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Republican Debate WILL CRASH, Trump HILARIOUSLY Roasts Debate As Tucker & Trump Announce RIVAL Show


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Republican Debate WILL CRASH, Trump HILARIOUSLY Roasts Debate As Tucker & Trump Announce RIVAL Show

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this. You can support a hard core anti communist company and the part about all this Is it's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies chalk. C h, o q fellows they have a male vitality stack. Ninety days, take it and tell me how you feel ladys female I stack take it tell me how you feel You want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to see each o hugh dot com problem. Code, TIM gets you thirty
five percent off your subscription giddy subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim, make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this part, cast and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive, uncensored segments from tim cast. I r and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, tonight, at nine p m on fox news, you can waste your time, watching a debate between people who can't possibly win the republican nomination and some of whom you ve never even heard of before the same time, Donald as announced that his interview with Tucker karlsson will ere. It has already been found, and everyone is really excited for that. Now, this not trump pack has created the twenty twenty four vice presidential debate website troll fox news and the other candidates. Clearly, its I have time most
probably know this, but I'd like to show you the array of candidates for which you can waste your time watching you got killed christy got tim Scott de santis from a swami Nicky, Hayley bergen hutchinson, pence, I ask you this my friends forward, reason on gods, green earth. Would you watch Nicky hayley argue with mike pence, It is the most absurd and irrational thing I have ever. In one waste money. Putting on this is stupid. Sorry, it just is now. Look you tell me that a team, Scott rhonda, santas, rama, swami. They are going to have a debate. I say: ok, maybe I wanna watch that that makes sense to me get rid of hayley, burger, Hutchinson, pants and Chris Christie and have a conversation between these coming young stars, I'm kenny, but not all young. But you get my point. They launched. This website is trump pack.
You can clearly see that vague rama swami is the favourite fifty eight percent when twenty four vice presidential debate. Actually I, as probably fair point here's my question They say that they qualify for youth. To make the stage, but Larry elder was not allowed on the stage he's filing as I understand it and emergency injunction demanding he be allowed on the stage because he is pulling the right numbers that I said yeah, but you know we don't like that. One pole lies cheating and manipulation. I do not see any I'm sorry it's the night. I know it's nine p m. You ve also got trumps debate coming on, but I just don't understand you guys, comment below and explained why you gotta watch this because we look. Let me just say again their stand. Rhonda, santas, vague rama, swami. Having that conversation, it will be very interesting but seriously, Much air time are you actually gonna get on that
have to listen to bergen debate, hutchinson on key issues I dont know or care about these people are. You did, I think, with all of this trumps, the guy he's he's the income He had he's got he had one term. He ran again. He didn't get it he's gonna go again, that's it I'm looking at all the poles, and you see all these historians saying like never before and problem, Not now has some This far ahead in the polls lost primary re. So what is the purpose of these debates? trying to remove donald trump So you may be asking why we ve been having this debate because it we'll take trumps name off the ballot. This is it's it's all part of this cockamamie scheme, they're gonna trick. Take don't take troms trumps name off the ballot in several key states. and then say see here are the candidates that are available
This is why they want to have the trial very, very quickly in march in georgia, they to get a conviction as fast as possible, so they can immediately file to say fourteen amendment trumps. It insurrectionists get him out of there. I This debate is gonna, be a waste of all of our time. There going to be held to remove trumps name, but should they for whatever reason I mean they're going to try and people think they aren't there you're wrong. There is still a lot more that can happen, but I, It is absolutely silly. No doubt says he skipping, debate to punish fox and the murdoch's. What's all this, for several reasons, we are not going to talk about or cover the gnp primary debate, first of which, while we are fans of the vague promise swami here at tim guest, I mean I am. I don't see a reason to showcase this maybe a clip tomorrow
it's like over makes at a really interesting thing around that are really interesting thing. I dont think it matters of Nicky haley's as anything interesting at all, because her pulling is completely irrelevant. She has no business being in this rice, nor does Chris Christie and as much. I do liked him scott, but I don't see him having any business here. These people are hoping to get up on stage and they're gonna break away from the pact. Are you kidding the vague rama swami is the clear second place, candid even right now Rhonda sent us is in dead. Third look at this. prediction markets have bake roma swami, seven points above rhonda sand, as these are not pulls his prediction markets. The rhonda said at thirteen sense that gap is so massive. Now the vague promise, swami, it's it's most pointless ron has been on a downward trajectory this. Tie your time. Look at this from thirty cents in may being down now to thirteen sense, ok,
so run really need this. He needs to come out against them, tromp well The memo that were circulating is that he's gone. to try and defend trump and go after rama swami, he needs an opportunity to show it's not gonna work there. From a swami is running the campaign that Rhonda said it should have been running but rhonda to go to war with trump and vague. Has you norman? No, the vague listens to me or a bunch of other shows. I think he does, because a bunch People are saying exactly this: if you're going to run as a republic in this primary to build clout to challenge? whatever it may be, to sell books. I don't know you have to pay is donald trump. You have to cause people like him because he did well the economy was bowman, and this is what I was saying: I said earlier on, rhonda sentences strategy needs to be donald trump didn't credible job as president, but they shackled him down, and my concern right now is that some
we'll find him to off putting it. We cannot risk democrats, taking control, maintaining control. So I would risk. I will respect in advance the palace, tromp laid out. I think that strategy and tact Is more is better, it is better equipped for the white house and more likely to win and so people when I like that some people might not like that. so maybe you don't gotta be so so heavy handed with it Could just say I mean vague is nailing it he's saying that, he likes what tromp was doing drop in a lot, but he's got plans and he thinks he can execute them better. Now that you know I would love to see. I would love to see a vague rama swami vice president, you that this is a thing rather signed. The vice presidential debate get vague as your vp trump right now, I'm feeling it We were saved for the longest time, Rhonda santa's. I was talking to regular all people, and I was so you know I talk to this guy middle sky and he said just can't vote for trump,
and then I was like what you do vote for binding us. Oh no, I definitely can vote Biden, like what about rhonda scientists and engineers? I could vote for two santa's like ok. What, if its trump dissenters, Dissenters vp any goes yeah yeah. I think I could do that. I dont before there anymore. They launch this We pay debate twenty four website and you can see. Rhonda santas is at eight percent. Rhonda status is doing worse on this website. Then TIM Scott is yanks. He's rivalled by Chris Christie, geez. yeah. We gotta. We got it. We got to recognise this man is? It is a big waste of time. Now I do want to talk about fox, threatening everybody and ought to talk about how they're trying to come after vague. Oh, it is now come. In second place so now they're trying to lie that trying to their literally lying about before I get it that I do a shot up, guys: the defiant Add language. Look
this song. Listen to this music, the defiant, These are guys pete, parotid right here, he's done some drum work for us overtime. Cast these guys who said a few to the machine to the mandates, to the lock downs and were punished for it, and they are defiant come out with the new song, it's really good dead language and it it talks about all These people are young, people are just gloody, their phones, their brains are are washed you'll really really like it It's not necessarily the same thing as well and north of richmond, which is calling out the politicians bureaucrats, but is calling out the cultural failures and the people just marching in lockstep. You should have check the song, because we should be supple. In culture that challenge is the machine now Let's talk about what's going on with this debate, this is a couple weeks ago, and it's one of the reasons why we are not going anywhere near their garbage debate. Fox whose threatens to sue rivals over primary debate. Fox news
been called out for apparently threatening legal action against on affiliated media outlets that reuse more than three minutes of excerpts from coming gnp debate in the seventh, following its broad guess? I do want to point out. Good luck with that. You really want to go to war now, if donald trump Actually, this debate I'd say: try me. Because this is news worthy dreamily newsworthy and we would normally provide commentary on such a debate. Fox news says: no. We copyright strike. Anyone who dares ok, I find absolutely laughable. Look at this episode is brought to you by dragon ball legends the ultimate dragon bone experience on your mobile device,
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factors is you'll, be debate, Job is relishing the idea of punishing the marduk family, the experts its plans to ditch the counter programme to debate showed me is in retribution for them. Controlling clans, backing of rhonda santas trumps, leading rivalry between twenty four primary two sources of direct knowledge of this matter. The person close to former president tells rolling stone. Not believe rolling stone. Mind do their garbage, Maybe they should have been loyal a trump they should have been loyal. Trump has privately sniped about fox and rupert murdoch. In discussions with its political advisers and during sit down meals with allies at his bed minced. Love this month trouble repeatedly mocked fox brass and honour talent for begging him to participate. In their televised debate, and smeared Work has no leverage to force it to do anything while pulling leaders so commanding the two sources safe private conversations, the heavily indebted twenty four publican front runner has really the confidence? The alleged details of conversations he said
in doing so. Trop has at times performed teasing impressions of fox personnel trying to entice them to commit to the debate. Replete, this standard emphasis on these exact, in personnel is calling him, sir? Over and over again, all the near times reported housed Brett bay, and accepts J, wallace and suzanne Scott have personally appeal to trump? Is parliament apparently failed mission to get trump. their august debates, data in wisconsin there are multiple reasons why trump insinuates pointed ditch this week's fox news debate the first of the gb presidential primary season for one thing. Trumpeters too want to deprive, has conservative opponents of the attention bump in ratings and earned media they would get there would likely get if trumpery that stage with them at this point in the primary in trumps. Our words why I give it to them. A hundred percent correct now come on this, but let's get back to fox, saying, that they will sue you. They will come after you, in an advisory circulating in social media which newsweek has yet to independently verify that now
poorly set out stringent redistribution policies and warn that failure to comply quote, we'll be regarded as a violation of our rights and may so the violators to liability under applicable laws? It adds. Fox news reserves, all rights and remedies in the event of any violation of its rights. Newsweek approach, Fox news via email for comment and confirmation of the documents authenticity friday, an almost identical advisory, we're going to the gp primary debate in twenty. Sixteen remains available on fox news's website, very interesting. network will host the first of two republican primary debate so far announced with the first taking place in Milwaukee wisconsin on august. Twenty third The business will house neither at the ronald reagan, library, blah blah blah blah. I dont care. The first debate may see from the absence of our publicans primary field, current front runner, blah blah blah. I'd fox news now about they ve done this before twenty sixteen
and are you don't twenty twenty? There was no primary debate, so this may be fairly well in for them- but as we enter this new era, seven years on where we do these live shows and we provide live commentary and fact checking on these and it's because it is newsworthy. Normally, if was there I'd say you know what screw you fox news. Try me, let's life fair use, let's see the, tat to which your willing argue one of the most news worthy conversations in this country, if not the most, let's make that our, that, you can block out the pub from listening to politicians, debate their plans. Sorry. I don't think you're gonna win that one for illegal but you know what In this day and age right now the lack of relevance as to your debate, I have to, I have to say, I'm not sure
there's a really great argument anymore. Now, obviously there is a fair use argument you have the most famous men in the country. Tim rawness aunt. As chris christie rummish army there s, no Nicky, hey Fine, you ve prominence political personalities debating their plans and you're gonna, try and argue exclusive rights over that? No one can share that spare me now. To be fair, they'll, say yeah, but re broadcasting. The whole thing with commenting homage to argue that these men to be fast tracked. I'm sorry these into Nicky hayley zone these individuals into effect, but let's just be real: there's no relevance to this debate, so I just don't care made it easy for me fox news. Not all, do you not have the only guy? We want to hear from to be fair I would like to hear from vivek ramaswamy having a conversation with donald trump, but you don't have trump centre stage. It's it's like could you could you imagine going to see you know insert famous band.
And then in the main front, with the front man's, not there, the singers, not there. That's nonsense. Everybody, let's go Go see, rolling rolling stones and mick will be available. Ok. Now I can understand for a lot of bans. You know their lead singer may pass on, and so they want to find a way to play and they will that's different, etc. you're not really going to see the band when the the the front man's. Not there and that's what they're trying to pull off right now, just a waste of all of our time The former president's made it clear that rolling stone says when talking to those close to him that he believes whacking fox and such a public manner also serves to discipline the murdoch media empire. You know and honestly blah blah. I don't care trump's biggest gripes lately been over the murdoch media decision to vociferously pump up dissenters status as future, who could see the crown from trumpet twenty twenty four. No, we can't rhonda sand is made a tremendous mistake. I'm sorry he did.
and the descent of supporters. They're nuts, not if I'm not a single one, ok I like rod has had its policy. Was I He is a more rigid politician. He can get there daddy can execute and so what Rhonda santa's opportunity was running against, you he got too big for his breeches they, down those wax wings and flew right up to the sun. It crashed into the sea early on Ron was pulling above trump the prey. should markets had him two to one, the favourite against strong and then he launched his campaign and stead of praise, trumps policies and complementing em and defending m raw came out in these openness to way imaginable, attacking trump in weak ways, passive antagonistic defences. We call those well
to call it, but it's too false. Compliments there. It's like a fool, complement. What you have is donald trumpets, indicted and Rhonda Santos goes log out all what good what goes into paying a porn star, hush money, but I will not assessed in the extradition of the well well. Well. Well! Well, that is not how you get it done. I look man far be it from me to tell the guy how to run his campaign, but I think if he followed the advice that I'd been given on my shows he'd, probably doing a lot better, which is to say Ronda, santas, immediately the first indictment came out. Here's what I'd do if ass governor out and the press conference outs, walk up to the podium, little papers and put down, and then I would say, the states of florida will not allow any on force meant outside this state, to lay one finger on donald trump. This attempt
at criminal charges and indictment is clearly a political move to manipulate our elections, and we will have no part in it. You are not welcome in our states and you will not lay a hand on donald trump. Thank you. Walk away. everybody would be greater than like yeah has. Instead, I will know what goes into you now paying off a porn star by we're not going to be involved in any assisted, not can assist in any extradition. It's like dude you had the message right there. If flora, Law enforcement won't assist in extradition its measure, you're innocent face down to flora and he's back. Don't look at me, I'm too weak to do anything to defend any kind of movement in this country. It doesn't play man, it doesn't play. That's why he's drop in the prediction markets in the polls now, I think, I don't think the vague has gone near that that, because we want a governor
but rob had the opportunity to come, and it's like he couldn't If he just said we want to set an extradition, he could have done it better. Instead, on has tried to attack dropped from the right. insane and run For this reason, moderates yo they. Out that video, where it's like playing that no song or wherever bowl due to bow wow rod. It's why iran wants to ban this and ban that algae bt, and I, their criticisms of trump when it comes to faulty trump, when it comes to social justice type policies and how far he was wont, let them go absolutely that's why I think round, as tennis deserves credit as as a governor, But his messaging has been gigantic parts that you can't flush, because then they get apparently one of the guys in their campaign produced this video. That's plying running up that hill and then it
It ends with soldiers marching towards the sun in wrath the black son, a symbol associate with nazis, and ran like smiling, and it's just like, while her How do you screw this up althea, christina persia? as I'm in a question. he's. Apparently this is port coming out that she's running these groups or that she's she's got a group and she and they're all cheering on these means, and then they out this absolute garbage, which just tanks rhonda santas If there is any sign, That wrong is no longer a threat. Look towards how they're, trying to smear the vague swami from the atlantic The vague rama swami says he wants the truth about nine eleven, he didn't say he wants the truth about nine eleven. He said that decisive Documents came out in twenty twenty one, showing the saudi arabian intelligence were involved in some capacity, and we were lied to for twenty years about it so there.
haven't told us the whole truth. how do they twist this in a quote from they gramma swami. He said something to the effect of if there. If, if, if there was a question about how many feds federal agents were on the plains at the trade centres, we would want to know the answer probably zero right and The nine eleven commission would know that so afforded to a commission on January six. We to know how many federal agents are on the ground they twist it. rhine make. It seem like the vaguest, claiming nine eleven was an inside job to smear him, sir. then comes out, the atlantic comes out daily, beast comes out knives out for vivek ramaswamy as on being misquoted and so they do. They were to release the audio knowing their putting him in the trap. vague stumbled on this one. He walked this trap. Ike. I can't blame them because this what the media does. They lie cheat steal, but you gotta be careful
you gotta be careful about how you you quote things, and we are very careful when it comes to cast tyrrell you know we just had that culture. War episode with bill, mitchell, and he said cloning is like Alex Bruce a which went on twitter and said insert quote from Alex Bruce about how bill Mitchell looks like an aging lesbian. He said but bills I look like. I think they clip that than ours So it's tweets out. Look at this this admission from bill Mitchell at its part of me says: do people are gonna fall for that and thank he actually said that He did literally say it, but he was saying you said I said like You tweeted that You know you know what I mean. It was still really really funny and- Two with respectable mitchell here like a chap and was making a bunch of jokes about it, and it was really really funny. I
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What are we currently? Are there go after vague they? there. They know that he is the real threat. So this What you can expect to see more of this. Is it dixon markets. Vague, is the real second place. Candidate now listing. Why are they having this debate. ratings- I guess selling, adds sure Really, that's why I mean honest question. You guess on this. I can understand, wanted to see what the vague has to say and you can hatch, odd jobs. Out of your time, at your own leisure, is already been reported. It's gonna be uploaded. You can watch it after the debate. If you really want we're, not gonna watch the debate. normally, we would do live commentary with the debate playing. We call out people effect, but I gotta be honest. The the two people on that stage: a care about new Sanderson rama swami.
the swami is clearly the only one. Anyone else cares about look. If this pole is accurate, Vote below for your favorite vp click to expand and four from the candidate. I would love to see a donald trump vague, rama, swami ticket, I think that we really interesting to businessmen. Now there are some questions. I have some issues I have I I really think you need someone with a military experience when it comes to the commander in chief and that's what I would prefer I like to see gabbert when she was running she she she's out. She was a she got promoted recently. What cirque I dunno, what our current rank as but she's a national guard. I believe she still has no, actually maybe she's got not I'm not sure, but like real military experience matters. Rhonda santas was, as a lawyer I got this year, I believe in the navy. I respect that tremendously. that's kind of the issue, the vacant tromp yet to business, guys I gotta be honest. Unwilling try that out, especially because the vague has it political mind, he studied, has led to the law and he's got plans trump.
The ball. Is this what we're talking about last night? Traumas, bull in a china shop rampaging through the deep state and the vague, I think, This is what he described as a wizard and I was like I was imagining the doors bust open the fortress of the deep state, and that I get ball with gold, tromp, hair and then there's vacant wizard robes and the ball starts rampaging around and then the vague is using magic to to make things disappearing. I mean that's, at the silly vision I have, I think, with trump anger, you get revenge, you get we're getting it done were firing these people, you get a cab, Matic personality that can rally people behind em with vague you get. You gets analytical, surgical, logistic procedural you get all of that top up stuff people have said. Actually the Roma would be better. I secretary state and took Tucker karlsson would be better vp and are now
Tucker karlsson is more of a is a charismatic guy he's more of a speaker vi president, is kind of a do nothing job. A lot of people think secretaries, it makes a lot of sense. You get stuff done, but will see. I don't know for sure, all I can say for right now, as I find this debate to be a waste of everyone's time and laughable. We all. Tromp is gonna, win he's the guy. it can throw everything they want. Adam there's no point having of this debate, but I guess presently debate only with their next segment is coming up at one p m in the channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you well, then we are all for dogs sitting at a pot of water, as that procure slowly increases and soon it will come to a boil. and when that happens, for a lot of a little probably be too late. Take Did the first mugged shots in the trump where's your election case. You have, John eastman trump,
lawyer and Scott all. I just got to say it is shocking and horrifying that we're at the point where to lawyers are be arrested and it won't stop. Here. republicans, I'm not convinced, are prepared for what's to come, and I mean at our holistically the pod politicians, as well as the voters. Donald trump says you'll proudly be arrested tomorrow, then turning to numerous reports, you'll be treated the same as everyone else. I d Ah, that's possible one argument. That they're gonna shuffle trumpet and shuffle trump out as quickly as possible, because strain on. The system would be too great to hold. Tromp inside with the Let's just say terrible conditions and security concerns. I don't think they care I think they are rapidly
increasing the pressure to a degree which wit in which people do I understand the severity of what's going on bologna laid out for you, with two other stories and then we'll come back and start with the trumping arrested. First have this from political trump moral logo, security aid flipped. after changing lawyers, is right. You see there was one of them one of the individuals being question. had given story and explain what happened, then? Federal government intervenes this guy, all of a sudden. I actually I changed my mind. I gonna change my story. does anyone actually believe that this is legitimate. trust. These people, people like jack Psmith, are clearly engaged in a political persecution and a of the republican front runner and if any in any argument as to
abstractly I saying trumps trumps guilty, you ve lost all that I'm sort. You have lost all that russia ukraine, gate debunked. We know those are all lies. We know Joe Biden was engaged in illicit business activities, no so when you tell me That someone testifies says here's what really happened in these documents case, then the Feds intervene and all of a sudden says. Actually I've changed my mind. My story is totally different. You We too believe that legitimate nope and here's the next story from the ip. fired founder of right wing organization, project veritable, is under investigation in new york. There going after james o keefe. This is august eighteenth, twenty two These three What did I say only a few weeks ago. What have I been saying these past couple of weeks? The next people to be targeted.
We'll be media personalities now. me. Let me present us with my actual belief, Is a bit more nuanced and justice, a james o keefe, it is people who are cheering on trump war war towards kind of and to help them in any way. With his goal. James o keefe does not fit that description perfectly well, and was specifically, I believe, oh god, for people like Tucker karlsson people who are in prison in communication with the president and his legal team, who then went on to either agree with or work towards, uncovering what they viewed to be election fraud. now, while James o'keefe is not the perfect example of what I was referring to, he does still fit them old sea james Keith uncovered about a video of a guy who's, got a bunch of balance in his car saying that he's getting paid for this. Yes,
individuals, who are helping donald trump in any way in this narrative, our next night know what they're doing of james o keefe. But I warned. And I'm warning you now: it's gonna get worse. I want to make sure I preface all this with one Now is the time for procedural action. knocking on doors. Advocating for people to vote spreading the word. The motion I think you're probably do tell your friends and family to sign up for acts formerly known as twitter,. Is a convincing someone. This is going on is very difficult. You tell them that there are rusting journal, investigating journalists, arresting lawyers. and they're gonna say this is this is crazy? What did the sun happening here? You're you're conspiracy, theorist, there
a simple thing to do. Hey are you on? Are you on twitter or x or whatever? Not? Really, you should sign up because I'm on it and then you know we were given. We can. I can message you and stuff like that and, and you know, and then I'll see your posts now that is a much easier, so people need to No, what's going on but I to make sure I explain this to you These images, these investigations is new stores. They want you angry, don't get angry it. Smart donald trump can win and I believe he is actually the favourite to win trump lost, and twenty twenty by around forty two thousand votes in three states. He can easily make that up and without lockdowns Democrats are in serious trouble. Another come on, they say. Joe Biden got eighty one million votes to trumps. Semi five link does matter. Electoral college That's why they are desperate to do something about it. They want to shut it down right now.
Oh! I know that donald trump has a real path towards victory. You ve got never trumpery once again when judging about how we can't win when and Democrats are saying he only needs forty four thousand more votes, yeah trucks, When, when you take a look at bud light, you take a look at rich men, north of rich men, take a look at sound of framing, take a look at target and we are winning the culture war, which is why the one, We think these cycle paths have left is the eight of law enforcement, their desperate. I think republicans need to get ready because they are trying to make it worse Neither the story coming about a woman who had- I'd flag gone too, Education with a guy tried ripping it down in that he shot and killed her they die sprightly need a reaction. Dont give it to them, Now is the time to make money work hard. And make sure you are focused on learning as much as you can spreading. we're talking about politics.
Challenging the legitimacy of these charges against trump and his lawyers, and if have personalities are under investigation challenge. All of that. Make sure you are ready to vote. Can I tell you this the path victory is simple, trump wins. there's a lot of people who are like you can't win all of them above other forty, two thousand votes.
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What was the point of voting and twenty twenty? Oh, it's all crooked nope. Forty thousand votes was all trump needed and if your remain steadfast, he will easily get that now. At the time, people to write music, rich men, north of richmond slam donk oliver anthony To make movies like sound of freedom, to tell these big corporations, we will not buy your products and that's it and with a smile on your face, you're, the guy threats are doing their wiggling. Their fingers inform your face. When I'm a touching you not touching, you don't react. Just smile turn around and walk away. Stay the course do not let them trigger you into a reaction. Now look at me wrong. Legal response is law, fair, all that stuff on the table. When I'm saying is, we must act. All costs prevent any and all violence. Because democrats want it, they want it going anti see antifa you're, the far left I'll try and justify all of it. There is that far.
extremists who set fire to a man and dropped sign in his yard, proud to say we have paid a reward. To an individual who identified the criminal who has been criminally charged and is being suit. Now the individuals being charged with couple misdemeanours that have no jail time, despite the fact that he committed arson twice, My camera he apparently admitted to understand this. This is the that we have to take now a lot of people. I see he's, unhinged rents and claims like no. We have to fight bomb like did you not gonna win that you are fighting and up oh battle as democrats control these institutions, you must be smart about your approach and the smart approach right now is cultural, There is shit songs. Billboard, hot one hundred they can no longer deny it invents as many people as possible to wear that guy fought mask figuratively and stand peacefully.
And they can't do anything about it. And before vendetta, nobody, smashing anything, that's the anti for lie. That's the leftist lie all day. It was put on the mask and say we don't we don't believe in you anymore. You have no, sir. You have no power here. That's where we move as we go. Twenty twenty four, don't let them Donald, contribute, Donald trump cecial proudly beer tomorrow in georgia on election fraud charges the ex president imminent. Surrender is poised to overshadow first european debate. That's right bail is set as two hundred at two hundred thousand john eastman was a hundred. I believe we have is a sidney powell. One hundred thousand, let me tell you. You know I was saying before that I thought trumps asked move, was to challenge the machine. to go to flora and say serve me paperwork and I'm I'm diminished a bit on that idea. I've diminished of it
while I certainly still see. There's merits trumps serve me, and I will respond. Probably happened as they reached out to his lawyers and the deepening of the fallen trumps out. Ok I'll come in. I know I don't like that before you don't need to give the government the benefit, to say you guys volume of procedures, and let me know but I thought about it. And I'm seeing this. I think I understand what trump is doing. I don't think it's fun. de chess, I don't think trump is that clever, a lot of people think Everything he does is five d chess. Some people think he's still president for some reason, but I do think thought I do believe trump has thought about this, and he has chosen to do this and there Some big advantages to trump surrendering in this way. First, the lesser known gnp debate will be tonight and I dont care to watch it. Some people would watch for the laws dude, I'm sorry, man I'll say it again. Courtesy, Nicky, Hayley quip at my pants- that's meaningless to me,
A vague roma, swami and disasters sure, but what's the point of watching you know, we're plus soon get a few minutes of vacant santa spoken not worth it. Here is the thing about trump surrendering on thursday. Tomorrow, Finally, after a jubilee debate, we pay and clips we'd be saying, look what they say. Look good. He said, look what she said. Nope laura ordinary, sank, trump surrenders trump surrenders trump mugged, shot trip knows it. tromp knows these. Actions may shock america talked about you can't just be a frog sitting in the pot. As the water comes to boil. You have to shock this nation and that mug shot definitely going to do it. I hope its shock and off, but I think trump gets it I should say I think trop believes it. Rob, surrenders They put him through all that and he comes out looking like a political martyr, sang
what they are doing their best bet. I think it's gonna be a factor for a lot of people I hear for more and more people. I know that voted for binding twenty twenty saying this is good out of hand At the very least, a lot of people here from say they won't be voting. Democrat I mean they vote. Tromp a trumpet needs forty two thousand votes. That means Democrats can lose forty. Two thousand votes trump can win forty to those votes or some combination of the two, Democrats lose in these states. Twenty thousand votes and trumped gains twenty five thousand. He wins. Let's say. Democrats lose two hundred thousand votes and trump gains. Nothing. Let's say: trop loses a million votes across these states and the damage That's lose more, that's the point. It's not just whether trouble gain votes. It's about how many are is by going to lose, which is why we are hearing more and more that mandates are coming back.
and we talked about- is less than an ira feel about. You were saying that build, justify mask mandate or locked downs, so they can get the mail and votes. But my response was, I think, is mostly correct, but not gonna call a mandates, There are some mandates. I'm universities, studio in hollywood. I was in new york and I'm hearing rumours from friends of friends that some the valet authority about it back, mask minutes or california. I should say. but I think is a strong possibility that what happens is. Joe Biden's administration comes out and says: no, no, no! We're not going to force you to do anything. Mandates, don't work, so we're not going to do mandates, but these are guidelines because we think you should follow them and you try to save your fellow man, we're not gonna force. Anybody do this, but because we have issued this guideline, we have to do universal mail in voting Faria everybody it has to happen. Some people have said if they have, they ve already done it. They ve already got universal mail in voting. Yes
but there are still some weaknesses there as to what Not you will receive another about again. They ve done this thing if you sign up before you'll get another one, but well everyone get one if they issued These guidelines than they can we're gonna, send everybody the mail and vote. Then they're gonna go for the ballot harvesting again, but trump needs the forty two thousand votes. In these swing states, which is why the going after him in georgia because they know georgia is pivotal, we'll see Look over there doing here from political. A trump employee who monitored security cameras at donald trump mar logo abruptly retracted. His earlier grand jury, testimony and empty hated trumps and others and obstruct trumpet others. An obstruction act, Switching from attorney paid or by the trunk political action committee to a lawyer from the federal defenders office in washington. I would like you you just understand what happened here: a fat will imply you
How does the lawyer for this individual, who all of a sudden is now implicating trump I'll, tell you what I think happened This guy probably did nothing because this case is already novel. Legal theory. So help us or our oh yeah, trumped inside a high anything and they were like her, but we need the indictment we need. The evidence- so fat goes and says, he's gonna happen. We are going, to get you on perjury charges unless recant and say what we want you to say, and this guy Terrified and panicking think it's all coming crashing down will do anything to save his eyes here. The aid described as trump employ for in public court. Identified elsewhere as your skill to virus held the title of director of information and moral. He initially testified to a grand grandeur in dc that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos after getting the new attorney immediately retracted his prior false testimony.
And detailed the alleged effort to tamper. Yet because what they did was he said: listen, you're, gonna be ok, you're wanna go home, You're going to play video games here that new boulders gate three, is coming out as it bothers eight three baltic. It's coming out to I dunno if two or three or whatever it's come out for play. patient already. I don t want you to come and play boulders gate all you gotta do. Say what we want. You to say. Goes away because think about it, if you say naughty things, nasty things about trop. What's the worst gonna happen? Is trump gonna get mad at you? So what if he does, if the feds are mad at you now you're to prison for the rest of your life, and there is nothing you can do to stop it, but that is, of course unless you say what we tell you to say and then maybe will look the other way and let you go on home and player video game there. Is no world in which I believe this testimony as legitimate russia.
Hawks ukraine gatehouse lie, lie lie it's gone crazy out there. Robert Barnes, someone This tweet, a quick cheat sheet of the top five constitutional issues are the trump indictment First, it violates the art to article two executive power. The president has the power to do things like. It is first amendment because he was saying things for the moment in their search warrant, the fit them and in the grand jury and value clauses for misuse of deasey grand jury. Sixth, amendment attorney client privilege there should include impeachment clause first met. Just prosecuting our opponent. One theory says that the constitution requires you impeaching president, before you charge him criminally, because he is the executive he too action on behalf of this country. He determines as the executive as the chief executive officer commander in chief he determines how long foresman is handled so here. Posts to be impeached before this happens and after
his crimes, a high crimes and misdemeanours. They say, then he gets impeached. Then he gets criminally charged. Instead, the sweat Robert bonds responded to the key witness flipping sang, in other words the judge in DC, interfered with a club The choice of council proposed, a lefty trumpeting federal defender on his client, coercing the clyde into flipping on and testifying Guns trump allies its! Continued violation of the sixth and oh so much kirk says for those of you keeping score home. We ve go dc district attorney investigating the number one fund for conservative political cause on the right way. local westchester de investigating James o keefe, try to put him in prison. We have a local manhattan de indicting trop for an unprecedented crime trying to go to his whole family go fault in county dossier, glamour trump and his lawyers michigan age is targeting sixteen alternate electors.
And not a single republican. Diego Agee has the stones to investigate, or indeed the criminals, on the left This is why you are losing your country. dear santa all, I want for christmas is the time to appreciate the holiday spirit through revel in the old family traditions and savor, delicious foods surrounded by loved ones. To do all that had all need several of food cities, freshly prepared party trays, their handmade candies, all the fresh produce and certified angus beef hand cut by their real butchers on second thoughts. Santa I got this because nobody does food or the holidays like food city year ago, from political DC attorney general is probing Leonard LEO's network federalist society, culture and extra judicial advisor as you nonprofit groups more than one billion dollars for conservative causes. Political says
washington dc attorney. General Brian schwab is investigating judicial activist Leonard LEO And its network of non profit groups according to a person with rock what not direct knowledge The scope of the investigation is unclear, but it comes after political report in march that one of lent LEO's, nonprofits wretched, has a charity paid. His for private company tens of millions of dollars in the last two years since he joined the company a few weeks later, of watchdog group filed a complaint that easy attorney general blah blah blah. You get the point here. We go. It's all coming down. trumps gonna surrender his be treated like any other inmate. There's gonna be a protest apparently yeah I'll need to be as peaceful as peaceful can be. In fact, one idea. People like this is too handcuff yourselves. I do just that put put. What come on or it may be even figurative cuts for couple reasons. we do not want
Anyone to be violent. People are gonna, say self defense. We need understand a few things first, the symbol of trump supporters in cuffs is an actual and start member on a yo pretended to be cuffed because they know What that shows on video, but here's what I'm saying they will try to provoke, anti four may try showing up to provoke you and to fight it. I know a lot of people are gonna say no doubt back down, but you need their stand to things. Two scenarios. The may twenty ninth insurrection, where law enforcement cleared the far left they try to burned on a church and it was forgotten about and january sex. Where the stood down open the door. Let people in and other people are in prison. They will try to trick you into doing something that will result in your arrest. Them you can then use against you, and even if antifa swings. First, you defend yourself, that's not. The cliff they're gonna show I shall look above you swing, it.
That's why I say nonviolence resist any attempt. Get your baited into fighting, don't fight, don't do it. a lot of people, don't like the idea, but this is why the left wins they claim victimhood. Imagine what would happen if peaceful, full, nonviolent tromp supporters, were kneeling in front of the court in a symbol of political persecution, and there's video of them being pepper, spreading beaten without fighting back that the pr narrative and I don't do a lot of people are going to say: no, don't do it or not. I don't I'm telling you do don't I don't give them the opportunity to make you look like the bad guys. I'm not saying you have to do the symbolic protests or anything like that. I'm just saying you get the idea. The last thing we need is any kind of of conflict. Let them be evil, don't let them trick you. about once they safe and I'll be. Main vigilant, the key victory now his november and trump can win.
Let them convince you, otherwise, Oliver their next segment, is coming up at four p m on this general thanks bring it out and I'll see you all them. I love it. They will try anything to protect this guy. Ladies and gentlemen, from NBC news, if you can call news, can servants, pundits, falsely, claim Biden slapped during Maui fire memorial using low quality video that distorts how Biden appears pundits made the false claim go viral on social media, oh boy. My opinion that it shows Joe Biden falling asleep how's, your minister, ok, aren't let's try this doze off for about ten seconds, because that's what they said right He put his head down closed his eyes and for about ten and then he nods and he's, and then it gets up. That's the point. That's what we're saying happen, what I'm saying that Joe Biden pulls out a pillow made up by my pillow at that lay down, went to sleep. It's
white literally the point that he's dozing off and not paying attention to. What's going on, I love this. directly insult and besmirch my good honour in this article. But, ladies and gentlemen, I have the video in question and high resolution to assuage their fears that I They claim would spread misinformation, no I have the actual video clip I'll play for you play it for you in high resolution to make the exact same point I already made yesterday. But I got it. We gotta we got, read this article first, I love it. using low quality video that distorts. How Biden appears my foot If the thing was that the due to wrote this said Biden wasn't sleeping, he was dipping his head in solemnity, but oh, come on, the dude was falling asleep. Let's be real and made a very fair point: an ira change
time. Was it in a way? I think why is what minus five hours or something like that? More maybe so Joe Biden is being asked to stay to like two or three of unimpressed. I right now he's fallen asleep. Ok, that's what he's doing say that they have a less concern if pundits use. Quality, video on social media platforms, tuesday to spread a false claim that present Joe Biden fell asleep during a memorial. For my, we wildfire victims I'll be completely reasonable with all of you right here What we have here is a class opinion, and be seen to assess. In our opinion he was dipping his hat in solemnity and not sleeping. and he's dozing off. That's it What more can you say? You have a nice day, I think people, seeing the history of Joe Biden struggle to speak and fall asleep at other events would conclude, do dozing off. That's just it. Dozing off, or does mean yo, He fell asleep or light ten seconds, I'm not say, took a nap ridiculous people.
Fox news house. John Henry was among those who showed a low, resolute resolution, video unex, the social meat. formerly known as twitter, These post was viewed more than four hundred and twenty five thousand times than a few hours, similar posted by others received thousands more views on youtube, instagram and tiktok Higher resolution. Video from the non partisan network c span shows that Biden looked downward for about ten seconds. While he was seated at the table in the video button watches someone who speaking coughs looks downward and then not intervene with the speaker. Then he looks up again. He later livered a speech to the same audience. You know what can I do? I gotta pull up what this guy said on twitter gets too funny. and it's more than just they so that he looked down. lemme see where it where it where, where we, where we have this year, I think just put like ha sleepy joe or something here we go awry You go benjamin ryan.
Benjamin ryan guy says: no Biden was not sleeping at molly memorial. He was boeing, his head in solemnity. This is the most on hinged and cardiff, defence of Joe Biden I have ever seen who is this guy, in science. Rapporteur for the new york times, NBC news, blah blah blah, absolutely amazing, The higher resolution video shows that biting kept his eyes open for most of the time he was looking downward. No, they don't the video. I have the video. It shows him close his eyes and doze off at least member of congress. Rep Trey also share the lower resolution video. bugs person for nails at every, with eyes, can draw their own conclusions. Not whether Biden was nodding off in the video asked for comment about the maumee videos. Why does spokesperson? and robust said unfortunately feel the need to lie. Instead, they should join him in supporting the people of Maui, I loved the column, cheap fakes.
It just because its law resolution to trick people know what's really happening now, we're up at the high resolution one. I love it where do they bring up? They bring a mere here. Several videos on youtube use, lower resolution, video to allege that Biden fell asleep, one from pundit tim pool, hey that had taken service had a hundred and sixteen thousand views and other from the hill head on eighteen thousand views in a third from a self. Dragged motorcycle enthusiast. What is what three thousand feet? Why how? How? How is that relevant? Won't you to bans. Misleading content, if it has been mickey manipulated or doctored in a way that misleads users it also has a policy of reducing this but of borderline videos that come close to crossing its line. But don't you, didn't immediately respond to an email address for comment, pool and the hill also didn't immediately respond. I love ass. They Actually try, as far as I can tell to reach out and then the like, but that it respond in time sevenpm dude I host to show its called tim cast iron. Well, we tried to contact him poor while he was live on the air with his own show. Oh, come on out to be
are they probably emailed me like five one? eating dinner and then getting rid of her prey production, but don't worry, I got your comment right here. Ladies and gentlemen. Here's the video in question. Let me before you. The higher resolution clip like meares Joe Biden is that thing come on. Let's get rid of that stupid, not plus minus the echoes giving blue given flew food and shelter where someone they may have never met before we are a community that relies on faster, began the seconds on or hano. It now is opening his eyes and non uk wife and he's got the what appears to be labored breathing but, like many others and then he eventually looks back up burned. That whole episode took about twenty seconds. Let's refresh, let's try the more time I will count. I will count the seconds Why do the resolution droplets make sure we I want know we gotta get the resolution. Five: seventy six with what what.
That's the resolution there offering here they can't arrogant. Like many others With I'm an account the seconds for you, they too were giving blue given glow. Food every goes showed looking down eyes closed someone aright they may have never met before that's five seconds. We are a community That relies on sam ten seconds his eyes now reopen with that's the point. That's the point? He's nodding off. Its remarkable that what they do is we get a video of Joe Biden closing his eyes? Imagine this I want you to imagine this. I'm doing this video right now and imagine if, as I am reading the news, I would like this you didn't immediately respond to an email requests. it looks like I fell asleep. I quickly return, but ten sec
Of putting his heads down closing his eyes, is nodding off its dozing off. It is falling asleep, that's the point and then he wakes back up you're, not the appropriate responses to all of this is to say yes, spite and may have fallen asleep for roughly ten seconds calm down If the time change and he's up very late night say: ok, you know fair point, but I want to present stronger than that a president who is not going to fall asleep. The present is going to have a cup of coffee and be like I've got to stay awake for this. I want a president who can pull an all nighter if possible. That's the critics Nbc you crackpot liars you, two bands- misleading content, they're, basically saying why won't you two panting pool screw off? Opponents going from the cap, students for trump had twenty
as in likes blah blah blah matter. The company that owns facebook and instagram has a policy to remove content. Why won't they ban you all? We all watched a video where Joe Biden bowser's had closed his eyes and assessment and you're like that's, not sleeping he's bowing his head in solemnity. Why won't you know want, is banned for that I love this timeline, tik, tok or so this allows misleading content causes societal harm yoke. An NBC news who wrote this garbage day ingram this? So what I love about NBC it is garbage pure garbage. They hire a bunch of partisan psychopath cull and they just say please engaging sophistry for the sake of advancing the democratic gender. Listening to this might help your mental health.
Sometimes you need someone listening to you. That's why I m d live: has licence therapists ready to talk when you are get help weekends after hours, whenever you're, free and get back to feeling like you again, it's mental health care made easier empty life. Now, that's better, and then they get to a wonderful. What does the news guard give them? One hundred out of one hundred so credible, my favorite stories as when NBC too a story from an activist that was a lie about me. Posted as if it was fact that a bunch of other outlets regurgitating those lies, but then NBC removed the citation from their page you had always entertain any websites citing each other, a fake fact. Isn't that brilliant, and be rights. Fake news website called fake news website copies. That website website copies. That website, then NBC removes that story, and now a bunch of articles all referencing, each other and theirs. actual origin to the claim they ve made and then
I reach out and say you lied. They go Oh we're citing them, it's fair! It's it's! It's you so much for defamation of public participation. Is people? Are bags and they are evil and b knows nice. Try, ok, I'll play your c span, video nice try. Yet when a fallen for I'll leave it there next segments come up at six p m on this general thanks sprang out and I'll see you all them. It's a viral video. a man by some beard, gas station sees an armed robber, while no carrying his six pack. He fires at the that that the criminal seriously, injuring him and I use the story. I keep it simple for you, They actually consider charging this guy. Despite the video showing There was a man threatening to murder a store clark yo, this guy, with the beer. I wish he didn't have to do this. We do not want violence but not the one who brought it that day. the guy was robbing the gas station
a convenience store. Sorry in michigan, with a box cutter turning to kill a guy brought the violence we're not for this man with a legal concealed, carry weapon we have been and even worse, tragedy, not only the idea that even the criminal loses his life were seriously injured, but hey you report you so nervous, possibilities on you. When you decide to be the villain, I am glad this shop owner is safe. I never did happen men. What is really going about the store when I first started. Then there are the cops being like well we're gonna figure, whether prosecute the sky and unlike figure out what we sought with other video. I guess There has to be some review to make sure you know you don't have someone staging something like that or whatever animal, but it is in saying to me that the narrative would even come out if our got involved. I'd say it asked by the prize by the press. After everything we looked at looks like a clean act of self defence. Acting in defence of another
are you not? The investigation pulls up, otherwise will definitely consider it, but for the time being there there's no there's on charges at that. We should set in stone we're still being investigation and we'll see because we all know what really is going on if you intervene to protect other people, they come after you, But were pushing back the stick, man. California. Stockton, no charges for this man, no charges, here's the story, the michigan gas station customers. Always a gas station calmly shot an attempted armed robbery in July, while holding a six pack of beer will not be charged accorded the prosecutor, cordelia s, Anthony Martin, thirty, five, a repeat of thunder with an extensive criminal record, was met with seven bullets by a law abiding customer added to rob a stone like marathon gas station and cosette less michigan, Morton had been arranged. The charges of armed robbery, assault intent to rob, while armed and felonious assault according to wood tv, eight. Accorded cast county prosecutor's office, the honor defied customer wedge
martin will not face any charges after the office determined the customers. Actions were lawful and justified in. To defend himself and the clark The customer who is seated surrounds video calmly firing off shots and Martin, while holding us back a beer had a valid concealed. Carry pistol licence in private worked as a security guard. According the prosecutor's office, gotta say impressed. that he was able to hold his beer and fire with one hand. That's movie stuff, I am not the most accurate guys, but who had guns. ok, I guess dot to answer me. Man, this guy with one hand, was able to stop this service attempted murderer, the customer who has seen and surveillance video calmly firing of shots and martin weir, holding a six back at a value He'll carry. The police, Martin brandished a box cutter and threaten the clerk. The cost then pulled out a hand got shot. The would be robber. Seven times has seen on surveillance footage. Michigan law states that a person may use deadly force against another person. They honestly unreasonably believe
doing so is necessary to stop someone from dying or sufferings. Is bodily injury. According to the network Morton was arraigned uncharged in august, eighteen that is being held in jail one hundred thousand dollar bond. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for august twenty. Fourth, a simple local story, my friend, but it matters my friends, sort plot Both money also, as this story do sporting goods, ceo blames organised retail fast for loss in profits. You see here is the big time. once we are facing in this instance the criminal made one simple mistake: he brought a weapon did don't bring a weapon. Cops won't intervene, no one can stop. You, then is that is that the name of the game this is what we are seeing across the board, and I don't have the answers for you. I really don't see what bidding. Is these gangs are going into these stores looting and just stealing whatever they want? I can't do anything about it. They're not gonna find these guys. You can't intervene because here's the narrative.
If you get a guy who comes in- dicks sporting goods and grabs a handful of backpacks across one hundred and some bucks each and then just walks out. What do he do he internet? It took some stuff well. If you grab him now to salt now they're gonna say you had no reason to hurt that person. The problem It is not worth the harm, that's the game! So I said the mistake. This armed robber made in the gas station was being armed because they tried to stop you, as you are committing a crime. These active it would come out these partisans, the process. the pressure on you and say: let us It is never worth hurting someone not texas in west virginia might be different. I think taxes allows you to use deadly force to protect property, but would be deemed for the most part, I say for the most part, but typically socially unacceptable to use lethal force against someone who was stealing and an interesting philosophical question. I have for all of you personally,
I dont believe: stealing, a stealing goods from a store warrants, the death penalty, I don't like the death penalty in this country because I don't trust prosecutors in the government, but I certainly think but can take actions which results in the forfeiture of their life, such as, if you trying to kill. Other people are harmed children. It is reasonable, as Michigan even states, for someone to use force against you to try to stop you and that force may result in a loss of life. That's your fault. You initiated the violence on a one. but getting hurt, and we should try to stop the boss. But here's the here's, the challenge, if you, if you don't use any force to stop these criminals, the cry mescal and if the crime escalates, eventually its deadly and that's a problem, so we want to stop shoplifters. We want to see these roving bands of individuals looting these stores, but what degree of force is acceptable If you get what that there's a video aware, as a bunch of women robbing a grocery store. It looks like an
I come to the front door and grabs the basket needs shoving. The women I dislike he might go to jail for that. they might say he had no reason to attack these women these whim. work doing anything but carrying goods out of the store, the cost, Goods does not warrant putting some of the hospital or risking their lives. But I gotta be honest man. We gotta stop this somehow You tell me the solution. Dick sporting goods you're losing profits. Hey man, that's not! Ok!. we want business, is to function. We want stores to function. What's the solution, A double edged sword, my friends, I know a lot of people are gonna say you should be allowed to use force to protect property. Yes, I agree, think you should be allowed to use force now deadly into intentional deadly force. Maybe not! Maybe the line is simply as this If so, what under your store and You recently reasonably believe they are stealing uk. detained them and stop them without facing civil liability and then wait. police to come and resolve it,
if that individual engages in violent actions against you, you can ask Let your use of force reasonably, that is to say you are allowed to initiate force against them if they are stealing from you, however, not lethal force. That's gotta my view like if a guy's runnin away with a basket full of food shooting em. Now now grabbing him detaining him yes and anything that happens after that is the fault of the individual, that is to say, In my view, this how the law should operate if some stealing from your store, you can grab them. If, in the process of you detaining them stopping them it using force against them. They are severely injured or die. That's their fault. They committed the crime in the act of committing a crime. Someone died there responsible for their own death. I do not it is reasonable for someone to shoot a person for shoplifting now, like I said in the end, that is gas station, well,
that do did not have a box cutter, they might actually arrest the guy who had the gun. To be fair, though, where their admission again, maybe this guy just said you know I I couldn't see what was in his hand. when he, when he shot at him, but he knew tat. He was being threatened and then ass. We walked around the house crawling towards them, so he shot him again and their size I not get charged for that We need to bring back reasonable prosecution. Instead, what we have is completely unreasonable. It's easier, cops to arrest the law abiding citizen when they commit a minor infraction that it is to go after the actual criminals. well criminals, gotta be army, might shoot the cop cop get scared, law abiding citizen was, you know We have a concealed, carry permit, but has his gun the cops gonna go after you and two seconds this is, Craziest thing to me is that its easier to arrest the innocent, and it is the criminals and that's what the press, the pressure we are seeing right now. Our businesses are going to crumble. We not function. This way wall
means being closed down target stores, locking all of their products up you gonna walk walgreens in chicago that doesn't even have products anymore. Walk in the store empty. There's a tablet you type in what you want. They'll carry it out for you how psychotic this and it's all, because people won't accept reality and reality as criminals are at fault, not the victims. The criminal Stealing is responsible for any thing that happens after the crime is committed and I'm not going to stupid game payment will. What will wrap it up good for that dude save the life of that clerk and stopped a would be murderer. Yet we can have this We're want to see more and more stores close down unless we get serious about how to deal with crime oliver there. Segments come up to ninety eight p m over at youtube com slashed him guest. I r l thanks rang out and I ll see. Well then
you know you got a lot of people talk about immigration problems in Europe and I was reading an article from the new york times that had the opinions of several individuals, one was an culture who is talking about why trump ain't gonna get it he's not gonna win. The nomination is not going to be the guy rhonda sentences. The best. Since nineteen, seventy nine tire racked outcome has been helping, people find the right tyres, we're how what and where they drive they only the best, like the full line of bridgestone tyres, testers lt ratings and reviews are there to assist or try the tire decision guide to get a personalize tyre recommendation tyres bats and break to you or one of over ten thousand recommended installers in many areas they offer mobile tyre installation, but comes here, homer office, at bridgestone tires at tire rack, dot com. Can you make some points One of the points she made was that donald trump is not the same guy he used to be, and she was right about trump back in I think it was two thousand and fifteen or twenty sixteen. She said trump will be the nominee and they all laugh at trump's going to win and they all laughed. She knew.
What she's saying now is that trump won off of immigration. Immigration is a principle issue that has not been addressed. Right now, that if rhonda centres comes out and takes it as as his main issue is gonna win Finally, convince to be completely honest would be unprecedented, but It was right. The first time ever laugh at our. I ain't, gonna laugh and colder. She was right about tromp, you better, I repeat that might take. Look at the story. I love the absurdity of the story american woman who lived in paris for six years exposes very dark side to life in the city of light reveal. She's been robbed assault. and survived a kidnapping attempt, but still says she's happier than she ever was in the? U s, wow. that is a terrible indictment of paris lady. I am, I am really impressed by a let's rate, an american willing, american women living in paris has marked, or six year anniversary in the country by reveal The brutal realities, six fold-
pick pocketed a affording an attempted kidnapping and visiting the hospital to five times while non aligned, thirty three old, also encouraged other. Take the plunge. The experience priceless. famously had six cellphones pick pocketed Ober drive or try to kidnap me, young lady. What. In an interview with the south african couple, when I was in korea of all places. I think it was in korea and it's interesting because I asked like a south african really is. Is it really that bad? You know we're hearing about the farmers that are being attacked this is years ago, mind you, like it's not really as bad. As everyone says it is. I think I've only been carjacked like five times and now, was the funniest thing to me frogs in a pot boiling and thence there, you go only been carjacked five times never been carjack that I'm from Chicago out at random, lay a couple times. I know that's bad, because where I live now, ain't never happen.
Living in new york never get never got shot at one time. I'm sure you're gunshots in your, like you wonder what that's all about think out here in in the bones and west virginia. When I hear gunshots on what I wonder, I wonder, what's going on one day, got it sounded like automatic gunfire because a neighbour and his kids were all shooting at targets, and ah no I'm not I'm not like all. That's really want. I don't care, I think twice. Not concerned about it When I hear gunshots going off out here, it's- like other aiming at targets. Don't gotta worry about I'm in chicago you're gunshot you're like butter. Lay down you don't know that bolts go in, but it's crazy to me this lady, is basically saying paris is I stress that blew up Wow. This is crazy. She says there are four. pregnant bellies that I never got to touch and seven newborns at an ever gonna hold for funerals. I wasn't able to attend and dozens of birthday party that could be president. I am happy she's happy but she's, making a strong indictment of paris
famously had six cellphones pickpocket at neuber drive driver. Try to kidnap me. I was assaulted. The loop, like fourteen guys and I had my drink drugged with something something on the same. I've onto the police station to fill, play sports five times and I visited the hospital five times. Each person has made me cry at least one hundred times and I have been told SIP bob, possibly when it was possible five hundred times she's at it's not possible in french chickadees. If you move abroad, you'll miss everything at home. You will miss events, births, weddings and funerals you'll spent Countless days feeling loss not knowing anything about life feeling stupid, we'll be discriminated against simply for being an immigrant and be treated like a second class citizen, aha amazing. but none the less you away. new friends and they will and they will move then they will move away. You won't be, to express yourself the way you want to and you'll find self constantly thinking, I'm so much smarter, an english I'm so much funny or an english. They have no idea,
but issues do not stop. There are social media start at you'll think or fluent in the language and then find out that you are not and then you think you're really really flowed this time, but no you're still not you'll have to re, learn everything you know about how life works and it's going to be it's going to suck, but do it anyways and pivots to our thoughts about why people should move regardless of the extensive list so that she has lived in three different apartments acquired a new car. Ok, look we get. We get it she she very much enjoys what's going on she seven hundred twenty five thousand followers on tiktok. I don't think it's real to people ass. I really do you name it take talker, honest question, namely tik tok her. I'm waiting all I know you said Dylan mulvaney, but domo that he's got followers on instagram and other platforms. I dunno name somebody who's. Only famous on tiktok yeah I'm sure younger people can to a greater degree, but ah they're alive. of people that you can name on social media youtube, for instance, tons of you tubers that are popular among you.
The younger generation and youtube or that are popular among older generations. But tik tok is much much much harder, far, be it from me to say there is people that we ve interviewed, who are here, John tiktok and they no, they have no influence. That's the weirdest thing! No, recognizes that nobody wants from the street to very strange But that their varying degrees, typically honest depends on whether or not the media will highlight you by the way I digress. Although this lady is whose his lady, with seven hundred twenty five thousand followers on Tik tok, you know what made I'm an old man. I'm an old man I just don't know anywhere, but I'm on instagram. I follow a bunch of accounts and interim and popular people, There are people that might recognize from instrument, not tiktok though, but who am I to say here- I see with the story, She can say everything she wants to say about how she loves travelling, and I can respect that. But I'd say point out, live in paris someone to kidnap you.
you ve, been assaulted by fourteen guys, you ve been picked, pocketed and rob, and I was kind of like you're what in paris. What's happened to this place because we hear it quite a bit. And this is an interest interesting thing about the arguments about immigration now The big mistake. I think a lot of a lot of people make They think it's race. I really really can't stand the race argument because it is low. I q assessment, sorry it just as what happens is, immigrants come in. and then they see crime lots in united states about. Let's talk about immigration, the us drug traffic hang etc, etc, and there are like it's this dangled immigration and it's like it's, not immigration, dude. I'm sorry, I'm sorry they say it's race. They
stop looking at the skin color of the individual, and they say it's. Immigration plays a large role in this, but even immigration to an extent is not the issue. But my point: is it ain't the people, it's the culture that the people have and that can change or can be differ. Based on a person to guys crossing the southern border, may look identical but have completely different world and that is the issue you need to understand for clarifying P. We'll see the trafficking and assume race plays a role and you know, I'm not a scientist- maybe there's some factor there, whatever about saying overwhelmingly because things absolute, it's not race, it does not. they look at these videos and there are like look it's a video showing a particular group of people. You know african economic migrants committing these pick pocketing and crime and stuff, and I'm like it is culture, its culture, men and I'll. Explain. There are people who are fleeing venezuela and cuba, They hate socialism
These are pacific island or an opposite under this. These are caribbean folks, of natives from the area made american misty, so central american etc. His son speaking individuals who are fleeing these countries in desperate hope that they can, live in a capitalist country. I love it. So that means That there will be many people who don't speak english who emigrate here illegally. We don't like that, but still I favour our world view and our constitution more than many people in this country, this the funny thing but of about the idea that the white nationalist like to bring up? you know this country's with. What are they sang? It states that the last generations can be white majority, unlike doesn't mean anything to me like a person being. What does it mean thing to me? Someone common really focused laura loomer mentioned on the show, and then someone we're chatted like telling
x ray sky that the country is not can be, majority white is like a waste of time or is it something like is like shit a picture of oxygen to a drowning man. It's a quote from from watchman I, like it it's like completely meaningless. It does nothing for me. I care about values carrier. from what I you're. Your raises: a care that you are that you and the country illegally that you care about our constitution. You care about our values, and if you come here, you say I not going to impose my views on you. I will adopt your culture, because yours has proven track record for set for success, since it happens with france This mass influx of immigration right- it is an issue If all the emigrants who came to the? U s were, if it like a man if the only people crossing the border, no traffickers, no cartels literally just venezuelans escaping communism, yo weed we will be much better off these
people would come here and they would talk about the problems of leftism and and how they got to change it and we'd, be clap, inform maybe fantastic instead What do we get economic migrants who don't care at all, and that is an issue, because don't bring american culture with them. They bring nothing. And then it's not a melting pot a homogenization pot. I'm sorry! That's we want. It's a deal modernization, but it's a bunch of facts. Of random people, who don't care about anything other than just for themselves. We want people to come to this country of all. Backgrounds and skin types in colors, so long as they agree with american values. For douglas man that dude was based is a black men. Talk about how we with a live up to our own constitution there. Many people who recognise the founding fathers did a great thing. Despite do bad things as well. That's what we got talk about, so what a fine funny with this video, this lady man, that's it
diamond of, what's going on in france and germany, and plays a role? That's why you need legal immigration. I leave it there so let us come on up to night at six p m. I think it's! It's thanks rang and and I will see you all then. Politically, georgia pod cast his your essential new sores, providing in depth analysis and reporting from pastry street a pencil vainly avenue, listen to the atlantic journal constitutions trusted veteran political voices now streaming five days a week, hosted by gregg losing bill now get tee. A mature, limp, attrition murphy tune in weekdays at ten a m on w a b e. Ninety point: one stream at age, ac, dot, com forward, slash podcast news in analysis, five days a week from politically georgia I'd cast,
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.