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Famous Democrat Predicts Democrats "End Of Days," Says Bernie Sanders Far left Is A Cult

2020-02-11 | 🔗

Famous Democrat Predicts Democrats "End Of Days," Says Bernie Sanders Far left Is A Cult. James Carville, famous democratic strategist, has escalated his panicked rhetoric arguing that not only will Democrats lose but that if they choose Bernie Sanders it will be the "end of days."He points to Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and the resounding defeat of the Labour Party. In the UK the left had their worst defeat since 1935 with some areas who had not voted for a conservative in nearly 100 years flipping to support the conservative party.The Far Left in the UK consistently pushed Twitter rhetoric instead of kitchen table issues and it got so bad that the left wing Labour party even ran on fringe policy and ideology resulting in their crushing defeat by the right wing.Trump couldn't be happier with the complete disarray among Democrats. As polls show Bernie is surging however, the voter turnout is not so good. If the plan is to get Bernie Sanders and the far left to turn out new voters they seem to be already failing.But with the New Hampshire primary currently underway only time will tell if the Democrats have the enthusiasm they need to overtake Trump and the republican party in November.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In his now. Second bombastic appearance, famous democratically it just James. Carville is warning of the end of days for Democrats, this dude is in a full on panic, and I can- only assume Bernie Sanders supporters are gloating and laughing how the establishment is in panic, out over his exponential rise and it is fair to say all the poles have been wrong. Gonna, twenty. Sixteen we now know all the poles are wrong. Now they said Joe Biden was the front runner. For some reason, Strangely, as soon Bernie wins the popular vote in Iowa. Now all the pole start flipping, I find all highly suspect, but there still, is some serious bad news for the democratic establishment, a new posts from the UK talks about the resounding defeat of the left, many of you may not be aware that the left in the UK had their worst
since one thousand nine hundred and thirty five. Some areas of the UK had not voted. Conservative since, like one thousand nine hundred and twenty nine and flipped conservative over, the party their leader and the weird fringe ideology that seems to be infecting them, and now we can see it James. Harville size quote, I'm not interested in being in a cold and actually points to Jeremy. And in the UK and the resounding failure of a left their predicting. What comes next, dare I say the end of is the Democratic Party. I love how everything is so bombastic, and I love how this is. Like eight hundred million video I've done about Democrats in sheer panic, but Van Jones is saying this: it's just not stopping the news. Better and better for Trump,
when the Washington Post can't seem to decide if things are truly getting bad, but let me just add one more thing before we truly dive into the end of days for Democrats, voter turnout in twenty. Sixteen for the Democrats was not that good for Republicans it was very good and Democrats are on track for the same voter turn out so now. Hearing the murmuring of potential panic today, as we awaiting the results of the New Hampshire primary. Many of you may watch this after the primary source of our common. Maybe it was good NEWS for regrets I just don't know, but for now people are bitin their nails. In Sweden, bullets because of Democrats, don't turn out New Hampshire, Maize I'll. Just spell the end of days as James Carville said, let's read what he did read about what he did say before we get started had over two too yes, dotcom, slash donut. If you'd like to support my work, there are several different ways: you can give a pay pal optional, crypto option a physical address. The best thing you can do, however, is just share this video
I hope- and I say this all time- that by sharing the video we can crack some echo chambers open. Someone might be exposed information they did not see before. I can't really count on that, because at this point the competition is so fierce, and the rhetoric is so insanely bombastic. I'm just not convinced anyone. To hear anything other than sweet nothing's whispered into their ears, but we do have people like James Carville. Long, standing and famous democratic strategist struggling to help the centre stay on course. And I say, centre even a kind of weird he doesn't say, he's a son, Yes, he's talking about liberals who started the liberals, the Democratic party fighting with the crazy. Far leftists, I got some bad news based on the poles from the UK. It looks like Bernie Sanders, at least in my opinion, is on track to lead.
Democrats to a resounding defeat same as we saw in the UK. Let me just make one thing clear breaks. It was voted for. That was those the populist movement before Trump and no one thought it could happen. Every one side trump would lose and trump one a populist victory for the right again in the: U S. If I was a button man, I'd say what we saw in the UK will be replicated here. You ve been warned he James Cartels warnings he's a strategy slots James Carville warns of end of days. If Democrats choose Bernie quote, I'm not interested in being in a cult, James Carville political strategist and former top adviser to President Bill Clinton. So the alarm Monday, but the prospect of Senator Bernie Sanders winning the democratic parties presidential nomination, calling such a choice The end of days for the party appearing
MSNBC morning, Joe Carville said, the Democrats must defeat President Trump in November or the country will be in an abyss but said many of the candidates. Sanders in particular are not appealing enough to appealing enough of the electors. Including african Americans Carville, Liken Sanders to Jeremy Carbon, the left wing leader, Britain's Labour Party who was soundly defeated in december- and I think Fox NEWS didn't go far enough- when they said soundly, they should have said crushingly horrifically terrifyingly. It was apocalyptic. It was a defeat we had not seen in over a merely a hundred years. That's how bad it was and if that track stays true for the? U S as well. We tend to follow suit in some ways. Man, I gotta say add news as common. The only thing is a quote. The only thing the thing between United States in the abbess. Is the democratic party? That's it. If we go, the way of the British Labour Party
if we nominate Jeremy Carbon, it's going to be the end of days. So why I'm scared to death? I really am almost operator and I'm gonna- I'm gonna try and end the burnt, I'm gonna call out the Bernie Derangement syndrome. Look I don't. I've got some issues with Bernie Sanders, absolutely with the woke ideological left. I do not think Bert Sanders is literally the end of days for the Democratic Party. Only the calm down the same rhetoric, four Donald Trump and everything is doing just calm yourself now happened. Bernie is a bit out there as a bigger fan of him back and twenty fifteen, but his rhetoric has absolutely flip flopped and we will get to this. I have as I have. I have some some some data here and we'll get to that. But the point is, I think, we're going to be ok, give Bernie Sanders, wins we're, not all gonna go up, flames. I calm down everybody, but naturally the establishment is in full on panic mode. You see when Donald Trump ran in twenty. Sixteen, he defeated the republican establishment. Why won't they didn't she?
Democrats and twenty sixteen said we're not making that mistaken. They cheated, they might cheat again But in all seriousness, I just think the democratic parties in freefall and the sheer pen in the eyes of James Carville is the perfect exam. Of this he's scared to death. It's the end of days, wow you want to talk about panic about. This is beyond panic. I will not describe it was read more. He said for an american voters are not interested in socialism and revolution, and all this foolishness you here, but instead I want to be sold on a vision for how they fit into this country. If we lose that we're going to be the British Labour Party and be out in some theoretical left wing, Lala Land Carville said adding the country can't continue for another four years under Trump well said he supports Senator Michael Bennett of Colorado for the nomination, hoping the long shot candidate can come out of tat days New Hampshire primary with a strong showing and bring his message South Carolina,
The Louisiana native also compared Sanders passionate supporters to a cult just like they do to die. Tromp, sorry, I'm not interested in hearing it. I will certainly call the woke I didn't Tyrian left, which is a fringe faction of insane contests. I'll call I call this. No, I know a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters who actually good smart people who believe in Bernie solutions to the problem. One thing I find interesting is how Bannon framed it Steve and said Bernie Sanders has correctly identified. The problem, but is solutions, are wrong, particularly fascinating. I recommend the hills rising. Crystal Ball and the cigar in Jedi, because you ve got a concern we live in a progressive being honest about what's happening and, to a certain degree, disagree on the on the ultimate solutions. When I looked to people like Crystal Ball, who is a Bernie support, or I should say presumably because I too want to you now- throw labels around
I see honest individual but has a good shown as will never real conversation about what the solution to our problems are. So no, I wouldn't call Bernice broad base contests because there are a lot of like you. Two personalities that are not crazy. Identity and left us. The problem I do see, though, as Bernie is Bernie, is courting those people and that to me as much as is very very disconcerting, both done. He says there is a certain part of democratic party that wants us to be a cult, I'm not interested in being in a cold I'm. Seventy five years old, I'm just an I'm, just not a very healthy person. He said I love this tweet. This person that breaking old man yells at socialism- I loved carvel, had spoken out repeatedly in the past week following a disastrous first caucus in Iowa, where the party failed least the result. Until a few days later, he went on to say that the Democratic Party was losing their minds talking about open borders policy in getting healthcare to non citizens. That's right. Carvel identifies a lot of the same problems. I do
but I ve got bad news for you, centrist, establishment, democrat types, the resistance folks, whatever, whenever you may be, and good news for Bernie Sanders folks. Now this to me is very, very weird, but in extremely important to bring up you see in the real clear politics average, which is tracking poles of likely and registered voters for some reason right after the I will caucus people stop saying they would support Joe Biden. Now I get a lot of people are motivated by who they thing he's going to win, but I must stress how strange it is that some of these poles go from jerk. Before and after the ILO August and all of a sudden Biden is tanking. I just fine that really strange. That Sanders is now the literal front runner in every respect. I predicted this, you know I said what a while back binds not really running and there's no way he's the actual front runner, it's gotta be Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders shirt off one. The popular vote is he gonna win need of the delicate, We'll see you that, when the delicate counting, Iowa and New Hampshire is currently underway, we will see what is the question I have serious question. Why is it that, just after the Iowa Caucus registered voters, who I gotta be honest- many probably are paying attention what all Stop supporting Biden, I think the answer is the poles are wrong. They ve all he's been wrong. They realize They were wrong again and are yes, changing the things. Well, maybe there are changing, they would say if they work or methodology is changing, but I just This very suspect, I gotta admit, and it makes me question everything. So let me just tell you, the Poles were wrong, then they're wrong. Now, no one in media has any idea. What's gonna happen, myself included. The best we can do is look at them and say maybe they're right, I dont know I have no idea, but none of this makes sense, and now we have this
five, thirty eight Bernie Sanders is the shoe and to win with a two and five chance. Forty four percent: that's their protection against Strangely Joe Biden was, was the predicted nominee of the potential nominee and he dropped out of the I will caucus. Why are they basing anything off these poles every single one, five, thirty, eight! You were wrong, You were all wrong. You have no idea what can happen. None of us do and it's gonna get it's gonna get messy now as much as that's good news for the Bernie Sanders botch. My congratulations to all of you for your coalition and your success. I am now going to speak bluntly about how I think this is going to play out. I think James Carville is right, and I have only a couple. Examples too tell you exactly why I think he is right in this story from sky NEWS, damning Newport,
of real voters suggest reasons. Corbett lost the election ominous stress this, because some of you may not be aware, but its very, very important. The left, the left wing parties called labour in the UK had one of the worst defeats in nearly one hundred years. Could you imagine if, like Chicago, voted conservative that would be mine blowing, but there are certain areas that had been liberal left wing blue whatever four hundred years, but a conservative that was Jeremy, carbon and many people fear that his left wing policies are very much in line with Bernie Sanders and the woven into tearing left and that Bernie is going to be the american carbon, but that the sub outer says the pole suggests that the law were leader was seen as weak indecisive and lacking in patriotism in December's election. You wanna play that game will play that game about this.
Sanders apologizes to bite in first surrogates critique the opinion peace by Zephyr teach out Use Joe Biden of having a big corruption problem lets it lets tackle that first accusation against Jeremy Carbon weakness, Bernie Anders had a surrogate, send an email, accusing Biden of being corrupt. In fact, there were many people on the left, including socialist, straight up, saying no bided and his family are at least engaging in soft corruption had been written about four years. I said. Thank you for calling it out. I don't care about Biden and neither should any burn Supporter Biden is in the way of Bernie and bite and is not really of hunting. As far as I'm concerned, whilst eyewitness after this email went out and Bernie supporters, funded him saying no, it's true, but in his cropped, what did Bernie do? Bernie apologizes to Joe Biden grow a spine man now
after the irish shenanigans Bernie said he did not want a re canvas or a recount. That's that with a cholera canvas, and I criticise them heavily for it again weakness, but to be fair, he did turn around and say no. I think we have to do that so so I will be fair in that regard, but I can also cite that moment when the activists took the stage away from Bernie. I'm sorry weakness is there with burning and if you don't want to talk about the perception of will his willpower, we could also talk about the fact- and again I mean this with all due respect. I am not trying to do. I've gone Bernie for being old, but he really is a seventy. Eight year old man who just had a heart attack, he will be seen as fizzled physically and mentally weak with all due respect. Ok
I understand our take a serious issue and I'm not trying to drag him for for an illness. I think it's unfortunate and I really am disappointed that will play a substantial factor and whether not his ideas argued look. I don't think a heart attack should get in the way of his ideas. I think you should be allowed to say them and we need to challenge the ideas because ideas are in. Tangible, their bulletproof they last forever blaming Bernie Sanders. I owe you know, blaming or or sang our bad or thing. Is there to be a bad precedent which could of effect the ideas presented simply because he's had a heart attack is unfortunate, but in full, but but you know what it's unfortunate, that it will play that role. Sorry Bernie is seen as weak, but I do think it's fair to argue as idea. So there's a lot of people who will
up the mantle for him and we will continue that great battle of ideas, but let's go back and see what's the next, but indecisive is Bernie Sanders Indecisive well, Joe Rogan said you look back at Bernice history and he's been fairly consistent. I used to think that way too and then Bernie started saying things that confused me, because I'm someone who pays attention to the news- and I start to realise that in the past several years Bernie has been flip. Flopping he's not being consistent, he is being indecisive, which brings me to the next bit of evidence. You have not been consistent. Voter confronts sanders on immigration flit flop. This is from you, Last week, Bernie Sanders set at twenty fifteen that open borders was a Coke brothers proposal Bernie Sanders on board with tons of open borders, style policy. Say, open borders style because I am not suggesting
They literally wrote a bell sang abolish the borders, but he's talking about all these little tidbits, like decriminalizing border crossings, illegal border crossings, he's talking about moratorium on deportations, bring and substantially more refugees, increasing them that those numbers it is very different to wear, He was before yes, Bernie Sanders is not the same candid. He wasn't. Twenty fifteen and voters are calling him out now, potentially there
there are some other issues in that regard, I think it's fair to say. Bernie has been consistent on many issues and he's been honest on many issues, but has been fairly inconsistent and many others. I think it's fair to say that many will view him as indecisive, which brings me now to the last accusation against Orban, lacking in patriotism. This I can't necessarily point the finger at two Bernie Sanders aside from the things he said in the past. Like you know, honey moaning in the Soviet Union and praising some of these countries I'll be fair, but democratic Party as a whole growth will reflect upon him, and there is nothing you can do about it. I do think it's fair, also to point out Bernice an independent, but that's often uses a dig against him. Like James Carville himself said Bernie Sanders is not a democratic independence. Never been a Democrat. The people voting former, not Democrats, some are most are fine, but to the average voter in this country they will see the DE next to his name, and it brings me to the last bit.
Commentary from the morning call Democrats look like they're running for President of Mexico, because several democratic candidates literally campaigned in Mexico. Now that isn't necessarily Barneys fault. But Bernie has supported a lot of the same policies pushed by the people who were campaigning in Mexico, so it all comes together. Jeremy, carbon was weak, indecisive and lacking in patriotism, and I it is fair to say the average American will look at Bernie in much the same way: physical and mental weakness, flit flopping on core issues like immigration and being party to various policies that would weaken America. Bernie Sanders was very different and twenty fifteen. He opposed teepee. He talked about the problems of NAFTA, defended the working class and said now open borders. In fact, people compared him to Donald Trump. The difference was his populist. You like a welfare message, Medicare for all college, etc. Trump had, moreover, right wing approach, but they both
defied. What many feel was the eggs was. Was the right problem, Atwood Steve Bat and said so I think, based on what I have just shown, Bernie Anders is, is the likely she went for the nomination will see our voter turn out. You know what happens in New Hampshire, butts already looking bad, and then Bernie Sanders will be resoundingly defeated by Donald Trump in the general election. Many people are betting on igniting new voters. I've seen it from the press is burning. Goal is to get people who have never voted for vote before to vote and its fair to say. Donald Trump did just that. I spoke with so many voters back in twenty. Sixteen who said there never voted before this, but Trump was their God. He brought an insurgency into their Publican party. Here's the bad news. The turnout for the primary is at twenty sixteen levels
So even if you have brought in those new voters, you haven't nudged the needle at all. This is where the media starts getting funny. First, we saw this from February forth, the most important I or result is in Democrats should worry, and this was about voter turn up, because voter turnout was really bad which brings me to today where nothing makes but hey, let's sit around and see what happens, because the Washington Post Rights time for Democrats to panic, they'll get a sense too. Turn on and I always disappointing it should be better. Hampshire? The question is how much and, in the same day, Wash ten post with seemingly no editorial oversight rights this peace, calm down Democrats are now. In disarray. Ok, calm down panic! What do you want me to to Washington Post? I worry about the turn out. Should I begin to panic as we wait for the numbers, or should I calm down as everything
ok, I don't know Washin above, but I think you need some better at a Torreon oversight. So the turn on twenty sixteen was actually interesting and as an important, light, because republican voter turnout in primaries was seventeen point three million according to Pew and eleven point, seven million according according to same stats. Which means, although we are looking at Trump, losing the popular vote. It seems like he had the enthusiasm I dont know. If any of these Democrats are going to have that level of enthusiasm, the Republican Party united around trumped because they wanted to win- and they did- and today they are united around tromp by so many people like to refute trumps claims that he's got a reduced. It must support from a Publican party around ninety five percent, the reality as it is a round ninety or so per cent in the exit. Many many poles showing its like high eighties, too low nineties. The Republicans have ral,
random, that Walsh Guy wherever he was doing, try to run against Trump and he got booting jeered and people cheered for tromp. The Democrats don't have any of that peat boot judge was booed in new in New Hampshire. So what do you think comes next Bernie Sanders? The insurgent candidate is going to win the nomination right now, it seems like they're kind of holding the Democrats hostage. Here's an example on Twitter Tom Nicholls, Who is one of these matters at any ways? Never tramper guys said someone tried to report me for a violation of twitter tee, O S, because I'm tweeting what I think Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders will do. If he's not the nominee. Congratulations! Bernie contests your moving into my
got role territory Bernie Sanders supporters are saying: if you don't vote for burning, we won't support your your out your candidate, the biggest blank or bust, his Yang or bus, but Bernier Blot bust played a substantial role in Trump winning and twenty. Sixteen. I have seen the posts I have seen the articles in the commentary from the high profile personalities sang straight up. If you want to win you better support Bernie, because only fifty three percent of his base have committed to act.
The voting Democrat. If he doesn't when it's us or you lose for many Democrats, there saying you know they might vote for whoever vote blue, no matter who they say. Elsbeth Warren has the biggest vote. Blue, no matter who faction, I dont, think Burns gonna put off I'd. I don't, I think, over the nomination. He won't pull off the general, but I have been wrong in the past and hubris is the downfall of of you know any contender. Hillary Clinton thought she couldn't lose. The media laughed all the way to the polls and then Trump came in and swept everything up. If you think it's gonna be easy for Trump, your sorely mistaken, while I can certainly said here and say all signs point to a major trump victory, I was wrong about what was gonna happen and twenty eighteen. I thought because of
woke outrage and insanity that moderate voters in this country would wake up and black. I can't stand this quite the contrary. They flipped like forty seats in the house and took control and then impeached Donald Trump. They could still polar come back. The poles are wrong trump supporters. If you get lulled into a false sense of security, especially around Bernie Sanders, you will be defeated and the important thing to recognise it as much as I am not a fan of Bernie Sanders as much I used to be, especially, I think it's important to know that he has a large faction of supporters who are not stupid
know exactly what they want from burning. They know why they want it and they have good reason to support him. You might disagree with his solutions. I know I certainly do, but if you underestimate your opponent, you will lose the same as Hillary Clinton dead. So don't be surprised if you see a twenty twenty Bernie Sanders General victory, because Trump felt like he was invincible. I don't know it's gonna happen. I do think trumpets, gonna win for a lot of reasons and I think he's gonna win really really well, but I could be wrong. I could be wrong again. I could be wrong lots of things. Don't you you know, look if you were those people want to criticise me stop acting like, I think, I'm smarter than you ask as I don't I just I just read the news every day, and then I say what I think is going to happen. The truth is, I ve been right about a lot of things,
There are certain things that I've been able to call out and say: half is going to happen and they ve happened. I will get super specific because you know what I want to drag other people into this, this political debacle, but I've mentioned some things and they have happened and has mentioned some things and they ve not happened. Why cause I'm not a profit irregular person just say what I think is going to happen. Trot was gonna win but again. Watch that hubris stick around the neck segments coming up at six p m youtube com slashed him cast news. It is a different channel and I will see you all there. Rigid your base has taken a swipe at the Oscars after their ratings have at an all time low saying I tried to warn them by he's talking about. The injection of medical commentary? However, I think it's important to know Nobody knew they were going to say these things before they said them and they didn't watch anyway. I think we're watching the complete demise of celebrity culture and this foe act they try to put on to seem aren't
The only reason I think these celebrities pretend to care about causes is because the ridiculously wealthy for beef Sickly, no good reason and they're, saying these things, probably because they are really worried if there there was some kind of american sprang or a much larger occupy movement. They're gonna get targeted first for more than one reason, so what they do they shop to their big fancy multi, millionaire Ward ceremonies where they get to it. Thousand dollar gift bags and then say ridiculously stupid things like workers of the world unite. I could you not. The Oscars Communist Manifesto quoted they are so insane now they are actually promoting overt communism. Congratulations but to me it looks like liberty. Culture is completely on the way up, and I mean it. The Turnout is slowly becoming the place for content ratings across the board, for everything are hurting and even cable,
TV knows which has seen some gains in some highs. Still on a downward trajectory. There are big. There have been big bombs due to poverty, because we want to know about what's going on and talk politics, but generally rate for everybody on a downward trend. Why will you watch you two of regulation upon guests- things have changed dramatically. I do want to point out how strange it is that we ve kind of gone from radio too, tv and now kind of back to a cut. You know some sort of internet pseudo radio, it's all about talk and audio less about the visual component, financially Well, it's read the story and see what Ricky Jervis had to say, and I want to talk about this story. The aid of celebrity is dead. We woke, foe outrage is going to lose This, in my opinion, is a contributing factor to why the culture war even exists, see as culture of celebrities are dying out. These celebrities have come more and more extreme in what they say and promote in order to generate press attention, it used to be profound
when a celebrity got up on stage and said I may multimillion multi and I care about dogs and there are like, ah, we care about dogs too, and there, like I, the homeless, nother, literally quoting the communist manifesto. That's how desperate an insane they are always lie. I like to say their scraping the bottom of the barrel, so hot so hard they ve started. Pulling up. Woodchips will record your vase tweeted. In response to the lowest Oscar ratings ever saying, I have nothing against the famous people in the world using their privileged global platform and tell the world what they believe. I can agree with. Most of it, I just tried to warn them that when they sure every day, hard working people it has the opposite effect: they say ABC politically charged, Oscar telecast average. Twenty three point: six million viewers on Sunday night, the smallest audience ever according to how reporter thou. Reporter noted, a total was
below the twenty nine point: five, six million and seven point seven for last year's awards and down twenty percent in. Or two year, viewers, the Oscars managed a five point. Three writing five point. Three writing the key demographic of adults, eighteen, forty, nine down thirty one percent from last year's seven point: seven demo writing the likely the lengthy host host was broadcast, fell Almost two million viewers short of the previous off. Time low when the Oscars, twenty six point: five, four: here's what we're sing! obviously, as many of us know, so it s obvious, Many of us know cord cutters. People are watching tv as much, but internet is creating a new opportunity for different sub subcultures and consumption of different media. I gotta say you know: I've had, Hon of views on a lot of my content, and I honestly I am glad that you got watch sometimes don't even know why people do? Could I just turn the Cameron's our talk about stuff, but I look at other to pursue political commentaries well and there also
adding an absurd amount of views. It seems like this more. But sure adult conversation, that's been happening on Youtube has been taken, podcast has been displacing. The vapid lie, frank, comedy, shows and stupid fake activists of the celebrity world, perhaps authenticity That's one of the things I ve been talking. I added upon yesterday with Jack Murphy. That's one of things we talked about. Who wants to watch this pre packaged fake content, where you know they ve written a script and they probably don't believe what they're saying. Why would someone about? some people do some people live in a strange world, but many just wanna hear and conversation. That sounds like real life, and that's why this stuff doesn't work. Did anyone actually take this woman outta the sudden Julia Right, cart Stephen Bognor was as they speak during telecast. Does anyone of of sound mind think that these
multi millionaire celebrities actually want communism. They would be the first to meet the guillotine. We now how these things play out. These people are insane, but there is actually a really good point I mentioned earlier. There are. Actually, I think those Warren Buffett who was talking about out of his money away, and there was a fear that there could be a peasant revolt and guess who gets rounded up. First, the aristocrats, the nobility the peasants are angry. They look to these wealthy people who are partying and dancing around and then looking at the peasants and saying let them take its same story of hard over and over again when the workers of the world unite. They take it out, on the people who have more than them. Many of those people don't deserve it, and I mean that and many do, but they don't describe they just say dont care how why or what you done we're coming for you. Let's read about this quota, commonest, manufacture, manifesto thing, and then I want I want. I want to make a point about what they would truly receive if their communist dreams come true
and then lo and behold, I think I've got more. Evidence is sick. To suggest this woke outrage, culture stuff it might be on on the decline. Might we ve seen a lot of movies fail and we see a lot of people push back. A lot of you know students have tried turning around in and changing some of the strategy's realising that the cult of this woke leftism is not profitable, valet times. Reports quote, we believe things will better. When workers of the world unite, declared Documentary feature award. Coroner Julia Kurt finishing her remarks. While accepting the statue wet the Obama's backed american factory. It was probably the first time the communist manifesto. The foundational marxist text published by Karl Marx and Frederick angles and eighteen eighteen, forty eight has been quoted at the Oscars. Let me just stress to rig Interface Ricky. I know you are talking about people complaining about nine o clock
change and animal rights. There are literally now quoting the communist manifesto, so I think we are well beyond them ever taking use seriously and an end to their own detriment. I think Ricky is right. People don't want to be lectured do, but they ve got beyond simple activism, like let's protect the trees and everyone collapses, how noble using your wealthy and privileged platform now that, literally just being like a communism about data and people like you, I think I think you ve used you squeezed as much as you, Canada, this one this it was in keeping with the themes of the film which follows workers former Gm Factory, now owned by a chinese cooperation that frowns on there. Two unionized for the workers on the floor. It's a different sex then for the owner of the management right carts used. The phrase was one of the most overtly put overtly political moments in agenda a tame Oscars telecast? So far, our us like about this, the age of celebrity, is dead completely dead
I remember a few years ago, I was in a big broadcasters convention in the Netherlands in Amsterdam and I was hanging out with a bunch of people, Wharton media and I said celebrity- is over. We are seeing beginning of it, and this was this was seriously six seven years ago and they said was wrong. There are like no that's true, there's always gonna be famous people and, though a block was like normal. You misunderstand, of course, there will always be famous people, but we're just seeing a decentralization of fame. You know it used to be that you had certain celebrities. We're out, spoke, and they would dominate the press, because the media knew a headline with some controversial or high profile. Public figure would sell papers now. There's too many people of note, the story is actually rather interesting at very short, us read it and then we'll talk about the collapse of the Woke film industry, the spectre rights come friendly bombs and fallen Hollywood. It isn't fit for doing
another year: another dreadful Oscars, another round of moral lectures from the beautiful people. It's also tiresome. The only reason most will pay attention to these irritating award ceremonies is precisely so that so that they can be irritated. So there was a vague in theme at this year's academy awards. So so the show had no house so Brad Pitt is angry about it, each. So someone said, workers of the world unite so walking so mad about what mankind. Doing to the animal kingdom, so Natalie Portman in watch called my subtle way had the names the women directors who worked nominee for awards sown into our so what all these people are ridiculous, now thing. They say makes any difference to anything actors increasingly aware, thanks in part to Ricky your vases, wonderful rigging of them with a golden clubs that nobody cares, what they think at some unconscious level, these actors I that they don't really know anything about politics or the real world. They can't admit, to themselves. Of course, human,
you're being what it is they double down. They can its themselves that any angry at Rio. To their moralising is an indication that they have dared to speak truth. How brave they are. And so infuriating so, and so the infuriating cycle continues. Actors end up all night. Trolling the public and the public, trolls them back on social media, do I really believe that some of the most powerful people in the world care about any these causes causes? The answer is an overwhelming and resounding? No, come on, neither do you. We all know what we ve always known it. They talk about climate change. They fly around in private jet and make excuses like, but it's better than I do it all. Please you don't care its rules for thee, but not for me you're trying to pretend lie. You care, so that when the angry masses, com you're like but I'm one of the good ones, no one's gonna care, which brings me to the very hilarious workers of the world, unite comment. Lady you're gonna be the first one
up to the guillotine by the modern adoration of rubs, where they don't care what you did or what you say. You are one of the privilege powerful, noble elites dancing around, in your in your wealth and no one, going to care about what you ve done. Nor will they decide to look into your history to determine whether or not you are truly virtuous and in support of the revolution, the reality as these people, these ultra wealthy elites, they they ve. They ve, probably learned decent from history that those who are callous and out of touch to a certain degree. They will. They get marched to the getting so they try and pretend their virtuous, because there absolutely terrified of I'm up, and I don't mean, like some kind of I dont mean some invest intangible karmic force set floats around in the cosmos. I mean quite literally that they're going to reap the rewards of a crooked system. That empowers that was insane amounts of money and they contribute very little.
Get it entertainments its value. I understand they make money, but in the end, are they producing things for the betterment of society? While I understand how industry works, I'm totally attali fine without making all this money what they do realise that when it comes to extreme incoming inequality, poor p, Well, don't care right. There angry. There is a noble class that events have been reaping rewards of of a system. They view is unfair. I'm not saying it is urgent and unfair. I'm saying this is what happens in these workers. Revolutions now who's the biggest threat to the revolution, and this is something that's been played out over and over again from russia- The french revolution, which you can tell I've, been referencing and that that the big thing is who threatened the revolutions in Venezuela the same. It's not going to be necessarily the veto the old elites they're not necessarily going to be coming for the nobility, because
what can they really do? They ve already seized their assets and kick in keeping with the curb their people, with no real inflows, outside of access to the economy that they had and has now been taken away, but what about famous thought leaders have amended the revolution in the first place? Guess what lady you want? The workers of the Welsh you to night You spoke the revolution and then the revolutionaries go down and the drop a list of who they think could actually threaten the revolution and that's what they call it. I was accused trying to threaten the Revolution of Venezuela. I could you not, and so they look to people like you who stand up in your cap in the capital, city and hunger games, ask fashion preaching about how you really care about the little people and they say if anyone can cause mass uprising against us. It's gonna be them, so they go for the elites, the academics, the intelligentsia that people started in the first place, where the biggest threat to what they want. But anyway I digress.
Celebrity culture is is done, and this article brings up a really interesting point about what we can expect or what we should have expected the internet is killed. The Hollywood star fame, has been disrupted Andy we got it slightly wrong when he said that in the future everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes in fact to social media. Everybody the famous to at least fifteen people. Instagram, twitter and Facebook mean we do have to Argo stars anymore. We are too busy ogling ourselves. Yes, different types of cells of grown online, the influencers the Youtube streamers, and they too will try use their position to grandstand, but the age of library of Mass entertainers MM during as anything other than entertainment is dying. It won't be missed, good, absolutely good. I find it off for the kind of why would I care what Brad Pitt thinks about impeachment like? What's up what here, the story right. He gets a bonds age and he says they told me I'd
forty five seconds, that's forty five. It's more than John Bolton God and my right hand as a stupid little routine. Do you know what you're talking about? You have no idea you talking about. I loved you and fight club. I think world worthy was great, but that's what you're that you're, not gonna, see me get up on stage and talk about the technique of method actors and the truth skill of the sentiment. You know that this is a metallic refer in Lord of the rings. I don't nothing about it. Actually, it back. I have shot documentaries and stuff, so so fine as probably fair but we all have our area of expertise, and yours is not politics, never was and is the only reason, anyone take them seriously, because the media, while the median sought as a path towards generating traffic and selling papers here, is a famous person. What do they think the waters and function like that anymore and am glad to say it? Things are starting to change and which really fascinating to me that more people care about the opinion of the opinion of a dude like me than someone like Brad Pitt, it seems to make sense right. I've been out
most for several years was on the ground of all other other countries. Now I am more of a political commentator and I sit down. I redraw these stories. I there's still a journalistic element to a lot of what I do, especially in breaking certain news stories. Digging into you know, comments and and digital information, but then mix as I understand it, what what? What kind of fascinating, though it had been used to be that way, I mean we did have high profile anchors people trusted, but for the longest time celebrity activism was like the thing and hearing what the elite nobility had to say and what they thought. It mattered to a lot of peace, so much so that's library, endorsements were massive and they still kind of are now, areas. I find this fascinating there. There buddy, it's already endorsements, obviously still exist for exports of yours. You know an athlete and you endorse a sports product. It makes sense when I dont get his athletes now endorsing weird nonsense. It doesn't make sense which brings me to the future. These people are gonna start making a lot less money. It's probably already happening, I mean
when you look at the marble cinematic universe, the salaries for these actors and actresses was extreme. Low relative to you. No past high would walk busters because they knew nobody cared anymore and that's where it starts its not just about politics. It's about You know that they can make a movie with a popular brand and put anybody in it and make money. They don't need the celebrities when we Currently, the celebrities art driving forces like they used to be the point of getting Celebrity actor was If you had a moving Slat Tom cruise Brad Pitt on top you'd be alike are right. Well, it must be good because they chose to do it in their good actors right. Nobody cares anymore I mean there are millions of great actors that aren't famous so now these these production companies. No, they don't need you, but also why why court controversy, I mean you literally a woman site recording the communist manifesto. Why bother with that? Why bring these people on? Wouldn't you
rather have a safe brand caught in a safe, ran content and not worry about the extreme controversy. I this one long so rapidly with this one quick store that may be made longer later, but birds of prey adding a new title after disappointing Opening box office If that's the reason the movie is failing now, birds of prey is a complete trash film The motivations are insane and has nothing to do with the birds of prey I have no idea of the movie is supposed to be about finding a sandwich are something out. It's done but the motivations of the characters and and I'll give you a quick, spoiler motivated as far as I understand most of you have not seen it will not seen it see it, but patients of the characters are just comply Lee insane. It had. None of resin a regular human being enough, if you made a movie about a character who want to save a bag of me, no a box of puppies weed gonna be like that motivation I get, but what about the extreme extremely
specific motivation of someone got a promotion that you deserve. It's like. I know a lot of people have experienced that, but what a small part the population finds that motivating and relates with that. So here's an ounce of happening not only are we seeing these celebrity get more extreme in their rhetoric, but the movies I've been trying to inject more politics into their can't into into these moves into the content, I think, is one good reason as people care less unless they have to become more and more extreme. To get you interested, it is the rapid radicalization of a dying media says so you get the celebrities that used to cope on stage and say something dom like you know, pay me a vegetarian and now we're literally workers of the world unite. Congratulations. You have gone off the cliff you ve gone so far left we can see the movies that that used to be praised for a subtle political messaging are now just overtly political,
and they brag about it to the media and then no one wants to see it. Politics has been squeezed so hard that not much money. These brands are failing and people are too sick and tired of it, but go back to packaging. His point that these in these industries are dying regardless people Go on Youtube. They're gonna find what they want to watch and they're gonna ignore these vapid celebrities, who have no experience in, have no Yoda talking about, and that's the power of the of the democracies, democratization of media. Brad Pitt has literally no political acts like what is put experience. Why why? Why would his opinion matter from you know, I was actually on the ground. Journalists, dome of conflict and crisis and I've been through a lot of places. Life experience so can understand. People might be interested in what I think about. Certainly there are other people tat crews is doing is on fire. Asked and certainly as opinion matters much much more could is literally a senator and that's where we ve come. Anybody can have a show Trop does
need to go to the media to get the message across tat crews. Doesn't they can do it themselves? And therein lies the main point as this continues and no one needs the media and and these interest are dying out and no one cares about vapid, celebrity culture, their message of ridiculous, far left and will politics goes along with them. But I will see what happens, I suppose wreckage. Eraser, certainly sang you shut and on the politics, but I think it more do more with, they only exists. It, because it was the only thing available. Welcome too competition and media. Your extremist ideas die with it I'll, see you on the excitement at one p m, makes rang out the ground. It's really hard to know when the media is over hyping things and that the story not be that bad electronic clicks, but with story now from the new post? Experts warns, Corona VI,
this could, in fact sixty percent of the world's population. This seven point eight billion people on the spot This seems outrageous, so take it all with the grain of salt, but considering the krona virus. New continually gotten worse will entertain us a little bit. We have many other updates, but with a sixty percent infection. Right, though, worst case scenario with a two percent mortality rate is around like ninety, some odd million people dying from this virus, and even if we go down, milder one percent cut. Their number have we're still dealing with forty so million people who lose their lives because of this virus. So I want to stop and safer the millionth time take it off with a groan assault, but I gotta admit when I first saw that this person is expert warned it could reach sixty percent of the population. I did not believe it I checked a few other sources and sure enough. It's being reported by several outlets- and this is the New York Post- read the story and then cover some of the more recent news and I feel like you. I got some more bad news.
After this? It's just, you know, take care of ourselves. Everybody opposed reports the corona virus epidemic could grip about two thirds of the world's population. Is a deadly bug, is not controlled. A top public health official said as another, I predict that cases in China could pick this month and fade away by. April Onest up. Why didn't they lead with that? Top experts says Chrome, virus will peak in China and then fade away, because one is a sensational than the other parts of the media does so take it all consideration, but I think it's, over react than under ETA. Gotta, be honest, so at least in this instance, it's better that people might be shocked and to taking action. Pride themselves, then for all of us. Just I don't worry about it, don't worry about it. I mentioned this that I mentioned before There is a concern that, because we under reacted, Sars and murders, and his other flues more people lost their lives and should have so at least one point:
to this, I think it is fair to lead with VP more important, the more shocking statistic if it means people will take. Seriously. By again, I'm not saying we should mislead the public by no means. If I have a choice to safer Harry or take it seriously or don't worry about it. I'm gonna happen. Ok airing side of the middle a little bit, but we have seen get worse. So, let's take precautions. Professor Gabriel, Lung Chow, of public health medicine at Hong Kong University told the guardian. Examining the implications of the World Health Organization's Monday warning that cases of the court are spreading outside China are the tip of the iceberg. Most experts believe that each person infected can go on to transit kroner virus. To about two point: five other people critic an attack rate of sixty to eighty percent, long told the reporter. Sixty percent of the world's population is an awfully big number here. We're talking about billions infected even with a general vitality right as low as one percent a possibility.
Once milder cases are taken into account, there could still be a massive global death toys. I guess we're talking about forty. Some odd million people, meanwhile expert are attempting to map out the likely course of the illness. Long told the guardian is sixty two eighty percent of the world's population gonna get infected, maybe not made, this will come in waves may the virus is going to attenuate its locality because it certainly doesn't help it. Kills everybody in its path because it will get killed as well as some I mentioned before. Viruses that kill their hope that you, the host to quickly, are not successful viruses, they fade away very fast because they can't can't in fact people's faces. They built the people are dying. If you ve played plague ink, and I mean the seriously you understand this. If the more a little rate is too high not only to humans overreact, but they can't spread the virus officials are also attempting to determine other restrictions put in place in war, the centre, the outbreak
as well as other cities. Have many positive impact? Have these massive public health interventions, social distancing mobility restrictions worked in China Lung asked. If so, how can we roll them out or is it not possible? Meanwhile, song nation Eighty three, China's foremost medical advice on the outbreak told Roy is that the number of new cases are dipping in some parts of the country the epidemic may peak this month then plateau. He said no one to go back to that earlier wait where they said. Maybe this would peak by April least this guy is working for China. I dont trust them As far as we know, there have been reports ends and studies from american professionals say Johns Hopkins University arguing the chair. It is misleading us about. What's really going on or more importantly, people aren't reporting milder, cases, which means it could be spreading worse than we realise quote. I hope: outbreak or this event, maybe over in something like April, said: song. An epidemic
I'll just known for his role in combating a surge of Sars into doesn't three the World Health Organization Chief TED rose at home, gape gay braces, warned that epidemic was far from over with ninety nine per of cases in China. This. For me very much an emergency for that country, but one that hold a very grave threat for the rest of the world. Tendrils told researchers gathered in Geneva on Tuesday a tunnel thousand seventeen people have died of kroner virus in China. Where total of forty two thousand seven hundred eight cases have been reported, which means that could be substantially higher Johns Hopkins said maybe ten ten times higher than this only three or nineteen cases have been confirmed in twenty four other countries and territories outside mainland China, the wheel of organisation and Chinese, how fishes set of one person has done- Hong Kong with another in the Philippines. Ok, so maybe were to take action to quarantine this. Maybe we will stop this,
right in its tracks, because we're paying attention right. I'm sorry, I've got some more bad news because never underestimate human ineptitude. First! U S. Events we from China to have Corona Virus Stake only released from hospital and if what theirs it is true, but the infection right. It stands to reason. This just made things extremely bad. It's gone from worse to even worse. It just keeps escalating. So please. I would rather we overreacts to this day. Under react cause. This is major screw up, and I think if we were to very, very seriously more than we are now. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. The post reports, the first? U S evacuees from China confirm but the confront about corona virus was missed. Secondly, released from San Diego Hospital as a result of a botched test result Jody was not infected. According to reports, the patient was accurate last week on a flight from the epicenter city of war, on and taken you see Santiago Health, where he was
used in isolation, along with three of for showing possible symptoms of the virus. After initial test a cdc, see They did not have the virus, they were really Sunday and returned to the fourteen day federal quarantine. Marine Corps AIR Station, Myanmar you see San Diego health set in a statement Monday this morning, cities. Officials advice Andy. I go county public health that for Their testing revealed that one of the four patients tested positive for the novelty of ours. They ve got in a name other calling it covered. The name now is covered in nineteen, so we can. We can call it that they say confirmed positive patient was returned to use ie San Diego Health, from starvation in isolation until cleared by the city. If a release it added another person at me, remark so was hospitalized Monday and was being tested for the crows iris, bringing the total total from Myanmar Quarantine to eight bowl of pay are doing well and have minimal, symptoms. You see, as said.
I don't I don't know man I mean this stuff is pretty whirring worrying, but I gotta admit it's also getting pretty tiring is this: to be another over hyped nonsensical illness. I mean it's already surpassed Sars. I can only say it for the for the billions time perhaps it doesn't matter whether it's gonna be the worse or it's gonna, be not that big of a deal president or, if its isolated in China word or spreading. We just need to take care of ourselves and if our quarantines r D things wrong and letting people out I kind of feel like it is pointless to a certain they're saying now atrophy subsequent. I didn't let. Yesterday the incubation period be twenty four days, meaning people could be a symptom for weeks and they could get released and it doesn't matter. Perhaps we can track this like we thought we could. I did an interview. With a higher but the CDC several years ago and scary reality is we don't think we can handle an epidemic or a pandemic? We don't
We think we can do certain things to protect certain people. In certain circumstances we can mitigate the damage, but most people at least when I talk to said we can be prepared, but because we do the nature of the illness, because that that the illnesses can vary only so much we can do in prevention. Then it's made worse when takes our made. I you know, I can understand why they would really someone even from a quarantine, even if the test said you're fine because of the incubation period being two weeks or the very at the with twenty four twenty four. Incubation, the university said in an email statement- San Diego Union Tribune, at the infected evacuated. Just stroll out of the hospital to head back to minimise the patient left uses indigo health. The same way they arrived with all precautions taken patient was wearing a mask perceives the instruction. The federal marshals try for the patient, while wearing protection. It was unclear how long the patient was at the base before officials realised the person's negative test result was
truly positive statement indicates the patient discharge in the hospital Sunday and returned Monday butts. Times are not specified Santiago case. The seventh in California is the third needs to be confirmed in the: U S: eleven case, have been confirmed and people who recently travelled to work on the other to cases of person that that the other two are cases of person to person transmission by the end of Monday, one thousand sixteen. It eventually died. The krona virus and the infections grew Two about forty, two thousand. Ok man, what we're learning! What we think we know is that it can be transmitted by touching contaminated surfaces. That means skin contact, surface conic transmission There are concerns that it can enter the mucous membrane through your eyes, which means the masks might not do anything if they really do think it's this bad and it's gonna get to sixty percent. It is not and is not helped by the fact that people are taking it seriously or that mistakes like this could even be possible
I can't believe you know when the first things I said was: does it make sense to airlift? U S. Citizens out of a quarantine city is what I'm worried about this exactly the scenario I was concerned about. The answer is, in my opinion: no I'm sorry man. I think we should beer for Americans, but maybe we beer lifting you out of a quarantine, bringing you back here, because it opens the door for Murphy's law. What can go wrong will go wrong, do not create the opportunity, let people stay in work on for at least until we know things have cleared up, but perhaps you know, I don't know I just don't I we stand by their would airlift. People out we have to more stories here and worthy of support. Is to our are many women pressing our border, the chronic has been named World health Chiefs Label, the deadly Sars like Disease, covert at nineteen six weeks after the outbreak that killed more than a thousand people Basically, the General NEWS for the story
that an aim it is now called covered. You get it. I mentioned it. Fine But now we ve got some good news. If it matters border agents sees bag of dead birds from passenger travelling from China. Now, whatever this bag of debt, words is for I have no idea. I'm not entirely convinced that dead birds can transmit the krona virus or that even matters they stop it. I can tell you this. This store is getting a lot of play. It may be over height like this may happen all the time, so take it with a grand assault as per usual, but at least this makes me a little bit more confident that we ve got some vigilance among our border guards. If they're gonna notice a product even in packaging that looks legit and they're gonna stop it. Perhaps we can prevent the spread of the corona virus or at least mitigate the damage better than we can expect the post. Reports. A bag of dead birds was discovered by: U S, customs and border patrol inside of passengers luggage who travelled from China too.
Shouldn T see authority said that birds were packaged in a bag and had cartoon pictures of a dog and a cat. Okay, I got to stop your. I was wrong. It seems that they think this is supposed to be cat food. As I look sealed, it looks like the top and sealed, but maybe this is the instance. An instance of someone pointed at birds in a different bag. They say that Edwards were package, Then a cartoon images of dog and cat. U S, customs! At a statement earth from the agency seized the birds at Dublin Airport near DC on on January, twenty seventh from passenger arrive. From Beijing, the passengers at the birds were cat food and he was to bring them to Maryland after his flight the birds not allowed into United States out of fear. They may spread avian flu, so not even corona virus, but hey, that's what c, BP is all about Don't forget that we ve heard from a saying she wants to completely break up, see BP and ice. Birds were destroyed by incineration with approval from the. U S, D
authority set of customs and border protection. Agricultural special agriculture specialists continue to exercise extraordinary vigilance every day and their fight to protect our nations. Agriculture and economic prosperity from invasive this is an animal diseases said Casey Durst director filled operations for the agency's Baltimore Field Office, there's gonna stuff happens all the time I would imagine so I dont want to pretend like might be more important than literally any other days. Vp catches and sees us something fair to say one of the only reasons the media reporting at considering it happened. What, like two weeks ago, is that quota virus has been substantially scary scarier, so I can. Can recognise that, but I can still say: hey it looks like our are men and women on the border are doing their job and you can see that they ve Prob, He sees things the media hasn't reported, which could be or are infected with krona virus, and so long as we have legitimate border protection, we can prevent these things This krona virus scare is probably one of the best example
of why we need ice and why we need see BP if these, if the Democrats in the left stop in I should say the progressives far left, but yes, many of the Democrats or talk about reform to if they stopped hyper. Focusing singular issues about, say, like refugees or down tried in families and focusing on the broader aspect of what these laud force and agencies do. You would see that they go after smuggling, people bring an illicit products or invasive species criminals trying to enter in this time with the krona virus. I am grateful that we have border protections that can check for this and prevent people from bringing in a bag of dead birds, because who knows what else might happen, there is a video going around claiming that a man was trying to spread the virus that he sped.
His hand and then wiped it on an elevator. There are people who intentionally want to do these things, and we have seen people do these things in the past. We need people to protect our borders. I assure you they are probably some people who another infected and want to so chaos and will absolutely try and come here one they are. If we have good border security, we can protect people from diseases, but these arguments, these points after never brought up, companies debates they only ever talk about putting kids in cages or some other extreme position. I'm sorry meant within a serious crisis with with the krona virus and if there really sayings- six percent of the population could get it. What we need right now, How is the redouble our efforts protecting our borders and so should every other country, because we don't want this thing to get worse, people will die I'll leave. It there stick around next time, I'm coming up at four p dot m at Youtube, dot com- it is a different channel and I will see you all there.
Alexandria o cause you Cortez, may have just gotten a serious and legitimate contender for the democratic primary in her district. Dare I say of all a dozen or so people who are seeking to challenge her for her seat. This seems like the most legitimate claim, like somebody who might actually build went now. I will admit. This is Michel Caruso Cooper, I dont know a whole lot about it. I've read a little bit I'll show you, but it looks really promising moderate sane individual with real world experience might actually be taking on a yo, see Michel Caruso career is a former See NBC Anchor, meaning she's, probably got decently high profile friends who can help her with press in relations and she's got a decent following on twitter and a lot of people in media do follow orders Some fly by night candidate who partner the woodwork, saying I want to challenge ABC because I've known as unlike her there's some who might actually win. Let me read
a little bit about the story, and I want to show you some of whom this woman is. Maybe you'll grow. They may maybe you don't, but, dare I say, love to see a strong sane, moderate, democratic alternative to the Republican Party, because we need competition in our political idea as a yo see, represents a far fringe kind of frantic narcissistic personality, that really represent a whole lot. I don't even know what it's like ABC Com just flip ops around all over the place, with more and more extreme rhetoric but limited limit slowdown on three little bit. It read a little bit about what, going on here, because this is breaking news. Like twelve minutes ago, I'm seeing this CNBC reports, money at sea, monsieur reporting, potential conflict of interest, but hey Former long time, CNBC corresponded an anchor Michel. Caruso Correira has launched a challenge in the democratic primary against freshmen, firebrand, Rep, Alexandria, Abkhazia, Cortez of New York Caruso Correira, who became a CNBC contributor when she left the network in September. Twenty eighteen served as a
Member of the board of directors for financial services, firm beneficent. She will too Delete from a role as CNBC contributor for the duration of the campaign, a CNBC spokesperson, sad so that's literally them saying we're severing ties because she's going political according to a filing late Monday, she will run as a I'm a rat in that parties primary in the fourteenth district, Crusoe COBRA is, to be a sceptic of government and a proponent of free markets. Heavens, that's. The Democrats goin up against a yo, see the overt democratic socialist, who wants more government a massive government Ansari hold on yo see both simultaneously claimed. The green new deal would not be a massive government take over and that yes, it would pick, whichever one you think was honest, but as as most of us really do now, what is calling for is a massive government. Take over
here we have. I guess what you'd call an old school saying, Democrat, who doesn't think that's appropriate, and you know you could have people on the left who don't believe in socialism. Apparently this is the case in twenty ten you published a book called. You know, I'm right, more prosperity, less government Woof she has been registered. Dammit for several years. You know, look I'm making a bunch of assumptions about this lady, but I watched sizzle real from CNBC, and she was a seemingly in some international conflict situations and an international correspondent immediately. I have tremendous respect for her. I assume most people who have experienced combat one of the reasons why I think you know military service is very important for the president. I think most people have experienced stuff are gonna, be hardened, steadfast there, less prone to panic and and and taking on a sorry risks that are based order and Colmar Drive, I see that unlike wait, a minute you mean you're a moderate. Maybe
I ve been a moderate but more prosperity, less government I like that, sounds and you ve got international experience. Real real world real world experience. Oh I like it more. I am the daughter and granddaughter of working class. Italian and cuban emigrants cruiser comparison, a statement I am so lovely lucky to have had a wonderful career, and I want everybody to have the opportunity that I've had that's. Why I'm running that sounds Carrozza Correira spent more than twenty years, with CNBC, serving as a co anchor for power lunch and as the network's chief International correspond Ok sure what has emerged from the most influential voices on the American left gaining national attention for her outspoken support for policies it just Medicare for all and to endorse? of democratic socialist Senator Bernie Sanders run for the democratic presidential nomination. President Donald Trump has targeted targeted her in tweets in speeches. She stunt, the democratic mainstream when she be Joe Crowley, and then you know everything after that. We get about
and candidates have already filed run for the fourteenth district seat, which encompasses parts of the Brons, the Bronx and Queens. This is going to be one of the biggest and most important elections in the country? It is ridiculous, but this congressional seat, the design from so many to remove oak audio court, as from Congress is kind of remarkable. It's one congressional seat, but you ve got worse. It's a dozen candidates running in this district. Now you have Michel Socio this website ought not to be familiar with. There's not a whole lot honour website, she's about section She has tells her stories. You know saying. After graduate from college, she worked at unification, we're short as producers, spanish. So all these things are interesting, but ought I feel a bit more than I'll show you something really fascinating her book. It looks like she be a Reagan Democrat which I find really fascinating. So I actually
We just do that, so Ersite doesn't have too much, but this is why I think she's a legitimate contender. She is high profile in the New York area, with friends in journalism which me or will proceed Blake S, friends in journalism, but that means that she is a real shot at getting press attention and she's gonna be look, I'm sorry, man. If it comes to the point where Michelle there's a cobra is debating a yo. I believe she will mark the floor with Cassio Cortez Single handedly. This is somewhat real international experience working as a journalist, not all journalists, are these you now lay about in New York City, this woman, there's video, this footage of her I put in a gas mask, unlike what appears to be like the Middle EAST immediately, unlike thank you teach these children who had snowplow parents have never experienced hardship what real leadership
is now jumping the gun. I know I dont know whole lot about Michel. I she doesn't have a lot of issues put upon her on our website yet, but look at this book and I think it speaks a speaks a bit toward her character is and why I think this might actually work very well for people in New York. This is on Amazon, not a new story. It says you know I'm right more prosperity, less government that the the description reads as the pie, Miller Anchor of CNBC Daily NEWS. Your power, lunch Michel, Caruso Correira, puts a new been on conservatism. Now in now, and you know I'm right, Caruso, corrupt, That's a modern and smart approach to correcting the economic weight of the nation denouncing the hypocrites she calls out radicals on both sides of the spectrum who have frustrated voters and left fiscally conservative, but socially liberal Americans feeling, like a people without a party, dare I say
She sounds like the politically homeless, I'm leavin it carrozza Correira, maintains by focusing on socially invasive policies? Our country has lost its course. The answer is: less government not more less spending not more and getting the government to stay out of pocket books and out of our private lives that sounds awfully live Terry and Light, who can disagree, who disagrees right, you know I'm right, addresses the problems created by government overreach and speaks to the minds and hearts of nostalgic republic. Those who believe in a strategy and approach used by Ronald Reagan, but it will also appeal to Clinton ERA, Democrats frustrated by the current level of exorbitant spending and excessive interference in the economy, citing fault with both political parties. Here here, Caruso Correira puts a magnifying glass on government structure. Healthcare and education underscoring how we have gone wrong and more important where we need to go for a secure
and pop prosperous future. Let's talk about the weird reality when I remember when there was this idea of the fiscally conservative, socially liberal types, in terms of like the Democratic Party who was there was a concern over too much spending. Many of those people would go and vote for a public and even though against,
There are social issues right. We then saw there was kind of an what love that was kind of it. That was a very libertarian ask kind of era a long time ago. I mean this book I think, is from twenty ten. I believe that one of its, if it in its up- but you had a lot of people who felt like the democrats- were spending too much, but the Republicans while they work, you know saying we need smaller governed, spend less they weren't as interested in freedom when it came to individual rights. Now this is mostly due to the parties. Moral would like more religious moral authoritarianism, but that was that was a while ago. Things have started to change, notably with the Trump insurrection. You now have high profile, more libertarian religious people who, like Ben Shapiro, says he takes a libertarian approach to his religion, very, very different to the kind of moral grandstanding we saw in the nineties into thousands. So there are a lot of people who felt we shouldn't.
Demanding socialist remedies to these problems, but we did want to see certain civil rights now it seems like we have people on the left who are advocating for civil rights, but our over social hest and save about civil rights anymore. They ve taken it way off the edge. You now have a lot of these socially liberal fiscally conservative individuals more in line with Trump. Even though the debt is going up on our trump, I think You know I did a podcast the other day with Jack Murphy, and he mentioned something really important about what made it easy for him to to join. The Republican Party was that many key social issues came off the table when Republican started, subs started agreeing with certain things, like you know, pot, legalization or same sex marriage issues. Now all of a sudden that those hard barriers weren't there. I don't
exactly what Michel Caruso Correira wants to do or plants or what our policies are. It seems like she's, going to be at least better than a yo see, but also seems like with that shit around seventy one thousand followers on twitter she's got connections, and so I think she'll be able to actually compete with the powerful me a message that agency is gonna. Gonna push having millions of followers. We will see what the people of New York aside, but I will tell you this. In my opinion, a Yossi has been a grand stander, narcissistic, arrogant individual, who is more interested in her celebrity than she actually is in doing the right thing. I think she's young and naive, but she is very, very popular. I think she flit flops I'd like to see
saying rational centre or or centre left liberals you know actually bringing up real reasons. You no real issues to stoop combat say, like the other Publican party, I disagree with you here that I proposed the promise right now. None of the Democrats don't do that. Don't actually offer up what they think would be a better alternative to what a lot of the Republicans offer. So, instead we get Orangemen bad if she can stay off the orange man, bad path and actually too, about what she plans to do in terms of moderate policy in helping the New York City and her district get jobs. I think she can win, especially considering she's gonna following we'll see what happened. Seventy one thousand followers is nothing compared to eighty six million, but I think this might be a real contender and keep in mind. This is a primary battle. Very few people will turn out so we'll see. Stick around next islands coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. Democrats are making
biggest mistakes. They could ever make by exercising pro life individuals from their party, but as the purity tests continue and then singly cater to the Woke Twitter Roddy. They embraced more and or radical positions and exercise our own base, usually funny about all this is. I talked about in more nebulous terms, but it feels like moderate democrat types are being forced out of the party. Now we know for a fact, act. It's true, Bernie Sanders set at an event recently that you there's no future for pro life or the Democratic Party sang being pro choice absolute is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat. Bernie Sanders just said to the majority of like rats. The majority you are not welcome here, love letters now hold on unviable hyperbolic. But let me explain its complicated here is a poor from gallop Democrats
view on legality of abortion. Nineteen. Seventy five to twenty nineteen and you'll find something truly fascinating right here in twenty nineteen. The amount of Democrats that believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, increased to fourteen percent the amount of Democrats who believe that abortion should only be legal under certain circumstances, increased to forty five percent and the amount of Democrats who feel that a boy should be completely legal for any reason dropped to thirty nine. That means fifty nine percent of Democrats want at least so
regulation or restriction on abortion. But what have we been seeing in like Virginia? For instance, third, trimester late term, removing restrictions no longer needing multiple doctors, gonna be before doesn't have to be fought, performed in a hospital, and then you get that shocking. Back and forth between a woman named, I believe, Kelly trend who said that in the end, what when asked when could you perform an abortion if it would affect them of the mother. What, if the mothers about to give birth, she said there is no limit. Now you'll you'll go to snow Senor. Go to these facts, excited they'll, say it's all, not true, but it is. It wasn't a blanket you can abort whenever whenever, but it was thin enough to remove tons of restrictions, and that means in the democratic party. At the very least, fourteen percent have been told G, T F, o by not just any but also Buddha Judge now Buddha judged definitely gave a way better answer than Bernie Sanders, but I
you too seriously, but his ball. I hope, if you're a liberal, if you're, if you're somewhere on the left, you reckon the sheer absurdity of where they're going with these these abortion provisions policy Gabert said we should have some restrictions and she got attacked in the media, for these people have lost the plot. Keep in mind that fourteen percent it's the most important. We can argue that in the forty five percent, who want some restrictions, it could vary widely between. You know, a third trimester who knows with some restrictions Don't know we don't know exactly, but I can say this Bernie Sanders while trying HU, I guess pander to the Woke Twitter Roddy, basically told pro life democrats. We don't want your vote, we don't need your vote. You must be pro choice. Will where do you think these people are gonna? Go because pro life is a serious, serious moral issue and that's why,
Someone like me, I'm able to sit down with Glenn Back- and we talked about this and I said, look I'm on pro choice, but I'm willing to concede. I don't have the moral authority to dictate how everything should be. It's called a republic, we have representatives, we have democratic institutions, and that means your voice is weighed the same as mine. Now we do have a problem with campaign finance. Rich people can just dump money. How are they want and that gives them give them disproportionate power is an a long standing problem for sure, but when it comes to the moral opinions, I'm no better or worse than Glenn back now, you might disagree with me and that's fair, and that means we have to work together because we're in the system in the end, if you can muster up more votes than I do, I lose everything which is why concession in some fields is important to make sure the pro life Democrats, don't leave and they will especially when Bernie says something like this, where the story from the blaze out
thing I imagine blend back as it is, is it is his outlet they report Democratic, central candidate Senator Bernie Sanders, doesn't see a future for people who believe in protecting the rights of the unborn. In his vision of a democratic party and a presidential candidate candidate form in New Hampshire on Saturday Sanders was asked: is there such a thing as a pro life? Democratic, our vision of the parties. Sanders responded in the negative sang, I think, being pro choice is an absurd the essential part of being a Democrat. If you're asking me to applause and cheers from the audience. This is because they are catering to the Woke Twitter ADI. I know many Boomer Democrats. I know many people, genetics Democrats, unfortunately there not paying pension at least some of the marked, and when I asked about this, they tell me I'm a liar. It's not true what happened in Virginia, they say: snowplow told them, it was false.
So I actually sent the Virginia bill which states abortions can be performed. It removes the restriction that abortions performed in a hospital. Where would you then have them performed you're not propose? restrictions, your removing them. You can say some kind of facility, I guess no gun. It also says that it removes the restrictions for any reason and what they do say so long as it would impact that health, mental or physical of the woman, and that's where things are getting muddy, news guard which I often use was critical of the daily wire for saying this. Bill would essentially allow them to perform abortions for any reason, but that's just hyperbole. It's it's technically the case. I understand there are some restrictions but think about how lax that is. The woman might have our mental health impaired. So you take a baby at the point of birth and kill it like there's a line, man there's it has as an absolute line, but these people dont know because I don't watch the new
so I sent them this bill and their shocked. I mean this literally. I was talking to a friend, and I say this to him. They said. Oh, my god. I didn't. I didn't realize it's right because right now, so we Democrats think pro choice means nothing after you know that nothing in the third trimester and only the second trimester with extreme conditions or certain conditions, know there were moving the conditions and saying, third trimester up to the point of birth, in fact Ralph North and actually talked about delivering the baby. For some reason I don't know deal was, but that was weird and it literally happened. He was asked about abortion and he said the boy it would be delivered resuscitated, and then the mother, the doktor
have a discussion about what to do next. What was he trying to imply that kind of talk is shocking to many Democrats, and so I think this would be a ton of people who have no choice but to say there's a hard line for me and this is it. They want the social justice issues. They want the social policy issues, but they don't stand for what this is Bernie, says I think, being pro choice in an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat. If you're asking me to oppose chairs- and I may be wrong in this- I think in the Senate. Probably ninety five percent of the Democrats. Our pro choice, but you you have a few who are not sanders- continued, adding that there is maybe even a higher percentage of pro abortion Democrats in the House of Representatives Pro choice,
I understand the blaze conservative, so they're gonna. U no frame their language. I dont think you need to do this. In fact, I think the blazing be better off just quoting Bernie Verbatim and showing the Gallup Poll to say we don't need to call them pro abortion. We only say that they're all about killing babies. I understand that is a legitimate perspective held by the right. Even Louis e K talked about is that that would freaked me out to use their language explain to their in explained to them in their terms and then talk about how they are sacrificing their own political party. I don't think they care, though he says so that's kind of what my view, as I think, by this time history I think when we talk about where Democrat is, I think, being pro The waste is essentially an essential part of that Princeton. Diversity. Professor Robert George took a twitter to condemn Sanders remarks as officially Ex communicator, pro life Democrats, he added. So if your pro life, your
acceptable, unwanted, an intruder time to go elsewhere. I dont think we need need to even be that hyperbolic. But if you're going around saying, vote blue, no matter who, by the way that or who is all about third trimester abortion and has no interest in compromising with you. Well, why do you think they would really consider what you're asking PETE Buddha Judge was confronted by a pro life Democrat, and she wrote this Abed. I'm the pro life Democrat, whose can who confronted PETE Buddha Judge here pushing out valuable voters. I support all the major democratic causes of our day, but my party won't tolerate any descent on abortion driving away voters. Like me, people to judge gave a pretty good response and older people ran on import, but he said something like. I know we disagree, But I know that you're looking for someone smart to make the decision- and I hope you'll trust me to do it. Ok,
That was a good answer and I think it's fair to say I won't trust you to do it if your pro life, but but what would I do respect what we said was. I'm not gonna pretend you're makin a trying to trick you into getting your vote. I am pro choice, I thought that was right because I feel the same way. I would never go to someone's pro life and say I am pro choice, you're or trying to trick them into taking their support. I can turn around it. Zoning totally opposite what they're looking for nope, I will tell you this straight up. Here's what I believe in. If you disagree, please do not vote for me. I in no way want to take your support and do anything you would oppose if you think you agree with at least enough of this to support me know that I will do these other things, but straight up don't vote for me. If you don't like what I am proposing it's on a matter of disrespect, I won't take it personally. In fact, I take it very much as a sign of respect when you say I humbly disagree and I will give my support elsewhere. That's what makes a system work so was respectful. I think for people just say this, but in the end,
All that matters is the only person I've seen whose actually been willing to talk about compromises tolls he gathered, I think she's, the only one who's been smart about actually reading the signs and looking at what's going on, did any of these Democrats look at the polls. You just lost fourteen percent of your voters and potentially rest another forty five. This is why trump I don't I don't know the solution is I never do, and I say that a lot, but I can tell you this. You can't just assume it's your way or the highway if you expect to win because you ve got people on the republican side who are pro choice, I knows Bobby you again in New Jersey, he was a fairly modern republican candidate. He wasn't
sized from the party. Yet Jeff Andrew just become a Democrat. They welcomed the hand shaken and endorsement. On the other side, there basically saying get out stick around one more segment coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly Rogers it has been a major trend on twitter all day because for one, the Department of Justice was seeking nine years in prison for his. You know it in his charges for a sentence and then Donald Trump called its miscarried. What it would call specifically is a horrible and unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens of them cannot allow this miscarriage of justice. He called it. I was curious if die, old tromp would actually intervene to help Roger Stone, considering you know I don't want to? I want to say, therefore, that I want to play games, but considering Roger stones, very approach,
guy and is part of those circles, but I didn't think you would do it so soon. My assumption would be that Trump would absolutely pardon. I die. Of evil the moment he gets reelected on things any of his faithful supporters wrought in prison, especially when some of these charges are ridiculous. Like you, ve been followed up with Michael Flynn its absurd. Apparently they argued that because he slightly said something kind of wrong: it was lying and then we learn from his lawyers whether store not the documents that their argument as they altered. Essentially what was said in notes later on, so that they can claim he lied to them its absolute, absolutely ridiculous, and this is what I talk about when I warn people of a potential for civil war when they're going after General Flynn. Ok, you can see the chaos within our own government that scary, but now this here's, the breaking.
Whose Donald Trump inadvertently, maybe on purpose, but he passively intervened. In this case I mean Trump runs the executive branch. He can pardon or commute sentences. He didn't, I think, you'll be bad for his re election, but it is an obligation win regardless, but another not not. Now here's a story, department of Justice. And and call to jail, Roger Stone for nine years after Donald Trump demand, as MR miscarriage of justice, the daily mail reports that here J is to walk away from its demand, Two geologist down for nine years in a row announced Tuesday hours ever Donald Trump slandered on Twitter as a miscarriage of justice leaders at the department, which is by attorney general billboard, founded extreme and excessive and disproportionate the stones offences. One official said the walk back will inevitably inevitably be. Be painted as designed to fall in line with trumps demands. But one official told Fox NEWS:
decision had been made before trumps twitter rent. I believe it I do listen, it's because of trumps twitter rent, but because they could predict it? Ok, think there were some journalists that the original original tweet was from Chuck Rossiya prosecutors recommended to nine years in prison for your stone. They call for a lot Interference a deadly adversary. Even though still never accused of working with Russians or Wikileaks. Naturally, the deal J, probably new story got out, it was gonna, get really bad, nay, we're gonna face political flak. They probably recognise the charges. Are the sentence was a bit excessive and decided to walk things back and then Trump tweeted about it. They probably knew trumpet tweet about it, because Trump does this now
unable to speculate date. There they're saying right now they may the decision beforehand. I have no evidence to suggest otherwise. I dont typically trust the government, but I'm not also gonna pretend that Trump wouldn't just say: don't do this like if they really wanted to claim that Trump did they We would, however, I do believe. It's a bit fair to say there is a decent probabilities chance that Trump behind the scenes with his finger on they said will get on. It will see- or at the very least they knew Trump would do that and they said don't make him angry because he can intervene. They say they do not explain whether reversal had not been announced until after the tweet video J not said what sentence it will now seek veteran dirty, trickster stone, is due to face sentencing by U S. District court Judge Amy, burning Jackson, Berman Jackson on February twentieth. Afterwards, ray in November, found him guilty on seven council line a Congress obstruction and witness tampering trumpet
tweeted in the early hours of Tuesday morning. This is a horrible very unfair situation. The real key times or on the other side, as nothing happened to them cannot allow this miscarriage of justice, and we have a bunch of photos of you, know Roger Stone prosecutors will now have to ask the judge for permission to abandon their, national recommendation and submit a new one? She could refuse, and can also ignore either recommendation. In any case. Now that bit of information says to me, I think Trump intervened. I think tromp deliberately intervened if he treated about It's possible use really angry behind the scenes. Some people heard and sad calking talent, with his to Roger Stone. I'm not here to praise or defend Roger Stone, not at all, but you know it. If they're gonna legitimately argue the sentence is excessive, I'm not I'm not gonna. Tell you look man, I'm not a legal expert. I just don't know quote
We look forward to reviewing the government supplemental filing stones lawyer. Grants must set an email to writers. Stone is one of several people close to Trump who face charges stemming from thence I shall Council Robert Mothers Investigation into russian interference in the twenty. Sixteen election, which was bunk should never have happened, was based on false a warrants- and I gotta say right now, you don't I'm thinking you're gonna, like Roger Stone. In fact I know lot about the guy, but if this is why he's facing these charges I'm sorry man, the more investigation was bunk. I get it regardless. Why did it investigation if you create the crimes after the fact you're gonna get in trouble, but I don't know man. I really don't like the idea that a lot of people are in prison because of a fake investigation. The Pfizer warrants were bad. Tromp has the power to pardon people for federal crimes, although he has yet to use yet to use it in in the cases
other former AIDS convicted in the wake of the mother investigations, his tweet so actually stopped like the man a fort stuff, like is actually money laundering, unlike serious crimes, going back a long time that makes sense but like getting some for lying or obstruction or whatever for Saint for tongue. Another person to plead the fifth, I think, is its cut a scary. Considering the investigation was bunk in the first place. His tweet hunt hunted hinted: ok copy editor, guys his tweet hinted. He could use that power or its power to commute sentences if stone where to get that get the level of custody demanded by prosecutors. That could be why they decided to reduce the amount before Trump tweeted, because they knew Trump would simply negate the whole thing and if they want stone to actually do prison time, it's gotta be loan
To our Trump says: fine, Roger it's gonna be a year or two. If that, if the goal for nine trumps gonna come out, right away and be alike were gone, so they want something that I can see. Two stones own defence had asked for probation during the trial prosecutors pressed that their case that stone lie the lawmakers about his outreach to Wikileaks the website to disclose to many hacks Denmark hacked democratic emails out of the twenty sixteen years election. That proved embarrassing to trumps democratic opponent. Hillary Clinton today. Tromp from looking bad stone, who has label themselves an agent provocateur and has the face of the face of former present Richard Nixon tattooed on his back wow was charged with obstructing justice, witness tampering and lying to the. U S: House of Representatives, intelligence Committee, during its investigation into russian election interference, stones, colorful trial, featured references to the film, the godfather, to an impression of Senator Bernie Sanders by process who had impact
Bernie Sanders by prosecution, witness Randy, critical and test the money by political heavyweights, including former tromp campaign Chief executive, Steve, Balin and former trumped deputy campaign, german gates, those witnesses, said they believe stone had inside information about when Wikileaks might release more damaging emails about Clinton. In truth, he had no such information. Stone was also accused of tampering with credit goes testimony when credit go was summoned to testify before Congress and speak with the FBI. Emails and tax stone, told critical, among other things, prepare to die euro astutely and stone wall. It don't play games, don't play games the feds, and if people are bad at what they're doing outermost Solomon, you played the fifth collar call your lawyer- and this is what you're supposed to do- men Roger Stone, has danced on the razors edge. Do I think, nine years honestly, it worries
me because we know the Mahler investigation was nonsense. That's it worries me, but there's a part of me that says at what point do we say he did? You know, try and tell this dude prepared a man. So here's what we're so they say the sick crop associates to be convicted and the Miller Prob and I'm gonna regional August on one may say convicted in November eighteen on seven counts, obstruction of justice, witness tampering long. The Congress about Wikileaks do percentages February twentieth and faces between seven and nine years. Stone was a percent of interest to mothers investigation long before the January night. Twenty nineteen indictment thanks in part to his public pronouncements, as well as internal emails, about his contacts with Wikileaks, and my understanding is that it was lying. There was lying in campaign texts and emails, stone communicated with associates about Wikileaks, follow ports. The organisation had obtained a cache of Clint related emails, accorded federal indictment stone.
A false and misleading testimony about his request. For information from Wikileaks, he then pressure witness comedian Randy Critical, to take the fifth amendment rather than testify pressured him in a series of emails following April long dispute over testimony. He called him a rat and threaten to take that dog away from you in reference to credit, goes therapy dog Uncle stone warned him: let's get it on prepared to die in that's where stone literally crossed the line. Now I dont trust this whole system like this is freaky stuff like with Flynn. You don't I mean it. I just hope that the final warns being bad that scary, Pfizer abuse. Mate may under in all of these cases are I but out, but I will always can see when someone says something diamond crosses the line. The lot of people have done it so that I can understand they're trying now you know, I don't know where the line is drawn, but about, but now I ll leave it there. I'm willing to bet were girls. What happens? Donald Trump is gonna show a bunch of pardons as soon as he can, but not before. He's reelected
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.