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Israel Plans GROUND INVASION, Lebanon TARGETS Israeli Civilians, WORLD WAR 3 Fears IGNITE Over Iran


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Israel Plans GROUND INVASION, Lebanon TARGETS Israeli Civilians, WORLD WAR 3 Fears IGNITE Over Iran

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this. You can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this, it's all natural, not big farm. A crap Not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies chalk c h, o q fellows, they have a male vitality, stack, nine, today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys theme: vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years, younger, go to sea age, old, hugh dot com, promo code tim
You thirty, five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join, and become a member to support this podcast and all the work. We do and you'll get act. As to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast, I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story everyone is losing their collective minds of what is currently happening with Israel and Gaza. We have a lot of information pertaining to the escalation of war, and while there are culture, war stories talk about and we'll get into, I think the bigger right now is what is currently happening in terms of active warfare in the middle east, and it is expanding israel planning to invade gaza and take out hammas leadership thereof. Numerous strikes on lebanon, getting Hezbollah people in this of lebanon have been fleeing Israel, is evacuating several communities. We have
viral clip from Ben shapiro warning. About what what is essentially he's describing something that people refer to as the samson option, maybe not explicitly. The bench appear warns that, if foreign entities, if arabic nations invade israel or attack them. Israel may begin firing nuclear and this is called the samson option and it it's the most likely or logical outcome in the event of a military strike on Israel. That's it. You can't expect any country, no matter what your political position is to simply be like what we ve been invaded and about everybody wiped out have a nice day, the purpose of having weapons, that Israel will say we will do everything week. We have due to defend ourselves in the event this escalates beyond Israel, palestine, and it is serious in bombed, but to be fair, that's been ongoing. Now, Lebanon,
hezbollah, but these are ongoing conflict If it extends beyond these these borders or continues to escalate and IRAN gets involved. Then perhaps world war? Three and its don't look at me. I'm not the expert, but we got a whole bunch of of individuals warning that we could be facing world war three, and I think it's I think it's fair to cite in appears argument. He sang if the? U s does not provide material support. We may end seeing the samson option, and that would be bad for him with no right down united states. We ve gotta economic crisis, gotta border crisis. We What is it right? Aid declaring bankruptcy, see the asses are closing down or or is it yeah yeah they're, closing down bank branches are closing down. Your things aren't looking too good for the global economy, and I think too many people are trying to plug their ears and just pretend like it won't go away.
But hey look man, you do what you want to do this way. It's out. People are so important to stay, informed and pay attention. What's going on here? comes to warn you that there is a fire raging in your garage and you plug your ears. No la la la light. I want to hear it. I want to hear it just stop or you refuse to accept it If there is no fire, there's no way got to here, I don't want to see it and you ask them like look. I took a picture. There's a video, a fire, your garage man, you need to get out your house, I don't wanna, hear it. Other people are like will. Maybe the garage deserved it like whatever. but I certainly have a lot to talk about of the media, melt down and the brain wrought, butts as we are witnessing. The escalation of war on several fronts and a fear that the? U s could be done act into a multi, pronged war. We have this front cast outcome from just as best we can U s must prepare for simultaneously simultaneous wars with russia.
And china congressional report says All this is going down the Israel, Gaza conflict, palestine conflict is threatening to drag everyone into world. Beyond russia, china. Now what wonder article that was put up to guess I come last week, china is trying to instigate or on for france for the? U s to split the ices capabilities, thus allowing china to basically do whatever it wants, so yeah Maybe we get out of this one without world war, three or maybe the sound law goes down but let us news from the new york times is real. invasion, plans, target gaza city and hamas leadership. This? from just this past week. Couple days ago, this saturday, I believe these rates military to bring to invade the Gaza strip soon with tens of thought since of soldiers ordered to capture gaza city and destroyed enclaves, current leadership, according to three senior
israeli military officers who outlined on classified details about the plan The military has announced that its ultimate goal is to wipe out the top political and military hierarchy of Hamas, the palestinian groups, trolls Gaza and lead last week's air attacks in Israel that killed thirteen hundred people, yes is expected to be Israel's largest biggest ground operation. Did invaded lebanon into doesn't six. It would also be the worse, in which Israel has attempted to capture land and, at least briefly hold onto it, its invasion of Gaza, two thousand eight. According to three senior officers. The operation, risks locking Israel into months of bloody urban, combat both above ground and in a war and of tunnels. The fraud offensive that Israel has long avoided because it involves fighting in a narrow and tightly tightly packed Sliver of land populated by more than two million people, israeli officials have warned that Hamas kill israeli hostages use palestinian
combatants as human shields and have strongly territory with booby traps Now there is certainly a lot to say pertaining to the american view: the war but I'll all eminent reserve that for the one pm's I meant to break down the collective mental wrought were witnessing, but for now I want to talk about escalation of war, because as much as culture were, issues may be more entertaining a mortgage with whether or not we survive this. To be completely honest, we have this from yesterday DE, reports, Israel, lebanon border clashes, escalate lebanese, has fires launched attacks on israeli army posts at all. border village on sunday, and it is retaliatory strikes in lebanon. As you when peacekeepers, warned border clashes were escalating, spread fire across the Israel Levin on board over the past week and has raised concerns that fighting with him
militants in Gaza could escalate into a broader conflict. Hezbollah Hezbollah's attack on schuller, a farming community that abuts the border fence killed one person wounded three others, the militant group and israeli medic said as the word worst borders since a month long war doesn't six entered at second week As will also said, it had targeted barracks in Israel, Benita with god did missiles and set it inflicted casualty. On the enemy ranks. The israeli military said had conducted strikes in lebanon in retaliation, declared a zone within four kilometers, the lebanese border off limits to public access, three security sources confirmed to Reuters that israeli artillery had struck rural areas in the south armed wing, alcan brigades said it had fired? Twenty it's from lebanon on too Israeli settlements, I just liked
stress what they're saying their attacking. They are instigating attacks on civilians. Well, you heard it from that. Yell professor settlers. Aren't civilians right. So this is it look man You want! You want deep philosophical answers. You rules. There are no rules in war, people try to claim there are rules, are based we telling you a lullaby, telling you a fairytale lullabies wrong phrase, but there too to tell you that you need to pay attention any of this stuff The world has rules and order is maintained. There are no rules in war. We have these gentlemen arguments. I love it. I love him over the patriot. You guys know it my favorite movie, and you have that famous seen- were male gibsons talking his character, Benjamin, why more or less than is talking with? Bigger was cornwallis.
And he says you merely stop the firing upon my officers as part of the negotiations. as I could you imagine a battlefield it with no officers and like no gentleman like two could be chaos or something that effect. And magazines character says so as your men are targeting women and children. I will the order I will. I will order my men to fire officers on site, but this is this idea. That's. You know the british somehow believed that yet at officer- standing on the lines giving orders to the battlefield, sure I'll, idea of war crimes and like the geneva conventions and the haug conventions sure we have these peoples a war crimes are being committed by Israel and war crimes or terrorism being committed by Hamas children. You grow up.
This world, where they tell you that certain things can be done in war, that a joke people are willing to kill each other. win and there's some argument about the horror of war crimes as if that's gonna change anything you the moment, one faction decides to kill the people of another faction over some ideology or resource or territory. Your rules be damned Thing is fascinating. We claim that we have this order internationally, please war crimes are meaningless to those with power. Come on we're talking about Barack Obama killing a sixteen year old, american citizen there you go war crimes and that's what people think
El reports graham warns IRAN if it escalates war in Israel were coming for you that's a question of what iran thinks it can stir up. Let's talk about how humans tend to think murmured Alex got banned when just Alex Jones, a bunch of other. right wing personalities all got banned around the same time, and this is interesting to cascade effect. First Alex Jones, its banned from platform and then, like a wave. All the other platforms ban him. Why? Well? Here's? How describe it right when it comes to business and meeting travel in orlando goods, never business as usual. I could go on for days about all the incredible places to hold your meeting or france of industries that call at home, but when it's time for your business to make the extraordinary happened. Albert minero of limitless solutions set at best orlando, is an incredible place for innovation and when
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are some of the men were armed believest those there was a man had a knife and the police intervened and pull the israeli israel supporter boil them out, but how does this happen. How is it that seemingly normal good people are all of a sudden chasing down a jewish man in the street, whose in fear for his life, fear that he may be about to die the some mobs operate? One person will run other people. mostly dont, want to fight or be violent, but they're gonna run along with him. I just really really can't stand how humans do this and they do you see what happens is we have a large crowd of individuals and they see one person running and another person Many of them are gonna run after to see what happens, but this creates a mob force. Now other people who see fifty people chasing a guy and how many of them now to be violent. Forty turn into a murder, not that many, because
it is the one guy who instigated the fight is now surrounded. He has cover he'll hit the guy that guy will fall. On the crab, will then surround the injured individual. Many of the people doing nothing, but people will pop out one of time and go. Bang bang kick punch slam eventually, persons debt, it's how it happens with breaking into buildings during mobs, as I have explained this to as to how it will go down in say, like your house, if rights truly get bad coming from the far left, when one person walks the port with no intention to break into the building. Several people will follow wondering what's happening in wanting to watch one person will go and look at the window and other personal goblin like kick. for once and run away on other personal run up, and we're gonna break open, they'll run away. All I did was at one time a runaway snowflake doesn't blame itself for the avalanche, This is what we're looking at right. Now we are at this in the large, in a large scale right, you have Hamas engages in this attack. They start killings of
Israel, then retaliates. Nobody cares about who is right or who is wrong. The idea that war crimes matter It's silly to me. Obviously we don't like it when they are committed. We have an undermining of what they are: torture and kill. civilians, rape and kidnapping, etc. Spite Hamas, the terrorists,. Because they targeted civilians, captured them and killed children indiscriminately. Israel also has killed civilians, no question, but I know a fair point. by ben Shapiro is that Israel is not going to go parade around. cheering on the killing of civilians they actively and desperately tried to claim they're not or they'll? Try and make excuses for it. Meanwhile, Hamas does the opposite: they published videos of them, killing civilians and they argue the yale professor deck so that the left does that settlers
we're, not civilians, well, the mob mentality could lead us into world war. Three Your case, he says quote if Israel is forced to the wall, the possibility of clear exchange of extremely high. It was an emotion that shapiro, has basically satisfied u S, does not get involved that it could be world war. Three wanna play the cliff from venture bureau so the real risk for Israel in not finishing off Hamas right now, is that this is taken as a sign of weakness, as it certainly would be by Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a far more dangerous terrorist group than commerce. Hamas is a dangerous terrorist group. They just proved it by killing thirteen hundred jews hezbollah. currently has over a hundred thousand highly sophisticated rockets aimed directly at north of Israel. Estimates suggest that work has belonged to fire. All of those rockets wouldn't be talking about. Thirteen hundred edges you'd be talking about somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand dead Jews day. One. If Hezbollah gets in
Israel will have no choice but to unleash the air force if they unleash the air force. They're not going to be worried at that point about civilian casualties at all. They are simply going to have to eviscerate the entire south of lebanon and toppled the regime in lebanon that supports kuzma. If that happens, IRAN undoubtedly gets in and so to syria. If that happens, and Israel's faced with a with a full war in the north. Combined with a war in the south is they want not have defeated commas. That's the predicate. If Israel forced to the wall? The possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high. That is why it is very important that the united states provide the material aid to Israel. Well that last one foot feels kind of like a non sequitur. I think appears assessment is like ninety eight percent, correct sure that Israel, just wiping out hamas, solves the problem by I don't know why. What else you too seriously. many people right now I see these these activists. These leftists are saying that Israel
off the water supply and food and an that's bad in its in it, it is a crime against humanity or whatever and insist lie as a lot of problems. First, look you have war in Israel and in Gaza. The union argue. Palestine. The palestinian authority seems to be mostly just doesn't really doing, but it is a Hamas that is elected in Gaza and the outcome on brigades are attacking Israel. The left supporting the hamas terrorists argue that open air prison and their resistance fighters who have no choice. That settlers are civilians for their fair game. If they attack Israel, the arguments against escalation would be. Israel do but I dont see that as being reasonable there having rockets fired on them, and civilians were just killed, a lot of them, including
american citizens. Many. These americans are actually dual citizens are few canadians. They were dual citizens all its weight in it, but it makes sense right. That's why they're in Israel manage, Shapiro was arguing that the? U s must pay I'd material support to Israel to crush him ass if is he'll goes into Gaza, which is likely going to happen. Then Hezbollah's likely going to escalate Ben makes a good point about what happens after that fact. But there are two points I disagree with. I dont know if there's anyway, around this at all. I dont think an argument. It is an argument we made that if Israel crushes Hamas it could avoid this, no matter what happens now, we're likely facing world war? Three. That's all at that! That's what more can be. Israel has to defend itself, whether crushes Hamas or not air strikes take out perceived weapon, depots and and and milk militarized sites. It is resulting in the deaths
millions and their targeting a wide berth, many people that I know and respect our reporting. Civilians are here, but you know what I'm sorry, man, I'm seeing all these left a spy like Israel, has just committed war crimes and done these things. I'm just like your war crimes. Statements mean nothing to me. Hamas just killed a bunch of civilians and you do they have their justified in doing that screw off? Look man, what I see is theirs peoples What does Europe peoples for palestine and there, like you better pick aside or else and I'm just like, I'm sorry. I forgot where united states came into that's a sentence, but here we are: leftists argue that Israel is it I'm seeing all these letters news organisations being like. Can you billy Israel did ass. Did this are? Did that numbs, like you talk about must it now going away flags in support of Hamas? I role now see israel firing back bombing targets and in seeking to invade gaza, and this is a dream.
escalation. Welcome the war you want it, you wanna talk about justification. Did Everyone's gonna make their arguments. I am not Israel, I am not palestine, so the people are tweeting at me being why your employees are saying not things fire them. Unlike screw off my concern, the logical pathways, the patterns we see and whether or not they lead to you haven't spent fifty bucks on gas Alan or whether not rice and beans and cost you a hundred bucks. I'm not israel, not palestine, I'm not happy with. What's going on, the conflict goes back a long time. The history extremely complicated, and I get these people. These activism was ready to roll their eyes at me, but I know it's really simple. No, it isn't and I don't care, I'm the united states, okay, we're the united states. I can't speak for these countries. What I can say is the outcome of what of of what happens here could destroy
us and our way of life. That's correct. If Lebanon, the lights against Israel, Israel, against less lebanon. We could be talking about tens of thousands of dead israeli citizen. Has banned says dead Jews. think. Bang gets a little emotional when it comes to Israel, and I completely dad. Why so much I mean no disrespect, but I'd like to clarify While Israel is a jewish state come on and there there their arab israelis, they are non jewish individuals who are in Israel. Why? This is why people like Israel Israel is more modern with democratic institutions. while it is a jewish state. There are many individuals who live there, who aren't even jewish and they seem to get by just fine. So it may be many dead Jews, but I think we should focus on the villains who will die, should lebanon escalate and our firing into more communities already people are dying is,
Well then retaliates? Yes, Syria, IRAN get involved. Israel is already been bombing. Syria kind of what has been ongoing for a long time. This it there's been war for a long time. The bigger fear, as should this escalate into force, A war with IRAN. Linsey Graham now threatening it, of the makings of world war. Three, I don't want this happens in twenty. Fourth in Israel, launched operation protective edge, many many, journalists. I knew and left us said that this is this: was mowing the law, they call it mowing the lawn. Hamas grows more more powerful, accumulates weapons and then five
Islam on Israel, Israel, then mows the lawn takes out Hamas bombs and it causes massive damage to the people who live in Gaza. I also want to stress Egypt plays playing a role here too, and the rafah crossing could be opened, but I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on the region. I can tell you this mcminn Facing a risk of world war, three, that's the fear, ray dalio says fifty per cent chance of world war. Okay, while we're already at war in eastern europe, china, china's depressing on taiwan? And now we ve got this in the Middle east, where one by one the dominoes begin to fall. What would we do as they are now, because I think bends correct Israel is not just going to die the samson option, as it's called the name for that some military analysed refer to as Israel deterrent strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons is a last resort. Now we don't know,
Your of Israel has nukes, there's a speculation that they do. If iran involved in the. U s, as we ain't doing nothing you're on your own, Israel, Israel just says we will nuke. Every country that tries to invaded destroy us. Don't know how many nuclear words they have, and it is fair to say that Israel's got nukes even one and then what is it region Israel's not got a fire nukes at russia, maybe they fire, nukes it iran, IRAN, retaliates. I don't know if this escalates beyond that. If that's, where goes, I think this argument is rooted in having the I defend israel so that Israel does not fall and that we do not end up with millions dead as fair, fair of a better point, then, if we doubt its world war three, because I feel like if we do, world war? Three? The? U s, providing military support to Israel, which which result
and a ground invasion of Gaza, which result in iran stepping up and so the fear we had twenty fourteen, then you get world were three. I don't I don't know, though this regional conflict Regional, but when you have worn ukraine already, what makes a world war. Right now russia is fighting in ukraine. They seem to be doing a good job of taking what they want. The. U s is not directly involved in ukraine. China has been flying fighter jets over taiwanese air defence zone. We don't know if they will invade. It will be extremely difficult for the. U s. To defend taiwan, should china decide to take it? Why is china, and taiwan is right off the coast of mainland china. The you smelter operations coming out of what australia, south korea or Japan can have a lot of time. Maintaining a defensive position in taiwan, though
Taiwan would likely allow in western forces to defend the island either way. The question is: what is a world war? Is it every fashioned fighting every faction, or is it a whole bunch of regional conflicts all around the world? I guess it doesn't matter is both the interests of all nations wrapped into the conflict and sir Walter, really? What I fear may be is that, as the you ask it split with trying to support israel providing material support to ukraine. russia and china see an opportunity. Take a look at the american war for independence patent. We win french intervention The french intervened on our behalf provided support to fight against the british. Why? You think the french were alive liberty in these states. We must fight for the ideology. Yet now now the french were alike
we ve got a couple million people in the british colonies who are in revolt against the crown, a large resource for the crown in terms of taxation. Economic as well as material resources, and a lot of land weakens split. The british empire by supporting the rebels, and turning the tides and their war crippling the crown in our war. French. They care about us. The enemy of the my enemy, as my friend, they supported us because they were at war with britain. That's all that matters, and so that's what goes down. We as americans are like look at our great history of how we won the american warfare and a with the war for independence. To France, it was like hey a whole bunch of these hillbillies are fighting against the soldiers we could use. We could use a whole bunch of these men to fight on our behalf, so we called french intervention, the friend
Militaristic lie, look at it like all of these guys are going to fight britain with us wherein wherein, when I grow up. I play this game called colonization, said meyers, really great game, really very educational for kids. Still a good game these days, those like nineties, graphics, very rudimental, a boardgame though so it's one and you have to ring liberty bells to earn french intervention when the war for independent starts, as if we needed to convince the french to intervene on our behalf more like the french sad here's an opportunity for us. That's the issue. Russia says the: u S is embroiled in a multi pronged conflict, regional conflicts, Oliver now's our chance. China has now our chance. Iran has now our chance. The bricks nations launch their courage, compared with the petrodollar begin lobbying various nations, the? U S, eyes, no way the euro.
threatens war on smaller countries who abandoned the petrodollars. Smaller countries, then go to russian say, provide us with milk defence against the united states and we'll use your currency to possible it's possible I can't tell you exactly how this goes down other than everyone's basically worried that it's coming world war
he is at our doorstep, so say of basically every one interesting good, its thought, maybe maybe it all just dries up, maybe maybe in twenty fourteen. This was the fear that protective edge turn out to be. I think it was fifty one days that IRAN, lebanon and syria would not tolerate an israeli invasion of gaza, and that would lead to an escalation of war. It Didn'T- or maybe it did, because its nine years later and now it's worse than ever, this conflict doesn't stop just because there is calm periods. Does it mean the war of stock, now this conflict between palestine and Israel, long ongoing twenty fourteen. Maybe it really did escalate to the point of world war. Three. Maybe there was a low but that Hamas struck back and now here we are at the doorstep of international company.
once again. Only this time we're at war in ukraine and china is gearing up for an invasion of taiwan. What do we do. Maybe your answer is the: u s? Assistance does get involved at all. Do you think that if the eu, the? U S, wasn't involved that war would just stop? Now. That's gonna bands even if the? U S, isn't involved than it devolves more rapidly. That may be the case. I don't know if I believe that enough to justify u s, intervention, basically everywhere, but that was the fear. Afterward war to the western forces. The allies feared at the world would evolve into world war three, especially with the expansion of the soviet union, and so they create what they called the liberal economic order. The world police And there's been many discussion about a new world order and, of course, there's the they claim. The new world order is a conspiracy theory. Well there,
as a version of the conspiracy theory. Words like powerful global elites are trying to orchestrate a whole bunch of who. How this then, or otherwise. Well the literal new world order per according to the council on foreign relations is litter, literally just the petrodollar system. And u s the us military, maintaining peace, a world order. I can't tell you what I can only tell you to pay attention and I can only say that everyone's losing their minds, which will be the next I'm coming up at one p m on this channel, where I bet down how people united states are going nuts yeah, it's crazy! The culture! What's funny thing like The anti establishment side now fighting itself, people, seemingly forgetting that there are like for intervention, but Israel, they will talk about that next, aiming at one p m, I leave it there thanks rang out and I'll see. You owe them. There is no subject, in my opinion more. Likely to shatter the minds of individuals than Israel and palestine
There has been a very interesting week as we have seen a massive rupture in the culture war with once ally, becoming enemies. People fighting income mining the left, exposing themselves for who they really are I love out. The left is just an amalgam of nonsensical anger. Like p marching around saying, algae bt queue for palestine. I wonder Many of these individuals have actually looked up what happens to gay people in the west bank and in palestine, and while of or there are writing suggested in the west bank, gb. stuff is legal yeah, I'm just stories about what happened. Some individuals who try to engage in what was legal, their debt calibre Router will see the left a jew, for these things, but I think What we're getting out of all of this is one. The left has always been relatively crazy, in my opinion, to carry chaotic, chaotic and destructive force. That seems to make no sense. You can see the ecb,
hypocrisy, exposed and organizations like the anti defamation leak that refuses to call out black lives matter, despite the fact the founder called for the the eradication of Israel, not to be specific. The founder said an end to the imperial project called Israel. I'm saying eradicated is yeah. That's what she's basically saying and put a bit a bit more of an emotion in the way describe it Let me tell you, my friends. What I see with this whole subject is war and everyone justify why one side is better or right or wrong and other sit back like donuts, obviously what Hamas did was terrorism targeting civilians. Obviously it is bad that the military strikes on gaza and retaliation. Israel is killing civilians. Welcome. War, my friends, here's what I see when I got no problem with anybody say what they want to say. But first, let's start with, there are people who work at sea gas too.
Opinions are allowed to have, and I'm not going to scold or police their opinions and are critical of israel. The critical of Israel, some have accused, have insinuated that Israel is putting out propaganda or whatever, and it's like. Okay, whatever, like people have opinions, man that's like kind of what we do here. Here's what happens are the most. The people were critical of israel. That I know are not supporting. Hamas. It is basically saying Israel Retaliation is over the top That's. Ok, welcome Those are my I'm I've gotten of skin in the game. Here I can say that Hamas is committing acts of but I'm getting messages from other people like you do fire, your staff tim because you know they said something bad and unlike what dude have you ever listen to any one of my shows. I think people's brains have just burst from their skulls on this one, I'm seeing people on the right, urea,
that someone dare have an opinion outside of their aligned opinion on Israel. Many people out right, saying Israel is completely justified, should do they want to do and knew no defend themselves and collateral damage, collateral damage and I'm like ok and then someone else argues that collateral damage unacceptable and then I am told that certain employs here are deeply anti semitic because they won't just get by Israel and I'm just like, did your your words mean nothing to me. Ok, like you, we're not going to get me to go to my, Roy or or anyone else and be like your political opinion, is not allowed its. The stupidest thing imaginable like you, send me a message complaining about something someone who works for me said, and my added is just like, while look somewhat else said thing. Thank you for making me aware of a thing they said have a nice day. It's funny. what do they think is going to happen, but of course the left. Does it too
I'm sorry, it's just the right right now, but the left is really exposed themselves here. This is what I love. I love the collapse. and the realignment in the culture were media reports. This is ball. Bullish anti from host lashes out over report, MSNBC benched muslim anchors, which emma and be seen him italy denies. I love us because the now's mean was making a night all they want. They did bench them to question of. Why they vanished and war they being removed for well over. It knew dot com I m- and we see, removes three muslim presenters amid Israel's gaza war. I just love it Most NBC loves to school reach into the wind about far right and white supremacy, but that of course, when Israel is retaliating against Gaza. Now. You got the left all these letters Applications are like Israel's committing war crimes and then, of course, you've got
on the right saying Hamas is committing acts of terror and it's like when, when we say that yes, Hamas, committed acts of terror is brutal, it was bloody. You think it people saying gather what Israel do first and I'm like I'll tell you my position on this one. Being in war, doesn't justify you going in in children and civilians and then It is true that there are people that I knew that this. What I'm saying I'm seeing people on the right now, calling for like censorship or or something or insinuating that at the very least, I'm seeing people on the anti establishment side, who I normally you know big fan of, advocating things without proof or evidence, Putting our planes that I'm way man, you know this this whole subject just is just like someone reaches into someone's brain into scramble it all up and I'm just sit back like do. You're nuts, ok, you're nuts. I love this though they happen
exposed MSNBC, reportedly remove these three reporters and august tell you the story from some afore republished by yahoo news and dumb disorder. Really despise with established- narratives and media some afore title, The article inside MSNBC middle east conflict. This is what we all burying volleyed max tanning rights. under who gave it this headline, because this headline is on clickable. no information is conveyed. only the most ardent of support. I'm a forward read something like this in most the internet. You need to tell us one something in a headline to get them to click it to explore more. The real story here that some of our buried is that, yes, they they removed these anchors instead of tightening that, which is the news they just
inside their coverage, which means nothing to no one and two spears? What happens that is people who did story picked it up and then ran with the headline emma and BC removes three muslim presenters, which they did I'd be see, denies at claiming they still get airtime airtime is not hosting a shout The argument from MSNBC is that they wanted news coverage instead of these tapes It shows that may be true for one of these guys, but you could start if any one of them host the life coverage of the news, the problem everyone's brain burst from their skulls and ran away and now not going to get an honest assessment from anybody, because what I can tell you is this. but a humble man who complains of internet. I don't know that. story of Israel, palestine, and I'm not going to try to explain it. I'm not goin sit here and moral equivocate. I can tell you that what must it is an act of terror and it's explicitly wrong. I can say
as Israel, retaliates there's going to be massive collateral. Damage is rough. It seek to minimize it, they claim to be, but people are still dying. You then get people saying yes, but we'll cut off water and food into Gaza as a war, crime or other site. For what responsibility does Israel have to give them food and water, where's, Egypt, the rough crossing exists and I'm just sit back like you, This ain't, america, ok, I dont, know what, Tell you about your conflict, but it ain't. America and that's the problem with us in foreign policy, and what I just don't understand is why the so obsessed being on one side or the other fine dude, whatever man, I'm not ok, I can only just speak in plain generalities: war is bad war, is horrible in and people die in war. Welcome to conflict. You cannot just come out be like during this,
multi thousand years historical can't. You know a religious conflict which has found its most recent innovation. You cannot just come. anne and be like once bad ones. Good! Ok, I mean you can write, but that's not what I do. I have no idea. I can tell you that war wars horrible, and if you come to me and say Israel did that, unlike welcome the war people look what israel is doing to gaza collective punishment. It's bad num, like I mean look man, it's war. What do you think? What do you think happens in war? this, why wars, bad? Maybe Hamas should not torn down the fences and killed the bunch of civilians and then people. be, Israel should have put em an open air. Prison may be there and have been a nineteen forty eight war brought. You want to go back in time. All. Back fine and then maybe we can figure out who, through the first rock I play that game. Could you can do it everywhere? The only differences with an active conflict,
and historical conflict people have chosen sides on this one for the most part when it comes to like china and taiwan. There's just not much fervour over it. Not to be fair, I mean taiwan is not being obliterated they're. Getting these amount of support. My point is simply I just: u: peoples rains have export? Let me let me show you how massively ex people's brains of just Obviously we got what were we have already have pulled up. This was my favorite. The left shattering of the mind andy us queers for palestine were there at london, palestine rally today, along with lgbt, stands with palestine, others and hence also included islamists hammas supporters in the far left. What I love love, love about all of this, and I am glad that they they theirs
coming out and holding these signs and everything. Yet these people would be at at best their best case scenario, ten years in jail in Gaza. If they openly came out an admitted to engaging in energy bt b, years or caught doing it, these people that are coming out in the west, I'll tell you what what the left is. This is your perfect example and I'm so happy that these people expose themselves for who they are it's. Why I love free speech. They stand for nothing nothing, they don't care about children being killed. I don't care about innocent civilians being killed. They only care about hating, you they're demons, figuratively their evil, They are the that that is the union within light, there is darkness within darkness. There is light.
Said. The anti establishment forces represent the light being that it is imperfect and are still does exist, darkness within their people. Who would subvert and manipulate. There are people in the anti establishment- actions who are not good people and just masquerade as anti establishment for money grifters they exist, but overwhelmingly. I think that what we represent as an attempt to honestly assess, what's going on to make the world better the left as an inversion of that people who hate and want chaos, destruction, fear and pain. Don't take my word for it. Look only at the absolute absurdity of people sank, whereas for palestine israel if you're algae bt, your mostly fine, I mean every society has its repressive faction of sorts, but you can be gay in israel and palestine. You can't in fact you might die because it happened.
I'm not gonna pull the stores up their graphic and their gruesome, but many of them exist read the stories about what they do to people who are algae bt. This shows these people dont know Dont care are simply marching and locked up like a zombie, hoard and pcs, whatever horrifying, but at least they expose them. As they expose themselves for who they are? This is from wikipedia algae, bt rights in the state of palestine, and they basically mention it sooner ten years in jails violate the penal code of Gaza. criminalized, same sex activity, etc, etc. They say There are no civil rights that protect them. Ten years imprisonment in Gaza, the west bank is a little bit different, but in the west bank, It's not about the law and me about you. Just are not likely to survive. Hassan he's got a good tweet only this one. He says the mcdonald's universe is an astute.
of disarray here. Have this mcdonald's is donating thousands of free meals to the Israel, Israel, defence forces and citizens after Hamas attack four thousand meals daily to the idea, and why? Wouldn't they? Why? Wouldn't they bow from doubles. Oh man, I just I love the shattered brains Oh man stands with Gaza. They basically the statement being like yo mcdonald's, it is rising, nothing to do with what we do and we stand with and then yet mcdonald's pakistan official statement. I absolutely love this capitalism, Yeah, I'm sorry, multi, national capitalism struggles to survive, this environment of war. just the reality of what it is man, because pakistan is like leave us out of it. O mine is like we stand with palestine, and Israel is like. We stand with idea why
because they are selling products to the majority of that country, Mcdonald's oman knows that the support for mcdonald's of Israel is gonna, cost them business. So they have to come out no, where, with the other, guys welcome the war. I think it's absolutely enlightening. Enlightening oh, but wait there much more. You know I just I just I just love this you're, not gonna, take aside for the most part. I don't even my opinions and thoughts and what's likely here's roma, the bbc, Egypt warned israel days before Hamas struck. U S. Committee chairman, says, ok and be seen as you. investigating whether iran give advanced training to Hamas militants wow, so it could be. Israel new in advance and the, we now get for many people, is that Israel did not when they let it happen because they ve been funding Hamas and while it is true, there was some support from Netanyahu. I think those that he thought I'm not gonna ammonia, eleanor enough about it. Ok, but the curse
Articles are like he thought that he could negotiate with them and you Can'T- and so he made it all worse. but now we ve got it from the: u s that IRAN may have done at all with lindsey gram calling for bombing IRAN shudder, brains, Hamas, Attack was an israeli intelligence. Failure on multiple fronts is the other side. Israel didn't They could have known and now is an intelligence failure. Perhaps perhaps this is where we are. We are in the most. Trusting of times, I must say, but now, ladies and gentlemen, I like to give you my favorite: Well, I can't say there are many on the right who, I believe, are actually losing it calling first, our ship or at least insinuating. There should be some advocating for war intervention. Look man, I don't think you should be involved with ukraine. I think there are better arguments why the EU should be involved in Israel, I'm still anti intervention.
I understand the crisis that is emerging and where it can go, but that we're trying to avoid world war three. So how table eyes. Us don't look at me. I'm not here to give answers. Anger, none! But I love this one eye. Do love how the institutions are being exposed in the culture wars, imploding, beheld. Allay faces backlash over support for Hamas, really take a look at this from the anti defamation league. I want to say this Too much is named jonathan green black seo. say this to the anti defamation leg. You are evil. You are despicable, evil people, you are the cause of what we see when the fog leftist advocate for Hamas. It is your fault because you refuse refuse to admit your role in all of this and, to be honest, the dl is a tool as a weapon. They lie, they cheat, they steal, they are evil. People have a nice day, fringe left groups.
express support for Hamas is invasion and brutal attack in Israel fringe left groups. Shore whose french left groups, while its ds, a salt lake dsl. Es f, dsl long, beach, ds, eight pittsburgh, the young damn socialists of america or the national chapter, or I'm sorry chapter in north carolina them and at some lawmakers, if those ideas have denounced them, independent black lives matter. Chapters oh eighty out, we love you so much you're, so predictable, be, alas, be alone. Really be alarmed grass roots, be eleven chicago, be Elam Phoenix, be alarmed. Detroit heavens me fringe groups, you mean local chapters. I love this one be a lamb, grassroots, a splinter groups, not affiliate with black lives matter. National organization and I introduce you to this wonderful caveat. It is important to note that black lives matter chapters are run independently from the national black lives matter. Global network foundation and many are Finally on affiliated
plasma. International organised organisation has not yet commented on the current israel. swore do they need to. He's in german. I give you the founder of black lives matter, and this is the black lives the global network foundation referenced by the eighty AL, which includes patrice colors, who called for the end of Israel in two thousand and fifteen dude. I don't care, I'm sick of the hypocrisy. Nobody wants to look at the bigger picture war well, yeah, there's some people say wars hell, but some people say it's not theirs. That famous quote Sharing at war is not how, because how is not full of innocent people. It's full of the guilty and war is almost nothing but innocent bystanders. I'm not here to argue who owns what land, but I can argue this. Israel was attacked by Hamas in the most recent
persian. Hamas terrorists targeted civilians intentionally, as argued by the left for bargaining chips against Israel, because they believe that an open air prison at its israel's fault logic. Egypt, has the rough across and it is not easy. His fault, but they'll, argue nineteen. Forty, eight, the palestinians are pushing their land, blah blah blah blah welcome to war. What would happen if needed americans are bombing cities. I mean come on weak, it's war, you can't have it ok and other I don't think there's any good solutions. There is all What humans think is just an think is fair and then there's reality. Power winds and the left is often realised that so Nineteen. Forty eight, I guess, there's a civil wars. What many referred to it as Israel, whence palestine loses, welcome the war, no one's happy about it and our ongoing. you know I look back at the history, the united states and I'm not sit near being like aids, so great that you know that there were
a native americans who were murdered and stripped from their land talk about the aztecs negus, I'm talking about the hopi. I'm talking about the little you know gatherers and farmers yet had a rough but there are also being terrorised by the comanche, and I think the apache em up among super went forth. My point is this: man. War is the state of the world, and it is only because, We have had this peaceful era and that's like putting it lightly, does not really the you're still been at war, but it's more peaceful. it's only because of this. We grow accustomed ass. I did not really conflict over land or whatever dude. Here's. What I see. people screaming into the wind online. Israel. Israel is palestine, palestine, palestine and I'm like that moralising to me man, it means nothing yeah, I get it Hamas there ideologically view any israeli citizen as an evil settler. The far left does as well, which means they will kill them on the right
I think this is where the honor lies in trying to avoid killing civilians, but due to the collateral damage and of Israel's response: a lot of civilians are dying. You and rhonda santas, and he said something like every one in palestine is Hamas, but they are all anti semitic and I'm just like hey. I the idea of the? U s shouldn't be involved in these things. Here's the big challenge. I am not so naive: if world war, three tour were to erupt between nations, not involving the. U s should we get involved. I don't have all the answers for you, my friends, I can say generally when it comes to regional conflict. We shouldn't be involved because y'all can argue among themselves. We are not the judge and the world police. We don't sit near, determine what is or should be
At least we do we shouldn't, but the issue then becomes if Israel does engage in the samson option and decide to nuke it's adversaries and we sit back and do nothing. Does the world just end and burn down around us at a certain point? There is a challenging question which why I'm not always absolutely at intervention. If I live in a big house- and I have roommates and roommates are setting things on fire to to to hurt each other, I mean I can sit back and watch my house burned down to, or I could say I have to get involved and stop this fighting, it's two people fighting in my house. They live there. They have a right to live there. Anything I can do about it right. I typically stay out of their business say I don't care about why you guys are fighting, but one day, one of the other guys there's like a fire between the two rooms. Yet you gotta do something about it cause we all live here too, if it does devolve into world war. Three we're screwed and that's the big challenge here
There is no easy answer. All this. All I can say is brought people are allowed to have opinions, that's it. We got people work, it's him castle are very pro israel. We got people who are very critical of israel the collateral, damage? Okay, a nobody here, celebrating civilians dying, nobody not from anybody ain't, nobody defending what Hamas did targeting civilians. It's a question of how do we minimize civilian casualties? My problem is Hamas gauges in these attacks and that everyone expects Israel just sit there and get bombarded by rockets. Each war man, you fire. Get it. Somebody they're gonna turn a strike back. So go this way. You to neighbours that are feuding, and what is it you, ok, look. A guy is is fitted with
labour over where the property line is, and he says he keeps moving his fence around my property and there's no good deed, nobody agrees and then fighting breaks out, I'm supposed to be like okay, lemme history, like a like research, the deed history going back hundreds of years to figure it out bro. I can't figure that out for you. I can't, but then what happens is this. I come across a conflict where one guy jumps the fence and punches. It's the other guy's kid in the face that guy pulls out a gun and shoots shoots that the attacker and then everyone's like. Why did he kill him? He didn't have to shut up. When I see these stories, where it's like a guy was robbing a liquor store with a knife and the guy, the counters the guy with the knife, though you Didn'T- have to kill all I'm light, you started the fight, so in this instance too, bit more complicated than that.
I say yeah, but you know: palestine is in an open air. Prison broke rafa, I'm going to say it again. Egypt can open the border too, and they can allow a lot of whatever they wanted. They don't international reasons and the argument here from the proposed insiders. Egypt doesn't want refugees pouring into their country, which is a weak state, as it is fair point. So what do you do? good solution that doesn't justify hamas targeting children and civilians, but that's it because their bargaining chip- if these these Hamas fighters, View anyone in Israel even tourists as fair game, what it would look at you, You're down that security funding. What happens? Everybody knows what happens even people who are propels. I knows it happens you will get. Many ideas are ideologically driven palestinians from Gaza going around and just killing it will be war. There's no good answer, so spare me or lectures spare me
People who are complaining that Israel is lying or bombing civilians they're allowed to complain about their allotted, criticise Israel, know enough. That. Is your perfect nobody's perfect. I We think I will recognize what Hamas did is infinitely worse and now people are mad that Israel's engaging with some refer to as collective punishment. Dude, it's wound dislike man, america, first secure our border bring of manufacturing, Mind our own effing business, because there's no answers here. but I assure you, man, you're walking, towards world war three, so my message: everybody you're you're tweeting, into a void when you tweet at me. We got. I got people tweeting at me that I have ah colonized or white supremacist blah blah staffers, because their pro israel
I got people saying I got staffers who are anti semitic because they're critical of Israel's collateral collateral to collect collateral damage coming from Israel, and I'm just like your words. They mean nothing to me. Dude people have opinions. We have a right, wide range of opinions here. That's the whole point We believe in free speech, ain't. Nobody has all the answers. Twitting, it means a waste of time. I leave it there. next thing must come up at four p m on a channel tat ran out now I'll see you all them. amerika can certainly afford to wars. U S, treasury secretary says, and it's not just JANET Yellin, but last night Joe Biden appeared Sixty minutes in some crack pottery. As he often does, engaging and It's that one, the most powerful nation in the world, man we can go to war and Israel would dislike bang in them. we're drums, lindsey grey, I'm coming out be, unlike you know, we bomb iran's right now without evidence, and I'm just like here- we go, you don't think in there.
going to start war with IRAN, he's going to be some kind of escalation of war before Donald trump can become president. They need to put tromp in a position where he has no choice, but to be in these. Or you see here is a big problem for the machine, the machine loves war, conquest, Total gains, expansion of energy dominance, securing the petrol dollar and funding the military industrial complex. Well, I mostly view the military as complex as a bunch of rich people who, like getting rich off war. The reality is the: u s loves the idea that it has too many guns and we can point them at anybody. We don't like. So. The problem with donald but then it gets an office and it goes no new wars. Many comes out and says: we're gonna get our troops out of these wars. They put a stop to that. They can't let that happen. and so this is where we are at I think it's entirely likely some time within the next twelve months
We will be engaged in full scale war. air beyond, just ukraine perhaps will be dragged into an actual ground war in ukraine. The less well, formerly mobilise, perhaps it- Israel and IRAN, but they need the war. Now a lot of people have set a wartime. President has never lost, but I think that counts is Joe Biden in wartime per it is usually a little bit more cohesive and coherent and an eye stand that george w bush wasn't particularly articulate, but who is still like with it. You know I mean these a gig dig, it talk and people kind of like that, You seem like a regular guy, that's other described them. Joe Biden get even talk turn it on a shadow to pressure come on basic health care. Next, all russia, the deeds, not words we never heard of so. If war to break out
I think people are going to look to stronger leadership. In fact, Donald trump will campaign on resolving the war, but he will be in it and then once he gets into office, there's nothing can do that war will be raging, hey guys, it is ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic. When I can write, I like to work, but I like fun too, it's a thing, and now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun chomp casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week you can play for free, anytime anywhere and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun sign up now at Chamba casino dot com no purchase necessary, particularly when referring to buy lots of terrific additions. Eighty plus now comes to russia and ukraine? I think donald trump absolutely can resolve that conflict and if that was it that be it, but what
since when iran, lebanon, syria, etc, Donald trump is not going to just abandoned israel. If there is full scale, active warfare and he's not gonna be able to negotiate down multiple countries, I'm not saying you can't do it. I think it's impossible. I'm saying It is a daunting task which will lock donald trump into command over a war the story from sky news. I mean the story is the quad. You get a right there. I can certainly afford to wars. U s treasure secondary says. I love this stuff speaking exclusively to wilfred. ass tat of a meeting with finance ministers in luxembourg, the trade secondary, said the economy in public finances were in good shape to ensure backing for? U s interests abroad. To wait. three pack were so rich. We got thirty three trillion dollars in bed, too early to understand the economic ramifications of all the latest conflict with oil, unnatural, Asked prices remaining volatile I'm a growing concerns of wider war in the Middle east, which she
To be on the horizon: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the split from sixty minutes, which are oh boy. When we played for you here we go billions of banned you. mean that start oversight, but that the president is asking for billions of dollars for Israel and ukraine, but congress is paralyzed hard right. Republicans obstructing the election of a speaker of the house falstaff. What is hard right mean? It means nothing. It means other. That's it all but you're in love this, let's break down the propaganda while giving you the news same time. Does the dysfunction that we ve seen in congress increase the danger in the world, yet full stop dysfunction. This is the intended condition. Members of cod
chris having to negotiate as that of marching and locked step. You see what these people are out about their psychotic us look. This is not your father's republic, apart Thirty percent is made up of his maga republicans, who are maybe democracy is something they look, how to say what you and I look at democracy or the wars in Israel and ukraine more than the united states can take on. At the same time, the united states of america, for god's sake, the most part innovation in the history of the war in the history of the world, the history of the world, we can care both of these are still maintain our overall international defence. Russia's provoked invasion, occupies nearly twenty percent of ukraine fulsome on provoked propaganda, hey look man! I get it
came, the united states is not going to be using language against its own interests, so we will absolutely say russia was unprovoked, but that's the stupidest thing in the world like Russia, one day was just sitting there. Vladimir Putin is like leaning back like that, bugs bunny me and he's like invade dude. There's reasons for all of this: the: u s backed ousting of yanukovich, the president of ukraine, the give it back that a twenty and twenty fourteen. When I was down there is just I'm sorry. Twenty thirteen was that russia wanted to rebuild the trade federation But many people in ukraine viewed that as like soviet to point out, and they don't like the russians because of what happened two hundred years ago, not even a hundred years ago, eighty years you, and so when ukraine's being ordered by the east and the west sentiment generally favoured the west. Russia did not like this. The? U s backed protests which resulted in the house of a college of being a little light on the language here. Many people
it was a see. I see I backed coup either way. This was a terror oil dispute with multiple factions involved. Russia knows this now. order to get you to spend money, we can sell cell cell baby come on imaginary, whence you and said, ladies and gentlemen, we need your support here. At tim cast, gotta TIM cast, dotcom click join us and im a member, so that I can buy a new car, you'd, be alike, that's the worst pitch I've ever heard, and that's not why we have memberships attempt, guess, dot, com and I'll, give you a better pitch. My pay for me personally comes from advertising on this show. Right now, the tim pool daily show the videos I put out in the morning that I produce and host and run all by myself is
where the money comes to me, though miami for me is: I pay myself with it. Everything else tim cast ira memberships goes towards all the projects, we're doing the staff, the expansion, I t, etc. Booking travel, investing in projects times square billboards. Things like that. Don't get me wrong this in inflates my net worth right, I I am valuing from your membership, but the point is here's a real pitch become a member attempt, casta com, so that you can help us win the culture war so that we can fight the good fight, seek out true information that helps regular people find solutions, so their lives are better. So we avoid new. or an election, if you think we're doing a good job of that, then go to him. Yes, our common goal, a member. There is one point: I use that as an example, because I want you to be a member, but realistically I'm not, come out. Give you a sales pitch that sucks. That's the stupidest thing in the world
you can become a member. I guess I mean you know we're working really hard. We do some stuff like this. It's pathetic! I've done sales. No, you come out and say: if you want the basket Coffee you ve ever had in your life, go to cast brood dot com and by. Yeah. Obviously you know, we think our coffee is good and all that, but we're going to be excited enthusiastic about it. As for the united states the? U s wants to win this territory, its their interests? I don't think it's the interests of the entire, the american people, but they are competing interests in this. Come in this country, for the establishment there The goal is to secure ukraine. So of course, they're going to say, unprovoked and there's more that's the game they play. They want you to march in lockstep. I don't live in that world. I live in a world where we are informed and try to make the best decisions we can now. Unfortunately, there may be good reasons for why the? U s is involved in these conflicts, but they don't give them to us. They lie they cheat and they steal. I call
a bad pitch. If u S, intelligence agencies came out given honest assessment, a realistic assessment. We, It actually consider some kind of reasonable aid to the region. Need it. The argument be there's no reason for us to be involved in this conflict. I stand opposed to them right. That would be your argument. Typically, it's mine. What they came out and made a real sales pitch. We might be like while. Well, ok, I guess here's the issue. There probably isn't one. That's where I stand. I think sometimes intervention rare If ever, that's why I'm usually against it? Ninety percent of the time, let's play more, rights of thousands have been killed or wounded. Interview. Last month, president volodymyr Zelensky told us he could lose without usaid. How do these wars in Israel and Ukraine relate to the sea?
three of the american people overwhelmingly that, for example, in ukraine, one of my objective was to prevent prudent, who has committed war crimes himself, bang. Oh there we go war crimes spare me dude war crimes. Anybody truly trying to win a war they like do, there's no question, none whatsoever. Let me ask you, you're in your house, and someone breaks in and their arms Armoured, a near you're, you're, home defence weapon, useless, however, you do have died,
boiling oil on your stove for making doughnuts. Would you defend yourself against this person by any means necessary? Look. The answer is yes. Obviously I won't I dunno who advocates for hitting somebody with boiling oil. It's crazy, but most people will do whatever they have to to defend themselves and their interests. I dunno how these guys break into your house. My point is this war crimes? Russia doesn't care what you think a war crime is. Russia is seeking power and resources and security for itself. That means winning is all that matters to people engage in a fight. Certainly there's a right there's a wrong, but let's eddies, are fighting over the ownership of a pot of gold that was founded of of rainbow europe. I don't know who owns it or why they think they own it and one guy split
as the other guy or blast them with white phosphorus, the other guy burst into flames and then falls to Dustin splinters away into the wind. Then you know years late, They say what happened and anyway- and I was sitting here with my particle- this guy attacked me. That's what's written down. All that matters is the people who want to win who feel they should win win to victims who took part in this conflict. The idea you know, Biden comes, I says, he's committed war crimes right. He wants to rally you against a war criminal. Russia is saying we are the war criminals too. That's the way the game is played now, certainly someone's lying, don't get me wrong or they're both telling the truth and just ignoring their own faults. At the u s is, is not innocent when it comes to global conflict, because we are all just fighting over interest and we just want to win who from being able to occupy an independent country borders NATO allies and is on the russian border, a man
What happens if you, We must succeed. You ever known a major war europe we get sucked into. We don't want that to happen so hold on. There met sir you're saying in all to avoid getting sucked into international conflict in europe. We are going to choose to at and enter an international conflict in europe. Wonderful, wonderful I'd like that. down counter doesn't say: hey look. Russia sees the down bass, stretching all the way down to the crimea region, the land bridge that and said they were after looks like russia secure, but they were trying to secure control of the black sea. Banks are coming to my ted talk and have a nice day. I love it when I try to do is get involved in a multi, pronged war and I think that'll be our downplaying It is on the russian border, a man What happened? If he really must succeed, you ever known a major war in Europe we didn't get sucked into. We don't want that to happen,
we want to make sure those democracy stayed in. Ukraine is critical and making sure that judge. That is the worst argument advocate. Waiting for. U S, intervention. I have ever heard back, maybe an argument. They will convince you, but I can certainly give away about our argument that Joe Biden is Joe Biden is giving these empty platitudes. These garbage statements we can afford war were so strong, we're so tough one, I'm giving argument. Here's one. Europe is constrained with a waning population. People are not.
Having kids, causing a serious crisis of what the future of these nations will look like. Those in power are concerned. That power will leave them so they're advocating for mass migration as they are in the united states. Ultimately, this is a big problem that needs to be solved through a cultural, ah reformation of sorts or revolution. People need to get back to supporting their values, but the real issue, I think, is when it comes war here here is a better argument. Joe Biden could give you, russia controls a large portion of natural gas flowing into europe. Europeans require this that the cost of Natural gas is sending money to russia at a high rate, which russia is then using in their alliance with china for western powers to gain dominance in the economic battle with bricks in nature, when the petrodollar we need to offset that gazprom monopoly of which ukraine as a principal player. Once we secure ukraine that
on bass, syria and are aligned with turkey. We can then start competing cutter, turkey, pipeline, etc, etc, and it was a good argument, but a better arguing. As we are in an international conflict with powerful nations who seek to disrupt the petrodollar, which is what sustains the american way of life and your quality of life, We are trying to build a gas pipeline to compete in a free and open market with russia, but russia opposes this and we couldn't scare, the treaties, ears problem. The reason why I sat and give a better argument, but I don't think it's convincing- is that what we stabilize syria for cheap gas, is it really worthy man and an immense tearing cost for the p, the engaging in these wars, their views are. It is better that everyone out of the? U s offer so that we maintain control in power. Now some of these people superheroes. They think that their staving off world war- three, in fact, I think quite the opposite. think they're engaging in world war three. They are going to make it happen. They are playing a game of chicken, they think
can just push so hard you will back down, but they won't because you're fighting ideologues and so your you're ear, you're you're, not gonna you're, not gonna win it's crazy prospect. The idea but we ve got nukes and we ve got air superiority and you're, not willie go to war with us. Sooner or later. That's not gonna fly man, it is a losing proposition. My proposal is economics technology. What do we do? We outsourced all of our men factoring in research and development are not all the most of it. What stupid? What do we have to stand on? No guns, yup guns and gas we got the guns, so we control the gas. Well, that's faltering and we don't now have technology to maintain this position, because look at the chips act
we have taiwan making our silicon chips. Why that's crazy yeah, we're gonna start building a plant here in the united states to compete, but what were they thinking? It's abs, lately absurd. So here we now have Joe Biden and janet yellin outright and explicitly stating we have the means for more war, more wars coming, I think, that's the likely outcome CBS Calls the interview Biden, stresses commitment to Israel but says there needs to be a path to a palestinian state, that's impossible. I just don't see it as a possibility. The people in Gaza want to eradicate Israel from the river the sea, nineteen, forty eight civil war, Israel winds over the next several decades. Nineteen sixty seven for offering since got palestine, shrinks it smaller in some.
Their lives there was a war, that's it that's what it is, it's warm they lost and they want all of it. There is no simple solution here. so all that I see as escalation the idea of a palestinian state. I feel like this is Joe Biden being like I have to act was what is it too humble, pragmatic, optimistic magnanimous? Now, I don't want you to think the reality is the? U s is just say and if we had all of it, if we-
add us aligned, armed guards everywhere, we'd be better off for it. Look at afghanistan, nation building, look at south korea and south korea is an interesting one. I mean south korea is obviously better off than north korea and is that what we would prescribe for every other country you see? The problem is perhaps it made sense that when the korean war broke out yet the soviet union, one side in the us on the other, we were engaged in a cold war. Perhaps it made sense that we tried to stop global communism. I don't see how it makes sense that we could. Afghanistan had spent two decades building a nation which has now just fallen the taliban and is falling apart. That just seems like one big waste of time. I suppose simple way to put it is the people who built the system for which we benefited from had children who don't know how to maintain it- and so I dont see how war is the solution to any of it, but in certainly isn't all with it. He can't maintain this and engaging in another conflict with Israel. Just stretches us. Then all
the real thing. They're saying is not that we are the most powerful nation and we can afford thus for saying Only the most powerful nation, because people fear us for our guns, but now we're getting russia saying I'll call your bluff and the end result escalation of war into world war. Three. What a pathetic idea! We need cultural reformation globally, we we need diplomatic solutions and you know what really does help and wars trade tpp wasn't it. The tpp was was was a breeding more conflict and trump ended. That, I think, was the right move. Trade is good, but the? U s giving up. It's manufacturing
bass is not good. It's destructive. We need to make stuff china make stuff, we trade with each other; instead, the? U s or china, will make it and we'll point guns at everybody else: they'll be forced to use our currency. That is not a realistic solution, so hope you're, ready everybody. I think we're going to get the outbreak of major war in the next twelve months. I could be wrong. They're telling us their waving in our faces that were already involved in two wars to new. Once that's what you get when you vote for a job I if Donald trump had been elected in two, Twenty, we would not be looking at this crisis. Unquestionably, there'll be no invasion of ukraine. Would be no attack in Israel, died, I always at they point over two years, all under Joe Biden, all under german. Can you believe, twenty twenty three already man? We are getting very close now to the presidential race motions windows. Only there,
the next item is coming up at six p m in the channel. Thanks rang out now see. Well, then no, you can't stop progress. My friends, don't we understand. You will owe nothing and you will be happy What does that really mean? Does it mean your own? Nothing! I've been physically. Yes, your own things, concepts abstractions! You know like enough yes, but will you control access to resources, the manufacturing of goods, the means of production? No, you won't, let's start with the news from there Bank of america closes twenty one branches in one week, while well Margo shutters fifteen is your local on the list. As a major: u s, banks are continuing I was branches across the: u s, leaving an increasing number of americans without access to basic financial services. Bank of america acts twin.
And branches in the first week of october, according to a bolton published by the office of the cop trawler the currency policy- I was he started on Friday. Well, spargo, shuddered fifteen. U s bank and chase report, closing nine and three respectively in total, some fifty four locations and other closed or were scheduled to clothes between October pherson, seventh of the overall closures, three we're level in kentucky, eight of the? twenty one bank of america closures were in california. Surprise. Surprise: California, failed state, By the way it's been for some years, I'm ever In the video like five years ago, saying california's a failed state, it's just getting worse, but you can't stop progress, and this is where we're headed. Why? Well? There are larger force deploy forces from the liminal subliminal and perhaps superman and John, but the general ideas its intentional. Some of its unintentional
essential is that we have smartphones and people are not going to branches as much as they used to that. cost of maintaining a branch is becoming more expensive than the benefit received from that branch technology is resulting in the shuddering of branches The end result of this will be a cashless society which of course, will be the thing of nightmares help you ready for it and we think of nightmares because if you can call it a cashless society, their wills he'll be numbers, probably a central bank, digital currency, something that can be easily tracked and exploited through artificial intelligence. algorithmic means they'll, know where you are, where you're going to be they'll, see everything you ve ever done. It is an advanced version of the existing ledger that banks have that'll, be the future. The end result of courses, as you know you, oh, nothing and you will be happy. The reason why they say that there is a famous quote, believe it was by a rothschild, I'm not sure where he said
add something to the effect of The one world government is inevitable. If I may mention, maybe should pull this up because peace, Misunderstand what it means one world see see one world government in to, and I think it was rostov be wrong. New world order. Conspiracy, rothschild quote: widened I think some of you are watching this probably know better than I, but this famous quote sad that many people think that a you know there's a conspiracy to maria bottom of the government and the general ideas this doesn't need to be. There does not need to be a conspiracy to make a one world government it is and that an inevitability that just You take a look at Europe who take a look at the united states before european colonizers came, and you could all
All the different territories that were control they all these different tribes, one by one, all of these borders started to come together and monopolizing force occurred this happens in the universe. The reason why I say a one world governed will be inevitable because, thanks in part to technology, culture is homogenizing and that's it with better technology, the wants and desires of people become more in line with each other. If you have a nation like united states you have a desire among your peers to be respected. Not everybody has that's. Ok, but typically right. If you are, I you of a desire to be respected among your peers, thus the interest I view as someone from china is different from somebody. states, and thus you will compete the boy in china says I want power, I don't care what americans think about me. The end result with occasion, expansion is that people will start to care more more about what other people think and culture begins to homogenized
some are intentionally doing this part of it is naturally occurring phenomenon. When that happens, you end up with trees. Then you'll end up with international court bodies which already exist. and then you'll end up with a one world system of governance. You can resist it and resistance is entirely possible, but I think the end result is technology will bring about a one world government of some sort, and I think it's fair to say we already have it yet you ve, got multiple independent internet, urgent aid of any get multiple international bodies, that control finance war, funding, etc, and the world is still slow. in twain with the western powers and the bricks nations. But after this there could be some kind, occasion, or maybe this is ed. There will always be like two for competition sake. Now we're living in the pond meeting the bugs the right to take away your ability to understand and no harry tubman, favorite famously said- and most of you heard me say it a million times now
I've, read many slaves. I would afraid many more if only they knew they were slaves. You see the idea there is there many p Well, who didn't even understand the concept of slavery that we're slaves? They were enslaved or told us doing so. I don't know what else what I do inherit diamond said. You could be free and be around man and be successful and wealthy in your own right. Be your own king. What many people and understand it didn't care? So there are people in this world that now, if they can take that away from you, your knowledge of freedom of liberty of meritocracy, they can raise your children with a fractured world view will be happy eventually. This means you live in the pods, you won't have kids you'll die and then the population the planet begin to shrink, as it already is, I mean slowing down So what will happen for the rest of you is we're seeing one sign, your local bank branch is shutting down. How does relate
you're no longer going to have access to physical currency because they say well you're already doing anything online as it is. the world of online will continue to expand and events we will do everything online mark Zuckerberg met a verse is still being expanded. He recently put upon ass with lex redman, where they had a siege e animation of themselves in real time. That's what the world going turn into. act for all? We know we're in that already and that's why thanks the world's dissimulation, because you are actually just playing some kind of weird simulated videogame life in your pod with the tube and your throat pumping bugs into your gullet moral philosophy and philosophies. Interesting concepts are, I think it's we're. We're headed it's, actually a reason to speculate that wherein base reality made the argument that if this we're not some kind of matrix system by choice, because if we were we'd, probably just retain knowledge of the fact that we're in that system, wouldn't we, if you want to
escape from reality and live a life of luxury among individuals who were. If you wanted to leave your dreams, you'd go to a single player video game where you'd have absolute control. Maybe the argument is you have chosen to eat? play a game where your mind is not aware, like the guy in the matrix cypher. When he says that no one remember nothing. Nothing, and I want to be someone important, like an actor someone important. Maybe that's it so we're doing the arguments for this being based realities that we're headed towards that world, which would make sense. It would. Makes sense that if we were in a simulation we would be building the simulation to escape into because then we're just in it. I don't a circuitous loop Save loop of entering more and more simulations we would choose, to live in a perfect world. Wouldn't we are not. We would want the conflict in the crisis, for the entertainment value,
but I'm not gonna, not convinced that your life or my life warrants something worth plying because in my mind, if I want actually go into a virtual world that be fighting dragons or something like riding on the a dragon fighting another dragon or whatever nonsense. Needle casting fireball spells Being an iron man having just anything more exciting than sitting in a room all day being board, but I love this concept to If we really are at a simulation base, reality must be so boring, cementing a boring. It must beat it. This is enter tenement you wake up, you gotta work, come on. You go to sleep, the wake up. You go to work really. That's the video game you chose to play, I mean hey, look people like farming, simulator, simulator and truck driving simulator anyway. Back to the point, system by which we live for a long time in our base, reality is is crumbling. We are not
time it was the last time you did a transaction in cash. I mean I go to a casino you're going to do it, so you know that still exists. There'll be a need there, but even now the casinos are starting to change into a digital system. Yeah mobile apps, where you click a button and they give you chips a, but those chips could still be currency right, backed by the corporation behind them. There will probably need to be forever some kind of symbol or or our universal trade me I'm tool, but even now Online gaming online sports betting, online poker people are going to live in the pods and are going to experience simulated reality. That is the nature of the world that we are entering and I hope, ready for it. It's fast approaching. This is just another sign, with their necks segments coming up to ninety eight p m over at youtube com slashed him cast IRA. They sprang out now see you all them. In this viral video,
a man goes to cost co and compares the price of goods. Today to yesterday, to figure out the actual inflation, is not as a lot wrong with this calculation. The inflation of some goods does not mean the overall inflation of all goods, however, there, I'm truth to be said here, the most in. Inflation may in fact be food costs as well. Include cars and everything else, and that number down or change it whatever, but It's fair to say: seventy five percent. I also don't think it's fair to say three point. Six seven I believe the right now saying that its three point, seven of three point: seven percent inflation is the official number but a translation, the the actual numbers around twenty four percent, but also those charts. First, let's watch this video This man reveals the true food inflation by comparing prices with the price tags on photos. He took a year ago
some walking around costco here I'm noticing these prices, for example, is madras lentils, fifteen. Ninety nine I bought those a year ago for six. Ninety nine. I keep getting told that we got six seven percent inflation. You gotta be kidding me. Let's look at what else we got going on here. We literally bought this chicken broth by sixty nine two months ago. Manet's ten bucks things: the flower, vine flower, now thirteen bucks, the government not as its own now that they manipulate in a dodgy way this man reveals the true do. Yes, they do because they want to prevent panic. I guess they want to control how you think about money and how you what you think you have nerd wallet says. The current inflation rate is three point: seven years why it matters inflation increase through
seven percent as september temper, twenty one three from a year ago, understanding what inflation is and why it matters how to handle a little kay, measure. Inflation. For here we go The current you, as inflation rate, is three point: seven for the twelve month period leading up separate two september. Twenty three inflation rose, zero point, four percent. a number of the previous month going to waste revenue from the bureau. Elaborate sticks to be alive, noted the shelter and guess lean indices were to the largest contributor to the monthly optic in september, the shelter and next primarily, measures rent prices, while owners of coolant rent, an estimate, what a homework would pay if they are running their home accounted for More than half of the monthly increase, the next monthly update will be released november. Fourteen twenty twenty three: what is it? it's the rate at which price of goods and services increases as a result of inflation, the purchasing power or value of money decrease overtime. Inflation affects the prices of everything around us generally. Inflation because by a number of factors, the recent sergeant in flight. It's been driven, at least in part, by supply chain issues, pent up consumer van and economic stimulus for the pandemic, types of inflation.
Blah blah blah blah. I read that very fast because you get the point the most, Poor thing here is how they measure inflation. But let me show you true: relation according to inflation, dot com, the? U S, inflation rate, aggregated since twenty is twenty three point: nine percent. While that's crazy, over the past year you can see is gonna is in it. It's not gonna load for me, As two years it's been going up quite a bit. We see a video of a guy saying this, the flowers up, five bucks, the mandate is double in price. The lentils are three times more expensive. He's got some What's not right, you can't look at one project product and be likewise and more expensive. Ok! Well, let's talk about lentils. Maybe lentils were five box because there was a overproduction of the crop.
If the producers were then sat with massive inventories and they needed to get rid of it or lose money, so they sold at a slight loss, but they make enough. It's expensive today because there was a a well to be completely honest. It was very warm over the winter, so we should have a better. We should have had a better crop, but a warm winter, so you'd think there'd be more which the price would go down, but it could be that lentils are in. Supply. Why did manage? Go up the cost of eggs, the cost of lemon juice, sir vinegar, whatever it is? These things all play a role and it may just be it the reason that lentils are more expensive as because them producer of lentils. The outer had a heart attack and the company. What do you? I could be anything right, but I think elliot that inflation is a serious problem right now, as I mention, pray earlier this week. Banks are closing them. Branches costs are going up and are witnessing it. You'll rent is nuts right. Now, I'm sorry, my friends
We have to face a challenge here at tim, cast as a somewhat atypical business now have them, talk about how I get paid, and I got no problem saying this. The tim pool daily show podcast, which is produced, hosted and run entirely by me. Granted the clips shut up the the the shorts and the clips that could are by the team. I'm saying why comment I have done. I press record. I upload all this. This makes the money the cup so make money all the money, from the show. I pay myself with I'm happy with that. It's a good amount of money. Things are getting more expensive as for tim, cast iron railing, our memberships, ten bucks a month Your membership? You can watch the benzene content scenes content join the discord server, hang of, like minded individuals, really good, really good stuff special benefits special benefits, the elite members. You know you get in in inside access to knowledge- and you have talked to staff and things like that. I wouldn't have that many elite members is kind just like we wanted to create
year for people want to be more involved and must be blocked. Are content with ten by some of what the cost of running servers is going up. People who work here need raises to cover the increased cost of food and rent, and so we have to figure out. How do you make more money come into a business when it's ten bucks obvious? We have to respect Well, we're not planning on doing that just yet. We gotta figure other means of making money and perhaps maximizing the visit without increasing costs, because the fear is if we raise membership costs, we might just lose money because we would like. pencil and there's the idea which, like ok, we'll everybody's pang at this rate stays this rate. All new memberships go up, ok, perhaps, but what? If that decreases, the rate at which we will set up new members and so there's a natural churn and burn every month, we lose acts, and then we gain why
Sometimes we lose more than we gain. Sometimes we gain more than we lose weren't, a slight uptake, it's good, but the slight up does not beat inflation, which means we have to contend with the very real prospect of at some point, having no choice but to raise rates or add advertisements. We wish we rarely The point is, it gets tough. One of the reasons we launched cast brew coffee, gotta, cast brew. Dot com by the best cup of coffee is too another means of modernization the reason why we're launching a coffee shops not just to win the culture war primarily is, but it's because we want to create brick and mortar franchises that can just operate in the real world. In the event this becomes unsustainable. This is a big challenge over time. Every one more money, with inflation actually around twenty four percent. According to translation, No, how we maintain this! We try. We're doing we're doing well, but I word word: work were flown by you. Don't tim cast is doing well
we're where we are where we are, and at this point we're hoping that our other projects we're launching freedom, a stand which is the skate, vlog style show, which is basically just bringing back the log cast castle breaks. Even if you know we have enough members who sign up forecast castle then enjoy the show that it works out and maintains itself pop culture crisis they're getting there but they're making money, and that's good. We'll get the point where these other component of the business make money. And then we can start. You know dealing with inflation in better ways, but this is the big challenge faced by everybody. If you're a business it just set itself cheese, you guys out, you got it. You gotta charge more for the cheese or hope that you can sell so much more, that the increase sales covers the cost of inflation, meaning. You need to increase your sales by ten percent to be with inflation at this level. Right, let's say you sell ten blocks, a cheese and your profit on those ten blocks. Jesus tender
yours now you the undertake that ten dollars to pay yourself, maybe going a salary. The ten dollars is on top and someone comes and says I need a wage increase and you have ten employees weakening another dollar every pay period and you're only making ten dollars. Ok, what means you, as the owner, lost all your profits? Your pay goes down to cover the cost of raising the wages of years of your employees, who are only now getting an extra dollar, not even though much ten dollars lost, one dollar gain per person, but gotta do it. So you say: ok what, if we reduce the price of the cheese and say AL one hundred now cause it's cheaper while let's say now, you're only getting eight dollars per ten, but you're selling ten times as much so now, you're getting eighty dollars now, you're, keeping yourself ten. Now is he says the challenge with business and right now I think the bigger challenge is that outside of running a business, all that stuff, the reality for most people is that
The government is lying about the true cost of goods. Banks are closing, prices are skyrocketing, stores are closing, crime is running rampant. I see this and I think it's well beyond just an issue of whether or not you can afford to buy a can of beans. It's going to be an issue of whether or not that many people lined up outside the unemployment office or outside of food banks, and I think that's where we are we may be going. We see this homelessness crisis and people don't think a lot of of these homeless people, but you ever ask yourself: where do they all come from? It's not that one day, a bunch of people just brains, their their brains shattered and they became mentally unwell. Many of these people had jobs. They were probably working as a clerk at a cvs
cvs closed cause of high crime. They are probably working at a ride. It rotted clothes because we're getting sued over opioid crisis. How? Many of these people were living paycheck to paycheck, making ten fifteen bucks an hour, their store closed, their target, their walgreens whatever and now they're part of the homeless crisis forgotten, and how many more will join those ranks, help y'all are paying attention and planning for self sustainability as what I say get out of the cities white. What one of the things about being outside the city and grow your own food, depending on where you are, you can grow food in the city I get it but you're not good enough. We had a garden here and chickens and I gotta tell you man breakfast covered. No joke is kind of awesome. We had cherry tomatoes, weird tomatoes, weird zucchinis in the morning, I'd walk out, grab a zucchini grab, a handful of cherry tomatoes, go grab, some add to the chickens and that's what I eat for breakfast and it was awesome and that's mostly it you need a lot of food. It is crazy. People do not understand how much farmland you need per person is nuts, I think the average for
feeds like twelve to twenty people. That's it it's like some low number. Maybe maybe it's not. I think it's the aggregate because, like there's a lot of wheat, but all that wheat is not a single staple re, I state's not the only thing you can eat. So when you combine all these farms, they only feed like a couple dozen people or is it a couple of dozen families? I dunno it's not as much as you might think, but I hope you're paying attention to this stuff, because, if costs keep going up, I dunno man maybe trouble come and turn it all around I'll leave it there. Next segments coming up at one pm on this channel, thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.