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Elon Musk Delivers EPIC CNN Smackdown Over Lies, CNN REFUSES To Correct, Doubles Down With Fake News


Elon Musk Delivers EPIC Smackdown of CNN Over Lies, CNN Doubles Down With Fake News. Elon Musk did a heroic thing recently, he worked to get emergency ventilators to various hospitals in the US.As no good deed goes unpunished CNN decided to run fake news making Elon Musk look bad.Musk fired back slamming CNN over their lies and many were quick to point out that CNN didn't bother to fact check their story and as it turns out Elon was right and CNN was wrong.Instead of owning up to their mistake CNN decided to argue semantics claiming that the ventilators he sent weren't the high quality invasive ventilators they thought he would send. CNN Seems to do anything possible to make Trump, Republicans, and any one trying to make things better look bad. Of course as Democrats just call for more scandals CNN just runs their narratives uncritically Its almost like they want the chaosIt makes sense, chaos is good for their ratings.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There's been a brewing controversy involving Elon Musk, the delivery of ventilators and CNN over the past several days. Gus CNN ran a story without fact checking where the governor of cattle for you so that they ve never received the ventilators Elon Musk was supposed to deliver. In fact, the hospitals did receive them. Instead of correcting this mistake, see then just play semantics. But, interestingly, so do many other media outlets, the Middle EAST, are claiming that sea pap and by Pat machines are not ventilators While there are not the kind of ventilators people are typically thinking of when we say ventilator, they actually are more important. You, and mosques as they were, devices specifically requested. How do we get to a point where the media is claiming that musk is not delivering when he litter, delivered exactly what they asked for through the media drives off of rage, bait and fake news. They get a comment without fear,
checking and they know Elon Musk being a high profile figure. They will get traffic off of this controversy, and the controversy has been brewing for a few days now I am certainly not shy about criticising the media was a more important point through all of this. Yes, perhaps you click this story, because I made it some about a smack down and Elon Musk, but the reality is These news organisations are upset there. These journalists are getting angry, been losing their jobs or the past several years they repeatedly claimed they need a bail out need some kind of assistance. They need to do a buyback away. From these use heads hedge funds that are that are stripping them bear. They keep trying to justify why they should and why they are essential right now, actually asking for a stimulus or a bail out- and there are some Democrats entertaining this. Many others think they absolutely should not be doing this now, there's an interesting comment,
I'm here. Should news organisations get bailed out, I mean I think any business can it should go to apply for some kind of law because no one should go out of business simply because of this emergency I mean for the most part, The same time news organisations are failing because they aren't providing essential services. What does a journalist supposed to do a journalist, collects information and then disseminates it? That's the very basis function of journalism, but what does CNN doing while CNN, along with other outlets, are right now engaged in performative nonsense. You got Chris Cuomo on late night, TV and CNN tending to be quarantined. We now know that's not true. He confirmed that radio show about an encounter out the public you ve got. Their hosts complain about Fox news. Just doing perform. And when a story comes out with no fact checking saying that you must never deliver these ventilators, it turns out, he did what they do. They write another article arguing with him about the semantics of what does qualify as a true ventilator that isn't
making anybody essential information, it's not helping better understand the world. So why should we care, if you lose your jobs? In fact, I would Have you seen and is not essential? Journalism is, but there are not doing journalism they're, just creating entertainment content. So I argue technically that I'm essential, because what I do is journalistic in practice, but I'm not gonna go outside with a press badge and argue. I should be granted special access, because what I'm doing this journalism I'm doing commentary which brings me to the final point this should they receive a bell. I will I'll show you the arguments for and against it and In a surly about whether or not what they do is good, it's about whether or not the government be stepping in and time, I'm cells to the private into the private journalism set industries. Neither our news outlets that get public funding. Should they all probably not voluntary. The arguments. The first thing Who is? I got a drag cnn over this, because I really want to break down this controversy its
admittedly slow Newsday Saturday, but I've been particularly frustrate without CNN's, been handling all this news, and it seems In their desperation they are spending a fake news, tail we'll start from beginning, but before we do we're a team cast outcomes. Lush done it. If you'd like to support my work that several ways can give. The best you can do is just show this video we ve got a major competitive. While let me back up I'm competing with CNN the problem on you I see that you too will actually puts in and on the front page and guarantee them coverage, and then I have to step up and try and correct all of this information and actually do the journalism they were supposed to do, but didn't they're not making it easier for us to understand. What's going on there confusing the issue, because they want to argue with Elon Musk and generate clicks, If you think I do a good job sharing, this video is substantially more powerful than any algorithmic boosts really does help. Also
sure to subscribe at the like bottom and its ratification. But if you want to make sure the hopefully Youtube will actually let you know what my videos, rubble The first store we saw from CNN twenty two hours ago, Elon Musk promised ventilators never deliver. California, hospitals, governors Office, says they say teslas CEO Elon Musk, said last month. He had obtained more than a and ventilators top California hospitals treating patients infected with with quite a and effort governor. The Newsome held us heroic now more than through me, later the governors office, as none of the promised ventilators have been received by hospitals and a March twenty three news. For Newsome said the devices which can provide lifesaving support to patients already arrived in LOS Angeles and were on their way to hospitals and need saying I told a few days ago that he was likely to happen. And then later this week they arrived and allay Annie mosque is already working with hospital Association and others to get those
bundle out it's a heroic effort and that's true. He didn't there there either. Brought the receipts. You may have seen the initial part of the story. So forgive me if you have already heard the just to this, but this is the beginning context, because the controversy has expanded and CNN and others are tearing see. I'm I'm sorry Twitter users and fans of IRAN are tearing CNN apart over this, so Elon Musk, famously responded just couple days ago what I find most surprising, is that CNN still exists. He tweets to governor gave Newsome, please fix the misunderstanding and then provides receipts in one email. It says tassel support. Lay county. We can see someone from L a county that Gov saying. Do you know? These. I'm sorry, someone from Tesla asked allay the l, a county dot gov. Do you of these ventilators went into use the l a county that guy
individual said they worked great during testing. Today we will put these two use tomorrow. Now, what's the right thing foreseen into do admit the mistake and carry on and what do they do nothing night? They didn't actually double down. Reporters blamed Elon musk for not responding, even though Eli provided numerous emails showing that, yes, in fact, he did actually provide ventilators in this Elon Musk shows a list of the hospitals to which Tesla sent ventilators an context. It is important for the story coming up. He said these were based on direct requests from there. I see you wards with exact specifications of each unit, provided before shipment now truck when it. When I say you must provide you know you ve got the smack down. He does he easy slam seen in quite a bit, I'm showing you this first phenomena get into the Khan,
around what's happening before I show you would see it. How soon and responded to this. The hospitals themselves requested these specific devices. Seep happened by Pat machines in one tweet from New York. They said special thanks to Tesla for a donation of forty ventilators our team in and Y see Health plus Hospital Elmhurst in queens. These will be essential in the fight against the Krona virus from March thirty. First, these the these ventilators that were sent, I believe, were see path and by Pat machines. They are called NA. Invasive ventilators when people say ventilators their typically referring to invasive ventilation, meaning they go right and your lungs provide oxygen directly. That is not what Europe must provide but you must was delivering what they asked for. Well sure If we can see are also avert Newsweek, all hospitals were given specific. I'm sorry I'll hospitals were given Zack specifications of Redman and Philips ventilators before delivery and all confirmed there would be critical. Musk wrote
their one supportive twitter user, noted that New York, Governor and your Cuomo had confirmed this week that by pet machines were now being converted, to the more invasive form of ventilators on the approval of the state's own health department. So Not only are the hospitals requesting these they're doing the convergence they're getting what they need, of course CNN couldn't be satisfied with that when we person responded to less. Why isn't there The story I'd much rather read the good that test. Has done for the USA? Then a maid story about how no ventilators were delivered in sea, eight CNN dont be part of the problem jack. Models who is a reporter over at sea and engine ASEAN and business writer said I went away in a way in and say it? reporters, including me, have reached out to Tesla multiple times to ask about Ventilate over the past several weeks and we now regatta response, though this latest story report what Governor Newsome said. Have you tried fact checking? Did you call the hospitals before the report they didn't
so Elon Musk has been right. The whole time seeing when a visa sad, you know what you're right along. We didn't actually fact check what the governor sad. We just released the government statement. Journalists aren't supposed to be mouthpieces for the government if the government says something you investigate it. Well, that's not what c and ended when it turns out that they were wrong here's what we get instead, John passing Tino, formerly of Buzzfeed now of CNN tweets Isla Musk posted a list of California hospitals. Yesterday, he said had received ventilators. We called all of them and every one that responded said they were, You see pap or Bypath machines, not ventilators, and there it is that's why I showed you tweet from the statement Newsweek as well as the tweet other tweet from, and why she hospitals, because these are ventilators they're, just not invasive. Once CNN is now trying to manipulate language instead of just
Correcting why do we have a news media that is arguing with someone about semantics, instead of just being honest and helping us understand, what's actually happening while its beak, Is there not real news there? It's just fake news. You know Donald Trump, like call, CNN, fake news, and I was asked recently at what point we point out: does not later its intentional yeah? its intention. I'm sorry, I got a point out the Cuomo thing again. Man, you want evidence of CNN fabricated, the news there doing it right now, every night with Cuomo pretending to be quarantined and they won't fesse up ORD minute when Elon Musk. Tried to do something nice, the media. What are they do? They write fake news to smear the guy, because no good deed goes unpunished. Here's the story? Elon musk says he sat ventilators to California, hospitals. They say they something else. Instead, no, you arch your twisting the definition words to make the guy look bad. So we get to the point
but how they're asking for stimulus money? You know world probably fall on Annette, Dice role, right seamen, governor governor some responded, Thursday. Two teslas YO, Elon, musk exclaimed. The company had delivered more than a thousand ventilators states hospitals in a series of tweets early Thursday musk ask into some to please fixes misunderstanding after the governors office, told CNN the state. The states hospitals had not received ventilators promised last month by the Tesla CEO, including in tweets from musk, was a partial list of hospitals that he had said had been sent. Ventilators in another tweet he's at the donations were based on direct requests from there. I see wards with exact specifications of each in it provided before shipment quote. I was not personally aware of that list. Newsome sat in a press conference. I am very encouraged that he put out that list and those specific hospitals, but that's where he had been sent. Those resources and I'll he unelected databases on very encouraged that he proud that list and those
the cost. Petals, that's where he had been sending those resources, and I look forward to learn more about where they went and am grateful for his support. Wow so when CNN doesn't fact check then actually makes Ilan must look bad and he asked to come out and say Bohme here. The receipts, then, Governor Newsome response. Cnn should have got the statement farce and if they couldn't, they should affect check and then asked Governor Gavin Newsome. They didn't, but they put out the story and anyway and hears They refused to accept responsibility, ventilators or something else. Cnn com, the ten California hospitals, identified by mosque in the partial list of recipients imposed on the Thursday of the four hospitals that responded. All said they received by level positive, airway pressure or continuous, positive air pressure machines, devices that can aid breathe and be used for Sleep Anthea, none had received ventilators. This is a lie. It's amazing how far their willing to go to law
I too you to maintain their narrative, and you know what here is this? Here's the secret CNN puts out this news. They get a millionaire. Whatever collects people come to, the story read it all again: they force Elon Musk to engage, giving them more traffic, generating more controversy, seein and then does not correct. They engage the controversy, argue with IRAN and play semantics to get more complex and the worst of it. They can write fake news and get a million it's the next day. Issue correction and apology get no hits the matter. Still made the money. The truth is, and you can look this up- see pat machines and by that machines are ventilators they're, not colloquial. Man, tickly ventilators, I suppose you know they're not invasive at people typically afforded ventilators as invasive, but
they literally are what was asked for case in point New York City called them ventilators in the emails posted by Elon Musk, they are called ventilators. Cnn is just lie Again, in this tweet from a user named Viv on Twitter, he says one see and by that machines or a type of ventilator, its literally on both the red men and John Hopkins Medicine website. Hospitals have been saying repeatedly. Genes daunted by musk, are much appreciated and can be converted to critical, critical care capable and three ass off John. You wanna mosque than tweets, cancel news that work other user says. This is why I am sick of mainstream media. They are not reporting news but fake stories with their own agenda. The main reason why I started my own blog, then he on mosque with the final smack down, advertising salespeople dressed ass, truth tellers, please don't forget it
sure. I tell you this one more time. It is a slow Newsday for sure, but you know a big critic of the media So of all the stories that I could have chosen, I really wanted to break down how they are lying. This is what the media does. They create manipulative stories. They try and justify a headline. They write fake news, click back and you know what you can accuse me of being guilty of similar things. Sometimes I can be hyperbolic like an exaggerate or you know it's click baby, but I try to make sure that what I'm saying is at least based in fact yeah. Maybe may the headlines or low sensational. Like you know this one's Elon Musk smack out of CNN yeah. Right, I mean it indian guy, I'm one person and it is a kind of content. I make CNN a supposed to beach they're supposed to be telling us how the world is working, the supposed to be the most trusted name, a news but come on their straight up lying about, what's really going on one, this person who claims to be a doctor,
They are covered, Battleground New York, with a picture of them wearing protection of our productive. Dear said, north shore greatly appreciated the nation that the donation thanks. Ellen someone actually responded of doctor, saying they aren't ventilators their old Bypath machines, most all hospitals have banned by the machines in setting of covert due to Arizona aerosol Alsatian. The doktor responded. We are making them into invasive vents. My friend, it's an easy convert and then links to North well that Eu North well converts I pet machines into ventilators for hospitalized covered nineteen patients uses three d printed adapter. You actually have doctors on twitter saying. Thank you Ilan for that Why does everything always have to be so awful to these people? Look I get it again all accept criticism, because I'm a part of this came to hear I am with a negative store
talking about how the media so awful, but it's kind of like multi layered. If CNN wasn't putting out this fake news, I wouldn't be talking about it and I haven't been, for the most part have been much more focused on politics as of recent, but we go at a time when we need to know more than ever that you know. What's going on with this crisis, CNN isn't serving to help us understand their server, to confuse us on purpose and refuse to accept responsibility for it. You get Brian Spelter, whose ragging on Fox NEWS and Trump all day, adding to the noise in the confusion during an opinion, show you get his meteor porters once again, just doing opinion content and its fine. If you wanted to opinion kind of just stop pretending your new because now brings me to the political aspect of everything, see J R, real rights, Journalism needs a stimulus. Here's what it should look like they say covered. Nineteen is appended everything. Including business. As usual in Washington and a matter
in a matter of days facing the reality of a nationwide, cut down and worsening economic crisis Congress got serious about lending money, a lot of it of recovery package in the trillions of dollars, blah blah blah, they write free press, the indecision, Nonprofit Advocacy organisation I led champions actual solutions to the news, businesses, dire financial problems? We ve long campaign for more federal and state support for public media, opposed media consolidation and argued that journalism is too important to democracy, to be left to the whims of the market. The free press organization, that's asking for money right now championed the banning. Certain figures on social media ran petitions asking people to get certain news certain I don't know what to say news outlets, but political commentary outlets band, I'm good avoid gain respect specifics of it, but they are not about the free press. They recently to some kind of law, suit or legal action to try and get the government to take action against a news outlets which
the FCC responded. We are not going to police speech in this country; they they call themselves free press, but they are not yet they are still saying they deserve money from the government. I'm sorry, man, news in this country died along.
Go and we need more than ever, there are real journalists losing their jobs. The only problem, these real journalists with fuse, refuse to call out the is the slime in the industry that has been draped over their work and is now creating just garbage information that confuses people. You want to drag on Fox news. Do it with my blessing, but you can ignore CNN. You can ignore the New York Times. Does you can ignore the Washington Post they're all doing this? Now? Maybe it's because they're just trying to survive? Ok, that's fair, but you gotta stop pretending it's real news and to all these people who just blindly believe it I mean they're gonna, be left trapped in this fake reality of of nonsense. You know I've had people respond to tweets of mine. I've been very critical of the media right now.
Stop lying and sure enough. These poor people, who believe complete fake information, respond saying things that are just not true. The worst thing about this is: if you watch someone like me and many others and conservative media they'll, tell you to watch what you can't they'll tell watch everybody in fact bill. She occurred the articles, I frequently say make sure you watch other people. Don't just get your information from me. You know why it's not just about getting a second opinion. It's also about realising take em right when I tell you you should go watch this guy's channel, because maybe something I missed. Many people watch other channels. In these these networks then say I just realized how wrong they. The things you were saying were backed up by sources. There's wert good. We can realise, then, whose true, whose lying in whose not enough tell you what that's my view of it. It's entirely pass by really I'm wrong and you go watch them when you watch brine Spelter on CNN When you read this unit stories, they will
They are. The most trusted name a news, and they will tell you not to get your information from other sources. They actually have done this. So then what you get trapped in a bubble of fake news when their business starts decaying, because its archaic and failing what they do, they turned to the government for money to sustain them. And that to me is the worst part of this look. How hard Elon Musk had to fight to prove a were lying and imaginative Nobody else has to do this all day every day, if you're Trump supporter- oh you know it, they lie. Nonstop trump is far from perfect trot talks be asshole lot to try to get my language down. There is a massive media apparatus and trump as one man now is the most powerful man in the world for sure and I mean it's not saying a whole lot- maybe not necessarily most powerful is, maybe you could say some billionaires are, but he certainly up there. And that means when he lies or says things that are wrong. It's very serious. A good journey
first word try and make sure they can give me what you know. Keep your trust while calling on the things that trumps as are incorrect and trying to verify if what he saying is true or false. But you end up with these performance performance art pieces by people liked him a cost up, and it's just not real news. It's a sideshow. They accuse trump of doing it, but they do the exact same thing. So let me make one thing clear for you: let step outside of the argument of whether not Trump is being honest or the it is being honest: what is trampling wars? The media like it doesn't matter. It is not the role of our news media all of these different organizations to perform for us. If Donald Trump is going to give us propaganda and try to get reelected unit. I say too. That sounds like a politician. If our news media abandons objectivity for this idea of mission, drippings driven storytelling, and you know resistance
well, then we no longer have objective reality. I mean many of us do if you're watching channels like mine and you watch other channels, you'll get a better view of things is perfect, no way uncertainly biased for sure. I have my vices against the media against much of the establishment which Morceau includes much of the democratic establishment. But if you only watch CNN, you live in a twisted and warped reality. They give you your bogeyman, Fox NEWS, but CNN. Is essentially the same thing again wicked on stepping outside of the arguments about who is right or whose wrong politically, if you look at the that look, the late night hosts for Fox NEWS Year, you get Hannity getting grummet. You know people like that, and if you look at a late night for CNN, you get Cuomo and you get down lemon and Anderson Cooper and they're playing the same game. The only difference when you watch Tucker Karlsson
no you're being fat opinions. When you watch Don lemon, he actually assert cease fair and balanced, but then goes on rats and and laughs and Martin mocks tromp supporters and Trump and gives over opinions and makes we're not sensible statements. Jim Acosta stands up and grandstand tee, not true for the perfect smack none of CNN and then, when CNN is called out for not doing actual journalism, because in fact the governor statement, Elon Musk, has to spend- couple days proven they're lying and then in the end it set of admitting it. What do they do? They just argue semantics. It's the worst kind of performance crap you can get out of the press. So I'll tell you what I will never tell you not to watch CNN by all means
oh read what they're saying then, when you watch my video you'll, be alike wow, that's a good point him. I did read that from CNN at least that's how I see it, maybe you'll venture we get something from CNN. That prove me wrong. I think that's fair to point out as possible same is true for Amazon B C in the washing opposing your times. I tend to think these digital websites free good. I mean they're they're, they're they're, mostly ok, you just got a break through the noise and try and figure out where the lies are. The New York Times just ran defence for Joe Biden. It was discussed in the wash imposes written over news before, but I tend to use these sources it's funny when people on Twitter will be like to pool rags in the media all day, but then just reach their articles. Yeah I've pointed that out several times. You note, I do
fine and article from CNN and then I will look through it and if I find contradictory information, false framing or lies, I call it out. So, quite literally, this whole segment is giving you the basic understanding of what I do every day, but you don't see it when I do a video talking about the Democrats, Nancy Plus years. What she's doing I talk to you about how I perceive what they're doing verses? What trump is doing and why tromp tends to went out on these things? You can argue biased, that's fair, but if you look at my track record of saying, Tromp was right about this Trump as winning on this fight. It coincides with an increase in his is donors. The amount of money is making his pole numbers and I'm not the one making that happen. I'm telling you it's happening and then it's happening. So when you see those videos I produce what I'm not telling you for the most part is Every time I found fake news. So a lot of people want to say that what I do is not journals amid is not at the top right. First and foremost, it is political commentary, but in order to have an educated, a pin,
I have to find. All of these lies, which is exactly what this breakdown is. Normally, I wouldn't go through everything and say here's how soon- and I would say in this article. They lied now, I'm actually in it. He gritty, because this is the important part that the important piece of of current politics- I guess- how CNN play games and how their now asking for money how they lie manipulate. So you know what a rapid up there, because I gotta be ass. I could rant on the media all day every day, but if it whenever asks you they say to import on a journalist. Joe Rogan recently said I was, and that's not like you know he an expert, but I think he understands and I've tremendously respect this and I'm very grateful he understands that when I go through news and information, I'm trying to break down and pick up the truth is If I see something that you I'm not going to come on, and it's true, I am not going to.
Leave out information to try and make a point I dont care who wins. In the end, I don't care which politician winds. I don't care if CNN hires, ten, more people, Firestone Workpeople, I care about, what's being said to people is factual in right now. Elon musk is digging through the weeds because fake news, but people can see this and that's why trusted meta, continues to drop down I'll leave it. There sit around the neck signal becoming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him cast news. It is different. Gentle I'll see you all them. Right now there are many people protesting their state lockdown orders the media response by smearing these people as right wing crazies. They say Donald dangerous incitement to violence or everyone's stay. Lockdown, are you nuts there's a funny thing as soon as they have opportunity as soon as these many people think it safe. They go full fascist, I use that word lightly, because you know
I say all Donald Trump as a fascist and our support as our fascist. I let me ask you a question: if one is tweeting liberation. We must go out. We must get back to work. The people should not be restrained. Is that fascist or is that liberty, Ryan. What if the peoples are saying? No, the government has the authority to lock you down. What are they are? Nicky on you, where the writing note saying you can't have better visitors. Been numerous stories of people, calling the cops on neighbours having get to others, and then you have the press saying. Oh, how rough Donald Trump is wrong. Look at a story from tat crunch trumps, hype. First, state lockdown protest puts twitter and Facebook to new covered nineteen policies to the test that's right, there are several people, and I am not entirely sure of this is that they got suspended, got banned from twitter. Highly sure. Why are market anymore? They are but one of them. Where's going around, is that these high profile figures on the right were banned because they work tweeting.
About or supporting protests of the lock down order, here's what the media won't tell you first all of these people writing these stories. Saying. No, the though the lock down his good there at work in that means, it means that they're getting paid do they feel the same panic the stress. As the person is going to work for a month they did. I did I feel the same. And again to stress as the twenty two million people who just who have lost their jobs or the war lining up food banks. The answer is no. I when I got a great example, see I tweeted about this. I said you got I understand all of these writers if they were story saying don't reopen the economy or wherever trump is wrong, you realize their getting paid the right that their at work, Polly working from home, getting food delivered, not realising. What's really going address the country sure enough, I get a bunch of journey to being like I'm at work, and I'm worried it's like. Oh, so, you're, not panicking. In distress, you're at work, you're, worried
where's your worried. You might lose your job. There is a big difference between might lose your job and lost your job right. What one includes you having money? The other includes you not having money see how this works. But all of a sudden we can see just how many fascists really work and media. It's amazing Michaud something the social lockdown failed. I don't necessarily believe that, though, that being the one hundred percent of the reason why These governors now want to reopen things is because it's you know it's time, people back to work. I think it's because they realized they couldn't stop. They were losing control and they said the best thing we can do is easy on this, because if we do nothing, we will lose total control and everyone will just go out anyway, and then no one will listen to ask us what that's what's happening, to give a shot out to attack crunch here, but also the intercept. Here's your ears Albert MEG Anomaly, like the intercept rights. If Trump thinks it save forest followers
either at protests. Why won't he attend one, because the president doesn't go to protests Yes, I mean, interestingly, I'm not sure go bomber went any major. Rallies or protests runs like that, but Donald Trump Deet up, I'm pretty sure, he's spoken at some rallies, or at least MIKE pens has- and there have been some historic moments in rallying- I guess, but but at best besides the point, why would titled trumped go to a protest? Donald Trump advocating reopening of the economy and things like that? Why would the president beyond the ground protests and it's a stupid question ever heard? I look at the sky Theo Katy says: pen, ammonium outside the Minnesota governors residents horns our blaring Two hundred people are here many chat open up. They drive it would seem like it's all about just right, wingers wrong. Let me show you Florida, beaches crowded within thirty minutes of reopening a five p m, o man- oh you know, I can't imagine why
in a press industry that is so wrong. All that time, like how good you who, at a certain point, tired of being wrong. Simply with Democrats, though, like nobody wants to go back to work, they're scared. All these poles are coming up where the like Trump is wrong. People don't want the lockdown lifted. They're scared that on a catch. This yeah. I know what happens when Florida like reopening the beach its crowded with thousands of people within Thirty minutes later this as soon as this It was like, oh by the way, we're up the beach. Everybody was like I'm their baby. So we're about your pulse, the pole everyone's like no, don't don't open economy trump. We don't this I don't buy it. You know why tailor the sweet from PETE Wilkerson of Allay he's what these managing managing editor of Fox He says the mayor of outlay was just asked about traffic already creeping back into LOS Angeles he's, urging people to be safer at home. Here are three of my morning: computes commutes this week hitting the brakes each day on the ten freeway
guess what every body was going out in defiance of the locked out order so whose right you know it's possible that most people don't want the economy. Urban and we're just seeing the fraction of people who don't care anymore, but also needs a born, a point out that in a certain went no one listened anymore and there like we're, Goin not anyway ain't nothing. You can do to stop us. The smartest thing, then, is it just a star? What mass arresting people you couldn't do it if he tried you prove your illegitimacy by maintaining the no no one got side, but Sir the ones outside anyway. While you don't go outside and I don't think you can do anything to stop me that's happening. So perhaps shop is right, proxies wrong, but people are flooding to the streets regardless of whether or not these lockdown are happening. But the media look Do a Google search and you'll find all of these lefty sites, dragging these protestors salting them
Thousands of Americans answer trumps, call to liberate states from governor stringent, credible, locked out with mass protest as florins flood beaches, the minute they are partially reopen those those beet growers are not protesting, anything there which is going to the beach man so that people who came on protest. It are the people who want to defend the constitution. It's gonna funny how many people on the left have called you. Have called me have called the president, a fascist. All these many people, I see on Twitter, saying things like we gotta stay lock down. You can't go out. These protesters are wrong. Trump is wrong. Government doesn't have the right because of the constitution to tell, You can't assemble. You can't worship began, speak freedom of the press, even I want to go out. Do my thank you can't stop me so wore these people and media. Coming out saying they can or they should. I guess there fascist right, Taylor, this twin, I put up as it it's a twitter prettify out around a red, for you
the people on Twitter at in media, saying not to open economy, have mostly kept their jobs and art panicking Regular Americans, who mostly don't use twitter, are in miles long food lines stressed and desperate. This disconnect the is the easiest way to understand why the media is often so wrong? They have I themselves on the rest of the country and can't see it remember. That's when you read any story from a news outlets saying not to reopen the economy, the people still writing or at work, and don't feel the pressure may be with the media. For laws and the lay offs. We will see opinion change now. I believe I correct, but let me add to me that there are the people who are saying not to reopen the economy and the people war trashing. The protesters who want the economy reopened are in that same boat. They are people with job In fact, at some of these protests, like the one in Raleigh where the woman was arrested, there were journalists,
all around or filming, and no one's anything of the journalist o, because journalism is an essential activity, but protesting isn't at the cop said. So all these journalists are working filming this protest or actually gets arrested, demanding economy be reopened, Now, of course, many of these narcissistic media people couldn't help but chime in one guy, even Block Muse funny. I don't know if I can actually pull it up, because he did Mary go so states as this tweet is unavailable and my response was Ella well Sky actually blocked me because of what I tweeted he responded. Something like I work in the media, and you know I guess agree or what I've rationally roadblock me, but I'm not that I put Ella on an errand boy said he accused me of being part of the media. I think it's nothing. It's really funny limited Let me make that gives them a vice guys when you see junkie, give the young Turks any tweets that trumpets inciting violence by saying liberate. When you see People in media saying things like don't protest and these people
you know dangerous and all its tough remember, they have money but, more importantly, don't listen to people like Genk Yogurt, who's. A millionaire he's got nothing to worry about, and you don't even have to listen to me. As I am also well off and still working, but I think it's fair that I point out. That I'm saying what you should or shouldn't do, let's let little image is that what this tweet this guy got mad and accused me, he said he's like its recently that someone like its rich being from somebody, is a member of the media themselves. Like yes, I am absolutely a part of this media industry now work for a major corporation, I'm an independent pod, castor and political commentator and journalist. What I'm going to call me, but listen, look what I tweeted I didn't say you should or should not go outside. You say you should or should not protest. I didn't say the economy should be reopened. I said: look at the perspective and the bias you have people who are with out of work who are not on Twitter. That's effect. Eighty percent,
plus I eighty two percent, whatever our somebody else out nothing at seventy eight percent, don't use twitter and of that twenty two that dog is only two percent are frequent twitters, everybody else barely tweets anything. So what your hearing from is a free faction of individuals who still are working. I did not say that right or wrong. I am saying remember that they are likely not feeling the pressure. They have jobs and sure I get all these angry media people being why every man that's not fair autumn you're, wrong blah blah blah do actually blocked me. Yes, I'm a member of the media I get to work from home. I still get paid. That's why I'm not gonna. Tell you whether or not you should be happy or sad about. What's going on. I don't know, I'm not lining up at a food bank to get food I'll. Tell you what, though there are people who are the
fine stretch miles long, there's twenty million people out of work and if the economy doesn't restart than more people will suffer Andrew Cuomo said it and of course, Doktor fell stated. But yes, who got dragged fort while doktor fell on Fox NEWS, they tore him apart. Andrew Cuomo is America's president says a militia illicit mulatto, so they ignore it. When he says it, we are seeing many governors now try to get to start the process of reopening the economy. New York is doing it, I'm not even advocating for that. I'm simply telling you that these people have jobs, and so you not thereby, maybe there are to be sitting in their their apartment in New York City there going to be order. Take out, asked, rob and there nothing like things aren't so bad people shouldn't be protest and who are these protesters? Maybe the protesters are people whose company shut down and they had left of their employees. Maybe the protesters are some of those employers who lost their jobs. Maybe the protesters
people who still have the opportunity to work, but I've seen their friends and family impacted by this. Maybe it's a regular person whose job was an impact, but they saw the news that twenty two million people are unemployed and their worried. What comes next, so I tweeted. Here is another tweet. Now, I'm sorry, that's just my Ella. Well, this guy met Baker, responded and perfectly exemplified every thing. I said they just don't get it man. What I would recommend not listening to anybody, those enemy, I'm I mean. What do I mean by that is like listen, don't even to say but decide for yourself whether their right or wrong, dodges blindly trust anybody. That includes me because, I'm sure that's a ton us up, I dont get either. Look at what I said. I I think what I said was fairly apt and non offensive ones wasn't offend anybody. I was pointing out that people who are working-
are that the articles you're seeing are being written by people have a paycheck here's this guy met Baker, said so mad Baker. I believe he is our college football port for the Tampa Bay Times. Well, here's a chick here's, a struggle with there's no sports right now. So I don't know what he's gonna be. Writing about. Toys probably feel some pressure. Tiggle authority said, In response to my tweet he's at high media person. Here, some of my colleagues have here have been followed my colleagues at other news outlets are being followed. Our ten percent pay caught went into effect a few weeks ago and what happens in the coming weeks. Keeps me awake at night. Just thought you should know. Thank you met for perfectly exemplifying. Everything I said I find I find a kind of fine listen. What do we respond to I said maybe with the media fur allows and lay offs. We will see opinion change and what does he? spawned with just shot thought? You should know that my colleague are being followed in we're getting pay cuts. Yes,
now? You're telling me that its keeping you awake at night Right I literally said that's, you know, maybe that's what we will see as more. Journalists lose their jobs. We will see opinions change. That was the point bravo, Sir, you figured it out, see vocs dot com for alone, like a hundred people, media companies are starting to hurt, but they weren't the first in line when jobs are shutting down the service industry was so it's no surprise that we still to this day see journalists advocating for things to stay lock down, and we do because those people aren't scared. Maybe you can be scared peripherally or you know. Like oh, no, my friend lost their job. What will they do? Oh, I gotta pay cut a ten percent pay cut compared to someone who, a month and a half ago, was fired from their job. Was laid off and is now standing in a food bank wondering whether there not whether or not their going to eat. You see the difference, but you know here
somebody actually respondents got I I ever between pulled up, let me, Let me show on their sponsors this guy, or it says twenty two million Americans lost their job and this bright guy has to make sure that we all know his pay was cut by ten percent. Dear sir, show send you the definition of disconnect There is a ninety percent difference between you and twenty two million to a twenty millions. I am sure you sleep just fine. He responded with all due respect. You missed my point. My best friends. Dad was laid off on other good friends, was laid off. I fear for my job just because had been laid off yet doesn't mean I won't be. I am grateful for what I have, but its foolish to think. I don't understand you. You do doubt I literally tweeted that as the media gets laid off These four allows their opinions will start changing and what does he say he's a media person his friends are for a load and laid off. He got a pay got now. He started to get weren't. You see our words right.
When the industry was isolated for quite some time. People were fine with things they were. Like me It's the right thing to do now. Everything's falling apart around them in their like. Oh no, no, I fear for my job. Yes, that's quite literally the point look look limit. Let me show you what the media does. I'm I'm gonna, I'm I'm I'm just gone for this because, while I talk about the media on the protests in the lock down? It's not just about these was to our saying you shouldn't locked things down it's about the exploitation of companies like CNN. Now it is true that I have brought this subject up quite a bit. It needs to be brought up. One hundred per because, while you have these journalists wars, many of them on affected now starting to get affected and starting to get scared. You have people in an outright lying about, what's going on, there was a tweet. I wonder why pulled up? Could I see it and is still pretending quote is isolated or quarantined. So people are doesn't like we'll wait. What happened years, Oliver Darcy of CNN
he's sitting here in this. You know whenever this is at home thing, others Cuomo in his basement again, and the of course, Oliver's complaining about Fox NEWS hard, so funny is that all you got did I can Reagan The media companies and all these journalists, and only thing you ever do is complain about Fox NEWS right only way you can secrets communist basement. As most of us now, no Chris Cuomo His lie Yang CNN is lying. He is not isolated, has not quarantine. We have this story. Cuomo, said I'm scared by this. I can't get the basement said Monday yeah, except he was seen by with with two women, three kids playing around in a property with no end with no structure It was a property they own with their building something so they weren't. Once house there, when the restaurant there were out in public, some did some sometimes bike said is accurate Cuomo? Isn't it he's supposed to be quarantined
He wasn't. There is a way of showing you this in this context is for one. Oh, I would love to point out how much the media lies. It's all they do yet you have all of these journalists, arguing that we should remain lockdown. Have CNN saying you know Doktor drew doctor as an artificial blasted for covered comments and they put doktor fill in quotation marks. Doktor fell as a phd that makes them adapt and survive only well nigh people. They put an end quote their ragging on these people. For saying that we need to reopen things isn't funny. That CNN has taken the hut is running on a high, more say like these people or Doktor Phil. They can't say we got open economy, guess who's, not locked down Chris Cuomo he's talking about how you sick and he's got a fever and always got the corona virus, and we can always complained about. These people who want to reopen the economy and then goes out with his family in full defiance of the crowd of irish law.
Down isolation, orders and perpetuates the lie on CNN. The fascists really really come out, don't don't don't they write people like Chris Cuomo people like the at CNN, who would say don't go out, don't listen! A trump These protests are bad or whatever, yet they themselves will break all the rules. Grist Como is worth millions of dollars. He's got hamptons properties, I'm not going to listen to what this guy has to say because lying. I said: why are you guys still pretending promos isolated? Have I missed your apology or correction? Here? Is he used to this is our acts near times. Mashable is the editor in chief at shudder, Jim Roberts. He tweets kroner virus update with tacit approval of Donald Trump Texas protesters plan. You can't close them a rally rally will violate GNP governor stay at home order, Hop state police say they will take appropriate enforcement actions.
Tell me. These protesters are also protesting. The republic governor lockdown orders and that tromp, as in defiance by supporting these people with the republican governors, sounds an awful lot like Trump is not a fascist he's as Jackson, Jacksonville Beach Pact, even as Florida Krona virus death toll hits record, because the people dont want to be locked up and these journalists that are coming out, neither pretending that they are like CNN or saying that we should be. These are people who have money right now, I'll tell you what sort of our protests the protests are alive. They are probably the protests that the protests are real. They exist, but not with a lie is he's media companies acting like their outraged now you're, not because the allay freeway was jammer tons of people and it's been treated about quite a bit. But no one saying
What are these morons doing? It's the protesters? Now I think it was Bench Piero, tweeted, something like the protesters should at least wear masks and social distance, while in Michigan they did that they were in their cars. Not everyone did he's right, though you probably should People light up in their cars going to traffic jam, and that was a clever way of maintaining social distancing and and and keeping your doors nothing's windows rolled up and in progressing. So right now I'll tell you what Donald Trump says: people back to work on one about he's right, I'm one about the poles are wrong. But it could just be that most of the people who are saying we dont want things to reopen, dont want to go outside and if twenty percent of the people, thirty percent of the people, do want things to reopen. They're gonna go outside then you're as he, the Beaches Pact Uranus. He protests you're gonna see people driving on the freeway, no one's going to care about your rules anymore, because you can't arrest everyone and that's the end of it. It is a matter what you think should should happen and that the people will do
and the journalists can Screechin cry all day and night, but if the people justify these orders well too bad, you can't stop them straight, as you can try it won't. Work will see how things play up us stick around the neck segments coming up at one p m on this channel, and I will see you all then, Cnn host Brian stouter published his weekly news letter, in which he states that he could called into his bed- and he cried for our pre pandemic lives, I will read this, but I think this is. Another example of CNN complete, bs performative fake news trash that needs to be call out. First, I would like to scream this from the high happens in every video I do Chris Cuomo is not under quarantine or isolation, and if he is he's broken it already admitted to it. It's Iran is still running these nightly segments where they're like Chris Cuomo is quarantined. He admitted he was off on some. Second, you know family property.
Their building is new home or something with two eminent three kids administrators times I can't we're mature. Everybody knows CNN running prime time segments that are completely fake. Now I reached out to brine, stouter ass embody, isn't got back. To me. Maybe I'd live out, I want to make it seem, like he's not going to get back to me, but maybe just didn't have enough time Although I'm going to go ahead, make the assumption he's not going to work. I make the assumption he's not going. And admitted that Chris Cuomo has broken, or violated isolation and quarantine. So far has been doing segments where my go, I'm trapped in the basement right now are seeing CNN drive the orange and bad narrative to such an extreme degree. This past week, they literally took a press these from the Chinese Communist Party and rewrote like ours. We even rewrote it. They just published at near verbatim. And it was saying that the? U S Navy was doing bad and that they do People's Liberation Army was doing better. Why would they The story now to be fair.
Did say the source was the people's Liberation Army. Why is CNN platform? the Chinese Communist Party. Hey, that's beyond me. I wouldn't can make an assumption. It's because CNN just drives the no matter. What happens Trump is wrong narrative and it proves tromp right every step of the way, because trump rags on the media certainly truck. Get me wrong. About everything that would be insane, and then you get gimmicks the standing up, screeching and it makes all journalists look bad. I saw a threat from a local journalists mounting the fact that she had been laid off and it was a bomber man, because these are low, Gold journalists were actually talking to community members, maybe they're biased, maybe they're not much better, but at the local level we do meet journals and, more than ever, what do we not need? We certainly don't need I sell to writing newsletters, but how is crying and then later on? They do this Fox news, bad segment. That's all they do. Not all they do, but they do too much. They want to talk. But the media- and they act like these-
there is coming on. Fox news is: is it the apocalypse? Why? Because the doktor said we should reopen the economy, here's the funny They add on like doktor drew and they had on the couple other doctors who have said before that, like things warned that bad, oh, it's not that bet it's bad floor will Four reads: a courier of CNN has just pointed out the motel rights, actually point one two percent to possibly point two percent. You know that means it's mortality rate is akin to the flu and that's for AIDS, a courier twin that up it's from a peer reviewed study. Out of I think, Santa Clara we'll take a look at this. This is it very interesting information, an important information. You, it's not important I'll, be completely honest me complaining that the media and the media complaining about trumped up. I don't think I know this is the most important thing, but more importantly, track
going out the economy and the food banks. So you know what I'm gonna do my thing: let's read this and then you know the reason. I say that as because look man, I'm I'm not free from criticism, and all this here I am on you to once again complaining about CNN, complaining when I see it and only complains about Fox news to be fair to myself. I guess I do point out the New York Times. Post and many many other outlets? The issue with CNN is they act like the air of the New York Times and Vocs or Buzzfeed don't exist. They just completely ignore the stuff. Meanwhile, they just put up lies crisp, almost not in quarantine where we already see broke it, you gotta admit that so here's Brien's dollars newsletter and hears what he writes. Hey everybody I mean, Last night's newsletter deadline for the first time in years. The truth is, I had a wall guided by the death toll. Disturbed, by the government's shortcomings dismayed by political rhetoric, there's no resemblance to reality. Oh, you must have been reading CNN, worried
about friends who are losing their jobs and kids, who are missing school senior citizens who are living in fear I crawled in in bed, and I cried for our pretty pandemic lives. I think those tears had been waiting a month escape. I wanted to share this with you because it feels freeing to do so. Now is not the time for fun, invincibility journalists are living this and hating this, just like everyone else, Brings me to my original idea for a lead story, yet hating what hating the pandemic, the crisis or hating the president. Most of these journalists, he talks about friends losing his job. You still is the working. How many journalists are still working? Many of the ring are being followed. That's right, add revenue was the second wave. The first wave of unemployment are that the loss of revenue came from the service industry. We said you can't go out me because these restaurants can advertise any more than the media industry took ahead. I'm also included in that, but I'm still working as well we're all getting hit with pay cuts. Basically,
the media. People are still working. So no they're, not feeling the fear like a regular person. Would I think it's funny that brine stout there was probably particularly wealthy. Don't think he's got a multi million dollar salaries like that. I'd I'd be want to welcome, back on a salary but is not make it a million bucks, but he still live in really well right. Now he still employed maybe he's taken pay cuts. I don't know what am I gonna empathy eyes with a guy who's got see an unsure where he complains all day and night about Fox and Tromp were then he clearly and that he then says that he's too made by political rhetoric the rhetoric that bears no resemblance assembled resemblance to reality, for which he contributes. Then he crawled into cries about you know it man. I got no sympathy. You know why we had a guy on a doctor talking. We are on the TIM Guess, I'll podcast and we talked about stoicism and when the points I was brought up is
they try to make. It seem like an everything. Is toxic masculinity like men crying is what you're supposed to do. Now. I ll tell you what supposed to happen. Everyone should be able to control their emotions because, when you're in a crisis, the last thing we need someone breaking down and crying and I ll give you up a really good example. Rhine Seltzer says he missed last night's deadline for a newsletter. Well, you know what I dont value his newsletter. I think it's hyper partisan trash masquerading as news at least I'll. Tell you look, I think. I'm biased and I do opinion commentary disguised cope. Pretending to be news so now I dont value, but I'll tell you what do the people? Who do? It's not my place to say whether Not what he's doing will be the two large benefit of society in the future. I certainly have my opinions, but that's an opinion that effect for money be for many people. They may find this newsletter valuable, we'll brain cells are dropped the ball because, instead of doing work, he broke down and cry that is not helpful to anyone. But let's, let's take a look at some of the points he brings up. I want to show
this first as solidarity. He talks of a very serious things, and I can. I can respect that he's. No toxic or loss of life and all that stuff as much as you know, we can bicker about whose right, whose wrong and partisanship and all this stuff, I'm not gonna, play games and and and act like these journalists are happy. People are losing their lives. I've seen tweets up that about this journalists are happy that companies are shutting down. Well, I think they're journalists that feel some kind of catharsis in watching the collapse, because they're like see, I told you tromp, was bad, not that there really happy that all this is happening. I would I don't. I don't play those so the games by love this one local verses, national coverage in his newsletter. Everything is perfect. Not quote it's going to be up to the states to use their capability trumps had frightened at in response to the kind of ours testing the states have low. Points where they can go and the governor can call the mayors in the mayor's can call the representatives and everything is perfect.
The way it should work and always should work, and then he puts chaser the eight peace headline says there is no plan. Insight test troubles, cloud trumps recovery effort will hold on a second CNN. You know this is the problem I have with Sienna now I want to show you what Bill Mars has basically, that this media, fearmongering and frying is actually helping Trump trumped said weren't, you leave it to the governor. And then they complained that he wasn't using its federal authority or whatever. Then he said she has the authority than they complain. He doesn't know what he says. They just come out and say the opposite. So if trunk comes as they show us shot saying. You know. The governors are evident this work at the mayor's they then so the other store saying but Trump has no plan wait hold on. I thought Trump wasn't supposed to have the plan. I thought it was supposed to be up to the states Andrew Cuomo wants to reopen things. What are you talking about? we then get. This Fox news keeps inviting tv doctors on air who say crazy things. All they ve turned on on Doktor Phil, But-
I show you this. I'm not gonna go to in depth with it, but I want to highlight it, here's a newsletter were once again. Oliver Darcy is just obsessed with Fox NEWS he's. Basically, there Fox NEWS review. Credit folly does like, as is its whole job at CNN, is just talk about Fox NEWS, great job but he goes on any, and it gives us the same tired line all their sang, nutty things, even though we know first of all, trumped does have a plan that here story out. There is light trump as no plan which I know what it's all about NBC report on report on the sixteenth Trump gotTa Threephase plan and is leaving for the states, because you just told them he Didn'T- have the authority to dictate what the states did is the problem with the media you're not getting a clear picture of anything instead, what their due is fear brine such a proposal. A new letter where he says he's crying and curled up in his bed, because the mortality rate, the loss of jobs and everything you so bad. Actually things might be getting better and mean this potentially some good news. I'm not gonna pretend like. I can tell you whether it's good or bad weather.
Challenges as we see miles upon miles of. But you know people waiting in lines at food banks. It seems, like things are worse than ever when we look over, the data from New York seem like actually things. Getting better there's a lot that it it's hard to know exactly when things are getting better or worse It may just be that some things are getting worse and some things are getting better. We may never get back to normal, but Bill MAR rips the media, and, although he may not be directly talking about see an anomaly gonna end up their other. Our second ragged, but CNN certainly taken the cake because, right now they ve they pretend to be news. Hey look at least MSNBC, you know their biased. You know Rachel mad cow is very much on the left. Cnn is pretend in Cuomo under lockdown. When he's not that is look Rachel. I can say stupid things all day. I dont care right, I will criticise or for making people go in, saying, which is allowed ever opinion. We know she's biased its msnbc. If
she goes on the Erika, something stupid about the electricity being shot, often Fargo. I love bring about it by the way, then fine she's allowed to have stupid opinions but see and is putting Chris Cuomo on the air and saying he's lockdown when he's not and he's goin out doing stuff with his family, that is fake reality, crap and that's o Brien seller is doing its performative. Fresh they're, not actually doing journalism. They are doing reality tee, and we all know it Bill MAR ripped the media, panic, porn and corona virus coverage could help reelect Trump. Hey I've been saying it. Ran over again. We saw that that newsletter from an accident producer wearing He will, if you told them Jimmy cost, there was actually working for the trunk re election campaign. He believe it because Trump tease up Trump perfect. I'm sorry accosted, tease up Trop perfectly so that trunk can deliver appointed message about what he's doing and how is helping America. He acts like a caricature of the bad man, journalist and look look at Brien's other talk about crying and everything is the perfect.
Caricature of inept journalism and their hyper focus on Fox NEWS is not real, lose its performative trash. They all reports HBO Bill MAR ripped the news media on Friday and urge journalist. Up offering up what is described as panic porn. When report The krona virus outbreak caution. The practice could help get President Trump reelected in November. Now I'll tell you this. I have no dressed in seeking out stories that are shock content. I'm talking about things I think, are important. Perhaps that Lorries tend to be negative or shocking, but at I'll be sincere and say they just stories that I think are interesting, and I want to talk about what It is true that many in the media ignore the Good NEWS and saint It can be used for me as well in others that I probably, or certain more positive stories. Everybody seems to do so to varying degrees, but I will bill Mara saying don't do it might help trump? Ok! Well, that's where we diverge see. I don't care if Trump wins,
I'm not here to tell you who devote for that's for you to decide and if Trump ends up Well, that's the fall to the Democrats in the media that what is happening and I'll tell you this their thing. Don't like about things like bottom, but there's things are really don't like Joe Biden and Joe Biden lost the plot. The Democrats are gonna. Keep trying to carry water for China you're, not gonna, see me very interested in supporting any of these companies institutions or their partners in the Democratic Party, but the. But at the end of all this, look man if I tell a story and it our era I did a segment where I was like the more Rag on a yo see the more the more attention you're giving are, the more likely she has to get reelected at a bunch of people must like comment being like then stop talking about her TIM and unlike don't care if she gets Ray I you know, I'm not here to tell you who devote for if she does I think, a stupid I'll criticise or that's what it's all about, and if it helps when the law, run. I I'm just gonna tell you what I think is how I feel both free the story. Filmore says no rule now that we're starting to see some hope in all this dont hope. Shame me, the liberal,
real time. How said you know the problem with nonsense? bloom and doom, as it gives tromp the chance to play the optimist. An optimist tend to win american elections. After our said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. You know, as as full as as he is, I could see Trump writing that into a second term. And then there will be no hope left for you to shame some who cares if trumpet another term he's already or president combat its for years. You don't you know many years we were what we live on this planet like eighty two hundred years, you got for more stop crying about it. Come up with a real plan, and then run somebody in twenty twenty four, maybe it'll be Andrew Kuala, but if you keep doing it this way and no one's gonna wanna vote for you. More underscored is point while displaying multiple headlines several news organisations, including the New York Times the Wash and the Washington Post, which he argued, used hyperbolic language regarding hospital surge in New York City. Projections projections showed they needed. Fifty eight thousand beds when they needed
order of that more noted, it still bad, but you don't have to put hots on a hollow pennino there. I do like Bill Mark, but you know what I would like more built Why dont you now say: Donald Trump was right. Ok, Filmore doesn't want chopped get reelected, so he will omit the important facts. You can hate trump all you want, but if he was right he was right. Donald Trump, sad, you dont need forty thousand The letters Crisp Andrew Cuomo said: yes, I do and they start stockpiling, though it hit him, stockpile he wasn't yet using that they probably you know. I think they use em met me much of them and are not meeting him so, Yes, why was the media just pushing this fake narrative to make it seem like the world was ending, sir, Look, it was insanity happens again. New sources have to read Then he added enough with the life. Never be the same headlines and stopped short this. You know everything
scary. When you magnified a thousand times when the news to calm down and trees, like adults, Trop calls you fake news, don't make him be right up. You got so close to saying trumpets. Right yet, therefore knows do I think Brian Spelter actually crawled into his bed and cried? No, I out I mean. Maybe he did. I give it a low Billy chancy, actually cried he's, probably just nothing to write about. Listen. I do segments every single day in a typical new cycle. I can get everything done relatively quickly because there, sir, much happening in different areas. Sometime, I united assignment a couple days ago talking about in a war with IRAN, and you note and China South trying to see I've done segments talking about video games and movies over the podcast. We talked about China banning video games, and am I mentioned. I talk big on politics. There's always something to talk about. There's news, but I'll tell you what
because of the pandemic and everything being shut down. Not a whole lot is happening outside of this, and there isn't that much to actually write about. You want to know what I think I think the reason Brien's other MRS deadline is because you had nothing to say so. What does he do you it's about how he cried, yeah, ok, dude, and then he talks about news being than ok. I think we're over it builds on the story goes on there. That's very calm as the president in the White House. Crowd of our task force this week unveiled a three phased plan for reopen the economy. Trump has appeared eager to in the country on its skyrocketing unemployment, due to thousands of businesses being forced to close them at the virus. More than twenty million Americans have filed for benefits the. U S. Death toll currently stands at thirty one thousand foreigner, forty six. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, I would like for Bill MAR just two the minute you did a segment saying that the New York Times the Washington Post are just trying to make you panic. You realize
their viral videos of people yelling at the news media saying that the media was just trying to do this. I have been accused of it to hey man. I am absolutely willing to accept all of the criticism on the perfect. I play the difference between me and the media and these big companies. I dont have an editorial board in the morning where I'm like these stories, aren't scary enough change the headline. I just do what I think and I write what I think and some people think I right click Betty headlines and is probably fair I don't think I'm nearly the greatest intimated that many many of these other outlets. But of course there are many people who, like CNN and hate my got, saw just do my thing. If you want to criticise me, I accept it and I try to to do better. I try to call this stuff out to the best of my abilities, but the honour. To be honest, I just talk about what I'm saying: and what I think I'm just one person. I see stories and, unlike oh hey, that's interesting, I have some help, but for the most part I just kind of rent and why the script? I see a story, I read it I'll talk about it.
The media over Fox NEWS on the other. I am sorry that the media over at sea and on any and yes to a degree Fox news they just put up performative fresh they want could be scared. They want you to see this war. The doesn't exist. Look at Us Cuomo, prime time there's something about they steering investing money through banks, blah blah blah dont care. There's him and his basement he's not really under quarantine. I would never do something like that there too, Trying to make you see this reality tv nonsense, they ve admitted at Ben Smith. Then your times wrote about it. Just sucker, didn't you the scene and wouldn't allow Chris Cuomo to talk to his brother, Andrew or interview, and because he was the governors, a conflict of interest, they broke the barrier and say hey man. Family drama and then what do you get? Primetime c and like mom things on the favourite sword, not true brother, yet reality, tv performance, performative nonsense, that's what they give you. They give a trash olive darcy. Of course, just talks. Nonstop about Fox NEWS
as I told Chris Cuomo I'd be alarmed of a member of my family were sharing the sort of misinformation, but the fact that these tv doctors are going on Fox NEWS amid a pandemic in Shanghai stuff is quite frankly knots. Europe, because that's Oliver, that you now, work is still pertaining, Chris Cuomo is under isolation or quarantine and when I you guys about you, don't say anything odds. You guys rely Yang. Now that out works are so might my shouted to Bill Mark here something funny. I love, though, took us ro at the bronze soldier actually retweeted, the person like this is an honest account was refreshing to read this morning. Thank you, Brian, for that too, good reminder. It's ok, not to be ok and brains out the retreat of this woman, who highlighted that he curls It was brought bad inserted crime. This is not journalism. Ok, I used to do substantial like for exclusively journal and over time I slowly moved more into political commentary. It's actually a common track for many journalists. You can actually fall
There are many journalists to use to do straight facts. A news and overtime eventually shifted to more commentariat analysis. For me, it mostly has to do with the height the higher profile. I became the more risk it became to actually be on the ground and so was actually hard are travelling round so expanded into the other area, which is more pinion commentary stuff. Why? Because I have a lot of opinions and have a lot of things to site. Like many people, it seems to be a normal track what CNN is doing right now is trying to claim that their journalists, while their retweeting Brian Spelter, cried that's, not news, you're, not the story. When I would go on the ground and do group and report, it was never a supposed to be bout? Here's me interacting. You know it's like you can like Hunter S, torment, Thompson. Can you can like immersive interactive journalism. You can like their taste off. I've done that to where I go down, and I'm the house to the story, talk him up my experience inconvenient to you, but it's a big difference between meeting on the ground and saying
here, I am, and here's I'm seeing and meet joining a group of people to do a thing. That's something else and again some people, like contrast, Thomson gone what the house, angels and doing drugs do not southern writing about it being very much involved in the story. That's not journalism. Journalists aren't supposed to be the subjects to wit, which would expire. Right so clarify if I thought what I really love about documentary on the run reporting. I love it when there's a host, who tells you here's what I see? Here's what I experience, because their conveying to you and objective perspective on something happening on the ground at very different from say, an unhoused, a documentary where its footage of the event with on over view of facts, theres many different ways. You can do it, but a journalist who goes on the ground and his ex as explore
interviewing people and telling you how they ve. How they feel about it is to enact is, is is encroaching on that line, but it's not the same as if the journalist joined in the protest and an entire explaining to it would be more like if you'd. If you saw a documentary where the leader of the protest was the one hosting the show, that's not journalism, I mean the journalism. Is a document ring, but the person talking to you is a part of what's happening. Not there there not a journalist if brine, stouter, Oliver Doors. And the rest of seed and crew. You know like we got ass, Ye Cups and Trop is a virus. They are making themselves. The story right South are saying he crawled into bed decry is high creating a store with him at the centre right you're, not gonna, get me on these channels. For the most part me saying you know guys, I I do very so often have stories that are about me. I feel a week.
To a girl. I did a story where, where I said Trump is talking about quarantining these states, what should I do much more personal, much more about me what's going on, but I tend not to do these things. I don't like talking about. What's going on in my life, I'll passively, do it now? If you go over to the other podcast him cast out O. Definitely that's that's. You know much more. Personal must much more conversational, but you shouldn't be getting that from CNN Nobel Mars right that the panic stuff is, is over the top Elsa. You know I'll. Keep that in mind I'll try to do better. I don't know if I'm the worst or the best. I think it's important to take the criticism, the heart and see if I can do better, but I certainly think Look if I see a story where it looks like you know it's. It's things are going south. I'm gonna say it- I'm not gonna to it's not happening, but I will I will wrap this up with one more point: if you want to to actually heal this country and do better, you can't make yourself the subjective
story, so my advice to CNN, which they wouldn't take because they're just reality, be trash. Don't write about you crawling into bed crying and talk about something other than Fox whose criticise other media, yet other things exist now leave their necks. I'm comin up at four p m at Youtube com. Slash TIM cast, it is my main channel and I'll see you all. Then, as I have stated before, the crisis we face is not just one. The virus. But what comes around it and due to the economic shut down the food industry and supply chains are being disrupted and now we are seeing more food riots. First, we saw them in Sicily, but not because the food wasn't there, because the ferries that brought the food to the to Sicily we'll stop running the companies when a business, so the food stop coming. People run out of money. Because they lost their jobs, and then people had to steal the food when our seeing via triggers unrest across Africa. Riots break out
Johannesburg over food shortages and the soda under fire, P M deploys army to restore order, as continents death toll reaches. One thousand I gotta be fair. I gotta point this out. Look I mean no differ. Back to these countries, but when I first the story about food rioting in Johannesburg, I wondered if it had anything to do with the corona virus. They ve long been facing serious conundrums and strife, farm land as well as other countries as well. Where hearing that the he's being deployed in Lesotho and night, Nigeria's chief of staff has died. So look is it is the Eu S going to face food riots, I'm gonna go and say at least for now we are, I would some kind of far way. In fact, new data come out that suggest the mortality rate for covered might be a lot less than they actually projected. They may have got things wrong, or at least we just didn't know, because now the same could be like point one two or point two, which is comparable:
the flu, doesn't change the fact that there are serious complications and that people are, are dying, but it certainly as bad as they thought it was, but over in South Africa, the food riots have Let's read the story from daily mail, they say unrest has erupt. It spread across Africa with rights over food shortages and an army being deployed. Store order. As the krona virus crisis rocks, the content, protests have erupted in Cape Town, military have been mobilized in Lesotho, and the chief of staff to Nigeria government died of a lot of the lethal bug. Africa Africa. Now has more than one thousand deaths from covered. Nineteen, the Africa Africa CDC and prefer John said Saturday a total of fifty two of Africa's fifty four countries have cases of a deadly virus with the overall number of cases more than nineteen thousand eight hundred, not interesting, there's a lot less people dying and getting infected in the entire continent of Africa, which has me they're, probably just not deprive testing,
We don't know how many people are actually dying or what's really going on, but they are locked. Things down. It is resulting in food shortage as we can see the army being deployed in Lesotho. So if, if not familiar, Kosovo is an enclave country completely surrounded by South Africa, but in this area, while things are getting back it up, they say in Cape town. People have broken into tuck shops and attacked each there and police because they are hungry. One resident claimed Joanie Fredericks at community level community leader in Mitchell's plain township in Cape Town, said in a viral Mr President, we are in the middle of a food crisis, its wore out here, the desperate, please made in a video posted on social media depressed video posted on social media to President Syro Roma, face up, who impose the five weak locked down to try and curb the spread of the crowd of virus for weeks into a thirty five day shut down
are facing food shortages as incomes for mostly informal workers have dried up imposed from March Twenty seventh, the lockdown has placed already cash strapped citizens under further string. The number of people lining up for food at these self funded scheme run by Fredericks and other volunteers are growing by the day when we started out feeding people we start out with vary with the very vulnerable, the children, the disabled, the pensioners, but we are way past that, Mr President, we are passed the stage of sending people away and emotional Fredericks pleaded. We are seeing people get turned away or almost we are seeing a line stretching miles of cars and people needing food in the United States. There are a lot of differences between South Africa and the United States. So let me just make that clear. I really don't think were that close. Well, you know it's probably not a place to say whether we're on the verge of food rights or not, because
We ve already seen chaos erupt at one food bank when people weren't pre registered, so they couldn't get food with twenty two, million people now unemployed or filing claims. People are going to go without food. The food banks are starting to be so. The food isn't coming the running out and the small business loans. That was our our dried up in the Democrats. Didn't want to increase the number, so maybe we're closer and we realise without being set I'll, do something normally do, but actually I'm really excited about. This- is a promo spot for super easy seeds, dot com. It absolutely supports my channel go. Unchecked mountain bike, but is actually really cool thing. There's varies very few things actually like promoting This is something called a seed sheet super easy seeds, Dotcom Lincoln description below you just yet these little sheets and u water them, and then the vegetables grow it's kind of cool, so they they do brag about being a shark tank winner. Now the thing I want to say is: while I have proof-
did emergency food in the past. I am not advocating or or spark doing this promise, but because I think you're gonna need emergency, parsley, cilantro or or basal if food right start, but I think We actually have like a salad aversion and they have herbs and the way it. Basically you get these these sheets, you just put em. And ass. These little up is that it's like a cloth pot of some sort, you water it and they grow. I haven't, I think, is pretty cool. It is not for you, then just ignore this, but again it an inscription below and it's mostly about like spices. And I guess, like salad, vegetables I'd. I got some I'm for it and I, I will just end by saying I am grateful to have sponsors in these trying times. Alot of media companies are getting hurt, really really bad by this, so We understand why I dont often do sponsor spots and why I'm doing them now. But I am a legit excited for super easy seeds. I actually have some so that being said,
jumped back over to the story about what's going on, we can see these photos. Police are frisking people in searching people. We can see they ve. This is sought. Photos pictured, a south african National Defence Force Soldier patrols the streets in Hillsboro Johannesburg. So I know I just did that promo further grown vegetables in your house stuff. I do think it's cool, but I want to just make sure I really drive the point home. I don't think the U S is going to be anywhere near where South Africa's for South Africa is for quite some time. So out. Just just say that when I So the story, I'm sure most of you agreed when you're I'd wait a minute South Africa now the probability of food shortages because of other problems with their country. We ve seen this happen in many places government wants to seize farms for some kind of ideological reparation in socially countries its because the landlords aren't you no real workers and the people should on the farms. One is the people who on the farms, the farmers know farm in the workers will they dump
you're, not a farm within which to a certain to a certain extent, but there's no oversight so These socialist countries there, like we're gonna, sees the land from the landlords and given to the people, and then the people can't fly properly and then everything falls apart than people starve in South Africa and other countries these Land changes are due to racial tension, so it's not so much about so it wasn't, but about like whether a certain rights deserves it or doesn't this result in the same thing, people who can't farm can't just be given a farm, it doesn't work that way it similar to what they say in yours like what are we just put almost people and houses because they can't maintain them that with that, with that in mind, I know it's probably not. De the core reason why the food shortages are happening. It's it's a five weak lockdown and people who have no money anymore, but definitely plays a role and now, why, even though we ve been under a lock down, I believe, even under lockdown longer we are facing the same kind of shortages. Now we are facing shortages for short, like major food banks, milk is being
armed, so perhaps its naive of may perhaps it's my american privilege that I think we're not going be. You know in a similar position. Just knowing the history of South Africa are more inclined to believe they ve been worse off, are worse off than us for a while, but perhaps that's hubris and perhaps it's wrong of me to tell you whether or not you should I shouldn't be preparing for the stuff I mean I said before. You definitely should have emergency food because whom no scan happen. You think it can't happen here because of the problems of South Africa. I mean, maybe you'll, be surprised because I mean it can we ve got people running about food banks. The economy has shut down with the Democrats, not pushing this income in the budget. We are now looking at least, I think. In the next week we're gonna see another massive wave of Euro five to seven million unemployment claims, probably not seven, because I think the most seen so far as like sex hotspot gonna be around five. Maybe maybe you know four point something. It was like five point two recently, but with
with with no more money left for the Patient protection programme again, because the Democrats did one increase it. I think it's it's likely. We will see a major increase in unemployment claims when these people can't buy food. What you think happens, the supply chain is disrupted because processing plants that buying so they're not buying from farms the farms are selling the job start evaporated, are firing workers. They can't just bring that back. The food banks run out of food and then what think people do when they get hungry. Well, like we ve seen in Sicily and like we see, in South Africa, Animal Soto and potentially other countries where people go and take the food industry is there's little. You can do to stop them now, of course, There are people with guns who will work to stop them, but we look enough people and it is a matter how many cop sore national guard. You have, if there's five thousand people thought of Walmart screaming and demanding food supplement, because we ve seen. His lines there in the hundreds of thousands of people. Now I don't
oh, if things are getting better or worse, I dont want to make overly sensational contents where it's like the end is nigh. Are so I've contemplated whether or not it would be right or wrong you now to to bout certain things by operate this way. I have some other stories: you're not gonna, get into because they sound more shocking and alarming. This is certainly worrying. But we are also seeing the number of cases go down and then excitement I have, for you is actually a study showing that the the mortality rate is ridiculously low compared to what they projected You know internationally, we ve seen from like one point: seven d like three point, four and now, It looks like according to one study in the? U S, it's like point one to you know what that means comparable to the flu I'll I'll I'll say that for the next time it so stick around. The necks of men is coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. A new peer, reviewed, anti body study shows the quota virus infection rate could be fifty two eighty times more widespread than previously believe, dropping
metalogy rate to a microscopic point, one to potentially point two. While that is no higher than the common flu. It is while comparable at point to its around Weiss as lethal as as your typical flew. So it's no bad as a few things that should be point. Hospitalization still remains high, presumably higher than we expect for the flu. But when you fact Arend these anti body does anybody tests show more people have this than we realise that percentage shifts dramatically now. Here's the scary thing I'm not going to tell you what's Truman isn't, but if this study, to be believed, and we do need more the reason we shouldn't have done anything down now, the weird thing is where all these deaths coming from people are still dying, all lot substantially more than normal, which is why I don't believe this study is accurate. What you need to understand? about any survey study or you know, control group. Whatever is that status? and noise exist this. Why
like using single poles. For the present approval is an aggregate you'll see like five poles, also Trop as fifty percent approval, and then one will appear saying it's at eighty. Yet will that could be statistical noise based on their there, a sample being a good or bad, so, in which case you actual on average them out get rid of the noise. We have one study so far and of course, people are jumping out its hand boom there. It is just like the flu, but this doesn't account for all of the deaths we ve seen in New York City, Instance: deaths are more, are around double their daily. You know average, so people are dying from something it's not a virus, what it is and that it be freaky, but that's where the store- and see what they say. The daily collar reports stand university research teams release data Friday from them since first widespread community test for covered nineteen antibodies and the results. The virus spread, could be far wider than previously believed. The study conducted by two
research teams who tested three thousand three hundred Santa Clara County California. Volunteers found that two point. Five to four point. Two percent of those tested were positive for antibodies. A number suggesting a far higher past infection rate than the official count in the in the county of almost two million people. Researchers believe The virus could have infected between forty, eight thousand and eighty one thousand people on April. First, when the samples were gathered Kennedy had nine hundred and fifty eight reported cases. The study has yet to be peer, reviewed, ok, sorts yet to be reviewed. I think for reads a car. You said it was pre peer, reviewed, ok, let's not peer reviewed our eye, so there's a clarification I want to show you what Frida curious as to, because you know he CNN and with all of the rat. On CNN. I've done it this today and the possible days. I thought we go to highlight what they say, because it corroborates a conservative outlet outlet like daily color. They said our food,
being suggest that there is somewhere between fifty and eighty fold, more infections in our country than what's known by the number of cases that are important than are reported by department, a public health Stanford. Yet. Professor of medicine and study leader, Doktor Erin Ben David, told ABC knows Anchor Diane Sawyer it in an interview. Men David pointed out that even an over four percent infection rates in the vast majority of people, have not been infected with the virus, calling the decision to reopen the? U S, economy, a very difficult choice, but if the maternal mortality rate is that low, Well then, we're dealing with the flu are under no Ben David pointed out. I read that we have good confidence that we're going we're getting reliable information on the population he said and that can be done because we know what proportion of the people who are positive up. We know what proportion of the people who positive we're missing using this test, researchers reportedly set up three drive. Sites around the country and took finger prints of blood from volunteers who were recruited? You,
targeted online advertising. The ABC News report included, cautionary word from epidemiologist Doktor John Jump, Doktor John Brown Steam, whom I would add, that online adds used to recruit, subjects could skew the pool and that one county Is it necessarily representative of the rest of the EU s population, however brown stuff said the research adds to this confirmation of what we expected, which is a lot. Number of cases, that we're not that we never anticipated, there has been I'd recognition that we were under counting infections because of a lack of testing or patients were asymptomatic, brownstone told the outlet. Meanwhile, smaller sample of three it's for tests administered in Johnson, County Kansas showed a three point. Eight percent infection right a result on the upper end of the Stanford Study numbers It looks like we now have two different studies showing more people are infected. Then we realise- and this is significant for Eads Korea- says when in a tweet
First, you s: random sampling of a population was done in Santa Clara County California last week to find out how many people here have covered, how many people have covered and thus the actual felt fatality rate results of the pre peer reviewed study. Number of infected are eighty, are fifty two. Eighty four times more than currently counted this infection. Fatality rate is zero point one to two zero point. Which is much lower than previously assumed, and that is CNN for reads a courier tweeting it up. I shouldn't have to highlight four reads: a car. You wanna do a video like this. But of course, if I don't, I don't show you my sources, you will have operatives from angry activists groups trying to claim that I was downplaying these things. In fact, I believe for red and the study there, both wrong I do believe the infection right is likely higher, but it does. If that's it that's the case. Mortality rate is comparable to the.
Flew? Why are we seeing so many deaths compared to the average you know last year it doesn't add up. Really makes more sense at the studies, at least and so was skewed and that its not accurately showing how many people were truly in fact we look there saying that nine hundred, so nineteen forty reported cases and they believe it could be like eighty thousand people actually being infected he's afraid says this is why we need more testing entered. Finally, on other another twitter user verified Vincent Rash Kumar. He is the. Edward W and Buddy night scripts, professor, the Mayo clinic, editor blood cancer, etc. He says come on. You can Look at those numbers in isolation. This is not. What many Other studies find the math doesn't add up. This is not what happened and I'm a princess, I would be very careful saying mortality is that low. I dont think it is, and he brings up a really great point. You know I would love to take this study and say I think the mortality is low, but I
really don't the diamond princess saw massive mean I'm really high mortality and these other isolated places. We ve seen this spread and it gets abandoned. People get put on ventilators Krishna stay home common Dury, who is chief division of transplantation and cellular therapy at the Sylvester Cancer Centre, looks like said, remember that the same logic holds up for the flu. The last two times. I got influenza through contact with children with confirm test positive cases I wasn't tested and therefore wouldn't have been in the sea afar denominator. Most people who have flew, aren't test or listed seemingly pushing back saying. Maybe these numbers are accurate. If, if the amount of debts are Weiss what we see from the flu. Maybe that explains why we're seeing twice the number of deaths. I don't know that justifies the locked
Maybe it doesn't whatever I'll leave that to you guys to decide what we are seeing substantially more deaths. So if the mortality rate is point to double the flu, it makes sense. What these dudes, basically saying and and and he's right, is that the all of these people who might get mild symptoms, Michael sniffle, might get a car, I don't think twice I mean I remember a couple months ago I was coughing for a day or two. Is it possible that I actually had? I mean I really dotted cause I'm kind of a home body. You may have noticed I'm here all the time, but there's a lot of but who might have had a car for sniffle and ignored it and those mild two two to say the least, so they don't get tested, they dont care and they carry out their lives. If that's the case and the infection rates really high then many of these a sit Lookest there's what they're saying in one study like fifty percent of people could be asymptomatic, meaning they have no symptoms of this. If those people are spreading around
need to consider is that some people are gonna, get sick of those people get sick point. Two percent will die, I'm sorry yet some people have it and others who get infected point two percent will die. Then maybe we have to reopen the economy, and maybe we are spooked by our own shadow, a bit too much Maybe the numbers coming out of China are actually right and, oh, I don't think I'll entrusting them. But if the mortality rate isn't really that bad then maybe everything was over Hypes nine, a lot of conservatives who want to believe that they want to blame if at all times, will be careful about confirmation by us. We have once we have to study so far one of the smaller sample size. People have pushed back saying it doesn't make sense, and I gotta say I dont like using one study, even two's, might not necessarily enough. I think it's fair to point out locking Dounia economy in an authoritarian rules may have been a stretch too far, but think about the upside. I mean look
we took a precaution, we were let's. Let's say these numbers are accurate than maybe we're we're too heavy handed, I mean think about all the other These, as that are gonna, get severely crippled because we all locked ourselves in our homes. I'm not saying that we should be happy that we drawing the economy and not at all. I mean that's really really bad understand. Look bad things happen. People lost their lives. We decided to lockdown we're gonna, learn from this. What have we learned? We can't look back and and and regret when we did, because hindsight is twenty twenty. If we now learn it wasn't that bet that's great, that's great and their arson, positive to look at forever. That happened. I know, for the most part, still in a negative, we can focus on the good will see how things play This is one study so far you got people like CNN, Frida car out as a courier, pointing this out so I'm highlighting him on purpose Youtube still gonna demonetized this. You know how it works, but some, I guess we'll see so
I'll leave. There's two groaning. I one more segment coming up for you in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly owe to the surprise of no one Donald, prompt, is dragging Nancy Policy again on twitter. Is he I think it's Antwerp? Wherever he went ass, he did of course. Of course the president is tweeting Nancy policy. I kind of agree with the sentiment. Nancy Pelosi was shown on Foller fancy, ice creams and then everybody started sang and let them meet cake because Nancy Blowsy won't increase the small. This loan funds so that people can keep their jobs? Let them eat cake? Indeed, they all reports a tax policy as political hack over late show, appearance. President tromp, when, after speaker policy in a tweet laced late Friday attack The democratic leader as an incompetent political hack after calling her to return to Washington as lawmakers wrestle over another court. Krona virus relief, bill trunk shared a tweet, decisive policy over her appearance late show with James Cordon earlier this week in the cliff,
policy shows off stockpile of ice cream, packed in or kitchen freezer in San Francisco, noting this is something you can get through. The mail and in but political hack come to Washington and take care of our great american workers, Trump tweeted and it was asked a charming, Charlie, Kirk Tweet, he said Nancy. He sits in her seven point: five million dollar San Francisco home in front over twenty four thousand dollar fridges, plural, bragging about our stockpile of thirteen to help her a pipe gourmet ice cream all well. Twenty two million Americans file for unemployment and funding for small business runs dry shameful, yes, absolutely shameful! You know. I've got some criticisms for Charlie Kirk, always tweeting with the weird face scorn like this: and you know what that sink and all that stuff, but he's spot on right now and when you're right, you're right now, New policy should not be flaw. Putting her wealth and laughing Hon late night tv shows eat nor I screen it doesn't look it's it's not it's, not a good look
Oh, she cares fine. Whenever her constituents don't care, they hate Trump, no matter what so, what's the point, a policy spokesmen fired back on Saturday calling on to focus on the pandemic. That's literally what he just told Nancy Pelosi to do. So, what what is it? response from pussy. I know you are, but what am I come on? Please answer. Of trying to distract and divide the president should focus on the public health crisis in front of him. As the speaker wrote to her colleagues last week, the truth is a weak person. A poor later takes note. Sponsor ability and weak person blames others policies. Man drew Hamel, told the Hell pot meet CAT, all also glass house is throwing stones. You get it Nancy policy. Is this late night show eaten ice cream when she could be back and easy getting this funding pushed through and instead she complains about what Trump is doing and her complaint is that trap is complaining about what she is doing. You know what they are.
Deserve each other, but about I gotta be fair man. Donald Trump isn't Congress. He can't snap his fingers and make this budget increase go through. So you can see why I have disdain for these democrats. Let them eat cake. Take a look at his tweet. I love it. I treated this out. Apparently people like it Nancy Policy tweeted, we all have our ways to keep our spirits up. During these trying times, mine just happens to fill up my freezer PA and then she has this ice cream. She has dove ice cream. She's got this that this gelato boots. Fancy. Ok, you're, not really that expensive. I don't know what this yet stop Jenny stuff is alive. It's an expensive, but here's how I responded. I love this comic. This comic is from off key comics. I'm not super familiar. First battle. There is a woman sitting in a pool with a big fattened behind her and hedges. We're all in this together guys the next one, a guy in a boat- and he says I'm social distancing on my yacht, then we have a guy, in a sparkling massive kitchen with a huge spiral: staircase stay home and law
a new skill, the next one. Is a woman in a blanket on the floor with garbage. Everywhere and an open can of what appears to be beans in her squalor? And she says they're just like me: yeah is that works. To feel Nancy when we see you in your mentioned eating your fancy ice cream, while others lineup food banks, let them eat cake. Indeed,. Is this what you're going to say to the twenty two million people who don't know how they're going to buy food lines are getting longer and when the food Who'd runs out. The revolutions began, I'm not making it up. It is well, it's disputed. We know within varying degrees. But many experts believe that when food becomes scarce, revolutions begin, Nancy Pelosi could go, make sure she could have voted on this weeks ago and they would be there would still be money for the businesses to apply for grants, so they can pay their staff,
pennies. That can't do this because the money runs out. There are now going to lay off their staff. So I appreciate you know. The people who are going hungry will be absolutely comforted in. Knowing that you have multiple flavors of ice cream in your very expensive freezer. In your multi million dollar mansion. I'm sure when they're sitting there, grumbling they're gonna do what this comic young woman does and laugh and say, wow. Just like me. Or their stomachs grumble and they'll say need food and I'm gonna go get it well. Of course, I think that the criticism is apt. The hell says the President's tweet God criticism he level the democratic leader earlier Friday during a white court of ours briefing when he accused policy of not doing her job and called on her to come back to Washington to hammer out a deal. The president has blamed Democrats for a stalemate over a deal for new funds aimed at helping small businesses impacted by the krona virus outbreak. I think the Democrats are going to do it. Look Nancy policy
she's away on vacation or something and she could. She should come back Trump sat at the briefing prided. She should come back and get this done. I dont know why she's not coming back the fact as she's not doing her job. And there's nothing nothing unusual about that for her, for anybody in Congo man there's only a couple people I like in the Senate and the house. I don't care what their party is. There's a couple people I like Dulcea, like Dan Crenshaw. I like, ran Oh I'm sure, there's the actual. You know Tom cotton get a shot because he was right about this from the get go. The krona virus stuff, so major shuts down, come all Business Loan Programme Miranda funds on Thursday without a deal for additional money it in the implementation. There is need for more money. We subscribed to that. We want to have more money for small business. We believe in it. The entrepreneurial spirit of Amerika is so important. Policies had done in our BC on Friday night, but it is also- potent have funds for those on the front lines, the healthcare workers, the police and and and fire he s, folks
and those who really need help as they try to say so we're hoping that we can come to an agreement. So wait a minute the Republican said. Can we get more? My from this bill. Exo have this bill for for small business. Can you add might do that and they said what about the fire department? I I I wait. While ok, let's have a conversation, but for now can we increase the funding to the small businesses? Will what about what about women and minorities are those that are actually? provisions they wanted put in? It makes no sense, so I actually atomic given another shot out met gates is pretty cool too. I think Dan Crenshaw, like my topic in Congress, because he seemed like up up up really all right, dude and then ran Paul, but as does my shot at I get it there Republicans but you know, I think something fascinating is happening where we ve seen all these retirements from these old guard. Republicans, who don't wanna, be involved any more and good, get rid of him bring on b the principled live
Eddie minded individuals libertarian, I don't mean right wing libertine, I mean, like General Liberty Minded Europe like the rights of people. You want to fight for what they want. What they need bring him in vote him all and I don't care of their political parties and an end to unity degrees. I disagree with the crunch on a ton of things, but I think he's honest but what is trying to do at the most important thing? I'm not the expert on lots of these issues. I have my opinions so they're a couple people I really like. Noting tells you Gabarus on the way? Aren't you not running again, so she dropped out an odour, Planas Trump maintain during the briefing Friday that even the small business The programme was running flawlessly despite reports of glass. These and other issues affecting the roll out earlier this month and he ended, We believe two hundred fifty billion dollars would be enough for the programme. It's going to get us to appoint. That's going. Rather beautiful. Well, it would have because look we're now hearing and I want to start reopening things- sounds like a good idea on the expert but I'll. Take their word for Trump certainly wants to Israel is released as guidelines for reopening everything. It really does feel like
back to normal, I'm kind of excited for it. So right now, as small businesses are without funding and they're gonna start Lang, people off We nearing the end of the tunnel. We can see the light if they had just approved this we'd be sweet, kicking back and say well, that was awful, but we are coming to the end of the tunnel and we got the funds. We need right now, we're struggling and we might break down before even make it out. That would be nightmarish. Twenty two million people out of work and in need of food, and we gotta figure out what due to get them the food. They need. There's some conversation, The government buying food from far where's than sang at food banks, but that is an account for the food ass be process. So what maybe I just like rock carrots and much doubles might make it in the end. People need to work. It's not even you but whether now we're going to get them the food, they need it's about. Stopping the collapse we let's say no matter. What happens we come out of this? Well businesses? Will
oh under permanently. It's not like you to snap their fingers and come back bills. Pile up, rent, piles up what're, you gonna, do everyone's gonna be hurting. How about you get off your ice cream high horse and you go and pass this bill well, whatever, I doubt they will house minority later Kevin Mccarthy told the Wall Street Journal on Friday that he would support additional funding for hospitals in a package aimed at helping small businesses, saying you discuss the potential pairing with tromp at the White House on Thursday during our appearance in the late late show, Policy noted she had been in conversation all day with my members, with scientists with people of faith are right. Listen to this. Applicants are caving in ok, fine, we'll funding hospitals in that Small Business Loan programme package. That makes no sense, but they're gonna. Do it anyway will now see policy head out and go get the job done. I don't know, sir, Margo Robia says so I hear, bigger, plus you relax ice cream. Here's what I am willing to do if she stops, if you will stop holding aid for small business hostage, TED crews
off roman chunky soup she can eat. Are they offering up their food if they agree and their publicans are going to cave and give them what they want? Why am I even recording this? Why we have this conversation? Why is this the issue? I think it's because the Democrats just want to obstruct it doesn't make sense that some would be like. Would you like to funds? Is this what about hospitals? Ah, ok: fine earn! Well. What about minorities you clearly not trying to fund what they're asking for seems like the true all the Democrats adjust to block this. Maybe they want the unemployment ever took up as a bad for Trump. I would be surprised
Transcript generated on 2020-05-03.