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Obama Warns Democrats They Are TOO FAR LEFT, Unfortunately The Democrats Are Fractured Beyond Repair

2019-11-16 | 🔗

Obama Warns Democrats They Are TOO FAR LEFT, Unfortunately The Democrats Are Fractured Beyond Repair. At an event recently Barack Obama warned Democrats and liberals that the party is going too far left and that they are losing the American people.Obama is right but unfortunately it falls on deaf ears. The Democrats are going far left and the moderate democrats are losing power. On Twitter woke leftists repudiate Obama saying he is out of touch with the new youthful far left progressives.Gallup data shows they are right.But whats interesting is that the Democrats and the media claimed this would happen to the Republicans. In 2016 they said the GOP is over, republicans are done, and they said Trump would never accept the results of the election.Instead what do we get?Democrats are fractured, the party is falling apart, and the left refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election. Russiagate, Emoluments, Ukrainegate, the list goes on.Finally now we are facing an impeachment inquiry because the Democrats refuse to accept the results.The curse they pushed onto the republicans rebounded and is now afflicting them.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Brok. Obama has issued a stern warning. That Democrats are moving too far to the left, making an implicit dig against Bernie Sanders and was with foreign targeting specifically their rhetoric, and he said the american people are not being represented by the activists base or by a particular group of people on Twitter and he's right, Unfortunately, as predicted, the Woke Tudor Roddy will not accept the saying that Bronco bomber is either right. Wing has become a Republican, they criticise us policies or that you say that he is out of touch. His faction of the Democrats are waning and he's those in power, and you know what they're actually right. According to gallop data, the progressive wing of a democratic party is growing, and thus we can expect to see two things. The democratic party will be fractured and Donald Trump will likely went in twenty twenty. I mean for a lot of reasons. The economy is great, but this is one of
If the Democrats can unify around a course of ideas than what do they have recently, o cosmic or test said impeachment is kind of about bringing the Democrat the Democratic Party together one hears: why find the story so fascinating for one? It is really interesting to see broccoli I must say to the Democrats: hold your horses, you are losing the american people you're going too far left, but it feels like we're in Mirror World hunger and twenty sixteen when they said the republican He has died, there broken their fractured falling apart. This is the end of the GNP and sure enough. Tromp has massive support among Publicans and their united around him, they also claimed that Trump would not accept the result of that when you sixty in election, they say the lever and you will feel he will refuse to leave and Where are we now bill? Barr Donald Trump was inaugurated,
and blocked every step of the way. I was interesting to me as, while I disagree with many of the ideological stance of Republicans. You can see that the accounts means doing really well. I can absolutely criticized foreign policy by outside of that. I wonder what would be happening if they weren't obstructing every single thing trump did not get me wrong. Republicans have obstructed Obama in many ways. This is kind of pocket. It's part of politics, but what's interesting here is not necessarily a trump is being obstructed, but that its aim Mirror version of what they claimed. What's going to happen, the Democrats our fractured six ways from Sunday they refuse to let go of what happened in twenty sixteen and now Barack Obama is desperately trying to hold together its everything they predicted about Republicans,
happening to themselves. Let's get start with the store and will start with exactly what Obama said and how he criticised the far left before we do, however, makes you check out TIM cast outcome. Slash donate if you'd like to support my work as a Paypal option, crypto option a physical address, but of course the best thing you can do share this video. If you think I do a good job, if you agree with my pants or even disagree and you think that I bring up interesting points than sharing, as video really helps me. Compete with these big news channels adopts be grow my business and continue doing what I do best. So one of the best ways you can support the channel just share the video but three Obama says average American.
Of the Democratic Party. While I will agree with you on the Democrats going too far left, but I am predicting based on gallop data and current trends. There is nothing you can do to stop it. I'm sorry, Barrack bullets reading Our present of rock of alma offered an unusual warning to the democratic primary field on Friday evening. Cautioning the candidates not to move too far to the left in their policy. Those, even as he sought to reassure party establishment worried about the electoral strength of their historically large primary field, speaking before room of wealthy donor, Mr Obama, urge Democrats to remember the long combative slog of his primary campaign against Hillary Clinton into doesn't eight arguing the sixteen months. Ultimately made him a stronger general election Kennedy quote for those who get stressed about robust primaries. I just have to remind you at a very robust primary. He told the group of several hundred donors and organizational leaders in Washington. I'm confident that, at the end of the process,
We will have a candidate that has been tested. Yet he also raised concerns about some of liberal ideas being promoted by some candidates citing healthcare and immigration as issues where the proposals may have gone further than public opinion, I will stop here and say a few things. This warning is not unusual for Obama. He called out cancel culture. He called out ve left, eating itself. The circular firing squad and now he's calling out the far left candidates they say these are. The bureau- I guess I'm sorry, no they're, not they are far left ideas. That's why you calling them out. There are not liberal positions, liberals or reference to freedom. These people are authoritarian, far leftists, who believe in ridiculous things. They know healthcare and immigration right. Abolishing private health care absurd and get rid of two million jobs that would devastate vehicle
in and we lose tax revenue, those people out of work, immigration, that's right, decriminalizing border crossings and promising government healthcare to those who are non citizens, its absurd. We have to have like listen. I know it's a republican thing, historically, a balanced budget and not too, and that so much today, I'm in the death, its climbing but come on man. We can talk about deficit spending, but not if Europe a puzzle is to do criminalized border crossings and allow these people to then get access to government funded healthcare. We can barely afford government. We literally can't afford government funded healthcare as it is. Oh bomber couldn't get that done. How do they expect this to be an actual, feasible policy? Well, tell you this! I dont think they do. Based on what Bernie and warn of talked about in terms of the wealth tax, I dont believe they're being genuine and I'm a bit offended. You cannot propose a fifty two trillion dollar Medicare plan over ten years and then not tell people about how,
you're going to pay for the non citizen to come and how you fund this with tooth to million lost jobs. It's just not reality. They just exist, but I will give you the world. If you vote for me, I will lead you to the end of the rainbow. I'm sorry oh it's just a fantasy, let's redone, while Mr Obama did not single out any specific primary candidate or policy proposal, he caution at the universe of voters that could support the democratic candidate Democrats. Independence and moderate publicans are not drift by the same views, reflected uncertain, left, leaning, twitter feeds or the activist wing of our party, even we pushed the envelope and we are bold in our vision. We also have to be rooted. In reality, the average American doesn't think we have. We have two completely tear down the system,
and we make it you know some things really interesting. I saw that tells you Sanders has tossing Gabert Natalie's into Gabert has a huge support base among people who voted for Donald Trump, but we're Democrats. So let them if let me for it again many of those who support toasty gabert, our democratic primary voters who voted for Donald Trump. Keep that in mind now for Trump supporters. That might worry you toss it. Gabert could actually pull away. Many of trumps support base, the more moderate individuals I mean notable me, I'm not someone who supported Trump, but you can see that reflected in people like me who agree with you on many issues of freedom, liberty, culture, but policy wise. We see a principled individual with enough good policy and integrity and tells you that could be very powerful, and so so about makes a really good point. She's she's the person who could unite this country its unfortunate? However, the establishment
I sought to smear her to an absurd degree, but about let's, let's radon, they say this. His remarks offered an implicit critique of Bernie Sanders analysed with war and who have urged voters to embrace a political revolution and big structural change, as well as proposals once widely considered to be left to the left of the liberal fringes of the party. Stop calling liberal, ok, liberal could mean rather centrist individuals who believe in freedom. Liberal typically referred to those who are socially a whore, slightly left of centre. This group, your talk him. It is not that they say, including court packing and decriminalizing illegal border crossings. Now here's where it gets interesting. I want to take you on a journey back in time Sixteen in June Obama said he was worried about the Republican Party sang the truth, Actually, I am worried about the Republican Party and an eye. That sounds, you know sounds like you want the Republican
We need to be somebody who could do the job if they win and you want folks who under stand the issues and where you can sit across the table from them and you have a principled argument and ultimately can still move forward. The party we move, the country for Nelson I will be the first to criticise Donald Trump for his attitude, his character and all of those things, but whose disrupting the conversation today is it the average Republican who is begging for debate Ben Shapiro, whose has debate me? No, it's the anti fascist, it's the far left, it's the disruptors as the protesters who come to shut down dialogue. Brok Obama you that a backwards, but you know what else take a look at these stories about the New York Times Speck in May of two dozen. Sixteen republican Party unravels over Donald Trump take over about this story from the Atlantic May. Fourth, twenty sixteen the day the Republican Party died. Media matters there are public and party. One hundred sixty two has done,
and that's may forth and there's more as recline March first, twenty. Sixteen, the Republican Party is truly profoundly broken, and what can we see today the fantasy of Republicans ditching trump by politico October, twenty? Fourth, when acting in this just one that it pulled up, they say rich loud route, rich lowries, editor of the National Review and a contributing factor with politico. Now I'm not going to get into the death, because the point I want to make that you simply Google search a storm of the Republicans and this store. I thought was interesting, calling it a fantasy that Republicans what did trump? they are united around their candidate. Meanwhile Bro, Obama is begging. Democrats, please stop going too far left their fractured. I'm sorry Obama, your party, the party that you're that you lead for so long is completely fractured and all of them warnings about Republicans, the party being over United behind Donald Trump,
show you a bit of this data. Take a look at this. This is from the economist, and I love showing this graph in twenty. Eight teen Republicans have a strong center, they are united around their core ideals. This has to do with the distributed distribution of ideology of house candidates who, on their primaries, there's not a reflection on tromp or or being united, tromp, but whenever it is happening on the republican side, they are all aligned for the most part, with a vivid course out of values. They mostly agree on, and when you look to the Democrats, there completely spread from centre too far left. The Democrats are fractured to an absurd degree
Now we can see the changes. I'm sorry Brok about you, ve lost your warnings fall on deaf ears because, as we can see, the moderate wing of the democratic ideas G is waning from two thousand seven twenty twelve. It was falling from thirty eight percent to thirty five. While the progressives rose from thirty nine to forty six and you're, a part of that is well Bronco. Boma wanted universal health care, so he was part of that rising wave of the more left wing members. The more far left members now gallop calls it liberal, moderate and conservative, but this is on the democrat side, so I'd refer to it as fur are left left and centrist, but you get the point: the more left wing the progressive wing is taking over so inside it take a look at the story: Huffington Post tweets former President Barack Obama warned the democratic field of White House at of windows hopefuls not to veer too
to the left. A move he said would alienate many who would otherwise be open to voting for the parties nominee next year. The first thing to do is: give you a very, very If I'd explanation, if the Democrats think going far left will open new voter base, their sacrificing the moderates. The tug of war is between Democrat and Republican, not the fringes of the left in the fringes of the right. The far left will vote for Democrats if they have to, but the centrists can choose between the two as progressives like Genk. You can say what you need to activate that, based on the left and those votes, they are sacrificing moderates that's why it's important to listen to what a bomb has to say, unfortunately, as we can see from the sponsors to having the post it's all on deaf ears. They look one response, agree. Well, the purest agree is the question. That's that's an apt response. Yes, brocklehurst is right. This one o k, Boomer. You also pretended to be progressive. The so called moderate Republicans we'll never vote down
that changing progressive positions to seek a vote. That isn't, therefore, is the reason why we are in this mess. Now sorry Barrack, you way to centrist for from off from age. Our sea wreck patient to Bloomberg, insertion into the boat in the speech, they all show a panic and yes, tablets meant that's right. I'll tell you what man that's a good point, Bernie Sanders and to an extent war. I think we're All of this way, I think Bernie Sanders is a legitimate, anti establishment. Upstart, I think, is an independent. You know he is an independent and he's running as a Democrat, because it's gonna it is path, victory war and, on the other hand, is an establishment player who put on burning mask so that she can make sure Bernie doesn't when this Dublin is terrified. I have absolute respect for many of the far left meant members of Congress ABC.
Wishing to live and Ellen Omar, etc. Not further crazy ideas, offensive statements or ethics probes, but I respect them for challenging the establishment and winning. I do think there are many problems with what they're doing, but I have an idea that I have this idea that I thought of it before I got to say I was happy when o cause your Cortez upset her district and took that seat. From that establishment Democrat, I was like good look enough sense that aliases cause a lot of problems, but but listen she just remove this. This long, standing, crony Democrat and now after you know, another election will she will see if she makes it. I would prefer to see populists and people who actually care about issues are taking over so to an extent, I have respect for those who have shown the establishment and one and I can recognize they are recoiling in terror. But here's It gets interesting again now we can talk what the fracturing of the Democratic Party, but about this
from PBS October 21st. Sixteen just so close that election tromp won't accept election results if he loses, as Clinton expands campaign into red states. Man, you know: what's its something happened in twenty sixteen, to the mirror universe, where everything they claimed was gone. It was going to happen, happened to them if, like the it's like their evil magic reflected back upon them to curse them. The Democrats, our fractured and falling apart, and they won't accept the risk. Twenty sixteen election pushing scandal after scandal controversy. They voted impeachment like what, for five times right in here we go with with Russia Gate to Ukraine, Bobo here the way I describe Ukraine Gate, you ever play a video game and when
The later levels you notice at the bad guys are the exact same as the earlier bad guys, but the programme are just changed. The color, like you, got the green coopers and more on the red ones there breathing that same animation, which is a different color, so it makes em indifferent monster. That's literally what they're doing It's the same scandal, the same tactic, the same strategy with boring hearing. They have just slightly tweaked it and that's it. But the reality is it's the left that can't let go taken. This. This is from just the other day. Last night attorney general bar defends Trump a sales resistance in fiery speech to conservative lawyer sang in aging a scorched earth no holds barred war of resistance against this administration. It is the left engaged in a systematic shredding of norms and undermining the rule of law? Bar sat in a speech to the conservative lawyers to conservative lawyers at the Federal Society Convention in Washington
this is very dangerous and indeed incendiary notion to import into the politics of a democratic republic. The fact is that, yes, while the president has certainly thrown out that the traditional beltway playbook and punctilio- I'm I'm not amount of that word, for you mean he was up front about what he was going to do and the people decided that he was going to serve as President Bill BAR mentioning that the day he was inaugurated, the resistance came, they were. Used to accept that he one and he did when an eye oliginal secret I've. I've said before TAT. I really is eager, but it's funny. I was in a room of Democrats. Wench went when when Trump One and when you want I laughed you know why
wanted Bernie Sanders to when I was a lot of reasons. I've I've I've, you know come to move away from supporting eminent. You know now believe tosses is probably better choice. I dont think they're pilot. I do think there a bit far left over me wrong. I don't agree with everything they do. I have to go a little bit more to the little bit more. I'm a monopoly Spencer, so I leaned over in that direction, but when Bernie Sanders had itself when from him by Hillary Clinton, I was upset. I was angry better or for worse, and they played dirty games and here We took the nomination and I was out what man, but then Donald Trump One and so united. I laughed a hearty laugh, the one of the loudest and most enjoyable and long laughs at ever had because the establishment got their commitments. It is not a system that, for you, built by us in the system for us, ruled that is it. A government is a government of the people that we, the people vote and you
the play games. This is what you get and that's. Why that's why I say I'm. Actually. I have respect for those who have upset the system. Even if I disagree and think they're really bad look man I can respect somebody like I can. I can respect with what they ve been able to pull off while still disagreeing with them and thinking they should be removed and voted out because there too far left and have no idea what they're doing. But I absolutely respect those that, are challenging the system and telling you you don't have the right, Saunders does things I dont like beer, but so does Donald Trump. Ok, I can disagree and agree with them to various expense, but I do feel that while too is not always honest There is a certain air of like rats, freshen, honesty, sometimes look even the intercept. The left wing publication said he is Well, technically the most honest present with ever had and one of the most suitable, but the honesty can be refreshing
he says things that you know people they want to hear they're, tired of the mishmash pr garbage and we're all thinking it right. Leading oars or typically just wrong. I think the media likes to call him a liar when I'm like. Now, you probably just kind of got the details wrong on that or admittedly I that there is a tactic the media does where they will add a caviar, a pay little bit. That makes no sense to disprove a fact right. So let's say Donald Trump was seat, seen handing out hundred dollar bills to orphans and all the Republicans are saying Donald, up was handing out hundred our belts to orphans. What these facts I can cite in these journalists do we'll say we're gonna fact check that claim. Did Donald Trump card doubt hundred dollar bills to orphans. While eating ice cream, false we'll make it seem like the whole thing, is fake because they added that little that that last little, but that no one ever brought up. No one ever said:
eating ice cream while he did it, but that allows them to say false for the whole thing and then we'll go into this diatribe about people are claiming that Donald Trump was hanging around those two orphans. The claim is expounded on the fact that troubles eating ice cream and then at the bottom, no say while Trump did hand out hundred dollar bills. And he wasn't eating ice cream. It's a trick. I've seen it over and over and over again, like CNN, just publishes big long thing, whether like everything trumps as is wrong, but because their twisting what people actually think like when it comes to the whistle or whose name? I can't say you get the daily, be saying the Republicans got the name wrong and they end like no ever claim that I was the whistle blower you. Should they do anyway? Here's the point us bring about Morocco Bomber, I'm sorry, you are now a republican, you are the old guard, you have lost and while I certainly like Obama more than many of these far left, you know individuals. I can certainly criticise Obama's policies that things he did. I vote from second time I think it a lot of really really bad things, but the establishment you're dying.
The Democrats are gonna lose and the far left to take over- and you know what you report you so so the same as when Donald Trump, but not that hard. I'm sorry the same as when Trump One, and I let out a hearty laugh. I look to a bomb, Can hillary- and I still have you want to play games tromp and you want to play games. You are now cursed in the way you thought Republicans would be curse. Your party is fractured and you refuse to let go of the twenty. Sixteen results. Everything you you through with our public goods has now bounced back onto. You will see what happens in the future. I know it's complicated, can try and clarify Look, you know. I said this before about her name is Agatha Basle? Large is running in San Francisco against Nancy Policy and I think
There are a lot of far left policy ideas and identity area Nigeria's. I really really don't like, but you know what it's about time: Nancy Policy, retired and about time a younger person got elected based on the things actually believe I you know, I think we have we have. We have reeled from these politicians who care nothing for the people and only want to just sit in the seat. They want the keys to the castle. That's all they want. So many these politicians left and right all of them, and I think Republicans gathers further chose trump. So many of these People don't care about. You don't care about me. I don't care if, I believe in say Universal Healthcare and you believe in a robust private market, little care about that there whatever they have to say to convince us the vote so we hand them the keepers of the castle and they could sit atop the ivory tower. That's what they want. I don't care for that, so
It's gonna be someone like AC. Why think is bad and I will criticise. I prefer her of the crony politicians whose only interest is is milking the teeth of the tax dollar, not interested. I will debate the ideas. I will criticise and two degree I won't salt, those who have terrible policy ideas, be it on the left or right. Admittedly, the left has gone so far left. I think they ve. They ve lost the plot and more moderate individual, but I will still respect them more than the crony losers who have just run for office over and over again, because they want to sit in that thrown I'm not interested. That, because there's no debating your idea, it's just fake you, don't you look at Hillary Clinton, she okay in the end, in the end
nothing you can you can do to stop it so I'll just caught us put it this way. You know what confused yeah me too, I'm politically homeless therein of policy positions and ideology is on the right. I'm not I'm not going to arbitrary agree with. I think it's fair, say that as a more moderate you know slightly left, leaning, individual, I'm willing to recognise the belief of the left and the place of the right. Not perfectly I you know, I've had people criticise me saying I really dont undressed how conservatives think
art to get. Congratulations now, look the Republicans felt this way. At least I would assume so in twenty sixteen and they lead that bull. That has now will trump to the gates of the ivory Tower and he stormed and is a rent and rampaging about Europe and I'm sitting back laughing about it. I mean the left wanted there, that their guy Bernie Sanders and you you you colluded and cheated to do it Why am I gonna get your back? You know I mean so I kind of like this kind of feel. Like you know what let these far left, these win, let let these people get in and it'll push out that corrupt, crony establishment too did it ok and ends violent left is like what what corruption to trumpet rid of oak commanded, there's, still crony, corrupt Republicans and there's way more crony crop Democrats, and I'm looking forward to that.
People leading in there. You know their choice to push that out and if that means we get a few years of a politician. We don't like you, so be it. Ok, I'm not going to cry cause damage Us President, unless it back and laugh because the Democrats had a chance and they let this happen because they want to play stupid games. So there you go on laughin. Ok, I understand their problems, unconcerned about you, know my friends and family owing to make sure they, but with other bad Okay, you don't orange man is not that bad. It's so ridiculous. How they act like it's the end of the world, in eight years Trump will be out, you can vote for somebody else. It's that simple. It's not the end of the world, but I will tell you it's the end of their world. This tablet is in full blown panic because there in the battle on two fronts: Trump on one side investigating them in their crony bs and the far left
progressives on the other side pushing them out and it makes me laugh the policy and stop yeah, I'm gonna argue with burning and ale, sea and land when it comes to ethics and all that you, you better believe, I'm under the same thing and I've been critical of tromp on its foreign policy, especially- and I have no problem saying- I think Trump is dishonest, but I do think the media lies because their debts the establishment it sounds to me like they're in full blown panic mode. Can hear what you're really saying he's telling them they are short their defences. He's right. I can agree, but the same time watching establishment fall. I don't tell you man, it's up into the world, we're gonna be fine, everything's gonna be ok, the economy is doing pretty well made, maybe maybe not completely true, but you know for the most part, stock markets up wages are up fine, whatever. I know people try to argue this and there is always
you know periodic economic downturn. But are you what the worst case scenario that we're facing is a bad market? You know people might go without limit loser jobs at the mark goes bad, but I'll tell you what you're you're fridge waiters gonna keep running your ac. Your crisp cool refreshing air conditioning in summer will still be there. You're pilot will still flush. So do I care that trumpets president, a little bit you know it's like, like the guy, you know well whatever, and also now the bureau's trumps born. We get it information and I got it meant it's fun to have those conversations. That's why I like watching you too busy imagines, while out of you watch this so we'll see what happens. A rapid up stick around next month's coming up at Youtube COM slashed him cast news at six p m, and I will see you all their. I gotta say At this point, I doubt very many people believe the official story surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, for some reason
assistant that everything is fine and don't you dare call out the conspiracy making fun of, She said it's a conspiracy theory. Your eyes as to what happened. I don't know what happened, but I can't tell you this: we don't lie, Fish or story makes literally no sense at everything. Around epilepsy is weird. We ve got contradictory autopsy. You know statements from even this faint pathologist saying no way duty was murdered, took the story jail guards at time of Epstein death reject deal. Apparently they were all the guards will offer to plead deal for falsifying records. They wanted them to publicly admit this. They
fused cover up. Oh I don't know, I don't know, I'm not gonna speculate, as you know, as soon as you say, anything like. Maybe this order up undergoing an american every single person in media sang temples are conspiracy. There is now I'm not yet there is anything. Question what happened Read this and there's more news actually appears Prince Andrew Interview, Minor standing is really deny going there this party- and, like you know, maybe he's did learn, let's rhythm, and see what happens. It's gonna lapsing AP federal prosecutors offered a pleading. Two to correctional officers responsible for guarding Epstein on the night of his death, but the officers have declined the offer people familiar the matter told the Associated Press. The existence of a plea deal offers signals. The justice Department is considering criminal charges in connection with the wealthy financiers death at the magical,
and crushing centre in New York in August, the city's medical examiner ruled Epstein step a suicide. However, a private pathologist hired, I believe by the family, has said no way and this guy's like feigned. Apparently you know so you know look here. He supposed to believe at this point. They want to claim into conspiracy, but you ve got. Mainstream reporting. We know ABC spiked story, you ve got mainstream reporting a fat and export saying no dice. So I'm not gonna, be surprised. People doubt the official ruling on this one the guards on Epstein unit are suspected of failing to check on him every half hour, as required and of fabricating log Andrea, to show they had as part of the proposed eel prosecutors wanted, the guards to admit they falsified the records according to people
familiar the matter. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not permitted to publicly discuss the investigation. Could it be? The guards in fact, did not falsify anything. Why reject a plea deal unless once they were innocent? I mean two years a thing: federal cases have like a ninety nine percent prosecution right, like our conviction, right, ok went when they prosecutor a conviction, Metro, its clear when you get prosecuted by the feds, they almost all ways win now. Some people argue it's because the courts are rigged, but the more likely answer that they only come after you. If they have an air tight case, they know for sure they're gonna get the conviction they want so intensive happening as everybody please, everybody takes the deal is a thing called the jury tax or the trial tax man who you ask which basically says that if you go to trial your punish
and will be much harsher and then the and the real idea, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The idea is supposed to be like you refuse to accept responsibility for your crime. For they must punish you more in reality, there punishing you for wasting the court's time. Take a pleading I'll, tell you what you'll get we know will knock down fossil record. You gonna get a couple years probation or something like that. Well, then, I want to do it and I wonder why that is, and that's all bold. I gotta say I mean look. I've seen instances where I can t see their protestors, who were you know pressing it argued protesting at occupy, got arrested and they were told like you are Going to be convicted, however, it is true that the DC police, but I dont want speculate too much into why or how suffice it to say these guards are. No way to the deal, the end they and they're not going to admit they falsified records, perhaps because they didn't freedom
the US attorney's office in Manhattan had no comment on the plea offer. Okay, so large we're working overtime because of staffing shortages that been placed on administrative. While the FBI, the just departments inspector general, investigate the circumstances surrounding Epstein death, the sixty six year old, even when trail. Yet we know that absence was placed on suicide, why after he was found with bruises on his neck, multiple people familiar with the operations at the jail his death meeting. It was less closely monitored, but still supposed to be checked on every thirty minutes. Thirty minutes come on man is all such The very least we've got serious problems in our presence at them, and I think that's a fair point. Man we do have serious problems, presents a bucket
if so many checks on you and then and you're like well. There now can be back in thirty minutes. I can do whatever I want oak, ok and then back, and they found him choked out. I've seen death exposed mounting evidence at the chronically understaffed. Much part incorrect, center may have bungled its responsibility to keep him alive. Oh nice, try dude, I'm not violate the cameras, failed dude. You know what men. I'm not going to sit here and just take whatever the government says. As fact, I'm gonna tell you and happened. I don't know what happened and if a lot of conspiracy yours and I also just I'm sick and tired of like me- free media sang literally. Any question ever is a conspiracy theory. I have no theory literally have done. All I know is some doesn't add up. That's that's fine! Fine. For me right, a lot of people are saying: Epstein didn't kill himself. That's not a conspiracy theory. That
it's it's like listen when when he was in a cell with the other guy and then they claim there was an attempt, but then he said he was choked out. There's no conspiracy there. Ok, it was one guy attacking a dude. He thought was to learn that happens in prison lot no conspiracy, so if the very least you want to say it and kill himself in this instance, there still you know it crazy because it could be a sin full is like one of the guards new who he was and wet and choke about those. No conspiracy, that's it. It could be that simple, and then that one guard went and took the camera meal damage that they could be. One person can spare implies: a criminal arrangement between multiple people but the collaborative conspiracy theory. Just because you know I'm just I'm sick of the media, no longer caring about investigating think about all of the journalists back in the day, who digging up stores and doing investigations and the end what everything they
ever done as a conspiracy, theory, Botswana. This way, let's say the same, about trumpet impeachment. We don't we don't know for sure. We have those documents CNN and and Buzzfeed are like it's a conspiracy theory. Did you investigate and find anything? No, while its to me that you can be a journalist here of potential malfeasance, see a document swell statement, you'll evidence here. When the press stop and stop investigating CNN. Say that's a conspiracy end of story. It's like did are you a common and are giving our opinion on what you think it is, or did you actually investigate and what I love as they call literally everything debunked it's like do just because someone comes out and says it's not true to something you do bunked anything like remember. One. Hillary Clinton got
and they were called the debacle, conspiracy theory and then she admitted to having Dimona AIDS. I owe you know what do not warrant. What what am I gonna my favorite bits in all media criticism? was an interview MIKE certain of it did with. I think Scott Pelleas an aim that the sixty minutes guy and they were accusing them of publishing fake is by claiming Hillary Clinton was sick and he said you know is like the media claimed. Donald Trump was mentally ill and then, when we when we come out and say the same thing, but Hilary all of a sudden there saying it's vacant you're making it up and Scott says, but she wasn't sick and you know basically, what sort of which did was he he talk to adopt who then said based on what he seeing she sick sort of. It said how do you know and then the journalist said: well, a person from our campaign told us need us. Why would you believe them and then apparently, like that Pollio, wherever they must glasses, falls off like yeah, it's funny you can. If it would,
areas, as you can see the biased and the media based on what they assumed to be true overtime? If trumps as it, it must be a lie. Always like. Ok, now you don't trust the government. When Hilary says it's the truth, always well not so much, I mean that the policy gabert stuff the point as documents. It released on the Ukraine thing with Ukraine officials same here's, what happened and them He has responses, we're not going to investigate anybody who pushes us is lying and a conspiracy debunked, like you, didn't debunk anything simply by saying you don't happen so you have you haven't even saying I didn't do acts and it's like will they said you did and then see, and unlike debunked, please nothing about Epstein right now is confirmed. We have multiple statements. Its being investigated is a plea deal on the table. Let's see, the evidence now is the best part Prince Andrew did an interview with the BBC because he asked you about
viral on Twitter Oh, you have no recollection of us to me. It says to me that you didn't know or care who she was didn't bother to remember her name, but aren't denying that happened. Here's my question you don't want to lose woman, as you have no recollection of meeting our financial question, you're go dance at night Club and Munich, young woman and then go back to a well finance years, you know ladies house and engage in adult activity he's with someone under the age of eighteen.
No recollection was really funny about these things. Is If someone came to me and said ever by a did, you ever builders Zepplin at yoga. Ok, I gotta because from context for the longest time Wikipedia like there was a passage in my Wikipedia claiming I invented Zepplin no idea shore just made it in there and and and and even though I would say over. Not only do I never built as up one, that's crazy, we're what what Hoddan just think about all crazy. This is. Somebody wrote that I built a supplement like I built a blank. What is this? I love the media when he wonders point when people come to me and say to him. What's up with the set plan you ve been accused of building it. I never said I have no recollection of building up what nice I never did. That's. It was crazy to me as if someone asks if you did something
and you don't remember ever having done that, you say I didn't do that right, like where someone asked you Do that so here's the point Prince Andrew says he has no recollection of meeting the team that says to me one thing: it's possible: he met other teens elsewhere. This way, if someone said you did a double back slip off your garage into a pool into a blue pool And its true, in fact, than on several occasions, you didn't do a double back leapt into different color pools. You might say I have no relax recollection of that. A blue one united. We had with Green one for Saint Patrick stay. The point is the only reason in my opinion, you would respond that you had no recollection of that is because it it's it it for.
Enough with what you have done, otherwise you would just say says he was being honourable by staying with Jeffrey Epstein. What is that supposed to mean, and then he said he let the side down now tell you what, when I heard that quote that he let the side down, I have no idea what that means. Its turn of phrase I haven't, I am not familiar with. It must be british, ok and some thinking like like. If you will the side down like earn a jeep, and you like. Take the soft top like: what's that mean let the side down, and so I assumed it had meant something to mean something like you. Let someone down so are reached out my my friend, Mr Ernest MR saga of a cod non like what does this mean? I M, not british. I am not familiar this risk. Maybe it's. Maybe is probably maybe I shouldn't
its aim that he's here, he let everybody download. You explain to me what it meant and short answer is: It means he might be now, I do think it's fair to differentiate what he did was illegal, presumably, if, if if, if it was with this this young woman, she was a teenager, but I do think it's fair point of point out. There is a big difference legally between like a preview, basic child and a teenager. I think they're, both basically very rare, like very close to being on par with each other for a lot of reasons, especially when is like an old dune gauging whose corrective unease, but then there is a big difference in the law, recognises there's like Romeo and Juliet laws and the laws do differentiate and many jurisdictions between the age of the of the child. So I think it's fair to point out he's an old lecherous creep, whose hooking up with teenagers if the story is true, but as far as I'm concerned to get the money he gets the inefficient.
Prince Andrew I can't remember seriously. There's something your mind saying like I just don't remember once within your character. Do this ok, ok, Prince Andrew, didn't deserve your I'm gonna get so much trouble from these people, but you know up Evelyn. When a power liquid ABC did when they spiked this story, and they did it because they were concerned about offending the crown, so I'll. Tell you what man I can tell What's sure. What's not true, I can't say I am sceptical over this guy meeting with Prince Andrew based on what we ve heard. Out. You know a b c news, the powerful people involved. The guards are being offered.
Deal if they say they falsified records. The whole thing stinks bad and you know what men I and I am not convinced official reporting so far it doesn't have to be this grand conspiracy, our like toiling their moustache and plodding against absent or some like that. It could simply be there's one rich person who knows that everything has dirt on em is scared and offers one other person autonomy. Like it, it can be really simple men. It could be that one of these guards was offered. You know a hundred grand cash to to choke amount or some like that and its end, and we know that what what what bothers me is that A lot of these weird media gatekeepers will try and make it seem, like. Everyone believes its literally a cabal of super elites and, like world leaders, conspiring tat to end Epstein, when it literally could be one guy,
you like it could be one dude was worth a couple million bucks. We never heard of an end is not particularly important. Going like. I will not be stopped and then he offers a guard it could be. It could be litter One. Guy saying like this can happen and is now to be a big governmental blocked or, like you know, the Cabal organisation with its tentacles leaching through all these other from an agency's. Could literally, we wondered if it could be, you know it could win. The guard it could literally just been like I said earlier was just like. I know who you are and what you've done
fine records, and I wonder why that is don't know, don't know, and I tell you what I doubt we will ever find out. Yup that's how the world works, but I will say something like certain of its treated this out and you know you're gonna be fond of a guy like I think. Even people on the left should recognise the point he made. He said that our government more rigorously prosecuted, Roger Stone, overlying the count then they did Epstein we stress figure and he lied and whatever and I'm not gonna involvement, but I can recognise its mind numbing to me the amount of resources that went into a resting, Roger Stone and prosecuting em with like this one. He showed up at his house and they couldn't deal with this for years. You know what man, let me just sell you,
Roger Stone is not you know a peasant. He's got his own he's got power in other, most powerful person in the world by no means as things powerful and look at how he gets training, get special deals. He gets ignored, store We three years ago, ABC News, knew about this and what and what nothing Roger still, no mandate us wanting to his house. So I'll tell you what, even if your someone who's on the left, who hate stone, wakes Trump. I think we can recognise you might be celebrating the conviction of Roger Stone Hague in a more party at your opinion, but I think we can agree that priorities are mixed up. They arrested that that the, the blanket who live the Congress and send us wanting to assess. Ok man, I get it if you dont, like the guy, but can we all agree, can left and right unite under the fact that
couldn't we have gotten that same level of the whole system? man, it's just. I think com, since in the system is shaking look who who trusts that the Sufis gonna work properly right now. Because they're gonna send every up I'll. Tell you what happens. It has to be a grand conspiracy. In my opinion, they go after I'd your stone because its low hanging fruit, the prosecutors, want their record to looks, look really really great and say: look what we did. The political activists hate trumpet headstone so they're like this High profile get for us Epstein,
you know they want to make sure they're really really easy. And it will do very little workin. There's no risk. Epstein, however, is going to have the best of the best laws in the world, and they are like that's gonna be so hard and guess what, if you screw it up and he gets out you're in trouble. Now you know man, I'm not going anywhere near that that's what you get only with their, though stick around executes coming about one yeah I'm on this channel, and I will see you all them. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, be sitting with their Lib tarred aunt or their concern RO far right redneck uncle, whatever people have insults to sling around and everybody gets into fights, but guess what That's your family bill MAR made a really really global point on his show
but the most alarming thing there's a new civil war, at least that's what that's. Our news weak frames at new six, far from a right wing publication single Mars time, going down for the sake of peace, new civil war. One of the reasons that Bill MAR did this agreement is because things giving us coming and we often talk about arguing with our family and friends. He made a very remarkable point think about the political differences you have with your own family, your own blood and then think about the rest of the country and an he said. Having worked really really great, he says, though, that the one thing you learn to say at these family gatherings, let it go now. I do think that in this segment, when he talks about, you know needing to turn things down, because the left insults the right. The right is also laughs. Everybody struggle, each other. I think he does still have a very liberal bias but I will say blessed this man's heart for trying he's saying: he's gonna die things down. He's not gonna, be you know. He says, he's playing
the insulting of of the right, I just realized and to dangerous and that if we don't turn things down, will be a second civil war and, what's really crazy to me,. I would like also to myself, I record videos all the time for the past two years, saying basically what there's a reason why I don't insult an try to understand More said. If there's one thing, that's true: having a country with democratic institutions, means you're going to be living and working with people who you can't stand the story and see exactly what Bill Mars on about. Newsweek says Bill Mars toning things down and fears civil war no more is changing his tune, expos real time. Telling viewers Friday night that it plans to tone down is communicating mocking Donald Trump?
and its supporters over fears at the political division in the. U S could lead to a second civil war. Now, at the end of the segment he says he never feared that George W Bush would lock up journalists their opponents or him. I have to say, that's a bit crazy because I still don't think that the case whose, but you know we were told all of these things about twenty. Sixteen like Trump, wouldn't accept the result and all that, but that's what's happening, it's the other side. So, while I disagree with his perspective, he makes a really great point. This segment was fantastic by the way talking about how they will never? He said you will never understand why they vote for Trump and they will never understand your obsession with gluten.
Quote. I've been guilty of saying things like that. More said, referring to name calling of the right, I'm going to try to stop I've learned at the anti intellectual ism of the right doesn't come primarily from stupidity. It comes from hate tat. People that are irredeemable is what makes them say. You know what I'd rather side with Russia than you segment where he did have a lot of criticism for transporters and the right, but it was framed in this They were making these problems bill MAR or Hillary Clinton calls people baskets of deplorable, don't be surprised, they say fine, let its eyes. On the other day, there was a journalist in the Washington Post during the hearing and was marked the GEO Peace and they talk about Alexander Trooper all the time. Why don't? They have testified to loop of the woman who was a Dnc consultant who got dirt from Ukraine and then,
but that its competent story, but she was involved in that Ukraine meddling. He then fact checked himself realising he was wrong. It was a factor himself and said I got this one wrong, I'm deleting it. The GNP did call Alexander Toolbar. Shift blocked it all of a sudden. I see a bunch of people on the right mocking him and if the same thing, ok, you can't do this knock. I have made this point so many times I said. Listen this agenda list who did some dumb hot, take realized. They were wrong. Bachelor checked their work, surprisingly, journalists doing it deleted. The tweet published a screenshot said they were wrong, retracted, corrected, apologized and even criticized themselves as having for Pinocchio for screwing. That up- and I said much much respect absolutely- you no class act, the right thing to do. If you only ever insult and be right. What's the point of coming clean this,
That was the point. Even if I come out incorrect, no one on the left is going to say anything and the right, I think everybody needs to hear this message. It is less read more about bill, marble circle back to this. He says lately when the hearing we hearing more and more about a second civil war which sounds impossible in this modern affluent country. It is not. We talk about Tromp as an existential but his side sees democratic control of government. The exact same way when both sides believe the other guy taking over means the end of the world. Yes, you can have a civil war spot on. I tried splain this to people and I'll. Tell you what I don't have the biggest channels on Youtube: Reno Stephen crowds got ten times or fought. We know five times to combine this traffic and about Now we ve got five six million sobs, and these are people who are more in tune with hearing just that the right wing perspective,
granted. I understand I am not your progressive perspective. Individual and, I probably agree, was even crowded on another fact of reality. More than most people, but politically we ever disagreements. But the point is, I feel like most people who stand watching me are those who aren't entrenched in confirmation by us. There are many people on the right and there are many more people on the left who refuse to listen and I'm sorry this is. Fact Jonathan Heights research shows that the left can't predict moderate or conservative behavior, but monolithic service can predict the left. The problem with the left is that they don't want to give you a really good example. Actually,. David, Obsolete Dave, Reuben got an email from cause, your quarters, and he tweeted. Why am I getting this email from you? Who has my email address? her response was I'm sorry, someone must have mistaken you for a journalist. Bunch of lefties, unlike woke journalist, started like a sick berne, and there are even people who are legally Terence calling it a sick burning, unlike a hold on men, you dont know,
Anything about Dave, Rubin because I was on his show- and I said what you are doing- is journalism and data. No, it's not. I reject that that was couple years ago. He rejected outright, no, no, no, no, no! No, he has a political position, he espouses positions and he talks of people. He does not consider it journalism, but all these lefties think a yo see burned him by saying someone thought you are journalists, from the perspective of understanding who Davis actually having the facts on your side, the reality was, if someone thought day was a journalist that was a compliment. Like when I said it. You could see all of these someone must have mistaken you for a chef David, but I'm not a chef. We talk about anything like that debt so too,
This is an example of how you have people on the left. They can't understand the right at all and anyway, look, let me circle backs ongoing, often attention. The point is you know when I to say Joey salads, I realized at first I was hostile and I was a mistake because if you tell someone, there's no redeeming them, then yeah they'll, just double down and say I would. Rather, is this about. They would rather side with Russia than you. It shows people are or it was his aim when both sides believe oh yeah, you know what I'd rather side with Russia than you and it showed people wearing shorts. That said, they would rather side with Russia that a democratic. Yet we can't have that. But I'll tell you what it is a lot easier for me to talk to a Trump supporter. It is for me to talk to a democrat or liberal. I could you not. I can have a conversation with a trump supporter and say here's what I think and I ll say I see what you're saying I think you're wrong. For these reasons I have conversation with someone
let's less reliable, been more the wise summit spiral out in my response with viewers, Maria with viewers to show tolerance and coexist peacefully with people who do not share their political viewpoint, we are going to have to learn to live with each other or there will be blood, so don't freak out if Ellen's its next to George Bush, a football game are added. Referring to the criticism Ellen Degenerous received in October for hang out with with Bush was not my idea of a good precedent, but I never worry is going to lock up his political opponents or porters or me, you see here's the thing I can respect more for pointing this out, but let's be real trumps, not going to lock be people up. Ok journalists, you live in a paranoid general state not send it to be destroyed I'm saying that as a matter of fact and then appreciative of you realizing that you are feeding into this machine.
Had it over and over again. You know that I have been mean before I try not to do that. I try to be very respectful. You know even people, I've. I disagree with a whole lot and I actively try to promote those. I disagree with one of the people in particular. I would like to look. I usually promote David Pachmann. I disagree with them. I think he said some disparaging things about me several times, but you know what that's fine, because people say the same thing about me that that you know and people say the same thing about him, and so the best thing we can do is trying here each other out. Even if its mind numbing like it really annoying. I tell you what man you gotta understand when I'm reading all the news, like I'm looking at Brian style, twitter feed I'm just like this is nuts like what reality and they do these things that are really annoying that I try to avoid calling all news, fake
objective analysis, Newsweek is left wing and their associated the daily beast, and so I try using left wing perspectives on purpose to show like I'm trying your xbox to avoid, and so when I'm reading his twitter feed and seeing these like misleading phrases in these tricks, it gets frustrating it's annoying. But you know what you know that I have said and then the video I did about Ryan. I said I respect him for engaging, I think he's not the worst, person in the world of people want a rag and insult and all day and night, and I and I think it's and I've called out Tucker Karlsson for insulting him and ends up or people and not a big fan of like eyes. I think. I'm glad Bill Mara, saying this, but must bring up another point him talking about a second civil war. A lot of people get mad when I about. What's what a civil war really means and I've been saying for a long time, surprise, surprise I was just ahead of the market. Ok, I can see
these things. For unfolding, but before Us- and I make predictions based off of the probability of a witch variable or will we will result like ok, let me try me phrases. We have multiple paths. Ways in front pathways in front of us. I'm looking at them and trying to figure out which one is more likely and for what reason from that I make predictions. Sometimes I'm wrong. In fact, I'm often wrong. I thought the Republicans will dominate the mid terms. They didn't a lot of things at and understand and that's why it's important to listen The other side, but bill bill. More is now saying the same thing on a prime time, HBO show to the masses. Civil war is possible, so let me tell you it is not a game. This is right. This is this is this is real? You ve got to make sure that when you're talking to people you know what really bothers me on Twitter is like that. The constant attacks on everybody, no matter what they d, like a mention that journalist on Likes Y gotta, be mean the dude minute. He made a mistake
I give a high five? You know if, if men, how much better with the world be, if every time Zone minimum stake, they meet it? What when they ve when they realise that the economic, the mistake Buzzfeed, did a story accusing actual Trump supporters of being Botz Twitter started suspending people, and I can say that responsible, because who knows what we were suspended, but this sort of claiming these tweets in support of trump? robotic or automated without evidence without proof. Instead of admitting this journals instead of him admitting it was, he was wrong because it later turned out Jack the Sobek put out this tweet everyone started. Tweeting too, he's got half a million half a half, a million followers, then yes, you're gonna, see seven thousand people tweet right away. He said they were box. He could have just said. I over looked the fact that the sober tweed this out- and I think, that's probably where it came from. Instead, what did he say? No, no! No! No I'm talking Twitter put it as it might be real note there, but nobody automated, and then he shouted trying to list all these reasons. Why
was more likely to be bought, doing it, implicating his own co author on the story who. Doing the same thing. He was claiming like it between more than fifty times data suspicious, it's like your own your own writer journalists above using the same thing. Imagine a world where people said. I think I'm wrong about this, Jordan Peterson Interview, but he was asked about. You know being compelled to speak or being compelled to serve somebody that was wrong, and then I was asked about the civil rights movement and, and then Georgia's went there was wrong about that, just like right right away. Yet he had he had the frame of mind and he had the discipline to say yeah. I could be wrong. Think about it. How many people just want to own the other side is a bit more talks about. If that's the mentality we have, then we really are headed for second civil war. But I want to end with one one important point k about what a civil war would be or what will look like in the past. I've taught
about Insurgency street skirmishes. Those are happening. Ok and they may be happening. A bit lessen their workable years ago will see what happens after their after the election, twenty or if tromp is impeached removed, which are really doubt, but, let's say Trump, isn't elected again. Get me a lot of anger, people, let's say he does when reelection it'll be a lot worse but, more importantly, we have going on right now a lot of people are saying in the impeachment inquiry. These people don't have first hand, knowledge fact Many of them do not already been, though what you ve done about just testimony was posted but they're, trying to frame it like a criminal conspiracy that that Trump fire her too you're. Out of the way. Oh please come on. Do you need so much more evidence to go there, but they're doing ones of happening? Is they say the only reason these these witnesses don't have first hand knowledge because trumpets blocking that's right, Donald Trump blocked people from test. My saying do not testify, do not animal subpoenas, oh heavens, oh! Oh! No. Why would trump do such a one sided Ansari, Adam Shift Block Republicans call for witnesses as well. If
I'm sure it's gonna say these people will not testify. I will not allow it and Donald Trump, so these people allow it of one side or the other being crop, we have two factions of government refusing to acknowledge what the system ok whether it was right or wrong. I'm I'm, I'm not saying, I am sure, is right to call them or their right to stop. All that matters is Adam chef, income, this is an no to these witnesses. They will not have to fight trumpet saying the same thing: they are to equal, branches of government saying no to witnesses enough always going to be the other. I don't care who thinks there right or wrong. I am telling you this is possible and even Bill Mars. Recognising that's. Why will tell you read what met Tybee wrote about? This will listen to what bill martyrs about this and you you didn't. You need to get past when the biggest mistakes, people They assume that this will always just be two factions marching down the street somewhat
ass, if to me saying which would you need to understand about the deep state, because I have people support me who work in the work for the federal government, there's like that Nay said, somebody summary the story about how they work and a federal branch of government, and they are that they see it there. There is the culture war within their own ranks at some people are die, hard, Anti Trump and some art some like the present and send money are just the average personal care they're, like men, calm down, but these factions exist so tell you what happens Trump, that they may vote to impeach Trump. Send it probably would remove them- and I think we'll get past this, but let's say something happens where some Democrats pull some thing. You know witnesses are. Then you have two factions of government fighting over what comes next there are certain military branches or probably thinking the president must not be subverted by this meddling. They refused to accept the result.
The twenty sixteen election there subverting the constitution, the left faction and says tromp was duly removed. His is a bad praise, corrupt. He must be stopped his rejecting the rule of law. They both see the same thing. All of a sudden, you have different heads of different departments, counting heads whose on my side and has met how you be rope, they jump in their cars and they speed as fast as possible down the street to get to the marshals office to get to the dizzy police and say arrest them pointing at each other, and then it's gonna come down to whose loyal to who will the DC police choose? Well tell you! What, in the unlikely event- and I mean this is unlikely- is possible but unlikely that it came down to it. I'd be willing.
The police, they're gonna die with the executive branch. Now some people Tommy that's impossible, because you know many many police officers, former military and current military sworn out the divine the constitution- and I say: listen: what do you think you have you have to understand from the day? Tromp was elected, even calling for his impeachment. The resistance has been actively messing with trumps administration. Not his people are getting appointed. Their blocking. All of his is is is orders thereby there there's there there stopping isn't. Who was elected, so you're going to see many people who are working familiar the police law enforcement who see that and say they are trying to subvert our rule of law and constitution. The will of the people on the other side, they look at Trump as an agent of Russia, empowered by Russians, manipulation, all conspiracy, nonsense, Yorks, I don't believe it, but they do. They really really do
Never to say this is a man who should not have been president who is not. My present was never president and he must be stopped by any means as a sorry. He is subverting the constitution, he is corrupt, Ukraine, etc. They believe it they. Leave it more than you realize, and so there are. People in various factions would think the same thing. That Trump is trying to resist being caught. He's a criminal afford actor. He must be Oh no, he's rallying his troops to come and stop us war doesn't mean that your aunt, our uncle, who is a liberal or conservative, are gonna, be fighting to the death in the streets over some ideology. It means the overwhelming majority of peace will be cowering in their bedroom doors. Locked asking for help, and you will have confusion, streets, no one will know who is in charge and who to obey, and you might have mid level government.
Telling their staff disobey the president and they say that's my boss. I've lost my boss. You may have model high ranking individual in a military sang defy the president. At the same time, completely France and political polarisation. That is so stream. It cannot be mended because the other is irredeemable, as no more said only their. Hopefully, we look at that point and I think a lot of stuff forcing a tv assisted pursue, but economic added, the problems around next segments coming up at four. P m youtube com slashed him cast. It is a different channel. This one's going to be about Obama, issuing a warning to the left, you're going too far stick around. I will see you there just about a week and a half ago. The story was run by Turkey
I'll, send that Marie Evanna, which may have perjured herself under oath making a statement that wasn't true and the complicated thing about perjury is intent. Did you just make a miss statement or did you intentionally lie, and I have to say the first story is an old story. Talk about last week presents the possibility that there was a lie in that Tucker, Karlsson uncovered and emu. That was not public suggesting what Maria Bonneville testified to was factually incorrect. If the email exists it still possible, she was just from oh, I forgot. The but come on. We know how the games played the feds. They want to use your lying they're going to ascribe that motive to you, but we got bigger news now, because you you have seen the testimony of the other day. Well, it started with a lease Stephanie even Obama's State Department, was concerned about Hunter Biden. She killed it
EL that she stole the show. I was very impressed. Great questions really really well done Maria vomit is essentially testifying to the fact that I guess there's like a criminal conspiracy or something that tromp wanted to remove her, because was standing in the way of a corrupt deal, which is it's ridiculous. Look man if you wanna, allege a conspiracy against the press, that he was trying to remove you, because you are saying that we have crops and unity, actually show the corruption and the president is allowed. Remove you no conspiracy there The present is allowed to make deals with foreign governments. Retreat is no no no corruption there and based on the premise that the political. Two thousand and seventeen shows with meddling in our elections. Trump was justified in Anyone in trying to look into that where's the criminal aspect of this? No one so far as testify. Ninety stands a complicated process. Here's the thing coming off that for, story from Tucker, where she said something under oath. That was not true. You'd say that point: ok, maybe maybe
she just miss remembered or made a mistake, nothing will likely come of it. But what happens if you does it again check this out, we have another story now from Town Hall did you vaudeville lie inner testimony because there's it happens. I want to read you the story about Stephanie can the question she asked, but you ve gone of its testified. No one from the previous administration brought up Hunter Biden, oh ethnic, then tried asking questions but shift shudder down, and he sat a core to a jar, six sixty. I believe it is the resolution only the Anchoring member and council can speak, and that's true, but it's also that, as soon as definite, was able to ask the question. She proved that there was at least and consistency in the testimony of Yolanda, which the question becomes now with two.
Since, as we have on average testified to things that were easily verifiable, false is anything going to come of this authority. What no, of course not it never does this mean there never held accountable at least someone could stand up next, you know and say you Vonnegut. You were wrong and what was mine blowing to me is that even after Stephanie question her about bite, and I was waiting for the Republican to say. Excuse me, you just testified to the contrary, and I could only think of one real reason why they wouldn't bring that up when she admitted she was false testimony because they were going to wait until afterwards to say we can prove it because it they did it there. He would say. Oh I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Let me clarify now: it's in the record. The hearing is done now, Republicans can sake she lied under of well. They, of course not nothing's going to happen. Do you know
Democrats are running running around in circles like chickens, their head cut off doing all these crazy things accusing of Brett Kavanaugh. Come on. I think Stephanie grown amazing job, and the only reason we're talking about this now is because she actually their homework check this out. The daily collar reports, Republican New York, RAP Elise, Stephanie pointed out during fridays. Impeachment hearings the fact that former President Barack Obama's own State Department expressed concern about hunger, buttons role at Bergamo holdings during the Friday hearings. Stephanie question: former: U S ambassador to Ukraine, Maria Bonneville, about Obama era per about Obama era! Prepping!
for her own Senate confirmation hearing in which the potential conflict of interest on the issue was raised? This was in the form of practice, questions and answers sense, definite. This is your deposition and you testify that in this particular practice, culinary with the Obama State Department, it wasn't just generally bereavement and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter bite. An embarrassment is that correct. Yes, it is you're gonna which responded. Finally, seventy point: That was the Trump administration that eventually delivered the lethal aid to Ukraine is not about twenty Vonnegut responded, that's correct now. This is important because
She was talking about Inter agency, that without the agents, if we work together towards, are you what all of these agencies, including the masters apparently said? Ukraine needs weapons, and about said no, I will defy the inter agency. Can such a consensus on this one tromp, on the other hand, agreed and deliver the weapons. I dont understand whether mad at Trump over this but sure whatever, but that brings us to the more important issue. Did she lie in her testimony, you mean. Did she like twice come on? Is that of the Communist Party of the thing too She got a standing ovation once you finished everyone's dazzled clapping, yet there indeed see overwhelmingly left area, urban areas are liberal. On all these left? These are like. Why was standing ovation that proves that no, it proves you're in a blue city, a blue district, let's reed all rights former ambassador
Marie evolving, told two very different stories about our previous communications, with the Obama administration regarding, whereas one hundred button and Robin instead although I have met former vice President Joe Biden, nor the previous administration ever raised the issue of either bereavement or hunter buying. With me that was alive as Elia look, I can say that maybe you just made a mistake in she missed remembered, but she had just previously testimony testified. Contrary to this fact, based on the way she and others responded the questions. It was Leah. They have a bias. She was mad. She was fired bad things for tromp our good things for her. So no nobody I had no idea, The corruption was happening all around me and then excuse me in your previous testimony.
You said this was specifically what you are questioned on by the Obama Administration State Department ear. You can't do anything about our publicans. Now is easy know of any other of the fund. Your question I haven't the left talks about how there was an article is had Trump Trump could not take a dump in Lincoln Memorial and Republicans defend him. Oh please do they would then there would they would put their head down and they will do everything in their power to avoid saying anything to defend the president and all the very last minute would mumble something like eyes and you'd backward in here. You of it- and I don't know just because I'm not doing anything effective. Ok, so
Then there are fewer publicans who are doing something. I'm not you know I get it but come on for the most part. They could be doing a lot more. Patently Lindsey Gram is going to subpoena Adam shivers out another workmen Senate by a thread on they say later on, reps definite finally made it made it passed at chairman, Adam Schiff Stephanie asked evolving about her previous deposition testimony where she deal detailed, exactly how the Obama State Department had prepared her to handle the issue of birth, and under Biden during her scented confirmation hearings. Perhaps she was told by ships, be don't worry the only people asking questions will be Nunez and castor. Perhaps she thought in the public eye better, be careful about how I say this and when she was in private she thought she could take care to check. That would happen now that she's publicly testifying o gonna change that story, do something about this. I am sick and tired of it. You not nothing's going to happen the first time, we want what we read that part already. So as you much law
even during your opening statement or during her answer. Ups definite. Seventy than can be of the millions of Americans want Moroccans watching President Obama. My own state department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter binding Throat, but rather that they raise themselves, while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee. Before her confirmation, Stephanie pointed out that House Democrats continue to cry following publicans, bring punter binding and bring my even though the Obama State Department had the exact same concerns, and now, let's bring it down, the Obama State Department had the concerns asked Stephanie, but I wonder why there was no investigation launched. Perhaps it's because it's the vice President son of your own administration, but when tromp gets in with
seriously. The Democrats Wilmot what will will run full speed with thirty year old accusations. No witness testimony, no evidence nothing and we will get hearings over this. Are you nuts, the cabin on hearing the huge waste of time Republicans Dana Control the Senate, the Republicans controlled the house, and they can't even pass trumps budgets. I'm a critic over their own. As Democrats, vault of please do the Republicans are ineffective. They're not getting the job done, it's funny when people are like the Universe Republic into. Why would I at like the Democrats? Are not the Republicans getting the job and more look for the most part. I just
with with a lot of the more ideological positions republicans have outside and tell you this one of the big issues that people see is because I agree on free speech and issues of liberty with Publicans and that's most of what we're talking about. That's the only reason to vote as us our direction, not look. Look man, I'm a pretty moderate centrist, individual I like to see for a lot of reasons, and that's that's about it and I gotta admit you know, but policy. While there are a lot of things, Tulsa Reno has proposed that I really really do not agree with what she cheek. She gets me over that bomb I'll bet on it, and so I do like her for a lot of reasons, notably that she is willing to cross the islanders conversations and, I think, really really really really import you know, but you know what they're gonna smear anyway, so whatever in the end, the point is
garnish with me always going into ran about which presidential candidates support. Why can't Republicans doing you can do anything about this? I don't ask me, I think it's up to the Republican, so you know if you're somebody who's republican. You voted that way. Perhaps we should be asking the are they going to look into ass, the moaning, no nothing ever happens unless it's impeaching, President Trump, because our bomber can Obama can do a lot of things. I M a wrap it up. You get the point. Stick around next. Egmont is coming up in a few minutes and I will see well shortly. I did a short segment talking about the South Park episode on Trans athletes a couple days ago,
but it was mostly a week after the episode there is now left wing outrage, peers, interesting thing. First of all, the episode, the software cup. So s, it's a joke. It's not a literal reflection of what of what the South Park craters actually think. Politically, there exaggerating for reasons of here you're, so jokes work, so we see a couple things from the stores owner either for you, one that the left doesn't understand. A joke is- and I think we all know this is why they can't mean. Let me put it this way: it's not that the left can't me it's that people who, like jokes, are no longer aligning with this, like Dave Chapelle, for instance, as none of that here, the people who are funny and like jokes are being pushed out, and so naturally you end up with a left that can't tell the difference between a joke and real life. Little debate thing it shows us is that while there line k, I went away, the story and make some points. I want to show you how these activists are lying,
I'm not gonna. Tell you why they're, like maybe there's wrong gate, opened the benefits that they are just really wrong, but I believe it is intentional. Miss framing too in a political argued, If you haven't seen the South Park, episode of Transact leads, I recommended basically a trans woman compete, the strong woman competition and it's an analog too much. Oh man, Randy Savage with big vainly muscles gone. Oh I'm like a beard check it out, but let's break down this peace, and I want to push back with some facts. Latest episode of the still running Cartoon South Park which apparently isn't very far in actual deficit was very very funny. They absorb the importance of new ones in the debate and gender based differences in strength. You can certainly support the rights of trans people, while recognising gender based differences in strength, and I'm sorry for state of argument will call it sex based differences
we're going we'll get angry. Seven episode of the definitely not asked for twenty third season of the show titled border girls featured a Trans woman in quotes, because its reveal that he's a man pretending to be a translation, right who looks and sounds like the late professional wrestler macho man. Randy Savage, definitely not asked for twenty third season. Well, People are asking for self bark, but I will tell you this marked the reason didn't ask for anymore New South Park is because they have lost their bite. I think the past couple of seasons have been weak there are.
So many political issues at the left needs to stand up for what they refuse, because in my opinion, there spineless whiny and weak and that look I'll say it men of all the people. I never expected to bend the knee. It would have been South Park, but I think something bad happened. She was always really easy for shows like South Park to point the finger Republicans and be like moral authoritarianism is bad dude, but now that the problem is in is on their faction in the culture war, oh, what you gonna do. Finally, they come up with an episode with some bite and they present an actual issue and they cause real controversy about time due to where you been ok, they used to these the spare, no expense, and I know they weren't always targeting the rather made from the left and right for the most part, but back then the left was okay with jokes and humor and of their not salt. Pork seems to be like holding back out of fear. I can't tell you why just cancel the show, ok or do,
Yes, that's right. The trans woman in question had her Swanton says that, started, identifying as a woman two weeks ago and subsequently enters a local, strong woman tournament. When asked why looks and sounds the way she does have this, as I am not here to talk about my transition, I'm here to kick some thing. Eight after she dominates the competition is revealed, she's, really a man. Why? Ok, what do you mean to which its revealed she's? Really a man train women are biologically mail. Are you saying gender identity was here's? The problem You're saying man is a gender identity. I think it was clear. Whole time with the beard and the jock strap and the bulging muscles, and, and and they ate it was never hidden that it was a man if you're talking about gender
It became annoying addresser whenever I guess that point. If you are foreign to biology, what do you mean transmit our biological email? I thought an insult, that's just a fact and they want to transition. That's the point, that's why try that's why transiting exists your mail and you can cormorants too low. More two percent as female you transition from male how's. It revealed its easy gets confusing when they use language. This way, the Ex boyfriend another weightlifter, it's wrong. Your first of all, most Trans Athens have to adhere to very strict hormone testing before they are allowed to compete in accordance with their gender wrong, not true and then bring up the limits, and the Olympic you must demonstrate has tossed her own below ten, an m o Ella per later for at least a year before the first competition. That's just the Olympics. Now, that's true the Olympics to have restriction. It is not true, however, that more
strands athletes method here, too hormone testing, the law, the Equality ACT, and so Rights law, New York, California, Jersey, fairly and otherwise do not create a distinction for testosterone, the law simply states. You cannot discriminate based on identity. Let me show you something. In this instance: girls are filing a are all discrimination, complaint effort, transgender track wins. The two Trans women who have won and shattered records in women's track have not taken any harm blockers or done anything in any way to biologically transition there. We buy logical males who said they are now women and are competing in women's track and winning, and that means they are illegal,
for college scholarships. The losses based on the fact that the women who were running and got like eighth and ninth place whatever were knocked out of the potential that the ability to be seen by scouts and the next level. Basically because these biological males, who have taken no hormones anything one, they have displaced biological females. They are arguing that is gender discrimination I'm willing to bet they lose that case, I'm willing about they win because the laws being enacted do not have any provisions based on testosterone period. It simply says you can find some form of the equality ACT and like the equal rights amendment, it'll just get rid of women sports. You'll just then have to tears of men. Sports you'll have a team in the meeting, so Arbela. Let's get let's get back to the story, they say
the idea that transmit our just men in disguise up to no good. Secondly, this this is just a repetition of the world's oldest trans, throw the idea that trend are just men in disguise up to no good, so, even if it wasn't actively harmful, it would still be the lazy. Possible depiction of transgender people or specifically a joke about the people, exploiting the system and not all trends people, but it is actively harmful. You get guess what they're gonna go there listen to this, reinforcing the idea, even unintentionally that transmit our fraudulent deceivers leads to violence leads to violence like when men flirt or sleep with translation find out that there really men and ass or murder them for tricking them. That's right. They are now claiming that South Parks joke about individuals who exploit a system to to belittle other people is actively harmful. Mentioning very clear for you
Trans people are not a monolith and even in the opposite, to make it clear that even among the Trans activists, people understand the new US, but there are p in media. They want to use that outrage. Ok. Now I get it to an extent, there's a reciprocal nature of doing an article saying I am outraged, but I'm trying to reject this I'm trying to say no soft parkers, making jokes that are actually attempting to bring the discussion into play. So we help, expand civil rights and protect those who are marginalized. This kind of manipulation here makes its it's it's designed to generate clicks.
Traffic make money and in no way will actually serve to expand civil rights for those who need it and that's what we should be doing, and that requires a real conversation. If we want to protect marginalized groups and those who are facing discrimination, we cannot justify and make a blanket statement of. Anybody can compete against anybody, because women have a right to compete against other women. It it's their right to have their own sporting events of Sweden. I'm not going to re that export, because they're trying to inflate South Park with you. No violence, it might seem like just a joke from a show known to push boundaries, but it's hardly funny when Black Trans, and other transport of color are killed every year because of its exact line of thinking aloud, their murderous to view them as less than human. This affects more than just trans people, murders and murderers Honestly, I have to ask: do Trade Parker and met stone. The men behind support really think that Trans women athletes are ACT
we men looking to get revenge on their excess whites. Ok, no, The comedy show comedy show that did this specifically to make a point at the end, when pc principle that's a kiss from his pc babies, and he says, maybe People really can understand the nuance and we really can have the discussion, because, just because we asked these questions doesn't mean we're bigots. That was the point. The episode you know, I learned something today. I learned we people molest either, don't understand the concept of a joke and actually think those are the real opinions of salt pork. Learn that many of these people simply want to be outraged to get clicks on getting us. That's out that that's how South Park usually anthropocentric but come on. Do they really think transmit our men who want to have an easier life? Do they really think that?
easier lives. That meant, when did they ever say? Any of that? It's a joke, absurdities and help to normalize certain things? It's complicated. Not all jokes are perfect. There are a lot of things we find funding. We don't do anymore. That's just that's just published goes for the time being, though this, kind of moral authoritarianism and outrage another another reckoned on family guy, not I'll, leave it there. I know I know I did because before, but I want to, I wanted to actually take. You know look at one of their articles, but but their stick around. I got one more segment coming up for you in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly dating a Democrat is impossible. I'm sorry, it's important! Ok, I'll, stop not been hyperbolic, but I gotta Tell you what this while move story dating a Democrat, how twenty twenties presidential Elect has altered romance in D C. Makes me not. To go anywhere near them. It's really! Well, you know what I've been an ok cupid and I'm looking at
I swear. I swear most of these women. I see their communists and I know I know you might be Sanctum your No, I mean I go to profiles in the first thing. I do the question where they say communism in print good or bad and overwhelmingly they say it's good, no communism in practice and in principal is nightmarish and wrong. Not there's nothing good about the idea of communism. Communism in this way on the left and the right. Lazo. Fair capitalism is as far as you go. That's bad, but capitalism itself expands upon the entirety of the spectrum from left to right. The furthest left you can go is communist,
that's bad! You can have social democracy with capitalist systems. You can have bouncing intermix. Those are all good things. So, if you said social policy versus cap, you know capitalist systems. Those are both. Ok things he's gotta figure out of that regulation. Right makes your people. Are you no sound poison, a people but laws? fair. In my opinion. Not are you gonna get you're gonna get power monopolies even if you're gonna get defective products and weaken our all day and night and Capps you're, never gonna. Get me call me wrong in the comments. That's fine communist call me wrong to gay, but I think the extreme ends of the spectrum: absolute capitalism, absolute socialism, none and in full stop. Bad, but let's read this here's what I want to do. I want to read you. Somebody's quotes first and then go back to start a story. Here's an aside from Hannah! I haven't read this yet a guy I was dating for over a year pretty much broke up with me to go work for the beta, a work campaign.
I can't decide if it's funny or sad that I was done for I candidate consistently pulling in the low single digits honey. You dodge the bullet. I tell you what man if I was dating somebody and they announced that they were going to dump me because they want to go campaign for the beta Aurore campaign. I would say thank you thank you for doing this. You have spared me weeks or months or even you, apartment. Thank you for letting me know, that's what you wanted to do They say they are not just now saying they won't date. You, unless you hate the president they're saying you must support their specific, can it they have lost their minds. Now. It's not all Democrats, most democratic, regular people, it will pay attention, but these people and their nuts so he's a quote: unlimited regulatory salmon,
says dating in DC, was a little bit easier than the twenty sixteen primary. There are basically two camps belong to as a liberal and in the vastly blue city tee burn your team Hilary, but this campaign is different. A whopping eighteen candidates are currently can contending for the nomination with so many choices, Rex as its surprise, into me how dogmatic I am about my candidate and in seeking out partners that agree with me in this primary Rick toy. None is firm. In Massachusetts, Senator in warns camp. She supported Heller Rate or the twenty sixteen campaign and says she was more than we are willing to date, a supporter of Bernie Sanders back then she concedes you'll occasion They go out with the Santer supporter, but she's there's a reason. The odds are slim nine times out of ten. It turns into a very big argument, ruined. I know there's not that I know where it's going to go back to just avoid
Warren and Sanders supporters can't even get together. What are you doing out with think about saying, regular people being a Trump supporter, Gabert support or to somebody's gonna. Unofficially, they don't care who I'm supporting and so on targeted this trump supporter check and unlike a moderate centre right individual and I was just like you know. I think, for these reasons I like a bird and her response was like not get it. I understand, and that was about it and let me play video games and precautions lily. Is this the war in support of what you like Bernie? I can't even what's yours, Woody, on basically everything? What do you How are you doing with each other
published by Axion, showing that literally everything makes Democrats angry. Ok, man, you can go, have your ear, your camp of angry people who are screeching and won't even be friends the people they agree with our political hang out people getting drunk. Even though I disagree with them, we can solve a good time. You see how this works a threed on Rick is up front about what she's looking for undated apps, her hinge profile says she seeking a gregarious dork whose really into smaller passionate about them and is also voting for Elizabeth Warren, how she views dating various support of other primary candidates by placing the candidates themselves on a spectrum of at one end are variety of Republicans and then a little step beyond that you ve got billionaire activists, Tom's dire, and then you ve got the lower tier people like Tulsa Gabert, an Android.
And serene up a senior at the University of Maryland, who grew up in silver spring and asked what that we not use her last name for privacy reasons agrees shows a perverse eight people with the same candidate preference Warren. Don't I gotta tell you what men I'm a phantom gathered and if I would hang out some one and she was like I dont like that, I'd be like I don't get you either. Ok, look you're nuts, what's crazy to me is that a burning in a worn supporter are basically the same thing as far as I'm concerned, but which other it's like a vast ocean of differences. Could you not the activists that I follow on Facebook and Twitter routinely rag on Warren, their die hard and they will not vote for one, and I said this: they view Warren as Hillary Clinton wearing a Bernie Sanders mask even this woman. He was a Hilary supporter. She, sporting warring, you see exactly how its plate
Serenest says she paused. Before going on data people support other primary candidates like Gabardine Buddha Judge, I'm more wary of them. She says it's not a total deal breaker, but it's a point against them. I gotta be honest. I would I would data Hillary Clinton, supporter Irene, You don't care, but if you came to me as a healthy supporter and said you dont like that, I support my candidate and that it was a problem for you. Then I'd better get underway. I don't care. Probably why I'm Did you and recognise we're? Not? I was gonna gray and everything, but these people live in a strange man authoritarian world. The evil, like vampires, tend to destroy the world. A bunch of nazis marching in the street, take no dude. It's a cunt regular people who disagree and view the world differently you gotta get over that. Let's get something, What's here's an aside from page while,
with the management in line we sat down for drinks and after a few minutes of small talk, he said I have to confess something and you won't believe it. You may even stand up and walk out, but I'm a moderate he expected to be shocked. He thought I would make all these assumptions based on such a lackluster affiliation. It's so bizarre to be atmosphere where political stance means so much and says so much about you good for you page that that I'd like, but yes, he was, do I gotta admit men. I made some p. And I'm just like? Oh man, Therefore, by what I say is era flip, the left I'm sorry, it's true. Okay, even Bill Maher talks about this when you've lost film. Are you lost the plot, because has always been one of the most unabashed liberals where he says so offence. Even somebody offensive things. Even he is now saying that tone things down. Things are going to control, even he sang you guys are losing it bill. Mars got got the guy who pushed back on the we're gonna, show cancelled because he was challenging the establishment? And now what
we got he's challenging using you're nuts, but for him I think, is a lot of problems that guy like in terms of you. Now you want to recession, it's it's complicated by due respect him for coming. Call this insanity, savers anymore, asides that at every go here's from Nathan a tender date once walked out of a second date at Hockin dove after calling me pro care, because we disagree, I was getting the meanest work at cloak and dagger. That booty was my heart skip and around and was wearing a mayor, PETE Shirts, and now I'm celebrate that's a joke. I can recognize a joke, and that was a funny one. I get your point like. I would say something like that to right. If I see if
like hot gosh Turner out with a boot judge, short now's acknowledging out here, I'm kidding right, I think he's making a joke but yeah. Why would you want to data Buddha Judge supporter? I guess they got anymore he's funny things. I guess not! Here's a quote from mom. I don't owe this phenomenon people this one, but can Junior thirty six agrees he's a nanny and personal assistant who move to the diesel area after a few months ago from New York. He feels like the stakes are too high. The twenty election not pay attention if I've got five date since being here, three of the guys didn't even worse. Politics. He says exasperated it blew my mind. You live in a city that should be the only thing you discuss night says he minds less. He might Thus we someone supports just that their politically engage none on another if this do found The guy who was dating was a book was out with a trump supporter he'd his eyes. Would certain like flames? We are coming up his eyes and he goes
super saiyan he supports worn, but ever some thought he says you would data centers support her with a burning brow. It's always a great convert. Nation. It took us with some thought. Let me consider where the differences between war in Sanders there, like literally right next to each other, this very little difference there. That's the big difference. Is that warrants as she's? Not a socialist? I can't imagine if you think, that's a chasm that can't be crossed. What would you think about a trump supporter, our no man yolland so I'll wrap it up there and just say I got to admit it's true Mary about dating many of these people back. Are you not say woman? I really dont care. We gonna vote for what you think can we watch like you know marvel defenders and you know, have some popcorn and then maybe go walked by the lake or something- and you know
the dog off the leash since that we're all right. Are you didn't get really really angry when you find out that our political beliefs, are slightly off off base and I'm supporting someone with a little bit to the right of your person. So either on you walk out. The door Well, then good leave wondering how you, anyway, man people are losing their minds. I look. This is why that's why I say civil war. I note for this story. It seems stupid but think about it. Man, if Bernie,
Transcript generated on 2019-11-22.