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S552 - CA Governor Won't Give Up Lockdown Policies Because Of "Inequity," Democrats Exploit COVID For Power


CA Governor Won't Give Up Lockdown Policies Because Of "Inequity," Democrats Exploit COVID For Power. Democrat governor Gavin Newsom says there will be no return to normal because normal means inequity.Republican states have been lifting lockdowns, putting an end to COVID restrictions deemed widely unpopular across the country. For this many leftists have heavily criticized Republican governors for their actions.But using social justice as an excuse to maintain COVID emergency powers reeks of authoritarianism.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is March? Ten, twenty twenty one and our first story. Governor new sum of California says there will not be a return to normal when the covert pandemic hands, because normal means inequity. The governor is sliding social justice ideas in order to maintain. In his emergency covered powers and maintain certain aspects of the lock down, we see these stories claiming the earth is healing and we need these lockdown. So it certainly seems like many on the left Many Democrats are seeking to exploit this crisis for some kind of ulterior political gain or next story Steven Crowder got. Suspended on twitter. Again, though they didn't say exactly why We are seeing censorship absolutely escalate, the purge is getting worse and we even saw Mumford and sons. The famous bans banjo player issue an apology simply saying he liked a book by Andy. No people are being
or they are not allowed to speak their being humiliated and very few people are we to stand up when they do? You will see people like Stephen gotta get suspended and maybe even eventually ban and our last story, Governor Gretchen Whittemore of Michigan may face criminal charges. Over nursing home deaths in the state. So many people seem to think it's not likely. It may actually happen and even governor, Andrew Cuomo is being investigated for the same policies before we get started. Leave us a good review. Five stars: like the show and tell us what you like about the show, it really does help let's get into that first story: video went viral that long ago, from the world economic, From that said, it's twenty thirty! You owe nothing and you are happy or or something to that effect. A lot of people were mad about this
idea, but there are a lot of people who support the authoritarian, locked downs and covered lockdown specifically to help curb climate change and bring about massive economic reform around the world. Some might call it a conspiracy, and I think it needs to be that far. There are just political interests and their willing to exploit the ongoing crisis for their ideology case in point given Newsome recently the speech to California, where he said that the covert pandemic may end, but we are not going back to normal, because normal would bring about in equity inequity, not inequality in Equity, given Newsome of California, wants to maintain his covert powers, elements of the authoritarian locked down and he's going to cite in equity. To do it, and thereby many people have said some more things in a Forbes article recently, they said the world needs the equivalent of a covert. Sir
lock down every two years because of climate change. Recently there have been many videos and articles coming out talking about how the planet is finally healing, and it was April of last year when we saw our first article saying the covid lockdown is healing the planet. Now I think the pandemic is serious. I think people should, take reason reasonable precautions, but it seems to be going down. We have the vaccine it for some reason, even with the I've. Even on CNN, they question Anthony Voucher, saying we have the vaccine. People have gotten to doses, why are you still saying they can't travel and pouches as well? You know without the data, it's a judgment call. So what's the point of doing any of it, if it doesn't change anything- and that's the scary thing to me, because I think people should get their vaccines but when you have people like Anthony out you going on tv and saying nothing will change its debts consent devising people and telling them no matter what you do. Things will not go back to the way they work
interesting about what Gavin Newsom says when he talks about inequity, is that the cove lockdown contributed or Pause, the largest transfer of wealth and probably the history of humanity, small businesses and the middle class were guided and destroyed. People were told they cannot work and work. In one famous viral video, a woman who owns a restaurant, California showed how her outside seeding was barred and literally right. Next to it, was identical outside seeding for a Hollywood movie product of some sort, meaning rules for thee, but not for me or for us at the very least. The elites are allowed to carry on and do their thing flying in private jets and if they can afford it travelling around the world. Because now I gotta pick up a grand if you ve got another country, but the rules are being imposed on working class people and its crushing them and perhaps, as an obvious reason, when Gavin Newsome says in equity. It sounds like what is suggesting, as they want to crush all business
does so that everyone is equally poor, sounds awfully communists. Deck like that's, tends to be what happens in these communist countries, and it would? It would seem that someone like Gavin Newsom is absolutely willing to exploit a crisis to do. It is a big difference between a grand conspiracy, a network of elite. International interest, conspiring at having to do things and simply political that see an opportunity, as the saying goes. Never let a good crisis go to way. So I don't think, there's a grand conspiracy. I think there are sociopaths like Gavin Newsome, who are sitting there. Looking at the paperwork saying hey, if I can maintain power that No one else has- and all I have to do is sit some environmental issue I will do. It is exactly what is happening three read this story and go through what really going on in. Why keeping these lockdown info first and not returning to normal will only make inequity worse before we get started had over two TIM cast dot com and be
I'm a member to get access to exclusive segments when the TIM cast iron pot. Guess it's basically away. You can support my work in the event we get banned, which seems like moving forward as the ideological war only escalate the culture wars getting worse and more and more channels are getting band. Stephen crowded recently, posted on Instagram that he's got a seven day suspension on twitter. So, if you want to make, sure that we can keep functioning and keep working. Even in the event, there is some kind of purge that hits us go to TIM cast com become a member, but don't forget to like share subscribe and hit that Notification Bell. Let's read this story: hot air reports Newsome to California, Californians, let's face it, we're never getting back to normal. They say that's a great message to send to a restive electorate. After a year of fumbling, the response to Covid nineteen Gavin Newsome tried to,
get cute in a state of in a state of the union speech from an empty dodger stadium, pledging to deliver a new and improved normal, but it fell as flat as well knew sums entire gubernatorial career small wonder, Californians want to push him out of office before the end of his term of office. Via an upcoming recall, that's right, the recalled deadline is coming and Gavin Newsome may actually get recalled for failing when it comes to the covered locked him. Here's a quote California, governor gave a new, some will say during estate of the state addresses the state of the state address that the pandemic will end soon, but when it does knew some will say quote, we are not going back to normal, because normal accepts inequity. That's according to excerpts from Newsome speech at the governors office, real East Tuesday, the democratic governor scheduled to deliver the address at Dodger Stadium, as he faces a likely We recall election later this year, fuelled by widespread anger.
Over his handling of the pandemic. The governor further explained his comment that normal, except in in inequity. By elaborating that inequity was the reason Latinos were dying from at a higher rate over any other racial or ethnic group in the state. Why the poor wages of essential workers are not. To live on and why the state has seen mothers leave the workforce in dramatic numbers. Hot air says How can anyone be this tone deaf, especially while facing a we call for a population locked down for almost a year whose businesses have been destroyed and health wrecked the status quo ante of February two thousand and twenty looks pretty good, good as a destination. The other issues can be solved when the emergency ends and people get their normal lives back is he mentions Lee Bokkis rounds up somewhere since but says this spot respond seems to be the most comprehensive, but it leaves out one key point quote: his draconian lockdown have caused more inequity as the rich got richer and the poor got poorer
one twitter users said minority owned businesses shuddered his wealthy white friends did just great minority communities devastated how full of S can one man be. They say even taking there's a medicine tent. However, it raises the question as to why the old, not normal, was so iniquitous. Exactly who has been running things in Kaliko anyway, why that would be Newsom himself who took office two years ago in January, two thousand and nineteen well before the pandemic. Before that fellow progressive Democrat Jerry Brown ran the state for eight years, progressive Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger had eight years before that and Gray Davis got almost five years in before the boot in all election that put towards a negar in office? One has to go all the way back to the first week of nineteen ninety nine to find PETE Wilson, a moderate to conservative Republican in charge of the golden state, and what about a legislature? Democrats have held super majorities in the legislature for more than a decade and have held majorities in both chambers every year since nineteen. Ninety six
the states to massive metropolises allay and San Francisco have been under progressive Democrat control for decades Democrats control, also the smaller cities and towns in the state to California is, as on party a state as it gets even more to choose its Alex Republicans to state my office from time to time started. California becomes a den of inequality, you mean inequity Maybe new summit can explain that during the recall election, but it seems more likely that voters be explaining that to Newsome. Instead, Tibet, they won't learn, learn the real lesson and kick out its entire leadership class and start over again. This is one of the most important points. Two very important points. Democrats absolutely have a super majority in California. I once worked for a homeless shelter in California, and I often want why it was that we could not solve these problems? We were supposed to be the ones fighting injustice and ensuring that these people are being helped than work that way, because it doesn't matter what Paul
party, or from once. You have us we're majority, there's no political competition. There's no obligation to do anything so, when you have a balance between at least two parties and I think to parties is still fairly bad. At least the Republicans can say, here's the alternative. Then the Democrats are forced to compete with us on the Democrats, shut Republicans and become a unit party state, a one party state. Then they can simply say I don't gotta do anything, because our party is going to win no matter what. So why is it that they couldn't solve these problems and bring about equity? Why? Why is homelessness so awful in California? It's because the wealthy individuals benefit from these policies, not in my backyard that was the same. When they were proposals to to bring in low income housing to help homeless, individual or at least shelters. All of these progressives in California said no or, I should say, fax progressives. They certainly pretend to be progressive, but at the end of the day they certainly don't actually entertain any real policies that would help people
let's talk about what ism is going to do his policies, I believe, will only make things worse. Take a look at this from CNBC from just the other day. Inflation may have been warming up in February, but it could be hot by May This means your savings will be worthless. The game style People seem to have figure this out their dumping, their state, It checks into game, stop stock, hoping that it skyrockets, because otherwise, what does it matter? We're gonna see the mass printing of money. Trillions upon trillions of dollars the reporting metric for them. One money stuck changed recently and now people are saying what we just don't know, but inflation is coming from. Costs are skyrocketing, and when that happens, you get chaos when people can't afford to eat, they will fight to eat. So all of this going on the mass printing of money, the mass inflation, the supply chain- Short-
just an Gavin Newsome wants to maintain this level to a certain degree when as no new normal. He is, let's be fair. He is talking about reducing, some of the lock on requirements with us from deadline. They say. Newsome announces plan plan to loosen lockdown, lockdown requirements of recall pressure, but he wants to maintain some of those powers which powers would that be and why, while they claim to fight inequity, that is just the excuse they always use, they claim to fight bigotry and racism, and they want to help people do better. In reality, they just help their friends lights, Gavin Newsome, who goes out to eat fancy. Restaurants, not a mask on with all of his wealthy Democrat Party friends, that's what's going to happen and take a look at this from CNBC. They say inflation isn't just warming up is just warming up. My late spring, it could get downright hot
even if temporarily February's consumer price index a measure, inflation is expected to be up moderately when it's released Wednesday. Eight hundred and thirty, a dot m eastern by may The pace of headline consumer inflation on an annual basis could be double February's pace. The debate in the market is whether the spike is transitory, as the fat and many economists say or the start of a bigger trend quote the big question to ask is: will that level of heat going to see by may be sustained or not said, Barclay Senior. U S, economist blow Rina Aruji, I'm in the camp of people who think probably not, but there are some who think the opposite. Economists expect the consumer price index expect the consumer price index rose, zero point four percent in February or
one point seven from a year ago that compares to zero point three in January and a one point: four percent rise in an annual basis when energy and food or excluded the core sepia eyes expect it to be a point, one percent in February or annual eyes pace of one point: three. Ok. I want to get into the nitty gritty jargon of what this means. I'll just show you what it means from blue Berger food prices are soaring faster than inflation and incomes as the covert nineteen pandemic. Wreaked havoc on economic growth, concern is about hunger and malnutrition are rising around the world. Is this but the new normal that Gavin knew some of these other governors want. They want food prices to skyrocket. I'd say yes, think about what what he is. You may have seen that famous grabbing the brakes on the idea of equity versus equality, equality would be. Everybody gets up box to stand on, so you and see the baseball game over the fence, but some people are just shorter than others and some
but our tolerance or not everybody needs the box to stand on. Equity says give little bit more to the people we deem deserving of it. While it's easy explain in a comic book image of people standing against offence. How'd you quantify when it comes to race. They look at Kova death rates, sure, but that are poverty issues. So maybe we can do things based on poverty and that will disproportionately affect certain marginalized groups. That's their own logic. They don't do that, though. What they're really saying is they want the ability they want the power to pick and choose winners, regardless of the race or gender identity, or whenever they'll use that as an Ex use but say give us the power. And what will you see I believe that that you'll see a lot of like what's going on in New York City, where build the blog YO said as real estate value crumbles the city is destroyed by their policies. They swooping to buy up the property for
and he's on the dollar. That's amazing, it's almost like they did it on purpose and not occur. Nobody is, I can't, read their minds, but why was it perfect for the government for these four? These ideologues people were driven out of these cities. The economies were destroy, people are forced to flee and that when the property Valley worthless, because nobody wants to buy it, build a blog says, we're gonna buy. At these buildings and turn it into low income housing. There you go now. I think it's fair point out. We do have problems on this There are issues of too many people in certain places. Many people have recently reached out to me talking about the rat, utopia, experiment and what happens when a population just gets too much food and is crap The tiniest basis does not bode well for the species, but I do not believe in or a terrorism, I believe in community building, we need to encourage people to get out to nature. We d courage, encourage people to live further away,
cities. Now my friends over in the rural areas are thank. Stop stop, don't tell him to come here. They can all worse. Ethnic, probably will because. A move to these red areas and then vote for blue policies, then bring about the same destruction. These cities had wrought. Food prices are soaring. This, I believe, has the biggest impact on everybody, and you know what, when they talk about inequity, they're not talking about giving you box to stand on their talk about making you as poor as everyone else, that's the name of the game, then once every one is almost equally poor, only the gun, can step and to give you those paychecks. Unfortunately, even Joe Biden not giving everybody what they asked for Bloomberg reports. Global food prices are going up and the timing- couldn't be worse. In Indonesia, tofu is thirty percent more expensive than it was in December in Brazil price of local mainstay. Turtle beans is up fifty four percent compared last January in Russia, consumers
paying sixty one percent more for sugar than a year ago. Emerging markets are feeling the pain of a blistering surge in raw material costs as commodities from oil. The cop and grains are driven higher by expectations for a roaring twenties post pandemic economic recovery, as well as ultra loose monetary policies. You see framing is everything We ve heard the other article about inflation. Other things are to be fine, they're gonna be fine. Fine, fine bitcoin is over fifty six thousand dollars, maybe don't alot bitcoin. But let me tell you this if you are what what is it if you bought a bit, bought bitcoin instead of toys? story three on DVD, you be a millionaire right now and what is a really mean? What was a high demand for Bitcoin because Many people view it as a safe hedge of a safe store of value. As comic markets are feeling the heat, and that means when the reports come out of the dollar is going to inflate. Let's go in flight dramatic clean and food prices are skyrocketing. People are going to see,
storing their money in places where they can hedge, that that and make sure when the? U S, dollar and flights dramatically and everyone savings becomes worthless. They warming safe for those amid epithelial, give you familiar with how the stuff works. Lemme. Give you a very very simple example: let's say you save ten dollars, you putting your bags, I have ten dollars and an apple costs one dollar at the local food cart. You know you have ten apples worth of currency. That inflation has now apples cost two dollars, which means your ten dollars can only by half as many apples and other a lot of it. Who are watching with a TIM. We understand basic economics. I know I know, but they're probably a lot of people who don't. It basically means your savings, is losing purchasing power, and that means more than how much money you have, but we've created a system where people can't see this they'll look in their bank counts. I got a hundred bucks yeah, hold it now, save it and then a year later they could only by half as much as they could. With that hundreds
now I get a look, inflation isn't one, hundred percent you not seeing a doubling over and over and over, but the prices certainly skyrocketing, which means when put your money in the bank to save it for a rainy day. It loses buying power over time and in a long enough period of time, we'll go to buy anything with it. They say quote: people will have to get used to paying more for food, said Sylvain Chart Charl Boy, director of the Agra Footed, analytics, lab and Dal Louis University in Canada. It's only going to get worse. Is that what we want, or should Newsome back off and allow people to get back to business, it's tied all together California produces a lot of the world's food. A very large portion, especially for the United States, so of California, makes these move. Then locks things down and proposes insane laws and rules and regulations. It will affect everybody to varying degrees, another that there are some good things
I think you have to understand the nuance and all things I'm not a fan of the authoritarianism, I'm not a fan of the despots who tell you what is right and what is wrong, because what happens? when they are wrong. A decentralized system is much much better than a centralized ones. For many reasons to have one individual say: here's the kind of government we must What what, if he's wrong and we all get screwed over because of it, that's why we don't want it decentralization, but may. We need to be more responsible than we ve been in for the longest time, people in America. Have been lazy and gluttonous, and I know you'll know it especially people in cities. So there is some good stuff comes out of this. People should eat locally. People should stop eating process. Garbage and people should eat a lot less boy. People in this country eat way too much. Everybody does so maybe getting people back to nature, having them chop? Some lumber for the fireplace and be responsible for themselves is a good thing. I don't like the authoritarianism is being born out of it.
And I would I would absolutely say it's bad and worse because say say the ends do not justify. Means because you will never meet the end there people who believe it doesn't matter what we do. To get there so long as we get there because getting there is better. It is better to have a clean, sustainable planet and we will do whatever we have to to get there. But if you create an authoritarian system of manipulation, you're not creating a better future, that's freer for people and brings about equity you're, bringing about exactly the tactics you create. That's what communism doesn't work for what one of the reasons it doesn't work, because you have people who say they are willing to lie, cheat steal and burn things down and to gain power, because only there, the good guys. But I ask you after you, ve staged your glorious revolution. What will you do to stop the next glorious revolution? and that's how it goes. Those who would lie cheat steal to gain power lie, cheat and steal to maintain power because they are never satisfied. There is never a point.
Which they say we're done. We ve done it. Congratulations we achieved utopia that means of gas No one is allowed to maintain these powers. Whatever he's trying to do, he will never give them up and it will be the new normal That to me is one of the more worrying things that we're seeing check us out from Forbes World needs equivalent of pandemic locked on every two years to meet Paris, carbon emission goals. What about China? Why is China not playing by the rules? We all cripple our countries and China just does whatever it wants. Amazing, China is building more coal power plants right now, even though they said they wouldn't do it, but we're all expected to drop down on knee and say yes, my liege to these agreements. Now, I think, the ultimate and goal should be having India and China absolutely reduce carbon emissions. But what do we do when they won't? What happens if we could
ourselves in our country, because we think it's the right thing to do. China will follow by example. No they won't they will use the are, but their ability to massively economically expand to take over to become the world superpower, and if they get tired, on. It will be the case. No one will ever trust America again and that's where it seems to be going right now. China is rapidly expanding. And the? U S in Europe may be saying we to curb carbon emissions. China's respond, Probably internally says how much can the world reasonably handle in terms of carbon emissions, and they say you know, acts part per million or whatever and then they say: okay, well, the Americans and the Europeans have reduced their output, so we can increase it that much right. They will take the opportunity to exploit the system produce more carbon, build more power plants rapidly, and and then they become the superpower in the big question for everybody is, do you want live in a world where China
is the superpower who dictates culture, exports culture, you don't, but it seems like we're getting that point, while you certainly do have free speech in this country to a certain degree we're losing it, as private corporations sees the commons, our ability to speak is being curbed. Now in China you got that they lock you up and they tortured and beat you if you step on a line in the? U S, not so much for the most part, There have been some very egregious instances where things like that have happened, but it looks like there are people who are useful idiots zealously ignorant and will absolutely demand the. U S, dropdown on bent knee. Meanwhile, China just keeps carrying on it's something I brought up about Grata Tunberg
Sunberg recently gave a statement she's. How dare you, young woman, who is very into climate change, and she took that boat across the Atlantic. She said Joe Biden wasn't doing enough for climate change. I wonder where is the statement on XI, Jinping and and China? Maybe she made one, but not particularly prominent? Her activism seems we focused at the United States. Why is that perhaps to exploit? I think so. I think the United States has been exporting culture for a long time. And created a problem for this country, much like Donald Trump create a problem for himself by his to shut up Trump would tweet over and over again, It benefited him initially and helped get him elected, because people were seeing what he was saying. He was getting a ton of press attention as the president, the negative press attention made. Every we won, go insane and ultimately backfired are hurting. The present the United States Export of culture for a very, very
on time movies music. We still do and because of this, the? U S becomes the centre of attention in the world and because of this, every problem in this country becomes the problem, the talk about and other countries overlooked recently at a a conversation with Fairbanks about Fairbanks, about intervention intervention talked about What China do with concentration camps- and I said we can't be doing business with if it were to do something to stop these atrocities, and she said a bunch of countries are committing atrocities. Why only China? It's a good point. We are hyper focused on China and I for good reason, but it's true many other countries are engaging in very awful atrocities things that we should stop as well, and we don't focus on that wine because it's always about what the media tells us to focus on. So even now we're being told to worry about China and not other countries which which could be worse or could be doing worse, things. If money on the left were more focus on Israel and they are on China. Everybody has their priorities
said. I do think it's fair to point out. The real threat we face is not. Russia is not queuing on. It is China because conventional in innocence there there is a real threat of real or with China in the Us China's been staged drills for beaching. Many people suspect that they'll try to take Taiwan Taiwan, of course, is an island nation. They consider themselves be a nation, but China says it's one, China and they're a part of China and they must be brought under the direct control they've already taken Hong Kong. So what's happening, There's various images around the Pacific and the in in the Pacific area, where you can see China, spending military bases and gaining ground. If China takes Taiwan and the? U S does nothing to stop it. Faith in the U S as a superpower will be over and China would be. The dominant force is already happening the NBA Blizzard videogame Company so marked cuban Steve. Her
they're all just basically saying leave China alone. There are not so bad. We shouldn't get involved with them to Mason. Now there are still some valid points to all this. But I take a look at what's going on with these governors, criminal charges maybe brought against Governor Whitmer. I really doubt it and potentially Andrew Cuomo. I really doubt it over what happens to nursing homes but they're. Absolutely owing to use every opportunity to exploit the system to gain power for themselves, but in the end, who benefits? It's, not the United States. The culture wars, the hyper polarization, and the refusal to give up power is leading this country towards ruin with Gavin Newsome, facing a recall effort. He is on the verge of of losing his position and he's only exacerbating it, making things worse from ballot, a media they say and infantile ballot, PDF
Newsom, recall, signature deadline is next week the organizers of an effort to recall Governor Newsom, a Democrat have until March 17th to turn in signatures in an attempt to get the recall on the ballot. The trigger recall election organizers must turn in one, one million four hundred and ninety five thousand seven hundred nine signatures, which is equal to twelve percent of total votes cast in twenty eighteen a gubernatorial election election. If supporters, in Enough valid signatures to trigger a recall, the additional procedural steps, dicted a recall election to take place within sixty to eighty days. In the most recent report period, ending in February five TH, the California Secretary of State, had reviewed seven hundred and ninety eight thousand three hundred and ten signatures and deemed six hundred and sixty eight thousand two hundred and two of those valid at the time of the report that were still two hundred and ninety six one hundred and forty seven signatures submitted that had not yet been reviewed according to media reports recall organizers had turned in more than one point: nine million signatures the to the secretary
states office as of March. Third, it's interesting mature verification is paramount. When it comes to MP, king a Ansari. Recalling a democratic governor, Mona came to the twenty twenty presidential election did matter. Also much did their trying desperately stop these efforts and I'm really worried that the democratic processes that we have in this country to protect us from despots are being eroded. Gavin Newsom has straight up just declared himself Supreme Dictator, we're not going to go back to normal, because normal is inequity and he can just do it. It will just do it, and you know what I wouldn't prize of Joe Biden or combinations does something similar. This is the new reality were facing. I wonder there was it there was an I think it was town Hall are even in a republic anymore, do elections even matter it was over ten years ago. I believe
heard from city group is doing occupy Wall Street that we live in a. I think that they called it a platonic me or put that they called it a platonic, I believe, but a plutocracy is by the better word. We know that popular opinion has very low effect on on government, it's almost exclusively how the wealthy donate but something started changing, and so I am fairly optimistic in a certain respect with the rise of pop It was all of a sudden he politicians, catering to popular opinion, media Mediaset. Populism is wrong. No, it must remain elite ism now social, media, empowered, regular people to speak up and have their voices heard, but there may be some negative some some the pros and cons. Maybe this leads to hyper polarization. You know we are you have a polarisation, and maybe it's because of popular groups rising up in demanding their voice be heard. It all in what what we saw Nevada, where the the entire democratic party staff quit. They resigned for democratic, socialist one part earlier positions. Ultimately this
result in a far less and far right faction. I don't mean literally the farthest possible, but further away from each other than they've been been in a long time, believe primarily is driven by the left, as we see in the data suggesting this and that leads to peaceful divorce or break up of the country United United of Canada and Jesus does that mean calls it and that's one of the gradual things. I could ever happen to China. They will have no more competition, a fractured as means the superpower of this planet, will be China, maybe or maybe a peaceful breakup. Of this country results in a tacit alliance, and then you still have coalition forces that will defend the Pacific South South South Pacific in Asia and Taiwan, but I am not entirely convinced I really do believe that the United States doesn't get its act together and come together and fight for freedom, Liberty, the constitution, We may very well break apart in some manner and other, and the neck several years. Things could get really really bad to the point where
Maybe China takes the superpower. Position begins, exporting their culture, and then we find ourselves and many other others around the world locked down by an authority, in system where we have to abide by China's rules and their dominance. I certainly hope not but it seems to be the case I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up tonight at eight p m over eight, Youtube COM slashed him cast. I or relatives alive show will be talking about a lot issues. So thanks for hanging out- and we will see you all then. Stephen prouder has announced on Instagram that he will not be having a show this morning as he crosses some teasing dot. Some pertaining to legal issues having to do with twitter because Steven Crowder was suspended for seven days from twitter, so we can't tweet, he can't retweet, you can't like and they did not. Give him a reason on Instagram. We can see this from even greater. We ve
temporarily limited. Some of your account features he says no longer with Croatia this morning, so that we can cross him teased optimize, we're we're gonna major legal update hint. It's too and we'll have half asian Lawyer Bill Richmond on tomorrow for a barely legal uptake. As we can see, you the standard twitter suspension message, and then he posts this. It says: wow, hi, Steven Crowder, your account as Crowder has been looked, has been looked locked. Sorry, I can't say it's hard to see the steam for violating the twitter rules specifically for and there's nothing there. We have the story from the blaze, but this segment it's not about Steven Crowder, it's not about Steven Crowder. I was actually preparing to do a segment on Mumford and sons and base very wise, formerly the New York Times, wrote about how parents are meeting in secret to discuss ideas that go against the orthodoxy because there
scared. If their schools find out that they are pushing back on the Woke psychosis, they'll be canceled, the reputation will be damaged, their jobs will be damaged, their children could be put at risk at school and then enough as I'm putting together with a general idea being they are seeking to scare us. And suppress us and make sure we do not speak. They want you humiliated, like they did with the guy from Mumford and sons the snow, there is that apparently, the banjo player tweeted out a good good on you and you it's brave, to write a book about Antifa and they attacked him and he bent down sobbing and crying crimes, I'm so sorry, please, please! He begged! He begged for forgiveness, reminds me of the Joker scene in the dark night where Joker walks into the room full of all of you know gangsters, and it goes a year ago. Nobody would dare touch you. What happened? You balls drop off. What happened to these people, who used to be put
Rock rock stars would stand up and say I'll get out here. I can say what I want a few whenever the comedians or we'll get up stage and say whatever they wanted. We still have a token IRAN, like you, got your broken. Obviously they Japan and Ricky Jervis. They do a good job and Ryan long. Obviously, but I'm going to the story. And sure enough? What do I see they? They they suspended Stephen crowded, listen, they ve date. They ve gone after crowd are often but the do is clearly not a racist. He is clear a political comedian and commentator who is edgy, we don't know why they even suspended him. There's a couple of reasons. If you look at the news, but I bring this up because for one I think Chris but are being one of the biggest voices pushing back on the censorship and the manipulation it significant when they try and shot him down now. I think the reason they an out,
band him, though he was banned from you to partner programme. For some time is because you go after the guy from Mumford sons and then what what's gonna happen is this? The banjo player from Mum Franson is gonna, go on his massive show to a million plus people and be like no stand up against us he's not if they outright ban Crowder he's going to go on Youtube, he's going to get, message out and it's going to cause a massive uproar which could cause a wave of action and energy. They can't control, so they have to do it in increments. They have to do it very, very slowly. Here's a story from the place, Twitter suspend Stephen crowds account without any explanation. Behold the modern public square, they report and what may say Europe is just the latest example of big text. Targeting of conservatives twitter suspended the account of popular blaze, tv Steven Crowder without explanation Crowder confirmed suspension to the the blaze Tuesday afternoon, adding that had been been locked out his count since early in the morning and the company
never informed him as to why it took the action against him. Saying quote: no idea why Twitter locked me out in the allotted category where they would include that information was left blank. He told the blaze behold the modern public square ever the thespian, but place reached out a twitter, seeking an explanation for the suspension, but do not receive a reply in time for publication, crowded was frequently criticised. Modern, big tech monopolies are just Twitter, Facebook and Youtube for their unabashed censorship and suppression of conservative voices was suspended from twitter for about twelve hours last month. Reportedly, for alleging instances of voter frog, the conservative political commentator has characterized big text the ship as one of the most important issues facing the country, and he is right, now agree? While it is not known whether the incident is connected to the suspension on Monday, Crato reposted a fee? five year old video on his twitter account in recognition of internet. General women's day in the video he dressed up as aid Transgender woman and goes to
who exercise at a planet fitness setting off the lung alarm twice for dropping waits. I guess the video reportedly spark some outrage on the platform. I agree with the assessment, to a certain degree. This is likely the reason that they issued the suspension. But when you go over to Google and you search for Stephen prouder there, actually a bunch of stories controversial Youtube or uses disgusting, racial slurs that there's a bunch of stuff this basically saying he used their Rachel slower, and you know what man, I don't believe him. I really don't you see when the whole thing happened with that guy from vocs whose name I'm not going to say what they did was they took statements from from crowded out of cod text, so you had this, the other guy, basically referring to himself with a variety of slurs crowd. Then said so, this guy says he's a whatever. This guy is a whatever, because the I was saying it. They then a tribute that to crowd or himself
so imagine someone tells you that they're, a firefighter and you're like okay, Mr Firefighter, will then tell me and, like you said those words, obviously I'm going to say what those words actually and I'll use firefighters, stand which gets point the point here with all of this and the bigger story want to talk about was humiliation, propaganda and censorship. So yes Crowder is, is, I believe, one of most most significant stories in this regard. The There's a story. We saw on the seventh Mumford sons and your player slammed on social media for supporting right wing offer. Now this guy Apparently I don't know if he tweets or whatever, but like entire twitter account was wiped, and it's just some tweet, where it's basically like like I'm so sorry, I heard everyone's feelings: what they want, that's what they want. If you don't give them that well, then, they'll, suspend you and they'll try and remove you the waned it before. You know the past years. Is that Agent were honest, you know, island, that's Ellen
it had by two hundred feet up, which is big plateau Schriner by water and the waves are crash all sides and the cliffs erode you of the far right, though the waves crashing the cliffs around and they all fall and dropped down into the water. Now you have rightwing individuals who are standing at the precipice the waves crash into that the cliff. And they all fall down into the water than you have moderate conservatives. Now the motto conservatives are the far right and as the waves keep crashing, people keep falling in, they want you suppressed. They want you huddling for warmth, begging, the left to please let us end before the cliffs erode and how many you two personalities did this, not only to say their names, but many of you probably know who they are very Anti woke, anti critical race theory, all of a sudden, it turns out their liberals all of a sudden. This is what they want. The goal is to keep. You humiliated and scared and suppress your ability to talk about
it and you know what I'm sick of these people who seem to think. Well so long as I speak, you know quiet and behind the scenes and tell people how I feel you know, will keep prices No, no! You don't! No! You won't Disney. Just announced they're boring children from watching, certain movie, certain classic movies. Like DUMBO and Peter PAN, you wanna watch you get an adult profile and it comes the warning. What does that mean? the parents will say something like well. It's fine, because I can turn the movie on from my kids. If they want to watch it they're taking away the agency of the kids, who would actually do it themselves? Who will be watching Disney plausible Watch DUMBO, then the kids will grow up many of them not having seen this. It is all about increments. Take a look at this absolutely pathetic display. Now I feel Ben. I feel bad from this from this guy Winston Marshall. From them up from Mumford sons, because it was brave of him to tweet out that he liked Andy knows, but those unfamiliar Andy, no challenged Anti fa reporting on them more.
Honestly and you'll get from much of the mainstream media and this guy tweeted out in support of that that was brave. He should have no, it was going to happen and instead of standing up for himself, he bowed down like a sobbing and weeping cow word. What happened rocks far as used to say what they wanted to smash hotel room smash their guitars Jamal's drop off. Here's the how would reporter. They say in a now deleted. Tweet Winston Marshall praised Andy! No for his book on Antipas radical plan to destroy democracy, Winston Marshall, the banjo player and lead guitarist the Grammy winning british Band, Mumford Sons- been slammed effort, tweeting support for controversial white right wing. Either Andy. Now I love how they did a controversial simply because of activists say I dont, like you, doesn't make you controversial? no, a conservative journalist who rose to prominence filming leftwing protests in Portland
the majority of associations with the NEO, fascist, white nationalist groups, the proud boys and patriot prayer, no he had but absolutely insane, but they don't want you to know the truth. That's it and that's why it's up to you the worst in the world. I think Winston Marshall Winston I hope your hearing this. What you did is one of the most pathetic cowardly acts we have. I have ever seen and is one of the most damaging things anyone could have ever gone to the ideas of freedom, respect, liberty, liberalism, non violence, peaceful protest, you see what you did was prove that people will beg beg beg on their knees. Weeping like sobbing children for forgiveness for their transgressions. You could have said nothing and it would have been better, but instead you have dropped your knees, crying showing up
Frederick and weak people really are or can be, and this shows many people instead of sing. A brave individual say shove it I read books that I want to read and if I want to tell someone a rate it too bad You sat I'm so sorry for it just want money. Is that it? I would rather sleep under a bridge covered in my own waste in it its coat just slovenly shivering. Knowing I stood up for what I believed in and refused to back down, then to beg to the psychopaths who burned down cities. It is sad it is pathetic and it is damaging to the ideas that you supposedly were professing. It's almost like you did it on purpose, so that you'd show everybody. When you stand up for what you believe and you will be attacked and you will power in fear, you know what the inquiring donut he's
he's close to the bandwagon and he's teated on the edge of it before they say in an out deleted tweet Marshall, who also goes by the music aliases Country Winston and W and five p congratulated now in the publication of his book unmasked, which promises to take the reader inside Antipas radical plan to destroy democracy quote. Finally, at the time to read your important book brave, a brave man, Marshall tweeted. Before deleting the message following a backlash, intense mockery of the band one user wrote in a similarly deleted reply to marshals tweet. I may be believe, but banjo player from Mumford Ensigns comes on is not. He was not a headline I foresaw no, but he does, MT as a whining sniffling coward. I was sympathetic. I was empathetic at first I saw this and outside man that's a bomb or because the dew was trying to speak up to support Andy now, and the work is done at instead, what he ends up doing is standing there. Crying snapped dripping from his nose, desperately begging for what
for what apparently, I guess he's like. Let me show you a statement. Let me show you a statement. He tweeted this over the past few. Days, I have come to better understand the pain caused by the book. I endorsed I've offended not only a lot of people- I don't know, but also those close to me, including my band mates, and for that I am truly sorry As a result of my actions, I am taking time away from the ban to examine my blind spots. Good, you deserve to lose your job because you have no spine, I don't mean it literally. It's just cancel culture is about then there was a delay for now, please note that I that I realise how my endorsements have the potential to be viewed as approvals of hateful divisive behavior. I apologise as it is not at all my intention. He got kicked out of the band cancel. You see, that's exactly the message: they want everyone to see, which is why you, sir, or a spine, Loser, who is destroying the fabric of freedom, are right to freedom, free speech,
freedom of Association and to show those who would threaten us with violence so long as cowards like, like Winston Marshall exist, we will all be worse off for it Antifa goes around smashing windows burning down buildings. They brutally beat Andy no in the street, leaving him covered in blood and with broken teeth and Andy? No still had the courage to put up his middle finger and write this book, and you couldn't even put out a tweet. You couldn't even defend it. What you did put out its we argue that much and now you're taking time away from the band good good. I hope Mumford and sons just falls apart, because you do not have I'm. Just sick of these people who are supposed to be leaders of industry, entertainment, I'm not suggesting the mom Guys are of are politically relevant, but these are people who are
ending on the stage that we all look at we do take. We do take examples from them. Not necessarily again, I'm not trying to stress and act like you know the top of the Mount in his Mumford and sons. No, that's probably the president, and by all means we can criticize Trump for his behaviors. For sure, but Mumford and sons is still a band that a lot of people follow when you saw during the Trump campaign in two thousand and twenty, you had rappers endorsing Trump and a lot of people were like, like when I did it a lot of people like no Kanya. You are you doing it's like I'll, do what I want and then you had a bunch of young people basically say that, like I trust Kanye, and if he's he's about this, I'm right there, them. Are these people whether or not anyone wants to accept it are thought leaders to a certain degree is very so he he certainly whether, whether you like his thoughts or not Mumford sons, not so much but there's still a prominent and famous band. So when they say things it does have an impact. This guy drop to his knees, absolutely drop to his knees
Here's your ears, the point and another story with with with peers more now show how bad it can really get. They want sure you do not stand up for yourself they want to make sure that you suffer. You are humiliated and that's what they're doing that's exactly what they're doing take a look at this from Jake Tapir This is what happens when you live in a country where there is no first amendment insanity, variety of from writing. Uk media regulator off come launched. An investigation after more than forty one thousand people complained about Pierce Morgan comments on Meghan Markle, that's absolute. Absolutely insane. Pierce Morgan, Meghan Markle comments being investigated by UK media regulator off come good for Pierce Morgan Good, for him he's actually done a pretty good job standing up for himself. Apparently, he walked off. The show he's quitting know what he said and I do not care about the royal family seriously, but isn't it
You of freedom of speech are right to express ourselves. Peers Morgan said did not believe Megan Markel, and you know what neither do I. I did not watch her interview with opera. I do not care all that much, but I learned at reading the story he is now being investigated and out of a job. They say you came. Media regulator off come has launched an investigation after more than forty one thousand people wrote into complain about. I he's good morning. Britain housed peers Morgan's commerce and make an Markel on Monday mission of the show. Morgan said he did not believe Markel statement about mental health which she made during her and Prince Harry's interview with over Winfrey, which is broadcast in the U S Sunday evening. Markel said that she had approached people in the royal institution for help after she had suicidal thoughts, but was turned down,
he said. Who did you go to? What did they say? You I'm sorry I dont believe a word. She said I wouldn't believe it. If she read me a weather report. Morgan said on the show. I agree with peers. Morgan I do not. I cannot envision a scenario, any scenario where anyone even a little boy randomly off the streets in proper, closer. The cane would walk up to anyone in the royal institution and say please I need help, you know I'm suffering or something maybe be like. Okay, let me call someone Megan. Markel says that she was. She was a was turned down. That's in saying so I don't know. I think I think, peers right. We have launched an investigation into Monday's episode of good morning. Britain, under our heart, an offence rules and I've come spokesperson, told writing. They are coming for the royal family and I quite literally mean they are coming for the queen as well. So I jokingly treated in
its Queen Elizabeth, because, like I'm making fun of everything that's going on and everybody seemed to get it of the British. The Brits warlike the queen alone, knowing I'm not serious, you can impeach the queen but think about what's happening. Peers Morgan defended the royal institutions from an american aid. Woke American and the media goes the defence of the Woke American, but the british industry, the British off Come regulator defends the American woke actress, criticising the royal family. That is bold, only a matter of time before the queen gets cancelled herself, I guess she's advocating thrown soon, but the royal families on the way out. I guess maybe a lot of Brits, don't want to hear it, but when you can't stand up to an american actress when she accuses of bigotry and things like that, because the media will attack you for it. The dogmatic cult of the Woke is spreading and is becoming more and more prominent and powerful, which is why it's always in white. It's very important.
The people are even crowded, are allowed to be edgy and make offensive jokes and comedy and You don't like it don't watch it. You know what Stephen did that that We posted way dressed up like a woman or a woman. I guess I I I didn't laugh. I don't know I more cringed. I'd just wasn't offend. That's it. I've? I've criticise, crowded out of right of issues and crowded, has meant a show, and- and I talk to him every so often because I think reasonable adults can be, I may disagree with you but hey you know. Dear thing, I just don't watch yet I mean I did watch it I watched. It knows I am whatever I think, there's a lot, I enjoy. It is pretty good job, but I dont think even you know even even crowd. I would point out, despite things about me that were critical of are that you'd be critical of So when reasonable mature adults see something they don't like or here's something they don't agree with, they say I disagree and that's it when I see try to do something. I'm like I disagree, but it's ever more important to make sure that people have the right to express themselves,
If you don't like what Crowder is doing or saying, aren't you glad he shared with you what he does so you can now understand what you don't like about it? No, they want to hide it all and shovel onto the rug, the worst part of all of this peers, Morgan leaving the show is bad because he was an influence, pushing back and allow the bs not me more now you ve got the Mumford sons guy. He tried to stick in Haiti, try to stick his neck out and I can respect it, but then he fall falters like a coward. He couldn't hold the line. Dude you're out of the band already just say a few I'll do what I want. I'm just sick and tired of these people. We have no spines, so my my props, too crowded you certainly does is gonna find himself getting banned because it keeps the Arctic is pushing the envelope and pushing them buttons and he's what is it isn't it back down even even tweeting about voter fraud and getting suspended for it he's not backing down. We need more of that. We do.
And if you don't like something they got. You fahrway criticism for it, but there has to be some kind. Space. Now let me just what I want to add an under this when they cancel when the council books, like actresses when they say they're, not gonna, publish anything anymore. I actually don't care about that. I going to scream how dare doktor soon cease publication on six books, because many things don't get me anymore? There are many depictions of arctic comment. You know companies and so that they are, want to do thi anymore, cause not selling well and we're getting heat for it. I don't care, I do care that Ebay bans the private sale of these things I do care that libraries are. They won't carry these things anymore, bookstore saying we are not going to Are these to be sold period? That's going too far. It's going too far, you can still go on Amazon, an Ebay and by old racist advertisements and and books though it seems like they're trying to get rid of certain dissidents. That's that they want. They want critic monoculture where they control. The narrative
means censorship will come for you, it will come from me. I will come from Mumford and sons and I will come for piers Morgan and it's only gonna get worse I'll briefly. Just mention you know. Barry Weiss wrote this really a couple really interesting articles, the self silencing majority, but also the misapplication of American, elites, America's elites affluent parents, terrified of running a foul of the new, orthodoxy in their children's private schools organized in secret, stop off, organizing in secret start standing up and yelling it from the high heavens. I will not back down, Take your kids out of these schools. Stop being cowards. Just speak, use your voice before you lose your voice. Deliver their Mexicans but that one common this channel I'll, see you. Then thanks Raina. Over on twitter, I asked you
Should Andrew Cuomo be in prison. Come of course is the Democrat governor of New York State and with twenty four thousand three hundred and forty three votes as of ten thirty. This morning. Ninety two point three percent said: yes, he you should be in prison in one response, someone said the question should be: will Andrew Como be convicted of any crime and that my friends would probably overwhelmingly be? No? He won't those unfamiliar Cuomo is acute. Actually, let me let me make up litigation, you no legal issues, defamation and would be very, very careful here. The guardian says New York governors been accused of conspiring to cover up covered nineteen deaths in nursing homes. Apparently he instructed and most proably noticed by now that putting sick people in nursing homes would introduce the virus and result in their deaths. And when he had the opportunity well, he is accused of conspiring to cover up the numbers. Look I'll be very precise. With my language. Now we dont think he'll go to
prison for this because it seems like the only thing. Anybody really cares about media that six women have now come out an accused. The man of impropriety- ok, that's bad too for sure, but he killed fifteen thousand people cheese. While there may be some come up and I really really doubt it. This is the story. That's actually surprising. A lot of people, Mccomb County prosecutor, says criminal charges possible against governor, Whittemore over nursing home deaths. Now it is true that Cuomo is being investigated, but I doubt anything's: can happen. We also have in Michigan Governor graduate more who did basically the same thing. Putting sick covered patients into nursing homes. Apparently They even put young people in nursing homes, which is insane, but it didn't you to do that in.
On viral moment. Amid a younger man was brutally beating and older men. Well, Governor Gretchen Whittemore, the democratic governor of Michigan may be facing criminal charges. W X Y see dot com reports, criminal charges could be in the works against Governor Gretchen but my over putting covered patients inside nursing homes used as hubs early in the pandemic. Newmarket Maccallum can't you prosecutor Peter Lucio. Says people who lost loved ones to cove it as residents or staff inside nursing homes should go back to get the vital information about the circumstances of their death and take that to local police and make a complaint as a wrongful death laced says with HIPAA laws. He can't get that informatio agent in his own investigation. New York governor Andrew Cuomo is currently under investigation for allegedly doctoring the number of covert deaths inside nursing homes, let's eat us, as only five states, including
if you get a New York use the care facilities at home, as hubs only five states. In five states they put sick people in nursing homes, killing the most vulnerable come on Why is this not the headline in every single outlet? Lucy, hotels, action, seven, seven action news: if we find there's been a whit, there's been wilful neglect of office. If we find there's been reckless endangerment of a person's life by bringing them in, then we would move forward charges against the governor. Of course, we would know the bodies above the law. In the state, anyone whose had loved ones inside nursing homes during the last year knows the pain of cover deston isolation with no in person visits on it I want to make sure we drive that point home. These are older people who they put the virus in the nursing home, and there are younger people, the children of our seniors, who can't visit them. They were killed and then tortured to as they
lay dying? I can only imagine I want you to think about this, some one in there in their seventies and a nursing home, they say they bring in a sick patient this individual yo, seven year olds. Individual get scared, calls or their family sorry, your family can't visit you. Then you get sick. Then you lay dying and your family can't visit you. How many people had to experience this nightmare and then Cuomo tries to cover it up and what are they complain about some women accused of a bunch of things can be wrong. It's bad to the an awful awful guy. I want a purple walk. I want to see guises due to a sunglasses on carrying walk in him out with cups behind his back murdered fifteen thousand people and try to hide it cover it up. Latino started. Looking into this last year as state senator, he issued a state In August, that said, more than two thousand residents and twenty one thought twenty one staff died and nursing homes. Thirty two percent of all does mosquito is asking people to go back,
the nursing homes and gather the vital information surrounding us and take it to local police. You will be meeting with CALM, county police to instruct them and how to process and verify the information and bring it to his office quote. Why did my mom or why did my add brother sister aunt die. Was it because of the policy by the policy by bringing in Calvin infected patients that spread to my mom kid. My mother mosquito said after becoming prosecutor this year, mosquito asked Fellow county prosecutors to form a blue ribbon com. For consistency. Investigating these cases. That association as a group declined and said. Lucy too, should make the request to the Michigan attorney general and feds monsieur provided letters showing he did that last May attorney General General that there was not a proper basis to open a criminal investigation. Those attorney said they would Look into this into his request quote. I didn't receive a very warm welcome. This is not political. Everyone is about people who passed away at the behest of a policy that was created by the governor mosquito tells action.
Seven action news we gotta statement from Governor Whittemore that says our top priority from the start has been protect michiganders especially seniors that are most vulnerable. The administration policies carefully tracked CDC guidance on nursing homes and prioritized testing of nursing, home residents and staff to save lives early in the pandemic. The state acted swiftly to create a network of regional hubs. With isolation units inadequate ppp to prevent the spread of covert nineteen within a facility. In addition, we have offered one hundred percent of nursing home residence priority access to the vaccine, while the former head of a our people as well as an independent. You am study Praise our work to save the lives in nursing homes. These people are as corrupt as they come. They watch your family members died, they August eighth, the numbers and then they say we all work together to save you. They have. They have literally killed these people and then they tell us they were the heroes. They were the one
who set the fire, they started the fire and then they tell you they're the ones who are trying to I'm sick of it. Man. I want a perp walk, no justice, no peace as it were. I suppose, but you know the problem is where the protest is going to be for all of these people who were killed. Who were killed. You get one guy who loses life to the cops and they will burn down a city and I'm not trying to do what about as saying? Ok, if you see that one so is there lies? You burn a city down, that's wrong tote, engage in violence, but the peaceful protest. I absolutely support what about now: where's where's, the mass protests in New York City. Someone needs to order is that I want, and I think Democrats are on board as well. We need hundreds of thousands of people marching waving, though signs a rest, Cuomo Governor Whittemore as well. The statement goes on. Mr Leidos comments are shameful political tax based on fact nor reality. Even his former colleague republican Senator Ed Mcbroom, has said they have
not seen any evidence or testimony that says that a nursing home was forced to take someone against their will. The reason why Mr Leidos colleagues have publicly rebuke rebuked this politically motivated waste of taxpayer dollars michiganders are tired of petty partisan games and we won't be distracted by them either. I'm I'm I'm sick of it. This is one of them. Infuriating things, I've ever seen where the most infuriating. Nightmarish stories with ever heard. I remember Back in the day when Obama was talking about universal health care in those big concern over death panels, they would try that they would sit down to determine whether or not you are given access to medical care. If we get this universal health care system, there is real fur. About things like that, we ve. Aren't you know we are you heard the government, the? U S was at advising Kobe vaccines to go to people based on race, and that's one of the big
Was I had this idea of universal health care? I'm not a big fan of that. I'm a big fan of Universal Healthcare, full disclosure- I just don't see how do you get past all that corruption, because they'll start picking and choosing who they get to help? And you won't now we can see what they do with these nursing homes. There was a million things that could have done. Let me ask you how many lives made it worth it for these people I hear over and over again if it saves, but one life. We must do it, but one life where two masks. If it saves one life, you have to do it if it saves one life You build a temporary facility for those who are sick and not send people with covered into nursing homes. So they do so that people can watch their there. Their parents died publisher, ceases promotion of Cuomo's Covid book, I'm a nursing home in quite good, but is that all they say from the guardian? The publisher of american crisis. Andrew Commas, book
about the court. A virus pandemic will cease promotional efforts as govern as the governor struggles under a New York crisis of his own making Cuomo has been accused of harassment by multiple women of workplace bullying by former AIDS and of conspiring to cover up? Covid nineteen death in nursing homes as the pandemic hit his state last year. The New York Times reported Crown's decision regarding Cuomo's book. The spokesperson telling the paper there were. No plans for a reprint, citing the ongoing investigation into New York. State reporting of covered related, lies in nursing homes. Cuomo did not immediately comment. He has defended handling of the nursing home issue and apologize for behaviour described by women who claim harassment but has refused to resign despite calls from top state Democrats on Monday Republicans in two stages. We began an attempt to impeach him good Republicans, though the Democrats didn't do it. I don't think so. Take a look at what they'll do to you. You know you don't want to be involved with this,
democrat types, because they will use you and abuse you and throw you under the bus at a moment's notice. If it preserves their power, I'm sure there the Republicans or very similar. But here we go again it's the Democrats and Cuomo was their shining star everything here. Tat they were there saying should Cuomo run for president at this time when, Our entertaining this this this praise when they were screaming praise of this man who murdered all of these people and then and now, is accused of trying to cover it up. They were tat. They were saying he should be president. You know what it makes sense. They loved blown up kids in foreign countries, I'm not surprised they want to put a sociopath monster in the presidency, at least with Joe Biden. We gotta fumbling bumbling moron, who can speak straight Kamel Harris well she's, particularly awful, though, and probably worse than Cuomo, they gonna say. American Christ was published in October in its review. The guardian pointed to how came to be written. I love it while the pimp pandemic was still going
Cuomo capitalized off of the media and he sold a book. He did. He literally sold a book about fighting coven when he's one the most insane murderous psychopaths? This country has ever seen. Fifteen thousand people, fifteen thousand people- and I hear from the left they say, Donald Trump- was the president in half a million. You know three and fifty thousand four hundred thousand people died. Then it's like listen it's one thing to make a mistake and if Cuomo made a mistake, I'd say it's a nightmare tragedy and he should not be governor, but I understand mistakes happen. So what do you do
no Cuomo tried to cover it up, as so, the story goes and the reason for it is because they were scared. They would be investigated if people found out how many people Cuomo order killed. They would investigate him. Oh no covered up. Let me just break it down for you. You can criticise Donald Trump response. We have oh metric, by which to compare you know what Donald Trump dead to any other president the time because we have the one president in America is a unique country. Donald Trump may have done some things wrong. He may have been over confident. He may have not responded properly, but it's hard to oh for sure, Donald Trump sent the mercy that that medical vessel to New York to provide relief, see that's the difference between Cuomo and Trump, tromp said send in these ships. I think one went to allay. One went to New York so that people can we
we have the emergency hospital space. It's the its units is one thing we can do New York actually built. They paid they built at the Javert Centre as an emergency hospital. So why did Cuomo? Do this? There's no answer. He just killed these people. That's it. They going to say quote early in the pandemic. Andrew Cuomo's daily briefings emerged as must see television, counter programming to the campaign commercials that masqueraded as presidential press conferences by Donald Trump and your governor was forthright and reassuring, even as the body count mounted, that's not true, he was lying and covering it up, but you see what was happening was that Donald Trump was enjoying his highest aggregate approval writing during his daily. Briefings on Covin they needed to shut him down, so they all started. Pretending like Como, was doing a good job. I wonder how many people knew.
I think we should have a full on Watergate style. Nine, eleven commission style investigation of of Cuomo, his entire administration, everybody who worked for him. I want to know what they were talking and what they were doing, because they knew because they knew it, but green. Also, rather, Cuomo confronts criticism of his order. Reacting that older covered patients, we sent a nursing homes rather than hospitals, which may have contributed to New York's high death toll. Although we pushes back such claims are not going away, it is,
urge than in summer, two thousand and twenty one Cuomo signed to write his book. The state underreported deaths in nursing homes by as much as half nine two hundred and fifty deaths of residents being written out of the record federal prosecutors are reportedly looking into the matter. I want Whitmer, I want Cuomo arrested and in prison. It's one thing to be a bad leader. It's one thing to make a mistake, so maybe Whitmer gets off on that she's just stupid the Cuomo he capitalized on this. He tried to make money off of this in american crisis. Como defends his handling of the issue quote Republicans needed and of To distract the narrative of their botched federal response, he rights, so they decided to attack democratic governors and blame them for nursing home deaths. He also writes New York was number forty six out of fifty states in the nation when it came to percentage of deaths in nursing homes.
So so you're saying that, because you had less deaths, it's ok that you did. It amazing. Just take a look at New York, you compare to Florida and Florida seem to do way better than New York. New York was a disaster, don't know. Maybe it's because Florida didn't put sick people, the nursing homes. That ranking would have been worse for New York if it had not changed its numbers. Cuomo's book was subtitled leadership. Lessons from the Covid nineteen pandemic. As green noted for the guardian, it contributed to a buzz of prospective appointment in the Biden Harris Administration as attorney general and was best viewed as a job application. The book was the best, color, but sales have recently plummeted, as vaccines spread and cases fall, but authorities fury fourth wave of covered from new variants, Cuomo very Crises have returned him to the national headlines. In a statement on Sunday, the state the state Senate
forty leader, Andreas, Stuart cousin, said we need to govern without daily distraction for the good of the state, Governor Cuomo must resign. The rasping claims are being. Investigated under James. The New York attorney general on Monday. She appointed to lawyers. There's a couple ways to look at this. It may be that Cuomo is, is being One of the bus, because Democrats just now are finding out how bad, really was or it could be, that they knew all along and waited until Joe Biden was in office to actually do anything about what these people were doing and I think the latter. I think the Democrats knew exactly what Cuomo had done. I think they knew exactly what what or had done, and they said yes, but you don't say anything because it will help trump when so for months, Cuomo was, you know, he's is accused of covering all this up of killing people, and I think they just didn't want to hurt. There
chance in November. It's almost like everything was getting backed up and then right after the the election, it happened. The news about Hunter corruption, corruption and astrogation into abides brother and his son, the nursing home deaths. All of it was just one eating until after Trump was voted out. Why? Because maybe people would have voted for trump if they realized how corrupt and crooked the Democrats were, and that means democratic leadership prosecutors and people in media were unwilling to do their jobs. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, in fact, quite the opposite. It was just people who said I don't want to do anything that will help trump, and so they just didn't. Do it. That's it. That's corruption, that's how you lose a democracy check this out. I love this one. The Atlantic says: Cuomo tries the Trump Defence New York's, when I trying to fend off misconduct. Allegations of the familiar refrain check this out. They say In twenty twenty one is becoming clear that
they share more. You know Trumpet Cuomo, including a dubious handling of the krona virus, the fall out from Our scandals has revealed and another thing that links trumpet Cuomo and insistence that accountability for their action to some out, an affront to voters quote There are some legislator to suggest that I resign because of accusations that are made against me Como set on Sunday. I was elected by the people of the state. I wasn't elected by politicians, I'm not owing to resign because of allegations the prairie resigning because of allegations is actually anti democratic. You see what they've done to making some people's. You like. Maybe these accusations against Chrome are coming up to distract from the fact that he killed fifteen thousand people all of a sudden. The demo Let's take the bait. Oh a social justice issue, that's more important than the fifteen zero people who are dead. That becomes the narrative and then Cuomo can just easily say I'm not resigning. Because of these allegations, I want to see proof and then the high profile pundits in the democratic media establishment start
saying: well you know that this is very serious. These accusations against Cuomo, but we need to see evidence is that what they said about Brett Kavanaugh? No, so what they've done is they've distracted from the real issue and perhaps because there were many other states that did exactly what Cuomo did Gretchen Whitmer did, the same thing that Cuomo did, and if this scandal about Cuomo the nursing homes keeps Ex expanding and and and growing, which is why I'm covering it- and you should share this- it may ripple into other democratic governors who did the same thing and good. We need scrutiny, we need the public to say this is what I care about and so long as they distract
with these me two stories then Cuomo could be like I refuse to resign over. These me two allegations like Bro, we're calling for you to go to prison for killing people. Okay, I don't care about whether you want to resign or not. I want you to be forcibly removed by law enforcement for the crimes you committed against the people of your state. I think a lot of people see the thing so but I think a lot of people seem to think that it will never happen because these things never happen. I mean look. The left accuse trump of all. The crimes in the world is not gonna go. Prison may be the scrutiny from the state level in New York is bad for Trump, and maybe something will happen and on the right, they said lock her up about Hillary and that never happened because, of course it's not they're playing a game. You know it's a big game. It's scripted nonsense for the most part, so this policy have claimed its just all a show It's getting more and more intense and crazier and crazier, and we just want to believe in the,
and we want to believe that when you break the law, you go to jail, that there will be justice for those who have suffered because of what you have done. Yeah you had the store he's every day. There's a story of a guy who went to a look store, any any rob it because he was starving and homeless in Hungary and get sentence the years in prison, and then you hear about these banksters who defraud working class people out of pensions for millions of dollars and it's a slap on the wrist white collar crime, and you know, house arrest how about that. You hear about minute is this famous story where he robbed a bank of one dollar just one dollar, and then he sat down and waited for the cops to arrest him because he needed health care, so they arrested him and then he got prison. Health care. Cuomo can literally kill fifteen thousand people and you can barely get anything to happen. Barely that's the world we live in So we need we need reforms, we need justice and we need everyone to speak about. It may be that will come.
Four gretchen. What more as the main store I talked about and theirs and invest. Take me to Comal, so I hope we see it, but I'm not going to hold my breath I'll leave it there. Next time, I'm coming up at four p dot m over com, TIM Cats, a different channel thanks for hanging out- and I will see you all then.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-28.