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S5116 - CNN, Amazon, Uk Gov Websites ALL DOWN, Panic Erupts As Internet Crashes, Congress Hit By Cyberattack


CNN, Amazon, Uk Gov Websites ALL DOWN, Panic Erupts As Internet Crashes, Congress Hit By Cyberattack

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today is June. Eighth, twenty twenty one and our first story a massive in turn, outage affecting basically every website from the UK government to see an end to Amazon web services struck this morning say was a glitch. Getting breaking news that Congress itself is the victim of a ransom where attack targeting of vendor which affected several dozen members of Congress. The cyber attacks are getting serious internet story on MSNBC near time, staffer denounces the american flag thing. It's disturbing to see so many people flying it and then make some pretty delusional. statements, but it's scary story, our schools are aging two different versions of history. Our embassies are flying to different flags. I mean this rapture The culture wars escalating to the most extreme levels and our last story Joe Biden refers to women as birthing people, as the Supreme Court refuses to challenge or to listen to a case challenging the all
a draft, the splits here for the highest levels Our government is fractured Supreme Court, says all male draft. Well, you know like Congress decide then Joe Biden says women are birthing people. Yes! Well, if you like show give us a good review, leave us five stars and if you're really like the show, then share it with your friends. Now, let's get into that first story: for those of you who wake up early, you may have noticed the internet was not working. There was a. massive internet outage across? Basically everything ammo on web services, which hosts a ton of content and services was down along right it and several other sites, including CNN, because something called the content. This region network was suffering from a glitch, so there That's all we really know, and maybe that's the case, but
I gotta say I'm worried about what's going on in terms of international conflict and what this might really mean, because we have other big breaking news, one that most people probably overlooked, Lee because well yet you when you're internet goes out, you kind of want to know. What's goin out my internet right, I can't get on read it now and look at picture of pictures of cats, well in the more serious breaking news, Capitol Hill vendor hit by ransom. Where attack. Here we go baby first, it was critical infrastructure. Are oil pipeline, while pipelines the largest oil pipeline in the countries hit by ransom where gets shut down, causes panic and gas. Georgia's then J B s meat supply- this is a quarter or around a quarter of our beef production about a fit of, port production gets shut down. I got sent a photo the other day out of Ohio stores, don't have beef. I got a photo sent from out here so we're like, Maryland West Virginia area, chicken shortages, you gotTA we'll grocery store. They don't allow you to bite too much. Chicken does not enough, they say
these are serious attacks on our infrastructure, from gas prices to the food we eat, Now, all of a sudden, our internets getting shut down. Maybe it's just all the big coincidence that of these. Cyber attacks keep happening, and now it's affecting our literal seat of government, not the most agreed just attack on and on our political infrastructure, but this is very important for many of our politicians they all reports Capitol Hill vendor by ran somewhere Attack report attack vendor used by dozens of house off is on Capitol Hill for constituent outreach services has reportedly been here. by a ransom where attack becoming the latest victim series of cyber attacks, Ball NEWS reported Tuesday that almost sixty offices from both parties have not been able to retrieve constituent information for the vendor. I constituent for several weeks for several
weeks. How long has this been going on for more just learning about this? Now this kind of stuff I mean, I find it absolutely freaky that it's happening it's getting worse and there's more just this story. Did you know that the empty I was hacked ro in New York City. Did you know that probably I think that many people didn't notice, but we are, I think we are, I think, we're in cyber war. I think it a most hackers- and you know, info SEC people, information, scary, probably our land. right now saying does not know. Darwin Cyborg been cyber war for a decade. But what is it? What does it mean that lead to cyber, Cyber warfare is a low risk, it's easy to obfuscate and they can blame hackers. It's kind of like high sea pirate back in the day, China and Russia can be like oh geez, oh no. These hackers have nothing to do with us. I can't believe they would do this when in reality it state sanctioned or they provide resources to these groups or at least turn
the other way and let them do their thing. Let me show you: what would let me show we got from New York Times. This story is from June. Second, is it's it's a week ago the empty is breached by half, As cyber attack search hackers was suspected ties to China, penetrate the New York Transit agencies, computer systems in April, an empty, a document shows transit official, say the intrusion did not pose a risk to writers yeah, but what did pose a risk to our critical infrastructure? Let me tell you what the point of these attacks are. First, actually let me let me read what the attack on the on the capital. They say the company is reportedly working with spin door to resolve the issue, but punishable noted the frustration is mounting, as the incident has not yet been fixed. Catherine spin, spender, chief administrative office officer house said there is no evidence that suggests wider house. I t systems have been breached or compromised according to punishable the office of the chief administrative. Mr was notified by I constituent that
YE newsletter system was hit with a ransom. Where attack. I constituents. Newsletter system is an external service available for house offices to purchase at this time. To see a o is not aware of any impact to house Data spinners Edna statement. outlet. The scenario is coordinated with the impact offices, support my constituent and has taken measures to ensure the attack does not affect the house network and offices data, a corner the website. They provide constitution, engagement, platform global you at the point. This is not them breach in the. U S government, specifically its not them going into like government servers. It is a company used by members of the house, but this is still serious. If hackers have the ability to obstruct members of Congress, they can choose winners. Thus we can actually have our elections manipulated not through the vote process, not through fraud or anything like that, but simply because you got two people were running for an election right, the primary happens: everybody runs. You end up with your Democrat you're a publican.
all of a sudden. The services used by their Publican go down. The Republican can't reach out to people can't effectively produce advertisements. The Democrat has a massive vanished, that's it they can hobble one candidate should they see fit. This is extremely serious, but these things things they keep happening. I'm surprised this wasn't bigger news, the empty eight breach, but it is local. I mean how many people care about New York the especially at a time when the city is a kind of empty lot, literally empty. that's what I've been talking about over the past several months, actually actually for the past year, so it can bring us up. We talked about yesterday how convenient
That New York City Dese that date we that we as unites decentralized, large portions, our economy. Due to the pandemic, people who lived in New York City, a lot of powerful individuals, leaders of industry live in New York City conduct their operations from New York City. What would happen if the metro got half the way that many people get around believe you're? Not even rich people cause, I you can take a taxi, but man the taxis are slow. What would happen if a lot of people Sullivan say? Like the wealthiest just senior level managers, the trains get hacked and it causes disruption? They can't get to their jobs, our economy, our economy, gets hit. One of the most important things you'd understand about cyber warfare. Is that
we are racing to develop weapons and an ordinance and things like that. You know missiles and bullets. It requires a functioning economy, China, the? U S, everybody knows this internationally. If we can sludge up your economy, we can make it harder for you to produce the weapons you need to actually engage in which warfare. So this means that cyber war is more than just ran somewhere attacks. It means that Internet goes down. It's not just. I can't see pictures of cats. I mean this is the Big news coming out this morning. The internet has broken hundreds of websites worldwide, including Vienna near Times, Amazon and read it are down. After outage. At U S, server company vastly now the company says it was. A configuration error, perhaps seems kind of crazy that a dumb I t mistake, could cause the entire internet to collapse, but sure I guess sometimes stupor things have happened when we limit limit would put up with this way. Taxes
taxes at the government takes taxes. They buy things. I know they can print money and borrow money is a bunch of other ways to raise funds, but a functioning economy is good for the government, the more people trading, the more money is going to the government. So I have a dollar I trade with you that dollar you have dollar income. Now you gotta pay thirty five cents to the government. I got sixty five cents. You then trade that sixty five send someone else. Now they gotta, thirty five cents and that the money keeps going down and more and more ends up in the pockets of the government. The more you trade, the better. It is because the governments more and more of that dollar now the unity goes down. Major corporations take a hit all of a sudden there, not producing revenue, no more adds being displayed, no more products being sold, and that slows the economy, less money for the government less production by the american people less capability to engage in conflict, there's a reason why, in war some countries are some belligerents in conflict will target citizens. I know that we look.
like hell, you can't target citizens all that's crazy. It's that's terrific The citizen we are the ones that provide the food and the resources to the military, so yeah too, lot of, depending on the country, they might say it is better to block the civilian population to cripple their ability to engage in warfare. Take a look at the: U S did worldwide would dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Major civilian population centres but it sent a strong message to Japan and they immediately panicked and back down. Well, we crippled their ability to produce things. We destroyed major economic centres for this country and made it very difficult for them to supply their own army. Now we don't need to blow up the city, they can just sludge up the internet so again very convenient for us. I mean fortuitous amount, implying a conspiracy to say, while half hour toward us fortuitous that last year we moved that people, just naturally of their own volition, decided. I don't live in his books.
I want to get away from them. I want to move the different areas, while this one company getting hit is insane to me ultimately that the decentralization of of individuals, Means the company going to be more robust in the event of a cyber attack or physical confrontation, we're not going to get sludge it up as much as we normally would have. I mean one one outage in New York could have affected every industry in the country. By some crazy did. You know that grand central station has a sum up. My recent visit a secret control room- that's like you, gotta go through like secret walls or something, and it's like the main control hub for a lot of the train for one of the trains and its hidden, because during I think it was world war. Two entirely sure there was fee
or maybe with maybe the cold war, that someone could go in and shutdowns Control Club, an destabilize, the near entirety of the? U S economy because of New York getting shot down because it will affect the West Coast. If operations in New York can continue than other come country accompanies around the country which struggle so they hid. This controls really crazy. Now we're not as concerned about x, I think we'd realised that the while there, when you start to realize this episode is brought to you by Verizon. Verizon small business days are happening this Friday and every Friday this July come in and Verizon's team of train business specialists will give you a complimentary tech evaluation to help jumpstart your communications connectivity, insecurity plus limited time offers like a new five year phone on Verizon. Not a customer, though even help cover the costs to switch come in of participating store on Friday in July for Verizon small business days, five g
Mr white band available. Only in parts of select cities, five g nation wide available in twenty seven hundred plus cities offers available would select trading and business. Unlimited plan terms apply limited time offer shop in store safely these the countries China, Russia, IRAN, whatever they know cyber warfare, Is a means of destroying things to shutting down an economy and on the scary things it's really easy. Now, I'm not here to get there can spirit. real, but I do want to stress really quickly. Conspiracy almost means nothing at this point. Has conspiracy neat used to imply, like a group of people, doing something surreptitiously or like against the law? Now it just me like hypothesis yeah. I am, it means Hypothesi may look, some people have really dumb ideas like the earth is flat. It's not what shore they can believe stupid things.
But just believing that there might be a war going on. I don't think it's a conspiracy against technically it is three is plotting to attack him. Other countries I mean come on. It happens all the time, but take a look. That's the conspiracy, I suppose would be. Is the media covering this up or does not doing their job? Are these companies covering up covering up? Is the? U S covering this up? I think about. There was like a I'm a refinery explosion in Philadelphia rider on the time that Donald Trump was sending war fighters to IRAN. There was a boy of planes on the way to to IRAN and Trump wanted to either the maven drones tromp wanted to strike. It was like a hundred two hundred Iranian would have been killed in this truck called off the strike. Saying everybody come back. Coincidentally, around the same time on oil refinery in Philadelphia, exploded. Now,
I'm not saying I have any proof to suggest. I'm just saying I entirely plausible. It is absolutely within the realm of possibility that our critical infrastructure was attacked, but a cyber attacks causing cyberattack caused a malfunction in a fire in oil refinery and Trump called off the strike because he knew that cyber attack capabilities would seriously damage this country and all of a sudden
like. I am not going to strike IRAN. Will I praised and foresight good? He said the cut. The loss of life would be too great. It wasn't worth the strike, or could it be that IRAN was threatening to block more oil refineries about eight or so years ago I was at death, come and black. These are two major hacker conventions. Black hat is more hokey fun. You know hackers, lock, picking and playing games and does DEFCON waited, whereas it is about this blanket defcon is, is the silly one black hat is the corporate won over it black at you have a bunch of hackers showing off their abilities sang like or what what they discovered interregnum weaknesses. One of the things we watched was a demonstration for
going up a power conferred upon a while a fluid pump control facility, this means could be water could be, oil could be any fluid system, and I was really simple. They said they just told to different valves to push the fluid in the same direction as it, because the fluid innocent sincerity, but oil, they said it needs to move and multiple directions and go back and forth relieve pressure or for Flow Ford, and so what they do is they has told to different palms to push it. same direction, causing a pipe to explode and actually did a demonstration where they have this pipe. Has it has a pressure release on it so that once the pressure becomes great sprayed water across the room and they caught the water in a pitcher in real life, there would be no pressure release in which the water would sprout. It would be oil, it would probably burst the pipe potentially causing a fire. I'm not saying I know for sure. That's what happened, but we are. We are getting a ton of cyber attacks. What these guys points out to me is that,
The systems being used today by much of our critical infrastructure is archaic. What order? What are they doing what's? What's? The software are a camera that we use this ridiculously ancient operating system for a lot of our critical infrastructure. So when the colonial, what is called a global system? When won't pipelines hasn't got hacked people are like well you're using this really old. You know technology follow vulnerabilities, maybe you should take it off. Maybe I love it. The other day I dialed trumpeted interview he called Bitcoin a scam is wrong, but a lot of people freaked out about Bitcoin and aspires. With these ran somewhere stories coming up there really trying to drag Bitcoin now, look I'm not gonna get too much into it, but the feds were able to recover a lot of that ransom from Bitcoin, which is surprising and they did it, but hey they were able to do it anyway. It addressed in this interview. Donald Trump was talking about taking computers or,
getting off computers that he was ass. Like go, look at all the cyber attacks it happening, what do you do and Donald Trump was basically like? Maybe we dont use these come There are systems. Maybe you know that there is a time when we didn't use them and we shouldn't and Oliver, Hoddan. I see all these leftist saying things like drumstick trumps advice for fur. cyber wars- to stop using computers, what in any nails are laughing and high five and each other, and unlike but he's not wrong, he's literally not wrong. I mean one of them First rules of cyber security is, if it does, it need to be an internet, don't put it on the internet, but doesn't mean you can't be subjected to a cyber attack.
If the wonder about why some of these systems have access to the international internet, they should not, they don't need to. They can have computer systems, but even I'll drop single computers. He still right. If it does, it need to be to be automated for computers dont. Do it convenience? That's really what it is Let me explain, you know it sure would be a whole lot easier to draw. I've around and say Syria with Lambeau. Well, maybe not Lambeau, I mean for driving through a city you gotta fast vehicles, nimble, its agile, hey, but its paper thin, but puts a bullets threat of conflict Europe's. So we send armoured personnel carriers still really good, not as fast but resilient. Wouldn't it be easier to use. Give them the faster vehicle know. Sometimes you don't even send in a pc you send in like what are these Abrams tank? Yes, you want to be able to move,
fire power and people in a way that they're not going you're blown up, and that can mean things are harder figure harder. I don't think the Abrams can go nearly as fast as like a Lamborghini on a street, but it can go overwrought, roughen raw rugged terrain and can t keep the people inside protected from certain firepower is all about I guess convenience versus security. If I were to go out to a conflict zone and I've been to many of you or like nine or so years. I was travelling around the world on the ground at somebody's. You know very long. and serious urban complex, and sometimes I would wearable professed- and sometimes I wouldn't for a few reasons-
Well, depending on where you are wearing about professed, makes your target, so you know yet be careful about that, and sometimes agility is more important. So I dont see that in this regard, why our? Why are our it critic? What lies our critical infrastructure requiring this? This agility? It does did it. We can have people manually, drive their Paula levers and make everything analogue, but we don't do that. We ve automated, so much nazi outside of critical infrastructure. I can point all that's at pot point all that out, but there is still a problem with our economic interests. Sure, when you see that CNN Spotify pay pal right at all have gone down because of one critical point of failure. This is vastly they say was a configuration error. Heaven forbid, sir. Buddy gets ransom wherein vastly are you kidding me, look what they can do with this stuff? That's not hard to make.
Heaven forbid somebody make and encryption virus, you don't look. These ran somewhere attacks, you haven't out, they say: hey weren't, weren't encrypt your device, you ll build use it unless you pay us five million dollars. That's what said the colonial. What happens when someone says? I don't care about your money, it's a what what happens when actual nation state actor when I was on their like none, which want to destroy your critical infrastructure and they could- and why would What happens when one of these ransom, where attacks turns out to not really be ransom? Where what happens when one of these ransom, where tat happens, they pay the rent I'm in the written and there in the raw fixed blackmailers, the exporters say it takes all the money we have given. Here you, your computer's back, maybe the ransom, whereas just plausible deniability. That's it. It may be really is Russia or China the empty? I have to say it was China, they say, Hackers was suspected tied to China what, if the
Only reason they're asking for ransom is cover so that they can be accused of being a political actor and they can cause economic damage they. But this way that five million dollar ransom, the FBI was able to recover its low just over half of it. I think two point three million really surprised. They were able to do that. I don't know how they did that. I. they may have been using mainstream accounts and transferring some the coins or something they said they were able to recover this a lot of it. What if it's just a drain on our resources, matter of encrypt our systems anyway. What? If China, Russia, are like strip away their money and we can use it for Autonoe China's doing the belt in road initiative. They can pump? U S dollars into their influence in control. citing it away from the: U S through a variety of means: ran somewhere espionage, stealing ip right, corporate espionage
what happens when one day our hospitals get hit by our mind, encryption virus, what he thinks gonna happen of real war breaks out, but I was gonna happen. There will be shots fired if this war goes hot between the. U S in China, Just gonna be fighter jets, shoot at each other and bombs the Pacific one day your internet will stop working. That's it they'll Bell, use encryption MRS, and they will lock up everyone's computers instantly. They will try to to infiltrate major critical infrastructure, and I would be surprised if all critical infrastructure in the country was compromised by other nation states, mutually assured destruction, its enemy about nuclear bombs. This point we will go back to the stone age without a shot being fired, because someone just hit the enter button and boom. All the computers get wiped out one country, and then they I did do they put it this way. Hey. We gotta take out critical juncture in China before they do to us, so that everyone sitting there ready to wipe out each other's computer networks, there's probably internet.
probably more secure systems, I'm sure the USA has has thought of this, but on the contrary, the Eu S these days I mean China is, is homogenous. The Chinese Communist Party has full control for the most part. The? U S, a fracture between weird cult members who believe psychotic things about race and are not taking this country seriously, and maybe that's it may be. Psychological warfare came for and we as a nation are on our knees. Woke less is a serious threat to international security and its too late it. It's in every facet of government that it won't miss will drop this country to its knees. Now you think I'm joking But I live there. Next islands come up at one p m in the channel. Thanks, frank it out and I will see well them. Speaking on MSNBC New York Times editorial staff. Member more again said that she recently took a trip to Long Island where she was disturbed at all.
American flags flying in the pick up trucks. She said the message was clear: they were telling her. It was their country, not hers. Of a paranoid delusion. I think people fly the american flag because we live in Amerika and the We may be stupid, it may be silly lot of people are highlighting just how stupid it was A lot of people tell me its meaning, let's just one person on tv, but this to me is indicative of a much larger problem. Right now you have people who are absolutely at odds with this country what it stands for it: symbols which represents it's not just about the flag, but when you have the co host on em and BC. Agreeing with this woman the main stream highest level. There is a faction of people in this country that are disturbed by the literal flag of this nation, it's worse
that its sixteen nineteen indoctrination and schools, the literal rewriting of history it street violence, it is children shows children's channels. Running aunt, I trump commercials on the other so we have something different. The left gives us the desecration of the american flag. The right gives us the admiration and protection of that flag. Recently, in the past week, there was a veteran who had an american flag on his property burned by some. most probably afar leftist somebody who's, indoctrinated and hates America and then we also have the more extreme faction. Many trump supporters, trump himself saying that you should go to prison for disrespecting the flags. The hyper polarization is wheel and it is now deep seated. I think this is more than just a story about some individual on tv. It is a grain of sand
the heap showing us that our country is fractured between those who don't believe in its history who despise the country think its evil hate. It symbols hate what it stands for and then there are those that revere this country respected and believe in it, and that is a big split defining what the culture war is. A lot of people, as, as you often here. I see the culture war is authoritarian, verses, libertarian or nationalist verses, globalist. How will it also weakness versus the anti woke and its also those who, like America, not even a hard course. Vanessa nationalist people waving american flags demanding. You knows some kind of american supremacy. Literal people again, America's all right. We did a great job. This so it is brought to you by wise progress is great. Isn't it
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From now there are children who are being indoctrinate with revisionist history. What happens when they start getting job These organisations, happens when they start running for office. What happens when, thirty years from now these people, Our leaders of industry are telling you to your face, body knows the: U S was actually founded and sixteen nineteen is a slave accuracy. What happens when we see? political violence escalate to a point where people are being beaten simply based on their rights and the argument for that. yeah. Well, it happened in the past and which had happened now. I was told this No one certain terms by a Women occupy Wall Street. When she looked at me and said it's our turn. Now, no that's horrifying. We want to end these things
But let me read through through some of these stories explained to you at the core. America is fractured and its fractured beyond recognition with one faction, revising history and disbelieving in american history, hating its symbols and advocating against it, and these people dominate Major political party- maybe you think it's silly culture, war nonsense, but when you have a president who just recently referred in his in a budget proposal to women as birthing p, You can see the ideological split is at the highest level. So what happens? I mean these world views, don't just compromise! Well, let's get into it. Before we get started, had over two TIM cast dot com and become a member
access to exclusive members. Only segments from the TIM S thereupon gather, more importantly, are supporting the work that I do here. You're supporting the expansion of company and we met a newsroom launching soon we ve got some new journalistic prospects or to be joining, and the newsroom should be up, maybe in a week or two. That is what your membership gets. You get you access to these bona segments, but, more importantly, it funds the work I'm doing if you think I'm doing a good job. Please, like this video share this video, because I dont have access to massive marketing budgets and you soup isn't propping me up the way that they do for CNN, but again, TIM cast a calm, become a member. Take a look at the store for the National Review New York Times Editorial Board member disturbed by sight of american flag. Why? Why would anyone be disturbed by that? These are just american flag. Remember back a few years ago Nike, they're gonna be doing a shoe with the original flag of thirteen. Thirteen colonies was a circle of stars,
I guess it was calling caper negative bunch of activists that it was racist. The american flag itself declared racist and Nike. I do apologise if we as a country, cannot even defend our own flag than what country is there to defend? I think of an image, I believe this evil gmo when their raising the american flag yeah. Now what that's racist, yup, no joke national view. Reports on Tuesday, New York Times Editorial Board member more a gay graced MSNBC morning, Joe to recount a harrowing trip. She took too long island pathway past weekend in the middle of a broader, conversation about the January six capital riot and the scourge of Trump voters more generally. Who sheep, whose she says believe that their rights as citizens are under threat by simple, You are having a shared democracy with others and see American this as whiteness gay launched into not so into not so scary story time now I will point out: share democracy, ok
We gotta be firm on this one. America is a constitutional democracy. We have democratic institutions, no one, concerned about sharing democracy. We are concerned out a moral and dogmatic mob rule. However, I certainly am its existed before and there trying to bring it back. However, she can I was on long island this weekend in visiting or a really dear friend, and I was really disturbed. I saw you know dozens and dozens of pickup truck with explosives against Joe Biden on the back of the of that backup. Trot legs and in some cases, just dozens of american flags, which you know is also just disturbing because essentially the message is clear: it was quote this is my country is not your country, I own. This right says: Michael Brzezinski, timing and after gales gaze tail reached its climax. No effort
saw the segment. I've got, people were exaggerating, oh, she wasn't disturbed by the american flag. It was the trump flags and pick up trucks driving around it. Still a stupid thing to be disturbed by. Oh no people did disagree with my opinions, and then she said the american flags, which you know is also just disturbing, because the message was clear: it was my country, not yours, my country, Ok, maybe what she sang is that the combination of american flags with Trump supporters, but she sang- I mean it's the american flag itself, not no again again to be fair, maybe she's, just saying when you have the american flags with these people there they're making a statement, but when she comes out with this quote, is my country, not your country on this? That is a paranoid delusional view of the world now unex, but these people didn't say that to her maiden walk up to her and say you see that flag, here's what it means when I'm holding it
No, she gets her world view from a corrupted and broken media. This is the derangement. We called it Trump derangement syndrome, but it's well beyond that. These p On em, as NBC are pushing this stuff, it's well beyond just tromp. Now it's Anybody who is going around supported him and as the american flag, so it does not lead to I'd like to point out. First and foremost, Margie is not. She she's been involved. In contrast, he's before Ryan Williams and near Times, Margate dragged Forbad on air mouth about Bloomberg campaign. Spending that your times editorial bore. besides that she's by a calculator be already. Why well, she said is funny that Michael Bloomberg spent five hundred million dollars on his campaign. if you divide that, among three point, seven million people you could give each person a million dollars has apparently should
I understand that it would be like you know: what's it like a dollar seventy or something or two bucks, no, not even to Barcelona, seventy they are really really bad math. No other people drags individual. need? I understand this? Is the New York Times the great lady, the paper of Record Times Square, its was to be helping us, they informed and we have combination of sheer stupidity. Sorry try to be mean, but it's true and outright Para. white delusional perceptions of reality, the american flag. This is what they're saying it's not true I mean. Is it just made it out, while of course, when she got mocked, forbad math she, It was racism. This is what worse this, what we're saying- and I know again- maybe it's just silly culture more stuff, but it gets crazier. These people on me cream tv at the New York Times how they world view based on fiction. It's a kid in my opinion, to the queue people who believe really really crazy things that should, as a sea,
Red war going on in front is the real present in all other stuff. It's just listen. What? You want to say about the election by one. I don't care. I may look, I've had met Brainerd on an IRA podcast we ve talked a lot about. What's happening, will see if these investigations come up with anything but certainly demand. The White House in his name is Joe Biden, but these people don't have institutional power there? Not in media they're, not in schools, there not pushing this, that they they tried truck, try the seventeen seventy six project to God, from the White House. The moment Biden stepped in. And I will show you it is institutional at the highest levels, from our media institutions to our embassies in the federal government daily mail. U S! Embassies in Greece, Spain, Cambodia and Bosnia Fly be Elam flags after leaked state department. Memo encourage promotion of the group on first anniversary of George Floyd's death.
I I guess you know, I just kind of feel. Like part of me says this is dumb. Who cares right and that's why keep bringing it up? It is important. Looking at it like do all of these stories? Add up to something yeah. I notice it this morning when I saw that story about the flag, I'm, like you, ve got veterans. The story was light. Who would like rush, intense and save the american flag or find a flag on the ground in that they would lifted up and they would try and save it from desecration. You have these stories about the revolution where the american flag had fallen under a british bombardment, but the flag kept being lifted up and then, finally, when people came in to see how the flag kept being raised, I kept getting live at ever being knocked over. It was prompt back up, it was the dead bodies. Of the continental Army of the Americans, who refuse to let that flag fall and they would hold it up and then they would get bombarded and their bodies.
That's the stories does those stories we grow up with now. The stories we here is that we should fly a flag communist ideology the quite literally uses the red salute. The communist salute, alongside just beneath the american flag, Some instances flying with american flag does not. On top of these buildings, I find that horrifying black lives matter founders are overtly communist. Have we really lost our way that much that we do not have a unifying culture anymore? We d So now we have this, we have some people who stand up for the american flag and for the national anthem and believe in this is this country on people who go further and think that we should have the pledge of allegiance and schools. I've never been a big fan of the pledge of allegiance, but I certainly due respect this country. Why does look? This is a country that allows me to not say the pledge of illegal,
but I know I know MSNBC near times you say TIM. What else do we have I'll tell you what freaks me out first, this is that less, oh but House Republicans cosponsor bill to ban any. But U S flag at American Embassy. I agree why, while their flying rainbow flags and other flags that they shouldn't be the american flag, symbolizes the country of that of this consulate of this embassy, etc, we shouldn't be flying flags of ideology if they made a fly four Catholicism I'd say no to that as well or any other religion. We shouldn't be doing that. There's a country for all people but think about what it means. When the embassies fly the flag of a cult like ideology of a dogma, we know half this country does
not support black lives matter. Why would embassies then fly this flag? Knowing half the people here? Don't like it. I tell you. It is because we are in the midst of a cold civil war. Maybe it's gone hot with January six, maybe it's gone hot with all the anti fine black eyes matter: extremism and violence in writing and murders, maybe we're in a hot conflict. It's just not point where we have state against state, but maybe we will get there and that worries me at the same time there are various is a very real profit of a conflict with China. Now I know a lot of people who watch my conduct, probably not overt and hard core leftist and many might have a blind spot. What the left says and does, but I bring this up and maybe there's oftentimes built on people, understand the left says of the right. The item I ate the exact same thing, the right says of the left and in article four medium? Do Republicans want a civil war. The GEO p is unravelling democracy and menacing american peace
We heard the lady from Amazon BC, sad that you know the Republica gets my country at our country when the Republicans, of the left that the Democrats are destroying this country, and I firmly believe that is the objective reality here, because you have one group, it says I agree with America and the American flag and american needs to make improvements. But hey we like this, that this country, then you're the left, saying erase and change the history and don't fly its flag, the flag as racist, yet which side actually likes this country and wants to preserve its institutions. It's not the law who's got insane, but also how bad it really gets. I was reading this comic from the nib you may have heard of than it it's. It's really really unhinged Africa be completely honest. It is just ill informed and ignorant Young left us talking points. They seem not to know a whole lot politics and in one of their comics it says the return of the sense of a liberal there's a comment. It is the top most liked comment from them for their postage
One just sang a friendly reminder that the right wing wants us all to die. Twenty nine likes. Well, that's not true! Republicans. Left us today. As the saying goes, the right thinks that left arm is that the left thinks the right is evil, but the right just thinks the left as misguided, and that tends to be, I think true, when you actually get down to it and and and looked through all the news, its cleared, the left lives in this paranoid delusional state. Here's another example westwards giveaway guns as vaccine incentive, and you can see one doktor saying thanks for coming and I think think of all the lives, your saving and a guy in a red hot says: don't worry I'll, even it out, as is handed a lever action rifle. who actually thinks that that's insane take a look at the CBS reporting. However, another side when several deputies were injured, leftist activists came out enchanted. We hope
they die. There are numerous stories that I've been reading. I want to pull him up where the blacklist matter block emergency service vehicles on the highway. How do you contend with a massive tribalism? Cold, like mentality that doesn't actually to get to the truth, but seeks to inflame and rage and make everything worse. I don't know they said the same thing about me. They claim I'm the one line they do. Is it all the time think. I have objective through them aside the problem, as they say they do to well. They dont reed conservative outlets. Don't talk to conservatives, I HU! I also read. Leftwing Alice. As I noted I read the near by sea with their comments or talk about its frustrate. Going on, read it and seeing these nonsensical garbled propagandistic statements for the establishment that make no sense the support for fairer for Joe Biden as He was gonna, be some great. You know, president, for the laughter banned in the laugh and most of their causes, salon rights? The president wants you dead
and so do his friends and advisers. It's that simple. These people live in a paranoid, psychotic delusional state, sorry, maybe its biased in all. I think about this from time to time. Am I contributing to that they have our polarization. Probably what do I do about it? What am I supposed to do when if a blacklist matter go around burning down, buildings honestly have no idea, I can report on it. I could say there doing it, and then that makes people on the right side. We can do something about this figure, policy was. Finally now you end up with Donald Trump Marjorie Taylor, green. You know: Matt Gates, TED Crews, Josh Ali, a small, a handful of Republicans. finally started pushing back and saying we want things their habitats longest time just opposed things and for the most part that still all day
when the left is unwilling to compromise. What happens? The left says we want a complete overhaul of healthcare. Republicans for the most part, saying no, the left says, then your Fascists Donald Trump comes out and says we want restrictions on immigration. We want this and we will demand it and the left says your fascists: they won't compromise, they scream, they oppose it. The publican establishment, for the most part, just gives the Democrats what they want when they make them. The Republicans dont demand anything of course, as I stated, if you listen to nothing, but leftist media they'll tell you the opposite, but I'm sorry, it's just not true. Over the past hundred years, We have gotten more and more gun control and gun restriction. There is no pro gone right. There is only a slow, the Democrats down and out gun movement to be wrong.
There certainly are what organizations that are advocating for the repeal of certain gun laws and mean abolishing the idea, but think about this. The left says: abolish Police, India, chess Republicans, just say slow down. Where the Republicans coming on, saying, abolish the eighteenth and abolish the, I find the National Firearms ACT, they dont do it. It is disproportionate. It is the left making demands and continually pushing this extremism. Courier journal says trumps no angel but liberals with there Threats have become what they claim to hate this from two years ago. The Original Hatteras as Democrats wish death and destruction personal ruin, Republicans yeah in the Pacific Northwest. Jason Rant, says Washington, Democrats force critical race, the retraining, lines highlights schools leans in what happens when the youth of our country are indoctrinate by the sixteen nineteen project and hard core racist ideology
The left is pushing anti american rhetoric. Now. Look I got it. This country changes there is a period where the? U S was very identity. Irian I mean, if you look at the statements, civil war in what lotta people are saying about white racial identity yeah this country was one way and the Democrats are reactionary. What does that mean? They want to revert the? U S back, to the way you to be segregation, racial I'd into terrorism. So maybe that its true when they say it's, the Republicans that don't actually like America yeah, They are the ones who want to go back to segregation so sure now they they say the Republicans are the ones who it it's. The strangest thing it's the Darndest Van, but things are starting to get Ben again. All of this segment stemming from just this one, I mustn't BC. Article
but there's a lot more to it. Seth Dylan, you may know him he's with the ceo of Babylon be treated. This video tell Nickelodeon what you think about this tag them dm them. Shame them bring back. Shame in the video. It is a drag performance talking about pride, but the thing is most alarming. To me: is the Red salute the resolute, the image being held up? It's the festive? black lives matter, overtly marxist symbol. It is used by the Chinese Communist Party. They raise their fists in the red salute when their being appointed to a position. It is a symbol of communism. It is now being displayed a nickelodeon for children. When our kids grow. and this is the ideology that they have. You understand the point I'm getting too, but talking about the american flag. I think we can. We can break it down, rather simply
From the epic times, video shows marine veteran rescuing fallen american flag on the highway a memorial day. These are the two distinct world views that are becoming exe. Dreamily polarized a man willing to jump out on a highway, maybe a dangerous thing in the world, because every highways rushing traffic, but still rather dangerous and some will probably say: hey, that's a really dumb thing to do. Why you're jumping out of the highway for the american flag, man, because he is willing to risk his safety for them? can flag. Meanwhile, on mainstream television of this country to one of you, largest left wing audiences MSNBC, says the flag is disturbing its disturbing to see that flag. This man does the opposite in Arizona veterans. can flag set on fire outside his home before Memorial Day weekend. You see while one man is willing to jump out into the street and a highway to rescue the flag, others are
to destroy the flag on someone's house? one mining, their own business, you're gonna burn down. I wonder where this leads us to. the next ten or twenty years, these ideologies embolden it's been only a few years, and I warned in twenty seventeen and eighteen when this cult, like ideology of the culture war, which is the highest levels of of of culture of tv of media of government. What happens? This episode is brought to you by winding down the days of standing in the wine I'll staring aimlessly at a wall of line without a clue are over gotta. Why not come and take the perfect bottle with confidence every time, filter your search by price and professional ratings, read reviews and even chat with real wine exports for recommendations. It's the world's largest wine store delivered to your door, and- if you sign up for a stewardship membership, you'll get free shipping year round on every order get fifty dollars off.
First order by going to wind outcome, Slash Spotify terms, apply. what happens when you have people? The people tell me they say term you're you're wrong. Look, I know tons of people in the army. They are all Margarets like ninety five percent Muggah Brow, and then I hear from other people who quit. There are like everyone, I knew was woke and them coming out was woke. That's not indicative of one side winning. When one people tell me the military's Magua, I dont believe, military top down, everybody is pro trump or right wing. It means that these people know there are pockets of programme pair of pro trump. You know platoon or battalions or whatever, and no one here from from other people quit saying everybody was woke.
That means. There are pockets of weakness in the military. Both ideologies bubbling up and gaining ground whose winning? Why think, when you look culturally, the woke, absolutely are winning, because the Republicans are willing to do anything about it, but it doesn't matter what happens when it comes to ahead. When you have two generals, one whose woke in one whose aunt I woke, do you think they're going to trust each other, No, I think about this in terms of religion. I think back to these old stories, where I'm like, not even old. Where is, even though in the Middle EAST, a Christian will be brought to their he's by by muslim and almost say renounce your religion, or else, and the Christian will say I refuse I would rather die why? Because they want to go to Heaven, because they shrewdly truly believe in their convictions and what happens religious war.
people get killed for this stuff because they say your God ass, a heathen God. My god is the right. God do it or else. What do you think happens when our country gets to that point? What do you think happens when you have people the highest levels of the military or the state department? Saying fly the flag that half the country opposes? That should be the biggest warning signed all of you when the american flag, as is disrespected by one side, and they are putting their flag up to compete with the flag of this country. They hate the amount and flag, and they want the black lives matter flag up at these embassies. So now we have to flags. What does that mean? I think it means things are getting alarming. Trump says he wants to punish flag burning with a year in prison, the exact up.
Of the left. It's one thing for someone to save the flag from a street in the middle. The highway is another thing for the left to burn it, and it's another thing for us for the president to say sugar prison for burning it. Now I ll tell you what I believe in free speech, but if I was forced at gunpoint to choose a sigh as well as much as I don't like it, I choose the side that says: don't burn the flag. Why I dont like flag burning, I like free speech, but the their side, opposes all of our norms. It's tough is no easy solution than alike either, given the reality of the of the world, the real work I can say out right now. You shouldn't go to prison for burning a flag. Tromp was wrong and I were I reject this, but what we have one side saying: ok, then burn the flag if they know that. So what do I have to choose? I guess protecting the flag. Even I don't want to I d
people going to prison for burning the flag, but I certainly won't support the people who advocate for burning everyone's flags or flying the flag of a cult, ideology or embassies. The stuff goes into our schools. They teach our kids about critical race theory in one thousand, six hundred and nineteen, and then at the NFL. They sing the black national anthem, lift every ways and sing before the STAR Spangled banner. There are two national anthems being sung in our sporting events. Maybe there should be any. There are two flags flying at our embassies, the people support the american flag. Typically, do not like the blacklist matter. the black lives matter, people dont like the american flag. Why are there competing anthems and competing flags flying in this country? You think I'm wrong. Fine, whatever may be, nothing will happen, but I said this a few years ago the conflict will escalate. It will go from stupid, video games and movies into our governments into our press
and see into our contracts. And now it's at our embassies. Ok, fine! Maybe the sporting events are meaningless to different. Now, anthems being sung and half oppose, wanted half oppose the other. Where do you think that leads to? We do have a cohesive society or culture. I don't know Texas wants to yank funds from sporting teams, don't play the national anthem. This is just I'm not saying I am in favour of one of the other. For the most part, I'm just saying there are two very distinct ideologies. It's almost like facilities trap, which have talked about the past when we economic power is rising at about to displace the dominant economic Power war, breaks out what out an ideology or a moral framework what happens when the moral framework that makes up this country the classical liberate, wrote liberalism in the jail quit judeo christian values are being supplanted and and displaced by woke, fascist, ideology. There is no truth but power. What happens when
say we won't fly your flag or sing your anthem when they say it's yours and not hours. When you have eighty one million people in this country who despise it symbols, I'm not saying they all do necessarily but there are millions upon millions who would support those who oppose it, and then we get these these these stories, were they say it's the Republicans who oppose this. Ok, there's a continuity of government in this country, the american flag. Why I support this country? I have long believed in America and its values, because we can see all the great things it's gotten us, but the paradigm of intolerance seems to be true. The left like support this comic saying we cannot tolerate intolerance. It must be rejected them. The right has allowed and tolerated the leftists to keep spreading their dogma and their cult what's on MSNBC and in the New York Times, and now their flag is literally flying beneath hours at the embassy and their display
on children's programming, the symbol of communism, the red salute whatever. Even people on the right or long term, just fearmongering, perhaps perhaps censure shouldn't say, but when I said it was gone escalate was I wrong? No apparently, I wasn't that's too bad. I ran along on re, launch Greek meeting love the guy's fantastic had among the TIM cast iron podcast, you gonna ambushed me it was. It was funny. I thought it was. I was half hour. I thought it was enjoyable before the show before every IRA. we're sitting up in the studio or setting cameras or setting lighting and we're. You know we're talkin. Where were warm up, nothing came up turning to conflict crisis or civil war, and then the show starts Ryan Long says immediately to me: hey what happened that civil war you're talkin about time. You got me all worked up. I leave to arouse freaking out and I thought it was fine because it felt like an ambush. I'm not saying you is intending to do it. I think Ryan Loans fantastic, but we didn't we don't. We never talked about. He never asked me about it. He saved that line of questioning in me
ITALY for the start of the show, and I my immediate response was didn't a bunch of trump supporters and and winger storm into the capital during the counting of electoral college vote, believing that the election was stolen? Oh yeah, so when I told people a few years ago that it will escalate to the point of of civil war, I said I dont know what form it will take. It could be propagandistic warfare, it could be fourth and fifth generational warfare. it may not ever get hot conflict. People still said. I was crazy that there was some kind civil conflict. Even when you have a Princeton professor saying it, then a bunch of but on the right stormed into the capital, building, shutting down the electoral college vote for some time again, we're desensitized? Could you imagine if, without any of this Trump stuff a group of people stormed enduring like Obama's second inauguration. People would be shocked by it, but we're desensitized people can't see it It has been one grain of sand after another to point where Republicans aren't even shocked or bringing up
the sheer insanity that it is that the State Department is telling embassies to fly the, not a non american flag. I mean this is insurrection, no joke burning the american flag, riding in running down buildings is insurrection. Say January, sexes insurrection. I say it's all civil war, civil war in this country- that, as we know it from in eighteen, sixty two was very unique. It was a union of states fighting. It was not typical civil war. We see in other countries, take a look at the spanish civil war and get back to me. we are absolutely on track for whatever that was, I'm not getting. Men watch the history history, lessons from the spanish civil war certain regions started becoming more nationalistic, so certain others. Besides, Coming more communist, it we're seeing it
So maybe I'm wrong, maybe after everything I've predicted money, which I get wrong. Of course, and many which I got right, the things I predicted that have been correct. The escalation, of course in the expansion of the ideology now putting their flags and embassies. Maybe it stops here? Maybe all of a sudden these people say you know what maybe we shouldn't fly this flag? Maybe the american flag is the flag for me. Do you We believe that's what's going to happen or is what really going to happen. Is that their lighten? Let's take the american flag down the grub once done the longest time at Evergreen College, they said they were going to be a day of absence. students of color, would not show up to show why people what they were missing one day they said now it's time for the same protest where the white people have to leave an inversion right now there saying we want to fly our flag at the embassy. How? until they say look we're just taking down the flag for the day,
long until they say we shouldn't have the flag up all the time. It should be our flag. How long until it's not just kids programming, we're programming, whether showing communist some symbolism. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they just aside now is the time to stop. Do you really think that's what's gonna happen? I certainly do. So maybe it's just some stupid woman on tv, saying she's disturbed by the american flag, or maybe it's getting worse until what happens I don't know, but only with their necks augments coming up tonight at eight p m over at Youtube COM. Slashed him cast iron. Well, will discuss these ideas. Live thanks, rang out, we'll see you all them. We spent a lot of talk of civil war, peaceful divorce or just some kind of general breaking up United States- and there are a lot of reasons to discuss this- I mean you ve got the Democrats. Just steamer through crazy policies. The Republicans they ve got their priorities, though their pretty weak compared to the Democrats.
and meanwhile, both sides accused the other side of being the true evil. As read A comic from the net be made part of them and us. You mean a left, the rights of the left, his tent. They they tend to date. They tend to be wrong because it actually be the news and in one of their posts the top comment was left No, let's let this be a reminder. The Republicans wants you dead and, unlike they literally don't, are certainly some elements of the right who do want a lotta people, then their element to the left, who want people on the right dead, but this is an escalation of the rhetoric. Now you may be saying to him. I didn't click on a video about civil war. What're you, Prague, animal! Well, look if you're, looking, for example, of the extreme fracturing in this country, look no further than well. You know the title of this video Biden has now referring to birthing people inside of women in its budget proposal. That's right! In the budget proposal. It says, reduces maternity mortality rate,
and re space disparities and maternal mortality, the? U S has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations. Ok, that's bad for sure, with an unacceptably high mortality rate for black American Indian, alaskan native and other women of color, to help end high rate of maternal mortality and raced base despair. And outcomes among birthing people and, in addition, into the investment in maternal health, including american families, plan Bobby get the point Joe Biden, the executive branch. Ok, they are, they are referring to human females, who we know birth people as birthing people. This is far left critical. Gender theory ideology manifest in the federal government, but we are talking about a fracture. Talking about a broken divide. Take a look at this story. Supreme court rejects case challenging male only draft registration. Oh boy, do I have questions now: the Supreme Court, obviously conservative,
and there were, I think you know. Brett Cavanaugh wanted to challenge this, but it is it's. It's interesting. The supreme For its part, the federal government says they're not going to this case- and this is my you're standing will uphold a male. Only draft the selective service in the United States, which goes we in the other direction, I mean you ve got right now, Joe bite at the federal level. Saying birthing people there they're out there. The acl you agree: We should have a gender neutral draft policy or planned for this country, but Supreme Court, saying no, perhaps it say vestige of accounts. preventive court, saying we're not going have women in combat roles, but women are already in combat roles and I'll. Tell you what this means
let what we'll get it at a story will talk about near. They see how you in spring for saying for sure, but I think this is just the Republicans in the conservatives country hold on so desperately but are being dragged by the left and actually cave to them. What we are seeing is not, in my opinion, it is contradictory. It is evidence of a harsh divide, but should Republicans go the traditional republican route in five years? This be an issue and Republicans will probably be socialist or fully on board with you note saying, birthing people out stuff because they don't fight for anything they fight against things and that's for the most part. True democrats want things. The Democrats wants to ban guns republican say So what happens and over the past hundred years they ve certainly banned a ton of guns, but What say we want universal health care Republican say don't so what happens when we get
mama care and we move further and further towards the left. The laughed then keeps dreaming about how Republicans are the evil ones when their publicans do nothing. So what could happen well Their publicans got some judges in those judges are saying I mean it was a federal judge. You said the male. Only Europe is unconstitutional and I think a lot of people are probably on board the idea that women should be drafted to, and I'm gonna say this odd. I support some form of the draft, and it's only because I read this quote from John Stuart, the famous labour. I should say this number I I for a long time. I opposed rep until good, all liberal John Stewart came out and any support that- and I didn't I didn't know he didn't know recently. Yeah John Stewart, yes in the daily show liberal guy sports draft. I think there's something to it. I think there's it could be good
Yes, but what will break down what that means? Basically, what John Stewart said was service guarantees, citizenship or something to that effect. Now more, my point: there's a lot of people who are probably arguing that the draft should open up to women. A lot of conservatives have probably argued that I'm pretty sure they did that hey. Look. If we're gonna have gender equality, then women should get drafted as well. Understand that that is a pole towards Left Yuki. Could you imagine going back eighty years org, you know eighty fibres and being like. We think women should be frontline infantry in and be drafted. The men back, then, would be like our when sane and the women would be to put a man on women. Serve it ever. Otherwise, our saying hey, if Manga drafted when we draft the to the funny thing about this, would have a story. Pops up you get a bunch of feminists being like No, we didn't mean that kind of equality that didn't you don't see feminist. Finding the right to wade through sewers are go, get shot in the face and combat where's distortion.
There are countless, so the Us Supreme Court has decided against your case, challenging the constitutional. Of the men, only registration requirement for the selective service system, the core announced that it denied a petition, in the case national coalition, for and be selective service system. With the justices agreeing with an argument by the federal government that Congress, not the courts, should decide the matter Justice Sonya, sodomize, joined by Stephen, prior and Brett Cavanaugh wrote in the statement that the court should not interfere in Congress. As deliberating recommendations of a commission create the studied You quote: it remains to be seen, of course, whether Congress will end gender based registration, but at least for now the court's long standing. deference to Congress on matters of national defence and military defence and military affairs cautions against granting review, while Congress actively ways the issue. So it's not.
woke argument. The National Commission on Military national Public Service produced a report last March recommending that selective service registration be extended to women, the two hundred and forty six page report. All good more than a hundred and sixty other recommendations of non military, national and public service opportunities and civic education stop right there and say: yes, I believe women should be drafted. I believe that men and women should both Senate for selective service. I believe is probably a lot of good to be said for that system and we desperately need social cohesion. As people talk more and more about this country, falling apart made as the solution, some kind of unifying social cause, they gonna say included in the draft was late legislation that would require all Americans to register. For, for the,
of service proposal would introduce in the house in March twenty twenty, but never made it passed committee overshadowed by the pandemic soda by your side, the report and a March twenty twenty Senate Armed Service Committee hearing, during which chairman's under Jack Reed expressed hope at the requirement would be included in the fiscal, twenty twenty two defence policy bill and identity, one the Supreme Court, but sixty three to uphold the men, only registration requirement at the time, justice, William Renquist, said the purpose of the registration was to insert. In short, the Pentagon could raise military forces for combat, since women could not serve and combat the gender based requirement was not unconstitutional. He explained, but in twenty thirteen, the defence Department lifted its ban on women serving in combat a move that power But a lawsuit from two plaintiffs, James, less Meister and Anthony Davis, who asserted that the system was discriminatory since it required only men to register for the draft in twenty fifteen. The Pentagon opened All military specialities. Two women quote women have passed
the military is demanding task to become army. Rangers Navy seals and green braised sort of mayor wrote as of twenty fifteen. They aren't. There are, longer any positions in the: U S, armed forces close to women quote: are they want? At a woman has it is through Navy Seal officer, assessment and selection, but no woman have grabbed from basic underwater demolition, seal training to date and that's a good thing and say why we don't want them. lowering the standard to accommodate gender or race or whatever. If a woman can do it element, should be allowed to do it. If a man can do it, they should be allowed to do it now there are, there are plates from feminist group sang the standard is set for average male competence or ability, and that keeps women out. They should average it down between men and women. That would make more sense. I don't agree, I think it's gonna be the best of the best of the best period. Is you see others place up they talk about, you know?
Isn't this funny? No woman has passed the the basic underwater demolition seal training to date. Ok, ah, let us think about our second. Why? Why haven't I. Why are we hearing so much in the news about people born female competing against men and winning? I wonder, what's reed, in April lawmakers introduce legislation to abolish the selective service system entirely, calling the twenty five dollar annual cost, a waste of taxpayers dollars, senators will run widen and Rand Paul noted at the draft was abolished in nineteen. Seventy three, with the advent of the all Volunteer Force Congress hasn't come close to reinstating. Our draft in fifty years, and I can't imagine a scenario where it would widen said I can quote. It has been nearly fifty years as the draft was last use used. I've long stated that if a war was worth fighting for, Congress will vote to declare it and people will volunteer.
Did it government programme no longer serve a purpose and should be eliminated permanently? Paul said: there's many reasons where a draft. What would happen serious world wore an invasion of american land, now, really citizens being likely, but their possible. Now I'll tell ya. We probably dont need the draft anymore. That's the thing we probably could just get rid of it. I ll tell you why you know I'm a conversation. We mention this narrow path. Guess other day you know. What's gonna happen, if war breaks out say between like the: U S in China, does not gonna be a draft the? U S will announced they will forgive all student loans at they'll say if you and list for two years yet just two years, because it'll be like a very serious. You know, while others local put away they'll, say two years, and we will forgive all of your student loans at up to a certain amount or maybe just all of it plus will pay you twenty thousand dollars a year. Whatever they'll tell these young people, you know people who are alike in their late lately,
means or early twenties. You will have no doubt by the time you leave you'll have twenty thirty grand in the bank, Uncas you're, not gonna, be spending it right. Now the money will pile up. Baby there are like is totally worth it. You'll be serving your country. doing the right thing and what these people to realise it'll be signing up for like combat infantry or something they'll get told all of the look at all the sweet nothing's will be western whispered into their ears, it will accept it. That's why you're never gonna get a bill to abolish stewed loan dad it's perfect. These people have become indentured servants, desperately begging the government to do something about it. Why would they given away for free? I mean think about it. Think even Bernie Sanders anybody the governs gonna be like we got you by the balls with those student loans. And we're gonna, let you walk away for free MA, it's not how it works at governments. Never done that! Just give up! Now they got you baby. You sign those papers. You owe that money,
and now there is an opportunity for the government. After they already said, you can't declare bankruptcy on that debt. Can you yeah than war breaks out? They dont need the draft, they simply say who wants their student loans, forgiven people will line up in the tens of thousands by the drove sand, desperate desperately, please I'll. Do it, thing to make it go away because I can't pay these off nervous, while the acl you is is outraged. They issued a comment on the refusal of the Supreme Court which, due to our here the case they say the. U S Supreme Court announced today would not hear arguments in a case that could have ended the discriminatory sex registration. For the rest, the petition was not ask a Supreme court to require women to register for the selective service. It only ask the court to declare that the and only draft registration system unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex. They go and issue a bunch of comments from people at the ACL. You without basically say the same thing, one that I think many conservatives even agree with. If you're gonna have gender equality, we
get drafted two right now. All these women are saying they want to be see. Owes where, though, in saying they want to be with sewage treatment, plant workers- or you know petroleum engineers- are there there are many women who do nothing. They don't say that Conversation is always like feminism. We should be healthy scenarios, and it's like you can't be up. I'm doubt that you should be. You should also be petroleum engineer. sulphur minors and garbage persons and fire persons if he can do the job. The only problem, my gases, then with the autonomy of the biggest challenges that we face, a sigh which under gender equality, if we say to you, know based on merit, we are going to for a start jobs. You will overwhelmingly have men being combat role being caught in combat and being firefighters being in very did dangerous situations where they risk their lives in women won't be, but women will still absolutely reap the benefits of those who will be doing all that work to prompt them,
I don't think that's a healthy system and I know how you solve for it the supposed to be reciprocity, but my point: Is a system will not function if women don't have to risk their lives and men do but rim women are ceos and ultra wealthy. You eventually, then just have an inequality and in equity. Now about the draft, though, about the draft. Let's go back in time. I take you to my time machine to November. Fourth, twenty fourteen John Stewart thinks we should bring back the draft, while twenty fourteen Johnston was only Data Bank than wasn't it. They say this may comes as a surprise. To many John Stewart would like to bring back some sort of draft during discussion with New York magazine about his
toiled. Debut rosewater Stuart indicated that one of the biggest disappointment of the Obama era has been watching the Democratic Party blow its opportunity to be more effective. The daily show how said the vs treatment backlog the bureaucratic nightmare we put our veterans through, has been devastating to me in research in response interviewer Christmas asked: do you think there should be a draft and John Stewart said I do. I absolutely do. I've watched military family suffer in a way that is unconscionable, consider the demands that we have placed on them over the ten year period when I There should be a draft. I also think it should be now compulsory military high. I remember you I'm a programme manager? Google right now, lots of people are looking for ways to learn new job skills. That's where we created Google career certificates in online training programme for fast growing fields like I t, support, project management, data, analytics user experience, design and more you dont,
any prior experience and you can be Jobbery in about six months. So put your skills to work. Go to grow, dark, Google, slash certificates, there should be a draft, were every young person has to One year of something military public works, something so that we all feel invested in the same game, because that's the part that we ve lost John Stewart endorsing service guaranteeing citizenship irate. I absolutely agree now am I remember the goes manuals, but his back in Chicago when I was eleven there he was. You know he was mayor and he talked about thing. It is something that all young people should go through basic training, and I was why try it. You know I mean, but now I think about it, I'm like that in so bad. I really think that it so bad. I think most people would absolutely love love it. It would cure people of so many things. It would strengthen people in many ways. An AIDS Alec basic training for military measures.
They got unites excitement it warns that book camp. They called, I guess, basic trains. Three months. You, though there are I've not gone through it. I've known people who have maybe it's easy. me to say it would be great if everyone did someone like that. Maybe that's probably bad idea. You up the ultimate problem. The camp that comes down to me is ISM the libertarian ideals right. You know. Freedom to government can't force people things and there's a real conundrum there, because you end up this way, I'm not a hard core like right wing, libertarian or whatever, because I don't think a country functions cohesively. If people don't share values and what would John Stewart was saying back there? that is the seven years ago, nor six and a half that we'll share more of our values? If we work together towards certain goals deal, the problem we have with all of this be a basic training. Otherwise the government is corrupt, that its very corrupt in as if I want to align with the values of a corrupt government. Parent lies the big problem. I think basic training would be great for everybody.
Let me think about you got a bunch of these soft dough boys in you know no girls, so I boys imagine making them crawl through the mud, and understand what the real world is like it would. It would make them stronger. It would probably help a lot of people get through a lot of trauma, but what we really we become soft the left is is is has continually pushed for softness and because Republicans art four things or I should say, because there is a tendency to move away from difficulty. We are always trying to make things easier, this a downward death spiral. You know we need to accept. We do accept hardship. We need to actually encourage life. To get worse, you up
I remember it like it was yesterday down at Occupy Wall Street when activists as this is the first generation in a hundred years, where our lives will be worse than our parents, and unlike so, why? Who cry about it? You know it's not true, they say that it's not true, it is not true. My parents didn't have access to the summation of human knowledge, they didn't have glorious and wonderful technology and drones and caught electric cars. They Add empty apartments would like a radio data. Tv may be with only a few channels. We have at our fingertips virtual worlds in virtual reality and entertainments just every channel for every possible thing you could put Imagine there is literally the Simpsons Channel at ease. Put you gone wholly, you put the simpsons any just binge nothing but the simpsons it has been at it. It is better than its ever been, and it's bad for us. So the problem is a frolic republicans come out and say we want more hardship. It will be good for
Trust me I'll make you stronger and more resilient people will scream. You want my life to be harder republican say I want you like to be easy and that's what people drift towards. We don't want hardship. Interesting. I was watching a video of others dude. I know he does like fitness Instagram stuff and do dripped and, unlike wow, you know this guy wakes up every day and he puts him. He puts himself through this hardship, but you know what that dude is high. As a kite, not even getting he's not do drugs he's literally getting endorphins, and you know dopamine from accomplished from from working out and from accomplishing these goals. The dude probably wakes up feeling like a million bucks like lightning, is charging through his body. That's! What's that? That's how it feels to exercise and enter into to be physically active.
so you know, you guys know that I skate nominative right. If he's gonna be a MAC, something I will oblige him try to get some scooters. I just have fun riding around and doing new things in accomplishing gulls. You feel fantastic as also the runners hi. How many people are sedentary becoming overweight are out of shape, have no purpose and can't get that release. So what do they do? They go to the doktor doktor gives them pills. Nine, ok, my opinion. If I think I think this is true that one of the clearest were depression is running, it's not for everybody. Some people have serious. You know chemical, and says: it's not working, and then he medication, but for a lot of people they start going for a run and they start exercising. It is our getting that reward in their brain. I tell you this men, you go to a Jimmy go to escape.
you ve, never escape at or anything before, and you ask someone help you and they will help you and you will have fun and you will make friends it'll be great and that's what we need were missing that community. So I don't know about a draft necessarily, but I've been getting to think that service anti citizenship. Is, are actually good idea Now we ve been raised to believe those of us who are lefty or former Democrat or still voted Democrat that were a democracy, that everyone should vote and that's just not true. I actually think service. Guaranteeing citizenship probably makes the most of this point. If you want to reap the benefits of a system, that's wonderful! We all should. If you want to speak your mind, you should be able to But if you want to actually Tipp the scales in your favour by by advocating a certain policies, you have to have a risk
Imagine if you could walk into a casino and say give me money, and they just did it s now works. If you want an opportunity to reap benefits of casino, you have too, we have to put up something to take a risk analysis, and if you look at how that what the left believes today it exactly the problem, they say that the workers should control the means of production. The stock in the benefit should go to the workers, who don't put any risk involved now, there's some. They dedicate their time and energy to this company, not produce things but there's. Actually it's fastening. They always can't just walk away from everything and people Don T realize I run a company- I can't leave- I can't quit lab- I mean I I literally could and then everybody would lose their jobs. It doesn't work that way for the lowest level employ they can just up and leave without destroying a system and taking other people with them.
So when you run a business, you have to recognise that there are people who depend on you now, all of a sudden, I gotta think about ok, if, if what? If what? If I do want to do this anymore, what if I quit all those people out of jobs? So I can't I don't have the same luxury and that's that that's the issue I see with what, with with most people on the left, they want a risk anything, but they want the rewards for everything. I say this. I rest so much sacrificed so much to be able to do this and with it comes rewards, but with great power comes responsibility, and now I was a terrible company and I actually did try quitting I think two years ago and everybody yelled at me or was it yes. Two years ago everybody was losing even with emails there like no, you can't stop. You keep going and, unlike I can't too people rely on on the work that I do, because the truth is, I don't just pander to the right or the left as much as the left or the right might accuse me of doing what The other I loved it. I criticized one guy and all of a sudden. I have a bunch of Maga people screaming I'm a grifter, I'm not going to play that game. If you want, if you want to go watch
here from someone who scared to express their opinion on a fear of being cancelled by the left or the right then go. Do it? I'm not gonna play that game ominous say it like. I I'm gonna call like I see it, and I know that somebody say things, you don't like it. If you want to watch it, there's nothing. I can do to stop you. I pray you at the time you spent here your support, which are free to go. If you want to watch some one- and you know that all express my opinion, regardless of whether it's good or bad I'll, do it. If you got a problem, my opinion may be just should watch that's. It makes it hard to grow business for sure, but anyway I digress, deliver their Supreme court draft. Whatever heck of a conversation. Next, I must come up at four p m at Youtube: com slashed him cast thanks wearing it out, and I will see you all them.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-29.