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Judge OVERTURNS ELECTION After Democrat CAUGHT Cheating, Trump Eligibility Trial Will DESTROY The US


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Judge OVERTURNS ELECTION After Democrat CAUGHT Cheating, Trump Eligibility Trial Will DESTROY The US

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows, are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better? the? While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this it's all natural, not big farm, a crap. not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies? Chalk c h. O q, fellows They have a male vitality, stack, nine today's. Take it and tell me how you feel ladys female italy stack. Take it tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're, twenty years younger, go to sea age, old, hugh dot, com, promo code, TIM get you
eighty. Five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim make sure to go to tim cast dot com click join us and be come a member to support this podcast and all the work we do, and you access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast. I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, this one's pretty We have an election overturned by a judge because demo rats were caught stuffing. The ballot same thing here: it's a bridge port, connecticut, mayoral, primary and it's really close to the election. A lot of people are making the argument well in its just a small election. These things happen. No one ever said, fraud never happens, but let's talk about where we currently at the game being played to prevent donald trump from becoming president is getting very
interesting, the colorado trial is on the actual played a cliff frontier cast on during the trial. and that's in colorado. We also have the minnesota trial has begun with very interesting and intelligent, our it's made, which argue states, do not have the right to determine eligibility there needs to be a federal question. However, tromp was already tried federally the impeachment hearings and he was acquitted. now as for this smaller town and this election fraud story, white matters in this instance. We have a single individual, seen on camera, stuffing the balance, and that was enough, judge to say: okay, this calls everything into question. We don't know the true numbers we've got to do it again now. You'd think that if we know Democrats have done this or do it. Well, then, what about trumps arguments about fraud in twenty twenty? Well I'll tell you
most of the lawsuits that were brought up to questioning several instances. Much like this were determined to have no standing. Which seems like bs, if you ask me, I personally don't think trump lost twenty twenty because of ballot stuffing or things like this. I certainly think it happened. Bill bar and maybe, without all like said, yeah fraught happen, but was it enough to actually affect the outcome it might have been, but I lean towards hopefully not, and the issue is just they look. They admit what they did: ok ballot harvesting. Now the question is where they legitimate ballots from real people, that harvested and then we have questions of how the rules are being set up to disfavour, Donald trump, to put Simply the big narrative about fraudulent ballot, san fake printed wands, I'm just like look, not I'm not I'm, not interested. Ok, now, I've right,
I've read a lot of these stories and I think there to speculative now the stories about ballot harvesting, I think, are legitimate, and so the issue comes down to this. is it fraud if someone goes and collects ballots from a bunch of old people who are not really all with it? So I decided to sign it. We ve seen this varies from James o keefe. Is that fraud? Well golly speaking in many respects, it is not its not so there are some deep questions and they get into this. But my point is simply this: when it came to donald trumps, legal hearings, what they said In the cases where there was actual ruling on the merits, guess what trope actually won? are they found that there were some really interesting things about ballot stuffing in things like this, the problem was at an individual level
these instances did not amount to a significant enough amount of fraud to have altered. The outcome of the election, therefore moot was the ruling if you're saying trump law by three thousand votes- and you found someone Who'S- stuffed no four hundred ballots, don't change the outcome. There's no point this The stupidest thing I've ever heard. It is lazy, it is immoral. Judges absolutely say in this instance, we must take action because it is not the view, the motto macro: it is the micro. If you get a hundred instances Ah love? What are they call it at? Our approach is called when someone carries more than the legal number of balance for individuals and stuffs them. If you get in case they prove it and they say yeah whilst not enough, ok, but what, if you have ten in each of these different areas?
each judge says. None of it is enough. It's the micro, not the macro. This plays a role. So I I'll talk to you about the story and bring up the importance of whether or not you think this is how trump lost in twenty twenty. It's it's. It's it's much more complicated and an element. Let me walk you through it in the Three days after the the twenty twenty election, people were claiming trump was still the president who's going to get reinstated, just weird nonsense. People were claiming that there were chinese servers and hacking and votes flipping. People were claiming that china printed fake ballots and that trump had watermarked them and they were going to catch them and then trump was going to be arraigned stated.
And I'm like none of that is true guys. Then time magazine releases their article, the shadow campaign, and this is where we get into the question of rigging and fraud and what means first did donald trump one in twenty, no simply put joe buttons in the white house. If you think when means get a bunch of votes or have the support fine, but I'm talking about actual conflict. What's the real victory, Joe Biden became president. What do we know? They did change to the rules and ballot harvested, and that was the ball. of how they pulled off twenty twenty- and I'm not this, not conspiracy theory, the shadow campaign article published by time magazine outlined exactly what they did and it probably involves things like this. Now is bout stuffing free depends on your jurisdiction. Some points his allow people to do this. So my point is simply this: this should be litigated. It should not be allowed,
one person, one vote: you should have to deliver your ballots on your own and we not allow these kinds of things in this jurisdiction. What this woman did fraud, but it's not fraud and every single jurisdiction, or, I should say So the termination of the judge- it would appear this woman commit fraud. I don't have the actual legal statutes, oughta be careful. What toilets this and will not we'll talk about it? judge william Clark overturned the results of bridge ports, democratic male mayoral primary on wednesday asked. video emerge showing a supporter of current mayor, Joe Ganem, allegedly stuffing bounced into an absentee backdrop. Let me just set the record straight on what I'm saying it isn't allegation of ballot stuffing, but the judge made a determination. I think. Thus, it is fair to say a as a statement of fact I dunno how she determined statements of facts. If a judge said it, then it must be true or which we operate under the assumption. It is judged to be the videos clarke said, are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all parties. Clark order the parties to confer with each other.
I was elected officials within ten days to discuss scheduling a new primary. This is mere D he's before their november seventh election day, clark returned the results and that these allegations were enough to throw the primary results in that september- twelve primary incumbent I am one by two hundred and fifty one votes out of a total of eight hundred, I'm sorry, eight thousand One hundred and seventy three per connecticut public would really he'll video for clark. However, games when was secure by absentee ballots in his favour. The volume Ballots so mishandled is such that it all the result of the primary election into serious doubt and leaves the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary. the surveillance video was obtained by games opposition candidate John no gums the goals. I'm suit the city and demur Did the results be thrown out at a new primary biscay, wild or to be declared the winner himself, a new private That has not been announced and if ganum lou. is the general election. Next week, a new primary, not be set at all gone.
who won the endorsement of Norton. Minority party is also the ballot you see how this is going while many people are like they threw it out. Dude is still going to be on the general ballot and if he wins it doesn't matter Ladies and gentlemen, the reason I bring this up is for a few reasons What really matters is, do we have elections and the answer is no. Does that mean you should we should not vote ronaldo. You need to go and vote and listen. I need to break it down for uk, elections. Are a group of people get together. We will have made. We got six chairs, the tim cast, able fixtures you see my ira. We did a wide shots. You can see how big it is. and we all say, what's for dinner, and then everyone says I would choose you know someone says beef, pork, chicken and we got ok. two for beef to for pork and
for chicken and it's indeterminate like we. We can't figure it out. What will rafted have another? You have to wear enough to do another ballot. Then we get three for chicken. Oh there. It is one for pork, two for beef, ah alright, and that that sets it. The election happened. Okay, now that's an election. the united states is is, is a is a game. It's a, moreover, a game of ballots. Who can convince the public? They won the most that's the game we are Wine you voting, plays a massive role and whether or not we can convince the public that we want. So you should but understand what this means. Let's play this game, John gums post this video moment about stuff and how many boats do we know. Perhaps in the end the case they did determine how many boats were stuff ok and then the judge as well, and we all know who won them? What, if what
This john doe and Jane doe are running against each other John doe. The incumbent is about to win, when all of a sudden a video emerges of someone bout stuffing and this person appears to be a supporter of John doe, Well, then, there's a lawsuit and they say look. This looks like a john doe supporter stuff and the belts were grafted have a new primary and then the reveal Jane doe hires, the person to ballot stuff for them but using a supporter of the other guy who is willing to get take a little green and thus, if they don't pull off enough votes, they can contest the election. Claiming you see how this works. Let me just breakdown term this this woman is. A pot is apparently a supporter of the incumbent, but what, if she's just a corrupt worker This episode is brought to you by dragon ball legends, the ultimate reckon bone experience on your mobile device,
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company. Then someone came and said ten grand. If you put these bout in the box, then the person running, as is the the newcomer, couldn't I see, look ha when, in fact it was a false flag, the entire time we don't know All we know is its indeterminate right. We don't do now no, who want, and thus welcome, to the modern state of american elections. That does not mean to sit idle. It means you need to get everyone amount want to go vote but saga about where we currently at with the Donald trump we have colorado going on and minnesota happening and on amazing, very, very interesting argument. I believe this is trumps lawyer or lawyer in defence of trump running and an entrance point was made interesting. treated this just like in the collection of thoughts is watching alive. The lawyer argues the key detention does not give states the right to determine who is eligible for an election. Arguably,
this would mean a fourteenth amendment eligible case would have to be federal. A federal court, not state led. So colorado suit michigan in minnesota, our moats, the state, does not have the right to determine the The constitution does say that state legislatures run the elections. States do not determine eligibility, that's brilliant, I agree, the constitution, the federal level determines who is eligible right. Ok, this would mean, even if think, trump isn't insurrectionists there has to be a determination by the federal courts, and if the states are wrong, moving a candidate added. This is this. Is this is unheard of? Let's look. Look. the argument they made. If someone is twenty seven, you don't need a federal hearing, determined eligibility because, no fact finding funding. Basically everybody knows, are twenty seven and you gotta be thirty. Five. Insurrection, however, is disputed. That would require a federal case to term
Can it was actually an eligible if state Can determine eligibility at bay. Sickly nullifies the purpose of an election. If everything determined eligibility. Then there would be no elections anymore. Just blew state single party rule and red state single party rule elections. Would become eligibility hearings where the votes from the public do not matter, that's interesting. Now, let's be real it does not matter what's true it does. Not matter what must be upheld, All that matters today is that we are dealing with power versus power. the community of the united states is dead? The willingness to work together is gone. You now have two factions, the crackpot evil cult and everyone else. My favorite part, I mean if, if you ve done The amount of digging and looking into the culture war than you, you know what I'm saying, maybe a little crass, but it's true.
they would say TIM pool far right, despite having leftist opinions on certain issues and they said a hassan piker calls in crosland conservative in crossing is very far from conservative very far. especially when he said palestine should be the fifty first state of the united states, and he seriously meant it yeah. We try to be an eclectic bunch, bearing idea to solve problems, but the left as a cult. That's why they don't allow interviews- and this is the issue today- the judges in this case don't care what matters they care about. Winning so you can make all the arguments in the world that you want. It's not gonna matter. So here is where we are. If Colorado, minnesota michigan, any one of these states determine struck to be ineligible. There will never be an election again. You know why. I will have our elections will be like north korea, but limit laid down for you you
a swing state, but somebody's swings states have republican controlled legislatures or Democrat controlled was legislators So I what'll happen: is they they'll start getting ready for the election, a law. It will happen a year in advance like we're. Seeing now and they ll say. John doe is not eligible to run under these provisions and the state just say you know what we agree and they remove the main that the front runner for one political party from the ballot. That's it oh, you can go out castra about all day and night and you can write and donald trump. If you want, but I'll never appear in the ballot again, blue states and blooming swing states will. sure that trumped does not appear on the ballot? If states are allowed interment eligibility in twenty years? That's all it will be, because that's the law, fair and that's the way you win
Donald trump won in two thousand and twenty sixteen by targeting the electoral college. They complain, but he didn't win the popular vote. He says: that's not! That's! Not what what it takes to win if truck but if I wonder when the popular vote, I would have gone for the popular vote. No, I went for the electoral college. He went for the matter that would resonate this data needed to winter when the electoral college and it worked because trends are not about the the majority of the of the popular vote. If it comes to to this end. These courts agree with the Democrats. It's done what the Democrats, are doing is destroying this country no question all they'll say truck waging an insurrection, ok well trump had his hearing in in federal government and they acquitted him, haven't, I say yeah, but those republicans who could No, you needed two thirds representation, you needed two thirds of of Senate to agree trumpeted something and they did not. So it's in dispute. Thus there is no federal determination as to whether or not tromp committed answer
other than to say he was acquitted of doing it and therefore eligible to be president. The Democrats that say we're going to the states, but the states don't have the right to make a determination to federal constitution. Does that's it these judges? If I agree with the Democrats every from now on, will have to be an eligibility hearing where judges and why the individuals decide amongst themselves. If you Eric and are allowed to appear on the ballot and guess what you won't be. We have a clear. That see where I limousine private pulled up. This is from temple I am well uncensored with J r medusa who breaks down how they treated and I want to play for you this clip at six minutes long and the reason I'm doing this because it did not appear on youtube. It was the answer. sir TIM cast portion of the show and so well. I probably, I think
Just go to follow. Raymond G stanley on on twitter he's got the climate I retorted as well, it's six minutes long. I want to play the whole thing, but I'll give you I'll give you the breakdown. Jeremy Jussieu served in Afghanistan he's a sort cutter and he recently this is what this is. This is what he says received the the global war on terror metal. He was leading in his district when he says Kevin Mccarthy, teamed up with a democrat to spike and sabotage his campaign They pulled. His records ran a fake story claiming He did not actually serve afghanistan and lied this this again. This historic and this caused him two to tank in the in the polls and ultimately resulted in his defeat and then after dinner come out. No did serve and they light and Kevin Mccarthy was working with them to stop and why
Because this guy is america, first. This is a right and an american who wants to run and he's not a political class elite. The republicans, and the Democrats would love for the states to determine eligibility, and this is where we're at when it comes to federal governance. The federal constitution dictates but imagine this damage risky, says in amateur run for congress and they say: ok, first, the eligibility hearing are you in fact eligible to run Oh sorry, this court finds you're, not that's, it runs up happening. Is the balance, will will just be a Democrat, but republicans will not fight back. There struggle to engage in any kind of meaningful lothar like they do now and ever? election will be you'll, go to your local pullings pulling place. Look at the ballot and it'll save for president Democrat, nothing else,
though they have their mot candidates, come on north korea. Does this too? We not now they are elections actually helping china. North korea has and nobody believes the real elections, because if you can vote for anybody else, then there, like one hundred percent approval, they have the faith candidate. The dictator will have the fate canada You like, I think we have to do this and then have a little clap and cheer and then the fake it loosens as well. You know it's an honor and a privilege to have ron you're the best, but it's fake and that's what you'll get you'll get your stock mitt mitt, romney, republican and they'll they'll be alike This is the eligible republican, so we're putting him on the ballot and there it is. This is why we need to pay attention. This is why we need up law fair. This is why you need to vote, not some people.
leave because of widespread fraud. There's no reason to, I think, there's a lot of fraud. I do. I don't believe that fraud is the determining factor in what we gotta, be we got to clarify that it so annoying when people are allowed to brutal do that, because these people Leave that china made fake ballots. Ok, fraud is like faked ballots, someone ballot stuffing. Is it fraud don't think they even said it was brought in this trial. The point is, Fraud is usually deceiving for some gain right. If someone fabricates ballots, yes, fraud, does fraud exists? Yes, it does is what? If what happened? It absolutely does. They seem to be some. These people have been called, some people use fraud to mean a wide ray. things like bout harvesting, but in most states about harvesting is legal. There are limitations in some states and how many you're allowed to to harvest. That is the question that it becomes. Is that fraud
If your argument is voter fraud as anything outside of the confines of the rules of elections in which you act to gain votes than yes, it would be. I'm trying to be careful and used more legal distinction of manipulation and deception, so is it? illegal ballot harvesting. Then. Yes, I dont know that we have that There was actually a hearing where you actually republican, be guy. Stop it's not illegal. There are like book, but look at this video there put bunch of belt in a box and is like yes, there are allowed to do that. If you don't I'm doing it pass legislation, but a lot these states, they gotta nursing homes. They ask these people. We want about so I think that the solution is simple. It's very simple! one person one vote, everybody has to deliver. Vote to themselves. That's it website. I'm sorry absentee bout only in extreme circumstances like military service. That's it.
But I'm not gonna sit here. You know and convince everybody can only tell you this if these cases are not stopped the trumpet djibouti cases if they are not washed immediately. If they result in tromp being removed from unease from a single state, you will never have an election You will only ever than have eligibility hearings and that'll, be your future. Every president wants to run we'll be alike, November, the year before the election is eligibility season. That's what really ramp up our defences as to why were eligible eligible to be present and then you'll have to convince a judge to let you on the ballot. That's insane I leave it there. Next, I was coming up at four p m on this channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you all them, because
moves fast. You don't have time to get sec start by first care pharmacy, your community health marred pharmacy and get the personalized carry. You need to be healthy during clues. Simply walk into first care pharmacy at one eighty six greek side, a colleague, poor california, two, nine nine, ninety twenty nine for all of your cold and flew relief. That's what Three to nine nine zero to nine health mart taking the time to listen and care. What about told you at the world you live in is fake, ideas you see in politics on social media are not in fact real opinions of real people. What if I told you that when you go on axe facebook, instagram, whatever someone responds to your post, there are in fact an illusion meant to control your mind.
I know it sounds funny and silly, but I eggs I'm I'm trying to make it as ominous as possible. The stories very important aid, The staffer was forced to write, mean tweets under anonymous accounts to tv critics who trashed the cat networks shows new loss. It reveals, but there's something deeper here: the truth, as large corporations employ people to make fake accounts to manipulate public opinion has been going on for some time. Governments intelligence agencies. Do it, and here we can see h b, had a woman complain about journalists or critics who are critical of h b. O shows- and it's just one example of how bad the problem really is. Some of the tweets were relatively woke, and thus that's the game being played. That's why I don't care for anonymous accounts and you, the funniest thing is the funniest thing. Look at him up and anonymous account now care, but back before ellen
I'm in charge of acts, and it was twitter. I said: stop interacting with anonymous, accounts, Nora southern, like stop, interacting with accounts that have cartoon pictures big names and your experience will greatly improve and olive oil did. The pots gets so mad It's funny when left gaza robots because they're not always botz, but my point is to be intentionally divisive. Maybe divisive, isn't the right word to sling insults and invective at bought, specifically how people is anonymous counts, but my point, as I understood as a lot of people who want he's anonymous, counts for four important reasons. The founding fathers, road understood and aims because of fear of persecution shore. I think right. I point where you cannot. You cannot, if you want to win, hide you have to be a public about what you believe to overwhelm the cultural mechanisms in this country. But my point is simply this: I know for a fact, a large portion, maybe even a majority.
of accounts with stupid names and cartoon pictures are probably not real people. I've known this because I've done I spent my whole life. I know what sock puppets are and now there's just more and more proof that it's happening this time, allegedly from h, b o. So my friends. Look when I tweeted about stop interacting with accounts, I'm willing to bat, large portion of those who got really mad were in fact, fake accounts run by intel agencies, media outlets and corporations, tariffs, that someone of influence would be saying, stop working with these people now meet tweet? this is not on the scale of elon musk buying the platform, but this is Are there so mad ilan mosques core mission? is to eliminate the box and guess what he's doing it. their freaking out, because elon musk wants charge a dollar per year to all accounts- and he says the old, way to get rid of botz. It's brilliant they'll may
The argument is destroying the platform they said when he bought it a year ago that it was the end of twitter a year later, even the platforms massively successful there are like it's the end of twitter. Again, ok, whatever you want to say I'll, tell you this. Neil must goes to advertisers and says numbers we deliver. You are guaranteed to be real people. his ads are going to be worth gold cuts. Are you nuts We do add reads on tim, gas and oil. I hear from all of our sponsors go to cast brood dot com and by coffee today to support the show. What I hear from our sponsors. All the time is there like, The return was massive. What what? What's this? All about Oh, you did a shout out for our company and then we sold way. Although we normally do with these adds hears, it happens, you'll spanned, let's a a company will spend
I've grand on a series of adds to appear on a particular network and mobility spent five grand, and sold six grand and product so you know, or it's like we, we we made six grand profits better way to put it because if you are, if that was the margin, and so the like, we made one thousand bucks. Like it's. Ok we'll keep buying it. Then they spend five on tim guest I around and there like, we sold twenty thirty three and does the product for the same price. How is that possible? Because our viewers are real? because our numbers are real. One of the reasons I was like, we should probably launch our own company cast brood outcome, because We know we have a premium audience you guys. We know that the rare time we do shouts and tim kasredin guest. I wrote the sales or through the roof. I don't want to. I don't want to call anybody's companies ironies, like that, some of our friends and they're like we'd like to buy spot. We we rarely do we almost never do them now at all and so Oh, you have some companies and their like how
it that we are selling you know like this generic product and it was five or six times as much. When you buy ads additives, other networks, its bought traffic and so happens as you get these. Like you don't know, I don't know many social networks, because I dont know the exact numbers, but just one five grand will say you got five million views the. Why well not really there's a five hundred thousand views and you'll go well, Oh you know. That's! That's all! That's a lot of views. but I only sold a hundred. You know bags of product. I guess most people don't like my product now. It's actually that most of the view that the views are fake, they are bought their farms, they generate traffic. So The whole game is right. Elon musk attacking the botz triggers these companies because their scamming everybody. Now it's happiness, advertise, gonna, say ominous spend a hundred bucks on twitter. I only got a thousand views I sold six hundred products. How is that possible? The margins are so high and the on going to say, as other numbers are fake,
these are the real numbers which helps you improve your business. That's why would elon is doing is so important aside from the free speech stuff far from perfect, but good check us out. HBO staffer was forced to write, mean tweets ticket. The story claims aid by a former hbo staff reveal the network, see yo demanded an employee makes secret social media accounts to respond do online criticism in papers far but the allay superior court. So two more claims, casey blois studios. Ceo, was committed a secret army to push back against tv critics posting on favorable: reviews of h, b, o titles. Now, here's the best part, let's uh. Let's look at some of these tweets, so Alan sup and wall, says hbo. The nevers should have been done. Sweden's triumphant return of television instead, its very messy for both creative reasons and in it Relation of railroad allegations against its creator fake account kelly shepherd says Alan
always predictably safe and scared and his opinions funny? I love this one. Atom Sternberg says: question they are called the touched. Why is this so called the nevers seemed like it should have been called the touched fake Says answer dont get your panties launch the show just started and again how shocked the two middle aged white men, are issue. On a show about women, fake, woke outrage for profit right there in front of your, says major corporations pretending to people on the internet to make money. My friends, the dead internet theory is real, everyone's, an illusion: the world? The reality is all around you, fake and beyond you can do? Is god's ipod touch grasp early? I dont know the degree the degree to which people are fake, but think elon musk is doing one of the most important things someone could be doing right now and it's mostly to the fact that his capability to do it. Thank you for building
lights, elon musk, for which you have generated copious amounts of of loose change, as it were, for what you can buy twitter and then purge the corruption from the system. Facebook is fake. Youtube is fake. Atmospheric israeli funny. I see these shows other podcast as the funniest thing, the funniest thing, these big podcast. It gets so many views. tim guest? I roused consistently the most viewed live. Show on you, too primetime in terms of concurrence of your ship, an audience We average, I think on youtube this week, but a little slow. That is what it is. Depends on the scale of stories who the guests are. But we do probably like five hundred k to maybe like seven hundred caper episode. and then they they usually do podcast tracking by like ninety days so within twenty four hours, IRA episodes usually get on on all podcast platforms around a hundred thousand views and then on youtube. It's about three.
one thousand views, but then over the span it goes up to around half a million plus the clips get another half a million, or so I look at this, and I think we really interesting is the reaction first revenue we generate relative to other channels, revenue. I think a lot of people are faking it. I think A lot of what you see on line is fake and perhaps we be some of the that their there are few channels that are doing it legitimately, but here's the game works. Podcast will pretend to be a lot of use to sell ads yeah and whenever it hasn't, it doesn't sell products, they say. Well, maybe people just like your product, but if you want access to a million views, I don't do any of that. I just go on the internet. I just talk or whatever. Sometimes I get a lot of you. Sometimes you'll get a lot of users have been split. Rumble has taken like thirty percent of the from youtube. So you know, when I see those numbers also, you know we knew if we include all cross platform, it's like much bigger than that, but it's funny to me that
We have the amount of interest we have on people wanted to come on. The culture warned him cast IRA people posting there screenshots from irish on twitter as their avatars. I know it's a political space or not unlike general entertainment, but there's two things one now every podcast or every media platform is fake followers. It's just less engagement more passive, whereas our followers probably are more engaged, but I think the reality is this. I think most of these companies- Most of these platforms are lying about their ratings lie, about how many fans they have only followers. They have take a look like the new york times. Twitter account millions upon millions of followers are ex account. Sorry look at how much engagement they get that's the reality. I want with this the segment I want you to understand. The numbers are was. It really is its meaningless to me when I Look at some of these other companies in their life. We made this many views and, unlike the wiser revenue, so low, why is tat
Gas getting half of the views you get with ten times the revenue why we have real people. Real people do real work. Real work generates real revenue. Fake views, don't do nothing. nobody, but the mainstream media- wants to maintain the the image among the general public that they are the big dogs they're. Not, ultimately, the point is this: be discerning. Many of these people are lying to on the internet. They're, not real, don't argue with fourteen year olds using fake accounts, but the other thing is.
We are the mainstream media. It's us right now knew and current customers can get any phone for free you a cellular, so you can connect with all your family members, this holiday season. You could even call your aunt, who always makes you talk to your cousin. Was a dog or you know, maybe just send her. A festive text get the gift of connection at? U S, cellular get any phone free. Did a? U s, cellular built for us terms of privacy. You sell your, not company tales, we value human connection with fewer distractions. U s cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen, fifty two decorator pike in athens. They want to create the image that these shows are getting millions of views so that when people watch a show like mine they say. Oh, then, TIM doesn't get. That meant that many views, but the reality is hbo, had fake, allegedly fake tweets. You think the rest of it is real. look into these phenomena ten years ago of ad rights distribution, for I know I know big people found me for
I know the story but I'll tell you again for those that don't big media companies would buy the rights to views. Here's what happens a couple. we'll make a page, and it's like twenty five celebrities of big noses, and then you ever see these you'll click it and every every like ranking is a new page, so that number twenty five click next reloads a new page number, twenty four click. Next, what this does is it generates? Twenty five add impressions per add for one story: it's a trick. A person the page will have ten adds twenty five page, One person generates two hundred and fifty worthless impressions. They then sell the roads to distribute adds against those impressions to a major company. The major company then says to the big effort answers. You know we're getting about a hundred million views per month, so you should advertise with us where the big dogs, when reality there,
thirty million and seventy million were coming from these jacked up fake, add rights, distribution models, talk about a scandal, they were all doing it and they all playing, We have to cars. If we don't they what they they will and then we lose the target was the Sizer is gonna, get a package, ten grand for ten million views, and if we tell them the truth about our views, we're gonna say it's ten grand four hundred thousand views and I say: what's not worth it right, even hours were real people in theirs were fake. So what happened? Every one started lying welcome to the to the dead internet friends. It is all one big lie. Swirling all around you. now how do I know you're a real, apparently olive in pittsburgh? I want to pick up and everybody like. I'm like everybody was like aids in simple, really cool and I it's kind of obvious. We talked about this that the highest density of your ship is chicago for us,
and, I beg you know the coasts play a role in this, but then I'm like it's kind of obvious right, east coast, west coast they have. the cultures and their sensibilities, and then there's midwestern, which has separate midwestern overlaps with some southern and some east coast, but it makes sense I'm from Chicago. I have chicago sensibilities, fairly, moderate rock, on a regular salt of the earth working class people. It's like the blue dog democrats and it's like the blue collar democrats. Working class guys yeah democrats were pro to a, while the coasts have taken over the democratic party, they become the liberal limits. Limousine elites in the woke left an can see, what's happening. I think for the most part, though You know there is a deep conservative shows than there is left leftist woke shows and then there's like. Perhaps we are the mid western sensibility show as opposed to what our that's. That's that
neither here nor there? The point is this: I love this story. There is the proof for all of you. I live their necks. It has come up at six p m in the channel. They sprang out now see you all them I won't sleep with a man says this lady, unless he spends too, thousand dollars on me and I think it's funny than europe post has Kamel Harris's face for this autumn. but no, it is not about common harris, it is about a woman who was simply saying men must spend money on me. For I will sleep with them and I gotta think it's a crappy standard, but I understand what she saying my friends. This one may not be family friendly, but I don't think it some as that bad. But we can talk about Joe rogan and what talked about which led to this woman saying if you're a dude and you want to hook up, you gotta spend two grand cash. Here's the reality before I even read any of this. Ah, you should just
you know, be intimate with people you're having a real relationship with because the purpose is bonding and having a family and it's pleasurable, and all that all all that good stuff. But look you're going out and have a fling and denial of irresponsible reckless and come on self control. I guess, but that's the thing about the left right They are less likely to engage in self control, but I digress. We must start with the Joe rogan experience here because Joe Rogan, explain something called post, not syndrome. Ah, since for the adults in the room and he says you real you made a mistake, especial if the one is really into and you're really not into her and euro. Like oh, I made an error and then you feel like an asshole but I'm just being honest. I got tricked by genetics yeah. This is, moreover, the guilt that is described that That's what the georgians talking about any because there are guys who are like they really want to hook up, and
then they do and then afterwards, they're like, like. I, I can't commit to this and like what was I thinking shouldn't, have done it yeah, you're feeling guilt for a reason, because there's responsibility tied to what it is you're doing. But let's talk about what this lady, As she says, when I heard about the theater, but how long you should wait, I leaned in she discovered last week, an owner roger, was into a dating podcast. This woman called thinks. That's your name says it's going through a list of dating non negotiables and casually mentioned that a friend of hers has now made a point of not sleeping with a guy until he has spent at least two thousand dollars on dates with her. Yes, read that white right read that way right! A whopping two thousand everybody said I was simply not everybody, but there are people who are like your soup when I said the woman in miami who was like a duty not to spend two hundred thousand our first date. That's what she expects, because she takes care. self. She gets all gus it up. She wants that guy to also do so.
No value, and that is to pay for the dinner pay for the meal. I agree men should be paying for things. Women can. If they want to split all that stuff. It's really up to you, but I think traditionally the guy takes the woman out. That's how you do it. If you are of the mindset that men, women should split the bill because you're out of your life, Women want to be feminists than fine we're going to split the bill. Feminist scope. Thank you. That's that's exactly the point. This cry pressure on women to have to get jobs. Now I say if you want to do that. That's fine, but dude should pay the bill. Why? Because then relieves the pressure on women, so they don't have to get jobs. That's kind of the point, but I'm not saying it's absolute, I'm saying people do whatever they want two thousand dollars now we're up in the game? Her first of all, I dont think use a monetary standard to determine whether or not someone's qualified for intercourse that's silly, but she does make good point about the amount of money spent. I actually
think so she says just you read that right. Two thousand dollars has no one heard of a cost of living crisis. no longer, are we basin the decision on time a three to five days were basing it on cash cash money, specifically, two thousand dollars so, like I said, stars feeling a little outraged. Surely you the whole demanded that plus in this day and age, should we be for half the bill. Anyway, you see you see, but two thousand data for you get rudy neue seems a little at first then I let my mind wander through the couple of gents I've jumped into bed with her three to five dates and thought. Chief. If I was there a theory. I probably could have avoided a couple of mistakes. I again, I understand why they use money. But she says the first reason is why this new this kind of growing on me that, if a guys, to go in and of dates to warrant two thousand hours out of pocket expenses, then, is a fair chance. The guy is properly invested in you, that's funny doing it monetarily here's what I think women we ve created the stand
where it's not about whether women can work at that women have to work, and Standard, as I mentioned, are just a moment ago, is a pressure on women that results in more of this, but the bill split the bill stuff. I, like the monetary limit to an extent because it reduces one night stance. If every woman adhered to, this principle of a certain agree of investment, you would dramatically reduce hook up culture night stands dramatically, reduce dating apps. I think this standard, although it is far from perfect, it is bad in its own ways, is an improvement upon the existing system. Now, let me let me be clear: I'm libertarian then not big a little. If you want to live the way you want to live for the most part, I say: okay, fine right. People want to go party, and do that thing I, like the the rye Paul us statement on abortion that it should not be illegal, it should be unconscionable and that's kind of how
apply to a lot of things. Our society should not tolerate certain bad behaviors. You want to go and have you no swinger parties into it. You should be allowed to do. It should be illegal, but keep it private. Keep it to yourself and keep it out of the general public what's happening now. Is everything's become willy nilly dude. You want sex parties, blah blah blah. I I don't think that's the way we should go about doing it. We should keep things private reserved there. a certain degree of shame associate with it, but you should be allowed to do it, get it the reason for it as we want a public standard of appropriate behaviour so that we can stabilize our civilization to a certain degree. If we go the full right of dude you, never feels good, then you're going to have people doing drugs everywhere. People are going to become irresponsible. That can become communists. All of that stuff. There has to be a standard. she goes on to say Second reason: I like this rules, I think, most importantly, spending that about I'm together without getting distracted by nakedness, might actually help us get all those
excited away. Nice. An early, for example, are one of the couple after the guy last year and felt comfortable. My decision to sleep with ever three dates and the fourth data, however, I discovered he still at his mom? Do? Is laundry forum is like thirties and key rose a wine rose eke, I can't be dating a mantra How well you know, maybe you should find out that for you jumped in bed. That's that is an issue should I had. I waited until we reach that two thousand dollar mark I've discovered all this long before he showed me. His dad's bought his dad dad's bud and I could have walked away field slightly less guilty, perhaps if you to be a little less, dare I say shallow rather than basing them on the decision on money. We could based off a checklist. Instead, what are they doing job, do they maintain basic adult responsibilities? Where do they live? I mean all of these are good, have they been to jail and if, yes, what for have they ever had and av o them means how long
long- was there last relationship when they break up. What's there take on contraception, do feel safe around them. I love this. This is the revelation of women. That is build a relationship with someone before having sex with them. Ok, let me break down what this article is really about, now vote may be shocked by the title and the headline and say: oh, don't sit for these women you this. Eighty is realising she shouldn't go around sleeping with everyone right away, she's realising she needs to know the guy no guys invested alike. Ladies and gentlemen, a revelation, this is how it is supposed to be For a lot of reasons, I have Let me show you this one. This is our post don Johnson says originated swimming with two children shared her monthly budget. She f, b int went viral. I repose these biggest burst. Its per se given the mass media and mean social me
our focus on the fake and the one percent. Ok, here is this fairly very neatly: written budget monthly bills, income, three thousand dollars child support, four hundred dollars, total thirty four hundred dollars. She said, Oliver must base rent utilities, phone internet chat childcare before and after school. Food, caryoe, etc. Three thousand three hundred five dollars. She has seventy five left over. She cannot then budget or new clothes, laundry supply, school snacks, field, trips, car paris, christmas, kids, wanna, play ball, etc. It's not enough money, child support, it doesn't cut it. Cry me up river lady cry more keep crying about it!. judy was boring. Hello then Judy discovered jumper casino, dot com. It's my little escape now
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Is it because the guy is rich and got a good lawyer, or is it because the guy's broke and poor and his kids are taken away from them? I don't I don't. I don't accept either The fact of the matter remains child support. I opinion should be eradicated. No more child support period. Okay, okay, that's a little, There are certainly circumstances where child support is warranted, but the system is plainly broken and we need You re assess it. What is the purpose of child support? Let's be steel. Man completely asked The original idea of divorce was something really egregious infidelity. Okay, well, there's there's: there's divorce abuse, a woman is being beaten by her husband. And she did not see this in him and its terrible, ok, divorce protection get away with that guides on the hook for those kids he's gotta pay child support. What's happened, How is no fault divorce guy gets married, has a wife, they have kids and then you go.
You know what I'm not into any more see you later alligator. By the way I get the kids, you get nothing and then you gotta pay. I don't play the game. What should happen is no more no fault divorce. If you get married, that's it that's a contract. You can't just break it, but now you can that's ridiculous. Imagine a business merger. Two guys say we're gonna to of combined our by law practices together and then we're going to pool our resources. Then they do. I called this office and then one day one guy goes. You know I've severed the contract get out the offices, mine all of the clients are mine and you get nothing and now you've got to pay for you to bills that is insane and makes no sense. So why do I combine these stories, this lady, talking about a threshold men? The same thing if women are saying that it's a two thousand dollar threshold, easy because matters, possibly the providers. Traditionally that doesn't mean there are today and again be feminist, which went to my point as, if you're looking for a more tricks,
relationship. I'm not surprised. The woman says I a monetary value? I want to understand this. Guy is going to going to going to be able to provide for me if you're, a guy figure out what that threshold and standard is most important. these questions matter more than the money. Do they have a job? Do they are they adult sponsible, do they have a savings? What are they in I'll? Take a look at the parents. I love this. The end result of this article, a woman realising you should not just go and bang random boots. How about that the same goes for guys, there's a clip from the whatever guess, where women's, like all of you, all you guys and all your haters fund me pay me she's, like what I'm make a million bucks this year, because guys are giving me money, you up guys shouldn't but they're gonna You're always gotta have bad people doing bad things, but if you live by your standards and your your values, not only once your values and morals- but you will live better so that
play this game we are like will have. One else is doing its. Why better now I'll leave it there? Next segment is coming up at eight p m tonight over at youtube com slashed him cast. I r l thanks rang out and I'll see you owe them. I watch a video of someone tearing down a poster of a kidnapped is really child or anyone that matter, anyone who was kidnapped, I see we'll take it down on like, while those people are evil that that's it. It is a depravity. a depravity of the mind to say this innocent victim, should not be known about, and how dare you raise the issue I'm, not saying Israel is innocent or anything like that and you d have to be for or against palestine or israel to be angry at the death of civilians. But this way really really I'm very anti intervention. Unlike hazy, election
be involved in any of it. Because look man, civilians be dying and it's awful being said if someone put up posters, fur palestinian kids who are killed, I ain't gonna cry about it. I'm I'm I'm going to be upset at the kids who died. I see these tweets. until the problem is for me right now is they lie about everything? You know about and its role as a lie either, but it's just like every single time. Something comes up. They were saying in the news and israel they refugee camp, the it wasn't a camp is something different monseigneur was good, I'm saying: oh, they use this language to manipulate us here. We go now this story from the from new zealand white announces national strategy to combat islamophobia. I just I just I can't even with these people, I think the Democrats are evil. I think the establishment neo cons are evil. I think the left as evil, but
one really takes the cake is lama phobia this second largest religion in the world. Twenty four per Of the global population, ok do if people have criticisms of the second largest religion in the world. They are allowed to. I've got criticisms of christianity. I'm allowed to have them. I've got chris criticisms of basically every every, religion, I have no irrational fear of xenophobia. Phobia is of the worlds can the largest religion. Now, at a time when we are getting front, age stories from say, like the new york post about far less cycle paths tearing down hostage posters, the white- I said you know what We want to win elections, so we're going to side with the depraved lunatics on this one. Not ok, you know we ve
that people want and guest IRA we're pro palestine max Blumenthal? I do not believe that max's depraved. I do not I think it's a good. Do I really. I thought it was fantastic on the show he was calm collected. He gave his bill is opinions as perspective disagree, grey with them, but he was a rational individual and I can respect just concerns interviews that really can arrogant he thinks Israel is lying. He things these. These people are being killed in large numbers. I thank all of those things. I think they're bad things and I respect the position Fairbanks works with tim gas is very critical of israel. I respect it grant a lot of these things. I think we're being lied to quite a bit, but if you're like Now we do want anyone Dian and were met. all of it. You know max like what must it was horrible it? It was a terror, techno question and, unlike ok, like I just be honest with me right for the last to come out now and play this dirty game at these. People are evil dude. here you go. Ladies and gentlemen, here's a story, and then I want to show you some some of what's going on. What's going on with with people we got some crazy,
is tearing down these hostage posters, and Amy humor is being attacked mercilessly mercilessly. I bet By the way I noticed CNN, says the white, as announced wednesday, minister will develop a national strategy to counter islamophobia in the? U s: press but in ran for office to restore the soul of our nation? He is unequivocal. There is no place. hate in america against any one period. Why does present harry Corinne John pierce edna statement, the straight a joint effort by the domestic policy council and the national security council, aims to create a comprehensive, a detailed plan to protect muslims and those perceived to be muslim because their race, national origin, ancestry or any other reason from discrimination, bigotry and violence said a white official. The white house we'll be partnering with local communities on coming up with the strategy. Look now, I'm in a regional programme I get so much to say about the stuff. I just absolutely R. L a for too long muslims in america's is minnesota and though
perceived to be muslim judges, arabs and seeks have endured proportionate number of hate, filled the tax and other discriminatory incidents. Jean Pierre said moving forward the president, I spent and our entire administration will continue working to ensure every american as the free, to live their lives in safety without fear how they prayed what they believe and who they are. I can respect that if somebody's muslim, that's no reason be a dick to them. We have many friends of the show who are muslims, The people of all differ religious backgrounds and its winter You know, like a man, do you think believe it? You believe what the grand a lot of issues, but what? What will work to get along good friends of the show people that we admire muslim and that is not an a reason to attack them. Not at all you tech, you eat you, criticise or should that was an attack in the complex. But you you your critical of people who are bad people and your critical of people who, you think are being disingenuous and being an authentic at our line. You want to see
out, but if someone comes with a genuine opinion on something and they and their honest about why they think the things they do I thy well, you know, I think, that's awful bigamous by that you're saying it. Some people come out, I can say that I want to seize power and do all these awful things and you're like a needle, but I appreciate you telling me you can call them evil. Here's, what we have right now in the united states, let me go. Let me early pablo math here. What are we were? What do we have here are here we go Google total, muslim nations. I love this once I wanna get a whole bunch of people who hate israel yelling at me, but this is not the point. They talk about Israel, I should say not. Want to talk about like the history of the formation is to make a point about politics in united states total muslim nations, forty nine wow, that's a lot now- What this just means is. There is a large base of power pertaining to Islam. And the nations are broken apart, because when
Look at the total christian nations. Fifteen! That's amazing fitting, I think the issue with this one is that shame in multiple forms of state religion in the falling fifty nations however its unofficially the a religion of the country for a lot of countries like united states is not as a christian nation. It is, it is, and it may not be in the long run, mean, as the majority of people here are christian, with christian values, we play christmas, music. Ok, we we celebrate a whole bunch of christian holidays as a national thing, like neither plan I carry all I want for christmas. Is you so yeah I think you already know. Obviously, there's only one june country in the world? He regarded christians. Two point three eight billion, That's a whole lot of christians. How many muslims one point: eight billion, that's a whole lot of muslims and how many jews I like this before have to use an expanded definition of what it means to be jewish. As of twenty three, the work
core jewish population, those identifying as jews above all else. Sixteen point one million point, two percent, of the global population. Where Islam is twenty four percent of the global population and, of course, christianity is like what twenty seven or so ok, I'm gonna break it down for you, my friends, the white, as is deeply concerned about this, ok, well, why Islam? There are attacks. Its christians all day every day there there are. people who go on tv who gone social media insult christians who lie, cheat and steal they the hatred towards christians in this country greatly exceeds the hatred toward
muslims, the guys it is ryan, I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic. When I can write, I like to work, but I like fun too, it's a thing and now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun schaumburg casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week you can play for free, anytime anywhere and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun sign up now at Chamba casino dot com no purchase necessary, particularly referring to buy lots of terrific additions. Eighty plus, in fact, with people going out and tearing down these posters these the of these kidnapped israelis, and not even Israelis, one guy one poster was a tie farm workers. my point is you're gonna. To get lot saying: no, no, it's you know. People are targeted for being muslim gal, can that's bad. That's bad right I don't understand why now the widest playing this game
If we're trying to be honest right, I can understand political, whether doing it far This are going down and tearing down posters of kidnapped people can in Israel the writing's on the wall. If you're, if you're Joe Biden do not criticise these people, in fact, passively support them. dude, I'm just I'm so sick of the what I would have to his- is real derangement syndrome. Could absolute elizabeth, listen Israel's arrangement syndrome? Is a war going on right now? Israel is not doing it's. Not all good stuff is bad stuff that stuff, ok, civilians are dying. I got a big problem with that palestine. Do you people people are dying there Yes, what hamas broke, the ceasefire stormed and attacked and killed a bunch of people. note. The most annoying thing to me is I'm just like my friend I am the united states. Ok, Well, I'm not saying that I am body all that. I am saying in terms of my
worldview and my perspective, I am of the united states, I am not of Israel, I am not of palestine, I dont like conflict and other nation. but we are talking about burma or armenia, miss gibson, not a video about our media, the amount, armenian christians or being killed anybody gonna talk about them. This is crazy Israel, derangement syndrome, is not just the pure hatred for of Israel. It is the well actually operate this way. I don't care if You are in united states and you love Israel, really don't lotta people here, that's a little of somalia and germany and other countries. garlic, little italy in things like them. I, I don't care if you, if you like Israel, you're allowed to and You are concerned about, what's going on there, you are allowed to say I think, we'd get more people. and what was going on in armenia and maybe burma, but the hatred towards Israel is so annoying. I call it
israeli, a phobia. I really don't I'm kidding, but the point when see these posts. I'm not gonna name these people, but thereon acts slashed twitter. and it just like no matter what happens Israel is some like demonic entity, doing he's crazy things and, unlike did just listen, I'm not israel! I am not palestine. I am of the united states right, I'm a united states in so, unlike I at that dollar passionate. But why is this happening? Why are people so psychologically deranged and obsessed with Israel that they have to go? tat, go around ten down posters of hostages who were kidnapped by an insane organization. I I just I just can't even with this stuff document, I cannot. Even I say it's the arrangement, you know, right now, you ve got christian persecution in armenia
Is the white house coming out in saying that there is a christiana phobia and why not? I just want to add short approach this all logically right. Why is it that there is a deep obsession with protector Islam, the second largest religion in the world. With the the amount of state of nations and and independence We can mention a lot of nations that are christian by by population majority, but they don't have that. Is there not a theocracy the most I Almost all of these muslim nations are theocratic, meaning their government is their religion. Yet here we are here. We are there's the front page story than your post, but on wanna show some videos of what these people are doing. This once This is toronto. This woman actually physically attacked cigars and medical attention like actually look tearing things down, she's, basically like I don't, care about innocent people killed the look, I'm sorry they're, evil, this woman right here in this video! This is what
evil? It looks like she physically. As a she says, she hasn't about innocent civilians and there and its funding near postal. They put up this guy's like one. our civilians shut your mouth we are in america. In the uk it states we're in the cause. Let's be nice to all the left us in the EU Ass? We are not. We, we are shuttle, unfortunately, are involved and say we shouldn't be involved in the dispute, but for what reason you ve got conflict going on. How this: how about you put up posters of palestinian kids who died instead of tearing down the posts of those who are currently being held hostage because our evil the usual thing. I've a good person would be like hey man, it's the awful that this person was kidnapped. What can we do? How do what,
we germans a war going on a matter. We can't, but I appreciate the the information being presented. Hey, I got an idea. I want to put up posters of the innocent civilians at die. in palestine, in Gaza right? And so we can all lament the death of these civilians and then there you go. That's your counter. Why look if you want to hide or if you're upset, you think Israel's doing something wrong. Okay, this is not the way. innocent civilians are who we want to protect. They were attacked, targeted, killed, held hostage, They are not, they ve done nothing wrong, but what does it believe that the issue? Why aren't they just putting up posters of the people of Gaza were killed their martyrs? dont care, I mean you'd, think they'd put opposers, no the real issue, as they think settlers are not civilians and the tourists are unworthy of our moral defence yeah. I think that's the big point that I like to point
look. Whenever brings up it like a fan pro israeli people to a certain degree, not everybody, I'm another, not everyone's irrational like, like I said we ve talked with pro nine people. I've I find them. national, but there are many many irrational, anti Israel, palestine types, but some you know what we're talking about. All of these issues: people just absent Thirdly on and on the left, I believe that their bit there they're, not gonna, say I guess the issue, as you can see the disdain they have for civilians and tourists, people who are not israeli but about about my point was this There are people who are pro israel who are like when I say they were tourists or kidnapped and their life but there were jos orkut budget like I'm not saying it's. good, or that I don't care calm down. The point I am making is, It is morally indefensible for that
people on the left for these people to tear down a poster of a dude who was a tourist But they're, not there there on stolen land. What do they know? It's the craziest thing dude flies to Israel. He's, gettin he's gettin, falafel and just like honourable ezra before and then huh comes in and kills him guys from germany or this guy, thailand, well you shouldn't have been here. They say and unlike well, I'll give you this you go into a conflict. even though Israel is in in a weird place, like you know, active conflict, war is out yet you're in trouble but yielded the presumption of some degree of safety in Israel, Dewitt is one of the most intense conflict zones in the world. They tear down this posters. That's. One of the videos I went viral was a poster of a tie. Farmer, farm worker, who is he was
they're working he's, not israelis. Allies are around I'll, be grow crops and they kidnapped him. And these far left us are like good. no one should know. No one should, like you This young woman who's, who is now reported dead. They were spitting, honour, desecrated, corpse and she was a german. She was a german Joseph Daul said his enemy wrong, but you did not live in Israel as mine. Tat. I could be wrong, but I'm the matters in his it. She was visiting from germany, someone comes down to dance, having no idea and they say does not matter, Hamas does not care. Why you are there? They kill you all the same. Ok, I and my friends we ve got it. We got problems. Ok, we got. We got a big problem with thy what's going on in Israel, palestine, but guess what my four we ain't, Israel, we ain't palestine. Now I d It is fair to say that you ve got a holy war component which creates this this this interest, because a lot of me
I have said to me explicitly: Israel is the holy land, god has blessed it. Jesus died, there, etc, etc. an online, I get it whatever. You got a lot of people. got a lot of people who care, and the interesting thing is how come genes, and jews are mostly aligned on this one seriously. Arrow, don't ask You know Jews, don't believe Jesus the messiah, nor was he a profit ben shapiro! There's a video going around of him. He says that a the guy who challenge the roman empire any died for it and died. Know it's interesting because I don't. I don't think, that's it. I wish I respect and understand that perspective. I am not christian. I grow catholic, but some after watching the passion of the christ. I totally understand exactly what budget we are saying trusting so really is a question of. Do you believe that he was the messiah who had come, the son of god, etc?
or do you believe that he was challenging the authority of the region and was killed for it? I think you know, I think christians believe both and Jews, just don't believe he was the messiah and if they did, they would christians, that's about it! So when it comes to Israel, the idea is devout Jews and about cap christians, I should say: catholics, christians, the Jews, believe that this is a we land and the messianic air will calm in the christians. Believe the same thing in the second coming will happen. Things like that, I'm not gonna! You know. I think I know absolutely about all the religious ideas, but it does play a big role in this, and so now There is a concern. I suppose that the obsession the the religion based ties to this
could lose into a very serious and catastrophic war. I don't think the: u S should be involved and I don't think religion justifies it. I am not saying the justification, for it is religious. I'm saying there are people who use religion as a justification that they've said to me. Look man if, if you're a christian and you believe it's the holy land and all of these things I mean I. I firmly believe that you should go there and assist the israelis. If that's what you really believe. As for the united states yeah look, there is a strategic military reason that we we have there's now a we know about a base that operates small one in southern Israel there's a reason why we are working with Israel there's a reason why the? U s is funding israel's defence. It is a fact. Really a large? U s! Military outpost in the middle east, as I regard it as my friends, you s interventionist policies with work, Israel in the region, a strong ally, don't I don't get me wrong? Egypt,
also loves taken money from the united states. It gives us safe access in a lot of ways. Now, We ve also got military operations in saudi Arabia and kuwait and cutter iraq, Afghanistan. Oh you get the point. Afghanistan where I think were mostly out of her mouth. Anything left the progress on Syria. I just I look at these maps of the? U s military presence- and I'm just like this- is such stupid. Garbage stupid, garbage. anyway. Man look as if the big news Joe Biden is so deeply concerned with with Islam, at a time when jewish people are being harassed, insulted targeted. Why you know it's funny I'm going to rap with this. I absolutely despise despise the anti semitic conspiracy theories, The zionist conspiracy theories there these photos that people post all the time and it's like a election of individuals and governance, government and media, and they put stars of david on them.
without one with lukewarm caskey on it and they put a star david on it. Look not jewish. What top I just can't stand that these people are absolutely insane the anti real people. Look, there are people who are critical of israel horse and irrational. I'm not saying you, but there are conspiracy, crackpot anti zionist, anti Israel, people who are like out of minds. I am not saying all anti zionists are crazy. I'm saying that conspiracy people exist and so the derangement there. The obsession is mind, numbingly insane, but I just want to say this to all of these people they think Jews secretly won the world. Look. I had the conversation with the a and I want to stress to before the show started the conversation I had with ye about the the the Jews and and and or whatever I sane, calm, rational, interesting than the camera turned on, and
He went from talking calmly to y'all to say you know these guys go over the bang. You know what I'm talking about and I'm like Hell just happened. He just is fake. I think I think it was a ufo. It was planned out whatever, but there are the. people who believe that you know all the banks are run by Jews and whatever inasmuch as we're conspiracy that the law the least from the rothschild on Israel has expired, and this just just stop. Stop man. The conspiracy theories. Just stop. Ok, but now I would have you believe it I want to believe. I'm just say it like. It is so annoying when you have these people, people who were kidnapped in Israel and they put up posters. He left us and people in cities tear them all down. A college students and Joe Biden comes out and death and islam and there are like they think the Jews. The world and I'm like we did this. On the show we pulled up, I yea laughed. We pulled up the major, thanks of the u s and who runs them at its all irish people like Brian,
Why not an it's a bunch rich guys bush. Ok, I guess listen. There's a lot going on the world. A lot of us do pertaining to Israel's about military dominance, but, of course, Our government will exploit religious fervor if it gives them an advantage. but I'll. Do it I'll just leave it there. Man I do. I just think of the democrats- are that that their pandarus evil people and this far leftists, are- are deeply evil. We got a lot more to talk about. I don't talk about. Amy Schumer cause she's, getting absolutely roasted celebrities, the stores, Oliver their next segments coming up at one p m on the channel. Thanks rang out I'll, see you all them.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-10.