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Elon Musk DECLARES WAR On the ADL, Threatens LAWSUIT For LYING To Advertisers To Destroy Twitter


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Elon Musk DECLARES WAR On the ADL, Threatens LAWSUIT For LYING To Advertisers To Destroy Twitter

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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If your subscription giddy subscription today see a joke, you doc tom promo code, TIM make sure to go to TIM, cast dot. Com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work. We do and you'll get access to exclusive, uncensored segments from tim cast. I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first, sorry, elon musk has declared war on the anti death major league threatening to sue them for defamation and why cease through with them. Everyone says that they will be dropping the anti and everyone will call them the defamation league ha ha. I know I stole that joke from twitter. but the eighty owls mission is fairly Well, I want to say it's kind of obvious to anyone who pays attention to politics. On the surface. They say there trying to stop hate speech and anti semitism. but in reality what they do is purely political, and this is evidenced by statements made by the organization in the past and where they currently are at sea their mission more,
a lines with the establishment narrative mission. Unless so with bachelor, stopping hate speech or defending free speech, The eighty out routinely smears and harasses people and organisations forcing them to ban people. The eighty l deems to be a problem. We've got an article from political, that elon musk as highlighted the ad boycott that as facebook on the defensive hundred, companies are boycotting the social media, giant, here's the back story and, of course, ones. Blaming the eighty alpha this basically because, well, whether it's just on its own or part of a coalition of organizations that are engaging in this behavior. This is what activists do they terrify advertisers, but you know what it's not going to work anymore. Just take a look at bud light and target and in the inverse, take a look at rich men north of richmond, and take a look at sound of freedom for examples that I can give you to PA.
if to negative, showing that we will not back down that we are standing up for what we believe in and we are done being manipulated by lies in the media and by activist organizations shout out to our good friends over at public square. that are helping build the parallel economy, but I'm sick of it look. You know I don't really care about what you choose to believe in your life, your religion, your political views. I will argue with you. I will disagree with you, but if you are a dishonest actor seeking to gain power by manipulating people and lying. We got a problem, don't care what your reasoning is. What's it look, elon musk gave us a pretty intense break. This accusation is that the adsl is contacting advertisers and has gotten them to drop twitter cutting them off from a substantial amount of revenue that could be around twenty two billion dollars. Oh boy, there's more Elon musk says that he will why we're assuming he's gonna do it released,
All communications with old twitter, And the ideal and show them that they'll show us the communications and and who the idea was targeting now. This is this is a really big one lives german. This is a big one, because not only is elon musk going to go to war with the adsl and potentially have a tortoise interference, lawsuit himself Anyone who is targeted by the hdl will likely have their own defamation and tortuous interference claim muddle lawyer. My a real understanding of torches. Interference would be like if I have a contract. Let's say somebody makes sunglasses, we have an agreement and then a third party goes to them and issues threats to get them to break that contract. That would be torches interference. Something like that again, not a lawyer about my general understanding, if someone a business and utilizes twitter, especially now that this mandate modernization, but even before them, let's say you're
twitter and you made means, and then from those means you would sell tee shirts? You would say like Could this picture of Joe Biden, you know doing the robot and then you would link underneath it by my teacher at your business. You have a business arrangement with twitter twitter and you have a contract as to what you can and cannot do and why that's the terms of service. he meant the eighty elden stepson and a bunch of other activist organizations, and they go to twitter intake ban that person and shut them down interfering with the agreement you have with twitter. Now here's the problem. Often we have seen- and we know for a fact that twitter was banning people who did not break the rules, and they would always you say whoops, he whoops he daisies always gonna be interesting because They just claimed it was an oopsie daisies is communication, should be rather enlightening. How much do you want to buy there's an email from the eighty l to twitter sang ban person, axe bent who that ben. So I'm so bent. Bandits
and then all of a sudden, shortly after all don t accidentally banned them. But if it happens, twitter gets scared that if they don't, they are going to lose, add revenue. So they just do it This is the nature of modern politics, especially in the texts. Ex I've talked to the ceo they've. They told me, look man either. I and the one person or everyone gets shut down. That's how they view it. You get a company let's say: there's a big tech, social media platform accompanied to them and says. If you dont ban, we know John doe, we will sever services to your platform, affecting thousands, tens of thousands or more or will pull advertising and then can't maintain your servers and you go down. They say: ok, look! What do we do. quickly. This he used to say it's one person who cares. We ve got hundred thirty million you no harm.
The users, let's just ban the one person, often They'Re- scared- that if they go to foreign band too many people at once, it'll create a splash or they do it. You little bits at a time is how the game is played here's, the story from deadline twitter, owner elon musk, threatens lawsuit against the eighty four unfounded accusations and blame them for lost revenue and valuation. We trot from NBC news this one's a fellow but funny, but basically the same thing he's blaming the eighty alfred lost revenue, here's elon musk tweeting decline. our platforms, name on the map of anti semitism. It looks like we have no choice but to fight a defamation, lawsuit against the anti defamation league, o the irony. What's funny, it's probably why they call themselves hey Alex, responds, wouldn't be the this time the defamation league would be found to have defamed people highlighting this Two thousand judge finds adsl ten point: five million in cotton, colorado, defamation, lawsuit, which violence as interesting in our case
would potentially beyond the hook for destroying half the value of the companies, are roughly twenty two billion dollars in male shocks, as god speed and may the odds be. Ever in your favour. You must breaks down, we this doctor. No, it all responded saying I have not seen anything related to this up until recently, are they alone seriously responsible for destroying half the value the company. I would ask for details lawyers and all, but I'm very interested to find out what has been going on when the time comes along, says based on what we've heard from advertisers. Eighty else seems to be responsible for most of our revenue loss giving them the maximum benefit of the doubt. I don't see any scenario where there sponsible for less than ten percent of the value destruction around four billion dollars. Document discovery of of communication between the eighty l and advertisers, we'll tell the whole story, tesla silicon valley response, are advertising come back. When you tell them the truth, elon says advertisers avoid controversy? So all that is
at four eighty l crush our. U s and european add revenue is to make unfounded accusations. They have much less our in asia, so our era, there is still strong. This controversy causes advertisers pause, but that pauses permanent until eighty out the green light which they will do without us agreeing to secretly suspend or shadow ban any account they dont like that, relationship they had with acts and twitter for many years. Presumably they have that with all western search on social media orbs, one individual respond, can confirm. Filipino here was on the pulse and weekly discussions with starlit. Can the owners and enthusiasm philippines? We are not directly fact by most western issue, sorts very different here in asia, we we very much keep to ourselves for china trying to diversify faster now in the country, it sentiment- is still strong for acts tesla and tesla asia as well. the desire to have another h q here besides the one in singapore, we're priming philippines,
the energy, sustainable, etc, etc. Basically, just confirming what ilan says in the asian markets, the idea has very little power. So you got billboard Chris popping up saying sue them. That's right, elon musk, says to be super clear, I'm pro free speech but against, anti semitism of any kind might sort of its response. It's been proven that democrat groups bye bye two falsely smear people via association, how many anti accounts are real versus how many are funded and operated by the Dnc to create fear and division. Elon says possible to tell, with unverified accounts weather dealing with a small or large number of real people as sophisticated botz are Julie indistinguishable from humans with unverified. there is also no way to tell if the organization complaining was somehow complicit in creating the very thing they complain about. Now that one that's work, it's really interesting, The accusation, the argument, the ideal
or other shadowy activist groups, make account specifically to generate hate. So that these organisations can use these tweets as evidence in their claims. Oh boy was our here's how the smear operates from politico. This story, from twenty twenty elon musk. I believe it was elon musk who highlighted this actually may be. We have a. Let me see if I have this dessert, this tweet pulled up. I don't. I just have some some responses, but the I believe it was ilan who reference this if it was I'm pretty sure, there's an old stuff. it has inside the ad boycott then as facebook on the defensive aright, now for many of you there in the weeds and pay attention to politics. You know exactly what's going on. This is the game that activists play is really fascinating to me, the political conversation and the holistic view of it. It's yeah baby within good. There is evil with an evil. There is good, but there is good. There is evil. There is light. There is dark. Here's, a cool fact, a crockett,
I can't stick out its tongue. Another call fact you get short term health insurance for a month or just under a year? In some states, united healthcare, short term insurance plans are designed for people, war between jobs, coming off their parents plan or turning aside hustle into a full time gig, underwritten by golden rule insurance company. They offer flexible budget friendly coverage with access to a nation, wide network of doctors and hospitals get more facts about united healthcare short term plans that you each one dot com. I take a look what's going on this fascinating debate that you have the people on the tribal left and they just outright lie. It's crazy! wrong items, engineering, baby! You got people on the right who lie war drifters. We know that, but it really inverted in the freedom faction side of things with disaffected liberals, libertarians conservatives itself, Post liberals, you have individuals who may be disagree
on how things should be solved. What what we should do why things are happening, but we agree on certain truths and certain facts. That is. We all saw the video of Joe Biden saying that, if you're, not even by the press, you're not getting a billion dollars on the law. They lie and claim it never happened. It's fascinating debate, You ve got a sworn affidavit of the prosecutor, outright saying he was fired because of his investigation into prison and that believes job. I was like the taken bribes and they say never happened and the people who follow them blindly believe it that's the game, they play. They want to make sure that everyone is trapped in their matrix, their false version of reality we ve come over the side of staff for the flames of the fire, you'll find that say, for instance, me Ben shapiro will disagree on policy to a great degree, but will agree on certain facts. Willow
We are certain issues and will try to find a logical basis for the world views that we have and there are moral opinions and questions that we differ on. But for the most part we all agree on basic issues effect. If you do not argue with summit on the left. Well, The reason why they typically don't go on certain shows I'll, say this too cause we got bill maher going viral quite a bit. We have tried pretty hard to get bill Maher out here and I understand. you know you're, not gonna, get someone who house their own show to travel halfway across to literally goes out of a contract to half way, but literally, that is out of the country to come on someone else's show. So when bill more was out in DC, we put out the offer like hey, you think I'll have time to mountain, they said no and unlike paper point, he was doing stand up and Jim national harbour and we are like is only possibility and is it knows it totally get it. He flies. Here he does the show he leaves that's fine, so. We said: hey writer strike, think I wanna come now. There's no, that's ok and then I said you know what this conversation matters we offered to do
our show from l a to rent a studio and be out there for the week, so that I could sit down with bill maher and have that conversation with them. They don't want to do it. Why I'll tell you exactly what I think first, nobody owes me their time, but I think it is fair and obvious that the left it even people like bill Maher. cannot cannot engage in honest conversations less to destroy their businesses and no more but better than any one, but he is near the border of this of this faction is, I think, bill mars well aware of which really going on, but he has to maintain in that I am a liberal YA, don't really care, I think polluter, I've always been more traditionally liberal, but the truth is the truth. So, while I may be. You know in favour of like a progressive tax system. To a certain degree, though, I don't like how the taxes on currently works in this country, I may be pro pro choice and want some kind of wrestle healthcare or whatever. If we agree on the facts, are opinions on policy. Art nearly is important, but this is what you get
bill mars scared of the likes of the audio many. These organizations are- and he knows that if these steps out of line he's in trouble now over the past couple of months and a couple of years bill. More has been moving away from that space and that's a good thing, but here's what you see this is ideal logic capture that the eighty l and other organizations like the esp plc exploit in order to learn about people to manipulate public perception, I gotta personal exam before you for those that are wondering why this so important, let me show you deem pools good all wikipedia entry, that's right, my wikipedia entry, yes, there are so many funny claims made in this. Silly wikipedia entry, but this one I love the most tabling this report, The election integrity partnerships that poor was a super spreader of fake news surrounding voter fraud. Before and after the twenty presidential, election. You know, I really really love this. One
So many messages from people say TIM. Why do you use news guard why do I use our zat currently logged in right now? So is the fund? about them, claiming that I was a super spreader. A fake news. Wow news guard sort fine, fake news websites. Will that can't be news guard for those? I don't know his writings to various news agencies and sliding siesta. It's like you know, if you're above sixty percent or whatever you're, considered good, if you're below it you're considered fake news whenever they used to give green check marks and they used to give explanations. They don't do that anymore. Now it's just a percentage rating system, but does all of the sources that I use, I should be fair. The very well, meaning near absolute majority of sources. I use must have that news guard certification, because I realized a problem in how all this was going down with organization, like I was being smeared by these southern poverty law center. They were
Hilarious article that claimed I travelled to IRAN for a holocaust deniers conference has ever been to. Iran was amazing. Why well they had found that there was a conspiracy. Theorist website based in IRAN. had been deleted and archived and they pulled it up and claim that at some point I had been. And they cited that has evidence. Well, several people threatened to sue them. They had track that article and apologise, because how insane is that? That's there you know that's their standard. Well, seeing things like this, I realized something whenever a story comes out and makes a claim about something: someone me an article and it's like some weird website like patriot info news, dot: u s or something and then try and search for the original source to figure out who is making the claim? And why- and I still do this for the most part, however,
when news guard first start to emerge on the scene. I said this is the tool. This is the shield, quite literally little shield icon. I always check the sources on these articles, but still the left would try and claim it's fake news. Okay. Now, I made a very simple point: if the new york times says that Joe Biden did a thing well, there you go new, we're not upset certified. I often tout their certification by news guard because now it's on them the microsoft, nerd funded whatever you wanna call. It they'd like a deal where they're like integrated ends in there and the edge browser, or something like that. Now, if you have a problem, election integrity, partnership, you're really going to take it up with news guard because all of these sources that I have are certified by them, so that works, they still lie them and what are they lie?
the funny thing about that story is that all of you know I have continually maintained that the election fraud stuff was nonsense. I I I think, some of it's interesting. I think there are certainly questions. I think fraud exists but I think trump lost because of universal mail. In voting there. A lot of interesting questions I dont know if that dog fraud actually amounts to people. As you know, people are saying like how could Biden have gotten eighty one million votes, It's like this, and even the margin to worry about the margin was forty, two thousand. It depends on the states and I can see to try to prosecute trumpet. My issue is yo. You get universal mail in voting and activists on the ground, knocking on doors, and you can easily easily get forty two thousand votes to be dropped by. I suppose the argument from that supporters that trump actually won by millions in these states and that's how many they pulled off. But, unlike convinced I'm not another another? I never have them. So why
Would they claim? I was pushing voter fraud narratives? Oh, I remember because there was a story in north jersey that was from like an NBC news affiliate. I think that said they found a bundle of fraudulent votes. Oh because there are numerous stories about this, how many stories do I have to debunk not been matter? What they're concerned about is that I was covering these stories that word getting downplayed, I'm getting hundreds of thousands of views on them. Even if their news guard certified. They still claim I was spreading fake news, that's the game to lie, and then People who watch shows like real time with bill mar are left in the dark, and I do personally well bill Maher responsible for this. The dude does not read the news, he doesn't do it. Maybe he did in the past, been a big fan of the guy for a long time, and this is what I want to talk, about hey bill, you were wrong about all of these things at what point sit back and say: maybe I'm just out of the game at what point? Do you accept responsibility,
for not knowing and misinforming millions of people. I don't think he cares. I really don't probably why he will not have a sit down conversation with me. Look. I've had people who ve found the show who are high file who got who have been on Burma? Who know him say we want to get you out there. We want to get on the phone and might have real times a different beast real time. It'd be interesting to beyond, but what I want is that sit down on club random to talk with someone like them, and it's not all about him, but it is a good example right now, because we recently reached out and said, hey, there's a writer strike I got bills not doing a whole lot. Is there any opportunity to have a sit down with bill Maher and they just like not interested, not interested, not interested, and I think the reality is bill and is people know you can sit down which o rogan ngo organ is more of a middle, the road guy who's going to defer to his guests fairly often yeah, I'm not I'm gonna go
here's a source, here's a source, here's a source, not my opinion, tell me what you think and that's very different. It's a lot more difficult to deal with and that's the reality of where we're at This is the power of these activist organizations. You ve got people like bill mar who fear air audience doesn't care about. What's true, their audience cares about what is try bali, beneficial I'll, give an example over the past over this labor day weekend, I called the crescent Steens Ebola. I I, the the crescent steens border, an abject evil, offer those that are familiar they're, a prominent twitter personalities of the Liber persuasion, but I don't think it's fair to call them liberal. I think it's the call them zealous tribal lists. There's an example: it put it a tweet about the proud boys that received nearly two decades in prison sentencing for writing. Some of them. I think we got? I think the charges you see that they received the charges arbed over the top.
They gave Joe bigs a terrorism qualifiers because he knocked down a barricade dude. If you riot ok at the capitol. That's much more serious than rioting at a liquor store or in a city you ve got federal charges, verses, local charges, but whole down there a minute. If you burn down a police station at sobs,
actually more serious than knocking down a temporary barricade. Get your say when any man in Tommy John is day. Remember it's the perfect gift to give this holiday. I understand the enjoy company July John cena is not the only one with a sack you know upgrade yours with tommy john shop, tommy john dot com, slash spotify for up to thirty percent off tommy john dot com. Slash spotify, decipher details, Joe Biggs, as punishment should probably have been time served. Two and a half years in they'll, two years for knocking down a barricade, you can argue: hey man, the guy then went and went into the capital, and he was at the front line where people are fighting with cops are right. Now, some serious questions about what is the appropriate term for these individuals. Ya! Think! Look if you ride.
The capital ya go to jail, even donald trump agrees, but seventeen years plus The two and a half already served twenty years in prison. Are you that's the best the presence dean's could muster was perhaps eight to twelve would have been more sufficient the twelve years dude. What are you a fifth or sixth. fifth or sixth of someone's life for this dude. The guy burn down the police station for years on, like maybe a little light, but no four years of someone's life for Maybe there's attempted murder me, maybe that one gets cranked up Well, that there are murderers who have gotten less time than Joe begs, then you got dude who pepper sprayed cops very bad. I think that warrants a couple years pepper sprang cops in a riot where you're trying to storm into the capital. That's pretty bad. A time served two and half years then a guy who broke a window and I'm like very bad at our capital, do I take personal offence. I do
so the people smashing out one of the cap, because I stayed with those other americans, you can see him on camera and their thanks. Stop stop like. It is it is. It is shocking and offensive that people were riding on a break in the capitalist stupid thing. Ever it's not the sixteen hundreds. You don't win local power by standing in a building anymore, all, but the idea that these guys go to prison now. Here's! Why bring up the crests instincts, because their whole perspective on this is justified its wanted. These are the people that will say anything. that satisfies my tribal view. My tribal way of thinking is just that's the banality of evil to march and a banner of tribalism and say whatever we do is just maybe excessive but we're just no, it isn't look man anti VA. Does a water bottle the cops What are they get a couple months, slap on the rest, probation or something fine guy throws a brick through a window criminal charges
You trespass on a property the activists get for trespassin, they get nothing, nothing you get you get arrested, then you get a court supervision when activists on the left go and occupy a space they'll get arrested what will then say, disorderly conduct trespassing the sentence? Court supervision? Don't come back, take a look at what happened when they marched on brooklyn bridge occupy wall street. Here most of em got courts provision don't come back, don't do it again and this goes away then take a look at the people who had no idea, what's going on on the opposite side of the capital building and walked in confused and then left I've met some of these people. Sixty months. Two year sentence, that's it they're going for shockingly insane and you get the likes the crisis dean's cheering for this. This is Evil that we face. This is my opposition to the tribal left. There is no justice, there is no meritocracy.
There is simply join the collective or else defend we say, or else, whether just or not, whether backed by logic or not. This is where we are, and it's like the idea that our weapons, for this organisation and a southern poverty law center. They lie about people they cheat and they steal for political power, and you know what Whatever our faction is freedom fashion, I like to call it we tend not to do that and that is a disadvantage. But so long as we keep waking people up to the truth and challenging the system we are winning, and so our rapid up again by saying, as good an elon musk more power to you, godspeed, good, sir, and never forget, bud light targets when those companies act out do something bad. We push back and we say enough of this richmond north richmond sound of freedom. We say this is what we support and what we like and so long as that's the game we play.
we ve won. I watched a video of the feds arresting a guy over being at the capitol on January sex and, unlike be careful, they want you to act at that I need you to they made it january. Six, do not give it to them with a smile on your face, be like Jesus and turn the other cheek and know that we are winning the culture war we are and right now the data suggest donald trump is going to win in twenty twenty. Four doesn't mean he actually does. Who knows what's going to happen, but right now they are in desperate need of some kind of right wing acting out so much so that they'll likely fake it Democrats, I'm saying specifically bots or otherwise, but you know what I think ilan wins this one. I don't think they can keep up this. This narrative anymore and I think we're gonna win so long as we are vigilant so long we remain peaceful. So long as we focus on the policy in the procedure, we can win and never get we are winning
I'll leave their necks segments coming up at one p m and channel thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them. Oh Biden has tested positive for covert nineteen just in time for the start of election season, which brings up many questions about? What does this mean wise, it being report? And where does it go certainly Joe Biden having covered nineteen is not the most news worthy thing and they would not need to release the information. So why do it nada but now everyone's talking about Alex Jones, because not that long ago, Alex said that he spoke They ts say employee who said that by midst, timber or around now? They would be bringing back mask mandates and that's been the big question about politics, entering twenty four tucker karlsson says: they're, not gonna. Do the mask mandate thing they did that it won't work again. Others have speculated. We hear a team. Tat have speculated they'll
right to bring back some kind of method or locked down, but we don't know for sure. We do know that in many areas they ve already brought back masks and there's a convoy. Asian about bringing back mask mandates, but again we dont know only clare, some clarify something. For all of you when it comes to Alex Jones as he is trending, because he said that a tsh agent told him some things. The media ran full speed in a desperate attempt to debunk the narrative. From Alex jones, saying that there are no known plans from the t say to bring back mandates and that it was all just one big conspiracy. Theory: it's not a conspiracy theory, it's just variables. That's it! so let's just break it down this way, Alex jones talks to a guy works. The t say who says they gave us a briefing unmask mandates alex, as I feel, they're going to come back. The media then claims to conspiracy theory, but it could be much simpler than that plans change. The guy was wrong.
The real story is Alex Jones talked to a guy and here's what he thinks prepare accordingly, you? U typically don't opera in your life or you shouldn't as if there is a singular guarantee as to what happens tomorrow or the day after now, we have our routines. We know things are certainly more likely than others, but it's this simple, What is the social benefit? What is the benefit to your life? From jones coming out, saying that he talked to this guy. You can prepare accordingly. That's it and maybe there will be- and maybe there won't be, but you want to take the precautions because they may try to. Bring back mask mandates or locked downs. Now here's what think about the Joe Biden stuff all read through this, but I'll. The preliminary thoughts. even if she was sick. They don't need to come out and say that so there's gotta be, in my opinion, some kind of political benefit to this, and is a few questions. They re introduce the fear of covert just before the twenty four election cycle so that they can just
fi universal mail in voting expansion. Perhaps perhaps they took it, since right they don't go the full right of locking everything down the speculation we that is, that maybe they just say now: we're not gonna. Do that we're gonna issue guidelines. Look Joe Biden got sick, Joe, might get sick and it's a serious thing. So where does your guidelines? You don't have to quarantine, but because some of you might basin our guidelines, we need to expand universal mail in voting. We need to make sure that are that workplaces can't discriminate against those who seek to quarantine for their own health and safety. You don't have to base on his guidance out. Some businesses may just institute private remote working policies or mandates, and we have a list of many of these companies that have done so, but again, I'm entirely sure The other big question is: does this affect Joe Biden, and could this be how they get him off the boat to swap in Gavin newsome many,
maybe not I don't, I don't I don't honestly, you know, but there are some speculation, some discussion about what would remove trump from the ballot nature where's got a comma awesome. Some comments out now saying that if Joe Biden, for as a mere mcconnell moment that could give tromp his second term. Considering the pollsters opinion here. Ok, what if Joe Biden his incapacitated by covert now they get covered, here, and they might say Joe Biden can't handle running for a second term or they could use it as excuse so that he doesn't have to campaign, and they just say: oh ye is unavailable on the campaign. Trail he's ill. Personally, I think if they go with Joe Biden is ill narrative. It weakens his chances substantially and if Joe, I'd and hasn't mcconnell moment that's they're, calling it. I guess, yeah he's in trouble, he's in trouble what started the news you're from cnn. First lady Joe Biden test positive, recovered nineteen. They say that
as mild symptoms, president Joe Biden has tested negative. The diagnosis is up, ended the first ladies plans to begin teaching the fall semester at northern virginia community college on tuesday she is working. the school to ensure correct are covered by a substitute, doktor barton. I love they colored doktor barton remains the family. Solomon robe of beach, delaware, typically teaches on tuesdays and thursdays illustration official told seen on Monday that there are no changes to the widest covered protocols with the present schedule at this time, but I got to the fore: lady. Seventy two comes amid a the week for Joe Biden, who delivered a labour day speech in philadelphia earlier in the day, the president is scheduled to present the medal of honor me captain in a wider ceremony to say before departing for the g20 summit in india on thursday. Well, I really do hope for the best for these individuals, political differences aside,
No, I don't want anybody, get sick and get hurt. You know will see, but now we have this from nate silver. Could it be? The mass mandates are coming back and this is how they will scare people or could it be that they are going to give Biden, I'm mcconnell moment may be covered, could be the factor. Take a look at this. A Mcconnell moment for Biden could give trump a second term, make silver the founder of five there. argued monday that president buttons ages jimmy concern for voters in the twenty four election warning that former president trump could be one, Biden has a Mcconnell moment away from a second term. If the export classes I understand that binds age is both a real concern for voters in a valid concern. They better be prepared for getting a second short term. Instead, he wrote his newsletter this election is probably going to be close and trot might be. Only one Biden has become a moment away from winning the reference to them. And minority later Mcconnell comes the wake european leaders, second public, frees up,
what I said on twitter was basically when Joe Biden has some kind of mental episode. He just keeps rambling insane word so from a distance. He appears to be completely with it. Despite the fact that is not theirs viral clip going around where Joe Biden It's just rambling incoherently is that you know you got a kidney or what you would say. It's a interlochen meters and then you know it's on the moon and it's wondering what's there, and in this? Just like you Biden literally. His plan is to just keep saying words, I'm willing to bet they briefed him on this and said, MR president, if at any point you become confused and disoriented just keep talking, because then people will clap any way and it's going to over their heads. Maybe they'll think I just didn't hear him proper, me, but if you frees up like Mitch Mcconnell now you gotta viral video problem. They noticed eight.
July, the eighty one year old under similarly froze about twenty seconds. During his weekly press conference, we sought again now the issue with them Mcconnell in what we saw. The last time he's gripping the site of the podium very very tightly remained very tightly added, he's like swaying a little bit, I think he's probably light headed and on the verge of fainting and that his aid comes up and like or the staffer she says. I could the question you can guess- and I think he's putting all of his energy trying to keep himself standing. It's terrifying man, then you got die feinstein in the wheelchair, totally oblivious to the fact that was hospitalized confused. What's what's going on giving poverty toward daughter and we got a problem with people who are incapable of doing their jobs, but here always and german mask mandates, maybe maybe come back and maybe the why the reporting this news again stress they could have just you know. I have not said anything they could have said. Joe Biden can take a few days often start light. They could have literally said
and no one would have thought twice about it, but they decided to put out a statement saying she's got covert. Ok! Well, you don't arrow, maybe that's it. Maybe they're. Just it's a routine big. As you have covered twas twas, footnote before per presence when Timmy declared he'd open just one his folks were prepared. A shiny new tablet is first grown up to his parents with certain they delighted the boy wouldn't want to his wandering. I should appear, but a scam that that when, when five hundred dollars down, when all was not lost, mom and dad didn't fret, they had wit route premium family, the safest of bets, keep everyone safe, this season with weber, premium or weber premium family for health protection. For up to ten identities and devices is whether dotcom slash holiday, fox news reports, voucher concerned. People won't comply if masking recommendations return. I hope they abide several businesses. Schools, hospitals have reinstated, mask mandates, and I
interview. Former white ass chief medical adviser, doktor anthony vouches, spoke out in defence of masking up amid too is rising covered cases in the event that masks or Jen recommended concerned that people will not abide by the recommendations. I would hope that if we get to the point that the vote of cases is such an organizations like the cdc, recommends cdc mad at anything recommend people wear masks. I would hope that people abide by recommendation and take into account the risks too selves and their families spout, she told cnn and they go to mention his past, and yet we all get what voucher did and who is when you talk, the effect on the pandemic as a whole. The data is less strong, much said, but You talk on an individual basis or somewhere protecting themselves. There's no doubt theres many that show that there is an advantage to masks the copper and study. Twelve researchers from esteemed universe it around the world compared the use of medical surgical man, still wearing no masks now hold on there, this is where things get interesting
bout. You want us all to wear masks and we this story from the independent doktor, fouch fatty refutes study claiming that masks don't work as covert concerns rise. Furthest from quite some time. In fact, I do believe you too bad removed their policy on masking advice. Now, as always, I recommend you talk to adopt about what's right, for you is another that there are not a scientist. I got no idea, but I do know that there is a debate over whether not masks are effective and that you do for a long time banned the the statement that mask did not work. I do believe they remove. That rule has been gone for sometimes time, so I'm not entirely sure. But now we have this story I will clip from CNN where small punish was more like a centrists figure, says this study shows that mask didn't. Do anything fouche refutes the sang, but there are other states. They say this from the independent doktor of any value.
back against a report claiming that masks do not work to stop the spread of carbon and seen an interview. Former director of the national institute of allergy infectious disease that he's concerned about anti masking rhetoric, given the that covered cases arising in the? U s, I am concerned that people will not abide by recommendations and we're not talking about me dates of forcing anybody. You know the virtuous, but when you have a situation where the volume of cases in society gets to a reasonably high level, those who elderly and those with underline conditions are going to be more susceptible to and vulnerable if they get infected. It's severe disease leading to hospitalization. So I would hope that if, in fact we do get to the point, our organizations like cdc, recommended people wear masks. I would help it. They abide by the recommendation and take into account risk to themselves their families some are conan, then asked voucher about a study published by the cochrane library earlier this year, which raised questions about the efficacy of masks. He directed artifact attention to an opinion peace published by the new york times in response to their view title.
the mask mandates did nothing will any lessons to be learned. That's actually really entering the new york times, but that at the time quotes, led author Tom Jefferson and epidemiologist saying there is no there's just no evidence that masks make any difference full stop you. I want to say that my mandates imposed earlier than the pandemic were influenced by non randomize studies. Flawed obsolete no studies ran. they say randomize control trials are thought by many to be the gold standard for medical research in this In conclusion, the authors wrote that the poorest lots of randomize control trials did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical and surgical masks. Mcculloch asked doktor voucher, l americans should think about masks in light of the cochrane library analysis. How do we get beyond that? Finding that particular view thought you respond if I say that other researchers highlighted the efficacy of masks when you talking about the effect of the epidemic or the pandemic as a whole, the data
a strong, but when you talk about an individual basis of someone protecting themselves or protecting themselves from spreading at others, there is no Doubt that there are many studies that show there is an advantage to wearing mask. He said now, I'm not a big fan of fancy. I think the do did many things wrong, but I do You want to say in this instance, I agree with him and he's got a simple summer. Kurdish is referencing one single study, that's it and it's fair, assess it and respond to it. but found she says there are many other studies show masks, were effective. He's right, it's it's it. Fairly split- I know a lot of it. It's a very tribal issue, my issue with Everything is always is the mandates government forcing people to do things, this instance bout, you say: well, I see studies and say we should do this. Well, ok, whatever I don't know man, I don't trust. The government I don't trust the cdc out across the world health organization, but all my I'm not a doktor. I was
comment that you find someone that you do trust that does know about these things and can answer all your questions and that's the most important thing in this instance that a lot of people are arc dart coming out being like. Ah, this study says mess, don't work and fao cheese is cornered and it's like yeah but come on man. If so came to you and said: here's one single study, saying one thing: you'd be alike while if it goes that's what I say. I want more evidence than that. So in this instance, I think we have something clear to say if there is not clear evidence, because there is a dispute studies I'm wondering one. How many studies say mask, don't work, how many of them say they do work and then be, the answer is we should not recommend their use with conflicting data, but there's no reason unless there is a most there's data that if you want to wear it where it right, I guess that's.
One of my concerns is that there are there. Ought there is evidence? There are some studies that that argue wearing masks could increase certain other illnesses because it gets a dirty gross, maybe disposable, masks, makes sense. My view he's been kind of look man. When you talk, you spit you. I know you're not intentionally spitting on people, but you know is flying around and the mask does prevent that. So it probably does. I just kind of feel like its fairly obvious, if there, our diseases and not think covert, but if there's any kind of disease or illness transmitted through saliva, unlike in your face are getting your hands, are getting your nose in getting in your mouth, then not Imagine a mask would help reduce that that's. It seems very simple me, But the question is always about mandates. Are they going to? we institute mandates across the board. Forbes rights will covert, mask mandates, return. Here's where they're, making a comeback! at the same time that we have all this report in fair to point out, lotta people saying that lions gate, while their listed in this has recently
many people said they rescinded their mandate. So it's hard to know exactly what the future has in store for us, but this is from September second, that look out. As I say, always it's it's the mandates, the nub of the problem. As far as I'm concerned, but Joe bite and also recently came out saying he wants to find another vaccine. You gotta watch out for some this fake news, I think, is reason to believe they want to be. Back some kind of covert regular, sean mandate or otherwise. The theory that we have is that the issue recommendations as already stated recommendations that will give them justification for their voting policies. Why not? Why not exploit a crisis? The interesting thing is, with the vaccine roll out. The question will be whether or not they will make date this. If the cdc and the world health organization issue wrecked and nations than you'll get fat in buying or whatever else falling on the we're not mandating anything. But private companies will start to do it and they will say based on this guidance
you too will then impose rules once again on all of us and oh boy. Here we go, but I don't know don't know exactly what will happen, but I thank you, gotta watch out for the private sector on this one? You have this from newsweek mask mended, update, covert I'm sorry, california, officials, addressing address rival, address, rising covert cases in this article? They talk about how they may in california bring back mask mandates sorted out. Honestly, as my question to you, why do you think that and the news again. Well, I gotta say with Joe Biden getting covert, I'm wondering if that's there, you know two birds with one stone. talking about how they want Joe Biden off the ticket. They don't want in IRAN. They don't think you can win, they want Gavin newsome.
I don't wanna gavin newsome can win either. I certainly think you'd probably do better than Joe Biden states over pointed out Joe Biden too old. he's one mcconnell moment away from losing Gavin newsome doesn't have that problem Joe Biden being so old is a factor. Now you got another wall street journal for that most people think the economy has gotten worse under Joe Biden. They need some one else: the temporary place Joe Biden, the single was enough when people were mad about donald trump and you had covered, but you're not gonna have those same benefits. So maybe maybe Joe Biden get sick That's it he get sick and says I have to realise that a young men anymore- and I can't do this- I think that's bad for democrats across the board. It shows weakness bringing Gavin newsome might help, but California, in a really bad spot if Gavin newsome ends up being the democrat nominee, just think about the commercials they're gonna be like
human waste on the ground, defecation theft, robberies. Is this what you want for america it'll be everywhere literally everywhere commercials will be running videos of people doing awful things, a nobler, some of it, but those crimes, sprays than that that they're gonna use that an that's given new sums legacy. If he can't clean up his own state, can he really help this country and that's the narrative? You get this we're things get interesting because I understand is a lot of people trumps too old to but trump has that anti establishment is there is a hilarious article that I I quoted this weekend and it said trump's status as an anti hero is making him invincible and they use the little cartoon image of trump wearing a cowboy hat and a bandana, like some kind of I dunno band thou an online gas, a western banditti anti euro. That's the trump image, but maybe they're right, maybe
this image is an anti hero. Is exactly what he needed and what he needs and all he needs, because people look at the establishment and they say it is crooked. It is broken. Give me anything else. Bossi, were divided nation and its hard to know what the strategy is going to be. Maybe Joe Biden gives oh covert and joe get sick and bows out, but I think that shows weakness. A thief that alma banker Well, I shouldn't say theorist. I really doubt it will happen, but I think it's the best path that the establishment machine has is that Joe Biden suffer some kind of Mcconnell moment and then falls over in gavin newsome runs to save the day and then gavin newsome resuscitating Joe Biden staged a campaign rally in California. by saying governs the guy he's a national here. I don't know: how are they pull this off? two movie ask, I might add, but think about it, that's kind of thing. The american people.
Not all of them, but a lot of a will eat up. And then how do you challenge that in everyone's gonna say? Thank you gave a newsome. no idea, my friends, no idea everyone seems to think they know, but trust me. Instead, months will all be saying I and see that one common to be fair, though, the possibility we all say I saw this one coming. Maybe it's war took across and seems to think that a start at war with russia to stop trump from winning, whilst truth physically historically, president, during war, has a higher chance of getting reelected. Many people are scared. Switch president's during a time of war, also curious that we do go to war with Russia Biden. Just freaks people out He says the wrong names of countries and maybe people address. I do dude, give me any one else, but maybe that's it. Maybe it's a combination of multiple factors war with russia escalate to the point where the? U s is directly involved through direct confrontation, Gavin newsome steps up and says my state may have its problems, but you know trumped does not have the temperament
to deal with a war on this level, some I may argue he's the only one who does they'll argue that he that Gavin newsom doesn't have any foreign policy experience either. I guess we can only sit back, wait and see, But I know a lot of people saying you know highlighting the Joe Biden having covert story is like yeah. Here comes just in time for twenty twenty four election cycle, they're bringing back covin but leave it there. segments coming up at four pm on the channel thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then a personality Russia's state television has threatened to retaliate against any aggression by the? U s by Looking the? U s directly, there's a bunch of arguments here, perhaps the Many days it's just some guy on tv and what does it matter? The other argument is This is how the kremlin sends out its messages. You have a prominent personnel on tv saying to the united states that, in the event, the: u s: escalation of war with Iraq.
Russia will not respond in europe, but will respond by new king, the united states, the same time, north korea warned that the united states should understand the real devastation of nuclear war at has run a simulated nuclear explosion. and although people are already can respond to this saying odds, nonsense, nothing's, going to happen there sabre rattling Let me slow you down there, my friends, perhaps your correct, perhaps nothing come visit, silly nonsense, sky and tv says they're, gonna nuke us he's not the kremlin is not boot and, although it may put that he would use tactical nuclear weapons like the recently deployed combat duty, SAR Matt, also known the media as these satan to missile a multiple into
currently targeted on re entry, vehicle or merv for short, which can drop a plethora of warheads and just bombard several cities with one eye c p m that is intercontinental ballistic missile. Perhaps nonsense They want to scare the public. Perhaps the reason newsweek is reporting. This is because they want the american people are riled up. Send we gotta stop Vladimir Putin, this episode is brought you by neo me mayo. Me is a big full flavoured. Why perfect for those moments when we want to live to the forest? These are the moments when we are completely satisfied and living in the moment may only uses the best that coastal california has to offer to create our unrivalled pino, no are perfectly suited for the holiday palette. Visit, shot mail me dot, com that shop emmi- I oh am I dot com, please enjoy responsible, may only once a camp of California, whatever man. Let me say this: it's all grains of sand. You do not go from one day
We are sending weapons to ukraine and then the next day russia has a nuclear weapon which is about to slam into civilian targets in the united states, I don't think that's gonna happen its tactically stupid. In my opinion, the offer of right of regions will get into, but understand when we read history. It is condensed like you read a paragraph of a particular aspect to the war and their years apart. You read about the boston massacre. You read about the boston tea party by what are they like three years apart? So when all of this stuff is going down, it is just incremental, but in the history books it's a straight line. Now again maybe doesn't go anywhere, maybe come comma novell. trumpets reelected unease says was shouting this doubt that global war and then it's all over and that's it.
Then the war fizzles. I think if Donald trump gets reelected, there is a strong, strong probability. War ends overnight, probably should say that, with like a figuratively to a degree like I dunno what speed by which war happens, but I believe that as soon as trump gets reelected as soon as they announce on tv trump, as the president you'll probably hear some kind of cease fire or calls for one of the very least. here's. The news from newsweek dotcom rush, state tv threatens nuclear strike on the united states civilian targets. Nonetheless, a kremlin began, as has issued to the latest nuclear threat against the west. Regarding the worn ukraine worn in the. U S, in danger of russian missile attack. I gore cora genco editor of theirs for national defence and irregular gas on russia, one channel where gas have repeatedly called for strikes against ukraine's allies. took exception to criticism of russia's conduct in the war
but it goes on to say that in our luck, basically NATO keep saying the stuff the let's keep saying I've. Russia does this of russia? Does that in this respect? oh yeah, How do we respond? What if the you Does this? How will we respond? Cordial? believe these were not just statements of a retired warlock hockey said, but also a concerted information campaign designed to influence both us and a western audience. While the eu Is the biggest political provider of military aid to ukraine? It has taken pains to avoid direct confrontation with russia and has made no threats of attacking the targets that court genco referred to right now. It is but a gentleman's game. Russia knows where, at war with
and using ukraine as a proxy, but it's in the best interest strategically to try and win before the escalation grows outside of ukraine, but in the event russia begins to lose, which I don't see an offer him that it is then it get it gets gnarly it gets crazy check. Us out He said in response to your attacks on russian military or civilian facilities. The first strike will be a prevented lie, it strike against targets on the territory of the united states of america. The vote important message we should send the americans is that we will not wage war with you in Europe and then he says he follows up. It will be an attack on the united states of america. That's a russian propagandist russian media personality. What have you wanna say attend? United states, he wrote, fish anko next a rope argument, Russia propagandist threatened with nuclear strikes on: u s, territory, irresponsive
take us comments. Hodges told newsweek that the u s, ministration was finally realising the likelihood of russia using nuclear weapons is extremely small. Russia has been threatened. Nuclear strike since the beginning, take them seriously because russia, as thousands of nuclear weapons, and because they clearly don't care how many innocent people may die. Think they realise that their nukes are actually most effective when they dont use them, They see how we self deter crimea, is the decisive terrain for this war has hodges in that of the peninsula, which has seen stepping up attacks by once. You liberates crimea. It is over. Grain, knows that cannot ever be safe or secure or rebuild their economy as long as russia occupies crimea, I Do not believe russia is likely to nip the united states having its possibility, but I just don't see, really happening. Why mutually assured destruction as they describe. It is, in my opinion, exaggerated, and I would go as far who hyperbolic was a nonsense. Now, here's what I mean to say
if Russia, for some reason, fires a a satan to rockettes, which they recently deployed at oh d c or new york city, which makes literally no tactical since economic sense military sense, then shore the? U s, we'll fire back button. Why, in event that russia launches one missile would anyone else, launch missiles right so take if it is a pretty cool. This is what the footage show russia's new super weapons sar at it's scary, it's scary, stuff, intercontinental ballistic, So I believe these are met. Has a range of eleven thousand miles carries what is it ten, thirty nuclear warheads very interesting, a three stage liquid fuels. And that's what we think we know about it. Why would russia tell us? Well perhaps the arguments right? They are better,
off sabre rattling that actually using their weapons I'd be willing to bet russia's got other capabilities we don't know about. I would not be surprised, we ve already been hit by russia chinese military grade cyber attacks. Let's go back to the missile question for purpose. Does russia have fire a missile on new york? or omaha or on road dayton, ohio literally none. What advantage do they gain? Look? If we had centralized manufacturing in the rest about ok, maybe that makes sense take out our arc manufacturing capabilities. but manufacturing for years, all over the place now and barely in the united states. What does a nuke accomplish? A threat Maybe russia launched launches a small, smaller yield nuke at a civilian target. For some reason I don't see what they gain from it. I don't now if they use a nuke in europe. That makes sense especially
in ukraine they could damage or destroy weapons, and they could irradiate certain areas make no man's land that makes them russia might say in order to stop the advancement of NATO forces which they consider ukraine to be. They use smaller yield nukes near their border, which creates new man's territory, and so it stops the events that makes sense nuclear artillery. If russia fires any nukes at the united states, the? U s, supposedly fires a bunch of nukes back. That's so here the question have what is the gain of the united states or any nation to retaliate by firing it's nukes back into their country, a deterrent, the threat that you knew gas. We nuke, you back, prevents you from nuking us. I believe it there's that famous story. How true it is where the guy some marine gets the warning saying that you aspire to new, can he doesn't push the button because, like I'm not sure they called him a hero,
more complicated than that. I don't know- I'm probably missing some of details, but stories like that say to me that as I do that we must all launch nucleus other, makes no sense. We saw this with gee, I Joe movie. yeah, I know moving every like my point is this: is the troop right, the debate, Guy comes in and he's like we're firing a nuke, so they all start firing nukes at each other. Why? What? If, if russia united states. Do that triggered name article five, so that NATO countries nuke russia. So then china, intervenes and nukes europe, is that supposed limits? What's going to happen? You don't, I think, really more likely to happen, russia, fires and if the united states, the EU s institute some kind air defence dome system with firing counter missiles to take it out. The sky or laser systems along the coast probably have some capabilities to do so. At any event, Nuke does touchdown cause massive damage to the? U s: the euro and calls upon the international community to immediately seas and sanction everything within russia to remove them from power to prevent world war. Three,
and see anybody looking civilian targets just doesn't make any sense to me, but, more importantly, I think The main issue is: there's nothing to be gained from doing it. If, if, if this guy The truth we will new. U s target! U s, territory! Why? What does russia win? Win? Anything you, don't any strategic control you not disrupt our our military nannies any meaningful way. It's nonsense now, if they the fire, a sarm at two and take out say like a hawaiian base which could disrupt our bid to rob, guam or something to risk, it could disrupt our ability to respond to say china. Maybe that makes more sense, but there's a military targets. don't see why civilian targets ever make sense, not to mention the cable what is of war are probably well beyond what we think. We know there are deployed the satan to missile bad I, but they ve got more strategic weapons that can be more devastating. Russia could cyberattack industrial control systems and disrupt the us economy. The best bet for russia right now.
to disrupt the? U S, economy and our culture, and it seems, like that's happening with social media, with young people's brains being rotten and destroyed, to be fair a look at the entirety of the united states system as itself and it seems to be in serious trouble the culture wars ripping the country apart, corrupt democratic seeking to win reelection are burning the system to the ground and republicans are going. law about their democrats and that's about all we get so for russia, They need only say look. All we got to do is wait and the? U s system will rip itself to shreds if donald trump gets reelected. I think this war wraps up really quickly because troops I can stand for it and there's no better for the: u s other than maintaining some kind of international petrodollars supremacy, there's an alternative to that. It's called a! U s. Manufacturing base secure borders. And enforcing our long, weeding out corruption, avenue shared national identity, shouted to the background. The swami. This idea, the united states is some multi cultural
world police is psychotic and cannot be maintained, so we'll see others plays out. I think their threats are meaningless for the most part, but take em syria sleep. Now on twitter, I said you are not prepared and it's funny because most people respond with like oh boy. This is scary and then you get anvil biblical judah prepared youtube tube. What is it you're not prepared? I didn't say I was no one knows what would really happen or how it would go down, because I will say, think it's fair to say that I'm more people than the average person and I'm not going, splain. How because that compromises, security for our emergency operations, but yeah. I don't think anyone's fully prepared for what total nuclear annihilation will look like. Where do they strike? If they do is going to be You see, maybe maybe not disease. Prob the one of the most secure areas in the country when it comes to air defence, but they got a bunch of
These are turret systems and air dome system would even know about what you got mount weather. And raven rock we're one. So plain fall out three again recently real, mrs and we know the: u s, spend on what they do. their reservations are mount weather and I think raven rock is our emergency bunkers. But in here that That's the awkward silence of a family dinner after you just got caught gaping mouth apes contain high levels of nicotine and disappointment.
brought to you by the real cost and the f D, a c'mon. You think we actually know about the emergency bunkers. They really have sure some of 'em but there's a reason. There's classified information so when it comes to actual full scale nuclear war, maybe things do get out of hand and the bombs go flying no one's going to be prepared, it comes next, because we just don't know where will your food come from? How long will your food last most people have prepped from it, probably only handful of months if they did how many preppers have thirty five years' worth of food? Probably don't cause. You need, lot. But there are some areas that are prepared. We ve had the The gentleman from fortitude ranch on the show their disaster preparedness and it's you know it's disaster preparedness like they ve got underground you no protective bunkers. things like that that can withstand serious attacks.
But you know they're more so like man's retreats words like you, go chop, lumber and hunter, something I think the really cool for which I am an investor. I'm not gonna, say that's exactly our prohibiting like that, but it's hard to know exactly how things go down if they do and whether or not you will be prepared for whatever it is. Where will you get your food? Have you thought about it? What, if it's not a new His strike, let's be more realistic. What if it is something more like disruption in trade and trade lines, what if it is strategic insurgent strikes in the united states, not a nuke, but just one guy who sneaks into through the southern.
Water and then massively destroys one highway. Here's the crazy thing! Imagine a handful of highways in the middle of the night are attacked how much damage that causes economically a lot. Truckers are not gonna able to get through railroads. Think about that, you could have a dozen guys. I talk about it all the time. It doesn't take a lot to throw a wrench in the spokes, a machine. It can take you years to build think about this way. Look at a newspaper printing press, whatever they call it. The the printing machine you've got all this papers, they're being mass printed super quick, a machine like that is very complicated. Imagine what happens if you throw a pebble into the gears. That's it grinds to halt breaks, you don't know the break. Is it's easy to disrupt? The machine is hard to build. So when the So what's happening internationally with war, I'm not super concerned about watching a nuke exploding. guy or drop a bunch of war, hadn't, just pepper the eastern seaboard, that's bad for russia!
Were they rely on trade that these economic bonds are important? It's not the worst mind you of this. It is facing an existential threat. but the real, targeted military bases there go to target the what you want to look for areas that have strategic military operations and I won't go off just naming a bunch has a handful of very small ones, I'll give you one example, though san Pedro in na just south of los angeles. It's I believe it's the biggest. It could be the biggest port of entry for the united states, at least for like transporting from asia and there's many ports. You disrupt that supplies in the us are in serious trouble. You've got the north Dakota I'll I'll, give another one north co to frack fields where reproduce a ton of energy. There are things like that now. If a bomb went off there, I'm not super worried outside DC, but DC is also a major political hub where operations are taking place,
Let me just say you can trust politicians to make sure they are protected and nobody in congress or the executive branch wants to be exposed. So with things like not whether in raven rock you know, we have the forward facing emergency bunkers, but willing to bet that when it comes to spending money to defend american soil, the ultra wealthy, revolving door. Political elites have spent a disproportionate amount on themselves and not on critical infrastructure, and thus critical infrastructure is likely going. be the key target severing lines of trade. More importantly, communication is everything the internet goes down. Radio goes down jamming whatever you want to call it that is the quickest and fastest way to disrupt the? U s. So I put it this way: willing nuke beef when you're turning time soon. Yeah- probably not, but I don't know where this goes because refer
an economic slowdown crisis, if you would a political crisis, a culture crisis. An international crisis you ve got bubbling. Or with china? We ve got? U s mode operations in australia that aid for no reason china wants VON taiwan, north korea has been issuing threats, but to be fair, they been issuing threats forever rush of deploying its new sar Matt satan to missile. They call it thinks it can spicy out there, but I want you all to understand you know I was born during the cold war, and I dont member much of it at all. They think vaguely remember hang on tv about the fall of the berlin wall or something I don't know when why when the berlin wall came down, let me just double check because, like I can't remember, nineteen demolished in nineteen. Ninety was an identity for yeah wait. What was it you're from eighty nine to ninety four,
I remember when I was a real little kid. There was something about it, but it's like a vague flash of a memory. I don't, I don't even know during the cold war people actually thought they were gonna get blown up and that the end was nigh, but just realized this back to the future that was made during the cold war. Ah, the bg staying alive, written during the cold war the beatles papa tons of music during the cold war. So, while all of stuff was happening with the cuban missile crisis, with the expansion of communist territory with vietnam, and all of this stuff with what was of the korean war. We had a whole bunch of cultural endeavours in life was carried on in the united states and then, ultimately, thankfully, it did not reach nuclear annihilation levels. Let us meet awoke, It just means that this talk of war was a lot worse a long time ago. But then again,
things go internationally and nationally. When I ask older people and for those of you that are older reading, this comment, have you ever seen it this bad? I have every answer. I've gotten. You know I'm in an antique store guys in his mid sixties. I say: have you ever seen it this bad? He was never bike. What about the weather, underground news no never seen at this bed. That's crazy people like to cite the weather underground, as if it was like what they were bombing soften, softened, so yeah shock and campaigns, but anti for ransacked the cab and be a lamb, ransacking, the entire country and the worst rights. In fifty years we had far leftist firebombing a federal building over like for three months straight crazy, so I mean what do you think is crazier shock and our camp now, don't get me wrong, the weather underground. I think they they were robbing a bank that did kill. There was one a security guard. I think it was a you guys, correct me on that one and fill in the blanks, but it's hard to know how do you compare it
The answers for you where we go from here, I don't know. I just think that you guys should prepare for the worse. For the best and I dont vote for the war. Mongers donald trump may not be perfect. if you take a look at his foreign policy, it was slightly better. I suppose you can make the argument that, with trump we lose the petrodollar. The standard of living in the united states crumbles but I've never been one to subscribe, to the belief that you should maintain a strong economy by pointing weapons at other nations and being world police. Case the idea that we are no sharp our defences bring a manufacturing base back secure our borders is the appropriate way to handle the international conflict, be responsible for ourselves, there's a fear and chinese expansion and the communist state for sure I don't have all the answers and maybe I'm I guess we'll see neck segments coming up at six p m. The channel thanks for hanging out now see you all them. A woman made a tick tock
yo where she explained what she did on her saturday morning. and she is single and has no kids Could you explain now she gives thing, I need the wake up, but I don't because I have nothing to do and then she watched, documentaries and looked up recipes and how No, you can lead a life doing what you wanna do blah blah blah mouthwash criticized are based. We're talking about how she single in life is good. I also responded now she has responded Matt turn into a big story. I think it's kind of funny, but it brings up a lot of culturally interesting questions around. Being single, not having a family but, more importantly, not having purpose. Here's. My quick, view and then will jump into all this. I believe that the video for you, this woman, is coping. She put a video coping with the fact that she has no meaning or purpose, whether that's family or otherwise. I don't think you need to have a family and kids to be fulfilled. but certainly you should have a mission or drive in life and I dont brings up as some kind of personal opinion. In fact, we see this quite a bit
The woman actually talks about how she watches a documentary on blue zones and one of the most important things that I blew zones is purpose. Blue zones are of the world where they have a disproportionate amount of senators in the center generic ones. People who live to be over one hundred years old, one of the the having forces is that you have a mission and purpose in life, but if you yourself, struggling to wear got because you have nothing to do. You are at risk in the situation now, in my view, no one who feels fulfilled and has a life Carry about carryin needs to make a video justifying why it's ok and why they feel good. Typically, it's called coping coping. Is when you are suffering from something you go. someone else say actual, It's ok that I wake up at eleven a m and have no family or mission or drive, and I'm just watching, documentaries and making random judicious because you're hoping they validate you and tell you it's all gonna be ok because, deep down, you feel something isn't right. We now have one
so much hate mark cuban right, Stephen miller and met walls for attack on single women. Yet look at even about single women, if not keep being single thought about. Kids, who am I to talk? I don't have kids and a lot of people like you should have kids, no, no it to a certain degree. I I do think people should have children and spare me working on it. My point is: you should have purpose in life, it's good for you. You should have passion and drive Well, here's the veil. Let me play for you, the video in question solely about it. long and then we will discuss its ten. Forty five am on saturday, twenty nine in single, and I don't have kids yeah here's. What you're Saturday morning looks like when your single item,
in nine and you don't have a kid running around the house. I didn't rise from my bed until ten fifteen free time. I thought I should probably get up and do something. I thought why nobody's making me I'm not missing out on anything. I went to be on say last night and I didn't get home until one am and I danced and drank my little heart out and I didn't pay a babysitter to watch my kids as I did that and I woke up a tad hung over this morning. Just probably why I was in bed for so long and I was just scrolling on my phone and I saw a picture of shakshuka and I thought no, it sounds really good. Maybe I'm going to learn how to make shakshuka today cause. I have no plans and I don't have kids and I don't have a husband and I don't have errands to run. I can go to the grocery store and learn how to make shakshuka. That's on my agenda today also on my agenda, probably a rewatch of some real housewives of new york, I'm also doing a rewatch of normal people on hulu, which is really spicy and
we recommend dearly. I'm into this documentary on netflix bout, blue zone countries took out a pretty stack day anyway. I say all this to say: never I'm heard on myself about why I'm not married, and I do have kids and I should be further along and twenty I was thirty. I wouldn't want to do anything else this saturday. I know that you can do all these things when you have kids and you're married and I understand, but the effortless ness and ease of my wife just cut focusing on myself in the shock shook I want to make or their beyond concert I want to go to really pays off when I'm hard on myself, for not being where society tells me, I should be in life full, stop! It's a cope! I'm not! I I think most of you would agree me, no disrespect to this woman. I hope she finds a husband and this is a family. She finds purpose, but her video is- her quite literally saying: I'm wondering why I'm not further along. Why are
How come I'm not at this point in my life and then she she gets this point where she's like I have to find a way to be happy and justify. I am not where how why I'm not where I want to be, met while says her life does a revolver on her family kid. So, instead of result of rope revolves around tv shows and pop stars worst of she's too stupid to realise how depressing this is actually does. With met washed, and I don't think you should be seizures, behaving honour, she's out rights outright. in the video. I want to be further along in life, I'm almost thirty men, I feel for think we ve got serious social and cultural problems that are resulting in this circumstance, but that's my response to her. It's clearly a coping mechanism. and I don't mean to be mean. I'm here to be honest, she's outright I want to be further along in life, but you know what what can be harder myself. At least I get to just relax all day. And do these things and, unlike wow, look
through the subaru share, the love event subaru and its retailers help charities like meals on wheels. When my mother got sick meals on wheels, provided the food and support she needed. I really appreciate that subaru gives back to causes that are important to owners. Like me, thanks to Subaru and its retailers, more than four point, three million meals have been provided to seniors. Like my mom learn more at subaru dot com, slash share, I'm working on the family thing kind of person. Also, I don't get too much into it. but I wake up every day and I worked just about sixteen hours. I love it there his media smear attempt on me, and they were like you claim to work sixteen hours, but people are that's a lie, and, unlike dude my first
YO goes live in the morning at ten, a m and my last video goes live at like eleven p m and the like. Ok, clearly, you know I'm working a lot longer than just that does have to record the video I have to do that The reading, but it's my day every day I wake up I have obligations. I have duties, I've responsibilities. There is if the point at which I'm laying in bed being like- maybe I should just lay here- I just that- is not how I operate and I I would, I feel physical pain. You know it's funny, like people, nightmares where it's like there being chased by Marie. I have. I have nightmares that I miss business deadlines that, like I missed a meeting or didn't, do a transfer or like frat fought like file. Some government requirements or whatever, because this is my purpose I wake up and I work every single day, and to bring degrees. You know I have time off on the weekend, but even the weekends we're still working during meetings and planning. so here's the latest development. Why so much hate mark cuban even well to be fair,
I would say about walsh: why would you tell this woman she's too stupid to rail depressing? This is it's not that she's too stupid its? She knows it's depressing and she's desperately trying to find some happiness. She knows something is wrong in her heart of hearts What should she do wallow in self pity? That's not going helps, offer problem. She wants to be married and have kids, this kind of sad in all look kids are awesome. teaching them how to play games. You know explaining concepts the thing about. Let me, let me tell you about skateboarding when, if you're, if you're new to skateboarding and you go to a skatepark or if you have kids that are into skateboarding other skateboarders would love to teach you or your kid some new tricks how to kick I put a tray flip on a pop chauvet. How to do nose, grinds whatever people love sharing knowledge. It feels great, and you knew that when you have kids, she knows it. She gets it. But what are we supposed to do wallow in self pity she?
video where she was like basically she's, basically saying to the woman who feel. Similarly, you don't have to be super angry and upset that you're, not where you want to be. I think there's a better message. That's why I say it's a coping mechanism. Her message should be: don't be depressed, don't be angry, it's not easy and there are a lot of. ones that we face, find happiness enjoy in your day where you can but the only way you change your circumstances is, if you do wake up at nine I'm late, I wake up at seven, come on even on weekends. I got a bad around like one. I try to sleep or, but you know I wake up when I wake up, I fall asleep when I fall asleep it. This lady is saying I shouldn't wake up If you really are wondering why you're not further along in life, it's because you sleep too much you're, you're you're, getting drunk out, was beyond, say one in the morning and then going to bed waking up hung over that is, that is, that is, that is not conducive to starting a family. Perhaps this is the cultural problem
we face young men are becoming in cells. Or mig Tao or whatever and, like you know, there's a lot people who embrace is midtown's men going their own way. Do whatever you want to do man, but I'm telling you it takes hard work. You want to be a better person. Exercise eat right, the skill. There are too many lost young men and lost women, and I think this is dangerous cuban replied. The wall says the guy. Was life revolves around twitter and acts at this point, former trumpet military Officials even Stephen Miller jumped, and he says you have a large following people. Listen to your advice we Would you say as a more fulfilling path for adult starting, a family or sleeping layton tv wed vice. Would you give some suggest they wish to be childless, so they can stream none of the woman wants kids, he said wouldn't give her advice unless she asked. No sorry, that's the stupidest thing ever. It's like this Weird feminist thing where it's like did she asked for your advice?
bro, I'm going to tell people what I think I have opinions. If we're going to talk shit this this lady puts out a public declaration, she puts out a video to the world for which people can see. We respond to that public. which were allowed a relic of the commons to oppose? I would thank her for offering a place where people who can relate to her to engage in Conversation. George Thanks for asking Steve any says, ok from a business perspective, I would tell her that the wellness spaces crew- But if she does as an addition to our job, she might be able to build a nice business as far as family. I would to do whatever she thinks is best for her son of my effing business. That's stupid, I would say men in your video. You explained that you want to He married and have kids and you're wondering why you're not further along. I am going to state my opinion and I don't care if you listen to me, I'm dumb autumn Thank you for the feedback, I'm going to say this to anyone else who might hear this. You are not going to find a life partner lying in bed late and making check Fuca. You will find a life partner by finding
doing something you enjoy in public, where other people are there. You go go to a laundromat, you might meet somebody there go to a restaurant or grocery store, try and meet. You know the you're you're, probably better off finding some hobby for women. I think it's a lot easier because men are doing hobbes. All the time and figure out what it is you liked you like cooking, why don't you go to a cooking class where they teach making shucks or whatever, I think think, churches food and there will be some guys there and you can introduce yourself. Maybe a click, maybe you don't, but you have to put in the effort. That's all I'm gonna say. Maybe she does then it's not directed at you, but the message that out there. It looks like I lay in bed saying like: what's the point of getting up, I dunno you could get up early and go to the librarian might meet somebody. You can go to the park and maybe get a dog, and this is the advice I give guys like you get a little dog You know you gotta get that some kind of poodle mix- everybody loves poodle, nexus it a golden doodle and you walk your dog
damn it or you know like a shepherd of some sort out to know. Maybe I'll border colleagues are good border. A real good cause, our high energy and you are going go for at the beach with your dog and then guess what everyone's Talking talk, you're like article that your dog easiest convert patients daughter in the world, and people open up to you. I see nowadays you these videos there's one viral video, where a guy walks up to a girl, Annie introduced himself. They talk, it gets a phone number and there like this is how you do it eyes and their women being like that so creepy dont tucked her women like that. Ok, if you're worried about that, if you get a dog right, you gotta work, you gotta although you gotta exercise, you have to be responsible for your self improvement, get a dog mammy. You could do this to women can do this. Man can do this and you go walk on the beach and you are going to see people be alike. All can I put your dog what you're dogs, nay my dog, is this bank conversation starts now got to avoid to avoid all of that, are you being creepy? Are not creepy some people than of the social skills, ya gotta work on it. The other way
You know it's funny to me is like the hatred for like the red pill community stuff, if you're it but who doesn't not a socialize? You would greatly benefit from learning any kind of social behaviors and and getting training from someone who probably does understand how to communicate, communicate effectively and getting feedback on. What is or isn't appropriate, not going to be easy life is not easy. Some people naturally go through these periods with these skills and some people down some. I see these posts online where it's like I'm. dare to go outside I've, never properly socialize of people's like we gotta start somewhere and you ve gotta, relax and maybe a weirdo it people like. You, then find the place where people do find. The find the place where you do fit in Miller, shoots back saying an interest timeout two points: no society can succeed with a constant message from leads and leaders is to do whatever you want. Don't worry about children, children us without important thing in the world and the founding, of civilization and all human flourishing right like making more people
they're gonna arguing about super interested, but she did respond and I'm you know she responded. Similarly, when marquess ang and the criticisms over she shakes her had the whole time she talks and, unlike like that's you, whatever man that is the internet, fine soviet. I think I made my point and not, I feel bad for this silly. I should, She doesn't have to accept that. I feel bad for it doesn't matter how she thinks about me or anyone else. It is a matter which you things about matter, any one: the idea that people are sending our nasty messages, it's a stupid thing ever and I don't I don't people should do it: people, do that. The answer in the response to this is simple ma. Am you should make yourself get up early? You should go out and get exercise. You should go for it you should join a group of people that do them. Maybe dont like running innocent, your thing, but I think the answer is simple:
If you want to be further along in life, you must take the effort, and that means you want to make food go, make food in a cooking class where you can meet people as for the stupid social media, stuff Stephen Miller's right mark cuban. It is arguing for no apparent reason whatever, but of everybody their happiness and realizes it's gonna come down to you being responsible for yourself. I leave it there and excitement is coming up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out, and we will see you all then. Female downhill skate border has called out the issue of males and females sports, and for this she's facing threats. The postman reports female gate border faces threats after advocate for fairness and women sports, while upholding concept, and gender women are women, interesting story, though question. Is a downhill escape border, meaning she's not gonna, be doing any ali's or trace lips? I mean she might, but in her prince
role. She is going really really fast downhill, likely racing or something and with a funny thing about. This is the reason why the story matters. She did not outright just come out and say we should not have males and females sports. No, she was like bringing together the conversation about this because there's some contention here and they started threatening her and attacking her. though, she desperately tried to maintain the leftist position now, what do we see, I believe, is only a matter of time before someone comes out fully red pillar based whatever you want to call it, because the threats are, pushing her away from this position right now. It appears she deleted the post, but I will for you what she said. I want to make a point to in reading this that talk about male puberty Male puberty, in my opinion, is a trojan horse used by activists and I'd. I rejected outright. You is not a factor in fairness and sports, it was a pretty
as a boy who will end of the first ten eighty on a skateboard and we've only just seen the first fake, ie, seven twenty by a female, and this was only in the past couple of months, whereas it's been a decade plus since a little boy did the first ten. Eighty prenatal testosterone plays a role this, and so, let's real anna o posted in a multi post, multi post thread this introduction to the recent women's meeting addressing transgender eligible. Criteria for at an elite, downhill elite, levelling down or skateboarding. Although people are owing to spend the narrative that I am transphobia, that I bullied transgender one. That is false. The structure, this meeting wasn't perfect by any means? No who organise this is an expert in conflict resolution. Intentions were to bring all of a party to the table and to open up occasion and respectful manner the bats, We know how, with the tools and information we have it:
ryan, reynolds owner and user of mid mobile with special holiday message. If you sign up now for three months, you get three months free on every one of our plans, even unlimited. Now I realize this is more of a holiday offer than it is a holiday message. But if you read between the lines, you can see a message, and it says we love you visit middle we'll dot com slashes, which for the offer limited. New customer offer activate within forty five days. Additional taxes, fees and restrictions apply. Unlimited customers using more than forty gigabytes per month, will experience lower speeds, video streams up for atp cement, mobile dot com for details. about myself about any individual athlete does fairness and safety in sport and how much we are willing to sacrifice for inclusive eddie transgender women or women. You can in ally who supports trans rights, women's rights and fair and meaningful competition simultaneously and ever and for anyone to agree on everything in this meeting, but want everyone have a chance to be heard. I firmly
believe society will be a better place if we stop trying to intimidate others into silence, and it said try to foster healthy communication when discussing polarizing topics. She ought to be pointing out. She outright said: transmen are women which will address in the second argument. were made for the inclusion of transgender women are she's as transit, genuine art? Women are women. I've never said otherwise, but sex engender are two different things. Say there are no physiological differences between trans woman and females is false. Arguments were made for the inclusion of transition in the winds category with zero eligibility criteria We were also made for transit only being allowed to race in the women's category. If they have not gone through any stage of male puberty, I'm going to pause right there and just say trojan horse. I reject that. If, You are, if you are born mail or born female, that matters in these cuts here. It is a male kit criterion, a female criteria, not a. I have undergone certain treatments criteria, perhaps,
answer to this is a trans category or open category. Many other arguments were made This is the purpose of the meeting discuss different viewpoints, even if talking about these possum He's hurt feelings on either side critical thinking, and the sharing of ideas is integral to understanding nuanced issues and making informed decisions. space in this world. There doesn't need to be any different differentiate, a different differentiation between tradesmen and females, as they are both women but in some spaces these differences matter and should not be ignored, conversation is taking place across the world and every sport we ve taken a first step and I've been viciously bullied and threatened with violence for it. Regardless I planned can to foster respectful, open and meaningful dialogue with the aim of finding ways to honour all marginalized groups and our beautiful community and in our sport, blah blah blah tell overman tweets.
It looks like she has now deleted this post. I gotta tell you, I think the trajectory for this woman is going to be full red. Pilling look. For the most part, it is a lopsided experience. If you advocate for biological, males and females sports, you will get an array of hate and you will get a lot of arguments in the inverse. You will get death threats, Now I think it's like eighty twenty or maybe it sixty forty elements, the right have there have their threats and harassment and I view it mostly as more annoying kind of tweets, because the right doesn't really gotten do anything overwhelmingly, but the left has like organised. What I refer to as blunt protests. Here's how I see it the left is what I call widespread and blunt in their force, and the right is it is. It is rare, but it is sharp meaning. sometimes you get fringe weirdos
have a right, oriented political perspective and I leftist and they engage in extreme acts of violence, but rarely on the left is widespread, consists it's overwhelming, but not as as devastating, that is to say the left wing punch you in the face and they'll punch a hundred people in the face. You know over the pit span of a few months, nobody, dies because of it, but sometimes- and thus it doesn't really end up in the news- and you don't hear about this- almost you pay attention to it. Then you have psychotic, you know fringe rightwing individuals who engage in extra. Acts, but then, as an argument about what makes someone right, what makes someone left? My point is this: there are people on the right who who who are annoying online, who issue threats online and that's bad and it shouldn't be, but the left does this all the time, which is why Think where this goes. This woman is going to be slammed so hard by the left and attacked so brutally she's going to
only find Silas with people. Who are I more so on the right? That's the meme, that's the trope! It's that come of the dude standing in between the left and the right, and it says both sides make some interesting points and then the left shoves him is he as possible and the right Simon says: are you ok? But why are you siding with them? This woman says we gotta figure, one out. People are people are upset, so they attack her for it. point where she's even deleted the post. This is common in the past the space and it's not gonna change- must talk about sports. Look, I gotta tell you pardon me, doesn't care most of these women accept this and I am just gonna like. Do you get what you ask for or if women want to allow males, compete against them. So be it whatever ma, am and then when the podium is just always gonna be dude, fine, whatever or males. You will find typically its
be a transgender mail on the top of the podium, no question I skateboard there it's. Just it's it's it's. Absolutely all men escape these. These woke skateboarder get so mad. When I say this, it's like dude come on. We all know that tc up a phony is super good for a woman, if you were to compare like Letizia bhavani is like one of the best female skateboarders in the world. If you were to compare her of skill, ah like if you work, if you were to remove biological sex from that from the charts outright and then place. Body, based on their skill, their consistency, their style, their trick repertoire? If to put them on the same scale, level, Letitia book and he has the skill of eight of, like your average teenage flow, sponsor dude
So all but one of a slowdown. There are several degrees of skateboarding sponsorship. It's changed quite a bit with the advent of social media, but you've got like flo rider of a flow rider that funny someone who has flow and a skater means they get. Free stuff tip, Well, you are sponsored by a shop. A local skate shop will give you a board and say you're on our team filmed videos to help promote the you know the shop and what we do. You want to build prestige in the community so that more people shop with you. You then have hired industry flow writers. These are people who get free stuff from big companies. They'll get shoes, they'll get bored, they'll get clothes because they want the best skaters filming videos wearing their gear. Advertising. At the amateur level, and this makes no sense but ams get paid cash to go on toward escape and to represent the brand of any of the pros signature models. teach you a phoney was a guy would probably be sponsor
local skate up and get some free gear. I am not regularly tissue baloney she's awesome, one of the best state borders, but she, but as a woman Ok, it's really cool to see her. Do like a lips. Soft lips lied us jumping down array for those that are familiar, but if you watch dude skate come on, it's obviously no! John argue you gotta, utile, whore, Gamay, doing what? What? What did you do like knowledge back to? Seventy backside, no slide down a rail just lovely knots, tricks use the like sugar cane. Twelve, their real you gotta. of a guy, doing a kick full. It backside knows blunt down a gap to ledge I know that sounds meaningless. They haven't you, but trust me like watching these street light street league skate videos, and I'm just like how is this Possible this level of skating watching the dude.
Do you like a knowledge? Inward he'll flip over a twelve foot, long gap from a six foot ramp and I'm just like these dudes got skills? Bravery? Can distance Sea- and it's crazy. I'm like watching a video of a do. Try to a front side. Blunt slide delicate, ten stare hub allege, I not more meaningless names, but it's like Imagine someone is standing on something about six feet high. There is a large that goes at an angle? You must jump on top of it slide with his wheels and I'm watching this video or the do just He locks on an unjust, jumped up and walks away like nothing even happened. Numb like that's crazy to watch a dude ashes, ribs on railing and just get up, and do it again the level of gale determination grit is unquestionable. There's a difference. Males and females. and it's not a rag on females. They there in a different category. They have different q angles, different centre of gravity, but this one. This conversation.
matters. I suppose you can make the argument that when it comes down hill skating, there is less of a disadvantage, can just going as fast as possible but reflexes, more muscles means faster muscle movements so, to to a certain degree, took a banker. If you have bigger muscles, you can you're more agile. You can move faster. A lot of people thought that was the opposite, because the muscles know you you can respond more quickly. So when you watch stuff like this there's no question man, not to mention more bone density, more muscle, mass, more skin, collagen, less prone to hip and ankle and knee injuries because of the q angle, this oct? Unless the the the outcome is open, like women just don't want any more and transom and start taking the top trophies there. You go because a handful of trans skaters, it's just like do come on? Like I don't know beef, if your trans do you think, but bro you just did like our hard flit backside, five, a referred
think I've ever seen a woman come close to a trick like that. There, there are women who are good at skating, I'm not saying they don't exist, but it's like that. That bell curve look at the grip strength bell curve. You can see it right there. You know, like the strongest female grip. Strength is like on par with the average male grip strength. So how do you deal with us? We've created the Male category, in sports, because of these differences, if there was no concern over male or female differences, we'd everybody compete in the same category. With n b a nfl whatever, like all of these sports. They have no rules and women can't compete. They're allowed to try out they just don't make it tend to be shorter, less muscle mass tend to run slower. What do you do? Putting male and female categories? It doesn't make sense
As I often say, we did not create female sporting categories because sometimes people where dresses we created them because males and females are different, believe their necks segments come on up to date. One p m: thanks, rang out and I'll see you well them. Your window of opportunity is opening, but is your business ready for? What's coming? Be good surprises, tat, bad surprises, ready, be new markets, no problems ready, be paved family leave ready, be ready with s ap, because it s a pity that comes last be ready.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-16.