« Tim Pool Daily Show

S5207 - Vax Mandates BACKFIRE As FreedomFlu Spreads, Police Call For Defying Mandate Sparking Democrat Panic


Vax Mandates BACKFIRE As FreedomFlu Spreads, Police Call For Defying Mandate Sparking Democrat Panic. Across the country many are defying vaccine mandates and most seem to be first responders.

But Democrats are downplaying it and they aren't completely wrong. While there are many refusing the mandates most are falling in line. The bigger picture seems to be total economic collapse as the vaccine mandate combined with inflation is resulting in strikes hitting several industries.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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so take action and limit our bid, heck overlords from abusing your privacy and get a free food five dollars, while you're at it. If you go, privacy, dot com, slash TIM Pool to set account right now. You'll get five. Dollars on them. That's privacy. dot com slashed him pool set up. or account today and get a free. Five bucks today is October teens twenty twenty one and our first story, the? U S, economy, is in collapse, as conservatives call for a free flew defying vaccine mandates and the left is calling for a general strike sides pointing to economic collapse. Laurie Stephen Prouder has been suspended from you to me. This is big. Joe Rogan also called out see an end to their faces. After had Sancho Gupta on and set, your network lied about me last story. Democrats are set to arrest, Steve Bannon, my friends. The spark of civil war is upon us before we get star
leave us a good review and give us five stars. Now, let's get into that first story: sweet from Jackpot Sobek. He says: Unalaska, airlines, employee, just sent me this photo from playing on the runway. Anchorage freedom, flu is spreading. The image depicts a jet for Alaskan airlines, the Gadsden flag hanging outside of the aft door. Freedom flu is a reference to people calling inside rejecting vaccine mandates, I'm not so sure that's what's actually happening, but people are perhaps calling and said, and especially when it comes to South West Airlines, it may be due to the fact that people are over worked. It could be due to the fact that many people are rushing out to get the vaccine quite the opposite of what people think, but I think when you look at the avail,
data when you take a look at what people are saying about their jobs. You take a look at the video evidence. People are absolutely rejecting vaccine mandates. Not have body, and maybe not even the majority. But a lot of people are the same, I'm worried about economic crisis and collapse, and I gotta say when you look back at the bigger picture. I dont think we're looking at a freedom flew, I think overwhelmingly people are getting vaccinated and adhering to the vaccine mandates I think, you're seeing many instances in which it is backfiring rather severely take Chicago, for instance, that- is the policing in his calling on police to defy the mandate they could be put on unpaid leave, but the police know they have the leverage the wealthy elites, though unlimited city without em, it's more than that, though interestingly in this tweet from Jack Basora, but we cannot send the right side, the what's happening, tab great reset is trending and so is general strike. No, admittedly, general strike only as a one thousand, nine hundred or so tweet. So it's probably just a personal trend, but many people are talking about a general strike and there is an article in the
in as many different companies are being are facing. Many industries strikes from their employees over stagnant wages. Now these people, in my opinion, probably don't know, what's going on I've, talked to many people recently as we're doing business on the outside of these videos, who are just absolutely clueless to politics, but they, recognize. Their gas prices are going up. Their wages aren't going up the amount of money there that they're making isn't going up. The covert crisis seems to be just getting worse and they just they can't make it work. When people meet their threshold that red line everything falls apart, so does where all that comes together. Is it really a freedom flu Probably not. Is it a sick out? No, probably not. I actually talk to a South West pilot he's out. It's worse. It's just regular people, taking a look at what's going on and sang this is it for me. So what do we think, as happened with south last in other industries? People took their sick days to their vacation days and decided not to come to work
causing massive delays. Now, of course, the media is giving us every explanation in the world as to why that's not true, so, let's break it all down, what's really happening with the general strike or freedom flu, left will tell you that workers are saying enough. We need better wages, money on the rights of freedom, people saying no vaccine mandates for limited both really is. I don't think that exceed met it, the biggest wrongness. I think the economy is collapsing and as it does, people will call in sick because they're not gonna, go work for garbage way, when they can afford to pay their bills. And then you also see strikes because people are saying I need more money. I can't pay my bills, but you see going to accompany and and trying to get money out of a company at a time of economic crisis is like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip. there is none to squeeze so as these strikes processed, the companies will just falter. The shortages get worse and my friends, perhaps the more apt friend on Twitter. We can
he is great. We set the great reset of global capitalism. How will it impact? Do you? I don't know, but it is happening it is. It is very obvious: people haven't taken a step back from this. The left, isn't she what's going on. I think the vaccine mandates are fine. The right probably notices this but needs to realise it more that workers are not happy with their current status at their jobs, their quitting, not just because they have an opportunity to not work with it with the unemployment benefits, because that's that in itself, by the way, but people are just saying I am not happy with my life anymore. It's a great reset. A great resignation precipitating a great reset and it seems like many people want it to happen. Let's take a look what's happening before we do, however, TIM cast out common become a member in order get access to exclusive members, only content which is common, Tim cast our role as well as soon to be tales from the inverted world green room show and the cascade of Loch tons of new shows. How did your way we're doing a lot of work to
spanned and as a member yelping support our fierce and independent journalism. We have no big investors, we are not funny, bunny, right wing or left wing groups like that literally this is a grass roots ground up company. I started a few youtube. Generals started working very hard, Ya'Ll supported by watching and becoming members, and that is the funding for how we do this work ain't. Nobody gonna put pressure on us to tell us what we can. We can or can't say that's the plan, the you thank you being members, but over it like this video subscribe to channel share the show with your friends. Let's go to the news and talk about what's going on. First, I want to go back to this twin. Just show this image one more time as we move You can also see here on the right bite. Inflation. An empty shelves, Joe also trending me my do? These are the national trends that are Gadsden lag hanging from mental. Ask an airline jet. We also have this tweet from disclosed a tv new State department of Trance
Asian Maintenance crew left some parting words before Washington's vaccine mandate for government workers takes effect October, eighteenth, it's as piss off ITALY and what are the other Miller live free, get fired while vaccine Mandy is about to drop. These employees are quitting their jobs, pen, they're, making it publicly known, but let me show you where things start to get really serious, This story from NBC News, Chicago The least union had urges cops to defy covert vaccine mandate, fraternal order of police President John Captain Zora vowed to take major lorry Lightfoot, what's administration to court. If he tries to enforce the mandate, you may see neither day Rhonda Santas find one county between three point: five and four million dollars for implementing a vaccine, medic fight people who weren't vaccinated Florida said you can't do that to discrimination. Sorry,
That is a question about whether the governor has the authority to do so, especially when you look at Joe Biden trying to do the inverse the federal level. But here we can see the clashes beginning when you think happens when don't show up on, but we all know about the less defined the police narrative. These wealthy democrat elites are probably going to start shaking in their boats, but I'll tell you. I can make a prediction here: to give a chicken The city governments as get vaccinated- or we will put you on- leave the policeman. tells all of the copse not to do it in the city will come begging, pulling disbelieve, there's protein there's outside my heart was what do I do? I need someone to going Jack. Boot beat the crap out of them and the cops in Chicago gladly. Do it Chicago's, notorious for its corrupt police department, yeah good work, Chicago here's, what NBC News reports the head of the
cargo Police Officers Union has called on its members to defy the city's requirement to report their covered. Nineteen vaccination says by Friday, or replace and unpaid leave in the video posted unlined, Tuesday and fur supported by Chicago, sometimes fraternal order of police presence. John cotton Zora vowed to take mayor Lorry Lightfoot Administration to court if it tries to enforce the mandate after Friday on vaccinated workers who won't submit to semi weekly covert testing will be placed on unpaid leave captains or suggest that at the city does enforced requirement and many union members refused to comply with it. It's safe to say that the city Chicago Congo, have a police force at fifty percent or less for this weekend coming up in the video cantons, aura struck officers to file for exemptions, to receiving the vaccine button to not enter that information into the city's vaccine portal. He's so that, although he has made clear his vaccine status, I do not believe The city has the authority to mandate that that to anybody, let alone information about your medical history, although I think it's fair to say,
Chicago police, certainly think it's the right of the state and the city to take away your right to keep an eye. arm. So spare me your your crocodile tears about what you think is, or is it acceptable? Any com was willing to enforce unconstitutional laws. Is then on costs National actor operate that way. I won't go so far sake women, all by Michael Malice, does but yeah I've got a lot of problems of Chicago police I can, however, say I do respect them pushing and saying no to vaccine mandates to be fair. He's right, forgive me for being a little salty over the situation in Chicago, but he has made us make on imports. Good point. The problem I have with the department in Chicago is that as soon as they are granted their exemptions to the vaccine seen mandate Bell gleefully enforced against EU. So suffice it to say for the wealthy elites bad news during a news conference, Wednesday, Lightfoot
whose cottons are spreading false information and dismissed most of his statements as untrue or patently false should cover. Nineteen vaccines are proven to be effective and that getting vaccinated tat city workers and their families. I dont think cantons aura disagree with you on that one. What we're we started making sure that we maximize the opportunity to create a very safe workplace that the data is very clear. It is unfortunate that the F o p leadership has shown the put out a counter narrative, but the fact of it of the matter as if you are not vaccinated? You are playing with your life, the life of your family, the life of your colleagues and members of the public. She said the city is prepared to deal with any fall out related to the vaccination requirement, violent I missed spiked in the city. This year, from ex from expressway shootings to rising Carjack kings, Chicago police report is sick, don't worry homicides this year through October, compare with sixty five in the same period last year, and four two in the year before first responders on the country have been hard by the virus, but I've been resisting vaccine mandates more than for honey.
Sixty law enforcement officers have died of Covid, including for members of the Sea PD according to officer down, memorial page unto they deem Angelo, who, once held cans, petition, died of a disease LAPD. county sheriff in Seattle, police are among the departments either under vaccine meant are facing. One cans are as clash the mayor of a host of issues after the city announced the vaccine met in August, the union had compared to something that might happen to Nazi Germany telling us sometimes the Saint Nazi Germany saying step into the hours. The pills won't hurt you Lightfoot blasted cantons. Are cancer, refers offensive, outburst in cotton or a posted, a video on the union's Youtube gentle apologizing for his choice of words, saying you're not trying to link vaccinations to what was happening during the Holocaust. Ok, so what, happening right now. Police are saying: no. Ass first responders across the country under these backs minutes are saying no fire fighters and allay it's getting serious
we are seeing, as I mentioned in Florida scientist going after those who try to implement at the vaccine, mandates are going to cause nothing but chaos pain, suffering and they insist that they are smarter and better than you. These people are despicable their evil. But you know what, if you choose to live under the boat. Say, they're wrong. I don't I will. I will leave these places. You know will put up our cultural fight will say will will issue our vote and then we see what happens and say. Okay, if the battle lines are clearly, I will not stay in place. That would try to implement such things on me. But happening with South West is interesting because I've talked to pilot who said people are fed up and they took their sick time at a vacation days. One that the pilot spoke with told me that he flown the maximum in August and he was fairly restricted through, for, I believe for parts of September now he's
saying I'm taking sick time, and I think that most people are doing. They want to cash out their vacation. I'm and their sick time before they ultimately get terminated. But does things are starting to be back to normal. Is this a freedom flew, I think, partly, are not in the way the media that the people the right to claim. You know, but I do I do think that the car pressure is being placed on regular people as resulting them. Saying yes, I'm out, but worse media sang. I love this one southwest spider web like route Map, is why flights as far as California were cancelled due to weather in Florida. Here's how it works, us air me you're, insane, narratives southwest could how flight so they all their flights were. Can oh that's, the stupidest thing. I've ever heard that Tron org Basically, what happens is this? A flight in Florida has to fly to you noted NASH, and then Tucson and then allay so when you book a flight from say: but to LOS Angeles that your stopping along the way
I'm sure, that's true to a certain extent, but you did tell me that throughout the day, three thousand plus or thought the weekend, thousands of flights weren't able to move because they had to maybe go through Florida. Sure, ok, maybe who might a judge. I don't work for South West on another planet. There there there there there you know how it works. I just think it strange that, even if the weather was Iceland, Flora and their spider web like system is what caused all the cancellations. where were any other cancellations for flights into another Florida. American lines in other airlines they had like it was. It was like routine cancellations, so they're, like all Flores Weather, is. fly. What about everybody else? I don't know Why'd. You make your argument, but even for Florida make that's ridiculous, but of course, if the game their plane southwest CEO apologize,
as airline begins to return to normal after days of cancellations, delays I find it. I found it quite hilarious at this. YO came out was like all we don't want of actually met it binds making us do it. It's like who brought that up. Why is that relevant to you or your staff, but I will say things are returning back to normal. Southwest flights are starting to resume again, which is why I think this was probably just people using their sick time and vacation days, because they think they make it fired, zoom out of their active define any manage anything like that, because there were normal YA reports data from They should tracker flight. Where showed ninety one cancelled flights about two percent of its schedule. Conditional two hundred forty two flights were delayed. The figures were far lower Monday, so things are starting to to look up again for South West if there,
He was a freedom flu or a blue flu or while blue flows at him with the cops. But if there really was a sick out, it would be persisting much longer than this, because the vaccine mandates now perhaps outweigh is going to slightly pull back but will see what's happening. I will give a quick shot out to our good friend, Seth Myers, who just reports fake news garbage under the pretext of it being Comedy South Myers, be rates Fox news, forts, reporting on vaccine mandate, Myerst took Tucker Carl's had a task for not being certain well reporting falsehoods. I love this. I love it. He criticised Tucker Karlsson for sank what he couldn't say for certain that it was a out. You can save restarted the man it caused the issue, but reported they were behind them. Anyway, quote you can't say for certain will then please by all means, put it on television. We all know that how journalism works, who can forget the famous Woodward and burnt in headline did Nixon? Do Watergate seems at the kind of thing he do, but who knows I love it criticising the opening of a abundant and
claiming he's trying to do journalism. They claim Tucker, isn't journalism and, to be honest, he's he's an opinion right as some journalism, but it's just funny considering what then BC and CBS and ABC in all of these outlets do quite the same thing, but I gotta tell you my friends. You have a good time go. Take a look at my Wikipedia entries talk beta I've, I think have mentioned in every segment segment now you know because it came up. Talk about project very us, but it's really funny how they're like hey we're reading, Article about TIM Pool and we ve discovered that is almost entirely demonstrably false yeah, that's the media. They write these big in article articles demonstrably false just you do too engineer realise these people are long and have the nerve to come out, criticised Bugger Karlsson, which is absolutely fantastic. Because I say some other stupid whatever whatever here we go, America southwest you gotta, get Blue Alaska. Most, the major airlines have mandates the only big one
that doesn't have. It is delta, which does not give any airline. of a vaccine mended, it's the one named after the variant ha ha verifying, but I think there is still a good point. There. If the vaccine mandates were really causing a freedom, you're a sick out wooden other pilots B. The same thing I mean you saw Gadsden flag on one one plain people are certainly standing up and speaking out, which is the first thing people need to do, but there's still their job. the guy, as the person had to be working in order to put that flag up. So I really don't see This is being a basic out. We may see it with the police, but I'll tell you this too. When it comes to you now, Hence the reason we're seeing all these political unions lash out against the vaccine mandate is because it's a bargaining chip for the city. that that the unions are saying that I don't know you should be negotiating with us, or I should say it's a bargaining chip for the union's the unions are like. Ah, you can't change our contract and then they're going to try and use it to renegotiate,
in Seattle the residents are demanding police chief address homeless camp as vaccine mandate further threatens patrols. Seattle, Ballard common parks are recent death of a homeless woman fire ravage tent encampment. That's right. The vaccine mandates are going to make a bad. Particularly in blue areas, and it really does feel like a great. We sat. Doesn't my friends just think about? What's going on with this? you are seeing the police be curtailed. What did the left wanna? Do they wanted by the police now. The police are resigning for a variety of reasons. Many are being forced to quit. When pressuring cops to do unlawful things didn't work. Many of these cops did resign when incessant rioting with with no end in sight. No prosecution didn't work. They then said: ok, fine, undergo and irreversible force, medical procedure, or else now. Finally, like ok, I'm up, I can't do this
so they're, getting there d funding of the police they're getting their economic crunch all happening I'll. Give a shout out to this. One Indy one hundred says anti vacuous. Think freedom flew caused America's flight CAS here's what it means. I don't care what you think. It means a lot of people think that there are a lot of people standing up against the vaccine, mandates. Sorry, I don't think so. I will say, though, freedom flew as a hashtag and as an idea is spreading across the U S, we can clearly see that the sentiment of individuals who are pushing it, what I mean to say, as I dont think it's the majority and I dont think I think if there really was a mass, this others there's opera. This way you gotta be it. We got we gotta play the framing of visa freedom, for there is. I talk to a pilot who said people calling in saying I met my wits end, but it's not that big. That's the issue. United Airlines moves to fire two hundred and thirty two employees or refuse to get the covered vaccine as Texas Judge blocks company for
putting two thousand workers and unpaid leave if their seeking religious or medical exemption. This has huge. They say: Texas, Judge, Mark Pitman, granted a restraining order against United Airlines. United, a CEO Scott Kirby imposed a vaccine mended in August sex in his report that ninety nine point, seven percent of the sixty seven thousand employees- are vaccinated six employees, while the federal law set against the airline so unpaid leave as an unreasonable accommodation vision? It has an employees waiting on me. You know: they're gonna fired two hundred thirty two Kirby sites being open. Honest entrance paired with employees was the key to getting employs vaccinated. Even if they disagreed well, you can choose to work for them or not over. Here we see Cairo Irving, doubling down It's not about money, he's refusing covered vaccine, even though he ll lose half of his thirty five million dollar salary by missing that net Netscape's games, We don't think he cares. I want you to understand something.
I learned is a long time ago. I met some guys in California pickled, particularly wealthy, this guy You said this a certain point. You make so much money. You go through an existential crisis, at least these guys did they didn't know what to do with themselves. Anymore, These Silicon Valley types one day were broken next day. They were worth millions and they were sitting around confused and depressed. What is it life. I did my thing now what they didn't know, what to do themselves, carry Irving he's gonna get, but nineteen and and a half million dollars. I don't think he's gonna be crying about losing seventeen and half million dollars. I really dont at a certain point. I have so much money or just shrugging as the rest comes in, and I've seen it with these people in California. Weather, just like all yeah, I don't know, I just had my account and put it somewhere do something with it not even know. I just I just don't care
Kyrie Irving. It may be easy for him to stand up compared to many other people, but also- maybe it's not so easy to to walk away from. You know just try eighteen million dollars, but he's going to come from his any fun. So he's certainly taking a stand, but I'll tell you again: y'all need to realize it. Most people are just getting. The vaccine mandates. There may be some kind of freedom, flu or resistance, but it is not that you know large. I think a bigger portion of what we're seeing is more is more to do this from the guardian. Is America experiencing an unofficial, general strike from Robert Right? He writes last from. job reports and the Us Department of Labour elicited a barrage of gloomy headlines. The near times emphasised weak jobs, growth in front of that hiring challenges have bedeck bedeviled employers all year I'll be quick that have bedeviled employers are here. What we could quickly resolved and rising wages could add, concerns about inflation. The media failed to report the big story, which is actually a very good one,
American workers are not flexing their muscles. For the first time. In decades you might say, workers have declared a national general strike until they get better pay and improved working conditions. No one calls at a general strike, but in its own design roused way. It's relate. The organised strikes breaking out across the land, Hollywood, tv and film crews, Gianduja workers element, coal, minors, Nabiscos workers, colored workers, nurses in California, health care workers and Buffalo. That's right disorganized. or organised. American workers now have bargaining leverage to do better. After a year and a half of the pandemic, consumers have pent up demand for all sorts of goods and services, but employers are finding it hard to feel positions and about it. These companies are desperate to higher net means the
hers have almond to go. Shooting power. You walk into your open interview at the Wendy's down the street cuz. We have a Wendy's with open interviews and they say: look we pay fifteen bucks an hour and you go twenty and we can't afford to pay that. Then you could hire me cuz. I can walk next door and they're hiring as well, and I can tell everybody I want twenty two. Thankfully someone can a fine. So what do you got and then they say eighteen, the workers have leverage, but I don't think it's just that. I don't think it's about leverage. I think that much like freedom flu is general strike being pushed by leftist is also missing. The big picture People are on strike because the economy is imploding. That's it Southwest airlines, cancellations, the economy is imploding not above Ex mandate. I mean they're, making it worse for sure, but its policies are absolutely killing jobs. but what happens is the economy was shuddered. Now is it they thought they could.
stop it? No, they getting it and then inflation happened is he will start with the restaurants. A restaurant says were closing down for two weeks. Fifteen days is love spread to ex go by and their food is sport, Throw it all away, you can't serve it. You can't sell it. That could be twenty thousand dollars for a small restaurant. They got to order another twenty thousand out of the food. You think they have that money. I mean these these these. These summits, restaurants, operate on mate, razor, thin margins. So now that two weeks, which has gone many other sad. Ok, we gotta make up that loss, so weren't increase our prices. As a local restaurant near us new, probably seen the same thing we're on menus have stickers overall their prices because they keep raising them and that's what's happening. Then, one day, those workers for all these different companies find they can't afford to do anything anymore. They find their heating bills are skyrocketing,
Take a look at this in this tweet from election. Wizard ABC News cited? U S. Government says it expects households to see their heating bills jump as much as fifty four percent compared to last winter, from the telegraph food costs will sore ten pence in great right, sat warns Britain's biggest chicken farm. Now. I know that in the UK, but its affecting us all the same, ices are going up. Beef is through the reporters to their of gases through the roof. Here for people's homes skyrocketing. So what happens. Little all young Jim, what as a union guy steel mill or the colleagues factory, making cereal and then one day he goes, the stormy says my groceries used to be five hundred bucks. Now, at seven hundred bucks, I dont have
Seven hundred bucks to buy groceries- I mean that's crazy. I went to the grocery store. One part: seventy five of the way for seven hundred dollars. Now what guy workin on a working class job is gonna, be able to do that. You know once a week or whatever, so they go there boss, any more money. We can afford to give him the raw materials are way too expensive were being constrained, as it has. No, I want more money or rather to go strike. Everybody starts going on strike because price they're just to Shanghai and they can afford anything anymore. The wages are too low. Yet will fifteen in our current anymore. Either. Why? Because we we are potentially walking towards hyperinflation. It is a cascade failure and I pray it does not happen. But this what's worrying: this is where we are going. If. People start demanding more money than the cost.
The goods and services will go up if the cost of the goods and services go up there. People will need more money and it will be a death spiral because eventually they won't end. the problem is that it's happening much too quickly. That's at thing. Together this White House, chief of staff, wrong plain sweet, calling inflation and supply chain cast high class problems, GOP tears into clueless and tone deaf tone, deaf tone, Deaf Whitehouse House for to bite and growing crises. If you're happy with instruction desolation collapse of this country's economy. Congratulations! I having voted for Joe Biden Democrats. If you wanted to at least stop the Republicans could potentially put a hold on it for a little while, but they won't do anything to ultimately make it stop permanently. They'll, just stop it. For now, Montel the democratically back into play.
Again back power in the White House or whatever Republicans will do very little. If they do gain power, people will become disillusioned. Democrats will win burned down. Some more people say: please help Republican, stop on their problems, oaken and do nothing. And here we go to death spiral. I think people are looking into their own worlds for what they wish to be occurring. That means Robert right. Leftist, guy being a general strike, it's happening and I'm like, I think the economies is collapsing, so people are doing, though it and then I do to get more money complaining and striking when in reality, Companies have a raise prices, resulting in a rapid escalation of the conflict and hyperinflation. People on the right are like their standing up against the vexed mandates and unlike eyes. Yes, some of them are, but most of them. Arts, doctors aren't. You know I tweeted this why are so many nurses anti backs and the left interpretive, though I was saying all of them were now, I didn't say all of them, but of course we live in tribal garbage polarized world,
where anything you say must be taken to the extreme of whatever faction? The other is, I guess you know like ninety seven percent of medical workers, one got the vaccine to small percentage that are refused but it is enough people to realise, is that you can have ninety five percent of your staff vaccinated. But let's say this for Southwest airlines. What's a ninety five percent get the maximum. You know get vaccinate for the next mandate and they say it's only five percent that didn't do it. What if those five percent are specifically their pilots, and that means disproportionately the planes don't move. One of the five percent is desperate, finally mechanics- and that means the planes don't move, even though most of your employs give it could be vaccinated if its concentrated. one area like your flight crew, your ear attendance, the plains and going anywhere.
So what really matters, I suppose, is where people find themselves based on their union or their politics. But more importantly, I think it matters at the economy is just in collapse. and so everyone's gonna take whatever reason adjust Why why it's happening and claim victory? I think for the left. the writer rise little. Both some people are striking, probably because of the MAX mandates, because they they want the right to negotiate and you can't just impose something over our union contract. Others are protesting because life is becoming too expensive. Well, I'll tell you this mass compliance is why it's happening every one got on board. What was going on last year and congratulations now. We are here,
where will we be in one year earlier worse if everyone just give complying so freedom, flu or not, people are saying no they're just at their wits end and that's why we're seeing the great resignation said about a strike or otherwise it's about the system just imploding, Oliver their next time. It's coming up at eight p m over at Youtube COM slashed him castile Ralph, rang out and will see you all, then we have to big stories right now. We have Stephen crowd, are getting a hard strike in a suspension as well as Joe Rogan taking on Sanjay Group of CNN. Calling him out foresee and ends lies. I definitely want to go over Sancho looked as essay, he wrote about why he did it because of course they don't accept accountability for being liars. In fact, Sancho Gupta. After talking Joe Rogan about how scene and lied go on with the house who lied Errand Burnett, but the big
where to get started and- and these aren't related stories in my opinion, I ll explain why Stephen prouder louder with crowd, has received a hard strike over a show. They did you use claims that they were harassing the transgender community. By doing it and the concern here is that there is a related story to what Stephen Prouder had done, that Lebanon, loud and county. Student was assaulted in the bathroom and led to a major scandal now, wanted to make sure you guys know? What's going on with cracker suspension, sent a mole because I know you guys may be wondering why he's not on Youtube right now. This is once again- youtube- I think is- is getting dangerously close. They want to remove crowd are based on the show he did special guest Alex Jones, Joe Rogan triggers left us again. Many people have said that they didn't find it to be outwardly egregious. He was talking,
very specific new stories, but Youtube says talking about instances where particular particular protected groups are implicated in crimes is against the rules so that a serious stuff. But what I want to point out first, is you: can go go to louder with crowded, not coming, go to their website a louder with crowded dotcom and you can join the mug club Stephen crowd is membership programme. I believe I basically- and they are doing their show live over there right now. We have to actively oppose hard censorship and one of the best to do. It is to make sure that, as of right now, as many people have and what do you mean on Youtube if their censoring people? Well? If I wasn't, he to let you know that Stephen Carter Show is alive over at later, with crowded out come many people may just be left confuse wondering what happened to happen. Sometimes we will take a night off due to a technical difficulty or
your guest had it at some issue, or maybe we're just I've. Gotta do something you know something happens at Minos makes me unable to do to show people, Youtube. Don't understand, will pass on the website will even post on the community tab. I tweeted out and people still won't see it. So the very least you guys where you can find a show- and I seriously do hope that you guys are supporting bug club, I certainly hope you support TIM cast dot com. Our website, for the exact same reason, but I will tell you this look. First and foremost, I didn't watches Eichmann. He did bite many shows a comedy show and they do very serious dolphin and it in his blood black comedy. Often you know doc stuff, like Dave, Chapelle, Dave, Chapelle GOAT did a Netflix comedy special, where he may like he. The things he said would who are our instagram material, but that's acceptable, Netflix, mainstream content. Why the line
Why not Stephen crowded? Why is he not allowed to make the same jokes, Netflix Ezra, taken down Deva Valleys allowed? Do it? Ok, they're been other very famous mainstream comedians have done, similar segments, so I will say this try to support everybody. The vestry abilities and I will I will I will you know with if when this happens out absolutely shouted up, but here's work. I think it's really import over here on the right side of the louder with a website you can see Joe Rogan embarrasses Sancho Gupta over CNN de warmer lies. You see. This is a big store. I want to talk about today, Joe Rogan doing one of the most amazing and profound things and The reason why I first and foremost we ve got a mention, Stephen crowded and make sure you guys know we could find, is content to make sure that to once again make sure the censorship is less effective and were actively resisting and opposing it by making sure you guys know where to go and find it.
But I do think the Joe Rogan Sancho, grouped episode actually does have an interesting overlap, principally with what happened with crowded Sancho Gupta is acting like Joe Rogan is Alex Jones, ok and to that matter, either acting like their acting like he's, the caricature of Alex only because Alex certainly does a character of himself and has certainly had crazy things, but he often is right and a lot of people dont want to accept that, but we had among the show we fact check them. Some of this stuff, he says, is right a lot of, in fact now the joke is that he's always right, no Alex Jones, Some really cookie things, but it turns out. George Washington did write a letter, the hidden candy
the Illuminati. I never thought I would as experience something like that, but this whites on board to talk about crowded strike as we subway into the store with Croatia, which Sancho Pendule Rogan Joe Rogan, sits down with the medical guy from CNN and says your network lied gently. They they claimed Joe Rogan was taking horse de warmer, those Erin Burnett. I've got the screen shots. I tweeted about this. They light Sancho Gupta in the hot seat and their acting as though they they got Joe Rogan by presenting him with information to maybe convince some of us, nurse, and, unlike what world do these people live in Joe Rogan, is not some crackpot conspiracy theorist now Joe Rogan. Certainly in the past, you know had crazy conspiracy shows, but I think it's mostly in
a fun exploration me like when I jokingly said that the that the world and in order to enter the Galactic Federation, we must you to find our one world government Joe immediately goes. I don't think, there's a galactic federation, Joe, it was a joke, come on you're comedian. I guess my joke was bad. All accept that a medic meeting. The point is it, was a regular guy, twice show so popular its regular people. see that acts like he's is weird. You know thing and that's it right now in the media, you have an elite class that exists in their own weird world. How many you caught the icy media story. What's that you're like, I have no idea what you're talking about yet, because these people play inside baseball the news this these journalists come hey everybody, Ozzy, media and regular people are like I'm working in a steel mill trying to make sure I can feed my kids, and I have no idea what you're talking about. even crowd, are getting removed, as is another one of these major independent channels, and not only that one of the few channels not on the left- and I say,
on the left, because it overwhelmingly leftist content on Youtube as much as they would try and Lyon. Claimants. Not, though, also claim right wing, because anything, that's not left wing is far right and that's how they try and pop up the numbers of right wing content claiming this more right wingers. We need independent media. We can't allow the censorship whipped actively oppose it speak out against it. And I'll. Tell you what I'm doing I'll say it again here I am on Youtube. The platform that has just suspended crap- telling you where you can find him so that the censorship is actively less effective. You see how that works so not perfect. I know that Stephen Cutters won't get banned from you too, because the massive platform as a major two to reach people, and this is a major battleground in the culture war. So we should be active and in trying to maintain our positions, but if we are, if you're trying to get out key information at Youtube is restricting that's. Why crowds gotten mug club
Why we have TIM cast out come? I will have a name for you, be a member at TIM, cast our common support. I work because we could. What look I'll tell you this moment. There after crowd her and they get him off the platform we're next. were literally next, but that that the cliffs are eroding with the hold the line. I know that King Shore Crowd or has the ability to do his job means that we are safer as well, and I also think that credit has a right to do comedy bets the same as you Chapelle or any other comedian- would do that. Youtube is fine with check this out. I guess I will talk about CNN because I really could show you what would goop they said it is. It is laughably insane goop to actually wrote on CNN that he feared Joe Rogan would attack him. I'm not kidding these people are nuts lot with crowd that from louder with crowded outcome, Anti vex misinformation, making horse medicine taking a cornerstone and Joe Rogan said,
with CNN Medical dude Sancho cooped up. It was a three hour conversation with the FAO, Chee and people being hesitant towards it. This is excellent writing by the way from Browed again another quarter up on twitter and confine tons of clips of Gupta the medical experts being rendered speechless by simple since group is not used to that on CNN, where the only dialogue has to be approved by Joe Biden End or the CDC first Rogan calling goop too out foreseen in eyes about rogue as Rogan is more interesting flashback Rogan caught the Rona his doctor, prescribed in the medication that is prescribed to human beings, seated report over and over again that Rogan took horse de warmer. Some of that is prescribed to buy veterinarians. Rogue innocent go to have that. He goes to a people Rogan put goop to unblock the simple question. Why is your alleged news network lying about me and then there was a row. We didn't your ears quote: does it bother you at the news network? You work?
or outright lied about me taking horse dormer goop goodness, as they shouldn't have said that why they say that Don't know you didn't: ask you, the medical guy there that absolutely you're the medical either side J Gupta is the medical guy CNN and he went on with Erin Burnett. Did he call her? and say hey you know, you lied about Joe Rogan take a load of us. We have this from the Rep September. Second, see it on medical analysed, Doktor, Jonathan Reiner debunked Joe Romans, crazy jumble of nonsense, covert treatments on Wednesday night that, where it was
gradual by a doctor, you know why I keep telling people talk to a doktor there like him, doctors are done. That's that's! That's not an answer. That's not that's, not an excuse and not go to a doctor. Joe Rogan went to a doctor. He got a medical treatment. Do you disagree with Jill Rogan? I don't know, I don't think railroaded its dubbed the doctor. Not me, I'm not a doktor. Don't get medical advice for me. Take your ear you're a year of your questions that people who know better and if you, if you're really unhappy, fought, go to jail. Romans doctor, if you like that I mean visited crazy, that not doctors are not a monolith. You know anyway. I said weird. This doktor on CNN said George medical treatment was completely wrong. It's about Joe got better and is not free of covered. It's almost see it and are a bunch of lying piece of art. Know anything about who I know Joe got monoclonal anti bodies and I am under the are. I think that was actually what what helped him. This is an uneasy way, approves the regeneration treatment. We also have this look at a screen
there is all Erin Burnett. Why interface off Joe Rogan says he has covert taking livestock drug despite warnings I put I wrote, hasty and pretty sure Joe never said it was taking livestock drug Livestock drug Joergen. Please sue them of Joel Jesus. Yet I'm well. He did have on Sanjay Gupta, which is interesting and let's get into it, so so take a look at this group that tries to convince Rogan to get vaccinated, see what happens. Cnn's chief medical correspondent, like a Sanjay Gupta, explains why he went one on one for three Joe Rowing on his podcast, the Jha broken experience. I look it's errand Burnett, the lady who was lying in the first place, the Mason, I think I understand what is wrong with with the mainstream media. You are going to be I think your minds will be blown by this article from Sancho Gupta that just dropped wait until you hear what he says: doktor sign
Gupta why Joe Rogan and I sat down and talked for more than three hours group to rights in today's highly segmented media world, most of the people who watch and listen to me every day on CNN of art, received and accepted the message about the utility of vaccines, the importance of masks and how can all work together to put an end to this pandemic, so I realize that if I was serious about trying to communicate public health, I needed to go to a less comfortable place. I needed to go to the lions den and accept an invitation to sit down with Joe Rogan for more than three hours? Ok. First, let me just say this: probably one of the most of comfortable places advocate station? I've ever been and is Joe Reagan's studio, took like literally from four one. The amenities of this very comfortable, yes, coffee, You drinks now, why me, by comfortable, is in the mental sense, is greatest: it's it's comfortable, I will say, Jos chairs, hurt my pack every time I don't about studio and taxes, but the chairs he had before
always be like man sitting there. It's like out certain my back so about completely comfortable, but I do have a long conversation, take a look at this group says I don't think Ever had a conversation that long with anyone seriously think about that what that blew my mind that that that that is crazy, me Sanjay, DA has never had a conversation with someone for three hours. I that's that's shocking. To me. Look maybe there's a blind or for me I assumed people talked when I was good. Hang up. I had long our multi our long conversations with all of my friends he'd sit around just talking for, like five six hours I mean granted, they'd be rockin, ganja and I'd be playing knights of the Old republic, but we would sit there all night talking about all of these crazy things.
never had a conversation with someone from other three hours. Maybe that's why these people live in this weird bubble world, where the we as the arbiter of truth and morality, because that's what they get their information from. There are actually talk to other human beings I mean look, I don't know why? Don't you guys, but below- and let me know, have you ever had a com station. With someone long in three hours, MIT outlier, your cut Titus. We do it every every night, Monday through Friday and to me like I understand it all down the long conversations, so we two hours on TIM Cast, plus a half an hour or so for the the member segment, but we're talking an hour before and basically half an hour after so we're going from like seven to eleven p M, we're we're talking non Sancho Group has never had a conversation to me. It's easy to do the show I'm not kidding when I'm eighteen, I'm sit on my friends couch and we got an xbox plan and we're too
about time and space and quantum physics we're talking about politics and we just sit there all day been massacred, and then we like this. So here's what we do we wake up play. Video games eat some Wendy's. You know it like when when when he's would open like eleven or ever go skateboarding comeback play video games and just talk and all about crazy stuff, maybe maybe for them it was. It was the wheat our people would be like. You know our talk about grace up, and I think that I was magnano smoke at all, not smoke. I don't drink or do anything that only enough piercings are tattoos, but that this this to me, was mine blowing. Now it won't. Let me let me read you this part. This is this. Is that I hope you ready Many friends cautioned me against accepting Jos invitation quote. There is little
for reasonable conversations anymore. One person told me he is a brawler and doesn't play fair. What's is people are not another warned in fact, when I told Joe early the pod cast, I'm sorry he doesn't play fair another one. In fact, when I told you earlier, the pod cast that I didn't agree with his apparent views and vaccines against Covin, Iver, Mechlin and many things in between, part of me thought. The Emma may former tie condo champion, might hurdle himself across the table and throttle my neck, but instead he smiled and off. We went why absolutely crackpot insanity, why would anyone think Joe Rogan
an extremely successful famous comedian, the most famous pod castor, would attack anybody. It's it's not even member Genk younger was like if I fought Joe Rogan Eyed and him he's. It was a black belt and Taiwan. Those a champion add that these people are crazy. The look. It's no surprise to me that you get the narrative you get out a CNN when someone's, like Georgia, Rogan part of me, thought he job over the table and throttle my neck It's it's it's just so insane! Isn't it now. You know why they want to ban all guns, because they a guy with a gun and a scream? They run jump in the bushes. where we are at you walk down the street, you see people with and I saw guy with across above the other day- and I, like you know, I'm not worried about the man with the cross by firing- is crossbow at me, because if people really wanted to hurt me, they could use a car and they drive them. All of that.
In fact, I got a motorcycle and I'm actually more worried about accidentally being hit on the motorcycle than I am about a guy who's walk around the gun or crossbow. Imagine people like at any moment. I thought the man might just might start firing wildly at me. If, if people did that, I mean it's extremely rare. Sometimes people go not, but if that were the case at random people, so worried you you're in New York City, you jaywalk all the time so Sanjay Gupta, I guarantee you jaywalk you're, not scared a car. Will you these giants? Hunks of sea, Here's a headline, Joe Rogan, agree to get vaccinated. See that's a lie. That's that's the manipulation. What is it they said? Oliver limousine they mention that he he nearly got vaccinated here we go what he said next surprised me, so it turns out that jargon merely got vaccinated, that headline there's a few months ago when I was in Vegas appointment scheduled but had logistical hurdles and could make it he offered up. The story is
if he's not necessarily anti vaccine, even if he does in Sicily, issues questioning their legitimacy. It's this sort of back and forth. That makes it hard to Pendule Rogan both in martial arts at upon casts interview, ha ha ha, for example, even as he sometimes railed against masks the Joe rugged experience, masks and black with his logo available for sound as website are available for sale. Even I even bought one ahead of time and gave it to him as a gift. He looked surprised, incidentally, there made in China surprise because his pride thinking, why are you giving me my own product? This is the crazy thing about CNN, and this is how you this is the best example, I think, of of of them being a cult He explained, as I often say, there are trump contests, but their fringe. They have no institutional authority
and there's a lot of this is the flat earth people too, and it's like some sort of trump supporters that are zealots that believe, like whatever you know, they hear from the Trump side, but they're not institutionally powerful and their few and far between Sancho, grouped as on CNN, and he he genuinely thanks that Joe Rogan is like this crackpot Flattereth are concerned, He theorist doesn't believe in science, because they're gonna call if you actually listened to Joe. You know that is fairly nuanced and moderate, and if you are assuming I mean a lot of people found found me from me having been on Joe Rogan, I think I think I'm actually more establishment than Joe Rogue
is on a lot of these issues and what I mean by that is, you know Joe talks about a mile Cardenas and young people. Sancho Lucas, as the risk of mild Cardenas from carbon, is actually higher than the rest from the vaccine and that something lost in translation lost in the conversation and then he Joe also mentions outta the part. If you get the point that their something's idea, transmits ability, Joe says that people who get vaccinated can transmit at the same rate, but the context missing there is yes, but people get vaccinate are much less likely to get covered in the first place. There are studies out of Israel talking waning advocacy. We are hearing about booster shots with mental compromised, I'm not a medical doctor or the kind of scientists. I should say because I to be fair, there's a kind of like Robe Street scientist thing with hacker spaces, and we have certainly done our share of fund crazy experiments. I built a remote control, can of green tea
and the aggregate millions at him you must your site is not, and I am not a lab scientist. I don't do research on the stuff. I can't tell you that's why I talked to a doctor, but they genuinely that Joe Rogan is like masks a wrong and should be used and vaccines are evil? When he's not he's literally, not you don't mind, my stance is like mask mandates. I don't, I don't think Rhonda Santos has a right to ban mask mandates. I really don't I'm not a fan of I'm. Not a fan of making kids mask up, I think it's detrimental to the psychological development master substantially substantially different from your reversal. Irreversible medical procedures, though so I certainly think p We have a right to choose if they were the mask or not, and if you don't want to talk to wear the mask you shouldn't have to, and if you don't wanna go to a restaurant, where people don't wear, masks don't go. The taxi minutes are very different. If I go to a store, I went to micro centre. A couple weeks ago, it by supplies and their luck, yet, where mask I was like,
whatever. I mean it's literally whatever to me: it's like a piece of cloth on my face. I really dont care for the twenty minutes. I'm in that building vaccine mandates in New York, for instance, are like you must undergo and irreversible irreversible medical procedure. That's between you. In your doc, at substantially different, so Joe Rogan selling masks clearly Joe. Interposed masks, but these people live in that crazy, crazy world will lie, they will cheat, they will steal and then here's what you need. Stand about CNN. These four words are helping spread vaccine misinformation. Look at the face of one of the most despicable people on tv brine, stout there you're awful. I think you are evil. I genuinely believe here's the story for little words, do your own research are hurting the? U S pandemic response, CNN chief meat
course. One o Brien South are set on reliable sources. Sunday, Ryan Spelter consistently tells people not to learn because his evil he wants to keep you in the dark. He is a bad listen. What a surprise you! If I told you that him and I are like the same age- well, I guess evil ages, a person has a nasty did and I've met him before we ve talked interviewed me, but this guy genuinely wants you not to be informed. I will tell you this: you should read CNN should understand why they think the things they do say can better understand what they say and why they say it. You should also. And a Joe Rogan, and I don't mean Like believe jargon, as I hear what he has to say, we can understand it as well. I think you should do your own research. You should look at the scientific studies and then you should ask a medical professional who is an expert who went to school and got a degree, and if you are unsure you get a second opinion
This is a normal thing. People do anyone telling you not to do your own research is trying to lie to you this. How cults work does why say it is a cult colds. Try to restrict your ability to get information from the outside world. It's how they keep you in. Alt, so I hope I cannot be worn, I guess, but I'll throw it back to crowd her again. If, if you, if see if you're on wondering where he sat louder with crowded out come. You guys can join the mug club to support them because we have to actively resist all forms of censorship, and I wish, I hope, for the best receiving our. I may not agree with his bets or his comments or whatever its irrelevant and immaterial too too to the issue of censorship is allowed to have the conversations he wants to have if people want to oppose and they can have that debate Lex, Andre Group did it with Joe Rogan censorship, Scott. We are pushed back on that stuff, so check them out. Thanks, rang out everybody I live at their necks. Second will be at one p m on this channel and I'll see while them.
The federal government is consistently ruling by decree, Joe Biden is defined, the legislative branch and the Duke judicial. He is now trying implement a forced medical procedure on the entirety of the population through coercive means, meaning, if you weren't a company with at least a hundred employees, they must force you to go. This treatment were now seeing the rise of the freedom flew. Apparently, people are calling in sick. It may not be coordinated but if I were to tell you that a civil war is possible, perhaps many of you would say at this point I kind of agree with him. Even though couple physical. Many many of you probably said. No. In fact, many of you probably still say no. What about to tell you that Democrats I send you S, marshals, to arrest Steve Bannon, for organizing a legal rally or being part of a legal rally helping to organise on January sex
any insurrection or storming of the capital, but their demanding it defy and ban and has had no. They are now threatening to send you US marshals, to arrest this man If I were to tell you all of those things I'd with collapsing economy, the failures in Afghanistan, the mask bout rage against Democrats and Joe Biden his faltering approval. Writing. And then say that we are looking at a civil war? Perhaps you might stay, you might say it's a right wing fever dream. Is it what if I could show you this from Amazon, b c is another civil war really possible in America. From Madame, a son. where he has on to individuals to discuss that. Yes, as they mention what precipitated the first civil war in this country a disputed election, and then the south saying you. We don't play that route about this from salon an article. What lies ahead after the damage, the Trump era,
in Amerika avoid disaster historian, Jack Goldstone saw this all coming thirty years ago. He says America's failure is pushing us off the cliff, my friends when they start sending law enforcement to round up political figures just listen to their own words in Venezuela, the arrest of, opposition leader is is, is Anti democratic in Russia. Vladimir, going after his rival now what do we have Steve Bannon? What did he do? They want and testify, as on the marshal cigarette round him up people on twitter I sang arrest him foaming the mouth demanding the arrest you not
it is true of people on the right for say, Mono, Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. So it's not about whether you are right or not it's about the fact that I think it's fair to say both you and I can recognize why Joe Biden should be impeached over the Ukraine scandal. The continually gets worse- and the left is adamant that Steve bad and trumpet everybody should be arrested, even though there is no evidence at all our love- and you don't know where my friends we live in Rio, you now, you know how I know, because the Mahler probe found nothing and while there were were some questionable things being done for the most part, we all actually covered in great detail. What was going on with Russia Gate Nothing and now we note the lies about Donald Trump and the call to Ukraine were actually about Joe Biden, corruption and the system is protecting this man.
How can we accept the status quo at this point, which is our government being run by corrupt, corrupt and evil people they The same thing about Donald Trump. Suppose the difference is given are less trusting, which is an endless agreeable, meaning we. a bit more evidence before weaken mega conclusion, not everybody on the right. Certainly it's not. Everybody was moderate their there. Many people on the right who just blindly believe it, but I think those of us that in the middle kind of regular individuals and there's an overlap now with people on the right. We can recognise the lies from the mainstream media. When they actually say they're going to send people out to make a rest of their political rivals. I hope you ve been paying attention you see. There may be somebody who comes forward and says I ve now watch very many of dimples videos. This is crazy. This stuff never gonna happen
rode back to when we had Ryan long on the show. Last momentum cast IRA, Rick different rights, great we're doing an event with him on October, twenty third in the in the West in West Virginia, and when the show started, he's as to when I was on the show. Last time you got me all worked up saying a civil war was coming and I was I was leaving Europe freaked out is kind of a unexpected you know we do want is for the show I before what? Whereas were setting up we're talking and stuff, and he had brought think about it. I assumed he like you're, just under two rousing, but Ryan was like. So what happened? I thought there's gonna be a civil war and I just went on January sex, a thousand trump support, astounded, the capital shutting down the electoral college vote process. We also had a shoot out. A man was shot twice in the chest in Portland since then we ve seen several more shootouts and that's not even the half of it. In fact, that's just one grain of sand in the Ass, that's arisen and ranges powers like responses, like oh yeah, same thing, happened with Russell Brand
now. Russell brand was just like you. Ve talked about civil war, and I said, let me break it down for you rising an escalation of street violence, the expansion of the culture work of the high levels of government that the big tech companies suppressing hard proof of the Biden, family, corruption, then you get shootouts storming of the capital come on now it's not over and it's not to be over because no one will back down the authoritarian. Since the Democrats are adamant they must seize power and they will crush you to get it. and they use the media to manipulate people saying The writer all authoritarian what the right couldn't unify to save its own political party, Republicans, don't count their establishment shells just do nothing, but they say it's the right there, the authoritarian,
when, in fact, most people, the writer sang, live and let live typically a liberal position not anymore with the left you now, it's the conservatives yeah. I think we're heading in that direction, because Everything is escalating, namely this story shows us the escalation, there's no sign of abatement, there's no reason for me to believe escalation will stop. If, if maybe the damage came out and said we are not interested in pursuing the subpoenas at this time. We don't want to make things worse in this country. In its time we find some common ground and hence our focus gun and unity through threats. America faces I'd, be alike wow. That is a good sign of some de escalation, but we don't get that we get people on Twitter, just brushing their faces on the table, are asking here we go soon and reports from Ally, Steve abandons game of chicken. With the House Committee investigating January six. Capitol Hill riot is on the cost. Entering a new and critical phase Thursday as he faced
his last chance to reverse coarse and comply with the panel subpoena before long makers likely move to seek criminal charges. banning lawyer on Wednesday, wrote a letter to the penalties that is client will not provide testimony or documents until the committee reaches an agreement with former President Donald Trump or executive privilege or a court ways and on the matter. That is an issue between the committee and the present and present Trumps Council and Mister Bennet is not required to respond. At this time attorney Robert Castello wrote the letter double down on previous instances in which the former White House adviser made clear, has now intention of appearing for a deposition Thursday, as ordered by the committee, and essentially dared lawmakers to sue or hold them in criminal contempt. Earlier this month, in response to subpoena If there is no show the committee is expected to me, we begin seeking a referral for criminal contempt after the subpoenaed deadline, passes, making an example of Bennets Non compliance as the house.
six more witnesses sources, familiar with the planning, told CNN good for you Bannon. Bravo, that its conviction willing to be arrested for what he believes. In that respect,. We're in trouble. I can't I can't tell you how much trouble were, and I think you either. No it or you don't they arrest, Steve Bannon, they they are saying: Their power is absolute, we're in trouble. They say I could take some time before the house signs to refer to the payment of justice, the committee could take initial steps than ours. The panel stated deadline, which is Thursday. If Bennett refuses to cooperate, the source is added Underscoring a growing sense of urgency around the investigation itself. Seen unreported Wednesday at the committee is unified in its plan to seek criminal charges against those who refuse to comply.
and lawmakers have specifically honed in on banning, while discussing the option publicly. The reason why some of these witnesses- people like Steventon, who have been public about their contempt for Congress, fielding get away with it is for four years they did Adam shift. Amazon BC on Wednesday. Of course, most of you know Adam ship, as the man who lies through his teeth all day and every day these people are Ye Viola. I dont like using that word, I'm I'm! I try to be rather a philosophical in a pragmatic and my roach to understanding what evil is I'll. Tell you what it is. It is the idea that that that life doesn't matter. It is the idea Your whims supersede natural,
law, big fan of the movie doktor strange absolutely. I did find mortar to be a bit abstinent, but I did agree with some of what he was saying. You see we have rights inalienable and we have to play within certain rules. If we want to have a system function is also Let's just say no natural law, but I mean by that is, is: is the rights inherent to creatures to life, to liberate the pursuit of happiness? I believe that the one of the core functions, if not the essential function of life, is effectively like a negative entropy. Organizing as this organization emerges all around it. That means quite simply, our guy all is to build to create, to inspire too, to formulate to organise energy into more complex.
Systems resisting the entropy that will eventually engulf us. I see that as what life does and I think it's as what life should do and then I think about how this translate to be translated. Human experience that is having children is a good thing, raising them, making them strong and successful, preserving life, finding ways to improve and protect our environment. All of these things are considered good. Why? Because they help life and hurting life is considered universal bad. When I see people like Adam chef To some degree, is even people like Trump, but that by truck, I think I fall on one side versus Adam ship on the other, I see people who are willing to lie, cheat and steal to subvert the will of an individual to place themselves above other life, and then I see that as evil and varying degrees. It's one If someone has make a hard choice and say you know, look if this person
doesn't do what I you know this thing they could get hurt, so I have to tell them or scare them. I'm not a fan of the deception, but I can understand some of it. Adam Schiff, as yourself. self, he is a very, very evil evil person. It is all about just him him him him him. You can say similar things about Trump, I'm not here to defend the man. I think so a lot of problems by think Trump really did want to help this country he's just a bad avatar right. He was the avatar of anger for many people who wanted
honor integrity, dignity and and and preservation of of the country and our way of life, and things like that and what I mean by that is look look at what we have accomplished over the past several decades we ve maids, we we ve band, block busting in things I read, lining still happens, but we made it illegal because working towards getting rid of it, we ve improved civil rights dramatically Supreme Court has ruled allowing gay marriage. We definitely found that position where we respect individual liberties. These people seek to absolutely destroy it. Now, you're we are, we are watching them. Take a sledgehammer to all of the institutions that have helped kept us free and helped life flourish. The left will tell Capitalism is evil their insane. They are just not while message that suffer their extremely ignorant. Their naive, they dont know. Capitalism means you see. One thing that the establishment left has done effectively is convince people that capitalism is only corporatism
Many on the right feel, similarly of corporatism. When they talk about communism, the reality is corporate. Corruption is a bad thing, no matter what who's happy. With these massive major pharmaceutical companies, you know, and or only these big tech Chinese, but people are willing to overlook things that benefit them. The real is free markets are a good thing: support programmes and government. A city assistance are also good things so long as the systems can be held accountable and ended when they go bad. Now we have the lucrative merger of corporation and state something dramatically different, something that the left is absolutely angry about in the right is angry about as well, yet for their their lack of us share definition there fighting with each other and for it the shifts of the world. The policies gain more power than Connell's the lit the grams I'm sick of it
say quoth. He would never be prosecuted by the Trump Justice Department, but those days are over and I view that not only as essential to our investigation, but also view this. The enforcement of the rule of law as an early test of whether our democracy is recovering the California Democrat added California, of course, which has been actively defying federal law for decades If not longer there a sanctuary state the laws, apply to them. They say. Meanwhile, you also get people like Nancy Policy, not wearing a mask. The law does not apply to her you also get Gavin Newsome, not wearing a mask going out to eat. The law does not apply to him when they come on, tell you, the rule of law must be protected, and these are some of the people who absolutely defy the rule of law or rule by edict. These are evil evil.
People, CNN Legal, analysed, norm else and swiftly pushed back and Castello letter Wednesday saying it's just wrong. The letter cortical a case saying the president can make executive privilege determinations, but Trump is no longer the president in the. U S we have. We only have one at one of those at a time is Joe Biden and he is not asserted privilege here. Three other tromp allies also face subpoena deadlines. This week, two of them trumps, former chief of chief of staff, mark meadows and former admin official Cash Patel, have been engaging with the committee a corner. The panel, though, remains unclear That conduct amounts to any form of cooperation, but tell us not expected to appear for this schedule deposition with the committee on Thursday, multiple sources familiar with the plans to see it at all. You know what I'd totally do it I'd absolutely go and speak, and now I get to look at him shift I and just say you are an evil evil man you are as evil as evil can be described,
question. So what do you know about X Y and see I? Yes? Yes, your evil you're, a very evil person. Actually to be fair? I would use the opportunity to talk about Joe Biden, Ukraine and in all that stuff, and they they can instructed answer, would have questions they want these plead the fifth or whatever. I'm not. That applies a here in this circumstance, but I understand Steve Ban and standing up and saying I won't do it, but I think doesn't opportunity at least ingesting dancing, I yes well, you see. Is it all started when I saw this video on Twitter of Joe Biden threatening to withhold a billion dollars in? U S aid unless a prosecutor got fired, a prosecutor who happen to be investigating company where his son work right. I'm sorry investing in the sea own founder of the company, whereas son was a board member and and when they try to interrupt you back. I'm sorry, I'm answering a question what I've got.
We therefore context right right, so it turns out Joe Biden actually shared a bank account with this on and they use the money interchangeably, which would imply, of course, that Joe Biden was receiving kickbacks from you know. These companies and was using a sign as a proxy to take money for him while he was in government. I'm sorry what was at work? Yes, it met met, Tybee reported this. Will I'm answering the question? If you? Let me finish, though, it threaten their faces, the order, the committee was was able only recently to serve trumps. Former deputy chief of staff, Dance, Camino subpoena a source of the mathematical CNN and its deadline to appear for adaptation is likely The late ass to whether meadows and Patel will appear before the panel for their depositions later this week. many member wrapped Stephanie Murphy, a floor Democrat said. My expectation is that they were. They will do. The patriotic thing then appear before the committee and if they do, We have anything to hide, there's no reason why they don't show up I'll. Tell you this.
there may be good reason to sit there and just say whatever you want to then, but maybe it's pointless it'll be a closed door session at imagine, in which case Steve Ben is right to say screw off. I ain't saying nothing: they'll arrest, a man for it where we're going even MSNBC recognises running a running, a segment another civil war really possible in America. It is why why is the GEO piece of anti science? You know what I don't care about the GNP. I can't stand the Republican Party there's a small handful and I think most people even tromp supporters, agree, the Republicans are morons and they suck the Sahara. but the people who run a public funds, that's how you win as a handful of people. Who are Democrats, who aren't really Democrats and ran. That's how you win. Bernie Sanders tried it yet. The gnp is trash. Handful argued the democratic parties. Trash less, are good
They're, just establishment shells, even Bernie Sanders becomes an establishment showed the very least ran Paul is and ran Paul Those are all in their faces that I can respect. Yet people keep voting for my car, Lindsey, Graham Gram, and they keep voting for you know Mccarthy. I love it Specially love, you know, run Wikipedia there too, to smear me, as is right wing far far right. In fact, it's me it's the best. And then in this article, that was smearing me claiming that I've donated to multiple republicans. They said the word multiple. I have donated MAX contributions to two Republicans. It was Billy promptly and Sean Porno and then for dammit, Rats which is Agatha Basle are a progressive leftist running against Pelosi. Michel Caruso Correira, a moderate Democrat running its who ran against Alexandria, cause you Cortez, Tulsa, Gabert and Andrew Yang. I may donations to all of them. More democratic
then Republicans. It's almost like I put my money where my mouth is. Also it's almost like I actually donated is people, irrespective of anything I was talking about at the time. Sorry, I'm not right wing and about conservative, I'm centre left, which explains why some Republicans get donations from me. A button. Typically more Democrats did at this point that the debt at a party is such utter. Garbage I'll, never go near it I'll. Tell you what the moment the muses, guys or Dave Psmith announced they'll be getting a max contribution. Maybe maybe, when you set up Michael malice pack, and we can just dump money into running, adds that are funny and then challenge the establishment and just throw it all back in these people's faces I suppose the one benefit to the establishment of Publicans and the unit party, really the Democrats Republicans holding hands behind our backs that prevent some kind of complete, an absolute fallout from this country, but let's be real the american people are tired of being dotted their tired of being beaten the tide of being pushed around. It doesn't matter if your left
right wing populist when you're saying for the people by the people these people have had enough Now, I'm just so sick of these leftists constantly defending the Stably Shipment Donald Trump is the establishment, he's the human molotov cocktails. So saith, Michael more and I can see why there was room bind him, but the establishment. Pushes the lies in the smears and Bernie Sanders walks in luck, step with the unit party said
His young young people, just don't have the experience and now what's happening. Maybe when they're all there's something I'll change, I don't care if the person who wins is left or right wing populist for the most part, Steve Ban and said he was far right on my show and then its attacks, the retina had see. That's a left wing position is like whatever I'm a populist. I don't know yeah it's about the people. Now you can be a populist and still think people are dumb and theres. Many people who are dumb, as George Crown said they want how stupid the average person is now realize half of our stupider than that, but doesn't mean you duty that doesn't mean you wants to be people rolling things I can so be meritocracy. Elite ISM is arbitrary power. I did for the elites or rule and benefit of the elites matvey em. Now the country should function for the benefit of the people and true leaders do their jobs for the betterment of the people. We don't have that,
the political class anymore. We have an exploitation class there vampires their parasites, sucking off the hard work of the american people. I wish the left and the right to finally wake up some like that, but I think the young people on the left are too to wrapped up in the past. Ganda. There certainly are the propagandizing right, but I think the moderate people who help you know and the independence and see through the bs. I just don't know how you format Coalition, it's difficult, stimulant, people believed completely different things if they actually a rusty, abandon, I just hope, you're paying attention, because it is it's a slippery slope I'll leave their necks seconds coming up at four p m over at Youtube COM slashed him cast thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-15.