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Trump Announces Action AGAINST Social Media Radical Left Bias As Feds Target Google With Anti Trust


Trump Announces Action AGAINST Social Media Radical Left Bias As Feds Target Google With Anti Trust. WSJ has announced that the DOJ may be about to launch an anti trust probe into Google over unfair advertising practicesShortly after this news broke Donald Trump tweeted that they would be going after the radical left bias at big tech companies.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Donald Trump has pointed out that the big tax social media companies are being controlled by the radical left and that some, It will be done to remedy this illegal situation. He took out a video from group called America first, which was a speech by Michel Balkan, would shortly after disappeared now there. claiming that it was deleted by twitter. I can confirm that, but it's entirely possible. Just considering twitter often removes videos that Donald Trump we'll tweet out now many We will try and tell you, there's no such thing as bias on social media. Then they'll don't move. goalposts once you prove it and say: oh, but it's a private company. They can ban whoever they want. It's, not social media bias. You don't understand the first amendment the reality as these big text these absolutely are biased in favour of the tribal laugh now. Something strange has been happening ever since culture war, evolved more into politics of twenty twenty. Instead of talking about issues of hate speech,
We are now dealing with censorship relating to the Krona virus pandemic, simply based on what Donald Trump has supported it we're distinguishing videos of doctors being removed, actual experts having their videos taken down because there pinion is contrary or counter to what mainstream media has been saying this is the evolution of the culture war, social media, censorship, it's not even about right or left wing policy anymore. It's about supporting particular tribe. Now, Donald Trump tweet comes just after it was announced that the feds, the Justice Department States, attorneys, are likely to bring antitrust lawsuits against Google. This is huge this needs. This will be one of the biggest antitrust cases assuming it happens. Since the nineties many people have argued it needs to happen because well he's companies are too powerful. Look I'm on Youtube. Benefit greatly from Youtube, but the reality is many. Other platforms can't even compete because good
Controls is so much of the internet environment. It's not just about video hosting it's about advertising in general and how many other companies can't raise the money to even go up against Google, but Our serious considerations when it comes to how we deal with these things and Yang, for instance, sad does anyone. Really want to use being. No. We like Google, Google is the service we use its the tool. How could there be other search engines but I would point out to bring up as we get into the story right now, the Democrats, I voted to allow remote voting in the house. Republicans are slamming Nancy Blowsy, calling this a power grab that she can basically pass bills without. Even you know any counter arguments, because people will just vote from home, they say it's a bad thing, while the argument as before the kind of ours pandemic. We need remote voting otherwise there
be a session of Congress at all. The Senate disagrees but here's my question. They argue that these big tech companies are private businesses that can do whatever they want a private company right and the four. Amendment doesn't apply to them. Will let me then bring this up if you're going to I was in your big cities in New York in California or or elsewhere that we're allowed to gather and peacefully assemble peaceably, assemble like New York, for instance. Your belt was yelling Nypd, commissioner, said no protesting aloud well, that is a suspension of our right to assemble and speak if they can get remote voting at handle civics over the internet. Why shouldn't we have our rights guaranteed as well. If we're not allowed to speak it block that I will say this. First of all, I don't agree with people being arrested and with protests being shut down, though there trying to do it, but- If you want to argue in favour of that, then I'll say find the compromise would be. We get free speech,
each on social media platforms. If we can't go out and do it physically, because the because of the pandemic, I demand. Then we should demand free speech on Youtube. Facebook, twitter or otherwise, right gotta throws them a private company argument out the window. If the Democrats, if ass, a vague it about remotely, even though these are serious legal matters, then why can't we have these protections as well? The future is very differ. Then you know our communication in the future or stay in the present was very different from when the bill of rights was created, we do most of our political discourse right here on the internet, so Donald Trump may be a bit or Balikh when he says that the radical left is in control, everything. I think it's more nuanced than that, but I do think we need to solve this problem both because of the crown of ours pandemic, but also because You don't think about how it works, how it could be in the future with neural link. If we,
synchronize ourselves like we already are starting to suit with with mobile phones into the internet, for communications and civics, and we don't have any rights than when companies like What are you tube or or anyone else bans doctors? We put our health at risk for who for four for companies that are scared of losing money. Well, this is particularly long intervals. So let's get started in Rio. Trump said before we do had over two TIM cast: Dotcom, Slash done it. If you'd like us, what my worked as many waging gave it. The best thing you can do is share this video. I know I know a lot of people hear what I have to say and that's fine, maybe you'll find some people who will but, more importantly, big tech companies look we're talking about prop up the mainstream media Youtube's out, them. As favouring CNN Msnbc Fox NEWS, I can compete with that big Youtube on their side and they got the big bucks. If you want to help me out the best,
to actually counter this is by sharing the video, because that's the most effective way to market. Otherwise, if you want to watch it, the subscribe button like button, the notification, Well, maybe that'll be enough. Let's Reed Bloomberg reports, Donald Trump accused Facebook ink twitter ink, an alphabet inks google of being controlled by the rat laughed and said that his administration is working to remedy what he called an illegal situation and a tweet that, so mentions that Facebook owned Instagram the? U S, President Canada, clip by conservative, Blogger Michel Mark in limbo seeing the so called DE platform, enough conservative voices by technology companies Trump didn't operate on potential measures targeting the Tec Giants Balkan in a recent poll twitter account so that she would not be taking the gates Maxine I don't care about. That is completely irrelevant, but let me show the tweet from Tromp, because something very interesting happened here the tears that'll trumps tweet, but it says the tweet is unavailable, the video that he
which was conservative. Commentator. Michel Balkan talking about censorship and free speech is gone, according to America, first, they say tat. deleted this tweet after real bad. Trumped shared it sensors, in America is out of control. We then have tweet from Michel Balkan who says we see you playing games, and then she says some choice, words to particular individuals, I'm not gonna, read what you post a screen, shot of the tweet being unavailable, and then this post from America. First now she didn't outright say between was deleted, but America first did I can confirm that is entirely possible. America first deleted the tweet to make it seem like censorship, but I honestly wanna be conspiratorial, so the best I can say as the tweet was removed. Somehow here's the problem, Twitter track record of removing posts from the president. There was one point where someone on Twitter actually deleted the president's account. I guess they
creating and on their way. I remember the full story, but something that affect Twitter doesn't get the benefit of the doubt on this benefit of the doubt. On this one. Well, I'm not going to be so hard ass. I say I know I leaned. words to remove its weight and they had to reposted, because that's what twitters done now the big question out to bring up, but I do want to read: the Justice Department, Google, Anti Trust in MRS Huge there's, like this your move being taken against Google in terms of their monopoly, but I want to ask this question. I believe conservatives are at risk of going extinct. I have said as much previous video, because they losing the social media battle they made them. it may turn around, they may start winning or for the time being, we have seen Donald Trump speak a whole lot. Never actually do anything, I'm What do you? Do we put out an email list before, like hey? If you ve been a victim of censorship, send us your email. What happened
maybe he's waiting to last minute? I don't know, but as high profile trump supporters continue to get banned and removed. There's a couple arguments that can be made. The first is that if this doesn't stop Trump I'll lose his high profile supporters. The people rallying trumps defence are disappearing and the media is being dominated by left wing. Narratives read it, for example, started to ban conservatives and created this effect. Where conservatives would leave the platform, and read, it became dominated by left wing propaganda and fake news. Now, of course, the right has its propaganda. Fake news too, but if you go to write it one of the biggest websites in the world for content, only seeing antitrust means. That's going to call serious harm for Donald Trump. Perhaps is another argument one I've made as well is: this might actually help Donald Trump. If twitter begins removing the worst actors in the conservative movement. All that's left are suit wearing regular people. You get rid of the more bombastic
personalities and then trumps base looks professional and clean and if they don't get rid of the far left activists, they look knots and regular people will see this and the media will started chase after insanity. I think that's one potential, but I do story from the hill are concerned merely wimps on the path to extinction. I can counter this, but first thoughts. He was going out with Google, the Wall Street Journal reports, both the Justice Department and a group of states attorneys uttered. turn. These general are likely to file antitrust lawsuits against alphabet inks, Google and our well into play. for litigation according to people from over the matter, the just department is moving towards bringing a case as soon as this summer. Some of the people set of at least some. States attorneys general, led by Texas Attorney General General attorney general, can Paxton Republican or likely, file a case probably in the fall people with familiar. The matter said much of the states
investigation is focused on Google's online advertising business. The company owns the dominant tool at every link in the complex chain between online publishers and advertisers. the Justice Department likewise is making Google's add technology, one of its points of emphasis, but it all, but it is focusing more broadly on concerns that Google uses its permanent search business to stifle competition. People familiar the matter said I'm gonna go out and argue there is a strong, is a strong argument. They do. If you go on Google and search for TIM, pull you to guess what Don't come up. Youtube has removed my channels from Google search now. Why would they that we can speculate. I didn't break any rules. I actually, have a very successful channel, so what real real would they have for remove my time and many others from search? It could be that there is a political ideological or it could be
use this to stifle put competence. and rivals and when I, HAWK negatively about Youtube and I do all the time they remove that negative opinion. This video, for instance, I'm criticising, Google and Youtube would benefit from. I understand for there censorship and for their algorithmic, manipulation will be suppressed on Google. now that sounds like they're trying to benefit protect their business and their use a position to do so, but I- dad I'm making a bit of a stretcher. The point as I'm not gonna are so as to why there removing certain individuals from their search but of Google uses their search in a way to stifle negative opinion of the practices their engaging in a reason maybe they're doing it to protect their business, so they can put, can continue being by and one of the reasons I think I might actually be centred on the Google search platform is because I routinely point out Google is censoring people not necessarily for political opinion, but to protect themselves in when it pertains to advertise
if Google is censoring people because of rule violations- ok, fine, you can argue, but my private company, but I've broken rules, in which case, why are they censoring my general? Could it be that I correctly pointed out, in my opinion, that Youtube's fear and their censorship actually has to do with protecting their advertisement business their dominant position? Perhaps or I'm just stretching it, but we can see. This is that this is the main target of their business. Now others have anything to do with so media censorship, very likely. Won't, let's go to the bigger question here. Are conservatives merely whips on that to extinction. I don't necessarily need to read the article you get the point being made. Let me let me point out something to tar a reed when bright Cavenaugh was attacked conservatives one on the defensive when too a red was attacked. Some conservative we're defensive, pointing out the double standard.
A lot of conservatives actually called her out to she's the woman who accuse Joe Biden. The problem with fighting on principle and demanding a fair play is that the people who are cheating will always will always cheap. If the Democrats and left were willing to use these texts, techniques and tactics against Donald Trump you know, that's his is a pointy right cabinet and then, when it came to town terror, read they dropped all. You know this. This entire idea, what what they clamber their morals Republicans playing fair will always be at a disadvantage, stands to reason if conservatives and many of them do say but my private business your ear you'll be wiped out and I've been argued over area natal care. I don't get somebody conservative so now, I'm I'm I'm a fairly MELT Tom Spencer. Individual I've argue this conservatives. If he, if you keep defending these companies, pay
Jane you from what is now the principal way, we communicate don't be surprised when your ideas are gone like it worse. As I mentioned earlier, the culture war has evolved well beyond just hate speech. Conservative liberal its evolved well be and you know, do you want a flat tax or progressive tax? When even talk about these things anymore, we barely talk about Universal health care. I do think if we're having as I mentioned earlier as well, if it isn't, going on right now about the need for universal basic income. Due to automation, then shouldn't I also have an argument about the rights of internet based free speech. If this is if, if the end- it is dominating where we share ideas. The culture war has evolved into something new. Take a look at this story is free. But John Levine of Veneer Post Youtube. Sensors appetite I'll, just not without not Woodhouse Wit, Cowskin for opposing lockdown Donald Trump, said liberate.
what happens. Elon musk wants to reopen his factory and all of a sudden, the tribal left per day doubly calls Elon Musk horrible person, the monster they attack him. They insult other protestors the culture war now as almost nothing to do with with with any kind of core principle, I mean. Obviously there still people like me in, and the people who follow. You know like all of you, watching who believe in free speech, liberty and and and principles, but for I mean the left, just basically has devolved into whatever you we oppose Sylvan epidemiologist now comes out. This guy had a video with one point three million views and he was arguing against the lockdown you to remove. this video, and he doesn't know why we also video of two doctors and enough. I have this one pulled up another something different wait: a video of two doctors who, expressing why they thought the lockdown was wrong as well. You tube took that video down why so I bring up. This was causing story. It is relevant, they say after Wisconsin,
court ruling crowds liberated and thirsty descent on bars where the wild West Governor Tony ever says behold on the rule, of law in Wisconsin is that you cannot have these locked Why would you to be censoring videos opposing the lockdown when, in some states that is the law? Why would you to be added? waiting for a violation of the law. I dont know seems to make no sense now, yeah. You can argue that conservatives may end up being wiped out. That's one of the big things I wanted to point out the recent I'm showing these stories is too is a kind of counter that it's not even about being conservative anymore I'll, even what it really means the people or the bars on our aren't, all conservative and then want to show you this right here and now. I've got a lot more time to go through with the support from gallop showing that in twenty nineteen people, who and, if I liberal actually went down for the first time in, like ten years before and a I conservative actually started to go up while people wanted identified as moderate stayed the same
they can. Soldiers are gonna. You are going to be wiped out. In fact, I think with Donald Trump tweeting this, whether or not the actual. Does anything I think conservatives? so I started to see a major benefit they actually starting to win. I think, with the victories we saw for the Republican Party in California is twenty fifth and Wisconsin. Seventh, show that conservatives may absolutely be dominating. People might finally be waking up now to the fact that the damage that's, aren't doing anything for anyone or that these big tech companies are just despot. Trying to pander and sensor whatever they think goes against leftist tribalism, I really don't know what it is other than the people who are scared of breaking ranks. If you're someone like me, you know I've talked about ton of controversial issues, dont care I talk about I won't even if conservative dramatically even of liberals are mad at me, and I have said it's only a matter of time. Before the conservatives get mad at me because when I,
occupy Wall Street. The left was cheering yon. Conservatives are critical and it flipped, because I adhere to my principles. What I think is is is true: incorrect working with Youtube, in my opinion, isn't so much about whether or not they are left or right in terms of politics. It's about. They think the dominant cultural force is the left. I don't think so anymore, and that's it that's the point. I was making with the gallop. its shifting. Thirty, seven percent of so this article from gallop, says the you remained centre right ideologically in twenty nineteen conservatives make up the largest faction and Democrats Liberals are shrinking, then it's to reason. Conservatives aren't gonna be wiped out there actually growing, they might continue to grow, and with this stating victory to the devastating defeat of Democrats initiate twenty five conservatives, maybe on track to win. If it's In point Youtube realises there actually advocating for four lawbreaking
and that their actually censoring experts they might have, make a serious change. I dont know if that will happen, but I think this big tech companies while many of the people who work there are biased are leftist we just saw recently Google is, as has been, a shuddering one of their diversity and inclusion pro an important NBC news. They are slow, doing away with it, I think they're starting to realize they bought on the wrong way. their censorship makes no sense. Look at the story from your post ripe, they say, would cowskin sixty five as a Ocean critic of the nation's current steps to fight the krona virus. He has done I did social distancing, saying only prolongs the virus existence and is attacked. The current lockdown is mostly a necessary. They mention that you too, removed a video of him talking, but the virus which had wrapped up more than one point three million views. Why he's literally an expert? I think at a certain point, you to better recognised, live that on the wrong.
course I take a look at a lot of these movies that have come out, you know the ones that have gotten that that big, there's a go I'll get well could go broke. Not every single, woke film has gone broke, or I should say not. Every single woke campaign has gone broke. Captain Marvel, for instance, from the embassy was fairly woke and it made a ton of money, but people are kind of mixed on it. We recently saw birds of prey. Yes, this is relevant. Let me let me let me explain as these companies start to realize their losing money as Youtube. To realize their risking their bottom line as people lose faith in mainstream news media at a certain point. These companies ask themselves, are they going to destroy their own business simply because their late to the party they, but on the wrong horse they, but on the left. Well, people got sick and tired of it and their opinions are shifting. I think what we are seeing is is twitter. Facebook Youtube are linked to the party.
very early on. They were all very, very much excited eager to suspend and sensor conservative opinion, but something started. Changing mark Zuckerberg even came out in favour of free speech a one, but he did recently appoint a very social justice E Board, Independent review bored. So it's hard to know if conservative winning. You know we're losing in certain respects, but I will say in my opinion, it stands today, conservatives actually have actually turn the tide and slowly started to win. Look the fact that joy, Dorothy would even have a conversation with me last year shows that they didn't understand what was going on and the conversation ultimately ended with them. Saying. Oh, thank you for the feedback. If these companies want to make money, They need to go where the money is as there dumb rapid shrinks. They need to adapt so outside of them. Even being I do not way we can argue that may be their ideological, maybe they weren't, but here's what I think
Ultimately there just thinking about how they can make money and that's really what it comes down to. and as we ve seen in politics, Reading flows in one direction, if you come out, right wing, your grid, with a parade. If you come, if you, if you move to the left, your scrutinised and attacked the left tries to recruit through fee and cancellation and attacks and the right tries to recruit through love and acceptance, and you know Peter Party It's not even ripening everybody. Everybody recognizes this slow, the over time it's. This is a one way valve people can. pushed out of the left very easily and not be welcome back guess what happens? The larger portion of the market will be conservative, and these social media companies will see there their bottom line shrink and a real, SK emerge, because this creates the opportunity for real competition. In that regard, I think Youtube is very, very eager to prop up some conservative voices
I think we're seeing a change in Youtube and I'll. Tell you something I noticed for them. Longest time I've seen you tube overtly, just propping up Fox news. Most people have told me this recently changed. And now we're started, seen more channels start to come back into the auto rotation, including mine, which is surprising, still vary. Show less than the mainstream media, but I think these big tech companies realized you can try to pan the press, but as less and less people trust the press your safer, but is to side with the people the crowd, the largest portion of the market. That doesn't mean that what this market wants is correct. It doesn't mean that conservatives are wrong. It just means that initially Youtube, Twitter and Facebook thought this is where the money is just favour, these people, and now that that seems to be changing. Now there are starting to back away and say: ok, ok, now how do we transition to get the money from the other people tell you what? Maybe you just don't be biased in the first place? Maybe you just
have these rules be standardized. Here's the problem you tube will. Never Google will never facebook. All these companies will never be able to successfully monetize off of a leftist ideology because they complain about everything. It's a circular firing squad. You can never be pure enough, and no matter what Google does. They will always always complain If you want to run out- and you want to be safe in your be successful, the best position is to be on the free speech side, because that, if anyone tries the council, you can just found it often say free speech and there's more people who want free speech and doubt or say at least the people who want free speech our consistent on what they find offensive, Donald Trump tweeted, but the radical left. Does that mean is actually to do anything? I really doubt it, but would also plays out. I guess now you tube and twitter and Facebook, and all these companies are on the wrong side of this. The lock down are being deemed unconstitutional in and many states or even opening up. Why, then,
due to ban this content. I honestly have no idea what they relate to the party. They have no idea what's happening and it's about time. They just put down the ban hammer Oliver their necks segments coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him cast news, and I will see Ah, then I read on CNN a lot and it made. Be one network, but I do make many videos dragging CNN. notably their media correspondence, often dominant at the same time. I am very critical of them for just ragging on Fox NEWS on the surface, it may seem like I'm being a bit hypocritical in you know, If you want to argue that by all means do so, I am absolutely open to being criticized, but I think this story here from news busters is the perfect example of the point trying to make with why CNN is so awful Niven sang for but see it on his performative rage bait garbage their reality. Tv trash is a big difference between what Fox NEWS as having conservative opinion supporting the president very often, and what CNN does and this store
Don lemon is basically trying to get a governor to block Elon Musk Tesla from moving to the state. Now, why would Anchor Report, the news and asking questions pressure, a democratic governor to take should I get someone for no one, a reason. Then it's it's a tribal issue. I can quite understand to be honest other than they're trying to signal to their base. Cnn is not news. If you want to argue Fox NEWS, is biased and supports the present do so it's fine. They often do their often biased they. Sometimes. Really dumb segments say, unlike foxen, friends whatever, but so get its opinion right. If Mr Karlsson wants about Russia gave handy, wants to talk about Obama, gate. Ok, there too my news issues and they're, giving our opinion, but why?
we're Don lemon actually falsely nonetheless, try to get a democratic governor to block Teslas Ellen musk was going to you now you want to move his company right and many female making the story. He was upset that Alameda County was blocking him. Gavin Newsome of California allowed manufacturing to resume. We actually have the quotas from it. May eleventh they just they straight up, say that manufacture, manufacturing broadly throughout the state of California, is no longer restricted with modifications. It was Alameda County that was specifically blocking Elon Musk Elon Musk mosque took issue that's because governor gave a new, some was on board with manufacturing being restarted. Cnn Don Lenin lies makes it seem like Elon, musk was defying Newsome, and that this democratic governor and I believe, Colorado by supporting and encouraging Tesla to move as factory was some,
also going against together Newsome. This is activism. This is political partisanship. No other reason that Trump support the economy being reopened. Therefore of Elon Musk wants to open its factory. Oh, it must be awful. This is the problem, CNN went when Oliver Darcy or Brian stouter complain about Fox news and boy. Do they? That's one network you're, not talking about media integrity, you're complaining about one networks, opinion they also drag one american news. Fine, you aren't you criticise their opinions. Ok, but isn't it weird how obsessed they are with everything must be anti trump. Everything. When I criticise CNN, it's for things like this is the perfect example M lobbying, politicians yeah, oh ok, Fox NEWS is doing that Fox NEWS is just biased. Cnn is actively lobbying in playing a role in politics. That's why they're so awful, but through the story NEWS buster says:
lemon scolds policy for inviting mosque too. ok to Colorado earlier this week, cholera Governor Jared Palace had a message for Tesla founder Elon Musk who threaten to move as companies headquarters out of California after local health officials prevented him from reopening this factory. Talking to twitter, talking to Twitter, Polis, told musk talking to Twitter. We want you here. This did not sit well with CNN tonight, Don Lemon, whose scolded policy on Wednesday night for rolling out the welcome that, for that defiant, musk lemon honest the liberal Democrat for inviting must to relocate his factory to Colorado after he announced that he would defy. Orders to reopen it. Has a plant in California Lemon asked: do you in Colorado. If he's defying public health guidance in California. Apparently the answer was yes done. Polis didn't back down explaining that We would be very excited, have Tesla would locate in Colorado describing, as date as a great place, to grow a business and a great place for manufacturing the democratic.
to ensure lemon that its desire to see Tesla relocate to estate was for the long run, because this is likely a transition that could be a year or two years. Lemon was not impressed. quote. Why would you want someone who is defying orders to I understand the better part of it, but I mean come on governor. He continued to chastise policy. You're a governor you're not make The fellow governor, gave a nuisance job any easier. Imagine if it was the reverse if Governor Newsome had done the same thing, you're doing you'd be like Hey governors. What are you doing come on? What what are you talking about? If Elon must wants to leave? It has nothing to do with governess, em and Ever knew some already opened manufacturing CNN is just stuffing time line, but their their lobbying a politician to block company for no legitimate reason. That's my problem with CNN. Say prior to scolding policies for inviting muster Colorado. The conversation focused on policies visit to the White House in a restaurant in castle Rock colored Castle, Rock Colorado,
the opening of dining room in defiance of an order issued by the governor, the CNN hack. I appreciate that news busters, but you know, come on dried debate policy into trashing per didn't you were in the room and when the president took a swipe at doktor fancy. What went through your mind when you heard that policy acknowledged that he sure exactly what he was talking about without you, the conversation about the restaurant reopening The usual liberal talking points with lemon calling the disobedience nuts and polish slamming the foolish behaviour of people at the restaurant, contrasting them with the vast mature. Americans who care deeply about their own lives, the lives of their family members and the lives of their neighbours in the end in the aid chronic virus CNN, has found a new purpose. Defend lockdown all cost and impugn the motives of those who refuse to abide by them. A transcript of irrelevant portion of Wednesdays CNN tonight is below click expand, while a block would only three that, but that's the point, the resistance people
CNN Don Lemon Brien's Bolivar Darcy. They dont actually care about any of this, because there is no real prince but behind just being mad about one biased network. I read on CNN, specifically their political lobbying. I should say one of the reasons I do and you know unhappy about it either. We I've talked about this moral and ethical issue quite a bit we talk about unless the pot are. We just playing the same game by me, saying oh CNN, awful and applying the same game. It's like a never ending, no dominoes falling over it is is the toilet. Bull Ross whirling around. But what are we supposed to I honestly don't know I'll. Tell you this. I do not Believe CNN, criticism of tromp mosque of the Lock downs of Fox NEWS are legitimate and that's the problem. I believe my grievances with them are legitimate.
and maybe that's you know, you'll end up with resistance people saying, ah you know everybody thinks there right. They think they're, their grievances are legitimate. I just I just don't see it was. It was a man down lemon is wrong. He's firstly, framing the argument, as I all have already shown you this from ABC seven Ilan Mosques, a dispute was with Alameda County, of which he one that does cute and Gavin Newsome spokespeople shred of said manufacturing, Riley Throat, California, has not restricted without modification. That was the issue. So why then drag governor and make it seem like Gavin newsrooms having his is job made harder. It's just not the case check this out. Video I lighting scene and host Brien's dollars. Obsession with Russia Investigation goes viral. This is exactly the issue, No, who Jennifer Reuben is I've. I feel bad for Dave Reuben because he shares a last name with her
Jennifer Reuben is a ambient air Quartier conservative columnist, but it just so happens that you know I am. I am thoroughly impressed at the stupidity of these resistance that you can lie to their faces and so long as it satisfies their emotions. They just role with it. That's another problem I have in this culture war. There is a very big gap between both sides having to do with emotion and logic. You look at the people who, like Ben Shapiro, facts, don't care about your feelings, logic, blubber, blob. Of course, people on the right can get very emotional everybody can the left seems to be guided by it, I should say the broader left, and so what that ends up happening as you get right, Walter, rinds dollar, four years, Gus, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia back there, and then he comes out and says. Why are all these right wing media outlets? so concerned about Michael Flynn. They care more about this. covered eyebrow. You you for years we're talking nonsense about right.
This is the issue I take with these people. This is why my content tends to be biased in one direction, because I don't think there's a legitimate grievance for the most part. I there's a tendency think about all of these things that have happened over the past several years. Russia gate was fake news. Ukraine gate was fake news. Patriot, failed, dismal lack Covington I arrive, brings up as examples of the tendency of the cultural left to just be wrong and they don't stop You take a look at what happened with with the meat to movement and Joe Biden, and what do you get the Jennifer Ruben? when I brought up perfect example when it she she will tweet, I believe you know bright. Cavenaugh is a bad person, you not I'm being hyperbolic by my new and then shall tweet about reading Joe Biden that this elegant It is wrong to read its purely
emotional reactive confirmation by US tribalism. This is as grafting as they come and its. It said it sad because there are people who are just not smart enough to see through this. You get what brine stouter does and boy did. He devolve into a dispute. Double absolutes, it's crazy because I used to say he wasn't that bad. The same was true for Oliver Darcy, that they're both immediate correspondence see interviewed mean twenty. Sixteen about the threat of internet censorship. He used to be a conservative writer. He was working for business insider now. All he does is rag on Fox NEWS all day, Psych Bro expand your repertoire man. It's like your one hit wonder but it's weird. Why are you obsessed with this? One thing, what we see from John Lennon is
at sea and ends, goal is to just be at will actually brine. Stouter said this to channel the rage of the public. Who says what does that mean? It means the content you get from them is pandering to the audience, dare I say, siding with the audience. If you're familiar with my story, told a quite a bit when I worked for fusion, which was an ABC news universe in joint venture, I was told to side with the audience in that's exactly what CNN has learned to do. They have found their market and they will just side with them. That means they won't tell you. They will inform you they're not going to give you a legitimate information, they're going to give you hyper, partisan rage, bait fake news That's the worst part of it. It's fake down lemon when he brought up Gavin Newsome was lying or, I should say, falsely framing or misleading his audience. There is no dispute with Elon, musk and Newsome. As far as we can see in the story, because Elon Musk waited for Newsome to reopen manufacturing album.
the county was a dispute, so why would then don Lemon asked Paulus? Oh you're gonna be harder for governance and what we do that you gave Newsome agrees. Everybody would want Tesla to move as fact rats. Ten thousand jobs could aboard the economy. People are gonna, love the politicians upon that off three, the story from Fox NEWS. They say a video montage posed by the Washington freebie can highlighting CNN media Craig Rhine, stout, there's change of heart regard. Whether or not the Russia Probus Newsworthy, has gone viral free beacon, reporter David ruts noticed stealth, there said Sunday, but he was disappointed and right wing media's. As obsession with recent revelations about the your problem and its origins, calling it insignificant in the light of the corona virus pandemic. Ruts wrote that stuff Sunday morning show was focus heavily on the drip drip drip of Robert Mullahs, Russia Investigation for years, even
I would also like five, no evidence of a conspiracy between Trump and the Kremlin to illustrate the apparent hypocrisy. The free beacon published a super cut of sellers recent comments, followed by scores of instances of the last over the years. He disgusting the Haitian himself, the montage, quickly went viral racking up one point: four million views since it was published on Tuesday night the issue. I see with rights Delta, then, is that right wing media isn't only obsessed with the. storing what salt or said was like. Why are they talking about Michael Flynn when they could be talking about covert? It was because Donald Trump did did an interview where he talked quite a bit about Michael Flynn, but down also talked about covered and right? Wing media also talked a lot about Covin Reinstall, your acting like rightwing. Media was just not talking about it all simply because they did have some conversations about Flynn and that other conversations about covered doesn't mean that they weren't talking about it as a bronze, I'm just trying to make making
he's like. I can't believe they would talk about Michael Flynn. People are dying every day and it's like you can talk about two things. That's the lie, Lying Brian is lying. You used to. the news guy is that crazy, used to be a media critic. Now he's just fake news reality. Tv is that as of Wednesday morning, the conservative papers, videos retreated thousands of times and picked up a ton of engagement with much of the feedback mocking Spelter one person sang The fact that he can make these absolutely hypocritical comments and get away with it says a lot about the network that employs him and its viewers. Other persons at this man is a non thinking, irrational, tedious overwhelmed. Ok, I don't need only those comments I would like to even among the criticism. Fox news is throwing back its shelter, I'd like to keep it to actual arguing, saleable says there is no in media less intelligent than brine stouter. I dont like any of that. Ok, look! If you want to make an argument, you want to argue against somebody, then you should be doing it. I am
SAM. I'm not a fan of what CNN does I don't like it? If people do it back and that's where I try to navigate this in terms of ethics, morality, and I try to break down that that that understanding. You know that the question of what side is actually in the right. That's why I highlight the several times the left has been absolutely wrong, because there is a and see among the cultural laughed racked emotionally and get things wrong. Take a look at the armory case, new Infirm, It is now coming out about that related to text messages that were sent to the two men who who and I'm gonna get a novelty does of our remilly vat. But there's no new information coming up. The police had texted the homeowner, the homo. who is now lying about whether not anything withdrawn from his property said it was said it wasn't. The story is complicated, confusing political interests, mob mentality, threats of violence, and so what we need is a calm, sane and rational approach to addressing what's happening now. I'm also offer some shape the conservatives over this one, because
just jumped on board with the emotional reactive nonsense commentary and that's not good either. Fox news has its problems with you know: Carbolic content is why you know I liked her Karlsson, but I don't know I'm not a big fan of Lord Ingram Org It is because I view them as very bombastic hyper partisan personalities. Karlsson is kind of moderate. He calls it where its fair, in my opinion- and he has on guests at that- that counter and has actual debates, Ryan's doctors, the opposite of that right so it was what Walter Karlsson will have on Anti far will invite the left and have silly arguments in debates and, yes, sometimes sucker has bad guests. He tries like respect, Ryan's does, on the other hand, only has the same echo chamber, fake news, people coming on saying the same fake news, ECHO chamber garbage: why is it
and why doesn't anyone notice that there's something strange about just rang on Fox NEWS all day or they could argue bud? Fox news gets the highest ratings and I like men, I've got criticisms with the media in general, because ABC ABC News, has been wrong. They published fake news in the past few years, you ve c and are being called out for fake news using fake images. They they did this where they I believe it was CBS. They did days a scene from ITALY to claim it was the: U s these things you can call out and they occur all across the entire media spectrum. There is a serious problem with ethics in media YAP her down before both Fox NEWS. just one outlet so, but the issues at stake with CNN are not the same as health policy and Ngos after Fox NEWS and ass. The point I'm trying to make, but you know what I tell you: man, it's tough Does it really does seem like Raul doing the same thing, and it's hard to know where that wine is they they
their argument- is fox. News doesn't fall in line with them. I don't know it really does just feel like the ultimate goal of White CNN is no matter what the present as no matter what is supporters say they just say the opposite: their ratings are in the gutter, so their leaning into it they're trying to rally an activist base their engaging in partisan politicking and lobbying on news anchor should not tell a governor that they shouldn't allow companies to move. Why would that be? Ok, I really really don't get it, but everything's are exaggerated. Everything's alive, and this is what you can get from social. media as we move into into into I say: twenty twenty, but then about the twenty twenty election in November. It's it's it's gonna, get can I get really really bad. Take a look at the story from common dreams. There will be
Or death tromp says troops as he is willing to sacrifice. Lop sacrifice lives to reopen: U S, businesses. He actually does not want you to view these deaths for what they are blah blah blah blah blah. If you go to something like our slash politics on about it, you see stuff like this media framing politicking again. And Andrew Cuomo recently came out and said that there will be lives lost as on a big there's, nothing they can do about it and Strew Donald Trump said the same thing, but look at how the media frames it. What Donald Trump it says he's willing to accept lot lot. You know he's willing to risk lie is sacrificed lives for business. No one saying that about Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo press briefings are put on tv, everyday trumps aren't. Are we supposed to understand anything? If is what we get limit, let alone wrap it up with one final thought on this. The issue. The issue is that policy debates have nothing to do with what matters and
Nancy policy is not proposing bells because she thinks it will have the american people. This is where I believe we are facing a complete total societal collapse when politicians are no longer acting in the best interests of the people there simply acting in a way that they think will result in them getting power. Everything breakdown, Nancy policies. Three trillion dollar stimulus package has: Nothing to do with making american lives better. It has everything to do with pandering to the left, to getting brownie points. Now wishing get reelected innkeeper job, you can't solve that problem. I don't see how you do it if all of our politicians are just interested in saying what I have to say to get elected, then laws are being passed that make no sense. Money is being given away. It makes no sense people get locked up on issues where it makes no sense and we ll just under a truly broken and fractured reality where nothing makes sense and it starts with the media. I suppose, but I do know I'll leave it there
next islands coming up at one p m on the show nazi? Well, then, we have a pretty big development in the Ahmed Armoury case text messages were just released, showing that the police actually enlisted the suspects help in dealing with the ongoing trespass at the pre build, confer inside. Let me slow down break it down for you for those who are familiar. This is the Ahmed Armoury case, family says this man was just out for a jog activists have said that two white men jumped in a truck and hunted him down in a lynching. This is absolutely one hundred percent. Not true. The media has been lying individuals, involved have been lying. None of this is to say that anything happened. Ahmed Armoury, Ahmed Aubrey, is justified. Ninety nine point: nine percent of people believe he should not have lost his life that date and whenever I
wheat. Any new information shorn off I get inundated with people say, but what does this have to do with the fact that he lost his life? Blah blah blah tourism is about the media, it's the lies. It's about the partisanship people jumping the gun. Trying to push a narrative and I'll? Tell you what really bugs me out. I knew The far left was gonna lie about this and they did and how and then some but the conservatives jumping on this is just it's awful. The image you see on your screen is a text message from officer it looks like two officer rush or from officer russian Rash, sorry and its your neighbor S, avenue is Gregg MC, Michael Gregg, retired law enforcement and also retired investigate the days office. He said. Please call I'm day or night. When you get action on your camera, his number is blank. How was it that these two men ended up in their vehicle looking for Ahmed Armoury. Could it be that the police
instructed Larry English, the owner of the construction property to contact Ragman, Michael any of that he saw some honest camera and that's exactly what he did You ended up with two men with a man and his son load, taking their weapons. Getting the truck so now becomes even more complicated because listen while most people have agreed, they shouldn't have gotten their truck gonna. This guy. What happens when the police ask you to do it? Can you even then just FI a murderer, charge or even manslaughter. I honestly don't know, I think it's hot areas that people just absolutely want to believe the worst things about this. So let me just set you straight right now, I can prove I've the media's lying or homeowners lying now that this week this has become a major national story, and this evidence should be enough to show it was barely even vigilantes em
and it was a kind of was brought or I'll. Tell you men if the police request your assistance, whose fault is it? That's a good question, but it's a bit of a far cry from two guy. who just randomly decided to chase someone down. It's also a far cry, from two guys who said we think this guy committed a crime. Could it be the real the prosecutor didn't want to go after these men is because the police requested you can then call out the police department. That's absolutely fine, but these guys just seem to be well doddering Dobbs, who roped into this work, to do it by the place. It would seem will read the story we're gonna show. You is votes on the latest developments. Georgia bill would allow what to disband police department at Centre of Ahmed Armoury death. I also want to show you. This is a story from updated. May six published may fifth by the daily beast
Ahmed Aubrey was chase down. Yet you get the story in this article from the daily beast. They make one very important point. They say this one was a theft of two thousand five hundred dollars worth of fishing equipment from English as property, which she said he didn't report to police. what confirmed the daily beast, the second report was a theft of nine millimeter hand on from Travis Michael's unlocked truck, which was first obtained by the Brunswick NEWS. This is the prosecutor basically saying why the two men went and looked for Ahmed Armoury. There is so much to the store. We don't know. Everybody was jumping the gun and acting like they do no more don't and they're, making everything worse than the conservatives who are doing the right wing media. I find I am disappointed. I am disappointed and you you're supposed to know better, but of course they can't. They can't help themselves right. Everybody just wants to know they want to
You signal of cordial even get the daily wire person personalities trying to virtue signal. I don't care, I'm not interested literally, do not care, you can you can tweeting me all day and night, you can smack talk me all day and night poses many various read it. I dont care. Facts are facts. The truth is the truth and truth, as we haven't, had the full picture on this from the ghetto and anybody thought they knew did not say thing happened with Covington a video emerges and everyone says I know exactly what happened and I said no, I don't. I don't own happened. Sure enough. I was right now about this sure I'll I'll technically be right in saying that we don't know right. So it's it's very easy to claim your right by just saying ATO and you shouldn't jump. You know, jump the gun they go to the store, though they say two thousand five hundred dollars would look up and was stolen and confirmed to the daily beast. How is it then, that days,
later, on May tenth Larry English went on to say that's completely wrong. I've never had a police report or anything stolen from my property or any kind of robbery. What it will hold on They say Lee Merit an attorney for obvious family tweeted statement. Saturday, noting the figure in the video is believed to be Aubrey. He enjoyed. aged in no illegal activity and remained for only a brief period merit statement. Red Ahmed did not take anything from the construction site you do not cause any damage to the property. The videos was. Arborous murder was not justified and the actions of the man who who ambushed him were unjustified, merit statement, Red Larry, English the man who owns a thousand a construction told the Washington Post at the structure was not robbed whose line is Larry English line. I'll give you my, I think Larry English is lying because at first he was like look somebody kept break. You know, trespassing, my property and stealing stuff star
It's a somewhat get one of my property stuff got stolen so, aw this I alert the man. The police told me to alert. And now we have a more complete picture. Let me now try and paint for you what I think happened. We have seen video footage of some who looks kind of like Ahmed Armoury walking around this property at night, similar haircut, similar build. Some people have tried to claim it. Wasn't him and I ve come for me, the tuna and boy if they tried so hard to push their uncorroborated narratives between I tweeted an image of surveillance, for that appeared to show Ahmed Armoury at this property at night. Many people Sad TIM, the family denies it that's great. The family denies it. That's not confirmation of anything,
not I definitely walked back. I believe I made the mistake in a previous video by saying it looked like it was him and an outdated assumption. It was him, so I will. I will absolutely eat that one and say it was wrong of me to make those assumptions. The video appears to show Ahmed Armoury. It might not be him according to a witness, I'm sorry. According to Travis Mc Michael on the eleventh witness this man in the property and did call nine one. One reported as a blackmail about six feet, tall that is in line with a description of Ahmed Armoury. That we know We later saw the footage from the day of where Ahmed are We was on the property confirmed by the family. Family says they believed he was just caught trying to get a drink of water. Perhaps I find that to be, unfortunately, on conformable, we don't know why
was there. I think it's irrelevant. The families trying to say he was just looking for water, because the defence of him that is not relevant to the story. In my opinion, he was on private property. That's it there's no accusations of robbery against him. He was trespassing might even even have been enforceable because there was no sign or whatever. The point is people are going to say they thought he was casing cousin. The joint China Robert, because they're trying to make it seem like he had malcontent the family is trying to say: how can you talk of water but try and defend them? You know what I lay low but towards I dont think he was just check and things out, especially if Larry English I'd stuff had been stolen before, but maybe he just very much looks like the man from the previous videos he's the same height, similar description and made us. I mean the sincerely, maybe something person, here's what I see happening. A weapon is stolen from a vehicle. On February, Eleventh Travis Mc Michael called nine one one to report as blackmail about six feet. Tall in this
building he said that he saw him reach into his pants or something that effect, and you know that's in him. He may be armed. It was reported to the police on the eleventh. We saw the footage released a local, some conservative Alice have tried to denied that that was actually him. The family, according to an ABC report, said it wasn't him. I haven't been able to confirm that report because it was just cellphone footage records tv. I did see and ABC new story. That argued that in May or may it had made no point whether was him or not. On the day of fibre, twenty three There is video released by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, which the same source that I'm using with IE Officer rush tax in the video Ahmed Armoury is seen walking not jogging. He enters the private he's there for about three minutes. A man approach. From across the street calls nine one one arboreal the building sees the man and then runs run sport based on this story- police endless.
suspects help months before arborous, shooting specifically instructing every English to contact. I believe those took glaringly to contact regular Michael upon seeing the footage on them. Camera, I believe Larry English than contacted Gregg Michael and said the man in my home again Gregg then told his son lets you now carry out its hand they see I'm running as they get in the vehicle. Why? Because the police asked him to Let me actually read the story, make sure we have all the context correctly. They say. Before the shooting death, vomit armoury, retired Glenn, county law enforcement officers fragment Michael told local police, he could help look out for an unwanted visitor to a home construction site in its neighbourhood records, show an officer texted me Google's phone to a property owner, instil ashore neighbourhood and studied offered distance. If anyone came into the construction site, like Michael Sixty four in his son Travis but Michael, are charged phony murder, the construction site
a block away from the shooting has become the focal point. The property owners of the property owned by their English and emotion, activated camera that that had picked up an unknown p we're going under the site, including a young man who started entering at night in late October. English is phone received an alert and a text with a video each time the cameras activated. He ought Then called police sometimes texting videos, two officers who went to the neighbourhood to check on property. One of those episode in December? Seventeenth, English, see they text. Reply. A few days later from glint from a GLINT county officer, alerting him that make Michael live near I did offered help what Gregg is retired law enforcement and also retired investigative nowadays office, a Robert Rash texted English on December twentieth, offering it might phone number. He said, please call him day or night when you get action on your camera, make Michael retired. Last year's an investigator with the Brunswick District District attorney's office and earlier in his career, worked as a glint candy,
he's officer. The text raises concerns about why an officer would encourage a citizen to contact a former officer if an actual police call for services was needed, said Lagrange, police, chief, Lou deck Mark a past president of the International Association of Chief of police. I am not aware of any accepted policy for referring someone that requires a police response to delegate that response to a former law enforcement sir, who happens to live the neighbourhood. It now seems the real problem here was the local police department, which has been accused of rampant corruption. And there's other there's other articles talking about this. We now have this. Or that I mentioned earlier. Georgia Bilbil voters to disband please remember that Centre of Ahmed our Breedeth, perhaps that's the appropriate response, perhaps These two men Travis make Michael and his father were just idiots. I guess you got caught by the police, the police. I Robin problem
The police gave the phone number to the sky and set out they'll help out, and this is what you get they shouldn't have gotten their vehicles. I should have done this, but it is much much different and when they do it just out of their own reckless behaviour or when they were referred by, the Police- that more sad. It also gives the perception that make Michael had a relationship with local law enforcement community tasked with investigating the shooting. It adds to the question of why the Maybe I wasn't called in immediately after the shooting. If it's not a real conflict, it certainly a significant perception of one. Perhaps the reason these two men warrant actually charged is because the responsibility was on the local department. These two men are ultimately responsible for the actions they take its no excuse it, but because the police asked you to do it, it does change things dramatically from are a lynching vigilantes them to the police, requesting assistance. It's also possible that if the police did charge are outside
I did charge them and replaced by the arrest. It would rep all of them up in it. So the last thing they could do was kind of story, but under the rug, if the police tell you to contact local citizens with weapons to deal with something yet their responsible to, and maybe that's why they wanted a sweetness all under the rug doesn't mean it so so so, basically let me give you just two things. We got serious per law enforcement in this area. I think it's fair to point out that we need to address the size of the town, because the people need to realise that city enforcement is dramatically different from rural
The fourth point, where everyone knows each other. Everybody knows the local sheriff of local police unit police officers in big cities you dumped, so it is very different. Three more they say it's not a real conflict. It certainly a significant perception of one rash. Had no comment on Friday when contacted about the text. Referring questions to his department, J Wagons, Glyn Counties, interim police chief, didn't return a message you can comment on, may fifth, a video that capture the shooting went viral as we know, so. We ve now learned that the video apparently got released because Gregg Mc Michael wanted to clear here name talk about now talk about an idiot men. He thought the video showed that they were acting in self defence and that's not what people saw he didn't know don't I thoroughly blame him for not knowing, but I do think he's responsible for creating the situation, but it is tough man who bears ultimate responsibility. I guess the person who took the act
since, but it is it is it is. It really is a an ethical and legal conundrum if the police at told you to do it like in New York City. We have many instances where the cops tell you have to do things. You can't stand here. You have to move what, if a cop told you to do something, you said ok and then it ended up in a hurting somebody's. If it is going to be your fault, I mean ultimately, it might be I honestly don't know. In this instance, you had to men, took weapons and went out to confront somebody, and that has a real possibility to lead to someone's death, whether or not that could be manslaughter. I think that makes the most son I already don't know, and I think that's that's the big take away from all this. What we ve learned from this, whether I can speculate in anything or not, is that every one was wrong. I think it's hilarious they are a bunch of right. It threads where people opposed the video and accuse me of whatever, and there like tat, is not the held a die on your being, not you're not being objective on this shut up, and I want to hear it, I don't care,
I'll buy the need for anybody. I don't care of the conservative say I don't give a liberal say it. I don't care who says it. I don't care if your posting sub right, that's our bunker! How many times you treated me, I just don't care you're wrong. Every one was wrong. The Only thing I said was that we don't know started up. I saw The narrative was wrong and it was Are you one of an argument about this one of an argument of argument, but the police department, and what this means and whether or not it should be disbanded by all means by all means have that argument I do not believe local police should be instructing. You know people to contact neighbours to deal with these kinds of issues but I do know the solution is matter what you do if you ve got some one who did steal your stuff Lennox ice on men, we ve got a problem of as Scott atoms are first to it, the same movie, but it's the same screen with two
what movies right, meaning that we are watching the same thing, but everyone see something different. If you read the Washington Post, which dazzling left, they will tell you Larry English said nothing had been stolen. Europe stolen here or did nothing. You will then see derivative articles pop up saying there were no robberies. These two men, like you then see those who desperately want this to be the story running with that narrative. If you read that Ellie Beast, which is also a left wing publication, you then believe that Larry English reported confirmed. Two thousand five hundred dollars worth of fishing equipment was was stolen, If you then want the narrative to be that it wasn't a lynching than you will probably run with this data point in a bunch of other outlets. Will then pick this one up and run with it as well. Here's here's what I hears ears! Here's my personal opinion! Take it or don't I think Larry English was? The property? Was this guy stole from his praise is property I believe, as fishing equipment had been taken
I think he had initially said. This is what happened on May faith in the daily beast confirmed at the daily beast confirmed it. Did the Washington Post confirm anything? No, because you can't prove an egg it if he just said no governments dollars out, ok got enough for us Washington Post, not care to seek out a comment from the daily beast. Who did not know? I think their english English changed. Historians are lying because he's now facing death, threats and part of the problem. Is that kid that that the right wing media, whose both a typically call out the fake is made, is that of how to do it this time? This time they said now organ of purchasing, along with everybody else and dot? That's a mistake, but you know what I don't care I don't ever want to save. The fact is story changed and when I'm gonna have to different diverted, you know divergent narratives, you're gonna, see annoying viral videos, rocky activists being like there was never any burglaries. Even it was all a lie. He just wanted water and than other people saying beneficent. Women have been
all its clearly the same guy, the sky was Kazan adjoining got caught. I've heard a lot of rumours. Man ever visit? This is a story of alleging that the story of two men hunting somebody down its story of consistent, trespass, stolen property, a local Kerr, inept police department, giving advice to Amanda Conch. a neighbour the neighbour than doing something profoundly stupid with his son, resulting in the law, of life of somebody who didn't deserve to have their life ended. I do not believe the death penalty. I firmly oppose the death penalty. One hundred percent- and I get a ton of flak from conservatives over my stance on abortion versus- must have the death penalty. Yes, because these are profoundly difficult questions to answer when it comes to ethics and morality- and you know what I had a great conversation with back about it on his part, gas. You can look up the episode, and maybe there is a bit of an up. It needs to occur there, but serious challenges. I do not believe that if, if you have contained a threat that someone should lose their life, that out
the death penalty in the initiative, Ahmed Armoury, that we have prior evidence to suggest Travis Travis with Michael thought. This man may have been armed. You could then argue they were justified and taking their weapons out of fear for their lives if they were instructed to by the police. Maybe that's the narrative man, I'm just sick of all of this. I'm sick of every day, everybody just thinking they know the truth, but everything I'm tired of having conversation, people who are adamantly in favour of policy and positions, and they literally dont know what they're talking about call me of milk toast said. Are why? Because I demand facts in evidence in proof before I make it and on how we need to move forward. Now. I know I get it. The milk those funds are thing is mostly a joke. Ok, somebody posted in a comment once and I love it. I thought it was a Larry S. I appreciate I think I
gets a fair. I think it's a fair dig at me right, Nothin's literal. It's meant to be silly. I certainly have very strong convictions when it comes to media and, as you can see what this video, but every day I hear someone say we must have this policy. Why? Because I know, but I'm like no, you bout your as dumb as a box rocks and so as everybody else, and I am no exception- everybody thinks their smarter than everybody else, the smart. in and rational thing you could do is just have doubt and say: picks ordained Evan I dont literally mean it. I mean, provide the evidence back and when you hear a story like this, you gotta chill you to slow down it doesn't matter, though Larry English is back old he's changing historicity, I'm just a victim in this one. Will there you go the court
public opinion is spoken. The court of public opinion demands blood and they'll, probably get it will see our place up next segments coming up at four p m at Youtube com. Slash TIM cast: go to TIM cast dot net. To check out this new channel. You may have not seen it actually my older jail but I'll see you there. California may become a red state because of failed corona virus leadership Navarro tells entity. Ah I laugh I left the silly idea of California becoming a red state. It's not like Republicans just gotta twenty point, twenty one point swing in their favour and previously blue district. Oh they did ok well still, publicans one California's twenty fifth district, but it was republican before Katy, how one should a nine point advantage and that flipped twenty one point to the Republicans, but this is an anomaly
It's not like in the U K they had some of the most profound victories for the conservative party in a hundred years. They did All right, I'll drop, I'll drop, the bit California may become I'd stay, I almost. I want to believe it. Ok, I mean I really dont want to believe it, but I'll tell you what we saw in the UK something crazy that the conservative I don't get too much into UK politics, because these different words, what you say. The conservative party had a victory so profound that that certain areas that had not voted conservative, unlike a hundred years flipped and people were shocked. I mean the left got: rushed crushed his an under statement. So I wonder, what's gonna happen, we get people like Ilan, MA, saying I don't want to be in California anymore. at an end is actually announced. Apparently some sick. Who are often tenders for where he might end up going with this Austin or Tulsa. You think it people like Joe Rodents, keep this lockdown goin on much longer. I'm gonna Texas,
nine you bring these. You know. People like Joe was a pretty much left to Texas. Uneasy taxes turn low blue but anyway, the point is maybe a combination of people who are moderate, who vote Democrat flipping Republican because lockdown worse as well as an exodus of wealthier liberal elites. California might actually turn red now. I don't think so. It's a tall order. The possibility tests of red and see why punitive our think so vocs, often Fox NEWS, California, the nations most populous state, is making a mist by not following the lead of other states like Georgia and Florida that are working to open their economies from corroded irish shutdowns, Peter Navarro said Thursday night. The White House traded Visor share his views during an appearance on Fox NEWS is Kennedy, house John Henry noted that both Georgia and floor to have seen drops in new cases of kroner virus in recent weeks, and I've been looking to get businesses operating again. In contrast, California, quote
now they're talking about never opening LOS Angeles until there's a cure will, if they want to do that, I guess than they're going to have to hear a bear. The brunt of the cost of that, but can't we learn from the states that did well then the states that flopped and found their faces Navarro. Seventy, a native of Massachusetts who lives in California agreed within these view. California, is my home state I think it's going to become a red state with that kind of leadership the reality is that if we don't open this economy back up we're not going to have an economy. You're gonna see poor people looking at the democratic leadership and question, in it, but I think this is a more realistic possibility. You see people war, Democrats are Democrats, they don't change and well flip they'll vote for a different democrat. It'll come if even now, but the primary comes to a primary fur? Like you know, Newsome or somebody you got Democrats Democrat than they seen alternative, there's going to stay in the blue line, it becomes to a general and people don't pay attention than they might just say, get of republican
What we saw in New York was actually really devastating for for Democrats and fragile Cuomo. The rich people had fled, basically that our times reports that a large portion of the wealthy people in New York City are gone. I think IRAN, forty percent, was the report. That's absurd amount of tax revenue that they're not going to have a more importantly, it's the set at a census year. So if these people haven't already filled out, they may well not live there anymore. Now many of them make him come back, will see what happens, but this could dramatically change the make up of various states jurisdictions. Congrats
seats, think about this. Everybody is temporarily displaced right now in a census year. What happens when they all move around, then we get a totally different picture of what set the sentence is going to look like if we're going to two halter and confuse and break pulling in politics for a very, very long time. Three more, they say California seen protests in communities such as Huntington Beach or demonstrators have sought role backs on of restrictions on businesses, use of public beaches, many in effect for nearly two months on Tuesday night you S, Navy, veteran, might Garcia a republic in one. A u s: how seat in southern California that was previously held by a Democrat. enough in another sign of frustration with democratic governance. Sums orders as well as local rules. Elon, learn. Musk sea of Tesla recently set plan to move jobs out of the state
and here is the other reality at the medical doctors haven't been telling you to our continued yeah. The China virus kills directly. But what if we keep our economy shut down? We're not only gonna lose trillions of dollars in wealth and economic activity that China virus shock to the economy kills as well suicides, drug abuse, depression and guess what all those people who couldn't go to the hospital during this lock down to get procedures for their heart, the kidneys and all that that kills? Two it's time you get back to work of our concluded. We know a lot more than we did when this first hit us when it comes and like a lightning bolt from China because they hid the virus from us. We can do this Navarro sad about getting the. U S, recovery underway, dont, forget one thing: this is the jobs president.
john- and this is where we're gonna get to the other side of this. He added referring to President Trump innovation manufacturing right here in the good old you ecevit. That's our mission is not appoint as the point I brought up several times in many many other people try to bring it up now. The economy is in serious trouble. We can't remained lockdown forever. Some courts have overruled the lockdown orders. Things are starting to open back up in many places. I can even see it in you to metrics and podcast metrics. This is good news. We gotta be careful about the quota virus. It is novel people again fact that they get sick, so you gotta take social distancing seriously. One thing I really don't get: are these conservative pundits mocking people for wearing masks like mask? Stop you from getting other people sick, it minimizes you when you breathe this, that droplets from your breath aren't going out. That's the point of wearing them asked not to protect yourself is what then it's like confusing a lot of people early on
they said, don't get masks because people were buying mask thinking it would protect them, particularly and ninety five it can, if properly warning use with other protective equipment. As I know by these later on start saying now, wear masks. Yes, there are saying now are massively don't you gotta people sick anyway, I digress distort earlier times California's warning signs for Democrats. The party needs to figure out how to adopt to adapt to post wrote a virus politics to hold onto the seats at flipped in twenty eighteen. The warning is much worse than that California LAW lost see at twenty five. It went back to being read, but it was a massive swing. This is a preview man. This is a warning Democrats of what's gonna happen around the country. They said this district is not unique the districts they won from Trump were all very similar and they know it, and this is what you gonna see I'd, be willing to bet Republicans win back the house.
well see how it plays out, but the lock downs, I believe our angering regular people go online. You gone social media. You see a bunch of grumpy, lay left as tour like odor, won't work that fair just have the government print money. For me, that's not how things work you can't just in snap your fingers and there's food people gotta make the vote be able to do the services they gotta make the products we're talking about. We food shortages coming to meet shortages. We got grain shortages, we got mushroom shortages. Now you think you'd be this. don't even realize what's to come, because they hiccup in a supply line is going to take a long time for tat for freedom. we see it and we're already starting to one in five. Wendy's, doesn't even sell cheeseburgers anymore, no beef, so yeah the economy
Being shut down is disrupting everything. It will get worse and regular people. They might not care that Donald Trump as a party mouth when they can't get a cheeseburger California, you will be surprised in and out burger about that. California, everybody loves there in an hour, burger animal style. Many of you might not note that, as but telephones got a famous burger joint called internet, they got a famous way of cooking. called animal style with cheese and sauce, and it's all good everybody loves it. What happens when there's no more beef? When haven't you can't get this food? Regular people might not react. Politics like you or I might be watching. You know, We runs a family guy is not carrying out whatever I'm playing video games, but I'll tell you what really will impact them when they can't get a slice of pizza when they can't get. You know they kick because the dairies being disrupted, because they can't get
it's a cheeseburger, a cheeseburger. I mean it serious. So this is our awareness of our reason. We talk about California. Turning read, I do think it's absurd. I would never I look. I understand California was read like through the eighties like you for a long time. It was right, but a changed right now pointed up the current demographics. It's like sixty six percent democratic thirty. There was a Republican How would you swing that? Many people don't buy it, but man we, we did see a major swing happen in the UK, so I bought them talk about the talk about what really motivates people with the arab spring with revolutions, food plays a big factor. You go to you. You go to your uncle, your aunt, your niece, your nephew, every people in your family. You argue politics and now argue politics all day. You know people on argue wise, a cheeseburger gone. What do you mean? There's? No. If it's like hey, what are we doing today almost gives a Monday's. We can't wait what we can't what why not, because the shutdown well and in end was shut down. We can't why, because the credit governor doesn't want it wants what doesn't want to reopen
Well well! Well! Well! Well, you telling me that when it comes to the ballot box, I got a choice between Republican says. cheeseburgers back Democrats has no cheeseburgers for anybody. What do you think the Americans going about? For? I know. I'm being a bit reductive and being silly but expand that argument to its its natural conclusion. I'm not just talk about cheeseburgers, I'm talking about the disruption of the economy, taking away people's vice. The things they like. The things they enjoy are disappearing and there have an option to vote for the economy being reopened, so they can get back to enjoy a double bacon. Cheeseburger with barbecue sauce, an onion rings clenched into it, with a big outside a soup did fries. You can't get that right now, you can you can. I know I know I'm thinkin hyper look what some stores were seeing meet shortages I warn all of you. I said like that movie day breakers, where the What about wild boar vampires? He goes the cafe and he's like. I want more blood in my coffee jack. I can't do it and goes nazi attacks.
Someone already attack to store clerk over a meek, the meat, the meat restrictions he wanted to buy a bunch of beef, and you can't so we attacker they got arrested. I guess: look man, people, if you, if this guy's willing to attack a cashier supermarket because he wants his beef. What do you think someone's willing to do in California? yeah they might be Democrat their whole life. But another look at the guy who says you can get all the cheeseburgers you want. You know, cheeseburgers for you, they're gonna be like rubber stamp. Red men will see helpless up. Only their next segments coming in a few minutes, stick around and I will see you all shortly one. these stupidest videos, I've ever seen, go viral a bunch of angry trump supporters, anti lockdown protesters yelling. Journalists, that he's fake news and that's about it- oh, but the Della sensibilities of people at sea and add another journalist, but what these people are being
means who was? Oh, no. Ah, poor babies, men tried going to a foreign, injury and doing journalism. I was Venezuela, let me tell you what it's like when people don't like you, because you are journalists. Now, I'm sorry, some tromp supporters were mean to you truck shares. Video of protesters confronting reporter fake news is not essential, but it's true is that do this guy. Is they Kevin Vichy and he is really milk in this man, Jim Acosta, would be brought. In fact, I think this is a look man, a journey shut up your protest, people call them fake news. He found it. And he was. I look at us there being so mean to meet brought we'll, go, don't answer for protest sometime and then talk about this right, calm down, so that our trump tweets this out do gets all excited. I love this he's like the law of anger directive. The media from these protesters was alarming. This was story aired on tv and then he actually did like a directors. Commentary style thing out
Heaven busy relieves the regal lives. The moment several protesters angrily, confronted him while he broadcast on Facebook, life. this is journalism today, it's all about me man. The story We may talk about me. The present retweeted me is that what he said, let's, let's look at his guys twitter account what he oh Ok, now I ve been retreated twice by President Trump. This video is really struck a chord and just like that. I've been retweeted by the Is it a private? Oh I'm so proud. When you went to journalism school where you hoping that one day you would be the story, the president would be talking about I am sure many people did that's why they do this That's why, when they're sitting that Stupid Rose Garden Press conference, the lady pulsar mask up, why are you asking me that question tramp shut up his stories that you most. We help us understand things but, of course, but of course Temple. Will complain about CNN again
because, as you know, I'm basically becoming the CNN Review Channel. That's right. I can ragged bright stouter and Oliver Darcy for being the Fox NEWS Review Channel, and then I can I got myself for being the CNN Review Channel, but to be fair, I think it's it's I'm calling them out for doing this, not that I think it's much better. But what can I say I care about it? I don't think they really do. I think they're lying is a big difference, between complaining about one network all day and me calling out the media, General, including news twelve. And CNN, but pay. I'm not gonna, pretend like I'm much better than they are all we do is complain about. This can't complain about each other, but Ryan Spelter right, some of the most disingenuous garbage. I have ever seen this dude as totally lost the plot. I tell you what news What has become subjects of irish anti lockdown protests? You guys are going this are- you ready, I hope, you're ready. I you
really come up short. When I reach for words to describe the radicalization of the far right in America, eat did it's. No Brian Rob supporters out with signs call yelling fake news, far right, come on brother. You have not set stepped one footing, These actual protests dealing with far left and far. Right, I'm sorry, a bunch of suburban night mums with signs are not the far right. They probably don't pay attention a whole lot deposits they're not going around. You know waving signs all day every day that came up for a single protest. They are not the Atta collides too far. Right calm down, but I get it. You gotta make money right. This short valley, conveys like no words can Kevin Views your porter for news, twelve long island covered up opening reality in Co. Mac on Thursday, Vichy was harassed by a bevy of pro trunk protestors, who called him fake me was a trader and so on after he shared the view,
on Twitter and went viral VC file by saying I'll, probably never forget what happened today. I was insulted. I was berated, I was practical approved for people and what anti for explaining the movement to confront the far right, the assault. of conservative journalist in Portland Oregon over the again has brought renewed attention to anti fascist protestors, who he blamed for the attack, what it Brian Spelter do when it came to Andy, no being brutally attacked and beaten in the street a blurb, it's wrong. Don't do this journalists anyway, moving on. Did he give us some? beautiful thesis on the radical of the left in this country. Now, of course, he didn't. He gave it a blurb. He had to every one was talk. about it. I'm sorry. What was that Kevin VC had some mean word said to him. I love. I love the com. The sheer absurdity and and and the obviousness of the lies and the deception he doesn't care Brien's. Others in
air. This is why it is just a tv show at this point. I think they need. disclaimer on the front of his show like this is not real news. This is reality television. You know, there's really says I all the while I was there to tell their story. He did and he filed this fair report. At the end of the day, yet where he ran down the protesters over, not social distancing. He was there without a mask onto or actually I think he pulled mask off to talk to the camera? Among them verbal arrows targeting Bessie your disgusting. You are the virus. You are the enemy, the people you should We hear trader a few. You got yeah, ok, blah blah blah. The crowd didn't reflect all trump supporters. We reflect all long islanders, but these behaviors towards the media, the intolerance, the indecency have all been model by President Trump Brian didn't. You call out anti far for attacking Andy. No art telling me that anti fall was modeled by Donald Trump to attack journalists. Spare me brow
no one should be surprised to see it, in fact, local communities, but everyone should disturbed by it. Constructive critiques make journalism better, but of attacks make society worse. I'm so glad that you do Kate your show all day to talking about the reporters who were attacked and injured the people. War chest out of their lives threatened. I was physically attacked and even I dont remember using anything I remember. I did a video, oh who was. It was Tucker Coral sin procrastinate! on his job to talk about anti for attacking me as it Jesse waters. So I get to go on Fox news. Talk about about where's, Brien's, shelter mums the word No one could ignore what happened. Andy. No, he was pelted with milkshakes punch several times left bleeding Here, I think, is bleeding from his ears and his nose or whatever chip the two there's something. I think it not to do that. So we had a choice, to bring it up now, you can see the true. What's the word, I'm thinking of design
the I guess, the little wake us hoping for some stronger, knowledgeable, called dishonesty rents, others a drifter, because he's claiming this is what I could you not the rule colonization of the far right. Are you kidding me dude? I come on man. Brian noses is not real. He knows these people aren't far right. I mean lent. Limit this video, it's just a do it's just a guy with what is it? What so, there's a guy work. once shirt and his anger, fake news, that's it we got. We got some lady Ladys far right brought brother journalists looks more more all right, then they do more far right than they do. Look at him clean cut white guy with blue eyes, hair slipped off side wearing a suit. These people, just like look like regular, suburban ice, he's the one who is dressed I'll fancy like Brian Salter once say there the far right reporters as targets at protests
Dude Brian. Have you never covered anything having to do with protests ever, as is normal, but it's always the far left now I dont think these troubles It should be doing what they did confronting journalists, but there looking for a symbol to attack it, something similar left an activist do and this what you get brine won't play fair with you, he and I won't play fair with you. You see it. what's out there doing fake news I'll, tell you what you should do. You should walk up shake their answer. Thank you for coming and that's it because look what do the moment you give them any fodder. He says before writer being radical lives because they were mean to a journalist attitude yeah I remember being chased. Oh, I got one for what I was in one country, a guy actually stopped me with his bodies where there are wearing masks and he held the Molotov cocktails up to my face the real colonization of the far right brow. He says it so happens. The unwise tease marked
I see just spend a new story about anti lockdown protesters raging against reporters one encounter in Columbus, went viral earlier this month and journalists three other states have involved in altercations at Anti lockdown protests. In recent weeks, Tracy wrote Germany. Reporters covering similar protests have been victims of at least four assaults. According to the International Press Institute, yeah Crimea, river man, I'll tell you what the media walks in lockstep with them. credit party, the media walks in lockstep with this tribal faction, even when we see courts overturning some of these rules favouring the protests. The strangest thing they lie lie all I'm so what happens as they go out? And there like we're just here to tell your story there, not this dude Kevin Vichy dragged these protesters. Mock them insulted them. He didn't know there tell a fair story. He went there to get,
this and then gloat about other president was retweeting him. Journalists are supposed to make themselves the story I asked to do it on several occasions and I said no on several occasions, I was in Venezuela we were forced to, after I was accused of being a CIA agent by a high profile venezuelan personality. I could you not, I was told, can this be the story? I said no and I left on the perfect. Sometimes I am the story. Sometimes a story is guns are reporting. I've done interviews, I've done, around where the story is like TIM's adventure, you know in this particular place, but when we are win for very specific stories. I would try mahars in many circumstances, to avoid being the story myself. It happened a couple times when I I announced I was leaving Milwaukee one time
because the riots we're getting really bad and they are targeting people they sought. They thought we were what were white, because most these people didn't dont know my you know at that make up, and because I watched an eight year old eighty year old kid get shot in the neck. I thought be appropriate to leave. I ended up being a video about explaining Wowzer whilst leaving because people have requested I'd go. There and so the challenge was, if I just leave and stop governance without saying anything, people Gonna be like doubly to estimate so if it is saying: hey here's why I'm leaving? That became a big story among many conservatives who jumped on it and and and push forward because it suited you know their opinions and things like that. It does happen, but this shouldn't be this shouldn't, be it having some people get you isn't threatening. Is it a story this guy filmed at all? an event, and then I could you not. He actually did like what. What what? What do I just pull up? He actually did a direct. Commentary. Look at this he's like. Let me let me
plain to you, what happened it I'll, walk you through the video brow shut up, for shame right wing far, radicalization a man at sir why does laugh? It's just so dumb I got one more segment coming coming up for in a few minutes, I'll see I'll shortly. U S would lose a war with China fought in the Pacific is unable to defend Taiwan from invasion and feed here's. The Guam military base is at risk now. Pentagon sources worn a lot of people are so that China's paper Tiger, that they would never be able. Actually stand up against Us Bobby
don't realises that? U S military as strong as it is, is drawn thin across the world and if China's focuses its its firepower, specifically in the south, China, Sea or the Pacific, they actually could succeed at pushing us off our utter about defeating us but holding us at bay to say the least. Now there's been some reports, I've heard that in beaching training and with the latest strike groups passing through a near Taiwan as concern they may seek to invade and take Taiwan, This is why the story is so interesting, but let's reads like a make sure we get the context correct. They say I opening Pentagon WAR Games, have revealed growing fears U asked, is vulnerable to threats from China and that any attack, led to the? U S suffering capital losses. The sources said Worrying analysis is expected to come to light in the Pentagon. Twenty twenty China Military Power port this summer, the stark warning comes, tensions can do to mount between the two nations. After, U S, President Donald Trump has blasted China
handling of the corona virus pandemic and repeatedly suggested Nation lied about the extent of its crisis. Let's not talk about suggestions. Everyone said so Germany has said so look men we did the elephant Walkin Guam. Apparently they pulled those planes out as they were concerned. It is vulnerable this lines up with that, based on what Cha it has been doing in trying to slow things down and cause harm burn the pandemic there's a lot of reasons to suggest we are facing the brink of war. Now some people have said this is routine and brother point up. Maybe we're just hyper focused on the stuff were board were locked in doors were so Now I am not entirely convinced. I think we are seeing a dramatic. Maybe not to dramatic but we're six years escalation, especially because lockdown they say U S, defence sources told the Times that one Pentagon stimulation based on the year, twenty thirty in China would have new new attack submarines, aircraft carriers and destroyers result.
in the? U S being overwhelmed by the nations force. The threat is more immediate than twenty thirty, however, with every U S, base in the Indo Pacific Command region considered to be at risk of attack. Now, because China has wrapped up its supply of, medium range, ballistic, missiles, the? U S, island territory, Guam Home to three? U S. Military bases is a particular concern. The games revealed China's long range, anti shit, ballistic missiles and hypersonic I'll hypersonic missiles, one- U S- defence source, told the times analysis from U S. Exports on China have issued similar warnings, body Glaser, director of the China Power project at the center for strategic and international studies in Washington and a consultant for the. U S, government East Asia told the times that Taiwan is the most volatile issue between the two nations and fierce tensions would erupt in a nuclear war while really likes. Taiwan is increasingly found itself caught in the middle of the political games between suit to superpowers and Trump has been vocal in his
forty one recently we learn from Reuters that the state Security can see. The Ministry of State Security in China delivered a report too high ranking officials in China, including vision, Pang warning. They must prepare for the worst case scenario, direct physical confrontation with the? U S, a k, a War ended up at means, watch really see war, but more of these stories keep popping up. We are in a conflict mind you a lot of people that they ought to bring this up, because I guess I don't say enough, but with China and Russia and other countries constantly engaging in IP theft cyber war manipulation information yeah, we really are at war. There are serious concerns that China will try to interfere in this upcoming election and Probably already are. I mean we see the fake troll accounts and sometimes are easy to spot. Sometimes they aren't, but does it we're talking about chinese intelligence, manipulating Americans to vote for something that would favour
in their conflict that, as far as I'm concerned, it's hard to save as an act of war kind. It is, though, what's the point of war right gain, control, take resources Well, if you can do that, without lifting a finger you can do by sending ideas in controlling people's minds through social media manipulation. Then we're dealing with something very serious. The corona virus cause massive damage to a lot of countries, and China lied about it, exploited it for economic gain. Now we have this, I want to say I'm bullish, honest full on war, but I think we're close. The Communist Party in China claims Taiwan as its own territory, but it does not have sovereign control their Chinese. President vision ping has made it clear: he wants Taiwan back under its one, China principle by twenty fifty and this week. And the island accept chinese status if it wants to be represented at the World Health Organization Assembly next week, Beijing military activities have been wrapped up in the South and EAST China Seas.
Including harassing carriers and constructing military outposts on artificial islands. It has built in the disputed waters. Meanwhile, the U S has also increased. Its military presence in the seas and antagonize China by increasing its ties of Taiwan through boosting arms sales to the country? every simulation that has been conducted. Looking at the threat from China by twenty thirty have all ended up with a defeat of the. U S said glaser. Taiwan is the most vital issue because it could, because that could escalate to a war with the? U S, even to a nuclear war. Wow. That's a bold statement. not heard something as extreme. As that me, we ve talked about maybe regional conflict we ve talked about. Maybe we gotta wait. We get some kind of conflict China in the Pacific, but I mean it came down a nuclear war, we're talking about mutually assured destruction. Why? What I'm a world war? Three! I think it's, I think it's I think its a bit extreme, but who medicines and expert run in the pan.
the gun and state Department in the White House. China is now seen as the biggest threat. We have been too passive in the past one source the times, the regional commander, Admiral, Philip Davidson has also set of warnings, and the Pentagon is switching its approach in preparation is a focus on developing more hypersonic wept. Sending more long range ground, launched crews, missiles to the Asia Pacific region region. and arming marine units along China Seas with aunt I ship missiles. They said Mark Esper, the defence secretary is aggressive, moving to build the capabilities that we need to deter China from committing to major confrontation. They said on Friday, President Trump announced the U S is developing what he called a super duper missile which he boasted is seventeen times faster than missiles available right now. Ok, president from the soup duper muscle is not particularly convert, The building, but I respect the attempt- I guess, look like war. I don't like to talk of the stuff, but if you want people to feel safe
and you gotta say something other than super duper missile, maybe alike. You know the killed. Those are extreme, nine thousand or somethin, but I'll take super duper. I guess we are building credible military equipment. He said ass he as you stated a very special moment and unveiled the new flag of space force on Friday. We have- I call it we have. I call it the super duper whom, at the subtle, and I heard the other night seventeen times faster than what they have right now when you take the fastest missile, we have right now you ve heard Russia has five times. In China's working on five or six times. We have one seventeen times the same day. The reveal they taiwanese company would set up a factory in Arizona to make computer chips in the? U S, taking custom away from China, tension between the? U S and China have escalated in recent months as the crowd of ours pandemic has ravaged the globe the. U S has led the charge against China. Over its response to the pandemic, President Donald Trump has accused Beijing in a series of cover has accused Beijing
of a series of cover ups amid the outbreak and set an April, he had seen Evan The virus started in the war on viral of laboratory. He also war. can impose tariffs of one trillion dollars on China and retribution for the pandemic. Beijing has hit back at the claims of the spokesmen for China's Foreign Ministry last month. Warning the enemy. Is the virus, not China? Well, I'll. Tell you what man the longest time China has been extracting our manufacturing extracting our intellectual property. Stealing cloning copying intake admit taking advantage of us. They said that by normalizing trade with China it would make China more western. In fact, it didn't. People in this house in the? U S, politicians just sold us out outsourcing to a foreign country and Trump had enough trumps captain and throughout his administration there has been ongoing tension between China and the. U S dealing with the economy, it's been very beneficial to do that,
the United States for the most part. Now the media will try and tell you that all the time like, oh no, it was all bad in the chair for bad and everything was wrong and trumps doing subsidies and all these bad things. But our economy was a bowman upon until this crowd of ours, pendant. kit that negatively impact of one of our aircraft carriers has devastated our economy in the economies of many of the countries and who is claiming to be the least affected China. There claiming only a few thousand people we think they're lying, but what, if they're? Not? I don't know They really weren't that hard. And what, if this is hitting everyone else in China, is exploiting it slowing us down to make things worse. They lied from the get go and now we're dealing with a real possibility of war, because tensions keep asking, And I've seen it there's there are some products. I've looked at that unknowingly
We would all realise how much is made in China there out of stock supply chain disruption is here. We got our brain things back to this country if we end up in a war where in serious trouble what's fastening about this, is that I believe I bought a broad. I brought this up a story years ago. I talked about the risk that we, faced with China because they controlled our manufacturing, and I said if China decided declare warrants right now and they set their fingers. They got off. Of our factories and resources in their country. They could just do it and then what are we eat? Are vitamins come from that country? Are our medical equipment? Are antibiotics? Yeah tromp was right to get us out, but now China seems to be rather upset, and this story looks like bad news for the. U S Trump also said he wanted to rebuild the military.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-25.