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Donald Trump Is WINNING His Fight With "The Swamp" And Putting DC Elites In Full On Panic Mode


Donald Trump Is WINNING His Fight With "The Swamp" And Putting DC Elites In Full On Panic Mode. Even before he was elected Trump was facing "swamp" opposition as dubious investigations jammed up his campaign.But somehow Trump was able to win and since then has faced intense opposition from DC elites and the Democratic establishment.Now with impeachment finally over and all the investigations done Trump and Bill Barr are moving to clean house and "drain the swamp." Whatever your view is on Trump it is clear that he is winning. None of the scandals have stuck, none of the investigations bore fruit, and now Bill Barr is making heavy moves at the DOJ for Mike Flynn and Roger Stone, Republicans are investigating the Biden's, and Trump has purged 70+ staff from the National Security Council.Trump is winning, "The Swamp" is being drained, and the Democrats are in the middle of a massive conflict with no clear winner in sight.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is Donald trumps, smirking revenge or, as Chris Cuomo puts it, revenge page others have called it retaliation or illegal retribution. Since the end of the impeachment trial now trump as moves to kill in house removing over seventy people from the National Security Council, including the women brothers he recalled in and and now billboard over the OJ is making some pretty heavy moves. Recommended a lighter sentence for Roger Stone, which, as Democrats furious, demanding and not an investigation and calling for the potential impeachment of bill bar himself or the second important battle trump now Bill BAR is ordering on outside prosecutor to review the Flynn case, because, presumably as many people believe there was some foul play involved. Sybil bar was appointed for a few reasons, according to press one of those reasons where it was that some of the prosecutors Mahler brought in, had made political donations to Hillary Clinton. Now I can't tell
who exactly what's going on right now with these major moves, but I do have ideas as to why there are happening now. I think Donald Trump ACT. We ve been planning this since he got elected, but there were a few roadblocks in his way the fake Russia Gate Investigation had to stop and as soon as it did did, we then see well, while there were some moves from Trump eventually impeachment came up and now with the Ukraine Gate scandal, Donald Trump was once again constrained. In fact, before the peach meant, many people were calling on the intelligence community to constrain Donald Trump, to stop him from purging what he and his supporters call the swamp, I want a walk you through some. The latest details. Is he Chris quote? We CNN lays it out as though it's a new mafiosi type deal I'm not so sure. I think that's a bit of a biased approach. Now Mckenna stated Donald Trump is right or that he's innocent, but I dont think
What I don't think we're really seeing some corrupt action by Donald Trump to dismantle government. I think we're seeing political factions warring and I think we're seeing the internal full war within our own government, now civil war. Heavy handed. I don't really know what else to call it, but both dive deep into what's going on with Donald Trump purging of the swamp or the deep state If you want to call it and will take a look at some, the latest moves from Bill BAR and why Democrats are so angry with him, and I want to show you why I think they're lying to you will start with a story from media before we do have Seem cast outcomes. Lash donut. If you'd like to support my work, there are several ways can give the best you can just share this video, hopefully breaks on ECHO chambers, and I also notice a lot of people don't subscribe. If you do wash my content, you once you more like. Nature to subscribe, hit that Notification Bell. It really does help, but let's now read the story: revenge rampage. Chris Cuomo brutally dissects trumps godfather style week of sky
or settling after acquittal they report. The union's Chris Cuomo offer a brutal day by day dissection of present Donald Trump Week, long score settling campaign. Since the impeachment acquittal after teasing a segment on trumps, revenge, rampage global began by Riddick, killing the credulous republican senators who justified their acquittal vote by suggesting from had learned a lesson from his impeachment. The This notion has proved so wrong so fast that Senator Collins is pretending. It never happened just today. Her quote. I don't understand why you keep linking how I voted to weather and of the press. Learn to be more careful. I would point out something I'm doing right here. I'm gonna be using a lot of sources that frame everything as though Trump is doing something wrong for a reason, because I'm a show you the contrasting evidence that suggest there falsely the story. Let's move on and again I stress here to say I know exactly what's happening within the government, but I certainly think what we're
from CNN from vocs from media. I from all other outlets, is overt bias to protect their establishment. They don't like Trump, they don't like and while Bernie and tromp, both dont like each other to a certain degree and the supporters don't is a big difference between the elite establishment and the populist movement. Now, let's what Chris Cuomo had to say, It's my saying. On Wednesday the date Tromp was acquitted. His attorney general shut down any FBI ordeal J Investigation of a presidential campaign. Unless he signs off specifically declaring off limits. Any cases involved falling illegal contributions, donations or pet payments by foreign nationals, literally Trump himself investigation proof, I don't know Daddy Bill BAR says Tromp has never asked him for anything and billboard. My understanding as a store was a port in the New York Times was talking about what happened with call me in twenty? Sixteen when we Clinton had the whole email investigation and our money.
Well believe that swung the election for Trump? So perhaps it's actually to help them up snapping frame that way, On Thursday, his Treasury armed republican allies with sensitive financial records to target Hunter Biden exactly what he was a kid whose of engineering abroad or perhaps on the other side. Hunter Biden is corrupt. The media has claimed he's been crop for a very long time, and many people have questions about. I was receiving eighty three thousand dollars per month to work on the board of a Ukrainian, a ukrainian energy company when he had no real experience in that Perhaps there doing a real investigation wonder why, when all of these investigations started Chris Cuomo didn't say the exact same thing about Morocco, bomber or Hillary Clinton, and that's the point. While I'm definitely for the millionth time, not saying trumpets innocent, I'm saying look, they did the same thing and I'm not show you that's what we're done
On Friday you fought the fired, Vindelin and, and Gordon son went and his brother. He also they said it was just off to keep them. That would prove to be alive, Trump didn't just fire vindelin. He fell like seventy people, it was just a perch on Monday. The defence that Rudy Giuliani is doing his own thing has no real influence in the government. Remember that was right revealed to be a sham always was the attorney general. Turning general. Now conforming Giuliani is following them, whatever dirty digs up in Ukraine. The Democrats like to accuse tromp of what they are doing it. So when Joe Biden did a quid pro quo to seek to fire a prosecutor who did have an open investigation into prison it's a fact. They say was dormant, but it was an open investigation. They accuse trump of trying to get a quid pro quo. It's something, We often see in the media as a defence accuser upon it, but before they accuse you because, as the saying goes, whoever calls the cops first wins on Tuesday. Deal J, bowed to trumps desire to go
the honest pale, Roger Stone whose convict of lying by a jury and the commander in chief all for the military to pursue charges against amendment for telling the truth accept Bill bar says: Trump never intervened and bill We actually criticized Trump sang, stop tweeting! It's making it hard for me to do my job. We're gonna few updates here for first Bill bar is bringing an outside prosecutor to review after the FBI's investigation of Donald Trump adviser, MIKE Flynn, after Rau over intervention in Roger Stone case. Why is flawed and being what wise? Why? Why the charges and the and the pursuit of Flint so heavy handed? It's always confused. May because certainly has been many people worldwide who are not being charged the reasons I don't think this is a mafiosi godfather like move, and I think there is some look there. There's legitimacy to the claim, trumpets, cleaning up corruption or at least partisan bias in these in these institutions- is that The right now, the d o j is not going to be going after Andrew Mc Cave and trot
borders are angry about it, but MIKE Flynn is there going after him, even though they were his defence release documents showing that some of them may have been manipulated, in which case should he have even pledge guilty in the first place, probably not. Let's move on, though, for Es Sally Yeats Blast Tromp for using d o j as personal grudge squad Trump always wanted to drain the swamp and he's doing it. Now but I go back to what I said in the beginning, I'm curious as to what was we going on with the Russia Gate Investigation, because as we now know, some of those Pfizer warrants were bad, meaning cross fire hurricane, that famous operation that you know launched into investing in the trunk campaign before he was even in office before he was elected. It was a bunk investigation that their while, for the most part, Now the Horwitz report said that there was no legit legitimate reason to investigate what
then we're gonna bring this up is why didn't tromp drain the swamp ass? Soon ass? He got an office, I mean honestly. He could not when he fired call me that's when everything went nuts, that's when they decide to launch a special prosecutor and they put us through years of Russia Gate insanity, which was all fake news. The whole thing was bunk and now tromp is finally adding what they're calling his revenge with bill bar coming in there now angry saying it's his stooges lackey. They want bar impeached. Unfortunately trumps, the president and seems like he's going after these hold overs these pound employees and the media has been going after him, for it check out the story from Vocs trumps purge, President Trump's interferes with Rodger stone. Sentencing shows the real lesson he took from impeachment that he has impunity Trump can fire whoever he wants. These people serve at the pleasure of the president I believe it was Obama who, bolstered the National Security Council, my trunk couldn't really fire a whole lot of people,
when they were investigating him in the Russia Gate nonsense and he couldn't do it during Ukraine Gate either. So, finally, we get an end to the Russia get insanity. Tromp starts actually making some moves, as we can see here from a CNN story from August trumps, purge own national security team is almost complete now I get these people were trumps people, but tromp was trying to find people loyal to him whether you like it or not, and he was firing people who contradict him and who need it. Like because, like Obama said, you need unity and loyalty in the administration to make it function properly. What did they say? in August that dynamic has flipped now
people are seeing intelligence community not as something that should be constrained, but something that should constrain the president, that's kind of weird Donald Trump as the duly elected president. He supposed us he's supposed to serve because he was elected to do so. Why would the unelected intelligence agencies be seen as something that needs to constrain the president? Clearly, you can see the conflict between Trump and the intelligence community. Unfortunately, for Trump, someone in that intelligence, community started the whole impeachment process, and now Trump can't do anything about it. At least, while impeachment is going on That's why, when impeachment ended, tromp makes his move a point out. I can't actually tell you the name of the individual who is reported to have been colluding with one of Adam Shifts: staff members. This is reported by real, clear investigations. Certified by my news guard as a legitimate news organization. That said, multiple sources can farm a man. I cannot name years ago.
With another man and Sean Miss we're talking, but how they would remove the president by any means necessary that man Miss then joined. Adam shift. Staff then gave advice to this whistle blower, why can't name, and that was used as a pretext to launch the Ukraine Gate Investigation of Donald Trump once again, putting his moves on hold Trump has been constrained every step of the way. A lot of people might think it's a good thing, but Trump wanted to drain the swamp and get rid of these hold overs. Many of whom have resigned, but let me show you something: first, there now saying that Trump installs loyalists to top jobs after impeachment purge while obviously I don't do that really matters, you get the point, but we let's talk about Bill BAR and why they don't like him, adding to that lack that previous point about the hold overseen why Trump wanted them purged The nation is now going after Bill bar saying, BAR is even worse than you realize. The attorney general a tear, shredding the rule of law, justice he threatened. He would or this story Roger
stones, prosecutors quit so did american democracy. These are people who demanding that bill bar be removed or trump me impeached again. Why was bill bar brought on according to some sources which have an aggregate en Wikipedia they say. The first was that bill bar supported trumps. Firing of co me on May nine forty seventeen. Second, he questioned the appointments of some of mothers process. Peters due to political donations. They had made to the Clinton campaign. Third, he alleged. They were conflicts of interest. Point two used in special council team, Jenny, Wren and Bruce, or whether Greer disagree doesn't matter, that's why he was brought on. Tromp wants to get rid of conflicts of interest that the only perceivable fact. I think that I can actually make now. In my opinion, I can say, Trump is annoyed by these people were coming after him and obstructing him. That's fine, that's an opinion. The fact, as these are the thing billboards actually said Anne
I should say there facts, but the most likely reasons that people have claimed, I do think, is an important point. We made moulders process There's made political donation said the Clinton campaign. That's right. I agree with Bill bar. They should not have been appointed in case. It seems like Bill bar is actually his act is trying to seek out and remove partisan political bias- Then these at within various organisations and government makes sense for this. They want him removed the battle. That's going on it. I've talked about the political street square. Doesn't things like that, but I'll tell you. It really does feel like there's an active civil war in government. And I dont know, certainly know why or how it's gonna play out. But most people don't know one important thing, and this was surprising to me: did you know that bar what surprised me people to know this bill bar is the seventy seventh and eighty fifth attorney general
he was the attorney general in nineteen. Ninety one to nineteen. Ninety, three, nine new that and I was surprised to find out most people This is not some guy who was randomly thousand to be a stooge for tromp. This is so you who served and laughed, and there were no- I will. There are some criticisms and some you know. Of course that was politics, but he didn't leave. Disgrace matter. It wasn't impeached. You left Trump brought him back. So why all of the insanity. Now, why of the class, the accusations against him. Why do they want him removed from Fox NEWS bar under fire as Dems vow to investigate attorney general and call for his impeachment. Why? It's because they don't like that, he does Want Roger Stone deserve nine years for lying we tell you why I do not believe the media. I do not believe the Democrats and I'll say it for the fourth time, I'm not claiming trumpets innocent, but boy. Do I not trust the other side,
this first. As I mentioned earlier, Andrew Mackay, Ex F B, I will not be charged in Lyon Case- is that the decision wine charges appears to be. It appears to be a move to distance the Justice Department from President Trump, who has long attacked. Mister Mc Ape tromp supporters demanded this guy be charged and they were shocked when the news came out. He wasn't if the d o J was simply trying to appease Trump, wouldn't they go for it all, but the arguing I was but to try to make it seem like they're, not appeasing tromp. Now this is literally not appeasing tromp tromp was. Does not like this guy and needs to say the bill bar is acting independently to weed out what he sees as corruption he's, a guy who,
He was the attorney general. Before he's the attorney general again, I dont see what their what their claim is, that he's doing anything wrong, but now we're gonna get to the point about the corruption that needs to be weeded out, pull it effect, reports on a quote from Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton received a subpoena and then went to and then deleted. Thirty three thousand e mails. I do not believe poet a fact when they call it mostly true but they do give us an important facts when they say on March. Fourth: twenty thousand and fifteen the Benghazi Committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from private server related to the in Libya. Between March twenty five and thirty, first, the Platte River networks employee. We calls and o s moment realising he did not delete Clinton's email archive proposes December twenty fourteen request: the employed deletes the email archive using a software called bleach bit and bleach, but to make sure it can never be recovered on March
seventh Clinton's lawyers and a letter to the Gaza Committee saying the State Department, already, has the relevant emails as they were included in the summer fifth, twenty fourteen turnover. They say trumps time on is correct, rational subpoena came on March forth and the employer employee at the employee the leader, the emails on March twenty fifth, however, the implication that. Went and deleted emails relevant subpoena in order to avoid scrutiny is unprofitable, if not flat out wrong. That's not true at all. It is probable if we can get the emails now I dont know if we can. They're probably gone and where several prying ever find out, but it doesn't matter Hillary Clinton. At thirty three thousand e, and and this individual whether was her or not deleted them after a subpoena. I don't care what you say after that the deed was done, but oh boy does it get better? Will first put what effect tries claiming you know, there's no way to prove it and Hilary.
Ass. They had nothing to do with anything. I don't care what she says. She deleted emails, I'd like to know what happened to them and why they were deleted. But of course it gets worse. Like I said, Watch CNN anchors disbelief that Clinton AIDS destroyed phones with hammer, so we're public records state records destroy. Yes and some of them in very crude and shocking ways like smashing them with a hammer, here's the point of making you're the faction of people that actively defend Hillary Clinton, the people that work pointed under her in the administration of Obama, which she served, people that are accused of political bias, who gave Hillary Clinton money, and you have helped me Clint Hillary Clinton who deleted emails, regardless of what what, whenever there were four after a subpoena, was received, regardless of why they were deleted. They were not a thing, not a peep CNN disbelief,
at these phones were destroyed with a hammer yeah. I can't tell you again why all this is going on, but now we have the next hero of the left. Another reason why I absolutely do not believe what they say about Trump and his campaign. What choice do I have. Propped up Michael Avenue, naughty like some hero and it turned out, he was crooked and he's been convicted of extortion. Meanwhile, they claim Trump is the bad guy While you now have Michael Bloomberg, propping up democratic politicians and buying is when the presidency I'm sorry. I do not believe what they are saying: we have a record economy. Unemployment is down, tromp has all of these awful character. Defects but it doesn't matter if I think he's right or wrong it matters. They ve never proven their case. In fact, to the contrary, they prevent they get away with it every single time. Russia gate was fake news and all it did was jam us up for years. Ukraine gate all
so fake news, I wouldn't Republicans, try to go after Hunter Biden and there is reason to suggest as corruption there they climates retaliation, we'll keep doing it. Meanwhile, there heroes are crooks going back, to the start of Russia Gate and what I was saying about how it feels like this was just jamming trumped up. I don't know why. Maybe they really thought I was doing, is crazy things but seems bank. Considering the F b, I lied several times and a court has ruled to a four Pfizer warns against Carter, page our were declared. And valid, but I want to show you why not the media is full of it. Take a look at the story from the place. Katy Correct, says she has shocked by Fox NEWS. After watching it makes her crazy, Other media lies. You probably do, and it's probably why my channels on a Google search blacklist and why they prevent my videos from coming up an auto play, search and try to follow you over the Fox news. Fox news is safe for them. I suppose I don't exactly know what their plan as or why they do it. It's probably
an overreaction due to bad press, but often wonder why the press is targeting us so much while the press lies in this story. Katy correct is shocked. She claims Fox news as an alternate universe. I gotta admit it. It's did Fox NEWS, crop up my gloves, naughty and claim that he was gonna, be the democratic primary contender. No did Fox news claim that Russia Gate was true in that trunk with crooked. No was Fox news right, yes and Katy Correct. Now is saying it's an alternate reality that makes her crazy. Meanwhile, the blaze points out. Corrick was caught deceptively editing and
in our view, for a documentary advocating for gun control in twenty sixteen and faced aggressive criticism from gun rights defenders, she was forced to apologize later, but attended to shift the blame to the movies director. They did a deceptive editing technique where she asked the question and then they used be roll footage, meaning just like room shots, so no one's talking or say anything to make it look like these people had no answer to the question I was being posed. In short, the media lied. They used a manipulation to make you think one thing when it wasn't really happening I'll, throw it back to vocs when they say President trumps interferes with Roger Stone. Sentencing shows the real lessening took him impeachment that he has impunity. I remind you that Matthew, Iglesias of Vocs once said. That Middle America does not believe they received a tax caught when they objectively had. This proves progressive messaging has worked
was actually cheering the idea that progressives were lying about what was going on later on, he actually stated the economy is doing great Democrats, only choice is to lie: that's from vocs the left wing Veo Ex not come so when I hear that bill bar as having a review of these cases. When I hear that these prosecutors are resigning, the first thing think is not. Oh, no trump is destroying the rule of law like they would try to. You now claim the first thing I think, as these p I've been lying to us for years? Why should I believe that they're saying now is true. There are just two get away with their partisan bs another getting caught. They will do anything to stop Trump.
Because they are running on a campaign of morality, not economics, not american issues, not national issues, its simple morality, Trump is immoral. We think so he must be stopped and they say they'll do anything to get rid of him, which is why second impeachment is on the horizon from clashes Mccluskey by the way also just filed for bankruptcy. Trump critics and other impeachment is not off the table. Could it really happen who swore well? It was Conway yup because of what Bill BAR is doing in getting rid of some of these people because of the sentence recommendation for Roger Stone. Because of now review for Flynn, they're, saying it's time to impeach bar or impeach tromp they'll, never stop. Rest assured there will be another investigation, as policies already called for one I believe shift has as well once they launched an investigation. They'll claim any any. Any move made by Trump is simply an attempt to obstruct their investigation, which of course, is nonsense. They ve been trying to do
you nonstop, or maybe maybe going over and over again a citizen patriot was over. We saw the moves being made. The removal of seventy plus people the anonymous rider. Apparently I were that book. A warning anonymous apparently got fired and saw the request for documents from republican senators. It seems like whatever is happening in government is a fight between two factions. Both will tell they are noble and justified, and I gotta say I dont know or care was telling the truth. What I do know honest I can put it that way. I don't know or care who is the noble hero, I do know is one sides been lying the whole time the media stably meant. The Democrats have been misleading everybody Rachel MAD offer instance for years, making the most insane nonsensical claims about Russia Trump. Bringing on people who claimed TAT was a russian assets in the eighties, so they're lying. So all I can really say is maybe trumps long. I don't know, but they are lying. So what am I supposed to believe? Honestly? It's tough, but I don't
leave them. So I am more than happy to sit back and let billboard do his thing will see what happens, though, there are no launch another investigation, they're saying they're gonna and there are trying jam trumped up all over again and in my work and they're gonna hold out. That's the plan ass, though that's what I'm saying hold out until twenty twenty to try and beat Trump trying, Gettin Michael Bloomberg was then spend four million dollars to subvert. Are our democratic institutions that way they can preserve their swamp or whether we want to call it a leave? Their stick around next segments coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed impasse, news see while there, the old drove, woke scandinavian airlines. Add that argued scandal has? No culture has been restored in their righteous battle against the far right and for can scarcely even airline says we will not back down in the face of a coordinated harassment campaign so that brought the very
back? An agency is another one of these woke commercials circumstances like Gillette or whatever it's got eighty three thousand dislikes and only eight thousand likes, and they ve disable the comments. But let me look: let me bring you in on the great secret as to what we going on in this. So for those it haven't seen it baby, simply ask what is truly. Scandinavian shows a series of people saying nothing and it's supposed to be sure king. They go on to show a bunch of people explaining that these traditional things made Scandinavia are actually brought from other places. The commercial is stupid. Firstly, because regular people appreciate that other cultures have there things that people who are met. This commercial are not far right like them, You would tell you, but this away, So we're things get interesting. The commercial originally pulled you may have the other segments I've I've talked about this
and Mother Jones, for instance, had four Chan trolls target scandinavian airlines with racist harassment campaign that is fake news. It's not like news in the sense that, like obviously fortunes talking about it but so worked, of other subjects. This is what they do to try and shut down any legitimate criticism of a terrible, fake, woke ad. The guardian rights? What is true Scandinavian, nothing, airline, There add, after far right criticism far right far right. You say, let me tell you something: historians were mad about this. It is just not through Scandinavia has invented and created many things. This commercial claims thing a Scandinavian. They have no culture, and then God talk about everything they have actually was pulled from other cultures. First of all, if it were the case that they ve never credit anything, then the argument that different jurists: take little bit some other cultures to make their own unique culture. That literally how the world has all the way he worked, I mean granted
like a thousand years but we're really isolated. So they had very, very unique cultures, but everything is in sight. By something else, especially when you looking at Europe and People moved around and borders changed relatively frequently. You can argue Nothing belongs to literally anybody and in the stupid commercial. There are like what about you know that finish pastry. Actually, it's austrian, that's not true, is actually not true. Now This is so I ll just show you. The patriots are kept. I'm talking about danish pastries? But I've got to debunk this in terms of stupid argument. Before my prove the media's lying to you and that's the big point, the media's absently lying to you about. What's going on, I want you to know most regular people think this add is complete B. And I'm glad to see that people are standing up and sang ass off This insane nonsense, so you can just read the Wikipedia but the Danish, I said, that's interesting- is it really Austrian. It turns out. It was directory
I've from an austrian recipe, let's make limit, is clear. Three in bakers, had a certain recipe they came. Denmark, danish bakers saw that happy and changed it and maids thing knew that was unique to Denmark, Now they want to argue that the danish pastry itself came from Austria. That's not true, integration of what it is, did not exist in Austria, so want to argue that the danish pastry was created in Austria, then, who invented baking because you can keep going back and an end to a million say. Did you know that the danish pastry was actually austrian, but it's not even austrian conception Arabic, that makes no sense. The point is different. Cultures, adapting change things and make things unique to that. You know wrong. So don't talk about. What's uniquely scandinavian, we can talk about the things I ve literally credit. Now I think it's dumb to talk about this, but to go after by the media is lying and I've got an oh, so grand debunking others trash commercial and has nothing to do with far right criticism it has to do with.
Thorkel accuracy and respecting other people's cultures. Now look if these scandinavian culture is wanna, be walked all over and pretend like. They have nothing, then by all means self flagellate. I dont care, I'm not scandinavian, but I think in terms of broader context in terms of what we talk about it listing and where things come from, I'm gonna state, history and talk about yes, Scandinavia has invented things. Are you the man, they called the merchant of death. He was in fact swedish and he was responsible for the Nobel Prize. That's right! Good old! Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, and he was gone. The merchant of death. Apparently it What happened was someone thought he had died and then published but you re saying the merchant of death is dead and he freaked out when he saw it so use His fortune, he created the Nobel Prize, guess what they do swedish dynamite is uniquely scandinavian, but of course everyone's take. It are you there,
in a claim that every explosive in the world is actually unique. Did you know that I'd states didn't actually invent military ordinance out. You know of a specific kind, even argue that the people who are helping weapons for Like Northrop Grumman they didn't actually grey explosive, because dynamite was made by Alfred Nobel in Sweden, it's stupid, it's stupid, we all stand the shoulders of giants. It is not far right criticism and now I want to draw this will actually let loose we re this for you and then provide you with the too evidence of how the media manipulates you. I dont actually care about the commercial. What I care about whenever there some stupid ideological, woke fake news you end up with media publishing this trash, okay, so the media- but I mean various leftwing outlets- lie mother, Jones claimed its fortune, they say much the online harassment directed Major european airline in recent days appears to have come from users of a controversial fortune message board
according to a review by Mother Jones is how they lie to you. You see, of course, fortunes talking about it, but one that's is really important. Is that it's just a message board there. Would I would be willing to bet that these people work there probably made some of these posts on Fourchan. I would be surprised so they could then screenshot and say. Oh look, look at this its fortune, it's the bogeyman, who now now, of course, I'd be willing to bet I'd better, an amount of money fortune is making friends about this, but guess what other other forum are also making posts about this. It's not just fortune. It's like the. Tire internet and on Youtube? No one, being directed to this video like it's like that you ve got. Ninety percent thumbs down to argue that the only and anyone has found out about this comes from Fourchan is absurd, but they want to do that because fortune is their boogeyman now, admittedly, fortune is pretty powerful and manipulating the media, so it's ok
almost like a symbiotic thing, where the media loves being played like four morons, because a fortune they say This week the swedish Sweden based Scandinavian Airlines released a commercial as part of its. What is really scandinavian marketing campaign according to the airline also refers essay S. Absolutely nothing is truly scandinavian. Yet Planes are democracy. Credit goes to Greece, parental leave. Thank you. Switzerland. Conic Scandinavian, windmills, rational invented and Persia what about licorice its Chinese, the point, the annex, one is that in a way Scandinavia was brought here piece by piece by people who travelled abroad. We can't wait what wonderful things you bring home next it concludes. The only problem is that that's literally everything, so Then I guess the issue here is: they do have a point, but there are many things that are absolutely unique to Scandinavia, that you know probably grows. There's some kind of fishing. All that stuff I mean they're, huge whalers, for instance, I'm proud, that's not part of our culture, but the problem.
They say nothing. They could have said what is truly scandinavian? A lot did you know, and then they could make their point about various things aren't actually from Scandinavia. One of the stupidest. Things, though, is that there was a twitter account that posted a tweet, saying swedish meatballs aren't actually swedish their Turkish. That's that's ridiculous. Like its meat dude, you took me, imagine it up I've found any other culture? Well, maybe maybe I'm wrong, but I've I've not heard of any any other culture that puts jelly on their meat. And potatoes. Perhaps there are ok, I thought that was pretty scandinavian. Maybe other people do it. Whatever Lincoln very you can buy you gotta IKEA and they have all of this unique stuff. You can buy. Saying swedish meatballs aren't swedish. Their turkish is ridiculous, because litter The every culture mashed meeting will ball inputs stuff in it. So we get it It's a swedish meatball? You can argue that ball is swedish, but the swedish part of his anyway, that's so dumb. The response has been found,
Yes, the airlines, social media channels have been bombarded with thousands of angry comments from people who disagree with the message. I say yes, told the norwegian newspaper dog, but it that it believed outcry was the result of a coordinated attack on the campaign. Oh really, it's not coordinated. I'm sorry called our viral moment were regular people pushed back and I've got all the evidence to show you gonna make. You laugh latrine. I say yes, his suspicions appear to be correct, that they don't, while the boy flash likely has multiple point of origin? It does the ad campaigners particularly incensed fortunes, poor message board. The politics focused pour The website. That's that's a known how, before fringe alt writers and white nationalists, the commercial d, This contradicts bigoted notions of White European, a nordic supremacy which our quarrel, so the internets internet fall right. No, that's not what they're doing duty, if I told
Do that Alfred Nobel was swedish and invented dynamite? That has nothing to do with the supremacy of White Europeans at all. It's a historical fact. If I told you that, if you want, if you go to IKEA, which is sweet They sell swedish meatballs and Lincoln bury JAM, and when you go to and guess what they eat, that to also think it is really great fastfood restaurant things called ex burger. I've been there in a few years, but its awesome Kazanovitch ride, cheese, burger, it's really well haven't found anywhere else. So, yes, they ve, take cheeseburgers from us. I guess I dont care the point as it is not far right. It is not all right to kill Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. It's a historical fact. It's gonna, be called the margin of death thought I think it's a kind of kind of a cool name, but I can understand why didn't like it. As they, as is often the case on the pole board. The rage is unequal, be racist while fortune? and a small compared to some other social platforms, the sites they bring. And twenty seven million month users blah blah blah. Here's the point they gonna say
Oh we saw all of these people on Fourchan talking about it. What if I were to tell you that one the biggest social media websites most popular boards with millions of followers, also found the add to be ridiculous and stupid. Would you then click It was the far right that got it shut down. Here's here's units going I say yes made a huge blunder. They pissed everyone off. They don't want to eat the loss, their business I get it so they go to the media and they say it's the far right cause. Only racists would believe that someone like Alfred Well could invent anything. In fact. Did you know he didn't invent dynamite? because what it was night trow is dynamic from midnight. Nightrobe was derived first in Germany are some other nonsense? I don't know where is actually produced the point as the dude invented it we got it. So inventions work, it's not like dude invented the toaster by literally making a toaster from the earth. Ok, that the first electric toaster was put together and cobbled together from one
existing pieces of technology. Already we still say that person invented the toaster, but here's peers my feet part I can go to read it and look at all of the post. That have been made about this commercial and enough are slash videos with twenty two million viewers, twenty two million. Now this post isn't the biggest, but that that that the posts, as Scandinavian Airlines decides to ask all over their customers and intend to do to do worse than Gillette. What is the Scandinavian? Now we know this wasn't the biggest uploaded video, but are a slash videos, as a community on right. It right it is very. A very left, leaning. Twenty two million subscribers to this particular Sabra, and it's got seventy three percent of votes and then they The top comment is literally media quote why or not, he groups getting more members than ever? and then one day for no reason at all media. Let's just
five, the entire native culture and see what happens. That's a great point now, they're, not necessarily that there's a ton of comments like this ends up Only one. There are other post to corporate faced palm. In fact, what are slash. Norway. I don't know what does only about, but one guy says, I'm surprised, my face still intact after face palming like a jackhammer. That's how stupid this is. That's how regular people are responding to this trashy add so. Let's talk about what really going on with the media in these commercials corporate faced palm rob. Oh good, sir. I completely agree. It was a failed attempt by a media outlets that the by by commercial production company that thinks Twitter is real, life, not realising. There are people who love scandinavian culture, a much on a secret their americans, who have note eyes whatsoever to Scandinavia, but want to go there too.
Lincoln bury jam on their on their swedish meatballs because they want to sperience a different culture. There are people who To try belgian speculative biscuits spread freight, the source and a belgian waffle in Belgium, because people like the idea that there there things in this world to explore and try that are different from where we are now thirdly, the world is homogenized. It's kind of a bomb the same time. You know it is what it is on that to prevent about it. I remember went to outdo the Bahamas on a cruise. Excited like who's gonna, be cool. I wonder what they have when you doc and NASA, and what are they find hard rock they Starbucks. It was same old, same old felt like a thousand times square, so we're crew a homogenized global. You know, earth tourism, industry and that's boring so I've been there done that we want unique things. So what you re? We do as you get away from the tourist areas and you go find local culture. That is very similar, but still fairly indifferent enough to try,
spice a new way of preparing. Something brings me back to that stupid danish comment about. You know it was actually from Austria. It wasn't according to the sources it was arrested. They changed, emitted, fatter and put more exit. Congratulations. They made something new, but let's talk to The point about what's happening with the median is corporatist. This is cooperations. First, the corpse actions. Don't lose money. So, though, absolutely say How do we respond to this because their slimy degenerates, they're gonna, be like just call it? A coordinated harassment campaign who are you trying to trick regular people think you're insane you're not going Rick us we are the ones complaining about it and we're not far right its regular people, but it sang a g. I wonder why you know people are its basically nazi propaganda and I really mean it its black propaganda. You don't black propagandists of explained before, but it's what you what
you do. Is you pretend to be your enemy and say something ridiculous? So people get scared of it, so it would you, like amends rights activist putting on feminist, you know, saw you're like feminist slogans and then saying ridiculous things, so regular people think that's what feminists actually believe in this instance. Ass they ask us add that is like so stupid. Regular people are angered it, providing fuel for the far right and then to make sure every thanks the far right, is truly the most powerful view no faction of people on the planet. The meeting comes out and claims. You bet. You bet everything has to do with the far right. Every but you're saying was the far right power and strength, and so I have often wondered this. What are they try so hard to make these groups sound like the most powerful entities? Aids in the planet, essay s a major multi Polly Multi billion dollar airline. One of them
airlines, you know in the world are now there's not the money was had their commercial shut down by the far right So now you do this. You ve created a circumstance where the all right is you know you ve got regular people. Watch. It is commercial, saying, hey man, why are you ragging on my country and my culture? This is ridiculous. Like self regulation, you're saying there's nothing here, that's not true. I mean our argument of my body on it's on my role, podcast and I was like what about midsummer. That's like uniquely, and avian. Isn't it don't even know what it is like big that bit it at me that was really bad out. Another dance around the sun or somewhat that anyway, they have their own unique culture. Why pretend like they don't it's such a key red faced Paul moment where you're slapping your face over an arena that guy said you get a lot of people who actually get offended. That's like you know, people love their countries and where they were, they ve come from its regular people. You then have the media coming out and saying the far right is extremely powerful, and what do you think is going to happen
you ve been have people saying I met at this. Add these people are powerful. These people. Must you not have strength to fight back against this insane and senator, so you are effectively recruiting for them, which brings me to my final point: the I was dumb. They brought it back fine, but these media outlets want the far right to grow they want the far right to seem powerful and I say, I'm going far out. Airports have their language is necessarily it makes sense, ultra traditionalists or whatever warlike Ethel NASH. Start necessarily right wing, it's kind of a weird, not at an uneven. If anyone knows it right or left wing means for the most part, but stiffly what they're saying so the point as they want. These people to seem so powerful. They want them actually recruit they loved vocs dot com once ran a store that claimed was like eleven million people and United States who were all right, which is just not true, but they want you to believe it for two reasons. They want clicks that had come
flecked journalists are called vultures for a reason and they things like what's bad for everyone else is good for us, because they're, just nasty people, I want to sell you man, because that you know for criticism of my own direction and they often do typically ever then you here is always some kind of negative or opposition for whatever reason: that's the way things are. I don't know I guess there's there. There is just not a desire from people to learn about what they already know. They like and their more concerned about being warned of threats or things that could damage. You know that their bear their lives for whatever reason, but when it comes to the media, they manipulate this fact they they exploit it by reading shock content to trick you into believing the world a scare than this. So you click it then. Add revenue and they sell subscriptions anti. Is not as bad as a lot of people would claim, nor is the far right airports, extremists, there's a reason why I think it's why I often talk about anti vote, for instance, when it comes
to these. You now or ultranationalists types at no nationalist types and, like you know, altered traditionalists like them, extremists, universe, certain persuasion, the governments are going after their labeling them their targeting them and they ve been doing. When it comes to the far left. They do monitor them to a certain degree, but we're seeing these people round the street smashing self attacking people and there's all never anything done about it and that's basically bite got a right now, there's a group people in Germany. They got arrested and unlike gap, but come on that happens all the time they arrest people who are not not anti fa the law on bashing skulls and that's it moms. The warden happens again. So whatever look well there by us but wrap this up, these advertisements that these people live in a fake world of twitter were a tiny fraction of people. Tell him these things are true when they fail, they refuse to accept responsibility and blame it on the floor. Far right or whatever, and it's just fake nonsense. Hollywood their stick around next augments coming up at one p m, and this gentle- and I will see you all them.
I love how the media establishment and the democratic establishment likes to pretend that Donald Trump is the end of democracy. Oh heavens, all things he's doing Bill BAR, but we'll get to that later today in a different segment, you're, not the real threat, democracy is someone like MIKE Bloomberg or eat. Tom Style WAR, dumping seen, amounts of money in an attempt to by the presidency and guess what its working MIKE Bloomberg now pulling in the r c p average in third place above Elizabeth Warren I don't know how to play out we'll see what happens on Super Tuesday. Buddy spend four hundred and one million dollars. One hundred percent of his campaign spending comes from him Donald Trump spent seventy million dollars of his own money, but that was only twenty percent of its total campaign, spend
bloomberg- is literally lighting his own money on fire to take whatever he can. But that's not what you came here for we'll come back. To this, I will talk about it, which came Four is the rumour abound thanks to drugs report that might blow- work is going to be bringing on Hillary Clinton or at least considering bringing on Hillary Clinton. As is running, may I would like you to consider this scenario MIKE Bloomberg now in third place. In Rolling averages pulling in I've I've in Florida. He's a number one he's like pulling above everyone else. Let's say buys his way to the nomination. Let's say he does it does juice, Hillary Clinton, as is running mate, and then she gets in the White House and Bloomberg leaves Bloomberg could put Hillary Clinton in the White House. Ok, we wouldn't leave that's ridiculous scenario, but think about it. This way, Henry Clay, might get in the way ass if the White Ass- if this is true
him literally paying his way in your problem saw Bloomberg. Add on this video so met. Many of you probably dead, comment below you dead, because I get a lot of people telling you that their their sing tons of Bloomberg. Yet he is dumping money. Like crazy this is one of the most corrupt and disgusting things I have ever seen three the story and see what's going on with Hillary Clinton, I gotta say so far. This is Drudge report claiming sources have said Bloomberg Considering, like Hillary Clinton, whenever this I do want to talk about Bloomberg, stealing of nomination process. Look man the dance. You're cheaters. As far as I'm concerned, that's why and so sick and tired of it. I gave him a shot. The cycle, I'm done, they cheat, they cheating Bloomberg apparently gonna be in the next debate. They changed the rules, the candidates, you want, don't matter, they lie cheat steal. Hillary Clinton has been smearing other democrats. She, a nasty, oh, what it wanted. Donald Trump say: you're, a nasty woman. Let's reed, oh
the old bait and switch. I'm just Bloomberg poem, the old switch its common. My bloom guess considering making Hillary Clinton his running made a source close to his campaign has told Drudge report pulling found the loom, Bargain Clinton combination would be a form terrible forced to take on fraud in the race with White Ass, the source said former York, city, mayor and democratic candidate Bloomberg is said to be considered even changing his official residence from New York to Colorado or Florida, we're also has homes, because the electoral college makes it difficult for the president, vice president to reside in the same state under the twelve amendment to the constitution, which provide the procedure for electing the president and vice president, it states that the two people could not both inhabit this state as the elector so that their it look. If he really is, entering changing estate. None of this has confirmed fact for the most part, if you trust Drudge
by all means they're saying they have sources I'll see it when I believe it I'll see what I believe. Ok, what but listen a lot of trouble. Supporters are laughing saying that would be a great gift. You don't You gotta understand man, money talks Donald Trump, one I believe, with like one of the lowest add spends ever. I think, bombers Balikh, a billion dollars and trumps meant a tunnel. I believe What are the New York Times if seventy per hour if seventy million was twenty percent than what like thirty fifty million, so was a real. We really small amount of money relative to past elections, but I'll tell you what works net worth is around sixty two billion dollars. Now Only is he lighting everything up with insane advise everybody's everyone on Youtube was probably laughing, not wondering why their add revenue was way way up its Bloomberg and style now style leave. Is that three little more and then its work? then you can imagine because Bloomberg has
buying more than just the presidency, he is warring money he's just dumping it out into congressional races. Dundee erases he's propping up nonprofits. He is posing his will through his wealth. That is something He is Americans should oppose. I propose that for a long time, it's what what to think I agree with the young Turks about get money out of politics and a higher we are not entirely know for sure some people have pointed out At least Bloomberg is spending his own money shore, but I don't want to live in a country ruled by an oligarchy can buy fake influence because he has that much wealth we'll see real ideas that that struck at the heart of what this country needs to solve its problems. Rich dude, who thinks he's smarter than you we're talking about. Lombard who sent you be allowed to drink large soda and put a tax on it to discourage it. Somebody who said we should literally tax the poor, because there too stupid to know what's good for them, and he is good, paired up with warmonger Hillary Clinton
you realize how many of you may be laughing Shanghai out. Bloomberg can never be tromp all men, I would say, tromp could beat trunk could be almost all. As Democrats as all of em honestly, but can trump beat so dumping ten billion dollars into adds. Plan Third, literally everywhere, I honestly don't know, has not just that Bloomberg is paying like double the field. Organizer sour there's. Other campaigns are, they can't compete when he bought up all this add space. The other campaigns can't compete because ads hold on an or on an auction system. So he goes to these big works and says how much you normally, large say you know democratic candidate for commercial, twenty grand I'll give you thirty. Why? I can then all of a sudden you get. Someone like Bernie Sanders, Halsey Andrew Yang, whoever your candidate might be and they're gonna say how much for me to buy now spot nor say forty grand wow, that's double the reader
can afford that yeah. Well, Bloomberg Bottom all up, and if you want I'll bet, you cannot bit him and that's that's how the market works. So we have a serious problem if someone like Bloomberg, be doing all of the things he's doing around the country, essential buying politicians cause the raw foresail. I've never been offended that I'm certain not a fan of it. Now You underestimate the power of cold hard cash. You got nothing common men, look trump supporters. Hubris will be your downfall. Just like Hillary Clinton. You Are we prepared for some one was willing to liquidate that much money I mean he spent four hundred million dollars in the past, like what for months. That's insane Daily Mail says this: com two new democratic primary polls show Bloomberg in the lead in Florida. Why? Senator Bernie Sanders tops the fuel in Texas Bloomberg. Sanders have teeny tiny leads over former vice President Joe Biden, who took a beating both Iowa and New Hampshire. The Florida Poles
those Bloomberg with just one point with a one point lead over Biden with the Ex may receiving, one to seven percent support from Florida Democrats compared to bite in twenty six percent support this. This is how democracy dies. Bloomberg is not a Democrat. He ran. It was a republican mayor of New York and many anyone is an independent yet the rules change could run for a third term, yet they want to complain. About Donald Trump. They claim Trump won't leave, they claimed Trump will change the rules Bloomberg already done. It he's a guy with no real political ideology. He said overt races, things and they are rallying behind them. This. An oligarchy. Manipulating the ass and marketing to gain power, and he now might bring on Clinton, congratulate America democracy dies when he does this and he's doing it now he cannot be allowed when I would, I would almost say I would rather see Bernie Sanders win with a real grass roots movement,
and and the opposition. All the same, then someone like Bloomberg manipulating the guy to win and bring on some like Hillary Clinton, along with him, they say Bloomberg edge comes from having about a ten point lead over Biden among White Survey response. The former mayor gets a support of twenty eight percent of white floor Floridians versus the eighteen point, five percent, who selected Biden as their first choice, now many former First Lady Clinton previously said she faced calls to run for president twenty twenty after she lost at a trumpet the twenty sixteen election She has repeatedly said she won't join the rice. However, she stopped. Of denying she was considering running for vice president, alongside where the democratic candidates earlier this month, I ever say, never, because they, you believe in serving my country, but it's not going to happen, in January, Donald Trump made the strange claim that Clinton had promised Bloomberg the job. Of Secretary of State should she be elected president and twenty sixteen to keep him from running for years ago. He had to deal with
Hillary Clinton, but he was going to become secretary of state. It was very simple, p. New that drops out during interview on CNBC foam on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the president, then suggested Bloomberg would have been a double crossed, wasn't going to have it, was going to go to tarry Mccall of Tromp named dropping. Former governor of Virginia who has been a close Clinton friend I mean so they were playing with Michael Trump alleged and it's too bad, but he's spending a fortune. Now trumps got a lot of power behind him. He's got a very powerful based Number does not have, but what Bloomberg does have as a media apparatus that will lie cheat and steel and do whatever they need to get those sweet money. Bucks now think about it, the We pushes the orange man bad narrative why it gets traffic, it makes them money, and you know why there also going to love Michael Bloomberg for one the establishment, hates Bernie Sanders and they are terrified of em. I mean James
literally going on tv over nobody, I'm freaking out. How could you not? He said it's the end of the day. That's how insane they're going over Sanders, but Michael work is also dumping, hundreds of millions of dollars into these into the meta machine. Now I know it and I've joked about. For saying, hi Gimme, some sweet, styrene Bloomberg Scala ports. Into my Google ad revenue. I will gladly push All aside and say no to this absurdity, which you know what the sad reality, is that Americans have always elected millionaire millionaires. It's always been about the rich people who can afford it to an extent its actual fine. I actually our also this lesson we have, system where, for the most part you ve got to earn the ability to get attention to spread your ideas and if you're, some dumb Joe Schmo, you can't do it, I mean oh cause Yoke or tat the bartender. I can respect humble beginning
but she's also kind of dumb, and I'm not saying that in a pejorative emotionally, you know targeted sense, I'm saying literally she doesn't. Stand what she's talking about in many circumstances, so dumb she's ignorant operate that way like when she thought a three billion dollar tax break was literally giving someone three billion dollars in cash. No, you have to make the money first and then give them a discount and submit a lot different From giving someone a dollar like I imagine if yet a restaurant- and you are like this doctors, one dollar off? Here's a dollar like? No, you don't give money, it's just cheaper to buy. You end up with people like that so that there is a happy medium, where it's kind of a good thing in some ways the job to have some clout, and some sources or access to resources or a strong enough support base to actually become president. Otherwise, if your ideas aren't good enough, then you shouldn't be president, now. Bernie Sanders has amassed a massive coalition of grass roots donors and he deserves from out of respect. For that. I can certainly disagree with them, but I prefer the
of the people over the will of an oligarchy. Now I don't know if I Bloomberg got, got well after Bloomberg, terminal staff in it and if financial investments, but he is a twelfth richest person in the world and he's using the power of the media, to gain a position in the? U S cover to try and get the highest position. Potentially, arguably in the whole world, now here's the thing. The media has prep the orange man bad narrative because they like the money it brings in priming someone like Bloomberg, who it has no real political allegiance to step in with his authoritarian programme, start buying up politicians around the country. Posing his will through cash. Another, not the media and the country has been prime the orange man, bad narrative, he stepson and says I'm gonna Omni finalize this. Instead of just playing the influence game, Bloomberg says: Austria just give you the cash
he's giving instagram accounts cash to make means about him. That's pathetic! Well, but they'll. Do it because money talks, I gotta say men. If you're one of these instagram accounts and Bloomberg came to with cash. I don't care how much cash that, as I seriously doubt, if you Four you a million dollars. I seriously dont care there is a line. Business should have some ethics, and this is one of the reasons why I am not a fair capitalist. I think we should have certain restrictions how much you can spend in advertisements where the big, but what one that was one of the theories as to why Bloomberg is really running is so that he can play. On limited amounts of money into adds against Donald Trump? I don't think that's the case us thoroughly partly, but I think it also has to do with the fact that Wall Street interests
are being threatened now I know Walter it's kind of a nebulous term, but I mean massive corporate and financial interests are threatened by Bernie Sanders MIKE Bloomberg, I dont think really wants to win. I think he wants to step into shut Bernie, Andrews down and he will spend any amount of money to do so. That's horrifying, you might not like Bernie Sanders, but I think when you see like Tucker Karlsson, when you see other Republican, Even Donald Trump call out the establishment cheating to push out Bernie. First and foremost they ask, Why would truck defend Bernie Sanders because he's right because the mission, the unseen establishment, the media are trying to keep out Bernie Sanders, and I think that at least some principle among many people who might disagree with sanders to recognize him right to run to share his message and be treated fairly. Now I can call em on credit all day and night, and that's fair too, but in no way I might am I cheating or dumping hard cash to stop him
or changing the rules to stop him or whatever this weird shenanigans in Iowa was, but it's gonna get bad you would happen in the vat and the last cycle. Why, like a bunch of people is apparently came up and like blocked the stage they kept out Bernice delegates, so it we would when the majority we know they cheat, we know their cheating, that's the game they play and everyone should call it out. What are what I think we're seeing is met so? Financial interests resisting a populist movement, its populist laughter, populist right, Donald Trump, is Here to satisfy the wit whims of global elites, Donald Trump is just making Amerika great again by his his definition and the definition of all the supporters. The reason I say that is because a lot of people disagree on what would make something great. I think that's fine, but I also think it important to point out how well the economy is doing, which brings us to the big battle in our country,
The Democrats are running on morality and trump is running on standard of living on on tangible goods. This danger ass- I am, I think, one of the reasons we are seeing a big switch from you know around nine point, four million Obama voters to Trump Warp were people who didn't were not enough. Did in moral authoritarianism. That's what the Republicans use to be moral authoritarian. This is about the morality, the sanctity of marriage, the fish etc, and all these things and while they still have many of those values they ve. Taking a more liberal minded approach to these things, opening the door for the first president. In U S history, to support gay marriage before becoming elected, The Democrats voted for somebody, Brok, Obama, who actually opposed gay marriage and, in fact, according to email leaks, my I could be wrong. Hillary Clinton apparent
still oppose this gay marriage. So you have now the Democrats which boxes had become the has said is the is becoming the party of the wealthy. As of twenty six, Bloomberg who was a republican mayor has switched. He wanted dependent He may that transition now is a Democrat. Now he's gonna dump for hundred million dollars, even I'm sorry, I think, is ridiculous. So, ok, I guess near time. Saying sire still running solves wrong about that, but they have. They have put in an obscene amount of money thus Perot did as well, but he was independent and there's an eye still have concerns about that granted. I think I was. Four years old Tsar, have much commentary to say on that. But an like you know. Well, I give trunk criticism for the amount of money spent absolute. Tromp is also a very wealthy individual who spent millions of dollars, but let's be real, although he's one of the top, it was only twenty percent of his campaign, he had a lot of donors and he had a lot of grassroots it
grassroots support, and so I can criticise the big spent he's done from his personal cash, but come on. Does it compared Bloomberg, not taking donations, and it's not even about how much you spending an election. It's that Bloomberg is over hang staff bloom is, is: is it more then just the cash she spends on adds its literally everything everything else, not that it that is included in the four hundred million I'll. Show you one more tweet, not this up John Levine of the near post, Levin, not project anybody. Ah, he says well, it would hardly makes sense to buy the White House and not Congress to this a tweet from Alex Burns. In your times who said top Democrats, Say, Bloomberg is already their most important donor. His campaign makes plain, the financial incentive is presenting for twenty twenty quote if, Bloomberg as the nominee. He will ensure The democratic party has the greatest funding in history. That's right. Young.
It would make sense to buy the White House. If you don't have you don't have the Congress and the spell out to the House and the Senate by a all up. That's what he's doing. I don't I don't know what you know. I don't know the progressive to say about it, I do know that Bernie has called out Bloomberg an item. I respect that tremendously. I think we can set aside our differences and say Bloomberg is not the person who should be president. He has earned nothing with his canned messages and fake he's an and basically shutting out all of the competition by over spending on ads. He does not deserve the position. He has a wrap this up. I say one thing: As I mentioned earlier, I can I he's bending his own money that he earned in all of those things. But we do put limits on some things. We do have laws it does make sense to say. Yes, you can and your own money to do by adds, but there are laws, limiting how much money you can spend a lot of things. There's law
that's how you literally can't by certain things, so what's wrong with her. Law? Saying you cannot do what Bloomberg is doing. You guys want to live in oligarchy, but let me remind you, you want to look at what oligarchy is gonna, be like look no further than San Francisco, I'm not joking! That's what you will get when people like Bloomberg take over. He is an authoritarian, racist who has said they should tax the poor. Why democratic is tat? What why Democrats would get behind that? Perhaps they just don't know, but this dude is the scariest thing I've seen coming in this election Yet the bee brings Hillary Clinton with them. While I ll leave it there stick around next islands coming up at four p m at Youtube com. Slash TIM cast into the different gentle I'll, see you all there in what appears to be an effort to prove project vera toss right. Aid Mc Craddock? U S, Senate candidate, unveils her new campaign logo, a guillotine, that's right! The symbol of the free!
reign of terror when Robespierre sword executing random people, because paranoid delusions, but you can always count on weird far If these to adopt a symbol of violent insurrection and the murder of the innocent as something to represent hope, I guess the story from the blaze well, what let's read it: the monkey has long been a symbol of the Democratic Party since Prince and since precedent Prince President Jackson embraced his factors labeling him a well, I can't repeated causes Youtube in eighteen. Twenty eight. But democratic Senate candidate in Maine may have a rebranded mind re Kidman on a new campaign logo last week, a guillotine the execute an apparatus commonly associated the french revolution that was used The headings of King Louis, the six and his wife, Queen Mary Antoinette, but fear not Kidman hope to challenge republican Senator Susan Collins and November says use
an image of the deadly device in campaign materials is not meant to be taken literally, we're not going to start a guillotine and monuments square and start beheading. People had been clarified. The Portland Press, Harold It's a symbol of the work we have to do to overcome. The flaws in our system flaws that have become deeply evident in the last few weeks. What do you mean the work you have to do it it's an execution device. They literally in the french revolution, became paranoid moderates were seeking to subvert the revolution and robs beer we started grabbing random people and I could be on that. I learned this from a Youtube video, but he he ended. Getting himself be headed by President a list of enemies to his. Actual you know allies who are then like. Ok before her accuses us, let's just put him in the guillotine. No, the symbol of the guillotine does not represent to anyone do
hard work, the sickle and hammer. I can understand right as a symbol of doing labour. You know, I guess you know take for harvesting the crops. And in building stuff that I get. The guillotine. As you say, you want to kill people, that's not hard work. That's actually I would say, it's technically like the easy way out hey. Why argue with people and try and live in harmony? When I do is use force against them and cut their heads off pair That's what her strategy is so when Bernie Sanders staff said they wanted to. You know, put people in camps and they didn't have to go the root of the russian Revolution once again. Killing lots of people. I don't really believe them, especially when their alike trust me, and then they show you a picture of a guillotine? No, I'm not going to trust you. Sorry, let's read more reign of terror. Help described. Democratic socialist identifies as non binary added that printing, the french reign of terror, execution device on campaign, t shirts,
meant to symbolise ongoing class struggles that many inevitable led to a violent overthrow overthrow. Excuse me of the federal government, a He short reminds others about it about it in hopes. We'll all be motivated to address the very Syria problems with our government? for a similarly violent uprising becomes inevitable. Yet that's just that that sounds like a threatening someone with extra steps. She said. She recently endorsed Bernie Sanders. You know, burn he's, got a serious problem with people like this she's posted an image of an execution device and says well, better, do what we can to avoid it. It's like you're, the only one talking about killing other people. Your basically saying. Do what I want, or this is the result you get. I think we all know what a threat is. Please may vote against this woman. The main d great unveiled the campaign merchandise. Shortly. After the Senate, acquitted, present Donald Trump and is impeachment trial, more data on how to get your Gill out
tomorrow in the in time remember. There is not to be a more convenient revolution. Kidman added in a separate, tweet, Kidman clarified. The TAT is only two symbolically be had Republicans and money in politics. Yes, it's the Democratic Party that Michael homework is taking by storm. You got a problem with money in politics, it's not Trump who find and his own campaign with a lot of his own money, but only twenty percent of its campaign spending their problem of money in politics, its Bloomberg and he's currently in third place in the aggregate in your party. Now, ok, ok, it's not fair, democratic socialists are only technically the Democratic Party now because their more Insurgency invading the Democrats, I think it's Fair They also don't like the democratic establishment, so we can all agree on that. I just don't agree on killing the people. You don't like now, please, as I do, that the guillotine is for the plutocratic and kleptocratic norms that have undermined our democratic process? We have to develop ways to some
the stranglehold of wealth on our government, Bernie, brows, guillotined and gulags, the blazes Erin Colmar Hoard last month. Kid means use the guillotine as a campaign. Symbol is not the first time that the democratic, so less invoke violent, imagery and another. Our video taken by project very toxic campaign staff, renamed called Jurek, Argue argued that have Andrews were to win in November? Trump voters will be subject to react patient in soviet style gulags in Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi Party, there was a tad S tongue of the populace. That was, I think, not Five. Germany had to spend billions of dollars to re, educate their people to not be Nazis. We're going have to do the same. The same thing thing here, Jack said: that's kind of what Bernie all free education for everybody it because you have to because we're going to have to teach you not to be a thing nazi. He There's a reason. Joseph Sir Joseph Stalin had gulags and actually gulags world
better than what the CIA has told us, they were like people were actually paid a living wage and grew they had conjugal vessel in gulags. Gulags were actually meant for, like re education, I'd like to tell you an interesting little fat this woman thinks she's leading the revolution by using a guillotine as the symbol, and somebody responded with a very poignant point. Adolf Hitler made the guillotine I see method of execution and ordered that twenty of the machines we place in cities across Germany, the guillotine eventually used to execute some. Sixteen thousand five hundred people between nineteen, thirty, three and nineteen forty five many of them resistance fighters and political dissidents. So now it is not a symbol of anything in particular honestly, because you could simultaneously
claim it is a symbol of the reign of terror. Were innocent people were killed or you can claim it with a symbol of the Nazis where yeah a lot more innocent people were killed, that's apparently the symbol she wants to display. Now I have a question in all this Why is it always the left? Look. I know they're extremists on the right, but conservatives Republicans and even centre right, moderate types know where they do. The line the left doesn't seem to like Bernie Sanders hasn't come out and said I condemn all of this and when it came to the Union in Nevada, getting harassed and docks by his supporters. He said I want every supporter of all campaign to refrain. Oh all campaigns, Bernie, it's only you there's! No! There's no booted judge that you ok, they're, calling him Bernie brows, there's no booted Djibouti brows, going around with crowbar bashing skulls and dioxin unions for questioning his policy. That's you and it's it's not! The the Buddha judge
woody brows going around and not make I'm talking about, is named Buddha judged by the way booted judge rose like Bernie Brow, Buddha, judge, brows I'll, say that, because other one's gonna get me in trouble, this no booted judge brows going around with guillotine symbols talking about symbolically or otherwise beheading anybody. That's Bernie, leaders and, of course, not conservatives showing up to GNP headquarters, trying to burn them to the ground, like that, one guy did in California or this story- state employees heavily involved democratic party arrested for allegedly vandalized GEO P headquarters in New Mexico also wants, it will say it allegedly, as they say, suspect, also intended for My credit Governor Michel, Lou, Hon Gresham, also enter when she was a: U S, Congresswoman this ain't. Let's go employees who, once in turn for I'm a credit governor Michel Gresham was arrested for allegedly vandalism, Republican Party headquarters and Albuquerque Detective said camera
chase. Mc all was identified on surveillance, video spray painting the words. Bill traders on the building. Last last week, the station noted the criminal complaint says All is heavily involved with the Democratic Party because an employee with ex New Mexico and is now on leave this day and sad, adding that an ex post spokesman noted that, if Mccall all is the individual and the video he could be terminated, spokesmen for the governor confirmed MC in turn for her when she was a? U S, congresswoman another that Gresham, damned vandalism as unacceptable behaviour. While I appreciate that tell you what Well, as far as I know, right now, Grissom isn't the one walking around with a gate with the guillotine symbol. I want to be a team because it's, the french one, guillotine symbols, but it's you don't touch. Look they like to claim that these extremists, like all Transnational S, store alike at no nationals. Extremists are Republicans or something like that. They're, not trumps, condemned them any says. Go away. Can you point to me where we have a presidential candidate status
on stage saying anti fuzz, bad or saying you shouldn't use a guillotine symbol, we don't when we send our staff was exposed by various us. They just send an email saying, don't tell anyone so, then why should I believe you don't actually think these thanks, I'm gonna go, I didn't think you'd do think these things and the problem we are seeing is widespread. It's this story, its main its new Mexico, its California, its Florida. These things keep happening. These weird violent attacks in New Hampshire and he put Dude Let me show you some funny. I did you know that in DC a week or so ago hundred seventy white Nationalist, marched through the streets of Washington DC unopposed. There was a hand of Anti but people there, but for the most part on opposed- and they around wearing masks. You know chanting whatever. Where was where was the big anti for hordes to stop it? Nowhere, but you know what when at the New Hampshire primary some aunt four guy walked out of the polling station after voting in the democratic primary and slept the fifteen year old kid across the face, so you want to come
and tell me Anti was fighting fascism and the two biggest Whereas we have unopposed, White Nationalist March, through DC, ok and then anti for do smacks of fifteen year old kid across the face. I'm gonna have to ask you where you are these really are and whether or not you actually care fighting fascism or if you're, just a lunatic, thirty four year old man whose smacked a kid in the face or if you re a men running for the Senate, who wants your symbol to be the guillotine? Stick around next segments coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly: that many people in the media and democratic establishment have learned the lesson about treating trump supporters like trash, I regret it especially now, as we are seeing the rise of Bernie Sanders, you get all these never trumpery right and there are like tat does the worst. Hillary Clinton is better, they claimed, and then they I realise that the Democratic Party was being overtaken by Bernie Sanders, another running back the other direction with their tails between their legs, panicking that never Bernie
movement is stronger than the never Trump movement. I assure you, a conservative who, doesn't like the moral degeneracy of the Trump Administration will vote for them the of the tromp administration when it comes to the ECB make degeneration of United States. I'm saying, if that's your opinion about the Trump administration, I certainly think tromp has got some moral issues for sure, and it seems the Democrats are running on a moral platform, but what Trump is run economic platform. So here is my first question before we talk about trumps secret whisper network. Let me ask you in a battle of morality and money who wins, the guy telling you he's going to do the right thing or the other got talent. He's gonna stop a hundred bucks in your pocket. It's actually good question because I'd I'd say for the most part, people are going to choose money, especially when the morality is questionable. I think when it comes to a clear dividing line of like hard morality versus cash, it would depend for the most part
cash, but I would say typically, morality can win out in this instance. I do not believe it can because the morality being pushed by Say Bernie Sanders and the Democrats, it's not that big of a deal trumps, a party, whose mean that's about it is abolished he's arrogant, is a narcissist, the others are bad character traits, but they're. Not. You know that if they dont end that there is another that deal breakers, when it comes to people voting there like year. You got a really awful guy, but I'll take that sweet loop. Then you go to consider the more the moral questions around trumps behaviour and though you know the things he does versus the economic damage of a far left campaign or otherwise, and in the end I think he's gonna win out, but here's a store for the New York Times are defined funny. What have and when the left seeds the free speech high ground, let me let me show you some. Let me show you this poor, stirs got it wrong. In twenty sixteen election now they want another shot. Sorry pollsters, you're wrong again Joe Biden, the front runner want
as soon as the Iowa, the Caucasus, Your primary under Joe Biden sank like like, like a bag, cement in the mills see he's gone. He was never the front runner and tons of us called it out. Peep independent media knew for sure that wasn't the case so why we're pulls wrong and why they wrong again today, I honestly don't know, but the New York Times rights, an interesting object or Brett Stevens of the times, because the left has take. Free speech, not just in the sense that they'll sensor you on social media or they want hate speech was but in the sun. But if you say the wrong thing, they will try to destroy your life. Trop supporters are in hiding; they are many of them, not so much anymore. We ve heard stories or or the or I'm sorry. The data from the upshot than your time says that trumps base today is bigger than ever. Maybe it isn't Maybe what you're really seeing as people crawling out from behind that in Iraq, because there
scared anymore. Maybe all of these walk away campaign individuals that union work when a democratic party- maybe they quit a long time ago and now they're, just finally meeting it this article basically states. The whisper network is people who are trump supporters. Keeping their mouths not wanting anyone to know that they're going to vote for trot because they're scared of the socially vacations, but their enjoy. Too much of the benefits, and that brings me back to the question of morality, verses, money. These people think Trump is not that bad and that's the worst thing in the world for Democrats, because if it is true that Trump is not that bad, That means that it's ok to sacrifice a little bit of we of morals in exchange for a booming economy that helps the rest of the country. Now, if Trump live, really did gone. A fifth avenue and shoot somebody it probably would drop in the polls begets a hard for a lot of people as much as he might not fit. My think so. So it's real a bit about this. He says
in recent years. These whisper networks have only proliferated from one subject to two from one subject: one institution one domain and another is sex. Bylaws Please speaking, binary economist for the Denver POE, thought so, and last month lost his job. He claims the direct result. Should writers of one race or culture be able to create characters and inhabit. Culture is not their own ones, writer recently had her book tour cancelled over safety concerns, in criticism of her novel about the plight of mexican immigrants. You needn't take one position or another. On any of these questions to notice or object to the overall trend. Speeches free except where and when it is widely held? Religious views entail potentially ruinous professional hazards. Broad areas of intellectual inquiry are treated as off limits. Having a bad opinion means being a bad person. People freely share the most intimate details of their sex lives with near strangers. Thanked it's about sharing some of their political views with old friends
new version of the Miranda Warning, seems to apply it ass all media, social and traditional and thing you say or have ever said in context or out? Bartley or by Miss speaking, can and will be held against you, but here's the point I want to make about all this. What we're seeing from stories like this is that, in fact, while tromp, maybe an arrogant, narcissistic, potty mouth and a bully his morality and principles are actually favourable to many of these people and then is free speech. The idea that Trump can say these things and duty wants is freeing too many people and they feel like by backing them. They can tell you to go forth. They can say what they want and you can't do anything about it and that's why the reasons they rally around Trump. Still. There are many people who are scared to say they actually support the president. This leads them to what's called the Whisper network, but when you look at the hard data, the facts are the facts. Gallop released a pole only a couple days.
More in the. U S say they are better off than in past elections. Do you think of questions of morality are strong enough to stop people from voting for trump when the economy is good and you are oppressing people there, their creativity, let's talk about. Oppression is oppression. You writing a book about mexican immigrants. No is oppression, threatening some with death for writing a book about Maxine it mexican immigrants? Yes, is oppression when there are too many it is. Is it oppression when there are too many Asians at Harvard know? Is it oppression
and when you tell someone who is Asia and they're not allowed to go to a school because they look too much like other people, yes, and if that's the case whose doing the oppression today, it's the moral authoritarian on the left, not the right. It used to be in the past that it was the right not so much anymore. Something started to change. Dont know why, on insurgent group of moderates and libertarian types along with Donald Trump were activated and pushed themselves, and the Republican Party knocking out many of the never trump or moral authoritarian types, the overt religious, authoritarian, moral. You know morality, police and what was left was a group of people who are more instead of making means having a good time and they don't care that Donald Trump is of questionable moral ethics. On many and many sir
stances, they care the country is working and they kept their free. That's it. I think a lot of people, sport tromp, were overtly libertarian or more so libertarian. I don't mean big AL. I mean anti authoritarian, anti establishment, I'm not saying trumps. Perfect trumps, definitely done things with regard to foreign policy, especially The other day, big story about an air raid and and Afghanistan are killed like eight or eleven civilians, depending on who you ask so there's questions of it, but at least inside this country, domestically lotta people, happy there saying there better off now than they ve been before. So what doesn't that leave us with? It leaves with an election based on moral values and boiled does Bernie Sanders. Take the cake according to a? U S they themselves Paul assume. Its correct cause. It's probably not for voters,
Bernie Sanders out, ranks other Democrats and tromp on values and empathy. Oh, I definitely believe that listen. I think it is a very empathetic thing to say that you want someone to have health care or build a go to college and make their lives better, but is it practical? The answer to that question is not really not based on what's going on today. So when Donald Trump doesn't say those things and he's kind of a deck, but the economy is great. People are going to really care about what he said to them? They're gonna care about whether or not he is making things work and things are literally improving because otherwise you're talking about a candy Keynes, rainbows pie in the sky, hopes and dreams that never get implemented. One of the strangest things to me out of all of this is that many people on the left want afforded workweek. They want increased wages. They want better benefits, guess what under Trump all of those things have started to emerge in the economy, as businesses do better there there offered us there's one. I was a shake check. I think
That's it. We're doing afforded workweek now and everyone still getting a pay rise are not getting the so making this amount of money to the union S day off, I could be getting the shops mixed up than there was like Starbucks doing. You know a paddle. Eve wages are on the rise in unemployment is down across the board. All of these things the left claims they wanted, are being implemented under a more free market approach, as opposed to an iron fist approach. You would see from the government, for it to happen now. Bernie Sanders as far as I'm concerned is probably too far left but, more importantly, I think character matters. I really really think it does. Morality will play a huge role in this upcoming election and if Trump supporters think they're gonna escape by a good economy, you will be mistaken. Donald Trump really does lose a lot of people because you need to and just how much people truly do not like this man. It may not be most or all but enough and that's bad news for tromp. However, I think the economy wins out. For most average people
Ben Shapiro recently said that women will hold their nose to vote for Trump and eventual got mad, but I think he's right, yeah sixty percent of millennial. Women are Democrats, the numbers probably going up, but at a certain point, these people who are millennials and probably, as as I think, right. My colleague default liberal they're, going to our prioritizing their needs and the changes they want to make their lives over questions of morality. But I'll. Throw this beckons and make one more important point because of the questions of morals and social acceptance. This is why so many trump supporters keep their mouths shut, but I think what we're seeing with the idea of this whisper network shows that morality isn't as important or, more importantly, there is a certain I'll be in being free and being oppressed by far left lunatics. Who will destroy your life for saying the wrong thing on accident or through ignorance is no way to live, so morals will actually be to a certain degree. A bad thing for Bernie Sanders
Look. We all get it. It's poor morals to call someone horse face, but sometimes people just want to express themselves even if its morally wrong amoral. So they look to someone like Donald Trump. They see in pushing back and this idea that if Trump is the line, if that's where he is saying, is things then you can be on the up. You can be just up against it without crossing it like he does. He not have to worry about having your life destroyed, or left made this bed themselves and they will well learn asleep in it. Stick around. I got one more silent coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. The last segment I differ. Ordered was about morality, verses, money and when the big factors in this coming election, in my opinion, Is going to be whether or not the left can actually win the moral argument? And I think the answer is they can't most people will look to Bernie Sanders and say he certainly got better morals. Then Donald Trump. I think too many people are either.
To prioritize economics of over morality and say: Tromp has done a great job, making this country function, but, more importantly, Anyone truly believe that the far left is acting morally and ethically, while some people who aren't really paying attention might think so because they hear wonderful things about love, respect and empathy. In practice, it doesn't really work that way, in which case, I think the morality question is out the wind and people are to look Nancy policy shredding the speech of Donald Trump looked a protestors down Bernie Sanders and PETE Buddha Judge and they're gonna say there are no quick. Let them there no discernible morals, ethics or principles on this side which case you can have a bunch of crime. On one side, a bunch of crazy on the other, but at least raised on the right are making the economy work right. Take a look at the story. Your homophobia, Buddha Judge, supporter yells at queer protesters at booted
fundraiser. This immediately reminded me of a very famous and powerful image. Think for a second, you have a booted judge event, PETE voted age. He is a gay married man is actually doing really really well in this in this election site. In the primary so far and queer protesters got up a protest so booted, yet supporters called them. Homophobia you can you can you think of any powerful image that might remind you of how about the great tooth I'd or man's pointing at each other yeah. That's that's exactly what I think of it. When I see this and that's the problem the left has how are you supposed to know what morality is when their protest, Therefore, literally the same things: does it make sense? Does it now? I think that certain people get tyrants, just don't care anymore, I dont know what is or is a defensive morale,
He doesn't exist. Therefore, vote for the crazy Orange guy put money in my pocket right through the story daily Collar reports, a supporter at a twenty twenty democratic presidential candidate PETE Mood, judge, private, and razor yelled at queer protesters Friday and told them they were homophobia to queer activist stood up at the Buddha fundraiser in San Francisco and shouted boot edge edge, boot edge edge? I mean that's like a probe, outta judge thing right. Former former Self Band Indiana Mayor, was asked a question about us, husband, husband, Chasin Buddha judge. The garden reported protesters carrying a queen queers against PETE signs gathered sighed the event they are part of a growing coalition of queer voters who say PETE Buddha Judge is not representative of their stances. The publication reported, and let me just tell you what goes down.
When these protests are stand up? At a democrat event, the first one of the first front running gay married man ever to run for politics in this country and everyone groans when they start protesting and I gotta be honest. I'm not saying it's me made, but I did laugh a hearty laugh when I watch this video just like now. You know what it's like all of these people at this event repeat Buddha Judge who stood up and clapped when the of the same thing to moderate and conservatives now get to reap what have zone as the one of the leading countries people, literally the front runner right now I mean I guess, for life, raising Bernie Sanders, as goes when the popular vote, but Buddha judges leading the delicate count. So you can argue he is a front running candidate and he happens to be gay married
and people literally protest at em. Congratulations. You have fostered this culture for too long, and now it's come back to bite you in return. So there is a bit of. There is a cathartic release. I would say in watching these people had to deal with these protesters that they have supported. There's no morality. Nothing makes sense there that there it's literally queers against PETE, being called LE homophobia, Quote I respect your activism, but this is a gathering for supporters of our campaign and I just got a question about my husband and I'm really excited to answer it. Pete booty judge said from the stage, according to the guardian, after the activists were escort from the building of Buddha, Judge supporter yelled at the protesters, your alma fobs. That's what you all are your homo fobs and That's all anyone saw because none of it made sense. His words are meaningless, and so were there's it's just like watching two dogs behind of unemployed of offence
barking and snarling at each other, you're like you're, both so dumb. I know that if I opened this fence, irritable runaway no one's gonna know who's the good guy or the bad guy, because there isn't one, it's just pot calling the kettle black. Actually it's too pots, looking at each other saying your both you know actually sell out people dont know this the point of popcorn, the kettle black as the catalyst chrome and the pot as black singers on reflection anyway, After the activists or the other, we are all gay one of the protesters responded. You interrupted that quest and the Buddha supporter answered walking toward protester Sally to my. Only deplorable. Oh now their trouble supporters, ok, I'm kidding, but don't walk up on us. A different protesters said who shielded to my only. This is This is the definition of Autonoe psychotic chaotic insanity. Whenever you want to call it that nothing here. That makes sense. I'm sorry Donald Trump at least make sense for all of his fault brings all things. I disagree with. Ok, my disgust
we transporters and they loved around of all the really good things about trumped up and I'll I'll, be the first to admit harder and harder every day to argue why he would why he is actually bad. I will concede. The things he has done that are really really good. I often do, but I will point out foreign policy We literally just a story about an error rate in Afghanistan, killing civilians, So to spare me my biggest gripe is typically foreign policy, and that's why I don't have trouble arrangement syndrome, because I can look at what he's doing domestically and say. Good job condom use great, can't deny it. Working class people. The blue collar blue boom all of his great things, but I have serious reservations about the foreign policy which result in direct loss of life and can make war and conflict worse over time. I can concede that tromp has done some good foreign policy things as well. I'm just kind of over at arms over everybody, but the point is
least I can look to the Trump side and say look guys I get it. I really do you got a good point about the economy, got a good point about mainly Kim Jong known I get it. I really really do. I will concede all of that. I'm not mad about props Donald Trump for those successes. One hundred percent, but I look over here- and I see just garbled nonsense and static that literally and mean anything euro homophobic know we're not because we are, you're the homophobic. No, I'm not! I'm repeat: booted supporter whites, no one's arguing anything these people, actually saying anything. They shut up in a to yell and did nothing you're walking up on us going up on us because we're gay men, the supporters had your horrible they're, both saying the same thing to each other Democrats have lit. We started that their litter the two Spiderman pointed at each other. That's it Let me just brings down queer protesters. Confronted by
gay supporters, both pointing the finger at each other saying, don't walk up on us because we are gay and euro homophobia. I don't, I don't know what it is you're trying to accomplish. You must just hate each other to my own told the guardian before the event. It's hard to end why or appreciate when hasty and these are so middle of the road and speak to a predominantly white upper class audience. Eighty palladour a twenty six year old black we're programme director with us with student action, also told the guardian. That queer people are allowed to want a candidate to do better and be better the people who does, prompted that fundraiser we're all queer people of color pilot or said we are allowed to want the gay candidate, who is running to do better and be better for queer communities of color. There's nothing homophobic about that. Palladour added that peat booty only represents a small percentage of queer and trans experiences throughout the. U S The former mayor is white, is as a white says gender man and highly educated, sorry, PETE, you're, making good
strides for the gay community that I tremendously respect. You are, though, Europe currently leading the delicate count and you are a gay married man showing that in this country we have made tremendous strides towards respecting people's private lives and personal choices and and who they love, that's great unfortunately, something's gone knots and there is a group of activists or activist for the sake of being activists, they're not really asking for anything. Pete Buddha judges doing the best that he possibly can trying to fight for Kennedy and divided party with a divided left. All you're doing is disrupting it. I'm not about a judgment. I call them a grey bluff and that's you know what he should that that there you go. You get equal condemnation for your weird middle of the road, nonsensical plans. Oh gosh, insight, nonsense, glass eye for people to judge just doesn't ring have any kind of x factor in our. I called the gray blob because he's entirely generic and its policies and is at an end and his character, and that's probably
he's doing so. Well, because he's the closest thing, too, a normal like mainstream kind of politician, Bernie and are, as is particularly unique, Joe I did it is out there. Warren is just a liar whilst you really have the wrong kind of you, know very, very unique in certain ways. So I guess What I should probably say is not that Peat Buddha Judge represents a mainstream politician, but that him being generic is safe. If there's no big questions about it, he comes off like he's familiar and its true. You could point out that he is Whites is gender man, shore, fine, but it was the democratic establishment, the Dnc
who said they wouldn't change the rules or even accept new poles to allow Yang or Gabert or Booker to attend there. You know the event, hence you end up with queer protests of color trying to shut the event down. You fostered this. U embraced it, I dont know what to tell you. You reap what you so. The democratic establishment had every opportunity to cater to people like me with sensible policy with charismatic leaders who embraced free speech and rejected this woke insanity and I've said it before, and I say it again if the Democrats had somebody who agreed with Trump on most of the issues that have worked for the forced, domestically disagree,
on foreign policy and didn't have a party mouth, they probably went that's what they need to win, but they won't do that. So, in the end, they protest themselves. Trump can say whatever he wants, because the only he's the only one offering up a real solution to making the economy butter and improving lie that the lives of Americans in the end trump is as good as the american people are probably going to get and its unfortunate. I understand you not look. I was on a big fan of tall, see big fan of Yang I'm completely out of one of the authors, I'm not going about the primary. I understand that might cases do not represent most of America to unfortunate. I wish they did. Donald Trump, unfortunately, for me, represents substantially more of America than my candidates did and you're. The thing is as a mature adult shrug and say all I can really hope for is a good candidate, but we can get one so I'll. Shrug conceit tromp supporters, you're gonna win this one and what's wrong with that.
We're gonna we're gonna move on the world's not gonna end. Everyone needs to calm down. Tromp is not pure evil incarnate destroying the country. People like him, he's doing a better job than Hilary dead. How it's gonna end up, but as always its hubris that'll be the downfall for Trump and a supporter. So if you ignore the rise of
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.