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S551 - ENTIRE Democratic Staff In Nevada QUITS After Socialists Win Every Party Leadership Seat

ENTIRE Democratic Staff In Nevada QUITS After Socialists Win Every Party Leadership Seat

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is March: ninth, twenty twenty one and our first story: the entire Nevada democratic power. Staff has resigned after demo, critics socialists, one every party leadership seat. This suggests the culture war is still in full swing. Leftist populists grasses are seeking to up and the Democratic Party and take over meanwhile Donald Trump. Is still viewed as the leader of the Republican Party. The establishment on the ropes, and it suggests things may Actually, just be on a path towards escalation: our next storing a woke, corrupt journalist- being called out over old offensive tweet that may result in her not getting her job and it may seem silly and maybe a bit asinine, but isn't it ample of extreme media corruption, a journalist violated. Several journalistic ethics being rewarded with editor in chief position now being attacked over ten year old,
which she made when she was like seven ten years old, which this to our last story. Mass lay are sweeping across media have been imposed. They're going to be issuing. Some lay offs. People are furious, but the Trump slump is here without Donald Trump to write. Everybody up. It seems like this golden era of rage bait. Leftist journalism is coming to an end. Well, it's jump into that first story the entire staff of the Nevada Democratic Party has quit after democratic? Socialist slate one every seat, the intercept reports, the battle, but. Queen insurgent Progressive in Nevada and the Harry a machine began building and twenty sixteen, the entire staff of the democratic
Party in Nevada, every single one of this, is insane I'll? Tell you why, in Lillian Saint for one. We ve known that the populist insurgents are trying to take over both wings of party, the mainstream media establishment, typically won't scream about this because they don't like the corporate establishment. Democrats interestingly, many of the conservative outlets. Don't like corporate establishment republicans either. The thing is mainstream media tends to me much more dominated by progressive, populist leftist types. Then corporate a stab Democrats, although they do exist in the media, quite a bit they're not going to attack themselves for the most part. The kind of ignore this stuff, but I'll tell you, man, the culture war sure is getting a whole lot worse. Right I mean the doktor suits I am not talking about doctors, enterprises saying we're going to publish these books that I get sometimes bookstore published in may be. Someone else would pick it up in the public domain when it in its public domain. Whatever I'm talking about Ebay and like lie,
breweries banning the book, while still so Things like mine, Comf sure that's allowed. This is really really weird. I say what I love about this to. First, I'm not going to read the intercepts article just because it goes into the history of the cards. Between the progressives and the Democrats, and that's more of a it's a long form thing. I don't. We get to the degree details. We have the actual shortened version from Fox NEWS, Nevada, Democratic party staff. Quits ever democratic socialist Sweep party leadership positions every candidate except one, was a deuce pang member of a local democratic Socialist of America, but I would point out something absolutely hilarious from the Washington Post, the Washington Post up ad section in a desperate bid to make it seem like everything,
getting better Biden is rolling back the culture war. The country should thank him, always rolling back home. I just didn't notice that the entire democratic staff in Nevada just quit. That's a that. That's that's crazy, check us out from roll call mind you. These are news guard certified official sources, they say factions on the left and by our standing down for now. Democratic moderates and progressive Republican from past and Trump critics are all more focused on the opposition party. That's just not sure, not at all Donald Trump just give us. We should see back where he was like get them rhinos out of their entire stick up for the development of better democratic party. Just quit so I'll read this would first let we gotta look it what's goin out this with this, the Democratic Party Fox NEWS reports, the entire Nevada democratic parties quit. We know this. The parties executive director alot amounts sentence.
Email to Judith Whitmer, who won a spot. As the party's chair on Saturday, notifying Whitmer that she and other stuff members were resigning that included the parties operations director, research, director, communications, director and financed director, the intercept reported Monday Whittemore had run as part of the the Nevada Democrats Progressive slight in opposition to the progressive unity slate run by the Democratic Party, quote we weren't really surprised and that we were prepared for it. Whittemore told the innocent but what hit us by surprise was sort of shocking, and what sort of shocking is that for a slate that claimed that they were all about unity and kept this false? Now
of division going on throughout the entire campaign. In fact, they kept intensifying that that's what was surprising about it was the willingness to just walk away. Instead of working with us, a former party staffer, indicated to the intercept that Whittemore would reverse progress in the party quote. I knew it couldn't work with her and watch or destroy the years of hard work, so many operatives put into making our state part. The best State party in the country, the anonymous staffer said the incident reflected longstanding tension within the party which has seen convert between more establishment members like Hillary Clinton and progressives like but there's Bernie Sanders. Editor Bernie Sanders who identifies as a democratic socialist you're kind of but Bernie is not really a socialist iii I guess he kind of is it's hard to say you don't know what their true in time so they're, really thanking our, but Barneys typically been in favour of couples, and for a long time democratic socialist of America, along with the left caucus, reportedly ran the Nevada democratic doubt, dams, progressive slight for leadership with every Kennedy
except one as a deuce paying member of a local d ass? A that's crazy! So what was roll call saying the factions are standing down, it's absolutely just not true really strange to see a story like this and also see the story from the Washington Post where they're like bite, rolling back the culture war. I think we can see now its work an average figures out from the hill. Our progressives pushing the Democrats too far left to win from February. Twenty. Fourth, always is why this? What lapo articles from March Seventh did did they ignore. That is only getting worse about this from politico. How the left plans to shrink the democratic establish, meant they it's fair to say that the culture wars are ramping up. I mean that the purge has been particular severe. We recently saw well. I, like I mentioned, their seuss, but there's also been banning
across the board of a bunch of different? You know up political channels, progressive channels, for instance, the culture war is getting worse, is getting absolutely worse. Youtube took down every single speech by not every single every of Donald Trump giving a speech at CPAC was taken down. As far as I understand it, some people were given strong x for simply uploading. It right side broadcasting network which live stream. It got a strike and now a palliative erika, two weeks suspension for simply showing President Donald Trump or former President Collin speaking, and he may run in twenty twenty four in that speech Donald Trump said the rhinos. You know he criticized Liz Cheney is a warmonger. I'm sorry! The establishment is collapsing That's why they're running these stories, maybe the Stories are more of a desperate bid to get people to stop fighting, but I will tell you who's gonna, believe it you take a look at what's going with the Democratic Party. What the intercept writes the intercept rights is
what particularly long article breaking down, how it happened and why it happened, and we just need the finer points like the base details among progressives and the far left. They know they are at war with democratic establishment and, of course, their at war with Trump and transporters them for the media write these stories. The only things will really do is get moderate Democrats to stand down and let these progressives the progressives, left populists kind of do. Their thing to put another way, I dont see a scenario where anti for types, so Is DSA tankies. All these people just go. Oh enrolling at the culture war. I guess we can just sit back now and relax. No they're gonna be like Biden's week get them when they tell us. You know factions in lesson. Rite are standing down. It's the moderate Democrats and the moderate Republicans who typically support the genetic corporate political line who are gonna, be like. I guess we're good
Here's what this all leads to- and this is what has me worried- there's an article that appeared in the epic times about the we may actually need secession, I'm not I'm not a fan of arguing for secession. I I'm an opponent of this idea, a session, but we are seeing more and more calls for the? U S: to have a peaceful divorce or break up think about what you said, Nevada, the entire democratic staff quit because socialists, one what think happens when you have a socialist democratic Party and their pay simple endeavours are going to be socialist policy like I think one things Bernie Sanders proposed was all corporations must set aside? Twenty per Santa like shares for the staff members, receive a bonus or whatever, which is not. So, let's socialism, but we are getting to the point where the workers control the means of production right, which has socialism what happens when you have very staunchly socialist laughed and very staunchly capitalist right, individualist, right, rous collectivist,
and there's no. It's called a corporate bond between the Democrats, Democrats and Republicans for all the problems we have with. The correct some of the unit party, which is the democracy kins, their public rats, at least they aren't bird the entire country to the ground in the sense that they're, not you, know, attacking each other. They may be burning the country to the ground, and otherwise witches may be. What led to this moment- and they have- they have only themselves to blame the constant inability to actual like actually work on policies and laws to help the people of his country results in people becoming fed up getting angry, and then voting for someone like Donald Trump Donald Trump doesn't speak. Two million the left, but Bernie Sanders does. So they choose Barney and then all of a sudden you have these very diametrically opposed world views ready to go to war. The Democrats are faltering, roll call may aren't you claim otherwise, but I'm sorry, that's just not the case. Let me read this from police
I'll and give you some some some breakdown. A progressive are, are aggressively contesting TK special elections and deep blue house districts. The goal electing the most liberal members possible. I can't stand colloquial colloquialisms in politics, I suppose or how we gonna describe it. Liberals is people, aren't liberals dude at night we do. On the Europa S. Last night we had Clifton Duncan, who is a liberal and he's pro free speech. He voted for surprise? Surprise. No, so you can't be you're a fashion and not an end in an I'm sorry sought, liberals believe in individualism and freedom and rip mutual respect and things like this, so a lot of people will claim their classical liberals of people will accuse me of being a classical liberal. I in fact am not not a classical liberal, and say I am a social liberal, social labour, I believe in the civil rights movement. Doktor kings dream
of social justice like real ones, but it's about civil liberties, liberties, liberalism, liberty, Liberal get it through. Liberals are like hey man, you live and let live. These people are authoritarian political some liberals. Now, I'm sorry authoritarian who want a come, and economy, which is inherently authoritarian, are the ones taking over. Let's talk about left, Libertarianism Roquat before I read this to took up, you understand why known None of those people like a yo, see I'm sorry she's, not libertarian she's authoritarian Bernie Sanders is authoritarian, left libertarianism can't work enlarge scales, I'm sorry, I'm a left libertarian. I'm in that quadrant of the little compass but doesn't exist. Large scales because you ultimately and forcing people to. Do something, and you end up with widespread descent. It may be a small percentage of those who actually live in an area, but you can't be pro freedom and liberty.
Also pointing a gun at someone's face to say: do it or else, and therein lies the big problem at any point, which someone who is on the left side of the libertarian spectrum are other critical compass says I want to gain power through an elected O electoral process. With unanimity and then tell people how they should live. That's when you under the authoritarian spectrum. So that's why though I am left, leaning on a lot of issues I'm unfairly centrist, because I recognized volume you do need a mixed economy. You do now and so on unfairly centrist right, I'm not all laid down in the anarchists cyclical compass, unlike fairly in the middle, by lean towards liberty, meaning. You want someone to do something. You must come to a compromise and agreement. So you don't
get to have your socialist utopia where you seize the means of production because seizing something is inherently authoritarian that you have the authority to dictate what you can own and what other people get access to. So all of these people on the left they say- they're progressive, I shouldn't say all of them there, some people that think are good to varying degrees, are actually on the left. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't vote and don't have a constitutional republic type system. There are many prominent progressives who lean libertarian and to have the arguments in the conversations. But typically what do we get? Subversive tactics, violent riots, respecting the diversity? tactics, they say so when you see these these widespread riot of anti by smashing windows in buildings and there's a year, but other people are protesting peaceful. So you're saying that you have joined the sides of those who are willing to commit these atrocities, but maybe atrocities but too far, but I think burning down. You know that a large portions of a city and and and burning down,
black neighborhoods in Atlanta qualifies as atrocities, at least to a certain degree that the worst possible, but our for that Rapid Atlanta was screaming. Like why're, you burning down black businesses. That's a good question: why were these white? for types going into these neighborhoods in vandalizing minority neighborhoods, yet because their are I want you to bend the knee and do as your told and the Russians whoa protest peacefully, provide shielding cover and they need to call it out. They don't do. It is a political says they say Progressive Washington hasn't paid much attention to the handful of upcoming special elections and deep blue house districts. There's little reason: it's a new certainly the seat will elect Democrat but progressives are keeping close tabs and their aggressively contesting the races in an effort to stop establishment oriented Democrats from I am in the offices the elections comment at a critical time on the hill, as law makers, debate top liberal priorities.
Such as a fifteen dollar minimum wage student loan, debt forgiveness and police reform progressives want to elect the most liberal members if it was really about being the most Lib members? You have a bunch of people being lie. I don't, I don't think we can force people to do anything and seized their resources to get the job done. We have to ask them to do it, but that's inherently. I guess that there's the paradox of of left libertarianism, it's very very difficult to be. Left, libertarian to really easy to be left, authoritarian and right, authoritarian and, to be honest, so really easy to be right, libertarian the right libertarians are like. If you can afford it, and someone agrees to do it, so be it it's done on the left. You have to sit down and rules because I want you hippies and wiggle. Your fingers until everyone agrees, its it doesn't exist, doesn't work on large scales. So now what they're saying as they want to take money from poor working class people and use it to
Hey off the debts of the highest income earners in the country. Think about this. I hear a lot of won on the left talking about student loan forgiveness. First, I am in favour of stood loan forgiveness. To a certain degree, I think interest rates on all student loans should be like abolished. I guess is one way to put it: you still have to pay back the principal, but no more accruing interest. You can still defer if you're in dire straits, but you do have to pay this back. You got the money. You spend the money you got to pay it back, but I do think student loans are predatory and I think the first thing we have to do is stop the loans from being given out in the first place, then we can talk about forgiveness, but that's not what they're proposing the left is telling Biden to just wipe out fifty thousand dollars in debt. That would be a kin to the government, giving the wealthiest highest income earners in the country. A check for fifty grand it makes no sense
Why should working class taxpayers give their money up to a higher class college? Educated people make more money so you're saying the dude who works in a welding shop and makes you know seventy percent what the college educated guy makes you know working, and in an office in New York, he's gotta pay taxes to cover the education of somebody, somebody who makes more money, that is a transfer of wealth from the poor to the upper class, and I'm not a fan of this. I am a fan of getting of the interest rates, though, because that's really bogging down people, so the point is You have this progresses? Who want to seize power from the democratic establishment to do things like that, which would just be detrimental to everybody. It is the group of Booze YE urban upper class. Liberals who claim therein poverished and suffering, and in reality they just don't realize how good they have. It Get me wrong. I understand healthcare is expensive. It's hard to get for everybody, I understand the maybe living in crappy apartments and a big city. They may look at houses in the mill the kind
say: look at that big house you have and your like, dude go live in the middle of nowhere. The reality is people who live in New York are some of the wealthiest people in the world, Not the homeless ones, obviously they still. Are fairly well. Even a homeless person does their access to clean water and resources, but I understand poverty exists Let us, then their people in New York struggling make ends meet. I understand all of them. I just don't see why this idea is to cut a Czech essentially to all of these people who are the higher income earners. So that's the case why I just write a check to literally everybody for fifty grand and they have at it, because you can't do it because I think that what the total cost of that would be like, oh they'll, be sixteen point. Five zero five, too, I think the number one be sixteen. Is it sixteen trillion? I could not. I you know calculators like with exact math but would be like the most absurd amounts of money. Ever we just printing there's money in that would cause rapid inflation. That's the problem, its authoritarian anyway, I digress quote. They say:
the progressive movement is largely judged by the number of seats it holds in Congress. So whenever you- add more seats. That gives you more power said while lead Shahid, a communications director for the Justice Democrats, another top left wing group since the election of the squad we ve seen a more aggressive and assertive block of. Can Congress Reform now points on the up? What does it mean to be left? Do you have to support these people and their power grabs? I guess guess so because I can say all day and night, I think the Republican Party is sad and ineffective and bad. I can say much Mcconnell is is bad. I can say: Linsey Graham, is bad. I can say the Republic republican part of republican leadership is an oxymoron and their do nothing. Corporate establishment trash the same as the Democratic Party, the difference being the Democrats do bold. Things like we want universal health care, everyone should pay and the Republicans just say, slow down their democrats. Maybe we need to make a t shirt of Mitch, Mcconnell saying that
when, as much Mcconnell ever argued in favour of universal gun ownership, when, as any Republican done, that, and I understand a lot of people are saying: yellow publicans don't want to impose, they want to stop imposition. Ok, then, when, as any Republican come out and proposed a bill that would erase all done, legislation are rescind a bunch of gun bans. They don't do it. They typically support gun restrictions, they're, not arguing in favor of conservatives, they're, essentially just democrat light. They obstruct, they do certain things to appease their base and ultimately nothing the Democratic Party, Pusher, and pushes and pushes- and it gets worse and worse and worse, the Or aggressive they say the more aggressive. The most high profile rice is taking place in Ohio. Where Sanders former campaign here, Nina Turner, Turner faces Cuyahoga, County Democratic Party leader Chantelle Brown, but that's not the only flashpoint Louisiana. They mentioned a bunch of other places they going to talk about what they what they want to do, but I'll put it this way.
Are going to gain more seats. In the meantime, the media will start screaming that trumpets have gained more seats as well. Look how they scream about Marjorie Taylor, green. They really hate her There was a hashtag owing viral on twitter, had leaped rep eyes, had wrapped Lauren Bogart for prison, or something like that. You see how the rhetoric is expanding when the entire Nevada democratic staff quits, because DS has one. When I tell you right, this is really friends were so fascinated me. Robert Barnes tweeted that Michael Malleson TIM cast are starting to look like seers, because we ve talked a lot about how people are pushing secession more Michael Alice is the one who said we need a peaceful divorce. I haven't even said that I've said John Podesta. The Democratic Party said better the West Coast, a seat when the Union than Donald Trump Win. Republicans and many Renato said the same thing, and I have these leftists saying to pool was so dumb. Keep talking about civil war, but what an idiot. So I,
I had Ryan long. The comedian he's right by the way on the podcast, and the first thing is that the show starts as like, you were telling me about the civil war. Where is it and I was like Bro hundreds of people just stormed to the Capitol building in DC right and he's like yeah yeah. So all of these leftists are like to pool talking about civil war. Well, where is it like? Didn't you just try and claim that the President inside it an insurrection like, isn't that the precipice or like actions engaged in some kind of unrest between factions to take over control of a government. I'm not saying that tromp actually did inside anything. I'm just saying that their claiming, Now, when we have the expansion of the progressive and the Democratic Party taking more and more seats. You know we're going to get conservative screaming the commies the socialists are taking over, The villain of the other is is here it's obvious, like I mention you know that they want Lauren Lord in prison,.
And so what happens when there's no more unit party shaking hands and petty each other on the back well for all their corruption. There are are the ones who have sown and and now they will reap it and we will all it and and partly partly our fault. If you're looking for the A party you need only look at a mirror for decades. We have just blindly gone along checking the are or the de on the box, not knowing exactly what we were getting ourselves into and then a bunch of pathetic and feckless politicians coming to power. They do nothing, it's performative and a result, anger and dismay and chaos the Republicans refused to regulate when they had the power big tack, and they could have done it and could stop this fire from region to control. They won't do it. The Democrats won't do it either because they want to manipulate the fire fire thinking they can win, they can use it. But my friends, the chaos is the one ring. You cannot we'll that no one can and they keep thinking they can
In the end, people are going to start tearing each other's throats. It starts here, so you want to talk about whether civil war and all that stuff, let me just say, as I always say in every disclaimer, this may just be hyperbole. Everything may calm down, It may result in a whole lot of nothing. I dont know the eight we can predict the future, but when we go from fighting in the streets to fighting in the capital in commissions, FBI going and running at Trump supporters a year of riots from the far left they were throwing bombs at federal buildings at the federal courthouse in Portland. And now the entire democratic staff in about acquits, I mean come on some thing is happening. This transformation is metamorphosis is going to result in absolute chaos when the democratic parties entirely comprised of progressive left us, and there are public and party the party of tromp people will be at each other's throats worse than you, ve ever seen,
And maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong. I don't know I'm just looking at what just happened like jeez. That's crazy, I'll leave it there next segments coming Four p pm over at Youtube COM, Slash TIM cast. It is a different channel from this one. Thanks for hanging out, and I will see you all then. Lay offs have been announced at the Huffington Post after being acquired by Buzzfeed this is not an isolated incident. We are seeing lay offs across the board in various different media companies, even some tv channels. It's not just news but in the news space this was entirely predictable in the wake of the lay offs worsen. Having imposed union express outrage that these people are losing their jobs, and this is I would usually goes with many left wing publications, not realising that money is not infinite and their job
actually is an expense on the company. What we're witnessing now is the Trump bump turning into the Trump slump Tromp bought for those that are familiar was when Donald Trump started. You know tweet not act in a fool. The media, milked everything single thing he could do or even think like there were actually articles where they're like people familiar with Trump's thinking, say this: there an obsession with Donald Trump. He just is this media, massive personality. Well, the demand for information be loving him or hating am resulted in the trombone. Many news outlets are hiring people making more money. For Donald Trump. Twitter was collapsing, news outlets were laying people off like crazy and then Trump came in and everything just erupted, but eventually This became normalized. The trump bump just became the status quo. These companies had people on staff whose whole that their entire job,
was just writing negative things about Donald Trump. Well, unfortunately, for them is Twitter got taken away now, Trop can't tweet evens. Bill were nearly halfway through binding first one hundred days and you still go to the front page you like CNN and see Trump's named mention over and over again and surprising here I am talking about now from now. We are witnessing the Trump slump without Donald Trump. The talk about many of these people who were hired have
no reason to be at these companies, so mass lay offs are sweeping across the board, but more importantly, revenue from advertisements is going down and viewers ship is going down at the same time. It's not just about now trot, let's be honest. People are burned out. I mean views for literally every one are going down and with that combined with a deep decline and add rates, because the election cycles over these companies are making money anymore, there's nothing left to milk. So there is a big question about this. If there's nothing left to drift off of what will happen to these companies, how do they survive beyond what they are? I mean people are not interested they're kind of burned out from the election cycle, they're, not hearing anything about Trump. So the walking away axioms reports that people are winning off of news and perhaps
could be bad for everyone, even conservatives, but in the end I think it'll be the left that gets hit the hardest at least perceivable, because the squeaky we'll gets the Greece. It was the left and the mainstream media corporate press that were hiring like crazy, because Donald Trump made everyone angry. Now, they're going to be the ones laying everybody off like crazy, because there's nothing to complain about anymore or perhaps we will see- something even more scary. Even even worse, I should say you see without Donald Trump. Do we think they'll just ceased to exist This is true for tromp support of us. It's all time. You think banning these people from unit makes them so they did it disappear, know that become even more deaths. They'll start. Writing. Writing more and more insane articles. They will do whatever they can to inflame tensions, because if it bleeds it leads, they call themselves vultures for a reason: when the big stores happy, was recently, this I think it was a CNN arms. I'm sorry it was our Warner media was talking,
out how the cove it was great for ratings. They love it. They love the chaos and the catastrophe, and now have an imposed is the first to feel the heat. But let's talk about this will get into all the news and will start with the trunk slump. Before we do had over two TIM cast dot com and become a member. You know it's not just lay offs the intercept. A progressive publication announced their memberships have dropped more than ever before sickly and they desperately need donations. Memberships for me are going way up. Subscribers are going way up TIM cast IRA, irl, but to break a million million subscribers, hey we're doing really great and I'm hiring people so think about what that means. Go to TIM cast com become a member get and you will get access to exclusive members. Only segments and episodes we've got a bunch of really great people that you know and love talking about about, Philosophical issues- God Damn t marks etc. If you become a member at TIM, cast com you're helping
what my work and, let me let me use this in the segment we're doing great- were growing. Why is it that my channel, my company, is doing better than ever now months out with Donald Trump being gone? we're doing better than ever. Views are a little down in some areas, but for TIM cast I rather weigh up so we're doing great. What was it about these leftist publications? They can't survive anymore. I don't do endless content about Joe Biden for the most part you talk about him quite a bit, but not in the same way that they talked about Trump. Is it that the people who watch this kind of content are legitimate that legitimately interested in real subjects, real com. Conversations and to the best of my abilities, what I view as a more moderate view on politics, perhaps that's the reason there. The segment Rogan did a while back where he talking with someone. They said. Whoever starts this middle ground upon two covering news is gonna, do strongly well and maybe that's it. Maybe people are,
and tired of the lies and the smears and the culture war fights. If that were completely true, they wouldn't necessarily be watching my content, but and we'll say this. You guys were members are right. Tim cast com, you rock and were growing better organ bigger we're going faster. I got more people coming on. We ve got more on the way, it's fantastic, we're having the opposite of layoffs. Well, here's the news. First, let's start with this from media post com news sites, show early signs of post trump slump, they mention initially Warner, media, CEO, Gittin Tyler last week, apologized telling attendees at a virtual tech conference at the corona virus pandemic was really good for ratings of its network. The comment was insensitive to millions who have suffered hardship during the health crisis. That's absolutely right. Access points out nearly halfway through widens first one hundred days
It shows that Americans are learning to wean themselves off of news and especially politics white matters. The department of former president trumps once ubiquitous presence in the new cycle has re oriented countries attention. They say nearly every big new site saw its traffic decline. In February compared to a tumultuous January, that included the capital, insurrection and Vidance inauguration publishers. Traffic was down across the and many major sites saw traffic did more than twenty percent. According to data from traffic analytics company similar web politics, consumption dropped most dramatically tumbling twenty eight percent think about this month. In people are just absolutely taking off their saying. I'm not interested in this, and that's gonna be bad news. For all these big media companies. Here we go Buzzfeed nonsense, deep cuts to Huffington Post staff after acquisition, I'm gonna read the story, but I'm gonna start with some tweets.
From those who got laid off, because this was particularly brutal note on in post postman. Absolutely The brutal buzzfeed in having post laid people off in an extremely brutal fashion mix wing Laura Basket, She, I believe, I'm sure, she's, a politics writer for G Q tweets having imposed employs after a year of working through a pandemic that isn't over were invited to a meeting today with the password quote spring is here where they were told for thirty. Seven of them would be laid off there. Only now, if they still had a job, if they didn't receive an email by one says, this is cruel and psychotic and ridiculous. Perhaps these people need to realise these are major corporations. They dont care about your politics. They don't care about your social justice, they care about making money and if they aren't making honey, I can't afford to keep you on or its cutting their profits. They will terminate you, but I will agree with Laura, like wow man, inviting all the
poison, no meeting and sang forty six a view are gonna, be laid off find out next time at you know in at one p m, and it's like drawing straws. Look you pull people aside, knew you tell me, I'm sorry to inform you, but we're Lang. You off you, don't know meeting we are like which buza going to be which weather is going to get laid off and that's what they did cuz these companies are sick, their brutal look, I'm not a big fan of a lot of these leftist rage, bait, Anti Trump writer where their whole existence is predicated upon just being angry and smack talking trump supporters. But I will blame corporations that build these jobs and create this environment and then do this look. Maybe will be a lesson to all of these people who are getting laid off how sick sick this well, Navin is Post Union tweeted out red, saying today we learned at thirty three of our unit members. Nearly thirty percent of our union are being laid off. Our union statements quote, we are devastated and infuriated.
Particularly after an exhausting year of covering a pandemic and working from home, This is also happening less than a month after having imposed was acquired by Buzzfeed. We now I've got a fair shot to prove our worth. These lay offs reiterate the importance of forming a union and advocating for our colleagues. We are glad that we are protected by a collective bargaining agreements and that our colleague receive severance. Our union will continue fighting to make have imposed a more just and equitable workplace, including pushing for clear and accountable commitments for two hiring and promoting more people and for transparency around pay, equity, they're feeling the heat, I don't blame the union. I mean they're gonna fight for their that their union members that I understand, but can I just point out something you know simple: if the company doesn't make money because there's nothing to write about and your job an illusion from the beginning? What's what what should happen? What should these companies do?
it's like many of these us don't seem to understand that there is an income there's revenue stream, and then there's expenses if the company is making Sixty thousand dollars off of you as an individual for what you write and they're paying you sixty thousand dollars there probably gonna, say we pay more in taxes, there's no and having them, sometimes they'll say we'll. Take a loss on this writer or this the staff member. Because, though, the marketing benefit and the ubiquity of the content is still better, but ultimately all of these companies know exactly what about to happen. Donald Trump has gone. The Trump slump is here, and this is I mean it's gonna, get everybody think about this February. First variety wrote: CNN, primetime ratings fall back to earth in full in first post trump weak. They mention while January. Two thousand and twenty one will go down in ratings records book for CNN. The last week of the month may offer a portant of what the post trump era will be like for the network. In the first week of the Biden, administration
the eighty Anti T owned news channel saw the audience saw. The audience is that had been flooding into primetime recently drop precipitously on January, twenty four to twenty nine compared with high of previous weeks. Meanwhile, Rival Fox NEWS Channel saw its own writings only dip slightly after weeks of registering its own sharp decline. Believe the total number was a drop of around forty four percent. It says they say they a sea of writing intelligence platform, analysis of the data, the target news. Demographics were people aged twenty five to fifty four in the total audience watching shows that CNN ended the final week of January with a ratings dropping roughly forty four percent for total audience versus the prior weak across all three hours of primetime was it any surprise that we are learning today, layoffs, our slamming all of these companies, you spend a month when we saw the ratings drop for CNN did people these people working these companies did they think it wasn't affecting them. Did they think,
at the bottom of the bosses have imposed Verizon Buzzfeed, whatever we're sitting there dislike ignoring the metrics to their own content. Everybody knows everybody saw this coming, so it was obvious, but I gotta be real. We ve been talking about this going back, for the election and many journalists. Actually, I think the hill, where nautical saying that rob slump will come and new whose media will collapse? And here's where we are. It is check this out. So we of Pandemic Slam Sinclair broadcast group result in five percent, less Sinclair, it's it's a bunch of local news outlets and they ve been criticized for actually being conservative it being pro free speech, is not just about these leftist publications, its media in general, albeit its many of the left us worship, by this because they're the ones you seem to think for the most part that money just
exists at these companies or that they could be able to prove their worth when the revenue stream shows it's not happening. I mean take a look at this. We have this article from variety pointing out hi oh ratings foreseen in dropped. Forty four percent. At the end of January, you were given a month. They were look get your numbers. They saw. What you did this whole month and there like that ain't. It now learn at even Sinclair's getting it is, media post as well. They say I made a recent oil Seven percent decline in fourth quarter revenue, largely due to thinking, add sales one, the biggest tv station companies Sinclair broadcast group is laying off about five percent of its staff. The company said on Wednesday. We also have Jeff Zaka, leaving CNN February tenth critics bemoan networks, hyper partisan turn it sitting everybody you ready for this job, is leaving Jim cost of the White House Guy, who yelled Trump all day and night he's already off that, be they put someone else there
we are seeing a dramatic shift. I think I think Bruce Baldwin. We also have Newsweek reports. Why is Brook Baldwin, leaving CNN February? Seventeenth recalled in one of their like major anchors and personalities is leaving. The company could be for a lot of reasons. But we're seeing all of this trip across the board, took it up from the intercept. They wrote this since Donald Trump left on January. Twentieth. Donations to the intercept have gone down sharply after years of steady growth, last month, brought fewer new members and we ve ever seen and more than two years. Similar trends are being reported across media progressive politics, while Trump railed against journalists as the enemy of the people, grass roots outrage over trumps, corruption, racism and incompetence, field, a spike in ratings subscriptions and fund raising the became known in the industry, as the trunk bump has reader support Intercept grew over the Trump years. Tens of thousands of people, shipping in five or ten bucks a month
we've been able take on more and more ambitious and Harding and hard hitting investigative reporting, but with Trump gone we now face the question: will those trump Ara donations dry up. The answer is yes, of course it will. They say, while the daily outrages and dumpster fire spectacle of Trump's White House have ended, systemic corruption and abuses of power continues. Emu, racist policing, inhumane immigration enforcement, an invasive government surveillance haven't gone anywhere. The military industrial com in corporate lobbyists still dominate Washington DC. If you like us, believe the role basket of journalism is just as important now than ever. We need you to become a member today. Well, they also got Glenn Green Walled to quit and that's his company match with Glenn Greenwash, leaving many of these people who are giving donations to intercept switched to Glenn Green Wilds sub stack if
a familiar substance is essentially like a Youtube style platform for people to write. Many prominent journalists, including Matt TB and blend Greenwell among others, have started writing for sub stack in which people can subscribe directly to their subjects. For five ten bucks a month or whatever, and all of that revenue is now going in the pocket of these individuals, Some of these people probably lost a lot of money. I think Glenn Greenwald mentioned that he's probably going to make way less doing, subs deck, at least for now, but if people are leaving intercept because they don't want woke, anti trump garbage and they want thoughtful, think pieces from Glenn Greenwell. Then gas who's going to make the money. My friends we are witnessing a major correction in media, and I think Glenn Greenwald, is evidence, met Taieb as evidence, and my contact is evidence now, of course, they may say that I am fairly biased, but whether whether you will you you know, the left is critical of my work:
fairly critical. The Democrats will so was gone, Greenwell Slow, so is met. Tidy We're certainly not the same. Those individuals are much more progressive and less than I am, but something happening where there's a middle of the road approach, saying no to all of this psychosis and with the fleeting foe fans of these news outlets afghani money to pay anybody anymore, you may tonnes a cash ragging on Trump and fan the flames of hate and division in this country for a long time. There are many the right who did similar things for sure. And now you all are reaping the rewards. The facade is over, the Mirage is gone. The veil has been lifted. The money that you had was always temporary. Yet at the same time, for my tv for people, like my Tracy Glenn Green Waldrip for people like me, we're doing better than ever. Like. I can't speak for those those three journalists. I don't I don't know how well they're doing or how things are going. I know they're doing fairly well on subspace Substack. There are many other as there are doing very well on their as well. I do
that for us- and we were hiring- we were brought about a higher couple: People were and expand were to do new shows were actually talking about doing a knot of doing now our doing entertainment content, not news related stuff? The expansion is great. You look at the Ellie Wire, Bencher Piero there now Brent ranching off into entertainment, ever you want to say call it concern the media and alternative and independent media. The individuals who did not toe the corporate line seem to be doing very very well and the establishment is on fire. This is free W W Deed outcome NBC you cuts more than one hundred workers this year amid restructuring from our fifth, the media conglomerates continues to trim the ranks as it shifts to a focus on streaming content. Well there NBC Nbc Lang about a hundred people, the Hallmark Channel parent Crown meeting undergoes lay offs as part of restructuring We are also seeing lay offs are affecting the Hallmark channel. I'm not gonna pretend like the
Omar Channel is some. You know political outlet, I'm just saying media across the board, is getting racked from Seattle. Time Como lays off employees, I'm a national cuts at sea Claire, this from just a couple of days ago, Bloomberg announces news. Room lay offs just about one month ago that we have We can live. Lay offs at Portland K, a t. You tv include Brian, what others just from last week. It is a wave, my friends of people get knocked. These outlets are being shut down and took it up. I want to be fair right, because what I do I try to be fair. Vocs says: on January, twenty seventh Fox news posts, Trump slump explained for the First I'm a nearly twenty years. Fox news isn't the top rated cable news network. I believe vocs accurately points out news MAX took over that's about it there. This tweet from just in Bergamo, says what a difference for years make between seventy.
Fox news averaged eight point: eight million viewers during its daytime inauguration coverage and eleven point. Eight million for trumps oath and speech yesterday pulled in two point: two million for its daytime coverage and two point: seven million for Biden speech. Let me just point something out news MAX came in and many people abandoned Fox for political reasons. There is not a very big, a graphic for watching outlets like Fox NEWS. So while I think Tucker was enjoying the highest prime time ratings ever that five million views per night Only that of seeing was outrage overtook. Her questioning Sidney Powell and Tucker was right by the way. Sidney was wrong this week what did in a large portion of his audience splitting and going to news max and one american news. So it wasn't that these companies were necessarily being hurt by a trump slump sort of they were just dividing up these small audience that they had in the first place, You then look at NBC, CBS Abc on the New York Times. All of these. These really really big companies, and they are all
in slammed can be important for vocs accurately point that out, but that's what we can expect we can expect mass lay to sweep through all of these companies. Columbia, journalism, journalism review, says five big findings from the journalism crisis project March. Third, they say in March of twenty twenty the town center for Digital journalism and begin tracking newsroom cutbacks in the wake of the pandemic, the trackers map tells part of the story. Parts part of the story of journals of ongoing crisis and our people that hurt newsrooms journalists and by strong in journalism margins, the communities that I was newsrooms and journalists are in charge to serve super concern about the findings. I wanted to say We highlight there is something called the journalism crisis, project and I'll point out now. What are we seeing? It's not really the Trump slump. I dont think tromp has much to do with it. For the most part. What I think we're seeing is that dog
Trump saved everybody for about four years. All I know trigger all the leftists to hate trump or angry. No, no. He was wrong of me to fight him. I'm sorry, the economy was doing really well and twenty nineteen it was being heralded as the greatest numbers of our generation, the great numbers of our lives, and now whose media, which was collapsing in twenty fourteen, changed course started, seeing more revenue hiring more people, what really happened that Donald Trump actually just inflated everything culturally for a few years and create this Trump world, so you no doubt unit. I was saying back in October. I said this before the election. The most important thing for the left, the best thing for the left would be Donald Trump victory, but they don't want to listen. They wanted to claim
that was wrong and then I was crazy and then I was supporting the Cheeto dictator or whatever. Let me explain it with Donald Trump in office. Progressives and establishment. Democrats were partly unified. Progressive were willing to support the establishment, so Nancy, Pelosi and CNN, and these establishment players desperately needed Trump to win Trump had saved twitter. Twitter was bleeding users, it was awful, their stock was falling. I had many people saying, put options, put options: I'm not a big stock person, so I like don't know, but all that, but they're basically saying bet the stock will fail and I was like men along came Trump and what happened all of a sudden, the media couldn't shut up. Everybody needed to know Trump Trump Trump. All of a sudden, these newsrooms layoffs paused. All of a sudden, twitter, sort gaining users. Why? Because people wanted to follow Donald Trump economy did really really well and in the in the years where Trump came in office there was that famous quote where you know Barack Obama,
You can reach four percent growth in it, a magic wand and then trumps are marking the comments and we did it and then Trump leaves, and now we are going back to the weights, how to be, and I say that somewhat facetiously, but what I mean is Trump wasn't supposed to win. They don't want trump to when they were mad Trump one, but boy did they milk it? For every thing it was worth the Trump era and now ass with with true, out of office. Things are gonna, go back to the way they were before Trump. Nobody cares about Biden, which is unfortunate. He will go blow up, kids in other countries, there will be war, there will be authoritarianism and the only people are gonna talk about. It are gonna, be people like us. But already I can see it, there are many people that are there. There are many people, they just don't care. They're. Shifting back to entertainment- and I don't blame them- I gotta be completely honest. Part of meat, as I want to talk about. Half the stuff most the time. But the channel you're on right now is pretty much my political and cultural political channel. So we're gonna do that
but I remember on TIM, cast IRL talking about movies and pop culture, and that's what we're doing more of on that show, and perhaps why TIM cast IRL is growing so quickly, because we'll talk about culture rural issues and dating and movies, and these kind of concepts outside the political space. We always knew politics as fleeting. Ask anybody. You covers the stuff. I got a bunch of friend. You know Luke, for instance, you guys may know Luke from the TIM cast, IRL podcast he's current on vacation, we'll see if he makes it back this way, but Luke and I have known that going back since we started whenever there is an election news, bikes everybody's interested in politics at rates, our skyrocketing and menace, it's over. Everything goes back down these new those didn't budget for this stuff they credit a pseudo reality. Or they were newsrooms that weren't really newsrooms. They were just. I hate trump rooms. It was places where they get people and say what can we say about say today to make him look bad and it ended up with record with record voter turnout,
He plus million people voted for Joe Biden and was not up not a lot of people's out and all, but all that listen man. You may surprise you go run, asked people. People who, like I've, got a bunch of friends who never cared about politics and all of a sudden there, like one for the first time in my life, I actually pay attention and voted and I'm not gonna think actually paid attention. I think, there was such an insane desperation to deal with Trump that you had this massive inflation of media, and the only thing, since we were getting was just slammed in inundated with Orange man bad now the monies gone and with it are all of these people. I don't know. I don't think I show you this one tweet, but I do want to show you emigrate, says hey, I got laid off at Huffington Post after a decade of work. I am so incredibly proud of- I am one of forty seven of my deeply beautifully funny and talented and wonderful and kind colleagues who lost their jobs today. I'm the most I am the most so that we can all hug each other, also hire me many journalists
I'm so sorry stupid decision at such a bummer. It is interesting that a woman who worked for a decade of interposed is laid off, but because Buzzfeed bought Huffington posts Buzzfeed acquired having having post their consolidating. I remember before Donald Trump we started seeing like vice, for instance, because I was I was the founding member of cows are was familiar. I I was first higher brought on basically saying here is what we should do in his eyes, how we should do it. I remember these to have a bunch of different websites. It was vice. It was motherboard, it was the craters project. They were all different. And then I remember, sometime after I left they smashed Amal into one. It was obvious to anybody what was going on wasn't going to work and that it was just not sustainable
The ceo of I said there was going to be a bloodbath in digital media. Then along came trumpet everything changed all of a sudden. Things are working again. I think there's some here ears. The optimism wont. Let me let me wrap it up with his final thoughts. The culture, War has been ramping up and it's because of the insane psycho psycho drivel, that's being written by lobbies outlets one. With these people being fired. Maybe things will calm down? Maybe we can get back to it in conversations around cultural politics and ideas and philosophies, and things like that. That's the optimism laying these people off may result in something better, because now the only people that are truly paying attention are those that are truly interested. You can't miss. The uninitiated low information voters anymore, they're, not here, what's left well, it's no, wonder that Glenn Greenwood is doing well and I'm doing while the people who are watching this content are more likely to be thinking critically and watching a variety of content. I've a ton of people tell me
they watch Jimmy Door and calculate ski and they also follow me. We all clearly have our disagreements, but we good young on money, certain things criticising the establishment, the people that are watching politics now are the people who, like politics, who care about policy who care but these issues in these cultural issues and know about them. They are not the people who gotta go to Heaven imposed and click an orange man bowed article, which means these efforts are to be forced to start writing things. It'll do better. So I For those reasons, I believe things will start to improve and I'm optimistic as I believe was Michael malice, add the propaganda. If, if if they were, if they were well, if they were winning the propaganda would not be necessary, meaning they're losing and their desperately trying to combat this narrative, the possibility that, in their desperation as things collapse, they become more and more unhinged and write ridiculous stories about, like whatever petty drama they can drum up. Maybe they'll try and write about some squabble between two people that has nothing to do with politics
no thanks. I'm Marjorie Taylor, green excrements insurrection because their desperate, but regardless of that, I think they can try and maybe it'll work. I think it won't like said those people that were interested in the rage. Beige garbage articles have left a while ago, As soon as Joe Biden became president, they were gone there not paying attention anymore, they're, not gonna click. Your articles and you can write whatever stupid bs you want about. You know q and prompt supporters whatever, but those people just aren't there to click the button anymore. They may be very concerned about it. There may be remnants of this, but like with Barack Obama supporter Every single one of these people was screaming war, bad war, bad war, bad Dick Cheney and George W Bush. These wars they're evil. What happened when Barack Obama got elected most people vanished just like that. They were gone and that whole narrative and anti war message was just gone. So here we are, I think,
tiredly possible that this is really good news for all of us. The smear pieces, alternative. Media may become worse because they're desperate, but we don't hold that much weight because no one's paying attention anymore. We, I have a couple more years. I thank organ Start saying in the next year politicking ramp up those who are run into thousand, and twenty two in the midterms will start campaigning very early, if not they're already campaigning now, so it may come back, but I'm optimistic. I am in this regard at least we'll see how this affects everything we'll see how it plays out I'll love it there. Next segment will be ten night at eight p m over at Youtube COM slashed him cast. I already is alive, show so common hang out. It is my birthday by the way, so you better common hang out, and I will see you then thanks rang it out. The new editor in chief fourteen vogue, one of the weakest leftist publications, is under foot
higher, because when she was like seventeen years old, she posted offensive tweets seriously. It's it's look at what, when the stuff cycle, back and crashes into the face of these people. It's just kind of hilarious. This is it. This is a corrupt journalists and looking into this, she is corrupt and a corrupt journalists to getting a job at a woke. Publication is called out by woke at the publication because she ten years ago, was it woke enough and was offensive to amazing. Other stuff works. Doesn't it so let? Let's talk about the crook journalists and the backfired of their stupid, cancel culture nonsense, but I do want to point out the philosophical conundrum here all right, Andrew Cuomo and just hear me Andrew Cuomo he's a governor in New York. He killed like fifteen thousand people,
also, I think, Governor Tom Wolf, an like Gretchen Whitmer, did similar things. But let's talk about Cuomo, because this one specific he orders sick, covid patients, I think recovering, but people who have Covin into nursing homes, he's told by I these nursing homes, you're gonna, kill people are going to introduce the virus, he doesn't care. He then covers everything up and what happens to the Democrats come out outrage saying this. This is in them monstrous beaten, no taking care, they did not care now when the cover up got expose. I think the second time that we realise that first, we learn of the cover up on the cover up with then they started saying while this is pretty bad, but it was only after Andrew Como got me to buy like for women where they like it's time for him to resign. I love it. Andrew Cuomo can be corrupt as they can,
burn New York City the ground, and they only come after him because he crossed the Woke, though, though, the Woke Roddy, the work that woke Twitter, Roddy, we're gonna call it now I bring you to this I'll. Do air quotes journalist, teen vogue, staffers call out new editor in chief of Andy Asian tweets, also him of other ones. I collar corrupt, because She was involved in this story where she was she was covering the White House while dating somebody in the administration, that is, corruption and it became big. Those, and conservatives were like woe conflict of interest here, but nothing happens. These results, do you think about it? She's not held accountable, there's no calling out. You know that this there's no people saying fire her immediately this is this is a major conflict and then what happened was only the guy she was dating started, threatening another journalist and then we're talking about extreme levels of corruption where it's like I'm gonna report on the story,
y'all are doing something wrong. I will destroy you, the guy actually said I will destroy you. Ok, it's been something like that only now when they discovered that ten, years ago. She posted offensive tweets. Are they trying to get her fired? Think about what that means? Ok, Cuomo can kill people this journalist, can violate every standard ethic of journalism and they don't care what you cross the woke and they will come for you let me show you something before I'll. Read you the story. I'll show the critics. They wrote like this late they're, trying to get fired, check us out the New York Times in a glorious, puff piece. Teen vogue selects its next top editor. The political reporter
Let's see, Mccammon Miss Mccammon, twenty seven cover the twentieth, teen eighteen midterm elections and Joseph Biden's presidential campaign for Axios. I don't care that when she was like seventeen, she said stupid things. A lot of people say stupid things when they're young. I I care that she is unethical doesn't take her job seriously. Well, the New York Times basically rights. This beautiful piece use she made her name coming. I may see: oh thank you. In New York Times, you see how they never get held accountable for the horrible horrible things they do now. Video this doesn't go dimension. I will destroy you quit. Is at this. Let's talk about corrupt. This person is and I M showing you this to stress the point that she's only getting threatened with losing her your job now, because she crossed the Woke hen years ago that newer time says
Miss Mckennon was a secondary figure in an early test for the Vide administration that centered around her boyfriend Tj Duck low, who resigned last month from his job as Deputy White House Pescetarian they started dating. When she was covering the Biden campaign and Mister Douglas, was its press secretary, serious violation of journalism ethics. Earlier this year, political told Mister Douglas was that of lung cancer, that a plan to write an item on the relationship as Vanity Fair later reported. Mr duck low tried to intimidate the political reporter. Writing the article right writing the article, the running the author them in Tahrir Palmary telling her. I will do roy you, that's a quote. Before the political item appeared, people published an exclusive feel good account of the relationship of the headline reporter Fort goes covering present as romance blossoms with Biden aid battling cancer didn't think twice. She didn't that's not true. Many people pointed out that she was still
actually working on administration stories in a serious breach, a serious conflict of interest. Well, nobody cares apparently- and this is where we end up now- teen vogue staffers. Apparently she leaves access and she goes to work for, like of the weakest of Woke publications, teen vogue, but vote was good. It was supposed to be like this fashion and glamour magazine, hey far, be it from me from knowing what team bogus about. I don't read it, nor have. I really ever accept their Karl Marx's piece, no joke teen Vogue wrote about like Karl Marx. Why he's great? It's like? Okay, like I don't know it, teen vulgar supposed to be resident, seem like it's supposed to be Alexey Mohammed is a woman of color. She is a prominent reporter and she was but on as the editor in chief and they're coming after checking up teen vogue staff. Staffers openly slammed their newly hired editor in chief on Monday over recent.
We resurfaced tweets. She made that mocked asian people more than TAT the employees of the digital publications, that statement they penned a letter to, company Honda NASA about hiring former exhales political reporter Alexi Mccammon. The company announced on Friday that mccammon twenty seven had been tapped to lead the fashion title, which frequently tackles political issues. My friends, teen vogue is a fashion magazine that writes about. Marks came. She was recently embroiled in a media scandal involving the Bible. Administration after her boyfriend, a White House, deputy press secretary threatened a political reporter, looking to accept it was their relationship. You ultimately resigned over the weeks a series of since deleted tweets that Mccammon posted and twenty eleven. When she was a teenager risk, percent social media I'm telling you all now delete your twitter histories, don't play any stupid games. These people just don't get it man. I think I purged a decade of tweets, because Twitter has no upside.
Go. Follow me on Twitter and I explained I am now actively engaged in anti tweeting. I've long said that I dont like Twitter, honest using it. Then I realized it's not enough to just not use twitter. We must actively be anti tweeting. Don't I mean, and the only the only cure to tweet past waiting is future future tweeting, that's anti tweeting. If your tweeting, in a way that that is, you know counter to whether we will use it. I don't know if you get the bet, but whatever that's right. They say over the weekend a series of Sicily, tweet work where emerged quota now googling how to not wake up with swollen asian eyes. One of the tweet said she then goes on to talk about a bunch, a really bad asian stuff, where she really doesn't like Asians, I'm not surprised the tweets shared. I now viral Instagram Post by Deanna, Sue, sweet and utter at the website. The infatuation who wrote I'm tired of big media organizations tending to give a damn about diversity and inclusion. Me too wow. I agree with this person. This special
it is a slap in the face given what's happened to Asian Americans in the past year, so we added referring to the recent optic and hate crimes targeting Asian Americans. I gotta admit I ah I agree I do I wonder if this individual is actually complaining about wokeness and saying she wants more diversity and inclusion. I actually think if you, if you're talking about like the the definition of diversity and inclusive. Eighty, as I'm sure it's fine Typically when they say diversity and inclusion, they often mean exclusivity. So you know we'll see what she really means to not give the benefit out. They mention what the actual f does Olivia Munn because she's a paragon of Punditry online fashion industry, watchdog watchdog, diet Prada also shared the post and called out Conde, Nast writing. A simple google search would have shown what amen, said so effing what I can't stand these people. I can't stand the manipulation, the fake news, the false framing the
Propaganda, but so what she was seventeen she deleted the tweets. What more she supposed to do. I think she bit people should be complaining she's. Corrupt. She was dating a guy, she was most be covering. She was covering the Biden campaign, ok and then she started dating the press secretary for the campaign and she continued dating him while he works administration and she was covering them absolute corruption. But this are you make me defend this lady. Now quote: you could debate all you want about how reflective some decade old tweets are of some one in the present, but for a publication as progressive as t invoke. The choice lead us scratching our heads: were there absolutely no other qualified people? Amazing yeah? Maybe I don't know, maybe they could have found a white male for you to complain about. It appears the tweets first circulated in thousand nineteen, when I'm, an issue, an apology on Twitter. She said today reminded of some past insensitive tweets, and I am deeply sir
to anyone. I offended I have since the leader those tweets as they do not reflect my views or who I am today and I agree it she's prob By telling the truth, I really doubt she's gonna be treating this stuff in saying these things it's ten ten year, later at the time it was eight years later and their publics It meant the team vogue staffers noted that they had built our outlets reputation as a voice for justice and changed. We take immense pride in our work and in creating an inclusive environment. That's why we have written letter to management, a condemnation of the recent higher of Alexey Mccammon as our new editor, and if, in light of her past racist and homophobic tweets, quote we heard the concerns of our readers, and we stand with you in a moment of his orally high anti asian violence emit the ongoing to Those are the Lgbtq community. We as the staff of Teen vogue, fully reject those sentiments. We are hopeful an internal conversation will prove fruitful in maintaining the integrity granted to us by our audience com dynastic, ended their decision to hire mccammon while pointing out that she apologized for social media posts Suzanne. She confessed. She admitted to doing it,
Alex she should have said you got hacked. Oh, I was hacked I oh that's a long time ago. Alexia Cannon was a pointed editor in chief of team vote because of the values of inclusivity and depth she has displayed throughout her journalism. The company in a statement throughout our career. She has dedicated herself to being a champion for marginalized voices while rheumatism. Everybody knows the game is fixed. Uk these jobs. Analysts can violate every norm every ethic and they just keep getting hired. You had the guy from Buzzfeed who was caught spying on other companies boom. We got a new job. You got the other guy who was caught plagiarizing boom. He gets another job. Welcome to the revolving door of corrupt journalism. It's how it works. It's a big club and you ain't in it. Now they hired her, I suppose, for whatever reason and she's being called out, they wrote this letter.
An hour to read the letter as what he said, but I want to. I want to point out something there isn't about Cuomo. How should we feel about this if she gets fired she's a corrupt journalist? Should she be fired for past tweets? This is the problem. Andrew Cuomo, is a creepy creep. Who who put a statement where he's like? I did not inappropriately touch any women and is literally a photo of him grabbing a woman's whole head and I'm like dude, I'm pretty sure, grabbing someone's head is inappropriate, appropriate and creepy. So your opinion of inappropriate doesn't hold much weight with me after seeing that photo actually should he resigned because of the meat to stuff. I gotta be honest, maybe you I say, maybe because some of these are, I ve made inappropriate comments and I'm like if it was repeatedly doing this and there a bunch of women. Maybe it's indicative
behavior and we should get rid of him them, but, unlike the dude, should resign or be impeached for literally killing elderly people. I want. I want this. The trial, the press to be like dude, kills elderly fire him. I want this journalist. To get fired for being corrupt for violating journalistic ethics. Instead, she's rewarded, she was rewarded with an editor in chief position at a major publication, a crazy one in my opinion, but hey that's teen vogue after she was called now for this unethical behavior, they said, let's give her the top spot at teen vogue. That is to me an incredible incredible indictment of our journalistic institutions, but now we have this and I wonder, shall we take the win? you know. Is it really a win when she gets fired for being a dumb teenager? And here is the problem: if she is allowed to be the editor in chief, this corrupt individual. She will
spew, swine and decay all over. What's left of the withered husk, that is the fourth estate, so who should we shouldn't? We can also says it's bad for us if she gets fired for this Then I think it's an affront to normal human decency. She tweeted dumb things, I'm not going to condemn her ten. Years later, for the staff should be fired from a corrupt. But what, if that keeps her out of this? position and I'm sit near go online. It is an ethical conundrum till the least a comment, and let me know what you think actually should should we just be like, while fire her fired will take. What have we got to get rid of these crept people, or should we defend the rights of free speech, even if it means a corrupt journalist is rewarded with a prominent position, you see out, you see how this works. It is not easy, as this is the big challenge. I all Just think she must be allowed to keep the job, because her tweet should not be the reason she removed, but she should be fired and not
a job because she's, an unethical corrupt air quotes journalist. So what's better the UN's justifying the Means man, I don't off. I have the answers. Here's! What team vote wrote? They said as much more than twenty members of the staff of teen. While we ve built our outlets reputation as a voice for justice and change, we take immense pride in our work and in creating an inclusive environment. That's why we written a letter to management it contained asked about the room higher of Alexey Mccammon as our new editor in chief. In light of her past racist and homophobic tweets, we ve heard the concern friends of our readers and we stand with you in a moment of history. High, anti asian violence and, amid the ongoing struggles of the algae BT, Q community. We as the staff vogue, fully reject those sentiments. We are hopeful that in internal conversation will prove fruitful in maintaining the integrity granted to us by our audience. I don't even think they're gonna fire her over this I don't even think it's necessarily what the staff members are saying, perhaps front to stop her from getting higher in the first place. We also have this from diet.
And they said. Let's talk about Condi Nest HR this questionable higher fourteen Vogue editor in Chief It's interesting to me that they said we were scratching our heads, over this and I'm like why? Because she didn't pass your purity test. You know what man, maybe I'm all for it and I'll put it this way, I'm not for this kind of We pc cult in in my or or where I work, and I wouldn't stand for. There have been businesses that I've anti right, so I there was one comic shop that I used to go to and I you know I play magic together and I'm looking for cards and things like that and they had a bunch of the freaky cult symbol
symbolism in the windows, they had statements about safe spaces and signs and certain anti this an anti that and I'm like that's, not a safe space, because the people fly. These flags are seen on video being particularly violent and it's very clearly tribal virtue, signalling, I think it's kind of creeping. I don't know, I'm not, I'm not in favour of that, and my business I'll tell you. This is big powerful, prominent pop locations have these rules and they are going to start firing. Everybody who had a naughty word, then these companies are gonna collapse. So why not just let em if they want to be more port puritanical lunatics in there like when you are seventeen. You set offensive things like oh yeah. While I what I wonder what seventeen year old didn't say, offensive things if they're gonna start firing, ok, grape The companies will build a hot or anybody at no matter who they hire. You can find something: there's a post, on Visa, the barracks, its b e r r. I see us from those an unfamiliar,
it is one of most prominent skateboarding publications and on their instincts, they asked. How do people feel about council culture, was really interesting to see a skateboarding brand ask people how they feel about cancel culture. And most people are like it's bad. I'm scared express myself, I'm scared to, in my opinion- and I'm like these are all really really bad things. So I'm I'm I'm worry with like things like teen vogue, doing this it. Actually we'll start spreading out to a political communities skateboarding. However, there's the inverse too that if teen vogue, nukes them elbows, then maybe peoples are laughing at them and that we need to do if regular people are pointing out that it's stupid and absurd than per They are just burning their own ideology to the ground with their puritanical morality. Testing, in that though someone said it's just accountability. Why is anyone scared about scared about being held accountable like you to do, nothing wrong. What are you worried about and you can go to these people's profile and find a hundred things that they can be canceled for the issue is that these
people who post nonsense on Instagram small followers and who don't pay attention, don't realize, what's happening, sometimes Bogot cancelled for fake tweets, there have been people who have shared fake tweet. About like various politicians and then the media comes out and condemns them and it's never corrected thereof. Individuals accused by you know they take videos that kind of out of context, and then they tried to Draw your careers cancel culture is not about saying, like you did something wrong, so you must be held accountable. That's what they try and say it is short, Sometimes she said something wrong: she must be held accountable. She was she apologized, we're done with it right. Should a teenager set something dumb, but sometimes I think a video of you. You know, and I caught it together and they'll, take out of context but really freaks Melanesia alot of these videos on unrighted, where it's like. There was one recently where there was a black eye. Filming away
woman and he's yelling at her, accusing her of being a racist Karen, because she did something wrong, but you never see her do anything wrong in the video and then everyone in the comments like yeah, you get her. You tell her that's racist and I'm just like that. Lady was just standing there timidly, not saying anything. We don't know. If you did, anything at all. It is a video of a woman. You know a current doing these things by all means call it out. But in a lot of these videos it's filmed after the event supposedly happen. Like I sort of owning afterwards, as I want to know what happened dude. So this guy, who comments saying you know and on the barracks post. I just think boy. You are scared of being held accountable. Unlike what happens when someone Photoshop a photo of EU doing something offensive. What happens if they take something out of context happens when you're doing your job, or about this. When I was in Germany with Luke Rakowski, there's a photograph where I guess Lauren Southern was there a bunch of people were there. I know Laura worse and someone took a photo and there was a german
journalist in the background and another, journalists are reporter on America reporter in the background, as well, simply by nature of being in the photograph walking the other direct this is crazy. Thing like Lauren was like walking in the background a certain direction and journalists walking forward, and then what happened was they beat? The crap out of out of these journalists They tried stealing one guys camera why he was simply in the photo walking a different direction and the same person would be like he did not walking, same direction is: are you must not be with her thin and care? They did not care they're, like doesn't matter you're in the photo. They said it you're you're a Nazi. It's over that's the problem with his extremism with the far left with council culture. So I don't know you come and tell me what you think. Should we just demand this woman be fired, should we wield fire against fire. I don't believe the ends justify the means, because we never meet the ends if we create a world based this ideology and to entertain. You only make things worse. Engaging in council
sure just makes more cancelled culture, because people realize it's a weapon they can use. Some people seem to think- celebration. Ism will cause it to explode the pressure we get to great once the left starts getting cancelled, now merely trying to stop it. Maybe or maybe they'll just laugh, and we like thanks for agree, with us so stuff. Ultimately, I don't read teen vogue, but I think is a is aid awful publication for the most part, you're allowed like what everyone alike? So you know I'm not the arbiter of morality, and you know it's like I'm some, some If you want to read teen vogue, you go read invoke whatever you do. What you want to do I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up at one p m on this channel thanks for hanging out, and I will see you well then.
Transcript generated on 2021-05-28.