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Donald Trump Jr HACKED, Posts HILARIOUS Nonsense, Democrats Ramp Up DISINFO Campaign To Cheat 2024


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Donald Trump Jr HACKED, Posts HILARIOUS Nonsense, Democrats Ramp Up DISINFO Campaign To Cheat 2024

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this. You can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this It's all natural, not big farm, a crap Not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies. Chalk C h, o q fellows they have a male vitality stack, nine, Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys theme vitality stack. Take it Tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to see each o hugh dot com, promo code tim,
you. Thirty five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code, TIM cast, iron rule will be live in miami with patrick bet, David donald trump, junior matt gates and liquid Caskey joint. There get your tickets, clicking the link in the description below or by going attempt guest outcome, Donald trump juniors ex account has been, act and he is posting a whole bunch of silly nonsense, which is quite hilarious and that's it that's. general idea of the story here. I will show you the tweets. I will only read some of them because their quite hilarious but there's a bigger already at play- and that is the beginnings of the twenty twenty four election cycle and how we'll be manipulated. These things are only just getting started. Now look
people are always trying to hack someone else's account or something like this. So I don't think this is too unique to be honest, somehow donald trump years ex account got taken over who knows could have fishing attack those not familiar. Basically, they sent an email that appears to come from a company or for even from a friend because they can spoof. This is where the spoofing is where they take. Kennedy of someone else they can actually make it seem like you receive the email from Google from acts from your friend. They can pick any email address they want. So maybe you just a fishing attack. It is quite funny, but it brings me into the bigger conversation about misinformation. This information and how are going to start manipulating your mind as you enter twenty twenty four. It's gonna be interesting because We may joke about donald trump years, ex account being hacked these these posts. So what does I suppose he tweet so bad. These posts are so over the top. We know for a fact that Don junior was hacked, but imagine this
imagine someone took over his account and then actually posted something serious, unbelievable like that he'd been diagnosed with zis or that he was indicted over charges related january six. This can shock waves through the america, economy and political ecosystem and can cost people money could destroy lives. Fortune it seems that whoever hacked dangers account is like just some young person doing something stupid so sure whatever their posting about nonsense did see this back in the day with Barack obama and the appeal the associated press got hacked, probably, probably because some low level employ their stupidly. Click. The link, because there's nothing you can do about stupid people wanting to put those links. You can tell him fifty million times, they'll still click it. Oh I'd love talk about fishing, but These hackers. We believe it was. This, I believe, was a syrian electronic army posted that obama had been
Third in it in an attack on the white house, and this, a massive stock drop off which did not recover. There was a up off around ten percent or so and then their market but only around eight percent, because there people who add the that sell orders in the event of an economic collapse or in the event of a price, to a certain amount triggered sold, didn't buy back and has huge huge ramifications. A massive drop off like that in the market means you add, blink of an eye people lose millions of dollars and going the poorhouse and people gain millions of dollars. It's really knots and that money change it didn't get reversed. That's the scary reality of how these systems operate. But let's talk about were currently at because conversation around where and how you are going to be met, delayed and misled. Oh, it is, it is thick, it is juicy, and I can't wait to talk about. Hunter Biden and the spies who lied. The intelligent
assets, former agents and officials who lied and claim that hunter bides laptop wasn't real because they were trying to trick you now that stage one that's the entry level manipulation when they just lie, but imagine the power of a and I've got some examples for you. I'm gonna make some of your favorite personalities say what I want them to say. Here's a story from the near trumped, juniors ex account hack claims father died. Now you ve got means popping up saying: don't care still voting trump zombie trump if it's true dropped. ex account, was hacked early Wednesday, sending a series of offensive tweets, including a sickening one, falsely announcing the death of his dad former president donald trump, I'm said to announce my other donald trump has passed away. I will be running for president and twenty twenty four read. The first message from donging use account at eight twenty five, a m a series of obviously hack measures quickly followed, including in it I'm a toy once in north korea is about to get smoked in another way, showed donging you're, saying he had some interesting.
just with Jeffrey Epstein, more than four years after Epstein died,. proving it was still alive. The former president sent an undue a message on on his own ex rival truth? More than thirty minutes after the fake death announcement, that's the big news I can viewer discretion. Beware I'll show some of these us on these boats, but first Eric trump said. I dont want donald trump. one year to get his account back is all too entertaining well, it's fun to be and I guess Donald trump juniors profile, change to a cd icon. It's all funding when you get lucky and donald trump junior is lucky in my opinion that he got hacked by people who are just goofing off and posting silly nonsense. Do we yeah here we got here is one of the fake posts. Drugs. You said I am sad to announce it death, my father, we read this one raheem kassam says confirm, as account has been hacked the statement below is on we nor our subsequent tweets. Miss account will keep you posted there are a lot of other ones. That seemed,
Silly tweeting at some other personalities prince, we, the hacker, is a young person may be in their twenties and it really really funny about how you can easily identify the age of these people. I don't I wonder if there too young to know or understand their their perception. there. There such matters of interest for them our generation specific like when you get there you are to realise as more and more not Buddy realise that some people real it very early on. I think older people totally get it, because you got that from abe simpson, where he's like I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. What it is is scary and it all happened. You too, the famous work. you get older, you realize what is it doesn't know, doesn't matter, but times are changing that they definitely are changing and now what used to happen back in the day is that mass media, major rock,
Labels and television we're trying to cater to the largest market, which is young people, because people have more kids isn't if and how that works. If there, hundred adults and they each have three kids, hey guess what you're gonna have a hundred and fifty kids in that how it works. So or are actually that's? Yet. That's that's. Where do my work? I have one hundred adults, I'm sorry, yes hundred adults, they're each going to eat two of them, so you have fifty sets of parents each having three kids hundred and fifty kids. There you go and so for these markets. They're they're, saying like we want to target the larger group and parents will just support the kids. But things are different now because of the internet is a market for every generation, so the people who are taking over his account, we can very easily identify what age group urine unless, of course, the hackers a very smart and did this to try and obvious gate how old they really are. Let us talk about where we are. The big news Actual news this morning, outside of the hacking from political, was that by
campaign set to counter punch on misinformation with social me. Why forms pulling back from policing false political claims and trump gearing up for a fight bite instead, forty four campaign is rebuilding its online defences. These people are evil. Sorry, I you know, I hear the stuff all the time where people are like it's getting dangerous out there when they start referring to everybody as evil. I'm sorry, I've got no answers for you. When the Biden campaign and intelligence agencies lie to you for political, power, because they believe their moral structures are true and just as evil they do evil things for their own ends. Sorry, there's there's nothing else. They kill, accuse us of being evil their political enemies. I don't mean the right or conservatives. I really funny you say you says, I'm like that and then immediately let's try to say how he admits it. He sang us if we are talking about the anti establishment which includes people like Jimmy door and other prominent left and liberal personalities that believe in truth,.
But this is the nature of of where we are they're evil. I'll give you an example, Joe Biggs, two decades in prison. What did he do? They said that he knocked down a barricade, so he goes. He goes to prison for two decades. That's it seriously They say we don't know exactly what, when I have one of these individuals on the culture worship, they say I don't I don't follow the stories, but it seemed to be generally a good thing. That's the banality of evil that they would allow such an injustice because it supports their their general mission. They treat you like trash. Like a number like a statistic. Your individual rights and liberties are meaningless, they're, evil that is evil. Sorry, it's like the borg in star trek, the borg's, the bad guy for those not familiar with star trek. It's the collective, a high mind of all of these being that just marking, lockstep dont care, don't think, don't communicate controlled by the hive queen and their evil, their bad guys.
Individual liberty is what we are here to protect and support. But, more importantly, let me break down for you the simplicity of why they are evil beyond reasonable doubt as from the fact that they would sacra. As an individual and all of these individuals on bogus trumped up charges and defend their own when they commit atrocities, you may be asked But why is meritocracy in individual liberty, good and wise collectivism, bad Well, the reality is some collectivism is fine, some, but the truth de centralisation is the path towards security. Not centralisation command economies have failed every time they ve been tried for the most part.
These communist countries. What are they do? They say we're going to control the economy, but unfortunately a committee of twelve or twenty four or even five or even one. They cannot accurately predict and control for how a market needs to operate among large populations, in which case you must protect the individual liberties so that we as humans can adapt rapidly That is to say, the people who would lie cheat and steel and How about this one? How about this one? Here's a story from the near post, spies who lie fifty one intelligence experts refused to apologize for discrediting true hunter Biden story is from march of two thousand twenty two. You see these people thought we are, true correct and good, and our way is the only way and trump is bad.
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really decentralized system. You will have different networks of the smartest people working to solve and adapt to these problems. Some will fail. Some will collapse. Some will succeed eventually. The ideas that are good, expand and explode and then become the way forward, That is how we survive. If you centralize all authority to a single group and a conflict emerges, They will not see it any other way. They will act. There singular plan based on their limited perspective and when they fail, we all do that's the failures of centralized systems they collapse. The same is true for communism. Capitalism. Why do we have eighty seven different brands of peanut butter and the soviets? none because they could not accurately control for how an economy should operate. What people want at any given time and, more importantly, arbitrage. It's fascinating. We're talking about the act of time talking with talking about this with the Jeff young
when he was on the culture worship after the show we're talking about it and he basically said it allowed investment and the move, of goods into areas where there are more needed where they are needed more and that solve a lot of the food crises, people trying to profit off of troy Because it was more valuable to sell food? certain areas. They start making these bats and it worked decentralization, a bunch of different people. So this is the challenge of come of combating this evil. The by the campaign, its intelligence agencies and assets seek to control the narrative, but that will result in our EL yours, you wonder why it is the american system is so broken fractured and nonsensical. Why there's conflict and crisis are on the verge of war? It's because a very small group of people that the democratic establishment elites
and then a unit party republican allies control the machine with out any interference and they won't relinquish power. I mean come on mitch, Mcconnell freezing Dian Feinstein being taken out fur from medical issues signing signing away or poverty towards daughter, Joe Biden going a to override our institutions is muttering sputtering, they won't give up there power to anyone. They have centralized it. They will not stop Joe Biden according Democrats, it no longer this world. I it's one thing to say, but I don't think it's an unreasonable assessment. Considering that Joe Biden is eighty he's past the average life expectancy, but where we currently are, is you have people associate with the democratic party and the republican establishment who want to control everything indefinitely? And you can't you have to let go you have to let various ideas compete so that the best one wins and now is the power of trump's two thousand and sixteen campaign.
Means. You know the brilliant thing about fortune ten years ago, less so today, but very much shown a lot of ways they they made all the means they really really did, because everyone goes to this message board and they would all post means and the best ones would get shared by everybody. That's meritocracy. The Democrat struck with this, because they had a command structure. A lot of people wanting. Why does the left could not mean? And yet they still can't not like the right is producing us as many names as they used to cause. The machine has shifted centre. Ships are taking hold censorship, especially the left struggles, because you can't post something without approval. If you got the thing about this wise that every person on the limit of the every libertarian post, postal, liberal or conservative they'll come on to cast our
our culture or any other podcast like that. But left us don't do it. It is very difficult to book them. Why? Because they don't know what is approved and if they can't control the flow. The conversation that put themselves at risk, whereas on the right, everyone's just sputtering and sputtering out whatever idea they have at the moment and then course correcting to figure out what makes the most sense to do. You know what will work and there it is right. Now, interactive pole, says presidential general election merest has Biden from eleven to one. This is crazy from twenty twenty two twenty three emerson Biden from five to trump with two can it be, I kept biting down ten points. Cnn has Biden down twelve points. Fox news is Biden down six points. The point is in twenty: twenty, the average polling had Biden at fifty two percent and trump at forty three and as of right now. The average for trump is forty, seven to Biden. Forty six trump is tracking to win and they are desperate to control
narrative and control the machine, so that is Joe Biden counter punch on misinformation. My favorite thing about all of this is how they have this. government at this ancillary project, where Start saying, like all of these, people are spreading misinformation and for which they include my name, really I've. We ever reported on news guard certified stories and they called it misinformation. They explain to you what they claim is misinformation. It's just their opinion, so you can't file defamation against them because their opinion is their opinion, but then they assert their authority. The damn rats promoted. The corporate democrat media then comes out and says these individuals. spreading misinformation, and it's all just not true the reality is I use sources like the new york post, politico, the new york times, the economist all certified by news guard so that if they're sang I'm spreading misinformation oof
That doesn't reflect kindly on news guard. So you know I. I love just stamp all over my videos proudly using only news guard certified sources, then, when they come out and say yabbies misinformation will be like wow. I didn't realize news guard was promoting misinformation, that's tough! news guard, there's nothing you can do about it, for those aren't familiar news. Guard is a service which certifies news agencies to cast a com, for instance, was given a rating of eighty two out of one hundred and I I I find it laughable the reason they they does down by eighteen points was because we published stories of trump quotes, but it dropped says x is the story he did and there like. Why didn't you challenge what he said? I'm like we're, not an analysis or we're not running writing analysis and opinion. We are just reporting trump said a thing yeah. Well, it was wrong. I were not doing a fact check. We're doing a report on trump gave a speech done matter, so I have my issues with news guard. A lot of people do, but this is the establishment machine,
vacation. If they have a problem with information, I'm giving out blame news guard I'll, say it again: news got it's your fault news guard supports and promotes misinformation walk while the election integrity partnership says at the stuff was reporting. Was fake news. Car told me it was a certified organization. What am I supposed to do other reality as the election integrity partnership is full of it. But, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are ready for just how insane it is going to get. I m so excited for this, the economist rights. How worried? Should you be about a high disrupting elections? Ok, you know part of me they give the I'm worried a little bit about playing clips like this, but and done so often, and so many times. I think that you know we have to grass it and call it out for what it is and
it's? Why the statement I'm going to play from you from a cloned jordan peterson is an absurdity, but it's to make the point. So hopefully this plays properly and let's see if it works, This is Jordan peterson talking, and I want you to know that I am voting for ronald mcdonald to be president in two thousand and twenty four, so it it takes me ten seconds to do this ten seconds. How about this I want you to know that tim cast is awesome see. Let's see, I literally just had that are right now. Here we go a couple of seconds this is Jordan petersen talking, and I want you to know that tim cast is awesome. There you go, you ready for what's gonna happen and twenty twenty four. think you are not going to see more and more of this there's law is being passed saying it ass, a label ay. I content that they can't show a generated images, no matter because it's not
It's not about the law, abiding citizens or the political action committees. It's about the people who want to break the law and to be fair about russia, china and IRAN and any other american adversary. The discord you are about to see is going to be. so loudly insane where we go. I can do this one in two seconds: let's try this. He rio, you ready, let's see if this one, works- I just Switch- did over its called eleven labs. I'm clicking generate now. This is Joe rogan talking, and want you to know that tim cast is awesome. So usually when using these ay, I voiced generators it takes. How long does it take to do that? I typed it and I click to go. It was done now. Imagine what they can do. You dont need right now, high tech, a video I've already got it. It's not that. There are deep fakes of Joe Biden. Talking in the mouth doesn't seem to move right.
You, as a younger person, may quickly catch this in dealing with a discerning. I you think everyone's going too what about when audio gets released of donald trump saying something offensive, but believable the media reports on it. Suspicious audio emerges of donald trump saying thing about this: the odds. Donald trump saying they got all these documents. I could have declassified it, but I didn't two things can happen to things will happen. First, media reports that saying it's true. And what we understand this recording is that it may be true, but let me give you some scenarios actually more than two things may happen, and this is gonna be scary. First, the audio recordings may be real. And it'll come out, it'll be donald trump saying something like look. We got a strategy for how we're gonna fire law lawsuits and win into either before and then purposes as our real scientific, but in israel
What's a real audio comes out about by nor trump, and they will just say it is a deep, fake you're going green, jean Pierre, whoever and there What's this audio of Joe Biden talking the hunter sang sign, the and send me the money and she's gonna say these are a high deep fagged audio is not real who's, gonna believe it. No one will believe it. I will stress that again, if an audio recording kay there is already a naughty recording of a voice mail of Joe Biden talking sending a message to enter, he's voice a generators, you just upload the video, the audio and then in ten seconds you can change
to whatever you want. This podcast brought to you by rain, save big right now on select, ring, doorbells and cams and give the gifts that keep on giving find gifts that help handle all those deliveries and leave it behind the chair with the others and gifts that tell you and creatures are stirring, escape getaway from the ornaments or shop the holiday sale. For deals on select devices at ring dot com find unexpected gifts for less right now at ring dot com. What if somebody make something and then they will No, if I said or not, they will of joy. What about like hunter? Listen to me, this deal has to go through. We need the money, I want my cut, get it done and it will be Joe by and the video will get shared and the media will say lies and disinformation, but it won't matter because nobody trusts the media as it is.
so you have the first scenario of denial of real real audio or video because they can just say it's not true You have the second scenario where people will just manufacture, fake audio and then everyone's going too If this is the scary reality of where we are with a voice generation, people we'll just make whatever they want and then someone's gonna believe it and that's a scary thought it just doesn't matter what is true or not. News articles will be written suspicious, audio shows, trop, say certain thing: they'll either deny it. I think I can I everything and that's how easy it's going to be, whether it be trump or job They can manufacture this audio in a matter of seconds, We've already seen that the Sanders campaign do this with photos and its its remark.
Well, how these these people defend what does and instead de santis his campaign is warren, put out an ad showing trump hugging doctor voucher. Now, certainly, trump deserves to be criticized for his relationship and how he handled doctor voucher and he's been wishy washy on this. He deserves no credit when it comes to vouch you, yet what of the sanders campaign? Do they fabricated images through a generation of trump hugging voucher, put it in their ad with the tagline real donald was a real life trump, I think it said, and then, when called out, they smirked and said shut your mouth. Remarkably, it's right that a santas campaign. Ah supporters came out and said so what, if ronda santa
and I like to santa's if this campaign is willing to do this- and I view this as evil abject evil, the manipulation of the public justification all, but they put up means about us based they claimed. were in there in the in the right to do this because Bruce Hurwitz posted. photo of run around a santas riding on a rhinoceros like a clear and obvious ridiculous photoshop that wasn't even anywhere close to being real, and they said because you did that we can now generate fake images, its evil. Sorry it is evil to took fab hate information to manipulate people for political power and I'm not saying nobody's doing it in politics, everybody lies so how worried. could you be about added upping elections as well,
do you want to be? I guess, but the reality is this. You think it's bad. It's going to be nothing but ai garbage throughout all of twenty twenty four. You are going to hear things from donald trump. They are going to use it as criminal evidence. Don't be surprised. More importantly, don't be surprised if Donald trump outright just says those recordings were fake, they're, not real. I didn't really say that now. Let me tell you the final scenario that will freak you out that most people aren't considering. you remember every single conversation you ve ever had you don't? Do you remember everything you ve ever sat on the phone? You don't.
You can certainly remember whether or not you said something psychotic or absurd, like if you are on the phone with a friend, and they claimed that you told them the moon is made of cheese. You'll say what there's no way. I said that, but in many circumstances there are many in there. There are many circumstances where a person is testifying and presented with audio, and they say I honestly don't remember that conversation. Of course you don't. I can't remember what I said in a phone call with someone three months ago. So here is what comes next phone call with donald trump, and he says something like look, it's very important that we get fifty fifty thousand votes in these states
have to do this. That's the margin we lost by an that's. What we'll need to win? Let's say: tromp really does say that a seemingly normal statement he's talking to someone who handles campaign work, got the vote policy programmes and things like that. He says we have to get these votes so get out there and get these people to vote. Some one takes a naughty recording of that uploads it to eleven lamps. They then alter the get them to vote. They change a single word. They change something very donald trump then says: listen we have. If we have to face these votes, we need fifty thousand. If we're gonna win, because that's what we lost by, we need so get out there and fake these votes. It's an actual conversation trump has and they change, but a single word. Now what happens is donald trump or someone else they're going to be like
I remember when I was talking to the sky and you're going to say: there's no way. I said that that's gotta be fake and will be alike. Did you place a call at this time and and here's the recording and here's the voicemail and here's the forensic evidence and all they have to do- is slightly alter a single word it would be like I had that conversation. Yes, there is. I did you speak with your lawyers and talk about your daughter. Yes, I did. Did you speak about your your late mother? Yes, I did. Did you talk about infrastructure plans? Yes, I did. Did you talk about voting? Yes, I did I'd like to play for for the jury, a clip of that recording and then tromp, an actual club with going like look, you know my dad was a good do damage a good guy and he loved me out at this lie. You're going to say is this you? Yes, it is, and was the phone call you made. I did make that phone call. I'd now like to play for the jury, the next ten seconds of the recording. So we've got it. Make these votes fifty thousands all we did get it dad
not say to fight those. What's its the same, recording sir, you ve already said you had this conversation. Why deny it now? What do you do I'm forensic experts and to come out and say I hereby testify its fake and then they'll get their friends frozen, looks real to me. You think I'm joking, you think I'm wrong! Now, I'm sorry! It's already happened, you see in the car rittenhouse trial, the prosecution used a I generated images to try to convict kyle rittenhouse. This is not an exaggeration. This is a fact that they did you see. Zooming, isn't real when you two men on an image. They can't actually create pixels. You can only get rid of them, That's why, when you zoom in on like a bit map image, it becomes granular, big It's actually just increasing the that this single pixel, it's like looking at graphics on mario, have you
try playing an old game from like nintendo or sega on a high definition. Tv and you're, like oh, looks, terrible and blocky. So what happened? Was they zoomed in the ai, creates pixels based on what he thinks is missing? To give you an enlarged image? It's not real is a generated. It is an algorithmic generation and they said ah see when we zoom in here's. What looks like- and you know what the court allowed it so again, I stress this and be warned they'll. Do it too? You they'll do it to everyone. they'll say: hey, remember on your show, you sad donald trump will do a back slip off the stairs and land and whatever what happens then, when they re, I generate audio. That is ninety nine point. Nine percent correct. But then they change a single word. They can do a twenty one. They can do it to you. They can do it rogan they can do to tromp. They can do
Biden and then you'll say, like I remember having a conversation, but I remember saying that, and are you really in now, because you can't remember every word ever said how many comedy speeches have trot, has dropped given and who will remember. every single one? We have already seen the white ass transcripts be edited now imagine they added the audio of it to incite wrong. Imagine the intelligence agencies just go to the king Japan or whatever, and they say swap out video a for video b and they say you got it. Here's a national security letter, I hope you're prepared next segment is coming up at one pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all then shocking video will pass. Taxes shows thousands of illegal immigrants walking into the united states fact in one video, you see what appears to be border patrol agents, opening the door, opening the gate, hunting them out loud them in and then closing it right now, the breaking new
eagle pass mayor signs, emergency declaration amid migrant surge awaits burst from federal government. Many people are tweeting about italy, the island of lamp and do so right now. Some are speculating that around eighteen thousand illegal immigrants have entered the island of six thousand yeah. Three two one, the locals are completely overrun and many there are worried. There's protesters screaming, there's fighting it's getting bed, my fear, on the island of lampedusa. Violence is eminent because already we're seeing videos purportedly of migrant setting up ok seizing territory locals are screaming. Police are pushing back angry crowds. Now, there's an island states, united states and what one is talking about this so are overlooking what's happening directly here in the united states. Eagle pass had several thousand illegal immigrants war
right in and it is so bad. The town of about twenty eight thousand thirty thousand has signed declaration of emergency. Here's a story from fox tonia. They say. mayor, rolando, salinas of eagle, pass today signed and emergency declaration avenues. Of migrant started. Arriving this weekend the mayor said he is still waiting to get official numbers in the federal government. as to how many have actually crossed in the meantime, Selina says: Go pass, gets the disaster funding. Through this declaration it will go towards reimbursing fire and police resources that had to be used so far so it is also stated. The city go past would not be opening a shelter saying we don't have the on or resources to do that, the city as mission border, will continue, providing help to migrants dropped off at the shelter by border patrol after being processed. What is opening is border hopes new facility that will be able to take these immigrants said salinas during a city council meeting today
What you need to understand is that it appears border patrol and this city are facilities, mass migration into you into the united states The declaration of emergency bubbly is so that they can get federal funding to help facilitate it legal immigration into the united states? It's crazy that were at this point I don't even I describe it, you ve got People in new york, up in arms, abc and new york reporting tensions, layer on staten island as boss of my and arrived at senior letting facility violence on the verge of, and we don't want this. For some reason. For some reason they don't stop in here. That
That's the awkward silence of a family dinner after you just got caught gaping mouth baby, contain high levels of nicotine and disappointment. Brought to you by the real cost and the FDA binds are doing anything see. Bp is helping. They are actively got in. Your way of life, your neighborhoods, your systems, now I'll make sure it's very clear for everybody I think everyone in the world should come to the united states. Every single one. All of the grants come here, come to the: u S, we're better than the rest which go to illegally. That means you can be a process by which you apply you come we grant visas. I am absolutely okay with that, because when you adequately place be properly place, people and migrants, they flourish, they integrate
better with our way of life, our constitution and we get the best of the best. The smartest brightest people mother countries coming here will make this country better. What will make it worse, open borders, where various random groups of people from bunch of different countries come here to extract the resource and that's why you are seeing outrage in new york city. So by all means media say wing say whatever you want to say, far right: open borders, blah blah blah when people in new york city our screaming at o cause yo cortez yeah. This is a left and right issue, regular people in this country. They do not want this. They can sustain this, but it's ok cause, there's nothing. You can do about it. The people of new york city, all of you, I voted for this. You voted for people like you see who now spit in your face. I love that video it.
android a really your voted for in red. Illus numbers and then, when your protesting she outright says we're gonna, give them more of your resources, we're gonna. Let them take your jobs and they're going to have special protected status here in our district. That's what she said to people who are protesting. She yelled over them When you vote for they keep voting for I, this is our unwell. Angry people are going to just sit by and let this. and take a look at this video bill. Mcgann, and a malignant sorry man, illegal crossing of well over one thousand migrants and eagle pass tax is taking place right now. This is from this morning at ten, a m telling my producer, they just arrived on a train in mexico many still in water crossing massive groups and there you have it. Nothing will be done to protect you.
country to protect your hard work to protect your home from fighting age, males other donors on all just walking miles on their face spanning and waving, saying we're comedy or neighbourhood new york. That's what they're going! You know what that's! That's, that's what for people of new york are, sadly yeah yeah thumbs up thumbs up amazing and they don't care they don't care. These people were coming here, don't care about what you think or what you want. They want. What they want and I don't blame him, I really doubt I mean. Are you too, to a certain degree? I blame them right, but I mean this. Of course they want to come to america, america's. The best look at this: Look at this photo of these people illegally entering united states. For what purpose do we have borders
what purpose do have a state for what purpose we have long foresman if border patrol is letting them all come in. See these videos on a lamp duessa, their scary, very Risque stuff, you ve got thousands of migrants from north africa. It is italian island and you see locals it's terrifying, our screaming in anger. I don't know where this goes, but I have to imagine it's going to. It will result in violence because it seemingly what they want. Do you think that your politicians care about you? Let me We stress this this the important message for all of the Democrats, the view in new york city, all of you in Chicago many people. in LOS angeles, these big cities about this about in Martha's, vineyard, winging and complaining about the view. Right. The left he lives on the view said,
gonna send these migrants somewhere else where somewhere here you go, tensions, flair and staten island as a bus arrives, protesters flooded the street as a former midland beach senior living facility tuesday night temper, blocking a bus, caring asylum seekers I am sick of the lies sick of it. There not asylum seekers, the press, they lie. Every single time. Are you and report about the migrants coming into Europe? The? U n said They are economic migrants, they are coming here for work and for money, but let's lists simplify everything. Are we overpopulated the left says? Yes, I we producing too much carbon. The left says yes,
So what do you think happens if you're seeing a million people come in every year? Are you going to produce more or less carbon you're gonna produce more more people more feel requirements more listening more homs, more construction, more more, more, more more and it will strain the local population. This is why people are upset in new year their cutting the budget emergency services, cut repairs, cut casey nice debt? published a video where he's on the sidewalk and he sees a crack and he pushes through it and it crumbles down when you're sophie into some kind of some sub level of new york city and he puts the camera now you can see. You would just fall straight through the who, wasn't that big, but it still scary to see beneath the sidewalks. You could fall that far down or get stuck, and it's scary. What? If? What? If? What? If what? If what? If you stepped on your leg, went straight there? Well, we can fix it.
Sorry we're going to using all of your money and resources from your taxes, because new york state doesn't print money you cannot give. The federal government has been new york. State is not not doing that now. They're gonna use your tax dollars to help fund the illegal immigrants that are coming in and mess, and you know what you're protesting you voted for it. Let me say that again, you voted for the third time you voted for it, so you get what you vote for. I ain't got no problem with that. That's what you You get paid democracy right, but maybe your will start changing your voting habits. I appreciate seeing people protest, saying no to this but I can tell you right now the information that we're getting suggests it is all going to get worse. Take a look at the story. From a few days ago, the daily wire colony ridge, the fastest growing development in the: u S, a magnet for illegal immigrants. They argue,
to generate violent conflict in this country and are yeah I'll break down for you? How using real, real world examples? Exe? site growing community of illegal immigrants in texas development invites cartel activity is a national security issue. It is because we have a texas land developer has established a sprawling settlement north of Houston, where thousands of illegal immigrants are believed to have settled. raising concerns among experts and elected officials at the development, a hundred miles in the interior of united states, could become a strategic asset for cartels located in liberty, county texas, near the small town. Plumb growth. The colony rich developed is a sprawling community. He's done. Analysis of publicly available information is now over sixty square miles and nearly the size of the nation's capital DC, its population is estimated to be anywhere between fifty
Thousand to seventy five thousand and its growing rapidly thanks to a marketing plan targeted at texas, texas, hispanic popular the daily wire surveyed, the development by helicopter, to assess the true extent of its growth. I began in the wealthy woodlands neighbourhood, but was only me, before the designer homes and pools, gave way to half built homes, dilapidated trailers in heaps of trash houses. On round fly the flag of foreign countries and many home display their addresses on spray painted pieces of plywood. Many structures, some of which are hooked up to running water were under construction others were unfinished, but didn't appear to be actively getting worked on, despite what appears to be. Poor living conditions throughout much of the development colony rage is exploding. The view from the sky revealed a sprawling labyrinth of round about an endless rows of sidewalks streets, an empty plots waiting to be developed, and what is this colony ridge owned and operated by developer. William tray harris is rapidly expanding, at least in part,
the way financing arrangement that makes it possible for illegal aliens to buy land deep in the heart of texas, while traditional financing methods, why a credit ratings and provide income tom Benjamin ass, security, fellow at the center for emigration studies told the daily wire that, by at colony, ridge, are able to circumvent the usual requirements, even dodging the need to provide a social security number because the writ with a traditional bank loan, you need to be able to show that you have a credit rating and prevent
Benjamin said, adding that buys a colony ridge are asked to pay as little as a few hundred dollars have a down payment. The loan is directly from the developer, bypassing traditional mortgages and while the buyer might pay high interest rates near fifteen percent, it's a great deal for someone with no other option. Two by land in this country, Benjamin explained, so, let's break down what we're seeing a magnet for illegal immigrants, why cash deals low down payments and high interest rates. Let me tell you what this will lead to. I visited sweden, ah sweden, and this was several years ago things going on like woes it now, six years. Six years ago I went to sweden for this story called last night in Sweden. Donald trump gave a speech way said you see. What's going on less than sweden and ireland Thing happened last nine sweden trump, of course, was referring to a documentary by ami horrible
I believe it was ami horowitz that aired on fox news in Sweden. Here's what people were seeing mass crime or should, I should say, crime at a greater degree than they'd ever experienced before in the city mama. Of course, what was really happening was that there were some migrants causing a lot of crime. Crime was on the rise, and the city went from one murder the year before to thirteen, which is not that many relative say chicago but shocking to the residents. How could these murders be happening?. Now it was an incorrect assessment that many people are blaming the afghan and syrian refugees. The reality is, it was the children for the most part of somali refugees. Ah, and here's where it begins. There was a story. I was told about that italian, where a vehicle drives up.
guy hanging out of the sun roof with a fully automatic rifle unloading on the bank after they told us here is what happened in the nineties. Refugees flooded to Sweden, Sweden opened its doors and said we will bring in the refugees and we're gonna put them in a city place. Most refugees went to centralized hubs why they go wherever they wanted and they chose to be around each other. Why wouldn't you it's really great? We are travelling abroad. and you hear someone speaking north american dialect, english or english. For that matter, you can communicate it's fantastic If you are coming from Somalia as a refugee, and you come into the country and there is a community of people who all speak the same language as you. Of course you will live by them and this is what happened to a neighborhood called rink ob, which has become rife with crime, and many people have warned do not go there. It's really funny how they desperately try to about their problems, but that's the nature of psychotic collectivist. Here's a cool fact crockett.
I can't stick out its tongue. Another call fact you can get short term health insurance for a month or just under a year in some states, united healthcare, short term insurance plans are designed for people who are between jobs, coming off their parents plan or turning aside hustle into a full time, gig underwritten by golden rule insurance company. They offer flexible budget friendly coverage with access to a nation, wide network of doctors and hospitals, get more cool facts about united healthcare short term plan that you each one dot com. You see when these kids grew up in sweden, but viewed as but were viewed as foreigners. They were detached from the greater of society. They did not view the police as having any authority over them doesn't matter. We see elements of this new united states, of course, but what happens when you bring in people who fly foreign flags and they come common centralize in this area? A recipe for disaster? Why?
They are not being properly integrated in the way they can survive. They're not going to be able to make money. All is living in this one, big community with a pat. They pay massive interest rates on these loans, there's not going to industry for them to make a lot of money and they will struggle to pay their bills and then we're gonna see many mortgage crisis. Now, when you give out loans people who don't have cash and don't have jobs and can't legally work. What he thinks gonna happen. The economy here will fall into a crisis. It will led to a disaster of sorts among the population and, as the are isolated from the rest of us of the community, is cited, government, etc, they're not going to view outside neighbouring communities. As having a.
Real authority over them. If the police come in and start telling them what to do, they're going to say you're, not part of this, you have nothing to do with us and we don't care, and thus you will start to see an explosion of violence. I believe that makes the most sense. It's not a guarantee, but I think that's what you should be concerned about. Funny thing happened when I went to wrinkles and went during the day. We went right in the heart of the day when most people are there and we encountered a problem. Young man started screaming yelling threats and the police warned us if we didn't If they could start throwing stones we'd better get out now I asked the officer we should we should leave and it's a gas and I'm like will you follow us sounds like yeah, we'll follow you out. I filmed that all happening and I had a small gopro, and I said that given an escort, the police deny that was an export x x, an escort sorry, despite having told that, we need to leave and saying that they would follow us out for our safety
the media then said I'd never happened and I lied despite the fact that I put out a video proving it really did happen. You see something funny happens, a journalist, then claims can be totally safe, shows up in two in the morning. Wearing this coat where you can't see, and anna hook up and stands outside of rickety thanks, I sang see, I'm finds the middle I'm fine and everyone responded will of course, you're gonna be safe in the middle of the night in a shopping district nobody's there, the businesses are all closed. So how about you go during the day with a camera? The funny thing is several journalists told me that their reporters had been physically attacked in this location, for the same reasons that I have explained, I said: why don't you run that story and they say who cares? And I say I don't understand what you're acting like. I'm saying something crazy when
you're telling me this? Is it it's already been reported by you that it happened you're on journalists? One photographer got punched in the face cause, it's all one big scam, to cover up their problems. To pretend like it's not happening, because the people want solutions to this. They don't wanted to get worse, and so this is where we currently at a declaration of emergency, an eagle pass. Why? Because they want more money and funding to illegally bring in these non citizens to give them your stuff. That's it. I saw great tweet It said the strategy today is not to fix the problem. It is to get so rich that the problems don't apply to you and that's. It's the reality. We talk about the eia revolution, the apocalypse and I gotta tell you my friends. We are in for something dark, because I've predicted it up the probability of the invest
economy we had a manufacturer, we had a a labor economy, manufacturing economy, a service economy. Now, where no one, though there are a lot of questions about a service sector economy, could people re, could there be an economy based on people just providing services, but not producing anything? Yet he can. We have an influencer economy where the more eyeballs you get the more money you make. And another component will be added due to automation as taco bell mcdonald's. Another restaurants switch from regular people, work and the jobs to machines, doing it all, and you can they: ve already got machines that can make a mcdonald burger faster and better and more accurate than the average Madonna worker. You can order from a key ask it'll make it right there on the spot, deliver write to you, you'll need a person so nobody's working here. What'll happen, people will start investing and they'll make money off of their dividends, so you won't have employs mcdonald's you'll, have investors in mcdonnell
through apps, like robinhood it'll, become so easy to invest that people will be like yeah. I make like you know, X, amount of dollars every month here, the companies that I I support. It's all automated labor costs will be low. Dividends will be high, but this means that poor people will be excised, it will be a and an economy for the ultra wealthy and that's the race everyone's engaged in right. Now, yes, let the illegal immigrants come in and they will gut the system and impoverish more people what's happening is a flood and economic flood and as the waters rise and wash the poor and the working class away, the wealthier individuals can climb higher and higher and higher exploiting the crisis and then eventually create a two tier class system, which we basically already have you. We know that if you're super rich finds mean nothing to you,.
Fifty dollar parking ticket, that's just the cost of parking, and if your poor, it can destroy your life. They'll put a boot on your car. You can go to work anymore. You get pinned down if you're rich, the bank gives you money yeah and if your poor, they charge you money, I despise. Are that system works. You put a million bucks in the bank right now when we look at a lot of his bank or two and five percent, because interest rates, five percent. That's amazing that somebody would get fifty thousand dollars per year just because they have one million dollars. Isn't that crazy and you you work to make forty thousand dollars a year working your hands to the bone, a rich person who just has that money doesn't have to work at all. Now, don't get me wrong. Inflation is ripping things apart, so you can't just live off a million bucks in a in a say:
account, but you can adequately invested in the truth is now, as it's been for a very long time. If you are rich, it's what I would refer to as breaking the barrier you make so much money that you will never be put That all the labour of everyone else will come to you for free and it's true, This well, let's say: You develop an app. You're you're encounter twenty four you make them and then it gets a bunch of users and then microsoft comes along and says this is a really really great app. We want it. We want you out, we want to own it all the ip five million dollars cash deal on the spot. What do you say and you're thinking like I just made one app? Also it no problem, so you do you're, then, given five million dollars for what you've got to pay taxes, and you end up with like three point: two or some
Three point: two million dollars: you put it in a series of money: market accounts savings accounts, not even proper financial investment, just like literal, am to put it in account. Apple's got four per cent. Goldman's got four percent. You can't even do us there's a stock accounts. That's I think robin hood goes like five percent or something or four point. Five. you ve gotta you. What is it? What is it? What is the bank a camera than ever to make? But there's like five percent? Let's say you put three million dollars split across all these accounts at five percent. You now make one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per year, not doing anything. You can work it's free stuff. Meanwhile, a farmer is work in his hands to the bone, to produce food and then puts it. Such cells in the market and you wake up at
don't get up check your accounts and say: oh, my interest got paid, you know what what what? What? What? What are you pulling in with honor for DK you're pulling in about eleven thousand per month? You look and the month eleven or twelve thousand dollars comes in. You didn't do any work. He sat around playing video games all day and that's the economy How many of you are working your hands to the bone and how many people have gotten to that point by breaking the barriers, I would call it the barrier by which you no longer have to work in your independently wealthy there's. Other many millionaires is not a very, very common. Thank my point. Is this: this I current crisis will exacerbate this. It will make it so that you struggle more and more and more, and you will not reach the top it will. Select those who are already wealthy and make them well fear more miles to feed more work to be done. More control, you decentralized the power, the votes, the authority of the working class,
and the wealthier maintain more the more there are at the bottom fighting over what scraps they have, the less likely they are to be competing with you at the top is the crisis we are facing, and that's why I think people debate into it, but you know the one thing I'll. Just say is: it is despicable to see these border guards, opening the doors and saying come on in we don't care about this country. I say that a seditious conspiracy, I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up at four pm on this channel banks for hanging out and all. you. Well then, I guess I was before my favorite member of congress is Matt gates. Now I dont know if this motion to remove Kevin Mccarthy's, real or whether it really came from met gates, but the reporting as a motion by rat Matt gates to remove Kevin Mccarthy speaker is found in capital. Bathroom you'll love. It is you, Now there are a lot of concerns and questions about government spending and a government funding bill.
Many individuals are saying the republicans have the house. All they need do is say, y'all word to funding the fbi and the nsc and the cia, etc, etc. Maybe not even be so extremists who just abolish but take away their funding after we are watching these lopsided investigations and say now you want to play politics. We catch budget Instead, you again some stuff, you know we were at work. Democrats are opposed to the whole thing a dozen or so think about a dozen republican hold out you'll get some stuff in terms of budget cuts are eight percent, but not enough and so there are questions about whether or not Kevin Mccarthy is doing a good enough job. Why have they not moved faster on impeaching, Joe Biden? Well, maybe it's strategic. I dunno, but now there is talk that Matt gates will move to get rid of Kevin Mccarthy as bigger and apparently they found in the bathroom
a motion to vacate, but look anybody could have pointed this out to make it seem like met gate today we don't really know I'm going to go ahead and operate on the assumption that Matt gates intentionally printed this out and then left it in the bathrooms that somebody would find it as if to send a shot across the bow. Mccarthy we're coming for you. If you don't agree, here's a story from the daily mail arrest. lucian from floor to wrap Matt gate seeking to vacate Kevin mccarthy's. How speakership seat was discovered and capital held bathroom on Wednesday journalist Matt Laszlo wrote on acts, formal notice, twitter, The motion was found on a baby changing table in a restroom beneath the house floor. He posted images of the single sky, paper folded and next to a cup of coffee. The motion was declared. the office of speaker of the house of representatives to be vacant and included a draft date of september fifteenth twenty twenty three eleven twenty two, a m
three days after speaker, Mccarthy announced the opening of the impeachment inquiry into president Joe Biden. I wonder I wonder what just three days after I wonder for what reason This picture is islands like they when the bathroom they found it as a coffee did so One accidentally leave this resolution there. When did they leave it? I don't know and I don't believe it may It was a staffer format, gates, whoops ie, or maybe they intentional left their hoping. Somebody would find it a journalist. Perhaps and then word would get around- that Matt gates is doing something you see. A lot of people have been critical of met. Gate saying, like you said, you were gonna hold Mccarthy accountable when we are voting on speaker. You had a bunch of these reports.
It's being like no way and Matt gates was one of the most vulgar vote for donald trump to be speaker. It was fantastic and then ultimately, concessions were made and Matt gates said: look if he doesn't do his job, we will remove him. that's the only way. This episode is brought to buy plural site. Your org needs teams skilled in tomorrow's tech today, whether you want faster innovation, better customer experiences were streamlined software delivery. Those solutions require team, skilled and savvy, and the latest technologies equip your people with the skills they need to make the most of today's tools and tech visit, plural site dot, com slashed pod and try it for free gets in, and now there are many concerns that is not doing his job. Things aren't working very well, and that is a fact,
lee just you know, throw into some red meat here and there, but not actually supporting those who were changing in the first place. I should say supporting, but actually compromising and working with here's the image up. It's up the tab. You can see the eighteen gate, slash gates, one nine forward at one hundred and eighteen. congress first session declaring the offer. The speaker of the house of representatives to be vacant in the house, the representatives, MR gates, The following resolution, which was bored to by the committee on and blank resolution declaring offer the office bigger, allows a remnant of two, and one resolved that the office of speak If the house of representatives is hereby declared to be vacant, it just repeats itself several times, but that's all it need be for Kevin Kerr, Kevin Mccarthy to be removed. It is unclear How gates's resolution ended up in the bathroom and who left it? There also
I would like to stress, it's unclear that gates even made it or as office even made it. It could have been made by anybody. A Democrat could have made it to sow discord in the republican party. Don't buy it, it's more likely that gates made it. you know. A lot of people are criticising him and nothing. I can do but apologize, and now here comes the the play. there's this resolution to remove mccarthy. Was it really nothing really happening, but, alas, people are certainly going laugh at the idea that Mccarthy is making this shot across the bows mccarthy. office, did not respond to requests for comment. The same data, the announced. The impeachment increase following months of pressure from the far right gates warned the speaker launching the price. to appease the right wing: will not save him from potential ousting I've fallen. For this mirage before gateshead tuesday. Obviously, dorothy, wasn't serious about my yorkers impeachment. He said at the time The speaker, went down to the southern border to gaslight, about attempts to impeach homeland, secure
secretary laundromat yorkists. The first thing that happened happens that Kevin Mccarthy gets worried. That is going to lose power, like you didn't january, like he has in recent weeks, have been mounting pressure on him gates, noted and then the second thing he does is indicates that there is some upcoming impeachment or impeachment inquiry and the reality is to date. That has just been the slow boat to china. It hasn't been. And it or sincere or robust some claim that they were threats to remove mccarthy. If he didn't launch and impeachment. but read marjorie taylor green, a fellow motto. Lawmaker assured there were no threats against mccarthy earth and peter proceedings are set for next thursday and the house oversight committee, which is chaired by reps james comb, rep james coma. gonna, be fine, isn't it sitting around with another boring impeachment trial, but will be interesting by launch
inquiry house investigators are given expanded abilities, including a heightened power to subpoena. The panel has already subpoenaed the bank records for president Biden's son hunter and brother James, there is speculation that the inquiry could result in the subpoena of Joe and hunter Biden's. Testimony to republican house investigators should be very, very interesting, to say the least. I certainly hope, that this sends a warning to Kevin Mccarthy that there's something legitimate? If you don't do what you are supposed to do, supporting the american people, europe and for for us too. Many of these republicans are do nothing say, nothing republicans. They want to get elected there. It's really interesting how many of these guys keep their head down say, nothing are barely ever involved in any these issues, just pass vote and then carry on just another mundane job. Very few stand up, speak up and stand out, I met gauge, is probably the best member of congress in congress because
he seems to actually respond to what the people expect him to be doing like a new generation of younger politicians who are actually paying attention to what their voters are. Thinking and saying and saying: okay, I will act accordingly. I am here to represent you, take into account your expertise, of course, as a as an individual, but listen to what the people are telling you, and if the people are telling you sound logical things, and you may disagree, you do what the people want. I guess what I'm trying to say is. Sometimes people want stupid and that's the point of having a representative someone who can say I'm sorry man, if you don't understand why we voting this way. I will break it down for you, but I can't do that thing right and then sometimes there's a moral question of disagreement, meaning you have the people saying: no, we want acts implemented. You say what I don't think axes morally the appropriate thing to do, but it is not me should be inserting my morality over the will of the people. If there's a practical matter like People say we want a fun, do you know spaceships to
and you go. We don't have spaceships to mars that money is gonna get thrown on the gutter. That's the stop gap benefit, that's the benefit of having a rap, but if people say we want to fund the development of space technology, not necessarily assent has to go. I'm just going to mars than you can say like gave. The people want me to vote yes on this and we start investing into science and research than that makes sense, that's reasonable. You may disagree and where to spend money, no, I think we should see and at on on this area, knowest bananas it well some disagreement. We should defer to your constituents and some you should intervene. That's the point to the founding fathers talk about your story from time to time about met gates. They say one of mccarthy's most vote. critics, mat aurette met gates of florida, has been launching attacks against the speaker for months and has threatened to oust mccarthy. From his speakership threem, we want to make it their public feud highlights the deep divisions within the gnp as grapples with the spending fight.
see and there it is. And now we have this resolution found in a bathroom, you dont say gates, pretty the gnp spending planet centre on the use of a stop stopgap bell to give them more time. Saying I'm voting for continuing resolution gates about in the house. Monday, urging republicans to pursue single sky expending bells. Instead, we are approaching the days where we are facing two trillion dollar annual deficits. On top of a thirty reach trillion dollar debt. This is unsustainable and just to continue things with some facial. Eight doubt eight percent cut over thirty days will need to know. Programmatic reform is an insult to the principles we fought for in january. I think what is saying is I'd like to talk to him about this personally, that but that the spending bills should be singular, acts for x or x for why you know a four b, etc, etc, and not just one big thing once excited or don't. gaiters stands in the spending bill has been controversial among republican,
with mccarthy and his allies. Countering that refusing the path. a continual resolution, where it would result in a government shut down and harm national security Ooh keep cry about it I am sick of busted up machine where we say, the system's broken, but the only way to carry on as to maintain the broken elements of the system. You know what this is Our nation is effectively addicted to heroin and in that of saying: let's take the pain and the withdrawal and work our way off the ditch they say: how are we just keep doing it? Eventually, you o d, that's the problem! The! U S, government just keeps saying: it's broken but will carry on anyway. They kicked the can down the road until eventually they kick it off the cliff. It's time for a hard change, so good megabits boot him out see what I care
shut it all down. I live at their necks segments coming up at six p m on this gentle thanks for hang out and I'll, see you well then The grants have launched a new attack. Add a video of a father whose daughter was seriously abused, becomes pregnant and the doctor says we'll go to prison. If we do anything about it and then are a pocket, republican congressmen appears vitamins as I'm watching you, I love us have the hashtag muggah is watching you well, if, in election. Abortion is going to be a big issue on a break down some facts as it pertains to ohio. I know the ad is talking about pennsylvania, aunt, ohio, their targeting swing, states, important rust about states. Let me play for you this video and ass. You can
watch it for yourself. Hashtag maga is watching you okay and then we'll breakdown the current stats on abortion. So you can better understand the reality of what the proposals are here we go. I can't believe this. My daughter was rink but sort of sorry. He believed my daughter, was rate you're not going to do anything, I'm sorry the put us all in prison. If we do the procedure he's right, I'm, u republican congressmen, we banned abortion, no exceptions should twelve years old, I'm not letting me destroy a wife. I won the last election. So, what's my decision, I'm just going to watch her daughter and make sure she doesn't do any the illegal, oh man- this is just so laughably bad, but I am an democrats thrive
on straw, man, arguments and manipulation and order get elected me wrong. Unifying republicans very much the same but in this instance we're talking about literal logical, argued. that need to be had on the issue of abortion as a pertains to these states, especially with the overturning of Roby way. So let's stress this again first, I want to say this This add. Let me let me let me show you what the with the guy says that a member of elections in piano high or the next battleground for collective rights, which are about to see. It's happening two little girls and women all over our country watch the sequel to republicans in your bedroom. Republicans watching your daughter capture, I others is a parity, but I don't think it is because there actually fund raising for act, bloom, sure, ok, obviously a twelve year old, being right, is a nightmare scenario
I believe that this is a crime against humanity to target children in this. When I have long talked about it, I m actually protests as it pertains to many issues, but I do not agree with the modern It is not fair to say that democrats are pro choice. They are not their pro abortion. I am not pro abortion. I think abortion is wrong. However, the issue for me, we have to balance the rights of the individual with the rights of the child in womb and that's a very difficult issue, not impossible moral task, because the pro life position is the innocent child did nothing wrong and should not be killed, and this really does infuriate me because it ignores the thus at the rights of the other individual, which is the individual who was raped. You you not force a person onto another person
Then say now your level legally obligated for this person. I reject that a story about a man, a woman got pregnant, gave birth and said this man was the father Wasn't they ordered him to pay child support. He got a dna tests, it I'm not the dead and they said too bad As I said, it's not just one story. I reject the idea that the government can force you to but your body to someone one else now hold on a minute. My friends. If an adult women choose its because minors can't consent right, of an adult women chooses to engage in relations, inviting a child into her womb and becomes pregnant. Now there is a question of whether or not we should be what what would be violating her rights. I dont think its acceptable to agree to the circumstances where someone becomes depended upon you and then to immediately cast them.
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and- and I don't think I'm right. Morally, I don't know how to answer these questions, but let's take a look at the facts. First, dates with abortion bands and restrictions with exceptions for health, our health ohio, the states six week, abortion ban with health exception, is blocked by a court order. So it's blocked by a court order, meaning that even this is totally irrelevant life exception. They say this blocked by a court order, ok, ripen in such as for the commercial they say the states six week abortion ban is blocked by a court order. It does not contain an exception for rape or incest, and I take issue with that now First, there is no conservative pro life position. Allowing for an exception for reference us. If the conservative position, as you can't, kill the baby than it doesn't matter how the baby was conceived, the baby is a life. It is guaranteed rights to life, so
my argument still ultimately falls on me. You can't force a human being to provide their body to another human being, simply put sorry, you I will not accept. I cannot morally accept the government coming to a woman, especially a child and saying you have no choice. There should be an exception, even though I don't blame the innocent child. I am not that the woman is also sent- and you cannot force them to provide their body to someone else just because both our innocence, sorry, I can't do it anyway. I don't get common below. I know it is a difficult issue, but let's talk about the ad and why It is well, I I won't say too much I'll save it. But let's talk about it here we go total number of forcible rape cases reported in the united states in twenty twenty by state ohio. Twenty twenty had five thousand fifty two rapes whore well, it's actually discussed them and I hope we bring all of those people to justice, and I wish those
overwhelmingly women, not all women. I think it can be like eighty percent to ninety percent female some men. There No, let's just start with the percentage of men that that our raped, I dont, think This is only saying women right into saying rape in general, Oh, this is likely going to include. I think we have to include that some men this aid, the revived river. Buys use. Your definition of rape is penetration to better how sleight of e orifices with any part of the body or object or oral penance action of another person without the consent of victim attack. Sore. Assaults to commit are also included. Interesting interests is also includes. Attempts really ok. Well, let's just say for the sake of argument: five thousand a number we want to remove a little bit because some may be men who were were also because it, and it does include the potential from for males to be, although it is substantially more rare,
So, let's just say and are no ten percent. Maybe it's not good. Forty five hundred, let's removes, the attempts, I let you say I'll write about five thousand in ohio. Specifically here is the next bit of data. We have right related pregnancy estimates and descriptive characteristic from a national sample of women. the results of this study. This is public ed. The end I not gov I say the national rape related pregnancy rate is five percent per a rape among victims, that is to say five percent of victims. Ah, are are, or do become, pregnant based on what they know. Okay, They say in the I believe it's in the united states, thirty two thousand pregnancies result from rape each year, it's horrible. Now, let's take us in consideration, here's the abortion reporting for ohio and twenty twenty one. They say. the vast majority of ohio abortions were reported to have been performed, resident women with five percent. Were obtained by non residents.
the number I believe what do they have in twenty twenty one. There were twenty one thousand eight hundred and thirteen abortions in ohio. Okay. This would mean that if we go by the four thousand number you're, not that's not even do it, let's say the full five thousand. Let's not include men to let you say there. That's all. That's overestimate estimate lets a ten percent of women dont report. Increase of six thousand. You go by that number and you go by the national level of pregnancies and we're dealing with what do we have five percent, so we're looking at three hundred women who had become pregnant due to a right now how many of those women will seek an abortion finnish into question? Here is another important statistic: nine percent of ohio abortions were performed on girls, ages, nineteen and younger, including two percent on girls. Under the age of eighteen, whoa whoa hold on So you're saying, when you say nine percent nineteen and on a number of sound
What you're talking about minors, you're, not they're, saying eighteen and nineteen year olds account for seven percent and under eighteen accounts for two percent of their abortions. Okay, here we go. Two percent of abortions are under the age of eighteen, how many rapes? How how how many pregnancies are the product of rape, five percent, so of the six thousand, we overestimate rapes in ohio, three hundred result in pregnancy, two percent of those will be under the age of eighteen. the number six six came. I dont know why republicans,
we're willing to extend this law over six years. He hears the issue a twelve year old girl. I'm sorry, I don't agree with the the staunch pro lifers on this one. A twelve year old girl can not physically how and and and and an unhealthy way carry this baby. This is insane and if there are only six instances of this, these are extreme circumstances. It should not be the basis of a political ad. By Democrats, but why would republicans even give it up to them? Republicans could come out and outright say we are going to allow an exception, especially thus about this republicans. If you are under the age of eighteen, There are more there's more leeway because the compromise you don't have to say that you are sacrificing your morals. You can say to maximize life, we have to accept certain limitations. not an easy question as my position, Donald trump, so there's gotta be a compromise and there are many
these absolutist or like no pro life are nothing if that was the case. Trumpet of loss to people in support him trump got three supreme court, just as they overturned roby, wait. How many babies have been saved in your pro life estimate now also horrible thing to say that you would sacrifice these six lives. But me this is the challenge of utility utilitarian versus deontological thinking. I don't of answers. it would. It would require the state to take an immoral action against a twelve year old girl who was raped and to take an immoral action in terminating the life. I'm sorry there's! No, I don't have an answer and that's the problem with this ideological morality of do not take do not commit. These actions are immoral. Against individuals. There are two individuals in question who suffers the immoral action: the young girl I know only six out of all the cases if we're doing the math. I know it's pilots loose math, but
single individual. You cannot. The government cannot effectively pinned down legally, I'm saying it's a you must carry this baby to term. Despite the fact you don't choose it, your body can't handle it and it could cause serious harm to you. That's nuts. The state would also have the sanction. The termination of that life an immoral action against innocent human life. There is a simple answer here and that's why I can only refer to. In certain circumstances, we meet figure out how we do the best we can- and I do not think subjecting a twelve year old to carrying a forced pregnancy and talk about the rape. Not not the the leftist term or the like
Fourth birth, which he had understand as the left is using this extreme rarity to try and strike at the fact that twenty one thousand of these abortions take place in ninety plus percent are elective, meaning abortion as contraception. I don't think you can invite someone into your house and then once they settle and kick them out and become homeless Well, I'll put it this way. Someone has house and as a unit I don't know, get rid of your house. Just come live with me, you'll be fine, and so they do and then you say, okay now get out and like wait, but I have nowhere to go to bed yeah. That's that's not acceptable. We have laws and you can't evict people like that. And so in this sense, if a woman chooses to engage in relations that result in pregnancy, you made the choice. You said please be in me baby, nor you could take it another way out Blue five is dramatically the add. I find laughable, it's just so so silly empathetic, but why Should republicans opened the door to this on some absolutist position. It is not simple.
There are immoral actions being taken now. You can certainly say ending. A life is more immoral than forcing the child to carry this, and very few children will have to do this. It's rare, but now you're talking about utilitarian thinking where you believe the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. It is just not so simple, so I can certainly say the Democrats position is an absurdity and they're, arguing that the the rarities, but I'm not going to plan to have all the answers other than perhaps I can present you some information and you can make up your mind I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out I'll? See you all them. So this is how the media frames it, but actually read the story or like it's a little bit different, but we can frame things too. I like to play that game cannot play that game with all of you. Guys are less play. That game here is a story from I'd, be seen is a bad man researchers said gay in a talk to students when
asked to censor himself. He quit. I can't believe it is that really what happened now? The real story? In all honesty is a guy was trying to exploit. You want to give up presentation of students on a co creator of batman. He wanted to include the story at the co. Crater son was homosexual, they said, may I please that and he was like I'm going to or I'm not going to do the speech and they're like okay, then don't do it. It's like okay and that's the story. He didn't just say gay. They were saying just don't include that you don't need to, but let's, let's play some framing games. Let me read the story for you. and we see news reports. Mark Tyler nobleman was supposed to talk the kids by the secret co creator of batman with the aim spiralling young students in suburban atlantis, forsyth county to research and right then this district told them. He had to cut a key point from his presentation at the artist
he helped. Rescue from obscurity had a gay son rather that we ass, he cancel the last of his talks, K we're long. the point where we should be policing people talking about who they love, set. A telephone interview that's what I'm hoping will happen in this community of ireland, Was bozrah zakharino me ass. The obvious question I show If I'm talking about a guy, a dick cheney? Let's talk about dick cheney, everybody dick cheney was the vice president of the united states. Under the george w bush. Straighten. He was deeply involved in the wars Iraq and afghanistan. These innovations- and he was heavily criticised by Democrats in the united states, for what purpose. What I include that his daughters, a lesbian, ate it
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me. Let me frame it for you. Mark Tyler nobleman was supposed to talk to kids about the secret co creator of batman. Then the school district politely asked him not to inform the school children that Some of this artist had sex with other men. He refused and instead cancelled his talk. That's the framing, that's the game. They play now c'mon. If you frame it that way, people are going to be like. Why is he talking to kids about dudes? Bang other yeah now, of course, with a really saying. Is that he's gay but of course we're talking to schoolchildren. They are trying to get you to the point where he splain two minor children, what being gay is what does that have to do with bad man? So good? man. They wonder why we say grimmer, state laws restricting ta, of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools have proliferate in recent years, but with nobleman show, schools may be limiting discussions. Even states like georgia that haven't inefficiently banned them somewhere.
Into the broader laws, giving parents more The schools argue the extended tons of sex and gender? Even if the statutes don't explicitly cover them seven states ban discussions of algae bt, q, people at least some public schools, blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, they lie they lie. They lie about everything. Let me slow down for you, Rebecca hale via the AP debates that these laws they say, don't talk to kids about sex. That's it now, some of our more specific than that and they're like gender identity and stuff is included. But the we'll concept behind this, as if you were an adult you should not. Going to minor schoolchildren and explaining to them fetiches and kink and sexual activities, because here's the thing is
what the pedophiles and I'm not I'm, not going to pull punches. I'm not holding back the people that are promoting this kind of language in these books. Many of these Democrats. They are pedophiles. They want to have sex with children. Sorry, that's the truth. Why? I have He's a lucky- and he said why: why are you supporting these dont say gay bills, blah blah blah. And I love whenever I say the stuff I get these left his right to pursue cavity left us frogs he's lying shop, so stupid if nobody knows another person of different political persuasions, but here Why sporting and I do you shouldn't adults- should be going to kids in explaining what plugs
and their response was it's just sex? Add no! It isn't the creepy disgusting idea that showing kink and fetish porn stuffed the children is sex. It is a lie. Here is the truth, sex add what is it supposed to be all right? Kids, your parents have signed the permission slips they're out there, accepting of you to come into this age. Appropriate discussion for you, as you For puberty, your body start changing there you go sex. Had I had sex that when I was kid I was or how old would I have been here? I think I was ten ten years old, when they did sex ed, ten parents had to sign a permission slip. It was a catholic school and what they did was the boys were brought to a room and they explained you're changing bodies and reproduction. Then the boys laughed and the girls came in and they explained you're changing bodies and reproduction at no
point in the discussion that any of them talk about proper methods for stimulation. That's not sex, Ed! That's kink! Something else. What these pedophiles are starting to do is they're trying to conflate sexual gratification with sexual reproduced And then use that as justification under sex add to suck grooming children because there are sick owes you see, here's how begins first met an amateur Woman, they certainly enjoy each other's company in the biblical sense, if you know what I mean, but the knowledge for which we convey to children in schools when it comes sex ad is the process of reproduction, so that kids can learn. Where do babies, from now. These two adults, your mom and your dad. They may you're certain activities as they engage in their pleasurable biblical activities, Naw, that's totally separate from the act of reproduction. That's personal private between you, here's what happens then.
when the conversation around gay marriage- and they say what two people do in the privacy, their own homes are know their own business. Shore sort of that doesn't pertain to lie doing heroin or math right. What to adults? the privacy they were all of their own home as their own business. Unless we're talking about drugs in gambling in here. You get the point. The saga of the left is a is a is a payment of principle and actually applied anything. There really believe because poker I would be legalized well before gay marriage. If the idea was you can do what you want in the privacy of your own home. Now they say it's not who you love, and you know what I'm and I'm for gay marriage from a legal perspective from a religious perspective. I can certainly understand what christians are saying. No, this is an abrahamic institution of our religion and you can't do it. You can't do in a church. Like I understand, I understand all the arguments, but I do believe legal rights between people is is good and acceptable for free
reasons, which are, I won't elaborate on now, I will just move on to the other point because to adult men cannot reproduce they can't the argument. Maybe the left is the sex. These men have is purely gratification and if you're going to include their activities, you have to explain to children I know you can explain to kids basic sex out and say the reason mommy's in daddy's engage in these practices is to make babies and then they say, but what about algae bt q couples they dont engage in this practice for making babies naive enough to explain to kids that? No, you don't sorry, no you don't the reason they do. This is because these people live in a different world. Remember every one else, not their staunch christians, Seamus it's about this at the purpose of sex is reproduction and you get get married all the stuff, I'm more liberal than that. I get it. People like to feel good, that's why they eat giant chocolate, cheesecake
even though it's not really nourishing you, it's hurting, you buy it tastes. Good and people engage in ITALY. Nobody sometimes it does not result in the production of a baby. There are certain things people can do well outside of production of a baby. Then there's the extreme left this view that all of it is just pure gratification and, in fact, you're you're racist for having kids and your actually making the planet worse because of climate change, so they really don't like the process of making babies, in which case their whole thing is. The only point is it feels good, but in these creepy books they present to children, they depict things that can cause physical bodily harm. One book that we actually have talks about consuming human waste, inappropriate, dangerous, harmful. It's no surprise. They say be body, positive, you're, big and morbidly old
he's on the verge of death. So what be you? I saw funny tweet it sad. I am pro choice for my enemies and I thought it was hilarious and, unlike what do you do, while of course for actual conservatives of principle, they say the baby is not my enemy in the baby is the one who suffers I understand that, but there is a certain political reality to the rights that you have over other people and where the lines are drawn and right now, the left is adamant that they can destroy the minds of their children, sterilize them abort them and gorgeous themselves to death. And what do you do they vote for it? They vote to destroy themselves. The environmental pressure is obvious. It's it's a it's! A natural selection If conservatives have children in their more likely be well adjusted and successful and liberals don't have kids engorged themselves to death. The future is plainly obvious. Its conservative. These people are losing. this guy goes running this man right here the face you see, he wants to explain to schoolchildren, a story about.
Men having sex with each other. For what purpose don't ask me? I have no idea, but this is not winning we're running, because parents are saying no and that's it. We had those students march out of their school in protest over the school, allowing male students use female bathrooms, get what go broke. Oliver their next segment is coming up at six p m in the channel. Thanks bring it up, and I'll see you all them works running has a new shoe free runners out there. Did you hear that better turn up your volume, in fact, turning to the max introducing the all new goes to max And all kinds of things to make your knees and ankles feel protected. Like me, excursion. Max soft landings was dna, laughed v to foam and man.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.