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Hurricane Idalia SLAMS Florida, MASSIVE FLOODING, Woke Press Blame Climate Change, Vivek SLAMS Media


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Hurricane Idalia SLAMS Florida, MASSIVE FLOODING, Woke Press Blame Climate Change, Vivek SLAMS Media

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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not. Your subscription giddy subscription today see a joke. You doc tom promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work. We do and you'll get access to exclusive, uncensored segments from tim cast. I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story right now hurricane dalia is making landfall gulf coast of florida. There are met storm surges, crazy videos of lightning we are seeing massive hundred twenty five may our wines tornadoes homes without power, and so I hope that we can. It will start off this video with just a basic whether update I know very, very simple and I'm gonna weathermen, but I really, everybody is gonna, be safe and going through the story may provide you with some key information about your loved ones or, what's going on, which can benefit of course I want to stress. There are major political questions,
a rising due to what's going on with the hurricane in florida related to climate change, rhonda sentences, leadership, the corporate press, and if it is a lot, we should talk about especially pertains to the art from the left about climate change, how its impacting wildfires this country, storms, droughts and hawaii, because they're orange then questions, but I think first, the big breaking news is what's going on in florida with this hurricane and as I stressed, you know if, if, if even a little bit of his information me using this platform to inform it what's going on, could could help somebody. Let's do this. First, here's the story from a daily mail, a doll makes landfall. I will of monster category three hurricane batteries, florida coastline with one hundred twenty, five mile, an hour wins out of sixteen. Storm surges and tornadoes as homes are flooded, and over one hundred thousand are without power. Now I do, but if there's been an update that as already restored power to many of the
these who have lost due to these when's the important, stand. That is not necessarily the storm, of making landfall, which causes the problems. In fact, typically, it is before the hurricane mitch and for what happens, as you can see here, just stars tallahassee a dahlia is moving up into our making landfall the stuff. Searches in red the wind is pushing the water up, causing massive flooding? and it is very interesting that this is not a well known fact. You think it should be. I learned this means fifty or so years ago, when I first experienced my first hurricane and many people have known this throughout history, for thousands of, here's the real issue with hurricanes. One of the bigger issues is that the high winds create a storm surge. Pushing the surface of the water up, causing it to flood the coastal areas. That is the big issue and so
we've got a lot of people that will come out now and they'll say: oh, you know I'm looking at these storms, I'm looking at what's going on in, in LOS angeles, we had that tropical storm the other area and many people videos and it just like drizzle. Who cares not realising that, often with Eric since it is the massive flooding which allay did see, so we can see right, ear and alleys making landfall, So this is what you need to be concerned about is flooding now these. Our extremely high winds at a hundred twenty five miles an hour, and there are He tore NATO's there's going to be a lot of damage. So please everybody take precautions, you know for a while. I was doing these the shouts for safe and ready meals, dot com, I it's kind of parity, so for me to say that and then mention that I don't actually anything pulled up, but I do want to distress point. It's always important to have some kind of merging, see provisions water, food generator of some sort, especially
if you're in areas like florida, where there's going where you're, if you're in a flood plain or if you're in an area, that's that's prone to getting hit by her. Means just consider this man, it's not because the world's ending you get these supplies because sometimes it rains and sometimes the rain, causes floods. The roads could get knocked out. or could be out, and you need to consider what are your emergency options? The more options you have, the more likely you are to survive and we desperately need you and want you to survive. So, in these terms, dances. This is expected to pass They have a map here of the projected path. This I'm going to pass. It should be gone within a day or two right now. We're looking at wednesday into monday, and it will pay ass through florida, georgia, south carolina with
moderate impact on the north carolina cows before making its way back into the atlantic and then trailing off. That being said, just consider you know, even if it's a day, even if it's one storm, what is the aftermath? You know a lot of people, you can look at their homes and what is your emergency plan? So I hope everybody that was ordered to evacuate does take that seriously. I do think the most important thing to get into a bit of the politics. No one should be forced to evolve to evacuate, but in my opinion, the stuff. If they tell you, a hurricane is coming hundred twenty. Five mile an hour winds. You are Why are we here by issue the evacuation order? But if you stay, we stay right. I don't like, they gonna arrest people, they remove them. Now I just means that if the disaster heads we're not coming to rescue you, that's your choice. I think that's how it should be, and I hope you will take it. So and do get out there
says surge continues to pilot the Tampa bay region, threatening homes nearest the coast lights. Are during around us. So let me out There's a video riding into this photo yogi store chargers are getting very high and this is what you need to be worried about video we have from saint PETE police, rescued one this morning from the flooding in the twin city mobile park. Take a look at this at this clip You can see the water looks to be maybe two and a half feet right here and I want to get stuck in the stuff. What you need to understand about this flooding alive, people, see these videos and think it's funny and they'll go out and run around in the floodwaters, because just water right, it's just you're, going swimming now. No, no, no! No! No! No! No luck take take warnings from police seriously? I'd ultimately think it is Our responsibility in your choice, but what happened to these floodwater they're carrying debris, there could be needles, broken glass rocks, the water flow could be moving quickly, could pick up quickly and you could go in this water
everything's, fine and then a rock slams into your lag. You fall down and then you're gone. we saw in los angeles, these people were jogging next to these raging. Floodwaters I'm sorry, man, you slip one time in this rain and you are dead. So you should be doing this, especially when you see the water rushing over the path their jogging on, and they hop with one foot over it. That is like the works, too. they should. You should not be doing this man. So take a look at this peak storm surge for our forecast. We have. It looks like twelve to sixteen feet right here on the gulf coast of florida. And it's going to be between one and three three to five: five to eight, Until this will cooler, jefferson county, it gets pretty serious to it looks like we'll call county to yankee down they're predicting twelve to sixteen feet surges. Don't have it actually going to get that eye, but please take that seriously. Man, ah politics can be set aside for the time being, I just want y'all to be safe. This is the most important thing that you know: people don't get washed
by this. I am hearing really good. Things are the response from rhonda santas. I dont care about the the politics politicking, because people are, of course politicking weakens it. That's a facade right now. I'm I'm hearing a lot of praise for centres as rapid response. I dont think he has the individual It is the most responsible for what you know what can and should be done, but he plays a huge role in the response, as executive leader of the state. So I'm glad that there are some complements coming his way for the immediate response. It is an excellent opportunity for him for IRAN. to show executive leadership to out shine and an shudder, the terrible social campaign that his campaign has been waging yeah. Sorry, it's a fact again glad to see that people are praising empowers being restored. Some of these areas take this seriously their questions. I look at these forces are amazing. Look at us If the video shows the rare, ST elmo's fire of weather phenomenon on tuesday in florida as the state embraces for a dahlia, crazy video, some wasn't a plane. Just these lightning strikes,
put politics aside for now, and I you know just just pay as you know, what's going on, if I tell you to evacuate, you're, probably I said man, I'm at your boss, I'm not gonna, tell you to live your life, but you know I just don't want anybody get hurt. We will. Minimize the amount of people who lose their lives here, but now, let's get into them thanks to the matter in the politics of the matter, is climate change take a look at this from the daily collar. I mean with due respect of ache, rama swami calls out MSNBC host for linking climate change to major hurricane. They could not wait. People are currently in the path of destruction and they could not wait to say the hurricane is climate change friends. This area of the country has been slashed by hurricanes for a very very long time. Climate change is not I'm sorry. The weather is that climate change but, of course,
the vague chromosome. He makes a very, very good point in pushing back on this. I want to say alright nobody's perfect. I try to give as much time as possible to storm and information the storm before getting into the the disgusting political round, because I do think safety matters. But now it is time for all of us to jump into the mud with the pigs enroll around on the fleas and talk about the absurdity of the modern condition, daily collar, says republican presidential candidate, vague promise, one called out MSNBC host andrea Mitchell, tuesday, for linking a hurricane approaching florida to climate change. going to dolly s, nearing the west coast of florida, prompting evacuation orders and multiple florida counties. Second, hurricane franklin is on the coast of carolinas and could threaten most of the east coast hopefully work when we're looking at franklin, I wonder if they have a link,
It's looking like it may stop and then move back out to the atlantic. We're hoping this one does not make contact. I think right. So, let's, let's, let's pay attention to this don't think they have any of the data on franklin. So let's get back into the political round. The vague rama, swami, sir here's it where's, albeit with the quote. You said more people dying from blood, bad climate change policies that than of climate change, Andrei Mitchell, sad according to a unit you an agency, extreme weather France, compounded by climate change, caused the death of two million people between nineteen seventeen, twenty one offer a shred of evidence that more than two million people die from converting to clean energy. This episode is to you by dragon ball legends the ultimate dragon bone experience on your mobile device drake,
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oh man, what a silly ridiculous thing to say! I can offer you this meme between nights, the an agency according to your select source right, that's what is the problem with this I've cherry pick this one organization that says climate. They are extreme weather events, killed people. Therefore, climate change, okay and and and and and a hold on whether or not extreme weather events are climate change. Now, that's a tough call. Of course, the media just keep saying. Oh yes, it is it is it is it? Will you have countervailing you? You have people coming out, saying quite the opposite. You have your scientists recently, you said now. This is not, and this is not correct and it's a hard point two to drive home, but there's a lot of leaps, their sorry, climate, extreme weather events, kill people, climate change, caused extreme weather events. Therefore, climate change kills people. Can you prove that clean energy policies kill people if we are to get
off of fossil fuels. Yes, very, very simply what we're seeing right now. Actually, you know what let me just sort of a vague ramaswamy. He nails it dude the dude to do nails. It quote I can offer clear It's the number of climate. Related deaths is down by ninety eight percent of the last century. The number of people died of keynes tornadoes, heatwaves and other weather related events a night in nineteen. Twenty every one hundred died then to died today and the reason why is more plentiful, abundant access to fossil fuels and technology powered by fossil fuels? Ramaswamy said I can also tell aids is a hard fact. None of this is disputed eight times as many people die of cold temperatures, then die of warm ones. Obviously, but hits the nail on the head you will say that climate change causes these weather events and a thousand people died? And then the question arises: how many people die today compared to a hundred years ago, more people died in storms. Okay. So even if your argument is that man made climate change is driving these, what
events during these whether rents substantially less People die. That's a problem for your argument, because now the question is: who care if their extreme weather events. If ninety eight percent less people die. Obviously we don't want extreme weather events, but they continues they want to say. A twenty eleven study from the recent foundation found that aggregate mortality attributed to all extreme weather events globally has declined by more than ninety percent. Since nineteen twenties quote there. The answer to all temperature related deaths is more plentiful. Abundant access to fossil fuels the earth is covered by more green surface area today than it was held, century ago, because carbon dioxide is plant food. Carbon dioxide as a percentage, the atmosphere is still at a relatively low mitchell. Press roma, swami, comments from the mayor of Saint petersburg quote. I mean this with due respect and shit. What before we shall to say this. She said that a hurricane is
bout to hit flora and then tried to move on and the was lightened. Now I mean this with due respect. if someone on the other side were an uneducated person from arkansas who didn't go to college- and one, whether event as an anecdote, support global climate change. You would like them off the stages, a room for saying they don't follow. Data the same. Shoe has to fit the other foot followed. Actual data full stop. Let me articulate this, for you could survive agreements on it in a way. I think that, in my view, hits the nail on the head slightly better knife That is completely right, but what I want I think, needs to be added to this is there's a blizzard. What are we here? It's very cold, there's a blizzard and then the can of additives and republicans commands where's your climate change. We ve got an arctics, you know polar sphere, swirl, vortex or whatever slamming this country has never been colder and you're telling us
global warming and the left goes. You clearly don't understand what climate change means, get a hurricane and the like see climate change, your friends, you don't get to point to a single whether event and be like this. global warming and then complain when the points to a single whether that be like this disproves global warming. It don't work that way the vaguest correct. If Conservative religious person comes out and says this extra the cold weather, and you know we had record low temperatures. This crazy they're so ago. So I noticed extremely warm winter right. We have almost no snow out here and people were bombed by whatever then this past month. I've got this little, whether tracking up on my desktop and it says, record low several times in one week, because it was like sixty eight degrees. In the summer it was low temperatures,
and people on the right will say: where's your global warming, it's cold out right now. In fact, we had it with an unusually cold burst in the summer, which caused problems for many people in their crops out here, people complaining, I think it had a problem with this. We have a with grapes, are somewhat I have no idea and then, when the right comes out and says, where's your narrative now the scope that actually proves our narrative, no matter what it is. They will say it proves their narrative. You can't do that by all means. no to the scientists, ask them what they think here is the main problem. With all of this you ve got people like AL gore coming out twenty or whatever years ago being like we're, not gonna, have polar icecaps in ten years I didn't happen. You got gretta toolbar like. We only has three, yes, loved Three years later, it's like go, there's still ice up their nothing's changing. So when peoples like the vague rama. Swami says that he believes there is climate change happening on this point as climate changes all the time, but he does not think humans are causing it where they get, what it. What does he get smeared and you
What sort of the political it was. I believe that a santas never back down or wherever has pack that to lie in the in the most pathetic way about the victim of swami, the vague said on the debate stage that the jupiter bates he said, the climate change agenda is a hoax. They then plan other clip or he's like not saying that climate change is happening. I'm stated the policies there putting forward there there their cause. When agenda on all that is not is not real others, as they like we're, seeing at we're we're seeing that's The weather is arising, we're seeing whether palatable a bluff, and they tried there are like here's what makes at onstage. Here's what you said before and you know what we're not stupid: people on twitter, quick, immediately notice. They are like yo. Those two clips complement each other. The vegs, climate change agenda is a hoax, but we are seeing climate change. Putting those two quotes together doesn't change anything I'll. Tell you what I find most fascinating,
this then your time says chaos. Iraq from republican candidates are asked if they believe in climate change, vague was blue, by this. I just so absolutely silly. What's currently going on here, we go here narrative in a storied river. Fish are dying in droves as candidate charge, Canada est. climate change, scorches, canada, but right now, here's my love There are a lot of store a lot of storms, there's a heat waves. There is polar vortex whatever and right we're dealing with a lot of fires, and there are people claiming that all the fires are arsonists. And then, when I say that other guys, calm down, there was a clearly tractable whether pattern over canada, a near the east coast with it with a lightning storm. And then you got a bunch of fires after the fact So I might my opinion is the fires that we're seeing they are not willingly caused by arsonists. Then what
Benzene stories have come out past present and future of arsonists and people are like. We know their arsonist. Him is wrong. Why won't? He admitted as I do. We know there are arsonists. I did like this All video. I don't know if you want to call it I'd I'd. I did several videos there go when far left extremist were setting fire There is in the pacific northwest and the media law that it wasn't happening in, unlike here the videos of them doing it, I'm not saying every single fire. This is what I can't stand about the political world. You have far left extremists and crackpot setting fires. We have videos of them. Doing. but I dont believe that all of the fires are being caused by them. Just some we catch them. They get arrested its reported in the press. We know it's happening, but in the political world you get the corporate press sang no you're not doing it at all, no one's doing it, and then you get some people. The more conspiracy might individuals
hang all these fires have been caused by arsonists and then my favorite, the directed energy weapons. I certainly think it's fair to entertain the idea that dark energy weapons can cause. yours, it's odd. What is it like? I don't know it's it's it's polly way too. or for an actual laser to cause damage, but we did see that that video of of the chinese us weather's scanning satellite, wherever they called it whatever. That really is, I don't know if they have the capability of firing, lasers from a great distance start a fire in that in that capacity, unless they like hyper focused like a through laser something. Now. I think the reality is storms, cause, lightning, lightning, strikes, dry areas, burn, forest mismanagement, results in massive fires and then we get slammed by others. Their currently are decent modifiers. I think a lot people are over reacting to it, but let's just remain calm, let's call it the arsonists when their arsonist- and there are many
but I don't believe the overwhelming amount of the fires that we're seeing is caused by arsonists, and I really do think what we are seeing with the climate. Change done agenda. I very much agree with the vague rama swami now one hundred percent I don't know I'm not a scientist, I can only tell you that when obama is buying waterfront property Martha's vineyard that accord to all the climate change alarmists. His property will be flooded substantially and maybe even wiped out. Soon because of rising waters. You gotta wonder what he really thinks when you take a look at every financial institution with smiles on their faces. Investing in beachfront property in florida, thirty year mortgages. Are you kidding me you're, saying that that what is sinking into the water and it ends flooding? And thus you know, climate changes can destroy the coastline. but you are offering thirty or mortgages now I will. I will stress that
does lend itself to the idea they're lying for political power. I will also stress if you pay attention to the two thousand eight that you know: mortgage backed securities and sub prime mortgage fiasco and economic crisis it's also possible that these banks others a viral video where a guys like, This was real. Banks would be required to give you a war on a per spent, every prospectus sang like your power, but he will be submerged and uninhabitable in thirty years, and they don't do that. Yeah. Sorry, forgive me if I dont believe these people. Actually, air about long term investment, the guy's selling these mortgages. The guys doing these deals are thinking I'll, get a bonus right now. If I make this deal, I don't care what happens in twenty or thirty years, and the bank ain't paid attention very much like two thousand eight. So I don't think that necessarily disproves everything, but I think it does show that the financial institutions well,
hey look man! Let's put this way if the climate change stuff is real, a lot of people are going to get wealthy when they short coastal property. when they, when they short stocks, mortgages barnes wherever tied to like all real estate. The majority of people in this country live on the hosts and if the water is going to rise, all their properties getting wiped out. So you figure that one out I dunno the timing. Let me say t three of my exclusively untold virgin voyage last. as I dine on truffle yogi from one of the Michelin starship curated menus. I discovered something about myself. I do not miss the chicken nuggets in the back of our freezer. I do not miss them at all. Set sail on an award winning adult sony voyage. to learn, more visit, virgin voyages, dot com or contact. Your travel adviser today now
playboy again politics, man, it's usually everything. Everybody wants political power and they'll, try and figure out exactly what they have to do to get it. So what do you do? Just watch out for this stuff pay attention and focus on you, your family, your friends and what you need to do to be prepared for when a storm comes, because I tell you this right now to the people that are in the gulf area. The gulf coastal flora, the the you know it, doesn't matter these political debates, I'm I'm I'm sure, as they're sitting in their house, watching the floodwaters come and saying? Ok, let's get out of here, Think about where they're going to go, what water they're going to able to drink and what food they have. The last thing they care about is whether or not your political debate is going to result in policy changes. The time being, let's focus on rescue efforts, saving human lives.
And so does your nice little little weather story sandwich will start with the importance of what's going on there. Hoping everybody is safe, complain about politics and wrap up with make sure when it comes to these weather events, you're paying attention ignore the bickering ignore the politics, whatever all that matters right now is that you guys stay safe. I got a lot of friends there. We ve got a lot of infrastructure personally, because we, u we utilise a lot of information, are built out of florida. I hope everybody is prepared for this, because what happens down there to you matters to the rest of us. We care about you. We don't want you to. We don't want you to get hurt. We lie. In florida we love the florida stories. Rondo centers has done a really great job in florida as governor. I'm hearing really great things about his response, so I am I'm glad that he's he's taking care of these things and think. It's time you don't look. Man right now is not the time for people to become an out and ragging under santas because they want to earn political points. Trumps, the clear front runner
Let rata status do his job that he the one that he needs to be doing and make sure the first responders are going to save as many lives as possible and then, after the fact we can say and take the high road How does a good job will see where we end up at the end of this, but I look forward to saying thank you rhonda santas. After this all said and done for his father. Sponsor that resulted in lives saved, and then we can get back to what we think about his campaign and moving forward. We can separate the politics from the job that needs to be done. I'll leave their necks segments coming up at one p m on this channel. Thanks rang out- and I will see you all- then, let's be real nobody knows what is going to happen in twenty twenty four donald trump faces dozens, nearly a hundred indictments. He may
His name removed from the ballot, and we have no idea where this goes. The economy could change, could crash student loan debt is not a kick back in in what like a couple of weeks, the economy could take, a major hit, Biden could crash and it's possible that donald trump does win twenty four with a sizeable margin. We are the story from news max maclaughlan, pole, trump beats Biden in elect hurl landslide, a hot there. It is hold on there a minute they're, not saying and slide they're, saying electoral landslide understand what that means. They are not saying that donald trump will garner the majority of the population there. Not so that he will have eighty million votes there. That he's going to win the electoral college by a substantial margin. Now back in twenty six Everybody said tromp, it was a landslide there, sharing form because he won by like what was it like? Seventy
twelve votes are some that are maybe maybe that's over the top completely wrong. He won by a decent margin in the electoral college, but his actual vote margin was only likes thousand votes he barely one, the states that he did, which put him over the top. What will like happen as of right now. Let me just stress my friends. According to the current pulling data that we have, if the elections were held today, trump has a very good chance of winning. In fact, looking at how poles have been skewed. If we are basing this off of the merits and pulling opinion that the opinion of likely voters, Donald trump would win today in all likelihood how there were a year and some months out. So who knows what will happen from now till then ballot harvesting plays a much bigger role than just convinced
people about, and we don't know what's up with pulls the poles have been wrong and if you take a look at them, lying data over the past Full of months it's all over the place, so really we an uncharted territory and there's a bigger question of what does it mean to actually win an election does winning mean that you ve convinced more people to vote for you, or does it mean that come january, Hey you place your hand on that bible and they say you are the president, in which case we have no idea. What's going to happen,.
I do think this pulling data is actually very, very interesting because mccall maclaughlan in one pull has trumped up ten points over by which seems to us ten points over harris and over bite in a couple of points, obviously with common harris. That makes a lot of sense, but it's interesting to see that this MC gotten, the mclaughlin poles they put out show trump decisively winning. There are many other poles of the past few months, which are the same thing and right now in the real, clear politics, average donald trump is up point eight per I'm sorry, Joe Biden is up point. Eight percent, assuming there is a bias trunk, could actually one point. Eight percent is not enough. The Democrats actually need around seven percent advantage for it guaranteed victory because, like I said, trot is trying to win in key states, not in the general vote. So when they pull likely, voters- and you see nationally, that Joe Biden is doing well by you know, is up by like point eight. What does that mean for the actual states? Trump is trying to win the reality.
We may once again see a popular vote for the Democrat, but an electoral vote for the republican. However, I think without locked downs, which they may be, bringing back democrats, don't chance ballot harvesting only go so far. So what are they trying to do outright remove dropped from the ballot in states where he needs to win and that's it game over? If these secretary of states unilaterally, remove trumps name from the ballot in, say, wisconsin, it's over seriously. It's over. There won't be an election they'll call it an election dislike. North Korea calls their elections election. But it's on election there's a legally. There is everyone will know in their heart of hearts. There was not done, Its will lie in say, but trumps criminal, never trump this anti supporters will say: well it's your fault for nominating a criminal. Despite the fact it is an unprecedented extra legal move would likely lose the supreme court but, like I said, don't be surprised if come october of net,
dear. They remove troms name from the ballot unilaterally. And then say to us good luck, here's the current store. We have from news max a site for georgia's indictment, Donald trump. Our new national poll shows he not only beats Biden, but he would defeat the curve president in electoral landslide, the maclaughlan mix flynn at national, so finds struck, leads Biden, forty six than to forty three up two points, this month alone, even more remarkable with our vote or model. For this pole, we assign for more points of Biden. Twenty voters then trump voters. This means Looking to twenty four, there is an eight point: turnaround in favour of tromp from the twenty twenty election. biden. Voters are switching to trump, but here's the big news and the key battleground states trump leads Biden, forty nine to forty one. If the election was today trump. Would defeat Biden in an electoral landslides,
Paul and other national surveys are confirming a huge turn around for trot, I want to stress the cultural context or the contemporary context you may find, and you will likely find clips of this video circulating just before the election or just after or whatever, because we don't know what's going to happen, watch out for the propaganda what they will, what they will do is they will strip the context from today, hindsight being twenty twenty and then apply predictions based on this information to future information, for which we could not accurately predict. That is to say, We have no idea what's gonna happen. Data today is favourable for trump. We will see but don't be surprised if in a year they play a bunch of videos of a bunch of different people, because I've done this to me and you will note where they strip out the context. I say, like moody's analytics on the economy, which predicted a possible tromp landslides and then say how he was wrong. Well sure I can only based the information at the current
off the current. Well, let's roll NBC news says it hath begun arizona, secretary of state, Adrian fontes, tuesday that his office is figuring out how to handle potential complaints over whether former president trump should be disqualified from the ballot the issues that doesn't forty, the mehmet blah blah. Everyone knows this moving on. We have to have a final certification of eligible candidates for the primary ballot by december, fourteenth four areas on his presidential preference election fund. As a democrat, elected lester told abc news and because it will ultimately end up in court. We are taking this very seriously, knew him secretary of state, David Scanlon, is dealing with the same question. We need to run an election. We didn't know who. Eligible- and this is of incur- Well, national interest. Now, I will say, don't be surprised if, just before the primary, they do the same
to make sure that around a status or vague, rama, swami who wins the republican nomination, and then you will get a split republican vote. People who go in and they'll check the box for whoever is there and those who will just vote Democrat those who will write end donald trump. If so the three categories democrats, when, which is why I believe that all republicans should drop out of the race said it before. I say again, I agree with I'll drop. He said all these republicans should drop out because then its trump, no matter what and they can't play these dirty games in the primary Now, of course, they're going to argue that ever trump has no to me, they're going to cry and whinge and burn to stand us to the ground. It's unfortunate, but true, and that's the sentence, his own fault. He has courted these really awful people and soviet. I do not believe the status can win, because its current campaign strategy is to spit in the face of anyone who disagrees. Look if you want to win an election have to win over people,
You have to play right, that's whether they fake swamis sky, a soaring in the polls. He is one of the campaign. scientists should have run, and now you ve got trouble. Porthos cheering for vague. Even though the vague meets two dropout nine, I know a lot of people. I would hope that reflect on my trunk all due respect. I get it because I'm a big, vague van as well I dont want respect to drop out of the wind. To make up. Only honest, I think, is fantastic. The smears that are coming out, calling him names saying he was a shill they're posting videos from hard ball he's a old clip where he appeared on a similar show at a later date from pete booty judge, and I'm like I don't care about that. Dude have a conversation with a vague ramaswamy and you'll get. It is the dude playing politics very well, of course he is he's really really good at what he does, but you have a real conversation with the guy. and he's quick he's he I I believe him. I certainly don't believe everything he says about everything, because a lot of it's politicking, everyone does it yeah I get it do. I think he has these
If you are sent from on high now he's just he's the he will. Look I'll tell you what what really gets me as one. He tells the story of what gets him into this I very much a lot of it is. He was personally slight by woke activists to targeted his company, and I was pissed off but when he said he was like he's sitting there talking to me on the culture war podcast and he's like arab they're. Probably gonna get mad at me for saying this, but you know talking about his campaign people his. You know his advisers We're gonna have some kind of like civic requirement for voting. We just have to, and I'm like you're going to sacrifice the youth because you're gonna say something that needs to be said. Something many of us have been talking about, You know what is it service guarantees, citizenship or some or something something to that effect yeah. I do I like the stuff he said about the nine eleven commission report that they lied about saudi involvement. This dudes doing things you're not supposed to do in a political campaign. You look around a santas and he's playing it like.
Every other establishment chill. So here's what I'm here's. What I mean to say you, ve, given with all due respect to satisfy right, is an excellent governor in florida and with we absolutely mean it, these guys need to drop out if the Democrats play this game for them out for another time. Being, let's see where this goes, but I gotta be honest. I would not be surprised if a vague rostov, rama swami does drop out specifically in support of trump. He is playing this masterfully. He knows he can't defeat trump and a primary. So in the Democrats make the move to pull his name off the primary ballot. I would not be surprised if a vague comes out and says I'm sorry im down, I believe that I'd be the right man for the job, but we all can see the writing on the wall. We know that even with the gains we've made in the polls, Donald trump is the clear front runner and it's time to acknowledge but the moves being made by the Democrats and these units
Decisions are disruptive to our process and if they seek to remove trumps name and create a conflict with the republican party we lose. I wouldn't be surprised, will see smartest play ball. His profile puts him in the running for vp during the holidays, many people suffer from S. A d streaming, annoyance disorder caused by too many streaming apps and passwords and content overload. Symptoms include angry outbursts and broken remains. The prime video simplifies your streaming and, let's you find your holiday happy place, rent or buy your favorites and on hundreds of channels and find new films like candy cane lane, starring eddie murphy included with prime in one app with one password. Prime video restrictions apply, see amazon, dot, com, slash amazon, prime for details. He said he doesn't want to be vp, but it doesn't matter being in the running button that profile he is hitting the nail on the head with the hammer we'll see so is whether trotted
you ve got new Hampshire. You got arizona, you ve got florida, vague remove his name, we'll see what they go to the polls. You don't funny because work a year and a half out, but it has begun the august twenty third maclaughlan and associates pole are insane trumped up four points in one pull again commonly harris up ten points, dykes. They should not ever an arm. now we have two more up against Biden, plus one up against Biden again, plus one. I think it's important. doubt the aggregate. So if you take a look, then at the public policy pulling new mexico political report general election in new mexico, you have Biden up six and eight points begun to mexico in the general election for If so, stop is up six points over Biden. This is insane general
election august. Twenty six emerson, emerson, Harris x, Harris has Biden up. One trump is up to trump is up five with emerson, amazing, big village runs four polls in one trump is up. Four in one trump is tied into more biden. Has the lead morning consult Biden in the lead as of right now, trump is actually dominating massively in some of these poles with it. I was putting trumped up six points if the poor We are skewing in favour of democrats. This is apocalyptic news, but wait Things will change, do not bet all your marbles on what we are seeing today. Here's a general election trot verses Biden right now. The aggregate from the r c p up from a real politics is Biden up. Please Eight percent. We take a look at all the polling data going way back, trump's doing ridiculously wellman. Take a look at this. Going
back through from last year. Until now, the Biden administration is flounder and while there are many poles that show him in the lead, trump too many trump. It'd be doing this well, so here we are, it seems like right now. If the election were held today, Donald trump wins and they'll tell you, he can't win and a boy man. you know, part of me. I feel really bad for Rhonda Santos there that photo of that video clip. There's two clips that came out of the Juppe debate, the lesser known, gp debate. The first is where, when asked, they said,
if Donald trump is convicted. How many of you will still support vague boom? No questions asked, of course, is political persecution. Rhonda Sanderson looks right, looks left and then raises his hand halfway oof, but then you had that viral clip of ron making making a statement and then smiling wincing rarely going like and it looks really weak and I'm like, I feel bad for this guy. I think he knows it's a stressful, not a place. You wanna be man. I would never want to be in this position, and I- and I feel like would probably have been withdrawn, is that was doing so well in the polls that prediction market. All of these powerful interests are like you must run they're, not gonna, let trump when you have, do it means like ok, fine, I guess, let's go, the dude clearly doesn't have the energy for this and surrogates whoop and its supporters and his campaigns
this communication staff, probably the worst I have ever seen in my life. That's only a handful of presidential election cycles, but would boy it take a look at his coms team, and he may as well have gone to like a local scout troop of twelve year old boys inside you guys figure it out, because you'll probably do better than what I got. I'm sorry wrong. If you dont fire the people running your communications, you deserve to lose. Maybe it's really will we really wants fine? I guess, but carry on interactive polls as new national poll from a you, gov trump is up by one point: a point for ansari, a plus for gain and Biden drops by one point: change: vs July: twenty fifth for the g o p presidential primary you've got trump at fifty two percent de santis at sixteen ramaswamy at six should be interesting. Now, one big point: that's coming up a lot thought about it. The other day.
saying trump can't lose. If and it's a big if this poll is true, fox news ran a poll showing that Joe Biden has sixty one percent of the black vote and donald trump has twenty percent, and I'm like in out I'm hard pressed to believe it, but if that that is true, trump can't lose rob smith made a video where he just said. It's a pipe dream, never gonna happen, and he uses anyone telling you. The black vote will be twenty to twenty five percent. For republicans and twenty four is not being honest in fact: they're lying there you got a lot of things is only one of them. It know. Let's, let's break the stone like china, which has great video, I did believe tromp was going to do. Fifteen percent or more twenty twenty was the all. In on the issue, I was surprised and disappointed trumpet around like eight, I was like eight to eleven are somewhat that there's no credible or logical response to video there. There absolutely is. There really is.
Rob Smith says I'm not expecting logical reason by mistake. A lot of personal attacks and emotion, anyways I stumped for trump. I was in the chair. going to events I was in it and blacks didn't show up. It was disappointing. instead of doing a post mortem on, why it happened. He says Why it happened, get lies and people repeating the same. A failure we just saw its twilight zone is much of it says, You ve gotta realise most of these twitter people don't leave their houses much. They go to gnp events with ritual rich white, while people why people who is freshen, fit, they laughing. I bet ninety zero people telling you about black culture, don't even know what co it shall it is agreed. I stepped back from all of this for a minute because I realized that I was becoming forced from the culture and spending too much time on twitter, cable, news, ets and gnp, influence or functions That is not the real world. I completely agree, but I do have a response. There is one response
The issue, maybe not, that black voters shift republican and massive numbers and point where republicans are guaranteed a victory. The issues that black voter, may not vote and I'm not even sang in large numbers. Here's what I want to say to rob Psmith. I think he's right completely one hundred percent, while ninety nine percent- I do think it's fair too add that there can be a shift. The kanye west impact that matters, but it's probably going to be minuscule. I think when you look at the actual data, what you're seeing is young black men may be shifting towards the republican party in small numbers, and that causes a shift, but it's not going to be twenty percent of all black voters. That's why I say it's a big f as I like. The idea didn't come out be alike. The black community will vote. Republican and democrats have lost it's guaranteed yeah. I dunno about that, but I don't think, there's a response.
I don't need the responses. Is you know at any point us out? He sang it doesn't mean you give up on advocating for conservatism and black communities. He says he's gotta, make sure that you're being realistic, and I completely agree with him and here's I'm looking forward to in this video clip. You have no choice: trump how's glenn back. He will absolutely lock people up. If I turn to the white house, forgive me if I dont believe it, but I do think that trap is more like the fire people than anybody else. So I'll give him that you said in twenty sixteen you know, lock her up and then, when you became president, you said we don't do that in america. That's just not the right thing to do. that's what they're doing do you regret not locking her up, and if your president again, will you lock people up? Well again, example You have no choice because they doing it does. I always had such great respect for the office of the president, the presidency and all, but
office of the president, and I never hit Biden has hardly like good up and then I heard he was trying to indict me and it was him that was doing it. You know, I don't think the new york times confirms Joe Biden spoke with garland and said: do it much, but he was there and he was hopefully the one given the other, but he would you know I believe that even thinks about that because you she's gone but then I said well, there actually trying to indict me, because every one of these indictments resume, including brag you no bread is he put his top, oh I don't have it out. As you put his tat person into the office in dublin at district attorney, we'll see, I am not entirely convinced triple lock anybody up. I do think you wants revenge. I do think is personally slighted I do think is angry and I do think we see firing things. I think he'll reposition people
is more likely to do it than any one else. Vagrant swami has a plan. He talks about. You know breaking up some of these offices and things like that. You know moving them around decentralizing them. I, like the vague, I think it's great bites. Trumps got the emotional edge right now with his indictments, I think he's going to say. Ok, we have to do something, it's really just probability and its light, so we will see no guarantees, it's hard to know exactly how this will, lay out, but I want to highlight the dishonest campaign is tweet from Chris nelson. I saw this morning it's really funny because his I put out a video or actually praised rhonda santa's response. I'm hearing really great things about what he's doing and flora so we'll keep a politics out of it good for him. Chris Nelson here is I'm gonna. My assumption of this guy his profile is, indie reporter saved by gods, grace updates on rhonda centres in florida news. I think this guy's, a fake journalist that
is running a sock, puppets scam for that has had his campaign, but let me clarify once again what I mean is, masquerading as an independent reporter, but just being fed talking point by the descent of camp to promote rhonda santa It is the worst and most pathetic communications attempt I've. Seen not. I that's true. I mistake it's my opinion. Based on what I am saying. This person do take a look at us, his every one of these scumbags, many of whom live in florida. Do the governor rhonda sentences covered policies have not mentioned a word about hurricane dalia for political reasons. Some of them are did officials the hell with all of them get the hell out of the state and of course he mentioned gates and you know, carry lake carry likes in arizona. Canada is funny and of course, I'm there to look at that tim cassie saying: why aren't you talking about this particular hurricane and it's funny? I know he posted last night. I only saw it this morning cause it's. It started get a lot of attention. it's like so much for my morning, video. I guess, here's what I must say. First, he lied about Matt gates.
I think you lied about a handful of other people. The issue was that he's just showing a odd. You know a dahlia or whatever, and a lot of these people were talking about the hurricane. They were calling Gavin wax said it that the what likely happened is that the dissenters campaign gave him the image and said use this post it and go for the attack. I hope ron de santis loses. I want to make sure that is very, very clear for all of you is a great governor, probably the best politician in the country right now and he must lose. I hope his defeat is humiliating. I hope he is mocked handily afterwards. Why? Because he will not fire christina pasha. He will not fire jeremy, Redfern or brian Griffin, these people,
well, who are some of the worst worst comedic bait communications people I have ever seen. He won't fire him and I can imagine the the the only reason he's keeping them around is because he doesn't want to win and the pharmacy runs a smart, capable guy. I asking myself this question: why won't he fired these people? He wants to lose seriously. He wants to lose wanna get smarter about investing than tune into the cap. Ideas part from capital group, home of american funds. Distributors ink one of the world's leading asset managers learn from portfolio managers with decade. Experienced by listening to the cap ideas podcast today he's gonna build a big mean our profile. Dont know where he'll go after this. He doesn't expect to actually defeat donald trump, none of his none of us donors- probably thing that can happen if he has any donors left, and so the point is to build profile, get your little. You know bt moment and then stepped back, write a book and maybe run for senate or
things like that, but I dunno where he goes after this with a campaign as flustered and broken as he's running, I can only assume it's because he really does want to lose. That's it follow his surrogates and his supporters and they say things like he can't trump can't possibly win and you're. Like look at the data we've gone over, the polls like what do you mean trump can't win he's likely he's got the edge right now I mean he could lose for sure and they might cheat. They might pull his name off the ballot. I mean they're literally Well, that's nothing to do with the media with the electoral process, I'm just I'm really let down I'm really bump Last year I was, I was in the bag for dissent, as he was the guy
There was a daily wire crew being like this. Is it I mean he's he's younger he's got the taxes, get the policies he's primed and then, after all, of the I'll put it this way. The reason why I think he wants to lose is that people like Chris nelson and odd. You know christina pasha attack the santa supporters and it's just like. Why are you doing that like? For what purpose are you doing that we had bill Mitchell on the culture war podcast with laura loomer and how becker becker being more middle, the road liking to send us supporting him a bit and then kind of walking back lore looming heavy in the bag effect. No one supports trot more than lore lunar hands down, no questions asked and then you had been mitchell who I'd say. Probably no one supports this address more thrilling conversation when I asked bill mitchell why it is that the sand is actual staffers are insulting and attacking me when I'm like. middle, the road or even praising the santas he's
yeah, well, laura allurements of this about me and, unlike what does that have to do with me? There's no answer. There's no answer! rhonda status is either asleep at the wheel, wants to lose or is incapable of of being a leader, and if he can't fire his staff were running his campaign to the ground, then he deserves to lose. I do not a man of this weakness to be in the white house if he can't fire his own his own failure. Campaign staff. You fired don't get me wrong. He rehired some. There is a office which people are questioning, but if he can't fire these I was going to fire anyone else. These are the easiest firing to do to be like look, you failed your job. You are burning the campaign to the ground out you think he's gonna have an easy time born against up against the bureaucrats. The intelligence agencies get out of here. He's got you
let authority right not to be like you out of my office. You suck good luck when you're up against the that feed the deep state. So it is what it is man I mean I could be wrong because a lot of things can and we'll see maybe round his hand is finally comes out and says you were all right. I've got a fire. These people, man, look at this. Its remarkable vague promise. Me did put out tweets about the hurricane and praised rhonda santas, are insulting in these pull our so stupid. I hope he loses because Matt gates look at this. Their insinuating that data said nothing met. Gates is a florida. Rep he's been tweeting nonstop about the hurricane. These people are despicable, now be loses Only with their necks islands coming up at four p m and channel general thanks bring it out now see. Well then, the former president in current front row
for their public and parties, men died it several times. Obviously, His supporters think it's be asked and its detractors thank. It is accountability. And, in the same time we are lost that the d o J is rejecting subpoenas from congress. in an investigation as to what hunter Biden is doing, which will connect to what Joe Biden is doing, the deal J has effectively gone, rogue, only way, you can call it out therein donald trump, trying to destroy election, cheating and and when republican say, okay. Well, let's take a look what's going out, hundreds of say no, if you thought that There was a working system in this country. You were wrong when I should say law enforcement. What really is happening- is that two factions are fighting for control of one governmental system, and what are you gonna call that I mean the story is part, partly I'm shocked
and partly I'm not the oj saying that there are one hundred biting off the hook effectively. Well, here you go. Ladies and gentlemen, the work content, examiner reports, the department of justice in full the house judiciary committee on Tuesday night that it would not cooperate with subpoenas for two fbi agents involved in the departments: investigation of hunter Biden because of the committees stipulations for the depositions Carlos Europe they d, o J assistant attorney general in a letter obtained by the washington examiner to committee chairman Jim Jordan. That is subpoenas. Two agents lack legal effect and cannot constitutionally be enforced because jordan had prohibited deo J lawyers at their depositions, the spanish issued by the committee private, the attendance of agency council at appearances by two f b. I employs where the committee Has indicated it will ask questions regarding information, they learn than the scope of their official duties, including rigour The ongoing criminal investigation He also noted the compelling
the money from the pair of F b, I officials, special agents, thomas so, but since sky and asia, holly and five thousand those names wrong of the fbi. Baltimore field office was premature because the d o J was open to continuing discussions with jordan, Jordan's deposition rule aligns with house rules which do not permit department council at depositions the J and the committee could, however, negotiate to have sober since so, but shinskie a pipe. Maybe that Ali appear voluntarily with the o J lawyers instead of appearing in the form of a deposition. Let me just simplify this for all of you, my friends, that e o J will do what they want when it comes to shutting down trump and they will reject what they want, because they will do what they want. They have called parents protesting at schools, terrorists they've, indicted, Donald trump. They have locked up pro life activists for staging sit ins, threatening,
with now eleven years in prison up to they have placed january six writers and solitary now going on years, and we are learning that enrique torino and many other problems are facing. I think thirty, three years in prison for seditious conspiracy,. Now. I can certainly criticise a lot of what the proud boys have done. Don't get me wrong If you want to come out, argue that they cross the line, a moral line and you think they deserve to go to jail. Fine, I don't think thirty three years is appropriate in this way over the top, but don't make any arguing you don't tell me, you think they deserve life in prison. Make the argument. Do it I'll disagree but make the argument- and I wish bond with what about Annie Of the other far left extremists, any of them. What about the other writer who he's gotta Where did somewhat something like three or four million dollars, because the cops we're using for expanding foam rounds?
What about the rioters in Washington DC? The far left us to want a multi million dollar settlement from the city. You see where this goes. If you're on the after you engage in insurrection, vague view. Millions of dollars, if you're on the right, they'll, lock you up for the rest of your life,. If you are these son of Joe Biden, they will block your efforts to seek justice because there are evil people. This is outlook. I'm sorry, man. You want to talk about all the things you don't like about trump sure you want to say. Trump is corrupt and a lot of ways he's a businessman. Fine say it don't care, but there is no comparison to a lifelong career a corrupt individual in the Biden family to donald trump. Sorry trumps, president, is in politics for one term, everybody loses their minds and Joe Biden been doing this for decades. We know it,
therefore you he lies and lies again, and this is what you get knots the solution. I get really annoyed by these people horse screaming for violence because they're wrong, and that is the path to defeat There was a superpower we got yesterday, I around there, like you know too. You get so mad saying that no one's doing anything, but then, when we say we're it's time to catch and you're like no wait. Don't is the stupidest thing, I'm sorry, it's just too stupid. What I'm talking about is you have parents, you have employees there. I was specifically referring to a woman, I think, as a woman who had claimed on facebook of a prominent singer, entertainer that puberty There were a scam, hurting children and then because of the backlash and threats they went. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I said this and its just like that's the problem. Winning the culture war and gaining back power requires confidence from the people, and violence does
build confidence. The government has a monopoly on violence and when they enact that violence, even then it breaks down in erodes the system. That's how you end up. Black lives matter, exploiting videos of police, brutality or police, Action in general and sang fear them fear them their illegitimate, asking anyone needs. is some more on. You know anti establishment figure to engage in any kind of violence january six was exactly what they wanted remove trumps name from the ballot. Do not give them more. Here's what you do! It's really simple! Download public square yeah yeah. I know a lot of people like what an app dude
light. Tanks were now hearing that these big hedge funds are getting scared of ie. Eight, yes g because they're like we are losing power money talks, bs walks target, stop going there only shop at companies it support. Your values can find this out by going to public square on the up and looking for these businesses dont vote for these evil people vote for good people knock on doors, ballot chasing and harvesting. I don't get me they'll accuse you of crimes, they lie they'll cheat they'll steel. They will lock you up for questioning if they treated that's what they're doing right now, because it's the only move they have left. But my friends for the regular people that you need to win over Because it's gonna require getting a lot of moderate and uninitiated people to wake up. You need to convince them to joint acts, formerly twitter, Tell your liberal aunt, oh! If fascism, they ask you see, the store
what trump did like. Oh, I didn't see it. How did you not see it walked? I dunno, I'm just are you an ax? Are you on twitter will go on there and send it to me, get them on these platforms, so they can be exposed to new and ocean their famously that women from the westboro baptist church got de radicalized by being on twitter and being exposed to other people. That's the path board, peaceful, nonviolent economic. We gain power by building through meritocracy, they gain power through force, but you cannot maintain that bought concept. If there is a dude who is building widgets the only thing and do they can do to have to fund their efforts to try to steal them from you, so it simple only economically support. Those who agree with your values do not economically support those who don't and then the donor funds dry up their elections fail. They become desperate, try and use the force of the d o j against you, but it cannot work because, like I said it makes them look a legitimate,
who was it? Who tweeted fannie willis's indictment of trump may have may have been the greatest campaign gift. Anyone could give to him he's out he's the victim. Now he's been unjustly prosecuted and persecuted. You know they say that when someone tries to assassinate a political leader, their approval rating skyrockets, what do you think happens to donald trump? when you try to imprison him as the front runner, the majority of americans even large numbers of Democrats? I think the majority of Democrats think that be prosecution of trump is political, their hurting themselves in their violent, thrashing desperation, Let him have it. I look at these stories and I wonder on like they want trump supporters to act, a fool dont. Do it smile wave and avoid any opportunity that they could smear you or lie about you dont? Let him have it instead opened an ice cream shop, sal ice cream make money, make the right investment
Watch bud light fail. There is money to be made. There is success to be had and there is a shining beautiful future for you in this country. When you focus on building your family working hard, rolling up your sleeves getting in shape, so eating the brominated flowers and drinking the brominated vegetable oil stocks. drinking so does it high fructose corn syrup start exercising you No, what you can do to win it simple, be in shape start a family work hard make money, only support businesses that support you and make sure you advocate for and vote for, politicians that you trust that our standing up for what you believe in republican suck for the most part democrats overwhelmingly socket libertarians tend to be ok, but it is an uphill battle. It will not be easy but the answer to this talk about it. A lot can happen in the next three years, like a child, But maybe your new best friend, but what
on change. Meeting health insurance, united healthcare Try to medical plans are available for these changing times under it by golden rule insurance company. They offer budget friendly, flexible coverage for people who in between jobs or missed open enrollment. The plans last nearly three years in some states, with access to a nationwide network of doctors and hospitals so for whatever tomorrow brings united healthcare. Try term medical plans, maybe for you learn more at? U H, one dotcom talk about it. That's what you'd say. If someone goes, you see that donald trump got got indicted by that was crazy and then they're. Then they got that thing. There's a limit. Let me hold on here's how I respond. Someone comes to me. as did you hear about you know donald trump indicted a bill. I that's crazy man, Was it there saying that, like he was trying to get people to like find votes or something like that, I don't I'll write. You thought yeah, that's crazy, and then you got that Biden thing man I mean who were disposed supposed to vote for this time around. You know you got trump being accused of the election stuff. You got Joe Biden. Data Ukrainian guy came out said that he was bribing people.
our know anything about that guy I'll or understand. I think they're, all crooks I'll, tell you what my friends telling someone who only here's bad things about tromp that yeah. I hear you, I think they're all crooks, it's better than nothing, but I'm not saying it's it. It's the easiest path forward, I'm just saying: let them engage in this crack pottery and make themselves look illegitimate. You just go out there and be successful. This election is going to come down to, in my opinion, procedural moves, universal mail and voting ballot, harvesting, etc. That's how you win this one I'll leave it there next segments coming up at six p m on the general thanks rang out- and I will see you all them. I'm sorry. I am shocked and offended by this story. You see this this here woman, this youtube her her name is eugenia coonan.
She has been the subject of much attention for quite some time because of her low wait, and I am deeply deeply offended that so many p but who would celebrate body positivity would How come out and say this woman should be banned because she's going to die now, let's get real A lot of people are saying this is no different than someone being morbidly obese. They are unhealthy They are influencing young people and dangerous ways, and we ve actually already heard some testimony from people like you to say some posts. Where there are like. You know a kid I knew or a younger sibling started, dropping weight and that because they wanted to be like eugenia in all, come out and say it. This should not be promoted and there's a bit challenge with social media. What do you? How, and what do you not allow?
Should we say that youtube shut down rank dangerous content? Well, that's what led to political content being downright. So what you do it's tough question I don't know that censorship is the answer, but I do believe people who, on the verge of death, should have some kind of medical intervention. Here's the story, anorexic you tumor, eugenia, Cooney. Twenty nine is urged You get help after showing off dangerously thin frame in painful new dancing, video, I'm sorry, I and it is this gusting- that people support this and would protect this. This woman, needs to be taken offline, given an intervention, bring back the institutions, man. Fifty one, fifty I'm sorry, I don't, I don't want to tell you I get it. I get the chance.
In questions. If you give the government the right to lock people up, because you think they're, crazy, they'll, lock up their political opponents, they'll claim being a Republican is crazy. They'll claim wanting to be fit is crazy. So what do you do We don't want someone like this influencing kids too, to cause damage to their bodies and their health. At the same time. We want this individual have their right to free speech and if they don't want to eat. Well, what do you do about it hard lines, my friends, hard moral lines? I think the issue comes down to this. We do not do what actions to take based on a hard logical principle, but on our personal morals, that is to say, I believe, people of any political persuasion should be allowed to advocate for the police, views and there are limitations, don't incite people to go and kill others things like that. But I also think that if you are advocating for people to cause harm to themselves, then perhaps you should be censored-
that is bordering on the criminal. Instead, what we have is a moral culture with you to wear their like it's totally and if you're gonna not eat until you die or you eat until you die, but Heaven forbid you advocate for secure borders. That is a fractured and broken worldview. Here's the story, fans of annex youtube or eugenia coney are begging the star to get professional help after she. Once again, showcased her rail, thin frame and protruding hip bones in a painful new dancing. Video eugene originally from war. Headed president war, chester, Massachusetts first rose the famous early twenty tens effort. She began. Sharing beauty tutorials on youtube, but yes, sparks, there is concern in recent years, been started. Showcasing a very slim physique in her posts. Most recently, your followers were left even more terrified for health.
After she shared a new clip of herself lip sinking along to betty betty bonbon by Selina? Came king tanya press on tiktok eugenia it a tight purple jumpsuit which left? slender figure unfold. Slender, her skeletal figure come on man yet die sheet. Let this this this! This woman is. Maybe even hours away at any point from literally just dying. I am not exaggerating why a youtube should be intervening. If someone had a video where they were born, in out? Wouldn't you, like call nine one, one man, the internet, it really pisses me off. Sometimes I gotta be honest. More clips. geez. Many people took to the comment section of the video, which got more than eight million views in less than a day to urge the social media star to seek medical assistance and check herself into a recovery center. And really you go to a recovery centre. This is scary. One viewer wrote edit. I love I love,
I adore you and I'm officially terrified for you. What can we do to convince you to get help? Please seep seek medical assistance. you want you want. You want to live in this world where anyone can identifies wherever they want and they can modify. Their bodies is what have they won't, even if it can cause physical harm trauma and death. What happens, I do not live in that world. Some man, you too. What up? I don't know. You are beautiful and far too young to leave this world get help lovely. Oh, my god, love! Please get up, it's I'm afraid it's almost too late yeah it is. I don't even think that this individual can eat a real meal because of a problem, tell her. I read about how if someone starving them eat for a long time, you can't you give them like soup, so I can kick start their digestive system once again, because what is it? There's like a story about or movies
where a guy a rich guy like one of the villain, he like walks into a tribe of starving people and he throws them a snickers bar and they are a candy bar and they rip it open and eat it and neglect nikhil over and just drop dead, because your body needs stuff to break down stuff and if it can't and you just die. I dont know how this person has it been committed to an impatient facility by now this display of severe illness and malnutrition. Someone said that she was setting a bad example for young girls, while another view were asked, Tiktok was allowing her to glamorize unhealthy behaviour. I'll tell you why tik tok pro most people self harming they do it all the time. Maybe it's about time we ban tik tok or But under the control of a u s, entity and regulated this stuff, promoting self harm to children, men band, kids from It- I don't know.
Someone else said that she was setting a bad example for young girls. It's hard to watch her, a different user wrote another added she's, a living skeleton, yet not for long she's gonna lose her life. Look at all this cheese man, that's pisses me off! the worst she's been back and twenty. Sixteen more than eighteen thousand people signed a petition that call for her to be banned from youtube after they claim she was promoting. Anorexia the time she released a statement that red people are saying I'm a bad influence on girls. You are Why you guys don't like I have. I have seriously never have tried to be a bad influence on youtube, of course, but you are. I would never want to do that, I've never told anyone to try to lose weight or to try to learn Change the way they look, that's not how it works, but it would appear so You be gone in early june. Eighteen, you gonna, take a break from social media to seek treatment, but when you are turned a few months later, viewers pointed out she's. Looked unwell and are you too,
The blogger later explained that she got help after a group of friends brought up a series of concerns that, regarding our health, she was then put on a fifty one. Fifty a seventy tooth We're psychiatric hold at a hospital and allay after that finished she added to recovery centre in connecticut where she stayed for four weeks and apparently it did not work. This is gusting she's gotta get help man. Please someone help this woman. What are these photos she's on the verge of death? I'm not exaggerate when I say that her heart will stop at moment introduced the price drops at gnc they've slashed prices on best selling protein and pre workout like beyond raw lit and gmc envoy. Bolick, now just didn't get the products. You love at new. Lower prices, look for price jobs at your local gnc store or gnc dot com. Anorexia- is an eating disorder that causes people to obsess over their body image. Yeah. Well,
I'm sorry! We live in a world where, if you have a bad body image and you do not identify you can modify yourself in any way. morbidly obese individuals are praised and celebrated, even though their dying as well, their hearts will give out at any moment and as a matter of people there You say right now. I watch this. Every day they stare eyes kids, they abort kids, they advocate for these whore. Well body images they advocate for children undergo surgeries and these treatments, which caused them harm. In the end, it results in that in the death or or medical element of these individuals. The end result is clear: the future will not have these individuals. I doubt this woman. have a child, and I think when you look at the agenda of so many these malthusian and they say, there's got it. We we need less people they're not going to fight this they're gonna sit back and say let the stupid weed themselves out.
And what are you supposed to say too, that woody How do you respond to we desperately bag people to live better lives to be healthy, but they won't listen. What more can you do. Am not convinced that passing laws to force stupid people to be smart is possible. You can't someone who refuses to eat and celebrates it won't eat. You can force them into a hospital and they'll come out and will keep doing the same thing. So I don't have the answers for you, my friends, I can just tell you that we live in a society that advocates for people to to hurt themselves and they claim that they say you know they dont promote self on they promote self arm and I've got to Canada, medical assistance and dying. So I ask you you think this is all going why you think it is that this person is still Getting millions of views on social media that tiktok would allow it this and anything else related to body positivity,
Body positivity is when I say something like exercise, eat right and do your best? This is not it I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I rl thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all. Then oh The press is mad, their mad at jordan petersen for miss gendering jazz jennings. For those of you. who aren't familiar and I'm sure most of you are jazz. Jennings is the famous transgender reality tv star in areas. Article title: the tragedy of jazz jennings spiked online documents, the life of jazz from a critical point of view and its actually my opinion rather horrifying. I think there a lot of things to be brought up about jazz jennings. The child abuse, I think is, is obvious and ongoing. I know just as an adult now, but this still happened in florida and typically, with the I mean you watch these videos, law enforcement and intervene,
Oh, but the media is also angry. Newsweek rights, Jordan, peterson, invited users on social media platform acts miss gendering, youtube or jazz jennings you to burn Just jennings, do you know who jazz jennings is getting on youtube? Conservative influence are petersen quoted an article. British online magazine spiked online written by malcolm clerk, then blind the tragedy of jazz jennings. The post, poles in clocks, words and reads quote: I have just jennings reveals the cruelty of gender. Affirming care this young reality tv star, will never have a normal life hormones and puberty blockers Doing irreversible damage to kids says Malcolm pluck Petersen. Captain this his retreat, never forgive his mother. I'm sure nepal is right there who does his referred? newsweek, maybe Jordan petersen meant Malcolm Clark, who was a man rights I gotcha there,
You assumed the gender of jazz jennings without asking let's be real. We know George Petersen is referring to jazz. Jenny was biologically mail as a hymn. Multiple such many users called about correcting jesse's, pronoun and said her one question: can you just now? I hit return when you tweet some of his followers miss gender, the influence on their applies and agreed with peterson's commitment or comment. I'm sorry on the mother figure being to blame music has reached at to petersen and jennings representative for email comment. Why so, dumb and in the transgender activist whose oh, I am jazz documented her journey and day to day life in florida with their family. The twenty two year old published a book of the same title cut. I am just in june this year the star conducted a virtual book reading at a pottery barn store, which caused a stir among conservative customers with many opting to boycott the brand, and you should. The children's book- I am jazz- tells the real,
I've story of the influence or who was assigned mail at birth. Let me just pause right there and say, observed to be made by a doctor and diagnose agenda to sport at the age of four peterson commented on the algae plus committee before and we get it we gotta, we get it. We understand. What's going on art, I another story for you guys, because it's not all bad news. Caliph Your mom jessica conan settles landmark victory against spreckels union school district, four hundred thousand dollars after she clay her daughter was socially transition was interesting. Just Conan's daughter, Alicia eleven was allegedly told One of us to middle school that she would ask calls that she was upset because she didn't know who she truly was inside the school. Loud, the child to use the boys bathroom and male pronouns in place without the mounds consent. Now all of a sudden daily males decided to opt for the female pronouns for the female. Now? Why would child say they dont know who they are inside, perhaps because the school is confusing them single mom.
When an accused teachers of encouraging her daughter to think she was a trans boy when she was at the school and twenty nineteen only for the child. I turned to her female persona while learning remotely during the covered nineteen pandemic. Despite not admitting fault the spreckels, you in school districts settlement marks an important moment in the debate across the: u s about parental, how how parental rights fit in with children's decision in settings, conan launch the legal claim against the school and two seventh grade teachers and twenty twenty one claiming that kept her daughters. trans identity a secret from her and hid that had been having suicidal thoughts. The child is now high school another district and as we have done to fight as a girl, I'm gonna break this down for you. I will try to be as respectful as possible. I fear for jazz jennings. I believe that without actual governmental intervention to take a jazz out of this business? Environment jazz is at high risk for suicide. I
there needs to be some intervention to protect Jes. I believe that if jazz jennings went through male puberty, jazz would likely just be a typical teenage adult male. And I believe that the family intervened for monetary and political game basin everything I've run. I could be wrong, but not just how I feel about sooner, What we know when looking at the data is that children desist not de transition desist distances when a child will express a opposite gender identity or where the opposite is closed, and then, after reaching puberty, stop doing it and just go. to identify as their biological sex. The estimates are between sixty five, unlike nine, be some odd percent. Ninety three, some ridiculously large number, not its sixty seven, maybe like ninety five.
Overwhelming majority of trans children. According to the data when going through their natural puberty will identify with their biological sex. I understand this if the rate of suicide among transgender individuals is high and what are the states on forty seven percent and the likelihood of a child desisted is even higher. Do the math You transition a child. You are putting them into a category within the abnormally high rate of suicide. If you let them go through the net natural puberty, the likelihood is basic math. They will be ok, so Why do we allow this to persist? Why do we allow shows, like I am jazz too, to continue without there being some kind of outrage. If you take a look at the story of jazz jennings, you can see
it substantially worse than most people, let on jazz, was supposed to go to college. Didn't became seriously depressed after three botched genital surgeries to create a I dont want you'd call it they like to call it's a neo vagina. I dont like that news speak right. The purpose of the surgery that jazz undergoes is to create an an orphan, it's by which another individual can engage in sexual activities for pleasure? That is not right. What female parts are for female parts incorporate pleasure of a for sure, but it's also about pregnancy and reproduction. Here's what I think I hope that's a jazz,
so because, when you look at the show- and you look at these clips- you have a mother that says: why aren't you dilating Jas clearly does not want to. Is the process by which you use a tool lubricated to expand the orifice? That was surgically created, jazz clay does not want to do this job. His mother insists that jazz do it or she will do it for you by force, jazz becomes depressed, can't go to college, becomes morbidly obese says that I don't feel like us a quote. I don't feel like myself. I have the wonder why that is perhaps because your life is controlled and you have been put in a panic.
and you never should have been put it. When you look at these stories and you look at the article from spiked online about jazz struggling to date, the risk is clear: jazz exists in a kind of social limbo where far left activists will sing their praises, but not go anywhere near day jazz jazz can go and try to be with any typical adult male but they're going to say the same thing: there's no attraction nor break down. Why? I think why jazz will likely have to find a very, very small community of individuals to actually date from your wrong majority of males and females in the world are heterosexual and hydro normative, as the left would describe that means that a man wants to be with a woman when a woman wants to be with a man, a male with a female female with the male. They try to redefine these words, but the social construct means nothing.
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Add a bunch of guys run on treadmills got real sweaty. They then took the shirts off these men and put them in jars. They then had a bunch of women come into the room and they were told to sniff each shirt and say whether they thought it smelled good or bad. Here's, the amazing thing, women who smelled the shirts- they don't know where the shirts came. I'm just number jars, all of the women when they smell the, should have a family member said it was gross non. Family members, they would say like this. One smells kind of good, because smell matters in sexual attraction and there were saying the time and in the science may have changed. That's our smell. Give us information on the immune system. Dont know if that still the case, maybe I'm wrong. Small matters just getting to the biological mail and even with female home hormones, is going to be giving off a unique smell. So what he thinks gonna happen.
There have been many instances where jazz has tried to date, a guy, and he said well, let's just be friends, you're, so unique and jazz says it's so hard dating a trance person. I wish people would just see me as a woman impossible, because I believe it's fair to say in all likelihood a boy, illogical mail even undergoing puberty blockers and receiving cross sex hormones, will likely not have a female pheromone sent. Why. I do not believe assuming pheromones play a bigger role, maybe they don't, but I believe that
likely the smell that is emitted from a male will be male. Now, maybe there are people that are attracted to both men that there are jazz is going to have to find someone who is? Has those you know those predilections that can be very, very difficult? More importantly, your average male is not going to want to be with someone who can't have a family. I say average male. There are certainly many men who don't have kids. There are certainly many women who can't have kids and they find happy relationships. But most men they want to have families, you can't have a family with jazz jennings. That's why I'm, where I'm worried about these individuals- and I hope I hope some- that something is done to protect them, we'll see I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up tonight at six pm. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.