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The Intelligence Agency "Coup" Against Trump Will Ignite Civil War, I hope I am Wrong

2019-10-12 | 🔗

The Intelligence Agency "Coup" Against Trump Will Ignite Civil War, I hope I am Wrong. Award Winning Journalist Matt Taibbi recently wrote an article describing what is going on with impeachment, Russia, Ukraine, etc as a "permanent coup."The article is stunning in that he goes into great detail explaining his personal experiences in 'what comes next' having reported on actual Coup's against governmental leaders. His article explains how the intelligence agencies began targeting Trump even before he took office.In the end he wars that this could result in Trump refusing to back down and calling in special forces to target the leakers.I think it will be worse than that.If Taibbi is correct, and he certainly has the credibility, then the actions taken by democrats against the president will be backed by the far left, actions taken by the president will be defended by his ardent supporters.This is not some story about small groups of governmental actors trying to take control of the chain of command but a story about two growing factions with completely different views of the world, views that cannot be reconciled. While far left protesters become increasingly aggressive outside Trump rallies, they get met with a growing faction of Trump supporters and right wingers standing defiant. The street level conflict is already here.If the intelligence agencies are actually going after the president to remove him as Taibbi claims then I assure you it won't end with a small group of politicians making phone calls.Trump himself quoted a warning of civil war in the event he is removed.I hope we are all wrong.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Many people have referred to what's going on right now with impeachment as a coup in a town hall meeting a moderate Democrat talked joining the side of impeachment and one of her kids Said you were joining a coup against our president in this order or written by Matt Taibbi, a very well respected, journalist, Contr editor to rolling stone at a well known political reporter says we're in a permanent coup, Americans might soon wish they just waited to vote their way out of the Trump era articles. Actually fascinating and quite terrifying Matt Taibbi X, planes how the similarities between the actual cuz he's experienced are not too dissimilar to what we're experiencing now. Now, let's rewind the clock. A little bit will talk about TIM pools, bombastic approach to the political controversy when he called it a civil war. I referred several times to a potential civil war, and what Matt I I I
doesn't quite understand- is that what he wrote is not about a permanent coup against Donald Trump. The story talks about telogen spare agencies that want to go after the president that they're they're trying to remove at all costs, and he knows what this leads to, but what he doesn't quite come to that he doesn't come to conclusion. That is not talking about a he's talking about civil war and I really do and give you the point straight up, I'm not going to wait when he go John says that there are you key officials, arguing that certain people should be arrested and that media companies are hiring former intelligence officials to make claims and accusations against the president and remove him as with Russia, get Ukraine gate. Ukraine gate he talks about how at some point Somebody makes a phone contacts, counting heads who's on whose side, if we ever come to the point, as potentially suggested, Matt Taibbi that someone in government tries, to remove by force another person in government. I mean right,
it's a said that as much as this, it's not going to be a coup. It's not going to be a small faction of people in government who are saying it's time for Trump to leave with the impeachment inquiry and no formal vote? Trump has issued a statement saying absolutely not. This is beyond president and you're not giving me fair due process. So what do you think happens flight says I want bar arrested and orders Dc least to go and do it as she has suggested, I'm not making this up. What do you think happens well? Bill bar will refute this. Absolutely not. Now based on those circumstances and the stories we've seen in the past Matt Taibbi's assessment that it's a permanent coup makes sense, but then You must consider the fact that it's not just politician. Taking action, it's that they are backed by large amounts of people and that's where you go from KU to civil war,
I'm not saying people on the streets of guns fighting each other. I'm saying if it comes to the point where you you you right now as Scott and I believe, Scott Scott Adams, you know Sassman, he says: you've got one screen that everyone's watch, but there seemed two different movies. You see in one circumstance the conservatives are saying. Donald Trump is going after the corrupt Dnc who of Ukraine. We have stories to back it up. You see the left saying now. Donald Trump is trying to to. You know to dig up dirt on a political rival using a foreign government to benefit him. It doesn't matter who's right. It may others that you have two very large factions of people who both know they are right and pilot This is downstream from culture. So in the cultural world, when they see this news and again you might be sitting there saying I'm right, I know I'm right you're wrong, doesn't matter, I don't care, I don't care. I was right or wrong. All that matters is the divide, exists. People who believe that one hundred percent, absolutely right out of the Orange man, is a corrupt, evil man or he's here to
save America and weed out the corruption pick one. I know in real life. It's not it's not black and white like that, but you do have these overarching themes now. Take someone like Nancy Polo see who insists Trump must be investigated impeached. Then you have Trump saying it's unfair, there's no due process. What Happ, then, when someone says that's it, we concluded our assessment. Trump must be arrested. Well, that's when things get hairy because it's not just about. As I stated earlier, small group of people making this demand except Nancy Poulos, he is acting. Based on what she assumes is the popular opinion, the device It is getting so great. It is now reaching political proportions it it has for awhile. But we're going to get to that point and trust me. I hope we don't but what to laid saying, she's looking to arrest white House officials I'll tell you when that happens, when she when those police show up you're going to start seeing what Matt Taibbi discuss is the counting of heads who's on whose side who controls watt? That's not a coup. That's how
civil war starts hopefully doesn't happen here, because we're going to do. I know I, unless I wanted to get the gist of this right up right away. But let's read Matt Taibbi's, for the most part will read his assessment about the sperm cool and before we get started, I want to stress I I am, I am reticent to say or to eat it's a civil wars. I have I've, always tried, saying: listen, listen, I'm not saying it to be traditional, I'm trying to walk things back, but as much as the mainstream media will say, look at this bombastic rhetoric and what are these people saying? You know they're attacking Fox NEWS, because Fox mentioned something similar, listen man. I hope I'm wrong. And it's possible. I am that's fine, but it doesn't mean we nor what's right in front of our faces with Matt Taibbi writing this article is that little bit shocked and scared. I'm scared, ' 'cause. I think seeing this from him shows I was right or at least and it's another sign- that I was right. I'm not the only one who thinks this matter.
He is not. Some french character is a well respected journalist. Let's this story before we do head over to TIM, cast out Slash, donate. If you'd like to support my work, there's multiple ways you can give Cryptocurrency Paypal or physical address, but of course the best thing you can do seriously share this video and I have a big marketing budget, but I am Compl eating against CNN and MSNBC and Fox NEWS, and they do get an algorithmic boost on Youtube, but we can counteract that. We don't need big marketing budgets. All you gotta do share this video, explaining what you think is important about it. What you agree or disagree with will start a conversation that really helps. Let's read, Matt Right speech: I've lived through a few clues they're insane random and terrifying like watching sports, except your political future depends on the score. The kickoff begins when key when it, when a key official decides to buck the executive. From that moment, government becomes a high speed head counting exercise. Who's got the
power plant, the airport, the police, in the capital, how many department chiefs are answering their phones, who's, writing tonight's newscast, when KGB. In nineteen. Ninety one tried to reassume control of the crumbling Soviet Union by placing Mikael Gorbachev under arrest and attempting to these Moscou Logistics ruled Boris, Yelton Screw drove to the Russian White House in ordinary cars, beating KGB coup plotters, who are trying to reach the seat of russian government in armored vehicles. A key moment came when one of Yeltsin's men Alexander, what's going to chew years later, with himself with a coup against the Alton prevailed upon a major in a tank unit to defy KGB orders and turn on the quote: Criminal we have long been spared. This madness in America are Head
hunting ceremony was election day. We did it once every four years, that's all over in the Trump era. Now I will stress the moment he sighting in the Soviet Union was not a civil war. It was just the collapse of the government and it changed and it moved on and there wasn't widespread violence. The reason why I mentioned this, I think Matt Taibbi maybe he knows this, maybe he doesn't but we're seeing people fight in the streets. We just saw dozens of Trump supporters attacked in the streets outside of the Minnesota Trump Rally: personalities on the left called Fox, irresponsible responsible for pointing out the violence saying what violence? No one was reported injured, but you can actually watch the videos this brings me back to the same screen to movies analogy. If you have people and powerful positions in the media telling all of those anti trump types. There are lying there no violence, Antifa is good and just like CNN has done,
leading anti fa to the soldiers on D day. Well, they're going to be convinced. They know. The truth but then we watch those videos, we see the violence and they say yeah, but the violence is justified. Us Antifa says when they went when it when come finally come around is, there are two realities and when it comes to that point where two cars pull up to the White House, trying to figure out who is going to get to that phone and get call and say here's who's in charge. Your going to have millions of people on both sides who refused to accept it and I'll. Tell you this. With the widespread violence we've seen from anti fog, I do believe violence is a strong possibility, maybe in sir urgent. It may not be. It may be that the right does take over. You know in terms of like a complete breakdown. The right faction retain Power or whatever going to describe it. But then you will see Auntie for refuse. We've already come to the point where they believe Trump is is, is pure. Evil must be removed at all costs, even if that means underhanded tactics. We're getting to that point.
One rescue to life says what we're discussing, how to arrest these people that we will come to physical executive action. I don't mean is active in the brow, which I mean someone saying straight up enough. I am going to Have someone go in and shut this down and at that point people will ask which side are you on that terrifies me? I hope I'm wrong, but let's read on Thursday news broke that two businessmen said to have paddled supposedly loss information about corruption involving Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were arrested at Dulles Airport, unquote campaign finance violations. The two figures are alleged to be bad men bearing dirt on Democrats solicited by Trump Trump. His personal lawyer, Rudy Rudy, left Igor Fuhrman will be asked to give depositions to impeachment investigators they're, reportedly going to refuse a lawyer, John Dowd, also says they will refuse to appear before house committees investigating President Donald Trump Fuhrman and PA meanwhile claimed they had real derogatory in.
Mention about by then other politicians, but the US government has shown little interest in receiving it through official channels for Americans not from with the language of the third world. That's to contrast engine denials of political legitimacy? The men who are the proxies for Donald Trump and Re Giuliani Invista, right are starting that official channels have been corrupted. The forces backing impeachment, meanwhile, are telling us those same defendants are obstructing a lawful impeachment inquiry. What is the problem? They didn't vote on? It which side are you on it doesn't matter- what's true, you might say, TIM you're wrong. I know exactly what the Democrats are doing. You might say TIM, no, you need to state the facts. Trump is corrupt. I have had so many tweets at me saying. I can't wait till TIM. Realizes Trump is a fraud. I've never liked the guy. I'm just trying to figure out? What's true in the end, you might know in your heart of hearts.
What is really going on, and that means the other person thinks the exact same thing that they know exactly what's going on, will refuse to listen and that's scary, This latest incident set against the impeachment mania and reportedly expanding Russiagate gate occasion of US attorney John Durham excel It's our timeline to chaos. We are speak heading toward situation when some one in one of these camps refuses to obey a major decree, arrest order or court decision, at which point a kids will get to experience. The joys of their political future is being decided. I phone calls to generals and police chiefs because your Cortez defying court precedent she's not allowed to block people. It has begun, you might say who cares if he's walking people on Twitter? It's a minor court case. Minor cork is half off I know I'm hoping that these small incidents, you know instances where say
as a protest says, I'm not going on black people, even though Trump has to. I hope, that's a slow, gradual, build the point where nothing outrageous happens, there's an easy it you don't using a transfer of power, whoever it might be from and we move on from this, but I'm worried the people are are going to refuse. It was the left that, whatever trump over his twitter blocking in court precedent was set, they ruled trump. You lost, you lost appeal, you must. Unblock AOC says now. What time when it is the left itself demanding truck, take an action that they'll see that refuses to take herself. You can see that people are gonna say if you won't play The rules either will lie, and, while again this may be just twitter. It may seem like nothing that mentality and those actions they can escalate. My disk Tybee continues my discomfort in the last few years, first with Russia, gate and now with Ukraine. Gate and impeachment stems from the belief that the people pushing Huh Christopher Trump's, early removal or dangerous than Trump menu.
Guns, don't see this because they're not used to waking up in a country where you're, not sure who the president will be by nightfall they don't understand. This predicament is worse than having a bad president. I was in Egypt during the fall. Full of, I believe more seen. So Mubarak was outed. I was not there, but I came back because another revolution was occuring. This time more see, Muslim Brotherhood was elected, is being protested and they demanded his removal as well, and I remember being scared terrified when Egyptian Milit, started going into newsrooms and arresting people and shutting things down, and I was there with vice and I didn't know if it would. It may be a knock on my door, and egyptian authorities would be saying we're taking the journalists were taking you all so I took I took security precautions, but I assure One of the scariest things you can experience is complete uncertainty in authority and, what's going to happen, people were in the streets, there were thousands
The military was driving around in apcs. They were shutting down bridges and we got out. It is not a pleasant experience and, I hope Matt Taibbi, and myself. I hope we are wrong. I hope we are seeing the worst case scenario, but Matt brings. He bring some very important points to this discussion that make me think we're right and things are getting really bad the Trump presidency is the first to reveal a full blown schism between the Intellij. Community in the White House senior Fif, Here is in the CIA, NSA Fbi and other agencies made an open break from. There would be boss before Trump's inauguration, commencing a public war of leaks. That has not stopped the fur Big shot was fired in early January, two thousand and seventeen Vsenna Headline Intel Chiefs presented Trump with claims of russian efforts to compromise him this tale about January seventh, presentation of former british spy
Christopher Steele's report to then President Elect Trump began as follows. Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President Elect Trump included, allegations that rush and operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mister Trump. Multiple US officials, with direct knowledge of the briefings, tell CNN for intelligence chiefs in the FBI's James four intelligence chiefs and the FBI's James Comi. The CIA is John Brennan, the NSA Mike Rogers and Director of national intelligence. James, Work presented an incoming president with a politically disastrous piece of information, in this case a piece of a private opposition research report. Among other things, the news dropped. At the same time, a Buzzfeed decided to publish the entire bombshell Steele dossier reporter spent the week obsessing, not about the mode of the stories release, but the claims in particular audiences
rapped by allegations that Russians were trying to blackmail trump. With evidence of a Golden Shower Party. Commission Donna bed once slept upon by Barack Obama himself, twitter, uploaded. No other news agency mattered. New story mattered for the next two here's the claims of compromise and continuing Trump Russia exchange hungover. The White House, like this like a sword of Damocles well like the sword of Damocles. If you are interested in the motives for making the story public as it turned out, they were two explanations, one that was made public and one that only came out later. The public justification, as outlined in the CNN piece, was to make the President elect aware that such Alleghe things involving him, were circulating among intelligence agencies. However, we know from Comey's January seventh, two thousand and seventeen memo to Deputy Andrew Mccabe, an FBI, general counsel, James Baker, there's another explanation:
what I said. I wasn't saying this is true only that I wanted Trump to now that I know both of that. It had been reported that the reports were in many hands. I said me: media, like CNN, had them and we're looking for a news hook. I said it was important that we not give them an excuse to write that the F CI has the material or redacted and that we were keeping it very close huh. Imagine if a similar situation had taken place in January of two thousand and nine involving President Elect Barack Obama picture. Meeting between Obama and the heads of the cia- and I say an f b. I, along with the d I ate in which the newly elected president is presented with a report compiled by say, judicial watch, accusing him of links to Al Qaeda. Imagine further that tell Obama they are present. We have this information to make him aware of a blackmail, threat and to reassure him, they won't give news. Agencies a hook to publish the news now. Imagine if News came out on Fox days later. Imagine
that, within a year one of the four officials became a paid fox contributor my kratz. Would lose their minds in this set of circumstances the can't mostly did not lose its mine. However, because the f so did not involve a traditionally present presidential figure, like Obama, nor was it understood to have been directed at the institute, action of the White House? Instead, it was a story, an infamously, corrupt, individual Donald Trump, a woman, I'm going to pair a woman grabbing scammer who bragged about using bankruptcy to escape debt and publicly praised Vladimir Putin Audio. Audiences believe the allegations against this person and saw the intelligence Slash Counter Intelligence Committee as acting patriotically doing their best to keep us informed about. I still breaking investigation of a rogue present but a parallel story was ignored, leaks from the intelligence community most often pertain to foreign policy that
to January two thousand and seventeen meeting between the four chiefs and Trump, which without question damaged both the presidency Ann America's standing abroad was an unprecedented active in supporting insubordination, and I want to stop here is going to be a long, video very long. One in this instance, we can see tv be writing about this fracture at a certain level. Now the culture. Existed for a while and not everything aligns perfectly. There are men, the people who consider themselves hardcore nationalists who are aligned with the anti social justice crowd, even though many anti GW scare, very little for nationalist versus globalist policy. It's not perfect, but in this We can see the media latching onto the anti trump rhetoric we can see. The factions have allies, they form larger and larger factions. It doesn't matter if you think This is true or not again, I'll say it for the millionth time. It matters that these people claim they have the information they claimed. It was going to be bad for Trump, and then they went and got hired by the news, media and the rhetoric came out, and now you have two worlds.
Tidy continues, it was also a hold new foray into domestic politics by intelligence agencies that in recent decades began starting all sorts of frightening new authority. They were kidnapping, horners, assassinating by drone conducting Para military operations without congressional notice. Building an international archipelago of secret prisons and in aging in mass warrantless surveillance of Americans. We found out in a court case just last week how extensive the illegal domestic surveillance has been with the FBI, engaging in tens of thousands of warrantless searches involving a can emails and phone numbers under the guise of combating foreign subversion, It's amazing to me, isn't it I should say it's amazing. I remember back in the day of occupying the scrutiny that the activists had for the FBI and the CIA and something weird happened when these agencies came out against Trump and then on the left, cherish them and defended them. There was a shock to me. You can see the prevailing factions.
The agency's new trick is in so bring themselves into domestic politics using leeks and media pressure. The Quote Intel Chiefs Meeting was just the first in a series of similar stories. Many following the pattern in which a document was created, passed from department to department and leaked. He goes on to give numerous examples when all of this happened and it's fascinating to me. Let's read this one January, nineteen, two thousand and nineteen. Former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation. Tell the New York Times the FBI opened an inquiry into the explosive implications of whether or not Donald Trump was working on behalf of the that story goes viral. We saw so many stories go viral retracted a day later and as we know now, that story was not true. Trump did not work with the Russians, but you Cray the gate is the new iteration. Again we can see whistleblowers who check this out. The whistle
The whistleblower in in in in the center of all of this ukrainedate worked with Joe Biden. Obama, White House, this from town hall. How about this Adam Schiff has two aides who worked with whistle blower at the White House. Is it a coincidence how how about this Adam shift? Our chef claimed he said we did not have contact with the whistle blower facts. First, they did. I can't tell you what's going on, I can only tell you. There are two factions and Matt Taibbi's. Article is probably one of the scariest things. I've read in a long time if I read something from some fringe personality I'd, say yeah. I know I get it. People think the deep state q, whatever this Matty B, when I saw this, it's almost like validating my worst fears. He goes on to say, to be sure, quote people familiar with them.
Their leaked a lot of true stories in the last few years, but many were clearly problematic, even at the time of release. Moreover, all took place in the context of constant hounding pressure from yeah figures, congressional allies, like Democrats, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, as well as x. Officials who could make use of their personal public platforms in addition to being unnamed sources in straight news reports, they used commercial news platforms to argue that Trump had committed treason, need to be removed from office, and preferably also in Di, did as soon as possible. A shocking number of these voices were former intelligence officers who joined clapper and becoming paid news contributors Op Ed Pages, and news networks are packed now with Ex spooks a tory allies about stories in which they had personal involvement. Michael Moral, Michael Hayden ushering GABA
Andrew Mccabe among many others, including especially all four of the original Intel Chiefs, Clapper Rogers CALL and MSNBC headliner John Brennan. This is not made up. Matt Taibbi is correct. Dave caller reports, fifteen former spooks who work at CNN and MSNBC. Now, I'm not saying these people working in media are wrong. Again, I will stress, set aside your bias, I'm not going to tell you who is who's better. Who should win? I'm telling you the divide exists and we're reaching a tipping point. Pay attention, Russia, gate birthday. Whole brand of politics a government in exile, which prosecuted its case against Trump of your constant stream of approved, leaks partisans in Congress and increasingly unified anthem, Attic Lee Consistent set of commercial news outlets. These mechanisms I've been transplanted now on to the Ukraine Gate drama. It's the I people beating the public drums with the message messaging run out of the same congressional committees
through the same Nadler's shift and swallow wells. The same news outlets are on full alert. The side find Intel Chiefs are once again playing central roles in making the public case comma says. We may now be at a point where impeachment is necessary, Brandon with unintentional irony. So you know it says the United States is no longer a democracy. Klapper says the Ukraine whistle blower complaint is one of the most credible. He seen a whistleblower mind you work with Biden and who worked with two of the aids or now employed by Adam Schiff as a reporter, covering the twenty fifteen two thousand and sixteen presidential race. I thought Trump's campaign was disturbing on many levels, but logical as a new story. He succeeded for class reasons because the flaws in the media business that gifted him in mass amounts of coverage and because he took conning advantage of long. Simmering frustrations in the electorate. He also clearly There's racist fears, the collapse in truck
in institutions like the news media, the fat corporations, NATO and yes, the intelligence services in enormous numbers of voters rejected everything that ever been told about who was and was not qualified for higher office. Trump's campaign antagonism toward the military and intelligence world was at best a millimeter thick, like almost every thing else, he said as a candidate. It was a gimmick designed to get votes, but he was insincere and full of it and you're responsible at first, at least when he attacked the deep state and the fake news media, doesn't change the reality of what's happened, since if I'm paranoid have enemies and even Donald Deep State, Trump legitimately elected president, whose ouster is being actively sought by the intelligence community. I stopped here when I read this and I was worried. Matt Taibbi of all people saying this, that a duly elected president legitimate press.
And that that that the intelligence committee is seeking to oust him to me, reeks of terrifying conspiracy theory. So I did the best I could to try and make sure this was legitimate to Matt hi. This twitter account to see if you had tweeted about the story now, what is a link to it in his profile type beat out. Subject: dot com when you open it up sure enough. You are granted with this story from his verified twitter profile, where he has three hundred. The two thousand followers. I thought to myself: maybe that's how isn't, as as people say he is. Maybe maybe he's just another weirdo, so I went was Wikipedia page That type is an american author and journalist has reported on politics. Media finance, sports use. A car is currently a contributing editor for rolling stone. No we're not looking at
let's Jones, we're looking at a well established high profile journalist who is critical of trump and is telling us right now, Donald Trump, a duly elected president is have is being targeted by the intelligence community they're trying to ouster him. To me, that's terrifying, it's terrifying, because the conversation starts in the deepest corners of the internet, and now it's come to a point where high profile mainstream journalists are telling us it's going to Worse, you don't want to live through a coup, but we are experiencing the beginning of it. The point I want to add going back to the beginning of this. My my assessment is, you may see it as a co. You may see the intelligence agencies but met. Are you paying attention to the street level? What do you think happens when one of these players takes executive action and says it's time for him to be wrong
moved? Do you think that Trump supporters will sit idly by when you acknowledge there trying to remove a legitimately elected president? I assure you they won't. Do you think Antifa will sit by when they fail to remove who they view as being deeply corrupt, because American Intel install them. So that is my fear now. Will it result in standing armies? No, I don't think so. Civil war is not like that. We view it that way, because we had a clear dividing line, but I think one up seeing as people in the streets wearing badges swearing, colors with weapons we've all ready, seen at the right and the left have their armed factions. We've seen the fights just the violence escalated beyond you know. People should not to people attacking each other directly with with act, I'm trying to to avoid being overly bombastic. But but I'm trying to say is the moment when people take those arms and point them in the other direction is when I get it. You know that that's the true terrifying moment I mean all this is
scary, but we have seen individuals firebomb ice facilities and take very dangerous stances. Let's continue Trump stands accused of using is all using the office of the presidency to advance political aims, in particular pressuring Ukraine to investigate potential campaign rival Joe Biden he's guilty, but the issue is how guilty in comparison to his accusers and I'll? Stop there and say yes, is it was inappropriate? That's about how guilty I think Trump was he's trying to go after those tv's is corrupt. I don't think it's about the election but here we have the divide. Once again, I assure you there are people on the left will tell me it is the most egregious via and he's trying to subvert our elections. Where do we go from there? The only and as if we're on two different sides of this issue. Either trump must be removed or defended, and, to me it's truly a terrifying predicament. If people have one side or the other regardless trump, at least in
so far as we know has not used section. Seven hundred and two of the Foreign intelligence Service Surveillance ACT to monitor political rivals. He hasn't deployed human counterintelligence informants to follow the likes of Hunter Biden. He he doesn't maneuvers to secure special counsel, probes of Democrats and Well Donald Trump, conducting and policy based on what he sees on Fox and friends, is troubling. It's not in the same ballpark as CNN Msnbc, the Washington Post and the New York Times engaging in Defecto coverage partnership. With the FBI and CIA to push highly polluted eyes. Phony narratives, like Russia, Gate Trump's Tinpot twitter, it's an cancellation of White House privileges for adults, like Jim Acosta, also don't begin to compare to the danger posed by Facebook, Google and Twitter under pressure from the Senate. Organizing with the likes organ organizing, with groups like the Atlantic Council Council to fight quote fake news and the name of preventing the foment of discord,
He says I don't believe most Americans would have thought through what a successful campaign to oust Donald Trump would look like most casual news. Consumers can only think of it in terms of MIKE Pence becoming president. The real problem would be the president of a Defecto intelligence community veto over elections using the lunatics spook world brand of politics that is dominated the last three years of Anti Trump agitation Ca Fbi, backed impeachment, could also be a self fulfilling prophecy. If Donald Trump thinks he's going to be jailed upon, leaving office hill sooner or later, figure out, that is only real move is to start acting like the quota dictator, Ma Nbc and CNN, keep insisting he is. Why give up the White House and why wait to be arrested when he still has theme medical authority to send special forces troops repelling through the windows of every last Russiagate Ukraine Gate liquor that
would be the end game in a third world country, and it's where we're headed. Unless someone calls off this craziness welcome to the permanent power struggle, I will at the conclusion of the article and I'm not done. I've got a lot we have to go through. I will add to this now for the third or fourth time when Trump does send those special forces were pulling through the windows when allegiances are declared? What happens on the street? What do trump supporters say? They say the deep state must be stopped on the left say these crazy conspiracy theorists have subverted our democracy and the fighting will start. As I showed you already, the whistle blower in Ukraine get worked with Adam Schiff AIDS. He hired one. Recently, the same month, the whistle blower came forward. The whistle blower worked with Joe Biden. Adam Schiff lied, chef AIDS, it worked with whistleblower white
we go from here. I'll tell you what I think comes next, why their rhetorics already are already out there. We have this story from New York Post, receded, Tlaib Dems, look to arrest White House officials who ignore subpoenas something I mentioned in the past? What do you think happens when she actually says it must it must be done they ignored the subpoena. Why, right now, trump. Is ordering people not to go and testify there it's a violation! What happens to the DC police show up and say, put your hands behind your back. Do the DC police side against the Democrats and say we will not take action against these authorities because of the president it will set, and we don't want to stabilize this country when they refused to do that. What does the left say? Oh no trump has defied legal law and the police have cited with him. What come Next? I can't tell you I don't know. I can tell you that we live in alternate realities now
I'm going to rap. You were going to be moving a little bit away from the talk of Cohen Civil WAR and in where the media takes? This, take a look at the story from reliable sources at CNN's newsletter about Shepard Smith's exit from Fox NEWS, which I find sad troubling. Shep Smith had a particularly left approach to many the stories he covered. That's fine. The issue is that CNN and many of the left- this as Shepard Smith, rejecting Trumpian Fox NEWS. I don't know how that's true at the same time, when Trump is slamming Fox NEWS, when Fox NEWS is too far for both sides. This should be an example of how the divide has become just I guess on tenable CNN, says: Fox NEWS has gone so far right in defending trump. They refused to back down Trump says Fox NEWS is working against us they're, not working for us anymore, Fox NEWS, In between the left and the right, and both saying there too far, you know that really means if Fox NEWS in the Middle and Fox NEWS is
So far it means we know both sides are so far away from each other. They will never come together, not even Fox NEWS, hiring Donna, Brazil. It's not the first time. Trump has slammed this, but there are a few other things I will highlight before we wrap this up. Remember the story about Jim Acosta in the White House aide. This is a good sign for us that things were going to It was a story in which a White House aide tried to take the microphone away from Jim Acosta. I got to some fights verbal fights altercations. With individuals over what really happened. In my opinion, watching this, I believe that she was going to reach for the microphone and Emma cost. I went to push her arm away, but she grabbed on so it pulled her down and they both jerk forward a little bit for some reason People on the left saw this woman trying to yank the microphone away from him. My opinion, even if that was true. Well so be it she's, taking the microwave from him. Why is he gripping in refusing? how, but many people saw Jim Acosta use his arm to push her away. We couldn't agree,
we couldn't agree on a video of what happened, and this is what was moment when I said if we watch the same clip and can't agree on what we saw. There is literally nothing that can bring us together. Take them to consider. Can we look at Mattyb's article scary, man, I'll tell you what on the left will view the intelligence agencies as the heroes, the patriots fighting against the Corrupt Donald Trump and the Trump supporters will view it like the deep states of writing everything and no matter what you say, no matter what you say, it will never end that divide. So what happens with the left allowed Trump to get re elected? Will the right allowed Trump to be removed? I can't tell you I'd be willing to bet if Trump was impeached, you would be much less likely to see the rights get up and do anything to be honest? They wouldn't raise arms. It just depends on the severity if they start arresting trump officials, if
start living accusations, if they deny due process that they support the constitution, Trump has accused the Democrats of denying due process the impinge impeachment inquiry by fusing have a vote on it, meaning that Trump can't cross examine. It means that they can't Sabina their own witnesses and and- and if this is a this is the case the president has already begun. The Democrats say we don't need to Trump says you do pick a side. I hope it doesn't come to this point. Both are she's laid statement. I'm getting worried with the violence in the street shop rallies, I'm getting worried. I think everything will come to had ever tried it's reelected, assuming he does. This video may turn out to be a joke in the annals of history. We may look back in ten years and people might say TIM Pool was so dumb. He couldn't see what was really going to happen. Nothing. We may look back and say boy. He thought was going to happen then happen way sooner than They might look back on this video and say it started five years before TIM even made this video. I have no idea, I don't I'm. I only have the knowledge presented today and I only have the
the knowledge I have from reading the stories. I've read babies, article about the cool is probably one of the most alarming things I've seen yet, and I kind of sat with my jaw being open. When I saw this article being shared, this article is not shared to me by a conservative trump supporter. It was hard to me by an anti war leftist who agreed this. Is dangerous and it's going to get bad and that's why, at one of the reasons, why I've said over and over again, Trump must be removed through the electoral process. If he wins so be it. We cannot allow our institutions to decay through intelligence, licks and partisan news that seeks to make money, but I think we're going that day. Action, no matter what and people are attacking each other in the streets now look most of these instances, we've seen have been trump supporters getting attacked not doing the attacking I wanna, make sure that's clear like in Minnesota. Trump will hold a rally in Chicago the story from the Chicago Sun Times.
And I'm genuinely concerned disconcerted. I should say we'll see what happens. Let me know if you think I'm insane. Let me know if you think you know what I'm not I'm not quite done. I do have one more thing to show you in everything: that's happened. We see this story. Its host warns of emotional civil war because of what happened in Minnesota. I've been saying it for awhile and I'll. Tell you this. I have made many predictions. Many of wrong, I've taken many strategies, most of which have been right- the companies I've worked for the the success I've had. The moves I've made in the places I've gone to the things I found. I've had a pretty good track record of of picking up of erring on the side. That tends to be the right one. I don't mean morally right. I mean, if you're going to tell me you know which path will lead you to success. I was told by one very well respected journalist that I have the unfortunate privilege of being ahead of
market. I was doing on the ground level live streaming, one of the first, if not the first, in the? U S getting promise for at least or or doing commentary on on the ground. I was the first person to mobile live streaming when the first huge to use drones, especially, I believe I was the first to do. A live broadcast to be around we have to. We will is a really crazy thing. We did using the software development kit of the a r Para and then streaming the captured. Video was incredible in all of this. In my success The reason I was successful with vice, for instance, was that I knew where to be before the news broke. They would say what should we cover and I would say we have to get on the ground here, not every place I chose turned out to be the biggest in the world, but it typically did and many of the stories I covered where the biggest advice at the time millions of views on Ukraine coverage of that as well. I was forced to flee Ferguson, for instance, they didn't even want to buy me the ticket. I flew myself there and then this story broke
when I look at the news, and I see what's happened, different cities in different countries- and I say this is the place we're going to fly to, because next week x will happen. I've been fairly act, there's there's almost as where what nothing really happened would result one time and the parties fizzled out. I went to Turkey in the protests fizzled out, but I I would say about seventy five percent of the time we go somewhere and then you would ignite. It would be the biggest story. I could see it coming. That's why? but I've been successful. I knew where to go on the ground to be that person and people would say Timbs everywhere it wasn't. It was everywhere If I knew where to be well something changed the divide in this country started getting worse. I started looking at what's happening in the world and I saw the place to be with my own country, the stories around the world while important Hong Kong, for instance, I'm looking here in the US and seeing a
actually when I saw many of these other places, I'm not always right. I tend to be I tend to to air on. I I tend to bat get but well I don't think it's most parts of the world it might fifty one percent out of forty nine percent. I get it right, that's all I'm saying. But this is what I'm seeing now, maybe I'm wrong. I hope I am but apparently Matt Taibbi agrees to a certain extent that something bad is coming he's, comparing what we're seeing with Trump to the cruise in the third world. That's worrying create erupting that's worrying. On the after acting like it didn't happen, they're telling people there, no injuries, nothing happened. Who do you believe? I have no idea. The next time will be coming up at six pm: Youtube, dot, com, Slash TIM cast news, and I will see you all there. For those that haven't been paying attention to the news, Kazuyo Cortez got a haircut
Now you may be saying to my page and there's all day every day. I know I didn't know that. Nor do I care and would seek out that information, please. Why are you telling me this? I don't want to know about it. Yes, I hear you but here's the thing for some stupid reason. It's sparking a controversy, and it's not okay, so first for some stupid, Somebody complained that you spent too much money and a haircut but she spends her money on. You can spend their money on whatever she wants her money, that's capitalism right, but that was the point they were like as a socialist spending. All this money in her well to counter the left narrative is that women's haircuts being expensive is oppression by the patriarchy right to all men and rage by AOC's, expensive haircut. Yes, this is how the US economy. Bleeds women dry. Excuse me. You choose to get a haircut dude. Can I tell you why
there's a very simple reason why women tend to have more expensive haircuts than men for one women tend to longer hair lot with long. I get it, but the social norm at least today not right wrong thing is wrote it she got long. That means more hair, more washing more maintenance split ends. The other thing is for one most guys, don't really care guys, don't shave their armpits. Some guys do, but most guys typically are gonna, be shaving, their armpits or their legs or getting foofy dews, though is going to be greasy they're, going to be neon or some other nonsense and guess. Well. Another issue is a lot of guys. Don't have her case in point, but the issue is then, if guys, keep hair short, it's a simple snip, snip, snip haircuts are,
more expensive for women, the treatments that they get for their hair cost the same, and if you have long hair look man, I know dudes, who are like models with long hair and they spend a ton of money to get their hair done right because their models and they're like the long hair and they got to the man bun or whatever. If you're gay I worked on. It costs money, no you're, not being oppressed, because you chose an expensive hair treatment. You've got to what what what's what's the haircut place, that does it Bo Rics that still exist in this Chicago thing? Pine are talking about hair cuttery. Is that that's that's a big thing right? You can also put your ten bucks or twenty bucks for a hair cut. Everybody gets can, can scan, spend the same, and I don't mean no disrespect to the the my to work at these. You know chain, hair, cuttery places, but you know they're going to do it a basic job, however, I also have friends who runs salons and they charge a lot of money, because you are hiring a professional to give you professional treatment with high end product guys go to the Walgreens
and by the dollar in shampoo fruit, Teese or whatever it's called, and they don't care. And I'll buy conditioner. I mean some guys do the point: is women again care their hair? So this gets the bigger issue of the pink tax which I want to stress. There are some issues, I think we could bring up and say: hey the so it makes sense. Why does that product cost more money? Here's the big problem right. So you see this examples of women's razors costing a little bit more money than men's razors. You have like you have like at a Walgreens of Blu rays, are in a pink razor and these people go. Feminists will be like look. The pink razors are five dollars in the. Razors are four dollars. Pin tacks were being oppressed and I'm like, but you could just buy the blue razor their disposable razors. If you would like the fancy, pink color, then pay the premium or just by the blue How can you simultaneously argue that women can like blue as well, but then you choose the one, that's pink and then get angry costs more money. No one forced you by that. Now some people have pointed out
and many circumstances, it's not just that the colors different, but there will be fragrances or different ingredient and that's another important point. They need to be brought up to you, compare one deodorant another daughter and be like. Oh, they cost different things. The girls, the ladies, that is more okay. Well, what's in it right Duke what? Yet that? That's! That's! Let's read the story and I imagine I might agree with some things right. So they right. The Washington times rocked the twitter sphere, with its recent headline said, declared socialist AOC splurges on high dollar. Here, Dylan just stop right there, it's a Washington Times that was stupid and for some stupid reason you wrote this. Please stop! I don't care, you know, leave the leave the the the the up the outrage of, for someone's haircut to TMZ according to the article reportedly spent nearly three hundred dollars at a pricey salon. She frequents in downtown Washington bit of clarity. The grand tour included eighty dollars for the haircut one hundred and eighty dollars for low lights plus tip you
criticize her for splurging on fancy hairdos. But that's like a normal thing. I get it. You can see mismanaging her her money, but hey man. People got look good right. You want good when you're going to be on tv and get much followers. I don't think that's big deal at all. I don't care it's her money. You can use it as she wants. Never remind the double standard. It's imposed upon women in leadership, all women really to look good, but not too good imagine how the media would pounce over a messy bun day on the house floor now, it's true there. This one person who got slammed by everyone, because it took a picture of a cosmic test, walking down the hall and he was like look at those clothes and people are like why I don't care So you know why you're now writing about her hair. You should have learned the lesson before I don't care now. Listen, there's a really, really funny tweet, where someone some woman tweeted, something like you know. If women wear the same clothes every day, they'll be they'll, be slammed and frowned upon and
men can wear the same thing every day and no one cares. That's like patriarchy paycheck or something and someone responded that that it's women who who will treat you poorly? If you wear cute dress, literally not one man. What is said not once great man on the planet will care. If you are the same cute dress twice and that's the point you want to talk about why you will frowned upon. If you don't look good, it's not going be from guys. I I mean that seriously there are of women who are older, an unattractive, and you don't see guys coming out all day being like look at that from. Address. No, no guys will talk about it. It's because women care about the frumpy dress case in case If you haven't noticed, I wear literally the same thing every day and I don't care, I literally don't care. I would wear a potato sack. I don't care, you can go on my two and say TIM, where is the same thing every day and I would be like I don't care literally none,
you can say about it is going to make me feel bad. Yet women will be made to feel bad if they don't look good. So perhaps men and women- Let'S- let's not even say it's- about women right anything to point out most guys- aren't going to notice what women are well, I mean that seriously like you know. I know what is the, you know a lot of women I know, will have all of these different outfits. I've literally got a stack of these gray shirts and, like three pairs of these pants, I do have a ton of these beanies by the way, but but you know I notice women tend have more outfits. It's, I think, that's a fair point, not not all, but typically and more shoes to have like one pair of shoes. Ok, I got a couple pairs of shoes. I skate right, but I think it's fair to say, or am I wrong, that it's women who typically care about what other people are wearing women? Typically, care of a guys wearing the same clothes guys, don't care for guys wearing the same clothes. Most guys. Don't care for women wear same clothes. So what's the problem, the problem is AOC is trying to look good for other women, but let's be let's be real, I do believe
that at a high level that she's at you know in terms of celebrity and press attention, you gotta look good, you gotta, look good and it's not just about women. They make fun of Trump's weight, they post demeaning pictures of his hair. They make fun of him too, but you know what Trump probably don't care 3d, they say uh and then there's the reality that haircuts for women cost more than those of men. It's well documented and it's called the pink tax. A pop you forgive him for gender based pricing simply stated the pink tax when goods or services marketed to then cost more. The mens version for no apparent reason other than price gouging, except maybe like you know, you want low lights, which I don't think a guy would probably get like the average dude and you have longer hair. So you know it's like a take longer to cut and you want a specific style of hair cut, which guys are less likely. You see, you see the point so so. Yes, it's people that salons will say women versus men, but I'd be
thing, but in reality and most of us long pods day it has more to do with quoting you, based on the amount of work being done. A twenty eighteen report from the US government Accountability Office confirmed that a variety of open services targeting female consumers, ranging from deodorant to shaving, cream to body spray cost or the male equivalent. That's called market prices. I'll tell you what man you're, not winning yourself any points by claiming you're stupid enough to look at two prod that are the same and by the one, that's more expensive and then complain about it, you want to talk about the taxes they put on like feminine care products right there with you completely Sorry, I don't know, have all the full details. Maybe they talk about it, but there are certain circumstances where, like actual products, that women need right, you know feminine care products will have a special tax on them like a luxury tax. That's insane to me, dude! If you're going to buy a cotton swab or whatever it shouldn't be taxed, because it's for women or something like that is on a luxury. Let's read, on a few years,
New York City ran the numbers and found some of the most frequent offenders dry, cleaning bills for mens shirts on an average of four dollars and ninety five cents compared to two and eighty six for those one by men, full stop? What kind of shirts are we talking about fancy, We button up shirts at women. Wear made a silk another fancy. Other fancy is materials to be delicately handled. We talking about it. To buy stock white shirts from so you know from Tj Max that are not particularly great and just throw them in the in the deep in the in the dry cleaner. You got you look. I'd be willing to bet women, shirts are going to be fancier bet materials they're going to be specifically designed. They're going have shape issues a guys go. To buy a two dollars, shirt and he's going to, and it's going to be a white plain shirt and he's going to put a jacket over it or something you not button up. We got nothing. Super guys, obviously, will buy nice in nice clothes. I'm not like you know, let's be real, I'm just saying I'd be willing to bet the Average woman's dry cleaning bill for shirts and and
the question is: are they saying it's like short shirt? I saying women You know I women have more shirts to wash to watch too well, let's just say to structure, going to bet women starts, are more delicate, require more care and have specific shape, issues that if they get stretched or anything or damaged? It's a bigger deal where the guy is going to throw John, took it in and put some over it right. Yes, an educated consumer can buck the system, be diligent to check prices and reject the branding plight but it's time and energy you're not you're yourself. Any favors by claiming you couldn't go pink, deodorant blue deodorant this one's more expensive by the blue, deodorant I guess it is fair to say, though- and this is an issue like comes to deodorant- they smell different- I don't think a woman. Around smelling like a dude and there's one on smog like a check for the most part. Some people do. That's all you men, I'm just saying that you might. You might find that female gender cost more money, it's a different fragrance! Well, we going to do man if,
it's more expensive for that particular fragrance and men don't buy that fragrance. What do you expect? You can see by like basic deodorant on the guy side, quote if female and male consumers pay different prices for similar products that they purchase frequently such as personal care products. This could result in such actual differences in expenditures by gender over time. Consumers, annual spending a product category can be significant. Even price prices for products within the category are low. I get But the problem is here: you want to buy something and you don't check prices. It is your fault, no forced you to buy anything. If you want pink razors for an extra zero dollars and fifty cents. Well, there you go. You bought the extra fifty cent razors. I don't care what the color what if they introduced a green razor and was a dollar more than people going buy it I mean some. People might they might grab and, like I don't care about the dollar I like green, so I can't believe that we're actually at this point, so
Actually, let's do this. I want be fair. I want talk about tampon tax. I think this is actually a really good thing. Is we brought up because we can talk about the you know, the real tax right. She writes. It is time for all these and, like we used to be addressed this past April, repetitive, Jackie Spier, reintroduced the pink tax repeal act to ban the practice of gender based pricing. Declaring the big tax is not a one timing justice, it's an insidious form of institutionalized discrimination that effects women across the country from the cradle to the grave. Yes, that's right, 'cause, you need to pass a law saying that, if you're going to make a product for a woman and you make a product for a man have to cost the same thing, that makes literally no sense you know. So what Bic will just introduce a Bic razor well there you could just bought whatever you wanted, how It makes sense that something you can't make a product. You can't brand it throw in fine they'll call the column. You know pink, seek It's and they won't say women's on it. You can't ban that you know all they have to do. Listen big could come up with.
User with fairly flowers and a picture of it. Smiling and shaving. Her legs and not brand, not seats for women and women are still going to recognize that as for women, and they can do the same and with another one an bypass web. This ridiculous lies so they say the tampon tax will soon have its day in court. A new projects, tax, free, p, It is catalyzing the legal academy to develop arguments that tampon tax amounts to sex based discrimination in violation of equal protection at both the state and federal Le making it more than merely unfair or an equitable but illegal and unconstitutional, so do they have something specifically about the tampon tax. Whatever you know I'll just give you the gist of it, because I'm probably wrong. I don't want to dig through here just to find this one single point, but if, if, if there's something you know, it doesn't make sense to me to see what special tax on tampons, if that's the case on, make sure that's clear because I don't have, but you know pulled it necessarily, so we shouldn't be taxing hygiene products specially because women, the only ones buying them,
but the issue is that they were considered a luxury item and that's insane, that's just not the case. It's not not a luxury item, it's like if they put a tax on. I guess I don't know I'm going to stop there because I don't want to get too gross. Obviously, but the point is: if women have to buy this and they're taxing it, You know there's an argument that there's no space, gender, it's just literally tampons or text yeah, but come on man. We get that women are the ones who buy these things I mean guys could buy them for their spouses. Fine, the point is As far as I understand, maybe I need to research more. That doesn't make sense, but if you want to argue that you chose to buy something that was more expensive because they had a picture. A flower in a lady on it dude, that's your own problem in so let's, let's, let's end this by pointing out Ocasio Cortez celebrated her expensive low. Bites and said she looked fabulous or something like that, she's not being oppressed, she made the choice. She could shave her head tomorrow. If you wanted to she's not going to, though
she wants to adhere to societal norms. That's just it services cost money find someone to do the job cheaper and I'll end. But just by saying to the ' Washington Times complaining about her haircut seer, Leslie Dudes, why so dumb? And why even making a video about this I'll be honest, though, is because the pink tax stuff is such an absurd. It's ridiculous! It's it's just so so ridiculous that attacks, it's literally a company being like people, will pay for it. I'll sell it for this. Well, you chose to do that man. Nobody, nobody put a gun to your head and said you better by this. This pink brazer I'll see you guys The next segment at one hundred pm on this channel thanks dragon. The absolute state of California. It is a disaster. If you were to ask me now, I get it. California is very wealthy. It's not all blue, like the state votes blue, but there are conservative Is there a farm areas, but I gotta say the problems and
California are escalating. It's getting pretty alarming, so we've got the right of disease homelessness, faces in the streets, unemployment, etc. Now we have this story. You may have heard that pg and e was going to be cutting power over a fear that their infrastructure could fail and cause wildfires it. That's that's why they're doing it? Currently, there is a major wildfire wildfire in California. Is my understanding and people have lost their lives? I can understand why they want to take this, why they would want to take this action, so I can't blame no blame to go around, but there was a tragic story: men, sixty seven, who relied on oxygen pump, dies twelve minutes after p, Jeannie cut down power, cut down, cut down power, they cut the power to his home to prevent.
Fires. California is now in a state of disease and homelessness and rolling blackouts. You know when I talked about this before I my question was: who would want to live there? Now we have this problem now, they're being very careful not to claim he. He his death was directly a result of the power being cut. It may be because it Wasn'T- or it may be, because these people, can't go up against peony, pg and E, but Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, issued it statements. You know essentially saying someone's gotta be responsible, this, let's read The stories you get the general idea and then we'll talk about the problems that are California I really want to talk about after we we got. This news is: what do you think will happen when the climate activists? You know what this dramatic reduction in power and all that listen people who diabetic need to have their insulin: refrigerated, okay, without power there at risk people on oxygen machines, they're at risk as well. Tell me your pollution because California is in dire straits, they say, and
Northern California man dependent on oxygen died it just twelve minutes after Pacific gas and electric shut down power to the area as part of an effort to prevent fires, El Dorado County fire. Chief Lloyd Hogan said on Friday that a call was placed in the fire department from Pollock Pines. At three hundred and thirty am on Wednesday. Crews arrived at the scene and found Robert Morris senior sixty seven unresponsive and were unable to revive him. According to the mountain, I'm a crab Hogan said the man's oxygen equipment required power, but could not say whether the shutdown was related to his death, so they're being careful, but basically again a machine that was plugged into a wall and a battery powered machine. I don't know why. Perhaps they didn't know exactly when the powers to be shut off, but in the middle of the night, apparently he won't. He woke up with no oxygen struggled to get to his his battery powered machine and you didn't make it. This is completely irresponsible. Someone you know what man that's read it Martis seniors daughter, Marie Aldie, told Fox forty that her father had said.
World health issues and she believes the power cuts were involved in his death. She said he had health issues, he had really bad Sio PD, which didn't help and he had congestive heart failure. Another uh. Health issues. But the power going off and him not being able to get to his oxygen is, I believe, is what did it? Marta seniors oxygen tank, reportedly lost power during peak genies power shut down and he was unable to reach his batty battery powered battery operated oxygen tank. Time. He'll never see my kids get married, he'll, never see his grandchildren. Althea said: how do you fix that? You? Don't you can't something got taken away from me that I can never get back and I will miss my father forever. This is truly heartbreaking story. We have fought so hard as human beings to develop the technology to save lives. To make sure our loved ones can survive these elements one hundred years ago, this man,
We would have made it. There wasn't going to be a battery powered action, tank or a wall power. You know a a a a shore power action tank, it's just don't exist, we've made great strides and what what people they realise in California. I mean this is a natural disaster. This is wildfires. I don't tell you, but to those who are talk thing about these dramatic sweeping environmental changes. You realized rolling the clock back on technology that we need to sustain life. People who would not have survived one hundred years ago are dependent upon this electricity and this energy. Now there are some people can't charge their electric cars and that's also bad, but you know gas shortages have happened in the past two so in this particular instance. I think important to realize that there are people completely dependent upon these fossil fuels to be alive. Let's read more P, Jeannie spokesman, Jeff Smith said it had not been able to confirm the accuracy of the report.
The Power company told Fox forty. We have no information on incident and have not been able to confirm the accuracy of the report. We were for you to local officials in El Dorado County governor Gavin. Newsom's news spoke out on Friday. I thought it was news, whatever copy editor about the tragic Losing a family member is horrific and, to the extent that this was reason why I hope that is investigated, but I hope those responsible are held to account. He said the news of his death comes on the heels of the deaths of two others from the wildfires on Thursday. And 50s who suffered. Cardiac arrest and Lois are Vixen. Eighty nine, after a fire swept through her mobile home park. It's unclear whether the unnamed victim was pronounced at his home or another location We're gonna talk about the wildfires will get into this, but I will stress if they didn't shut down the power and sparked a wildfire that killed several people, no, we would beat will
morning, their deaths because they chose a SH shut, shut, the power down this man died. Now here's the the the true philosophical conundrum. We don't know if, if, if you know what let's say, they should make up the power on what if a fire started, one of several people died. We would then be outraged, saying why didn't they do something? Why don't and because they did, we see the results the reality of life that we don't know what could have been. We can make guesses, we can think about what we did and how to better mitigate this. You know this this problem in the future. I forgot to have blackouts planned? Then we need to make sure we have. We know who is going to require special tools. Perhaps they should have been brought hospital or or facility with generators to make sure people survive and medical staff. I don't know, maybe people don't want to do that, they want their little independence, they have when they're living in oxygen machine. The point is.
We might look at the situation and be outraged. This man lost his life. It could be worse. We just don't know we don't know, imagine the left that built the power on and then twenty people died. So, in the end Hard decisions have to be made and when they are, people, often get really angry in their outrage and say. Why are you doing this? So I'll only tell you this, you know I I look at California as failing state, I don't say it's failed. I mean there really well feels to be real, but with the escalade, shit in human waste and disease and homelessness, and these power outages I don't know to tell you man, but this is not sound. Like a comfortable first world place to live, you can go find it little rural town with with gigabit internet with abundant food, and heating and electricity, and I have to worry about any of this: no homeless, no diseases. There there is a serious problem happening in California, there's an effect even poorer areas in the rest of this country. You want to live in California, it's a high cost of living. It's a wealthy place to live for the most part, not everywhere, of course says poor areas, but
you could go move to a small town. You can look at Cincinnati and not deal with any of this. An live in first world conditions. It's really weird to me. They say winds, gusted dangerously, as for as forecasted for coming. You know what man daily mail is one of the worst when it comes to copy editing, winds, to dangerously as forecast before calming in North Carolina, where PG and Electric faced hostility and second guessing over its widespread shutoffs Governor Gavin Newsom, criticized Jeannie and ordinary customers complained about the inconveniences caused by the unprecedented blackouts that again, midweek pg and E, though so
I said it was already seeing the wisdom of its decision born out, as gusts topping seventy seven miles, Prower raked, the San Francisco Bay area. Amid Abe out of dry windy weather, we have found multiple cases of damaged damage or hazards caused by heavy winds, including fallen branches that came in contact with overhead lines, said some meat sing a vice president for utility company. If they were energized, they could have ignited. Now here's the thing I've talked to people about this, I'm not a firefighter. I can't tell you, but my understanding is that fires happen. You know death and decay, and this brush builds up overtime and then burns and because humans have stopped these fires because you want to live there. It builds up to the point where the fires become substantially worse. Now, you'll have cut climate activists and look how bout the fires are. It may actually not have to do with you know climate change and may have to do with. Human intervention allowing this fuel to build up until finally, the ignition happens, and it's really really bad. I,
I don't know, don't say I'm not a scientist on I can really say is why live in California? After all of these problems, a man loses his life. Whether they were right or wrong you've got blackouts. You've got disease homelessness. It is not being solve, it is getting worse pollutants, needles flowing into the ocean, while if there I get it, the weather is nice in so Cal, but man, you know there are other places to be to be safe. To be sick, we have there some photos of there's another fire. So this is the I noticed that the sandwich fire broke out after nine pm on Thursday in Silmar North of LOS Angeles pictured, a helicopter drops water. Further, listen you can't see it, but it is is, is, is there's a really bad fire they say because of the dangerous weather in the forecast. P Jeannie cut power on Wednesday. This we know it's affecting about five hundred and forty three thousand businesses and residences. Another. Did. Ninety five thousand customers remain without power. Experts say:
customer experts say a customer includes between two and three thousand people wow is that worse, I sort of what we're talking about. Potentially millions of people tend to wait. What one customer includes between two and three thousand able, I think all I see are they they may they are they talking about like counties, then I don't know areas with without power include: okay, I'm not gonna, read all that. You get the point, I'm gonna wrap it up here, I'm not going to make this one super long, but side. You know I I feel for this family. It's saddening, but I believe this should be a wake up, call the people. In that state man. You got to figure something out: it's not going to get better. I I it's only getting worse next time, it's coming up at four pm at U two dot com, slash ten castmates rang out, and I will see you all there. No, No doubt following the video I did for my main channel, where I talked about how the coup against Trump will result in a civil war. No doubt I will likely. Get criticism. I've already had people rag on me for entertaining the possibility of civil war. There have been more profession
all statements like Stick Saxon hammer. I said he humbly disagrees with the notion and that's respectable, but there are a lot of people who I let fear mongering and all that stuff. Listen man, I'm not just making this up off the top of my head. I I look at what the culture is, and I give my thoughts on Is it storming the daily beast if Trump's rage brings of war. Where will the military stand? I did one video following Trump's, read about potential civil war fees ousted? Ah, and they were like, oh heavens, Trump. How dare you say this, and it was a quote from someone in media and the quote was not made up by the end of it: either the conversation around the potential for a civil war, whatever it might look like whatever it might be, maybe it's small, maybe it's big. Whatever it's been around for a long time. I think there's a decent likely that we see some kind. In fact, I think it's true that we are in one in some capacity. No Matty B award winning journalist, called it a permanent coup, but he's looking at the debt
Kratz versus Trump, I'm looking at it like yes, but who's backing. The Democrats, who is voting in the Ocazia Cortez is there are real people going all the way down? In fact, I think it started with the people and flowed into politics. We've got bad news here. I do want to come back to the store and I'm starting with this to make a point they liked say TIM. Why are you talking about this? Oh, it's not true. It'll, never happen dude, regardless of what you think the conversation exists and it's been in existence for years and even the first video I did about this, I did not just make up. I was citing there was a stop hold on a national security experts and the the average a says it was like a thirty five percent chance some people like these- are experts, saying ninety five percent chance in the next five years. Five to ten years, here's the real story from the hill this from the couple days ago. New all shows crisis of confidence in US elections. Okay, please
take all of these things together, I'm not making this up. This is the hill dental polls showing you there's a crisis of confidence in elections. Take a look at the product from cable tv news, take a look what they say about Trump supporters and opposition, and you will see there is a real crisis of confidence. Everything we have in terms of our abstract systems, place the fire department government in general. We function in this capacity because of our confidence. What if you didn't know whether or not that green, that green picture of George Washington was going to get candy bar? You wouldn't want to take it from somebody. If there is no confidence in US dollars, people won't want them, and that means the value evaporates to nothing. The whole system of dollars is built on our confidence in the system. What happens when people have a crisis of confidence in US elections
they think Trump stole the election. Trump says you know: trucks for sale, Ukraine and the Dnc we're trying to stay on the last. Whatever your position is, what happens when people don't believe it anymore when they don't go out and vote when they think no matter what they do, the system is rigged against them. You get civil war, you get some kind of insurgency, some kind of uprising, and it might not end well or if you wanna call it you know was: was the Arab Spring Civil war? I don't know, let's story and see exactly what the hell has to say. New poll shows crisis of confidence ayear before that Twenty presidential elections, only half of Americans say they believe the vote will be conducted openly and fairly according to a new survey that reveals are growing mistrust in the US electoral system. I'll give you a couple examples. The right. This concerns of voter id. In fact, when pulled two thirds of Democrats, believe you should record, but you you need an id to vote, but for some reason the talking points missed out and Democrats as it's right.
Yes, okay on the left, they say the right is purging minorities from the voter rolls there there isn't. There's. I don't tell you man, there's a crisis of confidence, but that way the poll conducted by Ipsos for C Span and sure exclusively with the help now that fifty three percent of registered voters said next year's elections will be open and fair. Just forty six percent said they had a great deal or a fair amount of trust in the wisdom of their fellow Americans. When it comes to election outcomes The deck is stacked because of all the gerrymandering that that's gone on said Charles Fink Flick, a retired teacher who lives in White Oak PA just outside of Pittsburgh. You've got huge amounts of money that are buying votes all over the place blocking minority people from voting, scaring people away from the polls. I'm doing all these kinds of nonsense. The survey
results show a stark, partisan divide between Democrats and Republicans over the integrity of next year's vote. Almost three slash four of Republicans: seventy two percent, so the next election will be conducted fairly. Why? Because Trump one I'd be willing to bet Trump One, and I gotta admit I was on the side of the system is too strong for an outsider like Trump to get in. I was like you know, could I I wanted to say, based on sentiment, Trump would win, but I just never imagined they would allow it and by they I mean the debt craddick establishment? I I mean the the the the the the Dnc and the Rnc, the crony Capitalist Goldman Sachs establishment types, of course here to get a bunch of you know, idiots from trying to read into it. The point the point I'm making is the establishment period. We know who they are. They get their kids jobs. As a matter of the left, the right we know to Linsey Grams. You know cheering you know angry about pulling out of troops in Syria. We know the insiders in the outsiders are the insiders. I was surprised, faltered, the Democrats and they kept burning out. I am
it is a really funny, sir. I can here's my here's, my fake little conspiracy, idea after a birdie got knocked out of the primary. The Dnc met with the head of the are and see for drinks in there like. How did you screw this up and let Trump get in uh? What you doing I'm kidding, but here's the thing I the reason why Democrats feel it's unfair is because Hillary Loste and they're like how is that possible? Let's read about half of Democr an independent voters at the US, elections are rigged to favor the rich and powerful. I agree. Twenty eight percent of Republicans said the same right now. There is a crisis of confidence in our country, said Cliff young, the president of its US by
in large, the american people do not believe our elections are safe from for interference and there's a vast, partisan disagreement over whether the lot next election will be open and fair. Let me ask you a question. You get the point. We've got the details, I wanna say this. Let me ask you a question: what do you think happens when you have a large portion of Democrats believing the elections are Rick either by Russia or by Trump and Republicans they think they're being cheated? They think Orange man is the worst ever the big get racist. Whatever? Do you think that the anti first off we saw just stops? Do you think they go well? You know we tried, we lost we'll get it next time. They didn't they didn't in twenty sixteen. Why would they not no in two thousand and seventeen they shut up and rioted. What do you think happens, then when they're saying before the election. It's unfair the elections, the common trump's going to win. What do happens the second time trump wins exactly if Trump rage brings's brings
war. Where will the military stand now? This was funny I'll stress again, I'm not make stop? This is from somebody who worked in intelligence writing this, where they put it. That they are on after spending Nineteen years in Washington, with intelligence jobs in Congress at the FBI in the Department of Homeland Security, I the opportunity to joy the commanders red team at us, CENTCOM here's. What did they find did finds that the military despised trump. No, they found that just like the american people? There is a divide, this one. Here's another story says the soil from which Trump civil war tweet grew one did I don't know New York Mag, that's the first time I saw the story, you see how they play this game. I can't stand it and this is why I think we're really in trouble because they will write about it and then blame other people for their for the problems they help create.
I understand by me talking about it. It fans the flames, it's a tough situation. I think it's important to talk about in a dress and highlight these issues So what they say is basically recent polling shows. And among military veterans. Approval ratings for Trump are higher than among the population. In my experience, the support for about among a large segment of US military is downright cult. Like none of this makes sense, Trump every the US military should despise. A draft dodger, adulterer flabby lazy on red joke for decades and tv show reality star. They say that Trump basically figure out as these people, but not you, know man. I don't care what you think. I don't you know in terms of why it happened like in the end, there is a- and even this article entertains the reality that support military veterans for Trump is higher than average higher than the average population.
So you want to know who they side with come civil war. Not you so I'll use make a prediction again. The likelihood that that we actually have some kind of civil war. I don't know, I don't think it's super high, but I'm kind of bullish on. If you see my videos, especially when Matt TB writes about this stuff and the stuff we're waiting, I think I've made my point clear. Disagree with me. Think I'm wrong. Fine! It's fine! I'm not saying I'm absolutely right! So I don't know, but I'll tell you this trump wins. The far left goes, nuts. The military comes out cracks down on the far left, the far left being cracked down on rallies, a large number of the resistance people who Take Trump is illegitimate, is a criminal he's defied the constitution in Congress we have a constitutional crisis again and again and again, but the military and law enforcement side with Trump, because that's the branch of their in and that, they do now see the military can't crack down on the protesters. That would make no sense. The Mila area would just be on the side of trump they wouldn't affect. The police will crack down on protesters. The left will cry police state.
Left and politicians will say this is outrageous. We have a criminal in office, we can't remove and that's going to inspire some real hardcore stuff man, so I guess I wanted to add this addendum that wasn't in the main video. But the main point I wanted to cite is that is this from the hill People in the US have wavering confidence in our elections and when they no longer have confidence that our institutions work, they abandon it and if people don't believe in it, they're not going to follow its rules. That, to me says conflict is, is another ingredient in the conflict, so you know I'll leave it there. I don't think I I think you know. Ultimately, I did include these in in the main. Second, that's one to highlight them that, because the segment outside that wasn't what was trying to avoid talking about who's right who's wrong, but, but you know for for I'll put this way although the video very obviously shows that ship is lying and stuff like that on my main channel, I did
make a video where I was like the left has gone crazy. I want I want to do to the best of my billing make a video that people could watch even if they didn't agree, even if they want something pieced. It is not about you being right or wrong. It's about this. This is coming. Ok, unless we do something to change it, there are variables, but on the current path It seems like after Russia Gate Ukraine Gate the protest, the violence we to do something to stop this. This crazy train, otherwise it's going to get to point: where will the military stand? I show I hope we never find out stick around. I got a couple more segments coming up for you in a few min, and I will see you all shortly boy. It's like a broken record. It's like every Saturday there's some segment about bill, Maher slamming the Democrats and I've gotta talk about it because Bill Maher is right. He slow, how's the far left. He criticizes Bernie and Warren and he even
slams Joe Biden. Look man bill me out if this frequently slamming the left. Where does that? put you well, I understand. Ok, he says in this in the center. I agree. He says that Howard Stern, that he So I would start and where the last sane liberals, because you don't go for all the bs on the far left, I can respect that to an extent. You know, however, I'll give you some pushback little push back to Dave. Rubin, never been jokingly, made a thing that said the last liberal. Based on the. Let's chat, I was a star wars. Thing was a joke, but a lot of people were How dare you say you wrote the last liberal. It was a joke, come down bill, Belmar's. Obviously ok, but let's be real here. Joking aside, you know for one, every joke has its truth, but the truth is there are. Very few sane liberals left. We are politically plus Bill Maher. Maybe well realize it, but you you are like a prominent figure to the politically homeless. You don't represent. You know the polo sees the bidens
and you don't represent the war ends in the sanders. Where are you and who are you? I can't tell you anymore: man. Things are changed things. Things have changed in there very weird now the space that I find myself in. Where now I've been a big fan of Bill Maher first and set- and I was like a late teenager- I it's kind of crazy- and I remember sitting in my friends house when I was like nineteen watching real time is it. Really been on that long. It seems not really that's crazy well now we're in this position with a collapsing, far left with Trump derangement and build are you in this weird space. Let's read some of the story. They say Bill Mars quoted on it's Friday, night show saying you- and I are the last sane people Maher told Stern at one and the discussion, because we're well. We don't go for all that. Bs of the on the far left. Here's the thing. I think it's fine, that to Howard Stern, but I really want to talk about, he does criticize the president. Fine. I don't know by all means, but he goes on a crit
size. Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders is being too far left check this out my or also made the case that democratic presidential candidates, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were two far left to win the general election and touted under Amy Clover Char as a dark horse, potentially top the parties ticket. You know I'll entertain that possibility. I wouldn't bet on it, though, club Achaar doesn't seem to have the x factor the star power, but she is more moderate. I don't think I don't think it's going to be a breakout. I'm sorry. At the end of the day, it comes to media attention now bill is giving club achaar attention, but, let's not forget Ami Club Achaar ate a salad with a comb and through I care about you, through she threw something at one of our staff members. I guess in a story, but I will tell you this: if you're the favorite, they give you the praise, if you're in any way an outsider, they will rip you to shreds and that's that's actually. What we're seeing with Tulsi Gabbert check this out. What exactly is tulsi Gabbert up to the New York Times
as she injects chaos in the twenty twenty democratic primary by accusing her own party of rigging the election, an array of alt right to internet stars, white national San Russians have praised her BB. I don't think Bill Maher is a fan of Tulsa. I don't know too much, but I'll. Tell you this. The New York Times will rip you apart if in any way they spot weakness, because it's not about what's true it's about what they can sell and when they see blood in the water boy, do the sharks comma swim fast when it comes to Bernie and Warren they're fairly popular these media outlets. Don't want to offend their audience, they're trying to attract a bigger audience. It comes to this Joe Biden, gets defended and criticized Bernie, Getz, defended and criticized Warren gets defended and criticize you get the point in more establishment, media circles they're very much more likely to be like Biden or Warren and they're very much negative. Thord Bernie has allies in progressive media
I think we're really seeing here to this whole picture with bill. Maher in these comments is the divide. Is the war on the left in United States? So the point I'm trying to make here is: the outsider is get attacked by the mainstream media. That's why Elizabeth Warren is being propped up and raised in and rising while burnt. While, while goes down because the scandal stuff- let's read Mars, spoke to close char in a one on one interview. He argued that club Achaar was plenty liberal, but could actually beat President Trump. She could, but the probability is really really low. Ok, let's be real, obviously the fight between two wings of the party, which is almost every election. There is a center. In the Democrat, a center left wing, your plenty liberal, your plenty progressive, martial club charm, and then there is a far less which I think would be represented by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Club Achaar would not address Warren Sanders directly. But clearly dismissed their platforms and pushed her center left agenda. She said I want to win big and if someone is looking to kick
one hundred and forty nine million Americans off their current health insurance in four years, then about your candidate yeah. Taking a dig at the far left global char said if you want to use a bunch of hard working people's money to send rich peoples, kids to college for free and I'm not your candidate and just because people say ideas, are ball doesn't mean they're balled it, they may be that a problem, any club, which I really respect- that here's the thing you hear all this stuff about free college. Why are we going to why we're gonna? Take taxpayer money, which will probably be the middle class to fund a tuition? Are the upper and lower class? I understand the idea of like take tax money and pay for education for poor people, you know, there's a limit right there. Look. When I was at Occupy Wall Street. A group of people had these demands where they said. We want free college. You know free tuition, smaller class sizes- and I said not one other thing about that. Free tuition we go to school he's got right, some
all our class sizes. Let's do some math. If you open the door and say anyone can come in what happens the class so This has become bigger and bigger and bigger. Especially when you're not paying for it. So How can you have smaller class sizes while welcoming in more people? Now you may argue expanding universities making more ok? How are we going to pay for that? How we're going to put in infrastructure- and that's what they're talking about think about this, and I know this is actually a pretty sad argument, but here it's here's the truth, and Bernie says we're going to give health care to everybody. When he said- so we're going to give education everybody it does in Variably mean that some people, of course, that some people will now be without access. Yes, let me clarify, but now it could mean you so here's the thing. Let's say you make forty thousand dollars a year struggle to get by with your family. I'm talking about a family right couple, kids house, you're, making forty
things aren't too great, maybe in the country somewhere, but it's not bad. You said side as much as you can and the health care is expensive, but you can still get in you get in debt. Your daughter is sick. You get in debt, it's unfortunate. I think we need to figure out how to solve that problem. That's a fact. It's also a fact that if we open the doors to literally everybody, there will now have to be a wait list for you and your dog The challenge is right: now we have a system that, in my opinion, is relatively broken, but the core tenants need need to be. There need to make sense, the idea being that medical treatment, in my opinion, is not a human right, because that requires me mandating labor, which makes no sense. How do you? twenty someone. A technology. Medicine is a technology we can sail all day and night. Everyone deserves to get treatment, but that would require some
to be available for treatment. So no it's not. The issue then comes down to this. If you work very very hard, you pay your taxes and you save up money and you get sick. You can pay for that technology to save your life if you're not working. Unfortunately, you can and that may not be your fault, that's why I do believe in social programs, and I am on the left, though I'm not that far left. I think we have to figure out how to how to help these people and get them to a point where they can earn money. An do some kind of program for medical expenses, but the reality reality is medical treatment, technology and it's expensive. I do believe the system is very broken with insurance companies and is weird: jacked up prices. I get all of that. The core tenant, if we say literally, everybody can have access. You have a hospital. The hospital can fit one hundred patients. You have one hundred and ten people waiting to come in the front door, but you have
people who live here. You then say anyone can come. It is open. Well, guess what now you have two hundred more people who couldn't previously now coming in. I understand those people are deserving of healthcare. I absolutely believe, that's true how we can get it to them effectively without hurting hard working. Americans is the challenge, because, if you find yourself in the middle class, You may struggle to pay off your debts when it comes to medical bills, but you can, but when we open the door, everybody we now have literally everybody rushing and trying again it just means massive white lists, so it could be worse for the middle class. It will be. Basically it's like this. It's really simple! You but people in the middle of people on the bottom and you're going to like that. That means the lower class is going to gain a decent amount, not as much as the middle class had, but the middle and upper classes, and everyone else will lose out. I do believe a hybrid system makes the most sense. This is why I've talked about why we should do a public option. I don't want to get into a full health care thing. I think that's silly. I think
learn from this, but the point is allow people to buy into a government program which allows a cut competition against the private sector, the the private insurance and stuff, I know we can see. You know a better access, allows some kind of minimum basic health care right and then have a private. Current system, like normal for the more expensive scarce treatments, the things that are hard to get. I don't know the solution is man. I just know that we can't be inside of the last people to get sick and die in the streets. We can't be society that has people going bankrupt because they don't want to die, but I fully acknowledge the important reality. Guess what, when we invent a cure for a disease, it might be very expensive. The first cell phone was peril, and expensive and just because it exists, doesn't mean you have a right to have it. Labor and investment went into making that thing exist. So we get to the point where we can mass produce cures. The price will go down
The time being, though, we need to consider when it comes to health care. If I invent a cure for disease right now, how is that a human right for anybody? If I only have one, let's say someone allowed goes boom. I made one vial to cure cancer. And they say Healthcare is a human right, give that cured everybody. I can't I have literally one who gets it. Well, it cost a billion dollars to make. I want my billion dollars back. You see how it works. People seem to forget that when it comes to healthcare, we're talking about finite resources, technology and manpower same as any industry. The point is bill, Maher slams, so he slams the far left. He then was on a slam, Joe Biden to say you may be too old for the presidency Senator Kamala Harris wasn't doing well in the polls by the media. Attention she's received a project to make foreman get the point, so you know Bill Maher said: I'm and it's a lot easier to be on the center side of things as a bottle was, if you're, not a white man, if you're a white straight man jokingly, he gets it, he gets a. I can respect our
Bill Maher ragging on the insanity. I really really do. I get disagree with a lot of things. I think he's a bit elitist, but fine. My question is the take away from the segment is bill. Maher, liberal, well, he's been accused of not being a liberal he's been called a phony liberal he's been called all right, I'm here yes, again week after week, slamming most of the Democrats he's got any club which are on raising her, doesn't matter I've praised Democrats. I can't praise just now include, which are I give respect your statement. They still call me conservative doesn't make sense. All because I'm actively supporting tulsi gabbard in this in this primary cycle, I'll, probably vote for no matter what it's fine and I and and and a smear relentlessly. The point is: if, if that's a look, you know how long, until they say Bill, Maher's, right wing, like literally and all Bill Maher, has been grandfathered in as a liberal, and, if I don't like as long as you still there make some hard. It makes it hard for them to move. They want to use me when you
whatever sorry I'm pretty much on board like most of bill, Maher's opinions about bill, Maher's right wing too yeah, I'm not going to fly with the average american dude, not the crate, The activists can claim all they want. But I'll tell you this. The people who hit me up phone calls. I have people reaching out are, you know, took to expand their mostly liberals, they're people who, like Bill Maher and they're like what's happening, and I'm like I'm right there with you dude I'll, leave it there stick around one more segment coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. I couldn't resist a story about woke outrage: Acen Aimia, targeting none other than sponge Bob Square pants. He is a violent, racist, Colonizer college professors at incredible. Let's also not forget that Spongebob is a is a meme in many ways and as we know, if some
one decides. A meme is racist. Then you know it is. I guess so. So is sponge Bob a symbol of all the evil in the world? Yes, he is not just getting butt this is a real story. I kid you not, and I and I absolutely had to dig into it now I want to mention the the conspiracy theory not really can spend like a fan theory Spongebob lives in bikini bottom bikini, the bikini atoll, all is where we did many nuclear tests and apparently it is still uninhabitable. I will get into in the story apparently and so fans think bikini bottom is under leave the bikini atoll, where creatures have mutated. I, doesn't explain how a squirrel with a school but with an astronaut suit or whatever moved under the ocean. It's a cartoon, calm down, but it's still fun to think about right let's not, let's read the story start by asking us who lives in a pineapple under a see. I'm surprised
Pineapple hasn't. You know, I don't know decayed and written and broken apart from being underwater, but whatever you know you know the answer: it: sponge Bob Square, pants, the iconic cartoon character, loved by kids and adults alike on Friday turned twenty years old, wow the animated sponge spends his days getting into wacky adventures, along with his buddies, Patrick Starfish squidward tentacles they're, not friends, by the way and mister crabs that his boss and without speaking down to children, the lovable of absorbent square doles out some life. Lessons along the way fact check. Ok, he's not friends with squidward Mister crabs. His bus, Squidword doesn't like him do you need to know that? But University of Washington. Professor thinks sponge Bob is violent and Ray yes seriously, call. Em Barker has penned a piece titled, unsettling sponge Bob and the legacies of violence on bikini bottom. I will point this out. So
sponge Bob is an oppressor. He is dangerously ignorant. He causes all sorts of problems for everybody. He even once- and I think, like you- it has the opposite way to try to learn how to drive any like crashing, and people are terrified of them. Yes, he is a violent ignoramus who causes serious problems for his community, and perhaps you need he locked up, but let's get real. The real issue is that he's a violent colonizer quote: billions of people around the globe are well acquainted with Sponge Bob Square pants and the antics of the title character to stop real, quick and just say I hope, you're having hope you're enjoying this last segment, because everything was so serious today about the coup and civil war. But I thought be fun to leave with something that literally no sense. At least you can laugh at that's right. They say are people around the world are equipped with sponge Bob in the antics of the title character and his friends on bikini bottom. By the same token, there is an absence of public disc,
course around. The white washing of violent american military activities through sponge, Bob's occupation and reclaiming of the bottom of bikini, Atol's lagoon, Watts, sponge, Bob Square pants and his friends play a role all in normalizing, the settler colonial takings of indigenous lands while erase sing the ancestral, bikini and people from there. Not from their non fictional homeland, what's read the abstract for Barkers Piece Watts you did it's a cartoon about a squirrel. Put an underwater, breathing suit and lives in a glass dome and there's a sponge living in a pineapple and there's a squid dude who plays the clarinet poorly and lives in an Easter island head? They work at a burger shop with where, where there Bob this is a greedy crab. I don't know why,
have. You got any of that, but I gotta stop right here and say you know it's funny right were laughing Revana good time were high five and more like these people are nuts. These people are also writing about very serious issues that affect policy, and now you should be very afraid, center. This insanity, the american military activities the takings of, digenis lands from the non fictional, bikini and people now remember but there are also writing about. You- know gender wage gaps, policy issues, they're consulting politicians, these very same people who believe sponge Bob is an evil. Colonizer are helping to pass laws and influence culture in the real world shouldn't they be well, that's not funny at all. That's nice, bearishly dystopian. Let's read more markers: Abstract asserts that sponge Bob has colonized bikini bottom, the underway, your home to lovable, characters and claims.
Cartoon is white. Wash okay, listen! It's not Canon, at least I'm pretty sure. It's not Canon that that It's literally bikini atoll right about okay. It says the article exposes the complicity of popular culture in Maine, painting american military hegemony Geminates in Oceania, while amplifying the endure of but marshallese people who maintain maintained d, the spiritual and historical connections to land even land. They cannot occupy do two residual radiation contamination from US nuclear weapons testing through a range of cultural practices, including language song and weaving. This article so considers the gendered violence of nuclear colonialism and the resilience of marshallese women.
Could you imagine paying for your kids to go to school. To learn this. I feel bad for ice. Kids. Man is what they're learning in school man, your brain. It's like you'd be better off. Getting whacked in the head with a meat tenderizer for an hour every day, you'll get a dramatic. Brain injury or that degenerative brain disease. But I'll tell you what is better than believing any of this is real, so it look man I'll again, point out violence, the violence of. Sponge Bob Sponge Bob is a sea, animal and so This is the starfish. They were there before the Hre Womans, the marshallese women ever set foot on this land. So no you want to get real. Let me tell you Yes, it is the marshallese people who have colonized and taken from Spongebob. What is rightfully his I'm gonna have to come up with me. You know: listen, you know these critters, the bottom of the sea. I mean were there long before the humans came in a dollar thing right, so why should we?
Why should be we be mad? The sponge has taken back his ancestral homeland. Where does an end? I also stress. I'm surprised this is uh a Sokal Squared hoax paper and I will add, so let me say this: this might be a hoax. I swear to God. If this is real were in trouble, where you a real trouble. The bikini atoll remains uninhabitable and some can Z, theorists claim the cast of Sponge Bob Square pants were mutated by the testing that conspiracists a fan. Theory Barker declares that hasn't Eric and character allowed to live there. Sponge Bob showed his privilege of not caring by the detonation of nuclear bombs. It could also be it for one. It's a cartoon sponge, even in the context of Canon assuming this really is the nuclear test site. It's a sea creature who doesn't know it's a nuclear test site. Nor does he ac you by the land above the water where humans would live. There are people living
The bottom of the ocean with him complaining about him, gentrifying the neighborhood sponge Bob's presence on bikini bottom, continues. Violent and racist expulsion of indigenous peoples from their lands. Who did he kick out? Is it sponge? that enables us hegemonic powers to it. Stand there, military in colonial interests in the Post war era, Barker even rips the theme song saying it denounces bikini bottom's full of nautical nonsense: plankton implant, it's trying to steal a recipe for cheeseburger, it's not so it's the songs. Directives, ensconced in humor provide the viewer with an active role in defining bikini bottom as a price of nonsense as the audience instructed, if not since be something you wish dropped? This is fake. This is fake. I swear to God. This is fake. There's no way. This is real daily wire, you got hoaxed. Where is this
our son, this there is no way. This is real. I cannot imagine something. Someone at a college would actually make this claim that the viewers are constructed, drop on the deck and flop like a fish. What is this? This is not what what? What is what one of one of my seat almost this is real, no way Israel, somebody's hope sing. This this is got to be a hoax. I do not believe us from the University University of Hawaii. We are being hoaxed I just want to stress: I am very skeptical that this is real I do not believe it it's funny, but. I think we're in serious trouble. If this is real and you don't even crazier, let's assume it's fake. It's still believable, that's how insane all of these stories have been. You look at so squared when they put up that they they rewrote section from mine comp and to feminine with feminist buzzwords, and it got picked up. That's how crazy things have gotten
Parker says the children's show is full of gender bias as well. Writing all of the main characters on the show are male sandy cheeks a squirrel that lives underwater with the aid of an old fashioned, diving suit is, of course a female, but Barker says he's just a token all that's right and Conclusion Parker right. We should be unkind with a hamburger, loving american communities, occupation of the bikinis liquor and the ways that it roads every aspect of sovereignty. Nautical nonsense, indeed welcome. You know If it's not going to be the civil war that ends us, it's going to be academia just completely deteriorating. I am looking at a very beautiful, inexpensive, expensive camera with a very expensive microphone. On top with two very beautiful monitors in front of me, I have a very beautiful computer machine where I do my editing and recording. All of this is important technology. Humans are not any smarter today than they were. You know several thousand years ago the difference
we're standing on the shoulders of giants. There are more people there. More specialties and humans have recorded what we've learned and passed it down to future generations. That means, while we have the same intelligence, we know more not only that we have access to the summation of human knowledge and then some on the internet. It is with that we are able to create wonderful machine. This virtual reality play movies in the sky with projectors, crazy right- and I tell you now when science, is being overrun by people who will tell you that Spongebob is a violent colonizer. You things are starting to fall apart and I hope at some point. We wake up because the university system is in
I'll see you guys tomorrow at ten, a am podcast at six hundred and thirty pm, thanks for hanging out.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-15.