« Tim Pool Daily Show

S5156 - Democrat Gov Cuomo Faces Calls For Impeachment And Resignation After NY AG Confirms He Abused Women


Democrat Gov Cuomo Faces Calls For Impeachment And Resignation After NY AG Confirms He Abused Women. Despite him killing 15,000 people the outrage from many in media and the democratic party is over the metoo allegations and not his actions with COVID and nursing homes.

Though many are still fighting for justice over Andrew Cuomo's actions with nursing homes, the push for his ouster comes due to accusations.

Meanwhile several more people are furious that Chris Cuomo engaged in planning meetings to help his brother's pr while working for CNN, a clear conflict of interest.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is August. Third, twenty twenty one and our first story with major breaking news. New work has announced a vaccine mandates for most indoor activities. That means, if you want to go out to eat, to see attainment performances, though, to the gym. You will need proof of vaccination. There are many people medical reasons as to why they can't get it sort of the interesting to see how this one plays out in our neck story. Maricopa county and Million voting have refused to comply with subpoenas from the state Senate now one state senator is demanding their arrest immediately and in our last story, Andrew Cuomo. According to a report from the New York attorney General did in fact sexually harassed and than assault some women. Now, Democrats and Republicans are Calling for his resignation or his impeachment, if you like the show, give us a good review, and leave us five stars, and if you're really like the show share,
Friends. Now, let's get into that first store. mayor. The blog you of New York City has announced mandatory vaccinations the first in the nation announcing his key to N Y, see pass. They say indoor, dining fitness, entertainment and performance as will require proof of vaccination. I think the reason their framing it this way. is because supermarkets and general Bodega wakened by food are not going to require vaccines, which makes no sense. Does it if we're really trying to end a pandemic, you can't just give exemptions to some people for some areas specifically choice, though away people's food, they lose their minds. What we're seeing here is pressure build applause. Yo said it. This is to encourage people to get the vaccine, so it ends the pandemic. But, in my opinion, the medical medic
Asian a medical procedure be small or you know, a small vaccine is between you and your doctor. The government should not be mandating this NASA pertains to employers. I think small businesses. I err on the side of bigger business, has not so much to clarify from the other data but ass, a narrow path. Guess what my opinions were employers mandating vaccines in some circumstances I would say: big business is probably can, but it's tough, I usually lean towards defining the employees over the employer unless small business scale matters idle customers should ever have to have mandated vaccinations. I think a business with a small number of employees can make that decision for themselves because employer doesn't. Oh you anything on employers should be to fire you for any reason they want. Now I get it. There is a big ethical conundrum when it comes to someone's medical history, their medical decisions, in which case I think,
you should be able to get- and I simply exemption for over a large variety of reasons, and I err on the side of the employer for that. Some people have a clear vision, so there it is ultimately I think this is a dark dark direction and it's only going to get worse it will. It won't end here, as I said before, what I expect to happen is in the next twenty or thirty years. Some one will be to get there first driver's license and go to the DE envy or whatever it's called in your area, the Department of motor vehicles and the person, how it will be like a case over your license, you you pass the test. Ok now I need your. I need a burst of again so scared card, your vaccination card and a piece of mail with your address on it and here. You go. Have everything and that's gonna be out. You get ready, here's the import, thing about what's happening in New York, there saying You want to go in to these specific areas endorse. Will this include voting is a very important point. right now there saying indoor activities, restaurants, gems, entertainment performance is the answer is likely know. However,
I'm I'm! I would make the assumption this will expand. I dont think it's gonna end here. Here's a story from the Hill New York City will require proof of vaccination for workers and customers who want to dissipate in indoor activities, including dining dining in restaurants. working out and gems, and attending feeder performances. Danglars, you announced Tuesday. The policy is one of the four of its kind in the? U S and comes in nation wide spike in infections, driven largely by the spread of the delta variant, key to and Y see past programme will begin August. Sixteenth and enforcement will begin September. Thirteen deplores YO said during the conference it's time for people to see vaccination as lit Lee necessary for for a for living, a good, full and healthy life if you're on vaccinated. Unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things, while not that bad. Just that's shockingly insane pregnant woman, sorry you're not gonna, go outside me more person with praising condition
too bad, only the best strongest, genetics, supposedly or apparently private best, including sports arenas, concert halls that wanted to require prove the vaccination could use there at the Excelsior Pass the mayor on Tuesday said there will be multiple ways to show proof of vaccination. Putting a paper card the Excelsior Pass. cities own and Y see covered safe applicants unveiled Monday, while other your sais, including Dc San Francisco, and allay, have always reimposed mask mandates to bless. Yo has expressed a reluctance to require them. During the press conference insisted, the city focus has to be on vaccination, Our strategy is vaccine, centric, anything and ever thing we do is to support vaccination. Anything less than vaccination
going to get us where we need to go. The plaza said what we want to nail is people getting vaccinated and very bluntly showing life is much better when you're vaccinated, that is scum. These people are evil. Please pay attention. Look if, if you work for a small business and the employers, as I dont want to employ you, unlike, just while business you're, not a customer. Still it's a libertarian position, I suppose say a business can choose. You know, to a great degree, with customers a difference. It's different give a massive scale. I I believe you should have a right to discriminate against someone based on their medical history. I just do not, and laws. Yo is specifically saying it's a punitive policy, a punitive policy to punish people, many of whom can't get it even if they wanted to- and I ve all show you- I have the story. I have the Instagram post from PETE Parada. He button
no fault of his own. He is unable to get this vaccine. His is now kicked out of his band parted it has been under the specifics of of all his departure. They say the programme is the most aggressive move to date by the law, so too tried increase cities. Vaccination right about sixty six under the city's adults are fully vaccinated, but the rates vary throughout different parts of the city. Last week he offered a witch hunt dollar incentive to city residents and employees who make an appointment at city. Vaccination sites on Monday. He mandate that all new city employees get vaccinate as a condition of employment danglars. You acknowledge that not everyone's going to agree with us but insisted move as necessary to save lives. He also defended the legality of the policy saying the Justice Department has made it clear that mandate legal, even though the vaccines are not yet fully approved by the FDA. What it's? The plaza He thinks the policy provided push for younger New Yorkers to get the vaccine, especially service industry, employs said he hoped similar policies.
adopted by private industries and other governments. I am taking this action in part to inspire others to follow suit. De Palacio said. The policy is racist, extremely racist. It greatly benefit benefits Asians I bring you now to the Bloomberg, dot com, covert tracker and we have this graph vat, did share of each race or ethnicity population a motion down to New York City. What we find we find the black population is only thirty three percent vaccinated the white population, forty seven percent, the hispanic. Forty four per
and the Asian is out community is seventy seven point: two percent vaccinated, what's gonna happen, who's gonna get to go to a movie, theatres, who's gonna get to go to bars and restaurants, mostly asian people, mostly not black people. That's that's disgusting, absolutely disgusting, and what about people like, I said who can't get it. The other big factor here is that young people are substantially less likely to have gotten the facts no, I think I think the chart, maybe you're. Ok, I don't know if I have the chart pulled up actually do have it pretty sure yet period. This is from a covert nineteen dot health that and why not Gov in New York we can see. That vaccination percentage of population by by age group most people were vaccinated, sixty five to seventy four. Ninety percent.
so they're gonna be gone round whenever they want. We do have people twelve to fifteen forty two percent, sixty two twenty five, fifty seven percent there are going to be a lot of young people to build a blog. Yo said he wants to convince the young people I'll, tell you what go and all you gotta do is take a look at what the other that the NEO liberal elites are saying. Matthew, Iglesias, when founders of Vocs Dotcom Veo acts tweeted and then deleted this tweet. He said in a man a man tweeted Adam, I met eleven out of and on mandatory vaccination with a quote Matthew, Iglesias had no penalty absent politics. My policy would be you either get jam voluntarily within the next six weeks and get fifty dollars, or else you get jabbed later, while someone. Old you down and you get zero. What do you think this goes? You think it answer do than that these extremists,
who are demanding you be Medicaid. Without your approval, permission or advice from a doctor, you think hold you down. If you don't do it now, he deleted all of his tweets. Math related Spurge Iglesias purge that I put a pound sign that he shouldn't have engaged with people in this way and was a mistake. Well, thanks for letting me take the mask off and that's so, we know exactly what you believe: you're in Rotarian, your that's! That's it. I ain't we like using the word fascist because it it it rings. Dino to admit it reminds us of this horrible time in history, but fascism is specific. Authoritarian doesn't carry as much weight. That's the problem, but this is a man. No doubt who would kill you if he had the chance? Ok, maybe a little talk but think about what he sang right here: the collective good above all else, no matter what that's exactly what's led to show many mass murders throughout history and I tell you this: it's not about Matt as an individual.
I'm sure he would come out now say no! No! No! I don't mean it like that. Orgies ongoing taken out of context now he's the kind of person that, when the ball starts rolling and they start saying, I m up. You says why not for the greater good utilitarians verses, deontological thinkers the intelligence is, you know every act an independent action. So typically, when you, when you're in terms of deontological morality, you're, saying that you cannot make decisions based on some Engel. You have to consider what it means before you do it holding someone down and sticking in them with something is a violation of at least how I view the world people have a choice. People have to be convinced. You have to a group agree with each other nice. I've often said I'm left Liberty
I'm not right. Libertarian. You know my body Luke, you sitting on the internet, are podcast he's right libertarian, so we have some disagreements, but the libertarian thing is mostly where we agree: don't force each other to do anything. You know what and makes it really easy for. Look like a cash, that's right, the right libertarians are like YO, I got money and they can dish it out and money is a great, persuade her and I'm ok with that left libertarian. I think we should have mutual assessment aid agreements, founder of voluntarism, so basically saying with left libertarian hey. Would you guys be willing to work with me on this. That's about it now, of course, right. Libertarians have that as well, because the overarching you know system is libertarian is freedom. If you can't convince some one to to agree with you and work with you, then you don't get to do anything at all. I just think we'd be better
with certain systems with more cooperation. Unfortunately, for the left, libertarian position, you're almost never going to succeed, I get it it's it's too. It's hard mode, its life on hard. My now political compass means likes to pretend that left Libertarian is woken. That makes a literal. no sense, because the woke people are authoritarian, they're, just idea logs, it doesn't make sense, left, libertarians or the crystal wearing. It is the backyard saying like do you don't have to be a man like we're all sit near working hard for our tomato crop, and you don't gotta be here than they leave. That's it. The right, battalion is the guy who walks up and sets out some good tomatoes. I got some golden, they say I'll. Take that gold. Thank you for the tomatoes nets. There you go. That's where we're at these people are insane fellow american It's no surprise were in a recession. I think we're in for a tough for you and bite in new spending plan could be catastrophic for the. U S dollars that's why, now more than ever, I'm focusing on diversifying with gold and silver. I just what a story about a guy who's grey
father buried, fifty thousand dollars like fifty years ago in there all excited, but three thousand dollars fifty years ago had the buying power of like hundreds of thousands of dollars. If they had invested in something like gold, they would have attained that value, this is why many people are looking forward to diversify and one option many people are choosing is American Hartford gold, they self Physical, goldens were delivered right to your door or inside of your eye rape and make it easy. There are the highest rate of farm in the country with a plus being from the better Business Bureau and thousands of satisfied clients, and if you call them right now they will give you up to one thousand five hundred dollars of free silver on your first order, so don't wait. Call them now call eight hundred and sixty six nine hundred and twenty one, three thousand three hundred and thirty one. That's eight hundred and sixty six, nine hundred and twenty one, three thousand three hundred and thirty one or text TIM. Two hundred and sixty five
five hundred and thirty. Two again, that's eight thousand six hundred and sixty nine two thousand one hundred and thirty three one or text TIM to six five, five, three to check out the during this once this one is the perfect example of everything I've been saying: this is from one o, five, seven, the point not come offspring, drummer can't get covert. Nineteen vaccine for medical reasons so won't play upcoming, so show I guess there saying this is from ABC News. I didn't find that an ABC news, but I can't verify this through the guy's Instagram account, but I say in a lengthy twitter thread and Post Instagram Offspring, Drummer PETE, perhaps explains why he won't be joining his band for the compromise. MRS saying he has some unfortunate and difficult news to share Prato reveals, given my personal medical history and the side effects profile of these vaccines. My doctors advise me not to get the shot at getting This time probably goes on to explain. I got the virus over a year ago was mild form he swam conference I'd be able to handle it again, but I'm not so certain I'd survive another
vaccination round of Julianne Bear Syndrome proposing a wrong which dates back. Child. It has evolved to be progressively worse over my lifetime. Since I am able to comply with what is increasingly becoming an industry mandate. It has recently been decided that I am unsafe to be around in the studio and on tour. I mention this because You won't be seeing me at the upcoming shows the offspring. Didn't you say, you're not coming to the shows there said, You can even be in the studio with us. That's crazy! It's crazy! The sky by no fault of his own is now a second class citizen and that it insane either, which only to understand when I, when I mention other dasset, if businesses want amended vaccines, it's been it's coming from a libertarian position. Someone who's got a lemonade stand with ten employees has no obligation to give those people anything he
fire you or or for whatever reason he wants. I shocking to me that we have some of them the laws that we do on the books. Now I am still left Lib, which means when it comes to larger monopolistic businesses. I bet work that the change happens. Mandating hundreds of thousands are tens of thousands of people blindly without exemption is wrong. This is wrong to clarify in the beginning. I said that you know it's not necessarily aspirants fault. Other venues are doing this and I want to stress studios, there was a guy in Facebook. I saw he possibly working studios as he will not work with people worn I've accident, no matter what no matter what second class citizens and racist nonetheless
show you the lowest vaccination richer among black Americans. This is wrong. You could encourage people, you can tell them everything, and I think I have certainly done the best job out of anybody. I know I know people are disagreeing. People are saying TIM you're, a vaccine. Shall I'm saying, go talk to your doctor? You know why outside of Youtube's rules this dude p Parada went to his doctor, he didn't shot to a gas station, seven eleven or whatever, and have some dude randomly administers amendment amendment awesome medication he went to his doctrine is doctor said because of Julian Bear Syndrome, you should not be getting this, and that is important. We do not want people getting injured and I think you tube should take look at their policies when celebrities come out and just tell people to go, do it and no use. I will not give medical advice nor financial advice. This is why I will not. I am not willing to sacrifice a single person you a glacier seems to be. He says I
negative feelings towards my band they're doing what they believe is for them. While I am doing the same product clarifies he then declares unequivocally that I support informed consent, which necessary necessitates choice unburdened by coercion. He ass, he does believe in allowing those with the most power government corporations organisations, employers to dictate medical procedures to those with the least power. Parana asks that people not dominate dehumanize, shout down each other, noting the vaccine. Hesitant population is not a monolithic group. All voices deserve to be heard. He ends by saying he's got other products in the works, adding Deeply appreciate your understanding and support as my family and I fought at my family and I find a new way forward. You know what men I group as a very, very big fan of the office. I think the original drummer was run. Wealthier could begin in eight been a long time
I will say right now: I am not a fan at all over this. I don't care what their reasoning is. You aren't you supposed to be punk, but we know there are never really punk these pop punk get pop pop. These pop punk back protest establishment. There is a song by the offspring, one of their original songs, we back when they were trying to be edgier. I can't say the name of the song. I literally cannot say the name of some they removed it from. self titled album it was removed subsequently, because It was a threat, let us say that of the song was threatening the president. I can say that, and I am a bows when I had had all their albums and these wife? What else? Who I was like? Twelve or thirteen are plainly guitars Americana came out now a huge fan and that actually got me into some other punk bands and two more like anti establishment, anti government, anarchist kind of punk rock away from the pump the pop pop star
and in the end I can't say that I am surprised to see all of this as it goes with most of these bans that That will be they. They they sing songs. They they talk about the things they oppose the things they support their true beliefs and then the contract comes in and then the money comes in and then everything changes and there no longer libertarians. Now I'm Sherman and left would say something similar of me to what happened to you. I was never or I was now, were advocating for the government to mandate people's personal lives Mckenna pretend to be an anarchist least. I was when I was younger than I became more liberal. Like I don't think taxation is theft, that's 74th, an authoritarian, position, but it substantially more authoritarian, then the libertarian or an cap position, although I'm sure, from their perspective on as far as you don't know, cause I'm a left live. I think taxation is fine, but I understand mutual agreements and I also agree with concern
I'm sorry with with that with a libertarian right when they say they never agreed, never agree to that contract pathos taxes. My response is even more libertarian than them bro she, IRAN, Mexico, it exists. You dont have to live in this place. You were born into it. I understand, but If there is something most people are agreeing to an abiding by you, dont have to that being said, I am actually more proponent of the free state project and what they are doing now sure. So, if you're not familiar definite one check that out and everybody who has a libertarian or an cap or anarchists imo care for your left or right, I don't care if you claimed me on tv you truly are an anarchist, and that means an without Archie Authority. You go to New Hampshire and you vote for the anarchy. I'm sure there's probably lot people in two hundred saying I don't tell Antipater come here, there's a lot of left anarchists
and ultimately, in the end, if we can all agree to back away leave each other alone, I'm fine with it, but you know stay away from the communist type stone that don't communist. You know Wanna go up there. You know you're gonna have a much people have guns. Tell you to back off. You have no chance of your communism Thank you rent, but if you're an anarchist, I think the best thing to do is not go to see IRAN, although you could, because I'm I know a lot of people who have been down there, who are fans of it and can live freely and set their own agreements, but you gotta New Hampshire and you can vote these things and you can take control and I'm an advocate for that. So here's about say if you dont, like taxation an iota, I gotta admit I'm not a fan of what the government does. Taxes, I'm saying principally the idea of everyone pack pitching in paying a decent amount towards mutual assistance. I like what the United States does it the taxes I do not like. I dont like the Federal Reserve system, I do like what they out of the war machine so right.
I am strongly opposed to the current allocation in the current taxation system. We have, I think it's totally broken. That being said, what will what do we do? We vote? We organise we activate. We got to New Hampshire places like that, and we say freedom, freedom, freedom across the board moved to areas that are more free vote. One hundred more more more freedom, I'd love to have PETE on the show. I don't know what his his his political leanings are. Anything like that, I'd love to talk to him and and and check out you know it man,
getting booted is probably brutal and I am not cool. It's kind of a bummer Obama. He's gonna keep happening. It's gotta keep happening blue states. It's gonna keep happening that yours, it's interesting, their say that these mandates are going into effect on the sixteenth jackpot, so because Twitter that await us official set in the second week of August there talking about lockdown coming back. Maybe it's not locked down in the way we think. Maybe the lock downs are essentially vaccine mandates. Maybe what's more likely to happen? Is that instead of biting coming on saying everyone's gonna stay home again, he says everyone was not vaccine has to stay home and then what he thinks gonna happen. People are gonna begged the gun please governmental do anything. You say because I'm a coward, I told ya, go even these cities, men and nobody coming to my property. I got enough property and of lawn I can walk around outside. All I want for is for a decent distance and there's nobody out here.
So if you're in those cities well, you're, probably gonna end up in a cubicle apartment and then to say, let me just add one thing for everybody: the idea of freedom, liberty. It is not black and white, it is not easy and the business mandating vaccines by one. The bastard poles. Many people said that it was a thought tearing of me to say: businesses should be allowed to do it and my answer. Is a private business can do what it wants? The government can't tell a private business who they can or can't higher or you're an airline that the trouble I do believe in some protection against discrimination. Is I'm not at an anarchist or, I would even say I'm a definite too big, a libertarian. I'm just left libertarian issue. If a guy, on the small business- and he says well he's an oh you anything that whoever wants them as they don't owe you. A euro. Although anything, if you can't come to an agreement, then people have also said we so timid
Businesses can fire people that abortions and, unlike YO, what did I just say, libertarian they can fire you, for whatever reason they want. I do think there are some restrictions, I'm not saying one hundred percent, that's the case, I don't like the idea of discriminate against people on the basis of race. gender identity, or anything like that. I'm not offend, but it is a difficult position to say. The government has the authority to tell people what they can or can't do with with who they hire and how they run their business. I really do think that's insane. There's challenges though there are, and what about the answers? I can't pretend that every it I dont like the idea that people would just be like all your being inconsistent on this one and as I do, these are different issues, we're trying to solve different problems. So when people talk up, there are some people who thanked the vaccines should be mandatory because we're gonna end a pandemic and its serious crisis for the greater community. The problem I have
with that argument is just who do you trust? You trust the government, you trust the centralized authority and it's like I don't know when it comes to the issue of race, that Challenge I see, is that people don't go to a doctor to determine their race. They don't go to turned into Haydock. What do I don't know it's like who they are with vaccines? Doktor could tell you know like this, like PETE Parada, so look I'm not prevent. Have all the answers, I'm typically trying to navigate these moral questions to figure out what makes the most sense the liberty tends to make the most sense just in terms of efficiency and and and for the prosperous growth of a nation, and when we met growth, I mean
development progress, I don't mean millions and billions of people know I just mean like improving advancing reaching for the stars, making life better for everybody, reducing poverty. Things like that decentralisation has proven itself to be better time and time again, but pure decentralization isn't perfect. We don't want to be a chicken with its head cut off, so there's got to be some kind of system by which we have decision making Fish nor public seems to do that. I'm not competent. Oliver have all the answers. My friends and by all means, I think. Sometimes you know you look at one issue. You say this had happened this time and then people say that's not morally consistent with which had last time- and it's like the maybe to think about that, like with Jordan Petersen SAD when it was ass, you said businesses should be.
To serve people and then Jim Jeffrey sad. What about civil rights and black people and then George Petersen goes well. Perhaps I was wrong about that. That's the mature response, as it were, trying to do away with their necks segments coming up at four p m over at Youtube outcomes. Liked him cast thank sprang out, and I will see you all them. Many of you were just starting out buying a home, having babies and building wealth. We to add securing your family's future two year to do less by establishing a will or trust at trust and will not come at and will not come setting up an plan is simple, convenient and secure. For as little thirty nine dollars. You can nominate guardians for your children, determine who gets your stuff and plan for future medical care. All from the comfort your home hurry. Traditional estate attorney can cost thousands and using a one size fits all. Template is not nearly specialised enough. Trust and willed
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and dominion voting who are now refusing to comply with legitimate legal requests. And they're giving excuses. I mean Dominion sang it violates their companies, constitutional rights and honestly may be, let's see other on Court America County, say: hey. We already gave you this, but also some of the other information it would violate the privacy rights of citizens and individuals. Well, I tell you this. The state Senate has the subpoena power. This is a very weird. Battle in my opinion. Now I am all for the audits, one hundred percent, because I think the voters have to have confidence in the system If you lose confidence, the system doesn't exist so, we saw all of the happenings around the November elections. My attitude was like: let the lawsuits happen. Let people get their evidence play it out in court properly, because p Need to feel like for one there being heard too: they have an operative for redress of grievances and three
wrong. It's it's! What's so difficult about that that that's the thing. blowing my mind just say: ok, do your audit, whatever you lost, have a nice day? Barely that's, not I guess another defying subpoenas and so just tell you this man. If you want to make sure you shatter the confidence of people in the voting system. This is how you respond, but on the other the left as saying that these are conspiracy, theorists on the right and they fear that they're gonna inject things or misinterpret things, and it will actually question or break confidence in the voting systems that they can do this. I gotta be honest, there's a point there about it you want to vote, you go to a system and then what? How would you feel if, like the other side which side neuron may. Actually the Democrats are feeling this right now, but I would Republicans feel if what Donald one and then they came out unaudited all of the elections you'd be like oh come on? You lost fair and square. You wouldn't
Do it either and you'd be worried, they would do something nefarious. The bigger issue, in my opinion, is that neither side trusts each other at all. Well, I don't care about who you trust if you ve got an issue with the audit system than you compromise your oversight, people into the process, and they did not do that to a certain extent. I suppose they should say: ok, we'll do the audit. We want cameras on everything we want to be able to see us await their our cameras on everything. There are security guards well, I honestly dont understand what the complaint is from the left than other than to just jam up the audit process, and they keep saying things like there is no process by which Donald Trump could be reinstated as president, and I think, that's really dumb to assume that the country is founded upon process any functioning. Adult knows that process goes out the window when people have no idea what's happening, and there was that election back in October, what year was like one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine or whatever, where they have like a
come together and there I ok. I guess we'll just your president, like this now really don't think, there's any circumstance in which Donald Trump is precedent. I I'm sorry, I just don't see it. What did the idea that the laws are not made up by people is in saying to me, but regard We have the audit. We weeks say shore hears what happened and then what's likely going to happen, maybe might it might help Republicans the mid terms? So maybe that's it. Maybe this is the battle that's happening. I got tell you, I think it's really bad for Democrats, it's really bad for dominion, voting as a company at their doing that. Dominion, is a private company. They handle voting machines. The cardinals machines is proprietary. I disagree with that at the very least Arizona Senate. I hope they do this vote. Open source voting software we want. be able to see the code. As a story, someone tell me once that they got pulled up
were pulled over for speeding ticket hacker friends of mine and then in court. They demanded the release of the source code for the radar gun and they told the judge how the judge, no, the rate argon, is actually showing a real number and All we know it could be a random number generator and the judge was like sexually really good point. I dont know how that thing works. I don't know, threat organs actually giving us a sound rated yeah get the source code at the source code. Anything in my opinion, used by the public, should be available to the public. If the police are going to use a computer code system The source code should be public if the USA, the CIA, whatever, if they spy on us, ok, ok, ok, saw slowdown. You stand there: cyber weapons and there's topsecret staffs. Ok, we're not gonna. the source code on nuclear weapons, or anything like that, although I think actually, there might big plans for something on my early sets it that's what the urban legend says, and here I digress.
If there is going to be a voting machine that we are going to use, we should be able to see the code and and looked through it and and know exactly what's happening, no question. I hope that's where. Ultimately, this leads to, because that has nothing to do with integrity. Issue fraud. It is only right that now I gotta say my view on this. Is that, as I have often said, trumped got oceans eleventh and what I mean by that is throughout the previous year saw this in the time magazine article the shadow campaign to protect the election. They called it. Yes, the Democrats enacted and were bubble to this long and circuitous process by which they rules and laws and made it easier for their side devout and negatively impact. Did trumps voter base, I should say like that. I should say that ultimately resulted in more people voting and voting for Democrats. That's how they that that's it but like universal mail in mail in voting now a marketable any evidence. Otherwise, so I'm totally open to audits, but here's it's happening easy central reports. Maricopa county soup
rises and dominion. Voting systems refused to pay additional Electra material on Monday, in response to new subpoenas filed by the Arizona Senate Subpoenas issued July. To six by Republicans and it leaders demanded the representatives for the County Board of Supervisors and dominion appear and produce. The mere materials by one p m Monday state Capitol. Instead county officials dominion attorney sent Senate President Karen Fan a letter outlining what will not comply overcome The official said they will work with us and to provide some documents sought via public records, request fun in a released statement said she saw some progress in this and its efforts in its efforts to get county cooperation, but took a weight. see stance on the refusal to produce a peanut materials, it is unfortunate that non compliant the county and dominion continues to delay the results and breeds distrust. Personally I agree with with with was his right, Wendy Rogers on this one. I think they should be arrested a you. If you are issued
subpoena. We have to have that legal process now issued a subpoena file. A legal challenge to it will steer the process plays out, but I don't, I think they should be forced to turn over what their request to do by the people horde. We elect in a state of Arizona, they gonna say the subpoenas demanded routers Jeanne passwords and voter registration records from the county and the same machine passports from dominion instead of complying. It these four dominion and the supervisor sent letters to the Senate The supervisor said that they had given what they are legally and responsibly able to provide and dominion said they dont legally, have to provide anything given. They are a public company. Much of what the Senate demanded demanded had already asked It had already asked for in the initial subpoenas that made the audit possible the county provided everything, but the louder, is in response to those subpoenas and stated again Monday. It won't provide the routers for security concerns. Additionally, the county said it doesn't have any additional passwords to machines full stop. The router should be turned over, so am I Hence there is no argument here. If you got any
about the potential hack ability of these routers. You get new routers and update your security systems. If we are auditing the system and the duty like the representatives of the state are saying we're gonna look at these machines. You must turn them over a period if, if, if I had to give up gene or computer I'd have to get a new one is unfortunate, but we have a legal process for these things. Lord chairman, Jack sellers lambasted, set its ongoing audit of the counties November, twenty one election and the inexperienced contractors. They had to do the work saying that if they haven't figured out that the election Amerika County was free, fair and accurate, yet I'm not sure you ever will the borders work to do and little time to entertain this adventure and never Neverland seller, said in a prepared statement at so we're LE baby of his bottle. What are you wearing what it? if they never never will, then, then, why are you wasting your time here? You go, have a nice day out care and then, if the taxpayers to foot the bill, you point the finger at him and say we, had to change the rules, because these people are crackpots but they're not doing that their obstructing weird
Now, when I look at what's going on this audit, which you'd understand the reason they may audit information again, is that perhaps they ve discovered something that is not evidence of anything, but maybe they're like are. We need to verify this information like what is this hey? I That's something when we did the audit. I dont know what it is, but something didn't seem to make sense. Can we ought at that and see? What's going on arms? I can we subpoena that So, let's say Europe you'd like in the movies right. You got an accountant. Actually day what what was I doubt Batman when Guy is like doing it on audit on the financials for four Wayne, medium enterprise or whatever it comes back. It discovers that a whole bunch of is going to guarantee for cell phones or whatever hidden. What was being done with it, but he knows something weird, ok sort in the movie tries blackmailing. You know what what's a guy's name, Lucian Fox, I think the characters name was an indictment himself anyway. I digress weary tab at Miss. The point is
Romeo. They went through this and they saw something. Maybe typo made Mavis type on Ok, that's a typo. Can we get the correct records on this one and we can maybe wrap this up and maybe the fine nothing You know I will tell you this. I am these sick of all of this stuff, because you don't, I keep hearing from people, going to be you're going to see what happens in August. I was going to be something big and I'm like dude talk, big say whatever you want. That's fine. I will see it when I believe it. I'm sorry. I will believe it when I see it now. Belief doesn't just make it manifest in front of me, but if there is something to be found and they are claiming they have something I'd like to know about it now I understand they haven't comply the audit, so aright release it. When you release it, I guess I'm sit near out. I'm Tellin, you got the evidence and I'll take a look at. It will see how things player They say new contempt about is highly unlikely. Several Can senators offer their own paths? Senator
Michel agenda, Rita chairwoman of the Senate Elections Committee said in his statement that she would to hold the supervisors in contempt for non compliance earlier this year, when the county refused to cooperate, however, she acknowledged a contempt. Finding is not option as the Senate must be in session. To do so, and there is scant possibility of happening before January. Twenty, twenty, two! Ok, you know what I just I gotta be honest. I don't think anything's gonna happen. I real dont see anything with these audits happening. I really don't. I've heard it from tumor, people. Oh you you're, going to sea and unlike ok, ok man here we go I can't even come into such an until January. They're, not even likely to come such an until January. So what would you say to your way for another what what four months five months short and that when they finally do, contempt thing will go back and forth and then it'll fizzle out. Maybe, though
do something that questions the system more casts doubt. Maybe the whole point of this is just to so doubt on Democrats in general, because the Democrats and dominion are saying: oh geez, you know we're not going to respond to this. well, then we need different voting companies. We open source software, they say gently, Rita Etiquette from Scottsdale Scottsdale candidate for the GNP nomination for secondary state did not respond to a question about why she would back a contempt about now. Given she no longer supports the audit, which he says has been botched senator Paul Boyer of Lending, because we're vices reply, adding I couldn't agree. More Jack sellers elected officials do have a responsibility to tell the truth to their constituents, even if some of them will never believe on the other side of the spectrum. When do you Rogers said the five supervisor should be arrested and locked up in solitary confinement. Now I don't agree with that part of what you said. She made several twitter posts denouncing the current counties response,
the unit you noticed them. They mentioned the inexperience of cyber in it is over and over and over again how many companies do experience auditing elections on its question, I don't know, are their companies that specifically elections. If so, why haven't? We ought at elections like this before and why are they so upset about us doing it now or I wanna buy up at me, like the american people,. Who would you hire to do something like that? And why is inexperience. Being yes, like layered everywhere in every story, it's not relevant to the story. In my opinion, inexperience like while who experience and even if they did have explained in some elections, wouldn't they not have in a federal election and then they would say with no experience and a federal auctioneer, because who does I just think the whole thing is just ass. The whole thing is sick, a stupid waste time because of you as when the supervisors initially refused. Last wended respond subpoenas for the counties bouts voting
is another election information. The Senate called a vote to try and hold them in contempt, the punishment for which is jail. That vote failed. I just I just I'm sick and tired of this now not say they should stop or just give up, but it really just feels like nothing's going to happen to us. Tell you men, but let's read they say it's unlikely. A judge would forces of supervised the company to comply with America, county superior court Judge Timothy Thomson ruled in February. The initial subpoenas to the county were valid. He did not order the county too, do the materials that is that that Spirit is valid and don't don't listen to it, which wasn't required because the county complied with. Spain is shortly after the core filing ok. I should slow my own role because they answered it. They gave the subpoenaed materials supervisor bill gates of great name, aha, but that what a coincidence noted the Senate have the votes to hold them in contempt, and the judge didn't order.
the comply, he said peanut are not a serious requesting called it political theatre. They say what the last subpoenas demanded fan and the Senate Judiciary Chairman Warren Petersen issued the latest up as ever. The initial portion of the audit, which began in April wrapped up at the state fair rounds last week, while the ballot review is now complete. The sense contractors planned to also inspect the count. ballot, tabulated and voter registration database. The contractors told and Petersen at hearing in July that they need more information from the county to complete the election review. The latest subpoena demanded information about data breaches to the counties. Election systems are definitely that's got to be public ballot envelopes. Voter signatures or images envelopes information about changes to the counties? Voter records, routers and net? data, some of which are senators, had requested an original subpoenas to the county. This past winter user names passwords tokens intends to the ballot tabulation machines, the county rents from dominion, including all that would provide administration access administered of access. This
Also, a report from the original subpoenas disappeared dominion made the same request for username passwords tokens spends in their machines what what the counting dominion so they will not provide a superb the letter after meeting Monday morning in a closed door session, to discuss how to respond in a subpoena among other topics, calculators flatly refused to provide routers that were requested, which they had done since they were first requested as part of earlier It is specifically providing these routers put sensitive confidential data belonging to America, county citizens, including social security number to protect health information at risk. Further them Arab Maricopa County Sheriff has explained the production of the routers would render m c s, o internal law enforcement communication infrastructure extremely v- honourable to hackers wrote, Thomas Lady, a civil, divergent g for the county attorney's office, contract or say. The routers are needed to check whether the counties voting machines were connected to the internet. During the elect
the county officials say the auditors have already received the information and machines needed to perform that check the county. So what's the point So, if you want, we are you are you gave it up to you, ok and in turn this over what what is on this So basically, I just think we're getting a b s answer. There saying we check these machines for acts weird, he gave you access tax. No, you didn't give us these things were asking for now. Well, too, bad because you don't know what they subpoenaed them. That's that the will of the people it is here They have elected these representatives who are now making these demands and who are these bureaucrats and private companies to just outright saying no northward dominion, their private company, so I think they are should defend their constitutional rights and say if something is overreaching or could affect their business than they were right to defend themselves. I also think it should combat upon all of us right now at like call your car. men call your senders and demand. We implement open.
Course voting software in our voting machines period. I don't care what company does it I'm not saying anything to disparage any the existing companies. I'm saying it is my belief that we to be able to see the code of the voting machines period. We should be able to look at the potency. No networking there you go. None of this would be happening, If we used open source voting machine software and yes, you are, see any potential exploits. That's the best part white hat hackers is the good guys they will not always, but you know, typically reversible as they'll see and say: hey, there's a potential exploit and then they can submit we'd like to improve this code then you'd have ten thousand other people republican, undemocratic arguing over the code and then finally, they degree like ok, we'll put the code in place. Imagine that democratic, open, can accusing each other and then being like some rare guy named networks. Animals are excuse me, gentlemen. The code is open source. Your arguments are valid. I can see right here, everything's fine, oh,
I can see right here, there's an exploit right therein and we got a deal with that. Anyone would be able to see it instead, proprietary company, now man not a model k with them. Gate said he thought it was telling the renewed demand for the routers came shortly after former President Trump mentioned a rally. The supervisors have not provided them, some clear. Wasn't it later? still are demanding the passwords and tokens difficulties about tabling machines, even though they gave back the machines on July, twenty ninth after getting them under the initial subpoenas. Yeah, I will say you know if that is true and they already received stuff, and they the machines and gave them back another asking for information. It is strange, but
That's the case. Why are you resisting? It might say? Ok, sure, whatever you know it, who cares they already have the machines gave back. You want the information here find whatever you gave the machines back. Who cares I've, I'm wondering if they're looking for changes now that may have occurred during the audit process like nothing to do with the election. They checked the machines they check all the stuff and then give the machines I cannot say I could not give it back to see what changes may have occurred, or something like that. I don't see why they just don't turn it over There wasn't it leaders are still demanding the passwords and tokens concerning to get back the machines and I will say: can now to get back machines its unclear. Why anyone would would say no to something that the people already at county leader said they. They believe. This renders this part subpoenas moot you said it shows the sense demands, are unreasonable. Dominions subpoena violates the company's constitutional law
send, exceeds the legislatures constitutional and statutory authority. That may be the case. Government can't just come in and demand preparatory proprietary information that could negatively impact your business. That being said, its timing, it open source voting machines period. Everyone will be able to see how the code is operating. and I will now think there we go and in fact smarter people than make it probably you know figure it out. They gonna see the records request may gives Additional information, along with Subpoena Senate leaders, had sent records requests for what was stood in along with communications from their quarters office and elections, department, the cow set. It intends to respond to these requests, as required by law. The request for information about it breaches may relate to an incident in November, in which someone stole public voter data by breaching the counties website wow I would have, Didn't get it any the counties, election management system, where the county stores its election results?
The supervisors said in their letter the county will provide information about any breaches under the sun, its public records request, but on a Monday county officials have said repeatedly, they have already images of the ballot envelopes requested supervisor, had they will do so again in the Senate, can't find them. You see, I don't see a problem with that. Alternatively, this approach, wrote the county were quarters office will deliver the nearly two million ballot envelopes from November ember election. If a Senate has a place to safely store them the reporters office also has legal authority over the voter registration database. The supervisors wrote recorder, Stephen Writ Richer said he will work with senators to provide what they want from the from the database I can't. I can't make this one too long. I think you ultimately get the point. Is a GNP lenders agreed to pay cyber ninjas a hundred thousand dollars for the audit, which export side was far less than such an undertaking would typically cost a list of donors contributing from more than five point. Six million for the work was released July. Twenty. Ninth
now see here's the thing if they came out somewhere news taxpayer dollars on this one. I understand why people be matching, don't take our money for this, but their mostly, writing off donation, there's still a conflict of interests that sounds like who are the wealthy donors funding. This is no right, a wavering to get through the mocking the mire of the political conflict. So I don't know what out what suddenly turns into, but I can show you a few things before we sign off on this. First, we have this story, botched Arizona, Arizona, GEO, peas, bout count, ends, troubles persists Apparently one of the Republican said it was botched, as recorded in the previous article, where the story from CNN fact check Arizona or achieve basely raises suspicion about seventy four thousand ballots and is an interesting point quote his quote. For example, we have seventy four thousand two hundred forty three mail in ballots, where there is no clear record of them being sent facts first. Cnn says: CNN says there is
evidence of either fraud or any significant air with these balanced and certainly not magically appearing ballots, both America County and that experts say there is a simple explanation for the gap. Logan claimed for the gap Logan claim had not been explained the exits of in person. Early voting, contrary to Logan's claims the ballot lists. He was tall, about include not only male in balance but also bouts cast early in person, ok, CNN, I ve got no argument. We now I'm sorry. I didn't argument thought at the election. Let's take a look at these ballots sure you say there that that's true, I dont see what the problem is. I guess the problem is politics. That's it I want to see an audit because I just want people to trust. The system I know that their elections are free, fair and accurate. You can't just come out and say it. You gotta show it to people why We blindly just trust we should be switching to open source software code forever.
Machines I've one can see it period will know exactly how the data card card works. Well, no cards work. We will know exactly how the voting this machine tabulate that the or Judah gates and, I think, per Finally, we should probably not have the education process at all. What what would basically happens? I guess is that a vote will go in or no, I am sorry I did it back. We have to have that. I don't like, I think, maybe just have paper ballots or something I don't know. It's not easy the delegation is basically that if someone fills out their ballot, nay, you know put an extra Donald Trump or whatever, and the machine can't read it. The person looks at it and then presses Donald Trump. There is fear that someone could pressed the wrong button nor intentionally pressed the wrong now I don't know you pass that, because if people are can't accounting paper about in just count wrong. What do you do in fact, the open source, Digital might be the best, and you know what they're some benefits to blockchain voting amount of mutton staunch proponent of sincerity, but there could be
some benefits, not in tracking the votes, but in tracking bout that are sent. How many belts were produced Many exist, they all have a unique code and then we just see the ballots. Are you know, then? That then, though, be ill been impossible question if someone Sab, what are they made fake? What's we can't it's all there they're all produce for the blockchain hash, they all have a unique code. They have to be legitimate through the system, Crypto managed, it's brilliant, isn't it doesn't it we can do we wouldn't track information on the balance we would know who cast what we would just know: hey. There was five million ballot, some made and you know how many people, individuals there shouldn't be more balanced printed than there are people in the voters period, and so you end up with an access there you might as well that's these are these are things we can do. Ultimately, people don't trust the system there upset about what happened, and I think we need
to have some confidence back in the system, and so that's done by just saying: do the audit man I'll leave it there? Next time is coming up at one p, dot M on this channel thanks for hanging out- and I will see you all then. Report from the attorney general in New York confirms Governor Andrew Cuomo did sexually harass at least eleven women some of these women claim that not only was he saying, inappropriate things or making an appropriate advancements, but some women say that he actually touched them inappropriately in one instance, A woman who made that accusation had her claim rebutted bike. Almost wasn't true and that a photo emerged in which, literally grabbing her whole ed, which seems to be rather inappropriate. Now, following this there, and calls for the resignation of Andrew Cuomo and his impeachment, but Cuomo has issued a very strange response saying it's not true going
to say that he will not be resigning. He refuses to leave office and then claims that he actually does this to every one regard less of whether or not there a man, woman, gay or straight old or young. He says he's just being their faces and kissing them? Because that's what you do, I guess now. Here's the thing he's not entirely wrong. Could it be that women interpreted his Italian. Family style contact with sexually inappropriate behaviour, yeah, maybe but come on. He was told to stop. Other women have claimed that he actually touched them and seriously inappropriate ways like putting their bodies. So I'm not gonna give quarter pass on this, one he's been accused by of women, their photos of him grabbing people. I don't care if he grabs everybody, it seems like he really did cross the line, but I'll tell you what d,
is well, I was gonna, say shock me, but as a really shocked me, but disappoints me, This is why they are demanding his resignation. This why they are demanding his impeachment, and I can look at this and say all right. The man should obviously resign or be impeached, but my question is what about the fifteen thousand or so people the dude literally murdered yeah? About that? That's what we're gets away with that very least they're gonna get rid of him. So it's a very challenging question of whether or not the ends justify the means. Well in this, hence I think the Duke should resign or be impeached over these acts of these. These harassment allegations and with the end that the New York Turning general basically saying we confirmed this happened. Ok, then the dude should resign get out Nobody wants. You are publicans, don't like you, the Democrats, don't like you got no allies yet dont go by and if you won't impeach the guy but can we seriously get so
some more inquiry, investigation and outrage over the fact that Cuomo put sick people into a nursing home killing like fifteen thousand people, Jennifer news has been pushing that for some time we interviewed are the TIM cast. Iron podcast and it seems like Cuomo is gonna walk on that one. So if, if there was any other issue or it didn't confirm the harassment I'd say? No, I don't I don't care about this. This is petty allegations, investigate them, fine, but he should have been impeached a long time ago. The Democrats didn't do it and New York doesn't have a strong enough Republican. Let us to actually get this man out of office. Well, I'll tell you this if he had impeach to the guy or the fact that he put sick people in north and arms. Maybe this wouldn't even be an issue right now, but at this point I ll, except the removal of a deprived lunatic now. On top of this story, is the media malfeasance store because it turns out his brother, Chris Cuomo CNN, actually helped craft a message
to deny the allegations that are now asserted by the HIV as true amazing. What let's talk about this, actually do something. Interesting are meant to provide. A potential defence for Cuomo. Now let me clarify, I dont think the man is right. I think he did assault these women or I'm sorry harass them. some women claimed to have been assaulted, and I err on the side of not believing him as a probe. He got his process in his own state he will report. He has so but there is something to be said about what's happening in the workplace based on certain behaviors that could be interpreted incorrectly and we'll get into that both with this first story from ABC News? However, before we do get started had over the TIM cast, DOT come to be I'm a member and get access to exclusive members only that, as well as an advertisement free experience when you become a member to guess, you help support our fierce and India.
journalism and you may have seen the media is terrified of our explosive and rapid growth kind of funny to see all the articles that came up a recently About me, with all these accusations and allegations here, we go baby, we have the website it as it is? It is a beautiful websites well designed, and we ve got a bunch of great people coming writing stories. So I'll tell you this. Certainly they are unhappy, the establishment they don't like the competition and it's all thanks to you to become a member, but don't forget to like this I subscribe to this channel and share the share with your friends. If you really do think this is important. Let's talk about the big political scandal wreaking havoc on the Democratic Party, for maybe news: Governor Cuomo, sexually, harassed, multiple women, New York attorney general probe, fines, ABC News reports now
Orkut state attorney general. A teacher James, announced Tuesday morning after a four month probe into the allegations, and at least one instance, the investigation determined the governor sought to with tally eight against a woman who levelled accusations against him fighting report released by the Ages Office has Lindsey boiling. According to James, the probe found that Cuomo and his staff fostered a toxic work environment Cuomo Estate. released after James announcement denied any wrongdoing attorney general's. One hundred and sixty eight page report released during her press conference, determined that quote the governor engaged in conduct constituting sexual harassment under federal and New York State LAW. quote specifically? We find the governor sexually harassed a number of current and former New York state employees by, among other things and aging and unwelcome and non sensual touching as well. making numerous offensive comments of a suggestive and sexual nature that credit, a hostile, workin
arm for women, a Tuesdays press conference, employment to discrimination, attorney and Clark, one of the investigators assigned to lead the probe presented. A litany of Findings from the report, including specific examples of the governor making suggestive comments, and gauging an unwanted touching that eleven women, some named others anonymous, found a deeply humiliating and offensive and then involving one of Cuomo unnamed executive assistance. The governor was I too have reached under her blouse and grabbed her breast. According to a report name, woman, also recount recounted a circumstance in which the governor moved his hand to grab her but cheek and began to rub it. The rubbing last at least five seconds. The report said and another instance Thorpe. describes how Cuomo harassed a state trooper assigned to his protective detail, including by road. his hand across her stomach from her belly button to her write to her right hip she held a door open for him at an event and running his
go down her back in the top of her neck out from the top from her neck down her spine to the middle of her back saying, hey you, while she was standing in front of him at an elevator and its televised statement, Tuesday afternoon, in response to the report? Cuomo said that the facts are much different than what has been portrayed and gave no indication that he would heed calls for his resignation? It has also been reported by other outlets. He's refusing I want you to know directly from me that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate advances. He said: that's not who I am Cuomo addressed to us accusers, including Charlotte Bennet, who we insist that he was trying to help through a prior incident of harassment. Cuomo said Bennett drew inferences, I never meant an ascribed motives. I never had now that's interesting and I do think we should actually discussed that and explore. That, however, are not a fan of Cuomo. I dont trust him. I think he's lying in this regard, but there is something interesting
about the moral conundrum of behaviors that differ between men and women and what is and is an acceptable. First. However, I'd like to point something out from politico on July, twenty fourth pillar reported. Cuomo said attorney. General probed would clear him now his aid say its political interesting perhaps they saw this one coming. Perhaps some questions arose in. at in the summary of this investigation and the coma illustration knew that he was going to be implicated beyond just the accusations at the prob was going to find. He did this that's right That's how the media goes right. This guy was given advance warning by than by the news outlets or someone leaked to him, and he got advanced word. Ok. What do you think Governor Cuomo response to this was? How could he possibly defended
aging and this behaviour reaching into a woman start putting his hand down her back upon man. Their lines right Well? Interestingly, Cuomo sad that? Oh ok, maybe this is the right. I think it's right here. Actually here we go he's had quote I actually learned from my mother and from my father. I do it with everyone, black and white young and old, straight and algae Bt Q power people, friends strangers HU I meet on the street. He said I do kiss people on the forehead. I do embrace people, I do hug people, men and women I do on occasion say Chow Bela on occasion I do slip and say sweetheart. I am the same person in public as I am in private. I do not completely believe that the excuse is, but I touch every one. That way only confirms that he was tat.
young people without their consent. Welcome to the world, you helped create Cuomo your policies, your lines, the Democratic party craft. This world where there is no such thing as friendly touching. everybody is so on edge. Everything is turned up to eleven and this is what you have helped create, and now it's come back to haunt you, I suppose so let me just stress Cuomo confesses, to inappropriately touching people- and let me just say this: if Cuomo came up me and he put his hands on me and said a nice to meet you I'd, be like dude. Not, ok, don't touch me. I dont like you, so how many people was he like its being friendly, just touch and people? That's all you this man, if I go to prevent and tat, is a woman. She walks up and she put your hands on hand on my shoulder and says it's nice to meet you I'm a bit on a big fan of your work and that's it- I'm not gonna freaked out about it. If I go to an event in Ireland,
hands on my on my elbow and anxious nice to meet you in and she goes and it doesn't kiss on the cheek. I'm not gonna complain about it. I'm not gonna freak out about it. Furthermore, if it was a dude who Yet I still wooden complain about it. I'm like I, don't I don't, even whatever they do, these costs, success. I ve ever been Europe. Well Cuomo. needs to understand the world. We live in wood in the workplace ever? Do that? No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't complain about it sounded to me, but I'm certainly now can be grabbing women's faces or anything like that. That's insane, so here we have Cuomo effectively. Admitting to this he does touch me well, now that the weirdest thing is that in this tv presentation he's actually like showing photos of him grappling kissing people, and it's like did you? Did you think that confessed to the allegations was going to clear your wrong. Doing am, I suppose, Oh, I get what he was doing, not sorry. us addresses idea not now I do want to talk about them. The more important
which is common murdering all of these people- and I want to talk about the calls for his impeachment, which is now bubbling up from Democrats. They won his resignation, they want is impeachment and it's gonna get well. I think it may get a bit spicy whilst not talk about his brother in the conflict of interests and call on CNN. but there is something that needs to be said here, and I would certainly progress it by saying, as I read it, I'm not touch. Anybody in the workplace ever for any reason I mean I gotta be honest if someone's like choking, ok I'll perform the Heimlich maneuver, but short of that a handshake is what you get some people. If their friends and make they want a hog. Ok, you get a hog, but I'll tell you. I've mentioned this before. If a man walked into the workplace run of the mill, dude frat row, Guy get a job.
Street and his boss sees his new well tailored suit, and he goes would look at that suits. Looking sharp man. That's it! That's that's an amazing suit, your killin it while also cheese. Have you been workin out? You're lookin, you're, lookin, cut Lawson waiter pats him on the shoulder walks away. Nothing! That's that's like normal dude behaviour, guy, what like man you two Erika, that's actually you're lookin great men, you Luke, you lost a little white unimpressed. You been doing Right here we appreciate you, pat him, on the shoulder you walk away, imagine that same scenario with a woman, the what walks in wearing addressed in the guy goes o looking good. dress while you're killing it? You must be worked out. Who lose a little bit await. We already. Nowhere that's going now. Of course, a dude can complainants eight its harassment as well that I understand, but for the most part dudes, it's not an issue to date is I would say today, based on the standard yeah, you can't say those things
guys anymore either. You can't be like look, God man you're losing weight. You get a haircut yet new suit, stag ducats any of it Cuomo see the other direction Cuomo could have but I'm going to stop kissing people and said he was like I'm going to keep kissing people, including women. He should not have done that. There's one I know that you well there's no point pointed out for the most part to Jesse. You understand it's the one where his grabbing that woman's head and yeah. So let me just stress that this is a promising. I do kiss people on the forehead embrace people people is a photo, I'm pretty sure is causing people on the cheek you call someone sweetheart grab them by the face and kissed him on the cheek and don't be surprised and they accuse you. And then you know what why by denying it when you come out in admitting nurse there's photos of it do well. That's where we're at so far. We now have this Pat ward. Ports build a blog YO says quote: it is clear it I'm sorry. It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold
office and can no longer serve as governor. He must resign and if it contains to resist and attack the investigated, who did their jobs. He should be impeached immediately, while. I guess I'm gonna have to go out and say I agree with the building blocks. Yo. I agree, build a blog you and then we have this jackpot Sobek pulling up The breaking release of an email here is the email from Chris Cuomo on February. Twenty has twenty twenty one to the Andrew Cuomo inner Circle where he appears to have. Personally, rapid, a statement for his brother to respond to the allegations, in this email we can see to Chris Cuomo on Sunday, fibre twentieth, Chris Cuomo wrote Quote. Questions have been raised about some of my past interactions of people in the office I spend most of my life at work and colleagues are often also personal friends. I never intended to offend anyone or cause any harm, sometimes I am playfully jokes. You have seen me: do it briefings hundreds
times, my only desire is to add some levity and banned or to what is a very serious business. I now understand that my interactions may have been insensitive or to personal and that some of my comments, my position made. Others feel in ways I never it intended. I am sorry and I feel deeply embarrassed about that separately. My office, has soared anecdotally. That some people have reached out to miss Bennet to express displeasure about her coming forward. My message to anyone doing that is that you have misjudged what matter me and my administration, and you should stop now period to which Josh Vs Vs Stow said I can't seems to dial back in May. I dont know that the reference to I'll be there in a conference, call and responded to this email saying I can't seems to dial back in, and that's just I gotta say like the seems that with the US on it, that is just awfully stereotypical like you know what what is this good
well is it is. It is Cuomo brothers, it is conflict of interest and CNN did nothing about it, because this is the name of the game haves and have nots the rules for thee, but not for me from a later times. Cnn won't discipline Chris Cuomo for advising his brother to fight harassment allegations. Why not now? Look I understand family I understand you want to be there for family. But my question is the huge youtube you barriers draw. The line they can say, listen you're either gonna be family on this one or you're, not going anywhere near the story now Chris Como apologized, but I'm sick of it Chris Como, faked, b in quarantine. Let me stress that again as a statement of fact crew- Cuomo of CNN and CNN as a company, they staged his quarantine and his basement. We know from a report and by his own it
and he was out far away when someone saw him and said, are you supposed to be quarantine and he got in his face One of his radio show and admitted to the whole thing: CNN, produced overt fake news and was caught and where was any kind of penalty punishments call out accountability, nothing. And here we go again. Chris Cuomo goes on tv to independent with his but pandemic with stupid, ridiculous papa this stupid ridiculous Q, Tipp cotton swab of those living in the pockets of the popup on screen and nothing happens. no penalty, no punishment, no accountability, the due to still goodness cushy job in May twenty. There was reported scene and primetime star. Chris Coma won't face any discipline for having participated in strategy such sessions on how his brother
should deal with the harassment allegations. That decision is causing some blow back against the news channel. You know it's not just CNN. Is this a bunch of other things of this nature? We haven't. You know Glenn Greenwald, tweeted, that the Coen brothers aren't the only people ever to face the conflict of being a journalist of the family member in politics, He says my husband is a member of Congress, the differences, would never purports to interview him or pretend I was anything but loyal and loyal and support spouse Chris Haze, wife, working Obama, Whitehouse David, so wife, is elected official in the Colorado state legislature. Lots of other examples- it's not easy, but you just have to be honest and not fraudulently. Pretend you reporting on them. Cnn did the work way possible and also I'm not sure that Glenn Green Wilds husband was in office when they got married, he's a journalist, and I think he got elected after the fact, but I could be wrong either way. I have no
problem with people having family members in Congress and working and media, so long as they aren't engaging in a conflict of interest like Cuomo, does and gets away with it and Andrew Cuomo kills people and gets away with it, which brings us to Glenn Grimaldi next week. The relevant question for democratic politicians is not whether they think Cuomo should resign. That's irrelevant easy. The only question that matters if, as appears likely, he refuses to resign, show the Democratic Control New York State Legislature, impeach him. That was at one forty. Nine p m well at one thirty one p m. We heard from Pat Ward, build a blog yo, said, He must resign or be impeached immediately. Okay, now the Basel, not a big fan, actual just criticised him over his eyes. His mandates might agree. One hundred sent agree- and I accept this- and here we go from the Hill- damn
rats renew calls for Cuomo to resign over harassment. Findings multiple, rats in New York, state legislature are renewing their calls for his resignation or for him to be impeached after the investigation. New York's majority leader, Andrea, Stuart and a statement following the LISA, the investigations findings called comes behaviour, unacceptable and It can no longer serve ass governor. She said he should resign for the good of the state. This report highlights unacceptable behind by Governor Cuomo and his administration? I said: when these disturbing allegations first came to light. The governor design for the good of the state. Now the investigation is complete. allegations have been sustained. It should be clear to every one that he can no longer serve as governor. She wrote State Senator Kevin Tom, sounded a similar, no calling on quotas down immediately independent, invest matters under the direction of New York State Attorney General Latisha James have concluded that Governor Como harassed multiple women violating federal state law.
The governor to step down immediately violating federal state law, well bring the weight of federal state law upon him Fine him sue him do what you have to do. We Here we tolerating this from Cuomo the universe. inquiry launched by New York attorney General teacher James release its findings on Tuesday and concluded with what we know they gone They're more renewed calls state assemblyman members, Emily Gallagher and Zoran mom Downy, both called for Como to be improved. Following the release of the investigations. Findings now slow down here a little bit and bring you over to a girl may 20th two thousand and twenty article from Politifact May 20th, two thousand and twenty quote from Andrew Cuomo. Why did the state to do that with covid patients in nursing homes? It's because the state followed President Trump's CDC guidance, mostly false
pilot, a fact that it was mostly false, Polyte effect is not known for being in opposition to Democrat. So when they come out and they say a democratic lion wow, it must be very obvious. There is lying, may say: If your time is short, knew you nursing home policy was not fully in line with the CDC the Cuomo administration issued an advisory march. Twenty fifth, that stated that during nurse that the stated that nursing homes must comply with the expedited receipt of residents coming from fiddles, regardless of whether they are infected with the new corona virus. The CDC warned nursing homes to keep covert nineteen out of their facilities and said nursing homes admit corona virus patients, but only if they are able to properly care for them the Cuomo illustration says that regulations that predate the pandemic require nursing homes to admit only those patients for which they can care. However, in the month, following them up
Twenty four that visor a nursing home operators felt they had no choice but to accept these patients, so there that there we are Cuomo according to some reports, was trying to obvious skate what he had done date. was being hidden, and we learned that not only was he warned. If you put these people sick patients into nursing homes, you will kill p, and he said, do it. I don't care. Why is I've dimension, mention probably because, with the mercy vessel available, the medical ship and the Javert Centre Trot Trump would be given all the credit You can't have that Cuomo said, send them to the nursing homes we saw happened in some circumstances where an old man was brutally beaten and of Ngos in Michigan these these these politicians, these democratic governors, should have
forcibly removed and placed in handcuffs Cuomo instructed this and people. People warned him and he didn't care, and this is what really I find to be the most disturbing and using this whole fiasco is that Cuomo should have been resigned for this a long time ago, but has not been. Instead, it's the me to allegations that generate more rage from the press. This should such should say everything to you. My friends democratic party has long been the party of wealthy elites so long been because it's been a long time. I'm not gonna pretend like it's been generations, you know I can't spool actually know egg. I guess the Democratic Party has been the party of the wealthy elites. Certainly there Wealthy industrialists and republican side as well. Not gonna behind, like Republicans, haven't been corporatist in the past. Republicans
deserve no, no defence here either. It's like they do anything but the Democratic Party here what happens? was Cuomo killing the elderly, the poor. What are they care sought affecting them as an effect Our country, clubs of their long island properties, though they care when it offends, offends their delicate sensibilities. When its offensive to the women who work for the state when Cuomo offends those who work for the state they come after us it's not too to similar to what we see with anti fa of the of the rioters. The anti fa blacklist matter. Writers have actually been charged. Arrested and are facing trial Orban convicted? How many of them were the people who attacked small businesses? Very few How many of them have been aware that people who attacked government buildings a lot more and not even all that money to be completely honest?
We saw the siege on the Portland Federal Building in the Democrats say you know for the most these people just sitting around doing whatever we don't care. When that tax cops, we don't care. There was a guy on video scene. Struggling within fighting police cut him loose, but what about the lady who set fire to the police station? They went after her. What about some of the people who are actually engaged in setting fire to other police buildings and government buildings? Are they go after them, but to leave the man who was seen setting fire to the police praising the Minnesota? Oh, he got the book thrown item because we are in right now my friends and narco tyranny, and this is great example, and you need to understand if we don't get some change some reform and we are doomed because, outside of all of the political conflict outside of that, the cultural, the culture war and the divide. We have regular Americans watching
as the laws will be enforced against them, but not against the elites, and only when the elite offends the other elites. Does anything actually get done? An echo tyranny. We'll come your house. no protest. They'll burned down your business and the police will say, I'm sorry there's nothing. We can do, but they show up to a politicians home. Well then something happens. They can shop to the home of or lease what they thought was the home of a potential witness in the murder trot in a murder trial and what happens old enough and they can stage hope
says and claim all the stupidest things in the world, and they will get the entire media apparatus. Defending them. Cuomo can literally murder, fifteen thousand people, or so in these nursing homes, because I tell you this, he had for knowledge. He had the means he had the motivation and perhaps we know Alcidas preps murderous strong, perhaps negligent homicide. I dont think his intent was to kill all of these people, but he knew his actions would lead in this direction and he did it anyway, to do that and I get a free pass and I can't believe it that we have a story from over a year ago from may have twenty twenty. Where we knew Cuomo was wrong about his nursing home policy, and then we learned later that he obvious stated the numbers this is miss
pandemic. We know what's happening, we watch it and still now, over a year later, the man nothing until he offended the delicate sensibilities of the progressive left, in which case here we are now. Is it possible that Cuomo like what's let's, to speak to the slight? honestly was actually just you know, being european style than the grab in the face and being lied, beg you will come in to this the day of my daughter's wedding and then kissing on the cheek. Did he mean anything by? It is entirely possible coma. did not now their stories about him reaching into the short of a woman and things like that. Ok, I think we should definitely you know talk about that, but entirely possible That in many of these circumstances, Cuomo was just being his. You know, dopey normal self and now we have the machine and how it works and how it backfires on people like Cuomo. So if you were to look at the situation, its
am I pay, is nothing but an indictment for the establishment elites and the Establishment Democratic Party, the media, the overstate the cathedral phone call it because either Cuomo did this and they'd and and and they don't care about the nursing homes or he didn't, but he ran off full of weak, the cold and the ideology, in which case you can just see how awful things will be moving forward to become a clown, show a clown world as it were, I I bring you now to a world in which a politician could take action that directly result in the death of tens of ten plus thousand people and will face no accountability, but he touches women's faces and immediately they recoil in horror and architects.
Is real to the people like generous dean. You know we had on the show in an IRA who is who is fighting to get some accountability because it was her husband's parents, her inlaws, who died in nursing homes. I believe it was ball that could be wrong, I'm because of covert where's, the justice for generating, whereas the justice for all the people who have. We saw what he did. There's no justice for you. What about the owners of small businesses in places like Portland and men in and in Minneapolis? There was no justice for them. When it comes to these women who work in this for work for the state they complain about, Cuomo serves a political purpose. Congratulations you'll, get your advance. Your cause to advance forward its a horrifying reality to be to be in, and I certainly hope that their as reform in there is accountability moving forward, but I'm not confident not an not at all my friends, an exit.
this coming up tonight at Youtube COM slashed him cast, I oral where we are going to have Charlie Kirk of Turning point USA and Socialist Vashe of Youtube. Several hundred thousand subscribers to Charlie Kirk's millions, but they are going to be despised, debating and discussing economic policy critical raised here among us, As you know, I didn't really plan a whole lot for what we're gonna do other than we're gonna hang on top and of the great opportunity to we see these ideas in real time now, of course, Asha site, it's gonna, be three right: wingers verses, one, and I know what you mean three and always referring to Eleanor Lydia and sure you can call me right wing. I get it but die It's gonna be interesting when we're both argued with Charlie about Universal Health care. Right, I don't know, that's gonna play up, but perhaps because washed and actually know my content and pays attention mostly just out of Context Griff Eclipse, so it should be fascinating.
centrist, rather libertarian Lean left a lot of policy issues like the Democratic Party and we'll see how this one plays out should be a whole lot of fun to make sure you check it out at Youtube: dot, com, Timcast, IRL and we'll see you there at eight p, dot m.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-04.