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Elon Musk WARNS WWIII Is Coming, US Declares Iran Responsible For Attack On US Forces, Vows Reaction


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Elon Musk WARNS WWIII Is Coming, US Declares Iran Responsible For Attack On US Forces, Vows Reaction

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows, are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better, the while you do all this. You can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this it's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk, c h, o q fellows they have a male vitality, stack, nine, today's take it and tell me how you feel. Ladys theme vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel you feel like you're, twenty years younger go to c h, o hugh dot tom promo code tim get you through.
Five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot com, promo code, TIM make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all work. We do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast. I r and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, perhaps the least shocking headline Chosen elon musk says we are sleep, walking our way into world war three and is correct. And I decided to use this story from the postman two led off, because it was the least shocking sure I could lead with the pentagon say they will hold iran accountable for attacking our military bases. There's bloomberg? U s.
Carrier strike group deployed to middle east after IRAN is deemed responsible for attacks on. U s military bases, Israel has declared to the press yesterday that Iraq, I was involved in the Hamas attack on Israel, the territory that killed over a thousand around fourteen hundred israeli civilians many more taken hostage, and it would seem that the key flicked is going to eventually wrap in two world war. Three or or or induce, but again so did you bring this one up because perhaps two more domestic warning? Perhaps it is sentiment, I don't know you know I ve couple stories for you and it seems that There is no answer for us, an article from Ben shapiro talking about the need for the united states to intervene. Last. This become world war. Three Ivan article out of the uk from the mirror. Which has a military official saying the you. getting involved will make this.
World war, three figure poison. We are sleep walking into world worth report so we are already there. I wonder how History will judge us and as I often state when it comes to great wars, you dont know you're in it until some time later, in the first couple of years. I believe was the first couple of years of the amounts civil war- they did not call it. The civil war, I think, was at first call like a rebellion in the south, and then I think about here too, on as when they are referring. It refer to it as a war between the states and then eventually a civil war, and then three books decided to say like here's, the time period of the civil war is fascinating. We, say bleeding Kansas was part of a civil war. It absolutely was, but it was isolated mostly to kansas. Those then are familiar with a seven year period before the start of civil war based on history books in which there was a civil war being fought in kansas over whether or not the state would become a slave state or free state,
and now we are staring down the barrel of world war. Three. It will be interesting how history judges us looking back at These articles and they'll say they truly. Did not know what they were in. You know when you read history and I ran out man do you read as much as you can you'll see time jumps nautical, don't think about that settles, say you know on on this date and this year I'll say: nineteen forty. This thing happened by ninety forty one. This thing has happened and nineteen we too, on the launch of a global willow. That's two years I went by the think about where we are. Twenty three is conflict, ukraine has now been going on for what is an over almost two years now. Has it been that long they that ukraine, russia war and it has been a long. Maybe I'm you. May I describe crazy. I want if in the future there and look back and say that the? U s efforts to alter to change the leadership and back ukraine joining
EU and NATO resulted in salt from russian You know it it'll, it'll it'll, be written by those who are say think they know best. Perhaps Argue in history books that Russia's invasion was the start of world war. Three many have already stated it, but right now the big it is that iran attacked united states. That's it. What they're saying and the saying it very softly is that IRAN, backed militias, are very different attacked. You ask me, terry bases in Iraq and syria- that's a very different picture, but either way. The grains of sand are being added to the heap. This will build sentiment in the united states in favour of war with iran, but the more worrying story is that Hamas, sleeper cells and iranian have entered through the southern border. If there is an attack, Joe Biden will take the blame for it, and the general public of the united states will likely support some kind of x
action some kind of war now I dont know because it did today we have the internet and things are very different. I can look at him, then going on and say: oh man, they're similarities. we in the war with Iraq and what we're seeing no but there's no guarantee The sentiment in this country is split young people in this country. They side with them us they really literally do I have. I have a paw I've had pulled up and not only did it with a hamas, but they believe that what hamas is doing is genocide against Jews and they side with that in the majority Does it mean that every one who side that believes to genocide? But there is like at least to roll over of, I think, twelve percent, that absolute we do not might be like seventeen percent, and that's an absolute number. That's a minimum, but through the news. And I'll start here with the sentiments of elon musk, the portmanteau reports, One must spouted, often a twitter space on monday, with insights,
current state of global affairs. He said that a potential world war, three put civilization at risk, the? U s is lacking an advantage in terms of industrial output. comes to china and russia, and that, though Two nations are being pushed closer together in an access of immense power against the west laying the groundwork for world war. Three quote and so russia has the raw materials and china as the industrial capacity, its frankly a perfect match from a war standpoint, so I think we need to start doing. That is unwise, and I think- and I think will lead to an immense risk to civilization. I want Emphasise like that there illustration of risk. There are. jeez at an individual level, tragedies and at community level, and then there's. Civilization of risk, we just need make sure that we are now putting civilization itself at stake, which is world war three. He said This is no benefit in prolong the war between russia and ukraine. He called for peace in that
conflict in the normalization of relations between the eu and russia. And the two nations he said are essentially cousins present, candidate, that they promised ami joined mosque in this basis by david sacks, along with two others who were in truth, here. The tech billionaires perspective. I think we are so. blocking our way into world war. Three musk said really. People should be deeply self reflective if they make their predictions. They make their predictions have not come true, and this is a type of her. They should consider their perhaps there are other predictions might not come where, where their other predictions medical disease voice to tax, to transit, discuss what is a track record here. He said that no one alive today remembers the horror of a world war as world war, two have all past people did. I dont know what it was like most said that we ve all essentially grown up. Coddled, please correct, he is correct. Political reports pentagon says It- will hold iran responsible for attacks on. U S, troops, the? U s
Has ordered additional forces to the Middle east to protect person Oh there do. They need to call it iran, there militias trained and backed by IRAN. They say and therefore that's it. It's iran, I think, this is a choice being made. could say it. In fact, I dont think this would even be news on in any other period Let us have attacked you a spaces in some instances no injuries reported. So is it? Is it breaking news? It is It is when you are trying to drum up sentiment in the united states, for ass mobilization into war in the Middle EAST. You start something small. Iran is backing groups that are attacking us eventually, you'll get a wider array of skirmishes. U s encounters iranian forces? U S, soldiers critically, injured iranian soldiers, killed, etc, etc, and then, eventually you will get some kind of terror
tack in the united states from iranian forces or or hamas forces, because they ve already been warning this as well. The groundwork has been laid whether or not tangible or not. You can call it intentional. These stocks, are coming up for reason, or you can just say we are sleep walking into world war. Three as these things happen all around us, you can see the signs. Perhaps some want world where three, perhaps they don't, I dont. I'm just telling you the dominoes, are being laid one by one, the story is already in the press that iran is tact. U s forces and hear me talking about it. All that it takes. Next is forced degree of attacks, maybe it'll be low level of tax and multiple places from iranian back Groups or iranian loyalty since in the united states, who came into the southern border in what happens the? U s will be backed into a corner and even then a donald trump. President presidency does not stop the conflict.
This is the fear about having someone like Joe Biden in office because he's not going to do what needs to be done. In fact, he's probably sleep walking himself. Here we are. The wall street journal outright says God says IRAN ultimately responsible for attacks on? U s troops. So here we are. had over the google and what you see all boy, this one's this one's one? U S, is attacked in IRAN. Is the search and just look at all these stories. You but u s as IRAN, actively facilitating around back terror groups around facilitating iran backed groups around backed groups: iran, IRAN, IRAN, IRAN, IRAN, the powers in the united states- have wanted this for quite some time and oh boy, it looks like they're about to get it. Tucker carlson issues a warning, Took across it highlights ominous sign about pretend IRAN, war.
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And Israel could escalate into a wider conflict. This we understand took across it has entered the fray. I give you this. I give you this for I bent in perhaps we'll have to elaborate on this some later But I think this is important for you to see what this means in terms of world war. Three may be something we ve never seen before. The amount of violence and attacks we may see in the united states may not even come from IRAN. It may writ this country in twain when it comes from our own Genji guide, benson tweets I just keep staring at these numbers. Asleep. Majority of eighteen to twenty four year old american say hammas slaughtering civilians can be justified by the grievance of palestinians Then sixty two percent of the exact same group agreed the massacre was genocidal, genocidal but justified. This is from harvard caps harvard
ass. Voters say the killing of twelve hundred civilians is not justified, but the grievances of palestinians, and the tax on Jews are genocidal. What are they sang? Well, here's the question: do you, I think the hamas killing of twelve hundred israeli civilians on Israel can be justified by the grievances of palestinians, or is it not justified? Seventy six percent of people say it is not justified their interesting. Seventy five percent of ask say it is genocidal and those individuals would be correct, but then you look at the age group breakdown and what do you see? Fifty five to six. before your olds. Eleven percent say that it that it is justified by the grievance of palestine,
It's eighty nine percent states not justified forty five to fifty four, seventy seven, thirty five to forty four sixty one, twenty five or thirty, four, fifty two and guess: what eighteen to twenty four year olds, only forty nine percent say it's not justified. Fifty one percent of eighty to twenty four year olds believe what Hamas did in killing civilians explicitly in the question was justified. We're still sixty two percent of eighteen to twenty four year olds. Believe the attacks were genocidal. So, what's the overlap? Overlapping, ok, sought out wrong is about eleven eleven percent overlap. Ah, there are fifty one percent of in the twenty four year olds. I'm sorry it's not eleven cent. It's it's! It's! It's! It's a bit more! I would say it's fifty one wow this is. is it an insane number two too to see fifty one percent.
Of young people say. The attacks by hamas are justified. That's what you're saying specially come out of these universities sixty two percent believe it is genocide. Now I dont know how many of those who believe it's a justified. Actually, all's also believe it is jet genocidal it's fair to say perhaps of the four. Nine percent who are saying it's not justified for nine, the right sort of ok. So the number is about thirteen fourteen percent. Forty nine percent states not justified. Let's give the benefit, out and say, every single one of those in Jos believes its not justified and genocide that since there is about fourteen percent left over, that believe it is justified and it is genocide at a terrifying thought. Isn't it
A terrifying thought, none at all, I'm sorry is about thirteen per cent. Now I'm doing the math wrong, I, whatever the point, is not every person who is saying it's justified, believes genocide. In fact, I'd be willing to bet If you went to the average far left us marching through the street chanting, free palestine and from the river to the sea. They say it wasn't. Despite the fact they say, oh all of these people are settlers. It's interesting. My question for them is what amount of time needs to pass before a person living somewhere who was born there is deemed native to that land. Nor do I don't think there is an answer. I think the left is a. Attic destructive force and is dominated by overt evil. I really do. Oh, I'm not going to justify israeli air strikes that kill. Civilians are like this. A horrifying report coming at yesterday, just an ambush tweeting that
his his second cousins, his first cousins killed and israeli airstrike and here's the ears the main challenge you ve got pro israel people saying Hamas attacked israel. You ve got pro palestine problem awesome. there is a distinction, but there is an overlap say at their settlers who stole the land. I see people asking questions like if you were being occupied, would you just give up and dumb here's my response? First does not knighted states. Israel is not the united states. Now there are strong ally in the region. Yes, the united Aids in the uk were trying to establish a homeland for the jewish people, but it's a lot more complicated than that.
What we end up seeing is an argument of how far you can go back to determine who owns this land, and my attitude is gonna just like. Maybe we should not be involved, but I do know that sets a possibility. I really don't. Instead, what you get is an impossibility. We can't allow israel to just be wiped off the map and for there to be a genocide, we cannot allow a p. who think that all set a settlers are not civilians and thus fair game to go in and massacre people in villages. They argue that passed a gaza as an open air. And so when a young men on last night- and I asked him of this question and I think the absurdity of the others waste is exposing this conversation. I asked him what would happen if it charity barrier round, Gaza was completely moved. Security forces mode in Israel said you are free to move about all of israel and he said violence would be on both sides. Both sides. Ok,. The idea that israeli citizens argo.
To storm into gaza and just start randomly massacring people, I think, is an absurdity, but the idea that people in Gaza, storm into is Israel is our mastering people, I think, is a reality that already happened, not saying every one of your average palestinians. Does this in fact, It would be a slim minority, but it would happen and so the vial, on both sides know you can make argument that Israel stolen fine, that's not solving, problem. That's justifying the escalate of tensions into world war. Three, let me stress this now. The p bore arguing palestine, Hamas, Gaza etc are justified in attacking Israel. Calling for escalation. My argument is you be mad about nine in forty years and forty forty seven forty eight nineteen is, I think, forty eight and sixty seven,
you may be mad about the expansion, the quarterly, where we want to believe be mad about. It just know this. If you believe that history justifies the attacks of Hamas on Israel, you are saying world war, three should happen, but still new. I can see it now. I get it, but about that's not fair. We just think the people have a right to return to return to their homeland, blah blah We are at a point where that is not possible. If you truly believe that the did the poor full of israel are unjust and in the wrong many of these people in these villages, the kibbutz they were born there, there they were not part of the civil war. They are not part of what happened seventy five years ago, and so you are arguing that they should be killed and displaced. The result is going to be world war, three, that's it or per
We can say forward up whatever we do now. The fighting must stop. I dont know how you make that happen. The argument right now from pro israel side is that. Israel must take out hamas targets or seeking to to wipe them out. We see these poles That people know that it's genocide, but their stay still believe it to fight. That's insane to me, benjamin argues this. The united Aids needs to be involved. It is how America can avert world war three and man. You know out. I had a a lot of comments, a handful it last night. It's really funny when we have this individual in the show who was arguing that Israel's committed war crimes and all these things, because Israel caught off. Why an electricity and I'm, like I don't know, that's a crime to night give someone electricity to work on and not give them electricity
If the argument is you took it away from them and it was their production like you bomb that are something perhaps but we know that Hamas released a video where they turned water pipes into rockets. It's war I don't understand what anyone could justify anything. The argument here is that you know it: this gentleman lesson It was arguing that he believes its past while Netanyahu knew the attack was coming. Israel warrants, we ordered the military to stand down so that Israel is, would be massacred to give them a justification to bomb gaza, and I'm like. There are so many leaps of faith to get to that question. I believe an absurdity now peoples that, yes, false flags happened to me, should really entertainers questions and, unlike sure, but if you on to that question we can entertain fifty more Or a hundred more a thousand more and where does it lead us? It doesn't answer any questions. It isn't solve any problems. The issue is the people who are critical of of Israel.
would choose a greatly circuitous argument as to how this went down for four governmental benefit of Netanyahu, of a political benefit, and, unlike my point, this, if you're, going to make all of those assumptions. There are some variables in between. I could make up a whole another story and annette. You why you choose to believe that the way often do it, the point of trying to make We like to say that nine eleven was an inside job and that bush knew something like that the very least they did not come and let it happen. I say: ok, here's a conspiracy, theory theory for you. Equal is plausible. In the seventies when they were building the towers? It was a contract to the lowest better. This how we operate united states We say we want to build. Two large skyscrapers of this minos. Port authority says we want. We want to bid this year's contract and then you get ten companies. One company says it will cost a hundred millions who too expensive one company says we can do it for seventy five too expensive. One company goes. We can do it for fifty.
and the other companies balk and say what it's impossible to build these for fifty as they know we can do it. So what happens? The government says yours if you can build it for fifty, and they said we can. Then couple of executives have a meeting and the one guy says we act, which we can build two skyscrapers for fifty million. Are you nuts? What are you doing and what I just don't worry about it central support, columns that typically allow the billing to its between stand. High hurt means or plane crashes. Look this never gonna happen in new york. Planes not gonna, hit the building pull out these support. We save twelve million dollars here's a cool fact. A crooked I can't stick out its tongue. Another call fact you can get short term health insurance for a month or just under a year. In some states, united, after a short term insurance plans are designed for people, war between jobs, coming off their parents plan or turning aside side hustle into a full time gig
underwritten by golden rule insurance company. They offer flexible budget friendly coverage with access to a nation, wide network of doctors and hospitals, get more cool facts about united healthcare short term plan that you each one dot com. That's my conspiracy theory! Not literally, but you get my point, why was that not an argument, corporate malfeasance or about this? They they they cut the budget on the buildings? My point is this: I dont know my issue with conspiracy theories that people choose which A curative path makes the most sense. Ultimately, my point is this: you have people who want wants. desperately to believe that Israel is evil. They will say Israeli soldiers killed their own citizens, thereby putting articles out saying that that net allowed this to happen and I'm just like you have Too many assumptions for me to even entertain this possibility by all means. and get and ask the questions. Fine, but you gotta be,
asking ten thousand other questions. If you're going to make this many leaps, my point is not to bring it bring up the question of the merit of these of these stories. My point is: that there are people who are so passionate that they will ignore logic and entertain possibilities which require numerous assumptions. Maybe right. My point is this: I dont know I don't care for the extremist passion of acute in Israel of allowing this to happen a climate of off, while swag ben shapiro, Yes, u s! Intervention? U s. Strength will prevent the conflict from us two point in which Israel goes into all out war roaming in other nations, in the inverse at the mirror.
You have a acts: royal navy chief, saying they? U s? Involvement will bring in russia and result in world war. Three so pick your poison You ask gets involved, erotic forced to intervene bench person it doesn't get involved. Iran is forced to intervene. Have fun, ladies and gentlemen, it would seem that the only outcome here is going to be world war. Three, so though they I can tell you is that I hope your prepared for where this brings us because I only see escalation. Internally in the united states, I hope you prepared for what this brings us far left extremists. They know no morals, they now oh, no political cause. They're morality shifts on a whim, and there already. Attacking innocent people in the streets, they've been doing it for years, I believe the attacks on Israel are justified and they also believe it genocide. These are people who believe genocide is justified its horrifying. I don't know what percentage
before the percentage exists. Why do you think they'll do to you? How are you prepared? That's all I can say, and I hope it doesn't happen, but I dont know how else this place up I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up at one p m and gentle thanks for out and I'll see you well Donald troms lawyer, Jenna Alice, has pleaded guilty in georgia election case, the latest to flip unbelievers. makes what are we on four or five guilty police for guilty? Please, which will break down jenna Alice the right wing attorney who worked for the trump twenty campaign pleaded guilty to a criminal charge and the georgia election case? It's a single charge, but it carries with it five years of probation. What an interesting interesting develop another I'm no falls the knife in the back of donald trump. These people were oh, so proud and so happy to stand. Firm
and twenty twenty say unequivocally. Donald trump, rightful winner John. I always did very little. She was a lie she was charged on, two counts, one of which was rico and one was soliciting a public official. I believe I'll go, get the specific charge pulled up in a second, but it was very little in fact she'd being charged. Basically, just being trumps lawyer at the time, which is not, only in my opinion, constitutionally protected, but a constitutional rock. Why are I'll say I don't? trot was right. I think a lot of the stuff that they were arguing was wrong, and I know this from the beginning. I believe that I'm engaged in ballot. Harvesting change to the to the election rules, often that what it was done through the executive branch and not the legislature, which is seemingly in violation of the constitution, something which was not ever adjudicated, but long story short job.
got more votes than trump and people seem to conflict. That statement with the idea that more people wanted Joe Biden to be president. I never said that in fact, it's quite the opposite. I said tuesday abandoned tromp was anti elected. There was no sentiment in favour of Joe Biden for the most part thing: enthusiasm, Biden, was like twenty six percent to trumps like ninety two but aunt I trump enthusiasm was through the roof. Why well covered happened look away, sports movies, video games, etc. Aisles of video games are still there to a certain degree, but certain events, work and our people come at bay. Mad. There were locked down and tromp was the present. They blame them. They then mailed, everybody a ballot and they went ballot harvesting. It's not that hard to understand, now, you could argue a whole bunch of other things happen, amassing they didn't. I'm saying that is the principal move that was made now you have trumps lawyers who are made arguments to defend him as he challenged the election. I believe.
it is the responsibility navy obligation of any lawyer or any candidate who feels the election was unjust to challenge it, for that is what makes this country a government of four by the people. For if we are a nation that imprisons visuals who seek a redress of grievances then we are no longer a constitutional republic with democratic institutions. We are no longer a government of foreign by the people, And I think it's fair to say that, where, at that point What can I say of Jenna Alice and these others will plead guilty? Oh boy, basing five or six years of probation depending on the individual. I I hope that within six months they are found be in violation of their probation and they get incarcerated because I want them to realise what they have done and kissing the pinky ring of corrupt endeavours
was, let me let me let me elaborate, it's not so much about them. I think they ve shown there. colors in turning their backs on this country and on donald trump for jenna Alice should have asserted in court. It was, constitutional obligation to as a lawyer for a man who is seeking a redress of grievances, that They know intentionally incorrect statements that she falsified nothing and she simply acted as a lawyer as her duty dictates. Instead, she cried and said: it's her fault. She regrets it and oh boy, She'D- never do it again. Well, ok. The message is clear: It is clear to any lawyer who would stand up on their first amendment right to speak and seek a reaches of grievances, that you will Rushed if you dare oppose the corruption in this country and yet
us wants to assist these people, but you know what you What you have sound now, I believe, they'll, probably let them do there it's probably be unsupervised probation or something like this, but the reason why I say I hope they go to jail understand a few things. Why are they doing? This one, as already mentioned, they wanna make sure any lawyer in the future knows. The cost is too great for you to bear, and thus no one's going to want to seek a region of grievances. It is too, the boat on your neck, and they want to make sure everyone sees the tears streaking. down Jenna Alice's face now. If you're too, a challenge to this and stood farm and said this country mandates, But we file the legal challenges that we deem. We must to preserve this nation on the terrifying thought
someone standing up for the ideas of this country and then they need Jenna Alice to drop to her knees and kissed. The pink hearing I did a lot of people are like what does that mean the tinkering godfather the mob boss, holds up his ring and the man kisses it. He says, be my friend and kisses the pink hearing. Also the general reference to acquiescing to authority so on another different styles, visit the game colonization, the king, oh insult you and say something like the visibility of about colonizing. America's. The king will say: you're awful behavior insults me. So I'm increasing your taxes. Kiss my ring and you can kiss the king's ring or you can say, screw off and you can dump everything in the ocean. Hey it's inspired by the boston tea party. We will not act Yes to your unjust demands. We will not kiss the pinky ring good, sir, but journalist it.
and so here's the issue itself much that I really want anyone to suffer, go to jail, but jenna Alice has told the judge. You can present me if you deem she has given up her rights, her fight She has given up her moral obligations and any argument she could have I in yellowstone, in this yellowstone, which apparent getting cancelled, unfortunately, there is environmental activists. Who assaulted officer or something whatever spoiler alert and died. She She decides, take a plea agreement, she's war, not to do it. If you take this plea agreement, you give up everything and so, instead of fighting the charge with an advocate who is going to speak under defence the prosecutor say, look we're leaving,
slap on the wrist, but if you're convicted it's a decade in jail, or something like that. So before this judge, who is absolutely looking to descendants, send an annex send a message about these environmental protesters. I mean look she's an eco activist who attacked a cop assaulted, an officer. She works out with the prosecutors. They say we're going to give you a slap on the wrist probation you're going to leave. Don't worry, he calls every few months. You're! Fine, just we'll be done with us. She goes okay, so in court. judge says my understanding, you'll be pleading guilty and the recommended I think recommendations in the agreement will be one year probation or something like that, and she goes yes, your honor. He goes. Okay, then, do you plead guilt, you? How do you plead and she goes I plead guilty and he goes okay. The court accepted plate, and now, as judge, I reject the plea agreement and with your guilty plea. I sentence you to ten years of prison and she's like wait. What no lots of forget now? Look case fictional story and she's kind of like a bad person who attacked cop.
No. What you did was wrong, but it's funny because they have like Heaven cos the character be alive. What do you do when you're locking her up and he gets her out early or something like this? Janet ellis- has just thrown herself at the mercy of the court, refining the hundreds of sheet she raised, hundreds of the tuna eighty grand to fight back. and say: no, I will not comply and she drops to her knees at she gives up. Let me play for you, the video and then we'll talk about what this, what we have for us. We have this clip of Sydney Paul. I really want to play that in a second. What they and oh, do I not have the video I got to have the vehicle a period. Oh here we go. This is from a ron, philip koski says, read the tearful statement in court after her guilty, please where she throws woody giuliani under the bus and says she whispered. She had never gotten involved. Ok! Well, here you are raising gentlemen. Thank you for the opportunity to address the courts.
This episode has brought you buy undeniably dairy picture. A dairy farmer did you picture aim meteorologists, studying the atmosphere about an engineer, running a bio gas system that turns maneuver into renewable energy or a scientist researching nutrients to try to help reduce methane emissions from cows. Farmer is more than a farm to learn more about our dairy farmers are doing to make their farms more sustainable visit. U s! Dairy dakar! I think it is also a christian. I take my responsibilities as a way of very seriously and I endeavoured to be a person at some moral and ethical character in off my dealings. In the wake of only twenty twenty presidential election, I believed that challenging results on behalf of president trumpet should be pursued.
Just and legal, where I endeavoured to represent my client to the best of my ability, I relied on others, including where's, with many more years of experience, the night to provide me with the true and reliable information, especially since my role involved speaking to the media until legislators in various states. What I did not do, but should have done your honor was to make sure that the facts, the other where's alleged to be true, were in fact true in the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to deal. in several states, including georgia. I failed to do my due diligence, I believe in and I value election integrity. We then what I know now I would have declined to represent donald trump in these posts. Selection challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse. For those failures of mind your honor, I have taken responsibility already before the colorado bar who censured me and I now take responsibility before this court.
And apologize to the people and apologize and apologize end and there it is the betrayal of donald trump. We are seeing an collapsing and giving in now here's a clip from sidney powell check this one out This is stunning heartbreaking infuriating and most unpatriotic acts I can. Even imagine for people in this country to have participated in any way, shape or form an hour. the american public to know right now that we will not be intimidated. American, patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our and we are going to take this country back. We are not Went to be intimidated, we are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up now. President
one by a landslide, that we are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the united states of america for the people who vote for freedom. as well as look, I don't think trump one The landslide, I think, people understand, what it means to win since the beginning. I said by one: why he's in the white house drug didn't when they the votes. I don't care, how you think they got the votes. The votes were there, the numbers exist, you can argue their bad vote. You can hear what have you want? The point is in the greater scheme of things. I am not talking about an election. I am talking about a conflict between warring parties bite into the white house. That's that that's winning
now those who sought to aid trump and a system, their legal duties as lawyers they are now being criminally charged, and you know what they're doing their sacrificing your future, your nation for themselves, for it takes a person of strong moral conviction to stand up and refuse to allow the corruption to spread to preserve this name. and it's ideals and for these individuals, scott hall sidney powell can chase Barone John Ellis. They have decided that the fight is too great for them to bear, and you know what I can't blame them. They are weak, willed individuals, week, moral conviction and they should never have been placed in a circumstance like this, I would not ask a five foot three one hundred pound individual to train. Every two bodies out of a burning building, but in this instance these people that donald trump chose now, as the we move move on from this into the twenty twenty four alex
cycle understand the ramifications of this, if you re a lawyer who seeks to defend your client. You know that you'll be facing prison for them as individuals. I've heard the argument that tim you're wrong. How dare say such a thing of these noble patriots, what I was gas lighting, and I'm like this, I would guess lighting means here's the issue. these individuals not only are barred from certain activities. They won't be able to do any legal work in twenty twenty four. Thus key players in the twenty twenty election lawsuits are out of the game the argument for many people was that they're trying to avoid bankruptcy. What's the point for themselves? Yes, as it ok, here's what I see a nation, that's greatest fighters, I'm not really saying they are, but the argument was in twenty twenty: they were, they were fighting. This good fight will not be intimidated if this is the best they have to offer.
And they cave so easily. Well, that's just it all for themselves to avoid bankruptcy. Is that all you would sacrifice the core of this nation in your constitutional duties. Drop to your knees and the court with ears, don't make me do this and there are people who say the court case was weak That's what we're seeing they didn't want to go to trial, so they got a free walk. Oh, is that the case, and if that was days than any. One of these defendants could have smiled and said I'll, see you in court matter, but instead they chose not to why so I hope, as they throw themselves at the mercy of pure evil and corruption there. learn what it means to beg demons for mercy and was demons smile and send a message to everyone else, for if the court decides that in beef, five years or in the case of semi paolo six years. These endeavours,
rules are in violation of their probation. They will be incarcerated and you know it for the rest of us. It's an important gesture. It would be a warning to anyone if you betray this nation. If you betray your constitutional duties and you acquiesce to corruption, you will be given no special treatment. Your deal will not be adhered to and for it you will suffer. You know it reminds me of the old stories of the germans and the chinese and the devils and thirsty and bargains, and things like this Do you really believe that if we make a deal with the devil, the devil will actually abide. Of course not. for evil has no incentive to follow. Terms of an agreement, your playing a
with an individual who explicitly told you they are going to cheat, not only that there are currently cheating in your face by trying to lock you up for simply being a lawyer. Now let me stress again Any one of these individuals who actually committed a crime should go to jail, I'm gonna make sure ice. I make this very clear. There is one of two scenarios All of these individuals who pleaded guilty were actually doing there. diligence and thought they were fighting. The good fight did not intend to break the law, and thus they are being unjustly prosecuted, and for that is the assumption I operate under. However, I must make it clear. The alternative here is, the gender Alice kenneth chase, bro city powell, scott hall, all in pension elite allied to monopoly. late hour system too. Roy this nation, and for this I hope they go to prison so understand what I'm saying if Jenna Alice actually did aid and abet fall.
statements to try and subvert this nation. I not satisfied with probation. That's a seditious conspiracy is found to be in violation and goes to prison if it is not the case, and she has simply pleading down in fear Well then, she is sacrificing this country for herself and she deserves prism. Perhaps there is something simple and all. Perhaps I am wrong in my assessment that these people were actually trying to file a reaches of grievances. Perhaps the realities, Oh, so simple, these people are evil evil people not the banality of evil is the malice. It is the malicious evil that sidney powell knew she was lying but wanted the drift. If that's the case, then I think you got off light and I hope she goes to present for trying to destroy this country, for if it is true that donald trump truly lost than he
have lost and these these charges. These filings challenging the election weren't the case that these The visuals knew they were lying and they're getting off light. However, I think fair to say that there's probably a mixed bag. Some of these well. I believe probably lied and for that they should go to jail. Initially, be given a light treatment, but I I genuinely believe, based on what I have read and what occurred agenda Ellis, she did not do that much charges. She was facing was rico, which is just a rod, sweeping charge and Cetacean of a public officer. A very very nine or charge it up, His agenda Alex was simply acting as a lawyer for donald trump donald trump says I need a lawyer, here's my argument says I'll draft the argument for you. They said now you're going to go to jail and she goes. Oh please, oh me, oh my, but I will make make sure it's very, very anyone who is lying or cheating to subvert an election should go to jail. I don't care which side you're on and if these people are now admitting that's the cat then there is only one of two outcomes: they have betrayed donald trump and us, even though they were doing a constitutional duties or there,
actual evil liars or trying to overthrow this country. You pick either way. They are really really awful people in the end. What we get. while they're gonna go for donald trump. Then it's fair to say it's you were seeing like gum, liberal commentators say things like they are Tromp supporters, we're gonna believe. Even after all, these people admitted all this that their innocent blah blah blah. As I come on you dont get argue that innocent people get locked up through the jury, to the jury tax or through play. Agreements which are exploitative and corrupt. And then argue it does not apply here. We ve known about the jury to the trial tax, the jury actually much where we're going to call for a long time that is, you could be accused of a crime for what innocent lives, they normal thing that happens in this country, and I think it should be illegal. I think it should be. It cannot be allowed, they say you are accused of breaking and entering and you go out And there
I have an alibi, alibis, no good, and if you go to trial, we're gonna rip your alibi to shreds and you are going to be found guilty and you will get ten years and as in the person's like, oh man, what do I do how hold on? We will give you a simple trespass charge you'll serve three months and that'll be the end of it. The agra from the court is that by pleading guilty you're accepting this, civility for what you ve done. But the reality is most people fearing long trials that will cost them too much money, destroy their lives and potential still see them going to present decide. I will give the court whatever they ask. If they just go easy on me, So often you'll get lawyers as they look it's going to cost, millions of dollars and your life we gotta be found guilty and then you'll go away five years. Just take the probation, I may say: ok, so they sell everybody else out. I'd like to believe. hush. How should I'm not a coward? I just never been tested. I like to believe But if I would, I would pass,
it's actually not sure? I just love that line for multimedia bastone I've been tested, but under this degree when I was facing, but about a month to six months in jail on a false charge. I was adamant that I would go to trial. I wanted a jury trial. They would have to fight tooth and nail and they would have to dedicate all the energy they had if they want. To go up against me and let that be known and guess what it should dismiss the case about that, because that's that that's that's that's the world that I live and pull the role that they live, and I dont know what life is outside of Your convictions and the core of your being for it is not a bert cheesecake were basque burnt cheesecake, with with delicious cherries,
It is not a chocolate lava cake with a scoop of organic vanilla, ice cream. It's not scorn the jackpot in vegas. All that life is is what I believe, and I do not I understand I just cannot live in the mind of these people, who would say I would sacrifice the core of my being for a little bit of comfort. That's is me, I don't I don't know. I don't know I just I just I started my mind. There is a big deal between talking and reporting, especially right now, with a fire hose the news coming your way, you know what helps having reporters in the field. I am bread milky. abc news and that's what we ve got on ebay, daily podcast start here every
earning start here, takes you across the country and around the world for a quick, smart. Look at the stories that matter it's fast, it straightforward and sometimes gasp news can even be fun. So, let's meet up tomorrow morning, listen start here wherever you get your podcast. If I truly believe something and I I I don't know what else I would do. I dont know what life is. I don't I don't get it. If someone came to me and said, renounce your faith in the in in the in in the founding fathers in the ideals of this nation in the valley, enshrined in our constitution, I'd say no and they would say you don't? We will destroy your life. What is life without the things that make me who, I am I dont know, what are? Would you arguing that, instead, eating a cheesecake tomorrow, I'll be eating prison food- I dont know the difference I dont get. It will look,
This is just so outside my understanding, and while I despise these people, I have eaten the finest meals. I have add wagyu steak with all our salt sprinkled. On top dont care. It's nice, it's delicious. But it means so little. In the long run. I could just as easily be the box, a mac and cheese from Walmart, I just don't get it, but there are people. Who value more sitting on their couch and watching sitcoms. Then the core of their being or perhaps there is some court there being perhaps there is no world for which they seek. Perhaps there is nothing that makes them
They are perhaps the and pc meme is exactly what it is non player characters people with nothing but makes them who they are, except the desire to have a little more sweets get a foot massage. I just don't understand. Perhaps the answer is this: that These peoples, the actions, was unjust and they lied, and perhaps that's the real do- they really are evil people who lied to us in grief that offers to steal our money. I would say: that's: prob the assumption youth you should make- or you can argue that there sacrificing what they claimed were deeply held. evictions for a little bit of comfort. I ask you: this it's a lesson. I learned a long time ago in skateboarding, there's a famous prostate border said before you're doing a death defying stunt. You ask yourself: what's the worst, that could happen in the reality as its bad, it's bad, but you think about it. I would like to jump down this set of stairs,
The worst could happen. You break your legs, you slip befall, you get your head, the worst possible thing in the world, in fact, is being scared and giving up the slim chance. That's you make a mistake and you get hurt. Ah, the reality is you'll, be out for a few weeks and you'll have a story to tell the worst thing is that you never try and never experience that which life has to offer. I I'm sorry I'm just. I can only assume that these people are all just bad people and so be it. Let them go to prison. That's why I said I hope they go to prison because again I will stress either they really did this lying and trying to steal an election or they're cowards. Who would sacrifice the the convictions of this nation for a little bit of comfort, betraying donald trump pick, one, which one either way they deserve to go to jail
As it strange to me, I I dont know what there is in life and what you end up with, and I dont understand so many people who, what are you? What is your goal? What is your intention. don't get me wrong. Let some of these people are families that I get, but I I am just confused by those who would argue that their choice, drink, should live in a world under the boot of corrupt evil, or they are just genuinely evil. People who would sacrifice this nation for themselves, it is what it is. I suppose I ll leave it there. Next segment is coming up at four p m on the channel bank sprang out now Well, then, I imagine you ve heard the voice of tourist strong somewhere. She is very famous voice actress who has been on a ton of shows who issues miss turner and fairly odd parents. I believe she was she's bad girl. DA cheat. I think she was also harley quinn He's done a lot. She was fired from a job she says for me
jewish. In reality, it was for defending Israel in the wake of the attacks from Hamas. Now this one. This one strikes at the core of my being. My friends, you see, tar strong has me blocked. I met her tenor. Years ago? The ben of hers and other things. Was: I think she was Ben ten and invent ben tennyson. You like it done a whole bunch of differ. voices using drawn together. She played that prince ass and made a whole bunch of really offensive jokes and I met her a long time ago- and she is one of those individuals who did I know what she was signing onto when she began defending the cult of the psychotic left, and you know what for this she was. She will reap what she has some. I asked this question. Last because I have many friends in hollywood who are like liberal leftists, but who are jewish DA there's, a lot of jewish people in hollywood right and I would
the main questions about whether backing black lives matter. When they outright ay and Israel and it just like I doubt on not there and I think reality- was there were only defending these issues from like be a lamb is because it was marketable, and it was deemed socially important if you want to get this role, these are the politics you gotta have and so. get into this, I'm a little bit about question that I once asked a friend of mine. Isn't it was an actress and I will talk about this- here's a story from postcolonial beloved voice. Actress, star strong was fired from her role in the independent animated series box, town after posting hearst, what for israel in its war against Hamas terrorists on social media. On friday she posted just. just one, that on twitter regarding a termination let me read, let me read the tweets for you is actually a relatively old story. I mean this is both october. Thirteen
sound, says hello, all just one to offer a quick update on box down we'll be- recasting the role of bill previously played by tar strong will have more. In fact, soon on open additions,. Thanks for your understanding. As we re orient and figure out the next steps. I tried, watch and written morty without just in royal, and then it's just so awful like. Does it there's a couple thing they can get right that are funny, but like this, Can episode is out. I was the first one. It was really bad. Do I'm sorry that there are people who are trying to defend weaken more they love the show. So much like you can do the voices without the original voice actor and it's like you can't man, you just can't do it. I do understand, if, like just in roiling, suffered a cardiac arrest and I suddenly and they were like. We want to she's going though it be sad, but instance Doesn't roylance was falsely accused of like domestic abuse, something whose exonerated and they took away all these jobs. Are people still critical them them because of some leaked is dive,
ably whatever man I'm out here, it's too to adjudicate all that that's wrong. If that's the case, but like you can't do these shows now terrorist strong, defend israel over these attacks. You says just for that on twitter, So what happens when you help fans get shows made, I guess fired for being jewish glad. I helped you get your kid, our money. Please lose my email address and pray for my family and Israel and in Gaza. I just want to stop right here and say Torah, I'm sorry, dude, you are insufferable really bothers me. Yeah there criticising you of your stance on Israel and war. They are not firing. You be because your jewish ok and it's like dude that doesn't work on regular people. You can't just say that now I still think tar strongest in the right to defend israel she's aloud. And you should be fired for it, but just say that try. Turning to this, she is voice bat.
Earl, hardly quinn as well as characters on the part of girls. Oh yes, she was bubbles right regrets and teen titans straw. Had previously written multiple posts, slamming atrocities committed by Hamas, and I can I can respect that. That's just for those who support The actions of Hamas went when they in when they enjoy try your hometown in your soil, break it a jewish homes, raping beheading, isn't babies will your plug them? Will you if their flag, while they slaughter christians and muslims who don't believe their ideologies, and you got fired where we have the statement here. I believe: box town. The animated siri says, as some of you may have heard, our strong is no longer involved with box down or bandit mill animation and will no longer We voice in the character, build the orphan. The decision was to a trend among tars recent online activity, including post, that promote controversial messages regarding the peoples of palestine currently being affected by the ongoing israel. Palestine, crisis We believe that our public platform gives a duty to be careful when it comes to hateful messages, yadda yadda, yadda this or that
difficult decision, more information, but the casting of box down will come within weeks. You see. The first thing I want to say is: did you not think to just like call on the phone and take a Torah? Let's have a conversation messes. This is what you get, though, when you side with evil hearts or with the palestinian israeli children and families being affected. People should be able to live freely without being threatened by constant abuse, sweep we hoping for the best yell your story. I have a bunch of friends they mentioned left his friends in hollywood and. I mean I'm hanging out at the top of my friend has got like you know, a bunch of jewish items, literally their jewish and I Tell about it, I was like I think would happen was like they were explained. Something to me. That mentioned something like one of the things they got from my grandparents like a while and then asked about? I was like, isn't there like some kind of aren't you at odds with like
You know Israel and blm and, like the far left wanting there not to be in Israel and their ally. What are you talking about and like no that's unreasonable, I think people are just concerned, and you know I get in and I ask I asked of like several of my friends I said: do you know many christians there are in the world And there are like ours like the two billion or something like two billions, massive massive religion. You know how many nations are christian and are the real answer is fairly nuanced. It's like that many many nations are not explicitly christian. Didn't have a christian doctrine as their like state religion. Some do butts in already majority christian nations. There's you know several dozen and then I said jimmy muslims. There are things like one point: eight billion or something like almost two billion. It could be one point: four I dunno whatever, but like over a billion billion and a half and jimmy muslim nations. There are a couple dozen right. These are explicit username.
that explicitly muslim in doctrine, meaning they actually have like islamic theology at the highest levels of gum, and then I asked the like germany Jews there are in the world and you get different answers. In Israel I think it's like what are they say. They suspect, seven million or maybe the diaspora, goes up to like seventeen simply save our one winning homes, security has advanced sensors, digital cameras, and now this twenty four seven lifeguard protection, only from simply say monitoring agents can see and speak to intruders through our indoor camera, to help stop prime in real time and for fast police response, now get fifty percent of any new system with vast, protect, monitoring and simply say dot com, slashed, spotify advanced on security, twenty four, seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day, there's no safe, like simply safe, familiar
like an how many major how many jewish nations are there, and this is the funny thing I'm not asking this to make any kind of point outside of the far left defending muslims and the head job in this country when the make up billions of- people ignoring the fact that they actually as jews, are deeply concerned with with Israel, but when I asked this question all of a sudden, you can see in these people passion and they respond with one may be, and unlike what how many jewish nations other one may be? Why because Israel at war- and there is territorial, this use and arguments over a two state solution and what land actually belongs to Israel. Accusations that real, doesn't belong there in their colonizers, an evil. It's not like, there's a country that has just been led by whose for a long time it has just air Israel is in dispute. So it's like all these two nations, all these muslim nations and israel. Why not say
sport has roma citizens support of here? I'm saying this is the current state of what israel is. My point is more so explain to me, jewish leftist, your views on Israel legitimate question, I'm not telling you you're right or wrong. I'm curious how you rectify your defence. Are I'm sorry recommend? How do you justify? How do you explain Your concern and fears over muslims in the united states and around the world. at the same time your name. Under serious threat from islamic nations and militant groups. soon as you bring that up it's all of a sudden like boom, sparks, go flying and that's my point. Our strong thought she could stand with. People who despiser and want to see is real destroyed from the river to the sea and the at the moment. She spoke up for what you believe and they discarded her like a soggy diaper. Well, how did you get a look
we are reasonable people, I mean like you and I right we're? Will you have a conversation with you about what you believe be programmed by Israel and we are not going to do to condemn you we're going to try to I understand you, but hey, don't get me wrong, we can get. He didn't have an argument, but you're always welcome back to have another conversation. We got people at tim guest who are for and against pro israel anti Israel. Whatever pro war, anti war, no joke that's funny. People are ragging on cassandra, fair banks, who is friends, lot. L, yahoo and they're just like a lot jokes that he's a neo con bolton brown who wants it nepal or american doubted world costs Andrews and isolation isolationist. Their friends. Cassandra was like hey jack, odin bodies, great because we're rash Well, people that understand. We disagree on a lot of things, but we do ultimately want to try and solve these problems and live together. That's what we offer and extend to you, Tara, strong, but guess what she blocks me.
I'm insularity blocks me on twitter. I don't care whatever ever do you can do whatever you want but see what happens? Had you come and worked with us? We would be accommodating to your world views and prospective within reason trying to understand what you think too. Just live to live and work together to build a better future, but you decided to arm you too to side yourself with evil people who hate everyone and advocate death and genocide. I am not exist during this this I showed earlier that the that young, He brought in twenty four believe fifty one, send its justified. What I'm out there we justify. And sixty two percent believe it's genocide? So what portion of that group we think that genocide and justified while it's crazy, isn't it jimmy boring, said
years ago a wealthy jewish man asked me to support an organization. He was founding to memorialize college students who engage in anti semitic organizations on campus, so potential future yours could see their history. I opposed it. Well, then I found the notion anti american and wrong headed college students are dumb, they're encouraged to be dumb. They deserve a chance to grow the hell up, hit them in the moment, of course, but then give him a chance. find their way. He said I stand by that right up until ten seven. If you wanted the rallies chanted stupid slogans back in the day I get it. You probably did a lot of stupid things we all did, but if you're still chanting from the river see after ten seven you're, not a dumper, should being unwittingly used by GM europe you're not on what it may just be by jihadist you're, knowing willing participant in what your own eyes have seen in rape and murder of Jews in the hundreds you can live with it. I get it there, a lot of peace. An inherent here, but also to the citizens and businesses,
germany born to the same thing a single palestinian child killed in Gaza is a tragedy and is horrifying. I demand solutions. I dont have them I demand solutions. I do not accept just collateral damage. Collateral damage is often an excuse and it's wrong. That being said, I don't have any solutions for you, this argument that Hamas can go in and kill? Fourteen hundred or, however many jewish civilians, and and and even some tourists, elderly people and take hostages and expect nothing in terms of retaliation is up and people are like will. Innocent people are dying because of an innocent people die when Hamas attacked I've listened statements, majora measure, nawaz, molasses, an excellent statement. I was reading that he posted about the generational anger and how they another b see it and feel it but listen. I can only tell you this. I'm not involved, I'm an american I'd love for there to be a solution. I don't have one I can
you that storming and unjust killing civilians is not an answer? It's not and you don't win because of it, because a generational problem and you dont, solve it by just thinking as the underdog with no military might you're gonna go massacre civilians, because this is what happens: and now I'm supposed to be like. Oh, no, Israel's responding like dude, yes, oh that civilians are dying. It's awful horrifying, Donovan answer for you, because, even as and as of right now, Gaza's firing rockets and israel I'm seeing photos. People. I know and trust people. I've worked in the past saying like rockets exploding over me with. You know, their complaining that Israel is firing rockets this it with this, this. What I see demanding Israel, stop without saying anything about Gaza. and there, and then that is what we get the Hamas hospital story lie last night. We had a guest on who taught me the past twenty years, or we would say like in in twenty fourteen. You know toothache
thousands were killed and eighty eight israelis were killed and I said what is it? What does that mean why I said me numbers doesn't mean who what or why that means nothing to me and what happened as I get, people on twitter saying tim pool claims dad innocent palestinians doesn't mean. think damp? I was at that and this is why I despise the left. These people lie about everything. None of what I said was Abstract numbers with no context doesn't mean anything you're, not arguing a point I can understand, and internet dead civilians means nothing quite the opposite. Hence I am fairly Aunt, I intervene almost x x, absolutely anti intervention and oppose war to an extreme degree because of collateral damage. But this is what they do. They lied about the hospital they lie now
and I'm supposed to just sit back and watch them lie about everything every step of the way. Sorry, I'm not interested, I'm not interested in being party to your lies. Hamas did awful stuff. Does Israel lie? Listen if you think a government is not going to lie to you in time of war. I got a bridge to sell you. First, they no for four before gain for for that, for their own benefit lying is a normal thing and two they would have to for security reasons. So yeah israel lies die and they put up propaganda, of course, but The simple solution dictates that much of this We ve seen in terms of videos and statements and photos, it's real it. Just I've done my due diligence and investigated and they say what about all the innocent palestinians were killed twenty years ago and unlike broke. I don't know what that means. Here's the ears, the example I give people five guys armed with
with batons smash out your though let's say you got a front door and got those like side, windows, smash him out, open the door and come inside and you've got five people in your family and you have a gun, a big, I say you got a k s g, twenty five, that is a pump action, shotgun double double mag tube holds twenty five, twelve gay, twelve gauge shot gun shells. What's that you got one of those, it's loaded with buckshot, then up what was slugs. You know these are massive deer slugs. These five men break into your home and
as your children are hanging out in the kitchen. They runnin grab one of your children and mercilessly beat that child to death. The that the person who owns the home grabs their k, SG and fires on the people who are in the in the process of beating their children. Being this shouted up, and then someone comes to me and says: did you Oh, like years go by, did you know that this guy? He killed five people, five people and they only killed one, and, unlike what does that mean now by all means, the story could be. There was one guy with a baton and for old women standing by and they all got hit by slugs and died, and that's a horrifying story or the story could be that this guy- was firing on five belligerents were beating a child, a death to save the child and was unsuccessful. You can't just say acts. Many data many died it doesn't it doesnt define morality, it doesn't solve the problem
people are operating to the assumption that you know it simple as Israel kills more people, then it's like well. Ok, then expect more to go on forever. Never ending. Now I think the issue as war is bad. We do. want israel bombing residential buildings or or whatever it is. The problem is the left is lying about. we think they're lying about what I said. Anne and their sank. Tim refuses to criticise Israel. I get it used of being a zionist, Andy and and anti semitic all the same time, its vote. Twenty. We have cassandra being accused of being a zionist, because twenty per cent of our guests on aol are jewish and now because is critical of Israel's cause. The collateral damage coming from Israel's airstrikes she's being called. You know like pro hamas, I'm just like you, don't men, but more to the point to what jeremy boring sign the people who are cheering on what Hamas did at this point. You report you so ok, that's that's just it, but the divide is palpable and and and and
and there you go. I will say this of tar strong. If you were critical of, I have my moral lines. I d I believe that anyone who is chanting from the river to the sea is doing as doing right and- and we had on Charlie Kirk as well as many people on the left, argue that Netanyahu knew in advance and allowed this to happen for political gain, and I I reject that. Is it possible, of course, but it's circuitous and it takes so many stick to that position like what's the point, if you're making the argument that he knew you essentially advocating for escalation, because if he did, that would require the use of force to remove him being evil in committing wrongdoings which would result in escalation. There's an indictment of the answer. Is it? That's it that's the case. Here's an icy. This issue drives people insane
Do you know how many people have died so far? And now I don't even know what nation to cause it my and mars at burma, this year's twelve thousand I made a post about it. I was like that look started a nineteen forty eight in burma, in myanmar, whatever you gonna, call, Is it palestine, Israel? Is it burma? Is it man, myanmar I said people just like nobody cares about that conflict, hundreds of thousands dead, but everybody cares about Israel, palestine. Why cultural, its religion summer responded? The Christ wasn't killed in my ingmar, right. We get it, but I don't understand is why seemingly secular, moderate individuals and libertarians in this country are just screen the top of their lungs about Israel. Right now- and unlike have you given consideration to sudan or my mom or burma. What have you call it,
I made. As said, I tweeted, I'm gonna get really mad about myanmar and someone's, like you. Might you spelled burma wrong and I'm like you see you see so that's my question: why is it religion, Ok, you're, not people who are not religious. Are they not paying attention to any other global conflict for which there are many with substantially more dead like in times as many noirtier victim twelve thousand, died so far in the burma myanmar conflict, don't you move the needle for americans and scientists like. Why are people so just tell bent on reaching and losing their minds over Israel? Look man, I'm america, your america now most of your america somewhat being canada, some but we're trying. We want peace. We do want anyone dying. What's the answer men, I certainly don't have it whatever didn't I'll leave it there, we'll just try. best next agnes, coming up at six p m in the channel. Thanks bring it out now see. Well then,.
Bestselling book on colorado springs, colorado desert would only be as up, but then does he employ brigade. Lets us hear that bassa, boracay or. When I was coming for this new one that lives in brazil as inaccurate, and I was anti zionism because units he has that authority in syria because he said that I'm in la mesa was it'll, never even thought about balzac, one directly say most beautiful things, We won't be that familiar ass, a person as he can be sending be concluded with industry that this clinics and we listened to carry on its internal? This was a sensible if you think on technical element is oh boy, coca cola bit off more than they could shoe Go go: go quietly, deletes mentions of black lives matter from company website, reverie corporate. Don't sent millions to be alarmed. You regret supporting such a virulently anti semitic organization. Coke has been a finance sponsor of black lives matter. For years references to its support of the organisers, appeared to have vanished from its website. In light of,
post shared by the group siding with Hamas the chicago and organ is there from l a are among those an organism? among those associate with imported civil rights group to have publicly voice What for the iranian back palestinian terror group following its latest wave of violence? here we are ted cruz, called it out with this ex post god, red handed coca cola deletes it four p m. One screen shot of his coat is I've coax website before me. I've support of Hamas and the others. This morning? This is from a couple days ago. They used to say brand also donated five hundred thousand dollars to the black lives matter global network to support the groups, odin education and efforts and their families twenty one black future month programme, blah blah blah, and here you go and gone. Here's body thing what founders of the black lives matter global and network, patrice colors
stated and twenty fifteen. They want to end Israel, oh boy. Coca cola, like so many other companies like so many woke leftists sided with abject evil and are now reeling because of it Look, I'm not saying that I take a stand in the Israel, palestine, conflict or anything like that right. I'm talking about the left lying about everything wanting exposed children to graphic materials and and all that jest and coke defended it. Ok but now now. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to Israel, palestine, do right government syndrome cocoa. Oh, I had no problem supporting mass riding dozens of deaths, All of this ok, this including we have with cholera us all of this was fine with coca cola
but no, the Israel thing. You know what man I don't drink that garbage anyway, coca cola is trash it is absolute trash and I implore you know, I've been drinkin drinkin these. These, your spindrift spindrift you went, is amazing, spindrift- is they dont sponsor merited and weeds, but would barbershop carbonated water, great fruit juice, orange juice, lemon juice, hibiscus, three grams of sugar, and then what are my drinking right? Now? It's empty this one's, a blood orange to grams of sugar. we ve got. One of these things are awesome. It's like carbonated water with a little bit a lemon juice in it, and the funny thing is it. What I always drink. I got it. Go a restaurant, I'll, be alike just gimme. Some and to squeeze them into my club, soda or or sparkling water and way better? if I do like a lemon t, I'll put some lemon juice, but no sugar, lemons, fine, that's what I, I don't drink that high fructose corn garbage that coca cola puts out but
Let's talk about is real de ring, dammit syndrome, and I think I think you get this year. My point on the critical issues all of the really awful things be alarmed, did didn't matter, I'm they were accused of stealing millions of dollars. Coke did not care, but, You get an israel and, oh boy. Oh boy, coax dropping you like a sect, data's yeah! did. You know that, right now in southeast asia, there's like twelve thousand dad over the burma myanmar conflict has been going on since nineteen forty eight there. Nobody cares before reason Israel The Israel, palestine, derangement syndrome, is that this is I don't care about what you're stances. Here's, what I care about you, can not say anything about Israel, palestine. Without some, and just like, were aiming at the top of their lungs. You know it it it's gotta really intends to cook coca cola. Tobacco way,
from defending be alive. You know it, and so we get this backlash, but this people are not gonna, call them out specifically high profile, Individuals are we ve gotta before people, I think we ve even had the show and it's just like they ve posted three hundred tweets about Israel and I'm just like what happened to your brain? Did your brain fall out I'm not saying there stance on Israel. Palestine is the issue. I'm saying the fact that, all of a sudden. These people Just like spam, tweeting like crazy, like Israel and I'm like what is wrong with you: people that's what I'm pissed off about people being like you're talking about a tomb, and, unlike do I tweeting about yawls. incessant nonstop derangement over the issue, be it programme as I don't care, I'm saying people like that: they're all making names I'm just like what about Israel, makes your brain fall out of your head.
I've, been saying this for for for a long time, I talked about how like we still have an old chat server and there were p well, who are so do range, their brains and rotten and twisted to such a degree. That, like some would say something like You guys try that, because they have ceased pizza and then someone philip, oh yeah, pizza buffeted. That's really good. I like that either it would be like yeah, but I like new york style pizza, like actually from new york. Have you ever had pizza? You know at of new york and in some way I once had pizza when I was in europe and then someone go, pizza, Israel, wants the thing about Israel and that complete, and I was like how did we go from peter to Israel? How does that happen? People's brains don't work, It's like no other issue and there's a lot of issues that may people a crazy but dude I'm dislike as an american. Here's We saw what happened october seventh and we
Would you get lay the self imposed woman rips down posters of missing israelis in miami? Why eighty and I suppose you're like. Why are you doing it's like your misinformed and the local problems like no, of course not, but like so psychotic people are so insane broke. I walked down the street. I see a communist sign on the wall. I ignore it, but people go sai kartik over Israel. they're not talking about burma, myanmar and I'm being careful here, because I don't even know about that right. Is it burma's at my mars, it Israel's palestine to conflicts stemming back of many many years, both with inflection points and nineteen? Forty eight and that's the point, man, you don't and people argue its religious, ok, it's you to the holy land or what and I'm like. I get it but like the people on talking, we're going nuts like this lady should not a christian I mean. Maybe she is. I really doubt it
This lady part, is it no care about religion but ripping down? photo of a guy who was kidnapped. For no reason did I just don't care and funny, because I'll be like what Hamas did was wrong and october seventh and an interest but an untold death, and we can condemn that and they live at the hospital and there like two: more we joke about the history of palestine, because I'm like no because you're insane. I comment on current news and events right now. We have a current store, as soon as the story passes and we move on. I ain't gonna be talking about it. This is the true. This is true for any subject: and people are so psychotic and fervent about Israel, palestine, their brains, just rupture from their skulls. The moment the story comes up, I've like many of you completely examined on twitter someone Like I mentioned earlier, someone tweeted that I said last night. Innocent dead palestinians doesn't mean anything that doesn't matter to me. Doesn't meaningless which is literally not what I said because they're so hell bent on
bring this into a team thing, like my team verses, your team that it's just like brow ya'll need some football. Ok, Please argue over alike the batting average of your favorite teams, like the white socks versus the cubs, do that instead instead of exacerbating ongoing political tensions which could lead to like serious war, but it thing too. I get why coca cola finally got rid of be alone. as you can tolerate, like coca cola, a company can tolerate political culture more stuff, but they can't tolerate israel stuff. Because people are it goes from zero to two hundred right, like even less where this dude on and I've got
well tweeting about how wrong I was all wrong. I was and I'm like, no you're just zealots you're, I'm sorry dude you're zealots. I am not going to change my opinion. You don't have to like me, bombings! Stop watching if the approaches on october, seventh, Hamas attacked Israel, hey I'm an american I'm hearing about this thing. That was bad. That shouldn't happen. Israel responds with airstrikes, lot of civilians die mike. Okay, that's bad too, but I get it it's war. I'm not saying I condone it on his being like. How do we stop all this dying? Well, simple answer is, we are, erica innocent of our effing business. But then what happens? Is you get pro israel, people attacking me and my staff and anti real israel, people attacking me and my staff screaming one. Guess we had on the show called for new king got up you're nuts, Your gravely throbbing become on the show and you're like war is bad
and then they call for nuke in gaza, and unlike do you, want the world's do just end now. And I'm kind of like men are concerned about the southern border. But this is the point: did I'm so post like this, we ve got high profile, personalities, screaming at the top of their lungs and unlike dude, calm down? I don't get it Holy land, I guess, just really what I can't stand like what other. it would result in someone being so deranged. They would ripped down these posters. You know I mean. It's it's genuinely insane to me. It's
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that really really pissed me off his mouth. I don't care about your arguments about Israel, palestine. I really really don't. I just don't not interested we could talk about civilians dying, it's bad, no matter who's, who are aware. Pals civilian dies is really really bad is rosamond, as is very, very bad, but what's cry He is how we that gas on an ira where it's like we're talking I am like yeah. I don't think the: u S should be in the middle EAST. You know like this. This afghans, afghanistan, war and then we're having this calm conversation go back and watched him guess: you'll find the guests. We can be having a calm convert it was only well. You understand, like in the american military industrial, complex profits off of this, and we had to say we congress a we didn't, want anymore, tends to be built, and yet still the contracts get steam rolled through our I'm sorry. It was of the military sector, more tanks and congress approve the bill anyway. Why facilitation of the military industrial complex testing and then all of a sudden, the word Israel happens and their eyes just call it when they go out and I'm like how did we go from rationally conversing
about policy, the legislature a you, maps and da's. Then. Israel happened there playing on the table are shaking like I just like her, ok, dude, brow, new thou and talk about began election coming up. We ve got spending on foreign wars and policy? And this is the thing this now involves Israel and you can see most of you just know how insane everyone's getting over the issue me. You know what gets me I'll riled up zealotry? I hate it. That's. Why can't stand the culpable left? There's there there their hope. They they martin lockstep over derailed the amoral crackpot policy? without cause or reason: now here we are an armed is begging people to be alike Can you explain to me why you care more about israel than the united states, And, I should say, Israel, Israel, palestine, wow
Is it that we have people in the? U s protesting for palestine, like what what we've got united states, you want universal health care, left left us you're like universal healthcare, trump orangemen, bad fascists. Ok, why are you ever palestine? I went to peace while in northern ireland, whereas in belfast, and on one side they ve got palestine and those other got Israel and there are act People in northern ireland who think there are lost tribe of Israel and, unlike. I I think, I'm done with this one. I think I'm just going to walk away, because y'all are crazy and we'll talk about something else. Maybe we'll talk about the election or something whatever dude, I think people have just absolutely lost their minds I'll leave it there. Oh no! No! No! No! You see here's the issue, my friends! Now we're going we're going to talk about it, but it's not be.
as anyone here has israel derangement syndrome, it's because it's in the news and I'll talk about it. If it's in the news, but people need to calm the f down, look I get it. Hamas killed a bunch of civilians. Israeli air strikes are killing a lot of civilians as well, but you'll still need to chill because cooler heads will prevail, and you're not convincing anyone, one when you shriek and post these means and road there there is theirs wondered whose posted probably like fifty times just in the past in a couple hours non, stop virulent anti israel stuff and I'm like dude chill out. But it's not even talking about if you're posting stories. Why did you know that nineteen? Seventy three, Israel did as online. That's fine, I'm seeing what their people work. lasting just like constant insult in streams and screaming, and it's just crazy dude on follow, unfollow mute
unreasonable unhinged conversations then help anybody but its eye. What that's why I get? Why could cause like we're out? not because they have a moral, not not for having a backbone, not because have a moral compass, but because they're just like, we can't handle the psychosis I'll leave it there next. I ve come up tonight at eight p m over you to back ass, much to guess our airlines rang it up and we'll see. Well then, it was the best of times It was the worst of times, and apparently it is the end of times we have this from sea began five reasons. Many christians believe and times are upon us, Israel play the major role? The funny thing is, I heard this well before the Israel, palestine conflict got so heated in recent history I mean obviously been here for some time, but this risk to attack and rapid response in the escalation. Well before this
Talking about the signs that the end days is upon us for christians. the argument, is Jesus will return for the Jews the argument that the messiah will finally appear jewish p, don't believe the messiah has yet emerged and they messianic air may be upon us and christians leave. Jesus was the messiah and will return again very interesting. I say that vaguely style, you know correct me if I'm wrong on the staff. But I read this article from see beyond this: culture has become increasingly captivated by apocalyptic themes and storylines with a plethora of power. our tv shows in feature films, embracing zombies, plagues and other terrifying end of day scenarios, but there The future armageddon, like scenario, is mere reserved for fictional plots, as the concept is deeply but The christian theology impact in the way leavers have read and interpreted interpreted biblical scripture, the past two millennia,
and with Hamas is horrific territory against Israel making headlines this month. It's no surprise prophecy. Discussions are wrapping up opposition comes as many contemporary theologians and pastors believe the world is currently observing numerous signs them that mirror the supposedly prophetic contents. The verses in old and new testament books like is equal, Daniel and revelation somebody's apparent signs, of course, involve we'll, which is why news the nation spark so much intrigue. Is that the reason perhaps convinced these theologians in pastors at the end of times, could be ramping up. That's a question I ve in depth. In my book the armageddon code, many of these things, than passers told me that sweeping moral decay biblical disconnected an ongoing violence in the middle east, are just a few of the prophetic markers they believe we're foretold thousands of years ago in both the old and new testaments? But how can christians leaders be so
sure Jesus himself foretold of his future. Second coming the problem. Christ also proclaimed and matthew twenty four thirty, six that no one knows the day or the army's return with a bible proclaimed and if we cannot know the, when do you just did reveal that the I some signs of his second coming and matthew? Twenty four six through eight you will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see Would that you're not alarmed, nation, will rise against nation in kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of earth pains shirley war has always been with us for the twenties and twenty four century. Seen broader, ok, who, let's break it down, excuse. What is the argument that what Jesus said is upon us chaos in the middle EAST? the one with all this in mind. The first sign that a sum apple scholars positing the world is either in or is rapidly approaching the end of times gas in the middle east in reason
Years situation in the region has been raising. More than a few eyebrows and the seemingly never ending tensions between Israel and her neighbors, most recently simplifying them. Austerity package today intensify number to Hamas. These estate and other bad actors from Hamas is barbaric attack that killed fourteen hundred israelis to these lines, states, murders and bloodthirsty quest for power. This black nations across the globe is no shortage of cas. Take events due account. Many bible experts will point out some of the battles cried in scripture clashes that they you are still unfulfilled are slightly to take place in the middle east money. That's what I interviewed. could not but wonder if the groundwork is currently being set for the fulfillment of the gog and magog battles. The reference in the book z, killin, revelation caused by addressing detail in his book. The arrogant Israel's reemergence, that brings me to the next modern day phenomenon that speak the interest of bible exports. The nineteen for
the eight reemergence of israel after a jewish state, was totally absent from the map for nearly one thousand nine hundred years. Here's what matters future is to see many bible. Prophecies are being currently unfulfilled as being curly. I believe that the all the new testament scriptures consistently predicted that a state of Israel would once again emerge at some point. The future consider is he'll. Thirty, six, twenty four, which was written five hundred years ago, the following words that are attributed to god, for I will take you out of the nations. I will gather You from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. Futurists believe that the old smith versus clearly reference a future restoration of Israel. That was unlike anything that on the prior to the under the holocaust. In world war, two modern day, Israel is seen by these theologians and pastors as a super sign of the end of days to come. I cannot fathom
how this modern day, prophetic fulfilment, a super sign can be ignored. Author Jeff Kinley, who takes a future approach, told me in interviews for the again code other sports, though, would counter that verse, among others, related the babylonian captivity which, with use were forcibly taken by king now but could measure the second. held in babylonia after being expelled from Judah follow, its conquest around five, ninety seven b c and not the recreation of Israel. forty, eight percent leader serious the great later permitted the Jews to head back their land and five thirty, eight b c, which could be perceived as a phenomenon prophecies of the temple and the Jews andrews on again would come under salt, by the romans in seventy, a d leaving the jews scattered throughout the world for centuries shifts in morality, is number four. The fourth issue that is sparking intrigued by the world's proximity, the end of days, is the fact that american culture is changing at a rapid rate. With traditional understandings of marriage and gender, transforming as a more progressive view on sexuality takes,
That's a sense among many that immorality is intensifying, which seems to be that little signs we are told to look for. His love lacks is cold and people become law. of themselves and five? Last but not least, the spread of the gospel daddy, the wkrishwit christian gout gospel continues to be and even the most remote and hard to reach geographic areas throughout the world. In this matter, too many bible experts to the fact that cry sectors resurrection that the disciples, the commitment and Matthew twenty nineteen to go and make disciples of all nations Jesus and also mentioned this preaching of scripture throughout the world. Earlier in the book of Matthew, the gospel of the king will be preached in the war on the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come interesting. So there you have it. You know what I think. Would it be funny if the There is the second coming or doing what you believe the first coming of the messiah, the son of god, would have in a calm and they're just like. we all were totally off. You know me like a liking.
Ignore polytheism and like the hellenistic era where there are like the pantheon, I liked the idea of the pantheon cause, if it's symbolism so well, but imagine like There is a mess I who comes there just like this is what you guys believed and then like there's an actual imagine the messiah, the christ second coming, first comes and actually and militarist mean, like imagine theirs can coming or the first like the messiah arrives, and there like. Let me explain to you what the word literally mean like let's remove all of man's interpretation or like attempts to decipher and then actually get told right, What I love about the pantheon of gods, Like if we really want a simulation, there would be a pantheon. It's like sound, Sign. You know John smith and are like the great god of sound like that. huntress, you know Aphrodite, it's like they're. Just the programmers in the great simulation so there's a store. I talked about a little while ago, but the red have her lot. Opium really excited about that story, because it's interesting
that right now, I think they should have added to the story. One of the signs is that allegedly beginning of september, a red herring. was born in Israel for the first time in two thousand, and this is a signal of like the written, the third. buller whatever which likes it seemed signifies like the messiah will be coming and you dont use by concern. How would you know let us go back to the times? Jesus Christ. For many believed he was the messiah and many believed he was a blast from and that's the issue. I. this? A lot when I was growing up. People said if Jesus did come back. People would assume he's a crazy guy and I'm like yo. They did back then too right. That's the point. That's I I built. I am not a biblical scholar, but I believe a strong reason why Jesus was crucified for daring to to proclaim a thing or to have people believe it if the
It comes once again yeah no one's going to believe it. A lot of people may lot people may not. There have been many people throughout the years who have claimed to have been the return of Jesus. Look it all up. So I wonder if there will be signs that accompany the return of Jesus Christ or, I suppose, four or four of those who are jewish. If it's a sign of the first arrival of the messiah but I can say is that an entire possibility that, as these signs bubble up, our charlatan merge that people actually believe could be the return of of christ, this episode, is brought in by champs forts polly
they deals have arrived so stop by champ sports and save on head to toe, looks they ve got the hottest selection to fleece proves sneakers and more shot holiday, gives at your local champ sport store or online at champ sports larcom sort exclusions may apply while supplies last and are subject to change. How would you know the interesting thing? Is people I often refer to individuals with long hair and beards as Jesus, and it's because we have these tropes of an image of Jesus with long hair and a beard, but you wouldn't know it. The individual would look like there's speculation about what Jesus actually looked like there's a composite the people of the region and their like this. What we believe just look like, and it's like a dark skinned individual with like thick brown, I think blackish hair, Never, but then you have the traditional european version of Jesus, which is a white, and with long brown, hair and beard. You also japanese Jesus. Shame is talked about this famous coglan that people would always depicted Jesus as a part of their culture and its normal, and I think the issue is right.
Because would you really know what the messiah would look like if they came today and how would you know for sure? Perhaps there are signs and explanations in the Perhaps you can come at below and enlighten me. But my point simply here is this: there are many people who believe it is the end of times, no matter what you think but but the issue is there's always people who think that the question is? Is it true today or is it just another bit of speculation? Oliver their next segments come up at four p m in the channel. Thanks thank sprang out and I'll see. Well then,. This episode is brought to you by hello, fresh, say, goodbye, How did grocery stores and hello to smooth the holiday season with hello, fresh, You can get ingredients for easy, tasty recipes delivered right your door there.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.