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Impeachment Somehow STILL Backfiring On Democrats, Trump Republican Approval SHATTER 15 Year Trend


Democrats Impeachment Failure Is STILL Backfiring, Media Starts Smearing Trump To Cover For Biden. The latest poll from Gallup shows that for the first time in nearly 15 years the Democrats are losing to the Republicans in their approval rating.Since Gallup began tracking the number Democrats have typically held a major advantage over house republicans but following impeachment the numbers have flipped and more people now approve of Republicans than they do Democrats.The whole impeachment process was an effort to cover for joe Biden and his corrupt family. The media is now playing a role in the next smear.While Bernie and Trump supporters both call out Joe Biden's failing health the media and democratic establishment are pulling out all the stops to smear Trump and Bernie and protect a man who can't speak straight.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Gallop has just released its first post impeachment Paul of congressional approval, and the results are actually shocking for the first time in nearly fifteen years, Americans up of the Republican Party in Congress. More than they approve of the Democrats, they flipped a mere fifteen year trend. The peach. Mitt backfire is so bad Republicans took the lead and improve it in approval in a year where the Democrats are desperately trying to maintain their Role of the house. I gotta say this: looks like the biggest mistake they could have made because following peach meant. They are now poised for a rushing defeat in November but these poles are actually interesting because they follow suit. Are trends like many people saying the left has gone too far left with less people in this. Three identifying themselves as liberal more people identifying themselves as conservative. It see
So the Democrats keep making these mistakes will perhaps they finally realised that they were making mistakes and now we're we're we're hearing as the beginning of this month, the latest, investigations into tromp are starting to dry up. They may be a ban them, dare I say, maybe they finally learned to drop the years of same scandal, investigations against Trump and Actually, focus on issues what's that there smearing Trump in the media. Now oh they're not actually planning to talk about kitchen table issues and advocate for why we should vote them. I should have figured as much the big thing happen. Now following the latest smears and scandals which failed and hurt the Democrats is that we're seeing censorship of tromp supporters were saying censorship on social media and we are seeing Trump
smeared by these big tat companies and media outlets as publishing, misleading, false videos and and and things like this now, we ve seen this for a while, but it seems like the next big play: internationally coming from the official political Democrats Certainly their allies is too more the fact that Joe Biden is a garbage candidate and to play up the fact that Trump publishes Miss leading videos. The reason why I said way in this regard, I find it interesting- is that the establishment, which includes people and media and mainstream politicians for the longest time were propping up these scandals. Now that it's all fallen flat and hurt the Democrats there shifting it would seem, Joe Biden is being propped up Joe by having accused left and right. I loved me that literally like progressive left and right are calling about and the media is lying about it. Protecting Joe Biden, smearing shrub and even the progressives are calling out the media machine for defending biting. This is the next big play that the shift
gonna be from smearing trump. With scandals, too marrying him in the press and defending Joe Biden amid every single scandal? You could possibly imagine, but let's read the first NEWS: what actually happened with his congressional approval, writing just how well other or publicans doing and how bad the done following this failed impeachment. Before we get started over two TIM cast outcome slashed donate. If you would like to support my work, work, theres many ways and give the best thing you can do share this video, maybe it'll, be a wake up, call to many people more chat and echo amber and other than that subscribed my channel. Haven't already most of you. Actually, surprisingly, don't, but you come back all the time. I know because you tube says it. So if you want to make sure you get acts, to my videos, because Youtube has been de ranking me and many other political commentators that may make sure hit that notification Bell or don't you don't have to. I don't owe me
I'd, just terrible what I do and you watching anyway, but thanks for being here for now. Let's read the story from the hill GEO P approval rises, Democrats fall post impeachment in Gallup poll. The reports a new gallop pull finds congressional republicans with a higher approval writing than Democrats in the wake of trumps impeachment and acquittal in the Senate Republic, get a forty percent approval writing compared to thirty five percent for Democrats. Now. This is also fascinating because heard the media all day and night. It was a sham. They want going to allow witnesses o er rum said the Democrats in their journalist allies. This was a sham trial and Republicans we're just to fund the president, but well what what's that somehow even amid all of the Pandit Free complaints Erica actually approves of the Republicans shutting down incredible, read more the Gallup poll found it since October shortly after Democrats launched the impeachment inquiry the approval ready for
Applicants in the galloping has gone up six points from thirty. Four to forty democrat aw, their approval. Writing fall over the same period from thirty eight to thirty five percent, the Disan approval. Writing for Democrats rose fifty seven thousand and sixty two, I hate to say I told you so, but I did and they say, but TIM is just bias dude. You know what man I'm not always right. I've got some bad predictions, but I'm I'm I'm right. Off, but I think when I can say this over and over again that it's it's been tracking this way for months Videos. Have I done about backfire backfire? Backfire? How many times have I said the impeachment back when I got I got like fifteen videos of every single way. This is backfire than before in their faces because, like I said man, you need to focus on issues, people care about, guess what healthcare really important where yet nowhere to be found. I guess shore
The findings are also significant. Since gallop began, pulling of lawmakers and ninety nine Democrats have tended to have to have a high Your approval rating than Republicans Gallop wrote that the approval waiting for applicants has largely gone up because Republican public and leaning respondents are giving them higher marks for their work. So basically it sounds like is that Republicans are extremely enthusiastic, whereas democrats are rather stagnant and more republicans disapprove we actually moderates. Republicans, I believe it has tolerated gallop, wrote that the approval of rights we read that This was the most shocking parts we check out gallop all I found that Senate Majority leader Mitch, Mcconnell had authority groups and approval writing the highest but he has achieved since the posters. In writing in twenty ten Mcconnell figures, largely rose and strike, the Republicans, perhaps because they favorite is handling of the impeachment fight his writing, among Republicans
and republican leaning responded, throws fifteen points. I cannot believe Mitch. Mcconnell has gone up. That's impressive! You gotta be really really bad at what you you too, to make its that Mitch. Mcconnell goes up in the writings because, like a lot of people, don't like that guy, speaker, Nancy Plazas approval number remained roughly the same at thirty nine percent, though her on favourable. Writing rose from fifty in October to fifty five percent. Now the Gallup Poll is conducted area. We get it here is something really funny Mitt Romney. Amid Romney's, apparently more favourable among Democrats and Republicans. Now that don't it Ask me why I don't I don't get about read the implications here and then I'll talk to you about where we go from here. They galloped says: Republicans in Congress appear to have benefited from the impeachment of the president, dark? Please how? What? What's what's a more extreme version of the word dot? Is there like us?
M for like dog to get to a million degree trump. Raising money before it went to the trial. He was prove a writing was going up. We knew it was gonna happen now Congress. The approval for Republicans in Congress is that is higher than that of Democrats. I can only say die. I told you so tall many times likewise the face. Verbal writings of Republicans trumpet Mcconnell have risen after the impeachment, meanwhile the pie? Looks writings of congressional Democrats and democratic leaders are the same or slightly worse than before, impeachment, given change. Unfavourable your approval, but higher unfavourable and disapproval ratings in the coming months is America's memories of impeachment fade. Europeans may change the democratic process. Not an of already largely superseded trumps impeachment in the news and that's true but check it up the story from March. First from Fox
I'm a crass investigations flat line despite vows to pursue tromp after Senate Impeachment Royal. I thought to myself if their abandoning all of his investigations. What are you gonna go for? Perhaps perhaps learned their lesson: the investigations war on net negative across the board every single time. What is wrong with these people? They don't learn. It took that many times it's been nearly four years: man, maybe five, because the russian thing started and twenty fifteen. Well, now we can see what started happen after this. There is always some kind of me no attack or manipulation. I certainly do want to imply that all of these people working together. Now I look at a more like dominoes falling over whose it was just that two weeks ago, but we could have two weeks ago that wretched read it purged half of the Donalds top moderators and plans to replace them with right. It approved model
Let me get you quit breakdown. I'm going to gloss over this very shortly and move into the media has now been manipulating the conversation around Trump, and this will be the next big smear against the president. There is a forum called the Donald on Red it, ok that its base its basically place, the largest gathering of transport on the internet. Basically, while they ve been under hard censorship rules for time, and it seems like what right it was doing you. You literally have a ceo who admitted to Nip violating comments from Trump supporters to make em look bad, who apologized for it, whose even said he thinks They have the power to manipulate elections, and then we see that the largest tromp form gets their top moderators purged and read it, but the company is now trying to replace them with approved moderators. That's creepy! Now I'm not saying that at all connected to the Establishment party, I'm just saying you have all
these interests in high level. You know tat technology companies in media and in politics, and they want the same things. It's not a concerted effort, it's more like a stand alone complex. I love that that saying it's basically that of people do do something in a similar time Warner and in a specific way. That makes it look like a like a synchronized or you know, conspiratorial effort. When in reality there all just using their power to the best of their abilities to to make something happened in this regard, I dont think read: it was forced to do what they're doing. I think they want to do it of their own volition. I think the ceo is biased and their act actively going to shut down one of the most prominent place four trump supporters together and mind you, according to I believe it was MIT. The Donald is one of the most prolific generators of means, so this is pretty significant. Is the huge shut down for trumps influence from
base, but now we move on to the media smears portion of this lovely segment check this story. I love it. Trump and GEO P Mount coordinated campaign, to paint Biden as senile the press Did it settled on a schoolyard strategy to take out his likely general election opponent? That's been the smear the entire time now I dont think impeachment and the backfiring you. You can't look at them and say these are the exact same things but hold on what are they could about from in the scandals. It was always about going after his political rival, the big impeachment, the that you know that the backfire on it was that trunk was trying to dig up dirt on Biden there now trying to claim in the media that Trump and his and the GEO Pete are mounting accorded campaign to smear Joe Biden, that's been the entire effort, the whole time. So that's the through line here they tried to smear tromp as cheating and impeach him for an
old? Now the media is mounting this fake narrative is an exaggerated narrative that tromp is trying to smear his opponent with lies. That's been the through on the whole time check this out. I love this you're gonna love it too. They say President Donald Trump stood before about five: hundred republican parties biggest patrons at his moral augur resort on Friday and raised a topic few in the audience expected. Are you joking Joe Biden, mental capacity? What's a good political rights Everyone has been talking about job buttons, mental state, but Oliver Fox NEWS, dude tromp, walked. The dome through a list of biting recent verbal stumbles, such as, his recent declaration that he was running for Senate Tromp quest and what are the former vice president? Had? The mental stamina to sustain the rigours of the general election campaign because its point out by didn't just say is one for the Senate. He said he was right. Four Senate and if you don't like it vote for the other Biden,. Also recently said that we were all by
Mama Democrats, who literally called himself bomber wow. Then the president appeared to give donors permission to leak his remarks about bite into the media. I would hope you will not repeat that trumps had sarcastically according to an attendant, With Biden emerging as the likely democratic nominee, try, has launched a concerted, mere daily campaign to raise doubts over the seventy seven. Your year olds, mental acuity. The president has been bolstered by conservative echo chamber flooding social media with video clips, highlighting Biden scarf. Oh, that is just too good. My favorite part of the whole article. They can't help lie and think we are all morons. I was, I will mention the Bernie. The supporters should have call at the press a long time ago, because when people like me we're saying, listen, they'll smelt smear trumped, they'll come for you in two seconds you saw what they did a burning twenty. Sixteen, you think you're getting
We pass this time so that, because you stood next to them, yelling Orangemen bad. The answer is no. They won't. They will mere Bernie all day and night the same as they will smear trump. What I want. I want to highlight this look at this roquat. Look. This aid conservative, ECHO Chamber, you know what I gotta give us a politico. They did excellent research. Let me show you conservative, ECHO chamber that I've been listening to, which has informed me that, yes, Joe Biden, is in fact not mentally south because, like let us at its only conservatives right, no, the conservative firebrand Kyle Kalinowski who's got whose rose is in his profile, who said Joe but in his sharp cognitive decline. You can't risk running this against Trump. He needs help about noted conservative Jill Stein. That the conservative echo chamber good enough for you yet bite. Instead, is trying to hide them to have any more of these inappropriate, bizarre and hostile interactions with voters and reporters. It seems he can
control his outbursts due to bite and cognitive decline. How condemns want to some this man to a long hard campaign or how? noted conservative firebrand Genk Huger of the young Turks who said bite lies nonstop. He is going to get caught hey the media is covering for him, but they're not going to be able to cover for cover when the Republicans come for him and when Trump comes from he's not going to beat Trump I dont think I have to say this, but I'm going to just in case. None of those people are conservatives. They're. All Progressive Kyle Turkey is a huge Bernie Sanders supporter. That's the point Joe. Style of the Green Party is not a conservative and she has a little sunflower in her name, they're the ones smear her as a third party, spoiler she's, calling up Joe Buttons Mental State, Kaliko, Yes, they all are in Genk. You give the young Turks notes in his feet.
Yes melt down over the loss of Bernie Sanders. The media is covering for Joe Biden. This could not have been exemplified better than this story by politico, the media has been covering for Joe Biden hurry single step of the way. Now I don't like to say you know that the journalists are Democrats but come on man, come on the whole impeachment fiasco was them covering for Joe Biden. You know that a court ruling we said there's there's going to be an investigation into Joe Biden role in the firing of the prosecutor. What that deal with the thing that sparked the impeachment inquiry looking into bided? The media ran cover for Joe Biden, just like they're doing right now, his mental state is failing, him progressives are calling it out and the media the media is covering up for it and we know it Which brings me now to how big Tec is playing this rule nine. I mentioned the red it thing earlier on. I wanted to highlight
because I wanted to show you how the media frames it before I get into the next big smear check. This out Robin Voss Video shows Joe Biden saying we can only reelect Donald Trump and they rule it as mostly false. Let me tell you what's really fast and about the story is a quick going around a clip that is out of context. I take issue with it. I'm not a big fan and it was too it was posted by Danske of you know, who I believe, these Donald Trump Social media manager in it, Joe Biden, fumbles and stumbles and basically says, and I quote, we can only reelect Donald Trump. However, the full clip shows Biden and saying we can only reelect Donald Trump? If, in fact, we get engaged in the circular firing squad, we need to run a progressive campaign that that the the video snipped so that he stops and only says we can all Reelect Donald Trump, I'm not a big fan, because it creates the impression that Joe Biden accidently endorsed the president, but guess what this is called PA
takes as usual. They have always done this and I've never been a fan of it. I have no problem calling out the trunk campaign in saying you guys should not have done this. Whether was intentional and accident or otherwise. Here's what's funny, though, in this instance, is still more likely to have been accidental that intentional, because it wasn't a campaign, add not saying it's a good. Hey, I'm saying you know you could. Potentially, if you choose given the but if the doubt and say dance can we know just in realising the full clip maybe saw it, he got the location wrong. More importantly, I have no problem criticising at an end and you should be able to criticise it fought the same. The issue is Twitter has labelled the video as a manipulated tweet. You know. I that's really really funny Joe Biden. Launched his campaign lying about the president and showing a snipped clip that did the exact same thing: did twitter fault flag, Joe Biden?
content. Did the media call out Joe Biden for lying? No, they double down ends offended him on this. Let me make it absolutely clear: the trunk campaign was wrong to post and out of context clip of Joe Biden. Fine, they do in politics all the time I do not like it. I will absolutely criticise it right now, but guess what welcome to reality? Joe Biden made multiple campaign adds smearing the present, with the very fine people hoax in the fall clip Donald Trump says I am not talking about these bad people. There were some good people. There is context you that was removed and Joe Biden used it to literally launch his campaign. You want to quit Is that an I did do it? You want to criticise what trumpet, fine do it, but big and the media are are protecting one side of this. So when I look, Donald Trump and his campaign. They pose this
I d say yeah, you know welcome the politics, do I like it? No, when I Biden, do what I say the same thing I'll put on sale, Twitter intervenes, flags, the video as manipulated tweet. It gets even better, I'm showing the red thread on this on purpose, because the first comment is twitter. Also shutting down accounts of videos posting him. Being we're with children. That's right, if you post weird, if you, if you post videos, critical of binding, showing him doing creepy things, you will get suspended, welcome to the game has been rigged from the start and I'll tell you what I am very frustrated with. Bernie Sanders people for not calling out of the complete and utter bs from the get go because now they are using at all against you basis, conservatives they have been biased against conservatives because they do not like Trump, and it is obvious, and where are we now?
now that it's come down to the wire and its Bernie Verses Biden. When the Bernie people are calling out Joe Biden first get erased from the narrative outright. They try and smear Trump with it, but when the Bernie people start calling out Joe Biden, they get suspended on Twitter, hey man, I'm not gonna rag on you and and and and and laugh no schadenfreude. Here I say simply welcome to the fight. When you see the media machine come for. You perhaps now You understand why so many tromp supporters and conservatives have been calling for free speech on social media platforms. A part of me. I am disappointed. A part of me wants to gloat, told you so, but not none of us be real. When the Bernie people I'm up and pointed Joe Biden, mental state. I say here here, brother, you are right. I will always encourage good behaviour and people saying the right thing. I'm not gonna hold it against you. If you didn't call for free speech and now you're being censored, I will defend Europe.
Free speech, if you're on social media ragging on the orange man all day and night, and then you call it Joe Biden, so they ban you. I will absolutely defend your right to call the orange men bad. This is the problem there suppressing speech to benefit their establishment weirdo. Can't speak straight, I'm not a fan of Bernie Sanders, not at all a fan of principles and integrity. I can criticise the present. I got no problem, Bernie Joe Biden, none of it now. Ah, but Barneys got stupid ideas trumped just posted at another context, video and and the Joe Biden Camp- that I can't speak straight, but the rules are being applied fairly So my criticism shouldn't even matter, I can say a million one things bad about the President. I can see a cop against eight million. What things bad about all the Democrats as well, but it is a fact when you to point out That the media, machine and social media are biased against Trump in favour of establishment. Democrats to a certain degree, they have benefited Bernie, one hundred per
the media, never called out Bernie over the project, veritable leaks and it's probably because they don't want to legitimize project berytus. So it's imperfect, Bernie get smeared, he does the media's unfair him. They lie about him and a proper Biden, but they give it to the top supporters. So much worse. All that matters in the debate at the end of the is that you recognise Jill Stein, is being smeared over this they're calling her a russian asset now because she called out Joe Biden there
pretending, like the only people who are questioning Joe Biden, mental acuity are Republicans when in reality, regular Americans are as well. They don't want you to realise their trying to unify the party. They are going to try to exercise the progressive and the far left, and I don't blame him at civil war has been going on for some time now. Jumped Donald Trump responded to Twitter with a letter firing back basically saying if you're gonna call our videos manipulated, you need to call out Joe Biden, you think twitters actually, gonna do it. Of course they won't. Here's where we are the democratic establishment and the press have covered for Joe Biden every step. The way for some reason and twenty fourteen they called Joe Biden. It's called his family. They said it was soft corruption. What he was engaged in. These crony deals with charisma that enriched his family, enriched his son, is up Deals very flies on. Planes has made us government govern officials, the media called them out. Twenty fourteen votes that
Joe Biden now about to run now that he's running for president now the media defence steps up now when it comes to Donald Trump, wanting to investigate potential soft corruption, as it was called by politico the same same Allah. That's now acting like trumps, just smearing Joe Joe Biden, they call it soft drugs, I believe, was politico soft corruption. Family of Joe Biden today. The narrative is flipped. Joe Biden has certainly done nothing wrong in Ukraine. Don't bring it up. Job is totally mentally that, even though we know that they are, but it is, the New Biden shorter speeches and less time for Gas Biden campaign is hiding him. George, just I was completely correct about this- and you will see while it's not everyone in media, I want to I want you to think literally every journalist and it's a mistake. The wash interposed certainly calling out Joe Biden, but you can see there are there, are journalists that are aligned with the Democratic Party who a lie, cheat and steal to smear Bernie to smear Trump,
That's the game they ve been playin. Bernie is only get the short under the stick now because as a threat to the establishment. For what he's been for, why? they ve made him for a while, but they needed to take out trump. They needed to stop Trump and smear him and they tried and it failed. Let me just read this By saying, we have seen the failure of the impeachment attempt against Trump and the defence of Joe Biden, because what you need to understand about impeachment it wasn't just about trying to move drop. It was about providing a shield for Joe Biden so that, if Trump try to vesta em. They would lie and say this was struggling to dig up during an opponent when in reality it was true. Just seeing a viral video being like look into that looks crazy, tromp even set and leaked Audio Bernie was who is afraid of so don't be surprised now the establishment they know. Bernie Sanders is a better candidate Biden, a lot of ways I mean come on guys you might not.
Bernie Sanders, because it was policy, ideas and an eye, I agree- he's got bad policy ideas, but at least Bernie can talk. I know Burnett hardtack, but come on someone with a heart attack and is at risk for another one with with socialist ideas, I think, is a bad candidate, but it these, they can talk Joe Biden, there are literally pulling him from his campaign and and and stopping speeches because of how bad it's been. He had two speeches with teleprompter is that any gaps so bad, thriving gas there like mental breakdown, so bad That became viral means that's how bad whiteness and they will prompt that up. There are not so I invite the Bernie supporters to recognise how the media lies and ourselves. Social media censorship is protecting now Biden as it comes to impact you. I am no, no trump supporter
not a Bernier, bind supporter, I'm fairly ambivalent. You know at the end of the day I dont know or care who's. Gonna win, I think trumpets garage. I'm sorry might my England, my I think trumps gonna win, I think, is an absolutely when there's good things about him. Winning and I got to say I don't know what Joe Biden necessarily has to offer aside for out of Bernie but look these candidates. I view them all negatively like I wouldn't choose any them, but you gotta admit when it comes to the economy and a lot of what we have at least seen so for the past four years. Tromp is a better choice, a lot of ways than Bernie or Biden, but I will be fair and say: Biden should be out. I understand why people would want to vote for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, so we'll see how it plays out. Unfortunately, it's gonna play out with Joe Biden versus Donald Trump, very likely. The media will use all of its power. The establishment will to shut out Bernie Sanders I'll leave it there. Next augments coming up at Youtube COM slashed,
cast news, six, p, M and I'll see you then re Larson is back, bringing us a woke, feminist, Nissan Commercial, because obviously the first thing you thinking when that dealerships sales person is talking to you about this beautiful new cars, whether or not the car is in fact feminist enough. Yes, when people are trying to sell me or products, the first question I have is a The political ideology of the object and not the functionality of it, the commercial is really really dumb. Basically it so woman being told she's not getting a promotion. We don't know why but sure, and then Bree Larsson, like speeds up in the car and hits the brakes and she's like hop in and then she speeds around the city. You now I don't know why, explaining to the woman that she shouldn't compromise and then the woman it's out of the car, like she pulls back up to the guy, who refused the promotion and when gets out like defiantly walks. I got that's literally often happens. I have honestly no idea what the point
the commercial is or or the message there trying to get across at all. I have no idea what com am. I has to do with someone not giving you a promotion if someone's like, I am giving you a promotion, what're you compromising on like do quit. I mean to an extent if you're unhappy with their job. I can totally respect that if you dont want to work there, if you're feeling under pressure- walk right up, what we don't? Actually see that happened in the commercial, the lady, just like smiles and It's out, I guess, apparently, their release behind the scenes clip where you can. The woman was actually supposed to like I walk past the guy or They like steel as nachos from him actually want, play like its thirty second,
long. Let me just lorries play it examined a hold on promoting these were getting right out of my there d be ok, I'm sorry, she says you're right, she gets out, the car and that's it like nothing, less Nothing happened, but I really gotta our work to talk about the philosophy these woke, weirdos, honest eyes on the comments. Obviously the videos getting blast, into oblivion, with seventy seventh, Five hundred thumbs down and Foreigner Annette thumbs up the com. Have been turned off right. Business can happen, but first let me just say many of you may be.
Thinking what is wrong with these companies, hiring these weird marketing people to make nonsensical political ideology commercials that have nothing to do with what the are, is ok, get it rear writ was say, rear automatic breaking, see. I remembered that. Let me tell you some The good are hitting person, I'm not kidding you got on it Then, when it comes to the stupid bs is marketing. People aren't necessarily looking too to sell you a product sort of they're trying to get you to remember the brand and bolster the brand and generate press attention and, in that regard, its working out in Spain. They got me talking about it. A bunch of articles have been written about it. This is how, generate Buzz for your brand and are hoping that even it might put a sour. You know it might turn off a bunch of customers and they could potentially lose market share their hoping it. Hoping it will ignite another ports of the markets are so basically, if they're looking from a market, point of view there, like our camera,
well can sell us a million cars or some on the planet and nine hundred thousand cars. But if we do awoke thing will lose half of those people but gain a more active base on the other side of a little bit more rights other their problems in them that's entirely possible. Is people just morons and have no idea? Why people don't library, Larsen and they're, probably shocked to find that everyone is ragging on them. But before we read this, and I want to show you the comments from people. They turned the comments off our ears, talk about this, video Brill, and also right now, is being blasted on social media for hypocrisy because she's. Promoting was that with that? Milan and people are I'm at MILAN is big Ed and she supporting the chinese government and things like this so she's getting torn apart which says to me she does it actually believe any of this stuff. She is just spewing, word vomit, so you by her products. It is a marketing schemes hasn't actually care very large
is what most privileged people on the planet she's proper net worth? Our Lord network is, but it's probably higher than ninety nine point. Nine percent of people in the world, so she's gonna talk about. Never compromise, and it is behind the scenes thing where she's like I realize that came into this meeting and I had resume with all the boxes. Jack don't ever, and the guy across the table gave me a bad markets like and have you ever thought too, like watchers I'll give you a bad mark right now, you're a bad person. You are mean arrogant, entitled egotistical, extremely privilege, yet you think you're, a victim. You gotta narcissism problem, dude, So anyway, in this commercial out to point something out, first of all the idea never compromising refusing compromise, it's called moral absolutism and while it might sound, called agenda for conventions. There are some things you. If you want a compromise on- and there are many things you do so on all the messages. This compromise, sometimes, is the smart, rational, adult thing to do and I'll show you
examples, the funding issue, of what I but at what I thought when I saw the stupid commercial, but can I just point out in getting to the commercial the guy says. So I'm not gonna promotion. This quarter cool and then she's like dropped the taco and get dont compromise on this. Think about our saying this, as we have no idea what this I said to this woman and that's exactly the problem so often the message about this, I didn't get a promotion. I deserved cut up the context and we're locked to assume that it was just an angry man saying your current challenge. Patriarchy. We ve come to stop you with a glass ceiling, we ve put their on purpose and then all the big fat guys a cigar start laughing. That's not happens in real life. Could easily add one sentence before what that guy said, and it would make the entire commercial look extremely disturbing about this. The guy's hitting a talk only goes. We just had a massive decline in sales. Revenue is way down,
I'm gonna hold off promoting you on this quarter, cool actually yeah that that might or maybe you says you just had an entire division get caught, because revenue is dropping dramatically, sombre, parameter, hold off and promoting this quarter cool yeah or you can even get more fun with it. We can say. Something like you just lot. We just got find a hundred million dollars by the F p c for selling those baboons to a group of kids and South Detroit. So long have to hold off on promoting you cool, there's a million and one reasons why that sentence makes absolute sense and why you shouldn't get off stood and angry refused a compromise that someone's on promoting. You know, I guess the assumption were supposed to make the guy he's going like I'm a man and because the patriarchy I'm gonna, refuse to promote you, this court, nor that makes no sense in all in basic any circumstance someone refusing to promote you and especially with that's that line, I'm gonna Promoting this quarter, there's probably a decent reason for it
he might even say we have to bring. And a director from another company, so I'm gonna old off on promoting you for this quarter. Yet, even though that might sock and you might be upset about it, these are, intimate reasons. Sometimes, if you bought the do hard things now, listen is possible. The guy said you know I decided to hire my nephew for the job summit to hold up promoting it. Yes, of course, these stupid things happen and to an extent I can respect the idea of not compromising if it's an unjust. You know riff refusal to recognise your talents and abilities. Walk out, but it's not like some grand thing we're like. I flip my shirt non like steel, the talk from the guy storm off I'll, just be like listen, I'm gonna start for work somewhere else. Here's what you do it, advice. Don't you but at a shape, don't freak out angry and don't take it personally, you just simply. I'm looking for another job that lets eight, the She was to get, was gonna, be its alike on an director of, like you know, a marketing director there you, applying for a job as a marketing doktor other places. And then, when you get the job say, I know you said
you couldn't or wouldn't promote me. I got I got a new offer from this other company I'll be going there. It's that simple, but we end with this message that they all is the always create this world view that every single thing that's wrong is a per is slight against you. Instead of the fact that sometimes people don't get promotions, they live in a caricature of reality. People Bree Larsson when she says in this this other video about the behind the scenes thing she like, I didn't want be that person on the other side of the table anymore. I want to be a part of the conversation, guess what I mean. That's that's. I respect that. I do. I do You want to run the business european charge men. Do it too it that's the best thing you could do it's actually the solution to the problem. If you like, you will give me a bad marks. I agree with her wholeheartedly, but also think what talks about. I came in with a resume and they gave me bad marks. Do you not perfect? Yes, someone's? Give you a bad mark. You realize it Even if you hired a janitor too, like mop up your floor, might be like man, this Ladys gross.
Went to work here anymore and then mad that that guy's holding you got. No people aren't perfect you're, not perfect, dont, be its. Don't think you can win every single time this. Is these snooty snowflake generation? Ok, obviously I don't every single millennials, astutely, snowflake snowflakes come all varieties. Of generation what she is, the kind of person that embodies what this woke feminist, garbage yes, she thinks she's the best she's perfect and she refuses to but anyone would give her bad marks. That's what you said that a guy gave her a bad mark and bad marks every single day, I don't care. I just do what I have to do so again up I'll, be fair. I respect that she would see I want to be the one giving the bat like on the other side of the table. Part of the conversation- that's the correct answer that I respect, but this idea that, like Do you know to operate way, all actually walk back a little bit if it like, I said earlier, if some
is is treating you met like poorly at your work and not appreciating you just woke up, but refusing to compromise is moral. Absolutism, I'm not fan of that. Let's wait a little bit of this. I want to show some the comments and I actually yeah what little we re what they say first and then I want to show you actually not omit to read this other story because they have. The comments in here the backlash, but I want to show you a comic book and unexplained Why there's a up you can't just adopt one of these moral philosophies and adhere to it like religion and its also I gotta say relaunched, come off like you know too, to to our key the language white, acute she's. Coming off like a anti social individual. Who said, too much time in the basement complaining about how they deserve everything, to put it mildly, screen. Gig reports a new commercial for these on central storing Bree Larsson, has caused some backlash as everything these days seems to do
commercial saw Nissan disable comments on their Youtube. Video for the commercial, just titled, refuse to compromise the time of writing. The video has over three hundred thirty five hundred dislikes. So it's way it's way above that when Larsson was discussing the commercial. She said it's great to partner with Nissan on this inspiring campaign, which is essentially about advocating for yourself and believing that you deserve a seat at the table is a powerful message in a bottle that I'm so proud up. I'm so proud to be part of you can view the commercial and, behind the scenes, feature at below yadda yadda and hears a clash. I don't. I wonder if these comments are having trouble. One person said Nissan just a moment. While I get my little black book of brand names to avoid in the future, just like that. I'm no longer considering Nissan from an Ex car get woke, go broke, pushing. Agenda to sell a car. I think it is stupid. So he's on decided to not sell any cars in the. U S strange choice: Nissan driver.
Thirteen years the want, the one I'm driving now will be my last sick of this feminist drivel question. What sneeze on executive's think that Bree Larsson The best choice in a commercial to sell their products- it's a say, for me as with Gillette, I'm done they say. There's no such thing as bad press, but they're really really is. A lot of people who are sick and tired of this phony bs, pandering, it's not real Bree Larsson- is a hypocrite She doesn't actually believe anything she sang. She has just trying to hop on the bandwagon cause. She is one of these ivory tower elites who group with a silver spoon is worth more money than most people in the world even combined and she's gonna plain about victim Odin, not getting a seat at the table. I'm sorry dude you're when you're those starring in an blockbuster must it makes a ton of money. I dont think that, for the most part you should become whining about whether you have a seat at the table. Ok, I get it.
No you're you're sitting there saying but wired, I exact and executive Disney. Why do I have to be a movie star? Life is so bad check up. Was I going to open up all up a monopoly of this year's ominous? Show you. There's a comic book. It's called watchman and it made me think of this. The scene for those that are of not familiar with watchman the comic they did a movie about it. Recently I love the movie the Comic as great as well, basically, the bad guy, stages, a major disaster to try and unite the Soviets and the United States during the height of the cold war. By creating a meal jewel enemy, it forces the two facts to avoid war by teaming up to fight against their new perceived threat. However, the superheroes all realise the villain has done, but also recognise that if they reveal the truth about what happened, there would condemn humanity to death because it would result in
nuclear annihilation, once the two factions are fighting each other again, but Roar shack. He says never compromise, not even no, not even in the face of Armageddon, never compromise and it results in superhero Doktor, Manhattan, arising, his body. The challenging more concept, whether or not you should, compromise on your morality like telling the truth or and there are serious consequences that this moral, absolutism is scary, in my opinion, in a result in zealots who go around dangerous dangerous things that hurt lots of people. I don't know where the line is. What I can say is that you can't choose one moral philosophy about what you should or should be doing. If you Leave that your morals are absolutely perfect, you will probably find self deciding you know what I would rather the whole world burned to the ground in nuclear annihilation, then to just compromise this one time you
compromise? Sometimes I dont know exactly where or what what is right, but the reality is that not everything is so cuttin drive that you could just decide the world deserves to burn because of what someone did to try and preserve it. Sometimes bad things happen and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. I wouldn't but I would never be someone to advocate for what something so the bank s name is Adrian via the right. I think his name is basically what he did was killed millions of people there. Wait united the whole world against this perceived threat. Now I would never advocated somewhat that, but it is a difficult question and not I know the answers of whether or not Rorschach was right or not. Their characters are seeing the recognised they have to compromise and he says no, but what's the alternative, I honestly don't know. What I can say is that people like real arson are full of it. They will claim it will never compromise, but they don't actually care, and this is this is the main point while I can see, your battling with tough moral questions about what
Roar Shack was correct to say the people must know the truth, even if it means their own destruction. I don't agree with that. I think there is there there must be compromise in certain areas because there's a balance utilitarianism and you know, don't deontological thinking which essentially it's like utilitarianism the needs of the many away. The needs of the few can be a horrifying prospect in certain circumstances. In this regard, telling somewhat tongue the world. The truth wouldn't actually help anyone in Europe at your top position, where perhaps you have to compromise and accept you, ve lost and there's nothing more. You can do, but to maximize good to make sure the rest of the people can survive and and be fine. You compromise in that regard. I don't know the answer. I don't what I can tell you is that now Bree Larson, I'm relieved. The rock out of this, because I don't think, there's any they do this, but I think Bri Larson is a good example. She claims to be free for social justice and all these good things never compromise. She says wink wink, yet when it,
as to the injustice has faced by many people around the world, she has no problem promoting promoting a movie that people are then going to get angry at her about. But this is beyond just re Larsson. It's about ideology itself, Bree Larsson is supposed to be like this fit. You know social just personality, high profile and added catering for all these ideas, but she still getting attacked for promoting a movie and its profits, possible that you doesn't really know a whole lot about. What's going on with this film and the backlash. But in the end the point I'm trying to bring up here she has no problem doing this commercial generating spies and sang. You now never compromise, I'm a feminist who women get your promotion, but then she does actually no more care about what's happening around the world. She doesn't know work about other social justice issues. In the end, you can't be perfect, stop pretending to be, and if you're wrong, it's to be wrong. Here's what I really here This is what I see they gonna say.
That Bree Larsson is getting dragged on Twitter. She is used being torn apart by people, say saying that she's promoting you know MILAN, which, as you know, some people are saying like it's. It's I'd do something about. It is its racist. I have no idea, but there's people complaining about Hong Kong police. Supporting the chinese government. Things like that and refusing to recognise the oppressed peoples around the world. There is no way to be completely right on this one and that's the big issue. I too with moral, absolutist like real arson. Now, for the most part, I think it's a stupid commercial for the most I will say. I agree with some of the message that there are certain circumstances where you dont want a compromise, but ultimately, what I get from this is that re Larsson is just playing this game because she wants to make money. She wants to use as part of a personality character, adopting an ideology that she thinks will work because she's being by the nose on Twitter like what, if, if you watch
my main segment yesterday, my main channel that there was an opportunity or times talking about how these people crafted their own reality and they really have decided of the man. Just rejecting the promotion, for literally no reason shows the arrogance and the ignorance of these people. They didn't even give us a reason and that's the point people who made the commercial didn't, give a real as to why this woman would would be forced to compromise and not take a promotion, the assumption is the guy did it for up for a b bs reason, but the reality is anything He could have said. Probably would have there have been too much of a caricature, a cartoon or it would have been legitimate point, the point is: dropped the arrogance drop in our system. You're, not perfect. You I'd be perfect and outside of all of them, my personal opinions on the idea of never compromising and and watchman. Ultimately, I think it's absurd that Nissan, and these other companies would continue to adopt these kinds of frame an ideology to sell a product, but you know what here I am talking about it
as many other people are they're getting the brand out there and they're gonna try and cap eyes on the reverse backlash. There's gonna be a bunch of now who slap me and say temples, overreacting about a stupid, commercial and blah blah blah and that's the kind of buzz they're trying to generate and it's going to work? So congratulations. Marketing people welcome to the modern era, I talked about us, there was a study have covered numerous times in the past few years. That shows that digital marketing, lists on the same space on Twitter as the resistance, a marketing these brands that produce content like this from the latter two Nissan to whatever they. They occupy the same twitter space, the same conversations as the anti tromp resistance types. That's what they're World view is so they see this and they think people gonna like it. In fact, it's possible that some people are shocked to find that p. They're getting thumbs down undergoing their comments blasted, but in reality I think that the marketing
probably know what they're doing and they're going to take on a device, a divisive nasty person to run their commercial all wrapped up with this. There was a big controversy that actually slipped pass to meet him honest with real arson, because apparently she had a text list like a text group or something. I think it is worth a lot with it was with like SAM Jackson, but she was bragging about how she smack talks, people because she hates them. She actually as a message group to talk about people. She hates an accredited big backlash because, using nasty person so what man I'll leave it there philosophy aside, I think the idea was interesting. The to the two main points I want to get too is why would you do for commercial. Why not just make a regular commercial talking about your car like normal and, more importantly, there are few The compromise thing, I think, is actually a pretty bad message. Whatever I live, there big around next I'm becoming up at one p m and maybe it'll be a bit more important than me complaining about this, but you don't know I'll I'll, be fair to myself. It's not that I have
have any issue with brief. Like you know, for the most, I don't care. I think our ideas are dumb, but I thought it was interesting sort of our there there's a couple concepts here: there's the philosophy of refusing to cop compromise moral absolutism as well as dumb marketing. So I thought it was fun. I see all one p m thanks for hanging out One p m. Thanks for hanging out, we ve got major breaking news in the corona viral outbreak. New York is deploying National Guard to new rush out for those is just to the EAST of Yonkers. It is the New York City metropolitan area, it's just a bit north of the Bronx, so seems to be a bit serious. They ve confirmed, I believe, twenty five nuke Is overnight night the total in New York up to a hundred and sixty five. Now, where I want to stress this point covered, the other news, tug Karlsson recently came out slamming all sides saying you can't downplay, you can't cause panic but bring up. Important points, notably while we look a global mortality rate around three point: four percent you'd understand it's actually substance: www higher for older people and address
individuals talker mentioning that for older people it could be as high as eight percent so your young you're, probably gonna, get him I'll call you probably fine, but many people do hospitalized and the older more vulnerable people are facing a much more more than double the three point, four percent rate worsen. Right now, a doctor in California, demanding that schools shut down immediately. He says, after all, as he reveals three relatively young men near Ellis. A celebrity suburb calla basis are very ill after contract in the disease on an italian secret. So these are young men, relatively young men that are sick and now Harvard is, ordering their dorms to be vacated. Please we need to take this one He they're calling out than National Guard. I'm not. I can't tell you what this means. How about it
b, I didn't tell you what the reaction is and let's let step aside all of the arguments about whether you should do nothing. Where were you should overreact and just look at what governments are doing? Ok, it's that simple. What did she? the dew authoritarian locked down. What did ITALY just do? The entire Your country of ITALY, is now locked down. And what's going to New York, they are calling in the guard. They are taking. This very seriously, while somewhat tell you everything's fine, being one proportion. That may be the case, and that would be the best case scenario that it's just media hype, but I can't how you why the governments, various government institutions, are acting this way and all I can really do ass. I tell you this: when you see a crowd of people running in one direction and screaming here's what you don't do you dont join the crowd and run with them, but you all get out of wherever it is. You are story often used to exemplify this. When I was in Venezuela several years ago and they are
you people running away from the direction of the National Guard in this country. We didn't know what they were running from, so we ran to the west therein. I know the deck the exact direction, from what my perspective, I watched them run that way to my left eye turned around and other direction away from both groups, when I'm trying to say, is just because the gun, Our panicking doesn't mean should do the same thing they're doing, but this You d C is now advising all at risk individuals to stock up on supplies and isolate themselves. This may not be the absolute first thing we ve ever seen seized me in terms of growth, a virus arms I enter in terms of pandemic or outbreaks. All I can really tell you is that if you see other people running and yelling fire, perhaps There is something to be concerned about, let's rate about what they're doing the National Guard that will move through these stories times. Union reports New York now National Guard, troops were deployed to a health department command posting Neuro shall early Tuesday is gonna,
Andrew Cuomo, said another. Twenty five cases were confirmed overnight. The deployment came as chinese premier vision, paying visited, will on the city with outbreak, began and declare. China has gained control. Now, I'm not entirely since they have I more likely to believe they're lying about what's happening and it looks like things are under control because they are not testing any PETE Tat testing people anymore, they ve, probably just lock down we're fine, we're fine, everybody. Nothing to see here spoke Four Cuomo did not immediately comment on the addition of National Guard troops and New Rochelle, where most of we are more than one hundred sixty five cases of covert nineteen are concentrated. We Taking more dramatic actions in this cluster Cuomo. Old sea in and on Tuesday morning, without mentioning the troops. Come on Monday said. The panic that you see is unwarranted. We have dealt with worse viruses, and that may be the case. So All you can really do is take a look at his words and take a look at his actions. Go back
and with the other viruses did they deploy national guard. Maybe they did. The troops are deployed to a health department, com and post where nurses are being outfit with protective gear before being sent to you the krona virus, samples and a check on those under Corps you get the residences in the appearance on and until morning Cuomo said that New York and other states are not doing enough testing, and you know that nations, including free and China have conducted thousands more tests per day, albeit with methods. That may not be as accurate as those used in United States. You will see? Is not the number we can do to increase because they have increased, we're, not testing enough people to know where it is. And I also stop dimension at the latest count. I believe, there are nine states that have declared a state of urgency so far, so keep this all in mind and act accordingly. One thing You should absolutely not do like these lunatics on this video, you're seeing right here is a
store opening up and hordes of people. Rushing to the toilet paper I'll. I kid you not these People are insane how stupid do you have to be to do this? First of all, you can eat toilet paper. Why they are all rushing, were told labour. I have no idea but boy, our people dumb, you wanted to why I'm saying there, dumb because when you have a viral outbreak, the land thing you should do, is go into a crowded, supermarket and fight over toilet paper with people how maddening is this? You don't you, do you go calmly. Idly in the We hours or when it's not super crazy, you're twenty forest or you get food? That's what you aid, but for some reason, people are so insanely stupid there,
fighting over toilet paper, our kids, you not. There are so many videos of people with a shopping, cart, full of toilet paper and a stranger they have armed guard. This, I believe, is thus Tralee as well. They have our internal armed guards, they have guards. I keep saying that sorry, it's not true. They have guards still stationed around the toilet paper that how insane these people are. You gotta be a special kind of stupid tool. Hush full speed into a crowd of people when who are scared of an infectious disease you're supposed to ice late yourself. These people insane now they're just really real damn. I cannot believe this. There are few things in the That makes me angry I'll. Tell you what this is one of the most maddening things the. What what? What? What? What are these people thinking today of any basic mental faculties to explain to them viruses work. They think that a white there, but through this disease to survive, are you nuts? You know when you are food disheart structure,
Gabriel Sierra plays out to get back to this. The story, though boss and officials announced their cancelling Saint Patrick Day, parade to limit crowd gatherings. Cuomo said: that's what two things were looking at when asked: if they may cancel its parade They continued testing and method in quarantine for those exposed to or infected by, the virus of the one hundred forty two can cases announced Monday. Eight of those individuals were hospitalized Cuomo, tweeted Tuesday. There were eight thousand four hundred and fifty nine confirmed cases of the flu in New York. Weak people are reacting like this is the above a virus Cuomo said Monday on the reaction to covet nineteen spreads like the flu, but most people will have it and they get on what their lives. Yes, and what is not telling you is it? The flu mortality rate is point one percent, and what is not telling you is that most people have I believe all people have almost or did say, and I was being an absolute there's, no immunity to this one of things. I was was that, because flew strains, can be very similar. You may
of some partial immunity, or your immune system may react much more quickly and better. The flu a very low mortality rate. So yes, many people are sick, but we're talking about something completely different it's it's an annoying. What about them? The flu is bad corona. Iris his bad. There are bad for different reasons: stop acting like open. Who cares? Eight thousand people have the flu that's bad to dude. So how about we take precautions because the namely high, were relatively high mortality rate, and then we see the flu go down along with it. How does that it makes sense to be like it's fine other people will die of the flu and a lot more. That makes this disease completely. Ok, no, it doesn't, this one's novel me it's new. If no immunity does there this potentially an eight percent more tat, for the elderly, for people who are or higher risk compromising immune systems- and the same would be true. You know to a certain degree with the flu, but the mortality of the flu is point. One percent
Ninety eight of New York cases are Westchester County in We all need to recall that let us move on to the next story here: doktor treating of our patients are demand is demanding as schools be shut down. So its entry, and here is that he's talking about relative young men who are extreme we're very ill. He says a California doktor, treating run. A virus patience has urged a federal officials to close down we'll schools immediately after reveal three men near allies, celebrity suburb of calabash us are very ill. Doktor SAM Think was primary care physician tree uncrown virus patients and Tarzan up the well, Ella suburb, just ten miles from carnations home as well the disease is, unlike anything, has ever seen. He's just quote. I have practised for over three years and I have seen at all, or so I thought nothing ask me worried like this. He run on Facebook on Sunday adding that here been shocked to see the impact of the fast spreading virus.
Really fourteen men went on a screen ski trip in northern ITALY. All have become ill and all fourteen have tested positive for the virus of the fourteen for needed to be. For me to be hospitalized and of the more patients three are very ill. As I write this one had a significant prig, medical condition. The other three did not and are relatively young the supposed he made on Facebook. Now I'll tell you I dont know this guy is, I dont know if he's but more trustworthy, but I will tell you: governments have a vested interest in preventing panic. It's why Trump is downplaying this, because people will week out we're seeing the market take ahead. He doesn't want that to continue. It would be bad for everyone if markets take a hit the economy gets hurt and it is that actually impede. Our ability to develop vaccines and fight against these. So it's a onward spiral. We have to resist this. How you solve for it, I'm not the expert. I dont What I can tell you is you ve got two considerations.
The media will override things and freak you out. I am no exemption exception, for this rule I will tell you what I see in the press and if it is exaggerated, then gonna be conveying that same information, so be careful but think protect yourself. I dont know: what's right, I'm telling you exactly how I feel asked I can do it may be overblown. It might not be that the government may be Are you the truth? I tend not to trust them. I think Trop is looking at a tanking market, a stagnant economy. Taking a massive. It's bad from especial intellectually election year and you think it's gonna be fine and love. Tromp supporter saying the same thing that may be true. It may be the case. But here we have a guy on Facebook who could be some. You know I mean it looks like he's a doctor. He's got pictures of em, but maybe not mono. Maybe you should trust this guy. I can't tell you what to do, but what he sang make it sound much more severe. So when I look at ITALY's lockdown
China's lockdown, the rapid mobilization and the deployment of National guard. I think it's too The reason this is a lot worse than even the media is letting on, because the media is only saying what they can say about the latest news. They say the three men travelled back to that states. Vibrate twenty seventh after visiting court Tina D M M peasant in northern ITALY, in the Dolomites, the alike the Owl Department, has confirmed eight cases of kroner virus among a group of travellers who recently learn from northern ITALY sources, daily mail and the other members of the crew. Who reside elsewhere in the? U S and abroad have also fur an ill since returning home the news that than in ITALY today is not good doctor thinks that, as he urged the public to take measures beyond vigorous handwashing enhance enticing. He also urge schools to close and locals to avoid groups. I recommend to all who read this, that you will vote going to large group events, suggest sporting events and concerts, that all schools should be closed immediately and classes
good online, which is relatively simple. I know that so far children infected with with virus have done relatively well, but they come home and how Grandpa and won't do so? Who won't do so well avoid contact with others and which is positive city in the United States is a relatively early stage, but it won't last therefore long make sure you any medications you need as well as supplies, but panicking hurts all of us. You know what men, if you're these people who ran in full speed to Walmart or SAM's clotho everywhere Cassio to fight over toilet paper. Guess what the likelihood you get this is going up drum ethically because you are exacerbating contact with other people in a fight over something you dont need milk, bread, nags, that's the joke right, it's good, Snow go, get the Milken go, get the bread and milk gotta get the bread, milk toilet paper. It comes up with this, you don't think it is a self fulfilling prophecy that peoples
snatching up toilet paper so that other people pact as its natural toilet paper. What are you gonna do with a hunt? plus roles of toilet paper. Man, I'm sorry it's better than people. Shopping cart follows stuff. Are you stupid? You can eat it and doing is risking your safety by rushing into account. I cannot believe how dumb people are. Hunger Karlsson blasts, both sides for chinese crowd of irish response. In a few weeks you ass could be, ITALY is now he's right is absolutely right Amber when I first covered Ellie few isolated cases maiden care hold everybody to buy some emergency food go get supplies from the store. By some emergency food freeze, dried Suffolk, Argentina, freeze, dried, but d, like vacuum, sealed and I think some of its resurrect last you a long time and I promoted a company and a bunch of art laughing. I help you, now. My local stores near us are having their shelves rated. It's not that bad. Right now we're I'm at a few of the stores,
have some sections that are completely empty and we were surprised to find that because I really didn't think you would Just some light. I get New York. I get you no other Seattle because they have confirmed. Cases of people are I'm insult jurists em in the Philly suburbs. I didn't think I'd see it s. What we did we we want. The stores is totally finally notice anything one of the stores has bunch of shelves that are actually empty, and that was surprising to us. My body sends me pictures and I was like wow. I really don't think so, but you know what and gamble. As soon as the new started heading I was like, I think we should go to the storing and picks up pickup food, not because here's the thing we got what we needed didn't overreact and in fact I had like the shells in front of mine said. I think you should have a lot more on think about enough, so oh maybe I didn't, but now we shopping recently and, like the shells are actually you know, some of them are just wiped out empty shells, not that bad.
I went out on a public storage, are totally empty. Your completely empty, but not like. There were a lot of people- massive traffic, surprising, we are. I would right now be fine, but people are buying up much or than usual, which was surprising if you didn't do that. You're gonna find that if this Bring us too, where ITALY is right now, you're having trouble in ITALY is locking We down their threatening people with. I think three months like it's a is a crime to try and break quarantine. There are people who cannot go out and go in their being people that there's a unread it they were asking people You live in ITALY like what's happening, people saying law Then our houses using internet, trying to figure out what's going on some alot of young, we'll Saint, are doing school from their laptops. Now the whole countries locked down all of ITALY. So, let's, let's go back on it. Let me look at that point couple weeks, a couple weeks ago, last month, when I said, hey man, you know this could get really bad. If, if you should, by supplies,.
And that was before the lockdown than ITALY announced their locking down some parts of northern ITALY somewhat hit me up and said. Thanks for telling us, my friends and family. Didn't wanna go do it, but I convinced them now they are all locked down the entirety of the country. We are seeing sporting events cancelled, Syria, I believe, has been cancelled, the soccer matches in France or ITALY, and mature, earn a lot about soccer to be honest, south by southwest gone, Google, I'm gone People are being ordered to work from home in New York for thanks human work from home. It this exactly what we saw in in China in ITALY, although it happened much more quickly in China in ITALY that a few isolated cases and said we're fine and now the whole country is locked down, maybe an overreaction, but all that really matters is that we're seeing a pattern of affect every cut. I believe every EU country now has some confirmed cases and it might be one or two right early stages. The good news is we caught at early. That's the point
when people say so why so there's only a hundred people in New York out of what millions were fine. Now we caught at early and were telling you that a hundred people can lead to a thousand people and a couple days or the exact rate as but, if one person can, in fact you know ten more and we're looking at in a few weeks, the? U S could be where ITALY is total lockdown not look China's authoritarian and Tucker brought up a really interesting point. The scary stuff meant that ITALY is a western nation much like our own and they ve locked everything down and they're gonna chargeable crimes. I get it it's It's a tough challenge. I always err on the side of freedom, but and we're dealing with something that could potentially be potentially Dudley. So I'll tell you this. I am absolutely opposed to authoritarian lockdown. I personally would choose to avoid. Guy
I don't want sick. I want you to get anyone else, but what you do men, I honestly do not know me tell you what they're doing in New York Thou know you Emergency surge plan for severe pandemic calls Rikers Island inmates to dig mass graves to bury up to fifty one thing in Bodies- has corona virus cases increase now. This is definitely shock content to say the least. It is true. That Rikers inmates go to heart, island and bury bodies. It's a public cemetery. You know people who can afford to be buried homeless people, although no family, so the do this that's creepy and it is their plan, to. You now have the Rikers and makes our built Europe digging graves really grieving. I do not leave we're going to need mass graves. Thou so they're trying to be like they're taking an all story that that, and that is true and and conflicting it with the corona virus like as if this is really gonna happen,
possibility. In reality, we know what New York's plan. As we know, this exists its gross and freaky in my opinion, but no one is suggesting we are going to need mass graves. I think that's a bit absurd You take this all bit of information combined with krona virus fears and you get a crane. Story that owns a freak out about I'll. Tell you what we should be worried about. If the governments are wrong, road is wrong. The panic people running into stores full speed to get that toilet paper. That's what's going we're gonna, be worrisome. Supply chain disruption, economic disruption, market collapse. These things are actually, and maybe even a run of the banks. I hope not. I tell you what men get some supplies its emergency food hang out play some video games, you'll be all right. Just take care is often pay I will rapidly by stressing for those that have watched this point. New York has deployed the National Guard, we are heading in the direction of ITALY and China. For now it starts with medical command assist.
ITALY was doing you know self isolation, hey just going to lock your keep yourself in your home. They went to light to they. Wouldn't they caught it early enough, but didn't react hard enough now, they're reacting even harder they should have had to. I can't tell you what you should or shouldn't do, I'm going to tell you I'm a chill out we'll see how this plays out. It could be nothing they could be over reaction I must say I leave there I'll see you at four p m on the main channel youtube dot com slashed him cast thanks for thanks for hanging out again, I will see them. Earlier today, a video start go viral showing Joe Biden getting in the face of a union, auto worker, and actually it sounds like he says you wanna go outside like actually fight. He calls the Does the guy is full of ass and horses? I cast aware, but here is the democratic front, runner cos in the face of a union. Auto worker because is concerned Buying wants to take his guns away. Here's the best part Biden does he said he dies
once again the media is lying and covering for this guy. Who can't talk straight. Does no areas insults. Voters tells them to vote for other people. Yet this is supposed to be the best they could muster. They ve lost the plot men. They ve come we lost if their propping, this guy up from the daily mail you're full of Ass Joe Biden in furious confrontation with union worker over guns. As campaigns in key battleground of Michigan Joe Biden, told a Michigan plant. Ok, I think they're autoworkers, I could be wrong. A Michigan plant worker full of ass, an to not be such a horses a after the manicurist, former vice president of being anti second amendment and wanting to take Atkins guns, away with democratic voters from Michigan My mother states heading the poles as part of Super Tuesday to bite visiting a fear, Chrysler Plan to Detroit Tuesday morning before her to Ohio where he'll. Why its results come in and address supporters in video
shared by CBS News, a man dressed the hard hat. Can be heard embodies actively trying to end our second moment right and take away our guns Biden snaps tells that cause the guy names by then spotted within an expletive. Bravo good, Sir goodwill now I will say you ought to be honest theirs out of reasons why people like Donald Trump being cut a mean, did willimot limit limits. Yeah, some when, when, when Donald Trump, you know where's, calls rosy, o Donnell a fat pig or something that's rosy, o Donnell, she's, rich and famous. But an insult regular working people, that's a big difference, you don't insult your voters Other individual Johnson Biden can we heard tat the person shush. I support second amendment. You then explained that, like yeah fire in a building. The first amendment, freight, like first amount freedoms, set Amendment freedoms are also not absolute. You can in fact yell fire in a building. At my understood, I used to think this too, but we'll go mad.
Setting the wrong. Look it up and apparent, Yeah, you can actually yell fire in a crowded building on another. It's not incitement. He says he's a shocker, twelve gauge his, hunt, guess what you know our own any weapons. Wait what you're not own any weapons, I'm not taking your guns away at all, do need. Around the plant worker stood his ground saying I do not say that's not said his ground not say that that's not true button! spotted. I do not say that ok, so their guys need a copy, The guy basically set as a viral video of you, Joe saying you want to take away our guns. Ngos, like that's, not true at Jos long. It exist I'll, show you. The word or respond to that. He saw bide, make the comments limiting gone ownership and video won't survive. Video, like the other ones, that they're putting out, which simply Alai, binding so you would take a our fort teens. He meant air fifteen's. The dude literally can't talk Why are we having a conversation about the sky it is, it is meddling dont, based
horses, a binding, told the man for walk away. Was likely referencing a video Biden made with former democratic hopeful beta Orourke. That may be the case that video was now Joe Biden saying he was and take? It runs away. That was him saying he was threatening bay his wife, I'm gonna, take beta because we need for this fight, but there is a video of Joe Biden, sang we're gonna, take your guns away, I'll show you a second. Sitting down to what a burglary says. You know yeah, ok, here's what they say. If what I'm warning Amy, if I went, I'm coming Form Biden, said because a war had previously set of the democratic debate stage. How? Yes, and take away your air Fifteen's, the clip was widely Mustn T it is by making the same promise, but it doesn't matter if beta A Rourke says: yes, I'm coming for your weapons and then Biden says, and I'm gonna hire him for my campaign. What do you think we're gonna, assume Joe you're full of shit you're a liar, and you got to you that you got an eagle problem. House rally where a workman endorsement by also pledged to put it
acts in charge of gun control do you're, gonna, take care the gun problem with me. Be the one who leads the effort. Biden said so I think we are get an element of? Let me show you how people respond Ryan Grim said: there's reason. The entire democratic party structure, from elites of the voters had concluded as a few weeks ago, and was unelectable. Also it's not fourteen Joe, but whatever Rhine grim works for the intercept there. Very pro Bernie this to me is is fairly obvious. Why Jos Unelectable He literally has told his own supporters. At his events, go vote for someone else go vote for tromp, I'm not exaggerating. He's like off. You know like it. Why won't you go vote for Trump? No, no! No! No! No! No! No! You compromise, you don't say, go for the other guy calmed down Joe check this out. Doug see it on political commentator and Wall Street Journal contributor. Former Burke Lorenzo campaigns at I dont think
this is going to hurt Biden, and now we have this guy director rapid response for Joe Biden tweets. We will literally pay them to keep promoting it there. Laughing! Now saying that, oh Ah, the Republicans are putting out this this, this video of joy, bite and sang Europe nor you're full of it. Why would that huh but Joe Biden, and why would you pay for them to promote this because it doesn't listen? Here's the best part do this. Do they think? that Joe Biden saying you're full of it is hymns, out for himself him standing up for on regulation. I don't owners and because, in the clip the guy says, you're going to take away our weapons and goes no. I'm not I'm, for the second amendment case, Why would democrats like that? Why would be good for Democrats? He then go to call the guy a horses a and said full of us and take it outside. It sounds like his ain't outside. Why would anyone like that? That's ridiculous? So you know,
This is exactly what I was talking about the other day, my main channel. When I said there in a bubble, they can't see out of they frame the world based on things that make sense to them, instead of what actually happening limit break this down for you, Joe Biden front Runner press. Your candidate angrily confronted a union auto worker, insulting him and telling us almost threatening enough. If what I hear is you know if what he sang was taken outside challenging fight, essentially because the guy called them out, Based on a video that I kid you not shows bite in saying. Yes, we're gonna, take your It is a quote by lies to this worker and claims that he never you? You never said you take away guns. Last August, he said exactly that about many popular rifles quote gone owners out there who say well a binding. Illustration means they're going to come from my guns, that was, I believe, Anderson Cooper sang it bingo you're right, it was eight you said,
If you have an assault weapon, guess what assault weapon does it mean anything The definition keeps changing that China pass new bills and the definition is. Anything in one instance, this was backup years ago, one of the innovations of the bills they're trying to pass a hand gun like the one police use, will be considered an assault weapon, so that is mean anything Joe you're, just saying we're, gonna we're gonna arbitrarily defined weapons then come take him away regardless he did say being go. We're in a calm. Take your Spain go you're right, I'm sorry in response to whether their take your guns away. Why would anyone think this is going to work well, What I don't understand what the Democrats in an answer to the back, I do. I do get it there in a bubble. The can't see out they frame things because they live on Twitter, so the weirdest they now Joe Biden is. The least you know the least on Twitter, while the Democrats but yeah they live in this fictional world? It's not real life! More getting people? I guess you know what
This is a really good example. This guy Andrew Bates, we will litter. We pay them to keep promoting it. You would pay to promote a video. Your candidate, insulting a union worker, a working class dude. Why you think that would play well. Do you not real eyes, the people on Twitter or a tiny, tiny fraction of this of his country. Let it it's around two point, two percent of the: U S: population that is active on twitter and you would pay to promote a video of a union workers being be rated by me time millionaire Joe Biden who did it was lying to him and said, take it outside you, people of lost, you have lost the plot the. If, if you think this will work but of listen, this worker, this autoworkers, that's the working class you're trying to convince the union guy, the dumb
rights are no longer the Party of Unions. I have no idea what's going on now. Of course, that's hyperbolic you ve got union people voted for Bernie Sanders far and wide. That's true, but Joe Biden, the stable but I have no idea what there representing it was back and twenty two. Dean vocs reported that the Democratic Party became the party of the wealthy. So not surprise. Now to see union area as union cities like union voters, switching to Donald Trump like how do you think that I feel and what are they gonna do now when he goes and talks to all his friends? He was angry about the second amendment, the of the over reaching you know, control measures. He doesn't like any asked Joe and joke I too am very calmly listen You may have heard a lot about me about you this right now. I'm gonna make sure that I do right by you, but I do want to limit these things could set a calmly Peabody judge. When you saw running was asked about pro life protest. And he said he gave a good answer. In my opinion, the best he could have done as someone is protrude sang. I know it,
I agree, but I do hope that you would lose me to do what I think is right. Sounds like while she probably won't she was unhappy, but that was the end of it. It was a disagreement, Joe Biden approaches. These people by yelling at a mind, Sultana look fat, I don't know if you actually intended to call the guy fat, but as gas or get not line right. Joe Biden cannot be president. He will when and if he does I'll tell you what I will laugh harder than ever left, I will ask harder if he wins, then, if Trump, one, because people, actually want this guy, who you look in my opinion, he's he's facing harsh cognitive decline. He is not all there. He can't handle it you want a yell at people on be mean yelled, the elites ass, a trump. Does he attacks the media, people in positions of power and is based loves it because they feel like four the bullies on their side go and after the bad guys go after the elites. The people of privilege, job and soon the opposite mean do yell at the workers. If you think it's good
when You'Re- not man leave their stick around next time coming up in a few minutes- and I will see you all shortly at the time of recording hash tag. Damn exit is trending nation wide. Now right, when I pull up this post, it seems like it may fallen off the trending less, but nonetheless it is certainly training among many people progressives war voicing their disdain for the Democratic Party, because no Biden is about to win twitter, not real life, but as much must know this, the people tweeting about why they're leaving and I have do the same. You don't seem to realise that they represent a fringe, of people and not the American Working Class or the amount and voters. More importantly, many of them are young, are actually northern actually gonna vote for anybody and that's the big problem. Let me just let's go over what damn accidents ripe, so there story a while ago about in twenty, seventeen are progressives ray.
We abandon the Democratic Party, and this is from MIKE they basically While those realities read about you, I say after former sector Labour Tom, whereas when a narrow victory over progressive congressmen Alison and Saturday's race for Dnc chair some people are once again trying to get progressives to abandon the Democratic Party, because no political figure is complete these days without a good exit Portman. Do they are organizing under the hashtag, damn exit, which has reemerged now because by Recent or supporters who didn't go involved. Vote are angry, that Bernie isn't winning and seem to realise its, not because it emigrating that democratic establishment is holding you back. It's because young people didn't vote for your guy. That's the reality. Not, I think it's fair doubt yes, the establishment is biased against Bernie they'll hold them back. They'll do everything power to try and shut him down. We can see how they read the debates. Forbes
Berger against. You know, Yang Booker, where mean that was that funny Buggered is lost out, but they did manipulate that that the debates against Tulsa and Yang with with Yang. They didn't release any poles for like a month and a half and what they well changed the rules so that you needed more delegates now reason I would say that you know rigging to an extent is that they look they and the rules are made it easier for Bloomberg again and then as soon as tools he qualified they changed to make it to that she can't get in. Let's wait a little bit of this, and then I want to show you what's what makes this newsworthy? What do you think? The response from crony establishment. Elites was too damn exit do think. They said, since here Bernie Sanders supporters. We hear you work in a fight. Your behalf and do right by you, or do you think they went. Russia you're all russian Box. It was the Russia thing. That's right! When programme It came out angry, I think, they're, all silly. The hype
oh file, resistance types, organ of overburdened start screaming potent Boden. You know and these people live in a strange paranoia, delusional state where think Russia logging on every corner, then they go outside and they see they see. Putin get out from behind the building about various boldly common firming, so they believe, ok, I'm on them, dad you re making fun of them. You get the point they watched tomb Rachel Matthau another convinced at the p. On their own side who don't like buying, because the Deuce brain doesn't work must be Russians. I love it. It's absolutely paranoid delusions, but this is why they can't win as I've been saying in many videos they live in a bubble where they ve crafted their own reality, instead of looking at what is they look at what they want to be, and they say we are actually winning the only reason people are yelling at me, because Russia have you ever considered that there is a civil war going on in your party and that you have lost the support of the progressive wing of the Democrats as you fight over,
insane nonsense. Now what what happened back and twenty seventeen days, early use of the Hashtag Denmark's it dates back to the democratic primary battle between Bernie and Hilary. At the time I can agent of Dissolution Santer supporters and Democratic Party critics attempted to start a movement to encourage progressive Democrats to leave the demo Party and support third party candidates like jewels time after the election, Some point and supporters blame Stein. Voters VA loss, though, as VOX is too our Goshen pointed out those allegations are not backed up by the numbers. Even There was no mass exodus from the Democratic Party or progressive rebuke of the Clinton campaign. Some people refer is to give up on the idea of Denmark's it. These are the three groups of people most active in agitating for democratic departure now hold on this article four point: seventeen from MIKE Mike basically collapse since then, as doing. There was no max as exodus from the Democratic Party. That's cute in it, because now we
that nine point, four million people who voted for Brok, Obama switched and voted for Donald Trump I wonder I would say nine point. Four million people constitutes a mass mass exodus and on what you mean by mass but hey, that's nearly ten million people that got Donald Trump like got him that victory. They do want to admit but since then we have also seen poles from gallop showing that people are less likely to identify as liberal less likely to be Democrat or I think, to be liberal. Many people are walking away and when you look at all these number when you look at the main site that segment did over it. You do now comes liked him yesterday about how How is showing that congressional approval for a publican as flip for the first time in Europe fifty years, it stands to reason that dumb acts is a real thing. I don't who thinks Joe Biden is gonna, be better for this country. This economy like Lodge
ITALY and others a lot of people, war, resistance types who seem to think that no matter what happens Trump is bad, no matter what he does, I don't Billy these people are real. I gotta be honest. I think these pro Biden types just want to fit in so they're. All pretending, like Biden, is the right choice. I think the Bernie people really, We really do want Bernie. I think many of them are socialists and far left, but there being blocked by establishment. Democrats who don't actually care have no principles, haven't thought for two seconds about what it would mean if by one they just want to fit in with the media machine. So that they have that they they mentioned draft Bernie. I don't care about this, whose Yahoo the other groups, the Greenpeace, that I get right wing froze. As we move into the future. Let's talk about who they are really accusing. I bring you EVA, do Bernay and and and who is she's a movie director, I think she's as me at all,
these russian Botz trying to push damn exit and the people walling WAR, it that's right, one responses and it's like pulling teeth with teeth with these folks. There can and to watch the whole country burned down over the course of the next four years. You think Joe Biden going to build a negotiate with a foreign country. He's may talk, Kim Jong on a black. We cannot fire missiles, wheat, what I'm sorry fire fire the missiles and then get it back, ok, be that's it. That's me Joe Biden, mumbling and muttering he's gonna, be in North Korea, umbilical really great to be here and in IRAN to to negotiate steel, and nor can Can it be like? Isn't it forget where he is due to seventy seven you're, talking about electing a man will be in his eighties and you think that is a path forward. Look I get it. Tromp is all, but he is I gotta say: fraud is the young man in this race in the weird and freaky, but wait there's more I don't know this is this: is our Ellie
Stole verified twitter user. Dear Botz, I will vote for the democratic nominee. Even if the Democrats nominate career whatever it is me to me with this. Damn exit crap, please even if it's for the krona virus, this? Is someone literally saying that they would prefer death and destruction over the orange man? Is it really that bad years of them, dogma. I reminded of it seen where, if you haven't seen that it's not too to angels who are condemned earth, there was content and they try to back in having an hour. It means care there like was what was Wisconsin really that bad- and you know it's like- is its Trump real. That bad, like you're, like the guy, the Orangemen you'd actually rather have a virus. I get it's a joke. It too stupid joke, but come on voting for Joe Biden NET amused knots like if someone's at the rate of over tromp. I built man trumps a nasty dude, but I get it voting for Joe Biden. You might as well put a mannequin in
chair was I going to do anything that would be better than because binds got cognitive issues. And now I bring you to the street, I don't know who Stephanie Kennedy is, but the reason I highlight this treaties because it's what actually comes up on Google when you first search for Democrats, it she said- and here we go- Denmark's it is produced and promoted by potent approved Botz in puppets Bernie brows included, team Russia. I can't I can't I can't do it. Man like you know, you see the future alma when when the press was like, I don't live on this planet anymore. These people actually but this Russia stuff dismissed, and move on Americans to be united in nominating the democratic candidate who can beat Trump and save our country, and that is decidedly Joe Biden. Are you crazy? These people posted in our man. I live in the real world, Bernie can't win Biden can't we're now now say this? A lot of people are saying about. Tromp Biden could pass
we went and to be real with corona virus bouncing around all crazy, like it's entirely possible. This really really does hurt. Trumps presidency he's been downplaying this, and now we ve got this weird contain zone in New York, starting a freak people on all doom. Do more in the kind of hours later for the later show, but I will say this now: if tromp doesn't get up, get a hold on this, it's possible burning, a Jew by that I mean, maybe even very really Duckworth really really can win. I do not believe Bernie Andrews within Germany by the time you, this many Tuesday may may already be over so that's possible, but I think Joe Biden Gonna take this and I think Joe Biden going to fail in the general election, but there are a lot of variables. Let me put it this way. When we look at the economy, we look of politics, we look at approval. Writings trump seems to be in the first place, but you got a factor in the variables we can't count on like
a virus in which case who knows that in mind. Damn exit may play a role in this. There are a lot of people who are angry and you might see, look there's Bernier bust people right, isn't the people that are like if it's not bernie, I won't vote but there's Bernie, orb or burned to the ground. There's the Bernie people who are thinking chaos about go vote for tromp teach the Democrats a lesson unlucky, There are many people who did that in twenty sixteen Bernie Sanders. Voters who said you know what I'm going to vote for trump to it, to give them some comeuppance, we'll see how it plays out but I guess the Big NEWS now get me. The krona viruses we'll get to that later tonight. Stick around neck segments coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly: a court, UK has ruled you cannot be gender neutral on your passport and it seems like it should be obvious as to why you can't be gender neutral on your passport, yet there still some countries that, for some reason, are allowing people to axes on their passports. This to me, makes literally no
As you know why we have on your idea your gender, it's not because want to insult you by Miss. Gendering you. It's because we're trying to den to you, but also it has to do with medical issues. Men and women, males and females require different kinds of medical treatments. That I believe we need an assignment on while ago for verse. It was a nine ninety. Ninety two, the? U S, the law, saying that clinical trials had perform on men and women males Females because they affect them differently. If you pass on the floor, and they start looking for your wallet- maybe maybe maybe here you remember U S gender neutral. They still need to know what kind of body you have, because you literally have different origins Sunday, a duration, and so there try and do something to help you, but not going to open your pants. Do you look at your id and see if your male or female at people want to change their ids? And you don't men look to an extent. I think it's fine, but you understand,
passports or a beggar issue, not every country recognising the same rules and the same. You know: customs cultures, no, if you're gonna, try and enter a foreign country with an x on your passport, don't basin prize if they say no, I'm not. I'm not kidding I've thought about this. Because I have travelled so much and I was like if somebody took a passport like you do- that you can get your driver's license to say Amarapura, I think it's. I think it's it's dangerous for medical reasons, but ultimately I don't care if you want to do if they want to do find its whatever. Passport thing was different like it, the United States is willing to be. You know, secular and leftist, and recognise a lot of these ideas. What you gonna do when you? I too sale, I don't like the Middle EAST. I don't know why you would, but some people do- or maybe you go to- country- and you know in Eastern Europe, because many of them are still much more conservative and what recognised this and there you're gonna be like what is this sorry? You can't come in when you're dealing with foreign countries,
your you are going to them and asking for a favor. May I enter your country for these reasons and they at their own discretion, can saying no to me it's absurd, but you know the courts, agreed what s interesting is that it's in the Netherlands. I think I mentioned this- that they put an ax on your passport. I saw him in these people in the UK in the? U S, these left us live in their own reality. It's a fraction of twitter that, as that is amplified. These four voices from the corners of of of the earth of western democracy that normally can't speak out that if they went on Streton and said these things they be ridiculed but online they find each other. And then it looks like this. A large Did he not technically, there is, but one you rally around loud, angry lunatics, don't be surprised and regular people think you ve lost your mind. Now. Let me read the story not now. I am not talking about whether someone is
neutral a tragedy that, by all means you do you and you'll have the way you wanna live, I'm all but their freedom, and if you want to walk around doing your thing I said. Are you want to dress? I really don't care, you wanna, say nasty, things. Are the people really dont care? It's when you cross the line into sort, you know attacking people or using a thought. Are you know, authoritarianism is right, sort, trucks or draw the line. My criticism here is specifically about how you Thank you, gotta be able to go to a foreign country, ask them a favor, and if they don't recognize your culture, why would you bother getting a passport that, regardless three metro says? A court has ruled that people cannot have passports with their gender unspecified jar campaigner Christie, Ellen Kane brought the challenge to the court of appeal, arguing that passports with acts incentive agenda should be available. Labels The UK passport application process, which requires individuals to indicate whether they are male or female, is inherently discriminatory. It doesn't matter because not about your law. It's not international treaties. If you wanna get your
Indeed say Q acts whatever than go ahead and do it at a hearing in December. Ray senior judges were told the government's current power yeah gender neutral passports is unlawful and breaches human rights laws this this individual set ex passports. I regret to inform, the appeal court has ruled, and UK governments however, in a judgment handed down this morning, we intend to permission for the case to be heard of the Supreme Court. Alan Kane took the case to the of Appeal, after judicial review action was dismissed by the high court in June twenty eighteen, the appeal which was can stood by the home office centres on the lawfulness of the current policy administered by her majesty's passport service, its part, the home office. It was argued the policy breaches the right to respect price life and the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of John
or sex under the European Convention on human rights, human rights, at the December hearing, Kate Gallant for Ellen Kane told the judges. This is an important case in the anxious text of the profits of the proper understanding and respect for the intimate human rights of the affected class. Persons whose gender identity is neither or is neither or neither exclusively male or female, but Lady Justice, Eleanor King read out a ruling, at the court of appeal today saying there: And be little more central to our citizens, private life than gender this case. However, the passport issue cannot reasonably be considered in isolation. Given that the drive for change, The notion of respect for gender identity across the board. The court finds that there was no positive obligation on the state to provide an ax marker in all to ensure the right of the apparent to respect for private life. Therefore, the current policy of
H, M p o does not amount to an unlawful breach of the appellants article, eight private life rights. The court accepts that the article issue go up the article of the court except that the issue goes to gender identity and an issue central to a person's article. Eight private life meant. I have no idea what that means, I'm not from the UK, but let's wait anyway. The joy however, was right in deciding the state had a realm, thirdly wide margin of appreciation when striking a balance between private and public interests or convention right notwithstanding that an issue of individuals, identity, is at stake. The court finds that the acts marker is just one part of a bigger picture that requires a coherent structure. Approach across all the areas where the issue of non binary gender arises. Particular given the discussions as to what There should be any gender boxes on passports, or indeed other if or documents at all. There is not yet any consensus across Council of Europe. Europe states in relation to either the broad issue of the recognition of
binary people or the net. The issue of the use of acts markers on passports, although there, Is momentum within Europe in relation to how the status of non binary people is to be recognised and the time may come The fair balance has shifted in relation. Legit discrimination under articles eight and fourteen the court found at the question of whether the difference in treatment was objectively justified would resign, in the same answer as that in under article eight private life at the core, policy in relation to the issuing of acts marked passports, does not therefore, amount to unlawful discrimination under article fourteen cape? Let me break that down for you if you ve made it through all that My general understanding is, they said something quite simple and logical for one maybe, in the future, this will change as other countries in the EU are to recognise how you know we accept passports, but their needs to a structure as to what makes sense and why we have these things in the first place. Perhaps the issue should be the removal.
Of the gender marker entirely, instead of just adding an Ex laws and president need to exist in order for these changes to be made for the time being there, countries on this planet, but do not recognise non binary and they don't care what you think you are they want to appropriately I defy you. Otherwise they won't let you in their country. I do not their stand. Why anyone would try to get this done on their passport when deal with an international system international treaties that may result in country, looking at it and sang denied. I dont know what an axis when you come into denied states, they fingerprint you. I think I think all they do is take your picture and fingerprint you. They might even
a picture of your eyes or something I don't pay for an american citizen. You don't get your fingerprints taken because we have a constitutional right, but visitors don't have that right. They do have rights once they come in the country, not when they're trying to enter our borders. It is the discretion of the border guard. Therefore, if you are from the UK and you get an x on your passport, it's entirely possible an american and we're talking about Western, a western liberal constitutional republic. I mean liberals and freedom, not liberalism, the left. It is entirely possible that this guy, the border, is a conservative and he says its acts, and you say I'm not by narratives. Has our note. That is. Are you? Are you a man or woman, and then you don't answer, they say denied and it's their discretion. I know people have tried to under countries and they have been not been denied because it is the officer who says yes or no so far I get it if your than these more important to you than actually entering the country, then that's fine
Do your thing. I just think for one I I can agree with the court. I dont know how you're supposed to function as a society with no rule like the laws they pass in. The New York are so overarching and so broad they literally don't make sense another pallaby challenged by courts. But how do you enforced this? How is a business supposed to know what they can or can't? Do The rules literally in New York ally's. You can't discriminate based on self expression, What does that even mean? That's what the law says gender identity and then in the law. Gender identity is your personal self expression. So what you walk around dressed like that bore rat net bathing suit, as I myself expression dough discriminate. While someone will challenge in the courts. Some one will say. Yes or no, and it omitted, will finally start to figure out where it is, but for the time being, you can literally take any one I mean they say you can ham sandwich doesn't mean you're gonna win, but right now you can claim a here.
Rights violation in New York for the most ridiculous reasons, because these laws have become sub, certainly broad I'll leave it there look on no beef, no issue with anybody wants to live our they one live. Do their thing, I'm all about freedom, so much respect, and we know no problem here, the issue, yours, international treaties and recognising your culture, doesn't dominate the earth
Transcript generated on 2020-03-31.