« Tim Pool Daily Show

Judge SEIZES Child From Mother For Being Unvaccinated, Vaccine Mandate Protests ERUPT All Over U.S.


Judge SEIZES Child From Mother For Being Unvaccinated, Vaccine Mandate Protests ERUPT All Over U.S.

At a child support hearing a judge abruptly asked the mother if she had been vaccinated. The mother responded she hadn't, this being due to her doctors advise over past adverse events. The judge then ordered she not be allowed to see her child until she gets vaccinated.

While Democrats oddly are in favor of mass vaccine mandates and republicans basically say nothing people all over the U.S are rising up in protest over vaccine mandates.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey everybody. This is Jason buckling and let me welcome you back to our podcast in conversation with shop, a five plus now season. One was all but the biggest names and business Steep Maddy, Danny Reeves ship Wilson waiting here who are talking to now proceeding to Philip friend CEO aspect, wordsmith founder tv, a heart attack our Counter Heather Hassen Treaty Sphere, cofounder, Hosea, eggs, Chrysophora, cofounder, lower carbon capital area, K C, O Hara shape this. His in conversation, wash up if I play today, is August thirtieth, twenty twenty one and our first story shocking news couple? A? U s. Drone strike supposedly targeting ISIS Kane has resulted in death of a family, including several children, fucking a major scandal. Story lieutenant Colonel Stuart seller who spoke up against what happened in Afghanistan Manning accountability has been relieved of duty Honesty is resigning from the Marine corps and at our last story a meal.
There had her child taken away by a judge, because she could not get the vaccine due to doctors, ores, If you like the show, please leave a good review and give us five stars, and if you really like the show, tell your friends about it now, let's get into that first story one of the first things that President Barack Obama, when he got into office, was ordered to drown, strike which ended up killing about two dozen women and children. reading the story a really long time ago, and I was surprised because I thought that oh boy what was going to be the one to end these wars. Now then it just him. Oh bomber Obama, that's right because ultimately ended up killing several America citizens, most notably Abdul Rahman, lucky and unwashed other locking, whatever their. Whatever the. Times of Anwar Al Aki may have been. He was an american citizen who is warranted due process. We put the Nazis on trial at night.
Burn Abdul Rahman Unlucky, however, was a sixteen year old kid eating at a civilian cafe in Yemen and for some in the: U S started to drown bomb, that this is the history, the nature of? U S, foreign policy, and now that Donald Trump us out of office. We are returning to this doctrine, but to be fair, I'll, throw shade at Donald Trump as well, because first things he did when going to office. Was he ordered a commando rating Yemen which is believed to have killed an eight year old american girl? In fact, the system of Abdul Rahman Lucky, none of these people deserve to walk away from this. As the president. The buck stops with them. And perhaps, as we ve seen with Donald Trump- it's not so easy, but I think that if we going to in any way kind of diminish, Donald Trump role in the chaos Susan, the Middle EAST overseas we'd have to at least give some credit to obey.
What I mean to say, as I believe that permanent government, as it's called right summits refer to this- is the deep state, but what this really is just people in bureaucratic position. who were appointed and remain these positions for extended period of times, regardless of elections, these people that are making these decisions, and given this advice that ultimately we in chaos and death, and maybe it's because their incompetent- maybe it's because their callous or maybe it's because they want to exacerbate the crisis justification for nation building and conquest in many of these countries. I think that is probably the case. because now we're getting the latest news on what happened. What's going on in Afghanistan, and I gotta say the binding straighten is there is a return to the hard doctrine of well. I guess the Obama Biden Administration, because Biden was part of all of that. So it's no surprise that we're getting reports
that nine members of one family, including six children, were just killed and a U S drawn strike near cobble airport. You know I want to be our make sure, I'm being accurate and fair, as I stated in the several videos Donald Trump were president at this time and the and the Taliban began over running afghan security forces. I believe the drones what I've been out in full force. Would you see this is a guy Example, in my opinion of well first I'll, say bias. I would assume that Donald Trump would have acted more quickly and perhaps that's wrong. I have no real way to judge that because we can't seem to alternate timelines, but when the taliban- started rushing in executing Afghan security force commandos and then sweeping into provincial capitals. I believed I'll drop would have used drones and it would have used them against the Taliban. The problem now is Biography AIR Force, This was abandoned nearly overnight. The Taliban overran the provincial capitals taking Kabul and now
we are pinning down. What's with with attacks happening near when you're one of the gates, U S, Marines and and and other servicemen women lose their lives and now Joe Biden says, sending the drones the only problem therein tell us bad, you see if you, if you launch a drone strike at a group of very obvious combatants, in vehicles storming through the desert. You now I'm gonna. I should assume that simple, but I would say when you're looking at and advancing militaristic faction from sky, probably easier to figure out who these people are, as opposed to being in a big city like Cabal of five million people, and then the bad administration fires missiles from a drone? Reportedly didn't kill anybody related ISIS. Now these people sent central command are claiming the vehicles had exe
losses in them, proving that they were up to something but even see an end is reporting at this was just a family and six children now fog of war, my friends, it is very difficult to know for sure and I'm not as much as I can complain about all these pass administrations go about abortion, what they ve been doing in the Middle EAST. We don't know for sure and I think it would be wrong to immediately jump to conclusions before we have anything harden definitive, but I don't know for ever get anything hard and definitive out of this stuff. It's really it's fog of war. Look at you interests in toning down the crisis, because I don't look bad and certainly the Taliban wants it to be that children were attacks. They can blame the United States and make us look bad and ultimately are just trying to figure out what you trust. The images coming out of this are hunting to say the least TIM cast out com
the reporting. Nine members of a single family, including six children, work, were killed in the. U S. Drone strike near the cobble airport. On Sunday, the children ranged from two to ten years old. You are central Command had said that the Jones strike wiped out a vehicle that was carrying multiple suicide bombers, who pose an imminent ices k threat to. Airport quote: we are aware of reports of civilian casualties following our strike on a vehicle in Kabul tonight we are still assessing the results of the strike which we know disrupted and imminent ISIS K threat to the airport. Captain bill urban? U s an! U S! Central command spokesman said in a statement. We know that there were substantial and powerful subs clinics oceans resulting from the destruction of the vehicle indicating a large amount of explosive material inside that may have caused additional casualties? Urban concluded quote: it is unclear what may have happened and we are investigating further. We would be deeply saddened by any potential loss of innocent life, a brother of one,
people killed in the strike, told CNN that they were an ordinary family that did not have time to terrorist organisations quote. We are not ISIS or dash dash, and this was a family home where my brother's lived with their families until the network photos from the scene, repulsive social media, I'm I'm for obvious reasons. I'm not Goin showing those photos, but this has confirmed. Reporting is from sea and an ok. We are not just pulling this. Nowhere. This is of all the outlets to be making the Biden. Administration. Look really really bad right now at says: a lot. Doesn't it but does a lot. It says for on the loyalty of seed and probably lie more with massive multinational corporations and nation building military industrial, complex, profit, building, etc etc. Is the reporting from CNN. nine members of one family were killed in the. U S drone strike targeting of you
when a residential neighbour of Kabul, according to a relative of those killed, now hold on its from CNN its relative reporting. This? Maybe it's not true who is as individual as those but but CNN is reporting this as definitive it. Those killed, included six children, the youngest being to a two year old girl. The brother of one of the dad told a local journalists were with CNN is that the people killed, whereas brother Zahm array, forty years old, monsieur thirty, is a mere twenty five or ten, far Zogg nine Armand for Benjamin three I ought to and Somalia to the brother cried ass. He told the journalist that they were an ordinary family CNN obtained image. The after the aftermath of the strike you as official, confirm and location in couples, Kaji bug raw neighbourhood book baccarat hope unpleasant. Aren't you wasn't your comments at earlier that they were assessing the possibilities of civilian casualties?
man named a hot who said he was a neighbour of the family, told CNN. All the neighbors tried to help and brought water to put out the fire, and I saw that there were five or six people dead the father of the family and another young boy, and there were two children. They were dead. They were in pieces. There were also two wounded had told CNN. He had witnessed the airstrike around five p dot m local time. As he walked towards his home. He said he heard the noise of Iraq it in a loud bang and ducked for cover before trying to help rescue as neighbours I told CNN that two other people were wounded in the attack. The? U S military sadness, statement, significant secondary explosions from the vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material, a local journalists who visited the scenes. The extra told CNN. Whatever material was in the car, I dont know the car was in a very bad state. Just a skeleton of the car was left
The journalist was not being named for security reasons, was told by family members of the deceased that there were two car sparked. The home one was a corona and the other was a Camry. The journalist said he'd been told that one of the cars contained one of the fathers and his three children getting ready to go to a family of that. Now it is difficult, it is who'd. You too, Just do trust the locals on the ground in Afghanistan who are saying more than one person that it was a family and children do trust you essential command. Who is saying we are unclear, it is unclear as to what happened. I think we're gonna have to err on the side of the. U S, just drone bombed family, it's not the first time they have done this, and I have no reason to believe they are doing. A good job based on every
thing we ve seen so far. It appears to be chaos, catastrophe and blunders. All around you look at what what would happen with the abandoning a ballroom air Force base, thee, loss of logistics and some people are blaming trot. The sang in trumps agreement, his peace tree with the Taliban that he agreed to withdraw logistics from the afghan afghan security forces and bite and decided to stick to that plan. But that's just not true Joe Biden did not stick to the original treaty, nor did the Taliban Rock auto dot. Com is a family business serving auto parts steamers online for twenty years, but a rock auto dot com to shop for ATO and body parts from hundreds of manufacturers? They have everything from engine control modules and break parts, detail lamps, motor oil and even new carpet, whether it's for your classic or daily driver get every thing you need in a few easy clicks, delivered directly to your door, the rock auto dot
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You can argue that the Taliban is in adhering to the tree Biden. Didn't it when he extended the deadline. Past May, first, in which case, why will? First of all? I would we trust the Taliban? Not you know too too, to adhere to the shrink the treaty anyway, then that up storming in attacking as soon as I had the opportunity. So I tell you this. Everybody bears a little bit of the fault truth, as even if Trump did say will follow, mystics based on what had happened? There is always the possibility Biden could have said no, but I will tell you I will say in the end. I believe it is better the. U s leaves than stays. I absolutely do. I think. Look. I was talking to Cassandra Fair banks and on the timber I'll show we are talking about China. The weaker camps, things like that, and I was saying like look, you know, there's a hard line for us like what do we
do when we see these these camps. Do we just leave these people to suffer and Cassandra made a very, very good point. There are countries all over the planet in which atrocities are currently being carried out and we never talked about them and we don't do anything about them and we don't care because the media doesn't propagandize this, and I said it's a good point is a lot going on in northern Africa that we could absolutely be stopping, but we don't see that on the news. We don't hear these stories art told to be outraged by it. It's only when there some strategic interest for the military industrial complex. Do we actually say: ok, we're gonna, go and get involved, and we must do more announcing people post. Eames, where there are like you know what it's they deployed: twenty six thousand troops to the capital for Trump supporters, but only five thousand for our american strapped in Afghanistan, and unlike yet it's tough call. Look it's one thing for two to sending troops for nation building is another thing to send troops, to evacuate american
so I'm I'm I'm kind of their I'm kind of you, no binding screwed this one up, but I dont think we gazed abandoned Americans because our are our priorities are not to the Taliban. First, the Taliban may be upset that we didn't get out right away, but allegiance is right now are to getting these Americans out. Reports are that, american? billions are being turned away at the airport, Tucker. Watson says he thinks Joe Biden was doing this on purpose or that he entertained the possibility. Rather I want but more than his mouth, and it really does make you wonder, I'm so my friends, I love America really really do I've been all over the world and to shut out bill more. Who talked about this on his shows past weekend he said liberal conservatives, our trump waving zealots who love American cry at the anthem and everything that but liberals have gone completely the other direction, thinking America's awful and evil, and he says why do you think it is that Afghan MA
are handing their babies to us because they know what America is. I know what american means, and they know that this is a chance for their child, have a life better than what would happen in Afghanistan. Cuz America is awesome, but you know what with all that being said, I have to look at what goes on with the military, industrial, complex nation building and Joe Biden, and tell you this. We are being led ruled by you know. I call these people, walls, but girls tend to be a bit mindless, more like Lex Ill of which a malichus links, which is that the right word there and dead and depraved, but they aren't stupid. They're, just depraved evil and self interested you ready for this, my friends, you any to really get into the level of depravity: ok,
mom of marine Hook, who died in couple, says Biden. Voters killed my son MA. Am your son had a lot of trust in the chain of command in the in it and he fulfilled his duty honourably and admirably. Knowing the risks. I have tremendous, an absolute respect for that. You know There's one thing I, if there's one thing really do admire its loyalty? Absolutely you know this. Isn't that look loyalty is something powerful and fantastic that we trust each other, that we would fight for each other and that we would never abandon each other, but you can lose trust and with that you don't deserve someone's loyalty, but I do respect it
and it's sad, because I feel this is the fault of Biden any is costing us the lives of our best and bravest. Certainly, I would would not enlist into combat devote a couple Arturo to say about it. These people, or are you know, I hate to be cliche and say something like heroes, but many of these people are brave and the bravest we could possibly get, who are smart, passionate say I want to do something good and the problem is. We have a corrupt machine, sending our best and brightest into conflict, and that is horrifying because it meant it means that, though, that the rest of us also unwilling to fight our world. behind, and that means, as time goes on. Well, what are they say? Strong men make good times good times make weak man weak men make hard times hard times makes strong men.
I think about that. There certainly strong people in this country who have not served what could be wrong and that's good and important for us, but I wonder if each and every day we send our bravest our brightest, our strongest and most heroic into conflict where they lose their lives, then we are effectively selecting out that passion and bravery responsibility from the general population. You know and is what it is. But let me tell you but the depravity, because I want to say to those who lost their lives. I have the utmost and most profound respect for these individuals. Take a look at what Joe Biden thinks Biden ripped apparently glancing at his watch during a ceremony for fallen troops, yeah almost thereupon them off a little bit. When I saw that one you know, I'm I'm nearly brought to tears when I had when I heard when I first heard about these, these young men and women
who stayed at the border defending the airport to make sure that our allies could be evacuated. Not even Americans were warned to stay away, but they said we care more about others than that, our own, our own lives. Of course I care about their lives, but they said they felt the good and saving these people was more than themselves, Joe Biden. It takes a look at his watch. How is gonna be refugees? Love to get back to my scream said wheelchair the sun rooms we'll blanket on my let fall asleep, because that's what this this! You know this means to him. Their photos of him at a polity, armies looking somber and nearly in tears and just don't buy it. I really doubt because these candid moments are when you really see how someone feels abiden can put on a show is a politician. they do and then, when Biden is actually at the ceremonies on how much longer is gonna take cheese, I didn't care about these people right right by right button.
You know these days. There was a warning given out that's what I was well one another's. What I want someone ask: you know: gents Zackie or whoever the press briefing. A warning was given up to Americans and british citizens that an attack was immense and to stay away, and even with our army, the arm american citizens being pushed away the afghan ally, we're still coming through and being processed for evacuation and these Marines staid and were checking information. Knowing the warning went out, So we knew it was so dangerous that our own citizens shouldn't come, but we also felt like our men and women in uniform should work. The checkpoint. And I think, that's honourable- not what the command commanded
but that these many women were like we're. Gonna, keep working the checkpoint and getting these people in and then some attacked. Now, I'm I'm concerned that there may be more attacks. Absolutely, and you know we hear about this ISIS K, but you know what I do not trust the military industrial complex. I do not believe them. I believe you look at how awful and failed all of this has been. I need that people in media sang this funny there, like what are they really comply with all the Democrat media like what are they really complaining about the media being unfair to Joe Biden, unfair, we're dealing with what sixty Afghans. Civilian deaths! Children! Thirteen? U S service members, a drone strike killing children you see this is the problem is the problem that we ve been facing for so long and Americans are finally paying attention
two, it maybe it's a good thing. Maybe this will snap people out of it and they'll start. yeah man. We should just leave other people alone in mind our own business, though the founding fathers intended, but at some point became that we became the world police at some point. Africans are currency, backed by nothing, became the reserve currency of the world. It is at that point, I believe the founding fathers vision was trampled over and smashed by a boot, because people didn't know and people didn't care, and so what do you do now? I think we maintain our positions of liberty and I'm not not not. No isolationism now, I'm not for that. I in a lot of people, are of some friends of
I am not noise, I'm a bit of middle wrote, middle the rope, gonna guy and I think we need to be working with our allies. When you these trade agreements, we need certain resources that are available in other countries, lino like raw materials that we can have shipped here and things like that. We want to create more ties of other countries, while making sure that the bulk of our spending that the revenue from our citizens is going towards helping the people in this. Dream, and then once we have secured our own face mask, we can worry about the face mask of those sitting. Next to us, we bring in many more people who want to emigrate to this country and we can use our resources to expand the economy. Make this country stronger and better to instil our values and those who would come and say. This is why America is great. Instead, we prove over and over again The problems of America, because this drones in Afghanistan, I tell you this is going to create a bigger problems, will create more ISIS, it'll, create more
and now we are getting insane reports that absolutely insane reports that a major Al Qaeda player has returned to Afghanistan, returns to his native Nanda har Province. Effort fellow the Taliban doktor Amman became close to Osama Bin Laden and the eighties when he worked with up, do Lazard in macabre Aki Denmark, private neuron from like an upturn to be an expert knowledge stuff I don't know you knows a lot of stuff. I don't know about this. It might be easy for me to sit here with what why have no arm chairs, but the here and be alive. They should have done this. I have never served Terry, but I would have accurate it better than I can just repeat what other experts have said flabbergasted why we abandoned by grammar force base, in which case I'm, like you know, I think at this point it is fair, for you know Joe.
Darwin and Joe Smith, and Jane DOE or whatever and Jane Psmith therein, their lounge shares their lives on watch and Fox NEWS or see an undue say. I could do a better job than this, because there has been way too many blunders way too many That's a sad reality of war, my friends, but we got a lot of news to be a lot of news. Live there next time, it's coming up at one p, dot M on this channel thanks for hanging out- and I will see you all then. You may have heard the story about Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Schiller, who is speaking out. About what's going on in Afghanistan and demanding accountability for the disaster? Well, the news over the past weekend was that he was relieved of do These were now hearing that he will be resigning. His commission and even creepy are still there implication the government is gonna, go after him for his mental health zone, of which calls like the stalinist approach. So take a look at all this body,
started with the news for those it may not have seen it, because I think this is extremely important and we do have more information on what's happening with Afghanistan, and why this lieutenant colonel is correct and should be applauded for speaking up another are there are some considerations here? You know we need a cohesive and unified armed forces if people start speaking up in criticism. It will absolutely be used my enemies and, of course China is using it already. The problem is, though, when you have a failed and fractured administration, weak leadership like Mark Milly and his white red complaints, someone needs to speak up, otherwise just falls apart. We're going to ignore the problems until it's too late. Now they may see China may seize on this. But I respect this man for speeding up the story from TIM cast outcome. Marine says he was relieved of duty over viral video calling for military leaders to be held accountable for Kabul attack. Lieutenant colonel Stork Schiller says that he was
Leave of duty over his viral video. Calling for you know over the deaths of these Marines and servicemen Scheiler, says. But he knew one of the Marines who died in the attack by ice escape and the viral video, and Colonel Schiller, so that people are upset because senior leaders let them down and now of them are raising their hands in accepting accountability or saying we must adopt quote. Did any of you RO your rank on the table and say hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate ballroom airfield a strategic air base before we evacuate everyone that anyone do that and when you didn't, thing to do, that, did anyone raise their hand and say we completely? Must this up, he asked. Potentially all those people did die in vain we don't have senior leaders that own up and run their head and say we did not do this well. In the end, shelter telling commander for the Advanced Infantry training battalion when on a site, without that that huh, your military ranks are not holding up there under the bargain. I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for
Nineteen years, I'm going to throw it all to say to my senior leaders. I demand accountability on Friday. The officer announced that he had been relieved of duty because of the video but stated that he understood in respect of the decision quote. This episode is body you by wind on the days of standing in the wine I'll staring aimlessly at a wall of line without a clue are over gotta. Why not come and pick the perfect bottle with confidence every time, filter your search by price and professional ratings, read reviews and even chat with real wine exports for recommendations. It's the world's largest wine store, delivered to your door and, if you sign up for a stewardship membership, you'll get free shipping year round on every order get fifty dollars
first order by going to win dot com. Spotify terms apply to all my friends across the social networks. I've been relieved for cause based on a lack of trust and confidence. As of one thousand four hundred and thirty. Today, my chain of command is doing exactly what I would do if I were in their shoes, I appreciate you it is a I t, be command provided to all the news agencies asking for interviews and will not be making these statements, other than what's on my social platforms. Until I exit the marine corps shovel, as it has served for seventeen years and is looking forward to what will come next ran well. The latest news we haven't just the other day- is that he has now I'm resigning. My commission, I would ask- We love to have stew shallow until guest IRA, whenever he is available to speak out, you know, wants, is out of the Marine corps: Thou wilt thou be great a marine office
Who felt and we now I can only assume- that we produce a grin lotta, think that these are important conversations, especially we have brave men and women, absolutely brave and women who serve in the armed forces, willing to speak up and speak about. What's happened, I think we need to wait to hear their thoughts and opinions based on their experience with Iraq and Afghanistan. We regard as about they serve that I think the opinions of the people are actually serving our awaited more heavily than people like me for it for sure so, Adobe, fantastic. you gonna, say lieutenant Colonel Stew, Schiller was dismissed Friday from command on the Advanced Infantry training battalion. It can't lose you North Carolina over the original video in the new one. He claims he is not currently under investigation and that he likely would be allowed to ride out his remaining three years until the retirement we chose to stay silent? I dont think that the path ammonia says in the video.
I shall inside and abandoned school bus and Eastern North Carolina, I'm resigning, my Commission as United States Marine effective now, and I am forfeiting my retirement all entitlements. I dont want a single dollar while men Bravo, absolutely bravo with which, with respect, that's a lot to give up, absolutely. He then suggested senior military leaders would need the money for jobs and security after what he intends to do, though, is not provide further details. Woof the marine corps is taking appropriate action to ensure the safety, and why being of Lieutenant colonel Shallow and his family. The service spokesmen Captain SAM Stevenson in an emails. I said in my statement as this is developing it, as this is a developing situation. We cannot comment further at this time. I really want to stop and think about what they just said they are taking appropriate action to ensure the safety and well being of shelter and his family. Interesting in this tweet Palma, clear
says U S. Embassy says tonight there taking appropriate action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Lieutenant Colonel Shallowness family, caning concern over his mental health. Perhaps perhaps that's just dumb, I dunno maybe chain from the knee see what kind of agree with that. It sounds like they're going after his state of mind It says this is how stolen did it if you'd dissent from the regime scientists- declare you insane and incarcerate you for your own protection is creepy. Stuff is have nearly five minute clip viewed about a million times on Facebook and linked in combined. Sunday and touched a nerve within the military veterans community. Some have praised his courage to challenge the brass at the risk of his career. Others criticise them for granted They are sowing descent blatantly using rank does cross Align, said Jim gave me a twenty year, Jim Goby a twenty year, Ami veteran, an adjunct, senior fellow at the center for a new american sick.
Many who focus on civil military relations of italian commander quote just doesn't all the info that senior military or civilian leaders do. I can respect that to an extent in all save myself. we wish you, I always other civilians and people watching on the news. Think we know what's gonna, we got no idea. The stuff coming out from the press is probably a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what really going and you ve got all these different interests, China so doubt and dissent and confusion. It is very, very difficult and we do our best, though we want to criticise what we think is wrong. Is wrong and while this man may not have all the information, I think when you look at the abandoning of backroom air Force base, you better justify something like that and they
Mark merely just said. While I was told to guard the embassy there, it is look. I understand the idea of classified information, but you could at least try to justify it right unless they want us to be mad at them which to me is absent, crazy, outside we got some news that will light a fire under all of you is going to infuriate you something I've been talking about. Will what will read a little bit more as a goal be hoped some one would convince you to seek mental health treatment and get out of the spot like quickly. I find it very sad and misguided there. It is how dare you speak out against us even when they fail? You know what they say: snitching get stitches in this case stitches get sent to the Psych ward. It's not clear what the new com Quences. He what what new consequences he could face. Gourbi said the core will need to be careful not to cement him as a martyr among those who would use him divisive Lee.
and celebrated by some on the right to further demonize out some on the right quote: two further demonize my husband and justify the vitriol. He endured Rachel, Vindelin wife of Army, Lieutenant Colonel gentlemen, Senate tweet Sunday. This is this is amazing one person tweeted what Jim said he could be misguided, derelict marine and still need our compassion. We are better than our enemies. Rachel Lindeman said I, like you and I, like gems, while said this one out, because he has been celebrated. The crazies, who are you, it as an opportunity to further demonize my husband and justify the vitriol he endured once wasn't enough for him How to lean and all the way? Let me just slow down for a second Donald Trump made a phone call about legitimate concerns. Americans had pertaining to Ukraine real concerns, the journalist Matt tell ye be even when I should say he hit his reporting in my opinion, justifies.
And it's all related to Paris. My Joe Biden, son being on the board of a company, had no business being on. I get it. That's all opinion, but it's my opinion and I think it's yours and many others and were allowed to have them. Joe Biden son has no business being on the board of a ukrainian energy company, not to mention there were numerous investigations and regardless of what you think about all of us, negations. Joe Biden went to Ukraine and said: if you don't fire the prosecutor, it don't get the money quid pro quo and women comes out, and he complains about this and we're supposed to act like that, heroic row. You may have just stop the legitimate corruption investigation. Who are you now? As for shelter? Yes, please by all means criticized the man. He even said that when it came to the reaction to to relieve him of duty, he would have done same thing because we recognise there are certain reasons why we have these these these possibilities in place. But you come come
Herr yourself, nor your husband to a man who was angry that thirteen? U S, troops have things. Fourteen are actually made up it, maybe even fifteen that these people have lost their lives, is so dramatically different from Donald Trump calling and saying We need to look into this. What was that all about? They blew that proportion impeached Trump and failed to convict. Why? Because it was both crap, because Donald Trump had a legitimate concern. A video went viral in the video Joe Biden says: if you dont fire the prosecutor, you don't get the money. and they accused rump of the quid pro quo. Even when Sancho and testified told me, I don't want anything. I want a quid pro quo. They still claimed it
I think it was CBS either either Instagram Post, where there are like sand, lend confirms that because, in his opinion, it felt like one. Even though troops had now that's the dirty game they play. How dare you compare yourself to someone who is speaking out about the failures that resulted in thirteen fourteen? Maybe dead service members? Not the same thing Now I dont think you know: Vindelin deserves all of this, like mud, slinging and threats and lots of absolutely not. I mean if you do thought he was doing something good by all means. I don't. I think he was misguided and anti Trump, and so he just through what every could I think it was it was. It was a huge blunder, but we shouldn't we should be nicer to people. That's that's fair, but don't pairs of someone is criticising this, that you know that the death of service, why? Let me show you some from the politico Pentagon, prepared for Mass casualty attack at cobble airport hours before explosion. Detailed notes of three classified calls provided a politico show
Pentagon officials knew of imminent threat, but struggled to close Abbe gave this one makes me angry makes me angry. My friends, let me read gotta hear this just twenty four hours before suicide bomber detonated an explosive outside Hamid cars. I international Airport senior leaders gathered for the Pentagon's daily morning, update on the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, speedier speaking from a secure video conference room on the third floor of Pentagon. At eight a m, defence secretary, Lloyd, often instructed more than a dozen of the departments top leaders around the world to make preparations for an imminent mass casualty of then according to classify detail notes of the gathering sugar political during the meeting meeting General Mark merely the chair, the joint Chiefs of staff warned of significant intelligence indicating that the islamic States, Afghanistan, affiliate, was planning a complex attack. The notes could him. Aside
Manders calling in from pebble relay to the Abbey gate where american citizens have been told to gather in order to gain entrance to the airport was the highest risk and detail their plans, but the airport. I don't believe people get the incredible amount of risk on the ground. Austin said according to classify nuts and a separate call at four that afternoon, or one thousand two hundred and thirty, eight a dot m in Kabul. The commander's plan to close Abbeygate by three Afternoon, Kabul, time, but the Americans decided to keep the gate open longer than they wanted in order to allow the british allies, who had accelerated their withdrawal timeline to continue evacuees their personal based at the nearby Baron Hotel, american troops are still processing entrance at the airport, Abbeygate at roughly six p dot m in Kabul. When a suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest there killing nearly two hundred people, including thirteen US service members, they could have shut it down, they didn't shut it down. They knew this was going to happen. They had the intelligence. Why.
They were the Americans were told to stay away. So now our learning about british allies, I respect the Brits. You know I want. I want them and the Afghans allies to be saved. What you tell the Americans back off, something bad's going to go down, and then I think it's hilarious. You know I don't mean like a good way. I think it's like it. It's it's. It's absurd, acts. We tell the Brits, don't worry, you can come on in we talk, can I was all its fine come on? We know, there's gonna be an attack. We could shut it down right now, we're leaving open and what happened exactly what they knew was going to happen exactly what they knew was gonna happen I shouldn't be. I should be doing a segment on this. I should talk about some damn. You know, sir,
some stupid culture war. Now that you're Talkin about oh, you know this Democrat did this that are otherwise about them, but this is this is this is this? Is the news that we get in the week before the attack? Joe Biden in top administration officials repeatedly spoken public, but the general threat ISIS pose to the airport by an even cited that threat as a reason not to extend the military mission beyond thirty. First, the president worn this weaken that additional ice attack was highly likely, so we may see more. This account the internal conversations among top Pentagon leaders in the house. Hours leading up to the attack at the airport is based on classified notes from three separate calls provided to political and interviews of two defence officials with direct knowledge of the calls. Politico is withholding information from the Pentagon. Read out that could affect ongoing military operations at couple airport. The transcript of these three conference calls authenticated by defence official details, conversations among the highest levels of Pentagon leadership. It makes clear that top officials were raising
alarm bells and preparing for a potential attack, but they had narrowed down to a handful of possible targets and twenty four two hundred and forty our timeframe, projections that ended up being deadly accurate and they kept our troops standing there why I'm really really mad look. I heard it all my life, though the troops, he arose and don't blame the troops announced. Often unlike I get it, but you know that the reality of this as I get it, we respect the troops, but we're talking about brave, responsible disciplined young people were talking about expecting fathers and mothers, one I'm others, but expecting fathers right.
I believe the women who are there were currently pregnant, but one, I believe at least one of them would troops should recently become a father or there was someone who was about to be a father. These are young. People are best in our brightest who should be leading this nation with their experience and the top brass, the bureaucrats, the woke narcissists like Milly, they keep the best of the best in the most dangerous ices and then infuriates me because I'm worried about where we go. If we, if we, if we keep things like this up, I am worried about what this means. Is this a nasty stuff that that's why what showers as as done speaking up is, is just he spot on? You know, I'm not gonna pretend I classified information, but Here's a guy who says I'm gonna risk everything, I'm gonna resign and give up everything to speak out, and I hope he succeeds from it, because we need more people to be brave. Take a look at what happens of project where tat. When people come out and blow the whistle
they blow the whistle and then James will launch a fundraiser for them, often letting them a large sum of money to help keep them well FED protected and a secure in their in their person in their lives. After taking such a huge risk now the sky shelter is speaking up, calling out the top morass, knowing its ending his career. So I hope he succeeds from it. Of course, the left was called a drift see he knew he could make money. You'd give up your career now we're talking about a career where your passion about we have dedicated seventeen years of your life, and you could end up making a substantial sum of money. Sir,
In that career knows a great risk, a serious where there are many people who have blown the whistle or spoken up at their work, another in the gutter. Nowhere to be found, people forgot about, don't care, it's a Dane it it. It is dangerous to yourself to take a risk and speak up, but you gotta be brave, because if every one stood up and spoke out, if everybody who saw some kind of malfeasance or corporate corruption went to project very toss and said this is criminal, this is unethical within within
the long I'm not saying give up get classified stuff. I think the role of a better place. I think the only reason we have is broken and crept system with this to the military or in the way it does with his fellows of Afghanistan is because people don't speak up and speak out, and if it's because the people know if they fail they'll fill up, nobody wants to call anybody out, because no one wants to put themselves or risk. There is no cohesive structure by which we operate anymore. People are just saying: you know what it's bad, but if I rock the boat, then I won't get a promotion. So how about that? You see what happens this dude for doing the right thing loses everything shouldn't be the opposite shouldn't you be rewarded for doing the right thing
It's tough, the Knocker Metallic it's gonna drive. I mean this guy speaks out, it gets caught. It can cause a problem at meetings out. China seizes on Stuart Schiller firing as evidence of U S military low morale that matters. Do we really care what China thanks. No, I mean we want our military tat to be stronger and have good morale, but outside as if Things weaken the morale of the of the. U S military, Joe Biden, chinese state media, claim the firing of marine corps. Lieutenant colonel Stuart Shudder evidence of increasingly low morale in the: U S military, they want a mention. You know what sheltered posted. We noticed that global times, which is studies to state propaganda, said Shelters dismissal indicates that U S military leadership is unwilling to listen to any suggestions or dissatisfaction, nor willing to admit or correct any of their strategic mistakes. Instead, they spare no efforts to shun.
responsibility. This will inevitably bring more disasters. You know funny. Lou shoe wrote his right just because China Propagandism is wrong. It means that they're gonna try to highlight all the worst possible things about the: U S. Are they gonna talk bad about China? What about when it shot? Someone in the Chinese Communist Party speaks up. What about Jack MA? Oh he's he's gone, they strip them of his wealth and accident resources. Yet we get you for you, you can try and put protein a premise you're better. No will call you up China we get, but the reality is that doesn't mean it's wrong. It does. It mean is wrong. I believe that you s, military leadership is unwilling. I. If I have, I would have not been served in the military. I know many people and it really does seem like it's got problems with people not wanting to rock the boat, and if you want rock the boat, then I mean sometimes you about rocks when you'd kicks someone off it, yours
They are about to take off from shore and there's somebody you know is causing serious problems. Nudes like but thrown off at rock the boat people get mad about that, will leave him. Then he thinks the boat. You gotta get em off the boat. It's that simple. Now we got China. Making fun of us come on He said it signals at senior leaders attach little significance to the safety of these lower ranked officers and soldiers, as the latter will continue to face more threats. Lou wrote that the misjudgments of Top- U S, military commanders will result in troops, low morale and carrying out the mission. The writer argued that America, debacle in Afghanistan will make more, U S. Soldiers and lowering officers realise the folly of military leadership. I agree, I think China's awful and I think just because there, a bad person doesn't mean. The point is wrong: we see that they they knew about this, and they said I keep keep the troops down the hookers.
I'm sure that's a little cold. I'm sure there are like well, you know, will be really bad. Something bad happened to them, but they knew it was coming. They told Americans to stay away, it decided to keep the gate open longer than they were supposed to if they had tat. If they closed the gate, as plant they'd still be able to reopen later. Maybe the attack wouldn't even happened, but tell you one thing: the service members would be alive, I'll leave their necks segments come up at four p m over at Youtube com. Slash TIM cast thanks, rang out than US Well then, in what may be what the most shocking displays of authoritarianism we have seen yet a judge has taken away custody for mother of her child for not being vaccinated. Story, isn't so simple to say that while she was ignoring the science and putting her child at risk. No, that's not. The case is here a child support hearing, not a custody hearing, and the judge abruptly asks the mother if she has been vaccinated.
to which she response that, due to adverse effects from previous vaccination, her doktor has advised her not to get the vaccine This is in the case of a mother, simply sang out. I want to get it. This was her saying. Well, my doctor says I can't, which is a reality for many people. You must ask your doctor what makes sense for you, but because this woman's doc gave her sound medical advice for her life. The judge rule that she would lose custody rights of her own child. Now is not a case of the state just taken a child and putting it to foster here. This is the case of the of the state seizing the child from the mother and giving it to the father it's a bit better than putting the cat and foster care, but is still authority. Ryan, none, the less and what most shocking stories we ve seen. However, my friends, this segment I am producing, is not about the bad
it's about the line being crossed in New York City, for example, there is no religious or medical exemption. That means, if you are disabled or for religious reasons, unable to get the vaccine, you will be terminated from your job ineligible for employment and unable to use public accommodation. This is beyond reprehensible, it is beyond standard discrimination. I can only see it as a violation of the eighty eight, the Americans Disabilities ACT, some People are medically unable. What are we supposed to do just acts them from society through no fault of around. I won't stand for that, but, as I said, there is good news here because the resistance has formed. It is large. It is angry and its growing around the world. People are protesting, these vaccine vaccine mandates
in european countries, in Australia and Canada and all across the? U S, you need only Google search. Seen, mandate, protest and stories are nearly limitless. I pulled up as many as I can and I gotta be honest- it's hard to track all of the different cities and states where people are rising up and saying no, but more so and just regular people saying no nurses, doctors, fire. Iders emergency medical service and police Chicago in New York City, saying no- and you know my issues of the mandates- is that your life met you. It is your life. You have to decide, based on advice from your trusted doctor what to do with your health. The state should not be telling you
to do with your body. Oh here, come all of the angry leftist in favour of govern authoritarianism. To tell me something about pro lifers that ain't me never has been, and everybody knows it much to the angry comments that I get all the time. the more libertarian position, although I will admit ethically challenging position- I believe the state should not be in meaning in medical decisions, and I have always felt that way, but now the despatch, the petty tyrants, would tell you The state should have no say in your private medical decisions are now are not shearing for judges and law enforcement, Governments mandating something with no medical exemptions. it may be New York City today, but I assure you this thing is spreading. There still is an opportunity to resist it, and these people are
We have already seen many government officials back down from certain restrictions because the people said no, and you know how they did it: nonviolent civil disobedience, mass noncompliance, peaceful resistance. It works its way. This first story before we do had over two TIM cast out com and become a member in order get access to exclusive members. Only segments of the TIM cast iron pot cast as well as an advertisement for experience on the website, and you will be supporting our fierce and independent journalists. We got a heck of a duty. One store that I think you'll really want to be checking out. A Madonna vaccine truck fresh in West Virginia has met. Crews were despatched air space was shut down. It doesn't seem to be that big of a deal, but it's interesting nonetheless has met, was in response to what they say was fuel and oil leaking out, which is standard protocol. I want people to be breaking up, but it's good journalism you'll see the amount of due diligence put in to getting the facts.
calling the dvd calling these organisations to get quotes. Now, let's Owen, doesn't government like the video subscribe to channel, give a good review in the past all that stuff, let's reed the news, shocking news first from USA. Today, Chicago Judge, rules, mom cannot, see her eleven year old Son because she's not vaccinated a judge in Chicago barred, Rebecca Let the mob urban Eleven year old boy from partial, perennial custody, parental custody, of seeing her son because she is not vaccinated recovered. Nineteen firelit is appealing the decision claiming the judge was placing his views onto her quote. I've had first reactions to vaccines in the past and was advised not to get vaccinate by my doktor. It poses a risk for, let told the Chicago. Sometimes I was confused. The hearing was just supposed to be about expenses and child support
I asked him what it had to do at the hearing, and he said I am the judge, and I make the decisions for your case varlets lawyer and at four fern holes hold several Chicago media outlets that are client and ex husband have been divorced for seven years now, sharing custody and at the Ex husband did not address the lack of vaccination as an issue Cook County judge, James Shapiro asked further during a child support hearing over zoom. If she was vaccinated upon her answer of no the judge stripped her of all guaranteeing rights until she receives the vaccination, receives a vaccination in violation of her own doctor's orders. Now that is twisted. If this it can mandate a medical procedure in in defiance of your doktor. Imagine that, goes next as Europeans, been removed? No my doctors as it doesn't need be well, I'm taking your kids until it does, because just imagine
in the middle of the night, you wake up with stomach pains and your rushed to the hospital who would look after your children, its the joule anyway get it taken out. No, I get it. Vaccines are a minor and I'll be at safe medical procedure, at least that's the general consensus. But that's why I am not going to advise you on what to do and think you need to make those decisions and talk with people. You know and trust medical professionals that help your fam I may have opinions you don't like, but the one opinion we can agree on is I'm not going to tell you what to do with their life, because I dont know your medical history and I dont want to know your private details, because some people may be embarrassed by this and people in general. All people have a right to privacy when it comes to medical issues. Quote: the trial court clearly exceeded its authority in at Suez spotty by its own accord.
suspending the mothers parenting time when the issue before the court was child support attorney foreign holes, told Fox thirty, two in Chicago the Father did not bring this issue before the court further. It told us on time that she talked to her son everyday over the phone. He cries he misses me. I sent him care packages. The fathers attorney Jeffrey am loving, said he supported the just decision there are children who have died because of covert. I think every child should be safe and I agree mother should be vaccinated. Amazing, her doktor said no. What business is that of a judge and a child support there is a nation wide hospitals are reporting and increasing pediatric covered nineteen cases as a delta variant spreads and the and health officials have urged those were eligible to get vaccinate do protect others, cannot ultimately I'll. Tell you where I end up. As I stated, I think it's fine
there are some people are adding it safe and fine and as some people who don't like that, I'm not here to get into a debate about whether or not you like vaccines or not. I ain't a doctor, you see, and so people commenting Sanctum keeps advising us to go talk to somebody else. He. Why would you get advice for me? I'm a dude talking on the internet and in a room with a bunch of windows. I can see trees and mountains. I have opinions on liberty, freedom, human rights, the constitution, and we can have discussions about other things, but I can advise you on financial issues are legal matters are medical issues and neither should it judge be allowed to violate those same tenets. Imagine if the judge said here by order you to put all of your money from your for one k into waffles. Bangs gavel you'd be like what you can do that I hereby instruct you to turn fire your lawyer and higher the one I want. No, you can't do that either
There are certain lines we don't cross when it comes to giving advice and they are certainly not a crackpots want to give you advice. So I'm not here to give you a vice than any other and any those regards now. I will certainly baby give advice and light. If I'm saying something like people should sue, they should fight back yeah. It's a bit different from different from saying you should invoke a certain legal defense or this is your path, Ford, I'll talk about myself when it comes to medical financial issues, I avoid that stuff. Now its heat not out there, my friends check this out and why pities largest policing in vows to sue over possible covered vaccine mandate possible. Oh man, what's goin on apples largest union towards members Wednesday that it would sue the city of cops are required to get the vaccine if the city attempts to emerge was a vaccine mandate on pda members. We will take legal action to defend our members right to have such personal medical decisions, police, Benevolent Association, President Patrick Lynch, wrote in an email of old on their mister.
I thought the blog you already mandated all businesses and all employees in all persons must be vaccinated by September thirteenth. You mean to tell me: the police are not currently under that restriction or that mandate amazing, how they do that. Isn't it the announcement- comes on the heels of mayor. Build obliges announcement require all New York City school staffers, get the job as of this the city is not indicated, whether will attempt to impose vaccine minutes another city workers, including officers. The message to its members obtained the post is the first public comment the PBS made about mandating the backside since cops were able to get him. You nice, then, why pity was one of the first groups eligible for the acceleration vaccine in January, after all the city, unions, banded, together and lobbied for cop to jump up in the lung, you see how that makes sense how they're like YO. We want this to be available to first responders to police officers
respect that they don't come out and say everyone should be forced to get it, because what? If you can't on September thirteenth, unless something changes you are going to see a wave of mass lay offs, New York City. I do know that number is I'd. Looked into it. Apparently the number of people in New York City were considered disabled for one reason or another, is about eleven percent of those who disabled. It is probably a very small percentage, a small faction that are disabled with something that would prevent vaccine and these are people who may have a history of animal access, adverse reactions, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, you are guilty on about re syndrome. Things like that now I don't know what the numbers would be. It's not something we can just easily extrapolate. We don't know the prevalence of each and every one of these abilities, but the adverse reaction may not be listed as it is
disability anyway, but could be now considering. Some people may have just had very severe allergic reactions. The doctor says no, it's not for you, and now these people will be terms, so I simply say to all of those businesses in New York City, propping up this mandate. I wonder: what's more worrying worrisome for you a two hundred and fifty Thousand dollar: fine for a wilful violation of New York City Human rights particularly discriminate against people, disabilities or the thousand dollar. Fine, I get it rock and a hard place make your choice. I guess, or you get out of the city's. Now it's more this more than just the police daily mail reports, more than a thousand anti vaccines March on New York City streets to protest laws Yos vaccine mandate, which forces everyone twelve in order to show proof of vaccine to get into restaurants, bars, entertainment and gems anti factors. if only they say that anti vaccine,
used to mean somebody who just opposed vaccination in general. That's what it was and there were online. communities that were alike ranting about used all sorts of things, and then there are people for the most part overwhelmingly. Who love vaccines? ok, maybe maybe loves a strong word, but are to have a general net positivity towards vaccination. You know I, for instance, I think vaccines are some of the greatest technologies we have ever developed. I mean you want to talk about some of the most important things you can get for the apart Epps antiseptics right. What happens if all of a sudden your live in the middle of woods? You could stop your toe gotta check your foot off. Not that's bat right check. It up you gotta Bob Listerine lying around you stuck utopia, splash and on their boat, Savior all leg. Imagine
we had an two subjects during you know in the civil war, for instance, how many people would have lost limbs centre thing? You know infection, but beyond that comes vaccines, you see they antiseptic and stop and infection. a vaccine can prevent it from even you know, causing you any of the harm in the first place, small OX eliminated, polio eliminated. It's amazing! Isn't it and now we have people who are like well, you know I shouldn't be forced to get a medication, and I agree with it. It's none of the governments, business. I certainly understand concerns about public health and what that means for, for the greater society at large I tell you this for all the pros and cons we are. nation. That says you make your individual choices. If there's gonna be a change, maybe have a vote on something but to come out and force people, that's where the longest cry- I take a look what's happening in New York City
a Manhattan restaurants had business dropped up to twenty five percent in a week and its own blames the vaccine mandate. Mrs insider reports, art deplore who co owns the movie burgers, fries and shakes restaurant Times Square told inside of the mandate was deterring people from visiting his estate. Man. This loss in business could cause his restaurant to raise prices under rules just last week. People need rewrite, provide proof of at least one covered shot in the restaurant and and it isn't even an Oracle, also an a photo idea. He said that he didn't think worries at the delta variant could have caused a sudden drop because delta cases. Already high anyway, the previous week in the delta variant was still spreading was far better and sales than last week. I believe from speaking to people that it's more because the mandate, the vaccine man, it was very- moral polarizing in comparison with past mask mandates, restaurants that voluntarily
or their own vaccine, manage told insider. Some customers had left bad reviews and threatened to spit on and call on staff of the policy. Now that is something you don't do Dont use the worst examples to condemn, literally everybody right, but I will say anybody starting to spend a cough on somebody. Yet that's disgusting. I think you should be arrested if you do that, I'm not saying they should be for in prison, but sitting on people is, is battery in most places, you're like making physical contact with the intent to cause some kind of harm quote never had. One incident with a customer who gave me a hard time when they are asked to wear a mask depositing under the reasoning behind the vaccine mandate, but at a restaurant industry, was the easy target and being unfairly. done we're being singled out as someone who s to enforce this mandate, while other large retailers aren't having to go through the same type of requirements that we that we are to allow customers to enter. We'll tell you this. You know who's that
Did you think? I'm too come out here and blame build a blog. You you'd be wrong. Absolutely wrong. One man saying words is meaningless to me now. I get it. If someone incites violence or a mob will hold them accountable and build a blog. You should be held accountable, removed from office impeached whatever, but each and every one of these individuals who uphold this discriminatory policy in violation of the law. That's on you, you make that choice and they say about the government's coercing me Ok! Well tell that to a judge. The government coerced you, and maybe you will avoid the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine for your wilful violation of human rights. This is true in New York City. If you discriminate against someone, on the basis of a medical disability, will fully two hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine I'm sure when you go to court or when you, challenged over this. You can simply say I was co worse than it was entrapment or, let's be fair
If the city's mandating it they might, they probably wouldn't find you for that, but would New York state what about a federal lawsuit that might come down on you and what happens when people say a quick buck? You know there are a lot of people. They go. A guy's they'll go around two bars and have less he's night, and then they will try to get in or they'll demand. Ladies night pricing, it also like twenty percent offer women on ladies night or twenty percent off entry and the girl come up and say I demand give me the lower price and when they say no, they say, ok, file, sue instantly win, because you know how to do this and then walk away with a quick couple. Grand there are people who do this and make a living doing it. Now, no joke you could, when several thousand dollars instantly and all they got to do is look up. in a mine ladies night in their city, and they can just go around doing it needs are. They call themselves civil rights activists are outside what's happening here with these businesses. Let's talk about what's happening around the world lives of Tik Tok. You know, Vietnam, you love him
hosting these videos of New York City Hawaii LAS Vegas, but here we go Switzerland, Ireland, Berlin, Paris, London, Belgium, Montreal, Australia, Scotland, Greece. In all of these places people are rising up and protesting against vaccine mandates. It's not an issue of It's a medical issue, in my opinion, is somewhat tangentially. I suppose this is a freedom issue It is a sound policy issue mandating people whose doctors have had said whose doctors have said no will cause more problems, more vaccine hesitancy, thereby many conservative pointed out. You know what, if they came out and just said, look here is the data we advise you to get it talk to your doktor, about what's right for you and do your best, so many more people.
Gone gone up, they made it easy, they made an accessible, and I think these are good things. But then I started doing weird things: when a million dollars danish are doing even weirder things, do it or else will find you some companies, what a fine their employees charge them are. A surcharge New York City says it's time for the stick out what it would diplomacy, something that, where the carrot and stick approach announced time for the stick is that's only the government should be allowed do. No, I don't think so, and you know what a lot of people agree with me. I hope you're ready for this from CBS New York. Hundred's protest covered vaccine mandates outside New York City all From Mercury NEWS, San Jose passes new vaccination medic despite disruption from Mask Lous protesters, another city with mandates, still protests, this one from the mine register two hundred protesters picketed outside them mercy. One medical center,
wrong the decision by mercy, one. the area, seven other hospitals to require mandatory vaccines here is more hundreds. Protest. Vaccine. And in San Francisco from K. I T eight health care workers, protest, vaccine mandates in but all this from Jonesboro Arkansas. We then have Saint Vincent's. What is this? What is a Jacksonville Florida? We fetnah say: you're, Pennsylvania, healthcare workers or health care workers protesting this there's more common Hartford Healthcare employs rally against vaccine they floored a nursing home protest, covert vaccine mandates as deaths climb. We have this one grand Junction, Colorado, Anti mandate group holds new protest. Here we go healthcare workers, protests vaccine. In Roswell New Mexico, here's Duluth NEWS
even in Western North Dakota City, nurses and supporters, protest vaccine mandates, Waco Healthcare Workers, protest against vaccine mandates. Hundreds protest mask mandate in covert nineteen vaccine requirement outside Genesis West in Davenport Iowa. or hundreds gather at capital- and this is what is this one? This is a Minnesota. This is the Apple, ass, Saint Paul area, Minnesota State, Capitol, sedative their their concerns. Here we go hungry. gather in Santa Monica to protest against proposed. Seen minutes now. You know. I really love this story from the other day Look here on, the left has rainbow don't tread on He flagged here here, good sir. I love it. I got to get me one of those flags. I think it's fantastic, don't tread on me. That means you want to have your pride flag, yes and ain't. Nobody going to be non you because that's what this country is all about. I want to see all the dont trust me flags. I don't care what the well
I want to see a lot of people defending their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness telling you screw off, leave me alone so long as are not hurting other people. I believe they should be allowed to do their thing. Of course, they're big genes when it comes to the hospitals and met well issues, there's a big challenge. I tell you this man, my view are you'd, give example of cigarettes in bars and Chicago idols, I hate smoke. I had people smoking around me. I can't stand it and when they, had there been a ban businesses from having people smoke inside I said what business is it of the city to do and so many non smoker said they shouldn't be allowed us to. Let people smoke inside you know what, if I want to go in, will they have smoking and non smoking sections on purpose to accommodate you, and you know what, if you dont like I want to go to bars and everyone's smoking in bars. Ok well done
one of the bars that have all that, but every bar does well to bad. It's, not your bar. Now I gotta admit, I think it's way nicer, there's no more smoking in business in these buildings but whose whose whose right is it to take that away from a private business they want allow. I saw something funny once when I was Arizona a bar caught a one by one hole in their ceiling, knowledge of oak so that they could be qualified as an outdoor establishment, and thus smoking was still permitted. Why? What's? Point of that you didn't change anything. It's got a whole nor ceiling. That's how the rules work. My friends, if you think I'm done with stories about protests. You would be wrong just a little bump on the rail it'll stop here. We go? U s. Force Academy, Colorado demonstrators, protest, mandatory vaccines for AIR Force Academy. Cadets is another one medical tyranny
Ascension Franklin, nurses and others rally to protest mandated vaccines. Milwaukee. Oh there's more King five seattle I'll give up my job state workers, protest, vaccine mandate from nine, a b c cedar, Rapids, Iowa protesters, gather unity. Point Saint Luke's addresses a repeat our measure. You look at this one to Rebecca realise cause. I then sit Cedar, Rapids Devon Port, but I guess it's the baseline same story. Healthcare workers, protest. West Virginia met medicine vaccine mandate in Morgantown, West Virginia here's work, it's interesting. I am proud to see so many people in so many different cities standing up and saying we reject this because you know what protests work if you can, if you can sustain it and it
You mean it and, if you're willing to go out there and March and wave that little sign, it works. It absolutely does we talked about this during the George Floyd Riots. When people peacefully protest, they get positive new coverage, which changes the conversation and when people see at the majority are in ever or not in favour of certain ideas. They tend to be swung towards those ideas. So what people are not willing to get out and protest peacefully. Then people say no one must care and when people go up and right violently, not happens. Regular people get scared and say I don't like this and negative press coverage hurts the cause, which is why support black lives matter? Net support is lower. Now then, where it was at the beginning of this year of last year saw of last year you see net support for black lives matter had something like twenty five percent there,
most no opposition, and then they started writing in the wake of the George Floyd Incident and what happened that they lost support and gained massive opposition. Violent riots failed and black lives matter was hurt because of it and we all set. It now asked for these peaceful protest. I think they're going to work. Let's take a look at what is happening in the developments of the expansive authoritarianism EU to remove. You asked from covert safe travel list, Can travellers face a ban on non central journeys and new quarantine restrictions, as the EU removes the. U S from a safe travellers. Eu governments are set to blacklist american tourists later this afternoon after us, urging you, ESA infections, the decision not automatically binding, but it sets the framework for european restrictions on Trans Atlantic travel. After a summer of these rules, one key factor in the decision has been
Erica's refusal since June to allow vaccinate european travels to visit the. U S for non essential reasons, suggest tourism or visiting family members. but ass. It is primarily because the worsening covert infection situation in the west, but what is but why contains decision to keep restrictions for Europeans all summer has made taking it all that much easier and EU diplomats set us had said earlier this week. Germany led calls to ban all non essential american visitors to Europe. If the Bite administration did not open. U S: borders to Europeans, the? U S, will be removed from a white list of twenty three countries for which the EU recommend that travel restrictions should be lifted along with Kosovo, Israel, Montenegro, Lebanon and North Macedonia travellers.
From countries on the safest can usually under the USA with the EU. Sorry without a ten or fourteen day, quarantine by showing a proof of vaccination or negative test. Those from countries not on the list are barred from non essential visits and face stringent testing in quarantine requirements that rule out holidays at present. Most EU countries do not require Americans the negative covered test, result to quarantine upon arrival the biggest obstacle to tourism, Belgium, Ireland in Poland, do ask you, as tourists to self isolate for short periods while awaiting a covert test results. It will be up to european countries that are dependent on tour. just ITALY, Greece and Spain to decide vaccinated Americans can still travel over the coming days. I have a feeling Greece will not be implementing these bans, but who knows who knows There are a lot of protests happening in Greece, Greece, police, Greek, police use, tear gas water cannon during Athens vaccine protest, but, to be honest, I've been to Athens,
a couple times. I think and technically a couple times because I travel around Europe but the day protest men and they protest a lot So it's not unusual. You walk around in there some kind of civil unrest, but I'll tell you where things are starting to get worrisome from TIM cast outcome. Switzerland warns of potential terror attacks on vaccination sites. That is scary, the swiss federal intelligence service voiced its concern with a national newspaper over the weekend. You one was scary because we're about freedom. That means, if you make the choice, to go with the vaccine, because you either advised to do it. You think it's best for you. I risk
your decision, and I say you know what you got to do what's right for you and I will not tell you how to live your life. You do what you got to do you talk to your doctor. We've had so many guests on Timcast IRL who have gotten the vaccine, are fine and said their doctor recommended and that's their choice. That's what it's all about! I'm pro choice! How about that? I've always been pro choice in terms of medical decisions. I've not been Oh authoritarian mandate for medical decisions, just not mere Bloomberg in New York, he propose attacks on large sodas because he said people were numb and heat. He thought that it was bad for them and you know what well it is bad for people so does offer. I don't drink any more. In fact, I've
sugar. All these refine sugars. Out of my diet, I've been eating more leafy greens and fresh meets and cheeses and fats trying to eat better, just improve my general well being with the I guess you could call it paleo to be to it to a sort of a certain degree. It's kind of Kido, but you know popular tourist and keep the mutagenic died. Tons of fat like doesn't ring whipped, cream and stuff, which I haven't even a lot of, but I would say more, like paleo get away from the breads the grains of sugar is that garbage, and you know what I'm only drinking water. I don't want any of that garbage cuz. I do want to be healthy and I see these stores, I say you know, I'm gonna make a decision this right for me, but if you want to eat cheeseburgers all day and night, I ain't gonna. Stop you just don't expect me to pay for your health care now ass with a story to Switzerland. I hope that people respect the right of other
to make those medical choices because we saw TAT it was in France. Peoples have fired a vaccination sites. That is that it is wrong. That is the opposite of freedom. If the government wants to set up these vaccine site or people can go and get these treatments I'm off, for it just not mandates the idea that govern will provide medical services to people to me, as it is a good thing, I'd love are universal health care system, and might my view of it is the more traditional leftist approach of you got: have private insurance supplementing the public's off the public? You know universe off, cares like you break your arm will set it for you, you get Sackville, make sure you don't die. You know insulin and things like that, which trump lower the price on and then, if there's more serious elements are gonna, be private insurance. That's how most the world does it the left that eggs wants to abolish private insurance. It is crazy. Now,
honest with you considering the way, the government's hand handled public health emergencies. I dont know if I could be in favour of a U s: implementation of universal half as much as I do think. It's a good thing because they tried rolling out the vaccines by race, their turn a mandate, medical procedures. Not. I won't support that because I believe in freedom and truth be told what to comes universal healthcare. People might say how can you mandate, you know this tax and already know, I'm not for that. I'm for
to be honest, unanimity if the people of this country overwhelmingly agree a super majority that this system they want, I'm all for it, but I won't go to someone with the force of government and tell them have to live a certain way, and so that being said, I think a lot that we have implemented in this country has been overtly authoritarian and put in place through coercive force, not offend. I don't have all the answers, my friends, but I tell you this will even an optimistic note. The people are saying no to authoritarianism is a good thing. Hopefully, more people speak up, stand up and that's what it's all about man. That's what all about my respect, each and every one of these individuals. Next segments coming up tonight at eight p m over at Youtube COM slashed him castile Ralph thanks rang out- and I will see you all them.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-05.