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Impeachment Is OVER, Republicans Secure The Final Vote, Democrats Have FAILED


Impeachment Is OVER, Republicans Secure The Final Vote, Democrats Have FAILED. There will likely be no new witnesses, the Desperate Democrats delay tactic will not see the Senate floor.With Senator Murkowski now siding with the Republicans those in favor of witnesses now sit at just 49 votes ensuring the impeachment trial comes to a quick end.But Republicans have failed to strike back against Democrats constant scandals and absurd claims allowing the absurdity to continue.Russiagate was a lieUkrainegate was a lieAnd if Republicans do not pursue investigations into how this persists then we will certainly see Russiagate 3.Republicans have secure a victory for Trump but only barely. They have thus far refused to finish the beast leaving Trump and his allies to fight on their own. Lindsey Graham says this is not the venue for investigating Joe and Hunter Biden, perhaps, but if Republicans do not investigate it will be only a matter of time until the next anti Trump scandal occurs.Already the staunchest Russiagaters are calling for more investigations into Trump.If Republicans don't return in kind, then they deserve it.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We are potentially hours or even death. He's away from the end of the impeachment saga, with Donald Trump making several gains throughout the whole ordeal. Now I can say already one when we look at money he's raised or approval writing with reality is Trump one before this even started betting Mark its consistently predicted Trop would win and the odds of a truck very steadily increased over the past. Several months. I can't really their stand by Democrats would want to do this, but we all knew that they were gonna lose the late, news as the recording of this video is etc. Work. Housekeeper has come out against impeachment witnesses. Putting tromp on path to a credible, let's be real tromp is gonna, be it basically, no matter what we knew this from the get go, there's no way. Two thirds of the Senate would vote to remove Donald Trump if they call witnesses it would do is prolonged the case and why? Why would they do? This
here's my warning to the Republicans, you may sit back and laugh the gains from has made or the fact that he was destined to win the Democrats aren't give. And there are already announcing future plans for how they're going to jam up the president early. Morning on my second channel. I was heavily critical publicans, because they refuse to actively slay the beast after Russia Gate. What did they do? they bring any of these life to justice. No now there are, investigations. Trump is certainly looking into this, where the german investigation, so potentially Bob cause. There was never justice. Ukraine gate happened, Now we know that there may I've been a conspiracy among some hold overs from the democratic administration to conspiring at the present, maybe not its report, real clear investigations may be it, I don't know I don't like entertaining conspiracies, but Rand Paul brought it up. Will the republic
actually go after this and call for what this is? The answer is no and if they don't get justice to figure out why this it's happening. Rest assured Russia, Gate three is just around the corner and some of the most prominent Russia Eight or anti trot personalities are all ready calling for more. The Democrats won't stop Trump keeps winning, you will likely when reelection, but out to walk you through this and show you we are on the path to trumps, equip acquittal, but This may actually extend into next week due to the state of the union as well as the ideal caucus. So let's do this. Let's check, the latest date on Rakowski, which basically means we're done, as one and I want to show you some of the lies Microsoft pushed forward in this case, while I will tell you why think they want witnesses. I think, for the most part just to prolong this. I dont know why I read We can't read my head around why they want to keep helping the president. Our raise the money and will work.
The greatest details as is a major breaking story about time. You it's a lot of details may have already changed. However, some people protect me be late tonight. Tromp could be completely acquitted, you might be watching this video after that fact, or it could, as it could extend into next week, but rest assured the desperate democrats. Have plans and I'll show you not only that there already to lie about what some of publicans are saying to make it seem like there's no fair trial here and I'll show you that too we get started had over it's him dot com slashed on? If you would like to support my work, there are several ways you can give The best thing you can do is just share this video. I now breaking echo chambers is pretty impasse but at least by sharing some people might see this. They might agree or dust we're here, but at least they'll hear something they didn't normal Not only that sharing really does help with that with me, drawing my channel, let's revenues
from Fox NEWS. They say we're. He comes out against impeachment witnesses, putting trump on path to a republican centralism cows. He came up Friday against calling witnesses and present trumps impatient trial all but assuring the Senate will move to but proceedings with a likely acquittal in a matter of days. If not, ours quote given the partisan nature of this impeachment from the very beginning and throughout I have come to the conclusion that there will be a fair trial in the Senate. I dont bother, the continuation of this process will change anything. It is for me to admit that as an institution, the Congress has failed, said Marquis Jackie, moderate Senator, who has closely watching on the witness question they say: announcement came after Senator Lamar, Alexander of Tennessee, who had who also but on the fence on the issue announced light Thursday. He would not support regional witnesses in the Trump shy low, hurried and wholly partisan trial right now
Senator Susan count of Main and Mitt Romney avatar, the only GNP senators to signal support for witnesses, presuming D Crash vote as a block and no other Republicans effect. This would leave the programme sigh with just forty nine votes, the Senate, expected devote unwitnessed on the witness question later Friday, from their proceedings could draw I'm through Friday night and into the weekend and possibly beyond what it takes to super majority to convict president few senators have publicly budged. Raw budged from party lines during the course of a trial leaving impatient managers, far short of the votes needed to convict, barring some Some extraordinary turn now Similarly, when I see here is complete hypocrisy on the part of the Democrats, Let me warn the Republicans. This is gonna, be one the most important things and I hope you paying attention. As I stated, the Republicans need to see justice for all of the fake scandals that have now emerged. Russia gate was a lie. Ukraine gate was alive. We now
of the former prosecutor in Ukraine, demanding criminal charges against widen. It doesn't mean that button is guilty, but it does provide a regional person with a belief that Joe Biden may have done something wrong and should be investigated, theirs no grounds for impeaching the president. It's just another scam, another desperate attempt that won't stop here. Let me show you something: the Democrats are, raged right now, there's not going to be witnesses. All that would do is prolong the trial. But let me show you this. First from the nest, were you in December, judiciary, Democrats, block republican request, for Adam shift to testify. During impeachment hearings. Now you may say but shift is it? Is it politician, whose leading the charge calling to testifies absurd, ok, well, therapy weakens also wanted Hunter Biden. This story for, of NICE House GEO, P S Hunter Biden and whistle. Blower testifying impeachment problem and the Democrats said no,
so. Why are they now upset? The Republicans in the Senate are saying no to witnesses the Republican would certainly just call Hunter and Joe now I think the Republicans should call witnesses. I guess they want to end the impeachment as quickly as possible, but I'll tell you what's going to happen. If we don't get clarity as to what caused the repeated fake smears against the present, and administration it'll just keep happening. We have. This story now ran Paul brought it up about a stand: for Adam chef? Mating with another individual to remove the president. Any means necessary, Miss go. Understanding now works for Schiff. Well, the Roberts wouldn't written question I can't say the name of the other individual on Youtube and will ever know what really happened and so long as we don't guess what gets? What comes next well I'll show you. What comes next is there Jonathan shake the man from the New York Mag who claimed on Rachel madam. I built siren MSNBC and in New York magazine that Trump may have been a
sure assets. In the eighties now says the Republican cover up will backfire. The house can keep investigating trump and you heard it. Never tramper, anti tromp or wherever column, Russia, Gator conspiracy, crazies are are telling you right now. You think we're gonna stop you're wrong. It will never stop and now the calls on the Republicans, you need to actually stand up and figure out where the corruption is otherwise The country will be dragged over and over again and if you're a Democrat, you should probably agree Impeachment has been a resounding failure. Russia get a resounding failure. Trawlers fundraising like crazy is approval. Writing is up. His rallies are bigger than ever yet. For some reason, the Democrats insist. This is the course of action to win you're. The definition of insanity is, as they say, doing this thing over and over again and expecting different results, that's more of a colloquial or academic understanding of insanity, but I think that's what we're safe
But there's there's some interesting information by the national law. I'm recording this, and I gotta admit I dont, like recording on big breaking stories like this early, because but by the time this goes up at four p m. I recorded couple hours early. This cannot be done. Some of you might well this year on Saturday, and this could have we done but check out the store from political. Why decided we should talk about with a are doing, and what comes next trumps impeachment while could extend into next week. Dear Lord help me no, please, I would love. Two to have this video go up and then later tonight them say we have acquired. The president impeachment is over, of course, Why does it really matter? Why does matter Mariposa next week? It probably will be. I just showed you from Jonathan Shape: they're not going to say I got more to show you they're. Not stopping now just check it out, but that's what's read this first. This is the important contacts you might wanna know. They say
What does officials wanted more time to prepare their clothing arguments in the case, several said several sources. Political reports assented impeachment trial for president. Tromp could drag into next week, even as European leaders appear to have the votes needed to prevent additional. What. Says an testimony from being offered. According to reply look and senators and AIDS Republicans. The trial could extend into Wednesday of next week. Scheduling, concerns over the ILO caucuses on Monday and trumps stay of the union address on Tuesday? Could you imagine, but what we're timely be alive? The president will give a state of the union address and the next, may be cleared of wrong doing in a Senate impeachment trial? To me, that just seems absolutely absurd. Politico says quote: it's probably going to drift along said Senator John Tune of South South Dakota. The number to send it Republican may we may we'll may well be next week, maybe we'll be in the next. We got another translator. What does officials
it more time to prepare their clothing. Arguments in the case said several sources closer. The issue. A delay would also provide more time for closed door deliberations by senators and would allow them time to make their own statements from the floor on the case. Majority leader Mitch. Mcconnell is expected to make an announcement on the floor Friday. Afternoon quote. I think there's pro The interest on both sides to bring this to a reasonable conclusion. Senator John Cournand of taxes said as you: how do we land this airplane in a way that is fair to ever body Concerned- and I think will hear more about that from the leader at some point, your administration official speaking on the can of anonymity suggested. It will like that suggested. It will take us leader time to set up the witness vote and the final vote on acquittal quote and once we finished the time to set up the final vote on acquittals, then it will take time. Actually go through all the debate The organizing resolution controlling impeach trial only covers up to the period when the Senate.
Bates the issue of whether to depose additional witnesses which the house managers already later trucks. Humor have been strongly pushing for during the last two weeks. Mcconnell and the White House. Adamantly oppose that and arguing. It was unnecessary and could drag the trial on four weeks or months. Interesting, trumps, defence, sad as they were arguing shift claims. He proved in peace meant already, and ship apparently said he did to which trumps defend said. Well, then, why would you need witnesses really interesting question my opinion? There was never an intend to actually when it's just it, it's just chaos a are not helping themselves their helping Trump peace fund raising, like I stated his approval writings up. It's just pure chaos. For what reason I have no idea it seems like there is nothing left on the side of the Democrats. I gotta admit trumps. Doing he's ass of rallies. The economy is Bowman, he's got a plan for reelection on the damage side, it's just meaningless. There's no meaningful talk of
policies that makes sense. Nobody really agree Biden in Bernie our neck and neck and they and their not even the same party, at least according to a cause, Yo Cortez and then, when it comes to impeach their basically just saying I dont know: let's just make it go on longer. None of it makes sense. When I want to show you how they're trying to stand and accuse and lie. Marco Rubio published a statement, and he made some pretty points there trying to misconstrued saying to make it seem like there's not a real, fair trial check. This out, Rubio says It is in his statement. Why does impeachment exist as manager. Jerry Nebular, reminded us Wednesday, night room. This is not a punishment for crime Nora's mobile supposed to be a way to hold president's accountable. That is when elections are for the soul of this extraordinary power to remove the on person entrusted with all of the powers of entire branch of government is to provide it last resort remedy to protect the country That is why Hamilton wrote that, in these terms,
our decisions should be pursuing the public good quote? That is Why, six weeks ago, I announced For me, the pro the question would not What are the president's actions were wrong, but ultimately, whether what he did was removable He says the two are not the same, just because shins meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interests of the country to remove a president from office. He says to answer this question. The first step was to ask whether it would serve the public good term of the president Even if I assumed the president did everything the house alleges the main point here and marker Rubio is one hundred percent correct. First, on the surface is correct that just because trouble something wrong doesn't mean it's gonna help any body or the country to remove him. Specially this close to an election? But that's not the way people are framing it. You see deep down. Marker Rubio is more correct than most people
lies. But, of course, here's what we see blue check Mark Twitter users. Actual line just because transmit a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the bow the interests of the country to remove a present from office. I see what they're saying and Jake Tapir said the same thing Rubio. Because actually made a stand of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interests of the country to remove a present from office. Why are they seizing on this line out of context because they're making it seem like Margo, Rubio and to an extent the Republicans believe Trump is guilty. We saw the statement from a lot Lamar Alexander when he said yes, they ve proven. Trumpeted this: why would we need witnesses to prove what they claim they ve already proven, and now this line from Rubio the statement is the trial, isn't fair Republicans, admit Trump did wrong and
They'll refuse to remove him full stop, that's not what he is saying, or at least not how I see it. Let me rephrase it for you just because we have probably cause for an arrest doesn't mean it would help to convict or better yet mean we can just because the grand jury return an indictment. Does it mean our it is strong enough to convict impeachment is not a conviction. Tromp was peached, and that means there was a probable cause that he may have done something wrong and it should go to trial. What more Robia was saying, is what they have presented, doesn't meet a standard of conviction and if we want to take it on the surface, it doesn't mean standard of removing the president out right. You can be impeach cause you did something inappropriate or wrong, but removal is very very serious, of course, they're all trying to frame it. This way. I was surprised to see Jake Tapir, presenting this out of context quote without giving an opportune
if a robia to actually explain we was talking about. But of course this is the nature of the beast taken this Bolton says: Tromp told him to set up Giuliani meeting in Ukraine. Why did the story drop today at noon? Why Did the bottom story about a manuscript, no unseen drop just the other day as we are nearing the end of the Senate impeachment trial. Well, I'll tell you, in my opinion, these leaks are very much whether very likely to be selective, now I don't know who is leaking what or why I will say for Boltons book how fortuitous the maximum press of you know you could get just before the end when everyone's debating whether there should be witnesses, you release some information and everyone then talks about your book and guess what? When you're book finally drops you're gonna sell a lot of bucks. That's PR wanna one! It's brilliant! but it's also entirely. Can it's also very, very convenient for Democrats that their arguing witnesses and then
the sun. Selective unsurpassed information begins to emerge. Once again when the story about Boltons book dropped. I did not cover it. You know why because every single time we get a bomb shall, a day later, it's retracted. When I look at the nor have I heard patently the New York Times talk with me- who are familiar with the manuscript, who heard that apply sure of it says, John Bolton did acts. I dont care. Ass. You present me what the manuscript in a state from John Bolton, I dont care, but how convenient and how beneficial to the damage That's when they have no real evidence at all the son, a story are just that literally proves nothing now, Tromp denies he ever told Bolton to set up this meeting and the meeting? Was it a problem? The poor home is whether or not trumps motivation was to win and allow
can or to stop corruption. Republican certainly say tromp was fighting corruption. I don't know about that. Crash. Certainly say: Tromp was trying to take up their non binding about that either, but the burden is on the Democrats, You gotta convinced me of either you simple Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it doesn't matter who has let me rephrase the Republicans, don't need to prove anything, it's the Democrats that need to prove trumpeted something wrong and they ve done that. You haven't done anything The burden is on them. I'm not gonna assume goodwill on the part of tromp, I'm not gonna, given the benefits it out. I don't need to because the Democrats need to provide evidence as to trumps motive, and they have not done that and I'll tell you what I don't know. How many times Democrats can cry Wolf, but I'm not interested. Absolutely not. We already went through years of Russia. Gate that then Hillary Clinton calls Dulcy Gabardine asset of the Russians or implies it there.
Deny. It was about tall, see I'm sick and tired of hearing it. This man, Jonathan Shade, was claiming they're gonna, keep investigating yeah, they will and you can happen. The Republicans are going to do anything about it. How much do you wanna bet now ran Paul? He Much respect, but what about the rest of on Wednesday Gram, saying now at the time and place, ok Tell you what I want to see, then, if you believe you, right Senate Republicans, then I want to see subpoenas and testimony and investigations into these people. If you're saying now is the time of the time should be immediately after acquittal. It's about time Republicans went on the offensive and pushed back against. The endless scandals is our policy is about politics care for whether you think that should be a certain tax rate or certain choices between different groups that are strictly about two tribes that are fighting and the republican tribe never strikes back, maybe once or twice
the Democrats won't stop the relentless even when it hurts them, they just won't. Stop Other Republicans turn around and say you know now we're gonna, investigate back, it will keep happening. I know Donald Trump is, there is pushing back, he is investigating, but they its parasite is a big difference in Trump and Republicans allotted republican centres are wishy washy on tromp, but let's be real. They really are something are more than enough. Republicans comes back, but Trump isn't a traditional Republican, and these to open an office for a long time aren't better, be traditional trump base. They followed in line because of how much the people liked and so now now, oh, so you see these Republicans turning around. In fact, many of these people he personalities, hated Trump and twenty sixteen, so I dont, their willing to stick their neck out for Donald Trump to prove him right. I think it's up the trump and his appointees to to actually do these investigations, but you see what happens when you looked into Biden. They impeach him over it. Perhaps of Republicans
actually stood up and pushed back. We see something different. It's not about Democratic Republic in forming a policy wise. What does about that? I had to endure three years of russian insanity, and now Ukraine insanity it I'm sick of it out to know who started this and why they put all of us through this disaster. Will the Republicans actually do? I doubt it, but let me wrap up with this- is a few quick points on the twenty. Fourth, there was a portable ABC news. Trump campaign launches new Anti impeachment tv add amid Senate trial. The campaign is scheduled to drop down, indeed a ten million dollars Superbowl add next weekend. Yes, tromp has weapon ized impeachment to his benefit its obvious, but it bears repeating the Democrats of owning earth. Cells, I really have no idea what they're doing other than being a completely destructive and catholic Force Trump campaign credits impatient for me, of forty six million dollar fundraising hall yup. This was
the end of last year, congratulations, Trump, we now have Bobby reporting during impeding trial, GNP Senator Schedule Blitz of high dollar fund razors. This is the end. The home stretch, the home stretch and all of these Republicans are milking impeachment for all its worth and they are loving it all the way till the end, a wrap it up with us Trump one. He one before He's been even started now it may not. They may not vote until next week. Maybe they are devoted by the time you watch this. I don't know, but you know they're not going to stop and I really doubt Republicans will actually do anything to stop them. So it will just keep happen. But I will leave you with one warning in all of the head to head match ups, while almost all sorry loses the only one he wins, as of the thirtieth is against PETE Buddha judge on surprising, as of Monday beat voted. Yes, In fact, on Sunday he didn't kill anybody, then you might say the poles are wrong. That's fine! We also see trot
Approval writing higher than has ever been. If those poles are right, are these poles right, I gotta admit I do think his pulse are wrong. I just can't imagine This failed impeachment that tromp could Chile lose with a record economy. People are very high. I've heard over and over again from people all over my neighbour, it at least that twenty nineteen was the best year for their business as they ve ever had I don't see how that translates into Trump losing, but I'll leave you with at least one anecdote. I was talking to a local near my house. Recently, He told me he didn't vote twenty. Sixteen. He said that it was really a nod and vote. I guess what he said: he said that he might actually vote for Trump and twenty twenty simply because of all of what did all the impeachment nonsense everything there saying about Trump, so when told me they might actually vote for the guide, because they are sick and tired of what the Democrats have been doing and that's why tromp really one trump one
The moment the Democrats annoyed every one to the point where they said a knock. I don't want you to have the matter phone anymore. They have the house what's gonna happen, come to come November, point twenty they are going to vote or across the board to take them megaphone away from the Democrats to just stop the nonsense, but it won't because the Republicans in office need to do something about it and they haven't been- and it's been now three almost four years and they haven't done anything stop this some of them have. I know I know not try to be mean Devon. Nunez, certainly you know Matt Gates, Rand Paul. There have been some people, but as a whole, the haven't got on the offensive. I doubt they will we'll see what happens up I'll leave their stick around Mexicans coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him cast news. Thanks rang out- and I will see you all there. Ass night. A potential swing, vote, sender, Alexander, said: no
witnesses paving the way for an eminent Donald Trump Acquittal, and I can only feel like the Democrats have failed. So miserably was this That sounds from the wire. I don't think it's Shakespeare thy. Look this up. If you come at the king, you best not miss they. Did. They will now make tromp stronger than ever. We all know the great benefits trump has received due to the impeachment Riley's fund. They started its approval. Writing is up. People didn't want it. We're bored by the writings we're down, but Democrats we're stuck they move forward in all likelihood they failed now I'll concede. I think there is a four percent chance actual removal apparently limit. Let me show you: what are you the story about Alexander? But let me just say this: real quick predicted has right now. Look at this in the past twenty four hours Alice you seven days. Actually so on the twenty eighth we saw, people were bedding.
For some reason, tromp would be removed and it just tanked now at four cents or around four percent. These are the people placing bats trouble be removed. It is a tool, well idea. You should have done it so here's the thing today in all likelihood trouble be required. He will then use this to not only prove that he was innocent or exonerated Also shows the failure of the Democrats. They ve gotten. Nothing done impeachment failed what did they do all this time passing great bills and negotiating company Republicans, to make the country better, no complaining that Orange man was bad and then what happened? The orange man wins, we all know. What's gonna happen its playing out exam as we all knew, and it's just making the Democrats look completely ineffective. If Democrats goal would help trump in his re election and make a ton of money that impeachment worked soothingly. I can't believe it men. There were,
circles coming out from left wing publications before the impeachment vote. That said, does Donald Trump want to be impeached and they re Like fifteen million dollars over night off of impeachment? Ok, let's go to the news. Alexander. Was a potential swing vote reason for it. They say that these guys, public but he's about to retire? And that means he's not stuck, but you know based on reelection right like that he can, ivory once here siding with the Republicans for one simple reason: Adam Shift claims they have proven their case by so what'd Alexander site. Why call witnesses if you vote proven its true that Donald Trump did these things. Then, what's the point of witnesses, goes on to say, none of these and reached the level of impeachment I'll. Tell you what men the left is claiming that it's the first
impeachment, with no witnesses the Republicans are running. A sham is also the first impeachment, with no statutory crimes being broken so yeah the Democrats are running a sham to dont care. Trump wins it's over. What witnesses could be called anyway? The Democrats claim they ve already proven their case, but they provided no real evidence. It's just at this point, another ongoing witch hunt to quote Donald Trump, but Think about it. You look at what started the Russia Gate and Sandy the Carter page five of which we now know to be bad and now he's suing the Dnc era. We saw that story So now you have all of these investigations beyond this and are trying to use Russia Gate to claim prompted this that are otherwise, but that whole thing was start on a false premise. Where that what they want to do now, I could you not,
what our people are saying. The only reason there trying to block witnesses is because it would actually ensnare bill bar and other trump allies is. That is. Is that your argument, so it your basically saying that the goal of impeachment is not to get tromp, but cramping hyperbolic, but the goal is to actually start doing sweeping investigations into tons of other people without merit. Yet we we don't do that. Can you need probable cause evidence to starts investigation and when it came to Russia, Gettin Carter, page three years of absolute psychosis making lit my people, I know of actually lost their minds and when what do we get for it? Nothing fake news here. We are again not only that there is actually some evidence right now. That suggests Donald Trump was correct in his actions
Yesterday, my main channel, I covered how the former prosecutor general of Ukraine wants criminal charges against bite, and now you may say, but that guy's corrupt, he's a liar by all means. Maybe he's lying, maybe accusing Biden of of things that binding. Ok, but if a former prosecutor, general crept or otherwise road is worth a ladder and inside it demanding criminal charges. Is that enough to ask for it to be investigated? Answer is, yes, is it proved that done tromp, was digging up dirt on bite into a reelection. It's not it's actually evidence that Trump may have been we by a potential for corruption, just because what an investigation into Biden doesn't mean there would have been criminal charges against Biden. Doesn't there has been a public announcement about binding if Frumps motivation really was dirt on Biden. Maybe there wouldn't have been any, but maybe if Donald Trump said I want you to look into this a month later,
Zaleski and over in Ukraine could have said nothing there and troubled about like K, but it never happened. So apparently the Democrats want to impeach Trump for this, but I'll tell you what really happened. They were looking for thing they could get, and this is what I'm I'm I'm a job over another there's. This is too much to go through today. Today is a crazy day, but I am actually very angry at Fox NEWS, Fox NEWS You spineless cow words. Look at us round, Paul Trump would going against the law if he didn't investigate the violence, Rand, Paul one to ask a question about him: and I call Voldemort because my love essays name on you too, which is insane Moran Paul, was correct in his question. Basically, you had to individuals the the alleged whistleblower a k, a Voldemort. I can't say his name and a man named Sean Moscow, apparently, according to her clear investigations story they were. Overheard
talking about how they must remove trot by any means necessary this man than what went on to be of the alleged whistleblower but Sean Moscow joined Adam shifts. Team rand. Paul ask nothing about the whistle blower. He didn't say anything to whistle blower, he's we have to democratic hold overs overheard, plodding removal of trump, and one of those people then went on to join Adam Shifts team and that person help coordinate with the whistleblowers ship ran while they actually mention those laborious mentioned Moscow. Justice Roberts refused asked the question. Ok at this point we know with whistleblowers its, it is Voldemort because everyone, that repeatedly out o the whistle blowers, we're talking about a democratic hold over, wanting their removal of trump and is and his friend who was plodding with him going to work for chef weak? talk about it. I can say Sean Miss go over and over and over and over again, but I can't save II The guy was involved at this Now you want to know why I'm saying Fox NEWS, our spineless cowards ran Paul.
No problem saying the name and he was right. I don't know what the whistleblowers shift of another whistleblowers, but this Democrat hold over was coordinating with one of shit now. Staff right so asked the question for new said. If you want to know his name just go to Twitter, they said, we're gonna? Ask you not to say it? You know what men limits I some. I am furious that I can't say the name of all the more. You too will actually delete this video, so you can get mad at me all you want, but if I say it, you we'll just delete the video and no one will see anything. I'm saying that is a major restriction. I have. I have basically screamed at to be a email saying this is, stream violation of first amendment of of our free speech rights not for cement. Sorry, but of our of the freedom of the press is a major is a major milestone in the corruption of Google and the impending to stop
a nightmare that were already in where major corporations restrict freedom of speech and the press yeah, I'm very angry about it. So I tell you what I'll do I will do my best to make sure I can still talk about it to ever degree can and I'll call the guy Voldemort cancer is then Fox NEWS can fight news there. Cable channel is under no such restriction, yet they still refuse to report the news real, clear politics. Many other outlets have no problem, sang here's, the person's name, it's newsworthy, the press and himself has retreated the story with the name in it. The president's son, the same thing at what point, Do you say everybody knows Voldemort real name, but Fox NEWS. Won't do it and then Me is disgusting, and you know what I really do like Paul, I think, is a good do. But if I was Rand Paul and I went,
and I was on Fox ass. It were going to ask you not to say that I am also by take us a microphone and I'd flick. Em off. I would have liked him off by saying no dice. Sorry we're not playing this game for the further you don't you know bothers me. I was hoping ran, Paul would work go away from this. That ran poets. I I'm not doing, and if you know I ran pulse question was not about the whistleblowers now. Cnn tried claiming it basically was, but it wasn't, says: oh, it's because ramp on those with the alleged whistleblowers and then another not full stop. Our speculation is totally irrelevant to the new story about to democratic hold, overs plotting the president and one of them going to work for chef, which can say his name because at some point some one said he might be. The whistle blower ran pomade. A good point. Mean any one: whoever may have been the whistle blower recounts at what I said this. What if I said something like a source of concern, we the does not those of lower. Can I say his name now: no facebook would like the post you too well.
And even the spineless cowards over at Fox NEWS who have the full ability to report the news won't do it so here's work, it's crazy, freaky, even real, clear investigation, asserts that Voldemort and Sean Miss plotted to remove the president, maybe not in extreme conspiratorial- why they were over her talking about it. We'll miss go well work for chef and coordinated with the whistle blower? That's a fact: we don't love. It's Voldemort is the whistle blower, but you know if there to divert people for not whatever to different stories to different stories, and we can't say this name, no matter what you know, I posted on Facebook, but I know a guy. I met a guy from you know, Dubuque, who is a Cairo per hour dentist? Who was a family man fifty years old?
and his name is, and I posted the same name as you know, Mr Voldemort Facebook deleted it without notice. Just it literally was gone talk about creepy, so you know what ran pulse question was. Was good Justice Roberts not ring the question funds me greatly, because where this point now we're simply because someone at one point alleged This guy was a whistle blower. We can't tell em other news stories about the guy. What kind of psycho decide be a nightmare we living in but ran Paul, but whatever you know, I appreciate his. Effort, but I will. I will show you something else: undefined religions morning, CNN Sir John King, says Republicans make legitimate point about the whistle blower. While he says that listen no. It's a blower started all this. Why should they testify? They shut as a legitimate question coming from a publicans, and I got agreed the problem, as you can't even say, the name of who people think the whistleblowers
me- and you can't tell any stories about- blew the whistle about someone who happens to like you can't story about a guy. That's it he's a guy and story, so afraid this one, but I think it's interesting at sea and on his basically saying Republicans are right here but I will I will also go back to that line from the wire. If you come at the king, you best not mascots, I was gonna happen. We have Superbowl weakened, we got breaks it and trumps acquittal all happening around the same time. Is this is kind of crazy? You know is a crazy weekend, I'm kind of wondering if, if twenty, if twenty twenty is already shot, its load is, is it it's like the craziest weak endeavour when it's all you know, particularly crazy about it, that trumps acquittal is coming on the same day is as as breaks it in that not sits like like twenty fifteen. Twenty sixteenth keeps happening, trumps gonna win trump support, it's crazy trumpet to a blue states, New Jersey hundred seventy five thousand people want to get in that rally. Only seven thousand could reporters were furious. Why are we being made to wait outside? Why can't we come in
to bed. I couldn't get press ticket, I can get process either, but I guess we can wrap up with this because all admit you know normally alike, to do like a very you know. Much more cohesive story, but today was this morning was crazy, with all the impeachment staff will soon. Happens, but even CNN now saying that you know the Republicans made a great point. So it's crazy to me. Let me say this about Alexander the swing vote. People are insulting the sky. The leftist. Curious that are republican, that another potential swing I guess it's easy, I'm pretty sure republican, but their angry, he's voting with with our Republicans and unlike who cares what what light wise? Why does this matter to anybody saw what's right about what scene and ass to say. They say seen an acre ya, see that Seen an anchor jumping defended Republicans on Thursday arguing. They made a legitimate point and asking why the intelligence community whistleblower, who brought the complaint that prompted trumps impeachment hadn't, been questioned, quote you're asking the Congress the Senate now to remove the poor
didn't of United States, it's a legitimate point four, President's team and the Republicans to say shouldn't wig go. The very origin of this. His comments come after ran pulse in question They tried ass in question that mention the name of the person reported to be the whistle blower that had nothing to do with the whistle blower Fox NEWS as now confirm the name of the whistle blower. What does that matter Fox NEWS ran Paul. Didn't ask a question about any whistle blower itself. So annoying King said he wouldn't help Paul air. His grievances over the issue by proposed certain genes. For Democrats, Republicans make a good point whistle. Blower start all this. Why hasn't whistleblower unquestioned? He said: shouldn't thou stomach. Have found a secure way to do that. It's a legitimate point of debate as we go through this is outing the whistle blower in a public setting the way to make your point, I think we can have, conversation about that. The Democrats argument, is that just about everything the whistle blower lodged has been proven through other sources, so we don't need to do this. Ok,
an investigation showed that somebody, but their whistleblower may have been coordination with someone who not works, random chef, so yeah- and you know what I just can't stand the faintness of politics. If these stores are false by all means we can it. Them, but executive accusations are being made by credible outlets like real, clear politics, then why won't the Republicans grow a spine, bring these people to justice if they are seriously coordinating behind the scenes to subvert our government. If Adam she was coordinating with intelligence agent hold offers from up from Obama or from democratic administrations, and they are plotting these things. Why can't we get justice for it? Why can't we get investigate Why do we get to sit through years of Russia, gate conspiracy, stupidity and we can't even get a preliminary investigation to just look into some of these questions? Why can't we? Even
a question about any of these people, because the real justice and I publicans as much as Democrats, I mean it. You ll Lindsey, Graham you these people, so I will not call it will testify. It is not the place for this yeah yeah yeah, none of you- want to actually rock the boat and bring these people the justice if they ve done wrong instead sit back on your hands, while the FBI never tromp over insane nonsense for years, you sit back on your hands, welcomes piracy peddlers, like Rachel Matthau spew, word vomit into the camera every single day and drive people on the left, literally insane thinking Russia going to such shut off. You like city to their homes, in the middle of winter and Fargo? She said did you know that right and then you get down Let me talk about black holes, swallowing airplanes, whatever publicans and about anybody any of it. Alex Jones Paddles, his conspiracy, you know vomit into the camera Alla time, but now
Jones is a cookie anomaly, but it's fine, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna. Pretend like Alex Jones is an innocent little snowflake, but they got rid of him. They banned him. Fine, that's the game! Europe! I disagree with it. I think should be allowed let's Joe say, Miss Rachel Motto, but what happens when Jones, when Milo and positive Watson, what all these people get purged from from the internet, where the Republicans sittin on their hands? What happens when you get breaking new? who's. The Obama hold over our democratic old overs were plotting against Trump, and then one of them what was chef report, can sit on their hands. Republicans are ineffective. Congratulations, their winning the fight, but there's no real justice. Here the Democrats run around chicken to their head cut off doing stupid things like impeachment? I guess that ended up helping trump anyway, but where's. The real Thus I am sick and tired of this. I'm you don't listen men, Russia Gate was minded numbing and I entertained it. I said: ok, let's wait for the evidence and we had.
We had with the FBI Special Investigation and all that special prosecutor whenever it nothing conspiracy nonsense and the warns that started were fake. We start to deal with it and I said fine. Thank you it's over, then, what opens. The Democrats play the same stupid game again with Ukraine Gate trying to convince us that tromp we're gonna dig up during the guy doesn't care about in others, leaked audio. Where tromp says I'm actually worried about Clinton picking. You know Bernie Sanders, as vice president, because Bernie Sanders, is you not trade guy, and that was a relation for Trump, yet you We too believe that he was worried about Bernie Sanders All the activist websites are arc are claiming now but decided to go up Joe Biden a full year before Biden even announced? I don't care dude, I'm sick of the fake news. Allow so the people who have wide and dragged all of us through the mud for years brought to justice where the Republicans sit on their hands. They say knots, fine, we'll just sweep under the rug. You know why, because
I don't think any of these people democratic, otherwise want to see the system change. They want to be outlook. The Republicans and the Democrats flip flopped from from Clinton's impeachment. You know you see, lips and the dam and the laughter sang Legato, Republicans hypocrisy, and then you look at I'm a crack in the Republicans illegally democratic policy, yeah yeah yeah same game, different ministration, I'd like to see I respect, ran Paul. You write this very few. You know these republican or democrat politicians have respect for I, like what ran Paul? Did you try? He really did. I respect that I wish you would have walked off, walked away from Fox NEWS, but I'm sick and tired of the fake nests. Let's be real, launch a tolerable to really go. On while we get some outlets that do if real, clear investigations is telling the truth, we got a serious problem there. Alleging alleged conspiracy from one political party to, move a duly elected president, and they may have actually move forward with it. Why can't we get an investigation to that? Why do we get bogus warrants
it will at launching investigation for years, but we can't even ask a question about Voldemort and Miss go go, there's no justice and there are publicans, won't do anything to get it max. Lindsey Gram. They won't actually bring these people to justice. I would be surprised if, after this, actually because it Linsey Grams. I all- is not the appropriate venue for this shore. Fine you actually do anything about it. The answer is no one's. This over jail. Be alive in season the out, the media will come We forget about it, will all move on and will completely forget what happened when the big TAT company said you can't say a name when Fox NEWS refused to say a name. When reports cannot, this person may have conspiring against our governments, and no one did anything about it. I've grown used to this not seeing justice. I've grown used to it. We're not gonna, see it a really really doubt it now. I know the Democrats,
The bill on the left are saying we're not going to see justice trumps impeachment. Oh, please, that's not even a statutory crime you're making a poetic argument about the present being removed, based on your opinion about abuse of power, is that's it, so we can disagree on that If there is a clear violation, if there was clearly clear bribery, trees and high crimes and misdemeanours. We wouldn't be having this argument, but there isn't no statutory crime other than they argue. You know breaking of public trust. Oh please! You never trusted him in the first place and a supporter certainly trust them. Nothing is changed, so they want just as their and our anger. The senator wouldn't support witnesses, output but shifts prove this case already. I'm just sick and tired of the games. Men scares me I'm looking for two acquittal, it's it's it's! You know what you are. I make this prediction. There will come a time in a few years, He soon one Republicans once again play the exact same game in the inverse when it's a democratic president and the dumb republicanism similar and everyone
have their little arguments as to why this time there right, I don't buy it. I think anyone's full of it. Much respect ran Paulo, at least he was willing to stand up I'll leave it there impeachment, as is coming soon, stick around excitements coming about one p m in this channel, and I will see you all then. Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we may have another get woke: go broke on our hands as nobody is buying tickets to the movie birds of prey. I assume If you know what birds of prey is, if you don't it's basically about about a bunch of females when the DC universe- and I want the trail and I got to say he looks kind of bad. I heard it was ok, though, from like all other article, whether sing it it was good and test greetings before, but there was concern Studio kind of mock things up, but the movie is definitely walk and ass. It everybody saying it's not like you know, algae, be, dig, you representation of all female ensemble lead and a kind of feel like we might be looking at. First of all, not only is our,
see movies kind of they tend to be bad right, but you ve also got a kind of Ghostbusters twenty sixteen vibe going on. I got it. I do want to pass early judgment, but I the trailers and I'm really kind of thought it was cringing, so we'll see what happens because wonder woman looks awesome. I dont think woke necessarily have to do anything with it, but I I'll. Tell you this get well could go broke, doesn't just mean people don't like what you make like the product is bad. It also could mean these woke people you're trying to sell to never had any intention of buying your product in the first place. Now I want to point out oceans, eight, the all female, like reboot or whatever of the ocean series made a ton of money. I wonder on hunger you can absolutely do female leads, but I think there something weird about trying to market something as woke where people are just not interested in. It may be honest, echo, my
but I will also be fair and say: get woke, go broke is not a universal law. A lot of people seem to think that it is it is. It is universal. Constant. If you go woke, you will be guaranteed money, not true. There are a lot of things that absolutely have profited off of wilderness. That's why people try and do it I think what we see a lot with movies like this is their like. Oh can we make we too are they make them is really bad. Nobody likes it case in point. I worked for a company called fusion that some reason decided to get woke and then found the gutter everybody got laid off. But look let's, let's read the story are birds of prey is by Carly Quinn and somebody's deasey care. Here's what I get from the trailer is. Basically she like breaks up with the Joker something and now she's gonna, be like a man. Painted whatever. That means the store we have from cosmic news is nobody buying birds of prey tickets. Now These went on sale. Recently, priority gets because it's coming out. I think next week
I'm probably not going to see it. I wasn't even thinking about it. I saw some commercials never been crossed my mind, but I'll tell you something before read this: as shows you all of these tweets words like nobody's buying tickets to the movie. I don't ask me why I don't owe it might be a good movie, Marguerite, pretty awesome and apparently she's here, involving the production of trying to fix that easy. You, let me say this. I want to go see the movie nineteen seventeen Degrasse that movie, it was amazing. The whole thing. Basically done as a single shot. As you follow the unity soldiers as they go on this mission is awesome. It wasn't like this really crazy enough story. It was just following in almost real time this this these soldiers doing this this mission and everything the encounter it was. It was incredible, it was. It was a really really fantastic. Movement has thing I had wanted to see this. I fear like the first week it came out. All the seats were sold out. The omens it's available were like far and Indonesia
seats and I want to go to my friends, so we didn't see it actually waited like a week to go, see it so. Finally, a week or so later the theater was still decently full, but we got good seats. We got in the middle of the theater, but there was, it was still labelling. Half the theater was sold. I went to my local theatre, for priority gets for birds of prey. It's like twenty to thirty percent tickets sold to me. That's crazy! Considering the first week I couldn't even go see nineteen seventeen, maybe nineteen seventeen was as this critical critically acclaim like everybody's it you're, not gonna, gonna nuts. For this, but we're talking about a DC cinematic universe movie. You know we're talking about a big comic book blockbuster and the pretext that that the pre sale I'll admit a decent amount, soul I think maybe sang twenty authority- is a bit over on overestimate. Man actual be last, maybe like ten to twenty because, like basically the whole thing's open, but so what they did, this do. Did you want to look at all these other theatres and found basically the same thing now? Look I ain't
I'm always wary of people try to be biased to insert their agenda but nobody's buying tickets, and maybe people will by some as time goes on, but the main ones, wanted to the segments is because it looks like it get what go broke it eyes. I gotta be honest: it could it be that the Dc Eu is terrible and they ve got a really bad job online there movies Shazam was good. Wonderment was good, I'm excited for the new one. But everything else gotta been you're, not gonna, spotty enormous and up Nobody likes suicide squad, so it could really just be suicide. Squad was so bad Nobody is interested in seeing kind of you know, apart to what he has said, what I think I kind of feel like we're looking at another one is attempts at awoke female ensemble property that doesn't quite make sense for it. You know like why why? Why is this happening? What is this? But probably it would be fair to say that it's maybe just suicide squads, lets us read it and see what cosmic book
has to say, as I could, Disease woke, birds of prey movie, b D away, before its even released as apparently nobody's buying tickets birds of prey. It's actually when on sale Wednesday, which saw me skipper three too about an hour after they went on sale for the Thursday night previous, which is next week. There's nothing I was expecting data to be near sold out, as usually for Thursday Preview Thursday, a Thursday night preview. Don't get tickets as soon as they go on sale. I'm s look well actually bought the first. We tickets in the movie theater on our way to the Buffalo Sabres hockey game. Tonight I mentioned to my fifteen year old son that had bought tickets for birds of prey next Thursday. He asked me how many hope that I didn't buy him one, as he has no interest in seeing the flick. He really did like suicide squad The recent too excited about birds of prey, though I did tell him the two aren't related, but I did end up getting I'm a ticket. So tonight I checked the theatre to see how many things have been said
and, to my surprise, only to other tickets have been sold. When I went to see infinity war, I had to actually drive like forty minutes to find a theatre in the middle of nowhere. Because everything had sold out like with priests. I was nuts and then I didn't think one thousand nine hundred and seventeen was going to be that big, but I couldn't go see it now with birds of prey. The priest, like I could have any scene what's so I basically replicated at least locally what he's saying for some reason: nobody's buying tickets again fair to point out. It was I was trash. Maybe nobody wants to see this movie, but he points out one important factor here: the Woke culture doesn't care to see at either guy, that's the real. Take away. Let's say everybody hates suicide. Squat! Nobody wants see it limitless. Let me go over here and show you this article from seven months ago? This is from we got this cover, they say Warner Brothers report the unhappy with birds of prey may be another justice league. They say this though, the movie won't get theatres until next year, test screening.
Been overwhelmingly positive so far with people praising Macgregor performance, the greedy and violent tone of the pic and its steps towards more algae, beating representation on screen, but while audiences have walked away mostly impressed, it seems a studio, isn't terribly happy with birds of prey the moment they say, maybe I'll turn into a justice legal get their hands in a mess. Up. I guess my question is to point out to bring up is it's not so much get what go broke, but kind of get woke and even walk. People dont want to buy your tickets. It's a common occurring theme when it comes to the push of listen to content. It reminds me of that South Park episode where they're doing. The Hippy Music Festival, and the mayor says to cart like this festivals, gonna bring a ton of money and then carbon go. Hippies, you don't have money and then it turns into a disaster keeps growing, and then you know it's silly: they they drill into the centre of the of the hippy music vessel. The point these companies are like, let's embrace
ideology for a group of people who have no interest in actually attending the showing so there their marketing not to the core fan base their marketing to people want their famous now on the surface, it makes sense right the idea is. The fans will come no matter what we need to get the people who don't want to come so will embrace this woke ideology and encourage them to come. They dont come anyway. Was I mean you ve, alienated your core fans. Then I want to watch and you try to attract a group people who don't wanna watch in the first place. Congratulations, you got woken went broke as something to do with the content. Being bad is essentially, it may be. This move is really really good. Typically, people make the assumption that won't continents bad, because we all saw Ghostbusters twenty sixteen and threw up and miles a little bit, but it could be a woke movie. Just doesn't work for people, or I should say you when you change the existing characters. You lose your fan base. So high
here's. What I say, it's fair point out: oceans, eight, ok, vague. They got rid of the original cast bottom up and all female cast a net movie. What it was a seventy million, not a budget brought unlike thrown a million dollars, so you can definitely you make it work. I think the challenge actually when you start altering the original contents, the original characters or putting them in position positions where the fans don't care and on your base of the critical product that is attempting to get people to watch based on nostalgia or brand power, but you're actually marking each other We ve got watch, don't wanna watch what I think about when was star wars and a really does feel like most of the time. Their slap in a name onto a product has nothing to do with the original products like the star wars, sequels movies, in my opinion, just really aren't star wars and the New STAR Trek shows just really aren't star trek they're trying to use that name to get you to watch a fan, but then drama
articles changing whatever it is into something that makes no sense for anybody that nobody goes to see it again. I'm not talking about this universal law that some people think exists. You can certainly make will content that does really really well and workable suit blood. Of a whole lot. Does this, like Stephen Universe, is an, I would almost say, overly woke, but I think they hit like the gender non binary stuff, very well without being super political and other familiar, but there's I've puke fan base for Stephen Universe that cartoon network show, among you, know like more woke lefties, unlike people on Tumblr, but Stephen Universes bearable show it's like its original intellectual property. You know it didn't change, neither characters, they have some of these ideas in it. But for the most part the show follows a story that doesn't bash over the head with woken us. I don't think suicide squad will do that, but I think people see this and their skeptical. I think the fancy this and they say chill out, ok
I'll wait, till rotten tomatoes comes in and then you see people who actually woke like I never intended to see in the first place. So why cater to them? But by I got it, they want a market people who they think you know they need to get to convince. So here's the DE says he's: Thursday private nine pm showed showing has no tickets sold up yikes where man, that's crazy. As likewise the I'm next Thursday previous have sold barely any tickets at all. If any, as it seems that a few oil seeds have been sold and a few seats up front yeah, that's really weird It is the Friday. Showings are more the same event scrolls us which broke down, and he says since I'm not a big fan of this, since I'm not from a big city, I decided to check theatres in New York, in LOS Angeles, whenever I go to them comecon, if I got to see if I got to see a movie or get, invite to an exclusive. I go to the Times Square Regal, least, seven birds of prey tickets have been sold. Checking allay sinner mark hasn't even hit in the double digit numbers and that's not
I mean this is basically what I'm seeing around me too. So. What's going on, I think that maybe fans on the fence and that they are waiting for the birds. Pray, run tomato scorn, reviews to hit as well as word of mouth. There's a comic book movie, we're talking about here and a decent film. Yet no one is buying tickets, regardless, what you think movie. That also means females aren't buying tickets, the quote: woke: culture isn't buying tickets, the hardly Quinn, fans aren't buying tickets, Batman Vans, Doris Pack, art bind tickets, lack mask, enzymes are batman. Violence owes as in this. Oh, that's cool, Zaza great villain, and as mentioned the comic book movie and easy fans, art buying tickets, I think the tracking numbers around four million, which seems really really really high, judging by no tickets being sold. Hopefully, things aren't as bad as the recent I'll movie, Charlie's angels, which bombed within eight million dollar opening weaken, maybe Warner brothers, who take a painter, Disney's book and buy tickets themselves may be having Jared Letter back as Joker would have helped
So I shall more like this. All of these tweets. He says tickets selling, like hotcakes at my local theatre, nope, none wholly s notice, it sold for nine p M screenings not much better for Thursday previews odd. Why? Their seats at the aisle sold, but not in the middle, that's a good point Friday. Winning day seven. Forty crickets wow birds of prey, ten p m. This dude went all throughout these regal theatres and found No tickets are being sold, no idea man. He bought up really good points, though I know people the people. I know who harlequin fans are not about Harlequin they're, not going that to me is weird and the comic book fans usually line up out the door they buy tickets. The moment they go on sale apparently not happening. I think it's fair to point out that more tickets have probably been sold. Maybe look I wouldn't checked and sure enough. I found similar results. I didn't do an extensive search like he did.
Don't ask me, I don't know, I do think it's worth a comic book movie could not get these these ticket sales, like she's Zahm, did super early previous, I went saw it, it was packed. His hand was awesome, but maybe DC is finally just favorite everybody. I have no idea. It seems odd to me that with the people are the early screenings being overwhelmingly pause. And this big DC movie no one's buying tickets. So whatever man I don't know the story matters too much, but I will tell you this for those of you that for some reason care the news puppet Trump and the damage is just too much. I thought I'd be fun. Take a nice little break and talk about some comical, three minutes out I'll leave their stick around next augments coming up ads you to become slashed, him That would be at four p m. Thank sprang up and I'll see you all there the other day the World Health Organization declared an emergency over the krona virus and I'm gonna have the same based on the current reports out of China. I think it's a lot worse than people realize now. I know there are
the people were mad at me because I was saying to remain calm and pine, not a big deal, and I stand by that. You're, never benefiting anybody by freak out. But there's legal point someone made so I will stand corrected. They said under reaction is worse than overreaction, you're right absolutely right, I think it's fair to say: don't panic but you're, better off overreacting when AB only now it's a bit of an overreaction, as the local Walmart by me have sold her face. Masks! Ok, but you not tell you what it's true overreaction is probably a better reaction than under reaction, so I dont want anyone to fall when optimism bias thinking. Oh no, it's just Sars parenting out it's worse, but this is the news that makes me think it's actually a lot whistle blowers in whoo hoo hoo. And about the risk of a corona virus. Outright last month were arrested according to an expert you may
be surprised because I mean we're talking about China here, but this actually kind of freaks me look. We ve seen photos of people collapsing in the street. Their mass purchasing hospitals there treating it very very seriously, will simultaneously law. Buying and trying to shut up. Anybody who might say it's worse than it really is. Sounds to me like it's worse than it really is now I will say If you are a young strapping in virile mail, you probably have nothing to worry about. Ok, women too, but if you have you know siblings that our younger age of a baby, children we have grandparents are your parents are older. This could actually be very, very, very serious and I want to say for the time, but China lies a lot and doing really messed up things. So a lot of people think this may have been a breach from you know some biomedical facility. I don't care what caused it.
I care about whether or not we are prepared for it and now we're seeing the first. I believe in the: U S equally wrong I'll pull up the first person to person transmission in the? U S, This is what scary ok. I said when this first happened of first broke. We pay when I have anything to worry about, because the scary viruses are the long incubation periods with you now transmitted through it. Or whatever exactly what happened. There's a story now and I don't know I've got a ton of stories pulled up where they basically said. That a woman was asymptomatic, uninfected and infected for people, and let's do this- and she was gonna these whistleblowers, because this is what really freaks me out. China, there censorious authoritarianism, the daily mail reports whistle blowers whose sounded the alarm about the corona virus in China will reportedly arrested for quota spreading rumours, Alene, UK expert on China's claimed at the whistle blowers, headway, and about the deadly virus. A month ago, the revelation comes as health officials declare
global emergency over the rapidly spreading corona virus. Like these photos of Gabon Plainsman, there are quarantining planes. A cruise liners quarantined, look man, I know a lot of peace. All initially and include myself or like approach, probably nothing. I think I think it's fair to be sceptical, but I must reiterate the it's better to overcome the under react I have not heard stories of cruise liners being quarantined back during Sars or planes being diverted or people being held on military bases. This a zombie movies begin right. They they tell you everything's, fine, because it I want you to panic, of this it'll disrupt the economy, but this seems to be a serious over reaction on the part of the governments. That being said as well, we want I heard was the reason, their actings ways, because we learned our lesson about under reaction, which made Sars worse, so it could be. That could be that China, other governments, these quarantines, are severe overreaction on purpose because were better off do
so the end of the day? Man I'll just tell you this forget it all go to the store go by its opposite. You know some case about war by some five gallon jogs by some cat food that will last Yo Yo a decent man a time not just because of this, as I always say, because hurricanes happen, because thunderstorms can just shut the power off. Ok, don't let anyone shame United care yourself. They say the nation wide death toll in China on the outbreak has in a two hundred and thirteen, with nearly two thousand new cases confirmed the National Health Commission set on Friday and its daily up at the commission. Had forty three new debts had occurred as a result of the virus, all but one of them in the hardest hit who may province where the virus first emerge. Doctor you, two Schwartz Kumar of the University of both told the mirror at those who tried to warn about the virus logically silenced by the state. This is why free speech is so important because for the good of the rest of the world, you meet to admit when something that is happening. Even if it's embarrassing, you
he claims the spread of the virus could have been reduced if people were made we are of the outbreak in late December, quote they were asked to sign a confession- stated that they will not spread false news if they had taken steps earlier, the situation could have been better because they did not, because they did know about it. Doctor, Kumaratunga, publicity people could have been made aware in late December the authorities could have stopped people travelling earlier. I highly appreciate the it's made by the government of China and locking down the whole city. However, if they listen to the advice of these eight people and sometimes scientists, the situation would have been perhaps better. Document obtained by article are reportedly appears to be signed and fingerprinted by citizens promising not to discuss the outbreak. Why? That's crazy? That's that's! That's! That's crazy the World Health Organisation had initially downplay the threat posed by the disease, but revised its risk assessment after crisis talks on Thursday quote
we must all act together now to limit further spread. We can only stop it together, who chief TED rose up odd, wholesome? I can't read: disliked him, I'm sorry get restless Gebhardt yeas told a briefing in Geneva. You guys nom, really bad at reading last names, but without trying to be disrespectful. That was a difficult name for someone like me to actually read being a pathetic one language. Eager of english tadpoles. Nevertheless said travel and trade restrictions with China Knesset were unnecessary to stem the spread of the virus, which has now been confirmed in more than fifteen other countries across across the globe. Many countries have already urge their citizens not to visit China, while some have and entry for travellers from the central the city of on where the virus first surfaced now what
Not you want to believe the Orangemen Donald Trump says it's everything's under control remain calm. That's great by all means, I think it's fair to say the: U S has a decent amount of control, but I'm not entirely confident in every other people and again, very responsible responsibility. The responsibility lies with you. You may very well trust the government to take care of this you'd, be a fool not to take care of yourself to the best of your abilities, we'll get a first aid kit go get some food like I said, Sorry what Donald Trump as on about here present Donald Trump declared the corona virus situation very well under control. Saying there is very little problem in the: U S as global health officials, the clarity public health emergency Trump spoke nation from war in Michigan, worried a new trade deal and bashed twenty Sixteen rival, Hillary Clinton, because it ok he's at Americans who had conch contracted the disease, work recuperating nicely and said: we think it's
you have a very good ending for us. I think he's right. I do I do things right trumpet. The administration was working very closely with China, where the outbreak outbreak began and where millions are unlocked down. Bordering nations, have shut their borders, searched flights and imposed other restrictions amid fears of a large scale deadly outbreak? We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in these countries the moment five drops out during his remarks Thursday afternoon. Those people are those people are all recuperating successfully. He said he and his team we're working very strongly with China, the president added. Hopefully it won't be as bad as some people think it could be agreeable sentiment. I'm gonna start counting down until they start attacking Donald Trump for downplaying the krona virus goes literally. Nothing you could say right. He's gone we're doing our best. We ve got things under control and they don't say he's down this the severity? Everyone sick on that, because you know everything trumps as wrong rent. They say it
administration credit into new task force to deal with the problem. Monday and now I bring you to the best part of this news. That's right! Donald Trump did create a task force the krona virus, but unfortunately the quota This task force is another example of trump administrations. Lack of diversity. That's right of all thanks to worry about when a vice this is potentially autonoe killing people. It's the color of the skin, of the peace trying to save the lives of the people who might get sick. Think about this world wherein how insane this Ok, we're gonna we're gonna like way off and I'm in a wrap this up with a nice little men at talking about the absurdity of the diversity argument. When a fire fighter kicks in your door. Diversity is not what you're thinking about. I'm sure you don't care about the color of the skin, of the fire fighter so long as there is strong enough to save your life I don't care about the race, the gender, the income, nationality, religion, if you know how to cure the disease or protect people, please take the job and do
but of course, CNN couldn't resist when they noticed it was all white people, corona virus taskforce, orgies, they say who are these exports? There are largely the same sort of white men and a couple of women on the sidelines has dominated the Trump administration for the very beginning by car. Dressed former President Barack Obama circled advisers, and you know I can't read this lesson as allow going out. The krona virus remain calm, but be prepared, trust but verify troms. Has things under control? Don't always take the governments for it: do right by you ignore CNN. This is disgusting and pathetic CNN. What is wrong with you? I love other. And everybody else and pretend like there, the objective new sore
but they literally one and article criticising the race of the people. Trying to save lives. Could you imagine firefighter picks the door and, and the person on the ground who happens to work for CNN, looks up and says what what what woe white male coming to save me not an hour. You leave and come back with a little fire fighter obtain a woman. Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what these people will be thinking. Could you and action if, like these dudes, headed getting a vaccine or away to stem the virus, none other than in and out? No? No? No, we would rather the virus. Actually expand rapidly than to ever permit white men from trying to save our lives. We ve gone a little bit crazy. Haven't we let's, let's be, let's be chill, let's its morn, you know for those we ve lost, what's but be careful let's be calm, let's be prepared, stick around if there's any obvious in the krona virus. You know I typically weight because a lot of breaking news, the dealing, a wrap up segment, butts
I'll leave. It there's two grand next islands coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. Ill hand. Omar is back on the news as questions about her ethics. Like literal Violations are servicing. Story, says Omar paid an additional two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars from her campaign coffers to alleged boyfriends farm. I mean it's interesting. The washed and free beacons has alleged boyfriend when the daily mail definitively report, that not only was she living with the sky, but she was really dating him, and this caused her marriage to split up. The reason this is significant is that all Omar was accused of an ethics violation for fondling money into the I think, as they missed him might with an and also not itemised what they were. So people felt the ideas To be very careful will read this and let them the story speaker themselves with a general ideas. She was basically the sky to go gal
ending around with her ass. She traveled around the country and potential pledged to the country, but basically using campaign funds to fund an affair she still sort she was still pengelly November. She still paying him now and many people are wondering what why, if you're being a key, if all of these things are coming to light, it could just be that maybe she's just paying a com the boy the daily mail definitively stating they lived together, posting photos. It stands to reason. Nobody cares. There's not gonna, be an investigation, no justice. I doubt it. However, I will I will say we know that the FBI exploring and meeting with potential witnesses and collecting evidence on Omar Slots revenues see what's going and why does insignificant free beacon reports she paid an additional ten and fifteen thousand from a campaign to alleged boyfriends firm. They say Oh Mars, New committee filing submitted Friday morning should it between October first, in December. Thirty. First per km he two hundred intervene thousand dollars and additional payments to the EAST treat group a firmer
I political consultant to my or Mars alleged boyfriend these payment report is going toward consulting direct mail research services, travel expenses, advertisements in graphic design, the new payments mark other increase in money followed to the farm minutes group is yet again the highest paid they're from all bars campaign. This is where look if it was if, if they didn't include that bit of information, I'd probably care a lot less. Ok, just because have been accused of dating someone, even if she was allowed to hire whoever she wants. But now we can see that this company get substantially more than any one else. She's paying and again there are found of them, seemingly living together, but we'll get to this. They say the committee reported hauling in foreign Dron, three thousand dollars and individual contributions. While disbursing for four thousand of the last three months of twenty nineteen, but to intervene in turn. Fifteen thousand dollars pay two minutes group, for it serves
as accounts for fifty three percent of the total disbursements from the campaign during this time. Over the first three quarters of twenty nineteen o Mars pain pay out a total of three when ten thousand dollars to the EAST, ST grouped according to the fourth quarter. Payments minutes firm collected a total of five hundred and two, five thousand dollars from almost campaign into point. Nineteen, almost painted not immediately respond to our request for comment on the payments Doktor Beth Minute minutes ex wife set into. Where's papers filed last year that her husband was having an affair with Omar the parties. Physically separated on or about April seven. Twenty nineteen, when defended, told plaintiff but he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman ill hand bar the paper said not keep in mind that jilted ex lover, so she could just be an but I don't see why she would smear Ellen Omar unless she was met at eleven Omar. Don't they
she'd be mad at her unless there was a real reason and she was mad about her husband leaving. So I kind of feel like I believe, the deeds, wife and the dude was having an affair with eleven Omar, which I believe May, also be a serious ethics violation, because she's pang as company and like there's, you know you can't do that, but anyway, Threed by way of example, day's pay defendants, devastating and shocking declaration of love or up Omar and admission of their affair. He and rub Omar took the party Sunday in our two formerly meet for the first time at the families, favorite, nay restaurant while plaintive was out of town. The paper said: Rob Omar gave the parties on a gift and the defendant later brought her back inside the families home Omar. Evaded questions on a situation, while my net has denied allegations of of an affair. The pair, however, has been set. Together on numerous occasions. In the same nice like in the same house, him apartment, the daily mail report last that all more Manette are living together. The washing free You can also spot of the two together last November at the push mandarin or
The hotel in Washington DC during a seat of gathering of the Demott Democracy alliance, RO, millionaire and billion are donor club where they were mingling with other attendees. I'm gonna, I'm gonna quit has at last, but there lesson, but that's a political consultant of course, he's going to beat this high profile Party Course Ilyin Omar will be as well and, of course they would talk to each other they worked together. I dont think we need to dip that far too say: there's something fishy going on This is a video. I guess you notice. Video FBI investigating claims that ill. More married, her own brother and worst will share the findings with ice. That's latest as an article, I guess, but we can see the video is their living together in DC. I'm gonna call shenanigans if she's living with the dude but paying him more than anyone else. I'm sorry that sounds unethical pay them a standard market right
I don't know it's illegal or direct campaign, finance violation or anything like that, but, to a certain extent my understanding is you can't make unreasonable payments because then attempt to essentially syphon money out of a political campaign. You can't do that people trial I games where they think like I'll hire you and pay you ten thousand dollars for web services. The government's gonna be like did no one makes that much for web services you're. Just finding a way to take money from a political campaign and give it to your boyfriend or to cover the cost of his flights, so he can travel around with you, you can't do that? Doesn't work either way either so the story, I Montgomery that's what I'm gonna go this one, because, as ones actually more interesting from twenty seventh listen I should mention this number: seventeenth, ok, there's a cup. Whatever the initial allegations minor standing, Ilin, oh,
filed, another hunter, investigate alleged lovers, consulting group. So apparently she called out something like August for doing this. That in November she kept doing it and then we can have other story, as is apparent, still doing it. You know it could be and, dare I say, showed anything wrong, maybe she's completely loud to maybe it's just celebrity. Gossip I don't know, but I will say if it is something more ethical that she paying off market rates like well above to siphon money to her boyfriend. That's extremely ethical and we should know about it whether it gets her and trouble at all, but is a challenging to care anyway. What's more interesting is the news I came out a few days ago at the FBI's, exploring evidence that she may have married her own brother. I think about this is apparently somebody met with the F B. I gave him a trail documents. Well, this resulted investigation. I don't know, I don't believe any grand conspiracies, but I do think I do think that
it's possible when Ilion Omar was doing all of these things. You know with these this new husband or whenever they as possible, that she'd never realized. She would be this scrutiny. Seized and she was living a normal life. Now that she's a very high profile politician, everybody wants to know everything about our past, and so there digging she's gone purging social media she's alive post of her saying things that are like sounds like that deeds, your brother, but the FBI is at least taking it seriously. At the point where the serious invest investigation, I'd like to see something, but for now they are exploring evidence. The examiner reports FBI's reported looking into whether Rep ill handle more married, her brother agents held in October. With a concern party who gave the agency die, commence related in Minnesota Democrats. Marriage to british citizen nurse said: Almah Omar second husband. According to your posts on Sunday? The meeting was first, for an earlier this month by the blaze, a source told the new post, the two FBI
agents of the meeting agreed to give the documents they address. To the: U S: Department of Education and the: U S: immigration and customs enforcement. They did not uniform they'll be opening an investigation into alma themselves. The lawmaker been accused of marrying me, who is alleged to be heard. They're into nine, so we could gain a green card for Skype or scholarship benefits. I think it's probably scholarship benefits, but the green card is expedited where the arguments we ve. For many in the left is if she really was related to him like their brother and sister, she could file a sibling sponsorship. She could and eight makes sense right, except spousal. Sponsorship is faster, sibling, sponsorship isn't and its also possible. She couldn't prove he was really her brother in a legal
cutting. They have different last names. They were separated. Arguably, what happened was when she fled Somalia as a child. They were separated as a people say and so he's in the UK. She has a different last name. They have no documents to prove their related. So apparently the argument goes that, married him. Instead, she couldn't do a sibling marriage if you wanted to without the documents and the target documents. In fact, one of her own arguments is that it's almost possible, or one of the arguments brought forth agent to Hers- is that it's almost impossible to prove their related at all, anyway, Social probably get away with it, Even if they are, I think That makes sense but I will say the guy she claimed to be your dad has the same name as the guy she married. I think it's worth looking into at least but- look, I should I should at least say I don't have all the data pulled up as a lot of stuff. It's fishy about eleven Omar
I don't mean to single her out but she's under intense scrutiny, because she was found to be in violation of campaign, finance law, pay a fine. This story has emerged in the EP betting. It seriously and she's been accused of Failing this dude, which is giving tons of money to more than anybody else, sounds like she might just not care about what she is allowed to do right, but not only. There should have any updates with UNICEF like this, of course, have more segment stick around. I got one more fun segment come up, apparently millennials a rich about getting the Bank of America claims stick around. I will see you all in a few moments. Eleven Omar once again tweet, two council student loans at it totally backfired, says Forbes Nothin stories funny and will read it, but I gotta make a really important point right now. This conversation about cancelling the student loans, that of people who chose take out loans and went to school received a degree which will be
for them for the rest of their lives, and now I don't want to pay back the money they borrow darn. It actually three, to a certain extent, I think we should cancel the interest rates and make them paid on the principal lucky use the money paid back by do think, interest rates or predatory. I think the land practices predatory and I think it's jamming millennials and they're, not by Hauser having kids but not as a new We have information proof ill had Omar completely wrong. I'm in a hurry, this, but I want to show you a new study from Bank of America Report by Fox Business, one fourth of millennials have a hundred thousand dollars in the bank or are we going to give those people fifty Grand Elizabeth warrant? That makes no sense. Does it monitor stashing way money for a much earlier than other generations. Study says well Fox, got their data a little bit wrong. It's not so much that one for the minors have honoured. It's actually a different number. At seven,
in point two percent. I know it's not a big deal, but they got their data wrong, but it is still true. Millennials have autonomy came took us out. This is a report from Bank of America tracking the spending have saving habits of millennials, they say more millennials are saving with retirement is top priority, so I will come back to an almost comments about cancelling student that, but I think it's important for you all to no mommy. I got some loop takes out. They say, as of twenty eight, I'm sorry, twenty nineteen? Seventy three percent of millennials are saving money, that's good, but does still mean twenty seven points have none, maybe they're the ones who need that debt relief right. All of the millennials with savings, fifty nine percent have fifteen thousand dollars or more. That means forty, three percent of all millennials have at least fifteen grand in their savings. That's just shy of half
Are we going to give these people free money? You got fifteen k, you can pay down your debt and nuggets butter of the mine also savings, twenty four percent. I'm sorry! This is twenty twenty data. Twenty four percent have at least a hundred k, so that's of minors of saving. So twenty four percent, Let me three seventeen point. Two percent of millennials have at least one hundred feet. Thousand dollars in their bank. Why would we give them money to pay off their student loans? That now I know I know perhaps it makes sense to say the people with the Junta Render bank probably don't have that because they could afford to pay in the first place, but I dont think just giving a blanket forgiveness of fifty grand I was with one months: do make sense, especially when you now have data, show that millennials ain't it that bad. Ok. Why should we? Why should we benefit those who have degrees that will last forever? Who benefited greatly from this? Instead of a poor people can,
to go in the first place, but let's see what happened with eleven Omar, they say it backfired item I dont know if I agree with that, I'm sure she got criticism but of course, Forbes can't resist that good old click, maybe headline so probably backfired to a certain extent. Let's Reed Forbes says Wrap, Ilyin Omar twitted to cancel student loans at then this happened here is what you need to know that than this happened. What this happened, this this articles, probably going to be bad Omar. We did what dreams? Would you be free to go after if your student that was cancelled, share with the hashtag cancel student that we stop right. There Ehud Olmert I'll tell you a story. What drew Could you go after? If you didn't choose to go after your dreams? Ok, we will hold on. I know it's unfair, maybe it and got your dreams maybe or pressured by your parents in society take on these loans go to school to get a degree you didn't need, and you can't use ok, that I can understand from that point of reference for the problem:
cancelling student at is that you still receive a massive benefit from having any degree. But look at US point of their society needs to recognise. College degrees are worthless. I certainly don't value them, then prove anything. In fact, I think cultures are massive net net negative to an individual. Let me tell you something: if you tell me you're twenty two years old, you graduate from college and you want to job you. You just said to me for the past four years, I've been institutionalized told what to do at every turn. Did the bare minimum to get a degree. I'm not gonna believe that you actually want above board because you're nothing to show for it, but the bare minimum a degree. Ok, ok, maybe someone you have accolades. I won this award. I won the championship, fine, what things could happen to me I'm so everything's gonna happen. If someone comes to me and they say for the past four years, twenty. We got up for the past four years. I was working at Starbucks and I got a promotion and raise and involves money saved up.
Say well, there is someone who took initiative gotten into the nitty gritty. Did a job mostly will probably would would mean a frown upon saved money. Moved up. That's real experience. You know somebody who has a degree they're just telling me someone told me what the do every day, and I did it. That's not a good employee. I'm sorry you're makes a good employ someone who is forward thinking and can solve problems before, They come up. You know, I don't want someone come to me and say: hey the waters leading. What do I do to fix it? How no I need you to figure that out Why would I hire someone to say like book, my travel if it is not a book, my travel, that's literally what you get with these two raise people who only not to do what you tell them, but why out when I hire someone, I'm hiring someone who knows how to do a thing. I don't. Let's ended a video at it right I'll, be like who are out of videos. I heard someone has just tell me how to do it. I'd be like what effect
what does it make sense? I need someone who knows I do already, but anyway, let's readout backfired. I say experts twitter users responded with how their life could change. With the prospect of student loans, forgiveness quote by a house, get my teeth fixed at saving for retirement. Yes, because you're making substantially more than the average person what the degree and you gotta pay it back. That's why they don't get the people have degrees, make higher salaries. Unfortunately, some of that has to go back to paying offer student loans. So, yes, you could buy a house from benefiting from a free degree. Now, of course, the left are saying: that's why college should be free. You dont think about these things to you, I'm late for you. What do you think happens if you take the University of the university can can fit full occupancy. Fifth. Thousand students in the building. In. Like me, another mate like what was at the whole university campus. If you add up the occupancy of every hall in every room you get. Let's do this a hundred thousand people's, it's big university. I think.
When you open it up to everybody. Do you think standing shoulder to shoulder? to lessen the one person is gonna, be a comfortable learning experience. Or do you think the universities gonna say we are not going to allow everyone in self. It's free, you don't get to come all you're doing is removing the gate so that its first come, serve. That doesn't necessarily make sense. There's gotta be some meritocracy involved. Otherwise, you'll get people just squeezing their way in exploiting the system to get that seat, taking it away from someone who might actually deserve it. Scholarships makes sense right finding underprivileged people or people, people who might be afforded and helping them because you think they deserve it. There are a lot of these things and guess what paying for the service, so the idea is basically make the public pay, but if the public paid for literally all college we'd have to expand everything, university to accommodate like ten times more people. Now again, another left says so timber, basically saying you're. Ok with some people not getting access to education. Yes, I am
Because someone has to teach and the space has to exist, I'd prefer it. If everybody got access to education, I dont think colleges give a good education, but for the most part there is limited space. There is limited heat, electricity and labour to teach these kids, that's why you must pay for it. If you do what they want and recalled stuff all you're doing is basically saying we're. Randomized, it's a lottery ticket. Good luck, yeah that well I'll, tell you what maybe it would be a good thing, because college, I think, is a net detriment in a lot of is now. If you wanna go to university in do research, you wanna, be a scientist. I mean academic that make sense. I'm talking specifically about someone go to school, for, like music business, you wanna work and music this go get a job in a bar in the venue, as our booking some bans, but go to school and pay tons of money to learn from but he was not even a boon, not even working at a venue. Ok, I know we're supposed to read out his backfired, so we should do this. They say Here's an example from various twitter users. One person said in this country: if one takes
that it is ones responsibility to pay it back. Not one's neighbour or work may or complete. Stranger do otherwise is to teach eras it's about it. Someone said I already worked my but often saved a paid out my student loans. I refused now pay for loans of others. That argument, someone posted is funny mean it s funny. It's the trolley, probably know the trolley problem. There's a train coming and the track forks on one is one person, the others. Five and the train is headed towards the five. Will you pull the lever, killing the one person to save the five? It's the famous philosophical question. What they did was they had behind the train was five dead? People in front of the train was five people in a fork with no people, and the argument was you can save these five people because these five already dead it makes no sense. That's a stupid argument, funny mean, but here's their missing. No one is saying it. While some people are saying this, but the idea isn't just because one person put off their loans, we shouldn't have someone else's. We're saying you use tax money to pay if someone's loans, the person
already paid their loans is now spending tax money to pay off your loans and you didn't pay for them. Why should I No, that pay for you to get to that and benefited from it. Yet I could do my dream would be what dreams would be free to go after it. For student debt was cancelled. I don't have students that so I'll tell you. My dream would be to not have to pay for people who got a major if it and don't want to pay it back, even though I agree, we should terminate the interest rates and allow them to pay it back without accruing more on the principle. Because I think people go under water with these things be, and it's impossible to pay it back. I think we need to figure out how to end the predatory lending and saw this problem. But let me let me let me let me suppose, one Don wrap it up more important than any of us. Millennials got cash row. I'm I'm not interested in hearing your argument about giving money away to people who got money already so I'll leave it there sticker
Transcript generated on 2020-02-21.