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TAPES OF BILL CLINTON Abusing Girls Exist Says NEW Epstein Docs, Trump ALSO Accused In SHOCK Report


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TAPES OF BILL CLINTON Abusing Girls Exist Says NEW Epstein Docs, Trump ALSO Accused In SHOCK Report

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Meet Kate kate's. New year's resolution is being on a health kick and sticking with it. I'm a morning person now gym. Sesh five am wake up. Kids at seven. Am that routine includes shopping at walmart this new year to get her family's wellness needs plus groceries. All in one trip meal, prepping done meditation completed. Now she can stay on top of her family's health in one place where she'll find over the counter meds, as well as vitamins, shakes supplements and more should I journal tonight now, I'm going to bench watching your shell, you deserve it. Kate, welcome to an easier pharmacy, welcome to your walmart, make sure to go to TIM, caste dot, com click, join and become a member to support this podcast and all The work we do in europe access to exclusive, uncensored segments from tim cast, I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, major breaking new right now. The daily mail says Donald trump named in latest Epstein documents. We knew this one was coming. We know coming,
but this is interesting because the initial Amy, don't include tromp, but there is a separate email that dies regardless is I've state. Anybody named these documents, we should be investigating that being said, bill Clinton, richard branson, prince Andrew, reportedly, have sex tapes made of them blackmail, perhaps engaging in these activities with Epstein victims yo this is a wild story take a look at this from sky news, and this is why I say this interesting that they're naming donald trump but take a look at this sky news breaking court documents. ledge, sex tapes, taken of prince andrew bill Clinton and sir richard branson by Geoffrey Epstein. They say Sarah ransom who says you victim of Epstein wrote about claims. That duke of york, the axe. U s! accident and billionaire businessmen were filmed but Pedophile. U S, finance ear
a firm representing Epstein lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, highlighted the allegations to demonstrate miss ransom manner, still lacks credibility, interesting misery, Some gave a victim impact statement ahead, of british social, like dealing maxwell being sentenced for sex trafficking, andrew, has denied wrong doing sky news, approaching richard and play. In four comment, the duke step down from public life and no longer uses it is his his royal highness title, I'm assuming its hr each after the controversy over his friendship with Epstein the royal paid. Millions of pounds to settle a civil case with virginia- if ray hook some of assaulting her when she was seventeen claimed he never met. Miss Jus fry a. U s He ordered hundreds of documents to be unsealed. Its part is as Paul MR phrase previously settled civil claim against Maxwell, which was filed in twenty fifteen, miss ransom, wrote when my friend had intercourse
with Clinton, andrew branson tapes, were in fact filmed on each separate occasioned by Geoffrey. Thank god, you manage to get a hold of some of the footage of the tapes, which she clearly which clearly identify the faces of Clinton. Andrew branson having intercourse with her frustratingly enough. Epstein was not seen many the footage but was clever like that for two hours, trying to convince my friend to come forth to me eventually managed to persuade her to send me some of the video footage what she kept implicating or all three men mentioned above I personally can confirm that I have I want. I I've seen the evidence of these acts, which clearly identifies bill Clinton, printing you branson having intercourse with my friend what my friend, eventually had the courage to speak out the police and oh eight to report. What had happened, nothing was done and she was utterly humiliated by the police department where she went? port. What had happened with acting Clinton, Brandon and Andrew now This is the initial report and when
Actually, look at the documents we have this from techno fog. There is no mention of donald trump, which we will get to techno fog, tweets president Clinton named in latest jeffrey Epstein documents. Allegedly, there are allegedly these doc mean very little. Ok, they mean a little, but they mean very little This is someone making a claim in a court document. It doesn't mean it's true. It does not mean it's true, so this already technophobe as Alan Dershowitz requested the court unsealed these emails to reflect the credibility of witness sierra ransom, She made a number of accusations, including her friend, being approached by special agents, forces men sent directly by heller and herself that's interesting in order to protect our campaign, awake they heavily intimidated, ruffled her up, look Lee. She took photos as evidence and was then
wars to sign a confidentiality agreement which ensures that she can never come forward publicly implicating her husband. She was then, a substantial pay out directly from the Clinton foundation to keep quiet. She is one thing, and percent certain of the f b. I did a cover up and as the individual names of heller's special agent officers involved in intimidating her. She was then against her will to sign a legally binding confidentiality agreement on health. His behalf for her eternal silence. If she breaks this agreement, she is dead to provide further text on credibility, witness alleged that the other foot it was bad, up on several usb sticks sent to europe pay out. The Clinton foundation and f b. I cover up alligator. Against serbia, brin and trump. Now this is work. It's interesting trump. Really. Listen, german, I'm not surprised tromp was found in this, whether you believe it or not. I will say outright first, I
Do not trust the machine they don't like trump. They hate trump. Take that into consideration that said every one named you can investigation. I don't think it's a big deal, start looking into this to see what's going on and why trump might be involved. That's it. doesn't mean you charge him. It doesn't mean that he gets arrest. It or anything like that. It means all of these names. You get no special treatment here This is one we already read. She mentions the f b. I cover up Hillary Clinton, special agents, another one says that will send you the photo amongst others as soon as I am able to fly back to the uk next week. As I definitely hundred percent have it all my little storage box. Also, their photos of the Epstein girls and, whilst on the island, couldn't couple pictures of me with turkey. Bread and is fiance. I can't let's see if I can read this right now: this stupid arrows blocking it must limit. Let me try
openness in another tabs liken here we go and what risky I met. Her I met pear when they visited the island for the day as Sergey wanted to try out new kite serving equipment as he just it? we started kite serving was very eager to try this new comment with us girls and then of this so girls at any one time so ass, a sentence fragment she confided in me about our casual friendship with mist with Donald, MR trump. definitely seem to have a thing for her and she told me going on about how he liked her perch nipples donald trump liked flicking woof we're going to read this one down tromp liked. You know, what's what's call third base or is actually a second base, one evening and we were showering together. She, me her. Her nipples, they looked incredibly painful as they were red and swollen, and I remember wincing gonna look them out. That she had relations debate. with trump Jeffreys new york, mansion
regular occasions as I once met jen for coffee just before It is going to be trump and acting together at his mansion I will say this for trump and I say this, for you know even even bill Clinton, There were very, very clear and careful who are the women that report that our are being alleged to have engaged in these relations with Epstein Clinton, branson prince andrew and edition, Who is this woman as it relates to trump? We? You know who they are. We need to investigate this. and I will, I will say, outright inquiry baby inquiry. I do think it's really interesting that you have these direct claims against bill Clinton built. Clinton who are reportedly according to similar documents, release announcing case, went to vanity air and said: do not report on Jeffrey Epstein same time
What information we have about trump is that he actually kicked Epstein out But she was creeping on young women and helped I'll go against them. Tromp does not seem all that concerned about the Epstein doctor in the same way that we these other individuals? That being said, this was AB so locally. In my opinion, the likely outcome who could not have seen it come on. Here's exactly the game and the perfect game. The first thing that comes out were women, Statements from virginia due, for I believe it was frame, may have been the other woman. Ok, okay, let me just say this, then I dunno. If it was euphoric, but a woman saying trump wasn't there, he did not sleep with the girls and what happens each and every one of us in commentary who gets the same documents are actually exculpatory or exonerate trump. He wasn't there. He didn't engage in this behaviour, I don't know what he was doing, but he wasn't there.
oh right away. We have bill Clinton named as like young, but not much else. We get donald trump was therein did not engage in relations with these girls. Surprise. Surprise confirmation Vice for each and every one of us course. What do we say? It's very likely. They're gonna name him eventually, now far be it from me to prattle on about just the trump envy, meant we don't know this ominous any credibility Dershowitz as she doesn't and so we'll see I'm not playing this dirty game not play this game where we say Dershowitz is accused. Investigate Clinton is now accused, investigate branson, Andrew investigate and donald trump accused. Well, you know, that's not gonna investing animal and I'm pretty sure everyone agrees. In fact, some of the most staunch staunchest trump supporters say do it why What many of them think it'll exonerate trump once again and money don't care. If it does it doesn't?
Donald trump really was doing so be it. But my concern here I gotta say it mike: and is walking into another russia gate like trap, this woman acute Is very obvious people we have questions about an throws trump in there. Love the way you look, this wedding season, men's warehouse with a range of sizes from extra small to begin talks explored top styles at prices for any budget, including designers suit in touch rentals starting it just one hundred and fifty nine dollars with over six hundred locations in store consultations in the online booking. There's a reason why couples choose men's warehouse to find their perfect fit men's warehouse love the way you look kay. look man. The machine has lied about trump, so many times it's the boy who cried wolf. I don't wanna give anybody a free pass, but I got a point out the boy. You cried wolf, ok, because with bill Clinton
it's not so much crying wolf but pointing to the wolf that sitting right there that everyone can see with donald trump, its crying wolf, that ridiculous claim about donald trump going into the bergdorf or whatever belike the most prominent department store nobody was there. Nobody was around for some reason and in new york, where trumps, the most famous person, went to addressing room or the doors are locked, but for some reason to sign it wasn't and then he had conceptual relations with drop and she soon trump over this spare me dude spare me, but how about This I can say that a million times so, let's move on, let's talk about the more a grievous allegations in here bill Clinton involved with abstinence victims, engaging in activities with abstinence trafficking, victims
an allegations that go well beyond well beyond just donald trump and whether he was involved or not. Is it bad? If he was all you bet crop investigate and if its troops im up, but I dunno how much I believe it will need to get an investigation. Let's talk about some very, very, very serious allegations with the clintons. It is not just that bill Clinton is involved in the trafficking of Epstein. It's that the Clinton family paid off a victim to shut her up, so Hilary could run an o eight and even sent F b I to try and stop her now. Vat is wild, so I mean here's the ears, the challenge man What do you do? This is the concern that I had for the perfect game that they would then eventually name tromp in these documents. It's very obvious and what do you say
everyone coming out being like I don't I don't care if you documents the one identify? You should not be president things like that and then they say: look there's tromp did they get you or, as our standard can be applied, the same prove it if its Clinton prove it. The implication is serious. Prove it. Let's not forget that right now plant and has some serious accusations against them and trump is moot the arguments against moot. Why one witness it happened once at it did. What am I supposed to do that? Ok out, investigate with bill Clinton Not only did he say you did did Epstein, so they were good friends and that he, like some young, but they also plain that bill Clinton went to vent. fair, to try and shut him up to stop them from reporting on this. I also know that around this time the original accurate is made against Epstein he got a slap on the rest deal and a cover up, make sure wonder why that might be. Could it be?
Hillary Clinton wanted to win and o eight. The Democrats wanted a wooden twenty twelve and that accusations against bill Clinton should they come to light, would troy the democratic party. Now that makes sense, so the fbi comes out. All of that makes sense. with trump. They lie about him all the time with trump one witness says he wasn't there and he wasn't with the girls Another person now says my friend says ok. Well, you know what produced the videos aren't even allegedly videos of trump by the way it's her saying that tromp was engaging in and base, and eventually felt relations, but its very, very different. When it, let me put back up, Saying she she said, I also know she had sexual relations, a trumpet, Jeff Jeffreys newark mansion on a writer. occasions as I smet jennifer coffee. Just before you going to meet trump and Epstein together at his mansion.
We need to know who she referring to because it Comes to some of these victims and I believe it hey we're almost all of them there under age, but I'd but again. I don't know who she's referring to I'll need to go through for the documents these are just coming out and- and I'm predicting this because I think it's important to get out there, but it will be interesting to breakdown and go I don't have any propaganda for you, my friends. can say only a few things in my emotions in my heart I say I don't believe it. You come out. You accuse job, I don't believe it. I know trump lecherous old man I'll call him that fine, he likes. The ladys in I've heard many stories about trump, but it feels like that's it they're trying to play too feels like they're trying to exploit this one of that when when, in reality, Donald trump has no
I just he's been lied about so often so often that I just find it hard to believe anything about him. Now is my personal bias. I it personal, biased right there. Why donald trump is a threat to the machine is a threat to these people. He hates Clinton's, you already threatened lock up hilary, he didn't do it. Maybe you should have so why? I believe these claims against him. He claimed he was russian spy. Allied, you lied about the ukraine gate scandal. You lied about feeding fish, you lied about the very fine people statement that was a hoax. It's all lies just every single day lies lies, lies, and if you take a look at this document, its filed today is released. I'd like to see the date from when the original statement was made, because I dont believe these people. I really Don'T- and I gotta be honest too.
I don't even entirely believe anything about this and here's. The fair point. Techno fog even, is effectively giving bill Clinton. Some defence allegedly, there are tapes, allegedly. This is a woman. Thank my friend did these things so as far as it goes with Clinton and branson, take it all with a great salt man You want to look at bill. Clinton be like this. Guy is flying on a jet. You know he's gotta scandals already walks. If the duck smells like a duck, smells like a duck. Quacks like a duck, maybe, but to be fair. Some lady, claiming that her friend has a tape is not evidence of anything. It's not even admitted its hearsay nodded interesting, of course, to hear a bill Clinton being named In these documents so seriously, but man it's gettin wild, so
In all look work, I recorded a different segment for one night, quickly record this when they wouldn't, when the news breaks I'm like: ok, ok, let's you know let slip switch. These said. Out how serious this is, but it is why at the time man. It is a wild time, Jim gaffigan. I think it was Jim gaffigan at the golden globes. I don't care for the golden globes but apparently he made a joke. Actually, let me pull this one up to show you where what where we're currently at about her doesn't fit in hollywood. I think it was Jim gaff again right here. Oh yeah golden glow the joke leaves here. We go baby. Look at the headline news Comedian, Jim gaffigan makes daring Jeffrey Epstein reference at golden globes, twenty twenty four, so uh, oh c'mon, can we close the stupid it says that, whereas the quote where's, the quote come on come on come on, he said this is so exciting. For me, the golden goal glue, I can't believe I'm
became an industry. I can't you know it's so, unlike limb from a small town in Indiana, I'm not a pedophile, I dont that's a new category here, but well they know it element. As noted in the Epstein documents, a lawyer asked epson accuser, sober power plants, it I saw one press reports. That said, you had met kate, blanchett or LEO dicaprio, not just because, people were named, so I did not meet them I spoke about them. It was when I was messaging him and he would get up. He would get off. He found the quantity, many would say: oh, that was leonardo without plate. Black kate blanchett are bruce wireless. That kind of thing I got questions about when that happened. I requested, when these celebrities on the phone with Epstein, because people knew going back to the early twenty tonnes I mean Alex Jones had been talking about it. They covered this up slap on the discharges and a cover up and people new member that woman was Amy row back from ABC new sank. She had the story, she had Clinton. So let me go back.
To this end. Tell you right now If you come to me and say they named trump, I say fair point: they did investigate but if you ask me my personal things and how to handle it, bill Clinton has been implicated so many times the rollback thing where she's out a hot might be like. I had Clinton, I had Clinton. I know what I mean we think planes, gonna name in this now with all It is against them. Come on man, you want me to come out and go after donald trump now have metal plate at donald trump standard questions, and then I think we walk away because it's hearsay bill Clinton. I think got more than enough more than enough probable cause for a heavier investigation. But what more can we say? Man? What more could be done there's a lot more. We have to go through. These documents are just coming out as I'm recording this and so the other crack team of, lists over at sea and our dot com are digging in and will
opera writing about their findings, but stand to. Some of these documents were already really several years ago. Some names that were adapted actually were already really several years ago and are only re redacted for some reason. So tardy no exact, What this will all mean or turn into but I will say my friends: the machine is breaking down it's pretty wild ten years ago, if you claimed hennis literally happen that the government, involved in child trafficking rings and all that stuff secret islands. You are called a conspiracy theorist and now it is a so much so it is setting more and more likely every day that a former. U S, president, was involved in the exploitation of trafficked children with Jeffrey Epstein, things are getting wild
Twenty twenty four is going to be scary. I tell you what, because these people are powerful and there being backed into corners and they're, not just gonna roll over. In fact, my fear is that we actually to the point where someone like bill Clinton comes out and says yeah. Well, so what are you gonna do about it. Now we do about. It reminds the simpsons when they vote for our king or code, us from that tree house of horror and then Turns out that bob dole and who else was a bill Clinton we're both action? can encourage aliens. why don't I it's like to party system, you have to vote for one of us and then one guy like, I believe our vote for third party candidate ha throw, your vote away and then and with everyone enslaved unhomelike, don't look at me. I voted for cows. Part of me fears that these people so brazen in their behaviors. That bill Clinton actually just comes out, says so what you gonna do about it.
to combat will cover this tonight. Item castile rail four hang out stick around next month coming up at four p m and I'll see you all them This episode is brought to you by male chin and we're here to talk about classed immerse customers. What happens when marketers failed to personalize or marketing grouping customers with very different behaviors into one tangled mass, but with male chimp markers can use real time. He ain't your data to personalize every email for every customer turn your clusters into customers with intuit male chin. The number one e mail, marketing and automation platform learn more at male Jim dotcom, Joe Biden will pull out of wednesday: twenty four election on health grounds as approval writing plants, so saith, a top J, p morgan strategist, and this may mean I made it just some guy said I think Joe Biden gonna pull out in like two months. It may mean everything considering
it's coming from a major financial institution, and they they make a living off of speculating on the market and predicting how the market will operate. That is to say, if there come out with a bold prediction like this. It's going to a massive impact on the economy. and I'm sure, they're going to make financial bets on this. But that being said, now these dirty games are played. I mean this guy could be saying this, because it will cause a bunch of people to dump or short cell certain stocks or behave in a certain way which can then be exploited by these financial institution. So it is highly speculative speculative but also point out. There is kind of a funny component to something like this, and that is the self fulfilling prophecy element of the show I do know is that lost on me that there are many people who watched the temple daily show programmes which, as this is the opening segment- and that means this. I may have been watching tim cast iron, rural or might what am I shows from several months ago?
and then I said I think Joe Biden will pull out on health grounds. Gavin newsome will run out. I mean potential scenarios because Joe buttons of proceedings in the gutter, I mean nobody wants to vote for the guy and done up as a leading by like double digit, in many swing states, and so say something like that: maybe this guy watch where those episodes that was like you. I think it is right and then he goes I think, your buttons you to pull out. Then I read that new story from him. You get the point like a certain, a certain point when you're getting a ton of viewers ship that it's possible the news stories. Your reading about speculation are just based on your own speculation, so who knows our considering the confirmation biased for me, I'm going to read the story. I think I think the guy is right. Now I made it your mother predictions, which are pretty bold, like a boycott of driverless cars and whole men there talk about already right there, but the idea that Joe Biden will pull out of twenty four on health grounds is. I actually think the simple solution
it is actually more conspiratorially minded to me that job in stays in a race right. Think about this Joe Biden, ailing health, wise losing in the polls, and he stays in. I'm sorry defies basic logic and the and the and the simple answer here, so it's hard to predict, because some people would argue the normal see bias would be Joe Biden just remaining in the race and then running for two terms, but I think that silly and absurd we're b normal. So normally normalcy buys out the window. There's no optimism bias here. normalcy and optimism. Bias are typically the two biased he's where people are like things will just stay as they are normally. It's it's mostly normalcy, but optimism is it can't get bad. Oh no, no likes some, let that could never happen, but that's the idea that Joe Biden, ok, d
it always failures- hesitate, put a powerful stranglehold on the Democrats that won't remove him at conspiratorial. It is it's like I don't have conspiratorial the right word, but it's just like farfetched, ok, any sane person is gonna. Recognize Joe Biden can't do this and they need to find an exit for him. So perhaps that it will be a health issue. you're, super tuesday, charlie rights. U s! President Joe Biden will pull out of the running for the twenty four lecture on health grounds, atop J, p, morgan strategist has predicted. Michael assemble, assorting. It I think it's unblest has made tens. Eyes. Predictions for twenty four hours, three on the list is his hunch on President Biden abandoning his hopes for a second term in office. He added Your Biden will withdraw your super tuesday when the majority of states Hold primary elections and caucasus after blaming poor for the decision. Mr Biden will let the democratic national committee decide whose steps in for him for
when twenty four election, Mr Zembla, said The jp morgan heavyweight added Biden has a low approval rating for a president. With around ten percentage job creation, since his inauguration, although that figure is the bible There was a migration coincide with the role of covert vaccines in the reopening of? U s economy right, so that's it may well be zero assembly also believe, believes the president's poor poem play a big role in its decision. A recent. By the new york times and indiana college in november, found that just thirty Ten percent of people say that they trust MR bond with the comic Those people are zombies. You don't pay attention to things. That's amazing. Speculation around Mr Biden state of mind raised its head again this week after Mr Biden seemed confused. One stage at valley forge in pennsylvania Axelrod a man who helped mastermind Barack obama's election win. Has it concerns over mister by its age, as have many. Their democrats, but take a look at this from ngos and the picture starts getting painted right before your very eyes november. Second, twenty twenty three
democrats quietly move to succeed Biden. Do they really think about it? It's perfect, how do you bypass the democratic selection Process whether democrats played dirty games, as we like to say when Bernie sanders try to run. But oh boy, they got super delegates. Super delegates. Are we love it? Look? the democratic republic and parties are not public institutions, their private? these. They are regulated but sure the weather, Looking primary worked in this wide I'll drop was able to win. Is that you know you have primary in the caucuses and then the states say like hey that that the party says like we chose this guy and so donald trump wins, because he wins the vote. He beat everybody out, then you will take
the Democrats and what do they got? They got something called super delegates. Oh it's so smart. These are appointed people within the party who have more voting power that they have. They have a super vote, then the primaries, the suggest in which case. Theoretically, you don't looking at any candidate in the democratic party, they're going to reach a certain threshold of votes and then the super delegate's can come in. and they can swing our they want. Let's say you get sixty sam barney in forty percent for hilary super delegate step. I say we vote hillary Hillary then beats Bernie and switch switches. Sixty forty and I'm over simplifying this dramatically but you're at the point. Super delegates were the Democrats way of saying your vote does not count and never will. Nothing about this process. It can't even trust the super delegates, because no one knows exactly what to do. So. What do you do
It's too late now to have a primary for damage. it's even andrew yang he's tweeting areas like I would never vote for tromp but to say you're defending democracy while cancelling the parties on primary, ok, Even under Yang is like geez, this is brilliant, Joe Biden lays as long as possible and then draw south due to health concerns. Let's say just every super tuesday be massive news and the Dnc appoints a new presidential candidate and they'll, say it spected and we wish president Joe Biden the best. But perhaps he is correct. Now. Unfortunately, people we do not have the time nor ability to hold a primary up ever. Shall we do. I know how We just also govern newsome. I think it a governess em. Maybe not!
I mean he's been how direct he's been, but he basically that he's not gonna run. Was debating round his head is for ever reason he was. He was like. One thing we have in common is that neither of us is going to run for president were not. Neither of us is gonna, be the nominee. But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to do it and, as I've predicted now I've given a much bow protection of Joe Biden going all by your heart. Then falling over than governess and throws his jacket often runs out on stage and saves safety of the president. They got out majestic. That would be historically great story and we sell, it may just be something simpler than that Biden says I've been diagnosed with you know something or other or says I did my job ran because Donald trump was affront to this country, but I have you, no, I recognized my age and getting on and I want to pet pass the torch down. Think what's more likely to happen here? If this does happen, is that Joe Biden is
finally going to suffer from some dramatic kit to herself if Joe by just came out now come on man, I'm I'm I'm getting old people would be like how dare you you could have dropped in a long time ago. If Joe Biden trips and falls or is attacked. This is the scarier thing with everything. Is that Joe Biden as other border, with everything going on with his will if only on those with everything going out with january six. You know that there is a lot of anger in this country and syria. It is. It is very terrifying. I wish I wish the best for president Joe Biden and is clean health My fear is for the safety of everyone in this country because of how hot tensions are getting, but We are talking with these these fellers or on the culture war. Podcast check it out by the way we do it friday mornings. Ten am overrun, tenant media and I'll podcast platforms and
You know they were saying they believe it's possible that donald trump or even musk, as the anti christ. Certainly, no one suggested Joe Biden was, but they said that if down tromp. If someone makes an attempt on his life and his eye or arm gets like scarred, that's a sign of the anti crisis thing until there is ok sure will build up. Would you imagine it? Nothing bad happens, Joe Biden like is attacked. Now that is a clean exit for Joe Biden and that's why I tell everybody. You know that europe gains for the longest time we're like impeach Joe Biden and the like, but then commonly hairs. I don't care now. What wait. Wait, wait, don't you Peter is losing so for those that want done. Trump to win or the republicans to win. The last thing you want is for anything bad to happen to Joe Biden. We must protect this man with all of our strength. In fact I would recommend that you know yet. We had marks on his hand for like an what what what looked like an ivy treatment. I get Joe Biden, all the top best medical he can get, Give the man a nice warm blanket. Put him in his
he'll chair and make him comfortable. I want him eaten the finest of stakes, and I want that better that nurse to come in and and and cut the stake for him and you know get at night and soft tender and I hope Joe Biden lives as comfortable as a king couldn't because come november, this man cannot when an election. So the best thing for this country best thing? The only thing is that this man runs for re election and loses, it is why I say always: there has to be criminal trials, that vision Aunt em is is always is, is not going to save us from this because we need to win the narrative we need to own the narrative and the culture and we need a trial, in this instance, an election to say to the american people. This man is not fit and we have chosen some one else. But that's why I think they will say. Oh heavens, me Joe Biden heart it just can't pick. The strain and I ll try and bring someone else in your power to
amazon November says, Biden passed his peak and urged him to drop out of twenty four race, so be it but right now it's looking like nothing's going to stop Joe Biden from scr dot com, missouri state senator files bill to disqualify Biden from twenty twenty four election ballot, our country is invaded because, Biden has swung our southern border right open, wide open. Now this story broke: are not friday, which is like the worst, I'm to release a story. So what
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we want to do is give them what they want. You know we should do. Every single republican should clap and cheer for Joe Biden and say please please run we won't stand in your way. So while it is fun to see them to remove Joe Biden from the ballot. Let us once. And recognised. We Adam rep, Alex mooney on the show. I brought it and I was like don't preach dont impeach like we must protect this man at all costs. He has failed this country and he will lose an election and that's the way it should be. He did a bad job. he's gonna run again and I wanted to say: do you did a bad job? We don't want you as president, and that is the way it should be up. I get it. tat. Nobody expect is gonna, be that well, there's law. It's already being filed and we entering law fair. We ve been in laufer going back Sixteen has been notable lawsuits loss.
Its and, as I like to say, dirty games, dirty games, and here we are well. I got good news for everybody, good news, as cnr Biden's reelection campaign says they raised more than one million dollars in twenty four hours after january six speech during binds you claim that democracy is on the ballot democracy. You take a look at this from senator gene. Here she is, I believe, she's new hampshire. She actually had the gall to tweet this out quote a democracy. If you can keep- said Ben franklin january sex with a stark reminder just how fragile our democracy is. She went on and screamed the whole thing. Community notes on acts pointed out. The correct quote is a republic. If you can keep it, these people are evil all I can say they are either zombies or they are evil and
I just I I have to wonder: I mean I believe that she deleted the tweet, but I have to wonder because you get caught when they keep saying our democracy, this country's not a democracy, nor has it ever been, but democrats have been trying to wish this country into a democracy for a long time. They want you to believe that democracy is the best form of government, is the appropriate form of government and it's not and has never been, it's actually a terrible form of government. The idea that fifty point one percent will dictate for forty nine point. Nine I explained this last week, but break it down for you again, because those of you who have been brainwashed by these psychopaths demand. She is not rule as not tyranny of the majority. Democracy is not mob. Fifty is not fifty fifty point one over forty nine point. Nine, Democracy will end up being three percent:
The population controlling ninety seven and if you have been brainwashed by these people into believing Democracy is the best way to do it, because the majority shall rule they lied to you and they tricked you into believing something that's wrong. accuracy. It actually turns out that only a tiny, tiny fraction actually will control things. Why? Let's say how can we actually best breakdown? This a mathematically? Let's say you have ten people. each of these people has three- eighty three number is assigned to them. The first person is one to three. The next person is three four five. The next person is four five: six etc, etc. What you'll notice is that not every person has the same number.
but there are some overlaps. So when it comes to the majority vote, lets it's it's it's hard to do with just three numbers in it and it like to try and understand this the magic We have people may say we all like chocolate ice cream and then they pass vote. Ok for dessert, we have talk of ice cream. Fifty Fifty one people have a hundred voted for chocolate ice cream. Forty percent wanted vanilla. Now they have to chocolate, and that sounds like how democracy works, but the reality There aren't just two choices: it is not just ice cream for dessert. In fact, it's do you want sprinkles. Do you want cookies? so the number the number one was more complicated than this. This is easy, let's say you're at a yogurt land. You have a good yogurt overland and you get first, you have to choose which flavor of yogurt you want.
out of a hundred people? Fifty one say we want plain vant, plain tart, tart yogurt is the best and forty nine wanted a bunch of different things. They lose everybody gets tart. Then they say voting your topic Well, guess what that forty, nine they want to different flavors. They wanted something else. They don't want sprinkles, they want fruit, they want to chocolate. What ends up happening is when. Everyone then vote on the topping and there's twenty different toppings. How many people wanted sprinkles. Fifty fifty one point: fifty one out of a hundred boats now got tartlet sprinkles people wanted avocado. Fifty one day when I was gonna get avocado handspring goes where we hold on they wonder I've got one. Gotta got us, but they do want target. Sprinkles they wanted a different flavour point. Is this what goes good with chocolate, ice, cream, fruit and kind of sometimes but typically carnal, fudge peanut butter? Then the problem is
half the people want fruit, hath been want chocolate. When all is said and done, and you will it down, will end up with original tart flavor with peanut butter, a spare I guess: spinach avocados, lemon wedges and you're like whoa, but that sounds terrible. That's the point how many people, out of one hundred wanted that total combination? It's very, very small. This is the issue with direct democracy And we do have elements of this is a problem in this country. How many people actually agree with the policies of Joe Biden, zero seriously zero, maybe like three percent of the country, actually like everything Joe Biden has done. That's a reality, but the point of republic. Each
and every day you know you have different jurisdictions and everyone can run their own jurisdiction as they want well grants certain things. But this means, as a republic, the states have sovereignty and the states can provide that all the differing option for you who perhaps did not want what was being offered. It's it's it's it's an interesting concept that I think most people don't quite understand. Fifty one percent of people are not going to all the grin their toppings they're, not going to all agree on whip cream. Not going to all agree their flavors one by one with the pleasure of things to vote on. a democracy will result in a psychotic, broken system. I mean it simple example, actually would be occupy wall street. You know my analogies probably are two wacky and don't work, To give you a simple one, direct by wall street, yet both called the general assembly, everybody just Then they all wiggled their fingers if they liked what was being proposed to college ass hands- and you could
We got a hard block, make a fit make an axe with hard blocks had to be addressed from living for because the dockers right so one day they said we need to clean up when the problems, by was having was that the rain was getting all the supplies, soggy and wet, and they said but our clothes are getting soggy and what our foods getting soggy and what it was raining lot is rainy season. It was you know, september october, so we need bins to put them in. So what a general assembly meeting somewhere, I hereby propose we buy plastic pins. Now we can. all of our supplies it and see them, so they stay dry. Now, that's a simple proposal right in a democracy, think our most people is going to support or oppose it s? Not what happened so when everyone voted. A lot of people said? Yes, but a lot long, people, no no, but we need the bends things dry, so in someone's at hold on their. Why you guys voting no, and they said we don't want to
I been to support plastic garbage, destroying the planet, Someone said well how about we get recycled, bins. Well, ok! Now we agree all right all right, everybody all in favour of recycled, bins to put all our stuff in. No no protest wouldn't know the recycled. Bins. Arson still be used that still propping up these the these. These are big corporate chains because he's our walmart bids we want to. for the bends were made fairly in the employees are treated properly, so we were small business, fair trade, certified recycled bins okay, okay, fine, all in favor, no says the majority. No, We all know because plastic, it doesn't matter. We can you biodegradable materials. Why are we gonna keep reason these things long as they're in use even recycled. The plastics are to keep getting made because now
because you buy from a small company, there's gonna make more you buy, recycle from but he's gonna buy replacement biodegradable corn plastics, ok, all in ever of biodegradable fair trade, corn, plastic, recycled, bins. Here here what's it doesn't exist so do they did they on monday, bobbins Not actually the walmart go to the store they bought pins and there are like just don't tell anybody. The reality was, it was impossible based on their direct democracy, to actually get it done because everybody gets to vote and what they want. You get some cycle nonsense, fair grade biodegradable recycled plastic bins from a small business, that treats their employees while in pays them at least fifteen bucks an hour. The list goes on. It was an absurdity, an impossibility, that's direct emma. see, and then the issue is with no one really in charge and no one to be held accountable when they went just What are they wanted? How could anybody check
but you said sure, yeah whatever and then one day they had. What, like your standard, store, bought plastic bends and nobody said anything that sort democracy, its nonsensical, don't get me wrong, these issues still exist even in a greater system, even better I should say even in you know, our constitutional republic does not perfect, but republic system creates from some of it alleviates some of these problems. You elect someone that you think is good for the job who can make the right choices, and that means means one day you that that person, one of the- trade walks in Gaza rep and says I wanted fair trade bins. Why are you buying these cheaper plastic ones and they say: look here's what we did. We bottom recycled but at the same old benjy by anywhere else. Why it's? The best? We could do
I made that choice? If you don't like it, I'm sorry. I did everything I could that individual can make the choice that makes the most signs wellbeing bogged down by by constant bickering, and nonsense, and that's the point of my knowledge about why democracy doesn't work, and this is what they keep saying. Joe Biden says it: Democracy is on the ballot incredible. well, if you want to live in a nonsense world, where nothing makes sense and having broken democracy is the way to go You want to support the greatest nation is world has ever seen great nation in our history, the united states of america. You vote for the constitutional public, the republic for which the flag stands right. If you can keep it, Donald trump is not be perfect guy, but that's the point. The point is, you are not going to get a perfect guy. This idea does not make sense, so we vote for up
additives who will run this country properly to the best their abilities and hold people to account? Why the reason why democracies not gonna work is very, very simple. When the sun goes down, but you symptoms, bigger, reached from use next night shift, uniquely formulated to provide fast, powerful, cold and flew relief use. The next night shift fights your worst nighttime symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to tackle the busy day ahead by meets an ex night shift at your local retailer uses directed. It is not your job to be a politician. It is your job to
job? That means you may be a plumber computer software engineer. Who knows. Maybe you make competitive paper airplanes in a paper airplane league whatever it is you do that makes money good for you, but your job isn't to study finances. The economy read the news every day argue with with other individuals over political ideas and vote on bills. That's the job of the politician and the point of our country is that we get to vote on who to hire in the public sector and that person is hired for the job and they'll either do a good job or a bad job. I think it's fair to say many of them are doing the it jobs, but that's it. We don't vote directly because then it would you you would you'd never get anywhere. What the reason why the likes of Biden, the Democrats want quote unquote democracy. Why they're trying to?
you write history inside our democracy over and over and over again, is because they know that a democratic system, a truly pure direct democracy, is chaos for which they can control it and there's nothing. You can do about it, whereas the republic, the states, can simply say I object. I refuse it's amazing the system. We must repeal the seventeen the moment mind you, because they may have been pushing us towards direct democracy for too long and it's a problem, and that being said, I agree with this. Guy I think Joe Biden's going to drop out? I said it. A few months ago Joe Biden will drop out. There's that I do not see a logical path for this man to run for office. I could be wrong. This guy could be wrong. but more and more people are saying it's gonna be someone else, because logically Joe Biden he's gonna lose jan you, girls running and he's like he's, gonna lose democrats and he's gonna lose their begging for primary. They won't give one why. But
the don't want Bernie sanders, they want gavin newsome and if they opened a primary guess who wins Coronel west, maybe our of K, junior, perhaps so Here's the play no primary, it's now too late Joe Biden has a health episode and says I can't run I'll finish up my turn, but I can't run but Dnc, says we have no time we can all the primary Think it's fair to say: Gavin newsom will step up to the plate. That way they bypass that process and german whoever they want. so we shall see I'll leave their necks next. Up at one p m on this channel. Thanks thank sprang out and I'll. See you all, then you're, gay, no beef You aren't. You are a gay man there, nothing wrong with that. I really dont care. If you're gay, you live your life, the way you want to get it is a video that is actually from mugs over a month ago around the end of november. My girl
this trans. But I'm not gay love, don't judge says the video it's going to make the round the commentary? I did see this video. I want to comment on it because I want to make it really really simple for you do here, this guy's name is Jesse's dating. I think the guy's name is Jesse he's dead. This trans woman I got no beef. Than the best know anything about this, but You are a homosexual men, and the only reason I think that we see this kind of narrative is because he's. Gay men are ashamed of being gay, I mean that sincerely I am not being to home. Sexual is defined as a person. Who is it I urge to another person of the same sex done. a gender. You can try and redefine things but Joe because the man, the by law, call mail. This guy doesn't want to use a woman man. What what's it just because the biological mail that our dating as a male looks feminine, does not make you straight
And what got gotta understand where this conversation on tim cast iron allows like the location there is that if a ripped dude dates. A masculine muscular woman was a power left her, but she likes deeds. He's gay! Ok, then, does not make sense or on wouldn't. Let me play this clip for a little bit of this. This is this video and what is we've got two and without views everybody saying he's gate limit. We play a little bit of it and show you What they're saying Jesse ethan enough, where today, I'm a crowd transfer that jesse was raised in a strict concept to carbonate. One thing I was definitely taught was the natural woman is who you're supposed to be with interfere with anybody else, you're going to be out of this household and out of this family and their relationship has caused a stir with loved ones. The main misconception that people have is that he's every night
I know that having girl love, don't judge, he is and there's another clap that I think I think I have here, Joey men arenas has alpha males, do not date trends men. I thank you I think you mean males, transit, defying mail is what a trans woman is right there is a a portion where the guys I yet here we go. Let me place click for you right here. I was just very much confused. I was with too Cassidy educated me said none on all honey. You should. Wait. I don't you can be like a woman. I said yeah she's like so. Where do you find the word gay and that's when I realize I'm not gay at all and I'm an alpha male is attracted to femininity and that's exactly what I got right here. Okay, I I don't get this I mean I kind of get it sky is ashamed of being gay and he's not the only one There are a lot of guys, I guess who are attracted
Males they are male strategy, must look. I gotta be completely honest with you. I don't about you and I don't care what you're into unfair I'm very libertarians regard jesse Cassidy. I wish you the best. Thank you very much. Leave your lives be happy. I got no beef but I think it's fair to say, you're ashamed of being gay. There's nothing wrong with you saying, like you're, a dude whose, with a male you're a male, it's a male male relationship. It's too males. Ok, that is a homo sexual homo, meaning same sexual same sex relationship, there's an eye. See anything wrong, I'm not some die hard christian conserve. I dont see eye to eye your understand The christian arguments for like the marriage and all that stuff, but I'm like do- is long keep away from kids like you're, not gonna, kids and and alternating amount of stuff and you keep sex ed. You know for, for you know, people like for the appropriate ages. You go into privacy of your own home. You do what you want to do. but it is very obvious. These people are ashamed. Ashamed of being gathered.
come and get it, I'm ok picks up use google search, homosexual, rare. sexually or romantically attracted to people of one's own sex that defines these people. and then he says I'm an alpha mail that attracted the femininity, my friend, google search. What a twink is. Ok, is really funny guy, like all the algae bt, bilbil autumn's, defining twink. Now for everybody, you betcha you betcha. among gay man, a gay, bisexual young man with a slim building, youthful appearance, and then you have I to urban dictionary this one because bear obviously you're gonna get like a large aggressive, predator mammal But these slang term, as it describes, husky large me with a lot of body here, basically among others from two dozen. I'm not going to be an expert on this general understanding. Is that the guy who is ripped and muscular with with the facial here is a bare and the translation.
would just be a think. Not I get it I get it. Trans woman is different from twink. My point is, if he said he's just attractive, attracted to femininity, but there's like there's tops and theirs by You know I mean there's given their state like this is the point you are to deeds, is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I think the issue comes from two things: one. This guy's acknowledge no day idolatry we're talking about she educated me. I'm just save shore I will call me whatever you want. I guess if you're in love and you're living your life live your life be fine mail on male homosexual. I think the other issue is the political and the Oh here is forth for these individuals. they want to eight, this narrative that biological males can be legally women. Why? But the important thing, There was a trans woman who posted a picture of a burst of saying ha ha bigots, I'm now female. Since birth and its,
legal, not factual statement, alive distinction for say, factual distinction. If we're talk about medicine, science, etc. There is a distinction. Female female you're, not female. Since birth, you just put female on your birth certificate guy, that's it that's illegal distinction and that's the trying to create why some of talk about a few years ago, the purpose of change, the definition of woman. What is it you change the law, without about these peoples all about democracy then lemme give you that much so right now If you look at a lot of laws that it'll same man or woman, male or female often men or women measurement. In fact there either try to change the definition of female, because this will change the law. So in the wallet say, it says something like you can't discriminate against a person based on being male or female on their sex or gender, because gender was used to describe biological sex. They change that
mission of the word gender and what you get supreme court room Gender identity is now protected class. If you law that says you cannot buy are women from voting that they actually you're not going. The constitution, the the the the nineteenth amendment, a person, cannot be denied the right to vote based on their actually. Let's do this, let's, let's let's do this, Let's pull up the nineteenth and read the language verbatim so that we can weaken. You know, play this game here. The right of citizens of the eu- states to vote, shall not be denied or bridged by the united states or any state on account of sex congress our to enforce this article by appropriate legislation? Now what they're doing as their arguing that a trans persons sex is this shows how it starts they first would something like we're talking about gender, not sex and gender social contract, but now or to the point where there
surely arguing to change the biological sacks on a birth certificate. This is the point. It now means that males can be great. protections that females are normally entitled to, because men women are different so long as they claim to be female. That is There has already been court rulings on and toolbars do. Ladies night, that's, it billy illegal under the civil rights act to sexual discrimination only way that would be legal if they offered comparable discounts tomales. So the bar says twenty percent off for ladys digging the ladys and that's actually a violation of the law and their people go around suing over it. Now The are a lot of guys at roll their eyes and be like do bar cars are always just a bunch of dudes and if you want to get the ladies and you've got to entice them to come into, the men can meet the women. That's the point. I don't care, I'm not making that argument. I'm saying these are the arguements that there is a case where there was like a computer club for women, only some guy sued, saying it sexual discrimination, and they said no because
There is a man's computer club do so is there are two computer clubs, it doesn't matter the segregated so long as the equal opportunity exists now what's happening is seems like some males figure out a way to get in, say, okay. Well, then, I am a female. And so long as society accepts that you can unilaterally decide what this characteristic. As then the productions are gone, there's a reason why we have protections for females like women, sports, ilo, saints, We did not, as a society, create women sports because quote some times, people where dresses, but that's the art, I meant of the left when it comes to the issue of trans. If you wear a dress, you can be a woman, because women is a social construct and it's but that at the same time, if you're, a woman who wears genes in a t, shirt you're, not really a man, women can way whatever they want to meaningless, but now, as they have pushed these ideas, a biological male can and a woman's competition and in cases without undergoing
procedures s with social tension. They call it because woman is a social construct. The push. Of course, has been to say: oh well, now you have to adjust or testosterone things like this, which is also complete nonsense, throwing it back to This is a gay man right here and I'm not say to be mean to him. Wanna make smart trading decisions fast decision, from fidelity can help you'll get heads alerts on market events and insight. Second, inform your buy and sell decisions. Plus you can trade fractional shares with zero commissions for online? U s stocks and easy ass, never missed. opportunity, that's decision, tech from fidelity gets done, at fidelity dot com, slash trading, sell orders are subject to an activity assessment fee from one cent to three cents per one thousand dollars a principal fidelity brokerage services, LLC member and Y se, as a pc. Men and women are different from the point of conception. They are different aside from the obvious fact of chromosomes,
you couldn't be ignored, flexi argument yeah. Well, there intersects people in and their zalm there's this there there's x Y Y syndrome, are x, x, y Y and things like that, where people have different chromosomes in more more than they should intersect, etc. There is theirs. There's something like testosterone, immunity or somewhat that where someone is completely biologically mail, but testosterone has no impact on them, so they end up appearing female developing like their female, but they have under developed testes instead of ovaries. Those all, though, things all happen, however, outside of all of that. Ninety eight point, like I think, seven percent or something of people fall into overtly dusting categories of either male or female. This individual. Who is trans? What you need to understand, Going to have a bunch of characteristics that are male and that this guy Man here is attracted to like what is it dumb feet? Was it belly. Buttons are below the hip line. Male valuables mail sent a guy
poverty is higher than female centre of gravity. These are just obvious things. On muscle, mass males trans or otherwise, have more skin college and have more muscle mass have more bone density. Now those things can be affected by taking hormone replacement therapy, but still This guy is attracted to the masculine end of the spectrum and isn't it I should just what someone was biologically male. That's it. I think the interesting thing about this. Is there are so many men like me like due to like this guy who with Views to say their gay side bro come out of the closet, baby ain't then wrong. I guess. It's a weird argument to be made, and I think its political and I think it's based on shame, this guy says it outright. He says that he grew up in a family that told em. you gotta be with, and if you're not you're out, conservative upbringing, So why does it say he's not gay, because he feels shame he fishing
Whatever man, I dunno, I'm not going to tell you what to feel. You live your life, you do what you want to do but admit who you are look. I got a lot of friends who are gay. And that they're out of the closet, they're public, they do their thing and it's like okay, you know well, congratulations. I suppose I don't. I don't care one way or the other. You do you I'll. Do me. I think there is a question that needs to be asked about how far live and let live can go but I'm I'm still more the libertarian side of things. For you know these people cycle. If you're gay and you want to be with someone I I'd- I don't care. There are questions, though, about surrogacy about raising kid, questions that I do not have the scientific knowledge, cultural knowledge, nor legal expertise to build answer for you. So I just kind of lean libertarian of my men. By do nice, the arguments proper conservatives when they say this. This philosophy has led to this down this road.
As you know, many conservatives predicted what would happen in schools and the arguments being made and there actually being made right now now we're at the point where you can I literally have two males in a row in a sexual relationship and their argument arguments not a homosexual relationship. Okay, maybe you don't want to use the word gay. I don't care which call it man. It is a homosexual relationship as a fact statement fact. So, look recognise this. They want to change definitions of words, has it empowers them and it'll change the life. The law says this because I was made this argument. You'll, see odd sight. So skateboarding was the big thing and you'd go to a skate as a spot, a skate spot. We call this place a place where there's good obstacles and the and the urban terrain is conducive to skateboarding and they'd, put up a sign no scapegoating what happens, people on bikes, scooters and rollerblades shop and do their thing and then the
Are the security guards echo? What would you do here and they'll be like were no skateboarding? None of us should skateboarding. The word used so fascinating. So then they start adding other things to it. Now the sign say no, King, no schooling, no roller, blighting no skateboarding, and then I said oh yeah and though you are you you bring a plough board or snake board like, as these are all legally distant things, my favorite, my favorite site, I've seen was no, vehicles or toy vehicles for athletic purpose is to be allowed on the premises, toy vehicle or vehicle. All there get me they're getting here, because I toy vehicle they defined as it has itself.
they can say anything now, that's how they did the catch all. But then someone may the argument. A bicycle is not a toy vehicle. It is a legally distinct vehicle with with rules of the road so than they actually to put no vehicles like that encompasses driving your car up the stairs, but because people like be annex they do tricks and so on no vehicles, no toy vehicles that includes all of these things and still you're not going to be able to ban next thing you know someone's going to show up and do parkour and you're going to be like no sports. Please stop doing sports on our on our on our stairs. But that's that's the point of legalise language. Is everything textual ism? We understand the purpose the no skateboarding sign, but people are gonna, be like I can't you think about it needed to find it. So what happens is if there's no skateboarding sign and you skateboard then can say you were warned here's a fine. If there's no sir,
and you can say I had no idea- was done anything wrong. This there's no signs of a no trespassing, I'm just here in public property or it's it's a private, than by realize you ve, given that warning. That's where we're going fighting the legal language the big take away. I dont think its about this guy being ashamed to being gay. I think the big play is politics right redefine what it is to female to be a woman and you can strip the rights away of actual females. Adult women female in this country are having their rights attacked every single day because of feminine males who take drugs and get surgery want access to the privileges we granted them, I think there should be special laws for many women, certainly because many women are different. It it's an argument. It's really interesting because made by the diversity, equity, inclusion, individuals, more cuban, for instance, he said I think equality.
Was treating people the exact same, but then I realized that's not true, and unlike yes, I actually dont disagree with that but I think you're all racists who use that understanding to manipulate. I think it is fair I say that different people get treated differently with the woke left does as they exploit that to implement policies that are detrimental to everyone and are racist to everyone else. That being said, a man with more collagen and muscle mass higher center of gravity is going to have much much different capabilities in a sporting arena than a female, and so we say we create a female and a male. We suffer in fact, wouldn't even have a male most of the college's do have male divisions, but major league sports snail mail, it's it's the best of the best and then female.
The women's but not other, argued that woman doesn't mean about human female, which it does their arguing that males can compete in female sports. That's the point right: that's the game there playing when they do this love, don't judge law. of I don't know that means love, don't judge, I think they're telling you to love and not judge or that of itself doesn't judge my friends. It certainly does we put limits on every single day and we should there was this viral moment where snapchat, I think, was snatch. It had a sticker. meaning when you film a video you could like drag a little animated thing. It put it on and it said, love has no age. Love does in fact have age. Sorry. yeah and that age is eighteen depending on which state you're in. But I think eighteen is a pretty good number. You know to be completely honest. Eighteen seems like just about the right number,
Ok, I been in it and it is talk as eighteen still really young. I mean eighteen years, gonna crazy right, but at a certain point your kicked out of an nasty or an adult, and you got a friend for yourself and I think you know it it'll look the laws that they they they they do. Well, they they they do well. We've done. We've done a pretty decent job of trying to figure out the appropriate time span and contractual like when, when you get the right to sign a contract or join the military, I think drinking I get people have said like how come I can die for my country, but I can't drink a beer or alcohol is poison, and so it's different dying for a country is a noble thing that you can do once you're old enough and of contract age drinking is a poison, a substance which damages your brain and fair point fair point: I do agree in terms of libertarian in terms of a liberty ideals, but I understand what this difference now being set there. Not trying to ban eighteen year from buying guy I was at a gun store and there was a guy was twenty and they said you can't buy
I'm going to live by long gone and unlike debts unconstitutional, that's insane dirry games, man, evil people I was talking to I love this one. You want to test the bona fides of Republican. Ask them our children protected under the second amendment. The answer as they are, and I thought your republicans as go. No, of course not, and I was like you are incorrect and I said our nuclear weapons programme of second amount they go nor of get europe's absolutely they are. You are incorrect fascinated me that we have republicans today that don't get that
as far as extreme. What I'm gonna call it? No! I am not speaking as to what I want to be the case on shipping as to what is the case back in the day. Let's go two hundred years ago, just go two hundred, let's go to eighteen. Twenty four: did children bear arms? Yes, they did here's the best part to day children still bear arms. That's right! Many states specifically outline and have codified and protected the right of children to bear arms. I think wisconsin. For instance, if you are under the age of eighteen and accompanied by apparent you and bear arms if round at the age of eighteen between the age of like fourteen eighteen, your life, the bear a long gone on your own for the purpose of hunting. Now it's codified because that's basically the point of what we do, but we do not want to have children and a war back then, but that that
the fact that the day would go out with his kids: they bring rifles and you teach them the hunt now ass for the nuclear weapons question. Who do you think makes our weapons private companies the government does not only these things. They do a lot. They do tests, of course, but private military industrial, complex corporations own these weapons, so can private industry the rules of public and private persons, own warships and nuclear weapons. Yes, they can because they currently do, and that is. How we build our military up, it's never otherwise, How insane is it when you get? publicans and there like no should be allowed to have biological weapons and nuclear weapons, and I'm like they currently do they always have
are you arguing that Lockheed Martin should have all their weapons confiscated by the government? No, I get the government regulates and issues permits and all of that stuff, but it is private corporations that are building these weapons. It is private corporations that have warships and hellfire missiles. You should read more Anyway, I ll leave it there. Next segment is: what would we do next? I will become an up at us, six p m on this channel. Thanks sprang up out and I'll see you well, then,. Get out of the trenches of tedious tasks like managing order, fulfilment and start growing. Your business with ships station they'll help increase, Profitability by automating your workflow, with their simple, easy to use dashboard with it. You can Much do everything you need to quickly and easily update order, formation print labels, compare rates, optimize, shipments and even set up automatic delivery notifications it doesn't matter where you sell. Amazon
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four, and so they were grounded. Now there being grounded again. over this holiday week. Over christmas, I actually flew in our unalaska airlines several times flying from go to seattle to anchorage to barrow, which the line calls it. I know the people have voted to call gag vic, but the airline says barrow, then back to anchorage than to fair banks. Then we new from fair banks to seattle and back home? All They are on american airlines and we were flying on with seven thirty, seven max nine and I think we may have one max eight refluent a couple. one of the worrying things I gotta be honest. We were, I forget which flight was, it might have been, it might have and the seattle ethical seattle to anchorage was was alaskan flight. Ninety three I know I feel about that is like certain skyscrapers, don't have thirteenth floors and
this unit with all due respect like asking me to board flight ninety three but there is something more sinister of put my friends recently where it a story about a united jet. That's a hard landing, leaving work in heading two, I believe it was george george bush airport was in texas. The hard landing basically destroyed the plane, nearly total, causing severe damage to the body it slow, down boughs, and then I several times and there as to what happened now, according to actually saint clair. There are questions. Some of comes resource, but she asks was this related to a diversity higher? Maybe the case boeing, of course, has heavily prioritized diverse. and then you take a look at some of these other stories that we have and boy it looks like we have a upon potential conspiracies afoot, conspiracy, is the right word, but more like agendas issuing. conspiracy: they try
Make could seem like your arguing, someone wanted someone else to die, but I suppose I should put it this way woke de I policies are resulting in a failure and a collapse of infrastructure and our economy, no mark been famously came out this past week and was like I am all for de eye and then everyone pointed out that in that that the dallas mavericks have any asian women playing on the best quality, because it's in it a nonsense statement now. on the surface. You can say diversity just means making sure worked, we're taking in the best applicants and we're looking everywhere explanation. It makes sense if you're, only looking at white people for a job you're missing out. But if the argument is going to artificially inflation inflate sorry, your demographic numbers by targeting hiring only minorities or women. You will end up with failing industry
because your prioritizing ideology over meritocracy. So what do we have? We have that again. That my friends, but if we want to get a little bit more Spirit, toil I gotta be honest. I also have a I got a bigger conspiracy, a green new deal, conspiracy, a great reset conspiracy agenda, Now the diversity thing may just be your standard political agenda which is causing infrastructure collapse. But I bet It's also decently probable that we're looking at a great reset move to limit air travel You take a look at everything we ve seen of the past several years. They want you to work from home, I want you to be locked down. They have advocated in the press for climate change. Lockouts, that is They want you to not be able to leave your house because of climate change. Alexandria, Ocasio cortez in her green new deal resolution. Oh so many years ago, nearly five years ago said
that they effectively one to make air travel unnecessary and, in a blog posts, said phase out air travel. What happens couple plane crashes, a couple close calls and people are quite a bit worried- about flying commercial, not dimension a pilot shortage, massive cancellations and delays sweeping across the country in the past several years and at risk, it does seem like air travel is being broken down. now I say whatever I guess, but let me give you a lesser known, public metric private air travel. Now many of you may be saying, I will never flood of private jet, so it matters not to me and you're, corrects if, for the most part it doesn't before, I suppose that use private air travel for running our businesses and-
I gotta tell you. I think this is something that's missed in the public sphere because of the esoteric nature of the private jet. I don't care if you like, or don't like private jets. That's not the point. The point is the cost of pride, jets, is skyrocketing to the innocent absolutes. Only three years ago This is about three and a half years ago. Talking with some a wealthy individual. and I was out we're talking about a potential trip across the country- and I said the challenge for us- is you know if Why do the show monday morning, arms friday morning and friday night? That means have saturday to fly out. So I said saturday event like if you're going to bug me as a speaker, is like basically impossible and they said, get a private jet, and I was that girl, a private jet, you crazy, and there are no no no from like from east co, to the midwest we're looking at maybe like fifteen k round trip, and I went really.
How many seats like eight to ten dependent and unlike ok, no we're looking at just over a thousand bucks per person for the crew to come out to do this event is actually not that bad that we a little bit more than first class, swear it's at now, forty to fifty thousand inflation. Maybe what started happen is because of the constellations because the pilot shortages, because of just the general first with covert no You wanted to fly because of all the restrictions now because of the crises pretending to these flights, anyone who can afford it is trying to afford it. Rich people or would say I don't care. If I fly commercial fly, private fly private. Let me my riches, we're talking about people, that worth, and maybe the just just over a million and a decent income to be the handle, the cost of like a fifteen twenty thousand dollar flight. They say what
the first class one thousand bucks. You get a meal on the plane and they're a bit more comfortable, and it's not that big of a deal, but now it is plane crashes with uncertainty with diversity. The demand for private flights is through the roof. long story short all of these factors, with diversity and with climate change and the and the great reset in all of these things are putting tremendous power yours on industry and resulting in their collapse, whether its intentional, why the rates out right cabal conspiracy which might no maybe not, but it may just be simply put a political agenda, halting in negative consequences. We want a phase- air travel. We want climate the agenda, we want great great reset and green new deal, etc. That will result in what we are seeing. Perhaps it is a bit more new, fair. yes, so let me show you where we're currently at and we see new says hundreds.
Ask airlines united flights remained cancelled monday after boeing, seven thirty, seven max nine groundlings alaska That it expects cancellations to continue for the first half of the weak. Nobody york times, I can show you this. This clip they have of someone sitting in the plane with these aspects blown off. Take a look at this Here we can see dunno. If there is any audio. I think I think we do a body on this doing there's not a whole lot. A whole does not want to hear the plane lands. it was only in the air for about ten minutes. I believe I could be wrong and at first I'm having dinner with their friends and family. And woe take a look this. no blows off: seven. Thirty, seven africa. While that's crazy, we're just on one of those flights for with alaska airlines it wasn't it wasn't. A window was a door Basically what I've read this could be wrong. There is a section of the plain that could be a door,
but Alaska airlines opted for it to not be a door, so it's just basically sealed over it exploded and ripped off the plane. A couple cell phones flew out. Fortunately, it's as crazy, the cabin depressurizes suck Out of the plane, apparently people holding phones had their phones, phones flatter. There is people who have been seriously hurt now. How does this happen. January. Six, the f ay ay announced the temporary grounding of certain boeing's and thirty seven max nine aircraft and one again, another story emerges of mass cancellations, flights being grounded. How many people are now stuck can't work? They talk about met a they talk about working remote and then all plain start breaking down. Now, I'm not kidding Seven thirty seven max nines were ground. Dennis was ten, I think was. Was ten years ago when they want to launch this there's some crashes like what we'd better put a halt on this. Now it's happening again: price
we're going up pilots shortage people don't want to fly. I just don't think it's a coincidence. I don't It gets a coincidence, but conspiracy, maybe not the likelihood. Is this autumn's razor There are people who are implementing diversity and climate change agenda programmes which is having a collapse, a fact, that is to say I dont believe. There's an individual going near we're going to clap crash planes join. Forty eight hours, boris bonnet era moriarty on my part, has my life of crime. As I take on true crime. In situations like no other this season, I'm looking into the labyrinth of crime and secrets within families. I'm cuttings rate to the evidence and tat into the people directly involved, including investigators than the families of victims. Listen to my life of crime with era moriarty, where ever you your PA gas. I believe it's happening is that boeing announces
global equity, diversity and inclusion and their plans to to bring together a team and to be diverse, global equity diversity and inclusion strategy, getty JD, I sure, And what does this turn into? They hire people, based on race instead of merit, that's what they do and then you get people who, based on the lack of merit, can't properly design a plane or fix it, and those planes crash or the infrastructure crumbles, and that's where we are. A bit component of what we saw as to why we a pilot shortage and other work. Shortages is because, when what happened? A lot of people just retired, they said: okay, that's it I'm out! I don't want to deal with this. I don't have to deal with that, I'm retiring and then, though he lost a lot of people and nobody wants to be a pilot anymore used to be a prestigious thing, not so much so. Where are we.
tiggle it? Where are we CBS news? this is from January second plane crash in japan, pilot shortage, kids, boarding the wrong flights. Take a look at ass. The alaska, seven thirty seven cockpit voice recorder data was erased erased. How does this happen now? This one has a lot of people yelling conspiracy, something happened, what was really going on, we don't know it could just be and I'll keep it simple diversity. Does it when you prioritize diversity over meritocracy. This is what you get. It could also be with the lock downs it happened and all the retirees all the people retiring. These companies are desperate to hire anyone they can. The only problem is, we are crumbling as a human society. The people they hired can't do that
objects and these extremely technical devices that carry hundreds of souls their faulty and they fail and how many people are gonna say I dont want to fly. If this is the case, that voice or quarter data on the alaska alaskan airlines boeing. Seven thirty seven makes nine which lost a panel mid flight was overwritten. You, authorities said renewing attention on an industry call for longer in flight recordings nash. Trepidation transportation, safety board, chair jennifer, comedy on sunday. No data is available in the cockpit voice for quarter, because it was not retriever than two hours when rico restarts erasing previous data. Interesting, I wonder, could this door have blown out, did a pilot error and because the pilot error, they intentionally made sure that nothing got recorded.
Could have you know, look I dunno. Maybe there was something wrong with the pressurization settings. I don't know how these plans work. Maybe the pilot did something wrong which resulted in the door panel blowing off and then the other, the copart, it's like what did you do? Did you press this? Oh I'm. I press the wrong button. Oh no, quick erase it and we'll call it all. Just whip see daisy. I think it's diversity Bowing max nine plain had been barred from long fly over water. This is crazy, had been barred. alaska airlines, restricted use of the plane which lost part of its future and friday. Because of a warning light that went off on previous flights and official said they knew something was wrong: which says to me at the flight recorder. Data likely was intentionally record over. I have this from reason, but saga conspiracy
he's from twenty nineteen alexandria cause. Cortez is green. New deal aims to eliminate air travel freely. and look where we are five years later. I have years later we have these plain crises, not just this door being blown off. We had those crash the video of the crash. It was what was I got. A national guard and a commercial jet exploded was in Japan you're the hard landing in in texas. So There are a lot of flights every day. These things happen but to be happening a whole lot more. More importantly, with the employer shortage and the price of private flight skyrocketing, I gotta tell you, then we ve wheat, so we fly private I'll. Tell you why, tomorrow night tuesday, at eleven thirty after we wrapped IRA, I have to get to do more in iowa, for these vague promise, rami town hall, we are hosting the next day.
How is that going to be possible? If I also a whole host a morning? Show now by all means, I can cancel my morning, show hop. A commercial flight spend the whole day travelling yeah. That's not that's not practical, it's not practical at all, and if I missed that commercial flight, No, no town hall, so if I private so we are, we find charters and it's not as expensive as people think the charter, a private jet it's between like I would estimate it. It really depends on the charter. Mind. If you go for like you want to try to seven thirty, seven private like if you want a fly like trumps, airforce, trump or whatever. Kinda thinking costs like a hundred two hundred thousand dollars for a charter become typically When you're flying can be dependent on fog or going for a flight like this, like twenty grand for nine people, so a couple grand per person, but you fly when you want to fly a flood back when you want to
back not that bad. So we were watching these prices increase dramatically to the point where we have another event planned and it may be cost prohibitive. Look they're doing a town hall, a vague ramaswamy and the iowa caucuses. An expensive trip, as I said before, it's like one hundred grand to do this thing, because we have to get a private jet. We have to get the entire crew, run the show there we gotta get them all their right after I rl be there in the morning lot of heavy lifting to make something like that happen, we're starting to look at the cost of these flights skyrocketing. Doubling doubling it's it's nuts and I'm like I don't I dunno. If we Well, this off not of I won for sure, I'm just saying in the future. We got One one trip that we're looking at right now for a big show and they
his company that has really low cost a couple called the marriage, yet they have small small jets that can fit four adults plus two kids and they are really cheap, they're they're, comparable to the price of first class. So it's like it's really good. They came back with a quote that was so insane it was, four times the price of first class, but the only way we can pull off these shows is, if I can, if I can fly after we wrap I around, we hop on the plane, immediately private flight. You just walk on the plane, you go so maybe we just can't do these shows anymore. Maybe that was the point of all these greenhouse. You know a climate change agenda policies. They would prefer it if we just did remote shows where our guests call in instead of sitting here in studio, but we do everything in person in studio with our guests. We fly them out, it's good
crazy? The cost of flight is going up. It's getting harder and harder. Every day it really is pretty dang wild. This is one of the reasons why we chose to operate near d c, because so many political individuals, commentators etc are nearby. It makes it easy for people to just drive in plus east coast, as high population density he's getting crazy. So five years ago, when I see once it says she wants to a limited air travel, what do we get fat checked out org? The new deal doesn't call for an end to air travel. this says they were to make air trip oh and necessary. They want to stop. They want to scale up to the point where air travels air well is not necessary. They also said quote? We are sure that will be able to get fully get rid of farting cows and aeroplanes that fast get rid of airplanes. Don't worry the fact took her say they don't call for an end to that. Huh.
Let's, let's carry forward shelly, I won't I won't use. I will briefly mention I did have is pulled up. As she is, laying off a bunch of arms. Our blackrock is lying. Like a bunch of there, s g employs so a good. We are women, but an blocks. One events. I have is out of order. Farmers are testing. These are all just fine There is in the climate change agenda stuff, but what I want Get to is this story. Writer female led company didn't build collapsed bridge member, the story out of florida, bridge the collapse. The meme was that it was designed by women or something that's true, but what I can tell you is that checkers like to lie and manipulate what I can tell where's, the company that build it, certainly prioritized diversity and bragged about it to a great extent, so saith snowplow dot com. You have this article ineffective dot org from what is
minute man militia, dot, minuteman dash militia, dotcom sure it's a fee a lead construction company built the floor to bridge that collapsed. The fact checker say quote: female led didn't build it. That's a lie. Female lead is an opinion statement, not a fact statement. You can argue theirs. Back in the opinion statement. That is. This is a company that had many women in managerial positions, so it had female leadership, argument from this website minimum militia that there should be any women because they're all bad at what they do in terms of construction. I may be a little hyperbolic. Basically that's right anyway. Look they outright say that the construction companies owned by I've brothers, but it does have many women. High upon. The latter, who are in design and engineering work. One woman who said that women can ring and artistic perspective, and they are its women sang it. Make it look pretty whatever. No you can't building. The bridge collapse for other reason than terrible structure, blah blah blah
image m c m, the builder of the f r? U bridge collapse, and it's a bunch of women. Ok, here's slopes and here's the point I'm getting too. Was it an all female construction company? That's not what they said. This female led. Ok, here's a picture, the amsterdam, the builder of the f r. U bridge collapsed, enters a bunch of women. If you would argue. while there is just some women in management company isn't run by women. It's it's. Some of it is run by women, but it's more so run by men. Mits men that own it is the company that socks they they should if their responsible for our knowledge say allegedly the issue here is fascinating. This is the guy, they play someone says this company prioritized female leadership which they did and then a bridge collapsed which it did. now I dont know what caused the collapse, who designed it or whatever, but ok, let's make sure we get that context in their snow.
Changes the argument to be absolute, so they can debunked and trick people into believing that case because, of course, ups as false ever devastating pedestrian bridge collapse of flora, internationally diversity march, fifteen, said, etc. This company We are not the snobs pages format, it all crazy, like this company opposed a strong woman, looks at a challenge debt in the eye and gives our all thanks for them, see I'm women blah blah blah. It's absolutely a company that bragged about diversity, brag about these initial Yes, I'm sure to set an earlier on, but diversity programmes are killing people we had plane crash boeing is all about that diversity baby. All about it. Look man Real diversity, real diversity means back in the day
when they would only higher white people, did the best person for the job might not be white. So diversity just means you look at every one available, but that's not what the woke use diverse. to mean anymore. More diversity now just means no more white people when you're ready to pop the question. The last thing you want to do a second guess: the ring at blueness that com. You can design a one of a kind ring with the ease and convenience of shopping online, too your diamond and setting Found the one you'll get it delivered right to your door. Blue nile that calm and use promo code spotify to get fifty dollars off your purchase of five hundred dollars or more that's codes. Modify blue nile dot com for fifty dollars off your purchase blueness. that calm code spotify no more men, that's the stupidest thing ever because it's the exact same problem You're going to hire people and you ignore a race of people
I already said you are not going hiring the best person for the job, and here we are. I gave you the tweet from Ashley, saint clair,. Why shouldn't I do not applying was nearly totalled after a hard landing. I believe it was totally in the sense that it can't fly, but who was flying aircraft was the cope let a former flight attendant was fired and then re cared for united diversity programme. Despite being analysed and not returned united, am I correct? Virgil, failed multiple trainings, including simulator training, a massacre united. As covered up this disaster and many others, it seems Actually, Saint clair has sources within these airlines and the region she's phrase this is a question is because potential litigation and lack of confirmation but I would not be surprised if, as is the case Actually I was the number to denver, hiring centre, also onboard through d. I did she do not change fail grades for diversity. Hires, because quote it makes the numbers look bad, did the instructor who fail this copa?
asked corporate why they passed him very, very interesting. Do you want to fly. On these boeing airlines. and these united airlines. So I have a question. This is the green new deal, the great we set or is it just diversity agenda? I gotta tell you The diversity agenda is resulting in such terrifying aspects of flight that people are not going to want to fly anymore and now the green new deals. Let's just call a passive desire to play to the fact checkers. to end air travel or make it unnecessary it's coming to fruition because of the failures of these programmes. Look at them the fuselage here on this plain, looks cracked buckles after a rough landing. They call. It is patently obvious. My friends. It is one of the other. The diversity agenda of the woke is causing infrastructure collapse,
Its privatisation of men of diversity over meritocracy means long enough scale. You know what let's play the black jack game. I've used the analogy before for those that understand it, you get it you get it from us. Haven't heard it here. It is when you play blackjack at a casino you're. House edge is like zero point, five percent. That means for every One thousand hands: the house is going to win five hundred and five. That's it. That's tv I wish the hollows and had to play that many hands. The casino arouse that in the short term, for you, it's fifty fifty as far as you can tell the casino over a long enough period of time. They cannot lose because the math averages out the average will be that they will win point five percent of all bets placed against them.
That's the edge and other games have up to three or even thirty percent. There are some really bad bet you can make in a casino and, if you're willing to make a good. No better you're can lose your money over a long period of time. You may argue they may argue that hiring this one guy did not do anything, but over a long period of time. If this ass on our industry, through diversity, hires over meritocratic hires, is point five percent. Then you will get crisis. How many bridges have collapsed, the one, how many planes of crashed couple? That's the point out of the tens of thousands of bridges they ve built in the past. You know have long out of the tens of thousands of flights, real disasters. Have we had not that many? So the argument is and has always been among these people. There are sacrifices. They are willing to make.
They say look will do the diversity ira thing, but, sir, that will result in two additional plane crashes every ten years back to otto many hundreds of thousands of flights we make. Who cares? Do you want to be on that plane? I don't think you do. Do you want to be driving under that bridge? You certainly don't, and therein lies the point- acceptable losses for the agenda. Or it could be climate change and they could be intentionally sabotaging the stuff because they want to scare people away from flying on these planes either way both are happening. planes are having errors with diversity as an initiative, their higher its diversity. I remember: meritocratic, hiring and its resulting in people being scared to fly. Specially on these planes, conspiracy is conspiracies. Oh boy, I wonder I lay there. Next segment is coming up at four p m on this channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you all them.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-18.