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S5212 - Fauci's NIH ADMITS To Funding Gain Of Function Research, Fauci LIED To Congress And Panic Has Set In


Fauci's NIH ADMITS To Funding Gain Of Function Research, Fauci LIED To Congress And Panic Has Set In. In a Letter Deputy Director of the NIH admits funding was provided for gain of function research but tries to deflect.

It seems the purpose of the letter is to admit they did it but to claim Fauci did not know it was happening, which is still an absurd lie.

Rand Paul was right, Fauci lied and he lies often.

Democrats however don't seem to care at all about the lies and its considered conservative or right wing to tell the truth apparently




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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auto dot com right now and see all parts available for your car or truck right TIM pool. in their. How did you hear about us Box so they now? we sent you amazing, selection, reliably low prices, all the parts your car will ever need. Rock Otto dotcom today is a total twenty first, twenty twenty one and our first story. The end I ate has now admitted to funding gain of function, research and its desperate bid to defend Fouch e after he was accused of lying now. Definitive voucher lied, but they're they're trying to play a game or the like. Oh, we did funded, but we didn't know what it was? Grandpa was right in our next story. Dave Chapelle has said: if Netflix pulls his spine, He will do a ten city, tour screening, the documentary and won't take this lying down, but protests have erupted in this kind of creeping in our last story. shortages are getting worse and He blames you says you're buying too much when in reality,.
policies and major labour shortages, part of what its policies are making. The shortages happened in the first place and if you like, the show give us a good review, give us five stars and tell your friends about the shouts the best way to help. Now, let's get into that first story, Doktor found she was asked by doktor senator and Paul. If the annex h had funded gain of function, research, that is to say, research that created chimerical viruses, made them more deadly and fetch you repeatedly denied it ran pulse add, not graphology. Are you aware that is a crime to lie to Congress or something to that effect and vowed? She said I have never lied to Congress and, quite frankly, ran you, don't know what you're talking about well, now. The other age is coming out with a letter admitting that they did fund gain
function, research, you're the sounds like to me. Panic. You see a report from the her cept emerged showing that yes, dad you're Fouch, he lied to Congress and ran Paul said, see, told you so where's the breaking new Some see it out of the New York Times, apparently nonexistent. They won't hold. These people counter all, but yes, it is confirmed, found she lied to Congress and you know what he's gonna, get away with Ex tell you my assessment of what we're seeing right now in a letter that is going viral the age says. Well, we were funded this research. That was almost to gain a function, research, that is to say making these viruses more deadly, but we didn't think they'd actually become more deadly, so we didn't qualify it as
gain of function. Research, and only now do we realize tat. It actually was and though the real fault is eco, help alliance see the it gave money to echo, have alliance who then work with one on Ghana research, and then I just like oh gee, we didn't realize because ego health wasn't properly reporting others alive, mostly because we have leaked documents from the intercept of all play, that's kind of funny data is left leaning and we also have the actual studies that were produced. Rand Paul held up the study to vouchers that's right here, you are making kind, Merrick, viruses and and vowed she's like no, that's not gain of joint research. I love it. I love it because, basically, what he did was it be like saying something like. Hi, do you install garage doors and then the salesman as we don't. We do not in all garage doors. We simply install these large metal paneled devices that block the entrance and you ve ever
control that will make it lift up and move out of the way providing an entrance to the building. You can also then close and you're like sounds like a garage door. This is panic, Fouche, Indiana Age, no they're caught and what their true to do is say, see Fouch you didn't realize it was actually gained function. Research- this is defence mode there, trying to deflect from the fact that the in the intercept publish documents proving that found she lied to Congress. It's amazing. If you watch the video vouches shaken when he's being challenge was being questioned cause he knows. at least in my opinion, that's what seems to be happening now. We can see the ramifications from all of these lies and manipulations from people like Voucher, we're now this would be a flu vaccine mandate. The university of I believe at University of Denver New York is now one upping the cup crisis, and racism is actually now a public health crisis and the inside
he is just going to escalate until someone is held accountable, but who in government will do it well Republicans, I'm sorry. They probably won't. I mean ran Paul's a special case, but even with him challenging value, and I do believe Rand actually was trying to a family for criminal prosecution. No one's doing Even if the Republicans, when I highly doubt they'll ever do anything truck, could have fired the guy needed, let's break down exactly Happen and take a look at what this letter, says what it means, and I want to show you how the establishment left responds. answer some of those lovely questions. We try to keep you in the cult. They try to say, see, TIM's, actually right wing. All I'm going to prove to these people are lying and they're lying bad they're, trying to manipulate you, your friends or so. Before we get started had already TIM cast out become a member you, you wanna support my work. You will also be supporting other journalists at him. Casta can we have a decent amount? I think we have like or so so far more to be hiring more
you as a member, help fund that that's what we do with membership to hire people we expand and you also get as two members only content like shows the TIM cast, our podcast with exclusive, unfiltered, uncensored conversations with hundreds of them, so Devil become a number, but don't forget to subscribe to this channel. Share this video right now, your friends that, like button you don't a lot of videos where I break down the news, and I try to frame in such a way that you can help wake people lot, but it's a difficult task, because people don't want to believe it. They just want to accept that forty is king or that they are not wrong. It's a sunk cost values, you kind of it. I knew this his parents were fair physicists and they were saying that with modern unified theory or attempts at it. He was talking about if his associates correct me physician the comments, but he was saying like you know, people are really heavily invested in an theory
string theory and even with a lot of problems, it might make sense in the reason, as they have dedicated their sought, that their their lives. Thirty plus years to this and now you're coming and telling them? They were wrong the whole time nobody wants to give up their life work. Nobody wants to find out. They will be a footnote to history as the guy who got it wrong and that's how I feel a lot of people were wrapped up in these lies there, like, I did not spent two years, cheering for found she only to find out now that I was wrong. I didn't want to admit it. They don't want to accept. They were the bad guys. The whole time Here's the story from national with you and I admits to funding gain a function. Research in Wilhelm says Eco Health violated reporting requirements. Now the way the story. being framed and going around they're saying that it's like proof out she lied. Well know the documents from the intercept proof out you like this is their defence. Oh, oh, oh Jack, Odin,
No, we just now realize they were doing gain a function. Research just now and then found she didn't know so foul cheat technically wasn't lying is just wrong. Now you lied I'll stated again ran Paul, held up the study that said, chimerical viruses increasing infective Eddie on with with humans and its it's gonna function. Research Here's the story: atop an age official admitted in a Wednesday letter that you as taxpayers, funded gain of function, research on back corona viruses and ruin and reveal that Eco Health Alliance, the? U S, nonprofit, that funneled and h, money to woo on was not transparent about the work it was doing in the letter to Rep Cora Lawrence, a topic of an age sites, a limited experiment that was conducted to test of spike proteins from naturally occur
that kind of ours is circulating in China were capable of binding to the human, a stew receptor in a mouse model. The laboratory mice infected with the modified bet virus became sicker than those infected with the unmowed. If I'd that virus so so hold on their a minute you mean to say that they knew they were taking viruses, modifying them and then infecting the life forms with them. So how is that not gain a function? Research? How can they argue it wasn't? Well, they gonna say the revelation: vindicates Republican, Senator Rand, Paul Doktor centred around Paul who gone to a huge exchange with national instead of allergy infectious Disease director Anthony Fatty during his May in July. Testimonials Congress over the gain of function. Question at the second hearing Paul accused value of misleading Congress. By denying that the? U S at funding, gain of funding to gain a function, projects at the wheel on instead of iraqi gain a funk,
research involves extracting viruses from animals and artificially engineering them in a laboratory to make them more transmissible or deadly to humans, in keeping with vouchers refusal to use gain a function. Topic avoids the term, though the work he described matches its commonplace definition precisely a previously published Eco Health. Grand proposal filed with the an idea obtained by the intercept had already exposed at five
during the nine thousand dollars of the total grant to the wheel on instant of iraqi, was for research designed to make viruses more dangerous and or infectious doktor. Richard E, bright biosafety expert and professor of chemistry and biology, Rutgers University had previously rebutted vouches, claim that, and I quote, has not ever and does not now fund gain a function. Research in the womb on Institute of Iraqi as demonstrably false e, bright, told and actions of you at the end of each financed work at the W. I at the double ivy epitomizes, the definition of gain a function, research which deals with enhanced potential pandemic pathogen or those passages pathogens quote, resulting from the enhancement of the transfers.
Billy and or virulence of a pathogen. Where does it say in his definition? Human? It doesn't that's the game there playing what then I just saying in this letter that none of the notes not gain a function because it wasn't targeting humans. It was just more infective towards a two or sectors that humans have what it was for, my soul, friends and then you know, maybe it could have. No, it was gonna function. Research mission to his admission that gain a function. Research was being conducted with an age money. Tadic also reveal that eco, how failed to comply with reporting responsibilities under the grant you was required to submit a secondary review in the event of certain developments that might increase the danger associate with the research and women researchers successfully bounding natural bat corona virus to human? two receptor in mice they were supposed to on the age, but didn't you go? Health now is five days accorded to travel, to submit to an age any kind, any
and all unpublished data relating to two. This awards project for compliance purposes. You see what they're doing not the only one who's noticed. Everything is expensive when the biggest economic crisis in two thousand and eight, with a government that printing trillions and trillions of dollars, similar prices are the highest. We ve seen in thirty years, inflation certainly here estate, and if the government continues its out of control, hunting in spending? The dollar could continue its freefall and its coveted role as the World Reserve currency. So how do you check your money. Your time it you're savings. Well American Hartford, gold, can show you how to hedge your hard earned savings against inflation by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio into physical gold and silver even help move your existing irae or for one came out of the volatile stock market into a precious those are all right and to make it easy. They are the highest rate of farm in the country with a plus rating from the baby and thousands of satisfied client.
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The remainder of the document attempts to prove the naturally occurring background of viruses, use twenty fourteen to twenty eighteen and H. Grant experiments are decades removed from Sars covert to evolution, sharing. Only ninety six to ninety seven percent of the genome, not I know to a lot of well, they're, gonna, hear that and thank woe. Ninety six. Ninety seven! That's really high. that proves that well known and unknown another that's actually pretty far away. I think it's like humans and some like ninety nine percent or like ninety eight percent of his aim, dna, or something like that. So ninety six, ninety seven is- is pretty far removed, but that's besides the pool Rand, Paul timing- and with I told you so it doesn't even begin to cover it here He then goes on to address the letter directly sang age. Just deputy admits, FAO and H funded game function, research in Wilhelm but says it was an unexpected result. If the experiment combines unknown viruses and tests, terrible
two in fact, and damage human cells. Of course, there was is unknown before the experiment. Bravo good, sir. You see other lying there doing the same thing again. We don't actually repair doors in this facility. We just work on strengthening and making objects that block entrances, move better and lock better and you like me, are you saying you fix doors? No, no! I, I guess you're putting words in my mouth was stupid world to live in. What's the point of these laws, if we have proof after prove it there that fact she lied to Congress. Oh but safe out, you can do no wrong ran pulses, but it is not unexpected, but the virus
gains in function. It is simply unknown. So if this type of experiment credit, a virus that at a fifty percent mortality rate like mergers, which they have experimented with inward on that result, would be unknown before the experiment, but not unexpected. As Doktor S belt of MIT has written, such research looks like a gamble that civilization can't afford to risk do you think the establishment, let the Democrats, the dsl the progressives, had to say about this? Do you think they care about Ruth no, they don't so I love it when they're, like you know, Temple is right winger. Whenever I wonder about what that really means, I mean, are my policy positions right wing? Not really, I guess technically,
demanded but left us all about guns too. So I have no idea. But what about the truth or talk about here with with with doktor fancy and ran Paul, has nothing to do with. Republicans are Democrats in on the surface. It has to do with doktor fancy misleading people, but you see the Democrats, the left they love, they loved doktor fallacy. That means, if you criticise, doktor fatty you're on the right, because only the right is willing to tell you the truth about what's happening. I bring you now to this post from Reddit arson ash politics. I love our slash politics, it's basically the Donald into the Big Donald from form, but for the left and they love pudding. Politics. Semantic manipulation is not. Politics is proud establishments. That's what you because you are slash pro establishment three months ago, they posted this link Anthony found. She was, again forced to basically call Rand Paul a snivelling moron. Do I do I put the titles of his very
Rand pauses nibbling piece of garbage more on a piece of human waste, a vile disgusting, personalized Congress. I didn't say anything like that. They said he lied actually accounting. These other news outlets or like that you did not tell the truth. Here's one Newsweek found she was on referral to Congress about whew HUN Lab research? New documents appear to show appear. Yet we know it's a fact. Now. and the comments in this hour hilarious. This is this: is it thirty nine thousand five hundred and forty two points, meaning that much up voted? Seventy five percent upvoted, so you can figure out what twenty five percent didn't want this to go up. Thought you was not forced to do anything thought she was called out for being a liar and he was in. The comments. Are amazing: here's one it's almost as if out she studied in came prepared in Rand. Didn't it's too bad that senators held to a standard that would sanction them for lying before Congress, for which asking questions in bad faith would seem to qualify
incredible. How done these people are? What Oh bizarre, that our slash conservative thinks Rand is the matter? an expert in the room which explain so much, it really does. Doesn't it that the conservatives they ran, pulls the export and has now been proven right twice? What does it say, but all of you, what does it say, tranquil activity on, but it wouldn't say about you you're wrong: did they publish? Are they posting the truth now? Are they gonna post the articles proving it now? Here's the article from Vanity Fair with a quote. They say, having apparently long since lost his patience with the troll from Kentucky felt. You responded. Senator Paul I've never lied before Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you're referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain of function. and the poor, you do not know what you're talking about quite frankly, and I want to say that officially, you do not know what you are talking about here says I totally
resent the lie that your now propagating senator, because if you look at the viruses that were used in experiments that were given in the annual report that were published in the literature is molecular early, impossible and you're, implying that what we did was responsible for the death of an inch of individual. I totally. wasn't that if anybody- if anybody is lying here, senator it is you we now know it was doktor family who was lying, probably the whole time. The dude is a moron. it doesn't matter. If your damn, you know. Shut up to Michael Malice, as we often do when he said how Anyone be blackmailed when you see how stupid these people are in my response zombies are stupid to, but sometimes they overrun the city in the movies right. The idea that you have a whole bunch of dumb people does not change the fact that a whole bunch of on people can do a whole lot of damage and doktor found not gonna be held accountable, not gonna, be removed, and he is dumb as a box. Iraq's he's a tv doctor
I am not going to sit here and talk when you, though tv doctors have even been critical to a certain degree of bread Weinstein's, you know right once and darker Duckworth podcast talked about alternative treatments ever met I said: look I'm not gonna, blindly believe and evolutionary biologist just because I dont believe Doktor voucher granted. I definitely trust brought once I'm way more. I just don't really know I think this. That's. Why tell people you should not be going to tv doctors find someone that you know entrust find a doctor who knows the story find a doctor's at I'm, going to do the research and figure this out and be well versed in medical professional, because apparently it is possible, not every doc, tourism, dumb crackpot, you can find a good doctor and strategies guy get you gotta do it and if you like, but my doctors, not smile,
Well, then, you got a bad doktor. Well, this is a story that we saw in September silver. A month ago. More than half ago, Newsweek reported documents obtained by a photo lawsuit by the intercept. Show that the end- let me just say this- a Richard E Bright Board of governors, professor of chemistry and Chemical biology, Rutgers University, director of the Waxman instead of Microbiology, told Newsweek. The documents from the intercept unequivocally show that an age grants were used to fund controversial, gain a function. Research at the wheel on Institute of Virology in China, something: U S! Infectious disease export voucher has denied if you're someone who is pro democratic, providing all the way- and you ve made it this far in the video. Congratulations. You have my respect. Simply comment below and explain this. This is news week. This is this: is Yahoo new?
reporting. This is national review. Is our main stream news guard certified publications? This is the end. I h publishing a letter. This is the Vienna H director or on a deputy director. I believe limit limit Mummy Lemme get it once was incorrect Lawrence, a topic dd S, Phd principle, deputy director, saying They did this. Do you want to now we're trapped your us, your your accusations and insults towards Rand Paul? Who was correct? Please do so now. If you want to argue that thought you just didn't know then shore, he should resign, because if the director, if, if If the person giving up the money doesn't know what's happening under under his own nose than he is a bad leader and should be held accountable. I'm not gonna, sit here and be like, oh well, it's eco healths fault, yeah, yeah and also found cheese, absolute.
More than one occasion he was saying these things She, you know a sad. He denied it he's not ever done gain a function. Eu Bright said the documents make it clear that assertions by an age director, Frances Collins and fetch you at the end. I did not support gonna function. Research were untruthful, so we data function, researches. Here's what I love the intercept, even though the intercept prove fact you lied, they still ran this story July. Twenty seven, twenty twenty one by fake news, writer, Robert Mackey. I wouldn't call him a journalist. He's affection, rider. He eat apples and fiction writing, because him he's Eliza, Rand, Paul's attack on Anthony Fatty, chill scientific debate over
a function: research by politicizing the debate over virus modifying research senator, has thrilled conservatives but discourage scientists from weighing and talk about utter trash, fake news. When the intercept for the documents most people were, critics were saying they were trying to discredit Rand pollen accidentally proved him right. Well, my respect Venus, for actually publishing those documents. Anyway, how about retracting all these other garbage and think so? I did not think so. Here's it's fine Newsweek says scientists react as an age head, Collins calls will have one lab leak theories. Misinformation. This story is from. Where does not from today as it I didn't it goes from today? I guess it is your story from today. At the same time as other story comes out this uprising, I thought it was yesterday doctor
Collins. One of the guys who lied director, Vienna Age has Penda statement, refuting this information about the origins of covered nineteen. The theories of gain traction this year lab like theories, particularly after international governance. Voice can see the World Health Organization's original investigation into pandemics, origins which deemed a lab links in it to be extremely unlikely, blah blah blah blah blah critics so just covered research group, drastic consider the documents to show risky research practices surrounding the development of krona virus for study purposes. On Wednesday Collins who was due to leave, as poses an eighth directive before the end of the year, released a statement addressing lab liquor, It's an theories. Unfortunately, in the absence of a definitive answer, misinformation and disinformation filling the void which does more harm than good. He wrote supposed to just go back, It's going to listen to the guy who's lying, who lied, he's a liar, they're lying where the did from workers at the skylight. Why should I believe, a word out of his mouth? So here
It's gonna be a role there coming out now saying we didn't realize it was happening. It was an accident and eco how the lines to report it. I wonder if Peter dashes of eco health will just sit back and be the Patsy for these people who are facing serious jail time for lying to Congress. Maybe we're not maybe dashing is gonna, be like you're, not thrown me under the bus and it he'll come on be like we explicitly told them what this was. Maybe that's how everything comes crashing down. I don't know sure. I am not convinced anything will happen, because we are seeing just on accountability across the board and as much as we complain about it as much as we highlight it. Little is done. I give you knew Mayor De Bloggers announces covered nineteen vaccine met for all city workers, all that means police. And now there is concern that they're gonna lose half their Nypd
the mayor has no idea what he's doing we're going to lose half of our cops and half of our fire department. If this goes through and then what the official said, a bunch of officials were coming out being critical of build the Plaza Tirana, Baroness Ashton, but dad fat, lotta, good that'll do right. If the point we can point out found you lied, is he gonna get arrested now come on? it's a otto. Maybe he does get arrested. But if someone said you got a hundred dollar, you know casino chip and you can put it down on Fouch getting arrested. In fact, you not getting arrested, I'd be like I will, but on him not being arrested like. Why would why would they he's the highs pagoda employ. He is a disgusting man who has a portrait of him, Self, in his own office, weirdo to be fair. Someone draw a picture of me and its downstairs and that staff put on the wall and not a big fan.
Of it, but I don't have a picture of myself and my own office. That's weird he's a weird guy from this lack of accountability across the board. Things are just getting worse. Take a look at the story. How is this part, the same story grab Aurora, says brace yourself or nineteen nineties era, violence in New York City, if the unwise pity loses have its force, that people that people with power and Coins are actually celebrating. This is pathologically insane lucky They live and affluent neighbourhoods and can afford private security. I remember when the riots, wherein allay it, was so funny. There was some guy news. I yes lives matter, whew burnt down, and then I tweeted Odo for coming to Beverly Hills. Dont come to my house, Are you doing out there starting fires tomato? Isn't? It took a you know you, the movie rather ritual living space, all of these well
people, get to stand back and say I don't have to worry about it. That's why I think were putting down a dark path because it look at the story. Tim cast outcome, University of Denver, introduces flu vaccine mandate. Medical researchers have suggested influenza outbreaks sore when covered nineteen restrictions are lifted? Here we go, you thought it was just going to be nineteen none and with no accountability with no. Instead, up, and no one saying no more will just happened like this the university introduce rigid regulations, vent covered nineteen. We understand it well, if history tells us anything, we expect its very like to be a very aggressive, flew season, so It's part of our overall plan to protect our community, the health and well being of our community because of the similarity between cold flew symptoms. The farce at the new vaccination requirement is a necessary precaution. School offer vaccine clinics for the rest of the semester. From people living in the residents calls to close proximity the classrooms it put that great.
risk than other environments, so we need, as many Safety mechanisms along the way to protect and we ve got a vaccine. You thought it would end with just the covered vexing. Why does the covert backs card have two extra slots boosters, and now this and the app apparently in New York, I think it's ten slots. What comes now Well, I can actually show you over the New York Times. We have this story. Racism is declared a public health crisis in New York City, the Board of Health passed a resolution directing the health department to work towards a racially just recovery from the CO krona virus pandemic. What does that even mean? Well, my friends, you now live in a woke theocracy and that's it. Do you think a saint like Fouch, you would ever be held accountable, no, the cathedral wooden. Never, he is a dutiful and loyal. Subject: proselytizing the Woke theocracy, not completely not legal
round, Talkin about Trans issues or racism, anything like that, but he certainly line giving power to corrupt politicians to enforce she's like this welcome to get authoritarianism. The ideology is taking over. The cult is gaining more ground and, what's to be done, you know, I talked quite a bit about Dave Chapelle and I am not convinced that he's gonna find his way out of One. My view of the future is that, while we as adults and individuals today may hold back the tides of the woke theocracy getting small victories, it's all being grandfathered in University of Denver. You gotta get a flu vaccine now and what can happen older people who don't have bye. Bye aren't going to fight against I xenophobia to college anymore. We're like her present affect me. Many people are gonna sit back after cheering
bout? You now hearing that he's lying this choose not to believe it. I don't care factors on my team, so I want to win screw you gotta on the cons. I guess it is conservative to point out that the media's line, that's the reality of today with Dave Japan, his comrade special, oh they'll, eventually say: ok, fine Dave dear thing, but days can retire and they won't. There won't be another Dave Chapelle because It will make similar jokes will be cancelled before even get off the ground. So that's the direction, we're heading in New York Times reports. the resolution calls on the department to work with other agencies to root out systemic racism within policies, plans and budgets on a wide range of matters that affect health, including land use, transportation and education, and also directed the department to improve data collection practices unexamined both the health code and its own history of structural bias, Doktor Dave, eight chalk
The department's commissioner, is also one of the eleven medical experts who sits on its board at the meeting on Monday, he noted that the board was founded. I'm at epidemics, of yellow fever, collar and smallpox in there late its advances and sanitation and understanding the links between environmental factors and health heaped helped curb those diseases. He drew a parallel to the current pandemic and its outsize stolen. It is of color. Why do some non my populations developed severe to disease and die from over nineteen at higher rates than whites under Health conditions undoubtedly play a role, but why are there higher rates of hyper and diabetes and obesity enemies of color. The answer does not I in biology, structural and environmental factors, just disinvestment discrimination and disinformation- underline a greater burden of these diseases in communities of color. The cover nineteen pandemic must render unacceptable that which has been condoned for generations to lie.
Manipulation. It's just away to prey upon the delicate sensibilities of these moderate so that they can gain more and more power. That's all it is. there's two words in vaccine mandate and mandate is the only one that matters. I think vaccines are reasonable, amazing and I think that they do their job there not always perfect, but I don't, I think, as I mentioned many times, they use them scenes because it is reasonable because you would say: ok, I guess all I'll get the vaccine. What's the big deal with many of our guests to have been vaccinate with? No no issues, the mandate. when you want to convince somebody to something egregious you can't just tell me do it that the examples like givers are called reasonable boundaries and about tremendous one quick. You made a person and honest there's a scale, I'm zero negative one hundred and one hundred there at zero negative one hundred is hitting a person, and one hundred is hugging a person now getting someone who's, stranger to hug. Someone actually is relatively easy.
not not guaranteed. Someone may say: I'm not touching the other person, I don't know who they are getting them to hit. Someone is. It is not that easy. Cuz people are very much averse to that. Didn't make me serious negative consequences. So if you want someone to take a negative action You do it well, you have to move their reasonable boundaries, so you don't walk up to someone and say: go hugged that man right now public what get away from me. You can look after them and say: go hit that person right now, though, be like get away from me. But what are you up to them and said hey that guy was as complementing using really nice things about you? That's really could you know, and then there are the Baku. That's a move! You can do that move someone towards the positive direction, organ to hear the gauchos smack talking use, insulting making one your girlfriend that moves towards the negative side. Only then can you re adjust their regional boundaries in getting closer and closer to what you want to do. I mean it's a simple idea right to get someone do something crazy or egregious you have to.
Incrementally move in that direction, they want just one day, wake up and do it I mean I'm lost their new crazier one too. In the first place. That's why mandates the real word The government wants you to mandate. A lot was demanded lot of things, but if they support the demand that you can't drink, coke people would be like screw you and they revolt in France when they said, were an increase order protects on petrol because we want to curb climate change. They rioted for almost two years. So what do they do? Increments? So they'll say this: everybody's gotta get a vaccine and most people go
Well, vaccines are reasonable. So I guess that's fine. Now the same flu vaccine now people are gonna be like well. I guess I worried when the covert thing that makes sense. I guess then going to say download the passport up. Well, I already have the vaccine. We ass. Well, I guess I'll get the update real estate in the developing world when they get that up your phone. They can then make that app. Do anything through updates mandate is the most important thing you don't fall victim to stand up for your rights, Stana for individual liberty and hold fast. She accountable, outlived their necks segments coming up tonight at eight p m over at Youtube dot com slashed him castile Arel, thanks, rang out and I'll see you, yesterday, a deranged leftist mob attacked a man, sign saying we, like Dave
was the culmination of be mass walk out at Netflix, where one thousand employees we're going to storm out in support of the Trans Community over their horrifying Lee Transphobia special with Dave, Chapelle wasn't really transfer back. In fact, in the special Dave, Talk tells a story about a Trans woman friend of his and says jokes basically grow up, but Dave does cave and say he's not going to do jokes about this anymore. So I can do the special you know for it, for maybe sometime in the future. And it really does seem like watching this special, the closer after sticks and stones. They tried to go after him a little bit but hard because he's the king is on top Dave chapels greatest comedian alive. That's a fact, he's number one: nobody knows it, and so they struggled, but they did get to him. Dave then end up doing especial. Where I mean look the closer funny, but it was so much more of him. Addressing the controversy then doing stand up.
And sticks and stones he's talking to his shot gun bits funny bar shot Buckshot Oh he's, like our pepper, em up a little bit the first amendment I'll be all these things are funny jokes. He does I can get you another one when he does the stereotypes, which is supposed to be offensive. Comedy I get it. He talks about things in that special that we can recall that we think back and say that was a funny joke, though, that the bird shot Buckshot Bird shot, Buckshot Buckshot joke was hilarious and people quote it all the time. In the closer has there been any thing, people are quoting other than what a sad story. I gotta be honest. I don't think so. I enjoy because Dave Chapels, a funny guy, but these activists they come out and end of attacking adieu it's got a sign. We like day they rip it thrown on the ground style bonnet. Then, when he's left with
but a stick. They scream that he's gotta weapon element gets in his face, shaken tambourine, screaming repent, I'm not kidding it's people are insane screaming repent. If you, if you want of an actual, argument about speech and violence of all roll, my eyes, but I'll have a debate over the stuff. Ok. But what what we sought? Netflix is the true for that. The mask coming off these people, dont believe legitimately, they have people who are more articulate and so fast sore able to manipulate dumb people. But for the most part this is it not Dave. Chapelle is striking back, he says that, if Netflix pulls his special, he will do a ten city tour. We're not to break down here, cause boys on funny local distance,
twitter user, who had among the showed him ass, our rail and he mentioned his Netflix scoring system, and he says you take the audience score subtract the critic score and you get the real score and that's actually a good point and I will get into debt. But first, let's read the story from variety as Netflix employees walk out over Dave, Chapelle Fans voice, undying support for sold out at sold out. and get. This is where I think we actually have something: a bit more important. Dave's your palace planning, a ten city. U S! Tour of its controversial Netflix special, the closer in the unlikely event, the streamer pulls the show according to fans who attended a sold out London GIG on Wednesday evening, according to multiple attendees
indicated that he would visit ten cities across the. U S to screen the show chapels rap did not receive a media, respond to varieties request for comment. They gonna say that controversies around the closer snowballs and its released Netflix him employees and artists, accusing Chapelle of Transphobia and homophobia regarding com and jokes made during the special. However, at the exact same moment that a group of networks employee stage to protest in land Wednesday over the streamers decision to stand chapels special across the pond, thousands of fans, supporters. Dreamed into London's Aventine APOLLO Theatre to see the man himself on the six and penultimate night of his week. Long UK tour the three thousand five capacity venue was completely sold out with most attendees paying a hundred dollars to three hundred dollars per ticket. Wow
It is a good chunk of money and, as you can see, they ve bells TAT man he is, he is on top, so these people think they're gonna shot him down, but I gotta be honest. I would not be surprised if they do in some form succeed like I said men watching the closer it feels like he was deeply impacted by what happened with sticks and stones. I don't know how he's going to react to this. I mean it. It's defiance, you know what he stands up and he says that I'll do a big ten city tour let's take a look at what actually happened on the ground, because I want to show you how deranged and psychotic these people are. I used to
new campaign fund raising for on profits. I had done fund raising on behalf of the human rights campaigner more than one occasion. That's right, yeah they they they got asked for a comment, and there are like he's, never worked for us because these these cut these these nonprofits men, are they dirty. They play dirty games. Here's outworks a profit will hire a for profit to do it's fund raising and then they can claim that these fundraiser never actually worked for them. So that's the name of the game, sometimes like a five or one C. Three tax deductible non profit will hire a five or one C4 political act, poetic. You know group to do its fundraising, so it's five hundred and twenty four time tax deductible. It's it's it's a dirty game, but I'll tell you this I've gone out too many protests. is a whole new level of deranged and it's interesting because around the time that I started to get away from all of this stuff is when we started the rise of the site cycle. See this souci apathy:
However, it is infecting these people making them deranged. Like the video Well, you know that you know that mean of the woman and her like veins or popping. I like these people aren't, are insane and I'm not saying that two to job add them to insult them I'm saying it. In the literal sense, these people are not saying. Ok again, not an insult. I'm saying there is a defect in their minds. That requires some assistance, and I am saying this with respect to the individuals who require treatment and I'm talking about trans people. That's an entirely different subject. I'm talking about woke leftist MA that are going around shaking tambourine screaming repent. Something is wrong with these people. Listen what I can tell you about religion and growing up a catholic
and having my criticisms of organised religion, and all of that there is still a logical basis or an attempt at a faith based basis in a lot of what we see organised religion and then you have crazy going around in the street screaming and shaking tambourine screaming repent, not indicative indicative of the great religion. How do I know because I've actually been in churches, because I actually grew up a catholic and and went there, and so I have criticisms of the organization, most people regular people, they grow up. They believe things they re things. They have trust in their faith. What we see here- and I say this having worked at these companies- is absolutely different. You have people who don't believe it, but just pretend and keep their heads down, and then you have people who do our true believers.
Their insane, their results and colthurst across the board. There are lunatics in every every space, but when I am telling you right now is that these woke people screaming are overwhelmingly just disturbed people. Rightly says: Netflix employ walk out gross tense as Trans rights protesters clash with Dave, Chapelle supporters, which is just absolutely unfair framing what it actually was. Apparently it was two guys from Dick Masterson spot guess it was believed it was Dick Madison as as I am told them him guess, I'll pack cast I'm I wasn't. I saw the clear by dint of was actually him and
the guy. I think as they miss veto, I am not entirely sure, never have photos or anything of it but visited. These are two people there, not a big aunt. I d anything like not that you have a clash. Was them attacking a guy, so it's like. If you have a mob of people and they attack a guy, we dont say: there's a clash between protesters encounter protesters. We say protesters attack guy. Here's a phoney part these people, some of them, do work Netflix and many of them didn't it was when a thousand, I think we should expect their right there, but the Big NEWS was that there's gonna be a thousand people a hundred, I guess, and many of them were not even netflix- employs the question. I suppose is? Will this actually get Dave Chapelle too to back down? In the end,
is, in my opinion: overwhelmingly, yes, not a hold on their minute. I know Dave chapels at all. Do a tour right right to hold on just use with. Let's talk about this, we're learning about Southwest Airlines and the freedom flew and trust me. It's related. Or did this this makes sense when they say that everybody can get vaccinated southwestern, then people protest. They then say that ok well, if your applying for an exemption, religious or otherwise, then we're gonna put you on unpaid leave well because of the protests southwest backs down, and they say: ok, ok, fine! Fine! If, if you are pending an exemption, we will put you on unpaid leave. However, new employees must be vaccinated. You said I works right now the southwest employees might be going yea, we did it. Our protest worked ten. Fifteen years, every employee will be under the vaccine mandate, every single one. So let's talk about how this relates to Dave chapels
right now. Dave may be seeing saying I will stand defiant, but Netflix is probably now saying what is our upside here. The protests got worse. A guy got attacked? Do we really need this I'd say? The answer is no squid game, massive great show by the way, and the person who made the guy was saying that it was like an ode to capitalism and then that's funny, because squid game is actually one of them up most overtly anti car Yeah nest bits of propaganda, I've ever seen, but are there claimants capitalism, which is literally makes no sense? Why it's? It's like. I think the issue as communism typically refers to this type of like full.
centralized state authority, whereas capitalism is typically decentralized. So anyway, I digress they there. They ve, though these left us are alike. Corporatism is capitalism in your like no, it has in its corruption and corporatism. What communism is something specific so anyway, I digress. Success shows like squid game, no controversy there. In fact, they even got to placate the left a little bit. So why do another site with someone like Dave, Deva, Palestine, you, twenty five million dollars. It's gonna, result in protests, physical attacks and negative press people probably going to be. I gonna want it, and then I say this. We talked about this until guess: directives and I I think we need to support Netflix over there over, you know we should. We should sign up because of Dave Chapelle. You know we want them to say to know that if you do good things like the Dave Chapels special, we will support you doesn't.
Why doesn't and the reason is they still have the show big mouth. They still have the show cooties. Now the funny thing about duties in big mouth cooties, actually filmed preview, Besson, girls and explicit positions. It's like a night merrily disgusting piece of content, and for that reason I understand why people will not be supporting Netflix even with Dave. Chapelle Psych Dave chapels great now, but you think I'm a fund that good point. We also have the show big mouth. Givers Jefferson mouth. How did this one get past conservatives radars because it's a kids show. I guess big mouth is a show about seventh graders engaging in adult activities. That's literally the premise of the show in it four seasons of it. I get it. It's a cartoon and adults voice the characters. I just happen to fight it completely this.
I did I'm sorry, man, you're, not gonna, be overcome to me and these left a sterling- You're so mad, I'm, like I mean I dont care like I'm, not gonna buy. You know the show like this, a bunch of adults voicing seventh graters, engaging these activities or whatever I'm not gonna pay for it, but yet is kind of gross man. Now duties is where they cross the line because they actually have real children in these positions, and yet this just its messed up stuff. So I don't think Netflix is gonna, get Annette Ghana this so do it took two to bring it out Why would they do more of this? What's the upside moderates? Conservatives, people love you. No moral fibre are not going to support Netflix, even if they hire Dave Chapelle and the leftists will absolutely walk over Dave Chapelle. So what's this, I just think about it. They say: look we ve got shows like cooties Netflix and
Leftists Lovett conservatives complained about cooties and there was some controversy, but big mouth is fine. Dave Chapelle, however, is not going to convince. Can it is our moderates, to sign back up for Netflix because of the bridges we ve already burned, but leftists will leave bingo. Dont do Dave Chapelle again, you see how that works. Let me show you some some some some funny stuff here. Let me see if this is the Erika this twitter user armies dig back great name by the way As always wondered why rotten tomatoes gave such a critical score, Dave Chapelle, but seem to be so lenient and others? What could it be? Maybe racism considering they boost these two white comedians, whether that why pull at the sweet not to discuss any kind of full racism ready for that, but to show you
ethics score and how it works. Is you take the audience score subtract the critic score and get your real score, and this was a plan to me by local distance across critic, a critic of Woke ISM, and so here you have. a Gatsby net, twenty six audience scored one hundred per cent tomato meet. Every single critic thought it was great, but let's take a look at this one ready Amy Humor, the leather special, even among the critics, fifty percent audience score four percent, so negative forty six makes sense, and then we can jump or to Dave chapels. The closer you see now the audience scores. Ninety six in the tomato mirrors. Forty three, you subtract that well, you actually have a positive score: like I like that system also also love this year received I love talking about death, wish well
Ah, when this came out, eighteen set tomato meter. Seventy one percent audience score. The New York media is just so detached from reality. The media in general, and so you have a movie like death wish, and this is just another example. It's not the last jeopardize our prompted example of of this phenomenon, but I think it's a good example, because death wish wasn't the best movie I've ever seen. It was a fun popcorn flick a revenge. Film, Bruce Willis Cindy's, like I'm gonna, get the guys who hurt my family and then he goes and he buys a bunch of guns and boy did they woke media not like it so who are they talking to you? So don't understand. Some people have said the reason that critics give good reviews to bad movies is because they want access and they want to know they want these. These companies to advertise on their network. Ok, so why why rag on a movie like death wish dont
To make money from these studios as well, it's almost like the actual drive is ideological they're, trying to hurt content that they doesn't that doesn't fit their ideological worldview and help content. That does so. You end up with Hannah Gatsby NET, with a one hundred sent an audience score of: twenty six percent over a thousand rating from the audience and it's fun I was reading and, unlike some of their views, are like people saying I tried I watch this. It's just not good some that some people are saying. There's no jokes here at all. And I guess we spend our own life story into a clever raging in confronting spiel against massage any homophobia and even the tired old troops of comedy itself when Gatsby Russia, her plan on stage reveals her strength, rage and, yes, winning humor. I don't know anything about this company special, I didn't see, but I will say when they come out and say Dave chapels not funny, and he is- and this is
Visual is funny, but the honest like she's, not I'm gonna go inside the odd, it's on this one so yeah I don't know, How will we navigating our around something like this, that the people who came out to this protest were completely deranged Their screaming, like I said, to the shaping of the tambourine and all that stuff. I do not believe even Dave. Chapelle is resilient enough to deal with this guy You know he's he's he's saying: he's gonna be standing up and pushing back that he will. You will do a ten city tour. All that means to me is it's the last time. What wonder happening with your pal and all other specials? The companies are going to say. Why bother? Look big bang theory made money? Why bother getting involved, and so there's not gonna, be any content that promotes the values of freedom and individuality and liberty.
Then how do out of these ideas survive? Well, that's organ on over at TIM guest outcome. Our goal is to start in culture when you guys out of it as members, we are going to use that to make content. We start with a log. Log was really easy Just feeling, what's going on here at the house and they're skating, there's motorcycles there's nowhere building at chicken city, then we have tales from the inverted world which is just like a paranormal, true crime. You know it is the name. It really does explain what it is. We got some cool ghost stories and ufos coming up real soon and the goal is to just have our values be translated in the content we produce in the ideas we present Netflix ain't gonna: do it Disney ain't gonna? Do it they're all it's gonna keep came into the Woke mob because it presumably the safe, but why my favorite analogy we'll use will use Dave Reuben as the example because Davis such a good
and in the middle of the road guy can I'd say: does anyone fear favourable, leading a group of classical liberals to Twitter h q with pitchforks crowbar screaming? You now cancel the far left No, it's never gonna happen, but does when fear anti for showing up and these crackpot lunatics showing up and beating people destroying property? Oh they do, and so long as Lord law enforcement won't do anything about it. Then what he thinks gonna happen. These companies will continue to placate the law. They'll continue to ignore moderates on the right, and in twenty years your children will grow up in a society in a culture that is all based on psychotic called leftism. What you get on that? Without anyone willing to stand up to it? Eventually, you will get some form of communism, maybe state capitalism like China, where it's actually like a communist party that just controls everything
but allows some. You know capitalistic enterprise in a certain sense neither pinky and everything is probably what you get. you'll get some kind of slow revolution, then all of a sudden you will be living under the boot of the state and I'll. Tell you man, I don't think people realize what's going to be like to live under a under these boots. I don't think people get it. What it's going to be like is going to be One day, someone comes to your house knock on the door and it's the woke police, and they tell you that you, you said a naughty word or probably not even that your your credit, Appleby, disconnect discontinued or block
or banned due to not he words, you said and was overheard by the Amazon Machines and then you'll have to buy. Food will fail to get a cab so like the black, mere episode sort of credit system where the woman just kept getting worse and worse and worse so yeah. Well, I ll leave it there. Next Minsk scientist coming up at one p m on this channel. They sprang out and I'll see you all them. It almost doesn't feel real going to the store and seeing these signs everywhere, begging people to work, to see a shortage of goods, but that's the reality, and I will start this segment talking about the food Georgia's and other media blames you and once lower your expectations by saying it can happen here
whatever it is. You think can't happen here can happen here, and much of it is literally happening. Right now Its fascinating, when we see the January six committee me To have Steve been held in contempt, be criminally prosecuted. I think anything really gonna happen from that, but it is happening right now. We had tens of thousands of national guard surrounding the capital, I'd fences. Not only can it happened, my friends, it's happening here, some photos, so these rose from a couple different people talking about the creeping us that is the shortages and particularly in one instance, how to try to cover it up and it just in alma, feel real until you go to one of these stores yourself and you see, a lot of stuff is missing a lot of stuff ain't there. For me, I mention this before whose cream and it was bacon. Beef prices were through the roof. Kekuit brisket at the local barbecue anymore,.
it's happening and the media is saying. Let me just show this right right off the bat America's running out of everything just because of a celeb supply chain crisis Amerika is running out of everything, because Americans are buying so much stuff, o the. in the stores. Don't have cream and didn't for two months was because everybody bought at all. It's a lie. This is what really triggers me, because I went to the store vast, I'm like hey, how come no cream and they said we can get one a month where they couldn't get it. When we go to another story on a different brand, not as big of a fan. Now we just go to the local farms. I think this is the Future Gandhi to realise. When people like Jack, Pacific, say God of the city's, don't take, don't don't take my word for don't take his fore. I just sit back and
It happens because it's not good enough truckers. Getting resource entities is gonna, be tough, but that's their claim. That's their claim, its Americans, while for buying so much ok, here's press, Harold Food shortages are the next supply chain crunch air food, but dont people consume food and rigour. Basis, you don't be. It expect me to believe that people are buying up food which, like half of it, is perishable. Unlike half, isn't I gotta know the exact proportion of perishable inoperable is, but a lot of food is perishable. Fruits produce meets all that stuff you gotta use. and away the most annoying thing in the world. To me, I want to eat strawberries. Ok, we get strawberry covering bolt. You get em, they're good for like one day, it's quite annoying, so water people stocking up on that there is a shortage of cream, is at last that long or meets. Doesn't last that long take a look at these photos. This is Mary Clare and sail Absalom, proposing here your name wrong policies, my
will target can't even get me a diet. Coke look at these photos. I mean first, this looks like the supply that this is a short here is in chairs. Farming you're or whatever was supposed to be in this giant empty rack here, more just empty, empty erects. These don't look like food isles. This looks like this. A variety of goods you aren't gonna to get here. You can see these shelves there's absolutely baron, there's like baby supplies and then there is the empty coke came and get yourself a poke. Woof, that's a very important metric. Now here's where it gets really. Ash short is of really wire says our Safeway appears to be tried. to hide the supply shortage by using single lines of products to fill shelves leading to this. When I first saw the tweet in passing, I was like probably just facing. facing is when someone takes the product from the back of a shelf and pulls it forward because vacuum the supermarkets actually have teams.
It is because people will look down the aisle, not see it with our looking foreign and walk away, so they want everything to be up front then Irene wait a minute, it's all French, it's it's all french, fried onions, he's out as it's just all french fried onions. They took a single product and they put it all over the shelf to cover up the fact. The shelf is completely empty, but I love the joke. Someone They were like at least you can get your french fried onions and apple juice meal that you're so used to. Maybe all should consider lowering your expectations. Have you thought about that? Maybe it's your fault. All of this is happening. I mean it's, not yeah. You know, look who actually, let's be real. Alot of people voted for this and so to them also get kind of. Is your fault? I can't blame you. You know four for being misled, Joe Biden is doing a piss poor job of all of this. There is a worker shortage, trucker shortage, it's not just by the democratic policy
You gotta understand how this everything affects everything else when Joe Biden shuts Keystone. When Joe Biden bans franking, uncertain land than all of us you have an expectation that there will be, or there will be oil shortages in the future. Prices will go up because of its speculators. Getting driving the price up early, the price increase result in people requiring more money for work, and they can't so they Quentin then cascade failure. It's not just that one issue from binding its many many issues but on the do something I don't normally do, but I am doing just right now. A lot of people know about this: and ready meals, dot com. This is a paid promotional spot, but I do believe in this product I did a promo for them like a week or so ago, or we can half ago, but men. I genuinely hope you guys are paying attention and are taking care of yourselves. We ve done a couple videos on the cask castle, log, where it's like prepping for the apocalypse and it's like half ingest, but not.
looks like we're thinking ourselves. What do we need that? We're not going to be able to get you think it's easy! I'm kidding of the apocalypse is going to happen. I don't know if there will be no. ray. Maybe we re bound from this week. We tend to be resilient. Something that I myself you look at. These photos for American and it's like you till you do. Ten souls and appliances are not there at the stores anymore and some thinking. What might we need that? We are not considering right now and so were tied like we have gone by the stuff. We definitely need especially when it comes to expanding the better, so minded to work, we're like we need these things. We need to know safe and ready meals, dot com
is emergency. Food supplies they ve got listed here three month, emergency food supply and they ve got a for weak emergency food supply. I have a ton of these. I have a ton of em now sears like fifty and their each bucket is, I believe, each book it is two weeks or could it could be each, but it could be a month I might be a month, but tech check it out and look into an embrasure each buckets as for weak food supply, but actually not us to buckets. I think it is two weeks. Ok, whatever anyway, the point is, we ve got like thirty employs here. I will make sure that were able to keep operating. I dont think I need this for the apocalypse and I live in the middle of nowhere, but last year, its we're going on two years now that this stuff has been going down, the shortages are getting worse, the media's covering for Joe Biden and we ve got what three more years of this three more and as assuming that commonly Harris doesn't win, I mean a lot of people. Think tromp was gonna, win twenty twenty four. But what? If it's common Harris check?
safe and ruddy meals com, if you won't have to suffer, not put it this way. If you get one shipment of like for weak emergency food, you put your closet, they say it s up to eleven to twenty five years, so you can forget about it. That's why that's why I got a bunch of stuff. I got a bunch of other stuff too. It's crazy! We got a lot of stuff. I don't think it's! I think. If you have the ability to do it, you should do Otherwise. I recommend you mite. My personal opinion is up others I want to. I don't recommend thing. I wouldn't be anywhere near a city with everything. When down there getting crazier they're getting them more mandates are being put into effect. I got I got all these stories popping up about I'm skyrocketing police forces threatening to walk away. Vaccine mandate is just getting worse. So here's what I say in, alas, here when I was like we're, not gonna happen with carbon. Sometimes it rains right. We had a flood in Texas work. People were able to go and buy stuff. Well, this stuff is really easy to make you mix water with it. You heated up it's good to go. So if you,
It's it's around and are assuming we're all crazy people and everything's gonna be fine. You just eat it with tastes, pretty good. Actually, it's like hamburger helper. It's like! I actually think it's really good and the worst possible scenario. Everything does fall apart. I tell you this. My vice never touch. Everybody knows when it comes to survival or- or you know, prepping for disaster. You use your urgency food supply only if you absolutely have to say you, try and source your meals from wherever you can. as soon as you like? Ok, that's it. We couldn't get any today. You crack open some of this and start eating it as an emergency, but, like I said you can put the closet you base we forget about. And I literally do have don't go to my instagram and you can see we have tons of these buckets. I dont know if the apocalypse will happen or only them, but I'm certainly getting them. When you
have stories. I want to show you this story. First from Press Harold outcome, food shortages are the next supply chain crunch. There's plenty of food, but transportation delays are rising as a lot consider here, so I will say this one more time: safe and ready meals, dot com when you buy for them, it does help support our business and we do it is a paid promotional spot, full disclosure. I rarely if ever read anything like these. I do it when I think it matters as a bunch. If they want me to provide that's great, I won't do it when I genuinely do believe it is a good thing for you to have a check. This out has plenty of food, but. interpretation delays are rising, ok, we'll canned goods, I think, will be ok right if it's gonna last you a few years and the trucks. Can't deploy. Well then we'll sit around and eventually those cans will make it to your store. What about milk, but about dairy products in general? What about meat? What about produce? What happens when a shit
and of strawberries is laid in a big all bucket, and there, like we ve, got a week to get this out near likes our drugs backed up what's gonna spoil, then it does so here's what I think you need to be considered. Concern about you might but to get emergency food? Ok, right now, there's Augustine farms. They do all. They also do emergence within answer even taken orders on the website anymore, because their overloaded, I don't know I will say that automation, that's absolutely clear, but I do think that freeze, dried stuff you'll be able to get because they can get. The struggle They can freeze dry it and then it's gonna last twenty years they can put in the bucket and be like ok ship it out when you can check it out, but your fresh, fresh foods, the most important stuff you can eat. fresh meets if you're in a city man you're: u buy, I think your less light, you're, not gonna get we're out here with all these farms around us. So we can go to the farm and be like you got some fresh cut, the tenderloin or some like that will be like you got it. We go to this.
wars and their alike supplies couldn't make it an press. Harold says in Denver look. Schoolchildren are facing shortages of milk in Chicago a local ma It is running short of canned goods and boxed items, but there's plenty of food there just isn't always enough processing and transportation capacity to meet rising demand. I love how this eight it's it's. The rising demand as there is a hold on, were people not eating. Did people not eat during the pandemic, people all the time So this doesn't make sense is more than a year and a half after the pandemic appended daily life. The supply of basic goods at grocery stores and restaurants is once again falling victim to intermittent shortage and delays, and that's basically the point me My business insider Americans are running out of everything because Americans are buying so much stuff. This is the most insane thing. It's just. I love the insane propaganda photos of trucks unable to move Americans
Would be buying more stuff if they could, but they can't yo we go around. Try buying up all the time. Ok, we need supplies. I remember We need waited computers for new staff and it was like we go on these websites, sorry unavailable available on available on available. It took us three months to get our computer made for the new studio. We are waiting on shore chip shortages and it's not gotten better And so they all Americans are buying too much stuff. Ok,. I just want to say that we know that there is the ports are backed up. We know. that the ports and earlier backup, Rhonda Santa's, is now saying that they could open up the ports and floor to help alleviate the crisis. Excellent idea look forward to it So how are you gonna come out and say yeah all of your goods that normally come in? They can't truckers who normally drive them. They aren't they
global ah, but the real reason there's no stuff is because you bought at all it's insane how they spit in our faces, and they lie to us. They absolutely lie back at press Harold I quote. I never imagined that we'd be here in October. Twenty twenty one talking about supply chain problems, but it's a reality said Rebecca Sancho round chief executive officer of Albert since COS Companies Coast, who the laments of other retailers any given day you're going to have something missing at our stores and its across categories in Denver, broken parts at the milk suppliers plant affected shipments of half pint cartons on top of disruptions at one time or another in cereal, tortillas and juice. We ve been struggling with supply chain issues with differ items in school started said Teresa Hefner, executive director at Denver, public food services, we're done or public schools. It just continues to pop up like playing workable in Chicago deal. Pickle food cooperative, sir
dry goods because two main distributors haven't been sending orders in full in recent weeks. Early in the pandemic, panic buying was the cause of many of the out of stock situations that grocers experienced Although the food industry was able to somewhat rebound sustained, You're the pandemic, combined with the slow pace of vaccination globally in the recent surge commented on the variant, have resurfaced problems. Please, you see other trying, to do everything in our power to make it seem like the problem. Isn't policy? If you watch the TIM cast iron podcast, you may have noticed something up on the wall behind me. I have a different guitar. I have purchased a harmony silhouette, one of the best guitars over I'm. I've ever played, I'm just absolutely in awe of the sound of the few brilliant guitar. No, that's not a paid promo. Why did I buy it
Kay? Well, when we put out of ants, as you know, I play music, we record songs and we also do a regional music for our shows, believe it or not. We have in house music production because it is better, it is cheaper and we can do a lot more. So means we're gonna we're about copyright and in the long run it just gonna, be all around more cost effective. But that means we have to make an initial investment in building studio by equipment. So I went to- I want your music shop. and I said we want to pick up some guitars. I didn't get this guy guitar specifically from this once more music job, but I decided by a couple in some apps and I said we want to get what we can now. Because we know we need it and I want to put it off. We got an event this Saturday weren't abusing some vehicle. and we're gonna be shut? Setting up alive stream? Music shows an comedy and things like that at the castle. So, unlike let's, let's get the stuff now, instead of waiting right and then you know just help us get it on faster. I was told by the proprietor of the establishment that
You are to order a guitar right now to be built. Its fifteen months wait fifteen months and he said in fact he thinks it's longer because the native in making the guitars, so the stock you see he's like this is the stuff they have. It's already been shipped, but we now warrant when we're gonna be getting more n, and so I said I was just like: ok I'm not I'm an order, what I can and what we need going to sit around and just cross my fingers and hope it'll be available when we need it. But I do know that means everybody else. I'll tell you this as if my business could continue operating. If people dont have food right, we rely on memberships at him, cast out com,
add revenue, we were lie on you, guys buying things like safe and ready meals and that helps fund all of this. But I fully expect that when when when it hits the fan, people are gonna, be like sorry brow, we love what you do, but we ve got it. We ve gotta, put money into food in, and things like that with hyper inflation. I absolutely expect us to get to get hit by them, so I'm trying to make sure we can hedge our Batson and set up a business in a way that we can persist and I think, to be honest, I definitely think we're at that point. Where will be able to keep operating for a very long time in advance, ass, Dick and its thanks you guys specially people who got it. I guess I can become members. It is all thanks to you, but on all our I dont know, ultimately what we do in the event of a serious supply chain breakdown that become something more permanent. What you need to understand is that they kept saying inflation. Wasn't gonna happen
inflation won't happen from the mass spending, then when it started up- and they said well, yes, of course, but this is just due to the massive demanded it with it will go down and that we hear it just transitory right. That's what it's just transitory. It will eventually go away. It's just this massive demand and lower supply. Then said inflation is here to stay now they are quite literally sank. Inflation is good. You want inflation, clown they started putting these articles where they're, like inflation, is good at mean you'll make more money. If, if it I asked you an hour of your labour for a loaf of bread and then the inflation call everything. Go up in price. It'll still take you an hour to buy the loaf of bread, but you have more money and the food cost more. I wonder why I can only assume that what we are seeing is the media trying to just softened the blow.
So when they say that inflation is transitory and now they're saying it's a good thing, then they say: food shortages humming! Then they say. Well, you know it's just cause. There's too much too much demand then they say. Well, maybe you should lower your expectations, then, come out and say it's a good thing. There's less food, countdown they are saying. The shortages are a good thing. Americans are unhealthy, need too much, that's not complete, The true Americans are unhealthy. They do eat too much but not everybody is somebody eating too much, and there are a lot of people who need food. Our everybody needs food. Some people need at less than others. That's true but we are getting that point whether an essay the food shortages are here to stay the supply chain disruption. Here to state will not be alleviated. People are taking this trucking jobs. the policies are restricting it yet. I feel like what they did with the bite. Ministration did was effectively throw cal traps on the,
That way, there alike were trying to get people, two to deal run, but for some reason it just not working and then people are like, while their scale troops on the ground and binds. I don't look at me. When you, when you're far enough away, you can't see you to catch up as their like bit little mental spite youth on the ground in a matter how they land they lay with spike up, make it its where weapons that people can't chase after you re thrown on the ground. So from far away you see a marathon race and people. walking, really slow and you're like. Why aren't they running fast enough and then Joe Biden comes out and says some wrong with a runner. So what go ahead and announce that you're not allowed to run twenty four seven and the marathon runners are still not running in this a walking very carefully and what they're not telling you is that before the race Biden through the couch ups on the ground, with his policies like ending
done with them ass spending of money with the Democrats and over get trumps involvement as well. But for now it's it's on Joe Biden as he's the president trumped absolutely deserves a portion of the blame button to, but up until Covin things are going well now well into covered. Things have been getting worse. We had a period where we're saying things were getting back to normal, they are getting better and then we see the Biden Buttons leadership has just been catastrophic. Oh I'll, give you an example: vaccine met AIDS were already seeing delta southwest disruptions. When people can't fly, they can't work when they can't work. Stuff doesn't get made. Why couldn't they fly southwest was what was dealing with people calling in sick that an organised sick out, but yes, a lot of people, noticing vaccine mandates, the sea yoke amounts. Are Joe Biden made us do it, so it all trails back the responsibility lies the leadership then, ultimately, with the people who are willing to vote for the stuff. So here's that use it. You can do.
He followed the Newski, paying attention major you go and other sources look the this Why change shortages seem to be intermittent right? Now? I don't know what's gonna happen, but if you want to get away from cities, if you want to start homestead in it, and care of yourself being more individually responsible? You have my tremendous respect. I think that people should be doing, and I thank you. It would be smart to have some emergency food that you can store away and just forget about safe and ready meals, dot com, The purpose of this segment was not just to promote it, but I gotta tell you when look la I'll just I'll be straight up. you know when I saw this this tweet from Mary Clare, I'm dislike man. It really does feel like it's. It's it's closed. You know it's starting to warrant I'm in DC area. These are people, people who live in the I'm pretty pretty sure, and it's it's starting to fee. Us where we are in the studio is about one hour from Washington DC case,
When I tell you, I told so, like some journalists eyes, like I'm in the Deasey area, a bunch electors will, I know you ve. He's an hour away, it's like! Ok, we, our airport, is the same airport. It is that is, is Dulles and Reagan, but MA, I think perhaps animals are we use Dulles. I could be wrong, but we drive for about fifteen minutes and were in the Deasey Metro by literally so when I see people posing the stuff empty shelves. Unlike man, the Washington Post, dont, rant about short staffed stores and supply chain was try to lower expectations. I dont completely disagree with them. I mean it's funny. The story existence basically saying give up, but a lot of I'm at the Washington Post. Let me just stress you should lower your expectations.
Do you have high expectations for Joe Biden lower them? Maybe that's what they should have said are put it that way. I live at their necks segments, comin up at four p m com, Red Youtube com, sliced him cast. Thanks, see you Nazi woven.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-23.