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Trump & Elon Musk DECLARE WAR With HUGE LAWSUITS, Government EXPOSED Colluding With Press & Big Tech


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Trump & Elon Musk DECLARE WAR With HUGE LAWSUITS, Government EXPOSED Colluding With Press & Big Tech

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows! Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better? Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you Ready to feel better The while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this it's all natural, not big farm, a crap. not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies. Chalk! c h, o q fellows they have a male vitality, stack nine today's. Take it and tell me how you feel ladys theme, vitality, stack. Take it tell me how you feel you feel like you're twenty years younger, go to c h, o hugh dot tom promo code. Tim get you through
five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all work. We do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast. I r and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, last night, elon musk filed a lawsuit against media matters We also learned that last night, trumps, truth social, be suing one day news organisations for defamation after miss reporting. Seventy three million dollars in losses which is not true. Now My friends may be one of the most consequential moments in the history of the internet. To be completely serious. This is a historic moment. The battle for the internet has been and it appears we
dealing with the: u s: government, attempting to In short, narrative by men, be big tack and social media. now with elan mosques, lawsuit against meat, matters. It would appear. There was a who warden dated effort to destroy the ex platform, it would appear a coordinated effort to destroy truth, social, why they cannot allow narrative control to exist outside of the deep states, confines I'll, keep it simple for you. We are well past the point of conspiracy theory We know these things are factual. We know for a fact: based on members of congress, releasing the information, the! U s. Government was coordinated with private groups to censor american citizens. We oh thanks to the leaks from whistleblowers as well as elon musk himself after purchasing x, the u S, government had been coordinating with exact
there's a big tax to silence and sense are americans to manipulate? U s. Elections. These are facts is an undisputed. I will say, these are now historical record facts. They worked. Wanting to manipulate I'm sorry, I I shouldn't say: attempt twitter before elon musk was a direct communication with us government. to remove certain information they removed the story about hunter and laptop facebook and twitter made it difficult to share, if not impossible, and now just the other day, Joe Biden announced that they were on threads interesting. I think I can tell what what's happening here: let's start with trumps lawsuit against MSNBC, reuters and eighteen other news organisations. How is it that All of these news outlets reported the same fake news at the exact same time. Why? Does it matter that they reported a false loss for truth, social,
during social is part of a speck special purpose acquisition company. I believe it's called its publicly traded This means that if you are someone who has purchased stock in this company, if you heard in the press repeated twenty times, That they are suffering a massive loss you may. Actually, to sell your stock, thus attempting to destroy the company now according to trumps lawsuit the documents? guided by these meteoric innovations in no place anywhere. Does it actually this number. It would seem that twenty, news organisations coordinated a false story at the same time. Why well for the part Of destroying any rival to the deep state, u s: intelligence agency, controlled media narrative. Elon musk was not haven't it with twitter, so we decided to buy it and they lost their minds. The twitter,
I than exposed u S, government manipulation of social media to control information in the united states. Right now with must lawsuit being launched at the same time. Get this. Same time that elon musk is launching a lawsuit. Cnn this is a story about a jewish man swimming him for defamation. Guess which story appears first on Google minafer everybody, but for me, which I find quite hilarious now. Does this mean that google is in on it? Well, we know for a fact that youtube has censored information in the past. That was critic. all of the cia. I now because I was subjected to it. There was a big story, for the sake of making sure this information gets out, we won't poked the bare too much certain individual? You could not name. I covered breaking news from
news guard certified news agency and will the sun. I get a notification. Someone message me say: hey tim, your videos gone turns out you too, without notice, without without a strike without explaining. Why removed my segment discussing The major breaking news story now normally, when you tube take sound a video that they give you ll notice, I hears wire. Video was taken down not this time. The same thing happened on facebook, you named a specific individual who was in the cia. The post disappeared, just outright disappeared. This is direct evidence of government collusion Answer speech now, typically, when it comes to naughty opinions, they can behind that, while you broke the rules in the the platform has the rules, but what happens when a cia, employee or staff or analysed or whatever had what are, they call themselves what happens when we out
a cia person when we are out a apps yea assets or personal Well now you can break any rules, so what can they do quietly and secretly? They began to remove all of this information and will say this right now. This lawsuit against media matters must move forward. Now, it's possible that we see more government collusion, because these people are abject evil they are as evil is. Evil can be. It may be that the court's just say: no, because while not entirely convinced, we get a fair trial here, but will see on top of what worsen with lawsuits. The attorney general of texas, so I think we may be on good ground here- has announced a free. No investigation into medium matters are gonna, get fun, fondly german. Why? It is likely that we will see direct evidence of government. luzhin with media matters to suppress and silence individuals, chris pavlovsk of rum,
seems to be joining in the fray. With certain statements made on twitter now, acts this one is going to be big it is. end of the year. Twenty twenty three next year is to get wild, and we are now looking at quite possibly some of the most significantly action see in our lifetimes. Will we sit back and allow corrupt and evil individuals in the government suppress the right of the american people? I make it clear for everybody. We know for a fact that you, Government employees, even the Biden white house, were in contact with big tech because they wanted people censored not allowed to do this.
The argument made by the left us there. There are just you know, reporting people for breaking the rules now. These intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies had back door access. Direct portals on facebook and twitter to send in specific takedown requests doesn't matter if you think they were just telling the platforms some about the rules that still a violation of the constitution. Here we are, this is a proven fact. and now they're going driving and everything in their power to stop drunk from winning and twenty twenty four. I'll. Tell you why I say these people are evil, they are pure evil there is evil is evil can be. They believe that they have the right to usurp to destroy, to infringe upon your right as a human being. They treat you like a chicken. They think that you
or some one to just do work, so your labour can be extracted and they can use that to wage war is to expand their empire in their interests. That's My view is a wee wee. be a bit more decentralized, and that means sometimes humans make mistakes and belief, stupid things, but so be it. That's the human experience, the right of individuals to live, to, explore to love to learn, etc. But you see. The people who work for this intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies that are coordinated with big tack are evil. I believe there smarter than you they believe, they're guy. Vision is better than yours and you should do as they they say. You should think as they want. It is time we took back the power from them and restored a government of four by the people story number one, the rap trumps whose MSNBC roars innate another news agencies? I cite the lawsuit
following reports this morning that truth had lost seventy three million dollars and twenty twenty three that figure turned out to be incorrect. The company's actually lost thirty one million. A substantial differ it is not clear how the error occurred. The initial Many three million, not figure, was attributed to a securities filing by digital world acquisition court, which is attempting, the marriage with truth, social, the next day, all report The lawsuit, voluntary sort accounting. So there you go. It looks like it's not yet in in dweck, but I If the intention here was to cause economic harm to anything that could rival big tech, why is Joe Biden put a wise? The white us publicly attacking musk. Why did the white house just promote threads, a facebook matter entity because they control that's a platform where the narrative machine is still and control the law. It follows that a county floor on behalf of trump median technology group names set. Major news. Also. Twenty of them
The lawsuit alleges that seventy three million dollar figure was an utter fabrication, each defendant in a coordination reported the exact same false number, with an approximate twenty four hours of one another, each citing to a puppet. as easy filing in which the mystery? Many three million dollar was appears nowhere, this apathy It is brought to you by dragon ball legends, the ultimate dragon. On experience on your mobile device. and ball legends features, action, packed enemy action are fiji game play with go coup, brigida trunks and all your red dragon ball, characters some in Europe we'd characters from popular dragon ball enemy series such as I can balzac and dragon bulgy tee. Ragged ball super fighting he'll time against friendly arrival, dragon ballplayers from across the globe in life ppp battles and her ratings matches with your favorite dragon ball characters and earn rating points, rewards unite with friends to defeat powerful flows in co, up
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I did in assisi filing another gotcha and I'll. Tell you why. If it said something like there is, it has been reported that trumps truth, social lost only four million dollars report? by cnn or insert news company yeah, you might get away with that one yup, that's right, cnn say they were: let's they report fake news Everyone says Donald trump does back flip reports, cnn. As a fact statement, CNN did report it and trumps. Beef would be with you and the problem, these news organisations, according to the law, suit all cited the ssc, which means all claimed a document that does not make a claim did. That is fake news. That is false information, in fact, They ve actually defamed the s easy on top of every everything else, not like the. U S, government do anything about it, though let's talk about elon musk and the war for the internet must
soon media matters as advertising exodus continues. This massive ellen ask and acts in their lawsuit claim, as as many employees have publicly stated this. This is the most brilliant, This is hilarious. Media matters do ok, here's how twitter slash acts works for those that don't know. I know all of you do, but for the sake of the legal argument you follow me guess, You see my posts, let's say you follow me and even crosland, and then you going to see a post for me in a post for me and how about that What would happen, then, if you and generally followed like neo nazi, and then you actually followed ibm your post literally show and I b m post and nazi post and This is what they allege was done by media matters, media matters. intentionally followed the accounts of of extremists.
Major brands, so they could screenshot images of their posts appearing next to each other. Now, What they're saying is by specifically following these two groups? It ensured that the ads served them what be from who they followed and then would appear next to extremist content. In fact, they argue no one. No one saw any of these add served along a trim, its content, media matters engaged in fraud resulted in a massive massive multi million dollar loss to the point: where can paxton of texas as announced a criminal investigation of media matters over this after port for media matters showed advertisements for major major brands, appeared next to anticipate, pose an x, the company sued media watchdog group and its rapporteur.
the texas attorney general office plans to investigate the non profit for potential fraud. No question: I think we can all see it. Elon musk and employs at acts have stated they have the hard day to prove it. The only person who saw this where media matters, employees, perhaps one other person they created the circumstance. Fabricating a scenario then lied to claim the odds were being served in this way. That is massive manipulation, fraud and tortuous interference, but will see now here's what, let's get interesting as it before we get into the most interesting. I would point out Chris Pavlov's give rumble, has announced that meeting as also misrepresented rumble. Perhaps this will go a little further one of the more interesting elements. My friends there was opposed last night.
where someone said any major influence are on acts, should violent, amethyst, brief or join a class action against media matters. Why How much money do I stand to lose because the advertising has been pulled up up up? I think I am and about two grand every two weeks, two to three grand that's a good amount of money and just. I am losing forty five thousand bucks per month. What about the presence dean's? This is significant The crisis steen brothers, prominent liberal, personalities reportedly are pulling at around twenty five. thousand dollars per month. In their share of that revenue. because media matters manipulated the system lying to get ads for from the platform. It is not just an attack on acts. It directly attacks the revenue of indonesia.
walls like the present scenes, like myself and anyone else who makes money. You see those people advertise in our posts. By lying about, what's going on next, they got our adds pulled as well Maybe that each and every one of these individuals should the lawsuit proved to be correct, and IRAN must statement proved to be true. All of us may have some minor standing to at least violent and unambitious. Brief is basically are saying, like hey, we were wronged by this as well, and we are in support of acts. I'd like to see that happen, no in the course of my duties vessel the store in preparing this segment. I, of course, did my cursory google search. google search elon musk from an account that has not signed in the top story. That Google presents Far right conspiracy theorists accused a twenty two year old jewish men of being a neo nazi, then elon musk got involved ten hours ago. That's right. Just after the loss, it was filed,
cnn publishes a story that Google puts at the top of their search results There is nothing on this beautiful green earth. That would convince me it is not a coordinated effort first, but let's take a look at the story. the actual lawsuit took place, I believe, was fine over a month ago, a month and a half ago, why It is now seen and running a story a month and a half later seriously why It's why did cnn publish an all story about elon musk. It's it's what's coordinate its intentional, a jewish letters twenty two year old, jewish mandela, interesting that did it say that in the headline yeah twenty two years, jewish might have been a neo nazi elon musk got involved. Now let me show show you what cnn says in the store those published just last night. then Brody's says set, his life was going fine, he had just finished college data trouble was rubbing law school, then, seemingly out of nowhere, elon musk used his considerable social media clout to apple
an online mobs misguided ran accusing them of being undercut. Agent in NEO nazi group. Here's the actual accusation, which I believe in practice has been incorrect. The whole time there is a group called patriot front. Many people believe that patriot front itself is a fabrication of the federal government. They do not think it's a NEO nazi group. The ought beat the theory from many peoples at the group itself was fabricated by the federal government to create a bogeyman, and this man is part of that It will fabrication. I do not believe he is ya. Gotta be carried by just pay The picture better pay. This guy looks like this guy, I think that's stupid What's he had claiming is really funny there. Claiming that the argument is the NEO nazi group is real and fed was planted inside. That group. That's not true at all seasons line, more importantly, either must actually did not name this person. As far as I can tell v,
We odd is what musk responded, that is that it What else did you must say? Either must we did to reply in which he said quote looks like one is College student who wants to join the government and another, maybe an aunt if a member but nonetheless a probable, false flags, duration, ilan mosques, legal team says this case will be dismissed and he is correct in alike. elon musk never said this guy did this thing he's had looks like one as a college. once the governor may the argument that this is in line with what was said but spot. Please he's slap legislation would throw this out two seconds. He never even said the duke name. How many college students join the government. a million, an arguing. This is what you must it wrong. That's. Why cnn didn't actually show what mosques as the opening paragraph, they say he amplified it by saying something similar monogamy wrong.
it is annoyingly stupid that people are jumping on this story and then saying something like oh wow. Look this guy did this thing out. I did get out here. Nobody likes patriot front everyone's trying to call them out its fascinating at the court in court. Right wing can heresy theory is critical of a NEO nazi group that I want to say that either, but let's get back to business you search, elon musk lawsuit on Google right now. What's the first story, elon musk, far right conspiracy, theorist he's being sued by a twenty two year old, jewish man- that's the first one. Look at me wrong. Google does show the other store but how did this story become? The number one story related to this? If you were now thinking? Oh, I want to look up this lawsuit thing. You would find a completely different story. It's coordinated, no question. I believe that its very likely that, should this move, the discovery, I think, can packs investigation could be significant,
You will find that media matters directly coordinated the governor. Here's what I imagine what happens government employees that are sending notes to medium addison. Hey took a look at this. Take a look at that Media matters then, will publish a story after being informed by the government. Yeah that's unconstitutional this is this. Is this? Is the war for the internet right now? It's not just trump, not just mosque. It is all of us that are being deeply affected by this consider Joe Biden, his white house in personally targeted elon musk in a statement and then announced they were on threads. It is a coordinated effort from the government. These people are, evil, can Paxton take it to the top man. We have decided enough is enough and now we're winning. So let me just say what must we do to vanquish this evil
exactly were already doing. I look forward to the victory and twenty twenty four shout to Javier millay in argentina. These people are evil and their rooted and there on the run and their terrified, you have their terrified of they're gonna, get locked up for a long time. Inflation is at its highest level in forty years, an interest its or skyrocketing a recession, upon us car between runaway inflation in a recession or retired. accounts are in real danger, protect your future call only precious metal dealers. I trust american hartford gold. They can show you how to protect your savings in retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with physical, gold and silver All it takes to get started is a short phone call and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right, dear door or inside your eye, or for one k, america for gold makes it easy there. The high stated farm in the country. They have plus rating from the better business bureau and have thousands of satisfied clients. If you call them right now, they will give
up to one thousand five hundred dollars a free silver on your first a fine order, so dont call them now call eight six, six nine to one three. Three, three one, that's six, six, nine, to one three, three, three one or text tim to six five. Five, three to again The number is eight, six, six, nine to one three, three Three one or text tim too six, five, five, three two it's gonna get in sitting, but you see what did we do over the past several
We as in those who believe in freedom, we have fought for freedom of speech. We have supported people like elon musk. We ve launched our own companies. You have supported the likes of rumble public square truths,. And this has resulted in our abilities and foothold growing its resulted in the failures of threads. Its resulted in youtube even backing down from many of their previously held positions and cause you to ban you of your question. The election they're losing the government there manipulations these evil individuals are losing. All we must do is stay the course. Keep twitting up storms keep producing content, keep building the parallel economy, and then we vote. be wary. Does the important when any one who advocates for violence fed? This is what they are. They so desperately need some kind of legitimacy. Here's its fascinating.
I was looking back a few years ago, some of these stories. Ah, there was a story that Dave Reuben posted about where he was trying to host pete buddha judge on his show, I think, as in twenty nineteen or twenty eight, And a bridge backed out because these far left activists started targeting and harassing, but it just team and they d panicked. What's amazing, his words were beyond that. We ve won right now we're genk. You give the turks on the culture or pod cast. We are going to have some Democrats. That's right on the culture were podcast, they are no longer afraid the stranglehold of the woke culture, the deep state is breaking we're. Winning Annie when it comes out and attempts. Violence advocates fort verified. I see this unto him castile la from time to time. What do I say we are winning through these through the machine that in the way we are supposed to went through lawsuits and by voting and what what we see pop up on and on
on youtube and on twitter is no there's only one thing: we must do yeah right, you're, a fed, and everyone knows it. They are so desperate in their panic. The only thing they can to his trying goad people into acts of those more violence. We ain't buying it and nobody wants to do any of that stuff. The people of this country, the good people of this country who work every day, no better. so you know what I say anybody who wants to engage in violence and threats and intimidation and terror lack em up, because we don't or for that, and we know we're winning without it, and anybody who wants to do that is a bad person, whereas nothing to do with anything we want. So when they talk about these groups like patriot front spare me dude, everyone hates those guys. We know we're winning and there's nothing. They can do about it. They'll try to censor.
they'll. Try to suppress their losing some people have asked. Why be so overt about it, with this overt collusion up because they're losing it used to be that they had back doors into twitter, then elon musk bought the platform. Now they're in panic when this was asked last night? Why would why would media matters create fake evidence? It used to be that you could just threaten and people would back down instantly. It used to be that if you found a post that was offensive and showed to an advertiser, they would panic and fear, but now it's not working as much anymore. So what does media matters have to do? Well, presuming that eons correct in their data. They must fabricate these circumstances in a desperate bid to try and gain some traction, and it is not working anymore. So, my friends- I say this to you-
share videos like this become a member at tim cast outcome by products from companies you support and we, when it's over look at the success of sound of freedom, richmond north of richmond, the fetters of bud, light and target the failures of the marvels get woke, go broke, baby. We need only stay the course and we win let them flail in their panic. Twenty twenty four around the corner, next segments coming up at one p m in the channel. Thanks, sprang out and I'll see you all. with thanksgiving around the corner and ever getting ready for those. Oh, so wonderful, family conversations, thought. I would argue with this gem of a segment about donald trump and my friends, his verifying plans if you listen to MSNBC I one of the scariest things imaginable, and die every democrat if you're a republican. You probably heard one of the greatest things imaginable. I'm half kit, by the way, but let me give
All the view this segment from morning Joe where he makes bold, claimed that trample, imprison and execute people a marketing, this dude actually thinks that trump is going to start just slaughtering his political enemies. Dude The only people who actually went after their political rivals are Democrats, but let's just play the video and the reason why we do this is because I'm on thanksgiving is around and I want you all to be to be ready for this, because I guarantee for those of you with those liberal family members who Jim S, NBC whole boy, here. Is the segment in question? Give it up for Joe scarborough does it mean he won't do it when he gets a chance to do it. If he has no loaded into office, Then a lot of these people that are talking about literal or figurative or whatever the hell they're saying like idiots because
he will do he will get away with he will in prison. He will execute, who ever he's allowed to prison, execute drive from the country. Just look his past its really hard to read. Again the only thing that stood between him and the dust. Structure of american democracy. The federal judiciary, You mean a little doubt about it. No doubt about it. Ladies and gentlemen, look at this from the new york times, trumps dire words raise new fears about his authoritarian bent. The only thing that stopped Trot, they say was the federal judiciary gimme. When denmark fabricated a fake story that donald trump was secretly colluding with the russians at the election had been stolen in two thousand and sixteen and that we needed to get to the bottom of whether or not donald trump was a secret russian agent. You people, lost your minds, I'd like to get,
to have one in twenty twenty to all the people who thought that trump was secretly the president and would be reinstated on in march, because the it is incorporated. Gall lost your minds, but eight far, be it from me to tell you what's real, I dont know everybody's got their claim I can only tell you this. Worlds gone: wild man, it's apps. We wild and this next year is going to be absolutely insane. While we the thing that was stated by JO scarborough, is true. A collar otto court ruled that trump did in gay in insurrection, but he can't be disqualified as he is not an officer of the united states, which is a weird thing but doll K and take this at the point where this is all headed. They need to plant the seeds to remove donald trump from the ballot. It won't be so simple. They can't just go out there.
We all know trumps gone that president. So what we get Minnesota in michigan the judges say now. You can't take trump off the ballot, really great arguments in support of trop. Actually states do not have the right to determine eligibility, only the federal government the federal constitution, determines who is eligible to be president and therefore it is a federal judiciary. Question a judicial question, not a state one in Minute michigan minnesota were like. We can't take him off the ballot. In colorado. However, they said was officer, the united states, but he didn't gauge an insurrection, and this is the path what's likely going to happen. Now, there's going to be other states, that site colorado and say he did engage an insurrection. Colorado already said it, but then I agree that is an officer of the united states. Well, that's wrong! This will not stop. It is not donald trump who the anything he didn't even bring in the national guard to stop the riots. Automatic many people argue
That, during the summer of love riots, the worst riots we'd seen in fifty years in twenty twenty many argued trump should have brought in the army. Tom cotton wrote an article about it. Editor at the new york times got fired for publishing the article trump didn't do it. He argued- that it trot. The argument was that if trump did bring in the military they would say this is it tromp is deploying the troops he's targeting the american people, so you didn't and what happened you ended up with widespread violence and crime could have worked out of the trump campaign play angle low, but better than what do we see with january sets. Trump should have in the national guard, but he didn't why, if true, called in the national guard on January sex. They would have immediately on the story and all the press. Tromp is mobilizing a coup. His support,
Is that storming the gates and now he's ordering the military to come in and secure blah blah blah? They would have said a military coup is happening. What would have happened, then? Even if trump instructed the national guard to allow the electoral vote to continue, the media would have framed it as trump is deploying the troops and his supporters are attacking the capital and then they would have imprisoned him instantly so trump didn't trump. Instead went to the Democrats and the mayor and said you guys got to the national guard out here and they went nah they're not going to do it. They wanted trump to do it tromp would be locked up in a military presence. In my opinion, if trump ordered the national guard to be deployed in January sex, they would have said it's a military coup and what would have happened to all of those guardsmen who follow those orders whom he would have been bad? It would have been in
act if tromp really wanted to play dirty? He could it done a bunch of other things. In fact, trump could have ordered at any point the national guard to actually attack him. That's right he could have pulled an air to erawan trump could have had through various actors. The national guard come and actually try and arrest him. He could have then come out and said the Democrats are staging. A coup could have blamed the troops, but he didn't do anything like that. That's silly! Why would he? I What about a damn? Here's the new york times claiming trumps dire words! Oh boy! Here we go audit, auto autocrat experts, autocracy experts are are so concerned. Let's get a baby but here times rights, Donald J trouble Was to power with political campaigns that largely attacked external targets, including immigration from predominantly muslim countries, then from the south of the EU? Are you mexico border, but now in its third presidential bed of his most vicious and debasing attacks have been loaded domestic opponents,
The veterans day speech which are trapped, used language that echoed authoritarian leaders who rose to power in germany and ITALY. in thirties, degrading political adversaries as vermin who needed to be rooted out. You know. I really really love this line, because it was the Democrats who referred to trump supporters maggots and they ve been doing that for years. Tromp comes out only recently like calling people vermin, the people you called maggots there like, I can tell you the conflict is escalating, but Act like these people are standing in any kind of moral ground is laughably absurd. The threat from outside for does MR troops out, is far less sinister and dangerous, and grave and threat from within and he's correct. This turn inward has new alarms among experts on autocracy, who have long we're, don't matter trumps, praise for foreign dictators and disdain for democratic ideals. They said the former press.
Increasingly intensive focus on perceived internal enemies was a hallmark of dangerous totalitarian leaders. Wow all of those things could be applied to Barack obama and Hillary Clinton. Burma is a deranged, an evil individual. He is the worst president, this country, Seen in my lifetime, I give Special risk reservation for woodrow wilson, but obama, maybe one of the worst present I've ever had not really why obama he lied. He cheated. He stole obama prosecuted, more journalists and whistleblowers, and it s been a espionage act. The knowledge or other president's combined the attack, an affront to free speech was was was massive. The expansion of the woke cult, and these Policies implemented by Barack obama D, I, the expansion of the wars in the Middle east, libya, syria etc. The extra dishful assassinations, assassinations of american citizens, not the roman unlucky, a sixteen year old american citizen
who was killed in a drone strike in a country. We are not at war with obama out right and murdered a child deaths exaggeration dual remain on a lucky. A well known story: obama murdered a child on our own, he was a jihadi, still he was an american and you can make your arguments. Buddy serve a trial obama bloom up. Then his son, who committed no crime whose, as civilian restaurant in yemen obama killed him obama signed the national defense authorization act of two thousand twelve, which included the indefinite detention provision, allowing though they will argue their right. The government's right to capture detain any individual anywhere, even an american, without charge or trial, and hold them indefinitely. Legged. Send you to an offshore military reg and hold you there against,
well without you have included any crimes. Thanks obama. and they say remember when the only scandal was a town suit. I I thought the murder of a child was a scandal, but I'm understanding why the meat I didn't want to report on that one as heavily but yeah now Tell me about all of your fears about donald trump, pathetic, scumbag, Harry scholars, democrats, an anti I trow, are asking a knew. How much mister resembles current strongman abroad, and if we compare the two authoritarian leaders, the past, perhaps start gently they are wondering whether his rhetorical turn into more fascist outing territory is just as latest public provocation. I'm alive than evolution in his beliefs or that or the dropping of the veil. There are echoes of fashion the rhetoric and their very precise? I'm nepal is right there and just let you know the left as fascist by every definition. Come on the lucrative merger of corporate
state. They have that others they all, but that's not. What real fascism is. Ok, that the the socialized enforcement of its laws that lets a social, measures and norms used to dictate economic policy that the nazis did the nazis play aim and the reason why people are like they were really socialists, because they use market economics, but they use social cohesion cancel culture. I was right academic, article about how the nazis enforced the market mechanics they desired by. as they would go to like a steel manufacturer, and they would say, are you manufacturing things for the war effort? You're? Not do you hate this country? Are you a bigot? Are you a racist, nothing literally figurative, figuratively. They would go to them and use social pressures and cancel culture. Why aren't you building things the war effort? Why aren't you supporting the nazis the rainbow flat
by the algae beady committee, the pride of progress, prideful, upright progress programme plaque same thing as the swastika lobbying cute, I'm not exaggerating the swastika was long used by people all of the world as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. If you look back at antiques from the early nineteen hundred josie, swastikas everywhere Much like the rainbow, it was a symbol of fortune. Does the right oh, represents gold. At its end, it represents a spring warm day. It represents prosperous, beautiful springtime. The swastika at the time did as well, but now the nazis. It have turned it into something, grotesque and vile, and does it mean anymore. When the nazis came to power, they were flying the swastika flag, a symbol of peace, harmony and prosperity. They inverted it. They corrupted it. This is what the left does with the rainbow in all and every and in the same way
people look at the rainbow and they're like. Oh, you can't possibly think a rainbow means that take a look at any antique store with carrying carries antiques from the nineteen hundreds. I went to an antique store in Austin Texas had swastikas everywhere and the guys who worked as adult care. This meant something back then, and that's what these antiques represent. represent nazis and I'm like? I was kind of crazy to me, but this is what they're doing now with the rainbow flag. They are nazis and don't forget they hate jews seriously. They hate Jews, let's not be cute. The far after the woke called believe insane anti, some conspiracy theories. We saw this in the women's march. We saw this applies, What's matter, we saw this with black matter pushing outright anti semitic, conspiracy theories about the slave trade and banks and all the other crazy garbled nonsense, now when Hamas tax is attacked israel real there now singing the praises of Hamas, these far leftists no joke, but its donald trump who's, the dangerous one.
as MR trumps shift comes. as he and his allies devised plans for a second term, though it up and some of the long held norms of american democracy and the rule of law. These ambitions and using the justice department and take vengeance political rivals full stop there already doing it to him and many others how many trump people have been arrested in charge. Who didn't actually do anything wrong, plotting expansion of presidential powers, which is Obama and Biden have been doing nonstop short spare me and install ideologically align lawyers in key positions to blast is contentious, accurate. Quite literally, what democrats already been doing. The only problem I have the republicans are fighting back hard enough. Mr trumps allies dismiss the concerns as alarm ism and cynical political attacks, Stephen Chung, a campaign box, responded to criticism of the vermin remarks by saying if it came from react, liberals whose miserable existence will be crushed when president trump returns. The white ass mister chunk did not respond to requests for competent for the article.
some experts on authoritarianism say that, while MR trumps, recent language has begun to more closely resemble those used by hitler or mussolini. He does not quite mirror fascist leaders of the past. Still they say he exhibit traits similar to current strong men like victor Orban of hungry or reset type area. One of turkey sure. MR trumps, relatively isolation is views run counter to the hunger for empire and expansion that care rise, the role of hitler or germany or mussolini? Oh seriously, it's more like with like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden next question, as president he was never able to fully wheeled military power for political purposes, aha meeting resistance when he sought to deploy troops against protesters. No, he just didn't do it. It's too plastic. Two reference him as a neo, fascist or autocrat, or whatever trumpets trump and he's not secular philosophy that I've seen after four years, as president said, former defense secretary chuck, Hagel Republican, who served in president Barack Obama's cabinet after twelve years as a senator from nebraska
MR trumps campaign style, is damn dangerous. He said he continues to push people into corners and give voice to this polarization in our country and the real danger is that if this continues to bubble up and take hold of majority of congress and state as their governor ships. There must become miles and a democracy, because only alternative its authoritarian government. Another isn't there is cultural, homogenization when we win and we are winning and we push out. These psychotic woke left cult through a politics, culture and market economics. That's just I will do it, they will cry and they will scream and they will pay And they will bag and, we will say, don't know, don't care. We will not allow these rumours, these corrupt narcissists, these arrogant, elitists to have any say, and how will we do that by just saying, go away
need to be tribunals that doesn't to be arrests. There should be some arrests for some people for sure criminals, but for the most part we're gonna say we are not interest in spending money on your businesses. We are not interested in electing you, you are not invited onto our shows, thank you and have a nice day. The idea that Donald trump needs to go and beat people rossendale know it's a bit silly, but some people it will happen. I do what we need, will be criminal charges for the criminally corrupt I want to see the Democrats who engaged in the false russia gate hoax, arrested and charged, and that we do need to correct this country. So they can cry all they want the war Imposed as voters must take trump seriously and literally the stakes are that high trot may be a performance artist, but with his shocking provocations, he is telling us what he would do in a second term as president. That's why taking him seriously and literally is required because all of these people,
no they're criminals. The reason why they can't allow donald trump to win is because many of these people are guilty of crimes. They took the money. How many these people went? Epstein island and then said we are going to destroy your life or even a play ball, how many of them, on that list and not just Epstein, but just a criminal criminality in general, how many these individuals took the bribes play ball and no? If this machine comes crumbling down, they will be destroyed. You see they're fighting for dear life. They should be excised from polite society. These criminals and the corrupt donald trump should weed them out and now Stephen Colbert makes grim reaper joke about Joe Biden, age chemical bear on care about these jokes. What I care about is the fact that Even colbert recognises Joe Biden canopy president. But I'm probing baby I'll all the way Joe Biden ma.
to be the democratic domini and we gotta support him and give him a chance for a second term. Why the reality is, he can't win, he can't win and we know it they're going to start coming after him and they're going to try to replace him and it will be disgraceful. For him, but they know Joe Biden can't, but I gotta be honest. I don't see up our new someone's either newsome has less than a year now to build the narrative cs. California is not successful, so what can they do the only option is removing donald trump in some way so pay attention aware this country is headed, Pay attention what's happening all around you I'll say it again: the only path forward to stop donald trump. For Democrats, it's not going to be newsome; they need trump off the ballot. they need trump unable to run in any way imaginable and they'll need someone to replace them, but I think many of these individuals would be happy with literally anybody else.
with around the santas you'll, get negotiating on foreign policy. Let the vague roma swami come on. That's for sure. I am concerned about donald trump. After we had this Democrat. Go on tv I think, was an MSNBC and call for trump to be eliminated. Now things are getting a little scary you can argue that men are politically doesn't matter to the escalation of rhetoric. You see if they said trumps be removed from political office or not allowed to run. We get it. sang someone should be eliminated? We know what that means. That's a scary reality! If these Well. Are publicly saying the only way this country survive with a really mean is the only way their corruption survives is? If trump is eliminated, do you think it just ends with politics? Donald trump recently released a report that is in great health. Something dark is coming. This country is in a dangerous
and now they're going on, I be seen that trying to rile everyone up into believing that donald trump is going to create gulags or something when the Democrats are all redding already doing it and already have done it. So as we sit here and they claim at trump will do all these things. But we know they ve already done these things reckon eyes what they are saying where they are saying we are at now. If they are arguing that donald trump has going destroyed. Mikrotik critic norms by doing things they've already done. They are telling you outright. They are gutting this country and ripping it to shreds and they're doing on purpose. Now I'll tell you it's really simple: it's probably because they're criminals, these politicians, it's probably because they know that if trump gets in office, he's going to start cleaning things up and they will. rot in jail cell, so they must say or do whatever they can to make that not happen, but my friends were winning, so I hope your excited
Next, agnes, coming up at four p m on this channel, thanks rang out- and I will see you all them- what is at stake in the culture war? My I dont think you will live in apart and I dont think you will eat the bugs. Now fair, you may be eating bugs already and not realising it, because started, including something called a chatter in various foods I dont know how ubiquitous it is. I don't think it's actually very common at all, but a charter is a type of cricket, belief, and so the agenda protein you'll see again, you will realize you're actually eating cricket protein. Now I gotta be honest. I really don't care they make these cricket cheesy proofs like if they taste go their days good. Whatever, like foods food did I've never had an issue with eating weird things, but I do. There are health considerations and freedom implications in whether or not you have a right to enjoy a nice. Fine filet mignon in this yo from the world economic forum. They say these
any pods are helping to tackle homelessness. Yes, a tiny about So I will say it once again: what is at stake in the culture? Were your children will live in the pods and they will eat the bucks. that's the reality! So when you say I cannot speak up, lose my job and I got a family to feed fine. You are buying. short term gains and ensuring long term losses not saying it's easy. It's extremely difficult, probably one of the most difficult things ever, but do whatever you want, not monitor what to do I'll. Just say this, if you are the person who says I will not speak up about this. I've had people come up to me and say to watch all the time. I don't watch anymore. I just caught all politics from my diet. Unlike okay, well, your children will live in the pod and your children will eat bugs And watch this movie about africa. It's called something on amazon, we're like aliens, come to earth and bring a technology that destroys the economy and theirs
where there are like, while I've had a real stake in years I forgot what a tasted like there's a scene in view. vendetta where natalie form his characters has. Is this real butter? Oh, how did you get it? That's the future for your kids! But ok, I mean you know, do whatever you want, I don't have kids family planning underway not your business. I want to make sure that my kid understands what butter tastes like now. This margarine crap out them to enjoy a fine steak, not pseudo lab cultured meat and certainly not cricket paste, but the sewers. take a look at this video, the tiny pods helping to tackle homelessness. Let's talk about it,
in the full picture in here portland oregon, is a large homeless. Population of four thousand people are on the street or in shelters, here's one solution, fastest rents and that's the point that portland also some of the fastest raising rising rents in america. You see what they're saying it's not about homelessness. It's about. Eventually, you could renter not being able fort it. Well here is the solution baby a place for you aims to solve these problems. I'd like to let you in on a big secret homelessness does not exist, but you know that Ah, you may be saying what how is it possible threat was. This is not a real phenomenon for the most part I'll give you the street for my son of a bitch, this guy matthew, ziegler tweets. How many? we can homeless could be taken care of for the rest of for the cost of shooting another rocket into space, and so it says it's a little kid talking point there's almost zero, true homelessness as voluntary
drug users want to live in camps and They get houses, they strip out fixtures and pollen scrap metal to buy more drugs fact. I know, because I in the nonprofit sector specifically deal with homelessness, he is right. Someone responding except for catastrophe, natural disaster fires, but relationships, mental illness lost jobs, green landlords, crime and many other reasons there are homeless. Point being. We need to address the root cause of homelessness while making living space. Affordable spoke like a true child, This is why I really one of the reasons I really despise. The left have they worked the homelessness space and having known people were almost having been almost myself. I can tell you this. There is zero, true homelessness. Let me tell you about my homelessness. Live in a car. Health apartment for a little while ended up losing the appeal meant super simple, long story, but ass, a teenager working for the airports what'd. I do. I worked for american eagle airlines, which is a regional weeks, leaving the pilots lunch
you weren't supposed to do it, nobody really cared, but what I Just do without work, a double shift from far thirty in the morning until usually midnight, because they were called men, do mandatory overtime and then once we were done by midnight, typical you'd go to like ten, thirty or whatever, and then the last wiser out some bright eyes, but they would say medical, overtime for the next hour, or so sometimes people liked it because it's extra money and then I'd be back at work at five in the morning, it's midnight. So what do I do? Just go to sleep in the pilots? Launching your uniform you wake up groggy with only a few hours of sleep, and then you get right back to it. Why? At least you had a place sleep and stay warm. That's what I do. Another thing I would do is I'd sleep in my car, sometimes eventually just find a friend who let you crack crash on the couch, and I got lucky enough to do that. I did not sleep on the streets. I did not live in a tent. I would not have been able to keep my job if I did homelessness in the true sense of not to afford a home looks a lot like this. There are certainly people who deal catastrophe but having
in this this sector and on this issue, particularly found that almost every homeless person not encounter with someone who chose to be homeless. That's it literally chose a marketing sort of which brings up a good point. you put them in a tiny house. What are they gonna do they're going to find it make money off it to by drugs serious I new people, that Ebay t electronic benefits. I also got food benefits myself. When I was a team I had one point was not making enough money- and I was home. in someone told me did you can get e b because you don't make that much money and I was like No, but I have a job and there like yeah, but it's either rent or food run. Michaela go talk to the people, so I went down to
in human services- and I said I dunno if this is for me- I'm like how old was I the time. I think I was like nineteen or twenty, and I was like I make like ten bucks an hour and so it's like pay rent or eat. So I've been going to food banks, and the lady was like no worries and she gave me a bunch of free bus passes and she gave me one hundred up to a car with one hundred and forty four bucks a month just for cold food products not prepared food, and I was like wow so go to the grocery store me by groceries like this is pretty cool and I use it for three months and then stopped long story. when I used to government benefits and I believe in government benefits are you I'm legitimately when I received on employment. Because I had lost my job and then a long story, short legal issues and then got off the benefits and then there was a I use them when I, when I was having a hard time and then I went back to work and found a way to make money for myself and quickly got off these these programs. But I'll tell you what I do know. People who received abt benefits would go
grocery stores, and they would say things like out by the groceries for you and you give me the cash. Why. They were siphoning away, abt benefits for drugs. So if you got a hundred and forty bucks a month for food, not the most, but you know you can get your by it. Does they go in and say, hey man what you buying I'll, buy it for you, and then you give me the keys. And the public? Not I'm, not oh here about it. I'll give you, hundred and forty dollars in food benefits for one hundred dollars cash yep, then somebody would get one hundred and forty bucks and food give one hundred dollars to the person and the person will buy drugs with it. So I tell you homelessness. Man it's not it's not real, but the pods aren't about homelessness. Man, you're gonna, live in and you're going to eat the bugs. Take a look at the story from a this is from a few years ago. I think right. This is from a year ago on CNBC startup couple
It offers pod space for rent in three bedroom, home or unites or eight here people are living on top of each other. Literally, it's my own personal space, so I can close the curtain and it's more private pod, It's the brainchild of entrepreneurs, christina lennox, pour la stallworth. First, we're thinking that bunk beds might be an option just because its airspace efficient, but then thinking, bunk beds are not private at all. I can't long term stay in bunkbeds and put out the word pods for rent. I had always wanted to start a company to solve this housing issue. The rest of the house, pure communal living. Fourteen people, share this kitchen, the iceman. And its you see. You know why this exists, these pod buildings, because Almost is not a real issue that
When we talk about homeless, you're, talking about drug abuse and we're talking about social disorder, people choosing to streets why it is not expensive to live in the pod and share a space like this when it comes to young people not being able to afford, ran I find away scape borders. I know, though, all work on minimum wage job and no rent a studio apartment and have like six people living in it and then rent is like a hundred bucks, a person in their like sweet or maybe two hundred bucks, these days, get up there, but another workingmen on wage jobs. They can afford runt. So they do they set up diviners and curtains yo. You live in the pod. It's not it's not a one way to live, and I think there are problems here. Don't get me wrong, but this I was homelessness, ain't just it. It also shows you wear your children are going to be heading. road apartments york city, they have a thing called railroad apartments. It is disgusting and I think they're they're awful. I was, eyes to see this exists. I got home coming from Chicago, we did not have this
so in new york the way they bought the lot of houses, the stairs would be right in the middle. It makes sense the straw that that the support be you use for the stairs, go in the middle and also support the upper floors. However, These old houses, you'd walk in the front door, you could go left or right in the stairs are in the middle, it makes sense, but what happens when converting these buildings into apartments? create a warmer left and a wall on the right, creating a narrow corridor on both sides, so the stairs can still be used, creating what's called a railroad apartment. You walk in the front door you're in the living room you, walk into the next room? There's a door in the front door in the back. Now it's a bedroom. You walk to the back door door and the front door in the back, a bedroom. You walk to the next door bedroom. So if you live in the back, you have to walk through to people's bedroom, to get out of the building or there would be a secondary exit and you did the best room in the house. But if
lived in the middle people up the walk through your room to get too there's zero privacy. What what're you gonna! Do you have company over good luck? Awful, But this is what happens as the system breaks down. This is what your children will get. They will live in the pods and they'll eat their cricket, paste and they'll. Think it's normal now, maybe, the eleven the pods will, the bugs they'll. Oh, nothing and they'll be happy. Why? Because if they dont know what was lost, how could they ever regret losing it and that's the world they want to create? But if you and your kids to enjoy at least the bare minimum of what you have understood You ve gotta, resisting you ve got to speak up I'll, leave it there and excitement coming up at six p m of the channel. Thank sprang out and I'll see you all. Then. Do men hate women's content, Well, I think it's fair to say I would not. I would surprised, if, if
many men who actually enjoyments content, as it is quite literally women's content, and then it also now we got this. talk from this woman who says men cannot handle being subjected to women centric content, even though its ruin for women. She goes into this big thing about our. Like men. playing online and they're all winging on the internet, because someone made something for women. While she is wrong, it is to say there are some guys who don't like content from an and complain about it too no end. But what she does is she highlights major blockbuster phil. which are intended for general audiences and then says men don't like them, because their made for women. I must start by saying this it's entirely! Fine! If you want to criticise some men, but you does just say, men- men, men, men, men and I was- I would also like to point out this content not made for women the marvel.
A bunch of women punching other women. Do there is not one in central content and I can t bought the whole thing she gets into, but ok, that's. What's first play this video, you can hear her argument. and they will talk about the question of whether or not men like women's content, are offended by it, and I want to stress two: it's not like ladys, like the most important leading the world, it's not like her opinion is is, is the most important pinioned. If might that, obviously So why highlighted video like this? It gives an opportunity to explain mistakes made by many of these people when it comes to producing movies, comic books, video games, etc. When you argue that the marvels a superhero film is made for women. That's the mistake: successful counter that targets, women, fifty shades of gray. Sorry, that's reality, but there are women like this. That would just they want to be in male spaces dude if the average woman does not.
July's herself flying through the air and punching people in the face, and instead is more interested in, like the notebook or I dunno what legally blonde I dunno, what what movies women are watching or or how about this? How about the I was at a twilight, the vampire film that the teenage girls were all into and they put themselves in the position of Bela the girl who is being courted by the powerful vampire. That's a really fastened. take on this to content made for women. How about where the main character is actually less powerful, then than the main dude at where I got that I'd actually see the moment, but then she becomes vampire and you know or whatever. But let me only play As for you and will and we'll talk about here, we go examples of man not being able to handle being subjected to content dictators to women, even though women every single day have to endure content only made format. The first category is just when they have to start seeing something made for women too much and they
This example is the barbie movie. Yet let's stop right. There barbies not made for women, it's a general audience film! That's why they have and gosling and margo Robbie Barbie? Is a main stream popular brand, not to be fair, I think they did think it would skew towards females but family, in which case they expect a general audience. But again again. Yes, I will give some credit to her. They, they probably expected a fever skewing audience, and this one- but I don't think it's fair to say, is a movie catering towards women, because it is a general audience blockbuster that is meant to be big. It was meant to generate hundreds of millions of dollars, it did and they expect everyone to go see it but you know I'll give you a little bit on this one. They were just so annoyed that barbie was everywhere. They cannot escape air and that, like people were talking about it more than oppenheimer, this who wear that happen, everybody was was loving, talking about barbie homer and they thought it was hilarious. I did not see do look I felt barbie wise barbie movie. He just didn't care did dude come
out in mass and complain about fifty shades of grey or like, what's that they met a sequel to it. Whatever the point as its fine, if you saying some dudes complain about it, she's saying men, here's a really good when we look at this place to any women centric content that just becomes so popular that men have to start to hear about it more than they want to like this guy that made his wife put money in a jar every time she mentioned taylor swift. This happens anytime, women start to like something. No, it doesn't anytime. Women start like something men tell them money in a jar? Ok, I'm being a little pedantic here, but note note not suit seriously. The dude made a joke about the tests with job, because his wife was a super fan. It's fine! If, if, if got a guy was a huge fan of bury man allow when someone did the same joke we'd be like fine
lady as a chip on her shoulder about men. That's the issue and start to talk about something enough that it seeks into men's consciousness like we are all joking about girl math a few months ago, they were so mad whose they, who is they, though, they were so mad like all due to do. Nobody cares about you, man come on come about with so popular. It was reaching them and other category is when something men see as being made for them starts to be a little less made for them like when they made this female centric marvel movie and they lost their minds. They just think right. Let's talk about this one, the marvels, a superhero movie. It is not catered towards women. Ok, fine! I guess not get a towards
either fair point guys like the hero's journey, but general audiences tend to as well. I think it's totally fine! You see, let's go back to twilight, what's twilight about alright you're, this high school teenage girl, jeremy powers or anything, and then a car is about to hit her when all of a sudden boom. This guy puts his hand on the car, it's all dented and he stops it and he's like. Oh, are you okay, Yeah you see here is here's a story, twilight that was written for women and the funny thing is, shades of gray. I my understanding was, was toilet, fan fiction and then it was changed so popular. so. You have arm Bela project at that like edward and Bela guesses, edward, the guy's name, but basically here's the female fantasy that That sounds really really well among women. Men did not care There was no like care, believe they're making. Do I like movies your bed, some guys, probably but generally known, no guys cared women. put themselves in the role of a woman. Who was
being saved, I think, is a really great exam of how you make superhero genre films with women in mind now in add the marvels, and many of these We are women as the ultimate superhero, but they make the characters nasty. So when you the story of a ultimate protector and guys identify with it, and then women don't I get the movie bombs, everyone hates it? It's not men who are complaining. This lady like men, didn't like the marvels who making the movie for because nobody went to go, see it it bombed. It was the worst box office bomb marvel has ever seen so clearly, women did not like it either. Okay, here we go more. Every piece of content should be geared towards them. Pro tips for launching successful movie geared towards guys wait, wait, wait hold on. Let let let me let's let her. Let's say that again lee movie and they lost their minds. They just think every piece of content should be geared towards them worry, so
and so she says guys think everything should be made for them, and then she highlights some one who sang to make something geared towards guys. This is not some one said Every movie everywhere should always be for guys protests for launching successful movie geared towards guys. This is how they reacted when there was a female lead of a marvel movie which women, so watch. Yeah, you see here's the thing. Women and men have different perspectives. Different desires, men tend to be object, oriented women tend to be subject, oriented and them the power fantasy, is the guy who jumps on the grenade to save everybody and the the I I dunno I dunno. If there is the female power fantasy. One argument is that the female pop power fantasy is like these, he's where the woman gets to do whatever she wants guph off screw around, and then she ultimately gets the guy anyway. But I think I have pointed out exactly there. Is they don't think power fantasy? Is the right thing to put it in the mail. Fantasy is of power right. You have spiderman and he's gonna, save the bustle of kids
and is growth friend and then green goblin is like Joe spider man, who will you save that little children or mary, Jane and then spiderman saves both because he's awesome and that we like spiderman, cause of it? And then you have twilight which did extremely well and then the derivative fifty shades of gray, which was more like bdsm, some stuff. I guess I don't think about it, but twilight the woman being saved by the big strong man and then she's got a werewolf and a vampire fighting over her, because she so special like that, like this is twilight, is and this cell. So what was selling extremely well among women? Now you want to I'm only for one in there you go. Why make the male fantasy with a female character arc? That doesn't really to either males of males or females. I got no prob, I'm with you may get whatever you want, but let's be real lady, a nobody,
but to see that movie twilight did really well and the other marble movies did really well. But when you mix some look and went when they did browsed, nobody that that the book by the two guys nobody wants to see that either because it about market kept. This girl just went to see the movie and this person tweeted. I heard calling her fat and ugly. The same thing happened: dude welcomed the internet and when they try to put women in a ghost busters movie again, doesn't matter. If people think these movies are good or not, it doesn't matter of people. Think these movies are gonna. Not do the movie was objective lee bad, that's it when they did the new host busters the recent one with the diverse cast of of young people, including females ain't. Nobody had a problem with it. The problem is when they do the problem with ghostbusters was that it was not funny. It was slapstick and I gotta go. I watched a great video. It broke The problem with the new ghostbuster ghostbusters, twenty. Sixteen there
so in the original ghostbusters, when their explaining the power of the proton packs of things they wear to shoot the ghosts during an elevator. The whole it takes like twenty seconds and one of the ghostbusters like new switch me on, and they flip flip it, and it goes to EU. your place, that sound and then they slowly look like walk away from it, and it's like That short seen. You understand the power. were and instability of these weapons they have created and the fear that it could blow up and take out new york city in the ghostbusters twenty six and it was like a three minute long sequence, where she's like fly through the air and their life were knows all just over, The elaborate overly explained, jokes: that's why people didn't like it?
we're not mad that it was just a bunch of women stupid idea. Nonetheless, they were mad that they were made. This is the most ridiculous they weren't. Now I'm going to give her a helmet to give her credit on this one this example, but I think it still applies. There were men who were mad that the brown eminem was being remade to be less sexy, less appealing to men like why do the I mean them's half to cater to male gaze. This lady's got a chip on her shoulder lemme tell ya, I. I have bad news for you. Ma'am there are women who also don't like these things too, there were women who did not like the marvels. How do I know they did not go and see it, so I dunno to sell ya a lot of these things that you're claiming about and guess what women don't like them either. Now, as for the Eminem thing it,
one of the stupidest things that Tucker Carlson ever done on a show where he complained about the eminem being less sexy. Sorry dude! I don't care if they made the eminem a clown or gave it big, fake, boobs. I'd just be like this is stupid. It is a dumb commercial for a piece of candy and I gotta be honest. It was not just men who are upset about it. Now to be fair. Tucker did do a segment on it, but I dunno what are pointers just like if my eyes have to see the brown eminem, she should be dressing. For me, the issue is not that sports bars play sports. It's that male content is so omnipresent. The infrastructure is so readily available that you're always seeing content made for you that men cannot handle when content made for women comes across their tv ranga wrong. Lady, I'm going to say it again: why didn't you go see the marvels? This is the funniest
I love so much about wolk masculine about feminine masculinity, which I'll explain. The second is that they, she doesn't she's, not paying money to see this stuff, and you know what fine I mean. The the marbles made forty seven million for point one in their opening. We can so someone went and got to see it it males and masculine females, and if it worked for them, bravo, I don't care who they make. The movie I think the problem was bad storytelling. That was the problem with the first one characters I dont inspire and the movies flop. if you like it, you're allowed to like it. My complaint is not that they made a movie for women because they did not. Made a movie for weird, woke people and it ruins the brands. If you want to make something for we're, people make something new and different. Ok make new character. Is that you can me snowflake and safe space, where many tried that that failed to the issue, we are, as people this, whoever chip on their shoulder blame
for everything. Let me explain just simplifying as I wrap this segment up, women like twilight, young women and fifty shades of Men like captain America, an iron man. Could you Imagine what would happen if they made a movie like twilight, but it was like a week. Affair man being saved by a female empire and a female werewolf within fought over him. It could maybe work better than like a movie like the marvels, but it would not have hit nearly as big as twilight did and I want to doubt underworld, take a look at movies like underworld and what you get you do get a component of that of that in a female dynamic of that's of, or I should say, of the protector dynamics, talk about underworld underworld is vampires, verses, werewolf! there is a kate beckoned sale plays a sexy, vampire she's, very strong, a very powerful
there's this guy and she rescues him. But what ends up happening to anybody who knows in that series the dude becomes the ultimate secret weapon, a hybrid vampire, werewolf, more powerful She is so even when you try to make something that starts off in a similar way. The twilight it ends with him being the biggest in the best not to be fair twilight. I know that Bela has like special abilities and becomes aware open does become powerful. No, I get all of that, but she is still being fought over by two burly liked strong, attractive men, and that is not typical of the male lino desire, so even an underworld, it was just came back and sail saving this guy, but he was capable in his own right. He wasn't just some like you know, guy who is being fought after fond over. I think what I want to say is what I mean to say is you're getting something for women you're, typically to making something where you have like a bela. Who is the object of desire, and that is the female fantasy to be desired, and then for the
EL fantasy. You have a man becoming strong, overcoming and saving those he cares about, not absolutely, but, generally speaking, this is what people are probably experiencing this lady look, I get some as you are completely right, but the real issue is they're, making garbage content for audiences that don't exist. It's not for women. It's for this. Weird amalgamation? That does not make sense, and nobody cares about. That's the issue so to answer the final question: do men just hate women's content? No, I mean, it's probably fair to say they don't care for it their indifference. like, I didn't, go and see the notebook or whatever, there's a whole bunch of movies made from it. I don't care about I've, never read nor watched a twilight. I've seen it passively like once on tv in the background or something I don't seek it out, it's not for me and I got no beef with it. That's just how things go. Do I go around complaining about how you got on? Let me tell you this one, this lady, she saw
I gotta walgreens right cause. I wanna get like a bag of beef jerky, and what do I see they got to hope. Instructions just for women. They don't have a men's section. In fact, if I want to get like a razor for my face, I gotta go to the makeup aisle and then in the back of the women's makeup women's you know like hair, hair, hair, hair stuff. he's big whole section dedicated to all of women's needs. I never, point about a one time you see what you're talking about is full of it. Men are so maybe not subjected to things made from an no we're, not We walked through stores all day and get I mean like there's, there's aisles in stores just for women and there are not aisles and source just for men for the most part, but I don't really care so whatever there are things. Women need that men don't need have a nice day, a nobody crying about it, a livid, their necks,
segment is coming up tonight at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him. Yes, I r l thanks rang out, we'll see you all them. You dream of a career with better pay benefits and ours, but you're nuts about going back to school. Full time have merely in college. We can help we offer programmes that are affordable and flexible to fit into your busy life most completed in less than two years seen miller, my college can offer visit our campus at sixty three. Ninety seven lee highway sweet one hundred, then chattanooga, tennessee or learn more online learn miller. Dash m o t t he that eu.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-08.