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MCCARTHY FIRED, PELOSI EVICTED, Trump Nominated As Speaker, Matt Gaetz Scores MASSIVE WIN For Us


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MCCARTHY FIRED, PELOSI EVICTED, Trump Nominated As Speaker, Matt Gaetz Scores MASSIVE WIN For Us

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim for the four time in: u s, history, a speaker of the house has been removed. Kevin Mccarthy has been removed as speaker after a vote led by Matt gates. Following this, the interim speaker of the house speaker protein porridge removed nancy policy from a private office evicting her, and troy nails, a congressmen from texas, is saying he has nominated donald trump to be speaker with many Democrats actually entertaining the idea that it could happen. How did he claiming that the president is open to? It I want to say, bravo to Matt gates. and the other republicans who stood farm and pushed back against a corrupt machine is have explained this in the past several videos, but now that is said and done
but we get in all the news I want to stress in twenty twenty men People were upset that Joe Biden, one that republican, didn't, maintain congress giving this damage? at this absolute control of the supreme court. Then twenty When did you came? We got the midterms and republicans one a very narrow majority and air anybody on the left and the corporate republicans and conservatives blamed donald trump saying because of trump we I ve been a red wave. We should have done this that or otherwise I disagree an appalling shows that we're not, drop their may not even be a majority. The issue is, republicans, are behind the curve on election strategy, but the funny thing is While there are complaining, we should have a stronger majority. One ends up happening, Kevin Mccarthy. breaking. His is word with the republic with with republicans, actually won. The majority says he's not.
We work these backroom deals and do this army by spending bs and then does cut backroom deals with democrats to basically push off the republic image He shoved them away. What was the point winning a majority and twenty twenty two. If Kevin Mccarthy is just going to negotiate with Democrats instead of the republicans who won the majority. My friends with a speaker, mccarthy, you have a democrat majority I see how these republicans I see, no marjorie tail agree: lorn bogart, many people, I think chip roy, all defending mccarthy, I'm not a republican. I don't care, look we ve had we ve had these individuals on the show. I respect them, but I am not a republican what I see here in a big difference? That should be a big, a permanent that to be understood by somebody. These people is that when I looked at it, matt gates is doing, that close, more clout, we represent, how I feel about politics than what the republican party does and when cabinet
arthur, says we're gonna cut a backroom deals, get funding for ukraine. I say that's not me and that's why, for a long time, I didn't vote now what we are seeing, is you actually action of republicans. Who represent something more closely to me, and probably many of you and Matt standing up for that. So now they're, saying regulations met gates. You just gave Democrats control blah blah blah, and my attitude is like none of us had control in the first place. If the republican party is just cutting backroom deals to give Democrats what they want, and when democrats have power there steam rolling trumps of borders than us you when I met gates aren't even part of the political equation, but now we are so here's what I see I see the democratic party, republican party and call wherever you want the freedom faction I smell, all group of individuals who are pushing back and using at power to say no, and now we get such work. Wonderful stories like now.
see pelosi evicted from her private office in the capital. By interim how speaker, you know it's schadenfreude not like this one matters all that much to me but die to see immediately following this, someone took a bit More decisive action is Patrick mc Henry he's a big mccarthy, ally and he was Mccarthy the rules state that, if Mccarthy's to be vacated, there has to be someone who can temporarily all the position, the only real powers. They have then been have a strong of powers, as the speaker normally does, and its typically just there to help find the next speaker but duck he made this move against Pelosi, it's symbolic, but I'll take it. Ladies and gentlemen, before we get and all this news go to tim cast outcome, click tim cast, iron, ral, ex miami I'm honored and proud to say this friday in just two? Yes, we will be live onstage in miami with patrick, but David James, o keefe and matt gates,
I am lucky. We ve had this of that plan. For like a year, we ve had Matt scheduled for all for a very long time, because we're huge fans of the work that he's been doing and I just want to make. I want to see you guys there That's gonna get like a twenty minute, long standing ovation, it's gonna, be nuts. I think the people or showing up to this event under stand. What met is doing why it's the right thing and how gotta come after amendment, investigate em, they're gonna lie a bottom and there are doing all of these things. There smearing him the truck that that they're saying two things. he's only doing this because mccarthy won't stop investigations into damp no they're only investigating him because met gaiters standing up to the corruption saying he just wants one for governor, I don't buy any of it and you know it honestly, I dont care met gates, did something good so that being so tickets have started to sell ridiculously fast and I am I dont know executive we're gonna sell out, but did they added dumb? I think this is on the ticket sales added going. ask everyone start buying a budget tickets. It is an honour,
privilege Matt to have you on friday, and fully to recognise and automation? Everybody knows this. As of right now communications with the team. They fully expect to be. At this event, its long been planned, but. Matt is doing such tremendous and important work in the event he gets held up in dc to keep doing this work. I fully expect him to continue doing the good work that he is doing, but I do believe. Ninety nine percent chance you not our understanding and everything is good met will be their agenda item. bring this up because I asked I can't believe it. I can't believe that we are going to have at this most perfect moment. Matt onstage with us breaking down what's going on explaining what happened. This is history. This is history, and so I it's an honor. privilege Matt. Thank you for fur for coming and freedoms. with us. It's gonna be absolutely incredible and I work What a lot of other guests they're lucre caskeys there like, I imagine, hey, don't get Patrick.
David James or keep. This is going to be epic absolutely epoch take a look at this story from the new york post. I, let's start breaking down where we currently at this is I guess the most immediate news, because y'all probably already heard that Kevin Mccarthy's removed first time in us history, amazing. If we can't get an impeachment at least get that I love the look. Threats are being given away. de I don't care, I don't care. I'm happy thousand bipartisan support. How about there's a bipartisan effort right? You spoke the republican Party ain't, my republican party, and I don't care- I'm not a republican. I don't like republicans now in the immediate we get this Joyous little cherry on top former house speaker Nancy closely. Policy was ordered to immediately vacate her capital hideaway office by why, this day, as she slammed acting speaker, Patrick mckendrick decision as a sharp departure from nation or good cry about it anymore. I suppose it arrives on Tuesday said the room will be required
an reassigned for speaker use man, I love it. You know, look I don't know. I don't know enough about Mccann rear. What has plans argues ease in their temporarily, but I just say whatever his intentions or plans are at least he gave us this tiny morsel and its thanks to the efforts of met gates and these seven other republicans. move came just hours after the country was named, how speaker protein poor. I followed the outer covering mccarthy in a historic vote, tuesday, with all of the port decisions at the new republic and leadership must address which we are all eagerly awaiting one of the first actions taken by the new speaker, pro tempore was to order to immediately vacate my office in the capital plus and a statement referring to my country policy had two separate stance as speaker. Yes, yes, we know the eviction is a sharp departure from tradition. As speaker I gave more speaker dennis hazard, a significantly larger suite of offices for as long as he wished
pelosi said she's in california, where she is morning the death of Senator Diane Feinstein. Unable to retrieve her belongings from the office cold, but I'm I'm sorry, you know everybody and I just I can't help but feel so good about thing like this. I just can't and I hydrogen yeah kind of dick move policy needs to build a get her stuff it's like, but I gotta be honest, patrick, mick mick Henry just Paul day. Thug life move evicting policy. While she was out of town at a funeral that was wow. That was as disrespectful as you could be. and my friends I do not believe Pelosi is deserving of respect vines Died friday, this we know her body when we move, we get it house, minority leader, hakeem, Jeffries staffers helped clean out Pelosi's office late tuesday. The outlet reported, I'm actually surprised. They did
rising to do some stupid sit in or something. A television and bags were seen outside the office before they were hauled way. Office. Does it matter to me, but it seems to be important to them. Pelosi added, always that. Why issued a statement saying how dare you issue, good bye office that way now that I was strangely in irish old man. Action has been proposing now that the Republican leadership has settled this important matter. Let's hope they get to work on what truly is important: the american people. Yes, how about we talk about funding first and foremost, for the troops right american troops, not the ukrainian ones, hey I dig it I dont know if anything, good will come of all of this except we ve. I think it is good that there's been a rebuke of e g, o p corporate establishment and of the Democrats
That's all in one fell swoop. Simply safer seemed the best term security of twenty twenty three by: u s, views and world report, but we don't do what we do for the archives need to it to protect EU and everything you like. Our advance. Sensors in hd cameras are powered by twenty four seven professional monitoring for fast emergency response. Does it simply saved a calm, slash modified to get fifty percent off any new system today, advanced home security, twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day, there's no safe leg, simply safe met, not now that republicans are saying all you know you have given us. The Democrats and unlike booting nancy policy, was sign of disrespect deserving becoming of who she is and what she represents. It is what it is, its symbolic at its emotional, but I think it matters. I think it shows that the old powers
are being stripped not again, I'm not I'm not superficially with pageant my country, I don't know where he goes with this. They say he's an ally of mccarthy but Mccarthy, getting the boat and policy getting the boot from her office is a sin many of the old guard. No more does it mean we want now. Does it mean that this actually improves? I don't know, I don't know, I can tell you, is matt gates, If you want to call this obstruction of what meant what magnates is doing, obstruction is better and republicans working secret backroom deals with democrats. Here's the game plan. The game right, I'm not a republican. I don't like republicans, I dont vote. public and until twenty twenty, then I said, ok, fine drop second term agenda and think we want to see. We want to these members of congress and republican party win, because there are certain things we care about in the culture war? I m not a traditional republican. I am not pro life
I am certainly not pro abortion. I found that we're. Limbo space of where democrats kind of used to be fifteen twenty years ago, but so republican, is essentially negotiate a peace deal with moderates. Former down. Rats, former liberals or post levels are gonna call it stephen crowded a conversation with me about abortion. I said I'm more pro choice and he said something to the effect of like. Would you agree with certain limitations like six to twelve weeks and blah blah, and I was like agriculture, okay, great. We found compromise. Let's, let's do it. This is what happens. Many post liberals, moderate centrist, left, leaning or whatever get here. This negotiation from the anti establishment wing of the republican party and republican party is all about it and they say to people like me: lend us your support, I see Matt gates fighting against Kevin Mccarthy for speakership saying we want guarantees and protections, and I said that's what I want to hear, because it's it's it's me and it's you right.
Many of us who are moderate right, leaning, left leaning, not always you know super on one side, not tribal list to an extreme degree, very anti, establishing variant. I woke. And they're trying to convince us to support the machine. I know that many of you who watch I've spoken with. Many of you were more in the camp of I'm not voting screw this I'm out I know that when I went to trump rallies and twenty fifteen and sixteen people that I've never voted before the machine doesn't represent me now. Finally, there something happening that feels like we are getting a chance so what I see as the republicans are corrupt, the democratic, corrupt and met gay, more more so represents us, the regular moderate normal per and in this country, which is, in my opinion, the majority com, His approval. Writing a seventeen percent and you ve got the likes thomas massey marjorie tale a green and lorn barbara, defending mccarthy. I, like those individuals I do, but I don't understand this argument that we are
owing to defend a corrupt institution, that eighty two percent of americans say they disapprove of I'd, say at this point. What what's the point of it? rubber, stamping bills congress marjorie till the greens, the want, of course about that now not interested have a nice day. We have this tweet from Lauren Chen masterfully after masterfully trolling, everybody who doesn't, read a single tweet us more than a single sentence? She treated. Are you be now gates now, you'll have democratic in charge, who failed to secure the border who funnel money to ukraine through trumpet the bus and fail to bind accountable for corruption instead of Kevin Mccarthy who all does all of those exact same things. I love and then Lauren says this post is an I q and attention that attention span test wrapped in one I love how many people did not. Read the last line of what Lauren Chan wrote, she's, making the same
point that I made but she's trolling, whether masterfully the point That would cover mccarthy running backroom deals. You may as well have democrats in charge. There's no majority here and so people were like no met gates did good now in psych. Did you read it? I think she nailed it now, ladies and gentlemen, patrick manner at montgomery. So this is the did. Who is primarily a speaker protein? Pour it the congress temporary leading now the man who is ousted nancy, Pelosi, tremendous respect here, and this is where we are currently at- not many people, asking. What comes next? How about publican congressmen to nominate trump for how speaker, troy else from texas calls trumped. The greatest of my lifetime and says he will nominate him to replace govern mccarthy. I would like to clap and dumb shot to mad gates for standing firm in the face of all of this hatred, standing up for what you believe in
they're trying to make the argument that met gaiters only doing this because he's under investigation, which I call bs, I think investigating him because he standing up to them, because if mandates really was concerned about being investigated, he would play ball, he would I will steer the maga republican types in the freedom caucus people. I will steer them and negotiate your bf if you lay off and I wonder how many members have come- press have decided to side with mccarthy because they have no spine because they much prefer to play ball because they're scared of what comes next yeah Dave accused me of some of the most egregious insane. Things turn out to be all fake. All false act, mail and otherwise, and he has stood firm. I don't think this is desperately trying to get out of an investigation that makes literally no sense there. Making these arguments to besmirch has good name. That's what they do. Look at julian assange
your game doesn't work anymore. You scumbags ten years ago. They can join assange, assaulted, a woman lies, absolute lies, abject evil and he has been locked up ever since and you shouldn't be. This is the game they play. You fall. Out of line they lie about you. run your name through the mud and they try and destroy you look what they're doing it donald trump, but we don't buy it anymore. I don't buy it yeah you're stupid, I am, I am callous to your stupid and pathetic smears. You scream racist dont care, you scream white supremacist you're lying. I don't believe you you accuse met gates we'll drop any body of wrong doing whatever I just don't care anymore. You know why, because matt and trop are both in europe hunting, the human molotov cocktails being thrown into a system of corruption. Greed malice and evil.
And this argument that you know Kevin all but we're getting me no small things here, and I know we worked for decades now, but on his omnibus garbage and the american people have have complained. This idea that you're in a wheel in five thousand page, then it's funny that you get showman, these republicans being like. It is wrong. We shouldn't do spending this way and none of them are willing to stand up to Mccarthy who was running backroom deals, we'll donald trump speaker. While I got about us last that we talked about it, we had lost up on him guest ira, and I was saying I don't think trump takes it are. You have is run for president. Why would he be speaker? Well- apparently we have this from the daily beast, sean hannity who remains plus a trump claimed here, and told the former president open to the idea. Well, ok, Perhaps this is something that could actually happen. I doubt it
you would need all the republicans to vote for donald trump as speaker, but it would be the greatest thing ever and I wish. I don't I don't know who after prey to? Is it just the the singular one April god or is it the pantheon or must I sure upon a star to get donald trump to be speaker of the house. It would be the greatest thing ever and the Democrats are all like yeah. We want to see trump standing behind Joe Biden as it gives a state of the union, and I said that's an insult and I'm like yeah. I I don't care, I want speaker. Donald trump third in line for the presidency, and you know at first I thought I thought trump would not do it, but when I saw this article I thought maybe there's something I'm missing and maybe there's some reasons trump might actually do it and yeah. Maybe pertaining to the investigations in the trials and everything against them as your vows, you would have a bit more power and it could the jam up the I sham invite the and fraud charges laid against them. new york, we're not learning that the overall
the majority of claims made against trump and the trump organization are beyond the statute of limitations, even if they were true lies smears, slander and politics. So let's do Yes, let's nominated speaker, Donald trump, I implore donald trump to accept the nomination. and I implore all members of congress to accept a speaker, Donald trump, because who else is going to do it? You gotta, you got an interim speaker, bench appear had had posted the homer simpson mean it. something like who wants to be speaker of the house and then said house republicans, and it's homer simpson disappearing back into the bush nope who's going to want to do that job. Now, here's here's one. I understand it is not an easy job. It's not! But greece's approval writing a seventeen percent at according to I'll as of september, twenty third, seventeen percent. What did Kevin karl, you think, was going to happen when he cut backroom deals
now he's trying to smear Matt gates. They say now you do it man, it's not and you know I will I've- talked to a lot of people. We know a lot of people in DC. We know a lot of people in politics and they're all saying things like you know: Kevin's a really good guy and like I'm always trying, but this and I'm like dude Kevin Mccarthy, knew when he was trying to be speaker because it was his turn. Even it was trying to move any moved into the speakers office before even when the vote, the games es the deal is this: you have to work with us and if you can't do that, you cannot be speaker, so you yoda, Mccarthy dead. He said I stake. My word on on your votes that I will. I will abide by the terms of our agreement and as soon as They turned around and walked away, he's smart and said what a bunch of morons if Kevin Mccarthy knew he would not be able-
to push back spending and would be a government and also he shows that I can take job. Does it's not for me, I tell you what I do. I tell you what I do if I'm lookin at four hundred plus- members were all corporate neil party whatever and a handful of, or not, but those eight to eleven republicans are look at me saying we will remove you a speaker There's no majority without us. I say: ok, we're an energetic, interesting and a slim majority republicans have tremendous power in opposition to the rest. The party, because the rest, party marxism, lockstep, ok we're gonna have to negotiate, and these people hold more power than most other members of congress.
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and then he gets removed and what'd. He do he lies again, I love single republicans being like mac gates. You betray blah blah blah numbers like, whatever men all of my life. And especially in the past several years, I see a congress that does not work for the american people. I see an executive branch that that actually harms the american people icy congress. according to all the data, you know it, you know what you're It doesn't matter, they say this, what the really mad about There was a survey done that found public polling, the opinions of Eric people have no bearing whatsoever on congress, not to a certain degree. I accept that it's a good thing why I so, I was told I was- I was done about this- that the average person it is not their job to be, in politics and news all day every day and if you're like a tradesman, are something then the purpose of a concept the republic, is your point about a representative to represent your values and then I get people saying TIM.
I do trades and I know politics stop scapegoating. I not saying you are stupid. I am saying yo as a tradesman. Your job is not in congress right. That's what I'm saying if you up, and you want your voice heard. You speak up. You speak to your representatives. If you they are not replacing our values properly. Then you run for office and you are allowed to the point of making as if you would prefer to me take your job as a plumber or carpenter, electrician, coffee bar maurice the or whatever construction worker you vote for someone else, because your boy see at work. You are not working In DC guy get it that's the point of a constitutional republic. This means you expect the person you send down there within reason too? actually agree with everything you say just to be the best representing the values of your community.
And they say they they do to a certain degree, but we find through public pulling that it's the opinions of the elite, the owl guard the massive multinational corporations that have the biggest bearing on whether or not bills get past. You know I fundraising Kevin Mccarthy play that game. He controls funding with republican party, and so all these members of congress are like. If I defy mccarthy I'm not going to get funding for reelection, I have to play ball. Who cry about it? You don't deserve to be in congress Mccarthy does not deserve to control. This is partly due to party system is busted. I dont mind parties as a measure pertains to the presidency for the most part, except for the private rules to keep people off the primaries like we're doing arcade junior. So it is broken In this instance, the idea that a political elite behind closed doors with corporate lobbying money in backroom deals is gonna control whose in congress is despicable, and it brings me with joy to see all of this, and so this right
is an honour and a privilege that I will be able grace. The stage with met gates, because for once feel like someone is finally standing up for me, for you form regular mare As for the eighty two percent, who don't like, what's going on, I tell you this democrats in congress. There motivations are not pure, but at least Democrats vote. To remove mccarthy is more in line with the sentiment of the american people, who despise and disapprove of what congress does in the end, if democrats were make their choice You're not gonna, be happy either, but the vote to remove mccarthy was was probably the most popular thing. Congress has done in a very very long time. We'll see, I would. I would love to see a trump speaker, I their problem pull someone from the outside because nobody's gonna going to want to do it. You don't need to be or of congress to be speaker, and so
has been talk about, someone like just at a match and not a bad idea, publicans nominating and voting for someone who is going to negotiate with Democrats is Mccarthy all over again all met gates and The have to do now is hold the line and prevent any one of these individuals from from from getting power. In fact, it really is it's going to have to be democrats cutting a deal republicans, that's the fear, the fear, without ousting mccarthy. And what they were essentially trying to blackmail. All of us in that gates, with was, if you asked Mccarthy Democrats will go to. Russia, the republican party, the two hundred and thirteen or, however many- was And they're gonna say we will give you the ten votes you need it, bring in some unlike mash or some more moderate, favourable, mccarthy type individual and that's a problem. But for now all I can tell you it's history and I'm happy about in know. A lot of people might say now, there's would to be more damaged. Look man, I just
how to use the poker reference gotta you sometimes a bluff. You know what I mean. I don't think this is a bluff. I think it's a power move and I think it's the right thing to do, but you may lose the hand, sometimes you're playing poker and you know you're beat, but you don't think the other player has the has the balls to make the big move. So you bet all your money. You go all in and say call me out, and they won't do it. They won't do it because they are more scared of what's gonna happen. When you flip, those cards, then you are, or at the very least saying I'm willing to take a risk that you are not met, gates has shown that he is. Willing to withstand massive pressure and take tremendous risk to safety to his life and his good name for something greater. None of these people have the balls to stand up to that, and so may try and play dirty games, but I think in the end there- We now have to defer to someone like gates because he's joan real leadership I'll leave it there
massive, a massive props. I it is, you know I, this several months ago. I told met this too on the shy that is my favorite member congress, and that's that's not saying loud. I now have like members of congress, but the fact that you got me liking a member congress. Why, as a handful, I don't get me wrong, but this this here is one of the significant and important things we ve seen in american politics in generations. The move to to the omnibus spending was was incredible. Now the move to remove mccarthy is is is bravery and it is integrity, and I am all for it- so. Thank you too magnates man on a monument What about policy? I'm just saying this move right here, maybe we'll debate. disagreements on policy issues absolutely probably well, but I'm glad once finally standing up to the machine, I lived there next it's coming up at one p m on this channel, thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them alike, Jim Jordan, I'm excited to see that he is running for speed. Of the house,
boy. Am I so excited to be let down by Jim Jordan. You know because it's not about Jim. I do like the guy I appreciate the work that he dies and govern accountability. We ve had him on the show before he's. One of the few of congress. I actually do like, but I think the institute, jane is just broken and its corrupt and what's happen, is Jim's, gotta, staring down the barrel of the model publican types, the anti establishment forces and the establishment machine. Nothing gets done, so it's not so much that in reality, I'd be let down honestly if Jim is just the speaker of the house and its rather obstructive, I suppose I'll take it and so to be fair Jim's a much better option than Kevin Mccarthy, but I must stress irene We just feel, like god, no matter who you get in. It's going to be nonsense because you ve got to many she'll republicans who were going to negotiate with Democrats, because you ve got people like Heaven, Mccarthy he's a member of congress. Even if you get a job
Jordan and how you gonna convince Kevin Mccarthy, not to say with Democrats. He was doing it backroom deals. The big news right now. We got a bunch of stories year, newt gingrich the fall the speaker, thousands calling for Matt gates to be expelled. Jim Jordan confirms he is running an gates slams. These speaker protests right for sending everybody home for a week there in recess until next tuesday. Now, my friends, this is all history in the making again, if Jim Jordan actually kind of excited for this, but I do think no matter what ends up happening. We have a broken. Institution with eighty two percent disapproval, I'm in a hurry the story and went to go through what colonel happening trump is saying: no, he will not accept speakership. I thought that was obvious, even if some of the report was that he was floating the idea. Civility. Perhaps he was now he's saying no before it gets. My friends had over two tim cast: dot com,
the link in the description below go to TIM, the IRA ex miami this friday october, six sixty We will be live on stage with patrick bet, David James, o, keefe, Matt gates himself and LUCA Caskey in cross will be there A whole bunch of really awesome guests and dot tickets are going fast. We can add that that struck a normal thing they had because recited selling. So we take it and I m so my earlier segment I'll say it again. The work that Matt gates is due he is doing the lord's work up in DC, challenging a corrupt machine at great personal and career pressure, professional risk to himself- and he is actually arguing to stay in DC to get the job done, which would mean he's not gonna make it not connected the event. I think it's in in Firstly, we have to say it, but I really do believe that every single person who had come to this event would prefer that Matt gates, indy c and fight the good fight, and I have tremendous respect for him. Having done that, that being said
understanding having spoken with the madness team as well. As the latest news that they're telling you wanna go home, is at Matt we'll be there on Friday as we ve had but scheduled and plan for a very, very long time. No one could have foreseen that met, would win such a tremendous battle, but I will say this: I really do feel the most important thing format is due to keep up the fight in d c, I have never been so I don't know spired buy up by a politician before, because the machine has been so corrupt and broken, and that's what then took us nuke gingrich represents in calling for Matt gates ouster. So if you want to see us this friday pick up your tickets now play lincoln description below it in it's going to be miami, we're doing a member of an elite members meetup earlier in the day, it's going to be epic, Alex Stein's, going to be doing an opening set and intros we've got a bunch of people. Ashley's lake, ST clair will be there really excited for this and are all just dress, I it is an honour.
Which- and I very very much hope that met gates can make it to the event, but. totally understand with the unprecedented historical victories that he is working on an d. If he can't make it it is what it is it is, it is, we got james, ok, forget patrick bet, David and a ton of other people who will be speaking. People that you are a big fan of will been on the show and I'm real excited for this. Here's the latest news in the ongoing historical. So I can keep that, because the first time a speaker has been removed, this is impeachment and conviction all in one
tis the season to shine with agent and discover the holiday collection and find a fashionable pieces for your wardrobe or for under the tree. Get inspired in dazzle with this year's lamp from tax ito. Styles, bo detail, pieces impressive, prince and more from unforgettable, looks to unforgettable gifts with passion, vines to home day, core dined at all at each end, treat your loved ones and yourself this season shop in store or at a gender come now. Of course, the Democrats should be celebrating what they're they're not really it's just it's just all. The republicans are in shambles is absurd, blah. It's funny that its people, like me better celebrating substantially more than the Democrats, who were in line with these eight republican rebels. I guess you'd call it. The big noses is yes when asked if he was running for speaker and that absolutely amazing. He had just
walk to the house majority leader, Steve scalise, also a fan of Scully's. I don't think any of these guys are perfect, even marjorie taylor green was it was. It was acting in defence of mccarthy, not a fan of that but I have I have just enough respect for these members- that I can say this for that I like, but it seems like met gates in these other seven are the only ones were actually fighting the good fight, the. How is essentially paralyzed. While it lacks a speaker, the mccarthy's historic, ousting and subsequent announcement that he will not run too claim the gavel? Why wouldn't you they just voted amount he's not gonna win is pointless. He shouldn't run in the first place. Republicans, are slated to hear from speaker Kennedy at a forum next tuesday setting up the next possible house wide speaker vote Wednesday october, eleventh, which I will stress, Matt gates, is actually slamming these be us, Your protest, boring gates, not speak approach. for sending law makers home to cry for a week, and I look
stresses? We ve been working on this event for like a year. It is tremendously difficult. We ve had to do with that, there's just so much stuff behind the scenes that has been a stressful nightmare in getting this this this event going not so simple people, you know realized, we don't just call of venue say will be there. We like file paperwork with the state we have to is a lot of stuff involved: legal staff, insurance, stuff employment, sending people back and forth finding the venues booking the speakers. Tremendous amount of work if met, does what needs to be done and sick yours, sir congress, to staying in session so that they can figure this out. It means is not at all events, but you know what the work he's doing a substantially more important than this event, but saw it looks like despite his criticisms, their son, everybody home. This does not mean that met is gone home. He may stick around dc, invite the good fight quote. I do have offer some pretty sharp criticism of the new protocol of the house, Patrick Mchenry,
gate gates on news max with our calling. We met tonight and he sent us home until tuesday of next week. We be here tomorrow, working to elect a new speaker getting to our appropriations bills and engaging in a negotiation with the senate to get the government funded. But instead these people got to home and cry for a week, they ve to go, do a week of handling and bed wedding over the fact that Kevin Mccarthy, The speaker anymore, this institution is about more than one man. They keep trying to smear em Let me show you the story, explain to you why I dont, like republicans, I've, never been a republican, and there's only a small handful of people that I like newt gingrich, cos for geo peat to expel, Matt gates for being an anti republican and slams has childish behaviour. As I've been stating we ve booked an event We originally had dawned junior patrick by David and met gates and done had a scheduling issue, something came up and totally respect. It dodge
here is doing very important work as well as this son of the former president and future president as of right now. The left is going, though, not without one and met gates. has every opportunity to do a victory. And say, haha. Look what I've done if this was really about brand building. If this was the about investigations or whatever he Absolutely would say yes, we gotta go home, come up on stage and give a bow to all of these people at this theatre and on stream, and talk about all the great work he's doing. Instead, Matt gates is actually insisting on staying and doing their jobs. This the issue that I have with congress. One of the issue, one of the issues- marjorie taylor, green one of the reasons recent like her. She brought this up to us show when she it's an office. She goes to come listen, finds like eight democrats and republicans in some guy she doesn't know, was not the speaker introducing bills, and this is how they get
asked the guy goes. We have a bill to like fun this and the Democrats are like yea, the robins like names like Democrats, get it back. Next noah actions. Nobody cares nobody's paying attention so what they do freedom, caucus, individuals, anti establishment forces when would say we have this bill. Margie would go floor, vote, which means every member has now come in and they have to roll call. Are you in favour? Are you in favour? Are you in favour and they hated it be They don't want to do their jobs. So you know what. I stand by. I stand by my gates. You know, I understand you know, I bring it up because we're two days out from this event. We planned with met, but I you know got people who are being like it. It is it's a historic moment. An matt needs to get there. done. He is leading this tremendous battle in DC and for this new gingrich.
Your neo con establishment g o p. Whatever is saying to expel him it's. Why have never been a republican? It's why? I don't like the republican party at the democratic party either, but this explains it right now: All of these people who are winning and crying about what met gates did by filing a motion to vacate by having negotiated these these provisions in the first place, if Kevin Mccarthy breaks his word, which she Why is it matt? Gates's fault? I tell you this. Let's exe belle mccarthy for lying to other members congress, so he could get elected? He broke his word. He said he was Do these bills, he wasn't it cut backroom deals. They're gonna, work too. tat the omnibus spending. It was a major issue and an mccarthy said: okay, I'll, give you this and you know the carton, was thinking in my opinion here thinking sure I'll, tell whatever they want to hear, they don't have the balls
file to remove me because it would be careers, suicide instead met gate, stood up and said. You want play. Ball will play ball and now mccarthy hoop his word and cut a backroom deal to fund ukraine is is, is, is is crying about it and newt gingrich wants its expel? How about this Kevin Mccarthy didn Have the balls to actually negotiate on in good faith with members of republican party who help secure a majority and if he's gonna these backroom deals there may as well not be a majority at all. So who should be expelled? How about the guy who broke his word and started the crisis? Let me tell you my friends: the buck stops with the boss. Ok, if you want a company if you're, the boss and one of your staff members makes a mistake. It's your fault! Oh sure you can Then go to your staff member and say: hey, look, you made a mistake, but at the end of the day the buck stops with you. I'll put it this way. When I was kid,
We are willing to the other side of the tracks. From ma from my my high school, I would our highschool for a couple months. I think it was like two or three months. And I remember one day I was late- and so they gave me a detention to which I ignored. So they gave me a sedative attention to it. I ignored and that apparently the forgot about it, But I remember talking my dad and I said it's not my fault. There was a train and he was yes it. As you know the tracks are there, the trains come you. leave early enough, so they don't it's not by the train and that's it Morton lesson. I learned. I knew the obstacles before me and I took a risk. I sat If I leave right now I'll be fine, this probably not going to be a train and there was- and I was late- the lesson learned the variables set before. you, whether you know about him or not. It is your fault. If you dont, prepare and don't plan ahead, failure to plan is planning for failure. Kevin Mccarthy is the boss, he's the speaker he's looking at all all of the pieces in congress, and he should know better
taking his word with people who already threatened to remove him, would result in this, and he said I'm going to call your bluff and, unfortunately, for him it wasn't a bluff. Matt gates had done you want to play ball, will play ball so who's at fault, Kevin Mccarthy. Is no question, none. I don't see why they're trying to blame Matt gates for a problem, Kevin Mccarthy, create by breaking his word me gates. A single member of congress said here my terms come on guys, I find you get macarthur than broke. His word. This is the republican party, my friends, this is why speaker the house from ninety five, ninety nine- I never liked Republicans still doubt, there's only handful of individuals I like here we go rich. Eighty was speaker has called for mac. to be expelled from the republican party for ousting
karthi saying he's describing gators, egotistical, incompetent, childish, vain and an embarrassment to their side yeah. This is this. This is what we get. This is the the the old archaic way of running a corrupt machine. To just kick it down, kick the can down, road gates on monday introduced legislation. A motion to remove mccarthy which we now rep met gates is an anti republican who has become act. Lee destructive to the conservative movement, the conservative movement on thirty seven. I'm thirty, seven years old, new gingrich's. Eighty, my friend, you did your job. A lot of people appreciate what you did. There was a period where possible It hadn't held congress for walk forty years and then gingrich money came in and they made a change. They did something something different happened and up. never been a fan of how they operate, never growing up, don't care. Now we are witnessing. the rise of a new generation people like Matt gate
Who I know is it? Is it? What is he forty we're? Not we're, not young. You know. We are now the adults who must working to inherit this system- the only thing you can it should be saying, is he should be laughing if it were me- and I was eighty- and this is what was and I'd, laugh and I'd be alike. it's the next generation that inherit everything and die. It's gonna be up to them. They really is Might my view on all of this stuff is that we have to inspire young people and indoctrinate them to american values. Not they woke leftist values, people on the right is like indoctrination is bet. Well, you know, woke indoctrination is bad, but you want your kids and dark related to the values of freedom and meritocracy and personal responsibility and irresponsible dear nation, in your community. It just there's gotta, be a good balance of of freedom, and
the on I'm, not a big fan of just being loyal to govern men. For the sake of it. I think that there is a community responsibility we all have. When I look at this new gingrich complaining about matt gates to failure of new language. It really is what did he cultivate when he was leading charge. That's it man, newt gingrich as speaker and in the republican party, helped foment everything around him, and now he complains about it. You know my view. I've told this story a million times right when I was when I was a kid growing up, skate Boarding first, everybody will not a little kid like everybody were baggy pants and then, when I start getting, the cool thing was to wear skintight genes, punk rock hash, etc. There's a big deal between talking and reporting, especially right now with a fire hose worth of news coming your way, you know what helps having reporters in the field. I am bread milky from abc news, and that's all
you gone on abc daily podcast start here. Every morning start here takes you across the country and around the world for a quick, smart, look at the stories that matter it's fast, it straightforward and sometimes gasp news. Can even be fun so lets me up tomorrow morning. Listen start here, wherever you get your podcast, and so on. Fourteen fifteen- and we all get our stretch, stretch genes that are super tight discussion and the other Aldi for me is that it is easier to see and feel the skateboard, and I get these older deeds. Harangue baggy genes, they all made fun of me and my friends you talked about. how you know it's how lame and how cup stupid we looked and all that stuff we didn't care. We are like your losers, but these guys at one point where the cold When I a little older, I notice that a bunch of people it became a trend to wear dickies slacks, not genes, and they didn't go all the way down to your shoes. So we call that flooding when your pants were not. You know
long enough, and then I see a bunch of people. I know my age being like look. Look. How cringe that is. The losers are now like man, although dudes made fun of us right eugene scenario: megaphone younger deeds for wherein their pants. I don't care bro, that's what they like. That's what they think is cool. It's on them. Thing with scooting people like scooters and unlike dude, let the kids have fun and they're gonna figure out their work. If they do it, if you're, if you're, looking at Matt gate and complaining about it, what did you do to help cultivate your generation of conservatives and anti establishment forces to make a change- or more importantly, did cultivate corruption in the machine and refused to that which led to upstarts like met gates and many others. we challenge the system and say? No, so that's it cry all you want about dude cry all you want. I don't care, it's your fault. It is everything that we do now Next step is going to be the declaration as they inherit power, not thirty seven and I think mats forty so
got people who were around this age entering our forests are forty millennials are starting to take over we're starting to become seat. Yos, we're scientific over congress. you are going to see. Millennials run for president. Even that's right. The vague promise swanny he's a colonial same ages me a little bit older a couple months. I think you're gonna start seeing is thirty Now you're offspring and everything You see from us is a result of what you built and how you ran this country, and so nuke gingrich I dont believe it enough to show the machine and aspire young people to operate the way he wants things to operate? No, now he's complaining that there are people who were upset without things are running and are saying we want something different trouble. pulls out speaker run as geo p floats him as mccarthy replacement. I was too good to be true. Yeah yeah. Everybody was too good to be true. I know you all wanted a speaker, donald trump, but it will not be the case and I,
as of right now? It looks like we're. Not gonna have anything until Tuesday bottom Nancy closer was affected, those one the big news is we ve got what like a month left before a government shut down That's bad news for some people, a lot of people. A lot of people are going to get their paychecks. I I'm sorry, I'm not going to shed a tear for government employees. I understand what medicine. That was saying that he doesn't want. The government is shut down because it means people go without pay. It means benefits can be at risk. It's not a good thing, but we have to get to control. spending, because we are spending into oblivion, we are stripping People of their savings is driving massive inflation. All of the president's of of you know, yesterday and and and before bearers possibility at least not less thirty, or so it has been Long time were present, have just kept spending driving up the deficit, screwing up inflation. It's made things worse in a lot of ways,
but the argument they always make is we can't let the system break now unit I see here in congress. It is easier to kick. The candy The road when I was a kid, my parents also told me about another scenario: we have seen roads, yeah what had happened was there was a road that needed to be rebuilt and the politics who got in sight we're gonna, we're gonna, get it done ahead of schedule and under budget there all excited, and essentially what happens is inferior products are used. And the road will only last for a couple years, but long enough for that politician to get out of office to finish their term or seek reelection. so they say before election, we're gonna get these potholes fixed, they get elected. They say I fulfilled my purse, as everyone cheers and then a couple Years later, when their retiring or when, before the election. The roads are crumbling again. Instead, what they could do is they could say
We're gonna make a road that last twenty five years, but its very expensive, and then everyone complains about it. So this is the game they play A short term gains long term losses because that's how you, when elections, it's funny right, we want elections, we want people to be represented by by in a constitutional republic. by people who have terms, but the end result is this is why lotta people make the argument for longer terms or even for autocracy or monarchy, not offend disagree. You get way worse thanks Imagine if we abolish knows crooked evil forever, not good that What we have now is because of election cycle, you get nothing in off. Yours and then the world is ending on presidential election years now. I do think we are facing unprecedented times and things are getting particularly bad. Twenty twenty was crazy and we ve got a bunch of keys.
you think. Since then, crime is getting really bad. I gotta video comin up at four p m about this, but I do think right. Now we are facing victory, doesn't mean we're going to moral or even next year or even in four years. I'm just looking at people standing up to this corrupt machine, and maybe it just means a reform period. I would accept that- and I hope it happens so shouted to Matt gates, Jim Jordan. You know, I do hope Jim wins, although I do feel like we'll end up being disappointed, there's a reason why I don't think Matt gates is even running for speaker because it didn't. possible job. I can respect that, but I can't respect Kevin mccarthy breaking his word. Kept mccarthy should have come out and given a speech in said, I gave a promise to republicans that would they vote for me. I will not negotiate backroom deals. This means that we have to come to an agreement on the republican side and figure with compromises. Instead, backroom deal continue resolution, not not ok, with that its cause
his oliver their necks. I'm coming up at four p m on this channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you all them. full uncensored video of the moon or in new york of the leftist activists has been released. I am not going to play the full video. There are some things that I will show. There is a censored version that is being released in the media, but with this new information. We are now seeking the murderer and the police are putting a call to I and discover who this person is. But with these details there is a lot to be said, there's lots, said now. You may be asking yourselves when I talk about me having very little sympathy for those who live in these cities. After all, this stuff is happening. The keep voting for these people say it's not the way to him. You can't. You can't think that way. I have sympathy for people who are stuck in these cities and are trying to make it work. look at it. I have respect for people, war, emissaries, fighting the fire. I do
have sympathy for the people who vote these policies. In don't know how to act. I gotta talk about this video. You know why you want to lie because of this article Father of three on weight, a high school reunion, is killed by career criminal cops. I now I don't know who this guy's a prominent as the businessmen was shot and killed by a maoist, sixty six prior arrest, one as way to attend his high school classes, twentyth anniversary reunion, Christopher thirty. Eight years old was in downtown chattanooga on thursday to meet up with is I am from a school when it an argument with deal roberts, a career criminal known as too tall surrounded, Instead, it shows right a father of three talking to our three seven and another member for walking away right, then turns to say something to the two men went with roberts. Acting by walk, implement firing has got it right. Head right was rushed to a hospital where he died. Look man,
I'm gonna give this guy, it's sad story gimme, some criticism as well- anybody whose learning about conflict resolution survival, combat, etc, and I gotta tell you man, I can speak for and I may fighters you have see guys, but in my experience having talked to them, these guys have said to me: don't fight man, we don't want to in my experience, many of the people I know who are fighters tries hard as possible not to fight cause. They get it one of the first things. You are trained on when you're learning how to to win a fight, work or or defend yourself is any fight you can flee from is a fight you ve won or any fight. You do flee from. So my point is this: this father of three should not be. Build like this- I don't think he's in the same vein as he's left his activists to advocate for social workers or whatever. So this is the problem I have with these leftist activists,
who think all they need is a social worker. I watch this video of the left, his activists being killed and there's so much that infuriates me he should not have lost his life. I feel bad. I want anybody. Was our lives on against the death penalty. I say it all the time, but at a certain point, in this video I describe it, ok cause there's some fighting and stuff like that. If you really want to watch the video you can find it's all over twitter, but here to show a video of I'm not here to shock, and I'm here talk about what you meet. What people need to understand. I watched the there's a very famous viral video, martial arts master black belt. And he says I will teach you the one technique to win any fight with one one move your win: every fight urine and all these students or around and there- watching this master any walks up, and he does a thing, then he runs and waved his arms and their frantic in the other direction and everyone busts out laughing
It comes back and he says if you can run from a fight. You do it any flood fight you flee from as a fight you ve won, because you want to fight you dont. If you dont have to fight dont, do it there are certain fight. You can't run from someone's gotta hostage someone's threatening to heart someone else who act in defence of others as a little bit of this in this story. But with this story and with this video about this, sky here, I'll I'll, scroll down and I'd. You know: here's ears, the victim, his girlfriend. I do. I she's probably torn up as obviously as I feel bad for. Obviously, but I have criticisms. I just do I'm sorry. This is who they're looking for wanted for murder field information needed this guy needs We arrested. We need the police to do their job and find the sky, and it is ironic that a leftist activist whose advocacy whether directly or indirectly,.
leads to the police being neutered as such and demonized donors. We now need I'm so desperately in this video. I am. I am deeply offended by what I see. These people think they live in this golden world of safety skittles in rainbows, but the world is a harsh, unfair beast this man with a hook up walks. past the couple who are sitting on a bus bench facing the sidewalk around. For I m I've. Emily was for him. The man walked past them and he looks over at them and keeps walking they are oblivious. They dont look at all towards the men. They just sit there. They then, within a few seconds after his walk, half way down the street, get up and begin to walk in his direction without paying attention to who just walked past them. Without thinking about anything as they approach this man who he begins, shoving scooters
knock em over. He is clearly distressed and engaging in violent activities. He then turned to the coupling yells to the young man ryan and says what the f r you're looking at, and he says something nothing. Nothing then, instead of backing up and just leaving or fleeing. He stands his ground and leans in big mistake. This man is crazy. He then shoves, the guy who approaches him do whatever you want. Where there is a practical boxer and three guys are yelling at him. He has his hands up and he's backing away his walking backwards. This hands up the guy's, then start aggressor, and he starts doing- I don't let's call, but he is like the sidesteps with his fist up again retreating into a defensive position, not engaging not attacking the guys that lunge adam and goes bang knox one out there. I swings bang knox one out, so that's a fighter, a guy who now
And understands what it means to be in a fight he was trying as hardest not to fight. Back, when the recent heeded didn't turn his back to the guy's, because it him in the back, so he kept up a defensive position. Amato, I'm a good fighter, much internet. I'm saying you'll need to understand conflict resolution survival. First aid. All of these things, here's what happens next.
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people? But it's a lesson. People need to learn. Yeah yeah me, don't you you, you learn from these stories, gave the dude pushes the guy who pulls out a knife. And it looks like it six inch blade of some sort of serious business again instead of fleeing the girlfriend. Did she run just stands there? She should have started to run. The boyfriend has not distracted the deranged man. The girlfriend should go. In fact the boyfriend frontiers had go run now. She doesn't She stands there. You gotta died. The man then put his hand up behind them like this, and does this affectionate push to his trust them and then the the murderer takes a while stance like a combat stance. The victim turns in panic and trips into the bus bench, they were sitting on because he was not
situationally aware nor paying attention at four am in new york city, where, where crime is skyrocketing, as he falls down, the murderer, slams twice, I believe twice or maybe three times into the chest of the victim. Now, at first I had said I clarify this- I don't know the full circumstances of the injuries. I believe there is a strong possibility, was a sucking chest wound. The reason why I often bring that up is because I know personal stories of people who have died when they should not have, and the scary thing about it is a sucking chest, wound there's a cavity in your trust. So when you inhale your lungs are not displacing, ought not pulling in fresh air. What's happening is you're in your expand your chest and it's actually pulling air into the cavity, so your lungs aren't getting fresh air. You feel like you're breathing but you're not. there's not moving, and then you asphyxiated die and all
have to do is seal the wound. By this I put a credit card on it. Squeeze it tight, prevent air from getting in, and you d die now what we ve learned since the police reports that the deal the knife pierced his heart, that's it it was done for Sad story, man and I'm sad that had happened, but when you the case for these policies that are soft on crime. When you advocate for politician, Those who believe social workers are all you need? I am not surprised. This young man was led to a young man whose thirty thirty two are not right, he was led to believe that when you or you are confronted with a deranged personas persons. Apparently young. I was a kid when you provided by a cycle person screaming I'll EF. He set out, I think, kill you that you, you push. Him but you stand there. You get back if You'd have been situational, aware: he'd be alive as government be fine. If, when this guy
walked past him. He simply set. Let's go the other way, they'd be fine, but they didn't even look. What about this? A couple weeks ago, the viral video, the man in the woman walking in the mall, The guy goes, but there's two exits behind me. My closest exit is still in front of me that guy looks a little bit sketchy better stay away from him. Then, it was the woman going and then making my way downtown atlanta day and then the day the joke was the man was situational aware for what reason did this guy decide to confront this dude? I do not understand but I think the issue is this. Man was, and I'm not trying to be a dick to the departed. He was soft. wasn't paying attention to where he was he was so used to the cushy affluent lifestyle. urban liberal so often do. He did not think about anything around him. He didn't think about dangers. He did
think about the crazy guy screaming, he didn't think about where the bus bench was, he tried to flee. Here's the other thing, the girl, furnace landing there and I can understand a guy getting in between a deranged man and an end their girlfriend I get it girlfriend should have read The guy begins to run and trips over the bus bench and that's it now he's on the ground, and he takes a couple, a couple of hits to the chest if he had been actively paying attention to what was around him instead of trying to confront this guy lean and shove him and tell him to chill you'd be life if it wasn't for these soft on crime policies, he'd likely be alive now. The fault of course stays with the perpetrator, but my point is not to sit here and blame the victims, not I'm saying I'm saying Hope you all users as a lesson to understand the importance of knowing first aid. I dont think you could have been saved if the if it really did pierce his heart at a sad story. Understand for
I understand. Situational awareness oh man, this video, it's just so crazy to watch this woman after her boyfriend is fatal, is mortally wounded. She just stands there and she looks around she's like just doing nothing. I dont think she understood you doesn't These people, who are very aunt I done don't understand, knives, are more dangerous in most circumvent, specially close quarters, high density areas, you're in a crowd and music venue. When also do here, bangs people will freak out. They heard a gunshot run. Imagine someone went to occur with a knife. No one would hear anything and no one would do anything and the people who got stabbed wouldn't even though they were stabbed. That's the scary, terrifying reality of not undressed
and in what a knife can really do. Not the uk there like we're, banning knives too, as I could look with that, what we need are people have to have the ability found themselves, but a nerd new york. You can't you can't carry concealed. So what do you know and I felt a legal two yards illegal to carry knives in new york city later carrying like a kitchen where sat no one's gonna compliance, not like the uk but yeah yeah, knives or illegal, specially at a certain length of something like this. matter? Criminals are gonna get away with it. You see would happen, was when this guy mortally wounded the girls boyfriend. She didn't know what happened she didn't realize, and this is this is true, the only reason. People know they get shots here, a bang times and even though they check their like what I just hit me don't know, people don't get it when it comes to knives, there are several stories where people take some serious heads from like a five or six inch, blade, you're, you're, adrenalin pumping you don't know you got it, I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna make you cringe right. I'm gonna make you cringe right now. I'm warning you, ok, you're, not gonna, to envision, we're about to tell you so for those I don't it's not it's out
Bad it just gonna make you once when I was eighteen ida backpack, where saw gear in it. I had skate tools, I'd care, my skateboard with it, and I care to change a clue. is if I was gonna, be staying at a friend's house or whatever, and I carried a face razor and I'm an idiot I reached into my bag, looking for my skate tool and was just like I'll, find it and I'm feeling around, and I feel something and it feels weird and I'm like what is this field? It's like a weird feeling. I can't figure out what is and then I feel wet. I put my hand out, and my thumb is covered in blood. My face razor. Didn't know I was slicing my thumb open with the fit with the razor one that bad I ran my finger cosmic. times and sliced it up, and I was. Are you got on such an idiot people assume that you're gonna know when your head, because you'll feel this pain, but if you're not expecting it, sometimes you don't even notice. And what happens with blades, as they say out of his true, but goes between the nerves of something like this.
man, all I really want to say. I guess I can just stop harping on this. I watch the uncensored full version of this, this third version, you don't see how the hits happened. You see the guy in the group And I assume that was probably like a sucking chest, one because this would happen and examine the chest typically, but I guess it went to his heart. This young man was upset, there's a and who walked in a frame, and she goes just something like Brian, don't hurt him or something like that, and I he kicks the guy after effort mortally wounded him wanted for murder. I think what happened. Was this guy gone to a fight with a girlfriend on their lost his mind and then just when a blind rage kept the guy passion? Murder? For no reason, Some people say that he was on it. It was on a rampage and they just gotten his way. It's really simple, my friends, if you Are in any area- and you see, sir, one whose acting strange you go to the direction. You walk in the direction that simple, but you know
but so many of his urban liberals are scared of being called racist when they do that, clutching their purse or crossing the street. I don't care what you call me and I don't care what you look like dude it doesn't matter. You know be funny if people begin mugging, others orang suits cause and no one sees a common. I implore you all get self defense training. I implore you get first aid training and died just something basic you rusty, quick, you forget a lot of things, but there are some instances where a single sentence can save your life. I learned something interesting when I did hostile environment training.
I learned that a lot of people don't understand how tourniquets work. I don't believe it, but it's true because I witnessed it with people in training who did not understand so we weren't we are talking about for moral bleeds and how quickly you can die if you from or from moral artery, is hit crowded as well and dumb. The people who are applying tourniquets were told by the instructor. You need to put the tourniquet above the wound right, which means it
to be closer true to your hip, to stop the greater flow of blood from the rest of your body exiting the wound, and they explained to us that many people will put the tourniquet below beneath the wound and the blood keeps coming and they don't understand. They don't get. That tourniquet is putting pressure to cut the supply of blood to the area where it is leaking out of the body. And then I watched people who were explicitly told this making that mistake, like blood, is coming out of your arm. Stop the blood above so that no blood goes to the aren't. I don't get it and that's what people need training and it's like for a lot of people who don't know that a single sentence and it could save someone's life, though, to think to us-
People don't gotta, make tourniquets ya seriously. Repartee short, you get a pen, you need a lot of something for leverage and again does not mean giving advice or instruction cause, I'm just some random due to took up forsake it. You got you go you of course you could take a course, but what one thing they point out, as you can think about, you took a shirt or cloth, you wrap it and then you tie you tie a not run a pen and spend the pen and it will tighten and then you And like folded into itself, so it holds a lot of things you can do. I'm not the expert on this. My point is just this: guy was so comfortable in new york city, they're, so safe in their bubble. They do not realize what how bad it's getting. But you get it, I made my point. I gonna wait a little longer than I spec that I'll leave it. There now leave it. There are men. We know that crime is getting worse, but next augments coming up at six p m on this gentle thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them.
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the story in the quick version and then will read through this there's a tech event to recruit women intact and a bunch. dude signed up as non binary and were desperately trying to give out their reza maize and get jobs and get recruited. The funny thing about this, as it was not a troll, it was not a protest. It was an organic incident. basically a bunch of guys who need jobs were like if the only thing that I can do to get along cup in this market is claimed to be non binary I'll do it now, of course, this phenomenon does result in more people claim to be non binding area which will go into the stats and then you'll get we're laws passed because democratic we believe it, but it doesn't matter This is an emergent phenomenon. There is a young man, he says you have to seed by any means necessary. They need a job, I want to be harmless where they see they go to job there. They say sorry we're not hiring you sorry when on hiring, usually where they do a women's,
prince pops up tons of jobs available and they say look man. I need work. I'll, just say non binary and were good, and the funny thing about this is the people, the people, the conference. Start insulting these men and claiming that they ve never eggs The ever before said there were non binary y. All of a sudden, you don't need to your. all I just video words like there's a guy with a beard, I'm on that Not a transfer are literally just now with a beard, and he was like the I as a now, because what is it? to be a woman like an umbrella knees like acting flamboyant or whatever, but he was clearly just a guy with a beard again, I'm not talking about the transports. I'm saying like is a regular looking guy and there people celebrating it saying like what does it mean to be a woman? They were totally on board with this, when it was spectacle on social media, advancing their cause, but now that is gendered. Males are masquerading as non binary. The rules must change again, and
We are losing their minds well reaping meet sewing. here's the story from out kick me in the overrun event there, when you create a stupid system. Don't be surprised when people exploit it and that's exact what happened over the weekend when a conference for women intact was swamped by men who right history under the guise of non binary. yeah, you can argue that, but based on their rules there just on binary, I'm sorry you don't get I understand why the right would argue there not really non binary, but my view on this is a bunch of non binary. People signed up those are their rules. What makes them binary, Did I say they were nonviolent. It's all. You have to do right Opera celebration is an annual conference and career, fair designed to be the research and career interests of women in completing the forefront, but this Drugs of men descended on the orlando event, with resume he's in hand, and so
report and even cut lines and shoved women out of the way to submit those rise amazed to potential employers. There's video of this, I love it so much. Watching a bunch of duty who did not plan this all shoving them out of the way and waving their resignation. People. These are the real. If you wanted, you want males and females sports. What was that when they were like no one's going to pretend to be trans, to get an advantage Are you now accusing these non binary individuals of lying to gaining advantage? Okay, well, Sure you tell me I guess, what's that they are Well, then, let's go look back at all of the women's sporting events and see if any of these people were just trying to get an advantage. Huh. Oh you can't have it both ways, I'm sorry they got to say female attendees expressed their frustration on social media. These men are acting like zoo animals sprinting. Booths and physically hurting somebody attendees, but you will them to come
you sad non binary. People are allowed an order to be non binary, you need only claim you are so about You guys were like do whatever I have to do to get a job. Congratulations! These are your rules and no one did anything wrong approach. His honor named lily lisa that men did attend the panels and seminars, rather they bolted straight for the job there in a tick tock video. She read comments from women who claim they were bothered, harassed and even hit on by some of them. Are participants? Will non binary doesn't mean that you don't like women? This is so for women in tech, another great Opera- and he said this is of those few limited resources. That is it for you, it's for us, yes, but you allow non binary. People come on what game you plan Chaos was the word of the day. What a woman named pretty lotta many attending as non allies overstepped boundaries. We witnessed in appropriate comments, bridges of personal space and a sheer lack of decorum dont know don't care and need to be. the non profit that runs the conference on linkedin there was an increase in.
Participation of self identifying males at this year's event than on It noted it cannot ban men ban men from attending because a federal nondiscrimination protections- sorry guys it. so bad, though the organizations chief impact officer stood up on the conference to explain that some registrants had lied about their gender identity and men were now taking up space and time with recruiters that should go to women. All of those are limited resources to which you have no right. Full stop. the organisation has just violate the civil rights act. You can. Not go on stage and say no men. We can't ban you, but that's not for you. Ok, the civil rights act. Multiple titles talk about what you can't or can't do in terms of discrimination and sex gender identity, gender. There are protected now imagine I note the feminist and the left are gonna say, but just imagine this because its equal under the law, someone when
One stage and chastised black people for showing up on the space should be for white people. Yes, there would be outrage, but the civil rights act. Where's, that you cannot do that we're forceful I'll, be here, but this is not for you. You can't do that. Sorry, you can't do that. That's what they did to me These the rules, you asked for. both young lee and italy advisory. President posted a video on linkedin on friday. In response to the criticism the event had always felt like a safe and loving and embracing place. This year must admit it didn't feel this way, and I know that- Many of you felt the same. Many of you are killing unsafe, physically and psychologically and you're feeling unheard, which to create a safe space and this we saw the outside world creepin. This makes me angry that makes me sad, but mostly makes me want to fight yeah. That's desert, quite literally fighting words. while she made this video aware. I love this idea that in all put it this way
I am not saying that all of these people who want a woman only event are guilty of being feminist and far leftist, because I believe it is fine to have women's basis, but it is typically. These people who create these policies and allow say non binary that are advocating or these policies, and now all of a sudden are upset about it This is not. It does not appear to be a woman's about And by conservative women who would have just kicked the men out, I really do think so. I think. If you were going to see conservatives holding an event and a guy stood up and said number, an area. They'd be alike started. And I know that there are. committed over like federal law and stuff like that. But for the most part this is likely relatively woke gap. and you don't maybe maybe not- maybe not, but this is what the woke left is creating.
There is not going to be a women's recruiting drive so, as I've said time and time again, the left hates feminism and is destroying And people recognise that's where we're gonna end up. Only and especially Are we going to say it is a shame? What happened at grace opera, but when you create a system that allows them to be marginalized, were the better of love and inclusiveness is what happens in this area. that a group of tech, nerds motivated by numbers and fact is even entertaining the shiraz that men can be women, Hopefully the organised will take this lesson and make sure next years women conferences on open only to women, a wild concept. I know It is written by Amber Harding, a woman less right, here's the issue: you create another and you say non binary. People are welcome and you say tat. Be non binary. You need only assert at what do you think is going to happen you Absolutely will get this caused about numbers. it's not about ideology. It's not.
About what you want to happen. It's about numbers, how many people exist, how many people are willing to exploit how many people will Let's say you know they do this annual event and you ve got three million people in the? U s, let's say I got one hundred million working males eligible for work, or maybe let's say eighty I dunno, I dunno the number of working age. Males is it, may it might be one hundred one hundred million actually well. I dont want to say that these young people, so that they are your militias are eighty million. Let's say: seventy nine million are like. I would never got omens event and claim to be non binary. Let's say there is a tiny minority of people simply ten thousand. Who absolutely would attend any event and claim to be any identity. Now you get it. Ok Oh you're going to see your event overrun by people who are willing to claim to be non binary if it gives them an advantage, and you note the realities,
the guys who are willing to do. This will get the advantage there more likely to get the job. Why a guy who were- attend, won't, be hired and in fact, I'm sure a bunch of these companies. Don't care a guy. Why? up and says your non binary a night. I dive before stack developer and there like works for me, fills our core in California your hired a what comes up to them and said we want to be we want to be hired by your company and go against female. It checks a box non binary queer that checks more boxes will take that we can hire one person, and now put in our annual report. That x per cent of our employees are part of these groups. Not you, ladies. So these are the raw you want there's the rules you get. I complained about it. I just won't be part. These events? I don't care about these companies. We're gonna, build our own parallel economy we're all to in a watch and mock them as destroy their own organisations and then complain about it. That's your problem, guys! Oliver, there
next item is coming up tonight at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him cast. I EL thanks for hang out and I'll see you all them. New york is in dire straits, crime is rampant. We ve got that viral story all throughout this week of that dude, who was murdered the leftist and his girlfriend, who is also a leftist, and we well aware that things are getting bad wars are closing. The economy is not doing so well. But, ladies and gentlemen, a yo see calls for are your taxes on new york's top five percent, which would hit households earning more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. Analysis shows ok, joinery thousand thousand thousand years top five percent, because the reality is in new york. You struggle and life sucks is one of the reasons I left new york. It is unaffordable if you're super rich.
I guess, but if you're super rich, why would you live in an area where someone might kill you, you wouldn't get leaf and a vile left? Most of my on the left, and there are a lot of people that are still there, but right now There is a mass exodus out of new york of people who earn what a yossi is proposing is exactly what destroy cities and I've got. The income calculator to back this up. So let's talk about the top five. that and how their linen the virus democrats signed onto a statement issued last month by the new york city the critics socialists calling on the city and state too. fund resources for all new yorkers by raising tax in the top five percent, and it sounds so good. They say all these poor people of innovation to pay paycheck. No rich people should foot the bill. Now the rich people will If you know that new york city has an income tax, that's right, new york city, one of the few places in the world in this and in the country where a city imposes an income tax, so you ve got federal state and city.
it is one of the highest tax rates in the country california's higher, but the new york, because the city tax becomes very high, A lot can happen in the next three years, like a chat thought, maybe your new best friend, but what won't change? Meeting health insurance, united healthcare, try term medical plans are available for these changing times underwritten by golden rule insurance company. They offer budget friendly, flexible coverage for people who are in between jobs or missed open in rome, and the plans last nearly three years in some states with access to a nation, wide network of doctors and hospitals so from whatever tomorrow brings united healthcare. Try term medical plans mainly for you learn more. You ate one dot com and an analysis. On monday in wall street journal tim offer. The sea The conservative, think tank empire centre for public policy acute the congress summit of attempting to redefine the term rich. The top five percent considering the loves private in the one per cent of the major development offer, wrote that, while the. One percent of new yorkers make nearly a million dollars and adjusted gross income. The five percent
Russia, is a little bit above two hundred fifty thousand dollars for household or married couple. A hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars each argue that a hundred twenty seven thousand threshold would include many government workers, teachers in school administrators and first responders, the move from tar. The top one per cent of the top five percent is a recognition that the socialists programme, the bar for Margaret thatcher. risks running out of other people's money. Yo see was one of twenty elected officials from new york assign under the state recent don t, say statement on all sides: editors, Julia, salazar, debauchery, brisk sport Kristen gins Allah's. Oh boy of this one hey a yossi, let's talk about taxes I lived in new york city for several years and I paid my taxes. I did not leave, necessarily because I do want to pay money. I actually have no problem paying for services rendered if the services rendered are something I think our gut. in new york city crime is running rampant. There are two cops were executed on my street, not an
admiration. I look up my window and I saw the murder scene not really Please. I want to right things are getting worse riots. Bombings. And so for a while. Since occupy wall street, I had started making pretty good money. I got a bunch of presidential attention started building a company when, four vice and then fusion and I was getting paid beaten sellers around this time as crimes got started skyrocketing. I don't really think that much about taxes, What I did think thou was at the city's. Mismanagement was inappropriate for some like me, and I should probably by a house and move somewhere else. I move a first move to jersey too, out of the city, because I'm like, I still want to be in the metro, but I don't want to be in the city it's too expensive, then eventually, I left it was too expensive. I am what you would describe as a high income earner and as high income earth, we pay majority of taxes, majority of taxes paid come from people who are wealthy because of high taxes. People flee to place like porter. We go
where, if you live, therefore at least half a year, you have no income tax, now you're a millionaire, that's a lot of money and what what the reason the government does it as they want you to move their so hey. Let's talk about this when the gun it wants people to move to a place. They reduce or eliminate taxes. Then rich people come in and develop and build nice things, and this helps the economy grow in the area. When cities want to kick people out, you raise taxes. So here's the argument. I suppose it's ass for the average person, because their only they're making less than two fifty only the top five percent makes to fifty and a lot of people listening right now are to be like to fifty two. That's insane amount of money. Oh you bet you're we take it home. I think after taxes, like a hundred and fifty two hundred and sixty k, yeah like eighty nine need a thousand dollars goes taxes. That's right! That's a lot live off of, though, and compared to the average person is brutal, but here, are some things that we need to consider and let's talk about? Eight sees desperateness our two just destroy new york for war
there's a viral video where she's too in about bringing in non citizens, giving them work rights, giving special protections and housing and people are screaming and protesting. So you know she actively is intending on brand but to brand policies that will harm the citizens of new york city. I have you, I have this forty from went up. The average rent in new york, new york or studio apartment. Three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars is the average rent. One year ago is three thousand one hundred and thirty eight, it's gonna ten percent three years ago it was too some two hundred and eighteen, when I saw that it was at thirty five hundred for a studio that blew my mind. I was in a hip neighborhood in a two bedroom for two thousand one hundred dollars just about eight or so years ago, I saw that I like yeah. It's not really thirty. Five hundred now makes sense, three years ago was twenty two for a studio makes sense through
years before that it would have been seventeen rent is skyrocketing. Let's talk about being reasonable, a reasonable. Rent for the average person is gonna, be it's gotta, be a one bedroom. Ok, we don't people living in pods and eating bugs you should be able to afford a one bed room right one in new york city is forthcoming. In one hundred and fifty dollars. On average, the price per square foot goes down as you get bigger, but the price will still go up because of this there's more square footage: It was three thousand nine hundred and fifty eight dollars a year ago, it's over four thousand dollars per month to have a one bedroom. So if you think it's reasonable that you have a living room separate from your bedroom four grand per month, Let's talk about those wages of, or does the top five percent of income earners make take home.
According to smart asset, talking about new york city, they take home thirteen thousand three hundred and seventy eight dollars per month, which means They would, at the end of the day, have about eight thousand or so for everything else. Eight eight eight eight thousand five hundred dollars afterwards. Now you may be saying this not so bad ass also bet, I mean thirteen thousand dollars a month. You can live off that now, can a consideration, healthcare, vacation, new clothes and, most importantly, we're talking but families the reality is as accurate They described this is going to be. Some gum employs some doctors, some mid level managers who are making a hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars per year and their wives, and they have kids and they on eleven something a bit larger than a one bedroom. The average person to I think it's not some single, my millennial who makes the integrate a year. So let's go back to front. Let's say
why I mean let's be real parliament having kids if you live in new york, but but a lot of people do ok, obviously, there's lots of kids in new york liberals to not do, but let's say it is two adults and two kids: what's reasonable a to bed room I've grand a month. Now. To be honest, I guess that's what you're gonna end up doing your key. you're going to share a bedroom. They may be upset. You might need a three better if you ve got two kids depending on their ages as well, which means you ask It takes a room and then each kid gets we're one bedroom or they have bunk beds, depending on how far apart in age there, but let's be real. If, if, if they're, three or four years apart, they're they're not going to it's going to rough, I think it is fair and reasonable to expect that a family can have a three bedroom for a family afore. Now, let's say it's a family of five, which should be acceptable. The problem here is its becoming increasingly crock
it's prohibitive to have a family, our? U reasonably, gonna gonna break your kids in a studio know. How much do you make on average? Ok, The average wage in new york is around sixty five to eighty thousand dollars a year, which means that, yes, the Family is not going to be the top five percent, but they certainly can't afford rent So what is a yossi really saying? The people who are just above break even should pay. Or I'm sorry, man, you're cities in trouble. Ok, a fee or bedroom really is. It's a lot of sense for a family of five share roman each kid gets a bedroom, and I know that big ask if the suburbs more more likely it's possible if ur new york your bag and sacrifice two kids, my chair room, one can make it their own room or you just don't have the kids who can afford it. Raising taxes on people who make two hundred fifty if Europe, if you're married- let's let me monsieur, I get, this will do the math right, because I think this one is a is a single pay frequency
let's do married your ear, it you're in a lot more money up normally. A hundred four dollars a yossi wants, charge: the people who are taking home fourteen thousand dollars a month between two full time. Parents more in taxes you get about, seventy percent of your income- thirty percent, goes to taxes and I ll look. Let me see here if we state, local income. Taxes is wrong by the way, because there is a local income tax, so it's actually less believe new york's local income taxes like three point: seven, five percent, so looking at another. What we got here, four hundred dollars off so yeah about fourteen thousand, you can well that- and I understand, a lot of people are saying yeah but you're not doing so bad. I wish I made that much money right. My point: is this they're not going to pay the tax they're going to leave your city
Then your tax revenue will go down. We are not talking about the ultra wealthy, who are flying and helicopters we're talking about a yossi targeting working families who are just getting by to the point where if both parents are working full time, kids gotta go to day care right, kids, gotta in school, joint kid gonna public school man, you see other other one in this game now No one else raising your kids that both parents can work. That's the reality of the modern condition, and so, how much that gonna run you if you're doing daycare couple grand per month now you ve got medical food and supplies another couple grand if you're, making too de between two parents. You are not ultra wealthy, you are just getting by in new york city and Can I know is appealing to be alike. Are you not? If I may, that much money do it is insane how expensive and difficult it is to live in new york city. My point is this:
I am not saying a family that is making two fifty is in the poor house. I am saying these are people who have just barely come past. This point where they're like now, we can breathe a little bit. You probably can save up to get a change of clothes for your kids. If you don't have is this. Is this how the exploit you? But in the end only one thing matters. I see and democrat policies will result in hardworking individuals fleeing and that's it. Thank you have a nice day. You want to raise taxes. Just leave they'll go work somewhere else and I'll take that tax revenue with them, and then things will get worse, but by all means you do you live there oliver their necks segments. Coming up at six p m on this, gentle thanks bring it out and I'll see you all them. sergeant and mrs smith you're going to love. This house is
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.