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Record Number Of African Migrants Reach US Border, But Trump's Rules Cause 70% Drop In Immigration

2019-12-09 | 🔗

Record Number Of African Migrants Reach US Border, But Trump's Rules Cause 70% Drop In Immigration. The number of African migrants seeking asylum in the US has been steadily increasing since the number started being tracked in 2007.From 2018 to day the number has more than doubled at 5,800.But this raises several questionsAmid Trump's new rules on immigration the number of migrants both legal or otherwise has dropped by around 70%. Many people ordered to wait in Mexico gave up their refugee claims and returned home. Apprehensions under the Trump Administration also spiked recently.With all of these facts how could it be that more migrants from Africa are coming?The bigger question many have is why are these people taking an extremely dangerous journey and risking their families lives traveling half way around the world to come to the US border. They could certainly stay in any one of the countries they pass through if the goal truly is to escape some kind of hardship.The reality is that people just want to be in America.We are wealthy, we are free, and everyone knows we are better.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Record number of african migrants arriving at the. U S, Mexico border. There are many reasons why this is kind of strange are placed first with all the changes. Donald Trump has made to immigration, notably security costs. Creases and other rule changes like Romania MAX For instance. Immigration is down across the board. In fact, many of the people from Central America who came to the? U s my school border, to seek asylum. Told Romanian Mexico and then ultimately went or just left- because I Didn'T- Aren't you we're hearing about refugees from Africa places Cameroon or Angola flying across the Atlantic Ocean trap from South America for Central America and up to the Eu Mexico border to try gain entry to the? U S, it see out of place because the journey is so arduous and long there, literally on the other side of the planet, if it was true about being a refugee. You think that to any one of the safe and beautiful countries in South America and that of trying-
make their way to the cross border, but I think there's theirs Then we can look at that. Well, there's a couple things first, I mean America's awesome, of course, they'd. Rather be here than say, Mexico or Brazil, but I mean Mexico's a pretty red place. Results are pretty red place, but the other big that the big issue I think is often overlooked, or maybe not yours, the southern border was ignored and left Paul. As for a very long time, I think you can extract from the data tracking immigration apprehensions that under Obama it was strangely lacks. Perhaps it's not that we're facing it, record number of african migrants. Now perhaps it was actually down breast. Really seeing is that the increase in security. We can now track the number of migrants we the border, and we were on able to in the past, which is kind of scary. But again that's my assumptions. Let's do this start with the story from allay times with a record number of african migrants and then we'll move here and look at how the Trump administration is actually one on the immigration front, the law.
Take a look at how immigration was under Obama and I'll. Tell you what I think, what will spend upon this idea of we're at they just tracking these numbers now make us are going down before we started had TIM Cast outcome, slash donate if you'd like to support my work, their server. Different options to to support, but the best thing can do is just share this video on complying with all these big networks right now, they're screech about impeachment, but you know what we're not learning anything new. So if you think I do a good job, you like what I have to say, or you think there's value and other people hearing it sharing. This is one of the most effective ways to help me continue doing what I do. But let's read the early times reports the number of migrants from african countries in Mexico who have had contact with mexican immigration officials has increased from four hundred and sixty internet in seven to more than five thousand hundred and twenty nineteen right there we can see how explain this. Who have had contact mexican immigration officials, perhaps the number steady you're going down, and it's just that Mexico
tracking these people before until tromp got serious or these people were making it through the poorest border and no one was tracking them, and now that we have increased security, we can see these people are travelling. Halfway around the world to under this country, but three, then of african migrants heading to the? U S through Mexico has more than doubled this year from roughly two thousand seven hundred and twenty team to five thousand hundred today, according to data from federal government that figure when steadily rising since two thousand seven the year, sk in government began including migrants from Africa. African countries who have contact with him, and officials in their annual migration reports? One that now was four hundred. Sixty and dramatic increase been mostly left out of the? U S immigration conversation activists, end quote and with the immigration movement, you see a lack of the ability of black narratives with what is happening at the border. The Berlin Joseph Director and CO founder of the Haitian Bridge Alliance,
organization that helps black migrants from all over the world. Yo it was initially caught off guard by the number of black migrants south of the border and when sixteen. She didn't know how to respond to a call. She got about a group haitian migrants into you. Wanna couldn't understand why they were in Tijuana instead of in Florida the more traditional migration route for caribbean migrants. Note, notably Haitians, are african on I'll make up their points clear at the time. Honestly. I do not believe it. You said when she went anyway. I met with twelve haitian migrants. She stayed a month and counted more. Four hundred black migrants from not just Haiti but Congo, camera Rowan and Sierra Leone, as well now four years later we have thousands thousands of black migrants ominous stop here and I'm in a paraphrase Bernie Sanders, you see earlier this year he was asked if he would be for all. Borders, boot up the borders and Bernie Sanders said no.
The world has too many poor people. We can't help them all now. He's flip flopped a little bit talking about deportations and anymore torment such but that's a burning anderson- and you know what he was Right- The United States cannot just allow every single person to come here. We were I do have a refugee process for people who are truly, who truly are in need and need to be saved by don't tell you if you're from hunger, Cameroon, Angola, Sierra Leone and you're travelling halfway around the world with stop over in many places that are safe and comfortable, I dont believe That's truly about escaping a crisis as opposed to coming to one of the wealthiest and most comfortable. And one of the freest nations, It's really interesting to hear all of these activists. Talk about the great pride comes the: U S faces, how bad trumpets You still see people risking their lives, traveling the world desperate to come here. With all the stories about the migrant pension centres and how bad they are. They are
still trying to come here. That says something must be The overwhelming number of people who travel through Mexico to get to the? U S, continue to be from Central America. The journey. An easy many of them robbed and beaten while travelling north of these dangers. African I face additional obstacles in terms of language and cultural barriers. They also less. Access to services, from legal aid organizations who do not have staff who speak the same language as the migrants. They also. Racism and discrimination because the collar their skin. Yes, added this summer, the MIKE Faced a new optical at the for Guatemala Border they are being prevented. Reaching the? U S border according to activists on the ground in August, the next governments stopped issuing african migrants, transit visas that love. Travel north of the border with it with the United States. Instead a fish are asking migrants to apply for residency or a visa in Mexico, which advocates which, which advocates fear
could potentially jeopardize future asylum claims in United States. I'm sorry man now you may I agree, but I do not respect an asylum claim from someone who travelled halfway around the world and passed through several safe states, safe countries to get here. Mexico is nice. They are dangerous parts, but it is a very nice country. You ve clearly never been there, but the people who disagree on site Brazil is incredible: results beautiful. It got their problems, but Brazil really is pretty that there's this amazing places. In fact I gotta say: there's something you know you ve got Bolivia, you got Colombia, not the wealthiest, not not nervousness. Necessarily the safest but safe, enjoyable comfortable. I'm sorry! If you can across the Atlantic into Brazil and reject Brazil's hospitality sure I believe, your truly trying to fleece I'm kind of crisis. I think it's just about improving your life. Finding a wealthier nation and I can respect that, but I can all
but we also want, after respect that there are citizens here who contribute to what are our comfortable and wealthy nation and that many p want to take advantage of that. You come here and claim it's about asylum. You are taking advantage of our hospitality and you are displacing those who truly need our help. That's the big problem and why fuckin migrants stand out so much more than anyone. Central America, because I'll tell you this people, comfort I endorse Guatemala, I'm listening you come to. Going. So we can't stay here because the gangs operate here too. I hear you, border alright you're. In go to the south, you know, but these people coming Africa, man I mean Europe is closer than the United States, but for some reason they want to come here. So let me show you that's because it's you know there's a lot of news around this. That's kind of been neglected because impeachment up the impeachment insanity this historic lawmakers visit african migrants. At? U S, Mexico, water, from Nova, we're twenty six only got forty six shares. So this.
And covered nobody's. Talking when I tell you now- I'm will but this video gets substantially less views and impeachment nonsense. But you know what I've had enough of this important gate: one I'm so Peter their tongues same nonsense. We ve got a million times. I don't hear. Let's see, what's going on now there is a high like this is specifically for this purpose. Not now. Obviously, it's mostly Democrats and it's the congressional black caucus who are meeting with these african migrants, but but what the Hell reports most migrants stranded at the port of entry came from came around a majority. Speaking country, where I simmering civil war is in its english speaking regions in its speaking regions has forced more than half a million people from their homes. According the international crisis group go has long been a host to third country migrants seat entry to the Eu S, but the number african migrants in the country is growing as well into Europe become more dangerous. According to multiple media reports, they say
So these migrants are coming from Cameroon, so decide. Papa Map, and I'm going to show you just how far away it truly is. So let me ask you: what is the most dangerous? Is it more dangerous to go to any one of these other countries in Africa nearby or to try apple across the Atlantic into Brazil to Your way up all the way through all of these other countries- and I tell you this- the people who work from Cameroon I mean maybe fly to Mexico, but money. Stories that we ve covered in the past that I've cover in the past. Say: Angola: for instance, people coming from the Congo They are travelling from the Congo through Angola into Brazil, and then up through south and Central America but these countries like Honduras and Guatemala have Michael fleeing their own kind Is there because, if dangerous, so I tell you this man, these people were claiming It's too dangerous to go to Europe when they litter
They travel to countries where people are fleeing because too dangerous to then try and come here. I dont believe it I dont, now: it's not for me to decide its birth, the euro immigration system to decide. But you know what they're telling people they have to rein in Mexico, because unfortunately, They don't really believe it either. And there is now a new, a new rule being put in place by tromp that if you pay, through a safe third country on your here you will be ineligible and you know what that makes sense. Not make sense for someone to come to Brazil. I've been to Brazil several times, and I assure you you should deafened go there. It is awesome, Brazil is an amazing place, beautiful raising tourist spots, so it so it's credit, I think the region, it's crazy to me, because I would prefer to go there. Right, like I go out, go the outgoing occasion there and its crew, that so many people would want to go out. You know to Rio to Copacabana Sao Paulo. Joy, Brazil in their food and their people like coal
through their but saying that's not good enough for us when we want to go there. I know Americans who move their permanently. It's not the wealthiest, asian but results dice, I mean there's Argentina and Uruguay and Pear this places near Brazil, but for some reason it's always United States. Yes we're wealthier. So let's do this, I think you can see and about this came around. I let in red, too big journey. Take but these numbers in the Texas trip. You know, there's a We sword during the Clinton and Bush administration's but fell under Obama, Ninety. Ninety nine, the highest number of apprehensions recorded, was in March two thousand during Bill Clinton presidency. Two hundred twenty thousand migrants were apprehended the sword, apprehensions in the summer for nineteen was smaller, but it came close to us Ike Stirring George W Bush is presidency. Here is the big problem we track elite. Immigration, by how many people are apprehended. That means if someone says, don't apprehend them or does it.
By the resources to actually stop illegal immigration. The numbers will drop is how this works, This is a really funny shower thought I firmly with shower. It's as if we are. If we abolish all criminal law crop, the crime rate, the crime rate drop to zero. Yes, If nothing is illegal, then you can't arrest anybody and then the amount of arrest and crime will be nothing, but there will certainly be horrible things happened happening to people they deliver this during. And Clinton major spikes and apprehensions during Obama, a major decline that at that note that in twenty fourteen that was adopted, the problem is this: may b, because migrants aren't coming or because Obama not prioritizing apprehensions. Now, it's also true. They called Obama the Deport in chief. So maybe I really doubt soon that Obama wanted to take flak for deporting so many people. Thank you be better off stopping about the border instead of deporting them, because people are
are dragging Joe Biden over this, but we can see it. To its lowest as we entered Donald Trump era. Just after just a during their Obama administration, the number depths Trump gets and an enormous number spikes back to previous George W Bush levels so again I think we are seeing here, maybe More easily explained in Obama, not forcing border security I almost. I also you know, maybe not because I know many Democrats during Obama. Administration had voted for border security, but it could just be that they were not apprehending people. You gotta, make you're tracking that is it past? but the number of apprehensions are going down now under tromp because they stop apprehending people on it as it may, people are coming. So here's what I think I think for the longest time our government ignored african migrants and now tromp is enforcing a stricter rules and I'll show you the data I mean you know it
I can show you working We are now seeing those numbers for the first time and it looks like they're much higher. Actually be lower, but I'm gonna walk look understand it's really hard to understand too, to extrapolate or to know for sure that data means it's also entirely possible to spike is due to many. These Let's try making Europe, but now Europe has cracking down with the rise of the of the right populist movements, people in Spain, ITALY and France, saying no borders, immigration and with us I've tried in Libya many these people are saying it's but you're better off going to the United States that maybe as well but first Show you this in an hour. From having imposed talking about how trumpet Billy did get his wall, they call it is figurative while they say In the two years after trot took office, denials for aid one be visas, the most common form of visa for skilled workers, more than doubled in the same period times for citizenship also doubled, while average processing times were all kinds of visas jumped by forty six percent. Even
as the quantity of applicant applications went down in twenty team. The United States, added. Just two hundred thousand immigrants to the population Darling, seventy percent less than the year before you I've seen that the job numbers are really good. It's also true that, one be visas are being denied. I believe a correlation there, a lot of companies want to hire. International skills on sorry, international talent, tromp it The top administration is denying that, which means you gotta higher American, the american animal it goes down. The economy does well consumer confidence surges. That may be a result. But let's check we got a story from just a directive is out around and removals of illegal immigrants up under Trump a majority convicts so I don't want to get into too much mothers. These details diverge short story, but the key takeaway is the people that trumpet, targeting right now they say: are our majority convicted criminals of freedom they say
comparing the targeting of illegal immigrants under Obama and President Trump, the government Stability office found more, were grabbed by the by the GEO peered ministration and that a majority work invited criminals. The reason that that bit as important is because Joe Biden took flak it contains, takes lack of the Obama administration deportation of three million people, he says, don't compare, we did that I will drop, biting, says under me. We're gonna be target criminals and went to prioritize this well at least a quarter. To the government accountability office. It seems like a gnp. May be, targeting more convicted criminals Bomb administration did, but it's not just the our security and rules trumpets implementing one of them reasons people aren't coming is kind of obvious. The consequences are scarier than the reality check this out Cbs news reports consequence is causing major drop in number of migrant families and kids at border, perhaps
reason, Donald Trump implemented. These rules was not just because you could actually enforce them enforce the laws. And apprehend people, but that if people The enforcing was happening. There would be distance. And devise from taking dangerous journeys, take a look at this: I now want to show you this map, one more time how long this journey is from Cameroon to the sap to South America. Up, through all of these dangerous countries, not another. You got Honduras, Nicaragua, When people who live there say it's dangerous. I want a company that states that want to see does things we can do? Is disincentive eyes. This behaviour not honest I agree with a lot of trumps policies and I really do not agree with the idea that cruel He would be a good way to to de motivate people from coming. Here I will say it seems to be the case whether or not Trumps intention to create press arouse squalor and these horrifying conditions. It exists,
and I assure you it is stories about people not making it. You know dying and children theirs we alot of families that are now being disincentive. I sang the risk. Greater than the reward you're not going to make, in which case they dont Bologna wait a little bit here. They say I see this new says you s, border official, October apprehended one thirty, five thousand migrants, including nearly ten thousand families and three thousand unaccompanied migrant children along a yours. A border marking the fifth: executive monthly decline in arrest their dignity very well said Thursday, single at all migrants comprise the bulk of those apprehended at nearly twenty three thousand arrests in fiscal, you're, twenty nineteen, deep sea the official set about sixty five percent of migrants and counter to the southern border, where families unaccompanied children in October. Those puppy Sean's constituted about thirty five percent of all accurate apprehensions. So now the reason I like this is going to compare it back chart. I just showed you. Right now under trot? There was a massive spike in apprehensions, but its dropped in October, there
saying. According to CBS, all the officials are saying the reason has dropped is not because they aren't enforcing, but because less will our coming over fear of the consequences, and that was one of the major goals of the tribe administration, at least purportedly it's possible. During a administration- they weren't, apprehending anybody. So not only What are the other numbers are detract extrapolate from we're having a ton of migrants come in less enforcement, deportations. It seems It may be the case that we just worked tracking numbers pot properly, try, according to every media I'll, it is getting stricter? how they apprehend and the rules are put in place? So it stands to reason that these may be the real numbers that were now finally seeing with more security with or ice and see me be actually apprehending in tracking and talking to these people working a better view of what's happening and it may be at the hall. Linkedin post is correct. That tromp did get his wall with. Immigration down across across Europe.
All out, o metrics from illegal to even legal ate one visa, etc. Tromp really did get as well, and I I suppose I can put it so so let me read this up for you guys I do no? Why we're seeing a record number of african migrants, but I think you you'd, be unsurprising, find Americans may be on, but you known untrussing, not not trusting of. Individuals coming reclaiming be migrants because of how dangerous the trip is. So I I I and by wrapping this altogether, if the consequences of the new administration are causing by I do not want to come to this country in cape, but these p, are still trying to come. Amid all. The dangers and with these new rules it stay. To reason. In my opinion, there are not really refugees, they're, not people who know that if they state look lessen the trip here is so dangerous. Rules are so strict. They would probably be better off saying somewhere else. So
I got it is fair to say maybe it's that bet in their country. But yours, why don't believe that because they could, like, I said, Brazil's nice, and I really mean that I love that place if they could stay in Brazil and avoid the perilous journey and the Conflicts at home, you'd think that would make sense, but they don't do it So it's what that's why I gotta say it and in my opinion I dont necessarily trust these people coming your claim to be refugees, but you know what it doesn't matter. My opinion is irrelevant what Matters is what law enforcement officials determine and if they say there not really migrants now get rejected and if their passing through safe, countries where they could be safe, but it's not too than that and measured he's, gonna turn them away. So there. You, let me know if you think you know. I want to write motive suit. You, honest people, I know America's nice, I'm an American, it's a great country and even with all the negative press and the fear mongering and the outrage from a left these people still desperate to come here. You know what I can empathize with that. I love this country to men, but we cannot taken every
he just not possible. Let me watch stick around excitements coming up at six p m at Youtube, com slashed and cast news, and I will see you all them. You ever notice that the establishment Ass. The mainstream media narrative often aligns with state interests. Fox news doesn't follow this trend, for some reason and they hate Fox news for this and outlier you, can see how this actually trickles into social media running in much the same way, Fox and friends housed, PETE Headset is banned from twitter. After sharing anti american Manifesto of the Pensacola Pensacola Shooter, it goes beyond just PETE. Exact because, apparently shortly after we have is one for the post millennial MIKE started, which and Andy now what were also suspended from twitter? Now, my now PETE heads that said he was banned minors adding that access was suspended and he was forced
To delete this tweet now Peter Exit, I wouldn't necessarily college journalist, but he is a media news and politics. Personalities are housed That is why the costs a fox and friends so for him, to use a high profile account to share important information. I thank you is warranted we're here we're all where we're literally. The point where social media companies are banning journalists. You might not like Andy now or my sort of entropy exit, but come on Their disseminating factual information about relevant matters its, I can't say it's strange to me that we have a saudi National who committed and of terror, and now, when people a point that out they get suspended for trade. Anger to the american war machine. You see it's not that's our difficult today criticise the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. Syria
don't question Saudi Arabia, thou my understanding tools that there's a saudi prince who has a substantial investment into twitter as well, but I don't know- that doesn't matter as people say, thought it wont. Let me read you the story from post, colonial and man- I just tell you, you know it's gettin bad for those I didn't follow. After the whistle blower story from the Ukraine scandal. His name was going around. The name was dropped. I had a video on Youtube deleted today it was forced private, meaning, Youtube locks it so that no one can see it. Everything but they're gone and re it but the Youtube algorithm or punish me. If I do so now, that's not a good idea, the various kinds on bit, you I'm pretty sure I'll who was suspended from Facebook for posting the political politico article, that was saying straight up. It is a good thing The New York Times provide out the whistle blower brothers
right now, where, unless you're an establishment player in the press that Belgium Danube and peace and foxes and count as we can see a lot more on a cover, but I want to This is important information first and I apologise again. Everybody I know I have several times, but it bears repeating IDA Canal recently in painkillers, Don T do anything so they say following the Pensacola Navy base, shooting having been Terror attack multiple Joe western media personalities have been suspended from twitter for reporting details on the shooter, filmmaker my son of a bitch. Postcolonial editor at large, and you know and Fox host PETE Exit. Are among those who have been suspended from twitter for utilizing the them they say utilizing the manifesto that's true mind. Standing is that makes our innovation andean outwitted links to stories about it, there's a bull innovation exit were suspended for posting excerpts? Ok, so there you are this of of his social media, which disturbing posts indicating the shooting
motivated by Anti american and Anti Israel sentiments now. I understand as well this guy in Pensacola tweeted, these things out. So perhaps twitters terror find it you're going to find out. This is hosted on. There why from the market, the gab treatment, Andy suspended pending. He delete a tweet which included. Copy of the manifesto. The copy of it, which was made public by sight. A non governmental organisation that monitors white, supremacist and jihadist terror. They say why, services account was restored following the removal of the offending tweet PETE Exit Andy knows: accounts remain suspended. Peels on responded to my twitter. As of yet a corner we're terms of service. Promoting providing media intended to further a terror organisations goals as a violation of the platforms policies leading to an immediate permanent suspension, even for verified journalists, take that into consideration and Michel you just how bad things truly are, however,
the terms of service also state the discussion of terrorism for clearly educational or documentary purposes does not constitute a violation. Why and twitter remove these journalists. They say: update a twitter, exports of responding to the post colonial advised that certain now, an exit had been suspended for posting them, faster. However, Now the son of original access, tweets included the manifesto declined to answer any further questions on the justification for their suspensions. You know I think I can tell you exactly why that you know well, I can tell you exactly why I'll tell ya speculate for one this guy use. Twitter. I think twitter is terrified of the of the pr hit in the stock dropped, so they're gonna, ban journalists outright. Welcome welcome too a future man you're, not journalism is being strangled by these big networks by Google, by Facebook, by twitter, etc. These companies, are playing ball to get access, and now we have We have a media that I guess you could just call bought and paid for. Not there
and that someone from Twitter or the government walked into those. You know you know those those Alison handed in cash or anything like that, although maybe what we have is it to toe the line of what You know the intelligence, services and establishment. You know politicians want you're good, you're, absolutely good, when you challenged the machine when you challenge the establishment when you threaten the bottom line, Europe, I want to show you a post I made on Instagram If you follow me and Instagram go into it, I dont posts that often, but sometimes I don't want to do their spicy JANUS out same story. Indifferent movie. I believe that is attributed to Scott atoms. Very brilliant quote on the left. You can see a ban, Johnson Tweet, as retreated by smashing worker buddy Johnson is a conservative personality. I believe is a journalist. I don't wanna know I don't like giving gold titles dryness. Guy peoples are John Harmon CNBC reporter, you may noticed these two tweets
about the exact same thing, no problem, they say: exact, opposite Thanks is very similar to another post that was going viral with the two tv screens where see maybe ask said that Gordon someone confirms quid pro quo, which is factually wrong Fox New sang sidelined: in firms. No quid pro quo: three He has gone, silence, Eddie presumed one. He did not confirm one confirmation technically would require resources, and just because one person says I felt like it was, doesn't provide proof. It was on the left, they Johnson says TAT could nukes conspiracy, theorist, Dnc activists, Choctaws, Chalk, UK, was trying to get Hillary Clinton elected, which is the media, wanted. Ukraine battling is inconvenient for your narrative, dams, no evidence of a crime. Now your work for Adam chef on the right is John Harwood have CNBC, which is supposed to be the trustworthy establishment press
TED crews, disseminating propaganda fabricated by the Kremlin to weaken the United States. Mainstream press. I must B, C c, b c and many other journalists. You know CNN are claiming the Ukraine, narrative is Kremlin propaganda. The only problem. Is they wrote it? They wrote it now there, credit, and I've got a walk it back so I told you about what happened with access and you know, sort of educating band. They are going to ban people because is inconvenient for what they want. The establishment media and Democrats seem to be one and the same. Here's what I posted no. What's right now are literally screaming at us, not to trust them. The story of Ukraine meddling with from the New York Times worse pushing Kremlin propaganda, or are they lying now, either way he's journalists are screaming in our faces, quote: do not trust the
let me brilliant limit. Let me elaborate on this. The New York Times reported in December of twenty team that Ukraine Court concluded rule that Ukrainians were meddling in our election by releasing on trumped campaigns Paul metaphor, forcing him to resign ultimately I think I'm going to prison. I believe him to present so this is the New York Times telling us this. We all saw it they're trying to gaslight us they're trying to say believe it. It's fake news, but you were the one who told us this man. We can't go This way, we can that's how you what eventually we are going to be in a world where only people like John Harwood, these these deceitful liars are. Are you know of confirmed press we're gonna see people like even Fox NEWS. Personalities like PETE accept getting band suspended for tat, when you what really happened. So I think the big problem. With what no started
Jane and helps us posted. More importantly, Skype. Pensacola was a saudi national. I'm probably does this. But I would be surprised if this manoeuvre to strike on it. They do not want to jeopardize is our strategic alliances, Saudi Arabia, you can you can talk. You know trot comes out all day, nine as the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was a waste of money and then and then what gives me and weapons troops, Saudi Arabia. We can see other games played it is very, very important the. U S remain allies with with the Saudis and because of this, that's what that? That's, that's, that's what happens? They'll ban you, when it comes out what, when this information comes out now the problem is, we are going to deal with these people You know what happened in Florida was nightmarish and we're gonna do at him and his friends and the other people who are doing is committed atrocities. If Europe, no. It's too wants report on that and it could be. Damned into the war machine, they will pull out all the stops, but I will add there there are truly truly becoming desperate. You know what we're seeing from Adam chef
I'm not saying they're, all one and the same under saying the Democrats and then the war machine haven't aligned interest, you know its if the establishment- and I think it's worth this year. We people now, I'm sorry. I left you have people who want to keep the cost These are politicians who will do and say whatever it takes to win, so they can sit in the company ivory tower. Have that money be in charge and that means that I want to rock the boat, so when the military establishment of the military industrial complex, the intelligence agencies as says we're gonna do acts like a deer thing. I'm here, I'm not gonna, getting involved in that, but there are some people who say no and that's wrong and working. Stop you there's, Journalists want to challenge that put a stop to it, while they'll block you they'll, bilbil they'll smear. You they'll live it's it's actually a shocking I'm a shocking level of we are seeing here is its remarkable to me in that will do the job
less themselves. Politico the hill, the examiner, the New York Times, they ve All repeated the Ukraine meddling narrative now that publicans are on our own borders and we got. We have a care this and they and the demo, rats and and the media establishment are realising its hurting them. They fled These are claiming their own report and is not true Let it go was written to stories trying to debunk its own reporting just retracted already they can't they can't, because it's true We all know it's true now did Ukraine, age and a top down systematic the population of the US elections, of course not but they're gonna, a strong man says what Chuck topped up here. You think that Ukraine muddled and what it is at last particles, rush, you think, Ukraine was meddling and Russia wasn't that's the game they play Ukraine was meddling. Russia,
was meddling to a much more substantial degree from a top down approach and we know it. We know it what I would say it is you know I'm I'm one to demand evidence from everybody, including the government, but we have more than enough evidence from admitted hackers, private companies and the government as well. As you know, the news media that show in all likelihood Russia was doing this man. It was where they successful according to the report, not really they can have its biggest as many people but want to believe they did? Ukraine had an impact, they got Paul metaphor. Locked up, I believe, locked up that that the eager remote from the truck campaign, so they did, There- was damage caused by act like Ukraine was learned. Nothing now You can clearly see that these you know actually, I wrote the other day that Donald europe- is using this as a defence to claim their career. And it's like what, but it was. It was the press that said this.
Are you a man under wrap this up? We can't trust them anymore. And I don't know where that leaves us. The press has bought and paid for their political operative Vice news, announced their hiring and Obama Whitehouse appointed to the press, a former Hillary Clinton staff for their fellow the pressing I want to keep as one short or rapid appear men. I stress it again. I know you ve got spinal care to hear this bizarre. Yeah. I got to work in a few days ago, and it has been it has been brutal in today's is pretty pretty bad, so will see if I can make it through, but I apologize anyway. The ground I'll, see you all one p m on this channel. Thanks, rang out. The impeachment hearings are ongoing and it is the stupidest waste of time I I've ever seen their basic ie, just saying the same things over and over again Donald Trump was trying to get paid. Then again, and unlike none of this established, then you got there public and start to raise points of order, but I will, I will say one thing of working in the story.
Jerry Adler, got called out. Ok, here's what happens based They are a raised, raising a point of order that that the individual. You know Something about trumps motives struck it from the record. Now there goes there now witnesses they're, just staff, giving in our arms argues that the rats that they're not their dress year as witnesses there being held under the same rules as members, so then neither gabble anyone's wreck later on he's asked why he didn't put them under oath and he says we will, but you know that witnesses their staffers and so on. Republican guys all like wait. A minute hold on you, just said they weren't, to the same rules as members and staffers, but now you're saying this staffers, which has its we like bangs gavel and, of course they do a roll call vote. All the Democrats are like we're, not gonna we're, not follow the rules because they can just bought it up so complete utter trash and nonsense and I'll tell you what for four p m,
talking about going to become of our immigration, but I gotta what, because J Owen Schreyer, I believe and get your name right? I just started Pro testing and yelling about how they reject this in everything, I've, funny because he is clearly protesting but envious. Cause. I may hackler, ok, fine, technically the truth, Owen Schreyer was clearly protesting. The impeachment hearings, whether you to appreciate or or criticise them, for that is, is a factors pro like this happen, but I will tell this, Mr Schreyer, it doesn't matter, in fact. No! No, no, not you not only do I condemn. I condemn Royer your protest, I'll, tell you why I'm getting by the way by the joke as Paul are improving dramatically for tromp since the start of impatient process. So there's no reason to protest. I mean literally helping your guy right take us out and they had to head.
Biden versus Trump. Why did I had the advantage until page meant you. Why the impeachment is centred around Joe Biden, corruption. I mean sons, corruption, please attached The still so I'll tell you what Democrats all you did Streisand effect. The Ukraine scandal, so story about own schreyer. You know protesting and he got anything get it's not that it's that's not why at war this huge story, but I I work for those I didn't see the video them doing check it out and he said I Jerry, not learn. The Democrat Party are committing treason against this country. We voted for Don T and there simply removing him, because I don't like him, you're the committing trays and shorter yelled Trump as innocent shorter, escorted out of hearing room by officers less than forty seconds after his tirade began? He had really Where did the interruption and quickly uploaded a toy? after his removal, so I don't think he was arrested. It was able to
What do I do to twitter o? Actually, I'm sorry! Now he was streaming. Obviously I should have to remind everyone of the audience. Is here to observe and not to demonstrate well. You know I will say First, amendment protest. You reap the car, acquaintance of your protest on care who you are left or right, but I'm I'm pretty much on board civil disobedience. Look when when sinking, rebellion people blocked intersections. My Bonds was, I think, it's ineffective and stupid, but I respect none. Violent, civil disobedience. I really do ok. If you want out there and make sure that people here who you on what you're doing. Well, you worked, Similarly, I think in fact, exactly worked for these non profit and I figured out one of the best ways to actually convince people of these issues, but I was nonviolent simplicity and so in this work regards them as any other. Other protest amen more power to you. They were moved him there. You go say what you want to say: they go on. Then I don't know you whatever is Alex Jones, Infoworld, etc, etc. They call him
color. Ok come on, man gets protest and we get it, but here's It's really really funny about all this. I'm sorry I have to say this to you guys again because literally every day, exaggerating when, as I literally every day, There is some new story about how Trump is improving due to impeachment. Why just couple days ago, Andrew Yang democratic presidential candidate, is actually dont pretty well. I think it's more like six percent now is great I don't think it's perfect. I think he's got some things wrong. I always say because I want a mature, you know I'm not you're too be zealot by I've. Got respect for young doing is done where they really well, but he came on said it seems. We're throwing rocks at Trump and all its due is leading and towards reelection mom, like Robert Brother, exactly what you're doing what it s. So islamic terrorism one thing they have not done in any other Peter process is
actually speak to the motives of Donald Trump, never not that anybody. At any point so far, ask any of the witnesses has Donald have expressed fear about losing the button at a very odd question. No, he hasn't, probably not because troops too arrogant, Trumbo Sombrero, like I'm, not gonna, lose sleepy creepy Joe I'm the best you think trumpeted going like oh geez, I'm gonna lose the by novel one at that they know Trump. Is it of losing the button did they ask. Did Trump ever look at the polls which show bite in doing that an express any fear or discontent or concern no biggie. Truck what our publicly and says I breed Hilary you'd think I'm scared of sleepy Joe Biden ever, but like look man, I tell you what, in private trumps, probably worse than he is in public? Is the funny thing they complain about trump tweeting? All this stuff you think he's saying privately, you think he's scared of
and now you got nothin common man. I tell you what there are real concerns about what happened with Hunter Biden, and why he was getting eighty three thousand dollars a month. So originally this I was fifty came and then they found were payments than it was? I was report than eighty three came and I guess I hundreds response when asked was you know all been reported, you can look and that's apparently substantially more, like ten times more than white entered eggs board members get in Amerika, so it's it. None of this adds up. There's power some ukrainian official, who said that look I'm sorry, I think it is the President of Poland, I'm not sure was that you got effective management because our had pulled up. I want to talk about the poles, but apparently, was saying- was a menu Hydra Hunter by you get access to the President S? Let's all about everybody knows it and then Joe Biden comes in and saves the day when, when, when you know his son is in trouble, that's that's how see it man listen there. On a gaslight, the media's trying to get but claim there was no ukrainian meddling, but the New York Times
coordinate, so you got Tommy men. Do I trust you are not because you could tell me. I trust you will then what what what I supposed to do now? can you believe you now right anyway? Here's what happens Trump hears about Biden, corruption makes a file. Call says you know, look into the sea what's going on those it nothing ever happened, but the Democrats, in their desperation to impeach drop, to get something this is our chance and so what they did was there. But this time oil that problem never got anywhere, which didn't go anywhere so far they announced it to the world. Joe Biden was accused of corruption by Donald Trump, all of a sudden, Joe, once Paul's or tanking little this. So we started in people from September two December. Trump now has the lead in that amazing and we can see it and in our societies are swing. States, writers, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. These are these are very, very important. Twenty twenty states I donno imagine if binds a front runner. This will reflect
in many of the poles. Now you know, Bernie Sanders supporters are staunch Sandra supporters. There therefore sanders lotta people to vote for or against Republican a Democrat for this news fine looking dirty and he does Ok, let me tell you meant it looks like Joe Biden was scared for his son. Stand that, but you got you please you put you put tree before family and sunk about you, not. I mean like to you all say this. I know a lot of people will put family before anything like respect that, but don't we Ized wangle community, your country comes to you and says I can respect you save your kid now, you're out! Ok, you're done, you know we're gonna investment as you can see that you know, but violence lead over trope actually was diminishing up until September. But boy did it nosedive. In fact, in Pennsylvania, went up bill MAR said I love this quote. He said: do I why but to be president, not really what is the only one who beats trumpet Ohio? Ok, I hear
oh hi. I found this list, but when it comes to Michigan Pennsylvania, Wisconsin would boy impeachment just sacrificed the edge the democratic, that's impressive. They had an edge. They gave it and they're, not gonna, impeach tromp. It's not gonna happen so what was this for Mine, belong to me Actually, I swung matter because it right gasoline so that have already anyway court pulling, but our public informed, firehouse strategies with optimists had president Trump struggling in the mega battle. Grounds of Michigan Pennsylvania was counts and was in Wisconsin, but in the new. Addition. He beats every Democrats, while the big tromp one by an average of six points in hypothetical match up against all current democratic candidates, including Joe Biden. Who is performing well in head to head contests against Trump in pulling can earlier in the year. The pull found that image of likely twenty twenty voters surveyed do not support impeaching.
Removing Trump from office. What they're saying firehouse partner, Alex Connect tells Axiom Democrats. Racing towards impeachment are at serious risk of leaving behind the voters. They need to take the White House next year. That's amazing! boy. You know what man just and back and online, you know I I love. I love it. When you get a chance, they I told you so. They lose every Democrat loses Trump beats every single Democrat in the latest bull! That's what impeachment has wrought. What's funny is actually on the other day was slamming TED Cruiser Republicans for four accurately. Reflecting lorries from the press trying to claim that tankers pushing Spirits theories about Ukraine well Most don't lie, I mean I'm kidding. The point is: the media wants us to trust them. They try to gaslight us and now
They have no choice but to report their own pulling a trump is beating every Democrat in Mega Battleground states, you don't really funny is that some of these states tromp one by thin thin? margins against Hillary Clinton. I could you not we're talking like fraction, of a percentage point we're Talkin, like thousands of votes out of the millions there now six point lead. In a high match up against all current democratic candidates, including Joe Biden. Who, before this look at this, large ten. Lead over Trump. I tell you what man. You report, you so barometers, this one short, today's Camilo but shorter cause boy am, I am I am I heard from this. This route can now be safe for the billions time, but to compile a limit. Their stick around next ipods coming. At four p m and it won't be about impeachment. Today's means for us. The pot guess who already heard it it's gonna, be about migration? Yeah gamblers? That's that's it! It's
watching this, it's so insane. What they're doing I swear to God. The Democrat Council Has the same set says you know Trump used our of office to do do benefit himself and then ten minutes, lieutenant later literally the same line and they start running, clips from from Adam Adam hearings and I'm like did you these sitcoms would do a clip show where it's like at the end of the season there, but remember that one time and do a flash back and show you something you already saw. But it's like a funny part of the shown at the whole show literally, doing now, but we're still were seriously online. Like episode, seven of the impeachment process- and there are already doing clip- shows its cause. They're out of content, bad authors and I mean It literally the people were to be writing the pitch. The narrative are not doing it because there's no evidence here, look man, there's conjecture, there's opinion there is criticism of of. In appropriate actions, but as their home evidence no
Democrats anyone asked for it so in other writers, are struggling. What's today's up going to be about. Let's do clip, show about the past seven episodes and then, of course, I was there rehashing all the same old things. Republicans rehash the same old talking points to counter them. I turned it off. You know what I said: I'm not gonna come on the domino go read something else, I'm in a block impeachment and read other news, but but I will and I will end ok. I will now by saying It was at least entertaining to see Owen Shroyer. You know protest I feel I feel you man, like I'm so sick of the UN the be ass I mean you'll never see me this, unlike that in alma, tat S kind of person, but I could not, but I can. I can sympathiser can empathize man, I'm sorry can tired of this- they ve got they ve got nothing another literally rehashing clips from the last year. Site is dude. If you got nothin to say but here's the problem as as
faster, ably pressure. Turley was this but the shortest impeachment process in history, because there's nothing now are. We found a piece of paper here and it's like and and there's ache lines trot said. Do us a favour, though? Our country has been through a lot and we want to impeach him for that, and That's it. That's! Isn't there something, or are you kidding you real? Then it's gonna turn icon on you later. If you try and do this, they have nothing. So now here we are now Adler I'm sorry, I'm just so tired, and yet the worst part is because of this that the data bitter Roddy, Globo journalism sphere, is sitting around toddler thumbs Golan like impeachment impeachment Mama. Nothing is happening. Man, they're, saying the same thing, fifty million times in order to see what is happening now, oh ensures protesting by tell you why you don't need to body because job properly breeding every Democrat following the launch of the appeal process. You you wanna talk about backfiring I'll, see you guys at four p m
Youtube com slashed him. Yes, that's right up, I'm not a bury the lead, I'm gonna cut to the chase right away at art so in Miami witches, Phooey, wealthy art thing they do. Throughout the city somebody's but the banana war debated duct tape. You probably her that's it sold for a hundred and twenty thousand dollars, some then came and took the banana and ate it. This way people angry, but then someone else but but the artist had. No, no, no that's the idea of the banana on the wall and then So he was gonna issues. A certificate of offered authenticity the buyer and they put a different but end up on the wall. Somebody else then came and took the the banana down. I guess it to the Lebanon, Then they took lipstick and they wrote steam didn't kill himself. Then they got arrested, I guess, removed and clarity guards in what may be vain Most epic
real life performance, are, I have ever seen. I me this means all sincerity this, regards then came in and covered up apps. Didn't kill himself I am sorry that this whole thing, banana and the shock in the press, it was truly one of the most epic inglorious moments in our generation and our lives in history. Maybe it was just such a perfect storm. I There are very few performed this there's like look performance art, I'm usually like whenever I get it, but this wow talk about an epic event: epic epoch epoch, let me show you a photo Gazeta breathlessly, but I want to talk to you about art, the banana dollar stuff, but wow. What wow this out. The duct tape around art basil is gone and has been replaced with quote Epps didn't kill himself, which security
quickly covered up. I dont think think June although Sapo Diskiver, toilet. Understood what he said when he said they were covering it up all my God dude. This is art that nearly brings me to tears. Unjust, it took us out. Fought on their like. Oh no somebody wrote Abingdon kill himself. All men, there's the art and there it is their glitter. We covering up the cover up this radipole dude is not the coolest thing you ever see. If this wasn't planned game I want to believe it was, absolutely wanna play the whole thing, was meant to be applied because because come on, you'd like duct tape, a banana to the wall it's so shocking and stupid somebody by get so shocking and much much more stupid- We then its it Billy right, Epstein, didn't kill himself and then the guards covered it up. The guards covered it up my mind. Exploded
wow rob. I felt I was watching an opera and that was the crescendo understanding up like amazing performance, what an ridable incredible oh come on man, I don't know I've been they more edited store. Our I wanna talk to you about art basil, unexplained, open anything outside this man. Everybody's. Had these theories about it means that someone bought this banana four hundred twenty thousand dollars and I'll, tell you what a lot of people are saying: the scheme to scam its money laundering, yeah yeah, maybe but now probably up its, and I I have friends, we're down there they go to basil, friends who sell paintings, who are extremely rich, doing no work. I am not getting an hour. I will enlighten you to the strange world of people with money who perpetuate having one It's called the nobility, that's what I call it and I know but you can choose to live in the world of nobles. You can choose
it's. It's not like you be a snap affairs walkin, but you kind of can but to a lot of these people. They will make something assert its value. Because all of these people are wretch. They just that spend the money on nonsense, so a man is arrested after sprawling Epps then kill himself in red, lipstick, wow man, while while I wish that is somewhat put together like a video outlining like it be growth, has put into this. So It's all just you know it all came together right somewhat the banana thing somebody and by it this guy they're, all capitalizing off of the moment real art is in any of these one peace, not the banana, not adopted, not the money, not not the eating it. None of it it was it is. This. Is this moment in Time man soccer They say the banana was in fact a work of art by italian artist. Marine Seo, Catalan. Comedian and sold to a french collect four hundred and twenty thousand dollars. This is
simply one of the stupidest things I have ever heard its literally certificate about the Ets. I guessed a typical of authenticity says like comedian on it and that's what he's been the guy signs it. So if you really do want to on the concept of the art that was presented here at was both this old for Nelson first of you may think that is so absurd and stupid. Why would anyone spend that money on it and I can Explain this to you. First rich people got nothin, also spent money on now for real I've. Always I always thought about. Like I know, These rich people who, by ridiculous your mansions and staff and unlike, but why would you ever need any of that splain me write a. I know, people down here, they ve, sat listen men like if you If you had a million dollars in cash in your hands right now, would you would, you be worried at all about our now calling in Ober First class. You know the cot, Karnak, Ann Arbor, luxury or whatever.
Taking a limo that costs, you know a hundred bucks instead of a cab costs. Thirty, I got a good point. To these super rich people who have ridiculous amounts of money. They don't care. It's like you know you can't you get paid maybe that's what it's by negative attire. Unless you really do have this kind of money Japan. The weekend and you're like I've, got a couple hundred bucks, my page, I can go, have a beer, but that when your you're like do now. I've got a hundred bucks, I'm not buying a five dollar beer. That's exactly it. You have a hundred million dollars you're like I'm, not spent five million dollars on a beer but dollar billion by healthcare. Fifty thousand or beer, you might be alike, must be a good beer, their places in California, for instance, that sell like fifty thousand dollar cheeseburgers, something they do and, though put Annabelle gold on it and so dumb. So first why would someone by a banana? It's the certificate? probably have a ton of money and their board and they it was funny or they like the
nay, said. I want this artist to sign the proof of the concept of art was sold to me. So I wrote it basically, then, you can then sell that real certificate as the proof of the concept in all that stuff Let me explain to you how art actually works? Here's the thing in These conversations, I was very rich people and but the poor people who are friends like I say, poor, but there still rich- and I was like would someone by up to fifty million dollar property. I get ten million dollar proper like how could you live in that and it just it seems like you, get lost I'm kidding, but do I dont like when you get home You understand utility costs, so these people buying these, like thirty thousand square foot mansions, for like ten twenty million dollars on like do. How do you pay for the heat alone? And it simple they say? Listen you want liquid cash sitting around and if it comes to bankruptcy. I can see your home, so if you Father bankruptcy, you keep your house.
Whatever things down, you still have all this wealth threat, but, more importantly, if you're sitting on, on of cash. You ve gotta spend, invest it so that the value can be traded and passed on and there it is. This explains paintings. And their ever increasing value in art and this vote splain to me. First, there absolutely our collectors, people who, like art, like weird things, were wretched by weird things: finally get them Finally, somebody who's job was basically like once every other year. They would facilitate a pair as the sale of a painting so super rich people will have say like a rare, many or something I would only their opponents. Let's say it's worth five, my inbox wise, five million bucks. It could be a really all that unique piece of art. Fine, the real reason is because it's a store of value for rich people, so it absurd to put five million dollars to a painting. That's been value Five million dollars and appraisers will only ever say is going up if the painting can't be replicated in Cuba
for five and you won't part with it. Unless you get return. Congratulations! It isn't! Object of extreme scarcity that can only go up and Valley because you refused to let it go now and you venom, the tanks and nobody has that money. You could argue the vote- no doubt not only that it does. You can write you. Can appreciate your assets and claim you ve lost this or sounded a loss. It's complicated. I know some people make a phone call painting to try to offload and the rich people have no time for this they see egos and executives. These nobles and I'll be like yeah. You know I spent five hundred thousand on this painting. If you can but for seven you I'll catch, you fifty grand and they go ok You, my phone, calls and set out a painting its it was. It was sought lass, all four five they're, looking for seven and seminal below no problem, because there, for somewhere to store the value, because the? U S dollar kid could inflict devout, will devalue overtime thing will not set simple
you have these like low tier nobles, who act like you, know, brokers and they'll get paid. De grand and just sit back and that's it you're not so and in terms of like that, don't want every other year. It's because the alt del facilitate a pain. For a few million bucks and get a couple hundred grand off of that deal and that happens, as I saw. Painting for a million. You buy it for a million five Two years later you you sell it from a million five to two too and you make five hundred. Thus, all there be doing is attaining a piece of paper back and forth. It says this: holds x, amount of dollars between us throw the so in this instance, with the banana thing. Think the hundred twenty day was legit. I think you this option. This is a famous artist who hadn't. And a really long time I dont know what about him, and this is like a big deal. Because he was like it was meant to
Absurd was as its absurd as and when it is right. I'm not I'm not an art specialist people tell me I'm wrong about what kind of articles, but now, but it was it was it was like this. Guy comes out of workers. I bet you, God put a banana wants like I want that, because gonna draw attention so you're a press that to me Has this much value and knowledge of likely be sold a trade in general, but anyway, wonder at this hour you got for the Epstein covering up the Epstein is the greatest. Are you know the dude who wrote the Epstein thing? I don't know who gets For that the security guards, the exhibit that concept of what happened I'm not kidding when I was like, while Bravo, seriously. Bravo is that was amazing. Epstein kill himself and the guards rush to cover it up What made you think is that, while ok, I got a couple more assignments coming up for a few minutes it around. I will see you shortly.
I have a feeling this video is gonna, get in trouble on you too, because we're talking about adult content, adults in turn visual and content, and there's been a big debate going on and the council it is free speech was being torn asunder, conservatives moral activists saying we must have a ban on adult content. I can't say the p word it censored here and there has been some. Back and forth with conservatives fighting with each other, five libertarians and and and it's a really located debate, the general ideas. Adult content is bad for you. They say it. It causes we that was recently a state that cannot etc. It changes your your prefrontal cortex keeps humans and juvenile state harms the sanctity of love and things like this, so it's really complicated issue but love. Explain to you what adult content is or does Amazon talk you strictly about my opinions and what's happening on the screen.
A tweet from Joey salads he's quoting gab. Now gap is a free speech website. However, gap has called for the banning of adult content sites, Joey cell response was, social media website who faces massive censorship, believes in big government regulations and bands and internet gab response can serve. Canada for Congress is actually to cringe Youtube ISA lab Libertarian, I'm having the libertarian combat like you're, not a conservative you're, just a little rotarian Joe. His response. Why are you being a deck? one of our on you you're seriously, acting like a liberal, hey Joe Full, stop liberal leftist, maybe ok, I'm a liberal liberals believe in free speech and have a lot in common libertarians. If he's right that. Is acting more liberal, because that the world differences between a liberal and a libertarian is the is the extent which government plays a role in protecting society? However,
This is socially conservative, not socially liberal. So he's not acting like a liberal he's, acting like a conservative, Dude Lib, All does not I'm so tired of people conflicting liberal leftist. Please don't pay leftist, don't like girls. They hate us and liberals agree with you on free speech. In these things, surprisingly, I'm I'm on the libertarian side of you don't kind of debate, but we'll get to this and, as always, I am correct in my opinion- and I'm gonna give you the correct opinion on the adult internet content debate because sorry Goddess chimed in taking over middle the road approaching its a good argument and then you ve had libertarian type saying freedom for all and conservative typesetting ban it and execute the pornography. Oh I say the word you just gonna bandied about that. People who make the count are executed. People make the gods are three gaps: s truth, arts, Joey's risk, ass. If you only spent this time on your platform and not twitter, you might actually stand a change retaining a user to work. Now we got flavour,
tween Joey gap what's happening. Gaps as marketing? We had it, for Four thousand uses this weekend, two point: one million it uses across our products. Last month, how many donors You get this weekend to your campaign. Joey said, while for Kay the next because right around the corner, maybe one day you will make your crypto money back. Ok, ok, ok enough, lay more guys a sucker. The real issue. First and foremost, adult content should not be banned. Sorry, but that is the correct spots. Now before all the conservatives on the side of Gabarus aim at wash freak out, I want I want to be straight up front with you in time my opinion, but I have a lot of caviar, see I'm a social liberal, not a classical liberal ethical liberals and social liberals are very, very close together Social liberals are more likely to believe that the government can be used as a tool for good for social issues and there is actually a decent ideological connection between conservatives,
and social liberals that classical liberals don't share between the two. It's interesting right, here's the thing so we liberals are social liberalism typically is more like hey races, bad. Ok. The government can play a role and correct in this, and I think the answer is yes. They can very, very complex. It's complicated and it was a complicated issue right when it comes to adult content should be legal. You should be allowed to produce it, but we have. We shall have restrictions on how kids can can get to it. Now we do right, the problem is that they do this, and you better put in your real age and confirm that this is the correct age and kids can just do whatever they want. So. Let me read from you. Wouldn't let me read you a mat wash tweet Somebody said if I film these abusing someone, the police abuse not free speech. What my content is right, and so mats response was you're. Saying that the content isn't the free speech, I'm sorry it is not the point farmers. Engaging in this act are not free speech is a complicated problem.
Anyway. I wanted to highlight this because I was an interesting thought there. Really really good argument. Someone tweet at me when I comment that should be legal, they said we don't allow people to do these things and public ripe, like in public, you cat, bang, your girlfriend or whatever Yes, that's true, so why? On the internet, which is now A digital virtual town centre where we can all freely mill about, should kids be able just blindly walk into people doing these things in front of them. That's a really really good point, and I completely agree but I've always thought that was the case me thinking there we should be allowed to produce it, and people should know how to consume. It. Has nothing to do with how we control for it? as somebody who is liberal, but not overly liberty. A pretty libertarian to be honest, but about I'm on the left on what you are. I believe the government can play a role and in issuing on certain data protection, it should not be criminal, nor should drug Use
right, nor should alcohol consumption one of the biggest problems. And we get. We gotta think about this stuff right. There wasn't. There was a story that I read a while ago because ice the ice when I was in, might you know early twenties? We be partying, apparently was a college party and these, Heads were drunk one. Kid died of alcohol poisoning, he was eight and the reason they didn't call nine one. One is because they were worried they would get in trouble because it was illegal and that such as the Ets at sad that's reality. Man People will be overdosing on some drug and will be like don't call for help because they punish us and that I have a huge problem with that: ok, what we should do what is our audience? They should be great, like somebody who is obeying should be granted immunity if they call nine one. One far from possession something like that. I know that that yes be fleshed out much much better. We think of this way like not, but the dealers nominate
abusers, if somebody is just self administering and then, renders overdosing they should be. Be immune from prosecution, but not from court mandate. Rehabilitation like do the point- is to help people not freak them out and so I tell you what any kind repercussions on my drugs drug use may stop somewhat from Congress. Naw man. I don't know what you stop. Well, you should court meant any treatment should be a thing. And I dont think locking people up in prison really does much. I mean forces Detox. I guess I can't help summonses. Yes, there's a lot of challenges, rectifying the libertarian side. I think what we need right, related use of vices. I think that's the way to do it let me just Cassandra somewhat Where do you stand on adult content? You said, I'm not sure I dont think its healthy and I completely agree. It's not idea. Verification should one hundred percent be a thing. At the very least I dont believe about with work, though just like the drug mordant,
I also think obscenity laws would be more likely to be more likely used to go after people for hate speech that adult content completely agree. Complete we agree with Cassandra on this one we do now. Want to empower people to determine what degenerate or or inappropriate because w have the exact same argument right speech. It is not truly speech now get. You know about Walsh, always have a really great point about like dude someone doing it isn't speaking there aging and an act like you punching, someone isn't isn't speaking. We we make certain actions illegal. However, difference there. The challenge I really thought about this is that adult activities are our consensual, but we still don't allow there to be be displayed in public for a lot of reasons. Decency laws: I guess you as a challenge man why Should we empower someone tell us what is or is indecent? That's it that's a rough point, but for the time being, not going to start what I think you know should or should be in regards to what's decent or not outside of you. Not political arguments are very
front from engaging in adult acts, This way to like you, can't take a dump and the ministry either. You know you can't you can't even be naked right and sometimes bill do and what the point is it will you if, if, if you banned all content, they will the same logic to go after anybody also says naughty words, it's the same logic and another. If the writing do, however, I like Cassandra's idea of idea verification. She says I use ivy verification to order wine from postmarked same thing, and I think we have our answer. Listen. Telling people, they can't do something results in a black market and result in criminal abuse. It's a fact. So if you banned the people who make it, then people will we make it and dark see corners of the world that can be really dangerous for a lot of people. I don't think that's the answer. I do think it's bad for people, but a lot of These are bad for people. Man, like candy bars, are bad for people, you know so So I understand the argument that everything
bad was a degree and we decided to community the threshold. So I respect the conservative argument in that regard, and I also respect, though, the liberal argument in regards to speech society terms what is known as is unacceptable. However, What did I understand the point? You're gonna make I fall on. We gotta respect the individual's subjective. You know lifeless the of happiness. So really all about and if somebody is happy, sit in a dark corner, there basement crank in it to some nonsense. You know about I don't know what what what what was that I can walk guy looking up like octopus or something I know? It's a weird, weird concept, but but you do thing men do you think right, I understand their their lines. I can respect the laws haven't place right now. We ve actually been really lax on. Women going topless and stuff. I think I think it's a good thing I'm, not I'm not even a big fan of like I've. I purse find a kind of weird that we stigmatize the human bodies. What should we do?
I'm not I'm not all about this. Like body positivity like you should be held to be Fetnah, be healthy, but also kind of like we're all like. Clothes are a later in, like evolution thing, you know it's like I'm cool wearing clothes and until a great, but I person, find a kind of strange. That's like humans have bodies men and women have these parts I dont really see. Problem with knowing they exist and seeing them for me, you know, but does this a different being nude from like engaging in adult acts in front of children. Things like that. I think there is an important aspect of controlling what children can get access to and that's very different from the free of adult to choose for themselves. So there there there there is, clean way to implement this? Just be honest: cigarettes, kids find em pot. Kids find of alcohol, kids find a man, but I certainly think week. We could do with some laws that control, like I d verification. I think that that's probably the healthy compromise for everybody
in some pretty crazy conservative augments about this, but in the end it should be legal free to consume, but I dont think we're doing enough to stop kids from getting it at its screwing up people's brains. Like I mean that there's a lot of good things from it from his highness off that can help people who are really messed up. You know keep them kick. Some people should be kept in the dark corner. Cranking too weird, octopus stuff, like that I can waltz guy, like you know what man like you just going corner like look like, stay away from that everybody else. If that's what's keeping you there and do not hurting anybody, that's a good thing right, but he could get access to his octopus stuff. You know I can walled, could still get access to whatever it's off he was watching. Was its punches, an idea doesn't algae verification like like a hundred us for her one, then the king, I'm going to try and do anything about what we can. Do it sure, though, by fake ideas. But the point is security. You never expect a bullet proof vast to stop every single bullet. You know, even even like you level what three or four armour was like some summit plates? You can take one shot from like a rifle around and that's it
so you know, first of all its own protecting like you're, real core vital organs, so you're still vote clever, bore everywhere else and is not perfect. I think, and I reject It has made the most. I give to I credit Cassandra on this one, but are I will. I will warn the conservatives arguing for outright bands and more heavy handed laws like dude. You can't take that ouch man? That's that's that's gonna weapon eyes, the extra elbows and guess what they ve got the institutions. They will turn that around on you, so fast you'll be you'll. Be spinning. Circles as everything gets wrapped up tight and you lose all your freedoms. That's why we gotta respect the freedoms, but we do have to as as not the Britannica Social Liberal. So I think like this, where the guy what comes in and we do, grant a set of standards and rules to protect certain things. I want to end with one important point, though, You have to agree with me that I'm fine without agreeing with anybody, but the big difference. Very obvious here is we're seeing the moral foundation split between the Liberty minded individuals and the same petty minded individuals. Now
six foundation, Liberty was the arrived. Nothin hate in their right mind, chapter eight, irresponsible to differentiate between proportionality, fairness and the object, since he had received from conservatism, libertarians is We really interesting point Foundations are really fascinating to me. I don't need this one. Ports are rapid, appeared to say this. I am am I am. I am my foot moral foundations like a test, our care, fairness and liberty, the authority in sanctity, we're decently high higher than the average liberal, but then makes out some like socially lubricant, immoderate liberals, only be Karen Fairness. They don't care if they pen you down and forced to do what they want so long as balanced. In the end, its very robotic enrollment, conserve, follow all the foundations equally, so entity is much stronger among conservatives, appearance to discuss thanks foods, actions opposite of degradation, degenerates and there it is their varies. Can he minded- and I can agree with that too, because I can sympathize
liberty to me as one of the most important Honestly, though, I think labour he was my highest foundation. I did a testimony posted it, but my character. Are really high and I think somebody who truly believes in care and fairness. The for me that standard to conservatives, to understand them and that helped informing you don't have to do. I'm I'm I'm not. This was supposed to be the second set for sixteen slalom remove. This object keep a little longer. I think this is really important. Stuff, libertarians are almost exclusively liberty minded they don't care about this care, loyalty authority relative to other You know other groups. Liberty is across the board. It's really amazing. I was looking at a chart and like libertarians score really low on all foundations, but liberty is ridiculously high. There basically, like Calling the other person you do what you just don't hurt somebody else and that aligns perfectly ripe for me, in fairness. I look at people abuse, snake oil. I look at the media lying manipulating and so MIKE
in fairness- extends to conservatism like it's, not fair, the muse lying about trumpet supporters in everything. That's that's must stop, and I so do have a decent alot of loyalty, authority and sanctity, nearly as high as conservatives. That means what comes to authority to respect. You know somebody who's, who is a leader and gonna, try and focus on doing something you because position therein, while still saying I shall you and I'm I've got my eye on you loyalty extent, so far as you are willing to be loyal back as while of dogs, though, and saying There too, I truly understand but try to balance with liberty, meaning when it comes the argument about adult content. Maybe freedoms. Gotta be you know higher on the on the chart, but I will end with one final thought: Liberty care fairness on their own Wilson. To exist I pay, they only exists along as loyalty, authority and sanctity are held to a higher standard,
this is the importance of of conservatism, society and the balance between them and those who seek freedom. The freedom minded individuals. The care unfairness minded individuals well make things. Over time. So long those who are loyal, respect authority and understand the Import of sanctity impurity are there to die and the system that allows the progress is the challenge to much of his idea. Fairness resultant collapse? The system, too much freedoms is more collapses. Without the you know, I'll I look at the conservatives and its note. No wonder there very pro police and paramilitary. That's what's sick during the system in the first place that allows the degenerates inside to be dancing around naked doing drugs and that in doing whatever they want, it's only be We have secured free society that risk action is loyal, that we are able to have this freedom. That's a big challenge. You know outside of this. This this bubble were and if that's all right I'll around
They ran aground next segments. Permit me tomorrow at ten a m, and I will see you all, then the new goes by First trailer dropped and it was lost. Some ok, I say awesome so argument like a seven point. Five out of ten, like eight may be too high. Seven's too low, but the new Ghostbusters trailer its ghostbusters afterlife. Apparently it is a direct sequel to Ghostbusters too and I'm pretty sure I ve got the from that from its Aw Spangler as its guns, kids and grandkids. I guess, and they like Paul rods in it go seven been seen in thirty years and all us on their like wall, what's happening, I'm so excited for this. This is the sequel we deserved ghostbusters. Twenty. Sixteen was a disaster, and this dude, an m e journalist, James Mc Man's, has asked that Ghostbusters trailer. You dont really
Lord Regressive, fanboys, ah poor baby are you mad? They made a good ghostbusters trailer because it doesn't fit your politics. This is insane to me. I want to read from this before I was tweet. He says you don't worry Lord Regressive Fanboys, many of whom credit an atmosphere of racist, massage, monistic, tux, massaging of toxicity that led to a leading lady leaving this very platform by making the very they wanted in the first place. I guess what businesses make things to sell. I love the ice cream analogy. This guy is screaming. Why are they making chocolate fudge ice cream? Those people who want that are bad people, because the business doesn't care of your good or bad person. Who cares? If we want to buy a product? We don't live in a moral capitalist. System. We live in a capitalist system and the problem with you. Is it your morals and mind, don't align I like this movie. I actually thought twenty. Sixteen ghostbusters is really bad. I really like Kristen Wig, you know I I couldn't
wig and on forgetting the Cape Mckinnon. I think she's rad almost Mccarthy's. Ok, I'm not a huge fan. Endlessly Jones is ok is well. I've got nothing against them. I think christen, wigs, pretty awesome like I've by like this, that it tends to be in I'm just gonna be in another movie. I'm ridiculously excited for the fact remains limit. Let me tell you something in the strange world ghost, fosters twenty. Sixteen was so bad. There was too much girl power instead of just making the characters be strong biggest problem. Do the problem ghostbusters? Wasn't that a bunch of massaging is just hate. Women don't be stupid. The reality was Ghostbusters twenty. Sixteen was. It was like a circle of people putting themselves
I'll try to keep us one family friendly, considering the content, it's it's all of these feminists patting each other on the back. Now it's like Jerry from work and Morty all shaking each other's hands, and it's like do that's not interesting. The characters make no sense there, not strong, simply because their like yeah, like none to know just have them, do their thing kind of like another movie. Wonder: woman, so that there's been a bunch of other tweets, they say make others say Mcmanus, not be alone. In his opinion, Matthew had rigged. The editor of the body stated element of course, ghostbusters after life is about family and lineage and legacy, and these other effing white, patriarchal american values, its literally a reaction to the idea of form and including one black woman. The franchise must assert its real predecessor. Sorry, I meant successor, are you joking dude, it's thirty years. Ok, Harold, Harold Ryan! This was lemme get his name on he passed away.
So they literally can't what I'm gonna do so having it be his family. Finding his own key ogier makes sense, but- and I would like to present you tube the balance that shatter the social joy this anti man, boy narrative, they say, he's movies or only failing, because the men boys just can't stand a strong woman. How would you like some hard proof? First epoch trailer black widow items so furious marvel. How could you not make this film sooner seriously? Men Scarlett Johansson is incredible. She's a rat do he's a great actress, she's beautiful charismatic she's, great she's she's got talent like two to extreme degree, she's epic. In in an infinitely war
What did want an game? I was upset when Captain Marvel was announced and when they do this up with Belarus and because Bree Larsson is look. Man It is what it is. She snooty You know she was she was talking and on tv about having a list of people she hated or something she was texting, another act or by the eight people- and I was really controversial- shears just a mean girl. Ok, she is like Mean Rachel MC atoms and mean girls, ok, images that met mechanics, actually, really nice person. I hear and see what that character. Where she's like you are such a fog Lee. You know slot again trouble for thanks but yet like Bree Larsson was just snooty man. The black window trailer drops letter that one point, four million likes it It thousands dislikes who, like this, you dislike this trail epoch. Now I can conceive guy. I'm upset it's a pretty cool this, but we should have come at a long long time ago, and I made a long time ago. I mean like phase one.
Like the injured is black widow, an iron man that should have been her launching off point four movie on her own. She Scarlet Johannsen, dude she's, not like some bit part actor. She is a top dear Alice celebrity. In fact, I think she was like the highest paid celebrity or one of em so give her own. We'll be man. Blackbeetles, awesome and Australia looks amazing. I was Stoke to see what is it right right guard, the dude from stranger things and he's like out of shape an old I'm like Digital, its awesome, I'm stuck for this guy, I'm a fan of black would on the movies. I think she adds to all of these superpower. People are people crazy suits? It was its red to have her and Hawkeye as like regular people of high skill. I love that, interestingly, thing. Without a lot of the marble movies on the characters, don't have innate superpowers right, it's like you know you ve got Falcon, was wearing a suit. You got iron man, war machine wearing, suits. You ve got a captain Wegg S, Captain America's innate superpowers to an extent, but there's there is very little of like actual super
hours. They ve been adding more to it, but it's funny you gonna family guy might make made fun of black widow there like. What's your power, you kick and then draw like. We could do that to acknowledge the master assassin. Please, like it's cool, to have superheroes, mixing between, like psychological thrillers with action and secret agents as well as the preparatory things are- did really well in winter soldier, but I got I gotta get move on Some want to shatter that narrative K. Did you see the wonder, woman, nineteen? Eighty four trailer This trailer deserves an award. This is one of the ass trailers I have ever seen do do not under I'm, not exaggerating the the re mix of blue Monday. You guys are the song blue Monday right. They have like Castro composition in lacing in what with blue Monday, they may have gone shots to the beat and then slow motion: energy hits the bullet not just like. This is all a sum that the MAX
Lord, when he's like walking and smiling ass, I doubt damp. Unlike did this circle, I'm a mile whose appointment is that I know. Ok, this trailer is caught like music geared to the beat look. It should go when the golden Eagle armor. So amazing and I know the movies not gonna, be nearly as like fun in bouncy within that with the song, but do the these style, the music, the composition, I'm really. I do this trailers epoch and look at us three hundred sixty two thousand likes eleven thousand dislikes its number one on trending was released. Just yesterday. Sorry, I seven point: five million views. Black widow was a week ago with thirty three million views o the narrative. I can hear it falling apart. Why? Because the fans love wonder woman and the fans love black widow, o snap, how can that be? If ever, if, if these massaging it's just hate women? No, let me tell you, man
Ghostbusters was too busy patting itself on the back at the old that that they made tried criminals like caricature of of hems worth as like this more on, and you don't need to do that. Check out. Wonder woman dude Chris Pine, bad ass, wonder woman, bad ass, an and wonder woman is the lead. The hero, the strength and Chris Pine is the support behind her, but still about ass. That's what it's like! Do I dont care of correspond with a bumbling floor? Not the point is right: good characters, radical store, make a compelling make me motivations you know, is awesome at the first one moment. I have said this before Diana is an idealist. Chris Pine is Steve whatever's, I say as a realist. And they were juxtapose, we're he's like no people can be banned and she's like no people are. We gotta, stop war and like those awesome. They were both really strong in their own right. This data greedy soldier fighting forty believes, and you know that
of them. A scare, odd, demigod, half God or whatever you want, you know whatever it is, and she's the hero fighting for her idealistic world coming to terms with the fact that the world is more complicated than she thought, unlike on as amazing, it made her growth legitimate it justify. Her strength, it showed her challenges the realisation of our offer power. It was really well done, not perfect movie, no, both a great job. This trailer bam. Amazing. You know what men the fans deserve. This you look. I have no respect. Ok for the myth tip well who go on twitter, unjust, harassed and insult like Bree, Larsson and and and other people I get it man, I think Bree Larsson Snooty, I think she's condescending, and I think that really turn people off. I think she was not now my first criticism for her and captain marble it's not that like. Oh, no, feminism also acknowledges the wrong choice. Stewed like Robin Right would have been way better for Captain Marvel, ok and the curve in Robin
being order- and I mean no disrespect- you know she's an older actress but she's established. She would have been a way much much better. Captain Marvel, in my opinion, she's tougher grew you're stronger taller, even real a small, frail, squeaky woman- I don't mean the disrespectfully I mean August, describing her as like he's gotta higher, which voice she's much much smaller she's, not like physically belt or anything Robin Rightist commanding you know. So I don't think that was the perfect choice. I just thought. By her she was a bad fit for this. The whole whole thing's felt shoehorn in political and they tried capitalizing of girl power, the commercial side with her and then an an owl appears as a hero and slide. Do we get it man? Ok, we like movies, with good characters with good stories that that make us feel
emotion. You know like in this trailer you see somehow she's reunited with Chris Pines Character and you're like Wall has happened. You see that evil grin from Maxwell. What's he doing. And they got Kristen Wigan. That's that's the point. I want to end with you wanna ragged ghostbusters. The trailer was awesome. Ok, the wonder woman trail I've watched like fifteen times occasion, not I've stoked. On this. I love the blue Monday Remix christen wages in this movie and she's great in the trailer and she's gonna play cheetah datura. I'm not, I gotta admit a much bigger marvel, but I am a big fan of easy comics, but I grew up on Marvel actually do like DC more bottom rechristen weaker than it and she great the trailer and I'm stoked she's in this. Oh, are they going to come out and try claiming that the massaging still going ahead, unchristian wake know the reality is ghostbusters was bad, is really bad. Ok and an wonderment was great at hunger, game of grain
It was great news all these movies at women, female leads that are great and now the got black widow fans love it and we got wonderment fans love it as they are often more times. Wired staff producer, Adam Lance Garcia, would note, is intrigue by the first trailer, but would have to justify that opinion by writing. This, of course, is not to discount Ghostbusters twenty sixteen a film those unfairly attacked by the worst kind of humans. Now, it's too bad we are the verges Juliet's animated, clear she disliked the trailer. What's the new government has trail, it's awful. No, it doesn't and I'm sorry that we keep making Fenwolf hard place and welfare that I agree With only way I can imagine enjoying, this is, if I imagine Paul ROD is Scotland at man is just like effort. Time travels real. Why not ghosts! I disagree. The trailer was great not not nearly as good as wonderment black widow, by enjoyed it outside cool man. Cool nostalgia who ghostbusters but yeah.
Presents, as the reason goes by just twenty twenty looks better than twenty. Sixteen isn't about. Politics are gender. It's about the fact that new film see like a love letter made by refunds, the twenty sixteen felt twenty. Sixteen film felt like something they made because they had they had they all had a free summer. I agree look at us. Why, no woman, Ghostbusters black widow trailers, all in a few days, the common thread studio. Are learning from the disastrous twin seventeen and eighteen experiments, don't screw with franchises, don't mess of town. Please, please, customers not correct their catching on, I'm so excited for all of these movies. I will dare say you On our stand, this wonderment trailer deserves an award, is one of the best trailers from us. I ve ever seen. I'm scared that the movie will not what won't be as nearly as fun and paste the same way as with the music, but I'm hoping it is
this trailer deserve an award. This may be the movie I M, looking for two and twenty twenty more than any other movie hands down, and so so what let that shatter the stupid narrative of making a bad move somewhat you're. Here's the thing I gotta get this up. I do I keep it short. Why won't they celebrate this Why won't they celebrate this amazing? These are mainly movies black widow and one woman I dont see art where there are like this, Amazing. You know when, for four women suffer Nope? Ok, you can take credit, I'm ok with it! Please tell me home what. How often this movie is, how they did it rightly made a great character, was strong and our everyone loves it.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-23.