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S5171 - Felon CAUGHT With Hundreds Of CA Recall Ballots, Democrats PANIC As Larry Elder May Win Governorship


Felon CAUGHT With Hundreds Of CA Recall Ballots, Democrats PANIC As Larry Elder May Win Governorship. Democrat aligned media pulling out all the stops as polls show a clear path to victory for the Republican candidate.

New data on ballot tracking shows that democratic party ballots are being returned at a slightly higher rate than independent voters or gop voters

But this is early mail in data which favors Democrats. Not to mention many Democrats may actually favor recalling gavin newsom

This could be a huge moment of success for Republicans in California.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi. This is David Rubinstein, the host of the New York, historical society's new podcast for ages join me as I swore the rich and complex history of the United States with a nation's foremost historians and authors, listen to for the just wherever you get your podcast today August twenty fourth, twenty twenty one and our first story, hundreds of we call election balance from California were discovered in the core of a sleeping Phelan. They also discovered drugs and a gun, and the man has been charged with forgery, which I guess implies his intentions. Now I don't know exactly why, but the establishment dared Larry Elder conservative talk, show host, might actually win and become governor in our next story. Biden may have pushed too far on vaccine mandates bill. More liberal ta, Show host sang enough he's. Refusing to get
more booster shots, but as vaccine mandates come to allay bill, you gotta have no choice. Now, aren't you and in our last story, Governor Cuomo has community center. Of a communist terrorist- that's right, the Father of Chess about and from San Francisco. This man was involved. Eighteen, eighty one Brinks robbery, which saw three people murdered. Naturally, people are really angry about this. If you like this give us a good review and leave us five stars and if you're really like the show, share it with your friends. Now, let's get into that first story: California is recall. Election is under way. Mailed in ballots are being returned and whether or not gave a new some gets recalled? We don't exactly
the pulling his neck and neck, but we do know that, should he get recalled, conservative talk show, host, Larry Elder may actually become the governor because he is leaving with twenty percent of the poles. Now, of course, they're scared. The allayed times, has been running hit. Peace after hit peace, some of the most in setting the date pieces, the black face of white supremacy. They call this guy. it's insane is just a conservative to bathing. Isn't it we have a couple more stories: dust. Let me will build the suspense. I know you click the thumb nail you know what's going on, but let's start with that. One story where people are concerned at their melon boats have hole in the envelope and when you put your ballot in you can see whether or not someone voted to recall Gavin know some and many people are wrapping their heads like. Why is my vote visible through this envelope, they just say it's the whole is there for
Are you know moving it through the system or I don't look. I don't care why? The hope is that you're, her people are freaked out about it and I think it's a really bad idea, maybe make about our system, but here's the big during a phelan was apparently sitting this car asleep in the police and investigated and found drugs and hundreds of California recall ballots in a loaded gun and ah how this raises some very serious questions. How did so on, come to be in possession of hundreds of California recall ballots. Apparently there informing people whose eyes names roundabouts there will be sending the mountain sentient, setting up new ones to them, but already people are sceptical because they don't ass, the Democratic Party, and this is a huge red flag. There's a viral video some women going through a mail box and a lot of people are saying that it is proof of them, you know taking melon ballots. I have not been able to confirm that
What I do know is that we have official reporting saying that some do somehow got his hands on hundreds of recall, ballots andor. We don't know how, but it implies. this guy or someone is doing something dirty and why? What that this? Could this already compromised the election to a great deal, these ballots being just loose, no chain of custody? What are we supposed to do? What if there are others? I don't know I can tell you this go out and vote and vote for what you believe in you know. I am of the opinion that given to some is terrible and Larry elder would be an excellent change up for California, though I don't agree with them completely on policy. I think one party Rule is extremely damaging, but there's a lot come the media and a lot of informing and we have pertaining to. The poles have been returned so far for one, the media, giving us a a convict. directory message. One they're saying be scared, Larry other could win, and another outlet saying it's actually really good
that Larry Elder as winning, because it means you won't be recalled. But let us take a look at the polling day. I'm sorry that the ballot data based on the numbers. So far of returned ballots. I think it's fair to say: Gavin knew some will be recalled. till you see this data, it's early its preliminary we're like two and a half weeks out, or so maybe a three weeks out about three weeks out. So we have almost a month, but so far the day, on returned about suggests Larry Elder might actually be calm. Governor of California look I got it gave a new remain it? You are? You might disagree with Larry elder, but I view the menace principled and I might disagree them on some things, but Gavin Newsome is anything, but also look at. What's going on what this news before we get started, of course, had over the TIM cast, dot com become a member in order to get access to an
free experience and all of our members content right now. It's just segments and attempt S Europa guess that are exclusive remembers. Only we got new shows coming. Also forget you, like this video subscribed shall share the share with your friends and let them know about this from Fox NEWS, hundreds of California. We call ballots drugs, loaded gun found in passed out felons har. There's a police responded to a call the man passed out in a vehicle and a set of eleven parking lot in torrents on August. Sixteen, the torrents police department, said during investigation officers learn the suspect, was a phelan and had Xanax pills in his possession police at a further instigation found thousands of pieces of male, including over three hundred ballots for the upcoming, we call election of embattled governor gave a Newsome in the vehicle at all, in addition to the male and mail and ballots police, found a lie, Firearm methamphetamine US
scale and multiple California driver's licence is of credit cards and other people's names. Police said no. Election ballots were being sent to those identified through the investigation that the incident was not tied to any additional thefts of election ballots. It was not immediately clear how the ballots ended up in the suspects vehicle or what he and and to do with them. Police said the incident is being invested in partnership with the? U S: postal Service and the l, a county district attorney public integrity in the south. It was arrested and faces numerous charges, narcotics and forgery charges. His name was not released. New sums recall election will be held on September, Fourteenth, Recall push was launched in June of last year overcome The governor, the state response, the pandemic, oh and then some forgery charges think it was a gun in the drugs that trigger the forgery charges, so its stance, to reason. This is a case of voter forgery. We'll just use that phrase out innocent until per
guilty. I don't exactly know what happened in this case. Cops found some, so they claim they count. They found these boats in a car. There's photos then you know I'm going to go ahead and lean towards yeah this guy problem, he was doing something nefarious as it pertains to the election and he's being charged over it. So does that mean. I don't know how you do some like this I'll. Tell you one thing, though, do not let anyone demoralize you they'll come out. Nell say question this question that I say it's irrelevant stand up, no matter what there's there there are to try and convince you that look the only reason or to the main reason they want to convince you that there's no election integrity is because they want you not to vote, because there is now I get it. There are questions about a lot of creepy things like how did this happen what's go on, but you still have to get your vote in so vote. In this recall and again,
vote your conscience. My opinion recall, we call Newsome and then vote for we wherever you want. Maybe Larry elders the right choice. The way I see it Larry elder is conservative commentator talk, show host, I don't agree with them. As I mentioned But you ve got a serious problem with one party rule in California. There needs to be a change, a rebalancing I dont think com latest voting in more and more and more Democrat solves the problem as it is doing in New York. There complaining build applause, Yoda these vote more Democrats and that these people are loyal to the party not to the constituents. That's why it's like just get. Somebody was not tied to that stuff and on how you do it, but this other concerns here as well. Take a look at the story from K C or a California recollection. Why You may have holes on your ballot envelope and they show this image.
We cannot believe that something arrogance is a better image. Well, let me mute there's an old play it you can see, there's a whole right here and where the whole is, you can see the word. No, if the whole for now is now filled out. Then it seems that your voting, yes to recall, Gavin Newsome. The fear here, is that while this is going through circulation, anyone at any point can see the vote for that. That is likely to be a yes on recall and thrown the guard. or they can see your saying no on recall and throwing the garbage conservatives work in the post office too. So the idea, I suppose, is always pointed in one direction, but I don't care which direction is pointing they might say You know a pro Gavin guy might see this and throw away the Annan Anti giving. I might add, much of the exact same thing. This puts every one at risk. Maybe you don't want Newsome to be recalled. What if some trump supporter sees that and says
Oh you want to keep, gave a new summit, it says. No, you can see the no votes, that's a problem right. Well, they're, basically saying that it's for access, accessibility for visually, impaired voters, we got some feedback from our blind comedian secondary States office in order in order for blind voters to build it to be able to identify where the signature line is on the envelope, which is very important for them to sign at this, would provide them some eventually and autonomy to vote on their own. While you screwed up. I do not believe that is the appropriate way to deal with the issue and, of course, people are not going to be confident in the elections, but again don't let them get you down. Get your out in we got good news for fans of Larry Elder mind you, but let's see what the put the media has been saying: get worried Gavin Newsome supporters are trying to bridge and enthusiasm gap by pumping up the fear. I once again to talk to you guys about body armor, no denying that has never been more important to protect your rights and sadly it see
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ass. They post on social media or spotting an advertisement on tv, even though they leaned toward keeping him their feelings about the first term. Democrat didn't seem strong and most had now, Why d at their bows would be arriving eminently with less than a month to return them before this Attemper fourteenth election So in a recent Saturday morning, as Jennifer Schinosky Canvas, the blocks of an open neighbourhood near Brook Dale Park, knocking on the doors of in households. Her goal was to remind them no, it was much more urgent than that scare them into voting against. The recall quote: The republican Party is trying to take over our governor position and we're They concern about what that will do to the minimum wage to workers, rights to the right to unionized ascii, a community college chemistry, professor and president of the Peralta Federation of Teachers, told a janitor at one home County elections, officials, finnish, sending out male ballots to every registered voter in California the campaign to prevent Newsome from being removed.
Office before the end of his term is increasingly driven by astray given stilling fear fear that he could lose fear of the consequences if he does fear that voters aren't engaged enough to care Several public poles in recent weeks have shown that well Newsome retain support of a majority of the heavily democratic California electorate. The race to close to call among likely voters, because republican enthusiasm is so much higher. For Republicans, this is storming the gates. Finally, an opportune to get in someone to challenge the Super Majority and single party will of California. For Democrats, who cares, many of Us Our default voters anyway, they go out when it's
voting day, and they don't care much else. They vote for what CNN basically instruct them to do. For the most part, I would not call them critical thinkers, and I say, for the most part, is not everybody, but I love citing the cyclist. The statistic that Democrats think the economy is good and independent. Voters Republicans think economy is bad when the economy is objectively bad, but because these people just watch tv, unbelievable told they think the economy is going great and it's not I mean look labour shortages. Food price increases that, in and of itself gas prices going up, it's a maid but they think this they gonna mentioned daily fundraising emails, worn Newsome, supports the governor could be voted out of office. Handing over control of the biggest bluest state. The country too conservative talk radio host, Larry Elder, leading the field of forty five replacement candidates in the polls. Elder has campaigned on, reversing mask and vaccine mandates tied to the pandemic, has down,
the climate crisis and the effects of racism and would seek to eliminate the minimum wage now that last ones, bold, which I don't think you can do on his own quote, we defeated Trump, but we did not defeat Trump ISM Newsome sad during a recent campaign event. Once again, evoking the former president was deeply unpopular California well, as if Chronicle is saying you gotta, get scared. come on, don't be a saying. Larry elder is leading among California, recall candidates that might help given Newsome. Oh I'll, tell you this I'd, be willing to bet regular people want the mandates to end. There is a viral clip. I just I think was buster rhymes, and he was like this at that. We, taken away our freedoms and all that stuff and on. Why did he was saying like gonna wanna get political, but I gotta talk which all your regular people don't like being told you not to live, beaten down, especially Americans. Americans are defiant, that's the nature of our country. It's what is founded on defiance individual liberties
So I think Larry Elder could talk a whole lot of big conservative game and regular people are like that's great Larry, that your pro life will you. Let me go back to work and he's gonna back, I of course, and thereby done fine. Whatever gave a new some in since it puts in place these edicts these lockdown and then he's caught out not wearing a mask union fancy. Restaurants, like any one, believes this guy will respect your individual liberties. Well, the Sacramento Pieces governor, given Newsome talks about Larry Elder everywhere. He goes during a conversation with Plan Panada Wednesday Newsome blasted conservative talk show host for opposing abortion. on Monday to campaign event in San Jose knew some democratic supporters on it that an elder victory in the recall could result in a Republican take over of Congress. What's and when he rail rallied supporters in ISAF. Earlier this month, Newsome described the leading republican, weak
candidate in terms of his intended in terms intended to scare Democrats he's to the right of Donald Trump Newsome said: that's what's at stake in this election? Well, I'm sorry gave a nuisance. racist. Here you have a wealthy and delete white male. Smearing and insulting a successful and prominent black man? Now, wouldn't that be a red flag to the left that care so much about system racism, of course not because it only matters when its power for them. They would gladly prop up an old white man or a wealthy white man, in defiance of everything they claim to be again or against they. They they say one thing: they do another. Now, look, I'm being a bit facetious. I don't care about the rest of the individuals involved in the Governor governors race. I care about the fact that Larry Elder as a small at liberty
he believes in individual freedoms and he would protect those four people and govern ISM. Doesn't Gavin Newsome is an elitist despot who says rules for thee, but not for me. So what do we get an opportune? to put some one and governors office who is gonna respect your individual liberties perfectly? No better, the Newsome, oh you betcha. Let me show you the good Let me show you: what's gonna make you all pretty happy let's do some lobata pool tracking here. This is from political data dot com. Twenty twenty one recall ballots returned tracker: there are twenty two million one hundred sixty one thousand five hundred and six balance that has been sent out. One million one hundred and forty two thousand four hundred and sixty two are have been returned so far with, but twenty one million outstanding. That is five percent. million ballots returned, that's a good sample size, every boy, he can be getting their ballots in and we have
million ballots. It may be that this tracks very similarly moving forward, which is big in a way, Let me show you the party belt mailed them returned, but bout smelled returned by party. We can see that right now. Fifty six percent of both returned our Democrat. Perhaps bad news right. Well, there's one thing you can consider. Many Democrats will probably vote recall Gavin Newsome, because they don't like him. I would imagine a small percent, even if it's five or six percent they're gonna say: look anybody but Newsome dont care. In fact, I'm sure many of these Democrats are probably motto. not all, but maybe a small faction in which they'll say we don't care of ancillary elder he's bilby better than given Newsome We want even be Larry Elder, who knows, but let's get real right now. Ten
million there, there are ten million. Three hundred thousand Democrat ballots. Six point: five million, independent or other ballots in five point: three million republican belts Republicans are half of the Democratic Party, but Republicans vote in person not by mail and independent voters tend to as well democratic voters overwhelmingly vote by mail. So here the couple things to consider. First, many Democrats might actually vote too most Gavin Newsome, paving the way for a for aerial, Larry, elder victory and, more importantly, if right now, the Democrats are only sitting around fifty six percent and Republicans and a show up on the fourteenth and vote day of or in person assuming in persons available imagine they can at least do day of which would be more likely. Then it's gonna, flip, Gavin Newsome will be recalled
and Larry elders in the front position. Of course. That's why they're freaking out now? I don't know for sure I don't know who's gonna win or why I can tell you are pulling out all the stops from Fox NEWS. Larry Elder brushes off a lay times column that call him the black face of white supremacy. These people are in scrupulous. They are dastardly Fox news reports. The early times published a column on Friday, tight. Column Larry Elder is the black face of white supremacy. You ve been warned. How is amazing, Cuba is the Republican of using overly simplistic arguments that whitewash the complex problems that come along with being black and America. Are you sure, Larry Elder as a black man in America? Isn't it funny how the opinions of black people when their concern, Don't matter but when the press- oh it's the truth, it's exactly what I experience and occupy Wall Street
when I would engage in an argument with these identities leftists and say something like my opinion as acts. We'll well you're a white man and I go actually. I mixed a mixed race and they'll go a while now european matters, because the mare of the opinion, was irrelevant, simply like. Do you agree with us or not? In this instance, it only went so far. It was the way activists were like. Oh now, I agree with your opinion because you ve mentioned that you're you're, not white. I guess that mostly white, I guess That was the people who were not what you told me to shove it because they care, as far as they could tell. I was still white the matter. What that's so the game is played allay times. Colonists Erica Smith's at our elder uses, taunting and toddler, like name calling, it was ideological enemies. Before belittling the good. Candidate with her own insults, quote, I've learned often best just to ignore people like elder people who are, as my dad used to say, skin all, but on kinfolk she wrote before attempting
insult elder as a trump fanboys. Dangerous, a troll and apply doesn't understand critical rice theory. His candidacy feels personal, like an insult to blackness the time Tom. This route is Larry Elder, not entitled to his opinions. It experiences as a black man. Is he not entitled to come to his own conclusions? This is Why I detest these people because their answer is no. My answer is we ve got one? We ve got some prominent activists in favour of critical race. There haven't we black, interesting the argument. Ah here's here's an activist and click commentator who oppose it, whereas we back as well sure whenever, what's your opinion, backup your statements, I don't care about your race. I certainly recognise racism, exists, marketplace, the game where it's like. Oh we're, all colorblind within the law should be and weaken nice disparities in culture, but to come out and it and and want laws and critical re supplied principles in schools wrong. We should be getting overrun
the factor we haven't completely, but it's not an issue of law at this point, because the Civil Rights ACT was passed, its an issue of cultural long standing, biases and the remnants of raising that still exist. I am all in favour of denouncing rejecting and fighting back against these things of which I do believe our systemic risk but that means when someone like Larry Elder comes out and expresses to you, has it union as a black man, you simply say: is your right a good or not your race is Alex. Let's be honest. Race has relevancy to a certain degree. If Larry Elder says this is his experience, I would say: well he's black, I'm not up there. You gotta get a consideration if we're talking about people's experiences as a man as a woman as algae BT or whatever, then their identity and their experiences as at person or relevant. But should that mean we should apply it into law? No, it means that we just we look for
What ideas we way different character, different issues in someone's argument for the most part. That's comes down to this. Anyone is allowed an opinion Anyone is allowed to put forth an idea. The idea could be good or bad stop. The I'm just of the left playing the race game quote. I asked my rather where Fox NEWS House helstone. How did he called the column, disgusting and invited elder? responded directly. I am genuine. find a friend sorry to have to go through something as evil, horrific and racist. As that, however, elder, who leads the pack of republican candidate said, I anticipated. That would happen- is away a lot of people dont go into politics because of the politics of personal destruction, elders and so the first time, I lay times attacked me, there's another rider wall, but called me a black David Duke Elder, continued they're scared to death. Many observers have noticed that attacks were left an elder appear to increase as he performs, while in the polls. The right, leaning, twitter account even shared a variety of the live
will allay papers. Recent elder elder headlines. And their insane Louis you. You know the first sidelined blacklist its supremacy is another one. Larry elder talks a lot too bad. You can't believe anything. He says Larry other back the media offers no solution to remind you of an Ex president state officials, open investigation, into other Larry Elder failed to disclose income sources which will get you in a second if Larry Elders, elected life will be harder for blackened Tino Californians, Larry Others ex finance exploitation, as our emerges as leading quick with gun allegation. While we're here does their common form and then I want the sky to win California officials launch probe into Google Torreon. Call Kennedy, Larry, others, income disclosure, business insider, says the fair political Practices Commission of PVC,
and non partisan commission that enforces the states campaign and conflict of interests. Laws began the investigation into the California Democratic Party filed a complaint against elder, accusing the republican candidate and long time talk radio house of improperly disclosing some of its financial and business details earlier this month the times reported. That appeared as though elder improperly listed businesses closures regarding Lawrence a elder and associates ink accompany he appeared to own. According to experts, I mean that's his name right. The times report noted that an elder statement of economic interests, a public filing that can aid unflagging any possible conflicts of interest. He hadn't clarified if he a part of the company. However, he did disclose. The company was a source of income Yang, MA an elder campaign spokesman, so spokesperson told the times, but its gravity was quickly addressed. We made a simple mistaken. We fix citizen is passed.
These investigations are very common and campaigned world. You set at an email statement. According to the F p p c, neglecting to comply with disclosure requirements, carries a penalty of up to five thousand dollars per violation and other spokesperson prove I love had slackened. His lay his name is elder, so it sounds like I'm talking about like a prominent and old spokesperson, an elder spokesperson on a spy, person for Larry Other previously in former times that it appears there might have been an oversight and amended the filing to reflect the candidate fully owned. The company elder all up there, the filing to show that this company was worth between a hundred thousand in one million dollars elder a prominent Black republic Republican was law, who long as a spouse is deeply conservative views with national audience has vaulted to the top of many public poles and it's a temper fourteenth going to Toil recall election.
On about voters will first choose whether to remove first termed democratic governor gave a Newsome and if it, if the effort is successful than the replacement candidate with the highest numbers of votes, will win the re. So, let's break down some important things for those of you live in California, or no people who do outside of the politics of this. This episode is brought to you by wind outcome. The days of standing in the wine I'll staring aimlessly at a wall of line without a clue are over gotta. Why not come and pick the perfect bottle with confidence every time, filter your search by price and professional ratings, read reviews and even chat with real wine exports for recommendations. It's the world's largest wind store, delivered to your door and If you sign up for a stewardship membership, you'll get free shipping year round on every order get fifty dollars. First order by going to wind outcome, Slash Spotify terms apply.
here's my understanding, based on this New York Times, article wrecking things I will just go to the gist of it. If you vote only to recall it doesn't matter, is Europe you, you couldn't there's two questions: will you recall and who should like the per or replace the governor. If you only answer one question, yours, you're balladur, still counted. If you say yes to recall, they that an Gavin gets recalled they'll just pick. Whoever gets the most votes. President and Larry Elder is leading the pack. But what? If you vote? Nothing on the recall question, but you do she was a potential replacement. That's interesting as well, because Europe will still be counted. What'll happen, as in the event of a recall, your voice. For that Canada will contribute to whether or not that candidate actually wins. The Democrats are playing a very risky game here. They have gone out campaigning telling people vote no on the recall and nothing else, it's kind of crazy. The idea is
back when introducing three when annulled ended up winning the recall. The democrat strategy was vote. No on the recall- or I guess they said you know just just vote for the democrat- to win the idea As many people decided all vote, yes on the recall, because then we'll get a different and better Democrat in in office. Instead, they got Arnold who they call the Republican, but come on guys, not a Republican. Will the strategy now, as if people believe as a chance, a Democrat could, when they might actually vote for the recall, so just tell them not to do it, but therein lies the risky strategy. If they cannot muster- and it seems like they're- not right now that there are the lead me wrong, Democrats of efforts and in more votes than Republicans or independence. But many of these Democrats probably will vote to recall and if they're not telling people to choose an alternative, that what happens, Larry Elder wins,
check this out. Here is a list of all of the people that have put their name on four are running for governor. You got in general down there, you got TED gains, got Larry Elder John Cox, Daniel Watts of free speech, Ro Republicans, but you do have a bunch of Democrats. You ve got Holly L bade a mother and business owner John, our Drake, a college student. It's a mess! using illegal Jacqueline may go in Canada Policy adviser our money Oh man, DOW Perez he's no ballot designation, Brandon an attorney. These are all Democrats and then there are more publicans and yes, you have couple green party. You have Jeff Yoda, libertarian Party with a handful of people with no party once I don't really understand why most people are including their name and thus to be completely honest, but it seems like Larry Elder with twenty percent of polling will be the next governor of California at least for the next year so or over the next two years? So my
standing as we have this article from the New York Times what'll happen is Let me let me jumped down before voting. I know about how long will the successor be an office new sums replacement when would govern for about a year until nuisance term ends and joy? two thousand and twenty three there'll be another election in November, two thousand and twenty two to choose. Who will serve the next four year term as governor as California governor? If we called Newsome can run again. here's a year's, here's? Here's? What I see I see and exploit that I think Republicans probably should continue to use the recall system. If you get enough signatures, you get a recall on and then you have a chance to get someone elected, and this proves something If Gavin Newsome is Recall and Larry Elder wins, it proves that Newsome and many Democrats and in California particularly, are often elected simply because the electorate doesn't pay attention or care. When you have an officer
election, where regular people aren't being bombarded with, got the vote stuff and mostly don't pay attention. They don't vote for any of it because they don't care. But once election day there like I've, gotta go out and just what is vote party line, Struve Republicans Republican States too In this instance, you're gonna see an opportunity for Republicans. Let's say on January, twenty twenty three comes around and you get Gavin Newsome back. You recall again, you know I just create work in this area Where you can literally just tell people. give us your email addresses and will send an email modification requesting your signature for the petition again and then everyone's notified and in there, Don't do it and then both their comes another recall this time February. Twenty twenty three right, maybe this is another system- doesn't work exactly like that, but you get my point there. Could you can keep having these recall efforts in San Francisco it just about and they tried to recall that came up shy by about two thousand signatures, so there is doing it again there you go just keep doing. I guess, and then California well maybe get some
Opposition leadership can challenge those single single party rule, which I think is a good thing. But until then there will be dirty games because politics is a dirty game and these hundreds of ballots, we can only speculate right, I don't have to tell you you can take a look into it. You can, I am sure many of you have already come to conclusions, saw leave it at that neck segments coming up at eight p m over at Youtube COM slashed him cast. I Arel, I'm sure this will come up in our member segment over at him cast out come later tonight without our guest. So it's gotta be a lot of fun back, sprang up and we'll see you all them We may be reaching the limit regular people are saying enough. They do not want to live under an authoritarian boot and the mask mandate in the back. in mandates are pushing people to their limits. The other day, Joe Biden called on companies to mandate vaccines following full F B. I approval for the Pfizer Vets,
and although Madonna and Johnson and Johnson have not yet been FDA approved, it doesn't matter. it only one and other companies are gonna say it's FDA approved on you, you gotta get it now. I dont think that absolves these companies of any responsibility and or or liable meaning that if something negative happens to you, the companies responsible, if they require it, the most part the vaccines are, are safe. The issue I have is the authoritarianism, the lack of personal choice, personal responsibility and medical autonomy, and I think it's overwhelmingly ineffective, but now we're starting. people saying no for one, you see in Australia, really bad hundreds of people have been arrested, Joe Biden coming out in saying this, I gotta say well There may be an open window here. You know they say when God closed the door opens a window not may be very bad that we're seeing the o overt authoritarian push. country with New York and their their mandates with no medical exemptions, but what it is doing
Is it slapping people in the face? Shocking the system and waking them up. You can't just sit back and ignore this stuff anymore. Now lot people are upset, as I mentioned, but one of the most notable is Bill MAR and this story I find it absolutely fascinating, though, MAR hates down. trump toes the party line because he watches mainstream media, but you can see that there's something within bill more trying to break out and just say, That is how I can't take it anymore. The problem as bill you dont, actually read the news. If you did and you kept up to date with the stories you realize all of that, contradictions, the lies and the manipulations. Look. I? U Cnn, I use the hill I'm using the daily mail, I use political and when you follow these these, these, these news outlets and you actually
Reed consistent articles, you'll be like hey wait, a minute that article contradicts that article, hey I'll, give you a good point. I'll give you good example. There was a politico which reported that you Romanians were ass, scrambling after trying to help Hillary Clinton and that in the twenty sixteen election they that they had colluded in Train you know provided some up a resurgence of like that political reports. This and then later on. Another important political claims, it's all not And Ukraine's never did? Doesn't things like that? It's funny, because I'm looking at that, like just retract the story written no, they won't do. It so when you actually read and follow up your like wait, a minute, these both can't be true they must be lying in the journey stand by their reporting and not the fact you can and and figure out. What's real Filmore doesn't do this, but you can see that if he did perhaps saw he'd understand, what's really
on bill. More reveals that he will refuse the Covet booster shot, demands medical autonomy and says only had the vaccine in the first place, to take one for the team. They'll, that's insane. That is absolutely right stupid. As thing I've ever heard, o of the God of tv doktor and the commercial sad get me Okay, that's why I was like sure I guess the commercials work right. You should go and take any any medication you take should be because of the recommended to you by a trusted trusted medical, professional I know you guys. I hear a lot peoples, but my doctors, not small, get a better doctor. You know, but anyway, point has bill more saying like, but the tv told me to do it, so I did its eyes while man, but there may be something here with the vaccine mandates People like Belarus are starting to realise bro. You need a booster shot, the vaccine
vaccine men. It doesn't mean one and done it doesn't mean you go out. You get your car you're good for life. It means they're gonna, be like boasters next vaccine, this vaccine. You get that without this, four lines on the card. The EP has even more than you need new cards, then they're gonna requiring ideas. Then then, your ideas gonna begin get upon some social credit, and therein lies the big problem: people just fault folding and allowing this I want to show you something because Bill MAR. I you know we should We should start to see a wave of smears against Bill MAR because he said something that dot Joe Rogan said and Joe Rogan got attacked the media relentlessly and that had to backtrack, and I think that was I think Joe was wrong to it to a degree whatever with Joe was that on his go. He said that when young people like in their twenties, ask my very vaccinated Joseph know, and that's a mistake, I don't I don't I with someone else bag bro, I'm not what we want. We want what it was a camera
You're, not gonna. Tell you about getting medication now want responsibility for that, so Joe might might take on it was He is entitled to his opinion. You can save every wants, but you don't give medical advice. I guess I guess the issue there is: you could give medical advice. literally anything, and no one really cared with as vaccines. The one thing now right well Bill Mars. Basically saying the same thing that he sang it's a bill. More said that young people don't need the vaccine and MAX rose like war. Y Y, you know everyone's gonna be responsible and blah blah blah his ears. It happening Bill MAR sitting there saying like I went and got the vaccine at you know but is that we had to do it. I accept that now you're saying booster, shots. That's right! It was obvious to anybody, but you know you know it's funny about bill more bill more. If, if you ever heard the word mid wit MID. What's aren't stupid their slightly on a smaller scale in other there there did their discerning people to a certain degree, but not quite enough.
Did you notice there were four lines on your vaccination card, and now you are surprised by this would do in the four lines or for for the other vaccines, but I think that things are vent ass, Dick. I just don't like the idea of a state mandating patient a moment, a fan of fluoride being in drinking water because as much as it does help teeth, have an hour, toothpaste and get that hippy too pays that doesn't do anything or whatever. I why you by people drinking it. So I like I like being health conscious to a certain degree, Imago crazy person, whose drinking silver weird stuff like that, but I think people have to make a choice that make the choice for them. This is used. Is your life.
Let's wait. Liberal chap show host Biltmore has announced he has no plans to get a covered vaccine boaster. Well, I tell you this bill. The mandates are coming to allay, they ve been announced, and if you don't get the booster congratulations, you won't be able to work and you won't be able to eat so you will get it and then you'll probably just complain about it He said he wanted the motor shot and said he only got vaccine in the first place to take one for the team. Also, that's just such it. I just can't stand this. Ok take one for the team as if it's bad to do that's the problem. I've gotten look, I think a lot of people substantially worried about that. I think, is a lot of people already what the vaccine and I can understand concerns. I I think it's overwhelmingly safe. I do, but I think, for the most part, just because it safe doesn't mean it right for you, it's about your body and build our brings up and says, as my body not different right and so do I. doctor, but the but the ways phrasing. This like you, never wanted to do in the first place, what he's
Simply saying is that he didn't want it and he only that it could use peer pressured into it that is stupid and dangerous. Ok, you should get the vaccine because you are concerned about your health Your doktor sad, here's, your risk factors and here's your conditions or you doctor says: don't because you have some real, you know you have a medic medical issue? Maybe if a religious issue sought to you not me, I'm gonna tell you what to do. Keep saying that everyone's gotta get it otherwise the variants orphans like Bro. We are not dictators. We are not. That means we accept risks along with freedoms. That's the battle! I cannot tell someone what to do with their life. Even if I can sit here, and so I think it's if someone can build dot, Colonel Blake, I'm not your boss, and even if I was you could work look, I don't have any control over your life on parties Episode Bill Mars, I never wanted the vaccine. I took one for the team and by the way, do you know who and get a lot of vaccines. Millennials MAR said I
a lot of millennials, especially the twenty year olds. They dont think they need it. They're, probably right, but I Tell them I didn't want it either. I took one for the team Woe Bill MAR drop into by saying that millennials don't need the vaccine you're, not a doktor good, sir. I'm not sit here and an open on CD, the data and tell you what you do or don't need, because, let's be honest for one, I don't give financial advice. I don't give legal advice and I sure, as hell don't give medical advice, I dont get sued and you know you too will ban That's true, a lot of people think that's the main reason why I'm like I'm not going to you to do anything know it's because the highly can t Just issue and the same thing with Crypto, we always say rose like does not financial advice, not financial advice, same thing with us. Here's the issue the media roasted Joe Rogan. Over this bill more is now saying the same thing on a major show. What's gonna happen with that suppose will see, but every eight months you're going
put this issue in me. He asked shortly. I don't know about that, may be need one. He said I dont want a one size fits all. My body may be different than your body he's correct people's bodies are different, might mean I was busy celebrating the FDA approval and they gone Jenny saying you know, get everybody vaccinate. The cell uptore does does not even settled, though. Before Biden urged Americans companies to mandate the vaccine, Fox NEWS, Hostaqua Karlsson, hit out at the hypocrisy shown by Speaker La Nancy, blowsy Karlsson, showed footage of policy attending a fund raising about without wearing of they face mask. Despite having previously told capital staffers that face coverings would be required at all times and claiming real men wear masks. Oh, if you're stupid enough to fall for some like that I'd say this: they scream about toxic man. When it all day and night, not tell you wanna be a real man. Shore Myanmar's comments on Friday provoked the IRA of former New York Congress
MAX, rose a spineless and pathetic loser. Mind you I'll elaborate, a second who was part of Mars Round table discussion, a topic Europe law. I brought you replied yeah, I lost you, man, that's crazy. My body is indifferent. Every body is somewhat different. Morass response I just rather the statistics about who dies from this you're trying to be cute. Your rolling the dice rose said Why is MAX Rosa spineless empathetic loser those are not just arbitrary statements. I making he's spineless he campaign on a moderate Paul, a moderate policy about kitchen table issues. And then once you got into office, he just said sure polo whatever you want, because he had no spine. You could stand up for himself and why is loser because he lost because then, when you ran again people like you're a loser made, I want you and he lost there. You go he's a loser. I'm not trying to be cute Marshall, Back quote, I know, I'm in your house rose told more about trying to step over the line here, but genuinely genuinely peoples lives are on the line and justice significantly, our very
we have life, is on the line here. It's very important people get vaccinate. It's very important that right, I'm saying it vaccinate MAR said, but if there is a need for both there's, particularly as the evidence is showing amongst those who have underlined conditions amongst the elderly so on and so forth its important they take them in its important. They trust those were urging them to do it. Ok, came are applied, but you just said underline condition and elderly. I dont get myself either so was my body different? Can I have some medical autonomy? No look. Here's the best part you ready for this. Let's hit this one out of the park quote no look. No one is mandating it for you in your particular position, rose said, although they might, but I do think it's very dangerous to enter into a conversation here about personal responsibility when the truth of the matter, as this is a collective responsibility, if large groups people do not get vaccinated, they go to the hospital and our hospitals get overrun. Said rose. You can't get a mammogram, you can't get a biopsy in so many other things.
really, society, as we know it can't function. What did they say about fifteen day slow. The spread, gotta flattened the curve. Now they want to come and say this garbage MAX rose you're more on your journey spineless and refusing to say what people have been saying for some time that the law I'm keeps moving and that's what Bill Morris saying he sang this is where I bought up against the line. This is it for me. I give up, I think Bill MAR is, What what he says is indicative of what a lot of people are sign out, truth be told, isn't built like in his sixties. I don't think that's elderly, but you know he's in his sixties and here's the best part. Let's go back to it match Proses no one is mandating it for you in your particular position, although they might what's about to come. My friends I'd like to show you this year Wikipedia Entry for real time with Bill MAR where you can see we're here on the right side, what does it say? Production locations,
what does that say: television City, Fairfax, district loss, Angeles, California, LOS Angeles. California, what's going on with that. Well allay is on the verge of men dating vaccines, so yeah hell, they're gonna tell you by law. You have to get it I'd, love to see what you do then, with respect. I hope you stay true to your principles in what you ve already asserted and then stand up for your medical autonomy, ABC Seven says allay City Council approves vaccine mandate for city workers August eighteenth, so we go and it's just sitting. workers so edit and an end to be fair. They say they voted to approve an ordinance requiring vaccines for all city employees of those who have medical or religious exemptions. My friends, religious exemptions, that is extreme,
the broad there may as well being no mandate at all. If there is a religious exemption, you shouldn't have to site your religion to say that you want to have met Talk to me, but I will say functionally there may as well be no mandate. Ultimately, I guess it's just the people who don't care will be like. I will try to do that. China, pressure people who are soft. it's off targets? People were just like what I rhino care now they're like will gather that ok, fine, whatever I don't care I suddenly really funny. Actually I'm just I face palm on all this when the FDA approve the Pfizer vaccine. Those are right. It, host and someone said I was waiting for after approval. I'm a man of my word holding up his card and it said doktor or clinic Walmart now is like Walmart come on man, to quote Joe Biden go to your doctor,
Just I'm flabbergasted by like when Casey nice dad? You know it is a good dude, but he tweeted at me that he just pull up to a parking lot and just stuck his arm off the when, unlike you, ve got to talk to a doctor dude, you know, I think we could dramatically reduce that various adverse reports. If people just got five minutes on the phone and ends I, what do you think would What's your advice or or came in for a physical somewhat that I just, I think people are Willy nilly on this one. I think the idea from the establishment is just absolute utilitarians Everybody just get it whatever just do it and we need a fine. I think many Democrats are just doing this because an easy way split at an easy exploit to gain more power. I certainly think, as I stated look, I think the vaccines are fine length are safe. I think you should follow your doctors instructions, but just make sure you have a doctor who knows it's going on if your doktor can answer basic questions for you, I'm sorry like you, don't need to blame all doctors for you having a bad doctors.
It will be a second opinion to talk to someone who is good, but ultimately, this is about our rights. Our did our our our choices, as as human beings are human rights, the decisions we get to make about our bodies, and it's really funny that the mean goes. A whole lot of the punch and nazi people have suddenly be ever shocking. become these show me your papers, people and these same people say my body. My choice are now saying I dont care, not your body, not your choice. There's no argument, there's no principle among the left at the problem of people like Filmore, if bill actually just watched what they were saying. He'd, be like hey, wait, a minute, that's contradictory! You don't even candy, comes out and says any policy that creates. it's a disparity among races, essay systemically racist policy and that the vaccine Idee stuff in New York, not passports. That's your idea. Stuff is creating a disproportionate.
You know Rachel outcome now the law itself as race based. So I'm not saying it's racist, but even candy is where is he to come out and say you can't do this New York, but that the black population of New York is the least likely to be vaccinated among Rachel, demographics, and so what they need is. They need covered proof and an idea. That's vex, her ideas when you need an identification, with your with your covered passport. Where are these critical race theorist to be like this? Is the problems workup nope there? For it? They have no principles if bill would just pay attention for two seconds. He'd know this, but you know what maybe the man's past him you know, maybe back in the day when Bill MAR was rising to prominence with politically incorrect and stand up and all that stuff. The information you got was the end. Nation you gotta was on tv use on ABC Cbs Nbc and that's all he does his a relic of a bygone generation. I suppose for those of us we read the news. We fact check and we recognise the contradiction. The information contradictions in the information being presented,
was, and therein lies. Why you I had to innovate. Chris car was the editor, protect, guest, commenting, guest while the other day and he sad music man. I'm he's gotta be really good. You know without eating his articles and and and watching for for you, no false, framing or or of because because the people who read our website, they are sharpers, attack, smart people and so were often getting notes were getting corrections. Thoughtful people, like all of you, guys we're watching Suppose, if you can stomach a show like this, you are. We first to a certain degree in what's happening in the world, and people often correct me on things. It's me well, I suppose, a conversation. Then it is me broadcasting edict to people like truth and morality. I don't do that. Now a lot of people will come and be like you actually wrong about this one government the power to mandate covert nineteen vaccination right now use it you here we go bill
How cities vaccine mandates can very New Orleans August. Twenty seventh preuss prove a vaccine or negative test for all customers and employee San Francisco as of August twentieth. So these are is in effect now customers and staff were eligible through the vaccine again if they have a medical in villages, exemption your exempt like you need to understand what religion means ending to look into an underhand philosophy and religion. Faith is your life choices and your beliefs that grants you an exception, look into it. You should be fine. We shouldn't have to assert that, but you know hey there, you go there's the exception: New York City. As of August, that argument implied. Customers employs and from a good friend bill MAR who operate out of LOS Angeles, its unclear when it starts, but you will customers and employees will be required and that's restaurants, bars Jim's movie, theatres in retail establishments. I'm curious What they're going to say about your studio does not qualify as a theatre.
because you have a life studio audience in which case spill, you're gonna get the most shot and you're gonna modern grumble and say why man man, that's why you need to stand up and assert autonomy and civil rights immediately. That's why the moment the petty pirates and the desperate, come to you and say it's just acts. It's just why you say I dont care, which is an interesting point about second amendment. That's why a lot of people to weigh supporters are like. I won't tolerate any law, because they'll say it's just a background check. It's no big deal Well, you ordered the background check, we're just putting your information in a database so that we know you went to the background check. Well what we have already done. You ve already been under the database. It's just to let us know which weapons you bought. I mean we already have your other information. It's just a check up to make sure that your New York you're, not out of your mind, it's we're just checking on you at your house.
calm down we're just doing of weapons check we're not seizing your guns. It's going in for inspection. It takes a day, calm down. Oh it's only a week will get back to you as soon as possible. Look you'll get your work at what we are weapons back in a few months. It's no big deal. What weapon! Sorry, you must be mistaken. We have no record on file of you owning a weapon. Is the outworks one step at a time you stand for civil rights, you say no hears line, and I won't cross it. So all Arap with this Biden is urging more companies to issue vaccine mandates. There's a mentioning questions about libertarianism. for a small business, meaning somebody with only a handful of employee, saying you know, I'm elderly I met.
And I dont, want to work with people that I understand is a bigger question about when you scale up into larger size, businesses and what companies can or can't mandate. I think only to understand something is that if you want to be libertarian an respect, freedom, their difficult questions like can we force a conglomerate? Like you know, a google to mandate vaccines or to not mandate vaccines and as an ancient questions about scale of employee an impact for a small business. I wanna be hands off with a small business to a great degree finding that line to figure out. What's the most fair and what's more responsible, it's difficult, but I'm gonna go to a sixty five year old guy who's, like doctor wants me to the vaccine and I don't want to work around people who won't get it and it got like three employees I'll be like. Well, then, don't work with them. I guess right, then, if you go to fired you see, that's the challenge, it's very, very different. When you scale up, there are laws that only apply to visit certain sizes. For this reason, Google, with its hundreds
thousands of employees or never Amazon could decimate the economy by doing this and cause waves of unemployment, and that's where we have different rules for larger size businesses. I am less concerned infringing on the rights of Amazon, You know that I am a mom and pop shop, but that's the big challenge. I'm trying to navigate that line of of freedom right, it's hard to know how to do it. It really is because when it comes to a mom and pop shop- and maybe the small handful of employees, who has the true free, employee or the or the or the owner? I think the business owner doesn't have an obligation to hire anybody to his money and do what he wants right, but a big corporation. Now things get interesting
now you're saying that you're going to mandate under the fastest people, many of many who have no options to get it and you're going to just that's different. It is I'm not I'm not going to pretend to be the master of morality. Some of these issues are just hard lines. I don't know how to solve. For fairness, it's not easy, so I tried it for the most part protect the individual. So when it comes to a mom and pop shop, when you have three hundred and twenty five people or ten people or whatever it's a mom and pop shop, that's protecting individuals when it comes to massive multinational corporations. Again it's the employees. The individuals here, not the massive conglomerate worth hundreds of billions or whatever I don't wanna line as though that's why I wanna be a politician. That's while never tell you what to do with your life and that's why I'm like an old man. I just tried to call out to try to figure out where we could draw that line to respect freedoms.
Defend our security. At the same time, while recognising with freedom comes risk, I accept it. I ll leave it there and excitement coming up at one p m and this channel thanks brain out, and I will see you all them. We start with the resignation of Andrew Cuomo and we end up with a night One thousand eight hundred and eighty one communist terrorist attack, yeah crazy story. Isn't it easy Andrew Cuomo? The governor is officially out and hopes. You'll has finally replaced him. First, female governor of New York, apparently, and before Andrew Cuomo left. He tried to give away as or something I don't care whatever. He also committed the sentence of a com. Terrorist was involved in the nineteen eighty one Brinks robbery left three people dead, this is. How does put it this way? If you were King for some kind of indication that there were communist info, in control of government are not saying controlling all of the governed, but certainly
full training in gaining control you. only look at what's going on right now, just abode in San Francisco. This is his father a terrorist, and he was raised by adopting Father Bill heirs of the weather, underground other terrorists. So here This is the news. So let me take you down this path from Cuomo resigning into what exactly happened with the Brinks Terror attack and or I should say, the bricks robberies specifically. and where that leads us now in San Francisco, with escalating crime and a failure of chess about and as the ape. But is it any surprise when this is who people vote for from TIM cast outcome? Goodbye Cuomo governor has left office. How shall replace some lieutenant governor, Cathy Habitual, took almost place after issue sworn in at midnight ceremony conducted by the States chief judge, generosity of DE fury,
Moving vans were spot it outside the governors Mansion of the weekend. Cuomo, who resigns two weeks ago, who resigned two weeks ago, reportedly left his dog captain behind whites. Ok, captain is the husky Shepherd Malamute Mix, Como adopted in twenty teen men, told the timing and of Albany that it was only seeking a temporary placement for the dog. Mr Cuomo risks find rather than face impeachment over allegation, of harassment and we get it as Governor Cuomo proclaimed himself a progressive Democrat who get things done since taking office and twenty eleven he helped pushed through legislation that legalised gay marriage began. thing the minimum wage to fifteen dollars and expanded paid family leave benefits. He also backed big infrastructure projects, including a new Hudson River Bridge, blah blah blah and its final act. Cuomo granted clemency
two six people what they want to mention: our cultural as a sixty two year old Democrat and former member of Congress and the Buffalo area, she'll be the states fifty seventh governor, as well as its first female, but here's worthy rage comes in the daily mail. oh, is condemned for commuting sentences of five murderers, including father of radical left wing San Francisco, Th Boden, who killed three. In nineteen eighty one Brinks cash truck robbery. It was an over communist terrorist Organization and Cuomo has granted clemency. The daily mail reports, outgoing governor annual coma has been blasted by victims. Groups commuting. The murderer sentence of San Francisco De Age has about his dad over an armored car robbery that killed three core announced Monday, even that use committing the prison sentences of David Gilbert Gregg Mingo Robert Ehrenberg Ulysses, Boyd and Paul clock. All five have murder convictions with Gilbert.
his father, the only killer still incarcerated, with no possum your parole or a deadly nineteen. Eighty one hold up a Brinks crash breaks, cash truck that left a security guard and two cops dead. He served as a gateway driver get away driver for the crime with Cuomo saying Monday, his crime related to an incident in which he was the driver, not the killer. Spare me Gilbert was convicted of three counts. secondary degree, nineteen, eighty three over the killings with Cuomo coming nation, meaning his seventy five year, minimum sentence has been lowered to forty years time served. Although Cuomo said he had committed Boden sentence. Yet the case has been referred to the parole, or for potential release, meaning he will not be Freed immediately. Cuomo ordered the release the other four men who sentences he also committed boating shared his joy on Twitter. Upon learning, but his father's commutation writing and here's the tweet. My heart is bursting on the eve of my first childs birth. Might
Add who has been in prison nearly my entire life? What was granted clemency? never intended harm. Yet his crime devastated many families, my heart breaks for the families that can never get their loved ones back, pinned tweet from Chernobyl. Not naturally, Chaucer is getting absolutely roasted on twitter. Now I can certainly empathize with the man who sang that he's gonna finally his father out of prison. But this guy is not some and I'm getaway driver for some random crime. This was overt overt act of political terror and it wasn't the first that is his father had involved in because my understanding and then we'll go through all the details was at his dad was a part of the weather underground now over back Male, they say the clemency recently, the clemency was received with backlash from elected officials in Rockland and and family of the victims. The Rockland county patrolman Don't association has a pop up has opposed previous attempts for clemency of clemency for Gilbert,
state assemblymen, Michael Lawlor said the commutation was a disgusting betrayal to the people of Rockland County, the families of Peter Pegre Eduardo Grady and Waverley Brown, the law enforcement officers and law enforcement officers everywhere and rockland count. executive at day had even harsher words for Cuomo, accusing the governor of debasing his office. He told load. I did not think that Cuomo could bases office or estate any more than he did. My thoughts are with the families of the victims of the Brinks robbery and every person of Rockland County who has insulted by who was in by the governor today. This October will mark the fortieth anniversary. Of the nineteen eighty one Brinks robbery in which Gilbert and his wife, Cathy Button were involved, Gilberts, wife, Cathy Boat, also involve an incident and serve as a look out at the moment to over accomplices shot the two police officers dead. She struck a plea
feel it saw her admit, phony modern exchange for twenty year sentence and was released in two thousand three. She is now an adjunct. Professor lumber, university, school of social work in New York. Are you paying attention to the people that are teaching your children that are taking charge as district attorney their tears? rests criminals and murderers, and while you weren't paying attention these people infiltrated and were given power, incredible absolutely incredible is and other things that we want. Kids too, to learn and believe in its horrifying. You want to come to me The government has done wrong and they violate the rights of people and I'm just like oh yeah that definitely sort of things the government has done, the? U S, government specifically and different states. There's this or are you tore up the stores? What Chicago with that that the black sites they operate, where they torture people into fall?
confessions, yeah I'll, buy it. Then, when you step up and say that we are going to fight for freedom and you murder innocent people, you are just as bad as the despatch you claimed. Powers because it is always the innocent who suffer when cycle paths like this think they, deserve the power and they couldn't just take whatever they want another gaining the power, because regular people sat back and or the world for too long, and you see what happens now. Their teaching your children, their prosecuting crimes or not prosecuting crimes. Scrolling down is more more photos. eyes, which led him in jail started the narrow mall in upstate New York, when Security Guard Peter page was also killed during the robbery, his colleague Joseph Tribunal. Seriously wounded later died in the nine eleven terror attacks. Man, that's a career
Let me bring you to the nineteen eighty one Brinks robbery, tell you what what what what what is right through this its Wikipedia make public the greatest source in the world, but unexplained you exactly. Who was just commuted. The nineteen eighty one brings robbery was an hour. robbery and three related murderers kind of October twentieth. Nineteen eighty one which were carried out by six Black Liberation Army members, but to Lucia CORE Quasi balloon Solomon, Boeing's, Samuel Brown, mats, Multi, Yuri Chewbacca, Santiago, Edward Joseph and chewy Ferguson and for former members of the weather underground and now belonging to the main Nineteenth Communist Organization, David Gilbert, Judith, Alice Clark, Cathy Boden in Maryland, Buck stole one point: six million in cash and brings armored car at the NATO. It all inanimate New York killing Brink scarred. Peter page.
seriously: wounding bring scarred Joseph Tribunal slightly, wounding, brings truck driver guarded James Kelly, subsequently killing to knock police officers. Edward O Grady overly brown and seriously wounding police. Detective Artie Keenan Tribunal recover the ones you received in the incident but was killed. Two thousand one innocent timber, eleventh attacks purpose writers, the main Nineteenth communist organization, for political reasons, they sought to steal money. They are terrorists, and this is what you get now sentence commuted now look but dude extremely old. I David Gilbert, is currently seventy six years and he are while he wasn't supposed to be getting at any time soon. I'll tell you this. I certainly think, keeping elderly people in prison serves very little purpose other than a waste Armani. I guess and the dude.
many sex. I know exactly what he's gonna be doing that it can already be doing. I suppose you have him on watch because maybe he could plan other. You know terrorist activities, seventy six years old man not longer this world, so in terms of releasing people who are older or imprisoning people, crimes or older. It's tough. We can't just let old people go commit I must thank all their eighty worthy to president. I guess, but there's at least something we can do, maybe what what? What really serves the interests of justice is. After a certain age you get placed on you in a home and deepening of the crime. Obviously, if you're a violent defender, yet we lock you up, and so someone like David Gilbert, you dont, let out you don't and that this has come to the point right upon. Try make as there are a lot of people probably shouldn't be in prison. I think a prison system is broken and it's very very stupid. There are a lot of people who are innocent, went up in prison and that's a damn. Shame was up to err on the side of the of prejudice and, however,
since then David Gilbert is the one is the want of a person you dont want to release. Now they say, oh, but but you know he didn't intend to harmony, but you should get away driver. You build a machine together that causes harm overweight. We but the machine the machine did at no sorry, you are part of the operation. they were armed, you knew they were armed. You know what they could attend. You were providing support for them to commit these acts that they would not have been able to pull off without their getaway driver. David Gilbert said I will not drive for you. Perhaps the operation never would have happened, but he decided he want to provide that material support. the commission of a felony people were murdered, and that means you of all the people to be released. How about people who are charged with like a pot charges? I was saying all throughout last year: Donald Trump should just
get grant clemency and commute and pardon all non violent drug offenders, the federal level so long as it is played down from violent offences. So it's like somebody, you, you know drug offences year gone, you go home, have a nice day. Instead this what we of all of all the people. A communist terrorist amazes me, the medicine chest about it Is an american lawyer reserve and the twenty as a twenty ninth district attorney of San Francisco since January eight, twenty twenty he has previously served as deputy public defender of San Francisco. Let's take a look at the relatives of Mr Boden. Build airs whether underground Bernardini Doorn, underground Louis, be Boden, is great, great grand uncle, Leonard Biochemical, Bodin, etc. You get the point. David Gilbert and Cathy Boden
his parents, he was a child of communist terrorists, but my friends, I will not condemn a man for the sins of the father, I'm not here to rag on chess abode and for what his dad did. Absolutely, not I'm here to point out that the apple doesn't false. All too far from the tree, and I will certainly not condemn a person for the actions of their parents. I know many people who have bad parents and make that and they lead great lives. So in that respect I one hundred percent will defend just about in a lot of people attacked him simply because of who is parents are, and I want to make sure it's clear that I don't care whose parents are I'm concerned about who is raised by but again his actions are his actions, not anyone else's. It just so happens that his actions are very bad because, while I can solely state for the millionth time. I will not condemn chess about and for what his dad did and even though it is a baby oars mom, it was abuse a baby was adopted,
tell you what you get when you when you were when you vote for someone like him, because it was obvious that You know what, with the policies that he espoused, the apple did fall too far from the tree and given the opportunity you can see now that perhaps operating outside the system was a bad strategy. Now you ve got someone operating inside the system and got a potential of the stuff, But this way, if someone comes out and says that there you know it turns out there, TAT was a really really bad person. I'd be a! Well, let me hear what you have to say, because I'm Blame you for what your parents dead. You know the sins of the father, I'm not gonna transfer that to you, and so they said, look I believe in freedom and I believe in just and accountability, and that means we can like criminals go, but it also means to protect the innocent I'd, be like I dig it if they come out. They say there far left just like the than their parents if there are like? Oh yeah, I agree with a lot of their same ideology. I beg that's. A red flag is definitely red flag from Fox NEWS.
and Francisco DE faces, second recall effort. As residents fed up with progressive zero consequence policies As a second recall, effort launched against district attorney just about and demonstrates how residents are fed up with his progressive policies as his pushed to reduce jail funding and refusal to prosecute repeated. There's an shores. The streets remain marred with open air drug dealing and violent crime. Now stretching into the suburbs. A leader of the prominent local policing entails Fox news. Last week, the first a publican backed recall effort fell just one thousand seven hundred fourteen cimeters short of the required others injured required to trigger a special election to bring the question of ousting Bodin before voters. Now a second, the recall effort is, organised, which vote in brushed off Monday money. That is proof that is so called successes in reducing incarceration has angered the billionaire class. Listen to these people. They tell you who they are the billionaire class. What building
class you think Jack Door sees marching around complaining about over in car, I'm sorry under incarceration. You think you marks parties are the billionaires or lectures about, should, should stop or do you think, they're, usually just like either nihilistic or leftist, I think based on what we ve seen. Youtube is more likely than ever to not oppose chess about it, he's on these is on their side, the billionaire class. I'm sorry too, the CUB brothers live in San Francisco. I can imagine what a conservative billionaires living in that area. No, it goes to show that regular people are fed up. They want their lives back their tide of human feces, littering the streets the tide of the homeless problems and I'm about women almost would be an homeless humbly, the government for not finding adequate solutions solutions, I'll tell you that, as I understand the homeless problem, but what about refusing to prosecute people who are shoplifting?
we're, not all the videos we see people walk and unjust steel and stuff and walk out. The apple didn't fall far. The train this instance, I'm always careful to make sure we're not gonna blame someone for the sins of the father or mother. Whatever we get up, But this point is about and has showed us his colors he's shown us it read by the way he showed us exactly what he wants. It intends to do and it's been a disaster. Unfortunately, there were just short of the signatures. They needed to get a recall, no try again. They save his progressive approach. That's but but it's his progressive approach is actually hurting. Average San Franciscans San Francisco his officers Association President Tony Montoya tells Fox NEWS as Boden swiftest revolving door and criminal justice sends the message to offenders that there are no consequences for their actions, police or the bad guys and the bad guys the good guys in the minds of a progressive Montoya said just as good at the. Lane game we're going to call him mister Deflector, because he's all pointing the finger left or right, and never at the man in the mirror. The perception
there is that is that our zero consequent there are severe consequences for illegal or bad behaviour. They! No! Thank you. what they'll run out sooner than it takes an officer to write their police report rather than the politicians becoming numb to it. I think they're in denial. They are flat out in denial that its occurring, it's not secret. We have an open air drug market open air drug market and homeless and coupled with optics and blatant daylight shoplifting residential and commercial burglaries shootings in other violent crimes have left and starting to wake up to the reality, has now become their nightmare as far as public safety and crime goes Walgreens. Shutting down stores target six hours, a story about an elderly man who used to walk a block, ticketed medication ass to walk six, because the stores are closing costs. Crime is through the roof and certain point you'd think people would say enough. But there lies the big problem: pivotal care, they literally don't care. How do you get someone like chess about in an office? In the first place? People don't care.
So when he steps up- and you can see exactly who he is and what he represents- regular people just say- and the progressive zealots and the communists, the socialists- they say this is our guy and they like the chaos they do. They want to tear the system down so that they can propose the real. Since the only problem with their plan, is that we're watching you tear the system down dude you're, the d, a it's your fault. Why would I trust you to fix it? It will result in a backlash and people will go for some. You know right wing or even a far right. Whatever that means prosecutor, who will then you know, drop the hammer moving on from San Francisco. We can see what's happening with Gavin Newsome its neck He may actually get recalled, of course, there's some interesting goings on Britain that election and if he does get recall that seems Larry Elder, may end up being the governor.
There may be a major reaction of people saying a north of the corrupt spineless who are purposefully destroying our towns, our state, so that they can empower themselves and push a political ideology, the terrorists have infiltrated the system and they are you look at what he's doing lie these criminals go? Is that as that improving the lives of anybody know it's almost like the state is engaging in acts of terror and narco tyranny that bill, what the utterly! Thus you but Leave that, if you're in San Francisco- and you arm yourself, tat yourself against the crime? Oh, they will arrest in charge you but you're shoplifter Mugger a criminal, not your Fredo! Heaven forbid! You re working class individuals as I just want to be safe and feel safer when my family to be safe now that they won't allow Cuomo grants clemency to probably the one person you don't grant
I'm in sea to politically charged murderer Adam. I would understand if it was like, you know, in a seven five year old, John Dealer, I'd, be lying out. Whatever you know, I only seventy five, and violent offence, any more money laundering. If global came out and in part in some like money laundering, guy or somewhere ponzi ski might be like yeah yeah, it's all corrupt, but this is beyond reproach. This is this is what happens when the that terrorists are gaining power? They start pardoning their friends and using the power of government to enrich at him and empower themselves pay attention. Oliver, their necks segments coming up at four p m over at Youtube accomplished him cast thanks, ran out, and I will see Walden.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-04.