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Google Banned HUNDREDS Of Trump Campaign Ads And Won't Explain Why

2019-12-02 | 🔗

Google Banned HUNDREDS Of Trump Campaign Ads And Won't Explain Why. In an investigation CBS News found over 300 ads from Donald trump had been removed from Google and Youtube without explanation other than it "violated company policy"While some will argue a private company can do what it wants we are talking about the largest search engine and video platform restricting a candidates ability to reach news voters without explanation.Upon further investigation it seems that many establishment Democrats have had little trouble with their ads but Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard have also had some ads removed and we don't know why.I have't done a full readout but it seems trump was the most heavily impacted followed by Bernie than Tulsi, but again this was just a cursory search not an in depth review.While typically the left and far left cheer for censorship of conservatives or claim it isn't happening we can see just what to expect if something is not done about this now.First Trump and conservatives will be banned. After the left hceers they will come for the anti establishment players like Bernie, Tulsi, and Andrew Yang.If the left does not defend free speech for conservatives then it is only a matter of time before they too face the banhammer.Big tech needs to be held accountable otherwise we can resign ourselves to living in a dystopia ruled by multi national billionaires with no regard to social justice.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I haven't start these videos by citing gives MOTO when they uncovered widespread bias against conservatives on Facebook. There have been many stories proving the bias is real, notably project there. Toss leaking those emails that show they said certain conservative figures were a certain kind of far right, bad people. If you know what I mean, people within these companies are absolutely right and is having a negative impact on politics, were now look. That it actually runs deeper than that you see CBS News. Sixty minutes did a sit down with Youtube. I believe Our view is woefully inadequate, but what they found three hundred plus tromp adds were taken down by Google and Youtube mostly over the summer for violating company policy. After everything we ve heard from various us and from gives MOTO even enricos who said from twitters CEO Jack Dorsey, many of their conservative employ you're scared to speak up. We something similar from conservative employees at Facebook. We know that there is an internal biases, it mean the whole company hates
well. No, but it means there are rules are likely Miss, applied or more heavily applied to people on the right sure enough. We find that trump ads taken down, but what's more worrying, as we don't know why you see even Cbs acknowledges there's not very there's, not much transparency and transparency report. And while they're trying to claim there's no buys against conservatives sure enough. We see this happening the trump, so I decided to look into it. I looked up a few other political campaigns and sure Enough Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, PETE Moody Judge, I didn't and any policy violations there's probably sums in there somewhere, but a very easily found the policy violations for Donald trucks, campaign and supra. Unsurprisingly, also Bernie Sanders. He might not be a fan of either Trump or Bernie, but I think we can all realise the populist individuals are facing a bias. I certainly think better
around the bias against tromp is more substantial, but even a region with Iraq. Obama was secretly talking about speaking up against Bernie Sanders. I don't care what cited Oh you're, on the biased from big Tec is extremely dangerous. We dont know why these companies are restored in political adds. Now again, stress most of the ads appear to be fine, but we don't know what their criteria is for taking this information down to make matters. Worse, Google has been swayed before a fake news. So here's a laundry. Let's take a look at the story from CBS when I want to show you exactly why it so dangerous. These private companies are reacting to fake news and blocking politics. I think most of us can get it. We shouldn't have unaccountable corporations dictating what we can see and hear. But that's where we're going. I mean I get it. We were they're kind of past. When we didn't have social media we broke through certain bears, let's not regress That is another story here. That's also alarming. Facebook removes seven Uk Tory Party, as after BBC comply
The BBC was upset that breaks. It adds had content from the BBC. They called it inaccurate or misleading. So Facebook actually took it down that to me as particularly worrisome. You know there's a lot to go through here. It's not just about the ads being taken down, but we know that India is biased. We know that in in this new world of Twitter, saying no political, ads and Facebook saying yes, any ads in Google, taking down from the left plans to slip, vote swing news into Facebook feeds not just one political operative, but it es. The fake news is going to swayed is media companies using the guise of credibility, and then you are going to see your favorite. All digital moved- and let me remind you to those to those who are concerned If you're probably saying yes, what else is new? We know this happening, but there are many. On the left, saying all places not sure what's happening, the Bernie Sanders. So maybe, if you took the time to
cup and realise these establishment players. This fake news is not pro Bernie. There's a form, I believe, is person work Obama, this establishment players. These are people. This is so Obama who said he would say You got to stop Bernie Sanders. If you're someone mine's yourself on the left or the right you better recognised. This problem is coming for you, regardless many people left want to point the finger at trumps importance too bad, it's a private company. Well, it's hitting Bernie all the same. It's hating policy and its hitting Andrew Yang. We can see how the biased works. So, let's talk about what's going on before we get started, had over its and cast outcomes lashed on it. If you'd like to support them work is a pay pal option, crypto option a physical acts, but of course the best thing you can do share this video. Listen man, these big media companies. They are not Fair MSNBC is keeping Yang out of the gang out of the game. You can see they smear tromp, all data. It doesn't matter where you are on the on the spot on the political spectrum. We know that when you
to seize the fake news, and they come for us particularly response to stories like us from sixty minutes. They knock us down and they prop up MSNBC and Fox NEWS, and if you're on the left- and you dont like Fox NEWS fine, but recognising MSNBC was keeping Yang out as well, and he D made an apology. We need to support independent content. If you like, what I do and please consider Shanks video to help combat this fake news. Let's rate Would CBS said they gonna talk about political ads and social media. We get all that stuff compared to tv ads, they say online adds can spread, lies at an alarming rate. Yet welcome to the internet. That's always been true. It's called new technology which isn't here. Did they find in October, responding to a groundswell of
sorry, Twitter announced it would ban political advertisements platform. Google and its subsidiary Youtube do not ban these adds, but the company last month came out with adjustments and clarifications to its policy, including limited micro targeting of users. I can understand why that might make sense. Some people are concerned that, if you get a specific add that caters to you too, you specifically- and some of the different add sounds like politicians are double decker, did double dipping and don't have You know cohesive planners, manipulating you we're if they say in response to the concerns raised between sixteen election cycle, Google and Youtube like Facebook, keeping searchable archive of political adds that have run on the site. Sixty minutes reviewed the archive to learn more about, presents, trot present, trumps, problematic political adds, problematic, unites all its a bit opinionated. We found that over three hundred video were taken down by Google and Youtube mostly over the summer for violating company policy. But the archive doesn't detail what policy was violated
copyright violation, Alai, York, stream, inaccuracy faulty grammar, bad punctuation is unclear. The ads determined to be offending are not available to be screened. We found very little transparency in the transparency report. Now you might think trumps ads are problematic. You know, like the guy, but I gotta say: isn't it a bit disconcerting that Youtube Isn t us why these undertaken down again, I will stress Bernie Sanders Dulcy Gabert, also have the same problem. Tromp seems to be getting much much worse. I very easily found several policy violations under trumps campaigns. Multiple one's got his pack, I believe for Bernie. I found a couple for tells you I found one for the establishment players for Biden for Buddha Judge for us. I found none and for Warren, but but you know of short may be there are just now innocuous, maybe he's trump. Did something wrong. We just don't know and I'm not going to sit back.
And say I it's fine- that a bunch of establishment Democrats have no removals, but Bernie Sanders and Trump do something doesn't feel right and regardless of whether the removals were fair, they should tell us why, when CNN, took down Donald Trump refuse to air to trump campaigners. Just who they said it was because they were inaccurate, that's CNN opinion, Tromp was accusing Biden of corruption and the new ties and CNN City. There is no evidence to suggest ok, fine, full stop. There is evidence to suggest there is potential wrong doing here. We know Hunter Biden. Ship had no reason to beyond that board. We know from sworn affidavits in Ukraine that there was an investigation. You can distrust them. That's ok, but to act like Trump isn't entitled to his opinion is absurd CNN is different. First there, one network, if someone came to my gentleman, said ten. We want you to run these ads and I said no, that's my business, see it and can do what they want. More importantly, see
and told us why and now we know they disagreed with the framing they viewed as an accurate. I think you can argue it's an acrobat still just an opinion again today. Thank you see. And for at least telling us we can then discuss the merit of the issue, but at least seen ended. That knows only too when it comes to Google, we don't know going on, and so this what was asked as you, conservatives think that discriminate against them stall tells you tubes will just keep. I believe I pronounced replies will. First of all, there are lots of very successful. Can narrative, craters on Youtube, our systems, our algorithms. They don't have any concept of understanding what a Democrat. What's a republican, they don't have any concept of political bias built in them in any way, and we do Yet this criticism from all sides we also people who fit who come from a more liberal backgrounds who complain about discrimination. And so I think that no matter who you are, we are trying to enforce our policies in a consistent way for everybody, the archive org,
Does detail how many days the around the platform before was taken down approximately how much Google was paid and how many impressions it received. Now what I will say to two seasons credit. It is true that crazy left do receive problems as well when you tube bent over backwards to news about the rabbit whole and also to she's wrong about you know you do not being biased, they are biased, but they still negatively impact the left in similar ways. A fake story from the New York Times claimed as a rabbit, hole, if you watch the intellectual dark whereby all of a sudden you'll be at the all right? It's just not true. It is not true, because you two doesn't understand the difference between pro or anti immigration. It doesn't. If you put, migration than the tag Youtube sees it as the same thing. If people are chew into watch anti. That's something very put
in their search and gravitating towards certain content. Youtube doesn't know the difference that score things has left to right. So it stands to reason that if you watch videos just about immigration, you will get more left then right, because there are more left wing channels, More importantly, in response to the socially irresponsible, fake news channels like mine and David Pachmann took major hits you tube knocked down and support from mainstream news. So then here's the problem for see an unkind rejects trump all. They want fine, but they're wrong about saying it's an accurate. But what happens when that news actually results in political adds being removed because Facebook bends there will bends the knee facebook removed. Seven Uk Tory Party adds ever BBC complaint I'll. Tell you what the ads basically war, as I understand them like most political ads. They take a snapshot of a new, a news bit where someone says something like corruption and they put it. In this instance, you had been
see journalist, saying another delayed abreks at another delayed abreks it and apparently the Tory Party was making a point about breaks it being pushed back not that the BBC was saying anything other than these things were happening. There were showing the news clips. The BBC complains Facebook takes them down why they claim it was misleading by thought. Facebook Opel down saying that they will allow these yet apparently not. So this is the problem the BBC intervened to get a political add removed, come on man. Look, I gotta be a lot of people who hate Rex it while Romania, we're gonna, be cheering for this. But let me remind you, let me show you stuff. This is, I believe, what we have here. This is our Donald Trump. I think we have here. Yes, here is Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders has two adds that were removed only last week published on the twentieth. Now here that you can see the ad, all tend to be the same? We can see in this action there. There's four adds two of them are the same ad and one in the middle.
Removed for a violation. Why is it possible? That add is the same as the other two it's in between two identical adds. I want to know why that Bernie Sanders taken down. It was taken down after two days, while the others remained up, even if its Youtube arbitrarily pulling something down and the view is identical, it stands to reason that you too eggs things doubt you'd you taking these things down is a negative impact on their campaigns because it restricts the views they can reach. We don't know why and when we look, it just says policy violation. They say that he spent between two thousand and fifty thousand. We don't know why it was removed and its possible that you took it down because their biased or its and you gotta recognize it looked so I'm into this. Here's a list of the political add spends on Google,
through Google. We can see that California spends on town of money. Florida Florida gets the biggest spends. Thirteen million hundred thirty one million dollars spent since May thirty. First, the biggest spender is the Trump make Amerika great again. Committee and boy is eight million dollars. Sure enough, when you look at their biggest spends, we can see that immediately in their top eight there's a policy violation, we don't know white was taken down, we can scroll down and we can see there's many more, I'm not gonna dig through all these. I did look at war in Buddha, judge and others and sure enough. I didn't find any, but Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump I did if they are taking down, adds arbitrarily to justice
pricked, how much reach they can get or to restrict the more effective. If we don't know why. Ok, it's gonna be bad for either of them, and I got to say that we know the bias is real. It's not look. I think the buys as much heavier towards the Republicans. I can very easily find the violations that that Trump has received and the threat or plus adds all very easily their plus. We see would be proceeded with bricks it but it's going to hit you on the left. Msnbc is biased against. You know, who Yang and its frustrating for me to see so many establishment in a left wing journalists praising the stuff. You know
else got their ads suspended, and this is there should be more worrying, is project Berytus their twitter adds that their their ads were banned from twitter for inappropriate content, but was I mean news, busters reports project very toss reported that its accounts on twitter adds was suspended permanently for inappropriate content in a video posted a twitter. You organizations fatter James, O Keefe, explain how to censorship occurred. Twitter recently banned all political adds, except for cause based ads from non profit and for profit organizations. Yes, PLC, for example, can still run ads on twitter, but she's me. Some conservative sites have not fared as well as the S PLC. Here's what I dont want. I dont want to live in a future where massive multinational corporations decide what we are allowed to see and hear, We had that in the past, with the consolidation of these media companies, CNN Nbc, ABC whatever they would keep people out and you would then only see establishment players, waterways,
now, with the Dnc primary there still trying to do the same thing. The Dnc says these are the only acceptable media outlets and pollsters. So when people like Tarsi do well all in the polls, they say no, but now I will drive at home, for you, I'm sure, there's a lot of people on the left, who are more just sharing about trumpetings, had taken down saying you probably deserved it. Remember when Elizabeth Warren, had her facebook adds removed because she was challenging mark Zuckerberg, I'm not a big fan of worn, but I will give you credit. Since we have to some of these big tech companies that she's com for breaking up our love, it's the right thing to do at least an idea. Andrew Yang is talking about different ideas and that might not work but sure enough. Elizabeth worn, published adds criticising Facebook and Facebook took the ads down. Isn't that alarming? Let me ask you this,
you want to live in a world where you can't criticise a major corporation. You can't do anything about it. Facebook is where people are sharing information. Twitter is where people are sharing information, and if you can't speak there, your voice has dramatically reduced. Now I get it in the past. We had to go to the local media way to go to the water cooler and if we want to spread ideas, we have to go and talk to each other about it, but these plants that this kind of communication is being taken over by these tech platforms by twitter, by Google by Facebook and They start banning speech. They dont, like Elizabeth, worn, will not be elected. Mark Zuckerberg has already come out. You know that there is already been a leak there was a link, audio soccer, bergs criticising us with Warren she's, a threat to him. Do you think Zuckerberg is going to allow her to win and then break up Facebook? Absolutely not and I'll tell you this mark Zuckerberg came out and he recently at a dinner, I believe with Trump.
Life is african out about it. I think the reason mark Zuckerberg has come out more so in favour of in all, do air quotes free speech, and I say more so now completely is because he knows where his bread is going to be buttered right now you ve got Donald Trump in office, and conservatives are complaining about the political censorship on these platforms. If Elizabeth WAR and wins facebooks in big trouble, if Donald Trump wins, the conservatives will likely respect the private entity insult are, as they allow free speech so Mark Zuckerberg, probably realized he's on the losing and of both arguments that the left wants to ban hate speech. What can he do that? That's that's! That's a step too far I mean he does, for the most part, been hate speak what they want. They want more more, more, more remove this person who met, move that person will never stop. So when he comes out and says we have limits, that's a fine. We will break up Facebook in a panic mark. Zuckerberg goes and meet up with some concern,
and dropped. And now we saying you know what you know, what maybe we should respect summit at the girl free expression. Even though Facebook is taken moves to censor conservatives, as we saw from the ghost story which, on one side we can now see Mark Zuckerberg knows who is going to butter, is bread and theirs. Of people who are pushing these ideas. You know about its about stopping people from manipulating. You know what men. Political adds have always been manipulations and we ve always respected the right of people to have hyperbolic speech. Thinking back you. I saw a twitter threat recently about the nineties when a controversial she would arise, they bring it on tv on purpose. Larry king would have tons of extremely offensive people on a show to talk about these ideas, to challenge them to work them out and sure enough today, You can't do that and as the media becomes more and more corrupt, these tech companies bend over backwards for fake news and we are in serious trouble right now, the best line of defence we have against,
that the establishment players keeping out anyone who the american people might want is an alternative and independent media, independent caught commentary channels like mine and an even channels for more progressive creators. It's better that we have a large array different kinds of Porto commentary, from libertarian two socialist to laissez faire capitalist and Arco capitalist conservative to moderate, etc. We have all of these voices and we can share these ideas and weaken the marketplace of ideas that can they can succeed or fail based on their merits. Not we now have a media that is trying to spoil the platforms themselves into censoring information when they realise they couldn't shut down our ideas. They went straight to the platform and what happens well on the surface. You'll find a lot of people are left, cheering that Donald Trump ads are being removed.
I remind you Yang, is excluded from the media policy. Is an Bernie Sanders as well, so there there there may be big disagreements politically between all of these different. You know says, but at least tell you, the only people cheer, for this- are the establishment Democrats, the people who want bite into win who, for some reason you know. So let me show you something: the media is toxic. Ok, a woman wrote a story about Donald Trump Thanksgiving Day a day before thanks go how could that possibly be reality? The day didn't even happened, yet she got fired, but guess what the
recent you got fired was because regular people on social media cap, pointing out she wrote it was a pre right. She were earlier was fake news and because of that, she was held accountable. Do you think these companies, like the fact that regular people know before they can publish that we can share information faster and better, and we were right and they were wrong? They want to claim that than that that the internet is spreading fake news like wildfire. It's also spreading the truth like wildfire, and these media companies have put up fake news in the past and now we're correcting them. What happens when these ads are getting removed? When these companies are biased and say I don't care for Trump were burning, we're not letting you through. And these fake stories will persist and your ideas will not you know. So I ll tell you this man. The problem with the conservatives is that too many of them say you know we should interfere with a private company that can do it they want. I could you not many of the argonauts effort, they say
we shouldn't, impose new laws in these companies. We as a slippery slope but left, says the same thing. Why or the left typically is in favour of regulation, but their winning their benefiting from unless your Bernie Sanders supporter or younger Chelsea, if you support an outsider you're in trouble, so you know you you get the point I ll leave it there. I think, if you're on the left, the problem is there too happy celebrating that Trump is the one getting the brunt of this. The right too often says we should interfere in a private business. I tell you what both the left and the right will regret it if they dont stand up right now and demand better transparency as to why these adds were moved, and I will end with two with with two final thoughts: the first it is entirely possible, the ads war removed simply for punctuation, I could you not. Some of the rules are like you can't be all caps. Maybe, but I'm curious,
as to why, when it comes to Bernie Sanders ads, you can see that he ran three adds to the first and last are the same and the one the middle was banned. Why is that? Why is that so it could be something innocuous. It could be something you know who cares, but I'd like to know. Why? Because I want to know if Google is biased, I honestly believe they are and The reason I am citing Bernie specifically is to drive the point home to those on the left. This is hitting your candidate. You ve ignored the biased for too long, and it's coming for you what next it's the point that everyone has been trying to make the first dealt Nelson bending Trump and cheer and then once you do, they will see there was there will snip out your candidate? The last thing I will add- and this is not paid spots or anything
Am I Andy S. Dot com, slash pro minds: dot com has launched a new modernization pro platform. You can monetize your content on minds. I know that mines is not nearly as lucrative with this big, an audience as as Youtube, but listen. There's a Youtube Union challenging what Youtube is doing. I dont think they ll win what's going to win is competition if more and more people signed up for mines and upload videos to mines and try to make money through their modernization programme? And yes, minds? Modification is actually on par with Youtube Average there's just not as many viewers you gotta work really hard, but listen if we start diversifying and supporting other platforms that have a modernization programme, and I don't think there's anything else like minds that come literally is paying like Youtube: does their competing directly with their partner programme, then you too will be forced to accept these changes and stop the bias but leave it. There. Stick around next segments coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him cast
that's right up, I will see you other in order for there to be an actual impeachment inquiry we reason to believe that Donald Trump was attempting to pressure quid pro quo, bribe extort whatever Ukraine and and and what they're saying the Democrats is that this was intended to help Trump and twenty point out. The first problem I have with this is Joe Biden is just not nobody thinks he's all there and as if Donald Trump actually needed, help to beat button is absurd. That's the premise so far, while Democrats have asked no questions in any of these hearings about whether or not tromp was concerned about losing the Joe Biden ignore all of that. The inquiry shouldn't happening there. Place because the President of Ukraine set, I dont, know what you're talking about. There was no quid pro quo, you'd think. If the President of Ukraine said nothing happened, they'd be like well, we don't have will even have probable cause to think there is something here now It will operate here. Ukraine's president's olenska, renew
this denial of a quid pro quo with Donald Trump over military aid and insists he does not understand at all the accusations made in impeachment proceedings. I suppose the Democrats can argue, salons he's lying to earn favour with Trump and there's another kind of quid pro quo, but that's a bit too conspiratorial for my tastes. Listen man If the phone call was released and drops out, aid goes affair where there is no investigation, no announcement, nothing like that happen. The present Ukraine. As I said on several occasions, I I'd there was no pressure and talk about what are they pursuing? Who was pressured by this? are the weirdest things to me. Conversation with SAM Cedar, whose real utitsa is upon us. Are you timber on the left, and he said it was extortion. What Trump did freaked to Ukraine and the state of mind of the victim is irrelevant in the crime, because I said, listen: if you can,
didn't know that the aid was being held up in exchange for these investigations, how could you extort somebody who has no idea any things happening in order to extort someone? You have to say: if you don't do this, I will do this or if you want x, you must do why, if you don't tell them that they can't do anything to benefit you, how can that be extortion? bribery. Anything doesn't work outside of this data will know it or maybe you don't, but the reason the Democrats star. Calling it bribery and extortion is because it pulled better in focus groups. I could you not so here we are. You know the Democrats to claim that Donald Trump is harming our relationship with Ukraine in all its tough, listen meant. I say it almost every time, I'm care if you like the guy or not seriously, you won't talk about harming our relationship with Ukraine. It's the Democrats. There making Ukraine look really really bad or Zalewski said he added. He did not want to give the impression that we are beggars in Ukraine that everything the Democrats are doing in defining
What the president of Ukraine says is undermining their government now, don't, but don't get nothing for me. I don't know the and about the internal politics of Ukraine out too, by this? I was there on the ground for the Euro Maidan stuff. That's interview, a lot of peoples. I point a little bit more than the average person. I am not an expert on ukrainian affairs, but I'll tell you this. How do you think must look to the rest of the world that Ukraine is being played up like a lap dog to? U S interests? The Democrats want to frame it like this poor and and dishevelled little Ukraine couldn't do anything in the face of Donald Trump. The power disparity was just too great, Lindeman says and that's proof you're not an end in the testimony. Vindelin said that, even though the president didn't explore, we say you must do x for why the power disparity was so vast. It was implied so here you have a guy on TV, United States telling the world Ukraine I'm not gonna swear. I guess where Ukraine are beggars, I'll use different, be worth saying. America's little bee work
I mean that's what he's saying that Ukraine will bend over backwards, say whatever you say, America will do anything you want, and now you ve got the present saying I really don't understand, what's happening. We never talk to this way. So what is this is the point Ukraine a liar. You gotta pick one man. Do you wanna make Ukraine look pathetic and weak to the rest of the world that the president is beholden to american interests. They get. Is a power disparity. I get that the? U s a lot of money in Ukraine wants aid molotov. I understand that, but also recognise them as a sovereign nation that probably if they could, if they had to would say no and guess what they never anything that the Democrats alleged Trump wanted? It didn't happen. So if I, if I did take someone's word for it, we have another Why limit, let every let me read set of renting so I'd give the context daily reports Euchre Ukraine's president, renewed his denial of a quid pro quo with Donald Trump over military aid, despite a growing case
hence the U S, president an important precedent in Washington growing case. Oh please, opposition among independence is spiking and basically every pull because middle of the road. People who art tribal, biased our sitting, you're going like wait a second. How can you have to have a good programme when the President of Ukraine is going to happen and that ok, I get I get it. The Democrats or alleging, I guess, Zalewski as a hostage and as long as trumpet troubles president's once he can't do anything. Ok I'll tell you what If the landscape was really concerned about Trump holding this over him so when's, he could come out right now and say yes, Trump pressured me impeach him and guess what if he did boom, there's your evidence that ETA gotta be all over. It trot my Julie face a picture I would be removed, but the ones is not saying that. So, let's get is the key player. If he really didn't like Trump. Let's say there was no quid pro quo. Botswana he's still doesn't like trot. He could be like the up do. Tell me I had to do that's how I felt, and
across would go, not get rid of them and then salons given have somebody else to come in and if it is your go of it because people be scared of impede the next person is gonna, be scared of impeachment and the internet see, foreign policy and Ukraine will be reapply the reality? Is this guy's saying it didn't happen, He has every reason to say it did if it did ok, three and remarks published in a german in the long term years. Linsky said he did not understand at all the accusations heard at the hearing and did not want to give an impression that we are beggars in Ukraine. The scandal centres or on a phone call. We know all that the key issue Other traps set up a quid pro quo, latin for one action and strain. It literally means something for something. What with Zalewski by holding back promised? U S military aid for Ukraine until the violence were investigated. Nazi some interesting I heard over and over again in the testimony during a patron ingrate at the recent trump was doing. This was because he was concerned. Ukraine wasn't on the level Ukraine's been notoriously corrupt for a long time ago.
Soviet nation and I've got an oligarchy, probably got a problem with high ranking. You know height elites in the country's stealing the aid money that goes there, giving it for themselves. So the argument from publicans was well Trump one to make sure they are on a level. Apparently, the official reason, like the real reason outside the politics, was that other countries were not contributing either and so Trump didn't want. The? U s to be the only country giving all this money to these other countries are not do anything about it. Trumps been very critical of NATO and military aid spending. That's not you! so why Trop wanted investigation into bought in Burma? Maybe didn't have anything to do at all with actually concerned being concerned about Ukraine, corruption or I should say aid wasn't necessarily religion that in any way, it should be. Tromp was
concerned about what was going on outside what I think I think tromp is upset because of the Russia Gate, nonsense. Three years of fake news attacking his character, accusing me of being a foreign agents, they went crazy that is, took to be elected to the present present United States and then be accused of being an asset of the Russians in the eighties so transparent, and I want to figure out what happened here and in reality the aid was tied up because trumpets is pressuring all of these other countries, particularly in It ought to spend more on their own defence. That seems It makes sense to me and the issue of of corrupt in Ukraine, in my opinion, would do it crop saying these guys are corrupt and I'm mad. They did this look into it. I dont see these as being related at all. At this point, I think the only reason Trump claiming there is a connection is because he wants to save face because well it's about him being upset that he was smeared in the public arena. For you know, I think it's fair to say this, probably some connection right and proper.
The concern we're gonna, get these guys money, they're gonna go spend it who knows where their oligarchy gonna take it and do you who knows what with it in fact, Some of them are pro Russia and might even turn around and give it to Russia so any in the end. You not none of that met. My speculation, my assumption my opinions, a frolic, throw all out the window. Who cares the quest has now. Should there be an impeachment hearing that later today? At some point it's gonna, be the House Judiciary Committee, Trumpets, saying they're not going to participate, and I gotta say I can understand why it's that that the way they have set it up with witnesses and everything. Why would trump want to be there if it's going to be set up for an asteroid? Questions they're, gonna, aim for a spectacle and it's not a fair trial at a public hearing where they can? It's not the other rules of court, in which case It's a set up right, so you know I would prefer it if Europe had his council there, but other issue is that he's in Europe right now, you know working on its. This is NATO meeting as seventh anniversary or something so bunch of odd trump admin. People are angry senator
holding these these hearings when none of them can actually be there because they have to be overseas doing their jobs. So I tell you this first Zalewski says I did not speak with you as President Trump. In those terms, you give me this I'll give you that he says I dont know what they are talking about. I dont understand the accusations at all. How can there be accusations against trumpet? The president of Ukraine is denied it several times? Ok, fine the Democrats think the present Ukraine is a liar, because the only alternative that he's lying Yet these he's lying about everything. Ok! Well, then you're creating a huge problem for Ukraine, the other big issue and the big issue. For me. With all of this, for one we can see that independence have flipped on it up. That was predictable, but why is it that the executive branch is overseas and doing their job. Why is it that, when I turn on Fox news? Ok, what do I hear about? I sometimes hear about impeachment for sure. Of course, I'm right talks about eye to eye
Instagram video follow me an instrument. We have an already it's Instagram Dotcom slashed him yesterday posted this video added another one to follow up. I was in my room and I turn on Fox NEWS, and what is it you Ronnie in protest Hong Kong protests on like while those really big things happening in this world and then I turn on CNN impeachment impeachment and I was like yup. I didn't like fifteen times throughout the past week. Garcons always the same. The other guy they would have been all winter storms slamming the northeast, all these flights or delay. You know what I know whether might be not another biggest story to a lot of people, but let's be real America, it is, it is a holiday season. People are travelling and they need to know about what's happening to their flights. Is the most important information in the world. We now, I think, all gone and China on the sanctions almost up much more important, but I can understand that if your goal to provide information to people based on what they need most maybe, nowadays, you do a travel delay story, because people need to know if, when they go to the airport, if they're going to be delayed
well sure enough, and this is this- is it hilarious, paradox. Irony Fox NEWS was talking about the delays, cancellations and the. Because this year, as some people have died in the storm and I'm You know, I'm not you not. For me, I don't care because I'm a traveling, but I can understand why they would do that. Flipped CNN Orange man bad enough, judgment impeachment impotent and you others ironic or orbit paradoxical, because and is on. In all of these airports, you'd think, if somebody sitting in the airport, watching the news they would like to know. What's going on with the storm you're sitting there, your flight back from you know, Omaha Nebraska. Two to Boston or whatever, and your like man what's happening, I dont know, is the storm clearing up northeast? How are we going to get there in time and then you turn on the tv to the newest are playing in the airport at CNN and the like. The Orangemen is bad, but how bad is the Orangemen? I bring us up because for one the media's trash, but what we're trying to get too is there.
There is clearly an obsession on one side of the I'll, be it in the press or in politics where that's the only thing our focus and I mean while everybody else is doing their thing, Donald Trump and his team, while the alike are hit em, don't care they're, they're, working! Ok here you, you might think trumpets doing a bad job, but he's doing something. The weapon, it imagine, hiring summit to do the work and they come in and start working and you dont, like you got bad attitude, but hey you know that you hire a plumber and he's fixin that pipe and you're like men, this guy's a kind of gross, but at least as good. White facts right. The other two guys you hired are fighting with each other about how that guy should be removed for it for something they can't prove and you're like dude. What am I pay you for? Why do we have? What, with you know what it's not just a problem in our politics? Why do we have a government right now, where the president can be talking with? You know Ukraine negotiating ideals- U S, arms yea, travelling, to doing NATO negotiations and then what we get from the from the house sitting around complaining about the orange
man, wondering whether not he should even be president. Like I'll tell you what man the elections in less than a year and gay Trot mayor monopoly reelected I everybody's assuming he will be, and maybe that's it. They are not doing anything. Why should they be real? their literally doing nothing. None at all I know, I know they're they're they're, not literally speaking figuratively vigorously. The house has put forward your bills. Mcconnell has blocked my many of them, but the issue is if they made their big press battle, the blocking of their bills. If the death imagine this of the Democrats came out and said here is a list of house bills, we ve passed Mitch. Mcconnell is not allowing them in and they made that the big fight they might actually stand reelection. Yet because people are going to say come on man if they pass the bills, the Senate can move on right. You can vote him down the Republicans controls and does not want to block them no they're, not making that the Fight
complaint they're, they're calling the present, who can a liar and I'm just trying to get rid of trump? Do you know a man while, while while Trump is out doing its job, where they think is doing a good job or not, the Democrats are wasting their time and energy on whether or not trunks could be doing that job and to meet in fear? eating, especially when you see the president of Ukraine coming on. Being like do know, whatever men you get why I'm not going to wrap it up here. Stick around Mexicans coming up at one p m on this channel, and I will see you all them if I had to make a bet. I bet on college caper, Nick not wanting to play foot anymore, and you may say, but but to me just did that try out thing right. Yet he did a media of that you did a media event. He keeps apparently snub NFL because he wanted cameras there. They said. No, so is that I'll do my own event? Well, surprise. Surprise! Caper Nick is passed over again as the injury plague, Detroit Lions site,
they're all eleventh quarterback of this year, instead of going with the controversial free agent, now some people in the story to talk about, I think they say You know Tom Brady in some other football up well known. Athletes have said that current cape and it is good enough Why just people don't want to sign him because they want to take the heat? If it were true, in my opinion that count caper Nick did want to play, then he would have gone to the other fell at their event. Without the press, and he wouldn't be doing things like this column. Caper next speaks at thanks giving celebration criticizes? U s its eyes on. You have to know by now that the high profile political nature of what you're doing is divisive and causing problems. You have to realise that these companies, cell football games and merchandise and you're doing hurts sales and hearts their business. Why would you hire someone who yells at your customers? Could you imagine that is really what a Starbucks and you walk:
when someone does you're getting decaf, don't you understand the problem of the process, but I don't care dude, I'm here by coffee right, so this football. You know these sports leagues, these teams. They want to bring on people who are high profile because it generates interest and money people when it comes to the game. Concave critic is not that and if we really want to play woody, keep doing this. None and, dare I say it in my I can say that you know what gets it? I think I'll an apron it is trying to drum up um. He wants to be a martyr. Ok, he wants to do as much as you can, like, oh I should be on these teams. The reasoning wanted cameras, there's two reasons. I think he wanted cameras, that's not for the reason he stated. He was saying it's not something. The effect of the NFL wants to destroy out. I want cameras, there's that no one can claim. I wasn't good enough, while the cameras came in this and the and the scouts sat is gonna average ism accuracy problem, but you know, and some others, you know star football players have said he's good enough. I think he wanted to
He wanted publicity and he knew they dont want to be involved with him. So he wants to be a martyr and say: look, look, look at me. They know I could play, but they do want to hire me whose real goal, in my opinion, is to make a career of being a personality. Let me tell you man: what's the longevity of a football player, not that long, some some people play forever. Now it's like this. I know very little about football, not a football, I'm escape border, but I do a bit about politics, marketing branding business and, from my perspective, as someone who is not in the world of football, I look at what caper Nick is doing going to this like and thanks giving thing and on Y all yes branding markings rapier you gotta handed to the guy like he's running his business, really really well he's not that great of a football player he's not gonna, go down in history as one of the greatest he can go down in history based off of his oppression and his martyrdom, and that's why he's fully embrace
this, I think he stumbled into this. I think he did that the kneeling at the national anthem thing because he was seeing all the media and then it caused some problems by think he realized. Hey man. This is a path towards you know, are a real future outside of football, because how many football players leave the leave the sport and day wealthy, I cannot accept an awful lot by do know. There's a lot of athletes who, after their prime, not good enough fizzle out. They they end up going broke, they lose all their money and then everything comes cry. Hang down. A lot of these alot of these athletes are irresponsible. That money they make they wasted they. And then, when the time comes and there no longer signed, no one is an interesting,
famous anymore forgone. Some people have become famous actors. Some people become television hosts. Caper Nick saw this again in my opinion and said: oh, maybe a famous be no political personality. Who cares about football? This is a path for now. Look in football. Remember you might make a lot of money playing for some time but think about the long lifespan. Right, like you know, I thought about this. One other kicks I'm in play. Music was little or skateboarding, and the problem with both of those is their longevity is really diminish. Now skateboarding has the worst. You gotta be a speck like in the end state borders who make it beyond like twenty five years old, are exceptional and there's like twenty of them, but most of the top two year skateboard is like nineteen and twenty and then what happens? You blot your knee. You get surgery you're, not as good as it used to be. You turn thirty and then you're like knocking
the basket and the woman competition is fierce. You don't have these like that, the same kind of contracts. There are some people who have made themselves personalities outside of just being skateboards and that's where the money is. I think Caper Nick didn't see any point Ford in the NFL using areas an average guy right, such as is good he's gonna. Football is one of the best for the enough for the average person, but in the end I felt the gaieties average. So I guess we should read this story because our some courts, but I would like the on thanks giving thanks. I gotta be honest, I'm not a metaphor person daily mail reports. The Detroit lines have become the latest injury plague team to pass on controversial free agents caper neck. In spite of an urgent need for the position. This seemingly suggesting nobody wants a touch. The dude like easier is, is you know it's bad luck, rather than adding caper neck was not plates. The twenty sixteen out of season. Detroit opted to sign Kyle, slaughter off the Arizona, cardinal practice squat on Saturday, while adding Joe
Joker land to their own practice. One finding a new quarterback became an imperative for the lions in recent weeks after injuries to long time, star, Matthew, Stafford and backup, Jeff Driscoll forced the team to sign an eleventh signal collar on this. Using you know, I would add something else too: it's not just about his politics and sales is also about. Is he a team player? I gotta say based off what he's done so far is doing these. These bees promo deals base of his politics. I don't think so. I think incentive for himself. Now I get it. Man. Athletes make a lot of money so to an extent they have their own careers and to worry about. I there's a guy who's, not thinking about the well being of the team he's thinking about what am I gonna get shares our chosen because it over its stats talk about whether or not it should actually actually be playing compared to other people,
Let me read some other things, though the sender Chris Hurdle said you might not like Caper Nick, but it's impossible to say he doesn't belong in the Lee when David Blue is the starting point alliance on Thanksgiving Day, twitted Michigan State Senator Curtis Hurdle a Democrat from Detroit. Yet we get is a Democrat, though so actually go down too, like God his history, his records on anyway. This work again, I don't know a lot about football, but this aid this previously both Green Bay, Packers, quarterback, Aaron, Rodgers and New England, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, said I feel, as though Caper Nick is good enough to be playing in the NFL and Roger went so far ass tat! Yes, beyond that, he believes the former University of Nevada. Star remains a free agent because of the protests, but I can get it, but they say this. However Caper Nick One, only eleven of thirty five starts from twenty fourteen twenty. Team and had lost his starting job by the end of a twenty sixteen campaign, dare I say it is possible to do, is just average but was on a downturn
new that his career was in trouble lost his starting job and said I gotta find someone else, maybe you know, I don't want to- I don't I've gotta conspiratorial, but maybe it's possible. Someone said you need to figure stand out from the crowd because your time is coming up. You're you're! You ve only want one. Eleven thirty five you're off you starting job, so he said what, if I do you know, what can we do? attention. A politics is really big. Rhino people, no Orangemen bad. All that stuff actually think. Maybe this is before Orangemen bat or was it offers us yet so that this is during the orange mandate, orange men, bad era. He enters this. I think is entirely possible. Some, you know strategy said listen, then you should talk about these these these popular, you know leftist progressive stuff, that's really big right now,
Maybe he went forth or maybe with an exit, maybe saw something on Facebook and then was like man. You know it and someone talk to him. He had to get the idea for we need for the national an anthem from somewhere right. Well, he spark this big hubbub and, in its turn, its turn him into a household name really has got a Nike deal. Here's thing man, what's that, what's the true goal of any one of these people in overplaying sports for the most part to play the game and played well, but you know what I've everybody knows: yeah you're you're only going to beat your peak for sorting out of time. So then sure enough I'll, just also this menace or Mr De column Capering speaks at on thanks giving celebration criticising the. U S is aunt Thursday. Capering spoke at the indigenous peoples. Sunrise ceremony, also known as unfair, giving on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco California The event is intended to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the native Americans occupying the famous island, which previously served as the sight of a federal prison. So we treated this spent the more
at the indigenous people. Sunrise ceremony on the fifty year anniversary of the occupation of Alcatraz. U S. Government has stolen over one point: five billion acres of land from indigenous people. Thank you to my indigenous family, I'm with you today and always now. Listen man. I fully understand the problem, some of you know cause colonization and all that, but I tell you this: I'm pretty sure the? U S was heavily involved in like manner the Geneva conventions and the Hague Convention. And passing international law laws that prevent the few? colonization and conquering of lands yeah we got to appoint, whereas civilization, most people in the world like here. You know what we recognise agenda done that are, or they should have done that but we're different. Today we ve learned we ve expanded civil liberties and civil rights and with the job of it right now. So here's another issue, one point: five billion acres of land. I talking about life.
The sparse populations and the lands that we're around them that were then occupied by denser populations. It's complicated men, that's all you! This! We had a history of european colonization. A bunch of countries were formed. This is where we are today. What what are you? What? What do you propose? You know: what's? What's the real The real solution to this this claim of de colonise it has an assembly make sets the people who run these countries today are not from these. Places and where a nation of immigrants, a large portion of the people in this country, came from all over the world much much later after the levels are declaimed so now be, like you know it's, so the argument to me is is kind of silly. We protect rights. There are alot of messed up things. The US government has done ask and continues to do. We can argue about but Butler leaflets, let's get away for that organic of occupants, one little bit shorter column, capering it. If we really wanted to play football. If these other top athletes are saying, we know it's because of the Prodi
Why do you keep doing it? Why would you go and speaking event? It's because this is his career choice. I don't think they do want to play football. I'm pretty sure enjoys play football, but cannot be real man. You gonna, get in Are you gonna get a hundred pedantry how many, although these guys would love to after a few years cash out do a Nike deal. Has any how many people got deals? Nike stand, you know stand for something, even if it means sacrificing everything's, sacrificing everything you gonna do with Nike he's playing exactly the Cardy needs supply to make money and move forward. I think the dude smart about it he's gotta he's got good people around them and say this is your play. You got a few years, not them football match can do. Fifty years of political Pandit tree or not, punish me, but being a personality, he's gonna write a book on which one is better than a right about he's. Gonna be a mark he's gonna say when you stand. If what you believe in they come for humanity, everything away from using say all this stuff and in reality you don't. I always tell people as a few things you need to know you get what you ask for, and the other thing is that
most people who claim to want something are lying to you? People take what they want. People do what they want. Limit them to tell a story. I knew somebody who told me they want, be an international reporter and go cover these stories around the world. Like I had done it. I've been to Egypt, Morocco, Ukraine, Brazil, Venezuela been always countries. Thailand I want to do what you do travelling on the world covering this news and I said, go do it and they said they couldn't afford it. Like well. You know, I understand account costs money, but I gotta be honest. You could, if, if you can save up like you now, five hundred bucks, you can get that round trip taken. Ok, ok! I could you not. You can find international rendre tickets for that
I see it. It doesn't mean that going to be easy to go to certain countries. But if you want to go to Europe for instance, and cover some as migration stuff, it's not that difficult. Just just save up a couple grand over a few months and then go and do it and they told me that's not possible- and I said, but we hold on- you- have an apartment in Brooklyn, it's like fifteen hundred bucks on one September, Dick s number and there are like. Well I, like my apartment, Brooklyn, I'm ok, then you are buying exactly what you truly want. Yes, I, like my want even my apartment. I want this we're. Sorry, the world doesn't work that way. Gay. I was sleeping on couches when I was working for vice saving my money. I always have because I'd take what I want- or I should say I work towards exact neurons and that's it. People do column caper neck is not working towards getting in Vienna, felt he's not cooperating with them
he's not negotiating he's setting up his own special media. That dish to show is throws, and it's not that good. He is clearly one of the best from a place in the world. Right. Ok, that's that's! That's that's a fair point, but inter relative to the actual, ineffective but average with some accusations as they put it. So they reported. So you take a look at what he's doing and I will tell you this: it's not just him. It's everybody summit will tell you. I really wish. I had acts. Okay, if that were the case, why aren't you working towards getting it? Some people say I dont know what to do. Do just go. Do things do some thing man I want to play music I wouldn't play music and it's all. I did our plan. The street at playing the subway out play, shows and then eventually I was like. I don't really want to do that soldier, something else outward for non profit, because I want to talk to be focused on some kind of like I want to effect change and a direct way. Then I realized there. Businesses. So you know one day I just that I'm gonna go do a thing I went to occupy Wall Street. I did what I was passionate about. I followed what I wanted and that's why
today, but I can tell you this man, I know so many people who will lie to you, face unto themselves and say men. It would be great to be a rock star. If that were the case, you would sacrifice. You would give up anything to reach that goal and they won't do it. They won't. If this guy play football. He would stop the politics because he knows it's bad for business and its hurting everything. But the reality is it's the inverse he's pretending to want to play football because it's good for business and it's getting. Nobody really wants to speak at this. Protest events to sell his brand as a martyr who was kicked out of football for daring to stand for something the point our Peter. I leave it there.
Look man, the do your duty wants. Ok, I got respect for my thing. It's it's a bold strategy. It worked out so far, and you know you might you might hate the guy for politics and for what he's doing you know to football and all that and that's fine? You can disagree with them, but you gotta admit he's running. Is business really well? Isn t? Let's not kid ourselves, though his business is not playing. Football is a play football football in years. The only reason is relevant is because he's doing this speaking. This protest events and then complain about not playing football, see that proves that their hold their yoke and when it but I'll I'll wrap it up sit around next segments coming up at four p m youtube com slashed TIM cast: it is a different channel and I will see, while their Elizabeth Warren proudly states that she will be the last president, do ever be elected by the electoral college. That's right! Elsbeth Warren wants the electoral college abolished in time for my second term, but says
get elected, the old fashioned way in TWAIN now many people on the left scene. I think it's a good idea to get rid of electoral college and have a national popular vote. It is a horrible horrible idea for a million, and one reasons the first of which is the left will lose. The left will lose in a national popular vote system right now there are major population centres that are die hard blue that have massive. Of conservatives who don't vote because they know their state is blue. Now it's also true. There are large amounts of Democrats who don't, they said he still because they also feel like their state is blue, but I assure or you know what I guess. It's anecdotal, it's my opinion, but with me your urban centres more likely to have Republicans who don't speak up the way. I see it as if you, if you tell every republican and blue states to go fuck little matter. You are. Creating one possibility lets us. Let us
Let us put this way. California will always be blue, California will not be read. We know that It is, and it is not changing anytime soon. So why would the left ever create the possibility that this state could be read? That does not make sense and imagine California votes sixty some odd percent Democrat and then there's the state lectures go. We appreciate sixty plus per cent of our state wants to above the democratic president. We're gonna go ahead and give it to the other guy. Wouldn't the stake then be furious with a lot of problems with it. But I'll tell you this. All this does is create a possibility that blue states go read it in all likelihood is not going to create a strong possibility that red states go blue because red states are less likely to be joining up with a popular vote coalition I'll be different if they abolished Ojo Couch, but in the end there is good reason to believe
left will lose because of this play. I'll read the story for you, but also have this opinion piece, which makes it a very, very important point why the rope why the Republicans should embrace this now. I believe there is a lot to go through, but I believe, for the most part, Republicans would benefit greatly by a national popular vote system shocking. The left, California would flip. Rather, how did this happen yet? Because Republicans can when that the majority I just for now, think they can't, because there are too many. I guess you know sleeping Republicans, but in this opinion peace for the Savanna now viewpoint, GEO P should embrace national popular vote concept and the end and Patrick Rosen Steel says: look a Texas. What if taxes does flit goes its change
And they all went to take all system. There are many places where the votes would go to the Republicans and that in the Democrats would lose the ability to flip a state. That's the most important point that So you can look at it like Republicans in, for a lot of reasons, it's also defensive measures. In my opinion, I think the Democrats are opening the door to losing by getting we're lucky, Microsoft are now there's a whole lot of other reasons why the electoral system makes sense. We don't want rural areas do not have their needs addressed. And people try to argue no, no international popular vote system. More everyone's vote is equal. Of course, politicians will go to rural areas, not they won't they're. Gonna, look they're gonna, go to suburban report, look in areas and they're gonna try and get as many people as possible to rally, but why are they gonna go till Rural Nebraska, where they're gonna get a hundred people when they can spend what little time they have in suburbia in Chicago where they can get thirty thousand people, yet they're not going to care,
but rural issues, they're gonna, say too bad. It's the best you get in we're going to see both parties start competing for urban votes? Now the left will say: hey, that's a great thing, forced the Republicans to move to the left. All you think it's thing up until the smaller states feel dejected and it pushes us towards a civil conflict or just general look you'll get a present who will be pandering to the nation and you have Congress which will be furious, and this will cause serious problems because you think Congress bad today. Imagine a situation where the executive branch never represents the smaller districts. You are not going to have a happy Congress, then you're gonna have complete shut down, plus you gonna fight, nonstop and in Supreme Court. Look I'll put it this way. More importantly, in my opinion, the biggest risk for the left
In my opinion, the biggest risk for the left- and I can't believe, you're done this because it's a simple it. It seems so obvious right or we have the popular vote. Therefore, we shall win. You don't know what the rule, but what about what? What the outcome would have been with a different system? Trump? Hilary went to areas she already had and tromp campaigned in the rust belt and surprisingly wanted So now there saying if we just train, this right. Now we went no, you dont know that you are creating the possibility that blue states could vote read for no reason. Why would you create that vulnerability? Because they're saying oh, but you know we we want the will of the people to none in an unknown south of such are the willow. People were public, not a democracy, in the keep saying to mark
public, not a democracy in the keep saying democracy were republic, and I mean something never lets me the story. Elizabeth Warren says he wants you. The last president, elected by the Electoral College and first by popular vote, the democratic presidential candidate wants electoral college abolished. We get Democrats were outraged that we get it. Do you know that the other issue, as you know how hard it would be to actually change this the interstate compact, where they're saying once they get enough states to surpass to under seven electoral, They will all agree to vote for whoever wins the popular vote. I am that's funny, because if you could get that many states on board, couldn't you just now changed the rules is why don't ever happen? I dont think the National interstate compact thing will happen because one those states representatives just say we are agreeing to an amendment. No, I guess not forget this enough either choose tourism. Electoral votes is just over half but is only five times in american history as a candidate one. The popular vote but lost the presidency, including the two
Some election were Al Gore, one the popular vote, but Bush took the electoral college I want to get rid of. It warrants editor of the electoral colleges, video posted under twitter feed. So here's my goal. My goal is to get elected assembly the last american President elected by the electoral college. Yes, probably because Republicans will take over. I want the second term to be that are to be that I got elected by direct vote. She said call me old fashioned, but I think the person who gets the most votes Well, that's, actually, not old fashioned at all. That's you're trying to do a new thing. Old fashioned in this country would be only only land owners get to vote, so no, not old fashioned to try and change the system into a new system that benefits you, or at least you think it does. Founding fathers established electoral college as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by popular vote of qualified citizens. Yes,
the visit they say the easy consist of five aren't thirty electors, a majority of tone and seventy electoral votes is required to elect the president so that essentially trying to bypass the two thirds requirement for an amendment I dont think is going to happen because you will you won't. Let me that means there We read states who agree to open the possibility to flip blue. Why would anyone do that? Every state determines how will pick its electors, which is equal to its representation in Congress plus two, while yeah Congress plus, you know, What centres as for which candidate wins the electors all but two states are winner, takes all meaning, whoever one the most votes in the state wins. All of that states elect
but changing the way Americans elect their president would take a constitutional amendment which would require the teeth of the votes of two thirds of the: U S: House of Representatives, two thirds of the Senate and three fourths of the states. That will never happen. That is a long process and could accept such a correct. My earlier point, yes they're trying to bypass the requirements by Saint, wants us to agree to do it. That is a long process and could take years. Tromp had previously supported abolishing the bureau college, but changed his mind over the twenty sixteen election where Clinton one the popular vote by almost three million votes, but Trump perceived threat and for electoral votes and NBC News Wall Street Journal Paul taken in May found. Fifty three percent of Americans want the Electoral College College abolished, and you know why they do because I dont understand how political interests work in this country. I will, I believe it will be. You know what a bio means. Also this get rid of electoral college. I warned you I try.
Making my points, and you know it. If you don't care fine, so be it things change, but it's gonna be a really rude awakening when one day a blue state, flips red and they get agree about it saying now. How could this be? How could this have happened? You know why California was right at one point back in the eighties California to be like Whalemen, with almost no one living in it, what happens when all these peoples are moving to Colorado, Texas, Arizona and other states and all of us now. Those states don't go in their favour, limited some as people leave cities and they are in some major cities, have seen a decline in population. As opposed to an increase in population. If one person who is a democrat moves to an area that has surrounded by republicans. Then, actually you know it I should leave that point out of this. But the point is you
basically have all of these people from blue states moving into red states and that's not going to change things for the better. It's going to make it more likely that blue states could vote red. That's gonna be a rude awakening, but what we really want to So how do I wanna? Keep it short, it's gonna, be a rude awakening for these more districts that agree to this. When all of us their oil, their water, Corn, their whatever gets voted away from them because they no longer have voting power. You know people argue it's not fair. Rural areas should not have more. You no value to their vote. Then urban areas and urban interests and outpace rural interests right. So what and when you have thirteen million people in one metro, they are going to collectively vote for more than any individual district. Here's a thing in say like on we'll do Illinois you got Chicago with a huge
with what they most dense population and they're going to outvote cook County will. Outvote do page. Coming, probably is more people there, And then you have all of these smaller counties, with different interests from each other and cook county having the biggest population they're going to outvote all of the other individual interests? Basically, the problem is that you will find you will see a revolt from all these other districts and it will fracture our politics worse than you can realise. The electoral college makes sense anyway. Ever Elizabeth worn want to do it all. Just put it this way here. You here, you gotta, guy, saying the GNP should absolutely embrace this, because it will protect you from red states. Flipping blue. Ok, you go, I think, it'll be really interesting, though, has lots of reasons to believe that there are more their more republicans who don't vote in blue states than Democrats who don't vote in red states.
Red states have smaller populations than blue states, which means there are a lot of hidden republicans which will likely wake up if they think they're vote will now count, whereas democrats go out and vote anyway in their blue state, What about what you know, what I've only with their stick around excitements coming up in a few minutes- and I will see you all shortly- fame multi millionaire celebrity an actor portraying a superhero mark. Buffalo thinks capitalism today is killing us and is killing us and is calling for socialism, and you know what more power to your body go ahead and call for socialism. I do find it funny that it tends to be the goober, wealthy and white people who complain about racism and poverty, not the poor people, some boring of course, in a lot of them yet. But the point is wise that these leaders are always like super wealthy people who have what what what is it This network, like thirty million dollars, not the sky in the world, still in the point, zero one percent or whatever. So here's. What I say to this, I don't care. If Mark Ruffolo wants to be a multi millionaire, celebrity
calling for socialism. I'm just wondering why it's always them saying you first now how about you first dude afraid the store and complain about that they hypocrisy daily mail reports on site daily wire on Sunday actor Mark Buffalo, who is worth an estimated thirty million dollars by some reports, decided to trumpet is antipathy. Forty capitalist system, pontificating on twitter, it's time for an economic revolution Capitalism today is failing us, killing us and robbing from our children's future in September Buffalo asserted his support for Senator Bernie Sanders and socialism tweeting demo, Riddick socialism per Bernie Sanders is basically the political system that works for all of us, not just one percent health care for workers, education for workers, sickly for workers and a fair tax system. You not the biggest problem,
we socialists as men. They dont understand that, like things are finite, capitalism is distributed system. That applies resources in in a meritocratic way. Not completely. Capitalism is not perfect. There are a lot of problems, so we enact regulations. On that capitalism to make sure things don't get out of hand. The problem of socialism is that it's a command economy that thinks everybody can have everything and they can't ok, there is not an infinite amount of insulin. That's one of the big things. There was talk about wire insulin prices. Going up. It's a good question. Ok, there is price, checking it's bad. We should pass laws about these things and say certain things we should regulate tell you what, in your magical system of everyone, getting healthier, there's not literally infinite insulin, which means some people would have literally no access. And today it's the exact same, if you're too poor, to afford insulin you're in trouble and socialist system. It will be quite arbitrary, so what s happening in socialist systems wherever political command economy, though
who have more favour towards the political party, get access which means cronyism and corruption. Why would we want that. We have a good system now this that the solution is to be it all down, it's too slightly changed things through laws to make sure we can prioritize things better, but the sad reality is there will never be infinite medical treatments. Quite literally, everybody was diabetic, cannot get access to that medicine Now I dont, maybe diabetes- is a bad example. The plundering to make us if we invent a cure for disease tat, and there was only one of it. How can you guarantee that health care to everybody? I'm sorry, there's just not a solution to every single problem. We cannot create a utopia of people like Mark Ruffolo, seem to think it's possible to have infinite like how do you do education for workers stupid question right. How do we guarantee that, literally, as everyone gets, an education that would require more teachers and bigger schools? Okay, so how do we
more teachers is a never ending cycle as an economy that doesn't make sense, sick leave for workers. Also. I agree with that right. But how do you criticism we're ever one can stop working if, at the same time now I will admit, I think we should have sick leave for workers now once not too difficult. If everyone and agree to take time off on their sectors. Actually gonna be less sick people. That would make sense if somebody got the flu and its outcome we're gonna, wait, stop don't do that. You're gonna get everybody sake, don't you or, if you're, in we want to make sure you know, and then it has a fair taxes on that doesn't mean anything was fair, define, fair, they loved, keep saying rich people should pay their fair share. Ok define what fair means. What does that mean? You don't want to answer so I think it's funny mark Ruffolo is saying Capitalism is felt, a fluorescent failed. You and the interesting thing about the Socialists is that they never try to implement it on their own. They,
demand. Other people be forced at gunpoint. To do this. Ok, you want to vote for Bernie. Fine, I get it burn. He's not gonna. Get these things passage. You want. It's not gonna happen. Why don't you Marco polo- and I mean this seriously- here's what I sound twitter prove. You mean it donate your access wealth until you are at the threshold of the one percent, which I believe is like five hundred thousand dollars give or take anything, I'm city you'll still be rich, but you'll. Give millions. Help. The needy, I mean the seriously and then people off on our like it. So do the two with the worst takes rodents? You will all itself funny, but I would ask our each person to donate his wealth to help the needy the worst take. What are you a capital? and our goal. Capitalist come on man. Marco Polo senior complain about capitalism. Ok, then, by all means complain about it, but why won't you take the first step and take all that money? You dont, Mead and figure out where you can put it to help people. It's hilarious,
their defending the guy worth thirty million dollars, because when your point TIM dont make show you, the mat, Bores Comic, my response, funny how they always say yeah, but you first, if Mark Ruffolo thinks the system is failing, nothing is stopping them from donating, Why won't you don't jump basis stone into two hundred million dollars and people say? That's only a point: you no point zero, one of his net worth. Ok, fine mark follow your worth. Thirty million dollars. You don't need thirty. Million dollars you can set aside I can't tell you what make yourself the point: five percent I'll keep a million bucks, keep keep five million bucks seriously. Keep five million dollars, put it in wealth management. Get a nice have to return, be rich for the rest of your life and give the rest to a to charities and organisations that advocate for what you want and I'll tell you. This give the money to do these Anders so that he can campaign, you're. So all here
even do that you. So this is the problem with all of these people, the worst take don't make me show them that bores comic do listen man, if you, really believe in this, and you have thirty million dollars. You can put five in wealth management, be rich for the rest of your life and give twenty five million dollars towards politicians who will advocate for what you're saying? Why won't do it heavens? Why are people arguing against this, because their hypocrites and liars or they're just playing dumb, as are the most offensive thing mark roughly Come to me and tell me, I shouldn't have a right to control the fruits of my labor. Meanwhile you're the one sitting on thirty million dollars. You see, that's the problem, I'll tell you what men I disagree with you mark. I disagree with your your opinions all of these things and how they would work and that's, ok, I respect your right to say them. I respect that you stand up for what you believe in, but I dont respect your unwillingness to give away your access. Wealth
we'll make fun of Bernie Sanders, they say: he's got a million, they made a million bucks last year a million bucks is on three houses have been an unrivalled on, I'm fine with them I am absolutely firewood. Bernie Sanders advocating for democratic socialism and having those things, because Bernie is still not a billionaire. He is still not the cream of the crop top of the top, but he's rich Bernie has done well. From self and within a democratic socialist to some that's the kind of possible we're talking about is how much is too much. I would prefer it if Bernie didn't have extra houses. I don't think that's how I don't think he needs that. I do now, but he has a million bucks and he probably spent some of that his party campaign with some of it so he's rich short mark Ruffolo, is substantially wealthier. Thirty times wealthier, ok, Mark Ruffolo can get rid of twenty five million dollars and give it to Bernie and other socialist organisations play. He won't do it. He just wants everyone else.
Is so weird, isn't it I dont believe, look mark, I don't think you're serious. I think you're a liar- and I think you're saying this because it makes you feel good, but the truth is no one means thirty million dollars they d, no one. Oh, I guess technical view. Like our ago, a rare genetic disease that can't be cured and you on invest twenty five million dollars into into curing that sure there s a kind of makes sense and then that can be used for other people, hey that works right for them part, though I do believe, there's a certain point where enough is enough enough for me, I don't think anybody should be restricted from earning. I'm, certainly respect that you ve made. You know what thirty million worth whoever mark and if it's not true, you look man, you couldn't get rid of all of your money and taken and bring herself all the way down to a couple hundred thousand dollars and still be substantially wealthier. But the more more important issue here is mark. You could give way every penny every extra problem.
Every vacation property investment probably give it all away, because your euro you're a famous movie star man, you can easily go on a book to and you will never know what it's like to to scrape grime off the back of a deep friar Mcdonald's you you will never have to do that. There is nothing that will happen to Marco Polo. Ok, there are some things. I guess you know he gets kidnapped by pirates and put him in the back of deep are fine, but I'm saying in all likelihood mark Ruffolo will always be rich because he's famous That's how it is, even if it gave away every red sent, he will still be able to make six figures at minimum. Brewing very little now think acting as the easiest job in the world, but it certainly relatives a lot of money they make. So
buffalo could could could reduces salary or could demand that these big movies, because I don't think Marfa microphones, getting paid. You know what Robert Energy Robert Juniors getting paid, but is certainly a very, very, very wealthy individual. You could give way. Ninety percent of your income and still be in the one per so. Why won't you do it and why why why? Why are people telling me I'm wrong for asking rich people who want socialism to put their money? me where their mouth is. How is the worst take? He has. He has no pizza experience never been in the pizza game of the motive. I say there: why can't mark rough, allow just be the one percent
got it and if you think just insulting me for asking to do it seriously, saying just to be the one percent well, then you failed because you ve you ve convinced no one to to get on board with what Mark Ruffolo saying I'll, be damned if Ahmed of Marco Polo come to me and tell me to give up my money when he's the rich guy sitting in the ivory tower, then another you first Marco Polo all of these rich wealthy progressive should be the first, to put up their money towards advocating socialism before I would ever consider doing it, because your liars and you're hypocrites and all you want is like MIKE Bloomberg said we should tackle the poor because they spend money on stupid thanks. Ok, I get it. I'm done. I've got another Simon, hang up in a few minutes. Stick around. I will see you all shortly. I've got some really bad news for feminists and for women in general. There's an article from twenty seventeen called the ambition collision talks about how millennial women are burned out. Dejected board want to move to the countryside
guard and raise a family and a toxic how they were told their whole lives to strive for their careers only to find that by the time they reached thirty, there was thing there. They then go on to make the grand presumption about why that is, and they say it's because men still control Everything now I think, that's a cop out I mean the reality. Right now is. The military industrial complex is run by women. That's true that look it up the big ratio. Bowing, etc. Northrop Grumman, their deceit Yos. I guess I'm on top the people that are women, So certainly women have reached petitions of great power why's that this article would right. It's my friend my women, mind by women. Why would they write that so many women are finding nothing? Perhaps many women want different things, maybe fair to say that women should be chasing after career working. Eighty, our weak weeks, like men, do- or maybe that's not true- either Maybe it's just maybe it's true that women
never reach the pinnacle of career, because men will always be there and that's where things get kind of bad for women, see here's a this is our older articles, mind you. This is from the conversation, a study of one point. Six million grades shows little gender difference in math and science and this from last year, however, they do find the grades line up with e mail variability greater male variability variability hypothesis, which states I'll give it to you in Layman's terms. Men are more likely to be stupid. But more likely to be smarter than women and, as we can see here for those that are listening to describe it's too bad curves overlapping. We have female grades, verses, male grades and low, in behalf This is very similar to iq that we ve seen that their tends to be substantial, more women of average intelligence
there are more male morons and more male geniuses. This creates a particular problem for women. Yes, you can become successful in your career, but don't be surprised if the best of the best are the ones who end up running fortune. Five hundred companies don't be surprised when they will tend to be men and women won't ever reach those positions or tend not to. Let's read the story, and I ll come back to this by giving the general you no idea here. I've explain this before pertains to sports. But let's do it pertains to intelligence here we can see that in stem the variability hypothesis kind of overlaps exactly with the grades with the results of tests. Let's say when you looked at the right, you have the geniuses
there we can see that there are more male geniuses than female, but it looks like, but only around, maybe twenty or so per cent. Ok, as we get higher and higher towards the end of a curve, it looks like it very. It made basically evens out, but I do this. If you have a hundred people, fifty men and fifty women and twenty percent of the genius is armed are going. Sorry, you are more likely to have twenty percent more male geniuses, then female, let's say: there's only ten jobs available you now we have a you know you ve got what twelve twelve guys, who are geniuses and ten women who are geniuses, but only ten job. It's likely that you will see more males at the top of the bracket, because there are just more males period as a Minos genius. Women can't go and start their own companies, but don't be surprised if most companies that succeed I run by man, and even if only by twenty percent, let's go back to the store
I want to read to you about how the cut talks about women in their midlife crises. They say what is this, what This mid life crisis among the thirty year olds, I know millennial women at least those who reside in professional bubbles seem to have it all. They are better educated, more prosperous, less encumbered by cultural expectations than any previous dinner. Women they delay marriage if they married all and children. If they choose to conceive, they can own or rent they can save or spend these women have been familiar terms with their ambitions, all their lives raised by careful parents to aim high millennial. Women are likelier than their male appears to have professional jobs, we managers and to work in finance, but the people who run those- and this makes sense- this makes absolute sense. Look at the data. Women are more likely, managers right because there are more or women of average grade and intelligence than men, which means in the middle
in the middle and the mid tier of talent. You will find more women and in the bottom, tear you will find more men, but at the top of the bosses are likely to be due to the data shows this. So, yes, there's gonna, be a lot of women who are managers, they say and tutor by their cultural icons to perform their empowerment and never submit. You know bowed down be word as they say. Why are the well employed ambitious thirty year olds of my acquaintance feeling so adrift as disk counted as the balding midlife, sad sex, whose cliche dissatisfaction made Updike Rich the women playing the enervating psychic effects of the professional treadmill as white collar piecework and describe their dread as they contemplate bleak futures decade after decade. They imagine unfulfilled after a lifetime of saying yes to their professional hunger. These are the opportunities.
Users, the list makers, the ascendant females weaned on lean in they ve lost it like a child losing grasp of helium balloon grief stricken. They are baffled too, for they have always been propelled by their dry they were the ones who are supposed to run stuff who, as girls in themselves, leaving the airport in stylish transcripts, trench, goats. Hailing a taxi with one hand, holding their cell in the other. Now, there's no vision, one woman said to me nothing solid said another limp desperate. They fantasize about quitting their good jobs and moving home to Michigan. They murmur about purpose. About the concrete satisfaction of baking, a loaf of bread or watching a garden grow. One young woman. I know dreams of leaving her consulting job which takes her to do by and Prague to move back home and raise a bunch of kids. Another
how'd it with corner office. Aspirations has decided to phone it in for a few years, while she figures out what she wants to do. Mostly, though these women don't bail out, they are too responsible and to devoted to the wavering dreams they stay put diligently working ordering, seamless and waiting for something anything to reignite them to convince them that their wanting hasn't abandoned them forgotten any goal would do one woman told me a child, a dog, even a refrigerator. People have been motivated by less me. Stop right now and say. Perhaps it's simple: you make your purpose and sometimes people lose their purpose. I dare say there may be
a biological drive that men and women do not share women, have a finite amount of time to have kids mankind of do, but typically don't which means, in my opinion, there is going to be a difference in the hormonal drives of what what causes passions. I look I'm thirty, three, no family, no kids and there's nothing stopping me from working until I'm fifty. For I decide to do so when it's no surprise that thirty year old women are having a mid life crisis, perhaps perhaps family interesting low. Interesting way, though, like I mentioned in yesterday's video I did about- is a study about happiness. Men and women are both unhappy or after having kids for the first five years, and maybe it's just because kids are hard to raise, but doesn't want, wasn't really about happiness. It was about life, satisfaction for four, how
long after having cancer people unsatisfied so I'll. Tell you this kids don't seem to the answer in finding your drive, but if you ve lost at thirty, I don't know what it is, but they do say something that is they say it's basically about the fact that men are in control. They say that the feminine mystique was prompted by a widespread awakening to the bs promises of domestic happiness manufactured by culture. To make female containment look good now another be progress has taken place and another generation is waking up. The man in charge are still in charge. It is impossible and to continue to have faith in a vision of their own empowerment. When that empowerment is, in fact a post, it is true that a gleaming kitchen floor is the key to female satisfaction and bowed bowed down. Be word is a lie, the myth of female
Parliament has always been on a collision course with reality, but until relatively recently, working females took this understanding for granted. We knew that we were tokens, we laughed as we made the female and anatomy jokes when the bosses weren't listening, for we could count one or two of us in the top ten compared to ten or twelve of them. Our music was rough and cynical and filled with longing, but millennia women made the mistake of dutifully believing that they were taught what they were taught. They presumed their power, everything they read or watched every one suggested to them that their path at was clear. They got more degrees, they entered law. In greater numbers, they knew they could support themselves and had no gender expectations around eventually family. What does
mean to grope listening to roar when female achievement has flatland. The wage gap is not the same as had been for a decade. Now stop their target the wage gap. The wage gap will always be there always now job job, it's kind of not the real wage gap between three and five percent for the same job. If a guy is hard to be a teacher Norman, it's hard to be a teacher, the guy will likely three to five percent more and its typically, as we believe due to negotiating men, are a sort of aggressive and will take risks. Women less so, in which case that gap will persist, but then we also have the actual, not job the apples to oranges, wage gap, every mail earner compared to every female, are, will likely stay the same. You know why, because of that curve, because of the greater male variability hypothesis, I'm sorry, the answer to you were wanting more money is not to knock down men who are successful. It's just a fact. You will find a bunch of male losers. That's why homeless, people too
We men and you will find substantially more male geniuses if you have a million geniuses, literally a million and there's more than that. If we're, if we're talking about the scarf, maybe there's there's thirty. Four is tat, even a hundred million Jesus in the work, maybe not there's only half a million notable people on Wikipedia ethic. What's he got half a million geniuses in this world and they are more likely to be men by twenty four that means you are going to have one hundred thousand in more on point in the bathroom? But you get the point six Actually more genius. Men now think about how many fortune five hundred jobs there. Oh there's five hundred of them. So if you're competing that the smaller amount of women versus the greater amount of men don't be surprised when patriarchy never ends, but that's why they want socialism. The only thing that could really bounced this out force. That's right, cutting down the tallgrass, making sure that men who argue
can't succeed. Otherwise you will never find it gender parity, it won't work. So perhaps this up ad is right. It was a lie. You know, you know what I look at. Look at these like action shows and anime and Mongan comic books where it shows men, women, fighting on equal footing, elect superhero. Have you not I mean, and that can make sense in a magical universe where everyone's got magic powers But it's crazy to me. This idea that men and women always be considered equal in every capacity. The fact remains, you will be more. Likely to find an intelligent woman but an intelligent man? That's a fact. If you go out and ask a handful of woman force, a handful of men don't be surprised when the men answer poorly relative to the women. That's because there are more average women than average men. However, social support. This way, what are you asked? Ten men and ten women, a basic question, wended Chris
four Columbus you now embark. I know it's a trivia question, but the point is that that genius, that those those couple genius guys will take the right answer, but so will most of the women, because it a simple question or the general question and then there will be more guys who get it wrong because there are more stupid guys. You see the point of making us when it comes to basic talent. You will find that there are more women and men are, there are more women than men who can solve basic problems? They will then thank hey we're doing all these managerial jobs. However leadership roles are few and far between the p but who are more likely to break the barrier into the top tier of intellect genius ability, talent, physical ability are gonna, be dues, and so these women who think their entering a world where they will compete on equal footing. If you are the best smartest, most talented female in the world, you are competing with ten guys or maybe to whatever
portion might be. The fact is genius, males are going to compete with every other genius and fighting cloth or one of the top and women are facing a bunch of and there are more of them guys. Don't have the same commission amongst each other, so there it is. Perhaps the problem was women were told their whole lives that you could be equal to men. The fact the matter is, you are more likely to be better than men on bait that it at the base level, but don't be surprised when you're bosses dude just how things as how things are is even any mistakes. So you know they go on to say one that Europe has failed. The bishop yea I get it I'm going over the whole thing. Let me read, let me read you their final thoughts. Just to be fair, I said to be clear. This is not about setting is not about settling about making peace with the humdrum
Some of traditional workplaces, rage and revolution are called for, and such upheaval requires more professional investment by more females. Not less instead is about a shift in perspective and appreciation for imperfect circumstances and unmet yearnings as facts of life and a willingness to seek ratification and inspirations outside the boundaries of a job dogs are helpful in this regard, so our children and friends and sports in museums and live music and adult activities. Activism and charity? The other day I six year old girl went to teach her that said, undefinable she was getting down the street and holding her fathers hand, and I thought that's the problem right there. Surely that girl is as
the feet of all or as undefinable as anyone, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't grow up to fight. Well, in the end, I think the problem is we keep telling everybody that you are equal. There is no difference at the social contract. It's just not true why you know look men are aggressive there more aggressive and it's likely due to the hormones in their bodies that specifically, what science tells us when they don't have that what we keep telling women to be like men, we dont tell men to be like women. We certainly encourage people to be themselves, but right now. What is the predominant message in society? We tell him and you can be the ceo and lead that company and that's rate, they can and they can fight for that, and if they are the town and the billion the drive, they will make it there. But are we sing in equal measure to tell men you dont have to be? You can raise kids instead home? We don't there is. Certainly a message there sometimes, but the predominant message is telling
to be more masculine and there in the traditional roles you can Nutritional gender roles. Don't make sense, that's fine, the point as the traditional gender for a male there's one in the company, although and raise the kids, we are more likely to see women encouraged to take the masculine role than we are to see mandate the feminine role and there you go. Man can't have kids by the way, so guys are probably going to do what they can to create something you know in their work in their passions, but maybe the ambition collision. LISA Melons articles from a couple years ago. My do maybe the reality is women would be happier finding meaning and other places like she says at the end, go do sports betting, museums, good art, have kids get a dog. Instead, everyone keeps telling women have to be the ceos, but your competing with substantially more men so the reality is ass, a metaphor: Marilyn it matters if you're a ceo is it just because there are more male. Ceo doesn't mean as a problem in those of the people who wanted and could do it. They want fifty fifty see
men and women. It doesn't make economic sense. Perhaps the women who be I'm ceos are those who wanted to and had the ability to do it just so Hence there were more likely be more men who do it there's nothing wrong with that they did they.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-24.