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Republicans FINALLY Strike Back At Democrats In Impeachment Inquiry, DEMAND Hunter Biden Testify

2019-11-09 | 🔗

Republicans FINALLY Strike Back At Democrats In Impeachment Inquiry, DEMAND Hunter Biden Testify. In a letter sent by Republicans to Democrat Adam Schiff they outline theirĀ  anger over the impeachment inquiry and list several people they want to testify.Notably, Republicans want Devon Archer and Hunter Biden to testify as to their knowledge of Burisma and the core of the Ukraine scandal. They also want the whistleblower and anyone the whistleblower talked to regarding the phone call Trump made.Democrats have the advantage though, Schiff can veto anyone of these 'suggestions.' Republicans do not have the right to call witnesses, only suggest them. This seems completely absurd but in the end Trump will be impeached and we all know it.Whether Senate GOP members move to convict Trump is another story and its possible in the senate trial the republicans call these witnesses forward anyway.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Republicans are finally striking back at Democrats in the impeachment inquiry launching their first counter offensive, at least formally. We all know the Republican stormed into the skiff. There was some yelling, some people can testify. Pizza was ordered, chick filet was had, but as far as per see you're is concerned. This is an official request for certain witness. As including Joe Biden, Son Hunter Biden, including the whistle blower himself, the people who spoke to the whistle blower and even Alexander Tool, the woman who is accused of facilitating collusion between ukrainian officials and the deep seated bigger dirt on Donald Trump. There's. A couple problems, though, is far as I can tell. I think it's fair to say impeachment is tribal. The left,
knows Trump is an evil orange man who is corrupt and was trying to dig up dirt on his political rival and the right knows Joe Biden is crooked and was colluding with Ukrainians to protect his son because someone's been investigated now there is evidence to show that may be the case. Ukraine. We don't know for sure, but it looks that way, and it is true that Joe Biden is trumps political rivals. But what is the appropriate response at and what should happen in this one? how you other truck shorter, should be impeached I'll stay. This he's going to be reached the democratic and impeding they control the house. That's where we're at what he probably won't be convicted. So in the end, what's the point of all of this? You know what gets worse amateur radio this letter and we're gonna look at why they want these people testified. But I tell you this now I read some of the reporting on some the latest testimony its Russia gate. I'm not kidding
They are literally now real litigating Russia Gate saying that Putin was targeting tromp since the eighties, and he we go again. The testimony is absurd and insane- and it seems like we can't move on from this, but at least the Republicans are doing something something right. Let's read this Congress of the United States to the honourable Adam chef before we get started. However, major go to him cast outcome. Slash, don't it if you'd like to support my work as a pay. Pal optional crypto option a physical address and, of course, the best thing do is share this video, and I will tell you why. The other day I got notice that you tube permanent they force locked me. Video discussing the whistle blower publicly available information is locked down. I broke no rules. I did nothing wrong. I was reading pop weekly, available, mainstream news website certified by a third party and they locked me out the censorship
is real. It's your and Facebook is doing the same thing. I don't know how long independently commentators will be able to do this. So if you think I'm doing a good job, please consider sharing this video. Says in March twenty nineteen prior to unilaterally initiating an impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives, Speaker Polo's. He said that he'd want is so device into the country that there's something so compelling an overwhelming and by partisan. I don't think we should go down that path because it divides the country. Today, eight months after Speaker policy statement there is by partisan opposition in the House of representatives to pursuing impeachment undeterred, speaker policy and you
now plan to move your one sided and purely political impeachment inquiry they put in quotes from behind closed doors to how open hearings next week, there's a longer paragraph about president's linsky. They say during the committee's last open hearing, you fabricated evidence out of thin air, to portray President trumps telephone conversation with President's Olenska and a sinister light during your closed door proceedings. You offered no due process protections for the president. You directed witnesses called by the Democrats, not to answer republican questions. You withheld deposition transcripts from a publican members. You selectively leaked cherry pick information to paint misleading public narratives about your facts. You must lead the american people about your interactions with the whistle blower earning
Four Pinocchio is from the Washington Post. Your actions have greatly damage the integrity of the intelligence committee and any legitimacy of your impeachment inquiry American see through this sham and piquant process. Despite the Democrats, efforts to retroactively legitimize at last week, the right ruddled pollution that Democrats passed last week over bipartisan opposition limits, the rights of minority members. Beyond those, cried in the house rules and prevents minority members from fully and fairly participating in the proceedings. While in traditional hearings the minority is permitted, the ability to call a witness The resolution only allows minority members to suggest a witness list and requires them to provide a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested, witness nonstop as Lisbon more what it shows you ship is not going to allow this, but it also shows you it doesn't matter the Democrats, no they're, going to impeach the whistleblowers
lawyer said two years ago. The coup has started, and then he went on to talk about impeachment coming next. That was years before any of this happened. It's a foregone conclusion and it's terrifying really that our government has become purely tribal. What happens next welt? Well so Father public and control the Senate, but I gotta say: but a lot of democratic victories in these in these past couple years, or two thousand eight doesn't contain. We set an election Virginia, for instance, when full Democrat you add, the suburbs turn on Trump and gave the house majority to Democrats if Donald Trump does sour with independence and moderates or the negative press generated by the Democrats provides enough. Negative partisanship took to push voter turnout. Tromp could lose, republican senators could lose and things are quite uncertain, but I do have data to support it. It seems like things are still going and troops favorite, I gotta say it's kind of strange to me. Look all admit all this negative press about impeachment. The constant Berlin
I would have assumed at some point. People would just say: Trump has to go. I think something else is happening. While there are a lot of people being activated by negative press, a negative partisanship, I think a lot of people are turning out and sang. I just care anymore and a better how many times they say it, it doesn't seem to have an effect in the aggregate. Trumps approval raining rebounded recently. That surprised me and support for impeachment is down four points in the aggregate. This isn't going anywhere. So I wonder, will the strategy play off? I think is possible and I think, if you are tromp supporter you'd, be a fool not to expect that this might actually work. It was arrogance that caused the Democrats. Twenty sixteen not not entirely, but was a factor and the same thing could happen a trap. The biggest mistake you can make under estimating opponents now in the letter
They said they want Devon, Archer former Board member of Bergamo holdings. I won't read every justification because it's a lot of rehashing all details, but they mention that Devon Archer, these aboard member of Roma Holdings- and they say multiple Democrat witnesses, enclosed or testimony explained that Ukraine, Energy Company bereavement, has a reputation in Ukraine for corruption Mr archers Hunter Buttons long term business partner and served as a board member of burmese Mouldings with Mr Biden, mister
just first hand. Experiences with Burma can assist the american public and understanding the nature and extent of Ukraine's pervasive corruption, information that bears directly on president trumps, longstanding and deeply held scepticism of the country. They go on to add Hunter binding for similar reasons. So, let's play a quick game amass who question Hunter Biden and Devon Archer we're on the Board of Burma holdings, as was a former c. I a direct result, public information, Joe Biden and many others. In the? U s it? U S abandoned ministration, felt that the launch of ski than the men founded cofounded. Burma was corrupt strange because I wonder, is there that this clearly connection
hunter binding and seven archers has a good argument. Perhaps they would know what corruption was occurring around them, so perhaps justified, but the question I haven't I raise of and a couple of video of it I made a couple days ago- is then after Joe Biden came in and got choking the prosecutor fired, the new prosecutor subsequently cleared. Let's give all wrong doing. It's very range. Then. If everyone is claiming, bereavement was tied to corruption job. In goes in and removes a prosecutor, and the new one clears him of all wrong doing. At the very least, it seems that the? U S administration at an innocent man, fired through a quid pro quo with Joe Biden at worst. It seems like there was corruption and Joe Biden intervened at least that's what lot of trump supporters belief. I think that's the fair assessment. If you asked me at the very least, then the argument for why these people to testify makes sense, we'll see of shift honours it they bring up.
Alexander Kaluza, former Democratic National Committee staffer. They say during the twenty sixteen election kaluza former Dnc staffer contractor worked with the Ukraine Embassy in DC to try and get political dart on then candidate trumps campaign. She admitted to providing an died, two anti truck directed to the Dnc and Hillary Clinton, and to discussing such dirt the Clinton campaign and to discussing such dirt within Ukraine, ambassador of United States, Valerie Celli, given president trumps, documented belief of ukrainian government meddled in twenty sixteen election to oppose his candidacy, which forms the basis for a reasonable desire for Ukraine. Investigate the circumstances surrounding the election and uneven and and any potential ukrainian involvement. Mr Loop is a prime fact witness who can assist Congress and the american public. In better understanding the facts and circumstances surrounding ukrainian involvement and the twenty sixteen election. They say David Hail,
under secretary of state for political affairs to Morrison former senior director for european and russian affairs on the National Security Council to testify in the same panel as Alexander Vindelin, assuming you requested and Minnetaki and Nellie or former contractor for opposition research firm, fusing fusion GPA. They say, Ambassador Kurt, Volker the anonymous whistle blower, whose secondhand complaint initiated the impeachment inquiry. All individuals relied upon by the anonymous was a blower in drafting his or her second hand complaint, but there's more now. That is the list. It ends by being signed by Jim Jordan. Michael team call Carolyn be Maloney, Elliot Angle, but if this there's more Devon, Nunez wants. Adam shift to testify and there's even an argument. The whistle blower has forfeited all protections by speaking
two ships team both for filing the official complaint. That's a fact and chief lied about it. Well, said he didn't have contact with whistleblower and then later said. Oh, I should have been more clear, but I know it seems like use at least misleading people. Now well, chef agreed the demand that chef should testify? I don't think so. I dont think the Republicans are going to get a fair impeachment. That's not gonna happen, but that the imperative to understand is kind of like a grand jury. So a lot of Republicans have an angry about not having access to the testimony, and I think it's fair. For one reason: selective information was being leaked and the Republicans work the ones doing it. Somebody who had access to the documents was putting on things that may trump look bad and generated bad press
It turns out Bill Taylor, for instance, who is the star witnessed alleging quid pro quo? His source of information was the New York Times. I knows more complicated than that, but that's just one counter argument made that when you get the full context released. Finally, you could see you can see that it was just public information. Now, here's the thing, though, when that official statement that that small tidbits circulates for weaker, some people here and believe it before the full contacts can be presented. Now here's work it's interesting. The Democrats and too happy Democrats warn against calling vitamins to testify It would be literally rolling agree a grenade down the Senate. Trumps allies have urged Republicans to haul the buttons to the hill. Not everyone thinks it's a good idea yet and not everyone. That means Democrats. Democrats don't want The violence testifying gee, I wonder why! Well, let's, let's red with Bailey Beast, says they say:
Democrats issued stark warnings on weapons. They, the Republicans, would severely damaged the institution of Congress if they acquiesce to push from Trump allies to haul former. Vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter for testimony about their actions in Ukraine, a top by an ally, Senator Chris Coon's told the daily beast that calling the twenty twenty contender who served for thirty five years. This and his son it for testimony would be literally rolling Renee down the aisle of a Senate that we have lasting consequences on the upper chambers, ability to work together, saying look Joe, but it is well known, widely respected and frankly, beloved by many in the Senate on both sides of the ILO. The impatient process is already disruptive disruptive enough. I think we should be approaching it with seriousness, not by entertaining conspiracy theories that are early unfounded, and I think it would be a very unfortunate move as a really interesting statement. You know why it sounds an awful lot like Russia Gate when they want to do The president himself to testify well Trump gave written answers. I believe it's been a bit, but I gotta go
We are still in Russia, gate maybe saying? No, no TIM, Ukraine Gate something different. It's not wait till you see the latest. Testimony on my show you it's Russia Gate. It hasn't stop there making the same allegations, but before we do that, I want to take a look at this I must then be see reports as support for impeachment grows. Trump claims access to unseen poles why this story is from November. Fifth, I mustn't bc reporting that support for impeachment is on the rise surprising considering that just a data a day later, support for impeachment slips four points from October. Pull while tell you what, if you watch MSNBC you're being fed fake news, I'm sorry the real, clear power
its average is down. I believe was a week or so a couple weeks ago I did I caught a conversation with SAM Cedar. I thought it was lovely. I think a lot of people hated it, but hey we get when you, when you get to people pitted against each other, but SAM pointed out accurately that support for impeachment was at fifty two percent its now around forty eight point: five, it's so it's down a little bit more than off before points or I'm sorry, look at less than four points, but around and that's the aggregate not a single pole. So I have to say if your written MSNBC, you live in some way He parallel reality and I've highlighted the several times. Reuters pot order story about a study, but if you watch MSNBC, you likely believe the economy is bad. You watch Fox news. You think it's good. In reality, the economy is good, so here we can see that a couple things a point out for one trumps support and the real clear politics. Average trump approval writing rebounded. Now it's down from its highest point. It went way down, but spiked back up is higher for today than it was two years ago. So I have to wonder,
Have people really tuned out from all of us all tell you what man based on my analytics? Yes, what I've been looking at us, Political Channels- and everybody is tired of this- and I gotta admit I know exactly when that breaking point happened I remember reading the news waking up one day and just seeing there it was impeachment Ukraine, let's play Russia gave all were again and I was ready to just just get on what get much vantages drive off out like no, no stop not again, please, and so I started not talking about this stuff for a little bit and then you know would wait a few days for coming back and you look at the mainstream cable channels and no matter what they that they're they're, squeezing every thing they can every possible last drop of impeachment news. It is ridiculous. I tell you what people don't care, it's a sad fact. The fact that Joe Biden is the front runner proves that people do
care, but you know what this is the Democrat Hell Mary, it's all. They have their knock and allow these witnesses. Maybe some of them they're gonna, say no to the violence that is uncalled for. There are not related, they are, I think it makes sense, but they're not gonna, allow it and they're gonna impeach anyway. The Republicans, however, are probably hoping that some of this testimony can help when it to the actual trial, but when they go to the Senate, Bacon, probably then call because that, because the public and controls on it, they can probably then call Hunter However, they want in the whistle, blower and and and ship himself. Maybe this might backfire horribly, because the Democrats, in their desperation to drum up negative press on from, have opened up a can of worms for which the sun it can respond in kind in a trial but will see out o the full rules. But I now bring you to the more fun and infuriating story is easy,
we have these. These alleges allegations of conspiracy theories and they're, saying: oh, no, we're not gonna lobbies witnesses, because two conspiracy they're all of those things right. First, former Trump adviser testifies to Ukraine Pressure campaign ties mulvaney to quit. Well. There seem to be an awful lot of people involving you know, basically, turning a White House meeting in some kind of asset, Fiona Hilltop Congress, Fiona environment also claimed that investigator Porter John Solomon was on par with info wars. Well, Vindelin said he was, for it was false and Fiona Hill compared it in some combats or some somehow got confronted with info wars, which is ridiculous,
I think it may be seen in who did that, because John Solomons published receipts like actual documents. One statements Alps Jones talking about you, know, cell towers and Newton hybrids, that's completely off the rails, but now I bring you to the best part. Will I take Fiona Hill seriously? I'm gonna have to go ahead and say no, because according to inquisitor, Vladimir Putin began targeting Donald Trump, He was a business man. Russia expert, Fiona Help has defies now. You may say, but TIM Fiona knows a lot. Standing government, you know actor she's tons of experience. If If anyone knows she does that's true and guess what, if Robert model in three years cannot prove collusion in fact, essentially disproved at you. I think you really prove was that Trump may have acted foolishly and there's potential obstruction of dozens of an obstruction to. Thank you ask no collusion,
obstruction arguable, because the rights gonna say now in Alaska. Yes, on the d amato manure get involved, and I must say this: ok, I'm making an important point if Robert Molen three years of investigation with all of these methods of millions of dollars and resources could not prove there is a connection, and then you want to claim that Putin was targeting tromp, I'm sorry, man. I know I get it, you can try and claim like what does this mean? What does it mean new testify that put was targeting tromp while they didn't work gather. So what is targeting really mean? It means that they want tromp to be a russian asset. It means they want tools. He gathered to be a russian asset. It means we are still in Russia Gate with the same people and the same tax It's the same thing all over again. They didn't get what they want and out of Mahler, because there was nothing there, so they started digging and they found it. And the whistle blowers lawyer said the coup has started two years ago overture almost three years ago, it was almost three years ago now.
Going on a set of seed and will play a role in impeachment, and now these people are actively engaging in an impatient and great. Please spare me: you want to play Russia game, I'm sorry new knowledge that company that track the Russian bought that everyone quotes even buzz. Feed says it's dubious at best and the sea was banned from Facebook for making fake russian accounts. It's just I'm sorry, it is the same. People same tactics and that's why you can count me out of your nonsense. Now tell you what that? Listen, I'm not I'm! Not I'm a big triumphant and everybody knows it. Ok, but I am also not a crazy person and I just don't care. I started thinking about a reason.
And I was like you know what separates me from say these these trumped arrangement, people and its that I think as a mature adult when Trump one I went well, we lost a pay. Maybe next time I say to myself of time, you can't win them all its effect. You can't so when trunk gonna, like that, I was like you care. What am I gonna be an adult gotta figure out what do what to do? Next, we got him on what these people they can't. Let it go conspiracy, conspiracy, Russia, all the insanity, Albion say nonsense, their smearing Tulsa gap, or now it's just there. There foaming at the mouth crazy about about Trump and everything is doing, and I ll tell you what men. I don't, I think, there's some good things about which has done anything trumps on some bad things. I talk about, I'm a lot, you get it, but the issue is what took so so in twenty four you vote for somebody else.
Grow up. It's insane to me that for the entirety of Donald Trump's presidency, they have been seeking impeachment. I could do not the Washington Post reported, it was only only twelve hours After an operation, not even several organisations announced they were seeking impeachment and they kept the voting on it and over and over again we can't go on this way. This country can function this way, but you know what oh I'll, tell you this Republicans the politicians, their weak, ineffective, and I think I think, even tromp supporters. No, it I've seen a lot of comments on transporter, saying that they are that they consider themselves like Trump publication or trompe, and because the Republicans there there very there's too many politicians that are out for themselves right. So you have these old establishment publicans, they dont want to support trump and they don't people regular Linsey Grand for a long time. Nothing
Iran falls net camp. The Democrats, however, successfully funded off the peasant revolt, so they circled the wagons around their establishment, crony actors and there and their safe, so they're working together, that's their thing, but trot fracture. The republican broaden populists, new people entering Congress and the Senate. So there are some people who are loyal to the american people in and due process the rule of law, and there are some people who just really really really really don't like Trump or I should say more importantly, there are people who just care about themselves. So in the end, you have your publicans I've everyone about without without starting to name names. There are several publicans who are waiting for the chance to flip on the president, and if there was a secret vote held,
a bunch of Republicans returned. The president two seconds also happens. At least some republicans are striking back calling on these witnesses. But I'll tell you what man they're not gonna testify. I may now be crazy, like seriously crazy of Hunter Biden. Had to go to Congress and TAT Defiances questions that we not or the whistle blower learn a say. No, I assure you ship was I absolutely not. This war must be protected and that's why you to Facebook always platforms, our censoring, the name of the whistle blower, the names publicly available. You can go on, Google Search, you can search for whistle blowers, name and it pops up into seconds, but guess what couple days ago I did a video yesterday at last night they blocked it. They force locked that video, a cancer, the name welcome to the nightmare dust, opium, Youtube and Facebook are clearly acting to protect one side of this and it is horrifying the next time it will be coming up at Youtube. Com, slashed him. Guess: news, six pm thanks, Frank:
I will see you older you too, because force locked, my video talking about the whistle blower and their work, history and complaints and criticism from those who believe in a political hit job. The whistle in question has worked with. Biden has friends who now work with Adam Shift and their lot of questions about what has really Ship is with these anti trust personalities. His lawyer, for instance, said the coup has started so at this point. Yes, it's become newsworthy, but I'll tell you what first my posts on Facebook, where I got really angry was banished Youtube, is witnessing industry not ascribe there are listening: Youtube videos, locked, even the videos, but up since for what over week now since the thirty first, with nearly four hundred thousand views, it's the live on other platforms like minds and met you, I take it all down. There's an attack
journalism. This is journalism what I'm doing. Ok, first of all, if I'm giving my opinion on something fine, but I am breaking down facts and reporting on publicly available information. What Youtube and Facebook are doing is nightmarish, latest opium and I've warrant over and over again for Conservatives for naughty words, but they will. The journalism given the chance, so they break something down for you and then it's not just mean met Christians and was doing his pocket and you, too took his video down the exact same where they forced into private mode there doing this, because if they delete, Video people say: why was the veal deleted I'll say video removed or unavailable? Instead, they force at private individuals. This video All our people will see. Is this videos, private and so there whom we didn't know they locked it and they did two met Christians and enable it to other people.
Simply for mentioning the name which I'm not gonna, say right now, because guess what that's right? We are forced to adhere to insane rules that are anti that that our anti journalism- and now I have a choice, see if I, if I published the name, because I had the image as Video- it's good luck. You never see it. So I had to make a choice now. Do I want to talk about the problem? I do but I'll tell you what man I'm not optimistic. We ve seen the waves of censorship. We ve seen that the Donald Donald Trump Sub brightening quarantined is complete and total bs, and we all know it. You gotta be a fan of their opinions, but the apparently locked the biggest form for trump supporters over threats of violence to police officers. You kidding me that's ridiculous, that Donald frightening cops, government anarchism thought some right. It you'll see post every three, every three comments: talkin about weapons and how their naturally have
The far left somebody's have tag specifically referencing violence directed at police like they spray painted on walls and isn't in an end the dolphin quarantine for what months now we get it. I talked about before coming into the twenty twenty election you're, going to see censorship to the extreme degree, so me break something down for you. First, when you are, published a story about the whistle blower, they gave key details. The whistleblowers, employment, history, a bunch of people said we know who that is. That perfectly describes this into dual: all of a sudden we started seeing conservative outright. The story saying this is the person is, will be learnt being talked about. And then we saw the hill They help personalities, talk about it, real clear politics, officially wrote the story breaking down who this person was, and that's what I was commenting on real, clear politics, a high profile, mainstream organization cited by every major Pandit, because they do the polling aggregates published a story saying this is the name
floated and, if that's the case here, other criticisms about the whistle blowers political bias, that's what I was doing so and so on. We break it down. I didn't out anybody in fact, even now, There are people knew this person was. I still said nothing, it wasn't until it went mainstream, they said. Ok, this needs to be talked about and not only, on the six yeah sure Ali of New York Mag, and having imposed confirmed onto sang three sources confirm this. Is that this person is the whistle blower and
when on save people might criticise me for this, but newsworthy deleted. What went on to delete the tweet? I don't know why I reached out to him. He has responded. Did I out anybody know I didn't know I did not. I am simply commenting on publicly available information. They did this to me before when veritable leaked information on Pinterest Youtube deleted. My video outright. This was forced private motor. My other video on Pinterest was outright deleted with no recourse this. They said you can appeal, I clicked appeal and they claimed I had misleading hangs in the video. No, no, I didn't and when I appealed, they just told me mostly screw off. So here's what you can see for those that are listening. The first post, Is my video when, when real clear politics released, the name impeachment exposes political hit job? Yes, I know it's hypermarkets, my opinion, that's what I believe this guy Workers Biden disguise. Clearly,
I asked we knew their reports that he was siding with one. You know one political faction, and that was a concern and that's what it appears like Here's like this is a guy who has a personal stake in what's happening, and it's not some. Oh no. Oh heavens me. I just found out about some wrongdoing. Now, apparently, he worked with the woman who is accused of colluding with Ukraine, Ukrainians, so it's all tied together now we're hearing testimony. I tell you what things are breaking down and getting scary who testimony from Fiona Ill John Solomon investigative report on the documents he released are conspiracy theories. That's where they're going with it and on an old can happen, but you can see that things are getting hot now you ve got Oliver Darcy of CNN regurgitating. The talking points from these went, saying that John Solomon, former investigative reporter from Washington, Post and the hill is making. In full war style, conspiracies. Sorry, Johnson and brought receipts. I don't just take my word for it. He's publishing documents you haven't disproved any of that. You want to claim Jones
talking about cell towers, and animal hybrids is on par with sworn affidavit and statements from Ukraine. Mps I'm sorry. We got a big problem here and the point I've Ah my videos as when it comes down to it, you ve got to choose. Do you Russia, Ukraine, officials, who are saying there's no wrong doing or do you trust the ukrainian patients who sang there is wrong. Doing I'm not gonna. Tell you to trust on the same. Both of these stories are out there and you can't claim one is more rights than the other. Now they are why, while it protects their interests, all tell you what I made a video giving my opinion. This guy clearly has ties. You know you look, it met, you be you look at you look it. I'm only met IP because he's been works. Was it about it, but you look at this other leftwing journalists and their pointing out these intelligence agencies keep doing the same thing. It is Russia Gate all over again. There's now testimony
mean that trap as an asset of Russia. Kid you not. We are back to square one three years ago and all I did was talk about it banned. So here's what I did kind of in a defiant fit of rage. I tweeted Eric Effing and its name go f yourself. Facebook go after Self Youtube shove. You're fast fascism up your aim and I got a notice from Facebook saying your posts goes against our community standards on coordinating harm and promoting crime. No one else can see your post. We have these standards to prevent that prevent and disrupt off offline harm. Ok, you know what I'll concede I was cussing fine but it's not criminal. You can you're allowed to swear on Facebook and and and and arbitrarily tell somebody to put fascism up there. I hey wait a minute. This is an anti fascist post. Are they banning anti fascist content?
after I clicked continue. It said we don't allow people to facilitate or coordinate crime activity likely to cause harm to people, business or animals. We do allow people to draw attention to harm they witness or experience. We define define harm as things like physical harm against people or animals, theft and vandalism, fraud and voting If Europe's so? Does that mean that I could post this right answer? I have just witnessed voting interference by Facebook for blocking publicly available information and they wouldn't take it down. I be wounded, but they wouldn't we'll see what happens. What would you like to do, except the decision request review while I requested a review in the basement? Homely goes through myself, so here we have a twitter. Surprisingly, twitter is saying: go for it while you know what man a proper to Jack in the team at Twitter. I think that the donor lots of things wrong, but, based on this, I dont think I think it's it's it's the mistakes they have made. Ben ignorance and I'm really impressed that they said you can tweak. Public information is not against our rules. Sears acquired,
the question I have Julian Assange. Chelsea many bill, Benny, John Curio Cow, has a cop current process name. Who else do we have rarely winter? these are people who were providing secret information previously spur classified or prejudice permission are all targeted by the government, the guy who blew the whistle on waterboarding. They all faced massive repercussions from the government. Obama, prosecuted, more whistleblowers, who linked to journalists than all other administrations combined this one guy, though this guy right now he's fine. It's really strange, isn't it now? I understand. First, he went through the proper channels. Another tackling em too, to no one, but I but is also, I think, that's the easy easy answer. I just
It very interesting that you have journals right now and yes that they exist there there there on twitter, refusing to say the name. You have news organisations, Fox NEWS, refusing the same name. It's in the public. Its public Everybody wants to known, as the president's son treated the story out. We know where are these journalists were sharing and discussing? And talking about the issues that are doing it strange to me home? There's, no defence right now of what's happened. You have all of these journalists or to these these whistleblowers and leakers. But now today, not the government when, after these people the government is protect, in this individual I mean it's actually more like a civil war. In a sense I'm not saying lodge at that being hyperbolic saying like here, you have two factions within the government, one sang who's this guy? The other saying protect this guy. It's interesting,
out. I understand that maybe simple answers for me: no serum almost at his name, not gonna, do it, but but what about the journalists? What what happened to journalists wanting to expose corruption where the journalists who want to inform the public about potential wrongdoing? I tell you what I went over to read it and I was looking at the comments where they stares at this. The story was posted in the new section saying that Facebook is going to ban people who, the whistle blower and the comments were all cheering for it now is that how democracy dies, the thunderous applause yeah? It is there were some people saying the names already public. You can't just banged the news and then they said responses are like robots.
To name the individual is because people want to intimidate him or smear. I'm not now I ll tell you what I didn't want in any individual individual, but individuals named it is now newsworthy. I'm sorry, that's just how information works so for Youtube to take my video down when I was come thing on a high profile, publicly available story from a mainstream news website? Is mine, knowingly insane. I tell you this man, on the same day, Youtube and face. Look just decided to start banning this content. This video was up since October thirty, first collecting on three thousand views. What was the point Looking at the videos already live on other websites, people to see it have already seen it. It's even really getting views at this point, and I really got look it's monetize, so I may add revenue off it like the whole thing was was was done. I can only imagine that I mean I
site Hellenes Razor, but is this on purpose? Are they trying to stress and effect this dude name are trying to make sure this is the big story that journalists are getting shut down. Well, I'll, give you the latest update. We got it, we got it. We got a story from the Washington Post face. Looking you to block spread of. Posted whistleblowers name and photo twitter allows. Both I reached out to my Youtube partner manager and they're, not which it which had only stand about Youtube, is that it's not one person at Youtube with tentacles controlling everything these these. Well, I work with have no idea what's going on, and so I reached out and said: hey is this for real? like our you seriously, because I've made I've made the whistle blower in seven videos at this point because names public I was making points about the various articles. When I want to talk about what Donald Trump Junior did. The presence on did this. Here's that we got names in it. Are you kidding? I can't talk about that. It's the president's
four million followers. So, as an email saying is this is this logic that any mention of this policy We failed information. I can comment on it. I can't say it it's everywhere. This is insane I did say like that, but I was just Please tell me this is a mistake because you know to see, and I now you can be banning all my videos and they said we're gonna. This? Is a people getting it back to you now in that Christians and, I guess Met- doesn't have a Youtube partner manager he said they were just like I dont tell me why I don't know, there's also big news that you too, that's their ban you if they find you not to be commercially viable yeah. So Twitter is getting a lot of flak. It's a really really weird little environments. Are you what
Don't asylum need to read the wash interposed or, for the most part there call coordinating harm to report. The news, let me put it this way. I understand my posts on Facebook was a bit angry and I was swearing and I said, shall fascism up your age. I dont think that could be taken as a literal threat to anybody, because fascism is an intangible concept. Can't be placed inside ones rectum so, but but if they want to argue with you, no thanks, I'm like that is off is off the rails and they ban before it. Ok, fine, I will concede. I was angry with that post I've made other posts and I and other people have made posts where it just says. This content is not available right, Niver travelling to the story, if my other posts get banned, that's the more alarming precedent. I will absolutely concede me cussing and say, and you know, met fine, maybe that's why they took it down totally accept it, but I have other posts that I put up recently. So far, nothing has happened. If they take these posts,
You know, I think, that's a step beyond. We were worried over the line. Ok, some other people have posted stories that I've seen it and the link to the story. Just as this content does not available. If it now my posts addressing the controversy addressing the censorship. That's when you know we ve gone one step beyond and that's when, You know what now I just say this we're entering twenty twenty. Ok, Political season is here, but damages quarantine for dubious reasons. There censoring publicly available, and russian. The biggest mistake the establishment ever made was allowing the peasants the ability to speak, and we have use that ability to challenge them and they are trying to shove that toothpaste back in the two. But but it's not gonna work. They are trying to find every reason to shut me down there d ranking my content. They are banning people outright with no strikes.
I think it's going to get substantially worse. I think we all know it going into the night several months in any way, not anti drop. You right now, I will admit their progressive, getting DE ranked as well again Patman France as it is in the same boat as me, his feet they make their common after em, so we'll see. I think in the end they realized I think I'll go to this website that I don't think it's it's Erle Grand conspiracy. I think you to realise their at great risk of commercial invariably by allowing this kind of content so Youtube's in panic. They ve been smeared an attack by political actors, so they banned as quickly as possible, and here we are, the censorship is coming, but you also have to recognise. There are people of these companies were biased because MOTO Report tells us Facebook employs were overturned biased so they sent.
Conservative content, the leaks from project their tasks, tell us the employees and the Google emails said they wanted to strip the certain abilities from bench a purer Prager and endured Pearson. We know it's true. We know that these people, just we know that ABC News, shut down one of the biggest stories probably of our generation. They shut it down and then an and guess what happened there. They obviously news when this information links to various contacts at different company and gets an innocent women fired claiming she had access to the footage, while James O Keefe, as confirmed she was not the liquor and then the liquor published a statement through various there is on panic mode between those hormones companies who are a moral and will do whatever they can to win, and that's where we're at I'll see you on the next segment on this channel at one p, dot M thanks for hanging out. Celebrity President Ronald Reagan,
Was there an actor present before Reagan? I don't know enough about history, so maybe I should, but now we're gonna get President Conway, because Conway seemingly in all seriousness. Who's running for president in twenty twenty four reason why people never come out and just say I'm going to be. Okay, you enter in a whole bunch of crazy laws about what you can't can't do, who you can't take money from. I dont know if it's a timeframe for these laws, but I will The reason why, when they're asking Joe Biden you gonna run is like well I'm thinking of all see I have an exploratory committee because if they want to go and raise money after you announce you can't as a limit right just happened. Celery content
instants. They say you gonna run you going around in IRAN and she says all I don't know. But before I tell you, let me go and do some high profile. Speeches to Goldman Sachs for two hundred to three thousand dollars or never on being a bit. It's a bit of but that it will accept like that happened. It's been a whilst I read the news, but that's the game, no, no, no, not running right! Now, I'm just doing the series of lectures for major corporations. Why Hang me a million dollars a pop and then that's your personal money. Doing some other stuff, I mean the Clinton Foundation taking money while she was in the statement, That's all areas, but, let's rate about president potential President Congo, West West, makes the announcement about running for president in twenty four hours. Just black Americans, not to just quote, vote the credit that only collar reports, colony West says that is definitely running for present to twenty four. While the same time, we know that the headline when I run for President twenty forward we're going to I finally you're what should happen it seriously
the interview he says when I run for President twenty five years, not laughing you sound like when you laugh and relapsing President Conway, you know a man, I think I've called do I gotta be honest. I think you know him out he's always been pretty questions. My understanding coming out and dedicating his career to what he believes in and speaking up and standing up from self and pushing back. I got respect that cause here's the thing he came at once and he was talking about it like early on when you got receiver politically, is talk about Candice Islands and Trump. All of a sudden I also want to be in his pocket and more I'm out, and it was probably because kind. You start again that the barometer of hate- and he was woe, but then something happened and Congo is like, you can't tell me what to do. I'm I'm over this and he broke through that wall. You pass me those lanes now, I'm not a religious person, but I think it takes gots in his industry to stand up for what he believes in and payments America. You can believe what you want that that's it really brave Kanye
where there are so many people who work in Hollywood that are fake and plastic and just pretend to be activists. They pretend to care about things and they don't so much time. I disagree with content. On such a lot of issues on Verlag Inference absolute spectres willingness to be genuine to resist the pressure. To fall in line and beyond these, these stock fake leftist celebrities now there Well, I know in Hollywood, who are liberal but still call out the establishment. I'm not saying it's about you, be a conservative somehow makes you opposed in principle, I'm saying canyon, well could have just played the game and said I am not going to say anything. I'm out leave me alone. I just want to be rich, no kind. Came up made a whole album dedicated to the gospel of like. Why do
putting his career on the line. For this, that's principle, I respect that. He says that what which laughing at the forty two year rap forty two year old, wrapper explained during his appearance at the fast company innovation festival in New York per Fox NEWS and apiece published right it when the audience laughed as at his presidential hopes tourists are wrapper, seem to ignore them and continued. When I run for president twenty twenty four, we would have created so many jobs that in fact, I'm going to walk. He said what I'm saying is when you read the headlines, Conyers Crazy this in this- in that this, in that it's like one in three, African Americans are in jail and all of the celebrities are in jail also because they can't say nothin. He added they ve got no opinion there. So scared robber Dennis exactly The only opinion these celebrities are allowed to have is the stock run of the mill opinion are managed in any that I'm not gonna play any stupid games. I want to talk about what I think guess what it just so happens that people these these these these journalists are confused as to who
I'm in what I believe, because I don't play tribal games You know I'm going to say it like. I see it and I do my best to try and you know view the world the lines of what I think is principled incorrect. That means doing the g7. That is golf course. I absolutely tweeted about that, called it out and said wrong move and when trunk came we're not gonna do there. I said good on you trop. That was the right thing to do and credit where credit is due, because one of my corporal the fees we it somewhat on the left. Or some on the right if they do bad and then they do good. I praise good, like alyssum alone. I think I think I've got my head and she came out and she pushed back on. I think some of the meeting and swore accused themselves, and you see someone that, unlike credit words, do you do the right thing right? You get a Yo Siena's with worn calling out big tech, pet credit words. Do I'm not gonna play this trial we're on like how dare the o now they want to call that non. Like hey man, do it call out big DEC? certain right ear. The more people are
on my side, the butter. That's something I think is really important for everybody. What you're? What you see here in Hollywood most of these people, I've met some celebrity when I was out no eight ice eleven. I lay and I've been there frequently, and I say this- I met a few I don't know this necessarily say like eighty or celebrities, not known like you know, Chris Pratt or Chris Evans, or you know Chris Pine named much criticism no, but I've met some like famous actors, not them. Famous, you know not Tom Cruise, but they will say privately that they, believe acts or why or their pro trump and then publicly. They pretend to play this game all. How dare Trump say these things and it's like dirt girl spine, but you know its secret as they know that it's like a cult. If they don't play the game, they lose their career. So kind of got two things go on form for one. He pair as a spine, but I will admit, ok, number two. It's a lot easier to step up and say what you want when you got
you money colonies not going anywhere. Congo is a superstar. You want to change. The name christian genius, billionaire whatever. I think it's funny com crazy, but he's right, you just crazy to me. You might think commune dumb. Ok, you might think this silly. Seventy president, but think about what's crazier, lie on your knees, terrified to say what you really think toeing the line for the establishment crossing your fingers that you can suckle on the team of Hollywood or standing up. Thing on your feet and saying no, I'm gonna tell you what's real, that's what I respect. They say the gold digger hit then referenced how much attention he got back into doesn't five when he claimed that George W Bush doesn't care about black people following the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, he has recently walked back those comments, West also explained during the same interview that black Americans should use their power and not just a vote Democrat page six own your power, the wrapper one on your powers, not to just vote Democrat for the rest of our lives. That's not power, I'm not going to
anybody who they showed a Shouldn vote for Congo as a member of the black community? Certainly he can. I was opinion, but I do think you know one thing of those I find that quite strange is how, with Lydia the black community is, but how they support. The Democrats. That's me is very strange because you have a lot of really disrespectful leftists, like an initial talks about when it comes to tribalism, you ve got people The left, who claim to support religious freedom when there pointing the finger at Islamic but then openly rag on Christians because they're metalogy isn't based on supporting religion. It's based on. If you're the underdog, you must be correct period. The victim is always right. The problem with as who is the victim at one point why? Why is it that you know you ve got a Christians in this country, they, Aren't you the victims and Muslims are but Muslims elsewhere in the world are ignore rights. The problem is their operating on tribal, vague nebulous terms it's like whatever the mass does like that, the mob the marble
We ve sweep determined that women and w oh, am acts and is the right word to use ok, but I could share tomorrow, principle are going to say this is why I do this. This is why I say this. This is what I believe so for me. I do believe I believe We can't allow discrimination against Muslims and we cannot discriminate against Christians. I don't care what your religion, as you have a right to practice your religion, but that's not that's. That's not what we hear you know when it comes to the left. The left is just it is that they claim to be for free speech only if they're talking let people on their side. The claimed for religion only if it's the smaller minority groups they perceive as oppressed, but who is oppressed. If you disagree with them all of a sudden, you ve internalized massage any even turn Eliza whiteness. They make up a ridiculous phrase. It means nothing to claim. You are actually in oppressor because you don't have principles. It is a tribal list. Cult, like group,
not all of the left Conway. You know for a long time coming, it was kind of a left wing do, but you got Dave Chapelle, not a conservative calling about you got comedians Lucy Gay Refugee raised there, not conservatives and they call this out and for all of bill are as false. He calls out that craziness too, so we gotta get rid of that stuff. We got it. We have to allow people to speak up, speak out, say what they think. Otherwise, men funding. Is these people left us like saying it sounds a boot liquor like that they, like licking the boot, a fascist like dude, you're telling the line for the cultural establishment, the universities, the media institutions, basically the only thing and government that does tell that line is of a select group of Republicans. The president now admit: drums got power problem. The Republicans have power which got all Democrats yet. Everyone in media you ve, got movies Hollywood sports. Everything marketing is lined up on your side and you're, just vomiting up exact same thing that everyone else as and you think you're not licking the boat mental telling.
What you're not meet means, not let the boat not looking too is when I say tromp was wrong to say he was the g7 at Doral. The Buddha saying a YO see is wrong about the green new deal, but good on her for calling a big text or violence not looking the boat is saying what you really think and you know what maybe I'm wrong sometimes but about what's going back to conduct a matter, I take away colonies thunder here. That's the point: that's what Conyers doing cognate was under the boot. These Hollywood celebrities lived under a boot where they were told you can't say that's your loser, correct with an invisible force that they knew, the crowd would turn on them and what happened? When can you finally put on that happens. At this point, I think they called him crazy. They said it was mentally ill embarrassment Kanye West West is like one of the most celebrated celebrities and all This is happening to him because he spoke up and he faltered. He was like. I want to be in this any more
and then finally said you know what I'm stepping too, that flame slackened disagree with them. While tell you what if you are on your knees with the boot pressing down on you, you strive to stand up and throw that boot off your head. You have my respect. Go. Do you think so What you think say what you believe, so we can actually figure out what's going on in the world. Instead, you have these people submit he's fringe identity. Leftist want it's not about oppression, because got a bunch of overwhelmingly white progressive telling you what to think what to feel telling people I kind of you to vote for and this one thinks Candice Owens talks about, and I mean I don't think, can someone just do you there. I think some of her opinions are backwards. She cheek she ran on burning the flag. Now sorry, freak for expression is for expression as far as I'm concerned so like
burning. The flag is a symbol of the freedom the flag represents. Personally, I don't like it, but I like the idea that someone else can give the middle finger to the president and burn a flag on like a man's America. Just do it safely. That's that's the bigger problem. With light burning, it's like you're, starting a fireman, there's, a thing. Candice owns brawler faults and other criticism says she doesn't want to be told who she supposed to vote for the latter own opinions so why is it over well, namely white progressive, who claim to be the ones fighting racism, accusing Candice of being a white supremacist, because there's no principles there, because they want you to submit going to do it. I got no problem being like icon yeah. I disagree. Let's go some music and figure out how we can work together, as Americans make a better life for everybody? Do I think Conny? It would make a good precedent No, I really really don't think you would. I dont think Trot could could president, but but here's the thing is: that's my point about not living under, but listen man. I think when it comes to President's
think we can do better than Trump, but I'll admit I will concede where tromp has done well right, so you ve got back daddy, that's historic man! That's credit! You ve got crossing the deal He also historic. The idea that that they're, gonna young there are trying to sky going on in history has this corrupt scandal laden president when O bomber had fast and furious since, when Obama had, and the aid authorised Asians indefinite attention provisions for profit, and you had you, even if you had a bunch of stuff under a bomb. Ok up dormant walking the scandals go on and on and on. Where was the media robots and historic moment and soda Trump and that's crazy to me, we got a great economy. Ok, he cross into that deems. It means a lot to me from my family and what that means going past. You don't like my past with my credence.
There's an and truck cancel the strike on IRAN and they say you buddy order it yet, but so what he did, the right thing given praiseworthy did the right thing right and junk you. There said: if you keep sight of worth, IRAN will be about a President Bush, hey man. I respect that. That's words called when you live on a boot live under a boot. It means that I can say yeah trumpets that one- and it says I can also say now- I still don't over like. I still am somewhat over the threshold, where I think he's the right choice for president. I think like listen. Men trump may have been better than Hilary any maven better. Every other publican and he met may have been better than any other democratic. That's your opinion, but doesn't mean it someone else out there. That's probably butter. Ok, I think that person is is
see or Yang, and although I dont completely agree with all of their policies, I think they're slightly better than Trump and now that's that's. That's policy wise right, because we ve got the deficit boom. We ve got troops being sent to Saudi Arabia. We ve got troubles post pictures, I serious not happening it's complicated trump deserves credibly. Does a right and other Paul and an immediate crisis on when, when it does, things are Go wrong but I'll tell you what men this this mentality, whatever it is, that drives cognitive, stand up and say what you left it I'm run for president! That's the metalogy that we need more of people who are strong, independent thought leaders who pushed back and say you can't tell me what to do I'll. Tell you what a lot of the problems that we are seeing in the culture or stem from people being scared to speak up. How many democrats are bending
backwards to the fringe fringe of the far left, because they refuse to say you think they're scared. They will get cancelled, ok, fine! Then you deserve Donald Trump men, listen transporters like tromp, you guys to serve tromp, because I thought you wanted that you voted for that one. The Democrats, to refuse to speak up and allow these lunatics to go on stage an advocate for healthcare for non citizens. You deserve tromp too, because you stand up and tell the crazy people stop. Ok, this country is predominantly reasonable people, but here's the thing Trump wins:
because there is there and there is an amount of people in this country who don't live under a boot who refuse live under a boot and when they were told to bend the need to be outraged mob. They spoke up and they got attacked for some people. I know who supported Bernie spoke up about the problems of Hilary, got attacked for it and said there get about that they wouldn't, but for Trump, because you deserve it. So here's the thing men at the very least I think- and this is probably true- must Europe. I get this part of. What gets Trump elected that defiant attitude of refusing to live under the boot? They want you to think they call your bootlegger yeah, no man, people wearing trumpets, can attack. They called crazy, they insulted and laughter right, I'm not saying they have the worst live in the world. I'm saying you can not wear that hat and libyan inland and not accept that risk, but there are people who put that had on cause. I like the present and a good text for the call all the worst names the book they get told they can't wear,
school and things like that? So if you really want to stand up for what you believe in you defy the powers around you, the cult mentality and those who try to stomp you down by doing what you feel is within the law. I don't know her new body speak your mind. Can you does that? So it's US threats, there's the point right. He says the powers when I talk to my lawyer, I put on my trench, coincide, we're moving these factories to America and that's how it's going to be and its lovely colonies, bringing this factory the. U S is gonna bring jobs back. This dude had had likes, are unaware guidance really fascinating, considering like I was saying earlier, you know, there's a lot of people. I think the wrong majority of like the political power in the black community is, is the church. That I was reading that in articles onto my opinion, for I'm not gonna, like I'm an expert, but can you know he It was in this interview and talk about what the Democrats are proposing. You know these things about how they should live their lives, how they should deal with pregnancy, be careful, but how a phrase these things- and I think he finally realised-
thing. You know whatever it is that he believes in he sees especially with religion, was not aligning with the Democrats and too many people think they just have to do it. So you know what I'm not going to say, we do have to ask you this. I take over for tall sea because you know she goes. View? She goes on fox. She really does try to go on all these channels and speak to everybody, and I think it's very obvious that tells you really does love this country, and there's something really similar about this. Certain aspect of tolls, the interests that are similar and probably the populism is probably the universe. The powers and the influence, the corruption that wants to make all this money and play these crony games. They accuse trump of that, but I just I just don't see it like it's fine. If you want to use from being cropped, I disagree. Ok, you can accuse toss you having a russian that's insane. I disagree troubles billion ere. He had the committee had a comfortable life. He could set an island for us was it you never do any of us, so I think trumps doing it, partly because Trump is so I'll. Let me end by saying this most
The more famous are narcissists, because these are the people feel we won, should hear what they have to say, or they know their better and they can solve these problems, and I think a big motivating factor for tromp is that. It's maybe narcissism is a bit too much, but it's it's it's there. It's it's over arrogance. It's like Trump knows and I made the Trump supporters say well- he's got a bunch of buildings, this name on it. Maybe he doesn't know right, exactly ran for presently one only does know something. Tromp is the kind of guy who thinks he's right he's right all time. He knows how to fix it and that's why he wants to be president. It's like this that this idea to me doing it for monies insane kind of like the Saying Tulsa Gabert is, is a russian asset know dude both of them are doing it because they have been divided intifada problem there. Sorry, but I tell I'll tell you one thing. You know who, in my opinion, by partisan here doesn't actually care. You got Linsey, Graham, you got Chuck Schumann. I suppose you much Mcconnell these people to me are the career. Politicians who are just like
when I say whatever have to say because think about what the Republicans we're saying before trunk unelected, they were rag anonymous in writing its elected, nor, like yes, whatever you say, Sir exactly ok. Now I do think we're getting more. Principled people come in or Publican Party, as well as the Democrats I'd. But you look at all these politicians. They are not driven by solving problems. They are driven by that they love the idea of having the keys to the castle. That's it. Wrap it up. There, we'll Conway get the keys to the castle and twenty twenty four I gotta say man, it's possible. Congo is very famous and he's speaking the conservatives now, so you don't Jane. You know one of the reasons I bet his album is doing so. Well, it's not just beak, because conduits caused us. And base, but what he did with Jesus King spoke to a lot of people who never heard miss before now. You're gonna get a bunch of conservatives, Christians for the most part. More like this,
as a super huge celebrity, whose preacher, who speaking the gospels, praise praising Jesus, I'm listen that he just what you know what business genius right! but of course, kinds always been religious, it's not like he's making it up. We really is doing it and now he's captured. It is man core fan, base and added new people. Hey that's unifying right, that'll, be you stick around next, I'm coming up at four p m youtube com slashed him cast. I will see you all. There is the press, the enemy of the People know that's extremely hyperbolic. The press is supposed to be the fourth estate. Protecting us from corruption Unfortunately, as we learned thanks to project our task in reality, in many of the Big NEWS, outlets will kill a story to protect the elites, and that goes for ruin. But let me tell you another bit of reality: people don't like journalists like I'm sorry, man, ok, depending on your neighborhood for sure, but I got some tweets pulled up from this woman named page
Also she was filming be role, this kind of its filler rights out the main segment. She was just getting some shots of this neighbourhood and she was attacked by some. Ok, yeah that are then hit her, and that is wrong and it should happen, and journalists face this stuff a lot. But I tell you this man. There are a lot of reasons why people do not like journalists and it's not just Donald Trump, not trot folks. On the fake news that they write, this misleading information and they play this political game, and I know it I've seen it yet they do it, but there's something else. Imagine you live in a crime ridden neighborhood actually less. Let's, let's do that, such as ignore the crime neighbour. Let's say your house is on fire literally, not completely engulfed what you are fighting to put those flames out. All of a sudden, a bunch of people run into your home while you're why you're splashing water and they start just circling around you taking pictures and filming you can really angry. What are you? People do Why are you foaming this? My house is on fire. Not everybody gets angry, some
or like a statue my way, but for a lot of people live in these communities. These people come to take photos of you and they don't care that you're struck and there's a mentality of shouldn't you be helping you're, not you're, coming to make a spectacle out of our pain. So no Donald Trump is not creating this problem. This problem has accessible long time and that's why they call journalists were one of the reasons they call them vultures they swoop in and pick it the carcass of your home of your family of your friends and they turn it into, show when the ABC New story leaked, and we saw robaxin. Oh man, I had the story you did. I heard I didn't a journalist sang the good of the people was was undermine. I had a journalist, saying that could have been me on the tv talking about my story. That's what it's about So maybe I'm wrong. I want impugn the honor of Euro back, but let's do this Are you the story from this woman about how she was attacked, and I want to talk about how you
people, don't like journalists, and why and how I will stress, nobody should ever attack anybody for any reason, but but I want it. Plain that? So let us read the story, so she starts at the time showing the video you can actually see a woman carbon smack or in the face? That's horrifying. You should not do that. Is that why you're neighbours we call the same place home and work towards same goals to make our community a better place, but I think she partly doesn't realized Maybe she lives in this neighborhood. I dont know what people take there there there small you know neighborhoods very seriously. She writes you're all she said, she started by saying that she's, a multimedia journalist she says I to view shoot right and at every part of my story and then run my own life shot at the end of the day, I usually is to embrace the challenge of working solo, but safety is an ongoing con conversation in the M M J World, usually we're alone at crime scenes and wherever else a story might bring us, I'm jays, our young women and sadly, all of this makes us vulnerable cue to the video.
She says this woman verbally and then physically attacked me for just doing my job. I tried it a few defuse the situation by deleting the clips she might have been an she was walking on a public street, but it was obvious she owes it was. Obviously she hated me for just being in the neighborhood. With a camera mind you, I wasn't funding and actual crime scene. I was just getting generic video of the street uses filler. What first started as hateful language toward me? and into a physical attack after I thought she had already left, I'm ok, thankfully, but I know the situation could have been worse also. I am thankful for my managers at W B tv who dropped everything to make sure I was ok and then let me lay low at work, as I was still in shock, has even happened. She says, I'm I'm not I'm not sure exactly the point of this post
other than your mind, other journalists to be careful and for those outside the best, your local journalists, aren't the enemy. Were your neighbours we I'll call the same place, Aman and and and we saw that saving from her already, but I say this is not about being enemies swimming vultures. That's that's the sad sad reality now now I will say for one: this is very different from Anti Fox. I Q, all the leftists being like what about when we say. Don't: thou must hold on hold your horses, yet anti fight you they journalist, we get it they'll attack, you yeah, you should same as this woman who attack this journalist, she hates you shouldn't deck you period, but let me let me tell you something. First, I can empathize with with this woman being angry. I cannot with her attacking somebody you wanna insult somebody find one physically attacked them no way anti far.
Is engaging in public protest in a news worthy event, and they are the actors who are newsworthy. Who are going out. You have no right to stop a journalist from documenting your actions. There's a big difference between protesters, designing neighbourhood and getting great journalists, foaming them because of breaking the law and you go into some. Now this neighbourhood and the locals telling you enough now, sometimes that community let but understand. But yours thing: I understand how a lot of these people feel when you look at say Ferguson. You know these people were angry and then all of a sudden, when he's Ferguson Riots erupted, you had journalists showing up to network. I could you not we're journalists there not filming anything there. Just like I'm here, networking, yes
journalists here it's great meeting opportunity dealt, their Sienna would go talk to them and to my business card it was business. These people want the clicks, they want the views they want the fame they want. The story they don't care about your community and the locals know that they know that when there you know neighbours, kid is gunned down and senseless violence, but the vultures who shop take pictures just want that sensational view. Given other example, there's a famous photo of that their there's a photo of a young woman who lost your life
but that's not what famous, what's famous as a different photo from a different angle, where you can see the swarm of journalists surrounding this, this body taking pictures and the contrast between what life really looked like and the photo they took was dramatically different and it's why they don't like journalists and the journalists monoplane trump. They say trumps, pushing this rhetoric. That's getting us hurt anyone trouble, no, not true trump rags on you, guys and yeah people boo and even the middle finger, but please what that that the struggle and the violence faced by journalist has more to do with the fact that people are not members of the community and they're coming into fell. Me stop right. There. I've done this, I've parachuted in foreign countries. I do not believe even if you're angry that we're there, you have a right to attack us. I can stand. Why you're angry, in my opinion, I'll do my best to mitigate that. You know I'm not gonna, try and get in your face. I dont film people not their permission. I try to make sure I'm really I'm respectful, especially
weather in Chicago but too many journalists play like a game that you're you're you're you're, no different than a cog in the machine for someone working at a factory you're just another prop for them too. To use to get those. Ass, to frame, to tell a story or a narrative that will sell Fox news. Did this thing once where they filmed the back end of a protest and then that's all they showed, and yet a wonder why they would do that mom. I can accuse unbiased, say this. It made in May the protest, look very, very small, and so with the narrative they're getting across that. No one really cares about duff- it was interesting. They chose to film the back end with stragglers. Instead of the mass in the front, it's another reason why people dont, like journals, arrive, I'd really funny.
Whole blaming of tromp. For all of this is how back and twenty eleven all these activists on the left didn't care for the press to the point where they created their own media. It was, it was an authority ass, though the occupied Wall Street Journal, instance they made their own newspaper. I was. I was at a given special credit for my work. Doing live streaming because we went around the mainstream media now for some real Many of these activists on the left defend the media, and even stranger still with the intelligence agencies that don't my trump so let limit. Let me give you an honourable mention this is I. This is just weird: Glenn Greenwell, attacked by brazilian columnist on AIR Glenn. Greenwell is a journalist and he's not the kind of guy who goes on the ground. Like this woman does so the anger he faces is more in line with a political light when people say Donald Trump, as is rightly this anger, I dont think we ve actually
in people like a cost or anybody else actually get hurt, but the local journalists actually face serious risks and people, like Andy know, have been hurt. So here's the ears, the point, what I wanted to highlight this cause. Lend rainwater gets up and give them a guy's facing its like a swing at him and that's odd gutsy sentenced, don't do this, don't let it get to this point right. We know that this woman got attacked. We know that journalists go tat. We know ending Ozma attacked by anti far, but this sit down review and eradication is where we gotta be really really careful. Now that there are their speaking Portuguese, I dont know the context for the most part, but this do did start the fight with Glenn. We gotta make sure that doesn't happen here. They want. They want to blame trump for everything they want. A claim. Trump is rising up. All this fear mongering of the press. What's really happening, journalists on the ground covering anti farming attacked, local journalists are being attacked. It's not coming from trumpet supporters. That's why it's very important everybody say like you know when it comes to these, be this kind of reporting of politics. It cannot cross
that long, not not because of tromp, because it it shouldn't cross, allowed Antiphon the first place, but this is where its look- man, political journalism, people sitting in chairs talking about it, that's a step too far, but let me give you the main point of this video, but I do want to make sure that this short journalists have been attacked for her it it'll happen today. It happened yesterday will happen tomorrow and you know, was attacked. Do come out and say: oh no, anti thought. No, they don't. They say Trump trumps, doing it, but its Anti five, whose actually harming the journalists and its local people getting into fighter journalists. It's not trumpet supporters, but for some reason- and this it's crazy to me- you'd think the journalists would rally around other journalists being attacked and now for the paradox. This story about this woman being attacked and this clip,
it's getting a lot of play, because journalists are supporting her, but there was not a unanimous. There was not unanimous support of Andy know when he was attacked. In fact, people smeared him and claimed he was provoking it that to me was insane you can see other partisan nature of of journalism today is changing things. So anyway, long story short journalist can attack men. People do not want you in their neighborhoods, it's a fact and its existed well before Trump ever said. Anything and anti fuss actively attack people, so the media, for some reason is running cover for those who would attack their own. Don't ask me why, but it happens, I leave it there. I got a couple more segments coming, in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly: a target shop is generating outrage because the anti theft stickers are only appearing on darker shape, of makeup. Naturally we saw the social justice crowd, outrage, sang water, you trying to imply about people of color
the reality is it's actually much simpler than that one person commented the reason the adhesive stickers appear on only these spa specific colors of make up shades is because a computer program likely assigned the highest risk items and said this is where the stickers go. Other people who are still at the makeup stolen. The most is the darker collared make up now. This presents a huge problem for the social justice activists. There was no individual who is racist. It was a computer. Calculating numbers, What do you say to that? I do have some responses to the racist, so I think are awful people, but the narrative that they try to come up with innocent makes sense. That an individual, the stores raises? The computers are racist. Sorry, a computer is not racist. The programme or maybe less read the story and look at the outrage. Talk about the real reason why this happen, and I mentioned
another story we're not, and it was very, very similar outrage Bobby. Realize is its where the major determined, what gets locked up. There's no individual saying we're locked us up. No it's the computer saying here is our our shrinkage risk you know, put puts it put. These mines are carried by three I'm sick of the subliminal, shade angry target or say anti theft. Stickers are only being placed on darker shades of make up, they say target is under fire. After a picture with shared widely and social media, showing only the darkest shades of ELF cosmetics foundations marked with anti theft stickers a twitter user, shared the sins deleted post earlier this week in a tweet aimed at the retail giant that guard more than sixteen thousand retreats.
Photoshop rows of foundations ranging several skin towns, but four of the darker tones were covered in stickers. Reading this item is electronically protected. I know you can see but what I will I will stress at least one of them is not that dark, and at least one of them that isn't marked is a little dark. I think they're reaching for the most part. But yes it Is three darker shades of make up that are arson are secured by this electronic system, quote any reason you only put these anti theft devices on the darkest jades the user wrote while tagging to our targets, what out these are told daily. Doubtless they did not take the vote of themselves but saw it on Facebook and reposted it. It is unclear where the target storing question is located, since it reached twitter. The photo has sparked a ray of reactions with outrage, taking the lead among users, one user, on Thursday, are they implying door Skin shades are the only ones being stolen. I don't think they're implying anything
an automatic system, and it's a fact that the dark skinned shades are the only ones being stolen. But there is a lot to break down. The racist jump. Oliver, this one will get to it. One woman pulled Walmart, one woman pulled Walmart. I was at mean said she saw something similar on black hair products right now, starting with this, I'm about sick of target in Walmart, subliminal shade I peeped the anti theft devices on only black hair products as well. Let me just say something: first, it's one location, it's entirely possible, The only reason they put electronic protection on darker shades is because the target black and latino community and white people go into the store at all. You see the problem here they first the assumption of racist, then you're going Racist making this option that hot it proves that only
this minority is committing crimes Navajo technically, but no, the races, listen! First, we don't know is targeted and there's no photo of the woman if you're in a neighbourhood. With white people yeah, of course, nobody's gonna? Take the white make up. That's that's the problem. The problem I have is that when it comes to any argument with all with the far left in the far right, they immediately assume racism. The left will say you're being racist by doing this. Now, it's really so or maybe it's a target and a black neighbourhood, and It's not an issue of their them being stolen. It's an issue of those are the ones that people like other ones are never touched. If that simple right or it's another thing, a computer program determined these are the ones being stolen most often and there's a lot of reasons why they could be. You. Don't know what people are these things for, so you make an assumption. Just on photograph, IRAN you'll get the fringe elements of the I entered general racists saying I programme the approach: nothing, but that but people want to see We will see what they want to see the right. Will
This photo and say why that proves it or, I should say the right or the left. I should say the fringe elements to be to be fair, because I'll tell you what a lot of regular leftists are probably going to not even notice this or say anything. It's the craziest identity area- and you know anti racist woke announced that freaks out over this and that the old ultra traditionalist racist types who look at this and see something that really doesn't matter you and I see, I see for some reason or another. They experience shrinkage on these particular products and a computer program has assigned to them to be tracked. We can get into the greedy of actual social justice and say that You know minority communities tend to be more impoverish due to a lack of access to historical wealth and marginalization, and things like that which creates a backwards trend producing more poverty in one area which
alt and more crime, or I can just say simply it might just be a target and a black neighbourhood right. Is that so crazy guess what why people still stuff to ok, I'm not gonna get us it s about which re steals the most. The point is, if you're in, if you're, in a neighborhood, where the people only eat, you know chocolate ice cream, don't be surprised if the chocolate ice cream is the one locked up, because that's the only one people want but everybody seas. We want to see now that I've said that lets Reed and see whether peoples at one user, question the stores, leadership and regard such an alleged oversight. They wrote what the f I actually rarely see anti theft stickers on make up at all. Let alone slapped on like that. That does not look like an actual decision made by leaders I mean. Do you oughta, be honest? You can peel those things off right, don't break the law too. Women who are poorly worked at American Eagle, pointed out the teenage girls tended to steal the most items in their experience and here's one Ella. Well, I worked
eighty two and I was always the white girls who stole our stuff. Ok, like I just said, american Eagle is not known for like it's, not a powerful brand and ethnic unity's. It is your typical mall It's not like the most listen American It was not associated with urban culture, two thousand with suburb in culture. So are you surprised that white girls were that were most likely to be stealing from restore? They were probably the most likely to go to your store in the first place, citizen, a thing man, in all things. Political people make assumptions based on their confirmation by sunset of stopping in thinking about all of the factors. Let's be real. Is it possible that an element of why these are being stolen, has to do with race possible. But I don't think it's a simple answer: is it possible that it has to do with these? Are products catering to a specific demographic in an area where that Denmark, demographic, as is predominant? Yes,
seems like the bigger, like the bigger reason, only says something. If you show but American. If you're gonna make an eagle and you're only seeing white girl, stealing and then you see the stickers on the on the darker skin tone items. To me like the issue is the demographic of your area. So are there are a lot of white women unless you know I'm in this area who are coming in four make up if the answer is no than its most likely that what's bought an stolen will, dominantly, be these parts, and let me just tell you something: did you notice this photo that one of the sections is so Youtube actually got four four for three, but one of the items with a stick: IRAN. It only has to
it means it seems. The demand is a little bit higher. Not I could I could push back and say next to it, you got foundation with only one of each, but in terms of this specific brand, it looks like the mermaid. There might be more demand for this, but every legacy men- everybody wants, take everything they can and turn it into some cause for their ideology, and I sit here and I try breakdown full stop. What could cause this and why? What's the simple solution and the simple solution is different: neighborhoods different demographics, different likelihood of purchasing and theft, this person on up Is it all right, I've, a serious question here and all like a decision to place after turned devices on items is not made by a human but is generated by an inventory management software system. That is as it was, that we so they put anteater devices on items that Dolan the most, so those jades other ones getting stolen. The other issue is that that they believe that the store is trying to imply something by doing it as if it is a racist
you're laughing. Being like a multiplicity of everyone's on these. For no reason, let's say they actually did manually choose to do that. You have probably looking at lessons, and these are the ones that are getting solemn. Let's put the two thousand and five, and this may be well made it's actually because that's the shades that are being stolen. They put anti theft devices on item second stolen. That's what getting stone in an entirely different reaction of the viral photo other users joke about else. Cheap prices and house dealing. It was basically free. Some elf products are sold for as low as a dollar. It's only elf make up its basically free a woman Who is really out here, stealing elf cosmetics, negative rose, shaded, the make up company come on people, you know Jimmy camels, this year's ago, and it's a shame how far down the wet like how far these fallen, but he said being raged online is for no reason is like a apparently the biggest hobby for people right now, and this is what we get there outraged about the photo their outraged about the outrage, their outrage about
the cosmetics themselves, and then here. I am outraged that people don't understand why it happens. It's just constant outrage clean. I want men, I will say this. Social justice outrage is often skinny. They dont think about what causes problems, so they can't solve it homelessness, for example, is not caused by someone having no money. You know anything about something really real Elsie mustn't, funny ones, because I saw I saw a guy. I came about but someone was, was fund raising for feeding the homeless and responding to make as I've been homeless. I've been hungry, but so it same time and so our saga to someone and they were like their trauma there. There's indonesian help feed the homeless, and, I said the homeless, our hungry, the homeless need homes and their alike Oh, but you know people who outside, like you know we do a soup kitchen and, unlike why you gonna sooner homeless person is hungry there and they're. Not you calm, fruitless people. Right. So here's that years. The issue like I've one hour,
a directorate and on profit doing for fundraiser for the stuff, and they seem to think people who don't work in these industries. Can't tell you why the problem is happening because as too much they don't know and they No, what they don't know so, there's you personally mess. I say: if only that person had house know dude that person might want to be homeless. I could you not they do they choose it? That person might be unable to work due to mental illness. You can't just do that. It does not solve the problem act. Some problems can be solved, but I thought this is a really good example of of how the social justice outrage is incorrect. They see this and they assumed it was a racist There are a million, and one reasons why could have happened and racism is not at the top of the list. Oliver there you get that
I'll see you all. I think I have one more Simon coming up in a few minutes and I will see you there and a new pole posted by political majority expect Trump to win and twenty twenty. I agree with that and you know why we just saw Democrats sweep in Virginia take the governorship in Kentucky. They took the house in twenty attain. It seems like the Democrats are doing really really well and based on that data. Wouldn't it stand. We will send a reason than a trumpet, gonna lose and twenty twenty. Now all of that data proves Trump will win in twenty. Two ok approves but lead It's off to the idea trouble when they may be saying to him. How does it make sense if the Democrats are winning all of these things? How could possibly be good news for Trump? It's simple see the
creates who want in Virginia and the Democrats who want twenty team were mostly moderates. Yes, those who were slightly to the left of centre not far left and look at the twenty twenty field. Who do we have well maybe Biden, but I really don't think buttons gonna make it to the primary, because the activists are those who are going to choose. Who will be the nominee in that case? Take a look at. Economists, numbers thou Showest Paul the time or this this this ought to study and they show that out of, I think seventy nine primaries out of some semi nine races, yet primaries I think it was only seven or eight over again that centrists are winning and it makes sense man, here's my told people Democrats
you wanna, went and twenty twenty. You need someone who talks about the problems that Donald Trump is talking about, but without being press about it. This here's the thing I get that some trump supporters like trouble like tromp for talking this way most people. Even look I tell the story. I was gonna, Glenn, Buckshot right the words. I had said he voted for trompe likes the present, but he just wishes. He wasn't like you know. What's the right word for true for how Trump talks trumpets brash, orange, and he got it just says whatever he wants and it's off putting people so take to tell you what you take someone like tromp advocating for these similar problems, border security. You know free trade agreements, bringing back manufacturing and you get rid of that character and replace it with someone was actually spying on announcing travel times by trumps, got a big spine, its we're like Trump
Tromp was put under the Democrats Trump, certainly spine too much so to where he talks in a way of kind of offering a lot of people have a Democrat really wanted to when they find a candidate. Who was talking about the same problems that Trump brings up, but not so bombastic less so in the end up, here's to get the way trump this was better than Clinton and the way Trump is now is still better than anything. The Democrats have to offer- and that's just pick it up. So so look at you, you get majority, expect trumped when twenty here we go. Centrist Democrats seize on state election whence to rail against Warren's agenda, yes, please is he here I am a more moderate left, leaning, individual and I'm looking at Trump and have explained it over and over again Donald Trump and our publicans for the most part, are closer to the centre than the left. As we know it, we ve seen the data. The economist shows it than did the New York Times shows it, and so what you think,
gonna happen for regular Democrats or looking at Trump? Unlike man, you know like I can I can. I can we with a lot of what he's talking about, but I dont like his character. I disagree on his more conservative approaches to say life and tax evasion, the deficit, etc. They look to their left and there like we're we're gonna consumer so far, left there all the way down. About Karen non citizens. Is why trump whence the centrists, when in these states, because people want a more moderate policy and I'll, tell you what men, whether we want to admit it or not? There are a lot of people who don't like Trump for his character, so I say: characters important character inspires people. People vote based on their feelings right, so you might think that Trump is doing the right thing. Policy wisely economies great are given that but recognise. If you close trump and credit, you know personality who didn't have like who wasn't, as you know, putting his name in the lights and talk about how is the best in the greatest you probably find
Someone has massive bipartisan support, except for the far left that I know that I can turn those people are not and that's the problem, the centrists, no and the centrists. When the Democrats who are winning are the people warlike, I'm not going to play the partisan game. I want to get things done. The people who are saying, let's give all your healthcare benefits than on citizens, those people don't win a Yossi and an end in the squad? Members for people out of how many people ran a twenty team there? What seminar primaries for prominent members of a squad relocated to store from hill? There's a group of Senate Democrats are arguing that big winds in Kentucky Virginia and Pennsylvania this week show by the party needs to nominate a moderate instead of a progressive candidate such as Elizabeth, worn and let's be real. Human lives with Warren is plastic,
I think she is Hillary Clinton who panel Bernie Sanders mask to convince all of the progressive that she's the right person, but given the opportunity she will go full swing, establishment, that's what she is all about. These Democrats note this week's victories and suburban areas that have traditionally voted Republican, we're scored by moderate candidates who ran as practical problem solvers and not as bold, bigger a progressive in the bald of war nor Sanders. Guess what we don't. Somebody running that were running running in it and in that way, for twenty twenty. So I tell you what men workers are trying to use negative partisanship to get trump out their hoping that people vote against Trump and not for the democratic right. But you know what man I'm not convinced right. I've seen some stuff makes me think. Maybe you know maybe trunk and loose, and I've said a man you, if you're transport- and you underestimate the Democrats and their plan their play with impeachment. You be, sadly mistaken yoke dumping the same mistake Hilary Benn, but also
What don't be surprised when these suburban voters but grudgingly support trump, because there is a thing CNN, went to a historically democratic district and and guess what no surprise locally. All voting Democrat nationally Donald Trump, that's crazy right. How but republican one simple: it's not crazy. Some people, like I, don't understand how we could vote for tromp and involve Democrats. It's simple, the Democrats they vote for our regular Democrats. There are people who think the woke asked you w nonsense is crazy. They are people who recognise a trumpet saying about border security and immigration and healthcare, and that's when you vote for and if you gave them a moderate Democrat option but picket, but when you get in the far left adopt so here's the thing at the local level their way, more races, which means more opportunities for moderates to emerge from the other thing is in Kentucky and Virginia follow for never win because there
traditionally republican as it is so some people, it seems, are upset with the Weather Republican Party is going. This could be the bad news for Trump, so moderate Democrats were able. Comment now. I will say this under Obama, it seems, like there's a wave of people who are war amp up in opposition negative partisanship to the current president, whether or not Democrats can get enough of that to win stands to must what we wished to wait to see right twenty countries that were not for some reason, but I think basin analytics. The Democrats are our plan by ridiculous longshot, let's relatively more, this aim, Democrats need to pick up three GNP held seats and control of the White House to win back the majority they lost in twenty fourteen Republicans, currently hold fifty three Senate seats to democratic forty, seven
the key states that are targeting and twenty twenty Arizona, Colorado, Georgia Iowa Main North Carolina more closely resembled a battleground areas of Kentucky Virginia and Pennsylvania that swung democratic on Tuesday, then liberal, hotbeds of California Massachusetts New York, which together have accounted for forty eight percent, warns fundraising as another big issue to people like EO see she's raising money from these places. The far left in hyper, centralized wealthy areas are our are being funded. Far far left in California in New York in Dallas implies like that, our funding, other farmers can it's in districts. They don't live. So that's an anomaly when it comes to those local races. Were you not only have a few hundred to a few thousand votes? The moderates are take their taken? It Senator Mark Warner whose for reelection next year, so the candidates who one ran up more moderate shoes and emphasised a Virginia centric platform.
Was not aware of any winners touting universal have health coverage, for example at so that's a warning to the Democrats. Men, not only are they advocating for universal health care they're straight up, advocating for healthcare for non citizens. Tell me how that wins. I'm scared man, I gotta admit I could, because that really really when nor can be wrong uncritical toasty and a lot of things you proposed. I just I just view Tulsa someone who is willing to compromise and that's important. I think I'm more likely to align with her on a lot of issues. I've always been on. The left have always been. You know, more democratic voter, even though I think about it for rural bomber as the gist of at one time. So I look at Sosius. Somebody was willing to sit down with conservatives and had a conversation and willing to do. Similarly toward Obama did not single. Burma was perfect, but he was your bomber gave up on his hopes for universal health care. Has he campaigned on it? He went on it. Couldn't
and that's what I wanna make sure happens on along one of these crazy people to get in and say I don't care what you think, I'm not your president. I do what I want now we'd a present was gonna, say here's what I want to accomplish, but I recognise I can't travel over the rights of others without a compromise. That's to me with sounds good. So, interestingly, the last or in New Jersey of all places bucked that the democratic trend, they say that Democrats, one in Kentucky, took full control of Regina, but an unlikely state, New Jersey, bucked those positive trends for the party under the leadership of democratic governor Filmer feed and unabashed liberal, who canvas the state and appeared, and two million dollars worth of ads. They say: promoting gender New Jersey Democrats lost at least three legislative seats, despite massively outspending Republicans that to me
shocking New Jersey is deep, blue. They out spent Republicans. They still lost. Keep that in mind. That means, but all the Democrats are cheering about their victories, ignoring the fact was moderates who one meanwhile, here in Jersey, Republicans actually one. So you better pay attention. Man everybody's going to highlight information that makes their side sound good and you just don't know so. In the end, the point is once again we can see the data centralism, wins, yeah, sorry, enlightened, centrist, hear it The compromise worked over the biggest base by saying I'm here for you. Even if we disagree, we can have a conversation. Even if we disagree, I will respect you, that's what we needed to win, but the Democrats or twenty twenty ass, not with their given us there. They ve thereafter up their off the rails.
Transcript generated on 2019-11-22.