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The Culture War is THE END of American Culture

2018-08-25 | 🔗

The Culture War has no rules, it is simply a no holds barred fight over the power of various tribes. People lose their jobs over political opinions and now people are losing jobs and opportunity over the actions of their parents and grandparents. This insanity can only lead to total collapse. How do you mend the divide when there are no rules to abide by? When the left can deride white people but claim it's not racism how can you oppose racism? There are no rules only attempts to empowering the tribe and that means the war cannot be won. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I feel like our culture, is collapsing. The culture war has gotten to the point where it just seems like everybody is insane Conor Daly is a professional race, car driver and apparently one of his Answer is Lilly. Diabetes has pulled their decals from his car for an upcoming race, because I kid you not his father thirty plus years ago, used a racial slur in an interview he was born in nineteen ninety one and his Ed said a bad word in the 1980s and that's enough for guys sponsor to pull out It just seems like it's getting more and more extreme. We heard of Papa John's when he got out of his company because in a private phone call he said the n word, but he was deriding racism. He was angry with the racists, where the Netflix exec who is telling people that the end was offensive, but apparently saying it was offensive to so that's enough for him to be fired. And now it's gotten so extreme that Conor Daly, who
even say any words has lost. I don't I don't know that means he lost to sponsor the details have been removed from his car because of something is dead said before he was born. It really is into that point, so I have to wonder what any of this actually means, what what is going on with american culture, that it seems like these rapid changes, these people get fired. Some people don't look. James got was fired from guardians of the galaxy for making offensive jokes ten years ago. What Sarah Silverman's entire career was built off being offensive. Why isn't she fired? None of it? since it just seems like the culture war is showing us the utter hypocrisy of tribalism in general. I don't know why Disney would fire James gone. I don't know why they would keep on Sarah Silverman, but you could look at their circumstances and I could argue. Sarah Silverman is substantially Worse then James Gunn? So, let's take a look at some of these stories and let's take a look at just how bad the culture war has gotten the first story: Connor
lily, sponsor decals removed because of Father's use of racial slur in the 1980s Conor Daly is paying The of his father, Connor's father, Derek daily on Thursday, admitted he had you it's a racial slur in a live radio interview in the early 1980s Conor Daly was born in nineteen. Ninety one on Friday, Lilly Diabetes pulled its sponsorship decals from Conor Daly's number six NASCAR ride, saying that it didn't want the distraction from there. 'cause Lilys, full payment via NASCAR reporter Chris Knight. Our sponsorship in Saturday's race is intended to raise awareness of treatment options, an resources for people living with diabetes. Unfortunately, unless that service this week by Derek Daly distract from this focus. So we have made the decision. Only diabetes will no longer run the number six at Road America. This weekend we remain committed to our mission of supporting people with diabetes. Now I don't know if this means he's loste the sponsorship entirely, but it sounds
if they're removing the decals, that's the case, but you know what it's not just this: it's not just the left right. I don't want to accused leftist activists of causing this to happen, necessarily because Lily pulled their sponsorship. I don't know if there's an active campaign, make that happen, but I think companies are just getting so scared that they're going to distance themselves by any means necessary, but you know what there is more, because now we have a story from Fox NEWS: YA, Shirley tweeted this this headline photo by Fox NEWS, is reprehensible. A company jar has worked for president. Comma ucommerce and labor departments if they criticize his politics. I understand, but to claim him for his dead grandfathers actions. Seventeen years before Amara was even born. Is disgusting story Fox this draws fire for headline, referring to Duncan hunters dem challenger as grandson of Terrorist Fox NEWS website, has an article
Sing, a Duncan Hunter's democratic challenger on Mark competent jar that rather blatantly frames him as the grandson of a terrorist, the headline leading foxnews dot com? As of this writing now says this grandson of terrorist rises in race against indicted, GOP Rep Duncan Hunter disavows dark family past. As the article itself notes, competent jar never met his grand father, Mohammed Yusuf, Al Najjar, because he was bored many years after Alajar was killed under, of course, has been in the news this week due to being I did an alleged misuse of campaign funds. Company jar had addressed the matter months ago, denouncing his grandfathers, horrific actions and sang for the sake of the victims. I hope this tragedy wouldn't be politicized, but if these old wounds must be reopened, then I pray, God gives purpose to their unspeakable pain. I pray that purpose is to see peace prioritized by my generation of Palestinians. Israelis and the whole of humanity. He also said I'm happy to take responsibility for my own choices and my own decisions. I think other men are responsible for their own crimes.
The attacks are getting so vicious that were actually reaching into peoples pasts to try and damage their credibility, and I don't want to use Fox news of trying to damage this guys guys credibility, but why would they bring up grand father? I really don't think that's necessarily relevant. They could have potentially mentioned it in the story, but to lead with it on a headline is ridiculous. So look we have two Dick Ulous stories. Here powder daily shouldn't lose his sponsor because something is dad said, and this guy shouldn't be attacked or criticized by something's grand father that he never met had done. But you know what another controversy as emerged because apparel some. I don't know if this guys a celebrity or what his deal is, but it turns out he's a trump supporter and he's a Ben Shapiro fan, and so now he has to apology. S from Buzzfeed Israel Broussard from to all the boys. I've loved before has apologized after people found his old offensive tweets
I am dedicated to becoming a more informed and educated version of myself. Prasad said in a statement on Twitter. If you're one of the many people who spend your weekend watching and re watching Netflix new round come to all the boys, I've loved before you'll recognize actor. Israel Broussard, who plays Josh in the movie, So again, screenshots of now deleted, tweets from Broussard's account began, circulating on social media, many of which people considered to be offensive One way says black lives matter has one goal division. Another way says: hashtags, don't effing matter, but all lives do black lives matter. White lives matter: police matter. There were also several pro trump tweets from around the time of the twenty sixteen election and one tweet. June of this year was a link to a video about families being separated at the US mexican border, along with the caption perspective, is important. Israel Broussard had to apologize because some of his tweets were pretty offensive and racist. Some of my didn't highlight, but some
We were just general support for conservatism, more Donald Trump or views from the right and he's had to apologize for it. Now. What I find really interesting in this whole feud, this whole culture war that's been going on is that Buzzfeed has no problem. Writing about an actor who said things that were edgy or pro trump, but they're, certainly not going to write about themselves. Make Monroe on Twitter created a thread where he highlighted many posts from Buzzfeed journalists who are anti white in one image from Justin like he says, lol at mug accounts of dredging, up old tweets of mine. Where I say I hate white people, you don't have to look back that far folks. I do hate white people, okay and other policies, as I just happen to think that one people are inferior and another. He says and white people. It says that he is super duper racist against white dudes. Personally, I think digging up peoples. All comments is ridiculous, but this is the era of social media, and we've been warning about this for years that everything you do is going to come back to bite you
the s and now that everyone seemingly gone insane. That's exactly what's happening, and you know what Buzzfeed is probably not going to do anything about this because well they probably considered speech. Silly jokes, you know if someone wants a end white people or that their racist towards white people, or that they hate white people, it's obviously joking and that's ok. Now, personally, I think yeah a lot of this probably is tongue in cheek, but they don't literally want to kill all white people or things like that. But if it's not acceptable for one race would be acceptable to say about white people, how 'bout everyone just stops being jerks to one another and if you're going to write an article, because someone said edgy things about black lives matter or about Donald Trump. Why don't you write an article about your own biases? The rules? Don't matter, ok, because you would think the rule would be. We don't disparage people based on their race, but that's not the rule. That's absolutely not. The rule is basically stick to your tribe. Conor Daly will lose a sponsor or something his dad said, and Fox NEWS will highlight the grand father
of another man, because I don't think anybody actually cares about principles for the most part. Certainly there are people who do and I will say I think, a lot of people who watch my channel do care about principles, because you know that I am a very principled individual, an you know that I'm going to call people out, regardless of where they said. But what this says to me. We see. Issues like this is that for one businesses have no idea how to respond to the culture war. And it also says to me that the left is just as racist as the right sure they can sit there and say you can't be racist towards white people. But when you look at the thread from Nick Monroe and just how many people at Buzzfeed are joking about how they hate white people and all the very disparaging things they posted about white people like to say, listen, every joke has its truth. I understand you might be making a tongue in cheek comment, but you also have to realize that you're disparaging people based on the color of their skin, if the rule is, we shouldn't use peoples race against them. Why are you why? Because there is no
roll the rule- is simply defend your tribe at all costs. So will buzz feed make a comment about this? Are they going to report on their own reporters past history, of course not and as more people on the right dig up the past of these journalists at Buzzfeed or whatever, and then you're going to see people on the left say. Oh, this is ridiculous. To tactic meant to smear us at the same time they will. Absolutely write a story about Israel, Broussard and what he wrote in the past. The truth is there, No mending this divide. I really do think. We've we've crossed the event horizon and we are spiraling towards complete and total destruction. I don't see I I just don't see this problem being solved, but
Do you think comment below will keep the conversation going. Just how absurd has everything gotten? Is there a solution? Do you think that something might happen in the future? That brings Americans together. Honestly, I feel like. Maybe if there was, I dare I say it, but yeah usually wore unites America and that's worrisome to me and there's always going to be some outside threat to unify people and right now, America is divided more than I've ever experienced in my life, and it could just be that I'm thirty two, so I don't know what it was like in the past, but it feels like it's getting absolutely insane. Let me just reiterate how absolutely craziness that somebody would lose their sponsorship the decals removed from their car, because of what their dad said. How crazy is it that someone would be criticized over what their gram
Father did someone they never met. It's just utter hypocrisy across the board. So again, comment below will keep the conversation going, stay tuned, new videos every day at four hundred pm and new videos up on my second channel Youtube: dot com TIM cast news starting at six hundred pm, thanks for hanging out watching- and I will see you time.
Transcript generated on 2019-10-27.