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New Report Implicates Biden Campaign In Clinton Spying Scandal, Corporate Press Calls It FAKE NEWS


New Report Implicates Biden Campaign In Clinton Spying Scandal, Corporate Press Calls It FAKE NEWS. Biden's campaign reportedly paid the same firm nearly $20,000

Democrats and their media allies are rejecting reports that the Clinton Campaign was involved in spying on Trump as a candidate and at the white house.

The story becomes especially confusing depending on what source you read. The new York times calls it fake news, The Wall Street Journal says its a fact.

Either way conflict in this country is escalating




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Black lives matter activist has been arrested for attempting to assassinate a democratic politician in Louisville. Conflict is getting scary, and in our last story Canada announces they will seize your bank account without a court order and many leftist I realize wait a minute. That's not a good thing. how they supported authoritarianism up until this point, which is still kind of surprising, not you're, like the show, give us a good review us, five stars now, let's get into that first story, according to the Wall Street Journal Donald Trump, really as spied on the latest filing, from John Durham shows some one- had infiltrated Donald Trump servers, both as a candidate and as president and the whole world, two drawn inference or narrative that Donald Trump was working with the Russians.
That is to say it sounds like the accusation is someone was trying to frame old Trump as a right an asset trump, of course, mountain sat in stronger times. This would have warranted the death penalty. Many outlets are saying: Clinton had spied on, Donald Trump were paid for the spine, but there is some new wants here and of course, depends What you read, you may not get a clear picture, so I'm going to try to be as precise as possible in explaining actually. What is going on. So you can understand this story that a b one of the racist and most agree just scandals in. U S, history, some have said is bigger than Watergate. I think it's fair to say that's true, but of course you ve gotta be careful about framing right. The New York Times and even CNN are trying to frame this as though the right wing media is popping up decision formation. The reality is certainly there are.
people who will not give the benefit of the doubt to the Clinton care. In her lawyers and the Tec, firms who worked on her behalf and there are, but the New York Times, who will use every technicality and circuitous method to claim Clinton had nothing to do with us. Why? In fact, Msnbc put out a story already that says latest finally, does not claim that Hillary Clinton spied on Tromp miss trick used by fact, checkers dismiss Syria stories, the accusation, is, and I'll try to be very careful here, because I want to raise these stories and give it the precise language but Henry Clay not retained a law firm which path retained the services of a tech company who had an executive do certain things and I'm hope, I'm hoping guerrillas details correct. But the point is yes: Hillary Clinton did not walk up to a guy intake, go spy on Donald Trump, but if you try to figure out, what's going on
you ve gotta, look at who's paying these companies what these companies do, which bring to the latest development. Joe Biden campaign, had the same firm on Payroll Nyc. I know many people, be saying, is so what presented campaigns and politicians higher these companies, but twas only the binding campaign and Clinton campaign out of all the presidential campaign. actually used the service, that is to say birds of a feather flock together I would not be surprised to learn that the Joe Biden Campaign is effectively the same thing as the Clinton campaign, in terms of whose doing for them? Who they now now, of course, there may be no wrong doing in a part of the company. It may be one rogue actor but, like I said people on the right or not, willing to give Hillary Clinton and the people within the democratic establishment the benefit of the doubt
if something stinks within this building, that is all of these establishments hot politicians. Suffice it to say they all knew something was happening and, of course, Work three click in or Joe Biden actually involved in directing Don that that these people to spy on Trump. They would, of course- have some kind of shield to present plausible deniability but this brings us to some mainstream news- reporting Hillary Clinton Zone tweet. Suggesting that Donald Trump was somehow involved in the russian suggests, whose on purpose and previous reporting suggests that Hillary Clinton herself was trying to frame Donald Trump in this way. Now again I'll try to be very precise here, but these stories exist and their king, damning. The New York Times CNN and other media out, of course, trying everything in their power to draw doubt onto these stories. I gotta say it doesn't matter who you believe it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong what matters is stories like this will so
we're polarization which already exists. same time, this story is going on in the right is pointing the finger at the democratic establishment they're doing the exact same thing. With January six committee now it may matter to you and to your principles and to your beliefs. It matters who is telling the truth, because you want to be on the side of the good guys and the honest, but right now setting that aside, if these divisions continue and the use of federal law enforcement continues. answer, political rivals. The only thing that really matters to you as a regular working class, american or someone who's interested is where this will lead to us in terms of conflict, and you know my stance on this. I think it's going to get very, very dark, possibly hot conflict, but let's red what's happening, more indictments are expected and Those on the top side of things are bullish. That Durham is going to go after more people and with the Washington Free
can reporting that Biden had the same farm on his payroll. Many suggest Joe, but has been implicated in scandal based on that alone. But what is it really mean well being we'll get in a scandal that the same as being implicated in crime. Mind you but it'll take some investigation to see what happens, and I firmly leave this year next year, and notably twenty four, it is going to get hotter and hotter until it's too hot to handle. Put it that way because little reasons. You're gonna, see more news come out. Attempting to smear political opponents are three the news the bottom of what's going on at least for now. for we get started head over him cast out common, become a member. If you want to support the work I'm doing here to support our organization and our journalists, we are principally funded thanks to memberships by you over at TIM cast our as a member. You will be supporting our
wisdom myself, but you'll also get access to exclusive members. Only podcast from TIM Cast, I with our guests Monday through Thursday, at eleven p M episodes. You don't want to mess, because they're not family friendly in their fairly uncensored. But you know The main point is you'll, be pouring our works and forget to see that. Like button subscribe to this channel share this video wherever you can. Let's read the first story from the Washington Free Beacon Biden had firm at centre of Trump. king scandal, unkempt campaign Payroll New star information services, executive, allegedly wanted Clinton, administration post dividing campaign paid me. twenty thousand dollars to a cyber security farm at the Centre of special care, CALL John Dorms investigation into the origins of the Trump Russia probe the campaign. New STAR information services and twenty twenty four accounting in compliance work. According who Federal Election Commission records, important, Durham, new stars chief technology officer, Rodney Job
a set access to sensitive web traffic data that the company maintained on behalf of the White House Executive office in order to collect derogatory formation about Donald Trump job, allegedly provided the information to Hillary Clinton campaign law Michael assessment who in turn gave it to the CIA. During a meeting in February of twenty seventeen Durham charge, saucepan tumblr with lying to the FBI about his investigation of Trump dividing campaigns. Payments, These questions about whether job continued snooping on Trump in the most recent election, the boy and Clinton campaigns are the only two presidential committees to have ever paid a new start according to the Effie Button, campaign paid New STAR eighteen thousand, eight hundred nineteen dollars. On September, twenty ninth, twenty twenty. The records show the Clinton campaign paid the farm. Three thousand dollars and may, if twenty fifteen for mobile phone services, the democratic Congressional Campaign Committee pay, three thousand dollars to New STAR twenty seventeen New STAR exit
is an staffers contributed. Seventeen thousand nine hundred and Sixty Biden campaign, F, p C records show unclear what New STAR executive's knew of Joss activities on behalf of the Clinton campaign, Durham, is that job and his associates mind the White House Traffic data for the purpose of the derogatory information about Donald Trump Jaw for retired new star in September, a legit told associates that he was invested, tromp. In order to please vips on the Clinton campaign. He also alive We wanted a job in the Killary Clinton administration. Java new start have not been named in court filings for the Sussman case, but jobs Attorney have confirmed his involvement in the matter to news outlets. Job has not been charged the wrong doing new star and jobs. Lawyers did not respond to requests for comment, the White House,
referred the Washington Free Beacon to the Democratic National Committee for comment. The organization did not respond. Trump called for criminal charges against the operatives who sought out his digital dirt quote is this scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate in those involved in and knew about. This spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution hooligans? Are you ready for this? Your favorite icon? Band is playing live near you for the who heads back twenty We need to tour singer. Roger Daughtry and guitarist songwriter Putin's Townsend will be sharing the stage with some amazing orchestras. You won't want to miss it, so you better hurry, these tickets are on sale now by yours today, at Ticketmaster. Dotcom complicate story, deeply deeply comic. Let me show you a simple Google search slackened. I can show you where we're at when you search for John Durham, get a couple really interesting stories, one and B, says Durham Court filing doesn't say
Clinton spied on Donald Trump. Of course. The headline for this is actually different from what Google listed as also the New York Times Sang court filing started. A furore in right outlook, but their narrative is off track and just right next to it, the Wall Street Journal. Prompt really was spied on now. Listen what you need to stand, as you will never encounter a circumstance where there is going to be a recording of Hell Eric then going to a lawyer in saying I want you to spy on Donald Trump, make it look like he's working with Russia that would be insane If someone was actually going to engage in something as illegal as this something that I believe. Warrants seditious conspiracy charges. I think they would play a little, for than that, and maybe go to someone say: oh won't! Someone read me of this priest never directly asking for something to happen but generating. Oswald deniability in a a recording, less environment, so that people know
they are doing, but it can never be tied back to some of the top. Hillary Clinton did tweet about this. She has been accused of trying to distract. from her email scandal by smearing Donald Trump as russian agent or asset and explain why, in February, after Donald Trump was already president, they continued unless this goes deeper than people realize. Perhaps it's nothing, perhaps the rogue actor who hated Donald Trump But then you take a look at what happened with the Mahler Investigation and how deep this went. It stands to reason: They never stopped whoever they as outside of the submarine guy be involves. Hillary Clinton, maybe not may be bought in, maybe not, right now. All we know is they paid. These people but it seems like at least to me. There was enough to undermine the presidency of a sitting president, because he was the wrong guy. I didn't want to lose to him. like it was gonna uncover the wrong doing because it in like there's gotta ask about Ukraine,
Let me just say something because I hate conspiracy theories. I really really really do I want to see the data. Ok, I want to see the facts right now. We know. Firm. That was on the payroll of two presidential campaigns engaged in Vienna. What may be criminal activity at least been alleged. now. That alone is for me to say: ok, I'm I'm I'm willing to Google search and look beyond this when Donald Trump made a phone call to the President of Ukraine. Stumbled upon. Something dark because I think Trump bumbled into it didn't know he talking about. He said Joe Biden, this video of em bragging about saying. Isn't it withhold aid to Ukraine unless they fire prosecutor? Can you look into that boy? Did the establishment in the media go nuts? They accuse Donal tromp of abusing its power to go after a political rival, but Joe Biden wasn't running for president at the time and the response from establishment was well. We all know he will be. We all
Oh, that he's gonna run, therefore to me was quite confusing because Joe Biden admittedly did this Show me know about the Burisma scandal in such as skiing is a lot of details there, but all of a sudden they went after Trump and they went after him hard. They impeach them over this way to get a conviction, but they tried claiming he did something wrong a quid pro quo. They had no real evidence now I'll show you this. We have. The story may be unrelated but it just really makes me wonder. That's all I can really say U: S closes Ukraine Embassy and destroys computer equipment ahead of expected russian invasion. Russia's apparently withdrawing its troops said they never intended. It took to follow an invasion in Ukraine. There saying there's gotta, be innovation and also story that the? U S, orders, accusations pump.
this narrative and sends out troops and then destroys computer equipment, I'm just, I think it's crazy. They destroyed computer common, I mean couldn't say just take it, couldn't they just bring it back Maybe it's nothing, maybe there's no real evidence as to why it's happening, but I will say if there is an accusation made by Donald Trump about Joe Biden, Joe Biden, an office and then, within a year they destroy computer comment in Ukraine. Donald Trump. May the accusations he said. I saw this. There was a quid pro quo. This to me, I'd say probable cause. You accuse a guy of wrong doing in Ukraine, then all of a sudden, Ukraine Embassy is ordered closed with about administration at its heart, destroying computers. I'm gonna be like what was on the computers, not that it's evidence of anything not that it's. since that Joe Biden order the destruction of this, just that it's really really bad timing has administration and, I think,
not for me to say I'd like to ask some questions about what was on those computers. Maybe it's nothing in fact needs entirely possible. There is nothing here, but I just don't I get home, I get. Hillary Clinton destroyed. Thirty thousand emails- I don't like this. Where is the latest news? Durham probe has accelerated with more people cooperating and coming before grandeur, Durham. Durham has run as investigation very professionally sources. Tell Fox news digital. We also of this former director of National Intelligence Ratcliff, told Durham Intelligence supports multiple indictments in probe Hillary Clinton, purportedly approved a plan to distract the public from her email scandal. Sources, told Fox NEWS. Talk. You know it's true. You know on our side of things, freedom, modesty, truth, we have we been challenged and then
challenge. Is we want to be honest and we want to make sure we have the facts on our side. As for Hillary Clinton and Democrats in the media, there lie cheat and steal, manipulate, falsely frame stories because they are more interested in winning. That means where the disadvantage, so perhaps Hillary Clinton purportedly approved a plan to distract the public former email scandal, or maybe we're looking too deeply into it. I can't say definitively: the problem on the other side. If this were Donald Trump, what do you think would have happened now Devon Nunez has come out. He expects many more Durham indictments Ratcliff. Of course, we saw the same thing from him but let me show you the media's handling it. This is fascinating. The New York Times CNN, desperate to frame this in defence of a democratic establishment who may have committed to very serious crimes that your time, reports, court filing started a furore and right wing outlets, but their narrative is off track
the latest alarmist claims about spying on Trump appear to be flawed, but the export. Is byzantine, underline the challenge for journalists and deciding what merits coverage, you see the issues when this filing happen. On a Friday. All of these mainstream Alex ignored it didn't cover at many people said why seriously, why didn't biscuit more coverage? Well, maybe it's because it makes the establishment political look about all the New York Times will step in and say: no, no! It's because those rightwing individuals are wrong. They say when John Durham the Trump era, a special council investing in investigating the ingrained to Russia's twenty sixteen election to filed a pre trial on Friday night. He slipped in a few her sentences as a of fewer among right wing outlets about purported spying on trial But the entire narrative appear to be mostly wrong or old news delays. Exam
of the challenge, credit by barrage of similar conspiracy theories from Mr Trumpet, his allies upon closer inspection, these nets, are often based on an honor, misleading presentation of the facts or outright misinformation. Attend to involve dense and obscure issues, so the requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time raising the question or whether news outlets should even cover such claims right. People just I understand it, so we shouldn't even be covering it right. You're trump allies portrayed media as engaged in a cover up. If they don't. Let me just say If news emerges of an indictment of a cover up, our Clinton Affiliated lawyer and you're not covering it, I mean it's kind of crazy. Don't you think that its- with the motion from Mister Durham following a case which has brought against Michael assessment. cyber scary lawyer with links to the Democratic Party, the filing was as that of sensibly ostensibly about button
conflicts of interest, but it also recounted a meeting at which Mr Saucepan had. and at others, suspicions to the government. In February two, seventeen has been told the CIA about Odd internet data, suggesting that someone using a russian made smartphone may have been connecting to networks at Trump Tower, and the White House, among other places, suspended obtain the information from a client executive named Rodney job now paragraph in the court filing so that Mr Jobs, company news had help maintain internet related service for the White House and that he and his associates splendid. This arrangement by mining certain records to gather derogatory information about Mr Trump, citing this filing Fox NEWS, inaccurately declared but Mister Durham had said he had ever that Clinton's campaign had paid a technology company to infiltrate a white house. Server sounds like an opinion, sounds like a framing device. I think it warrants criticism for sure, because there's circuitous methods of foot They want to cite the Washington examiner claimed. This is all meant. This all meant there had
spying on which trumps Y S office and when the main street obligations held back. Mr Trumpeters has begun, shaming than his media. The many problems of this for one much of this was New York Times report in October, what Mistress ass man told the CIA about data, the conservative He also skewed what the filing said. For example, Mr Dirhams filing never used the word infiltrate than ever claim that Mr Jobs Company was being paid by the Clinton campaign, I'm sorry but according to the Washington Free Beacon, the Clinton campaign did according to F p filings. Will let me just make sure I pull this up on want to say that when we look, the exact number records show the Clinton campaign paid. The far three thousand dollars in May of twenty fifteen for mobile phone services, the democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, three thousand dollars to new start. Twenty seventeen, the Biden campaign, paid them in twenty twenty bait. They they pay.
Now look three thousand dollars. Maybe it's not that much money, maybe two something deeper here, ought to be completely honest. Maybe there's not a whole lot for real, be there is not a whole lot. They gone a most important contracted reporting. The filing, ever said. The widest data that came under scrutiny was from the Trump Arab. According to lawyers, for David got D gone, a Georgia Ensue technology data scientist who helped develop the Yoda, an analysis, the data so called DNS logs, which our records of when computers are smartphones, have prepare. communicate with servers on internet came from Barack Obama's presidency. Let strange so you may these guys were providing services and tracking data in during the Trump campaign servers at tromp was using, but it was Obama's. Some doesn't seem right about what the New York Times is saying, but to be completely fair. I do think they're making some good points. I think they're goal is to obvious get as much as possible The challenge here is that, while CNN does something similar special care
old, Durham alleges Clinton campaign lawyer use data to raise suspicions about Trump will hold on their a minute. How would he have used data from Obama. To raises questions about trump await, was Obama's spying on Donald Trump. Ah, perhaps that's the issue sober, It is fair to say we are wrong. They weren't spying on then President Trump there spying on servers in the White House to collect data on what Trump was doing because Obama was spying on Trump, I mean look anyway, you cut it. Something doesn't add up Now, when CNN says, special council alleges this, I mean this is it that they were trying to raise aspersions on Trump and they still try and say that it was vague and technical jargon and they going to explain it they're trying to downplay things now. I can't speak too too to boot what's happening behind the scenes? I don't know what's going on with with Durham, I do now many people are pointing out that we have K Atv past Hilary. Clear
tweets, Lumumba accusations are campaign paid to spy on Trump, and then we have this from the Wall Street Journal Trump. really was spied on. Durham, says: techies linked to the Clinton campaign, had access to White House and Trump Tower Internet data. So, let's make sure we're getting the it's right, which is why I wanna give respect. Do the editorial border the Wall Street Journal, it seems like this is the fairest assessment. Did the Clinton campaign pay someone to spy on Trump, it doesn't appear. We have data to support that we can speculate because it appears that Democrat tied Clinton campaigner linked organizations were doing something like this. The Biden campaign is paying for implementing them in this big Sergio does not. But it is very, very speculative. The water journal says they wanna mentioned dirhams filing, which we read a great deal about the filing.
Mister, Durham September diamond. The indictment reveal that MR assessment worked with tech exec one who had been identified as Rodney Job formerly of new star ink. The indictment says Mister John. used his companies as well as researchers, at a? U S university, to x, to access internet data which he used to gather information, not Mr Trumps communications. Dirhams. as jobs goal, was to create an inference, a narrative about Mr Trump. That would please certain vips referring to individuals at Perkins, coffee and the Clinton campaign? The new shocker relates to the data, Mr Jospin, for reminding according to Fridays filing as early as July. Twenty sixteen Mister John was exploiting as access to non public and or proprietary internet data, including internet traffic, pertaining to the executive officer. The present United States Now that would have been Barack Obama the filings that jobs employer had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the Ethiopian as part of sensitive arrangement whereby provided internet services to the White House. What
Indications are supposed to be secure in the notion that any contractor much less one with ties to presidential campaign could access them is alarming enough. The implication that the data was split up political purpose is a scandal that requires investigation under oath the filing suggest the data collection continued into the trunk president's Mister Durham says that in February ninth point seventeen MR assessment with a second federal agent of federal agency agency to to provide an updated set of allegations and that these allegations were lied in part on the purported entered internet traffic going to drop and others had assembled pertaining to Tromp Tower Donald Trump, New York City Apartment Building and the ethiopian and a health care provider. light Monday, a spokesperson for MR jobs in a statement that, contrary to the allegations- and this was an filing job as an apolitical internet security expert with decades of sir the US government was never worked for political party. The statement
that there are serious and legitimate national security concerns. What the Russians attempts to infiltrate between sixteen election and that respected cyber. Kennedy researchers were deeply concerned about the anomalies they found in the data and prepared to report their findings, which was subsequently shared with the CIA. That could certainly you some elaboration. The files As the new allegations measures has been provided, claiming suspicious tie do in a russian mobile phone operator and the White House were also bogus and that man husband again made the false claims, but he wasn't working on behalf of the claim, that is to say, Durham is outright stating he was spying on Trump. The White House, honest campaign and lying about it to smear him
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unjustified warrants against former Trump campaign official and later for Rob mothers two year, mole hunt at turned up no evidence of collusion along the the Clinton campaign fed these bogus claims to. Willing and gullible media and now Oh, it's operatives used private tech researchers to monitor White House communications. If you made this up, you'd be laughed out of a Netflix story dirhams legal filing is related to a certain conflict of interests and Miss assessments, legal teen and are made. Clear where else his probe is going, but the unfold information underscores the Russia Collusion story was one of the dirtiest tricks in: U S legal history? Mister Durham, should tell the whole soul sorted story, the New York Times. It is not true, the wash internal says it is true. You decide. self. I can't come here and tell you what is present, but I can say my opinion if Hillary Clinton is going to come out with a tweet and we have the tweet from Hillary Clinton October, thirty, first, twenty sixteen
She says. Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the trump organism. into a Russian based bank when this Information comes out pleasing the vips at Perkins going the Clinton campaign. Can we assume that there was just a zealous upstart who said, if I find this information, though all of me or could it be it's what they wanted? it be that there was an indirect arrangement for this? I believe so. of that nature. An accusation such degree requires hard evidence, but it's kind of evidence is really hard to come by if Clinton met at a dinner with person, I am sad, you know, I'd really love it. If we just had this information to be so helpful to us, but you know- maybe it's not true Won't someone read me of this priest. You know that story, was overheard by somebody who went and read the king of the priest. Hillary Clinton
Oh won't someone find me this information. Let me explain do the bare minimum of what, when what we may be seen. Donald Trump on TV said something about Hillary Clinton females. He said Oh if Russia did hack these things, it be great if they had a minute, publish them, and then everyone can scream Donald Trump was calling on Russia to hack a political rival and blah blah blah. It's ridiculous. Hillary Clinton destroyed public records. The accusation is that she did that she she's now pushing the Russia narrative to distract from this. We basically the same story. You know Donald Trump want to see emails and no. He said all while someone read me of this priest. Hillary Clinton could effectively done the same thing all want someone find me this information. They say this could
most direct link, yet between Donald Trump and Moscow is countries being ripped apart. I blame Hillary Clinton, I think trumpets as a role to play for sure, but to be ripped apart. You know this can really be too big. A lily asked. It could be that politics in this country has gotten so dirty. that cross the line and aggressive control. Hillary Clinton accusation against Donald Trump about russian collusion was not meant to go. This four may She was thinking or Sofya wants to accuse me about emails will claim, is our russian or something, and maybe they didn't really think it worth it? Would we and everything it resulted in, or maybe they thought it was. The smear wouldn't go that far made when the presidency and that by the end of it, but that's not what happened. Donald Trump, one in twenty. Sixteen and so they pushed the narrative, may be thinking we ve got to do something to stop him I'll. Tell you what I think I think
the Clinton administration, Brok Obama, the democratic establishment, Joe Biden. All these people are all part of the same club. I think they ve been doing elect illegal activities in Ukraine. I think they ve been doing this for us, time I think the establishment has been getting in selling out this country engaging in foreign wars for profit and Donald Trump was not supposed to win, but he did and then he was about to expose everything. This criminal class had been doing the cutter turkey pipeline and all of their goals. Of course, it would greatly benefit Europe's gas prices or whatever But it was insidious was nefarious. It was me Jesus Joe Buttons. Emily growing, very wealthy tracking alongside us career, so saith political magazine, could it be that they thought they'd be Trump and once Trump got in, they knew he was the kind of guy to actually go after them and dig into these things. Could it be that approach
TIM from doing anything that could disrupt their plans and to hold him back for four years lying, cheating and stealing so that they could get back in and clean up their mass. Maybe I don't know I don't know just an idea. I think it warns. An investigation. Is probable, The very least Donald Trump sees a video of Joe Biden admitting to a quid pro quo. If you dont fire the prosecutor, you don't get the billion dollars. Donald Trump says look into it. He gets impeached first, fort for doing it. No real substantive investigation has had and now after we see our Joe Biden become President. Within a year, Ukraine Embassy has destroyed computer equipment. So even if Donald Trump winds again in twenty twenty four goes out to be Margaret and twenty five there's nothing to be found as their these people or engaging in. In my opinion, criminal activities will have got away with it. Let me type of criminal activities.
Some show is gonna, be some left us or, like Temple, pushes conspiracy theory, ah no inside it gets better. theory, its solid reporting, Joe Biden. Try to get a prosecutor fired the prosecutor scientist an affidavit saying he was fired by the President because of Joe Biden. Maybe he's lying, but that's not a thing You literally said it happened on making making any ideas, I'm just liberalising. While former prosecutor amount said he was fired because Joe Biden ordered them to do it. and then we had my colors are Chomsky. Who was the founder of Erasmus, the energy company, where Hunter Biden was on the board, not a conspiracy. That literally happened. died, this prosecutor, their Shokhin had open investigations into Michaelmas La Chaskey, the founder of Burma. Joe Biden comes in fires, the guy that's not a conspiracy theory. All of those things are true now we would need to break down, is intend to motive and the underlying stories between these instances. Maybe you can't say:
Joe Biden did it. For these reasons I can't read is mine. I don't know, but what does a fact Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid fact the prosecutor signed a sworn affidavit saying he was fired because of that threat. Fact, the process, Peter was investigating. My clothes are chaskey the founder of an energy company where Joe Biden son was on the board fact, though things. All happened down Tromp sad, I wanted and looked into fact he was impeached for saying this. They called it an abuse of power. Now all that right, there says to me something happened there. They came out and they said that. Ah the reason they wonder the prosecutors, because he wasn't looking into corruption. I don't believe it. My calls. Chaskey had fled the country when not Donald Trump became president, and once Donald Trump was out. Dude came back on the whole thing's weird, so I don't know
actually what's going on we're just scratching the surface, but me as but a humble layman researching. These stories it is fair to say that, when put it magazine runs a story called Biden Ink which, as binding family fortunes track alongside his political career, so to me like there is reason to believe Joe Biden is crooked and helping his family. When Hillary Clinton is pushing the same narrative, that this text guy is pushing. Sounds to me like this possible involvement or, at the very least, deter saying, Won't. Someone find me damning information on tromp about the Russians and then someone dead what you pay for it, watch you got it. You gotta, watch out, you don't you know we gotta get through the weeds and stuff, then you're times and completely wrong right. A lot of people have been falsely framing or incorrectly framing. What's coming out of this, this Durham filing
but I think I take it from the Wall Street Journal outright. I'm in trouble spied on, he's crazy stuff. Oliver, their necks segments coming up at eight p m tonight over at Youtube outcomes lashed him guest. I neural banks rang out and I'll see you all them. The black lives matter the west has been arrested for attempting to assassinate a democratic mayoral candidate in Louisville. I wonder why we dont know. Why it's been reported as an assassination attempt, but it could be for a variety of reasons, and we talked about this yesterday on the TIM cast iron. Well, member podcast. If you wanna check it out good at him, cast outcome. Sign up, become a member help support the work we do and we had a questionable. We know what qualifies as an assassination and why we don't know the motives behind us, we do not. The activists contests Brown has been charged in the attempting attempted shooting of ugh cried Green Burke, whose democratic marrow candidate green burgers they should estate
based upon the statement that he released it is fair to say that the police have arrested the right guy. Now, I'm I'm always adamant to say innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, simply because one hoping to be an agent of the state or police, as agents of the state have claimed this man did something wrong. Sorry, you're gonna have to prove it to me: in that capacity and not a fan of just hearing things. The news I just assert things, but there's there there foundries universally so much we can do as individuals and have to have a certain level of trust. So if they tell me they went to the press, says they ve, convicted and mental, say well, you know gates beyond reasonable doubt as far as I'm concerned. Does that mean? I think You know all add to this is us. As an aside, I still don't think the love trust I would ever have an estate. Would allow me to believe in the death penalty and because I dont trust the state but the main point of the story here is, as you can tell him very
fostered by all of this is a dramatic escalation in conflict has been happening in this country and do you know that there have been stories like this in the past? This could be the story of a democratic Merrill candidate who used an activist, in votes or to earn support and revenge? It could be a money they could know each other. We really dont known, or it could be something much simpler than that. We can take a look at the surface of his activist as and he's a pan african social. He wants, I guess, all of Africa to be united under scientific socialism. In view of his work and his politics as politically extreme And then you wonder why it is: he went to a Democrats office and tried to kill him. He was so close to killing the guy. The ball grazed. This democratic candidates, clothing, man and I watched the idea that the press conference from Craig Green Bargain at Madrid really really gets. A gene
Did he says I just want to see my wife and my son and hugged them haven't seen them all day and it seems like he's got you strong, really hard to hold back getting emotional, maybe crying, I'm going to say that he is what are you gonna? Do you can here in his voice. You know he's wants me with his family This is on a rough life to lead, especially at times of great tumult like were experiencing. Now I don't like the democratic establishment like the republican established. I don't blame the individual whose drawn a run for office unless they ve done something for which I can blame them for- and I know this, that is to say, When I look at stories like this- and I see you know the Democrats as overwhelmingly this just nasty and corrupt entity. Publicans for sure, but I just don't see them as bad. I I cinemas mostly feckless and pathetic. see the Democratic party I dont see,
individual who someone after I see that when I see this guy and I look at em, I see a guy who almost lost his life and is probably scared, and you know probably grateful that he made it through them. Reminds me of the stories you hear about World war, two or Vietnam, when Oh you're looks into the eyes of e g, the enemies Roger and there, you're young man of similar age. They don't know whether fighting each other and they think that you know in another time, for other reason, they probably could have been friends. I think that's naive. To be honest, I do. I think, that's naive, that that idea that you know we don't fight, we could. Friends, I think once you start to see that the core of this conflict what's really driving the? U S, and why we're seeing fighting You realize, unfortunately we may be humans, we may be. By similar things. But we can't be friends. We can't because we have we fundamental.
oppose each other's view of the world which results in things like this, and I wish it wasn't the case this guy contests brown. I want to show you some facts about him from having to come and we'll talk about what is potential motivations war, but I think another thing that needs to be said. We're talking about the other day with some Dale Turner on Ireland. He said: why would Why would a black lives matter Ekofisk after a Democrat you'd think they go a republican and, I said actually know beyond the surfaces counter intuitive, but it's exactly what you expect. I would not expect a black lives matter address to go after our Publican when Rand Paul was leaving some event get, surrounded by anti violence screaming Adam, accusing her things yeah. That's because they don't know anything about Rand, Paul, Rand, Paul. The time had had drafted that the Brown a tailor bill to ban no knock warrants. Gus Rand Paul doesn't, like fashion, some authoritarianism, but they don't actually know anything about this. Guy, don't know me
about Rand, Paulo Republicans other than the other. So why what a black lives matter, an activist targeted Democrat, though I describe it yesterday. Imagine there too, countries which just use. What's what say Canada and the United States ok, he's real countries, let's say lots of United States, the United States of freedom and the right states of democracy. You just country a country by country country B, don't like each other. They really really don't like each other and are constantly fighting. In with treaties and documents over resources within country, a quota recover calling it you have a growing faction of extremists who absolutely hate and thank country
is evil not say out of the one hundred people in one country on a present, you have twenty percent to believe country B should be invaded and destroyed. Will they, as twenty percent of the population invade that other country? Of course, they won't they'll seek to gain control of their country first, so they can use the full weight of their country to invade the other. To put it simply for be alarmed activists to say pan african Socialist they don't have the power to go up against the republic and establishment. They can certainly tryin ruffle some feathers, but it won't do anything for their cause. No, what they need, is to seize control of their political party or the one our closest to then, with the full weight of seventy five eighty million people behind them. They can then wage
or politically or more worryingly, physically against the rival political faction. We see the point it actually makes sense, but, above all, an activist would be going after a Democrat before a republican Bailum activists go ever Republicans, hours the democratic establishment and will ultimately result in them having less power they after, their internal civil war before they can have their actual war? Here is scary, stuff, dark days indeed but of course I want to mention its entirely possible these guys. You know each other. As Brown. Twenty one he's done, reporting Maybe he knows this guy is maybe they ve got a more personal relationship. Then the media realises may there was no. He was an editor for school paper. Maybe he was up at doing activism. Support this. I don't know we'll have to hear from them I want to show you this statement is a few. A few quotes,
this is our level. Can talk, is, as yesterday, Craig barks at was shaken up and are you just want me
and he pulled out. Let you dont want. Let me play the scope for you. This morning I was gathered for a brief meeting with my campaign team for my incredible teammates in our campaign office. Man walking your office when we greeted him, he pulled out a gun aimed directly at me and began, shooting the individual closest to the door, managed bravely get the door shut. We barricaded the door and the suspect fled shaken up. It was a surreal experience and mostly right now, I just wanna get home to my wife and sons and give them a hug haven't been able to see them all day. I've been with L a p d all day, my team and I have been cooperating with them and working with them and done that's what I was most anxious to get home to my family. The gunman came to the door stood in the doorway
fired the shots, and one of my teammates was standing to the side of the door. I was able to get the door slammed and then he and other teammates that were closer to the door just through through tables and desks. The barricade us in you know when I, when I went with the store, come up last night there was rumors Rumours going around, there was a Elam activists and I would very much like not we'd better get confirmation that it was during the super chat portion of TIM Castile, Ral. Oliver rundown said she got someone centre a tweet. It was from a routine the police officer, who said be Elam activist. Kick it was his encounters contains brown. Is that his name again it yet? round had been arrested nice at lower levels. Come out on this, show to hundreds of thousands of people and say it was black lives matter active at an activist who did this I want people going crazy and then you know sure enough. The story.
Your journal had already come out that, by the time that we had em, we had we had brought that tweet and that's the case. Mr case, I want to mention you know I watch this the other night. When we were talking about this, that we entertained the possibility of luck as a guy's running for office. You know, maybe he to be alarmed activists to stage something like this, so that he can when the election I mean think about this, the guy, why send to his office. How big is his office right come on honey? several hundred square feet how far was the shooter and he says a guy walks into his office and opens fire, and MRS now to people they might hear the story and think this guy did he stage this event, because now it'll give him press and make him or popular. I dont believe that, for
with American Express Blue Business plus earn two times membership or boards boys on the first fifty thousand dollars. You spend the help of all of your business. One point for dollar. After that we're getting started and we're seed Albert Fruit stand. Go it hard. He salad, bananas mango strawberries might just by blander stacks. Double boys strives for double points, cuts for double points. This is amazing. John Movement, in his brief stand, evolve into a Jew. Spar in real time turns, and cap oblige learn more at American, Express, knock arms. Lastly, dashed business DES bless. I dont because there's two important details: for people to understand about handguns is that they people think that it is easy. As you know, point point point: pull the trigger It's not so much I mean sort of it is, but on even close range people who are panicked, who are freaking out. They miss they. Really.
do you know I went to arrange for the first time several years ago, eight nine years ago, man, it's been a long time. It was eight years ago and at the range they said they won't let just a small private range. They said for first I am all for people who are of limited experience at their range like if they don't know who you are they don't let you fire at targets beyond twenty one yards, newtonian art yards or is it I think so? Unless you can hit the target at seven, they told me was for them their experience, they average per who walks in we're Talkin twenty one feet. Are they won't? Let you go beyond seven yards unless you could hit at twenty one feet and it was like the average person. You know, bring amend the first time they handle man gone of any type. They're not gonna, be able to hit that target because they don't know what they're doing, though, not hold the weapon. People make them. Take of one night when they pull the trigger they squeeze their hand and and they make they move the barrel before they fire. I hear that non like
some some some crazed activists who comes in close proximity, he must I'm not surprised. I mean his clothing. That makes sense to me. and I'll say you know when I saw him speak and he's talking wife and sons- and you can see the facial facial pole of his mouth- those that that that to me is But this is not a guy who is on who is feigning. Fear. Motion response as a guy's fighting back the stress and the fear for his family, and I It's a scary, scary reality to hear some like this mayoral candidate, not a federal level politician, but you when you get a bee alarm activist, one always running for office, trying to kill. Socratic politician, the reason why I think that set the story so important think it should be more prominent. Socket M M at heavy dot com. It's only a couple thousand views, some people, sad. You shouldn't lead with this right around him, because it was our lead story,
you know a bail and activists, regional. These estimation attempt happened and there are likely to be talking Trudeau or Durham Analysis, no might not hear you. I do. I do We waited discussion about what was more important and I thought to myself. This can be Point when there's a shot heard round the world riots a reference to foremost in most instances, the start, the revolutionary war, but for. in contact a shot heard round the world just took it with reference references, the start of a hot conflict don't know when and where they will be. Because for history, hindsight is twenty twenty and for us we are in the mock and we can't see can't see out of the force that we're in its all around us lot of people, don't real eyes that we're watching dramatic escalation every single day they took up a point in fifty years in a hundred years,
they talk about the second civil war in America and explain what it is. It it'll be it'll be talked about me in the press in the history books very differently than it is now because we're in the lowest level. So I want you to imagine this. imagine being on the ground, looking round houses around. You, then imagine being in a plane and looking down and seeing everything, that's the difference for us here and now there is this story. How many people don't even know about it? How many people I know that a black lives matter activist walked into a democratic office and tried to kill him a lot of people. How many people don't know about the dormer. Pour humming people, don't know any these things, that's the reality. In a hundred years, people will look back and then talk about it, as if everyone always knew. I mean think about this way to the amount of time it took for information to travel in the seventeen hundreds, it took a person conveying that information.
Actually so the Boston Tea Party or the Boston Masker. Imagine that agent living one lock away from where the Boston massacre occurred. the collar. Whenever you want. You know the regulars open fire and people die. You live one block away, and you hear loud noise and screaming. have no idea what happened? Sustain your house dangerous. It probably took you a day. Several hours may But maybe your day to finally learn about what happened. People died, woe today's damage the stuff happens, and the text you get a message. Are you? Ok, here's what happened everyone's lighting up on twitter and you know instantly back, then people had no idea was happening even now. with the speed of information. I assure you. There are many people who don't know and you gotta wonder how much there
I do distance this guy from black lives matter. This guy contests brown. You went missing. after he browns parents, Cecilia Brown and Jacob Dougherty, set in the statement issued by blue lives Matter Louisville after he was found, were asking for privacy, would appreciate everyone's patience, yadda yadda, yadda black lives matter issued the statement? We also have this they say during protest and the shooting the Brenner Taylor by match? Our police brown emerged as an outspoken black lives matter activist d? Let anybody ghastly You that's what this guy is. I won't tell you a story about Louisville Bellum activists were going shot to shop, shit king down business owners demanding they ties they pay a percentage of their revenues to black lives matter, they went to a cuban restaurant demanded this man give
what they want or I'll stay blockade as restaurant, and he said no so where these extremists shattered a flower pot. That sounds so mafiosi. Doesn't it they comments? Are you gonna give us a cut of the revenue side a smash upon what happens next, it gets worse as it they say. The guy, the guy said he was from Cuba. He knows what it's like to live under the boat in he would not be on paraphrasing motherwit, we will not be giving in these people are dangerous extremists there their dangerous. three minutes and the day Extremism is growing in this country. Right now this guy's been arrested. This isn't the worst and most egregious thing we ve seen in the escalation of the com. but over the past several years you have to wonder you make a revolutionary period spanned twenty years.
And this was growing sentiment among the colonists in most of the colonies, not all of em but Tom? You know to a great degree in the colonies that they should. We should be governing our. else, but the crown at a different view. They sad your subjects of the crown. You know we defend these colonies. We fight a war or to maintain your your protections and we won't. Let you simply just walk away. The problem was The crowd wouldn't addressed the grievances of the colonists, who repeatedly petitioned the crown and said these are problems, and they said. No, so doesn't it doesn't matter what you think your your deserving of, if you dont addressed the grievances don't bother with any kind of negotiation. Are you'll you'll lose your right to this. But the point is the revolutionary period took decades Boston, Tea party and the loss in Moscow where three years apart, but we look back on history, we think Oliver stuff was happening very very quickly,
thing is possible that in a hundred years- and they look back at this they'll say it all started with the financial collapse. They can say it all started with the with the election of George W Bush, in two thousand and people believe in that Al Gore or George Bush were evil. It's crazy! How that that was it was escalating, and what may have occurred is that the boomers and, to a certain degree, the genetics Jackson, We are now voting more instilling these values in the younger generation, but while there Views were more time because they weren't raised on this perception of an evil political other. When you raise the millennial generation and Genji, I'm on the idea of the evil political other, and you exacerbate that divide overtime, ongoing younger generations become more and more divided Finally, when millennials are now taking over industry in politics, not nearly as much as they should be, to be honest,
Our view of the other is the other, is evil period and cannot be reasoned with and that'll trickled down at a genji, now chickened out trickle down into a generation AL far. What have you call it as generous or less prone to conflict and crisis and boomers age out and millennials take over millennials or a deep odds with each other polluting Millennia, women, for instance, are overwhelmingly black lives matter and far left and Moyo men are fairly split, but nominal generation I mean our politics are: are hard division I don't understand how Genji Z can make it through that either maybe millennials it does not maybe your millennials yengeese as yet wheelchair money that stuff we wanna play. Video games or somethin but my my opinion is the division will escalate because of stories like this, because in it jewels? Individuals, as it is, will take action and I'll take they'll, take lives.
Some have said to me TIM. There won't be a civil war because there's no appetite for war among the people. It's just powerfully to hate each other, and I find that funding that people have said that man, what On occasion tell me a war that was not powerful it's at odds with each other and then using the poor to solve their problems or to engage in that conflict. That's exactly where we're headed it'll start. you know black lives matter has been they. They ve mostly burn down Democrat controlled areas. This makes absolute sense. Why, as to why you would do it at horrifying action Ben. But when you look at black lives matter, burning down, dammit, Run cities are you surprised, Abiola activists tried to kill a Democrat. No, once they seized control like build, oblige you guys out of his mind, with with illegal actions defended by police. That's out occurs when he's activists reach the highest levels of
when they are when they see control of their party and their geography. That's when they turn their sights on you, the evil political other than that today. I hope, never comes. but I don't see how we pull out of this. I don't see how many of these changes we are trained on a track and we're picking up speed. How do you stop such a large and heavy machine? I don't know if you can without it just ripping the train off the tracks, and then maybe that is the conflict. Maybe that's what happens to people fighting over the brake lever and then someone ripped off the train. Just stops and flips over and all the cards go flying in the air. The night is always targets for the dawn, who is all is going to get worse before God better right. I think in the long run, those of us who have been paying attention all this will be completely fine. In fact, life will probably improved
but for those in the cities who haven't been paying attention any of the stuff there would be caught off guard while day some psychopathic black lives matter activist who is going to walk into your office with a grievance? It's not been trump supporters doing this, it's not been politically homeless, post liberals or conservatives. It's been the left the entire time, but the Democrats made a deal with the devil. They thought they could utilise this fervour to their advantage and it will turn on them and then, once these people gain control of the of their party in the extreme, you'll become more extreme among the Maugre crown the populist right. They mostly one left alone? They don't go out right and burn. Destroy things will see how things play out I'll leave it there. Next time is coming up at one p, dot M or one p dot m on this channel. Thanks for,
and I'll see you all them. Canada has announced it will. Freeze bank accounts and crowd funding from people engaged in what they do to be illegal occupations, that is to say the Freedom convoy protests, this will have their bank accounts frozen their crypto taken if they can take it and proud funding will be seized. They ve already done this TED. Bank is apparently are frozen about one point: one million dollars- and you know shockingly many left personalities- have been speaking out shot. The government is doing this and, unsurprisingly many of their follow as on social media are cheering on the government from freezing people's bank accounts without court orders. Now I understand the idea of due process in freezing someone's bank account, but I dont think should be any circumstance where a peaceful protest result in the governor
getting a court order or in any way freezing your bank account. But I look at the story and I'm just so confused. It. Does the canadian government think that they will get away with this, is a few things are all add to this. Before read all the news, the first I mention this several times in relation to the freedom protest, the freedom convoys, the anti vaccine mandate, protests, peaceful protests. work and the example. I liked to give his Occupy Wall Street when officer Anthony Bologna, pepper sprayed, I believe- three women Four seemingly no reason he walked up to me to spread and probably is annoyed by the biggest there were yelling this triggered. Viral video, which triggered a mass uprising across the country. really was the catalyst for the greater Occupy movement attacking peaceful protest. with extreme measures, always backfires we're starting to see it now. Vocs
prominent socialist. You two were speaking out against the government should That, of course, is more anti establishment of populist bavarian conversation about this, and there are a lot of people who with them are showing that they can it is losing a lot of the left us. port they had and trying to shut down these protests because they ve gotten to extreme That being said, I can't help but think of watchman that the graphic now and later movie. I love the movie by the way. The graphic novel was with was way barracks about way more in detail, but the story itself is just friends: Second, I wonder: what's the Angolan all of this There is one way to bypass someone trying to shut down your financials and its Bitcoin Crypto currencies very, very hard to track but possible to track Bitcoin for insensitive public ledger so they know who you are, but there are other ways to protect your your assets it's a kind of digital cash in a sense now on the way
we'll try to argue Bitcoin is about, but but hear me out on this one. I want to get to the nitty gritty of crypto currencies the point as the endurance Of all of this will be to drive people to using crypto currencies, which are something they can control outside of a financial institution, but can be transmitted digitally, and that's why I think of Watchmen I was even ds. The bad guy in watchman was for he was a superhero and staged a false flag where he made it seem like an alien vision was occurring so that during the cold or the United States and in the Soviet Union would come together against a common enemy. I look at how comic book villain ask the deputy Minister of Canada and doesn't Trudeau have been and I'm dislike. For so Many people were protesting that the end result is going to be probably a collapse of western governments and probably the adoption of Crypto currency and mass, because we can see that the evil and their pravity, that is to say,
there is, I think of watchmen. Is it feels like the end goal may be to destroy constitution. Our government, their government, fracturing, confidence in these systems from right and left and fracturing com The financial system, which result in the adoption of a global currency standard which is crypto currency? Maybe that's the four, De Chess, the establishment elites are playing, make themselves are to be the villain united, bill is groups behind what they really want them to do. An seem smart right. I was thought about Because crypto currencies are public, that trading as public some like Minero and Z, cash for the government and still easily track them, which they have proven already, which take a look at who adopted crypto current, his first and it was the anti government anarchist types and conspiracy theorists what a clever way to go about forcing a globe
currency standard, our global value, standard right, nothing, it's true! I missing. It makes me think of that. Well, here's the store business insider reports, the Canadian, government has warned that will freeze the bank accounts and suspend the vehicle insurance of truckers, who continue to form blockades and protest of vaccine mandates as the current declares a national emergency to quell the gridlock, this following the money is about stopping Financing of these illegal blockades said Gideon Port Deputy Prime Minister Christs Christian freely we are today serving notice. If your truck is being used in these illegal blockades, your corporate council be frozen insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. She continued adding at an point in the conference that personal financial accounts should would would all would be included in the order. Send your semi trailers, home An economy needs them to be doing legitimate work, not to be legally making us all poorer.
This woman doesn't understand that the governments of Canada, the garment of Canada and the United States, albeit different, are still for even by the people. Now I understand Canada didn't have a great revolutionary war there still technically under the crown. But as far as I'm concerned, The realisation that's whence is comes from date from the masses and not from divine decree says to me that you can have what kind of country you want, but the people know they hold the power. This point so when they come out and say shop and do your job, I say: no, I won't. You can't tell me what to do and with the social contract. We have agreements on certain things we shouldn't be doing, but you cannot force these people to work. Do you know what I wouldn't be surprised?
many of these people already putting everything on a line simply just said fine phrase: the accounts take the trucks. I don't care, you can't make me do it. They can't and that's the trying to do through coercive for It's an nothing's worked so far, now they're saying without a court order, they will take your bank accounts, wickedness Trudeau, Ministration is authorizing banks to freeze or suspend accounts of Sis account suspected of being involved in. Activity without the need for a court that is to say you the same name as a trucker and be in Canada and wonder your bag gets frozen. Bizarre alike. Will that's the name of the guy in the truck oops got the wrong person, no duped. assess. The system cannot be sustained feds crackdown on track. A protest, financing
from Crowd fund rules to freezing bank accounts. That's right. She said they're gonna, go after your crypto. Good luck! That's the amazing thing. They can see your crypto I can see your crypto in the same way. They can see your cash, that is to say, if you're holding on to your crypto currency keys in your accounts, they would have to common physically. Take it from you that interest Think about crypto is that you can store the information to access your counts in your head and have no means of gaining control of it unless they have information from your head, I suppose Second, lock up, beat you and torture you until you give it up. There's always one way to extract information. They can drug you or something like that with cash. Your cash is not in a bank and they want to take it from you. They have to find it. You can put your cache and buried.
take your cash buried in the woods somewhere. They want no word, as you know, gotta tell him just like crypto. If they can't extract the information on where the money is, they can't get the lake, they can't get the cash the funny they crept, those they can look at the public ledgers and see the monies there, but they can't get access to without your keys, You gotta give it all. This is going to push more and more people out of banking institutions and towards crypto currency. I think it's a good thing that's why I wonder if it's just like some kind of like what they're doing is on purpose. Look at us. Tt Bank freezes national Bank accounts that received one point: one million in support for canadian truckers, any one who has a T Bank account is insane. Ok, maybe you right now have tv bank in your life, but I've always had tt yeah one. You'll, wake up and your money will be locked away from you without a court order.
You'll be wondering how did it get to this point? So let this be your warning if you are currently banking with tee. They will freeze your accounts without due process, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Of course, You can take all of your money out now. What we are seeing on on Twitter Bank Run, Canada is trending People are saying: go to your banks, take out all your cash now and you know what. I was, I certainly am never one to train courage, anything like that. But I will say if you have you're in Canada, on your money in the bank, dont think you're safe. You would be insane to think so. They don't need a court order to freeze or money. Then what happens one day when you can't pay the bills? what happens? One day when you can't pay your utility bill and utility com as we don't care. What you can't pay were shutting off your heat, we're shutting off your electricity and the banks
Look we don't know anything about it. Government said: do it. And you say, but I'm not there, I'm not protesting. They say we dont care. You know where this is going to try to set a precedent for these, so Credit score is the Eu S G scores? What is it Mental social governance are something once they this precedent. They'll tell you is a way to scrap at last night honour on TIM Guest IRA you'll, L B in ten years from now you're on your new future mobile device and you'll go to the store You're gonna be buying things by tapping your phone or something like that and you gotta go, you ve got all your into your big box door, because mom and pop shops will have been completely decimated, I'll, try and by a can of Coca COLA, maybe wanna get. Maybe I get some beer. Some beer in some freezers says maybe some wings, you have a party at home. You scan your phone Boys goes I'm sorry, Mr Smith, your,
over your allotment of carbon this month. I'm afraid I can't let you purchase these items maybe not in ten years. That's where we're going. Maybe you'll, buy the items and then your check, your bank account and you may well will say we cannot help but notice that have exceeded your carbon footprint allotment for this month. Worse, spending, your bank account for three days. Dont worry in three days or carbon footprint allotment will increase and you'll be able to purchase once again. That's where I feel It's all going. The is stuff has a lot to do with carbon, but also a lot to do. With the item you buy if you buy guns, so there's nothing you consider to consider. Michael Bloomberg, tried banning sodas. You things about justice just note about precedent. You'll go to the usual bar you'll. Try and by a beer. You'll buy the beer we'll get it. You'll buy a beer you'll, get it s a third round and until say sorry, you're you're, your tap spend declined and you'll pull up your banking. And it will say, your bank account has been froze.
and for purchases of alcohol because you have consumed too much your social credit score is dropping. Now I don't know, but I ll be, that specific benefits based on what we ve already read about. Yes, discourse scores what what it said Is that your score just dropped yourself, a credit score drops based buying items, so you'll go out and you'll buy a couple kegs or you'll. You know when you put deposit down for the cap which, by the beer, all of a sudden buying that beer drops your social credit score down. Fifty points about beer anymore does not like. the scenario that I just envisioned. I think what a really come true, but something that is a fact, but let me explain it this way: the banks, and this creates a somewhat care that you're buying too much beer. It ok that you're are. They won't care to threaten you about beer. So what? If you bought too many bearded camp, I do not know what will happen. Is it'll save warning If you purchase these tags or social credit score, will drop by seventeen points. Making you ineligible for
financing loans and access to sporting events and you'll say guys? I I can't buy this myself. A credit score will drop by too much. Does anybody else? We split this happening, It is brought to you by five tram. The next big idea, the transforms or business, is called there. When you bring data together from all different teams, tools and sources, you can start to see the bigger picture. Five train makes centralizing data as simple and reliable ask of atrocity no matter the source of your data and no matter its destination. Five trend is, you are secure and reliable data pipeline automatically centralizing your data to uncover valuable insights. Your next big idea is out there find, with five tram at five transcaucasia. That's what happened. I think carbon is a big big issue around it, This is the nightmare scenario that don't you will end up living in. You guys know gives and goes been hacked that it's been shut down, give send go, is gone, arms I'm more? People are talking about this, someone hacked it claim that they,
line answer terror whatever and the site went down now. Go there? It says there offline for maintenance. Maybe if I refreshed it'll come back, but earlier this morning, nothing there hey there we go out there back this morning following news of the hack, they were shut down, glad to see that their finally back up and the Freedom convoy account has been restored. because there is new is that it was written. It was redirecting to give send gone yesterday seems like they were able to get to the root of the problem and fix it. Still. Crazy story that this has happened. I wonder who did not like to give a shudder to our good friend, wash wash being the Socialist Youtube now, I've always viewed Vas as inherently authoritarian and and to a certain to resort to a certain degree. Traditional cancer now hold on their a minute, I'm being somewhat facetious traditional right wing now, of course, wash as a socialist and a laughing all that stuff, but for too long
she has been in favour of corporate power or is put up messages so I've I've disagreed with that concept. He's also called me serve it of you, see the game being played here, of all the Socialist Bolivia is inherently Thor Authoritarian, but he's a kind of being shocked out of this stricken up wash tweeted. What the f. Trudeau, vows to freeze anti mandate protesters bank accounts. He says. Don't mind me, don't mind just using emergency powers to freeze the assets of protesters. I'm begging people to understand. You can oppose the anti mandate protests and still we stand the government having the ability to unilaterally freeze your assets with no court order as a effing, terrifying president, to set against protesters. I'm sorry, I can respect of coming out and criticising the freezing of bank accounts, but how? Do you reconcile this good, sir, in that government, can mandate you inject yourself with medication, but they can
take your money. I actually think that there was anything in that that was less egregious freezing someone's bank is less agreed just and violating their bodily autonomy. You wanna tell me: I can't use a bank while I get it, banks are private institutions, you Tell me that in order to act, public accommodation, I have to inject myself with medication. Ok, I don't know how you're, on the other side of that one broke, but I can reach you coming out and criticise, seeing the seizing of assets, because at least we have that we agree upon that. It's bad but yo. If the government. can come out and say inject yourself or you can't go grocer shopping that support? Actually, worse than saying we ve locked your bank, I can still money out of my bank. I can still use the cash system we have now. I can still use crypto currencies heck. I can still barter, I can walk into the store and say I have whittled a small sailboat from a block of wood, and I will trade this too
good, sir, for a gallon of milk and someone might be like shore, but what the vaccine mandates they're like Sir, if you want to enter this inject this into your body, submit your body to the state Sarama for it. I do think it's funny but a lot of people responded to em, basically saying that he is wrong. Look at this guy, this psychopath he's as vocs. Respectfully as an audible resident. This has, This has ceased to be a protest a long time ago. This isn't it back on a vulnerable population. This emergency is good. this guy, is insane. That's the craziest I've ever heard. Are you kidding me with? This is absolutely insane. I just think it's absolutely off the Wasn t. the people are defending this, but I gotta say shout out too: are you know to do? Do hush, and to many other people for four for calling the stuff out. We have this
Viral trend. Right now on Twitter Bank RON, Canada can say people are pointing out that this bank on Canada trending on Twitter Vash. On Twitter MOSS trends on Twitter fairly often, but I think he's may be realised at tat. You ve seen too much power to the state The only reason are able to do. This is because we all agreed with their rule by decree in the first place. Maybe it's time you watch that comedy segment where the guys are like obey the baddies, somebody posted that mean so where there, just like nazis and there are like the factual if only a camera isn't Hamish in India. That means a camera, but like the Nazi, had the sculling crossbones and he's like. You know: arson Was it schooling crossbones? Are we the baddies? Yes, you are ya, came up and you said that the government ruling by decree is fine. We all opposed it and said: no, it isn't due process must stand and the power of government is derived from a mandate from the mass
not from unilateral decree or divine providence, but to many people. the left claim there on the left and then said there allowed to do this. Well, you gave this power and now you're shocked they're going to go above and beyond. I'm not if anything I think like I said that the vaccine manager substantially worse, maybe there will be a bank run, we have as mean you may have seen. Where there is a plank of wood, going off a cliff and a politician on the far end over the cliff and a bunch of but our standing on that word- and it says the people don't know their true power as if to imply once the people step off that platform, the weights on that would will just ultimately go off into the cliff taken a politician with them. And this image there is a man wearing a Bitcoin jacket, stepping off first yeah, People are saying Bank run Canada,
I don't know about all that when I can tell you that all in all stress that point from earlier, you have your money in a canadian bank. Don't come crying when your assets are frozen for arbitrary means. You have been war. If you haven't already looked into crypto currencies, don't TK, crying when you're assets are worthless. You ve been warned not advising anybody to do anything financially went on is on social media up there warning signs about what happened in the system and what that means is you need to you sound financial advice, I'm not giving any. I dont know what use do with your money? I do things on my own, I don't be in charge of your life. I want to tell you what to do with your life, and you want to keep your money in these things. Fine, I just think you're nuts, but I'm telling you to do anything. I'm just saying personally. I think it's not that people. What if you plan to do anything? seek sound financial advice from someone knows a heck of a lot more than I do, because I'm dying on internet talking about thing if
Wanna figure: what to do with your money? You need guy in office, talk about money, which I am certainly not me personally. comes to all of this stuff. I've already looked at hedging, my bats. I think the Eu S die, is in serious trouble. Inflation is through the roof. Wholesale inflation nearing ten percent consumer inflation at seven point five the highest it's been since the eighties, and if you actually care you like using the eighties metrics its higher than spend since world war. Two, so like our good- friends in Venezuela say as soon as you get the cash spend it right now. That's good advice. I don't deal with inflation, but I can tell you I'm Lee buying whenever I can try to expand as fast as I can, because if I wait a year, I'll lose ten percent of my money, probably more. I actually think inflation, probably in upwards of the high too since we had MAX Keyser on the show on several months. He said he thought. Inflation was fifteen percent, while if you do the math are around there. If you do the math based on the
these metrics for how they calculated inflation. Its fifteen point five anyway, Trudeau is invoking war powers against peaceful protestors, if that is not an indication of dramatic escalation on an old man, I don't know man. I understand Canada is not the same as the U S, but our cultural issues are overlapping for sure I'll leave their necks segments come up at four p m over at Youtube com. Slash TIM cast thanks, sprang up now see. Well then, office, yesterday more individual raft into our campaign office. Yesterday morning there were five votes
Transcript generated on 2022-02-15.