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Trump Has BROKEN Mainstream Media, Journalists UNHINGED Theories PROVE They Are Democrat Activists


Trump Has BROKEN Mainstream Media, Journalists UNHINGED Theories PROVE They Are Democrat Activists

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There is no better story proving that members, the media are resistance activists for the left, then Donald Trump Driving his suv around support, What does and waving to them do thank them and show them that he's. Ok, you see all throughout this new cycle. Journalists and many media outlets have been pumping out psychotic levels of conspiracy garbage the the reflections of Donald Trump on his table. Don't make sense. How is the pen reflected above that the paper? It's so crazy, because these people don't understand our reflections work shares that we get Buzzfeed and many other outlets publish, really irresponsible stories like this trumps doktor reveal these on a stairway recommended for severe covert. Ninety
animals are saying. While trot must be really sick, I mean they wouldn't give him a stair one unless he was really really sick or of the doctors thought that he should have it, because sometimes people get different medicine shore, okay, so so their screaming. That, from his dying one do the guide. John, I think John Cooper tweeted worked for biogas stories of the Biden. Support he said my GEO peace or says there really worried and Trump could go either way talk about creating a panic and there are journalists took just publishing like an it streams of ridiculous conspiracy. First twitter, is actually suspended. Some accounts that we're not verified journalist pushing conspiracies, but if you got a blue checkmark, yeah, ok, yeah, yeah, yeah, all good case Twitter says tortoises: you're allowed to be conspiracy, theorists, sir.
Happens. Donald Trump see at the media is is, is endlessly calling claiming that he's like dying or could die publishes some videos like everything's, ok, I'm feeling fine, I'm doing a lot of work. What do we get? Donald Trump and secretly editing is videos. The fiddler righted they're, putting out his coughs that can guess now. They're posting, like a form we are. We are ass: moon, land, hoax or level of insanity in our media. I ask of you, please consider sharing this video and subscribing because I think it's important that I show you just how unhinged these journalist star. So when people ask you we'll Donald Trump says the meat is fake news. I mean that's it, that's crazy! You can't trust the media ominous show you can't trust me. Walter Reed attending physician and multiple doctors criticized Trump for putting seeker
service agents lives at risk by making them drive him around two way that fans, while experts, say his steroids treatment points to severe case of covert. I loved the daily mail. This is my favorite one, because they're doing both stories in the same article. What is it? Tromp is dying and getting a medication for his severe covered or he's being criticized for joy ride. being around. I have to imagine if tromp was under death He wouldn't be riding around in the prep presidential motorcade waving at his supporters, but when the media keeps pumping out these ridiculous conspiracies what its trump do, he goes We're rightness Suv over the media says. Well. Why didn't? He just prove that he wasn't security to do this. While he tried the Icy Donald Trump card. Posting videos, videos and photos, I I'm ok and what they do. He started: dissecting them and claiming their fake forgeries. You see the Ex if data the accepted on the photo so
doesn't familiar photos. Media files have info. Patients stored in the file, you can't see, but you can put it into a programme to read the data like when the photo was taken. when it was modified when any additional information captions what kind of camera it was. My favorite thing about this is that the there, the desperate attempts to claim that these photos were faked, because who's got published and the dates on them were ten minutes. Apart. and so now you got this people saying. Does that mean that Donald Trump you know put on his is his suit jacket, took a picture than got up right? and to another room and then took another picture of ten minutes later. This proves it trumpets staging photos and when I that there's no conspiracy, dude gone down. There's no evidence stop. I actually had people say what's what so coins your by believing that trumps during a photo up, because it
means that journalists are in on it too seriously. These people have lost their minds. Ok, I can explain to the excess thing: here's what I gotta get people say. No time you don't understand. The date modified would be ok. Someone took a photo of the president and the and photos got released. The photos that got released show that they were created ten minutes apart. Does that mean that the photos were taken ten minutes apart? No, it could mean that they were exported or compressed ten minutes apart and here's a people understand, because now I get people saying no to him, you wrong. The date modified would be different because the creation is different and modification exporting file is created. New file seriously men? I do video rhetoric rendering editing all day if they could, a new file. It would have a new data. The aid on it it is a new file and they added the information in the desert insane with all of these.
conspiracy is running wild. What could trump due to make sure that people didn't think he was dying? get this vehicle all now. It's the end of the world. Here's the story from the daily mail, a doctor, the Walter Reed Medical Center, where Donald Trump is currently being treated, has described the president's decision to go the drive to waive supporters as insanity as other medical experts question the assessment that the press It could be returning to the white us on Monday and set the scandal, tells us treatment suggested a serious condition now the doktor said they fully into and on releasing him today, gave her like everything's looking good, the president seems fine and no matter what they say or do everyone's like now. You know it if it believes it leads They would rather lie and re pray for the illness to be severe because they get more clear, man notice how they like jump away from all his other stories. One thing: it's best bits been happening, a lot and this is this- is some heavy heavy criticism for CNN
when they say, like you know, we ve had a all seasons worth of news only a few days. Yet that's because you PETE Our insane, that's because you're jumping from platform to platform, whichever it would, they think, will make them the most money. That's the name of the game. What we got a riot jump on, it click, click, click, click click only money money. Then it's our ethnic only bear it. Oh no jump on it dropped sick jump on it follow through with your own stories. Let me tell you the worst thing about it. They can publish all of this fake news. I take a look at this Trot Trump doctors reveals stared for severe covered nineteen. Oh you know, Buzzfeed was was drooling when they saw this, they did very little fat. Checking that in follow up and sure it's great. But what's the point of just this is rampant and reckless specula It's simple: they're gonna make money up ads eyes, an ad blocker by the way to make money if ads and then have turned up
stories fake. So what what did you do that leave it? Probably now, if they publish overt falsehoods, you'd happens, they can publish fake news. overt fake news. Get a million views, make all that sweet, green and then, as soon as people are like hey, that's vagueness. They go up, see let's issue a correction and retraction and they keep the money. They are not in the business of telling you the truth there in the best of fucking you into giving them traffic Doktor James Phillips. Walter Reed attending Doktor condemned the president's Sunday afternoon, drive which violate CDC guidelines. He said is dangerous and reckless in comments which quickly, when I will gaining more than a hundred thousand likes and forty thousand retreats yes from resistance lunatics with Trump It still shrouded in confusion. Doctors have suggested the president could return to the White House as early as today, trumped today tried to protect an image of business as usual by tweeting,
the election, accusing Democrats of planning a massive tax increase and touting the success of the stock market ahead of the November third Pull Gay Donald Trump one on a tirade this morning but just show you well Chamberlain with the absolutely funniest take on this Doktor James, Philips, the same guy who was like deserts reckless tweeted, this garbage nonsense. I know its not typical indicator of illness, but I am concerned the most telling lab value indicating the president's health is the number of tweets in the last twenty four hours, almost zero, its unprecedented, particularly as the election nears, be wary of minutes from his staff. Ok, this guy's lost all credibility. I as a doctor, I think Donald Trump is sick because he's not tweeting enough when, as that ever been in India,
eight or of anything other than the president, isn't tweeting there like what but Trump likes to tweet gaze in the hospital dude is it is it supports? Why would trump not be tweeting could be because he's dying I gas, could it be because he went to the hospital because he has covered and he's working? Yes, he's not arrive, Maybe the luck when Trump tweets, he s, staff for the stuff. So probably what happens is trumps not around, and so the people who manage
ask of you know, manages his social media people think Trop sitting there typing error thing himself by himself, sometimes probably, but most politicians don't do. This trot- might look over them. The tweet tweet that some amateur tweet that that's it trot my treated himself down probably tweet. Some stuff is probably other people who are former tweet and not trumps in the hospital, so things have kind of paused. So when a doctor comes out and says trumps tweets are indicative of his health. Ignore every thing that doctor says: well, here's what we saw from Trump this morning, Donald J, Trump Space Force vote, ok best Ba ever vote for a one cave out. Trump went on a twitter tirade for all of these reasons, all caps exclamation point about so on, making the Apt joke Welsh in Berlin. If the guy saying, if Doktor James Fillip to saying Trump not tweeting, shows that he sick than wills insinuating that truck tweeting like crazy proves
is cured and healthier than ever. Right I mean the inverse must be true. If trumps are tweeting up a storm, surely is healthy, so you get these. Do you get these crazy stories? But let me let me show you: let's take a look at this from from Marcy Wheeler Marcy Wheeler EM we'll on Twitter, has two hundred and thirty six thousand followers Tiggle who this she said. I can't stop staring at this reflection on no one thousand retweet and what is the image? There's: a reflection of the top of Donald Trump rest, but there's a book in front of this. If you know a binder NATO as an collar, trapper keeper, and now I'm too, maybe two old or two young, whatever, as a binder in front of Donald Trump Hand, so so how? How is how is it possible? How can there be a reflection? It's called an angle.
these people. Never like a look in the mirror before that checks out. She says: here's the still compared to a screen cap of video, clearly different, lightnings or tarred tell different angle. The light was still taken with no flash There is obviously a ton of studio lighting in here for the video. I genuinely dome no one way or another, obviously everything staged and all the same props in both Cheeseman. Ultimately, the reflect Please don't matter one way or another you you have to get no further than the blank piece of paper. To conclude It was an amateurish staging how much it was short of lying with the video being real, doesn't matter blank paper. They don't understand how photos work, because because the lighting on on, say, Donald Trump Jacket is dark and the paper is white. What happens is the photo light. Balance will be for the more darker image, depending on how to put it right, photographer took the photo and it will make the paper
blown out. That's the phrase blown out, that's what we call it. Ok, what that means is the white paper will just look like a white blood now, you can see a little bit of what Donald trump us. With this marker because he's using a dark marker with thick writing as opposed to paint a text which is going to be blown up, In fact, I am not exaggerating when I say this is a Lee one of the moon landing hoax arguments seriously. So in some of the photos from the moon, ok, there's no stars, and there like that, proves it. No, it doesn't if they were trying stage this? Wouldn't they put fake stars up? No, because the issue is stars: do come out well on cameras, people, honesty, and the human eye is better than a camera. I've ever looked at something go looks amazing popular phone, and then you like that, looks terrible.
I remember I was looking at something like that. I'm looking at the moon in this life is beautiful. Corona around in my wound. I put my comrade it and I was a little blotch like that looks awful. It doesn't look Anything like what I see you need really good. Special cameras sat up and specific ways with certain zoom and all that stuff. To make sure that you know voters are done right. As for the camera on the moon, they weren't trying to have two two dim light to get the stars in the sky. They were trying to put up lights in front of the astronauts to show it and so what happens is always conspiracy. Theories are like there's no stars. You dont, like pollution, is Have you noticed when you're in a city can see stars? Hey? I wonder what's causing that? eyes are really good. I mean relative Dick, like our current level technology, but we do have really good cameras, like Google pixels that that's cool, So here you have the exact same conspiracy theory. I can't see what's on them Therefore, the papers blank one more point about staging what we have our two stills implemented data can be believed. They were taken ten minutes,
These people are saying this is a journalist. These are journalists, look look at this and you ll find bugs, as this all feels a bit forced as if someone is trying to approximate the president as at his most manic. But it's not quite air, claiming that Trump isn't actually tweeting any the stuff when Trump tweets erratic nonsense. why trumps, tweeting erratic nonsense and then, when Trump is sick and tweets erratic nonsense. There are like this certainly couldn't be tropical trumpets dying. You just saw him driving around and Suv. What makes you think he can't wait. Your courtesy, I thank them, I'm just so over this man loved this. I love this one. This is the best one, so vocs not come brought. Bravo guys! Bravo! You crackpot lunatics Erin Rhubarb, vocs, as whatever happens when Trump says therapeutics. Here is a strange moment in the video you posted this evening. Nothing happens.
I don't even know what he's talking about. There's a video clip, we're trumps as their politics and then there's like chop trump hiccups. Maybe I don't know- and you find one Does the White House is editing video to remove coughs? Why wouldn't they just Feldman new video? it's so absurd. They think that they're gonna put out a clip of the president's. Only couple minutes, long and they're, gonna Goethe when at about its costs, instead of saying, let's do another take, that's how insane these people are. Let's say: traumas coughing, I am so sick, ok, clearly in this video talks for several minutes and there's only A few moments where they claim editing occurs in fact, one particular moment why? Wouldn't they just be like? Let's just do another one, because if you can cough only one time in four minutes,
you can not cough. It really does seem like. Maybe Trump was going to coughing, then he didn't. Do you like hell, didn't like didn't cough here's the here's, the best of the best best best Alex Plank? Who is this guy verified founder of Wrongplanet actor riders, yup. The top is the original autos waveform I've applied amplification to get the bottom way form you can literally see where the editing occurred. Yes, because you boasted that guy, This is so stupid. You can't ok, I've been working with audio files and video editing. Since I was like thirteen fourteen eyes to make skate videos. I've been making documentaries. I record all of this when I look this and I'm not an audio engineers want that. I don't see anything. I really doubt I see a dude who boosted the gain. That's it there's nothing to take away from this, But he's claiming this has proved look here is the top and here's the bottom and
is. He is implying that this line cut off where he boosted the gain, and then this line up. Where you voted again again implies they edited any video. These people live in some of paranoid. Delusional reality check this out this once the bass. How can the sharp ye be reflected underneath the blank paper? Is people don't understand how light works? and yet they tell us all day every day that the Orange man is bad his wife at early on Please consider sharing this video so that you can see these journalists are cracked POT Moon Land Move moon, hoax level, crazy, just absolutely insane full on psychotic there's a good one Lena when MP says, if Real Donald Trump were my patient in another, table condition plus contagious illness and he suddenly left the hospital to go for a car ride that endangers him.
Help and others I'd call security to restrain him. Then performer psychiatric evaluation to examine his decision making capacity. Eighty thousand retweet, so you wouldn't, would never happen somebody's in the hospital and they ve got an illness but, like a ninety nine point, five percent survivability rate for the you know the average person and they decide to leave the doktor would be like. Ok, that's it that's it's now I understand or dealing with and people are much more concerned about this because of the lingering effects of covert and because a lot of people have died, a lot of it. I have a lot of illnesses. However, so it's hard to really gauges anything else when the numbers show that, like survivability, like ninety nine point, nine ninety nine point, nine, for people under the age of likes, fifty five or something for all older people. Above seventy, I think it's like ninety five percent and that's really
good, for you know, people over seventy o over seventy seven, seventy eight! Seventy four actually know you would not call sick Dirty unrestrained someone because that an illness. Now you can see what you does. It is amazing. Now look she's, not a journalist, borrowing, to criticise this garbage resistance announcement on the less on this. Able condition. Donald Donald Trump isn't unstable. You see if you see the game being played here. Donald Trump is fine, they so they want to release him today. Now they have given us some bunk information. All. I absolutely will accept that. I think they're trying to prevent this panic. They don't want people to think that Trump is dying or anything. So when asked if they gave him oxygen, they played coy and it was very obvious. Later admitted it, but trumps talking on camera. These driving around he seems to be finally tweeting like a lunatic. So ok, here's they do it's a loaded statement it it's it's a trick. If, if my,
I president was secretly you know a serial killer who was beating. You know penguins and baby seals. While then, you know I'd call for his arrest as if to imply trumpet any those things trumpet. But in an unstable condition, though he does have a contagious illness. And he suddenly left the hospital in a hermetically sealed vehicle. That is bullet proof. The only people who are put at risk or a secret service drivers by all means want to criticise, and for that I get it but think about the that that the risk, on the other hand, the stock market, is going up based on the information that Trump is doing. well, if Trump didn't come out, and if he's conspiracy theories from these journalists keep running wild, then it's going to be bad. For everyone else, the president me To have this, you know, needs help your strong at all times, and that means are probably get misinformation
and disinformation and wool and will fight that we will like with doctors, but this is just I, you know their people tweeting about the pulling. that the polling was wrong and twenty sixteen and people have really taken this. They they ve real. They re remembered they re imagined what happened between. Sixteen the pundits were wrong. The forecast models were wrong and the Poles were only a little bit wrong. The poles under counted the white Working class vote. And tromp got seventy seven thousand votes in a few swing states that one him the electoral college overall, that wasn't a big swing for Trump. In fact, he lost the popular vote, mostly because a California in New York, the Poles, were not completely incorrect. They are just off a little bit. or cast models were wrong. Now we're seeing the same forecast models like almost the same I'd like to believe that
Regular people can see through all of this unhinged paranoia, but I am not entirely convinced me, Joe Biden pulling really really well, and you can say the poles are wrong, and I have said it before, and I know which ones to trust, because the swing is ridiculous, but I have to look at something like this cuz. I'm your Fairbanks tweets spending to James Fellows fell this is, I guess, he's just a writer or something I don't got almost one thousand followers. He says it's only. Those Americans who a foregone weddings birthdays, funerals reunions, vacations, graduations anniversaries, conferences, visits Et Cetera through this avoidable disaster, who might possibly begrudge the rules offer little people moments marking the White House for having small gatherings without social distancing or masks. Sondra Fairbanks, then posted images of all the protests and all the riots. But I'll tell you what in an election, especially with the new cycle like this
These the month is a year a week as a year. Will people remember that hundreds of thousands, nay millions of black lives matter in full leftists marched around creating super spreader events exacerbating the problem of covert. Will they remember that? when the media comes out and blames Trump for having one event with Amy Coney bear it more. importantly, we don't even know if that was the real event that got trump. Second very well may have been the debates, but it seems more likely. It was Amy Coney Berets, a special event, the nomination of a dispose simply because the incubation period but it could have been the debates to three day in period equally well,
they say Aboriginal a bit longer, but many and up only one two to three days: it's because some people get stuck it take for like a few weeks that stretches the average a little bit longer. My wonder of Americans will all remember this hope they do because I'm I'm sifting feet through what I can only describe as refugees from me from the media. only pulled up a small sampling of this absolute psychotic behaviour, so I please are you know, subscribe share and Oh people, what the journalists are saying, they don't understand how reflections work. I'm sorry, man, you can't trust him, not every journalist, but if these news outlets aren't going to put these people in China, and fire them when they put out unhinged moon, landing, hopes, conspiracy level be ass, then why should I believe anything there putting out? Well sorry to tell you, but I live there.
next migrants coming up at one p m on this channel banks for hanging out, and I will see you all them. White House Press Secretary Cayley MAC? If any has announced she is positive for covered and will begin the quorum. Teen process and already work. During from some journalists quite a few, actually that we didn't have a vice presidential debate, because now I believe, around twenty seven or so people in trumps. I want to say inner circle, but in his periphery have now contracted corona virus. Though, can we make it any says that she's not experiencing any symptom? Many journalists are now worried because members of the White House Press corps themselves have been testing pie, positive. Now the news that the White, the journalists themselves, because in positive is from several days ago, in which case it could be that Cayley got sick from them. of course, as you know, the new doesn't work that way, they're going to blame her for getting them SEC because
our news media is just a tribal Democrat activist organization at this point, but anyway we're not just seeing government officials, contract Covin, we're seeing hot spots in certain cities and I guess this is the way things are now new Yorkers seeing their enemy, locking down again, almost every single Regal theater, I think all of them are being shut down. We are watching our industries collapse under the weight of lockdown, and this is it there's? No honest and rational conversation about the right way to approach these things and the reality is in order to deal with this. There needs to be a hybrid solution, meaning you got the left saying I get all down everybody where a mask and hiding your basement abiden doing and you ve got prompt, saying in all aware mask when I feel like I need to and many trump supporters. Yes, many trump supporters not wearing masks. I think that's really do what we do is protect the elderly, protect the nursing home
and the vulnerable and social dozens and wear masks and then get on with our lives, but instead what what? What we're doing is just a hodgepodge of both extremes and a bunch of different places, but to be completely fair. Many of these places that didn't have these harsh lockdown arts are doing that bad. So I wonder what it is that separates the likes of Florida from New York. Let's ride the prosecutors statement, she says after testing Pa Negative can consistent after testing negative consistently, including every day since Thursday. I tested positive for Covid nineteen on Monday morning, while experiencing no symptoms. No reporters producers or members of the press are listed as closed contacts by the White House medical unit. Moreover, I definitively had no knowledge of hope. Hicks is diagnosis prior to holding a White House Press briefing on Thursday.
an essential worker. I have worked diligently to provide needed information to the american people at this time. With my recent positive test, I will begin the quarantine process will continue working on behalf of the american people, remotely white ass prosecutors, Cayley mechanism, of course, many people are already criticising or for not wearing a mask at a recent priests press briefing, even She was outside, and so distanced. It is absent ITALY in saying that there is this double standard. One journalist tweeted at there were so outraged that Donald Trump as flaunting the rules that all of us must live under, and I am so sick and tired of the other. The media in this country and many of the people. They say how well, when these people come out and ignore phrase or even support months, a hundred and thirty days of ongoing unrest across this country.
where tens of thousands of people were cramped shoulder to shoulder in california- and they said nothing, nothing and now, of course, I'll tell you what I think tromp play fast and loose with this absolutely do I think there are a lot of conservatives. I didn't think it was a big of a deal now they have covert Noah Kelly, back in any is asymptomatic. This is common and she's young. It's likely going to be nothing. I wish her the best. I think she does great job S, press secretary, so I think you'll be ok and I hope for a quick recovery, even though she's asymptomatic, but this is what's happening now and I think the entire I tweeted, the entire White House press Corps must quarantine now and why weren't they? Why? Why haven't they been in there this, why haven't they stopped? You want a complaint about Cayley macaroni. They got a question for you, because we ve seen journalists coming out talking to these doctors.
I'm assuming many of them, but what else press corps because they're the ones who are putting on all this information. You mean to tell me, look at us on October second, three days ago, journalists to work at the White House. Are testing positive, recovered nineteen? I am sick of these people. These Placidus Elite arrests, rules for thee, but not for me. I'm gonna complain about Donald Trump, but I won't quarantine. No, they ve still been coming up and doing their stupid, press briefings when they know their colleagues were sick, so some limited ism, Cayley Macaroni has been testing negative consistently, so she says and now she's positive and asymptomatic. Well, what it's happening two days ago, Joe Less, who are sick warrant quarantining and so when they say look, she was giving a press briefing to the journalist the journalist tested positive before she did. That means they gave it to her seriously.
Paley Macaroni got sick from them, that's the most logical conclusion and all the journalist gotta from maybe the debates at the debate. Eleven of the workers tested positive and Chris was admitted. They did not follow proper procedure. Well because the president got there too late, whose fault is that I don't care of truck, shows up a week you're a week later. If you can't do the test, you don't do that debate and they should come on side. We are unable to pass the present all. What's that you would have looked bad and trumpet have said this is ridiculous. So what if Trump ended up getting sick days later, he would have looked bad instead, Chris Wallace, and the debate commission sad working to go forward anyway and eleven people there were sick. Now, You ve got journalists who are sick and their blaming Cayley MAC and any for it. I just this cancer, and these people men, see it and reported on Friday a widening quota virus.
White House has left members of the media scrambling to find out if they too are infected three journalists to work at the White House tested positive on Friday, to a series of memos from the White House course. Association given these positive cases the presents, diagnosis and positive cases among other members of the White House staff, a number of what s journalists are self isolating pending diagnostic tending. Why weren't all of them every single one? I don't care if you like. Well, I didn't have kind of no. This is ridiculous, Staffer who sits in the lower press area of the West Wing, also received a confirmed positive result. On Friday morning, reporters White House spoke to work together in cramped quarters, often meeting the definition of close contact, so there is now widespread can concern among. Why does reporters about who was exposed? All of you, every single one and now cayley, sick and yellower sick before her
Friday's first memo obtained by scene and business said members. The press corps were being notified, so you can make informed judgments Real Lee. Chris Wallace recently said that you don't have the right to make your own informed judgment. Actually, no, they don't yet. We have guidelines and restrictions, but these journalists are told well they, Do what they think is necessary about Trump, however, was violating CDC guidelines by driving around in it, and it is ass. You ve, you see. I firmly believe that if you remove, many of these journalists, not all when we definitely need a real journalistic class. But if you got rid of these journalists, everything would get butter. Here's here's my rule here is my proposal. Any journalists who has written in the path of us try this. If they have
averaged more than five articles about Trump per week for the past You know a couple of years they should be removed, transferred to it Their beat have them cover at an hour, a baking contests or something try to figure out a way to get these. These Griffith journalists, like Brian stouter and Oliver Darcy, to repay, removed from the national conversation, and this includes myself as well. If they said. Anybody who has been playing this ridiculous game about tramp tramp tramp tramp tramp yet shut up now, I'd be like here here I'll tell you what I will switch to video games Minecraft or we are unaware of the kids, are playing among us. That's like the new video game. Right, look pretty fun. Actually I would. I will gladly gladly if they would all just stop doing this ridiculous, Orangemen bad news cycle. They want
and that's the real problem, because as long as they keep putting out this garbled nonsensical resistance, pandering media than the more they're. Just get the more money. They're gonna make and the more they're, going to wit people into a frenzy and create this nightmare circumstance that we're all living and right now? I think it's funny that people will you'll. Take a screen shot of a thumbnail of mine, word I'll, say like Donald Trump. Has new polls show me he's doing really well, which is just the lead, and then Darwin and explain. While there is what I like almost in the first few minutes, I'll be like, while there is one good pull for tat gotta, keep in mind, he's down and most the poles and here's. What people think this pole makes sense. The reason I am highlighting the new Paul, showing trap is doing well is as the news is saturated with Trump doing bad, you get it some trying to say, like hey, look, here's something! That's anomalous! Let's addressed this and ask the question about it. What do we get from CNN? They say like a Fox news, as per
sing propaganda, and they completely ignore Autonoe themselves, but even MSNBC come on so now they write this story where we know the journalists who are sick, Days ago, and they did not quarantine, they came out further DOM whatever press briefings now That's all you want some that responsibility does fall on two cayley makin any because while it's her job to pay attention to the press- and she should have known the journalists were sick and that would have been actually a great opera, eighty four cayley to say: Yaller SEC you'll, need to go in quarantine. I am not going to press briefing if you guys are potentially exposed to covet. She didn't she kept going about our business, so here we but I can't believe this is that this is the new normal New York is playing State some lockdown discovered surges. U S! Carnivores hotspot has begun.
Opening up, but new cases force rethink. That's right. Cuomo wants to start locking things that back down in New York City salts, What I o k look, so maybe cayley should have said you know we're not gonna do cause Yaller sick, and this is more to do with the press cycle than it has to do with what we have? We actually need to respond if the likes of rights Oliver Darcy in CNN. Are there the meteor porters foreseen and are going? coming out and saying Orangemen bad, because he didn't do this that are otherwise yet they acknowledge the journalist themselves were and we know that eleven people at the debate who setting it up were sick too. Well, we don't know who caused what the mean doesn't care there are he claimed goes Amy Coney. Berets of that must be the case where we don't know, there's no way to know really but all we get from them is a hodgepodge of anger, no matter what tromp does it's bad trumpet
chickens, deathbed says the media. Then then tromp pervious not miss a he's making it. So what do we do? Honestly? I don't know, but it's because of this hysteria. We are in a permanent lockdown. This is one of the more this. Let me show you some scare stories from from PC magazine all regal. and sent a world cinemas to close on October Eighth movie theater across the? U S and UK shut their doors on Thursday and its unclear when they will open again is really funny that movie tenet came out which is apparently about outside grow. Who made that Christian Chris Nolan, I guess we'll be banned miserably night of releasing the numbers. Anna remember when I, when I heard the movie was doing bad and I, I kind of want to see it, and I don't care with reviewers. Think there's nobody Well, they feature is go to cause like all the theatres out by me, are closed permanently and that's it the into three is being destroyed and it's not just these endeavours.
industries. I mean these democratic governors are wiping out major sectors of their own economies. Half of New York cities, twenty four thousand bars and restaurants could close for good in the next six months months, which will wipe out one hundred and fifty thousand jobs. State report finds man in I was reading a paw and sad vat based me that if the economy stupid they That is the number one issue. People want economic recovery, so then I guess it's convenient that these democratic governors and mayors are destroying the industries in their cities so that they can come out with these duplicitous. You know a fact That's a lot of the scene and guy vocs right or wrong about this. He's like under trump we ve lost a hundred thousand jobs. Were you mean under the pending and when democratic governors shut down their economies, your blaming trump for that they blame him for everything
and now there are shutting down all of these businesses that scary. This is the new normal. fifteen days to slow the spread turned into math. hysteria. So right now They make enemies. But this is the big story. It's the big story. It was equally the journalists who got her sick, but this is the big story and there and she was wearing a mask around us. Oh poor babies maybe often have even come out for these things. They say. Saturday was a day the Supreme Court announcement of the White House and President trumps rally in Pennsylvania. This from the scene and article the president, early Friday that he enforced Lady Maloney Trump tested positive for covered nineteen. A third memo at three thirty five said a third member, Press corps has tested positive. That is a member of the press corps. The people who are there, who are going to these briefings what these doctors, testing positive and the other members did not quarantine. Now, let me tell you some
I don't think they should. I know I know you should follow the advice of doktor first and foremost, but but he would hear me out if they want to complain about Everything tromp is doing an outcry in saying it's not fair that they are not following the rules, while protesters on we're gonna hold you to the standard you have so selected, but I personally think we ve reached this point, we're watching businesses and our economy collapse is ludicrous people
suffering and they're losing their jobs, and I wonder how many of them are in about four trump. It does a scare me actually that there are many people too stupid to realize they lost their jobs because of a democratic governor or mayor, and not because of tromp, because Tromp has been trying to keep the economy going. But, of course, the blame on saying we could have avoided this Anthony Fouche in March. Sad know what no one else could have done, a better job than the Trump administration, but they want to rewrite history now, if their opportunities, a trump, could have avoided this will Joe Biden set of trumpet done its job. There would have been no deaths, look at the data and he got flagged, while the fact hackers for that, because that is ridiculous and untrue. Joe Biden in the debate, the first debate was the first person to interrupt the interrupted Trump sparking. This chaos where Trump went off and maybe Trump got baited. But, of course, Criswell says: error, props fault, fervour interrupting The media is just absolutely opposed to conservatives and it I'll try.
And it is so insanely obvious. This should be a really good example. I don't I don't know what else the same in the media. In this tram. Just how sick about the current new cycle should be evidence that they have zero credibility on Elizabeth, I can show you that on Friday, the White Ass Press corps was sick. Now there blaming cayley machination that that should be enough for anyone to recognise that they're lying to us. It's her fault, take responsibility for what you did. Journalists won't do that. We have, we have been so sit, sifting through mass hysteria for the past hour, months, and let me tell you out works if I come out and tweet something like we need to end all the lock downs check the vulnerable and get on with our lives, they'll freak out and you see conservative, say things like this: there, like you, some people, some people get suspended or banned, but if
You come out and screamed. The end is nigh you're fine. So what happens is on twitter? You can have two people tweet. You can have a hundred tweets on the left in a hundred on the right. Seventy five percent of them when tweets get get removed and none of the left wing t tweeted or maybe like ten percent. So most of your stories are left band is nigh. We must look everything down. Orangemen Kelly Macaroni is getting journalist sick, so the narrative persists. The hysteria continues and there's no up Trinity. For any of us to say enough, we need to stop now. Why I'll tell you, I'm really curious how the loss of our cayley MAC enemies preferred duties. I should say, like the level the loss of her working in impressive. Now I'm wondering how this quarantine is going to affect the election? we make any is probably the most effective protect areas. I've ever seen. I'm She is the best. Just I mean I'm I'm kidding men. She comes they binder fur.
of all of these stories and then, Sir, we'll be lightened, Donald Trump, sad that such open that's really interesting and show pull up, and they actually this this this and thus from this source and though still claim she's lying or whenever you're lying for the liar and chief notion is a fantastic job and we are we are currently in the election. People are voting now by mail by absentee and early voting, and that mean the media is getting Carte blanche to write whatever garbled garbage they want and the only line of defence tromp has one person the prosecutor has been, is gonna, be quarantined, now, of course, Cayley still gonna be able to work, but this does diminish her abilities to after the fake news narrative holding these press briefings in getting this message out and that's what's that, like Polly scariest thing to me about all of this. This is the most critical time and ought trot bear some responsibility for this. Look people get covert, people get sick, so I'm not gonna act like you.
How did you become Amber, like its karma tromp was downplaying this oh shut up. Trump did everything you could he's got a balanced the economy which, sure people are fed and homeless, along with making sure the spread doesn't happens. We ban travel from China and restrictions on travel from Europe, but see that you can't it's. You can't see. It it is so you don't really know how to attract, and I think you know you you ve got to extremes. You ve had instances where Trump wasn't wearing Ask whatever you that's instances where you know Trump supporters were there's like this video people being what yelling at people in stores about wearing mask. It's really dumb and I've I've this conversation with some, can serve as a medical care is not a healthy diet where mass like, but a lot of people to want to do it. Well now, what happens is they will use this against Trump and was only a matter
I'm, in my opinion, Troms willingness to say. Well, you don't you to wear a mask. Any circumstances was just what they needed that as soon as he got sick, there were say, see, he's reckless and irresponsible, not they're doing, but I couldn't imagine being one of these low information. Belligerence going on twitter, friends screaming like squawking Turkey's who have no idea what really going on what it means, I dont think the present designers deathbed I think the media has gone insane. I think they're all going to be fine and will see others plays out, but I'm curious how it is that you have on the resistance side of things to conspiracy theories, that Donald Trump is actually dying and that national job has actually totally find in making the whole thing. That's, being from mainstream journalists. Both conspiracy theories, joy, reed I must then side trumps faking it or implied it as such, then you get these other journalists like Marcy Wheeler, saying you know I'll. Try. Staging is photos. What does that mean? Staging a spot
That means like much worse off than we realize it's just patently absurd, but these people are allowed to write with impunity and are ass, landed events, Kelly Makin in these now sick, so hopefully she Still, you know do or thing, and I wonder how much is going to impact the election. We saw pull the other from a democracy institute showing that people are more likely to vote for tromp because of his cover diagnosis. That may be the case, and I thank you eat you. Nobody has any idea. What's gonna happen, I do that However, all leave a level with this I've seen a lot of people talk about how they hate tromp. In these means, upon people I know or lie orange man bad and I lax on light. Ya'll ain't gonna aren't voting and I know you're not going about that's a male in voting is supposed to do because they won't actually go vote. but if they get in the mail there might be like oh yeah sure I guess I'll, do it and then mail it in ITALY problem? I really don't think they'll do that either in a mechanic
We saw in C a twenty five California, one of the district mail in voting didn't really work out for Democrats favoured web favoured the Republicans Guess we'll see how things will go from here, but I might might my butt wishes to cayley and everyone else is sick. died, journalist Johnny did to absent it shall out, but I ll leave it there. They sprang out next when does coming up at of a four p m over at Youtube dot com slashed him cast. It is my main channels different from this one, and I will see you all them. One hundred and thirty days ago. That's when the riot started and it hasn't stopped. There have been some periods where things have calmed down quite but but Byron York for the Washington Examiner, cheap political correspondent asks remember the riots I do and there still happening and they're getting worse. You see
Tromp supporters have started a holding their own rallies, especially as we get closer to the election republic. To see more of these, the left has been showing up to these rallies and attacking tromp supporters now you might argue, that individuals on the trade side may start some of these fights. But I'm sorry, if Trump supporters hold a rally whether minding their own business, waving their little flags and the far left shows up at fighting with cops. I'm not going to accuse the Trump supporters of having started these fights or started. The writing. The riding has been going on for one hundred and thirty days and then get a free pass from the media. I saw this tweet from a porter Charlie Wurzel, his rider at large, the New York Times. He said this is harrowing. Personally, post election violence and insurgency adjacent behaviour from far right, extremists is my biggest worry at the moment, and Facebook is super charging.
it's so or to see with everything we know about this, how this has played out with Facebook and violence and in other countries that we are still careening straight into it via the same playbook as riots continue to Iraq to have to wonder whether New York Times is concerned about far right violence that doesn't seem to exist. There's no far right groups going around anything for the most part the only real violence we for many militias was the an f a sea than effing around coalition, and that's only because they act, only shot themselves in the last incident of acts and fortunately, nobody was hit, but I believe in the other one that did happen. You're sure there are right wing groups and me Be there talking about insurgency or in there and in from their perspective there, probably calling in defence of the country or some of some sort, but what Do when you have a hundred thirty days of ongoing riots, vandalism and other far left is escalating. Their tactics straight up targeting regular cops outside of protest or right. What are you
what's no surprise now we're seeing pulling from political. That shows, can derivatives are now catching up to Democrats in terms of whether or not they feel justified in using violence to support their side, because the longest time they didn't. While I should say there were the left and the right both did feel that way to varying degrees, but the left indeed to support more now inverted there are now slightly more. Conservatives are too, I should say Republicans who believe their justified in using force, and it's kind of obvious. I mean how how many rallies you have to have where the far left shows up and beats you and attacks you before, you finally say we're pushing back and, of course, when these people use their weapons to defend themselves. The left cries foul because the police end up defending the Trump supporters.
the trot supporters aren't showing up to anti for events and attacking them, maybe once or twice but overwhelmingly, ninety nine percent of the time. The far left riots attacks, Trump supporters, attacks, the right and the media cries. The far right is the true danger, I think, possibly the best example of how broken the media is aside from the fact that we're doing a covert new cycle on from and all of these you know, conservative Republicans, when the riots are still happening. Are they a great example? Is how the hashtag proud boys, taken over by many gay men and supporters of the algae BT community, claiming they ve reclaim the hashtags from the alt right. But the proud boys aren't all right and the proud boys don't care they. Actually. I guess this statement agreed with it because our gay, proud boys and the leader of the proud boys is like a black latino. Did they have no idea what's going on, and so they keep
Seeing this narrative and because the media isn't properly informing us about the riots and the violence. Well, regular people are going to keep getting attacked and there will be no accountability for the far left. So I want to go through some of these more shocking stories. One story particular where a man walked up to a police vehicle in Portland, shattered the window and sprayed pepper sprite in the car or when a mob approached a beat cop, regular copies pulling someone over they surrounded them start screaming at the driver fleas. When the cop tried to flee as well, they jumped in front of his vehicle and then claimed that he ran them over medic. They cried, let's go through them, going on before we get started had over the TIM cast outcomes. Less done it. If you'd like to support my work, there are many ways you can give: there's a p o box. We, like you, sent me stuff, but the best you can do is share this video. I can't compete with the likes of the mainstream media and, as I often complain, they're, not giving a proper contact. I mean I just showed you in New York Times or borders as the far right is the real threat.
If you want to see some truth to the best that I can give it to you, go Through all of these different articles with with evidence, then please Consider sharing this video so that other people can here what's going on outside of this May stream media, biased filter, where they're not going to tell you that these rights are happen, where they're not going to? Let you know that supporter was executed. Not I I know I know they do talk about these stories, but the high profile personalities that dictate the new cycle. Because they're activists in these organisations, the most vocal these people are hyper, focused on the far right, which sure is a threat. Of course, but nothing compared to the ongoing harassment and violence and even death from the far left. So again, if you think it's important place consideration this video, but over gets you like subscribe ratification about love, First, read you this section from Byron, Yorks article to the DC examiner. He says even more serious, was an attack on a police officer. On Sunday morning, Portland officer was doing paper work in it
car when a rider smashed a window and filled the car with pepper spray are meant to radio a description of an attacker who was later arrested in a car. The police have been following earlier inside. The vehicle officers found window punch tools, pepper, spread throwing knives a laser point. Our slingshot rocks at border police noted, as you can see police photo below. There was a whole rioters tool kit packets of pseudo con are for self treating pepper spray exposure that some kind of, I guess, you're, probably an anti acidic or something or just I don't know- maybe like may locks on a notice- now is this person a writer or for extremist? I can say right now. I can't confirm that at right I can't that all of these things are a writers toolkit goggles. Why to protect you from pepper, sprang: Suda come to deal with pepper spray your sprayed smashing windows with windows, smashing tools, throwing knives, that's crazy now there
this weird glasses with a faint knows, in effect mustache that one's kind of funny, but it does You like this guy is caring. Basically everything these far leftists carry when their engaging in rights, notably high powered lasers, but now we can see what goes on and let's talk about the Trump clashes in the targeting of Trump supporters. What goes on in Portland, we when Trump supporters rise up and hold a rally, protesters see disparities after Ben. is released. Man who pointed gone at Tromp rally way way way way hold on. This is being framed as though there is a dispute here. So you mean four left. Extremists showed up to a Trump rally. Tromp supporter used his gun in defence of himself, the police rested him then release them and the ECB. MR angry? With this yeah I can see where this is going is he recently in Michigan the Supreme? I guess the Supreme Court,
of Michigan ruled out. The covert lockdown was unconstitutional. So what did Governor Whittemore say too bad I'm gonna keep going anyway for the next twenty one days, because I have a right to challenges and then I'll find other means to circumvent this legal ruling. Democrats absolute You are embracing lawlessness. I mean that's. Why they're not calling out this violence? It's why their refusing trumps assistance to deal with the riots and it's why the media won't talk about this. Instead, there trumpets sick, not pull out all the stupid lies of trumpets. Could either way in trumps on this dangerous medication and trump trunk gets in his car and drives run in ways and the like now he's putting people's lives at risk, their ignoring the real threats out there and that to me is worrying VI, let's broke out between probed from rallies and racial justice. Demonstrators sharing a bend, the parks edited when police did not. site or arrest a man who pointed a gun at people, the tense coexistence of groups that pilot, but national park, erupted into a bra.
After a twenty three year, old man, allegedly snatched a trump flag and ran several programmes. Rallies chased him down some people through punches were met with mace and stun guns. Then a man pointed a hand on into the crowd photos and video reviewed by O p B. Show city of Ben police confiscated the gun and let the man go his release sparked outrage among some racial just as demonstrators who that they planned a picnic, unbend seaside specifically to avoid conflict with a protest rally expected to take place the same day at Drake Park in the centre of town. Several demonstrate screamed at police wanting to know why the officers did not arrest someone who pointed a gun, because you have a legal right to defend yourself if people are attacking you, stealing your staff and then spraying you with Mason Stun gun you earlier in the day police did not take formal action against a different man who was riding a dirt bike without license plates through the parking lot.
He pop Willie's near people until he fell over while speeding around a curve, bloody and his elbow the man was on was among multiple pro trump rallies, openly consuming beer in the park, not gonna, say I'm here We about that either. Lawlessness is on the rise. Maybe these trump supporters Don't care anymore, because they realize the only way to anything done. The pacific northwest is to know no active. We'll get violent and ignore the law. It's what anti fund the far left us and black lives matter have been doing for months with impunity, but fights also broke out in Dc Counter protesters clash with police at pro tromp rally in Washington D C B, a lamb protesters clash with: U S, part police. At a pro tromp rally near the Watchman Monument
Saturday, we're bran, instructs walk away campaign held their unsigned majority March and women's town hall. U S part police were quickly on scene to quell the protesters and made at least to arrests as they detained the counter protesters. The pro trump crowd cheered for the police, enchanted back the blue, the walk away activists had attended a march that morning, where they shouted for more years back the Blue and USA. It was a speaker. It was, as speakers addressed the crowd that a small group of protesters arrived at the back of the rally and engage with tromp attendees Andy no was able to identify one woman as Mega Metro Smith who was also arrested at the autonomous Zone in Portland, Zip least. Her third arrest in recent weeks at violent Anti, VA protests said no. According to Joe Biden, the debates don't worry, Anti was just an idea. Later alone, Vietnam activists stood off to decide at the back of the event where she approached she was approached by a trump support who claimed he was trying to engage, reasonable conversation, a member of walk away security team
between the Elam activist and trot supporting activist and instructed the mantle, leave the women alone, one white boy I'm supporter attended to interrupt the gathering by walking through the crowd, chanting black lives matter. He was engaged by a black walk away activists. This was kind of funny because apparently the guy then started yelling like eyes matter in the black. I started telling all lives matter anyway. I'm going to read the too much it s, because you get that you get the point. The main issue, here is that it was not transporters who shut to a far left rally. It was not trump, voters who vandalized the malt Noma County Court House last night? It was not tromp supporters who it was at sixteen tromp supporters who got arrested just the other night in Seattle. The ongoing violence is absolutely coming from the left. Alleged anti for activists dragged woman holding huge american flag to grow.
And buy her hair. I saw the story and it's just one of a bunch of stories that I got to be honest. You know it's it's it's freaky, but it's not too alarming. You know why. I said that alarming. because it happens all the time we stopped he's like this all the time and if it goes out, attract attacks on there was a woman holding an american flag, tried stealing our flag from her she resisted. So another antifraud activist came behind her grabbed her hair and pull but the ground whore. These large groups have no qualms about attacking random people for simply holding up conflicts. Do you want me to be mad at the Trump supporters waving american flags were mining, their own business and that's not going happen, but of course, the mainstream media isn't paying attention to what's going on so naturally, their whole argument is like the far right is coming the violence from the far right, which there isn't it.
honey. I mean there is ok, I'm I'm I'm I'm exaggerating about. There is here and there there's some foreign extreme that have committed extreme, have acts that are really really terrifying and those people get arrested and we try to fill out a stop them and the FBI. It involved and tries to stop these people, but a hundred thirty nights a far left violence in writing. And what Since this is the daily wire, as you can The daily wire, is not certified as a credible new source. I think this is extremely biased from news guard. But what can you do You see this story about an anti for activist, attacking omen and dragging her isn't going to make mainstream media. It's not. to make the likes of CNN or a problem even Fox news. Mind you am. I,
appear in a real somewhere on Fox, but this won't ever dominate a new cycle. You know it will this story trot supporter. Forty four is arrested for sucker, punching a protest or and breaking his tooth for playing the rap Long F, Donald Trump during a maugre rally. Jason lot of forty four was arrested by authorities indent in Texas on Saturday I was charged with assault causing bodily harm after sucker. Punching Dan Royce shoulder the third The incident happened after a lotta reported became upset. The protesters were playing the wraps on F Donald Trump shock was treated for brazen below is right, eyebrow and suffered a broken tooth. I am glad they arrested this man in the video he's screaming at a guy turn. It off and the guy says no, and then he just punches them in the face. A lot of people like here. Well, after so much of anti violence you now. Finally, Trump supporters are snapping back and not sorry. I hear you I get this guy's mad.
He's probably seen a lot of this. These videos of the other of the left us just getting away with everything and Edward MIKE Tyson say out of his coat, is true and said something like the internet has made people you know and as has taken as allowed them to disrespect others without getting caught, in the face something like that and the general ideas. We got all these barking dog snarling on the internet, but you also get anti going around, actually harassing beating and quite literally killing someone in cold blood, And I can only imagine it's it's only a matter of time before you actually start getting Trump supporter sang enough and punching subdued in the face. Now, though, I get the game is rigged, the media system is broken and it's totally biased and unfair to transport is on the right, and the left will argue that
I'm a conservative for pointing that out. I think I've given you, you know shown you exactly. What's going on, I've got more for you. This guy should not have punch someone. Ok, Jason lotta should not have plunged to go in the face for playing music. Sorry, you don't get to do that, just because the media is biased, you're going to do that, just because you're not getting a fair shake and the left escape other. Let's just keep attacking other rallies. You defend yourself. I understand that in this circumstance this dude punch to guy. But of course this is huge news don't be surprised when this video goes viral and is used by Joe Biden as the media starts claiming it's the far right. That's coming outta. This revealed Trump linked consulted tied to Facebook Pages warning election will cause civil war network run by fake news. Publishing father and son spreads word to trump supporters.
They should prepare for violence in November. Oh no! What do we do about these? These troubling consultants warning about civil war? Oh, no, oh, look what I posted in response to Charlie Wars eleven your times, I posted an image from media. Eight, show me about a CNN exchange. You really believe that Anderson Cooper stunned when Tom Friedman predicts America on the brink of a potential second civil war. so? Let me ask you if we see some Trump linked consultant warning the election will lead to civil war. Is this like some all right promotion of civil war. This is why I think were were passed. We ve crossed the Rubicon. There's no turning back New York Times, reporters will tell you.
It's the far right, they're coming for you, the around every corner o because their paranoid and delusional based on this insane fake news, I mean, let me to show you this week what All this is not the right one drive the tweet pulled up. I don't I don't think I've had pulled up. There's a guy who's. Terrified wait actually think I do arrogant. Ben Tracy, says I felt safer reporting in North Korea than I currently do, reporting at the White House. This is just crazy. Ok, first, he says I felt safer and that is the red flag. Alarm bells should be going off, then Tracy is not saying it is safer, and this is this. Guy is with CBS News, CBS News. He sank. He feels he feels. So how do we get you get is unhinged delusional journalists who feel paranoia and our freaking out the forward. their every corner? That's it Michael Rhino, said after he killed a guy in Portland when interviewed by. Vice
news. The man who stopped and killed a Trump supporter in cold blood said that there were, equal surrounding him and his friends, and they were armed troops. Supporters are everywhere, pull that has gone. He shot a trump supporter twice in the chest, the dude it has gone psychotic, he was insane. I mean you had to be just like that. I'm fine, I'm kind of sad for him. You see the media has been feeding this constant lie of the far right everywhere, not doing it now. But it's not true. We ve seen the videos the snow videos, the far right going around in doing this stuff and mass I mean you have of some transporters who have acted, a fool. You are showing up important with paintball guns like morons or punching a guy playing a rap flying in the face. These things happen you can't deny am. I was talking to the judge, a journalist and the daily collar the Dc Riot Squad, and they said they saw proud boys stop. Another guy was brutal
yeah. It happens, but there's no four rat on a grand scale from the far right, they're not going to be marching through the streets in the thousands and the hundreds of thousands have been wrong heading four honour and thirty days- I don't know where they are and if they started acting crazy, the cops I go after them, too. They have in fact Rob says, he's gonna label the clan, an antivirus domestic terrorists, I've they did this before. If three proud boys march to my house, I'd be like what are you doing if three hundred Andy by March to my house, I'd be like lock the doors locked, the windows call the cops immediately. What are the probably gonna? Do sharpened demand beer la proud boys have acted. You know like fools before, but for the most part This is the game is played, a trump supporter will hold a rally and the far left shows up and beats people. then the media says nothing happened, nothing to see here or its unfair that the police didn't arrest the transit
who were holding their own permanent rally for the most part tromp linked group. They say far right a militia promoting father and son. Do oh, a fake news, publishers and a truck connected social media consultant are linked to pages which promote the idea of an american civil war with material presented in a way that appears to be an effort to sidestep facebooks backtracking system. comments on their Facebook pages and other materials obtained by the guardian show that some rank and file rank and file trump supporters. Our enthusiastically receiving the message that they should prepare for violence against their pussy? Perceive? Michael enemies. In November the network is comprised of websites owned and up by Dinah Barroso, senior and junior, whose company, F, F Media headquarters in Penal Hills, California, the process run a network. I dont care, whatever. They say the page promotes conspiracy theories and criminal allegations about democratic party politicians, liberal celebrities and leftist protesters, some of which
like persistent claims that Hillary Clinton will. The eminent eminently arrested overlap with aspects of a so called Cuban on conspiracy, theory, movement I dont care for anyone whose getting all conspiratorial and claiming? You know that the hammers, and dropped from the Durham report. I think many people are just overzealous, but I think I've point out exactly what's going on right, the right holds a rally. The left attacks it the left riots. Four hundred thirty days, the media in o ignores it to the best of their abilities. Obviously, Now the left is ignoring the far left violence because its hurting Joe Button in the polls and what they're going for right That was the message that Europe is weak, but I'd like to show you this American, Increasingly believe, violence is justified if the other side wins- and we have this pole here. This, I think, is the most significant,
eleven thousand one hundred and seventeen, only eight percent of Democrats and Republicans about justified their violence by October two thousand and eighteen. There was thirteen percent Democrats who believe that violence is justified at eleven. Santa Republicans? Consistently democrats have always been, or I should say in twenty, eight and twenty nineteen to be fair. Democrats have been more likely to justify the violence in June. me: twenty it even that with thirty percent of Democrats and thirty percent of Republicans feeling that violence would be justified at after the election, and by September of this year, thirty three percent of Democrats and now thirty, six percent of Republicans I'll, tell you what I am not worried. about proud boys or right wingers, rising up and doing anything. Why? Because it hasn't happened, women seen it. The immediate threat right now is at the far left is attacking people,
attacking, beat cops, smashing, cops windows and sprang inside of their car. Assuming this guy was a leftist and the media won't won't cover anymore. Like Byron York, said, remember the right: I do. I remember the one last night sixteen people arrested and I was in Seattle and Moldova County poor, courthouse us vandalized that just happened, whereas the media, that's right, trumped got sick that are better pump, whole bunch of fear mongering about whether or not the president is gonna die, because that makes them money there. It's our boring. Now they don't care and, besides the narratives of the full rights, the bigger threats are. Why talk about the riots they never wanted? be the narrative. There were fighting back trying to defend these people in defence of looting. They said But now we can see that conservatives are starting to say, you know what we are justified and that is worrisome. When you see the video this forty four year old, chum supporter punching eyeing the flash player wraps on song, that's gross. It makes me angry
guy I'm glad you got arrested, good arrest them. Don't punch someone facial playing music, but we can see now then defies act with impunity for months and black lives matter. The riots haven't stopped. So what do you think's going to happen? Republicans are finally saying fine, we'll play your game. If you want to go out for a hundred and thirty days, burning things down and vandalism property in destroying things while now other saying fine. So be it. I think the biggest problem we face and the best it is, is the division there's no bringing back these these. These two factions, because it, don't live in the same realities. You know your watch, CNN and they'll. Make outrageous and false claims right now you ve got all of these blue Jackie journalists, claiming that Donald Trump as either faking his illness or he is illnesses severe on his death bed his fate. These photos. Look. These photos are fake because we can see reflections. What's they ve lost it. It's
unhinged conspiracy, its paranoid delusions and its uninformed gloating. Take a look at the story. Gay men take over proud boys. Hashtag on twitter quote to reclaim our pride As far as I can tell the proud boys didn't even use the hashtag they been banned for twitter from a long time, but sure they want to reclaim the name proud boys. Nobody cares. The proud boys literally don't care if gay members, but this shows exactly what's happening. You see when you get back five hundred thousand tweets of people say like we own the proud boys and the proviso like we don't care, that's cool man. Do a thing like legit, no beef, and then these are laughing but how they won. It shows you that conservatives know what the left to start doing in thinking, but the leftists don't know what conservatives are doing or thinking, and that means
We are going to see a mainstream media that comes out. Bunk information tells everybody to panic about the far right when, in reality it's the left and second, that is attacking conservative. But the conservatives are starting to push back, and so now I am increasingly worried that Trump supporters are defending themselves. Their rallies, like they ve, been with guns it's only a matter of time, then, when the media starts pay It is, though, see we were right. The far right there. The real threat, because they're allowed to smear lie, cheat push conspiracy theories and be violent right out on us. Tell you will see how it plays out for the election, but I leave their necks. it coming up at six p m over at Youtube outcomes. Lashed him cast news thanks. Sprang up, and I will see you all next time Dodge we'll be leaving Walter Reed Medical Center by six thirty, which means by the time you watch this video he's probably already out and why still sick he's just feeling a lot better trump.
claims he's feeling better than he did twenty years ago and he's gonna complete his treatment at the White House a lot of people need to realize, especially the journalist to our screaming at the top of their lungs, because they wanted Trump to be very sick. That cove it is not the most serious illness we have ever seen. It seems is in many ways, trust your doktor, listen dear or make sure you're following proper guidelines all that stuff, but we're not talking about some like mare, born aerosol lized, Ebola at that you know rapidly transmits and is turning people into zombie monsters who, by each other, we're talking about an illness that we didn't know that was novel. That was in fact a lot of people. We ve got a lot better, a trading it a lot of people, A lot of these journalists are likewise from doing this treatment. Why is he doing this treatment? It's because we change the way we. Page how we treat these things calm down, covert certain
survival rate is like over ninety nine percent. Like ninety nine point, five for the average person for people in trumps. You know categories like ninety five percent, so you got an Seventy four year old obese man and he should be at risk, but it's still a ninety five percent chance that he will survive plus come on man camp is right, dude is high energy. You didn't stop, is a machine. Advantages are bunny. So listen. We expected this it's not out of the ordinary trump is probably going to be just fine. He was working as it is. The conspiracy theories were unfounded, but of course, now we're seeing a ton of these bloodshed. You like it so irresponsible to release him. Oh no matter what it would it. What do you think goes on when a regular person gets a universe? Just live at the hospital? Let me tell you man, I have. I have done Hospital for some islands, a serious issues before they kick you out, because you're not going to they're all day, Oki were dying. Don't prevent you from dying. If you ve got, you know something with a nine
disease and illness with a ninety five percent survival rate. The problem to be like your luck and go to get your medicine have a good day. Buddy you can get the flu. I got the flu long time ago, I'm not the in a long time does like maggots flew the sixteen years ago, and it was Peru Oh, it was like seriously brutal. I was shaking, alas, like twenty pounds and you're the doktor said well drink some trick plenty of fluids, You know go into them covers and and watch some tv, and I just that you'll be ok, I always like eighteen or something and it was brought it was miserable. Didn't put me in the hospital and like well. No, but I was like seriously dehydrated. There are like I just drink water, you'll be fine and I was, and now we ve got I know I'm not saying companies like the flood saying that it was not Well, that was the big issue with it, but Trump is clearly fine. Here's a story, trumps doctor says her: leave the hospital six thirty pm claim he feels better than he did twenty years ago and tells Us Twitter followers dont, be afraid of covert, don't let it dominate your life.
Between it I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today, at six thirty p m feeling really good, don't be afraid of covert. Don't let it dominate your life we have developed. under the Trump administration, some really great drugs and knowledge, I feel better than I did twenty years ago, Trop seven, four was administered to Walter Reed on Friday. Amid reports he had trouble breathing well, yeah I mean according to who Jimmy Costa on Monday just four days, every test it positive deadly virus, the deadly virus tweeted I'll, be leaving about that shortly after his message, doctors appeared outside the hospital say now, while tromp was not out of the woods they were satisfied for him to go home thing. About the sheer level of insanity. These journalists and has left us have to think that these doctors are going to risk the president dying. I can't tell you
How sick? I am you know you don't want to do. I want to like go down by a river just cast the line and just forget all about these crazy people. Their knots, there's no grand conspiracy to pretend rumpus, sick or fire like it's just doctors. These doctors are gonna leave Trump to die of them would want to do that cheese. They refused to share details of his health like when he last tested negative or even if you, if you would be forced to quarantine when he got out fighting medical privacy laws as reasons not to share information like the result of a long skin. Yet they can't just give out someone's private information. The doktor said Trump will receive his fourth rammed Ecevit DE dose on Monday before he leaves the hospital and its fifth on Tuesday the press since kidney and little functional both good his temperature on my It was ninety eight point, one fair knight: the doctors defended their treatment of him and the decision to discharge him saying yes, some of the best care in the world at the White House, everyday, a patient stays in the house,
necessarily is a risk to themselves- there's nothing. Indonesia that can't be done safely at home. That's what We all remain cautiously optimistic and on guard I've, you don't realize this too, especially for someone like Trump older people get sick in hospitals. I know it sounds paradoxical: it happens. You see you get a bunch of sick people in hospital right. So there's a lot of pathogens and lot of infections that could be present. So if he got someone like tromp plus, if they're taking does Dexter Matheson Astaire, it's gonna inhibit their immune system a bit. Have em go home, don't have em around a budget tunnel, a bunch of sick people we're in we're in a bit. uncharted territory with a patient who received the therapies he has so early in the course. If we get to the weekend and Monday with him feeling the way he has. We can all take us I have relief. You'll seem shortly. He's back Sean colonies that on Monday Doktor kindly sighted patient confidentiality laws or in the press conference and asked about his lungs, however, said that his liver income
function were good and that truck did not put any pressure on doctors to release him. Despite reports, he was done with it. In the hospital and he was demanding to be discharged Sunday. Well, they did report of the president was bored and I completely understand and believe that Trump would say something like that. The president has been a phenomenal patient during his stay here. He has been working hand in glove today. You got it got the point he's holding court going over all the specifics, the testing with a future as well. been back and forth on what safe or reasonable, he has never once pushed us to do anything that was not sage, unreasonable, hey, guys, remember impeachment! Oh you, that whole thing that happened, here's an ominous, so I believe very likely that a week. This won't even mattered. Anybody it'll just be another blip on the psychopathic news radar. And then will be carrying out our lives and obesity
her scandal, Donald Trump Slip on about appeal up now welcome the news in Amerika S. Gonna happen. He appeared be a little the hydrogen Friday, but was able to recover from that everything looks great. There's no evidence of a lack of lie. Virus present that he could transport. Others were checking home, checking him more. Keenly than waiting? Ten days we shouldn't, we will know as soon as possible, then will look at em clinically. How are you feeling? How are you, how are you doing? Fourteen people in his inner circle have now tested positive with a deadly virus that is claimed more than two hundred thousand lies when desperate to get back to work. This understand and then going to mention that greatly macaroni also tested positive. Let's move on from this and I'll show you everyone's favorite, Jennifer Ruben She is. The corn quote: conservative, never tramper pro democracy, blogger, basically like she was a conservative. You she's, a pro establishment person. So when Trump you know, kicked out the Republicans I wish meant. You know she fits in more with the with the democratic roots she tweeted Congress might want to.
DE fund, Walter Reed is a public health hazard in my strong by far your worst tweet an saying something. Yeah Ali, who is widely respected, both from left and right, tweeted, great idea. Let's punish soldiers, physicians, nurses and staff for the present decision to return home and not allow disposition to reveal personal medical info you're, embarrassing. Your colleagues at the Post war, whoop spicy hears about port Jennifer Reuben his shadow banned. This is her. Tweedy quoted is unavailable on Twitter. She said they can be real oak relocated, irresponsible medical facilities better. just fire the current staff that is unleashed a public health hazard on us is this lady is insane than that that look. The anti tribe establishment people are out of their minds seriously times Well, so yeah sure us is what she tweeted and then yeah sure responded Congress can't fight
your Navy officers they serve at the pleasure the elected commander in chief, the present of United States. She said they can be fired from Walter, Reed and assigned elsewhere enough talk about an absolute lunatic. That's the best part But this is that someone said something like no the people, the water was love. She's doing yeah sure responded, saying no way that people at the wash it tell him tell tell him, there's so embarrassed that is associated with the Washington Post now, well, democracy dies and darkness right. Here's what I love get em graph who's, this guy journalist director. Aspen cyber and a contributor to Wired and CNN says literally Americans will die because of this recklessness with which Donald Trump is treating his own. disease right now they will follow. Is bad behind you're and kill themselves or others, and he will. Ever know their names and he won't care blah blah blah blah blah blah. Welcome too who Derangement Syndrome news. You know what they should just
arena we should do. We should create one big network. Maybe I'll do this work What tv S news or ts network, that's right! Trunk, dear. Benjamin Syndrome, news where we have a whole bunch of people here, out of their minds and just believe fringe and crazy. Conspiracies and they have no real into so desire in helping you understand, what's happening in this world instead, no matter what tromp does it's wrong? If he's sick he's gonna die, actually he's faking it if he tries to leaves this feeling better he's gonna kill us all. What is it Its trump faking it because, if trumps faking it he's leaving, they should be like air, whatever he was faking it right, oh, but now their second now they're saying but he's actually severe because getting back some others and its leaders and to kill everyone. You Norman I'm real eager to go down to the river and just cast a lunch, should sit there and just everything goes away. You know
I've been fishing since I was a kid, but you just sit there. You just sit there wouldn't be nice, maybe you don't we these journalists should all go fishing just disco out for a day. Relax- and I mean it just put your phone down, put on airplane mode, put down, take, take, go camping and just relax. I tell you what, if they did this, we would all be so much better off without Louis just give it to tick couple days and then watch everything, summers down right now, it's at a boil: ok, whatever meant, but our Trump doing well, it seems like is by the time you watch is probably out all over their necks segments coming up in just a few minutes, and I will see you all, then, the New York lock down returns and governor Polo may Take bold anti semitic statement because the people of new you what are some of the most vile insane racist, anti, Semites I've ever act
Chile read about don't take my word for it. I'll show you this tweet Governor Andrew Cuomo, quote, I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow. if you're not willing to live with these rules and I'm going to close the synagogues. How did you dress. Any other group of people like that, oh I'm sorry, New York, is the place where they were welding park parks shut, putting our actually done. Unarmed signs are, there were chaining them shut and then the jewish community was going and breaking the chains you see. New York has done everything in its power to make the jewish in suffer there. What there was a string of incidents where people are running up and attacking Orthodox Jews, beating I'm in the streets. Where was the cry. Where were the protests? Where was sport in the city nor to be found covert happens? What does he do allows the protests
The plaza allows the protests and then they go to the jewish community, shut down their synagogues and chain their parks shot. I wonder when you see the black lives matter, people espouse fair Con Watts supporting him, and then you see what these people in government do supporting likewise matter, spray painting the name and then Tom getting the jewish community. I have to wonder Governor Como orders, hundreds of schools in nine and Y see neighborhoods to clothes from tomorrow and also threads. shot down religious institutions. If they fail to social distance, the schools, both public and private, will be required. Clothes from Tuesday onwards in Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods, where covert nineteen positivity rights have been surging. Cuomo could not immediately in exactly how many schools we'll have to close and for how long it is believed about a hundred public schools and two hundred private schools are located in if codes, the number of new covered cases has been right. using in pockets of the city, predominantly the neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens.
Home to the cities. Large orthodox jewish population. Those areas represent seven percent so these population and have been responsible for more than twenty percent of all new factions over the past four weeks. Many relate Schools in these neighborhoods resumed in person classes in early September Vietnam, their choice if they would like to be open and have their kids learn Why should the government be intervening in such a manner? You know it's all. you ve been ruled in several different instances that these lockdown are unconstitutional and that's where I probably fall if the judge the community is seeing these large infection rates. Then I dont think Cuomo especially concerning their, I should say with the other coming from other states. It's time to shut up it's time to recognise you can't control this. And he's only making it worse. That's the reality! You ve got it natural disaster here with this virus and the best we can do is mitigate, not shut, everything down, protect them sing arms packed the vulnerable and
Social distance and wear masks. That's the best you can do you see what almost done with with the iron fist has not worked. The juice it is just going about their business and there being tar then harassed by Cuomo, and it's only breeding more animosity and more anger. Perhaps the best thing to do is negotiate. Tell you what why don't you guys do your thing, but here are some precautions you could take to mitigate this Instead, he live under a shot down. Your religious institutions and work and allow black lives matter to March through the street. For a hundred three days do something? That's it being so. That's a message so tell you what you want me to care that people go to church. Why you support the protests? So no I won't care many religious schools. These neighborhoods resumed Cuomo also threaten to shut down temples and churches in those neighborhoods. following super sputter mass gatherings that he said:
been going on for weeks, dude it has been since March, one march fifteenth or whatever. I don't think you can win. How about you realize you screwed everything up. You have destroyed the city, twelve thousand bars spected to remain closed permanently. People fleeing the city talk about a failure and then what did you do with it? brother on CNN other, we got big. You did so funny, as you were, putting people in North homes that were sick uncovered and killing the elderly, and and this guy has the nerve to do an interview. You like it never happened that never happened. I never killed all these people. He you did I'm sick of this man, New York. You need an overhaul. These, People need to be removed from power. bring in somebody else? I don't care what their political party is. Get a libertarian, get a republican demagogue, Green Party, whatever sure to these people.
He's Eddie was meeting directly with orthodox leaders on Tuesday to seek their help with getting people to comply with the rules, But if the religious leaders don't agree to enforce social distancing rules, including mask wearing, he will shut them down. He specifically, Reference to recent mass gatherings involving members of orthodox jewish communities that he said numbered in the thousands we know more gatherings of the super spider events. We know I have been mass gatherings going on in these committees for weeks. Mr Cuomo, can I introduce you to something that your brother also dunno about called before? amendment and then it it says, Congress shall make no law, respect, respecting and establishment of religion and of Reno infringing upon free speech and assembly and Bob you get the point not just like the first amendment is fantastic, but dumb people have a right to gather for any reason they have a right to speak and their right to worship. You can't just come in and think you have the right to shut them down, not gonna, be honest,
I think that Cuomo shutting the stuff down because he's concerned about super sputter events. I really do believe that he's just an overt anti somewhere I mean it. I mean it. I know it's a bit cliche for life, You re says no know crowded, that's all they ever say become on think about it in the amount of chaos in this city. The amount violence and and murders and cuomo- is like all oh, but those synagogues, gonna shut. Those ones down is at which are really worried about what the fact that you had orthodox you being attacked in the street, and these knock out game specifically Lemmings videos are horrifying and they didn't do anything about it. They don't care, I think they like it. I think these people are anti Semites and that's been that medium. Is clusters had to be attacked stamp them out immediately and dramatically on my arm weight limit limit. Let me tell you about their work.
we know mass gatherings of the super spreader events at these specific communities. These clusters have to be attacked stamp them out bro. You should really use your choice of what you should really choose. Your work. butter look out. I think it's absurd to read too much into it, as I think we know any means shut down the events, but I I tell you gonna have to wonder when their welding what I'm sorry when their when their chaining parks closed and they ve been spared They targeting the jewish trinity, the entire time to say some like this bold, was that he has spoken and Y, see mayor, build applause you earlier on Monday and that the state would be taking over him horsemen and cities hot city cities, hotspot, zip codes, collage had on Sunday asked Cuomo too close, rules and non essential businesses after test positive The rights rose above three percent in those areas for seven day straight. I want to show some religious borough park. Eight percent. Then we have you no edge Mere Far Rockaway five point six
percent. We can see where you know. I guess the legally positive tests are in our popping up and it doesn't look like it's only just the jewish community and that's that. That's that's really. What I'm getting at here my man, what he really trying to say De Palacio Bill, the plaza was one of these progressive. Far left us, you mean be aware, but many of these people who organise these far left- you don't Linda's our sore and to make a Mallory as others very very pro Farrakhan. Our kind, of course, has sat extremely disparaging things are the jewish community. You know, I don't think I saw the story, but the Prince Harry said that he believes, The world was created by white people according to Harry and that it was created by by them and then goes on to say for them yeah. I could you not. He said that the world was created for and by a court in Harry White people
This is the kind of white supremacist psychotic ideology we see from the dietary and left and when you going to consideration what he said and then you take. You take a look at what, to build a blog yo is doing because the plaza was one of these progressive. Far left us. You have to wonder, Their goal is when they then start targeting the Jewish Kennedy and overlook the violence. Hats that's be set upon them. I think I think you know it's fair to say when the left screams about NEO, NEO, Nazis and fascism, you know what they're really see what they're worth what they're doing their masking their own behaviors and activities projection. You know when they claimed tromp was working with. Russia is actually Democrats, yeah the right that dossier that smear tromp. Actually, some the information came from someone suspected of being, international national security threat and the Hunter Biden, has accepted money from raw Russians and in Moscow, and they
reject all of that on their opponents, so that they get regular people to fight against the actual good guys right so area. I look typically, people think it is a bit of an anti Semitism is wrong and racism is wrong and rush. In collusion is wrong, so they occur. Using Trump and on the other side of doing it. They couldn't do it all day and night and they get away with it you can see out negatively impact cities like New York and, who will not face a real challenge. People are gonna, Robin they're gonna check the box and I'm sick. man, I'm just, Title lies once I wanna be honest for once, you know, but they know that her honest about what they really think in terms of deterring and Anti Semitism, what little hurt them, because regular people don't like those things, so they accuse everyone else have being hateful na.
whatever man I'll leave it there. I got one more timely, coming up in a few minutes, I'll see ya. Shortly recently, a court ruled in Michigan that Governor Gretchen with Mirth Corona virus lockdown, was unconstitutional and said enough. Your powers here be revoked. And she said now- you can't stop me. I'm gonna keep doing what I want. for the next twenty one days under a provision that allows The challenge your ruling and then following that, instead of actually challenging it it will just use other means to continue the unconstitutional lockdown. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you to lawlessness. A democratic governor tell the court's. Their rules are meaningless. Wow I look forward to seeing what happens in the Democrats when, because the Democrats are pumping the election full of millions
on millions of dollars and not spending there. The Democrats monitor publicans by, like large sums of money, talks We may see Democrats when or maybe not, maybe regular people of have woken up to this. Let me tell you some. I ask you for a favor, please consider sharing this video subscribing to this this one's important. I normally only ask people to share the videos on my main channel just because it's kind of like you're, not my call to action whenever, but this one matters high court strikes down what Mars emergency Powers Gov Our vows to use other means you they tell me that she was told explicitly your powers are unconstitutionally, can to this end. She says well find a way to keep going anyway. No dude, it's not about this- that the statutes it's about. What
you're doing being wrong. Doesn't care you see, as people began suing to strip proper powers, she said now. Let me keep my powers doubt take them from me that should scare anyone living in this state, any executive who says I refuse to give up power, and that includes trump, should be that lets a red flag. They should not be allowed to keep that power. As for Trump he's gone through the motions, as he's supposed to, if he's you know, had injunctions placed on his sword rulings he's then sued in one Gretchen, Whittemore saying she's, basically going to just ignore it. She says the ruling won't go into effect. For twenty one days, that's actually a lie. it is important to note that this really does not take effect for at least twenty one days and until then my emergency. Declaration and orders were retained the force of law. Furthermore, after twenty one days
you have the responsive measures I have put in place to control the spread of the virus will continue under alternative sources of authority that we're not at issue in today's ruling. No, the ruling comes down. Today. She's, just ignoring it and sang. I have twenty one days to issue a challenge. This is not about Democratic Republic and for the most part and their Polly, many people saying well, it's good that she's enforcing this lock down. Take your authoritarian, fascism somewhere else. It is not good that she is defying the courts, of ruled. She can't do this guess what the Michigan Agee says. We will no longer enforce swimmers orders through criminal prosecution. Bravo, Michigan attorney general debt. Not Nestle, said she will no longer enforce Governor Gretchen Whittemore executive orders, which were made during the court of ours pandemic through criminal prosecution. However, her decision is not
binding on other law enforcement agencies or state departments. With independent enforcement authority. On Friday, the Michigan Supreme Court Room, against what most powers to extend emergency declarations enforcing covered ninety restrictions. The effects of this rolling are still unclear, Whittemore sang Friday. It doesn't take place from other twenty one days. In actuality, my understanding as it does take effect now, but she has twenty one days to challenge it where she can still operate if she's not actually intending to challenge it. It sounds like exploiting the system on Sunday Wittmus Press secretary Me Brown issued a statement saying the governor is ready to work across the island, Republicans in the legislature where we can find common ground, but she won't let partisan politics get in the way of, what's of doing, what's necessary to keep people safe and save lives. The Supreme Court's ruling raises several legal questions that we are still reviewing. While we are moving so
this transition will take time. As the governor said last week, many of the responsive measures she has put in place to control the spread of the virus will contain you under alternative sources of authority that we're not at issue in the court's ruling, We will have more to say on this. In the coming days, nestles press secretary said it is possible to respect the court's decision and the advice of medical experts by voluntarily wearing masks social distancing staying at home when feeling ill if it weren't for the governors actions com what's more of our friends, family and neighbours would have been lost. A covert nineteen than is really says. Whittemore has commended, commanded by the ACL you for her response pandemic. Isn't that just juicy, American civil liberties Union is now the anti Civil Liberties Union, they oppose free speech and they support executive mandate. The world's fallen apart in it,
At least our world is a machine has lost six thousand eight hundred people as of Saturday to the virus, and I and I understand that, but listen these locked downs have been largely unconscious tromp seizes on judges, ruling that Pennsylvania Lockdown is unconstitutional from September fourteenth, shut down restrictions ordered by Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Wolf. LO, the spread of the novel krona virus were unconstitutional. A federal judge ruled Monday. A decision that was quick celebrated by President Trump, whose any hopes decision is followed by similar pronouncements in other states. The states limit on gatherings and closure of not Central businesses violated the first amendment and the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth amendment according where sixty six page opinion by U S district, Judge William statement, the fourth a trump appointee, the governors office confirmed, it will appeal the decision. The case stem from a complaint filed in May by four Pennsylvania counties, Butler Faye at Green in Washington, that are good people,
the states orders to closed a non life, sustaining businesses and limit gatherings, twenty five people or to enter and fifty people outdoors stick minnow pine Open, ended measures imposed on people are an over reaching violation of constitutional rights. The court believes The undertake their action in a well intentioned effort to protect pennsylvanians from the virus. However, good intentions, laudable and are now, alone enough to uphold governmental action against a constitutional challenge. Keep this in mind. Ok, they acted upon of executive mandate, that was in violation of constitutional order. It was unconstitutional, wretched Whittemore wants to carry forward, even though she's been told straight up and now Denmark. To launch tidal wave of ads in Senate seats. They believe they can win out spending report hence by as much as thirty eight million dollars in North Carolina alone, axioms reported Monday. That Democrats have said
three hundred and twenty seven million dollars for advertising in these races compared to one and fifty nine million dollars for Republicans the report. Look at spending and races in Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, I were made Michigan Lieutenant North Carolina got me worried man, I mean a lot of people, think trumps, gonna win is gonna sweet. Have you seen? The poles, though, is the Poles were wrong at the polls weren't this wrong. to abide in up? Like eight percent? I think in Arizona, oh man, I think it may just be. The Democrats take a large. They take the house it the Senate, and maybe even Biden wins. I were, I think it's gonna be really really worrisome. If the Democrats end up winning all three branches of government they're, gonna pack, the courts
they're, gonna start repealing all of these laws there and start selling our manufacturing back at China. They're gonna bring us back in the teepee looking to bolster a footprint in the Middle EAST. It is going to be Bush Obama all over again should in fact be worrying to everybody. I guess not. I guess people are more concerned about Trump having a party mouth Mount, that's trumps fault trumps, not perfect, but is now Tar, the anger of people, the people have the establishment, and you know what I mean latin blame and the anti war progressives, because they're like yeah, while trunk still bad a view. Uk you nuts, three historic peace. Yeah. Well, the peace elements weren't that good! Aren't you hate trump that much look you what's going on man? their violating their that the court orders violating checks and balances, unconstitutional lockdown. We don't see the same problems happening in red states like ass. These people just don't care men, and now they're just dumping. All this money to these democratic campaigns and Democrats naturally win
so at the end of the world. You know, you'll still haven't I Ford two hundred and sixty two four and six years were like in the dark place where the republican ticket bounce back- I don't know, I don't know I believe that we're gonna see a Reagan like Sweet, but that doesn't make sense unless The poles are all I'll. Tell you what they say. The poles were wrong in twenty sixteen, they were only a little bit those a forecast that Iraq must look at this way. What, if. pulls weren't wrong. What if they were always within the margin of error and in response the pollsters over corrected and now everything's just really broken the hey this consider if the poles under counted trump support back then, and so all of these pollsters change their poles to try and increase the count properly. And it's really holding a swing. This large tromp just may be on the verge of losing that's just that simple. or maybe they're lying. I don't tell him in
I can tell you is to fact their spending massive amounts of money and money talks BS walks if they got the money for the ads and Linsey Grandma's. Even freak out, then its past Well, they're, gonna, lose I mean why should Lindsey? Graham, when I could be honest, you know why I think if they end up when you can see more of us they're gonna ignore the law, claim their morally justified. We're gonna see the rise of morality, policing and I'm really worried about. Violence are more worried about violence from the right. Then I am from violence and from the left I dont mean in terms of likelihood I mean that if the, if the right wing chooses to stand up. It will be a particularly quick and devastating strike versus the far left, Swanton and rampant disregard for public health and safety. If Biden, winds and the election is bunk, I'm not super concerned about far right. Extreme I think, there's a lot of races of Egypt to suggest the right, we'll get shot out, because communications are controlled by the left, but many these people are probably well coordinated. The question is
the coordinate with each other. I don't know going to happen I'll leave it there. I hope we just, I hope the Republicans sweep to stop the the critical race theory. Overt racism I would have offices I'll see ya tomorrow at ten. A m thanks for China.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-25.