying to clear up the protests so which it are, we allowed to go outside and and not social distance, not wear masks because we're protesting or other We protest are reopen sick twisted into that was killing grandmother. This is I say this is civil war, because Andrew Como doesn't care about what his principles are using. Care about anything making sense at all it does it make sense to say can't have your business because of covert and then go out and say well, these people should be allowed to protest. Doesn't make sense that he knew one may six staying at home was getting people sick and the old the recent. Now he support people being outside it goes there rioting it doesn't. So, where does that end up mad at Trump? Look man These videos of the cops to your gassing the protests, there's a difference in a right now: protests as a fine line before people start writing and as the cops reactive
you are going to see what we have seen so many times in countries where this goes down, where the police say we have to break them up. Otherwise they will riot, but then because the writer happen. They say you broke up a peaceful protest. People asked what would have happened if one of those bystanders intervene to save George Floyd's life- and I tell you this. If somebody knocked that cop down to save George Floyd than George Floyd would have lived and that would have meant the cops will arrest them Britain for assault on an officer and that by the end of it, you can't you I'm trying to say here only because George Floyd died anyone realize he knew to be saved in the save in the first place, because hindsight is twenty, twenty So now we have all this now we have met gates republican tweeting, Now that we clearly see antivirus terrorists. Can we hunt them down like we do? Those in the Middle EAST gentleman for Congress says a sitting congressmen calling for murder of fellow citizens doesn't matter who you think is right man. It really does
What matters is that both sides are gonna, go blowing blow each other up. My maybe maybe I'm wrong man. You don't scares me, though I ve been right up until this point. So the only thing I ever really can do is think about. If this, happening now. One of the possibilities and your presented with a wager the wager as this seeing these tweets
seeing Andrew come over his trump seeing CNN the fat, seeing seeing the storage of us out Joe Biden, his staff pact for bail for the writers, I think about the two parent possibilities: escalation de escalation. If I stay where I am- and I ignore this and DE escalates, who cares if I prepare- and I take care of things and a d escalates? Who cares? If you do nothing, and this escalates you're in serious trouble? And if you prepare now and things Scully you'll be prepared. That's how I base my my movements in my judgment off what working and what's going on, not that. I think it is the most likely thing to occur, but there If we are seeing this now cops drawing their guns, cops being ambushed vans pulling up. Rex and gasoline, being Laird throughout cities. Tromp calling for the milk military intervene,
being slammed by democratic governors. There's no cohesion, there's no unity. There is no idea of how to stop things. Andrew Cuomo City is being Droid and his sponsors that truck goes too far, so You live in New York. I hope you like the governor. You have as your Businesses and your life is as windows, smashed out and ripped apart. Of course, Many people live in New York who like what is happening and are engaging in that behaviour. So what is the solution? Perhaps in the end. We will see an exodus to rural areas because regular Americans, the average person look man, they wanna watch football neat pizza. They want to be involved in this. It's the idea logs that are feeling the flames on both the left and the right now. I certainly think that we ve seen the left.
Our idea. Logs run amok, that's anti fa they're, the ones who are likely layering bricks we ve seen them. We have evidence suggests I should say that their there, given the bricks out, but on an old youth. You, you think, he's gonna. The next, and maybe I'm completely wrong, and you know it. I welcome its one hundred percent, laugh at me in Let me tell me I'm wrong comment below, say: TIM you're, a moron were not in a civil war. There's been ups, social upheaval, for? I know it out, so they said to me two years ago, three years: it. Was three years ago someone posted a picture of me posted picture of my mom post. My address I got threatened apart. While I was skateboarding- and I said if this is here we are at an with because of the Indra, especially then where'd, you think things go next and I'll dude. You don't understand man. Social upheaval was worse fifty sixty years ago. Ok, I know
and maybe it all summers down. It may believe me maybe pull through and then maybe there's just some big social change and its possible base. Your judgment based on what you think comes next, but I I you know it's true to its true in its fair to say that we ve we ve, been we ve got with worse. There have been assassination attempts on unmoored leaders in this kind on unpure political leaders, because of the tensions between our political factions. So maybe it is too bold from you say, civil war, but I see Joe Biden and his staff that they ve been calling at the writing. That's fair. They should have done this. Hopefully people find some alignment in what is acceptable and what isn't the issue, though, is an don't Joseph? Don't you forget it.
The snowflake doesn't blame itself for the avalanche each and every one of these people who is going out do peacefully protest. I respect your right to do so, and I am glad that people are voicing their concerns in standing up for this and then, when you form that crowd you have primed an avalanche for which you cannot control the riding occurs, the murderer occurs, the death occurs and it's not sir, nothing, it's not slowing down. It was Monday night, and I said, maybe now will see, think slow down knows worse than ever, more shops, everything destroyed across Manhattan. I think it's only gonna keep escalating because as this is a snowball rolling down a hill that can't be stopped, as Trot tried to bring in the military to calm things down. We see governors and the media condemn him for it. So how does this end.
Hey man just because the paranoia dont mean that, on after you write so I'll, tell you what I'm paranoid? Fine! That's fine me that's the case, but, like I said you have a wager to consider for me. I'm gonna make sure on taking care of myself and I'm planning for when they move through the suburbs, because guess what in Chicago they already are, they ve been moving through the suburbs. The riots have hit many many Chicago suburbs at least help people in the suburbs are telling me that businesses are being trashed and the police in the local, art prepared forth, so it eventually come to your residential neighbourhood. That's my prediction: that's all you! What maybe I'm wrong, because I dont know what gets the future right. Take your back, do you do you? Do you have a bug out plan? Have you two to your family about what to do when people are throwing bricks. Their windows doesn't mean it's gonna happen. It means you're just ready for something. If it does happen, if we do nothing,
then you just increase the likelihood of your left high and dry. Look man. I was saying things symbol similar to this years ago and look where we are now: it's only gotten. Worse. Worse, that's ever been in this country. So please tell me I'm wrong. I want to be wrong. I want to desperately to go back to those bless. Her days. Of hanging out and complain about nonsense talked about how dumb it was that one movie had too many of that character and people complain about this character. Oh so fond wasn't. It. Now there are another explosions throughout I'm in the suburbs of fully their explore genes throughout Philly, all last night, gun, store owner, shoots and kill somebody people mounting on the rooftops with air fifteen's as other guys March, the streets as baseball bat. I will gladly be wrong. Please give me back those days. I'd love to ride my skateboard to the street and forget all about this, but I dont see things, the escalating and if it does simmer down for the short period, what do you think happens after Donald Trumpets, reelected, I'm going to leave it there
the next is coming up at one p m on this channel nazi. Well then, early Today I talked about the ongoing crisis, the riots across the country and what I view as the early stages of civil war and just a quickly clarified. I mean by that, is that you of the media, funding. The riots and not exaggerating me CNN, repeatedly defending the riots, while trump calls them out as far left extremists and calls them you know, and as its terror and things like that, you have these too disparate narratives that are just going to end. I am tensions and make everything it worse, because neither side agrees with each other. Thus, the only conclusion is continuing. The in my opinion, is continual stabilization loss of and the reason I say this as you think, of the trot? If the president came up said: hey these people are terrorists than most institutions. Country would be like we're, gonna fallen line. We're not gonna stand in defiance of the federal government. They are an that's unexpected to me that says that
we're headed down a path where no matter what you do, no matter what you threaten them with their own agree, they don't see Trump as legitimate. So if trunks he's gonna enforce laws. They dont care. They will out right, defend anti fa, teen vote, for instance, just re up their story, defending promoting aunt, if I were a day or two after trumps that they were terrorists. So what is it mean for us as a country. The video Deanna screen right now. I can't play it So one of the most shocking things I have ever seen New York City is the focus of this. This video the early because it is our biggest city. Are you now, arguably our biggest sitting and depend on what metric you use and that video, which are I can't play for you, depicts a car completely blacked out tinted windows slamming the gas ramming an Nypd offs are standing by himself who goes flying twenty plus feet, spinning in the air and slamming to the ground,
is one was shocking. Theirs of ever seeing New York city is an absolute chaos and it seems like a lot of people are pointing out. The Nypd is kind of standing down There have been some stories of then. Why pity taking a knee supporting the protests, I want to make sure that clear, too, but we're seeing what looks like that. The New York police, just not getting involved in this tweet from Luke Rakowski we are He says, I'm telling you guys. The Nypd is protesting themselves against the mayor by not doing their job from this tree. The person said must say: do not understand the Nypd strategy tonight. There's a huge group of office just standing around your on Broadway thirty. First, while looting is out of control in the surrounding blocks. What can then, why PD do at this point overnight? Buildings were ash, roving bans. Packs of people were dish, looting, buildings, been down Fifth avenue in Broadway,
and I believe we have seven hundred arrested, seven hundred people arrested when the unwise pity enforces action against the people. Who are writing. You don't see them. Writing. Get it here that this is essentially a kind of. I guess moreover, the paradox but think this way, if the police do nothing and everyone riots that everyone breaks out of the police are even doing anything. Look at this. The people are losing all around them. If the police stop the looting, they say they were just guessing attacking peaceful protesters because there was no alluding get it. If they stop building. Then all you'll see as videos of regular people being head and thrown by cops. The cops are standing down Someone someone Jenny Gold, I believe journalist, is journalist outward them briefly. Vice news many many years ago, contacted so many tweeted about this and I believe he was talking to someone in the Nypd who said I'm not going-
risk myself over property and we are not getting any support they get criticise. You know that it's issue where the Suv, the Nypd Suv, is stopped the protesters, surrounded and then jolts for real, quick, knocking everyone back, and it's just everyone freaking out, but would you what's it what what support happen? You, don't you don't I see from these videos ripe and you see people mess it. I don't see a difference between the latter and the odd that the officer fiery, tear gas, Mr, unlike the guy's, face right? I'm a drum, very carefulness, but let me explain: I see people in Grand Rapids a man smoking a cigarette, a person, pepper praise him in the face. He turns around another program shoot another person shoot him in the face with a tear gas canister I thought to myself the police that their cops. That's the point of making. I'm not saying all the cops are bad, I'm just saying
When you see somebody fire a tear gas canister, you have to realise that just the person, that's it it's of its. Person and they have the power of the state behind on which makes it problematic? That's why many people call that stuff out But when you see another person and their smashing upper window, destroying everything it's a person over there, payments a noble protest or so long as you don't see them coming. This axis issue is the point of making as people of chosen their factions. They have chosen their sides. A person is going around stealing things, and I talk about the peaceful protestors. I should stress the snowflake isn't blame itself on for the avalanche. These people come out and get attacked by the police is because their an adversary position and when you see a cop go over the line and draw weapon our should someone it's because they are people too, they panic they, Freak out training means nothing when your car surrounded by people and you start story of a lawyer, Throwin molotov cocktails or some young woman. Talking of Malta that ETA police vehicle their people,
they're, not gonna, just sit around and weight, so you could argue there must be other higher standards. It doesn't matter what you think in that regard. It matters what the individual, in that circumstances, willing to do and that's why we The problem with you know the He says we have it already. The reason why you have story, Yo Yo videos, where the cops will shoot someone because Their mentality is I'm not. Risking my life over what I do. Know about you and an innocent people have taken the brunt of it. Here's a story, because Are we going talk about New York, and how unemployment look man I want a little tangent there, but listen New York City is done. I'm so look I tweeted. I dont think we can come back for this because of the escalating say you know, civil unrest and tension between competing factions. Some people said. We always do we always bounced back. I'm not saying Amerika will cease to exist. I'm saying we can't stop the train whereon,
we can pull the brakes all you want, but it's just sliding down the track. Full speed, downhill, what's going on in New York City is a really an example: maybe what will really end up happening as people just fleet but think about this, and I will read the story. New York city was devastated by the crown of ours locked downs. Partially by the corona virus, but the lock downs for the most part we now according to data published by Coloma himself, staying home, looked like it made things worse because sixty six, ten infections during lockdown came from the home. Perhaps it would be better if people are social distancing, but still going outdoors like, I can't tell you hindsight, is twenty twenty, it's easy to say but because of this all these businesses were destroyed. All of soft goods. All the perishables destroyed. All of the hard goods were fine until the looters showed up and destroyed what was left of the businesses in New York City. Now I get it, I got it there's a lot of businesses there, but this all businesses that carry food. They were destroyed the restaurants, the bodega as the
our good stores, the skate shops, the clothing stores there are now being wiped out by the writing. What will be left of this city? What will you get from living there? nothing extremely high utility costs, the inability to draw your own food and water and a police force that can't win no matter what they do. When they stopped the looters, they get attacked for it when they left the looters loot legged attacked. For so why would they Bob read this point, there's no winning circumstance. There is no clear path to understanding what you need to do to do. The right thing here's a story from NBC, New York and Y see curfew, standard through Sunday, seven hunt arrested as packs of looting youth defy, or this isn't about these These people were gonna, destroying everything. Is it's written? It's it's so amazing, but it's the CNN. Multiple segments, defending this. These people aren't here for ideological reasons there just trying to come up. We ve seen it
marrable, the plaza says. New York city curfew will continue for the rest of the week, through Sunday, after police had packs of youth took to the streets. Overnight and violently looted stores across Manhattan in the Bronx. The initial curve was imposed Monday to curb late night violence. Amid a fifth night of New York City demonstrations in response to George fly his death in Minneapolis Police custody. Last week, it was first such measure since a white cops shooting up black soldier in Harlem, prompted nineteen forty three. While the extended curfew will be an effect from eight p m, the five m while and each day before a covert ravaged New York reopens efforts. Months long shut down, reopens sunder lockdown again. What is then reopen too. Nearly two thousand people have been arrested over five days in New York City protest. So far, police after another seven hundred Monday night into Tuesday by far the biggest number, since the protest started and nearly doubling the total several Cops were hurt overnight, including an Nypd sergeant. Investigating breakin
in the Bronx that officer was hit by a car. And serious condition, but what is expected to survive on other cop was hit by a you can try to stop a cell phone store burglary on Eighth street in Manhattan, arrests have been made in either case, though police are looking for several suspects in total, nearly fifty police officers have been hurt. Since the city wide protest began Thursday, Thursday night, what do you do when the police start standing down because they don't want to risk their lives. What do you do when there's no police to call because the ones that are working are too caught up in trying to stop the writing. All of us we are in a pro second amendment country, it's really really amazing so really funny pow. Someone said that the Anti gun lady from their neighborhood was organizing. You know protest would like the parkland kids around that in March far lie stuff was now fund, raising fur neighbour
watch security, I believe it. I really do. I mean it's oppose on social media, but come on man how many people? How many liberal urban you know? Whatever urban Democrats are now super pro second amendment we got. Some are numbers I can. I can show you take a look at this from a national review, gun sales, Spike FBI, background checks, smash records in May. Gun sales and accompanying FBI background checks spike last month, breaking records the nation, whether the corona virus pandemic and riots broke out and major cities of the death of George Floyd. Already this year, the FBI's record fifteen million background checks in the national instant no background check system closing in on breaking last year's record of twenty eight million background checks a total of three million. Ninety once three three million ninety one thousand four, fifty five checks or court and made the high its main number since the
system was created twenty two years ago and the third highest month on record meanwhile gun sales have surged since the start of a crowd of ours pandemic April, One point: seven million firearms purchases, a seventy one percent spike from the previous April guns, sales by Tyre and March with two point: six million purchases and eighty five point: three percent increase, My oh, my oh there's more to it, though, who are these people who are by and these guys now there's some worrying thoughts here, I'm you're talkin about until four civil war. The early stages you ve got the damage Pratt saying no matter what Trop does he's wrong. You ve got Trump saying if our terrorists and then major? publications, defending anti I'm sorry that's an untenable situation. Attempt. Show me the way out from their if the? U S, government the present. Himself says there. The terrorists and the media says oh yeah, and you even have I think, Keith
well hold that Anti Van book? What now these people on the left? any anti are either going to oppose the government declaration of domestic terrorism which were actually has to do with the individual arrests, not any grand like labeling of the group, but what happens when their funding their bail is, that is that providing materials, or in the patriot, act on the fate of the Patriot ACT, but I'm just telling you it exists. The present says this. They say this. What happens? Does that this law, before I have to go now: set arresting public journalists and publications for promoting and encouraging terrorism. There are limits to what we can do under the the first amendment, but there is as much look. We ve seen right suspended in the past from four more efforts. So you know I'm not entirely sure we're walking out of this one, especially with Six million guns being sold with a record amount of new, but gun owners. These these these liver
Now, let's Ellison, I'm a rag on the second amendment. I actually think people should have protect themselves. That was up there. Can I ask the question about what the animal you know? What you do in the police? Aren't there This is why liberals are waking up to the fact they need build a perfect themselves. A gun store in Philadelphia was robbed. Last night. They tried to rob. It is three or four men I tried breaking in and the owner was keeping watch and he shot and killed a man, else what a guy in Omaha got attack. By some writers and in defence. He was not to the ground. He shot and killed a man. He got off on self defense close case. What will you do when the riders come to your house when their bang on your doors and windows, they came to Sancho Fairbanks House, conservative journals, they fired, live ammo at it, and fireworks and she's now fled her home with her daughter. What what she's, armed by the way, what
oh you do when they come to your house, and so you have all these liberals talkin about. Why would anyone ever need a gun at a front? Asked me that once and I said well for me- I lived in a rural area outside of Miami. Forty four miles on a farm on a small farmland pop basically- and police were you know that could be there forty five minutes of yet an emergency half an hour. Maybe what would it would What someone breaks in your house and yours like, let me see it's me, sir. You I know your arm and you're threaten my family. Can you get me like thirty minutes with it? Now, I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way now, people are realising as cars crash into Nypd up and to police officer Sonny, I'm flying as cops are getting ambushed. As the National Guard is being deployed and care ass. His gripping the nation high profile- media personalities defend Anti fond. Down the president, while the president calls out the military, What your plan is man. All my plan is take a look at this.
They actually say. I think what we're looking at a forty percent increase in new gunners one one- a recent survey, a firearm retailers shows us that for percent of these gun buyers are buying a firearm for the first time, Marco Oliver S I've spent for the groups at in a statement of the first time got owners. Forty percent are women, and these by are overwhelmingly purchasing hand guns for personal protection. This, those com as the death toll from the krona virus, rosy area, so story is, as from today I don't think the reason people are buying Ganz is so much about the krona virus. I think but when the krona virus pandemic start in the lockdown was announced, the people who, when bought guns, were smarter than the people buying guns now includes myself my you. I wasn't smart enough to go out. I saw this as I won't rush into the store, and I was like you know why I'm I arrow, but the real they were buying guns was likely because they are there stood what mass unemployment and a lack of resources leads to
I mention this to civil and fast and revolution is usually from did by high food costs. Now This is disputed by some people, but in a lot of the arab Spring countries it was becoming very difficult for people to live and run businesses today forty million people are unemployed, it may have to do with the fact they can't buy things in their desperate and they also have to do it. The fact that they have nothing else to do in their board, but they're going out the scary thing about all these rights is that the snowflake doesn't blame itself for the avalanche. The individual who shows up raised affair. Then, just things a happy song is a part of the avalanche. Even if they don't do anything. How we deal with it. I dont know because they certainly the first moment right to speak their minds and and and assemble and do these things, but the avalanches are getting bigger and bigger. That's why I'm telling my friends, man, you gotta, stay home as a time and a place, but that's my union like if you want to go out in protest, lodge a protest
sandy see where they captured the active again gave him the police that that, at that that I'm all down for I respect my fear, however, is that as each individual shows up its priming, an avalanche in which the riders exploit this. When the pole, Is our dealing with increasing on arrest, people drive and other parts of the city in Luton? Destroy, but take a look at it. Laurie Big Lot, big law associate charged in New York, Malta attack. He was followed in April as part of the firms covered. Nineteen response, this man call inferred maddest. Thirty two stands accused of debt. New York, city, police, policewomen, vehicles of molotov cocktails. Why Thirty two year old lawyer in New York City turned violent extremists in a month This was within him all the time as a man, you may have seen one day a normal guy working getting a paycheck of his job away. Now. What does he replaced that with
Seems like he found ideology to fill the gap. The lost look at us he's a graduate of Princeton, really where this war, you, according to his linked in profile, matters is a twenty ten graduate of Princeton University and a twenty sixteen. I should have and why you school of LAW Madison number of prior Kashmir corporate group, but he was followed April as part of the austerity measures against the pandemic. His profile page was removed from the firms site yesterday afternoon. Medicis employment status with the farm is correct. Lay under review in light of these criminal charges. Here's a statement from the farm two thousand people arrested in New York and five seven hundred overnight mass arrests across the country faces plastered and videos. These people who are followed are going to I don't know man we're gonna, have a lot of people in our presence. I'll tell you that all of these kids, icon, kids but they're like young
else going around in writing because they think it's a game it is. They really do. There's a video of some Cato got shot in the leg with a rubber bullets. He's got a flesh wound with very minor bleeding, and one of these fake lopping medics applies a tourniquet to his leg. And pulls at tightened puts their weight into it. The guy in the ground is crying saying. I don't want to lose my leg to a tourniquet and they said we need to stop the bleeding. This was performed, if these were children who are imitating something this on tv, you do not apply a tourniquet for minor flesh with light bleeding put guys in padding on it and apply pressure that these people have no idea of theirs. What they're doing it's all just a game? They are kids and to them action adventure. They want to feel like there in a movie, but they do not understand what comes next. As Esq scary, video, I shall still
a bit of a woman in Iowa, screaming about how they killed her sister? The protesters did they shot her man? You got that video is sad I feel bad for all Americans who are now finding themselves unemployed, who know nothing about what happens next. This man right here call inferred madness. I wish in your thirty two years would have watched any of the video that of Syria, any of them or any other other countries, Iraq, for instance, You can see the people screaming when you can see the file other holding his den sun and screaming the whale so haunting it will haunt you at night and you won't be able to sleep for days after hearing. At wail of a man whose child died in front of them or now you see a video of a woman whose sister was killed senselessly because you guys wanted to role play, but maybe doesn't matter man, because these people dont know how stupid they are.
They don't know what they're bringing on and the snowflake doesn't blame itself for the avalanche. Perhaps this man just thought? I'm doing one thing: it's no big deal, everyone else is doing worse I'm just getting one bottle. I am only going after one thing All these people, I know they're saying at their there there posting is images, encourages encouraging these things. These days there posting things selling their white friends to activate to go out and make sure their part of this. Not realising that, although a single snowflake on its own is a beautiful and unique bit of nature,. When combined with a billion more, it kills and destroys and wipes people out. So The solution is, don't ask me: all I know is I want to be there. Regular person staying home saying? I think this is worse than you will realize, and you do not want war. I
You know, I love bringing up the quote from the patriot. I've set several times now the male Gibson movie, but make no mistake man. This is the eighth its it shouldn't have to be said, but it, but it is, this war will not be fought on. The battlefield are some distant frontier, but in your home and your charge, and your children will learn of it with their own eyes. These people have no idea what they stepped it as stepped into them. No idea the arena that they have encouraged, and each and every one of these people who says to their friends. You must go out and get active. You are priming the lunch for nothing but suffering this man with ever so charming headshot conferred your life as well. Your Princeton University graduation now meaningless, and you will be now thing but a relic of the past, and when this is all wrapped up, when trumped sends the military out, if he does, they will look up every single photograph and every single video, and they will hunt you down for months and you
find yourself in prison for the things you have done, because this is not a game, putting a turn of kittens, who's got- a minor flight is a scrape on his light with some blood is kids have no, why yet what they're doing now New York city is crushed a scary stuff man. I am not. I think because it's a good thing, I'm laughing just out of shock. What will New York become of itself after this? I guess we can only wait and see I'll see you at four p m over at TIM, cast dot net. That is my main channel. Thanks, rang it up The media is desperate to pander to the riots, and I think I know why two big reasons the first, their ratings are in freefall. They did great during covert. They did great during Russia Gate another collapsing, Then they heard covering the riots in what happened. Writers showed to see it.
H Q, when trash the place so another desperately want to defend them. I got a couple stories for you. The first one is from news: busters tv journalist defend excuse five knights of riots. How about this headline New York Times changes its front page after being ripped for being too fair to trumpet bridge of threat to use military and U S, cities and that's it they're, bending over for the rights they are terrified of the violence and the violence always wins. What I think I think we are headed taught you look, we ve got him an and an object, an unstoppable force, Donald Trump, won't back down he's gonna. Do it ass to do to stop the riots meanwhile I'll leftists, are just claiming. It's only protests, their purposefully, miss framing things and I'm just and here watching at all the left doesn't know or care what anyone else, but them thanks. They live in bubbles where they share fake news and they get fed refuse through the or
professor of the media into their mouths I'll. Keep it a little bit clean. Her emails that not really the point as I'm seeing tweets from progressives, who used to be never buy now fully on board for Biden, and my question is might which was confusing? Is out all of a sudden. They now no longer understand the problem of the establishment. The Democrats, it's all of a sudden, well trump- is doing all these problems. They they its there are even paying attention to what is really happening when Trop says percent of the military. What do they do? They say trumpets threatening protests will trump specifically was talking about violent riots. Why doesn't the left? No, this. Oh no man, I don't know why? Don't they know that innocent people have in their lives destroyed? Maybe it's because the New York Times swell change their headline bending over backwards and beyond, because the violent threats are pointed at them and that's it man, terror works, Trump won't back down. So then, why
A bunch of crazy people on the left have no idea what's happening and you know what's gonna happen: they're gonna keep supporting the the riots, because they don't realize how much damage its cause him through the story is buster, says from the start. The news media have done their darnedest to paint the riots happening across the country, a positive light. While many journalists glossed over the widespread violence by relying on misleading characterizations, like mostly peaceful others, have outright defended and justify the writing. Some of these attempts to standardize the writing of in bordered on parity for assent link of the media's most desperate damage, control, watch video of what below, as once, truly various MSNBC host Ali Vel, she stood in front of burning, building absurdly, refuse to describe the scene as unruly as it that's a descriptor more appropriately reserved for a hyper kindergarten class than in a fella than than for felonious arson
but evidently, even that soft language was a bridge too far for Wolesi. I want a clear and how I characterize this, this was. Mostly a protest. It is not generally making unruly, but fires have been started. Wise, saying it in some of these rights, journalists have had bottles cracked over their heads, so the journalists are now espousing to their cable tv audiences that everything is fine, he's all right. Their peaceful protests. Why that only beaten up and they want the ratings you see what's really happening News organisations are suffering, they ve been suffering for a long time and they become desperate to make money. Then your time rights, record ratings and record chaos on cable news. Truly amazing story see Nbc is looking to host right wing. Talk shows a kid you not so desperate. They are for ratings let show you a few more the absurdities- they say- TB
let's have a lengthy track, negative excusing MA behaviour, ostensibly motivator by racial grievances. Let us we understand, but you gotta get outta the gist lemon of CNN deem the rights MECCA sums for some sort of change, We saw a segment with Chris Cuomo. He defended this. They call it. The language of the unheard what's really going on is pure desperation historically are times by Ben Smith is actually really really fascinating. They mention how, MSNBC the ratings war. Incredible during Russia Gate absolutely incredible: I wonder if I don't know want to, I read literally everything because he just gets to the good points, but let's, let's, let's check this out MSNBC the guy saw defending the riots calling them mostly peaceful. He worked for MSNBC than Psmith rights. They ve been scrambling indifferent way. The channel thrive from twenty seven
teen until earlier this year, lifted by its nonstop coverage, the Trump Russia story and the stories Tenement impeachment it signed up former spies and prosecutors as contributors and dangled. The hope that Robert mother would end up would end, MR, arms presidency, but the Russia Show, came to a disappointing conclusion for its audience with Mr Trumps acquittal on February. Fifth, the ratings plummeted, we didn't lose viewers, MSNBC present, fell Griffin, insisted in an interview. They may have taken a few, days off from watching out of oh boy, I've got to regroup and audience. Numbers did rebound with a crowd of our story, but now DNA is politics and covered. Nineteen is not at its heart political story, Rachel Meadow then, Star saw her audience and the twenty five to fifty four demographic, the one most prized by,
Advertisers fall below CNN Chris cover for the first time why Chris Cuomo was doing late night Kommeni with his but brother, Andrew Jackson, novelty in oversized novelty, cotton swabs pretending to be Corinth when you know he wasn't so as ratings took off, people left confused, they were watching MSNBC, but nothing happened, and that was it. No idea what's going on me and they would have watching something else. Here's they say we're using the same muscles that we used to cover politics covering this pandemic and how the country's reacting Mr Griffin said behind the scenes and be seized, corporate I must continue to unsettled scattered staff. The new year, men have NBC Universals Newsgroup Caesar Candy, hasn't described his vision for news. He made his name with an insufficiently covered television grew a coup telephone does rise against you
vision. They say I don't care about all the stuff we demonstrated. Is the Sea NBC move here, then I think men trumps, winning conservatives are winning and I think we're sing for obvious reasons, air to the left is collapsing there right there, resorting now to just running through the streets, burning things down. That's the language of the unheard, I guess, but it's the language of people who have no argument. They ve I'd saying what they say. They tried all of these things. None of it worked nothing changed and that's their argument will now people listen to us. The gaunt smashing burn things. Meanwhile, when it comes to cash in money, CNBC see something more lucrative conservatism. Rightwing talk, the left has failed. The establishment is class. The Democrats are over is what you get. They say the New NBC Universal Chief executive Jeff, Shell, has suggested in private conversation. He wants to make a more dramatic change. The companies other cable news network, CNBC too.
NBC Universal Executive said Mister Shell, the two executive said is considering turning the network's prime time hours currently occupied by shark tank, reruns and business focused rally. Programming like the prophet over to right wing talk shows a similar plan was flooded years ago. A development executive even met with the talk, radio flame, Thor Mark Levin, I see and BC executive said, but it could allow Comcast to extend an olive branch to Mr Trump and is added supporters CNN, once positioned itself between MSNBC and Fox on the political spectrum. But during MR trumps tenure. The network cook concluded that there was no profitable middle ground with a president who seeks confrontation with the media, but Channel adopted an increasingly political focus, hosting dozens of democratic primary town halls and debates. It also competes more directly with MSNBC than ever before for audience offering Don Lemon and mister.
Although as a more emotional, less cerebral alternative to Chris Haze and Miss Meadow, CNBC as displacing MSNBC I mustn't you see in my opinion, is on the verge of collapse. This is I the media so desperate to pander to anyone willing to listen. I must b C gave us nothing but crazy russian conspiracy nonsense for years, and it it came out to be nothing. So what do you think people are looking for now? Well, they hate Trump Sienna capitalized on that the Russia thing was propped up by both seen an M and MSNBC and this is where I think the two channels converged MSNBC was giving us Russia Gate see. Any CNN was was trying to be some kind of in between but when they started reporting on Russia basing their rating spike, they became basically the same thing as MSNBC. Well, Rachel Matter went nuts
desperately trying to veer away from CNN because sooner was taken their audience and now CNN badly run him off the road where the so far weirdo conspiracy, nobody cares anymore and their ratings plummeted. I mean people still watch MSNBC, but you can see it when there on the ground at riots defending them. What they ve become The media is driving this and it's scary because in their desperation not to fail, they even support overt terror I mean like low level anti for stuff, but it still is. Terror funding the writing and ignoring the pleas of the actual people, whatever their businesses destroyed. Fox news has been able to just take a massive presence, because Russia Gate was insane and regular people could see. It was insane and didn't wanna hear it, but things are changing and think Donald Trump is a lot to do with it. For the time being, you can expect the media to pander mortar writers, CNN we'll do it more linear title changed our headlines and that will,
create a weird division between the federal government, the actual law and cable tv ratings. So when people are brainwashed by this nonsense, the lunch will find themselves standing against law and that's probably why a lot of these young people going to prison. I live there. I got a couple. More segments coming up for you in a few minutes, and I will see you all short this video is gonna, be a warning to you. Guys and a warning. A lot of ways, There is no solution to the problem you will face in an issue of self defence got some really messed up stories to show you it's beautiful polyte? Madam you mad at me for this. So this video is about two big stories, one looters tried to loot upon shop during the writing. And the man who was their defended himself and now he's been charged with murder. They they give rise to the man for the fatal shooting
the stories about a man who didn't defend himself. When the looters came and in this story he was killed, you have your choice, die or jail, the saying they ve said, I've heard people say I'll, take my chances with a jury over a mob and perhaps that the right answer, I don't know, but in the end its it seems like war between a rock and a hard place. There's no real easy way out of what's to come as right. Super crosses nations this you can see now the stories I have for you, these first two, not the only ones there. Some truly horrifying things happening. One of the videos. I cannot show you, I Are they can't it's a man on the ground with an air fifteen pointed out among asian man, defending a store, a lot of people of joked were seeing the return of the roof Koreans. Yes, yes, I'm failure, this joke, as I am in fact korean. I find a kind of funny- that's just me, but it's real!
He about it's a meme about defending your business, about doing what you have to do to keep yourself safe, only problem in today's date, age. It just escalates into more rights in Omaha a man walked. Up in someone shoved his dad. They he got attacked, he fired a warning, shot someone jumped on em, he fired in self defense. The guy got killed now? The left is demanding this guy be prosecuted, but it was self these being beaten, and he liked the guy was gone for his gun self defense. I want to reach this first. Need. The context- and I want to show you the truly sad story about a retired, I believe, is a retired, a police officer, Missy retired police captain was murdered outside of upon shot by looters. Take a look at this gales bill. Men arrested for fatal shooting committed during twin cities rights. They say he owns orange up in Minneapolis is accused of murder and the shooting death of a man during riding fifty nine year old, John Right Rifle
was taken to have been county jail. Thursday morning shortly after the shooting outside his Minneapolis business, Cadillac pawning jewellery joy records. Show his home address is gales. Will the man who die? I D, Cabin Horton Junior of Minneapolis had wounds was chasin upper body, the pawn shop eluded on Wednesday night during riding that followed a memorial day, death of George Floyd police, suspect the store believed Horton was one of the looters. I dont novices the same story: tat we ve seen and the context is a little lost, but what we know is looter store riots. Man shoots defends his shop is what happens when you don't? The story from Fox to now in Saint Louis differ Location, a man was shot and killed outside a north, Saint Louis Pawnshop, Tuesday morning was identified, retired Saint Louis Police, Captain David Doorn, according to Saint Louis, much pausing police department.
Doin, seventy seven was shot outside least pawnshop upon and jewellery shop on, Doktor Martin Luther King, DR near Sarah Avenue. Just before two thirty, a M police say it. Effort a gunshot wound to his torso and was pronounced that at the scene, authorities tell ox do that, in addition to the murder, the store was eluded police chief, John hey. Says the department is, is wearing their Mount morning: bands because door. Died using the law enforcement training. He had learned with department. What do the people murdered last night was retired, Saint Louis Captain, yes Opie, tweeted Tuesday morning he was murdered by looter looters upon shop. He was the type of brother that would have Then his life to save them if he had to violence, is not the answer. Whether the citizen or an officer rip captain. They asked for for help. So I'll ask you, I'll. Ask you am I'm not enough, I my pinion. Would you the big data in jail or no man? Some people
and live free or die right New Hampshire, as they say in it, give me liberty or give me death if you were faced with some, on who is trying to was threatening your business or your life I can understand not wanting to take someone's life to protect property. I totally get it comes to a building in your leg. Look man, you can go in the building you do some people doubt some. We'll say: I'm not gonna trust that you're you're gonna be a good like you know, just a thief: a market What's that you come in and it's all you do. So it's really coming down to personal judgment. I guess. But in the end you see what happens you defend your store jail Don't death there's no guarantee. Those are the two answers. Mind you, but its poor fine, to see these two stories only a couple days. Apart, take a look at this one daily mail, moment. Armed vigilante tried to stop a bank from being robbed as looters cash in on George Floyd protests. This is it's getting beyond scary I'll, tell you, man,
I can show you this vote on the again. I really, I think I can it's a man outstretched arms holding a pistol point. Doing it at people war looting, a bank. This is what we can expect movie. Forward as more and more looters try and take advantage of the situation and property owners are stocking up. I saw a photo from long island. I talked about this all day before it into my segments now record sales, there's a line outside the door for gunshot to our weight time to get in and by a gun. You thought cove. It was bad you have. The pandemic was bad. Well, what do you think bored doing now, as the police stand down in New York man, I don't love. I have this tweet pulled up. Let me save lives. If I have it Danny Gold, tweeted questions the last two knights of whether an I pity was standing down. Allowing looting in Manhattan, texted cop source quote, I would say so. I am not risking being hurt for profit.
Especially if I do and I use force and I get in trouble ads, they feel abandoned by elected officials. I don't blame him. This is this. Is it what's happening? I pointed this out in the other segment in New York there facing a kind of paradox where, if they stop the law, bidding, then all any one sees his police throwing down seemingly peaceful protesters. Why because they have loaded. Yet if cops them after they looted people, complain they're, not stopping the looting and if cops do nothing while, then people are loading and the cops aren't doing a thing about it. So it really is a voice, Ray challenging position for the police, you also Of these videos of the place actually firing gas it peaceful protesters are, media being inundated with cities across the country that have different a different approach to enforcement pawnshop this guy, you sad that they arrest him charged with murder, at a bar, and although they get stuck self defense, not every
restriction treats these rules. A way because of this activists on the left are selecting media. That benefits there narrative and the same is true for money conservatives, but I think for the most as we know, conservatives tend to follow both both sources and most of the people I've seen talking about what's going on, have talked about the police, excessive use of force and have absolutely called out the officer in Minneapolis, those of us kind of in the middle are seeing at all. So what do I think? I think you got to protect yourself. I think I would rather be alive than dead, and I think that the escalation is, is here and there's nothing you can do about. It As already videos of people walking outside, I shouted in my main channel segment with guns we ve already got it. People like getting out of the August suppose I got out of his truck and send yells get back, get back the cops the gun and arrested
what did you do wrong was illegal. That's the other scary part of this the police choosing to take you out, take you down to appease the mob so this guy gets rests with the gun. There were, but the monitoring tool rights where they say well gonna break any laws, but hey we got a mob underhand. So we are you, some of them down. As you know, maybe I'll drop the charges later, but that really the world one eleven, because you know, where we go from there. Some eventually someone's gonna shop to your house and it's not gonna, be protesters. It's gonna, be Please and they're gonna say you ve been accused of this that this by protesters, and because of that, it's easy, to get rid of you, instead of dealing with a riot once the police start making this decision violating our constitutional rights, then we're in serious trouble my biggest fear, because we ve seen some other countries You have a riot give a mob and they'll say something like so and so sad hate speech. They must be arrested. The police are, then, look
this crowd of hundreds of people, thousands of people with pitch fortune torches. They say, listen if we ignore this and say the present, and reckoning rules. Then end up with a right on our hands. So why don't we just arrest this one person and they do that peace is the mob for a little bit in the early stages of a constitution, but I'm not convinced it would be upheld. The cards motion, for the most part is swiss cheese. By now protests were deemed illegal in New York for covered. You can't do that, but they did it anyway. The government can You know in the legal sense physically they can and they will so here's what I expect. There will be high profile, individuals, trawls what's wrong or to put it in a edgy boys, people on Twitter, saying things like you know, after all, that these riders he's protesters the rights will get back I do not demand something. Maybe not now we ve got to Morrow but may be soon
You will see the police eventually say we can make up some kind of charges right haven't we call it incitement because that's not protected speech right bone there. It is. Then they say it's incitement. They come to your house and they arrest you because the mob demanded it. That's where things get scary and that's I hear the smart people lay low they. Have laid low. And they're leaving and getting out cities is only are now ago. I'm an ominous. Jobs, Philly men and sirens several vehicles and how chapter flying overhead only a few miles away. But should you assume about it, why there be a low flying police helicopter over an area. I think we know why these things are spreading. I'm getting report of the Chicago suburbs are being hit. So what are you gonna? Do Most of Americans have rushed out to buy guns most concern It has already Adam and the papers they ve,
laughing the whole time go on you proper. As you got us, you are right. I got one more segment for you in a few minutes, while sea, while shortly thing makes sense anymore. How do we ve? How do we, understand. What's happening all around us I saw, Thus from somebody on Facebook saying that it feels like extending in an earthquake trying to figure out what's happening, thousands of people out pro testing for black lives matter. Oliver, France, how? Why covert? What's look at the sweet, I said? Well, either we have defeated covert or dairy is gonna die. So whenever I guess at this point, I sorry These the establishment has lost all credibility and with this loss of confidence,
I fear we really are moving into some very serious destabilization territory. How can there be what what'd Lincoln say? House divided cannot stand as I was a good beginning, a wrong. I dont know what's happening. I don't know anymore. They told us the corona virus was this dangerous plague and then overnight they don't care anymore overnight, their allowing riots, stories are gone, covert, just disappeared. What was the entire new cycle? I dont know what to think I remember early on. I was like, while it sound like this- is bad we saw the governments were acting, they were panicking. Maybe it was. Panic is induced hasty, area from social media. All these governments racking this way, but doesn't splain all the people who died.
And we saw stories Elon Musk treated this USA today, hospitals that claim covered patients get more money Many conservatives were saying they think the numbers were being inflated. That does it actually makes sense. It still doesn't because there was an access number of deaths based on the average number of deaths. We would seem so in New York. For instance, you would see ex many deaths per day on average and it was well above a lot of we'll speculated. Maybe it was being sedentary being locked in the home. It was people not going in for treatments is a lot of reasons to say it. But I'll tell you what my right now man Either we are going to see a mass ex illusion of lethal covered cases in the coming weeks. In about a week from now, we should already be seeing it or what it was all fake. It was never real tell you say we did, we won, we defeated and we got hurt immunity just like that Why are we still locked down? Why
why why hasn't New York reopened, everything? Why can't I gotta best by and by the speaker, to listen, amused. I shall outside. Why not. Why? Why is the ATLAS Jim being threatened by the governor? Why can't you go work out, but this. Europe was hit harder than we were. I don't even know it's happening. Here's Cuomo He is warning the protests, could spark krona virus come back in New York or it will see what happens. This is from the daily news. They say the demonstrations, that of rock to New York City in other cities in the wake of the death of George Floyd, could potentially be infecting hundreds and hundreds of people after everything that we have done with a minute and ask ourselves what are we doing here? Homeward tonnage: huge gains against a deadly virus, noting that overall hostile nations innovations and new hospitalizations due to covet nineteen are down to their lowest level. Since the pandemic struck in the state the state conducted roughly fifty thousand tests,
on Sunday with only one thousand testing positive. The progress is phenomenal, but the rights been going on for a week how come when the conservatives came out demanding that the States Rio, there were all of these stories popping up saying covered case. It covered cases spike covered cases, spike spikes bike spike worse day ever they said, They said South Dakota was a hot spot and if they refuse to lock it's a hot spot in what happened? Nothing happened. They were lying about everything. Ok, ok, not everything! We did see, people get sick, but what is going Why do we lock down the way we did if South Dakota Flora we're fine? If taxes was fine and now after Others riding it's now. What day? Five? And what have we got? Nothing. Nothing with sirens and looting and riding death, destruction, chaos and the US,
Dabble Schmidt has lost all of its credibility is why I think we're in civil war territory- and I know a lot of people- have repeatedly mocked me free time. I've said it. They told me that I was fearmongering in a calm down and all that stuff and everything I see just paints. This picture I mean think about it. You have a media, you know what. My message to me and they said something like you: ve become slant and I message the back- and this is a friend of mine who just wholly embraced, left us at a terrorism I don't think I myself like it was only a full of weeks ago that you made a post very nicely calmly, politely sang If you are going to go out and protest, please social business and where I am asking you to understand, you're putting people's lives at risk o because business owners were desperate, that's what they said, you're putting people's lives at rescue to understand this. Please, please don't do this, please what are they say? No
Please please, please get active enjoying your local meet up. Oh all, credibility gone. That's why I think we're headed towards civil war. If there's no establishment that people can agree upon. If there's no culture for which we can recognise, then what are we but to fractured factions? in different places now. I think the fact that there is no dominated pocket so far is stopping things from truly escalating. Have you ever been in Northern Ireland to do any of you the thing about. I'm sure many of you have. I know where a little about it. I just know about you, know, something's my Many members in the nineties were saying, because I had relatives that, were you know either in some way associated with with that. The conflict is its nebulous, basically Well, I knew who knew people there and family members who are disadvantaged stuff like that, but I went there a few years ago and it was amazing to me to see like what they call the peace. While I think
on one side you had a group of irish people claiming to be Israelis, are something to be jewish on side. It was really just like they hated each other for no reason nigh. No people more experience and understand it might give rise, reasons, but what I understood from the people that we're talking to me is that whatever one side adopted, the other side just opposed, and vice versa, and that's where we are there a time when certain areas will have those lines drawn in the sand. I think so too government has told us all of these things about covered and the rural areas completely disregarded them, disagreed South Dakota good example, and North Dakota. They got peoples in tracing apps, tracker, app eventually people going to now what territories which, for now they don't. We know New York, a certain kind of territory. People are leaving. But what happens when you actually have hard factions? There's a group. It literally calls themselves the resistance.
So what is going to be like Magua versa? There is, as I have no idea I do. Those people have gone nuts. They chastened that they ve been chasing attacking Trump supporters for a long time where that leaves us it leaves. In a crossroads, I suppose, but I feel like work were approaching the, but that we have that there is the potential for escalation or de escalate and we're just driving towards escalation, because a train can stop. Let me, let me show you: Let me try and keep it more on point, because that is the point I make here and why? DE business has already hit by covert now must reopen amid rubble. I have this story. Krona virus barks insane evacuation from an y, see mover, say: as residents had self, maybe it's not a civil war may be just a collapse. But the reason I'm bringing up civil war in this context is that there's no legitimacy to anything they ve said so far. They told us all of these things and they didn't come true. I don't I don't unaltered, leave its possible. I'm I'm a little earlier. Jumping the gun may
in a week from now, which is them, was posts the average to maximum information time. We will see a wave of people just coughing and collapsing and gagging and what all the Bernie Sanders supporting revolutionary leftists get sick and die, or is it just gonna be a tiny, tiny fraction, because that's what the new data showed us? How can the american people trust in the government as there is a lot that can happen and it's hard to see the bigger picture because we're all looking through this pinhole at Mosaic you know, we see only a tiny piece, everyone's looking vote. But Pinhole, seeing something different, it's entirely possible. That would be a loss of confidence in the establishment, media and democratic government. They turned a trump who has been right, he's called for the crushing of of the rights and the american people supply,
he's who his approval writing made May or may not be fact. I have no idea it spiked when it was done with chronic iris. He was right about reopening and he seemingly, You are right about the ending the riots. Maybe what happens is that what's what's really happening is the confidence is being lost in the media in the democratic establishment and their last ditch effort is extreme violence, and that's they're doing their lashing out because they have completely lost and they know it. What, if what's fuelling a lot of this, is it a combination of factors, but it could be that they know Biden can't win right. So maybe this is it The last thing they can try induced to burn it all down on their way out. Maybe trump winds in November and they'll come back out right or maybe they'll just be gone. Crushed
no man, these past few days have been really annoying, because every single story is the same they're just little grains of hand, a little little grains of sand, making up a bigger heap of the same story about riots and violence and collapse. Destruction exaggerate since I am seeing people get more extreme, never gotten seeing people I once It would be reasonable. Progressives now sang insane things as breaking my heart or I'm gonna stand on this one, not with any of these factions, but only on this with the culture war wager that I mentioned before. If the right wins, I believe that most people will be completely fine. The terrorists, the revolutionaries, the criminals of course, will get me. No justice served if the left wins we're talking about leftist identity, terrorism, as a video going viral where they make a woman get on her knees to apologize to black lives matter.
Because she's white, that's what you can expect when the left wins, the right isn't white, an editorial, its conservative. So what what? What happens then, when they, when you go to church? Ok when the left ones, they make you get on your knees and beg other ridiculous nonsense. I'm not interested in any of this man will see things play up I'll, see you tomorrow at ten a m on this channel. Thanks rang it up.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-18.