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Illegal Immigrant INVASION Puts Trump Polls THROUGH, Media Calls Him HITLER, But The People AGREE


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Illegal Immigrant INVASION Puts Trump Polls THROUGH, Media Calls Him HITLER, But The People AGREE

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast. I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story. Last night's was an amazing event. You can all check it out at youtube: debt, conflict, tim cast iron. While we were joined on stage at teepee, USA's america fast, we had Tucker karlsson, James, o, keefe, charlie kirk out of court the ragtag bunch you know and love in crosland, James coglan, lurid cowskin. I and out Talked a lot about where we're headed donald trump, whose vp pic is going b and we're heading into twenty twenty. Four, it's to be a wild year and I'm asked what's the point of the election and I said to win yeah. But do you really think TIM? There will be a fair election and my answer is no.
I don't think elections are fair. I mean, I guess their fair on the sands at all is fair in love and war right What I mean is everybody's got their dirty tricks to play. there's gonna be a lot of political gamesmanship policy in procedure, so define fair. The point is you go out and vote, you register people to vote and can't lose now. I think the reality is that no matter what happens, the Democrats will deny the results. I believe, if the regrets when republicans will also deny the result, so should be interesting. That being said: there's a reason why I'm starting off this morning, with this segment from stephen pull dirty mouth stephen go. There goes off on trumps, hitler, ask immigration comments, Hitler s Oh boy, here we go again. Ladies and gentlemen, NBC says Donald, try
has truly earned. Comparisons to Adolf hitler is Jesse Kelly here, fellow Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days? Ladies you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy raises a lose weight? Are you ready to feel better? Only While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this. It's all natural, not big farm, a crap. Not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk c, H, o q, fellows, they have a male vitality stack night Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel
want to feel like you're twenty years younger go to c h, o que dot com promo code tim gets you thirty. Five percent off your subscription get a subscription. Today c h, o que dot com, promo code tim You know what's going on with the story and why they're saying that you may have seen it in the news before now, but to break it down for you, because you have, we ve got developments pertaining to the immigration crisis in chicago new york. In this kind, free, but particularly how chicago new yorker handling it right. Now you have and and johnson of Chicago far left, screaming and begging on I am saying this migrant crisis is destroying us. You have local democrat voters in chicago in the black community, demanding that these migrants stopping allowed to come in and sub taking their rights.
mrs, you have the city sang actually do I have this one pulled up chicago will impound buses that a brain migrants and now, of course, these people and in these mayors go new york. You know other blaming republicans for this nice. Try. It don't fly the residents. The Democrats there saying no. Hence Joe Biden. I haven't pulled up the latest polls, but there's a story from a couple weeks ago Joe Biden is leading trump in new york by ten points, and that is bad news for Joe Biden now. Of course, the average person has what he's he's winning by ten points is massive. Aha and new york is de plus twenty seven. Now that's shocking worrying still for democrats or worrisome still is that donald
has a massive lead in swing states and a massive led among voters who did not vote in twenty twenty. Now I've been safer, here in my stern, marilyn, slash west virginia properties, where the only thing What about in terms of illegal border crossings is the dear? They come onto my property in that you might grapes everything you know ate my apples, I'm getting out of here. We got apples. Apples are all gone, it's too cold now, but dear, did come around yomei, pears and apples. We were really plan an undue and much of the money way. Though our really care the dearer here, you know it. it's just silly fun but sir, that's our worry. How many dairy we have? Actually we do a lot we're not worried about illegal immigrants coming into our towns and community, because we're in west virginia, however
as americans, we are concerned about what this means for the country for people who live in Chicago. My friends You know that this is beyond my my perspective for the most part as I no longer live in this city, but many of you probably do. In fact we will, even during our analytics overt tim cast doubt come the largest region that we have chicago more more viewers from Chicago in your ass, those of the majority. Where is I'm hearing, our are horrifying police stations full of migrants, buses coming in my in centres that I guess there cancelling one. It's it's it's it's insane, but the people and other thing it's crazy. The homeless camps everywhere there seeing I grants being given golden treatment, free food, free shelter, the homeless are being ignored. Its aid is, I don't think people understand, but when you see Brandon johnson losing at the mayor screaming
video about how its gregg abbots fault. Let me just say this: when regular americans and major urban cities are shrieking about the immigration, crisis, and then donald trump comes out and says strongly. We ve got to deal with the immigration problem. Fifteen or sixteen million. and then you see the corporate press and the likes of colbert come out and say trump is being hitler. Do you know the odd person out here, as it ain't donald trump Donald trump said something to the effect of the the it's? It's poisoning the blood, are poisoning the blood of this country, and the argument here is that the court repressing trumps as immigrants are problems, I know he is referring to democrats allowing all these policies that result, in fact, nolan trafficking spare us
because they said in nineteen. Twenty five hitler said the same thing: okay, let's talk about it, though, because I'll say this before we get started on this current track with the way the corporate press is responding with the the scale of the crisis. Donald trump. And not lose twenty. Twenty four on the merits notice. I said on the merits, because you you go with that means. Donald trump cannot lose based on the argument and outside I believe that, on the argument, trump one in twenty think talk across and said something similar last night until guest. I r l when it comes to to talking to a person who knows politics. If you remove politics from the question politicians and just ask them a b c d at one two, three four, which one do you want, they always choose trump policies, but many of them don't like and then you also procedural rules
changes and things like that that greatly benefited democrats. So the merits are not the only thing you need to win an election. The votes are, but let's let's read this, and I want to show you the exit and the seriousness of this crisis as it escalates and how the corporate press is responding before we get started. My friends head over to the best song ever dot com click, the link in the description below click download at your price. It sixty nine sense by the song together again it's available on youtube skype. Millions of hits we are going full steam on this song and at a team up between the tim cast crew and the daily wire to make us on really what are we really feel? we just want to keep forcing our way and building up our own industries. That's really it and the one that you know that they do want to recognize us. They don't want to accept that they want to insult the daily wire's movies. They won't insult the music we make and the content we make so we're going to keep doing it and we're going to keep investing in culture building. If you,
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Kay Colbert is a psychotic individual. He really is here. We go as being compared to had learned mussolini by top psychologist. Wasn't enough for donald trump and as if we care to be honest, but let's keep bringing the embattled former want of president decided to echo some of their fury, most xenophobic language. We want a land about immigration over the weekend. Oh I love this. When Colbert was rendered nearly speechless after having trumps tyrant, it's beginning to a lot like fascism. He sang on monday before play a clip of former president claiming immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country. Now you see what they do here, they see what they do here, there's absolutely interesting, said colbert. Also, not true. The blood of our country is not being poisoned by immigrants being poisoned by dipping pizza in ranch dressing, which I am a fan of. You know just to all things in moderation on a more serious note, Colby noted that the statements is horrifying in and of itself
It's even worse, when you realise a term blood poisoning was used by hitler and its manifesto mine come why. Why is that statement so shocking to these people? This
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Tickets. Are you ready, download dragon ball legends today available for free and both IO s, an android devices? Here's what I gotta say in our trump. I think he could always go for a little bit more tat. He could do a better job, but in all it is what it is, whatever lessen the use of terms dont mean much to me: nobody likes hitler, ok, that's stupid and you keep comparing trim am over and over again you're like chicken little or I dunno. What was that the sky was falling you're like the boy who cried wolf, it's probably a better one. Yet nobody's going to listen to you because you keep reaching lie. banshee. That trump is hitler, and I can already hear the leftist going now. Yes, because it's true shut up now, it's not! rob did so little to exert authority when he was president, I mean it, I mean it. You had, mass riots and what a trump do exactly trump is not the dictator they claim. Is
Meanwhile, you have this country facing its destruction. Fifteen sixteen million? My informant? Let me show you what trope actually said and be seen as as trumps as immigrants are quote: poisoning the blood of our country bottom campaign, lichens comments to hitler, keep doing it, keep doing it please, because I gotta tell you when you look at the polling on immigration when you The mayors of near can chicago screaming about how that immigration is and then trump comes out after them. Do you really there's going to resonate with regular people. Here's what trump really said they let. I think that the number is fifteen, sixteen million people into our country when they do that we got a lot of work to do their poisoning what of our country? Oh? Well, the contacts a little bit different. Isn't it you see,
who is it that NBC news decided they will interpret what trump meant. So if a fascinating, is it possible not likely that donald trump was saying. Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country absolutely, and I think that would be a real. He's assessment. So I get what NBC knows. A saint but allow me my friends to be an objective journalist for all of you, the real help, for. The story is trump makes quote about democratic policy, says blood of country being poisoned and the reason why you have to do it. That way, is to understand the basic context of human language. They, let The real number is fifteen or sixteen million people into our country when they do that. We are a lot of work to do. Okay, who is they, though? Who is they, though, in this statement,
Well, the statement starts with a vague, let them in the country preferring to Democrats when they do that. We got a lot of work to Democrats, their points, in the blood of the country the entire time. The entire context of his statement is Democrats are poisoning the blood of the country. Now, there's a couple of ways to interpret this donald trump is saying: democrat policy is poor in the blood of this country by all means, compare the poisoning blotter whatever to hitler at still something hitler said, but you how they play this game where they say trump says, immigrants are doing this by all means. I really don't care if you want to make say that and keep calling trump hitler, and all that I gotta tell you. Let me show you this video Let me out of an amazing posts from ashley. Actually, saint Clair actually do. I do not have that. Ok here we I'm sorry. Let me know This video and then what Let's try to understand what we think is gonna happen with
liberals urban liberals here we go. The issue was not just how we respond in the city of chicago is the fact that we have a gun you're, a governor and elected official in the state of texas, that is, placing families on buses without shoes, code, weD, tired hungry afraid. traumatized, and then they come to the city of chicago, where we have homelessness. We have mental health clinics that have been, down a closed. You have people who are seeking employment, though the governor of TAT This needs to take a look in the mirror of the chaos that he is causing for this country. It is not just a chicago dynamic. He is attacking our country, now. I just gotta: ask you how many people you think of it Fall for this because the governor Taxes is now
the one who is bringing illegal immigrants and, in fact, is doing everything it can or maybe not everything, but he's doing a lot to try and stop it and who is it in fact who was made it all worse, italia. It is Joe Biden, so if you are wondering- why is there a wave of migrants, illegal immigrants in your city? You need only looked Joe Biden texas, governor signs law, making it a state crime to cross the border illegally. This week, ah them to start rounding people up arresting them as they cross the border and not handing them over to the feds. You see, Texas had put up barriers. and the federal government intervened and removed them so that the democratic party wants to do this, Taxes did the smartest thing they couldn't said. Fine, we'll send em your way, we'll seventy sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. What more could you asked for?
now they're losing their minds. Be it's you know, branded johnson or Eric atoms. Look at this later go mayor, Adam Adams, migrant crisis will lead to extremely painful budget cuts, doesn't expect feds to help. Who do you think's getting blamed? Do you think one is going to care ass. Talking to some people in chicago, that's from ya know that and the stories I hear insane, the migrants that are everywhere, the police stations are for Oh, I guess recently, this art pulling migrants out of police stations, no joke. They were stuffing illegal immigrants into police stations. For some reason- and I know people who are not political there like what's going on man brilliant play by their public into said. Let's show the Democrats who voted for this exactly what they voted for. No longer. Will we bear the brunt of Joe Biden? Psychotic policy of destroying this country and lo and behold.
Many people are now angry and waking up and the mayors of visitors. I can do nothing about it. and they'll. Try and blame over. They can blame, but it's going to be on Biden. So when Donald trump says, immigration is a problem and he says democrats are poisoning the blood of the country. Okay, I get you. I guess the argument is. How are Democrats boys blood by bringing in illegal immigrants, therefore trumpeting immigrants are doing it? You still making leaps in the interpretation. I think it's reasonable for an opinion. Peace to make that assessment, I think a true news. Peace would say trump criticised democrat policy criticize Immigration says, blood of country is being poisoned and then you let someone read the quote and they can try and interpret it for themselves. But we don't have news organizations anymore. We have partisan, deep state run garbage we have the sweet from actually saint clair. She said migrant place neck to meet. Next my premium cabin still has his bag from processing centre, a majority
flight is migrants bust. In from the processing centre can delta, please let all of their customers know what medical school things are being done for these migrants illegally crossing our border from all over the world and being flown on their flights, not the first time. We've heard something like this they are giving illegal immigrants the golden treatment. Why why Joe Biden, I believe not just Joe Biden, Democrats are trying to maximize chaos. And destruction because they know they're going to lose. I if they're, trying to causing massive crisis so that twenty twenty four walls around and they can weapon eyes it to their advantage, there's a lot of ways they can, but we will see if Donald trump ends up winning, twenty four, I think they'll then blame all the chaos from the illegal immigration on trump ashley, saint clair twitted. I have flown to
four thousand miles delta this year, I have all the delta cards. It countless people become delta, cardholders. You can consider me no longer a customer of doubt until the disclose how much money from taxpayers their willing willingly accepting to transport illegal immigrants. Luke armies, as I am a diamond medallion delta, and I want an answer to this question ashes getting dozens of messages from people with steady, saying they won't be flying delta anymore. this is what these airlines are doing. So you know what I got to say. When Stephen Colbert comes out and says, I can't believe donald trump would say such a thing. How could just say this about immigrants? I'm just like to read the room. The poles are favouring donald trump and why. Well, I'll. Tell you about it because of immigration. So when Donald trump says something as shocking, you ve walked right into his trip Yeah, look, I don't like what
Wage that is similar whatever it's like it, Larry and ideas are able to call calling precise trump all day and night find whatever hitler liked dogs. He was an artist and drink water. There's a lot of things. You can point to an evil man and try and find commonality. criticising policy that is destroying the country that the people in democratic cities are saying not just trump? Well, there you go so it may be. That may be the case. That trump is dangerously close to it larry and speech Whatever you think you think a fifty year old, mom in chicago, knows or cares and say what happens. You got these moms, especially black. birds and they're saying why is my child school overrun with illegal immigrants are not getting their putting illegal immigrants and in school Jim's? So you got twelve year old, going to school and they're a bunch, Non citizens sleeping in the school parents are private, getting angry on school. Your kids, by the way.
And then donald trump comes out. You see what their again, they ve got fifty to sixty million cubby, this country, illegal immigrants, and you know what he can say anything because the regular people are like the Democrats keep defending. Yes, I've got a vote republican. You ask yourself how it is that my Emmi flipped republican? Well, look no further, my friends! It is the policy like this. You look rhonda santas. As a governor tremendous job he's a good did he's a politician, his campaign, otter, garbage, tucker, ah Tucker's trending on acts, because he said that other centres camping their surrogates That's me: no there's some of the nastiest people on the internet it what he said. My point is this: may insult round the insult the vague they keep saying these things
but it doesn't matter casino or later. Someone living in chicago or in any urban district, is going to stop and say you know, trot may be all the things you claim. He is he's also the only person who's trying to solve the problem I am experiencing and if we vote for Joe Biden, he will make it ten times worse by all means call trump. Whatever you want, people will still vote for it cry that shaking your boots all day and night, you'll sabre terrorism that scarier I dont care. I dont because you are destroying this country and donald trump is the only one talking about solutions. It's gonna be a wild ride. Next anyone's coming up at one p m, and I shall take sprang out and I'll see you there.
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phoenix arizona. Last night- and here I am once again in the morning back in dc- that was a brutal trip to decouple the honest, but it was amazing and it was too Worth it and are a lot of news is coming out about the conversation that we had so the previous day was good caskey, who asked, would you still vote for trump if trump chose Nicky Hayley? My answer is probably yes, I mean, I think, that's realistic, and it's like it. People in the audience were roaming and I'd? I agree. I mean it's a bad ticket, but donald trump is infinitely better than whatever the Democrats have to offer and, although I think Nicky Hayley is awful as VP. Am I really all that concerned? It would be, it would be awful, but Tucker carlson says not only will you not vote for him, he would actively fight against it and he went off on Nikki haley. Now I think the reality is guys. There is probably a small possibility. It could be Nikki haley. I want to be honest with you
because here the issue you ve got these Paul's coming out, saying that she's doing well with certain demographics of a vague the swami a carry lake, a christie nom. They already capture that trump base. if europe wants a coalition among the right, he's, beat dragon s pander to some neo counts, but I ultimately dont think it will happen. am, I really really dont, know an editor because I know it luke was doing, looks at how Everybody here names who they want. The vp to be added everybody's, like Tucker carlson, come on now Ian crossland said vivek ramaswamy guy shame is also said, I think that they would be fantastic and I completely agree with vague promise. For me, though, I dont know that the vague wants to be vp, maybe maybe but we all gonna do said. You know Tucker karlsson, when you know look Tucker's working for fox I really can't this there's a real conversation about whether he would leave fox to do that, but he didn't work there anymore. He works for himself now and once the past
Billy is being entertained that Tucker karlsson might be the pic role oh yeah, I mean what I said. Stages that Tucker got his finger on the pulse of this country or at least on the right, and if we're talking about you, no trouble massive advantages. Swing states among people who did not vote before this is that is Tucker karlsson he's a guy who speaks to many of these people. They're hearing that message now don't get me wrong. I'm not going to downplay the work that many other commentators do. I certainly think we play a role with a fairly moderate audience and I respect to all of you guys. You make your decisions, you make decisions for yourselves, but I know hey man, we're where we're up on stage- and I said Nikki haley, you watch the clip on the lego and I'm like. No, I already know it really a surprise me because I gotta be honest. There's there is. There is a lot that trump can do. I'd still vote form. You know, and I didn't from a twenty sixteen, but I am deeply concerned about what happens if trump is not the president.
I don't know what's going to happen to twenty four it is it is it is. It is a terrible is a difficult thing to say, but let's go through this Then I wanna talk to you about oh boy. There, none too happy but the turning point. Usa, straw, well, I'm pretty sure, still has Tucker karlsson in the lead. This is who the people want. Nobody wants Joe Biden. We got new data coming out his approval. Writing is the lowest it as ever, my friends before we get started head over to the best song ever dot. Com click download your price. And you can name any price but of sixty nine cents to purchase the song together again we're just current. available on youtube. You can watch it. We are a funny stuff goin on here. This is a team up with the daily work Jeremy, boring and michael knolls. We did a cover version and I might sense of their song teaming up. two to sell a bunch of music? That's really we wanted to. We want to sell the songs. We want to prove that we can build a parallel economy. We can build parallel economy and movies. We can build peril.
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both jump into the story. We have this from media. I took a process. He would fight trump reelection if he picks hayley, as vp would be reason to oppose the ticket I was actually, I think, with it with a better clematis. I was actually really surprised. I gotta be completely honest. Ah, but let me play the clip for you and you can hear for yourself. It's only thirty seconds or someone asked me. Would you vote for trump if he chose nikki BP and would you need, I think, a long drawn out of the question that I ask you why? Why would not only not vote for that ticket? I would advocate against this strongly wow I know that it is not just poison. I'm in here someone is actively opposed to the interests of the country. I grew up in who endorsed the b l m riots and who is not all is, is not left, but is neo liberal in the darkest most speaking nihilist nihilistic way and has no real popular sport as if it is a creature of the oligarchy so yeah. That would be. That would be reason to oppose the tick
Well, that's! That's! I'm back! You heard me in the clip, say wow and then I just said wow again, because it is a bold and powerful statement ought Tucker's fantastic and I'm a bit. Fan. It was an honour and privilege that we were able to put this to this together and that he joined us on stage. It was a really or maize amazing. Night talker gives this. He gives his speech. I think you went on for like an hour almost keziah like forty five minutes he went over and their common their liked him Tucker's you know, he's going long and I'm like awesome, absolutely amazing, letchworth so excited and he comes out the stage and comes right back on to join us, along form to our conversation and I d. some bangers from a fox? MR president, on Monday he would fight donald trump reelection efforts have trump pick hayley. I a discussion with simple. We get, we get it. There was a quote last, trumps, daughter in law, large drop refused to rule out the possibility of a trump hayley ticket. Telling news
acts host Eric, bawling crazier things have happened. I dont know I would never say never with Donald J trump, never say never trump him self, however, has called the unlikely, but I'm not convinced. It's absolutely unlikely, and I look guys let's be pragmatic. Hayley is awful none of us liker we ground. When we hear which I say she lies war in eastern europe, but I'm, sitting you're telling you to enjoy what is happening, and I agree: I I agree with what tucker said: Tucker carlson said about Hayley, I kind of feel like if it came down to it. I don't envision a scenario where people are going to say no to trump, but I think enough people would, I think, It would be a mistake for trump to pick nikki haley, considering what we're seeing especially cause yesterday or two days or last week. I said I up, I probably would would vote for me. I'm not going to be happy about it. but I understand the strategy in nick
Hayley wins over older, traditional voters for trump we needed. We need a balancing bouncing force. Honestly, I think that maybe Tucker Carl's any do a better job, but done, so I m going to do to onstage she's as well. The vague promise swamis good and I'm like listen, the more talker puts on air or says I dont want that job. The more people going to say talker. It's got to be you We need a vp who's, trying not to be vp, we need clinical leaders who don't want to be political leaders. George Washington historically famously, did not want the job and they're like you have to take it. You have to it's you and it's like ugh. I guess I guess I'll be the first president incredible, but take a look at this from the hill trump should pick haley as Vp Mccarthy says this. The point I was making you know a guy's tucker comes out and says he would
against that ticket tremendous respect. That is a bold statement from a guy who, you know knows the president himself and would say basically saying to trump, because you no trouble watching Tucker. You pick hayley unam, advocating against your ticket. I wonder what kind of empty that has Kevin Mccarthy. On the other hand, I don't know that trump is going to sit there and listen with this guy to say, but this guy wants him to pick nikki haley. I think it's just unlikely trump said unlikely. Fair point, just consider the possibility of what that might mean, Here's what worries me! You know you get someone like me and I'll say,
something like well yeah, probably still vote for it. Look I'm a that you to millcote spencer, wherever I want. I want trumped win I'll, take what I can get if its, if its trump light, because I got hailing the taken its not trump hardcore retribution- are still take. It but here's your ears, here's the reality. I guess I think, took her karlsson embodied perfectly and something I didn't see or didn't didn't think about if even half a percent or a one or two per cent of people say, never go on your nicky. Hayley trump could lose, he could lose. I think it's his game to win right now, but vp pick matters, and so perhaps that is more than enough for me to say trump, don't pick, this woman do not pick haley, because even if you lose only a small percentage of your base, I should even save your base of of maybe middle of the road voters. It could be enough for them and that's. That's not something we want to see so right now we have. This is a tweet from miguel, Pilar curtly work Teepee action, booth and the
kings. This is actually a as of the seventeenth us two days ago, Tucker karlsson was the pic for vp. Look at that christy, nor is that in another I carry like carry like so fantastic got to see the other day, she's amazing, were big vans and I took it carlson, is in the lead and I'm pretty sure, charlie kirk sad. I could be wrong, but charlie corrected say that no rhonda santas only thirty one, the santas is currently behind. No now here's the interesting thing I remember who said it, but it was brought up on stage that tp usa is basically the rnc. At this point I mean this is where the heartbeat of this movement is because it's pulling in people who aren't even staunch conservatives shout out to our good and dickie barrett lead singer. The mighty muddy boss, tones old school punk, rock guy living in arizona, shows up to hang out rock star he's, not a traditional conservative guy.
And that's what I'm telling these deeply usa guys I tell Charlie I'm like you, got a bona fide rock star, mighty, muddy boston. I mean they were they were. They were huge. He eats fire for not get the backs. He's here now. The waves are being made now when you have an event like this. And the lowest ranking individual, maybe because hayley psych, ok, maybe that's The way to go rhonda santas slightly above with thirty one votes, christina with thirty two carry lake in second, at the time at that and you know we were hearing. I think it was Bannon who said that trump would likely pick a woman we will see, but Kristi Noem seems to be a substantially better bet, but I gotta be honest: Tucker's gotta, do it now this this all look Tucker has to do it, but will trump choose tucker Carlson? Ah you know I dunno, I dunno, I think
I think we're all getting ahead of ourselves, because Tucker may be a commentator. Political personality he's got such a big fan. I mean we talked on stage about traditional liberals, the iraq war, he talked about the mistakes he made. He went to Iraq, he saw them. and he said that you know you realized something about trump. When trot said, what did we get from the iraq war? How do we benefit and the media sad ha ha trumps attacking the troops. The troops agree with trump. They said. What did we gain from going to Iraq took a karlsson who had And on board, with it early on and then realized his mistake said I I was wrong about all of us and I'm like this is why people like Tucker, because he's he's smart he understands and he will turn around a bit. I got out. I was wrong about that. Same can be said for Jordan petersen when that famous interview when he was asked about civil rights and as such she knows how to business be about a bar. Someone is like business should be able to.
Who service over they want. It was Jim Jeffrey, says what about civil rights and say a black person is kicked out and join petersen without missing it, because you know it goes wrong about that right away, because these are these are introspective. Intelligent individuals works right. to do the right thing. That's why people like Tucker, so when Tucker says or implies he doesn't want to do it. You gotta, do it man, you gotta, do it. So where we currently at well. I do want to talk about this, of rhonda statuses campaign, but I will point out currently right now from a sea and our dot com scanner, buttons approval, writing, hits record low amounts. Are particularly upset about binds handling of inflation and immigration and right now their claim donald trump is being hitler. Ask you probably saw my previous segment talking about this. Where there are like trump is, echoing hit, because he sang the Democrats, are poisoning the butter, this country, with immigration, blah blah blah, look man
trump could choose, but her words, fine, but you ve got panic in these major urban democrat strongholds because of illegal immigration and bite into providing, as in the gutter because of it so enjoy the cake. That's you. I like to have and eat too. I suppose you get to have all your immigration and the failure of Joe Biden at the same time. I guess that means you can have your cake and eat it too, but here's where we're currently at so. This is why I feel right now. You know even if trump chose. how does he lose to Joe Biden, and maybe it just won't be Joe Joe body. I mean I love this story from the hill. More than half The voters think trouble act like a dictator. If elected pull really,
I'm wondering how many of those more than half want him to at least on day one. You know they try to smear him. They say hitler and the scream all the stuff. Look, here's what we need. As a country. We need border security. We need to bring our window strengthen our manufacturing base, which, which has been improving Why does not helping that? But I'll talk to the great did a great job years ago. We need someone to initiate criminal charges against corrupt elements in our government. That's just it now. The democrats argue their doing it, but anybody who
It surely follows the news knows that is not where the leckie landslides. You can get lucky just about anywhere the character speaker, yeah we've got a clear runway or the weather is far, but we're just going to circle up here, awhile and good lucky. No, no! Nothing like that. It's disease cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back. Keep your tray table upright and start getting look at play for free at leckie landslides, dot com. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law? Eighteen plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details, true, for instance, in trump's fraud trial? He didn't actually even a trial. The judge issued a summary ruling, despite the fact his lenders testified. He was exemplary paid on time. They all made money everything he did was above board didn't matter. The judge didn't care. We have serious corruption in this country.
And we do need a strong man not to act like a dictator but to actually just say, geiss criminal charges. These people should face a criminal proceeding. As for the countries, I love it because they're gonna say you I can't do that in politics. You can't primitive. When trump said he would arrest a local and they all lost their minds if trump commits a crime charge him you you. If you try to impeach him, okay and for political reasons, that is very difficult. I have questions about foreign policy under donald trump and what what his actions may have led to that's, fine, all fair once, but that doesn't mean we still should ignore anyone else, can any any crimes I give no special favours for trump. We need a leader who's actually going to do it. The problem they're not going after trump for any real crimes, they're trying to stop and why I believe it's likely trump will go after them for real crimes
we shall see, but in the meantime we do have some more news that came out of this saw. A man came out of the sierra teepee usa event Tucker karlsson, says dissent as online army is filled with the nastiest nastiest stupidest. most zero. Some people I have ever seen hausa, let's see if we can, we can play this clip and I get that audio for your tissue question. Since you are so on the internet in like I'm, not that much, you really get the sense that run descent issue. I liked as governor the people who report on wine are the nastiest, the stupidest and the most zero some people I've ever seen in my life, and I don't think that reflects him. But it's like this is
in a small bowl and by the way these purported conserve is ron de santis changed his view, and I, like him. Okay, I think he's been a good governor, is going to be clear about that. I know him personally, I like him, but his donor, KEN Griffin, told him to change his view and ukraine from it's original conflict. We shouldn't get involved in too. It's a super important thing. We should send more money. One donor got him to change his view and all these so called conservatives are supporting that, like it's, the most important thing ever like people and what is their problem. So my response to that. It does reflect on wrong and we see the longer clip because ron needs to fire. The people running his campaign- and I said this the other day and You know as I'll say it again here I'll, say I'll, say: more tucker, coral, syn. Has now joined the ranks of people who say what is going on with the santas is an influencer's and we're on I am talking about the top of it
campaigns staff guys when you ve got sort of its me talker. There are many other conservatives who are not in well. I am not going to drag people into this. Aren't in this. You know that don't want to be, but we've met. People on this show who are right, leaning, individuals who have never once never once insulted or criticized ronda santas over trop or anything like that individuals or conservative, that their core focus, our cultural elements, and they ve asked me I'm getting slams by these two santa's people. For some reason, we ve had other prominent big name personalities, supporters of dissent, santas We are you getting attacked by the santos people and I laughed and I'm why. Why are you following me? I'm like? Why do you ask like? No? No, because I am too and I'm like what you do, protest at this yet
If the drag anybody else into this fight by shouting their names out, but that but but I can mention tucker carlson saying the same thing and for some reason doesn't matter, they still go on, go on acts and screech into the wind. You know, what's really really fast and this is the point that I made one policy wise as a dude. We love ronda santas. He is an inspiration campaign, wise he's, one of the most ineffective leaders and one of his running one of the most abysmal campaigns. I've ever seen. He won't fire christina pasha. He won't fire. These other as red foreign, griffin, etc, and they and these people are just man. You know my conspiracy theory, I told a sucker is that their actually trump supporters pretended to be designed to supporters to sabotage run, but you know, I believe that if, if, if run actually fire,
his campaign staff. Now I have more reason to believe. That's probably the case I mean- and I mean this seriously- that the highest level campaign staff of Ronda, santas they're, actually big trump fans, and so it may be. It's intentional. I don't know, but let me just make this simple point, because it's what they do. Laura Loomer bill Mitchell come on the culture war, podcast they're, debating trump vs de santas. I asked bill. Mitchell was a big to santa supporter. I am I being attacked by that has had its people and what was bills response laurel loom or said this I said: stop I not laura loma. Why am I being attacked? And he, once again says what you know: laura loma and Alex bruce outlets, and unlike ok, dude, I'm done I'm just on this I'll put it simply for you guys,
the story last week or a few days ago. It ever was that lore, loom or tweeted something from christina pasha, the head of which you what she's like ron? Second in command- and it appeared to be a fake tweet saying that she thought his boss is a failure. Her boss is a failure and, That seems to be fake. I don't believe laura made it up. Some one else had tweeted before her. She re tweeted, it perhaps you're responsible whatever, but I don't think laura fabricated it. I think she re tweeted it, and you know I dunno. What do I have to say about laura Loomer, she's, trump's, biggest fan I tweeted no way. This can be real, but I mean I I need verb. I need to do some research on it. Christina pasha took a copied version of that tweet changing her name for laura, so it looked like laura tweeted out. My boss is an idiot, even though she doesn't work for donald trump and then she said whoa. What's this
I called them for that. I call them scumbags and they immediately say ha ha tim pause, a hypocrite guys, laura Loomer is not trump's. Second, in command. Laura Loomer is a fan. You want to make the argument that she acts as a corsair or private. Here for the trump campaign that the trunk campaign unleashes loma, no into the big supporter and and and and a fierce defender of trump fine but laurel homer is not on the campaign staff. She's, independent she's, a fan. This means rhonda santas. A second in command is spending her time getting in flame wars on twitter with trump fans. Why? Why isn't she debating say? I dont know trumped chief of staff and campaign personnel, and therein lies
I guess you say whatever you want about these people, but the reason why I dont care that laura loomed posts, this tweet so much, I'm worried of its fake news. It's because she's not trumps. Second in command, you wanna talk about a media. personal personality leaps and bounds above laura loomer, It's still not even a trump campaign. Tucker Carlson, Tucker carlson talks to trumpets, hangs out with trump there's that famous story from way back when he went to mar a lago and met with trump and talked about stuff. If I'm gonna be concerned about what presidential campaigns are doing, I ain't gonna be bickering with fans. Imagine your em! You you! You make movies and you're coming out with a movie and a guy? It used to work with branched off. Making another movie, and you can take
if the court- and you can argue them all day and night and try and justify why you're in the right? Instead, you go on acts and you start arguing with his fans. Okay, I guess, but I'll just put it this way. Man, it's a it's a bummer, to shame. I think Tucker's, the pick for vp. I certainly do, but let me just wrap this by saying when even tucker carlson is pointing out Ronda santa supporters are some of the nastiest people at what point do these people look in the mirror, look in the mirror and say: oh I'll put it up. Put it simply for you guys. Many of these two santa supporters, seeing a tweet from a trump fan will attack tucker instead. Ok, great, that's why iran is is, is the second lowest in the struggle mamma, I guess, but will see. I can't help it stop
We will see twenty four. We will leave their necks segments coming up at four p m on the channel. Thanks sprang out download the song go to the best song ever support our work, we're gonna, get you going to Michael nose up on a billboard chart alongside us. Ought we all have writing credits on this on the original was by them, but maybe somehow we will get five hundred thousand sales of the sun. I really doubt it, but we did. I really don't see hitting a gold record. You know gold record in a week not likely, but I do. I do feel like you know it would be funny. I told as the daily wireless likely. Even I think, we'll hit the billboard charts. You know that it is what it is. Considering how many paying supporters you have? A five hundred thousand people bought the song for sixty nine cents. Y'all would have a gold record on your wall, ah kind of funny to think about. I don't think we have that kind of influence on four
early. But maybe you guys can prove me wrong and up by the song, at the best song, ever dotcom you'll get a discount code for casper coffee. Thirty five percent off everything you like coffee, you want discounted, cos by the sun art everybody thanks running and out will see you all four p m. Perhaps one of the funnier points ever made on castillo raul was from Owen shroyer when he pointed out that the crew here on the podcast, has done more time than anyone on the Epstein client list and all last night. I made this point again during the show Tucker carlson and I asked her if everyone had been arrested Charlie said no. I detainees I. What do you say? I briefly not says I got got stocks. My front had pot once and I sat there right there all of us here have done more time for or some random issue
Anyone on the upstream client list has for their relation to Jeffrey I've seen trafficking ring. I try to be very specific knife. Is that because you phrase it wrong and it sounds like we are on the list too, like no no well, the point is ian crossland being detained briefly, because his friend had pot is more time served which, like fifteen minutes, then anyone the Epstein less served for what they were doing with Jeffrey Epstein now, for I know many of them and arrested, for who knows. But, ladies and gentlemen, do we have big news fingers crossed for this and I'm not surprised. Coming to a close, the holidays, over one hundred and seventy of Jeffrey Epstein. High profile associates we'll be named in court. Documents set to be unsealed in the first days of twenty twenty four I around. be lit. We're gonna. Have we gotta get luke to come back on? Look if you're listening
you gotta come back on the show the moment this stuff drops, because we will just sit here and do a dry read of every name. Oh boy, I gotta say, I can only assume the people who know their names around this list are preparing. It So this perhaps there is an underground cave somewhere. They would like to crawl before it's too late. A job has ruled to unseal the documents naming one hundred and seventy seven doze abstinence, friends, recruiters and victims. Now, ok, ok, You know we sit here, we celebrate, we've said we want to go to these people, but victims are being named too, and this is going to be also be rough. So no we'll be careful here. I want to read thorough list of names. and just shouted the names of victims, because the names have been made public
understanding one. These documents come out what they say. If there's like a janitor, hey, no, you were janitor for at sea with all that go on. We will say: yes, down to the lowest, say: delivery boy, courier for Epstein who knew what was going on to the highest second in command, while giving Maxwell all who worked on this criminal enterprise shall be named. The victims not so much, but that those names will be coming out. It seems I wonder how many we're going to get understand it. actually be a hundred and fifty victims, and you only get twenty seven actual criminals. It could be five victims and the rest are criminals. Dozens of jeffrey up scenes high profile associates are in for a new year surprise, as they will be named in court documents to be released in the first days of twenty four, the petersburg if a friends are set to be exposed, as part of it
asked unseal of judge ordered on Monday. That will take place in fourteen days, oh boy, so this is our last week before the holidays and big, I'm not a big holiday taker, although I have family that would they begged take the holidays and know I think. Last year we took, we took christmas off the last week of december of the year we take off. You know, I I think it's reasonable. He should get two weeks vacation. We do one fine, we'll take it. I don't like taking vacations, but here's the reality you can't book. Guests nobody's gonna, fly out to do a show in the dc area, and so we can realize: okay, okay, let's stop swimming upstream, let's just take a vacation, so this friday we're going to wrap and I'm going to go visit family we're going to enjoy christmas dinner and gift, giving it'll be very nice and very fun. And then, when I come back,
when we come back to this show in the beginning of the year, we will have the names I hope of some of our associates. Finally, at its wild thought, it thought you want a christmas present about its accountability and exposing demons. I mean the figurative lee, but by all means, if you want a minute literally it was. It was actually fascinating, with a hang out soccer, one of the parts of what it wanted. A big part of the conversation we had was aliens entities beings and you know, luke was saying he thinks is more spiritual- that these beings that people think are aliens are not aliens, perhaps some kind of angel demon entity of some sort. I don't know what I can tell you as men. Evil exists and this guy, this guy was evil, they say some one hundred and seventy seven people will be identified across a hundred hundreds of files which will shed new. light and the late fanciers trafficking extravagant operation and its network of influence.
Amazing. It is ryan here, and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win like? Are you a fist, pumper or a hand? Clapper a high fiver, I kind of like the hi fi, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out, chambal casino, chumash, casino dot com choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. They are if the game releases, weekly, plus free daily bonuses, so don't wait, start having the most fun edberg at chambal, casino, dot com no purchase necessary to buy lots of terrific additions eating less. I want to see it judge letterpress wrote unsealed in full. Next thursday, one hundred and seven of those who are Epstein friends, recruiters victims and others. Whose names will be revealed in the materials release in the coming weeks. The material is related defamation case brought by prince Andrew accuser, virginia roberts in new york against Epstein. Madame DE lane, Maxwell rob sued maxwell for defamation and twenty sixteen, and while the case,
settled media out, filed in order to have the documents made public some of the doze like John doe, on gender ardent in the rolling through links to interview they had given in the media, which the judge the reason why they should not stay private wow include the housekeeper and Epstein island in the caribbean or something abuse that was carried out housekeeper get named stood by. You knew what was going on. Ok, you're your play the game it. You had no idea innocent until proven guilty, fair point: they don't like the core public opinion, but I'm sorry man know who you are and we're going to have some serious questions for you.
When you are a housekeeper cleaning things up for what Epstein was doing, I have to imagine what it was. Your cleaning would keep you apprised to the nature of his business. These people are all dark people. In a ruling judge presaging fourteen days for any those who objected to the documents being made public to abject, after which they would be unsealed. Now, that's the sad thought. a lot of people who might come out be like no, no, not at all. Here is the worst thing. It maybe,
But there's a say and a guy who had flown on Epstein's plane, one time from a job I dunno insert new york to florida or something never talked to him after that met him at a party. He say we got a private jet flying down back to florida. You need a ride and he's like wow that'd be awesome when he flies. He doesn't know any better. This guy's name might come out. So what happens he go to the corn says: do not release these names, because I have nothing to do with the enterprise. I simply got a ride in his plane. One time I'm embarrassed it's disgusting, but I had nothing to do with this. I have alibis blah blah blah. Here's why I was before the flight, here's. Why was after the flight? If you release it'll destroy my life, the judge could say yes same yeah innocent guy unrelated. I don't know if that would mean all of the names all of them would remain or been redacted, but I have to tell you anyone with power and means they're going to do whatever
where they can to make sure there name, does not go public. So the names we actually get are likely going to be housekeepers I'll. Take what I can get I give no benefit of the doubt to the housekeepers ya'll were involved every one of these people that gets named innocent until proven guilty fair point, but you'll get named. They say there are. Also be documents about one of prince Andrew's accusers who claims he wow, I'm not going to read that assaulted. Her. there was all. There will also be material about hayley robson, who was named as a recruiter in police Thousand I've seen original investigation into doesn't. Six, though he has more recently claimed she was a victim to please the island suggest. Some documents will relate to jean luc Bruno. A french model scout was closed, Epstein and abused, allegedly many young women, allegedly abuse, brunel hang himself in a paris prison cell in twenty twenty two, while awaiting.
While on a slew of charges, did he did he this guy Epstein himself, that's what they say. The documents in the case have been released on a rolling basis and twenty nineteen, when the first batch were made public days before Epstein, also hang himself in prison while awaiting trial on charges. I dont think any sane person who pays attention think that Epstein actually took his own life. You'd have to be done. I'm sorry, my friends outcome outcomes, razor suggested he was killed and the media, maybe I'll get a conspiracy theory. No. The conspiracy theories that firsts the the cellmate claims Epstein tries to kill him Then the cameras go out, the guards fall. Asleep. Are you nuts, vat
the conspiracy theory that all of those things just happened. C'mon. My favorite story from this was when Chris Reagan tweeted that he got into an uber and the first thing drivers does is turn around and go you're that guy and kill himself. Nobody, dude. Nobody believes it. I have a feeling we're going to see some some our attempts at blocking this hands down, because I gotta tell you these people be sweating bullets but cross your fingers, my friends, this may be a christmas surprise. I think we need these names I think we we we need to argue at the sat now. There's summer information. These documents were no dos. Sixty four appears to be farmer sister, Maria six. Sixty seven is one of the recruiters, so it looks like brought a fourteen year old girl cheese man is people are sick demons, let's roll two weeks to
Judge loretta preska good job. I wish you the best stay safe, we'll see what happens next segments coming up at six pm on the channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then the Democrats knew about this guy, mainly You heard the story: democrat staffer Democrat from maryland. Engaging in let's just say: algae bt q, adult activities I will give you some time to to soak into this one before we just crank up to eleven breach of trust. Democrat, senator breaks silence on staff. hearing room sex tape yeah gusting story- and I say this: the building should be decontaminated, so joke
I won't laughing. I know I don't spawning falling, but I mean seriously how many people touched those same things, how many people don't wash their him The first thing I ll tell you is addressing a video like this, for those that have this is the democratic staffer having adult relations with another man and filming it in the senate, building wash your hands. This is why you washer as you know, how these stories about people will be on an airplane and they'll put their food the tray in front of them and they don't care and people change baby's diapers on those things flight attendants tell you like, I don't don't you know, wipe it off, keep a clean, you don't touch the stuff. They knew. About the sky and they're gonna act like they didn't, they fired him, but we have this report from the desk dot net matthew, keys reporting. They knew he was posting.
This guy was posting that he wanted to engage in sexual activities with other men on his social media. At public events. they knew now. What are they knew? He was gonna. Take it all the way. So far as you can, I don't know for sure. First we'll start light from the national review. Senator Ben cardan made us first public its Monday night, since reports emerge days earlier that one of its legislative aids Made a sex video in a senate hearing room, I was angry. I was disappointed the soon to be retired, later told fox news. It's a breach of trust it a try. dick situation and splendid, a lot of anger and frustration, I'm concerned but our staff in the way that they feel about this. While on friday, the daily collar pub They graphic video purporting to show pardon staffer aden, mace, zero honey pronounces chair pronounce this gera
filming a sexual interaction with another man interaction, I try to keep things family friendly. So, let's just say the two men were enjoying each other's company to the utmost extreme and they were Entering through the exit It's the same room where the nine eleven commission hearings were held in former fbi. Doktor James call testified against president trump. The video is originally posted in a group chat for gay men in politics, senator cartons, off remained tight. Lipped over the weekend, telling politico interstate with time, aden, maister pot trotzky is longer employed by the? U s senate and that no comment will be forthcoming in the prison. Matter, no matter standing as that out of overmore while yet knowledge is appointed his disappointment over the incident. Carded refused provider the regional details. He did, however, confirm the capital
Are investigating the incident lock this guy up both of em lock up disgusting and they they better. They better decontaminate the room could if they don't. I tell you this. Anybody who gets holding to testify in that room and they never contaminated I'd say I'm not going in that building is a by alive, nickel hazard. It is. Meanwhile, the aid temporarily release a statement on linkedin reflecting the news. Japan I have since been deleted. Cook isabel We time for me, I've been attacked for who I love to pursue political agenda you this gusting, evil, evil man, you are being cut size rightly so, for your criminal activity in a public building cares. We love. wasn't my actions in the past have shown poor judgment. I love my java whenever disrespect my workplace, any attempt characterize imagines. Otherwise our fabricated and I'll be expire
What legal options are available to me in these matters? None you're a criminal. Now I will say There is a lot coming about this guy and dont know how they confirmed. This is the guy. who is doing the videos. But it's been reported widely. I basically everyone, but they do say purported so As for this guy specific name, aden mais drops keep innocent until proven guilty. Fair point, however, that being said in this official reporting from the desk dot net matthew keys exposes that, should this be the guy, they knew then staffer who made sex tape in heart office building, was warned over social media post. The chief of staff senator paine cartons office warned aden, maize jurowski has an inference for syrup ski. To tone down is social media policy for promoting him to a junior level position in November Ben.
and shame on you. You knew what he was posting and that's all you said condom well. Was the chief of staff not been himself but still. a junior level legislative aid was fired. Serve it showing him another man having sex and irrational office buildings, I believe it is confirmed now warned at least one it's about his risky social media posts postings in november chrysalis. She was staffer carton. Ah, yeah blah blah from is graduate warrant. What is promoted? see berkeley aid and mass from his entry level a job simultaneously warning him to stop posting nude and semi nude photographs to his public instagram page may seraphs keep affirmed the warning about deleted story, posted instagram page in which he said the chief staff promoted me in the same breath suggested I toned down my social media. You want to see what some of that was.
Traffic here, here's one way says pictured meat to resist the urge to suck on representative Sorin sins gorgeous fingers. That's a sex act. I think he's tweets the whole aden may srpska situation. First reported by henry rogers DC has been interesting to watch play out Social media activity was well known within cartons office and he posted questioning thanks for months like this photo with Eric sorenson Eric Sorenson, U S, congressmen for illinois, seventeen, former media meteorologist climate guy on local tv, twenty years, rep Eric Sorenson interesting from the quad cities. What is involvement? His profile. shows a rainbow flag. We without we need an investigation. I'm not joking. This guy who's posting that he wanted to do these things that he was posting.
That were considered others buzzing newton, semi nude photos? He was worn to stop, they knew he was doing this kind of stuff. Who else is involved? I want to know. I'm disgusted it is insulting. It's disgusting madison cough org, its drag, With the coles, they say he's crazy. Why? Because he said they were, they are talking and having orgies in d c doing drugs, and then they remove him. You know why Mona bet they remove them because they are having drug fuelled orgies and he's running the party. When are you see this Thank god. I think Sorenson should be asked some questions about this. What does involvement with this guy? Why is What what's going on here this guy Was it about em that Sorenson not know, there's possible when it wanted to engage in public sex acts and the Democrats in Europe this, despite questionable posts, fewer than cartons office, felt there was much they could do,
and telling wants to offer the postwar made a personal account and the office didn't want to come. Crosses impeding the personal expression of an openly gay staffer. mention and cartons communications director sue will. Lecky did not respond to an email from the desk seeking comment on the matter. He was fighting fraud after he was identified as one of the two men who appeared in an explicit video in the heart set an office building was postal private, a twitter account used by maize syrup sky and separately, published in a porn. Related group chat on social message on a social messaging app. The daily caller obtained a copy of the video and published a version that removed his face in a statement obtained by news out over the weekend. A spokesperson for Senate cartons office said he was no longer employed, so I believe it is confirmed More than a thousand people commented on this linked imposed by force. Entire profile was deleted. On Monday, many were critical with a gay fortune.
Five hundred executive right in that he was playing them a phobia card while refusing to take personal responsibility for what he did at exactly right now, the issue I take, they knew there's no way been cardan didn't know. Maybe that's why he's retiring? Probably not probably not, but you gotta, you get him. His chief of staff knew it was going on. I guarantee that a meeting about it and they said that young people can post what they want to post, but this guy was clearly clearly someone who should, I should have been vetted, they should not have been allowed and here's the issue. As many said, why didn't they ve got the sky the reality as they did? No, they just did not care. Because to them posting looting, lascivious content is free expression, that's the line, man, it's not free expression. Sexual activity, in my opinion, is not free expression there.
I have no problem with saying: there's a reason why we limit an obscenity criminal activity, I'm not a free speech, absolutist, it wasn't a political opinion. It wasn't an idea of what should be legal. It was him engaging in inappropriate behavior and then he filmed a gay sex tape in the senate. Building lock him up Oliver their next segments coming up at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all. Then.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-22.