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Media Smears Against Trump BACKFIRE Driving Democrats Insane, Rep DEMANDS Trump Face "The Hague??"


Media Smears Against Trump BACKFIRE Driving Democrats Insane, Rep DEMANDS Trump Face "The Hague??" As the media consistently tries to smear the president Democrats often fall victim to false narratives.An Ohio State Representative recently called for Trump to face charges from the International Criminal Court in The Hague even though the US does not recognize its authority.The rep was outraged that Trump had touted a promising treatment for the virus as the global pandemic escalates. Because the media is obsessed with smearing the president she was unaware of what was really happening in the world.The CDC in fact touts the positives of the same treatment and governor Cuomo, a democrat, says that they are seeing positive results in NY.But still we see Democrats floundering in desperation as Trump is proven right time after time.I have to wonder when the media will start getting tired of being wrong all the time. Unless their goal is actually to just be contrarian they are just hurting Democrats and helping Republicans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And Ohio State Representative last night said she going to make a referral to the international criminal court to have Donald Trump tried for crimes against humanity, the tweets put out received something like sixty three thousand rate weeds and it has come legally insane. For many reasons. Another reason she the reason she wanted trumped to be tried is that you turning a combination of drugs, Hydroxyl clerk when an exit throw moisten which is being recommended in many countries and tromp I set it, may work it may not, but the media, in their desperate attempt to constantly make them look bad, have smeared him over and over again they try Smearing. I'm saying that because some woman, her husband, eight fish tank anti parasitic that was somehow trumps fault, because he was touting this drug taken out of context and then, when the american pupils are to see through the media lies what happens. The media shuts office precedents While there is a side effect to the media smears, the Democrats end up eating all
this nonsense up believing it, because there are poor that show when we ve seen many of them Democrats tend to trust the press. Conservatives tend not to so the media, their game, is to get Plex. If Trop comes out and says that it must be wrong, no matter what that's, what they do and now it's firing. The data shows that there are positive results in many studies for the with the use of as if they're my son and Hydroxyl clerk, one now in New York, there seeing positive results and it is being used to treat people some of these governors who recently said no? No, we can allow. This are now saying. Please please we need this medicine, its being recommended, countries the CDC said so, but people like this this woman, Miss is Lansky. She just reads the new whose and believes that all but their goal isn't to inform you it's to shock you into giving them ratings, and now it is back firing horribly. It goes beyond this, though democratic.
Brad adjust our worried right now at their attack, adds against Trop are going to backfire. It's because the American people are tuned in right now they got nothin else to do so. They are watching the news there listening the president has to say- and of them are seeing the flip fly. Being from the media, makes no sense, they'll, say Trop didn't do you know trucks. Travel ban is bigoted each and it's not gonna, do anything anyway and then, a month later there like. Actually the travel ban is strong enough. I assure you, a month or so, or I'd be willing to make the better off of the media naysayers on this drug treatment? Assuming that you know after the trend continues, the positive results continue well flip and say: truck didn't do enough to get us. This matter patient. For the time being, we are going to see resistance type people embarrassed themselves with ridiculous, Assertions like Trump is committing men slaughter. I could you not. I've got the tweets and these damn rats sang drugs should be charged with crimes against humanity. That's actually
they're doing soldiers out to walk you through this, and I want to point out that we'll get to this part of the store, Joe Biden, the attack at the Democrats, it is, a shame. We are in a crisis right now and all they can do, is try to investigate the president or put out fake adds against him and it's going to backfire, and they know it. They were warned and now the strategists are concerned. It's actually starting- who backfire? Let's take a look at this first story, which is going viral, which is absolutely insane before we get started, however, had over two TIM cast outcomes. Life done it. If you'd like to support my work, their several ways you can give, but the best thing you can do share this. Video really does have the general grow Youtube that they play silly games there algorithm they almost now. Surface independent content. You gonna get mainstream media. So if you share this adopts, my channel survive also make sure to subscribe, hit the notification Bell and the like. But if you do think my content is
watching they all reports. Ohio lawmaker says your press charges shall press crimes against whom, any charge against Trump over Hydroxyl chloroprene promotion. Yo State Rat, tapioca landscape, so that you will make a referral, to the crimes of a referral for crime against humanity over President trumps promotion of the Anti Malaria drug Hydroxyl Clark when, as a treatment for them look run a virus despite its unproven benefits and law. Of long term, food and Drug Administration approval, let lack of they have actually already approved it. The hill. I can't take it anymore. I've been to the Haug I'm making a referral for I am against humanity tomorrow. She tweeted late Sunday, today's press com, Was the last straw go on get it no, the need for a prosecution referral. When I see one oh, and I want to show you what she's referring to that press conference. It's sad Glasgow represent. The Akron area told the Ohio Little journal on Sunday that
no idea how she was going to go about such a referral. Oh ok! How hard can it be Let's get a former magistrate in the summit count. The summit count come in please, court added Trump has repeatedly promoted, Hydroxyl Clark, one which is approved to treat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, an Lupus as special treatment for the krona virus, which the FDA said last week has led to a shortage of drug at a press briefing late Sunday, the president recommended the drug despite limited evidence
of its efficacy in the treatment of the virus, saying what do we have to lose? I'm not looking at one way or another, but we want to get out of this. If it does work, it would be a shame if we didn't do it. Early trunk basically gave this wager. He said we know the druggist safe because it has been approved for other uses. We know anecdotally. We ve that that that there are positive results. If we prescribe this, it's not going to harm people because the doctors gonna tell them and if it doesn't do anything well, it's a shame. If it does do something than we should absolutely. Is it not that that's not completely logically sound, but you get the point it's mostly based on the fact that other countries are recommending this and tromp has set. Look if they're doing in China and in Europe we should at least take their data into consideration and consider using this medication, for which the media has smeared tromp, relentlessly and I I'll show you instead of allergy infectious Disease director Anthony FAO cheap, as has reportedly Bennett
with the White House, trade adviser, Peter Navarro, about promoting Hydroxyl clerk when and said son that its benefits remain largely unknown. The data are We just at best suggestive. There have been cases that show there may be an effect, and there are other that show. No effect, fancy said and see the us his face, the nation. So I think in terms of science, I don't think we could definitively sate works, a high department of Health director, any act, has asked residents of the state not to seek Hydroxyl clerk went prescriptions. Unless they have a medical need. The state border pharmacy has all implemented, an emergency rule restricting access to the drug after a wave of stockpile By Ohioans following trumps comments, now, that's not on Trump. If people do things that are insane no look, if Trop says nothing, they say downplaying, it becomes on, says something they'll say he's causing fear among these fearmongering. If Trump doesn't talk about this in a month s bill
why wouldn't drop, get this medication out and if he does, they say he's causing people to hoard? There's just no way that trunk could actually address this, but guess what the Democrats are starting to fall for this new start to recognise its backfiring. Let's take a look at that press conference trump blocks. Fouche from answering question about drug trump. Is touting now this is where we can see the media fault Anthony found. She was once to get once again asked about the medical evidence, Trop stepson standing, the microphone found. She opened his mouth before he could speak. The answer came out of trumps instead and do you know how many times his answer that question trumpeted? Maybe fifteen, but I'd smile stretch across jeez, face his eyes, framed by a pair of y, all the glasses flicked quickly to trot out. I just I can't stand with a journalist. Do this narrative writing I dont care about how you described his rim glasses. Any flicking trump just tell us what happened
Thought you smile just for a moment with was all teeth now Trump raised his fingers sternly telling the journalist you dont have to ask the question, and so I thought you didn't answer it in a new news conference shuffled along yet expect interruption was an extraordinary moment. But in the season of brash behaviour exhibited by the president during his daily briefings, while Trop has been at odds with she in the past repeatedly clouding as it ministrations public health messaging. The president has never shut down, is taught medical experts so roughly and publicly before intervening to keep him from answering in other contexts. The present routinely calls on fancy for medical questions. He was interrupting because the media won't shot up about this. They keep
asking the exact same questions over and over again and no foul? She has even said they're, not at odds, are on the same page about this tromp has said it may work, it may not work, it may work, it may not work Trump said I feel good about it that I feel good about. That's all it is it's a feeling. That's it. Could you imagine having a president, who told you there was no hope ever found, she is giving us his medical opinion. I respect it. He said that the there's there's no hard data, yet its anecdotal, that's fair trump makes a point. From from a presidential standpoint, where he's trying to give people hope. But what do we get from from the resistance you going to love it? You got to love it. Glenn Kirschner, Trump's, con he's respond. Tapioca Lansky by the way trumps conduct easily satisfies all three elements of involuntary manslaughter. In fact, his gross negligence is beginning a lot more like conduct evincing a conscious disregard
of an extreme risk of death, serious bodily injury, the standard for depraved heart. Second, three murders. Are you kidding me? I get them from could be charged with second degree martyr up, oh heavens, really com Ah man, this is insane how in Saint John trumps, like there's a visit, meant being used around the world, we should look into it. Murder, I say. Ah man, I'm sorry free allocated the microphone. You know. I take a look at us I dropped rated most effective therapy by doctors for grown of irish global survey, drug known, treating malaria used by doctors mostly for high risk covet patients, there are many doctors saying: hey. Ok, you know about this one. How but another story lay doktor, seeing success with hydrochloric went to treat covered. Nineteen o o heavens. Could it be that there are doctors recommending this tromp, then
comes out and says hey. Maybe we should look into this and then the resistant says Trump should be charged with murder and crimes against humanity. Oh I love it. These people are out of their minds. Can't they never get tired of being wrong all the time I just
don't understand when the CDC says this on the sea DC that Gov website a study in China Report that clerk when treatment of covert nineteen patients had clinical and viral via virological benefits, verses, comparison, group and clerk. When was added as a recommended anti viral for treatment of covered nineteen in China, based upon limited in vitro an anecdote data chloric when and how drops a clerk when are currently recommended for treatment of hospitalized covered nineteen patients in several countries, both cork? When and how drops O clock when have known safety profiles with the main concerns being cardio, toxicity, prolonged cutie syndrome, with prolonged use in patients with hepatic and real dysfunction and amuse us oppression, but ever portly well tolerated, but have been reportedly well tolerant, tolerated in covered nineteen patients. You wanna talk about voucher expert about the CDC, your expert organization. How about all the kind
is that are using this. Look, I'm not saying it's a cure. I dont know I can only refer to the medical experts. Boats fascinating to me is that you too has put out guidelines about what I am not a lot of talk about, and they say I'm not allowed to go against medical and scientific consensus. Son corona virus well, I wouldn't anyway, I defer to the experts and the experts are saying it actually looks pretty good from the politicians to the health experts. There saying it looks pretty good. So how about this Youtube? Why don't you go to all these Youtube channels? It keeps saying it's bad and ban them all. What's that when you go the front page of you too, they give you mainstream media, wonderful, which is why I've said if you like this video, consider sharing it because I'll show you the actual CDC websites, Trump ain't wrong. Try in fact they one up truck trumps, headed
work, it might not, but I am hopeful, will the CDC Exocet several countries are using it at its well tolerated and China's actually using it for treatment at one more than what Trump said incredible. Isn't it Galicia. This thousands of New York covered patients are being trade with anti malaria, drugs, oh you dont, say, and what, The result Andrew Cuomo says today use of anti burial drug in New York. Hospitals, anecdotally, positive, excellent. So what's the big problem, why would tromp be charged with crimes against humanity by the Haug, the International criminal court, when countries in Europe and China are using it
what crime against humanity? For saying, hey, maybe it'll work, I don't know and the CDC sang sure these people have lost their minds, tromp charged with second degree martyr. I tell you what the Democrats need to panic. This is from the Washingtonian trumps approval. Writing has reached a high not seen in one thousand one hundred and eight days. I must stop right there in the aggregate. It's never been higher. It's gone down a little bit. Some new poles have come out, but I trump still training higher that has ever been, especially in his dealings with the corona virus.
Check this out. I'm not say outlook in I've done a ton of videos about Democrats panicking. Here's another article, not I love showing our cp average. I tried to adopt as candidates up that regularly, but we can see here that forty nine point eight percent approve forty seven point: seven disapproving trumps handling the krona virus. So if you want to come out and screech trumps should be charged with crimes against humanity, go look at the polls. You are in the minority. The hill says Democrats struggle to keep up with trunk messaging on corona virus. That's because the only card they ve ever played is that Trump is wrong, no matter what he does, but that can't be possible. Candidates is the weird world. You know that that that we're living in where you ve got some people who think trumps, not that bad yoga. Like a mutant I mean, and that's the kind of the world I occupy whatever this is. They ve chased themselves off the rails, they're off the cliff,
The Democrats in their base is being chased into nonsense by the media, its ignore them. These media outlets- and I know not everybody- I've got an article in a show you to give some credit. Some people up. The hill, for instance, has been has been president. Ok on some things, but you have these people like at the New York Times the Washington Post, the people on the press corps. They asked Trump nonsense. Questions he's always wrong, no matter what he does. They dislike the discount evidence or people like Gemma Costa who just stand up to rant. I don't even actually ask any real questions. That's what we're getting the press and so long as the Democrats chase after that narrative and so long as their only strategy, as I'm going to obstruct the president, there never going to get ahead never gonna happen. They ve been warned about this quartz rights. On March, twenty Eightth adds attacking trumps. Crony virus response could backfire. Of course they could. The american people are watching in real time what's happening there board. They want to know one thing when they give their lives back. You know
a lot of people in this country? Work is their life. I know you'll hear from a lot of these activists. I can't stand it. They say: Americans have an unhealthy. You know our relationship with work, sure, whatever I love working, I love being protected by love. Doing things to me, everything is part of my bigger goal. Everything I do is is is stepping up to do better and people like that and right now, a lot of people can't there a lot of people sing at home. Saying I want to get back out there doing my thing I wanted. I want to save the world I want to build. I want to create, I want to help people, so they can't what do they do they obsess over? What the present is doing to get the job done, guess what the polls show they like it for the most part. So when the Democrats come out off message with attack adds that make no sense. What do you think's gonna happen? They're gonna say: what are you talking about the President's doing,
What he can do, can't you just shut up and pitch in this way. So I see it, you got you gotta got a big fire right. Your house is on fire and there's a big orange man he's kind of a jerk and he's baling water, and he sang this water overheads a little Marcie, but we're gonna. Try it we're gonna, try and splash the fire with that non. Like ok, do I get it splash the water? Please, and you got some people's ministration talk about half a splash and others water. Along comes humor, and this guy Lansky Lady and they're, just yelling bench than policy comes up and says I'm forming an oversight committee to talk about whether or not Trump is is baling. Water properties is no is storing the water properly on the fire and Adam shifts. As ever those done organ investigate you for your throwing fire you're, throwing water on the fire and unjust. Like dude, I don't care about any of that with the fire up. Please can you guys just grab a bucket and start, though in water? Could the Democrats please like humor so so here's what happens a shimmer. He is proposing a corrupt Irish tsar. Thank you, not
wondering why you need to do that because trumpet has a task force. You must form a second task force, but this is actually ok. It's a good thing. I respect humor for at least sang like hey. I got an idea, I know somebody would actually help with this. Do you need my help? It's fine! If Trump says no, I got no. I'm not gonna get mad at Trump for saying now. If you're putting out a fire and some comes binds us hey, I can I can try and gets
or watering you're like Nano, actually got a tunnel Riah like art man. Let me note you need that's what I want to see. So is it what humor doing pervert? Not really? But I'm a pry appreciate that he's here now saying you know here, here's my idea to help. Instead from other Democrats like policy and ship, what we get investigations yet well, that's not gonna pay off Joe Biden. You're, not gonna. Win. Democrats need to pretend stop pretending that they can be adversarial tromp, especially right now Joe Biden, nonsensical jibbering is not helping is cause. Team tromp is happy to share earlier today. Joe Biden did it. It just keeps happening. Now is not the time to think you can score points for your side, especially when your candidate is Joe Biden. Now is the time to say. Let me grab a bucket and pitch and put this fire out. That's it! That's all you gotta do now! Look if you, if you had some one like hut, show pipeline and you wanted to say, like we could do a better job. I'd be cool with it, but Joe Biden, it's just this. This
going around today where he says something like who I am What he said he's not saying cohesive sentences he's just muttering I know it might seem like I'm being mean, but if you haven't heard what he said, trust me he said something I can't even do they have the quote here. What did he say? We cannot let this we ve, never allowed any crisis from the civil war straight through the pandemic of seventeen all the way around. Sixteen. We have never never democracy. Sakes second fiddle way. They we can both have a democracy and correct the public health white. Let this book you trying to do men. I can't believe the media is protecting the sky to an extent. I you know you ve got the media trying to just keep a straight face about this, but let's be real. People in media are ab,
lately, trying to help Joe Biden, let's be honest, with everyone. There should be no story coming out about talking about what he said. I see these stories and there, like Joe Biden, doubts the need to to resist the crisis and stand up and and trying times. No, he. Didn't he muttered incoherently that we ve never. Our democracies sakes second fiddle. What does that mean? I looked it up. I dont know. Did he mean? Take second fiddle is that this is the phrase instead, what you get from the press is they'll bill, correct what Joe Biden said an inch in and will put in what, think he was trying to say instead of saying Joe Biden, mutters, incoherently with gibberish words that aren't english they'll say: go by
in South America will not be second best. That's that's not it. So you see how they play this game, no matter what prompted it's wrong, even if the CDC and all other countries are saying, it's not wrong. The media will say it is. Then Joe Biden comes out, Morrison, mumbles and they'll say here's what he really meant: they'll call for investigations and do nothing to help and then the best we can hope for are these residents. People saying trunk should be charged with murder they're lying to Joe Joe Biden. Polyte effect. Video shows President Donald Trump sank over nineteen. As it is Democrats, new hoax poet effect false yeah. We get it man. None of this is real life. The only thing they can do is obstruct, and you need to remember that at the end of the year, I'm not saying trumps, a good president, I'm not saying is the person should vote for, but I'm I'm I'm I'm the money that the forward where Joe Rogan is you see what tat would
Rogan said recently ended a video about it. He said he'd rather vote for Trump over bided, because union nor binds gonna be in a year. I've never even gone that far. I said I won't vote for Joe Biden. I never said anything about getting close to voting for Trop Jerome he's got no problem sang it he's the perfect example of Bernier bust he's eight, these bodies, sane and rational, he's right. Dare I say I agree with him, I would rather vote for trouble over by not saying I would and am I saying Joe Rogan would either, but I can't imagine that at the at the end of this crisis in Munich come November, weren't a look back and be like. I appreciate all the obstructing the Democrats did. You know they held up the bill for a week. They launched a bunch of investigations, they did very little to help and then they demanded that truck be charged with crimes against humanity. I'm glad they did that, while while everything was falling apart, I'm glad that damage
build. A blog YO told everyone to go out and have a bit gathering. I'm glad that there, the you know that the chair of the Health Committee in New York told everyone to defy the krona virus scare and go out and have and celebrate I'm happy that Nancy plus you went out at the end of February February, twenty fourth told I wanna come in Chinatown and smile and shake hands and all that stuff trump. Never did that. You can argue that truck downplayed. It too much, I think, that's fair, but trot form the task force. You are sure to travel from China. He never encouraged people to go out, shake hands and hug each other and downtown. That was Democrats. Who did that? I'm not even gonna blame I'm gonna be fair, look! I've! I bring it up to make a point. I don't hold it against to prove to us to have for the most part. I voted against no the plaza for not understand and severity. Nobody did. China lied to us then, and tell us what was
really going on? There were hoarding medical supplies, I'm not gonna hold it against both applause. You other big fan of the guy, but I think I dont believe e g wants people to hurt. I think he's trying to figure out what to do in its very difficult situation. The same is true for Cuomo for new some four trump and so long as everyone's on board. With trying to solve this problem, then I'm gonna stand behind them and say. Let me know when you need me to throw that bucket on the fires. Are phenomena do but for now calling for try to be charged with murder the people in the media who are sitting there just trying to ask random questions for the sake of looking useful did if you wanna ask Trump why they haven't shut down growth, restores. I got something you can do to do. You know too. I've got some for you. That could be a better use of your time. You two buddies ton, learn how to so make some face. Masks. Oh you ve, never seen before. Hey I'll tell you what
learning. How is more useful than wasting time asking trump question better. Yet when you write these stories, saying that you know Trump is getting people killed or whatever, because if I drop the clerk one when you down play this instead of recognise in several countries, have have recommended as a neutral look. Listen if this country to sang at the treatment and the appropriate reporting would be for now it looks like there's some positive effects. Be careful. You want to make sure your doctor, you know, prescribes the correct dosage and- and he knows best Trump is correct. It may work it may not. The CDC says: there's positive results now. You'll need a doctor to tell you the proper it appropriate dosage, because I understand you way different than somebody else or taller than shore shorter than somebody else. They needed isn't do that they just scream orange man bad and what you'll get it?
eighteen, like a mentally deranged group of people, travel arrangements, income from anxiety, disorder, we're gonna, call it and then they'll come out screaming trot must be tried for for crimes against humanity, but it's not safe life. It's not real life. It's not you! You can disagree tromp on this and say no, no, I don't think you should be Schubert recommended that man people gonna frigate. That's that's ok, too, but this murder charges they ve lost at men have completely lost it. The media- I was an apology to Tom cotton. The media is an apology, talked to a lot of Us Tom Cotton,
was you know, raisin red flags in January, and they smeared him for it. They smeared M relentlessly it's it's insane. They said that he was bring up, we're conspiracies about Bio labs all itself. Now the Washington Post is actually writing about this, and, although they did apologize to him because of different writers, they bring up that yeah Tom Cotton had a good point. The mainstream media is now entertaining the possibility that the corona virus emerged from a lap that was doing research, not as a buyer weapon, I think silly like that, but that their Bio labs in China in war on very close to the market and they were researching the stuff. It's a possibility. That's the Washington Post reporting that, but this is what we end up. Getting I'll give you shouted to the Atlantic,
April faith. Is it just the other day? It's not all bad. There are some good writers, Nada, Shad, LA rights, consider the possibility that Trump is right about China. Critics are letting their disdain for the president, blind them to geopolitical realities. Absolutely on point. One hundred percent will tromp be arrested any or tried by the International criminal court. No, you must be a child living in la la lands. To believe that's ever going to happen. You know why, because you ve. Let me just point out George W Bush and Dick Cheney, and you want to talk about. Did the absurdities tromp recommending you know that the FDA look into it treatment is murder. Spare me man welcome to twenty twenty. It's been a heck of a ride. So far we got three more quarters to go,
looking forward to it. I guess I'll see you all at six p m Youtube outcomes lashed him cast news. It is a different channel. Thanks, rang out for obvious since the krona viruses hitting democratic areas much harder than conservative areas. There are a few polls that came out that I felt were kind of misleading match, to make it seem, like conservatives were being stupid. It basically said conservatives not only warrant preparing for this, but that they didn't actually think they would get infected? didn't think as a high risk, not a media friend It is, though, Republicans were less the tramp, so they worked paying attention. Thus they didn't think they can get jack, and I didn't bother preparing in reality many conservative.
Probably already have supplies, especially those who live in rural areas and the reason why many of them are not concerned about catching the krona viruses because they don't live in New York, city or any other big city for that matter, because it is a fact for obvious reasons. The quota virus is hitting big urban areas. Look big cities tend to be left, leaning, higher population density, morbid getting sick, higher opportunity to get sick rural areas. I've, Sir I've heard stories. People say that their neighbour is a couple blocks away: half a mile away even miles away. You're, not surprised these people are really concerned about catching it. They have supplies as the only go to the store every so often in I'm talking people in rural areas. Right now, we're telling me get up TIM, you gotta get out of the cities and they say. Oh the place, that does not have a grocery store. How'd you get food. We drive about a forty five. Forty five minute drive. You go. You eat you, you stuck up as much as you can you go only a couple times. A month and unlike naturally, these people
have a lot of contact, not super worried about it. What we are seeing now is that a combination of high density areas, plus the ongoing say, liberal sensibilities and policies are going to completely disrupt and potentially destroy. The economies and the lives of many people in in these urban debts Rex, now it's mostly because they're just cities, but when you combine the fact there, high density with the rural policy in the liberal mindset, I would even say liberal, but more leftist- there particularly vulnerable and I'll, show you what I mean Take a look at this story: carnivores heads democratic communities, harder than republican counterparts from March Twentieth. Will this, I think, is fairly obvious, as I stated we kind of get it. But let's see what that result in this is a story from Buzzfeed Management company emailed hundreds of tenants demanding they pay rent. It backfire Buzzfeed NEWS spoke to people across the nation about how they are negotiating some successfully for lower rents, as
virus leaves millions without jobs now understand right now, people out of work and they can't pay their rent but you understand too, that the rental management companies they pay for utilities, maintenance, security. You know just yet general keeping the place nice and tidy pang utilities as other right, access is a lot of things that go into running a you know: a management business for properties. The left with that landlord isn't a job and that's the excuse that use that I should not have to pay rent. The problem is that every every piece of the economy is stitched together. There's no one. You know party economies in a vacuum. Everyone provides a service and some capacity at all routes down to the essential services. If you like they building and you pay rent, there's, probably a mortgage on that building. There's a You know. I've custodian or building manager depend on the side of the building. Eleven. Now, of course, because we on the left think that landlords into job
and they don't understand how economics works. Whenever one gets you know hit from this, they say we're not gonna pay. Rent given happens next. This is that this is a domino effect in a in the ripple. The collapse in economy, and you know where it leads us nurse and doctors are getting pay cuts and, getting laid off, so this does jumped back to some things. Donald Trump has been talking about the cure, I'd be worse than the disease we might have to get our economy back up and running. We might have. No choice is completely right, but how you islands, a definite decision of went up in the economy versus the kind of irish death. I don't have to tell you, but I will tell you this Amerika the story about about people not wanting to pay rent. Why? Because the company that the manager they sent him a letter saying you still: gotta pay and they were like oh yeah red strike because you can't evict us while they can avoid
However, this all over, but it but guess what their other employees who work for these mental management firms without warning about all throughout March or to the end of March, when rent was due on the first, you know what's between like that are on the first week that everybody pays run. On the same day, you're gonna, see a major explosion in the end, the disruption of the economy, because First, you had the service industry cut off retail industry cut off now you're seeing basic. You know: building management companies real estate, all being cut off the next wave of individuals to have money and no jobs is coming because these people can't or won't pay rent. I can completely respect manageable, cannot pay rent, and I don't want you do about that. The stimulus packages coming perhaps, hey rent. If the governess gonna guarantee your wages for four months and cut you a bonus, jack of twelve hundred bucks, some people might get six hundred bucks on top of their unemployment, in which case that's why you should pay a rent, but of course they want to
It's a combination of the high density urban area, but their politics. Let's check it out. Buzzfeed rights, nylon, Halsey, twenty four lost most of her income as a freelance photographer, videographer and event plainer when all cattle, Georgians were ordered to stay home. To help stop the spread of the corona virus. She had to cancel an event she organised in the Bay area and refund customers for the tickets. They had already purchased and he events she was hired. A photograph were scrapped. Also many people who offered videographer stock verse all lost their gigs, so another looks like I get it. I respect it out to you, in Culver City, had about a month's worth of rent saved her mate Alex Mercier. Twenty six lost his job in MID March, a third room, had not been around much since the state on policy was announced, and how does he didn't know whether he was going to pay his share on March thirty. First, the day before right was due they at the company, Saturn management emailed tenants telling them they were still required to pay rent and there would be consequences if they didn't.
The governor of California has instituted an emergency ordinance relating to the payment of rent that all that, although delays eviction for non payment of rent, it does not prohibit an affection for non payment of rent in the future. Rents are still do it But the company seem to make a big mistake. It failed two b c c, the more than three hundred tenants, which would have sealed all their email addresses, or they didn't think they needed to but probably should have, because you know- and I you know, give someone someone else's email address. Armed with that information. The set management? Tenants became the latest group of renters among many throughout the country who are organizing a strike, while these can be risky and end in proceedings the crowd of ours, has left many people with no income and little choice than to not pay rent activists who have organised rent strikes for years, told Buzzfeed NEWS these action maybe more effective. Now, because unemployment numbers have skyrocketed to historic highs,
and a larger number of tenants have an incentive to join rent strike movements. This is the title of leftist ideology when they go onto it. A landlord, isn't a job. There basically saying I don't know what what what's required in the many in the management of properties this I'm kind the same kind of people can just you, can just take and put and put a homeless person in it. They don't seem to realise that buildings fall apart. That mean there's their crime, that there's building maintenance utilities are things I've mention university billing times already. This video went when you buy property is what people don't get, especially investment property They'll have to hire somebody typically to men, The progress of someone buys and investment house, I'm not a big fan of investment properties, but it whatever fine once they. Somebody buys an extra house and they have it somewhere. You know very far away from them. They can't just leave it empty but you'll come in smash the windows, though break stuff. They have to hire some
because also things fall apart, animals break in bugs there could be up a pipe could burst and then what so I People have recently had pipe pipes burst in their apartments and waters ever? What do you do all, but Lando the job than you deal with it. No, you call the landlord. They know. The building of Europe realises that if Europe, planning on living in a place for one year, then. Yes, landlord is a job because they have to manage that property for thirty plus years, especially never mortgage on it, so the person It says you're good pay a little bit more. I'm gonna make it a small private matter. The property. Its work have to hire people, that's the job, I'm sorry, but in their minds Auditing others works there just like. Why can't I just be in this property, because I don't stand that the city paying you know for services to that property at there's, property taxes involved and it's part of a much bigger system, so that decide to strike and that will be another domino knocked over and our economy, which leads to about this one. You
hospital workers to have wages caught by medical staff in company. It's all tied together, There's no months. It has a direct connection between landlords and in hospitals, but the people who work for those management companies will not get paid their company, start, laying all of them off and then, once again, as people stop spent money and there are less services unless resources than the hospitals won't money either eventually and that's what's happening, but let's ride back what what they're saying Buzzfeed NEWS interview. Tenants, organizing a delay in Washington DC as well. Tenants were successfully got their rent reduced in Brooklyn about how their organizing everyone understands. There is power in numbers and that we are in the unique that is woods. What's mine to blog about about this imaginable if there was of a food strike and people went to the grocery store and world there is more of us than you and we demand free food. They will get out of our store you're too,
landing a service. Somebody did work to provide this hovel for you and now you're good. All your buddies together in saying nope it's ours now, but by all means you can see. The stuff, but when you're being given something is maintained by someone else. It's not some great. You know of freedom. Loving movement, your literally just taking other people's labour. This is different than food. I get it. Shelter is very important. Food is very important, but again think about the mentality they have or their like. We have power in numbers yet so does a mob when that when they go and loot a store during, you know a depression in York, city, commercial, burglaries. Let us call it is leading the time of crisis are of seventy five percent is at power in numbers, could you imagine, evolves. People went to New York, unlike we shouldn't have to pay for the food and this grocery store. We have power, Numbers smashed. All the windows I taking stuff yeah, it's true you have power numbers. There are things that are the kids in Chicago. I see him do that they would raid stores to the call rate. So you have all these,
it's gonna get a school. The exact same time. There are fourteen fifteen years old and there's like thirty or forty and maybe I'll pay you guys want arrayed. You know a seven eleven and they would. Run in false, somewhat holder, open that I'll run in full speed and just grab everything they could and run out full speed, because you can stop any of em. That's that that similar to what this is, let's all get together and and not pay for the economic services we receive. You're. So they say, the alliance of California for community empowerment has worked from, work for months or months. Long who has organized, in the long strikes in Oakland in San Francisco, and it was also a co founder of moms for housing. The group of mothers who occupied in it asked her own home in the Bay area and after being evicted from it, cut a deal to pray, the home from organisations has been flooded with requests for help, since the current of ours began destroying the workforce people are really understanding that if they want to get through this, they have to rely on each other, for told Busby NEWS for the Saturn management. Tenants, the quick reply. All
that excluded. The company made it clear that a lot of people would be interested in organizing, a red strike. We can see this tweets. Company. We pay our registered a very condescending mass emails. Now we're all on our honour on a red strike HA year, the delivery service that provides food for the grocery store. Had its trucks raided, that's what they get. The food should have been free, I'll. Tell you what then at a certain point, everything does breakdown and you can live in a place and not take care of it for four got kind of a long time. So it is different and much you know, say, like love, food spoils and there's delivery involved. But now you could build a house. Someone could do all that labour. You know the trucks command of the energy energy and then you can occupy that house, because yours and all the labour that went into it. You don't think you should have to pay, but this is similar to the mentality they have with like health care. Being a human right will look. Let's do this are right. Where the whole economic, rent, Limerick, Duomo Club, you may not have a job or food, but you better pay. Rent one tenant wrote lieutenants they quickly.
Realized how powerful it was to have this list of contact information. I don't think they realise just gave us an incredible organizing tool by giving us every single residence email from every single thing they own a single in doing a red strike a strong but residents from every angle, building humanizing and doing a run strike as godly. So what and when the bank start seizing other properties, then what who there's an addiction Fraser unnecessarily anything they can do, but this will absolutely sever. Another link in the end, any economy to be took to be fair to point out some People just don't have the money to pay the rent, so the economic everyone will happen, no matter what the dominoes are falling over, but again it back to this mentality, that certain things are rights, I was is a human right, they say well, who's gonna build the house, it's going to maintain the house. These people seem to think that does their living in a society where they stood on the shoulders of giants. They are entitled to the shoulders their standing on, not realizing they might go away. No one is
any obligation to hold you up. So, yes, there are many buildings. It exists? I tell you what go to Detroit go to crown eyes, grew Brooklyn, look other buildings, gonna EAST New York, there are tons empty buildings, bombing square Those and you'll get why there is a serious issue with what our I'm sorry, You'll get my landlord is a job. Have none of these people Any understanding they are naive and they are entitled covert. Ninety, had some healthcare workers with pay cuts and lay offs and Europeans. From this. Its people saying like these nasty corporations bottle the hospitals. I mean yeah, what else can make a lot of money right now, but they're not cutting pay? nurses and doctors, because election year, I'm going to make better profits for myself there going well, we have a budget shortfall we're not the labour buddy off or everyone you to twenty percent pay cut. We're gonna laugh ten percent to twenty percent of our staff or
recover twenty percent at money with massive pay cuts? What is endeavouring to choose? Pay cuts? First, then laughs. So, let's talk about the economy. All these people are looking to save you. No, like Trump says we be going in there like you're, going to let old people die you're going to let these people die and get sick, and it's like you realize. If the economy goes, there won't be nurses or doctors. We are already seeing nurses quit we are already seeing. Doctors asked questions what whether their obligated to actually serve right now, but, of course they think healthcare as a human right. Let me get to the point, but what all this is that the leftist ideology will be rush. By the corona virus. We ve seen the social justice, luxury and vanity politics being crushed already has anybody really gonna be concerned about what you know The latter is in the word woman right now when people are dying from most part. No, your vanity projects are not real, violence. When someone called you a silly name, it is
It is serious when someone in a hospital bed and their dying when are we can see what what what what can happen, while these people think Healthcare as a human right go to the hospital and they're gonna, say I'm sorry, there's no room RADA, ventilators rotted bets. You have no right to anything because it doesn't exist as the funny thing to me. You know I was I was saying, and many of you may be familiar thats. What was an art go into the middle of woods but naked? What's your drop in the mill? The words your buck naked tell me about your rights are outside what you you can yell You can say whatever you want. Nor can stop you. You can defend yourself you can freely move around. You can literally eat what everybody does your rights and you have a right to protect yourself to be safe self. An animal comes at your own pet yourself. If another person does you still direct cut yourself?
What about housing where's your right to housing? Is it the stump? That's been hollowed out, you know it on all big stop. Bianca! Guess I guess it's that that's it! You can go in a cave. No, you wanna house! Will someone has to build that? So how can it be a right if it doesn't exist, we're on healthcare, you're walking around you're alone? Theirs? right to healthcare. There's no health care to be provided by anybody and lets you fought on your back. Your luggage, another person, you say: hey you healthcare! Is my human right get over here and fix my like they're gonna be like going to walk over to take whatever You may have and leave so it's not a right. It's a privilege that someone else would provide too you their time, energy and labour to help you. You cannot force people of course it's a bell. The plaza wants to do so. It's no surprise. He sang you, wants a draft by force mandatory forty five thousand doctors. Well, nobody thinks that's possible. So now he's pleading and begging, thank God for the constitution and it still not perfect.
We still had conscription in this country, but now I go back to our senior covert is slamming urban centres? Where were but the big liberal, Supra strongholds? That's where it that's what we all are liberal supra strongholds. That's where it that's why they, all our people are fleeing. It's a census here. Into Europe. People from New York's are leaving another everybody's leaving, but a lot are during a census year. Many people haven't felt the census. I don't know exactly what happen. What will happen, but I imagine, to a certain extent, that wall reduced, the amount of representatives these big urban centres have as people leave these but will then spread out and dilute into more conservative areas and be very unlikely to displace the ought displace already conservative areas. Now it is possible, like places where right now. It's fifty fifty it's like half conservative, half liberal in the place where I live, and if a bunch of liberals flee the citizen come out here, it will tell us
sales, but there are many red areas and other parts you know surrounding big cities, suburbs and more rural areas that are going to absorb these liberals and displaced them. In the vote meeting, I think ultimate The left is going to be slammed the worst by this. In many many different ways, one point to make the rent strike. If I hope it was clear enough, is that they're just eating themselves. These come these that work in New York are also. You know, typically play more moderate because they understand why being a landlord job, but there still gonna be left their southern, a vote for Democrats in all that stuff, and now it's become a circular firing the citizens are eating themselves alive. People going to flee, not gonna pay their bills. These bees are management. Companies are gonna collapse. It's not just about this. This be interesting. Will you not if they put a moratorium on mortgages than these rental companies should not only to pay them, but they have to pay their staff they later staff off. We see businesses going under complete
There is a really sad posts that when viral is about like a local family restaurant that was open fer, you know decade's, like forty years, shuddered completely Don gone, never coming back the lot of these businesses. No, there never to come back because they can't withstand a month or two months of complete economic shut down many these business hardest hit are in big cities. So what happens? A ripple effect strikes the city's there's. A massive economic downturn in this these and for many conservatives, especially people who grow their own food or hunt, they're gonna be less impacted by this. They'll stayed in a much similar place to where they were back to the main point. They they, They try to make it seem, like conservatives aren't prepared or art worried about this, and it is true, there are a lot of trump supporters who are downplaying this in its very strange to me why they are, but their lot thing. But this way who went out to buy guns when, when that, when news broke, was it, though, that the second and tat. Cheering gun, toting conservative
I better go by a gun right now, perhaps some raw the zealous gun owners, but for the most part, the comments icy for people are the gun. Owners put their feet put their hands by their back and saying I've had my guns for years, and then who is the guns well in urban centres. Gun stores are getting flooded and a virus here comes out. Where gun store like these first time, gaunt buyers have no idea what they're doing and they think they walk in here and get it done. Maybe they should have paid more attention when these bills were being publicly people are trying to pass laws. Take what your stuff not the conservatives who are rushing to buy guns. They are too got em. It's the liberals. The leftist ideology is being crushed under the weight of reality that a lot of the politics they had were vanity politics. Now, let's walk some stuff back for. Second, this crisis may result in a bolstering of many other leftist ideologies right Universal Healthcare, universal basic
income guaranteed income? Spain is toying with universal basic income. We are seeing you know a lot of talk out even from Trump that perhaps we need to expand Medicaid to all uninsured people, because when a serious crisis A crisis may result in nationalized healthcare system. So some ideas that that are much more simple like shit everybody have access to healthcare, and can we afford it are very different from is landlord a job but will see how things play up you, can absolutely have very conservative people who still believe in universal basic income. That's it's not, you know. Look we have uniform like we, We basically have universal fire fighting and universal policing and so universal health care is. Is it? Is it possible Even if someone is an ultra traditionalist, you know far I ever gonna call it. The point is the ideology. The idea of this, like youthful naivety, of how health care being a human right,
Housing, be a human right, don't necessarily hold up the scrutiny when the collapse is upon us, but anyway I ran along on this logic, open up I'll put it this way, the cities are most likely to be infected the sick. Are the ones who are getting it slammed by economic. Nobody negative economics, the worst, and these are the people who work on a rough, have to rethink their own policies or flee the city. So I think there is good reason to believe the left Democrats are going to be rushed and an ends and splattered will see what happens. I mean they are already shattered between the progressives in the moderates. I don't owe to expect next, but you get the point I'll see. Woman excitement at one p m and this channel thanks for hanging out in what may be the most horrifying story we ve gotten yet from the krona virus pandemic. New York recently announced that going to be temporarily burying the dead in New York City parks. Now this may be contradicted by spokesperson, but considering
I dont necessarily trust the media right now. We ve got a direct statement from a New York health officials. Saying they're going to do this, but then we have Buzzfeed sang a spokesperson has denied it. So one figure out what's really happening, that Europe Post reports, New York, city too, and temporarily burying krona virus victims in local parks. Now boy, I'm gonna go straight to the tweets here. This is Mark De Levin. He has the chair of New York, city, New York, City Council, Health Committee, representing district, seven, he tweeted New York City Healthcare system is being pushed to the limit and sadly, now. So is the city system for managing our data, and it too needs more resources? This has big implications for grieving families and for all of us New York cities, city morgue, is this: is the New York Cities City more is the office of the chief medical examiner, which luckily is the best in the world, He says, but they are now dealing with the equivalent of an
going nine eleven and so on. Hospital, morgues, funeral homes and cemeteries? Every part of this system is now backed up a typical hospital. More might hold teen bodies. Those are now all full, so os, the Emmy has sent out eighty referred waited trailers to hospitals around the city. Each trailer can hold one hundred bodies. These are now mostly fall to some hospitals have had to add a second or even a third trailer grieving families report calling as many as half a dozen funeral homes and finding none that can handle their decease loved ones. Cemeteries are not able to handle the number of burial requests and are turning most down. It's not just the deaths in the hospitals are up on an average Before the crisis, there were twenty to twenty five deaths at home in New York City. Now, in the midst of this pandemic, the number is two hundred torn fifteen every day early this crisis? We were able to swap people who died at home,
and thus got a corona virus reading, but those her long gone. We simply don't have the testing capacity for the large number dying at home. It was so well well well, while toward her dying at home every day. That's that's it! That's insane Now. Only those few who had a test confirmation before dying are marked as victims of corona virus on their death certificate. This almost certainly means we are under counting the total number of victims of this pandemic, and still the number of bodies continues to increase the freezers at Aussi Emmi facilities in Manhattan in Brooklyn will soon full and then what soon will stop temporary internment. This likely will be done using a New York City Park for burials? Yes, you read that right. Trenches will be dug for ten caskets in a line it will be in a dignified, orderly and temporary manner, but it will be tough for new Yorkers to take the gun is to avoid scenes like those in ITALY, with a military, was forced to collect bodies from churches and even off
Streets o c Emmy is going to need much more staff to achieve that goal. Thankfully, department of Defense and the New York now guard of already sent teams and volunteer medical. Amateurs have come from around the country, but we are going to need much more help. If we're going to avoid disaster is New York City continues to appeal to the nation for help We need to ask not just for doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists. We also need or wary affairs staff is tough and talk about and may be tough to ask for, but we have no choice. The stakes are too high to reach nothing matters more in this crisis than saving the living, but we need to fight the gruesome reality that we more resources to manage our debt as well, or the pain of this crisis will be compounded almost beyond comprehension, so marked eleven, chair of New York City Council Health Committee. This is what you said so far. Perhaps he sang, maybe that's what will do. I am not entirely sure
he's a soon says. A straight up says soon will start temporary internment internment. This likely will be done. By using a New York City Park for burials? Yes, you read that right, trenches will be dug. It will be done in a dignified order. Temporary manner, but now we have an update here What do you want to trust it or not? I am sorry to say I dont trust, Buzzfeed NEWS. All that much I used to give much more credit, tat, name and verified Buzzfeed NEWS reporter says, spokesperson for the New York City chief of medical examiner tells me there is currently no plan to interred Inter at city park at this time. This is in response to the possibility of using New York City parks as temporary burial sites during surgeon, Covin nineteen related deaths, and then we have this age s de more teams which are in New York City to staff collection points to temporarily old bodies until funeral homes and marks can accommodate them are not involved in any planning for temporary burials.
In the parks. I don't know who to believe, but I'll tell you what if it comes straight from Markdale event, who is a government official, I'm gonna take that over a spokesperson or Buzzfeed news. I'm sorry, but that's just the reality. Now, markdale, listen, there's a couple things I'm at a point as we move on, we ve got problems of media and and pull it out and put the PA and politics such put it that way. The politicization, the politician of all of this, take a look at the store New York City, councilman drone of irish closure decision ways, major costs against public health risks is New York City Council Mark Livin, said health officials have to consider the ripple effects of any decision to close schools or implement travel restrictions from March Eleventh. We can see that no He predicted this and even going back to Mark March Eleventh there was concerns about what the repercussions would be for shutting down the economy. The recent I bring this up is that we are currently at a point. Where are you
two things that are the kind of the same thing happening, the virtues signalling of the media and the left is a desperate attempt to constantly one up each other, so they can earn points, get clicks and get traffic or whatever the realities. Nobody knew Mark Livin, however, has been heavily criticized for a few reasons. Back in February, he treated this on February knife in a powerful show of defiance of Corona virus record of our sky Huge crowds gathering in New York City Chinatown for ceremony, ahead of annual lunar, knew your parade chance of bees, wrong woman? If you're staying away, you are missing out tons of photos of people celebrating Why is it so bad in New York that Mark had do just announced they may bury the dead in New York, city parks and stay reported foreign widen the press? Well, it's because build a yo. It's because Mark Levin encouraged people to go into big gatherings because even when we saw this coming and getting bad, they were still content.
Whether or not a shot down made sense, and even when the blog? You start saying that maybe we want to do this Andrew Cuomo Governor said, get real and they want to do it The media were would have you believe, thou and the virtual signals that Trump is to blame for everything. Tromp has maintained the federal government as a backup for the states, but this is all of the political game. I'd, it's all part this political game. It's all part of the social media, again there's a viral tweet right now, where some representative is claiming looking to. Russia viral tweet right now we're some representative is claiming. They're gonna recommend some kind of Crete International criminal charges for Trump at the hog in in the Netherlands. Sense, but of course than you see, the other resistance verging was trying to one up every one else: responsiveness, some guy tweeted is omitted effective as a career prosecutor. I can see that Trump is clearly. You know, you know, he's
early, broken, involuntary manslaughter laws, blah blah blah. Why would it be? Donald Trump fault? Is the present United States. He took action in January and it was marked Levin and it was billed applause. You were doubtful this. I don't think it's fair, necessarily criticise either of them. I think the media playing games for fur to earn some kind of points to get clicks to make money and its unfair it's unfair. A certain degree to criticise everybody now build the plaza, really did resist for a long time and a lot of an Joe Biden. So we did see Democrats and media across the board, are now turning around trying to point the finger at Fox NEWS and conservative saying they downplayed it on. I want to hear it. I really don't. Talking about a guy who sang we might our bearing that in New York City Park. I'll tell you. These cities are really really bad shape. If you are in one of these big cities, the very dense pop you not a very dense population, it is not a very dense population per square mile than yours
This is because in ITALY this, as they point out, trucks were coming in and carrying away the debt. But let's, let's go to the media authority, the media. Now and I'll. Tell you why I would like to believe it's not true at all burying the dead and we have a statement. There can be burying the dead, and we have a statement now from two different individuals. I'm sorry. I can't because we ve had this ongoing problem so again what what? What kind of off into a media prism thing here as much as I want to believe we're not gonna do this. We just saw you know an actual gum. Official say this is gonna, be happening. Take a look at the story reported Trump. Why haven't You closed the grocery stores in pharmacies to. Why would you asked this question? I mean I think, stupid store at wider one. I mean a lead with it. Why? Would the media asked this question? Why would a journalist s Trump one inscription on growth? Would people need to eat food and medicine are really talking about. We should shut down
literally known, can either be built. People will write the streets, they say how from hot air, because people need to not starve to death. Actually, this watch it wasn't quite as forwarded. It seems all the proper context doesn't help all that much in last it's kind of ours briefing? One rapporteur asked Donald Trump why the government doesn't just shut. Down grocery stores and take out restaurants and all commerce to kill off the virus. Trop offers a non sequitur too. The question for surprised any would anyone would ask it weakens, this guy you're says as many. People have already pointed out on here, a reporter. Actually asked Trump about shut. Down essential businesses like grocery stores seriously. Here that was question obvious we know anyone can spare the disease right unwittingly. So I even have few a few businesses open, wanna, just shut everything down a grocery store that are open, fast, food places. Why even a little chance, just shut it all down temporarily from said, will that question later. All I can say is that right now things,
Looking really good and opening up they ban will be a great thing and there's does and there's no, you gonna be happier than me. They say the dumb question, perhaps not for the reason most think the federal government doesn't have the authority to shut down grocery stores or most other business, for that matter, administrate has issued an updated guidelines for how to conduct business in the pandemic crisis, but it's up to governors to decide how to implement them, and full of governors haven't yet issued stay at home orders at all, but most if not, We have limited people, two essential businesses which includes grocery store pharmacies in a limited number of other places of business that question should have an aimed at governors, not the president in our Federalist Republic. I dont think I was a good question at all. It's been halfway to shut down the entirety economy, it's bad enough, we're being faced with a real threats we are, but about. Let limited, link these together for and explain why we wanted to do this with whether or not it's true. We're gonna be bearing bodies in York, I'm I'm inclined to believe that the actual official as much as I don't like this area,
the government, what we're seeing here, a nonsensical question, I didn't need to be asked every body knows the answer. First of all, they make a good point. Most probably don't realize Trump doesn't have you, shut down. Grocery stores and Trump hasn't instituted. National lockdown anyway. So your ass, my question to the president has nothing to do with the more importantly. Why aren't grocery doors being shut down, because people need to eat food. Ray Day, while not every day, but you know within reason. You need a consistently food and most people eat food every day. It's how they live, now do people need to look at their nails done? No, we can shut those businesses down. Why would a reporter asked this question two reasons they they just want to pretend to be useful because they are not but I need you to ask that question. It provides nothing to no one. More importantly, it's an up the ante. Although its similar to the virtues signalling I brought up earlier similar to this desperate attempt to try and save some
bigger and worse and someone else early on I'll, say Trump? Why don't consider a national lockdown, the president would say something like you know: we ve talked about it. We don't do it how do you then one up that person wall? What what about pharmacies? What are you kidding me? Why, pharmacies, their prescribing medicines, people who are sick. That's where you go and get the medicine. Why would you shut that down? The above? I drive through the pharmacist, can hand you a little bag. You I mean, there's did a risk of transmission shore, but you'll probably be ok driving maybe going to drive to farmers year whatever growth restores see. Listen you with pharmacies. It seems absurd when, on a medical crisis to say we should shut him down. Why would you ask that question there just trying to pretend to be useful, which you know so. I dont necessarily believe the journalists and a noble even for a couple reasons. It seems like this dude Mark Levin, who came out it has been criticized, or saying we might do this
well? That was a rather unexpected candid moment where he just says hey. You know we might be doing this now. Spokesperson is damage controls, p so I can take their word for it, let alone the word of a journalist who were laying the word of a spokesperson. Why? What? Why can't we just have the spokesperson come out and say what they you know, what what they mean, what they need to say what we get from the media is a guy. Standing spectacle. There's no reason to to ask for it for a year Lest even ask as well, I guess tunic, the algorithm credit journals probably should ask for clarification, but why? When the journalist Rita to mark Levin and and and ask him you know what are you? Why are you saying you're doing this what's been going on? What's the updates? Instead, they go around him to somebody else who was a spokesperson who probably No, what is the official does why? Why are the journalist doing this controversy, confusion. I honestly don't know they knew. The spokesperson would give them something different. The spokesperson we do damage control Marilla mentioned have set. It may be, is being honest. You can trust to have you up the fact
It's very hard for us to understand what is going on at all, and I thought a gym Acosta here, take a look at some face should in free begins at his great making a scene not so great an actual reporting, The guy who asked trot about closing pharmacies in gross resource is nowhere near as bad as Jim Cost is. But it's the point I'm trying to make the journalists are trying to get to the truth. Unfortunately, there just trying to pretend to be useful. A government official said we're doing it always said we may possibly start doing just to be fair That's all we need. We don't need you to then context some one else. A spokesperson is not directly involved. That makes no sense. Why would you do that other than as to try out the idea pretend to be useful? Ok, fine, now I'll be fair. Or I do that this guy is on the you know, New York City he's a chair. York City Council Health Committee. Would he he would but fine, yet you can argue whatever may be. They should have asked some people might think. It's ok, I think it's a waste of time
the waste of our time hot air says in fairness, the question those up on new guidance from Saturday's briefing and which the administration exe. Urged Americans to forego pharmacy in grocery shopping of the next two weeks. Doktor Deborah Burke's ask everyone to take a pause but on a central business while the Pearl Harbor moment come, comes and goes apps one can make an argument, although the rapporteur didn't make it explicit in his question that this guidance should have been more of an order if American shouldn't go to store, pharmacy wanted to have them shut down, shut on their doors for a couple of weeks in a vacuum detached from and in an academic sense. Only that followed question it's a little sense. Of course. This a common sense answer, not all Americans, the resources to stock up for two full weeks ahead of time. They will still need two groceries and I hate you- you get our amendments, one to prolong the point four of arms. I you know it to an extent.
Well, I apologize fur for roaming in political and media criticism, but the recent the reason I did ask us look. I read the story. I read the tweets, I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I do this every day and I'm trying to figure out what's true, which isn't what What is it- and I see this story where they're saying something truly horrific, is about to happen. We all want to know, and it's my job, or at least I try to break down what's happening and give you a clear answer. I can't do that. Ok, so all I can really say, as they might do it they might not. What am I supposed to do with this? So I'll give you what my opinion is. I think they're gonna do it. I think the government official was being candid and then the spokesperson is p I think the journalist is just trying to muddy the waters and I'm showing you exactly why I think that's the case because, unfortunately, Most of us, don't trust the press right now and that's a fact. Most Americans disapprove of the job. The media, of their handling of this most Americans. Strangely,
according to CBS Pulse Trust from a little bit more than the trust, the media, I'm just trying to explain why I don't like to have have to frame it. This way bring this stuff up, but that is the case. I ll leave it there. Next little becoming up at four p m youtube com, Slash TIM cast to different channel and I'll, see you all. Then the year is twenty eighteen, Brett Cavenaugh was nominated to be a Supreme Court justice and he must go through a hearing process, but amid this process. He was accused of pinning a woman to a bad when they were teenagers. This resulted in a major controversy protests and celebrity actress, Alyssum Olano struggled to go to that hearing, saying it was difficult to attend the cabinet hearing but felt like I needed be there. That's right, well known celebrity an activist for them to move and also Mano will always stand up for believing women accept when its job
in his being accused of something substantially worse than anything bright cabin I was ever accused of, because now Alyssum Olano is splaining. Why she's endorsing Joe Biden either though he has been credibly, accused love that word they love jamming, inform the word. Zeb had changed anything Joe Biden, credibly accuse will now I get to use its Joe Biden has been cut, the accused, the story between Brett cabin on Joe Biden. His is ridiculously different. No one remembered where Brett Cavanaugh was where they were, how they got there. Who was there? No one remembered any of these things happening, but Christine Basi Ford insists. That was enough for us in MILAN She said readily accused fifty billion effing times tried, drilling now and your brains annoying. Yet now, when Joe Biden is actually accused by a staffer who says that he shit you know jammed up against the wall and did stuff to her. I'm I'm, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to downplay the severity of what he did, but try to keep a little bit family friendly was a model says
Well, you know Joe Biden, the good guys o o spare me you hypocrite when tar read the woman, accusing Biden went to the times up or innovation. They said no because Joe Biden running for president. That's the excuse. These four we single thing. Joe Biden does wrong while but he's running for president. Therefore we can't say anything we can do anything We have a new story. She apparently explained why and in the trip a typical, hypocritical fashion makes a ridiculous an excuse for why she's going to endorse a guy who's been credibly accused where the story from em city rebounded, even though the limit of the context took us out so the actual ass they all, sir. I'm sorry loathsome Olano supports Joe Biden after tough conversation, he ever Detroit worker about guns. This remark tenth this woman who accuse Joe Biden, apparently it them a long time ago, but let's mulatto is still going to endorse Biden. Nobody wants Biden
if your doors income you're being paid your internet. Take, I don't believe you will get my opinion, I'm not saying it's true, I'm saying come on man there. Media reports that were like Joe, but it does not have dementia okay. Well, in my opinion, he at least has some form of early on sat mental cognitive decline where we want to call it, of course, I'll. Try smear me now for saying that Joe Biden lost his gourd, but he asked wired endorse him, you're full of it, but recently mulatto was slammed for silence on Joe Biden, sexual assault accusation. Well now we know silence turns into support, because, instead of calling him condemning, it says if it was true the media when it said something right, blue yeah right now, you're lying we get it. Inquisitor says American, actress and me to advocate a little mulatto is facing a wave of backlash for continuing to push our support for democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden with addressing the accusations of assault levied against him by tar read on Thursday mulatto me trained her silence and instead posted a twitter thread in which she double
down on her demand for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to drop out of the race and let the former vice president take on Donald Trump, so along thread with nothing on the claims of sexual assaults against Biden, one users wrote response. Others pointed to MILAN, was past comments on assault and the importance of believing survivors. You can't pretend to be the party of the american people and then not support a woman who comes forward with their me two story. She previously remarked, although MILAN, told Sanders supporters. They could not silence her some suggests some suggested MILAN. I was trying to silence the allegations against by and here is the story. Elisha mulatto doesn't want you to see. One user wrote are pointing to reads, claim that bite at assaulted are in nineteen. Ninety three, while working for the former vice president's: U S an office, others supported Milano
and a decision to back Biden as well as her remarks about the Vermont sender, supporters, that's called Griff thing. You don't use the word they like to throw around because they want to being a drifter. You have no principles. What do you actually protesting for nothing? You showed an abrupt Cavanaugh event, not because you like right, cabin or you believe women you're just lying to manipulate people because you're a drifter, you ve got some kind of ideological goal. But I'll tell you this. If you do not stand up for what you claim, the support in your activism, dont think you actually believe that ideology. I think you just in it for some kind of notoriety brownie points, social media attention credit. You know you, you wanna, go give speeches and give pet. You know, give paid speeches. Colleagues, I guess there's a bunch of reasons why someone might do this, but ultimately I think they just want to win. I don't care what their winning then ok the prizes. Ok, they hurt. They just want to be, like whatever you say, gonna say the opposite of, because I'm on that side, there's no principle there. When you
culvert. Whatever side this is where I met you get a bunch of different people. You got tromp supporters got moderates. You got the intellectual dark web types, you got anti feminists, you got no actually many leftists many people who are supporting Bernie Sanders, France and other, I think there are always you know, stand for principle either. That brings me to the three main story. Now. What did she say as Excuse that here that here that a tv rights, if you're, Liberal, whose thrown all into the believe women. It looks like it's due process for me, but not for thee this turned activist Olano the need to torture, who has publicly endorsed democratic President Opel Joe Biden went radio host Andy Cohen's programme to explain it wouldn't quotes why still supporting the former vice president, even though he was currently accused excuse me- I'm see our tv or I'm gonna Marcy. Why? Why why he was recently credibly accused, ok, credible? You forgot that word by a former staffer of assaulting are back in the ninety nineties.
After her response at enter response. It likely be filed next to hypocrisy in the dictionary quote. I believe that though, we should believe women and that its at that- and that is an important thing and what that really means is that, like for so long, the go too has been not to believe them. So we really have to societal change that mindset to believing women, but that doesn't not at the expense of You know not giving men their due process. Excuse me what due process when Kevin. I was sitting in the hot seat being accused of something from when I was a teenager that wasn't. That was ridiculous. They said it's not about. Process is about public opinion is about whether or not this man should be allowed to sit on. The court judge its job interview, The same is true for Joe Biden. What due process are you now talking about Joe Biden isn't being charged with crimes
We are wondering whether or not the president should be allowed to get away with what he's been accused of. I know Donald Trump and accused of many things as well, and you love. Bring it up. Alyssum Olano, all of the things about Donald Trump, that's fair one hundred percent Trump It is I m all day and night I'll sit back and I'll say jerk not do Joe Biden. What's that you can't you're full of it, I got no problem. Cannot president trump for being an arrogant old man and and and all the things you been accused of, I get it man, but you know what I'm tired of these people are just career pathologic. Liars. That's all they have going for them, not a single person. You didn't come on be lying here. You know by nets growth, I mean you know you can say you can say well trumps worse. I guess that's the best you could have done. Instead, we, can see through that? You realise that there is a reason why people don't trust the media anymore and their starting to trust trump more. I know she's, not media, but it's just complete and utter
yes, there is a reason why Republicans arm now more there's, there's a higher preparing for Republicans in Congress and Democrats, this kind of stuff- it's gotta, be fair in both directions. She saying that it wouldn't be right for her to stop supporting bite in the absence of absence of a full investigation. Strange how that works. When the shoe was on the democratic vote, isn't it went right Cavanaugh, queues of assaulting. A woman back in high school now come down like that. The story but I didn't store, is so much worse, so much worse, a thirty Allegation allegations made by women cabinet claims, he'd, never met, whose named witnesses all categorically denied any knowledge of the incident and whose gaps in memory credit a tight, cried timeline, questions and plot holes, big enough to drive a semi through who later admitted to being politically more, evaded. Mulatto was all too happy to jump on the bandwagon and bash Cavanaugh as a rapist, but when Biden the longstanding habit of getting far too hands. With women and young girls has been well Documented- is accused of assaulting afore,
staff for the nineties, then mulatto says we should pause backup a moment. Wait for due process There's a reason most actors and actresses should stick to acting it's. It's not real. These people are real their marketing their their billboards. All they are the recent celebrities celebrities. It's not because their talented, many of them art its because they want to slap, may believe on their face and say by the product. Dimensional put patches all over their body, so you can figure out which organization is pay. And so you know whether opinions are coming from. I don't know what a ball Lissom Llanos Grand goal is. I can tell you it. Certainly not me too. Why should Joe Biden be present? The dude is Uncas a website about this. I don't, let's get like Joe Biden, they dont in force on the agency's grabbing little girls. All the time he's been called out by real activists. Many times vocs dot com has written about this. Many left wing sites I've written about it. They have no problem point of fact the Joe Biden is a creepy lecherous old man said
times worse than Donald Trump. Oh, what's that Donald Trump sat grabbed the woman by her, you know what but literally, is accused of actually doing it. So if you want to complain about Donald Trump and that link tapers like women logic grabbed by The- u know, fine, I don't care, criticise and that's great, do it. With my blessing, less mulatto Joe Buttons been accused of litter, Lee doing it. Would you like to step up now and explain to us why that is ok? Ah, there are no an answer because there's nothing behind their words: empty bs, pretending market whatever it is. I don't know she wants. You know I'll, give you this one, though a lot of people you know try to climate is a wash up access, whatever it's like now, just because you don't see them, as it mean they're not doing. I think he's been working so that then there isn't over this up, as this could be, why she's trying to earn points in Hollywood and build or notoriety so they hire her for jobs. That's the best I can come up with. I got a couple more segments for a few minutes,
I will see you shortly right now. I hope you are all enjoying your free trial to communism. We are seeing the government print money like crazy everyone's lock. Under authoritarian rule, you can't go outside you can't party you'll, be fine if you're caught you better, where a mask are free trial, hopefully, will expire, but in Spain it's not they're going launching universal basic income in Spain and their goal is to make it permanent, I'm being a bit facetious. It's not necessarily communism that same thing. And there's some interesting arguments for universal basic income and some pretty good ones against it. Well, that's read the story, and then we can talk about a recent study arisen attempt at universal basic income and why it failed and for many of you probably already know this, but the economics behind it, why they don't work and what what people hoped to accomplish Spain to launch universal basic income soon from the hill spanish economy, Minister Naughty
Calvino's, so the corona by restricting nation intends to implement a universal basic income programme as soon as possible. To blunt the pandemics economic impact, Calvino's alternations Debbie Prime Minister told spanish broadcaster LE sextants in a Sunday night interview that Spanish, also secure Minister Housing Louise S, Graver plans to implement a basic income plan as soon as possible. Bloomberg reported, while the immediate goal of the programme will be to provide relief to families that have lost income due to the virus related locked down. The country is developing it with an eye toward making it Reese, making it a resource that stays forever. It becomes a structural instrument, a permanent instrument she sat according to Bloomberg. Spain's virus outbreak is the second worst in Europe. Behind it,
which, on Sunday report reported a total of one hundred and twenty eight thousand nine hundred forty cases dipping below Spain's total one hundred thirty five thousand the to have the second and third highest number of cases behind the? U S which reported thread and thirty six thousand now to be fair but so slow a little bit. That's like saying all of Europe compared to the: U S, because these are tiny, tiny countries. It would be like competitive you'd have to compare Spain too, like New York or something so in reality. Europe, I think, is much worse off.
On Monday. The spanish Health Ministry reported the pace of Krajina virus deaths. Fellow for the fourth consecutive day, with a total of thirteen thousand, we are where we get the numbers. The country single that speaks on Thursday and I've been declining sense. The drop came after Spain surpass China. The spanish government has implemented numerous relief policies for companies and self employed workers affected by pandemic, related closures and said, more will likely be necessary. So for us we're hoping that our trial to communism alone for them likely to be permanent, universal basic income right now doesn't work, it's been tried, it fails and every time it does there, some excuse that comes universal basic income crowd, the closest. I think we ve ever seen to a functioning idea as to how could possibly have been is Andrew Yang Emma. I was a big fan of Andry. I mean it by stopping the gospel equal. I have risen
nations about is universal basic income plan, but I think he had more than most comprehensive strategies for basically everything here yet again and then made plans. You know that, like on Yanks website, talks about Emma may, like unionized or something is gonna crazy. But here is whether this market talked about a lot of rational things, and he approached things is kind of a from a smart position. The problem with you be, I is that you are getting to the core route of what drives the economy and your device. Doing it, so the easy to explain it and and actually before I do. I want to show you a, albeit silly did you know. That's are found. End of feminist marched in Spain on women's day. That's right! On March, eight feminists defied recommendations from the cities in Europe and marched anyway, while men are twice is likely to be impacted, and now there ending universal basic income. Conspiracy just kidding
It is true that actually did this. I'm not saying that in our purpose. That's that's the joke, but you know it's a bear with me, but now we have the story from just in December, one of the world's biggest basic in trials a two year programme in Finland was a major flop, but experts say the test was flawed and there is every single time they try, socialism, it fate, rules. Every hard implementation fails, every experiment towards it fails it doesn't work. Universal basic income is just another attempt at something similar to socialism. It does not work right now. We're truly learning what is essential and what isn't grocery store? Workers are a million times more valuable than a celebrity right. Now we have no problem making fun of celebrities. We are begging for the help of grocery store workers. Think about that for a second were at work. These stores they're giving pay races. I could you not not all of em here's what decisions at a rights,
It wasn't the news that researchers wanted. Two years after Finland launched a basic income trial in which nearly two thousand unemployed residents were given irregular monthly stipend, many of the recipients remained jobless, people reported that they were happier and healthier overall, then the other unemployed residents, but the experiment was widely declared a failure it was discouraging to the basic income community, Michael Stein, ceo of Non Profit, Jane family instinct, told business insider survey result as far as I can tell, are not really usable and there it is indeed many basic income. Researchers have pointed out what they see as serious flaws in the study that skewed its conclusions and in article four Jacobin Jimmy O Donnell, a senior researcher assistant to the Brookings institution added to fight a few major problems. Let me stop you're right. There Jacobin two socialist magazines. Of course there are trying justify this like they do with every other socialist nightmare that emerges. I didn't tell you: why doesn't work? Why would someone get a job if they do
need to the problem we have here and I'm not gonna walk you through the basic and something real, quick. Let's right? Now someone works are grocery store, they're, making a couple thousand dollars a month working full time. I don't even know that's fair to say a couple thousand dollars a month, what say they're, making sixteen hundred bucks a month before taxes as a full time. Grocery store employ a ten bucks an hour by guess. So now, you implement universal basic income. You say everyone's gonna get a thousand dollars a month that person nothing's to themselves who I'm getting a thousand bucks a month, I'm getting sixteen hundred buxom of working full time. I can not work full time and get a thousand. I lose at six hundred bucks, but I get all the free time in the world and there's nothing more valuable than time. That's it time is life. It's when you get to do stuff to hang out under the stars. Why
other so that they stop working now the supermarkets as woe we're losing our grocery store workers who are essential? How do we get them back so are putting jobless thinks we will pay you ten bucks an hour all of a sudden everyone's quit. So they say I guess we gotta increase how much we pay, because their already getting money from the government they dont need to work and the low skill job I've essential, but let's be no facing in stocking. Not not the horse. Jobs in the world I mean Tedious frustrating for sure you know so anyway. Supermarket will then say. Ok, we'll pay twenty bucks an hour that way you're guaranteed to get more money. All of us are not people say. Oh man, I do get a thousand bucks in the government, but man twenty bucks an hour for this job. I work a little bit. Then I get more.
And then I can buy the things I want so now. Suddenly stores doubled the cost of labour, which means every product in the store, goes up in cost to accommodate the labour required to stock and face to preventing on the shelves, and now it happens, these well, who are working are complaining. The thousand thousand, namely the garment of you, buy me a cheeseburger anymore. The costs of cheeseburgers have gone up, Mcdonald's fronts and same thing, so universal basic income doesn't work we wanted to, but there are some really really good arguments that we needed. We do consider first to be fair. We spend a ridiculous amount of money on the prison system and there has actually been people of argued that if someone breaks the law, we should pay.
Money, I'm not kidding, think about how much it costs for someone to go to jail right. The argument is under you, be I there would be problems there would be rapid inflation, but think about this with with people having minimal access to some goods there less likely to commit crimes. A lot of poverty breeds crime, a crime, for instance a wooden guarantee it, but it would definitely reduce crimes of desperation, not crimes of honour, unity. The argument as if we're gonna spend thirty thousand dollars a year or more on a jail cell in May or prison inmates. Why don't we just give them fifteen thousand dollars here but say, but if you can another I'm you lose all that money. Then they are less likely to commit crime. Because our like man, I'm getting paid. If I can find my lose this now that net and not the problem with it, is on the service, you understand how it supposed to function. All you would really do is incentivize people to be first
I'm criminals and then just go back to having a normal life to get access to be ice, it doesn't work. They then say the argument is then, to give everyone access to be. I and you lose it if you commit a crime. That also sounds like a good idea. The problem is rapid. Inflation you'll have to keep increasing the amount of money or giving people every single month too, to keep up with the dramatic and rapid inflation and taken to currency manipulation, just not going to work. What's what actually happening here is that the amount of money these people have makes no difference. It's the amount of its they met. We value minimal labour like low skilled labour. That's all that really matters so
change, the number you can manipulate number, but if I dont value low skilled labour, then I'm not going to pay for if I really needed I'll pay more for it. Giving someone money doesn't change that all you're doing is giving them access to the economy without having provided any energy into the economy. It is it. It just doesn't make sense, you're trying to create a perpetual motion machine. It doesn't work, it can't work. There are some interesting ideas, however, voucher systems for schools. Perhaps we can't do a universal basic income. Blanket says but perhaps we can allocate tax spending through Universal voucher type systems. You choose, which you any company when you use you choose which placed upon you choose at school, so the government will tax everybody and then give people vouchers based on utilities their granted access to or guaranteed access to outside us. It didn't work. There are studies at their studies, it just those innocent works of Spain. Go for it, but many things to happen. Spain's got poor,
Borders, we see videos overtime. If people rushing into Spain are going to criticise class people who are citizens of Spain or the EU will get guaranteed access what, if Spain implements this, you be I and some one lives in France and they say I'll just move to Spain as part of the Shanghai zone. Now I get a free check, it doesn't make sense. His plans are ridiculous, they'll abandon it also plays out. Maybe I'm wrong. I got one more segment for you coming up in a few minutes and I will see while shortly We have a very serious update on the health of Boris Johnson. According to numerous press reports, he has been admitted to intensive care in the hospital yesterday was announced she was going to the hospital because he does have the krona virus. Now is an intensive care minor settings. Right now will will route will read this, but the quick just for those at there's popping and he is not being ventilated. Yet he is conscious, but they're, they're, moving and and into the space. I want to talk to you today about how serious, as there are some countries known
Sweden, who have downplayed this and I'll. Let you know how serious it really is. A three. The story, because I want to waste your time with you know the normal rant. I usually do three this and then we can talk. We can talk about politics. British prime minister, Boris Johnson, moved to intensive care. This is from W K, white. They were Port Johnson's office as Johnson is conscience, conscious and does not require ventilation. At the moment, Johnson was admitted to Saint Thomas Hospital late Sunday, ten days after he was diagnosed with covered. Nineteen quote over the course of this afternoon. The condition of the Prime Minister has worsened and on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the intensive, get it at the hospital his office Edna statement, it said Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Rob to deputize him. This is a breaking news. Update Britain's Prime Minister, Boris Johnson's. Eddie was in good spirits.
After spending the night in a London hospital where he was admitted with the new corona virus, there was no indication of how long Johnson Johnson might be hospital might remain. Hospitalized. The prime minister's spokesman said Johnson had spent a comfortable night and remained in charge of government, despite being admitted to Saint Thomas Hospital after covert nineteen symptoms of a coffin fever persisted ten days after he was dying, I probably senators I probably should have set us an they getting most of you, I'm assuming you know the sky ass. He is the current. I believe current prime minister of the UK. I dont know a lot about british politics is very, very serious, though hoping for the best to keep reading. Nonsense, sent out a tweet thanking the National health service for taking care of him and others. In this difficult time. On the advice of my doctor, I went into the hospital for some routine tests.
As I'm still experiencing kroner virus symptoms, Johnson said, and what tweet I'm in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team as we work together to fight the virus and keep everyone safe Johnson spokesman, James Slack, refuse to say what kind of tests Johnson was undergoing. He insisted that the p M remains I urge the government he is receiving updates in hospital and is continuing to receive a ministerial Red Box of files and briefing papers. The fifty five year old leader has been quarantine in his downing street residents since being diagnosis covered nineteen March twenty six, the first known head of government to fall ill with the virus. He continued to preside at d, Lee meetings on the outbreak until Sunday and has released several video messages. During his ten days in isolation, foreign secretary, Dominic rob chaired the meeting chaired the meeting Monday Britain, has no official posts of deputy prime minister, but Rob has been designated to take over, should Johnson become incapacitated. Speaking at the government's raw daily krona virus per
briefing robs at Johnson was being regularly updated, but admitted he had not spoken to him since Saturday he's in charge, but continue to take doctors advice on what to do next. Johnson was admitted to the hospital as a message as a message to the National from Queen. Elizabeth second was being broadcast Sunday evening. The ninety three year old monarch, urged the public to show results and follow the and follow advice to stay inside concern had been growing about Johnson's welfare ever since he posted a message Friday saying that he was feeling better, though, was still feverish. The virus causes mild to moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults in the infirm. It can cause pneumonia and lead to death. The government said Monday that fifty one thousand six hundred and eight people have been confirmed to have the kind of ours in Britain, five thousand threatened them
three of whom have died, one of the advantages of being in the hospital is that it will allow doctors to directly monitor Johnson's condition. Derek held a professor of medical imaging science at university college. London said that, since covered nineteen causes difficulty breathing one test performed on people with the disease is lung, imaging with ultrasound or city skins, to see how badly they might be infected. Some people are rapidly discharge. You said some others can quickly deteriorate and need help breathing. We have no reason to believe the p M need such help. He'll said there are various types of breathing help depending on the person in the difficulties. The reason some people get seriously ill with covered. Nineteen, while others have minor symptoms, has not yet fully understood, but doctors managing these patients report that more men than women have serious problems and patients who are overweight or have previous health problems are at higher risk. Many of you my opinion. First and foremost, I seriously I'm hoping for the quick recovery. I hope this is
not necessary. Presumably I am it would only assume it is my bigger concern at an end. Again. I stress you Know- please Miss Mr Johnson Prime Minister, get better where I think every one really, everyone is is rooting for the best, but my concern is that as a head of state they're, not gonna tell us whether or not he is actually seriously ill or critically ill or in meeting the ventilation. In fact, there are trying to show every everybody that things are ok I think it's fair to say there is probably at least some assumption he's being moved the ice you because things are getting serious. They wouldn't tell us, in my opinion, on the british. You know I'm not british. I know that there is. Contagious partners in Britain similar to the? U S by seriously hope that any sane, rational person is hoping for him to get better. But I'm scared. I d say it. You know there are a lot of people who don't want him to get better, that's freaky, but we see it on twitter,
time. This brings me to the to another story that I think it's it's relatively similar. Sweden suffers biggest daily Jumpin kroner virus debts after P M ward of seconds more victims. Seventy six more people die taking total. Forerunner, in seventy seven backlash government's refusal to order a lockdown. There are many people who are not taken seriously. Sweden is one of that. What is a country not taking it seriously,
regret. There are a lot of people who are on the right or conservative that don't think this is a very serious threat. You are wrong. You're, absolutely wrong. Boris Johnson is not being admitted to the icy because her some grand conspiracy, the dude, got sick. This is real. If anything, I know people get it met. Are gonna get mad at me for saying this, but if anything I think covert his way worse than people are letting on. I think they're desperately trying to stop a mass panic from right. I really do think so. I hear these stories on twitter from people who got it, who weren't able to get a hospital. I don't think the governments are building these hospitals because they think that things can happen now. The projections were higher than what we're seeing. According to many different metrics yeah. I think I love people and governments think the ends justify the means. That's a mistake. They think telling people were going to see a million dad when it's really gonna be a couple hundred thousand their hoping that people will take it more seriously, but I am entirely convinced I think they're just wrong, or it could be that our social, social, distancing, Mary We are doing better, but based on the stories I've read,
based on what we are seeing now with with Boris Johnson? I really do think it's worse than people realize Boris Johnson story is similar to many other people stories that they got sick. Sorry getting feverish coughing started getting better, but then all of a sudden got hit hard fast again and put them in a hospital so to the people who just don't believe that, because the hospital front loading up we caught this early enough. Keep that in mind at the end of march there were there was there was relatively few dead now we're over ten thousand exponential growth to the people war, who believe that there are others, this rumour going round their classifying any potential death as covert deject. The numbers up, that's just ridiculous, because the amount of people dying York is substantially higher than it would be an average of thirty nine of the corona virus. What are they dying from take this very seriously? Boris Johnson is in the
I see you now we here in Amerika. I've got some potential good news in front. We have the benefit of having a president, who is a german forbidden. Taurus german fob trump doesn't like touch You know it's, so he apparently only it's fast food because he hears what here's. What I've heard this was ripe until by journalists. He thinks that fast would restaurants have uniform standards and being a germ of foam. He thinks he's less likely it sick eating faster than you would be going to a mom and pop restaurant, or even an upscale restaurant, because Mcdonald, Has corporate certified across the board standards? I'm not saying I agree with Ed or he's right, but I'm not surprised Trump hasn't gotten sick, apparently is taken. I think to tests now is come up negative, yet the dude, the germ of foam, so he's gonna wipe everything down. He's not gonna want touch stuff. It's really working on theirs is actually does actually this funny viral video that's gone out where trumpet standing at the podium met. This really does
of trumpets, a German up. Doktor Burke's mentions that she recently at a fever and then trot, looks at her froze around us. Nope note nope any walks right up to actually kind of funny, but it's good it. It's actually the opposite of what bourse Johnson was saying, and I am not trying to me- no drag. The prime minister, but he was talking about how he was still shaking hands and going out of business and people mocked him because he ended contract in the crown of Irish, not cool man. Look the dunes, a head of state is trying to do. We gotta do is shaken. Hands, probably was a mistake. I hope he gets better, but let's think about the real ramifications of happens when a head of state or or like in the? U S a military vessel ends up infected where that, where that aircraft carrier they they basically they discharged. I know to what extent they were moved him from command. The captain of this aircraft carrier for saying you know we're sick, because there's a concern is letting our adversaries no or militaries being weakened. Keep that can take into consideration that look. What's going on board,
do you think the UK would want any other country to know that there are serious, dire straits that there's something wrong with, with, with with Boris Johnson oh they're gonna say well we're moving them they're just in case, but he's ok. In all likelihood, it's probably much worse than they're, letting on and and the information you're getting should signal something worse. Not it could be fine and I'm hoping that he is. I hope this doesn't reach. Other governments But I think there is there's a lot of this a lot going on right now that could bring us to full scale war. This is one of em when, when a government's head of state get sick, it's not the end of the world, but it showing the stress impacting these countries, and this could result in drastic action. As many countries are short and medical supplies. Pete me Trump invoked the defence production act. Sang three m should stop sending out the master, the countries the same things happening in Europe. There are already been shipments going through France that were impounded by the French,
Transcript generated on 2020-05-03.