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FBI Declares Trump Supporters Extremists, ADMITS It Has Been Targeting Political Rivals To Newsweek


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FBI Declares Trump Supporters Extremists, ADMITS It Has Been Targeting Political Rivals To Newsweek

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better lee. While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this, it's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies chalk? c h, o q, fellows they have a male vitality, stack, nine he days, take it and tell me how you feel. Ladys theme vitality stack, take it Tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to sea age, old, hugh dot, com, promo code tim
two thirty five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim, I'm not a fan of predictions protection. or hard, but sometimes we make them, because we think we ve seen enough data to support our ideas and The big mistake we often make is that we can't see everything so guess what an individual's predictions tend to be wrong and were usually impressed when someone gets them right. I say this because my son mitch, and scott atoms made some pretty bold predictions. Several years ago, Scott Adams tweeted that it would be its very likely that, with that you'll be dead, a year he said, republicans will be hunted and I spent three years it's not really happening, but is a massive increase in crime there I've been some people who have been murdered a scary amount.
and there have been many leftist, we ve seen reaping the rewards of their own soft on crime policies. Mike's of each side just the other day or last week that, The regime will accuse him of a crime and use it to us to justify killing him, a lot of these things seem outrageous. Very outrageous. Conversation with someone about. China was trying to get access and was getting access to your dna through cover dusts, and they thought it was in sight. What a silly and ridiculous idea crazy crackpot spear receives, and that was npr. That reported that yet seriously just google it I'm le out. You know what and we are their crazy. China's not doing that. I agree with you and pr fake news right. You see, What's been going on, has got into the point of such absurdity that many but can not believe it is happening all around them which bring
me too. The story for which you have played this video donald trump followers targeted by fbi. As twenty twenty four election nears. It is line as day right now in front of your face you from voters, trumps supporters. In fact, followers follower doesn't mean you, like the guy know, if you're part of donald jobs Muggah army his followers, so they say you're, an extremist who must be tracked by the fbi, I can simplify this. For you, the country is split in twain. The Democrats, thank you. Are the enemy they are targeting you and trying to do everything in their power to destroy who you are. What you but If there's a elon musk twitted out there- taylor for genetic diseases, new film police state.
And die it. It's it's got some dramatization in it, but I think you should check it out. It's coming out later this month, Because this is what's happening, you you know it's funny. Is I've told you guys this before and I will say it again in twenty sixteen twenty seventeen? one eighteen, I'm starting to see these articles talking about civil war culture war was brooding. Why, is getting worse and we started seeing street violence and I had so many conservative say to me- eight cat happen. Your knots because the it would never allow this the security state would never allow this. Oh ok! Well, here you are This is what you get when this security state doesn't allow it. They determine which side there on and who must die? Don't believe me. like I said there
People are saying MIKE serna, which is nuts. I was in egypt in two thousand and thirteen. We got out right after the second revolution, and you know what the egyptian military started doing. You see, they had a revolution, they ousted mubarak or was it mubarak, I think it might. is that what was has been a long time has been ten years, and then you had another your presidency and a year later, another revolution will. Why does this keep happening? Why the government unstable because of the muslim brotherhood, is right. See the larger faction of people in Egypt or secular dish and didn't want rule of the muslim brotherhood so when they won because they were the largest voting block, you got another revolution and when that revolution happened, muslims protest at say
we won the election. Why are you now removing the elected president? I believe it was more see at the time, so the military figured it out. They said, look dont care and I'm not saying literally, they have, of course, this. I'm saying their actions speak this. In my opinion, we don't care about whites, unstable the end Stability must be cleansed. So what did they do? They started executing muslim brotherhood. they started going to their protest sites and just opening fire on them, because there minds they were like this. Is it This is how we stop the political instability. Where do we go here from here? I don't know to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, other than. news week is reporting if you're, a trump follower, the fbi, is considering you extremist, and you know this isn't this: and be shocking news, Joe Biden, Is ordering this that's right, Joe by
and is ordering you to be targeted. Your tar by the fbi, this historic Nbc news from a week or so ago, enforced Combat condemnation of trump Biden warns that magua backers pose grave threat to democracy. That's you yeah. I know you're, probably just some dude who hangs out you've got a couple of kids. You fly an american flag. Your name is John how's, it going John and your dude, all I wanted was to see wages increase. I want to see our borders secure. I believe in this country, but but you oppose terry expansionism, you oppose the you ass, destroying our southern border, allowing people in paying them off with your time dollars and sending your moneyed oversees. You oppose those things why? How did you get those silly ideas in your head? Well, as soon as you did, you became an extremist newsweek reports that
government, believes the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around twenty four eu. Us presidential election is so great that it is quietly grid. new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter don. trumps army of Muggah followers. That's what they call anna. The challenge for the fbi, the primary federal agency charged law enforcement- is to pursue, pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference. political parties or affiliations, even though the vast majority of its current aunt govern investigations are of trump supporters. According to classify data obtained, my newsweek, you ve, been warned and some of you are to blame as we Looked at these stories, you maybe in yourselves who was fault, and certainly there are some people who are more guilty and more responsible than others, but if you're looking too, who is
I blame you need only look in the mirror. It saw a quote from visa vendetta and I don't think it's completely fair, especially thing at the moment, You were watching this because most of you who are watching this actually have rejected and resisted and done what you could for the most part. So this is not aimed you? I know particularly the people who watch and listen to TIM guessed, it is a very active group that has been work a lot of great projects, and so it is not aimed at you when I say you need only look in the mirror, I'm referring to. Of course your average normie individual. the people who thought to themselves. I can see it getting bad, but I better just mind my own effing business. Will you tried you try mind your own business and the culture war got really bad, not crazy, and they said this is nuts. Then Donald trump got elected and you thought maybe
maybe I should have voted. This is what happened. Nobody wanted Hillary Clinton, and so people just invoke people who on a change and were upset about? What's going on voted for tromp many of these armies, we're just like. I can't stand trump, they thought what was going on culturally and in government was trumps while they were wrong, twenty twenty came around and these individuals thought. If I vote, Joe Biden this time it all goes away, fight We can make from stop, but it wasn't trumpet never was so. They stop trump trumps, not the president, but what's this even though trump is not the president, the insanity hasn't deterred. It's only in crazier. That's right if you're wondering why it's now to the point where the government is targeting half of the country as terrorists, let me say that again, for you, Donald trump voters make up more than half the country,
Don't believe me, look at the polling now you can go ahead and say all the polls are wrong as a margin of error. Then fine, then I'll say at least half trump's polling above Joe Biden, and so we could be looking at between forty five and fifty per cent Donald you don't get it's like. Nobody actually has like fifty two percent. It's like Biden has forty two trumps. Forty nine causes a margin so that, let's just say it's the political majority, they are all terrorists, every single one to be investigated to be targeted. How did we get to the point where the f b, I has decided that they will target half the country as terrorists, and where do you think we go? Where do you think
We end up when half the country are deemed terrorists during the holidays. Many people suffer from S. A d streaming, annoyance disorder caused by too many streaming apps and passwords and content overload. Symptoms include angry outbursts and broken remotes. The prime video simplifies your streaming and lets you find your holiday happy place, rent or buy your favorites, add on hundreds of channels and find new films like candy cane lane, starring eddie murphy included with prime in one app with one password. Prime video restrictions apply, see amazon, dot, com, slash amazon, prime for details. You tell me because thereby said I was wrong and I was crazy. Quilt the fbi is in an almost impossible situations, is a current fbi official who requested anonymity. Scots highly sensitive internal matters. The officials the fbi's intent on stopping domestic terrorism in any region of january six, but not not. May twenty? Ninth nothin
george floyd riots, these people are evil, and this is how you know it's partisan, the f b. I is here to support the democratic party, the knee oh cons and the machine, and if you want your voice heard like what america supposed to be about your terrorist, The bureau must also preserve the constitutional right of all americans to campaign speak freely in protest. The government, by focusing former president trumpeters magua supporters, the officials at the bureau, runs the risk of provoking the very antigovernment activists. The terrorism agencies hope to counter. So let me get this straight for long time now there are a lot of people in this country who are concerned that the federal government has been weaponized by democrats to crush their political opposition. So they decide the corporate thing to do is attempt to crush their political opposition. It sounds like the people who are upset were correct. The whole time and yaller evil
Yeah I mean this is the reality. Look there's a bunch of different ways. You can view it. Perhaps these people the intelligence agencies. Think they're right think we have to preserve the united states with this war in ukraine and fighting back against bricks to support the petrol This is the crux of our economy. We are a world power, blah blah blah. You know, I don't care, I don't you do not get to arbitrarily decide what you think is right or not. It is for the will of the people to decide to their own detriment, and that's my view. If someone decides to run into a burning building on like well know with within reason, we try to stop him from doing it, but if they go in there I mean what do you do about it and why did they go in? Some people are insane and they run. Burning buildings and they get out. Some people are to save their pets, and we thank the lord of your pet is not worth your life dude, but to them to damages and some we are going to save their children.
and then we say well yeah. We understand them for this country. There is a potential argument that you will hear that actually I dont think as articulated enough, and I think the reason for it is that the average individual who was in politics, it is either unwilling or lacks the understanding of worldly affairs and moral philosophy to be to to actually discuss these ideas on the left them most likely just lie to you about it and I think the right doesn't care for the most part, but I've I've articulated this, and it goes as such in twenty and twenty sixteen or whatever I told people, do you want the status quo? Do you want to build a gotta star box and you know get your double espresso with extra sugar pumps and all that stuff. Do you do to be able to travel the world and have what everyone have what rhetorically or do you want? responsible. Do the hard work to make.
country better uplift, your fellow americans- and there is a potential risk lovers. The reason why I say that as the model of the united states in terms of the status quo, the reason. Why were at war in ukraine? And I I see this as an individual, with a cursory understanding based on new articles, which means I can be very wrong The summit is to maintain the petrodollar and item I don't hear a lot of people talk about the reason why give pakistan money for gender studies to build confidence in the? U s dollars then people in amerika. Can by things overseas from other countries without producing anything it artificially inflates the standard of living in the quality of life for americans, to the point where we are a country of morbidly obese, whiny babies. Personally, I don't think that's a good thing. I think we'd be better off if we had to do a little bit hard work, if we had to roll up our sleeves and go
chop, some wood or or or lay some bricks, or do whatever you have to do to build and survive to make our own. instead, we've become fat, lazy and complacent. Why? Because we point guns, the world. The reason we're in ukraine and pushing back gets russia you'll hear from other neo cons is to destroy russia. It's too weak a geopolitical foe. My view is why well, you know they're teaming up with china. It's bad they're, going to start building and expanding and colonizing, and it's going to put the unipolar were no longer you to pull a world where the united states was. It was in charge for up for a while now called couple of decades. we're gonna end up where in a place where china is pushing back and then when the petrodollar crumble If you're gonna realised that the united states is a house of cards, we dont produce enough. We dont manufacture, so how do we have this luxury? We're a superpower where the world police
That is the status quo. Democratic party mission. I find it to be evil, but not completely its nuance Do. We want china to take where do we want to be assessed? world nation? Do we want to be a country that is too weak to stand up to the expansion of chinese communist bs We, however, is much more complicated in that they there. Elements within the united states governed, who certainly want us to be like China, international interests, like the world economic forum that absolutely want us to embrace these values. They want to You become a machine state where people are beaten down, censored and suppressed. It's not all just that simple, as as one thing or the but the reality is with a donald trump presidency and with these trump supporters you gained a lot of people who do work. Yeah will secure our borders. Yeah will bring back manufacturing will bring back jobs to this country. People will work harder than they they done in a long time.
they'll be able to buy less imported goods and also for it, I'm all for it. I'm all for personal responsibility now is not absolute. Donald trump is actually a madman, as they call him and when he was in office. We did not see russia invade ukraine. We saw the decimation of isis without peace agreement in the middle east entirely, possible. That donald trump actually brings about some kind of new world order. Oh there I said it winch media matters I am talking about. A conspiracy theory of a proper now new world order. I'm saying that in the the general term of a world order tromp- could bring about one where there are peace agreements and courts that handle international disputes, because no new wars under trump, but that's bad for so many corporations and that's bad for those who believe we need to hold the biggest stick to beat down but who dare oppose us- and this is where we are right now-
the machine state. The sword, that is the intelligence agencies, would seek to destroy. If anyone within who would oppose its mechanization the status quo. Donald trump just said: why don't we just get back to what america used to do? We make things we secure borders, do hard work, how no hard work that means pollution yeah outsourcing our pollution to china, ain't doing anything for us just empowering china. neo, liberal neo. Conservative worldview is done. It has failed Under its leadership, we saw the rise of the c c p. We saw the rise with experts, of of Vladimir Putin's russia. So supposed to sit back and think you'll know what we need now are said again. I am not a humble chicken in the chicken coop and I dont actually know and other do you and no one. Does they compartment
is everything they could be more seriously be less serious. I have no idea, but my only issue is this: you must govern with the with the the will of the people in mind What what? What's the mandate from the people? You do now simply decide the people are chickens to generate revenue and act in an economy for you to maintain the system, but I view the system has mostly, less? This is where we are there making this all. Comment, we must tread carefully there only treading carefully, because they're scared that they may topped topple the boat, the view I imagine, of many of these individuals in and the fbi another intelligence agencies as we want to completely suppress and destroy populism. but you run the risk of creating more by trying to stamp it out,
You run the risk of creating more anti establishment individuals, and this is why I think they're done. I think they ve lost The end result is chinese expansion, the seizing of taiwan. It is no one's fault, but the intelligence agencies because there is an argument they could make where they would actually maintains what a stupid. I am sorry that you set their income, but they are the grandchildren of those who create and maintain the system with great grandchildren, and they dont know how to maintain it themselves. Fact: that's why we're seeing this there's no question about it. Make arguments about what, what's going on in the world. You can make arguments about our being targeted by foreign influence, china. She set her world economic forum, but the fact of the matter, is that it was our grandparents and great grandparents who put together a system whether you like it or not, that created a nepal, a world under the united states and as it goes as the children of these of these men inherited the systems. They failed to understand what was needed to
yet it and maintain it? And now what we have is the most pathetic pathetic display in terms of state control in power I am I'm saying what you think. I'm saying we had propaganda machines, the longest time we lived under the boot for the longest time we believe the law eyes when the media for the longest time. That's right, a handful of newgate news agencies and propaganda and some information would get out sometimes, but for the most part they were able to maintaining. roll it. We had a. U S, office of censorship during world war two today the great and children and the great grandchildren, the great grandchildren who have inherited this system have no idea how to maintain. It have no idea how to act, to actually communicate with the american people and be persuasive and make arguments for for what should be. What I find truly fastening. All this is the likes of these leftist commentators who
for no reason and with no argument support the war in ukraine, and that is the most fascinating thing to me off: Are there no end visual smart enough to articulate necessity for the war in ukraine. None wow look If you hire a lawyer, you can make your accused of a crime, so you hire a lawyer the best in the business? Everybody knows their name and they say my guy is good you know and and your bad. I know my guy shouldn't go to jail. You gonna be like what we got it. We gotta stop a purse of persecuting and we got us. We can support my client you gonna be a guy. Can you articulate and argument on my behalf two why I'm innocent, that is to say, There are real and good arguments for I, the? U S, is involved in the war in ukraine. Only problem is these: people lack the perspicacity, the capabilities to make sound.
and reasonable arguments to the american people, and thus the country is being fractured and now be of their failures, their panicking and trying to arrest the arrest them, but they are targeting trump supporters as extremists, ok, civil war and its affair. you're of confidence, the grandchildren and great grandchildren, the architects of the intelligence agencies, etc were too stupid to actually maintain this system properly so are going the route that so many countries have that burn your whole country to the ground, and that's why I say: maybe the not so stupid. Maybe it wasn't general and their goal is just to destroy this country. Fine. My point still stands. If there are actors within the governor, who know what they're doing will destroy this country than not the people who supposed to maintain. It failed and that's it, the? U S, falters, maybe arguer grandparents thought too thought we would be.
unipolar world under united states flag. There were doing so much nation building, This will in some places I mean to a certain degree. Korea, by backing that's fair, to say, korea's awesome, south korea, north korea, this so it is brought to you by hello, fresh, say goodbye.
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what was it after world war, two when start dividing up land and all that stuff creation of Israel, I should say the creation. but the treaties around as rapporteur that big political argument- and not today, you get like george, W bush is like we're going to go to Iraq and afghanistan and we're going to we're going to make countries, and they couldn't do it is so pathetic. Yeah they weren't a ot where they were not able to maintain the machine in the system and see what are they doing now? Burning it My guess is that their argument- and it could work what's gonna happen- is I begin to target more and more trump supporters and they go after trump the go lawyers they go after his properties. They make more antaeus down. Meant forces, and so the end result is they lose this country? Doesn't walter this country gets reinvigorating, there's a rebirth, a resurgence based on constitutional values and republicanism. I'm autonomous republican party I'm talking
constitutional republicanism and the rights of individual liberties with responsibility to your community as a whole and thus the more they do. This I can I can only say this: either their intending to destroy the system there so incompetent their destroying the system or their secretly seeding the resurgence of this country right, you know You don't know a deposit which conspiracy, you wanna believe but I would love to believe that the italians These are doing these things like Lee. To news week at their targeting tromp supporters so that they can get more and more people to believe in country. I mean thing about it: donald trump, american patriots. You got a bunch of slack jawed, lazy individuals who don't care about the history of this country or countries not to collapse.
If you want to win a war, if you want american exceptionalism, an international expansion, you need people who believe america is the best. The best of the best only problem is that the mug of faction data like foreign intervention, they liked trump, who said no new wars so we'll see man. You know we are but humble chickens in the chicken coop controlled by the intelligence agencies and these massive multinational corporations, but we try. I can only tell you the night is always darkest before the dawn and for those that don't bother, eve. What comes next? I don't know what else you need to see. I dont know what else you need to be told their arrest trumps lawyers? They did their truck date. There they ve been sanctioning trumps. Lawyers were for simply representing him, finding them to millions of
hours, they have now ordered the dissolution of the trump organization. That's thousands of jobs gone overnight. He wouldn't think about that. When the truth, when the judge says you're organisations gone all those jobs abs right now, there's some dude, who probably makes eighty k a year and he's a mid level dude. You know at at a trump the trump organization managing paperwork, and he just got word that they're trying to take your job from you. They are gutting and ripping apart the system. They are they they. They are using politics to destroy business, to destroy people to lie, cheat and steal for power. What comes next after a nation begins arresting it's political opponents read any history look about any country of whose ever done this and its plainly obvious. I hope you are ready for voting in twenty twenty four, because it's not done and the idea that
because this is happening we don't have recourse to the system is incorrect, trump is winning. They are panicking, don't get tricked into doing something stupid because they're losing their minds when, when you know when you're in a debate and the other person not getting fran I can losing their mind. You know it makes them go even crazier, just smiling and saying. Why are you getting so mad and they lose it, and that is happening. They are starting to lose their minds because we do and I because trump's winning even trump has said it. So we're going to do for now where to stay the course where the register voters were in a built culture make money, protect our families and then after Donald trump gets elected. I don't think it's going to be perfect, but I think he'll make some changes. He'll fire, some individuals as it's not revenge. It's reinvigoration, it's rebirth called whatever you want. I don't care, I want him to go in and fire people and then we can start fighting from within
politics and through the legal system and we're gonna win back. Take a look at met gates the other day they are losing I'll leave their next segments coming up at one p m in the channel. Thanks, frank it out and I'll see you all, then the next move against donald trump and not just tromp, but all of his employees. People live in new york is to seize his property and sell it off and fire every single person who works for the trump organization so if you already know that a judge has order. The trump organization and several other companies to be dissolved, former assistant attorney general of new york is saying next likely step will be. The auctioning off of his property is not perhaps scraps what he means to say, as trump will occupy them off. I've heard from people that, if certificates are revoked and the organization is dissolved. Then the owners, the organ phoebe. I guess the the people who on the company would have to say
the asset somewhere else or different company or something that effect, but the eye it being made here. Is that they're basically going to be void and auctioned off? Now I want to stress the most important part about this. The trump organization employs thousands of people. I believe thousands they are all out of a job if this happens now. Trump, of course, is going to appeal but it is laughably insane to me. Even Joe rogan pointed this out, he's like he was talking to. I arm, I know: was talking about the moral logos scandal where judge said the thing is only worth eighteen. Twenty million dollars and rogan points out. Forbes between three hundred seven hundred million we're talking about merely twenty acres of realistic in the most expensive, if not one of the most expensive places in the country, well, the game plan, ladies and gentlemen, they did their at war,
and you can argue that war means hot conflict or another fine. But this is law fair, and this is political conflict. If, if there no respect for your right to own property. If you can't run a business, welcome to communism, my friends and I mean net somewhat figuratively, but were certainly inching towards what you could describe as communism government will start seizing the property of their political opponents, auctioning them off. And destroying the jobs of anybody who works for trump? This is the important thing right here. Yes, it's crazy that they're going to be taught that that that they may auctioned off his property. But what they're saying right now, if you work for trump, your job is not secure if you're a lawyer four trop, they will sanction you and you we'll have to pay millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and no one has your back where to go. Well, my earlier segment us talk about the feds are saying if our trump supporter you're a terrorist. So what do you think happens next
maybe should listen and external, which a little bit more newsweek reports. Donald trump properties will lie. please be liquidated and sold off at auction. After a judge found, he had committed fraud. New knox? Former assistant attorney general has said: tristram snow was speaking after eight, wart found the former president massively inflated the value of some of his properties and ordered, Some top companies involved be stripped of their corporate licences. It's one part of trumps ongoing civil fraud trial. Here's what matters did trump fraudulently inflate the value of its properties. The answer is objectively, no, the judge is lying, that's it or he's a moron. Ok, and yet you are allowed to be stupid. You're allowed to be ignorant of gas imports and, being a little bit mean, I think, is evil but to say moral law goes worth. Eighteen million shows the judges likely lying. Why, while the judge probably owns properties in older guy, he's likely been through
sale process and he knows that lenders get their own appraisals. The argument that's being made right now is that, because there, were certain covenants and restrictions on the deed, That means it's not actually worth what it's worth. Ah, that's up for the third party appraiser to determine for the banks. It's not up to drop. This is the case. You think this is not how it works. You you get a property, and then you say this property is worth five hundred, thousand dollars or three introduced. The bank comes back and says: no, it's not worth more than that, and then you got no europe. It's worth less. The bank is not going to play that game with you, you, who do not decide the value of the property. This is the most insane thing I've ever heard because we bought we by DR properties. I buy property, ok and the back. The lenders always like we're gonna get an appraisal, and if the appraisal doesn't come back at the right number, then you don't get the loan.
I don't understand how this would operate at the bank would be like we're. Gonna give you a for this property and we leave its valued at five hundred thousand, and then I go actually know that access hazard, says two hundred the bank's gonna be like move out. Now, it's worth more than that the bank doesn't want to hold onto an acid, that's devalued, they want make sure that when there is when alone, they have the correct price. You d get to tell their appraiser their appraisers wrong. You can but good luck doing a deal with someone. It's a third party. The bank decides the value, not you now, when you're selling the property even can sell of you want, and you I think it's worth this- but this is insane. This is the next level, the war. The outcome that have come from this case has already been handed down, and that is for the corporate licences to be cancelled, now hold MSNBC. The problem these are likely going to be liquidated. The property are probably going to be sold at auction. That's probably what is going to happen. We don't know
that for sure, there's, probably whether this headed, trump is really really really in trouble. Now somebody let us imagine they said no. The trump org they should just before the dissolution will assign the properties elsewhere? I mean, I imagine something like that could occur right. You have a company the companies, their ordering to be dissolved are just like l, l c's for the property, a typical thing people will do is if they're going to buy a property. Let's say it's one, two three fake street they will file to create one to one three fake street llc, the owl elsie then owns the the property. An individual owns the llc. This limits liability about that. So that's likely happening. If they're going to dissolve this, I think it is entirely possible disguised correct. Why so might org that you have this llc you no one to three fake street holdings, and then it's dissolved that compensate. Ok, fine, the company will transfer the property to three two one. fake treat llc, which will exist? It's possible? The court says no. The off
Give it being made against tromp. Is that these things are, are part of a fraud case. entirely possible that have trump does try to assign, as elsewhere, they might not be can't do it if it, already summarily decreed the property of moral logo and said trot fraud without hearing the evidence and trumps own lenders were, like you're wrong, he didn't overvalue these. We with we think it's worth this. If the judge is already playing a game I don't see how anything else. Happens other than the judge says These are seized properties in relation to a to a civil law suit, and we will be auctioned off because here's what years it happens, it's not the government just declares we about created our property, that what happens is the judge says we Tromp liable for fraud. state of new york and the city of new york and therefore these pop? These are hereby seized to cover the costs. Now. Here's the best part Why are they arguing trumps properties are worthless because, if
tromp issued in order to pay two hundred and fifty million dollars and the buildings were five hundred million, then what Gonna do about it sees the property solid four to fifty and we're done no say the properties worth twenty five seize all of them, auction them off to cover the vittoria. Forty thousand dollar judgment. You falsely place against Donald Why should say immorally get it. Introducing price drops at gnc they've slashed prices on best selling protein and pre workout like beyond raw lit and gnc amp way. Bolick now just didn't get the products. You love at new, lower prices, look for price jobs at your local gnc store or gnc dot com make it also try and simplify it. arguing that trumps properties are worth less than they really are. They can then say when they rule against trump. You as two hundred and fifty million dollars. We are seizing your eighteen million dollar property to cover the cost. Now I don't know,
they'll, try to seize moral logo, but the argument I They're going to make a new york. Is that, oh, that that building on fifth avenue that you said was worth five hundred million swarth sixty only six million- and you owe us two hundred fifty so it's ours now you see other game is being played. I don't know that's exactly what will happen, but I think is a strong possibility. Snow, said that it was important. Remember that trop has already lost, despite his protestations of eta yeah, ok, calm down their msnbc guest tromp. Has lost in this particular hearing, but he is going to be filing appeal. Judge their enron ruled last week that trump his adults. The trump organisation and other businesses associate the former president had over valued several of his properties, including his mar a lago residence in palm beach florida and his triplex in manhattan to the trump tower for financial gain, The only problem is worth victims who did he defraud? Unfortunately, the people their claiming that got to
I have already stated trump didn't defraud them yet see it's a power move their lion and what happens the media, then reports judge rules. Both and the assumption of most people's wow, I can't believe trump did that there was no. There was no trial see. This is the problem. We have a lot of people will will make the argument that you're innocent until proven guilty and then after due process, Well, then, we must assume your guilty ball issue. I don't play that game. It's why I oppose the death penalty. You take a look at this job. I don't understand how anyone could support the death penalty. Knowing this happens, you commonly harris comes here, as this guy donald trump. He should get the death penalty and arms.
Was just built. Okay, lady, I believe you, this judge ruled that's due process right, no, it's corruption and I don't buy it. I think we have to do everything we can to protect the innocent, lest we can do is due process, but we know that we are facing corruption. Now, my friends, a corrupt judge, does not mean everything is corrupt, and I understand I understand that there are good prosecutors and judges out there and that they're safe, safe or a safety nets and precautions about the when it comes to the death penalty, people make mistakes and people are at people can be evil. In this instance, we are witnessing abject evil trumpet a spot where sons responded with incredulity. in a two all and undrawn summary judgment that week, which order that some of their business licences in new york be rescinded, and the companies the properties named. The judgment be handed over to independent receivers, basically saying you know, families that worth is two billion dollars. Based on these properties we're taking them. You can have many more trumps. Lawyers,
avowed to appeal the decision it took issue with the figure is used to determine the properties. Let's make the argument of the I'm not trying to seize trumps property strip, isn't as assets from him. Let's argued that there are saying no truck. You ve got to give these two independent third parties. You can't hold them anymore, you don't sell them. It'll go to auction right, Donald Drop will say, these properties are worth two hundred million dollars and the judge will go stop no they're, not I already how'd, you they're only worth twenty million and giving away for twenty million. Now don't business in new york city. My friends, I do not so has a property he's being forced to give up. Let's say they dont sees it. The argument is tromp will give due the option to assign it out to an outside independent receiver. What's gonna do given away.
he's not going to be able to sell it to retain them that the actual value of the property they are just trying to destroy tromp because they are evil people from your face jobs, lawyers avowed to appeal the decision and took issue at the figure used to determine the properties had been overvalued enough stay. The trial, the former president, self appear in court. On monday, in order to as he put fight for my name and reputation. The ongoing trial well now determine the outstanding allegations against donald trump and is named associates. I believe, I'll drop should file a lawsuit against new york, city and state and the courts, and all of this is clearly collusion and try should, file and ironic florida or something- and I think You know. I don't know how this operates. It may have to go to the supreme court immediately over original jurisdiction, but I don't have it necessarily between states or how this should be handled. Clearly, this judge is psychotic and these evil, but I have to wonder. the funny thing, but the morrow logo story is that
real estate developers and invest there is in Florida are livid over this. Several stories are come up How they ve been saying like well, well, well, well, how are you say, moral law goes only eighteen million does not tie my friends. our law goes only worth eighteen million dollars that thirty million prop thirty million dollars. pretty that someone just bottom palm beach is gonna, be worth three and now all that money, you invested ain't worth its it's gone. It's just you now, o the bank, thirty million bucks on three million dollar property. Congratulations, you're, underwater and nobody's gonna buy that so developers are pissed. That a judge would say this, because meaningless, the judges lying. He is evil he's I think about it. He just hates trump. These people are in a cult. They have lost mine's, there's logic in theirs facts. These people don't seem to care at all. Let's go through how bad it's getting They got their basically saying over over inflated, is not worth and which
at favorable loan terms from banks, as if the banks did not themselves bring on third party appraisers. You know what's funny about buying property. I mean the thing here as sought. So few people, millennials especially, are unable, are so few people are able to buy property. there are in the process. The heroes story like this like, while I can't believe trump did this, and then anybody who has ever body houses like what that's not possible. go, buy a house in your like hello bank, to secure a million dollar loan on this house. Ah, it's worth million dollars and its two bedroom, the bank's gonna say, why. Why are you saying it's worth a million? I that's kind of crazy, but you know call wherever you want we're gonna send an appraiser out before we give you alone, guess what, if a property is valued at a million dollars and you request from the bank, a million dollar loan, the then sends out an appraiser, the appraiser.
comes back and says, I'm sorry. This progress is worth three hundred the bank will not issued the loan. The judges basically saying here is that trump and the banks committed fraud. I guess against their customers against the bank. Customers who who backstop these loans or whatever? I guess it literally makes no sense. None And grown will now your arguments on charge simply whether not donald trump and other defined its falsified business records after fraudulently overvalued its You see what I did hear. The judge goes like this. You did overvalue you're properties fact I don't care about what you, what what arguments you have? Ok now did right down on paper, the higher value. Oh, no, you see what is doing he set in stone in a summary judgment, trot commit fraud, now, there's an argument over whether falsified business records. But if the argument is trumps
innovation is wrong. Then, of course, any document created trump organization showing that aviation would be falsified. These people are evil. Vodka Tromp was listed as a witness and james prosecution case, and violence by to the trial. Having previously been named as a co defended, a court order on june. Twenty have this year dismissed vodka trump as a co defendant as claims against her were accrued prior to february twenty sixteen and that she had not been a party to a twenty twenty one tolling agreement between new york attorney general and the trump organization extending the period of statutory limitations and other claims. You see this game there playing the move to becoming a witness in the case against donald trump, usually indicate some form of cooperation. An attorney previously told newsweek Lee opened the potential that evocative could potentially give damaging
evidence against her family at the trial. I dunno man. Maybe I wonder what must be done to get a person to break and I think people are weak really do think. A lot of people are weak. It's it's! It's so simple, my friends, I I
It is tough staring down the barrel of a legislative, legal, litigious, etc. Gun powerful interests show up at your doorstep. Wearing suits men in suits and sunglasses. They walk into your house against your will and they say sit down and they say to you: you're, going to be accused you're going to go to prison you'll make your arguments, but we control the judges you will go to prison will also accuse you of a whole bunch of impropriety to destroy your name or or you can be rich forever. Hang out, your friends have a nice filet mignon may be some blackened garlic delicious. How about some bread and olive oil to go along with your nice chicken parmesan? All you have to do is give up how many people
would bend the knee when staring down the might of the intelligence agencies. Not donald trump won't seem to stop and trumps family there not backing down either. The question is: do you have the capabilities to win and I think the answer is yes, I think the deeps
is losing call it whatever you want. I think they're panicked over this, and I think this is why you're sorry you're going to start seeing more people say no, but look what they do. Look what they do to Alex Jones, look what they did to trump. What they're doing to trump is insane- and I and I- and I tell you this to these- these special interests- you're losing think whatever you want, but I I talk to regular people and I hope you're paying attention to this they're freaking out. They're scared and you know what happens and people get scared. You don't win control. The system breaks down. Soviet union lasted seventy years, sixty nine years to be exact when people lose confidence in the government, especially in a place like this, you lose your best bet, and I've long said this.
is to control and guide through pressure and not through extortion, pain and punishment. The fear of pain is more powerful than the pain itself, and this is, as is true for anybody who's gotten a tattoo or anything like that. You're. Like all nervous said, I've never got a tattoo, but if you're getting like and like a like a shot something you're. Like all man, you know you're like now. Investors like, oh, I think we are like after an adult after a while, you kind of realize I got, you know employers, like whatever man yeah, I get it. It hurts. But what does it even mean you become callous? You become numb. The appropriate way to deal with this and to maintain power is through soft, slow guidance and not extreme panic and and psychotic action
like this, but they don't to do that simply say our twenty four seven library protection help stop crime in real time, because during a breakin, every second counts, and these days every dollar counts. Right now get fifty percent off in a new system with fast protect monitoring at simply saved our com, slashed spotify! It's it's! U s news and best reports: ass tom security of twenty twenty three advanced home security, twenty four, seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There is no safe like simply safe trouble. We are sanctioned nearly one million dollars for political lawsuit versus Clinton. That's right! If you're a lawyer for trump, they will arrest you like John journalists. They will fine you millions of dollars. This is insane now. I suppose it's possible that they're using they're all social media algorithms actually track the sentiment, but the poles are the poles line, oliver
different poles, showing that trump is beating Joe Biden, people don't like Joe Biden. People are gonna, get freaked out. What I found is there a lot of people? Who are saying things like I. I just wanted all to stop and it's not stopping and voting for Biden didn't make it stop and I'm am getting freaked out what they're doing trump is terrifying. that's, why I'm like, I wonder if their real goal is to make trump some kind of authoritarian rule leader like the deep security is that all of this is fake persecution of tromp to embolden his supporters and to generate support for him it's crazy right? You look at the lawlessness. You look at the listlessness of the millennial generation and it's like this country is falling apart. So is the real operation to create american nationalism so that we can become a unipolar world. Once again,
look man, I don't know, I'm just saying everything there doing is making trump stronger its freaking people out and making them hate the Democrats and that's why you end up with former in a post, liberal individuals or you know, freedom factual having to call it. You want with people who use them Democrat now saying I'm out, I think we need a lot more of this in twenty twenty four and they're gonna keep doing crazy things as they burn themselves down, but I guess we'll wait and see I'll leave their next islands coming up at four p m on this channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you all them Joe again has slammed san francisco as being a failed state due to next level crime and I you know I had heard this, but I fact checked it. When I heard Joe was talking about. People in san and Cisco have begun parking their cars with their windows rolled down and their trunks open because they know You can't leave anything in the car, but it doesn't matter
if your windows are rolled up and you're trunk is closed. They'll smash your window out anyway, just to be sure. So what do they do? By leaving the trunk open, they can take. Look inside ain't got nothin. There has grown up, Add my family to soft top jeep and worrying thing was they would stab at that that the criminals would rip the soft option, destroy it to try and get inside what was clearly. vehicle that had nothing of value inside of it. It was a steel box, but they don't care they're, gonna look anyway, so with us I've talked you could just literally pop up and you could unzip it, but they're so stupid. They don't care they'll, just stab at destroy it. Just leave the door unlocked! That's! What's at Chicago and now we're here. Looking at san francisco. But the crazy thing is, I don't think People realise how bad it is. Let me let me play this clip for you of Joe rogan the worthless
San francisco is like. Actually, I think, the audio I have the I the audio improperly you. Why is it that I always do this right? I hope that this is the correct audio. Let's see if displays failed state sentences. Go might well be Libya that places wild people on the streets. Crime is next levels. In francisco. It is snacks outfit. Next little stupid people are parking their cars in a leaving their windows rolled down and the pushes is open. Yeah cause they don't want to get smashed it doesn't matter what time data doesn't matter, who's around does meadows round. No one stop and anybody from doing anything. It's crazy. It's crazy! A quick san francisco is everyone's pulling out, their hotels are pulling out like supermarkets. Chains like walgreens poland out most and they're not putting the brakes on it. I don't want it now at this point, they didn't resource the resources about. Is this that so bad for so long,
and they don't have to do would have to admit that all of their policies worked and nobody's going to do much into that. Yes, we're just go, is you know it's funny, as we have heard the story of saddam gomorrah saddam, the more and if there is but one righteous man, I'm sorry did san francisco metal. united states has way too many saddam's and gomorrah. As so. I did a fact check, you're, just pull it pull it out. This is from twenty twenty one bay. A car break ins are on the rise, prompting some auto owners to leave their trunks open. I kid you not, I think a do they have. Where is it you when you when you, when you pull it up, they give you a photo of it. Look at this, That is just plays they're stupid little report. Whatever show me, We, the cars, abc seven, I dont care doesn't if you have cameras a nobody, gonna do nothing about it, so avoid car break ins: people just look at this: they just leave their trunks wide open. Now the windows here rolled up and leave trunks open in that crazy. That's just crazy.
funny, because we talk about member the time back in the day when you could leave your front door open you'd, have to worry about crime. Now. It's me would like leave your front door open, because when they come to rob you at least they won't break the latch and they got worry about a door that can't close. So what this is world that is being built. It's the world that we live in and its funding that you know Joe was a fairly liberal guy Annie like socialist leaning a lot of ways, but here we are now with even Joe rogan. I can't even say even of course, Joe rogan is calling this out. He left he's in texas during the interview with Gabriel Iglesias, on the Joe rogan experience, the paris of crime, The city is next level. You know I want to talk about this, not because we need a rehash, the opinions of Joe rogan. It's that I dont think people chile realise how bad it is. I mean this talking to. I fuck several people about it. We just sit here and I do most of you
we're not in california or san francisco. In fact, I'm willing to assume none of you are but maybe a handful, but I was talking to some people who I have travelled recently to california for various reasons, los angeles bad. I lived in l a for a couple years and I talked to some friends and they're. Like you don't understand, like I'm a you, don't understand you, you don't know bad the way it is now and I'm kind of like man. I I I'm. I want to see it now cause I'm wondering how bad could it really be. If my friends are sent up like this san francisco. Seeing Joe say this, I don't think people real. Eyes how bad it really is. Theirs, video after videos or video there'll, be like tourists tupac their car and then, as soon as they get out cross street people run up smash the innocent grabbed their stop in their their running back like stopped up. There was one we're tourist part, their car and their running back to their car as people just drive up, smash, grab and go, and no one's gonna stop them negative is shocking.
Those shall bear shelves and see the store in DC after being routinely ransacked by mob of up to fifty really teenagers before and after school odds. Amazing member, I talked about this. We used to call me raids, and they were really small in chicago kids at the high school would hey rates have eleven rate, seven loan rate rate rate to thirty, two thirty and then happen as they would I'll go now get like fifty kids and then someone they open. The double wars, and everyone would run inside ago. Literally that would yell waved their hands round, will about making noise and then start grabbing things random wall like having masks up, nobody could tell who is doing and then there were roundly. Everybody would have like a couple of bucks with the things free food free drinks. Nobody could get in trouble. What are they going to do? Have what they call? The cops cops are like good luck. When do anything about it here you go
This is what you get sepia desolate shelves greet visitors to the sea in DC that is routinely stripped by shoplifting children on their way to and from school yo. This is crazy thing about this. This one before. That's it. There's videos, people power of walking through the shells. Nothing looks What what is it a box of you got weird products? Nobody wants what is its power, waffles, and the boxes ripped open and its frozen. The back of the freezer. That's crazy. Three injured, CBS stores closed and twenty twenty two in the chain expects to close another three hundred this year. Before closing another three hundred twenty four, The alignment is based on an evaluation of changes in population consumer buying patterns, future health needs. The company claimed thousands more stores across the. U, s have been forced to lock up basic products like toothpaste and deodorant following the spike in shoplifting, find Five was told that street vendors in colombia heights are allegedly paying people to go in and steal stuff, so they can resell it.
At CBS have been alerted. The thieves are aware of when new shipments come in and that's when they target the store. A survey by capital. One research calculated the stores catch shoplifters, roughly two percent of the time. The average shoplifter being arrested just once in every one hundred incidents. You know it. You know what kids used to do back in chicago they'd one of the store and they would. They would take something and drop it in the hood of their friend. Their friend would not realize as they walked out, they were carrying something that was stolen and then the other phone would run up grab it. You know why? Because the person who has it in their hood is acting. Actually a normally they won't get caught and the person whose act doing the stealing doesn't have the product on them. It's really I got about The stories I've heard about self check out our hilarious people posting is up online. post online, whereas someone someone poses a long time ago. They said since Walmart.
Places implemented these health check out and they ve been rife with errors. And everybody knows this: you go to the south check out in its life. Please return the item to the bagging area and you're. Like I didn't, I didn't take it, I didn't take it and you can't press anything of the screen, locks and you're like what is going on, and then you take it off. It's like. Please return. The item like what is happening there's a a weiss by a supermarket. just like? Do not you self check out, we used to do it all the time, but it's just no matter what, You do it gives you problems, so there posting online that what they would do as they would just be swiping all the products and then like every fifth product. They would just intentionally missed the mark out and put it in his eye. They didn't realize. How would you do if you If someone notices this the distant get swipe he's got, I thought it gets wipe. Sorry, they have just made an infinitely easier to steal, but you know what the funny thing is they don't care stores. Obviously, care about the shoplifting, but what's happening now is
as this goes down the point. As the reason I'm telling you always stories as all this stuff goes down? There is an outcome that many these companies are very excited about and that is the amazon style store with no employees and they don't care about shoplifting. As at the important dca and they and amazon store in the airport. You walk up, scan your hand. It lets you win. You can take anything you want and walk I doubt sensors, all over the place, calculating what you bought when this first MT. I immediately said it would be really easy to steal from this place and sure enough. It was and I don't think I've ever revealed exactly how we did I may have on their members only seventeen guess, but because I dont want people to replicate is extremely easy. I haven't, I haven't stated that, but what might might the key? and I got was essentially a we don't care about shoplifting the amount of money we save by not having a staff means that we can absorb the cost of shoplifting. Can you absorb this? I gotta tell you
when they make these stores that have no staff and it just turn. Styles you're gonna get. Fifty kids were gonna jump I run in and there's no one to stop him so build the future. You want to build good luck. No furry I was going to be funny They're like we can track you're you're your face and your and print in your credit card information. Ok, do when these kids jump the barricade to get in and you have your computer doesn't know who they are or they're wearing a mask. That's the funny thing: they'll be wearing a mask or something they'll walk up, chuck grabbing stuff and there's employees, and then what would you say? We can absorb not one to take everything now when they take it all. I love this. eighty of like s shop. Let things only a couple percent and you know if we fire all our staff will build the mega nodded. your policies are insane and human beings gonna human. Being
that your home with flies, dot com, the d I Y or let us install launched the free design, consultation, the free samples and free shipping. The shop blinds dot, com's green Monday sales get up to forty five percent off plus doorbuster deals. The rules and restrictions may apply. They will find a way there is at store, cover the other day of the dude sue registered for the women's tat conference as non binary and theirs shoving women out of the way like trying to give their reza maize to recruiters, and it wasn't organised guys just started doing it. You create an opportunity for exploitation. Humans gonna exploit it's what they do. there. You go man san francisco on the way out, and I think the importance
the reason why again, why talk by this? Because I've had people tommy like? Do you don't get it? You don't get how bad it really is, and we ve heard these stories But people keep telling me the videos we see all the half of it and then, of course, you People back everything's, fine by me. I don't notice anything and then sure enough that do is like everything's fine in new york get than our fillies at that guy was like yeah fillies do just fine as crime in some areas and it's going down and then someone martyrdom in his own home as I've. Ok, do all right. On what your rogan on this well leave. Their next segments coming up at six p m on the general thanks, rang out and I'll see you all then assess it has been arrested in the fatal stabbing of brooklyn community activist ryan carson in an apartment, five minutes from where the attack place, I think it's fair to say they likely got sky. They knew his first name because a woman on cameras, yelling Brian Brian Brian and a guy named Brian who matches the description. Is the same ages found near by.
Is allowed to break down in this story and dvds updates. We know that This guy quint was friends, would have viewed this eighteen year old as a victim of the system, and I was dead, I'm its horrifying ripe and we have the gulf to me for this man's girlfriend, sixty five thousand dollars there are lots of rumours circulating about what really went down that night with sir. Even and I think it's ridiculous suggesting that the offer an ordered I hit on her boyfriend. I really don't think so guys, but people are talking about it and then, and now and I'll break down what they're trying to say. But first, let's give you the the the update here: The scary thing is this: a eighteen year old suspect works at a school, the nypd, his arrest suspect in the fatal stabbing of brooklyn community activist ryan, carson ryan darling, Eighteen was arrested in an apartment in bed sty on thursday morning police were king forty black champion, sweatshirt he was wearing when they showed up at the apartment and found him. It is
far from where he was film, stabbing Carson thirty two to death, while he waited for a boss of his girlfriend. Stop I am so sick of this law. clearly not waiting for a bus this it makes no sense theirs. on the bus bench facing business has not the street it's three fifty in the morning and they get up from the bench and walk towards this guy. If you arguments or their stories, they're waiting for the bus. That would mean that they got and brought this guy intentionally, but when they I up to walk from the bus. Stop this dude wasn't doing anything. I just I can't stand the bs. Ok, the bs they clearly were not waiting for the bus. I dont know What happened but I'll tell you the likely scenario they're out of three four in the morning, apparently just been in a wedding. They were having a conversation about something relating to their lives, so they were hanging out outside and talking these things happen. I've been there
we're talking with a friend and you're, like hey outside to when the morning talk about something serious. Like look. You know, Jim, we gotta kick Jim out of the apartments, he's a bad roommate. Why are you talk inside because jobs in their something like that I to get up it's our walking back when this guy starts fighting, and this happens now again talk to you about the video and that the rumours look. the girlfriends, raise sixty five thousand dollars already sixty five k. Okay, now right alpine whatever I don't care your doc donate to him by all means, go ahead and do it in two days, but this has sparked a bunch of conspiracy theories. He was previously described as emotionally and mentally disturbed he's understood the work at eight at us will and Clinton ill and is so unhappy that his own aunt report them to police. Two months ago after he broke his friends, belongings and fight carson's we're. Are liberal causes like creating supervise drug injection sites across the city. His girlfriend accord to now lockdown social media profiles was an avid blue lives matter activist who am I
other remarks used a cop hating acronym a cab. Therefore, say he would consider his killer the victim of a broken system, because it insane and that's why? that I'm sorry man, he shouldn't have died. These things should not happen, but if you ve, Who d ranged individuals holding finch blades as poor innocent victims, is what happens. I want you guys have seen the video I hope we all understand why it is that police act so quickly. It is not a good thing when a cop kills I was not holding a weapon, but when like this happen, you need to understand the context. Ok, that means of cops using Running out the held accountable, if a cop shoots of gas wanting a cell phone take the cops gun, I mean it as it was before people get so mad. It so bent out of shape if
You mistake a cellphone for a weapon, understandable, you're freaking out may be a person who freaks out at the side of the cell phone shouldn't, be someone holding a weapon. That's it I'm not saying cops. Shouldn't have guns, I'm saying that one cop there's gotta be some reprimand for, an innocent person right, but a story like this: if some do it's got a knife in his hand, I fully expect the police officers to use whatever force necessary to stop a deranged killer. Aren't they weapon that can kill you in a second, people understand this there's wheat, we talk about the story of the pranks der the youtube or in Virginia got shot, and he said I check to make sure I wish I didn't know dude videos and there are stories of people being shot multiple times. They don't stop because getting shot. Does mean you're going down, but a single hit the chest. The knife it's over, especially the public than ifas small bullet. Maybe nine millimeter can cause serious problems. Devastating can break stuff rupture stuff. If we get it, we get all the other.
dangerous, they're all bad, but a six inch nyc right in the heart and there's nothing saving you I'm sorry, I mean. Obviously we get shot the hartman saving you either. My point is knives his girlfriend didn't even notice. He got stabbed. That's what I think the reason she doesn't react. So as a people are saying, let's, let's, let's, let's go right to ascribe to it. She raises sixty five k, so let us have the work right now properly morn and aren't gonna groans and rolls their eyes when this get stabbed. She doesn't react there sitting Park budget four in the morning for seemingly no reason not waiting for a basque as they get up and leave from the bust up after the sky walks. So the conspiracy theory again, which I think is silly, is that the guy was was intentionally there to take out this dude. I load is ridiculous and the woman the reason they when the bus passengers that she's like let's go, you can't hear anything, of course, which is our juno, should put our hands down and then starts to get up, and then the guy gets up with her the argued
they're making is that she knew it was going to happen. I really don't think so. I think what I think, of course, they're going to exploit this to make money. This is what these people do: their despicable dis, pickleball, evil people who advocate for kassa destruction and then profit off of it. So we're boyfriend is murdered and she's like cargan money. Can I get money office? Look! It's me. Organised by someone else on behalf of her gay. She did not set this up. That's another in point, but everybody groans and rolls the rise as the are not pushing this stuff. I I don't blame is lady. I disagree with or politics but We can groan arise. She did not organise. The go find me. I dont know what she is asking for. but it is cringe when left us are like, let's raise money off something like this, Here's where here's where we get to in this video after do after do get stab. I think three times brutal, brutal murder. She doesn't do anything she,
stands there and she's like putting her back at you like looking down like go. Watch him go. Watch him. Lady demand is murdered your boyfriend. Is he hears what I think? I don't think this lay planned it are you ridiculous manufactured image movies guys, but I'm seeing people tweet about it there like. Why did she react. Why wasn't she freaking out? Because people don't know what stabbings look like because she probably realize he's holding a knife. She probably thought he was just put being punched. No he was holding is, and like this, the blade going down and he was slamming into the dude and then the video ends where's the rest of the video important thing that that that I'm wondering about new york post release this video. They rejected the initial stabbing, but someone else a also the video showing the stabbing. We need the next five ten minutes. We need that full. We need. We need an hour of footage. We need voyage of them walking up and sitting on the banks. So we know how long they were sitting there, not just this minute clip because I'm willing to bet
after this video ends and she's just standing there doing nothing. She begins to freak out as her boyfriend starts to die at is bleeding and she realized he got step by friggin up but my point more so as not to do with we're, conspiracies or hits or anything like that. It's just for one, I think they're, probably breaking up that that that's what are they gonna go find me funny. My opinion would be that there is a strong possibility that wrecking up they, I just got back from it. It was four in the morning sitting on a park bench talking, she's got her hands covering her face, I dunno man, you know, be really brutal that they were having like a serious discussion about what their plans were. Are we getting married or not, I mean, is: are we gonna do this? What are we doing and they're having a serious conversation on the streets for him, but they're there that the crime that they're they're the victims of his crime, that they advocated. I'm not literally indirectly saying they want a crime to happen, but they advocate for things that result in this another, the victims of it the reality of this, of course,
going to try and make money off it. She didn't minor, sending us it's tammy Marie David who started this, not the girlfriend, but I don't think so. Upset you're going to get sixty five thousand dollars. I dunno what percentage goes to like go fund me like seven percent or something for administrative running it? I think it's just an example. of people who don't understand reality. They think the world is going to gain citizen rainbows, oh, but this murderer was a poor victim there's a video of Joe Biden going viral from night ninety three words like I don't care, I don't care, The young man was a victim of the system was not given a proper, chance had no dad. I don't care if the person was about to beat my mother, my sister, my friends, my family, I don't care what their upbringing is like wow Joe based I don't care what the deuce upbringing murderer. That's it, of course, all criminals have trauma. Are we going to go back and be like ted Bundy? the victim of the system. Now people are everywhere
a victim of this system. If that's the case and they grow up and do bad things, you have to stop them and you can't live in this world of candy keynes and rainbows, where your alike, this poor, eight in your old man, if only he had a social worker. Why so he could stab the social worker or something like this to come on? That's what I think happened. I think this dude walked up. Like your came in you see someone forget screaming and knocking things over. You turn around. You said you're grappling tournament, go walk now and you slowly start a war. Backwards and training norm. I'll tell you what I would do first and I'm not saying I'm right, I'm not saying I'm the best, I'm not saying I'm perfect, eight! It's
reynolds owner and user of mint mobile with a special holiday message. If you sign up now for three months, you get three months free on every one of our plans, even unlimited. Now I realize this is more of a holiday offer than it is a holiday message. But if you read between the lines, you can see a message there. It says we love you visit mint global dot com, slash switch for the offer limited time new customer offer activate within forty five days. Additional taxes, fees and restrictions apply. Unlimited customers using more than forty gigabytes per month, will experience lower speeds video streams at for atp cement, mobile dot com for details. When I'm, when I don't, park patches of four in the morning in new york city, but you know it might happen. Cause I mean come on who's really expecting something crazy like this to happen, but I'm paying attention somebody walks past me. I gotta be completely honest. I'm a bit more paranoid than this. I do not like I. I am not the kind of person who will sit down on a bench and not look up at four in the morning. As someone in the hoodie is walking past me, I don't care about your race or gender or whatever I'm going to be standing up back to the wall, most likely somebody like that walks pass me. I dont get mental make eye contact army
do. You think that I ain't gonna, be I'm not gonna walk by. I probably would have waited and not immediately started, walking ten feet behind the guy. If I heard the guy can things all right, a meal that come on? Let's go and I are walking other direction if the dude started yelling at me, I would my girlfriend again in front of me and keep walking, and I would watch the shadows in the street lights to see if he's approaching, listen but try to avoid making contact, and then, if I hear him yellin getting closer, I would tell my girlfriend choose to back up run and make distance I'd turn around. Take a defensive stance and start moving backwards. If I saw your knife I'd say run now. And then I probably as long as I got, the guy away from my girlfriend probably run a different direction or something what I mean is, if he's chasing me, I want in the chase me and not my girlfriend in this instance the dude engaged. I have no idea why he wasn't paying attention he did if, if the park bench was here's the crazy thing, if that bench wasn't there,
He would have just run and his girlfriend would have left standing there. I'm kind of worried about what of what would have happened was girlfriend in that case, and this is, Well, I don't blame him. I blame the girlfriend good. If a guys gotta, I finish chasing at you about the murder you. I know what you expect to do. If your girlfriend is just standing there just watching it happen. Now this is more is not a story about a conspiracy. Neither does the bigger picture here is people who don't pay attention. have no situational awareness and were raised by snowplow parents. Yeah blame is That's what I round eyes ran on this too much I'll leave it. There. Next segments come the night at eight p m over at youtube, accomplished him guest. I r l thanks rang out and I'll see you tell them that ladies and gentlemen feminist. Is officially done. It's your by Ben, decreed sitting by the way, but this woman here func woman who, in a viral video was yelling at germans, is now called a racist karen for yelling at germans and this stuff he is a I'm sorry, dear lady should not have been fired. It's a stupid,
laurie, but it is kind of hilarious where we are currently at in society that, if a woman of either the quick version, she's on a train, she's drunk, She thinks two guys hollered at her, so she confronts them. She ends up saying something like get out of my country or whatever, because they didn't speak english and they were white german guys there, calling her a racist karen, because she told germans to leave the? U s, and because I love is a woman felt harassed yelled at the guys, and she got fired for it. I'm sorry did like a then felt harassed and yelled that white straight men, and lost her job. Well, ok, I guess that means me to feminism all that stuff is done. Here's the story will play video for you. It's silly up a little bit brown appendix thirty's
fired from her job after the daily mail exposed her as the train karen, who drunkenly told german tourists in new york new york city to get the f out of my country. I don't care a daily basis, calling her racist. If I racist Zita phobic abuse, their germans dude. I love that. I find it Larry s army like our right? Don't mock germans, don't mock people for if that were the country they come from, but like xenophobic noticed them, all racist. Georgia's a senior talent acquisition, specialist capital are xbox in tech recruiting, according to her now deleted, linkedin she's since been fine, weird from our position after catalogues. They acted immediately and turned the employee after the clip of hurt us I behaviour now went viral. This is stupid. Ok, she shouldn't be fired. She should just say dude. I am sorry for getting drunk man and I gotta be honest. Did we we hear it guest, substantially higher proof?
than this lady. If somebody who work for me was filmed on video, doing the exact same thing and then people called me complaining. I would laugh I'd issue, a statement being like ha ha. I did yes we're not fans of this kind of behaviour. People get drunk and power black and these things happen. But what do you want me to do is really funny, because we have employees- and I got I had someone like getting at me being like your employees lying and posting defamation, blah blah blah, I'm like what does that have to do with me. What am I supposed to like? Dare you tweet opinions? Am I do anything about it? She was acting aggressive towards a group of young travellers. The crazy things are boyfriend was like. I will never speak to you again. If you don't stop right now, play the bit little by way she so dry.
You keep saying I love you. I am proposing anyway. She said something like are you so scared of what you just said say it? What did you say and their life don't say anything on phasing out all. That's why These I brie. Don't do this you're gonna get arrested. She I can handle my own twenty three. Twenty five I was on the phone number and talk to them. Listening to you right now,
download anything. You know he's not he's not he's not he's, not listen. he was not so she thinks he said something sparing to her, and she is calling him out for it she's drunk. But it's funny how we're at a point, and gentlemen where she lost her job. For this you know we'd be ten years ago. The german tourists would be, it would be accused of meat. Doing accident or otherwise and the dude and the boyfriend is like? Please stop because he knows he knows you're gonna get found, It's gonna go on the internet.
Are all going to get roasted for it. I know what is happening. Is that just go to the police and getting you did not say not on these? Are they sang eat? It say anything, you don't think. Ok, so I just gotta say again right what will play for the reasons. I think the videos mostly like on eventful after this. It is now twenty twenty three and it a video of two white men, a cue.
Of hollering or saint elegant like saying something to this woman and she's upset about it, she loses her job. I told you, I want you to recognise this right. Can you believe it? It's the straight white men who are being defended here are laughing at her. The immigrant. You know the alt right now. Let me know the
What is this the subways that she's laughing she's goofing off? I don't think she was like super serious. Oh, oh she slapped or guys that slapped me, the the I know the do you have your bedroom lebanese by some one is real. Yeah alright, alright, what a waste of all of our time hey, happy friday, everybody dude! She psych did you.
here what they said to me. Nobody cares sorry, lady affluent white, female liberals Yang got it no more. That's the crazy thing dude. If this was ten years ago, they'd be like a woman, was vulnerable and was accosted on a train by two white straight men and We now have one made fun of our and stuff like that. They'd make fun of her boyfriend they'd be like. Did you see how, after she was accosted, the boyfriend protected. The assailants- maybe not, This is that this is where we currently at we're we're in this like media death spiral? Were there so desperate for some time of karen moment everybody wants it. We have been onto immediately assume the angry woman on camera is a karen meaning she's on justly yelling at people to the point where the daily, beast called her a racist for saying the german tourists should leave the country. Should you tell german tourists get out of our country now I think that's crass, but
like their citizens, they said there from germany, but just quite amazing. When you lose the daily beast, a liberal woman in new jersey going to pen station was by her own accord or, whenever hollered are harassed and she is not the victim. That's gonna raising, but I think this is indicative of a sickness we have in this culture. Why did she get fired? This is the real question. The whole thing is stupid. I find it to be quite humorous. Everybody laughs, ol man, this lady, so drunk she is wasted. Why did she loser job?
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offer our sincerest apology to those who were hurt, panics as a bachelors and communication in media studies from may. I want to hear what she has to say. I mean she was wasted, so I don't even know, but I want to hear what she claims happen the recruiters described as being an absolute pleasure, was raving about it, a friends in previous coworkers incredibly knowledgeable and so personal picks declined an interview request to explain our perspective and provide contacts on the situation she should. She probably should do ship. is drunk towering over a group of tourist sang. Are you german? What did you say tell me what you said: penance becomes increase, aggressive yea. I we get it, we got it, we get it. I kind of assume you know, look don't get drunk Don't start Yelena people, but I'm like I'm not immediately going to this kind of crazy their posting all these photos over this is so not so much because of public figure I'm kind of just assuming it. There were words. Dude said something she got mad.
He's drunk this stuff happens all the time. It's crazy that Israel, then they're getting fired anyway welcome to your garbage viral drama moments that I recorded on I'll leave it there next meant as well. It's friday, which means The miami live event is on check it out the front page tim cast out. Come we'll see you all their there's. A big difference between walking and reporting, especially right now with a fire hose worth of news coming your way. You know what helps having reporters in the field. I am bread, milky, from a b c news and that's We ve gone on abc daily podcast start here every
when I start here takes you across the country and a round the world for a quick, smart, look at the stories that matter it's fast, it straightforward and sometimes gasp news can even be fun. So, let's meet up tomorrow morning, listen start here. Wherever you get your podcast. We know georgia politics from peach tree street a pencil vainly avenue politically georgia podcast delivers exclusive news and analysis five days a week by a team of veteran political insiders watching your public officials hosted by the atlantic journal constitution. Gregg loose dean will not get tee a middle and patricia murphy. Listen we days at ten a m on w h being ninety point, one stream everywhere or at age. Ac. Dotcom forward, slash, podcast news in analysis. Five days a week from politically georgia, I gasped
Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.