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S599 - Democrats REFUSE To Remove Masks Following CDC Guidelines Over Fear Of Being Seen As Conservative


Democrats REFUSE To Remove Masks Following CDC Guidelines Over Fear Of Being Seen As Conservative. Democrat Eric Swalwell got into an altercation with a staffer for Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene after he said "Biden said you can take the mask off"

Many Democrats are scared that if they dont wear a mask they will be seen as conservatives.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is may Fourteenth twenty twenty one and our first story he d C has announced that of your fully back you no longer need to wear a mask, and many Democrats and democratic Divests are saying actually they're to keep wearing their masters because they're scared people, see them as conservatives, which is a really weird virtues signal story just follows the update, because I record He's in a separate order, so it may be redundant and apologise for that, but this one goes to some states that are defined the CDC guidelines and our last story, Disney gets woke and goes broke. Report six hundred million dollar loss following some kind. versus about woke, anti racism, training and maybe a little back peddling before we get started. Leave us a good review You, like the show, give us five stars and if you really like the show, share it with your friends now, let's get into that first story by now, I'm sure you ve heard the Good NEWS, the sea
DC has updated its mask guidelines and if you are fully vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask in most settings. There are some options and private businesses can still ban you because their private businesses, but hey good NEWS across the board right. apparently not because we are seeing a weird phenomenon now, where some Democrats are saying they won't take them off? Some are saying: they're scared people will think they're. Conservatives, others are complaining, there's no way to know who is vaccinated and who isn't in its way halting in anger and conflict in this story. Eric Swaller, well, Democrat gets in the face of Europe look and staff first ever for Marjorie Taylor, Green, because the staff or said you, have to wear a mask anymore and small. Well was and unyielding. Em, don't tell me what to effing. Do just just weird Lenny on Twitter and says: don't Bali, people
who are wearing masks, and this whole thing is just downright weird to me. The other day I reference to met TB. go where the opening paragraph said that you ve got one side claim science is doctrine be all and on the other side saying I don't trust the other side and it's just downright confusing and tribal list. Ok, there are a lot of drop supporters and conservatives who are saying that they'll never wear a mask and my attitudes always been like? I don't think it's that big of a deal like oars. Make me where a shirt I dont mind putting Americans not that big of a deal on mine, my own business, otherwise, and gave to myself go shopping and then I'll go home, but you ve got people on the left, now saying they there, guess they want to signal. They want a virtue signal to their tribe that their part of the time, and they're scared that people will think they're. Conservatives are something instead of just minding your own business and do
what the CDC recommends. Look if I see a Democrat walk around and there weren't a mask, I don't care if see a conservative walkin around in the network to ask. I honestly don't care, but this shows the whole fight is more about tribalism than anything else, because I think regular people, for the most part are just mining their business and going. I hope to restore the science as where mask I go. Ok, I shocked No there's no sign! I whatever now it's weird! It really is weird because you ve got Rachel Meadow. Going Bonanno show in saying I don't have to figure out a rewire, my brain. What are you talking about? You're, not wearing the mask on your show, it s a now with Elon Musk grow, this you'll mosque and all of the other, the US an outcast case. Members are wearing any masks? I then the show ends and they're all wearing masked Yo Yo are confusing to regular people. So I put this way Here's the CDC guidelines. You can follow them. If you'd, like Joe Biden, told people to get vaccinated or keep wearing a mask. Well, fuck,
Oh your local regulations in your states. If they have Mask Mandy, just follow whatever local chances are available and when it comes to the vaccine. Talk to your doctor, I really do All of these stories show just how insane the political scene here is Democrats, ignoring CDC guidelines and blue state. Nor I am confused by the whole thing, but let me in no longer waste words. Let me show you this story talk about it. And then show you many of the tweets from these people who are saying that they're going to keep wearing masks now, even though the CDC says you don't have to ok, whatever, before get started, had already cast dot com and become a member. By clicking the members only button you can sign up with striper paper, and go to the members area, get access to exclusive members, only segments we set this website up, so we can do more content expand, but also, as you may know, Stephen crowds got a second hard strike
the purchase very real and its possible. They banned my general at some point, it's possible that I get in trouble for talking about masks like this, because you I don't know why they're going to ban somebody, Steven Crowder got a strike because he talked about CDC guidelines. That's what I'm doing right now, if you like my work now more than ever, he should become a member to help support the work that I'm doing so I can expand. We can do more and in the event that I get banned, this is where you'll find my content, but don't forget. Like share and subscribe to this channel and really share it. Take the link. Posted places gets the biggest thing you can do greatly appreciated. Just read the story now get the news, as F Gate says, quote, don't tell what two effing do Eric swell, well, Marjorie Taylor, Green Stafford, tussle over masks. There's a fresh offer report that Georgia, Rep Marjorie Taylor Green aggressively, confronted oh Cassio Cortez, it seems one of her staffers got into it with Bay area, rub out Eric swallow on Friday morning, the hills, Scott One,
port that small well and green spokesperson Nick Dire got into a verbal altercation over of masks following the Thursday CDC guidance that vaccinate individuals do not need to cover their faces. Biden says take off your mask dire, reportedly told swell well to which the congressmen replied. You don't tell me what to everything. Do small well later confirmed the altercation happened and that he cast out dire. He tweeted had a mask on as I stepped off the floor, and aid with Marjorie too Green yelled at me to take my mask off. No one should be lead for wearing a mask. So I told the Bali what I of his order. Predictably, he went speechless. I regret I wasn't more explicit there are small well is lying because our rapporteur was there and the staff or said you don't abiden says you can take your mask off. That's what the rope order, who is there said small well now acting like he was being bullied
no swore wells. Just like kind of a nasty do not want any farther on camera Despite the CDC guidance. How speaker Nancy Policy has opted not to lift the House Mass mandate, citing the fact unclear. How many lawmakers have been vaccinated. Republicans have criticised below decision, noting that person the guidelines, the on vaccinated, pose a little risk to those who have been vaccinated, as I covered in an earlier segment bill. More recently tested positive for covered, buddies, fully vaccinated and he's asymptomatic. They still shut his showdown. The point of the vaccine is that if you get covert, you will not get sick. That's the point. I dont understand what Nancy policies policies for, if that's the case, because people who dart vaccinated won't get sick. That's what they're saying. No, I think what anti policy is doing its tribal Democrats don't want to take off their masks because their worried people see them as conservative. Interestingly, we have from Scott,
long reporter. He said empty, jeez, spokesmen, Nick Dire, told swell bite and said you can take him out your ass off. Just reiterate real quick that swallows line. But let me show this tweet from David Hog, David August. Most of you know is famous, is as a gun control activist tweeted I feel the need to continue wearing my mask outside, even though I am fully vaccinated because the inconvenience of having to wear a mask, is more than worth it to have people not think I'm a concern. And then, like cringe face, are web space a seminal. He says I feel it something you can especially understand if you're in a very low rural area, where ninety nine percent of the people you are seeing are wearing masks live in whatever areas. Z he's an. I guess so, I'm confused by this. I genuinely believe regular people view the culture war. People as literally in insane people
look to a lot of the Trump supporters and the more conspiracy oriented folks and yeah they're gonna, be viewed by like ass crazy by a lot of people. I'm seeing these videos of people like putting magnets on their arms, this is so stupid there, obviously just parlor tricks and hoaxing. You Lady put a magnet on her arm and a leg sticks, and then she flips it over and she puts in IRAN, but it sticks to her finger. Why? Because you probably put adhesive on one side, I don't know. I just think it's done to think that you're gonna get a shot of mostly it's. What at what I who have risen, the vaccine, it's not magnetic is videos, are fake, did just talk to your doktor, about what's right for you and don't get your advice from tv people and people on the internet or from people like David Haug, who is not a medical experts now to be fair, he's giving his political opinion is allowed to do it. He doesn't want people, think he's a conservative you're, quite literally saying that you just want to vote.
Signal so that everyone thinks you're. A Democrat me. I dont think about these things. When I go out when I go to the store I gotta MIKE. Might my car and like I'm, walk up to the Walmart has signed like where mask on my ipod a mask on. I also gotta wear pants, I'm not that concerned about it and I dont think most people are. It is kind of strange check this out from the s Fang she says. So how does one tell the difference between a fully vaccinated person and not vaccinated person? Well, good question: you dont it does
matter. I mean the CDC assigned people who are vaccinated, don't wear masks. I dont know what a business is going to do. A bunch of states have banned vaccine passport. So maybe you just mind your own business. If you're vaccinated, you should be fine as per CDC guidelines. I dont understand why you're making a big issue out of it. Well, here we go Jill, fill a poet, says or fill a public vaccine passports or cure codes. Now, if you don't want to get vaccinate, that's your right, but it's not your right to go to a concert bar restaurant or large event. Should there be health exceptions? Yes, should there be religious? Sanctions, no sorry believe what you want. Dont get back if you dont want to, but you are not actually entitled to see Celine beyond live whelp. This tweet from Jill Philip which has earned herself a place on syringe hush armies list. If you're not very familiar with the lest syringe, keeps a list of people who
have their phones taken away after they tweets stupid things, so he's nominate. Nevertheless, high irony I'm a programme manager, Google right now. Lots of people are looking for ways to learn new job skills. That's where we created Google career certificates and online training programme for fast growing fields. Like I t, support, project management, data, analytics user experience, design and more you dont any prior experience, and you can be Jobbery in about six months. So put your skills to work, go to grow, dark, Google, slash certificates, now, jewels tweet is authoritarian and its backwards. The idea as if you want to get vaccinated, talk to your doktor figure out what makes sense and go and do it and leave people's private health care decisions to themselves you
You shouldn't make people carry passport. I'm not I'm not a fan of that stuff in many severity bandit. I think if you want to get vaccinated, you should she talked your doctor and you should be protected. She doesn't initialling point, though. and I m I'm sorry- I am a bit more libertarian. She says it is not your right to go to a concert bar restaurant or large event. If a private business wants you to be vaccinated, then I think it's within their right to have certain guided but it is challenging right cause. I don't know if I actually, if you can actually assert that because of the fourteen the moment, equality under the law, perhaps wearing a mask, is fine but ensure asking someone up about their private details operate or to produce a medical record. That's where things get into the into the eighty eight territory, the Americans with Disabilities act. I don't think you have a right as a business to discriminate against someone based on a medical condition, and then I don't think it's actually. The business has a right to enquire as to your medical history, which
could be challenging, but you gotta think about this beyond the culture war right now, if we were dealing with some like if we weren't in the vaccination phase right of any of these things, if people who like the very, very seriously contagious ailment. Like Ebola. We probably want businesses to take this very seriously the issue as while cove it is much more serious than say the flu. It's not a bowler, and so I think there is one that one of the things that separates the tribes in this one is how concerned they are about God sick or transmitting to others. I think conservatives being typically the party of individualism and personal responsibility are like well, you know if I get sick, I get sick and the left are more collectivist, which is why they're saying they don't want to take their masks off. I don't think I dont think people are taking it seriously, as you would say
like Ebola. I think it was something like airborne. Ebola people would lock. The business is going to be absolutely in favor of these things. So this is where this is where I think people start drawing a line in terms of policy and what business is can and can't do Altima I'll, just back off a little bit say I don't know man, I think its people's private business. I think the vaccines keep you safe and you should follow the CDC guidelines and, if you don't like living in the cities, get out of the city's, just don't bring your bad policy, don't bring policies from the cities to where you work. You know Moving to now, let me show you some non verified a twitter users rights. So I show you some blue checks talking I don't wanna, be seen as conservative, but here we have, just a regular twitter user with only fifteen my tweets, but she said I'd rather where a mask for another year, then rest being mistaken for a Republican. Ok, I guess you're entitled to do so. this tweet from another user with two hundred twenty nine radiation. Others this individual has about forty thousand followers but does not verified. She says
Cdc has created a scenario in which fully vaccinated people who can you wearing their masks will be treated as on vaccinated, while on vaccinated anti maskers will be treated like their folly vaccinated. But why is that? Any of your concern you'll be fine, your friends only you will be fine. I think what we are seeing a lot of is that people are just tribal list, that they want people to know that their a Democrat another confused, because they don't know how to show that off if they wear them, ass people think didn't get a vaccine and then not think they're a Democrat if they wear that, if they take the mask off than people will not end up with, if they did, they still can't tell they been vaccinated. One person responded saying maybe, but there Land is transparent, the anti vaccines are probably Damascus has well holding out non masking as a reward just might get them to the Pharmacy one person said I see a win win here vaccinated
we'll be immune to the virus. Yet many, in fact, those who refuse to get vaccinated, thus ensuring that those idiots lot after how to protect themselves by vaccination also come to a virus. Well, listen! That's entirely! The point right like it's personal choice in responsibility. Now the CDC guidelines are out. You can choose to do what you want to do and if you are someone who is taking it seriously, you should be fine. You only to calm down. Regular people are carrying out their lives and ain't that big deal Fox NEWS reports, MSNBC Rachel Meadow on New CDC guidelines need to he wire myself to Nazi, unmasked people as a threat. This is the kind of stuff that freaks me out. I've never viewed master unmasked people as a threat. I've never freaked out. I have just taken I've wash my hands like crazy over me wrong over the past year, have been wash my hands all time. Taking it seriously all I wanna get sick. I want anyone else, get sick. I wear a mask when out when you go to the store among them
of nowhere where they they lifted out warm. I believe they lifted outdoor mass managed for the most part and they ve announced there eating a bunch of other restrictions as Well Texan floored of already done it so Just keep myself and my own business, it's kind of crazy that peat people actually feel this I wasn't BC, says following months of criticism. The CDC announced at vaccinated people could did their masks. Rachel Matthau. While she ass, she made her statement, they say I'd like it. It's their masks met with relief and calls like it's about time from TAT crews, some liberal figures, fretted quote, I feel, like I'm We have two Rewire myself so that when I see someone out in the world was not wearing and ask, I dont instantly think you are a threat. Madame said, or you are selfish or you're a covert denier and you definitely haven't been vaccinated. I mean going to have to require the way that we look at each other. I not not we're I'm at because, like you got,
This is our peoples mask some people, it out, you go to certain shops and some people were in some people, don't because they dont have strict mask mandate and guidelines in most of these places and I just say to myself and wash my hands. I think people it would be wise to do that anyway, earlier matter interviewed, interviewed CDC. After Rochelle will lansky about the new mask Island asking her house Where are you because it's a really big change, well, let's get a shorter. The agency was sure and shouted the extraordinary amount of evidence showing advocacy of vaccines and must not be contributor, Noah, Rossman shared met, mouse click, calling it remarkable artifact of our times. The patient's message is a good one, but I just over the river, where over half the adult population has been vaccinated for a long time. You're just now coming the idea that some without a mask may be responsible and only because a federal age He said as much. It's a really good point. It is. He has come under fire from even liberal
succeeded in New York Times forts messaging and guidance on the virus, such as its misleading statistic, that less than ten percent of transmissions came outdoors, the true number was less than one percent, Madame remarks came after seedy CBS Anchor Gale king remarked Thursday that she has felt judged in New York for not during a mask outdoors, despite being fully vaccinated research has shown, regardless of mask wearing that outdoor transmission of the virus is extremely rare, madhouse fellow host maybe MSNBC owes Joy Reed said last month she was scared to deter, masks and would wear two, while jogging in the park to guard against back draught from other joggers Now we see this from you today they say the CDC says we can take offer masks and they actually wrote an article explaining to people how to he's your transition back into the quote: real world it's not, nor I export say it's important to acknowledge your stress during this transit
it's normal to feel nervous once people accept this, they begin to take small steps towards re integration with these tapes. Remember it's nor to feel stressed when being social again really prioritize, who to hang out with first designate time for self care. No, it's ok to simply decline in view since this is really weird me, this is from is updated, may tenth as many of us are allowed to take off our masks. Why some of us dont want to this scares me it's me that we are in a nation of people who aren't mature enough to just take care of. Solves and be responsible and their terrified. this says to me that even well, it's estimates tribal that drives the stated but the CDC gave the guidelines in the first place. Most of us follow these guidelines and didn't care. A lot of people didn't want to wear masks organ vaccinated.
ever, but now the CDC saying it's fine and people are still acting now that that the left, the democratic faction are in our at odds with the cdc which I just dont quite understand. I mean I, I guess I do. It's tribalism rent the Atlantic rights. No one actually knows if you're vaccinated vaccinated require, and stores opposite in schools can offer peace of mind, but their rarely going to prove anything. If you can't get past this, I dont know how functioning society other than staying home and working remotely, which hey you're entitled to do so long as you can support yourself, they say if you have been forged, after receive a cupboard. Nineteen vaccine. You also possess an essential, essential, high tech tool for proving your immunity to others. Just kidding it's a piece of card stock, the rectangle at all, Americans get with their shots. Doctors and pharmacists record data of administration, vaccine type and lot number Some scrawl, the information by hundreds upon others, apply a pre printed sticker
Cards, offer no special marker to prove their authenticity, no scandal code to connect with digital record and three by four inches even to awkwardly size to fit in a wallet amid century. Polio. Vaccine car doesn't look to different from today's covered vaccine records. distributing the cdc to those this during the vaccines. These cars are supposed to help recipients get the correct. Second, those if needed, and offer a personal record. Jason shorts. A yell public health professor told me, but they have taken on a considerably grander importance as pandemic restrictions have eased in the? U S, especially now that the CDC as ok vaccinated people going mask list because of the only thing, saleable to all Americans that show someone has been vaccinated when you gotta go nineteen shot. The information goes into digital record kept by the state where it was administered and that's the end of the road. The cdc does not hold records of individual vaccinations and the White House. His index, but it has no plans for a federal database, the setup as made things complicated for
businesses, employers, universities, restaurants, constables, airlines and other institutions that want to verify people's vaccination status as the country, opens its easy to say that customers employ or students need be vaccinated, but much more difficult to check that someone really is. A few states have created or promised more technical vaccine passports and systems, usually smartphone apps connected to stay databases that could confirm. People have been vaccinated against Covin, but many Republican led states, including taxes, floored Arizona, have opposed or even banned the implementation of any sort of vat verification system, mostly citing government overreach. Let me just say there is likely no way you are going to be able to prove this. It was, it was never going to be that we would just lock everything down permanently about time that those in cities, people like Eric swell well in David login, Rachel Matthau just cause, calm down and go back to normal living, because
Nothing else are gonna, be able to do about it. There's an you can't I mean. suppose they'll call for you: no vaccine passports. U S W Usa, nine says: here's how to prove your vaccinated verify has everything you need to know about the little card that proves your status. That's right! When you get your second you, when you get your vaccine, they give you a card, and then, when you finish your second dose you it's filled out and there you go the f B. I said people who use the governor he'll to forward you. These things will be committing a crime, but not everyone's going to carry them around, and I also think it's kind of intrusive to even ask people for them. Perhaps you should just take solace in the fact that if you're vaccinated you are safe, I mean that was the point of exit. I think the media is responsible for a lot of stuff. I think they ve driven a lot of these leftists off the rails and freak them out
and I think a lot of them just a virtue signal a problem. You can't have a functioning society of people who are capable of the emotional shorty of living in a dangerous society. It will now be one hundred percent safe in the story from Becker's hospital review. They say: eighteen states with bands limitations and green lights. So here is a list of these states are right. Arizona issued executive order banning their passports. California is not suing any man any any vaccine, passports Connecticut as an issue to any guidance that they have their sleep in the air. Florida sign an executive order prohibiting vaccine passports, joy in Georgia, Brian Camp tweeted, opposition to any kind of vaccine passport on Hawaii. They said the statist testing tech needed to support a vaccine. Past
port, Idaho, also banned in Illinois, J B Pritzker, the governor said he thinks a vaccination app would be useful but should not be mandatory. In Iowa they ve pledged to state will oppose passports. Louisiana has not decided Montana said that they are prohibiting bat passports. Ask: I will not have passports. North Carolina says they are ending. Actually I think I have the tweet from North Carolina there. fact of immediately. As of one thirty p m today, lifting all military capacity in gathering limits live out and most mandatory mask requirements. So that's it they're not gonna, require a passport let's see, I think we also have more Pennsylvania may introduce legislation that would ban passport. That's it. That's Pennsylvania! Tennessee sad they oppose it. Texas oppose it. Utah sad that they will block it so across the board, it's likely not going to happen. You're going to have to just accept this Democrats. Life will be returning to some kind of normal
very soon, in fact the National Review published not bad sang the pandemic has. It has ended, based on CDC numbers in their opinion and with the mass mandates now being ended for those that are vaccinated. This is it, it was always going to happen. I know a lot of people said that they have a lot of people are saying that the mast were to be permanent. I am not entirely convinced, I don't think so. I know Democrats wanted to be, but I just don't think it's gonna be reasonable, and here we are interesting. We, the daily mail reports, can we ditch masks or not mixed messages as Joe Biden, where's, wandered, Deasey DC event a day after Joe said, vaccinated can lose them Cuomo in new some say they ignore CDC advice So it is brought to you by Verizon
your business to the power of the rise in five g and get new five g phones on them, plus the five do business unlimited plan, that's right for each employee, so afraid today, at a store near you or online verizon dot com slashed by g, upbraid, five. Your wide ban available only in parts of select cities. Five g nationwide available in twenty seven hundred plus cities with select trade in and business unlimited plans terms, apply limited time offer the States Yokota break it apart. we're seeing that taxes and floor on many other states lifted their lockdown or never locked up. In the first place, Joe Biden has told people which can or cannot do but the blue states are ignoring them, not not all of them, but many of them and red states ignore him from the get go. It really does seem like were on the verge of some kind of breaking apart. I guess I don't know, Democrats believe wildly different things. They are try ballistic and I guess that's just kind of
aggregating M from the right who view them as liars or doesn't trust them, and that. It was you that I guess the culture war is an untenable situation. I don't see how we bring factions back together when their this bitterly divided. Cuomo New, some say they're going to ignore the advice and the red states have already ignored the CDC guidelines. And what point do we recognize that the states are just not in alignment anymore, the longest time in the? U dot s itzy like there's, been a ongoing civil war. Every four years for control of the federal government to impose their will on other states. Maybe we should knock that off. The problem is: there's no border security between states. Here's what happens in California! They are.
Actuary state, they say and may incentivize illegal immigration. They say they offer health care to those who are twenty. Six are under with free healthcare. Thus they'll get more illegal immigration. These elite, these these immigrants, undocumented authorize illegal to call can uneasily cross into any other state which creates a problem for those other states if they oppose it on policy grounds or principle grounds, whatever California, fine Tell me what you want, but doesn't mean that Arizona has to be beholden to the results of what you're doing, maybe Arizona their needs border security. But that's not because people that you can't do it right. One hears it happens in California, then the census happens and make it more congressional seats because of illegal immigrants who are living in the state give them more electoral college power. I think even the heritage foundations
only one more vote, but that's significant one electoral college vote. It still matters when were talking about five hundred and thirty eight. So now you have federal government federal policy being changed, because some states have rules that changed. The federal system, but they certainly have been. Certainly there are other states that don't agree with that, in which case we're coming to a point where we're all fighting for control our government to make the other states do it. We want them to do. The left complains that a very small amount of the population, like sixteen percent, is disproportionately represented in the Senate. Well, if you got a problem with it, maybe there needs to be some kind of peaceful divorce, as many have stated, because The Democrats want to keep wearing mask the CDC at the federal level, says you don't have to and there They are going to implement these things, while I think they should be allowed to, and I don't think they should build a dictate. What West Virginia Texas floored our Montana is doing, but as its happening, isn't it the federal system,
very little sense, as we keep centralizing more and more power in the federal government. It makes no sense for the people living or to pass laws in West Virginia you no one, guns in New York. Fine, I don't care, I don't live there are, I know I understand, is constitutions, prospect our rights but fine and live there, but does this now what's happening what's happening now, is the states are being subjected to do ways of living they dont want to be? How can you have? people in New York City, defying the CDC. What happens they go and vote in Congress and it's it's. It's gonna happen. You ve got now in in Congress. This Marjorie telegrams deaf
eating into an altercation with swallowed a swell gets in his face. Clearly these people don't want to live and work together. How does it make sense? Then? We can't have people who would defy the very system they ve been supporting when its tribal mystically convenient. It should just prove to you that people, they don't agree, and maybe we can't function together this way and something needs to change. The media is a really good. while the passions, it's really good indicator. When you look at Fox NEWS or Amazon BC, you can see the disparate realities. When you look at Son BC, and you see the reaction there in disbelief. They don't believe it. There was. I much of what was MSNBC or CNBC, but like this one woman jump, lack of another woman and it's like Yaller weird, I don't know. I think there is an ecosystem of fringe conspiracy media, that people need our support trump believe, but I think that's the exception, not the rule. I think regular people
centre right, conservative, moderate disaffected. Liberals have been reasonable, reasonable mother full time I've had tons of trump supporters. Conservatives come on that tempt us our pockets to have gotten the vaccine, and there, like you, know what and I'm lucky. I know what I run occur and then there are a lot of people who pose on forms that they're like very opposed the vaccine. Even though trumps the one who got it done, you gonna, have left that won't take their mouths. Golf even when the cdc you know what men, maybe peaceful divorce is the only thing that's gonna happen, because I don't see how we function in this way. think anybody has a real solution other the tensions between states will continue to escalate sanction Policies was our popping up like two way: immigration, abortion masks whatever and then eventually people could explode or
just falls apart disintegrates, but wherever men you two might Bambi for even talking about it. But hey, look! I'm justice confuse as everybody else. That's the news. I read it. My opinion is based off of these new God. Certified sources are taken forward. It is only with their necks segment is coming up tonight at eight p m over the over at Youtube COM slashed him cast iron help thanks it out, and I will see you all. Then there really are two different universities in the United States, this culture war, the factions, whatever you want to call it from the daily mail The crying news network strikes again: CNN housed Alison camera chokes up on live tv over CDC News that Americans can finally debt the mask. These people are not well they. Live in a paranoid, delusional bubble of crazy conspiracy, trash russian spies around every corner and the great president. That is Joe Biden. Ok, let me slow down a minute. She didn't,
burst out in tears, but she's welling up on the verge of crying. They called the crying news. Now. What can I say that different universes? Because look? I follow the news I dad that there's two different says here and I'm gonna tell about it. I get obviously get angry periodically with with certain things like people getting arrested, for you know, selling coffee or something, but for the most part, when it here, too, the mask and stuff on. Why are you know like we're in it? It is what it is. What do you do? Go cry about it. Apparently, the answer is yes for many of these people, they will go cry about because Joe Biden came out with a powerful statement that led to the criterion of camera. Actually, I should say it was the CDC the CDC said that if you are a vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask with some exceptions and those accept are basically everything in nor events, restaurants bars planes whatever.
So they come on. They say this. You get people like thousand camera, who don't pay attention to the real world burning on crime as well. twitter threat of some woman was saying that there was a guy in like the light of a post office, and the news came out about it. You're vaccine that you take him, ask actually takes his mask off and then I was freaking out like what you do and what your mass back on the guy was like that. But you don't have to any more because the CDC said and they also yelling. They didn't care. These people just want you to know. It's like it's like you're, either. to be one of them? You know one of us, one of us, so you must be wearing it. No. The CDC has said if you're vaccinated you'd have to wear it apparently than the post, I said something like no you have to wear the mask slots: either right now. You do. I don't know what you expect from me. Ok, because CDC says one thing: taxes as another thing Maryland says something different. None of it makes sense No, what's goin on these points, I'll just tell you the news, I suppose, and the news is
Man, seated house, two thousand camera tiered up on third. They ever the CDC reveal that vaccinate people no longer have to wear masks indoors in outdoors. You start looking at the actual stories and you rather than even true, but here's what we get. We get this from president I bought it says the rule is now simple, get vaccinated or where ask until you do. The choice is yours. Well, there's, though, those are the only choice. This is where I live. They ended the mask mandates. Ah, in my is that so in Maryland, West Virginia S, interesting West Virginia, announced an end to the mask mandates which is coming up soon. and in Maryland, they all ready, got rid of outdoor mask mandates, so even if you're not vaccinated use
follow the exact same rules. The CDC has already say, which is a stupid as thing ever, because I know that Marilyn's gotta God Republican for governor, but it's a blue blue state, ok derived thereby Deasey. So here's outworks, my understanding is that in Maryland, indoor you gotta, wear masks and all its tough outdoors, you don't and the article. I applaud the article and show you, but the that's the CDC guideline, the city's. These is still saying that you ve got away So I don't know what what's really happening here by temporarily. we worry said folks, if you're fully vaccinated you no longer need to wear a mask. The cdc does not say that. So what am I supposed to? Do you to ban speed, for, like misinformation or the president said one thing if the president is wrong, that's supposed to say, if you're not vaccinate yet It seems that got to get to find a shot and mask up until your fully vaccinated shore. Look, I just
nobody does every single time talk to your doctor, and if you don't, if you dont out your doctor in your unsure, you can always get a second opinion. Don't get your don't get your medical advice from people who don't know you you ve got you ve got these. These people on tv like vouches, who are advocating people, get get a medication that hasn't been advised to them by their doctor, and I I I I think it's insane it absolutely insane. But let me show you some stuff. I don't want to do a segment talking about mass or vaccines or whenever, like that's between you and your doktor, ok- and I know I know already spent five minutes talking about it- would take a look at this from the new post, governor Cuomo says at New York, isn't ready to follow federal advice, ongoing Maskew s eye, CDC comes out, says you're the rules and New York says no. I don't know what the what you expect, Joe by You came out and said if you ve got vaccinated Damascus off New York, so they can't so clearly- and I mean this is
you always you have no authority over what these states do with their medical policies. What's the point of Biden coming out doing anything and what's the point of the CDC saying anything of the states are gonna do their own thing. You look a text in Florida. There completely reopened linear poster. AIDS pandemic, weary new Yorkers had their hopes deflated Thursday, when Governor Andrew Cuomo said he wasn't ready to ease the states mask mandate, even though the feds gave the green light for vaccinate Americans to finally show their faces and gather indoors again in a late afternoon statement Cuomo said he and Health Commissioner Howard suckered had yet to decide. If the by a state would adopt newly announced guidelines from the federal centres from the CDC in New York We have always well out of the facts and the science to guide us throughout the worst of his pandemic and in our successful reopening we have see this newly revised guidance from the CDC regarding mask wearing and social distancing for those with vaccinations and are reviewing
in consultation with doctors, awkward and our partners and health experts in surrounding states? I gotta be on us: it's actually the responsible thing to do up this way. If you live in new york- Like what coma was doing, not just blindly saying yes or no, you know but going to the doctors talking to your local, you know experts and assigning what's right for state. I actually think that makes the most sense. However, I think if they actually were falling the signs they would have come to a much different conclusion a long time ago. The point I'm getting to here, for the most part, is not I'm not trying to make a mask or vex argument. I'm trying to make a President Biden is a fool. Bless and weak politician argument that matters to no one when he came out a while ago and you he was talking about what need new locked down if we can get things under under control- and I was like floored on taxes are completely reopen and many these that's never shut. Down. Who were you talking to I talking to New York? I guess
or just DC. It's a decoupling men. You look so loudly. These states declaring second amendment sanctuaries. Life sanctuaries. You got sanctuary, citizens dates already and it It does seem like the power of the presidency is just nil. The federal government is becoming weaker and weaker by the day and this another really good example. So what are we to say to clarify Cuomo? I am not a fan of I you know, but if he wants to talk to the people and his state, I think it makes more sense for his state. Now. You may not agree with his conclusion with the point as I'm not I'm saying that I don't think Joe Biden should be dictating what the states do it's up to them to decide as they hours earlier CDC. Director. Rochelle will Linsky said anyone who was fully vaccinated can participate in indoor, not outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physically distancing, which is really interesting, because we're getting reports now that indoors still have restrictions president and called development a great day for America, saying if you been vaccinated, you
We have to wear your mask and you can shake hands. I am confused by a lot of this. I am, I am genuinely confuting is out there. More tests, positive recovery after vaccination? No real time this week, I guess this is the first Time Bill more has missed a show because he tweeted something about going back to ninety. Ninety three he's never missed an episode of politically incorrect or real time with bill mark. If he's vaccinated, he is Annie tests positive recovered He did. Why would they shut everything down? I don't understand. There he d C a saying you running their wear masks anymore. So if you get vaccinated and you can sign as test positive, you can still catch Covin. Then, why shut the show
what are you? What are they concerned about? I don't understand. I genuinely media owners to local here's, a story from agenda come they say the report which sites and HBO spokesmen says that MAR Sixty five there, who grew up in a veil, I don't care about. That is asymptomatic, they say tested positive during weekly pc testing. For the show said he has never before missed an episode of his series across nineteen seasons. The queen input commentator was hosted real time. Yea it we get, it makes rushing me well, ok, I guess that's the gist of it. I am just genuinely look operator There is no unified understanding of what supposed to happen right now. You can go CDC, but the problem is even when Stephen cry are cited, the cdc they gave him a strike took as video down. I don't think I think the time is ripe for that even when you cite the CDC New York, States has now and taxes says been there done that
so. I am not entirely sure what what guidance or anyone is following at this point, Joe Biden said: if you are facts you know, gotta wear a mask But now we are hearing that certain states are saying now they are to have restrictions in place and the CDC even as certain restrictions, but Interesting, I guess I got stuck to clarify that. What I read it this report was incorrect because the CDC put this and they say fully vaccinated people you can be in or highly intense exercise classes. Indoor, restaurants, sing in and out in indoor cos. Yes, I guess there saying across the board of your vaccinated. You look. I wear a mask anymore. If we take issue with this, I suppose you know. If you go to Florida Texas, he says you can even give each other a hug. First lady job Joe Biden celebrated by going mask less with actress Jennifer Garner during a visit to a vaccination site in West Virginia. We feel naked. She said before adding I didn't mean it that way. West Virginia announced that the end of their outdoor mask mandates, but I think they still have
once the interesting thing about West Virginia. That was like nobody is following any these rules. They say understate rules that will revise last month fully vaccinated people can go masterless outdoors, accepting certain credit settings and venues masts are still required indoors, regardless of action it vaccination status. That's what we're doing us. Both states editor Jim disco, invoked the states scandal over nursing home. That's so this is this is New York I dont think Annie. Thing. This governor, says about using experts in New York. State is true to discuss, says he's working with people Basically like working with malaria and curly. I follow the CDC guidelines. Anytime, before, following what the governor says are right, so I shouldn't I should try and just clarify again too. If the CDC comes out the guidelines, I guess it's the best people can do, but if the states want to assess their on situations, I think that the right thing now again, you might not agree with New York state, I'm just saying them, making sure that they are doing everything. The way they want is the way it should be
after some floor to have done things the way they want. There's been a weird conundrum over the issue of why covered rights we're going down and texts in Florida, even though they completely reopened and get rid of all mask mandates, but I I guess I don't know I guess so. Here's was interesting, You know we're hearing all this stuff about mass mandates. Last month, Oregon Box, the trend with a permit rule. So I don't know whether at now, but a lot of people in pointing out that certain states are not going to follow CDC guidelines. The eighty report in April seventeenth mask mandates and Oregon bucks trend with permanent rule. I want to stress one more time you look, I you two might take medallion mister. I could spend you whatever s because all the states are doing different things and even though Joe Biden Comic can come out and say these things, the states or even saying no to him
Cuomo literally said no to the president. I don't know what you tube expects me to say right at it. I don't know. What would you do? I don't know they why Portland Oregon I state on the country live over ninety restrictions. Organ is poised to go the opposite direction and many residents are fuming about it. A top health officials considering indefinitely extending rules requiring masks and social distancing in all businesses in the state that propose would keep the rules in place until they are no longer necessary to address the effects of the pandemic and workplace. Michael, would administrator of the States Department of Occupational Safety and health said the move as necessary to address a technicality in state law that requires a permanent rule to keep current restrictions from expiring, we're not out of the woods yet. He said, but the ideas a flood of anger responses with everyone from parents, teachers to business owners and employees, crying government overreach would agency received a record number of public comments, mostly critical, and nearly so Eight thousand resident signed a petition against the proposal. Opponents also
Zack, Dublin officials won't say how low organs covered nineteen case numbers must go or how many people would have to be vaccinated together. Requirements lift in a state its already had some donation, stricter safety measures quote one way. Asks be unnecessary. What scientific study Do these minutes rely on particularly now that of acting days away from being available to everyone said state Senator Kim Thatcher, Republican from Keyser near this, its capital businesses have had to a mask caught for the better part of a year now they deserve some certainty. on when they will no longer be threatened with fines. Wood said he Reviewing all of the feedback to see if changes are needed before he makes a final decision by May forth. When the current rules lapse, I don't know where that they there currently at, but you can certainly see that every step of the way every policy put forward has been extended beyond what was first proposed. So you know they said fifteen days
of his bride. We all know how that went now in certain states. Many people are asking about have pointed out that they are going to be ignoring CDC guidelines. I'm just going to read the story, because I I I I don't know what else to do. You know because who wore we citing at this point Joe bite says. One thing I guess he's right: I guess the CDC sang vaccinated, you're, you're good to go, but no one's gonna. Let you do it anyway. I mentioned that in that one study Do I need to wear a mask in Dc Maryland Virginia. I know it's only three states you mind you. I don't live in these states, but they point out that in DC, for instance, not lifting there, pensions DC says they're gonna follow the CDC guidelines, but they're gonna have to assess and do something similar to what New York is doing and I believe, Maryland also as saying the same things. Yes, we're due to follow the CDC guidelines. There all basically saying we're not following what Joe Biden saying we're,
going to that. Their basically saying we're gonna look into this and then decide if we will now tell you what's really funny about about all this in this in this tweet from President Biden when he said vexed or masked there, a ton of people that are responding, demanding vaccine passports or by saying you are wrong and it's the weirdest thing The top one does it help you planned, attract people, war, not vast, otherwise, no one will wear masks. This is scaring me ass when you see see it and host out in camera crying on tv or you know the lowest level of crying welling up and tearing you can see, the people are genuinely terrified, and I it's u dont strange to me both. I guess if you don't pay attention to the news and you're only listening your friends tell you and you get your information from signs on doors than you probably think, the craziest thing in the world happened and if actually fallen You know that you know in a pandemic, and you know it was. It was decently. Bad of butter
the apocalypse. Now I will be ok if you, if you follow the news, then you understand why the CDC assign you can take your masks off if you dont, while the New you're, still scared and confused, and you dont like hearing these things. You know it's really work. to me that, within these two universes you have people who believe in freedom and people believe in securing Benjamin Franklin famously said. Those who would give up a little bit of those will give freedom for a little bit of security deserve neither and will lose both. I think that was Benjamin Franklin, it maybe apocryphal. I don't know the point is, There are many peoples had freedom right and their many people's freedom, freedom, freedom and kind of like well hold on man. You like freedom, requires responsibility, so we're not gonna go run around neuter something no light, We take responsibility for our communities, but we do for the most part believe in freedom in respecting the individual, which means you need be responsible for yourself, first and foremost, and you can't get angry that someone else doesn't want to be responsible, so you can solve them and make them all you want
and you can say you can enter my business- that I think is fine, but now We're seeing is a bunch of people saying I'm scared, so everyone else should lose their freedoms and that's that's danger territory. Even when Joe Biden comes out, of people being like. No, no, you! You can't do this, this next person, tweeted response, Joe Biden. How do I- no somewhere the next table without a mask, is vaccinated. How does someone needs to wear a mask trust that I have action it and are you vaccinated men? Ok, take a look at this with Belmont they'll Margaret the vaccine. He still got over it but he's doing fine. A lot of people are asking this question. If you can still catch but when you get the vaccine, why get it? Because what they ve always said is that the vaccine eliminates the symptoms of Covin. So if your vaccinated, you can still carry the virus, but you're not going to die right, I, oh, I shouldn't say definitively, but their briskly sang it alleviate the symptoms, so Bill Mars
and he feels absolutely fine, even ass. It positive view took a pc our test at the Cairo. If those things are the tests in the world, whatever is the point as that's what they ve always said. They have not changed their their stance on this matter. They always said so. These people genuinely don't understand because it will follow. How do you know some of the next April that a mask is vaccinate you? Don't it doesn't matter if you're vaccinated and you catch catch it? You still can't find, but you're not gonna, get symptoms, Why are you worried about whether that someone else is or isn't, and that's that everything to because you know how these these lefties demanding vaccine passports? It's like it if everyone can still get it right, everyone can us up. I guess because Bill Martin, then, if some people choose etiquette vaccinated, it's on them and why should they be required to prove anything to you because you're going to be fine, you can still get it. I get that, but you won't get sick. What are you worried about and if we reach heard immunity? Seventy to eighty percent, whatever that the federal government,
then why are they still pushing the so hard? I think we're doing good? I think this is our is public call. Is we should be in optimism, emotional hopeful? We should be it. I guess feeling good. People have six act, enamored waited I'm not gonna where one anyways Ella well. Look at us. This person treated badly there are still people worn out vaccinated now on vaccinated anti scores will be running around that masks and putting my high risk child endanger looks on, looks like I'll, be locking my family up again, we'll get your family vaccinated. If you're scared, There are a lot of people who say they don't get vaccinated and I'm like you should be able to do what you want to whatever you want. I think you should talk to your doctor and figure out. What's best for you,
and they're people who are like I'm scared of the virus. The vaccine is available. I think everybody is just turning everything into culture, war, tribalism, I look at it. This way, like the vaccines, are really really good thing. Donald Trump accomplished this. If you don't like it, if you're skeptical, if you're, whatever Ok, well, you're. Do your thing I guess: whenever and if you're someone who's scared, then thank you Donald Trump. You should give them. Standing ovation because he got you this vaccine, and now your family will be safe. I don't I don't see what the big deal is. Why these these, these these people on the left want other people to be like mandated to be ticket vaccines when they're gonna be fine, shill bureau, but at all it all boils down to the first story, and why and why I started with the thousand camera anything You can see the logic crying over the stuff, calm down, Dude man,
it's really. It's really hard to be hopeful and be optimistic when you, when you don't have strong composed people, a leading you, you have people breaking down and crying Jeez Whatever next arguments coming up come on up at one p m on this channel, thanks rang out- and I will see you all them last week- Disney, came under fire after revelations about a new, anti racism training for their employees? As most of you know, anti racism is just code for racism. Some people call Neil Racism, but the basically People know rooms and tell them about why one races, bad, are one races good at it. In my opinion, a violation of equal employment laws, and you should probably file an e o c complaint if you're ever in one of these training sessions. But I digress.
the training, was cancelled. The latest update Disney reportedly Scrubbs woke anti racism training. After backlash, could it be the backlash that got Disney to back down on this training? Perhaps? But I don't think so. We also of this sort postings out Lucas Film pushes fired Man Delorean star Gina Cyrano for Emmy not well make tenth well. This was before they cancelled the Woke training. Could it be that Disney realize they lost lot of fans when they fired Gina Crawford doing nothing? She posted a between two dont demon, our neighbours and they fired her for it. Maybe there was a backlash, maybe something, happened and Disney said what what we gotta stop doing, this, do you think they care when a bunch conservatives on twitter and rabble rabble rebel, no, they dont and that's why it's taken this long now,
Why Disney has continually don stupid woke thinks they don't care about what you think or your politics you only they care about is the bottom line. Which brings me to the get woke ago broken the reason why you probably click this video from bounding into comics Disney revenues drop by oversight? a hundred million dollars in the second quarter, and I, in my opinion, I think this attributed to the overt weakness. Every single time, Disney's does something people tweet like I'm cancelling my subscription. Now they have a ton of subscribers. They ve gained of subscribers the revenue is going down now. How could that be? they also increase the cost of subscriptions. It would seem that they are losing money and it's likely because people don't like what They're doing because seen into the spider verse the Spiderman movie with mild Morales so fond and good movie people overwhelmingly enjoyed it and the main
there is miles, morality was not Peter. Parker use a different spiderman and people like that stuff. But then you see a lot of dumb things. They do with woke trainings with firing Gina Cyrano with praise that the paramilitary groups in in five in China, There are keeping the weaker Muslims and concentration camps and you're gonna start seeing a lot of people say no. I dont want to watch this anymore, then surprise. Surprise me thirteen with the report of the revenue going down, we see in the past few days. In the past week, they ve started making some some changes. We I don't know if they ve hired you Nicaragua, but there's been some rumours, maybe they're realising they lost a lot of money by getting woke, they're going broke, bounding, comics reports, The Walt Disney Company recently released their second quarter earnings for fiscal year, twenty one and they revealed their revenue dropped by over six hundred million compared to the first quarter. Disney CEO, Bob Chebec Pre, preface the report saying
We are pleased to see more encouraging signs of recovery across our businesses and we remain focused ramping up our operations, while also feeling long term growth for the company he added. This is clearly like that in the reopening of our theme, parks and resorts include increased production at our studios, the success of our streaming services and the expansion. of our unrivalled portfolio of multi year. Sports rights deals for yes, Pianee has been plus you guys know that sports of your ship is down across the board. People do not like weakness and their sports, and this, of course, will affect everything Disney as to offer is at the end first quarter Disney reported they earned revenue totaling. Sixteen point two hundred and forty nine billion dollars with twelve point six x, one billion coming from Disney media and entertainment, distribution and three point. Fifty eight from Disney Parks, experience and products
In contrast, there recently released second quarter numbers deed. Other total revenue for the quarter dropped to fifteen point six billion. That has an immediate entertainment distribution segment at had revenue of twelve point four billion for the Disney parts. Ball you at the point. Now here's the bad news get woke, go broke, probably not right way to phrase it at this point. It's a meme. I get it. It means you lose money when you embrace wilderness, maybe should be saying is get well lose a little bit of your revenue. I mean These amounts to demand a lot of money, but they made fifteen point six billion dollars. Do you think they really care in the long run, probably not as much as you might hope. I'm just a lot of anti woke people deserve. liberals, moderate and conservatives who are cheering laughing? Sang ha ha? Take that Disney and I'm sure that people are as they are sitting there in the one. Guy goes well, Sir down, six hundred million. That's not good! What would you think we should do? Well
we pull back a little beyond the weakness stuff, but you'll will be fine either finding their way so well, simmer it down. Maybe you're somebody's trainings bring back Carano and see if we can't turn it around a little, but I dont think they're sweating. I dont think they're crying. I dont think they care all that much but enough to make sure just say that means Disney's revenue decrease, six hundred and thirty six million and second quarter. Not only did they decline, six hundred and thirty six million off from the first second quarter, but the declined over two point: four billion for the second quarter of twenty twenty. Ok, not well thought out now, that's where they start getting scared. Twenty! Twenty till now should have been way better. People were locked down, people watching movies and shows on Disney plus this, that the launch of Disney plus an expansion of chose should have made should have been tons of jumped ship should mean good things for them
they say, while Disney's revenues overall declined between the first second quarter, they did see gains in their direct consumer segment, which includes Disney Plus, you see now. That's that's not get well go broke because a lot of people or cancelling Disney plus stuff, they still made money in the first quarter, posted three point: five billion, indirect direct consumer segment and second quarter. Three point: nine billion. That means their direct consumer segments on increase of four hundred ninety five million, but I will point out I'm sure when they're going to the numbers, they probably see actually limit limit right. Let me rephrase it. I have memberships on my website. If you go to TIM cast out com, you can become a member and get exclusive content. Not the same thing is Disney
because I'm nowhere near as large, but we're building a website, and I can see something every day we see the amount of members going up. However, sometimes it goes up slower because what's happening is on the back and people are cancelling and some people are joining and fifty people cancel and fifty one people become members. It just goes up by one if you're not focused the internal metrics. You wouldn't realise that I am not stupid and I do realise that, and so my question was hey. What's going on and the reality as we have some, you know we're we're trying to build the site and we only launched a fee for months. go and we are overwhelmed and kind of overloaded us but we're improving it. So numbers on improving Disney might see. Revenue go up a foreigner and fit a foreigner. five million dollars. That's great. Should it have been eight hundred? Did they lose a bunch of customers? They still?
money. There's somebody did understand about get woke, go broke this two things that people need to realize from a simple perspective, a lot of people think that if you get well could just lose money, that's not true. A lot of companies get woke and make tons of money so get will go. It is on a law. It's just something. People say when they point out when money is lost, Disney did lose money across the board, probably because of willingness to a certain degree but there are still making money in other areas and some of the other air, some of the other areas of their business are still going up. The reason I think weakness plays a role in some of them. Money loss is the changes they make it their companies trying to avoid backlash. They lose customers, but this there's a couple things one. Sometimes it's get broke, awoke sometimes company start losing money.
and they Paddington. What do we do? Let's try woken us. Maybe we can go after this market share and increase the amount of money we make. It doesn't always work. Sometimes it does sometimes backfires horribly and they get broker and sometimes, when you say get what go broke, his anything there not getting broke their not making as much money. So right now, here's what I see Disney's losing money whiteness is applied. I am for them, people are cancelling on them. They know it they're still gaining in some of these areas, but they're probably like we could have aid, a million dollars yesterday. Instead, we only made seven hundred thousand. Still made a lot of money they could have made more. In the end, it is good news for the woke, I suppose because Disney can absorb these losses and I suppose there is still some good As for the Anti woke, because at least there probably cognisant of the fact they lose money, they don't want to know what to say. Disney plus reported a bunch of growth bubble,
While it is the increased numbers, albeit a slower rate, they'll, send a decrease in the average monthly revenue paid pursuit subscriber in the first quarter. Even though the decline came amid an increase from six hundred and seventy seven ninety nine per month in March, which is interesting, they increase the amount it costs ended up losing money. Let me show you the story. This is what's triggering a bunch of of anger. Sore may Eighth Disney goes woke with new anti racist agenda for employs. They say it's awoke world after all, from their posts Disney is pushing critical raced. The around employs, through a new plan, called a re imagined tomorrow, urging workers to recognise their white privilege in a at every of training modules on topics just systemic racism and white fragility. According to internal documents obtained by city journals, Christopher rueful staffers are told to reject equality for equity and must reflect on America
racist infrastructure and think carefully about whether or not their wealth is derived from racism accorded the documents in one anti racism training course called ally ship for race consciousness. Workers are taught the uses, a long history of systemic racism and to phobia and told they must take ownership of educating yourself about structural anti black racism. Staffers should not rely on your black colleagues to educate you which is emotionally taxing. Does he recommends it? Staffers hit the books suggesting one as that encourages parents to commit raising race consciousness and their children and which teaches that even babies discriminate it's an amazing thing. Isn't it the opposite of doktor kings, dream and telling white people to become racist, brilliant right now, it's psychotic and insane to the far left turn by the House of Mickey Mouse has led to sky high.
engines, but staffers are terrified about speaking out against the ideology multiple employs told city Journal quote: there are almost daily memos suggesting readings, Paulsen, seminars that are all sent around anti racism. The company is completely Ideologically one sided and actively discourages christian or conservative workers from speaking their mind, the worker said I attended several training sessions at the beginning. Just to see with a temperature of a discussion would at would be and to gauge of I'll be able to bring up Mount objections in a safe way, safe meaning for my career. I have continually gotten the unspoken answer. No, the employee told the outlet it's been very stifling to feel like everyone keeps talking about having open dialogue and compassionate conversations, but when it comes down to it, I know if I said one thing that was truthful based on data or even just based on my own personal experience. It would actually be rather unwelcome. The company is also backed a twenty one day: Rachel Equity.
and Social Justice Challenge Day. We're participants are told they they all been raised in a society that elevates white culture over others. Ok,. many people may be saying to him. What can we do? What can I do if you work for Disney do not be afraid. You have no reason to publicly speak out about your sperience is you need only go to the e o c, the equal employment opportunity, commission and file a complaint about racial discrimination and if you all, went and did it this would be over into seconds. You cannot make someone attend. Training where you chastised their race or say things about rights discriminate on the basis of race. Now, of course, you may encounter. People at the YO see were also woke and now woken as the problem of the expansion of the cult into the government. So all I can say is
If it were me- and I was in one of these strings, as most of you know, I coming from a mixed race, family would take objection to literally anything. They said, and I give some examples if there is a race training meeting and they say we're gonna be talking about white privilege, I would say, excuse me: are we actually going to be talking about ending racism by sent during the whole discussion about white people. Did you bring me in here, so you can talk about how your culture does this at or otherwise how about? We too have positive discussions about other cultures and other races, and we know that you put your white supremacy us. You see the problem with their ideologies that no matter what they say, the rules or broken that's kind of the point. It's a divide and conquer strategy. But how can these organizations hold and
fuel meeting talking about white supremacy, if the meeting itself as white supremacist, as you know, everything basically is right. So how about this think about it? If they start talking about white privilege, they have just created a conversation, a meeting or they have brought everyone in to learn about whiteness by their own logic. That's basically a clan rally, so you should just subject and say I do not want to hear about white people that is racist. We shouldn't be forced to listen to you talk about white people. Why don't you talk about black and brown people while that would be disruptive to their trainings and it would be disruptive because they need to talk about white privilege and white people and if they can't well, they might argue no, no, no were addressing their racism. Think about it for two seconds, because you can argue this ad nauseam. Taking a bunch of mine
cities, putting in a room and educating them on what white people do is basically a clan rally. Sorry, don't wanna hear it if they're gonna play these games, the only thing you did understand, as I guess the rules for radicals. If these are the rules, they want you to abide by then abide by them. Now I guess some people, you know you're, not all mixed rice. I get it for me. That's leverage I can just be like now, I'm not gonna, hear it. I'm not gonna! Listen to you! It's it's! It's! It's! It's your white privilege! Now, I think, no matter what they say, you'll always find a way to cancel them. It's exactly what do on twitter, no matter what you say: women, sorry its offensive. It's an inclusive women oxen. Now I'm sorry limits and has not included because it changes the word women and transmit our women. You see the point, no matter what is
there is always something offensive. That's what you need to consider anyway. I digress it. Backfired Disney has scrub the woke, anti racism training. Your post reports Disney Ezra, reportedly deleted its diversity. Inclusion training following a backlash about becoming the weakest place on earth. The web eggs that previously carried the much maligned internal training documents was down this week, replaced with pardon our pixie, thus message according to Christopher Roof. Oh, if you go to the ecosystem
file a labour complaint. You will probably win in many places. Now, of course, you might go to the Eu Sea and someone who works there is woke and then not only you're in trouble, but if they tell you white people do this that nor otherwise I'm sorry that's discrimination or how about, if they do here it. Here's work goes both ways again. Let's say this that the US at every training- and they say it's required of us to go, and you say I will not attend this if they retaliate in anyway, if in any what you feel like, they were tallied it just your personal feelings. Well, the matter what they did was racist, if you're a white person and they have a training where they start smearing white privilege. You have time that white privilege and white supremacy in all stuff and you refuse to go well. You could claim that it was racist because
They were disparaging you on the basis of your rice and disparaging people of your race, and you didn't want to be forced to go to a meeting where they would derive you and that's racist. You file a complaint as they are not quite well They wanted you to go to a meeting where it was centred around white people and white culture, and you felt that that was racist too, to force people to hear the message of what the White progressive young people think is racist. If they Miss you for not attending a training based on race. They are responsible, consider that Chrysophora, rue foe, tweeted winning. Disney has removed his entire anti racism programme from the companies internal portal effectively scrubbing it out of existence
major victory in the war against woke Kapital. He said noting a significant backlash from the public Disney was peddling the most toxic element of critical race theory and my reporting led to immediate changes within the company. This is great news. Good job Christopher reveal a screech. However, should the page was currently under technical maintenance for semi two hours with some of repose follower, suggesting it was being tweaked or rebranded sure he's at possibly but small victory start to add up. We ve set the precedent and forced a three hundred twenty billion dollar company to back down is not immediately clear of the page, which is only accessible to staff, was back online thirst after Repose tweet Disney did not respond to the post request for common staff have been bombarded with a training which we know about my friends, you must fight back, you see what they do is they will go to the government, they'll file, lawsuits, the file, complaints and the woke do this and they win. What did someone say it might have been Jesse Kelly, that's conservatives lost.
your war, because arms, our liberals, one the culture war, because they are the only one fighting it s. True, how many conservatives are going out, naturally fighting back well. There was James, the more remember him he settled. I don't know what happened in that regard. I guess he didn't when there are very few people, like Jody Shaw from Psmith College she's, fighting back. They made her go to these whiteness trainings, and so she fallen Yossi complaint. Bravo, brilliant excellent work. So what are you doing when you have a job and they say we want to put racist imagery on the walls? If you ve got any posters talk about anti racism and fight that accuse them of races demanded, be removed, and what are they going to fire you? Then? You need to stand up and stop woke capital, these big businesses. scared. I'll tell you a lot of what this is. These come he's? No, you won't fight back. They know you won't complain, that's why they do it there only getting pressure from the far left and because of that they're gonna keep moving to the full
left. That's that's where the opposition is not so they need to stop. That's where they'll go. What happens if every regular person just at na are pushing back there's not enough woke people. Is he hears the problem? I think, like eleven percent of the country is woke right, you'd think it was worse than that and they use this. They claim. There's very few people actually saying these things yes and there in government, and there are the New York Times and therein colleges and there in Disney deposition of power. Because of this there are a lot of people who are scared to say anything and speak out. You know or if you are someone of influences celebrity an actor. Many people have spoken to me privately on the phone and you do nothing. Then you are condemning your children and the rest of us with great power comes great responsibility, but I do want to lose my job. Ok, then you don't deserve it. If you would give up freedom for security than you will lose, you deserve neither, and you will do
Both it is time when you see these companies doing these things. You stand up, you speak up and you tell them no. In fact, if it were me and they announced their remedying anti racism training, I would privately go to the higher ups and say right, I am going to be filing a lawsuit and eat Yossi complaint against you for racism. If you do this and then what where they can do and say, and I will also go to everyone else, and I say this: I will go to the National Labour Relations Board. And I will seek be filing for a union filing. I will get the cards and I will go and get everyone decided to join the union to reject racism about that see what they do if they try to fire you, because you talk about union eyes and then they are in serious trouble. They try to fire you, because you complained about racism there in serious trouble. No forget racism is an I've beholder. We learn that from the Woke now they'll say things like my boss made racist comments. Will what were those
I don't want to repeat them, and you can't make me because they were discussing a despicable. You see the game, don't stand up for it. either way. It seems like Disney is being pressure and as long as the pressure stays on, they might make changes. So I just keep it up I'll leave their necks. Second, coming up at four p m over at Youtube COM slashed him cast Ex rang out, and I will see you owe them.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-13.