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FEAR Of Attack On US As Report Says TERROR Suspects Cross US Border, Israel Gaza Conflict Escalates


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FEAR Of Attack On US As Report Says TERROR Suspects Cross US Border, Israel Gaza Conflict Escalates

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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If your subscription giddy subscription today see a joke, you doc tom promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast, I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, In an article from two weeks ago there was a owing concern that terrorists were pouring in through the southern border. In fact, according to NBC news, one hundred and sixty migrants, whose identities match those on terror. Watch lists have been stopped, trying to cross the? U S, mexico border and as the conflict in Israel escalates with many people getting very it over the issue. There is a growing concern that something may occur in the united states in response to this. Their videos coming out of australia, of protesters there
adding things that are very important: their protesters in the united states, this protesters in Europe, individuals are expressing pleasure at the murder of israeli civilians. There are people who who, after Hamas murdered civilians, went into homes, kidnapped killed and there are reports of suspected rapes celebrated this, because these for leftists insane. New york city are saying, while they're all evil colonizers. At the same time, we have the more principled individuals, were concerned about. What's going on palestine, calling a cease fire and saying you can't blame the palestinian people for what hamas does. Listen. My friends, it's called war. This is the reality. We don't like it when civil die fine. When Hamas comes in and explicitly targets, civilians, that's evil. When Israel tor
its civilian structures. It is not the same thing, but it is still bad that civilians die, and this is a large component of the conflict I do. Like that residential areas, our carpet bombed and civilians die, but Israel's reacting to inject from Hamas. The left argues that yes, but palestine is an open air. prison and these people dont, have access to resources and now Israel's cutting off food, water, etc. Yo. I can answer the problems while this war, but I'll just tell you plainly. I can't speak to the history of Israel, but if the argument is your trapped in a prison, so you're trying to break out, and when you do you go murder, civilians, it isn't fly, I'm sorry that argument doesn't make sense and then, when you have these people target murder civilians to then come out and say: autonoe ceasefire cease fire like you're real. Israel is going to target whatever they have to stop the rocket fires rocket firing in TEL Aviv. I'm sorry
you can argue for whatever side you want, it's war civilians die. This is why war is bad, But the big concern now is: does it come to united states and if it does, what form will it be? For now? I know, but this is why so many people are saying the Biden administration has failed on this. in border. It's funny that administration says: ok, we're to build a wall than they don't know. We're not gonna build a wall, you ve got erica new york saying we ve got a deal this migrant crisis. It will destroy this city, but the border should remain open. This is the concern them The left don't understand about. What's happened on the southern border, we don't know who is coming in. We should have border security in its volume. In hundreds of years ago, you didn't
Now we have maximum. We have mass population, dense population density and we have people around the world who hate us and want to sever the ties between Israel, the united states. So I will tell you this: we worried the story and then I want to talk to you about what's going on once again with Israel and palestine, when you have people who despise us, they will exploit this problem. They will
exploit this and create such tensions. In the? U s that many on the right are going to outright say. Why are we involved with Israel in the first place? Why are we experiencing this blowback when we don't need to be now? Israel is a strategic ally for the united states and that's a fact, militarily intelligence weapons manufacturing these things all occur in Israel and he and Croslin pointed out. Perhaps the reason we're so interested in maintaining added defending Israel is that it provides a sort of eastern protection of the suez canal. Egypt works with us when we got our issues. Israel works with us and thus the suez is plainly under western control too. It's a very powerful canal when that boat got stuck in the suez it disrupted. Tonnage stream degree and you know what the west controls it, but are we face blow back very briefly out I'll show you the store, and they will talk about where Biden currently, as at the number of people on terror watch list stuff
U s. Border has risen, and this is just from about a month ago, I said a couple weeks, but it's just drive amount. Three weeks. I say this here: u S. Border ages have encountered a growing number of individuals on the fbi's terrorist watch list trying The countries of the southern border according to homeland threat, segment, release thursday by the department of homeland security, as if July, one hundred and sixty migrants with identities, match those in the terrorists meaning dataset had been apprehended by customs and warped action trying to cross the? U S, mexico border in twenty three compared to a hundred twenty twenty two The number of all people, including: u s, citizens, the tear watch list who had been stopped in southern border as of July of this year, was two hundred and sixteen, while two under sixteen people so far the year ain't even over. In fact, that was only in July about a half a half. halfway through the year. There were two hundred sixteen compared to a hundred fifty five for the entire year of twenty two. The number is more than doubling.
The number of border crosses on the watchlist was higher in twenty nineteen to eighty so okay and went down a little bit now. It's coming back up a dhs official told reporters the increase from fiscal twenty twenty two. Twenty three is consistent with overall increase in migrants crossing at the border. The question people are asking and that we've heard quite a bit: will there be terror, attacks and disruptions within the united states in support of palestine? hamas etc. Yes, here's what I can't stand when I can't stand in all of this are the leftist saying you cannot blame the pie. I people for Hamas is doing- am I certainly blames the israeli civilians for the israeli government is doing, and that is not a justification of any civilian being harmed. It is to point out these people are hypocrites and they are liars in the same breath. They scream in the streets of new york city that the it was
illegal colonizers who were attacked some lady dancing at a at a at a dance party. That's who was killed and many others. They didn't have weapons, there's dancing, but you know what to the left: they're all evil, colonizers and oppressors. So when they're killed, these people celebrate it. When rockets are full at tel Aviv, they celebrated the clap and cheer in new york city, and then, when you say, Israel is going to target the buildings by which the rocket are being fired. This
attacking civilians. That's what I see. I see these tweets. Sorry, look man, I'm not here to take a side in a conflict, I'm here to point out you target and murder civilians and fire rockets at civilians. Israel is going to target where those rockets come from and where the leaders are and there will be collateral damage in war and that's why war is bad always and that's why I am almost entirely opposed to foreign intervention. It's why I'm almost entirely opposed to our involvement in these military affairs, because war is bad, war is hell and the best I can say as we dont participate, but you know the reality is that it states that oh boy, we over one we do now. We have this from NBC news: Biden faces competing pressures and responding to the attacks in Israel. The laughing the democratic parties may go increase increasingly critical of Israel and it
did at a willingness to remain so even after the attacks I've. I can't speak to the history of israel and palestine. Sorry can't do it, I'm thirty seven spin around a lot longer than me, but the people come out and make the argument that, because a war happened in nineteen, forty, eight, their justified and murdering civilians shore, Hitler would like to have a word with you world war, one bends. Germany lose a lot of its land. Hitler then decides- and this is only ten fifteen years on twenty or so years on that, because of that he's justified in declaring warns of the countries to get that land back and then you get world war too. Bad things happen. Look, I don't have all the answers. My friends, I can just tell you like killings of,
the un's because a war happens. Eighty five years ago I have this video, but I want to show you as I talk about war. Let me see if I can buy a lot of stuff pulled up actual. You know it lets. Let's, let's just do this. Let's give you some of the quick news first and then we probably Nicole long time, a more philosophy is the american airlines pilot union calls for flights to israel to be stopped. It is not prudent or appropriate to knowingly put our flight crews and passengers in harm's way by maintaining flights into a war zone. Yeah you can't land in TEL Aviv. If they're firing rockets at TEL Aviv, I dunno how to tell you they're right, they're right. This will disrupt a trade and now we're seeing efforts to normalize relations in the region, destabilizing the unfortunate sort of it says special. duration, purge over the vaccine, strategic oil supply rain. Artillery shells shortage white man who make up combat arms declared
we have the regime that brows Allah may out laughing at the idea of being called back world war. Three, not looking good who was going to fight it and with what the conscription will seep or we just get decimated, but sobek, tweets Why dost effort biting keeps bringing up ukraine during briefings and israel he's going two wars: mixed up barely shoving up to them anymore, blink and making more decisions than anyone. Where is Joe Biden,
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this video that Al Jazeera, plus posted on october- ninth in the midst of this conflict and war just the other day. This is what Al Jazeera plus, had to say and will break down. When is a border, not a border when its offence that Israel built to create the world's biggest in a prison since march thirty, twenty eighty, thousands of palestinian refugees trapped inside Gaza have taken part in the march of return. Finding the right to return to their homes in what is now Israel, Israel, built twenty five mile fence and has shot people protesting near it saying it's defending its border, but this fence isn't a border. You know how we know that because Israel said so back in the nineteen nineteen, when Israel and the palestinian authority signed the oslo agreements. This is how they talked about the fence. The security fence erected by Israel around the Gaza strip and the ninety marketed by the fence shall be authoritative. Only for the purpose of the
agreements that acknowledges that the line followed by the fence is not a border. Doesnt doesn't really. I I don't understand their semantic argument on this one they're saying the security fence. Around Gaza and the line democratically. The fence shall be authoritative only for the purpose of this agreement. Ok, so they have agreement that there is a line demonstrating this fence. What's their point, while this split play video the fence is no, a border? Israel wants to portray Gaza as a separate country full of people who want to invade israel. In fact, international law says Gaza is still under israeli occupation idea, that is, the actual palestinian sovereignty in the desert or even the west bank is Israel continues to consult all aspects of life in the Gaza strip, as such. It deemed under international law to get out of it. So my question: is the
yo says Israel wants to portray the people in Gaza as an as an invade their as defending their country in these people want to invade their country. What do you call it when a bunch people pair glided are murdering civilians? The at that? discussion. We had last night as once again I'm not a fan of anything that's going on in the in in the conflict, and people have called it an open air prison, and there are a lot of questions about that. It. Life is not easy in gaza, but when people storm out and are murdering civilians, I kind of wonder rent. Imagine what it would have been like if Hamas soldiers troops and terrorist, what ever wanna call them broke the fence down, all those at paragraph two then went to the civilians and said: please evacuate rounded up the civilians got them into their vehicles, and them on their way and then secured the areas they deem to be their ancestral homeland we'd be having a very different conversation we would. Instead, they started, murdering civilians and burning down houses, and and just sad that these are evil colonizers
You got to lose your arguments with the moral high ground when your actual view, as you will murder anyone who is in this territory. The argument from pro israel's of the programme these leftist in new york and in Gaza chanting from the river to the sea, which basically means the entire vizir Israel will be, but that they want to wipe it out. They want to come complete control over it, no compromise period. When they kill civilians in the process. I dont believe there is, peaceful solution when one side says they will they will just murder? All of you, no matter who you are Even if you are tourist, it is rumoured that americans are under the hot as hostages as well. We play more twins tat, the? U s, cold gaza on large, open air prison, and it's not hard to see why there are The five crossing points on these ready sense and three of those will be. Four years of the two that remain only one of those is to hold on a minute where's where's that where's russia, the egyptian crossing they dont
This is interesting. Algae plus doesn't even mention the egyptian crossing the Raphael border, where the two that in only one of those in september, twenty eighteen, Israel allowed less than six thousand people to exit through the arrest crossing israel evenly. What goes into Gaza through the fence sage, cardinal ginger dry fruit and potato chips have all been on the prohibited. It controls thing that demonstrate the degree to which it occupies a thirdly, including the population. It is somewhat disappointed that necessary and there they are not registered with india is genuine gardens. They do not exist, they are unable to set more than two zero of people living in Gaza, a register of refugees is found, these were forced out of their homes by scientists, militias and nineteen. Forty eight. What became of Israel is, as is war. Seventy five years ago, justification
or the murder of civilians who were born fifty years after this again. If they had broken down the fences or or else say they, they tore, defines us down and then advanced. I don't know about freedom yards. and then said, we are reclaiming this territory in the name of the people whose, but a poor oppressed by the zionist who came to Israel, that are its error, evacuated, civilians protected them apologize and said. Listen. This is war, get out of here, freighter question the interesting thing about this video. They put it out during the conflict and they don't point out. Egypt has a border with gaza and Egypt molly could allow these people many big. They could allow supplies, they don't Israel's jewish majority, with cemented by expelling four out of every five palestinians who lived there. So this
it stands between palestinians and the former homes from which they were evicted and to which they ve been forbidden from it confines strip of land which they ve been imprisoned as refugees generation, palestinians of Gaza taking part in the march of return, they're not breaching another country's borders, play attempting to go home. in the process massacring civilians? That's it now you can t Look there's a lot of videos. There's a video where there are men carrying out bodies that are covered. Maybe it's fake, maybe it's propaganda. I I got a problem saying that there are photos of people like this person died doing this thing like, maybe not, I believe it, but there's somebody that, are acams razor, probably true, probably real internet sleuths have figured out who some of these people are. I don't think that da when, when, when protesters in new york city celebrate the killing of evil, colonizers civilians and celebrate the bombing of tel Aviv
civilians. I cannot believe the videos are real and that Hamas absolutely intends to murder civilians see. What this says. Look, I don't like any of the conflict, I'm not a historical scholar expert, but I can tell you outright they're, just simply trying to return to their homes that that is a lie. They they want to kill evil, colonizers, that's what they claim to be doing. Egypt has a border crossing. They don't mention that either the far left lies it's what they do. I do not think Israel is innocent. I think war always has it's has. Has it's it wrong doing and cash and an hour collateral damage its hardness. It's hard to read, really real as but what's the argument right now, people's people come on, they say Israel is bombing civilians and it's like bro they really doing that or are you lying? Ok, that's the problem they put out a video is either trying to go home, brought they massacred civilians, we watched it happen. Then they say the same people, Israel's targeting servants are. They
or are they targeting military leaders and terrorists who have killed civilians and are trying to take out weapons depots? I don't trust the lies. I don't. I do not believe that vladimir putin is a comic book. And who wants to just take over ukraine and then march on Poland. That makes no sense. Give me a strategic reason why the leader of a nation would make a move. Ok, here's one they have a military, a naval base in crimea. They need access to, waxy there's other means of access to they have a military base in tartus. They want access and that's the the mediterranean. I believe that a train they want access to the black sea. They want to build a trade so why invade and then take the down bass and move on. Now to the lambert to take this territory, it's a land bridge. It I've been described to make sure that they have land access to crimea. The argument that they would then try to advance on poland makes no sense, especially when people say that Vladimir Putin's force are being decimated and pushed back repelled, so they can't take poland. Ok, comic book villainy makes no sense
there are narratives and ideologies at play here which spell things out why israel bomb a school. We know that Hamas uses these schools. AL brigades to fire rockets into Israel. Israel says warning to billions in the areas evacuate. This is being use a weapons based and we're taking it out. It is comic book, villainy to save it, we'll just blowing up civilians for no reason. Why Does Hamas target civilians again, I'm not even going to play the comic book villainy route to Hamas and too many of these people in palestine, even the civilians, in fact, civilians, especially there all in israel We are forced to join the idea and each and every one of them is an occupying force. The people horse,
Burning and dancing are exacerbating the problem and are occupying their land. They view them as evil. So I'm I don't play these stupid games, but we'll will pull up tweets. We have. We have Ben shapiro in agitate in an argument and I made this video that I want you to hear because agitate is correct, I'll play it for you now. The only people who advocate violence are people who are not particularly familiar with professionals. I too, for I very hard not to get strict wounds. We know how ugly true violence, people who run yeah war, yeah violent events, came to your doors. You would be begging for pete's remain. at war, when it's somewhere else, we may want war for theatre or the theatrics and ideologies and the whores ludington look out on twitter, but when it comes to you, you would run like as fast as he could and beg for peace. The only thing I will say agitate is correct, but he's somewhat wrong somewhat,
And the reason I say is wrong only is causing they would just bed they'll be crying they would have snot pouring from there. from their now all over their mouth, with tears, a grown man screaming and begging, crying and praying for to stop, because people don't understand. and I think, when you look at all the news around people supporting the conflict in the war, these ideologues in new york, clapping and cheering is far left us. Here's a funny thing if one of these far left us in support of palestine was in Israel protesting Israel and they went down to this this music festival and were actually saying things like this is wrong and- and Israel should not do what they're doing in gaza, Hamas would have beaten them to death and dragged their corpses through
st, why cause they're americans doesn't matter what you support? The issue is that in war, no enemy combatant is going to stop and ask the individual at this rave or whatever the colonizers, whatever they wanna call them they're not going to stop and ask. Do you support palestine or israel, they're going to say we've we're we're here and we're taking this land and you're all evil. that's the relative war. If we're really came everyone's doorstep, people really dont get it. There are a lot of people who think their bad ass in their alike. I could survive and I could do it and it's why anyone, even I say things like I you know I wouldn't be able to to. I I specifically last left our conflict zones because conflict got too hot. They will attempt to sew to front. He could survivor like I am quite the opposite when I was covering these conflict, I was in turkey during the kazi part unrest, not that neither big it beyond the grand scale. Things up to
yes and I never feared for my life, because people were not being murdered, but people are more autonomy that those fighting good kurds fighting with them. I think it was was a kurds fighting with the turkish police been ten, here's man and when I went to Egypt, I left when it ask allotted to more civil conflict of a war. It was civil unrest and revolution, the second one, but when they brought in the apc this Guy'S- that's about it. For me in ukraine, I left before they are unloading, live rounds and shooting people
when they are acting in a coach check out. The next generation of small glass is by re ban and better listen to music without new in the world around you with open air speakers or capture the world from your leg perspective, with a built in twelve megapixel again now you can lodge during the moment straight from your glasses and even say calls handsfree. Without interrupting you flood. The latest attack combined with iconic sty, the next generation of smart last by rabies and met you not might might mikey These are civil unrest, you know that's it and when it got to the point of civil war, conflict or hot war, I'm like guys. This is beyond my capabilities. I have minimal first aid training. I do. I have first aid training, hostile environment training, better the average person, but you don't you
you need former military, so a lot of news organisations, higher former military, with security, expertise and an decade a decade plus in the field who know how to handle war to provide the information. The context on the ground- that's where I say about, I couldn't do it, Tom. Just some do could handle some rights. That's it. If war really broke out man, I'd probably do better than most only because I'm listening to the news, but I hear the average person their capabilities trust take twitted people on twitter. Why noticed? Aren't in the middle east are trying to drag every followed when absolute position he says reminder, You can sympathise totally with the palestinian cause and also condemn the actions of individual soldiers. Along with Hamas sympathise, with israeli standpoint condemn the carpet bombing of neighborhoods containing women and children stop trying to force everybody to absolute alignment. everything done by one particular side, people would say, Our great areas aren't wrong. I pray for peace. I agree
with the overall message, but I still have to push back to a certain degree when he says that you can sympathize. He's he's right, but let me just point out these: the the the the p oh claiming that palestinian civilians are not hamas. Yet the people in support of hamas view this as their resistance fighters. They do. I dont want civilians being harmed or killed, and many of them are not fighting but this is war, that's it! There is no answer. There is no simple simple solution, collateral damage happens in war if Hamas wages war and uses civilian locations. Civilians willed. I sympathise with Israel for short, it's war. people want to tell you whose right was wrong and they get so insane about it. Driving a rational conversation with someone, you can't it's crazy, we ve had guessed unto him cast iron rail
blood boiled. This little is done this israel and, unlike calm down dude, it's war. Acting like palestine is not causing. Problems are killing civilians bro! It's all bad with the logic is like they go back. Nineteen. Forty, eight Israel did this sure they did. What do I do now I'm alive now. How do we stop the fighting? The answer is not allowing Hamas to go and kill civilians. Maybe this could be the end of Gaza. I tried, I don't know, maybe
My own awful says just in the: u s: special were reporter rapporteur for human rights in palestine. We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce, and bench appears, as they can f right off white will bench. Appearance is looking at it. This way Hamas killed a bunch of civilians, they fired five thousand rockets from civilian locations from hospitals and schools into Israel, targeting civilians and celebrated at Israel response by blowing these targets up, there's collateral damage and it affects allianz, so he says f right off we're going to take out Hamas agitates. As MR tough guy. Let me assure you as someone who has done his own fighting as opposed to excitedly, encouraging others. Do it for him, while sitting at a home in The chair pieces always worth a conversation, and I agree with andrew tape. Ben Shapiro says I call he he's a bench. Britain said says: you know criticized agitate for pimping at women, saying that people who are raping and raped women and kidnapped children must be eradicated.
This is the issue. Ben Shapiro is calling for the rape, people who are raping women and kidnapped children to be eradicated, but the point being made by andrew tate is that there are civilians caught in the crossfire. There is no answer: mana, I'm not going to get in the middle of this. I dunno. What to tell you, I have no idea agree with Ben Shapiro, the raping and murdering of chill or the raping and murdering a kidnapping of children, the killing of civilians. These people must be stopped and then the argument is yes, but civilians are being killed in in in in in in the crossfire, and it is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer it's war, baby war known who knows no morals only victory. You can talk about what should do or shouldn't do, but in the end, those who are willing to look if a man
The court every civilian in Israel and they won the war but be it they'd, set the narrative. They control the tone. Israel, as the victor here, Israel is stronger and has gained more ground, so these people say their evil there, the villains. If it was the other way around and Israel and the Jews were confined to the Gaza strip, the narratives would be but here we are. It is only because Israel can defend itself if the iron dome did not exist. The narrative will be very different bombings of civilian targets, people dead, but Israel has the means to defend itself and it will and there'll be collateral damage because its war, and then everyone wants to assert who's right or who's wrong yelp. If a Hamas wasn't blowing up civilians and targeting civilians, Israel would not be blowing up buildings in in in Gaza, and then they argue. If Israel was an occupying this territory and locking you know palestinians in an open air prison, then there wouldn't be bombings on civilian targets like.
I'm sorry. There is no justification for bombing civilians and then they say what would you have? The palestinians do just do nothing and just remain locked up in open air prison of all applauded like row like I said if they broke the barricades down and that's all they did and said, we will not be an open air prison. We demand access to resources and goods. Then it will be a different story. That's not what they did. They broke the barricades down paragraph in denmark. civilians- and this is where we are. There is no easy answer. Sorry tristan take respond, saying, I'm sure. Only I'm sure, only men who fight for hamas die in these air strikes your praising the footage from the guy, says otherwise: either you you ve changed your tune. Twenty two hours later, ok, look what you did he'll do should Israel say let let him keep firing rockets at us. That would make sense what it would you see, people or ideological, bent. They say Israel's an occupying force their evil. Therefore the bombing of civilians is justified, or they say
what oh Hamas is doing it, and it's not this palestinian civilians. Why are the civilians getting it? I'm sorry and welcome the war. This is why I think wars bad, but that's it. This is the nature of reality. You know you watch that there is a video abroad, Where hyenas are eating a gazelle alive and we set well that poor animal, while the hyenas gotta eat right, should the heinous starve to death and cease to exist. Dude. I dunno to tell you man, Israel, will Israel the stronger force here with international support is not going to let their civilians be bombed, they're, going to target the locations used by Hamas, Hamas uses human shields, hamas targets civilians as well.
That's it welcome to war baby everyone's going to blame someone else, but doesn't matter. History is written by the victor and war is hell. I can only say this: they may come to view as doorstep and you will cry and you will pray and you will beg that it didn't there's a lot of people talk about national divorce. There's no such thing! This is national divorce. This is two groups of people opposed to each other. Let's say the united states fell into a national divorce. One state is going to be like we need access. Water they're not going to. Let you just take it from them: they want to survive. There will be war and conflict, people will say you know my family owned that land in colorado and now we're we're forced into Oklahoma, but that land belongs to me, but they don't recognize it anymore. The far left will take a chance shop right you're gonna end up with a seattle situation where far leftists come in and they take over of ever blocks,
and then they say this is now property of the occupy occupied territory or whatever. This are the the the. What do they call that he called it? The occupied protest or whatever far leftists, will seize buildings. Some one will then say my family built that my great grandfather built that building and they took it from me, and I have a right to then they're going to go in and kill the people running the store, they're, the people owning the store they are going to be oblivious to what's going on, because they're, just civilians were given a building by the people who seized it ten years ago and are going to say these people came in and killed civilians and the people going to like they had stolen my building from my family. You see where this goes. Everybody is right. Everybody is wrong, it doesn't matter. It comes down to brutal bloody force that we all hate, there's no easy answers. My friends Should the people of palestine, just let israel stay on the on this territory, don't have to tell you showed the? U s be involved yet, no, definitely not, but we are, and we have been for basically ever.
So this just won't stop. It won't stop. Until one side is gone, that's war and an anderson People warlike, Israel, should respect this and do this is real ceasefire. Ok, Israel does he's far what happens next? More bombings, more civilians killed. I'm telling you what you should do you saying that will happen to question? I asked in response to this article hair, its rights opinion. Israel can't imprison two million Gaza's that pay a cruel, cruel price. They wrote the cell yesterday go on a question. You tear down the fancy around the Gaza strip and say free movement for all what happens everyone's going to laugh so, obviously they're going to go and start massacring people? Okay. So what do we do? They can oppressive people have paying a price. yeah, I'm pretty sure if they take those those barricades down, they'll just going are murdering a bunch of civilians like they already did. So what do you do? Have the answers for you, my friends, I don't All I can really say, as we should secure our borders and make sure this confident come to our streets, although I think it's fair to say the: u s is already involved,
leave it there and excitement coming up at one p m on this general thanks, rang out and I'll see you well, then war is hell. You do not want war. You do not want war. The latest reporting a story. That's going viral that every And it is picking up Hamas terrorists murdered. Forty babies, including beheadings, says report israeli soldiers discovered horrific scenes at kfar, aza kibbutz near the Gaza border? There's a lot that needs to be said about this, and the first thing is be wary of the fog of war. Be wary of propaganda. However, I've I've I've watched a bunch of videos, man and when I heard stories about beheaded babies since it's insane to even say the videos I've watched, I would you this minute, your reaction is, I hold some scepticism the severity by which this has been reported, and I would.
Action that likely what did happened is will happen ism, yet they probably did find dead babies the idea that there are just massive amounts of babies were I'll, be headed seemingly, which, with a ritual, is deeply. I dont think, as is true, but I believe they were probably some babies that were found killed and the reason why I think this is likely true. As look man, there are videos of civilians- pen, and fleeing and art. Did I watched a video of two militants. Killing people point blank range. Some. These videos are hard to find. Some of them are hard to watch, but you can find them if you're doing the digging it's war try to know what is true and who is who is right and who is wrong, but I, I think, there's more than enough videos that can't be faked to at least give us at least present the idea. The probability lies with stories like this being true
but I must warn all of you and again I will stress this fog of war and propaganda. hey do you know it's now dragon s snapdragons as the processor that makes ah inspiring photos and immersive mobile gaming possible, whether your shooting video of your favorite sports team, taking selfies at a party or fighting your way through digital battle grounds in the palm of your hand, dragging gives you the power to move experience extraordinary with snapdragons and the all powerful samsung galaxy as twenty three I'll just smartphone. It's warm in An information warfare is is of the utmost importance when it comes to strategy and building public support,
and I want again worn everybody that it is typical of countries too to create these stories in order to justify public support or two to garner public support. Again, I cannot write deny these things when we ve seen the videos that we ve seen. I've watched a lot of these videos duty. It is reality you have people that are trying to the argument that Hamas was not killing civilians and yo. There's there's videos that put probability towards. I I want to be. I'm been trying to be very careful on this one right, because this is this is an insane story, but we don't. We don't know definitively right whenever big breaking news and war and conflict happens, we must be very clear, because old videos are surfaced. People will take videos from other conflicts claim it's one thing photos pop up saying this person jump. A grenade and you're alive, and you find out later it's not true. We saw this with ukraine, the ghost of calves. These stories are fake, but I would say
My view right now is probability dictates Hamas likely was killing civilians with with, without regard to the age of the victim, that being sad, everyone's tweeting right now, babies be headed, I'm like ok man. welcome the war. Ah again, I dont immediately believe or disbelieve, but I would say- and I would stress I've seen enough video so far- that I believe it's more likely true than not, but we must be careful because there are many people calling for. U S, intervention to some degree, which I for the most part oppose, but I'm sorry guys I know, people will say ten pool milk spencer, whatever yeah, I don't have the moral authority or knowledge of these events to be.
The will determine whether or not we should be taking the lives of individuals. I don't support the death penalty. Do not come to me for your moral answers. I am not a moral philosopher, a priest, a mom rabbi or any other spiritual leader, and I don't have it As for you, I can simply tell you what's going on and the understanding the logic of these stories. that being said, I do thank you need to know what is being reported, because this this is owing to be the when it comes to how we remember this moment. It is this story, this from D, J, c d, come news guard sort of? Of course, if you care bodies young israeli babies, including some with their heads, cut have been found by idea of soldiers in a southern israeli kibbutz. According to reports, soldier discovered the bodies among burned out houses, strown furniture and torched cars after him. A terrorist attack go far as kibbutz near the Gaza border in a video and acts slashed twitter. I loved ones do inevitably and I twenty four journalist said quote
into some of the soldiers here they say what they witnessed as they ve been. Walking through these communities is bodies of babies with their heads cut off. families gunned down in their beds, we can see some of these soldiers right now comforting each other far ass. I was one of the heart It hit areas when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel. On Saturday morning, I watched a video of two militants killing people at point. Blank range Of going into a building and setting I urge the house and people it's. Why are they sharing these videos? Why would they. Have you seen the videos coming out of new york where they cheer for this look, I don't want to tell you man, fog of war. We don't know just because you're seeing videos prove anything that that's true, I suppose it's a preponderance of events. The the active in new york, city are celebrating the bombing of civilians right now, we're getting report more rocket fires on Israel, more civilian targets being hit. Look is someone comes to me,
it says: here's a palestinian activist in new york celebrating civilians being bombed, I'm kind of like yeah. If, if someone comes to me and says, we found a bunch of dead civilians, including babies, and I'm like well those people, celebrating it having happened. What am I supposed to say to us What I will say is be wary. Be wary, my friends, I welcome all of the anger and rage from the the the more pro israel faction for me having brought up this story here than a year at the stony false testimony given before the? U s congress by a year. in claiming that Adams, It says we're taking babies out of incubators in a kuwaiti hospital to leave them to die. It was false, it was a lie. These things are often there. There is propaganda. We know this to just the fly expanding military staff
x or military presence to generate public support for war and conflict. All I can tell you, as does the report coming out right now, based on what I've seen in actual, it look as if the argument that is real, has fabricated. Several dozen he owes of this stuff happening like sure I guess another grand conspiracy, I don't buy it when you have videos of hamas militants and terrorists, because our tacking civilians celebrating it. When you have activists in new york celebrating it, you have a man celebrating that civilians were killed, I'm not exaggerating, he's laughing about saying that day. You know they cheer when he says they came in and took a bunch of hipsters who are dancing, I'm sure they're, doing fine and there's they're they're dead. Like these there's videos of this man, whatever I don't want war, but it's hard to know what's true
We have this toy from the new york post israeli family of five, including three young kids, murdered by Hamas after taking shelter in a safe room, people I believe what they want to believe. I can't do anything about that by all means. You you you looking at this and you draw your own conclusions cause. I do not have the grand moral answers. What I can tell you, as I know people are from Israel, also know people whose families come from palestine. I know reporters who have been to both Gaza and israel, and I have I I have friends who had missiles explode. I've seen the videos. I remember talking to one friend who message me in a panic saying that a rocket exploded above their house and there they're panicked and running in their basement. They want to do, and I'm like man war is Well, I don't have the answers, for I can say that fifty billion times I know journalists who have gone to both places- and they say it's bad you're in Gaza. There's a fear of air strikes Hamas, the oxen brigades, though they open fire you're in
Israel, you're hiding in a basement as rockets, are blowing up above these buildings and hitting apartment buildings hitting vehicles hitting buses and over five thousand rockets were fired, and I think in just one day, reaching tel aviv to scary reality of what war is. Yes, civilians die. I I just I dunno man is rarely family of five, including three young kids murdered by hamas are taking shelter, shelter in a safe room. Yes, look. When they fire rockets indiscriminately and they hit civilian targets, and this is a fact. Why would I believe that this story was a plant or fake utah? we that Hamas kill civilians and, unlike right, they ve been trying to do it for a long time and they celebrated in new york. Here's where things are getting sky we take all the other news. However, you wanna take it. Cnn is reporting. Who s offering israel special operations, planning and intel support for any hostage rescue effort. Official say:
they say the support would not entail. U S, troops on the ground in Israel. Instead, the assistants would come in the form of an joint surveillance and reconnaissance. I do not believe it ends there, though I do but There is a decent percentage, probability that the u s does deploy boots on the ground will get into that. Sport would include help from u s central command. In: u s special operations command. The official said as well. joint special operations command, which, as these his the commander of the military to develop special operations, tactics and plants, the topic also came up on a call between two secretary, lloyd, Austin and his israeli counterpart defence minister. You have got over the weekend. The official said Afterward often directed the J sock team to lean forward with planning and intel support too Israeli military- I don't know if you hurt me talking about this the other day, but this room I fear, was that if, if us hostages are taken it's gonna, be a bunch of J sought, guys dropping out of helicopters.
This is the story that is this. What were trained on? I did what Called I he a heat program, they call what is it like: hostile, hostile environment action, training or something I dunno, and all these journalists? Oh they so desperately want to do the heat training stupid thereof, are when I was an I, covered civil unrest. I did not cover war. I was in ukraine for just before the ousting of vienna kovac before it devolved into hot conflict. There. molotov cocktails that were buildings being burned down and people were getting hurt, but once the bullets came out, I was gone. I do not have the capabilities, the skills or the prerequisite training to be a reporter on the ground. The circumstances, Egypt, during the revolution, Brazil, during a lot of rights, basically civil unrest and riots, were my limit and some brutal stuff too. I was in Egypt, I watched someone die and so it's it's it's it's brutal stuff. It's brutal stuff,
but when you're getting trained, what do they tell you? Well I'll tell you: they are explained to us that if you are taken hostage, it is the policy of the united states not to negotiate but to just send in special forces and just kill everyone. That's that's how they broke it down to us. Do not panic, retain hope and we will try to rescue. You is what they told us. They said this lot of things. People try but dom. There's you know you. Never! You never really know exactly how you can how you do this like. If you're being kidnapped, you can feign illness or weakness, may be you're you're too much of a hassle that they might leave you behind and just like what we don't. We we need hostages. that are going to die, and so they just don't waste the bottle. Who cares for whatever? But you know you may faint illness whatever. They may say this personal good to us just kill you you
may I just go along. They keep you alive. What they said was their actual advice was too just do. As your told odd dont resist escape. If you can but be careful, I mean they just kill you, but the reality was for the united states not negotiate with terrorist. What tends to happen is you'll eventually here a helicopter overhead, something like ninety plus percent of american hostages are rescued and duties will descend from a helicopter in the middle of the night night vision, goggles coming in and just gunning down every one who took the american hostage. The purpose of this was to send a message that if you take americans, there is no negotiating only that
after viewing your family, it's brutal, it's war! We actually did this scenario where we they did it by a bunch of training scenarios. We got kidnapped I'll, tell you the craziest thing blindfolded bags over our heads. They brought us into a warehouse where they made us stand up against a wall facing the wall for four hours before bringing us into a room where we're sitting at a table and there's a light hanging right,
front of your face. You can only see people's legs and they ask you questions and simply seek home security. Your safety is the only thing that matters. That's why you get twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day, because every home deserves to be protected right now, get fifty percent off the whole home security system named the best of twenty two thousand and three by: u s news and world report that simply said dot com, slash, spotify, to save big today: advanced home security, twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There is no safe legs, simply safe or that it hurt us or anything you you might get hurts. If you're actually getting this was a trading scenario, the crazy thing that I experienced is after his crazy. You get interrogated, that's kind of fun. To do the roleplay. Typically honest. They ask you a bunch of questions. I just answered: what are you doing
If reporting, why I it's my job, would you work for insert company and then they were like? We don't believe, you're a spy and I'm like I don't to tell you. Then it puts you back out and make you stand against the wall again blindfolded you can't see and then all of a sudden we hear a door, bang open. We hear screaming hands up hands up, everyone put your hands in the air hands on the wall and then eventually you get carried out with your hands. Cuffed they bring. You outside pulled, put you on your knees, the bags off your head and there's guys in milton gear with guns and that's the sooner they put us through and ah there's like gunfire in stuff like this, it's crazy to relax period. What has me concerned right now and the reason I bring this up is that, should this be the actual route that the? U s takes, it would mean the: u s, direct involvement over what's happening with these american citizens that are being held hostage and we could be seeing with the stories of babies. with reports that J sock teams, leaning into this, we could be seeing an escalation of hot war than at least with? U S, involvement,
You started deployed a carrier group there already now pledging? U s special forces not boots on the ground, but I dont think it ends there right? We are. We are seeing this incremental escalation and there's concern taliban, that iran are plodding report. now that people in lebanon are fleeing the southern southern areas as they see this conflict could escalate dramatically and we could be staring down the barrel of world war three, and we can only say that, because with ukraine we did have the fear of world war. Three could could eastern with eastern european war be world war three, because as russia, china and taiwan- and we don't know where that door is, but now with this its look, like we may have walked through it if conflict erupts in Israel between lebanon, Jordan, which poles in, Ghana stand Iraq and a bunch of other countries, IRAN, maybe that
have eastern european war, we have middle eastern war and then China, seeing their opportunity takes taiwan. This pulse in Japan. The crane conflict erupts because north korean south korea are obviously at odds. australia deploys, you know their resources and then baby world war. Three, I hope not but come on we're we're at now. I dont know what to tell you a story of be headed babies. It doesn't matter if you think it's true or not It is all the time in the fog of war and in war there is propaganda and we don't know what is true or not. I am sure there will be many people who are more conservative. More approach. Is Let me tell me, are you kidding you think they're lying about this and there will be left as saying that True, nobody's beheading, that's crazy story and obviously done better. It obviously matters and a moral sense if they are killing babies. But in terms of the grand scheme of
war understand it does not matter if it's true it matters what people believe, and that means there are people who have witnessed atrocities. I've watch the videos myself. I believe that the problems evidence suggests more likely. True, then not I'm doing the best. I can I typical want hard evidence, but I've seen a lot of these videos. We know the mentality of these activists, they say it all their freedom fighters celebrating the killing of civilians. Why would I disbelieve this. I'll. Tell you there's some scepticism because of the past, and I understand warn all that stuff, but I will just say once again: there will be people who will rally and say look what they have done to these babies and no one's gonna post pictures that we had a baby's dude. It's not gonna happen, sorry, he so you cannot tell you, but this will be used cases belly justification for war that the capturing of? U s? Citizens may be how the? U s gets involved in the conflict directly.
The, u S is already pledging support, and then we have this from you. Is it today bring e t home american parents plead for binds help rescuing hostage held by Hamas? Outside the: u s, embassy in Israel, parents have a kidnap, miracle israeli dual citizen stood in protest monday, pleading for action from president Joe Biden to save their son eat china. Nineteen year old, member of the israeli defence forces born in new york city is built. To be among the one hundred and thirty or more people kidnapped from Israel by Hamas terrorists now being held captive in Gaza? A moss threatened explore We in their own statement they will execute civilians like I want to tell you man, these activists. The left is evil. They really are where I fallen. This is we want the war and I dont know how you do it, but Israel's message tends to be: we will stop rocket fire by any means necessary, which means, if
It Hamas and the outcome on brigades are operating out of schools and hospitals those blow up, and what are we supposed to say No, no, don't take out the rocket depots. Let him keep firing rockets at civilian targets, they're doing it like they're, they're, they're, they're, proud of it. I know a lot of people are going to get on going to keep saying, I don't believe it I'll a dirt road that therein there in new york city cheering for it. So just stop. Ok, we got it that they want the rocket they're all evil colonized we get what you said, and this is a demand. Citizens. Some some have said to me yeah, but is it an american citizen or a dual system? The citizen? Unlike does it matter, it doesn't matter, the german national that was reportedly killed. There's now reports at she may be alive, which severely injured and in gaza on being held hostage. Dude I don't see where this girl's other than full scale war. I wish I was so is it just be alike wicked? We knew how to avoid these conflicts, but.
The state of the world? Is an I'm bore into your born in and the state of the world is as we are now and we are just its dominoes being knocked over. I know a lot of my friends are going to say we should just pull out, not be involved and just say screw off. I wish I could say it that easy, but it's not because american citizens are there. An american citizen is trapped, do we just say no, we leave the americans to die. Was their choice to be there or there or there is ray is rarely american. So there is really citizens to that's israel. Responsibility gun matter, people to marry, Are not going to stand for? U S, citizens being held hostage, the report of which is now. I think it's. Maybe there. There's a start, there's more than one. The, u s embassy its face in the mediterranean, the very same one: Hamas fighters infiltrated the launch their deadly offensive and emotional ruby and holding hands of his wife, called on the button admin to reach out to Hamas leaders who kidnapped his son and demand. The moves in group follow international laws for protected war prisoners corporal each other
there's an israel's armed core and was on the Gaza border. During saturday's saturday mornings, attack raised in new york recited the play religions each day and cheering on american sports each and grew up a allay lakers fan who adored kobe bryant? That's how kids are, but you realize he's on the border as an active participant in a military conflict, and this is the challenge we face. An american citizen is an american citizen at america must afford protection to american citizens. What do we do You can argue that, because he's also fighting for Israel, it is Israel's responsibility. I think fair point. Actually, if you are an american, but you choose to go fight in ukraine and that you made your choice to fight for another country if you're an american israeli and you fight for israel in their military yeah, I don't think it's fair to just be like it's an american hostage. It is an american israeli soldier. Who is being held hostage, but in the end the stories are only going to get worse because his what war is an I dont, see an exit for us.
I can say I wish we weren't involved. say that I overwhelmingly oppose us intervention in foreign, conflict but I wonder I don't know I just it just feels naive. It just feels native, sometimes because it's like it's an inevitability. I suppose people want to fight and with what's happening in Israel with what hamas does I don't. I don't see how you have an option. You know I've read a bit about the history of Israel, palestine, a bit I mean like the small bit. Not I dunno, I'm not an expert on this and at what I see as revisionist history. What I mean to say is the left
Tell you that the history is all wrong and not say: here's the truth. The pro palestinian side says: here's the truth. The Israel side said here's the truth, and it's just like one thing I can tell you is this: the far left lies about everything they're evil people that every single one of them- maybe they just some of them- are just the banality of evil ignorant. But, for instance, I played a video this morning from Al Jazeera plus. That said, there's only five border crossings with Gaza completely ignore that egypt has a border crossing with gaza, and I'm like why. Why don't you bring that up? Show us the nuance? They said they're just trying to return home, I'm like bro. They killed a bunch of civilians. The liars celebrating death you're going to hear more about this beheaded babies. It is going to be the rallying cry, the war cry I do not. I do not want to see us descend into world war. Three and face potential nuclear annihilation over this. I don't have the answers for you, my friends, I'm sorry. I said that fifty times, but that's just the reality with americans being held
hostage and special forces offering assistance, don't be surprised if the next step is american boots on the ground I'll leave it there. Next segments coming up at four pm on the channel thanks for hanging out and I'll, see you all, then. So. Yesterday we talked a bit about mia khalifa expressing her support, Hamas, and I find it deplorable I about what it is. What it is I mean we're dealing with a mass of conflict and, of course, you're going to see a lot of support from the far left, but now it has been reported play boy has fired me, a khalifa over her support for Hamas. She's double down calling not hamas freedom fighters and defending what was the killing of civilians? I mean this there's tons of videos of it oh, if you don't believe it or whatever you go on twitter and you can't escape it. I certainly understand propaganda. I understand fake videos can be made, but ah yeah, there's there's too many of these videos from too many angles
so the only real conspiracy theory that could come close to reality is that Israel, new, was coming and did nothing, which I also don't believe I mean come on. They there there's there's tons of things that Israel can do if they're trying to justify some kind of action in in in Gaza or whatever is has been absolutely insane. But let's, let's jump now to the question of free speech and where we are currently at We have some just the news, playboy and others fire me khalifa after porn star, mocks slaughter of Jews in Israel play ball, The media outlets fired at the lebanese porn star after she glorify the rape, kidnapping and slaughter of Jews and israel. Here's a quote playboy has always been a champion of free speech. they said in an email to qualify for deleting her channel on its greater platform. We also have no place in our company, nor on our platform for speeches hateful and dehumanizing your recently
celebrating hamas attacks on innocent men, women and children in Israel, including rape, mutilation, killing and torture, are disgusting and reprehensible o k, is this cancel culture? My friends, she was suppressing repaying should you be fired for it. what's real but more, and then all our agenda that more philosophy, believer made. Several controversial, posting axed, formerly twitter, after hammas invaded Israel, resulting in the deaths of more than nine hundred israelis. I believe it's substantially more than that things up to sixteen hundred. Now All eleven americans are dead of ass, the state department, decimated terrorist organisation, that controls the Gaza strip, also claims to have kidnapped one hundred israelis. If she hears believe what she said. If you can the situation in palestine and not be on the side of palestinians than you are on the wrong side of apartheid, and history will show that in time do they killed civilians, they toward the fences, store and and murdered civilians? If you can't see the difference between, fighting for freedom and those who have an ideological
back to murder any one in the area of sports plaguing group of people of our land milon about doing their thing up. two, other people and more powerful weapons come in and then put those people in a camp the people in that can't say I got an idea anyone here, seventy five years later as a fair target. It's like dude, listen, listen. Tis the season to shine with agent m, discover the holiday collection and define fashionable pieces for your wardrobe or for under the tree, get inspired and dazzle with this year's glam from tuxedo styles bow detail, pieces, impressive prints and more from unforgettable, looks to unforgettable gifts with fashioned binds to home decor, find it all at h and m, treat your loved ones and yourself this season shop in store or at hm dot com. You want to break free, you want to get out, I get it! You want to talk about war. We can reduce it all the way back, thousands of
yours. It's never gonna end the people more arguing it's actually their homes. Bro people are arguing. This is it. This is the issue and everyone thinks there smarter than all the answers that your naive, you don't get it both sides. It is I dont care anymore, you ve one group sank. It's my land, there's other thing: it's my land yeah, but before europe It was yours, it was mine before it was yours, it was mine. What am I supposed to do? I got no answers for you. I can only tell you: how do we stop the fighting if one group has gone runnin and killing civilians and its on video, I don't. I tell you say that Israel's bombing civilian targets either bombing targets that it makes no sense militaristic early for israel to just randomly blob civilians, their targeting, areas where there are weapons stored in Hamas, leadership is using a space of operations and the use human shields. Hamas
as we have already seen from far left us to believe that anyone there is a colonizers, stealing their land and their fair game. That's what I want to tell you, and this is what mere khalifa to funding. But again, this is not a comment Subject and another post, which has since been arm of the platform, believe us at can someone please tell the freedom fighters in palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal there's, the really funny thing serious exempt Canada, radio hosting comedian todd Shapiro became the first person to fire khalifa, which he did. We act sang did you yourself fired effective immediately. Simply disgusting beyond disgusting, please evolve and become a better human being. The fact your condoning death rate, beatings and hostage taking is truly Close. No words can explain at your ignorance, Shapiro said saturday evening, believers spotted disappear on sunday sang, I wanna, make sure there's four case
of my people breaking down the walls of the open air, prison they've been forced out of their homes and into so. We have good options for the history books that right about how they freed themselves from apartheid. His worry about your sad little company lacking direction and purpose. Before you utter my name again, absolutely detestable, there's videos of civilians being murdered and these people lie about everything. That's all I can say. I just on disgusted by it and died as interesting questions? I think we have moral lines I do when it comes to cancel culture. The problem is, that someone might be fired, forcing a naughty word problem is when words are taken out of context and the proper. is when they dig into your history and regardless of your actual stansted or apologies or whatever you feel they attack you and try and get you fired. Somebody post ten years ago, controversial opinion then say: hey this person, person posted a nasty thing ten years ago and I'm like shut up
hey that's, just stupid, someone says something and they say what are you really meant? Was this ok you're fired? What no. I didn't. For example, when the first instances cancel culture was a woman who was flying an actress on a plane and she made a post about aids in south africa. It was meant to be snarky and actually a fairly woke joke, but instead it was taken as racist and she lost her job. I'm like dude come on seriously. I'm torn, I really am. Obviously there are. People tim cast, who are very anti establishment, anti neo khan and oppose a lot of what is really doing your lot. Have your opinions, but boy. Does it get heated? so my my my my view on this is man. It's tough. I don't know that. I can absolutely say that if someone at tim cast made the statements khalifa made, I would immediately fire them over it. I don't. I don't know that I could do that. Ah, but I would lean towards. Maybe you don't want to be here is the is the bigger question, but we've had
people who work here, who have treated very shocking things, and I never tell people take it down. I just I just won't do it, I just don't. Their events are in circumstances where we ve had people post things that are shocking. Controversial payments and my only responses have you considered? Have you considered what the ramifications of your statement and your media posts would be in the in the in you know, in the greater public, and the answer is yes and I set of it all right What can I say I? There are certainly some there. There are more lines I have where I do think someone could post something where I'd absolutely be alike. Dude, I'm sorry! I dont want to work with you anymore, and that's it, no one is entitled to the money of the tim cast. You know corporation and if
you hold certain views that are extremely important. That would escalate things to war, conklin violence, and I decided I dont want to work with you over it. I think that's actually fair it a mutual arrangement. It is not a punishment, it is not like how dare you defy my whims? Its hey, like, I, don't think we mash as a group have you maybe maybe we should go our separate ways, but I have not done that and I dont know. I think I have a higher tolerance than many on the left. The left, like you say something like I just kind of vote for trump you're fired, you're, you're, racist, your hateful and that's the issue. The issue, I think we take is more of where our moral frameworks lie, and you know for me it's kind of like if there's videos of civilians murdered and your gloating and laughing and celebrating it probably gonna have an issue with that, and I
You know, I'm, I honestly don't know my initial reaction would be. I think there would be like a meeting a conversation and it wouldn't be so knee jerk like like. If someone like me, a khalifa, was working here and said something like this. I probably be alike. Let's talk, let's have a conversation and then my response would probably just to be like. If we don't agree on this, I only ask you really tone it down because dude I oppose war, conflict and civilians being murdered, and we have values that we represent here, like we're, we're fairly anti intervention here, Cassandra, fair banks, for instance, she's, been twin, quite a bit she's is one hundred percent, absolutely anti intervention and act at absolutely. Ok, totally fine. I just don't know if I but ever work or somebody who would justify the murder of civilians be at. palestinian or israeli right. I think you know, as I stated, is like I don't like that civilians die in Israel, but its worn
Have any answers if Hamas storms at and kill civilians, but then claims returning home. I say that is a lie. If Israel says we are targeting Hamas, the rockets on brigades and we ve given warning to civilians, it's bad it still bad civilian shouldn't be dying, That's why it's like when people call for a cease fire like man, it's tough us. Five to Hamas kills a bunch of people continually fires rockets, five thousand rockets. What do we do? I don't know I just don't. And so I just hope that everybody has one simple stance of we all recognise civilians dying is bad and we hate it. We lament it, I'm sorry, it's happening, you start there and I say: ok now I don't see any justification. Hamas, it killing civilians. They didn't need to do that, took to attain the objectives burning down
the houses. I watched a video that videos can be faked, I get it, but I'm like dude. I don't think all these videos are fake man. I saw a video of people being killed point blank range like these bs videos that come up are brutal. Some of them, I think, are probably fake. It's war that happens is propaganda, but when they celebrate this stuff in new york, so this is the big question I have for all of you. I suppose it pertains to MIA khalifa. Should she be fired for this, or should that just be like you have your opinions, man, we don't come to you for your opinions on Israel. I think I obviously, as people pointed out, if your boss is a has the last name shapiro, he might want to consider not celebrating the death of jewish civilians in this conflict. But this is a this is war. War is hell. I think people could be. Even if you support palestine right and there are people who absolutely do you can at the
he's come out and be alike, no one supports or no one should be supporting what Hamas did. Ok, it is detrimental to people of palestine. It is detrimental to the stability of the region and storming in by a pair glider and at how an everything they ve done. It did not help the people of palestine and made things worse in a continually made things worse, but the problem is these. People are ideologues, and they've resigned resign themselves to say they would rather lose and see civilians die than give up the fight. Would you do there's a lot of questions if your neighbor was taken over by far left extremists, your buildings were seized and your city gone and you were kicked out and then it will well. How would you feel about that? Would you just risen, say I it's it. They've won,
fight back. I mean honest question and that's how these people feel I don't see why you would go in, and antifa takes over a bunch of buildings rents it out. You know several years later to some like random family. How does it make sense to go in and attack the family? That's just how I see it. I'm like I can understand wanting your land back if it was seized by up by oppressive forces in your view, but how does that justify just burning down properties and killing families? You're, not securing territory you're just killing people. So I guess that, as as this is a tough question, me khalifa have been fired. I gotta be honest. I like lean slightly toward spear, not should be, but like the I want the companies are right to do it, and these are shocking statements but I wonder, if there's there's better ways of dealing with this and the reason why I say this is when it comes to cancel culture. The questions are as it out of context. Is it old or in the past? Did it come from the
Is it a true story? Are there other ways to resolve the issue and, more importantly, I think they may have been or are they they may have done more towards peace and understanding if they approached her in private before just firing her publicly about the arbiter of morality, my friends, but I do think that when it comes to whether or not someone should be banned for speech, it's not really about free speech. A lot of people just recognize there were moral lines and for this one a lot of people rejected it, but I know I, I honestly think her stable disgusting, but that's tough. does she advocating for more death? Is the question I'm up for me personal? It feels like when you get to that point where you're celebrating the murder of civilians like you've, crossed a moral line that I can't. I can't support if your advocacy is opposed to war because of the death of civilians and because of this conflict and stuff like I get it, but I dunno, I thought you guys, would you think I'll leave it there next segment's coming up at six pm on this channel thanks for hanging out
you all, then I didn't talk about this this morning, but we do have some updates and I think it bears repeating, because we are entering an election cycle and the news when you get extreme, but there are serious risks to our safety, and I always just say either. The simple answer for everybody is to take care of yourself be prepared, I'd say: move out of cities if you can but are pouring now from tim casta com, terrorist attacks predicted for u s after hamas assault in Israel. some say? Waves of attacks could hit major? U S, cities of the next fourteen months, a timeframe that coincide between twenty four election have certainly certainly, We knew something would happen, but dumb, you have to wonder, does not dodge here. We go, The election, psycho starting and many people have said TIM. A wartime present is never lost yet will bite in the opposite of a wartime. President,
he's. A he's is absent, incoherent and I think, when you have a president, this bad in a conflict like this, you may get the inverse reaction of a massive appeal for someone else. Anyone else your window of opportunity is opening, but is your business ready for? What's coming? Be good surprises, tat, bad surprises, ready, be new markets, no problems ready be paved, namely leave ready, be ready with s ap, because it s a pity that comes last be ready. Following this way, and deadly attacks in Israel, which reason in the worst carnage the country has seen since the yom kippur war in october. Nineteen. Seventy three! The? U s is warned that a similar attack or series of attacks could be carried out domestically former, how? speaker, Kevin Mccarthy says the poorest. U s? Southern border, coupled with new individuals from the terrorist watch list being intercepted. There could spell disaster for the nation quote, we could wake up our cell
We could have. The same thing happened not happen. Next week to us mccarthy told the washed in free beacon, we got more people in terror watch list. In february we caught in the entire administering We could have cells sitting inside of america right now, he's not wrong, he's not wrong and one day you could wake up and the people of port across the border who want free stuff and don't care for your laws. May just say you are in the way you were problem. The warning comes as question swirl concerning israeli intelligence, saying they were caught off guard by the multi pronged hamas attack, which involve air ground and see assets and hit both military and civilian targets. Israel, as the fourth strongest military, the world trailing the? U S, china and russia, the country's intelligence agency. Massage has been regarded as the best in the world. The combined death tolls from israelis, members of Hamas in poland and civilian surpassed fifteen hundred on monday. After the devastating attacks
ass. We should take a step back and look at ourselves. Mccarthy said your intel us never perfect and we ve got a I'd open border they're coming from a hundred and sixty countries including those known to harbour militant operatives, ties to global terror organisations. How did we, not know that is happening in the Gaza strip. Mccarthy asked what is happening every body should look at their own intelligence right now. Much of the information obtained by intelligence agencies is gleaned to the collection of some type of electronic means. Cell phones calls meta data, etc, etc, etc. and you're putting over a retired. U s general that Hamas was able to evade authorities by avoiding those platforms. There's a famous story, my friends about war game that was conducted many you actually know the name of it. People have commented and corrected me. Basically, they had like old school general up against some young bucks, and the old school general guy won the war game. Why?
they wrote down that the orders on a note folded it put in the pocket of a guy in a motorcycle. He delivered the information they couldn't intercept they were so heavily reliant on digital means of communication. I'm not surprised at what we are saying, but Worrying thing right now is that yes, arson learn border is porous. We don't know how bad the security is and we are supposed to believe we should be focused on the far right. You got this guy from the ideal I have green black going on MSNBC saying: how could you frame they bid or not fighters their terrorists whose I love this show but Adeel dude you side with these people. This is the most infuriating infuriating thing thin the ideal, insults people on the right? They lie about the beliefs of what people on the right say that collecting
speech. Barely every number is hate speech and the people they side with hate and want to kill jews. I'm not exaggerate. I wish I was They are chanting in the streets. Celebrating the death of israeli civilians. As we have a lot elio its fascinating because, like we ve been in the collective bunch here, a tempest because our fair banks anti intervention, one hundred percent- its neo cons. Now we got a lot elio ground reporter who claims to be a neo? Come we get along despite our disagreements, even when their very serious but in lots? Video he's talking to protest is new york and he says one does. Holding up a hamas flag- and he says, what's this flag, your the guy should decide to go. Do you support this this flag and a guy shakes his head and then some of us you would you because I am the police, then pull him away, yet they despise and hate jewish people. It's crazy. We ve seen this with the women's march Imagine this earlier. These far left us from the women's march are anti.
Medic. I know it's like I that the word has become such a trope, but seriously because of groups like the eighty l, anti semitism means almost nothing but yeah. you had the women's march organizers outright like habit magazine report on how they grist work right. They really hate jewish people as well yet the alarm leaders. Of course, many of them hold. These views quote Hamas did what their leadership did was. Apparently they moved of normal, modern communications links that we take for granted every day and went back to what you did the nineteenth century face to face meetings. They went and used couriers instead of going in and using the telephone or the cell phone retired. U s air force, colonel Cedric Leighton said bring us in an interview hover during a separate interview with a network, he acknowledged the unlikelihood that premier intelligence apparatus would have failed to connect. The dots quote
I can understand that it would be possible to miss the fact that they are targeting that that they're getting together a specific group at a specific time and perhaps who those people are and as as a specific business, elegance. But every time there is a meeting of people like amass would have had to have had, they would be talking to people there would be. Movements in the streets They would be certain things that would be going on. Even if they are not broadcast or not talk, about on a cell phone or radio, or something like that. Yes, but listen. You got one guy cinemas me too. The guy fora is buying a bag of beans and then, as is buying the beans, hands money. With a note tucked inside that, guy. then goes and meets another guy to sources. Beans. Pass a note along these things are incredibly hard to track. The argument here, as they don't even need to have face to face meetings to organise these things. Then outcomes
simply say that the beans will be delivered today at seven p m and the beans refers to weapons coming through tunnels with little bits of information. You can coordinate a lot problem is that we, you know so toe during these protests, that I've been at right occupy wall street and such they all the act. The us would always argue their there. There jamming our cell phones, not they're, not jamming your cell phones, do the cellphone towers just can't handle this many people. In fact they deploy mobile cell towers, to make the communication stay up to keep them up. Why their spying on you. And I saw this again with our people on the right who are protesting in there are like. I think that the feds are shutting our phones, donald like no do come on. You know that experience of the leftist. But I'll say it again. They want you using your phone because they spy on you. It is hard for them to spy on you when you don't have phones. So that's why activists on the left they get this they put phones in the freezer or they put it in the bathroom and run water and then
in another room. They talk quietly very quietly as how they organize yup luck, not kidding. That's probably what many of these people were doing. In fact, what Hamas could have done is actually held these meetings and made false plans yup the old in person meetings and talk on the and they say things somewhat secretly to throw massaged and other intelligence agencies off the trail and say things like from the north for the tunnels when they are really doing something quite different. And then you have egypt sang that they warned Israel. Israel may have acted on these warnings, but their intel was bad because they got tricked you stone offshore. mccarthy was the only high profile individual sounding the alarm over attacks in the u s and depend Journalist lore loom, are posted a message on acts. Sing. That sources have told her. There were see meetings with. U s intel this weekend, Scott, the rise of hamas terrorists cells operating in the u s, loom, are cited posts in this For media telegram, we're Hamas urged us
orders to retaliate against americans with support for Israel. She further claimed terrorists have already infiltrated the? U s. This and border and are planning to attack. U S, major you, cities of the next fourteen months pay the election. So far this year, more than a hundred fifty one individuals on the tear watch I've been apprehended. I think it's, but one sector may be higher than that, but yeah There have also been nearly two million gotta ways have made their way into the interior since the beginning of twenty twenty one trump warned about this, they call them a liar. I remember tromp was saying there may be terrorists coming in and the left the Democrats, the meal amounts had no, no, no, no, no troms exams,
trump's like. Oh, that's, crazy. I am worried about what we're going to see. Don't be surprised. These people in new york are cheering for this, don't be surprised at what you see. It is not hard for Hamas to get in this country with a porous border. But, more importantly, there are people in this country who are americans who, who support and harbor sympathies for hamas and hate Israel. It could escalate to that point. There are crazy people out there. Man, everybody stay safe, pays attention to what's going on, prepares for the worst and hopes for the best, but I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up yeah tonight, at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll, see you all, then so, on top of everything else, banks are collapsing and interest rates are going up and the man, we enter this election year. It is going to get wild, but there's a story. The
eyes of the mega bankruptcy. Four hundred and fifty nine. U S, farms have filed for bankruptcy. This year, the most since twenty and sixteen had more than one billion dollars in assets. Economists warn large scale. Bankruptcies can have devastating consequences. Four hundred and fifty nine firms and have you seen mortgage rates or the interest rate, sorry super high, and I I was watching a video breaking down the cost of owning property and based on the interest rates at this level, and it's already impossible for millennials to buy the it's like renting. A one bedroom in new york is four grand buying is out of the question the you think I can see here, there's got, there's gotta be a hard for this on top
war, conflict, crisis, etc. I hope you are ready for what comes next. They report large scale. Corporate bankruptcies are at their highest level since two thousand and twenty has elevated interest rates continue to batter businesses. This year giants giants such as bed bath and beyond trucking firm, yellow wedding retailer David's bridal have fired for filed for chapter eleven bankruptcy thanks to a perfect storm of rampant. In the nation high rates and change a supply chain disruptions. We ve also got rising crime, CBS, walgreens target, etc. There shut in their stores down and, as I mentioned, the the banks that have already faltered in the un in this year. Oh boy, are you ready for what comes next fear of terror attacks in the? U s, war, conflict crisis, no man, the daily mail says
what's more, is so called mega: bankruptcies, those by companies with more than one billion and assets hit. Sixteen in the first half of the year by comparison figures from consulting firm cornerstone region, show there have been an average of eleven mega bankruptcies in the first six months of every year, between o five and twenty twenty to analyse the cornerstone. Biggest corporate bankruptcy this year was ass viii b. That's the bank, silicon valley bank which had a hundred seventy five billion in customer to pass the time of filing. economists warn the rise in large scale. Collapses can have devastating consequences for the economy, for example, the demise of the tree, firm, yellow which had two point: one: five billion and assets the rise and bankruptcies, coupled with a weakening stock market and surgeon credit card. Delinquencies has sparked fears the? U s is heading for a recession, Even blitz chief use. Economists at global data, ts, lombard, insisted, Annie, downtown downturn would be less severe than the o- seven, oh, nine. Oh ok!
I mean. That's not saying a lot, it got bad. Take a look at this. CNBC housing industry, urges pie Well to stop raising interest rates or risk and economic hard landing top real estate banking officials are calling on the federal reserve to stop raising interest rates, as the industry suffers through surging housing costs and a historic shortage of available homes for sale in a letter monday addressed a federal board of governors and chair Jerome powell, the official voiced their worries about the direction of monetary policy and the impact it is having on the beleaguered real estate market. the national association of homebuilders, the mortgage bankers association and the national association of realtors said they wrote a letter to convey profound concern shared among our collective membership that going market uncertainty about the feds rate path is contributing to recent interest rate heights hikes and volatility. There's nothing you can do. Friends, I'm sorry. This is the sad reality. You know I like, can happen in the next three years, like a child,
but maybe your new best friend, but what on change, meeting health insurance, united health try to medical plans are available for these changing times under it, by golden rule insurance company. They offer budget friendly, flexible coverage for people who in between jobs or missed, open enrollment. The plans last nearly three years in some states, with access to a nationwide network of doctors and hospitals so for whatever tomorrow brings united healthcare, try term medical plans. Maybe for you learn more at? U h one dotcom. If they don't raise interest rates, inflation is out of control, it's resulting in bankruptcies, the economy's in trouble. They raise interest rates. Now the housing market is in serious trouble. Take nothing you can do about it. My friends, it's going to get bad. As far as I can tell, and it's interesting because we're entering twenty twenty four joe Biden is already suffering at the polls. Trump has already had and with economy. This ban.
I don't see how trump loses as of today. Certainly something could happen tomorrow, like trump drops out of the rice, I don't know as a medical issue as of right now the american people are suffering and missing hardship. There is war on the horizon. There is an active war already in ukraine, the? U s is about to get dragged in pollutants threatening nuclear elation, Israel and palestine is erupting and the economy due to well. So what happens? Why is the economy doing poorly while MIKE started, which had a tweet about this smart guy? His way a lot of really great tweets lately when the economy, tanks, many young males, will have no nothing, no opportunities and nothing to do enlist. I remember our times happy bothers years ago that
whenever the military needs to boost their recruitment, they just wait for economic downturn. How convenient and then people with no choice say my best job choices to enlist guaranteed salary. You get an your food everything's taken care of, so all you gotta do is put all that money in the bank and save it up, and then, when you get out, you'll have like twenty grand or something recruitment bonuses. Well, the economy is facing dire straits at a time when we may be entering very serious war and conflict, so consider this, the young man who feel lost. listless and bored. But it's a woke military. I don't know if it's going to actually attract a lot of these guys, they may choose to be homeless and just say no way no way. So what what happens and where does it occur? You know I can tell you this people can't afford to buy houses, so the renting this means they're, not building wealth they're not retain
if any of that money they put in it's not so easy. I'll put it this way, if you're, all, if you're a landlord or landowner and you're renting things out, you're, not really making a profit. Profits are, are slim if you own, like fifty properties, you can live off at your your generate you're, you're, probably doing very, very well, but for the average person who owns like one or two homes and they rent it out they're, supplementing their income, but they're, probably not living off of it, especially that one of the family, but they are putting that money towards the mortgage, which world's wealth for the homeowner and not the rent. He with rising interest rates, it's going to men. I saw this in the ukraine. It was terrifying the oligarchs could afford. So here's how it worked. I was looking at property prices in ukraine and I'm like it's like three hundred thousand dollars for a house in the city and I'm like what no ukrainian could afford that. It's true only the ultra wealthy could and then they rent out to these citizens at dirt rates, something like a hundred bucks a month because only made like four hundred bucks a month equivalent.
The the salaries are in hood, even though I think those are the currency, but it was the he was like an average. They made like four hundred dollars a month and they paid about one hundred bucks a month in rent, but the properties cost three hundred thousand dollars, so no regular ukrainian could afford to buy it and build wealth. That's how you get oligarchy and that's where we're going Right now, with all these bankruptcies you're going to see major industry collapse, and it's going to hit you hard at jobs disappear, people can't afford to to rent even you're at you're, gonna be forced to see the government subsidize things, All happening at a time where there is conflict escalating. Is it a coincidence I dont know, but my friends, I hope you are taking care of yourselves and thinking ahead.
What can I say what I won't give you, I don't want to give you any financial advice right. I don't do that, but I'll tell you what I do: gold silver bitcoin! You bet cash. Absolutely cash is not a great a great thing to have in my opinion, but some because of inflation you hold on to cash. It eventually becomes worthless with with especially with high inflation. Gold and silver are great, but they're hard to trade with you can get like small silver coin for sure and that's one thing people do, but gold is hard, it's so valuable what he can do like I have a gold bar. I want a sandwich. Can you break off a piece of the gold know I mean? Maybe they have the gold backs, the gold foil currency, it's the no one, one thousandth of a troy ounce or whatever. Actually, I have a bunch of those as well. Cash is good, though, because the event the banks put limits on spending and withdrawals, and things like this you're going to want to be able to buy and you might need fiscal cash or if there is an attack on our infrastructure or the internet, casual
the king are the answers for you, my friends, just some information and things to consider, and I, as a we, we entertain the possibility of world war three, let those who insult the prefers continue laughing. It's like the story of the ants and the grasshopper man do an a b, the end of the grasshopper, the ant stored for winter. The grasshopper died I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up at four
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.