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Israel Prepares To END GAZA, CBS News Confirms Child Victims, Left ADMITS Hamas Targets Civilians


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Israel Prepares To END GAZA, CBS News Confirms Child Victims, Left ADMITS Hamas Targets Civilians

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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It's not on tim cast iron route. We sat down with max Blumenthal and it was actually. I think it was a really great conversation. A lot of people, don't like his views on the flicked. He takes a more pro palestine view of things and is allowed to although I think I disagree with them in some respects, I think you are actually biased think it was enlightening to hear him actually say. Yes, Hamas does target civilians. What ebay they said was Hamas views the music festival for which they can old and kidnapped civilians as a target of opportunity, their view that they are in an open air prison. Their land has been taken, and the only way to get concessions from Israel is to target civilians all I can say is that how you lose you international support and pressure. They call on the far left, they call Israel an apartheid state apart hide. What
a largely defeated because of sanctions. The international community said to south africa. This is no more, and so they eventually said, ok funnel and this system. What we have now is Horrifying vetoes and end CBS, say, evasive received confirmation from an israeli emergency response. Official. The children were killed, be headed, some of them babies I'm sorry I mean you come to me and you say you found be headed babies and I'm just like dude. I don't know who that serves even Hamas, but understand this. what we saw in a bunch of these videos, were a mosque fighters opening fire, in civilian areas and so low think about the reality for a moment, the idea of a beheading, baby is a shocking, shocking thing.
but it borders on the on the extreme to the point where people have a hard time believing it, and there are many people who are completely skeptical at some like that. What happened, how I understand that as their opening fire into civilian homes, all the and an unjust kidnapping killing civilians, which is acknowledged even by people who are in support of the palestinian people. You think kids are gonna, get caught in the crossfire young kids in chicago caught in the crossfire now, as for the idea that someone intentionally removed the head of a of an infant, it doesn't have to be so extreme. I idea that the hamas within their unintentionally this it could be that when you unload hundreds of thousands of rounds the injuries could be rather severe and extreme when children are getting hit. So this is horrifying But due to the severity and even the admission
Again, I mean it is enlightening to hear you're saying that with max- and I mean no disrespect when it was explaining that you know how I tried the march of return. I should say the palestinian people try what he called the market. What would they call the march of return where they went to the fence, had hands up and we're all unarmed and he's israel open fire opened fire on the these individuals should even in the legs and things like this, that's his view. I must say I know for sure I let him have his peace, but his response was that Hamas, then is sees them their only opportunity to get Israel to stop bombing certain targets and to release? individuals from their jails is to target and kidnap civilians. Now a lot of people. Our argument is real knew this was coming and once again you know there are a lot. People that really like that max came on the show and expressed his use a lot of people. He was wrongly, was lying. I think it was absolutely important near the prospective someone who's cover this extensively.
are from from the Israel side and and from the past inside, despite his bias, and he said he had admitted that I can respect that. He points out that they target civilians intentionally, and I think here it clears the air. I may look, there's there's! No, there there's, no masking it right This is what Hamas did. Here's my response. I don't want war on what the? U s, involve the? U S is deploying a carrier, strikes a group and offering special forces. No, no, I don't want to be involved in this, but I want to say I mean I'm, not the government, I'm not a politician If I really want to take a strong moral stance, maybe I should run for office right well, I'm not gonna. Do that. Therefore, I just say, Man, I don't know, I am ninety- some odd, that. Ninety five anti intervention- you gotta of people right now, calling for the funding and support of israel over what Hamas did, but I think you just
is the worst thing for us to be involved in the reason why I am not an absolute us in terms of intervention is, I recognise there are certain circumstances that will arise where we probably have to be involved. I know Cassandra fairbanks deeply disk. yes, but I'm like ninety five percent towards it you're you're, it's hard, pressed the you know your hard pressed to find a circumstance where I think the? U s. should decide, hey we're to go, get involved in that thing when I more so mean is like. There is an attack on a? U S, industry, an ally and that we have a treaty. There are certain circumstances where I think you can't be so absolute. That being said, these trees can get us involved in world war three, and we should be looking at something like that right now. Consider it's going on in eastern europe. The last thing we need is for you to be involved, but don't take your I'm not here to be an arbiter of morality or truth. I just I too understand the news to the best of my ability and convey what is as close to possible as as of truth and objective relatives. I can.
And that's why I think is important to have someone like max Blumenthal on the show so we know I mean yes, Hamas is targeting civilians. All of this is true that the shot thing I suppose is CBS coming out saying is right. Israelis uncover atrocities at a kibbutz. Its I am sorry like I gotta tell you even see, bs reporting this- I don't trust the mainstream media and I think there are political reasons to make claims about be headed babies, but there's only so much. You can do I leave it to you to decide. The news has reported this CBS, as they now have a statement lent limit limits for you, you decide. You believe them or not. Ok, all at all, I can say CBS news reports that, after all in the israel, Hamas war contained a climb early wednesday, the fifth day after the past, Military group launched a massive, highly coordinated too. Attacks on Israel from the Gaza strip, Attack has claimed more than one thousand two hundred lives in Israel, including fourteen americans and lead is
the prime minister. Benjamin Netanyahu to declare we are at war is rarely military and civilian officials confirmed reports to CBS news on wednesday of a massacre on a kibbutz near the Gaza border with an emergency. it's official saying he saw with his own eyes. Children among victims poor, be headed in the community. The first thing we heard was for my twenty four I believe that israeli state funded media that they were hearing of beheaded babies and I take these claims. Grain of salt, I mean there are serious claims, it's it's spattered, all across social media, everyone repeating it, and I don't like these, these, the I'm not a fan of this, I'm not a fan. If it's true, it's true soviet mike as we we talked about this than a year a testimony yesterday and I are well and before where a woman came in and ninety andy and sad. Sometimes, forces were killing babies, pulling them from incubators, leaving him to die, and these kinds of stories are often are used to invoke.
or evoke in emotional response from the american people or from someone you know whatever, from people in jail to justify international intervention on behalf of those claiming the atrocities. In this instance, you have Israel saying atrocities were committed. And though the last thing I want to see is the? U s get dragged into this over these emotional responses, but I do think it's funny We have many who are who oppose? U S, funding to ukraine in question the legitimacy of? U S, intervention there but support you as intervention with Israel, you're allowed to limiting its hypocrisy, to say we no business in ukraine and to claim we have business in Israel me I'm more so justified to the american people right. I don't. I don't see good reasons and I actually know a decent amount, not like a scholar on it. I know decent up and I do think I do. That is a bit of hypocrisy here. saying, anybody who was a position is a hypocrite, though I think that would be silly cbs.
as a president Biden called the Hamas attack, an act of sheer evil I citizens that were also among the dozens of civilians in israeli troops being held as hostages by Hamas. I think things can get particularly bad right now, neuro donovan CBS. I may learn to the Israel body: recovery teams have discovered beheaded babies and children in a cab, but in southern Will these this is now see bs as well as I twenty four saying they ve confirmed this at what point do you accept? That is true. The problem is it's a very, very extreme thing. An extraordinary claims are key extraordinary evidence. I will tell you this right now. Having heard from me with the left and the right Hamas target civilians and they cheer for it, not every person the left, but these far leftist groups are cheering for it. I I just have to lean towards it's most likely true
I suppose the reasonable approaches- children probably got killed in the attack and the injuries may be severe I don't know that I would believe outright. They go in and systematically just remove the heads of babies because it serves no real purpose. I suppose you could argue the ideological drive and as max mentioned. This is it. This is a a gaza is a in open air prison that is, is built on trauma that these people suffer trauma every day. There's drones flying overhead, there's airstrikes from Israel. and so their whole life is trauma. Like all of this just says to me, the likelihood that they did do this is is, is, is high high enough, so you think about it.
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landing at the music festival was a target of opportunity. Seeing that capture as many civilians as possible and use them as bargaining chips. They did- and I just like if, if you're telling me that these people are generations of traumatized with hatred, vile hatred for for Israel, and they know they. They assert they will target civilians. All you're really saying is if we get multiple reports that children were killed and babies were beheaded and these people are so deeply traumatized having been born and bred in in this open air prison as they've described it Then then, you're telling me that there was motive an opportunity ripe. What would the purpose be, then, of beheading a baby to send a message? shock and and gruesome ought to the people of Israel that they mean to end you I'm sorry, it's retribution, it is a desecration. It is insult to injury.
that's why you know we hear these stories of of assaults and rapes and it's like right. They want to defile, they want it's it's it's. Its intended to insult too deeply deeply insult, and if that's the case, you know my response to max's, then they lose and they look. fast, because I am a look, I'm an american. I I I this. This conference been going on for probably thousands of years and everyone's going to try and claim nos nineteen. Twenty nos nineteen, forty eight nos nineteen sixty seven look I can tell you I don't know, but go on forever right to someone like me that doesn't like the? U s being involved you ever opportunity to come to someone like me and say: how would you like to on foreign aid, all these foreign countries have america folks on itself, and I say that sounds good. I mean they they, I don't. I don't. I don't feel that of much of its foreign intervention. Is justified heavily I under
and the petrodollar argument. I understand the bricks nations. I m f, all that stuff. I dont see out the american people and the vision of the, fathers is in line with foreign intervention, but then you gonna make a very, very big mistake. The far left then celebrates justifies these actions and I'm just like you ve lost me. you ve lost me. That's it. Someone like me, who is very overwhelmingly at nearly absolutely anti intervention, is not going to defend your side with you when you, celebrate in the streets and that's all we saw yesterday the day before these viral videos. their cheering for the bombing of civilians. We now have reports coming up that their firing rockets at the at the airport me in tel Aviv, while we already saw a video of a woman saying our resistance fighters target out did made this five thousand rockets were far reaching tel Aviv? You can't come to me I'm just I'm sorry, I'm so pissed off at this. I despise
the far left, I'm I just I their evil people and so now I'm confronted with a far left. That is, in my view, not every single one, but many visits riddles abject evil, and you ask me then, whose side beside him on might well dude- I'm not I'm not here to be on the side of anybody in these foreign conflicts, but I believe Israel more than I believe palestine, Hamas, Gaza. What I want to call it I'll tell you why they tell us that palestine is not Hamas, these poor civilians. But while we know that Hamas uses hospitals, schools, mosques to store weapons and two to operate out of Israel, then targets them that that the left and comes has look there attacking civilians so that it is this, Passengers are not Hamas and I'm like. Ok, ok, I hear you and then in public streets they cheer when a man
target civilians. They call the civilians, targeted colonizers an obvious like ok, I can't stand the far left trying to be reasonable and I'm more of them rotarian adds I wore anti intervention side, but when you come to me and asked to do fond Israel, and I say: ok, I'm listening and then you celebrate that Hamas killed civilians, I see where this is really going. You Genuinely believe that the people of palestine or not hamas, you dont care, you're only saying that to trick me into backing away that you can go and massacre more civilians and use them as bargaining chips. That has not, as eight I agree with foreign intervention, not at all, but you will not get support from me as you cheer for the killing of civilians. The killing
children and they do in other viral video man sad that resistance fighters, he called them resistance fighters stormed music festival and took several dozen hipsters, who they're probably doing fine now yet they're dead or being held captive in uses bargaining chips and they cheer for it. Why would I defend any of these individuals? anne and again, with respect to max Blumenthal, come now to show outright saying. Yes, Hamas does this. Unlike than its clear, there is no argument. The far left lies, They'll come out and they'll say: no, you know Hamas and the Al Qassam brigades they don't represent. You know the palestinian people and when, when israel that bombs, these schools and these media centres that their hurting civilians, and, unlike did you, dont, actually believe that. So spare me your crocodile tears in your lives, You know they they wanna things. I was brought up
that the Hamas charter initially called for the eradication of the jewish people and christians. I believe, and it was revised and twenty seventeen according to forward it. revised in twitter, seventeen, because Hamas was loose popularity and one of their elections by only a plurality. Forty four percent- and thus they softened the language to remove calls for eradication. though it still says from the river to the sea,. They still assert their claim over the entirety of this land. There are a lot of questions. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers. Sorry, I am not a scholar on the israel einstein, conflict or you know. What is he and bring up the Balfour agreement or anything like this? I don't know. I can only tell you right now. as someone who doesn't like the: u s being involved in these conflicts, I seek resolution and what is it? I don't see why? I really don't. I really don't see one What I see as a far left that celebrates the killing of civilians
and I see Israel that often desperately tries to downplay the killing of civilians. That's all I can do all can do when Israel bombs a target. They say it is being used by Hamas to fire rockets at us. I say: ok, for what purpose does Israel have to Israel? Have two indiscriminately kill civilians? They don't have one they state that they potentially lose international support and funding and financing if they do. So the view from Israel is that there are only targeting what they need to. Where would hamas operative? Anyway? You take a look at Gaza, I'm not announcing. Unlike the situation, I am not saying that people in palestine are under a living in good situation at all now, and there are many people who don't like Hamas can totally respect that the problem is its war and because of what we ve seen even the admission of the far left that Hamas does this,
Israel is now amassing on the border. The us is sending a striped group and this could be definitive, loot definitively. The end of Gaza, they said, is going to be a tent city they're, going to flatten it. I'm just a I dunno man, it's a humanitarian crisis, but what does that say for for Israel and the victims who are currently being held hostage? It's crazy. I don't have the answers, what tell you, though, is this. I think last night's conversation was fairly enlightening and that's why I find myself typically more so in agreement with Israel, though I don't really know. I can say this picture me as as someone who is actual I've been to Israel, I have not been to Gaza or the west bank or to let that happen to tell us and I've been in many conflicts. I've been to ukraine several times, so I
do a little bit more than the average person the average person not having ever been to Israel. You have an opportunity to convince me what we you know to to be involved in finding solutions. But when Israel comes out and says, are civilians are being targeted and killed and our children are being killed? I say: ok, while it's a bold claim and then Hamas as yet we do that and left left us site yet. Yet that's that that's a strategy and their justified doing so because there are warm like ok. where it is and you lose that's it I'm sorry you lose. Israel has the power and its comes from the left perspective, because Israel has the power there, the bad guys I do not. I do not. I reject that. Sorry having power does not make you evil, It was funny because I heard Christiana almond poor, say this. I was in marrakech at an event called news exchange. All these journalists were there. I have called for Irish, every journalist onstage is greatest like a decade ago, invited to speak about new media technologies.
An eye boldly set on stage too, like thousands of people in corporate media, they should all be fired because they don't understand the current methodology and technology of them of the news media system, and I stand by that, but why there are chris out, I mean I'm in poor. Was there and she said the laughed holds this view on paraphrasing that power is inherently evil and then, if you have power, your boy should I rejected that's, not true having parts and make you bad she's right. Just because Israel has the means to defend itself, does not make it evil, and so you can argue on. I heard it from acts. Nineteen, forty, eight israeli militants, forced palestinians from their homes and sees this land welcome to war. I'm not a fan of war, but it whatever it. Whenever you want to climb up these people lost and they were removed.
Israel now has control over the region over these territories, civilians who are born there and who move there. No have no knowledge of this. I'm Of course they they they they know about able, I mean to say, is they were not involved? I will not blame this. Twenty year old, german, israeli national dancing. At a party for the actions of people seventy five years ago, but Hamas believes they are justified at a certain point. The war has to end and this conflict is an ongoing multi generational conflict. I don't know the solutions, but I can tell you pragmatically and without passion, which many of the pro palestinian people will absolutely reject at this.
Why do we see Israel has effective and total control? The solution is not at this point for Hamas to fire a bunch of rocket civilians kidnap a bunch of civilians there is no circumstance. I see where they went. This thing said. If the? U s loses its international standing in the petrodollar falls? Israel is going to be smashed from every side. This could get bad and it could go full full scale, world war. Three. I visit these opinions on that, a scholar on the issue, all amis, someone who hates war and despised. Killing of civilians. Hey. Do you know what snapdragons s snapdragons as the processor that makes ah inspiring photos and immersive mobile gaming possible, whether your shooting video of your favours sports t taking selfies at a party or fighting your way through digital battle grounds in the palm of your hand,.
dragging gives you the power to move experience extraordinary with snapdragons and the all powerful samsung galaxy as twenty three I'll just smartphone and here's what we of the Hamas admits it man, what is Israel going to do what you have just given them? Their causes belly, you ve, given them everything they could need in the international on the international front, for support to go in and destroy, This will be the most extreme escalation of action by Israel since nineteen forty eight- and I I I I Don'T- want to put words in max's mouth, I think he, I think it was a really great conversation. I respect the grey zone and the work they do, and you know, even if we do, we disagree on a lot of things.
I really do I I really. I thought it was great. I thought was fantastic and a lot of people don't like 'em, and you know like look man, someone who's willing to come here and tell you their views is good and I felt like the conversation was honest despite his bias and what do I know right, but if even they're going to acknowledge right that this is going to be, you know, max's sang like he agreed this. This going to be the most as dramatic escalation, there's very few solutions to what's going on with Israel and palestine. It's an open air prison. Then then, that's it. Israel wants to keep people who seek to massacre israeli citizens, including air arab israelis. They want to keep them out. What's the argument man Hamas says their justified in taking civilians, then what am I supposed? hey when they're like we want, we want to control who comes in and out of gaza like a lot of these want to kill israelis then they say yeah. Well, israeli soldiers are killing them. Unlike look man, all I can tell you: is israelis plain the pr right then
Our true israel saying we don't want to kill civilians, we try not to saying we will and we do, then you ve got a good and bad. The end result the only solutions, they say a two state solution. Potentially aren't you maintain that what the path authority in the west bank, asserting authority over over the Gaza strip or something Egypt's involved as well and everyone often ignored this- the rough crossing into Egypt each doesn't want these endeavours. And mac described it as for the same reason that mexico doesn't want honduras pouring into their borders. They don't want millions of refugees pouring into their country, which is a which already has a weak state.
So then, what's the answer, the only way this conflict ends is if palestine is completely wiped off the map or israel opens up lets them all just use. You know, get rid of this border crossings as free movement for all and what it? What will you get honestly? In my opinion, civil war, two point: five million people in also the border is completely open. Unchecked, there are. There are many individuals who are going to arm up and maintain that view from the river to the sea. I'm sorry, there's no solution and if Israel were to just tear down the fences and say free movement for all, I think you'll see war and massacres, conflict, shooting killings. So sorry, man one of the answers for you? The end result in all of this is going to be war, I'll leave their next segments coming up, one communist channel will get more and domestic politics and stuff like that pig sprang up and I'll see. You owe them a tweet.
From black lives matter chicago that is going viral since been deleted. It! image of a paraglider with a palestinian flag and they tweeted. That is all that. Is it the image says I stand with palestine under in the context is actually quite simple community notes on, it gives us the information sang october. Seventh, twenty three hamas terrorists attacked a news festival, full of civilians without warning. They kill at least two hundred and sixty and kidnap and unknown number. They are not known or para gliding, another circumstances, so this post implies support of their activities. That's right, My friends, Blm chicago's twitter account. I dunno how many lets him and how many are they very big? Sixty thousand followers overtly supporting the the attack on civilians and it's a wake up. Call
a lot of people are now waking up to the news that the far left you supported are: extremists are violent, are terrorists. this. My friends, I think, is a major shift in the culture war and it is going to be brutal. For Democrats, no question Many Democrats will now have to back away and reject the squad. Yo see saw the writing on the wall. She tried playing to both sides this one saying islamophobia and anti semitism: it's all bad targeting the civilians is bad there. I think I see the next pelosi max Blumenthal said the next obama, while and weakness tweeted to tweets two images from David weissmann- and I have tremendous respect for David for this. I do. I really do he says on on may fourth: twenty
I will never stop saying black lives matter and may even get a short myself and then on october just yesterday said after them, Maybe the right was right about black lives matter. It's a wake up call because b, l em. We are not talking about them, saying the people of Palestine have been oppressed and an open air prison. Israel are oppressors not to know their outright saying this. This operation, which was error, not military- and I stress this all defer to to max Blumenthal, to formulate my opinion, his opinion reserve for him, but he said initially, while the palestinians Hamas, were too getting military bases. The music fasten was a target of opportunity. and they know that kidnapping severe science is grants them bargaining chips against Israel,.
And I think it's fair to say his view on this is completely different from mine. But that's that's what he said my take away from this is Yeah terrorist bizarre as it is I have another day, perhaps naive, whatever don't know, don't care if Hamas ushered away, the civilians stood firm territory and said this land belongs to the people of palestine or whatever it was and engaged in a conflict directly with the israeli military it'd be very, very different. It would be very different. Instead, it was a target of opportunity to civilians for this, the far left we see them for who they are this issue in the culture war, as I was saying as me, in the neo, liberal and liberal set asides, or are now going to contend with. The fact that you are overtly aligned with people who rudely cheer for this in the streets that's happening What's right, this down the new york post reports, a black list
better chapter in chicago under fire for seeming to celebrate Hamas, acts on israeli civilians seeming to. They literally did. a disgusting, a disgraceful social media post, the both an ex formerly twit includes an image of a person, para gliding, with hosting in flag attached to its parachute with I stand with powers, Written brief, heartbeat, lemme, Chicago also posted a number of cartoons depicting somebody expressing outrage over the attacks on Israel while another com- lists off talking points blaming Israel for the situation, This isn't about. Hamas is about citizens right to resist. Seventy five years of israeli settlers colonizing their native land, and that's it. They told us who they were, what they believed in what they wanted. The marxist the de colony. movement and how many corporations stood behind this I am sickened and I am insulted, but I'm glad to see it. This is the importance of free speech. Imagine if you
Mosques are now we can have this hate speech and delete it. Now the people must know this is what black lives matter, and I want to give a great shout to amazon and walmart and all preparations that paraded around the b l a message when we knew for a very long time that act, lives matter. Leaders were deeply anti semitic. Now, of course, I dont care for them. This tropes about how everyone on the right is nazis or whatever shut up. Even Andy defamation league is, is capriciously mum as to the people they are. We support the idea ideology. They back. Jonathan, green blood runs the ideal. Peter MSNBC criticising them saying what are you this is. The americans are not militancy to terrorists who writes these scripts bro says who you aligned with, and we warned you Now, I'm not gonna come out be alive.
Everyone who is critical of israel's and anti semite that stupid there are legitimate for policy concerns for what Israel does. What gaza does, however, me as just like, someone who views us with cursory knowledge. I don't see any justification, none for what Hamas did that That's it sorry. Israel has a right to defend themselves and just because they have the power to do so does not make them the evil aggressor. That's it! It's a war. The people on on the left play this game of there, oppressed, therefore there in the right, by whatever means, necessary, understand this liberals, what we, all been saying for a long time. The thing they've been saying about by any means necessary. They will kill, they have. They have spray painted messages,
It is a trope among the left. Liberals get the bullet too. They say they will kill. This is what they support, and you know honestly. I am so grateful for. speech: I am so grateful that they are allowed to post these things on acts on twitter, because now we can expose them and just say, member load been telling you about right. Here now nance is losing it. Let me see if I have this tweet for Malcolm nance, he says effing delete this and your account. Now you may the port Hamas, but not the african american community, I'm sorry, did there are many prom individuals who are big fans of Farrakhan and the things he said about the jewish people you get to now. All of a sudden act. Surprise. These people harbour these views. They are hateful evil. People is apparently
Many of you did not notice the parrot lighter in the flier. That equates support of the hamas use of paraguay leaders at the mass murder of two hundred sixty festival, goers g, D, you don't get it you're, showing a dirty with this unique hamas terrorists tactic, not the palestinian people. They do care dude, it's the same thing, remarkable man. I wanna show you this a tweet from jake tapper or I'm sorry to start cheap tweet from Steve guest about jake tapper telling us What many? What many people already knew to be true for so long? Finally, waking up this does last few days have been a real. I opening period for a lot of people out of democrats about a progressive and terms answer. semitism on the left people who seem more shocked at dehumanizing language, by world leaders to describe for mass, then what Hamas actually perpetrated on Saturday
You know, I have explained this before what anti fond the far left is. It is the one wring its identity, politics. That's the far left Its weakness check out the next generation of small glass is by re ban and better listen amusing without new in the world around you with open air speakers or capture the world from your unique perspective, with a built in twelve megapixel again now you can live during the moment straight from your glasses and even take cause handsfree without interrupting you flood. The latest attack combined with iconic, die the next generation of smart last by rabies and met these democrats. These neo lives these corporate media types thought they could we'll get a gift against our enemies. You can't can wallet. You can't wield it and they knew what they were getting involved with abject evil. The people who laugh and celebrate death.
I've seen the videos in new york of pro israel people calling for the palestinian people to be killed. I've seen the people on twitter that Israel should just wipeout gaza. These people are not good people either, but that's not the majority, and it is it. Is it inverse? What do I tend to see, and why do I hold positions I do typically, which will get from the right is slow, bowed their democrats? How does that translate here? People like ben Shapiro, Ben Shapiro is obviously agitated right now, to say the least. That food is heated, and I completely understand Why- and I respect that. I certainly think that as the opposite, cooler heads prevail and we have to be careful about getting to heated. But I do, I totally understand it. One hundred percent
we're looking at civilians being killed and kidnapped for bargaining chips. There's no justification for this, and I can see why Ben Shapiro is is, is upset about but guess what Ben Shapiro still stands on the ground of innocent civilians shouldn't die wow. That's amazing! So when it comes to what's happening with gaza, bench appears, position tends to be more reserved, meaning is doesn't want to kill civilians. Israel wants to stop Hamas. Civilians are collateral damage, that's a bad thing. It's why dont like war and why unfairly anti intervention, The: u s is use of military tactics in countries where not at war with artillery drawn check, etc, and it just collateral image more civilians dead bs, I dont like it, it's bad. What do you do in war.
See when the? U s bomb, say like a civilian restaurant in yemen, killing and american citizen. That's evil and obama should be criminally charged for it when you're directly at war, and civilians die as collateral damage. It is bad. There should be an accounting for this, but war actual. Cleared war between an enemy combatant is different from what obama did in yemen, that is to say, while I am overwhelmingly ninety percent. invention- I do understand the nuances of If we are say at war with germany, because they are executing people and invading other countries, and we target military targets and there are civilian casualties. We try to avoid civilian casualties while taking up military targets. It is a sad thing and we all yelled at for it. I am not a fan of it, but I can understand war happen. Sometimes it is naive to think of it. Defend yourselves order, there's conflict. It is. We should not
the aggressors we should be more defensive, but it is complicated, seems to be the stance of conservatives mostly, and not absolutely mostly, that civilian casualties in Gaza are a bad. it seems to be among the far left, billion casualties are to be celebrated. I am second by this, it is evil. So what is the bigger picture? Well, what I tend to see what this conflict is, that Israel, spawns to Hamas. Hum moss, the left party activists argue that israel- let them stolen their land. Unlike its war, I get it it's war, I d, see why you think you're going to win this far left by killing civilians, that ok, there's civilians are illegal settlers and colonizers. They view you all as evil. I dont I don't blame some. Twenty year old woman who went to a raven was dancing,
cause. Seventy five years ago a war broke out in which one side one I do not see the strategy in killing or kidnapping twenty something year old with no idea what's going on, they don't care, you are evil, that's the absolutism of the far left that does not exist on the far right. I should say on the right. I should say the varlet. My point is this: there are elements of the right who are pro israel. There is. I want africa from far rises. when you or whatever I dunno at far right really means because these people aren't like free market capitalists. It's just like authoritarianism, whereas the left are absolutely far left economically, but there are elements of the right as people may describe them. Who are pro israel and extremely aggressive and and and evil. In my opinion, But it seems to be the tendency and those on the right to understand. Civilian casualties are bad thing and it seems to me,
tendency on the far left to accept them now there are liberals who will argue that hears it. There's a thing Many of these liberals equity this from David Weissmann me up all this up. Yeah he's he's not for what black eyes matter is saying, but he's pro israel. I have not seen the leftist pro palestinian with the reasonable approach to this shouldn't happen. You know, with all due respect to max Blumenthal, came on yesterday. He actually said almah, is using this tactic because they want bargaining chips here, So, as far as to say, it was good that some being color anything like that because we like you know, but he recognised what they were doing and the purpose of it. Ok, I think this is gonna, be a dramatic shift in the culture war with this clip from jake tapir. What will democrats now do? I wanna play this clip for you Andy no tweets at this out palestine
celebration rally in dearborn, michigan quote when you go to black lives matter rally. You see palestinian flags when you go to a supremacy rally. You see israeli flags Why I say these people are all evil. Here's, the anti defamation league, supremacist leaders are openly celebrating. Hamas is attack on Israel, cheering explicit depictions of violence against israelis. What Is that so don't let them get twisted? This is not complicated. When you go to a black lives matter rally, you see palestinian flags. When you go to a white supremacy rally, you see israeli flags this has not happened. When scientists marched down the street. They said that the heirs, when we marched down the street we say free, free palestine is not difficult, everybody, so don't let them get to you see the lies. I don't know what to tell you: they don't. They say: free, free,
that's true. They also say from the river to the sea. Did this guy hyper focusing on something that is not? common death to arabs. What who is saying that get out of here? this is nonsense, but let me tell you on the left, palestinian celebration celebration rally defending black lives matter, they say: white supremacist, support Israel. The end information, leagues as white supremacist support hamas The game they play enough This is a major shift in the culture war, get ready for legitimate because they cannot maintain this, David Weissmann says I'm sure, I'm losing followers because of my support for Israel and that's fine. What I was on. There is very personal to me, especially since I have family that lives there. It shouldn't be hard for to condemn Hamas and IRAN who funds them is correct, this guy, who is full
more trop supporter and now he's a Democrat and all that stuff. Yeah man look. I have no problem with saying it is bad, the wood that what is happening in Gaza. I do not like the situation they. These people live in it, traumatic and there are. There are questions we have about what Israel does, especially in the west bank. Sure, ok, now, just the past several is Hamas killed civilians far leftist justified it, and that is abjectly evil and wrong? What am I supposed to do You want to try and win me over and say: Israel is an apartheid state. I'm like yeah well like. you know, I'm sorry, man, Hamas is explicitly as the tactic of killing civilians, opening fire, there's a video of people in a car and they run up and they just kill the guys they kill the people inside. Why? Why? Why? Because they set it in the streets
far left said these are evil, colonizers, illegal settlements and ill in evil, colonizers ill eagle ill. go out of their saying right, is it a joke? You know, look man, let's talk logic and reason. I am born into a country, and my family for the most part emigrated here at various times and were not here during the early colonial period like there are many americans who descend from you know, colonists who came way back. Obviously many people do- and I don't know anything about what was here before I live here now. This is my native country. I'm from here my family is from your my my my my grandparents, not all in actually ah part korean. What am I supposed to do? I am I supposed to just laid down and say take from me every thing that I have Y know these live to soar like d colonise.
You know what they're saying when they say de colonise their outright saying what Hamas is doing. The civilians who are living in these homes, watering, their flowers, do not fight, and many of them who are upset about the current state of affairs in Israel and want peace with palace they get gun down in cold blood. Reminds me of a scene from game of thrones. You may have seen it ere. I, the policy, the nearest our guerin takes over this city and the city had slaves. So what does she do? She kills all the nobles of the slave upon her class. Excellent writing. In one seen a young man comes before her and says my father was a good man. He fought against slavery, he fought to free slaves and you killed him. because the world is not so simple, but an heiress was so sure at there was pressure and oppressed these people?
are our naive children and there malicious evil, not every single one, not ever said guan. I don't think max Blumenthal evil. No, certainly not. I think they're people are concerned about the plight of the palestinian people. I respect that trust sleep, but when it comes to what we saw, you must denounce it. There's no question Israel targets a media center. This was a big. This is a big deal max brought about why blood the media center. I'm sorry, but the left lie so much. I'm gonna need some context, and it's hard for me to a strong moral stance denouncing israel having targeted what you describe as a media center We know that Hamas use a civilian buildings for their weapons depots and and and as basis. What am I supposed to say? It's admitted We know they do it now. I dont want a media center blown up. I dont want civilians targeted, but how
supposed to believe the people who are celebrating the killing of civilians. So that's, that's! That's that's it for me, man. I don't have the answers for you cause. I know the far left lies about so much. Why would I believe him? That's sorry, I don't wanna be involved to be completely honest, but here we are a Yossi finally breaks ranks with hateful. Eight squad members, while and condemns appalling anti semitic rallies in new york and across the? U s as shocking of pro hamas mob, mocking jewish people with images of murdered israeli israelis emerge. yeah, that's a o c, but she did try and play a kind of middle of the road approach of life? We must condemn all of it
I simply say our twenty four seven library protection help stop crying in real time, because during a breakin, every second counts, and these days every dollar counts. Right now get fifty percent off in a new system with fast protect monitoring at simply safety com, slashed spotify. It's! U s news and what reports? That's tom security of twenty twenty three advanced on security, twenty four, seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There is no safe like simply safe, but you did so that these people do not speak for everyone and there are people in new york horse celebrating the death of palestinians as well. Here's the problem civilians should not be killed. We we want to help the palestinian people. I certainly do I don't know. war. What do I say when someone says when they celebrate what hamas did when when, when people like Ben shapiro say we don't want to kill civilians, its collateral damage that it's bad, I say
Well, ok, I get that like what can we do to minimize civilian casualties and this, as you know, we real warns the people of Gaza before the strikes. They tell em to evacuate things like that before they strike the targets. Sometimes civilians still get hit and I'm like. Well, I don't like it. I don't. I understand what he's saying. Then you get the left saying it is good and I'm like. Okay, that's evil. Sorry have a nice day, but anyway look. I said it fifty million times. I just keep saying. Oh look. My point is this Democrats are gonna have to wake up to the reality of what they supported. I think now Take these these statements from vietnam, chicago from these left us and at any time one of these corporations want to defend their crack pot ideology critical race theory would say: is that what you're supporting cause? That's what they ve done and boy the culture war is going to shift here in a rather interesting way. This will ring on every advertisement and every pull over
political statement in twenty twenty four that this is what the Democrats supported and we warned them. That's it see this plays out deliver. Their next item is coming up at four p m on the channel. Thanks sprang out and I'll see you well then,. while this story may be shocking and I hope Everyone is getting prepared. for an emergency, whether it's a first aid kit, emergency food, water or supplies. It is not just Hamas reportedly call. four jihad worldwide and to be martyrs. We have more lighter statements, but still reckless and serious, coming from linsey, graham
we're in a religious war and calls for Israel to level the place. The blood lust is terrifying and its probable, and I think most regular people don't want any of it. I don't think the israeli civilians wanted any of it and I don't think that the majority of palestinians want any of it, but conflict is conflict, and sometimes People don't back down and I don't get the answer is, but I can tell you this is this once doesn't scary, I dont like when I hear republican anyone for that matter saying we should be involved, we should intervene, we should go to war no blow back actions we take in my generation. I have not seen a successful intervention by the. U s, it's all been a disaster so now, but now we have the founding member The mass colleague michel calling for
Mobile jihad, so I hope you are vigilant, I hope whatever capacity you're capable you are protecting yourself. friends your family, I reckon and looking into second amendment provisions. what I mean to say is like. I can't tell you how to defend yourself, but I think you should do the research and figure it out and find someone to give you the proper advice on self defense can military news reports the lead and founding member of Hamas colleague, Michel reportedly called for a global jihad on tuesday, asking muslims around the world to target pete the people of Israel on Friday October thirteenth. So please take care of yourselves stay safe and stay alert Don't panic at the last thing that I want to know what to do, but I think we should take the stuff seriously.
because again I am I mention, has I think I have the clip. I can pull up somewhere. We have colleagues, not what we want. Let me see if I can find it here. We go I'll play this for your short clip from lindsey grim. well we're in a religious war. Here I am with Israel. Do However, the hell you have to do to defend yourself level will place that kind of language. is going to result in backlash blow back and when you got Hamas saying global jihad attack jews worldwide, and you ve, got linsey graham saying level the place. That's the video they're gonna play when they justify their attacks on other innocent civilians. Now I get it, I get it lindsey gram, you know if you want to express support for israel in this to defend themselves that I get saying one or religious warned a level. The place is beyond irresponsible for person indisposition. Let's read this laurie from american military news and then will look at where we are
video of Bashaws call to violence, was posted on youtube and remains up. Platform as of wednesday at ten, a m accord, to a translation and, and also the video by brother, Rusheed, report to be referred to as proposed day of anger as the friday of AL acts, a flood which will would send a message of rage to scientists and to america. The most important thing He asked all muslims around the world to carry jihadi by their souls to fight and be me, as for our Acta, he once more to fight against the Jews, starting with muslims who live in country surrounding Israel should explained. He said this is this is the time for she had to be applied on the ground rather than just in theory. He asked the measure to go in one caravans? I can't I can't read the rest of us, american military news certified by news guard one hundred out of one hundred. The video can be seen upon you too, but I will stress, I dont speak arabic and as much as I've played the video I
dont know exactly what he sang and we're relying on this translation. That being said, It's the escalation we are seeing. I hope you are all taking this seriously for most of you, you'll see nothing likely, nothing will happen, but to get the big concern is that our southern borders porous, we ve not had many politicians call out that around a scientist and Kevin Mccarthy. Clearly not a big Mccarthy either fit of dissent is just not his campaign, but I think it's play, data anybody who is looking at the poorest border knows that Security is completely compromised here and I have fears about It's going to happen. Ons vault days friday, the thirteenth come on likes, and here we are housed media played play this? It's crazy to see this clip of linsey. Graham, I mean even I think, I've met wall. Sheer matter Swinging linsey grandma sitting: u s under has just casually declared the. U s is in it.
holy war, absolutely reckless and insane. I completely agree. You know, and I recommend- and I recommend you take a look at what bench appear: husband tweeting I recommend you take everything with the grain of salt. You keep a level had about things. Don't panic button dude S. I'm sorry. Do these videos are undeniable. You gotta video of a car that was torched and there's there's burned out bodies in it that I can terrifying. I dunno what that is. You know and- and I and I I can- I can just try and say: okay, all you all are right right. You know there is ponderings of evidence to suggest this is likely legit. We need hard confirmation, it's hard to get sorry, but there are other videos that are completely undeniable security: camera footage of civilians being shot their cars
more than one video of this of of people breaking into homes that that this is the man, the videos of civilians crying and being dragged away and the celebrations of the far left. This is conflict and it's escalating and, of course, the. U s is involved. I wish I wish it wasn't true, but the fear is that Hamas, Hamas supporters, these far leftists, will be in attacking targets around the world, which includes the? U s and even before friday, but maybe friday, because of the? U s: support for israel tiggle, who this. c b c instead struck. The report is not to label Hamas terrorists according to a leaked email. Do. Refer to militants, soldiers or anyone else as terrorists. The guidelines stated yellow there. Time for militants at a time for terrorists, for instance, if thought uniform soldiers begin a military operation where they are targeting military targets in a quart of military fashion. Symptoms.
could be Hamas, but when you see them taking a target of opportunity and killing civilians, terrorism The targeting of civilians is on a military operation, its attend its intended to instil fear in seville. Population who otherwise could be easily controlled seriously. This is the thing about civilians, and why are you shouldn't tell them? Because they typically are powerless When they raided this music festival, they could have just surrounded, it told ever want to sit down and they would have is that everyone get your car to leave and they would have instead, they just cited, they're going to kill and capture as many as they can that's terrorism. They want people there to be terrified of what they will do to them, but these people are not are not military, they can be easily remove from his land. The land could be reclaimed. If that was the issue, If Hamas said the land but got belongs to us, they could have walked up with their guns at leave. Now. Instead, they killed people. This is what you're getting from the corporate press. The mainstream media gregg prices wholly issue can't make this up
the new york times published a story affront to Hamas as terrorists and then changed it to gunman. Just I'm just highlighting this stuff to tell you man, I I hope you get what conflict? Is it's not going to be so simple? I I think you should look at some of the videos posted by Ben. You should absolutely they are supported by the left as well understand what this conflict is and could be and do what conflict in general will be cause. There's that agitate video. I highlight the other day where he said you will beg. If, if, if this, if this conflict comes to your doorstep, you will beg and he's right, you will cry and you will pray that the conflict ends favorite movie the patriot male gibson that scene, where MEL gibson's character, what his they benjamin says you know I've. If, if your you're, saying that we should have independence. I agree if we should have if we cannot be tax without there should be no
action without reputation. I completely agree, but if you're calling for war with Britain, then I absolutely disagree. Martin, words. This war will not be fought on some far off battlefield it'll be fought in your front yard and your front yard in front of your children. and they will learn about these wars with their own eyes. An amazing line so interesting to see that is, characters unwillingness to engage. Ultimately, his children die. He was ill prepared for it. He was right about the conflict, but my point is simply this: that line represent something. It means something people do not understand, just how serious this will be. When linsey gram comes out and says level the place shore wealthy protected. He's got governd protection, though circle. The wagons around and what does he have to worry about, but the regular people of this country in many others, are going to bear the brunt of war. I wish I'd simple answers for you, my friends, but I do not. I can only tell you to please take care of yourselves and do what you must to protect yourselves, to be prepared to survive,
However, their next item is coming up at six p m of the channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you all them, so a bunch of woke harvard students backed Hamas and not for this walls, reach says that they're going to black list them, oh boy and now there is a panic. many of these students realizing they may have just ended there. Career by siding with terrorists, and I get it. I know that lot of people, they have said to him or not the criticise Israel and all that stuff. I'm not a fan of censorship. This episode is brought to you by champs sports holiday
day deals have arrived, so stop by champs sports and save on head to toe, looks they've, got the hottest selection of fleece boots, sneakers and more shop holiday gifts at your local champs sports store or online at champs sports dot com. Certain exclusions may apply while supplies last and are subject to change to certain degrees. I am like, like an explicit videos of up, Child abuse and things like that right this on censorship. We get it, we get it we're we're nuanced here at tim, cast I'm not so sure, Someone saying I dont want to hire. You is the same as you getting fired for something he's had ten years ago. So let me my position on this and then I'll show you what they said and how there was bonding. Now these four leftists, for too long been in these institutions, where they have wielded power against anyone who said a naughty word, it was ridiculous. They ten years ago you tweet something you're fired, that's stupid, I don't even agree with
bring someone for depending on what they have said now. I think right. I said the other day I was talking about MIA khalifa. If someone at TIM cass said something that was like shockingly depraved, my initial responsive probably be like. Why would you want to work here? No, like what you said and you ve created a bunch of tension between you and everyone else. I don't know. What a fire someone over this, though we that we have people tweet things, and, unlike what you want, I was really funny somebody tweeted at me like came cast. Do you know what cassandra fair banks is saying and Cassandra Fairbanks zone of my best friends? She says a whole bunch of things. Do there's! No. circumstance in which she gets fired for her spicy tweet. Sorry, just don't even bother tweeting emmy. I am a very poor free speech. I am very anti cancel culture, but I do have limits as well, because I think but moral lines. If somebody who work there posting videos of chile. And being murdered, martinets events being murdered and worse
the breeding and cheering it on and sang really awful things. Yeah I'd probably ask them believe eyes. It is what it is cancelled culture, in my view, it's not about you should know, fire someone for saying not things no and an annual people. The right saying like we don't want tit children, indoctrinated, no hold on a minute sums: Our ship is good right. We don't want these in schools. You can't just outright Book burning is wrong, while depends on the book, I guess but political mess. Jobs and certain ideas shouldn't be banned. Children to learn about them. I dont think critical. Race theory, for instance, should be banned in schools. Critical race praxis should be meeting At a certain degree, you can teach children what seek critical rice theories. Ideas represent, but not indoctrinate them to it. However, I think children should be indoctrinate to american values, something should, be censored, and even I have my lines when it comes to firing someone over speech. I really do I think most of you would agree if you worked at a company and
more posting videos of bodies being burned to death in people screaming and begging for their lives, and somebody, was gloating and cheering for it. You'd probably want to fire them to which was mere khalifa. But, to be honest, I think when it comes to this conflict, if there was a controversial statement made by someone who worked with me, I'd probably talked about and say, look man. These are the kind of things that lose that that the political com I would have a talk with them over it and I gotta be honest, like I have I'm, I'm I'm pretty, and people have said controversial things when now I'm not going to fire him, but I have my lines. I have my limits. Let's talk about this harvard students will be blacklisted by wall street after joining thirty one organizations that blamed israel for the palestine war, harvard have been warned, they have jeopardized their futures after not a statement blaming Israel for their efficacy tax billy, their heads, the manager bill Eichmann, is among well a business chiefs who say they want this
it's named and shamed, so they don't get jobs. Ah, I am for this I'll. Tell you why the woke left taken people's jobs and sponsorships and advertisers away with lies and manipulation, and now they will reap what they have wrought on themselves. Sorry look man I've said this a while ago, I will defend free speech for those who believe in free speech and for those who request, council, culture and censorship. I will make your wish come true, look alike, people keep saying to him. You have to defend free speech for everyone, no matter what, unlike me, you know to defend free speech, people believe in free speech. If you come and say I defend your right to free speech and my to free speech and then engage in support. Important speech, albeit well, I'm glad you said it. The people in new course celebrating what Hamas did. I'm glad there saying it. I want to hear it. I want to know this black lives matter posting that that the paragraph and saying they status with palestine. Good tell em,
one who you really are what happens. Democrat are now saying that no longer support be alarm over it. That's the point, but when the or left comes out, says we demand free speech, what we won't grand to you I'll, be like no, no, no, no. No! We we play by these rules. Okay, I'm not going to give you political advantages when you seek to oppress, suppress and destroy If I and someone else can sit down for a casual conversation and we both agree, we should be allowed to have their ideas and express them and challenge each other good. But this is, Someone comes up and says I have a right to keep. It bear arms, but you don't, I say not gonna fly if you wanna take, I guns for me that I'm gonna take yours from you, get it. What happens when you have one faction saying only we can have the guy? These are the ones who lose the guns lose the war They lose their rights, they become oppressed. So why do you think happens when you? left the same. Only we should be allowed to speak. I say
No, you are more dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in that regard. Now, for the most part, I say that somewhat somewhat fuzzy facetious manner There are certainly circumstances certain circumstances where I want the far left to say the things that they're saying so I'm not. Tell be allowed no more speech for you when they're out when their outing themselves as violent extremists right so the reality is. I actually do like it when they speak. But my point is this right now, as these harvard students are getting blacklisted, I ain't shed no tears and I am not going to come defend you, because these people outright support abject evil. Take a look at this chris bakkie tweet. The law students at harvard are beginning to really sweat the fact that they might get fired from their first year associate jobs, helping dow chemicals cover up pesticide spills and small town reservoirs simply because they supported a tear,
wrist organization in law school over this gross back, that's a very odd or is the ex founder with exits to act. I don't know I don't know is but It's really well crafted tweet their jobs, helping dow chemicals cover up past. Sites pills in some all town reservoirs, simply because they are or the terrorist organisation bravos her statement. The harvard undergraduate, nepali student association. We regret that are too and of course, on the latest p s c statement to call attention to struggle injustices against palestine, with an earnest desire for peace, has been interpreted as a tacit support for the recent violent attacks on Israel. Really, we deplore the attack. I, have taken the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians in putting tender these students in Israel, we are deeply saddened by this news and more in the lives that we have lost and polly community. We worry for the many people, Trapped in the midst of an escalating conflict to ensure
our stance on the ec on the condemnation of violence by Hamas and support for a just peace remains clear. We retract darcy nature from the statement, though, through this message we hope so love strengthen solidarity as multiple committees around the world, including to says the loss of those who have left us too early culture war victory back down. You see, let me tell you what these people were doing. They thought the far left view black lives. Better view was the dominant view and they would defend Hamas and they got a cold wake up call when cash was pulled out from underneath them money talks, bs walks, on the wrong side of history, and so what happens now? Oh. You're, not gonna, get hired anywhere, you're blacklisted your degree as worthless, and you ve wasted your life and their realising it many of these people don't actually believe and black lives matter and I've. Why not the same as everybody else, stop stay leaving behind the evil
liars and manipulators, because you think they have power It is those who stand up for truth and justice who will prevail, and so what happens? We stood beneath the boot of cancel culture and is far left extremists. They got preferential treatment, but now people are realising who these extremists really are and their power is being stripped from them. But all those who work for our collaborators. Let me apply the same rules. The far left would apply will apply them to you. You collaborated with oppression, with extremism, with violence with mirth, with riots and now you're starting to cry. Oh no you're, not gonna, get hired. We see the cowards, you really are. You didn't actually care for these causes,
you just were: smart. You were more terrified of those lunatics than you were of the same, rational people who are trying to be reasonable with you, and so we get it. Those of us who dont want war with Israel or palestine, who don't agree with everything Israel does have legitimate critics. in terms of what israel does but understand that Hamas is killing civilians as a principle to a a strategic strategy for that for what they represent, and we condemn that outright. We try to be reasonable here. That's the conversation. We have a tim cast. We bring on individuals who are pro palestine. Absolutely tell me. Your views and phil argues very, very passionately with max because we want to.
but we want to be reasonable. Innocent people should not die is real. What are they say? They say we will try to minimize casualties. Do they always? I don't know, there's criticism of right, they're allowed you're allowed to criticise them, and a lot of people are upset. They feel their not allowed to criticise them what they should be allowed to criticise them. These. People were cowards, who thought they were standing by power and not truth, because the far left said there is no truth, but power and these people believed it wake up. Call truth prevails. The truth will set you free, and so now there walking it back like cowards shore. Well, good luck I'll leave it at that next time, as segment is coming up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast, I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all then. Earlier this week we got a super chat on TIM Kaine I rose from someone who referenced the red half her. I don't know anything about it. So I did
google search and found an article from forward dot com, jewish independent, non profit where they wrote holy cow. Can one half her herald the third temple and the end of the world as we know it you see it's not so much about whether you believe in these religious prophecies or superstitions, or anything like that. It's that there are people who do and the argument was with the birth of a red. Offer in Israel just this past month, there will be attempts by people who believe this to construct the third temple. They believe it could result in a tearing down the aisle. The mosque as honest. I idea about any of this. I don't follow the stuff I'm not on this, but I decided. Let's read this article,
I do find it very interesting and setting up that's going on that in September. Eighth forward wrote this well before these attacks can one half her herald a third temple in the end of the world as we know it? Well, let's read it mirror fox rights. The days of the third temple are apparently upon us. Why? It's all to account alike. Cows. Cows are funny, you drive, we know, and- and everyone knows this when you drive down the road there is no circumstance in which a cow, is seen that someone doesn't say cow and you all know it. We love cows
that you're home with dies dot com. I why or lead as install free design, gun, sedation, resembles and free shipping lines, not tom recommendation. You get up to forty five percent off door. Buster deem that brings our rules and restrictions may apply in the bible. I heifers feature heavily in temple law, the cat we must be pure, read without even to hairs of another color and without any form of blemish, and they are an essential part of sacrificial purity laws. Their ashes are required according to pay, just in numbers to purify the temples, priest and its alters, but these laws I have long been a relevant. After all, there hasn't been a time well in well over a millennia in which to slaughter the cows
some religious stories, however, say that before the third temple is lt heralding the messianic era, long prayed for by both jews and christians. A pure red, however, will be sacrificed again in judaism, era is prophesies to mean the come of a time that includes the return of biblical laws of purity, thus allowing for true, wholly life for evangelical christians, it would herald the end times the return of Jesus to earth and the rat sure this belief as long driven christian zionism and christian, lobbying on behalf of Israel, for both groups. There are a few weeks payments for this time to arrive the restoration of the nation of Israel, jerusalem- a jewish city again, which was complex sort of by Israel and nineteen sixty seven and the birth of a red heifer to purify. It all and here we go in happened apparently apparently, according to a ruthless announcement in the uk, tabloid the mirror, a red half or how
been born. The first born israel in two thousand years, the temple institute it So I'm based organisation led by american, born orthodox rabbi, hiram rick men advocates for building the third temple, you have said that they will be examining the calf carefully as it grows. For blemishes, in order to see if the time is right to start the construction, okay, so apparent this red half her was born and when it grows, it may have a blemish. Someone ups, they say the half her herself, this particular calf is on accident. The temple instead has been working to breed a sacrificial cow for years. After importing red anger, Cows from Nebraska, the most recent calf is not the first birth that has been announced with great excitement and several have also been shipped in from the. U s where evangelical christian farmers support the jewish efforts. This is nuts
while some jews believe the third table can only be built in the prophesied messianic age groups like the temple institute, believe it, the jews, have to take the prophecy into their own hands in their interpretation. The long prayed for epoch epoch can only once the temple has been built in purified and they believe that upon them, the institute maintains an active youtube channel where they post temple, talk podcast episodes too lessons and videos detailing their efforts to pave the way for a third temple, including recreating dozens of temple, vessels, of also built a giant golden menorah according to Torah specifications and weighing in half a ton, including forty five kilograms of twenty four care gold. It currently stands central plaza of the jewish quarter and Jerusalem's holy city ready to be kindled in v, rebuilt wholly temple according to the institute's video bonnet Israel on other pro third,
My group has both jewish and christian members that, according to its website, work on active bringing the redemption closer. They are responsible or shipping, several red heifers from taxes to the? U s. Earlier this year and a rabbi, it's your cock, Oh I'm triplets right from yet another third temple group of knee jerusalem. Told the christian broadcasting network that he has planned a ceremony for pass over twenty one, or to slaughter the imported heifers, assuming they have not any blemishes before then memo said he bought a plot of land overlooking the. MT twelve years ago, specifically in hopes of using it while the slaughter ceremony and beginning preparations for the third temple's construction. Alright. So what is this? The that the trouble with the third temple? The destruction of the temple is one of the greatest tragedies in judaism, but building a new one that the third temple is a complicated, controversial proposition, both religiously and politically, the temple mount.
Warmer site of the second temple is currently the home of the dome of the rock and our acts. A mosque both hole, sites in Islam, the jerusalem is under israeli control. The temple mount is me, urged by an organisation called the jordanian walk, the israeli soldiers controlling ingress and egress. western wall, judaism's most holy site is at its base. Wholly forts proximity to the former side of the temple, but access to it Top is restricted for non muslims. The jewish air inside the area has been officially prohibited for most of Israel's existence. Interesting jewel. Six aren't the only issue, however, scholars, including me israeli rabbinate have ruled the grounds are off limits to jews. The holy of holies, the inner portion of the temple, access to which was restricted only to purified high priests, is unknown at the time destruction and ritual law forbids anyone impure from entering due to the impossible
You have temple purity without a temple. This means the past www accidentally coming into contact with the inner sanctum. While impure is too high. Others argue. The third temple cannot be built until the messianic era. Prayed for and predicted in the jewish texts lives. Not old. Jewish cows agree. However, they never do. Jewish groups especially in recent years, been allowed to pray to the temple mount at least one group. Along jerusalem led by yahoo dot. Click has made promoting an established. jewish prayer, the temple, mount its mission and though the rule Was of officially remained unchanged, israeli soldiers are protected, click and other jewish worshippers on the hilltop. So look, I don't know, but there are people arguing A lot of what we are seeing now is because there is an effort to manifest the end of days and we ve talked
at an odd tim cast I'll I'll, read the the bit less than a second. There are conspiracy theories. There are people who want revelations to occur revelation they want the apocalypse, which means revelation knowledge enlightenment. So what they're doing is, instead of waiting for the signs, their creating them and that's, essentially what their arguing some of these people. The third temple instead believe. They believe that they must make the prophecies happen forward. Says The movements towards building a third temple have generally resulted in violence. Jewish prayer, amount is seen by palestinians as an assertion of israeli authority on the holy site and want to read have Was in Haifa in the nineties, a columnist in parrots even wrote that it should be shot before it cause and other intifada. but if you're believers, the controversy, makes no sense, they believe at the third
apple will be a source of god for all people and usher in an era of world peace. Despite evidence to the contrary, it will be interesting right. If people really believe this, then it matter what anyone else thinks if you truly believe in your faith that, at the end of times is near and the red have her was born at being set. This story is not that someone ran from their cattle farm frantic with a photograph saying it was. It was born. Finally, in two thousand years- oh heavens, me no. This is a story about people importing and intentionally trying to breed red heifer is that are pure, so they can perform the ceremony, it's political. If Israel decimates Gaza flattens it levels, it is lindsey, graham called for in a psychotic statement.
Then what what will the opposition be? The fear was that the nineties there could be an intifada. There would be violence and terror, but right now we're facing it. If Israel decimates Hamas and leaves nothing standing, then there can be a sacrifice of the red, heifer and no one to stand in opposition, and this is the point of before making when they commented on tim cast ironic, that it could be a political move that people are attempting to bring about the third temple again. I really know what all this means All I know is that I did a google search and found this article and found it interesting that there are people who believe the end of times may be near, and thus they want to usher it in intention. there are others who have spent their whole lives trying to bring it about, and what, if it's all true man, I dunno I consider myself a follower of any religious tax. I do believe in god
and this is foreign to me, but it could be massive political motivations for religious groups, so you should definitely learn about it and consider it or leave it there. Next segment is coming up at, I believe, six p m, on this channel. Thanks bring it up and I'll see you all them. Flexibility is great, that's weathers, yoga. Flexibility. Fear. Insurance coverage is great too It's why there's united healthcare insurance plants under it? My golden rule, insurance company, united healthcare insurance plans, offer flexible budget friendly coverage for medical visions until a more one of these plans may be right for you, if you're say, between jobs coming off your parents plan. Turning aside hustle into a full, hustle or even missed opening moment want more flexibility find out more about united healthcare insurance plans at you. Each one dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.