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Former Ukraine Prosecutor DEMANDS Criminal Charges Against Joe Biden, Evidence SUPPORTS Trump's Case

2020-01-30 | 🔗

Former Ukraine Prosecutor DEMANDS Criminal Charges Against Joe Biden, Evidence SUPPORTS Trump's Case. The Former prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin sent a letter demanding that the Ukrainian authorities begin investigating Joe Biden for criminal interference in law enforcement activity.Biden famously got the prosecutor fired with a quid pro quo over 1 billion dollars in US loan guarantees.Shokin is arguing that Joe Biden intervened in order to stop his investigation into Burisma, a company where Joe Biden's son was a board member. Interestingly the left argues Shokin was removed for NOT investigating Burisma but the new prosecutor who came in after Biden's quid pro quo cleared Burisma's founder of all wrongdoing closing the investigation with no charges filed.Democrats impeachment trial argument seems to be falling apart as Republicans need only prove Trump perceived a potential corruption on Joe Biden's part. So far most evidence suggests Hunter Biden at the very least is corrupt and Joe was acting to protect his son.Trump Lawyer Pam Bondi laid the case that a reasonable person would conclude corruption existed and that Hunter and Joe biden should be investigated. Now with this charge from Shokin there is more evidence to prove Trump's case

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We have major breaking news. Coming out of Ukraine can have a serious impact on the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the famous ousted prosecutor, Victor Shokhin has sent a letter demanding criminal charges be filed against Joe Biden for interfering in law enforcement activity, and this strikes at the heart of the impeachment argument in the infamous call with Ukraine. Donald Trump said he wanted them to look into charisma and potentially Joe Biden Democrats argue he did this because he was trying to cheat in an election. Republicans argue Trump perceived potential corruption at these companies. Now the Democrats have it put prevented any evidence as to trumps motive and Republicans dont need to prove there was actually corruption just that there is reason to book
Eve there was corruption and tromp was justified in investigating this. Now, with the former prosecutor general of Ukraine, saying he wants criminal charges against Joe Biden, it certainly adds to the idea that Biden may have been acting in a correct manner to give you some coffee. Text Joe Biden Son Hunter Bite, it was on the board of a company called charisma and energy company. That many people, Democrats and Republicans alike, agree is clear. Numerous news stories emerge saying it was a conflict of interest for Joe Biden to be working on weeding out corruption in Ukraine. If it Son was on the board of a company. Many people thought was corrupt. Well, a faint viral video was sent out. Oh I'm, sorry.
This video send out that went viral showing Joe Biden brag about how he threatened to withhold a billion dollars and aid. Unless this prosecutor was fired, the prosecutor argues it was because he was going to investigate Joe Biden son if this is true or actually regardless of whether an honest sure not. It certainly provides evidence that a reasonable person would conclude. Joe Biden may have been engaged in corruption and an investigation warranted, it doesn't mean Joe Biden is corrupt. It means perhaps trump troubles right or had a real reason to believe Joe Biden, maybe doing something malicious or nefarious, but there's a lot go through now with the impeachment trial currently under way, and it seems at least to me that, based on the evidence, I think Joe Biden actually protecting a son. I really do, and I will show you why, because one of the arguments brought forth by this prosecutor, was
if the reason he was ousted was because he wasn't investigating charisma. Why is it that the new prosecutor also did not investigate charisma? It doesn't seem to make sense, but let me pay, all of this news, as we have it so far and talk about what's going on. With the latest impeachment trial before we get started, had overheating cast outcomes flashed on it. If you'd like to support my work, there are several ways you can give. If a new address address, if you want to send stuff, but the best thing you can do is actually just share, this video is a lot of people. We're never gonna, hear this. In fact, I think it's fair to say it might not have an impact on the impeachment trial at all, because most people won't report the news and will likely never make it too trumps legal team so
You think it's important, take a look at this information and hear what these people have to say. Consider sharing this video so that more people can see it in an honest, they just really does help me. I want to say a few things. First, the story is coming from Inter facts: Ukraine, a Ukrainian news agency, an interface is owned by a russian parent company. Take it for what it is now the documents appear to be legitimate. The document that the letter sent by Shokhin, demanding as charges was apparently given by his lawyer to this news agency, and we have no reason to believe. That's not the case Inter is a legitimate and one of the oldest news agencies in Ukraine. However Shokhin, could potentially be lying or trying to fan the flames and the chaos and needed states, as the impeachment trial is, is currently under way. But let's read at least what he has to say and take a look at the evidence so far Inter reports, Shokhin demands SB, I bring Biden to criminal liability statement. They say ukrainian Ex prosecutor General Victor Shokhin,
has demanded the state Bureau of Investigations open criminal proceedings against former. U S, President Fox, I'm sorry! Former! U S! Vice president job, and for illegal influence on him. As the prosecutor general of Ukraine quote, I I ask you to register a criminal offence against me in the. U unified register of pre trial allegations by a U S. Citizen Joseph Biden, which happened on the territorial, Ukraine and abroad, namely interference with the evidence of a law enforcement officer the responsibility for what, is provided for in part two of article three four three of Ukraine's criminal code. Immediately start a pre trial investigation and give written instructions who s B. I investigators shy. Can set in a statement to the acting SB director delivered by Shoguns lawyers shokhin said he agreed to resign as prosecutor general of Ukraine due to bite in pressure quote
during the last months of twenty fifteen and the first twenty sixteen Joseph Biden using his official position, personal, paid official visits to Ukraine several times with the aim of the negotiations with the state leaders on my removal from my post as a result, he curtailed and objective investigate in criminal proceedings on the facts of unlawful evidence of persons associated with the company charisma holdings, Limited Cyprus, including the son of the specified high ranking official Shokhin, said tokens had Biden demanded that he be fired in exchange the unhindered provision of Ukraine with a? U S, state guarantees and the amount of one billion dollars showed said by its actions can be considered. As pressure a court to the scientific and legal conclusion of the international LAW, association of April eighteen, forty, seventeen provided by doktor of law? Professor merits, Morocco, curly vice president of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe. They say,
ex about biting illegal influence against Shokhin, are confirmed by the results of an independent international journalistic investigation named Ukraine Gate conducted and published by the french Internet publication less creases dot. Afar Now I'm not super familiar with less creases, not afar. I did look into them. I'm not trying smear defame anybody, but they have been accused of supporting or pushing russian propaganda being conspiracy, theorists, I'm not gonna levy judgment again then, and it has very little bearing on the release of this document, which we can now see, interacts actually published. It so odd this store, I'm highlighting as just a lot of people, don't know that job actually said at a council on foreign relations meeting that he did do this. It is a fact oh Biden, brag about getting the prosecutor fired, but let's, let's see the thought. This is a document right here. Ok, it was released it's where Shokhin says he wants criminal charges. I can't read Ukrainian, but I read someone to translate and verify, and this is from the website,
ass creases dot crisis that afar pronouncing the wrong. My under adding based on an independent individual. I know why ass to translate that this is an accurate translation of the document. The website reads: prosecutor Shokhin files, a complaint again Joe Biden for interference in Ukraine's legal proceedings. Now I must stress it may be that this is just being put out there, because the impatient trials under way and it does help Donald Trump. I dont know none of that really matters to me. Not going to speculate, but I can say, is Shokhin is making the accusation and he's demanding these charges. I won't read too Much because I don't know one with the whole thing for you, but I will read some of his conclusions Says what I wouldn't, let me read through a bit too the our interim director of the National Bureau of Investigation complaint against Joe Biden on the commission of a criminal offence. He says during the period of twenty fourteen. It sixteen, the prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine was conducting a preliminary investigation into a sea.
Of serious crimes committed by the former Minister of Ecology of Ukraine, Michaelmas Lodge Nevsky Ski, and by managers of the company, but Erasmus holding limited the board of directors of included, among others, Hunter Biden, son of Joseph Biden, then vice president, the United States of America. The investigation into the above mentioned crimes was carried out in strict accordance criminal law and was under my personal control as the prosecutor general of Ukraine, owing to firm position on the above mentioned cases regarding their prompt and objective investigation, we should have resulted in the arrest and the indictment of the guilty parties, Joseph Biden developed a firmly hostile attitude towards me which led him to express in private conversations with senior ukrainian officials, as well as in his power speeches, a categorical request for my immediate dismissal from the post of attorney general of you, in exchange for the sum of: U S, one billion dollars in as a
financial guarantee from the: U S for the benefit of Ukraine. The facts I have described above are confirmed. Other things by the official interview of Joe Biden published in the media, where he declares that Ukraine will not the money. If I remain in my post as attorney general, we read this next part He says that Joe Biden kept coming from twenty five to twenty sixteen. He says due to the continued pressure from the Vice President United States, Joseph Biden, to oust me from the job by Black mailing the allocation of financial assistance. I as the man who places a state interests of my personal interests, I agreed to abandon the post of prosecutor general of Ukraine after my resignation, caused by illegal pressure. No active investigation into the offence. Concerning the company boards. Beholding limited was carried out and therefore the person's implicated in these offences were not identified nor arrested or charged, and that to me is very, very serious evidence, it's true as far as no from all sources there was
No investigation into charisma after this man left his office, so bring you now to an interest bit of information from CNN and perhaps a you're a mistake on the part of Democrats for facts. Omitted by PAM Bonds in trumps, legal defence pertaining to charisma and Donald Trump, invest orbiting the the desire for an investigation into Ukraine. I want to show you this from Fox NEWS. Jesse waters praises Trump attorney bondage, meticulous hunter. By an argument. It doesn't look good for Joe. It's simple trumps. Legal defence pass by argued very well. I might add, regards what you think. It's true that it does look bad, that Hunter Biden was acting in some corrupt capacity. He was receiving a lot of money, no one, He knows why CNN decided to rebut and, in my opinion there are bottle. It's really bad. For the Democrats, though, there trying to refute trumps, legal defence,
they just bolstered it and want to show you why CNN says President Donald Trump LAW, PAM body played a video clip of former Vice President Joe Biden recounting a twenty eighteen event, how he had pressured Ukraine to fire. Its prosecutor, General Victor Shokhin, bonding claimed that Shokhin had been at the time of the pressure and, like twenty fifteen, an early twenty. Sixteen investigating charisma, the company whereby the Sun Hunter Binding, sat on the board of directors, now here's where the Democrats are actually in trouble, though there trying add more information to trumps legal defence, essentially to undermine it. They didn't they actually. Just bolstered. Let me explain your four key facts. Body omitted number one Shoguns, former Deputy Vitaly
Costs go said the investigation into bereavement and company owner my call us much of ski was inactive at the time of Joe Biden pressure in light twenty fifteen, an early twenty. Sixteen, a leading ukrainian anti corruption activist said the same full stop. Is it possible that the reason it was inactive is because of the sure is it possible. They knew before Joe Biden arrived what he wanted and why, or at least at a general idea and so Shokhin acting in the interests of his country. Slow things down, however, in active, does not mean nonexistent is it possible. It was an active because they were awaiting some new evidence. Just because the active doesn't mean he wasn't actively investigating, in fact inactive means. There was an open investigation. Just wasn't moving for
word. One investigation seems to have ceased the moment he left, they say shows quote: Shokhin was not investigating. He didn't want to investigate charisma, Darya, Kellet, colonial executive, director of Ukraine's Anti corruption, actions Hunter, told the Washington Post for July. Article full stop is a possible he didn't want to investigate, because of pressure. We don't know, we can't speculate if you were going to argue. The case was an active and edit. It has nothing to do with Biden. You are also speculative, we just don't know, but inactive doesn't mean non existent. In fact, it means the up, said, sir, it stands to reason. There was an investigation into charisma. Where's ma am sorry just because this guy's, not a good prosecutor, doesn't mean he wasn't actively investigating they say what an Shokhin was fired, not because he wanted to do that investigation quite to the contrary, because he failed.
Investigation, and therein lies the biggest mistake that the Democratic or sea, and, while all done saying it's a mistake, it operates under the assumption. They're trying to hurt the president, let me just say this into an information here, provides evidence that Joe Biden was actor and acting in a crop capacity. If it was true that Joe Biden got Shokhin fired for not investigating, why then was there no investigation, carried out by the new prosecutor. I'm sorry, that's a leap! There is a simple solution here there was an inactive investigation into charisma Joe Biden son, worked for that company receiving large sums of money, and we don't necessarily know why oh by an intervened, to get a man fired, and now the new prosecutor comes in and does not investigate
The reasonable solution is that this prevented or stopped the investigation. Let me show you in the Wikipedia page for my call as La Chaskey, the guy who founded and ran Burma, they say In twenty fourteen, the serious fraud office froze approximately twenty three million dollars belonging to companies controlled by such upkeep and Athena. Twenty fourteenth Chaskey fled you amid allegations of unlawful self enrichment and legalization of funds. During his tenure and public office in January, twenty fifteen prime, the Kyoto General Vitaly. Your Emma announce that looks have given put on the wandered list for alleged financial corruption. At the end of January, twenty fifteen, the central criminal Court in London, released twenty three million dollars that were blocked and accounts of such husky due to inadequate evidence in June, twenty eighteen serious fraud office stated. The case was closed, so achieves Keyword
and to Ukraine. In February, twenty eighteen, after investigations into his personal holdings, had completed in December seventeen with notes. Are filed against him. Now will stop this the investigation was an active. What that means. There was one they say this man was fired for not doing the investment The guy they brought in concluded with no charges filed against the man which stands to reason at the very worst case for Joe Biden, he got an innocent man fired that go on to say, however, on April eighteen to maintain an alleged recording of part of a conversation between president of Ukraine, petrol, poor Schenk, oh and fugitive ukrainian lawmaker, Aleksander Oana Schenk, oh, was released, which implicated sought dislodge heavy in graft in June. Fifth, on June fifteen twenty team after the salt, solemn Jansky District Court in Kiev, had a note, the ruling of the specialised anti corruption prosecutor's office to close
proceedings against me, seventeen Swatch have was accused of having illegally issued. While Ecology, minister, oil and gas licences of the companies that belonged to him according to ukrainian authorities, sweatshops gives suspected of of government funds on an especially large scale authority said the crow investigation on suspicion of embezzlement is currently on hold, because much of his whereabouts cannot presently be determined. As of connecting his report, it is reported to live in Monaco. So here's what I can put together there was an inactive investigation, Joe Biden, according to the Democrats in the left intervened because he wasn't invest
waiting for asthma, where his son worked seems kind of odd, but potentially right? The new guy who comes in concludes the investigation with no criminal charges, and now is what chaskey returns to Ukraine. Donald Trump gets elected. Donald Trump eventually begins looking into Joe Biden in corruption, and now it's not Chaskey is on the run and new charges are bring botting rate being brought against him. I will make assumptions I dont know why the new charges are being brought against him. It may have absolutely nothing to do with Trump or Biden, but all of this lends itself to about. You prove Donald Trump position that There is a real reason to believe Joe Biden may have been acting in a corrupt manner. They say he was engaging in and sanctions foreign policy, but if that's the case, why is it that way? That was the case. Why was his son on the limit? Let me rephrase if was engaging in. U foreign policy, he should have accused himself. Someone else should have come in
has his son was on the board of a company he was potentially investigating. This man's Wojciechowski has been accused of lot of corruption. I find it strange that Joe Biden son was making all this money that Joe Biden says fire this prosecutor with an inactive investigation on amusing there's, which proves there was one and the new guy comes in and clears Biden colleague, Hunter buttons colleague of of all wrong doing no charges that sounds to me like it's? More likely Joe Biden intervened to protect his son. Now I'll, tell you my personal opinion. First, I dont know, but all Republicans need to prove that tromp had a real reason to call for an investigation into potential corruption. That's it. I think we have it. The Democrats have to prove motive and they ve done nothing. They ve asked not a single question. What is Trop did Trump ever Express fear
in losing to Joe Biden. Did trumps state a full year before Joe Biden announced that he was worried about Joe Biden running and beating him, because now the evidences come out that while Democrats argued Donald Trump needed to fire Marie Ivanovitch, the ambassador to Ukraine, because she was in the way of their scheme. Trumpeted are fired a full year before Biden even announced, and the organ of the left is that but tromp New Biden would be the front runner because of speculation. I'm sorry, it's all a very big leap, the real I think the reality is Donald Trump heard. These story saw the viral video and asked them to look into it. That was it. The Democrats have been trying to impeach Trump before forever for everything. I believe this is the third or fourth time have actually put a vote up for impeachment. It's just the first one to actually pass so did trot, perceive corruption. I think it's fair to say the answer is yes, and there have been many calls and there
many many people who believe the corruption was actually worse than we realise. Let me show you this tweet from Elise least she's republican, very much defending trump. Tweets. What a stunning turn of events today to hear Adam Shift declare from the wealth of the United States Senate that it is impossible for a sitting president to allow the d o j to investigate a political rivals campaign. She then says twenty sixteen crossfire hurricane. I won't stop and breakdown Donald Trump was looking into according to their own argument, Ukraine. Well before Joe Biden announced, Joe Biden does not become immune from prosecution or investigation simply because he decides to run for President Joe Biden is not immune from investigation or prosecution simply because some people in media
back you're late, that he may actually run, but the evidence is actually overwhelming. In my opinion, that tromp was motivated by perceived corruption and nothing else. I personally do not believe that arrogant. Mr Donald Trump President Tromp would fear Joe Biden, especially the Democrats being his fractured as they are. It makes no sense that he would want to fire Marie Ivanovitch a full year before Biden even announced as tromp would be panicking about Biden, especially when audio was released with Tromp sang Bernie Sanders is the real threat to his campaign that, under mine's everything in the autumn. You'll released, we hear Donald Trump say: Bernie Sanders worried him because Bernie talked Trade and trade was trumps. Key point. How he was going to win was a talk about the free trade agreements and so was burning. Why would Donald Trump Your Joe Biden, when Joe Biden wasn't running, we knew Bernie was going to run and Bernie is someone
from actually feared according to audio released by, I believe, the lawyer of love partners, someone who was interviewed by Rachel Motto. A lot of people have said that this interview and love partners as testimony is for DE chess. I'm not gonna. Plainly those games, but I will say the desire of Democrats to get evidence from partners is backfiring to an absurd degree. Not only did we learn in all likelihood Trump one to fire Merida Bonneville, because she was bad mouthing him or he believed she was. We learned that Trump does not fear. Joe Biden, if Donald Trump was doing anything. It was not against Biden, especially wasn't gets better out of fear of losing the election. You heard it from Trump hisself himself in a leaked audio. He feared Bernie Sanders you'd think if tromp had illicit motives, he'd be going after Bernie, but he's not. He was. He was investigating
or wanting to investigate corruption and there's a lot of reason to believe this, whether whether or not there there is corruption, I'm not saying Joe Biden has corrupt. I'm saying trunk just thought there was, and so we want an investigation. Well, it would have cleared Joe Biden. Winded F, take a look at his story from last year. Inter facts, Ukraine Biden partners receive sixteen point: five million payments stolen from Ukraine. If you saw this story you Polly thank oh. Maybe we should investigate that in. There was a lot of news coming out, accusing the burdens of corruption for reasons I've later if the Democrats want approve trumps motivation, they need to present evidence, but they haven't, and now some centres are speculating. The impeachment trial could result in an acquittal. As soon as this week, I do not believe the Democrats have proven their case. I dont know of Joe Biden is corrupt, but let me tell my personal opinion on what Joe Biden actually did in what happened. Did you know with all due respect? Joe Biden lost one of his children.
His my understanding now that Hunter by MRS last remaining sun and Hunter Biden by most accounts is not doing too well accused of drug use, other nefarious, malicious and even illicit or illegal acts, and he joins the board of a corrupt company using his father's name. Joe Biden gets word that his last remaining son is in serious trouble because there is an investigation not only that it wasn't about the prosecutor. General is what the fact that other entities in the end in the UK, for instance, wanted to invest.
Maremma Joe Biden son was in trouble, so he stepped up to the plate and he said fire the prosecutor, not because Shokhin was doing anything right or wrong. Perhaps Joe Biden didn't trust the guy, the new prosecutor who came in cleared Lauch Nevsky, though, that the founder of Bridge, above all Krim of wrongdoing, they that the investigation concluded no criminal charges wow. What a very convenient convenient outcome for Joe Biden son, the prosecutor he got appointed, maybe indirectly cleared his sons company of wrong. Doing, I think Joe Biden and everybody knew this company was corrupt. I think Joe Biden was afraid for his son and did what he had to do. This is my opinion. I don't know that's the motive. I would make the assumption toward. I have no proof, but that's what I feel now for Democrats. One make assumptions about Trump: please provide evidence, I'm not gonna say definitively job. I did this all that matters is people assume that, but I gotta tell you man based on my personal human experience
there is very little of father, wouldn't do to protect children. I believe many parents, many not all, would give their lives their careers in their legacy to make sure there children survive. So when you hear a story about Job Hunter Biden in the horrible things has been accused of doing it varies night clubs and the crimes and the fact that he worked for you and the board of a corrupt company potentially facing investigation. I think Joe Biden jumped and to save his son from from a bad fate, regardless of his own fate and now Joe Biden reach that reward. I'm sorry, I can respect you wanting a pact, your children, but when you break the law you act in a correct manner, but to protect your family above others. That's called corruption. In fact, one of the key routes of corruption is the desire to protect someone's friends and family. Why would someone take a kick back? It's not always about buying a yacht, it sometimes about taking care of your family. Your Mama house, corruption, is about enriching yourself, your friends and your family.
A lot of the corruption we see is about making the life lives of the people around. You better seems, like Joe Biden to me. I think Joe Biden was doing just that will see what happens now. I want to add. One final note interacts Ukraine. Taken with the grain assault. The document seem real entirely possible. Shokhin is just trying to use the current impeachment trial in the chaos to clear his name or to make himself look better, whether or not there will be criminal charges in an entirely other matter, but suffice it to say one of the main arguments that true legal defence has brought is what was trumps motivation and it seems, based on the evidence, Tromp had a real reason to want to investigate Joe Biden. That's just the way it is so I think trunk should be acquitted I'll leave it. There stick around next seconds, coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him cast news. My second channel
see you all. Then everybody's always trying to convince everybody else at their side as winning and the reason is people tend to want to be on the winning side. You'd want to choose the loser when it comes to, outing, when polls show that a certain candidate is like they're going to win that actually get more votes in kind of dumb and sad that people would vote for one not based on whether or not their offering of real solutions or our good person or would be a good later, but because I just want to feel like winners now his work. It's funny everybody's always trying to convince everyone else. We know that and when it comes to impeach meant when it comes to twenty twenty election the left will be adamant that Bernie Sanders is going to win the election. I doubt a seven. The eight year old Socialist, who just had a heart attack, is gonna, beat Donald Trump might try to be mean, but let's be real here. They say, will maybe it'll be Joe Biden you're a seventy seven year old guy who can't talk straight, doesn't know where he is going to beat Donald Trump either now come on I'll, get it thou trumps old too. But I tell you,
ignore everyone, because I'm sorry ignore everybody when talking about their political faction, ignore the poles for the most part, Tell you who tend to be right. The money, changers betting odds Vegas. Now now here's the best part. Washington Examiner, says odds of tromp, finishing term have grown during impeachment. A core into a budding website. Everybody wants to convince you, they're gonna, win because their hope, you want to be on the winning team Y got bad news for the left for the Democrats throughout the entire impeachment process, Donald Trump betting odds of finishing his first term have steadily the increased. Ok, there has been very there there. In a few moments where it's gone down a bit. Ok, but this means that everything they ve done. An impact has either had zero impact or actually helped the president now go out and say it likely helped the president
look he's been fund. Raising off this is approval. Writings are up, you'd have to be insane. You don't feel like Democrats are stuck in a trap, though, could you imagine, but then Ass did so much to this. What did they do now? Do they stopped the impatient processes? Ok, ok, we're done now. They they we ve got to see it through and its hurting them nonstop I tell you this for the Trump supporters and conservatives there must be a bit of schadenfreude. Knowing that the Democrats walk themselves into an unwinnable situation. That's benefited the president and they have to see it through. Brady suffering not doing that losing this fight and helping the president, unless of course, still, I say the conspiracy theory is the Democrats are secret. Tromp supporters, I'm kidding, but you get the point. You would think that at any point they could say you know what we do. And a centre, the president we're not gonna vote for impeach, another one for it. They they they commit it. Well. Here you are
Let's read the story. They say a political betting site that allows people to buy and sell shares that reflect the odds of an event occurring shows president trumps chances. Completing his first term in office, have grown steadily since impeachment began. Listen, you would think just on the surface if an impeachment was beginning the odds he would finishes term would go down because there a chance. Impeachment follows through removal, but people have little confidence in the Democrats that his ads increased, but how does it make sense like even the simple fact that impeachment exists is a potential that Trump could be removed from ass, yet as are going up it impeachment is bring the guy you gotta, be insane man, they say this. The trading on the statement, trading on the statement that tromp will stay in office until it completes its current term opened it. Seventy cents October. Thirty first and closed,
four cents Wednesday on predicted a political budding website that bells itself as a stock market for Paul six: with more than a million shares trading are shared, Some zero would reflect. There's no chance of an about happening. A one dollar price show the event as certain to occur. In the view of matters by years of shares, as in the stock market, make or whose money when they sell, based on where the share price has gone since they bought it. That means, if initially, you bet that Donald Trump, what finishes first term, you have just made a a fairly decent return of around twenty percent. Congratulations trunk would have to be convicted in his impeachment trial, die or quit for those budding against him to win. Who would bet against Trump, like I say, a million times, but even eight, the man like you, you you you look at Michael, more. You look at these people who just absolutely to test the present. Even there saying trumps, gonna win Michael more said troubles
when in tonic twenty sixteen- and he was right, but even the people who make them aren't stupid enough to bet against them, but maybe that's it Maybe that's why the odds have gone up. It's not about whether He can't really does help. I heard the president: it's that people think Trop can't lose so you'd be stupid, tube against them and thus, no matter what happens at the odds of him completing its first armor going up. It has nothing to do with whether the Democrats have a case or don't it's, that people have confidence in Donald Trump or no confidence in the Democrats, but I think it has more to do with whether you like the guy or not, people are confident Trump is gonna win whatever he will man. He made the joke. You said you gonna get tired of winning. I'm sorry man tromp has. I'm sorry, man tromp, hasn't one every single fight, but he is winning a lot. Is winning on every front yeah man, you're economy, foreign policy. The border immigration. I dont know what does rats have actually gained makes they say what we fix, the? U S and taken
regulations. You helped improve Donald Trump plans. I don't know either trying to impeach when this just Alps Trump too. They say the house made its impeachment case in November and December across of hearings and oppositions by current and former White US officials with some testifying publicly and others I'm close doors October, thirty. First, nearly one month after the House speaker after how Speaker Pelosi began and Peter proceedings against Trump, the price fell the lowest point in ninety days, sixty nine cents, went on one penny, but since then has moved steadily upward, reaching ahead of ninety sense. On January second, and again, on January forth, it was at eighty nine cent last Friday before dropping two points to close at eighty seven cents on Saturday, as the president's impeachment, your team, it began, making its case in the Senate at five P M wednesdays shares were at eighty four cents Luneburg bit business. We called predicted the go to place to gamble on: U S politics more than Fifty million shares have traded in the market bedding
will win in the November General action with Trump at five on Wednesday treading at forty seven cents to Senator Bernie Sanders twenty seven cents a tiresome? The reason why fund support not just jump over you're the reason I find that the betting odds to be very very important is that Like I said the beginning, you know the Democrats are good about trumpets, loosen trumpets lives in trying to convince you that you better support Bernie. Look is only forty seven percent chance of one in November. When it comes to betting odds, nobody is hiding behind any masks. They don't care what you think they literally just want to win money. So they're not gonna place bats. They think are bad Now, in the political world, allied EU they'll tell you only a progressive like Bernie Sanders can defeat Donald Trump, Joe Biden Sky but they only a moderate like Joe Biden could beat Donald Trump, and neither will I mean
maybe I'm not it's not impossible. Mcdonald trumps odds were really loan hindered. Appointing set up is prized trump. Could lose you really good? The odds are in his favour, but again I stress the odds were really inhalers favour, so keep that mind, but when it comes to making a nobody's pretending? They are literally sang, here's what I think is gonna happen and the air then shows you know what I want to be fair. We can see, or of the past ninety days the odds that Trump stays in office have been increasing. And there was a dip. This is all about in January it took ahead. It went down a bit and then its recovered Gandhi but again and soil are recovering, it could change, but for the time being, when you compare today to November first past the Post ninety days, Donald Trump odds have increased, there are other odds that I think are also important.
Because as to whether or not trump finishes first term, most of us think of course he will. I mean it's not about impeachment. It's about just historical odds, most finish at least one term right, but what about Trump winning in November Who could he be well now? Let's do a little game of let's point the finger at the Democrats. Bernie Sanders is the favourite to win the democratic nomination warning to the never trumpery and democratic establishment. The Dnc my favorite thing here yesterday did I do to other segment at four p m. Never Trumpery are Anna King because they realise that a seventy eight year old, socialist president might actually be worse than a bombastic boorish conservative president. A lot of these never trumpets talk about how their there there issue with Trump is that he makes conservatism, look bad always had it cool. Then you can let the socialist, when I tell you what those never trump cards are gonna come running back and Donald Trump.
Bernie Sanders wins the nomination helping Donald Trump Win, but here is the next big bad news for Democrats job Sweden is actually in second, a corner the budding market to win the nomination, thirty four cents. So it's that essentially a percentage chance of likelihood based on board so forty one percent of people thank it's gonna be Sanders. Thirty, four percent things will be binding. We'll Bernie Sanders. I'll say it again is a seventy Eight year old Socialist, who just had a heart attack, I'm just being real with you guys. I know you want me to put the democratic qualifying for of socialist, that won't matter to voters and in the circumstances, our attack won't matter either. I feel for the guy. I mean no Elwell to him. I disagree with them, but work. What we'd Americans can disagree, install respect one another, so Bernie Sanders as it has led a long story career. I disagree with my love policy issues. I question his integrity but I'd I'd. I don't mean to drag him over his unit being old and and and having a heart attack, but that's just a react.
In terms of leadership into reality in terms of how people are about the next step, the next person down is Joe Biden will Joe Biden seventy seven gate. He can't really isn't really know where he is. He spoke, symbols and matters any trails off and he's got a touchy problem? I really don't see him winning either so whatever Joe by and is a crazy old guy as well and fine. Maybe there should be a cut off. I guess for a certain age I I don't know, maybe not whatever, because technology will improve and people will do better, be healthier next up. Michael Bloomberg. Ok, I'm sorry, I'm stopping right there, Donald Trump Gonna win, but I'm They give you one more thing, because while I can drag Bernie Sanders, I need to point out something else: This story is actually kind of China Creepy, it is funny you know I don't I don't mean I don't mean to make light, a lot of these things, but I gotta admit I laughed the lot when I saw this saw this
Go Tucker Karlsson claims. Joe Biden is first presidential candidate to predict his own death and calls it disturbing. I'm sorry, man, I'm I'm I'm holding back laughter, but you gotta admit that's, that's funny, ok get older back. Much Tucker Karlsson would be correct. Joe Biden I mentioned this. The other day was at an event, and he said he needed a vice president who is capable because, let's face it, I'm an old man. He says, and then everyone like me, you know I don't know how they respond or whatever, but he's like Earl, you know, look I exercise and I keep healthy. It's like do. Did you litter let's just say, I could die in my first term to people you're supposed to convince to vote for you. You wanna know why Donald Trump odds keep unproven. Because this, the second guy in second place not only assigning, I might die what literally the other day told someone else told a voter not to vote for him. Ah jeez, the D. Craftsmen. What seized? What is this? Are you kidding me at the time?
you can muster is a guy images that seventy zero men. What our attack and others literally tell people dont vote for me. You you, you expect me to place a bet against Donald Trump of those. Are the events we're looking at you dont men? Let me let me say something to the progressive and his Democrats. If, if, if you really want to mount a campaign to win, it was not remain. Twenty. Twenty Ya'Ll better start planet for twenty twenty four and you need to start figure out who that Canada is going to be now, maybe that Peat Buddha judges, meteoric rise, leads him to twenty twenty four. Maybe the real intention with the Buddha Judge campaign is that they need to get in that recognition, get him in a better position. So come twenty four actually will stand a chance because us face it. People to judge he's the moderate he's a lot younger. I got bad news, though I think we're looking at a republican Beckett. I really do I mean
I did talk about this on a mountain before, but when we're talking about betting odds- and you take a look at who the democratic contenders are Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. What comes next? What comes twenty? Twenty? Four ff? years, from now Bernie and Joe they're they're? Not they're just wait, there are being their eighties, never gonna happen men, eighty year old cap, it it's not gonna happen warrens, ready. Seventy now Andrea hangs a maybe Botz, you know gangs, not are utterly some really really well. Maybe the next four years. He will see a big sergeant I'd like that. I really do like Henriette looking it right now. It feels the Democrats have at a dead end, and I realize I feel this way: Bernie Sanders Joe Biden, Warren, even Clinton, they're, all really old, and then they have these minor players, some of whom I like, but for the most part, just art breaking out and becoming prominent. So it's hard to predict what will happen, but,
the civil war in internal civil war than Democrats, you ve got the burden by the brother burden. Bernie Biden conflict right now, where the moderates won't vote from vote. Progressive and oppress, caresses won't vote, moderate, what's gonna happen, there's one which, which progressive there's no young progressive there. Instead, they exist. I guess Yang is the closest you get so you ve got old progressives an old moderates. I think, just in terms of where the party is right now with the age, I think PETE Buddha judges the best they have in the next four years, but I really don't see him going up against our who trumpet junior or something so it's hard to say. But when you look at our Publican party, there are a lot of star players to the Republicans alot of people who are prominent, who are rising working followers. However, though, we don't see someone running today, it could very well be Alexandria, o cause Yo Cortez and she might be shipped Emma Emma that might make up the most sense
look who's running for that between twenty democratic presidential nomination, and you see no real stars after Bernie or Biden, but Bernie really is bringing out a yo see and and giving her let your using star power and propping her up. I think it's entirely possible. A Yossi will just be old enough. She, she I've abolition of the youngest person ever look at the Congress. Maybe someone else in a later on, but one of at least she would be the youngest person I think elected to the president. If you one she won't without, but I wouldn't be surprised. If we saw a few things, I think the twenty twenty four republican primary is going to be it's gonna, be epoch I don't mean epoch, is, unlike I'm saying, I'm going to like whose there, what I'm saying is you we're? Gonna have a ton of stars, their personalities rising up right now at the Democrats. Just don't have you gotta? Be players, ok into an twenty. Sixteen and Donald Trump was the clear celebrity, but now with the culture war on the left and the right there are some star players left doesn't have as many
they do have a yo see, I think, she's. As you know, a shoe and to run in the primary will see what happens. A lot of people think she'll go for the Senate first, I would make more sense, but who knows? I think she would absolutely lose. She would be absolutely what that there, but the floor with her in a presidential race sought an oh, I don't know who is there? I says to me: I think, we're looking at our republican decade. I think the fracturing of the damage That's the split between Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, they're, not the same party. Even EO sees as about the same party, this Oconto court- as campaign with Bernie Sanders says she shouldn't be the same party with with Joe Biden, but that's the split Biden Bernie Sanders. The party is split three parties today, so twenty twenty four will still be a civil war. The Democrats,
YO, see whoever I don't open, not gonna make it the primary for Republicans, though, I think you'll end up seeing more some some some names potentially put people are flooded met gates. Maybe I think Trump Junior, I think, you'll see or maybe even a vodka trump. What load up like how crazy would it be if the first female president was he Vanka, but I think that more likely beat beat me trumped Junior, really do think. I think you, vodka or trump really could when people are so in law with Donald Trump limit so you're, not even exaggerating trump campaign. New Jersey rally. Attendance was twenty six point. Three percent Democrats. Ten point: four percent people who didn't vote twenty sixteen.
To me his mind lying there was a hundred and seventy five thousand people a corner. The Trump campaign who wanted tickets for their event in Wildwood, only seven thousand people could actually get, and I can't even get in outshining it in his press. I know some high profile. Tromp supporters could get an either. They really did want to prioritize it for locals and local press. I respect that twenty six point: three percent of the people. There were Democrats, New Jersey, a blue state and so people there were Democrats, but they want Donald Trump. So what happens at the economy? Booming with people with unemployment record lows? That's what people care about those are the kitchen table, not trumps, not perfect. Healthcare is a big issue, will see that plays become twenty twenty four. If you get Donald Trump again and I mean Junior or you get vodka, I think people well in absolutely say: yes, I'm not a big fan of dynasties, absolutely not, but it really has to do with. Are we going to see a populist leader to want to take up the mantle of what Trump has accomplished
or his base, and and and Bergamo supporters, or will we see you know or will I see it a trump? You know another trump actually run I'll. Tell you what I'll be fair I'll ask you this question: can you think of any Democrat has any enthusiasm behind them that could actually run in twenty twenty four, a kind of feel. Like oh see, I guess what the star power, but there's nobody else. I mean look at the leadership and in the house and in the Senate, now old people Schumacher Pelosi. Nebular I mean, I guess, people or think maybe Schiff is arising star, but shifts to weird and and and and not an invite. This is something to do with veto. Put politics shift, doesn't have the x factor to actually run any those capacities it would just be, Did he get swept up easily, but you look at irony. I think Don Junior. I really really do because
he's tall he's charismatic he's odd. He could be aggressive and that's what you need to be a president he takes after is dead, so I think I don't know to experiment tobacco twenty four hour, but but let me just wrappings up otherwise, not just keep bridling on. I think it's hilarious that people would actually try and bet against. Donald Trump at this point you know why I guess you're hoping that a bet against and pays out really really well in Vegas, because the odds are so bad. You know a dollar into a hundred dollars? Sure that that makes sense, I still Do it? If you told me I could give one dollar and of job loss. They make a hundred I'd say no way, I'm keeping dollar. I would. I would bet one dollar opening at a quarter back. You know and make me almost no money on that. He would, when I really would it's not worth it some people might say, but one day, so what you might get hundred bucks, no you're, not you're to lose a dollar you're, not gonna, win that money I'll leave it there stick around next. I was coming up at one p m on this channel and I will see you all their vocs dot com. Is
ass if you were to ask me because they are rejecting the choice of a non trans individual to be called whatever they want now I'll another to that. But the crux of the story: why? Publicans are suddenly in a rush to regulate every trans. Kids, puberty, vocs report's proposals and eight states would ban puberty blockers and hormones for Trans minors. There's one simple reason and I'll just tell you and will ignore. What vocs, then it we want ignored boxes, they will really ever say but simple distance rates, the rate at which Trans kids reject the Trans identity, and revert back to their biological. Gender identity is between sixty four and like ninety five percent or sixty five to ninety four percent. Depending on your studies, now, a lot of people are claiming those bodies are not legitimate and they say that assistance is actually like point three percent while hold on. I want to be fair. The transition is actually very, very, very low in adults who transition, but among kids, it
very, very, very high now. The main reason I said VOX is gross Jamaica the story of James younger is the big controversy who's in Texas, where the mother claimed the child was trends and the Father claim the child wasn't. So, who do you trust a court battle ensued and joint conservator ship was granted between both parents, and according to Father James chooses to be James. I'm not going to argue because you ve got one side sang the mother is pretty the charm the doktor said so this they're saying it's essentially lemming limit make sure I get this right amounting to five there's Kong is, but one thousand syndrome by proxy will read this, but basically why you know what which, which parent am I supposed to trust I dont know because a father says the child chooses to be Jameson. The mother is lying to him and the mother as now he's been diagnosed this way and James actually trends. Transgender girl named Luna that matters as at the end of this year,
case James younger is now officially James. Younger period. Annie, puberty blockers or treatment will have to be confirmed by both parents or, I believe, a third party, but in the end a photo Charges of seven old James and the Father Ceci James? Is there smiling, choosing to be James. If that's the case, I'm not going to Hence there is evidence against the father or the mothers prove either is right. You can argue others biased, that's the left will say. The father is just a big it. He doesn't want to accept. His truck is up his daughters, true identity. I have no evidence of that I have no evidence of the mother being right or wrong with a father being right or wrong, accept or a fit for a picture of a year child a male smiling, in which case ok, James, is James Vocs will not exe that vocs only chooses to a farm that entity of individuals who agree with them at why say vocs as gross. But let's read the story I get to the point, but I do want to stress one more time when you,
story about someone who says they're trends in their name is Luna Vocs as then that's their name, but if not if you get a story saying Nope James, didn't wanna be called Luna, he wants to be called James, they say no, it still Luna. You won't accepted and identity of the child unless They agree with your ideology. That literally makes no sense, and I got to say this: it adds the argument as to why puberty blockers should be banned, I'm not saying they should be banned. I'm saying it adds to that argument. Now. One of the big issues here with the puberty blockers is that is four for a lot of cases under the age of eighteen. That I dont a gown. I don't agree with, because the citizens rights in post puberty individuals is much lower. As my understanding look, if you got someone who's seventeen years old and is in its trans and diagnosed, I think it makes no sense to not offer them what they want, but I do think it makes sense because puberty blockers don't make sense for someone who's after puberty right, but a lot of reducing it to get to the gist of it and I'm unwell. We'll talk about one. What's goin on.
VOX reports, great I'm not going to be the first paragraph. They say before his transition. Grayson was an anti depressants basins. Biological female just to deal with his this forum Rodriguez at it. If I had known was making my daughter of the time so unhappy, I would have done it at three, which is just a social transition. She said referring to respecting transgender kids chosen names, pronouns thousand dress, without any medical interventions before puberty deciding whether to allow a Trans adolescent to go on puberty blockers is a decision. Most parents don't take lightly. The often talk of doctors and psychologists and the general guidelines of most major american medical associations recommend affirming a child's gender exploration in order to improve their mental health, transitioning is a slow, deliberative process for minors and only adolescents who are insistent, persistent and consists in their gender identity. Over long periods are recommended for medical intervention, however,
Some conservative politicians want to take the decision out of the hands of doctors and parents who know these teens best and put it in the hands of the state. In fact, and grace and home state of Texas LAW, makers have promised to introduce legislation that would essentially ban midway medical transitioning once their next legislative session begins and twenty twenty one. I say this eight states Missouri Florida, Illinois, Oklahoma, Colorado, South Carolina Kentucky and South Dakota already introduced have already introduced bills this year. That would criminally punish doctors who follow best practices for treating adolescence with generous fora in South Dakota, for example, doctors who prescribe puberty blockers or cross sex hormones could face two thousand dollar fine and a year in prison under the proposed law, South Dakota version of the bill was even prioritized and became the first bill of the decade to pass out of committee on Wednesday it
asked in the house in a forty six to twenty three about NOM stop. Here, I defer to doctors, men. I really really do now. This concern about a lack of research, and let me tell you one of the most important issues in this debate on line. You are not allowed to criticise the stuff you not. I could get banned for they sang this and I know I'm treading on thin ice walk in the razors edge. Whenever I do video about the stuff, it is actually against the rules to target this marginalized community. What ends up happening, then, is that stories about the negative results of transition never seemed to make the light Micheletti day. You end up with our
every story being positive, but no one really tells the stories that are negative, because everyone wants to pretend that it's the right thing all the time. It certainly isn't. But again, in this instance, I do they it's important to defer to doctors who actually research this, and I do think its a bit absurd that you would have the government step and to determine whether or not a doctor should or should be allowed to prescribe a treatment that to me doesn't make sense. I do think it's fair to point out the principal argument. One of the strongest from conservatives is that the majority, the overwhelming majority, in some sense as his ninety ninety four percent or so of pre premium crescent trance gender individuals transcripts that they they they desist. They end up going back to their. You know biological gender a big challenge and what the government should or should be allowed to do, and a question arising over who you trust, the doctors or the government are not listen
workers aren't always right. Surprise. Surprise that we use did you know people two hundred years ago, like drink murky, only went drink marketed, but they will rub shorter years ago. They would rather mercury ointments on their skin to cure diseases yeah. We don't do that anymore, not a good idea, but at the time there was no other cure, so that was the best they could do. I think it's funny people. Look back at the founding fathers like. Why am I gonna trust, a group of people who rubbed mercurial over their skin and died from it, there were literally no other cures so was best they had. It may be that we look back on this time and and and and talk about how insane it was that would do radiation therapy for cancer when all you do is get the cure. We'll have your right now, and so we do the best we can That's what I see when I look to a lot of these Trans issues, it's like! Is it the perfect solution? Probably not, but I dont know what is and all I can really do is deferred to the science. But here's the thing the on both sides right, you have
interesting arguments, but I'm I'm I'm up. I'm concerned about the ideological pressure from the left to get rid of science to remove the negative stories and to refuse to affirm the identity of people who reject their ideology? In that instance, I would probably side more so with the concern lives on. Maybe we should slow down until we can figure out what's really going on here, not that I want to punish anybody, not that I think I know, but but I am concerned about the ideology when I see stories about research on rapid onset tenderness, for being remove due to activist outrage. I say these activists should not have a bearing on whether or not we are going to publish research. Even if that research isn't very strong, we should let the scientific community do it's thing same is true for climate change, so now. We are wherein an interesting position, but let me look up only just but let me go back, I want. I want to show you what really bothers me and makes me distrust the people advocating for or against these laws,
now, look I'm fairly ambivalent, I'm the milk toast Spencer, and these are tough issues. But if you want to convince me the end pendant voter, the moderate voter to side with you, I'm definitely lessening, but you went when Europe used to a farm identity of somebody. Why would believe you actually care about a farming someone's identity? Is you? Let me do this for you vocs rights, the recent conservative for an outright ban on transition. Care for minors grew directly from the social media. This information campaign surrounding Luna younger, really a seven you're old Trans girl from Dallas caught in the middle of a bitter custody battle. This article often box, was published on the twenty ninth yesterday. That's real interesting, because the latest news on James younger is the mother lost her appeal, as far as any one of us know, James identifies as a boy named James. Why would vocs not use the
armed identity and gender expression of the individual Why would they assume the Father is lying? Why would they reject legitimate reporting from the new post, showing a picture of a little boy wearing a button? Up short, let me die some if VOX is gonna, try and command say it's the father whose forcing this child? What's the difference between that and sang the mother is forcing the child, while they argue But the doctors do, you know prescribing this. It's the kid is seven years old and K. Let me show you this one chosen syndrome by proxy baby. Equally say the caregiver with mom chosen centre by proxy will lie about China. Symptoms, change, results to make a child child appear ill and physically harm the child to produce symptoms. I'm not going to argue the mother, is doing that either actually say it's a really good argument to point out that
James younger was diagnosed. There is a doctor involved and their exploring. What to do. The problem is, if a photo pops up showing the kid saying you know what smiling, who am I supposed to believe? Maybe the kid does doesn't know enough. There's another big problem with with the chance transgender child issue is that kids are impressionable and that's why resistance is so high and that's why it probably makes sense not to alter their bodies with lightning with life. Changing hormones and chemicals until there a little bit older, I'm not making it up, I'm not trying to be biased. I will show you look at this. They say it is a Wikipedia aggregates or take afforded as it is. Made the number of DE translation and twenty fourteen ranged from less than one percent to as many as five twenty. A survey of w path, surgeons found that approximately point three percent of patients- so underwent transition surgery later requested to Detroit Sessional Surgical care, the twenty fifteen. U S! Transgender survey found eight percent of respondents who had transitioned
reported having ever de transition and sixty two percent of their group had later returned to living in a transgender role. So it's a very small percent, how however, they say distance engendered his fork adolescence, maybe hire a two: doesn't aid study sixty one percent desisted from their true, identity before Reaching the age of twenty nine and twenty thirteen study found sixty three desisted before twenty or twenty? Tina, critical clinical assessment found that nine point four percent of patients with with ETA and emerging than it is for you ceased wish to pursue medical interventions and or no longer felt their identity? Was income growed with their biological sex within an eighteen month period, so many of them within a year desisted and sixty sixty one sixty three by the time, their other twitter
when you twenty nine desisted. Some studies go even further, but I'm just pulling up away have here. I think it's fair to point out. People turn doesn't later in life are less likely to check to two to transition back. That brings me back to the issue of James younger. You ve got two sides in this. You have left and right you got the right sang the mothers lying left, sang the fathers Rhine lying. I dont care here's a picture of a kid wearing a short fine. He says he's James. So far as I know, I'm not gonna use either parent of lying. Why, then, would vocs roof use. They said they keep referring to James as Luna. Even though this affair of James wearing boys clothes. They say seven year old trail go from Dallas Luna younger caught in the middle of a bitter city battle between parents who disagree overheard gender identity, her ok, taxes, overruled the jury decision to award for custody of Luna to her mother Anna georgeous in light of timber that means lunacy. Father Jeffrey younger, who insists undressing his job as a boy and forced her to cut her hair
has an equal say in the future. Medical decisions for Luna therein lies the big problem. The bias vocs refuses to accept the mother could, lying, I dont know who is, I certainly don't, but I can't tell you this the way boxes framing this. They're making it seem like it's. The father was the bad guy when you have no evidence to suggest otherwise and a court ruled for joint custody, which means we just don't know let the child live as a child and do the child child. Like things, but if the assistance is as high as it is probably doesn't make sense to keep calling this kid by a name that may or may not reflected the kid really is they say this driving. The conversation with the case were primarily conservative media outlets in the week falling initial Jerry decision to three conservative new sites published fifty five stories about younger and all oppose the trials gent transition according to data media matters. Let me just intersect a site that just lies all the time
they say those would. You buy stories. Earned three point: five million facebook interactions. Let me stop right there. That's short, I will actually accept those numbers can we write about all of the leftist sites that are pushing the issue.
First narrative. What is an average of four person supposed to think? Let me just stop right now. I don't care what vocs thinks I don't get the daily wire thinks. I think it's important if the doctors are making a diagnosis, that we trust our doctors to the best of our abilities. I think it's, I think it's fine. If you looked to the data which says distances very, very high, the majority, sometimes the mitten major majority and decide for your child. What the best course of treatment is in the end, if you had a child who did have some kind of illness, I don't like the love us like. Let's try to have an analogy and the parents were arguing over what the treatment should be, because one could result in debilitating side effects over their life and its also possible the disease. You no good clear upon its own. I dont know what to tell you man, I don't know what the right answer will be: its two parents arguing over the right way to raise their child and guess what the court said joint custody, because there is no clear answer, so VOX is trying to play the guy
that you know everybody basically place where they point the finger at the other side and say, but not me sorry. In the end, there is a lot of things we, the court, probably heard that we don't know, we don't know all the evidence, but if they're saying joint conservator ship- and they know that will result in the child being James and a photo emerges of James has James. Why assume? Otherwise the rolling basically said both parents have to agree a treatment. If the father won't, they won't do the treatment. Their airing on the side of not having James transition. I have issues with anybody, I don't care. If you You know a ferrari if you're Trans species or Trans Rachel, hey man, I'm all about liberty. You do your thing. The challenge here is we're talking about kids and we're talking about which parent can decide. The medical treatment. Vox is outraged that people would.
How's this sorry, you don't actually have a leg to stand on when you are too biased to seize was actually going on. All I can say is trust the courts and after they ve ruled. Now. If it comes down to the fact these things get banned, that the puberty blockers I have said, I think it's kind of stupid. If the government would restrict certain things, if a doctor thinks it's medically necessary, but in the end that's how our government governance system of government works- and perhaps we had you know I can point out you know: doctors used to recommend, lobbies and electro therapy. We don't do those things anymore either. Now you could argue this research and payment period, lockers is new, yes, and items, where new at one point to electric shock therapy or new at one point two: ok, I'm not saying that what their offering is wrong on saying we can't just assume doctors will always be correct,
we can't assume all the treatments we prescribe will always be correct. We can only defer to the best of our knowledge to the experts. Yes, what that means. I personally will be more likely to agree with doctors on this one knowing have been wrong in the past. Now I know a bunch of people get mad, say how dare you can you can? You know, compare the things like electroshock pip, shock therapy to transgender treatments, yeah, I'm sorry, they're, just medical treatments, I'm not saying the same, I'm not saying transgender treatment and surgery is the exact same thing. I'm saying we never know what will change in the future and you will end up with laws sang guess what you can't lobata mice, people anymore is it. Does that mean transgender surgeries? Is, I think? No, it doesn't I'm just making analogy to something that has, and banned in the past. The government is now trying to ban these treatments in twenty or thirty years, will see what happens and people won't think twice. Just won't be a thing, but
My real problem here, as, what's making me mistrust the left in it and the doctors, is how the media is pushing a narrative and refusing to accept the results of the courts and of the child's own identity. If the kid says they're James in a photo you can't assume conspiracy, I'm sorry there's no evidence to suggest that the father forced the kid to do this if the kids just smiling and a photograph in that case best me and do a say. As far as I know, this kid's identity is James. Why would vocs reject that identity? Why would vocs say I'm not know it's the father very strange, their willing to accept a trans identity, but not the kids birth identity, because it's about ideology, and in that case I don't trust you because I dont think you actually care about the well being of the child. I dont think you care about whether other treatments will be safe and effective. I think you care about winning for your idea.
Gee but leave it there. I want to just one super long. You know, although you this week, I originally are exploring the story because of the story, but it was with Warren. She wants a transit or child to pick her secretary education sang the childhood into the present on her behalf and letter enough, the person would be correct, literally makes no sense and again it's why I think ideology is driving the narrative, not sound medical practices and not science. You know what you want me to argue against the laws from conservatives. I'm not gonna, do it. If this is what you're saying because not making a real argument? I didn't steal man. Ok, I said the doctors prescribe James. I can understand that, but this shows me ideology is a major driving factor for why you're even saying these things, so I don't trust you stick around neck segments coming up at four p m youtube com slashed him cast. Is a different channel. It is my main flagship. It's gonna be political, so if you're in politics come check it out, I will see you all their. I'm gonna cost
side any arguments related to non citizens voting, because you hear from from conservatives that there is potentially millions of illegal migrants and non citizens voting and our elections in they shouldn't do it you hear from the laughed it's just sure it's a widespread problem. Don't care about you know why, because the both of those things nor the more serious fact that can't be denied our our voting security is so lax. Some non citizens are actually register devote. So let's stop. Before we get to, the point were actually complaining about a million non voters or otherwise, let's just point out you, actually have non citizens register devote. Why would our election system beast? Who lacks? Don't you think we should take that secure? he very seriously, especially considering all the claims of foreign Ference lap brings me to the topic at her governor of Illinois, won't pause automatic voter registration, despite over five hundred non citizens about on voting now before we then
back in time, the twenty second, official say more than five hundred non citizens register Devout and nineteen voted in twenty eighteen. You often hear this data from conservative zero lot. The left says it's not a big problem. It's a problem period. I dont care of the number. I care that it's happening. That's really bad because think about what else that means Nineteen non citizens actually voted. Ok, we ve Kingston about this. Some people have been caught prosecuted but That means it means our election systems are so in secure. The problem exists. Now I think it's fair to point out. You will always get some group or some yes, something slip through the whenever a law is made. But although we do this, however, we actually start working towards. Repairing the holes in our election system and I see any reason why anyone would disagree. Drive us read the story and then go back to You know what the governors responses is. Apparently he don't care, they say, the official say more than five hundred non citizens venture to vote and nineteen voted election border.
She'll than Illinois, so that more than five hundred non citizens we rather sorry, ok to say fifty million times the State Board of Elections says out of the fish Five hundred and forty seven non citizens, nineteen of them voted in twenty eighteen working now to confirm their exact location. Making County Sheriff race was decided by just one vote in twenty eighteen Seven of the five hundred and forty seven non citizens were registered in Macao County Mark Maxwell report four w c I ate with tweet Tuesday. I think it's also fair to point this out I should have got to this earlier. Local elections will be severely pact by low numbers of non citizens voting as they just note if they just stated, if seven people and the guy one by one vote. Stands to reason. The dude may have won, because someone checked a bunch of you now across the Board of Governors person. Basically, when they go to the vote, the voting both they might note, not o the sheriff as but if they have check, Mark or non citizens just put this guy in office. They say
Illinois secretary of State, Jesse Whites office admitted fault for the incident, but refer to it as isolated and insisted The error has been fixed, really we'll get to the next door in a second State republicans are seeking more information, but the controversy and five GB lawmaker I have sent a letter to the Democratic House speaker to express their outrage quote this. Isn't it Third, lack of compliance with state law surfacing less than three weeks from the opening of early voting for our states, twenty twenty June primary election. The lawmakers rope, given this we are requesting an immediate hearing of the House Executive Committee to invite to get the situation and to hear testimony directly from Secretary of State Jesse White officials, State Board of elections represented from our local election authorities, and is concerned. The situation when I residents are permitted to receive drivers, licences and photo ideas regardless of their immigration status. I gotta. I gotta, stop s question: why? Why is it? Well,
right day is not a thing, you ve, never given me a real argument, I'm sorry left you haven't. Ok, I've listened to what the concerns have set voter idea like ok, I get it. The left says that its racist is disenfranchisement. I got it. I gotta admit I grew up on the south side of Chicago ere I grew up in was relatively mixed. We did have like a hard line at separated. The mixed area from a more black community Chicago is ridiculous. A segregated mind. You I dont know a single person who didn't get a ninety like just its. It was an insane arguments me but for some rate at the national level they say vote right. You can't be done its racist. What what you're giving on citizens ideas, I don't understand it. There's another argument to conservatives biggest argument You didn't idea by both you didn't. I did go to the movies you only than I did vote as a man. I don't off.
Again solve all the ideas stuff, but I tell you this is a matter. I gotta be honest. Now it is it at it. It is a problem that you know people can just up and claimed to be whoever they want bout, but, as we just saw non citizens vote and the state gives them ideas so kind of this point. As you know, look man. I still think it makes sense to have ideas to vote, but as we're seeing this Ok, when non citizens gotta get drivers licences because a lot of jurisdictions our allowing this, they then put be put on his automatic voter role system and that's the stories about governor won't pause automatic voter registration, despite over five hundred non citizens, found on voting rules DC exam now explains Illinois Governor, be Pritzker says he will not pause automatic voter registration in his state. Despite recently, learning that hundreds of non citizens were registered about the collection. We found a sectarian states office and that was investigated has been overcome. It appears
there's. No reason to have an across the board pause, especially when much has been fixed and we're going to have here. To make sure that were work where ferreting outlaw ferreting. What went wrong with this, which You know State Board of Elections announced earlier this month. Then at least five hundred we have a non citizens or registered. We just read the second, stay just see. Whites office admitted fault but assured the public. Programming error was fixed sum watched our group aren't so sure the public interest Legal Foundation, a v integrity watchdog, father request, for it voting records determine if the non citizens were right, George, VD envy transactions and whether or not the State taking the necessary steps to identify other they're, not citizens quote states have no business. Spirits, hunting with automatic voter registration on They can zero out the risk of ineligible non citizens passing through traditional motor voter Logan Church Wealth indications director at the public interest Legal Foundation, said
Voter fraud and illegal voting in general have been a long time problem in the state. The heritage founded an identified over forty cases of Oda fraud since two thousand or here's the thing I want to stop your right now. The left argues not a big deal or it's not a real problem. It is a real problem: I think its eyes. I think you lose the argument a bit when you see people like truck claiming that millions of them, maybe fine there's a beggar concern. I have with like dead people voting, that's a whole other issue and pr reported last year by Europe. Some non citizens. Do wind up registered about usually not on purpose, well shocks that figure but short bottom, purpose: everything's! Ok, now, even worse, listen man! If, if there are I'd be willing to bet. There are very few non citizens with criminal intent, to vote. That's the problem. This story, you dont, get it it's worse than that when we bring it down for you. If we tell everybody
in order to registered about your manually, go and felt this form and do it and then a non citizens sneaks- and it looks over his shoulder and does it- we can say- hey you knew you weren't supposed to do that. Automatically registering them to vote through these systems because they're, giving them drivers licences and they don't know. This is the weird thing The story it one of stories we saw things in Texas. Was this permanent residents green cardholder receive voter information in the mail and said Ok, when voted no charge, the felony dude, I'm Simon, the blame, the people who automatically ruptured heard about. I don't blame her. I don't, I don't believe she had to set the necessary intent. Little old, lady permanent rest. Then she's she's a you, know, green cardholder. You can't vote you, not a citizen, but you can live here and work. You pay taxes, you get benefits, but you don't love. She didn't and you know a lot of people might say, while she should have its responsibility- ok I'll, except that argument really well, but we have a problem. When you automatically wretched people about they dont, do it on purpose,
then you send out flyers because they're on voter all saying, don't forget to vote this coming primary and I say ok and they go do it. So here's a thing If the people in Illinois, I don't live there anymore, think there's a problem stopping fixed that I respect them, calling for it to be fixed, and I think it should be addressed I don't like the argument of the millions of non citizens voting we can, but we can cast aside and say, listen man. If nineteen people who warrant citizens voted, we have holes in our election system that should be fixed, especially for local elections right and if you want argue but they're not doing it on purpose, I'm gonna say while you're arguing actually worse than I realized, and I hope you all we want. At this point you remember this: that's as long as they expand these programmes. They did in New York. Where I think York there's this video went viral applicable cheering. Now they can get licences. Guess what you can see. Or this it's not that anyone's to purpose it sets the system is insecure. So I agree.
The immigrants. The non citizens- they are not bad people, they don't do this on purpose here. Here, unfortunately, is a crack in the system. That's that's compromising our elections. So wouldn't you agree that we should protect these people from accidentally committing a crime great? How about we do something to secure our elections, but let me tell you: they did earlier first, I don't think we should give non citizens ideas. Apparently wheat. Oh I'm, sorry, not non citizens undocumented immigrants, people here illegally, like if your green cardholder, you get one right, but I think it's it's particularly worrisome. If we're gonna give idea is to illegal immigrants like they do in New York, knows people get automatically registered. Your creating a system in which non citizens will start voting and in local elections that can swing things heavily. But of course, I guess The left will just argue that racist- that's they usually do listen, man, I'm fairly ambivalent, but the left. You need to provide a real argument outside of racism because I don't see
I see you putting people in violation of the law with your reckless laws report. You know it is these people break the law when they vote. They dont know this now omens the jail, because you wanted to automatically register. Congratulations you on your election. I guess it doesn't go to prison for four years stupid, but anyway I will leave it there. I got a couple more seconds coming up in a few, stick around and I will see you all shortly: a democratic Senate candidate. Is facing their second ethics complaint. So far, I gotta ask who is this keep happening? You know there have been some stories about Republicans and will be fair as one guy who got charged with like you know, Improv Greece of campaign funds. Actually, I think I, the guy's name, is if he actually got criminally indicted resigned, but what's up with the squad right a yo see Omar and the weird campaign financed by life.
Now we have this woman, Sarah Giddy and getting to ethics complaints. That's what's the story, and I wanna go back to the first at this complaint to yea color me biased for talk, not Democrats, and there are those complaints, whatever pellets red Phoebe the Friedrich report, Sarah Gideon the democratic challenger to Senate set Senator Susan Collins, is finite. Of hot water, forming hit with a second ethics complaint stemming from the past operations of our state leadership. Pack, the new complaint filed against Gideon, who is currently this. Of means, house of Representatives of submitted House of Representatives, its commission on governmental ethics and election practices by the main republican party. Ledges, that the Gideon leadership Pack failed to disclose. Thousands and expenditure is partly six facebook. Add campaigns in the run up to the twenty two elections. The complaint further at. The undisclosed spending, appears to fund ads promoted Gideon State House, reelection efforts, which bypasses the four hundred per election kind contribution limit in the state quote. Sarah Gideon,
continuous or pattern of unethical behaviour, said Doktor, Demi, coups onus, thousand thousand Us Jack and pronounce your name share of the main republican party. First, the main ethics committee. And found Gideon broke the law by illegally using her corporate funded leadership pack to Rio, cars for campaign contributions today minors learn, she tried to hide thousands of dollars worth of campaign adds, while also illegally boosting our own political ambitions, quote there's no Gideon has long relied on corporate money, shady donors and now legally hiding campaign spending to further her political ambitions and give me voice away to Washington special interests. This is Second ethics complaint giddiness. Faced since announced- Her candidacy in what is expected in what is expected to be one of the most we contested centre races in the contract between elections. They say you didn't was first was, was hit with our first ethics comply. Last August following a Washington freebie can report detailing how giddy repeatedly
I would election laws by Roy embarrassing herself for personal political. Contributions to federal campaigns with money from her hence dissolved leadership pack, woe that seems like beyond, and ethics complaint that sounds criminal Wasn't it like the National Sousa who if someone money to donate like it, it's illegal to do this, where, where you basically donate money to somebody to a position then give money to fund in order to donate it's an attempt to bypass federal election laws, I think it was the national Sousa who got trouble for that. I'm entirely short this not only reduce again, they say she was reimbursing herself for personal political contributions to federal campaigns with money from our senses off pack. So, let's get to meet it sounds She makes a donation and then has the packet give her money so that the pact essentially making these donations, which they can't do there are limits. I got a question for you: gotta. Is it biased of me to point all this out or is it
something wrong with journalism haven't seen a whole lot of stories from Republicans doing similar things. I gotta be honest. I haven't, and I found a lot of people, so I will contend now. Perhaps it is I who is biased and just don't have good sources to show me all the Republicans who do things like this? I can tell you got some nasty dude. There was that one guy recently I talked about him a bit when it happened. He got, I think, federally charged for improper use of campaigns It's not the only one. There have been a handful of republicans who have gotten criminally charge, which has been a big difference from the ethics complaints. But now it's it's we're not talking about you. Don't the past ten years, we're talking about right now there's something wrong in. I think is fair to say I do they. Point out a lot of these new progressive justice. Democrat types have no idea what they're doing, but I gotta admit it does on shady and based on the mentality. A lot of these people are out of Sarah. Getting is one of these far left these, but I look like oh cause, your Cortez right. Basically,
Joe. She was accused of her the pact it is associated with following money from her sort of to her boyfriend, who then move to move to even with her. So why is it that these new progressive Democrats tend to be getting caught up in all the stuff? Some may argue the establishment is fighting back. Their rules are two to understand their extreme, and so when they trying involved. Oh no here comes the machine to beat him down, but I'll tell you what and what I read about a yo, see just as Democrats and how that money transfer at hand I really does seem to me like they pretended to hire her boyfriend to give to give him money so that he could take money from her campaign. What you can't legally do- and then he would go and move in with our or like. Basically, they want make. It seem like she was in a higher income through four nepotism are something even though kind of was whatever anyway, but let us read a little bit more. These are the states at the watchdog unanimously found that Gideon had vial state laws and find the committee five one.
Dollars over its actions. That's its combine. It's not a punishment, Bree, Kidman who is challenging Gideon and the democratic primary said ethics questions? becoming a liability for the establishments preferred candidate. So maybe she's in establishing Canada is the point at which mainstream damn start, treating the constant trickle of ethics violations like a genuine liability. Kidman asked on Twitter where is everyone gonna keep pretending that it can be covered? by spending millions on advertisements can, I point out a yo see, is not the established the point out. A yo see is not the establishment and neither is ill hand alarming the becoming the establishment for sure have, sir. No Sarah? This woman is but apparently, it's an issue. Let's go back and look at the specifics over Collins, challenger used pack to reimburse own contributions. This is this is really really important. Mackay. Their Sarah Collins is a Republican, and this is she's- the democratic contender Collins has considered be a vote at up for grabs because to swing state and she
want to lose. You asked to play the moderate card. If she comes off like she's, not taking impeachment seriously, then she will lose support from the independent leaning Democrats are the democratic, leaning independence. She will lose their support. Such it's gotta be very careful and it could go either way we ve got some. You know red state Democrats who typically support the republican side of things, because I don't want to lose this so that this is directly going to impact. Whether or not this trickles up a little bit. Is that right. It could trickle up into how this affects impatient otherwise, but saw let's see that's real about this as a Sarah Gideon Ray. Burst herself or federal contributions, quote worst campaign, finance violation experts, as which is why I'm pretty surprise, this woman only got a five hundred dollar. Fine is back and all just when I reported that she repeatedly vi- election laws by getting reimbursement,
national political convert contributions to federal campaigns through a corporate funded main political action committee. Our view of both state and federal campaign, filings, discovered, federal election law explicitly prohibits individuals for can contributions in the name of another person or entity. The prohibition is that on Gideon own contribution page, which makes donor certify. This donation is countries into made for my own funds, funds not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making a contribution. Yet Gideon the Senate candidate, a paw anointed by the democratic establishment to challenge in common Senator Susan Collins appears to have openly violated this prohibition on four occasions? Not could be wrong, did national issues I do like twice. I don't know a lot about the guy solved. So you know, forgive me, funding the details wrong, but that's what I get in trouble for the comic fell and because of this she did it sure five hundred dollar fine, now whatever men they say on September through
Yes. Twenty fifteen, for example, Gideon, contribute a thousand dollars to democratic congressional candidate and Emily Keynes campaign according to gain for Congress disclosure, they say a month later. On October twenty Eightth, she received a thousand dollar payment from getting leadership pack and main entity. The pain was openly described, the main disclosure as a reimbursement for federal contribution. How stupid do you have to be? You could call that right, embarrassment fork, you know, work trip, snacks, prevent hence thousand dollar rental. You could have called it. You know what you could call it a million one things You could have called it stipend. What why so I will say this may be. The reason he'd only got a five five hundred are defined as that it wasn't. There was no criminal intent like she was just dumb, I guess, but while if you wanted to do that, you just higher yourself, I guess you now have the company hire you and paid
thousand dollars- I guess, she's gonna- pay taxes either at sounds worse. They say contributed, additional, torn and fifty two Cain and was again birth. For the two fifty giddiness Lestat, principal office officer of the guinean leadership Pack and the decision maker responsible for spending decisions, look with. We have federal election limits. For our reason, I don't like the idea of people following money and dark money. That's how you what nobody's innocent you note tromp has dark money groups. He really does the Democrats do, but here's the thing that I will tell you, you can simultaneously, have the Democrats being the ones claiming their fighting against it, while they actively use these these these tactics and innocent since overtly break the law. Again I can pointed at it denies the Susa for whatever at another full details of the point as it's a yo see who rags on Darth money. Ok, it's the progressive suggests as Democrats, a rag on doc money. Yet they go out and do it too I'll tell you what if I see somebody tell me yeah, we start money, I don't care of illegality being honest when I see a dumb
that say, we're gonna fight, dark money and then they go in Do these things I'm, like, I dont believe you. Why are you lying to me I'd why I don't care, the other guy was doing it, so you know what man but I don't. I feel exhorts gonna dumb, but can anyone? in time. I thought it was at least worth doing something about all rapid up. Stick around the neck we're coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly, not that long ago, in the the history of the culture wore a list was created called the assay. It's it's the swear, it's the escort, I can't say: ok, see too the Essie media men list and on it was a bunch of false accusations, and someone's actually suing the personal, create the list here we have a really really sad story published comedian Medium by a man named MIKE Tennyson, who claims he was lastly accused and as innocent why the feminist outrage mob, slapped his name in a document. No one
back checked and it destroyed, is life and now apparently he's a janitor whew I'll. Tell you what, though I read this: And boy was, I shot this list when around and destroy the skies life because nobody cared if it was true or not and then I got to the point where access to funding the woman who wrote it and unlike ok, did you report you get what you deserve. You know what men he basically said he won't go after the woman who created it, because it's not fair, a target Erika she made up attacked a list with a potential is like not did you circulate slander and libel and defamation and destroy someone's life? You your responsible. So this guy's life is over. He can't find a writing work, he explains how we got a janitor janitorial job at David Busters. And he's sitting you're still saying, but it's not her fault. I won't sewer wow dude, while ok, let's be fair, gets rid of yesterday. He says I'm on the media men list, but maybe you already knew that here it says:
a picture Tennyson MIKE freelancer former kissing, Susie Cobbler that is stocking, harassed physical intimidation, and they say a jar file compiled at Washington, Post, here's what you said: first, who We're wrote this new. I had no power in the industry is a freelancer. He doesn't even really, a job. The next one says this isn't true. And I ll likely never know who made the claim in reference to harassment, H our fault compiled nope. This doesn't exist leads. I sought men, somebody's slanders. You claims on the isn't true that you can easily prove. I think you should see them for defamation, but here's work. It said he said last spring during my first week on the genitalia staff at David Busters, I love David Busters, The way I have like a ridiculous amount of David Busters points, arcades fun, so I'm not gonna rag on them, big step down now from Washington, post freelance report or to a janitor he says. I struck up a conversation with a co worker who had served. Seventeen years in prison, swapping life stories. I should
Fifthly, divulge that are used to work for the Washington Post. They had a book published by Harper Collins and then I spent years the top as the top editor of a popular website here look on me. So what are you doing here? He asked for life of me. I couldn't begin to explain how could I describe how I was fortunate enough. It doesn't seem to be able to afford one bedroom condo the age of twenty four, yet that today I feel trapped and that space with a mortgage still underwater. Could I adequate explain how I went from having a life and a career I felt proud of two being publicly and by my peers and punished for things I didn't do. This is why we have a constitution which states you have a right to confront. Your accusers. You have a right to due process must be trial because of things like This the founding fathers understood the power of an outrage mob of pitchforks in torches, and so they paid they drafted a document that was very, very brilliant. Though I wish they could have been a little more specific. On the second amendment, we could end up
the arguing about what it means to have a well regulated militia, but I digress he says we're twenty seventeen I was roughly. I was one Roughly. Seventy man included on that media, lest crowds. Spreadsheet, of anonymous on, but it allegations of misconduct and assault, no words Dr my astonishment and whore, finding myself accused of harassment stocking and physical intimidation, even more agonizing was seeing this supposedly private listing, allegedly intended as a whisper network warning among trusted insiders swiftly linked to the public, on the website of conservative activist MIKE sort of it later. Another outlets and social media would damage to my career seemed equally swift and the deck leading up to the less. My work was regularly published by more than a dozen outlets, and I was frequently offered work after the leak networks reached to a stop. Today I write for only one outlet I previously caught contributed to income. Was only a few smaller bills and applied for hundreds of conventional
jobs, ranging from PR to administrative assistance to technical riding, never to avoid a bankruptcy that could hurt my family members was finances are linked to mine, yet employers don't seem too. You the four years I spent creating organizing and running a popular blog as applicable experience most days, it's difficult to envision a path back to a decent life. Now its cause. They google search you and they see. The lesson is a note not playing the game: don't want to take any risks more than two years later. The media continue to embrace me too powerful personal narratives as well. Apple source of content and controversy. Now a cornerstone of Well, orthodoxy, if you dare to challenge there has been surprisingly the little effort to dig into complexities unless the EC. Used. Is someone powerful prominent like Al Franklin, hardline supporters? The movement shrug off its more extreme tactics by noting That's some meat celebrities have inched back to prominence or avoid life shattering consequences. Non famous case multi remain under the rug they worse. Summarily swept under. Accordingly. I decided to self
this peace only after a handful of prominent news outlets declined. Frank, mealy mouthed dismissals and concerns for the sensitivity of the issue. He says at the dawn of twenty twenty there's nothing unique about having having been devastated by the housing crash or being awry, it or diamonds luck. My stories noteworthy only because I'm one of the least powerful man to have been publicly accusing me to era what makes event intolerable, isn't justly, allegations against me are false. It's that I have no idea who made them you're going back to what I said about the constitution He said a few men on the less were investigated and fired others continued racist, fine, most staffers, of a stable news organisations with boss is willing to listen to their sides. Still others disappeared from public life, which some have taken as a tacit admission of guilt when the list was created, I've been freelancing exclusively for two years of all media jobs. Freelancing maybe the least powerful. Its extra We easy and far from uncommon for the editors of whom freelancer depend for their livelihoods to brush them off without explanation, not one editor
me about the lists allegations. I just stopped getting work. He goes on to say that other factors as well but, let's sit down, he said editors and writers, I reach out to our either distant or uncommunicative. What can't be question is the psychological told the list has taken. Almost immediately efforts release a close friend of ten years. Cut me off and haven't spoken me since, even after I reached out to him day day I'm torture have thought that even more people will learn of the allegations or that'll be unexpectedly attacked for them online to all. Then I found myself hanging out with friends that, as the discussion turns celebrities being me too, and the into it and and been incapable of revealing what But to me sooner or later I feared they'll know too. More than a year since I've dated working three low, paying Jobs- means I'm always busy and broke plus any woman. Does the usual predate search online could stumble upon the list how cracks it away in the early stages of relationship is right. You can't
locations are there. No one needs proof. This is ridiculous, but you know what for me: I won't take them seriously. Dont care, I don't care what Google I say about. You prove it around picture. It didn't happen now. Here's where it gets kind of sad. He says this is the woman. You know more about again made the lest she's being sued by by another listed man's even Elliot for libel, perhaps surprising, I disagree with the lawsuit. I see the list is a net positive. Ah, you know what Dude Annette positive. We don't know of any These stories are true. Some of the people get investigated. Fine. What you cannot support founded on vetted allegations that destroy lives. Pathetic. You got your life destroyed by this and yours it's a net positive. Sorry, it's not because principles matter or took to quote the great impeachment Witness Alexander women in this country. Right matters, principles are important and our principal state that you have rights there are some
called the exclusionary rule the fruit. What is it? What is the fruit of the rotten tree or some like that? If there is evidence against you, and it has gotten through illegal means that violate your rights. They throw it away. I believe this list was a huge net negative for our society period, even though it got rid of some really nasty people, us real, a bit more attacking Dobbin again for creating the possibility of false claims, ignores the failures of established power structures that shielded abusers admitted that may the less necessary. Not I think, he's trying to crawled back to the good grace of the world I sang, and I agree with the list now, there's nothing to do with the abusers she created. She credit system that published lies she's responsible. He says additionally, Donigan had no power to force, anyone take it seriously and she can't be immune from
most of them. So I will say this. You know what I kind of agree with him to a certain degree. If you make a list- and you tabula do something- it's kind of your fault, but you really dont know about and put on it. Someone's gotta be respond. Now this is just online gossip and the real issue, is you can't really soon anybody for it? I mean he's being sued. I think she should be criticised and should be held responsible to a degree, because she credit less and asked for people to do something and they did and she helps delete it, but the reality is this about cancel culture and our society his willingness to embrace complete nonsense, destroy people's lives on a whim its willingness to believe unfounded internet rumour. I dont care I've seen videos of people, they accuse most of all sorts of things, yeah yeah people take my courts at a context. I'm not playing these games with you I'm not gonna read. There was entire thing I wanted to. I want to get that point, but will wrap up with his conclusion here. The truth is too large and complex to always fit neatly into a slogan, however, well intentioned
Everybody wins when the woman who, what who the women who were swear summarily dismissed when they called out sexually violent. Arousing men are taken seriously, but quote believe women should necessarily mean disbelieve men. Everywhere, deserves better than to be assumed guilty of honest at unsubstantiated charges from other sources. Justice and journalism demand more. Let me just wrap this up for you, a woman created a list of the of the universe, ass men, you know there s, word men and encourage people to add to it and circulated, and they did and many lies were destroyed, not just yours, as on a positive innocent people, have their lives ruined. Why? If someone had a problem with one or two people, send it send the information somewhere. You know filer report, do what you're supposed to do. These were unfounded allegations that apparently destroyed lives, including his he went from a freelance rider to a janitor. You know, then I'll tell you what maybe should start your own business. Let's put it that way, but
whatever I ll leave it there I'll see you guys tomorrow at ten a m actually know. I tonight we're doing a new show. It's you two becomes liked him casta. While every day Monday, our or our money to Fridays, around eight p m for about an hour, maybe too and I
Transcript generated on 2020-02-07.