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Elon Musk REFUSES To Shut Russell Brand Down As UK GOV CAUGHT Proving Conspiracy Against Brand TRUE


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Elon Musk REFUSES To Shut Russell Brand Down As UK GOV CAUGHT Proving Conspiracy Against Brand TRUE

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this. It's all natural, not big farm, a crap. Not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk, see h, o q, fellows They have a male vitality, stack nine. today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to c h, o hugh dot com, promo code tim get you through.
five percent off your subscription. Get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code, TIM cast iron rule will be live in miami with patrick bet, David donald trump, junior, matt gates and lucrative caskey joint. There get your tickets clicking the link in the description below or by going attempt guest outcome. It is now confirmed there is a government agenda to remove Russell brand from polite conversation too, take away his livelihood and silence him. It's a fact. It is not a conspiracy theory I will say it once more, its proven for the post millennium uk part It sends letters to social media platforms, demanding democratization of Russell brand. We covered less than a tim castile LA, but we do have some new developments now, elon musk is being targeted with activists and yes, even political activists. And yes,
government officials demanding Russell brand, be demonetized. Why has he been convicted of a crime has? Violated any the policies of these platforms, no, he was simply accused a. I believe it was the sunday times several news articles have come out talking about impropriety allegations of abuse and assault the guest russell brand, and that's just it allegations But, more importantly, there is the more serious question. Even if Russell brand is guilty, should he not be allowed to do his let's rhamnus in another way of man is an auto mechanic and he robs liquor store and is caught. Should he be fired from his shop? Why they'll go to jail and maybe just in time Maybe it found guilty of robin liquor store, there will be penalties when he goes back to work. Is the boy
going to say I can't have someone here who rather liquor store, maybe maybe. When you think about what this means and what their proposing first there is an outright government agenda against Russell brand, and I want to tell you guys about the worst timed article in the history of the media. Ok, I really true, but just as of right now I want to go out and mock the daily beast. It's almost too perfectly you see, they're, trying to rephrase the narrative what is actually happening. Russell brow is accused and a member of the uk parliament admits contacting various networks to get Russell brands, content removed and reach out to social media platforms, to take away his income, tik tok and rumble you're about sector, but, I know rumble, said pound sand to the uk government. Now here's the fun part This article from the daily beast, the deep state didn't frame Russell
brand you idiots and there it is the reef framing of the conspiracy theory. Perhaps it's not the worst timed article, it's the most perfectly timed article why The article was published september, twentieth twenty twenty three at three thirty one p m re, framing the conspiracy theory from There is an agenda to silence Russell brand into they made up fake allegations against Russell brand to silence him. You see what I'm saying the theory. Russell brand comes out in says there may be a greater agenda here and may be. A component of this is that Russell brand is being framed. I dont think that was the core of the allegation. However, when people are talking about an agenda against Russell brand, its surfacing decades old allegations which may be out of kindness context or otherwise.
time when the media was celebrating and supporting russell brand. All of a sudden. Now they have a problem with him. You see. Let me show you the story from the post wanting to tweets. Mario novel comes out at three thirty. Eight p m wow. You mean seven minutes after the publishing of this daily beast, article iii world leaked from the uk government to tiktok and rumble posted three. Fifty four p m there letter from the uk parliament as well so we're talking about within a few minutes to about a half an hour before the release of these emails, proving definitively that the uk government, for which russell brand as a citizen, is targeting him to silence him shortly after our shortly before these this this this,
If proof comes out the daily beast published an article saying they did not frame him, which reframes the conspiracy theory you see it's it's, it's probably the worst timed article or the best. Why now that we know that there is a government agenda against Russell brand daily beast now changes the narrative to argue that it's the deep state in fact framingham. whoa whoa, that's a more extreme interpretation of the original question that was asked about what was going on with Russell brand and his content, and this story The initial question is: is there an agenda to silence him to shut him down over what he said about big form the worn ukraine, the military industrial complex, is there now all of a sudden, the conspiracy theories being refrain, but the database to the deep state didn't frame him. You see how this works mass. Really we done or worse timing. Ever I dunno pick one because.
All you know what I see the story. I can just say one thing: it doesn't matter what the daily basis saying China refrain the narrative. The conspiracy theory was proven true in less than a week, are those that didn't see it I'll give you the quick breakdown of what's happening with Russell bribery. You have more developments. We have this from twenty one minutes ago. Elon musk faces questions over comedians. Their status after coming to his defence and Ellen. ask also said: pound sand, we are winning. My friends simply puts they shut down Alex Jones They shut down, Alex Jones, positive watson, molly annapolis, laura loomer. All at the same time, basically why well I think when you look at this story about elon musk and thanks to our good friends of red rumble as well as iran, musk mario novel publishing this information from tiktok, I'm not sure where he got it but shut up to tick tock. For, however, they got you know at least this email thanks to individuals
these organisations. We now know what they're doing thanks lawsuits and the work of diligent activists, lawyers. We know that twitter was colluding with the federal government. These things are all prevent, thus Alex jones removal. How much do you wanna bet? It was orchestrated by? U S, intelligence agencies or government officials problem fact alex parents and journalist. We know because he won a lawsuit, but he did not break any twitter rules or I'd it fair to say like he broke a couple, but they told him out right here like just don't, would again: we won't ban you but then banned them anyway. Why? Because the government said government agents official said: why aren't you removing this man and they said you got a boss? It's a fact. It's confirmed and the proven. I love this over on the good old, simple wikipedia page. They entertain this. They they they
press, the idea as a conspiracy theory when I said that conservatives face disproportionate penalties and censorship on these platforms amendments and that for a long time. Why, because gives moto reported it as definitive fact? Then all the sudden they act like it's a conspiracy theory. This is the weirdest thing about the modern media, gizmodo and twenty. Sixteen says facebook was censoring conservative new sources. I go wow facebook with censoring conservative, new sources and they temples a conspiracy theorist. What's whenever man a large component of this really does seem like the goal of the international role economic formed. those types elite, est american unit party, whatever whatever this powerful group of individuals, I the cfr trilateral commission, whatever you, you name. The group it seems like a large component is, as Alex Jones described. They will lay bare traps,
You, the bare traps. Are there and then say it's your fault for stepping in them. Let me we break this down for those that haven't seen a guy, I know, and I'm already getting too much into the weeds without showing you the important context for those that missed. It rumble issued a statement saying that though, it may be politically and socially easier for russia to join a castle culture mob doing so. Violation of our companies, values and mission. We emphatically reject the uk parliament's demands this what they said They said we are looking at it russell brand, you of social media, including on rumble where he issued his pre empt responds to the accusations made against him by the sunday times and gentle force dispatches. While we reckon nice. That rumble is not the creator of the content published by mister brand. We are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform. Yo, that is, that's called a shakedown. We would be great
full. If you could confirm whether mister brand is able to monetize his content, including his videos, relate the serious accusations against them, if so we would like no. Whether rumble intends to join you tube in suspending MR brands. Ability to earn money on the platform We also would like to know what rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behaviour in credible they're losing their abject evil they are corrupt. I will say it again. There is no question in my mind. These people are evil this. This is lawful evil. It is malicious, evil. evil people seek, so it depends on how you want to break down your view of evil, but my view of it tends to relate to destruction, And it tends to relate to personal benefit,
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and with the exposure of this, it only increases the rate at which the narrative machine will continue to break and confidence in our institutions will shatter meaning you're losing deep state. I love this here's the latest development Russell brand news, ah authority says elon musk faces questions mm, they say over at the independent elon musk is facing questions from a senior mp over at Russell brand's twitter status over Russell brent sort status in the wake of a slew of allegations. Media and sports committee chairmen. Dame carolyn at Dinesh asked mister ma who recently changed what an index if he has personally Intervene in any decisions are Russell brand status. On the platform the question comes after. Mr must was quick to respond brands brownsville friday, comedian strenuously you deny various allegations in the communication to its chief executive, linda yak arena
carolyn, also asked if acts would be suspending MR brands ability to earn money the platform there. It is it's now. It's not just rumble tiktok? We know from this letter. Let me show you that they said they ve reached out to other networks as well. Let me put this one up: let's pull up the full tweet for but this is where they basically admitted. They say the cold. Media and sport committee is raising questions with abroad, with with the broadcasters and production companies who previously employed mister brand, to examine both the culture of the industry in the past and are that culture still prevails today. Simply put uk government has contacted broadcasters. So when Russell brands, content is being removed from networks, you now know. Why did you to ban Russell brand because they work at the behest of western government
Now I think Russell brand should sue youtube for defamation and I certainly hope he does. I don't know- maybe he doesn't when and to be fair. Look. I've been on and on the on the back end of allegations, smears lies, etc. It is really really difficult to sue and a lot of lawyers outright. Just say: there's no point, you won't win have a nice day, and I reject that. Some people have told me that. I should sue insert company for various reasons, and you can't. but I wonder- and I dont know for sure Russell brand, has a defamation per se argument against you too, because you too their de monetizing Russell brand because they take off off platform behaviour into account. Really, that is to imply youtube, has said Russell brand is a rapist, that's death nation per se. Defamation per se, is separate from standard defamation in that it doesn't require the times we Sullivan
Sure malice standard nor damages defamation per se is death. So agreed Jes, that in and of itself it is viewed as damaging to the person reputation when it comes defamation for public figures. If they say Russell brand, you know come and did acts They said that you know he sold off his company. He has a rustle brand, the trust of his you know his is a business associates, selling accompany and effectively hurting them in the process. That's not defamation per se You'd say: hey, that's not true! That! Never happened. My business associates were well compensated at you. You can't accuse me of that. They'll say what damages did you face as the actual malice standard I dunno about the uk, but in the? U s prove at the person who said this new. They were lying and show us what your damages were. Otherwise there loud to lie about. You know no kidding. You lie about someone in the press so long as no one can
prove you knew you were lying and they don't suffered damages from it. So if you said that someone like kick the dog, this defamation per se and then what's the damage is from accusing someone of that So, for instance, you have one organization accusing me of spreading election misinformation. How do you prove damages from that? Will the reality is? The defamation does hurt they will use that as a pretext to take away sponsor trying shut you down, but you can't prove the connection to the court's, throw you out plus. you prove individual knew they were lying. Of course we know they know their line privet for defamation. Per se accusing Russell brand of off. behaviour that warrants suspension of his modernization, fled out saying is a rapist. Ok, now that's defamation per se. Now Russell branch should so here's the re framing. I love the stuff, the deep state didn't frame Russell brand, you idiots, they say there some things that are unknowable, but without asking of evidence should not be entered into serious. One of that one
I was at the notion that that a conspiracy institutions, the mainstream media pharmaceutical companies into love politicians and other monsters of the cathedral. I love that they use the catching cathedral. Shoved Michael mouse has manufacture. I wonder if actually site him in there and what is this, the cathedral pushing totalled bs misinformation blah blah blah. This is from november twenty twenty two Where did they mentioned the cathedral geiger? We go curtis, curtis and credits himself. One of the phrase would you defines as The federal is just a short way of saying journalism, plus academia very interesting anyway. He says bread has been accused by four woman, etc, etc. This is stupid full stop. Anyone pushing this idea has revealed themselves as a deeply on serious personal cases. Where we, let me, let me clarify he's a narrative is immediately formed not only among professional liars like Alex jones and other trolls, but also for them of mainstream rightwing commentators. That brand is being persecuted by a vast conspiracy because of its anti establishment commentary. What's up
put a pause on their good, sir Anthony l fisher. Oh, do you have egg on your face, because only a few minutes after you posted this was proven definitively that you Kay government elements are admitting to contacting it works and social media platforms to have rights oh brand, shut down all now hold on, don't play the game. We are like. No, they simply inquired as to whether not any action would be taken against them? Ok, do sad really when someone comes to your business with a baseball bat and they say you know Be a shame if a
someone came in here and roughed up your business and stole from you, but don't worry we're going to protect you costs a little bit of the grain you're going to pay it right would be. I would be unfortunate if you didn't. If you know what I mean hey, I got a story for you. I got mugged once hilarious because I was broke as broke can be on an empty wallet. Add to what literally just an id in it and have credit cards and have a debit card had no money, and I don't even know I had it, but I was like not gonna put my id in my pocket, I guess- and a guy sorry, industry. This is a. Where was this lincoln park in chicago tall, guys pilot six, four six five says: hey man, I need some money right now. Can you give me some money, I'm trying to do the right thing and just ask you to help me out, and I was like sorry man, I'm broke have any money and he goes no. I know you got money. I know you got money and you're gonna do the right thing. I don't want things to get bad if you know what I'm saying so, why don't you help me out and give me some money and I laughed pulled up my wallet and I brother, I have no money and it goes you think I'm stupid I know
money. In your shoe, I'm telling you I got a nice, I'm just saying Can't you give me some money or we had an iphone. What happened? He got arrested if you start a cop came out of nowhere grabbed the guy slam gets a fence and screamed not in my town, the guy had I forgot it's called, but a guy was falling behind. In case things went bed put brom like a sort of laughing as a turn, that and I told the story before when they were taking his information down and arresting him. They asked me if I would sign the complaint. I did and I saw I address and he lived a few blocks away from me. No joke! You live it. He was like neighbour, it was. It was next door neighbours with one of my friends and so I was like a sort of laughing and I was like brow. I live in the same neighborhood. You live next to owen and, as you know, owen up right in dumb ass. He thought because I was in lincoln part. I must have money due to accidents. The modern other poor south sire, but so they do they go to those out anyway. I find that the whole area that what this guy is doing-
he didn't come up to me and say: give me all your money or I will hurt you. He said I'm trying to do the right thing and you could get hurt. Why don't you just give me some money? One thing that muggers have started to do in a lot of cities is quote: unquote: panhandle, that's right, panhandle, because it's not illegal to panhandle and so here's what happens? A guy will walk up to you and say: hey man, I'm really hungry. Can you give me money if you know what I mean and What happens is the police have instructed everybody, especially in chicago just a hand over money when you're being marked these uppity well to do liberal types? Panic, and is it just take it please, then they call the police and this guy who critical mugged the dude doesn't think two seconds as in front any at all about it. Smiles and waste is thank you so much and casually walks down. Treat the police show up, and then the guy says that's the guy who loved me and the person I didn't mug. Anybody dude do thou panhandling.
like what happened, and it's like I would. The guy will even just stand there, though, that the person doing the bugging knows that are at the run, why this has happened. How common it is, but the guy committing the mugging says I asked the do if he could spare some cash. The dude said yes and handed me money and the cops go to the guy who got bugs. I did he ask in but yeah he asked me if I give him money and the books are that's not a mugging, he was panhandling, but he wasn't. You know I mean the implication in the way the guy the muggers will do something like hey man. Why don't you give me some money and help me out and then what was said you go to court and this day will be on the stand. They know it. They'll say I just asked the guy hey man. Can you help me out? I need some cash and the dude handed me. His money
I was like? Thank you so much, and then the doodlebug know he was more menacing than that he said. Can I have some money in there like? Are you kidding? This guy was panhandling. You see how they do it, that's what they're doing here with Russell brand. We know what it means when government agents who have all this power can regulate. You can find you and, let's keep in mind. The uk is from texas. uk opens new chapter in digital regulation. Is parliament passes online safety bill? This is that they could find these companies. What is it say up to ten percent levy, fines, a ten percent up to eight. Ten million pounds. Whichever is higher of annual turnover for violations of the regime. Wow, that's amazing! So what do you think? What do you think happens? These companies are like man, we can't. We can't go up against the government, they have a monopoly on violence, they can fine us, they can shut us down. What we do rumble has remained steadfast faith based
florida they're going to say pound sand, elon musk, the richest guy in the world. Good luck, but you know what they've laid it all out. It's clear and thanks to the likes of rumble and and axe, we now get definitively proof that the uk government is trying to shut down Russell brand and have admitted to reaching out to other networks to get his content, let's just say, challenged and then conveniently it's pulldown, so I'll, simplify it for you, the daily beast will simplify it. If members of a government- and this is Russell brand's government are contacting networks suggesting that Russell brand should not be monetized, saying they're concerned he's monetised. That is an outright negative implication at the idea that Russell brand could make money off the platform. There is an agenda within the government to take away Russell brand's ability to make.
We, even though he did nothing wrong on these platforms. Interesting said the least its confirmed man. That's really crazy to see spark your creativity what the sands, sometimes he might feel like. You're not creative and you I have to go in search of your creative spark again. Maybe this is catching up with creative friends experimenting with new look or trying out a new recipe, thanks to the sims inspiration is just one game and one spark away ready to mark something download the sums for and play for free. Right now there is some more information, and I have talk too much about this. Elon musk twitter, early lobbied against state laws now acts is suing california over one. This is really interesting news. And I dont know how much I can say, but I can say that I, the babylon, be minds. Dot com were party to of what effect,
we say we say a similar lawsuit over this bill that was passed in california and now. Acts is filing suit over this before its acquisition by you must twitter, privately lobbied, California state lawmakers about content moderation, bill renamed acts. The companies now suing over it the move from widely lobbying to suing overlap. Disagrees with is a major shift. Twitter is not known for spending millions of dollars, trying to influence legislature, legislators or for using a blah blah blah blah blah. You get the point. Basically, California has a law that will require certain seems to be made alike, are so isla de liones access alleging first remembered violations according to disclosure reports and people familiar with the effort, you must do a lot of good work. Nor link is pretty soon and have a lot of negative stories coming out about what happened to these monkeys in clinical trials and Simon. I dont believe I believe, the media's line. I have real cans
of what nor link will do to this world, but right now, I can only assess it for what it is you learn. Musk is no saying to me is not perfect, but he's doing a lot of good nobody's. Perfect space acts is one of the most important endeavours carried out by mankind. Sorry, it's just true and I believe that they'll be monuments belt to elon musk in the future. A lot of people today will scoffed at the idea shore. but there's a statue of the guy who invented air conditioning in florida. I am not exaggerating it's true, the guy who offers invited mechanical, refrigeration, brilliant and he died in poverty. not realising that his initial concepts would carry on, and you know it. He did a good job to really really incredible: modern refrigeration, those
actually for the guy. I have been to way too many met, Wright brothers, memorials and I've seen way too much too many plaques honoring the Wright brothers to think that elon musk is not going to get some kind of statue or whatever the dudes, pioneering modern space travel with with starship and the plans for a orbital space station. with starling yeah, I'm sorry dude, there will be. There will be monuments to spacex, for which I'm not saying in this instance, Ilan we We personally in a big, maybe I'm saying space- is going to be memorialize in some way today, it's hard for us to think about anyone, one being memorialized, but don't be surprised at their statues of donald trump seriously and depending on who wins the college war, maybe Joe Biden. I really,
I doubt it, but donald trump for sure. Trump's got his name already plastered all over everything, so that would be surprising, but, and our culture is different, what elon is doing is really fant is really fantastic, with acts with challenging the censorship with fighting for individual rights, highlighting the corruption that we're seeing in the government now on the border he's doing good work. Nor link is freaky right now, Norah link is going to bring bring on human trials to cure or to treat people who have become paralyzed incredible. So if you have a spinal injury, elon is saying this could be a chance for you to walk once again. It's amazing stuff really and I'm sure there are people who are begging at the opportunity to get access to these clinical trials. And, of course, now the media is attacking him. There's weird investigations into him. There's weird lawsuits and the media is smearing him, claiming the
murdered a bunch of monkeys, elon, musk sad. This is not the not the case. The monkeys that we're in these clinical trials were already terminal, and therein lies the big question for all of you. I wonder if you want to someone who is suffering paralysis and said we are going to do research on fifteen terminal monkeys, the research may cause them suffering and they may die, but the information gained from this research could result in the paralyzed walking once again, the blind being able to see and the death being able to hear
Would you support it? I know it's a really tough question. I I I'm pretty sure I know people would say no way. Never you know you can't violate the rights of life and some people would say how else do we advanced technology? We have to do research on life. It's tough! I don't have all the answers for you. I know there's tremendous good as that will be carried out, but these trials, and I think trump was right with the right to try legislation that if you are terminal a human, you should be allowed to try. Experimental procedures may cause you more suffering, but the research we gain from your volunteering because you're going to die anyway, could not only save your life but could save others. Don't have all the answers, my friends, I am no arbiter of morality and truth. I simply call it like. I see it and right now try as they might. They can't cover this one up. This may be the fastest conspiracy theory that was confirmed to date. So there you go, the agenda is real I'll leave it there next segments coming up at one pm and his channel thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all then
Was growing sentiment that twenty twenty four will be the end with donald trump, calling it the final battle against enemies in washington with rose in bar, saying there won't be an election whether that means we won't actually go cast bouts because there will be some war declaration suspending elections or because whatever we call the election, it won't be legitimate, say: trumps name is removed from the ballot Steven marsh is the author of the book, the next civil war. We had him on tim cast. I rl and it was a very interesting conversation because we agree on so much looking at the conflict in the united states and fearing we may be headed toward civil war, now stephen marsh, This view is that you know he's is more of a Democrat. Corporate media narrative typee believes these stories. He lacks lots of information. That was my main critique of him that, while you can assess the physical violence the
mossy the rage, the anger. If your worldview is predicated upon lies, from intelligence agencies and corporate media outlets that have no allegiance, but to their sponsors and probably national security. Letters. You're gonna be wrong about the greater facts of. What's really happening can paxton the agee of texas. They recently tried to impeach him. We have this from the post millennial packed and revealed to Tucker karlsson, that Biden administration lawyers were part of his impeachment investigation in texas, and why can Paxton filed famously texas, v pennsylvania, a lawsuit and twenty twenty that seek that? Would that sought to stop the counting of electoral votes from certain states due to what he viewed as unconscious National changes to voting law in an interview attacker karlsson, he said quote they needed to figure out. how many real votes there were. So the
figure out how many mail in bells to apply to the election it was definitely plant. This is the attorney general of texas outright saying twenty twenties election was a fraud. The supreme court refused to take the case of taxes, be the pennsylvania with only judge a justices, thomas and Alito, saying it is their duty to hear cases under what's called original jurisdiction, and this is where we are twenty twenty four may be the last election and for a lot of reasons, twenty twenty may have been. The last election depend on how you look at it. When rose, when Michael malice came on tim cast, iron rail roseanne made a bunch of bold predictions, one that there'll be military tribunals, and I really don't think that's going to happen. That's like a weird buzzword because
My beautiful is like three military officers. You know: chart criminally charging presiding over a criminal cases or seditious conspiracy. Case are things like that? Yes, not happen, which it there will be an election. Michael malice made a wager with her, but I what do you mean like we literally? What does not have an election like they're gonna, say now, Joe Biden present again have a nice day. or do you mean we'll, go out and vote, but it will be a legitimate target for sure. I think she kind of meant that we wouldn't vote, but I dunno she said that could be it and that's a fair point. But if that's the case, twenty twenty may have been the last election depending on what your views are because of the way the rules were changed. I am no fan of the narrative that there were. are ballots printed in china and buses. You know trucks coming in depositing bouts and whatever I mean, maybe sure, fine whatever cause. We did see a bunch of crazy and weird videos, but I do just generally think democrats- and this is definitive fact changed. The rules.
in many states which gave them insane advantages in ballot, harvesting, ballot, chasing, etc, and so perhaps perhaps can paxton is they they needed to ferret, how many million votes they needed, but they had them and that's the issue now, of course, the argument is these mail. Votes are not legitimate because they are going and nursing homes and getting people just sign over stewardship or whatever to ballot chasers. These are still human beings who have the right to vote. Who told people vote for me now, of course, I know it's unjust, it's unfair! It's not a well, it's not a legitimate election, but it's not fraudulent ballots. It's the rules were changed to benefit democrats, that is to say, manipulating the legal process ass for gain and that's always how elections have been done. It's just getting more and more agreed to the point where it's not a real
election? I mean look, it's it's one thing to say: we're going to discount these votes, we're going to count these votes, we're going to remove these people from the voter rolls that have arguments about whether or not that is fair and legitimate. But when executive branches of states, in violation of the constitution, changed the rules to allow them to collect ballots from individuals who probably wouldn't have Now we're talking about stepping over the line. Thus you have two principal camps as pertains to twenty twenty. You have the fraudster narrative where people are like chinese ballots in venezuelan servers, and that was always knots, and then you have the general more popular view of what a rigged election is, and this is to say that Democrats changed the rules. Texas tried to stop them. Texas was unable to do so. So here's the statement from donald trump as of yesterday former president Donald trump declared twenty twenty four. Final battle against an array of forces, ailing the? U s, doubling down an appeal
yes, pronouncement trump raise the rhetorical stakes to the highest degree possible, going so far as to declare that a defeat and twenty four would mean the end of the country, the twenty twond, or presidential election will be nothing less than the final battle for the? U s trumped told his audience at a campaign event in iowa from president declared that twenty twenty four is. Our final battle with you at my side we'll demolish the deep state expel the warmongering from our government there to go to war with everybody, we will drive the globalist. We will cast out the communist marxist and fascists, and we will throw off the sick political class that truly hates our country. We will route the fake news media. We will defeat crooked Joe Biden and we will end illegal immigration once and for all. Just as we had three years ago, the great the majority is rising like never before he continued, and under our leadership, the forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer with your help, love and your vote. We will put america first and we will make amerika great again greater than ever before.
But that message may resonate for a lot of you get last minute, gives that academy sports and our doors like a twenty dollar gift card. When you spend a hundred dollars or more or a ten dollar gift card, when you spent fifty dollars or more plus free and store pick up with online orders, these online only deals and december thirteenth exclusions and restrictions apply. Is that academy dotcom, slash disclaimers for details? Many of you. so we must stop the deep state, but there's an inverse message happening on the other side, stephen marsh rights for the guy. and here is the scary way trump could win. Without the electoral or popular vote in a contingent election, he could lose the popular vote. Electoral knowledge and all his legal cases and still and up the legal. U S, president marsh recently published a book called the last election. That's their view. It's quite interesting But I want to talk to you about taxes, be pennsylvania to explain to you. Why are you may be right again? I don't agree with his perspective, because
He lacks a lot of information. I am not saying that to be mean to him, I think, is a very smart guy and we agree on the surface level, things that were seeing with with conflict and crisis between political factions, a refusal to back down all the stuff. We talk about and service level. News is really is easy to understand, but when you dive into the deep the esoteric, such as the charisma scandal, with Joe Biden, which is now I would say, provable b. a reasonable doubt to an average person, Stephen marshes unfamiliar with this. So the perspective I have is that Joe, but it is deeply corrupt. The debt, grants and republicans in the euro party are extracting in exploiting the. U s system for personal gain, either through trading stocks, or sending money overseas to ward off on the war machine, because, probably stocks to be completely honest if they can predict war and they can predict- A hundred two hundred billion dollars on weapons will guess what the military industrial complex is going to turn a pretty profit from that it can make accurate bats weather
we put options or long or what is it a long calls or no? So short luck, I don't I dunno I'm not a finance guy. You can bet on the long term, future or short term losses whatever you know how it's gonna play out: it's an extraction of wealth people like pelosi, Mcconnell Biden, they don't care about you. They don't care, but the feature this country they were, they refuse they cling to power. They won't give it up. They don't care about what young people are going through. They don't care about what millennials are going through. They care about not losing their power, and this is where we are today. Let me play for you this clip from KEN paxton, so you can understand just how dire the situation is as it pertains to twenty twenty four. Oh sorry, I always I always do this. You guys, I and all of you knew was coming that I was going to have the audience at counting votes on election, because what they needed to figure out was how many real votes there were, so they could figure out how many mill and balanced applied to the election. That's what they would have done in text, I'm convinced
that was fraught with. I have no doubt having been through that hope. It wasn't just a water leak who is definitely planned. I mean it would have happened in texas. I promised, can you just stop counting ballots on election night? What are we waiting watching too? I know if you ever seen that before ever for three You told me you haven't. You have also said he I ve never seen before. In my life I was like, I knew when they stopped and it was and trumpet leading in all states. I knew exactly with their cause. There's no way to know where their mail and bells can anybody could if anybody there's no way to know what those doubts came from. That's that's, not a dangerous consumer the theory is, I'm I watched it happened. I was a playwright, they let us say it's a conspiracy theory. To all the liberal individuals who catch this clip, which is probably not that many, but for those that do and don't believe the fraud narrative and let the biggest fan of it. I do think it's kind of be ass. They stopped counting all that stuff is highly suspect, but
leave can packs and says we don't know where those bouts came from here. I think that they had ballot harvesters and ballot chasers going out collecting signatures and mail in votes and the laws were changed to allow them to do it in many of these states it was well to do, and so they knew that they had these. Tax lying around somewhere, but it makes an interesting point now. I can't speak too much to do His view on this, I'm not gonna get conspiratorial. I don't need to the liberal viewers you need understand. Only one thing can passed in the age of Texas believes it have a nice day, doesn't matter, fees right, doesn't matter fees wrong in the greater context this all the time as a pertains to conflict in this country. It doesn't matter if you think anti thought is factually wrong, doesn't matter if you think the proud boys are factually wrong. What matters is you know they believe it now. It's Finally, that they push the griff turn era that they don't actually believe that your saint yeah ok do get going on fighting in the street. They certainly believe what they're saying
and you need only understand the beliefs of an individual to predict. What may happen in the future? That is, stay. If someone tells me that they believe their neighbour is a criminal and they're wrong about it, dont be prized if they start sir veiling their neighbors activities, calling the police on them. You can predict the behaviour based on the beliefs of the individual If can paxton, believes there was broad. What do you think can paxton will do in the twenty twenty four election? I bring you back in time many of you may not be aware of this. This is several years ago now december, eleventh twenty twenty three years old, How many of you are younger and only just entering the political space and this culture war? It really interesting that we have guests as fit out. It's just look, I know all of the older faults really understand this. Could you ve been through it already, but for me, as thirty seven, we have people on TIM.
Tyrell, who are like fifteen years old when we work we were talking of the battle of barkley when I went to sweden. Six years ago you have people who are like seventeen or eighteen and not really paying attention of politics, and they have now been on. This show talking about their body of work politically right now we are I to start seeing new people, and it happens every election cycle. Of course, young people entering voting block who will vote it's not in great numbers, but enough of them who are saying what is this? I dont know what happened. Years ago. Someone who is twenty years old today did not vote in the twenty twenty election depending on what their birthday was. I know I know Texas v pennsylvania and the relevance of can paxton. Let me remind you,
Taxes be pennsylvania was a lawsuit file that the united states supreme court contesting the administration of the twenty twenty presidential election in certain states, in which it Joe Biden, defeated income and donald trump filed by texas, state attorney general can packs, and in summer eighth, twenty twenty under the supreme It's a original jurisdiction. Taxes be pennsylvania, alleged that georgia michigan pence, then wisconsin violated the. U s, constitution by changing? can procedures through non legislative means, thus violating the into hundred state legislature? Theory the suit sought, temporarily withhold the certified vote. Count from these four states prior to the electoral college vote count on december, fourteenth. The suit was filed after about ninety lawsuits arising from disputes of the election results by trump and republican party had failed the suited drafted by a team of lawyers, ties to the trump presidential campaign. Paxton agreed to file the case after other state attorneys general declined to do so,
The solicitor general of Texas called the hawkins, objected to the soup and refused to let his name be added paxton hired John, a lawrence J Joseph who had helped draft the soup and special counsel faced with the soup within one day of taxes is filing trump over one hundred public representatives and eighteen republican state attorneys, general attorney general filed motions to support the case trump referred to this case. As the big of the election challenging lawsuits attorneys jenny. For that I find it states joined in brief, submitted by their counterparts from twenty other states to territories that an DC urged the court to refuse the case. This is amazing, attorney general for the defendants joined in brief, submitted by their counterparts from twenty other states. Urge the court to refuse legal experts argued. The case was not likely to be heard and less likely to succeed if it get hurt and that it was thus a hail mary action, the supreme court issued orders in december, eleventh declining to hear the case on the basis that Texas lacked standing or article three of the constitution.
to challenge the results of elections held by another state. This is one of the most consequential cases in the history of this country and I believe the supreme court hit the nail into the coffin, perhaps not the final, but a nail in the coffin of the united states, or at least the current adoration of where we are at something may change and I'll break it down for you as such the constitution, the independent state legislature, theory, the constitution says it: the constitution says that elections shall be held in accordance with the procedures that the legislature determines. Thus, it is a fact it's a fact that several executive branches altered the voting rules. They say the suit was filed. Any lawsuits did at a yatta. Do they have that an ear of the? Ah? Yes, the it argue that these states violated
U s constitution by changing election procedures through non legislative means. It is a fact that occurred. Judges and governors change to the rules of competition says the legislator must determine the supreme port refused to hear the case only to justice has said that we should was thomas and Alito. You all billy had I believe it was forty eight states challenging each other. Of course, Democrats were saying: no, you can't do this. We won the Republicans were saying you. change the rules and I think any reasonable person, if asked, would say texas, is correct. What was taxes argument why they had standing texas is a participant in a fifty state election. The president is chosen by state
not by the popular vote. The states are all submitting their electoral votes based on the elections they hold in accordance with their state legislatures as per the constitution. If the rules were changed in four states or more outside of the constitution's authority, then texas is votes are being undermined. To put it simply, if we're all getting together inside What's so, you know your roommates, you will we're all gonna vote on what we're gonna have for lunch, and you say the rules are, as such or only you can make the decision, and it's gotta be that You make a certain amount of money that your submitting an and here the rules that we all agree upon as to what counts as a vote, and the vote is you're putting money in the pot right. I put in five bucks towards lunch. I get a vote will all of a sudden for,
individuals start compromising about where they gonna get their money from one guy says: hey, let me next romani. So I can make a vote. You go well well, well, well, a hold on hold on hold on. That's not fair! You know we're. we are voting on. Is I work? I have money, I pay, if someone's giving money. Hey that changes the way this what's happening and now they're getting extra votes. The votes are being changed its basically racing my vote, it's unfair, simply put if taxes abides by the constitution and cast its votes in good faith and these states undermine the will of their own people. These votes are not the same. The system is damaged. I agree you are not having a legitimate vote based on the popular vote. Count of these states. if governors and judges change the rules and the people aren't voting properly. Now you have executives voting on behalf of their state, not the legislatures, undermining your vote or how about this? The individual's parents tell them. You have to vote?
as they say, ok, normally being a little extra can be a bit much for when it comes to health care, it pay to be extra and united. Healthcare makes it easy with health protect or guard fixed indemnity insurance plans underwritten by golden rule insurance company. They supplement your primary plan, helping you manage out of pocket costs without the usual requirements and restrictions like deductibles and enrollment periods. So when it comes to covering your medical bills, you can feel good about being a little extra visit. You each one dot com to find the health protector guard plan for you and for some extraneous reason.
And you're like no, no, no, this is about us and our roommates not an outside force, telling them how to how how they should be spending their money. It's not fair and the supreme court refused to hear it, and for that it seems to me that we are headed for a crisis and a disaster in twenty twenty four, because now the constitution has been smashed shattered, ripped to shreds the supreme court should have taken the case and they could have ruled against texas, the refusal to hear a case citing original jurisdiction. I m not saying the supreme court should have overturned the election I am not saying they should have pushed a contingent election, we're trump, certainly what I am saying the supreme court should have said. If taxes has a complaint, we hear it and then the supreme court could have said one of two things we agree or disagree. The supreme court set of sec could have said
we view the changes made in these states are sound and legitimate and that the legislature can pass laws, but currently the system allows for governors to make these changes under laws passed by these legislatures, in which case you can't undermine the decision of these states and then taxes would have lost, but we would have had the argument played out. Instead, what happened in twenty? Twenty of all of these losses that were filed, including taxes, we Pennsylvania, they were almost entirely dismissed on standing with Is a b s way of saying we're, not gonna bother with it standing as the idea that you are not an aggrieved party, so but let's say I go to mcdonald's and I order food in the foods bad and it makes me really sick then, as I am soon and then someone sitting at their tables as I am
to the judge will say you have no party in this law suit. You weren't aggrieved by this action. You're, not a defendant or plaintiff, get out here cases You can't see someone else without you, you can't person a can't sue person be because person be defamed persons a it's, only only actions between persons, b and c. However, that is a ridiculous argument. Ridiculous tat of course, in aggrieved party, we are all part of this election says texas. We are one of the people in the election. The rules were changed in those states undermining Our position fact how do we know those votes are real if the states violated the constitution, it is garbage and be asked for, supreme court or for any one to say you don't.
An argument about the internal workings of other states. They submitted have a nice day. Ok, so I'll put it this way. For what purpose should I participate in an election where we all agree me and my five room? It's all agree. It will only be that we decide as roommates what we order for lunch together and then one day Two of my roommates parents come in and say nope. This is what the food you're we want you to go and submit you're having salad, and I say no, no, no! No! No. Why am I bothering to pool my resources together when these people are interfering right? Why would I I say I don't participate any more. It was supposed to be what my roommates and I wanted to eat, not what you wanted. It's supposed to be elections based on what the state legislatures say and not the executives or the judges, and yet that's what happened. Here's my fear may be twenty. Twenty four is the last elect
maybe twenty twenty was the last election. For what reason would a state like texas or anyone else want to participate in which they know other states are in violation of the constitution or how about this? If texas feels to a large degree, either through the public, the agee, the governorship whatever? If there is large, if there is mass sentiment or just greater than fifty percent, that they are not participating in a legitimate election, why would they? Why would they adhere to it
This spells a is a recipe for disaster. Texas v pennsylvania was never resolved. None of these lawsuits worked for the most part, in which case, why would any one legitimately participate? Now, of course, my view is this: the actions that must be taken now by everyone is to start the legal procedures. To do everything you need to do to get the votes you need for your candidate. I mean Democrats are already doing it, republicans better step up twenty twenty four. It could be the last election or it could be that twenty twenty already was. I dunno the agee of texas, believes it was fraud, believes they cheated. Do you think
it can paxton this time around is going to sit around and do nothing. They tried to impeach him and they failed, and that's the big story from the post millennial biden, administration lawyers are part of his impeachment. Why, of course, because texas challenged the unconstitutional actions of these states, it's a scary reality of what this means I don't think people really understand how insane twenty twenty four will be. If you are better twenty twenty and you said that january six, what happened? People wouldn't believe you, because even on the day of no one, though no one, no one thought it was going to happen. No one thought there would be a breaching of the capital. Can you imagine what's going to happen next year and you think it's look, you think they'll be less than a january six. I'm scared this
I am worried. I don't know where it goes. I can tell you: can pax as a g of texas, going on Tucker carlson's show to the tune of millions of viewers and saying outright that twenty twenty was a fraud wow? What does this mean for the next election? The fact no one will accept the results and I don't think that's a dispute, whether you are democrat or republican democrat, you think that if trump loses he'll simply say I lost he didn't do it last time republicans. Are you really gonna believe that Joe Biden won again or Gavin newsom, where it ends up being, I think it'll be Gavin newsom, but we'll see. Do you really think that would be legitimate If republicans right now overwhelmingly believe twenty twenty was stolen and can pacts as it was fraud, why would they accepted Democrat winning again and if democrats, no donald trump reject
twenty twenty. Why would he accept twenty twenty four? Neither will accept it. More importantly, to cause I am forgetting the the other here Democrats didn't accept twenty. Sixteen. They accused trump of being a russian spy. Why would they accept that? If trump won? Of course, they won't, but I dunno what this means. I can just tell you that I mean it's probably fair to say twenty twenty was the last election and you know what based on your view, if you do think it was a fraud, then twenty sixteen was because if you think twenty twenty wasn't legit, I may think it might be fair to say- and I gotta be honest- twenty twelve
it may have been the last election in this country. Now that they're not dirty and they're, always dirty, but two thousand, and sixteen was you by the Democrats as fraudulent with russian interference. Thus that wasn't a legitimate election. They said trump was a legitimate twenty. Twenty is viewed by republicans as a fraud, thus not legitimate. So if twenty sixteen and twenty twenty weren't legitimate, when was the last election, twenty twelve and if twenty twenty four is not going to be legitimate, how could it be considering twenty sixteen and twenty twenty? The last election was eleven years ago makes you think it makes? You wonder I dunno what to tell you, my friends, but you look at the accusations that are being levied against giuliani against him. Ballard against Russell rand hit is gonna, get balls in the walls, weird out there and hope you're. Thinking about this, I don't need you should do. I think everybody should get his active as possible, knocking on doors, registering voters, building culture, making sure you're safe learning a little bit of survival stuff at least download some survival
survival apps on your phone, and that is to assume that if whatever ends up happening is electricity, I assume there will be- let's be real. It could just get really crazy and whatever ends up happening. Twenty twenty four will not be the end. It'll be the beginning. Twenty twenty fours election will have disastrous consequences. No matter who wins, that's it end of story. It was a disaster that they attacked the president and and engage in a seditious conspiracy. To in her mind the executive branch when trump won it's a disaster that the people don't believe the election of twenty twenty was legitimate. This country has no confidence, so when you think twenty twenty four has in store- and I gotta be honest- it's not even twenty twenty. For that, I'm truly worried about it's twenty twenty five, so we'll see, I suppose I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up at four pm on this channel Thanks out and I'll see you all then gavin nuisance children are Joe rogan, Jordan, Peter said and andrew take fans or the very
their consuming. That content is a tweet from kennicott, the great was it. Newsome is worried about misinformation and quota micro cults, because his son is asking him about Andrew tate, Jordan petersen and Joe rogan. Oh boy. This is a good the store is actually a couple weeks old, and I are- I think many people are only not just now sing it, because I think this quotes act really something that should have been reported on the idea that gavin newsome is freaking out because his kids are watching or listening to podcast us. I think influence on the younger generation is, I believe, do have reason to be afraid. If gave a nuisance. Kids or getting strong messaging from better men. That's gonna have a lot. a lot of an impact, a lot of impact on what they do and how they live their lives as they get older, and I think it's good to hear that there are positive influences in the lives of his children,
Nobody reported on this. I was. I was really surprised. The article four bloomberg is about jet g p. T writing a speech, and perhaps that's why nobody cared. Nobody can click on the stupid nickel in it for seemingly no reason evan new sums, like my kids or in a cult? All here's what happens Let me read- and I dont like the ice stuff too, but more and then human, as our motto, blade runner they introduce them weekly thing, blah blah blah covering silicon valley, etc, etc. They said they talked with gave a new some about as artificial intelligence journey. Have you integrated into it at all, into your work to fine tune, speech or ism says? Well, it wrote a better stay of the state than we did. I say that with love and respect to jason, the chief of staff and anthony we use at all. I'm at walks us down past. We otherwise wouldn't walk as to see around angles that we may have missed. We have fun with barred and compare and contrast it with chad, jpg weight.
are you being facetious, but the state of the state? Did you really ask you to write a speeches we did? It was better actually, it with my voice, and it was ten times better. I was candidly openly frustrate with the edits and I'm like I can't anymore. Let's just get Chad jpg to do this and he came back. I think in thirty four seconds he says he came back, Ask air than he came back very distressed, Did you use any of it? No, we couldn't wait to be careful. It did reinforce, though we were on the right path is good. Have you talked to your kids about a here's, the good stuff, he says I had a very serious conversation with my oldest daughter about the chat botz on snap separately. I really- worry about the misinformation disan disinformation about what's happening with our country. but I really worry about these micro cults that my kids are in whoa whoa, whoa well. Well, what
that simply save our twenty four seven library protection help stop crime in real time, because during a breakin, every second counts, and these days every dollar counts right now get fifty percent off in a new system with fast protect monitoring had simply saved our com slashed by defy it's? U s news and what reports ass tom security of twenty twenty three advanced on security, twenty four, seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There is no safe, like simply safe. I say micro cults because I don't know, a better way to describe it myself. Is asking me about Andrew tate, Jordan peterson. and then immediately he's talking about Joe rogan and I'm like here. It is the pathway, the pathway wow. He said his kids are in a cult. He says his kids are in a micro cult. Okay, first of all, if you listen to Jordan, peterson Joe rogan and agitate your india
opposite of occult, because these guys challenge ideas and often don't really have strong ones themselves. Often they do, that is to say of a site, Jordan, peterson John pearson did an interview with what was that guy's jeffries or Jim jefferies. Whatever his name was, and he said, do you think that you know the government should be able to force people or to provide services like no. I don't think so, and then they ask him. The guy s of his years ago, he's like what about ending segregation. Should the government have met? that businesses provide services to you know, say black population John Petersen says, I think they should have and they liked, but that's contrary you're jordan goes. Maybe I was wrong about that. It was just the most dane Delia eureka point. That's the reality of Jordan petersen. Now that he's not a joker means likely. Is it really angry, but for say, agitate, there's a lot of the self referential humor. I refer reference that video, where he's like, I just bought tat, bogart he's and there
and then he's like check it out in their scooters like come under the deeds, guph off half the time and they would show rogan Joe an outright says a moron, and he has a whole bunch of different people. Talking to him on his show, and Joe robins shows that even about Joe rogan, it's about the guests. If your kids are getting an eclectic view of the world, and learning for the likes of Jordan petersen, who openly admits that he may have been wrong in his learning. It's not, then that's an occult broke, it's you, that's an occult, isn't good and he calls it a micro called. I think it's funny, because it's not that's it, it's just not the kids are watching you tube. them and then here's the passport for no reason he brings this up. For no reason he keeps talking about it. The interview tries to shift back and goes. Do you think a I and the baton for very believable, deep fakes will impact or alter the path? The next presidential election in a ghost we ve talked to some friends, and you may what you mean you may know them well, I won't name them
who say this, the last quarter quote fair and free election of our lifetime. These are pretty credible people, unless we dramatic, We do things differently and somewhat suggest. That's not the case. That's already. The ability for bots to direct people into these micro cult already and outside is already is outside in terms of its influence. it's pretty alarming when you think about it. In those terms, these people are evil Gavin? Newsome is not a stupid guy he's an evil guy, He's the guy who says you gotta, wear, masks and then goes out and doesn't where am ask because he doesn't care about him. You know maybe maybe there's no deep state conspiracy whatever, but I can tell you this com as dudes evil. The idea that there are botz directing you into the cult of jordan petersen or Joe rogan is just the most ridiculous thing Why is the likes of andrew to entertain is the best example because he's sword, literally everywhere you kidding it's by
straight. No, its people yeah them. mean is trying everything in its power to stop these individuals from getting followers and there it is z in a free and fair world people are allowed to follow want to follow and ideas resonate with them and guess what? If your inauthentic person like Jordan petersen or Joe rogan you're gonna, build a good followed because. People trust you. If someone says to Jordan Petersen, what about the government mandating that you provide services? Now you can do that what about when it came to civil rights? Actually, that was a good thing, so what we have to say, but I guess I was wrong. What do you think that means so regular person like ok, this guy is trying to be honest, so I trust him or I'll give him a little bit of my trust enough. What about when someone says? They're gonna cover news topics, they provide the sources and tell you hey man, I don't make decisions for you, you get more trust for that person. Here's The and MSNBC sang trump
What did she say? It's should effectively set. It was her job to tell people what to think something to that effect. Like trump wants to tell people what they pay. That's our job, something like that. Compare and contrast. The corporate press, which says we are the better men that must tell you. Versus the people online, who are like hey, look man the suit. I noticed. What do you think the individualists, the meritocratic my view I do not want to be responsible for you and I actually reject that. I don't know if it's king or not when people are like to run for office or whatever, and I'm just lie ha ha ha very funny. That will never happen because, quite literally, like the ethos of me is, I ain't gonna be responsible for you, I'm not gonna make your medical decisions, I'm not gonna make your ear financial decisions. That's your problem, not mine. Now try and make sure to the best of my ability. We are sharing
ideas that are true and correct. Sometimes we get things wrong often, but we try and then based on the information you receive, you make your own decisions, man, you figure. what's right for you. There are certain things I advocate for one hundred per cent like y'all. We gotta get people to go vote. We we we are looking at, is busted up system, and that means we need ten times the effort when it comes to twenty twenty four election. There are certain things where I am adamant about it: free speech. Second, amendment and nonviolent civil disobedience, I'm just like look. There are certain things where I'm like. I want to win and these things have to be laid out in stone, but for the most part I'm an old man. You gotta do yours, you gotta, do you and if you don't agree with me, like I just say well, come at below Yolanda disagree, its fascinating that I have people who comments on my twitter and youtube videos. just like a spineless, liberal and blah blah conservative, silent and I'm not sure,
if I would ever met. I never said I was anything else, I'm just a dude complaining on the internet. That's my thing. But ultimately the point is this: the likes of Gavin newsom, the view etc. All of these corporate narratives definitively false How many lives Russell brand, the most recent one he said, there's something going on here and there, like. Oh you, conspiracy theories, and now we have definitive proof of the uk government trying to strip as income from him. Ok, so that was proven in a week how about the burma scandal they lie lie like my favorite political reporting that ukraine interfered in the twenty sixteen election to help the Democrats, and then a few years later, claiming no. Actually, that was russian disinformation, but you published it amazing, their definitive liars. So here's what happens given your kids, they watch jordan Petersen, they watch Joe rogan, they watch andrew. Take what
for it is, and what are they here? Hey look at this news. Article two lie. Look at this note news article. It contradicts the other one. What's up with that, not even a descriptive or prescriptive statement and the king gos. That's actually true that media clearly I am, then you cannot say no, no you're too cold, now you're in a cult. Actually there breaking out of your cult, I'm glad to hear it to Joe rogan in Jordan petersen for their positive influence. Andrew tape, you ted. I say with a little bit more reservation, because certainly got really awful statements in the past, but allow the stuff he says today and from what I've seen it. It's really good positive masculine messaging, but I don't know enough about Andrew tate's ethos for me to comment on whether I I not whether or not I think it's ultimately the best thing. I don't know enough about him, so I try to refrain other than to say he's got some good things. I've seen a bad things. I've seen what I know of jordan petersen is that he's got a lot of crazy things. I mean for real,
rogan, I think, is a great role model for young people, so given calmed down I'll leave their necks, it's coming up at six p m in the channel. Thanks rang out now see you all them up is going viral. Show. a what appears to be a gas station being ransacked by a group of criminals and would have to be a female clark is being mercilessly beaten? this video reportedly comes from seattle. Seattle, shopkeeper beaten, and store robbed, to which I stated. What emotion am I supposed to feel here? The dude speed his people and robbing these stores are punishing them for voting this. Why should I feel bad for someone who bags to allow themselves to be mercilessly beaten? And, oh boy, has this one day did people, but no, my friends, I think it's funny that there are people who are like ten. And except when he is wrong. We're talking about opinions on fact issues. There is no question of someone came to me and said
Actually, this wasn't in seattle. This was in Chicago. I got a well. I guess it was wrong. It's not seattle! The data is incorrect. Sorry about but on issues of morality and personal opinion, why I changed my opinion if it's an opinion statement based on individual moralities, now some more alleys are absolute. I completely agree with a lot of people in this one, but the question here is: where do we draw the line? and in this video, oh boy for people met. So I ask you right now for this video common below what emotion? Should I feel watching these people ransacked this store and mercilessly beat a seattle shopkeeper. I am not send to be snarking I am not saying that, because its to imply, I should feel good about it. I'm saying what should I feel it's a confusing situation for several reasons which I'll break down when it comes to seattle, their eighty percent. In fact, in its eighty two percent democrat eighty two percent
So if you live in this city- and you are of the eighteen percent that doesn't vote democrat full stop, it's only twelve percent republican, I believe means another. Six percent are likely voting green party or libertarian or something else, but the old warming, majority vote for these policies. We had the chance chop. Ok, people were murdered there. So they are questions about why Someone would choose to live in a place where they would be or could be mercilessly beaten, and thus we enter into the more difficult questions. Nuance brow says TIM. I thought we ve been through this before this ain't. The way brother, what's not Why me saying I dont know how to feel about this. How do you guys feel about serially comment below let's break this? One down Let me let me lad out for you, here's what I said when a man runs into a burning building to save his patch. We say he made a choice: some college stupid. In fact there have been many instances where people have been arrested for them.
Snowdrop, there's a viral video of a man. You see a burning house he run in for speed runs inside straight of the flames, and people are screaming, no don't and then he rot and he runs out. I think with two dogs and the dogs run out with him and his arms are burned pretty bad and they said how stupid for a dog that's kind of crazy. To me, our dogs are loyal to us, were loyal to our dogs, dogs are family members, but a lot of people just say our people. Men, dogs, don't live that long. Why risk your seventy years? Eighty years robotics got fifteen. He made his choice. Maybe he was stupid. However, if a person runs into a building to save children there a hero, any children, not even their own. I said if someone chooses this so if its it, if its force kids he's a hero, someone chooses to stand in a burning building because they have nowhere else to go and fear homelessness. I don't wanna say so. It's entertain this possibility.
was the night before per residence when Timmy declared he'd open just one his folks were prepared. A shiny new tablet is first grown up toy. His parents were certain they delighted. The boy wouldn't walk to his wandering eyes should appear, but a scam ad that read when five hundred dollars ear down but all was not lost, mom and dad didn't fret they had webroot premium family, the safest of bets, keep everyone safe this season with weber, premium or weber, premium family for household protection for up to ten identities and devices visit weber, dot, com, slash holiday as a burning building. a man runs full speed into the building and then stands in the kitchen and you're going What are you doing this? Nothing in there for you and they yeah, but I want to be outside snowing, unlike the cold, is bad for me. It's what I could get sick. I could, it's hard to be out there, at least in the kitchen, picks up hates the living room on fire I may get by. Its fallen down around me? Ok, now I'm confused non confused. I said we have been all we have been
for this. The conclusion, as some people have a reason, to stay and fight the fire, some are trying to save their kids. Others fear that light is harder if they were to move and choose the chaos and hardship of the city around them. Others actively vote for it to the tune of eighty percent. Now I do not feel that I am wrong to ask this question. Hence what emotion am I supposed to feel you're here? Some responses. What were the responses? This is not a new question. Schadenfreude exists for reason: I'm not experiencing shot in france I don't watch a store clerk, get beaten and then say: ah you get what you deserve, I'm asking what should I feel? What should I feel if someone runs into a burning building or how about this? What should I feel? If someone is standing in their kitchen when a fire starts and were screaming, there's a fire there's a fire and they go. I don't care, I think you got
get out the fire spreading its coming to the kitchen and there like yeah, but it's cold outside and unlike ok, dude, I don't have to tell you now: here's the reality It snowing outside its leading its hale, its thirty of what sates minus five degrees you could die in that whether Where will you go? You can't just leave your house okay. Well, the fires come in for you. I don't know what to tell you. Man will try and help you to the best of our abilities. Will try and put the fire out. We do that's what speaking out about all this is why we choose finish these awful policies, but in the meantime bro you either We need to have a real reason. Why you're there and I can respect the real reason you're, not just standing in the kitchen you're protecting your kids fare your kids trapped. His leg is pinned down you're, not leaving. If that kid is still there respected, and that's the people who are like look man. I have kids here. There were divorced. My wife and I are divorced. We can't I can't just leave the state with my kids here, I'm not going to
totally fair, acceptable, in which case is this story, an instance of someone who can't leave probably not are not allowed to feel. I can make assumptions about the store court being attacked, but I'm not talking about the individual clark and talk about the city is a whole. What am I was with us schadenfreude now. If there is someone who goes on tv and says something like we should invite all of these migrants into this country. In fact, I'm an invite them in my home and we're like stop. Don't do that and then they get mercilessly beaten. Some might feel schadenfreude. If that migrant then went around robbing people let's it lets. Let's say that, but it is a story where an illegal immigrant is let in to the country by someone who says we well all of these people, then that person harms you and your like. I've been you. How dare you then, that that that illegal immigrant goes and robs this person, I'm not seeing all illegal immigrants are doing them? Saying in this particular instance, is an example of schadenfreude. You might be like ha now
get what you deserve right. You started this. It's john photo, I'm not a big fan of schadenfreude. I dont typically care for the idea of enjoying anyone suffering it pisses me off. I don't feel good about it one percent sadness for the moment and situation we are in, but move on to solving problems. It's what men's. Do empathy for getting punished in the face voting a certain way doesn't just forget: punched in the face you more than likely would have just watched entirely depends to be completely honest, And are more than likely, perhaps perhaps more than likely why, if I was on a train, enfiladed yeah, and I saw a man start raping a woman yeah I would, I would probably find the guy. I don't think that's a question of what I would or would not be thinking. I would probably just I arroyo inside
the reaction and there a a lot of people like you, talk big, just watch the videos of the watch, the video I wasn't, Tucker karlsson anti. The guy attacked me started swinging at me. I I I I I locked my address. I just stood there and I was just like what you don't he started flowing. Flinch is at my face and I just stayed there pointing the camera his face. I did not move you didn't tell me. So I I didn't do anything to him. I certainly didn't run away or do nothing thousand and train, and I saw what happened in Felix. That happened. I'd probably just instinctively lose it and run up in and attack the guy. In this instance, with this gas station in seattle, different question different question about: what's going on
first of all come on bro? Am I as an individual, going to be able to fight five dudes? That's a stupid question or or a nonsensical statement. If a bird, if a building is burning down, am I able to put that fire out by myself? Some things are just illogical and impractical. Like okay, I dunno what I can do. What I can do is call the and call for help. That's the best I can do, but when it comes to someone running into a burning building for no reason if I've always had a burning billions, like I'm, to go in there and stand around about. Don't do that I'll, try and stop them. I'll say hey man stop and if they go, I'm not gonna run after him. Would you know about this? A man crying says my baby is still upstairs and runs in man. That's tough, but off. I don't have the answers he runs in and I can respect one hundred percent the sacrifice being made. There
it'd, be the store clerk. Is there for those reasons? Why don't? I have all the answers. What I do know is that eighty two percent of the people keep voting for this over and over and over again, despite the fact that you add the chaz chop, despite the fact that in the pacific northwest it continually gets worse and worse, the crime is running, rampant homelessness. Businesses are shutting down everywhere that the chazz chop extremists murdered people and they keep voting for it. Which brings me to this conclusion. My friends, if you tell me you want a policy that will result in risks to your life, but you accept those risks. I am not going to feel bad for you, because you got what you asked for. it is the projection of values, of people who don't live here and I do not. I I dont care for that. If a dude in seattle says we want no cash bell and then we say you likely seem more violent criminals on the streets and say so, be it say. Ok, then, when they
attacked by criminal meant to be alike. Who am I I too say they should not live the way they knowingly chose to live if they scream for help yeah I'll, try and help them, but at a certain point, you're going to be like dude. If I don't have the means or the capacity, I can't, and I can't help you dude y'all voted for this y'all want this way of life. It's no see, it's? It's it's it's! It's not confusing across the board. We see things like this. San Francisco is in as indicate new york, Chicago l. A all of these big cities are suffering from this stuff and they keep voting for it. What do you do if a? it keeps sticking his hand on and on an oven. You try and stop them. But at a certain point it's like I, I you can't live with this guy and be their keeper
So, at a certain point I see this stuff and I'm like well, then the people of seattle vote for it. Ultimately, my problem boils down to this. While I can respect some people have real reasons to stay in the cities protecting family. I do not respect the it's too hard argument. and I've heard it from a lot of people. I'm sorry! I just don't respect it. I was living in Chicago and I get it. I know you know. I was twenty three lot easier to do and with only a couple hundred bucks, I traveled across the country to to California fully prepared to just figure it out, and I did that was hard. What else am I going to do? Nothing just stay in a bad place where things were getting worse, new york's, a better example when the bombs went off and I'm like I gotta get out of here. It was very difficult to move, not easy for a lot of people. They say I can't move it's too hard. Where will you go? I don't have a job and on Y yeah, ok, my argument is:
You're sitting in your living room and a small fire starts in your garage? Well, it's snowing outside. And what are you going to do just stand outside? You have nowhere else to go. There's no food outside it's going to be hard! The question is, is what is occurring in your city, worse or better than dealing with the hardship? The truth is here's a quite here's, a reason why I asked this question: how should I feel for these people in seattle no, the problems are getting worse. Dont want them to get worse and dont vote for it, but choose to stay there. What they are saying as the problems they experience are easier to deal with then moving. Well, ok, then, deal with the problems you know surround you I'll. Do my best to speak out against them. Respect but recognise There's not a lot of sympathy I can have for someone who says I'd rather be here being robbed and beaten than have to live somewhere else and start over and and deal with. You know, hardship, okay, then you're saying,
being beaten is easier than moving. Ok, so what am I supposed? I feel? Am I supposed to be alike? Oh that's too bad, or am I supposed to be like we gotta help this, but no it's just like. Okay, dude, it must not be that bad for real I'll. Tell you! What I don't like is that people keep making excuses for the people in these places that vote for policies that not only destroy their cities but destroy the rest of the country. Take, for instance, these these bans on guns. You don't live in these areas. Why are you objected to laws by these psychopaths war voting intentionally to burn down the citys around us. If I live in the middle of nowhere, why am I subject? to these federal laws of his crackpots in these cities. Wanna make things worse. I can't support people, or try to destroy my life. Outside of these places, we moved the west virginia. We like second amendment there trying to take it away from us in new york new. members of congress and send it go to the federal government say I shouldn't be allowed to have weapons baltimore votes that
can't have an m one day where I live in the western panhandle. So I say where we work out of the western penta by living west virginia where the tri state. Why is that baltimore is in chaos and disrepair and they vote at the state level. Take away my rights Am I going to defend these people when they live in world? They want to live. There are no easy answers and I am not the the arbiter of morality. I am simply saying for me as a personal individual, you will be hard pressed to find sympathy for those who choose to live that way in baltimore when they try and take my rights away from me and continually past policies. Laws that destroy the city around come and try and send it my way when I don't live there for the people of seattle. I just say: okay man, like that's your city, best of luck to you as what it is man. Let me know what you think I'll leave their next segments coming up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll, see you
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Scotland said to me: I guess the a the else, but he said if god does not smite the united states, he owes sodom and gomorrah an apology and I'm like yikes. That is a bold assessment of the current state of politics here in the united states, but I think you need only look at this headline to understand Sammy admitted and got a single day without nicotine for five years, fourteen years old, so all men, so many questions so many critiques. I feel bad for this human being I feel bad and also partly dont care. I'm going be crude and craft, and say this as academically as I can. First, I have no personal issue with this individual. Probably a nice person, you know, live your life. Do your thing face your struggles and be your best person I've. I believe that this nineteen year old appears to have plastic surgery of some kind. Some kind, and I may be lit fillers or something like this. Only
and model suggests prostitute. I dont want a definitive say she is a prostitute because I dont know there are problems. Individuals who don't use only fans for sexual explicit content, they just post like exclusive pictures of themselves. Not true, though very famous individuals on only fans and they make millions of dollars per year, some per month not doing sex It's over well mainly sack. So I mostly just assume, if you're, not a huge, celebrity movie star like in this instance. It just a child of celebrities, then I have to wonder if your privilege is doing porn, and so here we go breast augmentation, surgery. Ninety five thousand six hundred followers on Tik tok, not the most prominent individual smoking, can increase complications when getting breast surgeries. I'm sorry I saw this
worry, and it's a nineteen year old covered in, I should say, covered in both lots of tattoos. No real be with tattoos. Just pointing it out appears to have lip. Fillers may be. Not ok could be wrong, getting a boob job, smoking or ingesting, I say, nicotine since the age. Fourteen every single day- and it makes me just feel like man, there are things wrong with this country. And it brings me to the sad state of affairs that you good, sir, watching the segment. I know you hard working guy. You got some kids who just trying to make sure they have the best life you're trying to raise them right. You want your kids to be good people to know the value of hard work, but you can't help but see these stories of what happens to these kids, who grew up with everything they ever wanted now I'll tell ya you talk to these individuals and I not me
in you know this. This woman in particular or specifically, but a lot of people in the similar space and they'll. Tell you it's not true. I've never got everything. I've ever wanted. You don't know me, you don't know. My struggles spare me know for real. There are whole other worlds, but problems and challenges are just unique to the individual and everyone has them. No matter how wealthy you are, you have stress, you have hardship, and there are things you have to deal with a little bit different for everybody, though, and especially if you are wealthy, so I'll put it. while yeah. I know people who are super wealthy and have always been wealthy. I know one individual who was stressed out. Why was she stressed out her parents weren't paying off her credit card and she was stressed because she wasn't know she. She didn't if you're going to able to travel with her friends- and she was like this- I am so frustrated right now, I am freaking out. My parents haven't paid off my credit card bill and we're supposed to fly to cabo, I'm somewhat embellishing or not embellishing, but altering the details of the story.
For the sake of the individuals but stories basically like that, and I'm like oh growing up my stresses, warlike the fridges empty I mean or like I am a teenager and I'm you know living by myself, I'm like how am I eating today or paying rent some of our challenges and struggles are a bit more serious, but hey, don't get me wrong. These people feel stress. They feel depression because everyone's challenges, it's it's all relative to your life. And depression, a serious matter how rich or poor you are. Depression can undo the there are tons of ultra which occur Cobain. Well, we don't need to get and all that, but there are a lot of high profile individuals who are very wealthy, who became depressed and ended their lives. Having money does not mean you don't feel pain. My point is simply this for all of you at home who struggle to get your kids a good meal
and to pay your bills living page after page, like you see in the news stories the problems that these people faces now they're foods taken care of, they ve got everything they want for nothing, and this is what they become. And so this is what gives me pause when I hear conservative say things like my kids? Will we know the hardship I knew yeah that hardship made you who you were it made you strong link up Wait, let's say you re brazilian jujitsu title, No career karate When John name, it's krav muggah. What's it you're a master of all of these things? Did you experience hardship to become a master of these martial arts about this? You can punch through three cinder blocks, imagined saying I was
My kid to have app took to be a strong is me, but they will never have to train, but it makes no sense. Of course, arbitrating hardship. Isn't it in order to get to the point where you can dead, lift four hundred pounds at the live two hundred pounds you had to work every day and risk injury. and some days it was really hard. You wanted to have that that ultimate male physique and you worked every day you you just slammed chicken and fish and protein shakes, and then you think your kid will have that physique, that's true It's that understanding of hard work without actually doing it. The reality is this. The reason why you re successful personality who has made all this money is because your hardship was your training and some people who have that if your children do not
experienced hardship, they'll be soft chain, smoking, prostitutes, getting boob jobs by nineteen or you can make sure your kids do understand a degree of hardship. Now, I'm not saying put your kids in the coal mines. That's ridiculous! I'm saying think about what you went through when you say you don't want kids to experience these things to be fair. You may be referring to like serious traumas. You ve experienced. They shouldn't deal with things that did not make you stronger but hurt you and may be held you back. That, Get what I'm saying is there are people I know who are rich. They weren't always rich. they worked really really hard and fought their way from the bottom of the bucket of crabs and broke free and the became wealthy unsuccessful. You raise your kids in this pampered lifestyle, those kids,
aren't going to be successful. They'll always live in your shadow and never understand the hard work that it took. To get to the point that you made it too, I wonder about like Charlie sheen, I dunno his background. This is this is Charlie sheen right now, charlie sheen and Denise richards. Ah, I'm gonna be completely honest. They're bad parents. That's just it! Not always the parents fall not always so it's not necessarily completely fair, but I would say limit. Let me rephrase, I think, its probable their bad parents. I know a lot of people who are good parents and dumb. Mistakes happen? Ah, we we had on our katy faust talking about how drugs can just take your kid away from you like that, nothing you can do about it now, MIKE yeah, it's because you try and tell your kids how to be good, do right and then they make mistakes in those mistakes can be instantaneous and fatal. If ya
it gets groomed and manipulated and and kidnapped. I don't blame the parents if a kid gets, groomed and kidnapped and then abused and traumatized the point where they become drug addicts and they're. All you know messed up for the rest of their lives. I don't blame the parents, but if you've got parents of means and wealth, there is a good chance that your kid who grows up to you know just be a listless drug abusing has a good chance. It is your fault. What did you do to protect your kid adequately? What I mean to say is: as parents you you, you bear The most responsibility for what your child becomes. Sometimes the bad things you do can be good for your kids. Maybe the the lesson learned by your child through neglect was independence?
maybe the lesson learned by your child from you actually guiding and protecting them was co dependence. I'm not saying I have all the answers, or that may know I'm I'm not apparent, but I am saying I lament many people probably do the current state of affairs in this country. When we see the degradation when we see the gluttony of young people, I guess my messages just this seeing this store, I ask myself: how does this person become what they are now. Why isn't she playing a piano in an orchestra? Why isn't she? As you know, I now doing our making music acting. Why is she doing only fans and getting a blow job at
Tell your window of opportunity is opening, but is your business ready for? What's coming, be good surprises, tat, bad surprises, ready, be new markets? No problems ready, we pay family leave, ready, be ready with s AP visit, as if he'd outcomes last be ready. You know a man, it's america, you do what you want to do if this, if charley entities, dont care and she doesn't care, then I'm not going to intervene more libertarian. But it does make me Just want to say it, everybody take a role in your kids lives and our home school, your kids, your kids, should be watching you and emulating you if you neglect them and let them be raised by television or the internet, or these schools they'll become something unrecognizable that will cause them harm molly with their necks segments coming up to night at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him guest? I r l, thanks rang out and I'll see you well then start clean.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.