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Republican Senator Hawley CONFIRMS Electoral Vote Objection, Biden's Election WILL be Contested


Republican Senator Hawley CONFIRMS Electoral Vote Objection, Biden's Election WILL be Contested. With a Senator finally signing on to object we can expect to see a debate in the joint session of congress on January 6th.While it may make for good signaling it is likely to fail as even mitch McConnell has called on Republicans not to object.Trump would need a majority of both houses in order to change the outcome of the election at this point and with Democrat and Republican leadership rejecting the notion of contesting the election Trump will not likely get a majority in either chamber.However, on the ground will be Trump's most ardent supporters flooding DC and demanding the results be overturned. #Democrats#Trump#Republicans

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Republican Senator Josh Holly has announced he will be objecting to. The electoral college vote count on January, six in Washington DC, giving us pretty close to clear confirmation that there will be a contested result, an objection in the joint session of Congress, and it likely will not lead to anything in order for there to be a change, both chambers would have to agree now. There's also a lawsuit filed against other Republicans against MIKE pants, arguing that he has the right to choose which envelopes to open an account and because republican electoral candidates did cast procedural votes. He can choose to count them instead. Now Holly is saying that there are irregularities in certain states and they should be what will they should be discussed and debated. As for this lawsuit
arguing that the state legislatures are the ones who have ultimately chosen this new slight and pence should actually count them, while the problem with that might pence lawsuit part, is that the all alternate electors, they claim are coming and are not certified by anybody. Certainly there have been many state I chose who have said these are the official electors, but it's not been through a legislative session. There has not been a majority of the state's legislature voting for these these electors and thus MIKE Pence, probably probably will do nothing. More importantly, however, it appears that might pants has actually rejected the calls from Republicans to actually stand up and count votes for Donald Trump. My friends based on what we are seeing with trumps latest actions pertaining to say the omnibus bill, based on what, worse
being now, with my pet saying no to this lawsuit, even with the objection of Senator Holly, I do not expect anything to change in the electoral college. Now it's really funny. I say that, and I know the article on the rising Will Tipp makes bad. Predictions therefore, is probably due to be wrong and what happens when I'm right, the left will clearly ignore it, as well as I've been saying the entire time. I dont see trumps legal challenges, working as they progressed to be honest and I said that I believe, no nine point nine percent. It is going to be a bite and presidency. Now. Ok, ok, maybe something happens and Comma Harris becomes president that something many people have said. But I don't see this progressing at all. In fact, many other planet of Josh. Holly is certainly going to stand up for the million
the voters who demand there being objection but its fruitless. It's an easy thing to do: not the easiest, because he certainly getting attacked all is getting ripped apart by many left us and media for doing this. In fact, in what may be one of the weirdest bits of criticism, Walmart official, twitter account tweeted at Holly, calling him a sore loser. Yeah Kay some social media in turn forgot to switch their accounts, but that actually happened. I mean that that the political tensions are real, so will it go down in the joint Congress, this big battle to change the result, probably not bore, but on the streets you see. There's there's fears that there's going to be widespread violence on January sex in Washington DC and now to different venues, have shut down saying they will not be opened on these days. Many people are even a former Trump Administration official says they fear there'll be violence.
compass call for people to shop, it's gonna be wild, they say, and you know what probably will it probably will get wild but we'll see we'll see if it's hard to tell for sure. Maybe it's just going to be a peaceful rally in occupation or maybe when Josh Hawley goes in there and then gives objection and a debate. The debate comes back at Joe Biden's going to win people. Snap for more importantly, what happens if John on January Fifth, the results come in Democrats have one in Georgia and will now have control of all branches of government assuming they packed the Supreme Court and Trump supporters are geared up to go in DC. I mean they're gonna, get really angry, it's hard to believe that tromp supporters would actually, engage in this kind of behaviour. I mean, if you read nothing but the mainstream media, probably that transporters don't want do this I think, they're gonna rally wave little american flags and, to be honest, I think, though, mostly be the end of it. But who knows, what's the story and see why Josh Holly is objecting
before we get started had over the TIM cast outcomes lashed donate. If you'd like to support my work, there many ways and give gotta p o box. If you want to send me some stop at the best you can do is share. This video helps grow the channel and you know, maybe gives and a different perspective, the mainstream media, certainly not a staunchly conservative or liberal perspective, but I try to be rational and reasonable. So if you think I do a good job sharing, this video is the best way to help don't forget to like subscribe hit that notification. Well, let's read the story from NPR Geo peace. Senator Holly will object to electoral college certification. They say Holly said Wednesday. He plans to abject during the electoral college provocation process, when Congress convenes next week, a move that ensures a delay in the final step to Mark President Elect Joe Biden election victory.
I gotta get to stop you're just point out the the absurdity of how the media in this country works. They say that he is going to object to the certification process, but then they call Joe Biden President Elect then what is he objecting to if you're already calling him President elect you see, as most of you probably know, calling Joe Biden President Elect is more of a media tradition. It's not real he's, not legally the President Elect. We just got say it, because we expect him to win, because I mean every bit of the process has moved through and now we're just basic gonna rubber stamp. That electoral college vote count as a possibility that I'll put it this way. Let's say you know twenty democrat members of the house are all sick and they can't come in. They can vote
okay? Well then, I guess maybe Trump could win when they all love jacked and then make Trump the winner, but come on even Mitch. Mcconnell's trying to stop this, you don't even have most Republicans. They got one Republican so far to commit to objection. I think it's going to be like ninety five votes for Biden, rejecting the objections. It's not going to happen you don't say between from Josh Holly. He says millions of voters concern about the election. Integrity deserve to be heard. I will abstain done January, sixth, on their behalf in the tweet, you released a statement saying following the following: both the two thousand and four and two thousand and sixteen election Democrats in Congress subject: during the certification of electoral votes in order to reach his concerns about election integrity. They were praised by democratic leadership. and the media when they did, and they were entitled to do so. But now
those of us concerned about the integrity of this election are entitled to do the same quote. I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January six without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws, and I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of mega corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to Your fear in this election in support of Joe Biden at the very least Congress, should investigate allegations of vote, a voter fraud and adopt measures to secure the integrity of our elections, but Congress has so far failed to act. For these reasons, I will follow the same practice. Democrat members of Congress have, in years past in and abject during this ratification process. On genuinely six to raise these critical issues and pr goes on to say. Polly is the first senator to announce publicly. He will object to the results that significant, because the rules dictate that foreign objectionable
considered a member from the House and Senate must lodge an objection in writing. Rep Mo Brooks of Alabama has already said he will object. The result as well send a majority leader Mitch. Mcconnell had reportedly urge Republicans not to abject during a wait session, as it puts GNP lawmakers in the uncomfortable position of supporting an objection that will likely fail and forces them to go on the record as to whether or not they concur with allegations of election fraud. Holly's announcement paints, a clearer picture of what the session on January six will look, like Biden will they'll be certified as the elections winter, but it's now certain, there will be a debate and vote in both chambers. Here's the possible look like both the house
Retired to their own chambers and speak in favour or against the objection. According to congressional research service, that period should not take longer than two hours each chamber than votes with a simple majority needed to uphold the objection. Both the Senate and the House must agree to the objection fort to succeed, a requirement that makes any ultimate success on the objection unlikely give the Democrats majority in the house. This all stems from trumps. Baseless claims about elect in fraud as it became clear, voters, won't grant him a second term. Various lawsuits found on behalf of his campaign and his allies in the states do not win, were thrown out in court. Trumps attorney general. The time of election bill bar at the Justice Department found no evidence of widespread fraud in this election now to clarify Bill BAR said, of course, there's fraud there's always fraud, but they had not seen fraud on a scale that would have changed the outcome of the election. I have personally corroborated some of this potential.
potentially illegal ballots. I want to be very precise, my language again, what I saw was not evidence enough that the election results were changed because of it but it's enough for me to say why are we getting a hard inquiry, an investigation I'll, tell you what really amazing to me in all of this. We are talking about who gets to be the president. I think it should be fine to spend a month or two doing hard audits and investigations, but it's really simple. My friends, we do not live in a fair world. In that's obvious to most people. Anybody was an adult, I would say, and everything is propaganda, manipulation and influence lies and smears come out. If you are not a part of the establishment elites, news organisations will push around fake news and lies, and that's the name of the game. It's not really about who got the most votes that really about whether there was fraud and I don't care if its trump or anyone else sang otherwise trumps concern is winning. I believe that if Trump one
Joe Biden would be saying the exact same things and I've said the inverse Hillary Clinton told Joe Biden. Not seed under any circumstances and Trump thought it was a good idea now. They're outrage that Trump is doing, certainly what they would have done. In fact, there were many people screaming at the electoral college back and twenty sixteen about how they shouldn't be voting for Trump. We are now getting the inverse, but I think the potent thing to point out, as we do have evidence of fraud, it has been shown, it has been their circumstantial evidence. There is data and there is legitimate, hard evidence now. Why is it that before we say anything, any of it is proof we sent is evident. Signs are indication, something they have occurred. That's fine! The left, Emulous has no ignored, it didn't happen, you're crazy, the rights as it did. You see the problem. The left will never concede so long as they control instructions of power. They will use that power to prevent.
Any transparency into their side. I certainly think that same would be true. For Republicans, the Republican Party is crony established minutely, trash as well Trump wants to win trump. Will fight with every ounce of his being to win now I'll tell you one thing start getting: spicy and scary. There is apparently news that a new probe or an ongoing criminal, probably trumpet ramping up once again. If tromp has nothing left to lose and there's a real risk, he'll go to prison. Why wouldn't trump take some kind of dramatic action I think keep actually might, but it's in it. It's it rests upon whether or not supporters would actually come out for him now, as for whether MIKE pants and Trop will actually take any actions or more specifically, my pants, I just don't see it political reports,
Pence declined to back Gomer, led effort to up and elections. Lawyers indicate rat. Louis Gomer is pressing to throw out long established procedures, so the president will win another term. I'm sorry at this point with with Goma and other Republicans challenging the constitutionality of an eighteen. Eighty seven law is a law that has been in place for since no eighty, seven now it's being shown, Clearly, the goal here is Trump must win by any means necessary, and I don't fall to anybody for doing whenever they. And to win. The challenge arises when the system breaks down, when you can't trust one side, the other or you just know everyone's fighting as hard as possible for power. And then what happens? If you choose? Who you trust? What information do you believe? I mean
this I'm reading, politico and NPR, and we just choose to accept that as fact right now, Walter you I've looked into, I do basic fact checking and I avoid stories and I think they're buck but political is not a good source. Why bother using them and the best source find the original report? I guess, but political bull simultaneously reported that Ukrainian did interfere in the election and twenty sixteen, how pillory and then later a different reporter politico reported that it didn't happen and guess what? Whichever one you pick you will get criticized for now. The real problem is the institutions and the establishment can, told by the establishment left and they have allies in the progressive laughed too kind just go along with what they say: fake, progressive pundits who do everything they can to claim to be progressive, but actually just support machine. The establishment, leans, left and progressives will take what they can get and they tend to support it. So when they put out fake news when they lie there
allowed when they push insane conspiracy theories for years, that's allowed. But Heaven forbid, you read me their own stories that they later on say was wrong. How about tech crunch which published that Hydroxyl clerk went thither moisten, was showing promising results in tests to help with covert when tromp repeated it instantly. It was a conspiracy theory and Trump was. bringing in and dangerous way. That's the name of the game. They say it's the fraud, Rep Louis in Arizona Eleven republican electors have revealed Tuesday that, vice president, might Pence declined to sign onto their plan to up and congresses certification of present electro buttons. Victory is the first indication that pence is resisting some of the most extreme calls to reverse the presidential election results thus rely on his role as the presiding officer on January six, when Congress meets to finalize buttons, win,
Gohmert and the Arizona electors suit pants this week to throw out the procedures that Congress have relied upon since one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine to count electoral votes. Instead, he said pence has a unilateral authority to determine which electric should be voted should be voted upon by Congress, raising the prospect that pence would simply override the choices made by voters in states like Arizona Pencil and by one to introduce Donald Trump electors. Instead, you want to know, I say, that's ridiculous, the idea, You know that the sitting vice president who's running for re election could just to choose to vote for himself. I'm sorry. That makes absolutely no sense if you want to raise objections because there's impropriety or irregularities in the states that I agree with you and I figured your constitutional right to do it in Iowa. A Democrat is challenging the results. It's her right to do it, but the Democrats are claiming it's wrong for Trump to do it, while it's hypocrisy
trunk can do it. The Democrats can do it. That's only fair right. We are not playing fair, the game isn't fair and the rules are being banned by those who seek power. In the end you just have to choose which conqueror you'll what you would prefer to live under Now. Let me tell you about my real fears for January. Sex has nothing to do with with MIKE pants. It has nothing to do with Josh Holly and it's a lot more to do but the insanity that is gripping this nation media reports, WAL Mart Twitter account goes rogue. Super market calls Josh Holly a sore loser for electoral college objection. Tweeting out go ahead, get your too, or debate sore loser. Ok, most of us know what this is. The employee working at Walmart for the or whoever manage their social media forgot to switch accounts. It's not really Walmart making this declaration, but it is a Walmart employee
a woman employ whose in control of digital marketing, there was a study done a cup years ago that shows digital marketing firms overlap with resistance Twitter. That's. Why are you see? All of this advertising tends to be leftist. People in this country are hyper polarize to such an insane degree. The person who is tweeting for Walmart Pr Department is yelling at Josh Holly, and now you see it now, you hear it acts. Pence aid turned Trump critic. Very concerned about January six, the violence former aid vice president pants, who has since become vocal critic of the Trump administration, warned Monday that she feared violence could erupt in Washington DC on January six, when com first will formally certify present Electro buttons Electoral College victory quote. I am actually very concerned that there be violence on January six, because the present himself is encouraging it Olivia, Troy, set an appear.
MSNBC deadline. Well, this is the dirty game they play. Tromp said be there, it will be wild trunk, didn't say shop and doing things violent and even Alex Jones called for a peaceful protest and protest occupation. Thirdly, nonviolent so let us obedience but there's individualism, saying these things on tv because they want you to be informed and sang of our political points. There saying it they say the lie, they repeat the lie: they seed the lie and it works, they control the institution. So what does it matter? What They think in what you think this, where things truly start getting really crazy, I mean they can just say anything. They want trop, encourages violence, and now we're gonna get numerous news. Outlets are all I'm. Gonna start repeating the same thing over and over again and they'll, just say it's true and then Wikipedia will enter into the record Donald Trump encouraged violence on January. Switch. You didn't do, but when they say that what happens leftists year it and
they start encouraging violence, and then people on the right, Riga, and the probable show up and they fight back so yeah, it's a self fulfilling prophecy, but it wasn't just this individual Serbia has another Abed from Steve Bannon, not Steve, Bannon Benton Troms desire for why protest sparks fear among Eu Us officials. One observer noted that Trump will fail in Congress. The greater danger is on the streets where proton forces are already threatening. Chaos say was nine days ago in Trump announced we a twitter, there would be a wild protest nations capital on January. Sixth, they say and what pray tell does Trop expect to happen on January six as lawmakers certify his successors victory. He hasn't said, wait a minute he hasn't said, but I thought they said that he is proposing use, encouraging violence, o trumpet naturally say anything other than be there. Be wild. They gonna say Washington. Post David Ignatius noted that
then some republican officials are concerned. The outgoing president may try to overstep the constitutional limits on his power. They say trumps lasted campaign will almost certainly fail in Congress. The greater danger is on the streets where protons forces are already threatening. Chaos govern officials, fear that a violent spreads truck could invoke the insurrection act to mobilise the military then Trot might use military capabilities to re run November. Third election and swing states, as suggested by Michael Flynn, trumps former national security adviser Trump, could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states and basically re run. An election Flynn told NEWS Max in December seventeenth interview, I don't believe these people, the conspiracy crazies, I just I just don't say a thing like this happening. I'll, tell you this, you not looking at how the media's handle everything looks yet how people on the right feel the fracture is here, it's really funny. The left would like to criticise me
for saying that New York state violating the constitution, shutting down small businesses and barring people from practising their first amendment rights and second minarets for that matter, while putting up checkpoints does not come constitute a pseudo secession. I said that New York may have all may it may have all might as well have sex seated from the union by doing all of these things, and that Trump is doing nothing to enforce the constitution in any of these states. Why will because Trump is not the debt but they claimed he was so now we have states like New York, New Jersey, Michigan Pencil and you are clearly in defiance of the U S- Constitution, many of Governors put sick people covered patients into nursing homes, killing the elderly and nothing is done to ensure justice or to enforce the constitution under it, where the constitution to say at the governor as the authority to put ill,
people in nursing homes and where is any one to say that crossed the line. Well, pro public debt and their affair fairly left, leaning organization, but tribalism is so intense in this country? But it doesn't matter that people will actually defend governors shutting down churches, but allowing Pro Biden, individuals to jump around in the streets and drink champagne, take their masks off they'll defend it. When you see that people are marching in the streets for RE, justice and the only excuse that can muster up as yeah well, racism is bad when you C p dancing around because Joe Biden was declared the victor and drinking champagne and they yeah! Well, you know that's fine, but then they tell you can't go to church you as an individual can't go to church of, say fifty people. Clearly they are not telling you the truth. They are not
operating in good faith and their only goal with the flies in the media smears is to destroy you. I guess we're in the counting heads faced when we put it the goal, The mainstream media is to beat enough people into submission to just accept the establishment elites and their control over you People on the right are resisting because, well they don't like that, and they certainly you know many individuals right. What their power as well and don't want to live under the despotic lunacy of many if these lying media elites and political elites in the political establishment. For too long, the american people have ignored what's been going on and what we see in the media with there lies a manipulation smears. It's been allowed to carry and because the american people haven't been paying attention. What I find truly interesting right now is that
you know you have the Arizona GEO P, actually signalling that the election was taken from Bernie Sanders, but many in the left still criticise and attack trump supporters and the right the most powerful thing this country could actually see as if the populist stopped fighting each other and started fighting the establishment, but then you can see where the high profile fake progressives, common siding with the establishment. While pretending to be progressive, saying, don't challenge Nancy Pelosi, you ve got money, progressives people like Jimmy Door, calculate ski sang for say, vote unmet care for all. I support that one hundred percent. I do. I support the demands of the progressive and the left us who want the Democrats to vote for Medicare for all. Why is it then, that the establishment progressives those in Congress and the high profile you toolbars and per
banalities, who claimed to be progressive, are rejecting the will of the populist left, doesn't quite make sense. Does it because the real issue is you have forces that pretend to be on the right laughed and their real goal is to make sure we don't realize we actually have more in common with each other, as populists and liberty minded individuals. Then many of us have with the establishment, but for some reason there is money to be made. I wonder why, among people to just support the likes of Joe Biden and push back Bernie or Trump I'll tell you. What I find also interesting is that Bernie Sanders is easily supported, because the establishment will never let him in and is not strong enough to get in Trump is the insurgent who broke down the door and the establishment Republicans hate his guts I wonder what would happen on January. Sixth, if the proud boy said our beef is not with anti,
but I wonder what happened on January, six of anti us at our beef is not with the proud boys and both groups of suppose it populist said our beef is with the establishment. I wonder, then, who really is being honest about being a populist? What's the what's the port? What's what's the real issue here? Why did the proud boys gotta go to major urban centres for their protests right but important? What have they just went and did their thing in the middle of nowhere? People agreed with them same thing with anti fa. Why should I care at this point? If anti will want to set up an autonomous own in Portland, while I moved out of the city's I'm done playing this game If voting and fighting for these changes isn't going to work because the people who live there are an entrenched in tribalism and just want to win. Well then, Sir, the point I say you do your thing. I'll do mine, look, I still live in this country and I believe in fighting for it. I believe and you know nonviolence impetus, obedience, voting for people that you believe well will fight for your cause.
but for the most part we haven't seen any of that. In a long time you can keep fighting, you can make demands or I'll go this way. If anti- wants to protest in their cities and have their way will then by all means, let em why we enact the rules of Portland on Rural, suburban Oregon. If the red part of organ does Wanna live under the laws of the city, then why does it have to be that way? How about we just agree to disagree, and we can see. As one great nation, and you just do your thing and if you don't, if I want guns and don't have your guns in your city and then everyone else can have their guns. It's interesting and complicated. There. People in New York City, who will start their constitutional right to say, bear arms, but they lose the fight. We step of the way, where is anyone to enforce the constitution, because I'll tell you that one of the trick saved on particular say like our with marijuana was that they said okay, we can't ban it, but you knew that you need to pay. You need to buy a stamp to be able to buy it, but then no one cells, the stamps
you in many states they say you, you will not get infringing you're right to vote to own a weapon, but you need special permits, training and- and you know, licensing that we dont give out. But if you don't get it, you can't buy it, they do in states like New Jersey, they say don't. I know you can have a weapon he's gotta, get this form and then we try to get it. They roadblock you, so you can't, but they did illegal to own the weapon. They say with the right permit that you can't get that's the gang where two point in our people are talking about. This peaceful divorce has been talked about for quite some time. Why should I argue with the likes of a progressive Youtube or who wants universal health care? How about they just enacted in their state? Why is it so hard? You look if any If it wants to occupy their city, I'm done arguing against it that the cops they're in these cities are destroying the small businesses at a certain point. Everything's been wiped out and- and you know what it is, it is bad. You know that these these bad people get away with doing bad things. But what do we do when most people who live there,
vote for this and want it that's the problem. So do you want to live under the boot of authoritarianism, constantly begging the other people under the boat to stand up and push back or do you eventually say I am not in the majority opinion here, I'll go somewhere else and live as I choose much more freely and that could be outside the? U S or could be in the? U S, so I put it this way on. Another on January sex? I don't know, stand, why the left in the right way than be bothering fighting each other? Why is the left gotta defend Joe Biden? That makes no sense to me. Why is the right gotta go pick a fight with people who hot so don't like the government and if tromp is out, it sounds like the enemy of my enemy is. My friend is only look really good. Do a lot of people I hope the calm January. Six, its peaceful people get their point across. Maybe they can make, they can act on political change, withdrew nonviolence of disobedience and I hope that's the way. It goes, my fear how Furs that I'm hearing crazy stuff and the like,
is going to show up in his pocket to be street battles and once again, the left and the right will be fighting each other. Instead of you know the boot, that's crushing them. I thought it was going to happen. Oh man, you know couple bars of already shot down. We ve had the hotel Harrington we ve had Da Harry's bar? So now we have got to two values that have that have shut down, It seems like the only thing I can really predict is St Fights but arm predict. Funds are worthless. You know, I don't think anybody to become enemy, to figure out what the content, what can happen in the future? I'll tell you this many of the things I ve. negative absolutely been correct and the left doesn't want to admit it. They'll pull select clips because, of course no one bats that's a perfect. What why don't? I know, that's what? What is it? A hundred or However, as I said no one, not not everybody, always bowls of perfect game, and there are lots of things that I have pointed out. For the past couple of years that have absolutely come true. Couple years, I said the street fights we're seeing.
Will escalate and politically it will reach the top levels of government and it did We now have tribalism completely affecting our government. If you think it's bad now, let Josh Holly objecting. What do you think's going to happen in two or four years do you think people, while some of them are down calm down? I don't think so, unless dramatic changes happened I'll. Tell you one thing: if section two hundred and thirty is repealed, then yeah you will get those the wool pulled back over your eyes and then we'll get a woke new, beautiful, great reset future there he pockets of insurgency, they'll get wiped out unknown eleven idea what's going on and that's what we're headed and that's thanks, Donald Trump to be completely honest, Mcconnell, the one opposing proposing repealing to thirty and I'm sure the Democrats are pretending like their upset about it, but probably stoked about it. The probably super excited it'll give all of these tat these these platforms so much more control to shut it. Where are they? Conservatives are already saying they don't care, though the vote been shut up, shut everybody outright. Fine, so be it watches. Watches system crumble
I can't tell you what will happen actions are meaningless. Here's the information. As it stands. I wonder, what's going to happen, comment Bala Mitya thank leave a good review on the pod gas. Thanks rang out next segments coming up tonight at eight p m youtube com slashed him cast. I rather we will be live, talked about a lot of stuff in philosophy and aliens and whatever else So our thanks rang out everybody, and I will see you all tonight at eight p m youtube com slashed him cast iron. Well until then, I will adios. The first I saw this story from Andy no, and I was horrified bunch, a young teenagers on bikes, attack and suv with medical license plates, even stopping out the windshield surrounding these people. Turning the vehicle speeds off desperately trying to escape. People are all steadily filming watching this in broad daylight, as riotous behaviour hits the streets, since it is young people, they know. Nothing's going.
happen. New York city is becoming, or has become a wasteland. Now you might be saying so. What TIM some some young ruffians master, the car. That's worse than that man I mean it, be a bit more serious. The murder rate in new port city has skyrocketed. Violence is playing the city and its getting really bad. Lemme. Tell you this, because what I want I want to read about the story? I should show you some of this. You know that these kids on bikes on their bikes and cars. What if I were to tell you that rats were eating pigeons and squirrels were attacking people, that's pretty crazy in it. It's actually happening New York is becoming a wasteland. I may maybe it already is check this out from Fox NEWS. New York neighbourhood residents report squirrel attacks, one woman was bit on her hands and arms
Why is this happening? It's all connected. The shutdowns have stop people from going about their business from being on the streets. So the couple things are happening these kids, riding around on bikes, there's no one to stop them. What you going to do about it, these animals they're not getting fed. So the squirrels are starting to get aggressive, desperate and angry. They need food, people would would go out to eat, drop food and garbage squirrels are fat and happy. Now there is not enough food, so they can aggressive and angry and desperate and attacking people. I kid you not seems kind of crazy doesn't it well? If we go way back, we go back to September nauseating moment in New York, city rat tries to eat a live, Pigeon
before the bird is saved by a pipe wielding good Samaritan. The bird is saved. What about the rat shouldn't the rat be saved by being allowed to eat the pigeon. You see how crazy things are getting New York, city rats or in pigeons squirrels are attacking people, and kids on bites are riding around smashing cars? I'm it sounds some of it sounds a bit silly, but at all is very, very serious. I mean squirrels that could have diseases you get bigger, Raby shot, I'm pretty sure I mean if I got bit by scores the doktor right away, that vaccine asap rabies men by the time you get symptoms, you're done your debt, your dad, it's over! It's a horrifying way to go. Barely they have some like experimental treatments where they put you in and induced coma to try and get you through worst of it and apparently report on one person may have survived is only one person. So logical thing is not even the jet, but do you really want to be in New York City. Right now, from the New York Times violent,
Here in New York and across U S as pandemic fuels, crime spike a time without precedent, sauce huge increases in homicides and shootings in the city, as some other types of crime plummeted. Natalia about these kids on bikes, but I'll tell you the craziest thing. The craziest thing is the only outlet I saw actually write about. This is Russia. Today I use Russia today. You know why Russia today likes to report on stories. That's inflamed tensions in the U S, but I think it's important to talk about it. Some of the stories now showing a video dozens of teenagers surrounding attack car bearing medical plates in New York. It's probably gonna make people you know angry What was interesting, as should the people of New York mad about this shouldn't, everyone left and right be mad about. What's going on in this city,.
What we are seeing in New York is coming to the rest of this country and I hope your prepared for it. Investors think that under abiding presidency, the economy is going to face had twins They say a calm way of saying start selling. I suppose I know that's actually the right thing to do. I think the? U S dollars in serious trouble, because I beg us making a rain printed out money like crazy. Maybe maybe it's what Bitcoin is skyrocketing now like what twenty eight thousand dollars now say this month and a half ago, but coin was at like fifteen and people like you should by some bitcoin. So I did. What people realize about Bitcoin is it? You don't spend fifteen thousand dollars, you can buy five dollars worth of Bitcoin and if you did, you now have like ten bucks, not completely budget, yes about ten bucks, so I think I like thirteen so yeah you can buy tiny amounts of Bitcoin Sky Iraq. all of these, problems are only getting worse, Joe Biden knocking to release the lock down. I dont see tromp pulling through and getting an end
on a victory in saving this country anyway. He signed the many of us bill you red Line, Democrats, don't care Joe Biden. Gonna get an astronomical, lock everything down, mask mandate, economy tank- I can look, I must say as definitive. Definitely not a lotta people make predictions that Donald Trump would destroy the economy. In opposite happened. I have no reason to believe that Joe Biden has got to do right by the economy is yet to be seen the Obama the years weren't, all that bad it wasn't magic or anything. There are some problems, but it was a general it was. It was a decent recovery from the economic crisis under Trump, though it was just a better rock Obama, said: you'll never reach. Four percent growth is not a magic wand. Well, we'll see how things play out, but here's that they say over it. Artie intense footage from New York is gone viral, showing a large group of teens attacking a stop car then following the vehicle and bites is attempted to escape them. The videos shedder on Twitter on Wednesday show more than a dozen bike writing teenagers, sir
hunting and suv with medical license plates. Some of them proceeded to punch the cars dear and windows at even hit them with their bikes. A few youngsters jumped on the hood, slow, their shoulders elbows one dude jumped up on the car and then drop kicks the wind shield shattering it. You know what I'm like. What what what? Why do these kids and get away with doing something like that? There's no consequences! That's why it found parked or I'll make it up in the road right and someone's running towards my car. Unama do more put reverse and if they jump up on my heard and try to drop, get my windshield, I'm gonna reverse I'm gonna drive into them a mother pack up and get away from it. But what would happen if this dude ran upon the under the hood of ass, you ve and then jumped? And yes, you ve just backed away they'd, be a goods, eight or nine feet in the air. They come straight down the asphalt and then they figuratively eat it. As we say in skateboarding,. People in the car just sat there and the people to be on their vehicles. It was no longer. We saw budget
in support of good attacked in a similar way, and they just sit there and I'm like dude. I think I saw the video from the black lives matter rights. There is a car in a highway and they surrounded and start bat like punching the driver, She just peels out and then slams into some do negroes flying and then the blacklist Their people were like they're running us over like and PR showed a picture, and there are like the tactic of the far right hitting people and ever was like that driver was cleared of all wrong doing. If you surrounded vehicle attacked them, you can flee. It is not your fault. Their attacking your vehicle, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't put pass New York City to actually are rest you when you are the victim, because a lot of these blue areas seem to be doing that man. Things are getting bad I'll, say this much so look I can tell you about this world in the rats check. This out near time says the first disaster in a year of perpetual crises hit the New York police Harmony March, when the virus tore through the force soon the court's ground, to a halt by June.
Hundreds of officers were reassigned to cover mass protest against police brutality and racism, where police and protestors sometimes clashed violently by August gun. Violence was surging and December or to a close New York's foreign and forty seven homicides made twenty twenty two cities bloodiest year and nearly a decade, the hobbled criminal justice system strange to contain the rise in violent crime. driven by the Pandemic society wide people. I can't imagine a darker period police Commissioner, my f Shea set at a year and briefing with reporters on Tuesday citing the confluence of a pandemic in the protests, the years crime numbers give shape to twenty twenty tumult, transit crime and grand larceny, often stealing of laptops or iphones of of strap hangers plummeted as trains emptied out, but burglaries and car theft spiked in a hollow doubts. and bodegas neighborhood neighbourhood staples during the throws the pandemic on increasing robberies and shootings. You know why somebody
as to steal from you. Somebody wants to steal to make money. They see you on a train, a pickpocket, they steal your your bag, their satisfied. They got some cash when they're gone, what do they do? Burglarize? They still want to steal stuff. They gotta go find it now is an interesting criminal We will seek out new means to steal and make money when the people aren't around the crime gets course, not they're gonna, U stores are gone and your homes skin crazy. The same true for any living thing. A rat trying to eat a pigeon there, not just going to stop Criminals who were were stealing things were doing it, so they could get money to buy things there, not just going to stop they're gonna find new ways to do it. It's gonna get worse and when they become desperate, people lose their lives beside they say by summer the frustrations of shut down shutdowns economic collapse had burst onto the streets, shootings had doubled and most of them
concentrated in the areas hardest hit by the corona virus and unemployment. The increase in violence resembles trends in many big. U S: cities where shootings in homicides have risen, even as the pandemic has driven down other crimes. We ve never had a year like this and police, when you ve had a combination of a worldwide health pandemic, help epidemic and a challenge to community trust, said Chuck Wechsler the executive director of the Non profit Police executive research form that has been a combust,
a combustible mixture and the police in many ways were not prepared. Ok, I, if you, if you wanna, violate Europa the constitution by all means, go ahead and do it, but don't expect any sympathy from me when you do now. I will get the back of any officer who stopped a violent writer from destroying a small business or burning down someone's someone's home or or property, but when that cop is the one who has taken a club to that to the to the head of the store owner figuratively, why would I defend them? I think it's really funny. I made a post about this and these These are like the right is now starting to realise that cops are bad. Dude! Look at like do you know anything about who I am unlike what I've covered, I'm all about principles, protecting the innocent, individual liberties and just
this, and that means when you what you a roving band of teenagers, smashing vehicles, we need cops to say that all cops are bad is stupid. We need the cops to go in there and deal with it, but then, when you have cops blocking the entrance to a small business, who has a constitutional right to assemble well, now you're an oath breaker, and I will not defend you New York City, a wasteland for a variety of reasons and the cops contribute to it. No joke! You can't just say it's the profit, a problem of crime. It is totally wrong, but it's also a problem of people can open their business and go about their life because their barred by the police. That's who went down Staten Island and why Peaty went Staten Island. There was a bar about a block or to away everyone's open, but they were in the Red zone, so the cops stood in front of the building and wouldn't let people inside they eventually arrested the guy. I think there s a more than once in New Jersey,
You got having his belma, you got. Some Jim owners cops, showed up and arrested these men. They were abiding by covered restrictions, but they were just keeping their business open. They had all the social distancing, masks and proper. You know occupancy in everything. Government doesn't care, they want to watch you squirm, they want to squeeze you out and they ve got boot licking oath breakers. Who will do it for them? Many good cops have quit and I called the call these people heroes before in my point was that refusing to follow corrupt orders is the right thing, but now I wonder what we really need. Are these cops just to enforce the law? I know I know images many to enforce the law. You got kids smashing of veal.
arrest them. You got people burglarize and arrest him. You ve got despotic lunatics, stealing taxpayers money to paint the street arrest them these criminals. The cops who would stand in front of the of the business and unblock it, I'm getting in criminals. The Cairo cop should arrest them. I love to see it I'd love to see for once. In my life, for once in my life, a cop actually arrest another criminal caught, they won't do it. They will put themselves in a line. Now we ve seen today to be fair. to happen before there was one like female cop who grabbed a male. Copper was beating a suspect, unlike pulled him off, but I want to see like a legit arrest seriously. I've seen so many instances where a cop commits a crime and the other cop just leave me out of it casino didn't want to cross the thin blue lights. I guess
but what they say they dont want to you now, cattle or rat were snatch. Snatches get stitches, they say right, so these cops won't do it for once. I would just like to see an honourable principled cop arrest, the criminals, not I know their rest criminals like you, know, people Garonne smashing. I'm talking about right now. These cops, who are destroying New York, fraught due to an unconstitutional e decked. These aren't laws, but I don't care. So what do you get? Your New York wasteland men now? Look I get it in a New York. New York City passes the grim milestone of twenty five as a covert das, as Cuomo reduces quarantine period from fourteen a ten days in line with seats you see, guidance. The issue, cities gotta go to bed. You know their hard hit by covets, I'm sure a lot of these cartridges.
Like well, you know it's it. We got it. We got to stop the spread of the virus. The problem is Cuomo. The problem is the blog. You they're, the ones who have set the city on fire and destroyed everything. Their policies failed, their other bigger cities that warrant hit as bad as New York New York at the worst, you got Andrew Cuomo. He put sick people into nursing homes, killing them six thousand. Five hundred according to propaganda- and you got what you got wolf of pennsylvania- got Murphy. I think Whittemore did it to em out entirely sure pudding, sick people in nursing homes,
I'm sorry man, you do that, and you will never convince me that it was an accident housing accident. We know that people over the age of seventy are the most vulnerable. People are most vulnerable. Let's take young six shots young sick people seriously and put him in nursing homes. Why, like the Javert Centre, where they set up their market hospital, wasn't even fall, select thirty percent they could. It puts people there. I think Cuomo wanted to kill them, I'm not even kidding because, what's the what's, what's the answer, it was an accident I didn't realize, putting sick people nursing homes would cause them to die a serious. I don't believe it I dont and if you and it's it's as I feel it, if you want to court, they convicted guy was a desperate.
he's got boot, looking swift keepers who have surrounded him in our guarding him from accountability, and that's why New York is a wasteland. Animals are gonna bite and each you rat tries to eat a pigeon like it's just fallen apart. Isn't it now? Here's a scary part. It's coming to the rest of the country and you gotta Joe Biden presidency was gonna guarantee that from the guardian, the World Health Organization warns covert. Nineteen pandemic is not necessarily The big one experts tell end of the year media Britain, the virus is likely become endemic and the world will have to learn to live with it. Now you you read that and make us finally will realize. We can't do anything to stop it and we need to just reopen and deal with it and people are gonna die at its horrifying. It is, but we never thought we were gonna, stop this thing There was a novel virus. We knew this browser can be better. We want a slow it down. Ok, we're not immortals, we learn to live with it. The only problem is,
we know, based on whites, Cuomo is doing the Plaza Whittemore, Newsome, Murphy, Wolf, etc is their version of living with it is destroying every it seriously is like that's Spongebob Meme is your sponge, bobbins and and and Patrick the starfish. standing there in the cities all completely destroyed in burning and Spongebob like we did. We saved the city, that's what they think. It's kind of like If ever seen, age of old tron you're, the second of Andrews Movie, you not so old Promises robot these programmes is to stop. You know that the protect the planet stop the war in everything, and so it's a very common please like I know how to end all war kill all the humans it an old common trope at the a is told you have to put you know, stop war and violence, and the easiest way to do it is to get rid of people.
That's what New York is doing. New York is like we're going to we're going to stop the spread of this virus by making sure everyone dies from it. Then it won't be spreading anymore, because they'll be no one to spread it to ya. Well, I'll tell you, man with the incoming Joe Biden and his plans for a nationwide lockdown, or at least I can say his advisors plan. I should like locked, not locked out en masse mandates and his general ineptitude and inability to function properly. We're headed for some dark time Joe Biden himself said we're heading for a very dark winter. A great you love to hear it. Don't you from CNBC investors believe the stock market could see headwinds under. Biden, presidency, CNBC pulled more than one hundred chief investment officers and portfolio managers about where they stood and stocks under a new administration. Two thirds of the first four years of abiding presidency will be worse for stocks, then trumps term still Walter's optimistic. The DOW Jones Industrial Average will reach
New highs next year. Look at us for the first four years of abide administration be better for stocks and troops. First, four years ago, we worse- ok to be fair, worse doesn't mean negative. It could just be that under tromp, everyone thought things great under bite and thereby to slow down but sure fine, I guess not- under a Joe Biden the presidency we're gonna see riots, violence. The policies of Democrats have destroyed their states will reach the executive and I'll. Tell you what I'll tell you, what January sex. All these people can become coming down DC right. What happens if p bull, r, R, the day early and they get the news. The Democrats have won the run off in Georgia. The Democrats now can the house, the Senate, the presidency, and with that they will pack the Supreme Court and take all three branches of government. What do you think is gonna happen when that happens, you think
boy, it's gonna be like well, you know, I guess we lose most. Are the Democrats do whatever they want, or do you think There will be a simultaneously a simultaneous met. explosion, figuratively of people's brains. Trumps, Porters in D c will be angry They will be inflamed hearing, that's All of this is going down. You look at the riots in the left that have gone on with impunity. dancing in the streets and celebrating of Joe Biden, victory they ignoring the lockdown and while these people are jumping up a dancing in the street or dancing on the graves of the Cova dead in the hospital, like is Tik Tok nurses, regular people are getting this rage built up inside of them to finally going to snap. you watching these videos of people smashing a medical vehicle? How come only Archie covered it
I'll come no one else is talking about. What's going on, I mean obviously a lot of people. I mean, like mainstream media where's the story about this stuff, whereas the the concern about this stuff is a little bit for sure, but don't you think people would be fed up? Don't you think, when the less tests were dancing industry that Biden one. There would be some kind of criticism know these people went out and danced and party like morons and then they say, but you can't run your small business. You can't even assemble. As your constitutional right, but they can. They absolutely can that's the joke. You care on a black lives matter banner and they'll. Allow you to do whatever you want. What point do people just scream? I matters how and I'm not gonna take it anymore. They're going go to when I was there and open up and they're gonna screen, I Madison and I'm not gonna, take it anymore, genuine six, maybe
Maybe not maybe I think Trump supporters certainly have energy, but Anthea. Conservatives do conservatives too, and it's something important that a lot of transporters miss when I talk about this when I say, can serve as a roll over there that transporters humanity like our trump supporters. Traditional conservatives now they're, not the traditional conservative, like a step, republican types are going like. Well, you know, will go to work in, is and go to bed and then wake up to find another day. You use your you, ve lost its done. You never went again. You look at each and every the election is the Republicans losing more and more ground and then just capitulating to Democrats in the left. As certain point, people are going to snap we're starting to see it like that video of the woman who beat the cop with the wrong, but I'm at things, are going crazy, Bali with their enjoy in New York. I hope you all are having a good time next segments coming up on my other channel, which can be bound by typing in Youtube: Dotcom Ford, slashed him cast and that it will be up at four p m if you want
watch that video he's all you got to do at four p. Dot M go to your browser type in Youtube: dot, com, Timcast press enter and subs I did that channel. When you go there right I'll see that they sprang up a republican congressmen Elect Luke, let low has died of, applications from covered nineteen. He was forty one years old. My can do on says- and you know, to the family, to his friends. It's a tragic story in its entire bit of a bomber to hear these things happen. I think it's a reminder, that's covert. Nineteen is it kills. People in a lot of people have died, but already we're seeing they d be politics come into play and I'm just I'm just so fed up man. You know what? in widespread, we'll just what weird violence and riots and major cities, because these locked downs and veto based on the numbers it covered is, is that they take stories.
Like this about, look let loud they make. It seem like the whole world is exploding because of covert, and it's not. The reality is, as I think, essential. Every body as essential everybody has so does that yeah covert. Nineteen is a real problem, but locking everything down, destroying the economy and destroying people's livelihoods, property and business is solving the problem and we can't stop the spread of infection. I say you know, fifteen days, while the spread were now I just past ten months, ten and a half months or so. I'm sorry, just shy of ten motives is more. and the infection right is still going up and people like Luke are still getting sick and losing their lives. The politicking has, as is just Absolutely despicable are the same thing with Herman came when he died. We get the same fake narrative, they say all, but they didn't wear a mask, but according
Two Fouche II in the World Health Organization and all the news outlets masks dont protect you when you wear them so wise initial night, he got sick and he didn't wear a mask. That doesn't mean anything adding a sad reality as we cannot get we're not immortals. Sometimes people, I am sometimes it's because of things like covered nineteen. You know. A lot of people have pointed out that Luke seem to have been a fairly cautious individual when it came to covert and was respectful but had a similar opinion to me or many others that we can't just let the country burn itself to the ground. Because of fears over this of over this this this virus survival rate for people under seventy? Ninety nine point: nine percent, but that done does mean that what about one in a thousand people, then I point nine, nine or so, but one in a thousand one. In five, you're peoples, a lot of people are gonna lose their lives right now. I think right, one in two thousand in the total discount relative to the
U S, population, what the after that seem to understand, is that you know, I guess I guess there mentality, everybody should hide it just like it. I don't mean that, like. Figuratively or or in a disparagingly that they literally mean people should hide from the virus they should stay away. They should lock their doors. We can't do that. yet another thing all add to and will we the story, and I want to talk about some of the things that are being sex, I'm just I'm fed up with it. You know, I think, look. It doesn't make sense to have masks statewide lockdown rules when many most states they have big urban centres and then spread out suburban and rural area. Does it make sense to have a one size fits all rule? You want to lock down a city. I guess that makes sense that you got a lot of people, it's great thanks, but why lock down the entire? Dayton tell a small town of a couple hundred? They can't have very, a very fair or whatever it is. It doesn't make a lot of sense
Let me read the story and I you know with with respect and consult condolences to the family. The near times, reports Luke let low Republican who like to the House of representatives this month to represent Louisiana Fifth congressional district died Tuesday evening of complications from covered nineteen, a spokesman said: is forty one Mr, let I take office on Sunday his death was confirmed by several politicians, including Representative Garret Graves of Louisiana, whose Edna Facebook post at the death of his friend and former colleague It was a huge loss to Louisiana and America. Mister Lowe died at the I sure, ls you, health Medical Center in Shreveport Louisiana, said the spokesmen Andrew Bosh, MR let loose. December. Eighty that he was isolating at home for testing positive for the krona virus. He was hospital. a day later and Monroe Louisiana before being transferred to the hospital in Shreveport on December. Twenty second, Mr Bush, said on November. Twenty two,
Mr Ludlow had been receiving the anti viral drugs rammed ecevit and steroids treaties infection December twenty first, while he was hospitalized in Monroe. Mr let low urged people who had recovered from covered nineteen to done it plasma. Your plasma is especially needed by those who are suffering you own, a tweet. I cannot stress this, enough. Please consider saving lives by going out and donating at your local blood bank. He didn't have any underlying conditions that would have increased his chances of dying from covered nineteen doktor g golly, a doktor at the Shreveport Hospital, told the advocate and Batten Route Louisiana. So let me just stress this point. It is optionally, exceptionally rare, that somebody with no underlying conditions under the age of seventy dies from the corona virus. This is absolutely anomalous and it and it's a tragedy not to undermine. You know this instant that this incident in any way I just,
You know you know we're now seeing many people on the to use this as their justification for why they shouldn't work. Why I know we shouldn't reopen and why your business needs to be shut down. We can't play these games. I number on reading about Algonkin. For instance, there was a tragic event in Europe where a guy with a gun, you know committed a tragedy of Believeth thou vague. and the response from this country was to mourn and carry on realising that you know these things are anomalous. You can't control the wind. You can only adjust your sales right as the saying goes at some times. Bad people do bad things. Sometimes people get sick and die from it. I some as much as people trying to use this man's death for political purposes. It I've had friends whose parents were, of course
operable age who died of you know they got a cold and then the cold got worse and worse and they died. No frail like a quota, cold mid became something else. I've seen people die of the flu, it happened, What was happening now is we're seeing many on the left. Look at this and say see this proves it. Everything should be locked down and it's like. No, no! No! No! No! I'm sorry is it tragic and an orphans man lost his life for sure. But what about the people have lost their lives for tons of other. You know relatively common or universally uncommon diseases. in this in the past year, the past couple of years. It happens. We cannot expect human beings to be immortal, we must recognise mortality and we cannot sacrifice the healthy, because some people get sick now, Covin nineteen is serious, and I and and look at the AL. I love. I love this to the left. They say I downplay the virus. Why? Because?
Air shrieking about it as of the world is ending. Lotta people have died of covert most Them have had underlying health conditions and most of them have been over the age of seventy. Two That's why I always say protect the vulnerable social distance where a mask, but we must get the economy back in gear, because we cannot let two hundred plus million People starve people because we're worried about the death rate for a virus that we know. We can't stop Earl. This year. They said fifteen days to slow the spread. Why we cannot stop people from contracting covert. We cannot, but we can spread out the rate of infection with slow it down so that hospitals. get overwhelmed my friends, mister, let low made it to the hospital he receive treatment and fortunately he did not make it. This happens. I've seen people in my lifetime
Perhaps the issue is a lot of the people on the left, who are very much. You know demanding of the lock downs and strict you know Milton Adam. The marshal as our military law, but to tell a terrier rule, are just too young and have not experienced death and tragedy of actually watched people die like in person. I have seen some horrifying things in my life and I recognise humans. are mortal. I look at the math and I try to make sure that when we're talking about death, destruction, chaos, illness, we're not being carried away, there's something that I refer too often is the scaling problem, but a problem needs a better, a better name and that the other than the well breakdown is as the volume of information increases or should say, as volume increases tolerance for
our decreases so to give you an me, there's a better way to explain it, but the general idea, as a lot of people die for a lot of different reasons. A lot of people die because of coal. But the news is just putting at all stories, and this is what gets everyone's attention so when they see a story about a forty one year old man with no underlying conditions dying of covert, they panic they freak out. And they say why wasn't you wearing a mask? Why are people wear masks? Oh no, but what don't they know about and what aren't they hearing about the what. What I mean by this scaling problem that you know that the vice volume increases tolerance for air decreases the wax, but it is, if you have a hundred phones that are given up by a company and one percent of those funds break, one person complains. Nobody cares why we heard one story about one person having fuckin phone? But if you, if you ever issue out a hundred thousand pounds and over a thousand stories of broken phones, everybody thinks
There's some serious crisis because all they hear about all day is all these different stories of broken phones, not realising that it's the increase in volume. That is in mid, increasing the perception that a serious problem, when in reality, the same margin of failure, the tolerance for Oh you're starts to go down. That's what we see here, how many people have already gotten Cohen seventeen point, some odd million people Aachen. Armed cases have covered three hundred or so thousand people have lost their lives. One death is a tragedy but the point I'm trying to make is we can't just dish? Roy the engine JAMA. A spike in the gears, because we're saying people die if anything that will only make it worse. They want to say in the run off against another Republican. Mr, let low was elected to succeed, Ralph Avram Abraham, who won a whom MR let low had served as chief of staff.
MR, let Lois survive by his wife, Julia and their two children, Jeremiah Jaclyn speaker, blows at a statement tonight. The United States houses additives. Sadly mourns the passing of congressmen, Elect Luke, Ludlow, congressmen alike. Ludlow was a knife, generation Louisiana Louisiana and who fought passionately. First point of and dedicated his life to public service. Given Mccarthy, the US minority leader said our hearts break tonight. As we process, the news of enrichment, Elect Luke. Let those passing respect to our policy and Mccarthy for making these statements that are just run run on point. Ah, you look, I think you can point out. The man lost his life and you can say it with with dignity and respect, and you could disagree with them, but I'm not a fan of dancing on graves. I've seen conservatives do it, I saw, I should say, could serve as acting trump supporters dance on the grave of Ruth, Better Ginsburg, not offend at all, none whatsoever.
It just makes the fighting wars and makes people angrier and increases the tension between you know rival, factions. Now we need to Each respect, certain boundaries, you know we play games. Let me let me play ersatz deployed paintball, because we don't want to hurt anyone. but we want to have fun and have that exhilarating excitement. Yet we want to fight passionately for what we believe in, but we don't want people dying, but listen. I think when the big, Frances you're, not a young people on the left. You know early twenties who that they don't huh. of the life experience and Watson is to be disrespectful, but they have not witnessed death. Many of them. Let us allow us a lot of people, obviously witness death, but lotta people just don't get it. You know humans, die we can do about it. I mean I should say there are things we can do to reduce death to mitigate death. You could wear a mask, for instance, and some people dont, where mass polemics money right on the mass thing, for you owe me show you some tweets Michael Tracy says Knee jerk,
Commentators on Twitter are apparently one hundred percent sure that congressmen elect Luke. Let low was a despicable, covert denier on the basis of nothing except their own sick, hunch and desire for political vengeance. Sums up exactly What my complaint is here, look at what's trending right now on Twitter, Cove, Idiot I wonder why? How disgusting? How grosses this, let me show you some stuff, the good God above yes, the famous leftist good God, fake godparents counts as how will Republicans react to the republican congressmen who sadly died of covert at forty one take covered seriously now pretend he never existed, how completely and utterly despicable completely despicable attire how people Potter ACT. I can speak for some of the. U know staunchest conspiracy, types of which there are many on the left as well, but it tends to be a phenomenon of the right and the people who are you know, don't believe it.
Really gone out with covered. My people can what it you grassy Herman Kane, is not running I'll. Tell you how people will react, they'll say some times. People die, Trump, never said covert was a hoax. That's a lie and that's what they keep pushing they say all the conservative say it's a house to house of and now they want their vaccines. No Trump said the Democrats hoax was that he didn't respond properly to Kovan these people, love dancing on graves and, again all stress the point. Tromp supporters were dancing on route, better Ginsburg grave I can't stand any of it. Ok, I criticised that when it happened, subtle play games and they it's disgusting. I am sickened by this- do died, ok, covert, nineteen I would have been saying earlier this year, novel virus hits we got hit hard by lotta people died, we saw the videos we saw the refrigeration truck,
it was scary. We saw the light mean they're dig in mass graves and in New York, but we slowed the spread and things you knows simmer down now: they're sang it spiking again and it's getting out of control. Yes, showing that the lock downs were never intended to stop it and we can't slow it down any more. We have a vaccine, that's great. So what are we doing? We need to better protect the vulnerable and get back to work. It does it make sense, for instance, in California, that this woman is viral. Video has her outdoor gazebo picnic, seeding, shut down and right next to it Hollywood's doing literally the same thing. That's the problem. You can't allow a bunch of companies to remain open and do whatever and an act like your slowing the spot.
Trying to stop it. Walmart stays open Amazon deliveries. Continue, people still get sick yet covered scary men, lingering health effects, but do not talk about the other day. We did a second on his nurse who said If I gave it millions of skills and during two thousand would kill you. Would you eat it? It's like listen working to feed our families and survive is not eating. Candy and we recognise risk exists. We are not children who are going to sit back scared, cowering, begging, the government too. give us. We have to say I am I willing to assume the risks and if you choose your choice, if you are concerned about covered lock your doors wash your hands put a uv light in front of your house and whenever delivery comes right China UV light over the whole thing now might be I'm being serious if you work sorry about getting covert and you won't take it seriously that your choice. They don't believe this.
The left is basically saying that you should not be allowed to go out and work, because I am concerned about the risk that you might bring, but the risk is always on you. Agent, if you know somebody was driving driving a car is another example. You shouldn't be allowed to drive because you might crash into me one that makes no sense. People get hit by cars. People die its tragic inaction. What do we do? We try to reduce had, but it happens what, if, every day the new reported every single car collision and thence are telling us that we have a very serious car problem. You know, you'd you'd think there was an epidemic of car violence Cove. It is a disease people in spite without knowing it, but you have a choice to not go to work, to lock your door, and I think that's the appropriate way to deal with this. People should be forced to go to work,
you should be allowed not to work and an employer should be allowed to reopen and the people who want to work might get sick, but we protect an ice. The vulnerable, we provide masks and like we're doing now, but we allow people to work out a point this out Eric vital Ding tweets. Let the sinking a forty one year old, GNP, congressmen locked has just died of covert. Nineteen doctors say let low did not have any underlying health conditions. He repeatedly did not wear a mask and he often held mask less masculine masculine indoor campaign events now initially the story but Herman King Reuters wrote in July on July, Thirtieth Herman Kane acts present a candidate who refuse to wear masks, dies after covered. Nineteen diagnosis was get to that. No serious question. They say that are wearing a mask stocks. You from spitting on other people, are the implying that he got covert and could have.
back that other people look at. That's that's an argument. That's not what they're saying, though, when they put up a story about a guy who dies and says he doesn't where immediate, where mask their continuing the lie, the mask protects. You I'm sick of it the mask. Doesn't it never did? That was never the reason from Asks that's why I don't care about wearing masks and you don't you know, I do I'll, tell you how I respond. All I'll tell you this. When I see someone at the store- that's why I'm asking that I do. I walk right around them and continue shopping and my my business and his hands analyzer and I x- I accept the risks. Theirs is crazy, store Ivan. I was watching a monthly, some crazy story. There is this dude. His name is Nicholas Mullins and I M sorry to invoke you in a political video cause, I'm not gonna wanna drag him into whether any this politics stuff, but his escape border, he's blind and he's a really really could skate border a slight substantially better than me, or most skateboard you and I'm not getting any blind, and
what happened was when he was hunger, like like everything like seven years ago, he was skateboarding any fell and scraped his leg. That was it. Like it happens to me all the time I mean I got it, I got a massive bad batch, my song of the day. My wrist is probably broken ice ignore whatever, but he was just kidding. You fell and scraped his leg. I didn't think anything of it. He got a blood infection and put them in Have you got put in a coma, it knocked him out and it destroyed his eyesight. He was on the verge of death. He still is eaten. He gets back. He comes back at us report he's blind. He figured it out and now he's one of the gods are you I mean he's one of the best caperers I've ever seen and he's blind incredible because he just has that feel it's. It's amazing. But I want I want you did. I want you to think about stories like that that you you can. You can be walking down the street trip and fall and get a bump on your hand, and I get sick in the inner can happen
You know it used to be in this world that you do get a cut on your leg, walking towards go up. Oh out, gonna lose the leg. Now I guess you know that not every cut was infection, but people in realising to wash your hands until what like the late eighteen, hundreds or something or early nineteen hundreds about a public aid under the river, but it that crazy, we are fighting every day to help people survive, were fighting every day to figure out ways that we can prevent death. But we are not gods, we're not immortal, sometimes no matter what you do. You get sick. They talk about Herman King, Harold was Herman came when you know you. Seventy four. He was in the affected group and and it happened wearing a mask, wouldn't have saved him. I suppose he could of head. You know step might go out till the pandemics over he still be alive, perhaps but what's happening to the older people. Who are isolated their deteriorating. They have no energy.
on them. They can't socialized. They can't do anything the can't go outside and their deteriorating Many of these people are dying from from this, and this evening you know called over that. I've seen stories on social media or their like. My grandparents are person, I've ever been because this notion bill, interaction and getting up and I'm going out there not walking they're just wasting away. I don't have all the answers, man, you know it's sad to hear that this guy died and, of course, its politically exe media for the left now to jump Oliver and say see: ha ha ha ha. I am not a fan of, dancing on graves. I dont even dance on it. I'm sorry, I didn't even dance in the grave of John Mccain, ok and John Mccain was a warmonger, who I am particularly critical of, but I I I hear what I said about John Mccain. I said you know. Look I e BP served as country the way he thought he needed to and for all his faults. You know respect. Anybody who wants to serve in the government- and I am saying because I don't like that. I value life and Iraq,
nice nobody's perfect and most people think that the years of their own story, China, now through this system, to figure out the best way to. Ah, you know workin together is tough but giving people respect and not be mean, and contributing to the nastiness is the most important things we can do as my biggest gripe with the left. They take things, I say out of context just to be mean and nasty. Why do that? I do not mean to you. I did a video. Chris Young Turks, and I gave him I said: here's what it where it, where he's right is right, where I can respect his. I disagree with I'm not going to come out a video and make fun of people for their way they look or their way. I feel like that. It's people are so As you know, I mean I wanna play that game. I want to be involved in it, so you know I'm up it's bad enough to do a statement on this. I do want to do it I'll, be IBM you guys, when I saw the story I was like it needs to be talked about, it does but I really want to do a video or I'm like look how the left is reacting and politicizing this this this poor guy in his family. I do want to do it. I don't know
published in a video very short. Once angle, like adults, this guy loss of life it to its tragic, but we gotta addressed the politics. We got addressed the nastiness and that's just the way it is. I got I gotta go. I got more segments common up later it'll be at one p m on this channel. Thank sprang up and I will see you owe them.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-01.