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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this it's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies chalk. c h, o q, fellows they have a male vitality, stack nine Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys theme, vitality, stack. Take it tell me how you feel you feel, like you're twenty years younger, go to c h, o hugh dot tom promo code tim? Get you through
five percent off your subscription get a subscription. Today c h, o q, dot tom promo code, TIM cast iron rule will be live in miami with patrick bet, David donald trump, junior, matt gates and lucrative Caskey joint. It's there get. Your tickets clicking the link in the description below or by going to tim cass dot. Last night, judge has ordered the corporate death penalty for donald trump businesses. A new york judge, ordered the trump organization be dissolved. It is one of the most shocking stories we have seen yet and is comparable in many ways to the prosecution and persecution that we have seen so far of tromp his family And others who support him and it's only just begun bids this insight or reports, trumps corporate death penalty explore and veteran manhattan fraud prosecutors describe. What's next, so here's what happens.
loss. It is filed accusing trump a fraud. A judge says we do not need to have a trial. Banks, the gavel and orders trumps companies be destroyed. As a component of this, The judge also presumably lies about the value of their existing trump family properties, notably moral ago, claiming that beach to beach eighteen acres in palm beach, is worth only eighty in dollars its shockingly insane now job, I believe, came out and said this is nonsense. Its coasts were, it's gotta be worth postwar billion dollars is correct and you ve got the likes of Kaminski, issuing some of the most shocking and and terrifying statements I've seen coming from, a liberal or leftist, and I look man I like kyle. We have defended over the past as a good do but the statements he made pertaining to this are shockingly ignorant and day
seriously authoritarian, and this is what we are against right now, this liberation of rule by decree. A summary judgment against the trump family now trial. Why? Well because Says that the age he held a press conference that sufficient for him- and if you don't know what she said in her press conference well, then you're wrong. The government issuing a public accusation does not not warrant. Summary judgment, end of story, whatever it is, trump is accused of doing and I'm sure tromp is no saint. A trial must be had, for judge to have a summary judgment. No trial and destroy what is presumably a a billion dollar company while claiming it's not Are we are beyond banana republic? I'm sorry were beyond probably a lot of people last night
I'll benjamin us argon. He sang europe an annual and dumb. Perhaps But this is. I mean I dunno, I dunno what you'd want to call it. This is fifth generational warfare. This is destruct, and this is. This is war. I look you know. A lot of people Have the perspective that war literally just defines hot conflict, but there is cold war there there our other means of destruction there sabotage manipulation, hacking, espionage, etc. What we are witnessing right now in new york is corporate death penalty with out trial. I've corporate death penalty sounds shocking, but this is it that the judge said the trump organization no longer exists, destroying everything they do. Let me break this down for you. And I think I think I'd like to pull up the new york times here. This one's probably the most important judge rules tromp committed fraud strip,
control of key properties. The decision in a lawsuit that could go to next week is a major win for attorney general Latisha James, who says former president donna, a trump overvalued holdings by as much as two point, two billion now happening here is to clarify, There was a summary judgment dissolving the trump or innovation, as well as many other companies, even holdings for property without a trial, there are other aims still made against drop, which will be going to trial. It is, it is presumed there could be a trial, but this judgment bang the gavel again. Take a look at this. The new york times reporting. A new york judge, ruled on tuesday that Donald J, tromp, persistently committed fraud by an fly, the value of his assets and stripped the former president of control over some of us, maternity or properties. This rising decision by justice arthur s anger on is a major victory for attorney general. He should james at our loss it against. Mr trump affected lee deciding that no trial was needed to determine that here.
Fraudulently secured favourable terms on loans. Insurance deals now You may be wondering why did trump really do this? Well NBC news. I believe it might be NBC news that breaks down what the defense we, have claimed. Had there been a trial, they say at one point and grunt. I did do trumps, having exaggerated the size of his new york apartment deposit pop up its value repeatedly claiming goes over thirty thousand feet when I was a third of that size. The interesting the problem is a sum. Judgment does not give us the opportunity to counter or hear what it is that trump actually did. That is to say this. Other media operates if donald trump says in his tax filing or something that the property ten thousand total square feet, ten thousand of it is livable into and can be restructured and ten thousand of it can be considered. storage depending on how you operate
They then say: ah, he called authority thousand feet. Now, I'm not seeing that's what trumpeted I'm saying. There's no defence! I don't believe that Just out that trump outright was like my ten thousand square foot apartment. Actually, thirty thousand, I don't believe, I'm sorry, that's the point of a trial. The government does not get to just decree these things is it possible trump did sure absolutely Thank you for your accusation. In a normal country. We would then have a trial. Say trump. Is this true? Did you do this? Tell me and apparently we'll get that. a discrepancy of this magnitude by a realistic developer. Sizing of his own living space of decades can only be considered fraud. This is This is a subject that came before when the suit first began and they sat there. these square footage was, was different we are seeing here is Latisha James, exploiting the ignorance of the public and people like kyle alkalinity, I'm not trying to be a kyle, but kyle. You have
on the line in a dangerously psychotic way, and you are the example here, not understanding real estate and using Ignorance and justifying government rule by decree. I'm sorry, that's authoritarianism, that's fascism, whatever you want to call it now just because you're, not my answer is like right away. When I see is, unlike while we're what exact. Did it do because I dont quite understand how these filings work and what was trumps argument, because certainly he has defence lawyers. Oh there's no trial. Ok will now. I don't trust you you're lying to me. if he found trump, his sons, donging and Eric and their companies liable for fraud, but not criminally it's a civil case with no trial. There lie He also denied trumps motion for a summary judgment that argued new york. attorney general, the teacher james lawsuit should be dismissed. And groans, sanctioned trumps attorney. Seventy five hundred dollars a piece
in legal arguments that have already been rejected twice while well, new york based l l seas will need to be resolved It will be up to the receiver, blah blah blah. blah block trump statement. I'm wondering if they actually illiterate more well. Impact of decision remains unclear. What is clear is president trumpet his family will seek all available a pellet remedies to rectify the miscarriage of justice, another trumpet Ernie Alina harbour will actually are trumps. Lee turning the case christopher case call the rule rageous and said it was completely disconnected from the facts, govern facts and governing law. He said that ngos had disregarded the viewpoint of those actually involved in alone transactions who testified? There was thing: misleading there was no fraud and the transactions were all highly profitable. This is to say, the people who are involved testified. There is no fraud here.
The judge is likely why he said no trial, none, because what would happen experts would come and about your your honour. This is fine, as is normal, something weird isn't it. on other attorney, alina hobble, focus on and bronze determination that moral logo had been grossly overvalued. Oh boy, I love this one And garonne noted that from twenty eleven twenty one, the palm beach county assessor appraise the market value of more logo at eighteen million to twenty seven point: six million trumps financially. Mince meanwhile, but the clubs valued almost four hundred Twenty seven million to six hundred and twelve million. So if a palm beach county assessed makes it an evaluation of the property that has nothing to do with what trump thinks the properties worth or could sell for and then and then and then declares evaluation. You do not evaluate pretty because of what the tax assessor says. Otherwise, I gotta tell you my friends: I have been defrauded so many times hears, it happens, I've I've, I buy a lot of property right, we buy properties or building things
If op good luck go into someone selling real estate, they got a building for sale estates, two thousand square, they say the tax assessment is a hundred thousand dollars. I go alright I'll give you a hundred thousand dollars for a site no have a nice day and alike, but but the tax I said it's worth that you have to sell it. For now you don't. It is worth whatever you think, with regard to the government as it were, as it says its worth and you can buy property. That is so for a higher price, for the text says meant then this as it can come in and turban. If what you got was the right price. I can say think my property is worth this. For these reasons here is the objective standards and the text can be like yet not interested. This is what it's worth: that's not fraud. It is crazy.
why is every real estate transaction in the country? Is fraud? You buy a piece of property, it's property value goes up, but it's assessed at one hundred grand and then a year later. It's now worth two hundred and fifty you sell it for two. Fifty all we got you, we got you that was fraud. That's insane, but read more. Should the judges findings, including one that more lago is worth approximately twenty million is an affront to our legal system and a tweet aircraft, after the ruling that the law all faith in new york legal system? We have run an exception. company, never missing alone payment making banks huh tens of millions of dollars, developing some of them iconic assets in the world. Yet today the priest, persecution of our family continues I'll break it down for you. I'm really excited for this real excited for this. Here's a tweet from calculus First kyle, I believe, as a high profile prominence public speaker of the left,
is how he's gone insane. Dunno I've listened to him before I've. Be reasonable, but this is the most insane thing. I've ever heard these series of tweets first, as the original press conference from the new york attorney general lang out, the details of the fraud case against tromp was overwhelming. Anybody who thinks is they Child is either totally ignorant to the facts lying or has full cult. Brain cow, Turin, occult the government has no authority to issue a press com since and then a judge have a summary, a judgment that just strips multiple corporate entities of their existence, This is insane level of corruption. lotta argue that there is evidence against trump, I'm not saying there isn't by all means trump ain't, no saint businesses play dirty politics and they file fanciful numbers. All the time. Take a look at hollywood multi billion dollar films that somehow made no money. That's the norm. Why it loopholes the best
is formed, it makes the movie and then all the profits are sent out them and then that the company goes out and make any money. We everybody else, so we're negative tax deductions. Call it corruption by all means. Please do so. These things exist. They are bad things and I think they should be. People should be held held accountable for this. My issue is the argument from kyle is that if the government issues a press conference, we're done shot him down. I'm sorry, that's insane and terrifying precedent, but there's more marked live in showing donald trump statement as to what's going on here, Unbelievable america's, never experienced this kind of stalinism that trumpets contending with its unconscionable caught constable. He says you eddie it's refused to make actual arguments based on the facts of the case, because you know you can't know
forcing you to say stupid issue like this just say nothing, I'm sorry did cause lost the plot. I will make substantive arguments against you kyle, because this is insane. first. My point is of a moral and legal standard by which, yet we have trials. Ok, at the very least donald, they should have allowed trumps deferred attorneys to issue these arguments in court now. I know the argument is that they already these arguments of the tree and the judge rejected them. Then humor me for one moment: if you're going to make an extremely high profile move against someone like donald trump, you need there to be a proceeding lest you rip this country in twain ever I can give you a substantive arguments as to why the judge is lying and wrong, and so Are you nuts argue the facts? As already pointed out the key here? is it. The judge said no trial was needed. The joy,
You also said that moral law goes worth twenty million dollars a lie. I can prove it. Eric trump says: an attempt to destroy my father and kick him out of new york, a judge just that moral logged in palm beach florida is only worth approximately eight out of pocket. Eighteen million dollars more goes speculated to be worthwhile over a billion dollars, making it arguably the most valuable residential property in the country. It is also corrupt and coordinate. hold on their a minute. He calls it a residential property. Perhaps it is, it also does have a commercial comply so I do believe there is going to be commercial zoning related to mar a lago, but we'll see, if he's calling a residential, then I have questions about what they offer in terms of businesses, but sure you can rent your house out. I don't know what palm beach requires in terms of you using your residence for dining clubs, weddings, etc. Perhaps no
big deal. People are, I think, even if you're doing air, bnb and stuff you like you're, you're, turning your residential property into a commercial property, but probably not so people people can follow these things. Let's just call it residential for the sake of argument, Kaliko and says more illegal gets revenue of twenty five million dollars per year, its value to max. Seventy five million, you idiots claim its worth, one hundred and thirty nine million. You did this with virtually all properties to inflate network and get loans from banks on more favourable terms. Fraud, not true. the evaluation according to news report, was between. I think around four hundred. Two six hundred. I think I think I have it here from newsweek, so let me yeah, how's, wrong tromp, had put the valley We should have more logo at four hundred and twenty six point: five million to six hundred and twelve point, one million in filings, which that was an overvaluation of at least two thousand three hundred percent. First kyle, your numbers wrong flat out. I don't know where you get this number from
this. What this tweet really really infuriates mean as some Whose run a business who has run a startup, that's received an investor cash and were and was given a cookie tech evaluation. As someone who has dealt with this for fifteen years plus first, I am not the foremost leading expert on this, but I can simplify for you before we get into the true value of mar logo. Let me just take kyle statement at face value. during thirty nine million dollars. Based on what he sang at twenty five million dollars a year is a perfectly adequate evaluation based on revenue. First question: I have for you. Site calculus. He sang if it makes twenty five million a year It must be only worth sunny five million wholly crap, ok, first, let's not include the fact that its seventeen acre or eighteen- seventy have acre property, beachfront beachfront and remove the
hard asset from the revenue. Let's let's just ignore the real estate itself, kyle and tat, purely revenue- ok, first of all a bit. evaluation does not just include revenue and speculation; it includes your heart assets, the veil, of more lock- is real estate substantial. But let's just pause right there. Ok, let's operator the assumption of kyle's, pure ignorance, pure ignorance, and I adopt kelsey's. This. If you make twenty five million dollars per year and someone comes to you and says I will buy. You company off of you for seventy five million dollars. Do you know what else a single person would say: no, why? If you? generating twenty five million dollars a year. Why? Would you sell your business for two more years up front?
you could literally just sit back and let the revenue come in now. The argument could be seventy five million in your cash twenty five million as revenue not pure profit but let's say that operating costs from our utter. Their margins are fifty percent and so we're talking about twelve point: five million in profit every year. If the property sissy that revenue, someone comes to you and says I'll offer you what's a four years or or six years, four years up front of a of profits. You know my responses. What can I do with the extra fifty million right now that I could not do over the period of two years? Nothing. This is the issue with evaluations? This is why you might do attacks evaluation based on revenue, because what is reasonable to a person? Someone comes to me:
and they say we see how much money tim cast makes. We see how much money you make him sell the company to us. My responses, if you give me two years front. Why would I? Why would I take that when I can just keep doing my thing and making the money myself you to pay me more than I am already getting. So giving someone two years up front when they could sit back and just let the revenue poor and makes no sense understand this. Cost of living for the average person about how wealthy is is literally never high as like. I imagine trump, and several million dollars on his comforts and luxuries per year, or maybe ten, maybe twenty, maybe even fifty who knows but come basin, that the net worth of his companies and how much money is coming in. I think it's what five hundred million or something so he's living off Ten percent- I'm sorry did you come to me and say you'll. Give me semi
Five million for twenty five million dollar per year business, not including the hard assets kyle. Let's now in the hard asset, so I can break down the absurd and ignorance and desperate, despotic authoritarianism of your statements. Is more a logo really worth based on twenty five billion dollars in revenue. I would, I would say, you're gonna have to go ten years up front, so I would say two hundred and fifty million. Why otherwise I'll just sit back. You ve, pay me more than its already worth ten years up front for someone in their seventies, actually not a bad place. However, he has kids he's already a billionaire your dog. You he's not here we're wealthy has its own has multiple jets. He does it need to sell it. This means that you have to pay a premium to buy it, but let's not talk about trumps desires. Let's talk, hard facts, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to scylla
Zillow. Has it currently listed as a as an evaluation of twenty four point, two million for mar a. However, more our is not for sale. So this essentially based on tax assessment data. That's it that's! The current tax element has around thirty million. According to Zillow. I give you this property here. This is five hundred. park road palm beach. Florida is a six thousand. Four hundred, eighty eight square foot six bedroom, five beth beautiful property with a swimming pool estimated payment per month, two hundred and sixty seven thousand dollars Listed at forty million dollars, wow forty million. This is gonna, be massive. I mean it's worth more than moral law. Go, it's gotta be quite what a half acre. That's it This is a private residence, not a business and it's a half acre and its list of forty million dollars. Ok hold on hold on I'm look.
this right here we ve got a twenty five million dollar. Probably let's pull up ladys engine This is how many acres point: three: nine acres for twenty five million: ok, what's more, allow go gentlemen. I give you the off the market assessments of our logo, it is- seventeen point, five acres? Well, ok, let's do some math seventeen point. Five so what they were saying that a half acre is forty million. So, let's do some math a full ache it would be eighty million okay, alright I'll hold on. I know it's for it, a half acre with a six bedroom five bath. But if we're going just off of acreage when Gough square footage of acreage, let's say the lot itself going, Eighty million minus the home the lot- it's the how home is not worth gotta, be worth that much constructing a proper. this six thousand four hundred eighty eight square foot property- I gotta be honest, that's gonna call,
stu. What maybe, if you can't who at nice what's a million bucks. The real value is the beach front property and palm beach. So, let's just say forty millions, fair halfway That means an acre is eighty million dollars. Ah, that would put the evaluation of the property of mar logo close to one and a half billion dollars. Ok, fine, the property itself, let's just cut in half whatever they wanted to. The evaluation. There's also depend returns and its scales. So it's just cut in half outsiders, let's say a half acre is worth twenty million and the property itself is twenty million. that's probably not fair the real estate worth more than that. That noble lot actually worth more than that, but you know what Say that much safer environment? This means that one acres- forty million dollars This means that mar lago outside of any revenue generated is worth close to one billion dollars I mean take. Let me let me just go back here and show you
This is more a logo. This here section. This is its massive. and the transfer saying it's four hundred to six hundred million. I'm I'm sorry, I think that's a low estimate. I think they undervalued the property. The fact that the judge said it was worth around eighteen to twenty million shows. The judge is wrong now the judge is wrong about something as basic as that. With testimony from experts and lenders, saying they weren't defrauded. These are normal. Business practices shows you. danger of not having a trial and why Kyle is tat. This is insane thing for him to be saying: the fervor Anger he has in default in defence of a a a d stating press conference and saying its law, its fact it's done and a judge banging the gavel is actually remarkably. I am curious about the mar lego club, the crown
of palm beach is very beautiful, probably very expensive. They ve got club dining. What is it eggs and events, golf amenities photo gallery. I'm curious how they deem this a residential property. If their upbringing out of it. I don't know the palm beach laws or how this works. Whatever marilla goat makes twenty, five million dollars per year, but I already broken down for you, but I have dealt with this with my businesses already and kyle does not I understand any of this, and you know we try to be nice to him when we point out that he didn't know what farms looked like. You know when he took a picture from a plane and said, I wonder why it looks like that knows: a photo of farms and people like my guy, those are farm, he didn't know- and I said, but he's a nice guy. He tries- and I respect that this. This is where the danger of ignorance stepson, I am not saying trump- is innocent at all. I'm saying you have to the trial. I am not saying that trump isn't inflating the values. Properties actually think most companies do this but
based on the valuation of nearby properties. You'd have to arrest every one of these people for fraud. Now I think the the the reasonable simple solution here, as if the judge says no trial and then claims a seventeen your beach to beach properties, eighteen million dollars when a neighbour half acre is listed at forty million. The judge will be nice he's wrong and if he's wrong there needed to be a trial, but there wasn't. Why is he sanctioning trumps lawyers? You can't use these arguments. Mentioning the lawyers. This is insane the corporate death penalty to trumps businesses. The scariest thing to be completely honest Is the fervent zealotry of that you see from kyle who I. deemed to be a reasonable? Who is totally ignorant? Doesn't
research and has no idea how real estate works or business evaluations work coming out and justifying rule by decree of the government. For no reason, this is what we are up against my friends. The banality of evil, the anger and the fervor kyle has no idea what is in about mostly I'm wrong about a lot of it too, which is why I'm saying let's get a trial, get the experts and that's the way it should operate. Instead, what we have is ignorant zealotry zombie, hordes angry people who have no idea they're talking about marching through the streets screaming in rage and demanding something be done. System can't sustain itself It's crazy what they're doing to trump newsweek as us article? How much is more a logo worth valuation of trump property raises questions. Let's see what newspeak has to say. This ain't, a statement, social trumps at this yadda yadda elsewhere
shared listings, further house on the market in palm beach, with prices ranging between four thirty eight point: nine and fifty nine point: nine million, despite see Far smaller than mar a drug dealers, others eldest one drop junior trumps, eldest son joked If MAR a lago is worth eighteen million I'll take ten, please yeah you'd, one hundred and seventy acres of west palm beach property a nearby vacant lot. of two point: three acres is on sale for two hundred million according to a goldman sachs investment banker. Well, here's the plan, The point is this: the lending bank is required to get evaluation asian for third party to cover its l tv calculation. No one had an issue with any of this. Every one made money until an activist I came along decades later two point: three: while Colleagues, I use F, a software engineer, replied you're right if it was poor
at the same same per acre as the empty lot. It be one point: five billion is exactly what I said. competing estimates as the size of the estate. Several publications have set, it spent seventeen acres. While websites has twenty acres, that's like a generic commercial estimation. It maybe forty acres because they may be including so I'll point this out. Right and free right here you have additional properties, I'm not sure that's connected or not they may be lot size as legally documented could be. Seventeen point five, but there be neighbouring separate lots that tromp includes, as part of the property, take a look at this time, sliver right here. What is this? This is a appears to be. Things is an empty lot. What is this estimated at a million dollars for a four four. what is the zillow? Has no data? Ok we know for sure, let's, let's zoom in here, I yes, the million dollar empty lot, which appears to be like a thief
of an acre or less. Why hits on the beach now more local, they say is beach to beat. So I'm assuming that this across ST may actually be part of morocco, which is why it does not have a separate us if I'm not sure that much more though beckett newsweek, this aim. While twenty seven million is obviously an undervaluation mala mar a lago can't be developed or turned into a single family estate. A financial journal, journalist commented, it's deed requires to remain a club which radically reduces its resale value. Know it Isn't I would argue that there is a fair point to be made for sure that could be the case, but the fact that it can operate and make money suggests it's worth more than a residential they say: Zella gives it a twenty four point: two million valuation Zillow erroneously said it was four hundred and twenty twenty four hundred twenty two lawyers for trump have said they intend to appeal the decision, etc, etc. My point with the with the property is just this:
kyle does not understand business evaluations. I just feel like it so obvious. Ok, like other people, come to me and they say: hey we'd like to like two by acts of your company or whatever and I'd be like this of my company, generates X, x dollars and they say, will You act like why, for what reason? Why sell that to you? It makes money I'll just sit back and the money that I already make for myself. Dude, I own the boat, no point in selling you the boat. If the boat is what I want like so typical lets, people is like listen mark, Zuckerberg may wonder. By face
gotham is why he's like? I just make another social media network. What's the point he's already rich in order to get someone who's, making twenty five million dollars in revenue per year to sell the property you're gonna need a ten year advance because that was what's being said to me as listen ten years up front right now and you go live like a king, even start a new company or you keep it and over the span of ten years you make the money how many cars you think I can buy. That's why it's like it might even be thirty years depends on the company. Donald trump is already a billionaire with a with a with a seven fifty seven aura at thirty seven. For what purpose does he need your upfront cash? He doesn't, which means all the surrounding businesses generating this revenue have comparable systems where they say you're not going to be able to buy this. The demand is high supply. Is
nonexistent, there's only one mar a lago anyway man. More importantly, out of all of this- and this segment is not for me to just talk about numbers and break this stuff down cause it does. It is fascinating to me it's to tell you about the judge having no trial and destroying trump's businesses. Take a look at this look at mar a lago. They put twenty four point: two million on zillow look at this property right here. It's it's! It's a third, a sixth of the sight of a moral log onus listed at fifty six million dollars. How many acres is this thing point seven, six acres, that's right: moral logo on its property size alone, without due consideration, forts, multiple tennis courts and parking lot would be a billion and a half dollars, and a judge said: eighteen million. It's a lie:
See what they're doing as they're saying see more logo proves it trump over valued his properties in new york. He didn't their line and you know what I'll I'll entertain. That trump may have lied for sure. You'd have to have a trial and prove it if you, what does Tyrion Lannister say when you cut out a man's tongue? You are not proving him wrong. You are simply proving that you're scared of what he may say. The reason I don't have a trials because they know if trump's experts and his partners and lenders showed up and testified under oath they'd, say trump did every, right and as businesses sound, I don't see any other reason why they wouldn't have the trial. Wouldn't kyle, wouldn't wouldn't make more sense for the job to be like here's, a lender from trump saying he defrauded them. Hmm. So why not have the trial, because they're lying, but either way my opinion is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is this: there was no trial, so if you defend a press
The conference is is is enough to warrant the destruction of a real estate company. Then you are an authoritarian and you are what we are up against I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up at four pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then. I will start the day off with the words you all want to hear so badly civil war, What does that really mean? Oh of course, I'm going to talk about this because last night in philadelphia, we saw over a hundred youths In summary, we know how young they were some we're, probably in their twenties rand's. acting numerous businesses fighting with cops fighting with store employees and just stealing everything gain stop target app. lula lemon. You name it now. Why do they do this? Well, what they report the news is that, after a ruling in a fail, shooting people looted yeah. Sorry dude whether or not
were justified in a shooting, does not warrant stealing from a bunch businesses, That is the reason why I say civil war. This take this into consideration is an example taken from the experts, but take it from me. All I do is red the news, but what we're talking about here is a breakdown of confidence, in government and the mistake people make when they hear civil war. Oh man, look I'm I'm about. Let's talk about context and understanding. Ok, right now, story about donald trump properties. Marilla was evaluation. fascinating to see so many people on twitter answer. social media in general, act like they they. Oh, how to evaluate property and business despite not owning hard assets at all. My point is this Wednesday breaks- and someone says, here's a information as to why thing happen,
of people immediately make a generic assumption as if they know when they don't write so when someone hears civil war, the immediate thing they think of as the confederacy declaring secession and then soldiers marching on a battlefield eyebrows up all the time in reality. If you look at most sid, wars. It's actually social breakdown conflict begins when we is factions become more hyper, polarized and government loses the faith of the people thus resulting in factions fighting over control, what we're seeing here with philadelphia is a component. which may lead to revolution civil war or just collapse ripe and I think civil war, mostly because january. Six, twenty sixteen alike the twenty twenty election, the strong political component to what is occurring as society begins to break
that is to say, when you have the five twenty nine insurrection at the white house and far left extremists I or bomb the white house, that's funny right. I know J six or fire bombed the capital, but the left. Yes, I know this firebomb the white house, property setting fire to a guard post and they said wire to saint John church across the street, ignored no tribunals, no commissions, no, no arrests, probably some arrest to be fair, but for the most part, nothing and that was under trump, and then you get January sex which a nation wide hunt for anybody who I've been in building a one woman in alaska, her home rated, because she looked like another woman who was in the building, not crazy right. So this is my point: Social order is breaking down at a time with political, hyper polarization. So when you're
in philadelphia, and you are let's say one of these teenagers: these teenagers will become adults there filming themselves, destroy businesses, steel and fight with cops. Why they do not feel the police have any legitimate authority. They do not fear the consequences. There is no. Fear of being shunned by society, there is no fear of law enforcement, none. How and you have social order. When you have large swathes of the population that dont believe it exists at all and will take from you. Will you can't? And so this is what ends happening. As we look at what happened last night in philadelphia. It's it's it's it's walker's I mean. Some of these videos will go through some of the the clubs that have I'm not going to show videos of anyone of any violence or anything like that. But I give examples: you've got residents of philadelphia we're going to say no confidence in police white police can't stop the writing. No confidence in government government can stop the writing and what ends up happening as you get
not any like people militia and their imagining like deeds wearing? You know, come oh and being law. Our and your fat dude with body armor. Do militia in the sense of goals in the area taking up arms and just coordinating with each other for the purpose of enforcing social order. This is when you see the rise of factions that are acting in competition. With government government united states operates under the monopoly of violence doctrine, that is, the police are allowed the government is allowed, they control violence, and, if you- and at any point you know that if you act outside of what the government wants, they will inflict violence on you. That's that's the reality of of how this system has been operating. For some time should be. That way should be social order should be that we agree. There should be some scrutiny for an abuse of the monopoly on violence, but be
of the I guess: population, density and desperate ideologies. This is where we are today as more and more people right now in these cities begin looting and ransacking, because they do not believe that police or or government use of violence is monopolized. They will just Try me I can exert my force against you, that is to say, when you get defined the police, when you get be alarmed protests and you get you get Democrats basically releasing criminal what the message being sent out in general is: the government has no control in this instance, and so it would be fine. if it was a sparse population, a smaller population of ideas, generally and morally homogenous people you don't need lawn forces everybody agrees and how things should be, and if one person acts outwits crime, the entirety of the community takes action, but were not in that system anymore. Let me breakdown
whose and then we'll talk about more of the philosophical components here. But the simple with a simple point, I'm trying to say, is if we are seeing this across the board, all for the united states on and check google for this stuff. It's crazy how many stories in the past few days we have seen these, months over and over and over again what, pins in ten twenty years as these young people dont care about Paul his film themselves breaking the law and laugh about it. Do you think that, when their older they're going to abide by the law, no This is the markings. The makings of militia right now teenagers, stealing ipods, and you say: oh it's just teenager stealing ipads what happens when their twenty five thirty five is going to be ipads or is going to be property is it gonna, be these dudes coming together and being like bro. We can take that house a no to come and stop us. If we do look at Chaz chop if these teenagers decide they will around a private residence and kick the family out. Do you think police will stop?
they will not not? For now, yeah yeah yeah, I don't get me wrong right for now well. You will see police action. I mean we're seeing police try to stop this. How many cops want to be a cop with divine the police? How many cops want to be a cop? If you can't- even these people are, if you do, they get released right away and then what and when a hundred teenagers just occupy a city block Actually, kick anybody out like jazz chop already happened already happened now it up if it's in a residential area and the police are like we gonna do? What are we gonna do when the chest started in seattle? Businesses were under the governance of communist mobs and the police did nothing did nothing. so this is not something that far from the future. It's something happened happening literally right now and has already taken place autonomous zones in atlanta in seattle. Attempts in portland minnesota these things have already emerged entirely possible that
We restore order shore, but over the past decade, we ve only seen things escalate max renovation. Stark, warning sang hope, you're ready for comes next, because this is it It's an example of what we're going to see in two thousand twenty four here's the story, and let me give you the news: and then I'll give you some some some more breakdown: a group of groups of teenagers groups, more than one hundred people. This is from trip, damned outcome. The tribune Democrat groups of teenagers, sworn stores and fully central city on tuesday, stuffing plastic bags of merchandise and fleeing. Although police made several are. Authorities and witness has said, store, was hit around eight p m and police chased lean teenagers recovering dropped, iphones and piles of ipads at one spot more than one hundred people. Pierre to be teenagers little lulu lemon store, I'm busy ten report, it These posted on social media showed masked people in hoodies running to the store we get. The flash.
mobs, thou ransacking, followed it earlier peaceful protest over a judge's, tuesday d, to dismiss murder and other charges against to philadelphia officer who shot and killed the driver eddie irizarry through a rolled up window. yup, and that was wrong and that stuff shouldn't happen. The police line did you get out of the car and lunch that that's not what happened? Video proves it. So this is what happens. The police are not being held accountable and they should be and when they are not held accountable, the people say your system is illegitimate. The gun, may have an opposite have a monopoly on violence, but it comes with scrutiny and when the guy violates these things too long and and and too often- and they do you get social breakdown. As these young people begin to say, the police are meaningless to me because they are. You know these these young people, especially leftists, not all of them. Some of them are exploiting the crime but many of you, the police, is illegitimate. They say coming, how many innocent people have been killed by cops with no accountability
There was one story we we talked about where there a guy in jail in it. He was being her. He was arrested and detained and a cop grabs hadn't bashed it on the wall knocking out for what reason none like really no reason adopted this, and then the other officers lied about what happened to protect the cup. as soon as a story like that comes out just one story: these teenagers are then propagandizing and they say, despite the fact we understand, those cops are bad. There was no. Debility and so the young people say if they don't act within the law. Why any of us all you're saying: is it a competition now over whose willing to come up it. I was driving at my car the other day. and I was listening to April april, twenty six nineteen I need to make it the day that the date right,
I'm do amadou a fact check on this? I think that's what it was. It's the is the sublime song april, twenty six nineteen. Ninety two yeah. I got it right, April outside not ass wrong. It's April. Twenty, ninth- ah so close, inverted it there was a ride on the streets. Tell me where were you when you know about my life. You know the lyrics really great london, the song where he says they claimed it was for the black man. It was for the african, but not for the way man, that's that's a line in the song and then he actually kind of pull this up. This lyric is too good. seriously! Ok, let's see, let me see lazy first by we had, My liquor store, I finally got all the alcohol I can afford let's see. Where is it at all? Tell me where you persuade monarchy? Where do you think I got guitar that your hearing today, it's amazing when we returned to the pattern everything they said. It was a europe
it was for the black man as it was for the mexican and not for the white man? But if you look at the streets, it wasn't about rodney king. This act up situation. It is after police, it's about coming up and stay on top and screaming one eight seven on a mother s cup: it's not it's not enough, birds on the wall, national guards, but from all alura that's an amazing line. We hear what we see all these rights is that it's about justice, no, its! Not these people are explored and circumstance to quarrel. Quote come up and I've long said I've experienced. I want to watch this stuff bullets, about social breakdown and what what this means take. A look at this is a tweet from philly crime update. Although heavily fortified We are still try to break into this auto zone at broaden cumberland in philadelphia. Why an auto zone heavily fortified? Look at this fencing barbed wire on top. It's weird: why is auto zone. Doing this
right now knew and current customers can get any phone for free you s cellular, so you can connect with all your family members this holiday season. You can even call your aunt who always makes you talk to your cousin martens, a dog or you know, maybe just send her a festive text get the gift of connection at. U s, cellular get any phone free. Did I? U s cellular built for us terms, applied as the usa. Leona company tales, we value human connection with fewer distractions. U s cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. That's crazy! Isn't it because they know what's happening, they know it his social breakdown. We are more, this is is a video. This is one of the most shocking videos you can see right now, steve keeley fox apple store security can't hold door shut from crowd. One posted videos, philly police gathering, store Ipads and funds from apple stores have alarm going alarms going off off on them and message. It's been disabled, its being tracked so looters
smashing them. This is please return to apple. This device has been table that is being tracked, thieves, this message on just stolen iphones and I as loud beeping alarm sounds on them moments after they were taken over. of your store and many of them smashed. Look at this. That's the iphones actually do the stuff. You not shocking about this. Employees were in the store when this violent mob broken and ransacked and stole as much as they could social breakdown. There's, not a protest What this says is that people do not feel that the government has any authority over them and the government can do nothing to stop them, which is why I say civil war. We have a bunch of photos here, let me let me get some turned to a bit of E. They political points at grass and staying the presence and your love em liberals at cresty says what is wrong with people in philadelphia ass night, a bunch of people break into an apple store and take iphone fifteen's with sirens blaring. They run out only real
there being tracked what to do next to begin breaking all the phones they just took while being filmed by people with other iphones one. Such veto can be seen below some people just aren't very bright. Who do you blame it's a beautiful naivete, in my opinion, here's the here's, a tweet from MIKE serna, which philadelphia shows how bad it's going to get next year. I can't emphasised this enough and for my own karma, must continue nagging you people this is it the same country? You need to be prepared, this isn't the short term thing you can watch happen, you'll be an involuntary participant, that's right! So I watch this stuff. I see these videos and I'm like how many have you listened to me when I explained civil war, civil strife etc. Many of you probably dead. What did I say? Did I say that- and you all know this already, but basically did I say
Oh man, all the conservatives are gonna form paramilitary groups and then start marching down the streets with their with their weapons, goose, stepping and then the the santas or you know, Kristi noem they're, going to sign a declaration of this. I know what did I say. I said men across this country will stop viewing the government as legitimate because of the prosecution, the political persecutions and prosecutions. that the attacks made against donald trump and you will see militia militia not organised in the sense of someone, weren't camera. You will see seven guys coming out and blocking their street, and then we ll- Enforcement shows up, though, say you have no authority here. That's what I've been saying. This is what happens in most countries when a civil war begins. You begin to see me we'll have no faith that the government can actually uphold. any of the rules and any other social norms. This is a component of that from the liberal democrat perspective, if
the federal govern begins, arresting people over January six and ignoring the far left before the things it with firebombing the white house, what happens, then? Is conservatives start saying the governments They already do. They already are saying, abolish the fbi that is outright and they do not feel the f b. I acts legitimately a atheist that was kind of obvious, but what happens in cities right now, you're, seeing what the left does now. These people are more likely to be default lib in that they probably don't care too much about politics, but they've fallen that in in in that on that side, by virtue of being in a city the fact there smashing up buildings and everything and stealing shows name conservatives they're trying to come up but hold out what does that mean they're enriching themselves? That's what these attacks are there, not political, it doesn't need to be
political again, that people think civil war and it's just so stupid, like when bill Maher, was like what it was. His quote, something about the the mason dixon line would run through Nana's kitchen, or something like that. I dunno something like that. it doesn't have to be one. I'll, give you scenario philadelphia, here. It, riga, let limit. Let me do this. Here's a year's, Google. I google search lash, mob robbery, philadelphia obvious. why I sell flash mob robbery glenville five days ago, gucci hand, eggs camera rio fly, bar of philadelphia. Ok, we got there one california, flash Was that glenville, so we ve got glenville and a camera camera marilla, come a real knots and when we have this one a month California macy's Let's see four days ago, saint law store and is this is this california, so it looks like allay plague of mob robbery, cents, police scrambling
but we may have two or three different stories. Rightly what? When you pull it up two or three different instances of these flash mob robbers, but come on we know there happening all over the place. Eventually, as we see police resign and be defended, and this political ideology breaks down, you will see. People on the right act in a car bull inverse action, a yo see. take off your ear erika hearing on. Let me pull up, but this is something I yesterday morning, people in staten island are protestors. Non citizens being brought in to their to their homes to their neighborhoods The police arrest the locals, tell me that you think any one will believe and have confidence in government when the police lie about how they killed some dude deadness car. Now people are just like a cops are legitimate. right. The idea- and I was just don't get caught,
How is anyone can have faith in law enforcement when we have seen too many stories of cops lying nelson saying that a thousand unarmed black men are being killed every year. No, it was like nine between nine and thirteen and twenty nineteen, not let the problem. When people, these lie. They get away with it I'm in new york, I'm filming occupy wall street. The police falsely arrest a photographer, It was our buckle standing on the sidewalk taking pictures they. Finally, false police report, claiming that he was obstructing roadway. My video proof the police lied, did the off. sir, who live under oath, have any repercussions, none, ok, This system is lucky that people like you and I Still fight to maintain social order, knowing knowing almost any instance, any instance where a cop lies they get away with it. They do.
Now, I'm not saying all cops are bad, I'm saying in the instances where cops lie to cover up crimes. There is no accountability and you have bread this issue, teenagers kids. When I found that that was ten years ago, twelve years ago, just about twelve years ago, I film that so that that kid who sixteen was robbing that store he was for when I feel this dude being wrongly arrested. That's all of us and what do you think happens when this kid grows up and he's told yeah the police will arrest. You they'll lie about it and they'll get away with it and no one wall them accountable. I warned about this then, I warn about it today the more they protect bad cops who lie under oath and file. False police reports, the more they chip away at the confidence in the system.
you have now created a generation. You gave fuel to the far left extremists justifying their claims and have built a generation with no confidence in the system. This, yours ransacking. Do you think they can have confidence in the system and ten years, no, they won't only getting worse. Not only did you occupy wall street millennials, with no confidence in police wanted to fund them. You now, Genji and john alpha come to a world where the police are impotent? Not. Did they lie and get away with it on numerous occasions. They can't stop you when you act out or something Twenty twenty arrests yeah is that it's over hundred of a hundred people are loading these stores and their rest. Twenty. These kids are looking at being like good odds. All they see. With this looting.
Writing is factions. That is the breakdown. They don't see. Law enforcement, they don't fear law enforcement because they know they'll be let out they know the protesters will will strike. Wilt will strike against the politics in supporting the police, and the Democrats will pander to them for votes. They know that they have gained at a a commensurate amount of political power and physical force in this system was simplified. Far left vandals and extremists know for a fact that the government no longer has a monopoly on violence for when they fight bombed the white house, there were no repercussions, they have a monopoly on violence in their own respect. So what then happens? How does this break down into revolution or civil war revolution in the sense that rogue political factions and random people
Just destroying and ransacking and it's getting worse and worse every day, and it's been good wars of the past several years now get? Maybe it stops Maybe it all ends right here today is the last I met how many times have. I said that, and then this happens this in he was, I think, one of the worst we ve seen in terms of flash mob violence. They don't care with the cops think at all. just running around ransacking eluding stuff? We see this stuff before, but yeah it's getting worse. We have new, restores every day a flash mobs ransacking its conspiracy, but they dont care and they're, not gonna. Stop, because you can't arrest them all. Would conservatives do man, you know what not honestly it's not even about conservatives. It's about regular people. We saw this in Twenty a video of a couple guys and a few women standing at the edge of their block with rifles and some and and some armor.
neighbourhood watch. They had been riding and destroying everything, and so the people who lived your came out with guns. That's it. You saw them. If we sought with miss bond mcclosky in saint louis, they broke into a private neighbourhood, smashing the fence, open and mcclosky came out on their own property, brandishing firearms. They got criminally charged. Mcclosky did, while at saint louis you break into private property. the whole thing was private and you are not allowed to prepare yourself to defend your life. They said why were they pointing guns, these people walk out. Ok, you know maybe a little of the top, but what am I to say if you come onto my private property, why Is it incumbent upon me the victim of your aggression, to wait and see Whether or not you intend to kill me. I don't. I don't agree with that. So
the target I talked about where I have a video coming out that it's for friday, I think where the sky was firing, pellet guns at these dudes the dudes beat them that they fought him and then the dude died. And as this big story, ethan liming a belief and the response I posted on twitter was If people were defending or liming and they were like, it was just a water gun and I'm like it was called up. A pellet gun with soft gel pellets, meaning like akin to paint balls and, more importantly, I'm like dude, I don't care if it's a squirt gun. It is not incumbent upon me to figure out if you are trying to spray me down with bleach or acid, or anything like that, somebody's walking down the street and have a cup of liquid and they go to splash you in the face? Do you have a right to defend yourself? You bet you do there that acid attacks? How do we know what happens to these people in the uk when they go to the women of this flasher
Should someone with a squirt gun aiming at you to spray? You should we say: well, it could be water. So therefore, I what protect myself no way if you attack someone for any reason it is not the victims, fault or incumbent upon the victim to wait and figure out how much damage you seek to inflict upon them. Don't attack people. When my point is this We're getting now to the point where you're going to see locals, like we have in this video they're going to snap the regular people who want to be left alone. That's when the system breaks down.
we talked about this last night with Carl Benjamin. He says the people who want to be left alone can't win a war and I'm like right, but there are more people who want to be left alone and when you refuse to leave them alone, they go nuts. Here's what I think in twenty twenty. I met many people who said, I cannot vote for donald trump. I just want it to stop. I wonder if you've seen this the the idea that these people had was that trump was the cause of civil strife that, because of trump we were in this conflict and it needed to stop, and if trump just goes away, we could go back to normal. They are wrong. Of course, trump was the avatar of the outrage, not the cause of it. So what happens? Trump is ousted, and these people think now we can go back to normal.
Sorry about that, that's not true the ransacking, the riding the violence has only got worse and substantially worse. They thought all of this craziness will end once trump has just gone, but now it's tenfold now they're, not just in teaching the prison. Now there indicting m ordering the dissolution of his businesses. It is getting worse, every single day time travel test. If I would
back in time, seven years and sad that not only would they have indicted trump on ninety one counts, not only with thousands of people have have co. I should save a few hundred storm the capital with one thousand entering from various locations and with with many seeking to disrupt the electoral college vote, count not saying everyone, Donald trump's businesses, the trump organization, be ordered dissolved by a new york. Judge Yup, that's that's the breaking news. We'll talk about a minute in the next segment, nobody would believe it. A judge, ordered the trump organization dissolved, trump's empire, trump's business. The trump organization that saved me arctic gone in an instant on a summary judgment. This is civil war. What yet let yesterday as we are,
waiting for the show karl says: what's this a judge just ordered the trump organization dissolved, and I was like what? No, no, no, no, no they're calling it the corporate death penalty for what reason I'll get into more than the next segment, because this one is crazy. What you are saying right now is unsustainable and I don't see how its repaired call me crazy. Call me wrong. I don't care man, I got my chickens, we got our emergency food, we got our plans. Did you expect new york city to bust non citizens into your neighborhood and then arrest? You did you expect to see a residential neighbourhood? Have on citizens, boston paid for by the federal government to be given shelter, and your committee and jobs to work under the table and special protected status. Did you ever expected to happen and then, when locals, come too Just the police arrest the locals,
u s, citizens being arrested in new york for saying you can't bring these people here? You think that social order These people are already these are regular people who don't protest, fighting cops. Let me repeat that for you, regular people who don't protest and why be left alone and voted against trump, not all of them at staten island. I get it. Many of them voted for trump, but majority. They are voting for Joe Biden thinking. If, just goes away it all stops, and then the pole he came in spit in your face, figured out brought non citizens to your committee, straining your resources and laughed with a smile on their face cackle, unlike the joker as they arrested you? No one saw that coming this system. Is sustainable. Regular people in these neighborhoods are going. I'm sorry,
I was gonna, say they're going to start pushing back there already. It worries me when the regular working class dude in urban liberal areas protest to the police, it's not surprising when the far left does it this. This freaks me out the police, then arrest them. What do you think these guys are going to say they're going to say guys? The cops are here to shut you down and defend non citizens. I think one of the things we start to see is: people stop paying taxes? No question? No doubt there have already been people making making democracy huge pushes for tax strikes and things like that. That's during and very danged me that's what the system stops completely people stop paying. Taxes are like six, seventeen sixty four call it. What you know whatever, if police are siding with non citizens? Why?
Would someone want to fund the police? Weapons of the police are under funded unfunded? Well, then, you get violent riots, then what social order is breaking down, I don't wanna times, I need to say it, but here we are once again with two big stories pertaining to social decay, for sure. Tell me that you think it stops here I'm all ears tell me that you think no! No! No! No! Luck! Luck! You know this stuff's going to chill out youth. You think it's a twenty twenty three! action cycle is only just beginning. You think things get Colmar by all means are allowed to make the mockery Claim I'm crazy and it's over hype than in a lever happen. Sure what I'm telling you is this: the police are protecting non citizens, federal law enforcement are opening the gates, letting them and they are giving a.
Million plus dollars of your tax dollars in new york to non citizens. While you struggle for work and struggling economy, these immigrants are being given jobs and special protected status. Do you think a regular working class guy is going sit back and watch his businesses be ransacked and loaded neighborhoods be destroyed. All why? police protect the criminals and they do look. I know twenty people got arrested and fully, but In the far left, extremists firebomb, the white house, I'm not kidding it's not an exaggeration, they were lobbying fire bombs. They set fire to a guard but
the white house property trying to tear down the barricades they did tear down the barricades saint John church, the historic presidential church was, was set ablaze. Fortunately, the fire was put out and what happens it? Just it just keeps happening. The far left keeps it keeps keeps their their push against police and police with smiles on their faces, arrest, trumped supporters. What these these staten island people do to get arrested pro tested non citizens in their neighborhood people, not from this country, are coming into your neighborhood, protected by the government paid for by the government. You think the citizens of this country are going to have confidence in the government that that does that. I Don'T- and I think I'm I mean again- they literally already showed they don't fighting against the cops who are protecting them at what point do locals just say, we have been betrayed
what the police were doing in staten island. Protecting these illegal immigrants is sedition, acting in it to protect foreign nash. was illegally entering this country, in violation of our laws, siding with them over the citizens of this neighbourhood. It can be said a million ways. The police seeing non citizens come into a neighbourhood with demands to take resources. Sided with the non citizens over the citizens and of story the citizens, got mad. Those who pay the bills who live in the area and strive to protect their homes were attacked by police. Protecting foreign nationals. Tell me you think that this stabilizes, I hope I wish I pray
I gotta, tell you man, I'd love to just sit around I'd love to order pizza watch. The game hang out with my buddies, make skate videos with skate the other day from the bunch of clips, really really fun stuff. I'd love to just do all that. This freaks me out, and then I get people telling me tim. You shouldn't talk about this because it may things worse. I'm like this that there is a moral philosophy that I dont care. Foreign applies not to me my view. As such I have opinions. I talk about those opinions. What what is happening? I will I will talk about how I feel what I think is happening, that's it, and if so,
This idea that I, as someone in the media with the following, should lie obvious gate and try and calm things down, I'm not a leader, I'm not a politician. I am not here to tell people to do too to make people do what I think they should do. I am not someone who believes that I am so smart and so correct all the time that my that I should tell people lies so that they live the way I want them to live up to what I do. I see things and then I talk about what I think about them and I had to say everybody, but I got a lot of things wrong. I always do course, because predictions are difficult. Scary thing is on and on and on the core
I've been right about too much. That is particularly worrisome eye when schreyer, I've always like wholly crap tim was right, I know, but how could I have been wrong? It's not like I'm making a grand prediction. What did I say after the J sixers trump and his lawyer, the next target will be media personalities that work Speaking in support of january sex, and what do we get, we get the halfway I'm sure. You're was there on the capital grounds, but they got that the prosecutors, the federal level we, did him sentenced to prison and he was sent to prison for his speech, and I said that's what I'll do I'll win, shorter and media personal here we go next up is going to be someone who maybe didn't go in the capital but was inciting we'll see how far it goes and how fast it goes. It may stop with Owen shroyer. He was
He was there. Ah, he wasn't in the building or anything like that. He was at a permanent rally. I think they're going to go after people who weren't even in DC, who are maybe even like in iowa or something but made videos rallying people and encouraging this. That people said some bombastic stuff. Twenty twenty four is around the corner: you're, going to see a whole lot of crazy accusations made against people you're going to see de banking, it's going to get bad, it's going to get crazy because a nobody backing down, but I hope you understand this. My friends, the big news last night was that a judge
unilaterally and summarily ordered trump's businesses? Shuttered dissolved, summary judgment. That means he has banged the gavel and said it is so you think, with the ground level, conflict and chaos and the high level corruption it just stops here. Alright, I hope, but you do a lot of people hear this and they think that it means.
belt the end is nigh or I'm not saying that I think culturally we're winning this and all the left is doing, and all the chaos means is that there will be a resurgence. I think right now the data shows trump is going to win. I think he does, and I think this turns things around the night is always darkest before the dawn, so I hope your prof prepared for a wild and psychotic twenty twenty four. But I think if we carry on the current trend, we are and things could change, Donald trump wins and then things will be very different, but I dunno look man. I dunno, you believe what you believe, I'm just showing you what's going on right now, I'll leave it. There Next I met this coming up at one p m in the channel, thanks bring it out and I'll see you owe them. The investigation into Joe Biden over classified documents is expanding and Why would they do this? Why would it is well it's because they want to get Joe by. Out of the rice. I'm sorry did. I know there are people, people that I like and trust
respect who are saying no, no you're wrong. It's click bait, Joe Biden, is be the nominee and, unlike that's crazy, that's crazy. Ok, Joe Biden do not believe will be the nominee I mean, He is he's running now. There's talks about them, rats challenging him, but I can't see it why. Why would the unit party facing donald trump, who they so desperately despise? Why They run Joe Biden bodyguard Joe Biden has a budget of her ways and it maybe this documents see this documents, prob accomplishes two things one, it will remove Joe Biden from the race le harris, may then say something the effect of look. I was in this too, to work with Joe Biden and I think it's only appropriate that a new team step and if that's the case or there's another way to get rid of common areas in terms of twenty four may have a primary. New some winds and then says I choosing, a different vp.
Yeah, maybe there's political turmoil and maybe there's complaints. But Biden cannot win the other thing accomplished by this probe. They say we're not biased. We went up against trump and Joe Biden come on. Don't you get it. So when Donald trump gets charged on the documents which already has been they say: What we're doing the same thing you Joe Biden, you can't use that as a talking point against us. We went after him all the same. Are you really matters anyway? I feel like the growing political division in this country? You basically have to parent factions? One faction, the trump. Freedom fashioned, libertarian, post liberals all these people, not all the big trump supporters, either are basically saying we think you're, all liars. You know and we dont trust anything you do for any reason. Neither side just basically says you ve, probably law. in two but will do whatever you say. Please don't hurt me, that's the gist of it. Here's this, from a b c news. They say the federal instigation into president Joe Biden. Handling of classified documents prior to becoming president has gone,
into a sprawling examination of obama, era, security protocols and internal whitehouse processes. With investigators so far interviewing scores of witnesses, including secretary of state, Anthony blinkin, sore is familiar with the investigation, told ABC news federal process. An fbi agents from the special council Robert hers office, have been interviewing since for nearly nine months targeting an expansive. constellation of former aids from high advise advisers to executive assistance, and at least one white house attorney. Several sources estimated that as many as hundred witnesses have already been interviewed with interviews condemn it as recently as last week and so witnesses asked to return for, follow up interviews sources who will pay and for some of the interviews, including witnesses, told bc news that authorities had apparently uncovered instances of carelessness from buttons vice presidency, but that based on what was said in interviews, it seemed that seemed to them at the improper removal
classified documents from buttons office when he left the. Why doesn't one seventeen was more Finally, a mistake that are coming to combat criminal act. Ok, ok, so you don't make no mistake. Maybe it'll go anywhere with us. Nevertheless, The special council has reached no final determinations station is ongoing. january shortly after news for news first surface that classified documents. Been founded, a personal office used by Biden after his vice presidency. Blinkin, the long time aid to Biden said he and button. Both surprised to learn that there were any government records taken- is unclear what blink and told her team for I staked special council investigation into a sitting president her as but in largely under the radar. Since a point In january the voting time, and of media attention and media scrutiny of special council Jack Smith's probes into former president donald trump. I mean that is indicative of the system. Isn't it Joe Biden is under investigation and the media to talk about it,
Abc news learn from sources that hers team has cast a wide nat gathering documents dating back to the early days, the obama admin and drilling into quest. And so the task of securely updating the vice president on high these sensitive matters investing, have shown witnesses, email chains dating back to at least twenty tonnes and asked for context about those exchanges sources. witnesses have also been pressed about the use of cabinets and safes sources said it has been publicly reply. That investigators reached for documents dating back to buttons tenure in the senate. Dude I'm simon, their dig digging up dirt, ok, but this is the existing current federal government so call in whatever you want. I got a simple one for you, I dunno civil war or something cause. I'm sure what they're going to argue is that these are. These are trump supporting members of the government going after Joe Biden and sure fine, whatever man believe whatever it is. You want to believe.
The reality? Is Joe Biden is being knocked out of the race, I am not saying definitive. I'm saying these moves are bad for him and could open the door to a new some victory bigger predicted, Gavin museums at eighteen sense, who will win the twenty twenty four democratic presidential nomination, Joe, but as a favorite, Donald trump is doing better. I think I have our trump tribe is yours wendy, two cents, Nikki haley's at nine vacant, nine rhonda santos in fourth place: oh man, talk about just man talk about a crash at so brutal, so brutal, it's a bummer, but here's what I'm thinking Look at these articles right, here's one from July, eighth, what is the optimal time for bite into drop, out of the race really as if it's a foregone conclusion, here's one from the guardian biographer says it wouldn't be. A total shock of biting drops out of the town,
twenty four race and then we have this from they'll pardon hunter and drop out. How biting can spare his party, his family and his image? Sure, maybe that's the path, I think I think it's not gonna be Joe Biden. It I think, given newsome. Is these smarmy used car salesman? Who would fare better than most michelle, obama probably would do very well, but the issue is everyone's basing the shall obama assumption off of a few things, one that she wants to run and to that she actually has the v. I want to say x, factor rico, weird, and you expect us kind of a cop out. What I mean is she needs confidence, charisma and wit. Does she have those things? We know that she's popular among Democrats, but I dont know if she's gonna be handled debating or public speaking to the great degree that mean obama could so she might just be like
do it? The speculation is based offer image based off of her celebrity raving that she could be a good candidate, but given newsome while he doesn't know policies. He certainly has the wit and the charisma more so than many other people who may be running so here's here's my ear, my thoughts, men, look there they're gonna, deep investigation into Joe Biden right now, predicted mark has Joe Biden when it forty three cents trumpet thirty seven but gavin newsome at fourteen and they it's funny that Rhonda santa's in fourth place, despite losing the Nicky Hayley and vague promise rami in the geo, p presidential primary predictions, something doesn't add up there, but gave a nuisance right there. given this I'm gonna be debating rhonda santas. Why. Neither I mean whatever: maybe it made sense, year ago and ran his head was actually doing well, but I just don't see it Rhonda santa's has done too much damage to himself in his campaign, but maybe
The idea is that trump and Biden are both not going to be in the race. Who knows who knows man right now. You got two very old people. if our trump and Biden trump is seemingly spry and running and winning in all the poles by ms not- So what happens for some reason or other Biden is gonna, be? Is that he's not he's gonna drop out or be removed? I think it's. I think it's him dropping out, because we Were they end up getting on em we're doing term it results in Joe Biden, saying I'm stepping down something like that. It's possible. I agree Joe Biden will be the nominee, but it just seems too far fetched because if they run, bite, and it sounds like they're saying we want to lose for real at this point. If the Democrats run Joe Biden, I It seems the simple answer: is they dont want to win and I whom they want to win. the first time they ran Biden, sure many of us I thought he couldn't when it's crazy, but I must
how did I discounted the anti election right that people were just voting against firms? Are there really matter who they are? so they decided to use someone who is more disposable, someone older, which stands to reason why Joe Biden will not be the nominee and what may happen is not likely. Primary, but for some reason or another Joe Biden, steps down- and he says They make it. They could do something like the documents case comes out. Biden come. Out and then says something the effect of you're. The law states that if your found you know guilty of this documents thing, and yet to do this, that you can't run for office, and he says I respect this constitution. I regret the actions that I took it was a genuine mistake, but the law is the law and we stand for the law, so I will be stepping down and allowing someone someone else to take up the mantle and lead this great nation there's a bunch of ways. You could do it they could just remove them and be like nope, you're out and biting could be like well, you know what am I going to do about it or Biden could say we fought a good fight. But for me
perhaps it's time to realise that a bit too old and smile and a laugh and obey what does it mean not capable because as many people. pander to the older crowd and say, but the task had is gonna be difficult, and so we someone younger blah blah blah gavin newsome steps it. and the council's just out of the picture, the media stops talking about her and that's it was like how is she going to get of how she going to go if Biden's removed? What I'll call milan? It's like dude she'll just disappear. That doesn't need to be a big public statement. She could literally just not do press, but I really really it's going to be a wild year with violence with chaos. I think probability stands based on my view. Everything I've seen that Joe Biden will not be the democratic germany they are. They are panicking in desperation, to get him to build a stand up straight
Why would they run him unless they wanted him to lose? Ok, fair point? Perhaps they really want donald trump to win for some reason I don't buy that here. So it seems to me it ain't going be Joe Biden, we'll see I'll leave their necks next coming up at six p on this channel, thanks rang out and I'll see you all them. Recently until cast iron. Well, we were hanging out with Andy. No andy no asked if he thought it was wrong that people Right will refer to those on the left in their entirety as communists or marxists. His point was The left calls upon the right fascists, and so one of the richest calls them communists and it's wrong to do so. I argued, I said, no andy, I disagree. It is correct to call them communists. I have data to back this up. You see my point was as such. The left will call literally every one on the right fascists despite the court and quote culture war right being ideologically diverse
that is people who are associate. The right could be liberal in the true sense, social, liberal, traditional liberal, classical liberal. These all mean things they could be posed. Liberal, they could be actually fairly left as an economic policy but be very anti war. Anti establishment, if you're somewhere Jimmy Dore, for instance, who is a socialist for the most part? I think he self identifies I'm not trying to drag him im a fan of Jimmy's right, but he's anti establishment cause of the war machine, and we agree on the corruption of the unit party democrats, republicans. But we are all right wing. It can be pro choice. You can be pro life, you can be pro progressive taxi, be pro flat tax, doesn't matter you're right wing. So you have this disparate group of people who are anti establishment, all called fascist that
incorrect on the right. However, you have the correct assessment that whether or not these people's self identify as communists they vote and support the same thing now, of course, the left makes that argument about the right. They say yes, see you're you're, not you're saying you're, not a fascist, but you're supporting fascism, incorrect, liberty, libertarians that are called fascists, hate, Donald trump, with a passion and are accused of having trumped arrangement syndrome. We identify these situations when they arise, but you end up progressive leftists who are socialist and whether or not just liberal, but they will, regardless of Joe Biden, actually get behind the policies and defend them for their policies. I will give you an example:
Kaliko linsky he's gotten me it today and yesterday he really went off in such a way that I find to be horrifying and evidence, at least in this one instance is an example of what I'm trying to say calculus linsky said the original press conference from the new york attorney general lang. Other details of the fraud case against tromp was overwhelming. Anybody who thinks that they witch hunt is either totally ignorant of the facts. Lying or restful cult, brain to which Karl bench I said I tweeted response, is what we are up against no trial needed judge just decide because the government said so in a press conference, I'm actually super that kyle supports rule by decree in summary judgments without trials. The new york times reported that the judge effectively deciding there was no trial needed to determine that trump had committed. Fraud that his organizations should be dissolved. Kyle made several com
it's about the value of moral logo as have many on the left and they're just lies they're wrong and that's crazy to me. You don't want a guest ira where appropriate, we're not geniuses, we're just people, and we have very different idea and I'm often wrong, guests are often wrong. We try to be right and our audience. They watched their comment and sometimes correct us, but you will find arguments. For instance, Carl Benjamin and I fiercely debated the death penalty. We did not agree. We are ideologically opposed. I oppose the death penalty will never be convinced to support it's alright to have a nice day And people make assumptions about what my views are, because there is a predominant anti death penalty in a dominant protest penalty. So now these arguments exist and we debate them. how can this be doesn't understand how property values work? Many people are tweeting that trump over inflated the value of his property defrauding his lenders, which is a lie. Why anybody who has brought property knows that the banks have that they order
third party appraisal, the appraisal that determines the value and if the values not correct than it, you're you're alone is no good, plus there's inspection. periods as a whole bunch of progress that there's there are brokers that represent each and sometimes both in his disclosures for all this abuse harmed. But the point here not so much to readjust rarity covered, but point out calculates he is a communist. Now look What I mean to say here is called he has leftist political views and ideologies pertaining to how we distribute resources, and he also believes and authoritarian rule by decree, as so long as the government says. So that is in essence, communism Private, fair to say, and you Andy is correct and that its a bit of a umbrella, but we're talk about a group of ideologies pertaining to class based class based views are critical, critical class theory, gender theory and race theory for which calculate ski would fall under combined with.
thought authoritarian rule by decree. This is it indentation of communism in all of it's forms had as it as it has existed at all? I'm sorry, I should say, as they tried to make it exist. Carl Benjamin said it's just like you said man, they all become communists in the end, and I have the data. I know I'll pull up graph in the second much of it's response. It's a race for power now in the interest of self preservation. Even libertarian, so called must accept this. Take power or be prepared for show trials for everyone. Trump is only their test case. Everyone else is next. This is the point, fine called cock. skin authoritarian. He sang because the attorney general gave a press conference, its overwhelming and no end. If you disagree or in a cult, ok, I think trot may have committed crimes for sure. I think there's be a trial? Oh wait! I'm sorry! This is not a criminal case. I think trump may have lied or something fine. There should be a trial and an opportunity for his team to make their defense. Ah
However, calculus case now in support of a judge, sanctioning lawyers, not to mention all the people on the left, who support the prosecution of trumps legal team, Jenna Alice. No reason to be charged in the charging documents in georgia, she's charged on counts, one into which were basically just being part of a conspiracy literally because the lawyer she's part of a conspiracy what'd, you do, she offered trouble legal advice. Yes, this is insanity, call it authoritarianism. Fine, I say when you combine critical theory with authoritarianism. You are talking about a facet of form. Of communism and I think, it's fair to say their communists. They are libertarians, they are not. Things like we wanna be hippies on a farm. There are not saying I We should share resources and have community ownership, but we need to have up the issue of the rights of the No they're saying out right: it doesn't matter. The lady gave up s conference, that's enough! You're gonna call, if you dont degree, while its
What is it about me? My budget has never If you disagree with me, you're in a cult my position is is is If you blindly marching lockstep regardless of the dense, you're, occult as more to it than that I referred to. called because I don't know, there's videos of them sitting around their hands up chanting and things like that. your data, but twenty sixteen electorate, red is trump blue, is Clinton this is a dual axioms graph showing the social and identity dimension as well as the economic dimension. What you find is that the people who vote for tromp are, I guess, if you were to find the bulk of it centrists, that's right. Are they far right there not actually forward economically. Ah, they are opposed to the social and identity views of locus unsurprising. They oppose the cult, see take a look at this
You have actual communists, voting for donald trump, I'm not getting on economic dimension. You actually have several people who are super far left, who are in the trump camp. Why? I don't know I would probably fall here in the slightly left of centre economic position, but away from social identity, dimension, problem all the way up to the do that to the far end but closer to the metal. What you see for Hillary Clinton on this graph is that the bulk of clinton- our clustered in one space as far left and as well as possible? That's why we say communists. It is not correct. to assess the desperate economic use and different views on on on race and social identity. because you actually have even among trump voters are our from zero to one.
It goes from one to negative one, so you have centre. Will it's it's me: sleep point, seven, five to one basically, trump trope voters are opposed to social identity issues in the way that Democrats are in favour of them. But you can see that Many of the trunk voters, large a large portion are still somewhat in agreement on many of these issues for the left to refer to all of these people, as in occult, despite the fact that their actually centre economically and not even absolutely opposed to weakness its incorrect you, people who are economic left us you can see on the left now among the democratic Or do you have people on the right a spam? of some their moderately on the right economically moderately, I'm saying outright tromp, as voters who are as far left as possible and even a few points that that reach out into the far right does economics, not social issues, trump voters. There are even some
fascists down here by the way tromp, even as voters who overlap with democrats to be democrats, also our voters that overlap with drop. Of course that's the case, because I'm not talking about absolutes. My point is this: well it is. If you look at it, you can see to bulks. You can see that Democrats, shout into a similar space away for identity issues. We know this to be true: the core, the largest voting block for democrats and twenty sixteen was as far left and as far as as possible, whereas trumps base was actually much wider in terms of economics but opposing weakness. My point yes in the simplest of terms. It is silly to refer to literally every single, let us as a communist. The problem we have is that go to any democrat and ask them what is a woman now denying us into the time they will say. Why? Are you asking? What's your definition, I mean these definitions. Don't make sense if we get it you're in a cult
to the average person who is considered right and you will get deep criticism, Donald trump, you will get deep support for Donald you will get a lot of our concern. Overcomes foreign policy in a lot of support for its foreign policy. Now understand. There are many democrats that could provide something similar, but what I am talking about is the generality and an inversion. What I'm saying is typically among the court and quote right, as exemplified by two. cast I, or rather we have hippy dippy and who doesn't really fall anywhere? He's not conservative. He's not sir liberal, but he's probably more liberal than conservative. We have some people who are deeply conservative. Some who are just libertarian fill a bounty, for instance, is mostly just libertarian liquid koski frequent guest rags on trump all the time, but this is the
in court right. When we bring on high profile personalities on the left, they tend to all marching lockstep. They agree, they dont give interviews, they avoid of these hard conversations. They tend to just parrot whatever it is. The machine is saying, even if its content How is it that they say temple used to be a liberal, but always right? Well, it's because the left went nuts right, so I if something like war, is bad and they go yes. War is bad. Ten years later, we're at war in ukraine, and I'm like what war is bad and they go you're a russian propagandist and far right. That's my point. think this graph sums up. Basically what I'm trying to say it is a general to call out one of the left, a communist, but to be fair to ending those points where I'm not saying that anyone you ever me to the left will be a communist. I saying, however, many of these people refused to speak up, refused to speak out to challenge what is overt communism, which,
is progressive values beaten into people with it with with authoritarianism. That's that's how I am describing it this distribution of wealth by force and decree by government that is attending. Among the left and I think, to see how kalinowski espousing this shows it. Calculus guy, who once defended Sargon of cod and sad now, come on sub sup, insulting armies and he's not a bad guy, and I like to call for that. But to see these come out and just start doubling down on rule by decree. Five, call them whenever you want. Maybe it's not communism. I just think if there are torrent, authoritarian progressives, we call him communists. They believe in critical theory, com, communists call. What ever you want: neo markham neo communism, authoritarianism, fine, whatever the point is same. It is an authoritarian cult, that's what it is, but tromp supporters, please if you could only get them to agree on things. Certainly trump passes core base that believe crazy things. That's true
but that's the minority and that's what I mean by a generality and inversion it is the minority of people on the right who are cultivates for trump. It is most people on the right who actually argue about it all the time, and that is what the left to find the right wing It is the majority of people on the left who march in lockstep behind ideas with no logic behind them. Ultimately, what you'll find if you're on the left, they'll say the same about the right. If you're on the right, they'll say the same about the left: okay, but donald trump did not
at the military donald trump did not mercilessly beat arrest and hunt down antifa. He didn't do any of these things. Donald trump didn't actually go after Hillary Clinton. Some say he should have. The left is doing all these things. Donald trump didn't republicans, aren't prosecuting democrats. Ah, nobody republicans didn't go after hunter Biden. They could have they didn't it amazing. Isn't it that's my point. I think I mostly just upset to see what calculus keys become, because it's a shockingly an authoritarian stance for him to take, and it is what it is. This is what we're up against I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up to night at pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all then, another day, another viral video this one showing several fathers who don't know the birthdays of their children. Dont know the schools that
don't go to dont know who their teachers are and don't even know the color of their children's eyes too sad state of affairs on a play this clip for you and then talk out the saddam in gomorrah suffocation of this country. Just another example: you're ready. Let's play what is your sons birthday now? That's a good one. Got a really good one cause. I don't know really are no download. I do consider you guys pretty close now. What is your daughter's favourite subject in school social study. Sandra now. What great is your daughter going into nice green? What's the name of your daughter's school, the ash creek just to drink, something creek What color are your
waters eyes brown ride with food. That is incorrect. I have a brown eyed daughter, though, what is your daughter's birthday May seventy north, I don't know, I hear your daughter's teachers jones, no, mrs more There's no more! I was my own ventures schoolteacher What are they doing? Can you name their teachers course? I can What are your daughter's birthdays? Why do you do this to me? I give up gases
and yesterday on her birthday was yesterday yesterday, yes, can you name the best friend of each of your daughters might have gotten mineral? Has he may not know how the mighty can you give us the name of their doctor by the name of their dentist games? What are your daughters have birthdays. made twenty eight thousand nine while so to be fair. Ah I say, first and foremost, they only show one mother. They ask several men and the men get it wrong. They show one mother who just gets it all right, but I'm
they were men, they interviewed who got things right as well. However, my comment here is my commentary here is that this exists at all. You dont know whose teaching your kids, you dont know the name of their. cool you dont know their birthdays. This is what I mean by these saddam and mortification of this country, but a lot of peace. I have sat in a much more bombastic way because, oh man, the looting. Insidious! Behavior! That's taken off woof! I saw one video that was apparently a claim to have been from not knott's berry, farm or whatever, and it was like people doing. It was a sex show on stage and I'm just like. I don't know real, but I kind of believe it- and this is what's happening- what's happening? Is these guys don't know anything about their kids? Why well don't care? I'm sorry,
Don't give that to me, don't come to me and say: don't don't you say I don't care bro. If you don't know your kid's birthday, okay, fine, fine, okay, fair point! If you don't know your kid's birthday, it slips your mind. It's not something you think about every single time. That one, but the dude who didn't know his daughters birthday was the previous day they dont care. Now here's ragged serious. What's the name of your child's teacher? Do you not know Oh, ok, I'm sorry look! I know I've always goes. You have kids together have get them. I did you dont know whose teaching your kid Why do you think it is that people's children are turning into two to pin cared communists because they don't know anything about the school They don't know the name of the school and they don't know the teachers, I'm not saying it's everybody, I'm saying it shouldn't happen at all. What are these guys doing every day that they don't know these things about their children? I certainly believe that many of these people deeply care about their children, obviously, but it really does make you wonder.
Why this video is going viral? I mean how many video he has got three point: five million views, and that's just on this one clip this thing: I've seen shared around by a bunch different accounts. It's got probably ten plus million. My question for these guys. What do you do all day that you don't know the color of your daughter's eyes? what are you doing with your daughter, walking down the street right now and you dont look at her eyes and you don't know the color, that's crazy to me now. Look I mean. Maybe some people got better memories than than other people. I know the the the I I know the eye color of most of the people that I talked to and work with and like that's, not even something I can
we're about sma family members yeah. I could describe them in great detail and all their birthdays, it's crazy to me to think that a person wouldn't know the birthday of their child. So what happens as these parents detached from their children? Probably the plan. If we, if we consider this a component of the great of the march, what is it the great march through the institutions, you have the the effort to separate the child from the parent we're seeing this now in schools where they're saying children should be liberated from their parents? It's insane, but it is an effort of communism to separate a child from their traditional values and from their parents, and parents seem to be totally fine with it, send the kids off to school and don't think about it. Why have kids? That's great apes,
It's nuts to me, so the children grow up, knowing their parents, don't care, don't know anything about them and they appear to be just some kind of arbitrary authority. Above them, they don't know their birthdays, they don't know their schools. These kids are just like my dad. Doesn't care. Do you think these kids hearing this are thinking to themselves? My dad loves and cares about me or do you or do you think, they're thinking like yeah, my dad doesn't care because I'll tell you this. I'm willing to bet these kids when they go hang out with their friends and family they're, saying thing or arms are with their friends and their. his family, their size of, like my dad, doesn't care anyway. Who cares? Let's go party, but won't your dad get mad. Your grudge, mighty doesn't care at all is to my left yup. You said your kids to a school, where you effectively ignore them eight hours a day and then expect your kids to be. Like my parents care deeply about me, the modern schooling system is busted. Now get me wrong. If your apparent you know your teachers, you know your kids teachers, you know the school there.
two to specialty school? You drop em off, you say you know, tell miss zone so there's at high and then we'll pick you up after school there, a lot of parents that are sending kids a public schools that do care about. our kids, but the problem is with society have begun to use school as a day care and set of actually taking responsibility for our kids. Why easier? reality? Do you want to work on a farm all day harder? You have you, you start your target infection. You'd die. Life was rough back then, and the work we did was close with our family in our kids. Did work with us to help us survive but now we have technology and it's like listen. If you go to school and the school looks after you for eight hours, I can work, make ten times the money and then we live like kings. That's the reality! I go out to eat at a burger. Restaurant come on mcdonalds. A king four hundred years ago did not eat so well. I'm not kidding
The fact that you can get a chicken sandwich with french fries and specialty sauces all I know the preserves or battle itself sure, but in terms of the the variety how about this? A local thai food restaurant, the fact that you can go in or an asian fusion and you can get orange chicken- I mean wow kings- is not live so well, so we mean we make the sacrifices for these luxuries Is it worth it? Look, I'm sorry, I don't know, but some people are gonna say society would not permit. There is a circumstance working to bring my kid? The work totally get my argument as we need to to shift this culture and allow children to be with their parents and learn from their parents, for what purpose. Did you learn about? I dunno like cellular, mitosis or something supplying us play poker, and I like when was the last time, mitosis came up in your daily activities, everyone laughed and I was like so why did we send you to school to learn something that doesn't matter serious question? Why
we teach you about the practical realities of living and they its final teach kids basic stuff about geller biology or whatever, but it's not relevant. Does violent expansion and six of the human race. Where we are now kids, who think their parents don't care and are being raised by other kids, an important point that I thank you all parents need to hear and understand. Who does your child become Well, you may notice, when you have kids, your kids imitate you. They love to imitate you, because if the kids do they're learning they're trying to figure out how to be proper human adults, what happens if you send your kid to school? Is your kid learning to be like the teacher? no kids hate teachers and there is no respect among their peer group for teachers for the most part and the kids who work with the teacher are are insulted for it. What ends up happening I'll, tell you, kids, learn from kids and that creates fun.
sure generations. It creates the millennial, woke problem instead of learning from an adult or grandfather who fawn worldwide Millennials went to school and learn from other millennials, that's like making a copy of a copy you're going to get some broken and fractured world view, because the parents weren't there to provide proper, proper guidance. Now that the truth is many of these millennials were actually, given a certain degree of guidance me. I was home schooled. Maybe that's why I'm lucky home schooled before kindergarten from a very, very, very early age and was learning basic rate reading and writing well before kindergarten and math and long division implications before Canada, and then we did a correspondence thing for high school, which is mostly self learning, but I worked the family business and learned a lot from my family. I see, lot of people just go to school and their parents give them very little guidance. These kids learn the basics of social behaviour from children.
and so this is the problem with modern schooling and my home schooling is butter, beg the argument that, if you it is home school, they will be socially maladjusted wrong. Children should be learning from adults, homesick. Is better, and I say yeah but home schools are weird. Yes, only thirty, two, the degenerates, a kid who learned some another kid. That's like imagine this. Imagine a dude from france and a dude from spain bait there of french do speak french spanish dude speed speak spanish. They make neither of them speak to each other's language, but they both learned a little bit of english. I've personally experienced this. I had three roommates from three three different european countries. Their second language was english, so when they communicated with each other they created a weird in insular english. Among themselves because he's what happens if you're talking as a native english speaker to someone who doesn't speak english,
and they say how do you say: aid the pizza day and you like a pizza right peter, yet a pizza and they that being ani a pizza that thing pepperoni, not another and another. No a like the around gray. You go on a mushroom. Hush room, a mushroom mushroom, because you are an expert, you know english. You say you talked about mushrooms right. I can understand why you wouldn't you. You may not know the english word for mushroom or whenever I don't know what happened, I'm even My point is non english speakers like, what's that word, here's what about up these dudes, who use english a second language, make upwards its fascinating one guys like talking to you like german guys talking to the spanish guineas like You say it's probably more like the spanish sounding etc. I can't do it better The spanish. I will be like what is this thing that, like gay, you pull these the sandwich, and then the german
I goes flirt on and on the spanish guy goes further. Gone floor, gone all k because now Four of them are in native english speakers and They come to me and there are like do you have the floor flour bomb and I'm like whoa- and I liked the flour, flour, flour, barn and I'm like bro, I have no idea what you're saying and they're like air the thing for make make the bread I'm like flour. Oh. my point is this: I am exaggerating humming a library, but if you take three people who only a virgin Eric understanding of a language and put them in the same room and tell them they can only english to each other, because the only language they have. They share. They're gonna make upwards they're gonna, get words wrong and reinforce the wrong word because it conveys the idea to each other. They get right. Then, when it when speak to you you're going to be like bro. That's not a word and they're going to be ok, but that's the word we say and you're gonna be like you got it wrong. Interesting, take children They do not have worldly understanding
them all their room to gather and tell them to figure it out and what's gonna happen, the same thing they'll make up weird ideas and develop based on childs Interpretations of reality is a viral video. It shows like ten year old, kids in world war to speaking about politics, and people are showing that we will be like how are these kids so smart because they were raised? adults, people, these children sound like their forty year old man right because they were raised by forty rolled men, and so there were view is built upon that that used to be progress, that children would learn from what I think about this with skateboarding. Think what any sport watch like earlier impex there'll, be a guy and he'll do like a a back backflip he'll do like a running elder back, lay at our gainer and there like wow, believe, you did that hundred years later there doing the craziest flippity dues, because people learn from the previous generations. We stand, we stand on the shoulders of giants.
What we are seeing now is the sad reality we are longer offering our shoulders for our children to stand on were telling them go? Fiddle about, and then of course, what will happen? Is these kids, one kids gonna say: do up george is dom the other guy's gonna be like yeah. I agree he's dumb they're, not gonna, know why there's going to say these things without further thought, there will be no adult to give them proper context or guidance. Guidance, is why I think home schooling is so important this. Why this video terrifies me and saddens me the solution recognising it and. get around. So I don't mean a rag on these people personally, but your really gotta be with her kids I'll leave. Their next segment is coming up tonight at what we got six p as where, where well, what was when ones they so six p m. I think
yeah. Can I record these an earlier in the week like my the first video is a monday tuesday, Wednesday, so six p m banks for hanging out and we'll see you all next time. My brother in law died suddenly and now my sister and our kids have to sell their home. That's why, told my husband. We could not put off getting life insurance any longer. An agent of as a ten year, five hundred thousand dollar policy for nearly fifty dollars a month, then we called select quote select, quote, found identical coverage for only nineteen dollars a month as saving, of three hundred and sixty nine dollars a year, whether you
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.