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Machine DECLARES WAR On Russell Brand, Shows CANCELED, Agency Dumps Him Over Me Too Allegations


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Machine DECLARES WAR On Russell Brand, Shows CANCELED, Agency Dumps Him Over Me Too Allegations

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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ran, came other video this past week saying he categorically denies all allegations of impropriety against him and that their Maybe some other agenda at play and I gotta be honest, when you look at how the media is reacting to what's going on with Russell brand, how the companies that I just gotta say please not normal. You look at our view, einstein the man who was protected for decades, and then, and then we get Russell brand and when what is Russell brand, do what russell brains but different, there's no big, vested geisha, this guy is Russell brain. That's some powerful media mogul controls, industry he's a dude who started pod casting about politics recently who use be in big moves are obvious, still doing movies notice, respect, but it the budget movies gathers character. Who cares about Russell
Brandon and why policy shows was not been convicted of any crimes and these accusations against him. They sure whatever first So how are we immediately shutting? down and cancelling his businesses before there is any proof of anything, that's the first reason I find this to be suffering you now have a conspiracy theory being pushed for the likes of the present stiens. Claiming that Russell brand new fifteen years ago, that is mouth. What malicious deeds would come back to haunt him? its basic. There are states that Russell brand. This is coming fifteen years ago. I'm not getting and started building political base. Knowing that he needed an army of people who distrust the media so that when they found we do levy these things against him. He will be a
to defend himself worked or something like that. Ok, to be fair, are actually arguing that, since the me to movement started, which was what was at ten years ago or something out whatever rust brand was like, oh there come for me next that build an army of anti establishment people to defend me, which is the stupidest thing. I've ever heard. I can only site If you look at all the newspapers, when you look at the immediate rack from the tv networks, something doesn't feel right, I mean who they are to look at Epstein right, Epstein's, a guy who's got a private eye and in a plane, and they don't do nothin about him. In fact, when Amy roar back got this interview and she's like we got em what they do, they bear but all now Russell brand had for theirs. For accusers from twenty years ago or fifteen years ago now it's all coming out of the way I get out of here. Dude, I'm sorry there.
That? There's a meme tweet I hate to bring it up. Is it such a stupid drama stuff? But it's big news so You know you got this mean tweeting. It says. We got high definition, video of Laurent barber getting groped in the dark, but we don't know who put the pipe bombs on january, sex this country, so full of fish, and I had to bring it up, but it it makes a very, very good political point and I'm sorry cause. I don't ever bring it up, because I don't care about lauren bovary having a prayer, but I mean it yielded up into the air. But what am I gonna talk about it? My point is that's the kind of stuff that gets massive attention. What political power now lord bobo did something stupid and they gotta run camera because she's, effective politically, They go after her and they have these videos that their filming everyone all the time they approach fill me when I go to the grocery store like what's he buying doing weird creepy stuff? What
find is that when I'm not working, I met the charlestown poker room just sitting there all day, blaine poker, but anyway, I bring this up because you have Russell brand and for reason, do we have all these explosive allegations coming at that warrant massive media attention, yet Epstein was over looked for so long because the deeds effective politically so first. Let me just say you know: maybe he's got allegations against them innocent until proven guilty, and all stuff, but I look. I'm not going to be a free pass, however, just because these four it was a false allegations. Now he's getting dropped from every network, something doesn't make sense there that's kind of weird again Epstein wine son. What's now that your story from NBC news so brands management agency terminates ties following sexual assault. Allegations tavistock would men an agency said it believed it was horribly misled by him. I thank god. I pay Russell's Russell got a super defamation
because being dropped by these brands were saying they were misled by him or this agency simply because of an accusation. That's not a definitive statement of fact and in the uk, their defamation laws are a bit more. Than ours, but I do think I know. What's up, I really do we have this tweet Simon see by tweeted. Many are now saying at this. Clip might be why Russell brand is being attacked. Watch. Ok, what to be fair! I dont think this clip is why he's being attacked, I hu thank Russell brand is under fire because of enlarged are things he says like this and you and you should less and listen to what russell brand has to say if it plays ok, I'll reloaded
Yeah, that's actually a glitch that an excess of respect for you and your show posts. In fact the I love I wouldn't have mentioned it. I'm english and you know that politeness is our fundamental religion, but they do pertain to these issues so myocytes at least they inconvenience you I'll, stop saying that the pandemic created at least forty new for big pharma billionaires. Pharmaceutical corporations like madonna and Pfizer, made one thousand dollars of profit every second, from the kobe nineteen vaccine, more than two thirds of congress received campaign funding from pharmaceutical companies in the twenty eight twenty election pfizer chairman albert bowler, told time magazine in July, two thousand and twenty the company was developing a cobit vaccine for the good of humanity, not for money and, of course, pfizer made one hundred billion dollars in profit or twenty twenty. Two and managers mentioned that. Finally, and these are, this is also a fact that
if the american public funded the development of that the german fund public, have funded the buyer and take a vaccine when it came to the profits. They took the profits when it came to the funding you paid for the funding on querying. Is this? Yes, is this? You have an economic system in which pharmaceutical companies benefit hugely from medical emergencies, where a military, industrial, complex benefits from war where energy companies benefit from energy crises, you are going to generate states of perpetual crisis with separate interests of the land. That is at a grand slam. and one of the most important observation Realizations and statements made in in our modern times, but you know Russell brand. He did it's more than that I'd say was agreed land but its bigger. It's better. It hit the nail now the hammer. Could that be it so or suggesting that it's because of statements like-
that he is now under fire and you know, look man, I'm not I'm not a big conspiracy guy. Not that I don't know, I don't know, he's been accused Russell brand denies sexual assault allegations. One of the women alleges she had a three month relationship with brand when she was sixteen according to the times, although that is the age of consent in the uk and she claims brand groomed and raped her. You gotta be careful with these things. First, if Russell brand as an adult of the age of animal lino use these may twenty, older older. Really I mean you should be thy, that's too what What is the old rule? They say, you're your age, cotton, half time, but plus seven or something like half your eight. None at all. What is it? Half your age plus? Heaven is at our works, so if you're like fifty, then you can be with someone who, as you know, to a thirty two or something like that or whatever if Russell brand is in his twenty is getting a sixteen year old, inappropriate wrong. I'm not if I can. If I can get a bad thing, however,
it is the age of consent in the uk. So it's legal there? I guess, whatever here's, that they often Don't tell you with these things. What if this store is about Russell brand being nineteen years old. I oh I'm not saying you are, I believe the allegations are that it was much older than that which I'm just, this warning you when you see stories like this to be careful because they ll say things like did you know that donald tusk, I once dated a sixteen year old, the biblical. Ah, what it's like when he was sixteen. It's like. Oh wait, huh when he was sixteen it right, the age of both of the individuals matters because you can make things sound, really really bad off. You said something like again, you ve I'm not going to I'm not going to. I was thinking of throwing out some names and accusing them of dating sixteen and seventeen year olds, because everybody dated somebody when they were teenage one, not everybody. British comedian and actor Russell brand is denying allegations of assault against him. Following a joint investigation published saturday by the times of london
times and channel for dispatches. My question, ladies gentlemen, is why is so brand being investigated, he does not run network. He does not fly people to private islands. He does not schmooze with politicians and billionaires for what accountability seeking to hold him too, to be fair, he's a famous guy. If he did bad things well, then he should be held annabelle, but I'm just curious Y all of these massive org new media organisations? Why three differ? Major newspapers are like we better investigate Russell brand. Are you kidding come out? Look ominously, this
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tell me there is an immediate conspiracy taken down. Look at this figure. This is nuts. You ve got all off of these newspapers. all saying the exact same thing. That's so weird why I love you not a visit, the daily mail. It's it's! U k! I suppose Russell brand must be most famous man in all, uk because there's nothing else, right about. Not only has he been pulled from his agency, but he's basic they're they're pulling his babies shows like this one from from daily mail more, then come forward to accuse Russell bland Russell brand after sex allegation the BBC launches urgent probe and poles shows featuring the committee with netflix urged to follow, while in I gotta be. I don't have netflix, but I do know there are people here who do not like it doesn't. I watched it is what it is
I always tell people like fight trying to sign up for alternatives. I don't have disney plus anymore. I got really my netflix. But you don't you can you know, I don't think it's reasonable to tell everyone to stop subscribing to their entertainment platform, because we like shows, and we and its culture stuff like that. What three daily mail says after Russell browser with accusations of rape and sexual assault? More women have come from with allegations about how we treat them. the times and sunday times claims everyone bob law we get it. We get it. The BBC is now also facing urgent questions after it was claimed that brand forty eight years, company provided car services to pick up the girl from school. Ok, What they're doing here that brand for it here? Forty eight now: ok, when the state place to be fair, ok fifteen years ago and whose I the arrow, maybe the girls what it was in his thirty's inappropriate my opinion, but was it legal and if its end, and if it in and if you got a problem with it, you're gonna change, allows its can totally fine and there's a different fields,
we'll and socially acceptable agreed channel? Four. Has since removed all programmes linked to brand from its website, including episodes of the great british bake off and big brothers big mouth wow in which he was featured. netflix. It has since been urged him of his company special titled rebirth that this is insane. I'm sorry man when, when, when you, when you come out try to categorically remove everything up. Russell brand from everywhere it does. Seem legitimate, it is suspect, Now, I'm not saying that Russell brand coming out and saying all the stuff about perpetual crisis economy is the reason I don't know, I'm just saying, ah a little weird that this guy's been accused and now snap of a finger they remove ever Everything about it, always specials coming to wake up and for a guilty of anything, that's crazy, but
Oh, what's I absolutely love the crackpot conspiracy theory fractured mind of brine, crescents dean. You note the come on at these people live in this great as well. Look! Here's! What I'm saying I am saying there is. It is suspect that instantly all these media companies pole Russell brand. It suspect I'm not saying there's a conspiracy. Let's mature its clear russell brand is it's been accused by several women. He is innocent until proven guilty. My point is: it seems a little over the top to react. This way considering lines, I Epstein His actions were being made and ugly wrong when the meat to stuff habit with one side it was big, but I'm talking about how for the lungs the joke about it? I mean you have sentiment. Was it seth macfarlane made, joke you had or was it courtney love? I think it was Courtney love the famous clips. Were there like yup he's going to nothing but now Russell brand. At this. This
the single mention of it, there like take all shows off the air as I okay, okay, I do not find will put this way entirely possible that, because of the meat to movement, all these companies are terrified, but just I don't know, I'm just saying who cares This is so weird right, but entirely plausible that really he really just did this, and now these companies are scared of being involved in activist backlash. I respect that. I just don't know, but here's what I love Brian cries and seen says. I see a lot of people claiming that the media and the establishment have enough russell brent. What they do. The question whether or not the actions taken against them are related to a political or personal agenda, or if it's because they're scared of their bottom line, but of course they have it out for him, I mean what piggy insults them. All the time usually says. Do you,
Oh, what's much more likely that Russell brand new that a committed these horrible acts years ago at decided that is best defense was to start to show where he attacks the media and the establishment. The show it also push conspiracy theories world to the narrow, related the narrative that the globalist are coming after us all, so that when these allegations finally do surface. He is able to use this cult falling of people who don't trust the meat nor government and who believe his wild conspiracy theories ticketing to help him pretend to be innocent. Did for separate women come out with false allegations about brand because he is The media and the globalist, or did Russell brain come out against the median globalists, because he knew they would eventually report as alleged crimes. Critical thinking points the latter? Ok, you know I'm an eminent onto a pause radio, critical thinking points, so you're telling me that you think it's plausible. Ten years ago Ross. brand was like you know, I'm doing always. Things are really, but I better go join by wall street so eleven years ago, fifteen years ago, because
the story about Kristen stewart warning him. It doesn't eight, so my boys he's doing these things and he starts to realise lets you say fine. Eleven years ago I go down to occupy both street in support of these leftist activists, otherwise, ten years when they start arresting rapists. They'll come for him, but he is that the gibbets. I love base reality in this. Overall, we must be in a simulation causes. Laughably, absurd. I hope that we can change the world. Russell brand visits occupy wall street he's done it several times. It was. I'm pretty sure he was down there and twenty eleven twelve years ago, when I'm pretty sure you shut up in a big deal, so
If this you have this video, let me play this video for you, man, I I these people are just incorrigible, know that there are women out there who have stuff on him and that it's only a matter of time before they come forward and expose him for what he is he's not an idiot. He has known that this day was coming, and so he's happy incentive over the last few years to cultivate a following of people who distrust the media, who think that the media are out to get Russell brand and not down to anything that they have to do that and that's what he's been doing since me to start and that's the only way that he avoids being console. That's the only way that this guy with a golf, complex stays relevant, is if he cultivated a following of people who will disbelieve
in the media per hour about him because they don't trust the media. He has everything to gain from doing that, and that's exactly what he's done successfully. I feel bad for people who live in this reality. I really do this idea that you know the united states is not at war for oil. Tromp has soldiers eyes. Troops in syria during his presidency says we're getting a map we're to leave some in for the oil to protect the oil and This woman is like rats Brand only got political because he knew what they owe get out of here. Are you nuts rust brain was an occupy wall street. This is well before the me to movements. These dudes been political. Wherever we all know he's been political forever he's a lefty at the estate which meant anti war guy pro julian assange, and here at all comes This is what I gotta say. You want a war over conspiracy, only others. Let wrote to rank resisting hit. I love both of his scenarios?
basically the same scenario that Russell brand knows they're coming for him, so he creates this. This mean, oh, this machine of of building support. Or he knew the media was coming for. I think I was was in trying to argue that, with the real thing is, Russell brand didn't commit these acts and is going to the machines they came after him and he's hilarious. She puts it perfectly dude, I'm just ike. I can't you know what I mean I just some days some days these are absolutely incorrigible. Brow. Are you kidding me with this? This is the same but this thing you ever posted brow Russell brand only got play well because he knew one day they come from. What's. That's insane it it look, in this scale of conspiracy theories. Let me start by saying first, my position as I got no idea. This occam's razor suggests that Russell brand had bad relationships with these women
and the allegations could potentially be true, potentially be false. The simple lucian, as there are some bad blood, and this has to be, he litigated. Why should say litigated, but because the criminal proceeding? I guess I dunno. If it's set right right word but to adjudicate, it is probably the better word for it, in which case that's all you can say the likelihood here is that, Russell brand viewed as relationships entirely consensual and these women viewed them negatively? The question is: do they rise to criminal acts with the six you're old apparently was all legal, and so what what? What are we going to hear? I was going to say he he was grooming me, okay. Well, what does that mean? Are they arguing that didn't like how the relationship went, there's a big differently, russell bran, forcing open do something and a woman not enjoying herself. right and and and I'm to downplay any actual actual crimes. It may be commended it for us and actually did you coercive whatever what will answer those cos.
But the simple solution here is really just this happens between people. Now it's entertain conspiracies. What's the most light, if, if they conspiracy, theory were to be true, what's the most likely that Russell brand is very powerful, famous anti established with a large show and celebrity status and he's been attacking the machine defending julian assange, calling out big farmer and then all of us every meeting our comes out against them with his these major allegations front page and it gets dropped from the babies are enough for BBC from channel four and it gets dropped from his his talent agency and then it's just some well, ok, that's kind of weird right. That is more likely. That Russell brand, at least eleven years ago, foresaw the meat to movement. Coming you see right before occupy wall street Russell round was like you know. I think that,
start getting us rapists, yeah right. What we will bear, go we better go join up with the leftists. Are you are you love that Russell brand predicted the meat to movement well before it happened and decided to build a political, anti establishment following is the stew This thing I have ever heard critical thinking, points for the latter Russell brand. Against the media median the globalist, because he knew that they would eventually reporters alleged crimes. Is this a joke. These people are so stupid, but you know what they vote so what you gonna do about it. I like Russell brand Did I do nobody's allegations we'll see I I do not. I will I condemn someone innocent until proven guilty, and that goes for a lot of people, even Joe Biden, to be fair, Joe Biden case. You got a substantial amount of evidence. I think, could lead a jury to convict in. So that's the challenge.
And as Russell brand, we gotta watch stories we'll see man. I don't know we'll see. If these these panels, and I don't even know- if he's going to rise level of criminal activity and if they don't, then I think I shall say this. If these are not criminal accusations, it's just pr garbage, then its purely political hands down. No questions asked because if it was legitimate, be charges so we'll see. I leave it there next segments coming up at one p m in the channel thanks franken up and I'll see you all them.
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mostly ignores it, because they don't want to get into the question about. What's really going out with illegal immigration, its leading to major problems in big cities like new york, a yo see a Democrat just shut down over protests that they are working to give these illegal immigrants work rights and the ability to stay in their city and effectively displace the residents who are already now? The issue with this debate is that well look if a million people come into a country of three hundred million, though you pay attention. Economics have concerns and say hey. We cannot sustain this. Ok, you caged, have people adding in illegally in going around and places. How do we tracked these people? How do we make sure they actually able to work and thrive and with the economic She's we're already dealing with san francisco homelessness, etc, can really provide for a million more people every year. More than that perhaps well
now we're dealing with the story of ITALY, which is a bit more well it simpler. Seven thousand p will arrive on italian island of six thousand as migrant crisis overwhelms lama duessa, that's right, this is the story of abject invasion by any basic definition. now, of course, there may be more specific definitions of invasion like you're talking about warring forces in an armed group declaring war and then seizing land like you can say, russia invaded ukraine, ok acceptable, but asian as a general term means a large group of people coming into another place and invading force, and there are other ways you can describe invasion. It also refers to cultures and ideas, but in this instance we have over ten thousand people who are not citizens coming to your island. At this point it becomes simple. Your way of life will be
stride. Your resources will be constrained and I fear that conflict will be inevitable and this island. of six thousand five hundred or so people. How do they accommodate such a massive influx of non citizens and do these non citizens do when they don't get what they need minutes. It's really simple we're already started to see videos of conflict. One video purports to show: gregson lobbyists are setting up barricades and seizing territory, there is a video going around allegedly the fighting between these migrants and police than all the video, and this one's been fact checked? So I want to make I do I tweeted in response to it just a general retweet quote tweet at an saying so much other than other well, but there is a fact check on it. I think is important for people to see but you to ask yourself, as we in the united states are dealing with a migrant prices on a smaller scale than these people. You have to ask:
what are your rights? What are you entitled to if anything at all, when I see a story like this, I say to you: you have a right to your home. You set up and establish a place where you generate resources, where you build, maintain resources that you need for your survival and so that Your family, your friends, can flourish. If an outside group comes in and starts occupying your space in your land, which you require to flourish, you have displacement, you have an invasion, it's only a matter of time before these people out vote the residents this island, not many on the left to be saying: oh, that's, ridiculous, they're using it as a temporary base for these people to enter in their rough. Jeez blotted out refugees, their economic migrants, hands down. That's a! U one report that said that years ago, these individuals are coming to europe for opportunity, not because they fear persecution or death.
these individuals, you may that the left will say a vote anyway. There not part of the gum, that's not how the real world works. If you ve got ten thousand people and got six thousand of another group of people and the sick thousand say you dont, have authority here? What do you think's gonna happen? Yeah, ten thousand is more than six that and so you can try and maintain control over this island. But you are over run. Your way of life will end Your resources will be taken from you and that's just how it goes that's the normal way that all life as operator when it comes to this stuff go, look at any element of nature, any any circumstance with with predators and pray, and then you take a look at humans and how humans differ and are similar, similar If seven thousand people arrive joining another three thousand,
there's more of them than there are a view, it don't necessarily an issue of race. It's an issue of what do we have? What can we take break down for you what's going on and I think the store is extremely important when you look at what is happening in new york city with a yo see telling the price testers and our own district in new york I would be smooth economic sector would introduce it. We said this, but in new york city people are yelling at her say. No, we can't handle this. There's too many migrants our resources are, she goes we're gonna make it they stay to give them access to your stuff. You have no rights, that's your leadership selling you out to people who don't foot the bill, and this is where we are locked medusa. Seen in reports has influx of migrants with seven thousand people arriving in two days, I think it's a mayor and the? U, when refugee agency to warn italian island is becoming overwhelmed, is becoming. Is the island
population is under seven thousand, has long been a first port of call for people crossing from north africa is in a flash point in europe's migration crisis. Mayor philippe Menino on thursday, progress has reached a point of no return for the past forty hours around Thousand people have arrived on my island, and I will that has always welcomed and and saved in its arms. Now we have reached a point of no return the role played by the small rock in the middle of the mediterranean has been put into crisis by the dramatic nature of this phenomenon. The EU and its europe senator for italy. holy see and sand. San marino, sharp court, a lady frightened situation in la is critical and moving p. off the island, is an absolute priority. Here's what I fear! I fear you see a video on lemme play this video for you guys watch for yourselves zoo means you can see it better and says
thousand military age men storm in island and a span of three days out numbering the six thousand who live there. This happening all across west, but on a more subtle scale, western civilization, as we note will be gone within a generation, was a little bit heavy and are about a generation. I actually think that, while the left sterilizing their children in a boarding, their children or does not having kids in general. The right. having more and more kids. They should. There is mass immigration coming into this country, which is a risk to any person who believes in there of life are optional clarifications. I believe it's not ten. And military, each man right now, it's around ten thousand that are currently there. This has long been a pie, of entry for economic migrants coming into europe illegally, under the guise of being refugees is again, I am referencing a: u s, reports, ok, and it really blows mind when I'm, like the. U n said these: are economic migrants under the mass masquerading as refugees and then
after like how dare you say that the refugees like whatever do anyway Seven thousand that came. Here's a view. Take a look at this The you can see the large crowd trying to enter all images. Another video this is some kind of emergency service vehicle. Another video, where they're, pushing against a fence trying to break in, take a look at this video. This one I have not confirmed, but I'm see, reported widely wall street silver Migrants on lampedusa, ITALY are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain ears, the island, italy's sovereign control, their territories being lost we'll prime minister george, Georgia maloney sit back as the island is taken morbid. Will probably soon be launching from tunisia. Sending reinforcements take a look at this video. I dont know exactly what you and I want to clarify. Don't know this is correct.
is another video that is out of context where we can't see here, as there appears to be the any african descent setting up there. aids. We are told that it has been reported as lamp duessa now I've seen several reports are us this is the case, but I want to make sure I'm being very clear. I have not confirmed this beyond. Sir liberty. This way the EU appears to be genuine you Local team here, I don't know it local team, as it appears a real news, video, the thing Worried about is whether or not the video is actually of what it claims to be in this tweet sprinter puts out in italy direct class between migrants and police began on the island of lampedusa. Illegal immigrants, oh stones, at the car benny, airy and demand that they be sent to Europe now a fact check, as it is popped up here on community notes. This is to axe, saying it's. A video from twenty, in barodia ITALY, where two cops would be injured. Several arrested one single singhalese,
one colombia to albanians and one other, so it may be similar, contacts but the wrong location, the wrong time and important point out. This is from two years ago. That's what I'm sayin others barricade video, we don't know for sure we do know is that is widely reported that you do these thousands of people coming to light, but do so now. I want to show you where this is to give some context this right. Here I have the map. That's shrink this here you can see The island of Malta hears tunisia and you see the island of law, but is actually in, is, is closer to what what mainland north Africa it appears out of its fair to say because of where tuna says and then where the island is, but it appears to be have we closer to tunisia, this actually to italy, but it is an italian island and we'll zoom in here you can see, is actually very small an italian eyelids got an airport in everything and so happening as these economic migrants are kicking off from tunisia
and then there being brought into lamp medusa. This is being done intentionally and has been going on for years. You have a big place, tendons population think the population of europe may be around what six hundred and fifty or so million, but the people in Lompoc duessa cannot withstand this massive wave. Let's bring it up. To make the argument invasion, as is defined by oxford as an inch. of invading a country or region with an armed force. The allied invasion of normandy nominate pause and just say I reject that definition. For one reason it uses the word in its own definition, come on the instance of invade a the contrary with an armed force. Ok, but that's, that's! That's a circuitous It is the actual definition than if ok, if an instance of getting a country than what does it mean to be invaded we're looking for did you hear the word invade commando gimme that
This episode is brought to you by the jimmy dean brand. Your family's new favorite breakfast is heating up new jimmy dean, toaster pop ups ham or sausage, eggs and cheddar cheese inside flaky pastries, easy to make Jimmy dean toaster pop ups pairs great with a podcast on the girl, testable gravel lovable Jimmy dean. Today's your data shine on visit Jimmy dean, dot com to learn more three. Air invasion is the noun for a version of the verb to invade its incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity, and unwelcome intrusion into another's domain by those definitions. What we are seeing now in Lompoc duessa is an invasion. No question: What we can see on the southern border is an invasion, no question Worse still, my friends, it is outright colonization. I bring this one up.
because the left likes to lament the colonizers. These colonizers come indigenous land and take ok guide on disagree I fan of displacing indigenous populations, and you can make the argument about the colonial settlers from Europe and what they did and ok, fine. Let's make the argument that we should protect people's rights to their property. To the north of north america was taken by conquest, conquest happens. If your argument is that conquest is bad, I will completely agree with you and say we don't want to repeat what we did in the past. We want to protect individual rights and tell everybody liked you know you got do think about book. You wanna come to a place. You got a feather paperwork. You gotta come in by which they allow you to come in. You know, got any country in the world, you want, they have passports, they have borders, colonies, and is defined as the action or process of settling among a step and establishing control over the indigenous people,
nation of an area. If these barricade videos are true and correct than colonization is currently taking place in law, but do so, but you also need to understand that the? U s is being actively colonized by china. China is engaged in active colonization around the world. One example is birth, tourism, chinese women will fly to united states to give birth to a child or, and this worked crazier chinese couples will hire a surrogate to carry their maybe in the united states that baby is and born in america and granted citizenship and then brought back to be raised in China, where at any point that individual can come back to america with citizenship. This means that, over long enough period of time, there will be economic and physical displacement of the indigenous population of the it states, not. I know I know you ve heard a lot about people claiming great replacement and all that- and I am not a fan of that idea. Here's what I can tell you. Some people believe debate,
degrees of race of probably ever asset best way to put it that there is a replacement of the white. Some people believe as a replacement of white population, united states, typically when the media references great replacement, very using the most extreme interpretation, that is our people, who believe white people are being displaced by non white people. However, then there's the lighter form of the great replacement theory, which is that political elements in this country are trying to bring in migrants to displace the american ideals, regardless of race. ok! Well I don't know. I mean that both of those two men come off as a little far and what I can say is we have video from Buddy Johnson, a Joe Biden did secure some parts borders, I'm not sure exactly why or what their working on. I can tell you that the Democrats are not dealing with the issue, in fact exacerbating it.
I don't think it's a grand, can, and I don't think it's as grander conspiratorial. If we want to believe, I believe that they are competing interests, varying agendas that ultimately appreciate and want more illegal immigrants coming into united states in this video which we talk about this last week, but I think it is important in this context. A yossi is giving a press conference and she outright tells the people who saying no to these ill illegal immigrants. She says nano we're gonna, get them work. Rights was under this matter. I mean. How are you feeling first, firstly, by the look why either of these areas are always really awful? she outright says as their screaming closer border, because no one,
give them more of your tax dollars and more of your resources and then, as possible? she is just I'm sorry. This makes my blood boil a yo, see as abject evil to hear the people who live here. work here who pay the taxes to hear her say we are in to displace you economically. We are to take from you and give to them with a smile on her face, she's evil prevented from getting to prevent it.
So again, I know it's quiet, but you can hear people screaming at her the rage, and then she says. Lastly, we will extend protected status to these people. That's right. They will have legal protections over. You may get access to your money and then we're gonna. Let them displace you in work, absolutely incredible! You know yet fight for fifteen in not in new york. If these people, who think about the the minimum wage- and I don't understand how it works and their insane and their evil- not theirs- banality of the evil, as they often mention and the malicious evil, but I believe a yossi is malicious I've leave she intends to destroy. I believe she, her I'll, put it this way, I would say it's like you, know chaotic evil for those that are d defence She wants to make gain for ourselves by gutting and ripping apart everything else
I mean- I know it's hard to say I mean she may be lawful evil because Operator than the system in a way that causes harmed others made us a better way to put it, but it's not that she yeah? You know what I think is very like its lawful, even not chaotic evil, and I what that yeah, lawful fight for fifteen was an effort to get fast food workers and everybody everybody's fighting for this fifteen dollar minimum wage. Let me break down for you how this works. You have one hundred people who live in an area with ten jobs available as a fast food restaurant there offering up ten june. But that's it available. What that is forty employees there right forty, a m, Oh is that of a hundred people with ten new positions available, the forty people who work there getting paid ten bucks an hour. The business then says we are going to hire ten more people and it says ten p
all were willing to pay me ten bucks an hour. Fifty people apply, or I should say, sixty people apply. The business then goes through and goes to each and every one of them, and then look we got sixty people need jobs, not just put this way say, let's say ten percent unemployment, so it's they only. Fifty people actually want jobs. They say we got fifty applications and only ten position one guy then says I'll. Do it for nine bucks an hour in the business goes nine bucks an hour. Well, We pay you guys so look if we ve got a hundred bucks an hour to give out when a higher time people at ten bucks an hour. If we cut this down to seven bucks an hour, I mean that a free up, a decent amount of money. We could probably higher for five more people, which means it alleviates the workload across the board gets us more jobs
in reality. I don't think they would do that. They'll just be like ok, we'll pay less, we'll pay you less, because you asked what, because you want this job, here's what matters more. Let's say the business has no legal tender minimum wage, you're gettin ten bucks an hour this now fifty unemployed people is unemployed. People can afford to buy food from the restaurant. restaurant? Do they say: ok, look to sell a burger at this rate to pay you. At this rate, we ve got to have fixed costs, ripe, ten bucks an hour guaranteed, no matter what governments, as so burgers, have to cost two bucks don't be wrong. You dogma corporate greet all day and night. That's fine! But let's say let's hard numbers. Those the people who are not working there not buying your burgers, No you're not making any money eventually shut down, it doesnt work and it doesn't make sense. You cannot have fun the unemployed people flooding into an area with only fifty jobs. I should say you get at you, you get. You can't have one
hundred people right and I'm I'm oversimplifying of the point. Is this scale that up in new york- and you have people struggling to find work already. As businesses I've been permanently by covered, economy is in a weird place. There. bringing in what are they bring in ten thousand fifteen thousand last month. So, what's going to happen to the businesses, you end up with almost camps, you end up with decrease property taxes, yoda with people fleeing property, values, collapse, the businesses star, under. Don't take my word, for it go look at our what's happening in oakland. I might have the the thing I do. Actually now I dont you take it what's happening, an ugly without and san francisco, they can't handle, and it s not even a migrant issuing an economic issue for our cause, yo cortez, to come out and say we're going to acts were extract from you in your city. To give to them, it's shocking evil what we're dealing with now. I don't know that we lose right there
people who say we're in trouble. I'm like I'm not so convinced, but here is the ultimate point. Why would I do want to bring it up right away? His brutal Ian was Talking about this on on tim cast iron row at a certain point, when you have ten thousand people come into your island little island home people are gonna, start fighting. If these videos are true that they're setting up barricades and taking territory if the people of lampedusa do- Nothing then, eventually, that's it there over bit that you will be overrun. People will come into your homes. Is it Government of ITALY and the: u n and euro zone, they need to dispatch military and get these people off the island, and they should be sent back to north Africa. They likely won't be, though, as they do nothing to contain this, maybe because of impotence or intentional my feet.
or is it eventually, people are again it's gonna get bloody. This podcast brought you buy, ring seats being right now and select ring doorbells in cannes and give the gifts that keep on giving find gives did help handle all those deliveries and behind the chair with the others and gifts that tell you and creatures, are stirring and can get it. From the ornaments shop. The holiday sail for deals on select devices at red dot com find unexpected gifts. Were less right now at ring dot com? I look to the united states as we're dealing with that. Take a look at this one of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen took place in eagle pass this morning. This tweet is from from today, while two thousand two hundred people.
Sooner or later, you're going to get someone who just says I don't want to lose my land Ella when the european colonials came to north America and the bahamas in south america, they had been weapons and disease, and it was disease that mostly wiped out many of the indigenous, but it was also cannons warships. They had better technology, and so they said get out what's happening right now. At these migrants coming whose places they dont have better technology, the people need states have access to weapons and match what scares me scares me, is that sooner or later, someone's gonna say no donald trump needs to get elected He needs to send the national guard down to the border. These people should be turned right around there's some scary questions, scary, scary, questions
Do you let non citizens enter your country, displacing everything just en masse, or do you say? No, if you go back in time to think about how things used to be, we members, we have borders, but they were, they were just lines demarcation and if someone was not, a citizen of a country does not have access to goods, and there is not a citizen of a country, but here crazy, then you're late in under its people from mexico came. It unites all the time back and forth mid work you're to today, Our economy is strained to a great degree and we are struggling to create a future for the people. Working in this country and want to have kids and they're bringing in people who aren't citizens to reap the benefits of the mechanisms we built for welfare. This is going to spell disaster, cultural and economic displacement, and my fear is that the united states it could get violent. I dunno to tell you my friends,
it's happening before our very eyes and as the people of new york experienced this with a yossi spitting on them and laughing about it, I have to wonder about twenty twenty four and the election and what happens donald trump victory. Who knows a lot could happen between now and then I'll leave their necks segments coming up at four p m in the general thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them the dress. code has been changed in the senate for one man, John fetterman, and The rules have been changed, so this one man can slovenly hobble about in his hoodie and shorts. Now they should not have been changed. This way and I oppose dress codes to a certain degree. this one's gotten a lot of attention and I've gotten over a thousand responses on twitter. So I thought, let's talk about that. then it dress code, formality, decorum, etc. Why I oppose dress codes. Think that on, fishermen should not be wearing shorts, but this idea
that you have to wear a formal suit or something like this. I am opposed to all that most breakdown. It's a great discussion, I see, a lot of people are telling me that I'm wrong there, wanting, so no people must wear suits, but this is high, but you must be paid Hunting yourself in a professional manner will agree just don't agree on a formula dress code, but I'll explain their and be a dress code. I've said formal one which means You can say something like you'd have to wear a short you have to wear pants. You cannot be sustained, you cannot be grows. You cannot be filthy. You cannot be dirty blah blah blah. What I don't appreciate, as everyone must wear some, suit or something or a tie in the other and the seams, vague and and illogical. Both breakdown, John and then what and then to talk to you about the issues I take with formality and what I love about this country. Here's laurie from the philly inquirer John
women can now wear shorts. On the seventh floor, thanks to dress code, rule change, the new rule or lack of a rural takes effect this week it will allow better to where his signature outfit and the Senate chambers that's right. His it's your outfit of jogging, shorts, sneakers and a hoodie. Ok, whatever man I mean, do at least one Hence the hoodie is now whatever, but at least where pants come on. You can put on some slacks. Do john fetterman can now, whereas signature shorts and hurry majority chuck, shimmer, quietly direct The chamber sergeant arms to no longer enforced, and it's already informal dress code, axioms reported on sunday winners are able to choose what they want to wear on the Senate floor. I will continue wear a suit Schumer told axios, the new rule or lack of a rolex, because we get it about his eyes, is his clothing and how he dresses, whatever the old rule, wiring business attire, which typically means coat,
and tie for men still apply senate staffers according to expose. I do not care to play this game of pretence first, the rules shouldn't be changed for one guy because he wants to wear jogging shorts. Second, if you change the rules. It must apply to every one that means daphne shouldn't be forced to dress up ethical, allow fishermen to do this, but you see my issue with all This is always the rules rules for thee, but not for me that I also oppose formal dress codes. I don't oppose dress codes. I oppose formal dress codes, I'll, explain that but please by all means, comment below and give me your arguments. You mean wanna hear what my position is in full, but I want to read. For you and give you a bit more context. This is there isn't actually a formal dress code written down anywhere the enquirer learned earlier this year when betterment took office that makes a dress code, morbid custom, enforced discretion of the sergeant at arms, ross baker,
and it historian political science, professor, at rutgers university, noted around veterans inauguration. The lack of an official dress code has official code has met plenty of senators. Cabinet will show their style western senators and cowboy boots and string ties sender, sheldon white house in puma, sneakers, when he's not in dc for them, is also exquisitely gone casual. to have gone to the senate without bob support supporting twenty twenty two and bob. What went on twenty twenty four that help us your team, hoodies or team suits a fund raising email right, here's fatter. wearing a suit and sneakers or sneakers of some sort. I dunno whatever the guy next to him, is wearing similar views or something like that. Whatever some republicans publicans immediately lambasted the rule change, calling it disrespectful to the core of the senate then it no longer enforcing a dress code for seminars to a peace settlement is disgraceful full stop. I agree with marjorie taylor green. It should not be that their dropping
because one guy wants to wear jogging shorts that stupid. However, there should not be a requirement that you, where specific clothing like a coat and a tie, this results in stupid, nonsense. Some people wear coats and bolo ties or string ties as they mentioned. Let's break this down marge retailer green says: dress code is one of society standards that set etiquette and respect for institutions, stop lowering the bar former? U s rap, just at him ass, a long time republican who became a libertarian set awful the senate chamber, your home a gym or an outdoor park. If you can't dress professionally for work on the the son of the united states than do us all a favor and get a different job. I agree. I agree where I disagree. Fishermen should be allowed to dress as he wants. How ever my statement is as such. What are they? on twitter actual evidence. I have the tweet polite eyes. Here's I said I oppose dress it's based on some kind of formality: dress codes for decency, our fines to requiring a short pants shoes, etc that
it should be allowed to whatever he wants within reason. Now now the immediate response, I'm assuming this is just a straw, man, bad, take email, strong, saying that are mentioned, loud to wear a speedo at the budget. Hearing short, nobody made that argument. My demand is that if parliament wants to wear like blue jeans and a teacher, he should be allowed to do it. You should be to where whatever you want within a more relaxed set of of of guidelines, meaning I do believe there should be a dress code. I dont believe it should be coat and tie the idea that everyone has to wear a suit. It's pretentious this idea, that we are better men when we get elected. No, I don't care I've never cared for that. I won't start caring for that, and just because fetterman is the guy that people don't like, I'm not going to just come out and be like. No, it's bad. He should be wearing a suit that stupid on the dude, and everyone's pointed this out, who showed to the white house wearing a hoodie and a beanie.
There are like. I can't believe you would do that. What you mean, if you can't believe, of course, I would do that. Why listen? I believe you should look well. Ok, if you ve got a shirt, that's and stained and got mustard on it. Ok, that's the line for me right. You gotta do better than that, but here's my problem across the board: do we want a nation ruled by elites of means and wealth, or do we want a government for oven by the people, and this is my this is. This is where I I come on this one. This is I stand when you have people who are wealthy millionaires, getting elected, it's very easy for them to say I'll, go, get a new suit. Some people can say, look man, you can get a cheap suit. It's not that hard! You can get a suit jacket from a thrift store. You can do something like that and I'm like okay, fine, okay, fine, but they have to pay for now. We wanted this problem. They means you. If the seller,
chamber, wants you to dress a certain way, meaning you have to physically acquire something that you may not have. I don't like that idea, in which case the solution is ok, fine, but you pay for the suit. That means the taxpayers pay for the suit. If that's all compromise, I'm good, if the argument as you want to go to the senate and you gotta wear a suit fine, but it should come out of the budget for the senate to do so to make sure but we are not telling someone you can't be in here voting because you don't have the right clothes and up what can come to me and say: oh c'mon, they get paid one hundred and seventy four thousand dollars year. They can afford to buy a suit. That's not the point. The point is you want to be able to represent your p, If you do want to have some standards. That's why I said pants no shorts fetterman. I don't agree with that. A speed out on that's a straw man,
but you to understand one thing: Donald trump well done steak with catch up. That's right and everybody cheered for it all the trumps, porters laughed and cheered, for is that decorum trump going to a fancy? Restaurants- and not mistake, well done shop ketchup all over it, I'm alone. I am exaggerating but is that he ordered a well done state with catch and he got made fun of made fun of an. I laughed, and I said you don't get its regular working class people they're not going to. To capital grill and ordering the flaming on oscar style. There go, to walmart buying the stake they can afford the only way they know how and it put catch up on it. Why cut your tastes? Good me you'll, be honest. I, like probably a good report. Yeah, no probably a flame and yawned your tenderloin and I do prefer my tenderloin oscar style, those that are familiar. It's basically like a crab
and they put on top or whatever I'm in maryland, we're in maryland west virginia. So when you go out to the steak houses here, they got the oscar style and everything but I'm not going to sit here and pretend, like the average person, is living this life of luxury. So when Donald trump does wear a suit goes to a restaurant and order something that regular folk can can understand or relate to he's champion, for it. I think you need to understand that embrace John futterman nowhere honey and Jim shorts is a step too far. For me, gay and changing the rules for one guy, because is also a step too far. For me, understanding. There is no formal dress coat. Well, ok, fine! Here's! What I think dude can at least where some khakis and apollo, or something like that right, like business casual. I hate these terms anyway. I've got no problem with a t, shirt and genes. If you want to argue, it's gotta be tucked, in fact, you get one arguably clean fine, just understand there is a line. The lie, I'm trying to navigate here with this story is flexible. He has great that's weathers, yoga flex, it they fear. Insurance coverage is great, too
it's why there's united healthcare insurance plants under it, My golden rule, insurance company, united healthcare insurance plans, offer flexible budget friendly coverage from Medical vision, dental and more these plans mainly right for you, if you're say between jobs. Coming off your parents plan turning aside hustle into a full hustle or even missed open enrollment one flexibility find out more about united healthcare insurance plans at you, each one dot com, or we are we creating a separation between the people who represent us and the people? Are we putting things out of reach for the average person abc was a bartender. She gets made fun of four that I celebrate that I think she's eve ok to telling people that migrants will come and displaced their homes and take work away from them with a smaller vice as their yelling at her she's evil, but coming
being a bartender is a good thing. I don't believe that the Senate should be elected by the public. I believe the seventeen, the seventeenth amendment should be rescinded. The general idea of the founding fathers was that we must have better men. I don't necessarily agree with that, but not necessarily disagree, but I think we gotta be careful what that means. The general concept we have in this country are that its government of foreign by the people than recognise that the average working class person, the pie, plus those who would challenge the corporations are not going to be of the same means that it is the policies worth two hundred million dollars who get acts. to these systems and control it to their own benefit. You think they're going to ban stock, trading for themselves. It's not gonna happen, so it is perfect for a yo see coming from a bar tender yeah,
he's propped up for sure, but I want to see more regular people and you know what determines embracing it and that's the angle there are going for, despite the fact that dude scott, the brain injuries he suffers from it makes got from do his job as a lot of reasons. I don't think that a man should do this job. I think he's terrible at what he does. I don't think he's very smart, but the anger they are taken politically is too go down the route of look at it is the regular working guy. Why Democrats are losing regular working class people up in pennsylvania there. They need that for twenty twenty four- and I would say this, a lot of these guys Democrat voters probably should be voting republican basin. Politics, these are just union guys, they probably believe in traditional family values are probably got guns, but their work in factories and their concern. about steamrollered by manufacturing. At this point, I think trumps, your guy there,
the move your factory overseas just give it give it time you don't want that. Futterman is their path towards getting this voter base I am not saying he's going to be convincing them, but they are trying don't give them freebies bye, bye, like peace, slav generally and grows out that other thing now imagine What you're doing when you say this and your fallen for their tricks? How many do adds up in our western p, or just just pierre in general, and trump needs to win. These states there are now he's gonna. How many these guys, like that, just where I jogging shorts and a hoodie. I don't know why I don't understand the haughty and shorts, it's kind of a paradoxical essence, as some people do it cannot, whatever but how many these guys feel insulted now there republicans are coming out in saying it's slovenly, don't fall, the same trap they that that trop set for them
when they came out and sad tromp was grub was was when it was laughable that it had a well done steak with catch up owes a thirty day. Dry age stake fancies. They come well done with catch up and a mock him for it. they were insulting the poor working class of this country. So the way you live is silly stupid and laughable, and then the regular people saw trump. it's not so much about whether or not you expect europe to eat. Well done steak with catch up. It's about how they insulted you so trump. Does this the average working person might be like come on man to skip the river get it get it get get a medium rare rabbi come on. You can afford it, but then the you came out and said up a pathetic in Brazil? Well done with catch up, and then you get regular guy being like hey, come on man? Why spit not me, I work
hard every single day I do the best I can for my family. The stakes we buy, maybe they're, not that good. I try my best. We want to put ketchup on it, makes it taste better, don't insult me because you don't like trump again I'll, say it fetterman should wear pants. I I think it's silly. I think you should be allowed to wear what you want to wear within reason. That is clean, pants and a short. That's all I'm saying changed the rules for futterman I get, I get it there like this. One guy comes and goes on there like we're and give it to him, but the game there playing is they want you to salt, a guy who dresses this way so in the media, all the republic, they're all doing it
our saying he looks slovenly and disgusting and its its poor, and they want republicans to come off his hoity twenty elitist. Many of them are me, I'm not gonna. Do that literally don't care. If, if, if vermin Supream went into the senate, I would be much happier than the average he put the boat and has had everything you get someone to go in the senate, dressed up like cap, jocular or chef boy, de I may say, and the war machine and stop at and cut these new. Liability contracts to big pharma, I'm going to buy bro, I don't care what you're wearing. I really don't. I understand decorum I've actually been critical of trump in that regard, my standard just lightly or a lighter than many peoples, but I do agree with it and that agreement is your clothes should be queen at the very least, an animal
I don't agree with shorts. I dunno go with shorts. I just you should wear pants right, but again, that's my point. My point is here: don't fall into that trap. I envision a country where you're a farmer, and he's got overalls and their dirty and he's got a straw hat needs work. and he shows up To a city meeting just after work, but they say they say you can't comment because your dirty and he says I work to them. On every single day to make food for everyone here and you stab me in the back with your policies and your taxes and they don't even let him speak. Why? Because he's a working class sky This is what my concern as it is. The rich who are gonna have the clean, well pressed suits, not the plumber who's gonna take take off work. Early
close, pressed and spend money to trying to impress these people in washington, I'm tellin YA man. This is where I can't stand. I want a guy to walk into the on it, and when there are like sir, you are filthy. You ve got oil on your associates. Could I work its cause? I fix things. I build things and all People here in this chamber, you're all millionaires who make money out of our backs wits, insider trading, selling us out to foreign interests for money and they can afford the nice things. This is what I don't like to be. Not I'll, say it again. Fetterman is not that fetterman Not this guy! Sorry he's not, but I want. I want to make sure we we're we're clear when we are talking about this stuff, my position
more so if a dude is getting off work at five p m and he looked at his watch and he says the city council meeting the suicide at hearing he's gonna be at six p m. I got thirty minutes drive after I get off work. Should he take off work? No, he should do his responsibilities to do his duty, but let's say this guy's an electrician, a carpenter or otherwise, got dirt or something modern little dirty. Well, you know, should he go how you know I wanted to go and testify at this hearing and speak about what's affecting my community, but you know what I gotta be honest, I'm a little dirty. You know my pants are filthy and I got out my shirts wrapped. So I guess no! No! No speaking at this event. For me, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about that. I have concerns about Either way we can make our arguments about the senate and all that stuff and better man,
I'm just saying I don't agree with wearing a coat and and all that stuff fetterman is not representing these people, intimately he is not a guy who just got off work and can't wear suit. We note we understand the dude, where a suit he has done so in the past. It's not a big deal for a guy who's got one. Who can just do it? My point more so is twofold: don't let them bait you into insulting regular people who don't want to or can't afford suit, how many people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck, and I don't want to hear that. Like all come on, you can find a suit. Maybe it of thrift store, but I've met to many people. who are hurting right now, who struggle and I dont think its appropriate to say you don't have the right outfit to come and speak and represent, or or its or whatever then fine, I would agree, and the compromise of the senate should pay for aimed a wardrobe budget. meaning it's gonna be two or three suits. Not one major caged have one suit. I feel a thing you can't just have one
ok, you wear one one day its dirty. What you where to morrow you ve gotta, get em cleaned out again, press drycleaning, etc yet you, and indeed more than one, maybe three or four to get em in rotation? Fine! If you want to pay for that as taxpayers, I have no problem whatsoever than it withdraw. One hundred percent. I just want to make sure that we are not cutting people out because they don't fit in with the elites of K street or wall street. That's what I dont like and don't get don't get tricked into into insulting these people into insulting regular people. That's the angle. Democrats are trying to take, but whatever man, I think ultimately comes of this like make your arguments comment whatever most people, bonding are telling me that I am wrong. Diplomas are requirement, but humans. What each other's based on their looks as Martha. Well, this is my critique of Gary John we was campaigning. I completely agree. I completely agree. You are wearing club
target demographic. If you're running for president, you may lose out on votes if you'll look like good, slob or unprofessional or low status, not a fan of how that works, but the way it works. That being said, John pheromones angle here is a try and get pennsylvania rust about working class, guys to vote Democrat instead of republican, and you ve gotta be careful about what you say about about these guys. I should but your tweets already responded, tweets being like hey. Look, I'm up in the western pet western p. I mean all my as we work. We dress like letterman dresses like don't tell us that we're slobs, don't tell us We're not worthy of our speech or statements are things like that. I am not saying you can't ask requests decorum just got be respected when you do it. Jennifer. Those fishermen- and I have a lot to disagree on in his honey- is not one of those things I to work on capital, how much of the time and is either hot or freezing lot of walking wool suits and ties. Make no sense at all. A new uniform is overdue. I'm curious, J viper says
agreed, but I will say this: why change the entire dress code? Just for him? Cathy just accept a medical exception if, as an actual problem with his wearing type close now, you can wear suit. You don't want to do it. They are targeting working class people, they're playing Linda says: whereas sought nice summer dress or summer suit and deal with it, it gets hot. Where I live two big deal where a coat in the winter basketball, shorts and a is not ok, do better than that. Be cash. but still with a nice, slacks, etc. That's exactly what I'm saying the dude could easily pick up a polo shirt for a couple of bucks and some slacks and I think that's not asking too much of any one of, anyone if he wants to where something that looks more like work, attire, far working class guy, I'm also totally okay. With that issue. up wearing you know. If a farmer shut away our overalls I'd be like look man, I'm not gonna tell a guy who's wearing what he wears to work. He can't wear it in here when he speaking to the american public.
Get smooth gorgeous skin with foundation areas, beige of flour, body care, routine, cleanse and replenish with bj flour body wash then massage on the asia floor, elastic cream with retinol mimicking tight oil finish with a bright floral scent of charades, sixty eight perfume best get your visa for body care routine. Now sol de Janeiro is currently offering listeners ten percent off their first order on sol de janeiro dot com and free shipping with code spotify ten, but look man I dunno. That is what it is. I can't believe it got twenty minutes on this. It's just so stupid. A thousand responses to my tweet that can wear when every wanted and reason It's weird that I said I oppose dress codes based on formality, but dress codes for decency are fine requiring short, pants use, etc. and then I get email strong being like you should be able to wear a speedo. I mean I'm assuming he's being sarcastic and snarky as a straw man, but maybe he genuinely thinks she should wear a speedo
I dont think fetterman should be allowed to wear. Oh, but I certainly hope he tries to because politically there be very damaging for democrats let em where would they want to wear and show their true colours? My point is: the dress code should be substantially more relaxed. Oliver, their necks segments up at six p m in the channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you well, then, how would you describe winning in the culture war? What needs to happen for you to think we are actively I certainly think when we talk about forty fifty billion time bud light target sound of freedom, richmond, north of richmond, etc. You can say, like hey, there are clear signs of victory, but we got this story for you too, from the washington post, her students, reported her for a lesson on race. Can t trust them again. Mary? Would school reprimanded her for teaching a book by Tom. He see coats. Now she hopes her bond with students can survive south carolina politics now I know many on the left will outright just say they are true.
To stop teachers from teaching about racism, that's a lie and believed that you were lied to and I'll prove it to you very simply and will start with this. This is from black entered. I dot com western washington university implements segregated black. Only student housing ask you this. Do you agree that there should be rachel segregation? If you say we shouldn't have that? Ok, what their teacher in these schools is why there should be don't believe me. Let's talk about critical race theory This one from J store brown be bored education and the interest convergence dilemma: Derek a bell: junior, Derek bell, foes, The is one of the founding fathers of grace theory who said in this: jason or article professor Derek bell, suggested no. Conflict of interest actually existed for a brief period. The interest of the races converge converged. Make the brown decision inevitable more recent supreme?
Decisions, however, suggest to professor bell a growing divergence of interests that make integration. Less feasible, thou suggests the interest of blacks and quality Education might not be better served by car interaction on improving the quality of existing schools, that is to say famously Derek bell. One of the leading authors founding authors of critical race theory, even that segregation is actually better, and I think he is wrong if you believe there should be segregation, fine, so be it. But fine line between teaching children about racism and explaining to them an ideology which suggests racial segregation that they should prefer, which they should not, and we have, of course, this quote from ebro. Candy who wrote quote the only remedy to racist discrimination is anti racist discrimination. The only real to pass discrimination is present discrimination, the only remedy to prison,
discrimination is future discrimination, and this is what the teacher was teaching to children. If you agree with those things, I have no problem with it. Just be honest, that's what you're talking about the washington posts, Hannah nations actually miss leads and misrepresents what's actually happening as evil people tend to my Who is that I would like us to provide to you accurate understanding about us. and so you can tell me whether you are for or against it, and if you are in favour of these people these. That's fine just tell me now: why is it the report of the washington post in so many Other journalists would lie about what these teachers are actually presenting. Two children, it's because they don't think you have a right to know, and they want to trick you into supporting them. so be it if you support those ideas or you want to favour those tactics, that's who you are just be honest about it. it's. When you lie that I get man, here's a story, they say
And you know what I always refuse to read this garbage a gold sunlit filtered into a kitchen, english teacher mary, would show that a worn leather bag packed with our shut up. You pretentious cheese as I hate journalists, you can talk with along all day and night, but the was despicable thing I think in journalism ever is what it's like teacher gets fired, ford for teaching books and you open with gold out, it was a dark and stormy night. There, Jordan pieterzen stood atop. The lighthouse shut up, tell me what happened? Cheese stupid anyway? She has who peanut butter granola bar as an extra paris ox for some reason, is ever was ready, but she wouldn't leave for the first time since teaching. She was scared to go to school six months, We are to have woods. Advanced placement, english language students had reported to the school for teaching about race lie because she was specifically
teaching critical race theory which advocates for racism and violates the nineteen sixty four civil rights act. That's it end of story, you're not allowed to break the law. You advocate for rated segregation, you can't do in public schools. It violates the law. I am all in favour of rights act. what it assigned her all white class, a book from tanya he coats between the world than the students were an emails about the book. eight about systemic racism. It made them ashamed to be white, violating a softer, a proviso that forbids teachers for making students, feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of their race and not a good thing, though. You think that a teacher should be allowed to make kids feel bad about their race. I see you see these people, these critical race theorists their overtly racist. They want racial segregation, they want race to be the subject matter.
People who are powers are some they dont anti racism doesn't mean you oppose racism. It means the spit basically just means racism. Reading coats book felt, like quote, reading hate propaganda towards white people. At least two parents come and as well, and so they placed a formal letter of reprimand in her file instructor to keep teaching without discussing the issue with your students would finish out the spring semester, but feeling defeated and betrayed the high school would teach us that in is the same way. she attended. It had been a long summer since, what's predicament when it became public in a local paper divided her town people are calling for a fire. We get it through national attention. South I'm sort of eighteen states to restrict education on race, since twenty twenty one all lie once again, the laws we are seeing prevent indoctrination of critical race theory, specifically
now the left has repeatedly made this lie. This claim that they're trying to prevent people did you got slavery, not true. Sixteen nineteen product is factually inaccurate and when you write a book that says, white people have privilege or there's also a book. That's what what is it called? Not. My idea is, unlike that, where it depicts a whiteness contract has literally what's called with a white hand, reaching out and a devil, tail and feet yeah as if why people are evil and it has a whole bunch of insane racist things in it. You should not be able to a teacher too. insult someone based on their race or blame a race for wrongdoings. Sorry, you should be allowed to it that don't care race should not be the predominant factor in whether a person is good or bad, and that's what these schools are doing. They say at least half
The country has passed laws that limit instructions on race, history, sex or gender identity for a washington post analysis, but again they are misleading you. These restrictions there being factual but not truthful. The restrictions are based on discrimination that violates law. So let me clarify for you. The nineteen sixty four civil rights act has several different titles in it they describe where or how you cannot or why or in what circumstances you can't discriminate against a person. This includes gender. It includes national origin, race cetera. So if you're a teacher- and you come in and say, hey c- that race of people their bad, yet that's ill gl already, and so happening now. Is there saying hey that book? You have that blames white people for things. You can't do that under the nineteen sixty four civil rights act wash deposed, acting like their shocked by this, they texas principle lost his job for allegedly promoting critical race theory. That's right, critical race. They calls for segregation, that's illegal
it was constant teacher was dismissed for criticising the debtors decision to ban the song rainbow land, which laws, inclusive, inclusive, inclusive bids. I can't say this word inclusive, eddie, the month Wood had hoped to spend hiking doing yoga and vacationing care for eight hundred a summer spent avoiding people's gaze at the grocery store. Well, she should feel shame her ideologies inherently evil im glad that people are calling her out. What believes trust is fundamental, blah blah blah and if she couldn't trust them, how is she supposed to make them trust her? You can't, you believe, inherently evil such things and what's happening now is a students are saying racist are not welcome. Here. Hate has no home in this school and these people, who are so hateful and wood, I'm races of people for their problems, don't understand their the bigots. Of course. Their immediate reaction say we're just teaching about race they're not or to try and point to the fringe elements of say, nationalist or white nationals, politics and a claim that all regular people who don't want racism are akin to that sorry,
No racial discrimination is wrong, not a fan of it. probably head out, she said to her husband, it'll, be fine. Setting his mug down across room, she looked up at him, it placed I hadn't, it's just I hate these writers has just so. For this woman is the banality of evil. She doesn't know what she's teachings. Doesn't care she's part of a cult, ideology, when doctrine eight and demean people based on their race. It must be opposed the fur complaint didn't alarm what, in early february, she's giving out copies of between world the world than me? their emailed asking to speak. Not an assignment wouldn't seat is different from other parental objections would mailed the phone and left a voicemail with the mom. Please call me back what thought she was on safe ground. She had taught coaches book and accompanying youtube videos one year prior. No one complaint
We also count them and the fact that a p lang is supposed to be a high level class. The college board curriculum says it can address issues that might from from particular social, historical or cultural viewpoints, be considered, controversial or including references to races. But that's talking about like huckleberry finn, not talking about are are a tom, sawyer and huckleberry. That's not talking about you, make writing a book that says hey. This group of people is bad on I can be fair. I want to be fair if the purpose of the assignment is too quick, critically assess the ideas of critical race theory and say: why are they being challenged, read this book and then tell me what you think it's one thing but each the book as something that is true and correct, is the problem. That's why I think critical race theory books should be allowed in schools to be taught critically, not as as law and what's happening with these schools is. They are not just giving books on critical race theory
their integrating critical race ideology, critical rights, praxis into other subjects like math and science, that is crack pottery and should not be allowed, they go on to say that she was accepted, but look I'm not going to read the whole thing here, because these are. These are shorter segments anti racist. anti racist mean someone who believes that, in order to fix pass discrimination, there must be active policies to restrict people based on race today That is the definition of anti racism. I showed you the quote from IRAN candy they want active. Discrimination based on race to day nine most of you know this. Some you may not. Racism is prejudice, positive or negative, based on someone's rate It is a belief that some raises are inherently better or worse than others. There is this argument about academic or than You left view of written, that's prejudiced, plus power, but that doesn't act.
We explain how the word is used by the average person, antiracist never meant. You opposed racism, through the subaru share the love event, Subaru and its retailers help charities like meals on wheels when my mother got sick meals on wheels, provided the food and support she needed? I really appreciate that subaru gives back to causes that are important to owners. Like me, thanks to Subaru and its retailers, more than four point, three million meals have been provided to seniors, like my mom learn more at subaru dot com, slash share. anti racism sounds like it does, but the core of the ideology is that in order as candy says, for there too, remedy present discrimination. You need future discrimination.
Anti racist argue for black. Only dorms and black only jobs and for racial segregation should make sure it's clear. If you are a democrat voter and you agree with these ideas, I have no problem. Just say that Do it's this weird double dipping, whether alike. I disagree with that. I believe in Martha martin luther king Jr, but also don't yeah, ok, doesn't fly. You ve gotta, be honest about what you believe, but I think that's that's the trick. Most americans oppose nation, and so these wreck reactionary, racists, now screw rating as left us to oppose racism cause. I know that's the in our tricking people to supporting overt racism there. It is for you, but what's winning a wrap it up with a nice little bo winning is when students complain and say our teachers are racist and then she gets reprimanded for it. I ll leave it there. Next segments covered up tonight at eight p m over at youtube
Tom slashed him cast. I r l thanks rang out now see you all, then the communist shift in Chicago is beginning and don't be surprised if you start to see it pop up all over the place. This tactic implemented in go chicago. Considers creation of government operated grocery store the promotion of food equity? Wasn't it Breast goal in the mayor's press release is this call? Why am I saying food, communism or communist policies? Crime runs rampant people's struggle to survive, walgreens closes, the mall closes san francisco is collapsing, but what happens then? No problem reactions ocean, ripe problem stores or closing due to high crime. What's pause for a second, I just like the crimes caused by the lax democrat policies, but I digress. Crime runs rapid stores, close
Here's one store, beloved oakland restaurant is forced to shut down with it's owner, blaming rampant crime. Okay, now it's got to Chicago as these narratives persist and these stores begin to close because they can't keep with the crime. People in these areas start to complain in just go: they shut down many walgreens stores, the malls closed, the hotels have surrender their property, and eventually people are gonna say what do we do? Where can I buy food anymore? The government then steps in- and this is what's happening in Chicago and they say well. Ladies and gentleman, we know that these private businesses refuse to support you, so we will Here's the story chicago mayor, Brennan Johnson, has revealed that the city will be partnering with the economic security project to explore the creation. government owned grocery store to assist historically underserved communities. Oh here, it is all chicago wins- deserve to live near, convenient, affordable, healthy grocer options, we don't
Two grocery stores is already a challenge for many residents, especially in the south and west sides, said mayor, Brandon, Johnson, a better, stronger, safer future is one where our youth and our communities have acts. The tools and resources they need to thrive. My administration is committing committed to advancing innovative hole of government approaches to address these inequities. I am proud to work alongside partners to take the step in view And what are you, municipality, owned, grocery store in chicago could look like right so when they destroy the local business with covered policy when and when crime then runs rampant, and you can't support your business anymore, they then say: oh gee golly. I guess we're going to have to do it everyone's complainant. Here's your solution, hey! We can't force private businesses to come and open up a grocery store and crime. Oh his poor people are just hungry, we'll make a
patreon, go a government owned grocery store, and I wonder how that'll play out it's going to be, like all the probably a whole bunch of generic brands, that will cost the bare minimum and inevitably become deeply corrupted. That's how things go you think the food's going to be healthy and good notes going to be garbage. It's going to be plastic trash, it's going to be eventually to two too expensive. You see it'll be really interesting. What happens when a government run business comes in and undercuts all other private businesses going somewhere in the neighbouring neighbouring it is. A policy will be like the government run, stores cheaper, so we'll go there potentially, while it's not really cheaper the government just subsidized. It, though, make this argument. Look. It may cost five dollars for a gallon of milk prices go up, but you every person
in afford it. So here's what the government store is going to do we're going to sell milk for three dollars, because you can't afford it it's reduced option now. Cost us five or sought for three, which means the store operates at a loss, but don't worry, the taxpayer will pay the rest. That's already up already how it operates. They have reduced fair bust passes, they always have. If you are of a certain income level, you can apply for reduced fair passes and get on the bus, the trains at a lower rate than anybody else, subsidized, of course, by everyone else paying the bill. What happens then, when this store shuts looking under this johnson's release noted aimed I'd food equity and an estimate Your support of attica. Agriculture found that sixty three point: five percent of residence in the west angle, wood and fifty two percent of resident in east garfield park live more than a half mile from, as grocery store, whereas in west times less than one percent of residence. The initiative, if completed, would mark chicago becoming the first
Major? U S, city, to launch a government owned grocery store deal with food in equity. Let's say they don't do direct subsidy. Let's say they just sell the process cost, they say we don't need to make profit its taxpayer dollars that fund the operation of the store. So we do need the store to break even so there's no but there's no surplus. The milk, which normally cost five dollars at your local grocery store, now costs three. Fifty people going to be I'd rather just drive to the government, store because the nooks three fifty the for profit stores and say we cannot maintain this committee. Then, with a garment was selling things a cost and they shut down now
What new area has no grocery store and then along comes the mayor to be like well gee, let's launch another one, unlimited investment opportunity for the government, because you pay the bill. What happens when you get a monopoly on grocery stores? Yet then you get no food. You know it's going to happen. No more fancy, meals, no more variety! No, more natural peanut butter on the natural peanut butters too expensive! Why are we gonna pay for that? We've got this perfectly good hydrogenated stuff with extra high fructose corn syrup right. Here, luck we're trying to reduce the costs having some foods, but having no food? The last thing you want is a monopoly. But how is a private business supposed to compete? It cannot now I'm not saying it's a grand conspiracy, but I'll tell you this. The dominoes are falling in this direction. There's a quote:
city of chicago, has reimagined the role the government can play in our lives by exploring a public option for grocery stores by a municipally, owned grocery store and market said. Am I a pawar, a senior adviser at the economic security project? Not dissimilar from the whale library or the postal postal service operates. A public option offers economic choices and power to community city owned grocery store, the south or west side chicago, a viable way to restore access to healthy food in areas that have suffered from historic and systemic disinvestment. The administration has reportedly kicked off a feasibility study to see how the store can succeed. I'll tell you this My friends of fruit I go broke. I go was a housing complex for low income individuals that was launched in the Saint Louis area, Fortunately, the problem was homelessness and a lack of affordable housing. Many
lived in Saint Louis ended up, leaving the city and forming smaller towns outside of Saint Louis saint louis is actually a large county of like ninety plus cities. They were quickly housing, covenants and acted and because they could racially discriminate, what they would do as they form a community and then say no to houses. Here's here's the law with that meant the people who live there lived there for a long time and they want. Can it be selling anything that anybody else there will be no houses built, and thus you ve kept rachel population. it's out of your community or agree with the general idea. By suppose, people can form whatever packs they want to form and private prewitt I go was the cop was partly the cause of this. It was government funded housing that, when it started, was like ok,
yeah. The government has come in here and they've they've subsidized housing where to put low income people in a predominantly black population who are lower income, but eventually it fell to miss management, became a disrepair, a disheveled, dilapidated all the words you can think of crimes that had run rampant and nobody wanted to live near anymore. A government run store is going to be mismanaged, to say the least. They will have no incentive to properly clean the floors or maintain the business why they cannot
sale now I know I know libraries aren't all disgusting. It's not going to be that bad. I'm not saying it can be a bunch of zombies walking around with mold everywhere. I'm saying there is no economic incentive to offer premium services or to go above and beyond. There's no complaints, in fact likely little refunds. If you're lucky they're going to say we don't need your money, we don't care about you as the customer because we're indefinitely funded, in which case you will end up with a degradation of goods and services. You need competition, but the government has infinite money because they just take it from you by
worse. How are you supposed to maintain a level of quality? Don't believe me, I mean come on. We only have seventy years of the soviet union to a test for what I'm saying, sixty nine, I guess there grocery stores, fine, not filthy but lacking products. Why would a government run grocery store by ten different kinds of peanut butter that, just by the one peanut butter, must let peanut butter on? When I was a kid, the grocery store by me had these yellow cans and it was just stamped with the name of what was on it. Beans, black beans, refrain beans, mushrooms, no label, no brand, nothing now what they started. Doing as if credit, the store brand so like walmart, is good value in stock, as they realize you know, people actually like it when they are buying a brand.
Product they can recognize not just generic product on the wall. The problem is when it comes to government subsidy. They had no incentive to do that. I mean maybe they might for a while, but eventually they're going say: we've got to cut the budget, who's doing graphic design for our store products. We don't need that if people want beans will buy beans, just put a white label right beans on it in here that. that's the awkward silence of a family dinner after you just got copying faiths contain high levels of nicotine and disappointment brought to you by the real cost and the FDA. I guess these guys also
nutrition information. So I think that was a law that changed now they have to have it, but ultimately, private businesses will struggle to compete with the public sector. Businesses in all their private libraries. Look library still exist, barnes and nobles gone. These bookstores are falling apart. Some still exist in some places, but most part they're struggling, but libraries will be around for a good long time so long as people keep saying we should have them. I like libraries, but libraries should fit, should serve a community purpose, and I am also telling people have is to your business. If you're, a brick and mortar store should be a community enterprise, you need to figure out how you bring people in to break bread with each other and become friends with each other, and that's the real incentive, otherwise you're going to get replaced by robots, they're going to automate everything away and then the government's going to end up owning everything I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up at one pm and the channel thanks, frank
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.