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Trial To REMOVE Trump From Ballot BEGINS, Democrats CHEATING To Protect Biden And STEAL 2024


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Trial To REMOVE Trump From Ballot BEGINS, Democrats CHEATING To Protect Biden And STEAL 2024

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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as an android devices, make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all. work we do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast. I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story and show it begin the legal proceedings by which they will attempt to remove donald trump from the ballot to be president. listen colorado, it's the first. It won't be the last and I'm not so convinced they're going to lose the new york times, What's combat trial will consider whether trump arms I weather What did the mehmet disqualifies from a lot of people are saying it's stupid? It's a distraction. It's a longshot it'll, never happened. How do you prove and correction, the fourteenth amendment doesn't even explicitly state president anyway. It does say any civil office which is interesting yeah. You know it doesn't matter what the law is because what we have seen all ready across this country in turn
of civil law affair is that they are go to stretch the law in any way imaginable to try and claim what they what they need to claim to get some now, you know why I called a victory, but it's kind of just like they'll just say: hey, look: we won because of this technical rule, we ve got little old, ladys being hunted down and arrested as if they are different from adult men, smashing windows and jumping into a building january sex. They do not discern between the two. you will get a five am raid, whether you are walking around looking and taking pictures or you're, one of the guys fighting with cops. They. On the other hand, the the federal law enforcement not going to bat an eye at the farm. I've missed you quite literally fire bombed the white house on may twenty. Ninth. Now I love this one because I spent a week in pittsburgh and it's funny you bring his conversation up to people just like ha. I have no idea at the far left fire
bombed, the white house grounds and St John's church? May twenty? Ninth? Twenty twenty? So here we go, I'm telling you this right now the argument making that trumpet insurrectionists with the betrayal of donald trump by the likes of sydney pall, JANET send others. They now have all the fuel they need. A public apology for committing insurrection. No no, no hold on, I know, JANET Ellis, didn't plead guilty to insurrection It was just you know like providing false statements or something like that right. Origin, Alice in court said she did not. The statements she made were false and you ve got people die, funding her eyes of this shot out to andrew claim against. I like Andrew Clayton, but he said You know all these little boys acting like they stand so tall and so tough facing down crept prosecution, whatever, and it's just like okayed. You know I can cites julian assange all day and night dude basically gave up his life to stand up for what he believes in, and I have tremendous respect for the man
could be pardoned, and I I hope will be the case if Donald trump wins but can't you shouted steve band, because I was talking about this last week we had grace grace on from from a worm and we are asking is like steep going to jail. Is you go to prison, yes, if bad and said a few bring it on and so on. Well look at that and I get it I get it. You can make the argument. Yeah will Steve Bannon wasn't fatal facing multiple felony counts. You can't make two arguments that contradict each other. One in this case was what, but what I am hearing from people Boarding jenna alison's, any balls at their case was a week. They didn't want to go to court, so this is basically a walk. If that's the case, then do what bed ended. Given the big ol middle finger and say war, that's not what they did. Instead, they said trump tromp. Did it and you know I'm so sorry, I'm exam, waiting. But let me let me bring it down for you what they said.
we're gonna emphasizes that she should have looked into it better and that had she known she would have done it. You regret sir actions and she was. She thought she was doing the right thing. What she stated in open court in georgia is that the trump team presented for information in an attempt to overthrow this country, and for that betrayal in colorado, I assure you they're gonna bring this up they're going to say the judge going to be alike on what grounds do have to claim that trump waged insurrection and they're gonna, say january, sex thoroughness all of the crackpot democrat clinical evidence and their miss eight here- are several statements admitted to public record from trumps own legal staff. Admitting they were. Trying to manipulate the legal system with lies to take to take over this country and there we go a baby now, let's just let's just lay it out there, I don't think any of that matters. I really don't what's going to happen this
precursor this preliminary I dont know what colorado will do. Maybe they'll say yes, it's blue capital Julie go read, but I doubt it depends and this is why it's so important to get trump off the ballot with rfk junior running The media is trying to say that he's going pull vote from donald trump. I really doubt it with Coronel west running. That's obviously, poland progressives from Joe Biden and genk huger appearing on the culture were podcast last week talking about his right to run as a naturalized citizen, despite not being born here, he will also, and he agreed, pull, pull donations and resources from Joe Biden in a place like colorado, where we, as we assume it, we'll be blue. If our of K, junior and pulls fifteen percent. What does April seven percent? Because I think that's what it's yet among Democrats are I'm sorry, general nationally and democrats, like fourteen fifteen percent, tromp beats Biden in colorado. I mean- maybe not, but potentially right.
That's why they gotta get his name off the ballot. So what happens this may be pretty? Mary Colorado may say now we're not playing this game. Yaller nuts. But what happens the framework? The groundwork that has led forth in colorado may be implemented in other states because they are trying to hedge their bats. Against an hour f k, junior run, we add people's pundit on the show. Blind trump could win main if rfk jr runs because it will pull enough votes from Democrats have rfk. Jr will pull some from trump because they're not the die, hard trump voters, then we're like middle of the road and they'll say I'll I'll take Rfk jr, but I don't think completely bizarre engaging is for reparations, but here's what I see happening, you're going to get a state I dunno maine, maybe who knows, and what do. Is there to use the president set here. It's a trial balloon. They gotta see where they succeed, where they fail a month before the election
bouts will be released and there we'll be no donald trump on the ballot trumps? Your team will then file suit and say these bouts, don't include my name. The state will respond as an inn. Erection if you're in eligible- and we have not place your name on that ballot- see you in court in three months la And you know people keep saying they're like if they try to do that. Trumpet moment when so fast shore, but about roddy printed, haven't I stay there? unilaterally just print about trumps name on it and then come to the courts. Is the judge was issued injunction done matter if it's one day use date. Three four five days to two days, that's going to have a tremendous impact. In arizona people are saying like all: they would never do what they can do it in arizona they printed the wrong ballots on the wrong side and wrong paper, and the machines rejected them. What c daisy? How did that happen?
well, the argument is a must have been a big mistake. So many argue that you have to intention alter the bout size to make that happen. So when the wrong image was on the wrong paper. The machine could not properly read them, and thus the machine kicked him back lines or jammed up and people, leaving the left argues, know nobody left. Aren't I got the vote can come on spare me. I don't care if you in any way, ups locked and election. The judge should bang the gavel and say the election didn't happen in arizona as soon as it word got out of the machines were broken always locations. It is Insane to me that a judge did immediately say we are, We must stay on this election because the machines are broken done have a nice day. Instead, there are whatever that's crazy, you're outright telling people european matter, and we don't carry their way.
what do you think happens with this. Here's a store, let's go through some legal arguments. Newer time says: well, some prominent constitution, Experts argue that a clause in the amendment applies from a present donald trump. That view is far, universal among legal scholars. In fact, the fourteenth amendment outlines specifically, who cannot hold office That is not named, but it does say any civil office so or that a second, a court ruling Denver well how starting monday morning, something the nation has never seen wow determine whether a major parties likely presidential novelty is eligible to be president at all the laws. It follows a temper six colorado voters without a watchdog group citizens for responsible and ethics in washington. Argue that former president don Tromp is intelligible to hold office again, but a section three of the fourteen amendment that section d squad, five. Anyone who engaged in insurrection rebellion against the constitution after having taken an oath to support. I would make the argument that Donald trump actually sought to uphold the constitution. That's right! That's right!
no we're jet younger hearsay and donald trump was drawn overlaps country. That's why can't vote form? You know, even though, it's really really bad. I have to take them and I'm just like yeah sorry dude, I just I don't. I don't follow that logic. I see this donald trump legitimately believes that, he won't, I mean, look, that's it and whether he's right or wrong isn't necessarily material. It's the intention behind it did donald trump attempt to overthrowing steel, and I can't I don't think so. I think don't drop legitimately thought foul play was afoot and he wanted. He wanted it right. remedied and rectified. We saw many states procedurally change their voting rules. In fact, one thing we keep hearing is that there were could you please lawsuits and they're all thrown up not on the merits? in fact. There's one analysis I retreated over the weekend. I should I should have pulled it up and off the court cases that actually went to were heard on the merits, trump, one, the majority of them the trunk
One? I believe it something like twenty, two of thirty cases that were actually tried on the merits. How ever I see Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better? Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better The while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this It's all natural, not big farm, a crap, not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk c h, o q fellows they have a male vitality stack nine. today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys theme vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel you feel like you're twenty years younger, go to c h, o hugh dot tom promo code tim get you through.
five percent off your subscription get a subscription. Today c h, o q dot com, promo code. Tim dismissal was due to the fact that the amount of votes discovered that that were in question did not have a big enough emperor act now, I'm not here to argue all of that came to break down. In all of the arguments about procedure we did that years ago. My point here right now for this story is trump really believed it, in which case trump is upholding the constitution by following the constitutional and legal means to challenge and election. He sees as unjust if president genuine believe they lost and said. I hereby hand over this contract. The people I think cheated that is better get your oath to uphold the constitution, which requires the up that the challenge we head, if you believe in Can you would not people subverted? So this argument is all about whether or not trump is good or evil. Not more importantly, this right here, a legal question should not they should not exist and you know what.
It was a young nation. Relatively young, committed how old we are. Now I mean look we're talking about what eighty years into the age of this country a civil war breaks up its young compared to most other countries and because of the civil war they path of past the forty two men, which basically has a lot to do with citizenship and rights of of a former slaves. Ah, how we handle the rebellion in the states, the civil war and the four The amount was to basically say that if you are one of these people that wage war against us, you can't hold office you're out. Something interesting happened, however, and I always mix up the years. I think it's eighteen. Seventy six The essential second civil almost broke out there. If the question over which electors to count and alternate slade's and things like this- and they said, okay, okay, hold on guys, we don't wanna go to war. Can we make an agreement? A council was had and they ultimately decided, no, no serious committee was that you ok want you be president, but we're ending reconstruction
the union troops out of the south blah blah body. When you get it at once, the will of the voter kind of, but a debate was had as to who, who, which votes are the ones who are going to canon? The fear was if they did not come to a discussion on this to be another the war because the south was, I know, is so we voted for in that and not on a whole animal. On alone, everybody comes back. It's his guys. We ve gotten agreement. Let's not fight over this is of war was brutal. That they're probably should have changed the terms of section three of the four to the moment, but I say to young nation. I think they made a lot of mistakes. I did a lot of things right planted seeds of a great nation, But the fourteenth mehmet raises a lot of questions. So here we have the corner law school section three of the fourteen, the monopoly. Shall be a senator or representative in congress or elector of president and vice president or how old, any office, civil or military under the united states or under any state who, having previously as a member of congress origin,
officer. The united states was a member of a state legislature, oars and executive. You to show off serve any state to support that station of united states shall have engage an insurrection, rebellion against the same or given aid or for the enemies thereof, but congress me by a vote of two thirds of each house, remove such disability to arguments. The first it doesn't actually say present, and this is This is an argument. People are making, though it does say any office, civil or military, no power shall be a senator or repetitive in congress or elector of president vice presidents, elector of not actually the prisoner s present, or hold any office, civil or military now hold on their. The argument here is holding office, civil or military? Isn't? It is intended to represent a bureaucratic government position, not an elected position, the argument being they out
the elected positions for which they do not want you to be able to hold us as an insurrectionists senator representative to congress, elector of the present or vice president or a holder of office, civil or military under the united states or an or under any say I don't necessarily agree with it. I don't agree that I think me, office, civil or military does in civil office which me sounds like the president is us office and its commander in chief sorts, its military to write. What does What some people are making the argument for but I think that one really matters there. I think any office clearly defines the presidency, but having taken an oath to pull the constitution, blah blah blah blah blah. What does it mean to wage insurrection? This is the game. in with democratic judges, they're gonna, say: oh yeah, donald trump challenging the election as per the constitutional rules, violates the constitution that what can argue what's insane donald trump didn
pollack, an army with guns to go in march on state legislatures or anything and genk. Yogurt, on this, as it is a ski the plan was for my pants to challenge the election, then, for you know that don't work he needed. The J sixers to obstruct the elections that would go back to the states. That makes literally no sense. I'm sorry. I just doesn't. There's a lot of the J sixers could have done. Had there been an actual plan, but there clearly wasn't donald trump told people to remain peaceful and he told people to go home. Donald trump said we're going to peacefully watch. There were peaceful rallies things got out of hand, bad people did it horrifying things and I I don't see any evidence of there having been a greater plan, but in the mind of genuine the left that the january six was part of a planned coup. Yet that I'm sorry, that's just not true it's a weird world living. Now it is possible that might pants was
of their legal strategy. I believe that one absolute they Into my pants- and they said, listen as vice president, you look at these states. The state legislatures are upset. They feel that as the rules of their elections were changed without their approval there in violation of the constitution. Thus it's actually donald trump who was upon the constitution, and it is the Democrats ice, who were in violation of advice. I make the argument the Democrats in these states would be removed from office under the fourteenth amendment I mean it. The argument goes both ways. That's what's. What's, let's play this? One out you have a governor in office, whose who changed the rules on election unilaterally that violates the constitution that that's insurrection at that go you do not have the legal authority in the constitution to discussion says elections will be held as these state legislatures decide when the lead light had the rules
from underneath them and sad hold on there, and there is no- and they all did it eleventh hour. Thus republicans do this, with a should in every state, where a judge that civil office. Or an executive changed the rules they. be removed under the forty the moment, the republicans won't do it all bowman should be expelled from congress There we saw the video from taking down the warning signs and then pulling the fire alarm reply. Begins won't, do it We are currently at right now, trump, of course, of the front runner to second place. Nicky Hayley. If you like war, vote, Nicky Hayley, Rhonda sent us a nay I'd, say Third banal not really he's down by four cents in the prediction markets. This we're we're currently at my friends the question of whether or not is actually gonna work near times of the plant? say that MR trumps efforts towards lieutenant overturned twenty an election, including
actions before while support a strong, the capital meet the disqualification disqualification criteria. Ok, where are the republicans anywhere to file similar suits? Why is it only the Democrats engaged in civil law? Fair? Where are we currently listened, my friends? It's civil war. We are not in the hot conflict phase, call it pre civil war. Whatever you want to call it. Civil strife is what stephen marshes described it as, and I I think, we're having one culture podcasting to talk about a lot of stuff. Civil strife is when a person where people are dying, a certain grove dad every year over political tribalism, and things like that. I think we're seeing it when you look at these young people screaming pro palestine staff and then fighting people in the streets. Just like the issue there proves, in my opinion it will have. No, I do the talking about not about political issues, do not hatred for the other. When you see
sixteen year old, marching to the halls of their high schools, chanting from the river to the sea you're like the have no idea what they're talking about, but they're they're bunched up and there at hearing to each other, and that is the makings of of tribal conflict. This is where we currently up now the left. The Democrats are engaged in Warfare that I'd its law- fair, I say civil of air because it is the- its pre civil war. It is the use, legal system to destroy your political opponents, a fork at some point of conflict but I do believe this will ultimately lead to conflict if they disqualify trot from a single ballot. There's no election you know and and I'll throw to roseanne again we had roseanne and Michael mouse on the show. Roseanne said there won't be an election and the question is: what does that mean? Now, of course, I think He met there. Quite literally won't be an election like we'll just skip election day. Animal but I asked, or do you mean like there will be election of some sort, but it'll be like a north korea style election. You know it's like they're, not gonna. Take trumps.
If the bouts are known, really thinks that a fair chance, here's what happens if all f k, junior pull, seven percent less than five percent from If he pulls even five percent from Biden, trump wins handily. So the strategy here could be to spike trump. States that are not necessarily swing states, but a five point swing would guarantee Joe Biden and they need to counter that If trumps name is on the bout sure, people will write a man, but what does it matter? A lot of people will just check ramos aunt us or whatever the republican party member is Nikki hayley. Perhaps- and this is the dirty game being played right now, right now In genk huger heap, he would it. What do you say jobs I was bite, it is going to lose that come. He comes on the culture warp. He explains its position. He says buttons down there, any points in this area. This many points in this area he can not when he asks to be, he has to be replaced and the Democrats need a lesson in that's the purpose of his campaign
and I drank, of course, not born united states makes a forward to the moment argument as to why he should be allowed to hold the office of presidency interesting argument. I do. I do think it's important people. Look at that one! Ah! Well I I guess I'll just give it a simple and the point I made on that show- was if we go by birth, right citizenship. As for the presidency, and you could have someone who is born to a surrogate of chinese. A chinese couple has a surrogate in California give birth, to their son, who is immediately re, brought back to china and raised under the sea p as a c c p loyalist and then what is twenty five? He comes to the? U s, never having spoken english and in ten years he's elegant be president and the argument I get from people is like, while no one's going to vote for him, I'm black, but that's just not that's not the point. The point is the qualification as you're born here, but clearly that's not preventing the cecy peer any of our adversaries from exploiting the system.
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but it would you rather have that scenario. The ccd loyalist ordinarily zoos are running from as your president, most on the right would say, Dinesh, but he's not. He wasn't born here can be present. As my you get the point you that when I'm not saying I have answered I'm saying question people should bring up. I digress, but the strategy here is going to be to test every legal avenue to remove donald trump and when the republicans are not doing the same with republicans are doing right now is playing catch up in twenty, sixteen. Our Republicans had an edge the meme wars. online for whatever reason trump succeeded tremendously. Through these meme campaigns, it was fun. It was funny that caught the Democrats off garden that help trump when it really really did now and twenty money. The Democrats played about harvesting game, changing all the rules. They rely it's over it and the judges sided with Democrats, because this is law affair. It I mean look
You have forty eight states involving a lawsuit against each other, you're some dangerous territory nationally, and so what happens? Loftier occurs them that's when republicans one the law, fair game in two thousand, and one really beyond me. I mean I wasn't super politically active. I was a little kid AL gore, george bush george, w bush and where are we at now now the republicans are finally realizing. The game. Democrats are playing they're trying to play catch up on ballot harvesting, but the Democrats have already have, with next stage. They are one upping the Republicans handily like the in these it's they're, saying, okay, republicans are wise to our ballot harvesting game. Let's spike trump's percentages, the best we can and here's the other thing if they remove donald trump's name. This is the important thing it's too realise if they remove his name from a swing state, he loses don hands down and many
look and argue no no, no way that I never happen. Fine. What? If they remove trumps name from illinois, Launch ivy no noise blue by that had come on. You got a lot of red portions of illinois, sure, ok, oregon and washington. These places are so deep. Blue. that eat like when you look at all the maps it's like, if only men voted, it's all red washington still blue. So let's say in Washington whatever trumpet expect to get thirty percent couple million votes if they successfully remove trumps name from deep blue states, the Stupid republicans are gonna say it doesn't matter anyway, because these
swing, states and trump can still when you're right and then, when the numbers get released on election day and donald trump has thirty. Eight percent of the popular vote to Joe Biden, forty five but trop still wins. People are going to shriek bloody murder that will be Democrats, war cry: here's what happens in states like California, they still get a tremendous. I didn't think it. Ten million republican votes in org, wash their still millions of republican votes shore? The Democrats always win massive advantage, but those millions still go towards the popular vote count. What if California removes trumps now from the ballot, those ten million are blocking votes, which would normally over trump may be split, we'll take it. If he lets say fifty percent are public and still write in donald trump. Trump still, then loses five million votes, and when it comes to the popular vote, they're gonna say
get this donald trump won the electoral college, but he only has. He only has sixty million votes to Joe Biden's. Seventy five, that's the game, they're playing perception! An colorado, many myths might say it's not gonna win anyway shore. They will try to spy trumps popular vote count. Why? Because then, even if they lose, they will make a massive popular national. popular vote push and they will use it as propaganda and say why is it that a man who only want a third of the popular vote is president: that's not democracy and the real reason, as you have the country probably didn't. Donald trump, but with his name off the ballot, they didn't well how to vote or were confused or just voted for a different republican and the real question would be why they wanted a republican to be president, but they split the vote by taking the name off the ballot. Hope y'all are ready for how dirty this gets, because it gets dirty I'll leave it there. It has,
gun will see others develops, it may be quickly dismissed. Who knows next agnes, at one p m of the channel. Thanks rang out now see you all them on Saturday. professional hockey player in the uk? Adam Johnson was killed. Another player is ice, skate slit his throat. My heart goes out to the family of Adam Johnson is a sad, sad story and where I talk about, I'm not a big sports or pop you're kind of guy, but I have to talk about it for one simple reason: story goes viral. I'm seeing many people say it was an accident, I'm Every news article say it was an accident, a freak accident and accident and then Video comes out its slow mode, and this is my first introduction into this. Then look like an accident. It looks like Matt pet brave intentionally kicked another player in the throat with his escape
and a lot of people are arguing. Ok, manslaughter manslaughter. No, I can't week for uk law, but police are investigating the death of Adam Johnson when it gate slashed his throat in freak accident. They say all the articles called of rejection row. Everybody on twitter slash acts like no way dude, I'm going to play the video for you, I'm not going to show the aftermath is very important. While I don't like to show what I would consider be shot content. I don't think this is that I think breaking down in slow motion, what happened: Matt, pet grave hockey, player up here's to raise his lag in a kick to the throat from the player there's. Another reason why I want to talk about this. and arm I again is not normally something I really talk about, but I saw this photo in a kind of freaked me out. Why-
www? What that jersey? It is the pittsburgh penguins, whoa penguin blaine ice hockey adam Johnson is this story breaks my heart, so much man's do just playing hockey ice black. You when I was a kid many of you know that not only have I been rollerblades says a kid plague street I with my friend but I even rollerblade a little bit. Copyright and have a really done in quite a bit been skateboarding once it I've been skateboarding. My whole life look roller blighting before skateboarding playing hockey on saturday in pittsburgh. And I went to I'm walking outside. I left my coat votes as it was kind of warm, is like high sixties. Seventy votes drizzle a little bit, and I was like what I don't have a jacket now is life, but all I have is like a winter jacket, so I should get a light jacket right and we walked into with my girlfriend, we walk into a sporting. Store forty pittsburgh steelers and, as I like bids going again. We're gonna get a steelers jacket everything in or stealer stealer steelers everywhere. Every one is
walking around the steelers game was just the other day. I guess oh, really follows dealers, and so I see this light waterproof jacket. Numb like I've got this one thought it was a steelers jacket and I know in fact it was a pittsburgh penguins jacket, and I was like as I'm at the checkout I'm like. Oh look at that, it's a it's a penguins and I was like one and I bought it and I just I don't know- maybe meaningless, but Tom. I just thought it was weird this dude used to play for the further penguins and the same day that this incident happened. I was buying that jacket. I just I don't know it just seems weird squinted I guess but like I have no reason to buy a pittsburgh penguins jacket. Why- was this store that mostly just sold steelers march. Had one penguins thing tucked in the back, and I grabbed it. I don't and I saw this photo and I was like whoa. What is this I was like? I just bought that jacket like what happened, and then I read the story. I'm gonna show you the clip.
and we'll talk about what it means to murder. Here's a video jimmy on twitter, james- I'm cato intense as Adam Johnson ice hockey injury. This was kung fu, by the guy in red rest in peace. This video has fifteen point three million views- and I am seeing so many people say manslaughter manslaughter manslaughter. No, no, no, no way, You keep an eye on this guy right here in red not going to show the aftermath its brutal but I do want to show that the maneuver splain some things, in my view, you can see them all advancing. I thank god. It's gonna cut the screen. Air, but noticed right here, I'll make it smaller, but for the further for that, for the time being, Let me let me let me go back a little bit. This year is Adam Johnson, and this is pet grave. grave makes a move pushing into
As you can see right here, he is looking at Adam Johnson. He then shoves the player to his left is to be I can't outnumber. That is. and you can see right now. His leg begin to rise. Let me shrink, Yes, it'll be harder to see, because the very austrian and a very small screen bobby the angle, sarkozy. you then see here his goes straight up, ok, look and it goes into the throat. Let me tell you, I'm not a proxy player, I'm not a big ice skater, but I used to play street hockey a little bit for what it's worth. This has never ever happened. I've never seen this. Ah people have been have been spiked by ice cube runner, but what I'm saying is, in my experience, playing hockey when I played for several years I was a kid and my spirit is rolled letting in general. I dont They know what circumstance you were
Turn raise your left leg and pivot onto your right. Why that increase? the exposure of your right leg and can cause very serious injuries when you're dealing with these kinds of collisions, the move that matt pet grave made put him at serious risk of injury, and he raised his boat and it slipped the throw this. The sky, crazy story is it police are investigating the death heartbroken? in its teammates of left tributes. Now, here, that's crazy everyone saying freak accident outstanding american ice hockey player dies and freak accident they're. Calling it look if you watch, a higher definition, video you can find out. I know it's hard for me to show because minds already picture and picturesque picture and getting smaller and smaller theirs wade's an accident. This guy used to play for the penguins man. He was an american playing in the uk.
Daily mail says I saki play who accidentally killed opponent eta upon Adam Johnson, with his boot latest absent lee distraught as minority being vile messages from trolls on social media sheffield. steelers player, matt pet grave thirty, one fatally cutters upon his throat net crazy. It's just that. Just think. I'm sorry johnson played for the penguins in pittsburgh, whose nature team? Is the steelers was play against the show field. Steelers in the uk, and this dude cut his throat this so it is brought to you by shopper. Fi selling a little or a lot. Do your thing: how ever you teaching with shop, defy the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business shop, a fire,
sue turn browsers into buyers, with the internet's best converting check out thirty six percent better on average compared to other leading commerce platforms, get a one dollar per month, trial period at shop, a fine dot com, slash offer twenty three they collided, and I hears the guy pet grave, their argue It was an accident, but many other we're pointing out! I'm not a big you! U, euro hockey, follow! I don't follow hockey all that much. Is it this guy, the leader in penalty points? Ok, I can't speak for europe, so I won't but we're to talk about what it means to commit murder and why I say: murder in the united states at least coronel don t. You was its wax murder common law murder was defined as killing another human being with malice aforethought. malice aforethought is a legal term of art that encompasses the following types of murder: intent to kill, murder, okay, that one's obvious
a person who decides to kill someone then does murder. But here I bring you grievous bodily harm. Murder. Now the uk, in the? U S, a very similar legal systems, their relatively different lot of ways, but, let's just say, for the entirety of the world, we do allah, similar procedures, it's the british commonwealth united of course declared independence and several etc Self, but we do need a lot of those traditions, blackness formulation, front instance: Killing someone in an act intended to cause them grievous bodily harm, for example, if the defendant fatally stabbed the victim then, if the defendant only intended to wound the victim, the defendant they'll be liable for murder. Felony or is killing someone the prosecuting a felony, depraved heart mark. is killing someone away the demonstrates a callous disregard for the value of human life, for example of apart, Person intentionally. Fires are gonna to accredit room and someone dies. The person could be convicted of depraved heart matter now: this is the uk. Again, I will state so, let's just break this down
u s standards! I believe this is not a lawyer. Probably could could fall under depraved heart murder likely falls under grievous bodily harm murder. This is much like the Alec baldwin case, but still relatively how it bald was filming seen so the argument intending to point a weapon at someone to pull the trigger goes out. The window urine dealing with more manslaughter. There is an argument, however, of opportunity and intent. Alec Baldwin, of course, is going to be charged again. It's getting a little easy it's like do, charge them or don't, but it Alec baldwin on the set of this movie, had live rounds in his gun belt. A live round in his gun that he pointed at saratoga park, pull the trigger the argument. Being he didn't know it was an accident. The bullet wasn't supposed be there, but if they prove that Alec Baldwin was feuding with this person, then you ve got intent and opportunity.
Still a very strong defence that he's just handed a gun and didn't know fine in this instance this raises his leg. He's gonna argue it wasn't it. and men, I didn't mean to do it technically. That's the truth. He meant to kick the guy not killed a guy heart? You are wearing a blade on your boot and you raise your leg to kick someone. Ok, You are demonstrated callous disregard for the value of human life, fire onto a crowd? You're, not turning to hurt any well up at his wife fire and got into a credit room, you can argue not aiming at anybody that continue to keep the hurt, kill anybody, but that's the result. Ok, you can argue like some wherein there they news is gonna happen You are wearing an ice gate and you swing your leg somewhere like do you know what happens. If you do that, there is no question. Grievous: bodily harm murder. I think that's butter, this dude new.
Kicking someone with a blade, is going to seriously hinder them, and I would, in my opinion, that there are matters I'm his guys newgate. In my opinion, this dude was intending to injure the other player based on watching that video and the way he raised his leg and me I've I've play I've I roller bladed I've played hockey. I don't know how you get your leg in that position. Come on. he wasn't any note to wound and an injured. This guy did mean a kill him, though I think it's fair to say that pet grave did not want to kill the guy, he wanted to injure the guy and he killed them in the process. Grievous bodily harm murder. He swung a blade at a man at home in the neck. You may be angry at somebody, so you swing a blade thinking, you're gonna hurt him or something and you hit em in the neck. Congratulations murmur.
You could have your fists out and you get mad gotta borrowed saga, but this your intended. Oz, grievous bodily harm you're in a bar, and you decide to punch a guy in the face and that guy goes down a bit too said. Murder. seen it not not literally scene. I have heard the stories of in close proximity to my life workplace. I told a story before some guy has another guys: wife, the other guy gets mad, I guess the guy who was sitting on the wife punches, the husband after, like they start young at each other, husband, hitters, haven't a table, dies murder. you intended to strike a man to cause injury and you killed them in the process you intended to infer bodily harm on a person. Manslaughter is like you know and there's varying degrees. Some people's had negligent homicide. homicide is like you're driving
your speeding, ok, you're breaking up. Your car you're, not to anybody, you just breaking the lock and then you had somebody negligent homicide, probably manslaughter I'd, and that's typically what man I don't love negligent homeless homicide is an actual charge. I think it is but and slaughter is more so, like your driving your car you're going fast for the road conditions, some ones in in the road walks out You at your breaks, sporadic control on him and they die. They can say you were going too fast for the conditions you knew people were slain was in his eyes or something now that's work. It's tricky! Some of these men Other cases are really start, are really terrifying to me because you I have seen stories words like do no one wanted anyone get hurt story of like someone driving down the road than someone walks offer between a car and they slammed the brakes on hit him and there are like well, you should have been going that fast, even though you were speeding or whatever, and there certainly put instances where someone should have been charged.
And slaughter. Here's the sad reality. I tell you a horrible story from when I was a kid fourteen year old girls crossing the street at a stop sign and she did not stop an old man. Hitter blowing the stop sign. He ran, or over and dot, not knowing what he hit. The old man reversed and crushed her skull. Like a melon, that's good! I am its horrifies stories, men I won there, but we all heard the story, because this was someone around our age in the neighborhood who had died little bit younger than we were back a year or two. The young girl was crossing the street and assumed it stops. I now stop. The old man was not
to kill anybody couldn't see very well and blew the stop sign. They didn't charge. The guy took his license away, though, like what are we gonna do put him in prison as an old man who couldn't see. Why was he driving? Is he? These are tough questions and a lot of people were alike. Lock him up. It's like seventy something year old guy. He ran her over and she would have she would have lived if he just didn't go to just baobab stop nope. He ran her over was concerned, so he backed up crazy crazy. He wasn't tending to hurt anybody. He wasn't hunting intending to kill anybody, but these are typically the circumstances where they say it's manslaughter and negligent homicide in this instance, because the guy was old, they just said no more driving, for you can't drive for ever again is an old man. Ah, probably at this point been it's been twenty years, I'm sure that guy's, not even with us anymore, but yet that young girl lost her life because of it. Now, if it was a young guy, speeding and intentionally blowing the stop sign, you're you're you're, getting a negligent homicide, manslaughter
the serious one like, but but murder. I think he what you know you have to be intending to hurt somebody again, it's the uk, so I don't know exactly what this or how this will play out. The wiki for Adam Johnson says october. Twenty eight twenty twenty three johnson was We entered in a game against the sheffield steelers at that utility arena. When his neck was cut by the state of steelers player, met pen grave after the impact, an attempted escape to the team bank before collapsing on the ice players. Both sides. Locked arms will perform a protective ring around johnson, while medical professionals tended him before screen were put up an arena evacuated. It was eventually transport informally prompted edit sheffield, northern general hospital egypt. We non response. that's a H. L suspended all game schedule. Further progress between and numerous leagues and teams worldwide, alongside various politicians representing nottinghamshire, issued statements, a fan. Fundraiser is raised money, hundreds of fans- Well, that's automatic, marina. Some. I believe.
He is now saying one team: it we're net guards from now on. You know it's kind of crazy. This kind of stuff can happen But everyone now has to wear net guards because of what appears to be a murder, a guy with an escape kicked guy in the neck I well I'm gonna leave it here. Man look You know, I don't normally talk about stories like this, but I don't know aw this video, and I'm seeing all of these people on twitter say wow, manslaughter, manslaughter, manslaughter and, unlike ok, maybe uk, again, maybe newgate, but out of nobody understands. If you intend to hurt someone, you kill em, you should get locked up from her. That's the point there's felony murder and I've known
as for my whole life, my dad was firefighter and he works with the cops. And so this is an important thing. People need to understand if you're committing a felony crime and someone dies, you get murder if you're an accomplice. So my dad would say if you're, with your buddy And he says: let's go to the bank and you drive him to the bank and you don't even know what he is doing and you guys both go in and he robs that bank and someone dies. You are getting charged with murder. You are an accomplice, stay away from bad bad seeds, man, they will lock you up a nobody going to believe you when they are alike you you are the getaway driver. It's like. I had no idea what he was doing. Oh please, your buddies armed he wants to go to the bank. Granted I mean maybe a little bit extreme and you know see, but that's the idea, like your with someone who commits a crime even without a gun, a guy look at that. There was that you see that woman is kind of a crazy story. Basically honest A young woman in new york city push
old lady, the old lady, fell over and died hit her head or something that young woman is going to jail for twenty years man, we need to understand what justice is about and what is the purpose of prison is the purpose of prison retribution pain suffering? I don't think so Why do we lock someone up for a long period of time so that our society is safer? If you commit a violent crime, we lock you up, because we don't want you to do it again, but that typically means the harsher penalties are for people who intend to to cause bodily harm in this sentence, I'd say: have met pet grave was in the united states. He should get five to ten. That's what I'd say why we do not want him doing this ever again. We don't trust. here the many people have argued organs of violent individual. In the past, you can see a lot of penalty points. You attacked people dirt, plans. Are they say, I'm not saying it's run on offshore, and this was
intentional act that resulted in death. It appears, in which case this guy five years, probably someone died Now a lot of people are like lock the guy up, because the family wants to feel better and, unlike look, there's a big difference between talking and report especially right now with a fire hose. the news coming your way, you know what helps having reporters in the field. I am bread milky. Abc news and that's what we ve got on abc daily podcast start here, every winning start here, takes you across the country and around the world for a quick, smart, look at the stories that matter it's fast, it's straightforward and sometimes gasp news can even be fun. So, let's meet up tomorrow morning. Listen to start here, wherever you get your podcasts my view of of my view of prisoners. We want people to to be safe, so violent repeat, offenders get locked up for a long time, but this also means like that woman in new york, who.
the lady? Ok, I don't know what other giving your twenty years. Let me let me let me look it up. I think that that matters, what is that one should delete plead guilty and what a b c seven says: eight years, eight social beatin, a few look man Why are we putting some young woman in prison for eight years over shoving? An old lady? Was she wrong to do it yesterday? Did he die absolutely, and that is horrifying and it is very, very wrong, but, let's think about this young woman and the purpose of locking her up for eight years, so the family of the old lady feels better. I mean, I hope they feel better. It's a horrible thing, but shoving someone isn't a felony. You know if you go to new york and someone shoves you, the capital, tell you to shut. Your mouth is up crying about not getting what what I had an instant incident new york where I was physically assaulted and so tried
To avoid a fight I back off, the altercation doesn't doesn't back down. I I call the police stupid me and there are like what happened. Anomaly yields guy shoved me I'm trying to deescalate he's, not he's not leaving me alone, and can you know I want to keep things relatively private, considering I'm going to circumstance where this guy's hanging around and it could escalate to actual physical altercation. I said smartest thing: just called the cops cops at guy leave, okay, we're good and then we're not going to charge him are you hurt and I was like no, but I mean come on like? Can he just joke people like get out of here kid and I'm like okay, whatever as there was illinois, be very different. This woman in new york shoves a guy amin, shoves, an old lady. That's it she intended a shover. The old lady fell down and died. She didn't think that is going to happen. Then did she years. For that. What would make sense? I think,
the service. I think restitution and, I think, a suspended sentence with court supervision or like that you're very lucky. You you're not going to prison, but what you did resulted in someone's death. However shoving someone bear. Qualifies as a misdemeanor. I do I don't I don't. I don't think the justice system is functioning properly when it's. What does we alec baldwin his freedom? and the summit in new york in eight years, shoved someone when died, while Alec ball and had live rounds in his belt that at the hague I shot a lady and a guy. Look whatever man I'll leave it there. I dunno I dunno next segments coming up at six pm on the channel thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then, I'm sure most of you of her the bud lightest, sponsored you have seen. We ve all made our jokes about it. A lot of people were upset, there for a boycott of you have seen now we have, you ever see champion sean strickland in what,
be one of the most wow masterfully played trawls and strategies in the cultural or with his own part defence of bud like not another hear me out this guy knows what he's doing and I What he's doing is very, very, very smart, we'll be there careful here on youtube, but basically we This guy has done. Is he comes out and he says: he's gonna fix bud like he so excited for the sponsorship. It is amazing and what what what what are we all expect? We had cash baton in the show, when this news breaks and caches like I'm, going to text the u of c fighter and see what they say about the bud, light sponsorship and then looked at his phone they're pissed and we're like yeah how People want to come out with a bud light but behind them are on the ground and be like this is what we're all about Sean strickland says: he's gonna fix
beer and made a series of statements on twitter, a series of statements which I'm pretty sure violet alot of rules and not a platform suitable, the honest Simply saying that you know he thinks women are born. He defends biology females and some of the statements he made are: let's just call it particularly offensive to the left his point bud light backs what I say and gave me money. What now you know what I mean For this I was like: do you really want heard this guy said he was great. It was so great a sponsorship and he likes the money moaning appreciates it now is like here we go. Is this to be another story of some guy being like, I ain't got, no values pay up baby, I'm thinking to myself. Man, money, talks, sorts oliver, and then I actually looked at what he said now, like. Oh damn, basic
please put out a series of statements, I'm gonna effort for the news worthiness of this. I'm going to show you what he said, okay and for the educational contact. actually I disagree a little bit whereby something But batteries says we have this from louder with crowded outcome you have the champion, limits of bud light sponsored with anti trans comments, says he can't wait to fix the beer we this one from my out kicked out. Come sean strickland shares blunt message: after bud you have seen deal and then finally, you see we're go the headlines year, sports cuba, shy, strickland labels, the transgender colombia's mentally ill in risky statement on bud light. You have seen partnership, ok, the first I want to clarify. Is, is really really does matter out? I don't know people mean by mentally ill and I genuinely like. I get the general idea like you, your brain isn't aligned properly or something gender. This forum.
Is a mental disorder as defined by the dsm five. This is the diagnostic methods, medical document break down these things. Now there are many on the left. Who at one point I wanted to get generously are removed. Saying it's not a mental disorder, but When we actually had none out stop, if you remove from diagnostic criteria. People can't get prescription medicines, so it now needs to remain a mental disorder in order for people to seek treatment otherwise I'll just like, then there's no disorder here, then you know get any medicine prescription. Only Now a lot of people say mental ill. For some reason, I think youtube has like a a a a a bone up their ass about it. They they don't like the the your it's like a it's, a it's, a mental disorder. That's what you're supposed to say. You can't call it a mental illness. I don't perhaps because they find mentally ill offence or whatever, but for this this segment goma drag on anybody whose tragic got I got transfer friends with. There are some people who don't like.
dome of any is a narcissistic sociopath, irrespective of being trans, I think dome of any is not actually trans, I think. Don't mulvaney is getting plastic surgery to fit a character and is more border line. You know Narcissus aboard, I preside disorder, narcissistic, histrionic, all of those things and desperate for attention as exemplary. By the other videos made by dont mulvaney, as well as the fact that no one tried a series of different kinds of content, including animal safari, stuff, none of which worked and then fell. Only when the trans things started to work Dylan doubled. On its head on non binary than on trans and then a whole bunch of videos, because dylan was getting cut, was getting traffic, so I don't think, don't actually trance, but here we go let's let's read this from outcome of these important note the different in the difference in the headlines eyesight. Sean Strickland is readily give butler shot. But if it's the company- absolutely messed up in partner with don't mulvaney them has been seen, my money to as an attempt to get back and the goodwill a block, John strict,
keeping open mind making it clear, his views won't be changing the transgender issue. This is funny because I don't love out, kick actually understands what he's doing. He says I am selling price You guys are doing the right thing after that up. You know how about transgender. I gotta think hard just what I do these, as is the biggest advocate for biological females, etc. It's at another! Here's the thing when I feel all this, I was like what you mean doing the right thing: a like double down on giving money to pride events and some of them add lewd and lascivious activities in front of children. Oh, I see it now as its unclear. What right things but like did mulvaney disaster other than writing a fat checked the seat. Let me break it down for you out, kick the Dude goes on twitter, and this is the point he's making. He said I really want to bud light sponsorship. Yes, I like money, but I think the story of redemption either, I'll, go so hard on them. My next fight, they will have to accept me or denounce me.
Then we will know what they stand for whole lee crap. This dude has declared war on, but light and sort of sort of what he is saying is when he comes the next fight and speaks. He is going to make so many offensive statements, as is already doing that body. it is going to have to have two either break the contract. Give you I see, all the body for nothing or let his statement stand man. This do just gripped bud light by the balls. Wheezed. Now I know what their contract terms are, but we found out that boy light was sponsoring. You have see something like how many of you guys are going to vote on a rag on bud light like crazy. Here's work, it's crazy! Here's, the crazy, crazy thing! This dude figured it out this too smart, I'm wondering about the bud like com.
act typically, here's! I works a lot of these business contracts. If someone says hey work, sponsor europe. That will give you a million bucks. Do you have a term ok done signed a contract point the contract? Is you can't break it? If you decide to change your mind, you're on the hook for the million dollars there may be an escape clause of some sort like if we agree to terminate, will pay a penalty of two hundred fifty thousand dollars. This is a one hundred million dollar contract and Dana White probably said to bud light. You realize what's going to happen, if you do this and bud light said we have to do it, we're going to do it and he's like you're going to get backlash. It's going to be big news and, be Dana white, understood this better than we did a lot of people reckon on Diana. I got a pause for a minute to pause for a minute. I dont nobody can or cannot say, but this may actually be the forced realignment of bud light that people asking for when sean stricklin and other may fighters come out and start making overt political,
events that are shockingly offensive to the left, but light can do anything about it now bud. Like hasn't apologized doubling down, but this is his business what he sang shot. circling saying he says and our bore not made, he calls tragedy the mentally ill and he says just such society should not even accept them as normal now but Light gives me money- and I just said I been say that my entire career, so what do they support? I got her. I I I I ok, look. Why I I hey I'm not saying I agree with this- is statements you you don't I mean my point: is this bud light upset over the deal with with withdraw mulvaney has been panicking now the sponsoring I may, and they know the opinions of emma fighters. bud light is basically saying they were
money behind Emma may fighters speech and not dylan milvains, while I gotta say if I gotta be complete, this. This may be the bud like redemption. I didn't see coming. Let me stress it again. They put a hundred million thousand anime and all these It has come out and start just going off about it and bud like just as well be spotted it. While it's not an apology but guys I kind of think like that, might be bud lights redemption, I will say, Our at all, you know maybe sean's we're going goes a little too hard, but that's kind of the point. It's not so much about what your actual opinions on gender disorient. Transgender people are. This guy is aligning overton window as hard as possible away from where it currently is an end. If bug light panics over this
and severs the deal saying we do not want to be associate with the speech. He's got him by the balls, because life moves fast. You don't have time to get sick, stop by first care pharmacy. Your community health Mart pharmacy and get that personalized care. You need to be healthy during flu season, simply walk into first care pharmacy at one. Eighty six creekside DR ocoee, pour call forty three to ninety nine. Ninety twenty nine for all of your cold and flu relief. That's forty! Three, two, nine! Nine! Nine two nine health mart taking the time to listen and care. I imagine if they break this contract and say we want it removed. You have see, says you owe us a hundred million dollars. how much you want to, but all the leverage is in the hands of Dana white data. It says ok but light. We'll do this deal with you, but
to back out? For any reason you pass the full amount and bud light said yes, why? I'm not saying I know for sure I'm saying check it out if bud light, that's interesting! I I got to think smarter, because I I did not see this. I did not see it was a mistake. Bud light comes to me. I said if bud light offered, The one hundred million dollars response ship I'd say no way. I now realize how stupid that is for exactly what John Strickland has said. No, you should take the deal you should and you force bud light to back everything, you're saying I feel really dumb. Last week, I said if they offered my, I wouldn't take it why money is not everything and then I realized that money, every dollar free dollar is a pledge, is a pledge for the words you say: wow, sky sean, Shawn, smarter than me. I can't believe I missed this one. If but like came to me now and said they wanted a sponsor. The show
I'd smile and say: let's negotiate the terms. The terms are going to be you can't back out, and if you do, you pay the full amount and that's it baby. Why? Because, and every day when we have our conversations and with that bud light sign right behind us bud light is backing every we say. I did not even think that I was too. I was too angry. I was too angry and it was ignorant, and now I realize. Out as the u s use of tourists. Lee and I woke- and I woke- and definitely a lot of fans that are on the libertarian conservative parts of the spectrum. This may be one of the biggest culture war victories and I did not see it coming I thought this was selling out. Dana White was selling out. I can't believe integrated as bud lights, a dead brand. Unlike wait a minute. This may be one of the biggest cultural defeats. The left has seen in the culture
war yet bud light, giving one hundred million dollars to u f c is actually them waving the white flag. In a way we could not have even thought possible man, these. U of c fires are going to come out and they're going to say such horrifying things that to in bud light's perspective and and there's nothing, they can do about it. If bud light, cancels the deal bud, light dead. All they can do now as say. Keep Couldn't guys say whatever you want the monies. Yours amazing amazing. I can't I you're. Gonna be honest. I can't believe I didn't see this. I feel I feel really dumb. I'm like they took the money, they're trying to they're trying to save bud light, and now I realize this is exactly what you want to happen. These woke brands that get woke and go broke. What you want is to force them to realign to force them to back.
you and say you lost thirty percent, your sales, you wanna back you're, gonna, pay me to say whatever. I want crazy right you know I wanted to stand on this, like I don't care about the money. I care about what matters in this country and now arose. stupid that was bud lights waving, the flag, saying, please, we beg of you. We beg of you. Now is a funny thing, harley davidson say much. So might get out of here with that. But you have seen fighters hoarsely outspoken. I honestly think bud light bit off more than they can chew with this one, and it is going to be apocalyptic for the brand, sean stricklin do shot out. While I disagree, this agree. I think it can be done in ways You know our dunno luck. I I want to make sure that I'm being understanding is why had said I wanna make sure I'm being factually correct. I don't want to offend or insult anybody.
but what he is doing. I dont think it so much about trans people, as as it is about pushing back in the culture were so that being said, I do not agree with what he saying, I'm just presenting that in a new context for you, what you think is entirely up to you. My only point here, as I agree with him, challenging bud liked to see if they actually care or if they are just trying to pander, will the next item, is coming up at six p m. Thanks bring it out and I will see you all than you know, one. You warned you, but it looks like we're heading in this direction. I dont know what the results of the trump law suit in colorado is going to be, but all ready. We, getting shocking information. The judge in the case donated to a group to remove republicans who supported trump on january sex. Let me stress the I urge financially provided resource
two groups, to remove republicans who supported Donald try now she is presiding over a case to remove donald trump from the ballot bellboy ministers next mission, next and I wonder how this will play out, but if you ve got a judge, financially supports groups to remove republicans who support donald trump over january sex. presiding over this case, you think you can get a fair trial now hold on there's a lot that could happen, maybe the job we'll be there. Maybe the judge will be like look. I made a donation a while ago. I don't really know a lot about it, but present your evidence. There's one other big factor at play. The trump legal team said in or to argue on the fourteenth amendment the visual has to have been convicted of insurrection, a rebellion and just now she said now seriously
team argument. Is you need to prove so it s a big ride and given due process over insurrection, and then you can say its definitive here we are here. We are, pbs reports, arguments in law, lawsuit using insurrection clause and doktor above the presidential bout begins, I love this. I love how they phrase this first, you can see Yes, there are actually mention the plaintiffs. They don't tell you whose doing it its attention. They gonna mansion instead of one day soon colorado. The judge rejected a trump motion that she step I'd because she wants contributed money to a liberal group, you gotta love the media. Well it's. Ok, my friends get the sweet for my Davis. My Davis has the receipts he's as new and were district judge. Sarah wallace, a democrat donor commits reversible error. By refusing refuse from trop january six case ever donating to anti trumped january six pack- that's right- she is active,
working with a pack seeking political goals, pretending your six, while presiding over eight january six case. Ok, you thought you're going to be a fair trial. You thought the legal system was gonna play this right. Look blue states in red states are worlds apart from each other. These people are evil. She should be disbarred or removed or impedance a judge. I think it's an impeachment what we need to do, what must be done and what? What must not not be done? The first that everyone needs to do is you call your rep You you, you organise, support people Ex got bresler. This must be one in the courts and you say, but how TIM the judges? Yes, because republicans need to be filing republican states in the same way there there is light at the time it is to do not take the defeatist approach. What needs to happen is there needs to be some efforts to it.
The last thing anyone needs violence, riots and protests seriously. What we need now is organization and warfare report in red states need to be filing the exact same things about Joe Biden seriously Oh buddy staff contributed to fall or left insurrectionists to fire firebombed whitehouse grounds and force present trump into a bunker commonly here. can be removed right now. She directly did it directly visited money for those waiting insurrection, oh You might argue as science erection, though, because I hate there. That game it's time to play the game where the republicans it here's. What makes us on Acta we're, eighteen, twenty, twenty, two democratic governor Jared pulse, appointed democrat donor, Sarah wallace as a denver district judge january tenth, twenty twenty three october. fifteenth judge, designate. Sierra.
As donated to the colorado turn up project to political action committee formed to vote out republicans support. tromp on January sixth, is weak, Whilst holding a highly unusual and unconstitutional trial to determine whether to disqualify dropped from the ballot based upon his activities on January six, Joe, wallace previously rejected all of trumps legal arguments, including the only way to disqualify for insurrection under section three of the forty, the moment to win a federal criminal conviction. Under the federal insurrection criminal statute congress passed to execute section three which they did. Trump has not been convicted. today judge wallace admitting to making the anti trump? euro. Six donation said she did remember making it, but despite or donation she claims she could be fair, but her subjective belief in ability to be fair is not the correct legal standard. The standard is an objective one with the public reasonably well. The pub recently, reasonably believe she can give trumpet
fair january six related bench trial after she donated to an anti trumped january six pack. The answer is clearly not. This is the reversible air What will the Democrat controlled colorado appellate courts correct this? No, that's, not the game baby! That is not the game. Colorado judge rejects trump's bid to toss lawsuit aimed at keeping him off twenty. Twenty. Four ballot, I think trump's argument is sound, ok! If you're gonna accuse somewhat of insurrection, then they have to have due process determining they waged. Insurrection suing without having a determination of insurrection, the argument So then I will determine that here and now: michigan judge decline trumps request to toss lawsuit or move him from the ballot michigan judge, oh yeah and peace, it mentions that minnesota is next. a week long hearing on one lawsuit colorado got underway while on thursday.
oral arguments are scheduled before the minnesota Minnesota supreme court in an effort to kick the republican former president off the boat in that state. Next up, of course, courses michigan. Judge on Wednesday. This is from mile and we have the data for october twenty eighth. This is last week rejected. Former president Donald trump's request to dismiss a lawsuit that seeks to force him off the twenty twenty four bout in michigan court of claims judge robert Robert Redford. When name denied the request and turned down trumps motion to be party to the lawsuit citing the court's limited jurisdiction and the order redford her brother trumped does not follow the definition of the state or any of its departed or officers. It's just amazing. The judge repeated his invitation to allow trump to respond to the lawsuit in an amicable brief. There, going to remove trumps name from the ballot in saying trumps, not party the lawsuit. Trumps lawyers argued that is manifestly inappropriate or move on from the ballot and that neither
Officials nor the court should have the authority to take such action. Is it this is very clever and by the Democrats, dont suit from and don't give trumped standing to sue back sue the state for incorrectly listing him and then the state is the party trump gaiety activist, robber Davis file blossoms and have a fifteenth to force off the ballot arguing. The former It is illogical to run for office again because of section three fourteen blah blah blah Davis applauded redford's decision What obvious the attorneys have been retained by the former president are unfamiliar with michigan law. Stand the limited jurisdiction of the court of planes. They also seem not to understand the meaning unimportance of the oath of office established by the michigan. And, u s, constitutions davis, father loss it against michigan, sectarian state, joscelyn, benson, every blind is request or moved from from the ballot benson argues she doesn't have the authority to do so. You see where the republicans at is amazing. the judge scheduled on emergency hearing the matter for november,
x and the michigan court of appeals, court em and grand rapids Davis editors, Pretty bizarre. That trap is essentially arguing he's not behold into the constitution, which is not the arguments. the former presidents legal counsel. Ok, I'm sure part here there is no legal basis for trouble insurrection there no legal basis? Trump has not actually been indicted or charged with insurrection. Ok, we should have every republican file the same things against literally insert all Democrats every single one use the arguments they are making in the exact same way and then argue what you want is insurrection. find a conservative jurisdiction to agree with you. Commonly harris so list it donations to far left extremists who were firebombing the white house? I mean to stretch right, of course,
Does she solicited donations to the minnesota bail fund to bail out george white rioters, but during the george floor riots? Many of these people to organize this. You know it's part of a bigger there. You go. My point is this: you can make all the arguments in the world that you want. That's it. The left is doing. The right should make the same arguments Joe Biden's, never been convicted of insurrection, mother's trump, so just say it in court force Joe Biden to respond now. The reality is, I think they want Joe Biden off the ballot anyway. So the best thing for you, tromp as to keep burden on the ballot, in which case I can understand why they are not filing. They want Joe Biden on the ballot, so then our fight against terrorism. This is the challenge right, the channel being bought and on the ballot is good for trump. This is why they're taking these actions anyway, there need to be more clever strategies for the republican party in terms of law, fair as to how they're going to win
and perhaps the answer is not to remove Biden from the ballot, because you want him on the ballot, in fact, they should be filing two. May He stays about even if he dies. If Joe, but- incapacitated anyway. His name must remain on the ballot for the american people. That's the game. What they should be filing is other things pertaining to universal mail in voting, and that's where we should see the battle took place, but I'm not surprised, It's happening and we'll see how it plays out. We'll talk more about it later tonight at youtube, dot com slashed him cast, I r l that'll, be at eight pm. Thanks, frank, it out and I'll see you all. Then. I saw this video reposted by Robbie starbuck from cuba, Was poor elizondo, that's documents for the world and its it's an amazing video. You got this He sees these young people with a tables, as are you a communist, then get organised and he asked some like hey. What are you doing in there like we're communism, that, what's going on it's funny, it turns out the woman speaking to say, she's from China.
Then? Why are you here and there like, like, because china sucks and he's like china's communist and she's like not really, this is a thing this video perfectly exemplifies it they enjoy. these policies in their own states these countries are whatever there It sucks they try and go somewhere else and bring it to. U. Weird right to go to the places that are resisting this, that aren't communist lady. If China was bad. I got a simple answer for you. There are many places in this world with much more communist, like societies venezuelan cuba or an option Why choose the united states? Ah yes, because there saying people here they play the video for you. It is a good one. Mumia we'll get this one will get us one gallon rises. This is a matter.
paper zardandan. What lies wise day says this is our your harmonise? Nothing can organise as myself and also under their national socialists. A socialist appealed to the socialist communist left. Now you communist until some yes ass. Well, you I'm from china. China majority view from china. Why are you doing here, several questions Silas, I myself away from other, because chinese I myself am, I think I know Why, know what they say he's a reality.
I might have on. The record. Oh here we go listen to from all communists, yeah we we do have an expense. This is about. Let's say I can feel you can't film people without their consent, I'm on the problem of your money. What we're gonna do I'm just having a debate on the common is common these people. This is what communist people do. Wrong away the wrong away, one show up a divided them. I'm just Do you wanna be anything, but We have a debate on from listen up from a communist country. I know communism, none of you leaving a commonly riding here. In a common is ready in a g flee left why you don't leave them Well, you ve, promoting these robbing light on libraries, lobbies or what you know how many people died from communist. My worry is mine,
why were you live here and cover the wagon make amazing make amazing please China is unclear. What do I do? I don't care about china communist, so why Did you move to a capitalist country? china's socks and you don't like it, and you want communism. Why not move to cuba or Venezuela? That's right come to the united states because it's better undergone dissolve another very widely and roma and why are you in your family? You know why? Because my dad was in jail fifteen years for companies just because he couldn't say why. I think not I'm telling you as a normal person what I think about common it and you are funded, common zella these newcomers press why you really feel if you live in a common If, say what eyes
because you don't leave there, this is what you do. You promote something very damage to millions of people per year. are you for border, because high school is no cool man. You got Why is no is no is you're funny. You know how many people you it's not funny. You think responding me why some people do not buy conceal anything, because this is a free country. in cuba in my country, they might gone through. You can't do that. You comparable anything I'll colonies. The only thing you can do that go to funding. He's going to do it why you wanna, hear some people's my young people's minds These are my, oh, my god, Tell me one country, family, one country, that companies work. I know why you are my stupid nah. I love that. I love that the best breakdown. Someone who left China.
come to amerika for communism. I got a wonder about subversive ideologies and you know why the The real reason someone from china would come you to promote communism is divisive and the crazy thing is the People who have died under communism is in one hundred million are some an insane number. yet, for some reason, these people are proud to come out and an espouse this house, Is this crazy to me? You know big big, social meeting. They scream punch nazi all day and night. My response is like hey, stop the violence and care was coming from and people going to speak, say mr for communists to but- see these people come out and a spouse and demand the violence, but then expect to be given free speech. This is the game
There was a tweet by our well chamberlain. You ve got these far leftists demanding celebrating hammas, while at the same time talking about taking away people's guns now hold on. I know leftist like I'm not saying all of them. I'm saying there are some people, many people who are like progressive liberal types not far left. and I got one gun control and are some celebrating Hamas. These are the people, the younger progressive types going to come out and they're going to align with the neo liberal agenda and say guns are bad because it's just the thing. The far leftists that actually pay attention are anti establishment, they're pro gun and none of these people are communists. My point is this: you can see the utter hip
accuracy? I I actually another notes on hypocrisy. It's hierarchy, they're allowed guns, they're allowed speech, you're, not that's the game. If people like this are allowed to get political power, you will not be allowed to question them. They'll, say: you're offensive and you're you're engaging in hate speech, yonder then when they come out and take a look what's going on right now in universities, take What's going on now a right now in some of these high schools, the people who claim that hate speech should be. and are saying really messed up thing things about jewish stood no, I'm not conflicting jewish israeli at at at cooper union in new york. Ron coleman brought this up jewish students world in a library as far as were banging on the door screaming for palestine, the fear for their safety was not,
Because they were israeli, they weren't they were just jewish and that's the point. The far left will come out and demand that hate speech be banned But the moment begged censured they go help help I'm being repressed, and then, when you help them the moment, you do they'll push you back. They'll push back down or keep the language light on this one, but you get the they all say help me brother, it's freezing, you say you right is free speech, you left him up and then they'll push you off the cliff. and you say why the you? Let me do it because we want power, that's why they do it. this is the challenge, I think many of us his face have faced for a long time and that we ve we continually for years ahead of the free speech of these people. They,
not this comic, where they make the argument that you can't tolerate intolerance cause eventually intolerance takes over it's the oh, was it Karl popper paradox and with it the paradox of intolerance and it's funny because it's like hmm, so, let's let all ought to consider their. We must defend free speech, even the free speech of those we don't like, because we have better speech. I used to think that I used to say that all the time I'll defend everyone's free speech because eventually they'll come for mine, I don't anymore. I don't defend that. I defend the free speech of those who fight for free speech. Why, if you're a far leftist and you're a communist and you fight for free speech for me I'll, take it Jacobin magazine fight for free speech and they're socialists I'll take it. I will defend their right to free speech. Why? If you have people who oppose your values, trying to exploit your values, to gut you and steal from you and destroy you, you probably don't want to give them any advantages. If they're actively fighting against free speech and you're giving and you're protecting,
What you basically have a situation where, on average free speech is on the decline for you and for them is secured. So it's not really free speech. It's it's the ability to speak if they are actively trying to suppress your speech and your actively defending there's over a long period of time. Your speech will disappear now say, I'm not gonna org you, they should be silenced, but I certainly won't rush to their defence. Then theyve. They are now facing the ramifications of their own. speech when they demand an end to free speech, and then someone comes second from you say. While they wanted while me in my crew over here that are for free speech, will keep defending it. So you can take it from us that inverts the system than over a long period of time, For once to funding, only those who believe in free speech, those who believe in free speech succeed and those who actively oppose it, and up silencing themselves, but I will just finalizes by saying: isn't it hilarious that somebody left
if the communist country came to the united states and then demanded communism, why tons of other countries? You could have gone to hmm interesting huh. If they're next time, it's coming up at one p m in the channel, thanks rang out and I'll see you all them. Right now knew and current customers can get any phone for free. You are cellular, so you can connect with all your family members this holiday season. You could even call your aunt who always makes you talk to your cause. It was a dog or you know, maybe just send her. A festive text get the gift of connection at. U s, cellular get any phone free did a? U s. Cellular built for us terms apply as eu sl yoda company tales. We value human connection with fewer distractions. U s cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen, fifty two decorator pike in athens
Transcript generated on 2023-12-10.